#if you heard me say i wouldn't gif them these just appeared on my computer i promise-
mattstrahm · 2 years
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Bally Sports West @ BallySportWest
What a day for Jackson!! #FlyTogether | @ AnaheimDucks
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ipostwhatiwant1202 · 18 days
Donnie Imagine: His Feelings
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It was an accident how you discovered Donnie. You were online chatting with one of your long distance friends when your computer starting acting weird. It was glitching and random codes were popping up all over the screen. You kept trying to get them off and they wouldn't go away.
Ha! Found you!
Found who?
Where's the video?
What video? Who is this?
Oh..Oh I'm sorry! Wrong person!
I'm so confused.
Not important. Sorry about this, Y/N.
Wait! Wait. How do you know my name?
I can gather a lot from hacking into your computer
Then I want to know your name.
Donatello. Again, I'm very sorry. Gotta go!
Technically you didn't find him, he found you on accident. You found it weird that a hacker would apologize profusely and then give you their name. You also felt uneasy that whoever this was found you so easily. Even if it was a weird accident, you still found it weird.
A few days after your encounter with the mysterious hacker, a bouquet of flowers was delivered to your door. They were beautiful and were a colorful variety of flowers. You were confused over why someone would send you flowers. You set them on your counter and took the card off the pick in the middle.
I just wanted to say sorry again. Hope you can forgive me. -Donatello
You raised an eyebrow. As strange and stalkerish as you had found it, you also found it a tad bit sweet. Whoever this Donatello was seemed to genuinely mean the apology. You figured this person got your address from hacking into your laptop. You decided maybe it would be best if you moved.
You didn't think there was any malicious intent behind the flowers but you couldn't be too careful. You began over the next few weeks looking for apartments around the city. You were coming up short and began to fizzle out your search. You hadn't received anymore gifts or weird messages so you believed that Donatello hacking you was just an accident.
It was a Thursday night, you had just gotten home from a late shift at (your job). You had just taken a shower and was ready to go to bed. Then you heard loud yelling and objects shattering in the apartment above you. It scared you.
You walked out to your living room area and noticed your apartment was shaking slightly. Suddenly everything went quiet. You were worried that maybe your apartment was next because there had been a lot of break ins in the area.
"Are you okay?"
You jumped and turned around and threw a punch, but your hand hit something really hard. You yelped and grabbed your hand, tucking it towards your chest. Your eyes trailed up and saw a well over 6ft turtle in your living room.
"What the hell..." You mumbled, your eyes trailing all over the creature's face and random gear hanging on his body.
"Don't freak out! It's okay. I'm not gonna hurt you." The turtle told you.
"I don't..I don't understand." You whispered, trying to ignore how your hand was throbbing.
"You don't have to but I think your hand might be broken." The turtle replied, holding his own hand out. "Mind if I take a look?"
"You...You what?" You asked, looking down at his hand. "What are you?"
"Technically I'm a turtle and a ninja...and stuff." He replied, awkwardly looking around.
"How did you get in?" You asked.
"I don't wanna tell you how to live but um, you should lock your bedroom window." He replied, scratching the back of his head.
"Oh..right." You mumbled.
"May I look at your hand? As a way to you know, apologize." He asked, an awkward smile on his lips.
You didn't feel much fear with him, in fact he appeared to be harmless, besides the weird tech gear on him. You didn't feel scared or on edge or like you needed to run away.
"Sure.." You mumbled, holding your hand out.
The turtle gently touched your hand with his, you winced. He put the goggles on his head down over his eyes and clicked his tongue.
"You have a few hairline fractures in your hand. Do you have a first aid kit?" He stated, lifting the goggles back on to his head.
"Yeah...in the bathroom." You said, studying his face.
"Have a seat, be right back." He said, turning around and walking off. He came back a second later with your first aid kit. He knelt down in front of you where you sat on the couch. "I'll try and be gentle."
"Thanks..." You whispered as he gently took your hand in his. "Can I um, can I ask for your name?"
"It's Donatello." He hesitantly replied, slowly wrapping your hand.
"You!" You exclaimed. "You're the guy who hacked my computer!"
"So you're Y/N...and that was an accident." He stated. "Please hold still."
"How did...why did..I'm so confused." You said, your eyebrows furrowing.
"All done." Donatello said, letting go of your hand. "If you um, you know, really want to know, I can, um, well..."
"You can what?"
"Give you my contact information."
"Hm..well, you don't seem like a serial killer so, I guess that'd be okay."
End of flashback
Donnie sat at the shell razor as he fixed the latest damage from the last mission. The vehicle had rolled several times resulting in some holes and large dents. He needed something to clear his mind because over the last few weeks, you were all he could think about.
He knew he felt differently about you than anyone else. The way you smiled and laughed made him happy in a way he couldn't explain. He had watched numerous movies and read several articles to try and figure out what it was he was feeling. There had to be some kind of reason.
About a week ago, he decided to bring it up to his big brother, Leo. He had to talk about it with someone. April was way too busy with her job and Casey, Raph would've listened but his advice isn't always the best, Mikey gave good advice but Donnie didn't think he'd be appropriate, and he didn't think his dad would be appropriate. Leo meditated a lot and always remained unbiased.
Donnie explained his feelings to Leo and he was surprised by his brother's reaction. Leo had always warned his little brothers to be careful with humans now that they're more involved in their world. Donnie explained that he, for the first time, didn't understand what was going on with him. Leo chuckled and patted his little brother's shoulder when he was done.
"You, my friend, are in love."
The word love had been ringing in his head for days. Sure he loved his brothers and April and Casey, but he didn't feel that way about you. He felt seen, heard, accepted by you in a different way than his family. He felt safe with you but not in the same way he felt with his family.
"Donnie! There you are. I've been looking everywhere for you!" You exclaimed, popping up behind him.
"Oh! Hi." He greeted you, looking down at you over his shoulder. "Good thing you're here. I could use a hand."
"Sure thing! But, I wanted to talk to you first." You said, leaning against the shell razor.
"Of course. What's up?" He asked, wiping his hands on a rag.
"Not that I mind or anything, but is there a reason why Leo showed up at my apartment last night without the rest of you?" You asked.
Donnie slowly peered at you. "Did he?"
You hummed. "And we had quite the conversation."
"Nothing too crazy. He wanted some tea and some quiet." You stated, moving some hair out of your face. "Then after a few minutes of silence, he said something that kind of took me by surprise."
"You know how straightforward he is." Donnie replied, trying to cover his nerves.
"Yeah but...I didn't expect him to tell me you had a thing for me." You slowly admitted.
"Oh..." He mumbled.
"Is it true?" You asked.
Donnie looked down at the ground. He wasn't the best at feelings or great at expressing them. He wasn't the one his brothers turned to for comfort or advice because he wasn't the best socially. He was always confused with emotions when him and his brothers started developing them like human kids. He was the least emotional out of his brothers, he felt them privately, and didn't like to express them outright.
When Donnie started to get to know you, his entire world flipped upside down. You made him laugh like he had never laughed before and made him smile more than he ever had. You made him realize that emotions are a part of life and that he didn't have to conceal them. You were teaching him how to be more human without realizing it.
He never wished to be anymore but who he was and you never tried changing him. You allowed him to be himself and to embrace the parts of him he kept hidden from the rest. Sure he could be that way with his family, but with you it was a whole new world. You saw him for him.
"Well...yeah?" He hesitantly admitted.
"You're an idiot." You told him, smiling at him.
"What?" He asked, his head darting up.
You chuckled before moving to get in front of him. You two were nearly eye level, he was sitting and still he was almost at your eye level.
"I said you're an idiot." You repeated, your smile still on your face. "Donnie, I've been dropping hints for weeks that I like you."
"I don't-I don't understand." He replied, his voice slightly shaking.
"Why do you think I listen to you ramble and invite you to my place to work on your projects? Or bring you your favorite snacks and stay up with you until ungodly hours of the morning to keep you company?" You asked, putting your hands on his shoulders.
Donnie's breath hitched at the feeling of your hands on his shoulders. "I didn't..I didn't think anything of it. I just um, I just thought you were being nice."
"Do you notice me doing that to any of your brothers?" You asked.
"No..." He whispered.
"Donnie," you leaned in closer, "I've liked you for a really long time and if what Leo said isn't true-"
"-It is." He admitted. "I feel a lot of things for you that I've never felt for anyone else."
"What're you gonna do about it?" You whispered.
"Can I um, you know.."
"I'd be mad if you didn't."
Donnie swallowed thickly before reaching up and wrapping his hands on your waist. He leaned up slightly and you leaned down, he closed the gap between your lips. His head started spinning, he couldn't believe he was kissing you.
"My son, you are now a man." Splinter's voice rang out. "My son has grown up."
You and Donnie pulled away, your face red, Donnie refusing to look at Splinter.
"Dad!" Donnie whined.
Splinter chuckled and nodded at you. "I trust you with him, and he with you."
"Thank you." You replied, an awkward smile on your lips.
"Carry on, children." Splinter replied, a mischevious look in his eye as he walked away.
You and Donnie looked at each other and started laughing. While it wasn't a perfect way to tell you he liked you, Donnie had to admit even he was overjoyed.
"So, are we a thing?" He asked you.
"Do you want us to be?"
"Well..since I am a scientist, I have to run a few more tests." He stated, a sly smile on his lips.
"I think that can be arranged." You mumbled, a small smile on your lips as you leaned in once more.
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Squip x Reader || Drabble
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Plot: You boldly admit that you wanna be with your Squip, and 'he' struggles to face his own... 'feelings'.
Warnings: The Squip is RUDE.
"-I dont want any guy at my school, I want you!" The words fly out of your mouth before you can have any say in the matter, buy you don't back down; maintaining a serious look on your face directed at the SQUIP.
All day he's been pestering you about going on a date, or hooking up - it's college culture, after all. And people enjoy it! - and you had reached your boiling point. Every guy that he suggested was disgusting, you didn't like any of then. You knew you wouldn't. You've never been interested in guys your own age,.. or who are nice,.. or your own species-
If you could even call the SQUIP a species, anyway. He was a computer. A very, very smart one who seemed... at times... to have feelings. Mostly irritation and pride but feelings all the same. That gave you hope.
You recognise how dumb your having hope was but, well, you couldn't help it.
You also don't get how Squip didn't see it in you, he has access to everything - your every thought, - but he never let on that he had any idea of your feelings toward him. Maybe he was trying to ignore it? That would sure make sense.
"... excuse me?" The Squip's voice is deadpanned while his face looks unamused, and dubious, and about a million other things you never want to see the guy you like look at you with when you tell them, and it makes you roll your eyes.
"You heard me." You don't have to repeat yourself to him! The asshole.
"You're being irrational." He sighs eyes rolling upwards into his skull. Then he rolls his shoulders, shakes his head in disappointment, and regains his composure; twisting his cufflinks that are always perfectly anyway considering he's a computerised image. "Honestly, if your period wasn't coming up in two days then I'd say you were crazy."
Jaw dropping, you suddenly wish you could touch him without his authorisation (he needs to access your nervous system to make it feel as if you're touching)- so you can hit him. "Low blow- and you know it." He's a computer- other dudes may actually think that periods impare women's thinking but the Squip knows that's just something you say to hurt someone. And you're not going to demean yourself explaining your bodily functions to him.
"No, menstruation doesn't impare your thinking," He admits, nodding matter-o-factly as he agrees with your thoughts, but not-at-all looking sincere. "But it does make you hormonal. You're just horny- it'll pass. I recognise that you've been having these thoughts for most of our time working together now but its your hormones causing you to voice them; trust me. Maybe I should switch to a less pleasing appearance?"
"Wh- no- "
"Hm, you know how I could help you relieve that horniness?"
Oh no. You know exactly where this is going. And it's not 'I can quickly fuck you'. No- "Don't you dare."
"Helping you hook up with Zack, yes."
"Squip!" You exclaim, frustration laced in everything about you; your tone, your eyes, your mouth and jaw, your hands- "It's not happening." You sat sternly. "I don't care if you don't want me back, you great asshole chip, but I'm not going to hook up with a frat boy like - "
"Reed then?"
"- Or a self righteous nerd like Reed. I'm not. I got you so you could help me be more comfortable in my own body, not have sex with random guys. And you know that! I don't know why you're constantly trying to get me in a guy's bed! Its- I- It defies reason!"
The Squip's form flickers, a snatch of his voice attempting to say 'reason' slipping out fuzzy as he seems to glitch at those last words. It only lasts for a few a moment, but it surprises you. Your face softens, and you reach towards him, not to touch him because you know you can't but just... because you have to- and- he actually looks at it as he returns seamlessly to his put-together air and appearance.
Theirs a curious look on his face as he grimaces at your hand. His eyes seem to be holding something back, but he's thinking about it.
"... your care for me defies reason. I'm a computer."
"I know." You shrug, gentle. All the frustration from before gone from your shoulders and everywhere else.
"Not a man." He reiterates, and you shrug.
"Well- you're a man a little. A computer wouldn't get so worked up."
"I'm an extremely superior computer."
"You are." You agree softly. "Alexa's got nothing on you. But you're also a man a little. Feelings cant be programmed." You insist, not pushing him but just stating a fact. Wanting him to believe it.
"I believe it." He growls, an annoyance in his voice thicker then humanly possible as he actually admits it. "Trust me, I... Its been a thought on my mind for a while, now." You open your mouth to ask him what he means by that, but he waives you off (rudely) and goes on. "You're right in saying feelings can't be programmed. Reactions can, but,.. not feelings. And the feelings you've been inciting in me, have not been programmable. I even tried to program them out, but- mm." Eyes growing slightly wider at him, you watch his jaw set and pop; frustration absolutely clear. "The only thing I can think is that its your fault. And, maybe, if I made you a little less available- a little less open to me- whatever virus is in me would lose interest. But... you're so fucking stubborn." Theirs actual anger in his eyes when he looks at you then, almost rage. Wow.
Your lips make an 'oh' shape. "Thats why you tried to get me to hook up with- "
"All those idiots, yes. But you just had to act like an obstinate little bitch and refuse every suggestion I made."
"Yeah, well, we know why that is- and don't call me that."
"Bitch." He growls, causing you to sigh in frustration (asshole, asshole, asshole- ), before he rolls his shoulders back and straightens up properly again. "... but you're right. You are. I know exactly why, and now you know my feelings- This interaction's been unprofessional as hell. It's gone too far. If I'm going to continue to assist you, help that you absolutely require," Gee thanks. "then I'm going to have to do a complete system reboot."
"You- " ??? "This is the most dramatic responce in history to being in love."
"I'm NOT in lo- " He cuts himself off before the word can come out, even if he was a full-man he would hate the word. Theirs nothing cool about being in love. To him it would be pathetic. "Thats it. In 5 minutes when I return post-reboot, this will be over and you will stifle your feelings about me- got it? That's how it should be. Now... " His appearance begins to flicker again, more frequently this time until he flickers completely out of existence like a TV switching off.
... you're about to panic, when the Squip touches back down onto the ground in front of you. He looks exactly the same as before except better posture, and when he looks down at you there with your wide eyes and your concerned frown, he immediately scowls.
"Didn't work??" You light up. Quickly a mischievous smirk slips across your face, though, realising you're right when that pretty face scowls deeper. That means... oh, this computer must really have it bad for you. Ha. "I see... "
His eyes flash, actually flash - a blue light turning on inside them for a moment and making him looking almost demonic, - , and you suddenly appears directly in front of you, an unnaturally strong hand slamming you by the shoulder into the wall behind you. "You don't see... anything. This is a virus. I dont have feelings, for you."
Looking straight back at him in defiance, you nod. "It is a virus. I think everyone in the history of the world can agree on that."
He falters, so annoyed he almost can't decide what to say to you. "That doesn't even make sense, Y/N. Most people in the history of the world didn't even know what a virus was. It was first used 1898- " When you reach up and curl your fingers gently around the back of his neck he falters again, breathing in slowly and deeply- so sexy. "You're... what are you doing?"
... "Whatever you want me to." Its up to him. If he wants you to let him go, you will. If he wants you to keep going, you will. It's all up to him. You remember the first time you and the Squip kissed; he was just teaching you how (said it was completely okay because he was just in your head), but that was the start of your feelings. That was the start of this mess. You wonder if he was struggling before that and thats why he suggested it in the first place all those weeks ago.
When warm, firm lips slam into yours, forcing your lips to part and allow a forceful but exceptionally skilled tongue to take what it wants you're shocked and let out a squeak. The Squip's hand takes your throat now instead of your shoulder, squeezing shortly to tell you no, don't squeak. Not like you didn't ask for this, he thinks directly into your brain. Now what did I teach you then? If you remember so well? Don't sit there like a dumb statue. Kiss me back.
... when you do, tilting your head and giving a slow moan when your tongues touch, the Squip let's out a growl right into your mouth that feels so real, and drags you in tighter against him by the hips. You know it's just him activating your nervous system, and he's not really there, but you're miraculously okay with that. When something feels this good you don't question it.
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hello! I saw that you were doing matchmaking and I would like to request one from hazbin hotel, it would be very helpful for you to give me an idea so I can Draw (Creative Block D':) 𖦹 Name: Pia.
𖦹Sexuality: Bisexual.
𖦹Gender: Fluid gender.
𖦹Personality: INFJ, I consider myself empathetic, kind, calm and very sensitive. If someone comments on a game that I like, I will talk non-stop and tell the stories, data and theories.
𖦹 Appearance: (to be honest I wouldn't like to write it but I can tell you what my oc looks like) Her appearance is that of a moth with black and red tones, wings with 3 eyes on each side.
𖦹 Likes: animals and insects, especially foxes, rabbits, crows and moths, I really love video games, especially those about history or making decisions, reading horror books, cryptozoology, unsolved cases, the paranormal, I love nature a lot, I like comics, listening to metal and calm music, coffee.
𖦹I don't like: spiders, annoying noises, people who speak badly behind people's backs
𖦹 hobbies: Drawing would be my biggest hobby, I always draw anywhere, play video games and read.
𖦹Characters: I'm fine with any character except Valentino, Rosie, Nifty and Lute
𖦹Sorry if you don't understand, it's not my language.
~~~~~ MATCH UP ~~~~~
I love your original character! After choosing your match, I went to your blog and was very impressed with your artwork! You are so talented! I hope you like this and that it helps with your creative block!
I have chosen for you a character who is super loving, compassionate, supportive in all aspects, and, most importantly, a problem solver.
I present to you your match-------
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Charlie Morningstar
~~~~~ HEADCANON ~~~~~
Charlie loves love, simple as that. She expects to be showered with love and admiration almost constantly in a relationship.
Charlie loves animals. If she hadn't opened the Hazbin Hotel, she definitely would have opened an animal rescue facility.
Charlie can get very overwhelmed with grand ideas at times, and because of this, watching you draw becomes one of her favorite pastimes. It's so relaxing.
When you explain to her how you watched or read about all these crime shows based on real murders in the mortal realm, she begins helping you find the people who committed them to question them.
Charlie will save you from any bug that dares thretens you, just expect her to want a few kisses as her reward.
Charlie has a mega sweet tooth, and she loves to make you your favorite coffee and other little snack cakes to munch on when you two have long nights working together.
If she can't draw her image for the hotel or her next master plan, she will come to you and ask you to help her pull it.
Charlie tries to learn how to play video games with you. However, like how she enjoys your drawing, she ends up just sitting there watching you, which is a pastime she enjoys enough.
~~~~~ BLURB ~~~~~
You were sitting in your room setting up your new computer; you had to sneak in so Alastor didn't destroy it. As you were mid-set up, Charlie sat on your bed, slumping in the sheets. "What seems to be the problem, my love?" you asked Charlie as you finished the first part of the setup. "It's the worst, Pia; my dad wants to come and visit us." You laughed at Charlei's theatrics, "Charlie, I thought you and your dad made up." Charlie groaned into the bed again, and you smiled softly, walking over to the bed and sitting next to her. Charlie repositioned and laid her head on your lap.
"I have made up with him. I just don't know. Showing him my partner seems like a big step. What if he doesn't like you." You sighed and ran your hand through Charlie's hair gently. "I think all will be fine. When is he coming?" Charlie looked away from you at the wall, taking her two pointer fingers and pressing them together softly. "Uh, well, in maybe less than five minutes at this point." Before processing what Charlie was saying to you downstairs, you heard a loud boom as the front doors opened. You and Charlie got up and made your way to the main lobby.
As you both walked downstairs, Lucifer ran straight to his daughter, grabbing her and holding her close. You stood back, watching the moment, laughing gently. Hearing your presence, Luficer set Charlie down and came over to you. "Why, hello, dear friend! My name is Lucifer, and as you may know, I am the King of Hell. It is a pleasure to meet you. We already have so much in common I also love and adore my Charlie Bear and we have wings" You laugh as Charlie comes over and begins smakcing her dads arm moving him away from you. This is a little family you could see yourself forever as part of.
~~~~~ EXTRA ~~~~~
(You are trying really hard to teach Charlie how to play the basic of basic video games, Mario Kart)
Pia: No, Charlie, my love. It's motion-controlled. You just have to tilt the controller, not your whole body.
Charlie: If I don't tilt my whole body, how will the car know I want it to turn faster.
Pia: (laughs) Charlie, that is not how motion controls work.
(As you two finish the race, Angel dust comes in)
Angel: Woah, that is one of those new game things Vox has been selling.
Pia: Yeah, it is. Want me to teach you how to play, too?
Angel: Ah, hell with it, why not.
(Without so much as telling Angel how to play, he won his first game)
Charlie: That's it, Pia. The game is rigged; the little guy on the cart hates me.
Pia: (laughing uncontrollably) Oh, brother.
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labarboteuse · 2 years
Hold my girl
Mickey « Fanboy » Garcia x f!reader
Summary: Mickey thinks he has been neglected by his fiancée.
Warning: Way too much fluff, but eh he fucking deserves it
This imagine came to me while listening to Keywest's cover of George Ezra's Hold My Girl. I really like his cover and George Ezra's acoustic version, I wrote while listening to it so they lend themselves equally well to listening while reading!I couldn't do something so cute and dripping with love with any other character but Mickey, yes I'm guilty, I love him way too much and Danny deserves a lot of love. 😭
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Leaning against the bed headboard, her computer resting on her thighs, her legs stretched out and crossed over the sheets, she was writing the speech that she would have to give to her colleagues in the coming days. She was on edge, she was probably gambling her career with this project and everything had to be perfect.
Footsteps were heard on the stairs and Mickey appeared by the door, she felt the mattress sagging next to her, coming to lie beside her, leaning on his elbow, he observed his fiancée without saying anything, a smile emerging at the corner of his lips, he found her particularly attractive when she was focused. Not looking away from her screen, the words flying on the document, Mickey took support on his hands to hoist himself towards her and deposit a kiss on her cheek, what made her smile and she finally took the time to allow herself a quarter of pause. She saved her document and turned her head toward him.
"Madam the business woman would honor me of one moment of attention? " Said he, passing his hand in her hair then slipping it on her nape and depositing a new kiss on her temple.
"You have my full attention." She closed her eyes under the pleasant effect of his hand in her hair.
"For how long?"
"Just a minute."
This elicited a small laugh from the pilot. "You really honor me."
She opened her eyes again and leaned her head against the headboard, giving him a small sorry smile.
"I have to finish this, it's -"
"Very important. I know it." He finished in her seat. "But honey, you've been spending your evenings on this for two days. I know what it means to you and your career, but it's been two days since you gave me any attention. I'm going to end up thinking you don't care about me." He joked by addressing her a look of sadden puppy what had the merit to make her gently laugh.
"I'm sorry, I got caught up in it and I'm so afraid I'm not going to make it, so I'm just tweaking everything."
"No matter what you say, it's bound to be perfect. As always, you wouldn't be where you are today without it. They're lucky to have you, they know that, and they'll have no choice but to trust you with the project, because you'll be the only one to make a fucking success of it."
She bit her lower lip to prevent a huge smile from forming on her face. She had been very lucky to meet Mickey, he had always been very supportive of everything she did and he was indeed her first fan, certainly the only one too. Just as she was his. Their relationship was based on a mutual encouragement and respect that would have made them both lift mountains.
With one hand he closed the screen of her computer and came to put his lips on hers and she started to laugh.
"You were too optimistic Garcia." She opened her computer again and he grumbled as he stepped away from her.
"Let me finish, I promise you that from tomorrow you will be the only object of my attention."
"Tomorrow is a long way off." He grumbled like a child who has been told no.
He leaned over again and kissed her shoulder before getting up from the bed and leaving the room. She went back to work, trying to regain her concentration. A few minutes passed before the first notes of a song began to sound from the living room. She smiled at her screen, knowing the song all too well. Footsteps were heard again and Mickey came to stand on the other side of the bed where he knelt beside her removing the computer from her legs, she did not even try to protest this time.
"Give me a minute to hold my girl."  He said, her heart melted completely as he took her hands at the same time, she then slid off the bed and he straightened up, he then drew her against him, putting one arm around her waist, one hand behind her back, the other on her hips. She slipped her arms around his neck, their faces being only a few inches one of the other, he posed his forehead against hers, guiding her to the rhythm of the melody. It was on this song that he had invited her to dance for the first time, after which they had never left each other and this song had become theirs. Her hand slipped into his neck and then into his hair, closing her eyes, both enjoying the moment without saying anything. She decided to let go and leave this speech behind her, at least until the next day. Because no matter what she might say or what might happen, she could do anything with a man as supportive as Mickey by her side. Because that's what love is, supporting each other in every moment and it's without any hesitation that she would accept it at the altar soon.
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falcqns · 3 years
Stay The Hell Away From Him
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Morse!Barton!Reader, Sam x Reader (platonic)
Summary: John gets a little too close to Bucky for your liking.
Warnings: John Walker gets punched in the face (as he should), swearing, violence, implied smut.
A/N: Just another idea I got off of TikTok LMAO. Doesn't exactly follow the FATWS plot and timeline but oh well. Also, for anyone confused why I chose Clint and Bobbi Morse as the readers parents, they were actually married in the comics, and I love Adrianne Palicki lol. Hope you enjoy!
Part Two
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You watched from a distance as your boyfriend, Sam and Zemo talked to John and Lemar.
To any normal person, it would appear that John was talking calmly to the two former Avengers, however you knew different. You could HEAR different. The enhancements you received from the Infinity Serum that your mom took before she had you that were passed on to you often bothered you, but you were thankful for them in moments like these.
You could hear John accusing Bucky of messing up the most recent mission. They had finally got a pretty good lead on Karli and The Flag Smashers, and Bucky left his post to take care of a former Hydra agent that he spotted. He may be partnered with Sam and all, but he still had a duty to the government in order to make amends.
You watched as John took a step closer to Bucky, and your hand flew back to your waist band to grab your retractable bow, and pressed the button to release the limbs, and it snapped into place silently. You grabbed an arrow from the pack behind your back, and loaded the arrow in to it, just as John grasped Bucky by the front of his shirt and slam him into the wall at his back.
You thought about aiming for his head, you really did, but logically you knew that wasn't the smartest idea. So, you aimed for just above his arm. You knew if you times it correctly, it would just graze his arm, which would make him jump.
You grasped the bow string and pulled it back, glancing through the sight window before releasing the arrow. It flew through the air quickly and quietly, just as John lifted his arm slightly. Your eyes widened, but you smiled when the arrow went straight through some of the material that sat atop his skin, not his actual flesh.
He stumbled back as you put your bow back where it belongs after retracting it, and you felt all eyes on you as you walked towards them. You looked at Bucky who had a smirk on his face, and then Sam who wasn't trying in the slightest to hide his smile. You glanced over at Zemo who just nodded in your direction.
"Who the hell are you?" John asked, pulling the bow from his suit and getting in your face. You heard Bucky growl behind you, and a small thud, which turned out to be Sam gripping Bucky's arm. "This is a government matter."
You scoffed and gave him a sickly sweet smile. "A government matter? Is that what you're gonna call shoving an Avenger into a wall? Nice try." You said, and ripped the arrow out of his hand before turning to Sam, Bucky and Zemo.
"So. What have I missed?" You asked and Bucky smiled.
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The six of you were sitting inside the safe house, debating your next move. You were sitting on the couch next to Bucky who had an ice pack on his shoulder from when John slammed him into the wall, and was glancing at your computer, which you were using to find any trace of Karli on the satellite links that Sharon had sent you.
"Anything?" Bucky asked, and you shook your head.
"Nothing yet. She seems to be getting better at covering her tracks, but I'll get a hit sooner or later. If I can't, I have some people I can contact." You said and smiled at him. He returned your smile, and got up to go to the bathroom after pressing a kiss to your cheek. You watched as he walked into the bathroom, and groaned as the door closed and John walked up to you.
"So." He said, and you barely spared him a glance. He scoffed and sat down next to you. "You're pretty talented." He said and you nodded in agreement. You saw him lift his arm and go to lay it behind your body out of the corner of your eye, and decided to finally talk to him.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you." You said, and he immediately tugged back his arm.
"Why?" He stupidly asked, and you chuckled before tearing your eyes away from the laptop to look at him.
"Let's see. I'm the daughter of an Avenger and a super soldier who was a member of Phil Coulson's most elite S.H.I.E.L.D. squad. My mom had two serums, one of which is a replica of the serum that Captain America had, which got passed down to me. My father is Hawkeye, who is the best marksman in the world. Not to mention, I'm dating a former brainwashed Hydra assassin who can definitely hear you from the bathroom and could knock your lights out in one punch, as can I, so I wouldn't do that." You stated, and John smiled sarcastically before turning to Lemar and back.
"That's impossible. Aside from the Flag Smashers, only Bucky and Steve ever got the serum. And I'M Captain America now. Not Steve."
You threw your laptop to the couch and stood up. You got in his face, just like he did to you earlier. He smirked at you, and you didn't waste any time.
You rose your dominant hand and punched him as hard as you could in the jaw, which sent him flying to the floor, blood flying out of his mouth as you knocked a few teeth out.
You stood over him. "You may carry that shield, but it doesn't make you Captain America. Until you can lift Mjolnir, stay the hell away from his best friend." You said, and stepped over him.
You started to walk over to where Bucky was standing, his arms crossed, and a big smile on his face when John had to open his mouth again.
"You say that like you can lift Mjolnir too." He said, and you turned on your heel.
"You're damn right I can. I'm worthy of ruling a whole kingdom, while you sit there on your self righteous pedestal thinking you're worthy of that vibranium shield. You aren't."
You continued your journey to Bucky, who pulled you into his arms, and pressed a searing kiss to your lips. "Fuck, that was hot honey." He growled, and you smirked at Sam who was standing with Zemo, and allowed yourself to be pulled out of the room by Bucky.
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Father Figure (J. Halstead) Part 3
Summary: After nearly two years of dating Jay, you experienced a tumultuous breakup. Shortly after the split, you discovered you were pregnant but struggled to get in touch with Jay to inform him. Six years later, Jay suddenly appeared at your door, inquiring about a recent crime in the neighborhood.
Words: 1148
Requested: yes
Warnings: none
A/N: I felt like giving a little flashback of how they met so hope you enjoyed it. I think there will either be one or two more parts. We'll see.
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You sat there, mouth wide open as you stared at Jay. "So you're telling me, you had no idea?"
After getting all your stuff packed, Jay took you to his house and Benji was with his grandparents in another state. They had came up a day ago to pick up Benji for a month since it was summer vacation, you told them to go ahead and take him back. No one here knew where they lived back you.
You shook your head no as you stared at Jay's computer because you couldn't form the words to explain how betrayed you felt towards Ryder. You looked at your bank account and seen multiple withdraws that you didn't do. It ranged from fifty dollars to a hundred dollars. You didn't think much of it because you have a good paying job. You looked over up Jay who was sitting next to you. "How'd you find out?"
Jay looked at you and sighed. "When we meet the first time the other day, I did a background check just to see if you were doing okay and I noticed a few withdraws that didn't seem like you but I ignored it-"
You looked at Jay. "You went through my financials for what?"
"Just to see if you were doing okay,"
You rolled your eyes. "Or was it so you can make sure I was taking care of our son?"
Jay looked down at his feet, sighed and looked at you. "No, I told you. I was seeing if you had everything you needed,"
You got up from your seat getting pissed. "You could've just asked me! I wasn't the one who kept lying,"
Jay stood up straight. "So you wanna do this now?"
You raised in your hands in the air. "Might as well since this is the first time we've talked seriously about this,"
Jay raised his hands did the same thing. "Fine! Let's hash it out. You weren't innocent in the end either,"
You chuckled. "What does that mean?"
Jay took a step closer to you. "It means that you may act like you were the perfect one but you weren't. You were always trying to control what I could and couldn't do. That's why I started lying,"
You stood there not saying anything trying to control the anger. "So you're saying you lying to me was cause I wanted you to be safe and not do stupid shit? I seriously can't believe you, Jay!"
Jay looked down at his feet and then back at you. "It was stupid, I know it was. I only did it to keep from losing you but I ended up losing you anyways. If I could go back and change it, I would,"
You shook your head. "If that was the truth, you wouldn't have done it in the first place,"
You turned around and walked out the front door and you just kept walking till you entered a building. You looked up and saw that it was Roses'. A bed and breakfast. "Y/N!" You heard someone say.
You looked up and you saw the owner of the building. She was an elderly lady who reminds you of your grandmother. "Rose, hi. It's been a long time," You said walking over to hug and give her a gentle but tight hug.
She smiled and let you go. "How have you been and that hunky guy of yours?"
You frowned. You stopped going here because it was the place you met Jay.
You were walking home from work when it started to rain and you ducked into a bed and breakfast. You smiled at how random the decorations were but also how cute it was. While you were admiring the shop, you felt someone bump into you. You turned around and saw about 5 feet 8-inch tall man who was also soaked from the rain. You thought he was the most handsome man you have ever saw in your life. "Oh I'm sorry, this rain just came out of nowhere,"
You chuckled. "No worries,"
"Oh darlings, you're soaked," You heard a cute little voice say.
You tore your eyes from the handsome man and looked at the little old lady who had walked up to you. "Oh I'm so sorry, I don't live too far from here and I just got off work and I wanted to walk home but the forecast didn't call for rain,"
The old lady waved her hand. "Don't worry about it. I'm Rose, I own this place,"
You smiled. "I'm Y/N,"
The guy reached out and shook her hand. "Jay,"
She smiled and looked at both of us. "What a cute couple,"
You immediately felt your cheeks start to burn. "Oh no, we just met like a second ago,"
Rose chuckled. "Oh well, you'll make a cute couple. Follow me, you guys are probably cold,"
Rose had taken you to a back room and gave you and Jay some extra clothes while she dried your clothes and now you're sitting in the living room with a fireplace lit with Jay. "So y/n, what do you do?"
You looked at Jay and smiled. "I'm a financial advisor, you?"
Jay nodded. "A cop, I just took the detective test though. So hopefully I'll get it,"
You turned to face Jay a little better. "Oh a detective, that's interesting,"
Jay turned to face you a little better. "Some days are better than others,"
"Okay, my turn to ask the question,"
Jay smirked. "Go on,"
You smiled. "There was enough room in the main area. I was far enough from the door. Did you purposely bump into me?"
Jay's smirk disappeared for a second and then quickly reappeared. "I was gonna come in here out of the rain period and then I saw a beautiful girl run in here too and I wasn't gonna purposely bump into you but I wasn't paying attention when I came in and ran straight into you,"
You giggled. "So what you're telling me is that my beautifulness distracted you?"
"Very much so,"
"Oh, we broke up a few years ago, that's why I stopped coming here. Too many memories,"
Rose frowned but her eyes showed understanding. "That's okay. How have you been though?"
You smiled. "I'm a mother now,"
Roes's eyes lit up. "Can I see a picture?"
You smiled and pulled out your phone and showed a picture of Benji to her. "He looks a lot like Jay, is he?"
You nodded. "I found out, I was pregnant a few days after we broke up. I tried to tell Jay but he wouldn't pick up so no he didn't know till a few weeks ago,"
You heard the door open but you didn't bother to look back. "Y/N! There you are!"
You turned your head and saw that it was Ryder.
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rowyn-writes · 4 years
Confidence (Jack x Reader)
Warnings: Fluff, strong language, arguing siblings
Pairings: Jack Kline x Winchester!Reader
Characters: Sam, Dean, Jack, Castiel (mentioned only,) Claire (mentioned only.)
Word Count: 2124
Summary: You start to notice that Jack tends to stay by your side whenever he can.
Requested by: @nancyangel​
Part Two: Dying From a Broken Heart
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You sat in your room in the bunker, casually reading on of your many books that lined your walls. You were a bookworm, much like you older brother, Sam. You liked being by yourself with your books and a cup of coffee, as cliche as it sounds.
Right now, you needed an escape from your world and into another one where you know how everything ends. Your half brothers, Sam and Dean we're currently trying to figure out a way to get their mother back from apocalypse world.
You were John's daughter, being the youngest Winchester there was. Along with being the baby of the family, your brothers were over protective of you.
Most of the time you weren't allowed out on a hunt, so you stayed in the bunker and helped with lore and things like that while Sam and Dean would do the hunting.
Lately, however, you were getting more involved, much to your brother's dismay. You loved Sam and Dean with all your heart, but they could be overbearing at times.
You closed your book when you heard a knock on your door. "It's open." You called.
Jack popped his head into the room. "Hey, Y/n. Can I come in?" He asked.
"Sure." You nodded.
Jack took a seat on the chair that sat in front of your small desk. "What's up?"
"Sam and Dean are going on a hunt and I was wondering if you were going?" This was news to you. You're had no idea that your brothers were going on a hunting trip.
You frowned as you go up off your position on the bed. "Now I am." You said, getting your bag ready. "You coming too?"
"Yes." Jack nodded. You told him to finish packing while you did the same.
"Going somewhere, gentlemen?" You asked just as Sam and Dean were about to walk out of the bunker.
Dean let his head fall as he sighed. "You're not coming."
"The hell I'm not." You snapped.
"Dean's right." Sam agreed. "You should sit this one out."
You let out a frustrated grunt. "C'mon. Why are you still treating me like I'm twelve? I'm almost 22."
"You're not ready, Y/n."
"I'm not ready?" You scoffed. "But you let Jack go, and technically, he's barely three months old."
"That's different." Dean said.
"How?! How is that different?! I grew up hunting with you guys and Dad, I know what to do!" You argued.
"It's different because you'll die if something happens! Jack has powers and can defend himself! You don't!" Dean hissed.
"This is ridiculous!" You huffed.
"Maybe next time, Y/n." Sam gave you a smile, which you didn't return. "Alright, Jack!" Sam called out. "Let's go!"
Jack appeared beside them in a second, making you jump slightly. "See you later, Y/n." Dean said. He looked like he wanted to give you a hug but decided against it, because you might knee him in the groin if you had the chance.
"You're not coming, Y/n?" Jack asked, seeming disappointed.
"Apparently not."
Jack seemed to hesitate by the door. "On second thought, I think I'll stay here. You guys don't really need my help, do you?"
Sam and Dean seemed surprised by his change of plans. Jack had been wanting to go on a hunting trip with them for a while. "I guess not." Sam said. And with that, they were gone.
"Why didn't you go with them?" You asked Jack. "You've been wanting to go on a hunting trip with them for a while, so why did you back out?"
"I thought you could use the company." He shrugged.
. .
. . .
Sam and Dean returned about two days later, clearly pleased that you and Jack had stayed at the bunker. You had thought of finding you own case, maybe even hunting with Claire, but decided against it.
But that doesn't mean you still weren't pissed at your brothers. They kept treating you like you were five, when you were 21. It was infuriating. That's why you were determined to find a case.
"Hey, so look what I found." You said, holding your computer up to your brothers. "Five people dead. All found without their hearts. However, there was six victims. One survived. If we can find out who's killing these people, we can put down the son of a bitch."
"Where's this happening at?" Dean asked gruffly.
"Little Rock, Arkansas."
Dean nodded his head. "Okay. Sammy, pack your things, Y/n, send us the address. We'll call you when you get there."
"Wait a minute." You protested. "You said that I would get to come with you on the next hunt! This is the next hunt."
"No. You're not coming."
"Oh come on!" You yelled angrily. "You have got to be kidding me! You promised that you would take me out on the hunt!"
"I never promised." Dean reminded her. "I never make promises I can't keep. You know that."
"You're being ridiculous! C'mon Sam, back me up here." You looked over to the man, giving him pleading eyes.
"I think Y/n's right Dean." He agreed. "We've seen what she can do, handling a werewolf or two isn't anything she can't handle."
Dean frowned, looking back and forth between you and Sam. "I'm not gonna win this argument, am I?"
"Fine. Go pack your things. Tell Jack to do the same." You nodded, calmly walking away. But as soon as you were out of sight from Sam and Dean, you gave a tiny squeal and did a little dance.
"Are we celebrating something?" Jack asked from behind you, making you jump slightly.
You gave him a big smile. "That we are, Jack. Sam and Dean are letting us go on a hunt! So pack your bags, we leave in an hour!"
You quickly packed your bag full of clothes and other essentials and put them in the trunk of the Impala.
Jack sat in the back seat with you; it was only logical, since Sam was the Jolly Green Giant and could barely fit back there.
While you loved the Impala, you did not love the kind of music that played constantly. As Sam once put it, "It's the greatest hits of Mullet Rock." So you had brought your phone and a pair of earbuds.
"What are you doing?" Jack asked curiously.
"Listening to music."
"But Dean has music playing?" He furrowed his eyebrows, making your heart soar at his cute little scrunched up face.
"Yeah, well, Dean and I have very different tastes in music. Here, listen to this." You gave him the other earbud you had.
Jack seemed to like your selection of music, as he grinned as the song played on. After a while of driving, your legs began to cramp. Whether you were tall or short, being in the back of the Impala for a long time did nothing to help your legs.
You tried to find a position where you weren't invading Jack's bubble, as not to touch him because you didn't know how he would react.
"You can stretch out your legs." Jack said, as if reading your thoughts. "I don't mind." You gave him a grateful smile as you rested your legs in his lap.
About four hours in, you began to doze off. Car rides were always relaxing to you, seeing your surroundings blur as you sped past, feeling the Impala rock beneath you, and being able to spread out in the back seat.
Although, you couldn't count how many times you had to disinfect the back seat because of your brothers. Mostly Dean.
You were woken up rather unpleasantly by Dean. You had been leaning against the door of the Impala when he yanked the door open, causing you to tumble out of the car. "Thanks for the awesome wake-up call, dick." You growled.
"No problem, fuck-face." He grinned as he helped you up. You grabbed your stuff and checked into your motel room.
It was like every other motel you've ever stayed at, rock hard beds, ugly wall patterns, and a small box T.V.
You went ahead and changed into your FBI clothes, a light blue button down shirt tucked into a pair of black jeans, matching boots and a blazer. "You boys ready?" You asked, exiting the bathroom to see all of them had changed into their uniforms.
You all piled into the Impala once more and headed to the local police station, and then to the hospital.
. .
. . .
You had found out nothing. There was no victimology, no connection, nothing. You figured there wouldn't be a pattern, it was a werewolf, after all.
You did know, however, that the werewolf was a Purebred, as the moon cycle didn't line up with the victims deaths.
And the surviving victim was a fifteen year old girl. Thankfully, she hadn't been bitten. But she was in so much shock that she couldn't remember her attackers face.
"Poor girl." You commented, shrugging off your blazer. "She's never going to be the same."
"She'll learn to cope." Dean assured you. "Okay, so Jack and I are gonna go to where the bodies were found and dig around a little, you and Sam stay here and see what you can find out about this town. See if there's any kind of pattern with the killings."
"Actually, could I stay here with Y/n and help her?" Jack asked.
Dean looked taken aback slightly. "Uh, yeah, sure kid. Sammy, let's go." Once the two brothers were in the car, Dean looked over at Sam. "Jack has a crush on Y/n." He frowned.
Sam snorted. "Okay? And you couldn't tell that before? I kinda thought it was obvious."
Dean cuffed Sam. "Alright, Captain Jack-ass. I was just saying maybe we shouldn't leave Y/n and Jack alone."
"Oh, please." Sam scoffed. "Nothing's gonna happen."
You got out your laptop and sat on one of the beds. You noticed that Jack was watching you from the couch. It was obvious be wanted to say something.
"Hey, Jack?"
"Yes, Y/n?" He looked excited to see that you engaged in a conversation with him first.
"How come you wanted to stay behind with me?"
"Oh, did you want me to go with Dean?" Jack seemed disappointed.
"No, no. That's not it!" You assured him quickly. He looked extremely relieved to hear that. "I was just curious. On the last hunt that Sam and Dean went on, you decided to stay behind with me too. And whenever I go out to grab food or something, you always come with me. I love your company, so please don't take that the wrong way. I was just wondering."
Jack thought over your words for a few moments before answering. "I don't really feel confident around anyone. Sometimes I feel like another burden onto Sam, Dean and Cas. But with you, I feel like I'm not judged."
"You're not judged by any of us, Jack. You know that." You frowned.
"I know that, I just can't help but feel that way sometimes. But things are different with you. I feel confident and safe, like I can be myself whenever you're around. I enjoy being around you, Y/n."
You felt your heart melt at Jack's words. You felt exactly the same way about him. While growing up, you never really had boyfriends, just a one night stand here and there (which your brothers definitely didn't know about.)
"Jack." You started. "Do you see me the same way you see Sam and Dean?"
"No. It feels different. I can't really explain it. It's like. . . When I'm with you, I can feel my heart start to beat faster, and my palms get kind of sweaty. I don't do that when I'm around Sam and Dean." He explained.
You smiled as you realized what he was saying. "Jack, I think that means you have a crush on me."
"Crush you?!" Jack looked startled. "I would never hurt you!"
"No, no, no! That's not what I meant." You sighed as you tried to break it down to him. "It means you really like someone, but not as a friend. Kind of like a boyfriend or girlfriend."
Realization dawned on Jack as he soaked in your words. "Then can I be your boyfriend?" He asked eagerly.
You gave a small laugh. "Yeah, you can." You kissed him on the cheek. Jack's face became pink under your gaze.
"Could I kiss your lips?" You didn't answer as your lips brushed over his.
"Does that answer your question?" He nodded happily as a smile formed on his face. He felt happy and safe with you standing in front of him.
I was thinking about making a part two? Tell me what you think!
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rrickgrrimes8 · 4 years
Normality is Death
Chapter Thirteen ~ Philippians 1:29
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"C'mon baby lets go back to our room," Lori said to Jacey, Carl already holding her hand. Jacey nodded following a part of her family down the halls. 
"What's happening, mom?" Carl asked as he watched Lori go to the air vent feeling no air come out, "Mom? Something wrong?" 
Jacey watched her apprehensive mother, "Uh, nothing. It's just... just the air conditioning stopped." 
Lights went out soon after that too which agitated Lori more as did the disappearance of her husband. Sitting at the foot of her parents' bed, she watched as she left the room to talk to Doctor Jenner as he passed quickly. "What's wrong, Jacey?" She heard Addie call to her. 
"Please leave me alone," her hands found their ways to her ears once again seeking to block out any noise. 
"Jacey? You're scaring me... what's wrong?" Addie called to her again, causing her to look up only to see her younger brother worried, "What's wrong, Jacey?" 
"Uh... nothing, squirt. I'm fine," She stuttered, paralyzed by her shock, "Where's mom?" 
"Went after that Doctor. Sent me back to get you," Carl smiled, still perturbed, "You coming?" 
"Yep, Let's go, squirt."
The two younger Grimes' entered the hysterical room, passing their frightful mother on the way out, "Mom what's happening?" Lori didn't respond though, as she continued to run down the corridor and back to the room. Jacey caught wind of Jenner's words about how the French were the last ones to hold out. Well, that was until the fuel ran out. It sunk in deep with the child, there was no cure and there never will be - everything is gone.
Jacey, grabbing the hand of her brother, ran into the room eyeing the now sealed doors. "No. Did you just lock us in?" Glenn panicked, "He just locked us in!" Carl held her hand tighter, the loud noises and consternation becoming at once too much for him. Jacey saw Edwin take a seat at his desk and begin to talk to a camera. 
Bold lettering violated her eyes as the screen switched to black with the red-lettered words of '30 minutes to decontamination'. "Carl! Jacey!" she heard her mom bellow, quickly finding them. Dropping her bags, she wrapped her arms around the two children, kissing both of their heads. 
Daryl endeavoured over to the man in a fit of rage, yelling at him something Jacey couldn't quite catch but was quickly stopped by Shane. She watched as her father pleaded with the stubborn man to open the door, to which he refused. "What happens in 28 minutes?" Rick yelled to the man after he had ignored him the first time. 
"Come on!" Daryl encouraged threatening him with a glass bottle. 
"You know what this place is?!" He snapped, "We protected the public from very nasty stuff! Weaponized smallpox! Ebola strains that could wipe out half the country! Stuff you don't want getting out! Ever!" Jenner stops to breathe slowly, "In the event of a catastrophic power failure - in a terrorist attack, for example - H.I.T are deployed to prevent any organisms from getting out." 
"H.I.T's?" Rick asked. 
"VI, define," he ordered. 
"H.I.T's - high impulse thermobaric fuel-air explosives consist," VI continued but Jacey just blocked it out. They were going to die. They were all going to die. Rick walks over to his family joining in on their hug, mortified by the news. Jacey, however, felt okay, fine really. It didn't bother her that she was about to die - her death never seemed to scare her. What did bother her though was that her family would die too. Carl was too young to die she thought to herself. 
"It sets the air on fire. No pain," Jenner told them after VI had finished, "an end to sorrow, grief... regret. Everything." Jacey smiled through her tears, she was almost looking forward to it as dark as that sounded but she just wanted some peace, a rest. She watched as many grew angry - and in Daryl's case - violent with the doctor. 
Shane and T-dog stayed by the door throwing any and everything they had at it, but none of it making a dent. "You should've left well enough alone... it would have been so much easier," Jenner lent back in his chair, unbothered by the chaos he had created. 
"Easier for who?" Lori spat, clearly angry with the man's decision yet still a great amount of sadness in her words, knowing her children were about to die when they're lives really had just begun. 
"All of you. You know what's out there. A short brutal life and agonizing death," Jacey understood this and observed as he looked to her, "The people you lost, what was their names?" 
"Mitch and Addie," she replied not entirely sure on how he knew, while Rick looked to the man threateningly not wanting her daughter to have any part in his manipulation. 
"And you? Your sister?" he asked now to Andrea, the following was a quiet 'Amy'. "Addie, Mitch and Amy," He looked between Andrea and the girl, "You know what this does. You've seen it. Is that what you really want for your wife, daughter and son?" 
Now looking at Rick. "I don't want this," He almost cried emphatically. 
"Can't make a dent," Shane shouted to Rick, alarmed. 
"Those doors are designed to withstand a rocket launcher," Jenner said almost comedically. 
"Well, your head ain't!" Daryl screamed, making his way over to the doctor, axe ready. Dale, Rick and Shane come together once more to hold Daryl and his clear anger issues back, "Daryl! Daryl!" 
T-dog soon wrestled the weapon off of him as Jenner continued to Rick, "You do want this. Last night you said you knew it was just a matter of time before everybody you loved was dead." Lori's face drops at his words, while Jacey detaches herself from her mother and brother, planting herself on one of the many identical tables. 
"What? You really said that? After all your big talk?" Shane expectorated, almost betrayed at the doctor's words. 
"I had to keep hope alive, didn't I?" He justified to Lori. 
"There is no hope. There never was." 
"There's always hope. Maybe it won't be you, maybe not here but somebody somewhere-" 
"What part of 'everything is gone' do you not understand?" the younger girl interrupted her father, earning an approving nod from Andrea but a pained look from her family. 
"Listen to your daughter," Jenner advised, "She gets it. This is what takes us down. This is our extinction event." 
"This isn't right. You can't keep us here," Carol cried, "my daughter doesn't deserve to die like this." 
"Wouldnt it be kinder, more compassionate just to hold your loved ones and wait for the clock to run out?" Carol still cries as she holds her daughter, but Jacqui nods her head slightly. 
Much like what happened with Daryl, Shane came to the doctor pointing a shotgun right at his face, but this time Rick intervened, "Out of the way, Rick! Stay out of my way! Open that door, or I'm going to blow your head off. Do you hear me?" Jenner remained emotionless as the officer continued to aim for his head. 
"Brother, brother, this is not the way you do this. We will never get out of here, " Rick reminded him. Instead, in a fit of anger, Shane begins to shoot at the computer screens randomly, everyone cowering away from the shots. "We all die, Shane!" he reminded before struggling to get the gun away from him, "Are you done now? Are you done?" 
"Yeah, I guess we all are," Shane disputed. 
"I think you're lying," Rick said to Edwin, "You're lying about no hope. If that were true, you'd have bolted with the rest or taken the easy way out. You didn't. You chose the hard path, why?" 
"It doesn't matter," Jenner sheepishly said. 
"It does matter. It always matters. You stayed when others ran. Why?" 
"Not because I wanted to. I made a promise," he proceeded to point towards the screen, "To her. My wife." 
"Test subject 19 was your wife?" Lori questioned sympathetically.
"She begged me to keep going as long as I could. How could I say no?" Jenner paused, looking to Daryl, who continued to use his axe against the door no matter how useless it was, "She was dying. It should've been me on that table. I wouldn't have mattered to anybody. She was a loss to the world. Hell, she ran this place. I just worked here. In our field, she was Einstein. Me? I'm just... Edwin Jenner. She could've done something about this. Not me." Jacey sighed, feeling the pain of his loss substantially. 
Rick pleaded once more, "Your wife didn't have a choice. You do. That's... that's all we want a choice... a chance." 
"You let us keep trying as long as we can," Lori added. 
Jenner moves over to the desk picking up what looked like a security pad and said, "I told topside's locked down. I can't open those." 
Seconds later, the doors open and everyone begins to rush out of them, "There's your chance. Take it" 
"I'm grateful," Rick smiled, lifting his hand for him to shake. 
"The day will come when you won't be," Jenner said before shaking Rick's hand and whispering something in his ear. 
"You can't go, you know that, right?" Addie says, her voice kinder now, which Jacey was more grateful for. 
"I know. I want to be with you again," Jacey looked to the girl reluctantly, hoping that the walker won't appear again. 
Addie's face - her normal one - came into view, blooming a big smile on the younger girls face, "And you will, love. I'm never going to leave you again, I promise." 
"I love you, Addie." 
"I lov-" Addie's voice was interrupted by a male one "Jacey, c'mon, angel, grab your things. Let's go." 
Jacey shook her head at the man she realised to be her father, "I-I'm not coming." Rick stopped, hoping his ears were deceiving him but then looked at her tear-covered face and realised. 
"No, you're not, baby. Let's go," Lori shouted from behind Rick. 
"Lori just go. Get the others out of here," he ordered his wife, "We're right behind you." The rest of the group stampeded out of the room, Lori and Carl lingering for a short minute, hoping Rick will be able to convince her to join them. 
"Tell him you're sorry, Jace," Addie whispered, holding her hand. 
"I'm sorry but I-I can't." 
"Yes you can, Jacey, please. You're not thinking straight," Rick prayed that she'd see reason and join them, but his heart stopped when she shook her head. 
"I can't anymore, dad. I'm so tired." Jacey looked around the room, seeing that not only Jenner was still here but so was Jacqui and Andrea. 
An arm snaked over her shoulder, squeezing it gently, an arm, belonging to Mitchell, "Tell him to leave, babydoll, and then you'll be with us forever."
 She smiled at his words and then returned her eyes to her father's blue ones, "You have to leave. I want to stay with them." 
"I'm not leaving you here, angel," He cried, tightly holding the sides of her face. 
"Addie was only 16, dad, Mitch was 25. We had children in our camp. I-I should've died with them. I don't deserve to live when they had to die." 
"Listen to me, Jace, you survived for a reason, okay? You don't have to agree with me, but whoever is up there, whatever is in charge made it so you weren't there. So you wouldn't die. They wouldn't want you to die here and now. Your story is not over yet. I won't allow it," Rick wailed, heavier than earlier as he watched his daughter looked to her left and right as if looking at people that weren't there, "Your death isn't going to bring them back." 
"I can't leave them, daddy," She paused, "I already hurt them enough." 
"Who are you talking about, angel?" his voice breaking slightly. 
"Addie and Mitchell," Jacey told him as if it was obvious, "I can't leave them alone again." 
"Addie and Mitchell are dead, baby. They're not here anymore," the man pleaded with his deluded daughter. 
"No," she argued, squeezing her eyes shut, "shut up. You're lying, they're here with me now, they want me to stay. She promised me she wouldn't leave again," Jacey cried, looking at Addie and Mitchell, slowly seeing them morph into their walker forms, "Oh god. No, not again, please, not again. They're going to hurt me, daddy. They're going to hurt me like I hurt them." 
"Hey baby, look at me, only me, okay?" he stopped her from looking to where he assumed she saw them, "No one's gonna hurt you. Addie and Mitchell are gone. They can't hurt you, alright? Now we've got to go, angel, before it's too late." Jacey wanted to nod, to go with him, but the grip that Addie and Mitchell had on her tightened, making her let out a small cry. 
At once, they both turned into their undead self's clawing at her skin instead of holding it, "You can't leave, Jacey. Not when you did this to us." 
"No! Shut up! Leave me alone! I want to live! I don't want to die!" Rick watched the girl breakdown her hands beginning to claw away at any visible skin. The man grabbed her hands, stopping the movement before looking over to the timer seeing it hit the 5-minute mark. 
"I'm sorry, Jacey. I'm so sorry baby," Jacey heard him cry before feeling him move away from her. 
"Jacey, look at me, sweetheart," A kind, shaky voice begged of her. Jacey turned to meet their eyes, seeing a crying Jacqui, "You gotta go, darling, please."
"I can't, Jacqui. I can't keep going on like this," She paused, "I'm not strong enough."
"Yes you are, child. You are one of the strongest people I have ever met, don't ever trick yourself into thinking you're not," Jacqui apprised the younger girl.
"I'm not as strong as you think, Jacqui. Nowhere even close."
"That's where your wrong, sweetheart. You've got a lot of heart and if do say so myself a lot of balls," She smiled at her, "You're gonna survive this world, I'm sure of it." Jacqui stops speaking as she looked at the girl, aware of the mental state, "Look, sweetie, I'm not gonna force you outta that door, as much as I'd like too. I don't want you to die today, Jacey, but it seems like it's going that way so let me tell you something, okay?" Jacey nodded, "And you gotta promise me the moment you understand it you'll leave, you'll survive," she nodded once more, "Philippians 1:29; For unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ, not only to believe on him but also to suffer for his sake." Jacey stayed silent not quite comprehending the meaning of the passage. 
"I don't understand, I don't get it, Jacqui," She cried into her palms.
"That's okay, sweetie, just breathe..." Jacqui refrained, "It means your pain has a purpose, whatever that purpose may be." 
"Do you understand now?" 
Jacey shook her head sadly, "That's okay, take your rest. I will see you once more in another life." Jacey watched as the older woman rejoined Jenner at his computer and observed as she wished that their conversation had gone another way and in some way Jenner also did.
"You have to stay Jace. You said you understood that. Everything will be better if you do," Addie warned, "If you go you will kill every single one of them out there. Do you want that? Do you want them dead? Your dad? Your mom? Carl?" Jacey shook her head manically, her mind flashing unforgiving images of their bodies eaten and unmoving, "So stay with me, my love. Stay, and I'll love you forever." 
Jacey nodded at her before muttering, "I'll love you forever too," causing Addie to smile. Jacey began to move closer to the dark-skinned girl, her face returning back to her natural one. 
"I wanna kiss you, Jace," Addie parted her lips inching towards Jace's. 
"Me too," She replied, shyness shrouding her confidence. 
But before their lips could touch, the masculine voice returned, "I'm sorry, Jacey," following a sharp twinge in her neck. Immediately, she felt a rush of dizziness hit her, Addie and Mitchell disappearing shortly afterwards, "no." She fell off her chair and into a pair of muscular arms, "I'm sorry, angel." 
"Addie," she cried before the darkness took over her. 
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Chapter Ten: To Home and Friendship
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(Images are not mine)
Rated: PG
~With every small disaster I'll let the waters still Take me away to some place real
'Cause they say home is where your heart is set in stone Is where you go when you're alone Is where you go to rest your bones It's not just where you lay your head It's not just where you make your bed As long as we're together, does it matter where we go?~
That wasn't a word I was used to. Not anymore.
"I stand by what I said earlier, Jack. You make an excellent pillo― Oh holy crap."
I gasped as Jack lead me inside the literal bunker that these guys apparently lived in. I wondered if I would ever get used to it, because their bunker was enormous.
We entered through a non-descript entrance, that nobody would have noticed, onto a platform that was less of a balcony and more of a catwalk which I guessed was the second floor, though I couldn't tell exactly because it was a bunker and it probably had more levels than I could see. The wrought iron railing of the balcony was formed into a design of circles atop rectangles. The catwalk ended with a set of steel stairs that curved with the wall.
My feet clanged on the metal as I descended the stairwell. At the bottom of those stairs on my right was a doorway that led somewhere else and on my left was what I guessed was the entryway. There was a big glowy-table-thing with a map on it in the center of the space, surrounded by several chairs. There was this big, greenish panel thingy attached to one of the tan tiled walls that looked like some sort of old timey computer equipment. Through a big gray archway, I could see into another room that looked like a library with a huge telescope at the end of it. On the far left of the room there was another hallway going off somewhere else. Dean stepped off the staircase and spread his arms out.
"Welcome to the Batcave!" He said, grinning. "I see you're impressed." Only then did I realize my mouth was hanging open. I closed it and shook my head.
"This place is colossal," I said in awe.
"Yeah, it's a little pretentious but you get used to it." Sam shrugged, passing me. Jack just stood over my shoulder, watching my reaction.
"True, but if you want protection, this is about the safest place in the world. It's got warding against every evil thing out there. Vampires, werewolves, demons, ghosts, you name it," Dean boasted. Just then, Isaac appeared on the catwalk, as far from us as he could.
"Ha! Then how did I get in here genius!" He jeered. It took every last drop of will power I had not to facepalm right then and there. It was warm in here and the hunters would certainly notice a sudden temperature drop. Was Isaac trying to get us discovered? (I'd say killed but he's already dead.)
"Yep, nothing gets in here unless we let it. Or, you know, bring it in accidentally." Sam shared a look with Cas and his older brother.
"Scooby-dooby-doo!" Dean laughed, shaking his head. I wasn't sure if I wanted to know the story behind that or not. Meanwhile Isaac wore a sheepish expression.
"Oh, guess that’s how I got in then." Words cannot express how much I wanted to kick my brother at that moment. After he was finished laughing, Dean looked to Jack.
"Kid, you take Mcfly here, find her a room, get her all settled, then give her the grand tour. I'm gonna hit the sack." Dean turned on his heel with a wave and whistled his way out of the room. Castiel mumbled something about research and crossed through the arch into the library.
"We're gonna find the monster that took your family away, Marty. But until then, think of us as your new one." I looked up at Sam and was reminded again of how huge the guy was. His head was in a totally different weather system than mine and I wondered if it was harder to breathe all the way up there.
"Thanks Sam." I took three steps higher on the stairs and made grabby hands at him. "Come here."
Sam raised an eyebrow at me but obeyed anyway. I took a tiny jump and wrapped my arms around his neck. He stumbled back a bit in surprise but quickly recovered and wrapped his arms around me with a chuckle.
"Shut up, Gigantor. I gotta hug ya’ somehow!" I rebuked, defending my height... Or rather, the lack thereof. I guess his laughter was justified though. My feet were dangling at least a foot from the floor. I let go of him and dropped back to the ground, it felt like falling off Mount Everest. Sam just shook his brown mane, smiling down at me.
"If there's anything you need, like help reaching the top shelf, just ask." I rolled my eyes.
"Yeah, whatever Sasquatch. So, what are you gonna do?" I asked. Sam shrugged, running a hand through his hair.
"Put my stuff away. Then I'm gonna go reorganize the pantry, make sure you can reach the cereal," He smirked, and followed Dean's path through the other door-way.
"Way to rub it in, Sam!" I called after him. I heard him chuckle as he rounded the corner out of my sight. Then I rounded on Jack, who had been waiting patiently. "Well, Jack, if you wanna make fun of my height, now's the time to do it. Lead on!" I opened my arms, preparing for insults.
"It is rare that I get to feel tall, but I'm not going to make fun of you," He said, turning on his heel to lead me through the door-way behind us.
"Good. Cause' I might have slapped you if ya had." Jack looked back at me questioningly, but I just shrugged.
I followed him through twisting and turning hallways that I knew I wouldn't be memorizing anytime soon. We kept walking for what seemed like forever. Honestly, I was ninety-eight percent convinced that we might pass a sign that said: 'Now Entering Nebraska.' It didn't help that all the halls looked exactly the same.
"Back at the motel, the night we met, Dean said you had this thing," Jack remarked, turning to face me and walking backward.
"What thing?" I asked.
"I think he called it ‘A Napoleon Complex' or something like that," Jack said, innocently. I had to bite my tongue to keep from laughing.
"And do you know what that is?"
"No. I haven't looked it up yet. Do you know?" I snorted.
"Oh, yeah. I know," I said. Already thinking of a comeback for the next time I saw Dean.
"What is it?" Jack was simply curious. I smirked at him.
"Do you know who Napoleon was?" I asked him, I was pretty sure of the answer.
"No." Just as I thought. The Winchesters needed to teach their half-angel some history. As for now though, I could give him the watered-down version.
"Napoleon was a French dude, not to be confused with the ice-cream. He was five foot six and when people called him short, he blew them up." I told him. Jack nodded seriously.
"I see, so he was insecure about his height and used violence to compensate for it. Then, the complex was named after him." I had to give it to him, the kid was smart.
"Yep. Never mind the fact that he took over almost all of Europe, he will always be famous for being a human chihuahua." I had to at least teach Jack something remotely accurate. Jack frowned and his eyebrows pulled together as if remembering something unpleasant. I guessed he had come into contact with a chihuahua before, it didn't look like he was fond of them.
"So, Dean thinks you're insecure about your height," Said Jack, returning us to the original topic.
"Yeah, pretty much."
"Are you?" I shrugged.
"Not really. I'm just obnoxious." Jack laughed, coming to a stop in front of a black door that looked just the same as the rest that lined the hall except for the plaque with the number 22 etched into it.
"This is my room," He said. "And that's Sam's." He pointed to the door on the left of his which had a 21 on it. "You can pick any of these other rooms." His eyes flicked to the door next to his on the right, room 24. I briefly wondered what had happened to 23. When I met his eyes, he looked at his feet, as if his shoes were much more interesting than me.
"Does anyone live in here?" I tapped the door with 24 on it.
"No, it's empty but you don't have to take that one if you don't want to." Jack glued his eyes to the polished cement floor and ran his hand through his hair, a tick I was sure he picked up from Sam.
"Why wouldn't I want to?" I asked, narrowing my eyes and putting my hands on my hips. I watched as a pink tint started to creep up Jack's neck.
"I don't want you to think that you have to stay in that one just because I want you too," He muttered.
"You want me to stay next to you?" I pointed out. Jack's expression went blank, his eyes wide as quarters.
"Um, I-I-I don't- I didn't mean--" Jack stumbled over his words. His gaze drilled straight into the floor, his hands were fidgeting, and his right foot twisted its toe against the concrete. His body language pointed at nervousness. Why was he this nervous? Was it me? He hadn't been this way before, what was different now? I decided to ease his nerves with a little humor. I stuck my hand into his line of sight and waved.
"Yoo, hoo! I'm up here, Jack." He flicked his eyes up to my face but kept his head down. "Well, not up per-say but you know what I mean," I joked. His smile was still pointed at the concrete. I guessed we'd just have to work on that.
"S-sorry." His laugh was a breathy one. I sighed, planting my hands on my hips.
"You don't have to explain yourself to me, Jack. It's nice to have someone who wants me around, I haven't had that in a long time." I smiled in what I hoped was a friendly way. Jack rocked back and forth on his heels and his mouth did that crooked smile of his. He even flicked his eyes up at me.
"Well, uh, what are friends for?" He sounded like he was reciting something he heard in a movie.
I wondered whether Jack was trying to flirt with me or not. A tiny part of me hoped that he was and another part of me kicked myself for hoping for that. How could I think that way? Jack was two, he was probably too young to understand feelings like that, if he even had them. He probably didn't have them. He was probably just doing his best to make a friend, by going off what he had seen. I mean, the movies are pretty against a boy and a girl simply being friends. Besides if he knew what I was, he wouldn't be standing here talking to me. He'd be trying to kill me. Isaac was right. Any friendship I made here, would never be real. It never could be.
"Right," I said softly. Now I was the one looking down at my feet. But I wasn't doing it out of nerves. I was doing it out of shame. Glancing up at him through my lashes, Jack's smile faltered for only a moment. He grasped the doorknob and turned it and as the door swung inward, Jack flipped a switch and the white florescent lights buzzed to life.
The room was simply decorated, and by that I mean it wasn't decorated at all. The walls, ceiling, and floor were grey and a built-in shelf stuck out from the far wall. In the center of the space sat a full-size bed with a plain white duvet, white sheets, and down pillows. There was a dresser pushed up against one wall, a desk pressed against the other, and a tiny night stand next to the bed, all of which were fashioned out of wood the shade of walnut.
"Um, it's not much, but we can get you some stuff to make it yours," Jack smirked down at me and I ducked past him into the room.
Other than those objects, the room was bare, but I found myself overwhelmed. My chest tightened and my eyes stung, it was so little, but it was more than I'd had in five years. I shrugged my backpack off my shoulders and placed my violin case on the bed. Keeping my back turned, my face hidden from Jack, I blinked rapidly to dispel my tears.
"It's wonderful, Jack. I-I love it." I took a deep breath and pasted a smirk on my face. When I had control of my emotions, I swung back to face him. "Now, how bout' that grand tour?" Jack's brows pushed together.
"Don't you want to put your things away, first?" He asked, tilting his head.
"Nah, I can do that anytime. This place is pretty awesome, I wanna see it all!" I grinned at him, pressing all the excitement I could muster into my voice. Jack grinned back.
"Well, um, what would you like to see first?"
"No idea! What's your favorite room?" Jack's eyes flicked to the side as he thought about his answer for a moment.
"The kitchen," He decided. His seriousness made me chuckle.
"I like the way you think. You lead, I'll follow!" This time, instead of smiling at the concrete, Jack smiled at my shoes! We were making good progress. Now if I could get him to smile at my face, then we would really be getting somewhere.
Jack swung around on his heel and walked about four paces before opening a door on the other side of the hall. This one was labeled with 23. 'So that's where it went.' I thought, as Jack pushed the door open and walked through. Inside was the kitchen. It wasn't the kind you have at home. No, this was one of those industrial sort of kitchens, all polished steel and florescent lighting. (The buzzing of those light bulbs was extremely annoying, but I would just have to get used to it.)
There were pots and pans everywhere. Any sort of cook where you could imagine was in there, hanging on racks, dangling from hooks, sitting on shelves, or habitually left on the stove. What looked like easily one hundred white plates were stacked neatly on the shelves of the giant stainless-steel island that dominated the space. Two ovens, stood side-by-side in a little nook, one of which had a griddle attached to the top. Hovering over the two ovens were large vents of gleaming steel.
To the right of the cooking station was the preparation area and a sink as big as your average tub. I'm not kidding. The thing was gargantuan. Above that monstrosity of a kitchen sink sat an array of porcelain cups, and a tissue box, on a shelf. To the right of that, there sat a large stainless steel shelving unit that was home to various cooking supplies and four white drawers in the middle.
On the far wall, was a brown bulletin board decorated with various notes, covered in scribbles and sketches, tacked to it. Beneath the bulletin was a table crafted from some dark colored wood, that was either oak or mahogany, and was attached to the wall. Affixed to the table were eight stool-like seats constructed from the same dark material as the table itself. Directly to the right side of the door, was a coat rack and six small lockers stacked vertically. The right wall was an archway and set of stairs that lead off into a hallway branching to the right and a different set of stairs to the left.
As I peered around to the left side of the door and past another steel shelf, I laid eyes upon what could only be the freezer/refrigerator combo. It was this enormous floor-to-ceiling white panel with five varying sized doors built into it. The far most door on the right was taller than me so I assumed that was the refrigerator and the other four doors were freezers. Why one would need four freezers, I had no idea, but I found myself liking the concept. Now that I had finished taking in the grossly oversized kitchen, I whirled to Jack and grabbed his shoulders, forcing him to look at me. I stared him dead in the eyes.
"This. Place. Is. Awesome." I pointed at the refrigerator. "Five bucks says I could fit in there!" Jack's gaze followed my finger and he nodded.
"I think you could," He said. I took another glance around the space. I couldn't help it. The laugh bubbled up from my stomach, filled my chest, and bloomed in my throat. It had been a long, long, long, time since I had laughed like that.
"I went from having nothing, to living in this place! This is amazing!" I flung my arms around Jack. It was quite the feat on my part to refrain from crushing his ribs. I was so excited I could hardly contain it. I was bouncing up and down on my toes like a little girl! Though I guess, in the eyes of Jack and the others, that’s sort of what I was.
"I'm glad you like it!" Jack said, grinning.
"I don't like it, Jack. I love it!" I exclaimed. My stomach growled like an angry bear, just being in here was making me hungry. "Hey, as long as we're here, got anything good to eat? I'm starving!" That last bit was nothing new, I was always starving these days, always craving. But I was never craving food. Jack's throat suddenly looked extremely tasty. Thankfully, his voice broke me away from that train of thought.
"I like ice-cream," He said, brightly.
"We are gonna be awesome friends."
No, home wasn't a word I was used to. Not anymore. But I realized with a start, that for the first time in five years, I had one. A real one.
It looked like I was gonna have to get used to it.
Jack knelt down and opened the door on the bottom left of the freezer/refrigerator combo that I then dubbed 'The Wall of Cold Stuff'. He reached in, grabbed a tub of ice cream, then stood and kicked the door shut.
"The bowls are down there and the spoons are in the top left drawer," He said, pointing to the shelf in the back. I made my way over and grabbed two of each. We both sat at the table, across from each other, and Jack served up the ice cream. I then got the chance to glance at the ice cream's label. It was chocolate-chip-cookie-dough.
"This is my favorite flavor. What's yours?" I asked him, shoveling ice cream into my mouth and moaning as the sugary goodness coated my tongue. Jack must have found that funny because he ducked his head and laughed.
"I don't know. This one is pretty good, but I love the mint and brownie ones as well," He told me. I had noticed that Jack always took great care to think about his answers before he gave them. He took and asked every question seriously. I got the feeling that Jack was the sort of person who's curiosity was never satisfied.
"I can vibe with that," I agreed. Jack's brows furrowed, he placed his spoon down on the table, folded his hands in his lap and leaned forward.
"I'm sorry, I don't know what that means. Could you explain it?" He asked. I liked the way he behaved when he was curious about something, Jack just dropped everything to learn and focused entirely on whatever it was he was trying to understand. Right now, that thing was me. I found that I didn't mind his undivided attention.
"Oh, um, it means that you agree with something somebody said. Its like saying 'you're right' or 'I agree with you' or 'that's cool'," I explained. Jack nodded.
"I think I understand." I gave him a thumbs up and scooped another spoonful of ice-cream into my mouth, closing my eyes and savoring the flavor with a deep sigh.
"You know, it's been five years since I last had ice cream," I said. Jack froze his ice cream eating with his spoon still stuck in his mouth, his expression morphing into one of horror and pity.
"That's awful!" He said, he'd removed the spoon, but his mouth was still full of the dessert, "No one should have to go without ice cream for that long!"
"My friend, you are absolutely right," I replied, pointing my spoon at him. "Here's to ice cream and sugar highs!" I tapped my bowl with the spoon and Jack copied me, albeit somewhat confused as to what I was doing. Speaking of sugar highs, I could already feel one building up already. It had been way too long since I'd had this much sugar.
"Marty?" Jack wanted my attention.
"I had a dream about you last night," He said, changing the subject. I stared up at him, pulling my spoon out of my mouth.
"Should I be worried?"
"What was I doing in this dream of yours?" I asked, straining to keep the nervousness that was building in my chest out of my voice. Jack frowned, picking at his ice cream.
"You said-- You told me you were dangerous and I shouldn't trust you, that you're hiding something."
I bit my lip, my eyes widening with shock. I struggled to keep calm and natural, my reactions could give me away. Just as I'd settled my expression, Jack looked up. "I can trust you, right?" I smiled as genuinely as I could, which was difficult to do with his gaze piercing into my soul like it was.
"Of course, you can! I may be clever but I'm not exactly diabolical," I said, giving my best laugh. Jack smiled and nodded, though I got the notion that he was reassuring himself more than anything. If he was going to say something else, he never got the chance because at that moment, Sam strolled into the room.
He stopped in his tracks when he caught sight of us at the table. Our heads snapped up at the same time and we froze. Jack had his spoonful halfway to his mouth and mine was already there. The three of us just stared at each other for a moment but Sam was the first to react.
"Come on guys, really?! It's six A.M.!" He exclaimed. I shrugged, removing the spoon from my mouth and pointing it at him.
"AM, PM. What's the difference? Live a little!" With that comment alone, Sam figured he wouldn't be getting anywhere with me, so he turned to Jack.
"Jack, come on, be an example." Jack glanced at his spoonful of dessert and shoved in in his mouth, quickly.
"Technically," He pointed out, directing his spoon at me, "She's older than me!"
"Hey!" I protested.
"This was your idea!"
Jack shrugged. "I know, but you agreed. I was just stating a fact," he said. Sam sighed, shaking his head. The two of us turned our attention back to him.
"Jack, throw it away and put the container back in the freezer. If you want ice cream, you can have it at dinner. Not at six in the morning," He scolded. Jack swallowed his mouthful of ice cream.
"But Sam, look at how happy she is! Marty hasn't had ice cream for five years!" He tried. I nodded vigorously to emphasize the point.
"It's true, Sam. You only live once!" I said, shoving another bite of ice cream in my mouth. Sam's eyes flicked back and forth between us.
"Fine. Just this once," He sighed.
"Thanks Sam!" Jack and I grinned.
"Yeah, whatever." Sam rolled his eyes and left the kitchen, but I could hear the hint of a smile in his voice. When he was gone, Jack sighed with relief.
"I take it you do this a lot," I said to him. He looked at the ice cream with a guilty expression.
"I wouldn't say a lot."
"But often enough for him not to be surprised?"
"Yeah." Jack grinned sheepishly.
"Does he always catch you?" I asked him.
"Every time, yes."
We finished our ice cream and put our dishes in the sink. Then, Jack proceeded to show me the rest of the bunker. Sometimes I would ask about what was in few of the rooms and he would reply with an 'I don't know' or a few times a rather disturbing 'You don't want to know'. To say that his cryptic warning had no effect on me would be a lie. He spoke the words in a light hearted way that just made me more worried. So, I tried to push any speculations as to the contents of those rooms from my mind but kept step slightly closer to Jack from then on.
He showed me a garage full of a bunch of old-timey cars that I found myself figuratively drooling over, a room full of antique electronic equipment he told me not to touch, an impressive gym with an adjacent shower room, an infirmary, a shooting range that looked like a lot of fun, something they called the 'War Room' which was where the glowy table was, the extensive library, and an alcove with an gigantic telescope that Jack claimed nobody could figure out how to use. According to him, the glowy table in the war room could supposedly track monsters, but the Winchesters weren't sure how to use it. Much to my relief.
Jack also showed me a room where I immediately knew I would be spending most of my time. Jack rather confusedly referred to it as 'The Dean Cave'. I later noticed the paper sign tacked on the back of the door that was labeled with said name. Inside there was a flat screen TV, two recliners, a bar that I'd never use, a foosball table which I would definitely use, a record-playing jukebox that I hoped had some decent tunes, and a shelf full of books. The whole room was lit by these cool red and blue lights that looked to be made out of beer kegs. This was a place I could get used to.
"Jack, I think I found my second favorite room," I said, trailing my fingers along the rim of the foosball table.
"You'll have to ask Dean if you can use the T.V. he and Sam are still trying to figure it out." Jack sat cross-legged on one of the ugly plaid recliners.
"Remind me to help em' with that. I'm tech-y," I replied, walking over to observe the jukebox. I didn't know most of the titles displayed on the devices list of records, but my eyes landed on one that I'd know even if it was written in Chinese. "Oh my gosh! Jack, how do I use this thing?!" I squealed, excitedly. Jack hopped up to help me.
"You turn this knob to select which one you want, then you press this button to start it," He explained. I followed his instructions and watched the machine grab the record and put it on that spinning thing before it dropped the needle. I grinned ear to ear as sweet music filled the air.
~Wouldn't it be nice if we were older? Then we wouldn't have to wait so long And wouldn't it be nice to live together In the kind of world where we belong?~
"What's this one called?" Jack asked over the notes.
"Wouldn't it be nice, by The Beach Boys! It's one of my favorites!" I was surprised that it was here considering Dean's bias when it came to music.
~You know it's gonna make it that much better When we can say goodnight and stay together~
"I dare you to sing along, Jack-Jack." I grinned and nudged his shoulder.
"No thank you," He said, shaking his head with a pleasant smile.
~Wouldn't it be nice if we could wake up In the morning when the day is new? And after having spent the day together Hold each other close the whole night through~
"Awww! Why not?"
"I don't know the words." He shrugged.
~Happy times together we've been spending I wish that every kiss was never ending Oh, wouldn't it be nice?~
"Fine!" I sighed in over dramatic disappointment, flopping onto one of the recliners. "But that excuse is only gonna work once!"
Jack chuckled, leaning his arms on the back of the recliner to look down at me. "I guess I better come up with more excuses then!"
~Maybe if we think and wish and hope and pray It might come true Baby, then there wouldn't be a single thing we couldn't do Oh, we could be married (oh, we could be married) And then we'd be happy (and then we'd be happy) Oh, wouldn't it be nice?~
"You can't evade me forever," I declared, kicking my feet back and forth to the beat of the song.
"True," Jack agreed, nodding. "But I can try."
"And try you will, young Skywalker," I said.
"I like Star Wars!" Jack noted, suddenly seeming to shift from being older than me to younger by about five years. It was an odd thing to watch.
"Who doesn't?"
~Goodnight, my baby Sleep tight, my baby Goodnight, my baby Sleep tight, my baby~
The music faded away but I maintained eye contact with Jack in a spontaneous staring contest. Why? Because, naturally the first one to break was a weakling and I was not going to take that title on my first day with these people.
"Is this a staring contest?" Jack asked, tilting his head a bit. He didn't blink.
"Indeed. We maintained eye contact for longer than twenty-eight seconds, so it's obligatory," You replied, still refusing to blink.
"I did not know that those were the rules," Jack said, sounding somewhat confused.
"Well, they're not. That's just how my family always played." You were quick to clear your throat and rid your tone of any sadness that slipped past your defenses.
"Oh, I see."
"I take it you two are having fun."
"Agh!" I shot up from my reclined position in shock and whipped to the doorway where I took in the sight of Castiel standing just outside the door frame, the ghost of a smile visible on his otherwise expressionless face. How long had he been watching? Embarrassment warmed my cheeks and I hoped we hadn't looked like idiots.
"Hey Cas! I don't know about Jack, but I'm having the time of my life!" I said. Then I turned to Jack. "Whattdya' say, buddy? Am I torturing you?"
"I've been tortured before, this isn't anything close to what that was like! Don't worry, Marty. You're a lot of fun." He stated, matter-of-factly. My eyes went wide and I tilted my head at him. I mean, what was I even supposed to say to something like that? "Oh, and you I won the staring contest." I found myself nodding slowly.
"Well, good for you. And that's got to be the weirdest complement I think I've ever gotten, but I'll take it." Jack grinned at me in his lopsided way and I turned my attention back to the other angel in the room. "Any particular reason for this visit or were ya just passing?"
"Sam asked me to check up on you two," Cas answered.
"Alright. Well, I was just about to ask Jack to help me find my way back to my room."
Cas simply nodded and walked off.
"So, why do you like that song so much?" Jack inquired as we strode back through the endless identical hallways.
"It was in one of my mom's favorite movies so she was always singing it. I love the tune as well and sometimes, when I'm sad, the words make me feel better," I answered. Jack frowned.
"I don't understand song lyrics. They never make sense to me."
"Would you like me to explain it to you?"
"Yes." Jack nodded and once again gave me all his attention.
"So, that song is about two young people who feel like they're living their lives stuck in place. There's so much they want to do but everybody says they're just to young to do it. They feel like they've outgrown the stage of life that they're in and they just want to move on. By being stuck where they are, they're afraid they'll miss their opportunity for happiness. So they dream about a day when they'll finally be free to do whatever they want, even if they that day may never come around." My thoughtful tone surprised me.
I hadn't meant to put so much of my own emotion into my explanation of the lyrics. If I kept on like this, the hunters would figure me out in no time. But there was just something about Jack, about the way he listened to my every word, that made me want to tell him everything about everything. I was weak around him. He made me let my guard down. I'd have to learn how to keep it up if I wanted to survive.
"Do you feel stuck sometimes?" Jack asked. His tone was sincere but his expression gave me no clues a s to what he was hoping to learn from his question. I nodded.
"I used to feel like I was living a loop, like every day was the same. It sucked." I rolled my eyes and shoved him playfully. "But then four weirdos in an Impala showed up and my life is finally moving again!"
~With every small disaster I'll let the waters still Take me away to someplace real
Cause' they say home is where your heart is set in stone Its where you go when you're alone Its where you go to rest your bones Its not just where you lay your head Its not just where you make your bed As long as we're together does it matter where we go?~
Lyrics from: Home by Jasmine Thompson
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SVT Vocal unit: Falling in love With a Trans guy: Part 1
I combined a few requests because they were close. They may be a little longer so I split them. I'm tired and I dont want to half ass it
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I was so upset because I spent about 2 hours trying to write for everyone and it was awful. Everyone was too much like another. Thank y’all for asking in and giving me a unit. 
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Woozi had the mindset of ‘It has nothing to do with me, as long as you're happy and doing what's best for you’ about (y/n) being transgender. He was still a friend before (y/n) told everyone the truth, but he didn't care. Jihoon didn't see the point in making a big deal out of it, (y/n) was still (y/n). Jihoon saw the way (y/n) looked at girls, how his eyes lingered on a beautiful or nice girl. Jihoon thought he was straight, Jihoon thought he was correct. But that didn't stop Jihoon from looking how (y/n) sipped his coffee/tea on their trips to the coffee shop, or how (y/n)‘s body reacted to stillness. Jihoon didn't want to believe that he was in love with his friend but it appeared that way. 
He was walking to the kitchen after waking up and saw the back of (y/n)‘s head, Jihoon knew that hair. In the other’s hand was a mug of the dorm and Seungkwan on his lap, half asleep. (Y/n) and a few of the other members we talking quietly, none of them could see the short, jealous man. Jihoon walked into the kitchen and got a mug a little angerly. He didn't want to believe that he was jealous, that would mean he was in love, with his friend. Jihoon was tired, he didn't know what he was doing. He put his mug down and spoke loudly, “(Y/n), Can you meet me in the kitchen?” Jihoon heard Seungkwan’s whines and he panicked. ‘Why did I do that, I have no idea what I'm going to do.’ (Y/n) came into the kitchen, his own mug still in hand. 
“What do need, Jihoon?” His brain was going haywire, Why did he do this? “I,” He stuttered, “I have feelings for you.” His once brave façade was gone, like the sleepiness he had when he had called (y/n) into the room. “I like you too, Jihoon. I wouldn't be your friend if I didn't like you.” (Y/n) felt like he was missing something. “No, Like you more than a friend. But I know you like girls, So I respect that and just-” (Y/n) had to stop him right there, “Jihoon, clearly what a person has in their pants doesn't bother me. I like a person for their personality and themselves, not if they're a guy, girl or anything else.” Awkward silence soon surrounded them, Jihoon tried to break it, “So, can we go on a date or what?” (Y/n) Tilted his head down and placed a smirk on his face, 
“How about our normal coffee place? I think the employees have been hoping for us to start dating for a while.”
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Jeonghan had been friends with (y/n) since high school. When he came out, Jeonghan had offered to show him some style tips, (y/n) responded by saying 'I'm not going to take advice from a guy who gets mistaken as a girl half the time. I'll ask Seungcheol.’ Jeonghan had his eyes on him before their friendship bloomed. He soon forgot about all about that as he realized how great of a person (y/n) was. Becoming Jeonghan’s friend meant that, sooner or later, That person will become with friends with all of Seventeen. 
Being a guy, Jeonghan thought that you liked girls. Like Jeonghan liked girls, he liked guys too but had never really explored that side of himself. He saw (y/n) and saw an opportunity. Jeonghan’s intentions were slightly skewed as he bonded with you greatly. As (y/n) became friends will his bandmates, Jeonghan became more stressed. He wanted to date (y/n) and if things went wrong, he could just drop out of his life. But his friends are friends with (y/n) now. Even with Jeonghan being your friend for so long, He couldn't tell if he was straight, bi or gay. Jeonghan was planning on confessing for a while now, but could never build up the courage to do it. It was a Friday night, in Jeonghan’s bed. 
A movie was playing on (y/n)‘s computer, they were both under the blankets. It was a romatic movie that was new and being raved about. The charters were engaging in overly sweet acts. Jeonghan’s hand crept over to the other's, his hand wound with (y/n)‘s. Jeonghan tried to focus in on the movie and not at (y/n)‘s burning glaze. He did notice that (y/n) didn't shy away, he held his hand and wasn't afraid of it. As the movie ended, (y/n) looked over to Jeonghan. “Jeonghan, Can I tell you something?” Jeonghan nodded, He was too afraid to look as their hands were still intertwined. “I really like you, more than a friend and by the way that you're holding my hand, I think I can say the same for you.”
“I thought I was being sneaky but I do like you. I would like to do this but much closer.
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Jisoo never thought he was gay. He never gave much thought of it. He didn't have anything against gay or transgender people. He knew they weren't widely accepted and didn't see why. His friend, (y/n), was a trans guy and made him understand even more. Jisoo was a strong ally because of him. Jisoo soon introduced (y/n) to the rest of his friends. He could see that (y/n) was getting along with his members. He was worried that his friends could or would say somthing.  Jisoo had a slow crush growing, he didn't notice it. It started with Jisoo having his arm around (y/n)‘s shoulders or waist, get each other their coffee from the café that has books and the soft chairs, or trying to play the guitar together. They were close friends but Jisoo could always tell that there was this underlying feeling. 
Jisoo had felt the look of (y/n)'s eyes on him. Jisoo often has those moments too. When (y/n)'s face mask was pulled down after a cold day, his cheeks pink from the cold and the slight bit of snow on (y/n)'s hair and clothes. Jisoo thought he looked ethereal. Another time is when (y/n) was wearing something he really liked, he got this type of confidence that made him look better. Jisoo had always thought that (y/n) was straight, he often positively commented on girl's clothing and fashion. He'd never seen (y/n) interested in guys other than to learn mannerisms from them. 
He could only imagine what the guy dealt with being raised the way he was. It was a weekend day at night, (y/n) had been playing his guitar and Jisoo had recognized the toon and started singing along softly. (y/n) had looked over and saw the way Jisoo was looking at the sheet of music. (y/n) could see the frustration on his face. He walked over to Jisoo on his bed and sat beside him. "Do you want a break?" Jisoo just shook his head to say no, (y/n) knew that he loved writing music but sometimes he forgot to take care of himself. (y/n) sat back and went on his phone. 
Jisoo looked up and saw that (y/n) had maneuvered around that they were shoulder to shoulder. (y/n) read the lyrics on the paper, it was a love song. Jisoo had frozen to see the other's reaction. The moment had a sense of romantic tension. (y/n) had slowly looked at him and slowly leaned in. Jisoo had the choice to go in for the kiss or pull away, Jisoo had been waiting too long to let this opportunity go. He leaned in and crashed lips with (y/n), a bit messy but the kiss was sweet. They pulled apart, Jisoo broke the silence but kept the eye contact,
"Please let us continue with this, just maybe like boyfriends?"
Joshua is bias wrecking me so badly rn
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neoira · 6 years
Bts mafia!au reaction: You find out/ they tell you about their real job
Notes : I'm a sucker for mafia!au and I might included a kingsman reference oops
Genre: Angst
For a few weeks now you thought that seokjin was acting a bit weird: coming home late, disappearing a whole afternoon and avoiding your questions, talking quietly on the phone to make sure that you couldn't hear what he was talking about.
So one night you decided to follow him, convinced that he was cheating on you. He walked straight into a back alley surrounded by warehouses. You adjusted the hood on your head before stepping into the dark area.
Someone them pulled you roughly towards them and you could feel a gun being pressed against your temple.
" Who are you, and why are you following the boss"
Shaking and sobbing you couldn't quite proceed who he was referring to. " I don't know what you are talking about... I was just following my boyfriend"
"Y/N ? Is that you?" You heard Seokjin say as he stepped out of the darkness. " Let her go." He ordered the man that was firmly holding on you.
" Yes, sir" he whispered before disappearing.
" Seokjin... what does all of this mean?" You asked shyly, barely looking at him.
" You weren't supposed to find out this way, I'm sorry. Y/N ... I'm in the mafia and I didn't know how to tell you. I was afraid that you would leave if you discovered the real me." He answered, gently taking you into his arms.
Mouth agape you silently glared at him. After a short while you finally found the courage to speak. " Seokjin, I would never leave you, trust me. But please let's go home and talk about it, I don't want you to hide anything from me."
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You were searching for an official paper absolutely vital to you and you couldn't find it anywhere. In your bedroom, on your desk, in the living room, it was nowhere to be found.
One last area remained unexplored though, yoongi's office. You had never been to this room, assuming that yoongi deserves his own place to work in without being disturbed.
But right now he wasn't home and you knew the timing was perfect. So you delicately opened the door and begin to search for your document. You were shuffling things on his desk when suddenly, after touching a golden lighter, the wall behind you disappeared and you found yourself facing a huge weapon collection: riffles, machine guns, grenades and knives. Astonished, you didn't hear yoongi walking into his office behind you.
"Y/N, what are you doing here?"
Not wanting to beat around the bush, you said blankly.
" Yoongi are you in the mafia?"
He sighed.
" Yes, yes I am."
You turned to him, your head full of questions and even if You wouldn't admit it, a slight hint of fear.
" Why didn't you tell me ?"
He gulped and closed his eyes before looking right at you.
" I didn't want to get you involved in my activities, my world is fucked up, I acknowledge that. And I didn't want to put you in any danger. I can't loose you."
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You were a detective, and a damn good one. That's why your boss decided to give the mission to infiltrate undercover the biggest gang in your city.
After a few months only, you had successfully earned the trust of many members and you were slowly rising to the top. Tonight, you were finally going to see the boss during the meeting.
When the boss arrived, you couldn't believe your eyes, next to the boss was standing hoseok, your one and only boyfriend. He shoot a quick glance at you before returning his attention to a man talking on his left.
" Who is he ?" You asked dumbfounded to the man sitting next to you, pointing at hoseok.
He seemed suprised by your question and answered in a low voice " Since when have you been here seriously ? How come that you don't know Hoseok, he's like the gang's best hitman."
You looked at him again. You didn't understand why he wasn't mentioned in the files you had to study in order to enter the gang. At the end of the meeting, he came closer to you and slide a paper in your pocket. "MEET ME ON THE ROOF IN 10." What you didn't know though, was that hoseok knew about your job all along, and that he had purposely deleted everything about him in your computer.
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When namjoon got home tonight, he wasn't expecting you to be here so early. He didn't even had time to hide his shirt before you were all over him.
"Dear God, Namjoon are you hurt?"
You were panicking, frantically trying to identify the place of the wound. When you finished to undo his shirt, you realised that his chest and his abdomen were perfectly fine. You then took a step behind slowly lifting your head to meet his gaze.
" That's... not my blood" he avoided to look at you.
" What happened?" You asked, shaking
He didn't answer.
" Namjoon are you... are you ..." You couldn't even finish what you were saying.
"Yes Y/N, I am." It was unbelievable. Namjoon, your sweet and loving boyfriend. A man who would take you to the beach only to look at tiny crabs in the sand, was part of the mafia.
You had always suspected it, but you had hoped that it was just your imagination. But now that he had confirmed it, you didn't know what to think anymore. He tried to take your hand in his but you pulled it out.
" I- I need time to think, please leave me alone." You declared before locking yourself in your room.
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It was Friday night, you were going out in a club with a few of your friends. The music was loud and the air was thick. You didn't really like clubs but your friends convinced you to go anyway. You were sitting on a bar stool, sipping your drink when something got your attention. People around you started to talk about mafia members being in the club tonight. Bored and not really having anything else to do, you glanced at the place where the members were supposed to be. You recognised a few men because you had seen their faces on the news before. That's when you spotted him, sitting on a couch, his arms holding the shoulders of another woman. Jimin. He was in the middle of the band, smiling and laughing at whatever they were saying. You asked the people next to you about him and they confirmed that he was with them.
Angry and a little bit tipsy you stood up and walked up to him.
His face crumbled. He distanced himself from the woman and tried to calm you down.
" That's not what you're thinking please Y/N Let me explain"
" What are you going to explain? That you hid your real occupation from me ? That you are cheating on me? Save it, I don't want to see you anymore."
You started crying as you ran out of the club.
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Today was your day off. Finally, after months of hard work you could enjoy being at home alone, chilling. You were sitting on your couch, watching TV while eating pizza when the news started. They were talking about the most powerful gang in the whole city and how they arrested a dozen of its members today. But the boss and some of his henchmen had managed to escape. Then, their pictures appeared on the screen and you almost choked on what you were eating when you recognised Taehyung among them. He was labelled as the "boss". He was the gang member the whole city was afraid of. Did he really lie to you all along ? You figured out that he did. On TV they described him as dangerous and unpredictable, was it really the same man you had been dating for 2 years now ?
You waited for him to come home. Your eyes were puffy because of the tears. You still weren't sure if you wanted to stay with him or not.
When he finally came back you were standing in front of the front door, arms crossed. He could feel that something was odd.
" Did you see the news?"
" I did" you answered dryly, firmly glaring at him.
He nodded.
" You have 5 minutes to explain it all to me before I kick you out."
He grinned slightly before sitting on a chair in your living room. 5 minutes weren't going to be enough.
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3am and jungkook was nowhere to be found, even though he had said he was going to be home by 11pm and you were starting to worry. You tried to call his friends but no one knew where he was and he wasn't at work either. About one hour later you heard a knock on the door, you almost ran to open it , thinking that it was Jungkook coming back home. But when you opened the door you were greeted with the sight of jungkook, bruised and covered with blood. Two men were by his side, since he couldn't walk by himself. You let them in, tears in your eyes due to your half dead boyfriend. Jungkook disappeared in your bedroom with one of then while the other one stayed with you.
" I'm Taehyung, sorry that you have to witness this, the meeting turned bad today"
You didn't understand what he was talking about, jungkook was a regular college student with a part time job, nothing more.
" What meeting are you talking about ? Jungkook wasn't supposed to work tonight."
Taehyung looked at you with sad eyes
" I see ... He didn't tell you, did he ? Jungkook is in the mafia and he's the son of the boss, things like this might happen more often as time goes by"
You continued to talk with Taehyung until he and the other man left.
The next morning you went next to your bed to see jungkook, he was awake.
" Good morning" he said simply.
" Don't good morning me , yesterday you came home half dead with people I don't even know and moreover I found out that you're in the mafia ?! What else are you hiding from me ?" You were genuinely angry at him
" Those bastards outnumbered me, but you should have seen their faces, my injuries are scratches compared to theirs."
He was trying to lighten the mood but you weren't having any of it.
" Is it too much to ask for a warning when you go somewhere where you can potentially be killed? I don't want to come back home one day and find you dead on a sidewalk"
He caressed your cheek with his thumb.
" Who do you think am I ? It takes way more to kill the infamous jeon jungkook"
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