#if youre gonna send me anon hate you have to sign it with ''i love to lick nintendo and gamefreaks boots slurp slurp''
lxclerc · 2 years
𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐞 | 𝐝𝐫𝟑
SUMMARY: in which daniel is terrified the whirlwind of his world would make you leave him. REQUEST: from anon: “Angry!daniel cause ever since y/n and him went public, paps won't leave her alone and she feels overwhelmed so he gets pissed and goes off on them”  WARNING: invasive paps, hints of anxiety PAIRING: daniel ricciardo x reader WORD COUNT: 1.9k
NOTE: i actually genuinely hate this haha definitely not my best writing
I’d give you my sunshine, give you my best. But the rain is always gonna come if you’re standing with me. Is it enough if I never give you peace?
The first time you got sent hate after going public with Daniel, you laughed it off as you showed it to your boyfriend, finding the entire concept of someone going out of their way and taking time out of their day and putting in effort just to send such brainless comments about someone they’ve never talked to. 
“My first hate comment,” you joke, placing your head against his shoulder. “Does this mean I’ve made it?”
But Daniel doesn’t seem to find it as funny as his arms wrapped around you, a frown on his face as he gently took the phone from you, already making a mental note of the usernames. “I can speak up about this. Maybe lessen it a little.”
Your laugh cuts off when you realize he’s genuinely upset and so you take your phone back, putting it down as you place your chin against his chest, looking up at him to meet his eyes. “You don’t have to, Dan. It’s just a bunch of jealous idiots hiding behind their screens and it means nothing to me. I know what I signed up for when I started dating you.”
Daniel says nothing else, only pulling you closer to him as he meets your lips in a soft kiss, making you smile thinking that was it but still, Daniel couldn’t help the sudden sinking in his stomach. He hates the fact that you’ve accepted that loving him comes with dealing with hate and he can’t help but wonder how long you can take it till you decide it’s enough, making fear rise in his chest. 
The first time you appeared in the Paddock, the whirlwind of photographers and fans alike crowding around you and your boyfriend had you holding on to Daniel’s hand a little tighter, letting him pull you towards him in a subtle way to shield you from the cameras and the prying eyes, a crease appearing in his forehead.
Still, you only smile at him, trying to ignore the crawling in your skin as you give him a reassuring squeeze, not wanting to worry him before a race because of a silly little thing.
However, everyone can see that the public’s interest with you seems to be different from their interest from the other wives and girlfriends. Perhaps it’s because of your bubbly persona or the way Daniel seems so madly in love with you but they took special interest in everything you do, your follower count skyrocketing from a few hundreds consisting of friends to millions in a matter of days. 
“Y/N!” An interviewer called, saying your name as though you’re close friends rather than complete strangers as he all but shoves his mic to your face, making you stumble back a little till Daniel wrapped an arm around your waist to stabilize you. “How do you think Daniel will do this qualifying?” 
Daniel was about to speak, probably to make some excuse that would save you from the intruding interviewer but you only give him a nervous smile, not wanting to cause a scene or make yourself seem snobbish that would in turn reflect on your boyfriend.
And so you answer with as much grace as you can manage, trying to school your features into a smile that you hoped doesn’t look as uncomfortable as it feels. “To be honest with you, I’m still not quite sure how the sport works but one thing is for sure, however Dan performs, I’ll be cheering for him.”
And with that, Daniel is steering you away before anyone can ask anything else, not wanting to overwhelm you the first time that you come to a race to support him. 
“That was weird,” you mutter once you’re far enough away from the group of people, the McLaren motorhome becoming visible as the pit of fear in his returns.
“I’m sorry,” he says immediately, hand holding yours unknowingly becoming tighter. “They can be invasive. I should have told you.”
You’re quick to spot the immediate worry appearing in his voice along with the crease in his eyebrows and so you make sure to give him a smile, planting a kiss on his shoulder. “Don’t worry about it, Dan. It isn’t your fault and I don’t mind answering a few questions.”
Still, the media’s fascination with you only seems to grow. You’re not entirely sure either for what reason but it only seems to get worse as the entire issue with McLaren reaches the media. You’ve been busy mostly getting Daniel’s mind out of it as the two of you went camping with a few friends, deciding on a no phones allowed week filled with just each other.
The moment you come back though, everything seems to fall over. You aren’t like the usual models like the other WAGs are. You actually do have a boring desk job and an irritating boss and live pretty much a normal life. 
Of course up until you came in for work and a hoard of people with cameras came at you.
“Y/N, did you know about Daniel leaving McLaren?”
“Has Daniel told you about his future?” 
“What do you have to say about McLaren sacking Ricciardo in exchange for Piastri?” 
You can feel your chest getting tighter as you fight through the hoard to get back to your car, wanting nothing more than to get away from the invasive questions. Once your doors are locked and you’re back in the safety of your car, you immediately dial Daniel’s number, hands slightly shaking as cameras continue to go off outside.
“Dan?” Your voice is shaking too, you realize as you take deep breaths.
“Honey?” He asks and you can still hear the sleep lacing his voice. “I thought you’re at work.”
“I was,” you say, suddenly thanking everything that your car is tinted and no one can look inside from the outside. “There are paparazzis here and photographers. They were asking questions about you and I’m just–” You cut yourself off, unable to continue as your voice shakes again. “There’s a few of them surrounding my car.”
“What? Fuck.” Daniel suddenly sounds aware as you hear shuffling from his side as he gets out from the comfort of your shared bed. “I’ll come pick you up. Where are you?”
“No, no,” you say immediately. “I’ll drive home. I just wanted to let you know. They were asking me about McLaren and stuff and I didn’t want you to get in trouble.” 
“Who cares about that?” He sounds angry but you know it isn’t you he’s angry with. “I’ll run them all over.”
“Just stay there,” you tell him, already starting your car. “I’m on my way home.”
You hear him sigh and you know he wants to fight back again, wanting to be the one to pick you up and make sure you’re safe but he also knows there’s no way you’ll agree and so he can only nod his head despite the fact that you can’t see him. “I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry for this, baby.” 
“It’s fine,” you’re quick to say even though you both know it isn’t. “It’s not your fault, Dan.”
“Still,” he insisted. “They’re bothering you because of me.”
You sigh, not knowing what else to say and you sound so tired that it breaks Daniel’s heart. Are you tired of it? Tired of dealing with everything that comes with him? Are you tired of him?
“We’ll talk when I get home,” you say instead.
“Daniel Ricciardo caught punching photographer.”
You sigh as Michael read the words, hand on Daniel’s wrist as you cleaned his wound gently. After a good night in celebration of his p5 finish in Singapore, the last thing you’d expected was this. A dinner date that was going inexplicably well as you and Daniel giggled over glasses of wine, hands entwined on the table. It was almost perfect if it weren’t for the sudden appearance of a couple of men with cameras blocking your paths as you move to go back to your hotel.
Daniel had you behind him, doing his best to shield you away from the prying questions but it was getting harder and harder as the few men became a horde after fans just passing by recognized him. He was trying his best to keep you behind him, arms wrapped around you in an attempt to put a barrier between you and the people you didn’t know.
His plan was to get you safely in the car then maybe he’d come back out to sign some stuff and get pictures, not wanting to completely ignore his supporters. However, that all flew out the window the moment one of the photographers wrapped a hand around your wrist, pulling you back and making you yelp as you almost fell if it weren’t for your boyfriend’s arm around you.
“Hey, man, let her go.” The restrained anger is clear in Daniel’s as he glared at the man still holding on to your arm.
But the man seemed to have heard nothing as he turned to you. “Y/N, I just have a few questions–”
But the photographer was unable to finish his sentence with Daniel’s fist colliding with his face. He’s never been one to result to violence but all he can seem to see is red as the man kept pulling at your wrist and before he knew it, he was pulling his arm back for a punch. 
“I told you to let go of my girlfriend, you fucker,” he spat out at the photographer now on the floor. 
Daniel seems ready to throw another punch but you’re quick to pull him away by his arm, the two of you barely escaping the clicks of cameras and videos that you’re sure is already trending on twitter.
And so here you were, in his hotel room as you cleaned his bloody knuckles, Michael standing over the two of them as he read the headlines. 
“McLaren marketing will handle it,” Daniel says and you know he’s still angry. “At least they’re useful for something.”
You couldn’t help but sigh again as you offer Michael a smile. “We’ll talk to you tomorrow, Mike.”
The trainer thankfully took the hint, nodding as he leaves the two of you by yourselves. For a moment it’s quiet as you entwine your hand with Daniel’s, placing it on your lap. You rest your head against his shoulder as you allow the silence to comfort the two of you.
“I’m sorry,” he said finally. “We were having such a great night.”
You smile softly at him, moving your head so your chin is on his shoulder. “It was still a good night, Dan.”
“I don’t know how you can keep doing it, stay with me and have your privacy be regularly violated.”
Is it okay if I never give you peace?
“Because I love you.” There’s no hesitance in your voice as you say it. “Being with you and watching you do what you love makes it all worth it.”
“For how long?” There’s genuine fear in Daniel’s voice as he asked it, finally voicing out thoughts that have been plaguing his mind for months.
But you only smile that reassured smile of yours at him, seemingly so sure of your answer. “For as long as you want me.”
taglist: @ricsaigaslec @dragon-of-winterfell @coffeehurricanes @rdtbattinson @privcherry7 @miniminescapist @sebsdaniel @strelcka @writing-about-current-obsessions @amsofftrack @lostinketterdam @bisexual-desi @cialovessirlewis @multilovebot @lovelynikol16 @troybolton-14 @ohthemissery @dr3lover @myescapefromthislife @sunf1owerrq
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Gregariousness (Geo x Sociable and Loud! MC/Reader)
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For @ch1mmichurry! Hope you enjoy Anon! :] - Signed by biggest-geo-oogami-enjoyer Gregariousness: the quality of enjoying the company of other people.
Geo…well…to say he resents noise would be an understatement.
He prefers solitude, silence, serenity. You, on the other hand, are the opposite of all 3.
You’ve always been the life of the party, the one willing to perform stupid stunts or sing karaoke because…as you quote: “Why not.”
You remind him way too much of Deryl, which he also doesn’t appreciate, but hey, you’re friends with his friends, so he’s got to deal with you.
Only starts warming up once he realises you’re not an obnoxious little shit.
When you befriend the others, and start trying to talk to him (his attempts at intimidation only put a small dent into your confidence, unfortunately); he’ll tell you to shut up.
Plot twist, you don’t.
In fact, you make it a goal to try and talk to him.
“Geode! How’re you doin’?”
“Piss off.” 
Until the day he actually gets angry at you (mostly for existing).
Then you get crushed into smithereens a smidge upset and stop trying to get him to warm up (dw you’ve got Deryl and Crowe for emotional support).
But he got so used to it he honestly misses it (to his disdain).
So he starts anonymously sending you gifts, and learns to play the songs you like (in secret, obviously)
Will claim he ‘happened upon them’ if he ends up playing near you at some point (idek maybe their school have a theatre or smth???)
Anyway, eventually decides he’s fond of you (Geo thinking he’s fond of you actually means he *really* likes you btw)
Will approach you every now and then (he’s gotta worm his way in first, like you did to him), to the stage where he’ll just ‘coincidentally’ be in the same spots as you.
To him, you’re like a beam of bright light that sears away at the walls he’s built up over several years, and part of him yearns for said walls to fall. (Sadly that part of him is teensy small and it’ll take a long time for him to fully open up)
Doesn’t actively attempt to murder you if you call him Geode after a while, as long as Deryl doesn’t find out. Then he totally would.
If you’re more physically affectionate, he’ll rarely let you give him headpats. He’ll pretend he fucking hates them, but by this point you know him too well.
Doesn’t exactly understand why you need to socialise so often, but he won’t stop you…he simply wants to know:
Who you’re with.
Where you are.
What you’re doing.
Are there people he resents there.
Are you going to drink.
And that’s him being lenient.
Seems to be the most nonchalant mf ever, but trust me, if he ends up liking you, he’ll end up stalking observing you, ensuring you’re safe and making sure to swoop in as soon as he decides you’ve talked to enough people that day.
Essentially, he won’t be fond of the need for interaction (isn’t he more than enough?) but he’ll last. He likes his alone time, after all.
You both agree to try and improve (you talk quieter around him, he tries to be a tad warmer), and, if this mutually beneficial relationship situationship works out, well. He’ll appreciate it.
The fact you - despite still being a walking, talking megaphone - still actively make an effort is good for him; he has patience, he can wait as long as both sides show commitment to the cause.
Will ask you out at the end of school, so if he you died of happiness, no nosy shitbiscuits will try and pull something. (I think he is the type to believe in the Evil Eye, at least somewhat)
Because albeit your nature, people adore you…or hate you, but you don’t care.
So yes, Geode does lov- appreciate you. And will continue to do so. For the rest of his life. What can he do? He’s in love with very fond of you!
—---------------------------------------------------------------------------- A/N: Gonna work on a set of headcanons/short story oneshots for a...pretty angsty idea I had. (I love angst so much it's a tad concering actually)...but no matter! Send requests my way, I'm more than happy to oblige with requests. :]]
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moonbyunniee · 2 years
i love your work :) i love the way you describe things, and i just seem to be inspired to work even harder on my fanfics :D
is it possible if i could request a scaramouche headcanon? it can be any kind of topic, with any other characters in it. i just know you recently just uploaded a headcanon, so take your time IF you are going to work on the scaramouche thing
i hope you are doing well though hehe i hope the rest of your day and week goes well without any troubles :)) <3
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no cuddles for you (but i'd be lost without them)
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description ➵ when you take away their cuddling privileges because the two of you were in a fight
characters ➵ scaramouche, diluc, lisa, hu tao
cw ➵ fluff
a/n ➵ hi anon!! thank you for all the compliments 🤍 and i'm glad my works can inspire you to write better! ofc i can make some scaramouche headcanons for you! i hope you have an amazing week too :D don't forget guys my ask box is always open so feel free to send me a request - or basically whatever you want!! ily all! the idea for these headcanons are inspired by one of heizours's works!
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scaramouche - 斯卡拉姆齐 ➵
scaramouche has a love-hate relationship with physical contact
if he's hurting someone, of course he loves it
but if anyone other than his beloved y/n is cuddling him, he'll freak out
although he acts like he hates your cuddles, he secretly longs for them every waking minute
he also always wants you to suggest a cuddle session because he doesn't want to seem like he needs them or anything
so when you take away his cuddling privileges completely after a fight between the two of you, he's quick to react sourly to it
"...h-huh? you're taking away my cuddling privileges...? hmph...it's not like i care. do whatever you want - it's your loss, not mine!"
he'll mope around the house
sulking 24/7
he'll glare at you when he thinks you're not looking at him
and he'll be fuming, basically
muttering incoherent threats under his breath and pretending to not care at the same time
and shooting furtive glances your way, waiting for any sign that you'll crack and let him cuddle you
eventually you do just that, and let scaramouche into your arms again
and he 'reluctantly' finds his way into the cuddle, leaning into you and muttering an apology
yeah that's all you're gonna get for that fight, one apology
i mean...who do you think he is?
but of course, he could not be gladder for the welcome return of his cuddling privileges
"i'm sorry, y/n. now, don't you dare take away those cuddling privileges from me ever again...you were clearly going crazy without them, hmm?"
diluc - 迪卢克 ➵
like scaramouche, diluc is not a complete fan of physical contact and intimacy
but he still loves your warm touch
when the two of you get into a fight, he acts all mature and uncaring about it
...which kinda makes you feel like the smaller person
he also acts like he doesn't need your hugs, and will be extremely good at hiding his true feelings
"oh, you're taking away my cuddling privileges? well, that's okay. it's not like i liked them anyway."
sadly, his uncaring approach to things like these will make you feel upset
because you think he doesn't need you in his life overall
diluc, not being good with emotions, won't really know how to deal with this although he will realise he's upset you
he'll need some time to think of what to do before acting on those thoughts
after some time, he'll come up behind you when you least expect it, wrapping his strong arms around you and resting his head in the crook between your shoulder and neck
and gently hold you, whispering his apologies into your ear, his hot breath fanning over the shell of your ear
"i'm so so sorry, my precious y/n...i didn't mean to make you feel upset in any way, but i just...really like being close to you. i'm sorry."
lisa - 丽莎 ➵
lisa lives for physical affection and touch
the two of you barely ever get in fights
but this one time it got really bad, and you decided to take her cuddling privileges away from her
she immediately went into sulking mode
and was basically moping around a lot, trying her best to sweeten you up with tea and cakes and books
"come, y/n, why are you so harsh on me all of a sudden~? how about we read together? that always cheers you up - no..? oh, i see."
when you decline her offers she'll continue her life as normal
but will also keep making opportunities to accidentally on purpose bump into you, or wrap her arms around you in any way
she'll pretend to drop her books near you so you have to help her
or she'll pretend to twist her ankle so you have to carry her to safety
finally you'll give up because she'll be following you around all day and won't let you concentrate on what you need to do
and she'll happily cuddle you, your head resting on her lap as she reads a novel quietly and strokes your head lovingly
"see...it wasn't that hard, was it, y/n~? now, what would you like to read next? i took a day off from the favonius library to spend with you, dearie~...don't disappoint me now~..."
hu tao - 胡桃 ➵
hu tao always loves wrapping her arms around you, using her pyro vision to warm the both of you up a little
her hugs are always sudden and unexpected
she'll come up from behind you and cling onto you like her life depends on it
but now that the two of you are in a fight...well, let's just say it hasn't been going good for her
"yyyy/nnnnnn give me huggies now! please please please...i promise i won't fight with you anymore...please..."
taotao will 100% cling to you all day
and will make it very obvious that she wants your attention
kinda like a cat
she'll cling onto your arms and nuzzle her head on your shoulder, begging you to let her cuddle you
trust hu tao to make a business deal of sorts out of this whole thing
'one hug from you, infinite hugs from me...for free!'
it's a tempting offer, and she's just so adorable that you eventually give in
she immediately crawls into your lap and nuzzles her head against you
giving you a few kisses as she does so
"y/nnnn - no more taking away my cuddles, okay?! ugh...well, at least i have you to myself now! and...i'm sorry for fighting with you <3"
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prehistoric-duo · 2 months
It's your favorite MewTube Paleontologist Power-Couple, finally making an account on a social media site that isn't MewTube!
This is Taire- if you couldn't tell by my charming energetics (AKA Arnie didn't feel like making our introduction post lol).
I figure some of you don't really know who we are, if you don't find this blog from our description links, so why not talk about it real quick?
As I've said before, I'm Taire! I use he/him pronouns, and I'm 27 years old. Which, in my opinion, is actually not that old because I've worked with rocks older than uh. literally humanity? I have three Pokemon-
Rafflesia the Venusaur (She/her)
Geode the Sandslash (They/them)
Onoi the Omastar (They/them)
Here's my trainer card:
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Arnie uses they/he pronouns, and is 26! He is like. My favorite person in the whole wide world and I love him so so so much and YES me gushing about him is a regular occurrence irl and in private. They also have three Pokemon-
Pablo the Torterra (They/them)
Grey the Aggron (They/Them)
Shelley the Carracosta (She/her)
Here's their trainer card:
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We've been doing MewTube for about 3 years now, and married for 5! We work for an organization called The New Epoch Foundation as, you guessed it, paleontologists! The goal of the organization is to help further scientific research and runs mostly on donations! I might also end up as their head of social media because of the stuff we do on MewTube, we'll just have to see!
Of course, we can't forget about Baby Helix, we had them about a year ago and we love them so so much. We don't really post pictures of them, but maybe in the future? We aren't like. A family vlogging channel anyways (chills). We'll both sign off our posts!
Feel free to send us asks and pelipper mail! I'm hoping to be able to interact with the fans more this way :)
Hi! Mod here, just call me Vessel! ooc text from me will be red
My other blog is @canesvenatici-ribbons! But this blog is going to be more plot-based than slice of life ;)
A couple of ground rules:
1- I operate on DND and Improv rules: "yes and" and be respectful to other players.
That doesn't mean NO anon hate or whatever, it just means that if someone is playing a character in a way that makes me uncomfortable, I'm probably not going to interact with you. If the anon hate is egregious I'm going to stop responding to it, etc.
Typically I try to just go "yes and" to stuff, it's more fun to me that way and adds a layer of unpredictability to my stories- BUT- please DM me if you want to do BIG plot stuff (I don't bite!)
But if something makes me uncomfortable I won't do it, feel free to ask prior though if you want confirmation! If it's like. An overly dark subject matter I probably won't do it though.
2- No Magic anons or anon hate related to their identities please!
This is my one hard-stop! everything else like sentient pokemon, pelipper mail, regular anons, anon hate, is all fine right now!
3- Feel free to remind me to respond to a post or ask if I haven't gotten to it in about two days! I'm a college student and I'm really busy. I do this mostly for fun but I do really appreciate reminders. adhd brain
4- I want to confirm this rq cause I know people will ask about it- Helix is their biological child, one of them is trans but no actual like. Pregnancy is gonna be shown or mentioned on this blog because they think it's funny to keep it up in the air on who had Helix or if Helix is adopted. Trans families (no matter what kind) and seahorse dads are just. Very important to me as I am a trans guy/trans masc who wants kids myself one day. I expect you all to be respectful and mature about this. People who make M///pr///eg jokes and/or comments will be blocked and deleted.
Literally it's only funny with people I'm close with so if I don't know you, don't do that. This is my one other hard stop
Asks about who had Helix though- and speculation on if Helix is adopted, is encouraged and very funny!
I do plan on having actual references for the family done up at some point, I just haven't had the time or resources for it quite yet. But for now, here are their picrews + short add on descriptions! (Minus Baby Helix)
Blue, Feathery hair, Oddly sharp teeth
Red, scaley patches of skin has grown in the three years of making videos- they started out small and almost unnoticeable and now it's beginning to take up their face.
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DO NOT let this picrew fool you. Arnie is a large fat man. They also have a full beard that is not pictured.
Hair has turned white in the past few years. Blue Patch of skin over eye and looks strangely smooth, has only appeared since last year
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yandere-daze · 2 years
Do you mind if I share some more thoughts on the new unit au (same anon as before, just capitalizing my letters now)? I have many thoughts.
For the new unit, how many members would there be? Would it be a unique solo unit like that one guy whose name I cannot remember? Or would there be multiple people in the unit?
If that's the case, then who are these new people? They're not gonna be anyone you see in-game, that's for sure. So, are they strangers? Are they old ocs you thought you'd forgotten about? Or are they people designed specifically to fill out the roster? Ghost characters with no backstory or purpose aside from aiding you and your unit.
Personally, I like the third one. It fits with the "I was designed for you" theme the other characters seem to have. It also leaves room for even more yanderes, which is fun.
I think three members (including you) would be ideal. You act as the leader and centerpiece for the unit, while the other two are the backup duo. The entire unit is undoubtedly focused on you, which is a bit unusual, isn't it? More reason for suspicion, perhaps...
If it's okay, I'd like to send in more ideas about this as 🔆 anon
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This ask is a continuation of this
Honestly, I´m blown away by how creative you are, I´m eating all of this up!! Such a big brain, I love the ideas! Welcome aboard, 🔆 anon! Absolutely feel free to send in more thoughts too, I love reading it!
More thoughts on this under the cut!
gn reader
tw yandere, implication of violence and dislike against the reader because of a misunderstanding, mention of a killed dog as a descriptor but it doesn´t actually happen
Who are the characters in the newly introduced unit the player is now a part of?
Okay so first of all let me start by repeating myself: This is literally such a good idea!
If the unit happened to be a solo one then the pressure on you would dramatically increase, so for your own safety, I hope it´s not. Look at this like this, only a single character was added into the game, and not a second later, their beloved player disappears and abandons them when there had been no prior sign of this happening. In their desperation, they´ll very quickly turn to blame you for the entire ordeal, simply because you´re the easiest to shift the blame to. They obviously haven´t done anything wrong so the only one responsible could be the one character that was added recently without any warning. You must not have liked the design or the style of music or anything else! You´ll have an especially hard time because pretty much no one is on your side. Even the more sane or empathetic ones won´t help you out because they´re too struck by grief and they don´t dare to stand up against the overwhelming majority who will just want you gone.
You´ll have a slightly easier time if you aren´t the only one in your unit because it at least leaves the chance that *you* in particular aren´t the problem but instead maybe one of the others.
I do think the game and world would opt to give you two completely new characters because if they just used an old oc of yours, you might be even quicker with finding out that something must be wrong. After all, even if they´re old, there´s still a good chance you might recognize them.
But then again, is it really any less suspicious that amongst your favorite characters, there are now two completely new ones you´ve never seen before in your entire life that seemingly only exist to make you look good and put you in the spotlight? They´re both nice enough and it feels good to at least have some people here in ES that you can talk to without being villainized for some reason you don´t understand. It hurts, having everyone you pass shoot you dirty looks as if you´ve killed their dog or something when you have no recollection of doing anything wrong. You´re literally just existing, why do they hate you?
But you can´t deny that it´s a bit creepy how both of your unit mates only compliment you and tell you how glad they are to have you with them, it´s like their entire personality is based around pleasing you and you can´t help but think it´s a bit unsettling. How come you´re always the center of all of your songs even though they´re both undoubtedly talented when you might not have any prior experience when being an idol? Why is it that all your outfits are suited to your own preferences and when you speak up about it, both of them insist that they´re happy with being able to wear the clothes you enjoy? It´s worrying and yet you´re still happy to have them because it at least means you have two people that will always have your back, no matter what
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vox-tv-demon · 3 months
(a message for the mod :D)
sorry if i'm bothering you with this ask, mod. it's fine if you don't answer this. i know that my words can't worth much to anyone on the other side of this screen, but my gosh i'll try to spread the positivity and my appreciation for all RP blogs, so i'll send this in, mod. there could be a better way of doing this, which i have learned is through the art of tagging (yes i'm slowly learning my way through Tumblr because i, myself, am still a huge Tumblr newbie, lol), and i'm too nervous and shy to do something like that haha, so here's a personalized positivity ask in your ask box :D.
i love seeing your version of Vox. even if they are different, it's your own twists that makes this version of Vox so lovely. interacting have been such a blast with you and Vox. i can tell when someone puts their creativity and energy into this and i appreciate you for that.
there are a lot of interactions that would makes me smile, giddy is that the word for this? i have no clue, aka English being my second language kicking me in the butt right now for this, lol, and have it run in my mind throughout the day. i'm not saying which one(s) since i could potentially reveal myself with that. this is literally one of the best parts of my day whenever i see new posts.
i do hope that those anons/people would stop sending everyone hate because frankly those people have no clue what they're talking about >:(. again, sorry i'm bothering you with this rather man, i didn't expect it to be this long ask.
and that i hope that you have a wonderful day/night/whenever you manage to read this ask. don't feel the need to respond if you don't want to, just wanted to send this positivity ask in :D.
you might be able to tell who this is, but in case you don't, i wouldn't want to expose myself, so i hope you understand this being on anon without anything particularly signifying who i am :D.
luv you and all that you do for this community :D.
you do what you do best so keep on doing it, mod :3.
-spreading positivity anon :D (the anon that only interacts with mods unless the characters are in need to raising their spirit :3)
(yes i see the contradictory notion of me having this sign off, lol, but i'll also probably be around the other RP blogs and try to spread some positivity with the same sign-off as an attempt to fight off the unnecessary hate that seems to be thrown around :D. and i will become a virus which spreads positivity if i need to >:3)
// ah no no no don't worry this is definitely not bothering me! This is a lovely thing to have in one's askbox at the start of the day and I really do appreciate it gkdnfzbxz
I would have a better response to this if my emotions were emotions-ing, but they're not right now- but I do have to let you know that I appreciate this so so so much! :3 I swear I'm gonna take screenshots of this and save them forever because. someone took time out their day to write this??? for me????? This is crazy! But still thank you thank you so so much :] //
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evilwriter37 · 11 months
Hi!!! I'm hoping your okay!
*sending you lots and lots of kitty hugs*
*love you <3*
Out of all the three ladies I'm gonna mention, who do you ship with Viggo the most and why? Like what would their relationship be?
1. Mala (even though queenie really hates him in canon)
2. Heather (despise the guy for tryin to kill her and everyone she loves)
3. Astrid (actually it was shocking to see her sad when he died, imagine if was alive, could they have been friends)
And about that anon who was rude to you, ignore them. They're just a pain in the ass
Awww, thank you! I've just been really tired lately. My endometriosis flare ups don't seem to want to let up. (I see a doctor about it this week though.) But other than that, I'm okay.
And I'm stuck between Heather and Astrid. You know me, I love hero/villain ships and enemies to lovers! I've actually written a fic with Mala and Viggo where they have hate sex during what was supposed to be a treaty signing.
Hm... I only recently got into Astrid/Viggo, but I'm really enjoying it. I've written a bit for Heather/Viggo, and that's a lot of fun. I like the idea of Heather using him to try to get information and further secure her position among the Dragon Hunters. She was a spy, pretty much, and she'd use him like one.
But as for genuine ships: Astrid/Viggo. I've only written consensual stuff with them where neither is trying to use the other to further their own goals. And I agree about Astrid being wistful over Viggo's death. I feel like it was more for Hiccup's grief than her own, but it's still there and something to take into account.
Final answer: Astrid/Viggo.
Also, thank you! I was just kind of shocked because I hadn't gotten a hate anon in a while. I appreciate this ask!
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ars0nism · 2 years
okay, final post on this. my thing with terfs isnt the terfs. im 18, ive been through a lot, i can handle a couple of terfs on my page. what bothers me is the young people, especially young girls & transmascs, that fall into the terf rabbithole on accident.
heres my quick & easy guide on how i personally check for terfs. PLEASE check for these signs. to protect yourself. ofc not all things immediately mean terf, but this is my personal checklist
rad and or fem in the url (IMMEDIATE red flag)
labrys lesbian flag (somewhat of a red flag, could be innocent young lesbian roped into it. if theyre an adult its a red flag)
if you click on the search icon it will show a bunch of commonly used tags. look at the tags. common tags wpuld be radfem, radical feminism, terfism, gender critical etc
look at where they reblog from. who theyre following if its public. what posts they like if thats public. look at the bios of these. if the terf doesnt have a bio and is trying to be stealthy, oftentimes the people they agree with are open about it. block both while youre at it
queer slur discourse (also done outside of terf circles but far more common among terfs, especially coupled with the "not queer, im lesbian" stuff (though thats understandable and not inherently terfy) and in combination with other red flags)
exclusionism (not inherently terfy but still a good point to look out for)
fixation on wombs and vulvas (immediate red flag no one but terfs is that obsessed with their reproductive organs)
the "LGB" community, or even the "remove the L" because they dont want to associate with gay & bi people
really big hatred of the concept of "genital preference". sexuality is only about genitals to them.
intense man hatred. they hate men so much. (also not an immediate red flag because yeah some of it is warranted but you can tell the difference between joking about trauma/standing up against the patriarchy and straight up... being a terf)
the term "ssa". stands for same sex attraction. (pretty big one i think. i personally have only heard it from terfs.)
febfem. bisexuals who only date women. (also one i didnt know about until like half an hour ago. also a big one)
this is one specific to the current time and might be obsolete soon but if theyre vocal amber heard supporters. those are ALL terfs.
terfs are also often swerfs. hating on sex workers (not the system, the system is fucked and we should recognize it) is terfy !
they like to refer to us (trans people) as a cult. which, to be honest, after this experience, im more likely to call them a cult. (if a terf disagrees with you, get ready for closing anon & gross bullshit in your notes. we have mutual circles, they have them too)
and of course green flags for trans people & trans allies, if they have these the odds of it being a terf are. a lot smaller
pronouns in bio
some variation of lgbtq+
following trans blogs
mature fucking human being
and if you're in doubt whether or not its a terf, its better to block an innocent person than to interact with a terf, id say. odds are the innocent person doesnt care.
let's say you said something they didn't like and now your post is circling in their shitty little group chat. what then? my suggestion would be to
CLOSE ANON ASKS. once their cult has found your page and realizes you post about trans things, or worse, are trans, they will harass you. anon gives a lot of confidence to send death threats. dont let them.
Block all of them. No, it's not gonna stop new ones from harassing you in their place, but it does make for a pretty nice blocklist.
If you need to, don't hesitate to step away from tumblr for a while. Not everyone can handle harassment, and it's okay to step away if it's too much.
Remember you're worth so much more than any of these terfs. Remember being trans is something to be proud of, remember you are loved, and most importantly, remember they're just terfs on the internet. laugh at them. make fun of them. they may say shitty things, but they can't actually hurt you. (anything that can hurt you, like doxxing, is illegal. get law enforcement if possible if you think you're in actual physical danger)
Best of all is to ignore it. Don't keep talking about it ("take your own advice" im working on it). it's not fun to harass someone who just ignores you.
If you really can't cope, it's okay to close your blog. You don't have to stay. Make a new blog. Only tell your mutuals.
(also, side note, i have a blocklist filled with terfs. i am absolutely down to share this blocklist with you, if you want somewhere to get started)
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helloagain-shinyred · 7 months
HELLO AGAINNNNN ITS BIG BRAIN ANON *drops this here and runs away*
Thinking about how in your Hello Again AU, Circus Baby's and Mega Pizzaplex co-exist.
Imagine somehow the Funtimes and the Glamrocks meet. Circus Baby and Glamrock Chica somehow get along. Monty is intensly talking about something and Ballora is listening while holding Bonbon in her arms. Roxy and Funtime Foxy surprisingly get along well, though neither of them like to admit it. Then of course, we have the Freddy's. Glamrock Freddy is doing his best to keep everyone civil, he's being nice. Funtime Freddy is having none of that.
You are having a conversation with Glamrock Freddy in the quietness of Parts and Service. You were so fascinated of how different they worked, how they're so advanced given their time on earth. And how different Freddy counterparts actually had opposite personalities. As Glamrock Freddy answered all your questions happily, Parts and Service door opens behind you, letting in your own Fazbear. Neither of them look happy to see the other, but you have a bigger problem. Glamrock Freddy standing in front of you protectively, seeing the polar bear as a threat to you. And Funtime Freddy standing right behind you possesively, knowing damn well who you belong to.
(i just wanna get sandwiched between bears.....)
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The following collection of images is titled “stages of me reading this ask”
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No but for real I’m losing it over this. LOSING IT. I love this. I love this so much.
You know I’m a sucker for protective Freddy but TWO PROTECTIVE FREDDYS?? FOR THE PRICE OF ONE?? Where do I sign?
Ugh and just thinking about FunFred getting so fucking jealous over this new Freddy that’s all shiny and new and he’s taller and has a slimmer build and please don’t leave me for him I love you so much- and you have to shush him like a wild horse to calm him down. Shhhhh, it’s okay buddy, no one is leaving anyone. It’s okay.
God and the mental image of the Glamrocks and the Funtimes hanging out together is sending meeeeee. On top of the dynamics you described (GOD TIER by the way, your brain continues to be huge and full of deep, juicy wrinkles), I can’t stop thinking about the big web of how each animatronic feels about the other. I love the idea of everyone getting along and being besties but you know what I love more? Some of the robots hating each other. Like, I can see Funtime Foxy and Glamrock Chica having the sort of relationship where they’re, like, fake friends. They act like they’re friends when they’re together, but apart they rip into each other and gossip nonstop to the others. I can also see Baby not being very fond of Glamrock Freddy due to his passiveness and naivete. She finds it annoying.
Oh OH oh what if there’s this big party where all the animatronics and human employees from both locations come together and get to know each other and raaaaAAAAHHH I’m going feral-
Seriously though this is the BEST IDEA ilysm and thank you for sharing this with me. I’m losing my gourd just thinking about this. I kinda want to write this. God. I’m just. I’m gonna be thinking about this for the rest of my LIFE.
Thank you. Bless you.
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lilyclawthorne · 1 year
hello! this is definitely over a sentence, sorry :P but have a bit from before lily’s haircut moment with eda we saw on the end credits for the 5 sentence thing! love your work!!!
Lilith had come a long way from being at war with the woman staring back at her on the mirror, but if there’s one thing she was absolutely unprepared for, that was to actually see the orange roots creeping their way back into her hair for the first time in decades. She never allowed them to even peek out back at the coven, and made sure to dye her hair more often than it was probably healthy to keep that from happening.
Technically she knew this was something that would eventually happen, but she didn’t really expect it to come so soon.
Not in the middle of all this.
She’d kind of hoped the roots would come out grey, just like Eda’s, because she knew that familiar (but distant) fiery shade she’d avoided so long had the potential to send her into a bit of a spiral; it was still hard for her to believe she deserved to carry something so reminiscent of her family.
Fuck, and there it was.
“… Edalyn!”
Oh that’s okay anon. So if 1 sentence from you = 5 sentences from me, and this here is 7, then that’s what, 35 more?
(Aka whoops my finger slipped and I wrote more than 5 lmao.)
“Lily?! What’s wrong?” Eda said as she came rushing in at her sisters call. The woman quickly assessing the area for any signs of danger that might have warranted the anxiety emanating from the tone of her sister’s voice. She settled as soon as she realized there was no immediate concern, then switched her attention as she noticed the older woman’s urgent focus on the mirror. “C’mon Lil, I’m sure whatever your looking at isn’t the bad. What is it, more greys coming in?” Eda followed up with a snort, but stopped at her sisters next response.
“I need hair dye.”
“Ok, let’s not overreact, I’m sure it’s not that bad,” she said, moving in closer to assess the scene of her sister’s dramatic episode, “You’ll get used to them in no time-“
Eda stopped when she realized that there was no grey beyond the streak Lilith gained when they first split the curse. Instead, a pang of jealousy she didn’t even realized still existed flashed inside her for a brief moment at the sight of her sister’s beautiful bright orange roots. She missed her own fiery hair, how it was taken away from her too soon, and for a moment felt frustrated that her sister still had hers despite splitting the curse.
She shook it off. She didn’t want past anger to rule her decisions now.
“Lily, you don’t need the hair dye. Besides, it’s too dangerous to go out for something like that right now”
“I- your right. I’m sorry, that was silly of me to say,” Lilith told her, but her fixation on her image in the mirror did not cease.
Eda sighed, deciding the only way to keep her sister from wasting hours agonizing over this would be to intervene, and stepped in between the woman and the mirror. “Do you really hate the signature Clawthorne hair so much that the sight of it will send you spiraling?”
That got Lilith’s attention finally, “What?! No! I could never hate it.”
“Then tell me what thoughts are going on in that head of yours,” Eda stared at her expectantly.
Lilith looked away, mumbling through her words, “……I don’t deserve it.”
“What was that? You’re gonna have to speak louder Lily. Remember, we’re talking through our feelings instead of bottling them up and hiding them.”
“I don’t feel like I deserve it, okay?!” Lilith finally snapped at, tears forming in her eyes. “I hurt you, and because of it, I hurt our family. It feels wrong to look like I’m a part of it.”
Eda quickly moved to hug her sister in an embrace, “Oh Lily, I hate to see you punishing yourself this way. Besides, you’re a Clawthorne through and through. You’ll never be rid of us, especially me. I’ll be here to annoy you till the day you die, and I for one, would especially love to see your beautiful orange hair again before that happens.”
“Really?” Lilith asked, hopeful at the thought that maybe it would be okay to embrace the natural color, and smiling a bit when her sister nodded at her. “Well if that’s the case… I may have a bit of a wild idea if you’d be willing to help.”
“A wild idea from you? Oh I’m all in.”
*cue eda cutting all of Liliths hair off like in the photo*
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rose-likesto-write · 2 years
You matter the most..
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Pairing: Winner's Song Min Ho x reader (gender neutral)
Genre: Fluff, cringest fluff
AU!: Idol member, established relationship
Warning: mention of cardiac arrest (once), bullying (mention of word)
Rating: T
Word Count: 1.3 K
A/N: Hey dear anon!! Thank you so much for requesting it!! I hope that you will like it and I am sorry if it wasn't something you wanted to read. Please it's a request to send me your valuable feedbacks, it genuinely means alot :)
Also this gif isn't mine..
Summary: Being in love is one feeling and your partner making you feel it day in and out is another..
'What is going on today? Why is everyone looking like this at me as if they are gonna open their mouth a blunder will occur' You thought while nibbling on the edge of your pen a habit which you developed as a result of being tensed.You didn't know what and why but you had this feeling as if it's important day for you but the there is as such no sign to confirm the day.
The whole day is weird, first all your colleagues are acting as if something has happened but they don't wanna tell you, your work bestie Gia had came up with a lame excuse which left you alone to do the project by yourself and that bully worker of yours nowhere to be present.
I mean, ofcourse you are happy that she isn't here because she terribly a pain in ass but like no matter what even if it's for one second you guys pass by you don't keep back from hurling a few sassy remarks.
She kinda hates you because she is delusional person and the reason you ask why? She came to know or rather saw who your boyfriend was which was none other than Song Min Ho aka Winner's Mino. (She was his die hard fan)
Mino is an angel in disguise in your life and you are always so so grateful and thankful that you have such a loving partner by your side. He is one of the live examples of duality, the way he speaks, his presence and aura gives the vibe of being powerful, strong headed but it's only you, his family, his friends and the fans who know his sweet and sensitive personality.
Now, speaking of Mino is that he wasn't able to talk you for the past two days but you didn't mind considering that he was currently in the foreign state preparing for a show at the moment.
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Currently, it's 7 pm and you are almost through with the project just the final touches and rechecking of the final draft.You let a yawn escape before a knock came in on the door, "Please come in".
"Y/N, you may leave now and I know about the project as Gia already told me. Its okay, I will see to it. Have a great and happy birthday to you"Your boss said with a small smile before closing the door. "Okay, that's weird but today isn't my birthday. Its still 26th and my birthday is on 27th. Maybe he got confused. Anyways, let's go back!" You said to yourself before packing up and leaving the office.
Somehow, the happy birthday was running through your head but you didn't mind. It was almost quarter to 8 when you reached your apartment.On your way, you met your sweet neighbour an old lady in her mid 60s.
"Hello aunty. How are you? How is your health?" You said with a small smile."I am good darling. How are you doing? So, what's the plan for today? Are you going somewhere out?" She said while you gently shook your head. "I am okay but just tired considering I have to complete my project all alone and I don't have any plans."
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"Why don't you have one? Its your special day today isn't it" She furrowed her eyebrows. "No, aunty I think you got confused but my birthday isn't today but tomorrow. Anyways, I will take your leave" with that you went towards your home.
While you were unlocking the door, your phone was vibrating. You took it out only to see the number of notifications coming up of 'updating the settings of phone'."You are troubling me alot for the past two days. Mino was right, I should have bought the new phone. Anyways let's get in".
As soon as you entered, the lights that were once off were switched on and song scream of 'Happy Birthday To You' was heard, giving you a good enough reason to have a cardiac arrest."OMG!!! WHAT IN THE WORLD J-"Happiest Birthday Dear!!" Your bestie Gia said with a smile and hugged you tightly followed by your family members. "I hope you loved your surprise!!!" Your parents said with huge smiles on their faces as your other friends and some office workers wished you. "So, that was why Gia you were giving me lame excuse and stuff but why my phone is show-
"We kinda might have done something in your phone though and especially it was already good as dead. It was perfect for us. We had to act crazy and inform almost all people as to not wish a birthday. Why did you think we came from the other route in morning?" Gia and your other friend Kiara said with mischievous smiles.
That's when it hit you as to why did your day seemed weird than before. You were all smiles but then you missed Mino, he wasn't here but at the same time he didn't even call you. Was he also part of the plan? Maybe so that your family can surprise you? You didn't know the answer.
"Thank you everyone! It means a lot. I s-"Nah dear! One major surprise is still left!!!" Your dad said with a small smile. "What is it dad?" You said with a confused look."
You remember how much you were crying and saying that we should shift near in your area or close by?" You had a big smile on your face, "OMG!!! Are you coming.. no, no wait ! Did you already shift in here?""Nah, baby. We still need a few months but we have this two surprises for you!!" Your dad said and shifted slightly enough to make some space for someone to fit in.
That's when he came with a gift in his hand. "Happy Birthday to you~ Happy Birthday to you~ Happy Birthday... Happy Birthday.. Happy Birthday to you~"Your boyfriend Mino came and you ran to him like a mad person. "Mino!!!!" You slightly started crying.
"Happy Birthday my love!!! I love you so much.. I am sorry that I didn't wish you. Me and your family had planned this small surprise but just like dad said that we have some surprises for you, do you wanna see them?"You excitedly nodded your head. "Okay, here we go!" He ruffled your hair. "Okay this is the present from mom and dad!! One of the surprises my bad" opening the top a cute little golden retriever was peaking its head out. "Oh, my god!! Thank you so much!!" You gently hugged the puppy and started kissing it and in return you earned alot of licks.
"Haha, you are do cute. Mino? Where is the other su-A gasp left from your mouth as now Mino was kneeling down with a beautiful diamond ring showcasing its glory was resting in the black box.
"Y/N Y/L/N!!! Its been almost 4 years since we have started dating. We went through all sorts of ups and downs, created alot of beautiful memories, had our own share of fair fights and arguments, have clicked a tons of terrible and embarrassing pictures and have stories. I don't wanna stop this here or maybe in future. I wanna continue this to till our last breath with our own little family. So, my small request is that accept me your beloved husband. Will you marry me?"Tears again started to threaten from your eyes while your parents and friends were hyping up you to say yes.
"Ofcourse, it's a yes Song Min Ho" you brokedown and he gently slipped the ring before kissing your crown. "Your happiness matters to me and I always wanted to be your happiness! You are my everything!!! You matter the most".
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ittyybittybaker · 1 year
woaghhhh the novel (affectionate) you wrote in the tags of the 'Staring' art!!!! yes!!! neil is in love! andrew is SOOOOOOO special to him. ofc neil is special and important to andrew as well!! but neil just doesn't care who knows how much he cares about andrew??? he LOVES him and he gets to HAVE him and be HAPPY so he's gonna fucking do it!!!!
pretend you hate it if you want minyard, but the moment you slammed that racquet into neil's chest you sealed your fuckin fate and now you gotta deal with mister stares-a-lot and his dumbass 🔵3🔵 face for the rest of your fucking life. hahaha.
also this is the same anon as last time! i think i signed as 🥰 but i can't remember TwT)b
hiiiiii nonny!!!
GOD 'the novel (affectionate)' is sending me !!!!
thank you for enjoying that one!! it honestly came out of nowhere i truly didn't know i had that many feelings about neil staring and YET !!! neil's just so in love with andrew and unashamed about it, i could write 10k words about it and still have more to say !!!
and don't let andrew fool you because he is just as obsessed with neil. that boy is Down Bad !!! i bet he gives murder eyes at anyone who dares try and make fun of him for staring bc neil is mister stares-a-lot but he's Andrew's mister stares-a-lot thank you very much !!! and yeah maybe he doesn't get his weirdo's obsession w/ looking at him but it clearly makes him happy so now he has to fight anyone who tries to stop him. it's just the rules
and like andrew would 100% stop neil if he truly didn't like it because those boys /know/ how to communicate boundaries. so he's just being grumpy to be grumpy and neil knows it !!! he knows andrew likes the attention even if he would never admit it so now he's 🧿.🧿 24/7 bc the only person who could stop him hasn't so yolo ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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alpacaparkaseok · 2 years
I decided to keep a running list of my thoughts as I read the last chapter, because I hate when I have soooooo many thoughts while reading and then when I reach the end and try to send a response, all that surfaces is “so good, I love this”. Not untrue, but seriously lacking.
As my notes (aka descent into madness) progressed, I wavered on whether I’d actually send them…out of embarrassment at the sheer insanity, unlike any I’ve unleashed over the course of this series (or any other fic). Also considered sending it anon lol. But now that I’ve reached the end (hah), I’ve decided I am absolutely sending it. This is me regifting the utterly bananas fruitcake that your writing reduced me to. You’re welcome. 😤 Good luck deciphering it 🥴 (see previous “you’re welcome” 😇). Please excuse the formatting and errors, I pasted it from the Notes app.
(But seriously B, thank you. I don’t know the specifics of the heart and brain and sweat your poured into this but I know it was a LOT and I’m grateful, as always.)
*sweet baby Jungkook being there for her - glad SOMEONE cared 😒😤
*Namjoon’s jab at JK 😂 “you’ve always struck me as the type to marry the first girl that gave you an ounce of attention, so there’s that I guess” 💀
*ah shit Namjoon is going on his own 🥴 hope he can handle it, after seeing Bitchtoria
*”just because I’m afraid doesn’t mean I can’t do this” oh kid 🥺😭
*eekkk I’m not liking this “walking into a trap” business 🥴🫣
*receptionist - I don’t trust her. I don’t trust anyone right now
*the flickering light - what if it’s not a light but a camera? 😬 I also don’t trust anything right now lol
*Sparky, you charmer you 😉😘
*no not sweet baby star candy with Yuckdiel ugh I can’t take this…thank god I’m not a nail-biter
*the tattoo 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱 WHAT (also, clever working that in)
*is the trap really set though??? I’m so stressed rn
*nooooo why were you in a daze? What if you missed something? 😰
*guess that shower helped sober up mr. 307? 😬😵‍💫
*no I will NOT let her dangling outside his window “like his next meal” stress me out, I won’t I won’t I WONT-
*oh my god oh my god why is he at the window ah I can’t do this 😭😭😭
*why did I have the thought for a split second that he’s talking to Taehyung, like I need more craziness careening around in my head
*how does he not realize that she’s there, shouldn’t he be too observant for that? And to angle away from her - I think he knows she there 🫣😵‍💫🫥
*I’m gonna hurl.
*I know this is bad timing but that screaming is really gonna further send things to shit for us darling
*JUNGKOOK I wish I could give you the world, you wonderful person you. Geez am I just going to fawn over him this whole chapter??? This is more than I did the entire series lol
*sigh, of course the car is still there 😞 and this is why the screaming concerned me
*helLO chest 👁🫦👁
*that “crop tops” line and the visuals it produced served to wipe my brain of everything that just happened
*”just lurked”…hmmm can I trust that
*you know if I’m gonna suspect everyone does that mean I have to suspect JK too? 😢 no I can’t live like this, him and honey boo hitman are exempt
*ah the mention of coming up with a plausible story for the debriefing and hiding that she was anywhere near Yadiel made me think…did Yadiel already talk to Taehyung and blow her cover???
*thankfully wearing a sweatshirt now lmao
*YIKES yep let’s drop the questions about itchtoria-Bay, a bit touchy there 😬
*eekk he’s asking about the fall, don’t be suspicious don’t be suspicious-
*no don’t sit by her you TRAITOR
*this walk…ugh poor thing she’s probably so conflicted right now 😞 I on the other hand just want to tag his ass 😠
*okay that was confirmation right there…don’t cry girl, lemme at him 😠👊🏾 ugh
*god that hurts. “You have everyone, he’d replied. Everyone, but me.”
*yeah that’s right I hope Hoseok unnerves you, you piece of-
*you know anytime Taehyung flinches now or shows the slightest sign of discomfort I will rejoice
*I wonder if he or his dad killed uncle 🫤 seems very reverse-Lion King-esque
*Jungkook? No please nothing shady 😰
*”Basketball shorts kissing the tips of his knees”…SAVE ME FROM MYSELF
*oh shit is this Yadiel, or Jungkook genuinely cracking…
*nooooo not steps going unnoticed…stop yelling you fools
*not a CROWD yikes. I was expecting one person maybe 🤦🏾‍♀️
*bahahaha okay Yoongi that was good, you can stay
*Christmas-themed?? What the hell 🤦🏾‍♀️😂
*”promises, promises” lmao if Hoseok didn’t have my heart and soul you’d be number one, Min Yoongi
*…was he acting though 😶
*ekkkk I forgot about that, Yoongi just might end you and I’d have to let him unfortunately because “but daddy I love him” 🧜🏻‍♀️😬😂
*ummm okay that’s one way to defuse his anger lmao even though that was in one of the sneak peeks it‘a still just as rewarding now
*”we’re not all moody“ sir I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE
*is he tempted to fill it up, or throw it? 😂
*OMG they are gonna give Hoseok a headache lol
*wait, a million times before? What- 👀
*LMAO if you don’t want the ropes, again I VOLUNTEER
*oh he’s being honest and vulnerable I can’t 😩
*oh SHIT the power moves I was not expecting those 😨😳
*the disappointments ☹️
*Nevermind hehe
*Ah why does this feel like we’ve come full circle 😟🥺
*Wait, for the first time? Well damn lol
*oh Jimin 🥺
*family 🥺🥺
*awww now I’m soft 🥺🥺🥺
*oh no darling 😢 let it out
*Madame Bianchi DAMN LET’S GOOOOOO
*ohhhh sharpened teeth, fitting imagery with the undead baby star candy folio on the horizon 😁
*hah her own twist on red, I love it
*oooooh it was a distraction…that makes me feel more sad for Jungkook somehow 🙁
*at various points I’ve wondered if Taehyung has set up surveillance around the house but I guess not because that would mean he suspects something and I think he’s too certain that his plan is working to work
*signal that’s hard to miss…why is my first thought fire hahahaha
*yessssss Sparky Boom Boom, the fire is coming 🙌🏾🔥😈
*i really want to know his story
*oohhhhhhhh, the yearning 😏 hmmm reminds me of a certain comment a little earlier about him rejecting her…is Sparky endgame????
*dark angel, indeed
*oh Jungkook 😔
*oh Hoseok…
*ah I forgot about Bitchtoria 😒
*PLEASE do what’s necessary
*wait you’ll follow her lead? Why does that feel foreboding…I’m concerned
*…wait, what??? Now I’m thinking of two potential outcomes here with Russo…EXPLAIN
*why do I feel like once Taehyung reaches the top it’s officially the end as we know it
*why do I feel like we need a Tae-OC montage…begone from my brain, traitor!!! 😣
*Jimin polished his car omg lmao
*dark me had a passing thought that Jimin is excited he’ll have the nicest car in the fam now 😂
*i don’t know why my brain just reminded me that one of them is endgame but please, Sparky or Hitman Honey Hoseok…baby star candy gets the honorable mention
*”Fiery Firebird” lmao if only I wasn’t already attached to “Sparky Boom Boom”
*wait Second String??? LMAO
*banter, yes please…soothe my anxious soul
*of course you would, Namjoon…must be exhilarating to not be dad in this universe 😂
*ooooooh explosives…now I’m thinking of the guy from the Atlantis movie lolololol
*the sun has set ☹️😣
*ooooooh Bitchtoria 😟 I didn’t think of that, good one Sparky. That’s why you’re mama…AND daddy at this point tbh 🥴🥵
*i was going to gasp at “double homicide” but then I remembered it’s a mafia fic and I’ve been screaming for blood this whole time 😂
*what if Joonie could have been her Jungkook 🥺
*oh okay same brain train, cool
*better calves lol
*hmm are we sure Yoongi shouldn’t be her Jungkook? That seemed very Yoongi lol
*oh Sparky I adore you 😍 backstory please author-nim 🙏🏾
*Jungkook 🥺 but for some reason that meme of the cowboy cat above the mountain yelling “yoooooooongi” comes to mind, WHY
*”nobody’s hands are clean in this” oh OC 🥺😢😭
*oh SHIT, Seokjin 😦😦😦 that’s not Sparky right there, that’s SEOKJIN 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾
*holy shit indeed darling
*and back to Yuckdiel 😒
*document??? What document?????
*okay B is for Bianchi in my head now. Maybe I’ll call you Bianca. Definitely Badass 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾 this world you’ve built 😩
*no what is happening right now
*not that fucking quote, I knew it was bad but I’m gonna be sick
*get him please darling I’m begging you
*yes GET HIM
*”tonight, the rain gutters will flow with blood” really shouldn’t bring me as much joy as it does
*is Yoongi about to show her the traitor’s body because if so that’s much more mercy than he deserves
*nope, worse 😞😑
*B. I’m screaming internally. See below. Part of me figured it out eventually but still. MOTKSBDHDGDKDFJFH
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Not only is this probably THEE longest ask I’ve probably ever received, it’s also my fav kind of ask 😭 thank you for letting me essentially read along with you!
A lot of work definitely went into this series (and this finale especially) but it was ever so worth it. You guys put in just as much work as me I swear 😤
Also all the things B will stand for now 😂😂 that had me in stitches
Thank you for joining me for this ride! Heaven knows you’ve been along for a lot of series, and it doesn’t go unnoticed 💕 your thoughts were hilarious and paranoid and very much appreciated!
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allylikethecat · 21 days
how has your day been??
- i have no complaints my day was slow but that’s always a good thing at my job haha, i recently got on the poppi train and they’re pretty good! have you tried any?
i gasped when i saw you posted two fics today!! not taking credit for the idea but….. i did say i was feeling a double drop not too long ago didn’t i? hehe but no, thank you for doing that! i know you like letting each fic get its own moment and i still think they will this week. todays ducklings update had me “😯” im super excited to see where matty went and if he and george will properly talk. i keep wondering if it’s gonna be a girl or boy!!!! Ducklings has quickly become one of my favs and i love george povs!
talk shop tuesday!
- do you prefer reading and/or writing happy endings? or are unresolved and/or sad endings an option for you?
- also— since we know atkh matty has a blue razz vape i was wondering how that little tidbit even became a thing in the first place, do you vape? have you vaped? how did you decide the flavor???
Hello My Dearest Smoothie Anon, I got your other ask saying you forgot to sign this one lol
Happy Talk Shop Tuesday!!
I can't complain about my day - it was very hot out but I had a nice little hack with Pop, the Bruins actually won which is incredible so now my anxiety has to go through a game SIX, and work was good! My boss told me I was great and doing a good job which always makes a person feel nice lol I'm happy to hear you had a good day as well!! I'm not a huge Poppi fan even though all my friends are - give me my Diet Coke and chemicals 😂
Hehe I know I said I wasn't going to do a double drop... but the moment felt right! (Not going to lie I was worried people were going to be disappointed by the On a Friday update and I wanted to be able to whip out Ducklings and be like NEVER MIND THEN SURPRISE)
Hehe I'm also very excited for the next few Ducklings chapters... This is Fictional!Matty so he's going to make it even worse before it gets better 😈 I'm not 100% certain it's going to be a boy or a girl yet- but I am leaning towards a girl, they just have girl parent energy in my opinion lol
I prefer to read happy endings, I hate sad endings. I was so upset after I finished the Idea of You book because of the ending. I do however enjoy writing those more open ended almost bitter sweet endings because creatively I find them more interesting to craft than just a straight up happy ending. BUT I feel bad not giving people a happy ending so I will usually be doing that lol
LOL The blue razz vape 😂 I do not vape, I am old, I am from the generation where "we smoked cigarettes like adults" <- direct quote from a friend of mine lol but even then I only really ever smoked socially while drinking in college. I have however tried various younger friend's vapes (also while drunk) and hated it every time, I'm not sure why I keep doing it and expecting a different result 😂 HOWEVER in terms of Fictional!Matty, smoking is such a thing for IRL Matty and therefore the different variations of Fictional!Matty, however, I cannot imagine that Fictional!Jack or Fictional!Jamie would allow that kind of FIRE HAZARD around the horses, like hay is already so combustable! The amount of No Smoking sighs covering our barn property is just like truly impressive. Not to say that horse people DON'T smoke, but in this fictional universe Fictional!Matty has been shamed out of it for fire hazard reasons and also because I just think the idea of him trying to hid his fucking blue raspberry vape is hilarious - fictional!George also thinks it's hilarious because what even IS a blue raspberry really?!
Thank you SO MUCH for being so wonderful and for sending me this super fun ask!! I'm so happy that you enjoyed the updates and that you were willing to indulge me in Talk Shop Tuesday! I hope you had a fantastic Tuesday and that you have a great rest of your week!
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lemoncrushh · 27 days
I hate that I feel this way but as a writer I sometimes get jealous of the popular writers on here. Not that I don't think they deserve it because they are incredible writers and very nice to their followers. But I think my writing is just as good as theirs but I don't get nearly as much anons or feedback. I have considered starting a patreon but I know no one would sign up.
Oh hon...
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I've been sitting here trying to figure out the best way to respond to this. Because I feel this deep in my core. I've been writing Harry fic since 2015 and except for a small period during that year, I've never really felt like that writer. And like you, I think my writing is good. I was just rereading what I've written of Wild Horses and thought, omg this is great! I'm an excellent writer! People are gonna love this! But...maybe they won't. Maybe I won't get the audience I anticipated. But you know what? That's okay.
Here's what I've learned. Fandom changes and grows constantly. One day you may feel completely alone and the next you write something that grabs more attention. I don't know the reasons tbh. If I did, I'd be doing something about it so that I can be more of a popular writer lol. But I know that you shouldn't give up. If you like it, you should write it. And someone else will like it too.
Interaction is a weird thing here on tumblr, unfortunately. I wish I got more feedback and anons as well. I think the more popular writers just get more because they produce more, simple as that. I'm a slow writer so I don't expect people to come to me constantly asking about updates. It would be fun if they did, but I get it. Also, I think readers tend to send messages to those they feel comfortable with, and those that write the kinds of fics they enjoy the most.
I guess I'm not really giving the advice you want (if you wanted any at all), but just don't stop writing because you're not the most popular, okay? Your audience will come to you. And if you feel like you write enough to start a patreon, then do it!! I think the only stipulation there is you have to have constant content (which I don't lol). Hang in there hon. Lots of love you xoxo.
Also if any writers have anything to add, please do!
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x0l0tl99 · 8 months
read or not, its your life, ill just block you if i feel unsafe
I am a minor!
pedos or pro-contact dni or face my laser death beam
adults can follow just dont be weirdos
if your 18+ and i follow you please message me or just block
i am an "anti" or neutralfic (believing that fiction affects reality a bit, but not fully)
that being said, if you send death threats to either side fuck off bullying aint okay
when i say "anti" i mean romanticizing incest, pedophilia, abuse etc. etc. where as i believe depicting it as a bad thing is okay. thats just part of writing.
i usually block proship accounts tho because I'm just not really into
golly, but what about [politics thing here]?
i believe that everyone should have a right to their homeland and self determination
i feel like people should educate themselves about the history of Palestine, and its history post ottaman empire.
zionism is complicated, i cant say im anti-zionist because zionism isnt one set ideal anymore. some may call me pro-zionism, some might not. I'm a goy who ain't skilled on these matters.
i just want the best for the poor civilians and the Jewish people fearing for their life
i just want people to be safe and happy. everyone deserves human rights. everyone. no matter how bad they are.
of course, im not perfect or whatever. i reblog bad things, and i fall for propaganda. i urge you to point out my failures or else i wont learn.
im an agender menace
terfs will be attacked on sight
neopronoun users are loved and respected.
transmeds will be B I T E N
if your one of those "i hate all men" people just leave now
if you merge non-binary people with women or are not normal about multigender people i dont want to see you ew
im omnisexual, aceflux, panromantic, and desinoromantic
battle axe bis will be attacked
exclusionists aint welcome around these parts
mogai support and love
i dont care if their identity is "contrary" (like he/him lesbians) ALL THE RULES ARE MADE UP!
i support disabled and fat liberation
cripplepunk is for physically disabled people. if you disagree cry me a river
thispo and a4a get therapy and stop using fat people as your vomit porn
pro recovery
i am never up to date on whatever we're canceling or whatever
im not gonna entertain random callouts in my inbox without proof like citing sources is not that hard!!!!
no i can't boycott this or sign a thing. sorry chief
if i for some reason reblog a thing from that one fandom or whatever you hate it is not a personal attack i swear
im am adhd and anixety singlet
people with "scary" disorders welcome. if i every use a word wrong or whatever correct me
pro endo in a sense that people can be plural in many ways, and fake claiming gets nowhere.
images of nettles or vaccines
images of scorpions (at least without ample warning)
meanies and bigots will be blocked or mocked. if you have a problem with something i did send me an ask or message off anon or i will not take it seriously. Also, YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR OWN DNI, IF IM ON YOUR DNI LIST, DONT FOLLOW ME!!!!!
thx for your time! feel free to comment with more about yourself!
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