#ig the two options are like..
moodr1ng · 4 months
one weird and annoying effect of me spending so much time on mainly american social media and watching all these american shows and movies and reading books by american authors and having all these online friends from america etc etc is that like.. when i write i no longer feel like i can set my stories in france? like, bc i write in english it feels like i need to set my stories in an english-speaking country, and the us is the easiest one to set up (i think in a way it kinda feels like the "default setting" of western media?). i feel like if i wrote a book set in france itd be weird or confusing to people, and also im always bugged bc like.. the stuff i write in english cannot be directly translated into french, like it doesnt correspond 1:1 to french sentences, and so if i set a story in france im always bugged bc i think "but that cant be what the characters are actually saying, because theres no equivalent to this in french". so i end up setting a lot of my stuff in the us, except ive only been to the us once and not long enough to get a good impression of what living there is like (not to mention ive only been to nyc), so i also feel like when americans read my stuff theyre gonna immediately go "huh? thats not how things are here. this author is a hack who cant do research." .. so then sometimes i set my stuff in fictional countries or in an ambiguous impossible setting which mixes stuff from various english-speaking countries + france, but then that makes my story immediately less grounded. this is such a big issue that it blocks me from writing entire stories i wanna write bc i just cant even begin to put them somewhere 😔
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badlydrawndedkidz · 22 days
hello there! it's me, Tortilla, known mostly as Mod by the people who have been following this blog for a While!
if you've ever scrolled for a bit here, you've probably Seen that I've tried a few times to get back into posting more often and failed comically as i grappled with the dreaded Mental Eel Nesses and Executive Dysfunction, among other things. especially since ask blogs aren't as popular as they were back in the day when i made this blog (2015! turned 9 years last aug 15th! that's an entire child. jin owes me a lot of child support,)
(before anyone gets scared, no I'm not deleting anything lol gimme a sec to word this thought)
okay so like. cutting straight to the point not gonna get sentimental right now I'll save that for later: i want to keep this blog active REALLY bad, but as much as I'd like to, for multiple reasons i cannot draw as much as i did back in the day, which is like... the main thing i usually post here. so I've been pondering for the past year or so What to Do about it
my one idea is to turn this into a general kgpr blog and reblog other people's art and official stuff and the alike here, instead of keeping it Just My Stuff
but the thing is, if i DO that i would want to change my url, because reblogging art to a place that's named "badly drawn--" whatever is. i Don't Want That y'know? it's disrespectful lol
the thing is that that's soooo many links that would Break. among other things. (+ i have nooo clue what id change the name to but that's a different issue)
so like, my question here is,
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pwurrz · 2 months
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i… wh…. HUH?????
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just-aro · 2 years
tbh with the "what is your orientation" types of polls i'm seeing around the a-spec communitites, I haven't decided if I feel less included by ones that don't even offer non-sam aro (or "other") OR the ones that lump non-sam aro and non-sam ace into one option.
like, thanks for nothing king!
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dont-offend-the-bees · 11 months
Shit bro first hormone appointment in two days hold my hand
#am excited and scared#idk how honest i should be really#and idk what the guy's like#and I'm excited from a personal standpoint (holy shit yes hormones finally)#but scared/worried from a yknow. societal standpoint.#doing this in 2023 on terf island probably isn't the best move#and idk it's kinda daunting when i could write a laundry list of cons#and the pros list basically just amounts to 'makes me happy c:'#but like. i guess that's transition in a nutshell right?#we don't do this shit bc it's easy#if i could be content with the easy option (i.e. present as cis)#i would do that#bc i fucking hate expending any effort for anything abjsjdjfjdjjsd#aaaaaaa. two days to go.#might all be moot ig. they might reject me out of hand#and if they don't there's a good chance they'll reject me at the second appointment bc of my health#but yeah excited and scared is how I'd put it#but i simply don't think I'll ever know for certain that this is what i need until i try it#because i can second guess/talk myself out of ANYTHING. no joke.#and I'm soooo fucking. tired of being that bitch who's always waiting for shit to happen.#or waiting for the perfect time or whatever#waiting and thinking and waiting and thinking it's all i dooooooo#i need to get out of my fucking head#and i need to do fucking Something that deters perfect strangers from clocking me as female within seconds of knowing me#despite how fucking bewildering that feels to me as like. a soft masc presenting individual. who really doesn't get where they got that from#anyway its not with the gic but it is on the nhs#it's an appt with a local endocrinologist#so if anyone else has been prescribed hormones that way and has any advice/insight on how this appointment might play out dm me lmao#mr. bees speaks
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fix-me-sixteen · 14 days
why does everyone hate vegetables so much. they genuinely taste good. i prefer them to so many other "good-tasting" foods. like genuinely. give me your vegetables i will eat them for you give them to me now. seriously where do they get their icky reputation from. why do children hate them. i’m confused
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saddlepunk · 2 months
🍽 I don’t know your ocs by name! Your choice
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🍽 - A special treat of their choice
For Aliss it'd probably be flapjacks + molasses! he's not much of a cook and he doesn't spend a lot of time around people if he can avoid it, so he doesn't get to eat them often-
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most of the time, when i make tiktok comments (or comments on youtube or insta or, i guess, social media in general) my brain has me just Fucking Forget that im not in a one-on-one conversation with OP and other people can read what i say. thankfully: this comment is now deleted after i foolishly left it up on tiktok for five months
i dont mind leaving i leaving it up here though because this is tumblr. it fits the vibe. i can mute the post if worst comes to worst, whatever. i think its funny that my friends were more worried about Chris than a literal cockroach lol im just glad the og tiktok comment didnt break containment before i deleted it from there lol but here? this whole site is "containment", itll be fiiiiinnne ...probaabblllyyyy
bc, yeah, luckily, this comment got only 2 likes. it was from a tiktok made by @/nerdymixedpan about: monster fuckery "hear me out"s? golden, great choices, will be allowed to speak even if no one agrees, no one is worried about Tat at all for any of their picks. human "hear me out"s? Tat's wife worries "you just like freaky lil white boys" as Tat is fussed over
but yeah!! Tat's sentiment reminded me of "my childhood (with some lifelong, but not all) 'hear me out's, but it gets worse as we go along" powerpoint i made and showed my friends for powerpoint night. and so i made an admittance in the above comment that, AS A KID (NOT NOW), i had crushes on Chris Mclean from "Total Drama Island" and the Headless Roach Man (is apparently his official wiki name) from "Growing Up Creepie"
and i think, for me, part of it is "monster fuckery? Kaiden-Shenandoah, youve been rarely NOT rigidly asexual your whole life. nobody is going to worry about you loving monster-romances and scream at 'but what about their genitalia?! you cannot possibly want to fucking bed that Lovecraftian horror!!' or some shit, bc you dont have any interest in that, so it's kinda like 'eh... our friends have had worse significant others we have had to tolerate'. at least we dont have to picture how the fuck sex would work" (bc apparently allosexuals, i guess, picture how the hell the sex could work when sizing up a loved one's partner? and they have the audacity to call ME their "favorite lil freaky weirdo". im as "freaky" as freshly cleaned Barnes & Noble, fam, idk what the fuck youre on) and all of that somehow nullifies all possible grotesqueness or horror of my monster picks. like "i kicked my feet and giggled as a lil kid over a nonspeaking, headless, giant cockroach", y'know?? nothing. they give me fucking nothing lmao rip
put an irl cockroach, head or no head (nonspeaking regardless) that is normal-cockroach-size, in front of my friends? there'd be so much screaming. but i get it, sure, the cockroach character in the ppt is 2D animated and will never be real. an actual cockroach is, y'know, obviously real. i get the dissonance there. i do. i get it. im befuddled... but i do get it, yes
and yet somehow the same logic does not impact my human "hear me out"s as my friends went "WTF KAIDEN-SHENANDOAH, YOU CANT GET WITH THIS MAN, HE'S THE DEVIL". like?? okay. but the headless extremely tall cockroach with no speaking-lines who lives in a sewer is fine?? both of these guys are 2D animated. neither are real. still. one of these png files got me a "lmao you cannot be serious... i mean, i GUESS, sure? carry on" and the other png file got me a "KAIDEN-SHENANDOAH, ABSOLUTELY NOT, NO, SHUT THE FUCK UP, YOURE DONE, NO, NOBODY'S HEARING YOU OUT, NO, NOPE, NO, SIT THE FUCK DOWN, LIKE HONESTLY, WTF". and, shockingly, it was the human man who got my friends kicking and screaming
granted, Chris absolutely is a stellar example of "if Satan was a mortal man" but also? s1 and s2 Chris was not so bad, he just did his job. he got unhinged as he stayed at that job. and im ngl im intrigued at the idea of how the fuck would this man function with something as benign yet allowing for obsession like a crush or being in love. but also? yeah, no, the straight-jacket and pillow-walled room i got put in for this one was warranted, yep, i get how i got here
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dandunn · 2 months
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akkivee · 1 year
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but it looks like they moved stuff they took out from ichiro’s old profile to this page lol
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lesenbyan · 7 months
me, when i first got my tax return: hmmmm. sex toy maybe c: me, a few days later: WAIT I can afford commissions c: me, now: I can afford to finally replace my switch I killed, actually :|
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righteousliar · 9 months
not to be sad on main but I miss my mom
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kaguya-muneuji · 1 year
ok but what if i made an insta acc for art. what then
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elegyofthemoon · 2 years
gotta love my schools not-actually-optional optional classes :^)
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godnectar · 11 months
What about Orin for yan dilf? It means golden.
that one also sounds nice 👀👀✨️
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tortademaracuya · 1 year
*spongebob's hawaiian cocktail playing* I'm gonna end up texting first like always aren't I
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