#my heart shatters hearing that speech
neuro-psyche · 1 month
hc that jason todd loves 90s romcom movies. The fairy tale ending and the simplicity of it all is 100% one of his guilty pleasures.
i feel like You’ve Got Mail is def one of his favorites. the references to pride and prejudice sold him on it. sure, he doesn’t like how Joe put Christine out of business, fuck late stage capitalism, but still.
Roy def showed up at (broke into) one of his safe houses while Jason was watching 4 Weddings and a Funeral and it went like :
Jason, sobbing during the funeral scene : What the fuck are you doing here.
Roy, already taking a photo for blackmail : Why the fuck are you crying.
Jason : I’m watching four weddings and a funeral.
Roy : What the hell is that.
Jason, already rewinding : Sit your ass down.
Roy, sobbing violently during the funeral scene : He was his song, dude!
Jason, also sobbing violently despite having seen this movie hundreds of times : This scene never gets any easier.
Roy : We will never speak of this.
Jason : Speak on it and your body will end up in the river.
Roy : Agreed. Now shut up the movie is going.
also dick 100% watches the movies with him. they also both watch 10 things I hate about you and sob.
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neo-nomatrix · 1 year
Hate the AM, Hate the PM, But love you
Hobie Brown x reader
Tumblr media
word count: 969
find the mini series here
tags: @maxjesty @marshallowy @sh-tposter2021 @ilovebhna @ladyagagaslefttoe
synopsis: Hobie is still a slightly infuriating neighbor, but there’s something about that jacket and guitar that are all too familiar.
a/n: DRUNK CONFESSIONS!! Part two of this fic. I wasn’t going to write another part to it but i caved 😔
You stood him up. You fucking stood him up. Hobie spent the entire show looking out into the crowd, ignoring the blinding stage lights, to try and find you. But you were nowhere to be found. He asked so nicely too! Despite his nonchalant attitude it took him so long to build up the courage to ask you out. He had dinner reservations planned, which he has obviously never done, looked up places to get a Mr.Whippy and even found a small secluded area where he could play his guitar for you.
The worst part is how it made him feel. He genuinely liked you and it hurt him to think you didn’t feel the same when he thought you did. So what was his solution? Go out with his mates to a pub until 3 am to drink his feelings. Hobie was a bold drunk, bolder than he usually is. He’s also a sloppy drunk, tripping when he walks and slurring his speech like it’s all one word.
You’re peacefully sleeping in your bed with your spiderman eye mask cuddling with your Spider-Punk plushie. It’s not a random occurrence to hear Hobie stomping his boots late at night but it was different today. You heard his boot buckles dragging across the floor and a loud bang against your door. Not necessarily a knock, more of a body slumped against the wood.
“Love! You in there?!” You hear him yell.
You try your hardest to ignore him but as he keeps yelling and pounding against the wood you start to feel sorry for everyone else on your floor. You force yourself out of bed and towards the front door. As you reluctantly open it a drunken Hobie falls into your flat.
“Hobie get your arse up,” you roll your very tired eyes.
He surprisingly agrees and makes his way to your bed.
Great, you think
He tosses his guitar to your couch and gets into your bed like it’s his. Conveniently throwing the spider-punk plush off the bed. He cuddles up with your blanket and closes his eyes. You cannot let him fall asleep.
“Hobie! Hello? That is my bed. Get out!” You yell at him.
“Why’d you do it?” He whispers.
“What,” you ask, still annoyed.
“You stood me up. I asked you to come to my show and you didn’t. Why,” he asked less of a question and more of a statement.
You sigh, of course you knew that was tonight. In all honesty you don’t quite know why you didn’t go. You weren’t doing anything special and it probably would’ve been nice. But you were scared. Scared of what? You also didn’t know that, you just were.
“I… I don’t know,” you admit.
“Really hurt me, Love. I wanted to see you and take you out on a nice date,” he looked away from you.
Your heart shattered. You knew Hobie liked you but not to that extent. You thought he was just playing around with you and didn’t mean anything by it.
“I’m really sorry, Hobie. We should go out some other time, okay? My treat,” you promise.
“Nah, don’t think i’ll have the time,” He says, clearly less sad than he was a few moments ago.
“Oh yeah? Busy with what? Trying to tear down the government from the inside?” You laugh.
“Of course not, that’s for the first saturday of every month. I’ll be busy being Spiderman,” he says, cuddling closer to your blanket.
You stop immediately. Your mind goes blank, the world around you stops. You’re suddenly much more awake than you have ever been. Hobie is… no you can’t even say it. The man you’ve hated ever since you had moved in was the person you loved more than anything else? That can’t be right, he’s having a laugh. That’s gotta be it.
“I don’t believe in comedy,” you remember him saying.
Fuck. He’s not joking, is he?
“What?” you manage to get out.
“I’ll be busy, being spiderman and all. Yknow who that is right? Don’t know if you noticed but he’s- i mean I’m kinda all over your room,” he lets out a drunk giggle.
He pulls out his mask from the pocket of his jacket and handed it to you.
You grab it in disbelief. You run your hand over the spandex in awe. Spiderman is right in front of you, you realize.
You just can’t believe the man you’ve idolized for years was in your bed. YOUR BED.
Hobie takes the blanket off of him, lifting up his shirt to reveal his suit. Blue and fucking red material.
“I don’t believe in the labels though. It’s stupid,” He says in the most Hobie way possible.
“You’re a superhero,” you say, still a little shocked.
“No. No, don't say that. I'm not a hero, because calling yourself a hero makes you a self-mythologising, narcissistic autocrat,” He says. God even drunk he’s still a smart ass.
“So you still wanna go out?” He asks.
“What? I just found out you’re fucking Spiderman and that’s what you’re asking me? If I want to go out with you?” You respond.
“I mean what else is there to say? I already know you love me,” he nods to the spiderman memorabilia.
Even in this state he still leaves you speechless.
“Well- yeah I guess. We can go out,” you say slowly.
“Cool,” he nods.
He lifts up the blanket and scoots over, inviting you into your bed with him. You roll your eyes and get in with him. He wraps his arms around you and smiles.
“I knew you wanted to snog me from the start,” he laughs.
Hobie is still pretty infuriating, but that is slowly becoming one of your favorite things about him.
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roses-for-readers · 5 months
How are you doing!
Can you do tonowari x reader x ronal
Where reader dated Neytiri but Neytiri cheated on reader with Jake and they reader move to where tonowari lives and then Jake and them have to go their for safety and neytiri met the reader for the first time in a long time
Yes you fricken may ask for that! I had an amazing time writing this and I really hope it meets the expectations of what was asked.
To Love Another ~ Tonowari x Reader x Ronal
Synopsis: Neytiri's mating with Jake had broke your heart deeply. Soon after the war had ended, you set out to the ocean. Unaware of what would come with that decision.
Warnings: cheating (obviously), description of injuries, and minor acts of violence
"Tsu'tey, have you seen Neytiri anywhere? I haven't seen her since she had took Jake to train yesterday." I quickly walk up to Tsu'tey when I see him come storming towards the entrance of Hometree.
A deep scowl was on his face, but as he got closer, his eyes soften just barely. He placed a hand on my shoulder as he guided me inside. "They are fine. But we have to gather the war parties. The sky people have attacked the Tree of Voices."
I frown at the news of what had happened to our sacred lands. I don't bother asking more questions as I walk off to help get the groups organized. Getting all of them gathered around as we listen to Eytukan speak to the clan.
I stand alongside Tsu'tey as I feel him rest his hand on my shoulder. I glance over at him in confusion as he stares at the entrance with a sad look in his eyes. "I am very sorry, my friend."
I look over at the entrance to try and understand what he was meaning. I saw Neytiri walking towards us with Jake following behind as they held each other's hand.
Jake began to speak to everyone about how we needed to handle the situation. Tuning out him and Tsu'tey arguing as I could only focus on Neytiri with a small frown at the fact she wouldn't even glance in my direction.
"You have mated with this woman!" My head turns to Tsu'tey as he exclaimed that to the whole clan.
I feel disbelief as I look back at Neytiri to wait for her to dispute the claim. For her to say she would never betray what we had with each other. That she wouldn't throw away what we had with a vrrtep she had only know for a few months.
"We are mated before Eywa."
I felt my heart shatter as she confirmed what Tsu'tey had said. But what made it all worse was the fact that Neytiri had then finally decided to look at me for the first time since she came back. I glare at her as I tighten my grip on my bow as rage begins to take over my body.
Tsu'tey lunges at Jake as they get into a small fight. Everyone watched as Jake pushed Tsu'tey off of him and threw is knife to the side to show he didn't want to cause anyone harm. He began to try to explain how we had a common enemy that the clan had to fight off together.
In the middle of his speech, Grace fell to the ground unexpectedly. Jake following soon after as Tsu'tey quickly kneeled above him. But Neytiri quickly pushed him off and leaned over Jake protectively with a snarl.
I watched her in disgust as Tsu'tey reluctantly walks back towards us. He grabs hold of my arm to drag me away from the crowd as they began to whisper. "Come. We must begin preparing our defense."
Hometree had fallen, Grace had been killed, and Jake was gathering the clans together after becoming Toruk Makto. Everyone was preparing for the final assault against the sky people.
I was walking around the camp as I checked up on anyone who seemed to need any reassurance for the upcoming fight.
"(Y/n)." My blood runs cold as I hear her voice sound from behind me. I keep walking in hopes she wouldn't try to push for a conversation. But she just grabs hold of my arm as she continued to speak, "(Y/n), I want you to understand-"
"Understand?" I turn to her with a glare as I shove her hand off of me. Not even giving her a moment as I harshly poke her chest as I take a step towards her. "Oh, I understand tiyawn. You made your choice for all the clan to hear. You let them know that I had given you multiple years of my life, time, and unwavering devotion to you for it to just be thrown away for some demon who barely knows you."
Tears prick at the corners of my eyes as I keep talking. Feeling embarrassed and frustrated at the same time as I keep looking at Neytiri. She reached a hand up to try and wipe away at the tears. "(Y/n), don't be sad. I want you to know-"
I slap her hand away with a sharp hiss. "I am not sad. I am furious. I am hurt by what you did. I learned of your disinterest in me after you mated with him. You couldn't even look me in the eyes to tell me the truth about how you really felt." I watch her back up slightly at the harshness of my tone. But I don't relent as I take a step closer each time she backs up. "Oh, but don't worry. After the fight tomorrow, everything will be perfect for you. You'll still be an amazing huntress for the clan with your special little Toruk Makto after all of this. And I'll be remembered as the person who gave you everything before you decided you got bored."
I don't give her a moment to collect herself as I turn away and keep walking through the camp. Only stopping when I find a quiet spot a little ways on the outskirts. Sitting down as I take a few deep breaths to calm my racing heart. Praying to Eywa for a, hopefully, successful outcome for the day that will follow.
"You were very harsh with Neytiri." Tsu'tey's voice sounds as he comes to sit beside me. I give a huff to acknowledge that I heard him, but don't say anything to him. He placed a hand on my shoulder as he continued, "She was trying to make amends. You could have at least heard what she wished to tell you."
"She said she wanted me to 'understand'. Her first words weren't even an 'I'm sorry'." I grit my teeth as I glanced at him. Tears forming in my eyes as I replay the memories I had with her in my head. "I gave her everything I had to offer her. I've loved her for years and she couldn't even give me the decency of letting me know she didn't feel that way anymore. She went and mated with him even though she has only known him for months. What makes him so special? What does Jake Sully have that I couldn't give her? What did I do to be treated like dirt by the woman I loved?"
I let out a weak sob as I finish talking. Wrapping my arms around myself as I stare up at the sky. Tsu'tey doesn't try to explain away why I should have listened regardless. He didn't tell me to pull myself together and keep preparing for the fight. Tsu'tey simply moved his arm around my shoulder and pulled me into a hug as he let me cry.
"I am truly sorry that this all did happened to you. You deserved a better way of learning of what happened. But you are a kind hearted person. You will find someone who will understand that."
I bite my lip while leaning into his side. Wiping my eyes as we watch the stars shine brightly with the night. "But what if I never find someone else?"
"You will. I know it in my heart, my friend."
Weeks had gone by since the assault against the sky people. We had been victorious in the fight despite the fact there were heavy losses. The one that hurt the most was Tsu'tey because I had then lost what felt like everything that was connecting me to the forest. But I found comfort in the fact I knew he was with Eywa and reunited with Sylwanin.
I was currently checking over all my supplies I had tied to my ikran's back. Double checking the medical herbs that I might need to redress the wounds I had gotten from some of the demons during the war.
My ikran made small clicking noises as she looked past the cliff edge into the endless night before us. I rubbed her neck as I let a small shushing noise as I began to do the final preparations.
"Tam tam. It will be alright, Vayvi. We will find somewhere we belong out there." I stare out to the ocean before us with a deep sigh. Patting her neck lightly as I turn back to the forest. "It will be better this way."
I take a step back while taking multiple deep breaths. Shaking slightly as I finally remove the few pieces of jewelry that I had been gifted by Neytiri. Holding them in my hands as I think of where I could set them. Though after a moment, I loosen my grip as they just fall to the dirt haphazardly.
I let out one last sigh before finally climbing onto the back of Vayvi. Using all my self restraint to not look back one last time. Knowing full well I probably wouldn't be able to go through with the plan. That was the whole reason I chose to leave in the middle of the night; so there wouldn't be anything or anyone that could potentially change my mind.
After I make tsaheylu, I give her a small pat before she leaped into the sky. The breeze cold against my cheeks as we kept going. But I let out a small laugh at the feeling of being free after everything that happened because of the sky people.
We continue flying as the sun begins to rise in the sky. I smile at the difference in the color of my morning sky compared to what it looked like from the forest. Vayvi gives a small shriek as she gets a little higher in the air as the light reflects across the water.
We keep on course until storm clouds begin to form around midday. I spot a small formation of rocks a small ways in the distance. Guiding Vayvi over to them, we land just as it begins to rain just slightly. I sigh as I jump off her back to give her a small pat on her neck.
The first thing I do is look down to my stomach to check that my wounds hadn't opened up during the ride. Satisfied that I didn't see any blood smeared against my skin. After that I begin to rummage through my bag before I pull out some dried out meat that I had made sure to stock up with before leaving. I offer a piece to Vayvi, but she jerks her head away with a disgruntled noise.
I sigh as I take a bite of the meat, chewing quickly as I grab my bow and get out a few arrows. Moving over to a spot that was slightly higher than the rest of the rocks I had landed on. Searching the surface of the water as I try to look for some movement against the falling rain.
The moment I see a fish come near the surface, I let loose an arrow just below the reflection I saw. Waiting just a small bit, I smile when the arrow floats back up with the fish. I put my bow down as I carefully step into the water. Only having to swim out a little ways to grab the fish.
Before I could get back to the rocks, I feel the water underneath my feet swirl just barely. I look down to see nothing within my vision, but the sense of being watched began to form in my stomach. Carefully making my way back to the rocks to rest next to Vayvi after retrieving my bow.
I pull off the fish from the arrow and hold it out for her to take the treat I caught for her. She ignored my offer as she looked to the water behind me with a low growl. I kneel down as naturally I can as I set the fish down. Taking a deep breath before shooting back up as I turn my body around. Ignoring the shooting pain in my stomach as I pull back an arrow to be used if needed.
My breathing calms down as I see a few Na'vi sitting on their own mounts in the water. I keep my bow taunt as I look between the men with a guarded expression.
One of them tries to get closer, but I point the arrow at him with a small hiss. He raised his hands in surrender as he stopped guiding his mount closer. "We mean you no harm. We simply wish to know why you are here."
"Resting. Now leave," I quickly demand as I send him a glare. Firmly standing my ground even as Vayvi nudged my side with a soft whine.
He looked down towards my stomach as a worried look crossed his face. "You are bleeding. We can help you back at our village. We could show you the way there if you just follow us."
I stare at him for a few more moments before lowering my bow. Reaching a hand down to feel around my bandages to feel a warm wetness that I knew wasn't from the rain. I bite back a grimace as I finally give a reluctant nod. "Fine."
The man gave his own nod before looking back at his friends. "Go ahead of us and let Ronal know that she will have someone that needs her assistance coming soon." His tone was firm as he spoke, silently demanding his words to be followed to the syllable.
The other men give him curt nods before diving under the water. He watches the water for a moment before looking towards me once again. He sends me a reassuring smile as he turns his mount to the side. I give a nod before getting onto Vayvi's back once again. Huffing as she finally decided to eat the fish after I connected for tsaheylu.
He quickly begins to glide along the water after that. I fly low to the water behind him as I keep a tight hold to the saddle. Biting back my discomfort with each breath I take as we get closer to his village. I press my hand firmly against my side in hopes to keep a form of pressure on the wounds.
It didn't take long for his village to reach my line of sight. I sighed in relief as we steady got closer to the shoreline. He was on the sand waiting for me as Vayvi finally landed.
He tried to help me down, but I bare my fangs at him before getting down on my own. He gets a strange look in his eyes as he simply watches me almost struggle to get down.
"Tonowari, what is going on? Who is this that you brought back with you?" A woman comes walking out from a nearby hut as the rain slowly begins to get worse. Though she is unfazed as she softly glared at his 'Tonowari'. "Your hunting party came back without you to tell me you were coming back with someone from the forest."
Tonowari held up his hands in defense as he took a step towards her. "Ronal, calm down. We were about to come back from the storm when we had seen..." He stop for a moment before looking back at me. Seeming to realize he hadn't bothered to ask for my name when we met.
He gave a small nod before looking back at Ronal. "(Y/n) land on some rock. I thought it would be best for us all to come back here before the storm reached its worse. Would you have preferred we left as (Y/n) suffered in the rain bleeding out?"
"I wasn't bleeding until you showed up." I send him my own glare as he tried to twist how the events played out. He looked between the two of us as he tried to find something to say to get himself out danger between the both of us.
Ronal simply scoffed as she gestured for us to follow her back inside the hut she had come from. I walk past Tonowari as I send him another glare before following after her.
Once I walk into the home area, Ronal is sitting on the ground with supplies ready to be used. I move to sit in front of her as she immediately begins to remove the bandages that I had one. Neither of us looking up as Tonowari also came through and sat nearby to watch the process.
I grunt slightly as her fingers move across my skin to assess how bad it was. Her face scrunching up in confusion as she looks intently at my stomach. "What has even made these wounds?"
"The demons call them 'bull its'. They tear through the body in seconds." I take in a sharp breath as she slowly begins to clean the skin. Grinding my teeth together to keep from cursing her out.
"You were in the war?" I glance at Tonowari as he looked surprised from the statement. I gave him a small nod as he leans a little closer in interest. "We have heard stories from those who have heard of it. Was it true that-"
"The wounds are not the same," Ronal bluntly cuts in as she rubs a balm along my skin with a concerned look in her eyes. "You have three in the front, but only two that show on your back. What happened to the third?"
"It hit the bone and got caught inside my body. We had to use knives and fingers to dig it out for the wounds to be treated the first time." I shudder when she begins to stitch up the areas where my skin had separated again
"Your wounds barely seem as if they had begun healing. Why would you be so stupid to travel in your condition?" Ronal's words were harsh, but I felt there was an underlying bit of curiosity of her own.
"I had nothing left tying me to the forest. I had to leave before I began to loose my mind thinking of everything the demons took from our people." I take a deep breath to relax my body as I wait for her to finish. Looking at the roof to focus on something so I wouldn't disrupt her movements.
Tonowari tilted his head as he heard my answer. Staring intently as he tried to make sense of what I said. "There must have been something that would have made you stay. A friend or family member that would miss you. I'm sure that you probably had a potential mate that would have wanted you to help rebuild your home."
I clench my fists at his words. Slowly looking down at the woven mats with a sad frown. "There was a girl that I did love in the clan. We promised ourselves to each other a few years ago. A demon came to learn and she taught him how to be one of the people. Before the war happened, she had... mated with him. I found out with the rest of the clan after it had happened."
Ronal stopped wrapping the plants she was using around my stomach. Glancing at me for a moment before returning to her work. Tonowari looked down with a sympathetic look in his eyes. Speaking lowly as he looks back up at us, "I am sorry that happened to you. It's a shame you both couldn't talk things over to form an understanding."
"I shut her down the first time she tried talking to me after it happened. I left before she could try it again." I stare at him with a serious expression as I shake my head. "The trust was broken, no matter what she might have said or offered. I doubt it could have been fixed."
None of us say anything else as Ronal finishes her work. Though it doesn't take long for her to stand up with a stiff nod. "Your wounds should be fine now. But you need to properly rest so this does not happen again. You will stay here until they are fully healed and I do not want to hear any arguing or whining of the matter."
I can't get a word in before she walks out, leaving me and Tonowari alone. I look at him with a confused look as I carefully ask, "Is she always that... blunt?"
He smiled as he stood up himself. Chuckling with a small nod of his head. "It is her way of showing her concern for your well-being. We will check on you soon so we can get you anything you might require. For now rest."
He leaves soon after to leave me alone once again. I take a moment to breathe before laying down to try and get a bit of rest. Focusing on the sound of the rain outside until I finally calmed down enough to let my mind rest with my body.
A couple weeks had passed since I had arrived at the Metkayina clan. Ronal had made a point to check my bandages practically every day, no matter where I was or who was around. But everyone seemed to be used to the behavior she was giving me after I told some others how I got the wounds.
Currently, I was stood on the beaches with a few of the women of the clan. Explaining how my bow worked and the proper ways of holding it and shooting an arrow. Not even breaking my train of thought when Ronal came to my side and began to do her assessment of my condition.
The conversation carried on for awhile until someone close by began to laugh obnoxiously. Everyone turned to see one of the males that was around my age standing nearby with a few others. Though his friends didn't seem impressed with his attitude.
"Is something wrong?" I politely ask as I turn my body towards him. Tilting my head as I readjust the grip I had on my bow.
He continued smirking as he shook his head in disbelief. Gesturing to my bow as he finally voices his thought, "It just doesn't seem like you actually know how to handle your own weapon. If you did, then you wouldn't have gotten injured by a demon's weapon."
Everyone went quiet when his words finally came out in the open. Ronal looked as if she was about to yell at him, but stopped when I let out a small laugh.
I kept my gaze on the man before gesturing my head to a few of the nearby trees the island had. Giving him my sweetest smile as I look him over. "How about I prove I can handle it? Go point at a spot on one of the trees and I guarantee I can hit it. If I miss, maybe you could help me learn how to handle it better."
Everyone seemed shocked by my words, the man most of all. But he quickly recover as he began to walk over to the trees with an even bigger smirk.
"What are you doing?" Ronal quietly asked as she watched me notch my arrow. A deep scowl on her face as she grabbed my arm.
I shrugged her arm off as I focused on the tree next to the Na'vi's head. Smiling to myself as I slowly lift my bow and pull the arrow back. "Humbling him."
Just as he was turning around to face us again, I released the string. The arrow hitting the tree just a few inches away from his face. He fell to the sand in terror as he looked over at me in shock. I simply smiled with a small shrug. "I missed."
"You almost shot me! What is wrong with you!? You could have shot my face!"
"I know. I was aiming for your throat." I start laughing at the shocked look on his face. The others soon joining in until he walks away in an embarrassed huff.
Ronal grabs my arm and begin dragging me from the group with a frown. "You ripped your stitches out."
I look down at my stomach to see a small trail of blood going down my skin. But I keep smiling as I follow along after her. "It was worth it though."
She gives a small hiss as we get to the healing pod. Pushing me to sit down as she grabs the supplies to redress my wounds. The both of us sitting sitting in silence until she let's out a whispered breath. "It was a good shot."
Another week had passed since the incident. Ronal and Tonowari had both been attentive for my healing process and made sure I didn't pop the stitches again.
I was sat in my temporary home as I began checking the few supplies I had left from the start of my trip. Mentally making an inventory of all the things I would need to ask for before I finally took off.
"What are you doing in here?" I look up as Ronal and Tonowari come walking in. Feeling surprised to see them after the community's dinner had finished just a small while ago.
I quickly set aside the bag I had as I turn to give them my full attention. "I was checking my supplies to see what I would need for when I leave."
"Leave?" Tonowari looks startled at the thought as Ronal scowled in response. Tonowari took a step forward as he moved his hands while trying to find his words. "Why... why would you leave? We thought you were enjoying your time here."
"I have enjoyed it here. More than I thought when I first arrived," I carefully reassure him while looking between the two of them. "I just thought I should be well enough in a few days to continue on with my travels. To move on and find a place to belong."
"You can't be that dense." Ronal snapped as she glared down at me. Tonowari tried reaching out to her, but she pushed him away. Taking a step forward, her voice raises with each word she says, "You have stayed here for weeks. We gave you shelter and food. I personally patched your wounds each time they broke open! Now you think you can just leave us because you suddenly feel like it!"
Tonowari and I stare Ronal in shock by her uncharacteristic outburst. I slowly stand up to take a cautious step towards the both of them. "I didn't think you would care. I am not of your people."
"What does that matter? You could stay here in the clan with us." Her voice cracks slightly as she continues looking at me. Her eyes tearing up the longer we stare in each other's eyes. "You can't just leave us."
My gaze softens as I realized the depth of her words. Her outburst covering her desperate plea for me to stay. Reaching out, I brush my fingers along her arms as I glanced at Tonowari. He took his own step closer to us as he gave his own nod to encourage me.
Focusing on Ronal again, I carefully cup her cheek. Taking a breath as I rest my forehead against her's. "I can stay with you both if you truly wish for me to."
Ronal gave a small sob as she moved her arms around my body to hold me close. Her lips softly pressing against mine before she rests her head against my shoulder. I softly rub her back as she continued to cry in my arm. Looking up to see Tonowari stop behind Ronal with a twinkle in his eyes. He leaned down enough to place his own kiss to my temple before he moved his arms to wrap around the both of us. No more words needed to be shared for us to understand what we were all agreeing to try in a relationship.
I hummed softly as I sat in the marui with Ronal as we waited for Tonowari return from the hunt. My hand rubbing her slightly enlarged stomach as I nuzzle my head in her neck.
"You are doing it again," Ronal softly chides as she continues working on the herbal mixture she needed. Though she didn't do anything to push my hand away.
I smile as I place a gently kiss to her neck. Inhaling her sweet scent while moving my hand to the bottom of her stomach. "I can't help it. You look so beautiful with our child inside you. Just as you did with Ao'nung and Tsireya. Absolutely beautiful, yawne."
"You and Tonowari have such a strange obsession over my pregnancies. I act no differently than I normally do."
"Oh, really?" I lean my head away to be able to get a look at her face. Keeping my hold on her with a knowing smirk. "If I remember correctly, you were very emotional during your first pregnancy. So much so, that you cried in my arms because you were scared of me leaving. And that was before we all knew that you were pregnant."
"Your memories are lying to you. You hit your head so often, I'm surprised you remember anything."
I smile at her bluntness, but decide not to say anything else. Instead, leaning back towards her as I begin to hum once again. But the sound of the horns going off causes both of us to stop all actions.
We wait for a small time before Ronal stands up to head outside. I quickly get up and follow behind her to see what had come to our home. The moment we get outside and get a look, my heart begins to pound.
Tonowari was stood in the center of the group as he conversed with a group of Na'vi from the forest. Even from a distance, I could tell that it was Jake and Neytiri along with what I could assume to be their own family. I take a deep breath before moving to join Tonowari with Ronal.
The moment we joined in at the center, I could see the recognition in both of their eyes. I gave them a small nod in acknowledgement before focusing on my mates. Though not quite catching all the words as all my mental strength went to not breaking down in front of everyone.
My attention perked up when I had heard Ronal say that we couldn't take them in. I placed my hand on her arm as I looked at her in confusion. She shook her head with a frown as she looked back at the group. I looked to Tonowari with pleading eyes to see he had a similar reaction. We both looked at Ronal until she met our gazes. Her determination faltered as she looked between the two of us before finally giving a small nod.
As Tonowari announced our choice to the group, I nuzzle my nose in her cheek with a weak sigh. Mumbling a small 'thank you' to her before pulling away. Smiling as Tonowari walks over to us before gesturing in the direction of our pod.
"(Y/n)." I look over to see Neytiri staring at me with furrowed brows.
I nod my head before lightly pushing my mates away with a forced grin. "I will catch up. Go and rest now. The both of you, Ronal." I wait until they both go away before turning back to face Neytiri with a serious expression. "It's good to see you again."
Her ears twitch slightly as she gives a small nod. A faint smile crossing her face in return. "I'm glad you are alright. You just left one day we had no idea if you were alive."
"I know," I sheepishly admit with a frown. Looking away for a moment as the memories come playing back in my mind. "I had to get away from there. I couldn't be in the forest anymore without thinking of the war. But..." The words catch in my throat for a moment. Taking a deep breath, I look back at her with a sorrowful look. "I should have still said goodbye. No matter how I felt about everything back then."
Neytiri seemed surprised by my admission, but she gives a hesitant nod. "I understand. And I should have said this long before you left, but... I am sorry for what happened."
My eyes begin to burn as I blink away the tears before they form. Giving a small nod while glancing at her children. "They will like it here. The clan will treat them as if they were born on these shores."
Neytiri smiles as she looked at them as well. A silent agreement falling between us over what had happened long ago as I finally walk away to go and rest with my family.
I let out a sigh as I walk through the doorway. Smiling as I see Tonowari and Ronal laying down with a small bit of space between them. Immediately walking over to rest myself next to Tonowari so Ronal had the space she wanted.
"How do you always know when she wants to have her own space?" Tonowari asked as he held me towards his side. Sending Ronal a glance before pressing a small kiss to her head. The action earning him a small hiss.
I chuckle as I move my arms to wrap around his neck. Resting my head on his shoulder as I look over at her. "It always depends. But whenever she's pregnant and wants to be held, she has an arm around one of our waists. I remember figuring out that one specifically right before Tsireya was born."
Ronal sends us a small glare before turning onto her side facing us. Her face relaxing when she closes her eyes. Even though she didn't want to be held, Ronal moved her leg to rest over Tonowari's.
I grin as I press my fingers to my lips before placing them on Ronal's arm. "See? She doesn't want us to leave her alone. She just wants affection on her own terms." Looking up at Tonowari, I give him a kiss on his lips before resting my head on his shoulder.
"Be quiet and rest already." I laugh softly at her annoyed tone, but close my eyes as well. Letting my body slowly relax in the presence of both of my mates.
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grapejuicestyless · 2 months
part 2 for so long london w/ a happy ending please I loved it sm😭😭
Harry Styles x fem!reader
Summery: After nearly a year apart and an album later, turns out you and Harry aren’t doing as well as you let off to be. Part 2 to So Long, London
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Seeing him across the room even after all this time sends chills down my spine. I recall the warm feeling of his hands against my spine and the smell of gunpowder as he aims his pistol at my heart.
It’s funny seeing him now that he’s written down his feelings and published them like a diary for the world to read. I know more about his heart than he led me on to know. I know how he claims to have felt shattered inside with the realization he lost the “love of his life” and how we walked the fine line between being perfect and violently broken. But really, what is perfect when it comes to us?
He wrote down some things I just can’t unabsorb. His songs turning me into more of an idea of sorts. It felt like watching the story of our love from afar. The details were there, but they weren’t quite right. He writes about how we danced in the kitchen listening to trash pop music, but he leaves out the way we always stumbled over the chipped tile by the counters. Does he remember how he’d lead us there purposely so he could wrap his arms around my cold body and save me?
Seeing him now I can feel his eyes drift to mine every couple seconds, his gaze burning into my side profile while I down another glass trying to shake the feeling.
I feel stupid now, seeing him at our best friend’s wedding. He’s in a suit and tie, his hair curled around his eye and a red tint from the sun on his cheeks. I feel even more stupid wearing a green dress on the opposite side of the alter, holding flowers and smiling at how the bride and groom promise themselves in sickness and in health.
I’m not stupid though, I can hear the whispers about how we almost had it all. The flowers picked out from the catalog dull in comparison to the ones we had picked out for each other by the third week together. When I sit with the bridesmaids, I hear their snickers at the bride, how lucky she is to be the first married, how they always thought it would have been me.
But I’m a good friend, and a damn good actress. I can paste on a smile and act like the jokes they sneak into their speeches about how they never saw it coming, telling stories about the newlyweds that should have been about us are funny. But I can’t help the way I start to sweat when they begin to quote the same words Harry had written down for me.
All of our love story written down for the public to use, words he penned on the paper with my face in mind belong to someone new now, “I love you’s” whispered between couples who once dreamed of having a love like ours.
“I remember meeting you in September of last year, you were wearing a yellow dress and red shoes. You didn’t match, but you made it look good. I thought you were beautiful, I just had to have you. And when you decided to go for a guy like me, I knew you were the one instantly. Just like our good friend Harry once said, ‘She’s an angel, my only angel.’” I don’t listen to his heartfelt speech anymore, I can’t even look at the smile on my friends face as he serenades her anymore, I feel like someones just ripped out my heart and claimed it as their own.
And like someone was praying for me to cry, to finally break and show everyone just how not okay I am, his eyes are on mine, and he’s not looking away. When my eyes catch his, I mentally curse myself, wishing I could sink into the seat beneath me. I excuse myself to use the bathroom, grabbing the bottom of my dress to make down the long hallways of the beautiful venue that should have been ours.
“Y/n.” His accent is thick in the foggy room, eyes dimmer than I remember. He runs after me, voices from the reception muffled by the walls put between us.
My eyes trace over his body, studying the way he sighs out my name. Can he hear my heart crashing down as I realize I’ve lost my touch? I cannot tell if he’s relieved or obligated to be standing so close.
I swallow hard, his english accent drawing me back to the place I once loved so much. My new home fulls in comparison to what we once had, and I can’t help but still hold a grudge for him taking that all away from me, for ruining a sacred city and crushing it between his fingers.
“You look good.” I break the awkward silence that falls between us, his lips parted like an idiot, like he ran without thinking and forgot how to talk.
“Me? God, you look breathtaking.”
I would have blushed not long ago, curtsying at his comment and kicking my feet beneath the table cloth, but now the compliment is empty and instead feels backhanded in some odd way.
“Oh…well thank you. I tried my best.” I laugh bitterly, and the shine in his eyes tells me he misses the unhappiness in my giggles.
When he doesn’t speak again, I swear I can feel my skin shifting over my bones every time I breathe.
“Well, it was good seeing you.” I lie through my teeth, turning on my heals and wiping away any tears gathering on my waterline.
“You don’t have to avoid me, you know.”
“You don’t have to avoid me. I know things aren’t the same between us, but that doesn’t mean I don’t still look for you in every room I walk into. You’re the love of my life, even now.” He confesses, stepping closer.
“Well, maybe you shouldn’t. I’m not in any rooms you’re in anymore.”
“But maybe I wish you were.” He says with a smirk, stepping closer and trying to slip his hand into mine, but it’s like needles stabbing into my skin, I cannot hold onto him, so I slip away.
“Goodbye, Harry.”
He grabs me again, a hold so desperate to keep me in his grasp, one I haven’t felt in a long time. Classic move from Mr. Steal Your Girl. The man who promised rings and cradles, the dame man who swooned over the small things and rolled his eyes as he turned his back. Mr. Make Her Cry.
“Y/n I don’t want this to be goodbye.”
“It’s not. It can’t be, we already did that right?” I turn to him teary eyed, my wrist burning under the grip of his cold rings decorated on his warm hands.
“No, that’s not what that was.”
“Then what was it?”
He swallows, but keeps looking me in the eyes like he means everything he’s preparing to say.
“We were so young. I was scared, and I pulled away. It was wrong, but I thought you’d be better off with someone who wasn’t afraid to grow up.”
“I would have waited. You know that.” He nods.
“I know. But it’s not fair.”
“No, whats not fair is you coming back to me after leaving me stranded in a place I can’t even fucking stand to be near anymore! God, you’re such an asshole, talking rings and talking cradles and then claiming to be scared for a future you planned. You don’t do that, not to the love of your life, and you sure as hell don’t leave them stranded and alone. How dare you think it was romantic to have done that to me?” I spit venom from my tongue, my eyes clouded with tears. “You promised to never leave, then what? Never mind? You think you’re such a hero for leaving me but in reality you’re a coward. Letting me think we had it all, we almost had it all and the. You leave? What do I do with myself now that you’ve come back? Do you want me to forgive you? Harry, I might be the love of your life but you’re the loss of mine.”
“I know, I know.”
“Stop saying you know when you don’t!” I scream, quieting down as I remember where we stand, and I silently pray I haven’t spoiled such a beautiful wedding.
“I’m not claiming to have been a good partner, god knows about all my faults and I’ve gone away to fix them, and you’re here now, and I don’t know how I’ll ever find you again if I do not ask now, but I need you to listen to me now before it’s too late because I’ve never felt a hole in my chest like this, and I need you to see how badly I need you back in my life, I need you to trust me when I say I’m committed this time.” He pleads, his hands trembling in mine.
My lip trembles at the feeling of his skin on mine, my face colliding with his shoulder in a suffocating hug, I can feel myself falling back into his wicked grip, but when he holds me like this, it feels more like flying than falling, at least until the bone crush.
Standing in the hallway of a wedding built for us, but dedicated to another, I see us dancing in the kitchen again, the steps burned into my head as we waltz back into rekindled flames. His love is just so warm, fuck it if I get burned, if it falls apart again.
He’s the loss of my life, Mr. Writes Me Love Songs, Mr. Dances With Me In The Kitchen.
But for now, at least under the false illusion’s presented within this luxurious wedding, he’ll be the love of my life.
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willowser · 1 year
the day of the opening, you text izuku thirteen times.
most of which are met exactly how you'd hoped, in a way that should settle the nerves steadily brewing in your gut:
izuku: i will be there @ 7pm sharp!! ( =^ω^)
izuku: did you finish your speech yet?? we can go over it in the car otw!!
izuku: i'm going to grab flowers??? (///∇///) idk if that's okay?? but it's a big night!!! i think you deserve them!!!!
you should be relieved at his excitement, appeased enough to know that he has plans, that he's looking forward to this, too. genuine promise threads his words—and yet you only feel the pinpricks of doubt.
when he doesn't show, you try not to take it to heart. it's not his fault, you tell yourself, angry that you're angry. the life of a pro-hero is a whirlwind, and after knowing izuku for so long, one would think you'd become accustomed to the sound of his voice-mail and the rain check any and all events are given.
maybe it hurts so much worse this time because he didn't show up and he didn't call. didn't answer, either.
maybe it hurts because you're standing in front of the vision of all might in acrylics, your painting style soaking through the canvas; alive in his creases and curves. despite the fact that this is your first time in a gallery opening, ever, you think you were more looking forward to izuku's enthusiasm, than having your face in the local paper.
your smile feels tight across your mouth, as thick and forced as all might's. you hope it doesn't show through either of you on camera.
what would you say your biggest motivator is?
you take a long pause before answering, reminding yourself to rid your speech of any unplanned uh's and um's, and when what you've recited slips off your tongue, you can hear the words crashing into the hardwood below. shattering.
"the truth is that i wouldn't be here without the support of my best friend—"
(in the movies, this is when izuku would come bursting through the gallery doors, sweaty and disheveled in a suit jacket too large for his shoulders despite how broad they've become. people would be awed by the sight of him, glittering in the remnants of his emerald lightning, and he would turn to find you across the floor and he'd smile sheepishly, apologetically, and say—)
"the parking y've got here is shit."
but it's not izuku. it's bakugou.
it's impossible to have grown up with one and not the other, but—where izuku was quirkless—you were a girl, and that made you even more detestable. you weren't invited to any of his sleepovers or birthday parties at the arcade, and his nose always wrinkled at the sight of you and your pink butterfly clips, the dresses your mother loved to doll you up in.
even now, you see him and a strike of fear jolts your heart, instinctive, after watching the beat-down your best friend endured for so long. the only thing that softens him in this moment, for the first time, is the black, mock turtleneck he's wearing, and the bouquet of pale red carnations in his hand.
immediately, the interested party in front of your exhibition is stolen by him, dynamight, though his face twists hideously as they make to crowd him. you know that look, all too well, and you steel yourself for the bite of his words as he snaps at them.
"alright, alright, get the fuck outta my face before i blast all this frilly art shit to hell."
your anger spikes, fed by his own, though you can feel yourself shrinking behind the red-hot look he gives you, snuffed out as quickly as you'd caught ablaze. why, you wonder, why of all people would it have to be him? if this is izuku's way of apologizing, you'd rather have struggled through the event alone.
he stomps when he walks, like an overgrown child, and when he comes to stand in front of you and your small display, he doesn't even offer the flowers he's holding. instead he considers your work with a frown, eyes darting to and fro without so much as an inkling of enthusiasm. and then he takes in you, too—the soft cotton sweater you're wearing, the way you cup the sleeves with your fingers—with just as much disinterest.
and then he says, "thought you were s'pposed to have five pieces."
you were, but you and your nerves pushed your final painting to the last minute, and then you couldn't get any of the colors right, nor the movement. it was choppy and ugly and you hated it—and so you'd just gone without.
but you're not going to tell him that.
"what are you doing here?"
again, his face twists, as if he's sucking on a lemon. "doesn't exactly sound like a 'thank you', for showing up to your—whatever the hell it is."
"it's an art show, don't act dumb," you frown as he sucks his teeth and turn your stare to the flowers, how they're already wilting. petals drooping. your eyes sting as you look back up at him. "where's—"
"the hell do you think?"
it's not his fault, you tell yourself—but your anger has gone, blown out with the wind. the loneliness that always comes after letdowns like these joins you, faithful in its ache. you wrap your arms around yourself and step back further from him, forcing yourself to look away, at the other artists, so that maybe he won't see the gloss in your eyes.
it surprises you, what he says next: "...shitty nerd would be here if he could."
"i know," you say, defensive suddenly, like you always are with him when it comes to izuku. the bite in your tone deepens his frown and he, too, eyes the flowers. he holds them up wordlessly, handing them off to you with more care than you could have ever expected from him. "thank you for bringing these," you murmur.
bakugou shrugs, shoulders hiking up in a way that is as foreign to you as the light pink dust settling over his cheekbones. "don't know shit about flowers, so. whatever. congrats, i guess."
you frown again, brow crinkling. "but—izuku knows, doesn't he? he told you what to get, right?"
"what?" bakugou's nose twists, suddenly seven years old and offended by your proximity. "ain't talked to the fucker all night, just heard the call over the radio 'fore i left."
"wait, what?" you blink and take a step towards him, without thinking, and the action has him rolling his eyes up to the ceiling. cheeks darker, you think, in the low ambient light. "how—did you know to come then?"
and when he looks back at you, eyes molten and metallic, you think it's maybe not offense in his stare, but something else you've never seen on him. "nerd's been talkin' about it all week." he shrugs, and what he says next feels like an answer to more than just this question, here. "came on my own."
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aimbutmiss · 1 month
"Finally, we have some alone time." Shanks sighed as he settled into the comfort of the expensive armchair, away from the intimidating presence of Crocodile and the judgemental eyes of Hawk Eye. It was a random decision, dropping by Cross Guild's headquarters. Of course he knew that two emperors meeting would draw the government's attention, but he couldn't bring himself to regret the spontaneous act as he stared at the lovely clown in front of him.
"I wouldn't be so sure if I were you."
Buggy rolled his eyes at the red head's easily swayed attention. "I wouldn't be so sure that we are alone."
"... You think they're listening?" Shanks turned to the closed tent door in worry.
"No, I made them promise not to and they wouldn't break my trust like that. However... Croccy's really good at finding loopholes. I'm certain Daz is listening to us as we speak." He cleared his throat and raised his voice. "Daz? If you're there can you please knock twice on the door?"
"Ugh, come on. If your boss can use loopholes so can I. Did he specifically say you had to be discreet?"
After a short moment, two small knocks were heard.
"Thank you!" Buggy turned back to Shanks, lowering his voice to fit the casual conversation they were having. "See?"
Shanks scoffed in disdain. "I can't believe he trusts you so little."
"He trusts me just fine. It's you he doesn't trust. Rightfully so, may I add."
Shanks' shoulders sagged at the formal speech. It's like there was a thick, invisible wall between them, and it hurt too much to bear.
"Buggy... Come to the Red Force with me. We can at least have some privacy there."
Buggy shook his head. "Absolutely not. As much as I would love to see Benn and Lucky Roux, it's not worth it."
Shanks could have made a joke about him not including Yasopp but he was too confused by the rest of the statement to do so. "What do you mean it's 'not worth it'? Too lazy to walk to the shore now?" He asked jokingly but the worry was evident in his voice nonetheless.
"Of course it's not that, idiot. I just don't want to be alone with you in your own turf."
The room was dead silent but Shanks could swear he could hear his heart shattering. "You trust me that little?"
The clown sighed, already tired from where the conversation was heading. "Shanks, this isn't about trust. It's about letting go of the past."
"So you do not miss me?"
Buggy lips tightened to a thin line.
"Because I miss you."
"Wrong thing to say with someone listening in..." Buggy mumbled under his breath. "Croccy will throw you off the island at this rate and even Mihawk won't be able to stop him."
Shanks' brow twitched at hearing the stupid nickname again, dropping from the bluette's lips so casually. "He respects you two that little?"
"No, he respects us that much. He cares, in his own, weird way. He's a good man."
Shanks smirked at the ridiculous answer. "A good man? You truly believe that? I can see your lips curling you know."
Buggy rolled his eyes. "He's a good man to the people that matter. He's good to me, Shanks. And neither of us are saints you know."
"Even so-"
"I have fame, money and power... But more importantly I have people who care about me to share it with." Buggy cut him off before he could get another word in. "People who protect me and help me when I need it but never push me. People who treat me like their equals. And for once in my life, I'm truly happy. And you're upset that you're not a part of that happiness. To that I say; move on, Shanks. I have, so should you."
"It's better for the both of us really."
Shanks bounced his leg up and down restlessly as his thoughts became cloudy. If anyone would have told him 25 years ago that him and Buggy would be where they are, so close yet so far from each other, Shanks would have never believed them.
He thought of a million things to say, questions to ask, to beg, but he could only bring himself to say one thing. "If that's your wish."
Shanks got up and turned around to leave, but Buggy spoke up last minute. "I do care for you, you know. I always have."
It wasn't a love confession, not really, but it was the closest thing to it that Shanks would ever get. "I know."
He didn't quite care how rude or embarrassing it was to avoid Mihawk's eyes as he boarded the Red Force to leave Karai Bari, he just did it because he knew the man would instantly know from one look what had just transpired between him and Buggy. And he didn't want to give him and Crocodile the privilege of knowing they won. They would still know, of course, but at least Shanks kept his pride (in his heart, at least).
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devils-little-sista · 5 months
Honestly I think Nico should have died at the end of BoO—hear me out ok just hear me out—and been a martyr figure for a while about a year and then somehow come back just before Tower of Nero and he’s there with Apollo the whole book hanging out with the trogs and kicking Nero’s ass.
It’s just that literally everything in BoO is foreshadowing Nico’s death. Hades’s whole speech about how “some deaths can not / should not be prevented”.
Nico having that dream about Ella reciting that line from the sybline books “the fall of the sun / the final verse”. Because that’s the next prophecy Nico will be apart of and also when Nico makes the big announcement that’s he’s alive again / came back from the dead / is immortal now.
It’s just that there is so much more foreshadowing into Nicos death and martyrdom beyond these points it’s insane. If BoO was fresher in my mind I would be going on about it for eternity.
I mean I kinda understand why Rick wanted to keep him alive because he didn’t want to buy into the whole “bury your gays” trope. But he could have done something like he did with Leo’s last chapter to show that even tho he’s dead Nicos not gone and that he’s still going to be part of the series whilst being a martyr and he may be back in the future.
Maybe Hades makes him immortal. I think that would fit best because of the parallels between Apollo just loosing his immortality and going through hell trying to get it back and then here’s Nico flaunting his fresh shiny new immortality with no idea what he’s doing with it.
Or Maybe Nico come back earlier than ToN because Jason did the Orpheus/Eurydice deal. And maybe when Jason dies Nico does the Orpheus/Eurydice deal so they’re both back from the dead there kicking Neros ass. That would be fun to see.
Side notes: it would be heart breaking if Nico gave Hazel the skull ring right before he leaves with the statue. And she doesn’t want to take it but she does.
And double heart breaking if she refuses to take the ring because she believes Nico will survive this and the ring is going to stay with him.
Triple heart breaking if Hazel doesn’t take the ring or if he can’t get to her in time he asks Reyna or Percy or Jason or Frank to give her the ring for him right before he dies.
I think Percy would be the most heart breaking and the most fitting for this because of Bianca trying to give Nico the Hades figurine. Nico trying to give Hazel the ring that was a gift from their father. History repeating itself. Percy is shattered once again.
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sainzfilm · 2 years
hey! i love your writing so much and i was wondering if you could do a drabble of charles and reader (model or actress or smth) where they’re already in an established relationship but it’d secret to the fans (friends and family know tho) and reader wants to make it public, feeling like she’s always on the side and that he’s embarrassed but actually charles feels he’s not good enough for her bc she’s also famous and so many guys like her
pairing: charles leclerc x actress!reader
a/n: me wishing i could be in a secret relationship with anyone on my favs list….anyways hope you like this anon, thank you for requesting :)
“And the Academy Award for Best Actress goes to…Y/N Y/L/N!”
Charles couldn’t believe what he heard on television as he cheered for you from the hotel he was staying at. You did it– his girl got the most prestigious award for an actress and he couldn’t have been anymore prouder.
You looked ethereal as you walked up the stage, wearing the biggest smile on your face and the most elegant red gown. Taking the award from the presenter, you took a deep breath and raised it up high.
“Wow, this is just surreal! I never imagined myself on this stage, let alone holding this,” You laughed softly as you looked at the award in your hands, “There isn’t much to say. I’m grateful for all the love and support I’ve gotten for the past few years in my career. I’d never be here with out my family, my best friends, and a certain special someone in my life. This is all for them, thank you!”
Sitting on the bed, Charles couldn’t believe what he just heard. You had technically mentioned him in live television. It was if you were saying that your heart belonged to him, which somewhat eased up the doubts he’s had in his mind.
It wasn’t until a few hours later when Charles’ phone lit up from a Facetime call and he hurriedly picked it up, his heart fluttering when he saw your face.
“Congratulations, mon ange!” Charles exclaimed with a big smile on his face, “How’s my girl doing? Can’t believe I’m dating an Academy Award winner.”
“Thank you, my love,” You giggled as you laid back in bed, hair sprawled over as you lifted your phone above your face, “I feel exhausted but I really wanted to talk to you.”
“You should rest first,” Charles clicked his tongue as he shook his head, putting his arm behind his head, “You know I’ll be here when you wake up, baby.”
“I don’t wanna,” You pouted, which elicited a chuckle from your Monégasque lover, “I wanted to talk to you about something though, Cha.”
“Hm, what is it, mon ange?”
“You didn’t mind that I sort of revealed our relationship during my speech earlier, right?”
Charles frowned a bit, taking longer than usual to answer.
“Cha?” You whispered as your eyebrows furrowed, “Was my connection bad?”
“No, not at all. Sorry,” He mumbled as he sat up straighter, “I just- is it the right decision, baby?”
“I think it is,” You shrugged as you put your phone up against a pillow before laying on your side to face it, “We’ve been going steady for nearly a year and…I don’t know I just want to let everyone know that I’m taken by you, you know?”
“Mon ange…” Charles sighed as he rubbed a hand down his face, “Don’t get me wrong, I love you, but it’s just…”
“Just what, Charles? I’m not good enough for you?” You frowned as your bottom lip quivered, “Are you embarrassed of everyone else in the world knowing?”
“No, baby! It’s not that,” He said as he mirrored your expression, “It’s pretty much the other way around.”
“Huh? You think you’re not good enough for me?”
Charles looked down and nodded, “Yeah. You’re just so famous, you know? I’m like a tiny speck in your universe and all these guys want you, yet you chose me.”
Hearing Charles open up about what he felt shattered your heart. How could he ever think that way? He was beyond perfect– your dream guy rolled into one certain Monégasque Ferrari driver.
“Cha…” You pouted as you looked at him through your screen, “You’re so much more than enough for me. Who cares about those guys? You’re everything that I’ve ever yearned for in my life.”
“You’re just saying that…”
“Charles Leclerc, look at me,” You sternly said as he looked at you, “Who did I pick?”
“Who’s my boyfriend?”
Charles grumbled, “Me.”
“I love you. My heart is yours,” You smiled reassuringly, “You’re the only one I have eyes for. I promise.”
“I love you, mon ange,” He smiled softly back at you, “Sorry you have to put up with me.”
“I could say the same to you,” You chuckled as you looked at him lovingly, fighting back a yawn, “Whats yours is mine– burdens and joys.”
“Through burdens and joys, baby. Now, go to sleep, you need to rest. I’ll be here, I’ll stay in the call.”
Yawning as you nodded, slowly drifting off to sleep, “Goodnight, Cha. I love you.”
“Goodnight, mon ange, I love you.”
As you slept peacefully, Charles stared at the ceiling and thought how light his heart felt from your reassurance. You chose him. And, maybe, it is time to let the world know how much he loved you.
bonus scene!
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Liked by carlossainz55, lorenzotl, and 982,431 others
charles_leclerc my girl just won the academy award for best actress last night. always proud of you, mon ange. you’re taking the world by a storm, i love you. 🤍
view all 187,831 comments
yourusername: my cha, my il predestinato 🤍 i love love love you more than words can say.
❤️ liked by charles_leclerc
leclercupdates: HOW WHAT WHEN WHERE they’re so cute!!! 😭
carlossainz55: ay cabrón, finally! and congrats to my friend, Y/N 😜
yourusername: thank you mr. smooth operator 😌
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lanas-delight · 7 months
the one that got away.
♫ rec: when i was your man by bruno mars
✰ an enhypen scenario || word count: around 2k, w/ fem-presenting!reader, heeseung, & sunghoon
✰ description — years after an anniversary dinner gone wrong, heeseung finds himself singing at your wedding as a favor to you and your new husband, even if that meant he’d have to bury his feelings and his regrets from the past.
✰ warnings — angst. literally just a lot of angst.
✰ note — inspired by the off my face cover by heeseung (and A LOT of kdramas....). 🤍 enjoy !
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The sun had fallen in the early evening. The sky was dark, though plastered with stars. It was a day in mid-July, a clear day after a week's worth of rainy days, and the air felt so clear, the breeze so warm but soft. It was a day that would begin your new life, and relive in your memories every day for the rest of your life. You knew that too well.
In a white tent surrounded by a meadow of sunflowers, lights all around, lighting up the grounds as the wedding march echoed from the grand piano, everyone was standing, watching as you, the bride, walked down the aisle, hooked arms with another’s arm, as you approached your fiancé, soon-to-be husband, Sunghoon. His furrowed brows raised at the sight, you in a beautiful white dress, lace at every edge of the dress, your hands delicately shown off bare, your ring finger empty only for a few more moments. Sunghoon gazed at you, admired every piece of you, curving his lips into a smile. A whisper, “You’re so beautiful, Y/N,” comes from his mouth for only you to hear. Your cheeks heated up, just like they did on your first date, when he said a cheesy pick up line to make you laugh, which it did, but you felt your cheeks heat up, like you were blushing, too. He noticed it quick.
The priest started to speak, everyone took their seats once again. It went quiet, only the soft echo of crickets in the far distance behind the strong voice of the priest’s. He goes on to welcome the guests and start the speech to where Y/N and Sunghoon would repeat his words and then kiss to confirm their marriage to one another. They had said their vows privately that morning, backs facing each other on a wide bench by the water. It was beautiful, and it respected the tradition of not seeing each other before the wedding. It was your idea, and Sunghoon tried his best to not sneak a glance but he knew you looked so beautiful.
You had this day planned out since you were six, the first time you took one of the pillow sheets and put it on your head like a veil, prancing around the house like a happy bride. You picked out your ideal dress through boredom on a late night in middle school, chose what your bouquet would like in after a trip to a community garden. You had met the most perfect man, had the perfect life, your perfect wedding, but there was something missing.
In the crowd, in the middle of the third row on the left side, sat Heeseung, his hands knotted together in his lap as he watched you kiss him. His face was pale, his eyes wide but inside, he felt his heart shatter and all the little pieces fell to his stomach. There was a part of him that knew he had no reason to feel this way, but he couldn’t help it.
He wasn’t supposed to be there. He only went because you asked, as a favor. He was a singer, a very good one, and the original singer you had hired came down with the flu last minute so you called him in a panic as a last resort. He said yes, which surprised you, but you were thankful. You gave him a list of songs that the original singer had made for their performance, and Heeseung told you he’d be there and that was the end of it. Now, at the wedding, you had forgotten he was to attend at all. You felt his stare, amongst the other eyes glued to you from all around the room, but his was distant, yet it tore you apart little by little.
After the kiss, everyone rose from their seats and clapped, cheering for you and Sunghoon, except Heeseung. He didn’t stand with the others, but once he did, he turned and scooted through the other people in the row so he could get ready for his performance at the reception.
If he was asked about how he felt, not that he ever would be, but if he was, he would say that it took everything in him to stay for the reception and to sing in front of everyone—old friends, some faces he didn’t recognize, and the family he was supposed to be apart of. It was his fault, everyone in that room knew it, claiming more than Heeseung did, but that wasn’t true. He relives his nightmare everyday, seeing you with another man, happier without him.
You and Sunghoon had gone off to change into more comfortable, though still formal outfits, with Sunghoon wearing a lighter colored suit, a loose tie and one open button at the top. Meanwhile, you looked like a diamond, white dress that fell to just above your knees, maybe of silk and satin, oh it looked wonderful on you. It was the dress Heeseung had picked out for you years ago, but you had forgotten that. It was now the dress that you and Sunghoon would have your first dance in. Nothing Heeseung ever did for you mattered anymore, maybe it never once did.
Everyone had taken their seats at their tables, drinking champagne and waiting for the speeches to start. Heeseung sat at the stage, his face low to keep hopefully no attention on him whatsoever. You and Sunghoon sat at this long table, with the maid of honor, best man, and the bridesmaids and groomsmen all on either side of them. The best man started first with his speech, his name was something with a “J,” an English name, but his accent was no American. He was apparently dating the maid of honor—who started her speech directly after the best man’s—which made Heeseung smile a bit because he had met the maid of honor plenty of times before, when he was with you. She used to be voluntarily lonely, never wanting to date because she could never find the one. But it seemed she did. They have a son, last he heard. He was happy for her, even though he knew that she hated him for everything that happened with you.
Sunghoon’s speech was next, and it was absolutely beautiful. Poetic, if you will. He spoke nothing but beauty and love of you, every word a new meaning for you, describing every perfect you behold. It made Heeseung want to fall apart right at the spot. He promised himself he wouldn’t let himself fall down this hole again, that he’d move on and fall out of love with you, but that could never happen. He was stuck on you. There wasn’t a single reason to him that made him not love you, or even consider the possibility of not loving you. You were his moon, his star, his every part of him, but you didn’t love him. You haven’t loved him for a long time. You weren't his, and he wasn't yours.
Then, it was time. Sunghoon and you walked to the middle of the dance floor, holding each other’s hands and preparing to dance as Heeseung stood up and approached the microphone stand. He glanced back at the pianist behind him who nodded at him before starting to play the song, Off My Face by Justin Bieber. Their song. But it wasn’t theirs anymore. He was sure that it never was.
Heeseung clears his throat quietly as he turns back to the microphone, one hand wrapped around it while the other fell to the stand, holding it gently, space between his palm and the pole. He starts to sing, every note and every line perfectly harmonized as the couple danced together.
Everyone watched the couple quietly, with eyes of admiration and small smiles, but only one ever looked at you and it was you. Sunghoon’s back faced Heeseung for a few moments as you and him swayed together, and that was when, just between the chorus and the verse, you had met eyes with the boy you once loved, the one singing at your wedding to another man.
Once the song was over, Heeseung stepped back to take a drink out of his water just as everyone else joined in on the dancer floor for another song, one more upbeat than the slow, love song he had just sung for the couple’s first dance. He sang another song, then another, and a couple more before his set was done and he grabbed his stuff and headed out of the reception tent. He headed to the parking lot just a hundred feet away but just before he made it there, his name was called and his heart stopped for a second. It was you.
“Heeseung, wait,” you caught up to him, holding your heels in your hands so you wouldn’t break them or twist your ankles trying to catch him before he left. “You’re leaving?”
Heeseung quickly looked over to the tents then back to you. “Yeah, I, uh, finished my set.”
You reached your hand out to him, “No, you should stay. Enjoy it,” you gave him a smile, “Might be the only wedding you’ll attend,” it was a harmless joke, but Heeseung took it differently.
“Are you saying I won’t get married?” His voice sounded hurt, but stern at the same time. He was trying to stand his ground, while dying on the inside.
“What? No, I— I was joking,” You lowered your hand, “What’s wrong?”
But Heeseung raised his eyebrows. “What’s wrong?” He scoffed, “You asked me to sing at your wedding, of all things, of all people, you asked me to come here and relive everything that happened.”
You were confused, “Relive? You mean I would have to relive it? You broke my heart, Heeseung. You were never going to marry me. We had no future—”
“Did I say that?”
“Say what?”
“Did I say I would never marry you?” Heeseung repeated, “Did I ever say we had no future?”
You stepped back, “Well no but you never did anything that proved otherwise.”
But Heeseung shook his head and rubbed his face, trying to stay calm as you continued on.
“You never told me you would marry me, you never even asked about our future or even talked about it. You and I were together for three years and there was nothing you did that gave me any hope at all for us.”
Heeseung clicked his tongue, pushing his hair back, “God, Y/N, are you really that oblivious?”
You furrowed your brows, “What?”
“I was going to propose to you that night.”
Seven years ago, you and Heeseung met at your work—a cafe at the time—because that morning, he was craving a frappe and he knew that the cafe you just so happen to work at made the best coffee. You were his barista, and he fell in love with you the moment he saw you. He left his number on a napkin and you waited a day to call because you didn’t want to seem desperate, but also that you didn’t want to see him again either. On the first date, so memorable, you read out your favorite quotes from your favorite books, which he asked for because he knew you liked to read. Over a handful of dates and a million talks, you and him fell for each other—hard. He was all who you wanted, for three years, he was the boy you wanted to marry. He was your endgame, or you wanted him to be it.
For your three year anniversary dinner, he had made a reservation at your favorite restaurant, bought your favorite flowers, and dressed in your favorite suit of his. You wore his favorite dress, a white, short dress that fell just above your knees. You two headed to the restaurant around six, seated around six-thirty. It was good at first, he opened the car door for you, held the restaurant’s door open for you, pulled the seat back and pushed it in for you. He did what he always did. But for months, you wished for more. You had been wanting to hint for him to do something more, to take the next step in the relationship, but it was never the right time to talk about it. But instead, you dropped hints. For a year now, every day, you’ve dropped some kind of hint, and only realized that morning that it had been a year, and there was nothing. No conversations about the future, not even a poke at it. Nothing. You had enough.
During appetizers, you broke the silence, which was only there because he was eating and you were sipping on your wine, with a simple, but cold statement—“I don’t think this is going anywhere.”
Heeseung, confused and taken aback, almost spit out his food. “What are you talking about?”
“I’m talking about us, Hee. You’ve done the same thing over and over again, for the last three years, and you’ve never even given the thought of asking me to marry you.”
“And I’ve dropped hints, every single day since our two year anniversary—a year of this cycle, I can’t,” You shook your head, “I had your mother talk with you about proposing, I had your brother talk to you endlessly about his own wife. God, I even had a fake email about wedding rings sent to you by my friends so you’d finally ask me!” You abruptly stood up from your seat, everyone in the room was staring at you and him. You sighed. “I can’t wait around anymore for you.”
Heeseung stared at you, tears slowly forming in his eyes, those bambi eyes of his, “Y/N . . .”
You shook your head, “It’s over, Heeseung.” And you grabbed your coat and left the restaurant. He sat there, completely still. Everyone stared for another few moments out of pity before turning back to their own dinners. Heeseung slowly took out the box from his pocket and set it on the table, opening it and looking at the ring he had bought months ago, waiting for this exact day to propose to you and to make you his bride. But he was too late. He was just a day too late.
“I took you to your favorite restaurant, asked you to wear my favorite dress—which you’re wearing for him tonight, ironic enough!—and I wore your favorite suit. I took you there and I ordered your favorite foods, your wine, everything. I had it all planned out. I was going to tell you how much I loved you after we ate the appetizers,” Heeseung declared to you then, a choking sob in his throat, “I was going to propose to you minutes after you decided we were over. I noticed every hint and I planned it all, from the beginning. But I was too late. Right?”
You had started to cry, “Heeseung . . .���
He shook his head, “I have never stopped loving you, since the day I met you. Not even when you ruined me, when I cried for months on end, for the humiliation, the heartache, I have never stopped loving you. Until tonight,” he turned, "Goodnight, Y/N."
“No, Heeseung, please,” you went towards him, grabbing his arm, “Please,” implying you wanted a second chance, just a few yards from your newly wedded husband. Heeseung knew he didn't love you anymore. Tonight was his closure. The regret, the miserableness, the mourning of what could've been—it was finally over.
“You remember that quote you told me? On our first date?” Heeseung stared at you, coldly, “Maybe if you were the moon, I could’ve loved you the same,” he then scoffed, “It had always been about us, huh?”
You shook your head, “Hee, please—”
“No, Y/N.” Heeseung took his arm out of your grasp, stepping back from you, “Congrats on your marriage,” and he walked away from you, leaving you to fall to your knees on the grass, crying to yourself as he got into his car and left. You got up a few moments later and returned to the wedding.
You never told Sunghoon what happened, claimed you fell on the way back to the tents after you had gone out to thank Heeseung for coming since he was leaving so abruptly, and Sunghoon, being the kind person he was, didn't question any of it. He helped you get cleaned up and danced with you until it was time to head off to your honeymoon. But Heeseung never left your mind.
Months went by, then years, and Sunghoon never knew what you had done that night, begging Heeseung for another chance, that you would've thrown everything you had for the boy you broke. He never knew.
On the night of Christmas Eve, the one following your eleventh wedding anniversary, the kids were asleep in their rooms while you and Sunghoon put out the presents from "Santa." One girl, and two boys. You didn't think you'd want kids, let alone three of them, but you loved and cherished your kids entirely. Your oldest was ten, middle was seven, and the youngest was three. You had gotten them toys, clothes, etc., but that didn't matter. It was when you seemed off, like you did every Christmas, every Thanksgiving, every holiday. Sunghoon finally asked about it, and that's when you told him.
You told him about Heeseung, what he said to you, how you feel about him, and the absolute and miserable regret you had for letting him go. Sunghoon didn't say anything for a while. He just stared at you blankly, not sure how to respond or react, so he didn't. He just sat down on the couch and covered his face with his hands. You tried to sit with him but he scooted away before turning to you, telling you that he should've known. You reassured you loved him now, but that wasn't enough. You both knew it wasn't enough.
Divorce followed shortly after, joint custody where the kids will spend every other week with either parent. Sunghoon was cordial about it all, which was good for you, you guessed, but you didn't want a divorce. You loved Sunghoon, but not the way you should've all these years. He deserved better, and you wish you could've gave him what he deserved, but at the end of the day, you didn't love him. You loved Heeseung.
You searched Heeseung up the moment it came to mind, thinking you could go back to him as your last resort—just like before—but to your unfortunate surprise, Heeseung was married. On the night of your wedding, Heeseung drove to the bar to straighten out his thoughts over a few drinks. There, he met his future wife who sat beside him and actually bought him a drink because he was looking at her a lot but not actually making a move. They married the next year, and have a son around your oldest's age. He looks at her the way he used to look at you. He didn't love you, and hadn't for a long time. You lost him, and that was never going to change. There was nothing you could do to get him back, to make things right, to fix your marriage, your family, to get closure. Alone, you were, but you sought out to get better.
You started therapy, and eventually, convinced Sunghoon to go to couple's counseling with you. A year or so passed, you and Sunghoon decided to give it another try. You wanted that happy ending, and you worked for it. You loved Sunghoon, more than ever, never to lose that love, because he was your husband, the love of your life, the father of your children. Sunghoon was who you wanted to love for eternity, not Heeseung. You didn't love him anymore. You finally moved on, just as he had.
Because he wasn't yours, and you weren't his.
a/n—i'm gonna be completely honest.. i was watching a lot of kdramas when i thought of this shit, but i hope you guys enjoyed it anyways! thank you for reading <33
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themysticaldrumstick · 2 months
So can we got the ros and son reaction to mc telling that they are terminally ill
[Because I'm sad and I'm going to pretend to be productive in my angst, here's a full blown headcannon of MC being terminally ill. Also, no cancer because I'm sick of all terminally ill patients being "cancer" in every story. There's too many diseases in the world, okay? Be freeeeeee.]
E didn't know when or, how it began-- but, it didn't miss their sharp, calculating brown-eyes, whenever you sent your son a tense smile, pretending as if you remembered the events he was talking about.
"Hey, remember when you took me to that park and we spent all the time for that cotton-candy, standing in the queue?"
"Hey, remember when I was in third grade and I slapped this bully--"
He'd be buzzing and you'd smile. Airy and empty. Not full of nostalgia, but pretense. Well, maybe because it was so long ago that you had forgotten it?
E hoped.
Because, they knew the patterns-- they had seen the patterns, they saw it every-day in their patients. The jumbled speech, the constant irritation, the memory-lapses, the difficulty in handling the easiest tasks of your job.
They just knew and they wondered just how they could break this news to your son. They couldn't just pretend that it never happened, right?
So, they did a test.
A test they didn't want to, but even the desperation had them crawling for crumbs. And a fear that arose immediately as they saw the blank expression on your face as you looked at the person, they disliked with all their heart. Your best-friend.
"Who are you?" You blinked.
M's face crumpled and they shot a panicked glance to E. Having no choice, they had called upon your old-friend, as much as they didn't want to, just to confirm.
One last time.
M looked torn, their eyes watering up at your hollow expression. They could practically hear their heart shatter. "You.. you don't remember me?" They had never seen your eyes look so lifeless. Dull, yes. Broken, even.
But, never empty.
However, it was as if fate had them all tied by it's horns, that evening, because your son suddenly, entered the living room with a usual bounce in his step. His smile faltered at the tension there, and the sight of their dad/mom's face of horror, standing in the corner.
"W-what's... wrong?"
You turned and your eyebrows furrowed at the sight of the tall stranger that looked strangely familiar-- he even looked a lot like you, and that bespectacled person that stood in the corner.
"Who are you?" You muttered, in confusion, looking at him.
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natalievoncatte · 10 months
She knows I’m coming. She probably heard me six blocks away. Heard my voice, my heartbeat.
Lena walked softly down the hall of Kara’s building, counting the doors, counting how many times she had walked past these old bricks with joy lifting her heart. Game nights and movie nights and sleepovers, all the little things she’d torn apart with her bare hands in petty vengeance for Kara’s betrayal.
She did betray me! She lied, she manipulated, she used me.
Lena reached the door and hesitated.
Used me for what? What did Kara or Supergirl ever ask of me that I wouldn’t have given freely?
In her secret heart, Lena knew that it was what Kara didn’t ask for. The one thing she never wanted. She stood outside the door for a half minute, fingers curled in a loose fist as she fought to find the willpower to do this.
It never came. Kara swung the door in and stood there. She was dressed in a soft, yellow sweater and gray leggings, hair down and barefoot, in her natural state where she was just Kara.
A momentary flicker of concern folded Kara’s brows when Lena’s heart raced explosively. Maybe she really could hear it.
If only she’d listened to it.
Lena dropped her hand to her side. Her carefully prepared speech fell to ash in her mouth and she trembled on the spot, eyes a little too wide as Kara looked at her with a flat expression. Not anger. Not remorse. Not concern.
(not desire)
Just… nothing.
It felt like a thousand years passed when Kara turned around and silently padded back into her loft, stopping by the table. She stood, her back to Lena, arms folded, silent.
But she didn’t close the door.
Lena stepped tentatively inside and swung the door shut behind her. She swallowed hard, trying to wet her throat so she could speak, but nothing worked.
Finally, she managed to begin choking it out.
“I made a terrible mistake.”
Kara said nothing.
“I was hurt. I was so hurt. I let it blind me and lead me down a dark path. I thought I could fix everything. I just wanted to make the hurting stop. All the hurting. Lex is back. He’s taken my research and he’s going to do something terrible with it. I want to help you stop him.”
There was still no reaction. Lena wasn’t sure if she saw Kara’s shoulders move or if it was a figment of her imagination. She supposed it didn’t matter. Kara wasn’t saying anything.
Lena couldn’t hold back the sob that burst out of her. She could see it now, the anger burning inside Kara. The rejection and betrayal. The fury as cold as the crystal walls of her secret fortress.
This was it. Lena did it. She won.
She made Kara hate her.
Lena sagged, almost falling like a puppet with cut strings. She wrapped her arms tightly around herself and tried to fight back the tears and failed. They fell freely, cutting hot lines down her cheeks as sobs wracked her body.
She didn’t beg or plead; her silence was not born of stiff-necked Luthor arrogance but of resignation. She couldn’t bear it. If she beseeched Kara for forgiveness and was met only with silence she might die.
Lena turned for the door, half blinded, wishing some hell would swallow her up and bring an end to this misery.
She didn’t make it.
A powerful arm drew around her with sublime care. A hand that could crush titanium rested gently on her shoulder, and she was turned around so delicately, so gently, that she wondered if she’d fainted and this was a dream.
Even with Lena in heels, Kara easily brought Lena’s head to her shoulder and rested her own chin atop hers, taking Lena into a deep, careful embrace. Lena hugged back hard, with all her strength. She hugged Kara as if she meant to climb inside her, as if she could never let go. Kara was still silent.
Kara took a deep breath, her powerful body shuddering in Lena’s arms.
“I thought I lost you forever.”
Lena shattered again, harder this time. She sobbed against Kara, digging her fingers into Kara’s back. Kara simply stroked her hair and hummed softly into Lena’s scalp.
“I don’t want to let go of you,” Kara whispered.
Kara shifted, looking down at her. Lena drew back, blinking tear-reddened eyes. Kara just stared at her, eyes searching, drinking every detail of her face. With her fingers, she lightly brushed a lock of hair from Lena’s cheek and smiled.
Kara was radiant. It was like the sun had finally emerged from behind dark clouds and Lena stood full in its warmth again. She hasn’t seen that smile in so long, she could barely believe it had ever been real. The sheer joy in Kara’s eyes was too much to bear.
Lena was barely aware that she’d lifted up on her toes, that she was reaching, back arching, arms around Kara’s waist to steady herself.
The look of absolute shock on Kara’s face paled in comparison to the softness of her lips. Kara stood stone still for a moment and Lena’s heart jumped again as she thought she’d again made a terrible mistake, and started to pull back.
There was nowhere to go. Kara casually lifted Lena from her feet as she kissed her back, effortlessly pulling her into a spinning, joyous hug.
When Kara put her down again, Lena knew she was a mess of red-rimmed eyes and tears with a silly smile on her face. Kara’s eyes were wet, too, and Lena had left a smear of dark lipstick behind.
“Kara,” Lena whispered. “Is this… are we… can we…”
Kara’s shoulders rolled back and she stood to her full height, gently cupping Lena’s chin in her soft hand.
“Lena, I’m Supergirl. I can do anything.”
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buccini555 · 8 months
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☆ . 𝐀𝐛𝐲𝐬𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 – 𝐊𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐜𝐡𝐨 𝐇𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐨 ♱𝆬
≡ 𝑺𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚... After receiving threats from a member of a rival gang, for fear of someone ending up hurting you Kakucho ended up ending your relationship even though he continued to love you secretly, he hid the real reason for the breakup because he felt guilty about putting you in danger, so Kakucho preferred to just keep the lie that his feelings for you disappeare
♱𝆬 I m a g i n e s !
♱𝆬 𝑭𝒕. Kakucho Hitto and special participation by Izana Kurokawa
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"I can't cry, I can't, I won't be able to abandon her like... like this... But this life I chose will never be good for the only one I love..." Before walking through the door, that was all he could think about, the guilt, or the pain of having to walk away from the only person he could love was hurting at him in the cruelest way possible, When he finally worked up the courage, Kakucho unlocked the door and the creaking of wood announced that he had arrived home, as soon as he saw you running to hug him, Kakucho just remained without reaction, unlike the affectionate way in which he always treated you.
"Baby! I was waiting for you, I'm so happy when you come home, I missed you so much!" Hugging him, your excitement was not left aside, you only realized that there was something wrong when the taller one pushed you away, disengaging himself from your love and affection .
"M-my princess, we have to talk, preferably right now." In a few words, he said, holding your hand, Kakucho's eyes continued to have the same shine, despite that, his words never seemed so discouraged, he definitely didn't seem the same, seeming to be controlling himself from being affectionate.
"Okay, let's talk, but first, come in, you must be tired, my love." He didn't even want to go in, that attitude definitely made you find Kakucho's behavior weird and you realized the matter was serious and probably wouldn't be something you wanted to hear.
"Baby, I-", he paused his speech with a sigh, "(name♡), I'm right here, please just listen to me." Upon hearing his speech, you remained silent, your heart was racing and some kind of anxiety took over you.
"My love, I-I'm so sorry, I hope you forgive me, my princess..." Not holding back, Kakucho hugged you again.
"I don't understand you, baby, what's wrong?" You replied, confused by so many apologies.
"Everything between us... our relationship... It ends here."
Silence took over that environment and all you could feel was your heart being shattered like glass that breaks in a fall, your eyes brimming with tears in an almost uncontrollable cry, without even understanding a reason or thinking about something.
"Why? N-no, don't do this, don't leave me alone, Kakucho, please." That was all you could say, questioning him and your why you and him were ending up in that unexpected way, you just wanted to make him stay, no matter what.
"Don't cry for me, I never wanted to see tears in those beautiful eyes, I don't deserve your love, you may not understand, but you can't live the life I live, princess..." Seeing your condition, Kakucho still remained there trying to comfort you, even if the reason for all your suffering at that moment was him. "You don't deserve this, my love, you never deserved someone like me... I'm so sorry again and again!" Kakucho honestly couldn't bear to see you in so much pain, even more so because he was leaving you against your own will.
"T-tell me, tell me the reason for all this, Kakucho? Please, why can't we be together anymore? Tell me!" While you were still crying, you begged to just know the reason for such a breakup, Kakucho couldn't even look at you anymore, seeming to feel guilty about what he was doing.
"...P-please, please let's get this over! I'm leaving..." The taller one turned to the door, wanting to get out of that place as soon as possible, hiding the tears that fell down his face, Kakucho said with a trembling voice, as did his hands, which trembled as he opened the doorknob to leave and this time do not return. "You were my dream come true, the love of my life..." He said Whispering, there was no pain worse than leaving the one you love behind.
"Tell me the reason, please, Kakucho." Hugging him from behind, you questioned him one last time, the exhaustion in his voice was noticeable, assimilating that was almost impossible. "What did I do wrong? Where was... Where did I go wrong?"
He remained silent, thinking about what to say, trying not to hurt your feelings even more.
"I just don't love you anymore..." In a low tone of voice, Kakucho answered the question that bothered you so much, in the midst of a hidden cry, he said what hurt you the most, you would never imagine that Kakucho would ever simply I would stop loving you after promise that he would marry you someday. "Everything has cooled down, my love" for you... It's over, you know?"
"Y-you don't love me anymore?" Releasing it in disbelief, you asked again, a pain took over your chest, making all the butterflies that previously lived in your stomach die tragically, you still couldn't and didn't want to believe that Kakucho was really being sincere in his words. "What the fuck are you saying? Do not lie to me!" you shouted, irritated by it all.
"No, I don't love you anymore! Is that what you fucking want to hear?" Opening the door, Kakucho said out loud, still trying to hide how much he was suffering from having to say those words to you, he noticed your silence, realizing that at that moment he had already lost you, even so, when he turned around again and looked into your eyes, realized that deep down your eyes begged him to stay by your side, for a moment, Kakucho thought about letting go of all that, gangs, crimes, confusion, but he simply couldn't, that was his life, the way in which he lived, giving up his greatest love was the greatest proof of love he could do, since he cared about you more than anyone else.
"Don't go, Kakucho, don't go away, I know you're hiding something from me... I-I can see the truth in you." Again, you spoke again, but Kakucho just seemed to ignore you.
"I'm so sorry to leave you alone." Turning his back and finally leaving through that door, his last speech was made. "Goodbye, be happy, that's all I wanted to do but I failed."
"I love you, please..." Sitting behind the door, you fall into tears, not understanding the reasons of the one you loved most in the world, remaining in denial for a long time, still nurturing the hope of Kakucho walking through that damn door again and tell you how much I loved you. "He won't come back... He won't..."
Every day after that damn day, he suffered the consequences of your absence and felt the pain of missing you, missing you was almost like torture, but, Kakucho was relieved to know that you were safe, and in fact, hoped you would be happy, even without him.
After some time, you ended up discovering the real reason for the breakup, Izana told you as soon as he found out, he couldn't stand seeing Kakucho depressed anymore so he did an investigation, Kakucho was being threatened the whole time and he just wanted to protect you, at that moment, all the hurt you felt disappears, going after Kakucho at the same moment.
"You just wanted to protect me, I know that." As soon as you walked through the door of one of the hiding places you knew Kakucho would be in, you said without hesitation.
"H-how did you find me? Baby, this is no place for you, I-" You interrupted him with a long, tight hug. "I know you were scared of someone hurting me... I'm not scared!" As soon as he heard you, Kakucho returned the hug.
"Izana told you that, didn't he? My sweet girl, I was a coward... But know that all of this was fear of losing you!" Again through tears, he said, apologizing for all that. "F-forgive me... Forgive me! I never wanted to be separated from you."
"I-I t's okay, don't cry, baby." You have definitely forgiven him, mistakes are made, but you know how much he loves you. "We're together now, we are together!"
"I love you so much..." Kakucho said, holding your face and kissing you, a slow kiss filled with love.
"Can you guys stop kissing in front of me?" Izana said, looking at you and Kakucho with pride in his eyes.
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bestworstcase · 7 months
@tumblingxelian tag from here
#OK I'd legit love to hear your take on her interactions with Oscar
oh i think about the interrogation scene a normal amount
something i want to underline before diving in is the conspicuous discrepancy between the eloquence and spoken delivery of salem's soliloquies in V1/V3 (internal monologue) versus her dialogue (verbal speech). it's especially noticeable in juxtaposition with ozma's V7 soliloquy versus ozpin's dialogue, where no such discrepancy exists; oz talks the way he thinks, he's an excellent orator and even in casual conversation he's well-spoken and charismatic.
whereas salem... thinks eloquently and often poetically ("nature's wrath in hand, man lit their way through the darkness..." or "it's true that a simple spark can ignite hope, breathe fire into the hearts of the weary..."), but speaks with minimal rhetorical flair. her speech is also sometimes a little stilted or just very, very deliberate in a way that does not sound natural; and there's times—her conversation with cinder in V5 is a particularly noticeable example—where what she says circles around what she means.
"working with bandits? keeping ruby alive? what's the point? we're strong enough to take what we want by force!" / "never underestimate the usefulness of others; take leonardo. he was one of ozpin's most trusted, but now... hm. you will have the power i promised you when the time is right, but remember that it comes with a cost. if ruby rose has learned to harness her gift, you must take care to protect yours. there's only so much i can do to aid you."
<- its like. instead of just saying it, salem says examples supporting the idea she's trying to articulate. if a conversation were a math problem, salem shows all of her work but doesn't give the answer. and she does this A LOT.
none of the other characters in the story are like this—which means it isn't, like, a problem with the writers failing to write cogent dialogue. it's a deliberate character choice for salem specifically.
anyway, prior to the interrogation scene, salem only appears in contexts where she is either addressing her subordinates or—in V7—giving ironwood the terms of her siege. on two of these occasions, she get interrupted with unexpected new information (ozpin is back, ruby rose used the lamp) and in both cases, salem abruptly ends the conversation and either kicks everyone else out (V6) or leaves (V7).
and i think that's worth noting in relation to this scene, because the interrogation veers off script very fast and we get to see salem, um, Trying Her Best.
as far as salem knows, oscar is gone. she expects—prepares for—a hostile and painful confrontation with ozma. when oscar wakes up, she's huddled against a pillar in a shadowy corner with an arm curled around herself and her head low, staring fixedly at conjured shadows of her dead children. she is Not Okay.
but when she speaks, her tone is conversational. almost cordial, once she's past the withering sarcasm in "my long lost ozma... found at last." it's affected! it's not real! she's reciting words she planned and probably rehearsed beforehand—which i think is likely the case for most of her little speeches. she's a poor speaker.
except... it's oscar. salem twigs that he isn't ozma the instant he talks, stares at him for a couple seconds without no visible reaction except that her mocking little smile fades, and:
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snarls and grabs his face and yanks him down to get a better look at him—the mask just shatters. there's lots of ways to interpret this, but i'm inclined to take it as salem recognizing that this isn't ozma and then second-guessing that instinct and grabbing him because she needs to be absolutely sure.
"you can pretend, boy... but you're not fully him. not yet, at least." her tone shifts on every clause, from almost a growl to relieved to just sort of resigned. and then she drops him, exhales, steps back:
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and just... stands there gazing into the middle distance for a couple seconds. like—oscar being here was not a possibility she even considered until it happened and upon finding herself in this situation her reaction is basically, "...um."
and then she's like
well... :)
perhaps you and i can have a better working reLaTiOnShiP.
oscar, >:[
was it? :\
laying aside the dire understatement of referring to what happened between her and ozma as a bad "working relationship," you can like. hear. the crash box crashing in her head as she says this. her tone swings from sweet and gentle to sardonic to coldly indifferent—and then she follows this by swerving right back into cordial neutrality. hrgkhsj her affect just goes haywire
and i think that happens because this is just so far out of expected bounds that she can't figure out how to say what she needs to say to get herself back on track. her speech smooths out again as soon as she segues into her questions, because she knows what she planned to ask ozma and she can tailor that to oscar instead.
but getting there? dial-up noises.
the hysterical part though is that it's really obvious this awkward verbal jumble isn't indicative of internal confusion or uncertainty, in that salem knows what she's going to do—her chosen tactics are clear and entirely coherent. she:
calms herself down and backs off.
states her intention to play nice if he cooperates.
both implicitly and explicitly differentiates him from ozma to indicate she understands he's his own person and can and will set her rage and bitterness with ozma aside to treat oscar fairly.
which is precisely what i meant in the OP, about salem having the necessary grasp of human nature to be—in theory—a formidable manipulator but lacking the social dexterity and charisma required to put it into effective practice. like, tactically this line of attack is very shrewd, but her awkward, erratic delivery cuts the legs out from under it because she sounds utterly insincere.
⭐️ she tried.
continuing on—salem first explains the context regarding what she needs to know about "the beacon relic" (sidebar, does... salem even know what it is? this is the only one she refers to this way. the lamp, the staff, the sword, and "the beacon relic"), all in a fairly amicable tone except for:
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"if i know my ozma" <- she's implicitly positioning herself and oscar on the same 'side' against ozma. this follows from her deliberate rhetorical separation of oscar from ozma and also the basis of her strategy in coaxing this information out of oscar. the reason she's taking the time for this little prologue is not to help oscar understand why she captured him necessarily. she's (trying to) set out the rules of the game she is playing. trying to, because she's doing her showing-her-work-but-not-giving-the-answer thing again.
here's what she means:
"perhaps you and i can have a better working relationship. oscar, was it?" -> i can work with you because i know you're not him. "if i know my ozma, he has used some means of deception to hide [the relic's] location differently from the others." -> ozma lies. i despise him for lying to me. i expect you to prove to me that you're not like him in this specific way. "i need to know where it is." -> i want an honest answer.
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salem knows he isn't going to tell her where ozma hid the relic, if oscar even knows that information; she doesn't expect or even want him to tell her that yet, necessarily. rather, this is a test. she wants to see if oscar will try to deceive her.
"that's not something i know about." he passes.
immediately, salem rewards him for being honest. "of course." she removes her hand from the hound's shoulder and moves away.
"he would keep that one guarded as long as possible." she also takes the opportunity to reinforce that she sees oscar as a separate individual and insinuates that ozma is actively keeping secrets from both of them.
and again, this is a cunning approach because:
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oscar is scared and uncomfortable. he quite clearly anticipates that salem is going to get angry and hurt him as he says he doesn't know the answer. so when she accepts "i don't know" without hesitation and physically moves out of his personal space, it creates these feelings of surprise and relief.
that emotional reaction is the key to salem's strategy here. first she tells oscar that she will be reasonable if he cooperates, then she clarifies her expectations ("don't lie.") she asks a question knowing full well that he either can't or won't answer it. he says "i don't know" and braces for retaliation, but instead salem goes "okay" and turns down the heat. she's demonstrating through her actions that she's going to play fair.
"how about something easier, then? the password for the lamp."
she doesn't expect him to tell her this one either. not yet. it's another test that builds from the first. she's established that "i don't know" is a safe answer (as long as it's true). what salem's fishing for him to say now is "i'm not going to tell you that."
why? when she walked away, she left oscar hanging from the hound's jaws. salem lowered the heat—she didn't turn it all the way off. the point of all this is to teach oscar how to play her game, and the last rule he needs to know is that "i won't say" is also a safe answer. had he given her that answer, the hound would have set him down and withdrawn to lay down in the entryway.
only then would the game truly begin. the idea is to draw oscar into something like a real conversation and gradually get him comfortable saying things like "i don't know" and "i won't answer that question" by cultivating trust. once that rapport exists, it becomes really easy to turn the discussion around by asking oscar why? why not take the risk of trusting her with this or that information? after all, she's been nothing but polite and reasonable. does he truly still believe she's the evil monster ozma made her out to be? she gave him the benefit of the doubt... can't he do the same for her?
salem wins by convincing him she's a person he can negotiate with. that pulling this off would be the ultimate fuck-you to ozma only makes it more satisfying.
of course, that's not what actually happens. (partly because salem talked a circle about the "don't lie" rule and oscar—who hasn't spent the last four volumes seeing that his woman yells and flips tables when she's lied to—didn't pick up the hint.) instead, he tries to deceive her again and salem lashes out.
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<- the physical violence gets all the attention from the fandom, and i do understand why, it's nasty and protracted and made to be viscerally unpleasant to watch, but. it's only a placeholder, something salem does while she considers what she's going to do—and say—to hurt him in a way that will never heal.
salem gets that oscar isn't ozma, didn't ask to become him, and feels desperate to retain his own identity distinct and separate from for as long as possible. she knows how ozma's reincarnation works, what this curse does to his hosts. it's not hard to figure out that it is a horrifying, traumatizing ordeal for the souls he's "paired" with. this is why she makes such a particular point of differentiating between oscar and ozma.
"the lies come out of you so easily." ("if i know my ozma, he has used some means of deception...")
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why does she caress his face like this? to make him remember her like ozma does. "like-minded souls, indeed." you can pretend, boy, but so much of you is him that you remember even this.
the torture is just the preshow. this is the cruelest, most devastating thing she could possibly do to him, and salem knows it. she gave him a pass on pretending to be ozma, and he threw the second chance back in her face by lying to her again; she's furious and upset and she wants to HURT him.
this is how porous the boundaries between you and him have become. this is how close you are to being him. this is how little of you there is left to lose. like-minded souls, indeed.
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she does this to fuck with his head and it horrifies him so much that oscar spends the remainder of this arc actively choosing to endure being hazel's literal punching bag rather than let ozma take over or try to escape using ozma's magic. in 8.6:
OZMA: I’d like to express again that this is my burden to bear, not yours. His grudge is with me. OSCAR: No, it’ll be even worse. He’s holding back with me, I can tell. OZMA: I understand. I do. But you’ve done so much already. The least I can do is give you a break and try to get us out of here. OSCAR: We can’t leave yet.
they go back and forth, oscar proposes trying to flip hazel, ozma agrees it's worth a try. when hazel comes in, ozpin goes "oscar, please"—and because oscar doesn't respond, it's ambiguous whether he gives ozma control or if ozma shunts him aside again as he did at haven academy.
either way, the next we see of oscar after the interrogation scene is ozma entreating oscar to let him take over and oscar going no no no, that'll make it worse, no i don't need a break, i've got a plan, no no we have to stay here. and while his reasoning is cogent... this is a fifteen year old boy who's spent the whole day getting beaten up by a guy three times his size, and he actively wants to stay and be tortured more rather than let ozma front for a while.
and then in 8.9:
OZMA: I think this plan to divide may have run its course. It’s time we start thinking about a way out; not having our cane certainly limits our options, so… OSCAR: No! I don’t like what happens when we use magic. Every time we use it, I can feel us merging faster. I'm not ready for that.
the deeper truth gets spoken aloud.
this is not a new thing with oscar—his emotional core has always been existential dread—but framing it in this way, set against hours and hours of brutal torture that oscar insists is the less bad option, represents a massive spike in the intensity of his horror.
because salem Did That.
anyway the interrogation scene is great. 10/10.
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clubdionysus · 2 months
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warnings: alcohol, partying, kissing strangers
wc: 2.4k
bd total wc: 540k (on-going)
minors dni | AO3 | series masterlist 
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Jeon Jeongguk looks devastatingly pretty with cherry-red lips. Smudged and a little faded, they leave the faintest mark on the end of his cigarette—a bad habit, he knows, but one that he picked up as an excuse to flirt with a girl whose lips are far more crimson than his.
Of course they are, though. How else would she stain him in evidence of her existence if they weren't?
Even when he's tarnished in her, there's no evidence of him on her. Nothing to tell new acquaintances to stay away—and Hayun loves making new friends.
A bottle of Jack rests by his feet. Neat. A little lukewarm. Ass perched on the curb outside a house just off campus, he's in no mood to get himself embroiled in the debauchery he knows his friends are partaking in. Just wants to clear his head.
Foolishly hopes she'll do the same. That she'll notice his absence. That her heart will ache like his currently is.
In their final year of studies, his friends are all letting loose for the final time before they have to cram for finals. It's a night of celebration. Of last-chances. Of opportunities that won't present themselves again for a good few lunar orbits.
And so while he may not have the same restrictions, having started his studies a little later than scheduled, he's been making the most of it with them.
Quiet kisses hidden from his friends are fun. He likes them. Loves them, even.
But to then watch her very publicly let a guy make moves on her? To make moves back?
Feels fuckin' awful.
"Oh, you know what?" A voice echoes from the porch of the house behind him. "You can take her violin and shove it up your ass, you ostentatious, pseudo-intellectual prick."
It's a little twisted, but it brings Jeongguk comfort to know he isn't the only one with a shitty excuse for a love life. Knows he shouldn't listen in—but fuck it.
"Where does she keep her violin, huh? In your trousers? 'Cause that's the only way that what I just saw and what you're saying could even possibly correlate," the girl continues, unrelenting in the way she dictates her speech. Barely lets her partner get a word in edge-ways. "No? She not a tiny violin specialist? The rooms aren't that dark, dickhead."
He thinks the tirade is over, but finds himself laughing when he hears, "And not to brag, but my last eye exam went exceptionally well, so don't you dare try and tell me I was seeing shit. Twenty-twenty vision, baby."
It's easy to tell whoever is speaking is deliberating adding a little dramatic flare to their words. Is definitely drunk. Is also definitely not afraid of standing her ground.
Glancing over his shoulder as he stubs out his cigarette, he's surprised to see the girl—you—on the phone instead of confronting someone in person.
In a pretty little party dress, you're just the right combination of hot mess. Even from a fair distance away, he can notice the glitter all over your skin. Not really his type—so different from Hayun—but there's something about you. Something that intrigues him. Makes it hard to look away.
"She could be fuckin' Vivaldi for all I care!" You seethe into your phone. "Does it sound like I give a shit if she's the best in her class? You want me to give her a gold medal or something? Don't piss me off. Prick."
Jeongguk would argue that you're already pissed off. With a tone of voice like that, you must be.
There's a final curse, and then your phone is almost thrown across the front lawn. Almost. You know better. Know that you can't afford to replace the screen if you shatter it. Instead, you have to grit your teeth and scream.
It's only once you finish your venting of frustration that you notice a pair of starry eyes on you.
Raising your brows, you shake your head in his direction. "Can I help?"
And then he fucking laughs. Shrugs. Is pleased to see it makes you smile, too.
"Really hate violin, don't you?"
Shaking your head, far kinder this time, you sigh. "Don't have much of an opinion on them. Not unless it's the strings in the intro of Untouched by The Veronicas. In that case, the violin is the greatest instrument known to man."
"Untouched? The Veronicas?" he laughs, suddenly reminded of a song he hasn't heard in years. "Didn't realise it was still 2005."
"Hey, don't be judgy," you say as you walk towards him, perching down on the curbside, too. "It's a classic."
"Never said it wasn't," he defends, reaching down for his bottle of Jack and offering it over to you. "Boyfriend trouble?"
Shaking your head, you decide that unloading your problems onto a stranger is exactly what this night calls for.
"Girl I've been seeing. Wasn't that serious." Nodding towards the bottle you add, "You first."
"Seemed pretty serious," he mumbles, before swigging down his whiskey. Jack is shit, in his opinion, but it's cheap and it gets the job done. Clearing his throat with a small 'ah', he holds it back over for you to take. "Satisfied?"
You don't vocalise a response—but you do take the bottle from him and ignore the burn as it races down your throat. Of everything you'd choose to drink, Jack Daniels would not be it. You like fruity things. Had been on vodka cranberry juice all night.
"Wasn't serious," you double down, then shrug. "Can't let people think they can get away with bad behaviour, though. Let them do it once, and they'll do it again and again."
It's something you're adamant about. Something you'll do well to remember.
"Anyway, you know why I'm out here like a miserable bitch," you continue as you pass the bottle back. "What brings you here?"
"Something similar."
It's only now that you really take him in for all that he is.
Same age as you, you think, judging by his build. Though his shoulders are broad, he hasn't properly filled out yet—he's trying, though. You can see the definition in his arms. His shoulders. Clearly is trying to shape himself into a man. No longer a teenager, but not really an adult. With eyes like that, though, he'll always look a little younger than he is. His dark hair waves around his features, so casually undone you know he must have put a lot of effort into it. It's sweet.
He tries, and that's more than can be said for most of the boys at the party.
"It doesn't suit you," you tell him.
"The red lipstick," you nod towards the sheen on his lips. There's a little on his neck, too. His T-shirt is black, but you imagine there's some there, as well. "You'd look better without it."
"It's not mine."
"Guessed as much," you softly smile. "So what, then? Your girlie pissed all over her territory? So no one else would approach you? Then decided she wanted to play elsewhere?"
"Something like that."
Jeongguk just shrugs. Tells the truth, even if it feels like a lie. "Just friends."
"You kiss all your friends?"
"Just one."
"Ouch," you wince. Friends-with-benefits situations are dumb, you think. Wouldn't ever wanna end up in one. Know they end in unbearable heartbreak. "That's rough."
He nods. Knows how it'll end, too, even if he's been trying to tell himself otherwise.
"Well, we're friends, now," you declare, definitely too drunk to be making good decisions. "You and me. Have bonded over terrible people doing terrible things."
He wants to tell you that Hayun isn't terrible.
Instead, he raises a brow at your fledgling—and fleeting—friendship.
"If she's off making new friends, then maybe you should consider kissing your other friends," you playfully shrug, knowing better than to get involved in a situation like this. "Y'know... make it even."
And Jeongguk is well aware he shouldn't indulge in your flirt, but he's hurting. Wants to feel wanted—and the way you're looking at him? He can't remember the last time Hayun looked at him like that.
The way you see it, you'll never see this man again. You could both do with a little pick-me-up. Confirmation that life goes on, even if the people you date are awful.
A kiss is just a kiss.
Or at least, for now, it is. One day, you'll develop a complex. Blame Seokjin.
But you're yet to meet him. Yet to unlearn all your rules and make far feebler, more pathetic ones in their place.
"Y'know, you're kinda cute," you whisper, edging closer ever so slightly.
"Kinda?" He tweaks a brow, eyes not on yours, but on your lips. There's a little glitter in your gloss. Think maybe it'll suit him better.
"Mhmm," you hum, reaching up to lightly trace your thumb across his bottom lip, ridding him of a little bit of his very own red flag. "Kinda. Never kissed a guy with a lip piercing."
Just a stud, he's only had it a little while. Was trying to make himself look a little older. Sharper. Light from the house catches in it as your thumb pulls back - but Jeongguk pulls closer. Nudges his nose against yours. Holds it there for a second.
"Maybe I should take one for the team," he husks, lips brushing yours. "Just so you know what it's like."
Nodding, you let your nose stroke against his. "You'd be such a good friend if you did."
Lips parted, the end of your sentence grants him permission to sink his lips between yours. Slow as he does so, Jeongguk's scared of fucking it up.
Hasn't kissed anyone that isn't Hayun for months, now. Isn't even sure he knows how to.
And yet as soon as you press down into the kiss, his mind is void of her. Totally blank. Pitch black, until the faintest of stars begin to appear. Sparkle. Shine.
There's a sweetness to you, even despite the whiskey. Maybe it's the cranberry juice. Maybe it's your lip gloss. Jeongguk doesn't have the mental capacity to decipher it, for he can feel your tongue stroking across his bottom lip—and then he's granting permission. Inviting you into his mouth. Stroking his tongue against yours, as if he's in the privacy of the party bathroom—not out front for everyone to see.
Shamelessly, he almost wants Hayun to see—but as quickly as a thought of her intrudes, it's replaced by the way you feel. It makes him pull you closer. Gets him whining into your mouth. Makes you smile.
It's confirmation that there's nothing wrong with you; that the girl you were seeing really was just a dickhead.
Pressing your hand to his chest, you slowly push him away. Are reluctant to finish kissing him. In fact, even as you push him back, your body follows, until you force yourself to pull back.
"There," you smile, a little infatuated with how sparkly his eyes appear. "Now you're even."
"We can make it odd, again, if you want," Jeongguk offers, far bolder than even he realises. Just doesn't wanna stop kissing you. Maybe it's just the whiskey. Yeah. He'll blame it on that.
"That's a bad decision waiting to happen," you laugh, getting to your feet, because you don't trust yourself to stay. "My purpose is served. Friends don't fuck you over. Stop wasting your kisses on people who are gonna fuck you over."
Your message is clear: she's not your friend.
It's a lesson he'll learn far too late in life.
"But you're ditching me?" He says as you begin to walk away. "That's not friendly!"
For a girl who should really be wallowing in self-pity, you're surprisingly chirpy. Jeongguk envies it. Wishes he could stop caring in the way that he does —he just doesn't realise your situationship really was as simple as they're supposed to be. The feelings were yet to fully develop.
If love is a choice—which you think, to a degree, it is—then before it can develop, choices have to be made. Your partner is supposed to choose you. The girl you'd been seeing has just demonstrated that she wouldn't choose you, and so why should you choose her?
Life is simpler before Seokjin; before you really know what it is to love.
Or, to love, and to not be chosen.
To choose, even when you're never chosen.
Sort of like how Jeongguk is, now.
"I'm doing you a favour!" You call back, tipsy smile just as radiant as you seem to be. You're jovial in your tone, and the attitude rubs off on him. Gets him smiling, too. "Saving you from yourself. If I kiss you again, you'll fall in love, baby. They always do!"
The way you jet off is spritely. Happy. Abundantly clear that you're yet to know what heartbreak really feels like.
The girl getting a little too friendly with the star violinist will be long forgotten by the time you meet Jeongguk once again, and so will he. In fact, the scar left by Seokjin manages to mangle just about all of your romantic memories prior to him.
You'll become folklore; a girl Jeongguk doesn't know the name of, but who Hayun is pretty sure is legally named 'Desperate Skank'. Someone they argue about on a few too many occasions. A memory he barely remembers, but in the heat of their drunken fight later that evening became a permanent sticking spot in their situationship.
'Cause while Hayun was off making friends, that's all she was doing. Getting numbers. Getting a little touchy-feely. Getting her ego stroked. Getting zero kisses, because she had been reserving them for him.
Why she was only making friends with six-foot-something muscle pigs with more protein powder in their system than common sense is another thing they'll argue about—but he's the one in the wrong this time, or so she makes sure to tell him.
He'll think of you sometimes. The memory will be hazy. Blurry, like driving down a midnight highway with astigmatism.
He'll think of you, and he'll see stars.
And when he sees you again in the dark of Dionysus a few years later, with no recollection of who you are, his brain will scream at him. Beg him to remember.
He won't.
But he will, inevitably, see stars once more. 
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fahbee · 1 month
No Nightingales
We, the audience, know what that means. But how do Crowley and Aziraphale know?
Crowley makes it a point to deliver this line in the most 'pay attention, this is important' way possible. "Listen. Do you hear that?" Dramatic pause. And after Aziraphale says he doesn't hear anything, Crowley continues, "That's the point. No Nightingales." Followed by, “You idiot. We could have been… us.”
Let’s talk about it.
This is the first time in the show that nightingales are explicitly, openly referred to between Aziraphale and Crowley. Prior to this moment we had God's narration and the song playing on the piano during their romantic celebratory lunch at the Ritz. But no one in-universe has mentioned the song, or alluded to its importance or its meaning to Aziraphale and Crowley.
But during this painful 'breakup' scene, not only does Crowley refer to nightingales, but he does so in a way that is makes it clear that "nightingales" is actually a code between them meaning “us”.
After Crowley says “no nightingales” Aziraphale looks hurt, almost offended. Then Crowley says "we could have been... us" (past tense) and Aziraphale's heart breaks. He quickly looks away because he knows he isn't capable of hiding this pain. We briefly see this about-to-cry expression when Crowley grabs him for the kiss. In other words, Crowley saying "no nightingales" is understood by both of them to mean "our romance, our 'us', has ended before it even truly began."
Think about what this must mean for the rest of their 1941 interaction that we have yet to see. "A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square" was published in 1940. I think it’s clear that the first time they heard that song together, they had a breakthrough in their relationship. It might have been a baby step - but it was a significant one. Something happened between them to make "nightingales" code for "us" and it makes perfect sense for that breakthrough to have happened during their romantic 1941 encounter.
But I don't think it was anything as dramatic or earth-shattering as a kiss or a confession. I think it's clear that the bookshop kiss at the end of s2 was their first kiss, and Crowley's "we've spent our existence pretending that we aren't" speech is the first time either one of them as put their feelings for each other in such plain language. Nina's "have you been together long" talk with Crowley, and his subsequent shell-shocked reaction to it, points to Crowley not even really being fully aware that what Aziraphale and Crowley feel for each other looks like romantic love to outsiders because it actually is romantic love.
So what the hell happened in 1941? I am confident that we're going to find out in s3. My guess is that they continued drinking into the night, at some point one of them turned on the radio, and then the song came on. My hope is that Crowley asks Aziraphale to dance, which Aziraphale promptly and nervously turns down (call back to the s2 line "You don't dance.") but this leads them into a discussion about their importance to one another, even if they can't actually demonstrate it explicitly - no dancing, no touching, etc. Then finally, at the end, one of them plainly ties "nightingales" to their relationship in the most achingly romantic way possible. "You'll always have me, until the world ends, until the nightingale stops singing." I'm no writer, but you see what I mean.
I also think "no nightingales" means that when Aziraphale and Crowley finally do reunite and explicitly become an "us" (complete with do-over kiss) we'll get a line of dialogue referencing the nightingale once again.
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stardewlily · 1 month
A Good Day
A Stardew Valley fan fiction about Sam getting to know the new farmer in town. (A non-Sebastian story, my god! Reasons below! ;)
Notes: I don't often write about other people's farmers as I'm always worried about mischaracterizing them (obviously, I can never know someone else's OC as well as my own), but I've been trying to write more lately, and after reading @krobusfan's request for a fic about a little scene they'd thought up between their farmer and Sam, I thought I'd step out of my Sebby-based comfort zone and give it a go!
Synopsis: Sam desperately wants to strike up a conversation with the new farmer but this wasn't exactly what he'd had in mind!
Cast: Original Character, Sam
Contents: Fluff & General Cuteness
Warnings: Minor injuries
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Sam groaned as his heel slipped off the tail of his skateboard and his fifth attempt in a row at performing a kickflip failed.
"Dammit, I am having such a bad day today," he muttered. "Abby'll never let me hear the end of it if I don't get this right, I've been bragging all week that I finally managed it as well!"
He frowned and redoubled his concentration only to have it immediately shattered when the new farmer, Casey, whizzed into view, waving cheerily at him as they had done every day for the past few weeks.
Sam tried hard… really hard… not to gape, but it was pretty much impossible. He'd been totally smitten from the first time he'd seen them on their roller skates and had been looking for a reason to strike up a conversation ever since.
"Hey Sam!" they grinned at him, all messy ponytail and cute, flushed cheeks as they passed by. He gulped and wondered why he found it so hard to talk to them. Usually it was Seb who was the awkward one, this was an entirely new phenomenon for the usually boisterous Sam, and he felt a whole new measure of sympathy for his reserved friend at the sudden shyness he felt.
He was just thinking this when Casey's skate caught on a crack in the pavement and the subject of his agonised musings fell forwards with a little shriek and a look of abject surprise on their face.
"Casey!" his face creased in horror, his heart collided with the front of his chest. "Are you alright?"
Before he even knew what he was doing he was scooting towards them as fast he could, the look of pain on their face and the blood on their knee filling him with panic. He was shocked at how much he cared, at how desperately he wanted to pick them up, to reassure them, and then… oh Yoba, then… he completely lost control of his board, just as he was losing control of his thoughts, and he watched, despairing, as it flew from under his feet, time slowed to a momentary crawl, and then it hit his precious Casey directly in the head and everything sprang back into life again.
"Owww!" Just about to get up, Casey lifted their hand to their head, the earlier surprise on their face back with reinforcements, and Sam's heart dropped lower than his shoes. What the hell had he just done? The one person in the entire town he wanted to make a good impression on and he'd just given them concussion!
"Oh shit, oh shit! I'm so sorry, are you hurt? Here, let me see!" He dropped to his knees by their side, caught their hand in his, moving it away from their head, filled with dread at what he might see, overcome with relief when he saw that there was no blood. "Thank Yoba! You're not cut or anything!"
It was only then that he realised he was gazing straight into their eyes.
And they were gazing back.
His heart decided it was time to perform the 100 metres sprint. His face flushed beetroot red. He wanted to speak. Opened his mouth. Nothing came out.
"It's okay," Casey's voice was soft and warm, just like their eyes. He realised he was still holding their hand. "I'm fine," they laughed, "but I think I might have a bit of a headache later on!"
Sam's speech centre stuttered into life. "Ah… I should take you to Harvey's…" he looked at the hand he was holding, wondered if he should let it go. Casey didn't seem to be showing any signs of wanting him to. "Um… just to be safe and all."
Another laugh. So sweet. He looked back at them. He was kind of getting used to the sensation of their fingers wrapped around his.
"Yes, you probably should." They tilted their head, a little twinkle in their eyes. "Y'know, I've been wanting to start a conversation with you for ages. I never imagined this is how it would happen though!"
And now Sam did gape. They'd wanted to talk to him too? He dropped his head and laughed helplessly.
"What is it?" Casey smiled at his mirth.
He had a feeling he could get used to that smile.
"Ah, nothing," he grinned and pulled them to their feet.
Today might be a good day, after all…
~The End~
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