#if you have any fics similar to these
cherryatombomb · 1 year
list of aus i think fit soapghost perfectly and want to read but am too lazy/busy/whatever to write
parent ghost x teacher soap. ghost leaves the military after his nephew ends up orphaned, and ends up falling in love with his teacher, who is very dramatic and very lovely and oh god hes so cute
another alternative is where they are BOTH parents. ghost who took in his nephew, and soap who ended up with a kid one way or another. their kids end up loving eachother, so they have to keep interacting - a bit of forced proximity where they end up falling for one another
tattoo artist soap x flower shop owner ghost. soap who works across the street and works every day to see this highly tattooed and gruff man work in the flower shop. he goes in at least once a week to buy flowers (and talk to simon, of course, it's just an excuse). simon who thinks soap is annoying to begin with but begins to fall in love with him, but also WHY is he buying so many flowers?? hello??
alternatively, tattoo artist soap x piercer ghost. no i will not be elaborating (ghost with piercings is so real to me)
au where the 141 has to disband for various reasons and each member goes their own way. they try to keep in contact but life ends up getting in the way. price brings in the 141 to reunite after so many years apart, and both simon and johnny have to cope with their feelings reigniting - are they ready to let each other go after so long? probably not!
physical therapist ghost x injured soap after las almas. price has insisted he sees a physical therapist for his arm. soap initially complains until he meets the man - and now he's head over heels. when his injury begins to heal, he has to find a way to work up the courage to ask simon out (and possibly fake still being injured in order to work that courage up, hehe)
firefighter ghost x an extremely unlucky soap. a soap whos a civilian that always ends up accidentally in danger - car crash? yep. house fire? yep. it's all worthwhile when he finds the firefighter extremely handsome, even underneath that facemask... maybe he brings cookies over to the fire station, a snack to show his gratitude, and things blossom from there
medic soap x soldier ghost. soap who's there to - physically - help simon heal through his injuries several times throughout his life, after roba, then after various missions, etc. both of them end up falling in love with one another after a long amount of time... a good mixture of fluff and angst
bartender ghost x military soap. ghost who works in a bar most frequented by the military bc of its close proximity to base, and soap, who should be an annoyance, but he really does enjoy his presence the more they get to know one another.
famous soap x bodyguard ghost. im sure this has been done but oh what a good trope. fans keep theorizing over the mysterious skull man whos always at soaps side, who soap keeps smiling all fondly over. ghost whos gruff abt this dramatic man to begin with but ends up falling head over heels in love with him.
nextdoor neighbour au where soap and ghost, you guessed it, live next to eachother. maybe ghost is agoraphobic, he struggles with leaving the house - maybe he's a writer, so he never really has to - and soap moves in, runs into him a few times, and is determined to get to know him. fluff - and some angst - ensues
chance first meeting au where soap has a dog who's normally very good, but for some reason today is insisting on running up to the cute jogger he normally sees run through the park. it's love at first sight when the jogger - ghost - crouches down and offers him a treat, because apparently he keeps a whole pocket of treats just in case he sees any animals who want them. they end up running into eachother near enough every day, and begin to fall for eachother.
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sykloni · 1 year
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Dannymay 2023
15. Full Hazmat AU & 23. Rogue Gallery
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sukirichi · 3 days
I am by no means gatekeeping concepts or tropes. We all know that it’s normal to see the same tropes or AUs be used differently, and that is not plagiarism. However, I recently found a fic that was oddly similar to my old (and discontinued) Gojo x Reader series, Reckless. The CEO! Gojo is nothing new, and neither is an accidental pregnancy trope. The only reason I am concerned is because this Gojo series I found has the exact same themes as Reckless that consists of: a playboy CEO Gojo with a very notorious reputation, a poor reader who is an employee and asset to the company (someone who works closely with Gojo), reader getting knocked up from a one night stand with Gojo, reader with a seemingly dead/absent mother yet still in contact with her father, Gojo with a very traditional family who does not like reader, and Gojo with an ex he struggles to let go of - which are all elements of Reckless.
The first chapter of that Gojo fic is also eerily similar to my first chapter with the same flow of: YN finding out she’s pregnant and her friend being there for her, Gojo saying he’ll take responsibility because ‘they both made the baby’, YN having to move in with Gojo to take care of the baby, and both of them coming to a mutual agreement that their ‘relationship’ will be purely for the baby’s benefit. The flow of events and specific details about the characters’ backgrounds are too similar to mine.
Again, I am not gatekeeping concepts, just as how I’ve had other writers ask me if they could write their own stories or takes based off of the NAOYA’S TROPHY WIFE COLLECTION or the BONTEN HUSBANDS EXCLUSIVE, and I’m fine with that. I’m even happy people are inspired by what I write. But being inspired is completely different from taking someone’s story and posting it as yours. Please trust your own creativity and skills in writing. You can write amazing stories and have people love them without having to steal from others.
It’s sad to say this is not the first time I, and other writers, have been plagiarized. It’s even more upsetting to know that a friend of mine who has also written a Gojo series (that I’m sure you all know and dearly love) experiences the same issues with the same person. The fact that this is happening to many writers out there is disheartening. We work hard and pour a lot of love in the stories we create. None of us are getting paid for this, and we simply want to share our passions with others. So please, let us be kinder with one another and show love and support the right way. If you love a fic, you give feedback and rb/comment + show support to the writer. You don’t steal their ideas and play it off as your own because you liked it.
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piratefishmama · 4 months
this is a gentle PSA to say that if i ever write a lil prompt or spam an idea and you vibe with it you are always welcome to write or draw things from it, i am always thrilled to see how my silly ideas inspire people to create!
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jenna-louise-jamie · 3 months
thinking about yassen gregorovich instead of sleeping (because i love him) and how he is a catalyst. yassen stabbs ash -> ash kills john rider -> ian rider raises alex -> yassen kills ian rider -> mi6 blackmails alex into becoming a teenage spy.
i have so many thoughts that i can't properly articulate. obviously this is a simplified chain of events, but yassen and his choices set off a chain reaction of the world's most unfortunate dominos. especially when you read russian roulette. to be clear im not necessarily trying to blame him for everything because that feels very mean. he was also just a 14 year old kid when everything in his life went wrong, just like alex. only difference being yassen literally had no one.
i think i should write an essay about this because i haven't even gotten into my thoughts about what yassen and alex's dynamic would look like past eagle strike. i would imagine it'd be similar to ellie and joel from the last of us part 2.
where obviously yassen loves alex and alex on some level cares for yassen back but struggles to reconcile that with the fact that yassen is responsible for his uncle's death. a very unforgivable act. it would be so messy and complicated and angsty, because on one hand here is an adult who truly cares about him and has a connection with him through his father. yassen could tell alex about john, and trust that yassen truly wants whats best for him. but he killed ian, and he cannot take that back.
while alex reels from those feelings, yassen is also trying to reconcile his love of alex with the knowledge that he on some level is responsible for the suffering alex endured at the hands of mi6. and possibly even the fact that alex's godfather is the one who killed john and helen.
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mariatesstruther · 6 months
i really hope we get a conversation where ellie gets to process her feelings about david in s2 but i have a feeling its never gonna come
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fatalfangirl · 1 year
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Happy Sunday, friends. I miss you. My fandom life has been relegated to a few hours on the weekends lately and I don't love that.
But I did get in a few words today. (And with luck and motivation from sprinting on the discord, I'll get in a few more.) So here are some of those:
“Jaguar.” I had selected the safe word (in reference to the automotive brand, not the animal, much to Snow’s disappointment) during dinner as we went over how this would actually work. I understood, in concept, why it was necessary to have one, but it felt more like a concept than a reality.  It feels very real now.
This is the last snippet I'll share from the one shot before posting so I don't end up spoiling the whole thing.
Thank you for the tags @artsyunderstudy, @shrekgogurt, @orange-peony, @j-nipper-95, @rimeswithpurple, and @martsonmars.
Hi and hearts to @you-remind-me-of-the-babe, @moodandmist, @whatevertheweather, @captain-aralias, @cutestkilla, @hushed-chorus, @skeedelvee, @ic3-que3n, @ivelovedhimthroughworse, @facewithoutheart, @blackberrysummerblog, @whogaveyoupermission, @erzbethluna, @aristocratic-otter, @confused-bi-queer, @larkral, @theearlgreymage, and @palimpsessed.
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angeltuesday · 1 year
My Dramione list
The Fallout by Everythursday - My favourite fan fiction every and possible also just my favourite book every. Enemies to lovers slow burn war story.
A Year in Australia by bourbonrain - Excellent smut, angst and characterisation. Draco runs into Hermione propositioning a guy in a bar and decided to take her up on the offer.
Dawn by camnz - what happens when all the adults suddenly vanish and they have to create their own society. Such a good concept and unique story. 
A Matter of Property by camnz - wip the war is lost and Hermione is enslaved and Draco is obsessed with her. I have no idea where this is going but I like it.
(Camnz has quite a few stories with unique concepts i like)
Let The Dark In by senlinyu - wip Drumstrang Draco and the triwizard tournament. Brilliant writing highly anticipating updates.
Manacled  by SenLinYu - Its most bookmarked/kudos for a reason. It is epic. 
Of Crimson Joy by LittleRobbin - filled my the fallout hole. A war romance with a twist at the end.
The Auction by lovesbitca8 - Draco buys Hermione in an auction after the war. i read this as it was being published and it was addictive.
Atonement by SomethingBlue42 - Another Draco buys Hermione after the war fic. I liked how it respected Ron it was very sweet.
Better Off Forgotten by Delancey654 - All muggleborns have to be obliviated and repatriated to the muggle world. Draco seeks Hermione out for sinister reasons. A thriller by the end.
Room Serviced by pir8fancier - Another friends with benefits war story, its my fav dynamic.
Uncoffined by lady_of_clunn - a small twist on the Draco buys Hermione this time he doesn't know its her.
Dragon in the Dark By: GracefulLioness - Draco joins the order, war story.
The Banality of Love by sandwich_tales - wip Hermione infiltrates the ministry under polyjuice 
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cecenyss · 8 months
Okay listen. Listen okay. Dumbledore’s moral failings are a result of poor writing.
Like jkr goes out of her way to describes Albus Dumbledore as this paragon of virtue who’s constantly trying to do the right thing and he’s practically omniscient and one of the only reasonable people in the entire wizarding world
And then she turns around and goes “but he didn’t check on the boy he left in the care of a Muggle he had been warned was going to mistreat him by someone he’s known for years” and he didn’t check for eleven years.
And then after that when Harry’s envelope literally said cupboard under the stairs nobody checked on that?? And hey hey McGonagall was the only one who’d see that letter actually she was the one who signed it so that’s poor writing on her character too
But this is about Dumbledore not her
And then nobody double checked on Sirius Black and whatnot including Dumbledore (and that’s not just Albus?? Like Remus didn’t, nobody else who knew Sirius didn’t) which is frankly ridiculous because he had friends and what can be assumed was an active social life given he was friends with James Potter who everybody falls over themselves to sing the praises of at every opportunity
This is, I think, an issue with writing an overpowered character in general. You describe them as virtually all-knowing, but then don’t come up with reasonable explanations for why they wouldn’t know certain things that need to be unknown for the plot to progress. You give them awesome powers, and then struggle thinking of ways for them to be thwarted.
When this isn’t done correctly, the only possible explanation for the fans is to make the op character in question an asshole. They didn’t care enough to check that a child was safe or they didn’t feel like vouching for the safety of someone else so they just didn’t or they allowed people to become collateral damage even though it would’ve been a perfectly viable solution to let things play out another way.
It’s so annoying to me that people do this but it’s also perfectly understandable because in reality the character is fundamentally contradictory; there’s no real way to reconcile the ideas that “Dumbledore is intelligent and wise” and “Dumbledore didn’t bother checking on an infant who actively had terrorists gunning for him for over a decade.” Those two things just can’t coexist without some serious bending over to make them make sense.
But they have to for the story to make internal sense, because it is a bad story. It’s just bad writing, there’s no way around it. And that’s a really difficult thing to swallow, even after coming to terms with jkr’s bigotry. Because even when she was just transphobic and racist and just kind of a bigot in general I could still say “well, the story was good, but it sucks she turned out so bad.” But I really can’t say that anymore. And that hurts so, so bad.
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stemroses · 7 months
I think everyone should read all of these fics. Let me expose my weekend reading list. In the order of which I read them.
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Highway Marker by Pinkened_Parker
Peter takes a dangerous risk when traveling to surprise his boyfriend; he ends up hiking in the Tennessee mountains after dark. Harley comes to his rescue as soon as he's able. He's happy to see Peter, but very willing to show just how scared he was.
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Iris (Part One) by JimmyMcGill
Dean and Lisa have a domestic discipline relationship. For them, that means Lisa makes the decisions and Dean obeys. When he misbehaves, he gets punished.
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This is a part of a series. Read it all.
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My Little Adventures by Deadmockingbirds
Dean has a kink he's been exploring for some time, but what he'd really like is to take it to the next level. He wants a twenty-four-seven relationship with a special someone. It's hard though. Dean still struggles with some aspects of his kink. He wants to be pushed, but that means more vulnerability, and going toward his limits. Enter Cas, who is exactly what he needs. Stern, no nonsense, and totally, fucking hot. Dean's about to embark on some 'little' adventures, that will take him deeper than ever before. Plus, Dean is a super adorable little, which just needs to be said.
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This is a part of a series. Read it all.
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Surrender by ThePornFairy (🔒Restricted)
“What I wanted today,” Cas says icily, “was to come home to my good boy. Order food, watch a movie together on the couch, maybe have him suck my cock to the credits. Did I get that, Dean?” Dean shuffles a little, then shakes his head. “No.” “No, what?” Cas voice is sharp, and the leather of the armchair squeaks under his fingers. “No, Daddy,” Dean mutters, blushing even harder. Why, oh why did Cas insist on that title?
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This is a part of a series. Read it all.
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bleachbleachbleach · 1 year
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This map isn't, but I'll bet the maps of each *Rukongai* district (even the East/West ones) are vertical.
In Japan, you'll see maps in Japan where the country is oriented horizontally, and it always bends my mind because I'm used to thinking about it in the traditional World Map vertical configuration.
I don't actually know why it's horizontal so often (because it fits better into our world of horizontally-oriented TVs and monitors? or is there some other other, less mid-20th century reason? I assume there's a much more ~originary, "we were an island nation before the rest of that globe place mattered" reason, since clearly the map above is way older than TV). I guess I can't really say it's a "Japan thing," because every other country in the world has fewer reasons to show any map of Japan at all than Japan itself does. So there's a paucity of data for comparison. But I feel like every other country thinks of Japan relative to where it exists on that World Map, so it's probably always vertical.
And I figure there's also no real reason why it should be rendered vertically, but for the regimented, cartographic "World Map" insistence that this is how the world is oriented, and how it should exist in your mind. (Similarly, I think it's more convention than necessity that measures of distance would be presumed the objective default for orienting one space to another. And it's often colonial convention that draws maps, or other relationships that are dependent upon exercising/asserting power/domination). There are plenty of cultures where maps that measure distance are not the "objective" default. Relative orientations in space, for instance, might be visualized not in terms of distance but as a function of time--how long it takes to get from one place to another. 100 meters on a road is different from 100 meters up a mountain, or through sand, etc. But setting that aside and thinking solely about distance as the thing a map is, uh, mapping:
I'm saying this because even though Rukongai is named by cardinal directions and, say, West 1 is probably less west than West 80, I feel like the maps might be vertical. As in, South 1 would be rendered at the top of the map of South Rukongai, and South 80 would be at the bottom, to give it that sinking hellscape feeling. But the maps of East and West Rukongai are vertical, too, rather than extending further right or left, respectively. And also North--so Seireitei's North Gate / North 1 is displayed at the top of the map, and North 80 at the bottom, and it's basically upside down from how it would attach were the render part of a larger map of all of Soul Society.
And the whole reason is so that the maps match with the sense that the low districts are lightest and brightest, and the high ones are where the deep sea, weird shit eventually all settles.
NB: This is in reference to maps of Rukongai drawn by the Seireitei Cartography Guild (and the Gotei's Military Map Services, also known as MMS, pronounced Mmmmmms, because the maps are finger-lickin' good, they say). Rukongai itself probably doesn't produce all that many full-area maps due to issues of mobility, but many districts probably make use of some form of space-mapping at the local and hyperspecific levels!
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sisterdivinium · 2 months
There's a lot of stuff I'd love to do but then there's only so much time and only so much external interest regarding such events too.
Some sort of short fic exchange for non-juggernaut WN ships or some funky comment fic place or a capslock community for all your unhinged commentary needs or a WN bingo... I don't know, something.
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aroaessidhe · 11 months
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2023 reads // twitter thread
paranormal YA set in a small town in 2003 where weird things happen that mostly get ignored
a boy is resurrected by his best friend after dying just before graduation. but he’s maybe a zombie now and if he ignores his hunger for flesh an ancient evil might start causing bigger problems
thankfully one of his friends’ aunt is a cop who has no problem helping get rid of some of the local nazis
queer teen friend group, m/m
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dayurno · 4 months
What is the thing you disagree with in most fanon portrayals of Neil?
i used to think it was because neil was shoehorned into 'feminine' roles (whatever i thought that may be, looking back) and ultimately changed as a character to fit whatever the narrative required of him, but now that i am older and (?!) wiser i do believe my original feelings towards the ever mythicized ooc feminine neil were born from a place of rejection for gender non-conforming people, and an overall aversion to the idea of femininity (arguably one of the most important aspects of who i am, true then and true now) being tied in any way with sexual expression and preference.
i will say this. i think the knee-jerk rejection of saying 'not all gay men are feminine bottoms!' to content where one of them is, in fact, a feminine bottom, is not unlike lesbians in my own community who protest to the idea that all lesbians are man-hating hairy dykes (and try not to swoon just at the mention!). we reject gender non-confomity; we don't want it to represent our communities. we want to be one of the good ones. i'm a lesbian, but i'm not like those masculine dykes. i'm a gay man, but i'm nothing like those hyperfem sissies. fandom had come to a point where we genuinely thought conformist gender expressions were somehow lacking representation; we sincerely believed the idea that a couple made up of two masculine, gender-conforming men were somehow closer to the real deal than a couple where one of them was either feminine-presenting or had traits that can be associated with femininity.
i lived with this idea for a long time, until i started frequenting queer spaces in my area and realized that actually, in the material world, where i live, where you live, effeminate gay men do not have it easier than their masculine counterparts. the idea that they can be 'over-represented in media' is null. my feminine male friends don't allow themselves to be seen out on the street in so much as a crop top. one of the most common dealbreakers in dating apps for gay and bisexual men is gender non-conformity. a lot of arguments against feminine men who prefer to bottom in media is that 'no gay people are like this', but that is just patently untrue; my best friend in the whole world is a feminine-presenting gay man with a strict preference for being in the bottom. a girl i bought a beer for was a stone top, hyper-masculine, touch-me-not butch. for queer people, gender presentation and sexual activity cannot always be cleanly separated.
i guess (and sorry for how long this is clearly i have Thoughts) my ultimate point here is that i let my own personal disagreement with how neil is portrayed to convince me that there is something wrong with him (and, at large, any male character) being portrayed as someone who is feminine, or has strong sexual preferences, or has personality traits traditionally associated to femininity. i think that is never, ever, ever a solution for anything. there is never going to be a time where we would be right to shun and scoff at content written about gender non-conforming characters, even if they are not canonically gnc. do i still think neil is written in ways that go directly against how his personality is portrayed in canon? yes, but that is a personal opinion, and not something i should try and rationalize in social justice terms, if you get my point. i can just not like it. and i don't. no hard feelings involved :)
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gotta ask, whats your favourite bizarre headcanon that has zero or maybe even negative canon backing/basis. mine is that ophelia is the result of a magic accident and only has odin's genetics
I’m trying so hard to think of what would count as bizarre. I have so many AUs and so many of them are joke-y, lol.
OH WAIT I JUST REMEMBERED my hc that Owain once propositioned Gerome purely and only because he thinks Inigo would hate that they got action before he did and he was pissed at Inigo at the time.
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flfverse · 1 year
the ultimate BDSM AU fic rec list
it’s finally here y’all! this list is split up by fandom, and fics are grouped by pairing. i tried to get as many actual AUs in here as possible, but the pickings are slim (4.4k works total, 132 in BNHA, as of writing) and there are some really good fics out there with similar tropes/themes that aren’t exactly AUs.
so here’s 21 fics and a whooole lot of words for your reading pleasure.
BNHA fics
Softer Side by Phantoms_Echo
bakudeku, oneshot, 11k
very sweet no-smut, no-powers gang AU where bakugo protects deku from a rival gang and they fall in love.
We Wear Chains on the Weekends by surveycorpsjean
bakudeku, 6 chapters, 35k
bakugou finds deku dropping after a scene and immediately becomes his dom in order to treat him like he deserves (totally platonically…).
Deku is a Bunny and a Nuke at the Same Time by TheDandiestLion
bakukiri, oneshot, 2k
deku and bakugou set each other off thanks to some complicated dynamics and kirishima comes to the rescue. i actually discovered this today and it almost reminds me of how i write deku in this AU. but not. just trust me <3.
i can be needy (way too damn needy) by hiuythn
bakukiri, oneshot, 6k
not the AU, but bakugou is struggling with insecurity and the switch in his social standing after coming to UA. kirishima notices. it’s basically 6k of very soft praise kink, what more can you want?
Surrender by deviance
bakukiri, 2 works, 17k
unfortunately archive-locked. a great excuse to register as a user! but very similar energy to the above fic. bakukiri are roommates and bakugou starts a routine of kneeling for kirishima for stress relief. v sweet
Experimental by StratsWrites & whiskeyandspite
tododeku, oneshot, 7k
todoroki and deku do a scene together, totally platonically and only out of necessity…except for the part where neither of them actually wants it to be platonic.
red lips, red ropes by orphan_account
dabihawks, oneshot, 4k
dabi starts dropping after a scene and goes to a league meeting anyway, attempting to act normal. it doesn’t work, but hawks comes to the rescue.
King by useless_donut
shinbaku, 7 works, 62k
shinsou comes back from a hellish undercover mission and falls into a BDSM relationship with bakugou, heavy emphasis on the s/m. definitely one of my faves on this list, but very intense even if there’s sweet for all the sour.
Hard Reset by Lemon_drop_lantana
shinbaku, 2 works, 34k
shinsou has a huge crush on bakugou. then he wakes up in bakugou’s bed with no memory of the night before. miscommunications and relationship troubles abound! sort of a lighter, sweeter version of the King series.
The Purple Kitten by Erasercat95
shinsero, 2 works, 14k
shinsou has always been pushed to be dominant in past relationships, and it’s getting to him. sero helps fill the hole. good old hurt/comfort.
To Find Love Again by RohanBerry
erasermic, 31 works, 164k
a series of vignettes set in a BDSM club AU, featuring aizawa trying to heal and reenter the BDSM scene after an abusive relationship. mostly smut at first but eventually gets some solid angsty plot.
for something as sweet as pain by Anonymous
aidekushin, oneshot, 40k
HOLD ON JUST TRUST ME. aizawa is aged down to be a year older than deku/shinsou, and everyone is an adult/pro hero. also, sorry, bakugou bash fic. after he ignore deku’s safeword, deku runs right to aizawa and shinsou. if you can get around those things, this is another of my faves.
Marvel fics
y’all might not know that i used to be a huge marvel fan, and from 2017-2019 my experience on ao3 was all marvel and 90% stevetony. so a lot of my early forays into fanfiction and this au were in this fandom, so they get a whole section.
held series by romanoff
stevetony, 9 works, 61k
a series of oneshots following steve and tony navigating a new relationship and both of their (but mostly tony’s) past trauma. technically, the series remains unfinished, but the hurt/comfort is worth it.
From You I Cannot Hide by SailorChibi
stevetony, 32 chapters, 66k
tony drops unexpectedly, revealing to steve and the rest of the team some of the scars from his abusive past relationship. this is like, the second fic i ever bookmarked on ao3, years and years ago.
Deep End by FestiveFerret
stevetony, 16 chapters, 62k
project rebirth happens in the modern day, and is supposed to turn sub!steve into a superdom. instead, he ends up stuck deep in subspace, and tony is called to pull him out, sparking a relationship between them.
you great unfinished symphony (you sent for me) by ketchupcrisp
stevetony/polyvengers, 60 chapters, 262k
mcu!infinity war!tony falls through a portal into a BDSM AU where tony stark was killed a year prior, and finds his place in the new world and the established poly avengers.
the Trinity universe by cinaea & windsweptfic
stevebuckytony and philclint, 3 works, 284k
the first two fics focus on bucky, natasha, and clint, who are all submissives and infamous hydra agents until they escape during an avengers attack—and bucky turns out to be soulmates with both tony and steve. the third fic focuses on clint going on an undercover mission for shield and meeting phil, who is already undercover there.
It’s Our Pleasure by NotEvenCloseToStraight
stevebuckytony, 15 chapters, 71k
steve and bucky rescue tony from his terrible boyfriend and help him back on his feet. everyone falls in love in the process. some very cool worldbuilding that i would love to take inspo from for traditional dynamics in FLFverse but i’m not quite there yet.
Pavlov was a Jerk by BeneficialAddiction
philclint, 22 chapters, 78k
tbh i only remember like chapters 2&3 but past me apparently liked this fic. anyway, clint is struggling on his own as a sub. phil notices after a mission goes wrong and starts to help him. cue romance!
Other fics
we all fill up with time by interropunct
the raven cycle, adamronan, 8 chapters, 55k
ronan and adam meet in a BDSM club and turn out to be very compatible. adam also turns out to be the lawyer helping ronan sue his shitty ex (kavinsky) for stealing his writing. hey are we seeing a theme re: relationship trauma yet?
Take Clothes Off As Directed by helenish
stargate atlantis, johnrodney, oneshot, 11k
i know i already recced this in FF notes, but it’s back! the og dystopian BDSM AU! john and rodney start a relationship together, interspersed with flashbacks to john’s past as one of the few subs in the military.
i aimed to have more fics in the “other” category, and i cant help but feel like i’m missing some that i’ve read. shockingly, i don’t know all of the fics ever yet. and i’ve been at this for like, two hours and i need to move on with my life so here it is for now! if i come up with other fics later, i’ll update this. in the meantime, happy reading, and don’t forget to leave comments and kudos!
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