#if you're a recent follow for not-spn
chiisana-sukima · 18 days
nine people i want to get to know better
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Thank you for the tag, @slutsons-blog! Starting a new post because I'm autistic and therefore mostly only care about the "Current Obsession" question, and want to ramble excessively as usual in that one.
Last song: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Red Rescue Team: Pokemon Square because I'm currently playing Pokemon Mystery Dungeon with my daughter. Otherwise I honestly couldn't tell you. Whatever was on in my car.
Fave color: Purple
Currently watching: Star Trek Discovery
Last movie: Knives Out
Sweet/spicy/savory: Sweet, tart, salty
Relationship: married x 27 years
Last thing I googled: the word "dependent", for spelling assistance. which is a good thing because I spelled it "dependant".
Current Obsession: it's been spn since 2016. Truly we are the Hotel California of media franchises. I did recently play Disco Elysium twice in a row in quick succession, and I follow the DE tag. I can't recommend the game highly enough.... but I can feel my Special Interest-level obsession with it fading already. Spn has never faded even a tiny bit and I wonder if it ever will.
@slutsons-blog I feel after reading that you're watching spn for the first time, that I did you a bit of a disservice with my Sam takes to you before in that I mostly talked about Sam's evolution as a character as the show goes on and very little about him from the first five seasons.
Gotta be honest and tell you that although I liked both brothers all along, I was a Dean girl until the end of s6/beginning of s7, when the balance of who gets whumped the most started shifting and my subconscious suddenly decided to switch allegiances. It's not that I liked Dean any less; my id just loves a sopping wet pathetic kitten of a man who has been sexually abused, and Sam got suddenly way more kitteny and pathetic after the Cage. So I don't actually have a ton of takes on "what to love about Sam in the early seasons". I do love early seasons Sam too--she is my beautiful baby princess--but my early seasons takes are a lot more inchoate.
I count myself lucky about my id's sudden defection though, because I think we have limited control of who our blorbos are, and having Dean as a blorbo is a tough row to hoe as the later seasons go along. You know how you noticed that in s6, Dean suddenly gets a lot more assholey without apparent reason? Unfortunately he never gets better again, and in fact keeps getting worse and worse as the years go by, until by the last seasons he is openly far more abusive to their joint child(-in-an-adult body) than John was to him and Sam. It's a realistic picture of what can happen when trauma keeps piling up on people, but it's also honestly pretty distressing, especially if he's your blorbo.
If one is in it for the ship, there's some good destiel content in the later seasons, but if you're in it for Dean, you're left either 1) dealing with the fact he's got extremely significant interpersonal problems that he never gets much of anywhere on solving and that negatively impact his chosen family in profound ways, or 2) pretending he's the same character he was in s1 and Sam is the same Sam from s1, only more boring, and Dean is just trying to put up with him because he was brainwashed by John (or ig 3- something in the middle between those two. But that seldom seems to happen in practice for whatever reason). These two versions of the show are poorly compatible, and that's how the Sam girls and the Dean girls end up in isolated silos. A few people manage to live in both, but not many.
Anyway, I feel like without the context of how Sam and Dean change in the mid to late seasons, the two fics I recc'd as Sam character studies are going to seem insanely Dean-critical, so if you haven't read them yet, you might want to wait until s10. In the meantime, the general recs are fun reads and hopefully do a good job of showcasing both characters earlier on.
Tagging (but I would be a huge hypocrite if I didn't specify there's no pressure to respond, since I almost always fail at responding to tag games myself): @adihildilid @aliusfrater @quietwingsinthesky @sammygender @ardentpoop
@peanutbutterandbananasandwichs @schizosamwincester @normalbrothershow @jellybracelet.
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ananke-xiii · 26 days
(this post doesn't really have a point, just fyi lol)
i've never been a science fiction fan until recently so i'll probably say some stuff and people will be "she's so ignorant" and perhaps they'll be right but i've gotta say it:
time travels in fiction are both super-interesting and extremely boring in the sense that ultimately they all seem to agree on the principle that the past cannot be changed while the future can be re-written and i'm like: meh. what if it's the future that cannot be changed while the past can be? or, better, what if it's the future that controls the narrative of the past? and what about time travellers? all these characters travelling through time and that doesn't change them. like, they're not exactly affected by it. they're still the same.
i remember once i was in middle school and my class went to a conference about i don't remember what and one person at the conference told us a story about an astronaut coming back home from space and the wife was terrified because it was him but it wasn't him at the same time. he was transformed.
it was an amazing horror story. i don't know if it's from a book or a real fact or what but this little story has stuck with me ever since.
so for instance the spn episode "as time goes by" is kinda cool because it takes a different view on the grandfather paradox since it's the grandafather travelling through time to the future rather than his nephews to the past.
however, novikov self-consistency principle is still respected precisely because the grandfather cannot go back in time and change it, aka grandpa must die.
now, if you consider that ultimately spn takes the god is author route you kinda have to make the assumption that it's not the past that matters but the future. as in: god has a planned future that he can never really write and this is what influences the narrative (the past). the story keeps changing and modifying itself because it doesn't want that telos, that future and in this light apocalypse would never happen in spn because the narrative rejects what is supposed to be written but it's never written because they keep changing the script.
this means that henry winchester going back in time would not change the narrative since the telos is already in god's mind and chuck would bend multiple rules and change worlds just to see his future really happening.
so dean and sam preventing henry from going back to john really means that they are the ones who have condemned their father to be fatherless with no real reason because they would be born no matter what (as per god's planned story that he couldn't really write but that he kept editing).
also, all stories seem to tend to a telos, to that ending that's so difficult to write so if you want to feel edgy you use a cycle-structure and you go back to square one but is this fair? (i ask myself while writing something having the cycle-structure in mind, btw i keep writing this cause i don't know the english word for it but i mean a story that has the shape of a cycle lol). this seems to convey the following message: we can't change the past AND we can't write the future we want THEREFORE we will just repeat the past but we will use different ingredients. Or, we will write an unsatisfying ending where everybody is unrealistically happy or conveniently dead.
it seems to me that the past can't be changed because we think it can can't be changed and so the stories are always the same and we keep re-telling them because we're not getting what they want to tell us. i think they're telling us that we can change them, they are actually there to be changed. like, the past wants to be changed.
the grandpa wants to go back in time and be with his son, let him go!!!
(woah. this is a convoluted post. if you're still here i think we can be friends)
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dotthings · 3 months
For some further context on my recent CW posts, some history. Since I'm an spn fandom old.
Never was I a fan of the CW Network itself. I started watching SPN when the pilot aired and it was on WB. The WB/UPN merger and Ostroff era followed. Ostroff didn't understand SPN. Most of SPN fandom back then had this feeling of SPN being on a platform where it didn't belong and it wasn't appreciated, but we loved SPN, and endured.
Pedowitz era was better about supporting SPN which I'm sure won some SPN fans over. But still, there was this atmosphere of long-suffering endurance from most SPN fans. We knew SPN was the red-headed stepchild there. Even with Pedowitz's support. Despite it being one of their big tentpole series.
What changed my mind about CW's capacity for quality series, as a platform, was Arrowverse. I was already a DC fan, and I got into Arrowverse for a while.
Until every one of those shows got FUBAR'd for me and I gave up. And I was salty. Because I really loved Arrowverse. And there is no excuse for that many bad decisions on that many shows except a systemic issue with the platform.
I'm a fan of the shows. Not the platform. Not in any era. I have supported the shows, and the creatives, and often felt they deserved a better platform.
Ostroff, Pedowitz, Schwartz era--it's different flavors of fail, it's all not great. In their own ways.
So the great idealization of CW Network by the cw stans who seem to love the platform more than they care at all how the platform abused the shows they supposedly love, is weird to me.
Late Pedowitz era, leading up to the sale, improved on some of the systemic inclusion issues that had me utterly despising the entire platform. Someone at the top finally got it together and mandated better efforts. Because it was up for sale. Have to gloss it up for potential buyers.
Reminders that CW:
Never made a profit
Was WB/Viacom CBS's cheap quick way to make a buck off streaming
Would have collapsed much much sooner if not for the Netflix deal
Had shows fans adored and abused the shows and the fanbases
Had terrible substandard marketing
Little quality oversight on set life or stories
Meddled in shows in not good ways including queer censorship and how PoC were treated. Or looked the other way with toxic showrunners and their bad decisions.
Virtue signaled with its other rep while PR tire fire after tire fire flared over inclusion issues. But hey, here's a GLAAD award and look, we have all this other rep so you can't complain!!!! True intersectional rep was not valued there. This is a reflection of systemic industry wide issues, but CW was an unusually blatant tire fire that exposed them on main again and again and again.
Because it was a mess and nobody cared and it was there to make a cheap buck for WB/ViacomCBS
Made things even more difficult for creatives who were trying to tell better and more inclusive stories and were grateful for the opportunity to make TV shows at all. Sure, CW gave a lot of opportunities to new voices. And then its systemic issues ruined shows and made things harder on creatives.
Actors were mistreated often
This current era of trying to wash away classic CW problems existing whatsoever after all the justified fan rage I saw from multiple fan bases year after year after seen all the harm done.
The idealization of classic CW and denial of those issues at CW and revisionist history from people claiming to care about systemic TV industry issues continues to be surreal and irritating to witness. That erasure is actively harmful to the very cause people claim to support. By erasing that troublesome history at classic CW, that is enabling these industry issues to continue without criticism.
If you're running with "Nexstar CW sucks and is the only era it's okay to criticize" and trying to silence anyone who criticizes og CW you are not in fact advocating for a better TV industry.
Love the shows. Support the shows. The creatives.
The megacorporation does not love you. It never did.
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spnfanficpond · 9 months
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The person who submits the MOST Angel Fish Award nominations by the (postponed) deadline of Wednesday, January 3rd, at midnight Eastern US/Canada time will win the ENTIRE Scoobynatural box I just received from Culturefly!
(The picture is of the postcard that comes with each box detailing what is inside. The hoodie is 3X. I can't find any mention of how large the "tapestry" is. The Baby pin looks awesome enough, I almost stole it.)
How to nominate a fic:  There are a few ways you can nominate a story.
Fill out this Google form here.
Send an ASK to our blog OR
Send a private message to one of our admins (listed below).
Your nomination will need to include the following information:
Your name (Tumblr blog preferred so we can tag you in our post, but we will accept a username from any social media platform.)
The story's title
The writer's name (Again, Tumblr preferred so we can tag them, but we will accept usernames from any social media platform)
A link to the story wherever it's posted
A short blurb about why you're nominating it. Just a sentence or two is all we need!
Do I need to be a member to submit a nomination? Nope! Anyone can submit!
Does the writer of the fic I'm nominating need to be a member? Nope! It just needs to be SPN or Winchesters!
Does the fic have to be from this month? Nope! Any SPN fic, no matter how old, is eligible!
Is there a limit to how many fics I can nominate? The only limit is four fics per writer. You can nominate fics from as many writers as you want, though! Spread the love!
How can I find good fics to nominate? You can peruse our Tumblr blog where we reblog fics of all types, look at previous AFA masterposts, or even find new writers on our New Member Spotlight posts! Lastly, you can find fic recs in our discord server. We have two channels filled with links to great stories! (Note: the discord server is only open to members, but joining is easy. Click the Start Here link on our blog for details!)
How can I get one of my fics nominated? The best way we've found is to nominate fics written by other writers! Writers love to support each other, so when you support them, they'll support you!
I heard something about a raffle? Yes! Every nomination you submit is an entry into our monthly raffle for fabulous prizes! Click here to see the entire list of available prizes. [NOTE: This raffle will still happen IN ADDITION TO the giveaway of the Culturefly box! Not only will you get the box, but you will also be most likely to win other prizes in the raffle!]
What is the deadline to submit my nominations? We accept nominations ALL THE TIME, but the deadline to get entries into the current month's raffle is the last day of the month at midnight, California time. After that, you'll be entered into next month's drawing!
Is this a competition? Absolutely not! Every fic nominated wins!!
I have more questions. How do I get answers? You can send us an ASK on the blog, or send a private message to any of our admins listed below.
(Special note to EU residents: We've recently discovered that shipping things to you requires that YOU pay ridiculous customs fees when you receive them. Please contact Admin Michelle to discuss options!)
So, spend your holiday reading fics, and then tell us all about them to win fabulous prizes!!!
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Have questions about this or anything else? Send us an ASK or send a private message to one of the admins below!
Michelle - @mrswhozeewhatsis
Marie - @mariekoukie6661
MJ - @thoughtslikeaminefield
MANA - @manawhaat (Founder and Admin Emeritus)
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bexfangirlforlife · 1 month
Hi, theyarebothgunshot recommended I follow you since I'm new to the 911 fandom & only on S4. After the tsunami episodes especially I wanted someone to scream with over the Buddie feels !! And the feels continue to build of course, both Buddie & found family feels 🥰
Hi 👋 glad you're here. I started watching the show in june and I'm about to watch 4x09 next. I'm a bit slow recently, but really wanna get a move again to catch up (let's see how that'll work out XD).
I absolutely love the tsunami episodes so much, they've been my fave eps so far. That one Buddie line at the end really came for my life.
Btw I saw your ask on where I got recommended to you, so just as an fyi how my tagging system works for the show:
I usually post my episode thoughts with the tag "bex 911 first watch" and the episode number in the form for example "911 4x02". And my general tag for 911 stuff is "911 show".
Personally I'm not shying away from spoilers, I often watch shows even seeking out spoilers beforehand. That's also how I went into Supernatural. But I usually use my (mentioned) general tag for those reblogs as well. Also "911 bts" for behind the scenes stuff, but those I also give the general tag, since I know a couple of my mutuals don't wanna see 911 stuff XD
Feel free to send asks to scream about Buddie or 911 in general. (I'm also still very much open for spn stuff as well)
I'm curious... how much did you know already in relations of 911 spoilers? How much/what did you see on tumblr before you started watching? And what was it that eventually made you go "I need to watch this"?
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beyourownanchor6 · 2 months
Hiii! It's okay, I assumed you were busy enjoying your vacation.
Yeah she kinda disappeared after teen wolf, didn't she? Dylan o'brien blew up as a movie star, tyler posey got onlyfans, tyler hoeclin got superman and lois, dylan sprayberry got some movies, but allison just... kinda vanished. I haven't seen her in forever. Yeah teen wolf just plays by its own rules and i love it even if it frustrates me.
Oh i love himbos!! And you're right, Stiles is a himbo! And yay for multishipping. I do lots of multishipping too. Sterek, steo, steter, sciles... i usually don't do straight ships tho.
It was wild. And I unfortunately was a die hard harry potter fan. Still am, but at least i have the decency to be ashamed of it now lmao. The glee fandom was wild. I got a lot of love and support from the glee fandom, but also death threats! And don't even get me started on the social justice issues and how they were approached. I once said I shipped Klaine (Kurt/Blaine) and immediatelly got hit with "stop invading women's spaces" for it. Mind you, klaine is a GAY MALE SHIP.
I agree with you there, that does suck. Thank heavens for the internet and video calls.
And thank you! I hope you had fun on your holiday. And i'm okay! I bought reading glasses this week, it's amazing how much easier reading and writing is now.
As for today's question: what other fandoms are you into?
tumblr totally ate this notification 😩 (this hellsite—derogatory 🤣) hope you enjoyed your week!
it does seem that way. i will say i follow certain actors/actresses more than others from there, so maybe i just missed her being in things, but i feel like i would’ve seen something with everything tw i engage in lol. this also reminded me i still need to watch the last episode from last season of superman 😂 i think i’ve seen almost everything dylan has been in lol. and i’ve seen a lot of holland and cody’s other projects.
yea i just kinda ship all over with tw tbh lol. i don’t go to every ship, but i definitely have a lot!
i know a lot of ppl who are harry potter fans, so you’re not alone lol. i’ve heard about the gleee fandom and it definitely sounds like it was toxic 😬 but ig that comes with most fandoms lol. i watched a documentary recently about all the glee actors that have since passed; definitely interesting.that is a WILD take for that ship. damn
yes, at least we have ways to communicate even if we have to live miles and miles away.
i did thank you! i feel like i spent this last week recovering and getting back into things lol. woo love that for you! now you can do all the things.
oh gosh, so many 😂 i’ve kind of lost beans for 911 as a whole lately unfortunately, so i’ve been going back into my other fandoms. mm so i just recently got into the bikeriders fandom; amazing movie if you haven’t yet seen. i also just rewatched stranger things for the nth time and got back on that bullshit lol. of course there’s teen wolf. and i’ll just list some others i’m into: shameless/animal kingdom/obx/oth/the rookie/heartstopper/rwrb/shadowhunters/spn/ various marvel things annddd idk i’m sure i’m missing more 😅 what about you?
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laf-outloud · 1 year
I know this has been discussed before, but it’s interesting enough to me to be worth repeating . . .
The recent photos of Jared and Gen posing with others at the stem cell treatment facility as well as the photo of Jared and Gen at the coffee house chatting with the two women, leads me to believe that 1) the Padaleckis are down-to-earth enough that they venture out-and-about into the masses to live their lives; 2) the Padaleckis are famous enough (at least in their hometown of Austin) that they are recognized by people that they don’t know personally; 3) the Padaleckis are welcoming enough in their demeanor that people feel comfortable approaching them; and 4) the Padaleckis are human enough that they will engage with the common folk and pose for photos. This tells me a lot about Jared and Gen and who they are as people.
I have watched SPN and been a non-participating (lurker) part of the fandom for years, including at SPN_Goss and Tumblr, so I have seen a lot. I am not on FB, Instagram or Twitter, and I don’t follow any of the cast. I only see what’s posted on fan sites on Tumblr (some of which are admittedly anti-Jensen), so someone can correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think there are often similar sitings and interactions with the Ackles. This leads me to think that 1) the Ackles are not out-and-about as often; 2) the Ackles are not recognizable when/if they are out; 3) the Ackles are not as approachable if they are recognized; and 4) if the Ackles are approachable and engage, they may not consent to a photo or they may ask the person not to post the photo on social media. The only other reason I can come up with is that maybe people just don’t care, but I know that won’t go over well with the AAs.
This is just something that occurs to me every time I see a photo with Jared (and Gen) and a fan out in the wild. I love that he isn’t afraid to engage with people and I love that people always post about how kind and friendly he is. It does make me wonder about the comparisons between the two men though. Perhaps Jensen just isn’t as recognizable and famous as his super-fans think he is and perhaps Jared, with his more mainstream TV and film career, is.
I think there's a lot of truth in your observations. Thanks for sharing! To your question, I do follow some people who post Jensen and Jared fan interactions, and you're right that there are certainly more fan photos with Jared. Jensen content tends to come more from people he's worked with as opposed to fans out on the street.
There are definitely some interesting comparisons into how each couple handles recognition/fan interactions. Of course, I'm not going to say one way is better than the other as every celebrity should be allowed to interact within their comfort level. (And frankly, seeing how obsessed some of Jensen's fans are, I don't blame him for staying under the radar.) I do appreciate Jared and Gen's willingness to interact with fans and I hope someday I can meet them!
"Perhaps Jensen just isn’t as recognizable and famous as his super-fans think he is and perhaps Jared, with his more mainstream TV and film career, is."
It's unsurprising how many comments I saw on photos from Jared's USO tour that mentioned different shows Jared's been on, including Gilmore Girls, SPN, Walker, Friday the 13th and House of Wax. It helps that GG and SPN frequently make the weekly top 20 of streaming shows. Jared is very recognizable despite looking nothing like his teenage self from GG!
(Surprised no one mentioned New York Minute. LOL!)
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catgrassplantdad · 1 year
thanks for kicking off another tag game tuesday @celestialmickey !! also tagged by @mishervellous @energievie @gardenerian and @ardent-fox !! thank you, friends!
name: jessie 🎃
age: 33
what country do you live in? the united states 🙄
how many blogs do you have? 3
how many blogs do you follow? 281. i try to go through and unfollow blogs that have been inactive for a long time, especially spn blogs, but i haven't checked in a minute.
are you a hugger? yeah, i love hugging my people. i'm a really physically affectionate person when it comes to my friends.
summer or winter? summer ☀️
coffee, tea, soda, or something else? coffee ☕🤎
something about you that might surprise people: i used to draw. like, constantly. i haven't in years. i don't think i've ever mentioned that here before.
if you had to get a tattoo tomorrow, what would it be? i'd get work done on my half sleeve situation. i've been giving the artist free reign, with some suggestions from me.
would you consider yourself a private person or an open book? i think i'm pretty private about some stuff, but with some people i can't shut the fuck up and i overshare.
do you believe in soulmates? i like what mel said about this, that the choices we make lead us to the right people. i'm really happy about the choices i've made 💜
would you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert? i believe i am an ambivert who leans introvert.
tell me something good that happened to you recently: i just got an email saying my wedding dress is now a few stops away from my house and should be delivered in a few minutes 👀
and finally, say something nice to yourself: despite what your brain may tell you sometimes, you're not annoying and you're a very sweet person who your friends enjoy being around.
tagging @howlinchickhowl @gallawitchxx @heymrspatel @whatthebodygraspsnot @you-are-so-much-better-than-that @whatwouldmickeydo @iansfreckles @thisdivorce @squidyyy23 @sleepyfacetoughguy @crossmydna @lalazeewrites @suzy-queued if you guys are up for it 🖤
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mediawhorefics · 1 year
hií 💗 for the ask game, what's your favourite fanfic of all time?
oh god i read in so many fandoms this feels like an impossible question dhjfjfdg i'm gonna cheat. is that okay? can i cheat? there's no way you're getting just one. sorry not sorry djbkndkjgbd
i guess if i'm answering 100% honestly, it would prob. be not easily conquered which, for those who don't know is a stucky fic and one of the most beautiful pieces of writing i've ever read. some of the quotes from this fic are seared into my brain and i fear will never leave me.
in the 1d fandom tbh it's still tif. i think to me tif is a perfect romcom. i've never read a better one. it's funny, its heartwarming, it's genuine, the miscommunication is handled very well and that quote that describes trying to explain something traumatic that happened to you young as 'like a fish trying to explain what water is' stayed with me for over a decade. it's exactly that. that's exactly what it feels like... i love this fic sm. it's just as good as everyone says and i think its criminal that some newer fandom peeps haven't read it. i can only aspire to be that kind of writer.
i recently went on a spuffy binge read ad discovered summerfrost's works and i have been in absolute awe of their characterization ever since. their writing knocked me the fuck out. nothing safe is worth the drive (follow you home) is prob. my fav but everything i've read from them has been a masterclass in character study.
the poet dean fic is another work that i think is a game changer. if you're remotely interested in deancas/spn this fic is stunning and it features original poetry by the writer that is just.... gorgeous. it makes me want to write poetry and god knows i am not good at that rip.
cinderwings is another spn fic that's ..... incredible. it's such a creative au that perfectly mixes elements from canon and from fairy tales to create something totally new that feels fresh and different. not to mention i've never read a character pov of a quote unquote creature that actually felt like i wasnt reading a human character. it's done so well.
four letter word for intercourse . its the best smut heavy fic i've ever it. its deancas. end of.
i recently started reading good omens fics and Demonology and the Tri-Phasic Model of Trauma: An Integrative Approach ??? w o w. just.... w ow. if you've read the book/watched the show and loved crowley just a little bit... read this. it's an outsider pov and it is so compelling, it's almost impossible to put down. which is a pretty herculean feat imo considering it's all through the eyes of a stranger. its basically crowley in therapy through the eyes of his therapist. incredible.
back in the old days i read a lot of merlin fics and the student prince still has SUCH a special place in my heart as a comfort fav... it's so funny and heartwarming. the perfect magical uni au. it also has an amazing podfic read by the author.
wastelands is probably my favourite star wars fic i've ever read. it's only 9k and ft just before the sequel trilogy leia crash landing on some abandoned world and getting help from a force ghost to repair her ship only to realise it's anakin. it's just.... a beautiful beautiful character study and a look into their relationship and it ties in with some kylo stuff.
you could dress this wound is a tsn fic where mark starts seeing pain as light on people and develops some empathy/starts seeing the world (and his relationship to eduardo) differently as a result.
best practices in workplace relationships is nothing special. except its heartfelt and funny and i've read it countless times over the past ten years. so many times. it's the assistant wardo fic. it's fun. i love her.
also anything that @helloamhere writes but ESP the anakin/padme/obi fic she wrote partly because of me.
i think thats it... like... off the top of my head today right now.
oh and i guess.... if it's not arrogant to say it ? maybe tts ? just... i'm very very proud of it and it's very special to me. i dont think its better than any fic ive listed here but it is one of my all time favs because it was a big labour of love from me.
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Im one of the people who followed you recently! Ive been following Pine Sweat since chapter 4 or 5 on Ao3. I accidentally stumbled upon your blog and decided I quite like it here :). Its been cool to see someone who also fairly recently got into spn, it's been kind of daunting getting into a fandom thats almost quite literally decades old. I always get sad I wasnt in the fandom during its hay day, but that would've been literally impossible since I was 3 or 4 years old when it first aired. I've been really enjoying the rest of your fics and can't wait to read ch8 of Pine Sweat! And, since its the occasion, happy Wincest Wednesday!
aw hello! sorry I answered this late, happy thwincest thursday
I've been surprised by how many other folks got into spn just recently! I do like the idea of being into the fandom of something as it's still airing, but because I've never actually experienced that I wasn't able to miss it with spn. I've also never participated in fandom in such a hands on way before, for anything. so for the other big/old fandoms I've written for (naruto, fullmetal alchemist, lol) I just flung fics into the ether and didn't interact with anyone, so this WHOLE thing is very new to me. I think everyone's been very kind, so I hope you've had good experiences. seems like people enjoy the new blood. hope you're enjoying pine sweat!!
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kalopsiadaemon · 1 year
So that latest deancas art sure is getting some love 😳 thanks everyone!! There's definitely going to be more where that came from! I'm deep in destiel hell again and they're not letting me go anytime soon.
Also to all you new followers, hi! hello! welcome!
Here's a peek at my old spn art from 2013 as a thanks for the love, and some context for where I'm at in the show for anyone curious~
I'm an old school spn fan who stopped watching at season 10, so Demon!Dean/MOC, when it was airing over a decade ago (yeah i know) but very recently got dragged into re-watching it again after finding out about the chaos that was the finale and the confession. I also know most of the major late season spoilers. Currently finished re-watching season 4 if you couldn't tell.
And if you're curious, yes I have old and terrible spn art from 2013/2014 (my old account got deleted) here's proof:
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If anyone somehow recognises these I'm going to be amazed. Maybe I'll redraw some of these too who knows.
Also outside of spn, I also like videogames, anime, horror and villains!
Also shameless plug but my commissions are currently open so if anyone wanted to throw some deancas/spn requests my way I will not be complaining 👀
Anyway I hope you enjoy your stay!
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autisticandroids · 11 months
One of my most active long time mutuals follows you and frequently reblogs stuff from you and in recent months I have become a trekkie, dedicated blogs (plural!) and all, so now I'll see them reblogging a post from you, read the prev url, go "!!!" and visit your blog to see if I should follow... only to be reminded that you're primarily an spn blog now and only post trek stuff like once a month 😔
(also, yes, my beloved mutual also posts much spn but is overall very multifandom and so active it's only like 20% spn overall. and i did used to be into spn too ofc but i have trek brainrot now. also, that's not even just my mutual anymore tbh, that's my friend. we've voice chatted. i don't mind the spn that much... not to me, not when it's them)
man i should go back to star trek. some day
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diminuel · 1 year
Hey love! No need to answer this if you don't want to, but I just wanted to continue to thank you for the art and fanwork you've put into this fandom. The fact that I've been following you for 10+ years is wild to me and I've gotten to see your art and writing talents grow and evolve is amazing. I've been rewatching SPN with some friends who've never seen it and I was looking at the original Lamb verse art to share with them and just thought "wow, Steffi continues to rock" <3
;A; Thank you! It always fills me with joy to see that you're still around too! We've been here for a very long time! X3
(I just recently deleted some old art, including some lamb verse stuff, because I got embarrassed looking at it >w<; But lamb verse is a classic, I must admit, even if I want to hide from old art. *lol*)
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spnfanficpond · 2 years
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In the past, we have always focused on writers, with the mission to connect newbie writers with more experienced writers and elevate everyone's writing in the process. Recently, we have been trying to attract readers as followers of the blog because without readers, writers are simply screaming into the void. We instituted the tagging system on fic reblogs, and started reblogging fics by non-members, so readers could find lots of fics they want to read easily. If we added a member tier for readers, called Turtles, the biggest change would be access to the discord server. We would keep some channels writers-only to keep a safe space for writers to brainstorm ideas and ask for writing help. All that being said, we want to hear what YOU think, whether you are a writer or a reader or both!
Writers: How do you feel about having Readers in the discord server with you? If it's okay with you, vote YES!
Readers: Do you feel like you're missing out in some way by not being a member of the Pond? If so, vote YES! (And also, tell us what you'd like to see us do or change to make being a reader easier and more interesting!)
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sapphyreopal5 · 1 year
Sapphyreopal5 Blog Index 1
Welcome to my page! Please before you ask any questions about this, stop here first as I may have already answered your question in another post.
In light of recent events as of today 9/16/2024 11:31am EST, I have the following rules for sending me asks.
1. No ad hominems. Resorting to personal attacks is never okay and neither is accusing someone of having a mental illness or personality disorder or whatever else. You most likely will be ignored, possibly blocked. I'm conservative on the block button but after recent events I must say maybe I should've be so conservative.
2. Don't ask me about my personal opinions about another user as an ask. I will answer about my thoughts on a post of theirs but that's about it. If you have a problem with someone, talk to them directly about it. We're all adults here, aren't we?
3. Be reasonable and matter of fact with your questions. If you disagree with anything I've said or want clarifications on something, I'm okay with this. But no heated arguments. Debates are one thing but arguments are personal, which are a no go. Lame I even had to come up with these rules for asks but oh well, we live and we learn right?
On this index I linked to the posts I primarily write about on my blog. This includes spiritual related topics such as about how incarnations work, my own experiences, divine blueprints, dream-walking, some pagan mythology (particularly Norse), etc.
I also write a lot about some celebrities, particularly from the show Supernatural. This page will get updated over time.
Sapphreopal5 Manifestations E-Journal
Sapphyreopal5 Index Page 2
Sapphyreopal5 Index Page 3 (Supernatural Part 1)
Sapphyreopal5 Index Page 4 (Supernatural Part 2)
Sapphyreopal5 Index Page 5 (Anti Genevieve/Jarevieve)
Spiritual Experiences
Yes, I'm the Queen of Faye
What made me interested in the paranormal to begin with?
Meeting Faye King
Gone from Earth for a Year (Stasis Walk-In) 
Seeing through Jensen Ackles' eyes (2008) "Heaven & Hell"
Vanalfheim = Vanaheim and Alfheim
Note to Skeptics
How Incarnations Work 
10 Unpopular Spiritual Truths
Types of Seers
Reptilians Ask (An Honorable YT Mention YAY)
Reality Shifting
Signs A Place is No Longer Serving You
Soulmates and Soul Crossings- "Be Careful What You Wish For"
White vs Black Clothing Attire
Bad luck days (13th USA, 17th Italy)
Who are They an Incarnation of?
Jensen Ackles
Jared Padalecki
Jennifer "Genevieve" Padalecki
Nicky Minaj
Tom Hiddleston
Nikola Tesla
Dreamwalking vs Dreaming
Jotunheim = SPN's "The Bad Place"
Reportage (Dreamwalking)
Me, A Worlds Traveler Dreamwalker
Night-time Tree Fractal
Faye Realm (Arcturus)
Faye Realm 2
Fairy on the Moon
Divine Blueprints
What are Divine Blueprints
Black Magic
Cloud Nine
Rust Tragedy
Didn't meet Jensen
Tips on Pendulum Cleansing and Speaking Only to Benevolent Entities
Tips on Reading Tarot Easier
Picking a deck
Natal Chart Sapphyreopal5
* interpretation
Conceived son late 8/29/2014 or early 8/30/2024
Legal Case 3/12/2019
Tarot Requests (Will Only Accept Certain Requests at My Discretion Thanks!)
My Stance on Personal Readings (Please read before requesting)
Declined Hellers & Destiel Tarot Request
Accepted Tarot Request 1
Accepted Tarot Request 2
Matthew Perry & Jensen Ackles: Connected through Drownings, Addiction, and Batman?
GTFO My Page
Can't be factual
Just no, Jensensgroupie
Be a blind skeptic
You're an AA
Psycho Misha stan
Misha & J2 Besties LOL
Can't see Misha is a liar
Abi the creeper
Advertise your religion
Woke shit (use a dictionary, "can't use words literally")
Are ignorant and think you should speak because "everyone is entitled to an opinion"
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veliseraptor · 2 years
hi lise, i hope you're doing well! i was a big fan of your spn and marvel works, but i left fandom for a while, and i'm back and very interested in what fandom's you're in atm! (specifically the one you tagged 'sad queer cultivators show,' which i'm sure i could find the actual name of but am too lazy) so would you mind letting me know? :D
still remarkable to me that you guys would be like "oh hey wonder what that lise person is up to these days" even though, like, I follow people from fandom to fandom I guess. but still. continues to be both startling and very flattering to me.
anyways, I feel like I answered this question relatively recently and I was pretty sure the answer hadn't changed, but the short version is that the main fandoms I'm actively ~in and doing stuff with creatively~ are The Untamed/MDZS (the queer cultivators show and the novel it's based on) and Kinnporsche which is a Thai BL drama.
ah, found the ask, which includes a bit more information on where these things can be found/watched. but if those are my primary fandoms right now and the ones I'm writing for I'm also dabbling in a number of others, mostly various cnovels and a smidge of Wheel of Time resurgence.
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