#iida simping hours
lexinympho · 1 year
Laughing at the idea of Iida taking the role of being your boyfriend so seriously for absolutely no reason other than the fact that he always takes things seriously, and being your boyfriend should never be given any halfhearted effort.
He'd inadvertently spoil you as a result, I just know it. He'll buy something for you if you so much as glance at it for more than 5 seconds or mention it being nice to have. He will give you his attention if you so much as whisper the first syllable of his name, and will wait hand on foot for you when you need help with something. The best part of him being your boyfriend is that he would 100% go to the counter for you to say, "They said no mustard-"
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pocketramblr · 2 months
AU! Inko having a sugar baby arrangement with Giran that accidently resulted in Izuku. Izuku has no idea who his father is, and Giran doesn't find out he has a son until later when the League captures Izuku instead of Bakugo.
oh good the antidote to Nao in Situations... Giran Simping!
1- I think Inko kept the sugar baby arrangement up with several others since, runs an OF, wrote some steamy novels under her OF name, that sort of thing. got an little online boutique she's started more recently with her designs for plus size clothes and underthings. Izuku is generally aware of his mother's career and is fine with it, and is also fine with Inko working to keep most of it out of his sight. just another one of those potentially awkward things they're accustomed to but don't talk about. like his mysterious father. or his seeming lack of a quirk.
2- seeming, as he lacks the toe-joint that says he's quirkless for sure, but nothing obvious has ever shown up. he's smart, but not unnaturally so. none of the mental quirk tests led anywhere. he isn't officially recorded as quirkless, but he assumes that by now he's got to be. Huh anyway weird that he is able to specifically remember instances of quirk use with perfect clarity because he's interested in it, able to analyze what he saw even if it was only once, and also, the weird ofa memory stuff- but we'll get to that
3- so izuku's got a fairly normal life, gets bullied, sludge villain, etc etc etc. And then he gets OfA. and then UA gets attacked. And then UA throws a sports festival anyway. and then he gets brainwashed. And then he sees weird ghostly figures behind All Might! But All Might says he's seen them before too, and they can't interact. just glimpses of the people who used to wield the quirk. Izuku's seen them earlier than he did, probably either the quirk being stronger or an effect of brainwashing. Ok, cool, normal. Iida tries to kill a serial killer, less normal. The next night, Izuku has a vivid dream of scolding some child named Kotaro for drawing on his teacher's desk in permanent marker. not normal at all. He has no idea where it came from. but it keeps happening. Strange dreams- not every night, maybe a few times a month, but each time vivid and unlike anyone he knows. It isn't until he's patching up a shirt in a dream, when a man opens the door and says "Bruce! We got a lead on All For One- and his brother!" that he realizes what he might be seeing. Nervously, he brings it up to All Might, who agrees it sounds like flashes of the past users he can see, but not interact with. after all, the dreams just play out as memories with him unable to change anything. But its probably just because of how strong OfA is now, with Izuku's practice charging it up more! "It's a wonderful sign, young Midoriya, and I hope you have good memory dreams tonight. You're going to the mall with all your classmates tomorrow, right? and camp is next week! Who knows what you'll pull out of that quirk next, incredible."
4- the mall... happens. And so does camp... and Dabi ends up with Izuku instead. Shigaraki complains loudly about not getting the one on the take list. Dabi complains loudly about how he didn't see Shigaraki doing any work on that mission. Izuku- well he doesn't complain, but he does ask pretty loudly why Kacchan was on the list, and Shigaraki goes "oh, friend of yours? i guess we can keep you alive long enough to lure him here." and Izuku has just enough preservation to point out he's pretty sure that won't happen. He does, however, end up chained to a chair, still in horrible pain due to his broken bones, listening to Shigaraki on the phone asking some guy for intel on him and Kacchan.
5- About an hour later, a guy walks in with a file of papers and shoves the top one at Shigaraki. Shigraki reads the paper. Looks at the new guy. reads the paper again. Looks at Izuku. Decays the paper. Tells the new guy he's got ten minutes, and orders everyone out. Izuku notes that Kurogiri is still there. New guy, who smells like cigarettes when he gets close to Izuku, stares at him. Izuku isn't sure what he's looking for, but he glares back. New guy huffs. "Well, you're certainly Inko's, at least." That gets a reaction from Izuku. Shoulders tense. Eyebrows narrow. "How do you know my mom?" "Well, kid, I'm an intel broker. That give you any ideas?" "My mom wouldn't go to a crook like you for information." He's right. "Right. Now come on, be smart kid. If we weren't meeting on account of my job, then...?" Izuku blinks. His mother's? but- no. Absolutely not. "Mhm. If i can remember my old password to get into this account i can show you the old messages we had... dated about seventeen years ago. You're just sixteen now, aren't ya?" New guy, who Izuku strongly hopes is lying, fiddles with his phone, typing something. "And I trust Inko to be professional, loyal. So there's an eighty percent chance, at least." "Eighty percent chance of what?" "What's your quirk, kid?" It takes Izuku too long to say "Superpower." New guy laughs. "Now if I knew Inko well, and I did, then 'superpower' is not the name she would have given the name of a quirk that powered her toddler's bones... but you didn't have that quirk back then. What's your real quirk, not the one you just got this year?" Izuku is pretty sure that Shigaraki's teacher is AfO. He knows about OFA, obviously, though Shigaraki doesn't. This guy may or may not. So instead of answering, he just shrugs. "Let me guess. You didn't have one, or, something about remembering? Maybe forgetting? Attracting memories, that'd be a fun combo, hah. Or, quirkless, like I was before, you know... we each found an in." Izuku tries to glare again, but... well, the memories in ofa are a new thing... and quirks can have strange activators... "Ah! Here we go!" New guy, who Izuku would rather not think of as 'eighty percent chance of being his father', moves around the chair and angles his phone down in front of Izuku so he can see the screen. Instead of old messages, there's a notepad. He scrolls slowly so Izuku can read. The writing on it says "look. we both know AfO wants your quirk. But he isn't going to try and get it until Shigaraki's done with you, so play along, maybe some info here and there to 'lure' the bakugou kid to you. even odds the heroes get here first and you're fine. if they don't, i can get afo to spare your life. not your quirk, but he'll let me keep my son. you can't fight out of here, i'm the only out. but you can't tell anyone about this deal. Not the heroes, not the other villains. got it?" Izuku stares at the note. "Do you get it, kid?" The broker asks, quietly. Izuku is pretty sure he's going to fight a way out anyway, but for now... "Got it." "Good." The broker stands up and walks back in front of him, "Izuku, right? Open up." Izuku starts to ask why and gets a cotton swab in his mouth for it, then before he can bite on it to break it it's out again, tucked into a bag then a pocket. "What was that for?" He snaps. "Well, gotta make sure, right? eighty percent isn't one hundred." "And if i'm not?" "Then Inko will owe me one hell of a favor." "... And if I am?" "Then you will." The broker shrugs, turns to go. "Wait-" Izuku starts, then isn't sure where to keep going. The broker looks at him. "What's your name?" The broker laughs a little. "Ah, good question. What'd Inko call me?" Izuku tries to remember. She didn't usually, but he thinks there was one time when it was someone else asking... "Hisashi?" "Hisashi." The broker repeats. "Ah, see, that's poetic! Much more the kind of name Inko would come up with. She's a great writer, you know." Izuku glares so hard that the broker who's definitely not actually named Hisashi makes his way out of the room without another word.
+1- when Shigaraki comes back, he orders Kurogiri give him something strong enough to wipe that mental image from his mind, and then starts asking Izuku about his friend. And his friend's weaknesses. Izuku is unimpressed and he almost forgets his maybe-dad's plan- "Kacchan is really strong, he doesn't have many weaknesses, since he's so practiced with his quirk that-", but only almost, "I don't know, i scared him with a spider once. but we were like, seven. and i guess i wanted to send him a whole box of spiders after he stole my all might-"..... Shigaraki latches on to the 'wait, he stole things from you? potential for crime? i knew it' thing, Toga latches onto the spiders box thing, and so does Dabi but he does it in the opposite direction, complaining that spiders is so basic, and by the time he was seven, he had already tried to murder his baby brother. Magne then asks "wait, you tried to kill a baby? not succeeded? you failed to kill a baby?" which Dabi then responds by reminding her of her less than stellar ratio of successful kills. Compress asks for one of whatever Shigaraki is having, and swipes his' drink too. Spinner keeps trying to sneak closer to Izuku to ask him questions about Stain, and Izuku is slowly starting to feel like he might actually survive long enough to escape or be rescued before he is either turned to dust or tortured for his quirk.
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 2 years
Chatty Parts: The chat from Names, News and Nominations Chapter 1
On AO3
Simping for Midoriya
Kaminari Denki: Hey senpai, saw the news: you alright?
Togata Mirio: Doing okay, not up for talking. Also…
Togata Mirio changed their name to ‘Snugglebug’
Snugglebug: Midoriya was at the hospital for some reason. Got a good cry in. TTYL Tamaki
Snugglebug has muted the chat
Amajiki Tamaki: Okay.
Jirou Kyoka: On one hand, I’m glad he had someone there. On the other…
Kaminari Denki changed their name to ‘Electric Daddy’
Electric Daddy: He got to hug IZUKU.
Jirou Kyoka: … I’m not talking to you anymore.
Kirishima Eijiro: Oh come on Jirou! It could have been a LOT worse. I can think of a few ways to take that.
Sero Hanta: Can you think of 69 ways?
Electric Daddy: HA!
Iida Tenya: Please keep the conversation safe for work! Need I remind you Principal Nezu can see?
Electric Daddy: I am, I am, don’t worry. I ain’t dumb enough to post that sort of stuff to a school social media account. But MIDNIGHT works for him. He’ll let some stuff slide.
Ashido Mina cannot change their name due to inappropriateness
Ashido Mina has changed their name to ‘Alien Wife’
Alien Wife: Looks like it!
Jirou Kyoka: I don’t want to know.
Alien Wife changed Jirou Kyoka’s name to ‘Heartthrob’
Electric Daddy: I will tomorrow. One day of chaos is fine, right?
Sero Hanta cannot change their name due to inappropriateness
Sero Hanta has changed their name to ‘Bondage’
Bondage: I’m in!
Alien Wife: rules as the old chat! No changing names already been changed! @Everyone has 1 hour before we start switching! And no using any names from other chats! Keep the theme people! If your name is changed you have 1 week before you can change it again.
Iida Tenya has changed their name to ‘Engine Husband’
Engine Husband: My brother suggested this. He is looking over my shoulder right now. 
Alien Wife: Hey! Playing along then?
Engine Husband: As long as we keep it clean I don’t mind.
Kouda Koji has changed their name to ‘Furry’
Alien Wife: AHfjgkldfjgkljdfhgkld
Engine Husband: KOUDA?!
Furry:... I honestly did not think that would work
Furry has changed their name to ‘Bunny Husband’
Monoma Neito: I BELIEVE that name belongs to Midoriya, you 1A rejects.
Monoma Neito has changed their name to ‘BEST HUSBAND’
Bunny Husband has uploaded bunnypet.jpeg
BEST HUSBAND: … objection withdrawn
Bunny Husband: Yuwai would like that. He was watching the sports festival to. 
Bondage: and got his heart stolen by our conejito?
BEST HUSBAND: I can speak Spanish, and KNOW you stole my nickname. 1A to foolish to think their own up?
Bondage: It fits him so well.
Uraraka Ochako has changed their name to ‘Floating Wife’
Floating Wife: It really does.
Amajiki Tamaki has changed their name to ‘Food Husband’
Sato Rikkido has changed their name to ‘Sugar Daddy Husband’
Electric Daddy: Huh, we have a theme now.
Bondage has changed their name to ‘Bondage Husband’
Electric Daddy has changed their name to ‘Electric Daddy Husband’
Kirishima Eijiro has changed their name to Rock Husband
Alien Wife has changed Heartthrob’s name to Heartthrob Wife
Electric Daddy Husband: It has been an hour! LET THE NAMING APOCOLYPSE COMMENCE.
Electric Daddy Husband changed Hatsume Mei’s name to ‘Baby Maker Wife’
Alien Wife changed Shouji Mezou’s name to ‘Tentacle Husband’
Bondage Husband changed Asui Tsuyu’s name to ‘Frog Wife’
Electric Daddy Husband changed Ojiro Mashiro’s name to ‘Tail Husband’
Alien Wife: LAME
Electric Daddy Husband changed Hagakure Toru’s name to ‘Streaker Wife’
Electric Daddy Husband: Hey, we’re trying.
Alien Wife: Still LAME.
Alien Wife changed Yaoyorozu Momo’s name to ‘Goddess Wife’
Electric Daddy Husband: Shit I can’t even say anything about that.
Alien Wife changed Aoyama Yuuga’s name to ‘Twink Husband’
Bondage Husband changed Tokoyami Fumikage’s name to ‘Threesome Husband’
Electric Daddy Husband change Shinsou Hitoshi’s name to ‘Dirty Talk Husband’
Alien Wife Changed Todoroki Shouto’s name to ‘Conspiracy Husband’
Conspiracy Husband:... can I ask?
Alien Wife: I overheard you talking to Yaomomo before we left about how the fact Nezu was Starlight’s mentor in so many futures meant that Nezu was a god for creating a Demigod like him.
Conspiracy Husband: He is a Rat God yes.
Twink Husband: Quel est ce nom? I am not a TWINK.
Alien Wife: You sure about that?
Twink Husband: While I may be of the body type I am not of the… temperament may we say?
Electric Daddy Husband: Huh? You’re very much one?
Twink Husband: Not in the bedroom.
Bondage Husband: … what the fuck?
Alien Wife: Holy shit.
Electric Daddy Husband: WHAT?! There’s no way you had sex.
Twink Husband: I am a year older then you all in my class.
Alien Wife: Wait, what?
Twink Husband: The French school system starts in September. I moved to Japan for UA when I was fifteen but missed the cut off date due to… I don’t know the word to write. I am to turn seventeen in may, not sixteen. But yes, I have had relations before.
Electric Daddy Husband:... What the actual fuck.
Engine Husband: Can we please not discuss this more? Nezu is without a doubt watching and I’d rather not push the line.
Goddess Wife: I concur. Perhaps instead we should speak on how we will deal with our feelings towards Izuku?
Goddess Wife: I mean Midoriya.
Bondage Husband: What do we have to talk about? 
Goddess Wife: We need to make sure we don’t push to much. We already confirmed he’s okay with flirting, but need to discuss how we will respect him and his boundaries.
BEST HUSBAND: What sort of flirting is he okay with?
Alien Wife: Nothing that involves touching him to much and nothing to dirty. Which to quote Kami sort of: none of us are dumb enough to do that during school hours.
Floating Wife: Midoriya is pretty okay with some jokes or comments. So don’t worry to much, just be respectful!
Electric Daddy Husband: I may be kinda bad at times but I do know when to back down.
Baby Maker Wife: I LOVE MY NAME. And also I want to have Muscles’ notebook soon. When can we meet? 
Baby Maker Wife: Also I won’t go to far. There are more important things!
BEST HUSBAND: I will petition to be moved to 1A to be closer to Midoriya! I can stand the rest of you and I doubt he would be allowed to come to the vastly superior 1B!
Alien Wife: … well shit.
-I don’t want to… censor myself. Fuck censorship, but I’m also very aware they’re in a school setting and this series is teen. So… this is what we get. *shrug* teenagers are bags of hormones.
-Everything about Aoyama was on the spot and I died laughing thinking of it. It’s all just for this universe and makes me giggle like a mad person. But yeah for this AU he is older then the others.
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jaimetout · 1 year
Hi, happy STS! What video games would your blorbos enjoy playing?
Got a bit depressed, sorry for responding late!
I forgot which characters I did last time so I might miss or add a few.
Uraraka is probably a Sims gal but I can also picture her playing those simulation games that are more about creating a city/farm/shop, maybe Sims City ahah otherwise probably something like Shop Heroes or Hay Day.
Bakugo definitely seems like the LoL/FPS type of guy that absolutely loses it on his poor teammates. I feel like he'd be pretty sophisticated about it and play Valorant or some other more adult players renowned game.
Aoyama is a Stardew Valley player and enjoys otome games but his favourite type of game is those dress up with stories game like Love Nikki, he might also have those stardom games where you try to become an A-list celebrity but gets bored of it easily.
Iida doesn't strike me as the kind to play games that don't stimulate his brain, I feel like he has 1 hour screen time if you get me but he'd have a couple puzzle games or card games like Solitary, Sudoku. He might occasionally play Candy Crush and the such, maybe those games where you're a detective as well.
Tsuyu is a Minecraft girlie. That's all that need to be said.
Adding my favourite kinds of games, Kaminari speedruns those open world games. He's known for 100% Genshin maps after one week of release and keeps resetting his Pokémon and Zelda games. He's the kind of fan that downloads Honkai Star Rail and complains about it for hours even though he's a Blade simp and is waiting until Luocha releases to quit. (He won't, he's a Genshin cheater).
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sskk-ao3feed · 2 years
You long to end your life, so you never will die
by pluton1um
For Aizawa, it seemed to be a normal day; after patrol, he was planning to go home and sleep for eighteen hours. That was until he saw the two bloodied teenagers sitting in an alleyway.
"What the hell."
(In which Dazai and Chuuya are sent into the world of heroes and villains. How will they hold in an environment where moral code is placed at such high esteem?) (TLDR 2.0: Dazai and Chuuya become problem children who bring nothing but trouble and stolen alcohol into UA.)
Words: 47111, Chapters: 11/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 文豪ストレイドッグス | Bungou Stray Dogs, 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: Gen, M/M
Characters: Dazai Osamu (Bungou Stray Dogs), Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Shuuzenji Chiyo | Recovery Girl, Midoriya Izuku, Todoroki Shouto, Iida Tenya, Uraraka Ochako, Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Bakugou Katsuki, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Pro Heroes (My Hero Academia), U.A. Faculty (My Hero Academia), Nedzu (My Hero Academia), Akutagawa Ryuunosuke (Bungou Stray Dogs), Nakajima Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs), Armed Detective Agency Ensemble (Bungou Stray Dogs), Port Mafia Ensemble (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Relationships: idk how to do tags, sorry i probably forgot a ton of characters, but im not typing all of them, Soukoku | Double Black (Bungou Stray Dogs), also im gonna try and keep the characters canon, not a canon rewrite tho, Crossover, isekai crossover, also also want it to be a scientifically accurate as possible, first fic lmfao, Angst, summer camp arc, season 3 and beyond, chuuya gives no fucks, big fat bruh moment,they get transported after the anime ends, just pretend that mori and fukuzawa decide to have them work together again, no smut yall horny, anyways who reads tags lmao, also dazai and chuuya are aged down, theyre sixteen now, No Beta RIP, Canon Divergence, aye wassup bbg this is me one year later adding tags, slow, i will simp for higuchi, should i add midoriya x uraraka into the tags or would that scare people away hmm, also. there are many many characters it won't just focus on dazai and chuuya :), but to put it simply. bungou stray dogs world is the top in this relationship, that is an awful analogy but what imean to say is that it'll focus more on the bsd side of things, hello this is the end of the tags :wave:
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/26467819
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shdo-xplosion · 1 year
Hi Dove! It’s really nice to meet you and welcome to the blr 💙 I hope you have as much fun on this hellsite as possible! If you don’t mind, I’d love for you to play matchmaker!!
❥ My name is B and honestly I have too many hobbies lol. I love to write, paint, read, cook, bake, build things. I like to keep busy and even if I’m just watching tv, I have to be doing something else (like coloring or doing a puzzle). I also love puzzles! But if I start one, I hyperfixate on it until it’s done so I’ll sit there doing a 1000 piece puzzle for a few hours without moving 😅 Aside from my hobbies, I love spoiling the people around me, especially when it comes to cooking or baking. I make my own homemade chai concentrate on the weekends and used to make my best friend her homemade cold brew for the week when we lived together. When I do cook, I like to plate everything all pretty and aesthetically as well, it just brings me joy. And I do love the praise I get when people enjoy my food, that always makes me preen. The basis of my personality is that I am loyal, kind, and when you first meet me, very quiet and shy, but once you get to know, I’m very talkative and love to spend time with my friends despite being an introvert. Friends and family are both super important to me!
❥ In terms of appearance, I’m short at only 5’ (153cm) tall and curvy (cries in cup size H), and I have natural wavy/curly brown hair that reaches to the small of my back (though I usually blow dry it and hide the curls) and I have darker blue eyes with a ring of gold around my pupil. I’m usually smiling or laughing and I love to wear giant sweatshirts!
❥ As for what I look for in a partner, I like men who will make sure I’m taking care of myself (or just take care of me themselves) because I am often too busy taking care of everyone around me to remember to take care of myself. Men who love with their whole heart and would burn the world for you always steal my heart. I’ll let you choose the fandom for the matchup—I love all four that you listed and since I’m bad at decision, I though you should have dealers choice!
Once again, I’m excited to meet you and hope we get to know one another more!! Also I read your Bakugou fic and it was SO GOOD! Seriously, I was obsessed and sent to all my friends who simp him! xoxo, B 💙
eeek! thank you so much! i’m so giddy people have enjoyed the fic .=^.^=
and I know just the person who would appreciate all your fancy plating, would love to do 1000 piece puzzles with you (and remind you to eat, pee, teehee), and would definitely burn the word (or murder) for someone he loves.
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event masterlist ✿
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khai-luvs-to-write · 3 years
Iida: WHAT’S YOUR TYPE y/n: Anything, honestly, but nerds especially Iida, desperately, as y/n bleeds out: YOUR BLOOD TYPE y/n: Oh! B positive. Iida: DONT TRY TO CHEER ME UP JUST TELL ME YOUR BLOOD TYPE y/n:
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hornyjello · 3 years
[SFW] Dating Tenya Iida will be:
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Would include Picnics together
Shopping together with him and the Deku squad when all of you are bored.
Him helping you with your assignment when you didn't understand something.
Damn you have a personal tutor man what a life
He will get comfortable with you specially when both of you are alone.
Him being a respectable boi and respecting your privacy
Watching Documentaries and Sci-fi movies on Netflix while comfortably cuddling each other.
(If your short) He will hug you from behind then kiss your head.
(if your tall) He will hug you from behind and kiss you shoulder or neck.
Him telling you "Good Job! Im so proud of you My lovely star!♡" then pat your head After having a high score on the test that get you frustated.
Reading books together
Training together after school when you both have time.
Him wiping your sweats after training then giving you a kiss on you cheeks
So sweet kyaaah♡
Him giving you gifts when he found something interesting.
And you freaking out because it's so expensive
Him looking at you confused when you look at the gift with wide eyes "Do you not like it, my star?" Your eyes widen and you immediately shook your head. "Ah! No! no! Baby wha-, I- I love it! But...*sigh* it just your gifts are so expensive and there's no occasions I meant...*sigh* Isn't it too much?...Am I that worth it?"
"Ahhh" his brows met and caress your face "of course you're worth it" he said and smiled at you sweetly. "So...i'll continue giving you gifts okay? I hope it's alright, let me spoil you hm?" he smiled lovingly at you, and kiss your forehead. flustered but still can function properly you nod and slowly hug him by his neck and kiss him on his cheeks. In the end Both of you decided to continue the study session happily.
-by Hornyjello♡-
I hope you enjoy it! Have a good day whoever you are mwah♡☺
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god-of-entropy · 3 years
no but like everyone. Everyone forgets that Iida’s mufflers are RETRACTABLE. Watch emergency exit Iida episode again. See when Ochako floats him up he pulls up his pants and retracts his mufflers?
a lot of you have missed out on this very crucial fact as seen in a lot of art made with his engines sticking out a LOT lmao. I mean they are there but they’re really short, about a single inch or two.
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Everyone please take a moment to look at his legs. Do you see his engines sticking out? You don’t? OF COURSE NOT BECAUSE HE RETRACTED THEM INSIDE HIS HUGE CALVES.
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And this was in SEASON ONE. In season five he got a HUGE upgrade and his mufflers quadrupled in size when Recipro Burst was extended to 10 minutes.
All in all: h o t
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forthemhasimps · 3 years
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Iida is underrated and you can’t tell me otherwise 💕
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fightxxmexxshiggy · 3 years
Yes he is. Sometimes he get so tired emotionally that he just really wants to be taken care of. Your the only one who ever gets to see him like that. When cuddles and babying aren't enough he'll just get up and take a shower. When he finishes he usually comes and pulls you into the bedroom. He's him so he already has everything set up. The lube, a towel, your strap, and the softest pillow he owns. He's content to just let you stretch him out and then work his ass over with the strap. By the time you finish him off he's happy and relaxed, floating on the euphoria of your love making. When you help him clean up from the mess of lube and cum he just let's you no fighting at all. He'll cuddle with you whispering into your neck about how much he loves you and how glad he is to be your man.
No he's not really interested in pegging. He does enjoy having a finger inside him when you suck him off and once in a while he'll wear a plug when he fucks you so the two of you can overstim together.
Yes he fucking loves letting you rail him. Every time he has a vacation or a long weekend he tends to bring you to a sex shop to pick out a new attachment for the strap. Its always an adventure with him. He's been working on getting you to make a sex tape with him where your pegging him in a pair of stockings. You keep making him wait though cause you know the longer he waits the harder he'll cum when you do say yes.
Yes he's super shy about it though. He turned bright red the first time you brought it up and still turns pink every time its brought up again. He likes being on his back when you peg him cause the face you make when you look at him under you makes his heart flutter and his cock leak. He has a cute, silly way of asking you to peg him. He'll wear his favorite crop top that says owned on it.
Yes he FUCKING does. The man is a closet freak. He loves riding the strap in reverse cowgirl so that you can play with his cheeks and slap them. He rides you just as much as you ride him and that's FUCKING hot.
Yes. He's a little slut that loves having his s/o rail him and take control. He works hard to keep his ass fat and muscled at the same time cause he wants you to eat it just as often as you fuck it. He's meticulous in his care of your sex toys.
He's not really interested in pegging or anything to do with ass play. He's more interested in marking you with his cum every chance he gets.
Yes. He doesn't do it often but when he does he's still a growling dom telling you exactly how your allowed to fuck him and where you can touch. He never cums from the strap but that's only because he likes you fuck his cum into one of your holes.
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class1akids · 2 years
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Good to know that the director of “Turning Red” is a fellow Shouto-simp manga fan as reported by Japanese media... x
“ Director Domee Shi was also a big fan of Japanese anime and manga. She reveals in the documentary of this work that she was a nerdy girl who also devotes herself to derivative works when she was a student. First of all, her heart is heated by the fact that a derivative fandom graduate became a feature-length director of Pixar. “
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simphellscape · 3 years
- *stone cold sober* “alright, where am i taking you?”
- *absolutely shitfaced* “home.”
- “yeah, i assumed that, but where do you live?”
- “i jus’ wanna go home.”
- “yes, i know, but i don’t know where that is.”
- “oh, i live at my house”
- *gives up and drives them to their house instead*
the next morning:
- drunk person wakes up in a bed that is NOT theirs and has no idea how they got there. they wake up in clothes that aren’t theirs either. they get up and walk around until they find sober person making breakfast. they assume the worst.
- “good morning..”
- “oh, you’re alive! i’m making pancakes.”
- “i see that. uh… i just want to get this out in the open now: i have absolutely no clue what happened last night, but if it’s what i think it is, i don’t think we should do that again.”
- “i hope we don’t do that again, actually. my carpet will never be the same.”
- “wait, hold on, we had sex on the floor? you let me fuck you on the floor?”
- “…no, you threw up on the floor. and my shoes, actually. then, you immediately fell asleep on my bed. i made sure you hadn’t just died, then i changed your clothes, because you got vomit on those too. then, after i cleaned your mess up, i tried to move you so that i could sleep in my own fucking bed, but you were out cold. so i slept on the couch.”
- “glad i could clear that up for you! now, eat your pancakes so i can drive you home.”
(if you’re interested in my MANY pics for drunk person™️, check tags)
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girlfriendyuki · 3 years
thinking about him (crimson eyes iida) 
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shiggyscumrag · 3 years
Im sorry but im a simp for izuku and Tenya so I really wanna know how pegging would go. Like I bet that both of them would enjoy being pegged but like taking them so far into subspace and overstimulation they just blank out on everything you say calling you mommy/daddy/master/mistress or whatever you decide. Oh God sweet jesus~ ugh I need that in my life-
Okay literally love this- I love the idea of fucking boy doms into little cry baby subs so doing this with izuku and iida sounds astounding<3
Tenya iida is mainly a top, but surprisingly he's a switch. He's mentioned this in passing once and never mentioned it again. You remembered though. How could you not? (GN!READER)
"M'feels really good, don't stop!" He pleaded. Ass up high in the air with you pounding into him at the same speed he did to you last night. Hands grabbing onto the sheets below him for dear life. Slobber rolling from his tongue to his chin. Moans breaking from his throat as he whines and crys about how good your fucking him with your cock.
"Master, g-gonna cum again!" You've never heard him stutter more in his life than tonight alone. You've gotten your usually confident very well spoken husband cock drunk.
"You wanna cum? I bet you wanna cum so bad." You teased
"Yes, yes! Wanna cum! Please let me cum master, please!" He begged, tears brimming at his waterline.
"Ah, you gonna cry baby?" You teased "Come on, cry for me. Wanna be my little cry baby cock whore?" You continued as you laid a hard smack on his ass. He jolted forward letting out a loud moan, tears finally rolling down his fucked out face.
"MASTER PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE! PLEASE LET ME CUM! IT HURTS-" you cut him off with another smack of the ass, he cried out in pain while his eyes rolled back far into his skull. Cum shooting from his reddened cock, and loud moan of him crying out your name.
The sheets now spoiled, your hips slowed helping him ride out his high before coming to a complete stop. His shaking panting form below you.
"Did it feel good?" You spit.
"Y-yes master, thank you." He shivered.
"Turn around. Now." You demanded, pulling out of him in one swift movement.
He whimpered at the feeling of being empty, but quickly obliged with your demand. You towered over him and planted your hands on either side of his head.
"I didn't say you could cum." You said sternly, you had a sneer on your face and your tone made iida shudder.
"I'm sorry master, I didn't mean-" you cut him off before he could finish
"I didn't ask for an apology. Now you're gonna suck on my cock while I jerk you off till I'm satisfied at how much you've cum."
Izuku would be a switch, but would be a power bottom, reader is a soft dom top (GN!READER BTW!!)
"Nngh- feels so good! Nngh ah fuck, fuck-" He cut himself off by biting his lip. He's so beautiful like this, riding your cock into the late hours of the night. A light sheen of sweat making his skin sparkle, some green locks stuck to his forehead.
You're just here for the ride honeslty. Him using you as his personal fuck toy gives you all the pleasure you could ask for. Honeslty even if you didn't cum, you would still be completely satisfied. You just wanna watch Izuku cum all over your fat cock over and over again.
"Fuck me! I'm gonna cum again!" He whimpered out digging his nails into your shoulders.
"Yes, please cum on me. Make me dirty with your seed doll." You knew izuku loved when you talked dirty to him.
"AH FUCK-" He screamed as white hot ropes of cum splattered all over your chest as he continued to ride out his high. After a few seconds he collapsed onto your shoulder.
"My turn puppy? Want me to fuck another one out of you?" You asked rubbing his back and kissing his temple. Wiping the hair out his face to lock eyes.
"Wanna milk you." He whispered. You only chuckled.
"Okay puppy, you can milk me all you want."
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Hiii!! May i ask a headcanon "what is the “ideal type” of girl" for Idia, Lilia, Jade and Jamil?
Warning: These are 100% absolute truths. Everything I write is true and if you disagree you are wrong....
This was sarcasm. If you don't know what sarcasm is, I recommend google it.
Jade Leech
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Jade would like some soft and sweet girlfriend.
He would love how sweet and short his human are.
( If you’re taller than Jade then good luck in life and I’m pretty jealous )
Jade also wanted you to have a certain interest in “distracting” things.
He can tell you about the work he is doing in very detail.
And most disturbing of all, Jade does it the same way he would talk about the weather.
I hope you get along with Floyd too.
Because Floyd would definitely like to meet his brother’s little shrimpy.
Jade would be very protective and possessive towards you.
I hope you like the PDA.
Lilia Vanrouge
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Oh this would certainly be interesting.
Surely Lilia would care if you were a caring and helpful person.
Because he loves children and definitely wants children with you
Silver and Malleus are certainly not enough.
If you could cook well, the whole Diasomnia would surely be grateful.
The only one who would have anything to complain about it would be Lilia.
Lilia would also like you to have a sense of humor.
Because Lilia would definitely like you to understand his humor.
By the way, it's best to get used to the "jump scare`s."
Because Lilia thinks you're sweet when you're scared.
Lilia is a little sadist.
He really loves you a lot.
Idia Shroud
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Headcanon is over now.
( XD The joke was that I'm a big Idia simp and I dont want share )
But so Iida would definitely like a girl who would also be interested in manga and anime.
Idia could chat with you Manga and anime for many hours.
And if you were also antisocial he would be happy.
You can be antisocial together.
Idia would also love it if you could cook.
Your cooking would be the best way to get him to eat healthily.
Your cooking skills would also make Ortho happy.
Now Ortho no longer has to force Idia to eat healthy.
You should also be a more active party on the PDA.
Idia after all, is really shy at first.
Unless you have cat ears...
Jamil Viper
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Jamil would like an intelligent and gentle girlfriend.
He would like to talk to you about the problem and how he will soon get a nervous breakdown due to the stupidity of Kalim.
It would really make him feel better.
Even though Jamil likes that you are smart he could still help you with your problems.
Jamil is also very affectionate if he gets the chance.
He would probably also like to date someone who is shorter than he is.
It gives him a sense of "control."
Jamil really doesn’t feel that feeling often.
Usually Jamil likes to cook for you.
Jamil would also like you to be able to work as a babysitter for Kalim someday.
The poor boy needs a moment's rest.
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