#if you have more questions i'll do my best to answer 'em!
wileys-russo · 8 months
put em up II k.mccabe x reader
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lil soft katie based on this request here put em up II k.mccabe x reader
katie was expecting a call to come and pick you up, so her phone sat idly by her side as she sat on the sofa engrossed in a boxing match on tv.
in between yelling at the screen or groaning unhappily at the result, every now and then her eyes would flicker down and she'd tap the screen, just to make sure she hadn't missed a text or a call or accidentally swapped her phone to silent.
it wasn't often that the two of you went out without the other given your group of friends had become incredibly mingled over the years you'd been seeing one another.
but it was a reunion night out with some of your best friends from high school that katie was happy to spend the night in alone, partners not invited for this one which the girl understood given the group rarely all managed to get together.
that didn't mean your overtly protective girlfriend wasn't worried though, as she always was anytime the two of you weren't together. but she trusted you, and so she tried to remind herself of that as she busied herself to try and keep her mind off it.
she'd been in the bathroom brushing her teeth ready to curl up in bed when the call came a little before two in the morning, toothbrush clattering into the sink as she darted back into the bedroom to swipe accept.
"katie baby!" the irish woman grinned at the clear slur in your voice. "hi darlin." the girl chuckled as you sighed happily. "missed you! can you come and pick me up please?" you slurred with a smile on the other end of the line.
"of course, where are ya?" katie questioned as you stayed silent, the girl wincing as you suddenly screamed at one of your friends the same question. "scouts landing!" you answered happily, hiccuping a little as you did.
"okay, i'll be there soon and i'll call ya once i'm out the front so please keep your phone near you babe. do me a favour?" katie smiled in amusement as you hummed, clearly returning inside as the music in the background became louder and someone yelled shots.
"drink some water please, and no more shots!"
"oh for fucks sake." katie groaned as she tried your phone again but it rang out, hovering outside the bar half freezing to death. in a pair of black matching sweats and hoodie she was hardly dressed for a bar, but it seemed entering was her only option as you'd disregarded her warning to keep your phone close.
so with a defeated sigh she made her way over to the entrance, stopped by the security guard who gave her a questioning life. "look i'll be in and out. my girlfriends in there and she asked me to pick her up!" katie explained as the guy only chuckled and nodded for her to move on.
"come on! ya can even walk me in and out, its half two in the mornin ya think i'm after a pint?" katie scoffed as the man again just nodded for her to move on. "ah fuck this." the girl mumbled, the last thing she needed to be was arrested or in any sort of trouble.
she stood outside and tried you one more time, swearing as the phone again rang out. but right as she was starting to build a plan to sneak in she heard her name yelled out and looked up, one of your friends hanging off the balcony.
"what the hell are you doin down there?" your friend, whose name katie knew but just couldn't seem to place, called out with a laugh. "she called me to come pick her up but she's not answering her phone and they won't let me in!" katie yelled up as your friend nodded.
"two seconds. i'll bring her out!" katie breathed a heavy sigh of relief at that, stepping back and sending a filthy look toward the security guard who was clearly still watching her, his hand hovering near his radio.
but she didn't have to wait long, hearing a drunken giggle and a grunt as two of your friends helped you out, katie unable to be mad at you for not answering as you started to sing at the top of your lungs.
"oh god not this, every time she's had jager she thinks she's mariah carey!" your friend groaned slapping a hand on your mouth and smiling apologetically to security who shook his head.
"judgmental prick." katie mumbled under breath shooting daggers at him as you finally reached the bottom of the stairs. "can she even walk?" katie sighed with a small smile at the state of you, rare was it she'd ever seen you so drunk but she knew you'd been missing these friends so you deserved the night to unwind.
"she can run!" your friend from earlier rolled her eyes as you spotted your girlfriend and visibly lit up. "baby!" you cheered, breaking free of their grip and launching yourself at katie who caught you with a grunt.
"hi gorgeous, what happened to answering your phone hm?" katie chuckled, thanking your friends who patted your back and made their way back inside. "oh its..." you frowned, patting at imaginary pockets on your dress.
"oh no i lost it!" you gasped wide eyed. "no you didn't idiot its in your bag." katie chuckled, the bag in question slung over her shoulder as she took your hand and started to walk you to her car. "what would i do without you." you sighed pressing a sloppy kiss to her cheek.
"get hit by a car!" katie warned tugging you sharply back away from the curb as a car zoomed past, pulling you to cross the road with her once it was safe. "come on, in we get." katie grunted as she helped you into her own car.
"babe can we get a mcdonalds?" you slurred, head thumping back as katie buckled herself in and started the car. "i dunno if food is the best idea love." katie chuckled, not in the mood to clean your throw up out of her car.
"food is always a good idea! who are you and where is my girlfriend who steals my food all the time." you scoffed, head swiveling around as you glared at her through hooded eyes. "alright alright, calm down." katie chuckled, one hand on the wheel and the other settling on your leg.
"did you drink some water?" your girlfriend asked glancing to you at a red light as a small smile curled onto your lips. "yep, sure did." you slurred giving her a thumbs up. "oh really?" katie laughed, shaking her head knowingly.
"i did! all my drinks had ice in them, and ice is made of water. boom!" you slapped your hand against her dash. "hey! be nice to the car." katie scolded, one arm shooting out to press against your chest to stop you flying forward as she suddenly braked.
"nice indicator ya fucken arsehole!" katie swore at the car in front who'd cut in. "road raaaage." you sung out with a dopey smile, poking at her cheek as she swatted away your hand. "you're so funny." you chuckled, hand dropping back into your lap.
"i know, i'm a funny girl." katie grinned, turning into the mcdonalds near your house. "my funny girl! my funny irish girl." you slurred, gently smacking her cheek with your hand and blowing her a kiss.
"what do you want ya pest?" katie chuckled pulling into the drive through, grabbing your hand which continued to poke at her. "everything!" you cheered with a grin, eyes closing a little.
"yeah hi can i please get a cheeseburger happy meal with a water, six nuggets and a coke?" katie ordered, pushing away your head as you tried to lean over and add to the order. "thank you!" katie chirped, driving to the next window as you huffed and slumped into your seat.
"stop mopin or i'll eat all your food!" your girlfriend warned teasingly as you flipped her off, katie paying and driving through, taking the bags and balancing them on her lap. "wait!" katie laughed pushing your eager hand away, pulling into a parking spot.
"cmon im hungry!" you whined as your girlfriend handed you the happy meal. "you got me a kids meal?" you groaned, but that all disapeared as you snatched out the toy from inside making katie roll her eyes with an amused smile.
"we can give it to coopur!" you cheered happily, unwrapping your cheeseburger and shoving almost the whole thing into your mouth. "darlin you're gonna choke!" katie smacked your leg lightly as you spoke something through your mouthful.
"urgh i don't speak that language." katie pulled a face of disgust as you slowly swallowed and shovelled a handful of fries into your mouth, sending your girlfriend a dopey grin.
"god help me i'm datin a gremlin."
"no no no, up to bed." katie laughed, grabbing your arm as you tried to wiggle past her into the living room. "m'not tired, don't be a buzzkill!" you poked her cheeks and stuck your tongue out, yanking your hand free and wandering off.
"a buzzkill! you wound me babe." katie tutted, following you into the kitchen. "nope! you wish." your girlfriend moved to kick shut the cupboard you opened knowing full well thats where the two of you stored your alcohol.
"water only for you now pretty baby." katie smiled, moving her body to block you from opening it again. "i am an adult you can't cut me off! you're not even a bartender." you slurred, swaying side to side unable to properly stand.
"ya feelin a bit seasick darlin? swaying an awful lot there." katie grinned causing you to scoff and wave her off. "move!" you ordered, hands on hips glaring the taller girl down. "no." katie shrugged simply.
"alright. i'll fight ya then!" you challenged, closing one eye and holding your fists up. "cmon mccabe, put em up!" you started to bounce on the balls of your feet, stumbling slightly but staying upright as you punched the air.
"oh thats adorable, you're adorable." katie gave you a toothy grin of amusement as you scoffed. "don't you patr-patron-" you struggled to get out the word making katies grin grow.
but she was caught off guard as suddenly you launched at her with a war cry, ducking as you swung and grabbing your arms, wrapping them around your own body like a straight jacket.
"oh no babe you're too strong for me!" katie cooed sarcastically as you struggled to break free of her grip, getting one hand free and punching at her stomach.
"rock hard baby!" katie smirked smacking her stomach with her own hand before easily tossing you over her shoulder and marching the two of you to your shared bedroom, flicking off lights as she went.
"thats a lovely massage thank you hun." katie smirked as you smacked and punched her back demanding she put you down. "it is three in the mornin gorgeous and you're smashed, we're goin to bed!" katie laughed at your protests.
"take my makeup off." you demanded as your girlfriend gently dropped you onto the mattress. "take your makeup off..." katie hovered over you with an expectant smile.
"now?" "so polite my love, how could i say no."
with that she helped you back up, the two of you wandering into the bathroom as katie lifted you to sit on the sink. "sit still squirmy." the brunette teased, squeezing your thighs and kissing your cheek as she moved to grab the micellar wipes.
"you missed!" you huffed, puckering your lips expectantly. "you smell like a bar, maybe once you brush those teeth!" katie smiled, your eyes closing as she gently started to wipe away your makeup. "i kiss you in the morning before you brush your teeth!" you rebutted her previous point.
"and whats that supposed to mean then!" katie tutted, pinching your leg and kissing your cheek again as she'd taken off as much makeup as she could.
"your breath smells in the mornin babe i thought that was pretty obvious!" you slurred with a dopey grin, tilting your head and swaying a little as katie quickly pushed you to sit back against the wall.
"such a charmer you are, aren't i lucky." the brunette smiled. "now open that bar cart you're callin a mouth!" katie teased, brushing your teeth for you and smacking your leg every time you tried to talk which would just result in you spitting toothpaste at her.
"done! now kiss." you spat and rinsed your mouth out, tapping your lips impatiently as katie grinned and sweetly kissed you, your arms moving to wrap around her neck as she slotted between your legs.
"no baby, you're too drunk." katie chuckled as you reached to try and tug her top off. "i'm not drunk, you're drunk!" you booped her nose with a grin. "sure, how many fingers am i holdin up?" katie purposefully wiggled her hand around as you squinted.
"you're cheating!" you gasped in realisation, grabbing her hand and biting her fingers. "oi! cool it would ya jaws." katie laughed tugging on your ears.
"is it the jager or are your eyes always this pretty?" you slurred, wiggling your eyebrows with a charming smile. "you know if you're trying to charm your way into my shorts baby girl, its not workin." katie whispered against your lips.
"not even a little? cause baby you're so pretty, prettiest girl i ever did see!" you sung out happily, kicking your feet back and forth.
with a shake of her head and a smile your girlfriend leant in and pressed her lips to yours, hooking her hands under your thighs and lifting you back off the counter.
"mcdonalds eaten, makeups off, teeth brushed, kisses given. bed time!" katie pecked your lips a few more times as she carried you back to the bedroom, lowering you into bed and tugging the blanket over you.
"fine." you huffed, wrapping your body around hers as katie flicked off the light and slotted into bed beside you. "if you snore i'm gonna smother you in ya sleep baby girl, just so you're aware." katie smooshed your face in her hand, kissing your forehead with a loud mwah.
"if you smother me i'm gonna come back as a ghost and haunt you forever and ever and ever." you mumbled tiredly into her chest, words barely understandable.
"yeah? well forever with you doesn't sound so bad." katie smiled, her own eyes fluttering closed.
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mourningsbane · 1 month
Perhaps silly questions, but I'm growing more and more curious of your blog with each new entry/question answered. Love the story slowly unfolding here, cannot wait for the next part and following moons <3
Does Palekit have any further deformations? Or rather that question but in past tense. His tail looks almost fin-like, but I'm not sure if what we are seeing is a) a stylistic "drooping goo" effect, b) a very weird tuft of fur, or c) some malformation of the tail tip, resulting in its split structure.
What's the clan's relationship with Sweetkit, considering so many of its members', em... involvement in the perishing of Honeyspring and her kits. Mostly wondering if Flaildrizzle, Tanglefern and Rootstar feel anything (guilt, sadness, etc.) at all when they see this only kit in clan after a whole litter dies in such horrible circumstances before Sweetkit's arrival? I mean, surely such a tragedy leaves an impact. A followup question-
How much time has passed since Honeyspring's death and Sweetkit's arrival? Do any of LutumClan's cats consider Sweetkit to be like "a second chance" for the clan after losing their only queen and her litter?
A bit of an alternate outcome question! Let's assume Nothing Bad Ever Happened©️ to Honeyspring's kits. What would their warrior names be? What would their basic personalities be? Would any of them pursue high ranks within LutumClan?
Also sending fictional love to Honeyspring, stay goopy queen 💅
There's no such thing as a silly question! Besides, I like answering questions, even if it takes me a while to get to them! <3
My answers are a tad long, so I'll put them under the cut!
1.) Palekit did not have any further deformations! His face was slightly crooked, and his tongue sometimes hung out, but that was about it. He also had severe issues with vomiting; he just couldn't keep anything down and tended to bleed.
2.) Rootstar, Flaildrizzle, and Tanglefern all feel very guilty and upset by what happened to Honeyspring's kits! Still, they, and the rest of LutumClan, saw Sweetkit's arrival as a sign of hope. However, LutumClan as a whole tends to be a tad overprotective of the only kit in the clan.
3.) About 3-ish months have passed since Honeyspring's death! Sweetkit is definitely considered LutumClan's "second chance" of sorts, but a few cats (namely Rootstar and a few others) REALLY wish Sweetkit was in the care of someone who ISN'T Bearface. They're worried that Bearface, being a former outsider who barely respects the clan code as is, will be a bad influence on her.
4.) As for the alternate outcome, let me think! I'll give you my best guesses, but destiny is mutable, so these could've easily changed!
Smallkit would grow into Smallcloud, and would become an apprentice to Tanglefern! She would be on the smaller side, but she'd be a fierce creature for sure! She'd be smart and cautious, but never a push-over.
Flailkit would grow into Flailwhisker, and would likely go on the path of becoming a queen or mediator! She'd likely be about average height and a bit on the chunkier side. I imagine her to be quiet and shy, much like Flaildrizzle, and easy to talk over. Still, she cares greatly about her clanmates, even if she's easily overwhelmed. Smallcloud would've been very protective over her in their youth.
Palekit would grow into Paleclaw, and would most certainly follow the path of a warrior! He'd idolized his aunt, Rootstar, and wanted to become a leader just like her. He's prideful and a little boastful for sure, but not intentionally. He's just very proud of his aunt being the leader, and his mom (Flaildrizzle) being the deputy, and wants to make sure everyone knows it.
Had Honeyspring's kits lived, Sweetkit's role would have also changed, but I can't say it due to spoilers!
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dduane · 2 years
An anonymized non-anon query
(A note: my ask box isn’t open to anons at the moment, because I started getting inappropriate messages that I didn’t care to see. Maybe I'll eventually go anon-open again. But the present situation isn’t going to stop me from answering asks where the person’s uneasy about having their username revealed. Like this one:)
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Can't go on anon so this is a little mortifying to be Seen™ but;
Do you have any words for fandom girls who are no longer in their 20s and starting to construct people in their heads who shame them for "still being into this stuff"?]
First thing; funny how it's always fandom girls who come up against this, isn't it? If it was some 90-year-old fandom boy in question who'd been painting his face red and white and following Manchester United since he was nine, no one would turn a hair. In fact, everybody in that cohort of interest would be praising him for his commitment and loyalty. It's almost as if some people have bought into the idea that the rules are different for girls somehow! Something to do with the idea that where girls belong is home making everybody a sandwich. I wonder where that might have come from...
Anyway. What you're describing here is something a lot of us have run into: the pressure to (allow me briefly to stand the well-known trope on its head) Be Like All The Other Girls... and to be prepared (and indeed resigned) for that inevitably to happen IRL. This stuff starts sneaking into your head in a very innocuous way: by disguising itself as "being prepared" for what you're afraid might happen. And it's very hard to avoid having that concern slowly but surely turn into a dread of what's going to happen. (For there's a horrible seductiveness about self-fullfilling prophecy... even if you know you've built it yourself. Part of your mind, that frightened advanced-fight-or-flight part that's always trying to keep you safe by predicting all the possible futures, starts feeling satisfied with itself when it finally has the evidence to say, "Well, at least we were prepared for that!")
So it's best to be proactive about managing this, I think, before things start to get bothersome. Develop a quick switchblade-style defense that you can pull out of your brain's back pocket at short notice. And then, when you're used to using it on those rogue ideations, disarm the sneaky "attacker" more thoroughly by taking it apart, gradually, at the more straightforwardly analytical end.
Let's start with the switchblade: a good-old fashioned mantra. How about this:
"Nobody gets to gatekeep my joy."
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This can be used as a silent affirmation any time you feel the need. Any time you start feeling that pressure—that annoying whisper from the conjectural voices in your head that want you to think about how maybe you are too old for this kind of thing—pull out the mantra and shiv them in the gut with it, three times. (Threes are always good for this. Think how many spells have to be done, or names spoken, in threes. The rhythm's an archetype all its own.)
What you'll notice, with repetition of this intervention over time, is that the incidence of this kind of thinking gradually gets rarer and rarer. It might take a while to go away completely... but you'll know what to do if it rears its head again.
But also: this response can when necessary be repeated right out loud in front of whatever sorry piece of breathing meat has the unutterable bald-faced gall to actually try to gatekeep you to your (digital or otherwise) face. Pull it out, set your features in an expression of amused calm (because what you do to your face makes differences in your brain), and hit 'em with it. And if they continue to try to argue the point with you, you get to just keep repeating your base-state mantra until they give up and go away.*
...Now, since good mantras normally run deeper than the mere words, it makes sense to inquire into an underlying issue:
Why do people do this to other people? (And I don't mean this as a rhetorical question with optional eyeroll: I mean it as a possible diagnostic.) There has to be a reason people pull this shit... as mandated by the favorite (different) mantra of psychiatric professionals everywhere: "All behavior is motivated."
One aspect of this to consider: the "you're too old to be into this stuff" response is usually a learned behavior. People for whom the perception of "insufficient" age or maturity is an issue have routinely picked it up from others. There are a number of reasons why they parrot it... the likeliest being that simply want to be seen saying the thing that lots of other people they know also say; so that by so doing, they can be seen as Smart. (This is of course just another a manifestation of our old generally-maladaptive friend, the so-called herd instinct.) And nine-tenths of those other people, I can guarantee you, got it in turn from others still. "They're too old for this" is rarely going to be a spontaneous insight. (Except when used pertinent to certain contact sports, and some types of opera.)
Yet why does the trope perpetuate itself so enthusiastically?
Leaving aside personal living-arrangement issues in individual cases, I think it's because in some people, underneath the expressed trope, there's a genuine fear... an insidious variation of the well-known impostor syndrome. And it's this:
They're afraid that whatever it is they've got at the moment, it's may well be the wrong kind of "this stuff"... not a real joy. (Some people will take this to mean, "The kind of stuff, or joy, other people will approve of." Cf. the "seeming Smart" thing.) And, as they get older, they may be becoming afraid they may never have it.
Now, people naturally try to protect themselves from experiencing their own fears whenever possible. This one's no different. So one way such folks find to distract themselves from the fear of having no joy is to devalue such joy in others. That way, whatever they see themselves as having their noses spitefully "rubbed in" can be perceived as no longer a real threat to them. They can start seeing it as a bad joy, a weak or silly or stupid joy. And (in this case specifically) an immature joy.
(With this in mind, the passage in which C.S. Lewis deals with this toxic fetishization of "maturity" is worth quoting in full, since we so frequently see only the last couple/few lines:)
“Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.”
...And you hear there the voice of a man who'd dealt with a whole lot of critics in his time on this subject—some of them quite famous and elevated types, trying to discredit him for what we'd now think of as "clicks"—and had routinely made them ever so sorry they'd engaged. Also, Lewis was an enthusiastic reader of "the pulps" until his dying day, and you should have seen some of his responses to those who tried to tell him that "at his age, he should be over that science fiction stuff by now." I'd have to go digging for the cites, but... hooboy.
Anyway, and as a closer:
You're not required to—at someone else's mere behest—even think about changing your way of thinking and living in the (probably hopeless) hopes of pleasing or placating other people you've never met. And most specifically:
You are in no wise required by the Universe to curtail your personal experience of joy in order to try to make scared and small-souled people more comfortable.Your soul gets to be its own size, and have its own joy... in its very own shape, volume, and richness.
So if anyone pulls the "You're too old for [x]" crap on you, I encourage you to just let that attitude sail on by you and fuck straight out into the Oort Cloud and beyond. Let passing alien spacecraft on their way in-system gaze at it in wonder and say, "Wow, look at that go! Didn't think they had warp drive here yet."
...Anyway: let me know how you get on.
*This is a basic assertiveness-training technique that I feel is much undervalued in daily usage. Every time someone comes up with a new reason you should stop doing what they don't like, and expects you to respond to that... what makes them think you're required to come up with a new and different reason not to? Who made that concept up? And why waste useful originality on someone arguing with you in the kind of bad faith that refuses to accept your answers? Just keep repeating yourself with the main reason until they give up (probably in great exasperation: too bad...) and bugger off elsewhere. :) ...But see the useful 1970s work When I Say No, I Feel Guilty for effective DIY approaches to this problem.
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xoxodiluc · 1 year
step up your game .ᐟ ❨ 17+ ❩
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arataki itto ( genshin impact ) x female! reader
genre nsfw, oneshot
summary arataki itto, one of the troublemakers in your university, needed to pass his test in his failing subject to be able to play this year's football game. so he begged for you, the smartest girl in his class, to tutor him. you never thought it would lead to something more...
cw modern! university! au, sub! reader, oral (male receiving), dirty talk, size kink, unprotected (STAY PROTECTED!)
wc 1.4k+
notes simpy wrote this cuz i was thirsting over itto ok bye / let’s ignore the fact this was in my drafts FOR A YEAR.. i basically forgot how to write smut lol
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Arataki Itto almost dropped to his knees. No? "W-What?"
"I won't tutor you."
You told yourself you wouldn't get involved with the Arataki Gang who were notorious on the campus for being... well... troublemakers. Kuki Shinobu was an exception, though, because she's your best friend. And she mostly stayed out of trouble. You never knew how she joined them, it just happened.
"I just... I have a lot of stuff to do this week." You said, opening your notebook to read the lecture for today's class.
You heard Itto sighing sadly, and you almost felt bad. Almost. "You don't have time to tutor me this week? Even just for an hour?" When you didn't respond, he clasped his hands in front of you, "Please! I'll do anything! I really have to pass this subject to be able to play the upcoming game!"
Okay, you lied. You felt bad.
Shinobu sometimes drags you to one of Itto's football games, and he was a good player. It would really be a waste for the team if he doesn't get to play in his upcoming game.
...You know what?
Clicking your tongue, you nodded. "Fine. Every 8 p.m. on weekdays at starting tomorrow."
He pumped his fist up in the air, "Woo-hoo! I'll see you tomorrow... Uh..." You tilted your head. "What's your name again?"
All you have to do is to do your best in tutoring Arataki Itto and hope to God he does well in the test. So much for not wanting to be involved with the Arataki Gang.
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"This is the third time I've explained this, Itto." You pinched the bridge of your nose. You've been in his dorm for almost 2 hours now, and you had to be back in your dorm by 11 p.m.
"Wait, wait!" Itto shook his head vigorously. "Just explain to me one more time and I'm sure I can understand it!"
You sighed at the pouting look he gave you and stood up to get your water bottle from the table. "So why didn't you ask Kujou Sara to tutor you instead? She's smart." You asked, and Itto shuddered at the mention of her name. "...What's wrong with Sara?"
"Are you seriously asking me that...?! She's literally the most difficult person to get along with!"
You furrowed your eyebrows, walking back to the bed. "No she's not. I get along with her."
"Hah, right. Of course, smart people get along." Rolling your eyes at his remark, you continued teaching the math problem to him. After a few more explaining, he got the problem right.
"Hey, that's correct! Good job." You flashed him a small smile, and you could've sworn his eyes twinkled with joy.
"Really?!" Without any warning, he hugged you, catching you off-guard. "I'll make sure to focus really hard so I can get all 'em right!"
You get that he was happy about it... but...
You never thought his abs would be that rock-hard. Your clothed breasts were pressed up against his clothed abs, and you felt a weird sensation in your—
Y/N! Snap out of it!
"Uhh, you there?" Itto pulled away, looking at you with a concerned look, then his eyes widened. "Oh— Oh. Sorry, it's just when I'm happy I hug... people. Like when we win games, you know? I hug my teammates and I'm sorry if I—"
"It's fine." You chuckled, and there was an awkward silence until you spoke again. "Um, let's move on."
He nodded and answered the next question. Wrong.
"No, no, it's like this..."
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And before you knew it, it was already 11 p.m.
“Thank you… really! I already think I’m gonna ace this test ‘cause of you!” Itto flashed a handsome smile, “Be safe on the way to your dorm, alright?”
You returned the smile, waving at him. “I will, bye.” Itto was about to close the door but you stopped him when you heard footsteps. “Wait.” Shit. Shit, shit, shit!
You completely forgot someone monitors the dormitories as soon as it is 11 p.m!
Itto pulled you into his room and closed the door. You leaned back on the door in distress, “Oh, I forgot about the dorm monitor. You can’t go back to your dorm any time soon…”
“No shit.” You sighed and looked up at him.
He looks… attractive. You were so focused on tutoring him that you never realized he was this attractive.
You came back to your senses, “Hmm?”
“I said, you can stay here till the monitor is gone. They’re usually gone by 12 a.m.”
You cleared your throat, nodding, “…Yeah… yeah.”
He chuckled, “Y/N? You okay?”
You nodded once again, “I am…”
“Then… why do you keep staring at me like that?”
“…Like what?”
“Like that.”
Itto was looking at you, and you couldn’t help but gulp at the way he was gazing at you. Archons… he looked so hot. What the hell? “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” You walked past him and sat on the bed. “Guess I’ll have to wait… like 30 minutes or so.”
He turned, a smile on his face, “Wanna do something fun to kill time?”
All you could think about was him fucking you senselessly, trying to keep quiet so you don’t wake the others.
“Sure. I’ll tutor you some more.”
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Tutor, my ass.
You were on all fours on Itto’s bed, his dick in your mouth as he stood in front of you. You wrapped your hand around the rest of his length that you couldn’t fit into your mouth, and looked up at him. He was biting his lip, grunting quietly.
“Archons, Y/N… Who knew you could suck dick so good?”
You didn’t know how it got to this point — You were tutoring him once again, but you couldn’t focus. You kept stuttering and Itto couldn’t understand you. But then seeing his hard-on… You looked up at him and he was gazing at you…
You both couldn’t resist each other.
Choking on his cock, he gripped onto your hair, hissing, “Fuck…”
Then he pulled your head away, the string of saliva connecting your lips and the tip of his cock. You looked up at him, breathing out, “Fuck me.”
Itto was still panting, and the side of his mouth curled upwards. “Yeah? You gonna be quiet while I fuck you?”
“Mhm… Please…” You whimpered, then gasped when he pulled you up and then pushed you down onto the bed.
He kissed your neck, his hand reaching for your wet clit and rubbing it. You moaned quietly, rolling your hips against his hand then whining when his hand pulled away from you.
"J-Just the tip, first..." You whispered and bit your lip, feeling the head gliding along your clit. "It won't fi— Agh!"
Itto covered your mouth with his hand, growling quietly as he carefully thrust into you. "I'll make it fit, don't worry."
Suddenly, footsteps were heard outside the room. You looked at Itto as he covered your mouth, and your eyes widened when he moved against you. “Shh. Don’t make a sound…” He whispered as removed his hand from your mouth and kissed you.
You couldn't help but clench around him and he groaned, pushing deeper into you. You moaned through the kiss as your legs wrapped around his waist. “Mhhf… O-Oh…”
He's so big that you could feel his tip touching your cervix, hitting it with every thrust he does. He pulled away from your lips as he fucked you harder, your moans coming out as silent gasps.
"Fuck, baby..." Itto whispered, gritting his teeth. "You like that? Does it feel good?"
You could only nod your head in response, afraid to talk because you might moan too loud. He let out a breathy laugh as he continued pounding deeper into you.
Tears filled up your eyes from the pleasure and you could feel the knot on your stomach as Itto went faster. "Mm— 'm gonna...!"
"Shhh, do it for me, baby. Come on."
Your body shook as your orgasm washed over you. He grunted once more, biting into your neck softly.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck..." And he finally pulled out, cumming on your stomach, "Fuck..."
The sight of your almost-passed-out figure on his bed almost made him hard once again, but he resisted himself. He fell next to you, letting out a contented sigh.
You closed your eyes, still panting. "I was only gonna tutor you. Not fuck you."
Itto laughed, caressing your thighs. "Too bad."
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"So you're telling me you weren't at your dorm last night because you were at Itto's?" Shinobu gave you a disapproved look. You smiled sheepishly.
"...Look, it just happened, okay? What were we supposed to do while waiting for the monitor?"
Shinobu sighed. "So much for telling yourself to not get involved with the Arataki Gang."
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xoxodiluc © 2023 | all rights reserved. do not claim as your own, modify, copy or repost.
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sassykio4fun · 1 year
No more
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Toxic!Tom Kaulitz x Fem!Reader
Slamming the taxi door shut, you let out a breath, peering up at the tall building. Squeezing your leather purse to your torso, you turned your gaze to the dark street, not one person in sight.
As expected. 'Who in their right mind would be out this early?' You thought, checking your phone, reading '2:12' on the screen.
You rolled your eyes. "You, you're the dumbass that'd be out this early." You shook your head, shooting Tom a text that you're heading up.
"Alright, let's get this over with." You sighed, shoving your phone in your purse, heeled feet leading you towards the entrance.
Stepping into the elevator, you lift a knuckle, tapping the number three. Taking a step back, you face the mirror, taking in your appearance.
Giving your hair a fluff, you pull your lipstick from your bag, touching up your lips here and there before you hear a 'ding'. Smacking your lips together, you shoved your lipstick in your bag as you walked out of the big box.
You strode down the long hallway, eyes scanning over the golden indents of each door, pausing when you found '011'. Stopping in front of the door, you take a deep breath, raising a closed fist to the cool door, you knock.
Almost immediately hearing footsteps, you stood straight up, waiting for the door to open.
"What in the hell is he doing?" You questioned after a few moments of waiting. Leaning closer to the door, you try your best to figure out what's taking so long, you hear Tom's muffled voice.
"I gotta go." "I can't keep 'em waiting." "Yeah, I'll call you later, bye." Is all you can hear in a rush, before the door shot open.
Jumping back a foot, you straightened your back, trying to compose yourself. You look up at the tall boy standing in the middle of the doorway, veiny hand cradling the tan door.
"Hey! Sorry to keep you waiting, it was a mess in there, I had to tidy up a bit." Was the first thing he said, a lazy smile on his face.
"And you couldn't clean up when you called me up here becauseee...?" You questioned, inviting yourself in, nudging him out of your way.
He shrugged his wide shoulders. "I got back not too long ago." He responded, leaning back against the large door, as his eyes trailed down your figure.
Pausing your scanning of the room at that, you turned to him with a raised eyebrow. "Yeah? Where did you come from?" You disputed, gaze on his leaning figure.
"I was at a party, hanging with a couple of friends, getting wasted, as anyone does." He answered idly, pushing himself from the door, making his way towards you.
You slowly nodded your head, eyeing his towering figure. "Did you have fun?" You hesitantly wondered as he got closer, taking in his flushed cheeks and hazy eyes.
Tom nodded his head as he shoved his nose in your neck. " Mhm, it was crazy there, fights and all." He spoke lazily, large hands going to your hips as he breathed you in.
"Good, that's good, I know you've been stressed lately, with the band and media." You whispered, enjoying his warm hands on you.
"You being here just makes my night all the better though." He muttered, pressing soft kisses along your neck, his ring leaving a cool sensation behind.
"Oh really? In what ways?" You asked smiling, hissing when he nipped a sensitive spot, hands moving up to grip his shoulders.
Pulling you closer by your hips, his soft lips moved up your jaw. "In. Every. Way. Possible." He growled in between kisses, before diving for your lips, the far taste of alcohol present.
Returning his kiss, your hands moved to the back of his neck, softly yanking his nape, exerting a groan from him. You yelped when you were suddenly in the air, being held by firm arms.
You locked your thighs around Tom's slim waist, his strong hands squeezing the flesh of your exposed thighs as he moved towards the bed.
His lips locked on yours as he lowered you on the stiff bed, your hair creating a halo around your head. Sitting up on his knees, his dark eyes peered down at your flushed figure, taking in your wrinkled dress and blown pupils.
Groaning, he took a hold of your waist, lips attacking your jugular. Thick fingers going to your dress straps, pulling them down as his lips moved there, nipping and sucking, leaving tiny red marks.
A tiny whine left your lips as you grabbed ahold of his chin, directing him back to you. Lifting your head, you reconnect your lips, focusing on his bottom lip, you take his piercing between your teeth.
Pulling away, your hands go to the bottom of his shirt, in desperate need of him, you yank his shirt over his body. You go to connect your lips to his neck when you see red marks already there.
"Are you serious right now, Tom!?" You exclaimed, shoving Tom off of you.
"Whoa, what in the hell? What was that for?" Tom asked, knitting his dark eyebrows, as he regained his footing.
"What was that for?! Tom, look at your neck!" You shouted, glaring his way, yanking your dress straps up, as you sat up.
Confused, he moves to the bathroom. Looking at his reflection, he can see the many hickies and love bites going down his neck and chest.
Moving out of the bathroom, he sighs as he calls out your name, his face twisted in a grimace.
"No! This is the third time now Tom! You call me up here, I think that you really like me, that it means something!" You interrupted him.
"Only to find out you were in a girl not even a full day ago!" You fumed, eyes going glassy from tears as you grabbed your purse.
Your purse is out of your hand a second later, in the hands of Tom. "Don't say that. I really do like you, believe that, I was just drunk, it didn't even go that far." He pleaded, biting the inside of his cheek.
"You cannot keep using that excuse! It's old Tom." You groaned, scowling at him through tears.
"I know, I know, and I'm sorry, let me make it up to you." The boy pleaded, taking a step your way.
"Sorry isn't gonna cut it, do you understand that! I gave you more chances than I should have." You stressed, hands going to your scalp.
Taking a deep breath, you turned towards him. "I really can't do this anymore, you can't, it's not good for either of us, this back and forth bull has got to stop."
He shakes his head. "I'm trying to make this work, you have to listen to me."
"Make this work, what, this relationship?" You let out a sarcastic snicker. "You've been trying to make that work for how long now? You're not able to stay with one girl, Tom, you're not a committed person."
His eyes lower to the ground. "That's not true, I've had so many things on my mind lately, I can't just focus on one thing."
Shaking your head, you snort, taking a step towards him. "Whatever, Tom, this 'relationship; thing is one less thing to focus on, because it's done, no more. No more calls, no more hookups, no more fighting." You say through tears, hand reaching for your bag.
Harshly swallowing, he looked off to the side. "You really want that?" He mumbled, voice cracking near the end.
"It's something we both need, this is not healthy for us, you know that, Tom." You sniffled, holding in a sob.
Clearing his throat, he faced you. "Alright, if you feel like this is better for us." He whispered, placing your purse in your hand.
"I think right now it is, we both have problems we have to deal with." You muttered quietly, taking his his features before turning towards the door.
Opening the door, you step into the hallway. "Bye Tom." You quietly let out, lips pursed.
"Bye." He got out, jaw clenched, his dark, glassy eyes not straying from the door knob.
You gave him a tight smile before closing the hotel door. Walking down the hall, you take in a sharp breath, fighting back tears as you call a taxi. Tom's tears already falling, at the loss of something so constant his life, realizing the impact you had on him.
Hello! Hope you enjoyed this!🎀
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yorshie · 10 months
omg they’re all so good its hard to choose…
2 + 15 for leo on the blurb list??
—noirleo ♡
Hello! Glad you're back! Ahhh, nice prompt choices! Let's see if I can't get some jealous Leo being a sassy s/o out of em. Thank You for Requesting on Blurb Day! (edit: ....hm..... how do I always come right back to spicy leo. *looks at map in confusion*) @noirleo
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It seems someone had pressed Leo's buttons a little too much at the casual soiree the Police Chief had put together to celebrate the holidays. You weren't sure if it was the newly graduated cadet that tried to retrieve you a drink, or Vern sloshing over you in a half drunken side hug, but when you caught Leo eyeing you out of the corner of your eye, you knew something had him rankled.
You gave him a questioning look of your own, eyes dodging to the side in a clear prompt to follow you, and you watched as he gave you a small nod before seemingly returning to the conversation he was pretending to have.
Ten minutes later, washing your hands in the half bath on the second floor, you were not surprised to hear the click of the door relocking behind you.
"Took you long enough, Blue." You said over your shoulder, reaching for a towel to dry your hands, only to stop and catch yourself against the counter at the sudden way Leo stepped up behind you.
His beak dipped to blow cool air against your ear, plastron a hairs-breath away from your back, his hands mirroring your own pressed against the marble countertop. "Sorry," he breathed, nuzzling into your pulse, "had to speak to Vern about something before I could get away."
Vern? Shit. You closed your eyes, breathing in deep at the feel of Leo's lips pressing a chaste kiss against your shoulder. "Should I be worried?"
Leo hummed, the sound usually low and soothing, but in the inclosed space it brought upon a shiver strong enough to knock your arms against his.
You could feel the smirk he pressed against your skin, his beak nuzzling in search of skin. "What if I promised I was on my best behavior." He raised his head, leaned down to set his jaw on your shoulder to meet your eyes in the mirror, "just for you?"
You huffed out a single chuckle, looking away from his eyes, searching for the movement he was trying to cover, and spying his hands slowly moving towards your hips. "Why do I not believe you?"
"Vern's fine," Leo blinked, long and slow, and by the tilt of his head you knew he was aiming to misbehave. For a moment you wondered if he'd somehow gotten tipsy-
"Is this you being jealous, Blue?" You asked, gaze flitting between his lazy eyes and the slow movements of his hands he wasn't even bothering to hide now.
"If I told you I was, would you let it go?" He asked before turning his head to the side and nudging your head with his beak, grip surprisingly soft as he finally reached his goal, palms sliding against the material of your clothes covering your hips. You went to cover his hands, curling your fingers over his own to hold him in place.
"I might be tempted to do so," You countered, leaning to the side to avoid his teeth when he nipped cheekily at your ear. He swayed to follow, abandoning his original plan to simply snuggle against your neck once more.
"You smell good." He whispered, pressing another kiss before slowly releasing you. "Can we head back home, though? I can't exactly tempt you very well in Chief Vincent's powder room, after all." He gave you a little smirk, one side of his mouth tipping further up, blue eyes trailing down your body.
You swallowed, tongue peeking out to touch your upper lip before to managed to answer, "go... give the Chief our goodbyes, I'll meet you by the door."
Leo pressed one last kiss to your shoulder, blue eyes holding your own in the mirror, and between blinks he was gone, the door locking once more behind him.
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mysteryshoptls · 11 months
SSR Kalim Al-Asim - Playful Dress Voice Lines
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When Summoned: It's time for the show. Let's all move our bodies and dance to the rhythm!
Summon Line: This please looks like it's gonna be awesome and lively, and super fun. Alright, let's go ride some attractions!
Groooovy!!: Sing, dance! Come one now, help me get the stage even more pumped up!
Home: Let's all have a ton of fun!
Swap Looks: Woooah!! That surprised me…
Home Idle 1: It's awesome how Gidel always has a smile on his face. I can't help but get happy whenever I see him!
Home Idle 2: They got so many different merch of the amusement park's mascot characters. I bet my little brothers and sisters would love it if I sent some home to them.
Home Idle 3: Woah, there's some kind of instrumental performance over there. The song's really got a bright and cheery beat. My body can't help but move on its own.
Home Idle - Login: This is my first time at an amusement park that's not been completely reserved for me and my family~! Everything from the screams I can hear echoing everywhere to the really long lines are all so new to me!
Home Idle - Groovy: I heard all the attractions light up at night. We should totally check it out from the top of the Catch the Star wheel while we can!
Home Tap 1: The huge loop on the roller coaster ride was amazing! I'll have to have my magic carpet do that sometime.
Home Tap 2: Don't you think my outfit is an awesome, bright yellow? I also super love the look of these pants!
Home Tap 3: Oooof, all the quiz questions they keep popping us with in this game is so hard! Maybe if Riddle was here, he would've been able to answer them all right!
Home Tap 4: The haunted house sure was scary. But as soon as Floyd came in, all the ghosts started running away from him. Ahahaha!
Home Tap 5: The feather in my cap is touching the ceiling? You're right. The tip of my feather turned a bit white... Oh well, this is kinda stylish in it's own way!
Home Tap - Groovy: Let's ride the merry-go-round next. They have horses, camels, and carriages… Which one do you like best? I'll ride the same one!
Duo: [KALIM]: Time to get pumped up, Cater! [CATER]: Show 'em what we got, Kalim-kun!
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Requested by Anonymous.
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zu-art · 7 months
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Alright you guys, it's time for a new commission post that makes sense with my current reality, workload and drawing hand capacity :') I'll keep these open for a while because I have some looming vet bills to take care of!
💛💚💙 PESSOAS DO BRASIL: sim, os preços em reais são diferentes! 💙💚💛
Please contact me via my e-mail: [email protected].
You can include: a (simple) description of what you’d like, references for the characters/outfits/poses or anything else you find useful, and the type of commission you want.
✿ Please signal boost!! ✿
More details under the cut:
Prices can change according to the complexity of the drawing.
Will draw: original characters, fanart, NSFW (if you’re over 18). Simple backgrounds cost extra.
Will not draw: gore (blood is ok), offensive stuff, anything I’m uncomfortable with or can’t draw.
All payment is via Paypal. ((Se você estiver no Brasil, o pagamento é preferencialmente por PIX ou Picpay!))
I take the full payment before starting on the commission. Please wait until I’ve accepted your commission and sent you the invoice!
My [art tag] for more examples.
If you have questions, message me and I’ll do my best to answer!
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Preface: Mike's answers were received as an audio recording and I've transcribed them here to the best of my abilities - he reads the questions out loud, which i don't include. He's jovial and snarky AF in his answers, which might fall a little flat in text. "Source's" followup answers were in text and copy-pasted, they're a lot more sincere. I've decided to post all answers in full...you might be surprised by them and you can take them how you like, but don't shoot the delivery person (me) or the messenger (the Source).
Ok, here they are: question, Mike's answer, Source's answer [my commentary]
whens the mexico tour mike? do you hate mexicans mike?
(joking on that last one ofc xd)
There are a lot of tours happening. You're gonna have to be more specific. A better question is: when will my tacos be ready?
I'll expand on this one. He is very close to signing off on a small tour with one of his bands. He is also trying very hard to find a way to reschedule the one he had to cancel, but the logistics is making it hard. He is trying to keep his touring to 3 weeks out max and 2 months home. Which is hard to do with his bigger band.
do you still have toodles the baby doll, the one you had in 92'-93'? do have any other antique items similar to toodles? if so, what are your favorites?
Wait, we need a visual for this story, hold on [Mike and the Source giggle, I don't know what happens here edit: this probably when the toodles/hippo/pig video was recorded]...let's see, what's next...mmm...yeah....nope...pass
He has a few antique items. Like a shrunken skull and a medical amputation kit from the 1700s.
roddy, somewhat recently like a few months ago, in an instagram live did a qna and someone asked him what he thought about trey and he told a story about him having a ball of straight boogers that he collected his boogers in and i just wanna ask if that is true or not because that is a insane story if it actually did happen
....booger ball? HAHA ok...hmmm? Well where do you put your boogers in huh??? Do you eat them? put 'em in your stomach? [Source: "eww"] That ball sounds pretty good about now, right?hahahahh
Mike knows nothing about this. It doesn't sound to me like something Trey would do now. Who knows what he did when he was younger though.
What does Mike think about his fans?
What do i think about my fans....well...if I'm being honest? I question their mental health...HAHA...sorry...I didn't mean to! [Source: "MIKE!"] I kid, I kid....I'm very grateful...to all ten of them....[chuckle]
He is truly grateful for them. Some also scare him a little.
What was the best prank Mike pulled on tour??
....I would ask Crain or Pearson... [Source has a big laugh]
With Dead Cross. He had arranged for the police to pull over their van while touring in Texas. The officer was a fan and Mike had him "plant" drugs and a gun in the car. Dave knew what was happening but Justin and Mike were freaking out. They were handcuffed and laying in the dirt when they found out it was all a joke.
Who has a nicer butt? Mike or Trevor?
Again, you're gonna have to elaborate on that one....I mean, which Mike? I can't POSSIBLY be expected to answer the question without knowing...hahaha
Mike gets my vote. He has a great butt.
Is there a lyric to a song Mike wrote that was so unhinged that he thought it was better to keep to himself?
Ya, the answer is nope.
So many choices, but he doesn't do regrets. I will tell you that the bullshit he spins about his Faith No More lyrics being random and impersonal, is just that. Bullshit. A good number of those lyrics are highly personal. Furthermore, quite a few of these songs when woven together tell a very personal story. You will NEVER get him to admit this though.
What is Mike's sexual orientation?
Hehe - you wanna take that one [source]? [Source: eehhhuuummmmmmmmm....no...no I'm good]
I feel like if I answer this, there will be a lot of disappointed people. I'll just say he had a wife, he has a girlfriend. You do the math.
Were Mike and Trevor ever a thing?
Sure....in his fucking wet dreams....hahahahah
Yes, they were and are “friends” Seriously though, not that I am aware of, and I've known them both since 1989.
Did mike get a BJ from that groupie he talked about in the making of Angel Dust? Or was it all made up just to troll?
[Mike skips over this one]
I'll answer this one. That was a true story. All of it, including the fact that he did NOT take her up on her offer of giving him a BJ. *He would like to add that he often wonders if that was a mistake and he missed out on some "really good head." He is kidding, of course. When he said he doesn't like groupies, he was being sincere. It gives him the "ick”
since it's time to ask anything: how big is Mike's dick?
Shamefully small....you're like Dora the Explorer on the hunt for it. [Source laughs]
I have ZERO complaints [you might guess the Source's relationship to Mike here]
first and foremost, is mike doing ok? i mean, both mentally and physically.. i just hope he got over all the things that were troubling him and is in a good state right now😭
Wow, ya....um....that's really kind [he truly sounds taken aback by the question] I am doing well. And...um.... I thank you for the support, it's appreciated. Truly, I mean that....ok....I'm done....you do the rest, [source]. [recording ends]
He is doing well. He is taking the advice of his care team and limiting his work. Enjoying life. Moving forward you will find his tours are broken into multi-week sessions followed by some downtime, and projects will be less frequent, but hopefully more satisfying.
is mike currently working on some new music/projects/plans to revive some of the old ones? some upcoming collaborations maybe?
Yes. However he told me I could only give you a very basic answer. He is working on something new, but his priority and focus is on fulfilling the tours he had to postpone or cancel over the past few years. Starting with his “slutty” group. [the slutty group is Tomahawk ;) ]
now for the more personal ones… [the previous two and the next two questions were all from the same anon]
those weren't personal?😂oh boy!
Yeah he isn't going to answer these. But I will try.
what is mike's current relationship with trevor? are they on good terms? do they talk/spend time together still? i think we can all agree that there is kind of an elephant in the room right now regarding their recent interactions (i'm very much looking at you trev)
Things are probably the best they've been since high school. They do live on different coasts and both tend to keep busy, so they don't have time to really "hang" out, but that hasn't really been something that they do since high school. They see each other enough over work and yes, they really do enjoy working together. Especially now that they have both matured some.
is mike still… married?? i need to hear the most elaborate answer for this one because his marriage in particular is a real twilight zone haha
Bless you for asking this! Personally, this subject irks me a bit. So I am glad someone asked, as I would love to set the record straight. Yes, he is still technically married, but only for legal reasons. I cannot give you more details as it would violate someones privacy. However; he and Cristina are not together. He likes to be vague about this, as it
is somewhat of a security blanket for him. Now that he has gone public about his demons, you can probably understand why he likes to keep people at an arms length distance. Especially women. Yes they separated and then reconciled. It didn't work out. Having a significant other that is never around can lead to loneliness and other issues, and they just couldn't make it work. Even so, they still remain friends and live a few blocks away from each other. Romantically, that relationship is dead AF. That does not mean that he is "available" though. He isn't. I promise you he is happy. At least he says he is. He is the love of my life.
[I asked about my gifts for Mike from the Southern US Bungle tour, they DID end up on the bus, the anal hook got passed around and somehow ended up with Dave?!??! Mutherfuckr....anyways, I gave the Source the link to where I got it in case she wanted to get another one for Mike. And as for the socks...]
That was very kind of you and he definitely appreciates the thought and creativity put into these gifts. I have definitely seen the socks with blood dripping. I'll look for the ones with the skull. He did mention to me that he's loves all the socks that fans have given
him. So I am sure he has them. As for the anal hook. Thank you for the link. I'm not sure that man needs any more "gadgets" if you catch my drift.
[I apologized for the "is he still married' question...you all know how I feel about that topic...]
It's okay. Like I said, I honestly don't mind answering that one at all.
I don't mind answering any of these. Look, I think he is hot too. I would be a total hypocrite if I didn't understand the fascination. Which is why I encouraged him to answer these. Plus he is so damn guarded. It's good for him to open up. Baby steps. Answering a few questions won't hurt him or change his life.
What turns him on about a woman or man?
I did try to get him to answer this question seriously… I tried. Instead he started describing me. Except for the end when he added and "Big sweaty hairy balls." Obviously I can't answer this for him, but I can tell you what he has told me what he likes about me… at least the PG version. He always tells me his favorite thing about me is my
kindness and big heart and that I accept him unconditionally. I know, probably not what you were expecting. He also tends to be attracted to women who are creative and successful. That is my own observation from the women he has dated. He also loves dark haired and dark eyed women, with a wicked sense or humor. He is also definitely an "ass" man. As for men, I have never heard him honestly mention being attracted to one, other than when he was joking around.
[to me, and I decided to include...] I know you all like to fantasize that he has gay tendencies. So if you prefer to keep this answer quiet I completely understand. But I can assure you, he is not keeping his gay side closeted or anything. We are very open minded as a couple and believe me, if he wanted to experiment. He could have.
What's his favourite fragrance?
Currently it's Burberry Touch. He also likes Montblanc Legend.
[I interject: *me again - actually there's a lot of chat around what fragrance mike wears….people really like
it….if he wants to share the internet would be forever grateful]
I understand. He smells amazing. Scents are a big thing with him.
Is Mike really into the BDSM community or is it all stage acting?
I did say we are a very open minded couple. Plus the man is an Aquarius.
That's that on that, folks. There were a couple of questions that have come in since these, I haven't sent them in yet, hoping to get a few more in so I can send a block of 'em. The Source says we're still welcome to ask, but she can't promise anything more from Mike. I personally want you all to know the interactions I've had with the Source have all been very sweet. It really does sound like she wants Mike to start be more comfortable out there in the world again, and so I want you all to love and support them both with all your bits.
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redgoldsparks · 7 months
I did a short interview for an alumni spotlight on the CCA website. You can click through but I'll also just copy my answers below the cut.
Maia Kobabe (e/em/eir) is a nonbinary/queer/trans author and illustrator, a voracious reader, a k-pop fan, and a daydreamer. You can learn an astonishing number of intimate details about em in Gender Queer: A Memoir and in eir other short comics, published by The New Yorker, The Nib, The Washington Post and in many print anthologies. Gender Queer won a Stonewall Honor and an Alex Award from the American Library Association in 2020. It was also the most challenged book in the United States in 2021 and 2022.
Maia shares more about eir life as a full-time artist and activist, fighting to protect diverse literature and the freedom to access information.
1. What is your current practice/business?
I am a full time cartoonist. My job consists of days working at home writing and drawing mixed with days speaking out against book banning and censorship, and in support of the freedom to read, the freedom to teach, and the freedom to access information. I spend a lot of time talking with other authors, teachers, and librarians about protecting diverse and queer books from the current wave of conservative attacks. The first piece I drew for the comics journalism site The Nib was about the rise of fascism in the United States; my later writing about queer, trans, and nonbinary identities has led me into consistently political territory.
2. Why did you choose CCA?
I chose CCA because I was looking for a MFA Comics program, of which there are very few, and I wanted to stay in the Bay Area. Because I'm a local, I was able to meet the majority of the MFA Comics faculty before I applied and felt immediately welcomed into their community. The fact that a majority of my professors for the first year of the program were queer was a huge draw as well.
3. If you could share one piece of advice with current or future students, what would it be?
Every single person has a story only they could tell. No matter what media you are working in, do your best to tell the story which is uniquely yours. If you aren't ready to tell it yet, just keep making art until the time to share that story arrives. No time spent creating is ever wasted.
4. What's your secret to staying inspired and creative?
I realized fairly early in life that my very favorite way to spend the day was drawing while listening to music, a podcast, or an audiobook. I like making things! I would rather be making things than doing almost anything else. I created a life in which I can spend a lot of time creating things and even if I don't particularly know what I am making, I am happy.
5. What do you have coming up?
My second book, Breathe: Journeys to Healthy Binding, written with Dr Sarah Pietzmeier, is coming out in May 2024 from Dutton. It's a nonfiction comic about chest binding as an aspect of trans healthcare. I'm currently drawing my third book, Saachi's Stories, written with Lucky Srikumar; it's due out from Scholastic Graphix in 2026. I am also working on adapting Gender Queer: A Memoir into an audiobook.
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safe-from-sharp-teeth · 4 months
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Ayo! I haven't answered asks in FOREVER, so it's time for some spring cleaning :) Also answering other stuff, like what I've been up to.
If you sent an ask and it's not here, sorry! I may have deleted it because the prompt required too much work of me and I wasn't feeling it, or I was uncomfortable.
Let's gooooo !
Firstly - where have I been? Work REALLY picked up in a way I wasn't expecting over the last...4 months? I was working double and often triple the hours I was used to. With work, vacations, random illnesses, and many video games I got a bit too obsessed with, this blog took a backseat. Plus, sometimes I get disinterested in vore when obsessed with something else. Sometimes, that lasts months, and it did this time.
But now I can confirm that work will FINALLY chill for a long period of time. I'm free! And more motivated than ever! Wahoo! Thanks for your support ALWAYS.
Next big question - when am I going to do more of my story? The one with Asyr? AHHHHHGHHGHH this story has consumed my life. I think about it daily. I dream about it. And yet I'm not as comfortable writing as I am drawing, so writing is a slow process that my perfectionist ass struggles with. I can assure you that there is a story in the works - and I am working on it at a snail's pace.
Okay, ask time...
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@ponyluvesonic09 AYO maybe I'll make a full ghost pred pros/con list for you, because that sounds awesome! Kir//by is one of the silliest canon preds out there. Honestly getting eaten by him would be like getting vored by a vacuum, LOL. Galaxy tummy!! Imagine a prey floating around in one of those item bubbles all grumpy. Thank u for the ask, this is good stuff.
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no. ( /・・)ノ
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UWAGHHHHH I LIKE HER!!! Never played O/verwat/ch but what a gem!! I have a random fondness for centaur-like preds nowadays. She looks so cozy. THANK U I LOVE HER!!!
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@tiger9o0 I have not played r//ain w//orld or know what it's about, LOL. Looks like a platformer? Man, I'm terrrriiiiibblleee at those. But whoever this is on the cover, I LIKE EM. A+. (That might not answer ur question shdjbghkjg SORRY)
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@heimkoheimkofan LOVE THAT I GOT THE ROBOT ENJOYERS AFTER THAT ONE POST....YES yall are so right and I'm so wrong for just hard metal robot tums. I will rectify my mistake soon I PROMISE. Also oh! You were the one asking about stomachs other than elemental ones! IVE HAD THAT IN MY DRAFTS FOREVER IM SORRY AHHHH. I REALLY love your imagination with tums and you've inspired me to think of some awesome environments! THANKS
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@fastfur07 BWAH?? Ugh I'm all over the place when it comes to art. Some pieces take 30 min (like the zangooc I drew at the top of this post), most take 2 days. Some really hard drawings like my wolf bat creechur from a few months ago and my shrimp from last year took a month. THANK U??
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We're going back so far that I think this is about my naga oc (which I'm in the midst of redesigning cough cough). For him, he would never tolerate being prey, extremely unwilling bahaha. In general, I haven't thought much about naga or snake prey! I get the appeal of slurping up a noodle, but I just prefer human prey :)
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@fastfur07 you fiend, you always give me the best drawing ideas. UNFORTUNATELY, I didn't have time to draw something for this one. BUTTTT....
(i've had this next one in my drafts for forever)
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then i had a silly comic. I'll post the wip here because I won't finish it, so enjoy bahaha.
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@blizzaria123-blog THANK U im rapidly melting into a puddle from ur words
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@mrpotatomanversionsix relevant. i will continue drawing them 4 u
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?!??!!??!?!??!?!?!??!?!? how dare u enter my ask box with this blasphemy
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@sfwsillynoms WAH!!! you!!! I'm currently redesigning my naga oc but when I finish I'll tag you, if you're still around! And he can 100% be drawn with ur preysona :)
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@mystorl i am SO late to this, but SMART. I like it. I shall give my lil guy this friend. I just want to let u know that I see this and it's wonderful and I will do something abt it.
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I remember this ask made me laugh a ton when I first got it. thank u. idk why I find this so funny
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@sillylilprey IM CRYING RIGHT BACK AHHHH this is an ancient ask, but thank u! hope you're still enjoying!
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@terrytheinsane finally, the last ask in my askbox. I love it. You have been wronged with how long it took me to answer you. I have gained knowledge from your ask. THANKS
AND THAT'S IT!! Thanks guys, I hope to make you proud! Feel free to send more asks, and hopefully I will answer in a TIMELY manner.
Goodnight! And remember: Nice Vore ᕕ༼⌐■-■༽ᕗ
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hii! ( ˘ ³˘)
im not sure if this ask box is open atm, but i just came from the "random reader x douma" fanfic and it immediately gave me an idea (•ㅅ•)
s/o of muzan, akaza and douma (separately) randomly sneaking up to the demons and hitting/spanking their ass? LMAO
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Honestly I always keep my askbox open so any and everyone can slide anything my way so don't worry about it
Also I'm more than happy to write your request, it's definitely a fun one to write, so, thank you for requesting (^○^)
For those who haven't read the headcanons we're on about you can find it under my Doma section on my MasterList but I'm linking - HERE - for easy access
If you have anything to request - eg. headcanons, questions, thoughts etc. - then just slide 'em my way cause I'll answer them to the best of my abilities!
Muzan Kibutsuji, Douma/Doma + Akaza with an S/O that spanks their butt - Headcanons:
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Muzan Kibutsuji:
This man, this gorgeous man...
Literally the definition of unbothered.....after the 100th smack attack to his arse
Sure to begin with he was confused - maybe even a little bit shocked and scandalized - whenever you'd randomly spank his butt but he kind of just anticipates it now?
Whenever you enter the room when he's doing something he kinda pauses cause he knows your randomly gonna slap his behind
It sets him on edge slightly when you don't
Muzan now waits for you to do it before continuing on with whatever he's doing
He's kinda grown used to it in a 'This happens and i can't really be bothered to stop it so i may as well let it happen' way
It's a very rare moment when he smacks your butt in return
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Oh boy you have a whole can of worms to open with Douma!
This man is so unbothered that you'd have thought you'd have kissed him or something with how he treats your smack to his butt
Genuinely, so unbothered
He takes it in his stride as if its another Monday - just tilts his head with a smile and a quirk of his lips
Barely questions it (seriously you could do anything to him and he wouldn't question it)
He will just smack your butt back when you least expect it
Douma anticipates your random smack and gets sad when you don't try and surprise him with it
It's gotten to the point where he kinda pouts if you don't smack his butt??
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The first time it happens this man makes such an offended but questioning noise - think something along the lines of a cat that's been woken up cause you've touched them kind of noise
He also froze up slightly
And even after you've moved away and started talking to him about something akaza's still stood there in a state of confusion
You genuinely have to explain to him that it was a random urge that you had - "It's just something that wells up inside me, ya know? Except that my brain won't let me focus on anything else til I smack that butt of yours!"
Then he accepts it - kind of....
Takes it as a form of training! You use stealth to try and smack his butt and he tries to detect you before you reach him
Still kinda squeaks and jolts away when you give his butt a love tap
Won't do it as much but when Akaza's feeling cheeky, he WILL, give your arse a little tap which ends up a squeeze
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7ndipity · 1 year
Namjoon x Reader
Summary: After someone close to you breaks your trust yet again, you go to your safe place, Joon.
Warnings: angst, swearing, implied toxic relationship/home life, not proofread
A/N: I wrote this like a month ago when I needed to vent, but I thought some of y'all might appreciate it, so I'll share it here. I almost feel like it could be the start of a series, but idk, lmk what you think?(Also, I tried to leave the 'they' in question vague, so it could be an ex, family, friend or whatever you prefer.)
Requests are open
Joon being wide awake at three in the morning was far from out of the ordinary, he'd often said that he did some of his best work at night, having passed more than his fair share of sleepless nights writing.
You however, were usually long dead to the world at this hour, which is why when his phone screen lit up with your name, he was quick to answer.
"Hey y/n."
"Joon?" The shake in your voice instantly put made him sit up straighter, concerned.
"What happened?"
"Can... can I come over?" You asked.
"Of course." He said, without hesitation. "Are you okay? Do you need me to get you?"
"I'm fine." You said, but he knew that wasn't fully true, it was clear you'd been crying. "I just don't want to stay here tonight."
"Come over. Do you want me to set up our usuals?" He asked.
"Sure." You responded.
Over the course of your friendship, you two had developed a near ritual of whenever one of you was upset, you'd go over to the other's place to talk, usually over some sort of drinks.
You couldn't count how many nights you'd spent camped out on each other's sofas, or sometimes beds, ranting about everything from shitty ex's, family or work problems, or even just that one neighbor who never waved back at you. It didn't necessarily fix any of the issues, but it was comforting nonetheless to have someone who would lend a sympathetic ear or a shoulder to cry on.
He could tell whatever happened must have been bad. Normally, when you called, you would already be giving him the rundown of whatever had happened, so your quietness on the other end of the phone was more than a little worrying.
You showed up not long after, your sweats and oversized hoodie making you seem even smaller to him than normally.
Skipping over any greeting, he immediately pulled you into a tight, protective hug.
"What happened?" He asked again, but you just shook your head.
"Not yet." You mumbled, trying to soak in his soothing warmth. It was remarkable how easily the simple gesture from him never failed to give you such a sense of comfort and safety.
Once you finally separated, he quickly got you situated on the couch with your drinks, waiting patiently for you to begin.
"They lied, again." You said, staring at the floor as you spoke. "I thought things were getting better. I thought we were getting past it, but they fucking lied, right to my face."
The grip on his glass tightened as he listened to you explain, his long simmering anger and frustration at your situation rising to a boil.
"Fuck 'em." He said suddenly.
You looked up at him in surprise.
"I mean it," he said seriously. "You've put up with this shit for long enough. If they can't even have the basic decency to be honest with you, after everything that's happened, then fuck 'em. You deserve so much better than that, than them."
Caught off guard by the intensity of his words, you were hit with a sudden wave of emotion, trying desperately to blink back tears but failing.
"Shit, I'm sorry! Please don't cry." He apologized, frantically scrambling over to pull you into another hug.
"Why are you always so nice to me?" You sniffled.
He looked at you for a moment, unsure of how to answer other than the simple truth. "Because it's what you deserve."
You sat together for a while until your tears ceased and he noticed you drooping on his shoulder and suggested going to bed, waiting till he felt your breaths even out next to him before drifting off as well.
You woke in the morning to the loud clang of cookware and quiet curses.
"Joon?" You called groggily, finding him milling about the kitchen, looking slightly frazzled.
"Sorry babe, did I wake you?" He asked.
"Nah, it's fine." You said, ignoring the term of endearment he reserved for the nights you you stayed over. "What are you doing?"
"Making breakfast, or at least trying to." He said, stirring a pan of eggs uncertainly.
"Here, let me." You offered, taking over as he watched.
"So, um, I was thinking..." He said, trailing off uncertainly.
"Hmm?" You hummed.
"What if you just... stayed here?" He asked nervously. "At least for a little bit?"
You looked up in surprise. "Here?"
"Yeah, I mean, if you want to." He said, fiddling with his sleeves awkwardly. "It's nice having you around, and you're here all the time anyway and I...
"I don't want you to go back there." He said quietly. "They're not good for you, so I thought maybe you could just... be here?"
Slowly, you nodded. "I think I'd like that."
He smiled, relieved. "Good."
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ravenwitch45 · 1 year
What if fem s/o invited Blitzo over for dinner to meet their dysfunctional family? S/o doesn't have a lot respect for their dad because he isn't emotionally plugged in as he doesn't get it and he made everything chaotic for them along with the mom who is the victim when they were growing up which is why they have self esteem issues along with having poor taste in men as they had 2 broken relationships.
Oh lord, well this sounds fun, I'm a bit unsure what you meant with a few parts but I'll try my best to do the whole "Blitz meet his S/Os dysfunctional family" Schtick. He's dealt with plenty before after all.
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Blitzo gets invited by his Fem S/O for dinner with her dysfunctional parents.
He has very awkward feelings on biological family. His own crashed and burned, Got a front row seat to Moxxie's thing with his Dad, and even remembers how dismissive Paimon's treatment of Stolas a little bit. Not to mention Loona's abandoned her or at least left her alone and he's ready to kill em if he ever meets them but that's all beside the point.
Point is he has a jaded view on famlies. So when you invite him he makes a off handed remark, saying he hopes your parents were good ones, he cares about you after all, and when you awkwardly chuckle and stammer at an answer that care turns to concern. "Babe? They weren't... you know, abusive right?"He asks again only stiffening you more.
He never asked about your parents, he keeps his own past and family under wraps so he gives you the same courtesy, if you wanted to tell him that's your choice and sees no reason to push for answers. But the idea that you had anything like he did makes his stomach squirm.
Eventually you explain that while they... weren't perfect, they still tried, especially your mom despite everything and that you'd like him to meet them. He agrees wanting to make a good impression if you've already discussed it with them and the date is set.
You both dress nice, and nervously knock on the door, him putting an arm around you which you hold and your mother answers, seeming to be a very tired but nice and welcoming woman who eagerly welcomes you and Blitz. Saying she's happy to meet him, and that you've told her so much about him
"All good things I hope?"Blitzo jokes but your mother assures that it's been nothing but praise, saying she's glad her daughter found such a great man that loves her so. Blitzo, always loving praise reciprocates the politeness, overall a pleasant meeting.
Your father on the other hand isn't seen or heard until dinner (Which is quite a large meal for one woman to make alone btw)But he comes down once it's done and almost immediately the alarm bells are ringing.
Your father just looks so done with everything and doesn't even smile upon seeing you or his wife, just asking blunty "So this is your new boyfriend?"To you and Blitz, and the look he gives makes chills shoot up Blitz's back.
Still he's still awkwardly polite, same as you oddly enough. Answering basic questions with your mother occasionally chiming in as you eat. It's a awkward dinner, but not unpleasant, most light small talk is mainly between you, Blitz and your mother. Your father rarely asking a question or mumbling in response to whatever you are talking about but then... it happens...
"So what do you do... Blitzo right?"Your father asks, Blitzo composing himself real quick before answering, correcting him on the O before stating the truth, that's he's an assassin who kills people sinners want dead in the living world. While your mother finds that very intresting and impressive, but before she can even finish her sentence her husband interjects with a loud sigh.
"So another daredevil, why am I not surprised?"He asks with a very annoyed tone, earning a glare from you as your mother frowns and Blitz is just unsure what's going on, as your father and you go back and forth with your mother trying and failing to mediate
"He's not a daredevil, he runs an entire busisness for satans sake!"
"Oh he might get more money then most, but still, you just can't keep yourself away from the dangerous ones can you?"
"Blitz isn't dangerous, he's my boyfriend! A very good one, he treats me right, he makes me happy!"
"Well clearly danger finds him, it's clear on his face, how long before he almost get's you killed like the others?"
That's enough for Blitz to shoot up from his seat, declaring he'd never put his S/O in danger and that he'll protect you no matter what, to which your father just replies "They all said that." and before he replies he hears whimpering and turns to you, seeing tears in your eyes as you clutch your arm tightly
"I-I learned from the last times... Blitz is different..."You get out inbetween sniffling and your father just sighs as his wife get's after him, while Blitz holds you close, kissing you on the forehead.
Eventually he interrupts your parents fighting to say your leaving, complimenting the food but certainly not the company as he escorts you out, you staying silent the whole way to the car, him setting you in the passenger seat next to him, and you drive off, him spotting your mother watching from the window, she seemed nice, and deserving of more then her husband but your his priority right now, with you resting your head on his shoulder, still snifling as he drives home.
He's not gonna ask even though he's curious, he just wants you to feel good again, he wants to see your smile, he didn't expect you to have pain like that, but maybe you being so kind despite that makes him love you more he thinks as he wraps his tail around your waist.
When you get home you've already fallen asleep so he carries you to bed, getting you out of your shoes as he kicks off his boots and removes his jacket and joins you. Hoping holding you close makes your dreams stray from remaking tonight, as his often do about his own awful nights. Either way he makes sure your safe the best he can.
Whew! Not sure If I've ever done a full hurt comfort thing before as X Reader but I enjoyed it! One of my longer ones too XP Hope you enjoyed!
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kitsune-bones · 3 months
I has a question (here's a cookie whilst you deal with my stupidity 🫱🍪)
How does someone know if they are alter human/otherkin?
Oh jeez that's a tough question. not a stupid one tho just tough! Hm, it kinda depends on the person really, and also the kind of alterhuman they are.
For me it was kinda the same as figuring out I was queer - running across the terms and going "hey wait a minute-". I've always had a disconnect with humanity and alterhuman labels - specifically nonhuman, though i started with therian and went from there- explain that for me. After that it took, and takes, a lot of introspection to figure out what exactly i am and where i fall.
I wanna say it's like that for a lot of people. Like idk everyone's experiences but i've definitely seen a lot of people say discovering the community is what got them started on realizing it in my time. And then after that it's a whole bunch of research until something clicks.
Idk if that's helpful at all but the alterhuman umbrella and community is so big and diverse that it's hard to really say much.
If you're questioning, I'd start with a wiki and then really dig into any terms that catch your eye. Try 'em on maybe. Or heck I'd recommend doing that even if you're not questioning and just wanna see what we're all about.
Hmm, i'm kinda tired rn and my singular lil brain cell is doin its best so if you need me to clarify something lmk! I'll also try to answer any more questions you have if i can :)
Ty for the cookie <•w•>
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The name's Sgt. Jane J. Doe. I'm the best damn killer America's got! 48 years young, transmasc, bisexual polyamorous. War vet and amputee (my left hand). I've been a mercenary for going on a decade now and I don't intend to stop now! Welcome to my damn blog!
I'll give you a warning right now, son, I'm not here to make friends. I'm here to fight. To win. I ain't friendly, never have been and I never will be.
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When you're a merc, you have to be real adaptable to bullshit. I've kept a combat log of everything that goes on here:
#soldier's radio - Talking. Rambling. Cussing. The like.
#incoming signal - Got a question? I keep 'em here. Come to visit? I also keep those here. You are under constant surveillance, maggot!
#teleported bread - Reblogs. They're my posts now. You will act like they're original!
#zoldier arc - A log I kept of that time I turned into a zombie.
#tacitus traumas arc - ...
#awol arc - I'm not proud of what I've done. But I would lay down on train tracks for them.
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That's all you're getting out of me. You want more answers? Pry 'em out of me!
Here's my old intro. Do with it what you will.
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ooc/ boundaries and more info below
here is his ref:
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other info about jane: he's autistic, he's an amnesiac, and he suffers from ptsd (primarily the robot wars, as you'll see brought up on this blog a lot) and has an extremely covert case of DID.
despite his tough talk, he's not all that hot. he's a big softie when he lets his guard down - if he lets his guard down.
he doesn't live on-base anymore and is an ex-mercenary. he lives in a house in an abandoned construction site with his two robot nephews, otto and arthur (@pinniped-medibots and @emotionally-anxious-spybots).
my name is box btw! i go by they/them and my tag is #box's lockbox. i'm 21 years old and i love to draw !!
i'm not straight-forward with my writing. you have to read between the lines. i'm not gonna just give you answers, you have to work for em ;3
don't godmod, please. (ie write yourself or your ocs into jane's backstory, write jane for me, etc).
no ableism, sexism, racism, etc. i will not take any nonsense about jane being any of these things either.
do NOT send jane weird fucking asks, such as implied nsfw, intense gore, or anything else under that vein of things. you WILL be publicly shamed. just because i'm an adult doesn't mean i want your shitty gross "jokes" or "angst prompts" in my inbox.
this blog is run and maintained by @angel-cove-choir. any and all drawn art is done by @mxboxlocks.
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