#ill be talking about this stream for the next week
munamania · 1 year
ok i wish any of u could have been there in my class today sorry to wish that upon u ok i take it back im just mad i had to suffer i havent been that angry in a class and esp on behalf of my own work like maybe ever like. last semester i’d get annoyed but then id just go to my other prof or whatever and i was also distracted by film girl so like w/e but im really happy with my series idea and ive been having fun developing the characters and trying to figure out what i want to do yk but admittedly would’ve loved some feedback/ideas about how it’s working and etc (yk. the purpose of a fucking student writer’s room) and like. no one engaged with it at all. and yeah that sucks and the dramatic part of me is like well maybe i just suck but it’s like.. they didnt even try like they do with everyone else’s stories? i got pointless fucking questions some of which. litchrally had answers in the outline i provided. you know the whole central idea of class today. when i complained to my prof later on even he was like yeah who cares... (abt their questions. cause they did not matter to my story.) idk i was frustrated to the point that i was holding back tears lol so that was embarrassing. got told to my face that it seemed like i had like 20 minutes worth of content which just. isnt true i just didnt write word for word ‘and then she said this and she said that and he said this and then she did that’ like everybody fucking else did. use your goddamn imagination it’s a film class for god’s sake. and it’s not like anyone asked about what WAS there. oh also every single person that contributed was like yeah whatever this character’s name is haha forgot um yeah like whichever this one was. can you like pretend to care like you did with everyone else’s. it’s not even a 3 page outline u could like. look. youre gonna give more engagement and attention to the 9/11 self insert guy. yeah ok just say u hate women. that’s presumptuous of me i guess sorry. it was just sooooo annoying and i loved that class prior to this but obviously this stomped on my ego and im angry at like everyone who participated and yk. a few of them were ppl i liked before that so. bummer i guess
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san8ny · 2 months
CamGirl! Ellie
“How...” You trail off as you view the poll in disbelief, setting the brightness of your monitor up in an effort to re-read the winners of your next collaboration,
Ellie Williams had won by a landslide over Abby Anderson.
How was that even fuckin’ possible, i mean, it was practically unheard of in the field of camming; a rookie like Williams beating a veteran like Anderson out.
You prop a fuzzy sock-clad foot on your desk as you lean back in your streaming chair, the viewers going absolutely insane at the chance of a collab with Ellie Williams now becoming a reality. You simply couldn’t help the amusement that began to simmer in your manner.
“Well..I did promise you all, didn’t I?” You flash a pearly smile, looking back at your camera as the thousands of comments roll in,
@Ilovesluts1: LETS GOOOOO!
@Abbys3xual: made like a bajillion accounts to vote for abby smh :/
@EWismyreligion: bro sm1 tag me when its starts next week
@AbbyAnderson: aw, dont seem so down, ill get em next time
@FuckSuckGo: ░PUSSY░IN░BIO░
Skimming through them, you slightly tilt your head at the viewer count, “Mm, we’re past our usual viewership number, are you all that excited to see me get fucked?” Your laugh coming out a bit airy as you slowly begin to unzip the large hoodie you had on, top set of teeth brushing against your bottom lip, “Now that you’ve got something fun to look forward to, let’s get back on our usual schedule.”
Meanwhile, Ellie was laying in bed, laptop propped up on her thighs as she watches your stream in antcipation on her alt. Poor girl had practically chewed her nailbeds down to nothing as she hears you talk about her for the first time in that sultry voice you had; Ellie practically worshipped the ground you walked on- hell, you were the one to even get into her camming.
She first came across your sfw gaming account, thinking you were a fresh breath of air. You had good humor, seemed down to earth and you were beautiful as hell.
Couple of weeks later, you mention in a ‘StarDew Valley’ stream how your other account got flagged for the influx of subscribers you were obtaining, the streaming platform mistaking them for bots. You were just that good, and Ellie didn’t need any further convincing before finding the paywalled account and sprinting to her coat, fishing out the credit card.
Safe to say she quickly became one of your top donators in just a couple of days, the comments talking amongst themselves of just who ‘User1009’ could be, and the hefty amount of money being sent in a single sitting; you didn’t really bat an eye all that much as you were pretty use to it, but upon reading the comments, you smiled; “Guess i’m well liked?”
shortly after, the system text-to-speech alert sounds:
@User1009 has sent a donation of 3000USD with a note attached:- More than you know :)
Ellie was ensnared in your trap. She worked a regular 9-5, she wasn’t under a hot-shot label like you when she cammed in the little to no free time she had, instead, opting to freelance with little 5 minute amateur videos.
Though, it’s her toned body and music-like moans that gets her quickly climbing in the ranks, the platform practically becoming infatuated with the quick strokes of Ellie’s wrist when she’s pumping a sleek toy inside of her, or the risk of her being caught in the very public areas she performes said acts in. She was a thrill, and had everyone tuned in.
Even you, as you probe your mouse around her offical account in your dim-lit room, trying to see just who would be bending you over.
“She’s cute..” You mutter as you click on one of the more clearer videos, heat quickly consuming you as her slicked pussy comes into camera-view, long slender olive-toned fingers pistoning in and out of her swollen cunt aggressively as she chases an orgasm, before slowly removing them and demonstrating how her cum webs inbetween digits, some cascading down her wrist before the video cuts.
And for the first time in some weeks, you catch yourself actually feeling excited as you rub your thighs together.
Not just for the clicks and money either..but for some girl on the internet.
Hey, i dont rlly know if you’d be okay with this but..r u down for a vid tgtr? my fans rlly like u but ik u dont do collabs lol (sent at 11:36pm)
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ranboolivesaysstuff · 4 months
I have a couple of sponsors that have been in the works for a bit over the next week!!! If yall could turn out for the stream im doin on the 12th that would be great it will be fun I swear (and will help me be able to pay for projects) and i have another sponsor that has been in the works for a WHILE that ill talk more about in a couple days that I have a plan for!!! Thank you all for the support I am very excited :))
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sailorholly · 2 months
Between Us Pt. 4
Summary: You and Spencer had a casual relationship. A misunderstanding ruins it all.
Pairing: Spencer Reid × F. BAU Reader
Warnings: Friends with benefits. Pregnancy.
See my Masterlist here
Part 3
Hotch was the first person you told. You didn’t want to hurt the baby by running after an unsub in the future. You swore him to secrecy, still struggling with how to tell Spencer. Hotch made sure you were okay. He didn’t like Ashley and Spencer rubbing their relationship in your face right after he had called it quits.
“Unnecessarily cruel” he had called it. You didn’t think Spencer was aware that he had hurt you or that you have feelings for him. He would never do that on purpose. He probably thought you didn’t care, you did a good job of pretending not to. You broke down telling Hotch everything. You hated crying, but you sobbed in his office for thirty minutes. Thankfully, you came in an hour early to speak with him. These pregnancy hormones were awful.
Your first ultrasound appointment is in two weeks. You were grateful for the extra time to work up the courage to tell Spencer. You wanted him to come to the appointment with you. He would be a great dad, it was a shame that you weren’t together.
Now you’d have to watch him be the perfect dad to your baby while he was dating someone else. That hurt more than anything. You spent the whole week avoiding him. Every interaction he had with Ashley made you sprint to the bathroom, tears streaming down your cheeks. If anyone noticed that Hotch made you stay behind instead of going out to catch the unsub like usual, they didn’t say anything.
Things got tricky when the team went out for drinks after work on Friday like you did every time you weren’t out on a case in a different state. You were too tired to go. But Penelope begged you to come. You told her you would go, but you had a little headache, so you didn’t want to drink. That way she wouldn’t be suspicious.
Spencer noticed you were behaving strangely. You had been running to the bathroom to cry often. You hadn’t been drinking while going out. But he knew your dad was in poor health, so he tried not to linger on it. But he was worried about you. He was sure you would tell him when you were ready.
Spencer spent his free time with Ashley. She was a sweet girl and she really liked him. He felt guilty that every time he was with her, he compared her to you. She didn’t cook like you did. She didn’t let him ramble for hours. She didn’t laugh at his jokes. Her hair wasn’t as soft as yours.
Her kiss on his lips felt like poison where yours felt like coming home. He knew sex with her would be vastly different, so he avoided it. He told Ashley he wanted to take things slow, that he didn’t want to ruin it like he did with you.
Ashley tried her best to seduce him, but he would reject her every time. He found it odd that she would always bring you up. She would ask questions about what his time with you was like. Were you a better kisser? Were you good in bed? Did he have feelings for you? Spencer found himself lying to spare her feelings.
Spencer stared at his phone for an hour. “We need to talk” was all your text said, but it terrified him. He worried about it all night after you invited him for breakfast the next morning. Was it your dad? Did you have an illness that you needed to tell him about? The possibilities were endless.
“I don’t understand why I can’t go, I’m your girlfriend after all. I don’t like that you will be alone with her.” Ashley whined. Spencer was so frustrated with her. He rolled his eyes when he told her that they weren’t that serious yet. You were still his friend, and whatever you wanted to discuss was private. He let her know that he wouldn’t be telling her what you said unless you told him he could.
Spencer sat across from you filling his plate with the breakfast you made. He missed your cooking. Your stomach churned with nerves. This whole set up was a little too familiar for your liking. It reminded you of the last time you and Spencer were alone other than at work. He sat quietly, patiently waiting for you to tell him your reason for inviting him over.
You sat in silence for what felt like hours, too nervous to say anything. Spencer excused himself to go to the bathroom. You decided when he came back you would have to tell him. “What’s this?” He interrupts your stream of thoughts, walking toward you holding the pregnancy test you took earlier.
You took it last night and forgot to put it away. You were going to keep it as a sentimental thing. It was silly now that you thought about it. Especially with Spencer holding the test in his large hands looking at you wide eyed. “Surprise!” You say, standing to face him. “I’m pregnant.”
@cindylynn @wheredafandomat @multifandom-worlds @loz-3 @megharat-barnes-reid @kats72 @mochie85 @cakesandtom @spenciesprincess @kimm4710 @tmilover1993 @nomajdetective @cynbx @comboboo @134340ona @wannabewolf @weirdothatwritess @silver-tongue-taken-to-bed @freegardenbanananeck @lover-of-books-and-tea @maybe-not-this @drewsandsebastianswife @lamentis-10 @lizzyk137 @hypotheticallyspeakingwitch @rosylnsworld @amortencija @ah-blossom @xblueriddlex @dreamsarebig @khxna @diasnohibng @nommingonfood @sp3ncelle @pleasantwitchgarden @isakslilsmile @lavvylove @creaming4daddy @justdianaz @aubs444 @im-this-girl
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sofs16 · 8 months
spill your guts!
charles x singer!reader
fc: olivia rodrigo 🫀
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liked by charles_leclerc, taylorswift, and 13,493,191 others
yn two days and guts is yours to have💞🪄💌💟
view all 188,694 comments
yn.updated cant wait! 💜💜💜
ariana_2000 whore
⤷ theynroom stfu
⤷ ariana_2000 she literally gets a new boyfriend every month and writes an album about them 😂
september 6, 2023
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liked by charlesss__16, and 1,191 others ynvroom youre joking. YOURE ACTUALLY JOE KING. view all 68 comments
charles.updated what’s happening?
september 7, 2023
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liked by yn, carlossainz55, and 4,559,606 others
charles_leclerc Beautiful night at the @ ferrari Gala in New York! Congratulations on the amazing performance @yn 😉❤️
view all 87,585 comments
yn Thank you!!!💜💜💜
[liked by charles_leclerc]
september 7, 2023
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liked by charles_leclerc, and 7,272,282 others
yn grazie for having me @ ferrari! the people here got to a hear the album a day early haha🪄 (didn’t get a photo with my favorite drivers but got a photo of them in a non stalker way..)
view all 436,474 comments
charles_leclerc Oh no, next time! I would have loved to take a photo with you! [ COMMENT DELETED ! ]
charles_leclerc Oh no, maybe next time:) We would have loved to meet you!
⤷ yn definitely! hope to maybe see you guys at japan gp;)
september 7, 2023
━ charles_leclerc has sent you a dm!
Charles Leclerc
You are going to the Japan GP?
Yes!!! Failed to get paddock tix though:(
Charles Leclerc
If you would like, I have extra tickets😄
ooo no thank you, i wouldn’t want to be a hassle😭
Charles Leclerc
It’s no hassle at all! No one will be using them anyways.
are you 100% sure?
Charles Leclerc
1000% sure, is this a yes?
seen 4 minutes ago
Charles Leclerc
Sorry i was jumping around my living room.. YES!
Charles Leclerc
Haha anytime! I did not know you were that interested in F1
truth be told, i’ve been watching it for over a decade like i remember you in f3 2015😭
Charles Leclerc
Oh no🤦‍♂️
it’s okay, just an inchident 😁
Charles Leclerc
No one will let me live this down, yes?
Yes 💌
delivered 20s ago
listen, i really enjoyed talking to you but sadly i have to cut it short since i have this listening party for the album. thank you sooooo much for the paddock tickets and ill see you in a week:))
Charles Leclerc
I will be (re) listening to the album! See you:)
[ yn reacted with ❤️‍🩹]
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liked by charles_leclerc, and 10,697,697 others
yn 😭guts😭is😭out😭
view all 2,282,696 comments
charles_leclerc INSANE! 💜❤️
[liked by yn]
⤷charles1616 oh my god?
taylorswift Amazing, showstopping, splendid, and all that! [liked by yn] carlossainz55 Want to write a song about chilis 🌶️ next time?
⤷ yn done. francisca.cgomez you’re hot.
⤷ yn wait 🤭🤭🤭🤭
september 8, 2023
tokyo, japan
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liked by charles_leclerc, and 7,239,448 others yn 🇯🇵
• “get him back!” broke biggest streaming song in the world in one day (22 MILLION?????)
• guts broke biggest streaming album in the uk ???
• top 10 in billboards is all guts ??? how is life real??? thank you everyone ❤️❤️💜
view all 2,383,595 comments
ynvroom did she just try to sneak in a f1 garage pic. L4NDOS she’s hot in the last slide and knows it
scuderiaferrari ❤️💜
charles_leclerc Congrats! 🍾
⤷ yn champagne is for podium, sharl
⤷ charles_leclerc My bad…
⤷f3rarri55 so we’re never getting champagne? september 15, 2023
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liked by yn, and 4,383,292 others
charles_leclerc P2! 🍾Thank you! We did the best we could today❤️
view all 821,119 comments
yn LETS GOOOOOO!!!! 🍾🍾🍾🍾
[ liked by charles_leclerc]
september 18, 2023
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liked by 3,282 others
view all 1,111 comments
september 18, 2023
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[ slides 1 and 9 of 9 ]
liked by charles_leclerc, yn, and 2,118,282 others
pierregasly Japan dumppp
view all 1,149,383 comments
[ pierregasly deleted the 3rd slide! ]
september 26, 2023
monte carlo, monaco
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liked by charles_leclerc, and 6,282, 383 others
yn beautiful place
view all 1,393,101 comments
chhgasly oh she’s confirmed wag.
yndata not this being her first post non promo post in 2 months😭
⤷ chayn.updates after the 4 “yn seen in paddock/ferrari garage” mentions 😭
conangray i wonder what’s interesting in monaco
carlossainz55 Whose camera is that? Its nice
carlossainz55 What camera is that? It’s nice november 29, 2023
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liked by yn, and 5,118,119 others
charles_leclerc Back home!
view all 632,382 comments
november 30, 2023
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liked by charles_leclerc, and 10,696,697 others
yn YNDUMPSTERS ITS BEEN A WHILE BUT CHARLES FUCKING ACCDEITANLY STAINED MY TS CARDIGAN WHILE DOING CAR THINGS AND I NEARLY CRIED. now that i think of it im happy because it’s stained with him and i love him tho🤷🏻‍♀️ im freezing someone get me a sauna
view all 12,282,595 comments
charles_leclerc Though most likely unintentional to post here, this is the sweetest and most chaotic thing someone has ever said about me. I love you too
charlesyn111 STOP “it’s stained with him” LEAVE ME BE
pierregasly Who might be in this dump account…
⤷ landonorris YOU’RE IN IT?
⤷ carlossainz55 Been in there for 3 months papaya…
december 23, 2023
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liked by yn, and 5,796 others
december 24, 2023
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liked by charles_leclerc, and 19,595,282 others
yn well.
i kinda fucked up how we were supposed to share our love with the world but now that it’s out there, charles and only charles has my heart, forever.
i wrote a song when i was 15 about having a dream guy and losing him because life isn’t always so kind. though charles showed me that isn’t always true. to the man who makes me feel like the only girl in the world, you are the 1.
“the 1” out now on all platforms 💜💌🏩❗️
view all 2,272,292 comments
charles_leclerc Proudest of you, Amour! Je t’aime💜
maxverstappen1 du du du du du Max Verstappen is better / kidding.
⤷ yn ngl… yeah.
ynsline “if my wishes came true, it wouldve been u” 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
december 24, 2023
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liked by yn, and 7,363,722 others
charles_leclerc Spilling my guts, I love my girl! 💜
Happt anniversary @yn 😘 view all 3,226,112 comments
yncharles 3 years and charles is still WHIPPED!
yn mwahhhhh loveu babe
⤷ landonorris Ew
⤷ yn me when i see u
⤷ landonorris wow
⤷ yn jk loveu lando no rizz
carlossainz55 Why does she not age. ⤷ charles_leclerc My pretty girl 💜
november 30, 2025
charles_leclerc instagram story :
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royalarchivist · 3 months
Quackity: This project is not over and I’ll do everything necessary to strengthen it day by day. It is a process. Step by step, and it will take time. But I’m taking care of it. [...] I have a personal conviction with this project and I’ll keep working to improve it.
This video is also available on Quackity's VOD YouTube channel, and will include English translations very soon. Please take a moment to read through the transcript of his stream in the meantime; I think it will help a lot of people feel a little bit better.
Translations provided by @QuackitySubs.
[ Full Transcript ↓ ]
Quackity: I turned on stream to give an announcement regarding what’s happening with the QSMP structure. I know there’s people with many doubts about lots of things so I hope this helps you all understand a little bit more. I’ll be saying all of this in Spanish because I find it easier to express myself in it since it’s my first language. I wanted to make that clear.
I want to give, and explain, a little bit of the context of everything, ok? These past three weeks have been very turbulent regarding many aspects. The restructuring process that’s going on for the project has not been easy at all. Before I involved myself, and I said it before, there was people who damaged the project in very harmful ways, administrative and financially wise. I addressed this before. But I haven’t given any updates or anything of that nature because the only updates I’ve had are all inner and of legal matter. Therefore, there are no visible changes, but they’re important ones that need to be done.
I’m telling you: people with ill intent have been removed from the project, and I’m still in the process with people that have caused a lot of this harm since the beginning. That has been one of the main focuses of this restructuring that’s being carried out. Guys, I want to make something very clear: during this process, the actions that are being made have to be done with extreme care.
Recently, I’ve wanted to give many updates both inside and outside, but we’re facing a very critical issue that’s leaked information. I don’t know if the people who leaked information and announcements from the inside knew this was going on. But when I gave inside information and it leaked where it shouldn’t have; that affected the process that was needed to take care of many things. And the people who affected me administratively and financially, which I already talked about in a past stream, found out about matters that they shouldn’t have known about and used this information to twist it and affect the process. This complicated to a great extent many things. This is why I haven’t given any announcements. This is why I’m not able to talk freely as much I’d like to, and I’m not ignoring or evading but a very, very delicate process is being carried out.
Since the beginning it was known, within my involvement, that to achieve a complete change we had to start with the people who affected me, the project, and that were the cause of many issues that have been going on this whole year. With that being said, what happened was we started looking for a financial strategy for the project because the costs are very high. The project was going to shut down, I already talked about this. And as soon as I could define through different strategies, if there was a way to support the project, the next step was going to reestablish the many QSMP parts that did not longer exist. And I want to make something very clear; given the financial circumstances of the server, I did not want to make anybody a promise that not even I knew could be fulfilled. For this reason, this element was still present- the financial element, and I could not give any more inner updates because I was working on a very important part of the financial element of the server.
It is my understanding that the lack of communication has been notorious, and I reiterate, it’s not on purpose. There are many matters behind the scenes that I’ve been meaning to address, but I’ve had to be very, very careful. I understand if there are people who do not agree with the approach of the process, and if you don’t trust the project neither the process that’s being carried out, don’t worry. I don’t have an issue if you stop consuming the project. I understand that completely. I said I had a personal conviction with the project and it will stay that way.
I’ve been working arduously, and I’m going to do everything in my power for the project to continue but with the best conditions possible, and something I want to make very clear is that this process takes time. That is something I want to make very clear. This process takes time.
Guys, there’s people who have parted ways with the project and that will continue leaving on their own will and I understand that fully. I don’t have a problem with whoever took or will take this decision and I wish them the absolute best. In fact, I made an inner announcement where I let them know that a restructure would take time to be implemented. And there’s people that, for reasons, no longer want to be a part of this project, and I completely understand it because it’s not easy to be in adjustment stages, so I understand. Something I announced from the beginning was that my main goal would be that the project would go back to normal, but with the best conditions possible. This can be achieved following the right dynamics and the right setting for every person contributing to the project and this cannot be done within three weeks. This entire process continues.
Having given a little bit of context behind many aspects regarding the project, I ask of everyone that would like to stay, their utmost patient. I don’t want to make any promises and I don’t want to sugarcoat it. I want to make concrete actions. And that’s what I’ve been doing, whether you can see it or not, that’s what I’ve been doing step by step.
Guys, the changes that I’m doing are in the project’s best interest and I’ll say this openly: These changes are in the project’s best interest and for the people who love it, people who have been impacted by it, people who follow and love what this project means. These people are my motivation and the inspiration for which I started the project, for which I’m still doing the project and for which I’ll keep doing the QSMP. I am not doing this, and I want to make it very clear, I am not doing this for the people who, for a very long time, want to see the project torn down through efforts that show the complete opposite of having love for the project. Be it non-constructive comments, malicious actions, ill intentions wishes upon me, the team, and any community that consumes the QSMP, and the project in general. To me, that all of these ill-intentioned people stop consuming the project does not bother me in the slightest. I want that very, very clear.
Guys, let’s not forget about something very important: it is very difficult to build something but it very easy to destroy it. To everyone who would like to join us in this building process, you’re welcome. For those who seek to destroy it maliciously… this project, since the beginning, wasn’t and it is not made for you.
Lastly, I’d like to say that these past days I’ve been getting many calls, emails and messages from people all around the world expressing what QSMP means for them. This is why, and I’m saying it as it is, this project is not over and I’ll do everything necessary to strengthen it day by day. It is a process. Step by step, and it will take time. But I’m taking care of it.
I want to thank everyone for putting their trust in me beforehand, and I reiterate my personal commitment to strengthen this project. I hope this clarified some doubts and gave context that to many people it was necessary. I reiterate, I have a personal conviction with this project and I’ll keep working to improve it.
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𝐍𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 • 𝐣𝐮𝐝𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐡𝐚𝐦
Summary: Can you write a fic about reader and Jude angst (like heavyyyy angst yk?) and then the reader and Jude are not on speaking terms anymore but something about the reader’s past happens and she doesn’t know where to go but to Jude and at first he’s shocked to see her at his doorstep but he lets her in and at first it’s awkward word exchanges but Jude notices her holding her tears back and tries asks her what’s wrong and she’s just like “it just hurts, so bad” and then fluff and then they get back together and just pure fluff-heavy on the angst(lmao I’m on my period can you tell)
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Genre: angst, fluff
Warning: dad issues, break up, ex Jude
Pairing: Jude Bellingham x f reader
Word count: 1k
Author note: I honestly don't know what this is but oh well
Jude Bellingham Masterlist right here
Your relationship with Jude ended abruptly. You don’t know how it happened so fast. One minute you were talking, the next you were packing your bags with tears in your eyes.
That was 3 weeks ago and you still haven’t recovered from it. Jude clouded your memory like a plague. You been with him for so long before it all ended he just became apart of you. You loved him so much but unfortunately you had to let him go.
You sat in your apartment, TV on, but you weren’t even paying attention to it. You were stuck in your thoughts until your phone rung.
It was a call from your dad. You haven’t talked to him in years. The last time you did he gaslighted you and then abandoned you. What did he want after these many years?
Your dad’s booming voice came on the other end of the phone making you cringe. He began to explain how he had found someone and how he was about to marry her after getting her pregnant. You pity the unknown woman and child who has to suffer his mental abuse.
“Why are you calling and telling me this?” you asked stopping his rambling. Your dad paused for a second before speaking.
“out of all people I thought you would be the happiest for me.”
You scoffed, laughing at his stupidity. “happy for you? After you emotionally abused me, treated me and my mom like shit and left us when we finally stood up for ourselves? I’m not going to be fucking happy for you. I feel pity for that child who has to grow up with you.”
A brief silence went by before your dad’s voice echoed through the phone. Anger laced in his voice as he spoke.
Lots of disgusting words flowed from his mouth. “I hate you” “you were a mistake I wish you were never born. “ “I hope you die.”
You wish you didn’t take any of it to heart, but you did. You always do.
After a bit you ended the call, no longer wanting to hear his insults thrown daggers at you.
You threw your phone at the end of the couch and groaned. You ran your hands down your face.
You hated him so bad it made you feel physically ill.
You didn’t notice you were crying when you pulled your hand away from your face but you were. You guess all the old memories flooded your brain and made you remember how horrible of a person he truly was.
You don’t know how you made it to Jude’s doorstep. Jude always knew how bad your relationship with your dad was and he was always there for you when you were dating.
You knocked on the door softly. The tears that were on your face were wiped away as you waited for the door to open.
The door swung open revealing Jude. He looked exhausted just like you were. He was taking the breakup hard.
“y/n, why are you hear? Did you forget something?” Jude eyebrows knitted until he was the tears streaming down your face. “love, what happened?”
He pulled you into the house and looked at you. His expression was dripping concern. He hates seeing you cry.
“sweetheart tell me what happened.”
You told Jude everything through your tears. Jude listened, wiping every year that fell from your eyes. He felt so much hatred for your dad for making you cry. He hated seeing you like this.
When you finished telling him everything, Jude pulled you into his arms and let you cry into his chest as he whispered how you didn’t deserve any of that.
When you finally calmed down you pulled away from Jude. “I’m sorry.” You pulled all the way from Jude and sat beside him on the couch.
“You don’t need to be apologizing. I told you I will always be here when you needed me remember?”
You remembered the night you and Jude broke up with each other. Tears in your eyes as you had your bags packed and ready to go. Before you could walk out of Jude’s place, he stopped you.
“y/n I know we’re not together, but just know I’m always going to be here for you ok?”
You avoided his eyes and nod. You knew if you looked at him you’d start crying. “I know Jude.”
“I remember.” You sigh. “it just hurts so bad.”
“lets stop thinking about him.” Jude got up from the couch making you look up at him.
“he doesn’t deserve your energy. Let’s do something else. Let’s watch a movie or something. We can watch princess diaries. I promise I won’t cringe.”
You laughed for the first time that night. It made Jude smile at his accomplishment.
Jude popped some popcorn and put on the movie for you both to watch. You leaned your head up against his shoulder and rested it there while your eyes stayed on the TV.
You were so close to Jude. Even though it was something you experienced so often before, it felt odd knowing you both weren’t together anymore.
You pulled away from Jude.
“what’s wrong?” he asked you, his whole body shifting to you.
“Jude, do you really want to be broken up?”
Jude exhaled. You watched as he turned away from you, paused briefly then shaking his head.
“no. To be honest I’ve been taking these past few weeks without you horribly.”
He took your hands in his. Your skin tingled at the contact.
“I don’t want to be apart from you. You’re the best part of my life. Our argument was stupid and it shouldn’t have broken us up.”
“you wanna know something?” you whisper to Jude. His eyebrows lifted so you continued. “I don’t even remember what the argument was about.”
Jude smiled at you. “don’t worry about it.” Jude brought his face close to yours. “Let’s start off on a clean slate. How does that sound?”
You looked up into his brown eyes. “I like the sound of that.”
Jude closed the gap between the two of you, kissing you for the first time in what felt like forever.
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yonpote · 1 month
mr. pote please explain shoe ig story for the ignorant (me)
not much to explain other than. dan posted an instagram story of their shoes pressed together
ok i guess ill share a LITTLE context. around late january to early february 2023 was when dan was having a mini-break from touring for philly's bday before he had to hit the road for the non-uk european shows. the thing is, there were kind of a lot of complications happening wrt tickets, especially problems surrounding the iceland show, which dan had hyped up as where he was going to end the tour, and pj even mentioned on stream that he and sophie would possibly meet dan and phil there and have essentially a double date holiday! the day before the Shoe Pic, dan had announced that the iceland show was cancelled. he posted the cancellation on his story in icelandic, here is the english translation:
Sorry for the frozen people. Couldn't bring this show to your island this trip, that's all I can say for now. It's on my bucket list to be with you one day. I'll see you then.
he then posted an ig story where he seemed to be out on a walk that was quite self-deprecating on the fact that no one takes him seriously "in life, business, or the industry." it was just a bummer day for dan. so a few twitter phannies (back when there was a Little peace) thought to make an encouraging hashtag for dan, #weloveyoudan to show some appreciation for him when he really seemed to need it! (this also spawned an in-joke hashtag my good friend @editingz0ne made, #giveamazingphilnukes, that phil tweeted about 💀)
so the next day, when dnp had both posted while at an apex legends esports competition thing, we all kinda inferred that this was a lil date, possibly as another phil bday present (still his bday week) or as a lil gift to cheer dan up, or both! and then. he posted the fuckin shoe pic.
listen. idk how to explain it. it just. felt like something so weirdly intimate? like, no idea what the context is, other than theyre sitting in the back of a cab and took a photo of their shoes pressed together. and like one is clearly phil's shoe and the other clearly dan's shoe, and i assume theyre the same shoe size (do not tell me wikifeet ppl i dont need to know) and so they just. fit perfectly together. and all this was after the harrowing previous day, and after all that dan just decided to let us in on this picture that is so silly and not really anything and yet feels so personal? its like when we hear their alien language in the texting vids, or that they get fries every saturday and call it "fry-day". like its not a bit its not playing up a dynamic for a camera its just. THEM! its just them!!!!!!!! anyway thank you for coming to my ted talk on the dan and phil shoe photo taken on february 5th, 2023 by dan howell.
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veenus777 · 8 months
◜Dadbur Headcanons◞
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┊ ᝰ﹕Fluff, SFW, mention of divorce
┊ ᝰ﹕Part Two of Dadbur, send me suggestions and asks for the next ones <3
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♧ ok, imagine a mini wilbur with curly hair and a snub nose, well that's your son.
♤ At first Will would be absolutely terrified, he didn't have the best parents in the world so he was afraid of being the same for his son.
♧ This man tries so hard! he didn't want to fall into that stereotype where only mothers really take care of their children, so he'll be there to change their diapers and give them bottles, waking up in the middle of the night to get them back to sleep. He knows how stressful and tiring this is for you, so he does everything in his power to make it easier.
♤ Lullabies but not children's ones, he would play Bowie like Starman and Space Oddity, Beutiful boy would definitely be in the repertoire and he would change the gender if it was a girl.
♧ He would spoil his son a lot, with clothes and toys, and he often buys things that are definitely not for his son's age but always ends up saying "he will use them in the future".
♤ He wouldn't post photos of his child, just one or two that don't show his face, he doesn't like this type of exposure on the Internet, especially with his son.
♧ When the child grew up and had some kind of interest in appearing, he would agree, but nothing excessive, just a few appearances on streams or things like that.
♤ As soon as he reaches a certain age, Will would like him to be at his shows even if it's with ear protection headphones.
♧ If he won a prize he would promptly dedicate it to you and your son.
♤ Possibly the baby would appear in some Lovejoy music videos (when he was old enough).
♧ Would you create a family day that happens every week, where you both take time off from work just to spend time with your child outdoors having picnics, trips to the beach, going to amusement parks and things like that.
♤ You would also have a game night, with a good pizza and board games or video games, sometimes you also invite your friends to participate.
♧ Another family tradition is to always have dinner together and talk about your day and plans for the next one, you also like to cook dinner together it's always a lot of fun.
♤ You also always travel on vacation to different countries, you want your child to get to know different cultures and experiences.
♧ Trips to Disney with Uncle Tommy are definitely your child's favorite.
♤ Once a week Phil and Krist babysit for a romantic parental date.
♧ Will would definitely cry on the first day of school, I see this man coming home and checking his watch every 5 minutes to see what time he will have his son back.
♤ As a first-time father he would also despair at any slightest sign that his child is falling ill.
♧ I can easily see Will, Tommy and Charlie dressed up like princesses and made up for tea time, and they would absolutely love that.
♤ He goes to put the baby to sleep and ends up sleeping in his place>>>>
♧ I think during pregnancy with his first child he would be extremely nervous but after that he would definitely want more children.
♤ I think he would like two or three, nothing too big but not small.
♧ He would be in favor of positive and non-aggressive parenting with his children, he would also be a great supporter of all of his children's choices.
♤ He would also be in favor of teaching his children to be independent with things like handling money, knowing how to cook, having responsibilities and things like that.
♧ When he was on tour with Lovejoy I feel like they would have two options, the first is that if your children are young and not studying yet he would try to convince you to go along with him, but if the children are not so young anymore he you would just feel really bad about leaving them and wonder if you are being a bad father.
♤ In the second option he would make a point of calling all the time, at least two calls a day, he would also buy gifts and things from every country or city he visited, collectibles like postcards or key chains.
♧ He would have lots of photos of his children, some funny ones with just them sleeping, and his lock screen would be a photo of his loved one next to his children.
♤ Even if you separated he would be a good father, he would try to solve all your problems so that it doesn't affect the children and they have a good co-parenting.
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.˚。  💋 .˚。 💌
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a-certain-romance · 9 months
housewife anon without house wofe content for once shocking fr!!
so ill write multiple women cuz…multiple women and im horny and ugh i lvoe women
kay so…ahahahaem let us begin
fuck buddies to lovers senario with streamer!hu tao
hu tao was an amazing streamer to say the very least so you had to send her gifts and chats daily you were there from the very beginning so there was no surprise as to why hu tao contacted you and gave a breif smile and you guys started talking online only to then realise you guys live nearby eachother
so instead of being upfront with your feelings hu tao suggested one thing.
“hey so-“
“Dont worry lets do..ah thats right porn together! you and i wont have to show pur faces!”
well that was up front…you thought but you went for it after all anything for your favourite!! and so from then on you guys fucked yet you were still friends only till a drunken stream where she fucked you senseless with a giant strap letting your cum gush onto hu taos dick did you say the words “i love you.” hu tao wont forget..Sadly you will due to the hangover and nearly passing out moment.
public shaming w yae
i lovebeb her
yae would make you cockwarm her infront of all the attendees at the shrine in all honesty you couldnt belive it when she asked you to do so…but who are you to refuse your loving girlfriend afterall this you get praised and kissed as onlookers watch you stomach buldge and all taking yae getting getting praised for it. some would kill to be in your spot
After all she is the wise and beautiful miko who wouldnt want to be dick filled by her or praised or degraded by her just for a second.
“Seems like your stomach looks like it needs a break dear..”
“mh..im fine.”
“suit yourself.” she chuckles back leaving soft bite marks on your neck and now fondling your chest…is she gonna do it now? atleast you wont have your stomach churrning and yearning no longer
shenhe and finger sucking w cryo!!
shenhe covering her fingers with cryo while your getting pounded is so hard to divulge in after all the sweat is getting you yet shenhe is here to rescue you by shoving her cold cold fingers down your throat letting you suck and bite them as another hand grasps on what little clothing shenhe is wearing too
“hm. Your tempature is getting better maybe i can go-“
well suit yourself now shes going slow and wont stop going slow afterall your body was weakening under her touch
and finally breeding with ei
when ei is finally annoyed at your antics and bratty behaviour her shogun side comes along to help her fuck you sensless and all slutty for her
“Your quite tight, You better stop being bratty or it will be worse next time.”
Honestly you liked those odds since she didnt care about taking it slow she wanted to pound you and dominate you till your body fell apart. You had to take all her cum or she would plow 10 times more you leaked out till her balls dropped
honestly it was fun she put you in diffrent posistions atleast!!
-housewife anon
These hearts adore
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A/N: Omg loving streamer!hu Tao?? I wrote some little drabbles for each. Apologies for the lack of updates school recently started for me.
Characters/Ships: Hu Tao, Yae Miko, Shenhe, & Ei x reader (separate)
Warnings: Smut & Suggestive content written by a minor, exhibition (Hu Tao & Yae Miko, toys (Hu Tao), Strap ons (Hu Tao) Characters with cocks (Yae Miko & Ei), temperature play (Shenhe), finger sucking (Shenhe), brat taming (Ei), breeding (Ei)
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It’s safe to say the first time you tuned in on Deceased_Walnut you fell in love. Maybe not head-over heels in love, but you were most definitely intrigued by the morbidly energetic brunette behind the screen. Gifting her chats and subs for the past few weeks was how she noticed and reached out to you. Hu Tao is a small streamer. But even so, the majority of your talks were through private messages. Until you realized the lack of distance, and nowadays you’re almost inseparable!
But there was also something off about her. Hu Tao tends to be flaky with her plans. Sometimes when you set up a meeting, she might text you an apology about not being able to make it. She uses different excuses each time
You sighed as your phone lit up with a paragraph of a message. Without much else to do, you took this as a night to scroll through nsfw livestreams on a separate site. It was there that you came across a familiar face.
Hu Tao’s regular channel pales in comparison to what she was streaming on this platform. Who knew someone like her uploads porn in her free time? When you found her other channel you remained a lurker at first. She wasn’t so different from how you already saw her, same teasing attitude and all. Despite wearing a special type of mask, you can tell who she without a second glance.
After a few days of watching in stunned silence did you make your appearance known. Hu Tao was doing a special where her subscribers ordered her around. She was fucking herself dumb with a wand while members in the chat were competing to choose the modes. Seeing those glossy eyes cross in pleasure finally convinced you to step out of the shadows: and so you gifted her a bit of money to demand she turn it up to the highest setting. And lucky for you, she zeroed in on your username. Hu Tao would laugh, wink at the screen, and say something along the lines of “this one’s for you!” before making a complete mess on the toy.
She was the first to contact you after stream. Surprisingly, there aren’t many who find her from her regular channel because of how she hides her face. When you met up in person for the first time after that, you guys still got along great. She became more flirty with you, giving you the cheesiest compliments and pick up lines her brain can conceive at any given moment.
The first time you two fucked was after one of her streams. It was a stressful day for her, and she needed a way to destress. She joked about you taking her to bed but then you made that a reality by eating her out. It became the start of your friends-with-benefits situation.
After some time, she proposed the idea of you joining her on stream. The chat only knows you by your username and how hot you look next to Hu Tao.
“Aiya, squirming away makes it less fun! Back me up, chat?” Messages flood through with all types of lewd responses.
“Tie her up so she can’t escape”
“50 bucks she squirts before you bottom out”
“What a whore she is for getting off from this”.
You’re too fucked out to notice the rest. But you’re close enough to Hu Tao to see her face light up at one of the responses. Your head falls to her shoulder. All it takes is that devilish look in her eye before you know what happens next.
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Most would not associate the word “night life” following by a shrine. But to the residents of Inazuma, Yae Miko has rebirthed an old tradition with a new face. Aka yours. As dirty as it seems, you’re held in high regard for being showcased as Yae Miko’s newest plaything.
The guji is very particular with who she picks for this “special role”. So much so that most people considered the practice to have to have died out entirely. So for you to be hand plucked from a sea of admirers was an honor. And you happened to be the first in a very long time.
Miko cared for you as a true lover did. Your relationship outside of this role is as thriving as most couples are. She is always one to dote on you for for no particular reason (when she’s with you, does she even need one?). But being with her involves a catch: Showing off your body to the eyes of others.
In addition to the entrance fee, others pay good money to catch a glimpse at the finest Inazuma has to offer. Most times, they can tip off donations to the shrine if they’re watching something they like. It was its own business venture. And Yae Miko, ever the entrepreneur, wanted to reap its benefits now that she has such a willing participant.
“Dearest, it’s important that you put on a good show for our audience. There’s a lot of influential people who came to see you up close”
As is the majority of the crowd, Miko is entirely infatuated with you. At the start of the night, her hands delicately untied your silk robe and watched your breasts fall free with glazed eyes. Her back is almost always turned to the audience. Every time she thrusted her pale shaft into you, your eyes would lock with a stranger in the crowd. And if you tried to look away, Miko would force your chin over her shoulder to stay watch for a second longer.
“Look at her whine, isn’t she cute?” She coos, “Now, be a perfect doll for me and spread those legs of yours wider”
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Temperature play is something that always gets a rise out of Shenhe.
After some time of dating, your amazement with her ability to weird both her polearm and Cryo vision led you to observing her adepti training. You’d sit to watch her practice all sorts of skillful maneuvers with the ease and precision of someone twice her age. For someone who isn’t very experienced in combat, her skills fascinated you.
Shenhe offers to teach you some of the things she’s learned. “For your protection” she argues. But maybe she wants another excuse to keep her hands on you more often. It’s hard not to focus on the coldness of her hands as she moves your hips into the correct form. No matter the reason, you’ve taken to sparing with Shenhe once you have the basics down.
It’s times like these under the hot Liyuan sun that would always have you working up a sweat. And your loving, thoughtful girlfriend wants to help you cool down in the best way she knows how. Your body is hot; she controls ice. It’s not rocket science. The solution lies in those cold hands of hers as she shoves 3 fingers down your throat while 3 more are seconds away from making you cum for the nth time. Between your legs is a wet mess dripping down your thighs.
So as Shenhe finger fucks into your core she shoves her Cryo-coated fingers down your throat, she kisses your stuffed cheek. You were thirsty after all. Maybe this should suffice? Shenhe knows that water is necessary when preforming under harsh conditions. But she doesn’t know why she prefers having your mouth on her instead.
Shenhe can second guess herself sometimes. She doesn’t know how long to do this for before you’ve had enough. How is she supposed to decipher those gagging noises you make when she’s knuckle deep in you? Perhaps she could summon her Cryo Spirit to help her out.
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It’s rare for anyone to go against the Shogun and live to tell their tale. Every citizen in Inazuma fears the infliction of her wrath. And yet, you were still none the wiser, thinking that being her lover grants some kind of immunity. Ei would undoubtedly never hurt you unless you asked by any means unless for punishment but there are some actions that need to be punished. Actions, that need to tame a brat such as yourself.
Ei takes you to the plane of Euthimiya and it’s there when you know went too far. She could punish you in her personal quarters, her throne room even. But no. In the plane of Euthimiya, Ei holds all the cards. And this time, she won’t stop until you’ve milked her down to the very last drop.
Her godhood only adds to her stamina. The positions are the best part! Of all the ways she can fill you up, Ei likes having you on your side with your leg lifted up. That way, she can perfectly see both your expression and her cum leaking out of you. Seeing your eyes screw shut makes her wanna pump you full.
Though her goal was to reprimand your behavior, Ei couldn’t help but get addicted to the sight of your slick making a mess on the sheets. “So tight, see how your body stretches to accommodate my size~”
With every thrust you take her all the way to the hilt. Her balls slap against your thighs every time she pushed in. Ei bends over your body to kiss and suckle at your neck, “I could stay like this for an eternity…”
It does make her wonder, how many loads can you take until you’re carrying her child? Everything in this dimension is at her disposal, and she happens to have plenty of time to find out. The only limit is how much it takes before you beg her to stop.
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luvhughes43 · 11 months
say yes to heaven (track one) | tz11 x reader
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cruel world [masterlist]🕊
word count: 2.1k
Rolling Stone
Date: June 28th, 2023
Growing up, Yn Ln always dreamt that she would become a singer. Her inspirations were figures well beyond her years, taking inspiration from the likes of great artists from decades past. Her melancholic style became instantly notable when she first hit the scene a few short weeks ago with her debut single, video games. Of course, none of her earlier works can be found on streaming services anymore, but her style has remained consistent over the years as she now releases her debut album in 2023. 
interviewer: Yn, your album “Cruel World” has become an instant cult classic for music reviewers and fans alike. But what everyone really wants to know is what, and who, inspired you?
Yn laughs lightly, rubbing her palms on her jeans before she starts talking.
Yn Ln: It was [pause].. it was a long process. I was inspired by my real life [another pause] and my friends' lives. A lot of things went into creating the album. I’ve spent years working on it. 
interviewer: Are you aware of the rumours surrounding the album? That every song is about an ex of yours? Trevor I think his name is?
Yn tenses briefly at the mention of her ex and swipes her palms against her jeans once more.  
Yn Ln: Like I said, the album was inspired by things I've gone through. I don’t feel the need to put names to songs.
She laughs lightly trying to ease the tension of the room.
Interviewer: Well, regardless, Cruel World is an amazing album.
Yn smiled politely, taking a sip of her coffee.
when yn hughes first laid her eyes on trevor zegras, she felt a spark. when she went to bed that night she didn’t dream about her favourite characters, or books, she didn’t even create perfect little scenarios. no, she fell asleep to thoughts of her brothers best friend. his soft hair, the way he glided the puck across the ice, his smile and enthusiasm when his team did well… yn hughes was doomed from the start. 
‘cause ive got my mind on you
i’ve got my mind on you
you didn't actually meet trevor face to face till a week after first seeing him. your twin, Jack, had invited him and a few other friends over to the house for the day. you laid in bed, eyes closed listening to all the commotion below before you decided to go downstairs and greet everyone. 
when you finally made your way to the group, you stood awkwardly at the bottom of the stairs. the wood chilly as you watched your brother and his friends play fight. 
“I’m trevor!” one of the boys beamed as he stepped away from the group of rowdy boys. 
you smiled softly in response as trevor ruffled his hair. “i’m yn-”
“jacks twin! right, i've heard so much about you! you know, i always wondered if it was true that twins had like, intuition? Is that a thing?” trevor rambled, his words fast and inquisitive, a habit which presented itself quite frequently. 
you laughed, nodding in the small breaks of trevors words as he kept talking about twins and their behaviours he had apparently heard about. 
when he finally stopped his speech, yn answered his first of many questions. “i mean i dont know about intuition but…” 
“trev!” jack called, “get over here, stop talking to yn!”. he was shaking an xbox controller, gesturing for trevor to come join their group of friends who were lounging on the sofa ready to play. 
“but he always seems to pick up on when i'm having a good time” you smiled cheekily. 
trevors face burned red and he rubbed at his neck absentmindedly as he looked you up and down. you watched his eyes trail, and you had never felt so giddy in all of your life. butterflies fluttered in your stomach until trevor broke away from you. 
“Ill uh- ill.. i’ll see you around,” trevor finished lamely, clearly feeling the same giddiness you felt as he sharply turned away from you and sat next to your brother. you stood in your spot for another second, watching as trevor tried to hide his smile from your brother. 
the house was quiet as you made your way into your kitchen for a glass of water. you had fallen after working on some music and you woke up dazed and a little confused.
you open the fridge, the little light partially illuminating the kitchen. a figure moves out of the darkness causing you to jump and let out a little shriek. 
your breathing speeds up, one of your hand coming to rest over your mouth as trevor steps into the light of the fridge. 
“Its just me!” trevor says, voice hoarse with sleep. he lays a had on your shoulder, watching you with wide eyes as you try to calm yourself down.
“what are you doing here?” you asked breathlessly as your breathing started to slow. “uh your parents let me and a few other guys stay over tonight” trevor explained, hand still resting on your shoulder.
“what? when?” trevors hand falls from your shoulders and moves to brush through his hair. 
“after dinner. you were up in your room playing… the guitar was it? It sounded really nice”
“thanks…” your face heated and you were so glad that you hadn't decided to turn the kitchen light on. 
“what were you working on anyway?” trevor changed the subject as he opened the fridge and pulled out a jug of milk.
your nose crinkled as he grabbed his discarded cup and poured himself a glass. “oh you know,” you shrugged your shoulders. you didn’t know why you did it but you never wanted to talk about your music. with all your brother's talents and successes, you felt that you choosing music was an embarrassment to your family even though you knew at heart that it wasn’t true. 
trevor must have picked up on your hesitancy so he shrugged, bringing his glass of milk to his lips as he took another swig. 
“milk?” you questioned, and trevor held the glass out for you to take.
“want some?” he asked, tilting the glass towards you.
“definitely not”
“it makes your bones strong and stuff, you should try it” 
“Trevor i've drank milk before,” you say sarcastically.  
“well yeah but like, you know what i mean” 
you rolled your eyes playfully, “okay fine give me the glass,” you reached your hand out and trevor passed his cup to you. you peered into the cup.
“its just milk it's not gonna hurt you” trevor laughed as he leaned back against the kitchen counter. 
you tentatively took a sip and when you finished you passed the glass back to trevor. 
“how was it?” “gross”
“yeah okay,” trevor rolled his eyes, leaning his head back as he finished the rest of the glass. 
you reached past trevors shoulder, grabbing a glass to fill with water. 
“well, im going to go to bed,” trevor nods to you as he sets his now empty glass in the sink. 
“goodnight,” you respond as you fill your glass.
“yah night,” trevor walks out of the kitchen and you watch him leave.
what the hell was that? you whisper to yourself, downing the rest of your water before heading to bed yourself. 
the next few weeks followed similarly. you and trevor would have these weird random moments, and you would both awkwardly smile at each other and move on with your days. that was until the boys decided to have a bonfire now that your parents were out of town to celebrate the start of the summer. 
you felt the warm heat of the fire on your legs as you sat near the pit with your friend. you watched absentmindedly as trevor talked to his friends before you felt the weight of your friend's hand on your shoulder. 
“you know yn, if you want him that badly then…” you whipped your head around at your friends words.
“what?” your eyes were wide in shock. you hadn’t told anybody about your growing feelings for trevor. 
“I’m just saying you’re not being really secretive…”
“he's my brother's best friend” you shrugged, your eyes drifting from your friend and back to the boy in question. He was nursing a beer he had somehow managed to sneak past his own parents.
“okay… what does that have to do with anything? hes hot” your friend shrugs. 
“hes also jacks teammate it just, it wouldn't work out the way i’d want it to” you expressed your reasons on why you couldn't date trevor and it sounded more ridiculous each time. you knew you wanted to be with him, and honestly, jack wasn't what you were worried about. you were more worried of the possible rejection. sure you and trevor had spent time together and talked. but majority of that time was when the two of you were alone. what if trevor doesn't want anything more than the private meetups? 
“how do you want it to work out?”
you fiddled with your hands, ignoring your friends question.
“he clearly likes you though, if that's what you're worried about” you hummed in response, lazily turning your head to look at trevor again. He smiled at you when he caught you looking. you didn't have the energy to look away. you knew then that you'd rather be rejected then not with him at all. 
let the fear you have fall way
i’ve got my eye on you
i’ve got my eye on you
say yes to heaven
say yes to me
“trev!” you hear jack call from across the fire pit, “can you go get us more marshmallows?” the boy easily agrees as he stands up from his lawn chair and begins to make his way inside. 
“Yn im thirsty!” your friend quickly says, pushing you up and off your seat. “can you get me a root beer?” she pleads, causing your brothers and his friends to shift their attention to the two of you. you quickly catch on to what she's doing, and you nod with enthusiasm. 
“does anyone else want something?” you ask the group as you slowly back away. Jack asks for water, and you nod before following Trevor into your house. 
the house was silent as the two of you worked your way around the kitchen. just as trevor was about to make his way back outside again, you stopped him. your hand tugged on his wrist and he was turning back to face you.
“trevor,” you breathed out, a little shocked at your sudden courage.
“yn,” he whispered back. you could hear the faint sound of the fire crackling and everyone's laughter out in the backyard.
it felt magnetic, the pull that brought your lips up to meet his. the kiss was soft and innocent. something that could easily be explained away as a spur of the moment thing. you refused to let it.
“yn,” trevor whispered again, this time painfully.
“trevor,” you were hopeful. 
he kissed you again, one of his hands coming down to settle on your waist as your arm wrapped itself around his neck. 
when you both pulled apart, trevor rested his forehead against yours, his breath slowing down as you both relaxed. 
“we cant do this,” trevor said almost regretfully as his head turned at the sound of your brothers loud voice teasing cole. 
“we can do whatever we want” you replied, ignoring all the background noise.
“jacks your twin. he's my teammate. my best friend. i can't just-”
“say yes to me” you blurted and your face heated up instantly. 
“It's not that easy-”
“yes it is. trevor just say yes to me and we can figure out what to do with jack later,” 
trevor seemed unsure of what to say for the first time. 
“What's taking you so long! damn!” jacks voice pops the bubble you and trevor had built not even a minute earlier. 
“sorry i couldn't find the marshmallows,” trevor mumbles, stepping away from you and towards your brother. 
“why didn’t you help hin y/n? don't be rude” your brothers voice seemed to pierce the quiet of the kitchen.
“he didn’t want me to help,” you replied quietly, reaching behind you for the water bottle jack had asked for earlier. 
“well that was stupid. she literally lives here z she knows where everything is,” jack responded cluelessly.
“Yeah, right, my bad” trevor nodded along with his words as he watched jack reach into a corner cabinet to retrieve a bag of marshmallows. 
I’ll put my red dress on, get it on
and if you fight, i’ll fight
it doesn’t matter, now its all gone
i got my mind on you
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liked by jackhughes, trevorzegras, yourbff, and others
ynhughes ❤️
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yourbff hottest bff ever🤤
ynhughes love u
jackhughes “❤️”
ynhughes if u dont leave me alone…
[insta dms]
trevorzegras: I’m sorry about that night
trevorzegras: I just don't want jack mad at me yk? I do really like you and I shouldn't have just left things like that
ynhughes: what are you trying to say?
trevorzegras: That i'm saying yes to you
trevorzegras: and that i’m sorry
present day
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liked by lhughes_06, colecaufield, yourbff, and others
ynhughes say yes to heaven, mv out now❤️ i love u all so much
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yourbff im crying real tears i love you so so much
ynhughes i love u more forever
fan01 just listened to say yes to heaven for the first time and it's soo beautiful
fan02 love you so much yn
liked by ynhughes
lhughes_06 very cool
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splatattackz · 2 months
i feel like i should share here, as its important to keep an eye out for it, that artea said on stream yesterday that soon he will make their statement on the quackity studios situation and her experience (hopefully sometime next week, theres things theyre sorting out regarding this though). she will first speak on stream (which the date for that will be announced prior to the stream) and afterwards a document with all he says will be released. art asks kindly to not paraphrase what she says, instead try to directly quote anything they say as to not stir up misinformation.
"some things i will talk about will be interesting, it will be a lot to process as well, so i ask you guys once i drop my statement on matters, to be aware that it will be quite a lot, and i dont want people to uh paraphrase me - when i talk about my things i want as much of it as posible to be uh quoted. so dont paraphrase me, just quote me directly once i talk about things. thats what the document will also be there for." -artea on stream yesterday (around 2:49:04)
so yeah, keep an eye out. ill do my best to offer my own quotes when they do this stream - and please remember to support art no matter what! shes an amazing and incredibly talented and funny person and i wish him only the best (genuinely their streams are so chill aside from the scuff)
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wooahaes · 1 year
29. “i want a hug.” “then come get it.” and 42. you’re crushing me…” “you love it.” with vernon,,,, my heart is already gushing at the thought of it 😭
touch starved
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pairing: non-idol!vernon x gn!reader
prompt: 29 + 42 from these prompts    
word count: 0.5k~
warnings: touch starved reader. usage of the phrase ‘skin hunger’ since that’s what i call it sometimes tbh. no proofreading, intentional lowercase.
daisy’s notes: do you ever get So touch starved that ur like. i need someone to hold me for like five seconds or ill combust. thats it thats the ‘skin hunger’ feeling.
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the moment your apartment door opened with that familiar chime from being unlocked, you perked up.
vernon had gone on a week-long trip with his friends, and you were honestly feeling his absence halfway through the week. and vernon, who you’d argue knew you better than a lot of people, could see it from the moment he saw your face. you’d been sulking, a pillow hugged tight to your chest as you watched whatever you could find on streaming services that seemed even mildly interesting.
“you okay?”
the loud groan you let out had amused him a little, played up a smidge just to hear him lightly laugh.
“you wanna talk about it?”
you turned onto your side, arms winding a little tighter around your pillow as you watched vernon as he started to slip out of his shoes and into his house slippers. “my friends canceled our plans and we couldn’t reschedule anytime this week,” you pouted. “and now i’m just... skin hungry.”
he looked up. “did something bad happen?”
you shook your head. “people were busy,” you said. “it’s not a big deal. i just kinda wanted to, y’know... get hugs. hold hands with my friends.”
“well... i’m here,” he took a step forward.
that made you smile a little. “nonnie?” you sat up. “i want a hug.”
he dropped his bag beside him, smiling widely at you as he opened his arms. “then come get it.”
you threw the throw pillow aside, immediately booking it to vernon. launching yourself into his arms, you wrapped your arms around him tightly as he laughed a laugh so full of love. vernon wrapped his arms around you, hugging you as tight as he could (a norm in vernon hugs, especially if the two of you have to spend any time apart) before he began pressing kisses all over your face.
“nonnie, you’re crushing me!”
he laughed again, “you love it.”
(and you did, but he didn’t to say it. the pains of having an impossibly cute boyfriend like vernon.)
when he finally let you go, it was to pick up his bag. “i’m gonna unpack, but i’ll be back in a minute to cuddle. alright? i missed you.”
you giggled, stepping away to return to the couch. “okay,” you hummed, “don’t take too long.”
you watched vernon leave before turning back to your phone, abandoned on the coffee table for so long. you’d barely unlocked it with the intent of checking social media when he returned, throwing himself into the space next to you. he paused just long enough to watch you before reaching out, starting to pull you in. you folded yourself into his arms, and vernon buried his face in your neck--pecking a tiny kiss against your skin.
“i’ll do it later,” he mumbled.
“bad trip?”
“trip was great,” he wrapped his arms around you a little more. “just need to hold you for a bit.”
“ah. skin hunger,” you nodded solemnly.
he smiled against your skin. “yeah,” he snuggled in further. "whatever you wanna call it.”
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taglist: @twancingyunhao @synthetickitsune @wonuziex
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journey-to-the-attic · 2 months
3rd anni req 9: [DRAGON AU] lucifer / bonding
ao3 link
note: quick note/clarification just in case: ik has nicknamed lucifer and mammon "boss" and "goldie" respectively, so those are the dragons she's referring to in her narration!
∎ ∎ ∎ ∎ ∎
“I’m not having any part in this,” Lucifer had said. “This is to be your responsibility only,” He’d said.
He’s… not entirely sure how this happened in the first place. At some point over the last few weeks, he’s gone from disapproving overseer of Mammon’s inexplicable adoption of a human child, to that same child’s primary caretaker.
Mammon is usually in charge of finding her a spot to sleep, but it’s Lucifer who makes sure she eats at the same times as them, or escorts her to the stream every morning so she can wash her face. Occasionally, he brings her strangely-shaped rocks, or sticks and flowers from the forest, so that she has something to play with.
He’s not sure why he feels the need to intervene. He’ll blame Mammon’s incompetence - and the child’s rather unhappy habit of walking straight into mortal danger.
The latest in her series of mishaps involves fish, a river, and a very panicked Levi. Lucifer is - as usual - surveying the territory when his brother comes racing up the hill, and dumps the human in a soggy heap at his feet.
“What now?” He asks, mildly aggravated, then pauses. This isn’t the first time she’s taken a tumble, but this is the sorriest state he’s seen her in so far.
“It’s not moving!” wails Levi, bounding in distressed circles and getting water all over the rocks. “I think— I think I killed it, Lucifer!”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” He replies, a little distracted by his running. “What hap— will you stop that?!”
Levi skids to a stop. His barbels twitch anxiously.
Lucifer ducks down and nudges the child with his snout. When she doesn’t respond, he puffs a cloud of smoke into her face, then tries again. This time, she makes a bubbly sound.
“Is it alive?” Levi asks anxiously.
“Stop calling her an it, Levi,” He grumbles, then straightens up. “She’s fine.”
“Oh. Okay.” Levi relaxes. He regards the little human for a moment - nose twitching - then flicks his tail and bounds off again.
Lucifer watches him go and heaves a silent sigh. He’s been seeing a new, fickle side to his younger brothers as of late. They can’t seem to decide whether or not they enjoy their new ward’s company.
Well, except Mammon. Perhaps this is the upside of being simple-minded - he doesn’t seem to care about everything that comes attached to the word ‘human’ for dragons like them.
Lucifer isn’t so naive, but it’s hard to look at this half-drowned little creature and think ‘dangerous’. It’s even harder to think ‘cruel’, ‘murderer’, or anything else in between. Still - best not get too attached.
“Up you get.” He attempts to nudge her to her feet. She just coughs pitifully and slumps back onto the ground. “We can find you a sunny spot to dry off in.”
The child - predictably, considering she can’t understand him - doesn’t move. She looks rather ill, actually.
Lucifer thinks for a while. The child blinks up at him with far-too-large eyes as he clicks, ignites the fire in his chest, then settles down beside her.
“Don’t get used to this,” He warns her, which is completely futile, and he knows it. “It’ll be a hassle if you get sick.”
The human doesn’t respond, of course, but manages to prop herself up enough to huddle closer to his side. He finds himself blowing idle smoke rings as he waits for the heat to dry her off.
“Be more careful next time,” He says after a while. “Leave the fishing to Levi.”
The child looks up at him cluelessly, then makes a series of chirpy noises. This is, in particular, is something new to him - he’s used to hearing human language from a distance, in gruff shouts from steel-clad giants, or shrill shrieks from beige-clothed merchants.
The way the child talks is almost musical, lilting from one register to another. The strangest part is that, sometimes, he feels like he might understand.
He supposes he’s a little glad that she doesn’t seem frightened by the growls of dragon-speak. He’s found himself unconsciously making adjustments, anyway - speaking softer, trying not to make the sounds too harsh, as if trying to imitate a human register.
He’s almost dozed off by the time he remembers why he lay down in the first place. He looks down. The child’s gone and fallen asleep, still curled against his side. For some reason, the sight makes him think of baby ducks.
Lucifer contemplates this for a while. Well, he supposes there’s no helping it. Humans must get their rest, especially small ones - otherwise they won’t grow properly.
Which means he might as well stay here. If he’s needed for something, surely it can wait.
Boss definitely seems like the most frightening dragon of the lot, but he’s actually pretty easy to get along with - as long as you follow the rules. If he starts rumbling, proceed with caution. If he’s blowing smoke rings, you could start hitting him and he won’t even care.
At least, that’s the impression I have. My fists are of inconsequential force to a dragon with near-impenetrable scales, though, so he might not have even noticed.
Living with dragons is a lot more ordinary than I thought. I had images in my head of them smashing mountains and eating boulders for fun, but mostly they just hang around and play - just like people do.
Apart from Boss. He seems to spend most of his free time standing silently on the mountain peak, staring out into the horizon. Sometimes he goes out hunting, and sometimes he goes for a fly around the forest, but mostly he just… watches.
He’s much more considerate than he looks at first glance. Less brutal killer, more affable-but-irritated caretaker. I knew all the dragon horror stories couldn’t possibly be true, but it’s nice to be vindicated.
I want to try returning the favour, but I’m not sure there’s anything I have - or can get - that a dragon would want. So I pay a little extra attention to what he gets up to the next day, and I note something useful.
Sometimes, while he’s land-watching, the wind whistles through the mountain ridges in just the right way to produce a little song. When that happens, he closes his eyes, and puffs out contented little smoke rings until he notices someone looking. So…
Goldie has a lot of shiny things in his cave. I don’t quite dare touch his main hoard, but he leaves a lot of the less precious-looking things unorganised by the walls - which means there might be something I can use there.
He’s clinking happily through his coin collection when I slip into his cave. He grunts in greeting, then goes back to organising them by colour.
“Hi, Goldie.” I stoop and squint at something small and bony-looking. “Do you think you have a flute or something around here?”
He tilts his head to the side. “Rhh?”
“It’s— ah, don’t worry. I’ll figure it out.” I set aside something that looks like a watch face. “...oh!”
A pan-flute - it’s a little dusty, but not damp at all. I try blowing an experimental little melody. I’m no maestro, but I still think it sounds lovely.
Goldie makes a chittering sound. His spines flatten back as I test just how high the pipes can go.
“Oh— sorry!” He makes a show of ducking down and covering his head with his wings. “Did I hurt your ears?”
He peeks a single blue eye out and trills. It’s funny - neither of us really know what the other’s saying, but we always seem to get the message across anyway.
The next day, as soon as I notice him flapping off to find a vantage point as usual, I scramble after him. I don’t know if I’m imagining it, but I feel like his spot today is a lot easier to navigate up to than usual - less vertical rock faces, less jagged edges.
I sit down on the ledge beside him. He’s radiating heat, as always - his crimson eyes flick down to me, and stay there.
“I’ve got something to show you,” I announce, then pull out the pan-flute. “Listen.”
His tail flicks cautiously. I bring the flute to my mouth - slowly, so as not to alarm him - and play him a little tune.
Just as he does when the mountains whistle, he closes his eyes and relaxes. The smoke rings come soon after that.
I play through all the tunes I can think of, then improvise a few new ones. Some time after I lapse into silence, Boss opens his eyes again.
Something about him seems to have shifted. A little nervously, I give his dark scales a pat. He snorts (there’s another puff of smoke), but doesn’t look irritated at all.
“Do dragons have names?” I ask him. He just looks at me.
I tilt my head to the side, as if listening to something, then point up at him. He stares for a little while longer, then makes a rough, crackling sound, and looks off into the distance again.
Then he looks at me. Then to the sky. It takes several more tries before I realise he’s trying to draw my attention to something.
“Sun?” I muse. “Is that your name?”
He doesn’t react. I try again. “Sunny?”
Nothing again. What else do you call the sun that’d make a good name for a dragon? “Hmm… Morning-star?”
Or something that means the same thing?
“Lu…cifer?” I try.
He blinks. Then his wings flick up, and he exhales - blowing what I can only assume is a pleased puff of smoke into my face.
I beam up at him. “Do you wanna hear another song?”
I don’t know how much of the question he understands, but his eyes light up when I pick up the pan-flute again. He settles down in that way that so reminds me of a cat, and lifts a wing to shield the bright morning sun from my face.
Lucifer likes music. That’s good to know.
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thesithdiaries · 1 year
Gone (Daemon Targaryen imagine)
Gone (Daemon Targaryen imagine)
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Gone (Daemon Targaryen imagine)
Pairing: Daemon Targaryen x female!reader
Requested: yes
Warnings (and trigger warning): angst, badly written miscarriage, cheating, daemon being daemon
A/N: another one that was very delayed and it sucks
In Westeros, Lady Y/N from Highgarden was known for her beauty and gentle nature. She was the wife of Prince Daemon Targaryen, the Rogue Prince, and they had been married for two years. Y/N was pregnant with their first child, and she was excited about becoming a mother.
One night, Y/N went for a walk in the gardens and saw Daemon in a compromising position with another woman that she did not know. Y/N was shocked and devastated. Despite the rumors and his strange personality, Y/N had always believed that Daemon was faithful to her, and she had never suspected him of being capable of doing such a thing.
"Daemon, how could you?" she cried, tears streaming down her face. "How could you do this to me?"
Daemon’s face was hard to decipher, she could not figure out what he was feeling. "Y/N, what are you doing here?"
"Is that all you have to say?" Y/N yelled, her voice rising in anger. “You have betrayed me, Daemon. You have betrayed our marriage and our child."
Daemon tried to reach out to her, but Y/N pulled away. She was heartbroken and felt as if her world was falling apart. Y/N rushed to a guest chamber on another side of the Keep, the furthest one she could find.
Y/N would talk to King Viserys the next morning, to explain what had happened. She was sure he would help her, he had to.
Days passed, and Y/N became increasingly ill. She was losing weight and felt weak and tired all the time. Her maids were worried, and the rumors swept through the court. Daemon wanted to see her, desperately trying to get inside the chamber but her sworn knight did not allow him to do so, despite all the threats.
The Maester examined her after Talia informed him of the situation and discovered that she had lost the baby.
Y/N was inconsolable. She had been so excited about becoming a mother, and now that dream had been shattered. She felt as if she had lost everything.
“Y/N, let me in,” Daemon pleaded, knocking on the door. She did not respond, of course. He rushed to see her after the Maester told him about it. His heart felt heavy, and it pained him. It was all his fault. Y/N was suffering because of him. “Y/N, please.”
Daemon tried to apologize and make amends, but Y/N could not forgive him. She felt as if he had destroyed her life and her happiness. She could not bear to be around him.
As the weeks turned into months, Y/N slowly began to heal. She focused on her duties at court, and on helping the people of King’s Landing.
Daemon watched her from a distance, filled with regret and remorse. He knew that he had made a terrible mistake and that he had hurt the woman he loved more than anything in the world. He still did not know what made him look for someone else, his relationship with Y/N was good.
One day, Daemon approached Y/N and begged for her forgiveness. "Y/N, I know that I have hurt you deeply," he said. "But I love you, and I want to make things right between us.”
Y/N looked at him, her eyes filled with pain. It was the first look they shared since that fateful night. "Daemon, I don't know if I can forgive you," she confessed. "But I do know that I cannot go on living in this state of bitterness and anger. I want to find a way to move on, for my own sake."
Daemon nodded, tears in his eyes. "I understand," he said. "I will do whatever it takes to make things right between us, Y/N. I love you more than anything in the world."
Y/N looked at him for a moment and sighed. “I am leaving.”
“What?” Daemon asked, perplexed. Leaving?
“I am going back to my family.”
“You cannot do that,” he began to say, but Y/N did not want to hear it.
“You do not get to complain about this decision, it is all your fault,” she reminded him, making Daemon purse his lips. “The King gave me his blessing to leave."
Daemon scoffed, “the King? My brother is a fool.”
“It is done, Daemon. I am leaving tomorrow. You'll be free to bed whatever whore you like.”
He stood perplexed, watching as she walked away from him… and their marriage. Daemon knew she was a proud woman, and there was nothing he could do to change the past.
@my-dark-prince / @Daemonloversblog / @littlemoonash / @mypatrochilles / @beefbaby25 / @sweetybuzz2 / @Fin-never / @asexualaromosafezone / @nerdy4itall / @yelchinweasleylothbrok / @Juless_world / @thatgaytevinter / @kaitieskidmore1 / @chevelledahuman / @rozendiors / @claudiajacobs / @savagemickey03 / @multifandom-loser / @direluvr / @dandycandy75 / @bitchyglitterfox / @rumandtearsflowerisevil / @madelineannmolder / @omgsuperstarg / @edum123 / @asiababy1903 / @valentiinita02 / @ali-r3n / @bluebear142077 / @newtsniffles / @ayamenimthiriel / @theBoredCat / @aries-hco / @thekayarlene / @druigbarnes01 / @poisxnedmind / @secretsthathauntus / @hc-geralt-23 / @krokietino / @instabull
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battleangel · 6 months
The End of Weird Anime
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What happens to 80s & 90s anime that arent streaming right now when VHS & DVD completely go away?
The obsession with micro everything, everythings a sound bite, everything is 5 to 7 seconds, even songs, the chorus IS the song now, noone else ever hears anything else.
Only sports, reality TV and competition games can be watched week to week in real time.
All TV series now have to be immediately binged and consumed.
Its essentially bulimia.
Binge Loki in a weekend. Binge Ahsoka in a weekend. Its already done.
Whats next.
What else can I feed the machine with.
No waiting week to week. No such thing as a cliffhanger. No anticipation. No guessing whats next. No watching together as an audience.
Everything segmented, everything bifurcated, nothing in real time, nothing communal.
No season finale, no season premiere.
Same with anime.
Its not VHS or DVD anymore.
Youre not waiting for a release.
Its crunchyroll and Netflix and Funimation and Hulu and streaming.
Its the entire season of Psycho Pass all at once whenever I want to binge and gorge myself.
No asking to be taken to the mall.
No driving to Suncoast Video.
No deciding which $30 VHS or DVD to ask to be bought.
Martian Successor Nadesico or Ayashi no Ceres?
Everything is accessible.
Its less for 3 months of streaming anime than 1 anime used to cost on VHS or DVD.
No downside, if it sucks, move on.
Its not even the old school illegal Crunchyroll which was essentially Limewire for anime where you could illegally download different series.
I didnt waste time downloading for hours on my brothers computer for a shitty anime.
I didnt risk getting a virus on my brothers computer.
I dont have to clear up space.
I dont have to waste time.
I dont have to spend money.
I dont have to risk anything.
I dont have to exert any effort.
Its just, on to the next.
What does the algorithm say a Demon Slayer fan should watch next?
What should I watch now that Attack on Titan is over per the almighty algorithm?
No Viz anime catalogue to pore through.
No RightStuf catalog to highlight and fold the corners of the pages of.
No Animerica to read through every month once it arrives in the mail.
No going through AOL message boards and anime ezboards and geocities and angelfire websites to try to determine what to watch next.
No asking to be taken to your local Blockbuster to check the newest anime rentals in the "Independent/Foreign" section.
Just scroll, select, click and move on.
No need to even download and delete.
Its all streamable, instantly consumed, immediately binged then thats it.
On to the next algorithmic recommendation.
The algorithm never ends.
It always has another suggestion for you.
No meticulously going through myanimelist.com, putting up the hundreds of anime youve watched so far then scouring everyone elses lists to get ideas for new anime to watch.
Whats next after Vision of Escaflowne?
What should I watch after Yuu Yuu Hakusho?
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If I can get a ride to the flea market on 18, I wonder what else they'll have similar to Dangaioh & Orguss 02?
To Macross Plus?
I wonder if Sci-Fi Channels Anime Week Festival will show something similr to Iria Zeiram or Armitage III this year.
Ninja Scroll was amazing, I wish I could see Wicked City since its by the same director, Yoshiaki Kawajiri. But I know I wont be allowed to. I had to sneak watch Ninja Scroll at my friends house and her older brother had bought it and thats the only way I even got to see Ninja Scroll at 13.
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Everyone talks about Sailor Moon but noone talks about Bubblegum Crisis 2032.
Why not? The Knight Sabers are cooler than the Sailor Scouts and Ill take a cool motorcyle riding ass kicking punk rock singer like Priscilla Asagiri over a whiny, annoying, immature Serena any day. I dont care that shes 14 like me. Shes freaking annoying and a crybaby.
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I wonder what other anime are like 8 Man After. It was so hard-boiled and dystopian and futuristic.
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What happens to 80s & 90s anime that arent streaming right now when VHS & DVD completely go away?
When laptops and videogame systems are discless?
Then what?
What happens when Crunchyroll, Netflix and Hulu dont want to pay to license some amazing anime that are hidden gems?
In 25 years, when very few VCRS and DVD players and video game systems and laptops that can play VHS tapes and discs are still in circulation and functioning, then what happens?
What their plan has been this whole time: we will only have access to watch what the streaming companies CHOOSE to pay the license for to stream.
We will lose everything else.
We'll lose Cybernetics Guardian, Genocyber, Twilight of the Dark Master, Robot Carnival, Vision of Escaflowne, Iria Zeiram, Armitage III, Saber Marionette J, Martian Successor Nadesico, 8 Man After, Lensman, Demon City Shinjuku, Fancy Lala, Tekknoman, Full Metal Panic...
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Only the biggest hits, the most iconic series, the most controversial OVAs and movies will survive in the brand new streaming world devoid of any physical VHSs and DVDs.
Only the Akiras, Neon Genesis Evangelions, Urotsuki Dojis, Berserks, Gantzs, Sailor Moons, Dragon Ball Zs, Pokemons, Gundams, Bleaches, Narutos and Spirited Aways will survive to be streamed.
What about the Serial Experiments Lain?
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What about the Nausicaa of the Valley Winds?
What about the Angel Sanctuarys?
What about the Please Save My Earths?
What about the Here is Greenwoods?
Will they be lost forever?
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