#if you don't like a ship mentioning on tags would made it appear
Non- sonamy (and even haters) using the excuse (based on ignorance) that all sonamy fans are "cishet" as a way to downgrade/use as insult an entire community when majority of us are part of the LGBT community shows they are just blinded by their hate and show a significant ignorance
Hating m/f ships as a way to praise f/f and m/m ships is not as good/progressive as you think it is✨
Tumblr media
Definitely this won't be the first and last time I would see these type of comments around tumblr
But I feel calling out these behaviours can made us realize the hypocricy of many people on internet were they ask for respect and tolerance for their m/m or f/f ship but shit and despise m/f ships and expect there's won't be consecuences or think that's how things should be (? 😮‍💨
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hollowed-theory-hall · 2 months
what's the one harry potter pairing u like that u mentioned in the tags of your hinny post?
Anonymous: Can I ask who that minor character you ship with Harry is? For some absurd reason my mind jumped to Stan Shunpike lol but it's probably not him.... Or is it?
Okay, so this is kind of a funny story. Like, my pipeline through hp pairings was a weird one. Like, I used to read a lot of Harry pairings, still do on occasion (some make more sense than others). None of them were ones I would point at and say: "that should've happened in the books"
One day, I was innocently writing a fic (canon divergence of GoF), and it was just for me, for funnsies, never posted it anywhere and not planning to. And I planned to pair Harry with someone there (honestly, I don't remember who because I didn't write the plan down) but when writing, Harry ended up with a different character. And it was so strange to me because that never happened.
Like, how do you write a ship accidentally?
But I did. I wrote Harry into a ship by accident. So I went back to the books to try and figure out why the hell would my subconscious decide that's the way to go.
I'll also preface it by all this being my subjective opinion and I do read other Harry ships in fics, this one just quickly became my favorite to write (and the only one I write). Also, I don't actually think this is a pairing that should've happened in the books, it's place is in fic and that's where I like it.
So, the character I accidentally shipped with Harry is... *drumroll*
Stan Shunpike!
Not really, it's:
Theodore Nott
Now, you might look at the name and go: "Who the fuck is that?"
And you'll be correct. Theo has 0 speaking lines in the entire book series. His name appears twice. He, himself, as a person, only appeared on page, like, 3 times in the background. The scene that gives the most information about him is other characters talking about him. He isn't even present.
That being said, I'm very good at extrapolating a lot of information from very little evidence. So allow me, to walk you through who is Theodore Nott and why I ship him with Harry.
Basic Information
So, let's start with the most basic overview before I pull out the quotes and go any deeper.
We know Theo is a Slytherin student in Harry's year. So he likely shares a dorm with Draco, Blaise, Crabbe, and Goyle.
Theo's father is both at the graveyard at the end of GoF and in the Department of Mysteries at the end of OotP, so we know he is a Death Eater. We also know Thoe's father was one of the first and closest Death Eaters to Voldemort, who waited for him during his interview with Dumbledore in 1967:
“Then if I were to go to the Hog’s Head tonight, I would not find a group of them — Nott, Rosier, Mulciber, Dolohov — awaiting your return? Devoted friends indeed...”
(HBP, page 444)
We also know the Nott family is "as pure-blooded as the Malfoys" according to JKR in an interview. We also know Theo's great-grandfather (maybe? the family relation isn't clear), Cantankerus Nott, is suspected to be the one who wrote the Pure-Blood Dictionary, the book that coined the term "Sacred 28" and made that list (which the Nott family are on).
The name Nott is potentially to be derived from the name Nótt, which is the personification of the night in Norse Mythology. So it has been theorized the Nott family have a Nordic origin. Possible, but it doesn't really matter for this post.
What does, is that he comes from a dark, Death Eater, blood-purist family similar to the Malfoys. Even so, Theo never took the Dark Mark and never joined Voldemort in the books.
Now, that we have the basic information out of the way, let's look at Theodore as a person.
All the details I could gather from the books
Alright, now we get to the fun part. That is, me going through all the relevant scenes that mention Theodore Nott and actually creating a character psychoanalysis out of basically nothing.
So, the quotes aren't organized in a particular order. I'm just going to explain Theo and then explain why all this makes me ship him with Harry.
“Well, I pity Slughorn’s taste. Maybe he’s going a bit senile. Shame, my father always said he was a good wizard in his day. My father used to be a bit of a favorite of his. Slughorn probably hasn’t heard I’m on the train, or —” “I wouldn’t bank on an invitation,” said Zabini. “He asked me about Nott’s father when I first arrived. They used to be old friends, apparently, but when he heard he’d been caught at the Ministry he didn’t look happy, and Nott didn’t get an invitation, did he? I don’t think Slughorn’s interested in Death Eaters.” Malfoy looked angry, but forced out a singularly humorless laugh.
(HBP, page 150)
This is a part of the conversation between Draco, Pansy, and Blaise, Harry overhears when he is hiding in their compartment at the beginning of HBP. I have a few things to note regarding this scene.
Firstly, throughout this conversation, Pansy, Blaise, and Draco all call each other by their first name. This shows closeness, they are all friendly and familiar enough to use their first names with each other. Theo, though, is referred to as "Nott" by all three in the compartment.
He doesn't actually sit in their compartment which is in itself a sign about how he isn't really friendly with Draco's group. Considering the group is most of his year from his house, Theo is likely very lonely, and it will be apparent from other scenes I bring up later.
Secondly, Theo's father is in Azkaban. We know Draco is bothered about his own father's predicament. He mentions it to Harry and bothers him over it, Theo doesn't though. Theo doesn't seem to be bothered by Harry or his father's incarceration.
The only conclusion I can draw from this is that the relationship between Theo and his father is not a good one.
(I know some fics like to have Lucius be abusive towards Draco, for some reason. But the books really don't back this up. Lucius loves Draco and Draco adores his father)
Theo, though, Theo seems to be the one with a very strained relationship with his father. Strained enough that he isn't bothered the man is in Azkaban. What I'm saying is that Theo's father likely abuses or mistreats him in some capacity.
If anything more was needed to complete Harry’s happiness, it was Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle’s reactions. He saw them with their heads together later that afternoon in the library, together with a weedy-looking boy Hermione whispered was called Theodore Nott. They looked around at Harry as he browsed the shelves for the book he needed on Partial Vanishment, and Goyle cracked his knuckles threateningly and Malfoy whispered something undoubtedly malevolent to Crabbe. Harry knew perfectly well why they were acting like this: He had named all of their fathers as Death Eaters
(OotP, page 583)
This is a scene at the end of OotP after Draco, Crabbe, Goyle and Theo's fathers were caught at the ministry and sent to Azkaban because they are Death Eaters. There are a few important notes about this scene.
The first, Hermione knows Theo, while Harry and Ron don't really. This means she likely knows him from the classes she takes and Harry and Ron don't — Arithmancy and/or Ancient Runes.
The second, he is sitting with other Death Eater children, but I don't think it's by choice. I mentioned in the previous quote how he isn't close to Draco and his crew. He sits with them here mostly because he doesn't have another choice. Theo doesn't seem to really have any friends, so he sits with the closest people he has to friends — kids he has known since he was young because their fathers were in the same circle.
The other note about this is that Crabbe, Goyle, and Draco are all mentioned as being threatening and malicious towards Harry because they don't like that their fathers are in Azkaban. Theo, though, Theo doesn't threaten Harry, he isn't part of their whisperings. As I mentioned above, he's likely happy his father is in Azkaban.
A pair of blank, white, shining eyes were growing larger through the gloom and a moment later the dragonish face, neck, and then skeletal body of a great, black, winged horse emerged from the darkness. It looked around at the class for a few seconds, swishing its long black tail, then bowed its head and began to tear flesh from the dead cow with its pointed fangs. A great wave of relief broke over Harry. Here at last was proof that he had not imagined these creatures, that they were real: Hagrid knew about them too. He looked eagerly at Ron, but Ron was still staring around into the trees and after a few seconds he whispered, “Why doesn’t Hagrid call again?” Most of the rest of the class were wearing expressions as confused and nervously expectant as Ron’s and were still gazing everywhere but at the horse standing feet from them. There were only two other people who seemed to be able to see them: a stringy Slytherin boy standing just behind Goyle was watching the horse eating with an expression of great distaste on his face, and Neville, whose eyes were following the swishing progress of the long black tail.
(OotP, page 445)
“The only people who can see thestrals,” she said, “are people who have seen death.”
(OotP, page 446)
The stringy Slytherin boy mentioned here is Theo. This scene proves that:
He takes Care of Magical Creatures
He saw someone die
Let's explore the second one for a moment. The fact Theo can see Thestrals means he watched someone die and was old enough to comprehend what he was seeing. We also know Theo's mother is dead. So it's likely the person he watched die was his mother.
I also want to draw attention to Theo's distaste towards Thestrals. He could likely see them carrying the carriages every year since 2nd year, it's not his first time seeing them. But it doesn't stop his displeasure with their sight from showing. Which says something about him. It means he likely recalls his mother and her death whenever he looks at the Thestrals. and these are memories Theo rather not experience.
We don't know how his mother died, but I'd hazard a guess it wasn't natural. After all, wizards have long life spans, they are more durable to illness and injury, and don't usually die from accidents unless very extreme or magical. And there was no epidemic of dragonpox (a disease that does tend to kill wizards) in the time since 1980 and the books. So, she was more likely killed at some point between 1985(ish) and 1991.
“No, I don’t think so, sir. I’m Muggle-born, you see.” Harry saw Malfoy lean close to Nott and whisper something; both of them sniggered, but Slughorn showed no dismay; on the contrary, he beamed and looked from Hermione to Harry, who was sitting next to her.
(HBP, pages 185-186)
First, Theo is an O student in potions since he is in the potions NEWT class, and was probably meant to be there even if Snape was the teacher.
Second, again, Theo doesn't really have friends. He sits next to Draco as the only other Slytherin in the class. Also, they share the circumstances of being sons of Death Eaters currently in Azkaban. Although both of them seem to deal with it quite differently.
Third, Theo joins Draco in making fun of Hermione's blood status, but he does not initiate it. Considering the environment he was raised in and is in, it makes sense he would make fun of it. Whether he's a blood-purist or not, he would want to keep his image considering he doesn't have many allies. Hanging out with Draco is survival, not friendship. They aren't even on a first-name basis with each other.
“Amortentia doesn’t really create love, of course. It is impossible to manufacture or imitate love. No, this will simply cause a powerful infatuation or obsession. It is probably the most dangerous and powerful potion in this room — oh yes,” he said, nodding gravely at Malfoy and Nott, both of whom were smirking skeptically. “When you have seen as much of life as I have, you will not underestimate the power of obsessive love. . . .
(HBP, page 186)
The final quote I have about Theo is from the same potions class as above. Both he and Draco are portrayed here as underestimating amortentia and its potential damage. It makes sense for their upbringing in the Wizarding World, which has no real laws or regulations regarding love potions that are seen as harmless fun more often than not.
I'll add Theo likely didn't witness a healthy romantic relationship. Considering his father is a Death Eater who is likely abusive and may or may not have killed his mother. With this as his reference to a marriage, it's clear why he'd look down on love and love potions.
Why I think Theo and Harry have potential
Okay, so now that we know who Theodore Nott is, let's talk about why I ship him with Harry.
I think Harry, in general, would get along best with a clever partner with the ability to be ruthless (Slytherins or Ron fall into this category). Because Harry isn't some golden savior; he casts unforgivables, and is very willing to poison Umbridge or Crocio Snape if he could get away with it. He needs a partner that won't be horrified by these thoughts.
Also, Theo literally never speaks on page. Even when spoken to, his reactions are silent. I think this quiet and no need to talk, the ability to be comfortable in silence, is something that would be comfortable for Harry. Harry in the books finds himself annoyed with Ron and Hermione's constant banter on occasion, so I think it fits well.
Theo would also be comfortable around Harry without a need to play a certain part. Because Harry wouldn't care about that. He would honestly rather Theo forgo the pure-blood Slytherin act.
I feel like Harry and Theo, have a good potential to understand each other. Theo lost his mother and likely experiences abuse from his father. It makes them very likely to trauma bond over their crap life and shared experience. Two out of three only ones who could see the Thestrals in the entire class.
The other thing I feel they could connect over is being lonely. Harry spent all his childhood until Hogwarts basically being on his own. Theo stayed on his own. Draco at least has his parents, he has other students he's closer to, not that he shares everything with them, but he has some support network. Theo has none. And this is something Harry knows well.
Theo, I think, wouldn't expect anything specific from Harry. He doesn't even interact with him, not to mock him, and not to idolize him, he doesn't care at all. And we know how much Harry appreciates being thought of as Harry and not as the Boy-Who-Lived. Theo would allow Harry to be himself without some mold he wants him to fit in.
The fact Theo never becomes a Death Eater, even though he was in Draco's year and his father was a Death Eater before Lucius (and in better standing than Lucius with Voldemort) is so interesting. It's somewhat surprising Theo wasn't marked. It means he didn't want to be. It means that Theo Nott didn't want to torture and kill muggleborns or blood traitors, or anyone really. And he didn't want to swear his allegiance to Voldemort. This is just a fascinating fact to me and something I enjoy considering. What life experience made him come to that conclusion? Was it just his dislike of his father that pushed him away? Could he have been another Sirius Black (Gryffindor in a Slytherin family) under slightly different circumstances? I mean, Voldemort likely wouldn't force him to become a Death Eater, but would his father? I don't know what at all went down there, but I like that potential story.
We also know he wasn't part of Umbridge's Inquisitorial Squad, even though some minor Slytherins were mentioned to be part of it. He just seems to be an actually decent guy (I don't care what Cursed Child says about him, I know he's there but I avoided almost anything to do with Cursed Child so I barely know the plot).
Finally, this is a character Harry doesn't have as much drama to get over with. Yes, sometimes I want to read overcoming drama between characters before it becomes a romance, but sometimes I want something chiller than that. And Theo is a really chill, safe, Slytherin option for Harry.
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norris-lando · 9 months
it's nice to have a friend
Lando Norris x reader, mentions of Charles Leclerc x reader
warnings: smut, angst, fighting, breakup
author's note: Soooo... This was inspired by so many songs, I'm not going to list them all but the songs are by Taylor Swift, Gracie Abrams and Sabrina Carpenter. It's a longish one with a few twists. I hope you like it! :)
word count: 6.1k
school bell rings, walk me home, sidewalk chalk covered in snow, lost my gloves, you give me one, 'wanna hang out?', yeah sounds like fun
You went through your camera roll and found the perfect pictures, adding them to your post. Under them you wrote, 'Bestest birthday to my partner in crime!!! 🩷 I love you and can't wait to celebrate your special day with you soon xx'. You made sure to tag Lando and pressed post.
The two of you had known each for what felt like forever. Growing up next to each, you spend most of your childhood playing at your house or his parents cabin during your shared family trips.
Throughout the years you knew each other, everything always stayed the same between the two of you. Your relationship never changed or shifted. You stayed friends no matter what and whatever either of you went through in life, you knew you could trust the other with it.
It was always nice to know you had someone standing in your corner.
When Lando became more well known in the media, people obviously started to question your relationship. Or more so if you really were just friends. You were known for your online banter, posting pictures of each other and just the kind of all around 'act' you two had. And sure, it could sometimes seem like there was something more going on but it was never the case. Making it easy for the two of you to just brush off those kind of allegations.
But when Lando started seeing someone, a special someone, you couldn't help but feel just a little jealous. Not that you would ever admit it to him, you pushed those feelings away the best you could.
You were just friends after all, right? And nothing could ever come between you.
we were supposed to be just friends, you don't live in my part of town but maybe I'll see you out some weekend, depending on what kind of mood and situation-ship I'm in and what's in my system
It was Lando's birthday party. Everyone was invited.
You walked in to the bar and searched around the room for a familiar face. It was jam-packed but soon enough you spot the birthday boy himself.
Lando was leaning against the bar, waiting for a drink he had just ordered. A smile appeared on his face when he saw you and he waved for you to come over.
For a moment you could swear he was eyeing you in a way he hadn't before. The way someone might when they see someone they like. But you assumed it was nothing as you made your way over to him. He was dating someone else anyway so nothing could happen between the two of you even if you wanted to.
A part of you wondered where his new girlfriend was. You hadn't yet seen her anywhere although you had assumed she would have been all over Lando. Usually that was always the case and sometimes you even felt bad for Lando. The poor guy was trying to exist but his girlfriend was always there, lurking around some corner, not wasting any time to cling herself to Lando's side. However, not wanting your mood to affect your night, you pushed away the thought of his girlfriend.
Lando had taken it upon himself to order you a drink, knowing full well what you wanted. He pushed it towards you, sliding it on the countertop. He still had that stupid big but cute smile on his face. You pulled him in for a tight hug and congratulated him yet again on his birthday.
"Thanks," he mumbled as he held onto your body. You could have stayed like that all night but you pulled away soon enough. The smell of his cologne still lingering in the air around you.
You couldn't help yourself. You had to ask. "Where's your girlfriend?" The music was loud so you had to yell. And the smile on Lando's lips finally seemed to shy away a little.
"She had a work thing she couldn't miss," he said sheepisly as his gaze went around the room. As if looking for a way out of what could easily became a really awkward conversation. "Come on, let's go sit down. The rest of the grid is waiting for you." Lando took your hand and led you through the crowd of people.
In the back of your mind you kept feeling like Lando was rushing to keep the conversation away from his girlfriend and you couldn't help but wonder why it was so. You kept the thought to yourself however as you let Lando guide you to a more secluded section of the bar.
Everyone was so happy to see you. You squeezed yourself in between Lando and Charles on the small couch and set your drink on the table.
Tonight was going to be one special night, you thought to yourself as you looked around and relaxed. If only you'd know exactly how special this night was going to be...
You weren't sure how many drinks you had downed by the end of the night but it was enough to get you drunk. And when the night was nearing to its end, the only thing on your mind was fast food and a comfy bed to sleep in.
You had went around the party saying your goodbyes to everyone before you went to find Lando and tell him you were going to head home.
"I'm coming with you," was all he said. Before you could argue back, tell him that he should stay - it was birthday party after all - you found yourself outside waiting for your ride that Lando had arranged.
You slipped into the back of the taxi with Lando trailing in after you. He gave the driver the adress before closing the door and joining you in the backseat.
The ride back felt fast and suddenly you found yourself stumbling up the steps to your door. Lando held you tightly by the waist making sure you wouldn't fall over. A giggle left your lips as his hands were holding onto you, tickling you somehow.
"What's so funny," Lando asked. It was dark inside your apartment but you could make out Lando's features and saw a small smile on his confused looking face.
Another giggle came out. "You," you blurted just as you felt your legs about to give in. Lando caught you just in time, picking you up in his arms, whispering something about taking you straight to bed.
"We'll get that take out tomorrow morning," he told you, referring back to your cab drive where you had told him you wanted fries and a cheeseburger.
You tried to convince him that you weren't that tired yet. That you could handle some food before passing out but he didn't listen to you. Instead, Lando led you straight to bed.
Upstairs, Lando opened the door to your bedroom. He put you down gently on one side before moving the covers and telling you to roll over. You did as you were told and snuggled under the covers.
"Please stay with me," you whispered gently as Lando was about to leave the room to go sleep on your couch.
Your words made Lando froze for a moment, contemplating if it was a good idea. He had never told you but he had had feelings for you for a while but never acted on them, thinking you only saw him as a friend. Hope arose in his chest when he heard your words.
But things were different now. He was in a relationship and couldn't act on his feelings, no matter how much he wanted to.
"Stay," you said again, more pleading this time and Lando couldn't help himself. He climbed into bed with you and turned on his side so that the two of you were facing each other.
A smile was playing on your lips as you looked at Lando. He was smiling too.
You tried to control yourself but you leaned in a little closer, scooting over to him so that your lips were only inches away before you closed the gap and kissed him.
Both of you were taken aback by what just happened. You soon however relaxed into the feeling. Lando's hands moving over your body as the kiss grew more passionate with each passing second.
There was a nagging feeling in Lando's chest. He was going to regret this in the morning but he couldn't help himself. He had wanted you for so long as more than a friend.
It didn't take long before your clothes were falling on the floor. Lando climbed on top of you, holding his body up with his arms. The two of you stared at each other as if you were not sure what to do next, not knowing where this moment was going to lead to.
"Are you sure?" Your voice felt small around the tension in the room, both of you knowing full well what you were referring to.
"I'm sure," Lando whispered back as your lips crashed together. You wrapped your arms around his neck and gently grabbed his hair, pulling, keeping him close to your face. It felt like no matter how close you were together, it still wasn't enough.
Lando pulled away from your kiss. A groan left your lips at the loss of contact. You were almost pouting, thinking this was it. That Lando had changed his mind, come to his senses and realised that what was going to happen wasn't right.
It didn't last long as you soon felt Lando make his way down, leaving wet kisses behind all over your body. He made his way in between your legs and placed a small kiss on your clit. This time it was a moan that escaped your lips. Your hips buckled upwards, showing Lando how eager you were.
There was a vibration, Lando was chuckling. "Let me take my time," he said as his fingers went up and down your wet pussy before pushing first one, then two, inside you. He was curling them as you felt them hit your g-spot. You were soon a moaning mess under his touch.
"Please- Lando, I want-" You couldn't finish your thought as you felt Lando's movements become faster and faster. He shushed you as he hoisted himself back up, his face inches away from yours.
"I want you too, so bad," he told you as you could feel his cock on your entrance. It didn't take long before he pushed it inside you.
Lando was moving his hips back and forth. The two of you moaning and groaning loudly. Everything felt so surreal and so good and you wondered why you hadn't confessed your feelings to Lando before.
It didn't take long for the two of you to finish nearly simultaneously, your orgasms leaving you both breathless. Lando collapsed next to you as you tried to catch your breath.
You turned your head so that you were looking at him. Lando was on his back, a small smile playing on his lips. You scooted closer to him, letting your head rest on his chest. Lando wrapped his arms around you and pulled you even closer. He placed a small kiss on the top of your head and soon the two of you were fast asleep.
friends breakup, friends get married, strangers get born, strangers get buried, trends change, rumors fly through new skies but I'm right where you left me
The morning after Lando's birthday party, you woke up to the sound of birds chirping outside your window as sun peeked through the closed curtains. There was a pounding in your head as memories from last night flooded your mind but you couldn't help but smile.
You rolled around in your bed, turning on your side so that you could face Lando who you'd remembered had fallen asleep in your bed after your shared night together. But to your surprise he wasn't there. The bed was empty apart from you and it suddenly felt cold.
You listened closely for a moment, thinking Lando must have gotten up and went to make you breakfast. Or maybe he, too, had a pounding headache and a horrible hangover and he had gone to rummage around your cabinets in the search of a cure.
Taking your phone from the bedside table and going over Instagram and other social media, you got up from the bed and made your way around the house. Lando was nowhere to be seen and you got a sort of nagging feeling. Or maybe it was more of sickness in the pit of your stomach. You weren't sure if it was the hangover or the guilt from your last night actions but you knew you had to rush to the bathroom before you threw up all over the floor.
Days passed and you hadn't heard from Lando. Each day, you tried to call him, leaving him multiple voicemails and texts but he didn't answer any of them. You felt angry. Betrayed. Lando knew what he was doing that night. He told you he was sure. He had said to you that this was what he wanted. And now what? Had he changed his mind and now wanted nothing to do with you? It felt unfair to you. Had you really lost your lifelong best friend over a stupid, drunken mistake?
If you had known that this was how it was going to be, you'd never gone to that stupid party. You would have stayed at home alone. At least then you would still have your best friend.
she looks nothing like me so why do you look so happy, now I think I get the cause of it, you were holding out to find the opposite
Instagram had become your worst nightmare. In fact, all of social media had become your worst nightmare. You had tried your best to stay away from it all but somehow you always found yourself on Lando's pages, trying to make out what he was doing and who he was with whenever he posted something.
And then one night just as you were about to put your phone away and stop your stalking you saw something you wished you could unsee.
A picture of Lando and his girlfriend was staring right at you. You couldn't look away so you stared at the picture for a godawful time, embarrassed at your own behaviour. Lando had taken his girlfriend to Paris and now you could see for yourself just how happy the two of them looked together, posing under the Eiffel Tower.
Thoughts were racing around your mind but one struck out more than the others. She doesn't look anything like me so why is he looking so happy? In fact, she looked exactly like all those girls you had spent the better half of your teenage years making fun of with Lando.
The feeling of betrayal came rushing back. Why did he get to be all happy and in love? He was the one who cheated. Why were you the one who was suffering from the consequences? It wasn't fair.
you say 'I don't understand' and I say I know you don't, we thought a cure would come through in time now I fear it won't
It had been a few weeks since you had last seen or spoken to Lando. To be fair, you had been busy with your own work and hadn't really even managed to make time for anything else. Still, knowing the possibility of running into him during the Silverstone GP was enough to make you feel sick.
Your absence at the races hadn't gone unnoticed by the rest of grid. They had all already gotten used to your presence at almost every GP and now that you weren't there, it felt like something was missing.
So, one night as you had been at home, making yourself dinner after a long day at work, you were surprised to see Charles text you. He had started to worry about your absence and wanted to know if everything was alright and if you were going to make an appearance at the British race during the weekend.
Maybe Lando hasn't told anyone about your shared night together, you thought, maybe he regrets what happened.
The two of you ended up calling, finding it easier to speak over the phone rather than text, racking up an impressive few hour long phone call. Which, much to your dismay, had ended with you promising to go to Silverstone the following weekend. Charles, however in hopes of making the appearance easier for you, had promised that you could stay at the Ferrari Garage the whole time. Making it less likely for you to see or run into Lando, or his girlfriend for that matter.
And though the idea of going to Silverstone wasn't all that high on your list of things to look forward to, you still felt glad after talking to Charles. It felt good to know that there was someone willing to listen to you talk about your feelings regarding Lando. Charles seemed to understand and you were thankful for that.
You hated to admit it but it had started to feel like Lando wasn't really understanding where you were coming from. The ball had started rolling when you ended up sleeping together and it felt like Lando left you all alone in that situation.
There used to nothing that could come between the two of you. Now? Now it felt so tiring to try to make things right. Your feelings regarding everything were nothing but an imposition to Lando.
You had done all that you could. You tried to make amends, to talk to him about what had happened. But he wasn't fighting on the same side with you anymore - he was behind the enemy lines. And he was losing you.
and part of me wants to walk away 'till you really listen, i'd hate to look at your face and know that we're feeling different, 'cause part of me wants you back but i know it won't work like that, huh?
It was a sunny day in Silverstone. You were walking around the paddock, making your way to the Ferrari garage where Charles was probably already waiting for you.
"Hey," a familiar voice said behind you. You froze in your tracks for a moment before turning around to see Lando. You didn't know what to say or how to react so you just stood there, dumbfouned.
"It's been a while, huh?" Lando tried his best to mask the guilt he was feeling with a small chuckle but wasn't sure he managed. He took a step closer to you as you took a step back at the same time. "Look, y/n, I'm really sorry-"
You cut him off before he could say anything more. "Don't apologize, Lando, please. It's been hard enough as it was. There is no need to make matters worse."
To be honest, you were surprised by your own words but they were all true. It had been hard knowing Lando was out there somewhere living his life without you. These last few weeks had felt like you were stuck, unable to move on. Maybe that's what it's like losing your bestfriend, you had thought.
"Make matters worse- Y/n, what are you on about?" Lando's words cut through like a knife, making it seem like this was all your fault. "I wanted to apologize for ignoring you but it seems like it's not me who should be apologizing right now."
Anger was boiling inside of you. You couldn't believe Lando's arrogance. And though, you didn't want to cause a scene, you couldn't just stand there in silence.
"I'm not sure what dreamland you're living in but if I remember correctly we both agreed to do what we did the night of your birthday party. So, you can't put the blame all on me." Silence. You thought about your words - the ones you had just said and the ones you were about to say. "I knew it was a mistake but I didn't wanna believe you would think that, too, cause I love you and I thought that maybe you'd feel the same way."
Lando looked unsure. Like he didn't exactly know what you meant. Of course he loved you too, you were his best friend and had been since the two of you were kids. That hadn't changed during recent time apart and Lando was certain it would never change.
But then it clicked and he suddenly understood it all too well. Guilt rushing to him as he realized his mistake. He had, more or less, accidentally led you on.
He never meant to hurt you but that night and morning after felt like a blur to him. He was afraid and just bolted before you woke up. Why he didn't answer all those times you tried to call and text, he couldn't provide an answer for. He felt bad and once enough time had passed, it was harder and harder to make things right.
"I didn't come here to ruin your day so I'll just get going," you had started to walk away now but still called out to him with your back turned to him, "have a great rest of your life, you dickhead."
Lando stayed still for a moment, processing your words. Did you really mean that? Did you really not want to see him anymore? Have anything do with him? Had he really lost his friend, his best friend, over something so stupid?
If only Lando could go back in time, he'd make things right.
and I fell from the pedestal, right down the rabbit whole, long story short it was the wrong time//pushed from the precipice, clung to the nearest cliff, long story short it was the wrong guy
The summer break had started. And after the mess at Silverstone, you and Charles had grown closer. Though, you had always been friends, now that Lando was out of the picture, Charles and you spent even more time together.
He had taken Lando's place in your life. The two of you going out to dinner, having movie nights and just all around spending time together.
At first it was all platonic. Neither of you really looking for anything more than just friends to share the ups and downs of life with. But something happened and you two started dating. Agreeing to take things slow in order to avoid a catastrophe.
It was strange for a while but it felt nice to have someone you share everything with now that Lando wasn't that person for you anymore. You started to feel happier each day and it was all because of Charles.
The thought of Lando still stung whenever it crossed your mind. It wasn't easy to leave him behind. You had grown so accustomed to him being there for you through thick and thin. And sometimes it felt almost like the ultimate betrayel, replacing him with Charles. But you made your peace with it just as Lando had made his when he chose to walk away that one morning.
so we could call it even, you could call me 'babe' for the weekend, 'tis the damn season, write this down
It felt like a bad dream when Charles told you. A couple of guys from the grid had made plans for a little get-together over the summer. And though usually you'd be excited to spend time with everyone, now you dreaded it.
"We don't have to go," Charles said reassuringly when he saw the look on your face. "Or I can go alone, whatever's fine with you." He was so sweet and kind and considerate, and you felt bad about not wanting to go.
The two of you had managed to keep your relationship sort of private so far but you had talked about the possibility of going more public. With only a few of your closest friends aware of your situation so far, you figured this was a great way to catch everyone up.
So, with slightly gritted teeth, you agreed to go with Charles to the get-together. Nothing bad could happen anyway, right? You were grown ups. You and Lando could handle being in the same room together. Besides, you had both moved on. Maybe this could be a good time to try to reconnect with a certain, and once very dear, old friend.
The night went on quite nicely. Everyone was so happy to be there, to see you. Everyone but Lando. The second you got there, you could see something was bothering him. You tried to ignore it, deciding it was for the best. You told yourself he could come talk to you if he wanted to.
You were outside the venue, looking out at the sea, admiring the view. You heard someone walk over and take a stand next to you. You didn't bother to look, you knew who it was.
"I'm happy for you," Lando said sheepishly.
"Are you?" You didn't mean for it sound so accusing and you hoped Lando didn't pick up on it. You didn't want to fight anymore. If anything, you wanted your friend back.
"Look, I'm trying my best here."
"I know. Me too. I'm sorry," you offered with a small smile.
Lando smiled back at you. The two of you exchanged apologizies, going back and forth with who to blame for your fall out. It came to an end when you finally agreed it was probably just as much both of your fault.
You felt happy for the first time in what felt like forever. Though you were happy with Charles, this was different. You felt like maybe you finally had your friend back.
"I broke up with her," Lando said after a moment of silence.
You walked closer to him, hesitating for a while before you pulled him in for a hug. He didn't have to say how he felt, you knew.
"Do you remember when we were like 5 or 6 and you tried to make me feel better after I found out that Brad from school didn't like me back? I was heartbroken."
Memories pulled you back. You came home from school, tears in your eyes as Lando trailed behind you. He was calling your name but you ignored him. So he ran after you, catching you just as you were about to walk inside.
"And I promised that when we grew up, I'd marry you and love you so much that you'd forget about stupid Brad," he said finishing your trip down memory lane. A chuckle escaped his lips as he pulled away from the hug.
"Yeah," you started, "I guess if things had been different..."
Something stopped you from finishing your thought. But Lando knew what you meant without you even saying it. There was a sting in his chest. He had almost lost you and he didn't like the feeling. He didn't want to risk doing something that would end with you walking away from his life completely. Even though deep down he had started to feel like being friends wasn't enough anymore.
Or maybe it never had been.
"There you are," Charles called out to you. "I've been looking everywhere for you."
You took a step back from Lando, startled at the sight of Charles. You had almost forgotten about him.
"Oh, yeah, sorry," you hurried, "I just needed to get some air."
Lando was hovering by your side as Charles' gaze flicked between the two of you. He had a knowing smile on his face. He was happy to see you two getting along. It had pained Charles to hear you talk about Lando. Charles knew how close you were and he hated seeing you and Lando in pain.
It was awkward for a moment. None of you saying or doing anything until Lando broke the silence.
"I should get going," he offered you a small smile and patted Charles on the shoulder as he walked past him, leaving you and Charles alone.
Charles walked over to you and you extended your arms to pull him in for a hug. You buried your face in the crook of his neck and he placed a gentle kiss on the top of your head. The two of you exchanged a few words about the night before you walked back inside.
do you remember, happy together, I do, don't you? // thought you'd hate me but instead you called and said I miss you, I caught it
You had left Monaco to visit your parents back at home in London before you, too, had to get back to work.
You didn't know it but Lando was in London as well. He had a good relationship with your parents, having spent most of his childhood with them almost as much as his own parents. So, one night as you were getting ready for bed, you heard a knock.
"I'll get it," you called out to your parents as you made your way to the front door.
Lando stood there with a smile on his face. "Hi," was all he said as he couldn't help but burst into a laugh as he saw your confused look.
"What- What are you doing here?" You turned to look behind you before you took a step forward, closing the front door quietly. You were happy to see Lando though you certainly weren't expecting him to show up unannounced.
He gave you a shrug, "I heard you were here and I wanted to see you before the break ended."
Lando could see you weren't exactly happy with his explanation but he didn't care. He didn't want to wait any longer. He wanted to tell you how he felt about you. About everything. This was his grand romantic gesture.
The two of you ended up sitting on your parent's front porch for hours. Talking about everything that had happened over the summer, the conversation at first being very casual.
"Look, y/n, I-" Lando started but couldn't find the words. He took a deep breath, hoping to find courage with the inhale. "Okay, here goes-
After what happened that one night, I was a mess. I didn't know what was right so I just ignored you. And then I saw you with Charles and you seemed so happy and then we talked and I-
I love you, y/n, and not just a friend. And I know you're with Charles and I don't wanna come between you but I just can't not tell you how I feel. I already messed up once by not telling you so I just can't not say this right now."
Silence filled the air. You kept your eyes fixated on Lando but didn't say anything. You barely dared to breathe, afraid it might cause an explosion.
After what felt like an eternity for Lando, you got up from your spot. A fear crept down Lando's spine. This was it, he thought, now he lost you for good.
"I should head to bed, I have to get up early tomorrow," was all you could say. Thoughts spinning in your head, you were sure you wouldn't be able to get any sleep but you were certain you couldn't sit here any longer.
Lando got up as well and just stood there in silence as he watched you make your way inside.
"Goodnight, Lando."
With that, the door closed right in front of him and he could feel his life shattering into a million little pieces.
and i guess we fell apart in the usual way and the story's got dust on every page but sometimes i wonder how you think about it now and i see your face in every crowd
The sun was setting over the horizon. It was warm and the sky was painted in a beautiful color. It was a perfect ending for a perfect day.
You had your arm wrapped around Charles' as your head rested on his shoulder. The two of you walking down the streets of Monaco after having a nice dinner at a nearby restaurant.
You were happy but there was an unexplainable sense sneaking in slowly. It felt like a fire that was burning you inside out that started after you and Lando saw each during the grid get-together. And it kept getting worse and worse, your secret rendezvous in London not helping.
Charles came to a sudden stop. He had his gaze fixated on you, a look of concern plastered across his face. You thought maybe he had said something but when you asked, he just stood there quietly now holding both of your hands in his.
"Y/n, I've really enjoyed this time we've spent together," Charles started and you knew where this was going.
"I really care about you and like you, don't get me wrong. I wouldn't change a thing that has happened. But I can see how Lando looks at you and how you look at him."
Charles let go of your hands and there was an empty feeling left. You tried to say something but Charles pulled in for a hug.
"I don't wanna stand in between you and Lando, y/n. And I'm not angry or sad. I want what's best for you."
You understood where this was coming from. And surprisingly, you didn't feel sad, either. Your time with Charles had just ran its course. There was no bad blood between the two of you. Surely, you could stay friends after all this.
The two of you pulled away from your hug. Charles had a small smile on his lips that you reciprocated. Everything was okay.
The rest of your evening was spent walking around the streets aimlessly. Neither of you wanting to let go of these final moments together as something more than just friends but less than lovers before you ultimately had to.
small talk, he drives, coffee at midnight, the light reflects the chain on your neck, he says look up and your shoulders brush, no proof, one touch but you felt enough // you are in love, true love
The rain was pouring down with force and you were soaking wet. There was a tenseness in you as you stood outside Lando's apartment shivering, wondering if you should knock.
The door in front of you opened suddenly and you stood face to face with Lando. This time, the surprise was evident on his face as a small smile crept on yours.
"Hi," you said carefully, as if inspecting the situation.
It was getting cold in your drenched clothes and you were starting to shiver. Lando noticed that and rushed to pull you inside. He didn't want you to catch a cold, though he still didn't have any idea as to why were standing outside his apartment in the first place.
"Come on," he said, not wanting to push things but instead allowing you to say whatever you wanted on your own terms whenever you were ready. "Let's get you some dry clothes."
You followed Lando through his home, taking in your surroundings as if it was your first time visiting. As if you hadn't once spent almost half of your time here, with or without Lando. It felt strange to be back but it also felt like coming home.
Lando rummaged through his closet. You were fidgeting with your hands, nerves building up with each second.
"Here," Lando threw you pieces of clothing, "try these."
You caught them and stared at the clothes in your hands.
"You can go change in the bathroom if-" Lando started but you cut him off.
"I love you," was all you said before taking a deep breath. "I love you and I don't mean that as just a friend. I've loved you for you so long now and I hope I'm not too late in telling you this."
Silence filled the space. There was a gap between you and Lando but it soon closed as Lando rushed over to you, pulling you in for a kiss. His hands cupped your face and you relaxed into the warm feeling.
"You have no idea how long I've been waiting for you to say that," he said as he pulled away, his hands still on your cheeks.
A wide smile spread on your lips as you looked in to Lando's eyes. It felt like a dream to be standing here, after all this time and all that hardship it took you to get to this point. But you were happy. You both were happy. And in love.
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gffa · 9 months
saw someone say "dickbabs is bad cuz they're written as a stereotype of smart nerd/dumb jock which is a disservice to their characters" and its so weird cuz i cant think of any comics where they're written that way?? like the best comics of them are the ones where they're working on cases together combining both of their strengths and resources to solve crime and theres plenty of those.
also i've noticed so many dickbabs antis have a problem with barbara's intelligence in general which is odd to me. esp when dick himself is never intimidated nor threatoned by it and its sad. its like ppl claim to like girlboss/malewife couples but then when there's actually a couple that displays that dynamic in a way that matters and isnt just based on appearance or physical traits its too much and they back out!
I just wish certain Dickbabs antis would stop putting their "why this other pairing is so much better than DickBabs" stuff in the #dickbabs tag, like you are not helping me think better of your competing ship with that kind of behavior, it just comes off as so desperate to be mad that other people like something you wish they wouldn't like. Otherwise, I don't really wander into spaces that aren't into the things I'm into, because I'd much rather spend my time yelling about why I DO love the thing I love, so in that vein, LET ME TELL YOU WHY I LOVE DICKBABS SO MUCH. (To be clear, it's perfectly fine not to like the ship or like it in a different way, we'll still get along fine! It's not the sum total of EITHER character's role in the comics, there's plenty to talk about them without getting into this relationship! I'm just not here for those who need to go out of their way to shove it in my face that they don't like the ship, but disliking it and staying in your lane--as many, many lovely people do! the majority I would even say!--is of course fine.) (To further clarify, I don't know the context of the original post mentioned here, it's not part of anything I'm speaking of, this is purely about trying to shove it in others' faces, not about how other people interpret ships differently from me while staying in their own lanes. So I'm probably not speaking about the original post whatsoever here!) For me, I think the heart of their bigger relationship is built on their mutual support for each other, that they each have established themselves individually and have their own books and their own time in the spotlight, but they keep gravitating towards each other because they're better and stronger and more fun together. That each of them gladly takes their turn being the support for the other, because that's what relationships do! And they do it with such love, like-- I love them because they've known each other so long that they really get each other, they get that the other isn't perfect, and they've made the choice to be with that person even when their issues have thorns. Like, I loved everything about their conversation in Nightwing #96:
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That is exactly what he needed to hear--she wasn't being cruel or dismissive of his issues, she wasn't even really being mean about the issues he picked up from Bruce, because she's right, Bruce does have some really shit traits that he passed on to his eldest. She's not saying that either he or Bruce are bad for it, she's just accepting that it's part of the man she loves and she'll cut through it with him because he's worth any effort it would take to be with him. I love that she laughs right in his face about breaking up, because that's not cruel or dismissive either, it's just Dick being ridiculous and sometimes it's part of his charm and they've always teased each other--the thing is, it's also always followed up with warmth and care, she asks him point blank, are you happy with me? Because you are allowed to be happy. I'm allowed to be happy and I'm happy with you, you're worth dying for, let's do this together. Or I love their earlier dynamic in the Batgirl comic as well, just after Bruce and Selina's failed marriage (this is before they got back together, like in the above):
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I love SO MUCH that Babs isn't sure that she necessarily wants a marriage any time soon, she doesn't trust yet that it could last, but what she does want is someone who would be there if she needed them, that at this point in time she feels like moments are all any of them are allowed to have, so what she wants is someone who will always answer when she calls. At this point, she's afraid to commit because she doesn't feel like they get that kind of thing, she's afraid of her own feelings, that really gets hammered in during the Death Knight storyline where they're fighting against the end of the world, the collapsing of the multiverse, and Bruce is tired of their bickering, so he tells them to just "skip to the end", which is basically, Dick wants to symbolically marry her, but she's afraid because she doesn't want her feelings for him to get in her way, she's terrified of losing him again:
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But he's there for her, he says that it's just for tonight, he can put it aside when they need to, and later he'll win her back. This is who Dick and Babs are to me--they dance around each other because their feelings are so intense and sometimes it feels like they're on different pages (Dick's a romantic who wants to get married someday and knows it, she isn't sure she wants marriage but something less defined), but then you dig into it a bit and realize they are on the same page, it's just that their costumed lives, the traumas they've both lived through, make them scared of that level of intensity. And that's why Babs being the one to say, once they're together, no, we're happy together, we're allowed to be happy together, is so important. It's why she refuses to not come along with when Dick is going to the founding of the Alfred Pennyworth Foundation and doesn't take his shit about trying to keep her safe in Nightwing #88.
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Because they take turns supporting each other, they take turns being the one to say I love you so much that I would fight the world for you, that they make each other stronger and shore each other up. Even before they got back together, they supported each other and were always there to listen, to joke around to lighten the mood, to just be a friendly ear without expectations of anything else:
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Plus, they are adorable when they're flirting:
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Ultimately, I love them because sometimes she goes to him. Sometimes he goes to her. Sometimes she cuts through his bullshit with love. Sometimes he cuts through her bullshit with love. They're always there for each other, even when they're not together. They have a blast flirting with each other. They're both aware of the other being a hot mess sometimes, but they know that's part of the person they love and deal with it. They're partners.
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glassartpeasants · 4 months
Run Rabbit Run .07
Yandere!Eustass Kid x F!Reader
Warnings: Angst, mentions of death, reader having vivid nightmares, reader having a crisis, Kid being the insane fuck he is, Tashigi and G-5 being real ones, little happy moments???
A/N: I will defend all of G-5 will my DYING breath. Only Marines that I don't hate
music playlist
tags: @rebeccawinters @iggy5055 @dairygrrl @childconnoisseur @menifire1092 @tremendoushorsepatrolgoth @nerdgeekandeverysweet-blog @sydneyyyya
pt.1 pt.2 pt.3 pt.4 pt.5 pt.6 pt.7 pt.8 pt.9 pt.10
You pace back and forth in the infirmary. The sound of your shoes hitting the floor was nothing compared to your speeding heartbeat. Nothing like this happened at all when you were with Kid. So why now that you’ve escaped, has it shown up? Why did this have to happen?
Biting your knuckles, you try to ignore the agonizing feeling in your gut. The universe obviously wasn’t done screwing with you if what you feared was true. Not to mention how it’d affect everything good going on in your life.
“Take a deep breath and sit down, okay? Stressing isn’t gonna help.”
“How can I not stress?! What if it’s exactly what we think it is? What if I really am…”
“Pregnant?” Tashigi’s voice cuts into your skin as soon as the word leaves her throat. It felt like a fresh stab to your heart. Hearing the word out loud only made the fear all the more real and strong.
“I can’t even hear the word without being nauseous.” Taking a seat next to Tashigi on the infirmary bed, you put your head in your hands.
“What am I supposed to do? I still have four months to get to Sabaody. Not to mention, I wouldn’t be able to fulfill my promise to you and Vice Admiral Smoker! A pirate on a Marine ship was pushing it, but a pregnant pirate on a Marine ship? He’ll probably dump me somewhere since I won’t be able to fight alongside you guys like I promised…” Tears start threatening to spill from your eyes as all the worst-case scenarios start playing through your head. 
“Vice Admiral Smoker would never! Sure, he’s a little rough around the edge, but he’d never kick you off for something that you can’t control.” Soft tears slip from your cheeks as you listen to her words.
“Do you think the Straw Hats will take me back? I know you're a Marine, so your answer might be biased, but…”
“If they don’t, you can come back to G-5 and join the Marines!” You giggle slightly.
“If push comes to shove and they don’t take me back, you're gonna be stuck with me.” Tashigi smiles at you brightly, which makes you smile in return.
Yet there was still one cripiling fear that resurfaced and continues to resurface no matter how hard you try to forget it.
You remembered what Kid said when you told him that the Straw Hats would save you. The rage in his eyes, when those words slipped from your lips, made you fear for any future you might have that didn’t involve Kid. If he made a statement about the Straw Hats without a second thought, would he do the same to G-5? He’s violent in general, but you can’t imagine how violent everything would get if he got his hands on the people who helped you hide from him.
“What should I do though? What if I really am pregnant?” Tashigi was quiet as she thought about how to answer.
“Would it look like him? Have his facial features or hair? Could it look like me?”
“I don’t know. Only time will tell if or when the baby arrives.” You lay your head on her shoulder as you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. 
“We’re stopping at an island tomorrow to gather supplies. We could go to the hospital there to see what the fully certified doctors have to say.”
“What about the bounty on me from Kid?”
“We can disguise you? I’m sure we can try to hide as many identifiers as possible.”
“I guess. Let’s hope that it works.”
Sitting still, you let Tashigi mess with your appearance. The two of you have been in her cabin for what felt like forever just to disguise you. She had you put on one of her long-sleeved shirts under your Marine uniform to hide the scars along your arms.  
“What if we put a small part of your hair in front of your eye/scar to hide it? It’ll look a little weird, but it’d be less eye-catching than a bandage.”
“Alright, sounds good.” The two of you stand up and begin to make your way to the ship’s deck.
It was a beautiful day outside when you left her cabin. The sun shined down and watched you walk beside Tashigi as you passed the rest of G-5, who were getting ready to grab supplies. Your legs feel weak as you struggle to walk down the ramp. The sound of bustling passerby’s and the talking of the crew from behind you only makes your nervousness worse. The overwhelming feeling of anxiety swallowed you whole as you finally stepped foot off the dock and onto the green grass. Hearing your shoes glide against the grass for the first time since Sabaody made a small upturn of your lip. A tiny ray of happiness in the dark of your anxiety and fear. 
“Look mom! It’s the Marines!” Looking to your right, you see a small boy and his mother. He tugged on his mom's arm to try and bring her closer to you and Tashigi. The boy held such a cute smile as he ran up to you.
“I wanna become a Marine! I can fight and kick pirate's butt!” His eyes held such a bright light that it was impossible not to be as smiley as him. Crouching down slightly, you watch as the little boy rolls on his heels.
“Is that so? Are you sure you got what it takes, little man? Are you brave enough to also fight the weather?”
“I’m brave! I’m not afraid of anything! The weather is nothing!” The little boy’s excitement made your heart skip a few beats. For a living being so small, he has so much happiness and life inside him.
“Tell ya what, come back in a few years, and we’ll be happy to have you join.”
“Why not now?” A cute pout played against the boy's face.
“To get stronger, of course! Plus, wouldn’t you miss your mommy if we let you come with us?” the boy turns around to see his mom smiling at him. He ran to her and wrapped himself around her. He said something, but it was muffled by his mother's clothes.
“Thank you for giving him a second of your time. I bet you guys are busy, so we should be off. Do you wanna say goodbye to the Marines, baby?” Lifting his face from his mother's clothes, he waves to you and Tashigi with the cutest smile.
“Byyee...” You both walk in different directions after waving back, the sound of the giddy child ringing in your ears.
“Said like a true Marine.”
“Best pirate Marine the world has ever seen.” You whisper rhyme, and it only makes Tashigi laugh.
“I think you’ll be okay (Y/N).” She whispered back, making you turn to look at her.
“I think you’ll be okay. You seem good with children. Your caring personality really shows.”
“OH! Well, that's only one child! Plus, I might not actually be pregnant! The universe might have just wanted to scare me…” Laughing awkwardly, you think about what the doctor and their tests would say.
While making your way to the hospital, it seemed like you passed by every child on the island. Kids from 13 all the way to infants. All of them with happy parents giving them the love they deserve. The joyful giggles made a small smile crack along your lips. 
Yet, it soon disappeared as you unconsciously put your hand to your stomach. All those children with happy lives with healthy caring parents. If you really were pregnant, the child’s life would be nothing like the ones living on this island. It’d be constantly on the run along side you. That can’t be healthy for a baby right?
“Looks like we’re here.” The big sign saying ‘HOSPITAL’ made you swallow the lump in your throat as you walked through the front doors right beside Tashigi.
It seemed like everyone and their grandma was here today. Almost the entire waiting room was full. You get in line behind a man and wait for your turn as Tashigi goes and sits down. Once it got to your turn though, you feel your hands start to sweat.
“Hi, welcome to Halyard Island Hospital. What can I do for you today, Marine?”
“Oh, um, think I might be pregnant, but I want a doctor to check it out before I jump to any conclusions.” The receptionist started typing before she asked for your birthday and name. You start to internally freak out before remembering that you don’t have any records on yourself. Why not just give her a fake name and date of birth?
“(....) (......) is my name and my birth date is (.........).”
“Alright, you're good to go. Have a seat, and the doctor will be with you as soon as possible.” Giving a small nod, you go sit next to Tashigi, who has started to read a magazine.
“What are you reading?”
“Judging the ugly fashion choices.” You let out a snort, hearing her words.
“Didn’t know I was in the presence of a fashion designer. Mind if I judge with you to learn your skills?” 
“I’m feeling generous, so I guess I can take in an apprentice.” The two of you laugh as you look down at the magazine. It was refreshing to have a small burst of silliness instead of fear and panic.
It felt like twenty minutes before your ‘name’ was called. Your heart beats against your ribs as you and Tashigi follow the doctor. The world seemed to spin as you walked along the halls. The familiar nausea you’ve been having coming back.
‘My luck is nonexistent.’ Holding the wall, you try to walk normally. Thankfully, Tashigi notices and helps you walk to the room. Once entering the room, you sit on the paper-covered bed as Tashigi sits on the chair next to it.
“So it says you think you're pregnant but want a doctor to confirm it?”
“Yes.” Sitting down at the computer, the doctor starts to give you a check-up.
“When’s the last time you had intercourse?” You can feel your face burn, and Tashigi lets out a snort. 
“Two or three months ago? I believe?”
“Did you have your cycle during that?”
“Mine can be irregular, so I thought nothing of it at first, but it’s been a week since it should have started, and nothing has happened.”
“Okay. Any symptoms? Nausea, fatigue, frequent trips to the bathroom, weird food cravings, body ache, anything like that?” Listing them out, the doctor said them in the most calming way. She’s probably dealt with people like you, coming and going all the time.
“All of the above, except for the food cravings.”
“Yet.” You snap your head to Tashigi, who’s smiling at you while holding back a giggle as she tries to make you laugh. Even the doctor let out a quiet laugh.
“Well, we have tests that we can use cause while it sounds like you could be pregnant, it’s better to be sure.”
“What kind of tests?”
“Blood and urine. The urine one is usually more correct and takes less time.”
“Alright. That one, then.”
The doctor had left to bring the sample to the lab, leaving you and Tashigi alone again. You lay against the bed and stare at the ceiling.
“What should I do if it’s positive? The sea is no place for a child to grow. Especially the New World.”
“You have months to think about it if you are. Don’t overwhelm yourself, and think about it all right now.” Tashigi was probably right, but it still scratched away at your mind.
“Do you want to be pregnant?”
“No. If it was another man’s baby, then maybe. But we both know whose child it’d be if I am.” Tashigi stays silent and lets you talk.
“A child deserves a happy home. With loving parents. Not someone like me. I already have so much shit to deal with from what happened, and adding a child to the mix wouldn’t be fair to them. Having a mother who has problems all the way to the ozone layer.” Just as Tashigi goes to speak, a knocking interrupts her.
“The test results came back.” The doctor's voice had you holding your breath as your heart jumped in suspense.
“And?” Sitting on the edge of your seat, you both look at the doctor.
“It’s positive! Congratulations! Your gonna be a mother!” You knew the doctor didn’t know your story, so you're not mad at her happy news delivery. Instead of what felt like a punch to the chest, was an overload of feelings. To many to name, so all you can do is let the tears start pouring harshly.
Your sobs didn’t shock the doctor, so you thought she must have concluded that you were crying tears of joy. Which they definitely weren’t. Each tear felt like battery acid sliding down your skin. This was supposed to be a happy moment. This was supposed to be a moment shared with your fiance. You were supposed to be crying tears of joy next to them, happy that you can finally have a family with the person you love.
But once again, this was just another moment in your life ruined by the man who took everything from you. Even when you were away from him, he always somehow had a way to remind you that you're never free of him. No matter where you go, he’ll always be next to you. In your mind or in person was for the universe to decide. And now, it decided that it wasn’t done with you just yet.
Walking out of the hospital, you're silent as you walk next to Tashigi. The doctor had given you a bag of things to help you on your ‘journey.’ Little things like booklets on what to expect, recommended medical items safe for mother and child, things to watch out for, and more. Didn’t help she gave you a bag with a pacifier on it. 
“You okay? You’ve been quiet since we left.”
“Just wondering what the fuck I’m gonna do. Not to mention when Vice Admiral Smoker finds out-”
“There's no need to worry. Everything will be okay.” Before you can respond, countless footsteps come running toward you. Looking up, you see some of G-5 rushing their way to the both of you. It caused a gust of wind to come rushing through and slightly move the hair covering your facial scar. Leaving it visible to the world.
“Shit.” You quickly try to cover it up and act normal, hoping no one saw you in your split second of weakness.
“Marines! What’s going on?”
“Pirates were seen sailing up to the docks! The others and Vice Admiral Smoker are there as we speak!”
“Alright, let’s go take them down! Contact the others and tell them we’ll be there as fast as we can!”
“Right away-” The Marines stop their words as their eyes train in on the bag in your hand. You can see the gears turning in their heads before it finally clicks. They all gasp and point to the bag like children.
“Stop pointing! We’ll talk about that when we leave the island! Contact Smoker!”
“Uh, right! Yes, Captain!” Everyone, including you, started running towards the docks to back up the Vice Admiral.
You don’t know how long it’s been since you’ve been staring at yourself in the mirror, but it was enough time for you to grip the edge of the bathroom sink and try to calm your breathing. 
It was difficult to look at yourself in the mirror. The person staring back at you wasn’t someone you recognized. The scar that covered your face laughed at you endlessly, as well as the ones on your arm that were currently visible while in your uniform.
You try to imagine yourself before the raid. Before the Straw Hats, before the scars, and before Kid. Would past you even know who you are? Would your fiance still love you if they saw you like this and were still alive? Still love you and all the mental, physical, and emotional damage you’ve received? And even after knowingly carrying another person's child despite it being out of your control?
Would anyone love you?
Who would want a broken doll when they can just buy a new one? Without all the cracks and damage it’s received along its journey? Not to mention, who’d want a doll with an ‘owner’ willing to kill anyone who touches what’s his?
People would be afraid to even get close to you, let alone love you. What sane person would dare love something that could get them killed? Why love something that can’t go one day without crying or trembling when a certain thing is said or done? Why love someone who carries the child of the devil himself?
The sound of tears hitting the sink brought you back to the present. Your breathing was ragged as you tried to calm yourself down so no one would hear your sobs. Biting your lip, you look at your teary face in the mirror. Your hands shake as your knuckles turn white from how hard you were gripping the sink. But even through your blurry vision, your eye caught sight of the bag on the counter that the doctor had given you earlier that day.
“This shouldn’t be how you come into the world. You should be able to grow up carefree with a stable parent. Not me, who can’t even go one night without waking up in a cold sweat from nightmares. A child shouldn’t have to move from place to place just to make sure his crazy father won’t kidnap him and his mom. I’m so sorry that I’m going to be the one you call mother. Please forgive me…” Quiet hiccups and sobs bounce off the walls and can be heard from outside the bathroom door. Even trying your best to be silent, your woeful cries caught the attention of your comrades.
“Man, this is kinda painful to hear. She’s being really hard on herself.”
“Never thought I’d feel bad for a pirate yet here i am.”
“What will those Straw Hats think?” Hushed whispers were exchanged among the Marines before all went silent as soon as a shadow of a man loomed over them.
Wiping your tears and shoving down yoru emotions, you grab your bag before opening the door.
“Sorry for being so long I-”
“Is it true, rookie?” Vice Admiral Smoker’s voice made your stomach drop. Did Tashigi tell him? Or at least tried to?
“Vice Admiral Smoker! I didn’t know you’d-”
“Is it true?” You looked up at him, and all you could do was nod as you tried to hold back the rest of the emotions you shoved away moments ago. But it didn’t matter. He could see your trembling lips and glassy eyes.
“So Tashigi was right.”
“I’m so sorry, Vice Admiral! I promise I’ll still do everything you want! Please don’t kick me off the ship! I’ll still fight in battles, anything you want I’ll still do!” Your begging only caused pity to fill Smokers body. Watching you beg for a simply a place of refuge confirmed that you were indeed pregnant. Normally, he’d never let a pregnant woman on his ship. A pregnant pirate nonetheless, but were you even a pirate? That ‘bounty’ ad wasn’t a government issued one, the whole world thinks almost everyone died on your island, including you. They basically have no record of your existence except the ad that Kid had put up for you. And based on what he’s observed, you seemed perfectly contempt when you lived as a civilian before everything went down. You simply feel like you owe your life to the Straw Hats. It’d probably be the same way if it was the Marines that saved you the first time. But they wouldn’t have let you get kidnapped again, but there was nothing that could change the past.
“I’m not gonna kick you off. You're not going out fighting pirates, but everything else will stay the same. Not going easy on you just cause you're pregnant.” He could see the relief fill your eyes at his words.
“Thank you so much! Thank you, thank you!”
“Now quit your crying and go to the dining hall. Foods done.” Sniffling a bit, you smile as you make your way to the dining hall. While it didn’t soothe all your worries, knowing you’d be safe here and Smoker would let you stay helped soothe those knawing thoughts.
The day was going great so far, no bad weater in sight, clear skies and the breakfast for the day was your favorite! You did have to tell everyone the news about your pregnancy and while it was hard, they all seemed very supportive. No one treated you differently after hearing the news which you greatly appreciated. The last thing you wanted to be reminded of was being pregnant. It’s easier for everyone in the world if it only stayed between you and G-5.
“Uh (Y/N)? Have you seen today's paper?” Another Marine came up to you with the paper in hand.
“No? Is something wrong? Did Kid up the bounty again?” 
“Not exactly…” Handing you the paper, you open it with a questioning look. But as soon as your eyes scan the front page, they blow wide open.
“Kid! Open the door!” The first mate of the Kid pirates banged on the metal door of his Captain's workshop. When the paper bird had delivered the daily paper, he expected the paper to be as bland as it has been the past few months. Same old, same old. That was until he looked at the front page of the paper. Instead of the bounty ad, there was a picture. A fresh picture of you.
‘Eustass Kid’s Darling, (L/N) (Y/N), Spotted on Halyard Island?’
He didn’t even read the article that accompanied it before making a dash to his friends workshop. This was finally a clue as to where you might be. Finally something to get Kid to shut the fuck up and prevent him from destroying more things in fits of rage.
“Fucking christ Killer! What do you want?!” As soon as the red-headed man opened the door, the newspaper was shoved into his chest.
“Look at the front page.” Scoffing, Kid uncrumples the paper, giving his friend a quick glare. But Killer could see the insane glee in his eyes when he read the front page.
‘The woman the entire New World has been looking for has finally been spotted! She was last seen leaving a hospital on Halyard Island disgused as a Marine! Unknown whether its a real Marine uniform or not. A gust of wind blew her hair away which hid her facial scar, making it visible for the world to see and identify her! Let’s not forget what she seems to have clutched tightly in her hand! Could this mean the cruelest pirate of the worst generation might be a father? Only time can tell.’
“Of course, it’s the fucking Marines who hid her! Always getting in my damn business. Killer! Set course to Halyard Island!”
“Already told Wire on my way here.”
“Good. Board and search any Marine ships we see on the way there. If the Marines are hiding her, then we can’t take chances and let them slip past us.”
“You do know what this means, right?”
“Yeah, I get what’s mine back.” Killer hit the back of Kid’s head.
“Ow! What the fuck?!”
“It means pull your head out of your ass! If it’s true, if (Y/N) is pregnant, that means you're going to be a dad. Any enemies other than the Marines will want to kidnap and hurt (Y/N) and your possible unborn child. We already knew the risks of putting out the ad. It's to let our enemies know that you have a weakness. But now she could be in even more danger when pregnant. We need to get her before she gives birth understand?” Rubbing the back of his head, Kid realized Killer was right. Your safety was in danger even more now that his enemies knew that you might be pregnant. Not to mention, what are the Marines gonna do with you and his child?
The thought of him being a father finally hit him a full force when he invisioned the moment he got his hands on you again. He’d get to see your belly grow with something the both of you created. The child would be the thing that keeps you with him forever.
“Do these journalists not have any souls?! Who would want to snitch on an escapee?! Truly heartless.” Tashigi rubbed your back as you cried into your hands. How could your luck grow so sour?
“I knew I shouldn’t have taken that dumb bag! Now the whole New World knows about this stupid fucking child!” Tashigi lets out a sigh. 
“I’m sorry. It’s no one’s fault this happened except the person who took the picture. Not yours or the unborn baby.” Wrapping your arms around your tummy, you sniffle. 
“I’m sorry. I just…This should be an experience I share with someone I love. I should be talking about baby things with joy and eating gross, a combination of random food, not fearing for my and the baby’s safety twenty-four-seven. I should be able to sleep without having nightmares about their father's eyes.” Tashigi stays quiet as she continues to try and soothe your troubled mind.
“What if they look alike? What if the baby’s a spitting image of him?” 
“You’ll be able to turn them into something Kid isn’t. Make them kind and loving. Have them be the person Kid can never be. It’ll be like starting a new. They aren’t just Kid’s child. They’ll also be yours.” Rubbing your eyes, you nod in agreement, trying to convince yourself that what she spoke was true.
“You're right. Thank you, Tashigi.”
Hours later and your still thinkning about Tashigi’s words. How the small thing growing inside you wasn’t just Kid’s, it was yours too. You had the power to make sure that the insanity ends with Kid. 
But even with her words, your heart and soul still burned in rage and sadness. Knowing that the child you thought you’d be raising happily with your fiance was in fact the offspring of satan himself. A product of lies and bloodied hands.
An eerie sense of lonliness surrounds you making yoru skin prickle and the tips of your fingers tingling. You run your hands along your upper arms to try and warm yourself, maybe to even stimulate a hug. Just something that could make you feel less alone.
Even though you have the G-5, you still felt like you were fighting alone. Why couldn’t you have just gone home and have your mom and dad still be alive? Waiting for you on the porch, your fiance running out from the house to pick you up and twirl you around. Kissing you repeatedly and crying out how much they loved and missed you.
Yet, even with all the crying, pleading, and denial, you know that you’ll never feel your fiance’s touch again. Never hearing your parents telling you how much they love you. You couldn’t even remember what they looked like or sounded like anymore. Cause all you see and hear is him.
Even in your day dreams he was there. Invading every part of your mind. You could be imaging how you used to dance with your fiance, only for kid to take his place. He’d grab you and hold you close while laughing. Forcing you to dance his macrabe seranade.
You could feel tears slide down your skin as you now realize its no longer your fiance’s touch that your body craves, it’s his. Those times where he’d envelop you in his coat while he held you. Times where his kisses were nothing but burns along your body.
Clenching your fists tight, you feel the feelings you tried so hard to destroy resurface. How can five months of amensia battle against two years of pure hatred? What did Kid magically do that made you fall in love with him? Why was there still that sliver in your heart that made you miss him? After all he’s done to you, why does your body still miss his touch? Why did your heartbeat quicken every time you remember how he gently ran his fingers through your hair when he was drunk and starting to pass out?
Curling up in a fetal position, you just silently cry yourself to sleep as you wished for the positive feelings for Kid would decay and disappear.
A low hum woke you open from your sleep as your eyes flutter open. The blur quickly leaving and you see a familiar room. A smile slips across your lips while you move your hand behind you. The feeling of silky hair touching your fingertips made you sigh as you softly started to run your fingers through it.
You just then notice the arms around you tighten and a kiss being placed on the crook of your neck.
“Morning, baby. Did you sleep well?” Groaning into your skin, you feel his words vibrate against your neck.
“Slept fine.” More kisses were pressed along your skin, which made your cheeks burn up.
“Dream about anything?”
“Well, I dreamt about you.” Turning to look over your shoulder, you see amber eyes staring back at you. Red hair slightly brushing against your jaw.
“Better have been good.” You maneuver your body to the point you're facing him. Placing your hands on his face, you chuckle.
“I dreamt about kissing this pretty face of yours.” A red hue covered the man’s cheeks as he looked at you wide-eyed.
“Aw, Eustass ‘Captain’ Kid is blushing! You're so cute when you blush.”
“I’m not cute shut up.”
“No.” You started placing kisses on each freckle that adorned his face. The heat of his cheeks were hitting your lips as he lays there frozen. With each kiss, you couldn’t help but giggle. You wished you were wearing lipstick just so you could see his face covered in pretty (color) lipstick. When you pulled away, almost his entire face was as red as his hair.
“Sappy little shit.” Pushing your face to his chest, Kid lays his own on top of yours. Being surrounded by his presence only, you felt safe in his arms. You can feel him hug you a little tighter.
“I’m not going anywhere. No need to smush me.” Laughing, you kiss his chest, only for Kid’s arms to tighten around you even more. It started to hurt as you couldn’t move. His strong arms pressing harshly against your ribs. 
“Um Kid? Your squeezing kinda hard and it hurts. Do you think you can lighten up a bit?” Instead of loosening his grip, Kid only tightens his arms around you more. It felt like a python was constricting you. The pressure felt like it was gonna break your bones.
“Kid! You're really hurting me! Please stop!” Pushing and squirming, you desperately try to escape Kid’s killing grip.
“How dare you think you can fucking leave me? Do you think I won’t follow you! Find you? You can never fucking leave me!” With your heart dropping to your stomach, you try to pinpoint his behavior. What the hell is he talking about?
“What are you talking about?! I’m right here! I haven’t left!” Just then, a SNAP could be heard, and a brutal pain was felt in your chest. He must have broken a rib cause the pain was unbelievable.
“I’ll kill everyone who takes you away from me. Those worthless Straw Hats and those puny G-5 Marines. No one takes what’s fucking mine.” More pressure is applied to your body, and it feels as if more bones are quietly cracking. It was starting to feel like your ribs were stabbing your lungs, making it hard to breathe.
“What are you talking about?! Who are you talking about?!” Fear coursed through your veins as you looked up at Kid. Your eyes widened, seeing the pure madness that swirled inside his eyes. With as much strength as you can, you try to use your devil fruit powers to electrify him just in hopes of getting him off. There was a quiet crackling before a loud ZAP was heard, and you see Kid jump back and fall to the floor off the bed.
Without a seconds waste, you jump out of bed and run out of the bedroom. Yet the second you open and close the door, your blood freezes at the sight your met with. Fire, smoke and black silouttes staring right at you.
“(Y/N)!” You didn’t have time to question. You had to run now. With fear coursing through your veins and electric static slithering along your body, you ran past the silhouettes and into the fire and smoke.
The heat and smoke made it difficult to breathe but the broken rib hurt more yet here you were running as fast as you can. It caught you off guard when you started hearing voices coming from the silouttes. No, not voices, screams. High pitched screams started playing from each direction. Women’s, children’s, and men’s screams were all around you. Not even covering your ears stopped the loud horrific screaming. It sounded like they were in horrific pain and agony. Begging to be free from this etneral hell their suffering.
“Running can only get you so far (Y/N)!” Still covering your ears, you try to zone out his words. The broken rib causes excruciating pain as you run away faster. Who was this man chasing you? Where was your Kid? This couldn’t be him!
A baby crying has you uncovering your ears and your eyes widening. In these flickering flames and deblilitating smoke a baby was crying! You move to the sound of the crying baby, hoping it wasn’t hurt. Running through the flames, you look desperatly, trying to find it before the flames got to it. The flames were already licking at your uncovered skin so you couldn’t imagine what it’s doing to a baby’s sensitive skin.
Finally you see a bassonett right in the middle of a ring of fire. Small hands reaching out trying to grab anything. Running to the bassonett, you bend down and quickly to see the baby in it. But the moment you see the baby’s face, your blood goes cold.
There was no face.
Watching in shock and horror as the baby continued to cry out. It had no mouth how was it crying? Reaching out with a shaky hand you gently touch the baby’s chunky finger. It wrapped it’s little hand around your finger and you could hear it’s cry’s start to stop.
The heavy sound of Kid’s footsteps  quickly reminded you of your situation. Without another thought, you grab the bundled up baby and begin to run. The cries soon resumed as you run through the fire and smoke. The screams of the silouttes got louder with every step you took. You tried to cover the baby’s ears to protect it from the screaming. 
“It’s okay, it’s okay, no need to cry, little one. We’ll be okay, alright? You’ll be okay.” Five fingers touched your scalp before the burning pain of your hair being pulled surged through your body. You were pulled back before falling on your butt. Opening your eyes, you try to see if the baby is okay, only to see it’s gone. Not in your arms, around you, and now its cries were gone. Like it never existed.
“Caught you, princess. Now let’s go.” Now it was your turn to scream as you tried to untangle his fingers from your hair.
“No! Let me go! Why are you acting like this?!” You feel Kid lift you to your feet, making you look up at him with watery eyes and a trembling bottom lip. He gives you a grin before responding.
“Oh, princess.” Moving his mouth to your ear, he whispers,
“I’ve always been like this.”
Your eyes blow open as you wake up in a cold sweat. Quickly sitting up, you move your head back and forth, preparing to see smoke and flames. Yet, to your delight, you were just met with the rest of the G-5 Marines, sleeping in their bunks peacefully. Placing your hand over your heart, you can feel your heart beat faster than ever.
With shaky breaths, you lay back down and stare at the ceiling. You’ve never had that nightmare before. Could it have to do with that you now know your pregnant you’ll start having more of those kinds of nightmares? Nightmares including a baby? Would the baby even have a face in the next dream? You didn’t know and didn’t want to know.
“I’ve never felt so much mischief fill my bones than right now.”
“It is pretty cool and funny.”
“Pretty funny and cool? It’s fucking awesome! I’ve got actual finger guns! Except they shoot electric shocks instead of bullets.” While training with Vice Admiral Smoker, you pretended to shoot a Marine who was passing by with your fingers, only for a shot of electricity to actually come shooting out of your fingers.
Smoker, you, and the Marine all stood there for a second to try and comprehend what happened before you started hyping yourself up for finding a new move you have. It has you counting how many moves you had and what names you should call them.
“Okay, so I have a move to cover my entire body with electricity. I’ve been able to make a ball of electricity when I focus hard enough and throw it. I got finger guns…and that’s it.” You thought you had more, but you just proved that you still have lots more to learn about your devil fruit capabilities. 
“Try making one of those electricity balls you were talking about.” Smoker's voice breaks through your inner thoughts.
“Of course! I’ve only done it once, so forgive me if it’s bad.” Taking a deep breath, you try to focus all your energy into your hands. If you did it once, you can do it again. Breathing in heavily, you feel the familiar tingling in your fingers.
Sizzling and snapping ring across the deck as you watch your hands do the same thing they did that night Heat told you, you had devil fruit powers. You can see your hands start to shake when the ball finally starts to materialize. Even with the ball being small as it is, it was difficult to make it stable. How did you do it so well the first time is unknown.
Just then, the ball exploded and the electricity shot out in all different directions. Thankfully no one got hurt but you immediately felt bad for putting other people in danger.
“Oh my god, is everyone okay!? I’m so sorry!” Smoker only crossed his arms.
“It’s fine. You might be able to make that a move, but it’s also dangerous to do around people. So practice that alone and do it when you're surrounded by enemies.” Nodding, you look down at your hands and see red burning lines along your skin. It must have been one of the downsides of your devil fruit. But the sound of a squawking paper bird has you looking up. The second you looked up, today’s paper came falling down before hitting you straight in the face.
“Ow! Damn bird!” Rubbing your nose, you grab the newspaper off the ground. Giving the bird the finger, you open the paper, and horror washes over you the moment you read the title.
‘Halyward Island Ransacked and Burned to Ashes by Kid Pirates!’
“What?! No way…” The picture that accompanied it was ruined buildings and smoke still fizzling from the ashes. Its monotone colors make the horror from the singular picture more gut-wrenching.
‘After recent news about Eustass Kid’s darling being spotted on Halyard Island, it seems the man himself decided to make an appearance to take back what’s his. But unfortunately, it seems his darling has already left the island! Some surviving islanders are mad that she came to the island while some don’t blame her. It’s a 50/50 split among the survivors. Will this be a one time thing or will any island be in danger if she’s spotted there?’
Lowering the newspaper, you look down at the ground with tears running down your eyes. You were completely silent as the tears slipped across your skin. Your hands shook as your horrified look tipped off Smoker and the Marine. It didn’t hit you that Smoker had taken the paper from your hands before you heard him cuss.
“What the fuck is this shit?! Ain’t no way they're blaming you for a pirate's insanity!” You see Smoker ripping apart the newspaper before throwing it overboard. He walked over to you with a stern look on his face.
“Listen here (Y/N), what happened on Halyard Island is not your fault. Journalists are all freaks who feed off the misery and suffering of others. Now tell me it isn’t your fault.” Letting out a few sniffles and shaky breaths, you repeat it back to him while wiping your tears.
“...it’s not my fault…”
“I didn’t hear you!”
“It’s not my fault.”
“It’s not my fault!”
“And don’t you forget it! We’re done for today.” Just like that, Smoker turns around and walks away. Leaving you and the Marine there.
“He’s right. It’s not your fault.”
“I should know that, but the guilt is killing me. It felt like I was looking at a picture of my home.”
“Maybe take a nap? Sleeping always makes me feel better, even if it’s just for a second.”
“I guess…” You rub your upper arm to soothe yourself as you make your way to the bunks. While being alone sounds nice to hide and cry, it also sounds horrible. It’d leave you with your toxic thoughts as the words on the paper replay in your mind every single second. You fear how true it was as you remember the little boy who came up to you. Was he okay? He was so sweet. You hoped he knew it wasn’t your fault.
When you made it to your bunk, you collapse on the bed and hold your stomach. A heartbreaking feeling overcomes you as the thought of the little boy getting hurt. He was a simple child, he shouldn’t have to deal with such destruction. Looking down at your tummy, you let out a shaky breath.
“Why can’t I accept it’s not my fault? I even tried disguising myself. If it wasn’t for the small gust of wind, then that island might still be okay.”
“I keep thinking about you and this whole pregnancy thing. I won’t lie to you. I’ve been thinking about once you're in the world, I was gonna put you up for adoption. It’d be better for both of us. I haven’t even met you, but I know you deserve a normal, loving home. A place where you can grow up without worries. A place you can grow up without me.” Your body begins to shake as more tears soon blur your vision. Biting your trembling lip, you try to collect yourself.
“I can’t take care of you. Not when I feel like I’m about to break down any second. I hate your father and want him to keel over and die. My hatred is something I don’t want you to grow up surrounded by. I want you to love the world. You could even try to change it for the better.” The silence after your words makes you let out a pitiful giggle.
“You're not even the size of an oreo, and yet I’m talking to you like you can hear me. God, I probably look so crazy talking to myself. Maybe I am crazy, maybe this is all a dream, and I’ll wake up at home. That’d be insane, huh? Everything I’ve ever known in the past two to three years just gone. And that's another reason why I cannot be your mother. I want that. I want this hell to be a dream. I want to go back to my home. Wake up and realize that this never happened.”
“I cannot be the mother of a child I dream doesn’t exist. I do hope you understand in the far future, why I’m making this decision. Please don’t hate me for it. I just want you to have a childhood so loving that your smile lights up a room. That even the worst of the worst can’t ignore or harm you in any way once they see your smile.”
“And while that smile is not something I can give you, know that I don’t hate you. I just know this is best for you. And what’s best for you…isn’t me.”
Another art piece lets gooo
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oxymorayuri · 3 months
𝐶𝘩𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝟷𝟹
𝐴 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑜𝑛 𝑡𝑜 𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑣𝑒 »
𝑇𝑟𝑎𝑓𝑎𝑙𝑔𝑎𝑟 𝐷. 𝑊𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟
𝐿𝑎𝑤 ✘ ♀ 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟
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𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐈𝐒𝐓: Aydana / lababa
Story: The princess of Tanata
(Long Fic)
➽ Click on this link to see all chapters.
Spoiler: nope
Warnings: not really, just some talking about Bepos bro.
slowburn with plot
Wordcount: 3194
Text in italics emphasizes the reader’s thoughts
Bold and italic text emphasizes Law's thoughts *~*
Tagging: @slytherinambitious - @sassyyassi - @norasincubi - @cottoncandyloverrrr - @one-piece-frvr7
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After the fight, you hang out on the meadow.
The sun shines through the tree crowns and a gentle breeze blows occasionally. Together you enjoy the peaceful evening and people chat in their little groups. Sanji came with Chopper and Franky and brought dinner for everyone.
The day couldn't be more beautiful.
After dinner, Brook played a song for the group, a song about pirate life. The pirates around you cheered and sang the song with their arms around each other. Although you don't know the lyrics, the cheerful mood makes you swing along and you clap to the beat.
Binks' Sake | Binkusu no Sake ♪♪♪ Yo-hohoho, Yo-hohoho Yo-hohoho, Yo-hohoho Yo-hohoho, Yo-hohoho Yo-hohoho, Yo-hohoho Going to deliver Binks' sake! We are pirates sailing through the sea! The waves are our pillows, The ship our roost Flying the proud skull on our flags and our sails ♪♪♪
You are amazed at how everyone can actually sing along to the song and the lyrics make you curious. After the performance, you watched the sunset together.
I wonder what it's like to be a pirate?
Your father has always made you so curious and the stories he and his crew told you have awakened a longing in you. It made you want to get to know life out there and sail the seas.
And for the first time in years, you feel this longing again, which you had shut off back then.
Why? Well, because you didn't want to sail into a world where people are both dangerous and cruel.
But with the crew before your eyes you are pretty relieved…
They give you hope that not all humans and even pirates are like that. They are not like the people from back then, as they have proven in the last days.
"Princess, what are you thinking about?" Bepo appears in your field of vision and pulls you out of your thoughts. He takes a seat next to you and looks up into the sky you were looking a moment ago. You get out of your position and lean against the furry mink. Your gaze returns to the sky.
"Tell me, Bepo, do you ever miss home?" - "Miss my home? My home is the Polar Tang!" He says proudly and hums a little laugh. His expression is very soft as he watches the passing clouds. He wraps a paw around you and pulls you closer to him and you snuggle up further.
The way you two snuggle together has already become quite normal. Often you've joined Bepo when you've seen him lying in the sun, in the quiet palace garden and together you've looked for funny pictures in the clouds.
"But if you mean the place where I was born, then I can tell you that yes, I miss my old home, but there was an important reason why I left my home island…" Although he lies calm and relaxed with you, you can hear the sadness in his voice. You gently brush against his paw and pat him. You look caringly into his eyes and he returns your gaze.
"But when I'm at sea with my crew, the Heart Pirates, home is everywhere." He covers up his sadness and gives you a little Eskimo kiss on the nose, which you happily return.
"You said that very beautifully." You can't help but hug the mink tightly with your thin arms.
"But why did you come up with that, Princess?" You look up at him with sparkling eyes.
"I've always wanted to leave this island and discover the wonders of the outside world, but my family and friends are here…" You look to the side a little nervously.
You leave out the detail that your grandfather would never let you sail off anyway. Never. Not even if he wasn't the king. But you are also quite uneasy. Because as mentioned, the world out there also has a dark side.
But you're still sure that your curiosity will outweigh this feeling and you would take the risk… if only you were allowed to…
You laugh to yourself a little longingly.
"Hmm, maybe you just haven't found the right reason, that makes you want to break away from your roots." Bepo speaks thoughtfully. You look up at him, a little confused.
A real reason?
This question is written all over your face and the polar bear giggles again.
"Yes. For example, I wanted to find my brother." - "Did you find him?" You look up at him expectantly, but the mink exhales deeply.
"No…" There it is again. That heartbreaking sadness in his soft voice. This feeling goes straight through your chest.
"Not yet." You add to his sentence as you take both of his paws in your small hands and bring them to your forehead. You close your eyes as you feel Bepo bury his cheek in your hair. You whisper a little prayer to yourself and break away from your pose to look into his beady black eyes.
"Your journey just isn't over yet, I firmly believe you'll see him again." You could literally see it in front of your own eyes. Like a distant memory, you could see Bepo embracing his brother. You felt happiness and relief, but maybe it was just your deepest wish that sparked your imagination… Who knows.
"Even as a child I always wanted to see a Sea King, I'd say that's my reason!" Your voice seems so enchanted that a small laugh escapes from the polar bear.
"Nah, that's a weak reason." Your gaze goes up and there stands Shachi who has just casually butted into your conversation. You look at him with a raised eyebrow as he devours a few cookies with relish and offers you one too. You gratefully accept one as he takes a seat in front of you.
"Uh okay. Weak?" Blushing, you look at him questioningly.
"Hey, don't say it like that…" Penguin stands behind him with his hands on his hips, and as he takes a seat next to the cookie devouring man, he pulls his cap over his face.
"Hey, what are you doing?! I was just telling the truth!" Offended, he frees his face and gives the man next to him a dirty look. Penguin, on the other hand, shakes his head.
"HOW you say something is the point!" He declares with his finger raised. Politely, he turns to you with a hand on his chest.
"The princess's reason is not weak… just too easy!" You furrow your eyebrows, just as confused as before.
"Easy?" you look back and forth between the two men.
Then you look up questioningly at Bepo, who shrugs his shoulders and is just as confused by what the two guys are saying.
For a while you watch the back and forth arguing between the two men. Shachi says that it's the same thing, while Penguin desperately preaches about manners. You can't help but laugh. The two of them are just too entertaining, it would be torture for you not to laugh. If you're honest, you weren't even angry about Shachi's choice of words. You were more curious as to why your reason was weak or rather translated; too easy. Penguin's behavior warms your heart and the two in front of you seem like an old married couple.
"Hey what's up with you guys?" You open your eyes, which you had closed because of your laughing fit, and wipe the tears from the corners of your eyes. You look behind the men, who freeze in the middle of their quarrel, to look up at Law.
"Captain!" Bepo shouts happily. "Penguin and Shachi are just arguing about whether the princess's reason is weak or too easy." The men look back and forth from Law to Bepo in total shock. Bepo's words are so out of the blue. He hums a little skeptically and sits down as well. Law tries to understand the whole thing, but can't quite find the context.
Princess-ya's reasons? Weak or too easy?
He has no idea what the situation was before he came along. He was just curious because he heard from afar, how the two guys were arguing and you were laughing at full force.
Law looked into the Mink's beady eyes and made it quite obvious, that he was expecting a better explanation but the Polar Bear didn't get his signals and just grinned happily at him, now that Law was here. (lol llittle fangirl.)
"We've talked about how everyone has their reasons for leaving home, to sail out into the world… And Penguin and Sachi share the same opinion, that my reason isn't really good?" You're still a bit confused yourself, as you don't really know what they mean by that, but at least you can clear things up for Law.
With a raised eyebrow, he nods as he looks over at the men.
"Okay… and what's the reason?" Even though he's facing the men, his eyes are looking at you.
"Sea Kings" you speak a little quietly. You're nervous about what his answer will be.
"Sea Kings?" he repeats your word, clearly surprised.
"Yea Sea Kings…"
"Yeah okay, I agree with those two. That is indeed too easy."
Now, not only Shachi and Penquin are the two who are open mouthed but you and Bepo join in the shock. Law, on the other hand, crosses his arms and grins with his eyes closed.
You shake your head. Now you really want an explanation of what that means. If Law even thinks that, then he has to explain it to you now.
"What does too easy mean?" - "You'll meet a Sea King pretty quickly."
"Oh, okay." - "Your reason is definitely a tourists reason."
You're caught off guard by Law's direct manner and and your eyes blink with confusion, as your jaw dropped open. Law finds your reaction quite funny and decides to tease you some more.
"What do you do when you meet a Sea King? What do you get out of meeting a Sea King and what comes after?" You close your mouth, as you really don't have an answer for Law, and break the eye contact.
"You have the desire to meet a Sea King, but it's not really a reason to leave everything behind…"
You're confused by the whole reason thing. Law asks you things you don't understand.
"Why do I have to need a reason? Can't I see the journey as a reason?" To your confusion, the black haired man just grins at you and adjusts his hat a little. When his eyes look into yours again, you are slightly startled. His gaze goes right through you.
"Of course." His agreeing makes you study him closely, you can't figure out his true thoughts.
"Not everyone needs a good reason to sail the world, but you do, since you have a reason to stay." He looks at you as if he has read you like an open book.
Perhaps he already knows you too well, as you have spent a lot of time together in the past few days. But you can't get a single word past your lips. Law is visibly amused by your speechlessness, as you're usually a pretty talkative person.
"You have to understand that people either have a reason to leave, or to stay. You may want to see a Sea King, but that's not reason enough to leave; what's your reason for staying Princess-ya?" Slowly you follow the riddle that Law speaks and see his message.
"My family." you answer him absently.
"See… so "Sea King" isn't exactly a good reason, because it's not enough for you to drop the reason why you're staying." Law raises his arms a little as if presenting the answer that is becoming clearer to you.
"Woah that makes so much sense it hurts." Exhausted, you let yourself fall backwards into Bepo's arm. He gently pats your head.
You do realize that you don't have enough reasons to leave your homeland. You have wishes, but you know that not all of them will come true.
Basically, Law just wanted to show you that it's okay to have a reason to stay. You may not realize that many of the people here have led lives that are far from your imagination and that they had no reason to stay… but he's not sure if you understood it that way. He just doesn't want to go into it any further.
And as Law feared, you didn't take it that way.
As you all make your way back to the castle, you think hard about Law's words.
You want to discover the world, but you're a little scared. If you leave, what will happen to your people? What if they get attacked again? You have a great responsibility in this country and don't have the luxury of living out your desires.
Your duties. That is the reason why you stay.
You are envious that you don't have the privilege of choosing over your own life. Your life has been prophesized, carved into stone and tattooed on your skin.
Your life has been lived thousands of times and you are destined to begin and end your life here.
Your heart is heavy but you are proud to be the priestess of Tanata, if it weren't for the desire.
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It's hard not to notice that your thoughts are elsewhere. You sip your tea absently while your grandfather and Delia talk about the current situation.
Grandfather had urged you to have a cup of tea with the family again, as most of your attention has been on the guests over the last few days, but the family shouldn't be neglected. You were a little annoyed.
If family is so important to him, why didn't he come and tell you in person?
When you came back to the castle, you went straight to your bedchamber... You just wanted to be alone and think about everything your pirate friends had told you.
You didn't even pay your grandfather a visit in his study, nor did you have your afternoon tea with Delia. These are things that are completely normal for you and your king noticed this unusual behavior immediately. He sent his butler that same evening to deliver "the king's words" to you. He wants to see you at tea tomorrow and you realize, that it's more of an order than a request.
Only ONCE did I not follow my routine and I was immediately addressed… Ughhh how annoying!
You angrily threw your pillows at the door that the butler had closed.
You're tired of doing the same thing every day and if it doesn't go the way you're supposed to, it's immediately pointed out.
Your whole life is planned. You already know what will happen in the future and even your funeral is already planned.
You will be buried next to all the priests, who were once the bearers of the devil's fruit. You have a statue that resembles you and the people of your generation will pray at your grave, when you pass away one day.
It makes you sad. You won't even be buried in the cemetery of the royal family... You won't lie next to your mother and father or get married... You are not your own person. You are just the holy child of the devil's fruit.
Your thoughts are running wild. The reason to stay is your destiny but your reason to leave is freedom…
But you are not sure if you are allowed to be free. You lack nothing here and you have everything one could dream of… You keep telling yourself that.
You pull your legs towards you and bawl your eyes out on your knees. But a twisted smile crosses your depressed face.
"I should be ashamed of myself." You know it's your duty and you're ashamed of your own desires.
Absently you look into the distance, your gaze as empty as your heart. Your thoughts dance the tango and the sides inside you argue about which path is the right one.
Your grandfather can't help but notice how you struggle with yourself, but he doesn't speak to you. He knows that if you want to talk, you will come to him. Forcing or pushing you to do something is never a good idea.
What an irony.
Because he is very aware of the weight on your shoulders. The expectation you have to fulfill… in the last week it has become clear that you have different feelings about your life. But he won't let you go, not because you have to stay. He can't let you go.
"Hey my angel, you're not saying a word today. Did something happen?" Delia brushes a strand of hair out of your face while she looks for the color in your eyes.
You feel like a stranger in your heart and exhale a little heavily.
"Not really."
Delia looks over at your grandfather, hoping for support, but he just watches quietly.
The table is filled with the most delicious pastries and food. All your wishes are always fulfilled without you having to do anything. Your life is so full that it makes you incomplete.
Do this, do that. Don't do this and don't do that. Be kind and friendly. Be elegant but smart. Be dignified but cunning. Be the most beautiful but the purest.
Love everyone but let no one alone own your heart. Sacrifice yourself but never die.
You are supposed to be so much and to your surprise you have always listened and obeyed. You fulfilled and even exceeded all expectations. You are holy.
But you are so much that you don't recognize your true face when you look in the mirror. Through your new friends you were able to realize that you are more than the praised child.
You are y/n. You don't want to be a princess or a priestess. You don't want to do the same thing every day. But you also don't want to leave anyone behind, neglect your duties and leave people who still mean the world to you without protection. You don't want to betray the gods, especially not after they've given you a chance. You don't want to disappoint anyone.
So is this the price you have to pay?
You are aware of what your heart longs for but you are stuck in some sort of identity crisis.
You can't have it both ways.
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A/N: Hey babes! I wanted to talk to you about something. I'm always happy when you guys want to know when I'm posting the next chapter. Seriously! I feel so honored that I want to shower you with kisses. I would love to post several times a week but unfortunately I'm an adult (silent weeping). Yes I know I'm not the only one of course lol but I'm studying and working 30 hours a week on the side. I'm a tired bitch XD Feel free to keep asking me when I'll post again ♡, but I just wanted to let you know that I'm a bit busy. Normally I try to post once a week but the blockade is messing it up even more >:( Oh no, writer's block? Yupp and I hate it! let me explain; I'm currently near the end of the first arc and even though I have so many ideas, I'm having a hard time letting my imagination run wild. I hate it. There's still some info to wrap up but when I read my drafts I don't feel like writing anymore... I'm dying to get started but the Tanata arc is our prequel and unfortunately it's a bit dry. Dry is fine, but only for wine. How many arcs are planned, you're probably wondering; Well, I don't have a real ending in mind yet, I'm enjoying the process and developing more and more new ideas to keep the story alive. At the moment we are in the "Tanata arc", after that I already have rough ideas for 2 more arcs planned. The second arc is called "Polar Tang arc" and the third "Dress Rosa arc" In fact, I'm sticking to the original storyline of One Piece but creating an alternative version. I know there's always the fear that the author of the story you like, will cancel the story but believe me… I'm just as excited about what's going to happen like u are. lol, like I'm not the author XD I have some pretty dramatic stuff planned and I would love to do a timeskip but unfortunately I have to finish the Tanata arc. We can't look into the future if we don't live the present as my mom would say. Ughhh.
See you next time, kiss kiss ♡
➽ Next chapter
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From Vormir, With Love - Part 3
Part 1
Part 2
Tags: strangers to lovers, love in space angst on earth, slavery mention, alien abduction, post Endgame, will add as we go on
Summary: As you're being chased you crash on Vormir. So far, so bad. But things take a turn when you come face to face with a marooned Black Widow.
Word count: 2.9k
A/n: i don't remember which gifs i used already fkdoslzkz anyway, enjoy guys lmao
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You awake in a silent room, everyone sleeping. Or almost. It's scary how quickly you notice Natasha's absence in the bunks or on the ground within the improvised beds. With a low groan, you sit up and look around to find her. And you do, she's sitting at the helm, one leg against her torso that she holds with her connected hands, her eyes fixated on the space advancing at speed around her. The colorful tapestry reflects against her like water navigating her skin, and you realize you could look at her forever. This too scares you. So you decide to face your fears head on and stand up to go talk to her.
"I'd prefer if you didn't put your boots on the seats," you whisper as to not awake anyone else. She looks up at you with those blue eyes and you feel your heart skip a beat. She offers a mischievous smile to you, before she puts her leg down.
"Stick in the mud."
"Better than mud on this… I want to say leather, but I have no idea if I'm honest." Her throaty laugh makes you smile and you hide it by looking at the console. You were doing good time, all things considered.
"I'll keep that in mind for the future."
Her teasing makes you escalate the situation. You refuse to back down now that you set up that boundary.
"You better remember."
"Or what?"
"Or I'll have to come for you," you threaten, leaning closer to her before you think better of it. There is a tension there, but you can't quite put your finger on it until she leans up, her eyes searching yours.
"We wouldn't want that," she says in… is that a flirty tone? No. No way. You were imagining things.
Things like a future after you're back on Earth, a very unlikely one, where she comes to visit you, or you go back in space together. Maybe you could be friends, or maybe… you stop your gay brain. 
Yes, Natasha Romanoff is a very attractive woman, but one who would never be interested in you. And she is an Avenger, an incredible human being, a hero - no matter if they never came to save you right now. It's crazy how much you already want more from her despite barely knowing her, which is why you decide to simply shelve these budding attractions that you can't call feelings yet. It's better that way.
You just need to get further away from her face. And you did. Very slowly.
"I'm glad we agree," you say, your throat suddenly very dry.
You hear a beep coming from the side and take a look at the controls. Apparently you just made it to the Universal Neural Teleportation Network. You look at the empty space before you, and give a look to Natasha.
"We need to wake up everyone to secure them for the jump." You stand up and start to shake a few of your passengers awake, ordering them around with Natasha. When everyone is secure, you sit back at your seat and send the signal to open the door to the network and go through. You feel the sudden speed pull at your inside uncomfortably and before you know it you're far from Vormir.
A few hours go by before you are able to see the outpost orbiting a gaseous planet. You slowly approach until you receive a transmission.
"Outpost Theta-3, decline your identity."
The voice sounds frantic, and you quickly notice you were far from the only ship approaching the outpost. Probably an after effect of half the galaxy appearing back suddenly.
"We're mercenaries, in need of a place to board."
"Alright. Bay E-12 starboard."
"Thank you."
You fly and park next to the platform you were given access to, quickly feeling the gravity dampener relaying your ship's thrusters. It was bumpy with all the ships coming and going right next to you, but it was still a success. You let out a sigh of relief, glad to be able to get out of the ship. After staying in for so long, you're starting to feel cooped up. Still, you let everyone know they can leave safely, and wait for the cleaning crew to go first. When you leave your seat and look behind you, Natasha and June are still there, waiting for you to get out of the cockpit. There are no words exchanged, and no need for them, but you're thankful they waited for you. You join them towards the open door and before the three of you come out, you hand Natasha a small chip.
"Universal translator. So far we all had one, but we might come across people who don't so…"
"Alright," she nods. "Can you…?"
"Ah, yes, let me…" you come closer to her and gently move her hair out of the way, your fingertips caressing her skin so you can attach the chip right behind her ear. She let out a breath, now noticing she held it in at your proximity.
You offer her a shy smile before turning back to the door and going through it, only to see your new friends were under the threat of weapons. Some of them are pointed your way once you go through the door. You quickly put your hands up and someone comes to you to get your weapons, including those Natasha have.
"You're under arrest for being a part of the Grafd Syndicate. Charges include theft, attack against the Nova Empire, slavery, and numerous other crimes," one of them say as he steps forward.
"I'm so glad I can understand them," she seethe with a look your way. Did she think you…? No, she has to know.
"Wow. Wait, no. We're not– we stole the ship, remember. We stole it to escape them," you address the man in front of you, as much as Natasha. You can't see if she believes you or not, too worried by the scan they submit you to. It isn't the first time something like that happens, but every time it puts you on edge.
The man who scans you reports the results to his superior, who examines them for a minute. Tension feels your back, and you want to flee but you know better. They'd shot you down in an instant. Luckily it doesn't come to that. With a gesture everyone brings their weapons down. You take a deep breath, relief washing over you.
"We understand your situation, we will keep you among the other refugees until we know where to send you." The man starts to leave and you take a step further.
"That usually doesn't go so well," you whisper to yourself before you decide to plead more of your case. "Wait, actually we need you to contact someone and we can be out of your hair in no time."
He considers your words carefully.
"Lieutenant Krio, please see to them," he says without answering you directly. The Lieutenant in question, an alien with green skin but otherwise an humanoïd appearance, nods before she takes a step towards you.
"Please follow me, any of your needs will be covered once you get settled. Including your requests," she adds when she sees you're about to interrupt again. You abdicate for now and agree to simply follow her. You could almost smell Earth, you just needed to be patient a little bit longer.
After traveling through some hallways, you arrive at their mess hall. It's a long room, with a high ceiling, white walls and no windows but a skylight that gives directly into space, and more room than needed most of the time you imagine. But not today. Today, it's full of people. You guess most of them are past victims of the Snap, judging by how lost most of them look. There were at least a hundred people packed in the room, and your group just added to that number. When your guide finally stops it's to show you a small space delimited only by some holographic tape, with barely enough space for all of you to lay down, some sleeping bags and blankets stocked in a corner.
"Wait, we can just stay in our ship if you don't have the space," you offer upon observing your new quarters.
"Sorry, but we have to follow regulations."
"Regulations say we have to be parked like animals in a room?" You ask, your tone bordering on anger.
"That's how it is. No one likes it but we can't do anything about it. We need to secure your ship and it might take some time with the current influx of people."
You're about to protest some more when a hand grabs yours, and you immediately calm down at the cold coming from it. You give a pout to Natasha at her clear message. Calm down. We won't be there long.
"Okay, okay… can you at least try to contact the person I need you to?"
"Sure, do you have an ID number for them?"
"No, just a name." You turn to Natasha and let her give it, ignoring the annoyance on the face of your interlocutor.
"Carol Danvers, also known as Captain Marvel."
Recognition crosses the face of the Lieutenant and she nods. "We can try to contact her, but don't expect much. She rarely answers."
"Simply tell her it's from Natasha Romanoff."
"We will. Now if you'll excuse me…" she looks at your new quarters, then to your group. "I have more work to do. Someone will bring you food and more sleeping arrangements."
"Thank you," you answer very briefly and walk into your small corner. There was barely any space to move around and once everyone was sitting down, it felt even worse, especially with your bags thrown on the ground.
You discard your empty food tray when a soldier walks the imaginary hallways with a trolley to recover all the discarded dishes. After that, you sit next to June, who is now sleeping directly on the cold hard ground, and face Natasha, talking a few words in hushed tones to her.
"So, how do you know this Captain Marvel?" When you were taken from Earth, she wasn't yet a big name. You briefly wonder if you should have kept this question to yourself when you see the haunted look in her blue-green eyes, but she still answers.
"It was shortly after the Snap. We were still counting our losses. So many people…" you can see her eyes glimmer with unshed tears, and you wonder how many people close to her she lost. You guess a few. You yourself wondered sometimes if upon returning on Earth you would find the empty house of your parents, or if they would be there still.
"Anyone you knew?" You ask before thinking.
"Friends. My sister, too."
Slowly you move next to her and put your hand on her cold one, before you squeeze it gently. She looks so vulnerable, so far from the image you had of Earth's mightiest heroes. You truly hope your warmth can reach her somehow.
"I'm sure she's back like everyone else."
She smiles at you, just from the corner of her lips but it's enough for you. Your eyes meet briefly before she looks down, and you think you can see a bit of red on her cheeks. Somehow it makes your heart skip a bit.
"Yeah, she's probably fine. I just hope she'll be okay until I come home."
"Hey, if we're lucky we won't take 5 years now that we have your friend." Your joke makes her chuckle.
"Anyway… she appeared not long after the Snap, looking for Fury. He was part of the casualties so from then on we started working together," she finishes.
The haunted look made you think that this short explanation left out the weight of the numerous years spent feeling these losses. Her sister, her friends, whoever this Fury guy was. It was a lot when you also had the weight of half the world disappearing on your shoulders too. The grief must have been agonizing.
"That's quite the story. I guess that's all it takes for superheroes to start working together."
She hums, and after a lull in the conversation, she leans against you. It takes you by surprise, your breath catching in your throat. You swallow hard and turn your head to look at her. She's looking back at you with her sea-side eyes, and her face is so close you can feel her breath on your skin.
"I'm not bothering you, am I?" She asks in the same whispery tone you've been using for your conversation, but suddenly it feels so much more intimate. "You're just warm."
"No, it's no problem." Your answer it's a bit louder than you intended, and a small smirk finds its place on Natasha's lips. You blush in embarrassment.
"I'm going to take a nap then. Wake me up if anything happens."
You nod, she closes her eyes, and your throat is the driest it's ever been.
"Wake up," you urgently move Natasha away from you. "I think something is happening."
When she opens her eyes, she takes a deep breath and your scent immediately invades her senses. She'd had the best sleep she had in a while, and awakening is now harder than she expected it would be. But, contrary to her spirit, her body is ready to fight. Instinctively she reaches for her weapon. She still had two full magazines but it won't be enough if they're under attack. Maybe she can nick a weapon, but first, she has to assess the situation. She looks around, seeing everyone is agitated and some of the guards are running in the hallways. The floor is slightly shaking, too, a clear indication of something happening.
"Any idea what's happening?" She asks, crouching instead of simply sitting to get ready to act. You're already doing the same, a knee still on the ground to check on your own weapon and make sure the coils are in good shape.
"Not really. The station has been moving for a few minutes now -" explained the shaking "- but no one told us anything." As you are checking your weapon, Natasha notices your fingers are unsteady. It's the first time she sees something worry you since you met to the point of making you tremble.
"Y/n, are you okay?"
You nod at first, then shake your head, your breath shallow. "I just… What if it's the Grafd? What if we endangered everyone by coming here? When it's just us, it's fine, but there are so many people here!"
Natasha frowns. She's worried about your sudden panic, but also focuses on the fact you mentioned that you are being pursued by some people - the people you escaped from, she guessed now - but why would they still be after you? Yes, you took a ship from them, but it had been five years. It makes Natasha wonder if something else happened that they were so hell-bent in finding you again. She would need to bring the subject again later. For now, she decides to simply comfort you. You seem on the verge of a panic attack.
"Hey, it's probably nothing. See, Lieutenant Krio is here." She gently rubs your back, and you take a deep breath to relax slowly as you listen to the Nova Corps agents.
"Please, everyone calm down. The station moved through an asteroid field, we're in stable space again."
You let out a deep, shaky breath, and Natasha has you sit back down. Gently she pries your weapon from your fingers and puts it down on one of your packs.
"Those guys really scares you, huh?" She asks a rhetorical question. You know it's useless to deny it, no matter the bravado you show more often than not. Usually, there isn't a station full of innocent people around you. Usually.
"I guess. It's just… it happened once. People got caught in the crossfire." You swallow with difficulty. You remember the screams and the fire and the smell of burned corpses. After that you avoided places that were isolated, and you kept as low a profile as possible. You only scavenged in hope of getting out of this whole mess.
Natasha knew the feeling too well. For her, it was Dreykov's daughter, the people of New York during the battle who didn't make it. She knew what dreams haunted her friends too. It was the price of that life after all.
"Does it get better?" You ask when you see in her eyes what you see in yours when you look in the mirror.
"It does. Bit by bit. But never fully." It's hard for her to tell you the truth but she knows it's what you want. You nod. "It helps to have people you can count on." She looks towards the now awake June, and Tim. You barely know the guy but he'd been there for you so far - a bit out of paranoia but still it counts for something. "And to have people to talk with."
She smiles at you and takes your hand, lacing your fingers together. The gesture is firm but she offers you the possibility to take your hand away. You choose to leave it there.
It's a peaceful moment, and a peaceful feeling that she brings to you. But it barely lasts, when a soldier comes to your group. You let go of her hand, almost like a shy highschooler who doesn't want their parents to know about their girlfriend. A blast to the past.
"We got an answer," he says shortly. "Says she'll be here soon."
Natasha straightens her back. "Perfect."
It sounds like you were soon going to be home.
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whumping-valentine · 26 days
Continuation of that short Sailor Whumpee Lighthouse Keeper Whumper thing I wrote last month. Will tag as "Sailor Whumpee" Also I guess Whumpee is trans and uses he/they pronouns.
"The Docks aren't the friendliest of places, you know." The Lighthouse keeper warned the sailor about to leave. It was the day after their shipwreck, and out of all the many sea travelers he's seen, never has the old keeper encountered one quite like this. Already so eager to leave despite their condition.
Whumpee stopped in their tracks, hand on the cold iron doorknob. They turned around, "What do you mean by that?"
"What else is there to mean? The pirates in town are rough and tumble, and I'm just not so sure they'll take too kindly to the bruised, washed-up sailor." Whumper closed their eyes, taking a slow sip of their tea. "Mm. Besides, they all know about you. The Boy in the Boat, they called you. Found your little pathetic board smashed out on the rocks. Not much of a boat now, is it?"
"So you pull me in off the shores just to insult me?"
"Yeah, pretty much." A sly smile appeared on Whumper's face. "People often find my hospitality comes with a price. But hey! I pulled you off the shores, bandaged your wounds, and gave you a place to stay. Though I know sailors don't take too kindly to badmouthing their ships— even if she is nothing more than plywood now."
Whumpee rolled their eyes, "Well, thanks for saving me, but our short paths end here. You can quit your yapping."
"Farewell. But there is one thing you should know—"
Whumpee opened the door, and was greeted to a horrendous downpour, and a perfect strike of lightning.
Whumper smiled, "Welcome to The Docks!"
~~~ Continued ↓ ~~~
Whumper was surprised when Whumpee actually went out into the storm, with no hesitation, at that. Suppose that kind of stupidity is exactly what got them crashed here in the first place. It didn't matter, though. They'll be back, and they'll have questions. It was only a matter of time.
Whumpee was never one to care of storms. He'd sit in the mud during a downpour, run across the beaches in a hurricane, and hoist his sails in a thunderstorm. He lived for the clouds, the sea, and the storms. People called him crazy and reckless, but he would never see it that way. After all, he always said:
If you don't die on a boat in the middle of a thunderstorm, did you ever truly live?
He made his way off the rocky shores of the Lighthouse, despite the crashing waves hitting his feet. They knocked him over quite a few times, but a face full a' sea water n' a rock jammed in his side wasn't any new feat. Most people might find the sand up the nose and wet clothes to be uncomfortable, but for Whumpee it was just another part of life, and they tried to enjoy all of them. Even in the unpleasantries there is something to be experienced.
That experience was life itself. It was something to be cherished. Every shipwreck, every storm, every literal rock in the side, it was life. Even death was just another part of it, albeit the end.
He stepped off the rocks and onto the docks. Ships swayed in the violent rain, hitting loudly off them. He walked down them and into the coastal town, simply referred to as "The Docks" as a whole. They weren't too sure what time it was, as the clouds were just that thick, but they reckoned it had to've been midday.
The town was as rough and tumble as they came, more so than Whumpee had seen, and they'd sailed all over the world. What I meant by that is it looked like it was out of some nautical maritime fairytale. A cluttered, disheveled, seaside town, but it was medieval, too. Old timey, 15th century, and— did that Lighthouse keeper mention pirates earlier?
Sure, they're still around, they've ran into a few, but to so casually mention them like that seemed strange. Then again, they were also talking about mermaids sinking ships, so maybe the lonesome old keeper was just crazy and full of shit. Still, with curiosity at its peak, they walked down the cozy wet cobblestone streets.
Though the rain was loud and rough, they could hear the lively chatter inside the old buildings. The sound of clanking glasses, laughter, dancing, and old-timey sea shanty music boomed inside the large tavern building. The widows were open holes in the wall, covered by planks that could swing open.
Whumpee pulled opened the tavern window, and an olive skinned woman happened to be standing right against it.
"Oh, hi, sorry." Whumpee said.
"It ain't be a bother." Said the woman, a piratey accent to her voice. She took a sip of the beverage in her hand, "Mm. Besides, the air be nice, it's stuffy in this ol' place. Name's Caretaker."
"Charmed." She said, doing a raise of her glass before taking another sip, "What bring ya peerin' into taverns?"
"Just walking around, getting acquainted."
She chuckled, "Durin' a storm? You're quite the adventurous one."
"I was born out at sea, I wouldn't be me if I wasn't." He said, hoisting himself to sit on the windowsill, getting out of the rain. "There ain't a better time to get out into the open air than during a thunderstorm."
"Ain't ya frightened by it?"
"It's about risk vs. reward. Is the risk of dying out at sea greater than simply being out at sea? Is the threat of getting struck by lightning worse than the experience of being out in a thunderstorm? Does the thought of getting sick outweigh the positives of being one with nature? The answer is no, to me at least. Like, I'd much rather die in a shipwreck than of a heart attack in some dumb suburban house, you know?"
"Can't say I do, but I respect your enthusiasm."
"That's more than most people. I just really love life, and that includes all the bad things that come with it. I've gotta admit, I love me a good shipwreck."
"Oh, are you the new boat boy who crashed on the bay last week?"
"Yeah, I guess so. I'm surprised people know about me already."
"In a town like this, word tends to spread fast. Ain't much goin' on. How'd the grumpy ol' keeper treat you?"
"Well, he was talkin' about merfolk and stuff."
"Ah, that old bastard is always so cryptic. He is one of the merfolk. Don't know why he does it, but I suppose it's just to scare any of the humans he gets."
Whumpee furrowed their brow in confusion.
"Oh, yeah, you're new, sorry. He's a human-trapper who works with the royals. Sometimes they end up crossing over, so it's his job to turn them in."
Whumpee was incredulous, "What are you talking about?"
"Hm? What d'ya mean?" She asked, brushing her long, dark, curly hair behind her ears, letting Whumpee see they were long and pointed. Whumpee nearly choked on air as their eyes widened and heartrate accelerated. Was... was this real?
"Hey, you alright?"
"Eh, I was... just in a crash the other day, ya know? Still a bit lightheaded and all that. I— I should get going. Nice talking!" He said, jumping down from the window, shutting it, and running off down the streets back to the shores.
He practically had to crawl through the sea across the stones to the Lighthouse, the waves that stong and harsh. He kicked open the door, dripping wet.
"Back so soon?" Whumper asked, but Whumpee only had one thing on their mind.
"You sunk my ship!" He slammed the door behind him, "Where am I? Who are you? How did I get here?"
Whumper smiled, still with his cup of tea that he sat down on the table. "Welcome to The Docks."
--- --- --- ---
Hey hoped you like this! It wasn't very whumpy, but I'm currently just fighting demons (writer's block) hoping they'll go away soon. I was sat out in a thunderstorm soaking wet and wrote this while waiting for round two so then I could go shower 😂
I wasn't intending on this being anything other than a one-off, but I love the rain and sea (if you couldn't tell) and when inspiration strikes, it strikes. I now plan on continuing this, as I have a few ideas, but I'm just kinda going with it. I don't have a plot or anything but I DO know that while Whumper may seem chill now he's going to be the absolute worst later. This confident, life-loving Whumpee is about to be crushed.
Also! Since I'm continuing this, I'd like to name them! Since I have literally, actually, 300+ named characters (I listed them) I'm kinda all named out. So I'd like some suggestions! Masc/neutral names for whumpee and whumper and fem/neutral for caretaker.
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n0v4t33z · 3 months
The Piece of Eight - Assimilate and Assault
Tumblr media
Pairings: Capt. Hongjoong X Female Reader , Crewmate San x Female Reader (Overall not chapter specific)
Genre: Pirate AU, Romance, historical-ish (not really), Action, Angst, Non-Idol AU
Word Count: 5.1k
Tags/Warnings: For Mature Audiences, Violence, Language, mentions of blood and gore, Highly Suggestive at times (This is a warning for the whole story overall)
Chapter specific: Some suggestive conversations?, straight up violence for some of it (HERE'S YOUR WARNING IF YOU DON'T LIKE GRAPHIC VIOLENCE), enemy says vulgar shit to y/n, lots of blood, y/n's PTSD makes a small appearence, Mingi being a little weird (let me know if there's anything else)
Spotify Playlist ⚓ | Masterlist 🏴‍☠️
Author's Note 💌: Hi I finally had some time to edit and post this lol it's very short but it gives you a peek into MC's first day with the teezers. Also I had to change the color scheme bc Tumblr wanted to be mean and remove the yellow text option so I chose orange bc ateez. Tbh I've been so tired from work I've been procrastinating editing this and i've just been working on the most recent chapter of the story which is easy writing but I decided I need to at least post something so I hope you enjoy this chapter and please look forward to the next one! - N 🌙
A few hours later I wake up and it’s dark. Eledonia was also now gone from the horizon and as I look around at the endless dark sea I realize a blanket is wrapped around me.
It was most likely Seonghwa since Hongjoong did say he’d be coming by later to show me to my room. I keep my gaze fixed in the direction of Eledonia and now is when it sinks in that I will not be seeing my family in awhile. I sit there welling up in my own thoughts until a gentle tap on my shoulder disturbs them, it was Seonghwa. 
He gives me a soft smile and says “Hey, you’re awake now. Let me show you to your room so you can sleep comfortably.”
 I get up and he helps me with my bag while I silently follow behind him with the blanket still wrapped around me since It was quite chilly. We walk down to the crew’s quarters which is located towards the front of the ship. I walk down and I notice nothing was separated, everyone was sleeping in the same room.
 I could see six figures fast asleep in their own beds then Seonghwa leans over and whispers “Go ahead and sleep on my bed, I’ll be keeping watch tonight up in the crow’s nest so I won’t be using my bed. Don’t mind everyone else, sleep well okay?” 
He sets down my things next to his bed and gives me a smile and a nod goodbye. After I’ve quietly settled down on Seonghwa’s bed I notice it’s quite comfortable, more than mine back at home. Which led to me falling asleep pretty quickly.
 In the morning I’m woken up with voices, all of them belonged to the six figures on the beds last night which obviously belong to my crew mates. Since I have a habit of sleeping with a blanket over my head I lay perfectly still and pretend to be asleep then I hear someone say “That’s not Seonghwa. Is that y/n? The Captain’s new protector?”
 For some reason I’m terrified now that I’ve made my existence known. Someone then answers “Nah I don’t think it’s her, why would she be sleeping in here? I’m sure that’s probably Seonghwa being lazy.” 
Suddenly, something presumably a pillow is thrown at me followed by “Get up Seonghwa or you’re not getting any breakfast!” Followed by someone pulling the blanket from over my head harshly then complete silence. 
I open my eyes and and realize 6 men standing around the bed I’m laying on with some of them with their mouths agape. Then someone says “What the fuck? She’s sleeping in Seonghwa’s bed?” 
Slightly irritated from how embarrassed I was I sit there in silence glaring at them. Followed by Mingi chuckling then reaching over to grab my arm  “Hey let’s g-” Before he’s even able to finish his sentence I grab his wrist and twist it “Don’t touch me.”
 Immediately he pulls his hand away and massages his wrist and says “She’s feisty.” The man with puppy like features looks over at the blue haired male “Mingi stop..” 
I throw the pillow at Mingi who gets bonked in the head then manages to catch it “Look, just- can you understand how I was woken up? Like that was such an aggressive and rude way to wake up it was so uncalled for so, can you blame me? Especially your so called superior, you’re really going to disrespect him like that?”
San looks over at Mingi says “I agree with her, that was rude. Especially towards someone who’s not used to the way we play around” 
Mingi playfully punches San in the arm “Loosen up San, it was a joke.” San turns and looks over at Mingi with a glare. 
Wooyoung raises his eyebrow “Wait, so are you really the Captain’s protector?” I bite the inside of my cheek “Yeah, otherwise what else would I be doing here.” Mingi responds “Our-” Yunho immediately covers his mouth “No, stop. Quiet, no”
 Everyone else erupts in laughter. I roll my eyes then I get up and grab my backpack “If you’ll excuse me I need to change.” Wooyoung smiles “Sure.” Someone in the distance then says “You pissed her off, she was so nice the last time we saw her..”
 I walk out of the crew quarters and It just so happened that Seonghwa was walking in that direction and I’m stopped in the middle of the hallway leading to the stairs to go back upstairs.
 “Hey, I was just about to go wake you and introduce you to your other crew members.” I stay silent for a few seconds then I respond in a low voice “No thanks.”
 Seonghwa grabs my arm “Wait, why not? What happened?” I shake my head and pull my arm away from his grasp “I’m going to change..”
 I walk upstairs towards the deck to look around and head towards the room the Captain walked into last night. Surely he must be in there right?
I knock on the door and carefully enter the candle lit room “Captain?” 
 He glances over at me and removes his glasses “y/n? Good morning, I didn’t think you’d come here so early. I heard you stayed up pretty late.”
 “I did, but I’m a light sleeper so I woke up pretty easily.” I sit on the leather chair in front of his desk softly squeaking from my weight.
“That reminds me, can I tell you something? I don’t want to be worrisome on my first day here but this just kind of bothers me.” Hongjoong nods giving me a concerned look “Did something happen?”
“Yeah kind of. Your crewmates are assholes, they threw a pillow at me thinking I was Seonghwa, is that really how they treat your first mate?”
 Hongjoong lets out a small laugh “Well, yes but the respect is there don’t worry that’s just how they get along. As for the way you were woken up..” he trails off and lets out a sigh “I’m sorry about that, if you want you have my permission to scold them if they get on your nerves as they tend to have their moments of not being the most pleasant to be around.” 
What? No way he’s letting me scold them?! Is that how much he trusts me? I mean it’s a given the man trusts me with his life, why wouldn’t he when it comes to just standing up for myself and straightening out a couple of grown brats…
”Oh, um. Thank you for that.” Hongjoong’s eyebrow slightly raises “Anything else?” I awkwardly stipple my fingers for a few moments “Um, do you have food? I’m kind of starving” 
Hongjoong smiles “Yeah, second floor below deck. Breakfast should be going on right now. I’ll walk you there.” I look over at his desk and notice he’s writing something immediately feeling guilty for making him stand “oh, uh. No captain, it’s okay. I should learn my way around the ship by myself.” 
Hongjoong hums and I continue “Besides, you’re busy doing Captain things..I really don’t want to bother you.” Hongjoong puts his black polished index finger on his lips and hushes me “I promise you’re not bothering me darling, I’m more than happy to show you around. I’ve got plenty of time.”
I stand up and smile “It’s okay Captain, I think it’s best for me to learn things on my own. You are the Captain after all, I’m sure you’re quite busy erm…Being a Captain.” 
Hongjoong smirks then looks at me fondly “Alright, but in case you need someone to guide you Seonghwa and I are here. Don’t forget that.” I quietly nod then he continues “Once you’re done with breakfast go ahead and head over to the crow’s nest and keep watch. I’ll put you in charge of that. If you spot anything let Seonghwa know immediately. ”
 Hongjoong reaches into the side drawer of his desk and hands me a golden spyglass “Thank you Captain, I will.”
  I glance down at it then back up at him where he then motions for me to leave “Alright, go. If you need anything Seonghwa will be there to assist.” 
I bow, slightly intimidated by him not because he's scary but more or so because of how well he carries himself. 
When I exit the captain’s quarters I carefully examine the spyglass. Must be brass or something judging from the nice weight to it. 
Regardless it was so beautiful It had an engraving on it, the same one as the one on Hongjoong’s arm band. I guess this means it’s his, that’s cool. He trusts me even with his personal items.
 While I walk across the deck my stomach growls then I sigh. If I remember correctly Hongjoong said the kitchen was on the second floor? 
I head downstairs and as soon as I enter the mess hall it becomes dead silent. I knew it, I knew it was going to be this awkward. At least Hongjoong isn’t here it would have been much more embarrassing. 
San pats the seat next to his and gives me dimpled smile “y/n, sit here. I saved this seat for you.” 
This man is making me want to smack him. Pretending to be nice. Why is he so flirty? I can only imagine how cringe he was with the girls back in Eledonia. They probably ate that shit up too. Ugh.
 I sit on the seat next to San on the other side to my right was Wooyoung who immediately stands up. To my recollection he's the cook, he was the one wearing an apron while cooking back in Eledonia and the one who gave me the delicious peach tart.
 Seonghwa then brings everyone’s attention over to me“Evreyone, you weren’t properly introduced but this is the Captain’s protector Her name is y/n.” 
The tall one with blue hair and glasses which was Mingi if I remember correctly says “Ah yes, the cute doll back in Eledonia.” Wow, he must have a thing with dolls but honestly I'm not mad at it. 
“You’re cute, I know why Hongjoong chose you now. I think Hongjoong likes cute girls. Cute..” Everyone silently stares at him then Yunho looks over at Mingi in disgust. “Maybe you should stay quiet you’ve used the word cute one too many times for my liking.”
 Yunho looks over at me and gives me a concerned look “He’s weird please don’t listen to him. Anyway, hello y/n It’s nice to see you've decided to join us.” I slightly raise my hand from the table to acknowledge his greeting and take a bite of a piece of bread from a basket. 
From the corner of my eye I notice the guy with Jongho back in Eledonia, Yeosang if i'm not wrong. Looking at him closer now I notice he's got very gorgeous features, one of them being a cool looking birth mark on his left eye (which I didn't notice) , his face being almost too perfect to be real with soft brown hair that compliments him very well giving him a very princely and delicate appearance. 
He stares at me without saying anything which is intimidating noting how gorgeous the man is. The stare wasn’t out of hate, it was more or so out of curiosity until he finally speaks “Who trained you?” 
Slightly taken aback I almost choke on my bread but manage to play it off. He speaks Eledonian, like Hongjoong only much more fluent. “My grandfather, an Eledonian veteran. Why?”
 He gives me a small smile and shakes his head “I was just asking, I’m Yeosang. My apologies for not introducing myself when we first met.” I shake my head “It’s okay, no worries. I appreciate you introducing yourself..” 
San furrows his eyebrows “Hey Yeo, you speak Eledonian? I didn’t know that.” Yeosang glances at San while resting both elbows on the table and his hands laced together “Who do you think taught Hongjoong?” 
Shortly after being gone Wooyoung comes back with a bowl and a cup of tea and gently sets it in front of me. “I hope you like it, it may be a little spicy depending on your spice tolerance but it should still be good.. ” 
I silently nod and take a sip of my tea then Seonghwa says “So y/n, how’d you sleep? You didn’t get seasick?” I pick up my eating utensil and mix my food.
“Well, besides being woken up in the rudest most uncalled for way ever. It was actually pretty comfortable, more than my old bed so I fell asleep almost instantly.” The whole table stays quiet with exception of a few of them clearing their throats and awkwardly adjusting themselves in their seats.
 Seonghwa looks over at the rest of the guys and forces a smile when he looks back at me “Well at least you slept well up until that point.” I shove a spoonful of food in my mouth and nod, San remorsefully speaks “So um, about this morning. Sorry we thought you were Seonghwa and we kind of ambushed you without your permisson.”
 I shrug taking another sip of my drink “What’s done is done, it’s fine.” Jongho, the very well built dark haired male with a very friendly face says in an apologetic tone “We should have honestly checked before we pulled something like that. I’m sure that’s the reason you’re being so cold towards all of us which we understand.” 
Woah this guy hit the nail on the head with that one. “You’re right, you guys were assholes but now with the Captain’s full permission if you ever cross the line with me again I have his personal blessing to kick your asses.”
Mingi says under his breath “Ah, that’s so hot..” San looks over at Mingi like he just insulted him and flatly says “No..” 
Seonghwa glares at both males, something told that pissing him off wasn’t a good idea. As it is he’s already intimidating. “How about you both calm down and behave. You both act like you didn’t just meet up with women back in Eledonia” 
Wooyoung giggles looking in San’s direction playfully nudging my arm so that I could watch the whole ordeal go on. “Seonghwa’s right, weren’t you two the ones who were flirting away and getting back rubs from Eledonian women later in the evening?”
 San crosses his arms in front of his chest “They were just back rubs!” Everyone looks in his direction then Wooyoung fires back “You and I both know you’re lying about that, that's not the only thing that was getting rubbed”
 I roll my eyes at how utterly embarrassing this whole conversation was getting and continue to eat my food completely tuning out the conversation happening. Everyone explodes in laughter while San sits there festering in annoyance and Mingi awkwardly laughs it off with the others.
 Once they settle down a bit Jongho says “That’s true one of them didn’t come back until midday the next day so that says alot about what actually happened.” I eat the last of my food and drink the remaining tea from my cup and I get up not caring we were all in mid conversation.
“I’m done eating. Wooyoung, the food was delicious.” I give Wooyoung a smile and in return he blinks “Oh, you ate fast.. Do you want seconds?” I shake my head and get up “No thank you, I’m full.” 
San turns to me and looks at me a bit sad “You’re leaving already?” I nod dusting my lap off from the leftover bread crumbs “Yep, see you around.” 
Before anyone has a chance of saying anything else I excuse myself from the clearly very private conversation going on in the background. I guess I'm going to have to get used to conversations like this, men are so… Weird.
After that chaotic breakfast I find my way back to the crow’s nest, it was a nice change of environment. I wonder if this is the only thing I’ll be doing while we’re at sea, then again there is no one I need to protect Hongjoong from anyway so I guess it makes sense I’m in charge of keeping an eye. 
After a few uneventful days of me keeping watch, which were either cargo ships or just other ships in general who weren’t of intrest. I basically lived up at the crow’s nest and only really came down to shower or use the bathroom since Wooyoung would usually bring up my food while on duty. 
Today was a different story, on the horizon I could make out a ship in the distance then I look into the spyglass and notice a ship with a peculiar flag. Unlike our flag, theirs was red with a skull on it except this skull had two spears crossing behind it then my stomach sinks. 
I quickly climb down then I run over to Seonghwa who was talking to Mingi and in between breaths I say “I don’t know who they are but we have company from the north east.”
Seonghwa quickly puts down the book in his hand and runs outside onto the deck then pulls out his spyglass, and stares at the ship for what felt like forever “The Scarlet Sailors… The Captain needs to see this.” He turns to me “Prepare for battle these pirates are quite tough, ring the bell.” 
It’s like a switch instantly lit up I run over to the bell and ring it as loud as I can while Seonghwa runs into the captain’s quarters to alert the Captain. My first looting with the crew and I’m not going to lie but I’m scared. What if I die not even three seconds after stepping foot on that boat.
 Meanwhile the whole ship goes hectic to prepare everything and a few minutes later Hongjoong steps out and looks through Seonghwa’s spyglass with a big smile on his features “Evreyone, looks like we hit the jackpot. We will strip them from everything.” 
He hands Seonghwa his spyglass back then looks over at me and gives me a bright smile “Use this time to practice, don’t worry if you kill them. The government doesn’t care, so neither should we. Also, unless I call for you do your thing I’m not useless.” I hum and touch the gun on my holster then I smile. Here’s my chance to show off.
 As the ship gets closer Jongho aims the canon at the ship and shoots directly hitting the ship in the front of the ship he then signals San and Yeosang to do the same permanently disabling the ship due to Jongho’s successfully being able to break the main mast of the ship. 
Right as Yunho and Mingi begin to set up the plank a few people of the enemy begins to shoot at us causing us to hide. 
Seonghwa gently squeezes my shoulder “Good luck, and please protect our Captain.” I turn and give him a smile for the first time in a while “No problem.” once the plank is clear I notice the captain of the ship immediately heads over towards Hongjoong.
 He’s not useless he can fight, I just need to clear these people out then I can help him. I shoot my gun at any of the crew mates running towards me until I have no ammo left after that I pick up a sword from one of the bodies on the ground then I climb up one of the shrouds of the ship. 
Before jumping I take a deep breath and jump down onto a crew mate who was about to shoot Yeosang in the back so I proceed to stab him in the back of the neck with the blade exiting through the other side of the man’s throat.
 When I pull it out of the man’s neck the sound alone of the man choking on his own blood causes Yeosang to turn and notices the man on the floor then he looks back at me and smirks.
I pick up the man’s gun and shoot the man behind Yeosang and I smile. I notice a scary looking man about to gang up on Wooyoung who was already busy with a sword fight so I give Yeosang a two finger salute and while running to Woooyung’s aid I shoot the man on the side of the head causing him to fall to the ground limply.
 While I look around to see if I could assist anyone I feel a hand pull me back by the hair and begins to crush my throat with the other then I put the barrel of the gun under the bearded man’s chin and I pull the trigger causing him to fall back. In the midst of me running away I see another huge scary bald man with a cigar in his mouth begin to walk towards me with evrey intention to kill.
 “You can’t go around killing people like this little lady, you’ve been a bad girl.” I smirk then I pull the trigger of the gun only for it to be empty then I let out a frustrated groan so I grab the sword again then he lets out a laugh. 
"You wanna fight with swords? Alright, I'll do you a favor before I kill you then although I can't guarantee I won't fuck you up pretty girl." He grabs a sword from the nearest body And does a few practice swings. 
I run towards the man and swing to aim at his midsection but he successfully blocks my sword and knocks it out of my hand. The man lets out a laugh and grabs me by the wrist and pulls me towards him then he rests his blade on my neck, pressing just enough for me to acknowledge the blade on my throat drawing some blood.
 The smoke from his cigar hitting me in the face while I lay completely still “What a shame I have to kill you I really wanted to fuck that pretty little face of yours-”
 Feeling complete disgust by the vulgarities this man was saying I pull out a dagger hiding under my belt and stab the man once in the midsection then another right in the eye causing him to drop his cigar to the floor and scream in agonizing pain.
 “You fucking bitch! I’ll kill you!” I pick up the sword I dropped and motion the angry man to attack "Come and get me you ugly troll.." 
The man leans in and swings his sword in my direction grazing my arm only managing to rip the fabric of my sleeve. I parry the angry man and unfortunately for the man his anger combined with only having one eye grants me an opening to lunge and slash followed by a stab right on his stomach causing him to fall on his knees and drop the sword on the ground.
 I pick up the cigar he dropped from the floor and push the end of the lit cigar into the wound in his eye.
The man screams in pain and clutches onto his face squirming on the floor until I pick up the shot gun off of a body and shoot the man dead. It's over, finally. 
I slowly close my eyes and let out a soft sigh, when I open my eyes I look at the state of the situation and see the captain of the Scarlet Sailors had been defeated or more so shot in the face. 
The rest of his crew only a handful were left alive and were are all tied up while San kept watch the rest of the guys were quickly hauling alot of supplies and money onto the ship.
 A few minutes go by of me being confused and not really knowing what to do si I decide to help San keep watch on the rival crew mates. From a distance I hear a whistling noise only to realize it was Hongjoong, who was looking in my direction and motions me back onto the ship.
 Both San and I walk back to the ship, leaving the rival crew on the boat. It still hadn’t dawned on me how brutal this whole situation is in reality. How my first encounter with true violence would be the one to light a fire in me that won’t be put out which will put a crack on my moral compass.
Once we get on the ship I begin walking towards the bathroom before Yeosang stops me “Hey, are you okay? That slice on your neck is bleeding.” I gingerly touch my neck then look down at my hand to see it coated with blood.
 Of course internally i’m panicking but I can’t let anyone know that the captain’s protector is a wimp, so I hum quietly while looking down at the blood. “The bleeding will stop, I’ll be fine.”
 Yeosang shakes his head “You have to go get that cleaned or else it’ll get infected.” I smile and wipe the blood with my finger on my inner wrist.“I’m going to shower so no worries the wound will get cleaned, thanks for your concern though.”
I give Yeosang a soft smile and before I even see his reactiom I walk over to the bathroom and close the door behind me and I begin to undress.
While I’m undressing I notice my hands are shaky, it must be the adrenaline still coursing through my veins. Growing slightly irritated because of how flimsily it made my hands feel I clench both my hands together and sigh. 
Slowly a small smile forces itself onto my features “I did a great job today, for my first day. I can’t be entirely disappointed.” I stand in the warm water staring at the ground with the slight sting on my neck from my wound. 
Suddenly I get flashes of all the people I’ve killed today and I will admit I do feel remorse for what i did as I’m only human but what Hongjoong told me keeps repeating itself in my head “The government doesn’t care, and neither should we.”
 Which means technically they aren’t the government since pirates are anti government but they did begin to head straight towards us and willing to attack us so we were in full right to attack them back.
This wasn’t wrong was it? Am I just overthinking everything right now because of the amount of people I just killed? I don’t know honestly, all I know is my body is reacting to it.
I start to feel slightly dizzy and a bit light headed so I sit under the water to rest a little bit. How can I be so weak I’m reacting like this, what happened to my grandfather’s training? No wait, his training didn’t include how to cope with killing people. 
After a long maybe 5 or 10 minutes of me feeling weird I eventually finish showering and tightly wrap the bathrobe around my figure and step back out onto the deck. It’s as if Yunho was waiting for me outside of the bathroom he hurriedly walks towards me “Yeosang told me about your wound.” 
I brush out my hair with my fingers “Oh, I’m fine.” He rolls his eyes and puts both his hands on my shoulders and turns me in the direction of the crew’s quarters “Yeah, I’m not taking any risks then you die on us and the Captain will get mad at me for not doing my job which is attend all the injuries our crew gets.” 
I sigh slightly rolling my eyes but not enough where Yunho notices “Yeah, okay then.” When we go down to the quarters he sits me down on the first bed entering the place.
 “Sit, I’ll be right back.” He walks over to a small cabinet in the room and pulls up a chair next to me. He gives me an awkward smile and points at my robe.
"Can you um, pull it down a little bit?” I nod and grab the soft fabric of the bathrobe and gently pull it down exposing my neck but still covering my chest. 
He clears his throat and silently begins to clean my wound up until he probably get tired of how painfully awkward it was so he breaks the ice and says “So, I saw you fighting and you’re pretty good. I now understand why the Captain was so hellbent on you joining us.”
 I awkwardly smile at Yunho “Yeah.” He chuckles and awkwardly smiles back  “You looked like a cat on top of those shrouds, weren’t you scared?” 
Stiffly I nod trying not to disturb what Yunho was doing “A little but when you’re set to kill you just kind of forget evreything around you and you just focus on your task.” Yunho hums “I see, just remember to be careful. You’re meant to protect the Captain and if you get hurt you’re neglecting your purpose.” 
Well that’s a bit.. Outright. What a strange way to tell me to be careful. “Okay, i’ll be careful. I'll try my best not to worry the Captain.” 
After a few more minutes of awkward small talk and him cleaning my wound he finally finishes and dresses my wound then puts away his first aid kit. I pull my bathrobe back up and I head over towards the door.
 I really wanted to say thank you but for some reason I couldn’t bring myself to say anything until I finally manage to say in a very low almost indistinguishable mumble “Thank you.” Yunho turns back to me and says “Did you say something?”
 Great, he didn’t hear me. I look so dumb right now. Immediately I shake my head and walk out without another word. I stand by the railing looking out onto the sea, unfortunately It hasn’t even been a month yet and I’m already kind of sick of seeing nothing but water.
 I might as well learn to get along with everyone even if that means I have to fake my personality. They can all be afraid of me but if I keep this up and keep being so quiet and unaproachable I’ll not only get bored but I’ll be miserable. I also can’t latch onto Seonghwa and the Captain the whole time I’m here I need to make friends even if these guys are a bit…Weird.
 I hear steps approaching me from behind and a familiar voice emerges behind me “I’ve brought you some clean clothes. I don’t know if they’re your style but Hongjoong chose them. I’m sorry we didn’t give these to you earlier and you had to go into battle with your personal attire. I am sorry your old ones got ruined.” 
I turn and it was Seonghwa, skin with a slight sheen of sweat on his exposed skin which was just his neck and face with a small cut under his eye and a busted lip. “Ah, It’s fine. I’ll keep those clothes as a memento of my first battle with The Piece of Eight.” I shake my head and see his slightly worried expression shift to a small smile.
“Good job out there by the way. Yeosang told me you saved him twice and you helped out Wooyoung. I also heard you took out the juggernaut first mate of the Scarlet Sailors.” I nervously laugh “Thank you, I was only fulfilling my duty.” 
He hands me my clothes and smiles “This might have been your first battle but it certainly won’t be your last.” I look down at the clothes and I couldn’t tell first glance if I was going to like them. It wasn’t until I actually tried them on I saw and could definitely tell Hongjoong chose them. 
Very high fashion, it’s a very nice blend of their style just a bit more feminine. I like it. It was a black blazer with a beautiful pin on it the shape of an hourglass with silver detailing and a top that was a black fitted vest and some black pants , boots and.. A wide brim fedora. 
Kind of an odd choice, I thought pirates wore those weird looking hats? Not Hongjoong though, I can tell this man goes against what everyone expects of him. He forges his own path even with the smallest of things as simple as clothing. Something tells me I'm working for right man, the right cause.
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If I catch anyone plaigerizing my work just be warned I don't play with that kind of stuff so don't try me.
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nausikaaa · 3 months
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WIP Wednesday
thank you to everyone who has tagged me these past few weeks, though I haven't had much to share! I'm still fiddling around with part two of my Trojan War novel, so here's some more Briseis.
Lyrnesses was not a rich city by any stretch, but every slave had their own room, handmade clothes, and went to bed at night with a full belly. To some that may have meant nothing. They were still slaves, and that was its own indignity that no amount of kindness could lessen, I had learned. But my own father, born to a wealthy family in Ethiopia, was taken by pirates as a child and sold as a slave. He arrived at Lyrnesses as a young man, where he was freed, eventually attracting the attention of my mother, who fought for her right to marry him, dismissing every wealthy suitor her father offered her to until he relented. They were a rare love match, and I grew up hoping to model their affection in my own marriage.
My father never forgot his mistreatment, and understood how quickly and startlingly a person’s fate could change, and so he was always kind to those less fortunate. I wondered if he ever could have anticipated how my life would turn out to echo his own, to be free, enslaved, and then freed again. But as a woman, I was never as free as he became, and knew I never would be. I would be forever tethered to that part of my life by the children I carried within me.
I thought of my mother. Her deft hands braiding my hair, her clear voice singing along to a bard’s lyre as she did so. My father crooning back to her, making her very name a song. “Hippodamia…”
“Briseus…” She would reply, and tug at one of my curls. I was named after him, and the reminder always made me grin.
a long discussion of Briseis's appearance, plus tags, under the cut:
Briseis is an interesting case when it comes to visualising her. Most greek myth characters are depicted as roughly the same as they're described, but Briseis is so inconsistent! she's described by Homer as fair, and by Ovid as incredibly pale. most renaissance depicts her as blonde, and Natalie Haynes describes her as such in A Thousand Ships. but plenty of more modern art makes her brunette, as she is in the film Troy and the series Troy: Fall Of A City.
and then there's Madeline Miller's The Song Of Achilles, one of the most popular books to feature Briseis, where she is black. I have issues with the writing of all the women in Miller's book, and dislike Briseis being presented as a commoner, who can't speak greek and worships foreign gods, when she was a Queen, and the Trojans had the same gods. not to mention that Miller also kills her off (spoilers? the book is over a decade old) when we simply don't know what happens to her after the Iliad. the entire point of my writing is to fill in that gap in her story.
anyway, i don't mind her being black, and like the art the book has inspired. though i've seen some people say they dislike this choice, as Briseis was a slave, but ancient Greek slavery was a very different concept from the slavery of America and the colonies, and less about skin colour than simply being on the losing side of an invasion or war. that isn't to diminish what those people must have gone through, but there are more slaves in the world right now that there were in any period of ancient history. my Briseis is also given her freedom before the story kicks off.
so in the end, i decided to combine elements of all these depictions. i like Briseis having African heritage like so much art depicts. i like her being pale and looking good in dark colours like Ovid says. so, my Briseis is half Anatolian, half Ethiopian, and has albinism. a mix of this sculpture and this model is pretty much exactly how i envision her.
as for the people who get up in arms any time any person with more than a slight tan is depicted in Greek myth tellings, quite frankly, i don't care to hear it. it's fiction. there are gods meddling in people's lives and you're critiquing the accuracy of someone's ethnicity? anyway, there was an African man in the Trojan War, Memnon, the son of Eos, the goddess of the dawn, and presumably he brought other African soldiers with him. freaking Aphrodite is an evolution of Inanna, a Mesopotamian goddess. Andromeda, the wife of Perseus, was from Ethiopia, and Poseidon is also said to be visiting Africa at the beginning of the Odyssey. the ancient Mediterranean was a melting pot of cultures that was well aware of northern Africa long before the Romans conquered Carthage- which is also visited by Aeneas and his fellow Trojans!
tags: @forabeatofadrum @j-nipper-95 @artsyunderstudy @that-disabled-princess @prettygoododds @confused-bi-queer @imagineacoolusername @ic3-que3n @aristocratic-otter @larkral @hushed-chorus @ivelovedhimthroughworse @shemakesmeforget @fatalfangirl @ebbpettier @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @cutestkilla @youarenevertooold @alexalexinii @shrekgogurt @bookish-bogwitch @thewholelemon @supercutedinosaurs @shutup-andletme-go @theearlgreymage @ileadacharmedlife @alleycat0306 @carryonsimoncarryonbaz @comesitintheclover @blackberrysummerblog and @orange-peony
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kradogsrats · 2 months
Tolkien Elven Linguistics for Laurelion/Elarion
Digging up my old TDP/Tolkien posts to tag them properly if I'm going to write ANOTHER one and found my initial mention of Laurelion and Laurelin. I'm still personally in favor of interpreting these names through the lens of their Latin roots, but there's that one person who translated Elarion as "Heir of the Stars" in Sindarin and I wanted to see how Laurelion came out, given the same -ion suffix... so I dug up an internet "every language Tolkien made up" dictionary and took a look.
Obviously I have to check the reddit rando's work first: yes, el is "star" in basically every elven language (for reasons), and -ion is a suffix that consistently means "son of" or "descendant," used mostly in patronymics, and occasionally as "place of" in naming locations. But that's skipping out on that ar in the middle—ar means "lord" or "noble," particularly as a prefix (Aragorn). There's a similar three-part name in Pelargir, from pel (pen or enclosure), ar, and cir (ships, with the consonant mutation common to Sindarin), so sandwiching ar seems to be valid. It would theoretically get you "child/place of the star-lord," though I think it would be more likely to construct that as arelion, with elarion being "noble child/heir of the star," or if you want the place -ion instead of the person -ion, maybe something like "palace of the star." I don't actually know any grammar, here... but I think the plural form of el is eli, so elar/arel would be singular.
This is a bit simpler, because as in Laurelin (literally "golden song"), laure is just straight-up "gold" in every elven variant. But Laurelin breaks down into laure and lin (song), and it's pretty consistent across all the -ion instances that that if -lion or -rion appear, it's because of being combined with a word finishing in -l or -r. For example, Eldarion from eldar and -ion for "son of the elves star-folk," or Calion from cala/cale and -ion for "son of light." So I don't think we can jump straight to "golden child/heir," and we wouldn't want to... because el means "star." I'm a little surprised Tolkien didn't actually go to laurel as "golden star" but I think he may have been more of a silver stars kinda guy. Anyway, Laurelion could be "child/heir of the golden star."
A Note on El
El does mean "star," but it's specifically an archaic or poetic way of saying it, coming from a root el meaning effectively "lo!" or "behold!" Even in Quenya, the more common form was elen, and Sindarin used gil as the common term for "star" (though retained the archaic el as well). So Laurelion and Elarion both indicate that older word, which is a big HMMMM.
Final Thoughts
Honestly, I think this is like 300% more thought than the writers put into this, and while it does seem highly likely there are some real Tolkien nerds among them... most of the fantasy words in TDP are very Latin-based in a pretty heavy-handed manner. So it seems more likely to me that Elarion and Laurelion are meant to be read with their Latin roots, respectively "joy" and... probably "victory" or whatever, "laurel" isn't a word we actually know the root of beyond referring to the laurel tree and leaves thereof, but the association is strong enough that it might as well be a translation.
(Probably worth noting that Tolkien was also fluent in Latin.)
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tw-inkl-e-tit-s · 1 year
✩-Blind date-✩
Pairing: Miguel Cazarez Mora x Fem!Reader
Word count: 4.9k
Type: fluff
Warnings: Cussing?? not many warnings lol just fluff
A/N: Mia is Pink and Y/n is Purple in text
| Miguel Cazarez Mora Masterlist
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I stared in the mirror at my reflection as I put on my earrings and all my jewelry. I was getting ready for something my friend had planned, I think she was just running low on content for her youtube channel and needed something to post. My bestfriend Mia was a Youtube with over three hundred and forty subscribers, She has had me and our other friend Miguel in a couple of videos, and some we appeared in together. The second video we appeared in was when the comments started, Some of the comments said stuff like,
"Look at the way they look at each other!"
"He is so in love with her"
"They are defiantly dating!? OMG!!"
And not to mention the mass amounts of fan edits we both have been tagged in where the fans ship us together. I didn't know Miguel personally, He is just usually there when Mia is filming and so am I, I thought he was very attractive and he defiantly made me nervous when we got too close, The way he would look at me was like I was the only girl in the world.
I have told Mia about my small (HUGE) crush on Miguel and she freaked out and told me I needed to ask him out or tell him about my feelings, but I just never did because I was always scared he would reject me or think differently of me even though it didn't matter because it's not like we hang out alone.
I also am kinda talking to somebody at the moment, It isn't anything serious and we aren't in a relationship or anything, I just thought he was attractive and wanted to get to know him, but from what my other friend Ash told me he is a player, I don't really care I just wanted a distraction for my feelings for Miguel.
I saw my phone light up with a notification from Mia, I grabbed my phone and clicked on her message.
Mia Bear 🐻💕
Are you ready?
I'm parked outside hurry!
I'm ready just need to apply lipgloss omw!
I'm so excited!
I think you're gonna like who I picked for you 🤭
I hope so, is it that Bryan guy? cause if so I ain't going
No! This guy is short sorry lol
But he is cute AND funny I KNOW you will like him
Now hurry your apartment complex is scary
I sighed as I shut my phone off and put it in my back pocket, I put on some lipgloss and looked at myself once more in my full-body mirror to make sure I still looked good, I then walked out of my bedroom and shut my lights out and said bye to my animals and grabbed my purse walking out of my door and making sure to lock it behind me.
I walked into my elevator and clicked "Main floor" I waited for the elevator to open and walked out to see Mia parked outside talking to her Camera in the car, She looked over and saw me walking up to her and pointed the Camera at me,
"Oh my damn, You look good if he doesn't take you I will," She said zooming in on my outfit
I giggled doing a little spin for the camera, "So are you ready?" She asked as I got in her car
"I don't know, You said he was short," I said side-eyeing her
"You got a problem with short men?" She shouted laughing after
"No it's just a lot of short guys think they are hot shit and they ALWAYS have a big ego," I said
"I promise you are going to like this guy, He's humble," She said
It's not that I didn't trust Mia- I did one hundred percent, It's just me and her have completely different tastes when it comes to people we date, I hope she ACTUALLY picked someone I would go for and not someone she would go for, does that make sense?
We pulled up to a park and she told me she would be right back and that she had to go seat something up. I was so nervous so I decided to take my mind off of it by Taking some cute pictures and liking some fan edits.
Mia opened the car door after fifteen minutes, She climbed in and pulled out her camera,
"You ready?" She asked
"Yeah kinda," I laughed
"Don't be, You look great," She smiled and turned her camera on setting it on her dashboard
"So me and Y/n just arrived!" She said to the camera
"Hey guysss!" I smiled
"So all you know is what?" She asked turning to look at me
"So all I know is it's a blind date, we are going to the park and that's all I know," I said
"Yeah I didn't tell you much cause I didn't want to spoil it," She said
"I need to know if I am wearing a blindfold and do I get to see who it is like right when I get there?" I asked
"Yeah I'm gonna keep the blindfold on you guy's until you like- sit down," She said
"I kinda wanna keep the blindfold on," I said covering my face
"What your scared he's uggo, He isn't uggo I promise I would never do you dirty EVER!" She said laughing
"Good I didn't think you would," I said laughing with her
"Alright give me all your thoughts," She said as fixed her camera some
"Okay so when you said blind date I was like aw cute and fun, but I am also in like a sticky situation, I do have a little bit of a situationship going on but it's not like I'm somebodies girlfriend," I said
"But it's fine you can still go on this date," She said
She opened her glove box and pulled out a pink bandana and unfolded it,
"So I got this bandana, but I don't want to ruin your lashes so it's gonna have to be a bit loose so don't move around a lot," She laughed as she put the bandana on my face and tied it in the back
"Alright I think that's good, Can you breathe?" She asked
"Yeah I think- Enough I can breathe enough," I said laughing
"Oh shit I'll be right back, don't take your blindfold off okay," She said as she opened the car door and got out
I sat in silence for another fifteen minutes not knowing what to do cause I couldn't go on my phone due to the blindfold on my face, I laughed at the thought of people looking at me through the window wondering what is going on.
I heard the car door open and Mia breathing heavy
"Are you recording?" I asked
"Yeah, I am now why?" She asked
"Oh my god I'm over here with a blindfold on and I can't see anything and all I can hear is Mia over here breathing like a dog," I said laughing
She laughed shutting the car door
"I just know I'm gonna be so annoying on this date and I'm like so sorry," She said
"Wait no It's okay I'm glad you're here because if you would just leave us to fend for ourselves I would like kinda panic," I said
"Maybe I should then," She said
"NOOO!" I whined
"No i'm kidding I won't I'm gonna be annoying," She said laughing
"Isn't this like the perfect first date, like it's kinda romantic huh?" She asked
"Mmm, I don't know about that," I said laughing
"I'll be right back," She said as she got out of the car
"Ahh I'm so excited!" I shouted to the camera as I ran toward my bestfriend Miguel's car
He just got here and he looked a little nervous as he got out of the car, And it looked like he also brought his other bestfriend Mason, I blushed a bit as I and Mason made eye contact, I kinda liked Mason and Miguel knew that, He tried to get me and him together plenty of times but I have just never confessed my feelings.
"Are you excited about your blind date!?" I asked Miguel
"Oh, Mason's here to help me!" I said as I pointed the camera at Mason
"You're taking away my boyfriend bro what is this," He said
"Shut up!" I laughed as I handed him the Camera so I could put on Miguel's blindfold
"Are you excited?" I asked Miguel as I put on his blindfold
"Yeah- well I'm gonna be honest I was hyping myself up on my way here but now I'm here and I'm kinda shitting bricks," He said laughing
"Well I wouldn't put you with someone you wouldn't think was cute," I said
"Well that makes me even more nervous," He said
"Don't stutter alright you got this," Mason said reassuring Miguel
"Bro you literally have thousands of girls crushing on you over the internet you got this," I said
We got out of the car and Mason ran over to our side to film,
"Wait I got her flowers!" Miguel said
"You got her flowers?" I asked surprised
"Yeah I didn't know if I should or not but it is a date so," He said laughing
Mason ran to the trunk and pulled out a huge bouquet of roses,
"Miguel what is this oh my god!" I said walking over to Mason to look at the flowers
I had completely forgotten Miguel was blindfolded, "HOLY SHIT!!" Mason yelled I looked back to see a car speeding in Miguel's direction, I quickly ran over and dragged him towards me, and Mason
"You just almost died!" Mason yelled laughing
"Huh?" Miguel asked confused
"Mia almost let you get ran over bro!" Mason shouted
"Back to what I was saying!" I said laughing
"Miguel, why did you get her this many flowers?" I asked since it was so cute
"Oh it's a Ramo Buchon, I got it because I kinda have a feeling of who you are setting me up with," he said
"No, you don't, She is like super tall- like model tall- like taller than you!" I said
I looked at Mason trying to hold in my laugh and he was doing the same
"Damn model tall, How tall is she?" He asked
"Like six foot five," I said trying not to laugh
"Oh hell nah you trynna set me up with an NBA player, I'm good bro," He said trying to walk away but bumped into the side of his car
"No come back you can't see, dumbass," I said
I grabbed his hand and started leading him to the spot that I had set up for him and Y/n, Mason was carrying the flowers and the camera. The spot had a pink blanket spread across the grass with some sandwiches and I also got them some water so they could stay hydrated since it was hot as shit outside.
"Is she really six foot five?" He asked
"Yes, she is!" I said laughing
"Oh god," He mumbled
"Are you still nervous?" I asked
"Hell yeah, I am so nervous Mia," He said
"Okay talk to the camera," I said
"I just- what if she doesn't like me or what if I don't like her?" He said
I was trying to listen but he kept squeezing my hand, was he really THAT nervous?
"OWW, YOU'RE SQUEEZING MY HAND!!" I shouted trying to lose his grip
"Sorry, I'm just nervous!" He shouted back
"Alright we are here," I said
"Just sit down," Mason said
"Uh, I can't see?" Miguel said
"Oh shit right, here!" I said guiding him to sit on the blanket
"I got you some sandwiches and some waters," I said
"Okay, can I take the blindfold off?" He asked
"NO I'm about to go get her, Just sit there and don't talk because she's gonna recognize your voice I feel like," I said
"Okay, hurry up," He said laughing
Mason handed the flowers to Miguel and we both rushed over to my car to get Y/n,
"Alright I am gonna walk you to your knight in shining armor," I said as I opened my car door
"Ahh I'm so nervous!" Y/n said
"No it's fine, Tell me your thoughts," I said as I guided her to the spot Miguel was at
"Honestly I'm a liar, I'm not really that nervous I'm just dramatic, but I also might fall in love," She said
"Aww you might!" I said
"Also he might hear your voice, he might not recognize it but he might I don't know," I said
"HIII!!" She shouted
"Bitch you aren't there yet!" I shouted laughing
"Ohhh," She laughed
"Alright I need you to sit down here," Mia said as she helped me sit on the ground
"Can he hear me?" I asked
"Kinda," I heard someone say
"Hiii," I said
Mia and someone else started laughing,
"Is he here- what?" I asked confused since I couldn't see anything
"No, he is here!" Mia said
"Alright, you guys can take your blindfolds off!" She shouted
I took a deep breath as I slowly pulled my blindfold off,
"Holy shit," I heard someone whisper beside me
I looked over to see Miguel, I fucking knew it!
"Oh my god I knew it!" I shouted and we all laughed
"Hiii," I smiled leaning in for a hug
"Hi, how are you?" He smiled as he hugged me back
"I'm great," I said pulling away
"This was gonna be my guess when you asked me to guess who it was," I said laughing
"I know, I tried to throw you guys off a little bit," She said
"Well, he isn't four foot three that's for sure!" I said laughing
"Four foot three, She told me you were six foot five!!" Miguel shouted laughing
"She did us dirty," Miguel laughed
"Yeah I tried throwing you off by saying he was short- and he's like the tallest person in the world," she said scanning Miguel with the camera
"I know I was so nervous 'cause she was like, do you like short kings?" I said
"Not the short king," Miguel laughed shaking his head
"So I got you guys some sandwiches and waters, and um- OH," Mia said pointing at something behind Miguel
He pulled out a huge Ramo Buchon, It had red roses on the outside and white roses in the middle shaped like a heart and it was wrapped in white glitter paper.
"Oh yeah I got you some flowers," He smiled as he handed me them
"Oh my god thank you, these are so beautiful!" I smiled taking them
"I'm like tearing up, this is the sweetest thing a guy has done for me thank you so much!" I said hugging him
He hugged me back and I just wanted to stay like that forever, he felt so warm and he smelled so good and the way his hands wrapped around me so perfectly made me melt.
"Okay since you guys are both nervous it is a good thing I came up with some good first-date questions," Mia said as she walked behind me and Miguel
"I am so nervous deadass, my whole hand is shaking," Miguel said as he held up his hand
"Okay, my first question is did I do great?" She asked smiling at the camera
"I think you did good," I said looking at Miguel
"I think you did great," He smiled looking at me
"Good because I told them in my intro about how you guys think each other is cute and no one does anything about it," She said pulling out her phone
I and Miguel couldn't stop glancing at each other, he just looked so good, and his outfit looked good, He was wearing some black cargo pants, a black shirt, a red jacket, a black hat, and air force ones, and his hair was also pulled back in a ponytail, The site made me wanna drool.
"Okay the real first question is, What is your favorite movie, I'm trynna see if you guys have anything in common here," She said
"I would defiantly have to say y/f/m," I said (Your favorite movie)
"I would have to go with Friday and hangover," Miguel said
"What is that?" I asked
"You haven't seen hangover?" Mia asked
"Wait you haven't seen hangover?" Miguel asked shocked
"No guess we have to watch it," I said smirking at him
"Oh we are for sure having a movie night," he said smirking at me
"Wait you guys are already planning another date!?" Mia asked
"It feels like you guys are fine without me, I'll stay for one more question," She said
"Okay, so what are your signs?" She asked
"Uh, I am a y/z/s what are you?" I asked (What is your zodiac sign)
"I'm a Pisces," Miguel said as he opened his water bottle
"Aw I love Pisces," I said
"Perfect!" Mia said clapping her hands
"Alright I'm gonna leave you guys to fend for yourselves for a bit and I'm gonna go talk to Mason and the viewers," She said as she got up and walked off with Mason
I looked back at Miguel who was already looking at me, I quickly looked down trying to hide my blush, He laughed as he placed his hand over mine holding it, I looked up at him and he smiled back at me, "You look so beautiful Y/n," He said looking me up and down,
I couldn't help but look him up and down as well, He just looked so good, "Thank you, Miguel, You look really nice too," I said laughing
"I was serious about that Movie date," He said
"Really?" I asked
"One hundred percent," He said as he looked me in the eyes
"You have no idea how long I have wanted to go on a date with you," He said
"I think I know, I've kinda been crushing on you for a while," I said smiling
"You should have said something!" He said laughing
"Oh yeah like you should have said something to me about how you felt the same!?" I said laughing
"I was nervous!" He said
"Why I don't bite?" I said smirking
"You are just so… Beautiful and breathtaking, and you are very intimidating like you carry yourself so well that I felt like if I asked you out you would have laughed in my face," He said lowering his head
Did he really feel that way? am I intimidating? He said I was breathtaking!
"Miguel, I wouldn't have laughed in your face, I would have told you how I felt and we could have been dating and we wouldn't have to be on this weird blind date thing," I said laughing
He finally looked up at me as he laughed
"Alright be honest what is your ideal first date, Cause I wanna properly take you out?" He asked
"Okay so I think- not a movie because you are like sitting in silence and you can't really talk to each other- but what would earn you coochie point is like maybe take me out somewhere to eat and be like, Be ready at this time and dress like this I'm picking you up," I said
He threw his head back as he laughed
"Alright it seems like it's going very well, So I'm gonna make things a little weird," Mia said as she sat back down between me and Miguel
"Oh great," I said side eyeing Miguel who was doing the same
"Okay I want you guys to compliment each other," She said
"Okay, I really like your hair and your eyes and your smile," I said
"I love your smile and your eyes and your lips," He said smirking at me
"That's so romantic Miguel oh my god," Mia said sighing
"Okay so I have this friend who I showed a picture of you both to and she said that you both looked cute together and I was like I know I've been trying to tell them, like Miguel is always like yo whats good with your friend Y/n, and then I'm like Y/n Miguel thinks you're cute and then she's like yeah he's cute, and no one will ever make a move," She said mimicking our voices
"All right guys comment down below if you think this went well, get this to ten thousand likes and I will force them to go on a date alone next time, Byeee!" She said as Mason turned off the Camera
"Soooo, yall going on a date?" She asked wiggling her brows
"I would love to take you out on a date Amor," Miguel said
I looked away blushing,
"Ohhh he's calling you Amor now?" Mia said
"I would like that," I said blushing
Taglist: @vancehopperenthusiast @bradyhepner @deadghosy @finneyblakes @mnsnloverhey @jayceflwrs @bookobsessedfreak
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malarkgirlypop · 7 months
MEDIC! Part 17 (Donald Malarkey x Fem!OC)
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Well we finally made it out alive, so far! Thank you to everyone who has been reading my story! I just want to say I love this community so much and that all of you are so kind and supportive. It's been amazing to meet all new people who share the same interests as me, and that I can just be authentically myself here without judgement. There is plenty more to come and I hope you all enjoy! So here is chapter 17!
Based on the HBO show and the actors who portray the characters, no hate to anyone involved.
Tag list: @next-autopsy, @panzershrike-pretz, @xxluckystrike
Don was right, it was easier. The guilt I felt still haunted me like a thick fog, but I was able to see through it. I didn’t even have time to think about it, we were moving out. We had hoped that since we had taken Foy we would be pulled back for a break, but it wasn’t to be. We needed to keep moving forward as ordered. We moved to Rachamps, the attack was successful. Minor casualties from the assault. We spent the night in the convent, the sister’s brought in their choir to sing for us. It was one of the few moments I felt calm. I looked around the room at the men who filled it. A small group. We had started with at least 100 plus soldiers, but looking around the church at the men, the loss was noticeable. I sat next to Don as we listened to the women sing. It was heavenly, their voices so ethereal echoing around the room.      
“Emily, a word.” Speirs appeared in front of me. I nodded standing from my seat and following the Captain. He walks us into a side room shutting the door, he motions for me to sit on one of the seats in the room, he does so too, sitting across from me. He leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees, hands clasped together.   
“I’m going to mention to Captain Winters what happened the other day during the assault.” He speaks first. I sigh with relief, I was worried about how my actions would affect my position in the company.
“But if I ever catch you using a weapon, not in self defence, I will have you back on a ship faster than you can blink you hear me.” He said sternly. I was being given a warning.  
“Yes, Sir.” I stated. He sighed, rubbing his face, his eyes softened.  
“Listen Emily I heard about what happened before Foy, I know you saw Muck and Penkala die.” He says in a more gentle tone. 
I stiffen. The flashes of their final moments play in my head.  
“I also understand that the men thought you were fine. But I have heard otherwise from some of the soldiers you are closer with, that you didn’t handle it very well. Is that correct?” He asked, I tried to hide the pain on my face. 
“I did the same thing I did when my mom died, I pushed everyone away.” I said quietly he nodded. 
“Does your family send you letters, Emily?” He queries.  
“No Sir, I don't have any family.” His brows furrow. 
“Friends.” He asks.  
I shake my head. A concerned look crosses his face. 
“You know you can go home if you want Emily.” He offers, I’m sure he thinks it’s what I want.  
“No, I would like to stay.” I blurt. He’s surprised by my answer, sitting up straighter in his chair. He regards me.  
“Emily, can I ask you what you were doing before you joined?” He implored.  
“Studying sir, to be a nurse. I hadn’t quite finished yet, I was in my last semester.” I tell him the truth.
“What are your plans for when the war is over?” He continues, watching me carefully.  
I’m stumped by the question. I have no clue. If the war finishes does another shimmer appear to take me home? Or do I stay here? If I stay here what the fuck am I going to do. I don’t exist. I have no house, no money. I’m technically not even an American citizen, I have no passport, no birth certificate, no identification. I didn’t think that far ahead, right now I am just trying to get through the days. The question throws me for a loop. Ron waits expecting an answer I can’t give him. 
“I’m-I’m not sure, sir.” He looks at me confused. 
“Will you not go and finish your degree?” Ron suggests.  
“I quit. I don’t have the money to go back and study.” I shift on my seat, I’m sure he doesn’t mean to but his questions are making me nervous. No one has asked this much about me, not about my future, or where I live or what I want to do. I don’t even know myself. If I was to stay here in this time, how would I even go about slotting back into reality, because it isn’t mine.    
“You have no savings?” He says shocked.  
“I spent everything to come here.” I lied.  
“Where are you living?” I freeze. I can’t answer him. I open and close my mouth. 
“I was living in the dorms when I was studying, but I guess now I’m homeless.” I say slowly.
“You have no one you can stay with?” I shake my head. 
“Emily, what about your possessions?” He seems frantic at this point, he sounds worried for me. 
“The only things I have sir is what I came here with and the clothes on my back, which technically aren't mine since I have to give the uniform back. I sold everything for a ticket to europe.” I wring my hands together, throughout the conversation growing more clammy.  
He looks shocked. “That’s why you don’t want to leave?” I nod, “I have nothing waiting for me back home, sir. I want to stay with the Easy men, I want to see it through till the end.” 
“Right, well, you’re staying, but I think we will discuss the other matter later.” He seems very concerned for me, he seems stressed. He rakes his fingers through his hair, taking a breath, he moves to stand.  
“Please don't tell the men. I don't want them to know about my situation.” I say quickly before he leaves. He turns to look at me. 
“Emily, I thought you would have more confidence in me. I would never.” He smiles gently. He stands and leaves the room, leaving the door open for me to follow after him. 
“Thank you, sir.” I mutter softly even though he has already left. 
I made my way back to my seat, “Em.” A voice called to me, my eyes searched the room wondering who had called me. Lieb raised his hand waving at me. I walked over standing in front of the pew he sat on.
“Hey Joe.” I smiled at the man, he sat next to Grant and Russo, Babe was perched behind them talking to the men he sat with. 
“You alright kid?” He leaned forward as he spoke, resting his arms on the front of the wall he sat behind. 
“I’m ok.” I smiled, he nodded looking up at me.
“Em, we don’t think of you any differently.” He starts, he reaches out his arm taking my hand from my side, holding it in his. “I should’ve noticed.” He shakes his head, his thumb tracing over the back of my hand. 
I shook my head. “Joe I made it so you didn’t. Even if you had, I wouldn't have accepted the help.” 
He sighed giving my hand another squeeze before letting it go. “Next time Emily you ask for help. Got it?” I chuckled, nodding. He gave me his signature grin. I said goodnight to the men. I sat down beside Don, who looked exhausted. 
“Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy to be inside but these goddamn seats are so uncomfortable.” He wriggled around on the seat trying to find a comfortable position. The pews were very uncomfortable, the seat part was so small you could barely lie down sideways without falling off and the back of the chair was so upright there was no way to slouch or lean. They were also wooden, hard and slippery. If you sat in one position for too long you could feel yourself slowly sliding down the seat. I laughed nodding. My butt hurt from sitting. 
“Well I think they’re made with the intention to keep you awake through mass.” We laughed together. 
“The old people find a way to do it though.” He said in a hushed voice as to not disturb the others. 
“Yeah but they’re old, they can fall asleep anywhere. Have you ever seen an old person sleeping in a comfortable position?” I asked, he looked baffled by my question. 
“I mean I don’t go sorting them out.” He chuckled. 
“Don think of your grandparents, where do they fall asleep?” I tried to get him to imagine it so I could get my point across.
“Sitting up in their arm chair.” I nodded, my point being proven. 
“One time when my Nana was getting older, she had taken out her hearing aids and fell asleep. I thought she was dead. I yelled at her for so long and she didn’t move. Then I went up to her and shook her, she almost booted me in the head.” I recounted the story to Don as we both laughed. 
“My Granddad fell asleep with his false teeth still in and they started whistling, so loudly in fact that the dog actually came.” Don and I covered our mouths trying to keep quiet while sharing our stories. 
“The dog jumped on his lap and then stole the teeth from his mouth cause they were hanging out.” I wiped the tears from my eyes as he continued. 
“What did the dog do with them?” I asked, trying to catch my breath. 
“He ate them.” I covered my open mouth, laughing at the thought. 
“You’re kidding?” He shook his head while he giggled.
“No, we had to wait till the dog shit them out again.” We were getting glances from the other men for being too loud, I pressed my face into his shoulder trying to muffle the noise.
“The best part is once the dog did shit them out he washed them and kept using them. He said he paid so much money for them he wasn’t going to throw them out.” I scrunched up my face in disgust as he laughed. 
“Oh ew!” I pretended to gag.
God I hadn’t laughed like this in a while. It was a normal occurrence with the four of us, but since Skip and Alex had passed I hadn’t laughed since. There wasn’t a time with them we weren’t laughing, they were so funny. Alex, Skip and Don together was pure entertainment. Then when I got closer to them it was absolute chaos. I always found myself in the foxhole with the three of them. We were either playing games, cards, making stupid bets, talking shit or telling the worst jokes. It was like we were in another world when we were all together, I could forget that I was having the worst day ever and was absolutely freezing. I missed them so much, but it felt so good to hear Don laugh again. I smiled at the man who had finally stopped laughing, he smiled back. 
My heart fluttered. I have never been in love, but I think this is what it feels like. His smile could pull me from the darkest depths. His touch soft and gentle made my whole body come alive. His laughter made me smile so hard my face felt like it could crack. He made me happy. I wanted to spend every day next to him, if I wasn’t with him his name would still be on my lips, his face would still linger in my mind. I couldn’t stop the pitter-patter of my heart everytime he said my name, smiled at me, laughed with me. Like I was floating, weightless. He lifted me up but somehow grounded me. He still made me nervous, my stomach flipped when he was near. The amount of times I had to hold back from just kissing him. I would forget that we weren’t a couple and have to stop myself from kissing him goodbye when I left, or saying I love you when he looked at me in a certain way.   
I was falling in love, or maybe I had already fallen. But one thing I was certain of, I was completely and utterly in love with Donald Malarkey.       
“Do you want to try and get some sleep?” I ask him, his eyes drooping. He nodded. 
“Here lie down, rest your head on my lap.” I didn’t need to convince him, he lay down immediately placing his head in my lap. He crossed his arms over his chest, whispering a goodnight. I ran my fingers through his hair in a soothing manner, his breaths quickly turning even.
I admired his sleeping face, lightly tracing my fingers over his features. I traced around his face, then his eyebrows, his eyes, his nose, his mouth and his chin. Painting a picture in my mind of the man I was in love with. I mulled over the thought of when to tell him. My brain quickly takes me to the worst case scenarios, what if he doesn’t love you back, only loves you platonically, what if he laughs in your face and tells everyone what you said.
I shook my head at the silly thoughts, Don would never. Even if he didn’t like me he would be gracious and kind in letting me down, it wasn’t in his nature to be cruel. If it turned out he only loved me platonically I could be happy, I just needed him in my life, and even though it would hurt to see him fall in love with someone else I would still be happy for him. His happiness is mine, and that’s all I wanted.
Then another nagging voice crept from the back of my mind, you’re an imposter, this isn’t your time, what happens when you need to leave? How would you explain this to him? He’s going to think you’re insane. You have nothing here, it won’t work. Those thoughts shook me to my core, am I going to have to leave this all behind, what would happen if I stay, would there be irrevocable damage done? Can I stay without everything falling apart? Then I will just have to make the most of the days I have left with him, and the rest of Easy company. I won’t take anything for granted. 
The thing that annoyed me the most is that I don’t have the answers to my questions. There are no books I can read, no one I can ask. It’s not as if someone asked me to come and then sent me through the shimmer. The shimmer just appeared there was no sign, no instructions. I didn’t even know if it was meant for me, was I the only one who could see it? If someone else had been there before I did would they be in this position I am in now, or would they go somewhere else.
I groaned internally, this was too much thinking, I could feel a headache starting. I pressed my fingers into my temple, rubbing small circles to relieve the pain. I could dwell on that another time. But for now I just needed to rest, we still weren’t out of the woods yet. The soft snores from Don lulled me to sleep.  
I sat next to Don in the back of the truck as we bounced along the road. We were enroute to Haguenau. We had all thought we were being pulled back but they needed us to hold the line, as per usual. Lip sat across from me looking pale, I had asked him earlier if he was ok and he told me he was fine, but I could see the exhaustion etched into his features. He looked ill. He tried to hide the wet cough from me but I heard him. Even when we were sleeping last night in the convent he coughed in his sleep. I needed to get him to rest but the man was so persistent it was hard to get him to stop. 
“Hey, look, it’s 1st battalion.” George said, pulling me from my thoughts about the sick Sergeant.
I looked to see the soldiers walking down the street. 
“Hey! Hey!” George turned around yelling at the men as they walked. I looked at him confused. 
“What do you want?” One called back. 
“Yeah, thanks for crapping in our foxholes, ya shitheads!” He shouted at them. I burst out laughing.  
“Hey, it’s our pleasure!” The man called back. 
“Enjoy the walk boys.” Bull called to them, popping his cigar back into his mouth. I shook my head as I chuckled. I leant into Don smiling at him. He gave me a smile, taking my hand in his. I scooted closer to share the warmth. Watching Lip and George smoke their cigarettes.
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nekoannie-chan · 21 days
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Title: Run.
Fandom: Marvel, Captain America.
Ship: Brock Rumlow X Sinthea Schmidt.
Word count: 555 words.
Square: N1 “A locked trunk.”
Rating: Teen.
Summary: Brock and Sin escaped from Steve.
Major Tags: Locked trunk, mission, mention of Dark Dimension.
Additional tags: This is my entry to @marvelrarepairbingo, @marvelrarepairs Marvel Rare Pair Round 3 2024. MRP-066.
Links: Wattpad, Ao3, Spanish version.
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My native language is Spanish so I wanna improve my writing skills in English if you notice any mistakes, please let me know and I will correct them.
I don’t give any kind of permission for my fics to be posted on other platforms or languages (I translate myself my work) or the use of my graphics (my dividers are included in this), I did them exclusively for my fics, please respect my work and don't steal it. There are some people here who make dividers that anyone can use, mine is not this type, please look for the other people. The only exception is the ones I gifted 'cuz now belong to someone else. If you find any of my works on a different platform and are not one of my accounts, please let me know. Reblogs and comments are always welcome.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Marvel's characters (unfortunately), except for the original characters and the story.
Add yourself to my taglist here.
My other media where I publish:  Ao3, Wattpad, ffnet, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter. 
If you like it, please vote, comment, and give me feedback to improve my skills and reblog.
Tags: @sinceimetyou @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad @navybrat817 @angrythingstarlight @shield-agent78 @charmed-asylum @pandaxnienke @real-fbi @Smokeandnailz @white-wolf1940 @tenaciousperfectionunknown @xoxonotme @bluemusickid @leyannrae @Harrysthiccthighss @Marvelatthisone @caplanbuckybarnes @sapphire-rogers @lizzieolseniskinda @notyourtypicalrose @hallecarey1 @nana1000night @talia-rumlow @writingshae @alexxavicry @azulatodoryuga @daemonslittlebitch @chaoticcollectivenightmare @endlesstwanted @chemtrails-club  @marigoldreamer @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @Here4thefanfics @theestorm @patzammit @kmc1989 @somegirlfromasgard @rogersbarber
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Brock and Sinthea were on a secret operation on the outskirts of New York. They had stolen a valuable mystical artefact, which was necessary to achieve the link they wanted with the Dark Dimension. Everything was going according to plan until they got the news they least wanted to hear: Rogers was on to them.
“We have to move now," Sinthea said, her voice full of anger. Brock nodded; his jaw clenched. He knew that taking on Steve Rogers was not something to be taken lightly and would ruin all their plans.
As they quickly packed their belongings, the sound of a motorbike engine rumbled in the distance. There was no time to waste. They ran out to the car parked outside the warehouse. Brock threw the briefcase with the artefact into the back seat and jumped behind the wheel, with Sinthea at his side.
The car started up just as Steve's silhouette appeared in the rearview mirror. The chase was on. Brock stepped on the accelerator, winding through narrow streets and away from the city center. However, no matter how fast they went or what they tried, it seemed, no, rather, Steve Rogers was chasing them.
The road grew narrower and seemed endless. As they came to an old rusty metal bridge, Brock made a drastic decision.
“Hold on tight," he shouted, turning the steering wheel sharply. The car skidded, hurtling down a bumpy, weedy back road.
The sudden movement almost caused the car to overturn, but they managed to keep it under control. However, the situation took a turn for the worse in a matter of seconds and in an unexpected way; the car hit a large rock and lurched, coming to a halt with a high-pitched screech. With no time to assess the damage or try to figure out if the car would start, Brock and Sinthea jumped out of the car and ran towards an old barn they saw in the distance, without leaving the contraption behind.
They entered the barn and found a trap door on the floor. There was no other option so they opened the door and dropped into the dark underground space. They crawled towards a large wooden box, big enough for both of them to hide in.
With the sounds of Steve's boots approaching, Brock and Sinthea slipped into the box and carefully closed the lid. They knew Steve could find them at any moment, but Sinthea managed to spot a small exit, so they had to go out that way quietly while Steve searched the barn. Steve's footsteps approached, and for a moment, they both held their breath. 
They immediately left the place, they cursed, they were in the open, so they were an easy target, they both exchanged glances, there was no other option, otherwise Steve would find them, they ran to the car and hid in the boot. They stayed in the trunk for a couple of hours until they were sure that Steve was no longer around.
It was then that Brock was able to check the car, which indeed wouldn't start, so they had no choice but to walk for a while until they could find another vehicle.
“You know you can't run forever," Brock muttered, Sinthea nodded.
“I know. But today, we survive. Tomorrow, we plan our revenge," she replied.
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haircoveredwriter · 8 months
Caryl going forward in S2
Now that the season is over, I've had a chance to collect my thoughts on the direction I think they are looking to go for S2 and I am even more convinced everything we've seen was linked and deliberately choreographed to highlight the upcoming Caryl payoff. This includes the season as a whole as well as the finale and the Book of Carol promo. I'm going tag it but keep in mind this discussion will assume things from having watched the season finale and contain spoilers as such, so you have been warned.
It's a known fact at this point Daryl's intent on going home. The man is on a mission. He wants to get the kid to where he needs to go, then he wants a radio to contact home or a boat to get him there. Regardless of whatever anyone said to him or deceptive manipulation attempts used the man stayed steadfast in his desire. And while he may have begun to care about Laurent over the season, at each turn brought forth by various others; Isabelle (multiple times), Fallou, Azlan, Laurent, and Lasong, Daryl once again repeated himself like the looped tape recorded message he made in episode 1.
They've also made it abundantly clear through parallels, name dropping, and actual conversations/on screen appearance that for Daryl, Carol is his home. Nothing could have personified this better than the scene we got with Sylvie in the car. She asked if he had ever been in love ... words we have only ever heard him fathom to mention to anyone except Carol; his distant gaze and physical reaction all we'd need to see to know who he was thinking about. IMO there is no other option. If they had truly wanted to do any ship baiting their chance to do so was sitting in the damn backset and it would have taken nothing but a change in camera angle to do so. They didn't because it isn't ... the focus and end point is/has always been Caryl. (That is all I am going to say on this because my focus is Caryl). The tag line plastered across the season 2 promo of "To find home is to find each other" both confirms this as the plotline's intent as well as stands in direct contrast to everything everyone tried to convince Daryl of in the finale. He may listen to Isabelle and Lasong but neither were effective in changing his mind because it was never a possibility.
Daryl wants to go back to Carol.
Now I don't believe for a second Lasong has no other motives besides "nurturing the next messiah" which he proved by trying to guilt Daryl into staying at the Nest. He reminds me of the overly religious zealot in The Mist, putting on a nice act until shit hits the fan and what others want goes against their objective. These are the very same kind of tactics Isabelle has been using from the beginning - either admitting to faking the ocean drawing and then her abhorrent attempt to imply Daryl was abandoning Laurent like his grandfather did to his family. Newsflash guys, Daryl is only a "father figure" to Laurent because YOU made him so with lies and with-holding the truth before Daryl ever got there. The only way anyone in France can seem to grasp changing his mind is to resort to lying or low blows which only serves to lessen the strength of their stance, and thankfully Daryl saw through it each time. (Props to & exclusion from this crappy sect goes to Fallou because he seems to be the only one listening).
All of this would have been great by itself and I was in LOVE with TBOC promo beforehand but it got even better post finale watch. "I don't know if this is the place I'm supposed to be." The voiceover gives me the impression that after being forced by fate to stay in France and not let Laurent be the latest walker snack, Daryl still isn't buying the whole where you find yourself might be your home line. He's still worried about Carol, still possibly field the ever constant questions from Izzy about "maybe he belongs in France". (I'm really getting tired of hearing that from her ... no means no, woman). This line from Daryl in itself shows that we are continuing with the shows main constant. Daryl Dixon wants to go home. He's not staying to make a new family, he's not forgetting about the people who matter most to him. The man is stuck and literally being fucked over by fate at every turn.
I have theories about how the Laurent managed to track Daryl down to the beach and none of them are good for other characters but fall in line with what they have done in the past - we'll leave those under a pin for now. None of the characters are named fate lol.
Take away for season 1 and heading in to season 2, Daryl wants to go home and looks to continue his search on ways to get himself there. Luckily for him, home (Carol) is in the process of making that trip shorter.
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annelostshoe · 11 months
Drawings of Psychic and Esper Au, a little bit Concealed/Eclipse Au and Lacuna!Julie, also info for my aus
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Psychic and Esper Au: this one of my au, it’s based on Saiki k, not going to be completely following what happening in the Anime. Might change something. I made a Julie focused au because there are so many aus focuses on Wally, I also thought it would be fun to have Julie be Saiki because why not. I have no idea what I’m doing with this au anymore:0
Concealed/Eclipse Au: I forgot to mention my other, you can see a little of Eclipse sally in the last image. This is more of a Sally foucued Au In this au there is an entity that is possessing the puppets and the entity likes to inconvenience the puppet by going around causing small problems.(Also @kursein has guess correctly on which one is Eclipse Sally) Made this au because of the page seen in this post, kinda just got the idea for it
Altered Timelines au: Basically the backrooms, the wh cast fall through a crack in their universe, ending up in an altered timeline where the cast are different in appearance and maybe personality. (And some don't even exist..) [yeah I didn't want to rewrite what my friend wrote, I just copied and pasted what they said about our au]
Raison d'etre au/my Multiverse au: Julie would always leave her au to interact with other aus, one day when Julie came back she found out her au had been destroyed while she was gone, Julie and Poppy are the only survivors of their au. The other characters are dead, Julie always visits her au even tho there isn't any left for her there she still wants to visit her friends despite the fact they're gone. I would say Julie is neutral as much as she helps, She still causes problems. I made this au because I wanted an au just for the WH au multiverse. There are more characters to be seen tho. Go there to see the blog. This is just my multiverse au honestly, I saw everyone else making one and I decided to join too. Adding on there are other multiversers that I have made beside Lacuna and her Poppy, some of them do have ask blogs. While others don’t have one yet or won’t have one at all.
Ascended Sally au: Sally has ascended and trying to force help the others ascend too, unfortunately they won't let her help them. They keep locking themselves inside their houses during the night and don't go into the forest anymore, but that's ok she will find a way to help them ascend too. The others are try to find a way to bring Sally back to normal but they’re running out of hope.
I will talk more about my aus later on. Adding on to this post I plan on talking about my aus mostly on this account.
keep in mind this my aus, even tho it's based on the og Welcome home, it has nothing to do with the actual canon story of welcome home. Just a couple of aus I made, that's it.
Boundaries and Rules
-fanart is allowed as long it's sfw, if you want to draw fanart go ahead (gore is fine too) and also tag me in the post too, I would love to see the fanart:3
-drawing my aus interacting with other aus is allowed, also with your characters
-shipping my aus with your characters or other aus is allowed it’s depends on what au and character just ask me first before doing that, but Appesect and anything like it is not allowed tho
-character.Ais: I don't mind as I made one for eclipsed Sally but if i were to make more I would keep them private for the most part as I did with sally. With the ais breaking the filter on c.ai I prefer not to make anymore at the moment, at least not on c.ai. Ask first tho
-have any questions about any of my aus or about go ahead ask, I don't mind answering questions, would love to talk about any of my aus
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