#if you haven’t watched 4 weddings and a funeral please do and have a box of tissues
neuro-psyche · 5 months
hc that jason todd loves 90s romcom movies. The fairy tale ending and the simplicity of it all is 100% one of his guilty pleasures.
i feel like You’ve Got Mail is def one of his favorites. the references to pride and prejudice sold him on it. sure, he doesn’t like how Joe put Christine out of business, fuck late stage capitalism, but still.
Roy def showed up at (broke into) one of his safe houses while Jason was watching 4 Weddings and a Funeral and it went like :
Jason, sobbing during the funeral scene : What the fuck are you doing here.
Roy, already taking a photo for blackmail : Why the fuck are you crying.
Jason : I’m watching four weddings and a funeral.
Roy : What the hell is that.
Jason, already rewinding : Sit your ass down.
Roy, sobbing violently during the funeral scene : He was his song, dude!
Jason, also sobbing violently despite having seen this movie hundreds of times : This scene never gets any easier.
Roy : We will never speak of this.
Jason : Speak on it and your body will end up in the river.
Roy : Agreed. Now shut up the movie is going.
also dick 100% watches the movies with him. they also both watch 10 things I hate about you and sob.
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Thanks for tagging me, @incorrectly-quoted-queers !
1. What is the color of your hairbrush?
I have several hairbrushes, and all of them are purple. It wasn’t really intentional, it just kinda happened.
2. A food you never eat?
I really really hate beans, which is bad because in my culture beans are a staple.
3. Are you typically too warm or too cold?
I have a thing where I easily get cold inside, but I easily get hot when i’m outside. The exact temperature doesn’t matter, as both can fluctuate, but it’s quite strange.
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago?
Hmm... probably playing Dragon Age.
5. What is your favorite candy bar?
I’m actually eating a Cadbury bar right now... so anything Cadbury I guess.
6. Have you ever been to a professional sporting event?
I’ve been to several football (soccer) games and once to a boxing tournament.
7. What was the last thing you said out loud?
*sigh* Of course.
8. What is your favorite ice cream?
I’m not a huge ice cream fan, though I do have a soft spot for strawberry.
9. What was the last thing you had to drink?
Homemade iced tea
10. Do you like your wallet?
I don’t really use a wallet- normally I’ll just put my debit card in one pocket and my phone in the other.
11. What was the last thing you ate?
That Cadbury bar
12. Did you buy any new clothes last weekend?
Actually, I bought a t-shirt.
13. The last sporting event you watched?
It was so far back I can’t even remember... probably a football game.
14. What is your favorite flavor of popcorn?
Plain, or maybe butter.
15. Who was the last person you sent a text message to?
I last texted my friend Enid that I’d seen a weird sign. Something about a property sale with the name Cummings.
16. Ever go camping?
I think I did 7 or 8 years ago with a friend of mine. He kept getting freaked out because he thought he heard wolves.
17. Do you take vitamins?
Thanks for reminding me! I keep forgetting to take B12.
18. Do you go to church every Sunday?
I went to church once for a funeral and once for a wedding, but never to worship.
19. Do you have a tan?
I don’t tan, I burn. Despite my parents being far more on the tan side, I have pasty white skin that just burns.
20. Do you prefer Chinese food or pizza?
Definitely Chinese. My housemates were talking about ordering some tomorrow, actually.
21. Do you drink your soda with a straw?
I don’t drink soda often, but when I do drink Guaraná, I use a reusable straw.
22. What color socks do you usually wear?
Normally either white or gray. Boring, I know.
23. Ever drive above the speed limit?
I can’t drive.
24. What terrifies you?
University. Going to school and making friends in an entirely new environment? Scared the shit out of me.
25. Look to your left what do you see?
I see cars speeding out my window. Also a pocketknife on the windowsill.
26. What chore do you hate?
Handwashing dishes. I hate getting wet (unless I’m taking a shower) and if there’s any leftover food on it, I really don’t want to touch it.
27. What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent?
28. What is your favorite soda?
Guaraná, as mentioned before.
29. Do you go into a fast food place or just hit the drive through?
I don’t really do greasy food so... neither?
30. Who was the last person you talked to?
Myself (or I guess my housemates under my breath? Don’t know if it really counts).
31. Favorite cut of beef?
Picanha for sure.
32. Last song you listened to?
Ready to Die by Andrew WK
33. Last book you read?
Probably a D&D book? Idk.
34. Favorite day of the week?
Friday, easy.
35. Can you say the alphabet backwards?
Yep! The last few are pretty easy as a musician.
36. How do you like your coffee?
Black and room temperature, probably -please don’t kill me-
37. Favorite pair of shoes?
I have a pair of beat-up brown boots that I wear almost everywhere. Probably my new vans once they come in.
38. At what time do you usually go to bed?
Normally about 2:00 now, but it used to be about midnight.
39. At what time do you normally get up?
I used to get up about 6:00, often before that, but now it’s between 8:00 or 9:00.
40. What do you prefer - sunrises or sunsets?
Sunrise. One of my favourite memories was staying at my friend’s beach house and staying up to watch the sun.
41. How many blankets are on your bed?
Two, currently, but one is halfway on the floor, so I’m not sure if that counts?
42. Describe your kitchen plates?
I’ve never really thought about this before... right now, I have an old set that were a gift from my friends’ parents.
43. Do you have a favorite alcoholic beverage?
I don’t normally drink, but I’ve had margaritas before and they’re not half bad.
44. Do you play cards?
I play Hearts and Cantrell draw fairly well, as well as a Brazilian card game.
45. What color is your car?
I don’t have a car (see 23).
46. Can you change a tire?
Never tried, but it can’t be that hard, right?
48. Favorite job you ever had?
I don’t know what my favourite job was, but my least favourite was modelling, for sure.
49. How did you get your biggest scar?
I have a large scar between my thumb and second finger that came from a nail. It’s probably about the size of a US dime.
50. What did you do today that made someone happy?
I haven’t really done much today, but I guess when I talked to one of my housemates about his job? Idk, he seemed a bit more cheery afterwards.
Tagging @ridingrootless, @consultingskeletondetective, @neverwinternighting, @bisexualspaghetti, @19lady-mad81, @renegademe, @tehfanglyfish and anyone else who wants to!
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jencey86 · 6 years
Trials and Tribulations (Beautiful/Iridescent continuation) Chapter 2
Note: It seems to me that SOME of you are in fact, still around. 7 notes on the first chapter tells me that lol. I’m in the process of working on chapter 3 right now. I want to wait until I’m like half way through chapter 4 before I post 3, so it’ll be a few days. Also. I HAVE reread through Take My Pain Away. I’m actually reading it again, so we’ll see how things go with that.
Trials and Tribulations
Chapter 2
 Two weeks had come and gone. Dani did her best not to focus on the impending pregnancy test, but it was the only thing on her mind as she pulled into the driveway. Thankfully, Santana had told her she’d be at the office late working on the paperwork for Quinn’s newest best-selling book. She had the house to herself. While she wanted her wife around for the test, she also wanted it to be something that she did alone in case it was bad.
 Heading inside, she locked the door behind her out of habit and carried the bag into the master bathroom. She’d stopped on her way home from The Lounge to grab a fresh box of pregnancy tests since she’d used her last one the month before. Taking a deep breath, she opened up the box and grabbed one of the tests to take it. In order to keep her mind off of it, she left it on the counter in the bathroom and washed her hands before heading out to gather their laundry basket to get a load started.
 What if it was positive? She would be scared but so excited about it. But, what if it was negative? Dani wasn’t sure she could handle yet another letdown regarding a pregnancy.
 Once Dani finally got the laundry sorted and the first load in the washer, she took a deep breath to compose herself. She’d purposefully taken her time to make sure the test would be ready as she headed back to the master bathroom. She closed her eyes for a moment and leaned against the edge of the counter, whispering a prayer to herself before she glanced over at the stick.
 Santana grabbed her bag from the passenger seat after she shut her car off. She hadn’t heard anything from Dani and she didn’t know what to expect when she walked into the house. “Baby, I’m home. How was your day?” She stopped just inside the door and slipped off her shoes before putting her bag and keys down on the table to head further in.
 “Dani? Where are you at?” Santana called out again when she didn’t hear a response from her wife. She could smell the Chinese food that Dani apparently had delivered for their dinner, but what she wasn’t expecting to see was the woman slumped on the sofa with a large glass of wine. Her eyes then landed on the stick on the coffee table in front of her and she sighed. “I’m so sorry baby.” She whispered as she moved around to sit beside her.
 “I’m just not meant to have a child with you,” she whispered and took a long drink of her wine. Dani had already eaten some of the food she’d ordered, but not at lot as she wasn’t really hungry.
 Santana wrapped her arms around her wife to pull her close and was happy when Dani didn’t actually fight her. Instead, the brunette put her glass down and turned to cling to Santana. “I’m so sorry too. My body is broken. Why didn’t the doctor just tell me I couldn’t have children?” She whimpered as she suddenly broke down in tears in Santana’s embrace.
 “Stop, baby. Stop being sorry. These things happen. Even straight couples can try and try again and never get pregnant. Maybe you just need a little bit of help with medicine?”
 “Or maybe you should just do it, I can’t handle anymore heartbreak, Santana. I can’t. I feel like a total failure of a wife. I can’t even get pregnant and that’s normally what women worry about.” Dani pulled back and ran her fingers through her hair before reaching out for her glass to down the rest of it.
 Santana watched her for a moment. Her internal struggles with alcohol were still there. Especially after Kristina died. Santana had slipped a few times over the past four years, but her wife and best friends were always there to pick up the pieces. Seeing Dani drinking the way she was only brought Santana back to the night of Kristina’s funeral and how drunk she’d been.
 “Baby, slow down, please.” Santana pleaded with her.
 “No! God, this is the only thing I can apparently do right anymore.”
 Santana pinched the bridge of her nose. It always looped back to the same argument. “You’re not a failure, Dani. There’s so many options for us still. Just because this didn’t work doesn’t mean something else won’t.”
 “I really wanted to do this Santana…” she hung her head, her voice barely above a whisper. She couldn’t even look at her wife then as she reached out to refill her wine glass and took another long drink of it. “I wanted to do this for you… for us.”
 “Dani, honey, look at me, please.” She reached out for her hand. “Please slow down a little bit on the drinks. This is what I used to do, remember? I had a problem and went right for that bottle, I don’t want to see that happen to you because of something that’s out of anybody’s control.”
 Dani paused as she looked at the glass in her hand and swallowed thickly. Santana was right. Without another word, she put the glass down on the coffee table and turned her body to curl into her wife. “We’ll talk to the doctor at my next appointment and see what tests she recommends me doing and we can decide from there.”
 The Latina ran her hand slowly along Dani’s arm as she leaned back and propped her feet up on the coffee table to get more comfortable. She hated knowing that Dani was feeling as helpless as she was in that moment. There was nothing either of them could do. Pregnancy was a fickle thing. It wasn’t something that could simply be forced onto someone. Some women were just luckier, or unlucky to be more fertile and get pregnant easier. As she sat there, just rubbing Dani’s back, she started to wonder if she would have a better chance at getting pregnant than Dani would.
 “I’ll go through the tests too, baby. Just to see if I can carry a child, that way we won’t have to worry about setting up an appointment for the testing again later on down the road if it comes to that.” She felt Dani nod against her chest and chose not to say anything else after that.
 The brunette in her arms reached out to grab the TV remote to turn it on. Dani didn’t really feel like talking anymore. Not at that time at least.  Santana kept her eyes on her wife. Her own heart was aching for Dani and the entire situation. She started to wonder if it had something to do with all of the stress Dani was putting herself through. The pregnancy was all her wife thought about and focused on. She worried too much about what the test would say. It had become worse over the past few cycles and Santana was starting to worry about Dani.
 “Let’s go away.” Santana whispered to her. “Just forget about everybody for a while and spend some time alone.”
 Dani lifted her head from Santana’s shoulder and smiled softly. “What about my next appointment?”
 “After that. Let’s go away after the tests are ran. We can go to Florida or something. A week at my beach with my gorgeous wife, just us. We can escape the realities of tests and endless cycles of in vitro.”
 Dani leaned up to kiss Santana’s jaw. The idea and an impromptu vacation brightened her up some. “Go get your laptop baby, I’ll heat up some dinner for you. Are you sure Quinn would be okay with you taking time off right when she’s about to release another book?”
 Santana untangled herself from her wife before she stood up. “I’ll just put in the extra time this week and next in order to get the papers ready.” She watched her wife head out to the kitchen to heat up some food for her. Smiling softly, she went down the hallway to their office to grab her computer off her desk.
 Dani took a moment to compose herself again. A trip would do them both good. It had been nearly 2 years since the last time they went away. Given everything that had been happening, it would help her to relax and forget for a few days.
 “What’s on your mind, beautiful?” Santana stepped into the kitchen after she placed her laptop on the coffee table. She watched her for a moment longer before opening the fridge for a bottle of water.
 “Just thinking of how much we both actually need to get away for a week. We haven’t been anywhere since our honeymoon.”
 Santana glanced back to her wife and nodded. They hadn’t even considered a trip. It was shortly after their first anniversary that they started the in vitro treatments. “Our anniversary is coming up next month. It’s the perfect time for a trip.” She accepted the plate that Dani gave her before she went back out to sit on the sofa to eat.
 Dani picked up her wife’s laptop and turned it on as Santana started eating. Now that she’d calmed down a little bit, she decided to pick up her wine glass to at least finish it off, even if she didn’t have anything after that. “Where in Florida?” Dani asked as she typed in Santana’s password to log in. When the desktop loaded, the brunette laughed softly. “I can’t believe you’re still using that picture, baby.”
 The Latina leaned over some and chuckled at the old picture, their first picture together in Dani’s bedroom, trying on her hats. “It’s in my pictures folder, look, it changes randomly.” She pointed to the screen when it changed to a picture of their first dance at their wedding. “I’m thinking Miami. We both enjoyed it when we went for our honeymoon.”
 Dani smiled and brought up some flights to search for. “That will have us going down there during spring break.” She noticed the prices on the calendar of the web page and how they jumped up for that week.
 “Oh that should be fun. See if we can find a nice suite, high floor, on the beach. Baby, you know we’re both hot enough, nobody will ever know we’re 32.” She wiggled her eyebrows, causing Dani to giggle at her.
 “Just as long as you don’t run off with some sexy 21 year old.”
 “You never have to worry about that, D.” Santana met her wife’s eyes for a moment before she grabbed her wine glass and took a sip from it. She immediately handed it back to her. “The best part is we won’t have to worry about rowdy college students because, more of them can’t afford a $300 a night room on the beach unless there’s 10 of them in the room, and the hotel would never allow that. So we’ll have nights of peace and quiet.”
 Dani shifted a little bit once Santana put her plate down on the coffee table so she could lean into her and share the screen. “The flight will be the easy part. There’s always flights from JFK or LaGuardia down to Florida, especially this time of year.” Dani pulled up a hotel list and narrowed down the searches to include ones with a whirlpool and small kitchenette for them. “Well, you were right on the $300 part.” She laughed as she scrolled through the options, seeing everything ranging from $300 and up.
 “How about one that has room service. Because I have a feeling that there’s going to be a day or two where neither of us wants to get dressed.” She hinted and walked her fingers along Dani’s arm gently.
 “Stop that.”
 Santana laughed and kissed the top of Dani’s head then rested her own against hers to look through the options. Reaching out, she tapped the screen to bring up a bigger picture for them to look at. “What about this one?”
 Dani’s jaw dropped as she looked through the pictures. “Look at that view. Baby, it’s gorgeous.” She whispered, looking up at her wife. Glancing at the price range of the rooms available at that hotel, she knew they wouldn’t have to worry about many, if any college students being loud and obnoxious. “Let’s do this one. Call Quinn and make sure she’s okay with you taking some time off. You know I can take time off whenever. Perks of owning my own business.” Dani chuckled before she put the computer aside and went to grab her wallet. “Which card should I use for this?”
 “The one with the most points.” Santana chuckled. It was a wonderful reminder that they were both adults and actually worried about those things. “Wait a minute, let me check my Sapphire. I think I have enough points for some flights.” Dani joined her on the sofa again as Santana grabbed the computer to log into her account. She slowly smiled at her point balance. “Our flight is covered baby.” She brought up the rewards to see what kind of limitation there was on when she could use the points. “Looks like we will be able to use them that week.”
 Dani leaned into Santana again and reached down to slide her hand into her wife’s pocket to retrieve her phone. “You do that, I’ll text Quinn for you.”
 Dani (Santana’s Phone): Hey Quinn, It’s Dani. We wanted to talk to you about Santana taking a week off in two weeks. We want to go away for a week
 Dani was pleased to see Quinn respond almost immediately.
 Quinn: Of course that’s fine. Is everything okay?
 “I feel so bad because we haven’t told them yet. But I don’t want them to get their hopes up.” Dani sighed and typed a reply. “She asked if everything was okay. I want to tell them.” Dani leaned into Santana after she replied. “I just told her everything’s fine, we’ve just been itching to take some time for ourselves.”
 “We’ll tell them. Maybe when we get home we can have dinner with them and tell them that we’ve been trying. It’s tearing me up too baby. They are our family too. They do deserve to know.” She kissed the top of Dani’s head before getting up to go and grab one of their credit cards so they could book the hotel room. “I got the flight booked, just have to get the room. Do you want a car too or will we just Uber everywhere?”
 “Uber. Let someone else deal with driving.” She curled into her wife as she sat back down with one of her own credit cards to get the room booked for them. “So, two weeks from now, we’ll be lounging on a Miami beach with cocktails?”
 “Absolutely.” Santana closed the laptop and put it on the coffee table again. “You know I let myself go, within reason on vacation.” She whispered softly. It was really the only time Santana didn’t worry about how much she had to drink. It was a vacation and she let herself enjoy it, within reason.
 “I know baby. You had some drinks on our honeymoon. And we both got completely drunk that one night. God that sex…” she giggled some. “Lets go watch a movie in bed.” Dani wanted to just spend the rest of the night focusing on her wife and not thinking about the pregnancy test that let her down yet again.
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