#if you read this and then go on the show and win you owe me a dirty laundry shot glass
How to win Dirty Laundry.
I'm no expert on lying or deduction, I just take this show pretty serious when I watch it, and I think the patterns to notice in this game offer a cool lens into interpersonal communication.
I. How to not catch liars. Liars largely aren't that spottable. Buckle in for this one: it's usually easier to eliminate ~3 honest people than to find one liar. Liars tend to be hyperaware of everything they do and end up doing nothing. Everyone's all too aware of the concept of tells, so here are some anti-tells that actually work.
The first to talk after hearing the secret read is a truth teller. Seriously. I can maybe count on one hand the number of times the liar spoke first, but everyone alllllllways ends up suspecting the first talker.
If someone unnecessarily implicates themself, they're likely a truth teller. For instance, giving a related anecdote is a strong anti-tell.
Truth tellers will dig deeper into the wording and theorizing cause they're actually trying to find a liar.
Less solidly, the biggest, flashiest accusers tend to be truth tellers. Liars try to fade into the background, so if someone is going ham on a theory--and not simply after they've been targeted--it's often someone unworried about the attention.
II. How to catch liars. There are somewhat tells. Sometimes. There are more in this list than the previous, but this is all less sure. The rest of your natural suspicions will help. The state I'm in when I get more things right is aware of my instincts but not reliant on them.
If everyone thinks someone's the liar, they're right.
Don't let anyone off the hook. Accuse for whatever reason, then see how they react.
Because liars usually act the same each time they lie--going quiet, going loud, accusing, double bluffing, whatever. My theory is people have a strong pre-built idea of what looks suspicious, so they won't be worried about lying the same way as last time as much as being suspicious at all.
Liars sometimes act ignorant and way overdo it. Like folks who say they're unaware of basic relevant world knowledge or fully skipped relevant life experience or just forgot the question. It's possible but it's suspicious.
There are some contestants who are just good liars. There usually aren't multiple in one episode (besides Lily and Grant, but it's safe to ignore them as a baseline). If someone fully outwits me on their first lie, especially by breaking any of the above patterns, and I have no suspects later, I'll just have to suspect them. Aabria Iyengar and Anna Garcia could sell me sand in a desert.
Not sure how the show's edited and how much of this is actually applicable to people in the game, but there's always some meta information for us to use. Everyone will get at least two secrets in the episode somewhere, usually no one will repeat until three distinct people have had a turn, often exactly three, they tend to space out each guest's secrets, and Lily and Grant will rarely appear early or be the episode's title. If someone's been on a previous season, they're probably not gonna bring anything crazier than then.
III. How to lie. Mostly chill out a little bit. Unless you're a trash liar.
Don't talk first. As stated above, you won't fool me, but there's less of me than people with the opposite belief.
Be the second to accuse someone. Everyone remembers the accused and the first accuser, but the quiet "oh yeah I could see X doing that" gives the theory a ton of validity while flying fully under the radar.
Don't say "I know it sounds like me, but this one's not me." (Even though truth-tellers and liars both say this all the time.) The best way to lose heat is to confidently say this couldn't ever have been me.
While you're doing so, make the justification very, very concise. Simple nonsense is more compelling than convoluted truth.
You do have to have good secrets. This is an entertainment product more than a competition, so the show will probably want the craziest story, but an uncharacteristic, mild secret will always fool more people than a buckwild but on-brand one.
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Had this “Steve only hates impersonal nicknames” idea in my notes for a while and then after seeing @cholvoq​ ‘s wonderful art I had to turn it into a real thing for Valentine’s Day. This is 2.4k, i’m SO sorry edit: you can now read this on ao3 :)
Eddie’s a nickname guy. It’s always Dusty this and Gare-Bear that and JeffJeff here and Bobbie there and it’s Mikey and Maxxii and Nance-pants and Johnny and… big boy?
Him being a nickname guy makes it near impossible to hide his crushes. Thankfully, Steve had been really cool about it. Sure, he seemed a little stunned, but Eddie still had all his teeth in place by the end of that interaction, so he had called that a win.
He hadn’t known then that Steve was… different. Or he was starting to see it but what he thought was shocking then had really been just the tip of the iceberg. He hadn’t expected Steve to be nice. Or funny, or caring, or protective, or understanding.
He had learned all of that after everything. During chats on Hellfire nights while the kids cleaned up after themselves, during hangouts at the diner with Robin and Nancy, during Saturday afternoons when he went to pick out a movie only to end up talking with Steve, their conversation flowing until it was cut short by Steve’s shift ending.
After some time, Eddie had gotten to know Steve even more during long weekday nights when one came over to bring the other something they left behind, or to share a record, or to demand the beers the other owes or to show the other a stupid article in a stupid magazine only to end up making dinner together and watching a movie afterwards.
They stopped making excuses about two weeks ago.
Eddie had asked “do youuu… wanna come over?” on Saturday night, while nervously twirling his keys as Steve locked the front doors of the Family Video.
The evening chill had cut right through Eddie’s leather jacket as his keys clanged against his rings. But Steve had nodded with a smile and asked “pizza?” on their way to their cars, and Eddie had forgotten all about the cold.
Point being, Steve had been just fine with ‘big boy’ when it happened. Eddie’s a nickname guy. Him and Steve are hanging out more now, and so, Eddie’s been calling him more nicknames. Some of them are very intentional, others come completely without thinking, and it turns out, Steve takes issue with a few of them.
The first time it happens, Eddie’s underneath his van trying to get the damn thing to cooperate, the recent winter was tough on it, and it keeps dying out on him.
Steve sits nearby perched on a little stool, wearing his Family Video vest since he came by right after finishing his morning shift to see if they could make plans for lunch. Eddie suggested they grab something at the diner if and when he finally gets the van to start back up and Steve had agreed to wait.
He’s been telling Eddie about tonight’s basketball- game? match? super bowl? Is there such a thing as the major leagues of basketball? Eddie’s not sure, but he adores the sound of Steve’s voice and he’s kind of invested in the drama of players switching teams and retiring and whatever else Steve wants to tell him about. So, he’s been listening, not really bothering with asking for clarification for what he doesn’t understand yet. He’ll figure it out as they go.
He's blindly patting the floor around his legs for his rag, when he feels Steve put it right in his hand.
Eddie’s relieved. "Thanks, bud!" he says, the nickname just rolling off his tongue effortlessly, no meaning attached.
It gets kind of quiet all of a sudden. After about five seconds of Steve not talking, Eddie comes out to check on him, and finds him frowning at his legs.
"Don't call me ‘bud’" Steve requests, looking up at his face, his tone just a tad harsh. Eddie would think he ran into King Steve if he didn't know any better.
As it is, Eddie gets Steve probably thinks the nickname is childish or patronizing, so he doesn’t think twice of it, just gets a little sheepish and says "sorry, Stevie".
Steve smiles at that, a little cocky. He does his little mean girl shaking his head thing like he just got exactly what he wanted. Eddie feels his face twist a bit in confusion, but he likes it when Steve gets a little mean so he doesn't say anything about it and just dives back under his van as Steve resumes their conversation.
 The second time it happens, they’re outside the supermarket. The kids shot out of the van as soon as it rolled to a stop, Steve calling out a warning after them while still listening to Eddie explain why Star Wars and Star Trek are actually very different but really good in their own way. Their conversation carries on as they hop out of the van, lock up and walk to meet at the front.
“I’m telling you, Star Trek is great. You would love it,” Eddie says, “you just have to give it a chance”.
Steve rolls his eyes at him, but Eddie can see his smile.
“Ok, alright,” Steve answers, “you can show me tonight then”, it’s almost too nonchalant. Eddie has to hide his grin.
Steve’s been suggesting they hang out more and more lately, and he can’t help but feel a bit hopeful. They clearly enjoy each other’s company, their time together is never dull, Steve seems to be really comfortable around him and maybe, just maybe…
“Should we get beers then?” Eddie asks, excited at the prospect of some more time alone with him.  They haven’t had a weeknight hangout since Eddie fixed his van last week. He kinda misses the very specific color of Steve’s eyes in the Harringtons’ yellow living room lamplight.
“Yeah,” Steve says, his eyes get soft in a way Eddie only started noticing a couple of weeks back, “we can watch it at my place” he adds. Eddie thinks he definitely hasn’t seen him look at anyone else like that.
To shake himself out of the spell of the prettiest boy he’s ever met making the prettiest eyes he’s ever seen at him and ONLY him, Eddie grabs Steve by the wrist and starts marching them towards the supermarket’s front doors.
Without thinking, Eddie says "c'mon man," as they go.
Steve, who started easily following him (like he always does these days), suddenly stops in his tracks. Eddie gets pulled back and almost stumbles on top of Steve. He'd get flustered if Steve wasn't frowning at him like he’d just said the most insulting thing he’d heard this month.
"Don't call me ‘man’" Steve says. Eddie feels his eyebrows raise a bit.
He debates asking why but doesn't question Steve in the end. He’d rather offer understanding than judgement to him any day.
So, Eddie takes advantage of Steve's wrist in his hand, and squeezes there a bit, says "I'm sorry sweetheart" sincerely, looks into Steve's eyes so he can see Eddie means it.
Steve blushes a bit then, not really used to the nickname yet, Eddie just got the balls to start using it last week. Eddie himself is not really used to seeing Steve blush, and at something he says? It’s too much power for one metalhead.
But he gets distracted from Steve’s blush because it happens again, Steve basically preens like a peacock once Eddie switches nicknames. Looks smug, like he has Eddie wrapped around his finger and well, Eddie guesses he does, so, no arguments there either.
He just smiles back at Steve, really, has no other choice, it’s not like he can control how he reacts to the most gorgeous fucking face the universe could ever come up with. But he tugs him along again, Steve happily following this time.
The next time it happens, Steve’s leaning against his kitchen island, with Eddie leaning across from him against the counter.
The party is watching a movie in the Harringtons’ living room and at some point, Eddie got up to get himself another soda, Steve not so subtly followed after him, taking the empty popcorn bowls to the sink. He struck up a conversation and there they stayed.
Eddie’s been turning the small gesture around and around in his head. Clearly Steve’s not shy about seeking him out, and he’s obviously good with the party knowing, which means a hell of a lot because those are Steve’s people, that’s his family.
Eddie’s honestly running out of excuses to not ask him out. Seeing him reaching out to bump his sneaker against Eddie’s boot when he says something funny, laughing just a little too hard at Eddie’s dumb joke; seeing his eyes widen a bit when Eddie compliments him; seeing him notice when Eddie is holding back from talking too much, and not letting it go until he thinks Eddie’s shared all of his opinions on the subject; Eddie thinks maybe he can be brave, when it comes to Steve.
And this week might be the perfect time.
Here they are still, the movie long ended and several easy conversations floating from the living room to the kitchen, where they’re still engrossed on their own.
“I mean I taught the kid how to do his hair for god’s sake!” Steve is saying, Eddie’s laughing easily, and he has a slight suspicion Steve’s acting way more annoyed than he really is because he knows Eddie dies laughing every time Steve roasts the kids.
“Just, if he’s gonna give me hair advice, he should work on that goddamn tone. At the Very Least.” Steve finishes, Eddie giggling all the while at his Annoyed Mom tone.
"Yeah, dude!" Eddie agrees, wanting to egg him on, but Steve's face suddenly falls and whatever remark Eddie had locked and loaded just fades away.
Eddie blinks perplexed; he’s getting déjà vu.
Steve frowns at him, says "Don't call me ‘dude’".
It’s eerie, only he sounds a bit annoyed this time.
Eddie thinks, maybe someone called Steve ‘dude’ before in an unpleasant way, so he doesn't pry.  Instead, he takes the chance to call him a nickname he likes more, and says "Sorry, pretty boy", his heart fluttering in the milliseconds he has to wait for Steve’s reaction.
And it happens one last time: Steve absolutely beams at that one, his smile so bright it makes Eddie want to jump in place.
He leans further back on the counter returning the smile, not noticing the common thread in Steve’s reactions to him switching nicknames.
But then the glint in Steve’s eyes suddenly brightens a dim corner of Eddie’s brain. He gets this feeling that reminds him of a perfectly set up riddle or finding that one perfect note for his latest song. It’s like everything suddenly just makes sense.
Eddie feels realization dawn on his face as he pushes himself off the counter to walk right into Steve’s personal bubble, grabs both of Steve's hands.
"Steve" Eddie says, not even caring that he sounds like the name is dripping in honey when it comes out of his mouth. With how sweet Steve is, it might as well be.
Steve just looks at him a little stunned, but doesn't say anything. Eddie draws circles in the back of his palms to reassure him.
"Why don't you want me to call you ‘dude’?" Eddie asks, trying to find out if this whole thing is what he thinks it is.
Steve looks down at their joined hands,.
"You call Nancy that sometimes..." Steve mumbles.
His answer would sound inconsequential to the unsuspecting, certainly would have to Eddie as late as last week, but Eddie thinks he’s finally getting it, and he hums his understanding.
"How ‘bout ‘man’?" he asks
Steve replies "You call Robin that sometimes..." his eyes still on their hands.
Eddie nods his agreement.
"I call everyone those things" he points out.
Steve agrees. "Exactly" he says, finally looking at him again, sounding annoyed and confirming Eddie’s suspicions.
Eddie feels his face split into a smile. He wants to grab Steve’s beautiful freaking face and just plant one on him.
"Can I still call you sweetheart?" he ventures instead. The nickname brings the hint of a smile to Steve's face but then he seems to realize something not so pleasant.
"Do you call someone else ‘sweetheart’?" Steve asks in return.
"No one" Eddie says, shaking his head, his tone vehement.
"Then yes" Steve finally answers. Eddie's heart wants to beat right out of his chest.
He interlocks their fingers to ground himself, Steve looks down at their hands and smiles at the sight.
"So, you don't want me to call you something I call someone else?" Eddie states, more than asks, calling Steve’s eyes back to his again.
"Anyone else" Steve confirms, holding his gaze.
Eddie lets out a small shuddering exhale and feels his heart fluttering in his throat, he really cannot believe this boy.
"Steve" Eddie drawls, dripping in honey again, his hands coming up to cradle Steve's face because he really can't resist anymore "Sweetheart" he says.
Steve's eyes grow a little wide and he starts blushing so much that Eddie can feel it in his palms.
"Steevieeee" Eddie sinsongs, squeezing Steve's face a bit "Pretty boy" Eddie calls him. Steve just keeps looking at him and a small smile blooms in his pretty, pretty face.
"Would you let me take you out to dinner this Friday?" Eddie finally asks him, his fingers curling to the back of Steve's head to play with his hair there. Steve's eyes get even wider.
" 's Valentine's this Friday" he points out. Eddie knows.
"Mmhm. Want you to be my Valentine." Eddie tells him, tugs his hair gently, "How's that sound?" he asks, bold in a way he never has been before. Steve blushing does things to him.
"Sounds nice" Steve answers. He smiles and nods while his hands hook on Eddie's belt loops.
"Then it's a date?" Eddie asks, trying not to sound too eager. He thinks he fails spectacularly but Steve beams and pulls him in to kiss his cheek.
"It's a date" Steve tells him, his breath ghosting on Eddie's cheek and making him shiver.
Steve pulls back, lets go of Eddie’s belt loops and tugs on a strand of his hair gently, smiling like the cat that got the cream as he walks back out into the living room.
Eddie’s gonna make this the best Valentine’s Day date Steve has ever been on.
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layla4567 · 6 months
Me gustas tú
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Inspired by this song
Summary: The straw hats take a well-deserved day of rest. While they are on the ship, you and Luffy will go ashore and spend a day on the beach.
Word count: 1.476
Pairing: Luffy x GN!reader
Warnings: slightly canon divergence, sfw, Y/N use, Luffy confessing his feelings, beta read, If I forgot something, let me know.
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The Going Merry disembarked and docked at a dock near a lonely beach on a desert island, ideal for a break from aimless sailing. The first to jump onto the sand was Luffy, running like a lynx and climbing like a monkey, he jumped from the deck and landed with a somersault, spreading the sand in the form of a cloud that made the others cough. The captain's shouts of joy were contagious and you suddenly found yourself laughing at his antics. Nami and you went down like civilized people admiring the saline and clear sea water of a turquoise color like quartz. Zoro and Ussop followed behind you while Sanji stayed in the kitchen for a while finishing washing the dishes.
Luffy ran and jumped waving his arms along the seashore smiling widely, he looked like a child who had just seen the beach for the first time. Nami next to you elbowed you laughing
"I can't imagine what he'll be like when he sees the tundra."
"Or the jungle"-You followed the joke
Then each one went to their own side to do different activities. Nami sat on the ground resting on a towel in the sun, Ussop stayed practicing with his slingshot near some palm trees and Zoro stayed with one shoulder leaning on the wood of the boat, in the shade. You took advantage of the fact that you had your swimsuit under your clothes and you took off your shirt and pants, revealing your navy blue swimsuit and you ran to jump in the waves.
Luffy, seeing you, ran towards you and copied your movements, going deeper into the sea and jumping high every time he saw a small wave coming, causing the foam to splash and hit you in the face.
"Luffy stop! You're soaking me!"-You said laughing as you put your hands forward to avoid the water.
He turned around smiling, lowering his hat until it fell on his back still held by the cord around his neck "But isn't that what the sea and the beach are for? Of course you will get wet!"
"But not like that Luff- Oh!"
Luffy hugged you around the waist and lifted you into the air to put you against his shoulder and go deeper into the water. You screamed in surprise while the other straw hats laughed at your situation. The captain was happy as a clam and ignored your fists against his bare back demanding that he put you down.
"Uhhh (y/n) said his full name, the boy is in trouble."-Zoro mocked from afar.
"Okay, okay, but don't be angry!"-Luffy said
Luffy laughingly let you go and you fell on your butt into the water just as a large wave crashed into your back and pushed you forward, getting your head wet. When you was able to regain your balance you was spitting out salt water in disgust. You gave a murderous look at Luffy who quickly dropped his usual wide and confident smile.
"And now is when he will start running, in 3..2…-" -Nami said
The brown boy ran like hell, stumbling on the sand in fear while you ran after him waving your fist in the air.
Ussop and Zoro had approached Nami and sat on the sand ready to watch the show.
“I bet (y/n) gets to him first.”-she said
"And I bet that Luffy is wins, he is more agile and faster"
Nami looked at him with a slightly offended raised eyebrow. "Oh yeah? Ok, what do we bet?"
"Wait are you really going to bet on (y/n) and our captain?"-Ussop asked confused but amused.
"5,000 berries" -Zoro said ignoring the boy.
The two sealed the pact while Ussop shook his head laughing. After a while watching the two crew members run as if they were playing hide and seek, Nami, smiling proudly, saw how you knocked Luffy to the ground with a tackle.
"You owe me those berries…" -Nami smiled mischievously at an angry Zoro.
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Later the only ones left on the beach were you and Luffy, the others decided that they had had enough of the sun and took refuge on the deck of the ship with their elbows resting on the railing looking at the two of you. You and your captain were sitting together, one on each side, on the white sand with your legs stretched out and your hands behind you, admiring how the burning sun fell on the horizon, turning the sky a bright red. You sighed, closing your eyes and reveling in the salty breeze and the song of the seagulls soaring through the clouds. Luffy next to you couldn't focus on anything but your beauty. He looked at your face instead of concentrating on the nature that surrounded him because being next to you, who cared about everything else? Even the most beautiful flower or the warmest sun did not compare to everything you were to him.
You threw your head back, smiling even with your eyes closed, and the captain came closer to your side, bumping his shoulder into yours. At that touch you opened your eyes in surprise and when you turned your head to see him you found his brown eyes staring into his and a sweet smile on his lips. Being close to him always meant that the environment would be charged with electricity and Luffy is a very hyperactive and energetic being like a puppy. It wasn't the same as sitting near Nami or Sanji whose energy was calmer, no. Luffy emanated sparks and joy throughout his body and even though he was sitting it was as if his anxious molecules could not be still, as if behind that mischievous smile and those mischievous eyes there were hidden intentions to keep moving and jump from here to there. Luffy was always on the move
"Is something the matter?"-You asked because of his insistent, somewhat goofy look.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I just got lost in your gaze."
You laughed shaking your shoulders and he laughed with you without stopping to look at you, and thinking that the flirt was Sanji. You slapped his arm with the back of your hand.
"Don't talk nonsense Luffy, the only one who can flirt here is the cook"
Suddenly, smiling, the boy in the straw hat stood in front of you, very close to your face, with his arms at your sides, caging your torso.
"Of! Luffy what are you-?"-you said startled
"Listen, I want to tell you something important."
Luffy swallowed and seemed more anxious than usual, besides he never spoke so seriously, you didn't know whether to worry or not.
"Ok yeah sure, I'm listening"
He sighed and his breath hit your face "I've been meaning to tell you this for a while… I like you."
"Aw Luffy I like you too"
He shook his head making his dark curls move. "No no, you misunderstood me. I really like you."
You went blank having understood what the pirate boy had meant. You moved your eyes from right to left, looking into his, feeling that your words were dying on your tongue, unable to pass through your lips.
"(y/n) I love you! Phew I finally said it.."
Luffy seemed happy and relieved to be able to let those three words come out of his mouth, regardless of your answer he already had a smile on his face. You let out a small airy laugh and swallowed hard.
"I think I like you too, I mean, I love you too."
The boy rested his cheek against your belly, tickling you and letting the air escape from your lungs. His grip was strong as if he wanted to squeeze a lemon. You fell back laughing as your hands rubbed his back. Now you understood why he always seemed so clingy to you, close to you like chewing gum. And all those jokes he played on you and the way he always seemed to tease you so you would get angry. Feeling playful, you wrapped your legs around his hips and forcefully turned him over so you could now be on top of him. Luffy fell heavily in the sand and you rested your chin near the junction of his collarbones.
Luffy stroked your damp hair "So you're not angry anymore for throwing you into the sea?"
You rolled your eyes with a lopsided smile. “Oh shut up and come here.”
With both of your hands you grabbed Luffy's chubby cheeks and planted a kiss on his lips. At first he opened his eyes in surprise but then he closed them smiling between your lips. From a distance on the ship you could hear the cheerful whistles and cheers of the crew.
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chordsykat · 28 days
How I write action/fight scenes
From a prompt posted by a friend on Discord last night. :3 Just thought I would ramble a bit before getting to work, this morning. If you're a writer and want to know what goes through my head as I come up with combat scenes in my stories, then read on. In this way, I hope we both learn a lot. Because I honestly don't think I've ever laid out my "formula" before...
First, know who you're dealing with.
This tutorial is going to stick mostly to the actual writing aspects, but if you're going to do an action series, you should factor in the combat abilities of your characters as you develop them. This doesn't have to be anything fancy. Keep it to the natural human responses at least. In other words, during a conflict, how will your character react:
Fight: Push back
Flight: Run away
Freeze: Do nothing
Knowing just that will give you enough to start thinking these dances through. And indeed, that's what they are - a dance. If you know more, like, specifically what kind of fighting they do, what their strengths in combat are, etc -- all the better, but know that what I list below goes in order from most to least important, and that stuff won't be on the list until the end.
Second, (and always) make the audience care about the action.
This sounds dumb and counterintuitive but people won't find an action scene compelling just because it's an action scene. Not to knock it, because it was brilliant for a different reason and a lot of the writing staff's hands were tied... BUT... During my time as a fan of, all the way into my employment with, Archie-Sonic, I can't tell you how many action scenes happened just because some executive at Sega was like "I think X and Y need to fight." So they would, and for reasons that were muddy at best. I think at one point, we had Sonic and Knuckles literally exchanging this dialogue:
Sonic: Yo dude, be cool. Last time we met, we left on good terms! Knuckles: Maybe, but you're still an intruder and just because you did me that favor on the day my daughter was to be married does not mean I owe you anything in the way of kindness.
IDK, my memory may be foggy, but that was the gist of it. Point is, don't do that - and first make sure your audience understands the motives behind the action, the potential stakes, and why it's all taking place to begin with. Else, you can make it as cool as you want and people are going to walk away with a sense of "that was cool" instead of "holy shit I was freaking out through that whole scene." If there's any question as to what you should be striving for as a writer, it's the latter.
Third, plot it out like it's a mini-story.
To the point - figure out the end first, and work backwards, just like so many writing tutorials have said before. Again, keep it simple: Who wins? Does the conflict result in a casualty of some kind? Does a character learn something?
Before you show how it goes down, you need to establish what goes down as the action happens, and what happens afterwards. Keeping the ending in mind as yo write a scene is always a good way of making it feel tighter. And throwing littlte twists for interest (maybe a character has the upper-hand for all but the end of the fight - maybe a character is losing until a specific turning point, etc) is made much easier, too.
Fourth, mind the rhythm.
A little weird to explain this, but the back-and-forth nature of the scene needs to flow well. Generally, conflict follows a pattern of:
Character acts
Opposition reacts
Opposition acts
Character reacts
If this pattern looks familiar to you, it should. This is the basic pattern of human dialogue as seen in stories and, YES, real life. Consider your scene like a dialogue all its own (even if the characters are talking throughout). The twists and turns I spoke about in the last point should be "off beat" because there's an unexpected nature to them. When a twist happens, consider breaking the above pattern.
Fifth, showcase character traits and skills (again, always).
Some characters have a high sense of honor and would put down their weapons if their opponent was unarmed. Some of them would fight dirty and hit someone with a chair when their back was turned. Some characters are scrappy and will jump into a conflict even when they're sorely outmatched. Some are straight up cowards who might run away even when there's a good chance they could win. Some are smart enough to bow out and will not engage -- hiding at the first sign of trouble. Some will throw snowballs at the oppressor and be surprised when they pull aggro and the dude comes after them.
You get the idea -- fights, conflicts and action scenes are great ways to show your characters' strengths, weaknesses, traits, and personality. Times of struggle are going to lay emotional responses raw, and it's a great way of showing "who someone really is" as it were.
Sixth, showcase unique defensive behavior.
Some characters have specific training: military, martial arts, street-fighting, etc... which, if you're aware of those, should come out during combat or conflict. Some characters have access to weapons. Some characters' bodies are the weapon. Etc, etc etc...
Whatever you do, about the only time you're going to show off the fact that your character knows Muay Thai is during an action scene. If you yourself do not practice this martial art, then research what you need to incorporate to make it believable when you write. Watch videos and write down the ways you would describe the movement. If you're doing a comic, then sketch the movement. Use that in your story.
Last, create more interest by tying in and highlighting story themes or disparities between protagonist characters, antagonist characters, and/or the conflict as a whole.
A little trickier, but if your story has a central theme or moral, try showing pieces of it shining through the action. Just as one wild example, if you have a theme of "love conquers all" this might mean your fight will end with the two people falling in love, instead of fighting. Think like a dungeon master. If you rolled a natural 20 on "try to woo the orc" in a combat situation (remember that comic?) what do you think would happen?
Too, if your combatants have something in common, or especially something that they are diametrically opposed on, feel free to show that off in these scenes. It'll leave the audience knowing them better (and set them up for further head-butting... or romance(?) down the line. And that's always fun).
Anywho, that's just a few of my thoughts on action sequences in fiction. If this helped you, or you want me to talk about this even more -- send me a message or a note or something. Always up for discussing this kind of thing.
And your reward for reading this far is an invite to join my discord if you wanna hear me ramble on about this sort of thing, in perpetuity. :)
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bunnywrites1414 · 8 months
"Why did you invite me if you weren't gonna pay attention to me?"
Kinktober 2nd, 2023: What kind of jerk invites someone over and then sits on a computer game for 2 hours? Suna that's who.
Warnings: Vouyarism, reader shows off over VC.
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"Why did you invite me if you weren't going to pay attention to me?" (Y/N) grumbles from her comfy spot on Suna's bed. "I'm gonna pay attention to you, we're on a winning streak, can't stop yet," He says not taking his eyes off of his setup "No not you, fuckin stupid" he yells into his mic, probably at Atsumu. He listens to her sigh, then his bed sheets rustle, and then a heavy thump next to him.
She watches his expression shift from one of concentration to a sneaky smirk. "Not gonna work princess," he says. More shuffling. He sees her walk up to his chair, pretty legs now bare of his sweat pants. She yanks gently on his sleeve and whines "Wanna sit with you" she says. "Just a second Angel" he murmurs. About 2 minutes later the 'Victory' screen appears across the screen and Suna pushes back away from his desk to lets (Y/N) slip into his lap. She straddles his hips and tucks her face into his neck. "Hi, pretty baby" he mumbles rubbing her back under her sweatshirt and running his hands along her bare thighs. She can hear Atsumu and Bokuto fake gag through the headphones and she giggles into his throat. "That was so cute." a voice she doesn't recognize. She plants little kisses down his jaw.
"Princess the camera's on" his voice is gentle. He can hear her eyes roll and the "course it is" she mumbles is enough to make him chuckle into her hair. "Wave to the boys" He murmurs and she turns to wave shyly at his webcam. She watches Kurro, Atusumu, Bokuto, and some other blonde wave back at her. "Who's 'at?" she asks Suna pointing to the unknown face. "His name is Kei, a friend of Bo and Kurro" he answers and Kei's face scrunches "They are NOT my friends, I tolerate them at best," she hears him complain through the headphones. There are complaining whines from Bokuto and Kurro.
"Flip around baby" Suna mumbles against her shoulder sliding away from the desk. She stands and inches herself back onto his lap, folding her legs up under herself. Suna's arms wrap around her waist and his fingers return to the keyboard and mouse. She watches the screen flip from the lobby to the entry skit and the 4 others focus on a different screen. Suna feels her shift back and lean against him. "Sit still Brat" that voice isn't Suna. Her eyes flick back to the screen with his friends and Kurro wears a telling smirk.
"You're not the boss 'a me Rooster boy" she snaps back at him glaring into the camera. Suna's hand cracks against her thigh and she cries out, folding herself in half. "ow Daddy" she whines into the space under his desk. "Behave yourself," his voice is calm and smooth. "Daddy's so mean to you huh sweet girl?" Atsumu purrs through the mic and Suna's signature smirk plasters his face. She slumps back and grumbles to herself arms hugging her waist. "Don't pout honey you did it to yourself" Suna says and her eyes narrow again.
The conversation switches to the game and stays that way for two or three more rounds. Their winning streak persists and (Y/N)'s mood sours. "Pup's gettin' real grumpy there Suna," Bokuto says smirking at the camera. "Told 'er I'd get off as soon as we lose" he returns to his friend and a series of condescending whines drift through the headphones "Poor thing" "He's so mean to you" "Sweet thing" The blush that spreads across her face is visible even on camera. "Boys you spoil her" Suna laughs and she pouts covering her face.
"No..." Kei's voice is almost sweet enough to be genuine "... she needs more attention, she's been squirming since she sat down. Just want Daddy to touch you huh sweets? Gettin' needy sittin' all by yourself?" Suna watches her eyes blow at being caught. "Wow Tsuki you read her almost as well as I do" Suna muses and there's a series of taunts flooding the VC again.
Suna flips the mic on his headset off, "Shift for me princess. Got a few more games in me, but you can get started without me, right baby?" Suna purrs it, he's showing off to his friends, "w-with the camera on?" she asks turning to look at him. "You like the attention, I know you do. I can turn it off if you want" Suna says and the smirk falls from his face, a check-in. "It's alright Daddy," she says and smiles a little. "Atta girl," his smirk returns "get to it." She watches the mute button disappear again and voices flood the headphones again.
(Y/N) shifts and settles herself over Suna's left thigh. The boys through the computer catch her slight movement and all eye shift to her. They watch her hips start to move and her face shifts from concentration to bliss. "is she...?" one of the boys trails off. "She is." Suna confirms as the game continues. (Y/N) starts to whimper and whine against her sleeve, she hears the victory tune start and then feels the eyes shift back to her. "Jesus she's a vision..." (Y/N) is far enough away she can't hear the boys anymore, but she can hear Suna talking back to them. "I know she is, You should hear her, my princess makes the prettiest noises. " she keens and whimpers at the praise. "Daddy, want them off" she whines pulling at the waistband of her panties. "Not yet Princess," his hands pull hers to rest on her back, one hand pinning them together, the other pulling off his headset and slipping it over her ears.
"Give 'em a show baby," Suna purrs against her shoulder sitting back and watching her move. The other end of the call is silent for a minute, (Y/N) lifts her eyes to look at the screen full of Suna's friends, she watches the screen full of lust-blown eyes and expecting smirks. "Go on pretty, you heard Daddy, give us a show" Bokuto's voice is lower than she's ever heard it, his face clear of the golden retriever-esqe man that she knows, and is full of a predatory attitude she's never seen from him. When her hips start to move a loud moan falls from her lips and her head falls forward so she doesn't see the series of shifts from the camera. Suna doesn't miss most of the boys reaching down to adjust their hardening cocks. He also doesn't miss Bokuto not reaching for himself, keeping his eyes on her, his head resting on his hands.
Her whimpers and whines sound like a symphony and Kurro, Kei, and Atsumu are all willing and happy concertgoers. But Bokuto is an art connoisseur, he's not just listening, he's feeling, analyzing every note, and trying to put himself in her shoes. "Gonna talk to her Kotarou? or keep starin'?" Suna's taunting him. Bo's face changes, from concentration to a wolfish grin. "Hear him puppy?" bo growls "he wants me to talk to you. Tell you how hard you make me and how pretty you sound when your feeling good." Bokuto sits back manspreading and bringing his hands to the desk. "I heard Bo" (Y/N) whines back at him before she whines at Suna's hands ghosting over her thighs. "You know how pretty you look? How hard you're makin' me? Makin' all the boys?"
Soft pleads of 'daddy' fall from her lips for about 5 seconds before the second crack to her thigh makes her hips come off his thigh and a screech rip from her throat. "I'm not the one talking to you Princess. It's rude not to answer people when they're talking to you." He growls against her throat. "I'm s-sorry Bo. T-thank you" (Y/N)'s voice is shaky. "You gettin' close pup? gonna cum all over Daddy for me?" Bo can see how far gone she is, subspace coating her face and words. "I-I" her hips stop "Can I?" she looks back at her boyfriend, eyes shining, "You're not cumming for me this time sweetie. Ask Kotarou." he's nicer this time. (Y/N)'s head turns back to Bo and her voice is dripping with honey "Please Bo? I'm so close, it feels so good, my tummy aches Bo please" Kotarou's head tips back, and a loud groan rolls off his tongue. "No not yet pretty, don't want this to be over just yet" Bokuto watches Suna's eyebrows rise in surprise "But B-Bo..." another slap to her thigh "don't whine at him" (Y/N) whimpers and tears brim in her eyes. "Oh baby" Kotarou again, "I know it's hard pretty but I think you can do it" Suna starts moving her hips again, keeping her pressed hard to the muscle of his thighs. The moans she lets out are feral. (Y/N)'s eyes fly to the screen to watch Bokuto. His hands don't move from the desk, his eyes stay steady on her.
For the first time since Kotarou took over, someone else speaks. "Your daddy's a lucky man" Atsumu's voice is rough and you can tell he's already finished from the cigarette poking out of his mouth. "Thank you 'tsumu" her voice is small and it makes Suna's cock jump behind her. "Keep talking 'tsumu, looks like Bo's about done" Kurro teased, but it spurs something in Kotarou. "You still right there Pup? Nice and close for me right?" he asks and leans forward, (Y/N)'s head nods frantically and the moans don't stop. "Beg me for it." her head shoots up and she looks at the camera and she starts, begging and whining for it, hips moving frantically on their own. "That's it puppy, get right on the edge for me"
"Please Kotarou, I can't hold it, please!" her voice is getting whiny and Suna watches when he decides to give it to her. "Give it to me Pup. Make a mess of Daddy's sweats for me" Bokuto doesn't blink when she listens, waves of pleasure forcing her spend out of her, she soaks Suna's thigh and her hips continue to twitch for another 45 seconds.
About 2 minutes after she finishes, another swat to her thigh brings the whole chat back to attention, Suna pulls her up to sit back against him. "What do you say when someone gives you something Princess." His voice is soft, it's a reminder, not a punishment. "Thank you Tarou" (Y/N)'s voice is soft and it makes the whole chat gush. "Now what do you say Kotaro?" Kurro teases again, and just like that Bokuto is back. "You're Welcome puppy."
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bakiuwu · 6 months
This chapter is fucjing me up bad, he started off the convo, bringing up how his abilities caught up to his body. It's like he was trying to impress yujiro. Like a kid trying to show off to their parent, then for yujiro to acknowledge him, cause he's able to tell by how he holds himself. Then, to tell him it's not perfect, only to follow it up with "but you're getting there"......I can't do this.
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And look how he looks at him......omg, it like he's shocked that yujiro sees his growth......I can't do this
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It is so werid seeing yujiro being.....kind? to Jack epically since after what happen between the two of them after baki and Jack's fight, and even after that, he doesn't seem to have anything to say to him or about him. Especially during the pickle arc, where he calls jack a pathetic loser along with evryone else, when everyone broke in to meet pickle( he didnt even bat an eye at him)
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Yujiro acts like he only has one child and that child being baki. Even when Tokugawa brings up retsu,katsumi, and Jack's fight with pickle, saying how he doesn't see how baki could win if thoes 3 lost to pickl. Yujiro responded saying "thoes 3 have nothing to do with baki," then saying baki has his blood and that he's a Hanma. Then, when Tokugawa says, (Jack also has your blood. He just brushed it off saying "hes not pure." So, seeing him be so........normal to him while showing dislikement towards him is crazy
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Yujiro brings up a quote from Musashi: "In Confrontation, you have to postion yourself above your enemy Musashi". He brings up how Jack getting taller is a shortcut of being over his enemies
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look at his expression. He looks hurt. Even tho he hates yujiro, he still cares about his opinion. For him to repeat what yujiro said, then to ask, "Do you dislike it?" He sounds like a kid, a kid who cares deeply about his parent opinion, a kid who doesn't want to disappoint his father.....his facial expression....his body language. It looks like he slowed down a bit while walking like he needed a minute to register what yujiro just said to him.
It's not far off to say Jack cares about yujiro opinions about him to some degree. When Jack lost to pickle for a second time, he could only think of the last words yujiro spoke to him
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"Resonate in his heart" i remember reading tha for the first time and wanting to die omg, but seeing him reacted like this isn't surprising, it's very clear how effective yujiros' words are towards him, and how even if trys to not care about yujiro opinion of him, a part of him deeply cares. Every child wants the approval of their parents even if they hate them.
After Jack asks him if he dislikes it, yujiro says, "I can't bring myself to" which made me threw myself against the wall.....LIKE I JUST CANT AND WHATS MAKES THIS WORST...
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Yujiro beings to.....praise Jack......omfg itagaki I swear to go-, saying that what's he's doing isn't easy, how he dealt with humiliation and pain. HOW HE IS THE ONLY MAN WHO HAVE EVER STEP HIS FOOT INTO THE TURE WORLD OF BITTING, THIS IS SO BITTERSWEET BUT FINALLY HES GETTING HIS FOLLOWERS HATE THAG YUJIRO IS THE ONE GIVING HIM PRIASE.....but for him to say he has a rare purity.....oh I'm sick....like.....WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME
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..........this panel killed me......its so......idk even know man, the way yujiro looks at Jack cause he stop walking but the way hes looking at him......his eyes are so soft......, then Jack....my baby Jack, my sweet baby......I can tell that he's trying to keep his composure.......the way he's noting even looking at yujiro, cause he knows of he looks at him.....he'll break out In tears.....oh my God and what says "....thats the first time....you've ever complimented me".........itagaki when I catch you......ow
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Idk why, but him saying that really fucks my heart so bad......i dont even know what to say I'm so fucking sad right now. No one ever gives itagaki credit for how good of a writer he is, mans is able to yank your heart strings out if he wants, This is probably my favorite chapter....the mood of it is so....calm and idk, but If this was able to fuck me up bad, just imagine how I'm be when more Jack lore come out
But once again, I'm just rambling my ass off . Also, God, im so dramatic😭
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redhood414 · 4 months
Part 1: The Games
(Y/n POV)
In the kingdom of Metropolis everything was peaceful and quiet. It was a Sunday afternoon with the sun shining bright and a gentle breeze, birds chirping and talking. I was reading a book in the royal garden, about some forbidden love. Give me a book and I'm lost. After a good while of being deep in my book I notice footsteps and look up to see my father, Clark Kent, king of Metropolis approaching me.
"Y/n, my sweet daughter of mine. How are you today?" He asks as he sits beside me, peering with curiosity at the book I was reading. "I'm doing just fine, father, what about you?" I ask with a smile, I love my father a lot. He and mother, Lois Kent, the Queen, are the best parents I could ever wish for. No one can replace them. They've always been so kind and patient with me;even if sometimes, I am trouble.
"Likewise, my child. But I need to talk to you about something. It's important." He says with a serious tone and expression, showing that it really is no kidding what he's going to tell me next. "You can tell me, father. I'm listening." I say as I close my book and focus my eyes and attention to him. "So...you know how the kingdom of Gotham is an ally, right?" I nod. I know about Gotham, the King is there are Bruce Thomas Wayne and his wife and Queen is Selina Wayne. They have four sons: Dick Grayson, the eldest, Jason Todd, the second eldest, Tim Drake, the second youngest and Damian Wayne is the youngest and the only one who's biological. The rest is adopted. "Well. Since soon you'll be turning 18 and finally be an adult, it means you'll need to marry ...-", my eyes widen and I stand up immediately. "Father, no! I'm not going to marry one off his idiotic sons!" My father glares as those words leave my mouth. How could I say such a thing? Well I'm not lying. Most of those sons are practically imbeciles.
"Y/n! Watch your mouth and show some respect! We owe that to the Wayne family, so your hand in marriage will be great for the future. His sons will have to win a few games to win your hand. End of discussion." And by that, he gets up and leaves, leaving me with sadness, knowing my freedom will be taken soon.
(Dick Grayson POV)
Sunny Sunday! Ah what a beautiful day to see- "GET BACK HERE, YOU LITTLE BRAT!" My brother, Jason runs past me, chasing my youngest brother, Damian, snickering. Oh dear. I was going to say what a nice start of the day, but I take that back. It's always chaos here. The personal advisor of the king, Alfred, watches them with a sigh and a stoic expression. Tim joins us at the breakfast table soon, almost falling asleep. "Gentlemen. If I may be so straightforward I would watch your manners." Tim raises an eyebrow and I look with curiosity at Alfred. "What do you mean, Alf?" I ask and Jason smacked Damian's head as he finally catches him and sits down. "Well,", Alfred continues as he watches from the side the dinner being served. "One of you will be marrying princess Y/n of Metropolis." I choke on my food and Jason spits out his water. "I'm sorry, WHAT?!" Jason asks with a horrified expression. Damian joins the confusion. "Pennyworth, I hope you're joking. My brothers, and by that I mean especially Drake, is incapable of being that charming to win a princess over" Tim gave him a glare.
"There will be a few games you have to win to win her hand in marriage. King Clark signed a contract because he owes that much of a favor to King Bruce. King Bruce helped him in times of need and now it's time he repays our king." I was speechless. When was dad going to tell us this? What does she looks like? What's she like? Is she mean? Pretty? Kind? It got my curiosity to say the least. "What's she like and what does she look like thought?" Tim asks and Damian huffs while he mutters. "I was about to ask that."
"You'll meet her soon enough, but from what I've heard she's a kind and gentle soul, good for your...chaotic characters." Alfred says carefully and Jason rolls his eyes. "We're not chaotic." And Damian adds. "Oh yeah? You're the one all being sensitive. One comment and the castle's too small."
And there goes the arguing again...and so is my imagination flowing of what the princess looks like and what's she like. Is she really as gentle and kind as Alfred says? Or is there more behind that description of his?
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thebottomfromhell · 7 months
I read your recent post about the Hantengu clones and they are my favorite so I was happy and wanted to order something with them in a poly relationship with a top male readwr (can include the main body if you like). It doesn't have to be anything sexual, but I wonder how the reader would deal with such different personalities in a so unic relationship.
What about Zohakuten, in your view would he be seen as a cute and angry little brother who would refuse to admit to liking the reader or simply hate him for considering him a "distraction"?
I will do about Hantengu clones only since it's clearly Anon's preference. Nobody judging from me and everyone here has better things than complain. 100% sure I owe an apology of how long it took to get this done (I don't even remember when this was sent to my Inbox, sorry. I'm a disaster.) Also, I made reader human for an specific content.
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Polyamory Hantengu Clones x Male Human Reader dynamic + Platonic Zohakuten
Warnings: Slight referenced sexual content (Karaku dirty talks and there is implied content too), Implied self-cest (I will put nothing of that here but you know, a poly with clones), Sekido being Sekido.
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The four clones are very different to each other, having different needs and interactions, it's actually more surprising the fact that you are their type, not that you will complain about it. You love them all the same, though, so you are glad you all could solve it without making you choose. Still, not everything is a walk in the park, specially since you have them living in your home.
Urogi is always the one to wake you up in the morning, having your house custumed for them to roam around during day, he is almost like a cat, sleeping over you an hour or two only for the sake of cuddles before getting annoyed and start waking you up. "Y/N! Wake up! Wake up! I'm bored!" This is how you start your day more often than not, with Urogi whining with his full weight over your chest as he curls himself there. And mind you, he is the heaviest one, having two extra limbs does that.
"I'm awake... I'm awake..." you start weakly as he starts to nibbles your face when realizing you are up. It's early, but not an hour to be unreasonable to wake up. You sit on your bed the second Urogi get's off. " Good morning, Baby Bird." Urogi giggles as you call him the pet name as he takes your hands and holds them against his face, rubbing them against his cheeks. He moves his wings happily as he is given ALL of your attention, only to whine when the door opens, sound making him aware he has to share you.
"My~ Aren't you two comfortable?" Karaku basically purrs in a cheeky grin, making Urogi open his wings to block you of his sight. "No! It's my turn! Y/N is having fun with ME!" Karaku laughs from it and turns around, letting the Joy clone relax a bit, wings moving down, showing the Pleasure clone twisting his body in a way that highlights his hips as he looks at you from the side. "Aizetsu is making you breakfast, handsome. You should go before Sekido burns your kitchen without even using it. You know how he hates having our soft boy winning favor." He says before leaving while laughing. He is the least jealous among the clones, so it's reassuring to have him taking Sekido's place of the one making sure everything is working, because the anger clone is the most jealous of the group.
Then again, Sekido is also the one who needs the most space, so it makes a good balance of him taking his distance and then taking you all for himself. Still, Karaku is right, better not taste today's humour of the red-eyed clone. Urogi follows you from behind as you step into the kitchen, Aizetsu in front of the stove, cooking book open, following the recipe step by step to make sure to get it right. He won't be able to tell is it's good by taste, and the last thing he wants to do is to poison you. It would make him sad. "Y/N, you are awake. Good morning."
He greets, turning around to see you once he heats you enter the kitchen before focusing on his task again. Being the little shits they are, Karaku and Urogi approach you from behind, each mouth behind your ear. "Well, isn't Aizetsu being way too kind? I think he wants a reward!" Urogi starts, being loud enough for Aizetsu to hear, you can see from here his ears becoming red as he hesitates some moves before deciding to simply ignore the two. Karaku, instead, whispers. "Aizetsu deserves a "thank you" for trying to cook for you like a good wife, don't you think? Will you step in like a good husband, handsome?"
That is when he pushes you, making sure Urogi stays behind with him, towards Aizetsu. Karaku laughs a bit more before taking a seat on the table and urging the Joy clone to do the same. The Sorrow clone sighs but doesn't protest as he finish cooking, turning down the fire. You hug him from behind as you lean on his shoulder, checking what he did. Soup, Miso if your nose is right, eggroll and now is cooking ham on the heat left in the pan. "It looks good. Smells good too." You say, making Aizetsu blush, less than before but still blushing, and look away. "It's not a big deal." You smile before kissing his ear as a thank you, making Aizetsu stop what he is doing before leaning his face against you. "I hope you like it. I will be sad if you don't." You laugh as you take some chopsticks, willing to eat while cuddling him a bit. At realizing this, the sad clone starts to tremble with a crooked smile, but leans more of his weight into you as he can.
For a second you fear Urogi will jump in to take your attention again, but Karaku starts to talk to him, as they both start to speak behind Sekido's back. As always. And, as always again, thet is the clue of Sekido to come in. "Say that again, Karaku?" Oh, well. As usual, Karaku is hit by the staff, having to regenerate his shoulder and forearm. "What was that for?! Y/N! I need some love to heal!" He says as he dramatically walks towards you before doing a trust-fall on you, you catch him in time. He is the lighteast of the clones, so he is easy to handdle into a more comfortable position, making the Pleasure clone grin teasingly to the others. "I'm going to need you to take care of me~. How about you take me to bed and... give a good piece of meat~? Get me full of- AHGH SEKIDO! I'M ON SOMETHING RIGHT NOW, BITCH! Don't act as if you didn't want to get dicked to-" He screams as he is hit again, blood splashing on you.
"SHUT THE FUCK UP, KARAKU!" That violence doesn't stop him from pulling you away from Karaku and using a piece of clothe to clean the blood of your face while fumming. He is gentle, as much as he can with you. Urogi would have teased if he hadn't just saw Sekido blow Karaku's head up with a hit. Aizetsu, deciding he has done his part, decides to leave to your room to see if your bed still has you body temperature. He doesn't need to sleep and unlike Urogi he likes to respect your space, but to lie in your bed, as dirty and messy as it gets, it's comforting. Karaku decides to leave too in order to not be the third wheel, "I'll be in the bathroom, handsome. I'll oil myself up good if you want to come, babe~ Don't bother knocking." and he HAS to tease before. "You need to stop letting these two do whatever they want." He scolds you as the winged clone gets bored, so leaves to follow Aizetsu.
"I think it's fine. I like it when you all are comfortable, and I'll admit it's cute to have you like this." He blushes as he looks away, it's nice to have them around. They all need their time to have both space and attention, balancing it it's basically your responsibility in the relationship, but they try to make it easy for you (as much as they actually can, because most of the time Urogi wants to play or cuddle while Aizetsu wants to relax, while Karaku wants to have sex while Sekido wants you to calm him down, they are all rather needy). But still, this was a good day.
And to be honest you would take a bad day over dealing with Zohakuten. Long story short a Hashira found your house, because of the clones he though you were a demon too and in a desperate meassure Sekido absorved the others. it was an overkill, but you get the guys got scared when they lost you in the forest with an enemy around. But now... "Hey kid..."
"Fuck you. I was brought here just to save you? Against one Hashira? What a waste of time." You see, Zohakuten doesn't want you to die, just like the rest of the clones he will protect you with his life. Unlike the other clones, Zohakuten loves the others more than he loves you, from his point of view they are family, and you are not. And so, while the other clones are protective and even possessive of you, the kid feels that way about them. "Just let me get rid of that damned slayer. I could easily kill several, now I am stuck between one and you." It's cute and funny to see him wanting to protect the other clones from you, or it would be if he wasn't so rude about it. Then again, he is a teen.
He finishes fast, a wooden dragon crushing the Hashira in it's throat, as it was expected from him, so you go and pat his head to congratulate him. You know he doesn't like to show it, like any boy of his age, but Zohakuten appreciates the contact. Not that he lets it linger, moving away "What are you doing?! Don't touch me, you weirdo!" You laugh it off nerviously, seriously this kid is something else, and not really in the good way. "Thanks for the help." You try to be as nice and gentle as you can, even with him starting to insult you in almost every turn. It's like a little brother fighting off his sister's fience or something, and you have no idea how you should feel about it. "Sure. Whatever."
Less aggressive, that is good. Still, you hope you can get your four lovers by tomorrow. Please. You are not built for this. Please.
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deedala · 5 months
🎇 Happy New Year Friends!! 🎇
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From the Diary of Virginia Woolf: January 2, 1931: Here are my resolutions for the next 3 months; the next lap of the year. To have none. Not to be tied. To be free & kindly with myself, not goading it to parties: to sit rather privately reading in the studio. Sometimes to read, sometimes not to read. To go out yes—but stay at home in spite of being asked. As for clothes, to buy good ones.
For today's return to WTW, i thought it might be fun to celebrate the ways in which we survive and manage to find peace and happiness in our one precious life here on Earth. And so...
✨W e e k l y 🌟 T a g 🌟 W e d n e s d a y✨
Name: Deanna 🌱
Location: oHIo🌽
Astrological Sign: Scorpio 🦂
What's a TV show or movie you plan to re-watch this year? obvi i'm in a constant state of re-watching shameless but otherwise right now im thinking maybe some bob's burgers, some futurama, austenland...
Whats a book or fic you will probably re-read this year? ooohh you know...the usual suspects tbh: cooperative gameplay, itqd, faffy, love is a ballfield, none the wiser, the menagerie... AND...*IF* DA4 is gonna actually come out soon I'll probably re-read my fav stories from Tevinter Nights!!!
What is a song you will likely continue to play on repeat? uuhh right now its still chappell roan's whole album and hozier's unreal unearth. im sorry for cheating on my own question and basically naming like 30 songs lol
What's a tasty treat you look forward to eating more of this year? i dont think i managed to eat enough chocolate chip cookies last year, i should eat more. also i haven't had an andes mint in forever??? need some of those STAT. oh my god i totally missed out on girl scout cookies last year too!!!
What's a time sink that you will continue to sink time into this year? scrolling tumblr ofc!!!
Did you pick up any habits in 2023 that you plan to continue? not really?? maybe kind of reblogging my own posts more and trying not to feel bad about it??
What's your toxic trait? leaving petty little thoughts in my friends DMs while they're sleeping 😛
What is a coping mechanism you will continue to indulge in this year? ✨disassociation✨
Tell me something you like about how you look! my skin has been pretty nice lately, good job skin. (do you guys remember that old vine of the broken toy that would just say "sssskkiiiiinnnn" when squeezed?? i remember lolol)
Give me at least three adjectives describing things you like about yourself. loyal, generous, thoughtful
----------------------------------- Now for tagging nuggets: additionally I want to thank @mybrainismelted and @jrooc for helping me with this post!! @michellemisfit @mmmichyyy @darlingian @too-schoolforcool @juliakayyy @gardenerian @heymrspatel @heymacy @gallawitchxx @metalheadmickey @mickeysgaymom @thisdivorce @transmickey @tanktopgallavich @lingy910y @suchagallabitch @shippergirl121fic @the-rat-wins @thepupperino @energievie @callivich @lee-ow @purplemagpie @sleepyfacetoughguy @softmick @vintagelacerosette @sam-loves-seb @crossmydna @creepkinginc @suzy-queued @rereadanon @iansw0rld @milkmaidovich @sickness-health-all-that-shit @palepinkgoat @auds-and-evens @ardent-fox 💖
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heymacy · 1 month
hello friends ✨ and welcome back to Weekly Tag Game Wednesday! i'm your host (this week), macy, and today we're getting Back to Basics with a good old-fashioned getting-to-know-you tag game!
(disclaimer: there is presently a glitch with tumblr that only allows you to tag 5 people per line in your text posts. to remedy that, you can separate your tags into different lines as i have at the bottom of this post to ensure that everyone that's tagged knows they've been tagged!)
let's get started!
name: macy
age: i am flirty and thriving
your time zone: CDT, or UTC-5
what do you do for work? i'm a supervisor at a major coffee chain
do you have any pets? three cats: penelope, winston, and julius pepperwood
what first drew you to this fandom? it was quarantine. a friend sent me a youtube video (a compilation of gallavich scenes) and said i think you would like this show, but fair warning, it's heavy. i'd given it a try in the past but only made it to 1x06 (a tragedy) and decided to give it another go. three and a half years later, here we are.
are you a morning person or a night owl? primarily a morning person, sometimes both
what are your hobbies? writing, reading, fandom-ing, making super niche playlists
how tall are you? 5' 5" or 165cm
if you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live? ireland, probably. or that one greek island with all the cats
favorite color? green
favorite book? ask me again when i've made a better dent in my TBR
favorite movie? some like it hot
favorite fic? Love is a Ballfield, TIPDIG, or Old Rules
favorite musical artist: billie eilish + chappell roan
what is your average screen time so far this week? 3hrs 57min
what's the first app you open in the morning? discord (good morning pals!)
how long have you been on tumblr? 13 years
finally (and i know this one is hard) tell me a fun fact about yourself: i'm amazing at parallel parking. like, i am stupid good at it. and i taught myself how to do it because my parents refused to teach me how to drive when i was 15 because it was "too stressful" lmao
tags below the cut!
i'm tagging @gardenerian, @palepinkgoat, @deedala, @mybrainismelted, @jrooc,
@blue-disco-lights, @energievie, @michellemisfit, @tanktopgallavich, @vintagelacerosette,
@sickness-health-all-that-shit, @sleepyfacetoughguy, @whatthebodygraspsnot, @whatwouldmickeydo, @metalheadmickey,
@heymrspatel, @7x10mickey, @gallawitchxx, @howlinchickhowl, @the-rat-wins,
@mmmichyyy, @doshiart, @transmickey, @lee-ow, @callivich,
@deathclassic, @stocious, @too-schoolforcool, @darlingian, @sxltburn,
@sluttymickey, @thisdivorce, @grumble-fish, @xninetiestrendx, @creepkinginc,
@crossmydna, @y0itsbri, @captainjowl, @astaraels, @ardent-fox
@wehangout, @arrowflier, @iansw0rld
love you guyyyyys! 🌟
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theosconfessions · 8 months
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if youd like to read the stephens from the beginning you can over here :)
if youd like to read the stephens continued you can over here:)
Theo- Sugartits! good coffee date with marlee? Dustin- DUDE!!! dude.. i thought our problems were big? move over [kicks theo in the back a little] Theo- OW? im old and feeble. Dustin- fuck yourself. move over. Theo- [laughs] okay shit! what happened?? not like im arguing here but what was that for? Dustin- just happy to be away from the drama. Theo-okay but im me. im always drama. Dustin- [scoffs] you know what i mean . Theo- i dont because you havent told robin and i shit. Dustin- i mean. just the jami thing. we just so happened to be somewhere at the same time as jami and his new girlfriend and DUDE. the jealousy coming from her? Robin- Seriously? she totally knew he was going to be there. Dustin- I dont know, bobbi. Robin- NO. theo pulled that shit on you after he left and he was trying to come back. he would show up everywhere youd normally go. Theo- well dad and i own a bar. so. Robin- you know what i mean. Theo- yeah i know what you mean. and i was doing that. sort of. like i said we had to see eachother either way. BUT the thing with marlee and jami is drastically different because for one i never once called dustin stepmom unless he was into it that night. Robin- im going to vomit. seriously this is what i get for trying to bond with you,theo. last time. Theo-win!
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anon-sect · 7 months
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Collab with @jkob85
Mike was in a pickle. He had placed bets on his fantasy football score card that didn't go well. To make matters worse, he had bet a substantial amount of money on his score card. It was so much that it would take some time to pay it all in full. He saw his phone ring. The caller ID read the name of the guy he lost to. He decided not to answer the phone, especially since he couldn't pay the man his money. Unfortunately, this particular mam was not known to be the nicest of guys. He had a reputation of being known as a total jerk, but if he ignored him, maybe he might forget about the bet.
After a full couple of days of ignoring his calls, Mike had a visitor at his apartment door. He opened it, to see Drake standing there. "I had to show up in person since you don't answer phone calls or texts." He said to Mike as he pushed his way into Mike's apartment.
"I don't have the money to pay off the bet, Drake." Mike followed behind him into his own apartment. He knew that Drake was a jerk, but to force his own way into his place was a bit much. "I will let you know when I have it. So you can leave now." He demanded. He watched as Drake went to sit on his couch and put his feet on his table like he owned the place.
"I don't really care for excuses. I just want my money, okay. And now, not years from now." Drake folded his arms while looking at Mike. He was here just for that, and nothing else. "Like I said, you get it when I have it. Otherwise, get out of my place." Drake saw Mike demand. Mike then thought of a solution that could benefit him and Mike. "Okay, I will waive you bet and leave on one condition." He told him.
Mike was curious about what this new condition could be. If he could get out of paying the bet and get the jerk out of his apartment, he had to know what it was. "What are your terms then?" He asked. Mike saw a sadistic grin on Drake's face. "Place a bet on this coming weekend game. The collateral you put down on the bet is yourself instead of money since you can't pay off the previous bet. If the team you pick wins, you are off the hook and owe me nothing. But if that team loses, I own you. Your choice, or pay me my current bet you owe." He didn't like the other option as much as he didn't like the first one. But he also knew how crazy Drake could get when you owe him. He nodded to the new option. Since both knew who were playing this coming weekend, he picked a team for the win. Seeing that Drake was satisfied, he saw him go back to his front door. "I will collect next time if you lose again." Drake told him and walked out. Mike really hoped the team he chose would win.
The weekend came, and Mike watched the game closely. The team he chose had a great lead in the first quarter but lost the leading score in the second quarter. The first half of the game ended with them down by a couple of points. For the last two quarters, it was a close game that ended in a tie, resulting in going into overtime. But Mike hung his head in disappointment when the opposing team scored the next point to win the game. He had lost another bet to Drake. His phone had a text alert. It was from Drake, and it said that he was coming to collect later on today. The only positive was that it wasn't a money bet.
It was several hours later, Mike saw Drake at his apartment door. He was almost tempted not to open it, but that might make Drake bust down the door. He let him in to his apartment. He noticed that he was holding a strange device.
"You want the good news or the bad news?" Drake asked a confused looking Mike as he saw him noticed the TF device in his hands.
Mike didn't know what kind of game Drake was playing at the moment, but he did wanted to know what exactly was going on. "Good news first then." He replied to a smirk on Drake's face. "You don't have to pay me a single penny on the previous bet." He got a reply back as the strange device in Drake's hand was now pointing at him. A beam of light shined on his body from it. "Bad news is that you are mine to do with as I please for as long as I want." Drake told him. He saw him remove his shoes to see his bare feet. He wondered why he wasn't wearing any socks.
Suddenly, Mike felt strange. His apartment seems to become larger. Even Drake was getting taller than he already was. "I came to collect you. You will be going home with me, just not in the traditional way. I came here with no socks, but I am sure leaving with a special pair of socks. You." He heard him laugh as whatever was happening to him continued. He then realized that he was shrinking. His skin was starting to change, and it became almost cotton like. Drake's device was turning him into a pair of socks. Before he knew it, he had fallen to the floor as he lost all motor control over his entire body. He was on the floor facing upwards as his whole world view was giant size. His vision became blurry and then no sight afterwards. He found himself limp and blind on the floor, fearing what would happen next. He could hear Drake's maniacal laugh above him.
Drake watch as a normal human being was now a pair of socks on the floor for his size 13 feet. He picked them up to examine them. They were super soft and look supportive. He put them on his feet and they actually felt good. He put his shoes back on and walked out the door. Before he left, he made sure to put the lock the door since the previous owner would not be returning any time soon.
Mike may have been blind, but he could tell what was happening via his other senses. He felt Drake's feet enter his body, which he realized was split in two pieces. The slightly strong foot odor from his feet was foul. He could taste Drake's feet, and it wasn't something he would have wanted to do. He felt the pressure of Drake stepping on him. The part that really made him beg for mercy was when he was shoved into Drake's shoes. It smelled worse than his feet. He was trapped and surrounded by foul stench. As the walking continued, he faintly heard a door close. He quickly realized it was his apartment door, and Drake was leaving it. He didn't know exactly where he was headed next, but he was trapped around the feet of Drake for who knows how long.
Drake rather enjoyed the power trip he was feeling. He had never worn a guy on his feet before. It really felt like normal socks with just a little more comfort to them. Since he had some errands to run before heading back home, he decided he would break in his new pair of socks. The thought also crossed his mind that Mike could be useful in other ways than as a pair of socks as he drove to his next place he had to be. Till he got home, he would just think of his socks as just socks and not a person being forced to comfort his feet, even though the latter thought did put a smirk on his face.
Mike's mind was going crazy. He couldn't get used to the odor. One part of the odor was inside his sock bodies, and the other part was outside his sock bodies. No matter what, he was surrounded by it and trapped inside it. The constant walking on him also didn't help. He was being treated like a common object by Drake. He felt so embarrassed even though no one but Drake knew about the pair of living socks on his feet. It was just the sense of powerlessness that drove him crazy. He couldn't move any of the body, not even squirm. He was completely at the mercy of Drake with no one to come rescue him.
A few hours later, Drake finally got home. His feet felt so good the entire time he wore Mike. Once in his bedroom, he decided that he would mark Mike as his property in a special way. He got undressed and was just in his underwear. He pulled them down and got on the bed. He grabbed one of the socks, and placed it over his dick. He thought about the entire time if doing his errands and how he was using another guy as his socks. He thought about how Mike was trapped in his shoes totally against his will, surrounded by his foot odor. He got so hard, it didn't take long for him to ejaculate inside the unwilling sock. He jerked his seed into it, hoping Mike could taste it. He enjoyed it so much that he did the same thing to the other sock in the pair.
Mike thought that Drake couldn't torment him any worse till he was forced to taste his cum, not just once, but twice. He was really marking him as his property. He felt disgust for the guy, but it was powerless to do anything to stop him. He decided that if the opportunity to escape or over power should arise, he would do so. He may be trapped as a pair of socks, but his mind would not subcome to be submissive.
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yourtouchismidas · 1 year
reading what the new yorker has to say about george and how he radiates utter stillness (very hot) has given me so many ideas, like imagine him with someone who has the absolute shortest fuse ever. idk maybe while he believes in quiet, stoic intimidation, girlie (a foot shorter than him) just gets into a bar fight. maybe she sees a couple of much older men getting a bit too comfy with young girls just trying to have a fun night and she's ready to throw hands. firm believer that george has to actually pick her up and take her away so she doesn't get arrested. also a firm believer of the fact that he finds it insanely attractive and shows it to her quite generously
(the possibilities are endless 😌)
you're drunk. its fucking great and you're having an amazing time. the music is loud. everyone is dancing. you're grinding on some girl you havent ever met, dont even know, and your boyfriend and his bandmates are all at the bar, sipping beers and laughing at you. with the exception of matty who is right there on the dancefloor with you, jumping around and pumping his fist.
ugh george. you love him. you love his face. his cheek bones. his smile when he laughs at you. you give him a cute little wave and he winks at you, barely moving apart from that. then you go back to dancing. god life is good.
you've lost the girl you were dancing with before but you dance with matty for a bit, his curls bouncing, you whooping, egging him on, and him grabbing your hands and spinning you around. when he does, he takes a step back and accidentally nudges a girl behind him, and her and her friends turn to you both, you meeting their eyes as you finish you spin.
matty holds his hands up, "sorry, sorry,"
they glare at him. you pull matty away and start dancing again, saying sorry yourself. the girls turn away. they sip thier drinks. but they aren't moving. thier standing on the dance floor. not dancing. there is plenty of space over by the bar to stand, if they want. you wave at george again, who is standing in the space, like a good boy.
oh well. fuck them. you're having a good night. you just wish they would stop glaring at you, because they are again, in between the gaps matty's arms make. you spin him around so your back is to them instead, so they wont get upset with him again if he nudges them, because he might, because he is drunk too.
you dont know if your feet actually land on hers, you dont feel it, and okay they might have, but the girl yells out.
"erm. ow!" she says. you turn around.
"sorry," you say again, even though you're not even sure you touched her.
"you stood on my foot," she says.
"i'm sorry," you say again, not sure what she wants you to do.
"you should be a bit fucking more careful, you know."
you breathe in. you were being careful. but thats not the point. its a dance floor. in a club. it's one in the morning. and they are standing on it. you start to burn, in your chest, angry.
"you know there is plenty of space over there if you dont wanna dance," you say, pointing to the bar. george notices you point. his attention pricks. he looks over to where you are talking to a group of girls and one of them is giving you a dirty look.
"we can stand where we want thanks," she says. "just like you act like a twat wherever you are."
"woah, alright," matty says, stopping dancing.
"what's this guy's problem anyway?" the girl says, looking round at her friends.
"we don't have a problem," matty says.
"we might," you say, staring at her. george has put his beer down on the side. ross is already primed, ready to watch it, if needs be.
"no no, just go back to dancing," matty says, smiling big at the girls.
"go back to standing in everyone's fucking way you mean," you say.
"shut the fuck up," the girl says, stepping closer to you.
you're in it now, you can't back down, you cant let this girl win. you step towards her too.
"i'll do what i like, thanks though."
the girl shoves you. everyone around you moves. you're reaching out to shove her, and before you know it, george is in the crowd with you, hand on your shoulder and waist, firm, looking down at the girl that shoved you. she has to look up to see his face.
"everything okay here?" he says, mainly to the other girl.
she nods. but she's smirking. she looks back at her friends, smirking. you lunge, out of his protective grasp, towards her. she steps back, trips a little, spills her pink drink all down her white dress. you dont reach her. georges arms have got you again, but this time, he is lifting you into the air.
"come on," he says, "be the bigger person,"
"i dont want to," you say squirming. the girl is crying, looking down at her ruined dress while all the other girls flock around her and fawn over her.
"dont have to," george says, nudging you to look at her, sobbing. you smirk.
george turns to carry you out, but before he does, he turns back to the girls and says, almost monotone, "ladies, if you're not gonna dance, dont stand on the dancefloor. it's good advice"
and then you're both gone, into the night air, into your boyfriend's arms.
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lokisprettygirl · 11 months
Under his influence (Post Avengers! Loki x female reader)
Read chapter 27 here/ Series Masterlist
Chapter 28
Summary : Loki realises that Princess Atrishia has come to win him in her possession by hook or crook.
Warning: 18+, Smut, HUGE Canon divergence(Just me making shit up),sex, mention of stalking, mention of psychological torture, mention of physical and sexual assault, angst, insecurities, ptsd, self deprecating behaviour, panic attack, soft precious bean loki, polite bean Loki
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You heard the music blaring in the background loudly and all you wanted to do was dance…with Loki, but you couldn't do that, ofcourse. He was there right in front of your eyes but you couldn't just walk up to him and ask him for that, it's not that you had the privilege of calling him yours in public even before so it didn't bother you as much but you missed Jane as well.
You looked at Thor and you noticed that he seemed lost most of the time, maybe she was the reason for it, maybe he missed her deeply. When Thor had found Loki in the previous timeline it had been two months since the events of the war so he must have had time to reconnect with her in the process but he hasn't been out of this tower yet since he wanted to keep an eye on Loki whom he didn't trust.
Things had gotten better between them and all of it was back to square one again.
All of these thoughts were overwhelming, what were you doing here? Would you ever go back to an old normal life? You missed the life you were making with him before and this felt like you had to do it all over again, you couldn't even imagine what you would have done if Loki didn't remember you, atleast you had him, it still hurt though.
"Prince Loki, may I have a word with you in private?" You heard the Princess saying that to Loki so you turned around and watched him walk away with her.
You missed that life that was taken away from you so cruelly, they took it away from you as soon as you had fallen in love with that life and the anticipation of the future. What if something happens again? What if a man in a cape appears again and tells you that you'd have to sacrifice everything all over again? You didn't think you'd be able to lose it all one more time.
Loki didn't want to have another heated argument with the princess but he had no other choice, he felt as if he owed her that in the very least, he was the one to break the engagement so he had to face the repercussions of his actions. She wanted to return back to her chamber so he followed her quietly, when they reached, she didn't say a word but instead went on to take off her earrings and then she undid her hair from the thousands of pins that were holding them up.
Her blond hair was long and silky, a bit curled at the end because of the hairdo she had but she still seemed perfect, he used to be perfect as well once, that's how Princes and Princesses were raised since birth, etiquettes and elegance was inbred. The more he looked at her the more he realized how deeply in love he was with you, there was nothing wrong with the Princess, she was absolutely perfect in her own regards but she wasn't you, he adored the unkempt hair you had first thing in the morning, reminded him of a grizzly animal in the wild, he loved that you never had to put on a fancy dress for him to have his eyes focused on you, though naked was better he very much preferred seeing you in your pajamas and a shirt, better yet if they belonged to him, he truly loved how comfortable you felt with him, no walls, no lying or hiding your true selves from each other, well at least you weren't hiding anything from him, he surely never showed you his real self again after that day.
"Prince Loki you seem lost" Atrishia spoke softly, there was a smirk on her face which didn't go unnoticed by him, maybe he shouldn't have stared at her face for so long while he was zoned out thinking about you.
"I am here, what is it that you wished to speak to me for?" She got up from the dresser stool and walked towards him as he said that, then she hugged him and before he could deny she kissed on his cheek.
"I wish to stay here and explore Midgard and while on the journey, I want to win your heart over again" he looked at her confused as she said that. He had told her already that he belonged to someone else, what else was he supposed to say or do now?
"You can explore all you need but.." she cut him off before he could go further.
"You owe me that Prince Loki, you walked out on our engagement and broke it off, you came here and all of a sudden you're in love with someone else while I wept for you all my nights" she spoke firmly so he sighed,
"And i do apologise for that but I need you to understand that my heart stays with the woman i love" her eyes teared up as he said that and she took a step back, there was a menacing look in her eyes that he recognised very well but maybe she was just feeling scorned at the moment.
"Well at least it is a woman that you are besotted with still, your time in captivity had made me believe you had changed your ways" he gave her a sharp glare as she said that, clearly offended by her words.
"What is that supposed to mean?"
"Well Prince Thor shared some of the ordeals you have suffered and what had been done to you by Thanos and his men or must i say those otherworldly disgusting creatures, i am assured there's more to it, you poor poor thing Prince Loki" she cooed and the urge to roll his eyes was strong but he refrained, he didn't want to indulge in the notion so he turned around to leave as he didn't want to argue with her but she spoke again,
"I would need a chambermaid and a lady's attendant to do my chores here, would you be so kind as to arrange that for me?" She asked him politely so he hummed before he left for his room. He just wanted her to leave but she didn't seem to do so, he was just hoping she wouldn't cause more trouble. As he got inside his chamber he locked it and then he teleported to yours but you weren't there so he laid down on your bed and sighed, you have been here for two days but this room already felt like home to him, it had your scent everywhere and he felt the comfort he did whenever he was with you. He did miss being in your apartment though, he just wanted to be cooped up with you and have no care of the world.
A few minutes later he heard your door opening so he sat up on the bed, as you came inside you sort of gave him a glare which he didn't really mind, it kind of made him smile
"Well well well, what are you doing here PRINCE LOKI" you crossed your arms as you stood in front of him so he placed his hands on your waist to pull you closer and then his arms wrapped around them as he placed his head on your torso, you sighed and your fingers immediately traced over his scalp.
"She wanted to talk" his voice came out all muffled as he had his face squished against your body.
"Of Course she did, what does she want Loki? She's giving me bad vibes and on the top of it Dalia is on her usual nonsense again, she's trying to leak your engagement news with a fake story again like she did with Melissa" Loki looked up as you said that, you seemed worried so he made you sit down on his lap and kissed you softly "Why do you have a lipstick mark on your cheek?"
"She kissed me on the cheek, it came out of nowhere i am sorry " you rubbed the mark with your fingers to wipe it away.
"Hmmm no smudge-proof lipstick on your perfect realms I see" he chuckled as you said that before he cupped your cheeks and directed your lips to the same spot where she had planted a kiss on him. He then proceeded to tell you everything and it worried you instantly.
"You know she's kind of being a biatch.. nothing of that sort happened to you right, whatever she insinuated?" You asked him and you watched the smile on his face fade away for a moment.
"I don't remember really, i don't remember the last two months of the captivity" your arms wrapped around his neck tightly as you pulled him in a comforting safe embrace, you couldn't imagine your baby going through that, the thought always hurt you so deeply so you tried to never think about it that much but you knew you'd be there for him if ever wanted to talk about everything he had been through because of Thanos.
"She will leave soon I promise, and about Dalia, don't you worry about her, I will not give in this time I promise" you sighed as he said that.
"Whatever you say, Prince Loki " he chuckled as you mimicked the tone you had heard from the Princess.
"You really despise that don't you?"
"It's just so superficial " he smiled and cupped your cheeks again to kiss you before he murmured against your mouth,
"I must say I do enjoy it a great deal when you call me that, is it wrong?"
"Noooo it's not" you mumbled as you took off his coat and his tie followed, then you slowly unbuttoned his shirt,
"We shouldn't be doing this Prince Loki" you moaned as he unzipped your dress slowly and pulled the dress down until the straps made your breasts pop out halfway, he never understood why he enjoyed the sight of your cleavage that much.
"Mmmhm we shouldn't keep meeting like this, it's wrong and we can get caught by those measly morons out there"
"And I'm just a lowly maid Prince Loki, it is frowned upon, I'd lose my place in the palace" his brows furrowed as he realized where this was heading to and the tent in his pants was the the clear indication that he was into this as much as you were, you slid down on the floor slowly and grabbed his legs to pull him closer to the edge, sitting between his legs you unbutton the pants and pulled the zipper down, his cock stood up proudly so you held him in your fist and gave him a stroke.
"You are a naughty little maid aren't you? Ready to sacrifice everything just to fuck the youngest Prince of Asgard" you smiled at his words but instead of responding with words you took him in your mouth instead and worked him in, his eyes stayed on yours and he couldn't look away, he didn't want to but his eyes rolled back in his head as you swirled your tongue over the tip of his cock.
He was always a putty in your hands, ready to be loved and pleased, eager to just melt into a puddle and have you step on him, dying to break into pieces and have you pick each and every of those pieces of him, he worshipped you and he loved being worshipped by you too.
You took out his cock and laid it flat against his torso as you licked up from the base of his cock, your tongue caressed the vein popping in the underside, you could feel the blood pumping and his cock twitching with the pleasure that was building up more and more.
"You're a beautiful sight Prince Loki, i am so fortunate to be able to please you like this" he smiled as you said that, as much as he enjoyed these characters you both were playing he couldn't help but lean forward so he could kiss your forehead,
"I love you my princess" he whispered softly in your ear and your fingers curled around his neck as you kissed him passionately
"I love you my sweet princely boy, you are perfect" you pulled him closer until he was off the bed and took him down along with you until he was on top of you, the concrete marble floor underneath you felt harsh but it didn't hurt, this felt different, you had never fucked him on the floor before, he took your panties off and slid inside your wet entrance quickly.
"Where did you get that from?" You mumbled as you felt the barrier of the condom.
"Enchanted a mortal out there" you smiled and bit on your lips at the response, you didn't have much time to think after that, your mind couldn't form a single comprehensive thought.
He placed his head between the crook of your neck, sucking on it softly while his hips thrusted in and out of you, you have never had sex twice in a day before you had met him but you had never known the heat you felt with him before he came into your life.
"I liked that little roleplay..oh goddd" you moaned at the end of your sentence as his cock hit the sweet spot inside you.
"I did as well but I love you too much to treat you as such, well atleast for longer than a few minutes anyways, you're my Princess and you will always be so in my eyes, you're my equal or better so above me, never beneath me, you're my goddess and i want to devote my life into worshiping you but we can surely have our fun whenever you wish for it my love, I'd love to play all sorts of things with you" your eyes teared up as he said that so you kissed him softly, you wished to engrave these words in your head and you hoped they would help in the moment of insecurities but they never really did, you always forgot that he was completely yours because you had been hurt, betrayed and abandoned before, you just always feared that he'd do the same with you.
"Sometimes I just..think about it.. about you just being rough with me and it's hot"
"Mmhmmm? What do you want me to do when I'm being so?" His mouth stayed open and teeth gritted as the pressure begin to build in his stomach,
"Just have you manhandle me a little maybe, you can do whatever you want with me and I'll let you do it lo"
He came as soon as you said that and your walls clenched around him as your own orgasm followed swiftly. You both laid panting on the floor, he rested his body next to you so he wasn't crushing you.
"Would you bathe with me, Prince Loki?" He chuckled as you said that and then he got up to pick you in his arms.
"Where did you learn to talk like that maid y/n?" He asked you as you both sat down in the bathtub, your back was resting against his chest comfortingly as you sat between his legs.
"Mmmm erotic novels" he chuckled again as you said that "Loki, I miss the old life we had, is that ungrateful of me?"
"It is not, I miss it too, I'm sure you miss Lady Jane, do you not?" He asked as he kissed on your temple softly.
"I do and i hate that my mom hates you again"
"I will surely win her over again, don't you worry my love"
"I know you will, I'm worried about meeting Frigga again, this time more because I know she's going to hate me"
"Well perhaps it would be different this time, i recall Strange saying that she never hated you, she just wanted us to separate because she knew too much"
"She can see the future?" You turned your head to look at him confused and there was a smile on his face.
"Could never tell for sure with mother, she's sort of an enigma" the corner of your mouth curved into a faint smile.
The next morning as you made your way to the living area for breakfast you saw Princess Atrishia, Thor and Loki there, the princess wasn't alone though, she had two women standing beside her with their heads bowed down.
"Lady y/n come join us" you heard Thor's voice so you made your way to the table and this time you picked the spot next to Loki. He didn't even look at you to not raise suspicions and neither did you.
"Who must you be?" Atrishia asked you so you cleared your throat.
"I'm y/n, I'm being held here for coming here with an important information about Captain America's friend, you haven't met him yet i am assuming "
"Hmmm" she mumbled before she cut into the piece of toast with her fork. Who eats toast like that? You looked around and Thor was doing the same thing and Loki didn't want to appear as if he had forgotten his upbringing in the past eight months that supposedly never happened so he ate as carefully as he could. God you didn't really enjoy watching him be so meticulous about his food, with you he was allowed to use his hands for whatever purposes he needed, he had gorgeous hands but they surely weren't meant to cut toast with a fork.
"Well Anthony did reveal to me of Captain's heroism at the feast. It would be lovely to meet him, when can I do so Prince Thor?" She smiled sweetly at him and Thor was doing the same, what the hell was happening there now? You bumped Loki's shin with your leg so he looked at you and then he followed your gaze to look at Thor and Atrishia, something didn't seem right with him, he looked at her as if he was besotted with her.
"Whenever he shall return my lady" Thor gave her a smile so Loki kicked him under the table with his legs, once the breakfast was over she dabbed the napkin over her lips as if she had a single crumb on that elegant mouth and then she stood up, one of the women standing behind her pulled her chair out and she proceeded to walk towards her room.
"Umm Thor..can I ask you a question?" You asked him so he nodded.
"Go ahead lady y/n"
"Do you not miss that girl? Uhhh I don't know if I remember her name correctly but it was Jane right? I read it on a gossip page online" Thor raised his brow as you said that
"What is this gossip page that you speak of?"
"Uhhhh it's called Tea about Thor on Tumblr, it was made after your last visit by some chick that saw you both in New Mexico"
"Ahhhh my bad"
You took a deep breath and sipped on your orange juice as he said that.
"Well I'm afraid i haven't been in touch with her since I came back here, i heard she's somewhere in London now and it's not that she tried to connect with me, must have heard of my arrival of course" you nodded as he said that, you could hear a sense of contempt and resentment in his voice which wasn't like him at all.
"I think I am falling for someone else though, brother i need to speak with you of the same sometimes later"
Your eyes widened as he said that. No that can't happen, him and Jane were made for each other, you remember her telling you how heartbroken she was when he had left. You'd never forgive yourself for taking him away from her again, if it wasn't for you two agreeing to change the timeline he would still be with her.
As Thor stood up and left, you looked at Loki,
"What is going on with him?" He sighed as you questioned him
"I have no clue my darling but this mead tastes unusual "
"Why are you drinking first thing in the morning?"
"Princess Atrishia brought the mead from her realm and I am on a relatively thin ice already so I'm doing my best to not piss her off further, she would leave when she realizes i am no longer the man she was betrothed to" you grabbed the glass he was drinking from and took a few sip, it actually tasted sweet. A bit too sweet. And odd.
"What if you fall in love with her Loki?" You asked him as you thought about her. You'd fall in love with her, she was all that and more. She was otherworldly gorgeous. Your voice sounded so sad so he looked around to scan if anyone else was there before he turned to you.
"You are really asking me that? Really think I'd give up what we have here?" You sighed as he said that. Why did you feel so upset with him all of a sudden? He had done nothing to warrant this behaviour.
"I am sorry..I'll see you later" you got up and left for your room. As soon as you reached you sat down on the bed, for some reason you couldn't stop thinking about the Princess, but now you weren't thinking about her and Loki, you were only thinking about her and the thought was starting to scare you. What was happening to you?
Later that evening as Loki appeared in your room, you seemed upset still so he tried to hold you, that always calmed you down, but you pushed him away instead and the hurt look in his eyes was what made you snap out for a second.
"What are you doing?" He asked you meekly and that's when you burst into a fit of cries.
"I don't know lo, i just kind of hate you right now, what you're doing with Princess Atrishia isn't right, she's so gorgeous and kind and so beautiful..she's–"
"You hate me? What are you talking about?" He raised his voice a little as he looked at you, you seemed a bit zoned out as if you were under the influence of something. That's just how Thor seemed as well, he seemed as if he was enchanted by something.
"Loki something is wrong with me and it's scaring me because I know i love you but I don't feel it, i feel like how i felt with those other guys i have been with..i don't feel the heat when you're around me any more ..i only feel the anger"
His heart rendered as you said those words to him, now he knew for sure that your mind was influenced by something, he could still sense the concern in your voice.
"Darling everything is fine alright? Just trust me"
"I can't…I can't.. i have to go talk to Atrishia, i have to tell her that she's perfect and she deserves all the happiness " you walked past him and he immediately grabbed your arm to stop you from leaving.
"Let go my hand Loki " you said sternly but he shook his head.
"Just stay with me and let me explain what I think is going on here okay? Can you do that please? You may not feel the love for me right now–" his voice choked on his tears as he said that but he was going to fix this anyhow "But I am still your friend aren't I? Best friend?" Your eyes teared up as he said that so you walked closer to him and hugged him tightly as you cried, you felt as if you were going crazy.
"I am sorry I don't want to hurt you lo, I am so sorry .. I don't know why I'm feeling like this" you mumbled softly so he shook his head and made you sit down on the bed.
"I need to go and look for something, don't go anywhere and don't say anything to Atrishia, can I trust you to do that for me?" He asked you softly so you nodded even though the urge to go see her was overwhelming.
"Good girl, i will return soon" he kissed your forehead and as you pressed your head between the crook of his neck and his sweet scent infiltrated your senses the fog that you felt was clouding your judgement faded for a moment and you looked at him with the same love in your eyes as you used to but you seemed zoned out again as soon as he stepped away from you.
Loki teleported back to his chamber and he had a suspicion regarding what Atrishia may have done, the only two people who consumed the mead apart from him was Thor and you and it affected you both. He took out a book from his vault and gave it a good read, the answers were clear, his suspicions were right.
The mead was laced with a strong dose of love philters, she was trying to woo him back with a love potion but it didn't work on him. That's when he realized that she was here to take him back with her anyhow.
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magewritesstories · 2 years
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[ Kendall Knight ] A Week With Big Time Rush
"Congratulations you've earned a week with Big Time Rush!"
You've probably read that sentence 30 times by now. You looked from the letter to your little sister and back to the letter.
"Grace," You started, putting down the letter, "What.Did.You.Do?" Grace shrugged, as if it was nothing, "I thought it might be fun to fill out the quiz, didn't think I would actually win," You pinched the bridge of your nose, "What are you going to do now, there's no way mom is letting you go to Hollywood on your own,"
A wicked grin placed itself on her face, "I know, that's why you're going with me," "Oh, okay well then that's just fine," you replied sarcastically, "Except for the fact that I have college!" Again Grace shrugged, "Since most of their fans are teenage girls, it's during summer break," You sighed in defeat, no one won against your little sister. "Fine, only if mom agrees," you said, knowing full well your mom wouldn't agree.
"Sure you can go," Your mom said. You and your sister were sitting at the breakfast bar in your tiny San Francisco apartment, while your mom sat opposite of you eating a bowl of lucky charms. "What?!" You exclaimed, "So we can go to Hollywood, and spend a week with a group of strangers, but I can't live in dorms?" Your mom shrugged as a reply, "I've told you before, we can't afford a dormitory." You defeatedly stirred your cereal. I guess you're going to Hollywood, to meet Big Time Rush.
Sunday "I can't believe you dragged me into this..." You whispered to your sisters as a tall brunette showed you around, "You owe me a lifetime supply of chocolate eggs!"
Grace rolled her eyes, "Just shut up, and enjoy this!" she whisper shouted back. You gave her a mock offended face, since when did she start talking back? "You were so cute as a kid, what happened?" Before Grace could reply with a snarky remark, four guys walked into the lobby, immediately pulling all the attention to them.
On the right was a Hispanic guy with a black helmet on his head, next to him was a tall brunette who was frantically combing his hair, and after him came a tall blonde who seemed engulfed in a conversation with the raven-haired boy next to him.
A short black woman, that had earlier introduced herself as Kelly snapped her fingers as a way of getting the boys' attention.
"Boys, these are the fans you'll be spending the week with," She said, as she introduced you, "This is Grace and her older sister, [Y/N]," The boys immediately rushed forwards to introduce themselves, you quickly shielded yourself using your little sister, "I'm not the fan that won the quiz," you said quickly, "she is."
The boys turned their attention towards Grace, as Kelly told you about the coming week, "So, you get to spend a week here at the Palmwoods, in suite for two with you sister," She handed you a pair of keys, "You'll also need these passes to access Roque Records, as you'll be seeing the boys record their songs, and lastly backstage passes for the concert on Sunday." You took the supplies out of her hand, and thanked her. "Yeah, that sounds like so much fun!" Your sister exclaimed in a fake typical tween girl voice.
Oh god, this week was gonna be a disaster.
word count: 572
Tagged: @icegirl2772
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goldrushenthusiast · 10 months
What are your thoughts on the District 11 tributes in the 74th (Rue and Thresh) and 75th (Seeder and Chaff) The Hunger Games?
How do you think life differs between Distinct 11 and 12?
*Spoiler alert*
What do you think about the inserted scene of rebellion in District 11 in the first movie (scene after Rue's death)?
Thank you :)
I think district 11 is a fascinating district! On surface level it seems similar to 12, which I think deep down Katniss believed too, but it really isn’t like it at all which I think impacts how Katniss eventually sees it.
You know how there’s the Seam and the merchants in District 12? I think it does exist. It has to. I think Dill and Chaff are from it, for reasons I explain later, but I had to get that out of the way because in the same way Peeta & Katniss have fundamental differences from growing up in the Seam vs Merchant, I think it affects the tributes as well.
I think we should also consider Reaper and Dill from BOSAS, so I’m gonna do that lol.
I think that, for Thresh, the hunger games were an opportunity. A chance at something beyond working on the farms, no matter how terrible it might seem. While I don’t think he was excited for it, I think it would’ve been a glass half full situation he was going to utilize. I genuinely think he stood a chance at winning.
He would’ve shared the same knowledge of plants and stuff as Rue, would’ve kept his moral compass working (the thing with Katniss & owing), and it makes sense he got as far as he did. District 11 is definitely a competitor in these games, noticed even by Coriolanus in BOSAS.
For Rue, on the other hand, this was worst case scenario. I saw someone else mention there was a higher chance for her to be chosen because she had so many siblings and probably took out tesserae, and I think that’s exactly right, and having so many would only make the whole thing worse. I don’t think she had a huge chance of winning, but would’ve even more than the average 12 year old and if she fought hard there’d be something there.
Her climbing skills, of course, give her as much of an advantage as Katniss, plus her stealth. I think she could’ve survived till top 8, especially if she’d stayed in the trees. I also think her knowledge of plants would both help her, and hurt her enemies if she was willing, although I don’t think she would be. She could pull a fox face & Peeta move almost, leaving some poisonous and some not harmful berries or something in a “hiding” place for the careers to find. I just don’t think she’d survive in hand to hand combat. Plus, if she ever found him, I think Thresh would help her even though it wouldn’t help him.
Seeder and Chaff, I can’t be as sure about as I don’t remember as much about them, but I think at least one of them (Chaff, I think) would’ve been from the merchant part of D11. Both being statistically liking, and from his outlook on the games, both before and after he became a victor.
Just read up on him at Hunger Games wiki, and the fact he lost a hand but refused a capitol prosthetic is really very interesting, especially in the farming district. He was so assured that he’d be fine, he’d be taken care of, that he didn’t need one. It was probably an act of rebellion, but goes to show how self assured he was about what the capital would do for him.
Seeder grew up in the seam part to me, given the fact that she never turned to drugs, alcohol (like Chaff did) or any type of escape. She’s mentioned as looking strong despite being 60, and you can’t really achieve that without working hard in childhood and stuff, and continuing to, which I think she would’ve felt was her duty.
Thresh and Reaper also have some interesting similarities, both with their thing (& Katniss’) about owing people. I think D11, and their strict policies, force a sense of community upon the residents that binds them together and helps them trust others both more easily and still more carefully, because of how risky it is if you’re wrong.
If anyone is wondering what Reaper’s thing about owing people is, let me remind you how he apologized to the tributes about having to kill them before the games started (also relating to how strong the residents of D11, or at least the men, interestingly enough, are), and promised to make the capital pay. This was before Jessie spat in his eye btw, so there’s really no excuse for him to be saying other than a strategy or actually meaning it.
Reaper collecting the tributes and lining them up, however, could for sure be attributed to the rabies, but I don’t really know. We’re led to believe it is by Coriolanus because of how unempathetic and unfeeling he is, so of course someone caring is automatically categorized as crazy, and of course that part is used as foreshadow, but it’s still something to think about. How d11 views things and people and companionship.
Dill, however…she’s Dill. She’s tiny. Sickly. Couldn’t tell you much about her, and sometimes I honestly get her confused with Wovey, except Wovey lived longer. Dill was literally the first official death in the games, ofc excluding everyone who died from the bombs and such.
Something curious about Dill is that she’s a snitch, and by that I mean she told a capitol guy Reaper killed a peacekeeper (also, what the hell Reaper? Goes to show just how strong he is and why he considers himself so capable). I think Dill was probably merchant, also she did have tuberculosis, which would’ve been not as rare there.
She also probably knew she was dying no matter what and wanted to get everything out there, which I don’t blame her for.
Woah ok I did not expect to write so much about the tributes. Woah.
Anywho, life in 12 vs 11 is definitely as different as, say, life in 2 vs life in 7. Honestly, 12 would probably be more similar to 2, because of the mining and huts as houses and stuff like that.
In 11, you’re expected to be outside. All the time. Working, working, working. Jobs are assigned, roles specified, it’s very orderly and there’s not much anyone can do about it. Work also starts early, probably as old as 10 due to how experienced Rue was working in the trees. Meanwhile in 12, you can only start mining at 18, which Katniss acknowledges as a weakness.
This is a bit off topic, but the mining age probably started to be an issue after Coriolanus showed up and realized just how much worse he could make the lives of d12 people by raising the mining age (both in the games and money wise)
Back to the original point, In 12? If you’re outside, that’s fine. The peacekeepers love the hunters, and we know some townsfolk venture to the edges of the meadow and the woods to forage as well. Getting your own methods of food is fine, nearly encouraged.
11 is also way more strict, which Suzanne makes clear to us a lot. When Katniss visits 12 and they shoot the old man. Talking with Rue about punishments. Lots of stuff that makes Katniss do a double take and realize maybe she was lucky to grow up in 12 instead. It certainly has more freedom, despite 11 having the same working conditions. Truly, I think 11 would be the worst to grow up in, even though it helps so much with the hunger games.
Love the scene, btw!! It really supports my point about the strictness of D12 and how it forces a sense of community and stuff. It was a nice addition and realistic I think.
Also, the fact Rue knew the boy who was slow and his story about forgetting to put back the night vision glasses is so much more than an introduction to the glasses!! it shows how much the residents know about each other and how well they remember based on what the peacekeepers enforce.
Ok this has got to be one of my longest ramblings to date, but I loved it! I don’t focus as much on the original series as I should when I usually do these, and it was a fun change of pace actually having to go through the wikis instead of just remembering like I do for BOSAS.
Thank you for the question @curiousnonny , and I hope you enjoy my answer as much as I liked writing it! As always feel free to debate (but not argue or insult) with me in the comments as I always love having these combed through and stuff and getting a chance to learn more.
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