#if you had asked me how far i was gonna expand this au when it first started existing
safetycar-restart · 9 months
D/s au with a mix of drivers (F1 and MotoGP) where their dom has a family emergency and has to leave them before a race for a few days and some of them r really worried for her and some are just sobbing cause she's not there with them
OOOOHH Okay okay I've actually never even thought about this before and I kinda love this concept? It's so angsty but also so good. So I'm gonna discuss this concept with a few different drivers and riders and then I can always expand on some of these thoughts in another ask or discuss someone else, just let me know :))
I also made this happen during a race weekend or just before a race weekend, so that they didnt have the option to come with.
Charles's first instinct is to go with you? In fact he doesn't even consider the option that you might be leaving him, because he's your sub? Of course he would go with you? But then you remind him that he has to leave the next day for a race weekend, so there's no way he can go with and he has to go to the race weekend by himself.
That's when Charles starts panicking, because no? No that's not an option? Of course he understands that you have a family emergency and you need to go, but he has to go with you. Because firstly, how could you handle the family emergency without your sub and secondly, how can he handle a race weekend without you?
He is an absolute mess that entire weekend, he crashes constantly, so much so that his team almost considers getting their reserve driver to race for him because it's genuinely dangerous. The moment the weekend is over, he flies straight to you, equal parts worried about you and upset from having to go through a race weekend without his dom.
So I think for a very brief moment, Max would actually be angry with you? Because you always promised him that he would never have to go through a race weekend without you. You earned his trust by convincing him that you would never leave him, that you would always be there for him. And so when he finds out that you have to leave for a few days, there's a part of him that feels almost betrayed?
Almost immediately he feels terrible for that, and he feels terrible for it the entire time you're away. So much so that when you get back, he's actually a sobbing mess for that exact reason, apologising for not being more understanding about what you were going through and for only thinking about himself.
So I think Lando and Oscar try to lean on each other the whole race weekend, seeking comfort in each other and cuddling together and trying their best to get through it. But they also try their best to down play how bad things really are?
Of course you keep in contact with them, calling and texting regularly and they both just act like they're doing okay. They both decide that you have too much to deal with and you can't also have to deal with your subs needing you, but the truth is that they cry themselves to sleep every night and are driving terribly and really really need their dom back.
Logan, poor darling selfless Logan, immediately just feels terrible about the fact that he can't be there for you? He knows him not racing that weekend isnt even an option, so he has to go by himself while you handle your family emergency.
As much as he isnt looking forward to not having you with him at the race weekend, he's far more upset about the fact that you'll have to handle your family emergency without his support.
Fabio tries to put on a brave face, really he does. This lasts about 5 hours. And then he's calling you crying because his bike his shit and he needs his dom and he knows you're having a hard time and it's all just too much for your good boy.
It's the hardest race weekend he's ever had and he only gets through it because you instruct him to submit to Tom every night to stop him from dropping. He takes a red eye from the race straight to where you are and doesn't leave your side for the next month.
I think Marc starts off okay, reassuring you that he'll be perfectly fine on his own and promising to send regular updates and that he'll take good care of himself. And for the first two days of the race weekend, that is true.
Until he crashes in qualifying on Saturday and doesn't have you there to look after him afterwards and he drops hard. He can't get out of it, no one can help. And it's so bad that you have to fly to the race weekend because they're actually considering hospitalising him because no one can help him and no one knows what to do.
You help him through it, and then he goes back to your home with you, in no place to race for the rest of the weekend.
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hi sapph! can i ask for a peony or sunflower for father figure!frank? it can be with lyn or amy or an oc of yours, either is fine. maybe he is defending them from something/someone? or comforting them? something hurt/comfort esq. if you want to put el in there too i CERTAINLY wouldn’t complain <3 CONGRATS ON 1K!!! i’m so proud of you!!!!
Ok so some brief lore for those of you who are not Via: El is Frank's wife in this AU and Lyn is similar to Amy, she's their pseudo-daughter that they met when she was like 15/16.
Considering how old-fashioned he was with technology, many people assumed Frank Castle preferred phone calls. Sure, he hated texting, regularly complaining about the tiny keys and constantly-expanding index of slang terms that he could never keep up with. But that didn’t mean he liked being on the phone.
Phone calls were usually reserved for urgent business. His ringtone practically gave him a heart attack, sparking a downward spiral of panic about who had been hurt and how bad the injury was.
Tonight was no exception. The piercing shriek emanating from his phone's speaker had him whipping his head toward the coffee table, book abandoned as his pulse jumped. Snatching the phone before it could vibrate off the edge of the stumpy table, he frantically swiped to answer the call.
“Hey, whaddaya need?” He asked, not too shortly--expecting to hear El's soothing voice on the other end. Instead, his ears were met with a trembling, much younger tone.
“Oh, um, hi Frank. Is, uh, is El there?” Lyn's question was shaky, her hesitation clear through the static.
“Oh,” As if the person on the other end would suddenly change if he checked Caller ID, he briefly moved the phone from his ear, glancing at the screen. “Hey, kid. No, she's, uh, she's not here right now. Out with a friend. Did ya call her?”
“I did, it went to voicemail. It's not a problem, I'll just call her later—” Despite the girl's best efforts, Frank caught a sniffle in the background, certain something was wrong.
“Sure, I mean—you can do that if ya want, kid, but I'm here now. Somethin' wrong?” Scratching at the back of his neck, he closed his eyes in a grimace as hIs blatant desperation echoed in his ears.
“It's not important, Frank, really,” Lyn protested, but Frank held firm.
“Hit me, kid.” Crossing his arms, Frank settled against the arm of the couch as she sighed heavily.
“I don't know, I was just..having a bad day. And my roommate dropped out and everyone I've talked to was busy and I...” She trailed off, sniffling. ”I miss her, Frank.“
His chest constricted, his concern that he was far out of his depth only growing as his pseudo-daughter grew more emotional. ”She misses you too, short stack.“
”She does?“ Lyn questioned, words quivering with apprehension and doubt.
”Every day, sweetheart.“ Frank answered truthfully, remembering the tears his spouse had shed after dropping Lyn at her dorm a month or so ago. ”You in your room?“
”Uh, yah. Why?“ Momentarily confused, Lyn's crying stopped.
”Give me an hour.“ Already hauling himself off the couch, Frank didn't let the girl argue, wishing her a goodbye and grabbing the car keys hanging by the door.
Lyn looked impossibly small on the bench outside her building, though she puffed her chest out a bit when he scolded her for sitting outside in the dark by herself.
”I can take care of myself, Castle.“ She huffed, rolling her eyes at his protective antics.
”Yah, yah, whatever short stack, I brought ya somethin'.” He scoffed, handing her the plastic bag of provisions he'd decided were necessary.
“Oreos, and goldfish?” Lyn asked, seemingly unimpressed.
Frank shrugged, burying his hands in his pockets. “Thought you might want snacks for the drive.”
“What drive?” Narrowing her eyes, Lyn looked skeptical.
��Was gonna bring you home for the weekend, so you could chat with El when she gets home. If ya want.“
Her lips parted in surprise, her piercing gaze dropping to her worn converse as her eyes turned glassy. ”Yah, that's..that'd be great, actually.“
”A'right, better get goin' or she'll beat us there.“ Turning on his heel, Frank headed for the truck, opening Lyn's door before hopping back into the driver's seat.
They made good time. The traffic was limited, given how late it was, and Lyn entertained him by switching between radio stations, critiquing his choice of music. Soon enough they were treading up the crooked staircase, slipping into the apartment as quietly as they could.
On the couch, El craned her neck. 'Oh hey, where'd you--”
Breath catching as her eyes landed on Lyn, she was up in a flash, intercepting the younger woman with a tight hug. “What're you doin' here, pumpkin?”
Lyn blushed, stuttering over an explantion. Squeezing El's shoulder, Frank pressed a kiss to her temple. ”She forgot some clothes, I figured it couldn't hurt to bring her here so I didn't miss somethin'.“
Lyn smiled at him, nodding in agreement. ”Yah, that. You ok if I stay for a few days?”
El beamed, tucking a stray lock of hair from Lyn's forehead. ”Honey, you're always welcome back home. You know that. Are you hungry?“
Frank couldn't help but smile, watching fondly as Lyn followed his wife into the kitchen. His two girls in the same place, just like old times.
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delta-pavonis · 1 year
🥁 7 or 27
Awww yiiiisss. More Drummer/Dancer AU. I am gonna take 27. markets for the prompt because it is actually perfect to help expand a few paragraphs I have been working on. So here it is, the opening section of the next fic in this series. (Yes, you read that correctly. You convinced me.)
"Does all this whispering and staring at us have a more edged feel to it than usual, or am I just going round the bend?" Hob says, leaning over from his place on his horse to speak privately with Morpheus, who is mounted on his own steed.
His lover scans the crowds as they continue down the main road into the central market. Most of the wagons in the caravan have set up camp just outside of the city, but they are bringing two into the square to display some of their wares, like Delirium's intricate lampworked glass and Epithumia's fine jewelry. But, as has been the case for months now, what will likely garner them the most coin will be Hob's drumming and, for the right price, Morpheus' dancing. 
News of their little duet on that fateful night out in the Wastes has spread as only gossip can – faster than wildfire and twice as hot. Even as they enter Temenos, a nation Morpheus has never set foot in and Hob has last seen as a teenager, there are murmurs and mutterings of recognition in all but the most rural of hamlets. It is somewhat flattering and a whole lot disconcerting. Hob knows, hypothetically, that messages can be sent over extreme distances in little time via magic, but he has never really experienced the natural consequences of such communication before. It is… quite strange.
But this, here in the capital city of Onar, is something wholly different from previous encounters. These noises are not excited or curious or even admiring – these people seem at once in awe and uncomfortable, almost unbelieving. And there is far more pointing than there should be.
"You are not wrong." Morpheus straightens in his saddle, on high alert to keep his clan safe. "I knew we should have ridden in on Jessamy and Nuala." 
Hob grimaces. He had asked not to, had convinced his lover to let them ride into the capital on horses, like sane people, and not on giant fuckoff elk. They did not know how the commonfolk of this place would react to strangers riding in on such large beasts! 
See, the thing is that Hob is still very much working on his finesse at riding giant elk. His progress has been strongly inhibited by the fact that the two lovely ladies are very protective of their owner. They pull his personal wagon, after all, and they have heard the distressing array of noises Morpheus has started making from within his vardo now that Hob is here. They are, in short, too smart for their own fluffy britches.
Which would, admittedly, be quite useful right now since they are much more sensitive to threats than the horses.
“I will not question your judgment again.” Hob says and watches as one incredulous eyebrow starts rising on Morpheus’ forehead. “Alright, alright. I will not question your judgment about which animals to use as mounts again. Happy?”
His beautiful, proud Dream smirks as they continue ahead. “Very.”
Despite the strange behavior of the citizens, they are generous with their aid, offering to help both wagons get parked and set up, make sure the horses have food and water, and all the other trappings of setting up for a long day at market. 
It is about halfway through the morning when a short, raven-haired man starts pacing through the market stalls, circling their wagons at a distance. It is easiest for Epithumia to step away and gather some information given that they have charisma in spades. They come back barely a quarter hour later with two useful bits of knowledge: the insignia on the man’s tunic indicates that he is an envoy of the Royal Palace and the ring he wears means that he works for the King himself.
“Must be something about you two celebrities… I certainly haven’t done anything in this backwat–I mean lovely country.” Epithumia says as they sit on Hob’s other side. 
“Just because you haven’t had time to, I am sure.” Hob smiles at his lover’s sibling and they, in a very adult and stately manner, stick their tongue out at him. It makes his Dream chuckle, which makes it more than worth it. 
The sun moves another fifteen degrees in the sky before the envoy decides to finally approach. "Oh, oh shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. The rumors are true." He mutters to himself, apparently not realizing that he can be heard over the din of the market. 
When he gets closer to where Hob, Morpheus, and Epithumia are sitting beneath the large fabric awning that has been extended from the top of one vardo, he makes an aborted little bow to them. "Hello, I bid you welcome from King Morpheus,” he is careful to pronounce the name and title of his sovereign clearly, “the monarch of these lands. He asks that you, the drummer and dancer of recent renown, come to the castle this afternoon before the evening meal, which is taken at the eighth bell. He has heard tales of your skill and artistry and would like to meet you privately, if it pleases you?"
Hob watches as his Dream’s face goes from suspicious to surprised to considering in the space of a breath. It is not often that a King asks for an audience with untitled folk, at least not in any land that Hob has ever traveled to. 
He looks over to Epithumia to find that their gold eyes are also trying to catch Hob’s gaze. King Morpheus? they mouth silently. Hob just shrugs.
Their Morpheus, his Dream, stands to respond and he towers over the envoy. “Tell the King that the dancer and the drummer will see him at the indicated time this afternoon.” Hob thinks it is notable that he does not give their names to the envoy, but what does he know, really. He hasn’t ever even seen a King before, let alone been called to be in the presence of one. 
Then Morpheus nods and the envoy goes fluttering off into the crowd with a squawk. 
All three of them stare into the bustling market for a few moments, silent and stony despite the elderly woman trying to get their attention.
“Hob,” his Dream catches his eye as he speaks, “We are going to need to go buy you a shirt, aren’t we?”
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hoardlikegoldenirises · 5 months
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I'm posting this now because I'm impatient and also because I just got that commission done by jerribbit (go look at it and admire it 🥰) which is based off of the same thumbnail as this drawing (lol) 'cause I had one of those moments like, "wait this concept is too good for me to not also draw this picture," so even though I paid someone else to draw it, I decided to also draw it. But expanded upon.
anyway it's AU-related and I plan to actually put this in a post with some other images later but I have to like, draw the other images first...
these are both Kaine as he looks in Houston in windowverse; left in mid-october or thereabouts and right in mid-november ish. 2015. he's 26/27/28/6 years old depending on how you start counting. (lol) (he's 27 and a half)
originally, I was gonna put his costume underneath, but I ended up deciding to bare his neck, just for the like... cohesion of the image as a whole.
closeups/details under the cut:
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left pic is Kaine in mid-October ish as mentioned, mid-to-late really... he ran out of medication and he's not doing so hot. some breakthrough spots as his immune system kicks back into gear.
some of those spots (the little ones) are just from picking at his skin though.
then he gets eaten by werewolves.
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also shaves his head. the white pupil is a cataract he's had for a few years at this point. a combo of meds + physical trauma when he was a few years younger.
also it turns out shaving a character's face and making his cheeks rounder really shaves off the years.
he may be going through some shit and adjusting to new medications and so on and so forth but at least he's eating enough ❤️
stop chewing your lips dude. anyway i spent at least an hour on coloring his scars in the second pic lmao, i just enjoy that. Like, lighting? no. texturing? yes. it's just a bunch of overlapping marks of cain. mark of cains. handprints :) a la Spider-Man: Redemption.
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opposite side obviously.
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some red hairs in his scraggly little beard :p
his voice is fried, for the record. that scar is right over his voice box. it's like five years old though, so it's well-healed.
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and then it gets even more fried, probably. this relatively fresh extremely gnarly scar is from getting his throat ripped out by a werewolf lol.
He died! Then he got better. Obv being eaten by werewolves is directly lifted from his Scarlet Spider solo, though not everything is identical.
i had to bullshit the way it looks also cause idk about you but it seems like asking for trouble to try and google, like, "scars from wolf mauling" or something. lmao.
in the windowverse setting, the Other heals injuries but existing scars stay put, and in this case the life-threatening injuries he sustained made new scars rather than healing away to smooth skin, on account of, hey, he got torn limb from limb by werewolves! not exactly a papercut, you know???
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admire his hair. the only reason it's not one big fluff is because of his expensive hair products.
oh yeah blue pullover hoodie because that's what Ben has :)
and the charcoal gray hoodie is a $345 Derek Rose hoodie he got from Saks after Aracely decided that she liked his blue hoodie and it's hers now.
oh right as far as his age goes—
this pic is, as mentioned, how he looks in fall 2015.
he was ''born'' on 4/1/2009 (so if you must be literal he's 6 years old)
he reached 22 the day after Peter's 22nd birthday (10/31/2009) (so he's 28)
but his 22nd birthday wasn't until 4/1/2010 (so he's 27)
according to the birth certificate wally gets made for him in this au he was born on 4/1/1989 (so he's legally 26)
He usually counts from his observed 22nd birthday in 2010 so generally he would consider himself 27 at this point. as long as he can remember his fake birth year it doesn't matter if he forgets what age he's ''supposed'' to be and since he was born in 2009 technically that makes 1989 much easier to remember.
also aracely was born in 1999 in this universe so this makes her both 10 years older than and 10 years younger than him :) which was another factor in why i picked 1989
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burgerputty · 7 months
Do you think you'll ever expand on the au where Gideon and Wallace were basically role swapped? Hopefully that doesn't sound pushy or anything; I just loved the concept, especially the possible roommate dynamics between Scott and Gideon :]
I just realized I had asks and I never answered them but ga I need to! I’m glad your interested in it but I will explain what it is so far I’ll go in sections so it’ll be more organized. This is pretty long tho I’m bad at explaining so bare with me! I’m kind of gonna use this ask to explain the whole au if you don’t mind lol. Feel free to ask more questions!
The au itself explained: Gideon and Wallace are swapped roles. So now Wallace is the big evil character and is presumably Scott’s evil ex. Gideon is instead put into the role of being Scott’s roommate. He is described as Scott’s gay nerd roommate or just roommate. Since Scott doesn’t really have any real ‘evil exes’ during a random moment of being drunk Wallace remembers about his relationship with Scott (which is just college scollace fling, however I may change this later I’m unsure) and posts a thing on Craigslist and Ramona’s exes agree to work together with Wallace to terrorize BOTH Scott’s and Ramona’s love life.
Gideon: so it’s notable that Gideon being in the role of Wallace expands on his character if he wasn’t exactly ‘evil’ but unlike the anime that explores this concept I still believe he wouldn’t be the best person, and would still have his underlined struggles that are implied, just no status to inflate his ego. Unlike Wallace he is really bad at picking up guys lol, and is not really as accepting of Scott moving on with Ramona. He’s more distant and rude but he’s also snarky (just like usually Gideon lol.) Usually just games or goes to work, occasionally going out drinking with Scott’s friend group, (but no one really likes him.) also idk if he’ll go by Gordon or not.
Wallace: Wallace is an evil ceo that freezes his ex boyfriends in cryogenic tubes. He’s just straight up comically evil just super gay if that’s really the best way to put it lol . He’s a much more less insecure version of Gideon though I will say that. I don’t know if I will implement the glow as a concept for him since it’s a very Gideon specific thing that ties rlly deep in his character imo, but like Gideon he doesn’t really love his ex bfs but rather think of his boy toy trophies. I need to expand on him but this is it for now. He is also way less violent and angrier than Gideon.
Scott and Gideon’s relationship: So unlike Scott and Wallace I actually see Scott and Gideons roommate dynamic as the complete opposite. Gideon is almost like the opposite of Wallace in a way at handling certain situations. Wallace is willing to let go when Gideon is not. So the two met their first year of college in a similar fashion, Gideon compliments his Zelda shirt and class and the two just kind of click. They are both losers in college and enjoy being nerds but also try to get girls, (usually fails.) Scott often times comments on how Gideon is an ‘anti chick magnet’ Eventually when drunk Gideon says he likes dudes and he’s just gay after that. So eventually Scott gets with envy, Gideon thinks his band is lame and none of Scott’s friends really like Gideon but yadada. Obv before Gideon tries to hit on Scott but fails in a similar fashion as Wallace in canon. I like to think Gideon has a one sided crush on Scott but it’s like a huge crush that dies within time so yeah super one sided (sorry I’m scideon brained). So in the present Scott just kind of ended up living with Gideon. Gideon is quick to get annoyed with Scott but is also deeply attached to Scott I think and of course cares about him. He is more meaner about Scott breaking up with knives (rightfully so tbh) and is just more meaner to Scott in general, even if at times it’s just playful. He’s also not really that supportive of Scott’s relationship with Ramona but comes to terms with it eventually. But it’s notable he secretly hopes him and Ramona’s relationship fails, (yeah he’s still kind of an ass lol.)
but yeah that’s kind of it for now sorry it’s so long😭😭 I hope it makes sense. I seriously need to draw the au out more.
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runningwolf62 · 2 months
Oh hey, hey Wolf. Remember how the other day you suggested an AU where Ena is the Inquisitor/has the Anchor, and Esti and Brennan are just there along for the ride? One must consider the inciting incident of this, that Esti and Ena split up to better nose around and get information, Esti meets Brennan, and then the two of them go down to Haven to be nosy there.
And then the Conclave explodes. There is talk of one single survivor. All Esti knows is that Ena was up there in the Temple when it blew up. She's dealing with the most profound grief of her life and the only shoulder she has to cry on is that of a human she met four hours ago. And all Ena knows is that she doesn't know where Esti was, maybe she could have gone down to Haven, but more likely she's just - gone. "What do you mean," she asks Cassandra, "that everyone is dead?"
Ena stops the Breach from expanding further, everyone's talking about the Herald of Andraste, but the stories are probably so jumbled that it would take days for Esti to realize that the Conclave's sole survivor is her sister.
This AU concept simply speedruns the angst. Starting right off with it.
Brennan would actually be looking to join the Inquisition, I've realized, because this is the furthest he's ever been from his family, and this will give him something far away from them, money, etc. Like it's a mess rn but if they're taking recruits, he's got experience with horses, he'll be a messenger or stablehand or anything. Like, I think that's something in the back of his mind.
So he's sneaking around to see if they're hiring and also because he's the Trevelyan shame and he wants to be left alone and runs into Esti, who is also sneaking around, and once initial shock wears off, he'd probably offer that she could stick with him because people will assume she's supposed to be there if she's with a human, like, why else would she be walking around openly talking to one? And exploring is more fun with friends, right? And really, he doesn't believe in the Maker anyway, so it might be a bit fun to make fun of everyone.
Brennan is in the middle of a dumb joke, he's been telling them for the past hour to his new friend, (Esti, she'd said, and she likes that he enjoys taking the piss out of everything) and he's making the kinda jokes that are only funny when you're mocking the church that runs everything but you both think is kinda a load of crap.
When the sky explodes. Brennan, when he was in the templars, read a lot to escape. He ended up loving the stars and everything they knew about the night sky because he could always see it and there was so much that was incredible about it.
No book had every described the event happening above them now. The sky is split open, and Brennan has seen wounds. Reminds him of a gash, of split open knuckles, of fights he'd had in training and shallow wounds, of how something supposed to be whole pulls apart.
"What the fuck." He breathes, as he and Esti pick themselves off the ground, immediately having to grab her, "where the fuck are you going, stay here!"
"My- my sister, she was here too, she was up there-"
"Stay here." Brennan drags her back, away from everything, "are you out of you- okay. Fair enough. You're scared, I get it. Esti!" She looks at him, rather than past him like she's gonna bolt for it, "listen to me. I know how things... not like this, but they're gonna look for someone to blame. The last thing you wanna do is be the Dalish they find up there."
Esti blinks and nods jerkily, and Brennan sighs heavily. He didn't want to go back before this anyway. Esti's been the nicest person he's spoken to in the past month.
"And I'll stay with you until we find her, okay?" He offers a hand, "we stick together, deal?"
"Deal, shem."
"Please, Shem is my father's name, call me Brennan." He thinks Esti snorts at that because it's one of the stupidest things anyone's ever said, but as everyone is scrambling about around them in a panic, he's succeeded in one small thing. Keeping either of them from panicking.
He takes a deep breath, "now, what's your sister look like? You came down here, maybe she did too. We'll start where all the Chantry people aren't."
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a-cat-in-toffee · 3 months
ramble abt your abraxas au? it looks so cool!!!!!!!
I'm gonna take this as an opportunity to talk abt helming in this au because i have put an absurd amount of thought into something that could easily just be breezed over
this is gonna be long so
quick warning for taking abt helming and stuff !!! so i guess mild body horror discussion? i dont think theres anything specifically in this that is. like bad? but if that sort of thing makes you uncomfortable thats mainly what this is abt!!!
(side note if this makes no fucking sense please feel free to execute me in the street xoxxo (side note side note there are a lot of different elements from different aus and fics that i've consumed so if you recognize anything thats probably why))
i went a little bit into it on @the-starship-abraxas (please go check out my blog for this au and send asks spspspsps cmon guys) already
SOLLUX: oh, that2 my port2. ii can plug iinto the 2hiip. SOLLUX: they're mo2tly along my 2piine. SOLLUX: equiiu2 iin2talled them whiile we were 2tiil on world, and he upkeep2 them. SOLLUX: human-troll technology make2 tradiitiional helmiing and piilotiing faiirly ob2olete, 2o a lot of 2hiip2 have helm2 whiich the helm2man can detatch from. SOLLUX: ii plug iin and 2ort of become one wiith the 2hiip. SOLLUX: iit2 really fuckiing cool.
so, the ports!
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as stated before, a helmsman's ports are primarily along their spine because the biowires connect to their spinal cord and basically hijack the signals from their brains. Biowires work the same as any other wall plug or cord except they're alive and have nerves and interpret brain signals and plug into a person's body. Fun times!
the way "traditional helming" would work is goldblood psionics would be assigned ability levels depending on how strong their psionics were and depending on that they would be assigned to ships. the stronger the psionic the larger the ship, since traditionally they would just. straight up throw it with their mind.
after the colonization of earth and the introduction of actual technology into alternia's biotech, what the pilot could actually do in a ship expanded a lot. Since the psionic could become aware of the ship from not only a physical sense but a significantly more mechanical sense, pilots were given the responsibility of both moving the ship as well as being aware of damage, communications, and other such things.
most psionic ports and helms have psionic stoppers which cap off the amount of energy that the psionic can sort of put out into the ship (The abraxas does not have these because Sollux has the equivalent of several programs running in the background at all times and they would short out every time.) so as to not pop helmsman like a mustard packet.
when is comes to the actual helmscolumn I don't have any art but I do have a blurb from my abraxas drabbles (I swear I'm going to start the actual fic someday)
The helmsblock was a decently large room, with various technology and computers built into the walls. The centerpiece though was, of course, the helmscolumn. Pilot technology had come a long way from just strapping up psionics to ships and having them hurl themselves across space, and nothing showed that change quite like what the pilots were strung up into. At the roof and floor were two circular fuschia platforms, mirroring each other and curving inwards. In some places surrounding the platforms similarly colored bio wires hung, tucked away, unused, and, if you looked close enough, almost writhing against each other. In front of the column you could see two small control panels, intended for the pilot to be able to use as they flew.
the column itself/some of the design details may change as time eternally marches on but for the most part the helmscolumn is meant to be technologically up to date and safe, yes, but it's also meant to be incredibly showy. While piloting has come pretty far, helmsman are still often shown off or seen as ship accessories.
even though its not like. a rights violation to have a poorly taken care of pilot. its still generally frowned upon. just cause things are better doesnt mean they're good!
(also while it is common practice for pilots to be able to disengage from the helm it's not uncommon for ships to have fullhelms.)
I hope this ramble was to your liking !! i have. just so much shit for this universe.
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blackbird-brewster · 26 days
2, 4, 5, 12, 13, 30, 32, 38, 47, 57, 69, 83, 84
I will answer your ask here shortly! But I didn't want you to think I forgot to ask you ✌️❤️😘
[Send my Writer Asks] TY for so many number!! <3
2. talk about a notable time a narrative or character has looked you dead in the eyes and said “fuck your plan, here’s what we’re actually doing.”
Basically any and every fic with JJ in it is this exact thing. JJ is notorious for going off-script and just doing whatever the hell she wants. I have had to re-write entire fic outlines bc of this. She's a nuisance (affectionate).
4. what is the plot bunny you’ve been carrying for the longest? optional bonus question: do you ever wonder why you haven’t written it yet and experience deep existential dread?
I often look at the 4 chapters I wrote for an early season CM fic that's sorta like 'You've Got Mail' (it's a 2006 online dating fic) and lament that I've never finished it. I even *know* the reason why too, it's simply because the coding to do entire chapters in 'e-mail' form on AO3 would require me to build custom skins to make it look like emails and such (yea, I know I don't HAVE to make it look like that, but my brain says You Gotta) and god, I just really hate coding.
5. have you ever made a playlist about something you were writing as an elaborate means to procrastinate when you could have been actually writing and if yes drop a link, son
I currently have over *30* CM character/fanfic related playlists. You should check out this masterlist for all the links plus summaries of each playlist, or just give me a follow on Spotify
12. do you ever have trouble focusing on writing? how do you get around that? 
Sorry, what? I missed the question because I was staring out the window and procrastinating again. The answer -- YES, of course I do. I'm AudHD and I live in a house with three other people, a cat who's an asshole, and on a street where multiple houses are being built. 😭 I try my best to be at my desk at regular hours each week, usually about 10am-4pm M-F. And I close any windows/apps on my laptop that aren't my writing one and put my phone out of reach. Then I set the focus timer on for a designated time and try to write until it goes off. This helps TONS.
13. talk about a writing experience that has pleasantly surprised you.
When I wrote what was supposed to be a Emily/Rebecca hate-sex one-shot, I didn't think anyone would read it. Then, when I expanded it into what became 'Do What I Want (Over What's Right)' I was absolutely blown away by the great convos I had with readers in each chapter's comment section. I even met a new best buddy via that fic! (hiiii @swpf)
30. most inspirational quote you’ve ever read or heard that’s still important to you.
"We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love." - Dr Seuss
32. do characters influence your writing style?
Can do, sometimes. My style itself doesn't change all that much, I don't think? I mean, I can look at old fics and see how far I've come since first writing them, but that's less about the characters themself and more about me as a weird little guy.
38. how many stories do you work on at one time?
One. As mentioned above, I'm far too distractable to have multiple-WIP at one time. The exception to this rule is, sometimes, I'll crank out a one-shot while working on a longer project too. But 99% of the time, I only have one WIP going.
47. what story are you most proud of?
Forever and ever, Head Full of Doubt (Jemily, High School AU). That fic explores mental health, friendship, depression, and the pressures of being a teenager. It is my forever proudest achievement as a writer.
57. what is the last thing that a fic made you google when you were reading it?
While reading? Hm, this is gonna sound so petty, but I recently pulled up the fandom wiki to double check a continuity point in a fic. Not because I was judging the author, more because my brain was trying to figure out the timeline they were presenting.
69. how do you write emotional scenes? do you ever feel what the characters feel?
I have such a visceral imagination. I not only see my characters, but I definitely also feel their feels too as part of getting into their heads. When I write emotional scenes, I am usually sobbing myself. On the flip side, my partner knows when I'm writing smut bc my breath gets all soft and short 🫠
83. less is more or more is more?
Do whatever you want forever. Period. No rules, just do you!
84. said: overused or underused?
Again, do whatever you want forever. I use said/replied lots, but I also use more specific indicators to get tone across depending on the conversation and scene.
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acaciapines · 10 months
Your nanowrimo pieces are soooo goooood they hit so hard fr fr. I’m especially LOVING today’s one with the owl & the collector even tho I don’t rlly know that much abt toh bc I haven’t watched it but I can tell that u LOVE IT & I can’t wait to learn more thru osmosis once the fic is poooosteeeed✨ (i WILL read it i PROMISE i SWEAR)
Anyways give us the thoughts, the tea, tell us how you make the words do that✨ anything u wanna give in regards to today’s bit!! We’re not picky!
Hope y’all are doing okay! Gal says hi :) Remember to eat and drink something, take breaks, and look after yourselves and each other! We love you! This has been a Daily Interaction Ask <3
he he :3 im glad youre enjoying!! its been really fun to pick out my favorite bits even when usually those are the ones w/out context lol. look at my owl and weep boy. firefly <3
YOU WILL LEARN SO MUCH VIA OSMOSIS....literally now that im also doing something for s1 its like. why watch owl house we have owl house at home (the owl house at home is a 1 million word daemon au) (<- 1 mil is not a joke btw idk if it'll hit it but itll at least come very close. no idk why i did this.)
as for today! hmmm...
its truly so fun to write the collector. like im not joking about him being my favorite owl house character despite his maybe twenty total minutes of screentime, so its been such a JOY to expand his role in this series!!
bc like. god. actually i think i wrote a whole like. bit of flash fiction/prose poetry type thing for them a while ago. probably in my files somewhere. but just. youre an immortal eight year old. you are in these years where you need to interact with other people for your own mental stability and health. to figure out the whole Being A Person thing. and you are trapped for like, centuries. trapped away from everyone and everything and DUST, which, in universe, in literally connection personified. you're cut off from all of this.
and you are, let me say again, eight years old.
truly the collector is just. hes had everyone he ever cares about leave him--his siblings the other archivists left him behind not out of any sense of cruelty, really, but because caring about people just isnt really a thing they do. quite frankly they live so long they didnt even notice. theyre far-away stars. not far because they're mean. just because thats what stars do.
and then king's dad (who um. doesnt have a name <3 this is why the collector calls him 'the big bully' its literally bc i never gave him a name--) was an adult the collector actually trusted and looked up to (he meshed REALLY WELL into titan society until the archivists started Doing A Murder since titans are the only beings that match them in power and they have very very different ideas about dust). like ive said before the collector is owlbeastkin but before that they never had a super stable sense of identity--in another world where they stayed w/ the titans they wouldve ended up a titan.
and then king's dad just. trapped him in a tablet forever.
and like, to be fair to king's dad he was reacting out of fear and the best knowledge he had (he assumed the collector led the archivists to the titans, and like, he did, but its not like he knew he was doing that, and, you know, poor guy had seen a huge chuck of his fellow titans killed including babies and eggs of which he had an egg to consider), but it still TRAPPED THEM. and then he died and so did all the rest of the titans so nobody could free the collector even if they wanted to.
and then BELOS, who manipulated and lied to the collector for so long and was also literally his only friend after being alone forever, so like, of course the collector just blindly went along with whatever he said. he was gonna free them!! he listened to them when they talked about stardust which nobody else ever did! he had no idea what the fuck a witch was! he just liked being able to see the stardust sometimes, and belos brought him to places with a lot of stardust. to destroy it, but like--you know. it was THERE.
but all these people were just USING them, and they never really understand that until king comes around. and king's also a scared eight year old!! but like. king's also not wrong. the collector did aid belos in destroying the entire isles. like no joke belos SUCCEEDS here. like not long-term obvi this has a happy ending but at the point we're in at for the future? it doesnt matter that the draining spell failed. all the palistrom trees are dead. witch society Cannot come back from that even if they did end up beating the collector. theyre doomed.
anyways what was i saying. collector. right.
so like, then they meet firefly/grr-click-growl/wings-across-night/the owl beast (king of having so many names i love her <3) and shes like, the first person who cares for them and ISNT using them. even king is using them!! but firefly has seen Some Shit. she sees the collector as a hatchling who was kicked out of his nest and is doing her best to be some sort of stable figure for him, but she doesnt Not see the stuff he's done.
the collector took over the world bc he's scared--all he's ever known is being used and trapped so he doesnt exactly trust most people easily. firefly would Love to not be in this world anymore. shes also got a loyalty to eda and king and luzmari. and, like, cool motive, still trapping an entire society of people.
but like. shes the one who is here right now and nobody else is trying to help this kid.
but the collector just. hes just an eight year old. a very, very old eight year old. but he doesnt understand things like "you can make the wrong choices and still choose to do better later" and "im mad at what you did but that doesnt mean i dont care about you."
he just sees someone upset with him. just sees another person who used him and doesnt care and is going to leave bc everyone leaves him and in a world where EVERY SINGLE PERSON comes in pairs, hes the only one who stands alone.
basically tl;dr: collector my beloved <3
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emagios · 5 months
hello hello :3 love your r1999 art, and I was curious about your painter au! Can I ask what Sonetto would be like in this world? She seems just as sheltered, but no longer indoctrinated with the foundation’s ‘order over opinion’ stuff. Does that make her more openly curious? Less professional and aloof? and I imagined her magic would not be as controlled or powerful but used in far more imaginative ways..
i also envisioned she’d being *even more* socially awkward around others and especially Vertin, since she has had basically no one else around and no diplomatic training of any kind ahsbskf
and then there’s her family who basically extort her abilities..
(Sorry if i’m rambling jdndjdn i’m just really curious, you don’t have to answer everything)
Yo!!! I'm glad a lot of you guys enjoy the au, it makes me happy that yall vibe with it ^w^ I've also gotten to discuss this with someone too and it's been great! Most of the time whenever I draw AUs it's kind of a one - and - done thing and I don't think too much about the details. But I'm particular towards this so I wanted to try to keep them similar to canon to try to get a feel of their characters, and then practice navigating them in this AU That said, while she hasn't been indoctrinated into the Foundation's teachings, she'll still have a similar mindset to canon because of her parents controlling her upbringing. She's sheltered, but she also isn't encouraged to act on her curiosity, to engage with the world too much because she's been taught to hide herself and her abilities because "the outside world is dangerous to arcanists" . There was someone who reblogged and tagged how the AU was giving Rapunzel vibes and they're not wrong!! I was actually thinking about Rapunzel when coming up with this too. The painting, and the controlling and restrictive parents... However, unlike Gothel, I wanted to make her parents a bit more complicated. They cared for her once, but now they've lost that and are more concerned with utilizing her abilities for their gain. It's this complicated relationship that also keeps Sonetto from acting against her parents wishes. In the hopes, that maybe they'll show that same love they gave to her before. Another reason would be because she's never had someone Vertin to show her another perspective outside of it. She's aloof and withdrawn but despite that still has a yearning for the world. A yearning she refuses to indulge in because of the reasons above. Her magic would indeed be not made for combat or powerful. She wouldn't be allowed to hone it further than what she's asked to do. She's not completely locked away from the world though, just that she'll have minimal interactions. So she's awkward and hopelessly inept in socializing LMAOOO But yeah!! So far that's what I've had in mind for the direction this AU is gonna take. Of course, feel free to put your own spin on it too! :DD I want to elaborate more but that'll be a spoiler alert HAHAHAHA jkjk I'm also just making it as I go and hopefully winging it I still haven't gotten the chance to expand on these ideas yet because pre-finals are kicking my ass but maybe after When I have time, I'll get the chance to do so For now, thank you plenty for the ask and for taking the time to read this! I... am not good with keeping conversations short aksjdgajhs So thank you, for listening :D I hope you have a good one!!!
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thecrusadercomrade · 8 months
Hello! I think your writing and TWDG AUs are the bees knees! They're full of possibilities I had never really considered and I'm glad you both exist! My favorite chapter of your 'What Ifs' fic so far is ch13, where Nick survives! <3
If it's okay, I offer some TWDG What If ideas/prompts.
1: What If - Sophie had successfully escaped the Delta, but without Minerva?
2: What If - Mariana Garcia could also survive Season 3, similarly to Gabe?
3: What If - Any of the kids (older teens and infants included) who died during the events of the game (with the exception/inclusion of Sophie because I am WEAK) survive and possibly group up and travel with Clem (& eventually AJ I guess?) going forward into the future seasons and possibly up until the final season? This leaves a lot of possibilities to do individually, or in any combination (or all at once if you feel like being huffing that writer's hubris lol) which I will list below by Season but feel free to add any you feel fit the bill or that I've missed.
S1: Travis, Duck, Fivel (he counts because he showed up as a walker & dies in the S1 attic in Savannah, his parents either died or abandoned him, willingly or forced, by joining Crawford which didn't allow kids because Social Darwinism bullshit), and Ben Paul.
S2: Michelle (the teen who killed Omid, if you're feeling brave), Omid Jr (Christ & Omid's baby, goes w/ Clem because Christa wouldn't confront bandits while holding an infant, but doesn't drown in the river pls), Sarah, Jane's unnamed baby (Determinant, Jane doesn't have to survive).
S4: Any of the Ericson kids who died (for sure) in S4, so Brody, Marlon, Mitch, and Minerva. (I didn't include Tenn because his death is Determinant in canon).
Idk call this idea 'Congrats, All Orphans' or sumthin, lol. X3
Anyways, I hope these ideas are fun and okay or helpful and thought-provoking in some way. Also, I wish you a wonderful day! <333
Aww, thank you so much for the extremely kind words! Seeing this pop up in my inbox brought a big smile to my face! I really like that chapter as well, I enjoyed getting into Nick's headspace and seeing what kinds of decisions he'd make based on his idolized idea of Luke and his desire to protect the few people he has left.
I've already gotten a request for Sophie to successfully escape WITH Minnie, but I'll see if I can come up with two separate storylines that are differentiated enough I don't have to combine the two prompts!
I've also gotten a request for Mariana to survive, so I'll definitely put your name down as one of the ones who requested it!
As for your third prompt, I love how much thought you've put into it, especially that name, which is AMAZING, but I've actually got an idea for a standalone TWDG story that's very similar to this one! The idea for that story is that Lee survives season 1, and ends up adopting every child/teenager in the series. For that reason, I'm gonna have to decline doing this one as a What If, as I want to do an expanded version of this idea as its own story, which I very much hope you'll enjoy when it eventually comes out.
Thank you so much again for the ask, and for all the requests! Readers like you enjoying my stories are what give me the motivation to keep on writing. May you have a wonderful day as well!
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safetycar-restart · 10 months
Getting feelings over Max releasing a little Lion named Jimmy as merch. It makes me think about how maybe its based off of little!Max’s favorite plushie. And how maybe little!Max wants to give you one too, and he’s all shy about giving you the present but also a little proud bc it was his idea? And look its here now?? Huhu. All your littles just give me all the feels 😭😭
Also the D/S au lestappen idea of having the same professional dom in Monaco tho. 👀👀👀 Like, how do they find about each other? Did they run into each other when one was leaving/arriving? Maybe after it at first they’re kinda awkward around each other? And then maybe if they’re at like a triple header and haven’t seen their dom in like 3 weeks, they kinda commiserate with each other over how much they miss them???
Aw okay yes I love both of these ideas so much!! I'm so happy you guys are enjoying all the littles content! And yeah I'm also loving this lestappen idea, so I'm gonna tag it with 'D/S AU - lestappen' so that we can group all the content about it because I would LOVE to discuss it more and develop it further. I'm gonna discuss each of these ideas a little bit and then I can always expand on them in future asks if you guys would like :))
Jimmy the lion!!! Max is so so proud of him!! Of course max was absolutely terrified of releasing it as merch, and his management certainly looked at him like he'd gone insane when he first suggested it. But he wanted to do it so badly.
I almost think it's a way for max to accept his little space into his every day life? For so long he denied that aspect of himself, refused to acknowledge it until he couldnt stop a drop. He wouldn't prepare for it at all, never allowing himself to buy plushies or toys or cute jammies for his little self.
But now that he's grown to accept that side of him and actually allows himself to think about it and prepare for it and plan for it? He lets himself look over his schedule and allocate time just to regress and be cared for.
He's come so far and he just... he wants a way to represent his little self in his merch and in how people see him. The lion plushie is absolutely perfect for that and while his fans are a little confused when it gets announced, they absolutely LOVE it.
And oh my god of course he must give you one!! He's so nervous for that, so nervous to give you something like that because it's so so special to him. He waits until he's regressed, wrapping the present nicely in his adult headspace and leaving it with his toys for him to get when he regresses.
You're so shocked when little max crawls into your lap later and shyly hands you a gift, making you promise you won't laugh before you open it. And of course you love it!!! You give both your maxy and your new jimmy a forehead kiss, promising maxy that you'll take good care of your new plushie.
I love the idea that they run into each other outside of the building? So maybe you're a professional dom in Monaco known for being exclusive and private, so much so that you have your own studio that you use for scenes. This means that there's no way either of them could have been there for something different when they run into each other.
Max is exiting your studio, a small smile on his face and zero tension in his body because he's just finished his scene with you and he feels so good. What max loves about you is how you always give your subs as much aftercare as possible, allowing them to cuddle with you for hours until they're ready to leave.
On that day, max stayed even longer than usual so that when he left, Charles was already there waiting for his scene. Charles, conversely, was all stress and nervous energy. He needed this scene so bad, needed to be taken into subspace and made to feel whole again.
They're in shock when they run into each other, neither of them knowing what to say now that they knew. Even though both of them had official team doms to use an emergency, those doms couldnt raise a candle to you.
"You too?" max asks, surprised. Charles just nodded and headed inside, not being in the right headspace at all to think about the fact that max also scened with you.
Charles doesn't mention this to you when the scene starts, and he and max don't acknowledge it for weeks until it's the third race in a triple header and neither of them have been back to Monaco since before the triple header began.
Charles goes to max to complain about how much he misses you because he knows Max would understand. Anyone else he tells would just tell him to use the Ferrari team dom if he needs to be taken down, but no thats not what he needs. He needs you, and he knows max will understand.
Max does understand, and they end up talking about how good of a dom you are and how much they miss you. After that, they talk about it more and more.
I also think they'd start to talk about how much they both hate the idea of you domming other people? They know you're a professional dom and so of course you have other clients and neither of them have any right to be upset about that. But well... even though they're submissive they're both also possessive of you. They both want you with them all the time and their skin crawls when they think of how they're all alone missing you and you're busy domming other clients.
Interestingly, neither of them seem to mind that you dom the other though...
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shrinkthisviolet · 8 months
OKAY some months ago I asked you about your views-per-season of The Flash and I loved all the answers and now it's time...to ask your overall views on Cobra Kai per season!!
Oooh interesting! My memory of CK events is not quite as strong as Flash events (considering I'm hyperfixated on the Flash and not CK currently), but I’m gonna do my best to cover all my bases. And ofc, anyone can feel free to ask me to expand on any of these:
Season 1
—Definitely my favorite season…mostly because it a) is the least terrible and b) had the most potential to improve
—Johnny’s arc started off so strong here. It makes me so sad. He was put on a journey to become a better person/father, and the later seasons just threw that away. But it’s wonderful here 💞 he’s a screw-up, but we have hope he’ll improve! Character growth and all that
—Miguel getting jealous of Sam and Robby is complete bs. Sam and Robby literally did not do anything!! They were just smiling and laughing together!! Having dinner together at the LaRusso house because Robby was staying with them!! They were being friendly!!
—And then on top of that, Miguel hurting Robby and then not even apologizing for it?? And not understanding why Sam was upset?? Just…ugh
—Sam apologizing to Aisha was sweet! Definitely something Aisha needed to hear 💞
Season 2
—I didn’t like either of the romances here, sorry. The chemistry didn’t click with me for Sam & Robby or Tory & Miguel—both pairs were far better as friends imo
—On that note: adding the romance was a bad decision imo! It did not add anything!! It was a lazy way of justifying the Sam-Tory rivalry, when class differences would’ve been way more compelling (and was, in fact, their initial reason for disliking each other!!). Honestly, if they need someone to fight over, why not Aisha?? Not every love triangle/corner has to be romantic—mix it up and make it platonic for once! It would make so much sense too—Sam betrayed Aisha, she apologized, they were mending bridges, now Aisha has a new friend in Tory and told Tory some not-so-nice things about Sam. There’s compelling drama! Who needs romantic love corner bs when the better option is right there
—I have mixed feelings about 2x8. Now, I’m a Samguel shipper and always will be, but that kiss was…something else, I did not like it (and I'm planning to fix it in my AU, when we get there). HOWEVER I want to make something clear: Sam was not an active participant in that kiss. She was so drunk she could barely walk, let alone make rational decisions (we see, later that episode, that she couldn’t make any decisions, actually—all she could do was beg Robby not to take her home!). Miguel, however, was an active participant in that kiss—we don’t know how much he had to drink, but it was definitely less than Sam, and he didn’t seem to struggle with speech, coherency, or walking. So either he was sober, or close to it…enough that he was aware of what he was doing
—In that vein: Tory knew that Sam was that drunk, and thus wouldn't have been actively participating in that kiss, so if she really wanted to go after someone as revenge for being cheated on…why not her boyfriend??
—Daniel was way too harsh on Robby. Robby didn’t do anything wrong!! Sam begged him not to take her home, so he took her somewhere else safe!!
—This season does a good job introducing Tory, though, and raising the stakes. The non-romance stuff going on is generally pretty good
Season 3
—Daniel & Johnny are once again idiots this season, and Robby deserves better than both of them. At least Daniel…sorta tries to make amends? But eh.
—That Japan plot line was…so random. I know why it was included (they had to nostalgia-bait us) but…it was so pointless??
—Chozen is awesome. I love him. I was sorta neutral about him in KK2 (I hated him for most of it, and then I felt a little sympathetic towards him by the end), but here?? He’s awesome! I love how he turned his life around, that he’s now friends with Kumiko, and that he teaches!! He’s a delight :D
—The Daniel/Kumiko scenes are wayyy too romanticized considering Daniel is married with two kids (fandom: this is a problem with you too. Stop romanticizing these scenes!! Cheating of any kind is not romantic!! Stop it!!)
—Johnny didn’t technically cheat since he and Carmen weren’t official or anything, but uh. If memory serves, he did sleep with Carmen the night before (correct me if I’m wrong), so going out on a date with Ali is very weird?? Idk if we were supposed to read romance into that interaction, I know they did part on polite, non-romantic terms, but it’s just….so weird. What is it with this season and trying to bring up old flames for some reason
—I’m also generally neutral on Johnny/Carmen, and it’s because from the minute they get together, Carmen starts being sidelined to no end. More on that in the s5 section, which is where she gets it the worst
—This is more of a fandom thing, but anyone who denies Sam’s PTSD or makes fun of it gets an instant block from me. Because literally wtf
—God I wish Daniel & Johnny’s rivalry had just ended here. That party scene of them making peace was so 🥺 it would’ve been the perfect transition point from rivals to friends/co-senseis
—Daniel and Johnny just leaving Robby with Kreese without even trying to object is just?? Why?? They couldn't even make a tiny effort?? Nothing?? (Also, Robby is legally Johnny's anyway, could he not just. Drag Robby away by force. Is now really the time to worry about whether your son likes you, Johnny?? Now of all times?? Mayhaps get him safe first, and then worry about stupid nonsense that's your own fault anyway??)
Season 4
—My least favorite season, hands down
—Amanda helping Tory based on Kreese’s advice is just downright stupid. There were so many other ways to do this plotline right. It doesn’t even make sense considering Amanda wanted to throw Tory in Shawshank last season!! But Kreese of all people changed her mind?? Give me a break
—I am a Sam LaRusso defender, especially in this season, but…her harassing Tory at work was uncalled for. Her beef with Tory was 100% valid, but there’s no reason to make work terrible for Tory too. And turning the kids against her?? Why?? The kids have no stake in this, leave them out of it!
—Tory/Robby is…fine, but much like the s2 ships, I never got the sparks from them
—Robby apologizing to Johnny is the worst thing ever. Still makes me so mad
—Anthony being the bully could’ve been great if they’d done anything with it. Drew parallels to Johnny, had Anthony realize how far he went and back off, something like that…but instead, Kenny strikes back and now Anthony becomes the victim. Great 🤦‍♀️
—Silver wasn’t good in this season 🤷‍♀️ sorry not sorry
—Daniel yelling at Anthony and breaking his tablet was wrong, full stop. I got so mad about this that I wrote a fix-it for it.
Season 5
—Johnny is a terrible dad, and this season confirmed that the writers either don’t know or don’t care about fixing that! In general as a character, he's been beyond saving for a few seasons, but...man this one just really hammered in how much he's regressed. He's just barely a few inches past s1, which is actually an improvement from s4!
—I can’t believe they keep giving Carmen less and less agency each season. I swear she’s just Johnny’s eye candy at this point, like wtf?? Hello?? Why is Johnny more of a presence in Miguel’s life than his OWN MOTHER?? Why is she reduced to “the mother of Johnny’s unborn baby”??
—The Mexico story was…fine, ig. However, Carmen barely being a player in that storyline will haunt me. Literally screw you, writers
—This season marks yet another POC introduced and inducted into…Cobra Kai. Yikes, guys. Your POC get to be written off the show, sidelined, or put into the “evil” dojo now, huh? Very progressive 🤦‍♀️
—Chozen was a star in this season, I still love him 🥰 however, there’s no way he and Kumiko were a couple. That was just dumb
—Tory being a mentor to Devon was sweet!
—I did not expect to like Mike Barnes in this season. Like omg. He was great (also…not to rec, but I’m totally gonna rec your series bad boy (no more) because I adore your characterization of him 💞)
—Why did Silver and Kreese split up?? Like…that was so dumb. Literally why did they do that. It was some bs about Johnny iirc, and I hate it.
—Listen. I am so glad Sam and Tory are friends now. So, SO glad (even tho I did that first smh). However, it will always irk me that Sam was the one to apologize first, not Tory
—Silver was an insanely menacing villain this season 💞 totally made up for last season when, imo, he was wasted. We get to see Daniel’s KK3 trauma on full display! However, I think bringing in another sensei (Kim Da Eun I think was her name?) to inflict that on Tory was very dumb. It should’ve been Silver himself doing that to Tory, not a new character we barely know
—Seriously guys can we stop introducing new characters?? Can we just flesh out the ones we already have??
—I have…mixed feelings about the crane kick. On the one hand, Silver being bested by his own technique + crane kick is satisfying to some degree, but on the other hand, it...goes counter to the themes of Miyagi-Do as presented in the movies. The show in general has this problem (which I've reblogged posts about, but I'm also happy to talk about in a separate ask) with treating violence as the Final Solution. This show misunderstands pacifism on a fundamental level, acting like it's a coward's way out and not a brave thing. Pacifism is not inaction—it is the active choice to refuse a fight with someone because it will do neither of you any good. Imagine how furious Silver would be if Daniel, kindhearted Daniel who has spent 3 movies learning the value of pacifism from Mr. Miyagi, just looked Silver in the eyes and refused to fight him!
Okay I...think that's everything? I've reblogged a lot of CK posts, so you can probably get a pretty good idea from those too, but generally speaking, these are my thoughts currently.
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buggknife · 8 months
🍕💼🎯🥊❤️✂️🧊🍀🌂🙌🍎💎🍩 gib me scrunkly lore plz 🥺
yeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaa thank you so many aahh, once again since this is a Big One I am gonna throw these under the cut/zaza pic :3
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🍕 - What is their favourite food? Since we’ve established the gas station snack food thing I’ll make another addition that isn’t dependent on a modern setting: jerky, generally anything crunchy. Any setting in which chips (or even crackers) exist you can bet he’s gonna be scarfing those fuckers down.
💼 - What do they do for a living? Ok so this is funny; in everywhere except the very scuffed ass modern/fc5 AU he mainly just steals shit. If asked why he’s always very ideological about why he does it, very particular about his targets but ultimately yeah. Whatever he can’t obtain via his weirdo hermit ass lifestyle he just forages in other peoples’ homes and businesses for. He could probably make some bank selling the shit he makes if he had any tolerance for the prospective buyers but that is not going to happen because stealing is less annoying.
🎯 -What do they do best? Answered HERE
🥊 -What do they love to do? What do they hate to do? Loves to fucking chill idk. If left to his own devices he would probably just roam around, climb some mountains, build some dumb shit, make a campfire, play guitar, who knows. As for hate. uhm. I don't think there's any day-to-day activity that he genuinely cant stand. Like he doesn't particularly like going to pick up the mail or answering the door but like it's not the end of the world. He definitely hates when things are done TO him though lmao- he hates being touched except by a VERY specific few people, otherwise expect to lose an arm.
❤️ - What is one of your OC’s best memories? Answered HERE &lt;3
✂️ - What is one of your OC’s worst memories? There was a prominent antagonist in the main RP I did with him, a dracolich who managed to push his buttons like no one else could and more or less took away everything that he held dear. Needless to say Eran went full murder mode, forgot how to be human for a few years, the whole nine yards. I could gush about that RP for hours it is my favourite thing I’ve done with Eran like ever
🧊 - Is their current design the first one? I went and tracked down a specil [ EXCLUSIVE !! ] piece of sprinkle history: behold scrackle circa 2009.
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Needless to say the current design is slightly different. Having said that I think I had the basics of his design dialed in within the first few years.
🍀 - What originally inspired the OC? I can’t explain this without sounding like an insane person, but it involves a fixation that 13yo bug had with a popular Canadian country-rock band. It’s all completely irrelevant now but it is funny to think about. There were comics.
🌂 - What genre do they belong in? For a long time I had him really locked in to fantasy stuff but I am less and less enamoured with that genre as time goes on for a few different reasons. It’s familiar and comfortable for me certainly, and Eran has BY FAR the most ‘lore’ in his original, fantasy-ish canon. So I’m not sure if that counts as belonging but it’s certainly his origin. Even then that's more of a setting than a genre so I'll expand on that- I think there are certain elements that make an Eran story successful in my eyes, that aren't limited to fantasy. I need him to be able to do crimes, be a Wild Boy and generally be more of a freak than a modern setting would typically allow (not to 100% trash the FC5 au but it definitely needs…something). I think it would be funny to put him in a heist movie. I’ve always liked him best when leaning heavily into the drama, character study sort of shit.
🙌 - How many sibling does your OC have? One brother, Ash, whom he hates.
🍎 - What is the OC’s relationship w/their parents like? Bad! His whole family is a cult in its own right more or less and Eran really doesn’t want anything to do with them. It's admittedly something I haven't fleshed out toooooo much. E's very much a 'keep moving forward' type of guy so naturally his family past stuff has not had too much attention.
💎 - Do you ever see yourself killing off the OC? I have had him beef it before- obviously it’s been in self contained storylines. As for anything more permanent- hard to say. I never want to rule out the possibility entirely. I definitely feel like I’ve exhausted my writing options for him at the moment so that seems close to death in a way. I can draw the little bastard until the end of days but coherent story content has been…. Lacking. :|
🍩 -Who is your OC’s arch-nemesis or rival? I don’t feel like he’s had a ‘nemesis’ really in any of the main stories. His scraps tend to be against larger organisations, the world around him or his own dumb ass decisions. I think his most persistent ‘enemy’ has been a Mages’ Guild (also from ‘The RP’ I keep blabbing on about) which he angered on many different occasions though not without good reason. ;)
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pancakewithamace · 2 years
hi there! thank you so much for sending me an ask for the fic writers' ask game :D how about 4, 16, 18 and 54? :D :D :D
thank you for sending in this ask! i'm sorry i'm answering so late but better late than never so here you gO
4 = Where do you find inspiration for new ideas?
This is a tricky one. Usually I would think of a genre or style, which I probably had just consumed media from, and the idea appears with whatever characters or OCs I was working with. Other times, I'd take a small piece or theme – like a magic 'moral' compass or the phrase 'snake charmer' – and then expand on it. That's how I managed to think of this HUGE two-part fantasy series I've been working on for years (which contains that magical moral compass) and the Sanders Sides one-shot the Prince and the Snake Charmer I wrote a few years ago. It's really crazy. Either way, it's always been intentional. In my opinion, inspiration hardly ever happens in the subconscious or by accident.
16 = How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Share one of them?
Oh-ho. Oh boy. Not counting many, many, short stories, around 4 or so. Including one-shots in that would only result in casualties (me). Uh, but, one of the multi-chapter fics is a two-part Sanders Sides fantasy/magic AU, abbreviated 'KFAM', that I've taken way too far and way too seriously. Not gonna lie, I've been writing it for LITERALLY FOUR YEARS. Never posted. Only wrote. And edited. It's driving me crazy. Maybe one day I will put it on Ao3 for a few kudos but for now it's never going to see the light of day
18 = Do you title your fics before, during, or after the writing process? How do you come up with titles?
Usually during. For me the title represents the thematic content of the fic and not just my initial idea/prompt. As for how, unless the title is something simple on purpose (like 'The Prince and the Snake Charmer'), I actually do take a lot of time naming e v e r y t h i n g. My fic/chapter titles tend to be symbolic of what happens, foreshadow something, or make a pun. I do a lot of research. It's like a puzzle!
One of my favorite chapter titles (for KFAM) is 'The Inevitable': In chapter A, a character who lives on a certain island describes the weather, and says 'thunder booms overhead, foreshadowing the inevitable', referring to yet another oncoming storm. A few chapters later, there's a chapter literally called 'The Inevitable' where the characters out a sea get wrecked on that same island because of that same storm. Hehe.
54 = What’s your favorite part about the fanfiction writing process?
When things start falling into place. ITS SO GOOD. I also really enjoy when all the planning I put in and the little clever bits I randomly thought of make the story really compelling and interesting, that's also the best.
Another fun thing that happened recently was seeing all my years of progress. I re-wrote a chapter that, a long time ago, I'd always considered one of my 'best' or 'most powerful' pieces of writing. I re-wrote it and it was a million times better and that was insane. It made me feel really accomplished. I highly recommend re-writing and comparing new to old work for fun! Very Satisfying, 10/10.
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bluejaysandblackbats · 3 months
Honor in Crisis
Fandom: DC Comics, Batfam, NTT, Titans, JLI, Arrowfam, Flashfam, GL Corps, Infinity Inc
Summary: Every chapter will focus on one character specifically and then I'll update their statuses in order.
This is a no powers au/fix-it fic for Heroes in Crisis. I wanted to focus on the characters and their healing. I decided that'd be easier to put some of these characters in a fic like this and work on it more from a real-world perspective. I DO want to say that I do not believe healing is linear so don't plan on a clear-cut happy ending. I'd say (and idk for sure) we're gonna eventually get a bittersweet ending for certain characters but nothing tragic.
Chapters: 7/?
Characters: Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne, Kole Weathers, Lilith Clay, Eddie Bloomberg, Michael Carter, Michelle Carter, Rani Carter, Charley Parker, Grant Emerson, Roy Harper, Grant Wilson, Joseph Wilson, Thaddeus Thawne, Bart Allen, Helen Claiborne, President Thawne, Todd Rice, Alan Scott (DCU), Damon Matthews
Relationship(s): Damon Matthews/Todd Rice
Additional Tags: No Powers AU, Canon Divergent AU, Fix-It Fic, Angst, TW // Self Harm Mention , TW // Suicide Attempt Mention
Chapter Seven: Resurface (Joseph Wilson's POV)
Joey picked at his bandages. "Joseph," his therapist whispered. Joey placed his hands flat on the man's desk. He knew it was a warning from how his therapist looked at him. His therapist was gentle, mouse-like, and clumsy. It almost brought a smile to Joseph's face how cartoonishly sheepish the man seemed. "Thank you, Joseph... Last week we spent a lot of time discussing the note you wrote to your friends and family. Were you satisfied with where we left things, or would you like to expand on your feelings about it in today's session?"
Joey shook his head and drew his hands back. He planned on going out quietly in his apartment, surrounded by his final work. He'd planned things down to the last moment, his last breath. Things still went horribly wrong, even then. He screwed up, taking in alcohol with pills, and combined with the blood loss he endured, he ended up answering a phone call. He wasn't even sure who had called him. Everything was a blur. The only thing he remembered was pain. Cracking ribs, an immediate withdrawal, pressure on open wounds, blinding lights, blaring sirens. It was an assault to all the senses, and he couldn't speak for himself with his hands bound. He winced at the memory of it.
Now that he could tell his therapist everything, he couldn't gather his thoughts. Everything played in his mind at once. His childhood, his adulthood, his failed relationships. Everything was messy and impossible to grasp without falling apart entirely. He found himself doing that a lot lately. Drifting far away with his thoughts, forgetting the present. That wouldn't have been a problem if it weren't so difficult to return to his body afterward. He used to do it on purpose as a child. It was the best way to remain positive and shut out the worst of what went on around him.
"Joseph. Please don't pick at your bandages," his therapist whispered. Hearing his first name like that called him back to his body.
"Sorry," Joey apologized, "I went away..."
"Joseph, are you aware of how long you—. You said you went away... Where did you go?" his therapist asked.
"In my head... It's like when you're swimming and fully submerged in the water... Except you don't ever have to come up for air," Joey answered, "I used to do it when I was younger when my parents argued."
"It sounds like you spent a lot of time in your head as a child," his therapist replied. Joey nodded. "Can I ask you when you started doing this?"
"I don't know... I've done this for as long as I can remember. I can't control it anymore... It just happens," Joey replied. His therapist took off his glasses and wiped them clean. He opened his mouth to speak before Joey recalled something relevant to the question. "Wintergreen... He's my father's friend. I remember he told me I could make it go away."
"It?" his therapist asked.
Joey chewed his lip. "The noise... The arguing and fighting. Most of it had to do with moving houses or my dad taking dangerous assignments," Joey replied, "It was unbearable... But Wintergreen said I didn't have to hear anything I didn't want to. I could make all the noise disappear... In my mind." Joey frowned at the memory.
Usually, the doctor was a man of few words, but Joey noticed something bubble to the surface. "I want to leave you with a question: Were you going away to protect yourself... Or were you trying to protect mom and dad?" the therapist whispered. His therapist said mom and dad the same way all the adults said it to him growing up. It wasn't patronizing. It was something else. The words were softly cushioned as if it would've been painful to hear their names. Joey appreciated the man's gentle nature.
"What do you mean?" Joey asked.
"Children can often minimize their needs when they see their parents struggling... Expressing basic needs might feel overly demanding. There might not be any fear of punishment, but there might be a hint of guilt. Do any of those feelings apply?" his therapist questioned. Joey let out a breath as if he'd been punched in the gut. He wasn't sure how to answer.
"See you next week?" Joey asked. His therapist nodded and thanked him for coming. Joey rushed out of the office and returned to his room.
His roommate sat on the bed, struggling to write something in his journal. He looked up at Joey when he heard footsteps. "Therapy kick your ass today?" his roommate asked.
"Yes... You okay, Charley? Do you want to talk?" Joey asked. Charley scratched his head. Joey wasn't in a rush for an answer. Charley understood ASL, but it took him a little longer to piece the sentences together.
"Oh, yeah. I'm alright... Well, no. No, I'm not okay," Charley replied as he flopped back on his bed. Joey sat on his bed and cocked his head. "But aren't you tired of people dumping their crap on you?"
"Dump on me, and I'll dump on you," Joey replied. Charley chewed his lip. "What's wrong?"
"Oh... Well, it's about you. I don't want you to take offense, though," Charley whispered, "Listen, I like you and everything, but I think it's fucked up what you're doing to your brother."
Joey knit his brows together and lifted his hands to reply. "No, no. What's up? He comes to visit every day, and every single day, you turn him away," Charley chastised him, "I wish I had family that wanted to see me. I've got nobody."
"You don't understand... My brother abandoned me—."
"But he came back... And he saved your life," Charley blurted out. He covered his mouth.
"Charley, say that again," Joey commanded. Charley shook his head.
"Who said you could speak to my brother?" Joey asked. Joey wasn't mad at Charley. Not really. Joey knew Charley was right, but he was in shock as well. How could Grant have gotten there in time? Why was Grant there? What could he possibly want? He hadn't seen Grant in years, and he definitely didn't want Grant to see him like that. Weak, broken, pathetic. Joey wasn't in the mood to be ridiculed.
"I didn't mean any harm... He bumped into me when I was visiting my lawyer," Charley explained, "And he looked like you, so I just assumed—."
"I'm not mad at you. I'm sorry... I don't want to see my brother, but not because I hate him. I love my brother, but he's hard to get along with. We're so different," Joey replied. Different. That was an understatement if he ever heard one. Charley tapped his pen on his journal.
"That's not what's wrong with me, though... You know I'm working through some stuff about my anger?" Charley asked. Joey nodded. "Where am I gonna go if I get out of here?"
Joey sat up straight and frowned. "Charley, I'm sorry... I didn't know—."
"Yeah, I didn't really think about it, but this week's been good... What if they make me leave... And I've got no place to go?" Charley questioned. Joey frowned. "I shouldn't be putting this on you... I should talk to Doc Morton."
Joey took a deep breath and lay down. He wanted to shut everything away and sleep, but there was still more to do. Soon it'd be time for dinner and group. Everything would keep moving. He would keep breathing and thinking and feeling... And he didn't want to.
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