#if tumblr ao3 and Spotify work I’m good
hauntedhokage · 5 months
PART 11: Dance
SUMMARY:  Bakugou proves to be a good date for events where you’re the star. 
[series masterlist] | {ao3} | [tumblr masterlist] | {ko-fi} | [spotify playlist]
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It was basically a date, and he wished that Kirishima hadn’t said it like that before hanging up on him. Now he couldn’t really focus on tying his tie correctly, so the knot looked like shit and he was going to light it on fire. He was going to blame his wrist, it’d been tweaked in a fight earlier that day so it wasn’t impossible that he’d have difficulty tying his tie with the dull ache in the joint. 
“Take good care of my babygirl on your date, babygirl,” had been what Kirishima had left him with before hanging up, and he knew the redhead was laughing after hanging up on him. As if he’d do anything intentionally that would risk ruining whatever he was building with you. 
It was basically a date, but he wanted to ask you out on a proper first one. Not some event that you were technically working at as a public figure, where there would be hundreds of people around watching and wanting to talk to you. He walked to take you out somewhere quiet, private, maybe a nice dinner? Or perhaps he’d cook? Either way, it had to be special. He wanted to show you that he was really trying to get some time with you. 
He just hoped you’d forgive him tonight for the undone tie as he comes to stand in front of your door. Three careful knocks with his non-injured hand and he’s stepping back, only to realize he was empty handed - meaning the flowers he’d gotten you were sitting on the dining table and that wasn’t ideal in the slightest. He didn’t want to show up empty handed, but that’s what he had done and he can’t go back to fix it because you’re opening the door and it takes everything in him to look at your face instead of staring too long at your figure in your dress. It was almost annoying how beautiful you were - it was extremely annoying how you made his brain short circuit. 
“Hey,” you greet with a smile, and he nods with his own uncertain one as you reach for your purse.
“You look pretty,” is the only thing he can say when you step out of your apartment, and he hates himself for it. There were other words, better words, and all he had was “pretty”? Embarrassing. But you’re still smiling as you lock your door, and take his hand when he offers it. “That wasn’t a great word. Beautiful is a better word.”
“Thank you, Katsuki. Do you want help with your tie?”
“Could you? I tried a few times but the knot kept looking shitty.” You nod at that, moving to stand in front of him properly and gently taking the two ends in your hands. “Hurt my wrist earlier, so rotating it hasn’t been easy.”
“How’d you hurt it? Landing on the ground?”
“Really hard punch.”
“Ah.” Your chuckle is breathy as your fingers nimbly work the fabric into a knot around his neck. You’re careful as you tighten it to his neck, then your hands carefully smooth it down as you look up at him through your lashes. “Want me to do what I do for Eiji when he’s got an ache? Says it makes him feel better.”
He can only nod, offering you the injured arm and watching with interest as your fingers carefully undo the button of his cuff before they probe and try to massage around the stressed joint and tendons. It does feel a bit better after a moment of massaging, but what he thinks blocks out the pain is the way you lean in and place the gentlest of kisses to the inside of his wrist. Residue from your lipstick is left behind, but he wants to keep it there forever while he watches you correct the cuff and smile up at him. 
“Much, thank you.”
“Can’t have my dance partner working with an injury, now can I?” And he’s relieved that you’re not nervous, that you don’t hesitate to take his offered arm and let him lead you away from your door and down to his car. “And I’m sorry you had to pick me up, I thought this dress was in Eiji’s closet but it wasn’t and-“
“Don’t worry about it, makes it feel like a date y’know?” You look up at him with a smile that eases his nerves, your confident nod of agreement at his suggestion bringing him to a new level of calm he’d not yet achieved in your presence. He was doing okay. 
But then he feels less than okay when he’s getting out of the car, sees how many people are there and how many of them want to talk to you. He knew you were popular, very well known in the community, but this was near pro hero status. If you revealed a quirk and started fighting villains you’d be number one hero instantly, you didn’t even need to fight for popularity or do any of the stupid shit other heroes did to look better on the rankings. That was just how incredible you were. 
“You’re not, like…working, are you?”
“You’re always working when you’re considered a public figure,” you respond, smirk on your face as he rolls his eyes. “But no, I’m not reporting or anything like that. That was this afternoon for the actual ribbon cutting and all of that.”
“And this is fundraising.”
“Correct. Deku was kind enough to offer himself up for a dinner date as a silent auction prize so you or Eiji wouldn’t have to.”
“How come you’re not an auction prize?” You’d be wonderful for it; beautiful and smart, well known, a dinner date with you would be any sane person’s dream. You’d generate a lot of money for something like that, but he was sure you knew that. 
“You’ve met our boyfriend. He’d end up watching from a distance to make sure I was safe.” 
“Or bankrupt himself to make sure he beat me for it.”
“You’d bid on me?”
“Who wouldn’t?” He asks, noticing the way you falter slightly at his statement. “You’re the whole package, without the fact that you’re Japan’s favorite newswoman. A date with you would be an honor.“
“You’ve been this charming all this time?” You tease, waving to some politician he recognized before looking back to him. “Maybe your quirk is actually hiding talents.”
“Don’t give me too much credit. It apparently only works on you and the hardhead.”
“Have you tried it on anyone else?”
“Not interested in the results.” He swears he felt your hand hold his arm tighter and gives you a small smile before giving the room a once over. Partly looking for Red Riot who would be shaking hands and kissing babies, but also mapping out entry and exit points should they be needed and taking note of anyone who looked like they’d be a threat. Eijirou’s red hair is spotted quickly and coming towards them just as fast, and the different entry points are noted accordingly just as the working hero makes his appearance. 
“You two look great together,” Eijirou compliments, leaning in to steal a kiss from you while opting for a simple handshake from his boyfriend. An exchange of squeezes happens during the shake, a covert way for the lovers to greet each other more fondly while out in public. “Of course those outfits would look better on the floor, but-“
“Eiji!” “Shut up!” You and Katsuki both hiss, faces warm as Eijirou laughs at your expense. 
“Had to get one in. You two have fun, I’ll check in later.”
“It’s like he’s our chaperone or something,” the blonde grumbles, something that has you smiling as you find your seats. He pulls your chair out for you and everything, and you don’t miss the way he scoots his chair closer to yours once he's seated at the table. 
“How nervous are you right now?” You ask, placing a gentle hand on his back when he sighs. “It’s okay to be nervous, I know this isn’t exactly your scene.”
“Who said anything about being nervous?” This was the pro hero face coming out to play, the confident smirk he flashed your way telling you as much. This was not the same guy who picked you up at your door, but if this was what he had to do to get comfortable then so be it. “How many pictures will we have to be in?”
“You can probably get away with none. You’re just Katsuki Bakugou tonight, right?”
“Yeah, but a picture or two with you and maybe the loudmouth hero would be nice.”
“Well then,” you start, pulling your phone from your clutch purse and opening the front facing camera. “Let’s get the first one or two of the night.”
Three months ago you never would have considered taking selfies with Katsuki, but now you’re here and making faces with your head bumped against his as you snap away. You know Eijirou is watching, he was always watching, and you know he’s proud of both of you at how comfortable you’d grown around each other. This was huge. 
Three months ago you were dancing around Katsuki, trying to stay out of his way to keep things easy for Eijirou - keep the peace in your relationships. Now you’re in the middle of the dance floor with his hand on your hip and the other holding your hand and letting him lead you in a dance. You’re not nervous, despite having stepped on his foot twice already, and he’s as calm as ever which helps you relax more. For someone who hated these kinds of events, he truly blended in quite well and looked as though he was running the show. But you supposed that was just Katsuki, from what you’d been told by their friend group he was a natural leader even if he lacked tact.
“Didn’t take you for much of a dancer,” you comment, keeping your eyes fixed on Katsuki as he leads you in a simple waltz. “Did you take lessons with your mom?”
“No, lessons with Eijirou. Said grace would help with our hero work and I fell for it.”
“But you had fun?”
“Of course. Where’d you learn to dance?”
“Lessons with Eijirou in my living room. He said my attempt at a two step was a shame to anyone with eyes who had to witness it.” Your explanation has him shaking his head with a smile, seeming to be in disbelief. “What?”
“Hard to picture you being bad at anything, since everything looks so natural when you do it.” 
“I was bad at talking to you.”
“That doesn’t count since that’s my fault. Everyone is bad at talking to me.”
“By your design, no?” 
“You’re not wrong, but I’ve been trying to be better.” He leaves out the for you that rests on the tip of his tongue, since the middle of an impromptu dance floor doesn’t feel like the place for a statement like that. It was too loaded and there were too many ears around that could catch the admission of vulnerability.
“It shows, too. I know it’s not easy for you to let people in, but I appreciate that you’re trying.”
“You make it easy to try.”
You’d quickly disagree with that statement, but this isn’t the time or place to argue with him. Instead you only smile, gently giving his shoulder a squeeze as he continues to lead you on the dance floor. You also want to tell him that it’s nice to be so close to him, that he smells nice and his hands are soft and that you’d let him dance with you for hours if he wanted to. This isn’t the time or the place for any of that, you don’t think, but you’d tell him at some point. Maybe if you got him on a real date, one where you weren’t surrounded by a bunch of people you vaguely knew, you could tell him how much you liked being around him.
He excuses himself to use the restroom after a couple more dances, and you find yourself leaving the dance floor as well in favor of browsing the silent auction items. You’d been told that if you saw something you wanted in the auction lineup to make a bet that was ridiculously high in Eijirou’s name, something that made you tempted to bid on the lunch with Deku just for giggles. But instead there’s a custom kimono design and fitting session that is of great interest to you beside a hot spring retreat for two and you place bids on both, since you sometimes needed more traditional attire and knew that the guys needed a break if they could get the time off. But even if you lost, you’d treat the boys to a hot spring and Eijirou would want to know what you bid on to plan for your next birthday or Christmas. 
“Whatcha doin’, pretty lady?” 
Speak of the devil. 
“Browsing the auction items. Bid on a couple but really thinking about lunch with Deku.”
“Oh really?”
“Yeah, he’s my favorite hero.”
“Is he now?” You could feel him getting closer, the smile on your face growing as you know he’s working hard to contain himself. “Not this dashing and chivalrous hero?”
“Red Riot often asks me for nudes, so he’s not all that chivalrous.”
“You’re so mean, baby. What were you looking at though?”
“There’s a custom kimono design and fitting session, I haven’t looked at much else past that point though.” And you watch as he bends over to look at the clipboard better, then hastily pens Katsuki’s name and a bid only to put his name down once more with a much higher bid. It was too much, in your opinion, but you know better than to fight him on it. “But how are you?”
“If I have to take one more picture in the next ten minutes, I’m going to jump into moving traffic,” Eijirou whispers in your ear, his hand grazing your hip before he turns you so you’d face him properly. “But fuck if you don’t look gorgeous tonight. My inspiration to be on my best behavior.”
“Thank you, handsome,” you murmur, letting him lean in to steal a kiss as the song changes. “Can I steal you away from photo ops for a dance?”
“I’d turn myself in to the police if I didn’t get to dance with you at least once tonight.”
“What would your crime be?” You ask as he takes your hand to lead you back towards the dance floor. 
“Gross negligence of a beautiful woman. You deserve the best and if I didn’t dance with you, that wouldn’t be me.” These aren’t even chivalrous hero lines, this is just Eijirou at his corniest and most loving, and you love to bask in his attention. He always made you feel so warm inside when he spoke to you like that, and you didn’t think he knew exactly what that did to you. “Speaking of dancing, Bakugou leads you in some impressive numbers. Those dance lessons paid off for you both.”
“He’s a fun date, I’m having a great time with him.” You tell Eijirou, smiling when he carefully adjusts a stray lock of your hair. “Are you having fun watching us?”
“Watching you two like each other is very entertaining. Feel like a proud parent right now.”
“You’re awful.”
“But you love me.” He teases with a grin, leaning in and carefully nuzzling his nose against yours as he continues to dance with you. “Love me so much, don’t you baby?”
“Yeah, maybe I do,” you whisper, not at all phased when he kisses you around so many people. This was your man, after all, he was allowed to make displays like this - especially when he was in his costume. “You love me too, yeah?”
“With all I’ve got. You and him are my whole world, y’know?”
“Yeah, Eiji, I know. You guys are mine too.”
“Keep it up and you won’t see this dress on the floor.”
He would, you both knew he’d get anything he wanted for doing this for you. The not-so-subtle way his hand moved from your hip to squeeze your ass told you that he knew just as well as you did that he’d get spoiled rotten.
“Hey baby?” You hum your acknowledgement, resting your head on his shoulder as he brings your feet to rest on his. “You guys are probably not staying for the whole thing, are you?”
“You don’t have to stay either. I said an hour or two, but duty can call at any time.”
“I think duty will call in about twenty minutes.”
“I’ll try to get us out of here in thirty.” You assure as the song ends, reluctantly stepping away from him so you could look up at him better and earning yourself a kiss on your forehead. “We’ll see you at home, babe.”
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Jasonette July 2024
Welcome to Maribat Calendar Events July event. July is dedicated to JASON TODD.
Do one prompt!  Do them all!  Do your own prompt!  Any participation is great! They just serve as ways to encourage that creativity.  No Pressure.
This year, the prompts have a sound track! We've created a Spotify playlist of songs we felt resonated Jasonette. Follow the QR code or the link at the bottom of the post to listen.
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Make sure you tag us so others can more easily see your work:
Any orientation or relationship style is welcome and encouraged (familial, platonic, romantic, aged-up NSFW)!
Any creative works (writing, fics, drabbles, head-canons, art, poetry, incorrect quotes, etc.) are accepted
Tag @maribat-calendar-events in your works so we can share it
Use the hashtag so others can see your work
Keep NSFW works under the ‘Keep Reading’ line with an appropriate warning above
Questions? Send us a message/ask, or contact @mochegato or @izanae
Get creative and have fun! We all look forward to your participation and submissions!
Spotify Playlist:
Hey Jealousy
Holding Out for a Hero
Here is Love
Comeback Kid
One Right Thing
What If’s
I’ll be Good
Say You Won’t Let Go
Lay All Your Love On Me
Battle Scars
Tear in My Heart
Lose Control
Beautiful Things
Meant to Be
Only the Good Die Young
You Wreck Me
When the Day Met the Night
Femme Fatale
I’m Yours
From the Grave
Sweet Hell
Fire and the Flood
Leather for Hell
Glory of Love
Absolutely Smitten
Fire on Fire
Treat You Better
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the-orange-tabby-cat · 3 months
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last updated: August 4th
Tabby note: All my fics are currently in a small hiatus cause I'm moving! I will be back soon enough, meanwhile, why don't you read one of my recs?
Howdy! 🤠
I'm an orange tabby cat that writes fanfic about Pedro Pascal's characters. Welcome to my masterlist, cowboy (gn). If you'd like to request a drabble, feel free to drop a purr on my asks. To check my WIP list, click here. I'm also doing some album reviews connecting my favorite albums with a Pedro character, check it here for a soundtrack. To guide you better, here's a small resume of what you will find bellow:
💣 smut | 🧡 fluff | 💀 dark | 🌵 angst | 🌻 sad/grief | 🦋 slow burn
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Wings Of The Dawn
tags: 💣🧡🦋 AO3 | Fic masterlist | Spotify playlist |  Work In Progress | 6/?
Summary: You are Jackson’s librarian, a doll with good heart, that has your life changed when a handsome man and his kid decides to start again in your small town. Having a hard time ignoring Joel’s dark brown eyes, you found yourself wishing to have him closer as you both navigate through love triangles, teenage drama, city gossip and ghosts from both your pasts.
This is a comfort fic filled with slow burn and small town dynamics.
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By The Window
tags: 🧡💀🌵 AO3 | Fic masterlist |  Work In Progress | 1/4  Alternate Universe - Haunted House, ghost!Joel Miller
Summary: Wisteria grew over the wall, year after year, covering the sidewalk in a light purple petal tapestry. The windows that hadn’t been open for at least a decade no longer contained finger marks over the white paint, just a dust layer. Between the bricks, the bindweed made a delicate pattern covering most of the façade in green. The house sat quietly at the bottom of the valley, undisturbed and unnoticed. Sometimes walkers passed by it, but it didn’t matter, they never saw the building or what lives inside. The thing that lives inside the house waited patiently for her, until she came and changed everything.
tags: 🧡🌵🌻🦋 AO3 | Fic masterlist |  Work In Progress | 2/?  Alternate Universe - grief support group
Summary: For the last 5 years, every Wednesday you watched a handsome man walk by your street with a lilac bouquet in hands. Except he doesn’t stroll on your street this Wednesday, he shows up at your grief support group. 
The Renegade
tags: 💣🧡🦋 AO3 | Fic masterlist | Work In Progress | 1/4
Summary: This is why I’m writing to you, Tess. Do you see how much trouble am I? How unstable and not anywhere good for him? I can’t fall in love with him and he can’t get closer, I’m a weak bitch: I’m gonna fall for him if you don’t help me. I walked too many meters of bad decisions before, I can’t cross another ocean. You are my only hope, The renegade - Your parents ask you to try seeing a therapist, Tess, and you agree under one condition: she can't let you fall in love with Joel Miller. A fic in the format of letters, from you to Tess.
The Season Of The Witch
tags: 💣 AO3 | Read it on Tumblr
Summary: October 1986 - The Miller brothers start the Halloween season by going to a carnival to try some luck with a fortune teller. Unfortunately for them, she is real and spills out about what the future holds for them. Wanting more answers, Joel flirts with the occult and gets way more than just a palm reading. Almost pure smut for your enjoyment. 
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A Lesson In Nature
tags: 🧡 AO3 | Read it on Tumblr
Summary: A hike with your handsome co-star made you believe two things: 1. Your agent would be fired as soon as you got signal, 2. Dieter was a full pain in the ass. Forget about having the starlet breakout of your dreams, you were about to murder whoever cast you both together. But first, you need to survive this.
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tags: 💣🌵 AO3 | Read it on Tumblr
Summary: Javier sees you again years after the end of your love affair. Torn between the memories of what happened then and what is now, you both face the weight of your actions from Bogotá to Madrid.
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chaserofstars11 · 2 months
new intro cuz the old one was long
i’m lea! but sometimes you can call me lee or leo. i use any pronouns at anytime, but identify more with the word girl than boy.
i’m queer, and accepting of all identities!! (safe space ❤️)
asks and dms are open BUT I CANNOT DONATE
pinterest spotify ao3 tiktok
i love (i’m obsessed with) the marauders and my fav ships are starchaser, rosekiller, and pandalily.
i’m also kind of in other fandoms like pjo, good omens, simon snow, tsoa, six of crows, maybe more.
i love all music and my spotify is the same username. favs: conan, gracie abrams, taylor, chappel roan, renee rapp, cavetown, mother mother, maneskin, hozier, noah khan, zach bryan, tv girl, coldplay, bowie, queen, abba, phoebe bridgers, harry styles, billie eilish, maison peters, girl in red, omar rudberg
i love to read and write and create art! no promises on how good it is though :)
if you want to check out the fic i’m writing i have the same username on ao3 (i promise im working on it im just chronically ill and stuff)(not like terminally, and it won’t last forever but im coming up on the one year anniversary of being sick all the time)(damn that was depressing)
i speak english and a little french (i’ve taken it for 4 years) and also a tiny bit of swedish (duolingo)
i love parentheses (can you tell)
tags: lea’s life (not fandom related), incognito marauders fanart !THIS TAG DOESNT WORK FOR SOME REASON UNLESS YOU SEARCH ALL OF TUMBLR!, my fic (my fic), bijou tag (my dog)
ok moodboard:
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Teaser Tuesday/WIP Wednesday!
Tagging @nyx-knox @roguishcat @bardic-inspo @bloodinwine No pressure! Give me a teaser of what you are working on! Because I post
What Could Have Been on Weds, I am gonna try and do these on Tuesdays!
SPOILERS Ahead! For Chapter 13!
Astarion hadn’t expected such swiftness from her; he had envisioned her drawing it out—turning it into a game. But the boldness of her action struck him like a spark to tinder, igniting a primal hunger within him. His eyes roved over her, unabashedly drinking in every curve, every shadow. “Very good,” he murmured, his grin widening, his gaze darkening with unspoken promises. “But I’m afraid that’s only the beginning... I want all of it, pet.” Sima leaned back further into the chair, draping her legs over one of the arms, her body arching in a languid stretch that was as provocative as it was defiant. Her hair spilled down one side, her back curving elegantly against the chair’s cushion. “Oh... I suppose you mean this last, inconvenient scrap of lace.” She gestured to the thin black thong at her hips, a teasing smile curling her lips. “I might take it off... perhaps. Or maybe,” she purred, eyes locking onto his with a tantalizing glint, “you should come over here and use those pretty teeth of yours.”
Chapter 13 drops tomorrow! Weds Sept 11 2024 Chapters on Tumblr: Prologue, 1 , 2 , 3 , Interlude, 4 , 5 , 6, 7, 8 , 9 , 10 Interlude 2 , 11 , 12
Entire Story Link on AO3
Spotify Playlist
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2023 writing gif-making round up
Rules (adapted for fic, gifs, art, etc.): Share what you made this year! It can be works you posted to Ao3, Wattpad, Tumblr, or anywhere else! You can share everything you made or just the projects you're most excited about.
tagged by @victoriaspriing thank you!!!
2024 is just around the corner, so unbelievable to me. it feels like no time has passed since the beginning of 2023. i was thinking, hm it doesn’t feel like i’ve made many gifs this year, but then i went looking back at all my favorite gifsets i made and i was pleasantly surprised to see quite a significant amount. my goal for 2024 is to create more gifsets, to share with the fandom and most importantly to let the creativity flow. okay, but i’m here to reflect on my gifsets from this year, so let’s get into that shall we? i’ll share some fun statistics and then my top 5 gifsets from this year, and totally copying joana here but i’ll also give a shoutout to my favorite creators who not only inspire me but make this fandom wonderful with their creations <3
fun statistics
in total i made 188 gifsets in 2023
99 are about louis (*pretends to be shocked*)
50 are about harry
10 are larry
4 are ot5
1 about samia
1 about soyoon
the rest are 911 lone star, stranger things, only friends and first kill
28 (!!!) are elaborate gifsets
44 are or include purple
4 are about faith in the future
top 5 gifsets (in no particular order)
louis birthday gifset this has to be my favorite gifset i’ve made this year. i had so much fun making it, from trying a different color i’m not used to, to using new effects i hadn’t had the chance to try. everything came out as i had envisioned and it makes me so happy. i gotta say by the end of it i was tired. i think i spent a total of 10 hours on it, but it was so worth it
faith in the future anniversary gifset okay so this one was originally going to be blue and yellow, but the first gif (the one with the tv) wasn’t looking good, so i just did what i do best, make it purple and yellow. i’m glad i did, because not only do i love that combo, but i think it looks great. i had this vague concept of what i wanted to do. i knew i definitely wanted to include the spotify template. from there i just did what i felt in the moment. the edit with the tracklist was originally going to be in the form of a google search, but it looked so bad, so i just went for something more simple, which ended up looking so much better. the last edit was the second to last one. i was thinking, how can i include fitfwt into it? that’s when i realized i had a combination of one gifset, one edit, one gifset and one gifset, so i added one edit in the middle of the last two gifsets to create that pattern. i took my favorite louis picture from tour and just did a quick edit. with this one, less was better, and i’m very proud of how it came out
hlholidayexchange gifset i absolutely adore this one. the prompt was anything with 2014 larry. i had a very clear concept for this one. polaroids showing them together. while looking for videos i just gravitated towards their night changes performance, especially the prince and little one with the cheekbones, so that’s what i did. i was apprehensive about the blending, as it’s something i struggle with, but personally i think i did good. there’s always room for improvement, but i’m satisfied with it. the colors came to me right at the end, a combination of some of my favorite colors that are close together in the color wheel, so they look good together. it’s simple, but effective :)
louis tomlinson tinder this one was so fun to make. i especially loved coming up with hobbies and activities that describe louis. i knew i wanted to include numerology because this boy is obsessed with numbers and you can’t tell me he isn’t into numerology. as for the matches, i included his husband people who he’s potentially had a crush on based on interactions and interviews. i also love how the colors came out, i think it looks very pretty
harry’s house anniversary i love this one so much. i had a very clear concept of what i wanted to do. the cutout of the pictures plus the lyrics looked so much fun and i had a great time putting it together, and i just love the spotify template. i think everything about it is very pretty. the colors, the scenes, all of it. the only thing that makes me sad is how the video for daylight came out way later so i couldn’t include it, but other than that i love it so so much
bonus!!! this is louis tomlinson a very fun, very pleasant edit. i remember just wanting to do a gifset highlighting some aspects of louis and his career. i wanted something semi simple and visually appealing, so i did the google search overlay and from there just basic layouts. i had a lot of fun making it
shoutout to my faves!!!
@delicatepointofview @heroeddiemunson @wylanvannecks @505louis @anxiouspunk @ricky-olson @vinmauro @raypakorn @victoriaspriing @birthdaysentiment @robin-buckleys @perrieedwards @margarethcarter @neil-patrick @bobbiedebruyn @braverytattoos @justthinkingaboutlouis @loustyles @kiwikiwiandkiwi @finexbright @zourried @seatawinans @mcbride @jdeanmorgan @morgana-pendragon @niccolofares @sci-fi @benoitblanc @saw-x @binariesuns @oliviairodrigo @annacoleman @aliecenthightower @nelsonnicholas @curlyhairedprince @padme-amidala
sorry if i’m forgetting anyone. if you’re a gifmaker assume i love your gifs. tagging the people above and anyone else who happens to see this and wants to do it. no pressure!!!
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fanby-fckry · 8 months
📌 Welcome, friends, foes, and passersby, to my personal piece of fandom Hell.
Have you made your daily clicks yet, today?
If you have money to donate, please take a look at these vetted fundraisers.
18+ Blog
No minors. No bigots. No blank blogs/default icons.
No Minors: I’m an adult posting adult content on my adult blog; I will block you on sight.
No Bigots: “Bigots” includes rad fems, exclusionists, and zionists. Trans people need feminism, too, gatekeeping helps no one, and zionism does not equate to Judaism (implying that genocide is a Jewish value is antisemitism).
No Blank Blogs: For context on why I block default icons, see this post.
I intend to use my block button liberally, but I’m hoping the big text will help at least a little bit.
I also edit this post/my blog theme to include a comical amount of 18+ disclaimers whenever I get fed up with the amount of minors trying to follow me. Idk if it works, but it’s cathartic.
Fandom is meant to be fun, so if you’re here to spread hate, don’t. <3 I’ll just block you, and neither of us will gain anything from it.
This Blog Contains:
Adult content
Problematic media
Fictional depictions of violence and gore
Discussion of potentially triggering content
Please see this post for a list of tags you may want to block.
As a rule of thumb, I tend to tag things #[trigger] cw and use the keep reading feature in extreme cases. Please ask if you need me to tag something.
Viewer discretion is advised; be safe, bloggers.
The Amazing Devil (Band)
Avatar: the Last Airbender
Doctor Who
Fullmetal Alchemist
Good Omens
Harry Potter – I do not support JKR
🖤 Hazbin Hotel
🖤 Helluva Boss
Steven Universe
The Witcher
I tend to cycle through them based on the whims of my wretched gremlin brain. When and why the cycle changes is unknown even to me.
Current main fandoms are marked with a ‘🖤’
About Me:
You can call me Fanby. I’m over 25 years old and use an assortment of pronouns, but mainly they/them, xe/xem, and it/its.
I’m queer in just about every sense of the word and fucked in the head, not in my bed. I have freed myself from the shackles of amatonormativity (10/10, highly recommend) and am living my best life as a polyamorous, (a)sexual deviant.
I don’t owe anyone my exact labels or diagnoses, but I do share them When I Feel Like It™️.
Other Socials:
AO3: Fanby
Pronouns.page: fanby-fckry — flags need updating again, tbh.
Spotify: Fanby
Twitter: fanby_fckry — not very active.
Side Blogs:
Poetry: @refinedandgivenform
Tag Lists:
Note: I’m not always the best at tagging things. Sometimes I make mistakes, mistag or forget a tag. If you notice something is mistagged or missing a tag, please feel free to send me an ask or dm me about it!
Main Tags
Accessibility Tags
Tags to Block
Refs, Recs, and Resources
Fanfic Masterlists:
Hellaverse (Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss)
The Witcher
AO3 Exclusives – Links to the AO3 collection
Greatest Hits:
Fake Tumblr Dash Masterpost
Fandom + Tumblr Masterpost
Apollo’s Dodgeball Masterpost
The UHverse Memes/Meta/Etc. – AKA: the Unholyverse; the extended universe for UH3/The Unholy Trinity
The Little Demon AU Memes/Meta/Etc. – working title for my Hazbin Hotel/The Little Mermaid AU
The haiku bot reblogged my post – And then another one
Unintentionally Popular Aroace Alastor Post – And someone drew it!!
I added onto a Helluva Boss post and for some reason it became incredibly popular, to the point of showing up in my top posts for a good amount of time
Fanfiction requests are open to mutuals only.
Please read this post before requesting.
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amailboxlemur · 2 months
Three years ago today I watched Young Royals for the first time.
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Story time/long post incoming. I wasn’t in a great headspace at the time, but let me try to set the scene.
Spring of 2021 was still pretty deep in the pandemic. My province had been on lockdown (number 3) since the beginning of April and I hated working from home. Partly because teaching online piano lessons sucks. But also I live alone, and lockdown is too much alone time no matter how introverted you are. I think that spring I went about 6 weeks without speaking to someone in person who wasn’t like a grocery store cashier.
I decided to go stay with my parents for a few weeks so I could get some human interaction. At the time, I was mooching off my former roommate’s Netflix that was still signed in to our living room TV, so I didn’t have Netflix access.
I also love Red White and Royal Blue, and all of a sudden in early July the fandom got flooded. There were gifs of two unfamiliar teenage boys all over my dash. Fanart of two boys who looked like Alex and Henry captioned “Wilhelm and Simon”. There were a bunch of crossover fics popping up on AO3. I was curious, but mostly I just wanted to get a feel for the characters so I could read said crossover fics.
July 12th was my first day back teaching in person. (Side note: the health precautions we had in place for those lessons were WILD). I came back from my parents place in the morning, taught in the late afternoon/evening and returned home around 8 pm. I made supper and figured I’d try watching an episode of this “Young Royals” thing. I started it and remember groaning when I realized it was in Swedish so I’d have to focus and read subtitles instead of watching mindlessly (I’m too pretentious to watch the dubbed version, but it had been a long day)
“Oh that’s a beautiful boy with a beautiful voice singing… I can keep going…”
“Ohhh they’re about to kiss… wait what? How does episode 1 just end there??? I have to watch another episode!”
“Yay they finally kissed!! But how will Wilhelm react?? It’s not even 11 yet, I think I can watch one more”
“Erik is dead. I knew this was coming because I saw the “beta read but Erik’s still dead” tag on AO3 but totally forgot! How will this affect my boys?? One more episode, just to see if wilhelm pushes Simon away again”
“Ok good, they’re together. August sucks though, I can see where this is going and why there seem to be so many comparisons to rwrb. But it’s past midnight so I’ll have to keep watching tomorrow… wait there’s only two more episodes?? Might as well finish”
Before I knew it, it was 2 am and I was crying on my living room couch. I NEVER get into new shows, I have tons of things I watched 1-3 episodes of and then quit, so I couldn’t believe I binged the entire thing. It was late so I went to sleep.
In the morning I woke up and the rabbit hole began. I read all the fics on AO3, I started following young royals stuff on tumblr. I googled the actor who played Simon and found out he’s an actual Swedish pop star? I think he was among the first artists I followed using my then brand new Spotify account. I followed both Omar and Edvin on instagram, along with Lisa (other actors followed later). I watched all the young royals promo videos on YouTube, including the Hillerska choir performance. That entire summer was spent diving down Omar’s back catalog of Foo vlogs. Some of them are in Swedish, but I remember watching them intensely, as if I would magically understand if I tried hard enough. I started learning Swedish on duolingo.
When season 2 was released, I fully quit all social media for WEEKS to avoid spoilers. I spent 3 days carefully messing up my sleep schedule so I could wake up and watch it at 3 am. When season 3 was released I was such an excited puppy dog that I didn’t sleep at all. I watched it at 3 am and spent the whole rest of the day amped up and on tumblr.
I remember all kinds of fun and significant days in the fandom: Rockbjörnen 2021, musikhjälpan 2021. The lead up and release of Mi Casa Su Casa. The release of OMR. Omar gave me a birthday present in 2022 when he performed “breathe” on Nyhetsmorgon on my birthday. Gay gala 2022 but especially 2023. Both boys have done incredible sommarpratar. So many other galas and performances and photoshoots I’d be here all day listing them all out.
Becoming an Omar fangirl was also surprising. I don’t listen to or follow pop music (my definition of which is incredibly broad so yes, Omar’s music qualifies). Like, I’ve never had a favourite artist before? One who’s work I actively follow and whose releases I know about in advance and look forward to?
Omar announced his concert at Cirkus in November of 2023 and it fell at the end of a semester break from work. I could go without needing to refund or makeup any missed lessons. It felt like a sign. That week was genuinely one of the best in my life, words can’t even describe it. A transatlantic flight, a week in Europe. I got to see Kaggeholm. I met Omar at Lyko. I stood in general admission 3 rows back from the stage and heard Omar sing live and sang along with other fans. It was surreal. Shout out to @yrblogbaby @the-words-we-sung @crownedwille and @omarsimp, wow you’re all amazing. There was a queer joy to hanging out with y’all that weekend that I don’t get too often irl.
Since then, I’ve tried to internalize a little bit more the idea of community in fandom. I’m still not super out there, but I try to interact more. I lurked in this fandom (and so many others) for years. I made this account in something like 2011 and until recently I probably had less than 50 posts.
So yeah… saying this show changed my life feels dramatic but also accurate. Hopefully here’s to more years to come, and more good memories when I head to New York this fall!
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Welcome to the first event!
Now until July 31st!
If you were considering doing something, but were too busy, etc, before or if this is your first time hearing of it, good news: You have a whole other month! (Until the day before the next full moon.)
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This will take place between the dates of the next two full moons: June 3rd and July 3rd. (Edit: Now until July 31st!)
June’s is the Strawberry Moon, also called the Rose Moon and the Hot Moon.
July’s is the Buck Moon, also called the Hay Moon, Thunder Moon, Herb/Wyrt Moon, and Claiming Moon.
Depending on the region both are also known as the Mead Moon, hence the name and theme of the event. (The Mead Moon can also refer to the full moon closest to the summer solstice, which is in June most of the time, but is in July this year.) 
The summer solstice is June 21st, Midsummer Eve is June 23rd, and Midsummer Day is June 24th.
There are 3 ways to participate: fic, art or playlists involving 3 or more of the 21 prompts:
3s and 7s, self-expression 
Creative number 21
Fall into Altered Reality 
Frightening, enlightening or fun
Aphrodisiacs can induce
lovers, friends or strangers to fuck
The avatar of a dancing deity
Becomes a velvet antlered Buck
A courtship hunt before the Claiming
Games and riddles with the Fae
On the night of the next Full Moon
Rendezvous for a roll in the Hay
Herbs and nectar for a Honeymoon 
Converts Hot water into Mead
In the light of the Midnight Sun
A mischievous Midsummer Night’s Dream
Rumination, rambling, and Revelry 
A Ritual at the Rose of a thousand thorns
A Solstice feast of wild plum and Strawberry
Awaits between rainbows and dark Thunder storms
--Event info below--
Rules and requirements:
New or unpublished works are accepted for this event. Feel free to combine with other ongoing or upcoming events.
For Writers:
3,000 words minimum using 3 or more of the 21 prompts. 
This can be one work or multiple works of at least 1,000 words each. No maximum for word count or amount of works. 
For Artists:
Use 3 or more of the prompts to create visuals (drawings, gifsets, manips, vids/edits, moodboards, etc.) Can be one work or multiple. 
For Mixers:
There are 2 options for standalone fanmixes:
Use 3-7 prompts to make a playlist of 21 tracks. At least 3 tracks per prompt used. (For example: A playlist with 4 prompts — 5 songs for Rose, 7 songs for Full Moon, 3 songs for Thunder, and 6 songs for Altered Reality.) Arrange them however you like: all grouped together in segments, whatever flows best, randomly, etc.
Make a playlist of 21 songs with 1 song for every prompt in any order.
If you’re attaching a playlist to a fanfic or art post:
Do whatever you want, but you get extra cool points for 21 tracks and including 1 or more songs for every prompt that you use and/or 3 songs for at least one prompt.
Put your playlists on Spotify, YouTube or both so I can listen to them. 😉
This is an event for fans of Sterek, but it’s Sterek & Stuff for a reason. I’m a multishipper and some of you might be too, so the deal is if you pay the Sterek Toll you can do other Teen Wolf ships (or pre-ships and gen) in separate works in your series should you desire.
The Sterek Toll is:
At least 2 prompts and 1,000 words of Sterek for writers.
At least 2 prompts and 1 piece of art for artists.
Music is generally up to interpretation so unless you go out of your way to say it’s not for Sterek don’t worry about it, lol. But if mixers want a toll too then it’s 2-7 prompts and a 14 track playlist.  
All Sterek all the time is of course always welcome and there will be a Sterek Only subcollection on AO3 and separate Sterek and NonSterek posts on Tumblr. (Assuming anyone does NonSterek, lol.)
To count as a Sterek fanfic Stiles and Derek have to be together by the end of the work. The story should focus on them, but feel free to include other characters too. 
Sterek Plus and Sterek Poly go in the other ships category and is subject to the Sterek Toll.
Any background ship.
Crossovers as long as the focus is on Sterek (or other TW characters if you’ve paid the Sterek Toll.)
Angst, whump, and dark themes as long as the story (the last related work if it's part of a series) ends on an upbeat or hopeful note and there’s nothing from the Nope section.
No permanent death of Stiles or Derek. If you’re doing a series in the same setting they both have to be alive and together (or have the possibility of being together in the future) in the last related work. This applies to other TW works too. (No permanently killing off whoever is in any other main ship either.)
No miserable, tragic endings. Everything doesn’t have to be perfect and happily ever after, but the last related work should at least have a hopeful or “we’ll make the best of this shit” ending for Stiles and Derek (or other main ship.) 
No explicit descriptions or depictions of sexual activity under 16. (Kissing, dating, references or vague descriptions are okay.)
No bestiality. (As in regular animals. Xeno /Tera with beta or full shifted Derek, Stiles, etc, is okay.)
No scat.
No death or gore fetishes. (As in rotting corpses and gaping wounds and stuff. Bloodplay is okay.)
No Real Person Fiction.
Make sure to tag accurately!
The event starts at 5:30am PDT (12:30pm GMT) on June 3rd so please don’t post before then. 
Now officially ending at 11:59pm PDT on July 31st (6:59am GMT on August 1st,) but late posting accepted.
On Tumblr:
Tag your work here with #mead moons and #mead moons (prompt) for each prompt that you use. (Ex: #mead moons fae.) At @sterek-and-stuff-events. 
If you’re doing multiple works put links to the previous works in each new post. The requirements (3 prompts, 3,000 words for writers, etc) have to be met by the end of the event.
On AO3:
I’ll post the links to the AO3 collections on the morning of June 3rd. There will be a main Mead Moons collections and subcollections for Music, Art, Stories, and Sterek Only works. 
If you’re doing multiple works put them in a series. (Mead Moons or something related to your prompts.) The requirements (3 prompts, 3,000 words for writers, etc) have to be met by the end of the event.
Post your works to the main collection and relevant subcollections below.
The collections:
The main collection. Everything goes here.
Sterek only works.
You’ve reached the end!
Once more the prompts are: 21, Altered Reality, Aphrodisiacs, Becomes, Buck, Claiming, Fae, Full Moon, Hay, Herbs, Honeymoon, Hot, Mead, Midnight Sun, Midsummer Night’s Dream, Revelry, Ritual, Rose, Solstice, Strawberry, and Thunder. (They're up to your interpretation!)
Thanks for checking out the event. I hope you enjoy creating and/or reading, looking at, and listening to the works! 
I'm @triskhellion
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heroinejinx · 2 years
Post recommendations for your ten favourite fanfics and tag the authors if possible. Tell us what you like about their work.
Tag five people of your choice to do the meme too.
okay well there’s more than ten because i’m indecisive & these are all too good not to mention!!
for some sense of order, i’ve separated them by ships, and then further by if they’re canon or au, because the 2 are essentially different genres so 🤓 
i’m also not gonna expand too much on what i like about each of these because it’ll just be me waffling & saying ‘i love this ship and this person writes their dynamic so damn well’ over and over lol 
- ‘Ill-Fortune and Illumination’ series by @questionablecuttlefish 
ft. scenes of extreme chaos and extreme tenderness, sometimes in the same chapter, always brilliant 🤌
- ‘The energy that pumps through my veins’ by @ghostofyaz
in which jinx is the ultimate masochist & lux aims to please ✨
- ‘Flashbangs and Frag Grenades’ series by @calchexxis (which there’s also a podcast on Spotify for!!🔥)
‘jinx is crazy, lux is crazier’ - a must read
- ‘Bright Eyes’ series by @calchexxis
college au in which jinx is a ‘tattooed punk on a motorcycle’ - need i say more? 👀
- ‘Friction Coefficient’ by @blood-lich-crow
and so they were forced to be study buddies 😙
- ‘Fight and Flight’ by @onegraycat
the closest to top gun i will ever willingly get, ft. angst and planes ✈️
- ‘My Boy Savior’ by Elssandra on AO3 (idk their tumblr)
wherein jinx’s journey to becoming a firelight is cute, dark as hell, dramatic and frequently heartbreaking - yay 🥲
Pistolwhip / CaitJinx
- ‘Dancing After Death’ by @prettyaveragewhiteshark
jinx and caitlyn bond over their grief & it hurts & it’s so satisfying to read 💔
- ‘Hollow bones and bird song’ series by @natsukashenby
the fic that got me into the crackship, so much angst and pining, god bless 🙏
- ‘Lithium’ series by @ravenkinnie
okay i need to re-read this asap but the angst in this knows no bounds 🖤
- ‘Love Sonnet aka Escort AU’ series by @ravenkinnie
this fic is so tender and their connection feels so real - idk how else to describe it other than saying just go read it right now 🥺
- ‘Lover, will you look at me now? I’m already dead to you’ by @natsukashenby
ft. caitlyn and jinx bonding a little too much at a party… gotta love the drama
Liquorbomb (Jinx x ‘Chuck’)
@unknownstellardepths has this monopolised lololol thank you for your service
- ‘Toy Guns with Real Bullets’
jinx turns to ‘chuck’ after killing silco and things get *complicated* ❤️‍🩹
this fleshes out thieram/chuck so so well, and the writing in this? the crafting of the fight scenes, the sex scenes, and character development? yeah, read it.
- ‘Scissors and Heartstrings’ 
more thieram and jinx antics - can’t get enough tbh 🫶
Honourable mentions for some non-Arcane fics I adore:
SPOP (Catradora)
- ‘Falling feels like flying (till the bone crush) by ehj on AO3 (idk their tumblr)
what if catra and adora started secretly fucking while still at war with each other? yeah this is that & it’s bloody great 😌
- ‘Break a Leg (and break the bed)’ by @dandyvela 
catradora as stunt workers who are secretly fuck buddies, minus the friendship & add on a whole lot of repressed feelings. genius 💖
- ‘Take me home’ by feistypants on AO3 (idk their tumblr)
exes running a farm together and slowly confronting the past… when i tell you i cried 😭
Killing Eve (Villaneve)
~~what everyone in the old fandom wishes could’ve been canon~~
- ‘Saving Eve’ by DontShoveTheSun on AO3 (idk their tumblr)
okay i’m not exaggerating when i say that this fic has improved my mental health lol anyone still reeling from that abysmal finale needs to read this. this whole thing is like the most comforting hug ever & idc it’s canon to *me* 🥹
tbh i’d also extend this rec to anyone who enjoys the murder wives trope in general, even if you haven’t seen the show - this fic truly delivers everything that kind of story needs. can’t praise it highly enough.
okay, this was super fun to do so i’m tagging all the authors mentioned here, plus anyone else who wants to do it! 💕
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hauntedhokage · 10 months
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PART 10: Patching Up
WORD COUNT: Thread by thread you're coming to accept that Bakugou really doesn't hate you.
SUMMARY:  1.5k
[series masterlist] | {ao3} | [tumblr masterlist] | {ko-fi} | [spotify playlist]
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“We haven’t had a true date night in a while.” 
The comment from Eijirou has you pausing in your apple slicing, and he doesn’t miss the chance to pull a slice from the cutting board to snack on while you’re distracted. “I’m not complaining, though. It’s something Bakugou brought up and wanted to make sure we were okay without that time.”
Of course it was something Bakugou had brought up. But that made you wonder if he was getting that time he needed with his boyfriend as well. Was bringing it up a hint or were you reading too much into it? Probably a yes to the latter, since Bakugou wasn’t the type to tip-toe around a topic when he was talking to Eijirou, but you can’t help but be a bit nervous when the blonde was making observations about your relationship. Things were better, but they still weren’t perfect.
“I hadn’t really thought about it, being honest.” You finally state after a moment of consideration, setting down the knife beside your half sliced apple so you could properly turn to look at your boyfriend. “I feel like we’re still getting that time, are you doing okay?”
“Yeah, I’m not upset about it by any means. I also hadn’t really noticed until he brought it up.”
It was interesting to you that Bakugou would bring it up at all. Not surprising that he’d notice by any means, since the blonde paid attention to everything, but he wouldn’t necessarily comment. Especially where your relationship with Eijirou was concerned. Now you were thinking the worst, and can’t stop yourself from voicing the first thought that came to mind.
“He’s not sick of us being here all the time, is he?”
“No, baby, that’s not it at all.”
“Are you and him getting the time you need? Like, I’m not-”
“You’re not intruding, not taking anything from him. He’s not upset, take a deep breath and relax.” And you do, letting him take your hands in his and holding them to his chest as he takes a deep breath. On the second breath you follow the action, smiling up at your boyfriend as he grins down at you. “Do you wanna go out on a date tonight?”
“Dinner and the arcade?”
“What about the mini golf place?”
“That new one? Nah, let the hype die down first. Last time we went somewhere new people thought I was doing a promo piece on it.”
“We got in for free though,” he reminds, and you roll your eyes as you pull away so you can go back to slicing your apple. “Arcade is good too. Scores on the strength meter reset last week so I gotta reclaim my throne anyway.”
“The only other people who try that thing are like twelve, babe.”
“I'm an inspiration to grow up and get big and strong.”
“More like overly competitive,” you counter, smacking his hand to keep him from taking another apple slice. “If you wanted me to slice an apple for you, you should’ve asked.”
“Is it too late to ask?”
“Considering you already ate half of my apple, yes.” 
You elect to ignore the pathetic whine that leaves him, instead moving what was left of your apple onto the small plate before taking the cutting board to the sink to deal with after you’d finished your snack. You had work to do anyway, he could fend for himself for a couple hours. He doesn’t join you at the kitchen table, instead turning right where you had turned left while saying that he was going to pick out your date night outfit to leave you one less thing to worry about today, and that gives you the moment of freedom from his concerned gaze at how concerned you still were about Bakugou and how the blonde potentially felt about you. 
You hated that you couldn’t just let things happen. He’d told you that he’d never hated you, he’d saved your life, he’d bought you a massive palm that was staring back at you - the palm that only ever brought a smile to your face whenever you looked at it. He was trying and trying so hard, why was it so hard for you to accept that he was okay with you being around? Why was your first instinct to assume that he had a problem whenever he was brought up? That wasn’t fair to him in any way. 
Maybe Bakugou and I need our own date night? You ponder, clicking your pen idly as you consider it. Technically you were going to that community center opening together, but did that count as a date? You didn’t see why it couldn’t, but you also felt that he maybe needed something a bit more private to be comfortable calling it a date. You’d ask Eijirou for his thoughts when he came back from raiding his closet and dresser for a suitable outfit.
“How come you haven’t worn this shirt in a while?” The question comes fifteen minutes later and has you looking up over your laptop to see Eijirou holding up one of your blouses, the black one with the white and orange flowers. The one you’d worn the day you yelled at Bakugou at the news station, the one you’d been staring at every time you saw it neatly folded on the shelf above their washing machine over the last couple of months. The one that reminded you that Bakugou had tried to extend an olive branch and you’d snapped it in two without thinking twice, extending the suffering for the both of you. “It’s one of my favorites and I miss seeing you in it.”
“The button came off,” you explain simply, choosing to leave out the rest of the history that shirt held for the sake of avoiding a conversation about how bad you felt about that day. “I’ve been meaning to take it to the dry cleaner to have them fix it since I can’t but I keep forgetting. The last few weeks have been a bit much.”
“Yeah, fair. Which button was it?”
“The top one. Not really one I use, but I don’t want to lose the button either.”
“You sure you’re not thinking of a different shirt?” He asks, earning a raised brow from you as you lean back in your seat.  “Because the button is attached?”
“No, it was that one because that’s the-” you catch yourself, standing from your chair so you can cross the flat to get to where he’s standing with your shirt in hand. He hands it over easily, concern obvious on his features as he watches you closely inspect the button. “I swear it was this one. This is the shirt I was wearing when I yelled at Bakugou at the station, he had offered to- oh my god.”
“He fixed it.” You whisper, looking closely at the threads that held the imitation pearl button in place before comparing it to a button that you knew wasn’t damaged. Sure enough, the threads on the fixed button were brighter than the worn threads of the others - meaning that they were newer. “Katsuki fixed the button.”
It was something that was so small in the grand scheme of things, but in this moment with the history that you had with the blonde it meant everything. He had taken the time to locate your shirt and reattach the button and patch the small tear, even though he had nothing to do with the damage to your shirt. He’d only been there when it happened, that’s all. 
“I’m not good at this shit, but I don’t hate you. Never have.”
He said that to you at the hospital, and you can only laugh to yourself at the fact that he was terrible at this shit. But, clearly, so were you if you’d resigned yourself to never wearing a shirt until you remembered to take it to the dry cleaners when you knew the blonde was capable of fixing it and you just didn’t want to ask. 
“God, I suck,” you whisper, lowering the fabric to see Eijirou watching you with a concerned frown. “I suck so much, Eiji.”
“Not right now, baby. You did then, but how you both were then isn’t how you are now,” he reasons, gently pulling the blouse from you and draping it over his shoulder. “Then, yeah, you both sucked a lot but I think it’s safe to say you’ve both grown out of it and are a lot better now.”
“Yeah, but-”
“No buts, and no more living in the past.” His tone is very final as he gently squeezes your hands, and you can only nod while biting your bottom lip. “Stop worrying, or I’ll kiss that frown off your face.”
“That’s the opposite of a threat, Eijirou,” you tease, finally smiling as he pulls you in for a kiss. “He’s out all night?”
“Yeah, why?” You only look up at him, eyebrow raised as your fingers play with the hair at the base of his neck. “Oh! You don’t want to go out anymore?”
“I’d rather have you kiss the frown off of my face, Eiji.”
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S2E12. Writing Style (Or, Homer is an FF.net Writer)
Happy Friday! Our new episode is here!
In this episode, Jo (@pebblysand) and Lani (@copper-dust) discuss the topic of building a writing style. They explore the question of whether fanfictions writers should strive to imitate established styles - like that of the author of the source work - or embrace their own unique style. They also touch on the relationship between their writing styles and their natural speaking voices, and Jo explains why she personally prefers a casual storytelling approach. They reflect on what they would like to change about their own styles and share their influences, including original fic writers and specific fanfiction authors. They also answer two listener questions: one about creating different styles for individual stories, and another about the balance between appreciating other people’s styles and finding one's own voice.
This week, we mention: 
Fandoms: Harry Potter, The Good Wife
Fics: castles by pebblysand, In Search of Mythical Kings by copper_dust, Check the Spindle by copper_dust, Merry Men by copper_dust, The Seam Between by copper_dust, Run by ToujoursPadfoot (the platform this was published on no longer exists, the link is from the wayback machine), ce ne sont que des cailloux by pebblysand, the fault in faulty manufacturing by pebblysand, Minuet by fluorescentgrey
Writers: orbythesea, lowriseflare (see livejournal for TGW fics), dirgewithoutmusic, fluorescentgrey
Books: His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman, It by Stephen King
Previous episodes: S1E1. What is Fanfiction (Or, Children with Unsupervised Internet Access in the Early 2000s), S2E2. Outgrowing Fandoms (Or, The Harry Episode) 
Your recommendations for this week are:
Kimbeen’s Maurice fics
Hated in the Nation (S3E6 of Black Mirror)
You can find us online at:
The Fanfic Writer’s Craft: tumblr ; spotify ; ko-fi
Lani (@copper-dust): tumblr ; AO3
Jo (@pebblysand): tumblr ; AO3
As said in the episode, this concludes the first half of our second season. We are now going on a break - but we promise this is a break, not the end - and we will be back in early September. For the summer, I (@pebblysand) will definitely be off but Lani may record a couple of guest episodes if she finds the time. 
I also wanted to let you know that in order to make this podcast more accessible, I am currently working on writing and uploading transcripts to AO3. I’m not sure when that will happen but we will keep this tumblr updated. 
Thank you all so much for all the support, feedback, questions, and downloads throughout this first half of the year. Thank you to all of our wonderful guests (@celestemagnoliathewriter, @rosalui, @btelling, @johaerys-writes, and @word-wytch) for their time. This podcast very much is a passion project, and our small but dedicated following is what keeps us running. 
I hope you all have a wonderful summer, and we’ll see you in September. 
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Lynn’s FAQ’s
I’m fine with all non-profit endeavors. 
And there is a podfic of From Wiltshire, With Love up on spotify by the amazingly talented AutumnFoxWrites! Somehow she manages to do different voices/accents for all the characters and keep it up throughout the story.
Where is the title of From Wiltshire, With Love from? 
It’s a play on words from the James Bond spy movie, From Russia, With Love. Malfoy Manor is located in Wiltshire.
Do you have any recs? 
Absolutely! My tumblr is chock full of recommendations and mini-reviews of underrated writers and their stories. Feel free to peruse. The Dramione subreddit also has the What Are You Reading? thread, Self-rec Sunday, the WIP Wednesday thread and the Underrated Fanfic Friday thread which are goldmines.
Where do I post? 
Archive of Our Own and Fanfiction.net, although lately I haven’t posted on ff.net. I posted FWWL on Wattpad, I don’t know if I’ll post anything else there.
What are you working on now? 
I may or may not post that third epilogue to Blackmailed. I’d like to continue Draco’s Body, for another chapter. Long fic: I’m also working on Butterfly, my evil author’s day submission. And hopefully some more fanart for friends.
Are you writing any original fiction? 
No. I love my day job and fanfiction is purely an escapist outlet for my creativity where I am beholden to no one but myself. Writing original fiction would defeat the purpose.
Hey! You make art! 
Yes, sometimes! I post here on tumblr, and I post my art on AO3 and instagram. If anyone would like to use my art for their fic or binding they are welcome to. I only ask that you credit me.
Your parents really read your smut? 
Yes. Yes they did. It was a very wholesome experience and I live blogged it! My kids also know that I write fanfiction, everyone is very supportive. It feels good not to hide my hobby! (that being said, no one at my work knows, that’s a bridge too far)
Why don’t I see you on the Room of Requirement discord? 
Because some of the authors, artists, admins and podficcers there cyberbullied me. When I spoke up about my experience on reddit, I didn’t want to name specific people and I still don’t. But I do think there’s value in warning folks off in a general sense. It’s truly appalling when adult women use their internet clout and lack of consequences to recreate the worst of middle school behavior. Like most moderated spaces, RoR has an anti-bullying policy, but the popular members behave as they choose. None of them have apologized to me or anyone else for their behavior. If you’re wondering why there isn’t much overlap between DHS and RoR, this is why. Their behavior has caused many artists, writers and readers to delete their accounts or leave the fandom. 
On to the happy stuff:
A Guide to My Fics 
Innovation, E, 18K, angry smut and snark. A short story written for @bek48 on her birthday. Full of snark, banter, sexual tension and hate sex. Skewers more than a few fandom tropes. 
Summary: Draco and Hermione make each other miserable. But they come to an arrangement eventually.
Escape From Malfoy Manor, E, 70-100K, Choose Your Own Adventure, war AU. An art/fic collaboration with @goodnight-fraublucher, @mysteriouscatstellation, @photonzeroinfinity, @efinna, @misdemeanor1331 and @bek48​
Summary: Hermione wakes up in a prison cell with no memory of how she got there. Will she make it out alive? A fic/art collab with some friends designed to make you laugh, shriek in terror, bite your nails, cringe, and ponder your life choices. With over 35 delightfully gruesome ways for our favorite protagonists to die, this is a great Halloween read.
From Wiltshire, With Love, E, 350K, spy/handler war AU
Summary: Hermione convinces Draco to spy for the Order and she becomes his handler. But what are his true motivations? Hard to say when he's still figuring that out himself.
WINNER: 2022 Top Dramione Fics on Reddit 4th Place Wartime 2nd Place BAMF!Hermione
Shivering With Antici - SAY IT! - pation, E, 20K, smut and snark, an AU in the FWWL universe
Summary: Spying for the Order is taking its toll on Draco. To cheer him up, Hermione brings him to a midnight showing of the Rocky Horror Picture Show to participate in the virgin induction ceremony. 
Draco is not amused.
Blackmailed, E, 48K, smut and snark, 7th year, a surprising plot and gut punch at the end
Summary: Draco finds out something pertaining to the war that Hermione would do anything to prevent from getting out. How far is she willing to go to protect her secret?
WINNER: 2022 Top Dramione Fics on Reddit 2nd Place Dom!Draco (but he's totally a switch here, as is Hermione)
Draco’s Body, E, 11K, demon!Draco, war AU, co-created with art from the amazing @doodleladi 
Summary: The war rages on and changed Draco into something evil.
They All Taste the Same, E, 77K vampire war AU, this one has two endings, based on Hermione’s decision to become a vampire or not. One is MCD, one is HEA. Written in 2010, finished during the pandemic.
Summary: Draco has always wanted Hermione, but a recent change has him wanting her even more.
A Dish Best Served Cold, E, 56K, 8th year, smutty, trope-busting whodunnit, my first ever fanfiction, written in 2010. 
Summary: Somebody is out to get Hermione. Draco gets caught in the middle, and doesn't mind at all!
The Gods Must Be Crazy, drabble collection for the Last Drabble Writer Standing Competition, Greek God prompts, each drabble has a different theme, plot, topic, genre. I highly recommend this competition. It’s good for meeting new friends, and improving your writing!
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txmbstone · 5 months
status: semi-active requests are open ! last updated: june 6, 2024
current projects:
howdy ! i’m mads (i also go by ringo on this platform) and i run this little corner here for the cowboys of tombstone (though it might not be just limited to the cowboys) ! i am from the always sunny state of arizona and i would throw down for johnny ringo. if you have any questions for anything i write for/may write for or are interested in, please don’t hesitate to send in an ask !
things to know:
anyone can follow this blog, i usually try to keep things relatively tame on here (writing 🌶️ material isn’t really my forte but i’m no stranger to challenges)
i will tag any nsfw content with ‘nsfw’
this being said, minors, you need to be careful with how you interact with my content. if any work says ‘nsfw’ it is not intended for you or any other mature content i decide to post
i ask that y’all please refrain from trauma dumping in my posts. my friend and i have been the subject of those a few times and it was just too overwhelming for the fun i am trying to create. that being said, i want to write for everyone and will not be writing posts about self harm, eating disorders, sexual assaults, and non-con, as these can be triggering for other readers and myself
i will not always be on time with requests. i do have a full time job and i am looking to go into firefighting at the same time. i will try to get to them as soon as i can, but this account is for fun and that’s what i want to achieve here
i do run two other sister blogs ! if you’re into creepypasta, i have a blog you can pop over to (this is usually run by my good friend salem). this is usually centered around 2012-2015 era of creepypasta since that is the one we are most familiar with. i also run an all-fandoms type blog where we both post anime, shows, bands (i’m diving into sleep token), movies, and books
if reading on tumblr isn’t your thing, most (if not all) of these will be cross-posted on my ao3. i will also have spotify playlists up for characters/series eventually as well !
spotify // ao3
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myth-blossom · 2 years
I’ve been reflecting on how incredibly blessed I am for writing and the community it’s brought me into this year. Writing has been an amazing creative outlet for me that I thought had long since burned out, but thank goodness I was wrong about that! I’ve been so excited to develop my ideas, even when they overwhelm my brain at times. It’s been such a joy to write what I want to write, and an additional joy to know there are others out there who enjoy my work, too.
I’m especially grateful for the Hitman fandom on Tumblr—it has been such a pleasure getting to know you and posting about one of our favorite topics. I am constantly blown away by the fanart and fanfics that this talented community creates! It’s a privilege to experience such amazing work by amazing people. I wanted to do some shoutouts below:
@cajunandfire: I am extremely grateful to you for welcoming me into the fandom as you did. You gave me the confidence to socialize with the community and became a dear friend in the process. I can never emphasize enough how thankful I am of your constant support. Your heart is incredibly wonderful, as is the fanfiction you create, and I am very honored to know you.
@diana-fortyseven: Your work inspired me to take a shot at writing for Hitman and sharing my ideas with others—you can imagine how (happily) shocked I was to see you like and comment on my first fic. Your support of this community through your creations, exchanges, fanfiction feed bot, and prompt generator bot help keep the Hitman fandom going—thank you for all that you do.
@dianaburnwood: Before I joined Tumblr, I found a blog post of yours about ICA ranks that inspired me to write Flight of the Sparrow. I was later told that if I ever had Hitman questions, I should speak with the expert—thank you for being kind enough to entertain my questions. I sincerely can’t wait for your blog posts on Freelancer.
@cicaklah: Your Hitman and Oxventure fics are absolute treasures, they inspired me to write whatever I wanted. I found that I wanted to write something as captivating as your works are to me—for a while that was intimidating, but then I pushed past that mental block. You embody the wisdom I adore and hope to always remember in times ahead: “No one is stopping me but me.” Thank you for your passionate example to always try.
@lucas-grey: I appreciate your kindness to answer my Grey questions through the year. He’s a character I’ve grown more attached to since I started writing and it’s been nice to consult the expert to make sure I write him properly. Also, you floor me with the screenshots you post every time—thank you for sharing your lovely work.
@issytheamateurnerd: It means a lot that you’ve trusted me with writing your OC Madeleine Burnwood on occasion. It’s been great to explore her interactions with our beloved characters—I think she is a wonderful addition to the Hitman universe and I look forward to more of your work with her in the future.
To @air-tuna-art @greengoldfish @postalninja and @cajunandfire: thank you for taking a chance to collab with me on The Parisian. As a newbie to the fandom, it was truly an honor to create a story with such a group of wonderful writers. I loved the result and would be happy to work with you again.
@magentasteam, I adore your joke posts and comments on Tumblr (and AO3). I find myself lovingly referring to 47 as my “potato boi” because of you and it makes me smile every time.
@47s-left-tit, it has been such fun discussing music with you this year and reading your 47 x Reader posts. I can’t wait to check out your Spotify playlist for more good tunes.
I’m so grateful for you all, as I am for those who like, comment on, and/or share my stories. I have no idea what 2023 will bring, but I know where I’ve been and I see where I am now.
I’d say things are already off to a good start.
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bleue-flora · 1 year
*depending on subject, asks might be answered on my other blog - @rouge-fauna (just to kinda keep things organized)*
Hello, I don’t know what I’m doing, but I’m here for the c!Dream angst. So, you know there is going to be plenty of good old prison arc and mature content though I’ll try to be mindful of profanity if not in dialogue. Obviously, I’m a c!Dream apologist. And not that you need to know but I am also autistic, as well as an artist and an alliteration addict. ;) I was previously a poet before I very recently started writing fan fiction so I’m a sucker for flowery writing and analysis, even though I’m actually a transportation engineer. [other things to note]
Things You Will See Here: Angst, Insanity, DSMP Memes, Analysis, Fanfiction, Art, Lore, AUs, Essays, Ellipses… and some other things :)
Spotify — AO3 — Twitter(X)
Hell in a Box - Scrapped lore: c!Dream gets c!Sam to free him and then has a deep chat with c!Punz.
Misery Loves Another Idiot With A Jukebox Where His Soul Should Be (short hand: misery loves an idiot)- c!Quackity gets creative in his daily visits with c!Dream.
Dreamcatcher - c!Punz gets caught in a nightmare c!Dream has.
Good Cop ‘Bad’ Cop - c!Bad is a prison guard who takes pity on a mistreated c!Dream.
If The Crown Fits, Wear It - c!Techno upgrades c!Dream’s look with a crown.
Crow’s Nest - c!Dream haunts c!Techno’s house (co-authored with @error-dream-was-found).
B is for Betrayal - c!Punz helps c!Dream through a medical emergency.
Musical Chairs - Scrapped lore following the events of Crows Nest + c!Punz, c!Techno, c!Dream and a chair... need I say more?
A Gravel Mistake - c!Quackity acts sus so c!Foolish visits the prison
#sandwich label - graphics for each Good Cop 'Bad' Cop chapter
#flora does art apparently - my dsmp themed digital art
#this is fine - thoughts and stuff that give me brain rot :)
#did someone order an essay? - lengthy analysis and discussions
#on the house - reblog add ons and replies
#dishing up lore - interesting lore discoveries
#leftovers - bloopers/alternate scenes for my fics
#fanfic snack - other people's tumblr fanfics I enjoy
#shall we play a game? - reblog and ask games
#hello there - answers and responses to asks
#dsmp memes - dsmp gifs and memes
#let me cook - theories, hypotheticals, aus
#autistic c!dream- reasons why I think c!dream is canonically autistic
#flora fanfiction - my fanfiction & things related to it
Post Index
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