#ill probably be shutting tf up for like the next few days for the most part bc UHHHHHH THIS IS HARVARD & MY ASS GOTTA STUDY LMAO
ladyimaginarium · 6 months
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I’m talking to Alex about it now. But idk I feel like I can’t go into it as much with her. Yesterday was fine and nice but I really really didn’t anticipate the feelings and emotions that were gonna hit me.
Winter wonderland was the last date Thelo and I had before we broke up a few days after. It was so odd to be back there because everything kept reminding me. All the stalls, the rides, the games. Every time I could smell weed it just triggered me. When we left we walked past a group and one of them said “right let’s go smoke now” and I just couldn’t help but think of all the times we’d been there. Walking by the lake after to smoke. Even smoking on the ferris wheel. It was so hard to just try and stay in the moment. Shit kept hitting me hard. And then I’d get all little and excited and Jordan would just snap at me. “Stop running off” don’t swing my arm” “stand next to me” “you get excited about everything you see and want it” “don’t like PDA in public”. Hurts me every time. So with all the emotions of the past being shoved in my face I had him neglecting my little side too. I was trying so hard to just breathe and not have a panic attack. I must’ve cried like 5 or 6 times and he didn’t even notice. It was all so overwhelming. I just wanted to enjoy our time out and I did for the most part. The beginning was just really intense for me. The fun house with the slide really picked me up. Felt fun to mess around with him then. Him winning me my teddy made me happy. It was just at the end of the night where I hadn’t had a drink for hours and only a nibble of food. Ik I should make sure I look after myself. But it’s such a weird thing. When I’m with him I feel little, and I want him to look after me and my needs. I’d ask for food or things and he’d say “after this” and it’s always “later” or “wait”. Then it gets too late. Idk, I don’t have bad feelings towards him as he probs had a lot to think about but I just felt so ill by the end of the night. And he didn’t seem to care much. Thought I was being dramatic about it. Then that triggered me to how Thelo would treat me after I’d been drinking and felt rough with a hangover, all that neglect. It was just sucha turmoil of feelings yesterday. And then him saying when we was getting food on the way home that I “wasn’t being the sub he wants” that just fucked me up, esp after that dream I had the other night.
Like I’m trying. I’m really trying. But it’s so hard when I’m thrown into different mind states. I can’t be his sub when I’m little. I can’t be his sub when I’m feeling the same neglect I’ve felt in the past. He has no idea how hard I tried yesterday. I just wanted to enjoy us being out. But there were all these things coming at me. I don’t want to come across as ungrateful. He kept mentioning the money he was spending. Like I owed him something because of it. I just felt so horrible so many times. I kept picking myself up, would let myself get happy and excited and would get shot down again. I was either too happy or too low. He says he’s still learning to mesh with me. Shouldn’t we have already meshed by now ? He said I would burn myself out if I was to up and happy and excited. But that didn’t burn me out. The emotional turmoil of the memories of my last relationship being brought to the forefront of my mind constantly and the constant shutting down of my little side when I was tryna make myself feel better was burning me out. To the point where I just felt ill by the end of the night. The drinking earlier probably didn’t help, even tho I didn’t feel drunk at all yesterday.
I kept having violent thoughts while we were out too. I remember standing with him while he went to buy tokens, and there was this white Pickett fence next to me. How I just wanted someone to come up, rip one of the planks off and drive it through me. Or someone to shove me so hard it’d ram me into one. Why tf was I thinking of that ? In a place like that where my little side should be in over drive ? I was thinking of hurting myself or someone hurting me ? I was just a constant yo-yo. And then the thought of getting a hotel was just a no. I couldn’t even think of sex at the time. It’s rare when I’m like that but it was sommin I didn’t want at all. I felt gross. I felt so shitted up in the head.
I just feel so anxy. And have done since Friday. I don’t wanna go see my Nan today. I don’t wanna see her dying. I don’t think I even wanna go to his later. I wanna stay here. In my room. I wanna forget about the world outside and just stay here in my little space. Where no one can make me feel bad things. I can just sit and play games and watch things and be comfy. I’m tired of the anxiousness. I don’t feel like I deserve it. I wanna sleep. I want my head to shuttup. I want all the intrusive thoughts and memories to go away. I don’t want her crying anymore. Yesterday was just damaging to her tbh. And I just wanna keep us both away from everyone and everything atm. Nothing gives us comfort or the feeling of being safe. We don’t wanna hurt anymore.
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Angst headcanons for how the main three react to an MC who hides a deadly injury because they are more focused on the LI and end up passing out, whether or not they die from the injury is your choice. Thank you! (Amnesia anon again cause the angsty ideas are flowing rn)
I deviated from the request a bit, I’m sorry, but I got some really great ideas for the angsty injury parts. I hope it’s to your liking!
you can’t hide it from him for long
it’s probably from poison on a weapon or venom from an animal
he doesn’t notice the bite right away, but when he does you convince him it’s a mosquito bite or something
but then you start withering away slowly
at first it looks like you’re just tired, you have bags under your eyes
but then your eyes and skin take on a sickly shade of greenish-yellow
Asra freaks tf out
he tries to heal you but the poison’s leeched so far into your body
he makes your last few days absolute heaven
he treats you to everything and anything you might want
every time he looks at you his eyes get shiny
your time comes and you eventually waste away on the bed
Asra never once left your side
he held your hand as you took your last breath
he cried for weeks and stopped eating
he never really recovered
he eventually died as well, but not from the poison from which you’d suffered
he had died of a broken heart
Julian (severe angst ahead, proceed at your own risk—also this one’s long)
you were injured in a bar fight at the Rowdy Raven on the one occasion when Julian wasn’t accompanying you
you stumble home with a serious stab wound in your abdomen, right above your hip
halfway home you lose most feeling in your legs, so you half crawl/half drag yourself down the sidewalk
no one was out so late, all the shutters on the windows were closed and the doors were locked
no one could help
except your Julian
you knew that if you just kept going he could heal you, even if you were on the verge of death, he could do it
you cough up a copious amount of blood as you near your house
you’re only three doors away from salvation
you cough and wheeze as your tired arms pull your body up onto the lowest step
gasping for breath and shuddering from your body heat rapidly leaving your body, you weakly knock on the door, your hand barely able to form a fist
you try to call for Julian but your voice fails you and you only succeed in coughing up more blood that spatters on the door
your eyes start to close even though you fight it as hard as you can
one last slap to the thick wooden door, strong as a newborn kitten, and you slump against the frame
Julian wakes up the next morning in bed, expecting to see you there by his side, back from the pub
after searching the house and not finding you, he decides to head to the Rowdy Raven, chuckling at the thought of you having possibly passed out at a booth with a Salty Bitters in hand
he gets dressed and fixes his hair, wanting to look his best for you
but as soon as he opens the door your cold corpse falls from the door frame and onto his boots
your foggy, half-closed eyes stare back up at him, blood that had run from your mouth and down your chin and neck dried and dark
Nadia and most of her subjects awoke that morning to agonized screams echoing throughout all of Vesuvia
Nadia (keep in mind I know next to nothing about her, so again, forgive me if/when this is not in her character exactly)
it was so simple and so easily preventable that it only maddened the Countess further
all you’d had was a simple scratch from Melchior, but that combined with accidentally coming in contact with a bit of blood from helping Julian with injured patients, you’d come down with a nasty infection (I’m thinking along the lines of HIV or Hepatitis B or C)
you seem fine for a while
but after a while you start showing signs of illness
Nadia notices and asks if you’re all right, to which of course you respond with a tired but resounding yes
you would never wish to disappoint or worry her
you carry on, figuring it’s just a nasty cold or something of the like
but you start to shut down
but it’s not just you mentally, it’s you physically, your organs are failing
you are soon bedridden
Nadia calls for Asra to come immediately so he can fix whatever is happening to her beloved
but he can’t figure out how to heal you
neither can Julian
it’s a slow, painful death
you are almost in a vegetative state by the end of it
Nadia never let go of your hand
she would sit by your bedside, whispering in your ear how much she loved you
and that she would see you again very soon
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ofatheva-archive · 6 years
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oh boy, did you get natalie dormer for an eight a.m.? wait no, that’s poppy bryant. i heard the thirty-five year old is a professor who gives a pretty tough lecture in law. she tries to be effervescent and incisive but on the stressful days, they are erratic and disputatious. when they get a chance to relax, catch them at the local bar listening to drops of jupiter by train.
poppy turning up to her 8am: hey kids, you ever had a wine hangover?
is holly holliday 
or more hedonistic pepper potts
in every conceivable situation, she is the dark kermit
student: this class makes me wanna die 
poppy: bitch me too tf
wins every argument with it’s the law, i know this, as a lawyer
the first daughter, born poppy marie bryant, was raised in all the security and wealth expected of a greenwich trust fund baby. attended gala’s, gallery openings, charity dinners and just about every other get together the upper class of connecticut’s most cultured could come up with. an environment she’s always been at ease in, poppy flourished and from a young age was very aware of just how far a few well placed connections could get you. names she stashed away for a later date, a time where she might cast some thought toward her future, consider anything beyond giggling behind champagne flutes with her sister or ill advised trysts in gallery coat rooms.
after years of having everything provided, all her problems solved for her, the first big decision of her life had the eldest bryant packing up all those gucci shoes and heading not far at all to new york to study architecture at columbia. not meant to be, the ever unpredictable student chopped and changed her major four times before truly finding a fit. after spending the entirety of her life soaking up the arts, and convinced she’d follow the footsteps of her parents, poppy bryant graduated top of her class in politics. the surprises kept on coming. she went on to do her j.d., passed the bar, got her l.l.m. and finally got her first job as an attorney. 
years of hard work it may have been, but it didn’t slow her down one bit. stress had always rolled right off her, brushed off with an apathetic shrug and a healthy dose of gin. in between the many late nights and thousands of essays, poppy easily rose to the social queen too. her carefree ways and it’ll be fine tomorrow attitude won her plenty of friends and ensured she moved in plenty of the new york circles. and this, fortunately ( or unfortunately depending on how you chose to see it ), was how she met her future husband. 
though she’d had partners in abundance, poppy fell hard and fell fast. deeply in love, she found herself saying yes to proposals and a big white wedding to boot. it was only after the honeymoon dust had settled, that the pair broached the subject of children. his enthusiasm for a baby was met with a firm no from her, and thus the first crack was formed. she was desparate to hold onto a blooming career, one that was only on it’s way up. she had plans, for her own firm, for fortunes of her own, for christmas’ in bahamas. not taking nine months off to return to her replacement taking her promotion, not nappies and bickering with in laws. arguments became daily, but their love was just as strong. foolishly, poppy had thought that would be enough to make it. 
the pregnancy had come as a shock. always so careful, a surprise baby had been the last thing on her mind for the sudden sickness. and yet, her first thought hadn’t been to get rid of it. she’d been overjoyed. excited even. everything was different, they began to plan, they were going to make this work. but before the paint had time to dry on the nursery, it soon became apparent that it wasn’t meant to be. just shy off her second trimester, they were faced with the tragic truth that there would be no baby. so the clothes were thrown into storage and the nursery was rapidly converted back into the office. desks thrown up against walls where mocking giraffe stickers once were. 
at thirty, poppy had been confronted with the tragic news that there would never be a baby. she’d laughed at it, laughed until she’d sobbed because, really, a hostile uterus they’d said. an environment that was supposed to be perfect, was instead something that had killed their child. and would take the life of any others they managed to conceive after it. news that broke her heart, was not shared with her husband. how could she tell the man that longed for children so much, that she couldn’t give them to him? that it was all her fault, that she’d failed in the one thing she was supposed to be able to do. she couldn’t, the thought was too painful, and she couldn’t keep that dream from him either. no, not even she was that selfish. 
so when the time came that he suggest they try again ( they’d been so excited before, afterall ), rather than share what she knew, she told him she’d meant what she’d said before. she didn’t want kids, didn’t want to be some brainless soccer mom that handed over her career to raise some thankless life. argument after argument, and she lit the flame to them all. kept pushing until there was no where left to go, until she’d backed them into a corner with no other option left to them. the papers were signed, she moved out and that was that. years spent together, over after vicious negotiations.  
returning to work after that should have been easy, she was good at shutting that part off and getting on with it. but after struggling on with it for three months, she was urged onto sabbatical. empty, and with nothing left to give, she disappeared for a year. went completely off the map as she slept her way through most of europe before returning to the states at thirty-three. in three years, she’d lost it all. husband, home, future. after it all, going back to work felt soulless to her. with no urge to get back to the rush of the city, it was poppy who followed her sister for once. followed her all the way to her new life in georgia where she accepted the offer for law professor. someone of her formidable experience had won the role easily enough.
it’s her second year teaching at riverbank and she’s now settling in. her classes have learned not to snigger at the name poppy on their timetable, and expect a gruelling lecture when she’s in the mood. she’s a pusher if she sees something in a student, and isn’t likely to let something drop until she’s satisfied with the results. with her firm pleading for her back, she’s no longer sure what her purpose is anymore. has she just been running for five years, or has she found a new place to belong? was this always to be her next step? to fill the emptiness her old life had left her with.
honestly, poppy is super fun
she’s literally a riot at parties
knows all the best anecdotes, always has incredible stories to tell, usually of her travels
thinks pink gin is the greatest invention of the 21st century
is pretty hedonistic but charitable af
donates to a lot of causes, has probably twelve benches and a fountain named after her by now
uses humour to cover up the fact that she’s highkey drifting
after such a rigorous lifestyle in new york, she’s found herself at thirty-five with really no idea what she’s supposed to be doing in life
mid life crisis 100%
chaotic good
could be slytherin, could be gryffindor, but is definitely reckless af
doesn’t matter how chaotic life is, she always looks a million dollars
even for the inevitable walk of shame every monday morning for her 8am
comes in hungover for most early classes 
usually sticks on a powerpoint and kicks back with a litre of coffee
is really fucking charming, would flirt with a mop tbh
when she’s Not Suffering she actually plans some pretty tough lessons and expects you to keep up or fall behind
out of office hours are strict
try and catch her outside of them? she’s gonna straight up mariah carey you
i don’t know her
if you’re not turning up then she’s not about to chase you, just fail, not her problem, she’ll get paid either way
owns way too many black dresses
has not worn a flat shoe in twenty five years
will be your pal if you’re not boring
divorced, hot and ready to mingle
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jasperrollswrites · 7 years
The Rewards of Loyalty
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A commission for @alcharlie, and the first of my Grab Bag commissions - a TF into Bowser, the king of Koopas.
The package was suspicious for two reasons. First, Al hadn’t actually ordered anything. He hadn’t been too frivolous with his spending lately, and as far as he was aware, anything that he might have ordered previously had already been received, so it wasn’t like this might be something that was late arriving. He had no idea what it could be. The size of it was similar to a DVD case - a bit longer, but thinner - but whatever was inside clearly wasn’t anything like that, since it was flexible and could be bent around. It was also...kind of lumpy, but soft.
The second thing that was suspicious about the package was the letter attached to it. The letter had the logo for Club Nintendo on it, which might be all well and good - Al had signed up to the service ages ago, given how he appreciated the company’s work - except for the fact that Club Nintendo didn’t exist any more. They’d replaced it with My Nintendo, so surely any loyalty rewards should have that logo on it, right? It had been two years since Club Nintendo had been shut down, so it wasn’t like their office would be accidentally using the wrong stationery or something.
Al scratched his head through his short, tightly cut hair, and wondered how this might have happened. Was it something they’d sent through but just hadn’t got to him before? Had there been some sort of problem at the post office? He was fairly certain he’d already gotten all his rewards for being a part of that service, but it had been a couple of years ago, so...maybe. He pulled the sellotape that attached the letter to the package, and opened up the envelope, and his little theory was confirmed by the date in the corner - June 20, 2015.
Dear Valued Club Nintendo Member,
As you may have heard, we will be discontinuing Club Nintendo in North America on June 30 2015, after which we will be introducing a new loyalty scheme.
As you have been a supporter of Club Nintendo, we will be sending you several rewards over the next few days, of which this is the first. In the package you received with this letter you will find a set of bracelets based on those worn by Mario’s infamous rival, Bowser. You will also be receiving several other rewards shortly, and will be eligible for extra rewards once we launch our new loyalty service.
We thank you deeply for supporting Club Nintendo over the years, and we hope you look forward to our new service starting soon.
Well...that explained it, Al guessed. Although it seemed weird - he’d thought they’d have just sent everything in one box or whatever. Maybe it was a bonus thing for having been part of the service for so long? It wasn’t like it was a huge thing, anyway. Just some bracelets, apparently. That must be what the lumps where, the spikes on the bracelets. Al set the letter down and took the package, deciding to head up to his bedroom and take a closer look.
As he walked up the stairs, he unwrapped the package, to reveal the bracelets in question. There were five of them, all thick leather bands with buckles. Al poked one of the spikes on the bracelet, to reveal it was made of a soft foam. It made sense, they probably didn’t want anyone injuring themselves on any actual spikes.
He entered his room, throwing the unwrapped packaging in a small wastebin, and putting the bracelets on the bed. Five bracelets seemed a bit excessive really - wouldn’t you just need one? Two at best? Maybe he could share them with friends or something. Although, they were based on Bowser, who did wear all five, so...still, it seemed silly to him to wear five bracelets.
It had been a long week though. Work had been boring and kind of dire, especially today. He was in the mood for something silly and frivolous. He’d try them on for now - probably take them off except for one and wear that around. He began unbuttoning his white work shirt, since it would be getting in the way of where he had to strap them on, if he wanted to be accurate. He took off the shirt, exposing his chest and plump belly. The air felt cold on his skin, but it wasn’t unbearable.
Al took up the first bracelet, wrapping it around his left wrist, and sliding it into the buckle. He pulled it as tight as he could, but it still hung some what loosely around his wrist. Not so loose that he could pull it off straight over his hand, but there was a gap between the wrist and the leather. The same was true of the second bracelet, which he wrapped around his right wrist. He pushed them up his arms, until they couldn’t go up any further, settling around his forearms. However, they slid back down to around his wrists if he let his arms hang down, which was kind of annoying.
The third and fourth bracelets went around his biceps, which they had little problem doing, being wide enough for his somewhat thick arms. He pulled them tight, and unlike the ones around his wrists, there was no looseness, clinging tightly to the arm - maybe a little too tight. He adjusted them slightly to give his arms some breathing room. Once he was happy with it, he took a look at himself in the full length mirror in the bedroom. Not...a bad look. Made him seem kind of punk-y, if he was into that kind of thing, but that was kind of diminished by how obviously fake the spikes looked. It was strange, the leather bands seemed fairly good quality, but then they had these hokey, fake foam spikes on them.
Now for the last bracelet...wait. Bowser only wore four bracelets, or arm bands or what have you, when he thought about it. Where was the fifth one meant to go? Ah. It was because it wasn’t actually a bracelet, was it?
It was a collar.
Al blushed a little. He didn’t think he’d be wearing that one in public, at least. It was kind of...kinky, wasn’t it, to wear a collar? He looked at the window, and walked over, deciding to close the blinds. He didn’t want anyone looking in while he did this. Once that was done, he came back to the bed, and picked up the final strap. The collar.
Well, it seemed wide enough. Slowly, he took the leather strap, and wrapped it around his neck, tying the collar tight, but not so tight as to strangle him. Slipping it into the buckle, he brought his hands back down and looked at himself in the mirror.
It felt a little weird and uncomfortable, with the big foam spikes on it, but most of all...yeah, there was something definitely embarrassing about wearing a collar. Still, he giggled a little at himself - he did look silly, but it was just the thing to cheer him up after the long day at work. He brought his arms up, flexing them a bit.
“Grraarrr”, he growled at the mirror, attempting to a Bowser impression. It was kind of pitiful to say the least, but it was all in good fun. He looked at himself a bit more in the mirror, smiling. Just because you were an adult, didn’t mean you had to give up childish things like having an imagination and enjoying yourself. You just had to...do them less, that was all.
Alright, fun time was over. Might as well take them off, except for the wrist ones. They’d be nice to keep around. He reached up to his neck again, trying to find the buckle around the back of his neck. He fumbled for a second or two...wait, where the hell was the buckle?
He traced around the collar with his finger, all the way around, but the buckle had disappeared. It was leather all the way round, and it was stuck to his neck. What the fu...he looked down at his arms, twisting them over and touching the bands around his biceps and wrists now - the buckles had disappeared for them too. Had he imagined them? No, they’d definitely been there, he’d remembered the feeling as the cold metal had touched his skin, but they were just...gone. Every band and bracelet was just leather now. They were stuck on him. He couldn’t take them off.
Then he looked closer at the spikes, and realized they didn’t look so fake any more. He reached his hand across to touch the spikes on the band around his bicep - it didn’t give at all. It was hard, sharp metal, a far cry from the foam it had definitely been before. He reached up to the collar - they were real there too. Now what was he going to do? How was he going to get these off?
He was distracted from the sudden change in his bracelets from a pain going through his fingers.
It was in his nails, and it was painful enough to make Al yell out loud in shock. It felt like someone was sticking pins into the skin underneath his fingernails - and they wouldn’t stop pushing. His hands clenched, tensing up, and he looked down, holding them in front of himself. He watched in fear as his nails began to lengthen, growing forward...then back across onto the other side of the fingers, the nails going from transparent to opaque as they hardened into white claws, not unlike the spikes on his bands. However, the nails on his little fingers remained normal, which was weird enough in itself - until it became clear exactly what his body had in mind for him.
His hands were starting to get bigger - his fingers were becoming fatter, and as his index fingers grew fat enough to be touching his little fingers, they were slowly absorbed into the index fingers. It was the strangest sensation, his bones melting, fusing together, becoming part of one digit. Quickly, it was over, but his hands were still expanding, getting bigger and bulkier. He flexed the fingers, unnerved by only having three of them now, along with a thumb.
And then the skin started to crack. It was like the skin on his hands had suddenly turned try and was now breaking open in tiny little fissures, only noticeable up close. What was way more obvious was the way his skin was changing colour. From the pale pink of his flesh, it became more sallow, unwell, towards a ill yellow, before brightening, becoming a more vibrant yellow, bordering on a light orange. As the colour began to sweep up his arms, they began to bulk out now too. The fat around his arms was becoming muscle. His wrists grew in thickness, and the spiked bracelets expanded around them, becoming the perfect fit for his new wrists. His arms were big already, but they were only getting bigger and the bands were adjusting to match, as the yellow colour swept up his arms, and over his shoulders.
Now his back muscles were getting larger, thicker, able to hold some serious weight - and they were going to need to, given what was about to happen. Pain streaked across his back, as something similar to what had happened with his nails...claws, happened there, only this time it felt way worse. Something was pushing out of his back, all across his back, from underneath his skin...Al let out a long, protracted yell of pain as big, brutal spikes burst through his skin, and kept pushing out. It was like his back was being split open, while his torso thickened, his hips getting wider. His spine popped, as he grew in size, getting taller as well as thicker, growing a couple of feet at least.
Al was looking down at his own chest - not intentionally, just as a side effect of feeling so much pain on his back that he’d curled over to look at himself - but he was in the perfect position for the next change. As the bright yellow pigment spread down his skin, it left his chest alone...but his chest wasn’t free from changes. As he watched, his chest began to push out into horizontal segments as his belly fat was turned into more muscle for his chest and abs. His nipples seemed to sink into his skin, disappearing like they’d been rubbed out with an eraser, and what was left, from his chest, down across his stomach, down to...what felt like his groin, was a soft, segmented underbelly, like a tortoise might have.
His back felt like it was about to split open, and to some extent it did, as the spines finished pushing through, and the real meat of the change across his back got kicked into gear. Instead of yellow, the skin on his back was turning darker, becoming harder, as it too split into segments - however, these were six or 5 sided segments, surround each spike that had burst through his back, and as it hardened, his back seemed to separate from...itself. It was the only way to describe it, his back splitting away from him, as it became a dark green tortoise shell, yet he could still feel his back, the heavy weight of the new tortoise shell resting on it.
His black work trousers were splitting apart, the belt around his waist strained to breaking point - until it finally broke, the buckle bursting apart and pieces of it flying straight into the mirror, causing it to shatter. No longer held together by the belt, the trousers were quickly ripped to shreds, and his leather work shoes burst open, as his legs thickened, and his feet, doubled, tripled, quadrupled in size. His legs bent at the knee, to help support the weight on his back, and a spiked tail grew out from under the shell, the tail bone extending outwards. His feet were merging together now, his toes melting together like his fingers had done, the bones fusing as the nails grew into another set of sharp claws, and he was left with three, monstrous looking toes on each yellow foot.
His neck was thickening up now, the collar adjusting to fit, and as it did, he heard his voice getting lower with every breath, becoming low and grumbly. The tone of the skin on his head was darkening, going to a dark green like the spiked shell on his back, as the skin on his face broke open into little segments, hardening, becoming reptilian scales. Impossibly, his face was...growing. Around his nose, his mouth, his cheeks, the skin was pushing out, becoming closer to a tan colour as it grew out into a big muzzle on his face. His nose sunk into the expanding skin, the nostrils widening, and he opened his jaw wide, as his teeth became sharper, tapering down to points, becoming fierce fangs.
Now he felt that same piercing pain in his temples, as the sides of his head broke open to reveal horns pushing through, curling upwards, around his head. His eyebrows were getting bushier, his hair getting longer and wavier, and the brown colour became brighter, becoming a fierce, fiery shock of dark red hair, that rolled down the back of his neck, resting on his shell...and with that, the physical changes came to an end. He felt his new hair brush against the ceiling, his horns threatening to embed themselves in it if he stood up straight - not like he could anyway. The weight of the shell on his back forced him to hunch over.
Al stared at his changed self in the cracked mirror. He...he WAS Bowser. There was simply nothing else to say. The bands wrapped around his arms and the collar round his neck...how? Had something...happened to them while they had been stuck in postage for the last two years? They had just turned him into the King of Koopas himself.
...not that he minded.
His face broke out into a familiar, malicious smile, as he looked himself over. He flexed his arms again, and this time, let out a proper, Bowser-like growl...no, that wasn’t enough. A roar! He took a deep breath, and let out a loud roar that shook the house, yelling at his broken mirror. What a reward for his loyalty! He WAS Bowser now! Everything about him was Bowser, and it felt great. He felt powerful, he felt a fire brewing in his belly, and he had to let it out. It felt as natural as breathing, as he felt it fly up his throat, and a fireball burst forth from his maw, smashing into the mirror, the scorching heat instantly causing the glass to melt.
He was Bowser. He was Bowser. The thought came to him automatically. This was who he was now, and it was the best thing. The name Al seemed like a distant memory - he knew it was who he had been, but all of a sudden he cared nothing for that name or that person. That wasn’t who he was any more. THIS was who he was. The King of Koopas, scourge of the Mushroom Kingdom. Bowser, Bowser, Bowser.
And hey, if he was Bowser now...maybe there was a Mario out there somewhere too. Bowser relished the thought. Oh, this time, this time, he would definitely win this time. There was no doubt.
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yoon-kooks · 7 years
Lie- Part 14
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Pairing: Jimin x Reader
Genre: Angst / Fluff
Summary: There was a time when you loved him and he hated you. Now you hate him, but does he love you?
Parts: 0 // 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // 7 // 8 // 9 // 10 // 11 // 12 // 13 // 14 // 15 // 16 // 17 // FINAL
During your lunch break, you sat alone in the library to study for one of your upcoming biology exams. On most days, you and Jimin would eat together, but he also had obligations with his dance group at least once a week during lunch. You’d be lying if you said it wasn’t a little lonely without him, but it was also good to have some space away from the boy. Always being so close to him, you wondered if Jimin ever thought of you as a burden, something holding him back. Because that was the last thing you wanted to be.
“Hey, you’re Y/N, right?” You jumped at the sound of two girls interrupting your reading on natural selection. They looked and sounded familiar, but you weren’t sure of how they knew you.
You nodded slowly as they helped themselves to the two empty seats next to you at the table.
“We saw you walk home with Park Jimin the other day?” the girl with the messy bun said. You assumed she was talking about how you had waited for Jimin after his dance practice. She and her friend must’ve been the same girls that had been fawning over him during that time.
“What’s your relationship with him?” the ponytail girl added with a nudge of her pointy elbow into your arm. You certainly did not appreciate their attempt at being chummy with you. If anything, they were only talking to you because they knew you were close with Jimin.
“We’re friends.” You rubbed your arm.
“Just friends?” Messy Bun raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms.
“So you’ll gladly support me if I asked him out on a date, right?” Ponytail spoke in a passive-aggressive cheerful voice and batted her long eyelashes at you. She looked ready to pounce at any second if you didn’t give her the response she was looking for.
You didn’t answer. Of course, you wouldn’t support that. Maybe you would’ve been supportive if the girl actually took the time to get to know Jimin, or at least showed any kind of respect towards you. But there was no way you were going to hand your friend over to someone rude like that.
“Aww, you have a crush on him too, don’t you?” Messy Bun thought she was so smart. It might’ve been the truth, but she or her friend knew nothing about the kind of relationship you and Jimin had. It was already a very touchy subject for you, and they definitely didn’t have any right to take jabs at you about it.
“Jimin rejected you, huh. Let me guess—friendzoned? It’s okay, we won’t tell anyone!” Ponytail said in an awfully loud and obnoxious voice. You noticed other students were popping their heads up from their books to see what was happening. Attracting attention was something you always tried not to make a habit of, but the two girls weren’t helping at all. You just wanted them to leave you alone.
“I never rejected Y/N.” You felt a set of warm hands on your shoulders. That alone was almost enough to bring tears to your eyes. Jimin had said ‘no’ to your face so many times over the years. So many times, that you had lost count and almost accepted the fact that you and him would never be anything more than friends. And yet, there he was, lying through his teeth in front of everyone only for your sake. “In fact, we’re going to Big Bang’s concert together this weekend.” He waved bye to the girls before grabbing your biology textbook in one hand and your hand in the other to pull you away from the mess.
“Jimin,” you called as soon as the two of you were out of the library. “You didn’t have to lie for my sake, you know. Everyone’s gonna think we’re dating now…”
“Y/N, don’t worry about that,” he said softly, pulling you to a stop. But his own eyes were filled with worry. “Those girls were messing with you because of me, right?”
You shook your head. The girls might’ve approached you merely because you were associated with Jimin, but that didn’t make the situation his fault. It wasn’t his fault that the girls were rude. Nor was it his fault that you were too weak to stand up for yourself. And you hated how he automatically blamed himself and took responsibility for it.
“Let me know if something like that happens again, okay?” He looked at you as if the whole situation had hurt him as much as it had hurt you. But you couldn’t just ask him for help and interrupt one of his get-togethers with his dance friends. That would only make you a burden to him.
“Jimin, I’ll be fine.” You had to be strong.
“Are you sure…?”
“Yes, I’m sure.” You smiled at the boy and tried to change the topic quickly. “So what was that about a Big Bang concert?” You weren’t sure if he had just said that to put up a façade in front of those girls and the rest of the students in the library, or if he was serious. Because you had always been under the impression that he wasn’t into idols.
“I won a pair of free tickets, so let’s go together, okay?” His eyes brightened up.
“Thank you, Jimin.” Part of you felt like he was only trying to make you feel better after being bullied, but a larger part of you wanted to believe that he was actually asking you out on a date. Either way, you were grateful that he would always be there for you whenever you needed him.
Out of nowhere, you wrapped your arms around the boy, trying to take in as much of his warmth and comfort as possible. You knew it was only a matter of time before the boy pushed you away like he had whenever you got too touchy. Except this time, he didn’t. He just let you hold him for as long as you wanted. He knew exactly how much you needed him in that moment.
You were aware of how selfish it was, but you didn’t want to let go.
After you hugged Jungkook goodbye, you entered your apartment and tossed your bag to the side before hopping onto your bed with your phone. The first thing you did was check the text Yoora had sent you earlier during your date.
9:06PM Yoora “hey i know its late but lets meet up”
9:39PM Y/N “ya sure! come over anytime~”
9:40PM Y/N “i just got back from a date with kook”
9:45PM Yoora “ok”
Yoora only lived a few minutes away from you, so your apartment had always been the designated meeting place for nighttime chats and gossip. Surely this time was no different. She probably just couldn’t wait to share some good news about her and Jimin. Then you could tell her about your fun date with Jungkook. And everything would be fine.
You opened the door as soon as you heard a knock, but to your surprise, your friend didn’t look excited at all. You could only think of one explanation for the puffiness and redness in her eyes. She must’ve taken your advice and asked Jimin out only to be rejected. But that was only half of the reason for her tears.
“Hey what happened?” You pulled the girl through the doorway and sat her down on your bed, handing her a box of tissues. “Is it about Jimin?”
“Y/N, you knew.”
“I knew what?”
“You knew he’d reject me.”
“How could I have known that?”
“Y/N, Jimin’s your childhood friend, isn’t he?”
You didn’t say anything. Jimin had clearly told Yoora your secret. But before you could even be angry at the boy, you were terrified of losing Yoora’s trust. Your mind flooded with regret—you should’ve told her yourself before she had to find out the hard way from Jimin. The damage could’ve been limited, but now you couldn’t even blame Yoora if she walked out on you for good. You were a terrible friend.
“How could you not tell me about that?”
“I just couldn’t!” You could never bring yourself to tell Yoora that the love of her life used to be the love of your life. If you had told her Jimin was your childhood friend, there would’ve been no way to leave out the fact that you had also been so in love with him. And although you had told yourself that you no longer had those feelings for the boy, you were certain that your history with Park Jimin would’ve been enough to build tension in your friendship with Yoora.
“But you still encouraged me to ask him out when you knew he had feelings for someone else?”
“I was only trying to help you and him by-”
“Well thanks. You literally ruined everything.”
“Yoora, please-”
“Honestly, it’s whatever. I just wish you didn’t lie about it to my face.”
“I wasn’t trying to lie… I just wasn’t ready to tell you yet…”
“Y/N, am I not your best friend? The least you could’ve done was trust in me.”
“I’m so sorry, Yoora…” Those were the last words to said to your friend before she slammed your door shut on the way out. But you knew that apology would never be enough.
Before you knew it, a whole week had passed since your fight with Yoora and the Bangtan concert in Seoul was approaching. At that point, you were expecting to go to the concert alone, rather than follow through with the original plans to go with your friend.
All you could do was sigh. First you had lost Jimin, and now even Yoora wouldn’t speak to you. And it would probably only be a matter of time before Jungkook left you as well. You felt so alone.
But you had no one else to blame but yourself. If only you had been more open and honest with your friends. What were you actually trying to accomplish by keeping everything a secret? Were you really trying to protect them? Or was it only to protect yourself?
Buzz! You lifted your head from your pillow to check your phone, somewhat expecting it to be someone with the wrong number.
6:06AM Kookie “are you excited for tomorrow???????????!!!!1”
6:09AM Y/N “whats tomorrow?”
6:13AM Kookie “the concert!!😡😡”
6:14AM Y/N “lol im kidding”
6:15AM Y/N “ofc i remembered the concert!”
6:16AM Y/N “and why tf are you up so early??”
6:18AM Kookie “im just anxious😳😳”
6:21AM Y/N “for the concert and tour?”
6:22AM Kookie “yA! and im just excited youll be in the crowd~”
6:24AM Y/N “but its not like youll actually see me in such a large stadium😂”
6:25AM Kookie “ill find you bc youre special🙈🙈”
6:27AM Y/N “k im taking your word on it😂”
6:28AM Kookie “wait!! at least tell me what section youll be sitting in?”
6:30AM Y/N “thats cheating! what happened to finding me bc im special??”
6:31AM Y/N “lol jk thats bullshit. ill be standing in the pit😘”
6:34AM Kookie “okaaay got it👍👍”
6:35AM Kookie “actually ima go back to sleep now😪”
6:36AM Y/N “me too bc someone wOKE ME UP”
6:36AM Kookie “😪😪😂”
But as much as you wanted to fall back asleep, you couldn’t. Whether or not Jungkook really meant it when he said you were special, his words stuck with you. He never failed to put a smile on your face, and you were just so grateful that he hadn’t given up on you yet. What did you ever do to deserve a boy like him?
And from his messages, you were reminded that you weren’t alone. Even without Jimin or Yoora around, or even Jungkook when he left for tour, somehow you knew you’d be okay. From somewhere, you had gained that strength.
Buzz! You wondered what else Jungkook had to say, or if he forgot to mention something earlier. But it wasn’t a text from him.
10:23AM Yoora “um hey”
10:24AM Yoora “im really sorry i got upset with you about the jimin thing”
10:26AM Yoora “i mean, im still kinda upset but i get where you were coming from”
10:27AM Yoora “i know you meant well and ill forgive you if you forgive me”
10:28AM Yoora “we were gonna go to the concert together, right?”
You just stared at your phone screen in disbelief. You’d never thought Yoora would forgive you so easily. Not that you were doubting your friendship, but you thought you had really fucked up. You didn’t expect her to be the one reaching out to you because you thought that would’ve been your responsibility. Yoora was nice and had always been a great friend, but part of you knew something else was up. Someone had talked her into making up with you. He himself hadn’t spoken to you in what felt like ages, but you knew it was Jimin.
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theday · 7 years
all for the ask memes k thnx, im looking forward to the quality content 👏👏👏👏👏👏
 falen already asked me some and i answered those here thank u so much 4 asking jen i hate u but also i love u
OK! Ready: are you looking forward to anything at the moment?
oh worm the new pokemon game lads
Innocent Love: do you remember your first crush? what was it like?
this made me laugh oh fuck again so i was like. 10 and i got a crush on this guy and it lasted for 3 years bc we were in the same class for the next 3 years rip me! but i was so fucking annoying honestly im so glad i managed to Not be like that again with my next few crushes though ofc i was still annoying 2 those and thankfully i am a changed person and honestly i just shouldnt have any crushes bc ill be annoying even if i have learnt from my Bad Past ufhfhhis
god this is is so embarrassing but when i was like 12 someone told him i liked him and i was like bitC????? and u kno normal drama shit my best friend at that time also liked him and i was like !!!!!! wow!!!!! ok!!!!!! and shit happened u know thank fuck i graduated from primary school and i never see them again 
i would send him like o*e dir*ct**n songs bc they had the [redacted] songs and essentially i would send him songs that made me think of him but we werent even friends so he never replied its so fucking funny im gna die i hate that im never talking abt it ever again
Morning Call: what time do you usually sleep and wake up?
its the holidays but i still sleep at 11pm lmofsinwij and i wake up slightly later at 9am it used to be 10am but i hate waking up later than 9am so
Puss in Boots: do you have any pets? (if you don’t, which animal would you want as a pet?)
i want a bird or cat or dog or fish or that!!! one!!! x animal i forgot the name but its kind of like a frog but flatter??? and it has like fins on the sides of its face??? its like :0 ?????? whats the animal someone hmu
Breathless: name the last thing that took your breath away
dare i say it?????????????????? minhyuk which one??? who knows
Polaris: name a place you’d like to go to and an idol you’d like to go there with
omg i instantly thought of amusement park bc i keep remembering the first episode of monsta x’s right now  gdhidnnj so id like 2 go with with hrmrmrmrmmm……… im gonna cry the first person i thought of was minhyuk
Growing Pains: how tall are you?
. 154 cm……….. sanha cant relate 
Confession: imagine your ub confessing to you - how would they do it?
this question is cancelled i dont have an ub and im not gonna list 18 whole scenarios 
Lonely: would you rather be alone with your ub or surrounded by your bias group?
surrounded by my bias group aka all 3 i love living the no bias life 
Star: what’s your star sign?
capricorn same as chae hyungwon and i will never shut up abt that fact bc it makes me happie
Again: top astro ships (doesn’t have to be romantic)
Cotton Candy: compare any idol to a dessert 
rocky is warm like lava cake :-0 idk lmfao
You & Me: favourite line from any astro song
oooo weEEEEEEE 
but for real umMMmm i havent actually watched any lyric videos for astro lmao um,,,,,,, so easy to love you??? from csc idk its nice and i wanted to change my bio to that but thats 2 mch effort
Baby: if you could drink out of any of the dream bottles, which would you pick?
give me a second to watch th e baby mv agani 
ok itll be the aroha one bc its probably grape flavoured and the safest 2 consume
Dreams Come True: what do you wish for the most at this point in time?
have i answered this … i want day6 to win that best band performance award BLEASE i thought about how hard they worked and then saw that theyre losing and i almost cried idk much about cnblue so i cant say for sure but i know day6 and theyve worked so fucking hard this year with everyday6 and just?? holding concerts every month and!!!! fuck please if they dont win ill cry and now i just feel so fucking bad bc i couldve voted everyday but i didnt 
Every Minute: you’ve only five minutes left to live. which astro mv would you watch again?
csc bc i need to stream it…….
Lie: if you could watch astro perform one song live, which song would it be?
butterfly: what song do you relate to each member of astro and why?
hRMM (based on the nature of the song itself since i dont know the lyrics also assuming we use astro songs)
myungjun - cat’s eye bc of the the egg……. (also cant believe that video was a year ago tf) also dreams come true bc of his oWWEOOWOOWOoo
jinwoo - confession bc whenever rocky and jinjin rap together i live 2 see another day?? and you smile bc i love jinjins smile :_) and he was jamming out 2 it during the jincha radio 2
dongmin - who is this dreams come true because during the most recent jincha radio didnt jinwoo say smth like… eunwoo this is ur song…idk….
bin - crazy sexy cool since it was said the song was originally meant to be his solo song oh confession for bin too bc every time he says “Hey baby geu ael ijeo” i hear jelly instead thanks jinjin
minhyuk - run because rocky!!! singing!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and fireworks bc he choreographed the dance?? iirc…. fuck lets not forget every minute.. iconic.. i love his rap in it
sanha - baby bc hes a babie and he always does the soda sound and dances its so funnie and cute what a loser lmao oh or cotton candy bc the song is rly soft and cute in general??? 
ok thats all bc if i dont stop now ill never shut up….. but searching for the links made me realize how mnay songs they have that have the same title as justin b*eber like… bin please calm urself
run: who do you turn to / what do you do when you’re stressed?
when im stressed i just dont think about it LOL so in the end i dont rly talk abt the reasons for my stress????? if i do itll be 2 falen 
crazy sexy cool: attach your favourite meme of astro
i,,,,,,,,,,,,?????????? my minds blank this is too much its not rly a meme but jinwoo saying its me during that one thing is always so funny 2 me and bell wont shut up abt it so i think abt it like every day
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forever-piccolone · 5 years
none of my grad school friends follow me here so i’m gonna vent for a hot minute
ive been here for six years and this is the first time ive done a post like this but im gonna write about my ???feelings???
i told myself before i moved to syracuse that i wouldn’t shit where i eat (i.e. date within the cohort) but all of a sudden i wanna make a bad choice??? i think im legit into my closest guy friend out of the blue and im stressin
to preface: a lot of factors combined in my sudden feelings-having--friend in question got a haircut like two weeks ago and i was like “oh damn”, and then a few days later I saw work crush at a stoplight and was like “youre never gonna see him again after this, let him go”*, and then the next day kj was like “what if you just dated [friend im bugging about] and made a fair argument
*turns out work crush is staying in the area and we might end up in the same neighborhood, and I assumed my feelings would switch back over to him, but its been a week and they havent yet
with our internships starting and doing more class stuff together im spending more time with him which probably doesn’t help (or does? how tf do feelings work)--also doesn’t help that im mad touch starved and he gives good hugs
~i liked his personality first (anyone i know can attest that at any given moment im like “hes the best i would die for him”) and hes genuinely the nicest person i know
~we get along great and make things fun
~getting out of my comfort zone
~the idea of dating in the cohort doesn’t bug me now like it did in september (when i lowkey caught feels for a different friend and was like “thats a bad idea” and threw the feels back)--somethings different this time
~vaguely similar backgrounds (we’re both irish lol)
-again, good hugs
 ~15 years is a big gap (he’s 38)--im not bothered by the age gap in general, but thats a completely different set of childhood memories, ways of speaking (i once asked him “whats the tea” and he was so confused that he yelled for two minutes before telling me his gossip), etc
~same internship + same classes + the school clinic= nowhere to hide if (when) i fuck things up and make everything awkward
~im not actually sure how much we have in common? he doesn’t drink or eat meat or watch tv (ranked from least to most important for me lol) and im not sure how that dynamic would end up 
~if it does work, im not sure i want to stay in CNY forever (i dont think he ever plans on leaving), nor do i even know if this would be what i want forever--not sure when it becomes worth the risk
~pros list seems like im artificially padding it
i don’t know what direction i wanted this to go in when i started writing this out. its not like im gonna actively do anything about pursuing this--i really dont think the odds of him being into it is that high, i think the age gap would be a bigger deal for him than me and he seems smart enough to not date within the cohort. im also im jared age 19 when it comes to picking up signals, but his general personality is charming enough to border on flirting and i can never tell if its directed or not (but doubting it). ive been telling myself that i wont admit anything to anyone in the cohort unless something happens or someone figures it out, and i stand by that. maybe im hoping that this will get me out of my head and help me break my pattern of blocking out all other options (aka aimlessly swiping on dating apps in hopes of shutting myself up but never being satisfied). or i just needed to word vomit so i can write the paper thats due tomorrow
(also if i know you personally and you choose to respond to this in any way, i might not see it for a while, i dont check notifications and only see messages when i happen to go on mobile--so like once a week?) (and if i dont know you personally, ill tell you the same thing i told him when he heckled me during a class presentation--mind ya business)
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