#im being vague because the age i was at when i fell for some of cartmans scams is EMBARRASSING 😭 I was like in middleschool/highschool
saintpallis · 10 months
🔀 for the ask game
🔀 How canon-divergent vs. canon-compliant are you?
See my timeline starts out pretty damn canon compliant (other than we actually aged during it) but then once we get to the teenage years it starts going off the rails a little because we were growing up and stuff, some of the canon bullshit still happened for me in highschool but there was also a lot of other stuff going on that has absolutely no relation to canon, just because the people around me were changing and so was I. I also dated people! For more than 2 days!! Which is definitely canon divergent cus canon kyle can not keep a girlfriend to save his life (not that I could either, I settled down with stan, boys and what not 🏳️‍🌈.) Generally I'd describe my tl as very a very teen au type thing even though I also have memories of being an adult and lots of being a kid, so more canon divergent than canon compliant.
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averys-happy-space · 5 months
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putting this here more for myself than anything. i wanna be able to look back at it in a year and see how its changed. explanations for each section under the cut
ship i loved at first sight: tara x piper. i don't know what the ship name is. taper? pira? pira seems nicer lol. anyway, tara used to be my favourite brawler (and is still up there in my top 5) and i think the first time i saw tara x piper fanart was on reddit. it was by Xpyray and i swear to god ive never fallen in love with a ship faster. their art is so fucking good and they dont rlly draw brawl stuff anymore but i still follow them cuz their art is so so so pretty (please go follow them if youre reading this). anyway so yeah thats how tara x piper became my fav ship.
ships i initially didn't like: rico x piper, shelly x colt imma be fr at the start i didn't really Get these ships. but after watching some of the official animations and learning more of the lore, i started to appreciate these ships more. i don't love them or anything but they can be cute
ships i don't like anymore: sandy x nita, leon x jessie, sandy x leon there is no real reason for this other than the fact that i simply stopped liking them as i grew up. as i was making this i realised that when i was younger i used to like the ships with the kids/teens more, but now i'm 17 and i'm just not interested in them anymore. i guess thats what happens when you grow up lol. these ships are still cute, but i just don't engage with them anymore
favourite popular ships: mandy x chester, fang x buster so a bit of background, i actually quit brawl stars for a while, i think after the gale brawl pass. i dont really remember why, but its probably because i just got bored of the game lol. i think that also played into why i'm no longer interested in the same ships as before. anyway, i came back this year during the bizarre circus brawl pass and accidentally fell in love with these two ships. honestly, i'm not even entirely sure why i fell in love with these two ships in particular. chester definitely caught my eye when i came back to the game because a) i love clowns b) i love a good troll c) i love the random XD energy chester has and d) he has super interesting & fun game mechanics. i have no interest in mandy really but then i saw One suggestive mandy x chester fanart that went hard af and suddenly i was on board lmao. on the other hand fang and buster were two characters that i took some time to fall in love with, but now they're my favourites lol it's so strange. i really don't know how it happened.
favourite rarepair: amber x maisie i was looking at a diagram of all the trios so far because i was brainstorming ideas for who to include in a fanfic and as i was looking at it, suddenly it Clicked in my mind that amber x maisie would go hard af. like think about it. overconfident fire entertainer who gets so swept up in performances that she forgets about safety x safety coordinator with a fire extinguisher for an arm who secretly likes being in dangerous situations? come on!!!! im surprised more people havent thought of this pairing cuz as soon as it clicked for me it seemed like such an obvious pairing to do. but then again they've never interacted in any animation/promo material/etc so i guess it's not a pair people would just think of without prompting. but it's so fucking good!!!! more people need to get in on this ship.
controversial ship: none here's the thing. i don't know any controversial ships that i can see myself shipping. the most controversial one i know is probably edgar x colette but i see them as siblings so i don't ship it nor do i engage with fanart of them. edgar and colette ships in general are probably controversial seeing as both of them don't have canon ages and it's vague enough that people are always talking about whether they're adults or minors. but i personally see both of them as older teens so i don't ship them with anyone. (to me, they're too old to hang out with the kid brawlers but also too young to hang out with the adult brawlers. it's weird because there's no other brawlers where i see them as teens, so in my mind edgar and colette both have 0 shipping potential)
ships i want to become canon the most: amber x maisie, fang x buster they're my current favourite ships. what else to say.
comfort ship: fang x buster i think about them All the Fucking Time. lowkey i started to project on fang a bit just cuz i like him so much. i don't even know why or how i started liking him this much but he's my favourite brawler now and it's horrible. i think the seal in the coffin was @/giveittomegay's fanart of them. THEY'RE SO FUCKING CUTE. like omfg. confident, charismatic chinese immigrant who just arrived at starr park x introverted insecure white guy who doesn't know how to approach others. slowburn where they become closer through working at the cinema and buster realises he's fallen in love basically immediately but fang hasn't realised his own sexuality (has had crushes on girls before so always assumed he was straight) and doesn't realise he's in love with buster until maisie straight up tells him. fang's confidence means he jokingly flirts with buster all the time because he thinks it's funny to tease the guy and make him flustered but doesn't realise buster gets flustered because he likes fang. fang is fucking stupid. also, i think using fang x shelly here as a conflict plot point would be so good. like, fang seeing a pretty girl and approaching her, flirting with her, etc. i like to think fang is dense as fuck and would genuinely believe he's in love with shelly despite buster occupying 90% of his thoughts because his thought process would be something along the lines of "oh, i just think about him a lot cuz he's my best friend, i'm sure this is all regular, normal bff things". and buster just fucking dying inside but not saying anything because he thinks it's none of his business and he shouldn't interfere in fang's love life. MAISIE WATCHING ALL THIS HAPPEN AND WANTING TO MURDER BOTH OF THEM FOR BEING SO DENSE. like ohhhhhh my god there is so much potential here it's fucking insane. side note: fang doesn't have anything against gay people. i like to think maisie x amber comes way before fang x buster, so fang knows gay people exist and like he is perfectly fine and comfortable being around them, he's just so stupidly dense that he doesn't realise HE is gay (or more specifically bi). he also assumes buster is straight because default sexuality and whenever fang makes jokes based on this assumption buster never corrects him. because buster is a pussy. god. i want to write this fanfic so bad but i'm so fucking bad at writing dialogue it's insane.
ships that deserve more attention: amber x maisie, brock x bibi, barley x bull, max x janet LET ME COOK HERE OKAY. amber x maisie i already explained above. brock x bibi (i call them bibrock) is because it's noted in bibi's bio that she's secretly a huge nerd and i think it would be super cute for her to have a bf who she can indulge in nerdy and geeky shit with. to me they're both massive comic book fans who become close by playing all the superhero video games together before branching out to other games. they're console gamers btw and they get SUPER competitive whenever they're playing against each other. but they also do play coop games where they work together. usually brock is the one who does a lot of theorycrafting and tries to minmax his grind so he can get all the resources in the most optimal and time efficient way possible, whereas bibi prefers just going into fights and wrecking havoc lol. barley x bull is because they're both restaurant owners/servers (barley has his bar, bull has his diner) and i think they would bond over shitty customers and interesting food/drink recipes. they're both also familiar with having fights break out in their establishment and are fully capable of shutting fights down, even if it means getting their hands dirty. they think they're on opposite ends of the spectrum but they're actually more similar than they realise. for sure a very slowburn romance (especially because i think bull would be denial about liking a fucking robot lmfao) max x janet is because they're both celebrity entertainers. yeah, that's it. no but seriously i see max as someone who puts up an outgoing persona in public and is generally a very hyper, high energy person but at the same time, she tends to keep people at a distance because she's scared of intimacy. before janet, her closest friends are surge and meg. surge kind of Knows something is up with her because every time he tried to ask about her past she clammed up and gave noncommittal responses. he worries about her but doesn't know what to do about it so he just tries to make her happy in the present. meg is a kid so she doesn't realise anything is wrong lol. hanging out with meg and surge makes max happy and she considers them family, but she still has a wall up around her true self. janet is the one who is finally able to help max come out of her shell and address her past trauma. it also helps that max thinks janet is very pretty and desperately wants to kiss her. this is canon btw don't question me.
first otp: tara x piper | current otp: fang x buster i basically said all i have to say about these ships so yeah. that's it.
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awek-s · 2 months
well hi apparently the other half of the loveonewe admin team is still wasting time talking shit about me every chance they get and im so fucking over it so for anyone interested:
we fell out because i took issue with a mutual we had in common who shared posts talking about how it was ok not to post abt world issues and take care of your mental health halfway thru everyone talking abt palestine. then that mutual started sharing views about how 20+ year age gaps in relationships where you’re legally adults (the example was 20 years old and 40+ years old) is explicitly stated as not being predatory or a power play and ok.. while sprinkling in thirst posts about ppl 10+ years her juniors.
my friends and i were expressing discomfort w that mutual on twitter and had a conversation (as friends do) where we decided it was very weird and uncomfy and we didn’t want to associate with them. the person this post is about decided to take to tumblr to make vague posts about how much they wanna unfollow me and ultimately hit me up to say if i have an issue with this common mutual of ours, i can unfollow them too. we parted in what i thought was an amicable way.
i told my friends we parted as well because this mutual had told me it was because we (they and i) no longer share the same views on things. meanwhile, my friends and i do think that the things i mentioned above are creepy and real life issues that should be taken seriously. when i shared this info they actually told me the majority of them had already unfollowed or blocked this mutual of mine months ago because they found them annoying. lmao.
unfortunately this mutual decided to ? for some reason go through every single one of my friends and see if they had unfollowed them, and then started to write hateful tags about them on their blog when they saw they were unfollowed. as well as about me, because in their head that’s the only way anyone can ever take issue with them I guess. to my knowledge only one single friend of mine blocked them after they saw how they treated me after this entire thing happened. everyone else noped out a LONG time ago.
i ultimately blocked them because i felt v betrayed and disrespected but they apparently make posts about me like every few weeks and i guess the rumour mill never stops turning so here’s the real deal :) thanks.
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kasewichser · 1 year
crossing a line (i)
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doug remer/joe cooper (?) x gender neutral scolari!reader
wc: ~1.7k words
warnings: light swearing ig, (small & LEGAL) age gap but nothing really happens right now
a/n: this is not only my first time writing for BASEketball, but writing fics in a long time. so bear with me if my characterization is off in any way. and i havent fully figured out who im writing this about, so bear with me on that too! any feedback is appreciated!!
edit: part 2 here
As a teenager, you fell in love with living “out west” somewhere. Wisconsin was lovely, yes, but tales of California filled your eyes with stars. So, you made it your goal to reach The Golden State. At fifteen, you started to work after school, saving up money from your crappy cashier job to afford out-of-state schooling. You even took a gap year to secure enough money. Unfortunately, you couldn't afford a California lifestyle even on a scholarship and with your saved-up funds. Luckily, you had applied for backup schools in the northwest. You chose a school in Seattle because you heard it was nicer than the schools in Oregon that you applied to. And that's how you ended up moving to Washington for school. It had been a hard choice and an even harder goodbye with your brother.
Despite the six-year age gap you two shared, you and Kenny were really close. He, despite his short stature, was always the protective big brother, sometimes to an extreme. And as a kid, you found it overbearing, as an adult you mostly found it endearing.  While you two had kept in contact over the years, you hadn't had a chance to see him in person since you left. At first, it was because school and work kept you busy plus you figured that after the sport he and some old friends of his created, he was pretty busy himself.
But, eventually, you stopped talking to him because you dropped out of school after about a year & a half. The expenses built up, you couldn’t keep up with the workload and it was stressing you out far more than it should, so you dropped out, mid-semester. And the fear of being shamed for that decision had made you never want to return to Wisconsin. You even stopped watching Beers’ games for awhile because even seeing your brother on TV made you feel guilty. You avoided calling him, but would always answer if he called you. When he asked about school, you lie, saying it was going great, but keeping it vague. And as much as you missed your brother, you didn’t want to have to face him. But, as luck would have it, he would call you after the season had ended and arranged your coming home. He’d brought you the plane ticket and told you that you were going to be on that plane. The excitement, fear and guilt you felt was indescribable. You were excited to see him because finally it would mean the Scolari’s were back together, but the fear of disappointing your brother was immense. 
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Kenny had picked you up from the airport and the two of you were driving back to his place. The trip was fairly quiet as part of you didn’t want to there, but everything else was quiet as well. The road, the radio, the wind. The silence felt awkward to you, but you just telling yourself that your brother didn't notice it.
“By the way, I forgot to tell Coop and Remer you’re coming...” He explained, flashing his eyes over to you. Your eyes widened a little, recalling the names and the people attached to them. You were eleven the last time you saw them in person, but of course, you watched Beers games all the time. 
When you last saw Airman and Sir Swish, It was your brother's high school graduation. You were standing with your brother when the two came over, calling Kenny ‘Squeak’. You laughed at the nickname. Your brother shot you a disappointed look. You apologized as the two men then turned their attention to you. Coop would be the first one to say something, 
“So, Squeak here’s your brother?” You nodded, with a smile. Coop, you noted, had blue eyes, something you always wanted because you thought they were cool. Remer, whos hair was his most defining feature, then butted in,
“What’s it like having ol’ Squeak here as your brother?” Kenny rolled his eyes and tried to pull you away from the conversation. But you, the stubborn kid you were, refused to move. At the time, high schoolers were so immensely cool to you. You would answer any question they had for you.
“Kenny is so cool. He’s always telling me cool facts. Like, uhm, did you know the president was in a movie?!” You beamed. It's true that you thought the world of the brother, and you said what you meant in good faith but the two older boys started laughing. Once again, your brother tugged at your arm, signalling he wanted to leave. 
“If you guys are gonna be assholes, I’m leaving.” Kenny snapped. Coop and Remer minimized their laughing. Remer then patted your head lovingly, and smiled,
“You’re a good one, kid. You want a cool nickname like your brother here?” You were star struck at the offer and excitedly nodded yes. High schoolers were cool after all. Your brother was protesting but you didn’t care. The two teens looked at you for a moment before Remer spoke again,
“How about Pip. As in Pipsqueak?”
“Nah dude, that's too close to Squeak.” Coop gestured to your brother.
“Thats the point dude.” Remer rebutted. Coop was about to argue back when you spoke up, saying you really liked it. Kenny, Coop and Remer all shared a glance.
“Well then, nice meeting you Pip.”
“You think they’d remember me?” You question after a moment. Kenny shrugs his shoulders as he pulls into a driveway for his shared house.
“Guess we’ll see.” He opens the door and gets out of the car. You follow suit and walk back to the car’s trunk where your luggage is. Ken unlocks the trunk, but as you go to grab your luggage, he hits your hand away. You nod and offer a quick thanks as he pulls them out. You look at the house, taking it in. It’s nothing spectacular but it’s certainly larger than any home you’ve been in. Above the garage is a hoop, presumably for baseketball games between the three men who reside in the home. You’ve fallen behind your brother who’s now waiting on the doorstep, luggage next to him with keys in hand. You rush over to him and watch as he unlocks the door.
It swings open revealing a fairly large and nice room. Guess basketball was more profitable than you first thought. Directly to your right is a living room with a TV, a couch and a small coffee table. It was messy; beer cans scattered across the floor, what was likely day-old dishes on the table. A dust-covered VCR next to a pile of VHS tapes. The living room was clearly lived in, but the kitchen directly ahead of you was a different story; it looked unused. As much as you disagreed with stereotypes, three men living alone having a clean kitchen didn't strike you as odd. Your brother sighed in relief, seemingly glad his roommates-slash-friends-slash teammates were MIA. You pulled your luggage inside across the threshold as you took in the new environment.
“You’re staying in my room. No arguing about it!” You jokingly pouted but nodded. Kenny guided you to his room. It was down a small hallway. When he opened the door, you saw it was fairly basic. He had a few honours from his ongoing career as a professional baseketball star and some photos of the family scattered around, but it was otherwise unimpressive. You threw the luggage on the bed and trying to decide if you wanted to unpack it when a voice from behind startled you.
“Holy shit!” You hadn’t expected to recognize it as easily as you did. You were greeted by the tall and lanky Doug Remer. Of course, you’ve seen him on TV since you watch a lot of Beers' games, but he looked different than your memories. It was like he was a new person somehow. Maybe it was the height, something which once was very noticeable between the two of you, but now so much. There was something just…different, and not in a bad way either. You offered a small wave to the man who gave a huge smile in return.
“Lil Pip, all grown up.” You joked. It was surprising, but the familiarity of being back with him was comforting. It was another reminder of a past you missed. Remer just stood there unsure of what to say. You offered a smile to Doug, and he replied with two finger guns. You giggled before Kenny, quickly butted in,
“Remer, if you try anything, I’ll make sure you regret it.” Always the defensive brother. You scoffed, rolling your eyes. Of course, during one of your phone calls, you’d heard about the playboy that was Doug Remer. Kenny complained all the time about Remer hooking up with random chicks and even making out with a few guys a couple times. But you also knew that sometimes Kenny would embellish stories as a way of “protecting you”.  Regardless, you figured Doug wasn’t stupid enough to pull anything with you, knowing how it would upset Kenny. And after all, any bad blood between the team was bad for the game. Remer, in response to your brother’s threat, raised his hands up defensively and walked off without saying another word. 
“Ken, you didn’t need to do that. I promise I can handle myself.” You said after you were certain Doug was out of hearing range. Your brother apologized but you could still tell it was bugging him. Even though most of the time, the protective act was endearing, this was certainly not one of those times. As you pulled your luggage off the bed (you weren’t going to unpack, that was a lot of effort), you asked your brother a question,
“What would you do if I did hook up with him—or Coop?” It was mostly to see his reaction. It was a fun thought experiment. Kenny tensed up and responded with mostly stammering and confused tones. You laughed, both at the notion AND Kenny’s reaction, and you saw him relax instantly.
“Don’t worry, I’ll behave myself, Ken. Besides, he’s not even that good-looking.”
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askfallenroyalty · 1 year
I just read the surprise/early update and the sound I made followed by "Torielllll....! :(" after I finished... the anguish I felt is indescribable. This poor, poor woman, if only she knew why this feeling of not knowing what is "real" was because of the resets... You captured the feelings of terror, discombobulation, and bewilderment perfectly. A perfect punch in the gut!
oof yeah i feel in hindsight Toriel learning about the timelines was under-explored. ALSO SORRY IM RAMBLY TONIGHT LOL i just feel like talkin at lenght so apologies for all the long posts past midnight aslfkjasdlf. also THANK YOU for all ur kind asks i don't always answer cause when i get nice asks i like looking at them often but that means i don't respond ;o;
Her reaction is to care about how Asriel must of felt using the power (and granted, in the tumblr version she doesn't know/understand the fact that Asriel was Flowey for a long time before being revived as Asriel. Though in the redraw she's going to learn earlier.) anyway she's like, oh, that must been tough on Asriel ): how lonely
but like??? now i realize she'd have permanent deja vu from all the reloads that weren't erased with a true reset. (which, in AFR universe, isn't even a guarantee) she's suffered from this ability, more so than anyone else as she's the only one to truly know all the kids who've come through the Ruins. (Asgore is also the only other guaranteed one, but uh, we already know his... baggage... with the reloads...)
anyway when she finds out, she's going to go "ok? insane but you have scientific evidence let me adjust to this wild new information" to "wait wait were those unstable years when the kids fell REAL? my kids actually DID kill me? HELLO?" and that's going to be. interesting to explore!
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i feel like it could even be an EARLY reveal! I feel like Hol specifically is going to want to apologize for what they did. And now that I have opportunity to explore how Asriel is going to explain the age-up is more than just "oh yeah i was a flower for a while" cause. Toriel KNOWS the amalgamate experiments are (vaguely) recent. She fired Dr.Alphys over it. She knows the details now. So Asriel's explanation of being a flower for years in secret makes no damn sense if they've grown to 16 years old when they died at 12.
So yeah, that's going to be something that'll be pushed to a boiling point in the next chapter(s). HOW exactly is she going to handle all this??? like obviously, she's not going to treat this the same if this were adults committing these horrible acts. they're children. Toriel will continue to love them and forgive them because it truly is not the same situation as it would be with, say, Asgore making the calcuatled decision to murder innocent people. like Hol thinking they're some adventurer badass and killing a monster is very much different from that. (and yeah Asgore is more complicated as it relates to war and the barrier and all that bla bla)
Anyway rambling aside i really really look forward to exploring this. cause like, frankly, toriel canonically has all that angsty bs that people put on sans (when he doesn't even remember reloads or gets killed except last minute in no mercy runs 🙄) like toriel had 6 human kids who canonically reloaded around her. give me THAT angst and exploration of that's consequences. I like getting the chance to explore more of Toriel's psychology, baggage and her journey to moving past that. i'm really sad we don't get to see how toriel improved as a mother and person in AFR but rather just that she did. now we get to!!! fuck yeah!
but yeah god what a horrifying, truly awful thing to experience. like on one hand, she must be relieved "oh so there's nothing actually wrong with my reality i don't have a life altering memory related mental illness (yet)" but also "oh so that was all real and i can never truly look at these kids without knowing they've done something truly, truly unforgivable to me. (but i will forgive them)"
AND NOW i'm thinking that toriel had to been told by flowey at some point what they've done to her too. in one of those reloads, flowey likely confessed to get a reaction from her. after the shock of it, she'd pretend it didn't bother her to forgive them. and that'd build up resentment because Flowey doesn't want to be forgiven, they want punishment and consequences and for it to have mattered.
just. AUGH. so many thoughts on this its killing me inside
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elvesofnoldor · 9 months
it makes me sad whenever i see Lestat suggested that Louis was a greater love than Nicki, when Nicki was actually the the truest of his loves. VC literally never had one (1) single wholesome romances, it was literally never a love story, except! of course a romance that occured between two characters when they were still living human. But Nobody could see this because everybody was busy not understanding why Nicki and Lestat's relationship fell apart and why Nicki was mentally ill/depressed.
Honestly it's partially Anne Rice's fault, she made Nicki talked like in abstracts in his break-up scene with Lestat. He was all "your light" and "darkness in my heart" and shit, he spoke like a depressed tolkien character so how is anybody supposed to know what he's talking about. Plus, because Lestat never knew why Nicki was miserable in the first place, he couldn't make the readers understand either. But all the clues are there, it's not hard to piece together the whole picture.
Nicki was the son of a wealthy merchant, despite not being born of aristocrat blood, he lived a life in luxury and was afford the best education. Hell, his family was rich enough that with his allowances Nicki could afford lessons with Mozart. the best of best musicians of his time. Fucking Mozart. He was educated to become a lawyer, a respected member of bourgeois class. Now, Nicki's racial coding is very vague, but he had curly hair and dark skin, which made me wonder if he had Romanian heritage, but that doesn't have to be the case. Either way, to belong with the higher society of French European bourgeois was probably considered a great privilege for Nicki. But then he decided to pursue a career as a violinist and ran away with Lestat to Paris and threw all of that out of the window to live in poverty with Lestat. Now, consider how scandalous what all of that would have looked to his rich Parisian friends and his family, he eloped with his lover (another man) to pursue a doomed career in the arts, can you imagine what sort of vile insults were being said behind his back and into his face? Lestat mentioned that Nicki's friends actually visited Nicki once, and they never even bothered to speak to Lestat. Do you ever wonder why they visited Nicki in the shitty apartment he shared with Lestat? Is it simply social calls? now, life in poverty wasn't that big of a deal with Lestat, since his failure of an aristocrat family wasted most of their family wealth away and they mostly just lived in a shitty broken castle, all title no wealth. Lestat already experienced much hardship in life from a very young age, and doing lowly manual labours to survive isn't that big of a drop in quality of life for him. Of course Lestat loved the luxuries that Bourgeois enjoyed: the frock coat, the pretty jewelries, but frankly he enjoyed those things the way um, a poor gay kid from 1980s dressing up for balls enjoyed jewelries and designer clothes. He was never part of bourgeois class nor had he ever wanted to be part of it, not the way Nicki aspired to actually belong in that society or cared much for high society's rules. Nicki told Lestat once that he enjoyed "sin", at that point in their conversation, they were talking about arts and theatre, so yes im sure "sin" was partially about Lestat's love for low brow arts. However, it was also quite obvious that he was actually talking about their relationship. And yeah honestly it's just Nicki's internalized homophobia talking. I don't think Lestat agreed, probably cause his mom always told him it's not a bad thing to be different and to be "an outsider", but Nicki probably did not have parental figures or friends in his life who taught him to believe in these things.
Yet Nicki was still very much in love with Lestat, Lestat made him very happy. I know what he said in a heat of passion and despair afterwards, but Nicki did not come to Paris cause he harboured some sort of nefarious intentions. He simply believed that being in love with another man was inherently sinful and bad, because you know, internalized homophobia. Being in love with Lestat made him happy, so he believed that the happiness he felt must also be bad and sinful. Basically he felt that being happy is a symptom of moral corruption, he only deserved to be miserable and live in guilt at all times. When Lestat could not understand his pain, it made him feel even more alone and miserable. Yet despite all of that, when Lestat could not understand his perspective, he retracted to himself because he did not want to burden Lestat with his misery. Lestat was with him, and to Nicki, surely he could ignore his own pain a little longer, a little better because of it! Except that of course Lestat would leave him very soon. Lestat soon confided in him that someone was stalking him, and shortly after Lestat went missing and has gone AWOL for months! months! Lestat was told that Nicki was worried sick, and i think in fear and in paranoia and grief, Nicki started to suspect the very worst and most bizzare. Months and months of horrible grief only for Lestat to gift he and their friends a luxurious apartment and their theatre. Nicki felt abandoned, he felt insulted that Lestat thinks material wealth is more important to him than his company. Lestat was the only thing that made life bearable for Nicki, and it broke Nicki's heart that Lestat thought he could have a life without him. So when Lestat came back to him dead and wrong, all Nicki's love in his heart turned into hate, and he lashed out at Lestat. Lestat has made him feel so miserable and alone, so he intended to hurt Lestat back. In fact, at that point his grief and paranoia probably led him to convince himself that Lestat either never loved him or didn't love him anymore. Again, Nicki thought that one person who made life feel like worth living, that one person that gave his life any meaning at all, just didn't want him anymore.
Lestat spent 60 years in a painful relationship with Louis but he had so little self-love that he considered 60 years of pain better than 6 months of bliss. All because what? Nicki coped with being dead and the existential despair that it caused in a very diabolical and theatrical way and Louis coped with being dead by being a spiteful little bitch pretending to be more human than Lestat like it's a competition? idk man at least Nicki actually loved Lestat.
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mamahoggs · 2 years
hey, i kinda fell in love with your oc's, can you tell me more about kassandros and pauline??
djkfskjdfjsd im so glad you like them omg.... to be honest there's not much more to say about them other than what was in their intro posts as they're both still kinda new lol and i tend to develop my ocs over long periods of time with a lot of back and forth BUT i will provide thee with some vague musings i've come up with
although he certainly doesn't act like it, kassandros is actually one of the oldest vampires currently active-- he was born in athens during the 5th century bce and while he doesn't know exactly who sired him, it's widely suspected he was made by a woman only known as the original, or the first vampire in ancient history. in his mortal life, he was born a poor weaver's son but became revered for his beauty and made a name for himself as a model and muse, so much so that he'll happily point out at every. fucking. museum which pieces he's technically in.
as a person, he is deeply vain and equally oblivious, he needs to be the center of attention and will cause problems on purpose if he's not. he'll drink your victims, he'll leave bodies on the lawn, and if he gets blood all over your prized persian rug? no he didn't and you can't prove he did. every clan he's stayed with hates him and doesn't want him back, so he's mostly taken to living on his own, but he's convinced himself its a personal choice and not because he's intolerable.
although the age of renaissance painters and poets is mostly gone, he's found a new outlet for feeding off the attention of creatives and creative strangers: becoming an internet micro-celebrity. as far as anyone's concerned, the whole vampire thing is just a silly gimmick.
kassie's wiped out every vampire slayer that's come after him, so much so that the greater slayer community considers him untouchable... a sort of trophy kill no one's been brazen enough to go after. until now.
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
pauline really only stumbled on the slayer life by accident. before she was staking the undead, she spent her days taking on way more college classes than a normal person should and being the hot goth cashier at a local supermarket. the burn across her face? cooking oil accident-- she's not the best chef.
having come from a long line of successful accountants and hardware store owners, pauline's more rebellious nature meant she had little interest in the mundane life of someone who tells you which wrench to buy for what, or how to manage your savings-- she wanted meaning, she wanted purpose, and she found that in art. after graduating high school, she went off to art school with the intent to study art history on the side but didn't make it far before her actual destiny found her.
although vampire killing was something she didn't think would become her whole life, after she accidentally killed one when he tried to follow her home (it's not her fault he fell onto a picket fence and turned to dust), they just kept popping up around her. what started as a nuisance quickly became some kind of... calling. she thinks, anyway.
the hunter community is small, and she made her way up the ladder fast, becoming something of a mercenary for those with a genuine bloodsucker problem. now, she's the best of the best, a modern day van helsing.
as a person, pauline is actually deeply introverted and more than a little awkward-- she has a handful of fronts she puts on, little masks she's invented to get through the day (and night). being an infamous slayer helps take the edge off, but when she's not in her safe little cocoon of weirdos, that bravado crumbles. if her social avoidance comes across as mysterious, in her mind, that's better than people knowing its really just because other human beings terrify her. luckily, this works in her favor-- after all, it's hard to make connections when not everyone understands the intricacies of hunting the undead.
pauline started hunting kassandros not because she felt she had anything to prove, but rather it felt like something she was supposed to do, another piece in this weird destiny thing she's gotten herself wrapped up in. that and, if she has to see one more damn fancam of him, she's going to throw up.
if only he wasn't so damn slippery.
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myrfing · 2 years
Yeah! In the end WoLs are very personal to the players so I try to remember and not to be too judgey about it! And yeah there are some WoLs I really love as well! And my own was originally just a vague self insert with the name of an old OC and then they took a life of their own so I renamed them .. xD
Regarding wishing there was more freedom in choices in 14: I think that as an MMO there are just some limitations people just have to accept. The msq is linear for sure though I don't know if that's just because 1) it's Final Fantasy first and foremost, 2) it's a jrpg first and foremost (different game design philosophy between JP and US?) You certainly can't have multiple outcomes, I think, especially not with 14's infamous spaghetti coding. And the team already have so many tasks... (reason why I'm just rolling with the gender unlocking of certain glams being slow)
Though, I've never played an MMO prior to this, and most western RPGs don't interest me. So my lack of frame of reference is probably another reason why I can't really fathom choice freedom similar to, say, Dragon Age, in an MMO in general, esp not one as linear as 14 ... poyo.
(I could do with more fiddling around with GW2 tho, I do enjoy it whenever I boot it up for fun)
HAHAHA YOU AND I BOTH if it's. not obvious that "gourd appraiser" wasnt meant to be. well. youre so right suddenly theyre alive what can we do but give them the reins.
and for sure. I'm really mostly okay with xiv's linearity and rigidity; I think they wanted to tell a certain story and told it. I actually dunno if that's a western/eastern design philosophy and don't think choice/branching narratives is necessarily not a jrpg element but the concept of it with games like for sure DA or UT or even older text rpgs whatever have really popularized it here yeah. in xiv theres obviously some parts where im like He would naht do/say that. or some parts I wish weren't in the msq at all. but for the most part I'm glad things turned out the way they did and I've never struggled too hard to work with it. i think it'd sit wrong with me if the story went another way, if the wol like, just said I don't owe anyone anything and everyone shouldnt ask a thing of me and ran forever.
but that's mostly because I fell hook line and sinker for the world so when anyone in the story is like do you want to keep going and keep this world alive I'm like of fucking course AND it's going to be fun you don't even need to ASK bro. while for others I do understand the sort of disappointment that comes with thinking this could have gone another way that they would have liked better, but the devs chose this way, so they feel like they were robbed of that different outcome. and to me they chose this one because they wanted to tell a story about caring about others and finding hope in others and struggling together towards a better future in a world that is largely hostile to that, that constantly gravitates towards its doom, and I really like that. I like how it reflects in their own dev experience having to reboot the game too! but some people feels like it rings hollow, or they don't really care for that sort of thing, or this spirit just doesnt reach them, and well...wat can you do.
and you're definitely right in that mmos simply cant handle diversity of choice in a game meant to support..well..massively multiplayer online play. at most you get factions which are notoriously clunky and seem to only function in games without a strong central narrative. if 50% of the playerbase said fuck off to minfilia, fuck off hydaelyn, you can't tell me what to do, and went to live a low-stakes life then. that's 50% of the playerbase that needs something other than all the dungeons, trials, deliveries, sidequests, raids, pretty much fucking everything to do, that aren't gonna be a part of the roulette. and they wouldn't have been able to pull off the concept of azem's magic either, the weird living idea that as players of the same character you all walk the same path and thus are always at each other's side. or the funnier route would be well everyone who wanted to play gets the kino ass "shepherd to the stars in the dark" shit and everyone who didnt to play can just sit on their hands I guess.
but i dont think people actually expect it to have branching paths, they just wanted the devs to choose a different one. but there's so many good and fun things throughout the entirety of the game that it'd honestly feel pretty lonely to lose all of this over a nebulous refusal to owe anyone anything and be owed anything, because the wol does go through some painful stuff and has some high expectations placed on them...AS IFFFF everyone in the story doesnt suffer and struggle against the same things while the wol has the privilege of controlling more of their luck, AS IFFFFFFFFFF choosing a path where you say fuck everyone else wouldn't have been empty and boring. as if the antagonists that apparently care about us more don't have wishes and goals and duties and lives of their own and are only made to love you in some made up but easier, purer, assured way.
and oh hee hee gw2...I saw a golden chicken in that game and logged off forever I was like this is it. but I'm playing gw1 (slowly) with friends and while it's still campaigns it definitely does excel in that look at this big ass world go do what you want thing. and yeah mmos are fucking...expensive and terribly difficult to make and keep alive. there's a reason they're just dying out
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WOW 😭 im starting to wish YOU wrote the “as old as time” book since thats the only “official” world building disney gave us and it was … bad 😭
ok ok so everything made sense but i still got some questions .. im so sorry 😭
so before i ask about time, how old do you think adam was before the curse? i see in the remake the change from “if he could learn to love before his 21st bday” to “if he could learn to love before the LAST PETAL FELL” so now im like how much time was that really ?? i mean obviously ur right on the whole time freezing if they felt like removing a key plot point of it all happening before adams 21st and the whole eternal winter fiasco, so whatever adams age was before the curse was the same after?? So im asking a follow up bc im still a bit confused if you’re saying the gap between the WHOLE curse is january to june? am i getting this right lmk 😭 i seriously think someday you should write a timeline on ur beauty and the beast world bc i am loving this theory sm?? literally everywhere else is yapping about it being 10 years (some are saying the curse was 21 years!!) and the enchantress being belles mom for some reason??? literally so silly 🗣️ anyway idk man ur ideas r just refreshing for this fandom ngl 😭 anyway thxs for answering my questions dude <33
AAHH i’m smiling SO WIDE!!! i love this so much !!! yeah yeah yeah
okay SO! yes, because batb 2017 changed the parameters of the curse, it’s up to us to decide his age! i actually decided a while ago that i would make him 21. this was mainly to honor batb 1991, but i also like that he was young. and you didn’t ask this, but i headcanon belle is 20. they’re a couple of youngin’s!! belle turned 20 in may, the movie takes place in june, and adam will turn 22 in august. SO yes he was 21 when he was cursed, and just 21 the whole time. that’s just my timeline for ya. i think belle is surprised to learn how close in age they are, when adam inevitably reveals his age to her when they’re courting. i think adam has Always been old for his age. (caused by childhood trauma and also just his personality) and i’m sure being cursed sort of “aged” him a bit too. something i love about them is that while belle is mature for her age as well, she is also able to bring out the child in him. he laughs with her, they play with and tease each other. they’re best friends, always. so he IS young, but he’s never really matched his actual age. life’s been difficult for him, despite the royal status :(
as for the timeframe of the curse, yeah that works!! i’m not too fussy about how many months exactly it has been, but i think six months is a solid number, and a storm in january makes just as much sense as anything. some day, when i’m feeling extra insane, i want to develop my own formula for how time compares in and out of the curse. like one real day equals one curse week, or something like that. i’ll do that some day lol. but for now i’m just vague about it. they were under the curse for MONTHS (six works nicely) and it FELT like a couple/few YEARS. belle was at the castle for five days (according to gaston), so how long did it FEEL like she was there? i think her and adam spent weeks, maybe months, falling in love. once she spent the night there, i think she fell into their frozen timeline as well. (maurice doesn’t experience it because he doesn’t sleep there!) which is kind of cool!! i love writing extra scenes that happen during the curse, because in my view, a lot more time passes in that period. which is evident (to me) in the nature of their rapport and dynamic. they don’t seem like two people who have only known each other for 5 days, do they? :”)
as to your lamentations, i can only sympathize. while i do love and respect batb 1991, it really has some frustrating plotholes for people who like digging into lore & canon. and i hate to start up comparisons, but i’ll just say i’m quite thankful for everything batb 2017 does to button up those issues. the ten years thing is rough, because that IS was 91 lumiere says! i’d have a hard time refuting that, myself. as you may have noticed, i’m quite the canon girlie lmao. i think lumiere was just being dramatic and hyperbolic, which lends to 17 lumiere singing “too long” instead of “ten years” — which i am so thankful for. the 21 years is… ludicrous? i have no idea how people could get there. maybe they think adam was cursed from birth ??? ugh. don’t get me started on people who forget that he was born a human being, AND DESERVES TO BE A HUMAN BEING AFTER THE CURSE IS LIFTED. i’ll blow a fuse. anyway!!
the enchantress being belle’s mother theory is i BELIEVE from a book that’s like batb but with a twist? i think there’s a whole series of books that are disney movies with wild twists. and for the batb one, it’s that her mother was the enchantress. i’m not ever going to read that, because it’s ridiculous, and canon is my beloved best friend that doesn’t need changing. but yeah i think that’s where that comes from. whateva. i have lots of lovely lore about belle’s beloved mama already💜
thank you again for your kindness and appreciation of my thoughts!!!! i can’t express enough how much it means to me. thank you a million times💖
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I hope your doing okay💕
Why dont we shift your focus. It helps me when I get overwhelmed.
So I had this realization a while ago about Danny being OP as heck.
If you stick to the typical "oh no I fell through a portal" crossover take.
How angsty do you think other heroes would be when they realize Danny is pretty much his worlds only hero.
And he doesn't just protect the living. He protects the dead too.
He is solely responsible for two dimensions.
That's a lot.
And he's had zero training and almost no help.
And he's one of the few of his kind.
You can do DC or marvel with this take. Im not picky💕
thank you for sending me this when I was having a rough time that was very thoughtful of you 💖 I have actually been really excited to answer it! (I've just been surprisingly busy/mentally exhausted and had to go through some older asks first)
but yeah this is one of my favourite concepts that like 90% of my maladaptive daydreams love to chew on
because hot diggity damn when you compare him to other media, there are entire superhero organisations or societies built around superheroes where they have mentors and training and backup
Danny gets none of that
he has some human friends, a potential mentor who comes with a steep and patricidal price tag, a bunch of incompetent ghost hunters who also hunt him, one actually pretty competent ghost hunter that not only also hunts him, but does so with a personal vengeance, and the god of time who is only about as vaguely helpful as most omniscient characters ever are
and yeah he not only does he have to protect humans from ghosts, but also has to protect them from the humans who once tried to actually destroy their entire dimension???
bruh he has fought minor gods, a whole ass government agency, his own parents, and he's 14 years old, I couldn't even order a fucking burger at McDonalds at that age without being paralysed with anxiety, imagine having the life of the world on your shoulders?
throw him into the Marvel, DC or MHA universes and they would be fucking horrified
I ACHE for fanfiction that gives me this content, and I find so little of it, like the concept is definitely hanging around a few fics but I just haven't found a fic that really puts the weight behind it, that stomach dropping moment of realisation when an adult looks at this child and realises what he's been through, how it's unlike anything they're own students or protégés have ever been through before because they've always had someone to turn to, they've always had backup
this kid is his world's first line of defence, and the last
he has to fight with the knowledge that whatever gets past him will not be stopped
there's no All Might, there's no Superman, there's no Avengers, there's just a 14 year old kid who has no idea what he's doing
that's it
and you know what makes it so much worse?
is that if Danny is flung via portal shenanigans into one of these universes, he gets to see what he could have had, he gets to feel what it's like to share the burden, to have someone support you and help you
but Danny can't stay there, he has to get home
and then you have these superheroes, who see this child who they so desperately want to keep and protect, but he needs to go home, they have to send him back to that world where he's alone again, where he has no one to help him, where he's living a life absolutely none of them would ever let the children in their own care suffer
fucking. ouch
and then there's Danny, being the recipient of all this pity, and loathing it, yes he wishes he could have lived in this world, he wishes he could have had help, but he didn't, he's not just a child anymore, he's a god damn seasoned warrior
so when they talk to him in pitying tones and try to tell him that at least while he's in their dimension he doesn't have to worry about everything, they can look after him, they can train him, they can make sure he's safe, he feels completely condescended, infantilised
nothing these heroes can do will ever change what he's already had to go through, and by this point in his development, they probably couldn't help him anyway, he's already stronger than most of them
he defeated the King of the Dead in single combat, to insinuate that some basic ass villain heist is Too Dangerous for Children, is a fucking insult
and why should he even trust them? since when has an adult ever not let him down? there were a few old ghosts he trusted but most of those ghosts wore their motivations on their sleeves, humans were a whole different beast, a lot better at hiding their ulterior motives
and besides, even if he did trust them, it's not like he can take all these promises back home with him, letting himself get used to other people fighting battles, growing attached to mentors who will always have his back, it would only make it hurt more when he was home again, back to how it always was
as his world's first, last, and only line of defence
I could probably go on but I'm nodding off and the words are swimming so I should probably end here before I fall asleep and accidentally exit out or something ✨
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choptop-sawyer · 3 years
Hi again 😎💫 im here to dig at ur brain again bcs i. M. Aaa sorry i just love ur stuff but. I have this kinda rly specific storyline type hc area and I'd love to hear any hcs you might get from it if its at all jr thing. But um I keep sometimes thinking back to the idea of kinda, vaguely growing up in the same area as the Sawyers, being childhood friends (and being stupid 2gether, running arount the countryside, ditching school & playing in corn fields) -
But then having to leave in your late teens to school / whatever (I mean 😎 my sappy ass also thinks abt mutual pining w Bobby but you know...... nearly unrelated.......)
Then, later on (Bobbys now Chop Top, Nubbins is..... dead I guess but also >:( maybe not, the family is up to being a mess etc) returning to town to take a break from work or whatever. N meeting up w the family again, i mean, oblivious to the bullshit they get up to but.... yk
This is a bit rambly i should probs have waited to sleep but I can't get the thought of returning to the Sawyer door wearing Bobbys tie dye sweatshirt that hr borrowed u years ago and all the impact of being a former family member bc u were also kind of an outsider or whatever but also the drama of leaving so uwu sksjd
This got so long. All i wanted to ask is: sawyer family headcanons for a childhood friend returning to town after being away for years. Rip.
THANK YOU FOR SENDING THIS god I love the image too of just standing in the doorway,, you're not home, you've changed a little bit, but you still fit into some of the old aspects you know so well they fit you and cover you.
Actually this is great because that fic that I swear exists has pretty much the same premise but!!! I can make this one less tragic than that one. 😎
(This is mostly Chop Top n you centric please don't mind)
Also this timeline is all fucky. I think that as soon as Chop came home from Vietnam the Sawyers had basically uprooted themselves and were living in North Texas because of the... Hardesty incident. But like can we pretend that that never happened they r still there in Newt? Just for this. (Hope you like it!)
Chop Top's Childhood Friend Returns
You don't think you would have turned out the way you did without the Sawyers.
They were the main element of your childhood, a mystery that you had to be a part of. A mystery, because they were closed off. Mistrustful. The sickness of small towns carried to the extreme, because they were mostly alone. The loneliness made them more miserable, the misery made them more isolated. A cycle, a legacy.
So it was a a miracle that you were even allowed to be apart of some of it, but you attribute that miracle to Bobby.
He seemed to think you were as much of mystery as what you thought the Sawyers were. Two kids looking through a small window into another world. But he liked that. He liked that you were something different, something new. From beyond that small world of loneliness that lived in the house.
You learned quickly that he had a desire for anything beyond that world. So he'd invite you out with him, when you were kids, to run free in the tall grass, when you got older, to drive with him to places unknown. He had a knack for finding these odd places, and he always brought you along with the music cranked up loud on the radio.
Bobby told you many times that he wanted to see the world. He had this lust for life that went beyond the restlessness of the young. He also said that he wanted to bring you along with him when he saw the world. You didn't ever mention how that always made your heart skip a beat when he said that.
Maybe you should have. But the past is the past and you can't change that.
You knew the other Sawyers too, but Bobby tended to avoid them sometimes. But occasionally, you got to hang out with them.
Nubbins was an enigma. You didn't think Nubbins was his real name. But that's the only one you heard from him, but the name situation was the least confusing thing. He was the most open person you knew. And yet you couldn't understand him, and decided at some point that you wouldn't ever. But he was fun. His energy was infectious, if he was filled with joy, you couldn't help but laugh with him too. That was Nubbins, so absent of any purposeful deceit that he was almost a mirror, you saw yourself around him, sometimes it was uncomfortable, but other times it was fun.
Bubba was the opposite. He seemed to be legitimately wary of you. Bobby once told you that Bubba didn't like to leave the house, ever. He stayed and did the chores. You wondered if he minded, being stuck with all the chores but Bobby said he didn't. It was comforting for him. Always having something set to do. You only saw him once. Nubbins had made him tag along when he needed him to hang some things from a tree. Bones from indeterminate animals, a clock with a nail through it. You don't think Nubbins actually needed Bubba to reach the branches (he climbed pretty well) but he just wanted his little brother to see his work. Bubba didn't make eye contact with you the entire time. He was wholly focused on his task of helping Nubbins. But he was gentle when he helped his brother, careful, and for that you liked him.
Drayton was... well. He was the one Bobby argued with the most. He was his brother, but with how much age between the two, it was almost hard to believe sometimes. Drayton was the one that everybody in Newt knew the most. People liked him well enough, but they said he was odd behind his back. He knew that. You don't think he trusted anything outside the insular world he and his family had existed in for years, and was at odds with Bobby because he didn't get why Bobby wanted anything to do with the world outside.
Oftentimes you would see Bobby after he and Drayton got into it. He'd be fuming, but he'd smile when he saw you. You'd leave with him whenever he came to you. These adventures were the most fun you had when you were there.
The other times you'd go off were when he'd convince you to skip school. Bobby never went himself. He didn't get the idea of all those kids sitting in classrooms for hours, doing nothing but writing and listening. Why do that when you can find things out for yourself? Get into some trouble? In his mind, he was saving you from a very boring thing.
You two knew the area around Newt well. The fields and the flat expanses were the best kind of playground. Your dreams were still set in them. A kind of sunshine filled melancholy.
Bobby told you things in the grass. His dreams yes, but his own thoughts. On music, on late night radio, on movies, on you. He perhaps thought of you as wonderful as voices on the radio, stars on the screen. He never told you that though. But your name was never far from his mouth when Bobby talked about the things he loved.
You and him loved each other as much as two kids who didn't know how to could. He was always on your mind now, with not much tangible objects to remember him with. A photograph taken by Nubbins, your faces blurred because you were laughing. A button, the pin on the back bent. A sweatshirt, which he tie dyed himself, and gave to you one night. The colors were faded. You never did get to return it.
The years away did nothing to lessen thoughts of him. No, they just blurred all together now, and the stream of the sunshine filled melancholy was almost endless. You needed a break. There was only one place you could think of that could help you with that.
So you came back. All things led back to this place eventually. Newt was dying, or dead. Didn't you see somewhere that when a ship went down, it took everything with it? You didn't want to stay for long. But you had to see all of them, you had to know that they were all not these strange figures you had dreamt up.
You went right to the house. You'd never actually been allowed inside, Bobby just always said something along the lines of 'Grandma and Grandpa are napping upstairs' or 'there's a mess' (never mind that he could care less usually about messes.) But you figured he had had a good reason. Maybe he was embarrassed.
When you knocked on the door, your heart was pounding. And that was all. Nothing happened, no indication that anyone was there. You waited, the sweatshirt was too hot but you didn't want to take it off.
Maybe you should come back another time. You were just about to turn around and leave when the door burst open, almost whacking you in the face. And there (you couldn't believe your eyes you couldn't this was a dream) he was.
Bobby had a hammer raised over his head, grinning, he was poised to swing it down, but then he saw you and he felt as if he was in a dream too.
It's been so long. He thought he made you up, a dream to carry him through misery, and you looked the part, even as you stood before him on the doorway. The light of the setting sun shone behind you, heat waves shimmered in the dusk, and you... you.
Facing each other, you stood, just staring. Over head the sky grew colorful, in the fields the grass whispered in the wind. Nothing had changed. Everything had changed. Bobby dropped the hammer and grabbed for your face, and he held it, fingers digging in so tight it hurt.
"H-hey you." He said, and fell to his knees, releasing your face. You numbly touched the marks his fingers left. Bobby still looked like a man who had seen a ghost.
You called his name, and his eyes looked lost, like he hadn't heard it in a long time. He looked up at you, and you could really get a good look at him. His face was leaner, he looked sickly and wiry, but his eyes were just as you remembered. You sank down to the porch to sit with him.
"Fuck... FUCK I didn't... I- I thought ya'd forgotten all about me... uh.. uhm. Fuck! I mean, r-really! Turnin' up out of the blue like you're some kinda... ghost or whatever... WHOA man... like, ya here to return m-my, my sweatshirt? You're wearin' it, you can keep it! You look better in it anyway... heh, fuck." He rambled on and on, hands tensing and twitching as if they were moving to touch you again, just to reaffirm your existence. Did he know how glad you were to see him? Did he know that you hadn't felt right for the longest time being away?
You forgot all about the sweatshirt, the hammer he had raised with a sadistic grin. You reached out and held one of his twitching hands, and he stilled and stopped talking. There was a peace now.
It didn't seem possible for your heart to feel this full. But it was. And by god, if this wasn't the best decision you made in your life to visit your old hometown, if only just for this moment.
Bobby stood, with your hand still in his, pulling you up. He smiled at you, and you knew you still loved him, and in your deepest heart, you knew he loved you too.
But this time around, maybe you and him could love each other right.
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diavolosthots · 3 years
Hey, I'm here again requesting the continuation for yandere!Belphegor, in which the reader almost scapes from him, but is caught by him in the very last second, like in those very dramatic movies?
Im so sorry it took literally forever for this. I aint gonna lie when you requested that second part and even messaged me about it before, I STILL forgot and now this has been in my ask box for ages, too.
Anyway this is a DIRECT continuation of "Can't You See" so i suggest you read that first.
Warning: mentions of non-con/r*pe, kidnapping, manipulation, yandere
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He kept you there for what felt like forever. The dark, cold look of the shed brought you little to no comfort. Where even were you? You vaguely remembered being dragged down the Devildom streets into this… abandoned structure. Had he planned this out? You used to ask him these questions, and he would always laugh at you. “I’ve had you for a lot longer than you realize, (Y/N).” Is what he would always say. The way he said it would keep you up at night, unable to sleep, not that you could even if you wanted to. He’d whisper constant reminders in your ear about how he is the one keeping you alive and around, he is the one caring for you, and he is the only one you could rely on. Belphegor tried, as much as he could, to be with you, but he can’t be too suspicious. Yet, when he did leave, you still couldn’t let out a sigh of relief. He tied you to the old, rotting couch on most days and you’d lay there in an uncomfortable position for hours until he decided to return. You didn’t know what was worse, seeing his face all the time, feeling his hot breath on your skin as he simultaneously mocked and comforted you, or being alone in an unfamiliar location, never fully certain that not some random demon would drop by and have their way with you too. 
Belphegor forced himself on you a lot. He’d satisfy his needs, exclaiming love and passion for you, but you knew better. Every once in a while, when he deemed you well behaved, he would drag an orgasm or two out of you as well, and yet, you hated the feeling. Something that is supposed to be pleasurable and exciting only brought you tears and hate toward yourself. How could your body betray you like this? You never once thought that Belphegor learned from you, although he was using all your techniques. Punishment from him was the worst, in your opinion. He’d give you scraps instead of a real meal, barely any water, or sometimes he would play a prank on you. But the worst was when he just left. No words. No disgusted look toward you. Nothing. Just silence and then you’d watch as his silhouette disappeared into the dark of the Devildom, leaving you to yourself with your thoughts. 
That’s also where he made a mistake, though. You see, being alone used to make you cry. You used to beg for him to stay because being alone was worse than being with him, in a way, but that was before you figured out how to undo the rope. Somehow, someway, after a lot of pulling and tugging, you found a way to slip one of your hands out and after that, everything else was easy. You only needed one hand to untie the other one, but there was one problem: You didn’t know what time of day it was. For the past few months, you tried to remember when Belphegor came back but your internal clock was off and you just didn’t know. The room was mostly dark and even when Belphegor opened the door to come in, you couldn’t see anything outside. You even begged him one, “Belphie please… I don’t like the dark….” but he would gently mock you and cradle you up in his arms, “awe… poor baby…. I’ll keep you safe.” Running out would be a risk and you actually didn’t leave the first time you got the ropes untied, instead pushing your hands back in. You needed to at least try to figure out when he comes and goes, and thus you started to count, in intervals of 100, and if he didn’t come back by 500, well, that’s when you knew he would be gone for at least 100 more. Or at least, that’s what you told yourself. You did this for a couple of days to see if you were correct, and on the 3rd day, when he still didn’t come back, you took that opportunity, and you ran. 
You ran out into the streets, carefully checking behind you and making note of every noise you heard. It’s been weeks, at least, since Belphegor dragged you down these streets and you couldn’t remember the way back to the House of Lamentation, “Lucifer…. I need to find Lucifer….” but you couldn’t. No way. The risk of getting lost, or caught, on your way back to the house was too big and what if Belphie was at the house? “No… he’s surely there…” So you took the back alleys, trying to sneak your way to the castle instead. All of this would have been easier with a phone but Belphie took yours and destroyed it right in front of you, which still makes you mad, but it’s whatever. “Maybe they have a payphone…?” If they do, it would be downtown and you don’t know if you can risk that. 
“I have to…” You ran around for a while, out into the main street where you saw a bunch of demons. There were street lights and you’re not quite sure if this is a smart idea on your part, but you needed to try and call Lucifer, or Diavolo, or literally anyone responsible and sane enough to safe you. “Here goes nothing…” You took a deep breath and then started walking, hoping the shredded clothes and tousled hair wouldn’t let you stand out too much. You tried to stick between bigger groups of demons, getting weird looks, but you didn’t care. “The payphone….” there was one ahead, you can see it, and a small sliver of hope rushed through you as you tried to remember Lucifer’s number. “Hey! Watch where you’re going!” You didn’t notice but you ran into some demon and he didn’t appreciate it, glaring down at you, “I-I’m sorry…!” And quickly ran off. He didn’t look very friendly and if you were to die today, it surely would’ve been by his hands, “scary…”“I know.” You paused, a cold shiver running down your back. That voice…. “Belphegor…”
He didn’t sound happy, either, but you didn’t dare turn around, keeping your eyes on the payphone ahead. Quick. Run. That’s what you thought, and that’s what you did. You ran ahead, pushing through more people and mumbling more sorrys while a deep growl erupted from behind you, “a few more steps….” You could get there and then lock yourself in. You could, you really could. “Oh no!” But you really couldn’t. Belphegor’s tail pushed out and wrapped around your neck, tripping you and you fell face first on the ground. Before you knew it, he was on top of you too, growling right next to your ear, “I know you didn’t think of running away, (Y/N).” Fear rushed through you and hopelessness, too. You were so close. Even now, you could still see the payphone; it was right there! Tears started forming in the corners of your eyes and you heard Belphegor’s familiar chuckle, “awe.. Are you sad it didn’t work?” You nodded slowly, wishing the earth would just swallow you up. 
He laughed louder, pushing your face hard against the ground before leaning in to whisper, “you’ll never escape me, (Y/N).... You didn’t think I didn’t see what you were doing, did you? Undoing the ropes… calculating how long I’ll be gone…” No… how could he know? He wasn’t there… How? He could sense your questions and he hummed softly as if he was thinking about them. His tail slithered up your leg before moving around to caress over your face, all while his hand patted through your hair roughly, mockingly, almost as if he was praising his pet. “You see… the good thing about the Devildom is that it’s always dark, and don’t you know…..
Monsters hide in the dark.” 
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Imagine being Tenzin's eldest daughter and dating Bolin which Tenzin isn't very pleased with. So Tenzin makes it his mission to keep you and Bolin apart which just means the two of you find sneakier ways to be together.
Part Two here
Tenzin got back to his house and for once it was quiet, confused where the small army he shared his house with was he approached his second eldest daughter Jinora. "Where's korra?" Tenzin asked. "With Asami". "And Ikki and Meelo?". "With uncle Boomi". “And your mother?”. “Out with Aunt Kya”. Tenzin smiled everyone was taken care of and he could finally relax. "And y/n and Bolin?" Tenzin asked relaxing into his chair. "They'e in y/n's room" Jinora shrugged and Tenzin jumped up "with the door closed? Y/n" he bellowed pushing the door open with air bending. "Okay okay im sorry" he heard you yell and Tenzin sighed having your boyfriend stay here was making him age faster.
You and Bolin were in your room relaxing on the bed preparing to watch a movie. For once you didn’t have to babysit your younger siblings or train so had rushed off for some privacy with Bolin and your dad almost kicked the door down. Your dad was insanely worried about leaving you and Bolin alone despite the fact you were dating and Bolin was the sweetest guy in the world. Bolin had been trying to show you the mover he was in for week but you never had a spare moment where you could be alone with him. So when your dad had gone out and left you and Bolin with no task it seemed like the perfect time. You were determined your dad wouldn’t stop another one of your dates but of course he managed to. When your door flew open you sighed and called back you’d leave it open as per your dad’s many rules about you and Bolin. You looked to Bolin worried this would ruin the date but Bolin didn’t seem to mind. The movie started and you moved closer to Bolin to lean against him and he accomodated you hugging you against him. You and Bolin were just getting into the movie, despite the noise your family was making throughout the house when your father knocked on the open door and walked in. "Y/n its getting late, i think you and Bolin should get ready to go to sleep soon so he should go do that in his room soon". You nodded at your dad in reply so engrossed in the film you didn’t realise he hadn’t left. Tenzin coughed and you both looked up to see he didn't look impressed. "Ow you mean now?" Bolin asked and Tenzin nodded "well yes i think that'd be best". You blushed as Tenzin stood waiting glaring at Bolin. Bolin jumped up obediently while you pouted annoyed. Bolin paused the film and gathered his things and smiled "we can finish the movie tomorrow". You nodded "i suppose" and Bolin went to step towards you when Tenzin actually growled. A literal noise escaped his throat at Bolin daring to step closer to you. You sighed but Bolin just smirked and left shooting you a smile. Tenzin watched him go staring into his back and then turned to your door and fixed two bells around the door handle. "Dad!" You cried "what is that?". "Nothing just a decoration...". "You're doing it so you’ll know if i leave my room! Do you not trust me?". "I trust you y/n but i do not trust teenage boys! And i have to do my duty as your father! Having your boyfriend under the same roof..i have to take precautions". "But you didn't do this for Mako and Korra!". "Yes well Korra is older than you and Mako is more responsible than Bolin". You groaned and Tenzin coughed "you weren’t going to break the rules so this shouldn’t be an issue for you". You rolled your eyes "fine whatever...can i go to sleep now?". Tenzin nodded "i am only doing it because i love you y/n, if you have children you’ll understand". You huffed and Tenzin frowned "well goodnight y/n". "Goodnight dad" you said exasperatedly as the door closed but you didn’t plan on sleeping. Your dad hadn’t put bells on your window so as soon as you heard him go to bed you got ready. You gathered what you needed and climbed out of your window before airbending onto the roof. You carefully climbed across the roof to Bolin’s room and landed outside his window. You knocked on Bolin’s window film projector in hand and saw the curtains swing aside as Bolin realised it was you. "Y/n" Bolin grinned hanging out of his window "what are you doing here?". "Well we didn't get to finish the movie because of my dad so i figured we could now without him knowing?". Bolin hesitated for two seconds before grinning "yes come on it!". It had only been lightly raining but Bolin still wrapped a blanket around you before bringing you back to your prefered spot on the bed. He bustled around getting the movie ready and the secret snacks Tenzin didnt know about before jumping down next to you.
The film finished and Bolin looked at you anxiously "so what did you think...i wasn't sure if it was too far fetched and could you tell i couldn’t do my stunts properly and i didn’t look that great in that scene with the royal guards...". "Bolin" you said grabbing his shoulders "it was great! You were great in it, your stunts were amazing, your acting was really good and you looked well..." you trailed off blushing "basically it was amazing and i really enjoyed it!". "Really?" Bolin asked and you nodded. Bolin seized you in a hug and it made you blush he valued your opinion so much. "Im so glad you like it" he smiled putting you back down "your opinion means a lot to me" he blushed and you smiled. "Yours too Bolin" you told him "you're one of the most important people to me". Bolin's blush grew and he looked down his eyes slightly glazed. Bolin smiled and took your hand "you're pretty important to me too y/n" and kissed you softly. Bolin was always so caring and affectionate he just always made you feel loved and safe. He never pressured or rushed you, he was the best man you'd ever met. You broke away blushing and smiled at him before sighing "i should probably go". Bolin frowned "are you sure i mean it's not even that late...plus it's raining really heavily outside you could get a cold or get blown off the roof! Or lost". "Lost? My rooms practically across from yours!" you smirked but Bolin shrugged "i still don’t think you should risk it". You smirked "so what i stay here until the rain stops...that could be all night". Bolin shrugged "i just think it’d be safer it probably won’t be all night" he argued but his tone told you he hoped it would be. You smirked and nodded "fine..i guess i can stay for a bit longer and see if it stops". Bolin grinned "that's a very good decision y/n i must say". "Stop it" you pushed him before blushing as he grabbed your hand. You smiled and leant into him "i might nap while im here for a bit, if that's okay?". Bolin nodded "of course" and gathered even more blankets to keep you warm. You smiled getting into the blankets and Bolin got in beside you. With a bolt of lightning the rain came down ever harder. You noticed and Bolin pretended to look away. "i didn’t do anything!" he said when he felt you looking at him. "Mh hmmm?" You asked laying beside him but you were smiling. "Promise" Bolin smiled putting an arm around you. Bolin was so broad you fitted against him easily and curled up against his side. Bolin wrapped his large arm around you and you felt do safe and warm with the rain pounding against the window. "Goodnight y/n" Bolin smiled kissing your forehead and you smiled closing your eyes. "Goodnight Bolin".
You vaguely heard voices and groaned trying to sunk further into the warmth and Bolin. You buried your head against his chest and fell back to sleep when suddenly Bolin’s door was thrown open. "Y/n" Tenzin screetched and you and Bolin jolted awake. Bolin let out a yelp as Tenzin stared his eyes bulging. "You didn’t put bells on my windows?" you offered and your father turned even more red. "I’ll be putting bars on your window young lady if you dont stay in your assigned room!" He yelled and to your dismay others flocked to the room. "Did you find her?" Asami asked before smirking "ow...i see". "She's in here?" Mako asked "but thats Bolins room" before trailing off as Korra stumbled in too. "Well you did want Y/N to help rebuild the air nation" Korra smirked before she halted as Tenzin spun on her making the avatar gulp. "Is there something funny about my little girl growing up?" Tenzin yelled at them "no? Didn’t think so! Y/n get out of there right now and march yourself to your room this instance". You distangled yourself from Bolin and all the blankets and stood up red faced. "Sir it wasnt y/ns fault..." Bolin tried but Tenzin silenced him with a look. "You are grounded young lady and if i ever find you in his room again i'll...i'll take away your bison!". "Dad...." you groaned but he shook his head "no buts now to your room". You rolled your eyes but did as he said.
Later you sat in your room avoiding your dad's wrath when you heard someone near your window and opened your suprisingly still unlocked window to see Pabu. "Pabu?" You asked as he scampered in and dropped something on your bed. You grinned to see it was a note from Bolin with a wild flower attached "so guess you're our go between huh Pabu" You asked the fire ferret as you fed him a treat as payment. Pabu made a happy noise and you smiled before turning to Bolin’s note. "Sorry i got you in trouble but it was worth it" he wrote "think your dads gonna have us under surveillance for a while but i'm sure we can work around it. I'm game if you are and next time we wont get caught. Love Bolin". You smiled hiding your note and wrote a quick reply before handing it to Pabu who ran off to give it Bolin. You picked up the flower Pabu had also brought and smirked, you had the best boyfriend ever. Father be damned you’d find a way to see him.
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consumeconstantly · 4 years
The Only Antidote is a Kiss
Summary: Scarecrow always did come up with the most whacky chemical formulas to test on people. Red Hood gets dosed with his latest toxin, and the only way to cure it is with a kiss. The only candidate? Long time rival and almost enemy, Ladybird.
“No,” Red Hood said, resolutely. “No way in hell.”
Red Robin’s exasperated voice crackled over the comm. “Hood, if you don’t, you’re going to die.”
“Do you think I care? Death is better.” 
“I would say that’s insulting if I didn’t feel the exact same way.” Ladybird nonchalantly twirled a yoyo at her side. “Besides, ten minutes is plenty of time to get him someone else.”
“You two are in the middle of nowhere. It’s thirty minutes to the nearest city.”
“Yeah, but the suburbs are always an option. You Bats always seem to miss the obvious solution.”
“I’m not kissing her,” Red Hood repeated.
“I know that you two are…” Red Robin tried to find a more delicate way to word their relationship, “Not always on the best of terms, but you are on the same side right now. Ladybird, you don’t want Red Hood to die, do you?”
Plying Ladybird was always easier than trying to convince Red Hood. The woman had a heart of gold. Today? No such luck. 
“He’s not going to die,” Ladybird scoffed. “If he dies over this instead of the many, many, many assassination attempts that I saved him from, I’ll feel insulted. But I’m also not going to help. I’m not going to kiss an unwilling party, and certainly not one with a mug as ugly as Red Hood.”
“You’ve never even seen my face!” Red Hood argued from safely inside his beauteous red bucket.
“Yeah, well you’ve never seen mine either, and yet somehow, you have no issue with calling me disfigured every time our paths cross.”
“You’re wearing a mask. Only people who are horribly scarred wear full face masks.”
“Oh, so you’re admitting you’re ugly then?”
“No, I’m wearing a helmet, not a mask. Big difference.”
Ladybird barely stopped herself from bashing her head against the cement and steel wall. If the action didn’t break her mask, she would have considered going through with it. “God, this is why I’m not going to kiss him, Red Robin. Can’t you use one of those zeta things and drop in a girl for him to make out with?”
“You know they don’t work like that.”
“I wouldn’t know, it’s not like I’m in the Justice League.”
“Not for a lack of trying! We’ve offered you the position at least ten different times.”
“Yeah, on the condition that I get Red Hood to join up too. That certainly doesn’t sound like you guys actually want my help.”
“Nine minutes on the clock,” an automated voice reminded them.
“I say we blow this popsicle stand,” Red Hood pointed a finger up at the cement ceiling.
“Wow, what a stupendously original idea, Red Hood. It’s almost like the next thing out of your mouth might be something vaguely resembling intelligence. Oh wait, that’s right. We can’t get out of this hell hole because there’s three feet of cement on every side of us and we have no weapons that can help.”
“I haven’t had a crack at it, yet.”
“Be my guest. I’ll sit back and laugh at your failed attempts.” Ladybird reclined on a wall. “We both know that between the two of us, I’m the one who’s better at escape and solutions that don't require firearms. You don’t think with either one of your heads, you think with your AK-47.”
“My babies are all I need to get the job done. Your plans are always so unnecessarily convoluted.”
“They’re convoluted so I can cover my tracks instead of leaving evidence, debris, and dead bodies behind.”
“Uh, guys? Can you have your spat after Hood’s life is out of immediate danger?”
“No,” both of them chorused, immediately glaring at each other for speaking in sync.
“I doubt Scarecrow actually came up with a formula that will make you die if you don’t kiss someone of the opposite gender within ten minutes. That seems like the kind of chemical compound that’s featured in all of those really trashy romance novels, except instead of being unable to control your instincts, you die.” Ladybird considered the empty vial on the floor. “I’m confident that Red Hood can ride this out with minimal damage. Even if he does get horny, it’s not like he’s going to go for me-- drug induced state or not, he can’t stand my guts.”
“Can I just say that I don’t want to bank his life on that assumption?”
“It’s not like your life is the one at stake. Just try to get someone out here that can break down this welded door for us sooner, rather than later.” Ladybird gives Red Hood a once over. “Besides, if he does try anything, we all know that I’m more than capable of tying him up.”
“Hey, why don’t you use that Lucky Charm of yours?”
“Do you think I didn’t think of that already? That was one of the first things I considered.”
“So why didn’t you use it?”
“Oh, I don’t know, maybe the fact that after I do, I detransform within five minutes? Not a big fan of exposing my identity, plus it’s not like anybody’s in any real danger because we’re locked up here. Scarecrow’s tied up, the goons that welded the door shut on us aren’t capable of using their brains, and a team is going to bust us out in thirty minutes anyways.”
For the millionth time, Red Hood pounded his shoulder against the steel weld, hoping that something would give. Nothing happened.
A beep sounded. 
“Ten minutes have passed.”
“See?” Ladybird crowed triumphantly. “I was right. Nothing’s--”
Red Hood fell to the floor, clawing at his chest.
“... happening. I jinxed it, didn’t I? I guess I’ll use it, then.”
Ladybird called for a lucky charm. No antidote fell into her hand. Just a sheet of paper, saying Kiss him.
“You’ve got to be kidding me. Tikki, don’t do me dirty like this!”
“Tikki? Who’s Tikki? What did the Lucky Charm give you?”
A wet cough sounded from underneath Red Hood’s helmet. He started to gasp for air.
Ladybird didn’t like Hood, but Red Robin was right. She had grown fond of him after saving his ass so many times. She wasn’t just going to let him die, especially not when she could help him. With a bone weary sigh, she knelt next to Red Hood. 
“I guess we’re doing this, aren’t we? Red Robin, comms off.”
“Off? But Hood sounds like--”
“Off,” she repeated, firmly. “Or I’ll break them.”
The telltale sign of static ceased in her ears.
Ladybird held Red Hood by his shoulders, maneuvering his mask off. 
“I hope you’re ugly,” she whispered.
He was not.
Even with blood on his lips, Jason Todd was unfortunately attractive. 
“Gonna--” he coughed again, the spray of blood accompanied by a wheeze. “Bless me with your face before I die?”
“I can’t believe that you’re still snarky while you’re on death’s door.” Ladybird touched the full face mask that she added during her years as a vigilante in Gotham. She still has the usual Ladybug eye cover, so her identity is safe. But the noh mask provides a sense of safety to her. She’s loathe to take it off, but in order for a kiss to work, it needs to be put aside. With a sigh, she places it on the ground and places a hand over Red Hood’s startlingly blue eyes.
“Kinky,” he spat. Ladybird grimaced. Why she ended up on this mission alone with Red Hood was beyond her, but they always ended up in the worst situations together somehow, anyways.
Her lips descended on his. 
Iron and sweat.
“Okay,” she said, wiping her lips with the hand that wasn’t preoccupied with shielding Red Hood’s eyes. “You feeling any better?”
He coughed again.
“Great, so Scarecrow was lying and I didn’t have to kiss you. You were just going to die anyways.” 
She placed her noh mask back on, then pressed a button on her comm. “You’re going to want to speed up the whole backup team. Looks like Scarecrow was lying.”
“You’re kidding me. Scarecrow never lies--”
Red Hood sat up shakily. 
“I’m fine, Replacement. Throat’s a little sore, but I’m fine.” 
“Good to know his MO hasn’t changed,” Ladybird remarked. “I’d suggest that you wipe your face with something. It’s covered in blood.”
“And Ladybird cooties.” Red Hood used his forearm to wipe the blood off. Ladybird had to admit that the man was objectively good looking. The artist in her wanted to take a picture or sketch him. The shock of white hair, symmetrical features, and prominent nose. His eyes had a certain darkness in them, like he had seen the worst of the world, but there was still a clarity to them that said he was fighting against those injustices. “C’mon, you’ve seen my face, don’t you think it’s time to exchange the favor?”
“Backup’s arriving in three,” interjected Red Robin.
“There’s nothing in it for me.” Ladybird tugged the hood of her cloak down lower. 
“Isn’t it weird that we kissed and I don’t know your face?”
“You really are into some kinky shit.”
“Also no on that.”
“Then why not show me your face?”
“Stop being such a brat.”
“I know I’m older than you.”
“Bratiness isn’t measured in age, but in mental maturity. Which you have none of.”
“I’m almost tempted to take off my noh mask if only because that’s the first time I’ve ever heard you say the word please.”
“If I say it again, will you?”
“I’ll consider it.”
“Pretty please, Ladybird?”
“... Fine.” She’d get a laugh out of this anyways, and the team was minutes away from picking them up.
She took off her noh mask to reveal the red and black domino.
Red Hood cursed.
it’s wild that yall are liking my fics when i basically vomit these things up im honestly scared to look back at some of the ones that have been posted because i do not proof read or edit 
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stuckylibrary · 3 years
Group Ask 185
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glaciatedglades said:
hiya! i'm looking for a shrinkyclinks fic where bucky works in the police force as a new guy and the team (esp. tony) are trying to find out who the mysterious new guy is. i remember a scene where tony has a corkboard with all his ideas on and bucky finds it? then they're all suprised when the tiny rage machine bucky has to bail out is actually his boyfriend. sorry if this is too vague, any ideas?
Anon 1 said:
Please help!!! I've been trying to find this shrunkyclunks fic in which Bucky doesnt know Steve is Captain America, and they've been texting/flirting/kind of dating. And during an attack in New York, Steve couldnt contact Bucky and it's because he was on a subway and a large debris fell on his arm as he was holding a child. The avengers finally save him all the while the others are teasing steve that bucky is his secret boyfriend.
Anon 2 said:
I'm trying to find a fic where both Steve and Bucky are amputees, but one of Steve's legs was amputated. I think he also has a problem with perfectionism, or maybe OCD? It shows itself when he makes cupcakes and they aren't all perfect I think. The title is something about a tattoo I think
Anon 3 said:
I’m looking for this fic where Bucky kidnaps Steve and chains him up naked in a safe house and kinda hurts him but Steve just lets it happen because it’s Bucky. Any ideas?
Anon 4 said:
i can’t seem to find this fic but it’s based off the movie “handsome devil” where Steve ends up rooming with Bucky who is the captain of some sports team in their school? any help would be great, thanks!
Anon 5 said:
Hey! I’m just wondering if you know of a fic where Steve goes back in time and sees younger Bucky, and stays and talks to him for awhile. I’m also pretty sure he mentions that he and future Bucky are engaged. Thanks!
Anon 6 said:
Hi! This was like an endgame fix it. Steve was missing for a while but then he comes back, he's in the hospital for a while and in the end, Carol comes?! Stucky obviously.oh and i think Nat and tony survived
mickey09543 said: (cw:rape/noncon, consent issues)
hi! i asked the old page, oops! I am looking for a specific fic: bucky is seemingly recovered (in therapy, law school) and dating sam and steve, but no one realizes that his idea of consent is all wrong. he does not understand he can say no to sex. he has sex with a girl and boy from law school (boy is abusive) and when steve and sam find out there is Lots of Angst and they feel they have raped him and he feels depressed that he "ruined" things with them. Thanks!!
Anon 7 said:
Hey I’m looking for a slow burn fanfic where Steve is helping Bucky recover from being the Winter Soldier and they move into a big house together. I know that’s not much to go by but j really enjoyed it and have been looking for it forever.
Anon 8 said:
hey im wondering if anyone knows about a fic whereby steve and bucky were married but steve never had time for bucky and they got a divorce because bucky decided he needed to find his happiness and steve tries to win him back? i think it was written by shore_11 but they have since changed username(i think) and I can't seem to find it anymore so im not sure if it was moved to a different username or it was deleted. does anyone know?
noneofusthesame said:
hey there! I'm looking for a fic, and I only remember a few things about it: it was mainly about steve; nobody called him steve tho, the avengers called him cap and (if it's the same fic not 2 different ones) i think the end has steve on a rooftop(?) and the avengers confront him about how what they think of him isn't at all who he is? I'm pretty sure it isn't longer than 30k words. I've tried searching steve & the 21st century and those types but i couldn't find it. Thanks for this blog!!!
Anon 9 said:
Oh my god so I read this fic a while ago and I can’t find it anywhere. It’s pre-catfa; Steve is asleep in his bed that he and bucky share, and Bucky brings home a girl and has sex next to him. It’s on AO3 but I cannot find it to save my life!!!
Anon 10 said:
hey there! I'm looking for this fic in which bucky is kinda dark/morally grey post-winter soldier. its a bit like the murder ballads. i remember that he had a strange friendship with tony and had this e-cig that lit up blue
Anon 11 said:
Hello! I'm looking for a fic that was Shrunkyclunks but still had a badass Bucky with a metal arm. Bucky works in a coffee shop that the Avengers slowly infiltrate trying to find out who's been making Steve so happy lately. But, Steve insists they are friends but it's obvious that to others they are more than pals. It isn't until NY is attacked and Bucky punches an alien that Steve asks him to marry him.
Anon 12 said:
Hi! I've been looking for this fic forever. It was modern bucky/cap steve, I'm pretty sure there was an age difference between them, bucky being pretty young. They lived in the same apartment complex and Bucky would sneak down through one of Steves windows while Steve wasn't home, until Steve caught him and they had some type of relationship? And i remember at the end, Steve went out to give a public speech and he saw Bucky in the crowd so all he did was smile and wave? and then it ended! help!
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dork-empress · 3 years
Singing in the Dead of Night
Damian Wayne meets a new masked persona in Gotham, and everyone has to adjust to her.
AKA I have a lot of headcanons about Lucy Quinzel and I'm making it other people's problem.
I want it up front that I haven't read these comics, just a lot of wiki pages and tiktoks. If there's a fun thing in the comics you can tell me, but this is my own version of this universe and these characters.
This is going to be the main story, but I may do some offshoots. If you want to subscribe, chapters are also posted on my Ao3 (link in my description).
“You need to take things less seriously.”
Damian looked up, looked down, and then looked back just to be sure it was really his father who asked. It was hard to tell sometimes if your superhero father had been replaced or possessed or something. “Are you serious? YOU’RE telling me that?”
“That should enforce to you how dire the situation is.” Bruce said, leaning back in his chair. “You’re still a kid,”
“I’m 15,” Damian said, then thought about his varied adventures, “Technically…”
“My point exactly,” Bruce said, turning a page on his crime reports, “You should enjoy being a kid, for a while.”
“Oh, did you enjoy being 15?” Damian said, and maybe that was a low blow, but if Bruce wasn’t ready for him to call him out he...shouldn’t have made him upset. Hmm.
Bruce looked up and stared into his soul, and Damian worried he might have stepped in it a bit. He backed up a step in case. Bruce took a deep breath, looking at him. “My childhood was stolen from me, but I at least had one. As did all the other Robins. You’re not responsible for what happened to you,but I think you could use some time. I couldn’t offer you a childhood then, and I can hardly do that now, I know, but I can do what I can.”
“And what are you doing?” Damian asked, narrowing his eyes.
“You’re suspended from Robin duties.”
“WHAT?!” Damian exploded, getting in his face. “What are you talking about?!”
Bruce didn’t flinch, “Until the Wayne Manor Christmas Party,” Bruce said, “I’ve called Tim and he’s willing to cover for you until then.”
“He doesn’t NEED to cover me,” Damian snarled, “I’m right here! I’m not injured, or dead, or ANYTHING I just--WHY?”
“I told you,” Bruce said, “You need to find other...hobbies, or form connections or SOMEthing. Anything other than the lifestyle. You have two months, you’ll live.”
Damian curled his fists, shaking, but had no more arguments. “You’re the WORST!” He said, and went off to his rooms.
The room was left in stony silence for a moment. Alfred came in, changing out Bruce’s cup of tea. “You don’t actually expect that to work, do you?”
“Not really, no,” Bruce said, “But he’ll be out of my hair for a little bit.”
Alfred was very dignified and so did not snort. But it was close.
Damian went out at night, saying he was off with a friend. Best to keep things vague, but if Bruce pressed, he’d say he was with Jon, and could probably bully Jon into vouching for him.
He dressed all in black, jumping from the rooftops, looking for trouble. There was usually plenty of it in Gotham. He just had to avoid the Bat Signal hanging in the sky and he’d be fine.
He heard a crash and looked down. Jewelry store robbery. Perfect.
He jumped down to ground level and approached the broken in window, taking out his sword. “Anyone in here, it’s better to surrender now,”
Of course, because it was Gotham, he wasn’t met by a normal jewel thief. No, instead, what approached him was a small walking orange balloon animal dog.
Because of course it was.
With an act first, think later attitude, he stabbed at it. He regretted it instantly as it let out some sort of opaque gas, the effects of which he didn’t want to find out. He pulled his shirt up over his mouth in hopes of preventing himself breathing too much in.
“Oh wow,” a voice said behind him, “Are you Robin?”
Damian whipped around and scowled. The gas was obscuring whoever was there, but the silhouette seemed like something of a ballerina. Why couldn’t one criminal just be normal?
He jumped back, ready to attack, but she didn’t fight him. “I’m not Robin,” he said, “I’m…” he didn’t think of another name. Ugh, this was more complicated than it needed to be.
“Huh,” she said, heading over to the display case, “This city sure has a lot of teenage ninja fighters, doesn’t it? Is ninja appropriative? Hmm, will have to think on that.”
She picked up a diamond ring from the display case and headed for the door. “Put that down!” Damian yelled at her, lifting his sword up.
“What, are you going to kill me for one ring?” She said, holding it, “Kinda overkill, don’t you think, Blackbird?”
Damian put his sword up to her, blocking the exit. “I’m not going to kill you, I’m just going to stop you,” he said, determined, but then her words sank in. “Blackbird?”
“Well, I’ve got to call you something, isn’t that how these superhero fights all go?” She stepped forward out of the fog, a girl about his age with a white painted face, lips painted into a heart, and bright orange and pink eyeshadow. “I’m Commedia, the hero of funny, the dancing clown, the laughing knight, etc etc.” she said, “im still working on my name too.”
She did a fancy twirl, getting out of range of Damian’s sword, which he countered to block her from the entrance again. “Oh, you like to dance?” she said.
“Clown, huh?” he said, staring her down, “You work for the joker?”
She laughed, high pitched and sweet, “Very much no,” she said, twirling again through the store, “Though I understand the confusion. No, Joker is...well, a joke. He’s not even registered in the clown registry.”
“There’s a clown registry?” He swung his sword.
This time, it came to a stop, with a matching jingle. He frowned, and saw it was a tambourine that the woman had lifted and stopped the sword like a shield.
He stared at the girl, Commedia, in stunned silence. She smiled brightly at him. “Well, this has been fun. But I really ought to head out. Raincheck on that dance, Blackbird.”
With a spin and a jump, she made it past him and rushed out the door, throwing a pink flower behind. A gas filled up the room in her wake, obscuring the view. Damian unfortunately got a whiff before he could block his nose, but he knew a simple fog cloud scent when he smelled it.
Damian went back into the shadows before the police inevitably arrived. It did seem below his paygrade, fighting someone who only stole a single diamond ring. But it was even stranger for that fact. A strangely dressed clown woman engaging in very strange and specific crimes in Gotham screamed “beginning of a dangerous plot.”
He wanted to go in swinging as usual, then remembered that if his father heard anything about a young person with a sword threatening police, he might catch onto the fact Damian went out that night. So, he went with the subtle approach. Breaking into the jewelry store’s records.
He was glad he did. It turned out that ring in particular had a history. It had been bought, returned, bought again, and returned once more, all by the same man, a Matthew Crenshaw. A quick records search brought up that he was a simple caller at a center. Nothing special about him. But, he was tied to the ring, and that tied him to the girl, so that was his first stop.
He tracked down the apartment to find Matthew Crenshaw in the middle of a very strange day. Damien watched through the window as Matthew lay on the floor of his meager living room, looking up at Commedia herself. She held the ring out to him, offering. “Well come on, man! Take it!”
“I don’t…” he mumbled, “Who...who are you?!”
“Just call me your fairy godmother,” she said. “Come on, you said you wanted it! So take it!”
“That’s…” Matthew said, “That’s the ring that Jenny liked...that she…”
“That you said would make the perfect proposal!” She said, dancing around, “So? Here it is! Now you can propose for real!” she said, giving it to him.
He juggled it, nearly falling over. Commedia came rushing over, jumping through the window and onto the fire escape. “Alright, hands up,” Damian urged her.
She turned, smiling. “Why, Blackbird? We going on roller coaster?” She put her hands high in the air and swung around the fire escape ladder, “Weeeeee!”
Damian followed her, pointing his sword tip at her chest. “Stop,” he said, “What are you planning?”
“Well, I’m planning to go sneak up to that window up there so I can look in and see what Matty and Jenny have going on,” She said, “Wanna join--OH!”
Damian pressed his sword up to her neck. “Cut the games,” He said, “You’re up to something, I know it. So tell me.”
Commedia sighed, giving in. “Matthew doesn’t want to get married.”
“I...what?” Damian said, confused.
“Matthew Crenshaw, the guy up there,” Commedia said, “He’s a nice guy, and he cares for his girlfriend Jenny, sure. But she’s been pressuring him about getting married, even though he doesn’t really like the idea of getting married. He’s talked himself into saying that he needs the perfect ring, but when he bought it, he decided he couldn’t afford it, and gave it back. So, I got it for him.”
Damian’s scowl only deepened as she kept talking. “Who’s he to you?”
She tilted her head, confused. “He cold called me to try and offer me a deal on car insurance.”
Damian put down the sword. He just. She said it so sincerely. “Who ARE you?” He demanded, now out of confusion more than anger.
She smiled brightly once more. “Why, I’m Commedia! The hero clown, the dancing--”
“Yeah, you said all that before, but like,” He sighed, “Why?”
Commedia’s smile fell down to something simple and kind. She offered a hand to him.
Hesitant, curious, and just...confused, he took it.
She led him to the other window, where they saw Jenny walking through the door. She gasped and ran to Matthew. “Oh, Matt! Matt, yes! Yes, I do, I do, I never thought this day would come! Oh gosh, I gotta call my mom, I’ve got a few dresses all picked out. You’ll see, it’ll be a huge party with everyone we know and-”
“Jenny,” he said, “Jenny wait, I...you know I don’t...I’m not comfortable with crowds and...and I don’t--
“But it’s MY DAY!” Jenny wailed, “You wouldn’t take MY day from me, would you?”
“C’mon,” Commedia muttered.
“Please, Jen,” Matt continued, “Look it’s just...if, if we did get married, shouldn’t--wouldn’t it be my day too?”
“Oh come ON, Matt,” Jenny said, walking to the counter, “We both know I’m the one who knows what’s best for you. It’ll be good! You’ll finally get to shine, and if you don’t like it, you’ll have ME there to take the rest of the spotlight!”
Matt’s hands balled into fists, and his face set, “No.”
“What?” Jenny said, incredulous.
“I’ve had it! I’m tired of-of you telling me what I like and what I don’t!” his lip trembled as he stood up. “I knew I was hesitant, but I didn’t know why! Now I see it’s becasue I didn’t want you in the rest of my life!”
“Hey now,” Jenny said, “Matt, calm down--”
“Get out of my house!” Matt went to the open window Commedia left behind and tossed out the ring.
“Whoopsies,” Commedia said and dropped away. Damian, confused, dropped down after her.
She picked the ring up from the ground and held it out to Damian. “I trust you can get this back to the jewelry store.”
“So, all of that…” he said, “was to help a guy get out of a bad relationship? That you barely knew?”
“He sounded sad on the phone,” Commedia said, “Made me curious.”
Damian scoffed, staring at her. “Who ARE you?”
She chuckled. “My guess is you’ll find out sooner or later,” she said, “So I’ll pick later, for now. But I’m sure I’ll see you again soon, Blackbird.”
She took out another flower. This one shot off into the distance like a grappling hook, and pulled her twirling into the night.
Damian could have followed her, maybe. But, holding the ring in his hands, he didn’t see much need to.
Across town, Batman was called to a bank robbery in the middle of the night. Inside, however, he didn’t find the vault broken in, and nothing stolen, other than a number of complimentary lollipops. “You know there are easier ways to get my attention.”
“Aw, Come on Bats!” Harley said, swinging from the ceiling with one of the lollipops in her mouth, “Ain’t this a classic? Brings me back to the old days.”
“Oh, you’ve stopped doing crime then?” He said, leaning back and looking up at her, “News to me.”
Harley flipped down in front of him. “Batsy, you know I’m tryin’! I do good, is it a crime to have a little fun while I do it?”
“If you hurt people, yes.” Batman said.
Harley deflated. “I haven’t done that in a while now. I’m goin through some life changes.”
Batman hummed, staring down at her. “I’m guessing this is about the small clown that has been reported around town recently doing strange acts of minor crimes to help people?”
Harley brightened again, balancing on the teller counter. “She’s my new apprentice! A bit of a goody-two-shoes, but I’m doing my best to train her.” She did a handstand, “I came to ask for some advice at raising child soldiers, considering you have so much experience.”
Batman always scowled, but it seemed his scowl deepened on that. “I help some people come to terms with terrible things that have happened to them, and teach them to be a force of good in the world instead of falling to the world’s darkness.” He thought back on his children, “It doesn’t always work.”
Harley laughed, “No kidding,” she said. She sighed, thinking. “To be honest, Commedia is already pretty good. I can’t claim credit for that.” She rocked back and forth, feeling uneasy.
Batman approached, slow so as not to scare her. “Well, we both know she didn’t get it from her father.”
Her face was already white, but she blanched further. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said, “She’s my niece, she ran from home so I’m taking care of her and-”
“Harley,” Batman stopped her rambling, “I’m a detective, remember?”
She frowned, shaking at him. “He doesn’t know,” she said, “No one knows, she...she’s never met him and I don’t want her to I--”
Batman held up his hands, stopping her again. “I know,” he said, “I understand, really. And I’ll help.”
She blinked up at him, smiling. “Really?”
Batman nodded. “I’ll help you protect her. As for advice....if you ever figure out a perfect way to raise masked vigilantes, let me know. I mostly just do the best I can, and make sure they can do a proper spin-kick if they need to.”
Harley snorted. “I’ll make a note of that.” She grabbed the box of free lollies on the counter, “I am going to be robbing these though, and you can’t stop me.”
She headed for the back entrance and away. “Harley,” Batman called her again, and she froze, “The year you were gone, when you disappeared and suddenly your sister had a child she wasn’t pregnant with. I want you to know, I noticed.”
Harley smiled, turning, “Thanks Bats-” When she turned, he was gone. “And people call me a drama queen.”
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