#ignore how small the knife is ok? peace and love
howdyboh · 1 year
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betrayal of blood
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danikamariewrites · 1 month
Hi! I’m the anon the asked about the pregnancy request! I’d love to request one with Ruhn. I feel like he would be an amazing dad!
The reader has been having pregnancy symptoms like morning sickness, cravings, etc. she doesn’t even think she might be pregnant and Ruhn doesn’t consider it either because of what the oracle told him. Either Dec and Flynn or Bryce and Hunt (or whoever you want) bring up that maybe she might be pregnant to Ruhn or her. Their reactions are up to you. I just think after Ruhn thinking he would never have kids it would be great. 😅
Ruhn x reader
A/n: He would be so happy to be a dad and I hope he and Lidia can have a kid of their own one day
Warnings: pregnancy, mentions of vomit
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Ruhn did a double take as he walked past you. “Hey y/n/n, what ya got there?” He raised an eyebrow at the wild sandwich you were putting together. You look up at him, knife in hand floating above the toasted bread. “A sandwich.” You murmur, a slight blush at being caught.
Your mate hummed taking in all the ingredients you have laid out on the counter. “Cream cheese, turkey, pickles, and Solas, I don’t even want to name everything else.” He joked. You throw a pickle at him, “Let me eat in peace asshole,” you giggle.
Throwing the pickle back at you he makes his way to stand next to you, pressing a kiss to your cheek. “Ok, ok, make your crazy whatever this is.” “Thank you,” you kiss his lips and shoo him away.
The next morning Ruhn wakes up to the sound of you being sick in the bathroom. He flings himself out of bed to be by your side, knowing how much you hate being sick. Pulling your hair back Ruhn lays a tattooed hand gently on your back, rubbing in soothing circles.
When you’re finally done you lean back against him, your eyes closed and trying to calm yourself. Ruhn helps you stand, guiding you over to the sink to rinse out your mouth. “You ok, baby?” You nod, holding your face under the faucet gulping water and spitting it out. Resting your face in your hands you take in deep breathes, “Solas, that was fucking awful. What the hell did I eat?”
Ruhn bit back his laugh thinking back to the monstrosity you made for lunch yesterday. “And don’t bring up my sandwich. It was good.” You say, reading his mind. Ruhn goes back to rubbing soothing circles between your shoulder blades. Kissing the back of your head he murmurs, “Come on you, lets get you back to bed,”
Leaving you with a few slices of toast, ice water, and a forehead kiss Ruhn leaves you to rest.
Hours later Bryce comes in the house to find her mate lazing about with her brother and the rest of the frat pack. Looking around for you Bryce purses her lips curiously. “Where’s y/n?” Hunt rushes over to her, embracing his mate like he hasn’t seen her all day. “She’s in bed, she was sick this morning.” Ruhn said with a small frown.
“Oh, I’ll go check on her.” Bryce gives Hunt one more kiss before untangling herself from his grasp. Bryce raced up the stairs, gently knocking on the door to Ruhn’s bedroom. “Come in,” you grumble, rising up on your elbows. The sight of Bryce’s wine red hair brings a smile to your face. Bryce plops down next to you, “How are you babe?”
You let out an exaggerated groan, burying your face in your pillow. “I feel like shit. I’ve been sick all morning and I am so fucking exhausted.” Bryce narrowed her eyes at you letting out a small hum. You could see the gears turning in Bryce’s clever mind. “Do you…are you pregnant?” Your eyes practically bulge out of your head at the question. Pregnant? But the Oracle…didn’t she tell Ruhn he wouldn’t have kids or something?
“No. There’s no way. Right?” You say quickly. “Let me call Hypaxia. She’ll be able to help.” Bryce quickly whips out her phone to call Hypaxia.
The Witch quickly entered the house, passing the boys without a word, ignoring Ruhn’s questions about you. Entering the bedroom she gives you the brightest smile. Putting her hands over her heart she makes her way over to the bed. “You think you’re pregnant,” Hypaxia coos at you.
“Yeah,” you say with an equally bright smile, pressing your hands against your cheeks. You move to the middle of the bed, Bryce holding your hand while Hypaxia kneels next to you, holding her glowing hands over your exposed tummy.
Full of worry, Ruhn couldn’t just sit here and mindlessly chat with his friends. If Hypaxia were here, and speeding up to you, did that mean you were really sick? It was rare for fae to get really sick. Was Ruhn missing the early signs of a bad illness? Standing abruptly Ruhn quickly made his way upstairs.
Opening the door he found the three of you on the bed, smiling like giddy school girls with tears falling down your and Bryce’s cheeks. So not severely ill then? Ruhn cleared his throat, all three of your heads whipping toward him. Bryce and Hypaxia looked at you, nodding at them they both slip off the bed walking past Ruhn giving him a knowing smile.
You wave him over and Ruhn wastes no time rushing to your side. Ruhn brings his hand to cradle your cheeks. His vibrant blue eyes scanning your face for any signs of sickness. “I know what you’re thinking, I could feel you through the bond. I promise there is nothing to worry about. Well not yet,” you joke. Ruhn title his head in curiosity. Taking one of his hands you rest it on your still exposed tummy.
Sending a wave of love down the bond you smile up at Ruhn. “I’m pregnant, my love.” You whisper. A joyous laugh leaves Ruhn’s lips, silver lining his eyes. “You-you’re really,” he can’t get the words out. The bond overwhelmed with joy coming from both of you. Ruhn pulls you to his chest, holding the back of your head as he burys his face in the crook of your neck.
Pulling away he gently lays you down, now hyper aware of the little life growing inside you. As he stares down at your still flat stomach he places a hand over his mouth. “I’m gunna be a dad. We’re gunna be parents.” You cover his hand that still hasn’t left your stomach, nodding your head against the pillow. “Yeah,” you whisper, still in disbelief.
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heartsoji · 1 year
treating his wounds
suna, kenma, and akaashi x reader (separate)
summary: you were not leaving his so-called "minor wound" untreated
warnings: post time skip
a/n: first fic ! yayyyy enjoy hehe
s. rintaro
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GIF by chososleftboot
it was an ordinary tuesday like any other. the air in the apartment you and suna share is peaceful and quiet, save for the sound of your knife hitting a cutting board as you prepare dinner.
you hear the door creaking open.
"i'm back," suna says in a monotone voice.
"welcome back!" you happily greet him. "how was practice?"
"tiring. atsumu hit me with a chair." he says in the same voice , pointing to medium-sized scrape on his calf.
you gasp. "are you ok? how bad's the pain?" you ask, your voice laced with concern.
"i'm fine." he answers, beginning to head towards the couch.
"nuh uh. sit down on the couch. i'll be right back."
"where are you going?" he asks.
"gonna treat your scrape." you reply, heading to the closet.
"no no bunny, i'm fine." (I HC THAT HE CALLS U A RLY AFFECTIONATE NAME) "come back."
"nuh uh uhhhh. if you don't treat it, it might become infected." you walk over with a first aid kit and a cup of water. "sit down."
he sighs in defeat, (not that he put up much of a fight lol) plopping his bum down on the soft cushions. he slightly rotated his leg so that it'd be easier for you to treat it.
you begin to treat the scrape as gently as possible, gently cleaning and pressing. (to stop the bleeding.)
after rinsing with water, you apply some alcohol to a pad and then to his scrape.
"ow. ow. ow. it stings." he says slowly, his voice as deadpan as ever.
"did i ask?" you tease.
"you just asked."
"you just asked if you asked, therefore you asked." he answers, his face showing no sign of a soul living in there.
"i- what? never mind." you continue to treat the scrape, ignoring his past complaint.
suna looks down at you as you gingerly treat his scrape. thinking about how much you care about him and how careful you are not to be too rough reminds him of just how much he loves you. he truly is lucky. as he gazes down at your concentrated, sweet face, he can't help a small smile from forming.
"..and done!" you smile, giving the bandage a little pat and a kiss.
"thanks bunny," he says, dropping a small peck on your forehead.
"of course!" you answer. "why'd atsumu hit you with a chair, though?"
"osamu came to drop off some onigiris. atsumu told him to get out. osamu took onigiris with him. the two started fighting. i started taking pictures. i got too close. i got hit by a chair when atsumu wound up for a hard hit. it scraped me. the end." suna answered, his voice as deadpan as ever.
"oh love that for you." you answer. "come on, now help me out with dinner."
"you want my help?" suna questions, a little bit shocked.
"right. the incident." you decide to make dinner by yourself.
k. kenma
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GIF by ash-is-poly
"ken, you almost done streaming?" you question, poking your head into his gaming room.
"almost." he answers, his slender fingers rapidly clicking on his keyboard.
is that y/n?
hi y/n! how r u ?
"chat says hi." kenma tells you.
you walk up to him and look at what the chat was saying.
"hehe hi!" you give a little wave.
you glance over at your boyfriend to see a small bruise on his forehead forming.
you gasp. "what happened to your forehead?" you question, obviously very concerned.
"nothing. don't worry about it."
"ken." you say, towering over him with your hands on your hips. (he was sitting.)
he gulps. "what?"
"how many times do i need to remind you that you come to me for these types of things?? how much does it hurt?" you nag.
"i didn't get you because it wasn't worth your concern." he replies, his eyes still glued to the screen.
"but it is! you have a bruise on your FACE! that's not a big deal?"
"it's not." he answers, his voice monotone.
you sigh. "be right back."
2 minutes later, you return with a glass of orange juice, an ice pack, and an elastic bandage to keep the ice pack secure.
"i told you that i was fine." kenma mumbles.
"nope!" you stick your tongue out. "besides, i can use this as an excuse to stare at your cute little face."
kenma's face turned pink, and his chat went wild.
ooo feeling flirty, y/n?
screenshotting that and putting it as my lock screen
kenma just turned three colors in the span of three seconds lmao
you grin at the comments and carefully begin securing the ice pack to his forehead, checking with him if it was too tight along the way. you secured the ice pack and also put a little bow on the back of his head, just for fun.
"thanks, y/n." he says, his face still slightly flushed. (i hc this man blushes easily and it lasts forever FIGHT ME on this)
"you're welcome." you smile.
you stay for the rest of his stream on his lap, and the two of you were a trending topic on twitter for the next day.
a. keiji
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GIF by katsukes
"i'll get started on dinner, love." akaashi says as he stands up.
"i'll help!" you say, jumping up from your position on the couch.
he smiles. "thanks, love."
the two of you both enjoy cooking, so making dinner is a fun little activity the two of you do together. (technically you're supposed to alternate who makes dinner, but the two of you always do it together lmao) you always have fun figuring out what to make and then making it. it's almost like a fun little game (you two dorks lol)
you put on a pot of olive oil to boil (for olive oil poaching bc ugs like trying different things) and you both start on the prep work. you begin to filet the fish, and keiji gets to work on cutting the vegetables. the two of you prep the food and chat simultaneously.
part way through, you hear him sharply inhale. you look across the counter to see that he cut himself while julienning the carrots.
you gasp. "oh no! does it hurt a lot? how deep is the cut?" you ask, running to take a closer look.
he grabs a paper towel and soaks up the blood on his finger. "i'm fine, let's get back to work." he says, not wanting to ruin the fun.
"no. you should treat it." you insist.
and with that, you walked away to go get the supplies to do so.
you quickly came back with a small tube of antibacterial ointment. some gauze, and a small bandaid.
"love, i told you that i'm fi-"
you cut him off by yanking him by the arm to the sink to wash the cut.
"you can't leave it untreated. that's not good, keiji."
after you finished cleaning it, you pressed some gauze to his finger to stop the bleeding.
"love, i can do it my-"
"seriously, it's fi-"
"keiji, you're always so good to me. so i want to be good to you too, ok? i love you so so much and i don't like seeing you in pain."
he sighed in defeat. you were just too cute, and he could never resist you for long.
"ok. thanks, love." he said, pressing a couple gentle kisses to your cheek.
you blushed slightly. "no problem."
you took off the gauze and gently dabbed a bit of the ointment onto the cut before wrapping a bandaid around it.
"alright, i'll finish dinner. go ahead and sit down." you said as you resumed filleting the fish.
"are you sure? i don't-" he began to protest.
"i don't want any bacteria in the cut. just sit down and we'll talk." you insisted.
he gave in to you two times today, and those certainly wouldn't be the last time that he did. something about you made him weak at the knees, and he has never and probably will never be able to resist your charm.
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mommycity · 6 months
Geto loves cnc!!!
TW!!! Cnc, somo, choking, threats of murder, gunplay, degradation, small mention of religious figures
In my brainsies I think Geto would have some sort of cnc kink. He doesn’t care how you take him or if he takes you but he likes the extremes in power. He’d love if you just took him. Make him feel fear for the first time and raise his the hair on the back of his neck. After stalking him through the night, find him his headquarters and force him to eat you alive, licking and worshipping your parts like a praise to God. Let his eyes gloss over as his conscience pulses in and out as you pull the rope tighter and tighter when he thrusts into you. “Say thank you ignorant little bitch” and he’d whine just a little before groveling. Before he can even register that shame is an appropriate emotion his lips fix themselves to your bidding, “T..hank you. Dear God,Thank you pleaseee please don’t kill me please. Ha-ah anything”. He’s holding back his orgasm till you let him release. You press a a hefty pistol against his chest and tap it a few times, “Cum before I say so and I’ll unload a clip in you mutt”, and he gives an open mouth soundless moan in agreement. The cold metal of the gun against his chest motives him to keep holding, but his will is getting smaller by the second. He’s losing himself to fear and lust and he fucking loves it.
Let him watch you through out your day. Let it sit and boil in his system, the tender maintenance of your day to day life. He wants to destroy the peaceful monotony you have for yourself. So when you think you’re alone in your house, he’s moving in through the window from behind and shoving your face into the vanity mirror you sit in front. With no time to register his next move he’d quickly pull a knife to your throat, pressing the fine metal to your flesh before barking his next command, “you’re going to suck me off, and then you will cum when I tell you, ok dumb bitch?” In a way he breaks the roleplay, he still wants to ground you in himself in this fictional scene. But he doesn’t linger on that too long. Soon he’s kicking your feet from under you and sitting down. You’re jaw is gripped tightly between his fingers and he forces his entire length down your throat. “Go ahead and prep yourself on my shoe since sucking isn’t enough for a slut like you”. He’s losing himself in how good your mouth feels and the power high he’s given himself.
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raparopa · 2 years
a/n: you won't believe who's still alive
a/n 2: I remind you that my English is still bad
a/n 3: PLEASE write if you want to see beautiful women from this series too (yes i write femslash)
warnings: murders? (?not romantic guys?)
daemon targaryen
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-good. daemon targryen psycho (my opinion, you know). if he has real feelings for you, then his jealousy, well, how to say ... he will not say this directly, rather he will mockingly hint to you that he is dissatisfied with this or that action of another person.
-I think he will actually react with ridicule. first he will humiliate the one who dared to disturb your peace of mind, this, of course, will attract the attention of everyone
-if the guy realizes that it's time to leave, the daemon will throw a couple of barbs at you after all this. if not...then god forbid someone meet with an annoyed daemon.
-do you remember the scene with velaryon? repeat it in your head with double brutality and ten times
-daemon - a man with an eternal sword in his hands. so I doubt that if someone knows about your connection with the targaryen, he will climb to you)))))
criston cole
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- in my head criston cole-yandere. and do what you want with me ok? he is not a reserved person. he is a walking bomb that will explode from a small spark. he attaches too much to those he loves, and this attachment is not entirely healthy
-everything can make him jealous. EVERYTHING. did someone look at you for more than two seconds? did someone touch you? someone complimented you and you smiled? killing machine mode enabled.
-he will immediately get into a fight. if he doesn’t get into a fight, he will challenge him to a fight. if he doesn’t call for a fight, he will blow his head off, while no one sees.
-you are everything for him that exists. there is nothing else but you. after he has dealt with the threat on the horizon, in the form of someone else near you, he will be angry enough not to speak to you for several days, also suffering from his actions.
-everything you do should be directed towards him and only him. it is not discussed. and it doesn't matter who you are or what you are.
aemond targaryen
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- looks at the opponent for a long time and menacingly, making everyone within a mile radius nervous. I think he's poking his knife into the table, making everyone JUST MORE nervous.
-long and absolute destruction of his opponent. such that poor alicent wants to turn into something round and roll away to hell from the king's landing. everyone is silent while the prince speaks. he deliberately ignores you and your presence, your entreaties, your requests. he has one goal - to destroy the one who thought too much of himself.
-I love this guy very much, but let's not deny that he has certain problems with affection and feelings (like all other relatives). he is very painfully worried inside himself that someone can steal you from him. he's so deeply insecure because of his eye...why does the only person he's revealed to prefer someone else?
-when he finishes talking, the person talking to you will be dead. typical outcome.
-and you? a serious conversation awaits you. and you will also get some unpleasant offers. unconscious of course. (followed by the meanest apologies)
aegon targaryen
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-he immediately starts pouting like a small child. how DARE you be with someone else instead of him?! how dare someone steal you away from him?! how is that even possible?
-I think he even cries a little. just for a second. and then immediately orders to destroy the person who interfered with his personal happiness.
-he will be offended. and will be convinced that it is you who are to blame for this. you will not be able to find him for several days, and if you meet, he will defiantly pretend that you do not exist.
-yes, you will have to apologize on your own.
-and say that he is the most wonderful in the world. just say the sweetest things about him, hold him in your hand, stroke his hair, comfort him. and only then will you be forgiven.
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treating his wounds
suna, kenma, and akaashi x reader (separate)
summary: you were not leaving his so-called "minor wound" untreated
warnings: post time skip
a/n: first fic ! yayyyy enjoy hehe
s. rintaro
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it was an ordinary tuesday like any other. the air in the apartment you and suna share is peaceful and quiet, save for the sound of your knife hitting a cutting board as you prepare dinner.
you hear the door creaking open.
"i'm back," suna says in a monotone voice.
"welcome back!" you happily greet him. "how was practice?"
"tiring. atsumu hit me with a chair." he says in the same voice , pointing to medium-sized scrape on his calf.
you gasp. "are you ok? how bad's the pain?" you ask, your voice laced with concern.
"i'm fine." he answers, beginning to head towards the couch.
"nuh uh. sit down on the couch. i'll be right back."
"where are you going?" he asks.
"gonna treat your scrape." you reply, heading to the closet.
"no no bunny, i'm fine." (I HC THAT HE CALLS U A RLY AFFECTIONATE NAME) "come back."
"nuh uh uhhhh. if you don't treat it, it might become infected." you walk over with a first aid kit and a cup of water. "sit down."
he sighs in defeat, (not that he put up much of a fight lol) plopping his bum down on the soft cushions. he slightly rotated his leg so that it'd be easier for you to treat it.
you begin to treat the scrape as gently as possible, gently cleaning and pressing. (to stop the bleeding.)
after rinsing with water, you apply some alcohol to a pad and then to his scrape.
"ow. ow. ow. it stings." he says slowly, his voice as deadpan as ever.
"did i ask?" you tease.
"you just asked."
"you just asked if you asked, therefore you asked." he answers, his face showing no sign of a soul living in there.
"i- what? never mind." you continue to treat the scrape, ignoring his past complaint.
suna looks down at you as you gingerly treat his scrape. thinking about how much you care about him and how careful you are not to be too rough reminds him of just how much he loves you. he truly is lucky. as he gazes down at your concentrated, sweet face, he can't help a small smile from forming.
"..and done!" you smile, giving the bandage a little pat and a kiss.
"thanks bunny," he says, dropping a small peck on your forehead.
"of course!" you answer. "why'd atsumu hit you with a chair, though?"
"osamu came to drop off some onigiris. atsumu told him to get out. osamu took onigiris with him. the two started fighting. i started taking pictures. i got too close. i got hit by a chair when atsumu wound up for a hard hit. it scraped me. the end." suna answered, his voice as deadpan as ever.
"oh love that for you." you answer. "come on, now help me out with dinner."
"you want my help?" suna questions, a little bit shocked.
"right. the incident." you decide to make dinner by yourself.
k. kenma
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"ken, you almost done streaming?" you question, poking your head into his gaming room.
"almost." he answers, his slender fingers rapidly clicking on his keyboard.
is that y/n?
hi y/n! how r u ?
"chat says hi." kenma tells you.
you walk up to him and look at what the chat was saying.
"hehe hi!" you give a little wave.
you glance over at your boyfriend to see a small bruise on his forehead forming.
you gasp. "what happened to your forehead?" you question, obviously very concerned.
"nothing. don't worry about it."
"ken." you say, towering over him with your hands on your hips. (he was sitting.)
he gulps. "what?"
"how many times do i need to remind you that you come to me for these types of things?? how much does it hurt?" you nag.
"i didn't get you because it wasn't worth your concern." he replies, his eyes still glued to the screen.
"but it is! you have a bruise on your FACE! that's not a big deal?"
"it's not." he answers, his voice monotone.
you sigh. "be right back."
2 minutes later, you return with a glass of orange juice, an ice pack, and an elastic bandage to keep the ice pack secure.
"i told you that i was fine." kenma mumbles.
"nope!" you stick your tongue out. "besides, i can use this as an excuse to stare at your cute little face."
kenma's face turned pink, and his chat went wild.
ooo feeling flirty, y/n?
screenshotting that and putting it as my lock screen
kenma just turned three colors in the span of three seconds lmao
you grin at the comments and carefully begin securing the ice pack to his forehead, checking with him if it was too tight along the way. you secured the ice pack and also put a little bow on the back of his head, just for fun.
"thanks, y/n." he says, his face still slightly flushed. (i hc this man blushes easily and it lasts forever FIGHT ME on this)
"you're welcome." you smile.
you stay for the rest of his stream on his lap, and the two of you were a trending topic on twitter for the next day.
a. keiji
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"i'll get started on dinner, love." akaashi says as he stands up.
"i'll help!" you say, jumping up from your position on the couch.
he smiles. "thanks, love."
the two of you both enjoy cooking, so making dinner is a fun little activity the two of you do together. (technically you're supposed to alternate who makes dinner, but the two of you always do it together lmao) you always have fun figuring out what to make and then making it. it's almost like a fun little game (you two dorks lol)
you put on a pot of olive oil to boil (for olive oil poaching bc ugs like trying different things) and you both start on the prep work. you begin to filet the fish, and keiji gets to work on cutting the vegetables. the two of you prep the food and chat simultaneously.
part way through, you hear him sharply inhale. you look across the counter to see that he cut himself while julienning the carrots.
you gasp. "oh no! does it hurt a lot? how deep is the cut?" you ask, running to take a closer look.
he grabs a paper towel and soaks up the blood on his finger. "i'm fine, let's get back to work." he says, not wanting to ruin the fun.
"no. you should treat it." you insist.
and with that, you walked away to go get the supplies to do so.
you quickly came back with a small tube of antibacterial ointment. some gauze, and a small bandaid.
"love, i told you that i'm fi-"
you cut him off by yanking him by the arm to the sink to wash the cut.
"you can't leave it untreated. that's not good, keiji."
after you finished cleaning it, you pressed some gauze to his finger to stop the bleeding.
"love, i can do it my-"
"seriously, it's fi-"
"keiji, you're always so good to me. so i want to be good to you too, ok? i love you so so much and i don't like seeing you in pain."
he sighed in defeat. you were just too cute, and he could never resist you for long.
"ok. thanks, love." he said, pressing a couple gentle kisses to your cheek.
you blushed slightly. "no problem."
you took off the gauze and gently dabbed a bit of the ointment onto the cut before wrapping a bandaid around it.
"alright, i'll finish dinner. go ahead and sit down." you said as you resumed filleting the fish.
"are you sure? i don't-" he began to protest.
"i don't want any bacteria in the cut. just sit down and we'll talk." you insisted.
he gave in to you two times today, and those certainly wouldn't be the last time that he did. something about you made him weak at the knees, and he has never and probably will never be able to resist your charm.
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luna-is-lost · 9 months
References to starvation and slight torcher. (Non discrptive) Violence....
Papyrus POV:
....“Shut up“
...“Are you an ignorant child?!“
...“ No wonder no one came for you“
...“Annoying brat“
...“ I can't wait for you optimism to be crushed“
...“Listen up, or else!“
...“Mercy?! HA! You must be joking“
How long has it been... Why hasn't someone helped me... Where is Sans...
The humans... They’re so cruel. What did I ever do to them. I was good, right? I listened to them and did what they said. I was honest, kind, helpful... annoying... ignorant... A dumb child, as always...
They soldiers are taking me to the ’bad’ room again. I feel really weak, is it the exhaustion... Sedatives... Starvation... Loneliness... Unending feeling of captivity and hopelessness....
NO! There is plenty of hope, someone will come! Someone has to come... Right?
The humans throw me on the floor. The big scary guy comes in... The one I call ’Sir’. “Papyrus,“ his words drip poison... As if my name is a disease. “YES,SIR? WHAT IS IT? AS MUCH AS I LOVE THE HUMAN TO MONSTER QUALITY TIME, I WOULD LIKE TO GO HOME!“ “Do not SPEAK until SPOKEN TO!“ He yells. “RIGHT, SORRY SIR.“ Still as mad was always. Maybe I’m a bad monster. “Where are Captain Undyne and King Asgore.“ He quite literally spits they’re names into my face. Gross. “I DON’T KNOW! I HAVEN’T SEEN ANYONE SINCE I WAS TAKEN HERE!“ He hits me again. “Don't act stupid. Where are they!“ “I WISH I KNEW HUMAN, I REALLY DO.“ He growls. “NOW SIR, I UNDERSTAND YOU ARE UPSET, BUT PLEASE, I WANT TO BE YOU FRIEND! YOU CAN DO BETTER-“ A knife slashes my mouth, going up to my cheak. It hurts so bad. I nearly scream on impact. It hurts to smile. Tears begin to flow down my face. “WHERE ARE THEY, YOU USELESS MONSTER!“ Why didn’t anyone come. It hurts so bad. I want Sans, or Undyne, or the King! Anyone! I want a hug, to be told that everything will be ok. “h-hOmE! snaNS! kinggg an’ Und...yne figHt! no... PLe-please nOoooOo morE! bE goooood..!“ Words jumble in my head. “e-ebbot... city“ I whisper through the pain. Why didn't anyone come, why didn’t anyone save me... The back dots ( of evil ) invade my vision.... it hurts...
Sans POV:
Three weeks...
Three weeks since the war had started...
Three weeks since I lost my right arm...
Three weeks since Papyrus disappeared...
Three weeks since I could live with myself...
Papyrus wouldn’t have left, wouldn’t have been captured if I never fell asleep. Papyrus is gone... I’ve never felt more lost. Alphys and Undyne have been leading the remaining monsters. The King is in Washington, trying to sort things out with the government. Monster wanted to live on the surface in peace... Why... Why couldn’t we ever be happy! Why can’t Papyrus be safe! Why... does it hurt so bad to be safe...
Undyne led our small army to ambush some government guys. We fought with no casualties on our side. One if the men mentioned them holding prisoners of war, in a government facility. If Papyrus were alive and out there, he would be there. I hope...
“heya, Undyne.“ “Yeah, Sans“ She seems preoccupied, but the information I collected is more important. “ ’Member the government guys we brought down a few days ago.“ She only nods. “they have prisoners, i even heard it was monster prisoners.“ She looked up at this. “WHERE!“ Her voice was loud, panicked. She thought Pap was there too. “somewhere around where the ambush was.“ “ I’ll get Alphys, give it a week and we’ll be busting down that door“ “ ’m counting on it.“ I really am... Papyrus... I’m coming. Please, don’t give up...
Part 7 tomorrow...
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beomglocks · 3 years
in the morning ; k.th
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summary : taehyun tries to keep you safe from the world’s wandering eyes.
pairing : yandere!taehyun x “captive” s/o!reader
warnings & other : angst (?), blood, there’s a dead person, yes the body is described (not in too much detail), enclosed spaces, dehumanization (?), honestly ignore the title i didnt know what to call this
w/c : 1.7k
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your bedroom door creaks open allowing a sliver of light to shine onto your bed and down on to your face. you scrunch your face in frustration but merely turn over to face the wall to continue your peaceful slumber.
a finger pokes at your face annoyingly and you swat at it to leave you alone. "my love, wake up," you hear someone whisper.
you groan but make no indications that you'll be listening to the annoying voice in your head. you feel something cold drift across your face and down your neck which makes you shiver. when you bring your hand up to your neck to pull it away, you flinch and sit up quickly.
"ow!" you inspect your hand which now has a large bleeding gash from gripping whatever was on your neck. now that you're semi fully awake, you look up to see taehyun. great, he's back from doing whatever it is he does at this godforsaken time. you wonder if it's a normal day when he's home but no- you know there's a reason why he's in your room right now.
"i wouldn't have gripped that like that if i were you," he snickers playfully. you look down at what he's holding and frown at him. "what...did you put a knife to my neck?" crazy bastard, you knew something would go wrong whenever he was within 10 centimeters of you.
"had to wake up the sleeping beauty somehow," he grins. his face immediately goes stony and he grabs your hand, looking at the aftermath of his actions. it scares you how quickly he could change his expression. sometimes you weren't sure how to act around him because you weren't sure how he would react.
"im sorry though, i'll clean it up right away." he quickly gets up and grabs some alcohol and tissues that are laying around, and rushes back to you.
"so no light today?" you ask quietly while he cleans the wound skillfully. he stays quiet for a moment and you're about to ask him the question again in case he didn't hear you but he soon speaks up.
"n-no not today.. i don't wanna be seen like this. it could scare you," he laughs dryly. he scrubs your hands with more haste now, afraid that you'll take initiative to turn on the lights.
you sigh. how considerate of him however it's not like you haven't seen him with blood splattered across his glass skin before. it wasn't out of the ordinary to see him like this after all. your room only has a tiny window above the bed and you couldn't even look out from it since it was too high. the only light that was available to you was the moonlight. unfortunely it didn't even reach far enough to shine down on taehyun to give you the luck of seeing him.
"when are you going to stop this?" you ask mostly to yourself. "i'll stop when it gets through people's heads that you're mine."
he grips your injured hand as the anger of what he had to witness today comes rushing back to his memories. "t-tae my hand," you wince.
he loosens his grip just a little bit, enough for you to not feel that much pain but obviously, it still hurts. god, you really wish he wasn't here right now.
"why...why did he- it's his fault you know. it's not like i wanted to kill him," he says. you can hear the anxiety in his voice and it makes you want to comfort him a little bit. only a small part of your brain feels bad for his current mental state but that's only because of how kind taehyun was to you way before well- this. somewhere in you, you hope that he will change but you know he's too far gone at this point.
"he had it coming though," taehyun smiles, looking down at your wound. "he should've known not to mess with other people's property." you clench your jaw at his words. it's unfortunate how taehyun doesn't see you as a human anymore, only an object for him to keep enclosed in a glass case, like some china doll.
"you're not entirely innocent y/n," he grits. he grips your hand purposely and you let a tear roll down your face now. "taehyun you're hurting me," you manage to choke out. he pouts mockingly at your plea.
"you hurt me and you hurt that guy i had to kill," he says in a matter of fact tone. "when he said hi you should've just kept your mouth shut but no you just had to make conversation and let him hug you like some-"
he cuts himself off before he can say something that he might have to force himself to apologize for later. you both sit in silence minus your ragged breaths mixed with his heavy ones.
"you killed him," he says simply. "what?" you breathe out. "you killed him y/n! if you had just focused on me like i focus on you then i wouldn't have been forced to kill him like i did."
"taehyun i-"
"go say sorry," he sighs. you look at him bewildered but it only takes you a moment to realize what he means. "taehyun," you sob. you don't want to say that you can't believe he brought a dead body home but the sad fact is that you can believe it. he mustve had no where to hide it once he was done. taehyun is not one to make empty threats. he chuckles, shaking his head, "go say sorry to your friend."
he tries to pull you from the bed but you cling onto the bedsheets, adamant about not moving. "what so now you don't want to give him the time of day? earlier you seemed just so over the damn moon speaking with him!" he shouts.
you shake your head frantically. you want to speak, to reason with him, but nothing comes out your mouth other than choked sobs. "don't be like that, it's for your own good. now let's go," he says.
this time he uses all his force to rip you from your hold on the bed. "my love...im gonna teach you something about respect," taehyun speaks lowly. his monotone voice sends chills throughout your frigid body. you kick and scream and punch his back, hoping that you can shake him enough to let you go but nothing you do phases him.
he walks through the house with you slung over his shoulder for about a minute before stopping in front of the jacket closet. he sets you down as gently as he can in front of it and you stare blankly at it, not ready to face whatever is inside.
"it goes both ways," he finishes. you hesitantly look up at him, finally seeing his face for the first time since earlier today. you flinch when you notice just how much blood is scattered over his face. the kill must've been brutal enough to send that many splatters of blood flying.
"don't look at me, look at him. don't be disrespectful," he says. when you turn back towards the closet you flinch harshly at the sight. the guy whom you spoke to earlier was now slumped over in your closet. you remember how lively he was when speaking to you but now his skin was completely drained of life and pale in color. his lips were dry, probably from trying to heave in air to try to live. you're afraid to further gaze at the body because the further down you go the worse it gets. so much so that it's practically dosed in blood.
"say it, say you're sorry!" he commands. you know that you're not really saying sorry to the dead man in your closet. taehyun wants you to say sorry to him. you know he couldn't care less about this man. he wants you to regret putting him in the position to kill another human being.
"i-im- im-" taehyun sucks teeth impatiently. "if you don't say it naturally i will lock you in here all night. i don't want to do that so you better do it right."
a noise leaves your throat when he shoves you closer to the body. you whine, trying your best to control your voice and tears. "i-" your voice gets weak but you use every bit of force in you to say it. you don't wanna risk having to stay in that closet all night.
"im sorry," you blurt. you hear taehyun chuckle behind you, satisfied for now. "was that so hard?"
"y/n you're mine and only mine. i feel so livid when others so much as look in your direction, do you understand?" he says calmly. you nod, already wanting to be back in your bed, under the covers, away from all of this.
you hear taehyun hum and suddenly you're shoved into the closet. it catches you so off guard that your body slams into the dead one. you yell in panic and scramble as far away from it as possible. "taehyun! w-what's going on?!" you call out.
the closet is so dark when it's closed that you can't even see anything. atleast you know you're not near the body. "y/n- i-i'm doing this because i love you ok?" he says uncertainly. "this way no one can look at you or talk to you and try to seduce you."
you bang on the door, your heart beating with each slam. "p-please let me out," you plead weakly. you already know that once taehyun has done something he doesn't change his mind so it's no use trying to reason. "i-im scared- please."
he stays silent for a moment and you're about to burst into tears again thinking that he's already left but he speaks up after a couple beats of contemplative silence.
"don't be scared ok y/n. you'll be fine. i'm going to come back for you in the morning." he goes silent again and all you can hear is your heavy breathing and wet sniffles. "please don't be too mad at me, i love you," you hear him whisper before you hear his footsteps retreat.
the night is spent without much sleep and your fist pounding at the closet door, hoping for an early release but it never comes.
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Moonlight Sonata (Pietro Maximoff x GN Reader)
title: moonlight sonata (i suck at titles sorry)
pairing: pietro maximoff x gender neutral reader
warnings: um my writing is weird and swearing 
requested by @iamninaanna: HEY TARA I need more of your beautiful writing so I'm here to request again hihi. Can I please get a fluffy blurb with prompts “I missed your arms around me so I came to cuddle.” and “Do you think the moon is jealous of how pretty you are?” with Pietro Maximoff (if you write for him and if you don't, you can choose another character)If you don't feel comfortable writing this or you don't have inspiration you can totally ignore and delete this :)I LOVE YOUUU MWAH 😊
a/n: HI TAJA!! I LOVE YOU TOO! im so excited to write this, i love when you (anyone) requests things, it makes me so happy, like makes my month or year. its crazy, the sheer amount of joy it brings me. i tried to make this gender neutral but i can rewrite it  as a female reader if that’s what you wanted. ok anyway, here you go. as always, feel free to give feedback, i always enjoy it and hope you enjoy!! (ok also i really struggled to write this one, i don’t know why but i did and i don’t love how it turned out, im so sorry taja)
The soft notes of Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata floated out of Pietro Maximoff’s room in the Avengers Compound. If someone looked in at the moment, the sight in the room was not nearly as peaceful as the melody that filled the room. Pietro was leaning, in what should have been a relaxed manner, against the headboard of the large bed in the middle of the room. And if someone wanted to take the time to look closer, you could see his hands shaking, vibrating in a blur. He sighed and ran his shaking hands through his hair, thumping his head against the hard back of the bed. 
Y/N slid down the hallway, their socks running softly across the hard floor. They were smiling, twirling like a ballerina, arms above their head. They were nearly to their room when they stopped. The floating waves of sound coming out of the door they’d stopped in front of. It was Pietro’s room, they realized. Tilting their head, they listened to the notes of the song, cradling her delicately in the sound. It took them back into memories, running through fields, hand in hand with Pietro, stopping to double over in laughter. Late nights, all three of them, looking at the stars. As they fell farther into the past, the memories were tinted blue. They hadn’t seen Pietro in a while, it almost seemed they were drifting apart. They missed him, the late nights on the rooftop, him telling them all his dreams, worries and fears. They missed their board game marathons and movie watch parties. They missed the kisses and the hugs, the first dates and the mornings next to him...
A frustrated groan through the bittersweet memories, Y/N’s head snapping up toward the door they stood in front of. After all the years of knowing him, that groan meant only one thing. He was stressed. Y/N felt the small tug of pettiness, telling them to ignore him as he was doing to them. But, their soft nature wouldn’t allow it and before they had actually thought the idea through, they rapped their knuckles on the door. 
Pietro stopped dead in his tracks, “Hello?”, he asked, accent coming on thick as it always did when he was stressed. 
“It’s me, Y/N,” the delicate voice came back, the doorknob starting to turn. 
“Oh, come in,” he called, tidying up any evidence of his shaking hands and body. He took a deep breath, bringing his hand vibration back to normal. 
Y/N slid the door open, a soft smile just bringing their cheeks up a little. They peeked in, sliding in like an eel and softly closing the door behind them. There was an awkward silence, one of the first the pair had ever experienced. 
“Um... what's up?” Pietro wrung his hands nervously, a smile coming on his face as he noticed their shy eyes trained upon his face. 
“I missed your arms around me so I came to cuddle” they said shyly, blushing.
And just like that, the tension was broken, like a knife through the awkwardness and they were together again. Pietro ran to open the blinds and grabbed all the blankets and pillows from around the room and was back in a flash. He leapt on to the bed and opened his arms for them motioning them to come over. They slowly slid their socked feet across the floor, but Pietro was having none of it. He never wasted a moment and grabbed Y/N, wind rushing in their face, before she could blink she was in his arms on the soft pillows of his bed. 
“Hi” Y/N breathed out, the air escaping them, settling into his arms.
“Hey..” he replied, just as breathless.
They were silent again but this silence was light and airy, not weighted by tension and nervousness. Pietro buried his face in Y/N’s hair, taking in the sweet smell that he knew as them. Y/N sighed happily, worries about drifting apart evaporated in the warm embrace of their boyfriend. 
The soft song the was playing started over again, the notes repeating themselves, ringing throughout the room. “Do you think Beethoven wrote Moonlight Sonata because of the moon?” Pietro asked, his voice muffled by Y/N’s hair. Y/N didn’t respond, lost in thought, trailing their hands over Pietro’s long fingers. “Baby?” he sighed, “Baby, I’m sorry that we haven’t talked in a while. I just- I was worried about you. Your so brave and so selfless and I just- I don’t to lose you.” His voice cracked, finishing in a whisper. He looked down at them, brow furrowed in worry. They slowly pulled their head up, gazing into his eyes, hands moving to caress his cheeks.
“Oh, my speedster, you’ll always have me. I love you, fast boy...” They smiled softly, and whispered sweet nothings as they kissed his cheeks, his nose, his jaw, his eyes, everywhere. He laughed and they rolled into a smothering cuddle. They both sighed, smiles wide enough to bring out the dimples in Y/N’s cheeks.  
“Do you think the moon is jealous of how stunning you are?” This admission came out of nowhere, Pietro carding his fingers through Y/N’s hair. They laughed, and shook their head like he was joking. He frowned and kissed their nose, “You’re perfect,” their cheeks, “Stunning”, their forehead, “Breathtaking” their neck, “and I’m so lucky that your mine”. They smiled then, wrapping their arms around their beautiful boyfriends neck and kissing him, soft and sweet. It wasn’t passionate or hot and heavy, just full of love and all the they didn’t say. It was perfect. And the moon might not be jealous of Y/N’s beauty but the moon was sure to be jealous of the love they shared. 
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celosiaa · 3 years
Hi! I am obsessed with your writing, it is so so endlessly good and you. Are so. Talented. Anyway, please feel free to ignore this, I won’t expect a reply, but prompt idea of someone (probably martin) giving jon a shoulder rub, and it giving jon flashbacks to his kidnapping and him very not being ok. Could take place either soon after the kidnapping, or like in post canon (maybe even with emma?) Again feel free not to reply, just wanted to share and tell you how much I love your work❤️❤️
hi friend!!! thank you so so much for this wonderful prompt!! and your sweet message <3 I apologize that this has taken so long, but I hope you enjoy it anyway! and I hope you’re having a wonderful day!
CW PTSD, flashback, panic attack
Peace of solitude, silence, loneliness has always been a bit of what Martin has missed from his life. He needs it as much as the sun, as much as the breath in his lungs. Sometimes the lingering ache of it all leaves him hurting—hurting over the fact that he shouldn’t want this; he should want to be, not to fade. He should be over this by now.
But, Jon. Jon understands. He understands that need for something you do not want better than just about anyone. So when Martin needs to disappear, or begs for quiet, or takes time to meditate and drift away, Jon always keeps his worry under what he surely thinks to be a careful façade. Martin sees right through it, of course. And loves him all the more for it every time.
Days like this should build up his reserve—the quiet days, where Jon is either gone, or busy, or engrossed in a novel Martin would never dream of picking up. But something about this is off, and Martin knows it.
He knows it by the way that Jon has barely shifted positions at his desk for many hours, other than to unfold and refold his legs under himself. Surely they must be aching—Martin knows they must. So many hours in one place tend to make Jon restless, his muscles cramping and his mind running wild. Sometimes in a good way—Martin is now accustomed to listening to very excited, lightning-fast monologues about whatever Jon had found himself fascinated by that day. But sometimes...sometimes, in other ways as well. Other ways not altogether pleasant.
Martin is certain this is one of the latter type.
From his vantage point in the kitchen, Martin can see the screensaver on Jon’s laptop running across it. Jon is working on nothing at all—has not been working on anything for nearly an hour now, and yet has not moved. It sets Martin’s teeth on edge, this sort of thing. When Jon appears as himself, is present as himself—and yet, not quite. Never quite there, not really. It reminds him of the early days after they had put the world back together, coming up on five years ago now. Days when Jon was drifting…and Martin had never been sure if he would come back.
Stop thinking stop stop
Don’t go there. Not now. Focus.
His head feels heavy with fog when he stands, as it often does—and he makes his way over to Jon, careful to step a bit heavier than usual so as to give some warning of his approach.
“Jon love?” he murmurs, keeping his tone as light as possible, much lighter than he feels. “You alright?”
The tiniest of jumps, barely noticeable. Jon freezes in place for a moment, before attempting to turn his head to look at Martin—and coming to a sudden stop with a groan, and a hand pressed into his shoulder.
“Hmm. Martin.”
His voice is rough from disuse, and he lets out a dry cough as Martin kneels slowly beside him.
“What are you working on?” he asks, trying the gentlest approach he can think of—and trying not to feel affronted when Jon flinches against the fingertips brushed against the back of his arm.
“I-I—erm—I was just…” He trails off as he realizes his laptop is asking him to enter the password again. “Ah. Well. Nothing at all, it seems.”
With a long sigh, Jon tips his head against the back of his chair—or rather, he tries. The motion seems to pull something uncomfortably in his neck, and he hisses painfully as he replaces his hand over the angle between his neck and shoulder.
“Alright, love? Can I help?”
“Ah, it’s—it’s fine, I-I did this to myself, I—”
“—should get back to work—”
Something of it seems to cut through his downward spiral, and he manages to meet Martin’s eyes at last—the shadows beneath his eyes outlining the exhausted desperation bubbling just behind them. For what, or who, or when, Martin cannot be sure—but he is sure that he needs to coax Jon out of whatever space he’s found himself in today.
“Does your neck hurt?” he asks, creasing his brows together when Jon attempts to shake his head, and winces instead. “Right, stupid question—how bad is it?”
“It’s fine—it’s nothing, it’s my fault anyway.”
It drives Martin mad how much Jon still wants to blame himself for everything, even the mundane, even things that require none. Especially things that require none. But, instead of putting a voice to this unsolvable frustration, Martin softens for the moment, stretching out a hand to cover Jon’s own where it still rests on the side of his neck.
“Want to try a little massage?” he asks, pressing a small kiss to Jon’s temple. “Maybe it’ll loosen you up enough to turn your head, at least.”
“Hmm,” is the only reply Jon gives, eyes falling closed against the gentle warmth of Martin’s hands.
“I’ll take that as a yes then.” Chuckling lightly, Martin stands behind him and gets to work.
He rests his fingertips lightly on the sides of Jon’s neck at first, being sure to always remain toward the back and away from his scar. Slowly, he begins to work his fingers a bit deeper into the muscle, traveling from the nape of his neck and down, as Jon unbuttons just the top of his shirt and shrugs the material off his shoulders. It warms Martin’s heart immeasurably to see him beginning to relax under his hands. And more importantly, gives him a wonderful idea for how to make this even better.
“One moment, love,” he whispers next to Jon’s ear, pressing another quick kiss to his temple before stepping away to root through his desk for the massage oil he’d been given by a friend. Sure, maybe he’s never used it, but…lavender certainly sounds like a relaxing smell, and god knows that Jon needs as much assistance with that as he can get.
“Alright, here we are.” He uncaps the bottle and holds it in front of Jon for him to smell. “What do you think?”
Jon blinks in surprise at the new smell, then furrows his brows.
“Wh—what is this?”
“Massage oil. I’ve never used it but—well, now’s as good a time as any, right?”
“I-I…I suppose so.”
The hesitance in Jon’s voice sends up warning flags in Martin’s mind at once—and he steps to the side to get a better look at Jon’s face. A bit glazed, vacant, as he turns the bottle of massage oil over and over in his hands.
“Is something wrong?” Martin asks, cocking his head to one side in confusion. “If you don’t like the smell, I won’t use it.”
“No no, it’s not that,” he assures, closing his eyes as if to clear some picture displayed in front of them. “I don’t know. I—erm. You can try it.”
“Try it, please try it. It—it should be nice.”
For all that he insists, something about this gives Martin pause. Something in his voice, his body language doesn’t sit right at all—
“Hey, hey,” he soothes, setting a gentle hand on his knee as he crouches to his eye level. “What’s going on?”
A few tense moments go by before Jon responds, the knee beneath Martin’s hand beginning to bounce with an all-too-familiar surge of anxiety. Face going ashen, he attempts a strained, awful sort of smile.
“S-sorry, I—sorry, it’s fine, just—ah.”
“Nothing to be sorry for, love—is it the smell that bothered you? Can you tell me what’s happening?
His leg bounces harder, the other one beginning to join it. As he meets Martin’s eyes again, it is with a particular brand of shock and horror that tells Martin he is barely hanging on to his surroundings. It twists as a knife in his gut, pulling at his insides as his new task shifts to keeping Jon with him.
“Alright, love. You’re here with me, okay? Here, take my hand—”
He extends his own trying to pull Jon’s away from the white-knuckle grip on the arm of his chair—and Jon takes a gasping inhale, clutching at his neck in panic.
“Woah woah, Jon—”
“STOP stop stop please stop—”
Reeling from the sudden shouting, Martin pulls his hands away from Jon as if they had been burned, falling backwards from his crouch and onto the floor in alarm. The lavender oil in Jon’s hand skitters away across the floor as it slips from his hold. Pounding, pounding, pounding is Martin’s heart in his chest, adrenaline overpowering his thoughts for a few moments before he can really take action. What had happened? What had he done to make Jon feel so unsafe?
“Hold on love, hold on,” he soothes, reaching out a hand of comfort, before thinking better of it. “I’ll be back, just hold on.”
Lifting himself as quickly as possible from the floor, Martin strides quickly towards their refrigerator, yanking open the freezer door and grabbing an ice cube for Jon to ground himself with. Or at least, so he hopes.
What happened?
What did I do? Did I say something?
Did I—
Oh god, no.
Heart twinging with guilt, he hurries back to his husband’s side, gently slipping the ice cube back into his palm with as little skin contact as possible. If he feels like he’s back there, back with the clown, with unfamiliar hands of plastic and metal touching him, preparing him, readying him for the harvest—then Martin knows even his own familiar hands will be lost among the noise of the others. Interpreted as a threat.
God, Jon. What have I done?
“Here, sweetheart. I’m right here. You’re here with me.”
The words seem unable to reach him in this state—he blinks rapidly, staring into something unseen, unheard—his entire body trembling with adrenaline, fear, anticipation…and god knows what else. Aching, aching is Martin’s chest as he watches it all unfold, knowing that there is nothing to do but wait for the flashback to end and hope his suffering is as brief as possible.
“You’re here with me, Jon. You’re safe.”
“S-stop, don’t—touch me!”
Oh, Jon.
A few more seconds of true unawareness—before a bit of movement from his right pulls Martin’s gaze down towards the hand which holds the ice cube. As he begins to roll it around, Martin prays the sensation of it will be enough of an anchor this time, that this will be the end of it. That nothing will launch him back into the panic, just as his breathing begins to slow.  As a precaution, Martin grabs the small vial of lavender oil from the carpet, shoving it into his pocket and out of sight.
“Jon? You back with me?”
“…mmm,” he hums, after a few moments’ delay. His eyes slip closed as he attempts to control his breathing, still running the ice between his fingers while his entire frame trembles.
“Alright,” Martin murmurs, coming to sit cross-legged on the floor in front of him. “I’m right here. I’m not gonna touch you, but I’m right here.”
Eerie stillness hangs heavy in the space between them, all silence save for the shuddering of Jon’s body against the chair and the scant air moving through his lungs. And oh, how Martin wants to reach for him—but knows of course he cannot, not until it’s passed a bit, not until Jon remembers where he is. When he is. It cracks in Martin’s chest, spidering through his heart and lungs the longer the silence holds.
Come back.
Come back.
Come back.
I’m not going to leave you.
“Mmm,” Jon echoes his earlier hum, leg beginning to bounce again, stocking feet curling into the carpet. “I’m—here. Here.”
“Yes, you’re here. Here with me,” Martin breathes, nearly crying with relief as tears begin to slip down Jon’s face. “Do you know where?”
His voice cracks in the middle, forcing a shuddering inhale; a broken sob of an exhale as at last he leans forward, bracing his head in his hands.
“I’m here, love. Home with you.”
“I can’t—” He breaks off to inhale sharply. “Can’t feel my legs, Martin, please—”
“Okay, alright, love. Head between your knees—you’re gonna be alright.”
Jon obliges at once, sinking lower, deepening his breaths, following Martin’s careful pattern toward some semblance of calm. Not quite there, and will not be for some time. The knowledge of it sits heavy in the back of Martin’s throat, and he swallows angrily at it. This is his fault; he should have seen this coming, should have spared a single thought for the wellbeing of his husband and now he cannot even comfort him—
A trembling hand suddenly brushes against his arm, searching. Asking for him—searching for his anchor. After all this time…after everything.
Martin can no longer keep the tears back—and does not want to.
“Oh, darling,” he whispers, pulling Jon into his chest at once, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of his hair. “I’m here. I’m so sorry, love. So sorry.”
“You’re safe. I’m here.”
Jon buries his face into the soft knit of Martin’s jumper at his shoulder, slackening so deeply into his hold that Martin nearly topples over.
“I’m safe,” he echoes, muffled. “You’re here.”
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mediocre--writing · 3 years
Hello again from the anon who sent the first ask about childhood friends Billy crushing on Steve and venting to his mother. You wrote it amazingly, by the way. I would love to see Steve chasing after Billy in the next part, rather than the other way around. Maybe he doesn’t understand why Billy’s been distant and he misses him. I’m not sure if the timeline is accurate but it could be around the time Steve suspects her of having something with Jonathan so he feels very alone and sad and misses his best friend and Billy wants to cry all over again.
part 1 2
billy wakes up the next morning with the weight of his worries pressing into his chest. in comparison, the weight of his secret has been carefully lifted off his shoulders by his mother and was being kept and cradled with the upmost care.
he was left with a list of chores sitting on the dining table and another note reminding him to pick up his extra work from the school.
before even looking a the list of chores, billy did the bare minimum to make himself look ready enough for the day and made his way to the school.
getting his assignments for his last four periods was easy, they were sitting with the receptionist in a little red folder, but his first period, mrs. kelman, hadn’t given hers in yet.
the secretary, being the lazy ass she is, just waved billy through to go to her room and grab the assignments.
her room, of course, was one of the farthest points from the front entrance of the school, so billy power walked most of the way there, wanting to get out of there before he saw someone—a specific someone—and they started asking questions.
knocking on the door once he’d reached it, mrs. kelman came to answer it, muttering something about him being a heathen and a pain in her ass, but billy didn’t care.
because how could he be so dumb? really, you’re friends with a guy your entire life and forget you share the same first period? and you couldn’t wait another thirty minutes to get your assignments?
god, billy wants to shove his finger in the pencil sharpener.
“you’ve got a book?”
billy is staring out the windows of the back of the classroom when he hears mrs. kelman clear her throat, “do you have your book at home?”
with a small cough, billy assures her his copy of the book is at his house. she proceeds to explain the worksheets in detail while handing him, not one, not two, not three, but four packets of work pages he needs to complete ‘by tuesday, if not, i don’t care what you did do, it’s all a zero.’ psycho bitch.
billy, red folder and packets in hand, practically struts out of the classroom before she can come up with any more work to give him.
he’s not yet half way down the hallway when he hears shoes squeaking behind him, his name being called in a voice he really wants to ignore.
“billy, dude, you didn’t answer my calls last night,”
“went to bed early,” billy responded, not caring to turn around or stop walking. nevertheless, steve caught up to him, rushing to block billy’s path.
“well then, talk to me now, what happened yesterday? you haven’t been the same recently, i’m worried,” steve practically begs billy as they finally stop in the hallway.
“i have chores and about fifty pages of work i need to get started on, steve, so if you don’t mind...” billy stepped to walk away but steve grabbed his elbow.
billy’s packets and papers went down to the floor. “ok, i’m sorry about that, but why won’t you talk to me? and what’s with full naming me? you never call me ‘steve!’”
billy bent down to grab at the papers and shove them into his red folder, cradling them in his arms, “well, steve, sometimes people change and you may never know why. maybe they don’t fit in your life the way you thought they did, maybe you finally see the things the way you probably should have seen them all along,” billy scoffed, “have fun at the party tonight, steve,”
as billy walked off, steve felt sick to his stomach. billy was sarcastic and dry most of the time, but never to steve. with steve, there was never the underlying tone of annoyance there was at school and billy never rushed to get away from anyone, at least not this desperately.
steve was off for the rest of the day. it was hard not to notice the constant fidgeting and how he’d stare off into space in gym, the only class he really liked or actively participated in.
by the end of the day, his fifth period (a class he shared with nancy) steve was completely shut down.
wasn’t listening to the teacher or responding to either nancy or tommy’s attempts at getting his attention. he was just thinking about billy. about what he said. how he said it.
that emphasis on how people ‘don’t fit in your life’ and how angry billy was while saying it. how honest the words sounded coming out of his mouth, like he spoke with his entire chest and wanted steve to hear every single word for what it was.
but steve was never good at dissecting literature and hidden meanings, all he knew was what’s at face value.
and billy’s speech at face value was just a message that billy no longer wanted steve in his life. that he had moved on to bigger, better things.
but this, this felt like something his english teacher would scold him for not seeing the depth to.
and steve worried. worried his way through the rest of the day and into the next. worried all through the friday night party and the weekend. worried the monday billy was still suspended.
worried the entire week while billy was back. while billy still wasn’t talking to him or acknowledging him or even fucking looking at him.
steve had thrown himself into nancy that week, been driving her to school and home every day and had taken her on a date twice on school nights.
both times, without realizing, they’d ended up at the diner billy’s mom worked, the one billy would bus tables for in his free time to make a little extra money.
the first day, a tuesday, they’d been served by the diner lady herself, and steve had chatted like they were old friends.
neither mentioned billy, who was clearly seen in the window to the kitchen cleaning dishes.
the second day, a thursday, steve and nancy had come after the movies to get milkshakes. steve got vanilla and nancy got strawberry.
they didn’t see either billy nor his mom that day.
billy was working, though, steve knew because his unmistakable car was parked in its usual spot to the left corner of the building.
steve searched his entire brain, something he’d never done before, to figure out what billy meant.
he wanted to ask someone who knew more about literature than any teacher he’d ever had, but billy was the person he couldn’t ask for help this time.
steve never realized how much he depended on billy for everything. and he means everything.
date ideas for nancy. billy had the best spots.
how to keep nancy smiling. billy had the best pickup lines and corny jokes to make people smile.
keeping steve from not failing his classes. billy was the only person capable of getting through steve’s thick skull.
girl problems and regular teenage angst. billy always knew what people were feeling and how to react.
steve was so dependent on billy and he was absolutely crumbling without him there.
and nancy was frustrated. steve kept spacing out and ignoring her during dates. he wasn’t as charming as before and he was clingier than usual.
‘an absolute nuisance and is acting so desperate’ were her exact words.
this is what she told jonathan byers one night while they sat with their brothers and their friends at the diner after a long afternoon at the arcade.
this is what billy heard while busing tables behind them, unnoticed, before he opened his big mouth.
“done with that?” billy asked with a sickly sweet smile while pointing down at nancy’s empty milkshake glass.
as she made eye contact, her face burned bright red while she tried to control her facial features, “refill?” was the only thing she could squeak out.
billy kept the smile plastered on his face, “‘course!”
he made sure to spit in her stupid strawberry milkshake before he brought it to her.
“do that again and you won’t be working here anymore, boy,” the owner of the diner—benny—whispered to billy while holding onto his upper arm as he walked away from their table.
“yes, sir,” billy said, fake apologetically, because he grinned while walking back to the kitchen.
damn all the money in the world, nancy wheeler was a bitch and deserved her spit-shake.
billy had come to peace with the fact that steve was straight and in love with nancy.
really, steve couldn’t control who he liked.
ok so he was bitter as hell, but it didn’t stop him from being a decent person.
steve, on the other hand, was in the midst of a gay panic—not that he knew what that was. all steve knew was that he missed his billy—
wait when did ‘billy’ become ‘steve’s billy?’
and since when did steve think about billy more than he thought about his girlfriend? especially while he was alone in his house, laying on his bed.
he should be thinking about his girlfriend. his pretty, sweet, incredibly smart, charming, beautiful, blue-eyed—wait! not billy! think about your girlfriend, dumbass, not your best friend!
steve didn’t sleep that night. he stayed up thinking about billy.
about how it had been almost two weeks since he last hung out with billy and over a month since they’d last talked, like actually had a conversation. about how he didn’t even know what his girlfriend was doing this week, even though he knew she told him.
about how he needs to talk to billy.
he needs to figure out why he’s obsolete in billy’s life now. about why they drifted so quick it’s like something shoved a knife between their friendship.
and so, on that sunday morning, while most of hawkins would be out for church, steve drove over to billy’s house, knocking on the door of people who didn’t wake until noon most sundays.
“oh my god,” steve groaned to himself, knocking harder, “open your fucking door, people,”
the door swung open so fast it scared steve a little, almost knocking on a person—billy’s mom.
“hi,” steve gave an innocent smile, though he was met with a grumpy glare.
“why?” she asked desperately, “you know not to come before 12, 10 if it’s an emergency. it’s sunday, the day of rest, and here i am, not resting,”
“i need to talk to billy,”
“yeah,” she nodded, “see, he’s aware that it’s the day of rest, so he’s still sleeping,”
“i don’t care,” steve was stubborn.
she shrugged, “he punches you it’s not my problem. i’ll be resting so scream really loud if he kills you, the neighbors should hear and they’ll call someone for ‘ya,”
she winked at steve as she made her way back to her room, hoping to god that they’d either make up or make out, and she knew she probably wasn’t sleeping anytime soon. these were her boys she was thinking about, after all.
steve walked quick to billy’s door, turning the knob and moving to billy’s bed, sitting on the edge with his hands in his lap.
“i know you heard me knocking,”
“billy,” steve groaned as he shifted to look at billy ‘sleeping.’
“he’s asleep. call again later,”
“you are your mother’s child,” steve snapped jokingly.
“well then she’s a smart lady. go away, steve,” billy pulled his pillow over his head.
“talk to me, billy!”
“why not?”
“he’s sleeping,”
“jesus christ!” steve stood up, pulling the pillow off of billy’s head and hitting him with it repeatedly. “get up and talk to me you brat!”
billy sat up after the second hit, but steve just kept going.
“what is wrong with you!?” billy put his hands over his head, pushing the covers off himself.
“me? what’s wrong with me!?” steve dropped the pillow to his side as he made crazy eyes at billy, “you’ve been ignoring me for the past, like, month!”
“no i have not!” billy pointed his finger at steve as a teacher would a student. “you have been the one attached at the fuckin hip with wheeler, so don’t you say that i’m the issue here!”
“i talked to you all the time!”
“about her!” billy stood so he could look steve in the eyes properly. “i don’t give a shit about her, steve! i really, really do not care about her in any way besides whatever concerns you! so i’m so sorry that i’m not very attentive on your hour long rants about how ‘nice and soft her hair is,’”
“don’t mock me!” steve exclaimed, insulted by billy’s bad impression of him.
“she’s a bitch!” billy yelled.
“don’t call her a bitch!”
“ok.” billy shrugged, “she’s a prissy bitch,”
“go fuck yourself,” steve complained, throwing his head back in annoyance.
“no!” billy yelled, taking a step foreward. “she talks about you behind your back. to byers. says you’re desperate and a nuisance. is that the same girl you’re so in love with, steve? huh!?”
steve’s face fell a little at the accusation and his eyes darted around billy’s room.
“when have i ever lied to you?”
steve was quiet.
billy, in a softer voice, “i’m not lying. i just don’t want you to be all in love and her not feel the same way, you’re not good together,”
steve had shuffled around to sit at billy’s desk. “wow thanks,”
“i’m serious,” billy’s face was kinder, not as harsh, “she’s already all grown up, and you’re not. it’s a good thing, steve. you’re happy and carefree and want to... go skydiving and she just wants to... play mahjong at the retirement home,”
steve cracked a smile but it fell just as quick, “she really said all that?”
“i spit in her milkshake and she drank the whole thing,” billy admitted, leaning against the desk next to steve’s legs.
steve smiled, “‘course you did,”
they sat quietly for a minute, taking in billy’s words and the consequences of them.
“i’ve been really worried about you,” steve admitted. “you ignored me for a week then got into a big fight, which you haven’t done since that one boy made fun of me freshman year, and then you didn’t even act like i was around. thought you hated me after what happened in the hall,”
“don’t hate you,” billy leaned closer to steve, knocking their shoulders together, “could never hate you. just... frustrated, i guess?”
“cause of nancy?”
billy shrugged, “yea—“
steve turned to look at him better, “something else, though,” he stared at billy for quite some time, “your dad didn’t call—“
“no!” billy shut down the idea, “no, it’s not him. he’s lone gone now,”
“then what?”
“it’s no—“
“it’s something,” steve insisted.
for as awful as steve was on his own, all alone with nancy or in school, for as bad as he was at reading people, billy was an open book to him. he knew every tell he had and could almost read his mind.
“yes,” steve was stern.
“no, steve,”
“talk to me,” steve almost begged.
“why do i love you?” steve whispered quietly to himself, making billy’s head shoot up before he remembered that he and steve had been saying ‘i love you’ since two weeks after they met.
“steve, you don’t need to worry about—“
“you?” steve guessed. “i don’t need to worry about you? how is that right when all you do is worry about me?”
“i don’t—“
“you do!” steve had a fire in his heart now, “even when you’re upset with me you’re still a good friend. you still look out for me and spit in my awful girlfriends milkshake while she talks crap about me!
“i don’t get why you do it, billy, because i don’t return it and i didn’t even realize until now!”
“you don’t have to,”
“but i should!” steve was pacing in the middle of billy’s bedroom, “i am the worst to you and you just don’t do anything about it! i love you. i love you so much but i’m such an ass to you and i can’t even—“
“i love you too, steve, we’re there for each other. always have been—“
“no,” steve’s eyebrows went up and he steadied his shaking hands. as he realized it for the first time, steve spoke, “no, i love you, billy,”
billy was frozen.
didn’t move, didn’t breathe, didn’t dare even blink.
it was a dream, it had to be.
“i love you and i want to care about you more than i do. i’m a shitty person as is, but, i want to be there for you like you always have for me,”
“i love you, too,”
“why are you crying?” steve’s eyes widened as he saw the tear tracks down billy’s face, rushing over to wipe them away.
“‘m happy. they’re happy tears,” billy sniffled as he looked up at steve, “promise,”
and they kissed.
steve didn’t even think about nancy. billy didn’t think about the shadow under his door that was most definitely his mom listening in.
they ignored the way it was a really bad kiss, especially for two boys with such reputations that they have, but enjoyed it nonetheless.
billy enjoyed the way steve’s hands pushed his messy curls away from his face and steve enjoyed billy’s hands rubbing his lower back.
they didn’t have to think beyond that moment, didn’t have to worry about a single thing.
their only plans past that moment were for steve to break it off with nancy, then they’d go get chocolate milkshakes and eat cherry pie at the diner.
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neoraso · 4 years
royal guard!minho
requested | some gender neutral hc for how he starts to wish he was maybe more than just a guard to you 
to put things lightly, minho was the ace of your entire guard
like he was better than anyone …at everything
so originally he was on (your father) the king’s immediate guard
he was nothing but professional and saved the king too many times to count even from like stepping on rocks idk 
when you turned like 17 and had to do more public appearances obv u were in a lot more danger so ur father jumped at having minho reassigned to u as the head of your personal guard “nothing but the best for his child”
the first time you met him… he only nodded or said yes or no to everything u asked him n ur jus like ok not much of a talker that’s not so bad ig haha ʕʘ‿ʘʔ
he was so quiet and “polite” for months despite you constantly trying to get something out of him
ur other guards always tried not to laugh bc if only u knew he had like two friends and was generally a pretty serious guy
but one day there was a festival in your kingdom’s central city so obv you had to make an appearance which u were very excited abt bc you only get to go into town like twice a year and THIS was one of those times
being “of age” and that much closer to taking the throne you might as well have painted a big red target on your head to signal people against the throne
everything was going fine, everyone was having fun and you decided to visit some of the booths and musicians around the square
minho was already suspicious of the situation and tightens the rest of your guard without u evenn rlly noticing but like
just as you turned to show these cute little candies to minho to maybe get a reaction for once -
the second he looks at you, someone moves to grab you but the flash of a knife in his other hand causes minho to jump immediately into action
honestly who knows what rlly happened minho moved so damn fast but the next thing you know, ur in the middle of your whole guard squad
looking through the gaps of their shoulders you see minho pinning down your assailant with a blade against his neck waiting for someone to arrest him even though he rlly wanted to just execute the guy right there 
the festivities were kind of killed for u after that bc you and your family were rushed back home which u might’ve been more sad abt if u werent in so much shock :<
obv minho was the one to escort you back but like all he said was “you’re okay?” and after u dumbly nodded with wide eyes he walked with you but kept a hand around your shoulder
no one really talked after that which wasn’t unusual for him but in his mind he was rlly like 
“?? ok i know its literally my job to protect this family but?? hm whyyyy do i seem to care sm more rnnn??//?” help him sdhskjd
u just looked so shaken up and disappointed and suddenly he was like damn </3 they rlly have no fun in their life and this one time they could was ruined :///
u had to stay inside for weeks after that bc it turns out there was a whole conspiracy to “eliminate” your family line so you waited in safety until the criminals were “taken care of” 
minho had everything triple checked around the castle for your safety and secretly made sure you had extra treats and warm drinks sent to your room sometimes with little notes that he had the cook pretend to have sent because lately he’d heard you had trouble sleeping sometimes he’s shy boy aw
he started to realize how much he had gotten used to your smile and your little jokes and the way you sometimes tripped on the corners of rugs. and he thought maybe it was a good thing you guys didnt have many interactions lately because he was way too attached
you on the other hand, couldnt even rlly complain about having to stay inside so much bc you had everything you needed and- you knew it was for ur safety but- it wassss kind of suffocating at times
u tried sneaking out at first ((just to the garden!!)) which obviously was a bad idea bc it’s impossible to get past minhos fcking hawk eyes lmao
he STILL didnt say anything like he would just follow right behind you
n like u kinda huffed but whatever honestly at least it was just him and not 15 other guards like everyone acted like you needed
plus it was somewhat comforting to have someone so solid around even if he never talked smh
one night you sat near the little pond and tried to calm your mind by watching how the moonlight rippled in the water
you can feel him behind you so u just turn around and look at him ignoring how he was already looking at you
 “would you at least sit with me?”
he kind of hesitates bc …what if someone tried to come up behind you? but with the sad look on your face he cant help but give in and sits on the stone bench at the opposite end of you
it becomes actually somewhat peaceful until you just decide to ask everything you’ve been wondering n u just blurt out-
“would it kill you to talk with me once in a while? i mean, talk like a normal person and not a machine? i dont bite i promise..”
he furrows his brow bc he’s shocked you cared at all and also he doesnt rlly know how to respond without being like “its not really in my job description to make conversation” but he honestly just thought you were being talkative out of niceties.
 before he could even form a sentence you continued,
“i mean- i’m always trying to get your attention. i dont get to meet many people for obvious reasons but my guards are the closest people to me-literally, and i dont want there to be a big gap between us just because of my status..”
he cuts you off before you ramble yourself to death 
“i didn’t know you were this troubled by it… i just take my job very seriously and i dont want to risk anyone’s safety for the sake of conversation”
u almost roll ur eyes but not wanting to be rude ur just like “even at home? i know you’re serious about your duties, believe me, i just… i get lonely.”
smthing inside him literally breakkkssss when you say that like u are such a pure and sweet person that deserves to have all the love and friends and fun in the world so he just gets quiet for a second and looks down
“im sorry.” he said it so softly you almost didnt hear him “i’ll be there for you more- if thats what you need. im essentially in charge of your safety and care and i’ll do anything to fulfill that responsibility.”
well this was good right? so why did you still feel unsatisfied?
“i dont want to just be a responsibility, cant we just be like friends? or…”
you cut yourself off before talking too much again
you had to admit to yourself you had developed a bit of a liking for minho, not just because he was probably the most handsome person in your kingdom, not even just because he saved your life, but he had really been a pillar of security in your life and you respected his loyalty and ambition.
he was more than admirable and everything you wanted as a standard for your kingdom
sometimes you let your mind wander to him getting on one knee and leading alongside you..
no, now youre getting sidetracked and delusional and he can practically hear the gears turning in your head so he stands up and reaches his hand out for you to grab 
“of course you’re more than a responsibility to me, come on, lets go inside it’s getting cold.’
taking his hand and realizing the conversation was over, you moved to link arms instead  as he walked you all the way to your bedroom door 
u slept a lot better that night 
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from that point on you could not get rid of minho 
like everyone was borderline uncomfortable with how jarring his change in attitude was 
like he was constantly behind you looking right over your shoulder or grabbing your arm to stop you from bumping into things
even when he wasnt technically on duty he had taken it upon himself to give you little lessons in archery and even some defensive moves to help you protect yourself in case someone wasnt fast enough to help you 
your tried not to get flustered every time he adjusted your form and the way you could feel his breath behind your ear
or the head pats when he walked you to your room at night
or his hand on your back when you guys would take walks in the garden
honestly it did not take long until one night you were sat next to your pond and after some comfortable small talk you noticed how close his face was to yours
but he noticed you didn’t pull away even as he leaned in closer and finally just kissed you
when he pulled away and saw your eyes still closed and how soft you looked his heart almost exploded
“i didnt mean to make things weird i just,, couldnt help myself, sorry”
his rushed confession pulls you out of your daze and you’re so happy (a little shocked) but you’re quick to reassure him
“it’s ok, i’ve been wanting you to do that for a while …”
he’s jus like “rlly?😳”
obviously this complicates things a lot and you aren’t really sure if you would even be allowed to have a relationship with minho bc of ur position
or if he would get in trouble for breaking the rules of attachment to u
all of this is kind of racing thru both of ur minds as you look at each other but you laugh after u both start talking at the same time
you prod him to go first so he grabs your hands and says like
“look i care about you a lot, and i know we’re not really supposed to be doing this but if i can be by your side … beyond my duties…i would really love to. but if we can’t, i can survive with just being here to protect and serve you in anyway i can”
he’s so honest and genuine and earnest it shocked u a little
even tho you were uncertain abt the situation as well you knew you had grown a little too fond and dependent on minho that you would do anything to make it work
luckily an arranged marriage was not required for you so that wasnt really the issue, but falling in love with someone not at all royal..? it was a daunting thought how the idea would be perceived 
you wouldnt have said anything if you both weren’t completely sure of your feelings;  but you really could not imagine being content or safe spending your life with anyone else so you mustered up the courage to ask the king and queen…
when you brought it up to your parents they looked pretty concerned
minho went on the whole “i’ll do anything to protect them and this kingdom” speech and your father just waved him off and was like
“i know u would …. i’ll allow it because there’s really no one better to represent the kingdom and because i want only the best for my child ;)”
u and minho were literally in shock but just quietly said thank u and left the room
when you had privacy he immediately pulled you in for a kiss (maybe several all over ur face)
you had a lot to figure out and many responsibilities but now you had an amazing person by your side to help you through it :.) <3
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pinkispoggers · 3 years
New Girl || Lance Bishop x Fem!Reader
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A/N: PLEASE READ!! ok, there's a few things I need to say before you get to reading. I have an alter named Bishop. He's my co-writer. I have DID. Please, if you don't know what that is, look it up to understand why some of the writing style is different than others. Second. I'm so sorry this took so long to write but that's because I was studying the Aliens script to write this, and had to watch the movie 2 times. 3rd the grammar sucks again and this is like a remake of the movie with a similar plot. I'm so tired but please don't comment about the writing style changing, that's probably Bishop's writing. Anyways please enjoy!
(Oh, and this is like the dumbest plot ever)
Tw: mentions of vomit, profanity, and the word "kill" and small violence, (and some death (gore)) Guns and of course Mr milk guts…
Words: 9.1k
You slowly wake up, yawning before you could notice anything in the room, but when you do, you see him, standing in the doorway, legs crossed and arms crossed, looking down at what you saw to be a plate with (a food you really like) on it. You smile widely. "You didn't have to!" You blush. "I kept my word" He smiled and looked down. You grab the fork as you sit up and dig in.
A few moments later
You finish your meal and he hops in bed with you. You gasp and smile as you hug him tightly, never wanting to let go but you had to if you wanted to kiss him. You smile and smash your lips on his and he kisses you back. You take a breather and he looks at you with care in his eyes. "I love you, Bishop, I just want you to know that." You whisper and he nods "me too Y/n" he smiles and kisses your forehead, putting his forehead on yours.
"I also watered the plant you have." He smiles and you mimic the gesture. "Aw, thank you Bishop" you say. "Do you want to go for a walk?" He asks and you nod. "After I get dressed, I would love to." You blush. You get up from your bed, fully nude. You go to get clothes but within seconds his arms are wrapped around you and his head is buried in your neck once more. But this didn't last long as you had to get dressed. You slip your shirt and pants on. You grabbed your wallet and headed out with him, hand in hand. "Wanna go to the mall?" You ask and he nods.
You hold his hand while you walk from your apartment, to the local park, skipping happily almost all the way there. You reach the flower field and you and him sit down on some soft grass, secluded from everyone else. No one was even at the park, just you and your synthetic boyfriend. You and him lie down on the grass and he does the same. You lie there, not saying a word for a few moments but he breaks the peaceful silence. "It's a beautiful day Y/n, isn't it?" He says and smiles. "It sure is!" You smile wider. He points out some cute shaped clouds and you laugh and point out another.
Without warning, you roll on top of him and he gasps. He looks up at you and smirks. No one is around so you can do whatever you want, but you choose not to. As you lay on his stomach, he flips you over to be on top of you. He kisses you deeply. "I love you Y/n'' he breaths and you smile on his mouth "Same here" you whisper as you continue to kiss him. This only lasts for a few moments as you remember what you said about 30 minutes ago. "We should probably start heading to the mall now." You say and he pushes himself off of you.
He stands up from the soft grass, pointing out one more pretty cloud. You stand and start running and laughing, knowing he is going to follow. He jogs after you, getting closer. You try your best to get away but as soon as you could process things, he scoops you up and swings you around once. You laugh and kiss him once more as he let's you down. You jog with him about 2 blocks to the mall.
You run in through the automatic doors but you pause when you see everything in there, you stop in your tracks. He catches up to you and hugs you from behind. You shake, not expecting that. "Oh, I'm sorry." He says and you grin "it's alright!" You say as you rush into a men's clothing store, and he follows you in. "Ooo oh! Bishop look!" You call to him and point to a black and gray striped shirt. "It looks… really nice!" He says and you smile and kiss him "wanna buy it?" You ask "Sure! You brought your wallet?" He asks and you nod. You also grab a few pairs of sweatpants and formal clothing. You head to the register and he goes to the other side of the shop and crosses his arms, waiting for you to finish paying.
As you finish paying and grabbing your bags, he grabs one from you, and you know he's trying to help and you smile. "May i?" He asks "Yes you may." You blush and you head out to other stores.
3 hours later
You call a Taxi and head home with what seemed to be a million bags. You were surprised that you could carry that much with his help of course. You arrive home at dawn, but there are 2 big black cars outside your apartment. "Y/n, I'm being pinged." He says slowly. You're so confused "pinged?" You ask and you don't even notice the large pair of hands grabbing you, and another set, Bishop. He doesn't say anything, but you are screaming for him. You get out of the pathetic grip of the person behind you, only to go up and hug Bishop, knowing what you have to do. The person doesn't try to grab you back so this is the perfect opportunity. You reach up and snatch the chip out roughly and put it in your pant pocket. No one noticed.
After you do that the hands pull you back and you don't say a word, knowing that you have him in your pocket, instead, you smile. The person escorts you up to your apartment, but while you were walking, you thought, how did they know he was here? The car he came in? Maybe, you had no clue. When you get inside you smile at the now known man that led you in and he just walks away "bitch" you mutter. You get in and immediately get a phone call. You rush to get your phone. It says WEYLAND-YUTANI CORPS. You honestly don't want to answer but you do.
It's a nice woman, asking how your day has been and how it goes now. "Listen Y/n, to cut to the chase, we need you on another mission. Hadley's Hope isn't responding. Again." She said and you sigh, barely wanting to do it, but you knew you would have the same crew, Bishop, Hicks, Apone, Hudson and more so you of course said yes and hung up without saying goodbye.
It's getting late so you head off to bed, only dreaming of Bishop, and wishing he was there, in bed with you.
2 days later and it's time to head into Cryosleep. You lie, not caring who was with you, but only caring about the journey ahead.
3 weeks later, sleeping peacefully with no interruption.
You rise from your chamber, slow and easy. You overhear a tiny conversation between Drake and an unnamed female, just before you feel the need to vomit all over the place, and you almost do, but you control yourself. You sit up and drag your heavy legs over the bedside and you see someone you know and love… or well, the same model you guessed. Bishop. You blush, but before you know it, that smile on your face turns into a frown.
You know it's him, and you know it's his same model, because he is the only synthetic of his line, named Bishop, which you could see on a screen in the far corner of the room. Your face flowers into a smile once more as you flood over with happiness. You were also happy because you were part of the team. You stand, in your underwear and a tank top and you hear Hudson and Apone fighting? If you could call it that.
You notice an unfamiliar woman staring at Bishop with a glint in her eyes. Something like… love? You get a rush of anger deep in your heart but you pay it no mind as you slip by them and rush over to your locker, just remembering what was inside. The chip. You grab that and your flight suit and move to the cafeteria.
You sit next to someone new today, a curly headed woman with light skin and beautiful eyes. You try to spark up a conversation but she doesn't answer. "Ok then" you snort. You look over to a sudden loud noise that is Hudson screaming. Bishop is playing the knife game with him of course. Why would he be screaming? It ends soon with a "Thank you" from the artificial person himself. He goes to sit down right next to the women you were trying to talk to, which was right across from you. You noticed the same woman from the locker room staring at Bishop. Her face was angry, probably because she didn't get to sit next to him, you thought. But again, you pay it no mind and try to ignore it.
"I thought you never missed, Bishop." Burke said with a scoff in his voice. The woman next to him was startled for a second, but her facial expression turned into a mix between shock and anger. "You never said an android was on board. Why not?" She said. "It never occurred to me." Burke replied. "It's common practice to have synthetic on board." He said calmly but Bishop's face turned into a slight frown, but then a smile as he said "I prefer the term "artificial person" myself." You were going to say something to Burke, to remind him that before Bishop said anything. "Right." Burke said with a nasty smile. "Is there a problem?" Bishop worried "I'm sorry." Burke breathed. "I didn't even... Ripley's last trip, the syn... The artificial person...malfunctioned." Burke said with a tone of worry in his voice.
"- Malfunctioned?" Ripley said, a bit surprised. "Ripley," you whispered and no one heard. Such a nice name, you thought. "There were problems and… a few deaths were involved." Burke lamented. Bishop opened his lips slightly, to come off as "I'm shocked." He turned to look at Ripley, then back at Burke. "Was it an older model?" Bishop asked. "Yeah. The Hyperdyne Systems 120-A-2." Burke answered and Bishop closed his lips and within seconds, "The A-2s always were a bit twitchy. That could never happen now with our behavioural inhibitors. It is impossible for me to harm, or allow to be harmed, a human being." He goes on, turning to Ripley, tray in hand "You sure you don't want some?" He asked.
As soon as he offered, she slapped the tray out of his hand and everyone in the room turned to look. You were surprised she had snapped. Maybe she wasn't so friendly after all. "Just stay away from me, Bishop. You got that straight?" She said angrily and he got up to go sit by the woman that was looking at him before and you sighed deeply, a spark of jealousy perking up in you. You turned your head to see her sparking up a conversation. You want to move but you don't want anybody to get suspicious of your intentions with him so you sit quietly, not eating any of the cornbread he had offered you earlier.
After Breakfast
You rush over to a few boxes where you wait for everyone to pile in. Ripley is standing in front of them with another Marine and Apone. Ripley is talking about our mission, going back to Hadley's Hope because they weren't responding… again but you barely listen. Only looking at that Bitch and Bishop together in the back, laughing together. You were furious now. But then you remembered that you had the chip. He would only love you, and nor her. He's loyal, right?. As Ripley finishes talking, you are still staring at him and the woman, until she and Apone motions everybody to move out.
You move to the back rooms, where you thought you were gonna be alone but as soon as you open the door, you honestly weren't surprised. It was Bishop and the girl. You are furious. They were sitting there, laughing at each other's jokes and things like that. "Excuse me?" You say and they notice you are there, her, holding in a laugh. Bishop got up and walked over to you. "Hello, I don't think we've met! I'm Bishop" He says softly. "I know" you say angrily. "Did I do something wrong?" He asks and you smile and stare dead at her. "No honey" you say, suddenly changing your tone, but still staring at her.
"Um…" She whispered "What the fuck" she said as her face contorted into a angry frown, but before she could say anything else, Apone barged in. "What is going on in here?!" He asks but before you or the girl could say anything, Bishop speaks. "Oh, I'm just introducing myself to Y/n and hanging around with Diana." Diana. Her name was Diana. Before you could even think of anything else, you thought of saying "Diana, more like Die-Ana" and you burst out with laughter. "What is so funny Y/n?" Apone asks, very seriously and you simply reply with "Oh nothing" and you slip past him, happy you made that bitch mad.
You overhear Apone telling Diana to get back to work and stop fucking around with the artificial person and you snicker under your breath. "Fuck" you mumbled, knowing that you still had the chip, but wondering what you were going to do when the time came to put it in. You see Ripley and you walk up to her slowly. "Hi!" You accidentally raise your voice and she shouts, turning around and shaking a bit. "Oh, I'm sorry if I scared you, I'm Y/n, you need anything?" You ask and she smiles gently "I'm sorry about what happened a little bit before this, I guess I just wasn't in the mood, I'm Ripley, and I don't need anything but thank you. And tell Bishop I'm sorry." She went on and you smiled.
"Yeah I can do that!" You say and she smiles widely.
30 mins later
Everything is in place and Apone is raising his voice for everybody to head into the M577 Armored Personnel Carrier, and you complied. You see Bishop heading in first and you, last. You strap into your seat next to Hicks and right across from Diana. You give her a mean stare and she catches your eyes. You try to start a convo with Hicks but he's asleep. "Well." You whisper, and the carrier heads off with a "Rodger!" From Bishop and you head out. The carrier pulls into a drop ship and they dive down into space, heading for LV-426, Hadley's Hope.
You set down on the planet and you feel sick from all the turbulence but you hold back your vomit. Apone rushes everyone to hop out and head in and you do as he said. Diana is a marine and you are a science officer, so is Bishop. You hide back with Bishop for a moment and Diana just stares at you "Well Marine, do as Apone says." You laugh and she growls at you like a fucking animal and you cringe as you look at Bishop with a smile and he smiles back, not processing what just happened. His mind is on something else, you thought.
You head in, walking and talking with him, having a pretty good conversation about life in general and how his goal in his "life" was to learn and grow more! It was very intriguing. "Oh! You remember Ripley right?" You ask "Well how could I not? I mentally cannot forget unless my memories are deleted." He said and you laugh "I know that silly. Well anyway, she said she was sorry for flipping out on you." You exclaim and his face lights up with a smile.
"Ah, thank you for telling me!" He says with a smile that could light up any room and it makes you blush. "I have a surprise for when we get inside, it has to be somewhere private." You whisper and his face lights up. "So… sex?" He whispers back. "When did you get such a dirty mind?!" You laugh. "So not what I'm thinking." He asks so politely "nope, definitely not" you smile. You head in, holding his hand all the way in, but you feel as if something or someone is watching you. When you make it to where the marines are and they are trying to catch something? A little… girl? You had no clue but they were very scared and you offered to help but it seemed like no one heard you.
You and Bishop head back and wait outside for the marines to come back. You start up a conversation with him and as soon as you know it, you are having a laugh with him, a light hearted talk with him, and you could tell it made him so happy that someone was treating him like he was a "human". You made him feel welcome, that was all he ever wanted. "So, Bishop, what was your early life like?" You ask and he smiles.
"Well I'm glad you asked! When I was… say, "born", all I remember was standing on a shute, and a beautiful woman on a keypad in front of me was murmuring something in another language. I said "Hello" but she wouldn't answer me back." He said with a frown. This seemed to be a slightly hard story for him to tell but you were intrigued. He sensed that and kept telling you the story. "Well, when she did answer, and after I asked some questions, mainly about the shute I was standing on, she got… worried? At Least that's what my database was telling me. She thought I was too curious? I don't know, but she told me about how the shute led to something that would disassemble malfunctioning Artificial persons like me." He went on and you felt sorry. He could have gone to that "room".
"Then she told me to walk into a room that had others like me, my same model. An artificial person named Rook greeted me. He told me the others were named Castle, King, and Knight." He said and you cut him off "someone likes chess!" You laugh and he mimics your gesture. "That's what I said!" He said and you laughed harder. "I was in my skin only. They gave me clothing and I pulled it on. They all pinged me to sit down on a long white couch, but I didn't. The room was all white too. They were like... brothers?" He exclaimed
"and why didn't you sit down?" You ask and he smiles "simply because I didn't want to." "But…" you stop and he takes that as a green light to speak "I'm just… different, maybe broken." He said and you frowned and hugged him. "You aren't broken, but you are very different, and that's what we love about you." "Thank you Y/n" he says as you hear faint screaming from inside the building.
"What was that?" You ask and he shrugs "I think it's better to wait here." He says. "People could be dyi-" you try to get out but before you could make out the rest of the words, the carrier came rolling out from inside the building and you screamed and Bishop grabbed you, careful not to hurt you, and quickly pulled you to the side so you wouldn't get hit. "Are you ok?!" He asks and you nod.
"We need to call a fuckin dropship, NOW!!" Hicks yells and you get a wave of anxiety. Ripley comes rushing out of the Carrier and you run up to her, leaving Bishop behind. "Ripley what is going on?!" You shout. "Those fucking aliens. We need a dropship!" She shouts back and you panic. Aliens? What the fuck was she talking about. You knew now that you should've listened to the speech she gave instead of worrying about Bishop.
You hear Burke and Hudson squabbling about something dumb, but you don't pay it any mind. You turn around and your eyes widen. Diana is in the middle of hugging Bishop, and looking right at you. Fuck you, you wanted to say but that would be unprofessional so you just stuck your middle finger towards her and she laughed. Oh, you were gonna get this bitch later.
About an hour later
You could see the dropship coming in close but something was wrong. It was a bit wobbly? It was coming in hot, and definitely not normal. You start running, and so does everyone else. Everything is coming down off of the ship and you cry out for everyone to move. You get out of the way, grabbing Bishop from Diana and rolling behind a rock with him, hugging him to protect him, and you. "Y/n, I'm ok!" He gasps out "Ok good!" You smile widely. "What the fuck are we gonna do now?" Somebody called. "Why don't we start a fire, and sing some songs!" Burke said annoyingly. "Shut the fuck up Burke" you call and his face turns to a frown and he shuts up.
It's been twenty minutes since everything had happened and Ripley motions you into a big base, with the little girl in hand, but before you could follow her in, "where were you Diana?" Hicks raises his voice at her. "We were all looking for you." He snaps. You had had a gut feeling that she was watching you and Bishop, but you didn't know if that was true, but you were going to assume it was. "She was watching me and Bishop." You blurt out and she rips her gaze away from Hicks and over to you. She gives you a glare and then looks back over to Hicks. "I swear I wasn-" she tried to say but he cut her off "I don't want to hear it. Let's go everyone!"
Diana rips Bishop's hand from yours and… kisses him, hard where no one but you sees. You could tell he was surprised, and had no say in this. You felt bad for him, but at the same time, you were fucking furious with her. It wasn't a competition for his love, but if he wanted to compete, you would gladly compete, and you knew you would win. You had the chip, and she didn't. You run in, looking back and winking at Bishop and he just smiles.
Bishop walks with Diana, and you behind into the building, having a chat. He parts ways with her to go into a room with the rest, but you head to what looks like the lab you guys were in last time you were here. You overhear Bishop talking, saying that he was heading to the mad lab. You make it there first and are already standing over the face hugger that Bishop was in the middle of dissecting, and right next to it, where you had the second best sex of your life. "Y/n?" A voice whispers. "Bishop!" You say and he smiles and comes over to hug you. This is the time! Now! You think and you reach to hug him.
Your hands slowly reach up to his neck and right before he can do anything, the chip is out. He's pretty much lifeless, not moving, but blinking. It was unsettling, but you had to do it, to get him back. You grab the chip from your pocket and slide it in the slot and he begins to power up. His eyes shut hard, and then open like the first time. His eyes, flawlessly human-like. When he opens his eyes, "Y/n!" He says as he goes in for a kiss and you let him. He backs off to speak "where are we?!" He asks and you smile and fill him in.
After you do, he stares blankly at something behind you. "Bishop?" You ask and he motions his eyes towards you. He slowly closes you into a corner and you get a wave of anxiety. "Bishop!?" You call out as his hands gently push you against the wall. You were already so touch starved so you didn't mind, but at the same time, you were scared, not knowing his intentions. "Now where were we?" He asked and chuckled. "Oh, so you want to have sex I'm guessing?" You whispered "Yes. Are you ok with this?" He asks "of course, but please ask before you make a move." You laugh.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I should have asked, I didn't mean to scare you!" He says with a sorry tone. "No, no, it's alright!" You laugh it off. "Ah ok!" He says with a smile. He pulls his arm from your chest and starts to pull his flight suit down. Once he gets it all down, yours is next. He unzips it and pulls it down with smooth, efficient movements with a little help from you of course. He grabs your legs and hoists them up to behind his head, now he's right in front of your heat. You are a little anxious even though you know he's seen you. You are also anxious because of the watching eyes you felt when you were outside with him and you weren't exactly comfortable with people watching you.
He pulls you closer to him as he leaves kisses along your thighs as he gets closer to you. When he reaches your sex, he leaves one gentle kiss on the top of your cunt. His tongue suddenly delved into you and he started pacing around your clit, making you shake. You reach for his hair while convulsing slightly, grabbing it and forcing his head towards you. His tongue speeds up against your clit, and you try your best not to shake anymore then you are already shaking.
"B- Ahh!!" You cry out. He takes this as a sign to go to the perfect pace, a pace that sent you to heaven. "Im-" you cry "please" He says, smiling on you. You burst out with moans of ecstasy. His tongue slows down, as he notices that's what you need. As you are coming down from your high, he's still working on you, but now, teasing you with two fingers right above your entrance. You noticed what he was doing as soon as you could see straight. "Please" you whine and with sudden moments, his fingers are in you, slowly pumping in and out, curling as they do.
"Mfh!" You cry out and he speeds up, but then stops suddenly. "Bishop?" You ask and he turns his head suddenly. "I heard something," He says. "Please continue" you say softly and he lowers you to hip level. "Shit Bishop" you moan as you look at his perfect shaft. He lines himself up with you, smearing pre cum all over you to lube you before he thrusts into you. As he's holding you with strong arms, your arms go over his head and he snaps his hips into you at an alarmingly fast speed. "AH!" You scream out.
"I love you Y/n" he says softly and the butterflies that were in your stomach were fluttering around fast. "I love you too!" You smile. He starts off with an achingly slow pace and you arch your back as best as you can. He uses the power of his upper body to lift you up and down on his cock, while still trusting at a normal pace now. He takes one arm off of your hips to finger your clit. "Ohhhh" you moan. You are a moaning mess under him, but you still hold onto yourself as best as you can.
He's leaving kisses wherever he can, mostly sucking on your neck to leave Hickeys, noticeable ones. "Faster!" You shout and he complies. He's thrusting into you at animalistic speeds and you are literally living your sexual dreams. "OoOH!" You moan and he smiles "you like this don't you" he asks and you nod while shaking in front of him. He licks a trail of artificial saliva up your neck and gently bites your ear and you scream out, gripping him, hard.
"Mmh" He grunts. "You feel amazing" He says as his head rolls back. You blush. "L- Let's change positions!" You call out and he slides you off of his shaft, gently. You point to a small mattress that definitely wouldn't fit both of you but you had an idea. He carried you bridal style over to the bed and to your surprise, flipped you so that you were facing the wall, stomach on the bed. "Like this?" He asked "exactly" you smile and he lines himself up and pushes in.
He continues his thrusts, very fast, but it stops suddenly. "Bishop?! What's wrong?" You ask, a little mad, but it's hard to be mad at him. He's not usually like this unless he thinks someone is in danger, or if he hears something. Then you hear it, small footsteps. "Shit," you mutter and he pulls out of you, concerningly slow and just stands there, awkwardly. You get up fast and try to cover yourself with a nearby blanket, quickly wrapping it around yourself as a figure steps in the room. "You BITCH" The figure says as she makes herself clear. Diana. Of course it has to be fucking Diana. Your face switches from panic to a shit eating grin. Not even giving a shit that she just caught you having sex with him, but that you won him over completely, like it was a game.
"Awwww are you mad Diana?" You ask and she just looks at you like she's ready to kill you, but with tears brimming her lashes. You started to walk towards her but Bishop grabbed your arm "Please Y/n, don't." He says, not exactly knowing what you were going to do. "Please" He says with a reassuring voice and you decide to stay back. Tears were falling down her face, but she was also angry. Diana runs away down the hall and out of sight. "Are you ok?" Bishop asks. "Yeah! I'm fine" you shake off what just happened with a smile. His hand lands on the wall behind your head "would you like to continue where we left off?" He asks and you shake your head no. He frowns, but he understands.
You slip under his hand and he doesn't stop you. You slip on your clothes and start a long conversation with him about what had been going on when he was gone. It's been 4 hours with you both trying to dissect a facehugger, which is quite a pain then you hear a buzzing in his ear. "they are pinging us over." He says. When you get there, Ripley is with Hudson and Vasquez fooling around and joking. Bishop went over to Ripley as she motioned him to.
"Now let me get this straight.
The aliens paralyzed the colonists, carried them over there, cocooned them to be hosts for more of those…" Ripley points at the stasis cylinders containing the face-hugger specimens. "Which would mean lots of those parasites, right? One for each person...over a hundred at least." She asked
"Yes. That follows." Bishop says "But these… things come from eggs...so where are all the eggs coming from?" Ripley asks and pauses "That is the question of the hour. We could assume a parallel to certain insect forms who have hivelike organization. An ant of termite colony, for example, is ruled by a single female, a queen, which is the source of new eggs." He says.
"You're saying one of those things lays all the eggs?" Ripley asks.
"Well, the queen is always physically larger than the others. A termite queen's abdomen is so bloated with eggs that it can't move at all. It is fed and tended by drone workers, defended by the warriors. She is the center of their lives, quite literally the mother of their society." Bishop runs on. "Could it be intelligent?" She asks.
"Hard to say. It may have been blind instinct...attraction to the heat of whatever...but she did choose to incubate her eggs in the one spot where we couldn't destroy her without destroying ourselves. That's if she exists, of course." Bishop says plainly. Ripley ponders the ramifications of Bishop's analysis. Ripley rises "I want those specimens destroyed as soon as you're done with them. You understand?"
Bishop glances at the creatures, pulsing malevolently in their cylinders. "Mr. Burke has instructions that they were to be kept alive in stasis for return to the company labs. He was very specific." Bishop says and Ripley feels the fabric of her self-restraint tearing. She slaps the intercom switch. "Burke!" She calls out and you look over at Bishop with a grin "He's in deep shit" you laugh and he laughs with you.
Everyone leaves the room so you and Bishop are alone, making things… well you can't say awkward. He walks over to you slowly. "Do you need something?" You ask but he doesn't answer. He reaches you and a hand crosses your neck, to the wall behind you like before. Then he twitches suddenly. "Bishop what's wrong?!" You call out but he doesn't answer. You try to push him away, but he won't budge, and then his eyes go blank and you can finally push him off of you. You stand behind him, clueless to what is happening. "Shit" you murmur. Then it hit you.
You reach up to the back of his neck and pull the chip out and he stands straight, not moving. You had to be quick about this though, for people might walk in. You rush over to get a hot glue gun from the side of the room as it seemed like it had everything in it. You grab the gun and start to try to fix the growing tear in the chip. Once you are done with that, you walk over to him but you feel that you are being watched… again. You turn around suddenly but there's no one there. "Ok…" you whisper but then a small hand grabs your shoulders and spins you around, just to slap you.
"Excuse me!" You shout at the person in front of you. It's obviously Diana, because who else would slap you that hard? "What the fuck is wrong with you, you whore!" She screams. You have no words, or any before she said something else. She looks over at Bishop, terrified. "What the fuck did you do? I watched you!" She calls out. "Why the fuck were you "watching" there's something seriously wrong with you Diana." You say calmly. "Nothing is wrong with me Y/n, it's you being a whore that's wrong with you." She said angrily as she stomped over to the lifeless artificial person like a child. "How am I a whore when I made love to him, and only him?"
"Well… i- ya know what, I'm gonna tell everyone that you slept with him" she smiled well she observed him. "Ok?" You pause "I couldn't give two fucks if you did or not… honestly" you give her a shit eating grin, practically begging her to tell everyone, knowing they aren't gonna give a fuck, so you let her. She leaves and you get back to what you were doing. You were supposed she didn't give a shit about what you were doing to him, or how you were helping him. You've been hiding the chip behind you while Diana was acting like a toddler. You go over to him and put it in, having to reach past his soft hair.
He powered up again and turned around, looking sad. "What's wrong hun? What's that look for?" You ask and giggle. "I'm sorry, it was an error in the chip. I'm trying to fix it." He smiled. You go up to kiss him and he gently lays his lips on yours for a moment then let's go and his hands, especially one finger, vibrates. You worry. He never shakes like that. "What's up with your hand?" You ask and he shakes his head with a frown. "My sexual functions are simulating rubbing you off. I'm sorry." He says and you almost snort "I'm sorry, so you're telling me you could have used that when we were fucking?! Woah, that's actually really cool." You say, louder than intended. "Well, next time tell me and I can." His smile widens and you nod.
"Shit!" You say and he turns his head back at you "I filled you in about what's going on right now, and why they need you right now? Right?" You ask. "Affirmative" He smiles. "Well let's go! Vamonos!" You say and he follows you out.
Ripley and Hudsons side
Mixed with the echoing crash-clang is a nerve-wrecking SCREECH of claws on steel. The intercom buzzes, startling them. "Bishop here. I'm afraid I have some bad news." He says over the coms. "Well, that's a switch," Hudson laughs.
You walk into the room with Bishop and he goes over to the window where Ripley and Hudson stand. You stand over to the side, just watching them. You overhear the conversation. It's hard not to listen.
"That's pretty Bishop, but what are we looking at" Ripley asks "That's it. See it? Emergency venting." Bishop answers as you see big blueish steam rising from outside somewhere. "How long until it blows?" Ripley asks "I'm projecting total systems failure in a little under four hours. The blast radius will be about thirty kilometers. About equal to ten megatons." Bishop runs on.
Before anyone could say anything more, Diana rushes in. The fuck does she want, you thought. "Do you need anything?" Ripley sighs. "She fucked him!!" Diana called out. "Who fucked who?" Hudson asked, confused. "Y/n" she breathed hard. You can tell she ran here. "She fucked Bishop" she panted and Hudson looked shocked. "Y/n…?" He said quietly. "C,mhere!" He shouted as he raised his fist for a fist bump and you did, and gave him one, while smiling from ear to ear.
"You gotta tell me about it when we get back!" Hudson said and you laughed and shook your head "Nah, I'd rather not" you smile and look back at Diana. Ripley just smiled, glad for you, but seeming stressed at the moment. Diana was furious, thinking all of them would be mad, and you, humiliated. Vasquez was also smiling. "We got problems." Hicks calls "I don't fucking believe this." Hudson says and you roll your eyes. "Do you believe this?" Hudson replies to himself "And it's too late to shut it down?" Ripley asks, not paying any attention to Hudson. "I'm afraid so. The crash did too much damage. The overload is inevitable, at this point." Bishop says.
"Oh, man. And I was gettin' short, too! Four more weeks and out. Now I'm gonna buy it on this fuckin' rock. It ain't half fair, man!" Hudson exclaims "Hudson, give us a break. They watch as another gas jet lights up the fog-shrouded landscape. "We need the other drop-ship. The one on the Sulaco. We have to bring it down on remote, somehow." Ripley says, looking at Hicks
"How? The transmitter was on the APC. It's wasted." Hudson cries. "I don't care how! Think of a way. Think of something." Ripley paces "Think of what? We're fucked." Hudson cries out again in-between some "Shut up"s from Hicks. "What about the colony transmitter? That up-link tower down at the other end. Why can't we use that?" Hicks asks "I checked. The hard wiring between here and there was severed in the fighting." Bishop answers.
Ripley is wound up like a dynamo, her mind spinning out options, grim solutions. "Well then somebody's just going to have to go out there. Take a portable terminal and go out there and plug in manually." Ripley says to which Hudson's face turns grim. "Oh, right! Right! With those things running around. No way." He says and you could hear someone muttering something, then they spoke up. "I'll go." Bishop says quietly. "What?" Ripley asks "I'll go" Bishop repeats himself.
"I'm really the only one qualified to remote-pilot the ship anyway. Believe me, I'd prefer not to. I may be synthetic but I'm not stupid." Bishop smiles for a moment, seeming to be proud of himself. "All right. Let's get on it. What'll you need?" Ripley asks. You turn your head away and walk with them into a med lab.
Vasquez and Hicks
"Listen." Vasquez shushes. It's stopped. They listen. Nothing. An instant later comes the high pitched shrilling of a motion-sensor alarm. Hicks looks at the tactical board. "Well, they're into the complex." Hicks says plainly
One of the acid holes from the colonists' siege has yielded access to subfloor conduits. Bishop lying in the opening, reaches up to graph the portable terminal as Ripley hands it down to him. He pushes it into the constricted shaft ahead of him. She then hands him a small satchel containing tools and assorted patch cables, a service pistol and a small cutting torch. "This duct runs almost to the up-link assembly. One hundred eighty meters. Say, forty minutes to crawl down there. One hour to patch in and align the antenna. Thirty minutes to prep the ship, then about fifty minutes flight time." Bishop goes on. "Great" you sigh and he looks back at you with a grin. "Wanna come along?" Bishop asks and you nod
Ripley looks at her watch. "It's going to be closer. You guys better get going." "See you soon, C’mon Y/n!" he says cheerfully as he squirms into the shaft, pushing the equipment along ahead of him with a scraping rhythm. The diameter of the conduit is barely larger than the width of his shoulders. Then you get in, doing the same. Vasquez slides a metal plate over the hole and begins spot welding it in place. Bishop and you look back as the welder seals you guys in. He sighs fatalistically and squirms forward. Ahead of him the conduit dwindles straight to seeming infinity. Like being in the bore of a very long Howitzer. You say nothing as you crawl along.
When you finally make it there, it's very windy and cold, lightning everywhere.
hunched against the wind at the base of the telemetry tower. He has a test-bay panel open and the portable terminal patched in. His jacket is draped over the keyboard and monitor unit to protect it from the elements and he is typing frenetically. "Now, if I did it right…" He whispers to himself He punches a key marked "ENABLE." And the ship is off
10 mins later
"Bishop, you read me? Come in, over." A voice says through the coms, it's Hicks. There is a long pause then Bishop's voice, almost unintelligible with interference, comes over the radio. "Yes, I read you. Not very well... " Bishop replys.
Bishop is huddled against the base of the telemetry mast, out of the wind which is now gusting viciously. "The ship is on its way. ETA about sixteen minutes. I've got my hands full flying…" Bishop raises his voice over the coms. the weather's come up a bit. Bishop's fingers are blurring over the terminal keys and he squints, watching the screen as the flight telemetry updates rapidly. In the b.g. the AP station has become a raging demon, wreathed in boiling steam and electrical discharges. "All right, stand by there. We're on out way. Over." Hicks says and he's out.
You turn to Bishop, wind almost blowing your face away, a single tear falling down your face, and a smile on your lips. You started a nice conversation with him, telling him what happened while he was gone, or dormant. "So you're telling me this other Bishop told you about the time I was "born"?" He said, barely audible over the high winds. "Yep, all of it." You yell over the winds. He seemed surprised, he knew he would have told you if you had asked and laughed.
"Shit, we gotta go, it's gonna be here soon" you say and you rush out of there.
Drop-ship two descends toward the landing grid, side-slipping in hurricane gusts. Bishop stands, guiding it with the portable terminal. The ship sets down hard. Slides sideways. Stops. Bishop turns as Ripley and Hicks stumble out of a doorway in the colony building behind him. He goes to them, helping to support Hicks and they run toward the ship, buffeted by the gale. Ripley shouts, her words barely audible over the wind. "HOW MUCH TIME?" Ripley yells "PLENTY! TWENTY-SIX MINUTES!" Bishop answers. "WE'RE NOT LEAVING!" Ripley says and Bishop's facial expression is… from what you can see, confused. "WE'RE NOT?"
You step to Bishop's side once again. "Where is everyone?" You ask, trying to be as calm as possible "Dead. Let's go." Ripley said with a flat tone.
The loading ramp deploys and they run into the ship. An infernal engine, roaring out of control. Steam blasts and swirls, lightning zaps around the superstructure and columns of gas thunder hundreds of feet into the air. You look up in astonishment. If you had more time, you would have stayed and stared at it, but you had no time for that.
Ripley finishes winding tape around a bulky object and drops the roll. She has crudely fastened a M-41A assault rifle together, side by side, with a flamethrower. A massive, unwieldy package of absolute firepower. Her movements are precise...determined. She works rapidly, snatching magazines, grenades, belts and other gear from the fully stocked ordnance racks of the drop-ship.
Bishop comes out from the pilot's compartment to help Hicks dress his injuries. Hicks is laid out in a flight seat, the contents of a field medical key, strewn around him. He's out of the game...contorted with pain. "Ripley…" Bishop sighs "She's alive. They brought her here and you know it." Ripley says "in seventeen minutes this place will be a cloud of vapor the size of Nebraska." Bishop sighs again. Ripley is stuffing gear rapidly into a satchel, her hands flying. "Hicks, don't let him leave." Ripley eyes Bishop "We ain't going anywhere." Hicks said, grimacing in pain. Ripley runs down the ramp, crossing the platform to the open doors of a large freight elevator. The doors close.
You felt really bad for him, standing over him. He was one of your friends. You went to go stand out on the bridge of the drop-ship. "What the fuck?" You ask yourself as a small figure approaches the dropship. "Diana, what-" you try to make out the figure and sure enough, it's her. "Oh fuck" you blurt out. "What's up?" Hicks says painfully. "It's Diana" you sigh as you see her flap her arms in the air to try to get your attention. "I'd- I'd say shut the damn door, but that would be rude" Hicks tried to laugh. When she reached the bridge, she hopped on and ran straight to Bishop, who was still treating Hicks's wounds. She tried to hug him but he gently pushed her off.
"What's wrong hun?" She says. "What? Please don't call him that." You say, trying not to get annoyed. You could tell Hicks was enjoying this squabble since he was not trying to break it up. "I can call him whatever I want." She said as she walks up to you and slaps you for the second time today. "Fuck you" you say softly and punch her square in the bridge of her nose and she passed out right away. "Y/n!?" Bishop called. "Holy shit" Hicks said and you just smiled as she's laid out on the floor.
Bishop rushes up to the pilot's chamber and starts the ship. "What are you doing?!" You yell "the platform is getting unstable!" He calls back to you. "But Ripley?" You say and you get no answer.
30 minutes later
You just sit in your seat, Diana still passes out and you sigh "Damn, this bitch." Bishop let's down the ship and you gasp. The doors open and Ripley and the girl run in
Ripley leaps into a seat with the girl, cradling her. Begins strapping in. Bishop wrestles with the controls. The landing legs retract, ripping free. Ripley slams her seat harness latches home. "Ripley!" You say as she turns her head to you and then Diana. "Shit, what happened?" She asked and you told her everything and she just sat there with no words.
"Punch it Bishop!" She called
The entire lower level of the station disappears in a fireball. The air vibrates with intense heat waves and concussion. The drop-ship engines fire. Ripley is slammed back in her seat. The ship vaults out and up, Bishop standing it on its tail, pouring on the gees. Ripley and Newt see everything shake into a blur.
30 minutes later
Diana finally woke up, just staring at you the whole way to the Sulaco, probably not knowing what happened.
Bishop stands behind Ripley as she kneels beside a comatose Hicks. "I gave him a shot, for the pain. We'll need to get a stretcher to cart him up to medical." Bishop says. Ripley nods and, picking up the little girl, precedes Bishop down the aisle to the loading ramp. "I'm sorry if I gave you a scare but that platform was just becoming too unstable…" Bishop continues as they move down the ramp. "I had to circle and hope things didn't get too rough to take you off." He says. Ripley turns to him, stopping part way down the ramp. She puts her hand on his shoulder. "You did okay, Bishop." Ripley says. "Well, thanks, I-"
He notices a tiny innocuous drop of liquid splash onto the ramp next to his shoe. SSSSSS. Acid. Something bursts from his chest , spraying Ripley and you with milk-like android blood. It is the razor-sharp scorpion tail of the alien queen. Driven right through him from behind. Bishop thrashes, seizing the protruding section of tail in his hands, as it slowly lifts him off the deck. Above them the Queen flowers from its place of concealment among the hydraulic mechanisms inside one landing-leg bay.
It blends perfectly with the machinery until it begins to emerge. Seizing Bishop in two great hands it rips him apart and flings him aside, shredded, like a doll. It descends slowly to the deck, the rotating lights shining across its shiny black limbs, dripping acid and rage. Still smoking where Ripley half-fried it. The Queen is huge, powerful...and very pissed off. It descends slowly, its six limbs unfolding in inhuman ways.
"BISHOP!" You scream as you try to run over to him but Diana grabs your collar and pulls you back, making sure she's there first, but before she can make it, the razor sharp tail slices her straight in half, blood spilling and guts falling out of her and tears stream down your face. "HOLY SHIT" You scream and freeze in place.
You and the little girl run for cover. The Alien drops to the deck, pivoting toward the motion. Ripley waves her arms, decoying. You and the girl get under I grate, trying to hide from the creature, but, you see a big hand trying to rip the grates up and you try not to scream as you rush down the system. As you are trying to get away, the clawing stops and you do the same, and so does the little girl. You hear a stomping on the ground from above and the creature turns around from the grates. "Get away from them you Bitch!" Ripley says from about ant the "Queen" runs towards Ripley. This is your time to escape with the girl. You run from the queen and pick up the girl as you do it.
You see Ripley in a power loader "Holy shit" you mutter, and Bishop, violently torn in two.
Ripley pulls her arm out of the controls of the loader and claws toward a panel of airlock actuating buttons. She punches the red "INNER DOOR OVERRIDE" and latches the "HOLD" locking-key down. A KLAXON begins to sound. She hits "OUTER DOOR OPEN" and there is a hurricane shriek of air as the doors on which they are lying separate, revealing the infinite pit of stars, below.
The girl and you scream as the hurricane airstream sucks you and her across the floor toward the airlock. Bishop, torn virtually in two, his pasta-like internal organs whipped by the wind, grips a stanchion and reaches desperately for the girl as she slides past him, but not you as his hands are full. He catches her arm and hangs on as she dangles, doll-like, in the airblast. You grab onto a grate, also dangling like the girl. You don't know what is happening but as soon as you know it the airlock is closing with shrieking winds.
When It finally does close, Ripley emerges from the pit, not in the power loader at the moment. She lies on her back, drained of all strength. Gasping for breath. Weakly, she turns her head, seeing Bishop still holding Newt by the arm. Encrusted with his own vanilla milkshake blood. Bishop gives her a small, grim smile.
"Not bad for a" He gurgles "human." He winks.
The little girl is called out for Ripley, calling her mommy, to which Ripley grabs her, like a mother and her child, and cradles her, spinning her around and hugging her tightly, careful not to hurt her.
You smile at Bishop, hurting just looking at him, but you gather the strength to go over to him, and kiss him on his, also encrusted lips and he smiles back
Ripley is carrying Newt on her hip, and you are carrying Bishop's top half, In your arms to the Cryogenic chambers and lie him in it, in a big plastic-like bag. But before you close it, he blurts out three simple, but complicated words. "I love you" he says and before you can say it back, he shuts himself down and you begin to cry while you walk over to yours. Ripley lies Hicks in one of the chambers next to her and Newt in another, having a little conversation before her, and you both get into your own chambers and drift off to sleep, but you, with one tear rolling off of your face. It's been a tough journey, but you are just glad you made it.
Tag List: @soggy-enchilada (hi! So ik I'm tagging you in all of this so I'm sorry, it just seemed like you were interested!)
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Wolf Rider~ Got7 Werewolf x Reader Chapter 1
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❖ GOT7, Jinyoung x reader
❖ Series, Angst, Fluff, Werewolf AU, Alternate Universe AU
❖ TW: Blood, Gore, abuse, knives, guns, alcohol, kidnapping, violence, non major character death, and torture
❖ wc: 3488
❖ Tag List: @atiny-piratequeen @atiny-dazzlinglight @queen-of-himbos @angel0taiyo @storytimedragon @gettin-a-lil-hanse @kimnamshiks @wonderland-obsession
❖ Masterlist ❖
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I would love to hear what you guys think <3 
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You huffed, gritting your teeth as you dragged yourself across the floor to the cage. The big black wolf growled low in its chest, though, it seemed less from warning you and more out of concern for your wellbeing. Nails tearing as they dug into the concrete floor, blood dripping down your leg as the movements caused your wounds to reopen. Your brow furrowed with pain, the tear-stained pathways cutting through the layer of dirt and grime that marred your beautiful face. 
But you ignored him, dragging yourself to the edge of the cage, finally reaching the wolf who had been your companion in this hell hole for the last few nights; though how many nights had come to pass you didn’t know. 
They had brought him in after you, jeering at him for falling into their hands so easily.  When his sight landed upon you slumped against the wall he had broken loose. You had been fading in and out of consciousness at that moment, so you had only vague memories of him tearing apart three of the men as he placed himself between you and them. You had blacked out not long after waking up to an injured wolf watching you with helpless whimpers. 
One of the men had dragged you to your feet, shaking you in his face, a knife pressed to your neck. The man's voice rose, yelling something about “her getting it” if he didn’t act like a good boy. You were too delirious, unable to understand how he expected the giant creature to understand him. As you opened your mouth to voice these doubts you could see the nearly human-like desperation and fear in the creature’s eyes as he whimpered, snarling as you were struck harshly in the stomach making you drop to the ground heaving and gasping for air. More words were exchanged as someone barked orders before you were dragged back to the other side of the basement they were keeping you in, throwing you into the wall to crumple down upon yourself in a heap upon the dirty floor.
Since then, you only saw them when they moved you. You would be forced upstairs and allowed to use the bathroom before they shoved you into a van riding to their next destination. Once there, they would throw you into the basement or shed with him, forcing him into his cage again with a simple threat towards you.
As if he understood, he never put up a fight ensuring your safety as he limped into the cage, injured, starved, and aching.
Many times you had protested this, protested the horrid chain they kept on the giant iron collar around his neck. The blows they delivered to him or the kicks and beer bottles they chucked at him and his cage. But he never reacted to them, not until they’d turn their torment upon you. It was one such game that had ended with your leg as it was now when you protested their taunting towards him with food. How you had become so brave in the face of your captors and imprisoners you knew not, but fury filled your veins with each word or action against the beautiful creature. 
You wanted to protect him, as he had tried you. Protect him and free him from this horrible place even if it costs you everything. Thus why you provoked the man to turn his attention from the wolf to you despite the fear pounding in your chest. 
His blows had nearly knocked you senseless, your lunch leaving your stomach and blood blossoming in your mouth as he split your lip and bruised your eye. Nothing compared, however the agony that seized you when he drove the knife deep into your thigh. This, at last, had drawn a scream from your lips as he had wanted, though it also drew a roar of rage from your friend and he threw himself against the bars of the cage.
This brought down the others to the room, they punished the wolf first, much to your cries to leave him alone. Watching you attempt to claw your way forward to them to stop them, the man laughed twisting his knife in your flesh before ripping it free. Your yells of agony whipped the wolf into a frenzy biting and throwing himself against the bars. Despite their attempts to keep him at bay with the electric probs and whips, it wasn’t until a man you didn’t recognize arrived that everything calmed down. Though beaten and injured the wolf never ceased his low growl at him, especially as he came near you; through your tear-filled and swelling eye, you couldn’t make out his face hidden by a mask and glasses. 
The next few minutes you were bandaged, the cage was left alone finally and the man who had damaged you so badly had been killed. Shot by their boss before your very eyes, yet you felt no better. It seemed touching the merchandise as he called you was off the table.  
You were once again left alone with a tray of food, saving your dinner you dragged yourself across the room.
“Here eat this.” You murmured to your protector offering him a kind smile as the horse-sized wolf just watched you in befuddlement. As your hand slipped through the bars you never wondered if he’d bite you. In fact, had he so chosen so, his giant jaws would have easily snapped your arm off in one bite.
The plate of cold sandwiches was barely a morsel for him and probably unappetizing, which seemed true as he tried to use his nose to nudge it back to you. But you shook your head.
“If we’re going to get you out of here you need your strength.” you urged him pushing it back closely. For some reason you didn’t feel the need to treat him like a normal animal, something inside you just believed he’d understand you. And as he rolled into a sitting position you knew he had. He snuffled you once through the cage and you smiled at the small whine of gratitude before he munched down on the sandwiches. Gosh, he looked so cute taking teeny tiny bites as though attempting to hold back in front of you. You giggled at the sight of a monstrous predator eating with manners. Grabbing the bars of the cage you hauled yourself up grimacing with pain as your leg seared with agony. 
His sharp eyes missed none of it, stopping to look up at you, a low rumble of what you took to be concern leaving his chest. Leaning against the steel bars of his cage you grinned at him offering your hand up for him. Deep intelligent brown eyes glittered as he leaned forward to sniff you again softly before butting his head beneath your hand, eyes closing in bliss.
Never before had you felt such warmth, such deep connection with any other being as he put his head against your hand, his broad head rubbing against you and the bars of the cage. 
Enveloping you in soft fur; the smell of pine trees, ocean, and mint hit you all at once. Your eyes fluttered shut as you found yourself leaning into him through the cage. Your arms were wrapped around his broad head and neck, face buried in his neck as you squeezed between the bars. From his earlier tantrum, they had bent, nearly enough for you to slip through completely if only you would turn your body slightly, not nearly enough for him though. However, that thought slipped your mind as a wonderous world of peace and happiness filled your mind and soul. 
So much so you never realized the wolf's neck had suddenly become much smaller until a pair of arms wrapped around you.
Jerking your head up you were shocked to come face to face with the most handsome man you had ever laid eyes upon.
“Hello, Kitten.” had it not been for that warm fuzzy feeling still permeating your every sense you might have screamed at the naked man before you, looking at you with the most tender gaze. As though he had found all the stars in the sky and each was more beautiful and delicate than any creature known to man.
“Wha-” his thumb brushing over your lips sent shivers of pleasure down your spine; a shuddery gasp leaving your throat, tingles racing across the skin from his touch. The feel of his warm hand against your cheek nearly lulling you into closing your eyes, a tiny smile twitched at his lips.
“I don’t have time to explain right now. But I will, first I need you to close your eyes and hold on until I tell you to open them ok?” he murmured his face so close to yours you could feel his body heat radiating off him. You nodded before realizing suddenly you were sitting inside the cage, the bars you had been leaning against bent apart and nearly torn from their spots. The man looked pleased with your compliance, giving you a real smile that took your breath away. He was more beautiful than the moon as he grinned. “Good girl kitten. Now, remember to close your eyes and don’t open them no matter what.”
At his urging you complied, a fluttering feeling bouncing around your chest at the nickname and praise. The more sensible part of you wondered where he’d come from, not to mention what had happened to the bars or how you had ended up inside. But the feeling of his muscled form in your arms quelled all thoughts; within a moment you found yourself lifted up into the air upon something large and fluffy before the wind whipped your face.
Splintering wood crashed in your ears, and bounced off your skin. Men’s yells and the sounds of furniture and bullets flying caught your attention, but you squeezed your eyes tight, burying them in the soft fur beneath you as you surged forward into an unknown world of conflict and noise.
Minutes later you were out in the rain for only rain could it be soaking you in an instant, yet you felt no cold. The being beneath you radiating enough heat that you merely felt a coolness in the wet of your jacket and hair, wind wiping your face. The sound and feel of feet pounding against earth and tree surrounded you. The smell of rain mixing with that piney, mint-scented ocean spray you had smelt earlier. Only one word coming to mind, as you held on tight bounding through the endless night and far away from your prison.
A hair-raising howl broke you from near sleep hours later. Still perched upon his back you had nearly passed out, however, the howl had you springing awake. And accidentally breaking his rule too. At the sight of three giant wolves running alongside you eyes focused upon your form, you couldn't resist it. A scream ripped itself from your throat as you toppled from his back. 
Hitting the ground at 40 miles an hour hurts. Hitting the ground in a forest doubly so, however hitting the ground from six feet up in the air, already severely injured was just pure agony. You toppled, rolled, and bounced before skidding to a stop covered in mud and nearly faint from pain. It felt like your leg had been ripped open all over again.That with the new cuts and bruises littering your body it was no wonder you laid dazed for a moment. Upon opening your eyes, the ringing dimmed in your ears and you wished you hadn’t opened them, to begin with. Three large wolves running straight at you. Lifting your arms over your face you screamed jumping with fright as soft wet black hair engulfed you. Pain richotted through your body as you were jostled, a horrible roaring snarl of a bark thundering above you. Seconds later all the sound ceased and you found warm strong hands lifting you up dragging you into a strong muscled chest.
“Kitten? HEy-HEY!” the hands trembled as that handsome face from before appeared above you, more afraid than before as he held you close. Long fingers pushing your wet and tangled hair from your face as you shivered from pain and cold.
For some reason the sight of his gorgeous brown eyes dark with worry and care, chiseled features dripping with rain, you broke down. Tears flooded your eyes as you tried and failed to speak. This combined with the chill quickly settling into your bones scared him more. He dragged you into him hiding your face in his shoulder.
“Shhh, it’s ok I’ve got you. Shhh.” he cooed in a pleading tone as the warmth of his bare skin seeped slowly through to you.
“You’re dead after this Yugyeom, dead.” The furious rumbling growl leaving this tender man surprised you as did the sound of three other apologetic voices. His tender voice returning, you could feel his lips move against your hair. “I’m going to carry you, it's just up here, just a few minutes I promise, hold on Kitten.”
Gritting your teeth you tried to suppress the scream of agony as he lifted you into his arms.
“I’ll carry her-” but the concerned voice merely received a snarl in return, his grip tightening around you. You were just conscious of a light ahead when you finally slipped into unconsciousness. 
Warmth, soft comfortable warmth was the first thing registering to your senses. Its soft pillowy texture brushing against your skin like a caress. A warm pine fresh smell mingling with ocean waves filling your senses with relaxation as your muscles tensed and stretched. Slowly you opened your eyes to a wonderful golden light streaming in through off white sheer curtains. You were snuggled down into a ball surrounded by fluffy pillows and a soft duvet comforter. The room was definitely masculine, dark blue linens and carpeting with modern minimalistic furnishings. The men's suit jacket draped over a chair nearby enough to confirm this was a man's room.
In your attempt to sit up to better address where you were, pain came crashing down upon your soft kingdom.
Everything hurt in some way and degree, though nothing more than your thigh. Gingerly as every move hurt you slowly pulled yourself up into a sitting position. A horrifying discovery awaited you, someone had bandaged your wounds but upon doing so changed your clothes.
Panic set in as you hurriedly checked beneath the man's shirt and to your horror realized the underclothes were also not your own. Before you could truly send yourself down the road of totally freaking out, you wracked your brain. Taking deep breaths you recalled all that you could of the escape. You could bring up everything of your escape up until losing consciousness with fierce clarity, afterward though was a muddle. 
Feint images as though through some thick haze came and went, chunks of time missing between the snippets of light. Blurred faces and a familiar voice fading in and out, pain, warmth, and a woman's scolding voice. Words of comfort and a hot bath then nothing.
The relief was foremost in your mind as you recalled the woman who had tended your injuries and bathed you. She must have been the one to have changed you, and while still embarrassing it was much better than the idea one of the blurry-faced men to have been the one. Your hair was dry plaited and smelled softly of lavender, a soothing and comforting smell. Taking in your surroundings more calmly now you could hear the low rumble of voices broken intermittently with laughter from somewhere outside the room's door.
Knowing there was no way your leg would support your weight to the doorway you gathered your courage together, checking to make sure the shirt was covering you, you swallowed before tentatively opening your lips.
“H-hey…” You wanted to shake your head at your weak cry barely loud enough to be considered talking let alone a call to reach whoever was out there. 
Thus all the more surprising as the door opened with a bang like a canon. 
“Kitten?!?” Before you knew what had happened the most handsome-faced man was before you eyes wide with concern, curved lips turned down in worry.
“Okay you’ve got to tell us is Kitten really your name?” At the cheerful, if dubious voice the man growled, turning his face away from you to glower at the smiling man.
“None of your business Jackson-”
“It’s Y/N. Y/n L/n.” His head spun back at your tentative voice expression softening.
“Y/n…” He marveled, and oh did the sound of your name on his tongue send burning heat to every part of your body, toes curling as a breathtaking smile crossed his lips. “Y/n l/n...it's beautiful it suits you.”
Color flushed to your cheeks causing you to wince breaking the spell his gaze had upon you as your eye throbbed.
“Knew her name wasn’t kitten. You owe me five bucks Bammie!” Cackled the boy by the door to another thinner young man staring at you curiously.
“Shut it.” Growled Jinyoung at them but his worried eyes never left you as your fingers felt at your swollen and tender eye.
“Don’t.” He murmured, long beautiful fingers reaching out and pulling your hands away from your face. His touch sent tingles of warmth through your skin banishing any residual pain as his warm fingers gently soothed the offending area. He was like a prince, so caring and perfect, every feature crafted by artists. A black shirt tucked into the front of his jeans hiding the muscled physique you had come only too close to and admired.
His well-put-together attire and beauty suddenly made you feel underdressed in the oversized long sleeve, and small PJ shorts hidden beneath the blankets.
“How bad is it?” You asked, for some reason suddenly even more embarrassed at your battered and bruised form in front of his princely self.
“Not bad-” but his beautiful voice was cut short by ‘Bammie’.
“It's like half a panda.” At his words, Jackson smacked him, while your jaw fell open in horror.
“See there's a mirror there!” Not seeming to learn his lesson pointed to the full-length mirror off to your left. Your Prince wasn’t fast enough to grab your face to stop you from looking at the open closet door. The sight was horrifying, your bottom lip was swollen and split, a shadow of a bruise and scrape over the one side of your jaw but your right eye and the area around it was deep purple and under your eye swollen. 
You couldn’t resist the gasp sweater paws flying up to feel over the injuries.
“OUT!” Jinyoung snarled, while he chased them in his fury slamming the door behind them, you threw off the covers. The shirt just barely reached past the microscopic shorts, revealing the massive and blood-stained bandages wrapped tight around your thigh as well as another wrapping around your opposing calf. Both tinged red with blood, the rest of your legs speckled and blotched with scrapes and bruises. You could feel your arms were not much different. 
“I’m so sorry.” Coming back to your side he looked down at your injuries with a face of guilt-filled agony. “I should have stopped sooner, warned you I just wanted to get you as far away-I’m so sorry.”
Looking over your injuries you shook your head.
“You told me to hold on and not to look, I messed up. This ugly-”
“You’re not ugly.” his voice was stern eyebrows instantly bunching together, he looked as though you had insulted him rather than yourself.
“I look-”
“Beautiful.” You would have laughed and told him not to try and make you feel better only the seriousness of his gaze as he looked down at your hands gently taking yours in his, had you at a loss for words. “A Princess.”
Then your heart exploded as he lifted your hands to his lips placing a soft kiss upon your knuckles.
“P-prin-” You couldn’t contain your spluttering as he turned that charming expression back on you. 
“Without these…” His fingers brushed over the bruise with the gentlest of touches. “You’d be brighter than the moon. A goddess.”
“I- '' unable to meet the flustering intensity of his gaze, or know what to do with the blissful sensation of his touch you backtracked. Inhaling slow and deep you braced yourself for your next question. “So you’re a werewolf, right? Because that's the only thing that my mind can come up with for everything that's happened. Outside of hallucinating or insanity. ”
Sobering up instantly at your words he nodded, eyes watching you warily the dark brown swirling in thought. 
“Are you scared?”
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infinitebells · 3 years
Albert meeting a noblewoman(reader) who is trying to get out of her abusive household, via a contractual marriage, “I need to get away SOMEHOW T_T” and they get married, and then she slowly falls for Al. She still feels unworthy of him bc she was made to believe she was useless and worthless her whole life so she struggles in actually confessing. Can be sfw or nsfw 👀 — Emerald anon
✧ he meets you at like the weirdest location, like right in a bar at two in the morning
✧ him and his team had been celebrating another win when he spots you in the corner of the bar, with a bottle of beer in your hands and a faraway look in your eyes
✧ one of the waitresses had come and taken your empty bottle, and when she returned she had a glass of whiskey, he watched in shock as you downed half of it with a small grimace
✧ you turn to meet his gaze, sending a cheeky smirk and wave before finishing your drink
✧ william turns to see what albert is looking at, and cue the entire team turning and looking at you as you finish an entire glass of whiskey
✧ william gently pushes albert out of his chair so that he can go talk to her, and fred points a knife at moran telling him to back down and let albert talk to you
✧ when albert finally makes his way over to you, he smiles gently before sitting across from you
✧ “well good evening young lady. i must say i’m impressed you finished that glass so quickly”
✧ “thanks, i blame it on my sadness”
✧ he chokes on his drink for a moment before composing himself and asking you if you’re alright
✧ you proceed to explain that you’re unhappy in your household, and the only way you can leave is through marriage
✧ cue albert thinking for a moment before offering his hand in contractual marriage in order to get you out of the house
✧ you’re in shock that a perfectly nice (and very handsome) man is offering you a way to get you out of your house after only knowing you for a half hour at most
✧ you’re a sputtering mess and he stops you for a moment, explaining that he only wants to help you, and that you shouldn’t feel indebted to him or feel the need to do anything for him
✧ in your slightly drunken stupor, you fly out of your chair and tackle him in a hug, pushing him out of his chair and onto the ground so he’s lying on his back with you on top of him
✧ he’s flustered but he tentatively wraps his arms around you, hugging you tightly
✧ william looks over at the commotion, seeing his brother lying on the ground with you on top of him
✧ cue moran getting annoyed that that wasn’t him
✧ albert agrees to meet with your parents tomorrow, helping you stand up from your position
✧ when he helps you stand, and you look up at him with his hands on your waist for support, oh you think you’re already falling for him
✧ he flashes you a gentle smile, and your face turns bright red as he looks down at you
✧ william is suppressing a laugh at his brother who’s very clearly going to fall for you, and louis is just happy that albert looks so at peace talking to you
✧ he walks you over to his teammates, introducing you to them
✧ william gives you a smile and shaking your hand, louis gently bows and you turn red and tell him that he doesn’t need to, fred is quiet and only nods his head to you, and moran kisses the back of your hand and smirking at you
✧ albert is quick to grab your waist and pull you away from moran, keeping you close to him, which only serves to make you blush even harder
✧ the next day, albert shows up on your door step with red roses, and introduces himself to your parents
✧ he happily tells them of your engagement, and that from now until the wedding, you’ll be staying at his manor to help him plan for the wedding
✧ he doesn’t even stay to argue with them, leading you up to your room to help you pack what you need
✧ the entire time he helps you, you’re almost ashamed of being in the same room as him
✧ the confidence you had while you were drunk has faded, and now you’re a blushing stuttering mess
✧ he stops for a moment, looking at you sitting on the bed while you play with your necklace
✧ he kneels down in front of you, taking your hands in his
✧ “i’m not doing this for charity or out of pity, i’m doing this because i genuinely want to help you ok?”
✧ “i’m just barely a noblewoman, i shouldn’t even be breathing in your direction”
✧ “i don’t see class, you’re you without your status, and i couldn’t care less. i’ll be here for you through everything ok?”
✧ your hands shake as you try to keep yourself calm, and when albert notices this, he’ll slowly pull you forward until you’re kneeling on the ground with him and his hands are around you
✧ you’ve never felt more at home in his arms, and you bury your face in his neck to hide the tears brimming in your eyes
✧ after whispering out a choked thank you, he hugs you even tighter, telling you there’s no need for you to thank him
✧ he helps you finish packing before leading you out of the house without looking back
✧ when you finally get back to his house, his hand still in yours, he leads you past the rest of the team (more specifically moran) and into a spare bedroom where you can stay
✧ he helps you unpack before leaving you be to your own thoughts
✧ you’re terrified he’ll get tired of you, scared he’ll hurt you or use you the way your parents did
✧ so for the next few weeks, you slowly start to get quieter and quieter around him
✧ he used to be able to talk to you about anything in everything, and now he can barely pull five words from you
✧ your insecurites overwhelm you, flooding your senses and forcing you to stay silent
✧ one time he sees you alone, he tries to get you to talk, pleading to tell him whats wrong
✧ meanwhile you’re so flustered and blushy that you can’t even begin to explain to him that you've fallen for him in the time you’ve spent at your mansion
✧ you’re a stuttering and red mess, and so albert does the only thing he knows he can do to get you to be quiet: kiss you
✧ everything stops, time stops, your heart stops
✧ his hands are on your face, body against yours, and your body stills against him as your eyes flutter shut on instinct
✧ when he finally pulls away, your face is still red, but you’ve gone completely quiet and so has he
✧ he stares at you for a few moments before wrapping you in the biggest hug, leaning his head down to whisper in your ear
✧ “i don’t know what’s going on, i’m sure there’s a lot that i don’t understand, but please know i care about you ok? i know you were nervous about the whole status thing in the beginning, but that’s not even a thought in my mind. when we’re together, we’re not defined by our status. it’s me and you, not nobleman and noblewoman,”
✧ you can’t help but tear up at his words, your shaky arms wrapping around him as you sniffle against him
✧ he pulls back, leaning your head back so he can wipe the tears from your eyes and smile down at you
✧ you manage to give him a wobbly smile, and he laughs lightly at your expression
✧ as soon as you meet his gaze, your body moves before your mind realizes what you’re doing, and then you’re leaning forward and kissing him
✧ this time, it isn’t to shut either of you up, it’s simply out of love
✧ his hand slides up into your hair, keeping your face close to his
✧ when he pulls away, he doesn’t wait before grabbing your hand and pulling you with him to his room, ignoring moran’s wolf whistles along the way
✧ once you’re in his room, he closes the door, gently pushing you against it and taking your face in his hands
✧ “i’m in love with you. i fell in love with you the night i met you and now i only love you even more. so please, let me love you”
✧ “albert, i-i-”
✧ “please, i can’t imagine you being with anyone else. just tell me how you feel okay?”
✧ “...i love you too”
✧ your voice is so low you’re scared he doesn’t hear you, but when his eyes widen and his jaw drops in shock, your insecurities flood back
✧ you turn to go back outside before albert’s hand envelops your own on the door knob, turning you back towards him
✧ you can’t look him in the eye as he asks you what’s wrong, and you look even farther down explaining that you feel bad that he has to lower himself to even be near you
✧ he lifts your face up to his, telling you if anything he has to climb higher to be in the presence of an angel
✧ he quiets any of your protests with another, soft kiss, and the way he gently sets his hands on your waist, how warm his lips feel against yours wipe away any thoughts in your head
✧ your hands shakily thread through his hair, keeping him close to you because you feel like if you ever let go he’ll disappear
✧ he’ll ask you politely if he can undress you, and through your flustered stuttering mess you nod to him
✧ when you’re out of your dress, he’ll ask if it’s okay if he undresses himself, to which you nod again
✧ once you’re both undressed and in bed, he’s so soft with you, telling you to stop him if you ever feel uncomfortable
✧ when he first pushes himself into you, he can’t get enough of your soft cries and how you squeeze at his biceps while you get used to the feeling of him inside of you
✧ he’ll wait until you’re completely used to him, before thrusting softly
✧ he goes faster the louder your cries get, and he’ll kiss you deeply to swallow your moans
✧ he’ll whisper in your ear all of the things he loves about you, pressing kisses to your cheek, neck, collarbone
✧ when you’re close to cumming and clinging onto him as tightly as you can, he’ll tell you he loves you, and ask you to let go for him
✧ when he feels you clench tighter around him, he’ll finish inside of you, holding your body close to his while you catch your breath, basking in each others warmth
✧ in that moment, you’ve never felt more loved in your life
✧ “i love you albert”
✧ “i love you too, so much”
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sgtbradfords · 3 years
If you’re still taking prompts for Chenford I’d love “I really need you.” or « I don’t love you »💔
Ok anon, I hope you’re ready cause this is a DOOSY. I would call this an AU that takes place after 3x01.
WARNING: possible alcohol abuse, possible drug abuse, and possible suicidal tendencies. There is fluff but due to these warnings I am inserting a Read More link in case this is not someone’s cup of tea. 
Lucy Chen had gotten good at hiding it until one day she didn’t. She could flawlessly cake on the concealer to hide the dark bags under her eyes and make it look natural, she could survive off a can of Bang or the strongest, darkest cup of coffee you could put in her hand. The only thing she couldn’t do? Was hide from her demons, because they will always catch up to her no matter how fast she runs.
She told him she was fine when they went to the Prison to visit with Rosalind Dryer, that she could handle it, that if she ‘could not handle dealing with Rosalind in the cage she shouldn’t be a cop’. She told him she was fine when they got back into the shop, that what that monster said didn’t affect her. She told him she was fine when they got off shift, that she was going to go home and have a large glass of wine. She told him, but she was everything but fine.
Tim Bradford had just fallen asleep, staying up later than usual knowing he didn’t have to work the next day. He got home as the sun set, letting Kojo out to run the backyard as he made chicken carbonara for dinner. He ate in-front of the TV, watching as the LA Kings pulled off a big overtime win to give them three points versus the Anaheim Ducks, pushing them closer to a chance to secure a spot for the Stanley Cup Playoffs. He during intermissions he worked on cleaning his house, threw a tennis ball around for Kojo and got ready for bed. His brain had finally relented from his thoughts, allowing him peace as he dozed off, only to be woken by the sound of his charging phone buzzing on the nightstand.  He ignored it as it stopped vibrating, only to begin again.
He sighed “Bradford.”
“It’s West, I need you to come to the apartment.”
“Everything ok?” he asked as the threw the covers off, stepping into the sweat pants next to the bed, grabbing and slipping on the pullover hanging on the back of the door.
“It’s Lucy.”
“On my way.” He told the other officer before hanging up, his thoughts berating himself. Not that he was frustrated at his rookie but more at himself, he knew that after what she did today, she had lied about being fine. He had noticed the copious amounts of sugar and caffeine that seemed to be a constant in her hand the past few weeks. But he had held out hope that she would talk to him, tell him what was going on in that beautiful brain of hers, tell him the things she needed to get off her chest.
Tim grabbed his gun from the nightstand, slipping it into the waistband before he threw an old pair of tennis shoes on, moving to the foyer to grab his keys from the basket, glancing at the dog who was snoring away in his crate as he locked up the house and got into his truck. The drive was quiet and smooth for 11:30 of a night, the amount of traffic miniscule as he pulled up in-front of her building.
He locked the truck, punching in the code for the door before making his way to the elevators. He sent a text to Jackson, telling him he was here as he stepped on the car. The car slowed to a stop on the sixth floor, the doors opening to show Jackson standing in the hallway.
“What’s wrong?” Tim asked as he approached.
Jackson rubbed a hand down his face “She was fine when I left a few hours ago, and well I came back to this..” he said as he opened the door.
Tim stepped in, immediately noticing the almost empty bottle of tequila tipped over on the counter and the pills with no bottle that were scattered across the rock. His stomach plummeted as he began to think the worst.
“Did she take any?”
“I’m not sure, she won’t talk to me.” Jackson said as he pointed to the girl sitting on the floor with her back against the wall.
“Chen.” Tim said as he moved closer, crouching down in-front of her. She was staring ahead, tear tracks and a blank expression on her face. “Lucy.” He said softly, grabbing her chin in his hand. “Do you have your pen light?”
Jackson moved to his duffle bag next to the door, grabbing the small pen before walking back, handing the device over. Tim turned it on, shining it into her eyes when Lucy began to speak. “I didn’t take any.”
“Let me check.” Tim said as he looked into her eyes. “You know the drill.”
Lucy’s eyes followed the light as Tim moved it. He conducted his test, determining she was telling the truth, her eyes glossed from the alcohol. “I told you.” She told him as he handed the pen back to Jackson.
“I know, but I needed to know if I needed to call for an ambulance or not.” He said, his tone angry as he stood, walking over to the sink, taking a deep breath as Jackson joined him.
“What happened today?” Jackson asked quietly.
Tim grabbed a glass from the dish drainer, filling it with water. “We went to see Rosalind and she knew things she shouldn’t.”
Jackson nodded in understanding, “Listen, she’s talking to you and not me so I’m going to head to my room. Yell if you- yell if you need anything.” Jackson told the superior as he turned and walked away, glancing worriedly at his friend that rested her head on her knees sitting on the floor.
Tim grabbed the full glass, walking back over to Lucy, handing the water to her. “Drink, boot.”
Lucy drank the glass of tap water, handing it back to Tim as he walked to refill it again. “I didn’t-“ she stumbled over her words. “I didn’t try to-“
“I know.” He said softly, his fingers grasping the countertop, his knuckles turning white. “I know you didn’t.”
A tear made its way down Lucy’s face as she swiped it away. “I just want it to stop.”
Tim sat the glass on the coffee table, sitting down next to Lucy, kicking off his shoes. “Talk to me.”
Lucy stared down at the legs beside hers, “You know, I knew you were tall but your legs are like really long.”
“Chen.” He softly reprimanded as her head fell into his shoulder.
“Don’t apologize. Never- never apologize. What he- what they did-“
Silence overtook them as his words drifted off. The glow from the LA nightlife filtered into the living room through the window pane, casting a soft light in the room. Tim had assumed that Lucy had fallen asleep, her arm tangled with his as her hand rested on his thigh. He thought back to things she had told him, her telling him that her comfort, her safety came from a forty-year-old chunk of metal. Him having to hear Rosalind sing the song that gave her hope, that kept her alive. The panic and distress of almost loosing her, neither of them knew it but he needed her too.
“I thought- I thought I was doing better. I stopped seeing my therapist, eased back on my meds. I can see now that was a mistake.” She whispered into the night. “But the nightmares started again and I just- I don’t want to close my eyes because every time, every time I do I see-“
Tim waited for her to finish. “You see what Chen?”
“It varies,” she told him as she wiped away the new tears, sniffling. “sometimes it’s Caleb, sometimes it’s Rosalind, sometimes it’s you.”
Tim startled, “Me?”
Lucy nodded, “Yeah. Most of the time, I can’t- I can’t find you, I hear your voice, but I can never catch up.”
“Lucy that’ll never-“
“Happen?” she finished for him. “Other times it’s a repeat of our first day together.”
Tim snorted. “You never expected to deal with a GSW on your first day did you?”
“No!” Lucy laughed as she turned to him. “Though with you I should know to expect the unexpected.”
Tim looked at her before whispering “Expect the unexpected huh? That’s what I always expect with you.”
Lucy tilted her head back as she glanced at his lips before focusing back to his eyes. Tim leaned in closer, his own eyes looking at her cherry red lips. Their lips a hair breadth away, so close their breaths were intertwining.
“We can’t.” Tim whispered against her lips.
Lucy stayed still, “I know.”
“We shouldn’t.”
“I know.”
“You’ve been drinking.”
“I know. But, I need-“ Lucy said swallowing her words before gaining courage. “I need you. I just need you. You don’t- we don’t-. Can you please just hold me?” She asked pulling back, unshed tears glistening her eyes. “Please.”
Tim Bradford could count on both hands the moments he could feel his heart break. This, his rookie, someone he shouldn’t be this close to, begging him for comfort was one of those moments, the pain in his chest growing heavier as the knife plunged deeper.
“Ok.” He whispered, moving to stand. Once he was steady on his feet he bent over, putting one arm behind her, the other going under her knees.
“What are you doing?”
“What does it look like?”
“I can walk.”
“Not alone.” He told her as he carried her to her room, putting her in the middle of the mattress before he slid in beside her. Lucy grabbed her weighted blanket from the end of the bed, tossing it over her body before stretching her hand out, reaching for his. She knew it was inappropriate, what ever it was that was happening, that if word escaped the four walls of this apartment there would be ramifications but she trusted and knew with everything in her that the other two people in the apartment would never speak a word.
“Thank you.” She whispered, her eyes becoming heavy as her breath began to even out.
“Never say I don’t love you Luce.” He whispered into the night to no one 
That night Lucy was able to finally sleep, her monsters locked away and buried in a hole, unable to escape their confinements for however long that may be. And Tim Bradford, never telling a soul, choosing to keep the secret to himself as he stayed up, his thumb rubbing circles on the back of Lucy’s hand in comfort, his own emotions fighting to the surface. His monsters and demons clawing their way out of their prison, getting the better of him in the quiet space before he could stop them. He stared at the darkness around him, save for the nightlight glowing from an outlet across the room. Lucy sighed in her sleep, her body moving closer into Tim’s side, one of her legs escaping its confinement as she threw it over one of his as her other hand landed on his chest. One moment he was staring at the woman curled into his side, the next he was fast asleep where he shouldn’t be, his thoughts relenting, allowing him the same peace that he was giving. 
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