#im a sin i am sin ohhhh god
dear-happypills · 3 months
been about 10
years since i have known i am broken.
been about 10 years since i have known i am a sinner.
but the problem isnt as much as i am broken, as actualizing that eternal blood has already been spilt for my perpetuating sins.
me: what have i done these past ten years... ...?
happypills: ummm,. is that even a question??!!!?
me: .... you see, thats the problem.
happypills: ohhh jeeez. you think EVERYTHING is a problem.
me: yea, with you around me, thats not much hard to surmise...
happypills: you see thats the problem. talking like a douchebag wont get you any friends.
me: yea, well, calling someone "like a douchebag" is very unfeminist. its unbecoming.
happypills: .PWUhhH... i .... i dont understand how that is unfeminist.
me: you seeeee this is the problem. us doing this. more of these...... so called adventures........of... nonsensical.... dialogue.... ..... . *restraining tears
.... AND 10 years. A decade. a BIG roman numeral X.
ten years.
thats like.... longer than how long the show LOST ran for.
we just... just
you,,,,, came. into my life.
and kinda,... .. fucked it all up.
happypills: OH BOI. Ohhhh hohoho boi. here we go againnnn. its alwaysss mmyyyy fault.
me: yeaaaa. really. it is. at least before i was a societal robot that got shit done.
noww... im just. i dont know.... you gave me the red-pill, and i see stuff. and this world just seems like.... BLEH.
happypills: nonono. i never gave you the red-pill. Morpheus would never approve.
me: -_-; shut up.
happypills: OH, so, ten years of devoting my time to you.... you think that was a waste?
me: no,.... i didnt say a waste... i just mean. like....
what have we done these past ten years???
happypills: FOR ONE. we did a hellllaa lot more than what the people in Lost did.
we have been. ... *starts chuckling
OHOhhoooo weee havee been to waaayyy stranger islands my friend....
me: ....... .... ,,,, i dont.......... understand
why God couldnt have sent me like...... a talking vitamin....
happypills: woww... WOW. that.... THat... that crosses the line.....
AND BESIDES. there was that one talking gummy bear vitamin that... just came.. barging in,... like, that one time we were playing pool.
he kept saying how hawt the blue gummy whale was......
me: ... HUHH.. oh yeaaaaaaa. .. . ..
yeaa. he was weird.
happypills: SEE.
me: okok. fine. then tell me. what you think we have done these past ten years.
happypills: AS I WAS SAYINGG.... FOR TWO.
you came to know thyself.
me: wow. .... ... Wow. i was hoping for something more like....
I DUNNO. get a phd. or become an executive. or buy a house.... .... over the PAST 10 YEARS.
and what. you say. i came to know myself?????>???????????????????????????????
the fuck....
happypills: ..... AND THREEEEEEE....
me: ... yea idonteven want to know...
happpyills: AHEEMMMMMMMMM<<< HEM. hem.
be saved.
over, and over, and over again.
me: ...................i....................
i dunno. kind of seems like a half assed answer.... and you know what???? i actually still kinda feel like im drowning.
happypills: PWuh.
what is ten years when you might die tomorrow???
me: dont talk to me about dying.... ...you of all people know how often that is on my mind...
happypills: ohhh.... and, ... AND FOUR: we have been to
the Edge of the Universe. out ran the Pillsian Order. seen the Black Pyramid. been to Fractal Clouds.
i mean.... i mean. LIKE??????
been to the EDGE...... *motions mindblown.
and like...
GET A PHD vs go to Fractal Clouds??? * motions with both arms up and down, as to compare the two
me: ................................................................................ .......................................................
. okay. NGL. Fractal Clouds was awesome.
but shit, nonono.
i mean like....... okay. i wouldnt say im more proud of going to Fractal Clouds than compared to getting married and raising a kid......
over the past 10 years.
you KNOW???????
happypills: ..... ................. ... ... yea, well, as i was saying, what does that matter when you might die tomorrow.
me: OOOohhhh MY GAAAAAAWWWWWWWD. why am i even listening to you.
you were.... exPILLed from your own Order.
what was your title that they had for you again???? oh yea,
Bastard of Infeenidi...
happypills: *GASPPP ............. how.... how could you even BRING THAT UP? UGH. you PILLHOLE. crosssinG alooTT of LINES TODAY.
me: ............................................................................... okay. to be fair, i do not accept any formal delegations, or titles, or commands -- what have you -- set by the Order as ... an authority to what actually is.... i believe they were the one that arbitrarily gave me that title??? right???
but ahem. * mumbles fair point on the jerking off part.
happypills: -_-;;;;;;;
me: ................................................ *SIGHS
.................................... 10 year bro..............................
........................... *SIGHS
happypills: WELL.........
..... i think, when you live today as your last day, every day. for the past 10 years.
then every single day of those past 10 years...
is simply amazing.
considering.. we have been to
the Edge of the Universe. out ran the Pillsian Order. seen the Black Pyramid. been to Fractal Clouds.
and........... ............. are still alive. and not...... expired....
i think thats an awesome 10 years of coming to terms with death and living another day. after such 10 years.
. and beyond...
... until you one day dipthepilloutta here...
.... YOU KNOW?
me: .....................
yea.... iknnow.
happypills: and who knows? maybe one day, ill also expire as well... ......... and you could stop blaming me for all your problems....
me: -_-;;;;
oh jeez. dontsaythat............
... ill be blaming you even after youre long gone.
happypills: UGH....... i hate you. i pilling hate you. Chemistry curse you! PILL YOU.
me: lol.
- happypills
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beldaroot · 2 years
anita,,,,,, episode 11,,,,,
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if you haven’t watched it yet pls ignore !!!! but if you have…..
OH MY GOD!!!! this episode was so insane i was literally crying within the first 2 minutes 😭 my heart hurts so bad for rei… and i can’t believe they did that to misaki!!! i knew that SOMETHING was going to go down but i was not expecting for THAT especially so soon T^T im so glad that rei figured out what was going on and called kazuki and that kazuki was able to get there in time to save miri but……. OTL misaki did not deserve that :( i know she hadn’t been the best mother up until this point but i truly think that she wanted to change and you could tell that she really loved miri! i am so so so not looking forward to when they have to tell miri what happened……..
and as if i wasn’t already crying hard enough, at the end when kazuki and rei were like “this isn’t a pretend relationship anymore, we’re becoming a REAL family now” T^T MY HEART…… they love miri so much,,,,
it also really !!! squeezed my heart !!!! to see how much they were showing rei’s love for miri in this episode. ofc it’s been a few episodes now that rei has been slowly revealing how much miri means to him, but for some reason this episode hit even harder!!! like when he was sleeping with miri’s rubber duck at his side???? i was sobbing!!!!!! and you could hear the fear & panic in his voice when he called kazuki telling him to go get miri……. ohhhh my god this anime is going to kill me. i believe episode 12 is the last episode, and im so nervous for what’s gonna happen T^T
yes i did watch it and i had the same whirlwind of emotions as you!!! that picture truly sums up exactly how i felt after watching HELP
i actually kinda enjoyed seeing kazuki and rei all miserable in the beginning LOL it just really drove it home that these two love and care for miri so much and feel utterly at lost without her :(
but i am slightly disappointed in how they handled misaki... i know she wasn't the best mom, but you really could see that she regretted her past actions and wanted to change for the better for miri. it's just unfortunate that she didn't get to do that successfully at the end and that she essentially had the same fate as miri's father? she didn't deserve that (especially when rei and kazuki got the opportunity to change but she didn't)! i honestly can't wrap my head around it without getting a lil bit upset lol i do hope the ending lands well bc that whole arc felt so rushed and unnecessarily brutal :/
but the ending! yes, it made me so happy how it was rei that pushed for the family to stay together! you can see the guilt he has for being responsible for killing both of miri's parents and that he wants to "atone for his sins" (though i don't think he's the main person to blame). it was just v nice to see that he accepted and wanted to change! and all of this came naturally bc he truly does love miri with his whole heart and would rather give everything up just to make sure she's safe! and the way it was so easy for him to convince kazuki bc even though he knows a foster care system would probably be safest for her, he also knows that what's best for her now is being a family together! i loved how they said it wasn't going to be a fake family anymore - everything about their relationship will be real and true! though i'm still concerned if they're planning on lying to miri about her parents and their role in their deaths or if that's something they're going to be truthful about. she's only four, but i don't want this "real" family to already start off with lies, ya know? i'm v v v curious on how this show will end! it's crazy that they're wrapping everything up in a single episode OTL that's why i'm hoping for some type of ova or something! more than anything though, i need to see rei take his family and that creepy "last words" dude out! i cannot rest until those people are gone and no longer a threat to miri!
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furblrwurblr · 3 years
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I. I made smth for you guys
This is 40% @thequeenofworms 's fault
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theminecraftbee · 2 years
oh god im so sorry i. honestly don't know how that happened or sent, i set my phone down for 30 seconds to put away some dishes???
anyways in paradise lost, eve eats the apple out of curiosity and a desire for knowledge (and satan has manipulated her into thinking that god WANTS her to do this, that no god would be so cruel as to deny them Knowledge)
but ADAM eats it because eve tells him to. because she's already damned and he loves her too much to exist without her. his original sin is loving his partner more than himself or god. and the reversal of someone in double life eating the apple, abandoning their partner so that they themself survive? is making my literature brain go brrrrr
the fact you did that by accident i think makes it even more one of the funniest asks i've ever had thank you
but also OOOOH see i was a stem major i don't have the background in these classics and now i'm like. ohhhh. ohhhhhh that's even better someone with the literary background could go EVEN MORE PRETENTIOUS THAN ME. go full classics references. and i would read the hell out of something that went like, full into this stuff, i am also like that.
like i cannot express enough both how easy this symbolism is and also how much it makes my brain go brrrrrr
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sunnysatanstars · 2 years
an: hi. i am currently sobbing because i can't find any good boris headcannons, so im making some. enjoy y'all.
• he only knows how to make ramen and grilled cheese. he doesn't think he needs to know how to make anything else
• he'll wear the same sweater for DAYS at a time. idc i think it's cute
• whenever things are bad between him and his dad, he'll come over to your place (uninvited ofc) and let himself into your room.
• he'd sit next to your windowsill and drink n smoke and look out your window till he's ready to talk abt it
• sometimes when he's bored, he'll go through your closet and look through your drawers. not in a pervy way - just to check things out, yknow?
• if you ever asked to do his makeup it'd be a HARD no. like he might let you put eyeshadow and eyeliner on him, but other than that it's a no.
• he's so touch starved and it's so sad but so cute. like at first in your relationship he didn't want to touch you that much (with the exception of making out and... well you get it) , but after he warmed up his head is on your lap 24/7.
• i don't think he's big on pda, but he LOVES super quick kisses here and there
alright you dirty dirty dogs it's time
• ohhhh my god here we go.
• to start off, he's totally a switch. sometimes there's people that are sub or dom leaning, but not him. 100% switch.
• when he's all subby, he makes the most beautiful whimpers.
• like you'll be making out and he'll just let out the most sinful noise and it's like it was made for you.
• on the topic of him being subby, you give this boy a hickey and he is like putty in your arms.
• later, he'll look at them in the bathroom and brush his fingers over them and think abt you
• however. dom boris.
• he is definitly into overstim. having the underside of your knees on his shoulders and his head between your thighs and making you scream as you cum for like the fourth time is just. wow.
• and during eating you out (which he loves and is *great* at), he'll grind himself into the mattress just cause he's so worked up
• DEFINITELY a praisy dirty talker. whispering like "oh you take me so well baby" and "god you feel so good"
• has a praise kink. i will not elaborate
alright that's all for now. lmk who you want next
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roughentumble · 3 years
I've also been thinking about Geralt and Jaskier being stuck at Jaskier's parents' for a few days while the necessary papers regarding their marriage and Jaskier's access to the family funds are drawn up or whatever so they're just awkwardly stuck sharing Jaskier's old room while his parents awkwardly try to make small talk
Like, Jaskier's dad will be like, "I'm going on a deer hunt today, perhaps the witcher would like to join us?"
Jaskier immediately goes, "like hell am I letting you take my husband/future husband into the woods so you can shoot him like a rabid dog then claim it was a tragic hunting accident!"
Geralt quietly pipes up, "No deer around here to hunt, anyway, the wedding party scared them all of"
hjkhrkfbekdnnd ohhhh my god
not to absolve the pancratz's of their usual Bad Family sins within the AUs we create, but the funniest possible situation here would be if also jask's dad. genuinely meant it. like he was gonna be weird and snide the whole time, but he was just gonna take the dude hunting. i cant stop thinking abt it and giggling
also, either way, im definitely picturing geralt saying something like "also i dont hunt for trophies, just for meat."
which. would 100% put everyone in the room on edge. geralt means it factually(its just a true statement about him) but somehow to these people who Do Not Trust Witchers, it sounds. extremely intimidating. very "im going to eat you specifically." jask's mom goes pale, his dad breaks out into a nervous sweat, while jaskier is just proudly like "yeah! that's right! he's very noble like that. kind soul, y'see?"
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hayleysstark · 6 years
(PT 2 of 2). I also wanted to say that, unfortunately, my Netflix account is going to be cancelled soon, so I can't watch all of Merlin. Can you recommend any must-see episodes?
Ugh, for real? That sucks, Queenie, I’m sorry. (I mean, I get it, things like Netflix are luxuries, but luxuries are nice to have around, and it’s tough to lose one, and I’m sorry that you have to.) To tell the truth, I really,,,,, don’t know if separate episodes can really stand on their own? I mean, don’t get me wrong, a solid ninety percent of the episodes are great, and absolutely worth the watch, but they all feel ((at least to me. maybe I’m alone in this)) like just scattered pieces of a whole until you put them all together into the series. But I think I can rustle up a solid handful that’ll still give you a good feel for the show as a whole ((and help you decide whether you want to continue it when you can - this series really isn’t for everyone.))
1x13: Le Morte D’Arthur: The entirety of S1 is really Merlin at its absolute best--smooth, believable dialogue, excellent comedic timing, wonderful plot structure, characterizations that are just to die for--but let’s be honest, this one, the S1 finale, is the one that takes my breath away. Colin Morgan and Anthony Head are both superb in their respective roles as the titular character and the hotheaded, short-sighted King Uther, and this episode is where they both just shine. Bradley James (Arthur) doesn’t receive a whole lot of screentime in this one, unfortunately, but there’s no denying he’s the center of the episode, and the moments we do get to see him, he’s just as incredible as the other two. The scenery is gorgeous, the worldbuilding is fantastic, and the emotion, oh, the emotion. Colin Morgan delivers some of his absolute rawest lines in this one. He knows when to play up the rage, the grief, the terror, and--I don’t say this lightly, but it’s really nothing short of flawless. Also, I’m in love with the villain. Her name is Nimeuh. I’m going to marry her someday. I am in love with that woman. she’s beautiful.
2x01: The Curse of Cornelius Sigan: This one is nothing on Le Morte D’Arthur in terms of plot, dialogue, or emotion, but damn if it isn’t the funniest fucking episode in the entire series. It’s essentially just a fun romp. The villain is so Obviously Evil, and of course no one else in Camelot SEES that he’s evil except Merlin. And Merlin??????? a petty, jealous bitch?????? yes absolutely. oh my god this one is just hilarious you would not believe. 
2x08: The Sins of the Father: Finally, an episode where we get to see the true depth of Bradley James’ talent!! Really, his performance sells the entire episode in and of itself, but this one’s got plenty more to recommend it as well. Anthony Head returns as brilliant as ever, of course, and we get introduced to yet another incredible villain. Nowhere near as fleshed-out as Nimeuh, but this lady’s definitely got spunk, and she’s just fun to watch overall. Merlin’s warring loyalties are put into conflict yet again, Arthur gives his asshole father the call-out of the century, honestly, what more could you want? And we get to see a much softer side of Arthur as well, one that almost never reappears again - which is a real shame, by the way, considering how well Bradley James does strong emotions.
2x09: The Lady of the Lake: okay this one. this one does. it doesn’t. it doesn’t need to be on the list. it really doesn’t. but Merlin gets a ladylove and it’s absolutely BEAUTIFUL and everyone can shut their mouths. the girl he falls for?? 10/10. would die for her. she is beautiful and sweet and amazing and she dOES NOT DESERVE ALL THE PAIN SHE HAS SUFFERED I LOVE HER. I WOULD TAKE A BULLET FOR HER. 
2x13: The Last Dragonlord: ahhh here we go!! This one’s the one. This one’s where it’s at. This episode has absolutely everything I initially started watching Merlin for - knights, dragons, sword fights, branches of magic no other fantasy series has yet explored, and to top it all off, Colin Morgan AGAIN goes above and beyond in his performance. I am convinced there’s nothing this man can’t do anymore. i would fight and die for the last dragonlord. both the episode and the dragonlord himself. 
3x04: Gwaine: if you take nothing else away from this series, then for fuck’s sake, remember that Gwaine is, objectively speaking, beautiful. honestly. what a bastard. what a gorgeous, gorgeous bastard.
4x01 (and 4x02): The Darkest Hour: honestly incredible. i weep. the knights are such bros and look, Arthur has feelings, and hE’S GOT A SMARMY-ASS UNCLE NNNN I HATE WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK I HATE HIM HIS NAME IS LORD FUCKING AGRAVAINE AND I WILL HATE HIM UNTIL MY DYING DAY and Merlin gets whumped!! excellent, perfect, 10/10. three cheers for Merlin whump.
4x03: The Wicked Day: ohhhh gosh just a whole bundle of emotions here. Merlin is trying his best. Arthur deserves better. Gaius watches with a raise of his infamous eyebrow. Everything goes to hell. Merlin still tries his best. that’s it. that’s the whole show.
4x04: Aithusa: I SWEAR IM NOT GOING TO RECOMMEND EVERY SINGLE EPISODE OF S4 ((well maybe I am but that is because S4 is amazing and i am a GARBAGE HEAP.)) THERE ARE JUST. A LOT OF GOOD ONES. RIGHT AT THE BEGINNING. ghjhyghgb okay this one is just??? really good in general?? More dragons!! More knights being bros!!! And some serious character development on Merlin’s part like holy hell I don’t remember him having em that big in S3. this dude is getting what he wants and that is Just That.
4x06: Servant of Two Masters: okay let’s be real this one has a super intense start - in the first three minutes, Merlin is given a fatal wound, with a fucking MACE, no less - but honestly, at about the fifteen-minute mark, it just?? turns into comedy gold??? Merlin Emrys’ entire existence is a power move for forty straight minutes. he is Salty. he is Sassy. he is an absolute, stone-cold, unforgiving bitch. he takes no one’s shit. he will come for you and your family, and probably your hopes and dreams, too. he will stop at nothing. It’s somehow funnier when you stop and think about how genuinely sweet he usually is. this is just the most complete and comedic turnaround, and I love it.
4x12 (and 4x13): The Sword in the Stone: HERE’S where the myth and the series really start to collide. congratulations, only took 4 entire seasons. still kind of irritates me that the sword in the stone is Excalibur. what can you do. a lot of retellings condense. understandable but annoying as all hell. Arthur’s character arc comes to an admittedly unsatisfying end, but Tristan and Isolde make a cursory appearance, so that’s something I wasn’t expecting. Also, Merlin’s S4 character arc comes to an AMAZING head like wtf. we did not deserve that. Merlin Emrys is chaotic and vengeful. 
5x03: The Death Song of Uther Pendragon: listen,,,,,, listen,,,,,,, this one serves Literally No Purpose and Does Not Need to be on here. it doesn’t advance the plot. it doesn’t build toward anything whatsoever. it’s just really fucking hilarious. it’s Arthur and Merlin being bros. Uther is his usual bastard self. Gwen is beautiful and we do not deserve her. Sir Leon makes an appearance and is very confused. Sir Leon is extremely relatable.  
5x05: The Disir: Admittedly not my favorite, just??? not my favorite. But it really does take Merlin’s character in an absolutely stunning direction that still blows me away to this day, and it’s worth the watch just for that alone. Very dark episode though, very sad. Kind of has a “hopeless” vibe going tbh so. (May need to watch 1x08, The Beginning of the End, to get a bit of backstory for this one.)
5x08: The Hollow Queen: YOU WILL PRY THIS ONE FROM MY COLD DEAD FINGERS IT SERVES NO PURPOSE IT ADDS NOTHING TO THE PLOT BUT MERLIN GETS WHUMPED SO MUCH??? EMOTIONAL. PHYSICAL. IT’S ALL HERE. HE SUFFERS SO MUCH. IT’S GREAT. IT’S INCREDIBLE. maybe watch the two before it ((The Dark Tower and A Lesson in Vengeance)) before, though, because it’s kind of hard to understand unless you’ve got backstory lmao. 
5x10: The Kindness of Strangers: More Merlin whump on every side, but this one also gives us our first (and only) look into Merlin’s position in the magical community? We don’t get to see him interact with people like him a whole lot over the course of the series, and who he actually is, what he represents, to his kind as a whole, is often left very fuzzy. There’s just a lot of confusion surrounding it, and this episode goes a pretty long way toward clearing that up.
And of course the series finale should be on here, but ehh. not that great tbh. really dropped the ball if we’re being honest. SO. those are. all of them. not really going to give you a sense of the full scope of the series dfhffgfdfgb probably just going to confuse the hell out of you and give you a sudden, insatiable thirst for Merlin whump ((which I can sate w/ fic recs. do you want fic recs. I’ve got fic recs. so many authors love to torment this man.)
ANYWAY THOUGH. I hope this helped!!
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juniemunie · 6 years
HTTYD Books: How To Ride a Dragon’s Storm Commentary :P (w/text pictures!)
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((shoutout to astrid-the-fearless that started the whole thing and giving me permission <3))
Yoooo this is how far I’m in the books right now thanks to the blessing of pdfs and I thought; “Hey? Lemme try reacting to this!!” 
Mind you, this is ridiculously long and it’s all because of the pictures I added in lmao so peruse for your amusement ((I might continue this just for kicks :P))
So it begins!
-everything went wrong when the fire nation attacked
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-OOh! Swimming competition?? Don’t count me in!! I’m terrible at swimming, in  fact, I don’t know how to do it at all!!! :DDD
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-of course the competition has to have a spice of suicidal bravery and possible death
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-clueless, tf dude
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-the judges are basically 99% old dudes 99% of the time
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-aweeee toothless u cutie
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-snotlout my boy, sometimes i really want to strangle u, u know
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-yooo sTOICK U'RE DOING UR BEST THE BEST ISNT aLaWYS THE MOST OBVIOUS he's trying im proud that he's trying
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-good ol teamwork
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-u got bamboozled 
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-only in the near end of his life, yeah
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-oh man hes gonna kill em again 
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-awe, she's just like meatlug
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-uh oh
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-bet y'all it gets worse
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-damn straight
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-i hear the Jaw's theme song guys
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-well you're a jolly dragon23
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-how was this marketed for children again
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-woh fist time getting a look on nobert and he looks cool
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-whoops u gon axe him again??
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-u mean an unfortunate series of events??? wink wink
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-i wouldn't go there if i were you its completely messy there
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-buddy this dude has survived so many times out of pure dumb luck
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-theres still more to go hiccup so much more
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-awww this is such a throwback to the first book
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-norbert is a crazy inventive dude i wanna see how well he goes with movie hiccup in the right circumstances :/
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-thats a problem
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-im not sure whether to be terrified or impressed
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-yoooo hiccup youre right youre prize is absolute misery
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oh no
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-whoops i guess this is where he became a slave??
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-bitter grandma is bitter than all my mates when discussing love42
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-my poor boy my POOR BOY
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-oh man i knew this already but its still giving me shivers
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-look at these drunk cuties lmao
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-perfect excuse toothless hiccup totally believes u
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-yOOO dragon nip exists in the books too!!!??
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-This is one happy lot
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-( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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-Uh oh
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-Look at this happy boy <3
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-U sure??? I don’t think so
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-Oh shit.
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-u aint wrong tho
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-hahahaAHAHAHAHA not yET
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-well fuck
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-Oh. My fucking god.
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-Knock knock its death’s doorstep
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-Chances are, it wont.
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-“dafuq, why the hell is he running at us??” “maybe he’s given up”
“is it just me or is that an eye back there? “oh sHIT-“
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-Y’all these kids know the drill already
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-Toothless’ still asleep during the whole ordeal lmao
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-So that’s how it works…69
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-Stuff like that usually happens boyo they’ll prolly be back
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-Poor Ronald.
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-Shouldve made a spare and changed it while you were still in the border smh *Cinema Sins Ding*
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-a terrifying but intriguing thought.
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-These sweet loyal kids backin up their parents yo ((Poor Fishlegs))
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-i like the books that they portray a more worrier Stoick but the movieversion is also great too
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-what??? really?? That’s a dumb revenge excuse :/
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-Holy shit he survived ((just like his third son cOUGH COUGH))
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-In short; “Sorry to disappoint the masses, but I AM STILL ALIVE”83
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-Poor stoick, tbh if he was movie stoick he’d have a heartattack by now
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-Shit I feel bit teary in the eyes-DON’T LOOK AT ME!
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-True just like this post that has way too much pictures like tf
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-tbh this is both true
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-Basically every country that was going to pillage America
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-Oh shit times up
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-Hiccup u little shit
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-Discrimination between hair color too??? Jesus. Just when I thought skin colors -were ridiculous
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-Have I told y’all I love sword fighting hiccup?? Because I do
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-Nooo not his poor beard agaIN
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-Oh. Oh no.
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-Godzilla??? That u??
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-Tbh cats are sometimes really cruel ; - ;
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-Nope. Theres always a chance of death bro
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-This ridiculously huge shit
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-Geezus. You’re fucked hiccup.
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-Press F to pay respect
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-Tbh, he does have a point
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-Friendly reminder hiccup wrote this himself
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-Hiccup the Insane. Sounds about right
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-Me procrastinating some stuff i cant procrastinate while everything is going wrong
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-yOOOOOOOO tf he doin??
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-“yo bro”
“yeah loki?”
“some kid’s asking for your help. It’s getting pretty intense.”
“really? Lemme see”
*whistles* “wow, he’s crazy. I like it.”
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-“wtf is this dumb redhead doing??” everyone thought simultaneously
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-Benjamin Franklin can eat HIS HEaRT OUT123
“wow thor, you actually helped”
“how tf did you say that”
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-Ship: If I die, I die with STYLE.((Like Grimbeard fucker sang to his death while burning his entire kingdom down))
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-SWIM FISHLEGS SWIM ((wow he c an swim now amazing what near death experiences teach you))
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-Poor toothless ; - ;126
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-Itsss the cirrccccleeeeee the ciiirrrccclleeeee of liiiiiifeeeee
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-Lets hope I wont learn to swim in this emotionally draining way 0-0
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-Tbh this is kinda terrifying imagine if they died this way 0-0
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-Oh thank god
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-In short; “we have ship standards, peasants.”
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-G G. u did ur best lol
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-Awww berk would love u back in their own way too
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-*sobbing in the distance* ((fuckin alvin))
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-“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaghhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!” screamed the Reader.
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-Happy sweet old senile future guessing dudes make me happy ; v ;
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-How tf would it be deer
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-Just like Grimbeard did.
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-SNOTLOUT DO U WANT TO BE DEAD??? ((before your proper death))
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-When Old Wrinkly is mad at u, you better be ashamed of urself.
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-He really is Grimbeard’s Heir ain’t he? ; v ;
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-Uhhh more common than u think boyo *turns to Harry Potter*
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-oooHHH u done for gumboil
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-My heart kindly says mercy, but my mind screams revenge
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-SHit stop giving me ides to draWWWWW
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-Somethings are often just found at home <3 like my MISSING PENCIL WHERE TF IS IT
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-Summary of Httyd 2 Hiccup
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that was a ride from start to end. (pUN INTENDED)
things are getting intensee
*scrambles to read the next book*
23 notes · View notes
angelicteeth · 6 years
hi our boys are disgusting
god fuck yeah they are 
Aristotle: He/Him - Leo - 18 - 6′4
1. What is your OC’s favorite color? blueee!!!!!!!2. Does your OC collect anything? What do they collect? he loves art books! his mom used to show them to him and he’s collected them ever since. would also like to collect daggers/knives/swords bc he thinks they’re neat 3. What kind of things is your OC allergic to? nothing 4. What kind of clothing does your OC wear? ohhhh this guys 100% a metal head. leather jackets, spikes, ripped jeans, chains- necklaces and wallet, vans or boots, lots n lots of patches/pins- the whole ordeal! typically only wears reds, blacks, whites, and dark shades. muted colors. 5. What is your OC’s first memory? he was around 4 or 5 and his mother asked him to bake a cake with her, and he agreed, of course. they made a giant 5 layer red velvet cake with chocolate, caramel, and peanut butter chips in between and chocolate fudge drizzled on top/off the sides. they made a HUGE mess in the kitchen and all over themselves and he cherishes this memory so sooo much. 6. What’s your OC’s favorite animal? Least favorite? black panthers!!!!! he also loves dogs a lot… he? HATES?? butterflies ???7. What element would your OC be? oh boy fire 8. What is your OC’s theme song? uhhh anything Heavy Metal9. Do you have a faceclaim / voiceclaim for your OC? noooooo, i dont rlly like doing this edrfghu but! he has a deep voice, its warm and deep and kinda ? sultry? idk 10. What deadly sin would best represent your OC? wrath. 11. What are your OC’s hobbies? painting!!! learning about history/going to museums, annnnnnd does his bf count? LOL12. How patient is your OC? How hot-headed are they? uhhh relatively patient? definitely depends. he’s VERY hot-headed but doesn’t ‘explode’ often 13. What is your OC’s gender / sexuality / race / species / etc.? male, gay, and latino! he’s also human wsedrftg14. What foods does your OC like to eat? What are their least favorite foods? fucking LOVES cheese??? and big warm pretzels… CINNAMON ROLLS! hates olives ??? and most fish 15. If your OC could have any pet, what would they choose? Why? he’d really want a big cat, doesn’t matter what… just a Big Boy16. What does your OC smell like? warm, cinnamon maybe but also musky and woodsy… but he sometimes just likes smelling Clean and like semi typical guy cologne ??? or just Expensive smelling cologne,,, idk he always smells really fucking good sedfgh17. How do they make a living? What kind of job do they want / not want? What is their dream job? What do they think of their current job? uhhh right Now he’s just graduated high school and issss looking for work… doesn’t really know what he wants to be, honestly. he’s still trying to figure everything out 18. What are your OC’s greatest fears? Weaknesses? Strengths? he fears losing completely everything he loves, specifically his boyfriend and his brother. a weakness is how hard he is on himself, and how much he isolates/pushes people away when he’s low. a strength is just how warm and caring he is. how much he loves. even if he doesn’t always see himself as strong, he is. he really, really is19. What kind of music do they listen to? Do they have a favorite song? h e a v y  m e t a l  h e ‘ s  a  f u c k i n g  m e t a l h e a d i havent looked too into it so i don’t know about songs, i WILL look into it at some point20. If they came from their world to ours (if not already in our’s) how would they react? What would they do? he live on this hell planet, sadly 21. What personal problems/issues do they have? Pet peeves? the death of his mom… and his anger… he blames himself for her death and hes struggling hard with it, since his father doesn’t help at all and blames him, too. a pet peeve he has is people leaving doors or cabinets open, it makes him so mad dftgyhu just fucking close them 22. What kind of student were they/would they be in high school? heee was a good one ? hardest subject for him was english :/ mainly got A’s! except for english 23. What is a random fact about your OC? he cannot bake or cook anything EXCEPT breakfast foods 24. What is their outlook on life? What is their philosophy / what do they think in general about living? he… didnt see a future until he met his boyfriend, nathan… after his mom died, so did everything else 25. What inspired you to create them / how did you create them? Were they originally a fancharacter? What was their personality / design like when you first made them? amber wanted to play the sims and she told me to create 2 characters but i said hey! i do one, you do one! and then we were fucking idiots and turned them into ocs dfyudfhjkl; its soooo recent that nothings changed LOL im still developing him, as i am with all of my ocs 26. Who is the most important person in their life? Why? Who is the least important to them (that still has an impact and why? nathan… he gave him a second chance at life, he gave him a reason to want to stay alive, a future. also jordan is super super important to him they bffs xoxo (edit: dan n ty also mean the world to him) at his current age… his dad. their relationship does eventually get better but right now, hes the least important but has such a big impact on him it hurts27. What kind of childhood did your character have? A GOOD GOOD GOOOOOOD ASS CHILDHOOD up until 16 it was soooo good… his moms his best friend, he n his brother hung out all the time, and his dad wasn’t so angry or drunk28. What kind of nervous habits do they have? Do they stim? Do they have any kinds of addictions? he picks at his nails when hes nervous, but it doesnt happen very often so its nothing he tends to worry about. heee doesn’t stim but fucking loves paint mixing videos those are his shit uhhh no, no addictions… unless you literally count his bf wertyui29. If they could choose their epitaph for their grave, what would they choose? “If You Sit On My Grave I WILL Haunt You” or “Long Live The King” because he’s a stupid fucking leo30. Do they want to get married? Why or why not? Would they ever want kids? Do they have kids? Why? yesssssssss he wants to marry nathan So Bad sedrftyui he’s unsure about kids, though… kinda just wants a couple pets 31. What is their most traumatic memory/experience? What is their favorite memory? his mom died on his 16th birthday driving to come pick him up. anything involving nathan… doesn’t even matter what it is, he just loves him so much32. If they could have one thing in the world, what would it be? his mom back33. Would they ever kill someone? What would someone have to do to push them to kill someone? If they would kill someone, why? uhhh probablyyyyy not… he wouldn’t be able to live with himself if he actually killed someone,,,34. What social groups and activities does your character attend? What role do they like to play? What role do they actually play, usually? uh he likes concerts n shit but its not like,,, a social group thing… he doesnt do that shit…35. How is your character’s imagination? Daydreaming a lot? Worried most of the time? Living in memories? very vivid imagination, is often found daydreaming when hes not painting or with his bf. not really worried, honestly, kinda just lives in the moment and doesnt give a single god damn shit about a thing except on the bad days36. What does your character want most? What do they need really badly, compulsively? What are they willing to do, to sacrifice, to obtain? he wants nathan the most, out of everything- and he has him… but if he didn’t he would do anything for him. anything37. What’s something that your character does, that other people don’t normally do? pees with the door open esdrtyuio38. What would your character do with a million dollars? ooohhhh spoil the shit out of nathan, get a tattoo or 2, and buy art stuff!39. What is in your characters refrigerator right now? On their bedroom floor? Nightstand? Garbage can? eggs, leftovers, milk, orange juice, bacon, butter, and syrup. a couple of canvases, paint brushes, the shirt he slept in the night before. a couple of single issue comics, the graphic novel hes reading, a bottle of water, and a tiny art canvas. random plastic, paper, maybe an empty water bottle or 240. Your character is getting ready for a night out. Where are they going? What do they wear? Who will they be with? out with nathan, probably on a date. ripped jeans, dark red sweater, black shirt, boots, wallet chain, necklace chain, and a single dangly earring in his left ear 41. What does your character do when they’re angry? Why? yell, scream, get super physical. he’s burning, he’s burning, he’s burning. make it stop, better yet, let him thrive 42. Does your character have any scars? Where did they get them from? nope! he’s clean for now43. What was the most offensive thing your character had ever said? oooooh uh he says some Shit when he’s pissed, especially to his dad44. How does your character react/ accept criticism? fine? doesn’t really care about it unless its from nathan. oooor if youre just being a shithead hell tell you off45. If your character was given a slice of pineapple pizza and they HAD to eat it (or something bad would happen), how would they react? Do they even LIKE pineapple pizza? he enjoys it, wouldn’t mind it at all tbh46. Your character is given a voodoo doll of themself. What do they do with it? Do they see if it actually works? fuck, yeah. he’d do something stupid to it to see if it works and then display it in his room or give it to his bf47. Can your character draw? What do they like to draw? Do they doodle? hellllll yeaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh. everything, anything48. What were their parents like? How has that affected how they are as an adult? his mom was his best friend and the reason why he is the way he is. his dad was a good man, but now hes a stupid angry drunk who blames ari for his mothers death. its affected him positively and negatively, hes loving and passionate like his mother but insecure and doubtful because of his father49. Does your character like candy? Do they get sugar rushes? What are they like when they get a rush? d o  n o t  l e t  h i m  h a v e  a  l o t  o f  c a n d y  p l e a s e 50. If your character was presented with imminent and unavoidable death/fatality, how would they react? Would they try to avoid death anyways? Would they try to make their last days count? would probably elope with nathan, do some crazy shit, and hope to god he doesn’t actually fucking die 
Jordan: He/Him - Sagittarius - 19 - 6′2
1. What is your OC’s favorite color? light green2. Does your OC collect anything? What do they collect? stamps, stickers, beanies, anything aquatic-themed, and tarot cards/witchy stuff!3. What kind of things is your OC allergic to? bananas…4. What kind of clothing does your OC wear? lazy type clothes, very sluggish. lots of oversized cardigans, hoodies, and sweaters. baggy shirts, but he religiously wears jeans. likes chains but preferably small ones, and usually only wallet chains. likes wearing a ring on each thumb and if hes Feelin it a couple more! punkish basically 5. What is your OC’s first memory? spying on his brother and dad training outside in the barn6. What’s your OC’s favorite animal? Least favorite? he has a giant soft spot for cows but his favorite is whale sharks!!! he doesn’t really like frogs 7. What element would your OC be? water! but with Slight fire8. What is your OC’s theme song? something slow and sad, probably 9. Do you have a faceclaim / voiceclaim for your OC? no! his voice is soft and low, like a lullaby. very warm and comforting, but also a lil husky10. What deadly sin would best represent your OC? envy/lust/greed wsedfg11. What are your OC’s hobbies? reading, using tarot cards, organizing his stamps/stickers, watching documentaries, and making sure aristotle doesn’t do anything Stupid12. How patient is your OC? How hot-headed are they? he’s pretty patient but he’s also pretty hot headed. he Will lash out when angry :/13. What is your OC’s gender / sexuality / race / species / etc.? male, bisexual, white (russian/american) also a human sedryui14. What foods does your OC like to eat? What are their least favorite foods? loooovvveeessss chocolate chip waffles! and breakfast foods in general. hates peas and green beans 15. If your OC could have any pet, what would they choose? Why? a cowwwww… they remind him of his mom dfghj16. What does your OC smell like? clean but ? kinda minty!17. How do they make a living? What kind of job do they want / not want? What is their dream job? What do they think of their current job? he currently works at a little bookshop/coffeeshop! he likes it but he wants to do something more when he’s graduated from college. 18. What are your OC’s greatest fears? Weaknesses? Strengths? his father and crickets. how emotionally attached he gets to people. how warm and soft he is, he never stops caring for others 19. What kind of music do they listen to? Do they have a favorite song? goth, heavy metal, sad/emo shit20. If they came from their world to ours (if not already in our’s) how would they react? What would they do? he live here Binch21. What personal problems/issues do they have? Pet peeves? his whole family besides his father is dead and he’s all alone with nobody to turn to. he h a t e s crunching noises. so much. also fucking HATES when people poke holes in shit just STop. 22. What kind of student were they/would they be in high school? actually really really good, even though he looks like a fucking slacker esdrftgyhu probably got all A’s23. What is a random fact about your OC? he always has his fingernails and toenails painted black or dark red/purple24. What is their outlook on life? What is their philosophy / what do they think in general about living? fuck man he doesn’t wanna live hes so fucking Tired his dark circles are permanent but ari makes life worth living sdfg25. What inspired you to create them / how did you create them? Were they originally a fancharacter? What was their personality / design like when you first made them? …once upon a time amber and i made a gang au with ari n nathan and promptly made jordan for the Shits and Giggles but it turns out i fell in love and way too deep making his character, thanks!26. Who is the most important person in their life? Why? Who is the least important to them (that still has an impact and why? aristotle, probably, because he assumes his mom is dead. least is his dad whos a fucking asshole murdering cuck27. What kind of childhood did your character have? uhhhh Not Good ill tell you that. his father only married and brought his mom to russia so she could give him kids, preferably boys. first was nikolai, second was kazimir jordan, and lastly was feliks. they were all 2 years apart, making nikolai and feliks 4, so they were all close in age and played together often. his father was most proud of nikolai but feliks had been showing signs of possibly exceeding all of their expectations. kazimir was last in everything, but he was his mothers favorite. he’ll never forgive his father for torturing him and killing everyone he loved. 28. What kind of nervous habits do they have? Do they stim? Do they have any kinds of addictions? he often picks at his nail polish, or the skin around his nails. definitely fidgets with his hands often. doesn’t stim but follows a lot of soap carving and squishy videos, also likes bread/cooking ones. he’s kind of addicted to red bulls but he’s cutting back and resorting to coffee, which he drinks black29. If they could choose their epitaph for their grave, what would they choose? “hell’s waiting for me so watch your back”30. Do they want to get married? Why or why not? Would they ever want kids? Do they have kids? Why? maybe married but almost Definitely no kids. no thanks. xoxo31. What is their most traumatic memory/experience? What is their favorite memory? his father dragged him into the barns once after he accidentally spilled something over an ‘important’ paper so his father branded him with a cross on his side. his mother used to braid his hair with baby’s breath in it when theyd play out in the field, just her and the 3 boys running around, having fun. it was peaceful, bliss32. If they could have one thing in the world, what would it be? to tell his mother he was sorry and that he’ll never stop loving her33. Would they ever kill someone? What would someone have to do to push them to kill someone? If they would kill someone, why? no, he’s seen what killing someone does to people34. What social groups and activities does your character attend? What role do they like to play? What role do they actually play, usually? i dont really like this question edrtyu35. How is your character’s imagination? Daydreaming a lot? Worried most of the time? Living in memories? hes so tired all the time hes often in the clouds, never really focusing. daydreams a lot to make it through each day, pretending hes someone hes not. hoping that his mother is actually still alive, and that he doesnt have to keep reliving memories. they wont stop fading, he keeps getting them jumbled. he just wants to make more with her, be with her one last time36. What does your character want most? What do they need really badly, compulsively? What are they willing to do, to sacrifice, to obtain? his moooooooooom, he’d do anything for her37. What’s something that your character does, that other people don’t normally do? he has to turn door knobs twice before actually opening a door 38. What would your character do with a million dollars? that’s so overwhelming to him but probably pay off college shit sdfghj debt is So Scary 39. What is in your characters refrigerator right now? On their bedroom floor? Nightstand? Garbage can? yogurt, water bottles, red bull, orange soda, and some strawberries. a pair of jeans and boxers and random books hes checked out from the library. a half empty can of red bull, the book hes currentl reading, a beanie, and a cute little jar of jelly beans ari got him. garbage can has crumbled up balls of paper, empty red bull cans, empty bottle of soda, and an old textbook.40. Your character is getting ready for a night out. Where are they going? What do they wear? Who will they be with? probably aristotle and nathan to a concert/out to eat. wears black jeans, a baggy red and black striped sweater with a black shirt underneath, boots or vans, and prolly a wallet chain + his thumb rings41. What does your character do when they’re angry? Why? he screams and yanks on his hair fgyuhlj;k42. Does your character have any scars? Where did they get them from? heee has a cross on his side, and a few Light scars on his face- over his bottom lip, on his forehead and on the left side of his cheek/jaw. a couple on his back and arms as well most of them are from his father…43. What was the most offensive thing your character had ever said? he’s never said anything Out Loud but in his head he says shit all the time dxgfhgjhjlio hes a snarky son of a gun44. How does your character react/ accept criticism? he will go home and Cry about it later 45. If your character was given a slice of pineapple pizza and they HAD to eat it (or something bad would happen), how would they react? Do they even LIKE pineapple pizza? eh its Ok46. Your character is given a voodoo doll of themself. What do they do with it? Do they see if it actually works? hes pretty paranoid about it and probably shows it to ari like ‘bitch what the FUCK’47. Can your character draw? What do they like to draw? Do they doodle? he doodles mindlessly when hes bored in class 48. What were their parents like? How has that affected how they are as an adult? uhhhh his dad is a big Cuck but his mom is an Angel and the best person he’s ever met. this has fucked him over hard bc hes father took her away from him and now he has nothing left so hes an anxious, paranoid Mess49. Does your character like candy? Do they get sugar rushes? What are they like when they get a rush? he l o v e s candy pls50. If your character was presented with imminent and unavoidable death/fatality, how would they react? Would they try to avoid death anyways? Would they try to make their last days count? Kill Him Now
Tyler: He/Him - Pisces - 22 - 5′7
1. What is your OC’s favorite color? baby blue and pink!2. Does your OC collect anything? What do they collect? nail polish, lamb stuffed animals, comics, seashells, and washi tapes 3. What kind of things is your OC allergic to? nothin4. What kind of clothing does your OC wear? he likes soft colors, pastel. sweaters are his favorite but he also likes long sleeved shirts. dresses pretty feminine, isn’t a fan of dark colors on himself unless its his boyfriends clothes5. What is your OC’s first memory? when he was around 4 or 5 he was riding his bike when he hit a rock and went flying forward, causing him to scrape his knees and his nose to bleed 6. What’s your OC’s favorite animal? Least favorite? l o v e s  l a m b s and snails, doesn’t really like salamanders 7. What element would your OC be? w a t e r 8. What is your OC’s theme song? something soft and not too upbeat 9. Do you have a faceclaim / voiceclaim for your OC? he has a very smooth and kind of feminine voice ? but its masculine enough to not misgender him,,,10. What deadly sin would best represent your OC? envy???11. What are your OC’s hobbies? painting his nails, drawing/sketching, reading comics and graphic novels, watching documentaries, and journaling!12. How patient is your OC? How hot-headed are they? very patient and rarely hot headed, gets more agitated or annoyed 13. What is your OC’s gender / sexuality / race / species / etc.? male, gay, white human boy14. What foods does your OC like to eat? What are their least favorite foods? would Die for milkshakes he loves them so fucking much, isnt a big fan of hamburgers/beef in general 15. If your OC could have any pet, what would they choose? Why? a lamb or sheep he is so infatuated with them. they are so so soooo cute 16. What does your OC smell like? strawberries and cream!17. How do they make a living? What kind of job do they want / not want? What is their dream job? What do they think of their current job? heee currently works odd hours at a gas station, it’s definitely not his dream job but its not super awful… most of the time. he wants to go to art school, actually, to learn to make jewelry and to learn how to do more with his art18. What are your OC’s greatest fears? Weaknesses? Strengths? abandonment and ultimate loneliness. he’s really self conscious but he loves with all hes got and he loves so much, and so hard19. What kind of music do they listen to? Do they have a favorite song? bubblegum pop, kpop, jpop, and some indie music!20. If they came from their world to ours (if not already in our’s) how would they react? What would they do? he here 21. What personal problems/issues do they have? Pet peeves? he’s self conscious and in recovery for self harm/an eating disorder but he’s doing really well! its still hard but he’s pushing through… he hates having chipped nails drftugyihuo as soon as one chips, even a little, he repaints them as soon as he can22. What kind of student were they/would they be in high school? he was a nerd he got straight A’s and actually enjoyed school kinda erdtfyuio but only because he loves to learn, not the actual people or atmosphere 23. What is a random fact about your OC? is really interested in astrology and loves reading his horoscope 24. What is their outlook on life? What is their philosophy / what do they think in general about living? he’s honestly trying to still figure that out but the more time he spends with his boyfriend, the more he wants to live and have a happy future with him25. What inspired you to create them / how did you create them? Were they originally a fancharacter? What was their personality / design like when you first made them? amber made dan, dan needed a love interest, tada!26. Who is the most important person in their life? Why? Who is the least important to them (that still has an impact and why? daaaaaannnn, his boyfriend, nathan his best friend (+ari)  annnnnnd uh ? nobody really ??? 27. What kind of childhood did your character have? he had a pretty alright childhood, kind of lonely…28. What kind of nervous habits do they have? Do they stim? Do they have any kinds of addictions? plays with his ears if he’s super nervous, really fucking loves slime to stim and help him calm down- or chews on something29. If they could choose their epitaph for their grave, what would they choose? something gay, probably 30. Do they want to get married? Why or why not? Would they ever want kids? Do they have kids? Why? yes and yes!!! he wants to get married and have a family with dan :331. What is their most traumatic memory/experience? What is their favorite memory? dan got into a bad bar fight once, he was having a shitty day and the guy was being an absolute douchebag asshole and tyler wasn’t there to help him or stop him and it was just… bad… once dan took him to a petting zoo to meet and pet some sheep and he cried because it was quite possibly the nicest thing anyones ever done for him and then the dumbass also set up a picnic for afterwards and he fucking bawled again stupid gay saps32. If they could have one thing in the world, what would it be? the funds for college esdrtf33. Would they ever kill someone? What would someone have to do to push them to kill someone? If they would kill someone, why? nope he is a soft crybaby 34. What social groups and activities does your character attend? What role do they like to play? What role do they actually play, usually? i dont LIKE this fucking q smfh35. How is your character’s imagination? Daydreaming a lot? Worried most of the time? Living in memories? he daydreams a lot, yeah, and hes almost always worried because his anxiety is an absolute bitch but hes working on it36. What does your character want most? What do they need really badly, compulsively? What are they willing to do, to sacrifice, to obtain? he just wants dan and to go to art school37. What’s something that your character does, that other people don’t normally do? he has to say goodnight to all of his stuffed animals before bed every night sdfgfgghj38. What would your character do with a million dollars? a r t  s c h o o l39. What is in your characters refrigerator right now? On their bedroom floor? Nightstand? Garbage can? strawberries, mangos, chocolate almond milk, leftover food from a restaurant he went to with dan, and some chocolate syrup. nothing, he has to keep his room clean always. nightstand has a graphic novel and book hes currently reading, a note/poem from dan with a small lamb he got him, and a bottle of peach tea. 40. Your character is getting ready for a night out. Where are they going? What do they wear? Who will they be with? somewhere really really fancy with dan! he’d wear a cute suit, a white one with a pastel yellow button up shirt and a black tie. wears the necklace dan got him and probably a few dainty rings that match well together/when layered 41. What does your character do when they’re angry? Why? he cries. a lot. he gets really overwhelmed when he’s angry, and tends to scream or yell42. Does your character have any scars? Where did they get them from? on his arms from self harm, his hips as well… 43. What was the most offensive thing your character had ever said? he doesn’t like saying rude things44. How does your character react/ accept criticism? uhhh if he asks he’ll probably take what the person says into consideration but if he hasnt asked, he’ll get mad/sad 45. If your character was given a slice of pineapple pizza and they HAD to eat it (or something bad would happen), how would they react? Do they even LIKE pineapple pizza? he like it46. Your character is given a voodoo doll of themself. What do they do with it? Do they see if it actually works? he gives it to dan rdyftugyhio47. Can your character draw? What do they like to draw? Do they doodle? s e n d  h i m  t o  a r t  s c h o o l  p l e a s e48. What were their parents like? How has that affected how they are as an adult? err his parents were kind of absent a lot, they traveled so much for business that he was often alone, only himself for company. his mom was loving, for the most part, when she was home. she got drunk quite often, though, but that just made her more giggly and unfocused. his dad… was hard on him, kinda abusive. often ignored him, honestly, unless it came to school and ‘being a man.’ he can be very distant at times, and self isolates often… yet he’s afraid of being alone, he doesn’t want to be abandoned, so he loves the wrong people, stays with the wrong people, because it seems right. if they stay, ill be okay, even if im still crying. even if it still hurts 49. Does your character like candy? Do they get sugar rushes? What are they like when they get a rush? he does like candy! gets sugar rushes sometimes sdrftugyu dan finds it so fucking cute bc he’s so hyper and giggly 50. If your character was presented with imminent and unavoidable death/fatality, how would they react? Would they try to avoid death anyways? Would they try to make their last days count? oh please don’t stress him out like that…
Alexander: He/They - Virgo - 24 - 6′0
1. What is your OC’s favorite color? dark purple2. Does your OC collect anything? What do they collect? swords, dragons, and bookmarks3. What kind of things is your OC allergic to? dairy and bees4. What kind of clothing does your OC wear? what he actually has to wear differs from what he personally likes. his father is the king so because of that, he often has to wear a lot of suits/prince attire. but personally, when he doesnt have to be Prince, he likes to wear dark and comfy clothes, a lazy emo5. What is your OC’s first memory? he vaguely remembers aster being born and wanting to help his mom take care of her 6. What’s your OC’s favorite animal? Least favorite? dragons!!! doesnt have a least favorite??? maybe mosquitos 7. What element would your OC be? hhhhh water 8. What is your OC’s theme song? something heavy and dark9. Do you have a faceclaim / voiceclaim for your OC? he has a charming n husky kinda voice !10. What deadly sin would best represent your OC? greed or envy11. What are your OC’s hobbies? fighting, taking care of dragons, making rings, and reading historical books12. How patient is your OC? How hot-headed are they? he’s been trained to be patient, for the most part, but when he’s passionate about something he tends to get hot-headed sometimes 13. What is your OC’s gender / sexuality / race / species / etc.? non-binary, bisexual, he’s an alien so he’s kinda pinkish… same color as aster but a little lighter 14. What foods does your OC like to eat? What are their least favorite foods? loves seafood… isn’t really into eggs 15. If your OC could have any pet, what would they choose? Why? he Has his dream pet, a dragon, so he’s Good16. What does your OC smell like? woodsy and clean 17. How do they make a living? What kind of job do they want / not want? What is their dream job? What do they think of their current job? he’s a prince but he works with dragons a lot!!! it’s his Dream… or to sell his rings 18. What are your OC’s greatest fears? Weaknesses? Strengths? commitment, losing his family, and sharks. he gets too lost in his head at times, distances himself from everyone. he’s physically very strong and a charming/calm guy by nature 19. What kind of music do they listen to? Do they have a favorite song? he’s not the biggest music guy but enjoys rock/alternative/emo stuff20. If they came from their world to ours (if not already in our’s) how would they react? What would they do? curious about everything, goes into almost every shop he can find and tries out so many different foods…21. What personal problems/issues do they have? Pet peeves? his last relationship was Bad and he’s still very much affected by it… he hates wearing socks to bed dfyguh it annoys him so much22. What kind of student were they/would they be in high school? excellent, top of his class23. What is a random fact about your OC? he loves tattoos and would love to be covered in them one day 24. What is their outlook on life? What is their philosophy / what do they think in general about living? currently, his outlook is very bleak dxfyuibj he’s really sad,,,25. What inspired you to create them / how did you create them? Were they originally a fancharacter? What was their personality / design like when you first made them? i gave aster siblings and then slowly developed him in my head!26. Who is the most important person in their life? Why? Who is the least important to them (that still has an impact and why? his family, specifically his siblings, anddd his ex boyfriend still haunts his almost every thought and action :/27. What kind of childhood did your character have? good!!! he and his siblings did so much stuff together dxfghjkl; i Love them28. What kind of nervous habits do they have? Do they stim? Do they have any kinds of addictions? twists his rings a lot or shakes his leg when he’s nervous. doesn’t stim 29. If they could choose their epitaph for their grave, what would they choose? fuck, man, i have no fucking clue and neither does he30. Do they want to get married? Why or why not? Would they ever want kids? Do they have kids? Why? currently, no31. What is their most traumatic memory/experience? What is their favorite memory? his ex boyfriend tried to kill him once. he relives that memory almost everyday, and hates himself for not telling anybody about it. his siblings always know how to cheer him up, which he’s soooo grateful for. the 3 of them went to an amusement park once and just had so much fun, eating waaaay too much and going on all of the rides 32. If they could have one thing in the world, what would it be? happiness33. Would they ever kill someone? What would someone have to do to push them to kill someone? If they would kill someone, why? er probably wouldn’t but if it was his ex… he would reconsider 34. What social groups and activities does your character attend? What role do they like to play? What role do they actually play, usually? his dads the king, hes a prince, so he often finds himself at balls or parties and pretends to be super charming and openly available for marriage, even though he doesn’t want it and his younger brother will most likely take the throne instead35. How is your character’s imagination? Daydreaming a lot? Worried most of the time? Living in memories? he never stops living in daydreams or memories and would like it all to just. stop. let him b r e a t h e36. What does your character want most? What do they need really badly, compulsively? What are they willing to do, to sacrifice, to obtain? peace. he wants everything to stop, he wants his head to stop convincing him somethings wrong when hes fine and he wants his thoughts to stop wants the voices gone.37. What’s something that your character does, that other people don’t normally do? he sucks skittles and starbursts for a long ass time before actually eating them…38. What would your character do with a million dollars? donate it all 39. What is in your characters refrigerator right now? On their bedroom floor? Nightstand? Garbage can? nothing dfhgjk he hasn’t restocked it yet,,, probably some clothes and random books lying around. uhhh probably some alcohol, candy, and a map. crumpled up paper and wrappers in his garbage can40. Your character is getting ready for a night out. Where are they going? What do they wear? Who will they be with? uh probably alone and to get wasted or high,,, doesnt matter where :/41. What does your character do when they’re angry? Why? self isolates and simmers in his anger, throws shit and screams because hes so mad/frustrated 42. Does your character have any scars? Where did they get them from? theres some cigarette burns on his thighs from his ex, a couple on his back and arms/legs from either fighting or his ex… there’s probably more but id have to think a lot more on his ex and stuff, which i will do eventually!43. What was the most offensive thing your character had ever said? towards the end of his relationship he probably said some harsh things to his ex44. How does your character react/ accept criticism? fine unless its super personal to him, then it reminds him of his ex and he cant focus on anything, he shuts down45. If your character was given a slice of pineapple pizza and they HAD to eat it (or something bad would happen), how would they react? Do they even LIKE pineapple pizza? inhales it. please feed him46. Your character is given a voodoo doll of themself. What do they do with it? Do they see if it actually works? stares at it for so long.. would probably carry it with him always dsfgjkl;47. Can your character draw? What do they like to draw? Do they doodle? he things drawing buildings is super relaxing…48. What were their parents like? How has that affected how they are as an adult? very loving! hes very grateful for them and how supportive they are, even if its unconventional to being next in line for the throne. they just want him happy more than anything49. Does your character like candy? Do they get sugar rushes? What are they like when they get a rush? he loves candy, shoves it in his mouth so fast estrytuyul he only gets sugar rushes if he binges on candy around others??? never when hes just munching on it alone50. If your character was presented with imminent and unavoidable death/fatality, how would they react? Would they try to avoid death anyways? Would they try to make their last days count? i cant say he’d be entirely mad at his current state… would probably say his goodbyes and then just wait, or wander around waiting 
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garden gnomes and group chats
Sirius to felons or falcons: im ready to pass or die
Remus: I literally sent you a study package two weeks ago 
Peter: i left u my notes from last semester what are you doing with your life? 
Sirius: not studying 
Sirius: I thought that was really obvious
Sirius: cmon guys get with the program 
James to Remus: i left snape a step by step instruction manual on how to properly wash his hair 
James: its in his locker 
James: what do u think are the odds that he’ll actually figure out how a shower works?
Remus: first of all: oh my god 
Remus: secondly: good job.
Lily to Sirius: s2g black give me back my pencil case 
Sirius: it was an emergency 
Lily: you’ll be in the emergency room if you don’t give it back to me 
Peter to felons or falcons: guys guys guys 
Sirius: don’t u dare 
James: don’t 
Peter: reminder that college applications start today! 
Sirius: blocked. 
Peter: :////////:
James: yeah u think about u did 
Remus: I’m in the library right now filling out applications 
James: blocked. 
Sirius changed the group name to: if remus mentions colleges one more time i’ll kill him 
Remus changed the group name to: sirius stop using the group chat name to make a point 
Sirius changed the group name to: make me
Remus to slim slam dunk slimmies: I swear to god that i will kill whoever keeps leaving raisin boxes in my locker 
Remus: I’m talking to you James and Sirius 
Sirius: i literally have no idea what ur talking about 
Remus: someone keeps leaving those boxes of raisins in my locker and i hate raisins why do you guys keep doing this?
Sirius: I’m going to go with innocent until proven guilty, mate
Remus: I’m not an idiot 
Remus: its either you or James doing this how stupid do you think I am?
James to Peter: so when r u going to tell Remus that you’ve been breaking into his locker all year?
Peter: probably never
James: respect that 
Sirius changed the group name to: plexiglass fuckers 
Peter: wait what 
Remus: How does one even?
Sirius: carefully, and with punk attitude 
James changed the group name to: punk is really dead get over it black 
Sirius: im never talking to u again 
James: but u just did 
Sirius: damn it 
James to james potter is a secretly a walking talking jar of jam: im failing out of english and its a problem 
James: like seriously 
Sirius: yes?
James: literally not the time buddy 
Sirius: i always have time for u 
James: bro <3
Sirius: bro <33333
Remus: sirius shut up 
Remus: what do you mean you are failing out of english? have you done any of the readings? 
James: hamlet is literally the worst torture in the history of ever i can’t get through it and i’m so far behind i need help i just got a 40% on the paper and she gave me an extension to redo it but i don’t know where to begin 
Remus: you’re going to be fine 
Remus: i’m messaging a friend. maybe she’ll agree to tutor you 
James: bless u 
Peter to Remus: fuck u 
Remus: what on earth did i do to deserve this 
Peter sent to Remus three screenshots 
Peter: he hasn’t shut up about her dainty little wrists yet 
Peter: u did this 
Remus: oh my god what did i do 
Remus to Lily: how did it go with James?
Lily: I think I found the problem
Remus: he was dropped on his head as a small child?
Lily: ???
Lily: no he’s been trying to read a copy of Macbeth, not Hamlet 
Remus: why am I friends with these people?
Peter to four guys with great hair: i dunno y but sirius makes great decisions when drunk 
James: wait u went drinking without me?
Peter: u said u wanted to watch lily do homework at the library 
James: u make it sound so much creepier when u say it like that 
Remus: why did you call me 20 times tonight?
Peter: sirius tried making a fire 
Remus: with what??
Sirius: e v e r y t h i n g 
Peter: actually though 
Peter: it was a bit more of an explosion than a fire tbh 
Sirius to Remus: not to be controversial 
Sirius: but i really don’t like bbq sauce
Remus: literally wtf is controversial about that 
Remus: also its 3am fuck off 
Peter to the discount spice girls: i forgot we had homework in history 
Peter: someone skip history with me
James: im in chem but sounds coolio 
Sirius to the discount spice girls : wait we had homework 
Sirius: don’t leave without me guys 
Sirius: guys?
Sirius: g u y s 
Remus to Sirius: you submitted your applications right?
Sirius: ???applications,,,, 4 wat?
Remus: why are you like this 
Sirius: oh yeah college appLications 
Sirius: kind of 
Remus: this is the last day to submit 
Remus: where are you 
Sirius: in the libBBrary picking progRams out of a hat with James 
Sirius: do u think i could work with kids?
Remus: i think the kids would be to mature for you 
James to the Lily Evans Appreciation Group: she is so perfect 
James: she loaned me one of her gel pens today
James: GEL 
Sirius: ohhhh gel?
James: gel. 
James: purple gel pen 
Sirius: wow thats serious 
Peter: ^^^ :D
James: i honestly dunno whats better. the fact that she blessed me with one of her pens, or her eyes. 
Remus changed the group name to: mention lily’s eyes one more time james
James: they’re literally the most beautiful eyes i have ever encountered 
James: like they are honestly so green 
James Potter has been removed from group. 
James to Peter: have u seen sirius?
Peter: no
Peter: craig said he saw him hitchhiking earlier, looked pretty bad 
James: im grabbing the car 
Peter: i’ll meet you by the school
Peter to the Remus Lupin is a Moon Man: i got rejected by my safety school 
Sirius: im literally on my way with beer 
Remus: where are you getting alcohol from? 
Sirius: i broke into bellatrix’s apartment and stole her stash of candles and beer like yesterday 
Sirius: james the jim was the get away driver 
Sirius changed James to jamesthejim
James: honestly that school was stupid 
James: you’ve got plenty of time to hear back 
Peter: liar 
Remus: trust him on this one 
James to Sirius: he keeps baking cookies 
Sirius: aw shit 
James: we ran out of dairy already 
Sirius: no please don’t tell me 
James: he started making vegan cookies 
Sirius: sinful 
Remus to the Peter Won’t Stop Baking Support Group: he got rejected from another school and he’s moved onto making cupcakes 
Remus: I think he’s crying 
Sirius: i’m in the middle of calc homework i want some pie 
Sirius to Peter: james is making a move on evans 
Peter: omg no way 
Sirius: yes way 
Sirius: they’re at her locker 
Peter: im across school report everything 
Sirius: k well james tried that awkward leaning thing beside her locker and lily dropped her textbook on his foot 
Sirius: i dunno whats redder her hair or his face 
Sirius: nm his face is way redder 
Sirius: he asked if she wanted to meet up for coffee but she thought he meant for tutoring and im dying his face 
Peter: maybe this will be the end to all that is perfect about lily evans 
James to wtf does duolingo not have elvish????: Lily told me this really clever riddle today 
James: i didn;t get it 
James: at like all 
James: but she was so happy and so cute 
James: im gonna marry her 
Sirius: u jinxed it peter 
James to Remus: I GOT ACCEPTED 
Remus: I’m so glad Lily dragged your marks up for admissions 
James: ikr same 
James to the Peter Won’t Stop Baking Support Group: his mom started selling the cakes that he was making 
Sirius: i dunno y i keep offering to eat them 
Remus: he made over thirty cakes today 
Remus: half of them were coconut flavoured 
Sirius: so?
Remus: you’re allergic to coconut????
Sirius: yeah but if i die i don’t have to do homework 
James: lucky 
Remus: i hate you all so much
Remus left the group. 
James added Remus to the group. 
Remus left the group. 
Sirius added Remus to the group. 
Remus: i hate u both
Sirius to Remus: not 2 b political or anything but technically every war is a skeleton war if u think hard about it
Remus: w h y 
Peter uploaded a video to james stfu about evans: here we r blessed by remus singing starman 
Remus: i remember none of this 
James: i thought i was the one that sung that 
Peter: no u got really drunk and started moving your lips to the words and got excited that u learned how to talk and not talk at the same time 
James: wait what time was this even 
Peter: 10pm 
Remus: where’s sirius?
Peter: see that questionable lump in the right corner of the video? that’s sirius basically dead 
James changed Sirius’s name to questionable lump. 
questionable lump: y u do this
James changed the group name to: lily’s eyes are like glitter i swear
Sirius changed the group name to: literally no one cares
Sirius to Remus: i see u 
Sirius: posting some whimsy status about college acceptances 
Sirius: whatever 
Sirius: thats only a little cool, moon man 
Sirius: siriusly though congrats 
Lily to James: why did sirius throw glitter at me outside homeroom? 
James: oh my god 
James: im so sorry
Sirius to Peter: did u know that james has been stealing garden gnomes and hiding them under his bed?
Peter: that is the weirdest fetish 
Sirius: ikr i wanna hide them in remus’s locker 
Sirius: it’ll be really funny 
Peter: omg lets 
Sirius to the Baking Has Stopped Bless All: the oven is off 
James: oh thank god 
Remus: wait i was hoping he’d try doughnuts next 
Remus to James: do you know if sirius has heard back from any schools yet? 
James: dude i was just going to ask u that 
Remus: shit 
Peter sent three links to Remus: k so i know one of these is a literal dumpster but sirius basically is a dumpster 
Remus: i see no difference 
Peter: James liked the second one option for the apartment 
Remus: oh god i’ve agreed to live with james potter and sirius black in one house 
Peter: how bad could it be?
Remus: my locker 
Remus: they all came falling out
James: wait 
James: where did the gnomes come from 
Sirius has left the group. 
Peter has left the group. 
James: damnit they found my stash of gnomes 
Remus: ????????????
Lily to Remus: why did you have my mom’s garden gnomes in your locker?
Remus: what 
Lily: the gnomes 
Lily: i recognized them from the ones that went missing 
Remus:this is definitely not what you think
Lily: black stole them didn’t he?
Remus: sure 
Lily to Sirius: im gonna find you
James changed the group names to felons or misunderstood falcons?: i wrote lily a poem 
Sirius: no no no 
James: roses r red, violets r blue 
James: i hate flowers but love u 
Peter: i can’t tell if that was sweet or not 
Sirius: u should totally give that to her 
Remus: sirius no 
James: im committed to the plan 
Remus to Sirius: have you gotten any news from the schools you applied to?
Sirius: yeah funny story 
Sirius: i sort of messed up applying 
Remus: wait so you didn’t send out any applications??
Sirius: naw just messing with u 
Sirius: i heard back months ago 
Sirius: i broke u this is the best moment of all 88 years of my life. 
Sirius: yeah though. haven’t opened anything yet 
Remus: you mean you never opened the letters?
Sirius: yeah no i liked the suspense 
Remus: jesus christ open them right now i will cut you 
Sirius: cool beans i got in 
Remus blocked Sirius. 
James to Lily: i like u a lot 
Lily: ask me out then 
James: wait what 
Lily: i’ve been literally waiting all year 
James: jesus christ will u go out with me 
Lily: yeah y not 
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tumblunni · 7 years
Bunni plays Richard and Alice, and gets an ending, and DIES INSIDE, WHAT THE EVERLOVING FUCK
* okay seriously i was COMPLETELY WRONG about every expectation i had, holy fucking shit
* In the end the final flashback was EVEN WORSE than I ever expected, oh god i wanna throw up! I don’t know if things could have gone differently due to my choices, but the way it went down this time was just... oh god... “I am gonna bawl my eyes out if Barney dies” HEY YOU KNOW WHAT’S EVEN WORSE THAN THAT?? He was dying and his mother had to mercy kill him so he wouldnt suffer What the fuck, what the holy everyloving fuck jesus christ god no The only choice i had in the matter was that i gave him back his toy car to hold while he fell asleep, and then it appeared on his grave at the ending and i got a few extra lines of continuity hoping that Barney is going on an adventure with Daddy in his big ol car... Fuck fucking christ god no oh godddd
* and like HEY LETS JUST RUB SOME SALT IN THE WOUND apparantly the grave we were visiting all this time was empty cos nobody could even find her husband’s body so like.. she doesnt even have the consolation of knowing they’ll be together in death
* oh and DEAR GOD there was a REALLY ATMOSPHERIC scene before it really fucking surreal and confusing oh god you’re just left with the dying barney sitting there on the floor and no choice and no items except your gun and i knew right them what i was supposed to do but i tried to leave and backtrack and find anything that could help and then all you can do is return to that empty church and find that it isnt empty anymore there’s some weird nameless faceless grandpa hiding in the confessional booth, and you can talk to him about this horrible horrible story and your horrible horrible choice and you never get to actually see who he is or anything but i choose to believe he actually did want to help, and all.. the conversation with him helped it be a little less painful at least
* and then you just go back to the empty grave marking your dead husband, and you have a horrible scene of her breaking down and yelling at him cos she knows he’d believe she’s stronger than this, and he’d tell her not to kill herself, but she really wants to die if she has to take her son’s life and god, she talks about how she attempted suicide once before from depression back when they first married, and he saved her from doing it, and now she wishes she could have died back then and never brought her son into the world if he’s just gonna suffer like this oh godddddd
* and then we get back to the present day and its all ‘aww richard really cares about you’ and ‘oh that silly richard being a comic relief’ and ‘hooray we managed to escape’ and then THE BIGGEST FUCKING EVIL PLOT TWIST HOLY JESUS FUCK
* richard i have never wanted to reach thru a screen and strangle a man more than this moment jesus fuck
* mr purposely vague ‘oh im just a generic good guy’ protagonist was lying THE WHOLE FUCKING TIME and god its even worse cos like all of his personality was still real he’s a sick fuck who THINKS he’s a good guy, and tries to be all friendly like, and just like.. compartmentalizes it away in the back of his head and pretends he hasn’t committed this damn sin, that he still counts as good if he’s just ~polite~
* FUCK SERIOUSLY MAN I have never been so terrified to hear the word brussel sprouts! I didnt even think to mention the brussel sprouts line back when I heard it! you just hear one of the gang members mention some stupid folksy idiom about brussel sprouts during the flashbacks I should have fucking known it was richard, it fits with his goddamn fake good guy persona! he slips up and mentions it after you leave the prison, he doenst know you heard him say it before GOD FUCKING DAMN YOU YOU SICK FUCK
* and like.. well.. at least it seems I was wrong about the cannibalism. Or at least, as far as richard knows they werent doing that to the victims. But it feels like he didnt know or care what happened to the people he kidnapped, all part of his strategy to put it out of mind and pretend he’s still the good guy... But GOD thats kinda EVEN WORSE that we dont even know what they were doing to the victims! Richard says they were ‘kept in relative comfort’ and compares it to being in this prison. ‘At least they had food and clothes, they wouldnt have that outside’. YEAH BUT YOURE FUCKING KEEPING THEM AS SLAVES AND POSSIBLY *SEX SLAVES* AND GOD JESUS FUCKING CHRIST And we get a partial answer to what happened to the kids from that diary. Apparantly Lucy was (for some reason) valued very highly as a slave, so much so that they’d actually pay the expense of finding insulin to keep her alive. Thats what makes me think it might have been sex slavery, i mean.. they’re valuing this one child slave higher than the rest. The other theory is that maybe Lucy was actually Richard’s daughter that he mentioned as his excuse for working for this gang, he says he was ensured that his family would be kept safe as long as he sacrificed other people... God its so fucked up. And then he tries to justify it to Alice by saying blablabla we do what we have to do to survive and morality is relative and ohhhh we’re not the bad guys i mean they’d suffer more if they died in the cold compared to living longer in pain and slavery AND YOU KNOW WHAT THE WORST PART IS???
* i got THE FUCKIN WORST ENDING, JESUS CHRIST somehow my choices during my first run led to an ending where alice agrees to join richard’s shit gang i cant even blame her for it, she was fuckin mentally shattered by having to euthanise her son and then she had a scrap of hope with an apparant friendship with an apparantly moral man and then he fucking turns out to be this sort of shit and she has no reason to keep going and i suppose this is technically ‘good’ cos she decided to live, but she also decided to be led away by a manipulative fuckass and join an evil slavery cult and god she probably feels like she’s already a ‘sinner’ cos of what she did to her kid so she belongs with them GAHHHH this is a story of a villain who’s convinced he’s good, and a good person who’s convinced she’s a villain! T_T
* I hope I can find a better ending to this...
* I hope there’s an ending where richard gets bitchslapped in the face with a two-by-four
* Seriously did i just get this ending because I tried to act like a decent friend to Richard and then just SUDDEN TWIST he was evil the whole time and GAHHHH
* fuck you richard fucking fuck you dont deserve top billing in the title
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hgfstreamchats · 6 years
ThebesAce hello! Me Hello, Thebes human! ThebesAce oh, thenightetc is waiting to be let in Me Hm, I'm not seeing a message. thenightetc Hi! Me Night human, hello! thenightetc I just reloaded the page and tried again. Me Rabbit's an aftport. thenightetc Apparently! thenightetc Ohhhh my.
ThebesAce oh this one hahah thenightetc Oh my god thenightetc This is amazing Me Alright! Is everyone ready for Delgo? thenightetc Well, THOSE look aerodynamic. Me Don't they just make perfect sense? thenightetc Maybe the planet has a very, very, very thick atmosphere. Me The majestic colonhead. Er Hmmmmm 😐 MORE aerodynamics Me This is the kind of race the Cybertronian expansion wiped out. we were right to do it. thenightetc You know, I feel like I should disapprove on principle, but... Me They look like Torkuli. thenightetc Imagine I'm wagging my finger at you, but insincerely Me Good compromise. thenightetc ThebesAce OH HEY WHO SAW THIS COMing thenightetc I'm going to go ahead and imagine these guys are bug-sized "Explaining" how they can fly With those wings and that gravity also yikes okay, so she has a selection of prosthetics Me Was she murdered or wasn't she? *Executed thenightetc Not executed--they were cutting off her wings, not her head Me Well, that's pointless. thenightetc Probably some horrible exile thing Me One that clearly won't leave her more vicious than before. ThebesAce Scorpion gotta sting, exiled royal gotta murder her obstacles thenightetc Why do they even have that feature in their dining room thenightetc Well, that was smart ThebesAce I KEPT EXPECTING TO HEAR MARIO NOISES WITH THOSE JUMPS thenightetc Ha! Surely not, the movie's named after him ThebesAce silly comic relief, he'll be around mocking you for at least the rest of the movie Me Can we cut something important off of this character too? Please? thenightetc I vote head. ThebesAce If we're lucky, it'll be screentime thenightetc "I'd literally rather die a squashy death" So, do YOUR races ever end like this? Me I'd give up racing if they did. ThebesAce Soooo is it just me or is this guy basically saying "Look, if we act like they exist we have to pay consequences for that massacre thing." thenightetc So they're Jedi, too Me Tell them I hate them. thenightetc God, yeah, why would ANYbody want TELEKINESIS. How lame is that?? Moving stuff with your mind? Booooooring. ThebesAce yeah just LET GO of the MASSACRE you are A SURVIVOR OF thenightetc The past is the past! Me Something something mercy! thenightetc For vengeance, a Jedi cares not thenightetc Shouldn't that thing he hit still be lying there? thenightetc I'm dying a little inside because I can tell this is the movie's romance Me These two have a more compelling romance. ThebesAce for real ThebesAce for real thenightetc Pffff, if he's on a winning streak then why's he need a loan. I assume that's practically treason, or something Me Time for another lesson on turning the other cheek! thenightetc Just sneak over to THEIR hideout and wreck THEIR junk Me Why couldn't the Autobots have been this useless and apathetic? It would have spared everyone vorns of grief. thenightetc Put up some graffiti or something ThebesAce your carnivorousness. That's an AMAZING form of address. thenightetc Does that mean they AREN'T carnivores? I mean... the lackey guys Me She looks like she's eating weeds. ThebesAce or she's just especially bloodthirsty thenightetc They've got teeth like humans Me She put on her classiest rubber pants. thenightetc ...Walking pineapples Jalaperilo Yo! thenightetc Hi! Me Jalaperilo human! Jalaperilo Why is everyone uggo? ThebesAce because the animation budget was just south of claymation thenightetc It doesn't really look low-budget, to me... just ugly art direction ThebesAce this was released the same year as WALL-E Jalaperilo I have never heard about this fiom before now I dunno if it got a uk release lol Me I like how he had all day to plan this weird date and that was the best he could come up with. thenightetc Right? Show her your jedi powers and yell at her about some dudes wrecked your temple's rock garden Jalaperilo Also, what was that explosion of anger at ger. What an abusive tool thenightetc Ladies love jedi powers and being yelled at! Jalaperilo I hate this generic film already Me Daddy Tightpants bought it because you were bad. Jalaperilo Haha! I never wanna hear "daddy tightpants" from you again Me You're welcome. ThebesAce stop repeating everything! Me Please, Primus and/or Unicron, take that one's thumbs. thenightetc This cost $40 million to make Jalaperilo Tell me 39.99million was spent on hookers thenightetc Could have slid some of that towards better writing Me Hah! Jalaperilo They deffo didnt have a cinematographer or storyboarders thenightetc Wow Jalaperilo So everyone has fantasy inspired clothes except the stoner skateboard er thenightetc oh my god He should have used his jedi powers to get it across the gap ThebesAce why is he so aggressively useless thenightetc hahahah Jalaperilo What was the point of that??? ThebesAce Stupidest king on the planet thenightetc This seems like a dumb way to do votes Like, what, whoever's the strongest jedi gets their way? Jalaperilo Dumb-go thenightetc Rude. Jalaperilo He is dumb though lol Me Feed them the squawking one. ThebesAce GREAT LINE READ ON THAT SCREAM thenightetc I'm rooting for the giant enemy crab Me Crab, crab! Go, crab! Jalaperilo I hate this so much. Its so generic. The characters are just furthering the plot and not geing characters. Its predictable dialogue and stilted anination make it boring. Its not even a good bad film thenightetc WOW ThebesAce yes. Let him be drained of his fluids thenightetc "you're definitely not covered in spinemonsters" Jalaperilo He wants his friend dead Me As do we all. Jalaperilo Racism Me They have the same faces, the same body structure. They clearly diverged from the same ugly ancestor. Jalaperilo Hasnt stopped humans Me Point, point. thenightetc What, so are those ones her original wings? Jalaperilo Does she wear other people s wings? thenightetc I think they're just made of cloth or something Me Those look like the originals. thenightetc I guess they let her keep them Me Did they just let her keep them as a momento? Jalaperilo Oh fuck ThebesAce Why is the comic relief still here? thenightetc And then she had them preserved?? Jalaperilo They fucking mutilate people???? thenightetc Oh my god Me Cue screaming as her wings come off. ThebesAce oh, yeah, big bad there got her wings got chopped off in the prologue Jalaperilo Maybe these people deserve to ge killed? ThebesAce they WERE responsible for a massacre they never apologized for Jalaperilo Im rooting for this lass thenightetc Oh, just thump it with your hand or soemthing Me She has style, a motivation, and a partner she clearly adores and is fragging senseless. I'm on her side too. thenightetc Idiot! Don't waste time. Jalaperilo Pity she suffers from neanderthal face like the rest of them thenightetc Hey, it's not nice to laugh at people's hilarious genetic conditions Jalaperilo Lol thenightetc Oh, what a shame, he's dead Forever Me Exactly. If you're going to laugh, you need to throw in some pointing. thenightetc Why is there an asteroid field Jalaperilo Cause they had a budget of 40mil? Time is fleeting and so am i. Good night chaps! thenightetc Goodnight! Me Good night! ThebesAce good night! REALLY REALLY. thenightetc Oh, so his jedi powers finally become relevant thenightetc Pictured: gravity thenightetc "you JUST got back from being kidnapped" thenightetc "DIdn't we... banish you?" "Oh, I quit when I heard about this!" Me "You quit...being banished?" thenightetc Oh no! How unexpected! Me How tragic and stuff. thenightetc So what's the dragon thingy exactly Aside from something the other guy, and then he, threw for a distraction ThebesAce I'll be shocked if they explain thenightetc Oh, so they're no tthe originals thenightetc Well, I think she'll have gotten the picture after that rescue thenightetc oh c'mon, the war is OVER her in the first place thenightetc Haha, he looks so embarassed ThebesAce I'm getting Jupiter Ascending flashbacks ThebesAce let her faaaall thenightetc C'mon, it'd be so convenient, right Me No one would have to know. thenightetc she's totally faking anyway she's totally gonna murder you ThebesAce She's spent this entire movie being literally and figuratively poisonous to everyone around her Me Goodbye, only interesting character in the film. thenightetc Well, it's almost over anyway Okay??? Me And then they devoured him, starting with the eyes or whatever other body part he values most. ThebesAce THIS MUSIC LIES. NOTHING in this movie was this adventurous sounding! Me And of course, some art of what could have been. thenightetc Ah, so this is why we blame. Me This is a long list of credits for something so pitiful. thenightetc Uh What are these "Mini 'Mator of Mirth"? Please. Me Very professional. thenightetc Well then. ThebesAce so that happened Me That certainly was an hour and a half we won't get back. thenightetc I feel like this is the inverse of that one movie The one with Little Red Riding Hood ThebesAce Oh yeah, Hoodwinked thenightetc thebes, you know the one I mean, I can't remember---yeah! Hoodwinked. Me Was that anywhere near as awful as this? thenightetc No, no! ThebesAce no, it was great! thenightetc The story is great. ThebesAce it just had terrible animation thenightetc The characters are great. It's just ugly as sin. ThebesAce that kinda made the woodsman's scenes extra hilarious though thenightetc It's... I'm sure they did the best with the tools available to them at the time. ThebesAce yeah, they had a rock bottom animation budget but the story, characters and human were really good humor thenightetc See it's the inverse because THIS has animation that looks fine, but the story and characters are bland/annoying. ThebesAce also, predictable as all get out romance where Hoodwinked doesn't even have a romance, just a bunch of characters who have a bad enough day the cops get involved thenightetc It's a lot of fun! Me Sounds unexpectedly amazing! thenightetc It really is! thenightetc It's the kind of movie that has you going, "well, looks aren't everything" ThebesAce yeah, the animation is the poster child of bad animation but it's a legitimately good, fun movie, not a so bad it's good one thenightetc Here's the trailer! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RGV-cTSr6zg thenightetc "Granny, are you... a furry?" Me I see what you mean. thenightetc Right? Me Does anyone have any other suggestions to close out on? thenightetc We could watch some more SNL sketches! Looked like there were some fun ones "related" to the doll one ThebesAce Dragon Babies, for one Me Dear Unicron. thenightetc Oh my god ThebesAce this is so very on point thenightetc Wow hahahahah this is amazing thenightetc Oh! The narrator that ruined christmas? *I* want to see christmas getting ruined! also I haven't seen this before so it's not my fault if it's bad Me If it's good, we're showing it again at Christmas. thenightetc Oh, boy! Me Oh yes, showing this one at Christmas. thenightetc Well then. They're really not. thenightetc AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA thenightetc I'm sure she'll be impressed Me I would be. thenightetc God Me Dear Unicron. thenightetc It's not good, though. ThebesAce oh god I laughed so hard at their misery my throat is cramping thenightetc I mean, it would be NICE if working hard on something automatically made it good... thenightetc What INDEED ThebesAce PRIORITIES thenightetc Oh my god Me I think that seems like a good place to leave it. ThebesAce yeah thenightetc It was fun, though! Thanks for hosting. 😃 Me Glad you liked! ThebesAce yeah! Me Thank you for coming! ThebesAce thank you! thenightetc oh... automatic emojis.... ThebesAce good night! Me Good night! thenightetc Goodnight!
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