#im equally pleased and surprised people don't know about it
lestatisprince · 2 years
Since I've seen so many people today genuinely surprised Lestat was ever a rock star I decided to post evidence!
Here are the first several minutes of the film version of Queen of the Damned.
I can't really recommend you watch beyond. The movie never mentions Louis or Claudia, and completely changes his entire backstory while straight washing him at the same time.
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marwolaeth-76 · 10 months
UH I have no idea how this works but uh can you make a velvet x fem reader like enemies to lovers type of way…?
(Im sorry like I have no ideas I’m literally having brain farts right now)
- And it’s totally fine if you don’t write this🙏 -
Heoo!! thank you for your request and thank you for waiting, I changed the plot a little, I hope you like it🩷
Velvet x !femReader from hate to love
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Velvet smirked as she looked across the stage at you during the award show. As usual, you were dressed to the nines and looking as flawless as ever, though no one could hold a candle to her in her opinion. You had been nipping at her heels in the music charts for months now, your star quickly rising. Where once you would have been thrilled to be in the same room as the legendary Velvet, now you saw her as a threat, an obstacle standing in the way of your rightful place at the top. The rivalry between you was the talk of the gossip sites and tabloids. During Velvet's acceptance speech for Song of the Year, she made sure to throw a subtle dig your way, knowing it would push your buttons. Your face remained impassive but inside you seethed. Two could play at that game. When it was your turn to accept your award for Best Pop Album later in the show, you made an equally sly remark about how people were "starting to recognize real talent." The glare Velvet shot you could have melted steel. After the show, you found yourself cornered in the back hallway by an irate mount rageous. "You think you can challenge me, poppet? I've been on top for years and I'm not giving up my throne without a fight" , -she snarled in your face. You met her gaze steadily, refusing to back down. "Bring it on, Velvet. I'm not afraid of you." An idea suddenly came to you. "How about we make this more...interesting. A friendly wager. If I outsell you on this next album cycle, you will need to admit to everyone that this is not your talent" Velvet considered the proposal, a smirk curling her dark purple lips. "I'm in, darling. But when I win, I promise I'll make you rue the day you ever thought you could beat me." She held out a hand for you to shake on the deal. You grasped it firmly, already planning your comeback. The game was afoot. May the best pop diva win.
As a result of your little “battle,” Velvet’s popularity gains, The twins have sold more albums than you. You lose.. But to your great surprise, Velvet did not put forward her victorious demands, it seems that just your face was enough for her to enjoy the taste of your defeat. And now, a couple of months have passed. Velvet lets out an irritated sigh as she bumps into someone, stepping back to see who had disrupted her walk down the red carpet. "Watch where you're-" she starts to snap, before realizing who it is. "Oh, it's you." You're standing there, looking annoyed, you are still ashamed of your defeat. "Velvet", you greet coolly. She sweeps her gaze up and down you dismissively. "I see the loser is still trying to steal my spotlight. You'll never be as talented or famous as me." A smirk tugs at her lips, enjoying the way your eyes flash angrily. "At least I don't have to sink so low as kidnapping to get attention" , you retort. Velvet's smirk widens. "Oh please, like you wouldn't if you thought it would help. But we both know you'll never have what it takes to be number one." You open your mouth to fire back, but pause as Velvet steps closer, her voice dropping lower. "But maybe, if you're very nice to me... I could put in a good word with the fans. Lend you some of my talent, just for a little while." Her eyes rake slowly over you in a way that makes your cheeks heat. An outraged remark sits on the tip of your tongue, but Velvet continues before you can speak. "Think about it, darling. We could be quite the team, if you'd stop fighting me. I'll be waiting to hear your answer." With a flick of her hair, she sweeps past you down the carpet, leaving you in a slight stupor and embarrassment in your throat, amongst the flashing lights.
PS. this is more likely the beginning of the development of a love relationship, not exactly what the request was about☠️
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(Hell yeah! I do this all the time to people I'm comfy with and I love it)
Bill Kaulitz
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Bill fucking loves this shit
You may not know why you do it but Bill is so happy you do
He's shuffling and nuzzling even closer to you
Oh my god he's so happy
He feels so safe and everything
He doesn't care why you do it
He just knows you do
And you find comfort in it so I think he loves that as well
The first time you did he was probably confused but baby boy just rolled with it the whole time
He was pleasantly surprised
Even if you did it when you guys were just friends
He craves this shit all the time
He wants to be in your skin and much as you wanna be in his
Tom Kaulitz
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Tom is so smug when you do this stuff
"You wanna be by me so bad, huh?"
He's teasing the whole time with saying stuff like that
He may act like he doesn't want or like it at times but the second you pull away he wants it back
When you go to long without touching him he gets confused
He actually thinks you're mad at him or something
Please, please, please come up and surprise him with it
Especially on the bad days because this stuff can calm him down so quickly
Boy will snatch you up the second you do it and he will keep craving it
He gets so used to it that it's now apart of his daily routine
He calls it his daily hug time
Sometimes he'll just go up to you and hold open his arms as an invite
Take it
Gustav Schäfer
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Gustav was so surprised the first few times
He didn't get why you were so obsessed with touch for a while
He then just came to the conclusion you just wanted to be with him
And babe he loves that so much
He feels so happy when you come up and just wanna hug him
He's the type to never let you and hug keep running his hand over you the same amount as you do to him
Sometimes he'll just be laying in bed and you'll come in and lay on him
So much so you'll wanna be inside his skin
He openly invited it
Sometimes he'll just be having a bad day and the second a hug comes out he forgets about his day
Especially if you do this when you know he's having a hard time, frustrated or when he's feeling nervous or disappointed
The hugs lift his spirit in ways he cannot describe
He's just so in love it's corny
Georg Listing
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This man was actually one to be like
I don't feel he's very, very open with touch especially if you do it in public
He likes the touch he just doesn't get why you are obsessed with it
But soon enough he just becomes as equally obsessed
He doesn't know how he could be so obsessed with touching you until you showed him how comfortable you are touching him
Your so bold and so open with your love and touch he couldn't help but reciprocate it
Especially the hugs
Hell want a hug like that from you around the homophobes just to run it in their faces
Also at times he is very tired and wants affection
He is craving that hug
He is dreaming about that touch all day until he gets it from you
Makes him feel oddly safe and loved?
He also is one that can't describe it but once he feels it it's over and he loves it
He is drunk on it I swear
@billsjum6ie @bigbootahjudy @ilovebill-and-gustav @r3dheadedw0rld @kiwitsune @V4mpyboyy @novaaisstupid @billybabeskaulitz @yas-v @iischafer @dilfverz @ahswhore0 @graciegizmo3184 @sweetpuffy12 @80s-tingz @ryiana @yuriayato5 @bunnysenpai31 @banshailey @bellastoner420 @victryzvv9 @stxngnr @killed-kiss @stilesandjames @m00nzyblogs @sylisan @lyzit @trixiekaulitz @laylasbunbunny @5hyslv7 @limaswife
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v-anrouge · 7 months
This is a queued post and it includes talks about transphobia and mentions of self harm and eating disorders
Im here to talk and announce a break, first thing's first j relapsed, in literally like everything sh ed and didn't try to kill myself is because of a few people and the fact my pills ended. For a very long time in this blog u have not been feeling like human, it's like most of you don't even actually like and just come talk to me when im being funny and fun or when i post something rook related that you like, ive really been trying to get rid of that feeling but it keeps on coming back and it's unbearable to be in this blog at this point. this situation with Shiba only really confirmed it for me, I saw about like 4 mutuals referring to this as drama, and complaining about seeing it on dash and while obviously you have all the rights to be displeased with a constant show of negativity in your dash, i beg of you to try and think how i, a trans man, must feel seeing you refer to me and other mutuals calling out transphobia and have to read you refer to this as drama and not as a literal crime. I understand if you got annoyed by me talking about it constantly and to that i ask that you please block me, because i have been literally beaten, bullied, harassed and even doxxed by transphobes, I do not take anything that displays even a bit of prejudice against my trans siblings lightly, hence why i was so "histerical and obsessed" and was being so "stupid and acting like an idiot" as someone people would claim. I do not care what view you have of me i really don't, im used to this shit, ive been trans and alive in the most transphobic country for 20 years, it's no news, but it still hurts. And it hurts even more when I see someone say i was an idiot for blocking someone immediately and calling them out when they side with a transphobe, and it hurts even more when I see a person i thought liked me complain about "drama still going on" rest assured that i won't be "bitching" about it any longer
For soru, who cant possibly process why i have blocked you, your take on that situation and your friend have both brought me terrible flashbacks of my own past as a child dealing with transphobia, of being told people like me are sick and are the seeds of the devil and that we are animals or that there's something wrong with us, like your friend said, their apology is both not genuine and extremely poorly made as they still can't accept the fact that yes, they are transphobic, and you soru, can't imagine how it broke my soul to see your post saying you had given them a chance, but seeing the post you made after, in which you literally agree with your mother you should've stayed away from trans people, that's what broke me the most, and j couldn't even speak about it, because it's "too negative" or im "drama chasing" im sick of this, you can hate and insult me all you want soru rest assured you're not the only one you're not the first nor the last one, maybe this will come off as a surprise to the people that are sure im obsessed with drama and chasing people around but i genuinely did have a lot of respect for you, if the hours ive spent crying over this say anything at all, it's sad that this had to end this way, but not for me, I don't care, this isn't the first or the last time this happens to me, but to my mutuals who i am very sure many are angry that i have made this situation happen, perhaps i should've stayed quiet and keep being funny as people like me best, well it is too late, but i hope that you'll forgive me mutuals, for once again ruining something good.
I don't know how long this break will last or if ill ever even return to this account at all, but i sincerely thank the ones that did treat me like a human, as an equal, that actually saw the person behind v-anrouge. you can't possibly believe how much you mean to me
That's about it, do have a great day
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
You hit the nail on the head! I‘ll ask for more professional assessment: honest opinion on Crystal?
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Following on from my ramblings about Sally Park. Oops! Edited to add in Zoe too.
Well written female characters in Lookism? Uhh...
When the bar is at an all time low, it's really not hard to step over it.
At this point, I've been pavloved to think that any female character that expresses a personality trait other than 'simp' is pretty good. Simp is fun when it's part of a list of characteristics (Zack, Ryuhei). Not so much when it's the only thing.
Long live PTJ, the greatest feminist. Anyway.
Female characters I like
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Mary Kim
Love her. Empress of 2 seconds. Queen of my heart.
Surprisingly kept a platonic relationship with Vin Jin, showing quite a healthy mixed gender friendship. Sassy and smart. Loyal. Good taste in men (Jace). Is shown having a life and interests outside of a man.
On my hands and knees praying that PTJ doesn't ruin her. Kinda glad she hasn't appeared in a while so she is kept away from his incessant need to turn everyone into a love interest.
Lua Im
Once we got over the odd Johan panels, which I heard the Korean audience didn't like and I'm quite happy about, she's fine. And it's not that I care that much about Johan staying a single dog-dad, I just needed a coherent reasoning/build up why they would be interested in one another.
Lua has potential.
Sourcing intel, even impressing the likes of Gun? A little Muay Thai knowledge? Jake and Jerry scared of her? Lol. Ok. Good. Let's build on this.
Just please don't white knight her.
Crystal Choi (meh)
And Ms. Choi, because anon specifically asked. I really don't mind her? I know she's meant to be anti-Lookism but still judges people based on their looks eh. That's fine. Pretty realistic actually. Whatever.
She can be a bit bitchy for no reason. So can I. Handwaving all that.
What I do take issue with though, is her so called title of Business Genius. Please show me the chapter where she actually does something to earn that title besides the one where other people ooh-ed and aah-ed over her in the meeting with DG.
Wow she's sooooo gorgeous. Ok good for her. If that's the route they're taking her character then at least OWN. THAT. SHIT. Use her beauty and looks to sign deals and get what she wants. GOOD. DO IT.
Zoe Park (also meh... Wait)
Sorry anon, I think 'really well written' is a bit of a reach... She does have some decent character development, starting as quite a flighty, shallow girl and then showing that she has a heart of gold, liking both Daniels and. Huh.
Wait. You're right. She is pretty well written. She's selfless and kind and loyal to her friends, putting up with Logan's bullshit. There's enough of a character arc for her from the Zoe we're introduced to at first.
And I do like that she's good at maths too.
Wasted potential
Minseong Kang (Jake's momma)
Appreciate this is the older generation and from a much more conservative culture. Saying that, I am so over the slighted and bitter housewife rotting at home while her big powerful husband cheats on her.
And then some sort of marriage redemption cos they pop out a kid. Whatever. (Sorry Jake bb, I love you).
If you were going to do that, give me the most toxic red flag shit where they are constantly at each other's THROATS. Show me how they are equals. Can't live with or without one another. That's the good kinda shit.
Leonn Lee
I just. What the fuck was this.
A girl in Burn Knuckles? A group that reeks of testerone and (positive) masculinity? Show us why she joined! Show us why she stays. SURPRISE. Main character trait?? Having a crush on Vasco.
She could have been SO interesting. And she obviously trains, why not get her to fight?
Hate for irrational reasons
Joy Hong
Listen, she's not really in enough or significant enough for me to really feel one way or another about her. BUT. The reason I HATE her is because I was trying to write a headcanon involving everyone and then I got to Joy and I was STUMPED.
Sub in a plank of wood, and it would have the same depth of personality.
Truly. Who is she apart from Jay's sister and a Daniel simp? At least everyone else has something.
I don't really think about them. Sera Shin has potential I guess.
And of course a special mention to Daniel's momma. She's not exactly a unique character, but who doesn't love her?
Lastly. Why can't we see women fight? Like the men's fights are realistic LOL. Ultra instinct? Smashing through walls? So why are women fighting men outside the realms of this.
And yes yes. Men are SoOoOoOo strong. But can they take a kick to the balls?
Are you saying Gun Park has been training his dick and balls and would be able to eat a hit there? He wouldn't go down like a heap of shit??
In Summary
Mary by and large is pretty well written. Lua has improved.
I don't care much about anyone else.
And I wanna see Gun, Goo, Sammy, Vin etc. get kicked in the balls in a fight.
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a-aexotic · 2 years
hiiii i hope ur ok :) can u do a romantic katniss x fem reader imagine please? 🫶🏻
—cw: unedited (are we surprised?), kissing, mentions of getting sick, angsty fluff LMFAOOO, mentions of dying + killing. —a/n: bro im so glad you requested a katniss x reader i love her sm she's genuinely my gf, also i didn't know what exactly you wanted so i'm gonna do a love confession scene (before the quarter quell)
KATNISS AND Y/N had always been friends for as long as both of them could remember. They were always there with one another, tied at the hip. If you asked anyone who knew them, they would never see one without the other following closely behind.
However when Katniss was reaped for the 74th annual Hunger Games, it all changed. Katniss had to leave, and possibly never come back. Y/N wasn't sure if she could survive without her best friend, her attachment to Katniss showing.
Katniss' was equally, if not more miserable than Y/N. But she motivated her to win the games and she realized that she had to come to Y/N, no matter what. When she had to kill people in the arena, she understood that she was okay with it as long she got to home to Y/N.
Katniss was the first to grasp she loved Y/N, more than how a friend should. The only thing keeping Katniss going was Y/N and her family. She finally realized that Y/N was family. She could imagine herself waking up to her every morning and making breakfast for the both of them, and when she did, she was happy. That was the thought keeping her going.
Y/N realized that she loved Katniss when she came back from the games. After not seeing her and fearing for her life for over a month, she missed and craved her touch. She only felt safe around Katniss, knowing that she would take a bullet for her - and she would take one for her, too. When she saw Katniss finally after the hell that ensued, she looked her in her pretty blue eyes and she finally saw a future where she was happy - but only with Katniss.
When Katniss came back after winning the games, she wasn't the same. She decided she wouldn't tell Y/N how she felt until she was healed - she knew she would hurt Y/N now if she told her. So, she waited until she was ready.
Y/N saw how broken Katniss was after winning and she wanted to help her so badly. Her heart broke anytime she thought about how much Katniss had been through, how much she saw. She would take all in the pain away from her in a heartbeat if she could. Y/N wanted Katniss to be ready before she told her feelings, so she waited.
When the Quarter Quell was announced, Katniss only thought about Y/N. She realized that there was a slim chance she would make it and it was now or never, she thought. Y/N thought exactly the same.
Katniss ran out of her house, making her way to Y/N's home. As Katniss arrived, before she could knock, Y/N opened the door and saw her standing there.
Y/N's eyes were red from all the crying she had just done, and Katniss looked blue from the cold - she had forgot to take a jacket. Before neither of them could say anything, Y/N pulled Katniss in for a hug, her warmth engulfing her gladly.
"Oh, Kitty." Y/N sniffled into Katniss shirt. "I'm sorry."
She shook her head, "No. Don't say that."
Y/N put her warm hand on Katniss' cheek, shaking her head in disapproval. "Katniss, you're going to get sick. Why didn't you put in a jacket? Come in."
Katniss went into the house. It wasn't much warmer than outside because Y/N couldn't exactly afford heating. "I had to get here as soon as possible."
Y/N had a confused look on here face. They went into the living room, sitting down on the couch. "Why?"
Katniss felt herself getting nervous. What if she didn't feel the same way? It would ruin their friendship and that would break Katniss. But what if she did feel the same way? Katniss would be dead in a few weeks and that would break Y/N. Katniss' head was spinning. Was this a good idea?
Y/N looked afflicted. "Are you feeling okay? Are you hurt? What happened? Talk to me, Kat."
Katniss shook her head, "I don't know, Y/N. I'm just confused."
"About what? The Quarter Quell?"
She sighed and shook her head again. Y/N looked even more confused. "Then what, Kat?"
Katniss' heart was beating and her mind was running, then she realized that she had to tell her or she would just blow up. Even if she did die, she wanted to die with no regrets.
"I just... I don't know, Y/N." She gazed at the confused girl. "I couldn't live with myself if I didn't tell you that I loved you."
Y/N's heart was speeding up as well, looking back at her. Maybe she meant platonic? "I know, you love me. You don't have to say it, Kitty, I love you too-"
"No, no. Not like this, Y/N. I-I want to wake up to you every morning. The thought that maybe, just maybe I would be able to do that kept me going during the games. You kept me going through the games. I didn't want to tell you like, Y/N/N but I had too." Katniss rambled, getting up and pacing. Y/N started to tear up before grabbing her face, smashing her lips against Katniss'.
First, she was taken aback. But then, she absorbed in the kiss. Y/N broke the kiss and it took Katniss a few seconds before opening her eyes, looking at Y/N's face.
"I love you, too Kitty." She whispered, taking in the moment that just happened. She hugged her tightly, taking in her calming scent. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you, Kat. So come back to me." She pulled out of the hug. Y/N's eyes start to tear up and Katniss' heart broke in two.
A sob suddenly erupted out of Y/N, making her close her eyes and sniffle. Katniss wiped her tears. "I can't lose you again, Kat. Please don't make me lose you again."
Katniss caressed Y/N's cheek and her eyes opened to Katniss' eyes filled with tears. "You won't. I'll come back to you, and we will spend the rest of our lives together. I promise."
Katniss rested her forehead on Y/N's, before engulfing her lips once again. She wanted to memorize everything about this exact moment so she could remember it during the Quarter Quell. She had to win -she promised her.
a/n: they get married after the war ofc
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tennessoui · 2 years
Could u rec some more (obikin) fics please?
sure! to shake things up a bit, here's a list of wips I'm really excited for (for a variety of reasons, but mostly because i want more people to read wips)
(i've tried to include a mix of ratings and tags, but i just went through my history for these, so if there's a lot of a specific tag, i had a micro-obsession and no shame):
Passion by why-is-my-nose-a-carrot (updates to this story and their previous one literally make my day, I'm obsessed with their writing style and story choices and i could literally go on and on this is probably the wip i'm most hyped about)
Taking Care by @ragnarlothcat (always obsessed with a good mission fic paired with a feelings realization that then blends seamlessly into 'i did not just have that feelings realization what are you talking about don't be silly.')
earthshine by posthumous_vigor (deaged obi-wan and emperor vader and baby twins who just want their uncle ben back while vaderkin misses his master but appreciates the younger version, but really, really misses his master's kisses)
do you know the name faith by heian (padawan obi-wan & master anakin, force dyad, so promising, huge love and huge anticipation)
How Hondo Ohnaka Accidentally Saved the Galaxy by DontCallMeShirley (super funny, love the concept, love Hondo's voice--he drugs obikin so that they don't interfere with his plans. they don't. they get married instead. Just. So good.)
Νόστος by NFx (I love a Hades/Persephone fic, I mean--I did write one myself but I'm just so excited to read one. I never get tired of these! This is just chef's kiss on my favorite sort of possessive and protective tropes.)
Blindfold me (I'm the only witness) by @lilredghost (jeez i love this, very explicitly porn very 'speaking to the id'. consensual somno so as to sidestep obi-wan's massive guilt complex)
Any Other World by @mysticmjolnir (I was so excited to see this update!! it's been one of my favorite Post-Kenobi show release fics. Like. Just the angst! the hurt! the longing! an anakin and an obi-wan who want their anakin and obi-wan but also want each other because they're the closest they may ever come to the their obi-wan and anakin again)
Welcome Surprises by nephilimswitchlight (such a sweet fic, where anakin surprises obi-wan with his presence on his birthday)
soft, warm, mine by lovbaby (oof. salivating at this fic concept, cannot wait for a second chapter. i can already tell the misunderstandings will be BEAUTIFUL)
if this isn't nice, what is? by anonymous (anakin learns how to jerk off with his new mechno hand. he also learns how to jerk off while thinking about obi-wan. delicious. cannot wait for more)
this land is mine, but i'll let you rule by travellingcircus (i would follow travellingcircus wherever they lead; i love their fics and have probably reread them constantly. in this one, anakin buys a slave to help him on his moisture farm but like. obi-wan's definitely a jedi. right? right??)
bodies (& the celestial reimagination) by @noona96n (i just found this fic last night but it's absolutely darling, i love any fic that starts with anakin as a baby padawan and him hero-worshipping obi-wan im a weak gal i have simple needs. i cannot wait to see how this story develops going forward!)
we're swimming with the sharks (until we drown) by @coldwaughtered (another fic I found just last night, but in love! high-powered, put together lawyer and smitten anakin with probably equally smitten obi-wan but the pov is anakin's so that comes off stronger at first + fake marriage for more money which i guess means obi-wan was like if this twunk marries someone else i'll stop being distracted and NOT fall into a consensual workplace relationship only for that to majorly backfire! love the playing with the timeline as well)
The Other Half of My Soul by RedMetalWitch (It took a few months to convince myself to read this as I wasn't quite sure on how absolved of his sins/darkness Anakin would be--my greatest fear unless i'm in a particular once a year sort of mood is a uwu darth vader--but i absolutely adore this fic. i don't know who isn't already following it, but worth the read!)
Shutting the eye of reason by anonymous (another guilty pleasure fic, where anakin is extremely jealous of qui-gon for taking up all of his master's time, and decides to do something about it. mainly by seducing him.)
and of course to round off the list, my beautiful and constant obsession and pipedream that one day it will update if only i keep the faith:
Open Circle by Calyss (my absolute favorite take on sith obi-wan i've ever read. I cannot explain more. It's just so good.)
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s-talking · 2 months
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generally speaking, slow-burn. always. while envy does have sudden impulses here & there ( due to feeling nothing at all & then everything at once ), the actual shipping tends to kick in when both muses start to vibe. otherwise, it's just shallow one-sided infatuations from envy's side & i personally wouldn't call that shipping U N L E S S we are also vibing in ooc. i mean, i do have ships were envy is just going full-on yandere & the other muse is beyond terrified lmao but that does require for some ooc comfort from both sides.
whoever my irl partner picks lmao though i honestly cherish all of my ongoing ships equally, & wouldn't say one is better than the other in terms of preferences. i'm not really the type of person to have tunnel vision over 1 pairing & that's that, as different muses tend to bring out different emotions, & i love it ♥
as long as your muse isn't under the age of 18, we're good.
once he unbuckles his belt, or touches something very inappropriate.
not really. if there's chemistry between our muses & we're both vibing, i'm more than happy to ship ♡
not at all, just general communication at best, let it be on dash, ims, or simply little chit-chats in tags. otherwise, i won't assume that you're shipping with him since envy is all about unrequited love for most part.
more-or-less. envy is primarily a horror muse & a villain, & while i do enjoy my good dosage of spice, i'm also pretty chill about it. ~
n/a. original character.
it's simple, really. when shipping with envy, please remember that he is a serial killer & a very unhinged one at that. as my good friend @umbralrosa once said, ❝ envy is one hell of a living curve-ball ❞ so don't be surprised if he ends up suddenly harming / dominating your muse in most sadistic of ways, even IF already married or in a relationship. same goes for attempted murder. the only verse that has him completely pacified is ' solace, ' where he is saved from the clutches of the evil that slowly keeps eating away at his humanity.
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tagged by: - temp. place holder agflkjglkja - tagging: whoever reads this, you are now officially tagged ~ !
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blood-injections · 10 months
Hmm another android au idea and also venom sib angst. So. Asshole Party Poison thats like stuck up and doesn't see droids as people and doesn't think they're alive. Versus,, theres a few options here. Asshole Party versus Ghoul whos secretly an android that escaped the city, and hides it because well, as you can imagine, people dont always have the best reactions. But one day hes hurt or something and they all find oit and either Partys like. Well i know you you're my friend ive seen you scream and cry and laugh and have nightmares and be a person, so i guess i was wrong, sorry if i ever made you think you couldn't trust me because of that.
Or. It goes the bad route and Party freaks out, and accuses Ghoul of being a spy or something and tells him to leave and theyre both yelling and he leaves because surprise! he doesn't feel safe anymore, and in his mind hes been abandoned like he has by everyone else, and he hates himself for what he is and how it drives people away. Meanwhile the crew is tearing itself apart becuase Kobra and Jet don't have the same reservations as Party about droids and Kobra especially gets pissed and storms off after his best friend that was just fucking kicked out so there's the venom sibling angst there too and jets just like freaking out like worried for ghoul and dissapointed in party but also shes just like in shock because shes desert born she knew there were droids in the city but nothing really about them like what they looked like or if they were people or if they could even leave the city and ots all something shes never thought of till now, when suddenly one of her friends is one. So shes a mess and shes torn between going and finding ghoul and Kobra or staying and dealing with party all the while trying to work out her own opinion on it all, which ends up being that she may not know anything about androids but ghoul is still ghoul.
There could also be a venom sibling version of all this, where, again, asshole party poison, but its kobra thats the droid, and maybe hes always been or maybe poison did have a sibling once but they were replaced for some reason and what replaced them became Kobra. Maybe Kobra doesn't even know hes one. Maybe they're not blood siblings, maybe Kobra was a kid poison picked up off the streets or early on in he zones, and theyre not blood but they might as well be, but kobras secretly an android. Or maybe something horrible happened to him, and he was recently turned into one, whether he was experimented on or something equally horrible, and his mind was transferred into the body of an android or he was just so fucked up that like everything in his body was replaced by mechanics, maybe purely as an experiment to see if it worked, if someone could survive all that and still have a fighting spirit.
Whatever it is, then everyone finds out, party finds out and same thing, either theyre like oh i was wrong, yea of course you're still my brother, or party freaks out, feels betrayed, scared that there was an imposter in their life for so long, and accuses kobra of being a spy or whatever, and kobra like im your brother. Please. And Poisons like but you're not. You're not, you're a fake, you're not human. And yeah. Venom sibling angst. Yum.
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crumchycow · 4 months
a get to know you better meme
thanks for the tag @thestrangeillusion
do you make your bed?
Nope never, if something doesn't need to be tidied it will not be tidied, have left a bucket in the middle of my room for 9 months because of this.
what's your favourite number?
Don't have one
what is your job?
Currently just a student I kinda need to get a job but studying and working is a lot for me and acquiring a job is annoying and hard so uethggghhhh
If you could go back to school would you?
Um will I continue studying? Maybe....
can you parallel park?
a job you had that would surprise people?
None? Probably the most interesting way I have earned money is the only commission I've ever had, which was my mum commissioning me for her work (kindergarten) because they needed 30 little icon drawings that each kid has at like their bag hook and on their stuff to identify them, she didn't like the person who used to do it because they were weird about it for some reason and the designs were kinda cluttered and ugly so my mum was like my child can draw? Yes! and this way I can be really fussy and specific with it.
(dw she paid me quite well)
do you think aliens are real?
In the sense of any life existing outside of earth? yes 100% would be weird if there isn't. In the sense of complex or intelligent life? probably. In the sense of there are human equivalent creatures that have achieved space travel and are equally or more technologically advanced than us, unlikely but possible. Just thinking about how much time life has existed without humans and how long humans have existed before any ideas of space exploration and the very specific technologies and discoveries that were necessary for space exploration I wouldn't be surprised if we are the only ones. Also just like how incredibly difficult space travel beyond our solar system is I think it's unlikely we will truly know or make contact.
can you drive a manual car?
No :) do not care to learn. fuck cars and driving is boring i only learn to drive because its kinda necessary where i live :( get me good public transport government please
what's your guilty pleasure?
im guilty about alot things like drinking milk, eating too much sugar, spending too much money, doing literally anything i will find a way to feel guilty about it but thats just my general state of being since i was a child and i mostly ignore it or work around it.
I guess in the more traditional sense of things i like that are embarrassing and i wouldnt want people to know, it would be reading fucked up smut. Particularly my fondness for incest ships? Don't know why I suspect it is the codependency. but yeah umm...
Not yet but I wanna get a spider (not decided which) on my back soon.
favourite colour?
favourite type of music?
Um I mostly listen to kpop because uh autism? idk, but I genuinely like a lot of music. Some of my favourite music is like objectively awful and difficult to listen to, I think I often like music that is complex and has lots of things.
Some of my favourite artists trying to include multiple genres I like:
Stray Kids
F.T. island
Jeff Satur
Chopin (I'm learning one of his preludes atm it's v pretty)
GHOST (vocaloid producer)
also gregorian chants slap (not christian, vocal harmonies just make me feral)
do you like puzzles?
Yes! I just recently was like y'know what I haven't done in years but suddenly really need to do:
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But also just generally like I LOVE maths and figuring out things and patterns and stuff so fun.
any phobias?
favourite childhood sport?
Um not that into sport, I guess I wanted to play netball when I was like 8 (but that might've just been because that's the thing you do) but I missed the trial periods 2 years in a row but kinda glad I didn't I know multiple people with permanent injuries from playing netball as a kid/teen and my joints are not the most functional in the first place. Do still enjoy playing casually every now and then.
do you talk to yourself?
Yes my favourite hobby, I have the best conversations with myself, will stay up for hours just talking to myself. Also great for preparing for real conversations. I love it when a topic I fully thought about and talked to myself comes up in conversation and it's like fuck yeah gonna ace this one.
what movie(s) do you adore?
Hmmm not the biggest fan of movie as a story format but uh have seen how to train your dragon at least 20 times and I need to watch it again sometime soon, been craving that animal/human enemies to deep emotional connection best buds.
coffee or tea?
Love coffee, but over half of my daily water consumption is through tea (usually multiple kinds)
Would be less alive without tea also its just like so diverse, green tea!black tea! rooibos! masala chai! rosehip! liquorice! peppermint..... camomile! and so much more with sugar! with milk! with honey! or lemon! hot! cold! literally my favourite, shoutout to whoever invented plant in water. Also soup different kind of plant in water but still absolutely banging humans peaked at plant in water best things invented.
and caffeine doesn't affect me like at all? so i only drink these things for taste.
first thing you wanted to be growing up?
Idk the first but I know at some stage I wanted to be an author or a marine biologist (why is this so common who put it in our heads? Actually maybe David Attenborough....) probably the first was an animal or something
egh its rambly and may not make sense but whatever, also revealing any information about myself on the internet scares me even though literally nobody could do anything with this information like guys pls dont dox me through knowing my mum is a kindergarten teacher
tagging @gaylittlepieceofsh1t @mousydentist @mr-bazongos @wildelydawn @thestarscanalwayslookatus @fiddlepickdouglas @ae-azile and any one who wants to, no pressure tho <333
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araelinn · 10 months
I've been thinking lately about the current conflict in Israel-Palestine. Many aspects of it I'd like to touch on. But more than anything I'm curious about people's opinion about the allegations women have made on both sides regarding to their treatment by the forces of the opposite side. (If you know, you know. Im being vague in language so hopefully this post will reach more people).
I do need to research on pro women NGOs denying some of the accusations. (Which if true is a reprehensible behavior). As personally, I wouldn't be surprised if they were true on both sides. It is an unfortunate thing that happens on armed conflicts. And never is one side completely innocent. At most, less worse.
So onto the question. If I told you today, that this third party will investigate the accusations of the side you support,but only if the opposite side's accusations are equally seriously investigated. Would you agree?
Please reblog or at least share, I'd really like to have as large sample size as possible. If anyone responds no, it would be nice to hear your reasoning. If not in the notes, you're free to anon me and I'll put them in a reblog
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16ciggy · 1 year
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Gabimaru when he's drunk.
He wasn't the type to get drunk easily. He doesn't practically enjoy drinking alcohol though. He always thought it would distract him from his line of job. However—he accidentally got drunk after gulping down a barrel of beer in it to prove to Sagiri that he was capable of drinking alcohol without getting drunk.. but it seems that he took a little too much that surpassed his alcohol tolerance.
- 89CIGGY -
"Mmm... (Y/N)~" Gabimaru whined, laying down on your lap; his drooling was all over you. It was definitely grossing you out for sure, but god.. he's really emotionally vulnerable when he's drunk isn't he? He gets all so worked up about everything. His hollow eyes has turned to puppy eyes and he just can't stop whining like a little baby.
You caressed his head gently, he tugs onto your kimono and looked into your eyes. He was smiling, you didn't know why but you found it adorable. You pinched his cheek, "Ow! (Y/N)!" Gabimaru yelped.
His guard is even down.. You thought to yourself.
"Darling, don't drink out of pettiness next time. You shouldn't have chugged down the entire barrel of beer just because Sagiri didn't believe that your alcohol tolerance was high.." You sighed while rubbing his back as your hand slowly traces back up to his head; playing with his poofy white hair. Gabimaru hummed in response, giving that small 'mmm..' once more. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door—Gabimaru quickly got up from your lap and he was tensed. It was almost as if he wasn't drunk and whining like a little baby just a few minutes ago.
He tried to stand up, but he was wobbling. You stood up and helped him. "Just lay down on the futon, I'll get the door." You ordered him, setting him on the futon gently as he lays down on it and starts staring at the ceiling. Oh, he was seeing stars for sure. He was definitely going to pass out. (Y/N) walked over to the door and opened it slightly to see who it was first, being cautious and not taking any risks just in case.
She lits up out of happiness when she sees the face of Sagiri. "Sagiri!~" (Y/N) happily said while reaching out her arms out towards her before pulling her in for a hug. Sagiri did the same as she chuckled and blushed from the sudden hug; Sagiri was shocked by how (Y/N) was joyful to see her. "Good evening, (Y/N)." Sagiri was about to bow down as you quickly stopped her from doing so. "Sagiri, you don't need to be so formal with me! We have been best friends since childhood—it's okay." You stated, giggling from Sagiri's huge change in behaviour. It only made you respect her more. Both of you came from a well-known and highly respectable family, so it wasn't surprising when other people found out that you both knew each other. "Is Gabimaru okay..?" Sagiri asked out of worry. You nodded and opened the door wider and pointed at the passed out shinobi who was snoring on the futon. Sagiri gave a deadpanned face as she stared at Gabimaru, "I am really sorry that i made your husband like this. I should've just believed him." Sagiri muttered as she clearly felt guilty. (Y/N) looks at her and chuckles. "It's fineee~ he'll be under my care until tomorrow." You reassured her, patting her shoulder and giving a thumbs up. Sagiri had a rush of relief over her whole body as she smiled softly at you, "Thank you (Y/N).. you're the best as always."
Sagiri left shortly, and you closed the door when she stepped out of the gated community. You then felt a hot breath against your neck, and you squeaked out of surprise. The soft, tender hands were grazing upon your waist—your breath got shaky as it was slowly tracing up to your chest. "G-Gabimaru.. stop it.." You whispered, Gabimaru did stop; burying his face onto your shoulders. "Please.. Im so needy for you right now, baby." Gabimaru groaned, biting your earlobs and you immediately got weak.
You turned around and cupped his cheeks, your body felt hot and your pale skin that was equal to that of a moonlight was pure red from Gabimaru's touches. "Gabimaru, I rather you have me fucking when you're sober." You said, while huffing and blushing—Gabimaru grinned at you, it was so clear on what he wanted to do with you from his eyes. The 'thing' being so gentle in the beginning until you start begging and pleading him to cum inside of you. Oh yes, that is what he wanted to do with you. He wants to watch you squirm underneath him, watch you gag on his thick cock. Making you tired and still fucking you while you are blanked out from the pleasure and making you cum on his cock 24/7 till your pussy is sore. He wants to taste you, your juice were his protein shake every morning and every night. "Mhm~ I will fuck you, alright.." Gabimaru mumbles, staring down into your soul before he kisses you and letting go of you.
There was a long pause, and the sexual tension between you both was so high.
"I'll go sleep if only i get to fuck you in the nastiest way the moment i wake up tomorrow."
....And that was how Gabimaru went to sleep peacefully with no tauntrums whilst spooning you. You aren't gonna be walking for a while tomorrow.
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bwobgames · 1 year
Previous First
"Um, what...?"
"Uh oh"
"Well you see"
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"Earlier, I was in my shed like always, when I heard some odd sounds outside! But when I went out, there was nothing at all!
So I left, but I still got the lingering worry. What if some animal got in? I really don't like it when my shed gets disturbed, you know
Last time, a bunny got in! Can you believe it?
I had to get rid of it"
"So, I go back! And guess what I found? My controllers were gone!
Now, I might not be an incredibly influential detective like you, Mr Beebo, but I can guess this wasn't the local wildlife
In fact, by the pair of footprints around the woods, I could even assume your scarf friend here told you some things!
And you two went out there giving me trouble, like always"
"Stealing is wrong, you know"
"... Uh, I think killing is worse, actually"
"If you think we'll give them back, you can start begging"
"Oh, don't worry about it, I just need this one! It's in such a good spot!"
"What, under the bar table or something? Fuck you"
"Ángel calm down"
Eugene smiles
"Oh, I see"
"I'm afraid you got tricked"
Oliver panics a little
"What? What do you mean?"
"Well, you see
Last time, you guys really surprised me! I mean, you got me killed!
So... I got a little worried
And decided to pull a little trick, just in case
It's always good to be cautious, you know"
"Fucking- get to the point!"
"Haha okay"
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"I changed the little stickers for the bomb placement"
"Oh fuck"
"What- What is that one then?"
"A really good one"
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"The main room
Right under the snacks table
See? A great spot!"
There's silence in the room
"... What?"
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"That's... were mom is"
"Yeah! Your mother! This will be her second time dying via bomb
I need more diversity, I know"
"No... She can't... I haven't talked to her..."
"Ah, dont cry, girl. Im really bad with crying children"
Beebo and Ángel start to back up
"Wait a minute there, we haven't finished talking!
I would hate to make you guys forget so quickly after we've bonded so much"
He waves the control around
Literally and figuratively
They stay
"So, any more questions?"
"What's the fucking point of this"
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"Ángel, calm down"
"What are you even planning?! Are you just going to keep us here forever?! Like some sort of purgatory?!"
"Please, we can't do anything rash"
"What? Of course not!"
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"I've said it before and I'll say it again: I'm not a cruel man!
We all make mistakes, and all of you have made some very big mistakes!
But you won't be here forever, I'll let you out eventually
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"I'm just going to kill you over and over again until I'm satisfied"
"Only then you'll earn my forgiveness"
"All of you deserve to die for what you've done to me"
"Ah, of course, you guys are not equal. Some sins are bigger than others. Let's see..."
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"I think the first one I'll let out is my sister. She's stupid but means well. Im sure she would apologize immediately if given the chance
Of course, apologies mean nothing in the face of utter betrayal, so she needs to die a few times."
"Next would be the reporter girl. She's incredibly annoying, but I guess that's not the worst sin she could've committed.
Still, I love to hear the sound of her voice getting increasingly quieter when she's dying, so she's staying for a bit"
"Next, ugh, my wife. People really hype up being married, you know? You are supposed to be a team, but she never wanted to help me with anything! It was all about her house and her family and her kids and blah blah. She's so selfish, that woman.
But eh, she's pretty useless right now, so it's not like she'll do anything of worth once I free her"
"Now, Owen, that kid is staying for a few weeks at least. Can't believe he would betray me like this, really, I thought he was an exemplary kid!
But no, he wasn't. I'm sure his mother would be glad to get rid of him for some time
He needs to die many, many times, "
"And then, my son. Or what I thought was my son, turns out the fucker ended up being more like his mother! Useless thing. And to think he was going to be in charge of my company once I moved on to other things.
He couldn't even betray me on his own. He needed the help of his little buddies. What a rat.
I will not have a coward as a son.
I need to see him cry more, so he'll stay a while"
"Now, you two troublemakers"
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"I'll be honest, I wasn't planning on keeping you for long, Ángel"
"But seeing as you have been a complete pain in the ass in your stay here, you are staying a good while"
"Stubborn bastard"
"Sounds like a waste of time. You can't even kill me"
"Eh, I'm sure with enough tries I will"
"But it's not like I really need to, do I? I just need to get your little friend here, and it hurts you just as much"
Ángel says nothing to that
"And speaking of said little friend, Mr Beebo, I always planned on you staying here until the very end
You've done something really bad, you know?
It got me really mad!
And now, you come here, meddling in everything I do.
Causing trouble everywhere you go
It's like you know exactly how to completely infuriate me
I hate you so much! With all my being!"
Eugene says, smiling
"... The feeling is mutual"
"How sweet. I'm glad! Killing you is always so satisfying"
"And since you two lovebirds insist on staying together, you'll share a sentence"
"How do you say these things and claim you are not a cruel man?"
"Well, it's simple. This might as well never had happened"
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"Whenever a loop starts again, everything is okay again! There's no scars, no pain, no memories, no proof.
So, technically, I never killed anybody! I mean, look! You're still standing
Is it really that bad? I am going to let you out eventually
And once you do, it would be like nothing ever happened!
Im just taking a few months of your life
Who knows! Maybe after I forgive you, we could all be friends!"
"That won't happen"
"Oh, dont say that. You won't even remember this conversation. No one will"
He looks at Ángel
"... Well, almost no one. But hey! Nobody's perfect"
Oliver holds Ángel back
"... You didn't mention me. Although I'm not surprised"
"Oh, don't worry! I didn't forget you this time
This is why I wanted to talk
I have an offer to make"
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lily-drake · 2 years
Lesson 7: Always Know Your Place
Marin: Möckel! I havent seen you in aw-
Luka: its Luka.
Marin: oh- *furrows her eyebrows, whispers in Arabic* [I thought it was Möckel..]
Luka: *hums* Möckel doesn’t exist.
Marin: you.. *tilts her head* you were undercover?
Luka: yes.
Marin: you.. infiltrated..
Luka: *smiles* yes.
Marin: *grimaces* if mother knew she would have punished me for not knowing.
Luka: *grins* good thing they never found out, huh?
Marin: how did.. *furrows her eyebrows* how long?
Luka: 4 years?
Marin: how are you still alive???
Luka: *grins viciously* killed in combat. Unit down.
Marin: *hums* quite sad they never found Möckel’s body.
Luka: *nods solemnly* yes.
_____ It’s a real experience to see someone so bright and full of life… just break and melt down in front of you.
Its a real experience to see someone you’ve loved for quite some time… just drop dead all in the span of a second.
Its a real experience to see someone’s life flash on and off repeatedly for 5 minutes until… it never turns on again.
It becomes a real experience.
Until its an everyday experience.
She hates it.
_____ Marin: i don't- it’s like my emotions are shut off. Im me but not me. Im here but not here. I speak and i listen and i see people but im not THERE. IM NOT FUCKING REAL-
Jason: Marin-
Marin: *crying* I'm not real. My emotions aren't real. Im not real. Ive never been real. Marinette is real. Alice is real. Hailey is real. All my molds are real but I'M NOT! IM NOT REAL!
Jason: Marin you are-
Marin: *screams* IM NOT!
Things seemed to actually be looking up for Marin.  It had been months since she left, and no one had found her yet!  Jason visited on an on-and-off basis, and she had felt…good!  It was a strange feeling, honestly when she first truly felt it she thought she was having some sort of panic attack.  She was fighting her own villain now with her own partner–not a sidekick, but a partner, an equal–and she was free to do ct how she pleased with no interference and no one reminding her not to kill every time she so much as twitched!  Paris had actively put a block on any information that pertained to the Akuma Attacks from being able to exit the borders so she didn’t have to worry about anyone coming here and accidentally finding her.  Mother had visited briefly one other time after their first time meeting for tea, and it didn’t end with any form of bloodshed.  Everything was looking up for her, and that should have been the first sign that something bad was quickly approaching.
Marinette had been invited to the Couffaine’s home for a concert; it surprised her when the offer was first made, but she quickly accepted.  Chloe was bragging about going to XY’s concert and how she should ditch “those losers” and come with her.  Marinette simply told her she had terrible taste in music.  Chloe had crossed her arms and looked up definitely, making a ‘hmph’ noise and angling her body slightly away from Marinette.  Marinette had laughed and bumped her shoulder against Chloe’s.  Chloe simply rolled her eyes as her lips made a small upturn.
“Whatever Dupain-Cheng, he’s #1 on record charts right now.”
“Yea, but it’s all very subjective, so let’s not argue over it.  Besides, we both know that Jagged Stone is far superior.”
Chloe felt a chill run through her at Marinette’s playful tone.  Marinette still made something in the back of her mind ring loudly in alarm, but when she looked at the girl she was just smiling at her with her hands fiddling anxiously with the strap of her purse.
“What’s wrong Chloe, you seem a little frightened.”
“Ha, frightened of what?  There’s literally nothing to fear.  It would be ridiculous, utterly ridiculous of me to be afraid.”
Chloe replied insolently.  Marin knew that Chloe could sense something from her, it had thrown her off the first time she noticed Chloe could sense her.  Afterall, she had set these molds up to be perfect, she was extremely careful with how they were formed and used.  The fact that Chloe could even feel something about her besides the happy, anxious, bubbly, and sunshine girl from her was extraordinarily impressive.  Now she would never reveal that Chloe was right to be on edge, that would be a fool’s decision, she liked to tease Chloe about it though.  Never enough to make Chloe think she’s going crazy, rather small call outs to make fun of her.  It amused her greatly to see Chloe’s reactions.
When the time came to go to the concert she was shocked to see that Juleka lived on a ship.  It made her wonder if she could convince the Dupain-Cheng’s to let her get one of her own.  She wandered around and tried to help where she could, but it seemed like everyone knew what to do besides her.  That was until Anarka came and told her to get her son, Luka, from his room.  When she got to his room and they made eye contact both stared at the other in complete and utter shock.
“Möckel!  I-I haven’t seen you in aw-
“It’s Luka.”
He said quickly, cutting her off.  His eyes scanned the room frantically as if someone were hiding in the shadows just waiting to attack him.
Marin furrowed her brows in confusion.  Did she mix him up with someone else?  She had heard about doppelgängers before, maybe that's what this was? Under her breath she muttered,
“I thought it was Möckel…”
Luka hummed at that and once he was satisfied they were alone, leaned back and relaxed slightly against the wall.
“Möckel doesn’t exist.”
At his words things began to click into place, because she knew exactly what he meant by that statement.  Marin tilted her head slightly as confusion and disbelief bled through her voice,
“You… you were undercover?”
He stated simply, his eyes never leaving her form showing he was on guard even if he looked completely relaxed.
At that Luka gave her a bright and smug smile.  He was proud of this, he found victory from having done it.
Marinette grimaced at that.  She didn’t feel too terrible for never figuring it out as no one else had either, but still.  She was supposed to be one of the best, and she failed…again.  If he was aiming to kill her or anyone else in the League, would he have been successful?
“If mother knew she would have punished me for not knowing.”
Was all she could say to his smug response.  At that his smile fell to one of sympathy and pain.  After all he had seen her punishments, they were made public for a reason.
“Good thing they never found out then, huh?”
Marinette nodded dazedly before asking,
“How did… how long?”
Marin asked, her fingers twitching at her side in frustration.
“4 years?”
He said, or rather questioned.  He and Marin had interacted a few times in the League, in fact he saw her as an almost friend in the death trap.  He had never seen her like this before, this was all Marin, but it felt like she was falling apart here.  Marin’s head snapped and she stared him directly in the eyes,
“How are you still alive?!”
She yelled almost incredulously.
Luka’s grin turned vicious as he stated,
“Killed in combat.  Unit down.”
Marin hummed at that, calming down and letting her own body relax slightly.
“Quite sad they never found Möckel’s body.”
She said almost distantly, her eyes downcast with a sort of silent remembrance in her tone.  Like she had lost something important, and even if she found it it would never be the same again.  Luka nodded solemnly, remembering the battle and how all of his comrades had died.  He was the only one to make it through.  It was the perfect excuse to finally leave, to report to his superiors so that he could finally be reunited with his family.
Was all he could say as the somberness of the conversation filled the room.
Suddenly yelling and loud noises filled the room from the outside and the ship was covered in dark purple bubbles transforming the ship into a modified red and black medieval pirate ship.  The large round window was still there and thankfully open.  
“Come on Luka, we have to get out of here!”
She said pointing to the window.  He nodded and quickly stood up, but before either could get to the window loud footsteps sounded through the halls.  Luka opened a door under the bed and pointed to it.  Marin gulped but quickly got inside, already going into battle mode.  Luka pushed her back in and started to act like she had escaped and he was about to join her.  The door was burst open and she heard Anarka yell,
“Liberty, capture him.”
The sound of chains sounded and Möc-no, Luka’s body fell to the ground.  Once she was sure she was alone she had Plagg pull the drawer out and she took a small gasp of breath, almost choking on open air.
“Alright Plagg, it’s time to get to work.”
Plagg sighed tiredly and stretched.
“Do we have to?  I’m still tired.”
Marin smiled at her little friend and gently patted his head with one of her fingers.
“I promise that once this is over I’ll make you some Camembert Danish.”
“Alright, Plagg claws out.”
She whispered, afterall, she didn’t need anyone to hear her and figure it out.  She snuck out through the window and took stock of her surroundings.  They were passing by other concerts, both large and small, and they were getting far too close to the land.
“Liberty, fire!”
She watched as the sets and everything around it crumpled and died with the canon balls.  Cries and Screams pierced the air, she felt terrible with how the familiar noises almost seemed to put her mind at ease.  Quickly she made her move, blending in with the shadows as she tried to figure out what the object that needed to be broken was.  
And just her luck, she saw Mr. Bug swinging on the opposite side of where she was, easily distracting the Akumatized victim.  That wasn’t good for long term reasons, but it was good for now.  She needed to be careful though because if she was given even an ounce of good luck, it could only mean there would be Hell to pay later.  
She quietly climbed onto the deck, keeping to the shadowed areas of the ship creeping closer and closer to where the civilians were tied together in the center of the ship.  She needed to do this carefully, she couldn’t risk being spotted by the Akuma, but she also needed the kids to talk to her in case they knew where the corrupted bug was.  She quickly glanced over and watched as Mr. Bug was able to deflect the chains with his yo-yo causing the Akuma to be even angrier than before, placing even more of her focus into catching him.  Good.  The tip of her tail began to whip side to side as excitement filled her bones.  This thrill, the life or death of it all is what she lived for.  It wasn’t a game to her, she knew how serious this was, but she had lived her entire life like this, she was far too desensitized to ever feel the fear of this line of work ever again.
She reached into her belt and pulled out three small orbs that would explode on impact, each with a different purpose.  One would be smoke, the next would be an explosive, and the last one she would be able to channel her power into without having to activate her Cataclysm.  With practiced ease she threw the explosive at the Akuma, the smoke bomb at the group of kids, but held onto the last one.  She didn’t have time to focus on the Akuma and Chat, her first priority was information, so she ran as fast as she possibly could toward the kids.
They were coughing slightly, but it didn’t matter right now.
“Do any of you know where the Akuma may be?”
She demanded as soon as she was in front of them.
“Huh, Kaus Noir!”
One of them gasped excitedly.  
“Yes, now tell me, where is the Akuma?”
“It’s the compass!  A police officer came and asked if we had a docking permit, but Mom refused to show it to them.  He kept giving her senseless tickets, and I saw it fly into the Cabin.”
Juleka all but muttered.
“Thank you, I’ll take care of it.”
Marin’s senses were on high alert as her ears perked up at the sound of chains coming straight for her.  She dodged with easy grace, grabbing her staff from its holster at her lower back and extending it.  Now out of the smoke she could see what had happened.  Mr. Bug had seemed to tire the woman out quite a bit, but she had been able to chain him to the mast.  She wore an almost gleeful smirk, her eyes bright like she had already won.
“I have your bug, and if you don’t want me to run him through, you’ll hand me your Miraculous!”
Anarka demanded while pointing her sword towards Marin dramatically.  Marin simply rolled her eyes before she threw the small ball at the chains, letting them quickly decay.
“You don’t scare me, and I have more tricks up my sleeve than you’ll ever know.”
She watched as the boy jumped, landing right next to her while swinging his yo-yo in a large circle so fast it became a shield.  She stayed next to him, letting him deflect the oncoming chains.
“What's the plan Kaus?”
He asked, not even breathless.  Maybe she didn’t give him enough credit, he’s fairing far better than she thought he would these last few weeks.  She was slowly starting to trust him, and him her, it was strange.  
“Witness said that the Akuma is in the compass in the Cabin.  If you can keep her distracted a little longer I can destroy the object.”
Mr. Bug nodded.
“I’ll separate from you, so be ready for an incoming of chains.”
With her confirming nod, he moved away, racing towards Anarka at a high velocity that can only be attributed to the Miraculous.  Marin twirled her staff in a similar manner that Mr. Bug did his yo-yo, allowing her to block the chains and shield herself.  It didn’t take long for her to reach the Cabin.  Where there was once a simple wooden door now stood a large iron door with slithering chains.  She was hidden in a dark shadow, but she could tell Anarka was looking for her.  It was a pattern, she would fight Bug for 45 seconds before she would glance around for 5.  After the third time Marin began her work, the timer ticking down in her mind as focussed her energy into one more orb, this one draining her Cataclysm only a little.  She threw the orb at the door and smiled as it disappeared into ash, but now Anarka was racing towards her, riding the chains.  Marin ran into the small room yelling Cataclysm and placing her hand against the compass.  As soon as her hand brushed the device the chains encompassed her body, but it was too late, the device was already decaying.  
“NO!  What have ye done?”
Anarka yelled, falling onto her knees as purple consumed her once more.  She watched as Mr. Bug threw his yo-yo at the corrupted creature, capturing it before releasing its purified form back to the wild.  Yes, the wild, she had placed tracks on some of the other ones and none of them ever led back to anywhere except parks and the like.  She watched as he also threw a giant pair of chain breakers into the air, causing millions of Ladybugs to fly around all of Paris, fixing all of the damage that occurred, and removing the chains from around her.  
Mr. Bug lent his arm towards her, and for once, she accepted it, letting him pull her to her feet.  He smiled at her and held out his fist.  Dick had always done something similar, he had called it a “fist pump”.  She returned that as well, he smiled brightly at her, and though she didn’t feel butterflies or anything flying in her stomach, she felt settled.  Calm.  It was a nice change of pace.
“Great job today Kaus.”
“Yea, not bad yourself Mr. Bug.”
Both of their miraculous beeped, and with one last curt nod, she ran off the boat, only to subtly arch back to land back into Moc-LUKA’S room once more.
“Claws off.”
She whispered letting Plagg fly out before hiding him back in her purse where she kept cheddar cheese, because she was not smelling like camembert. He would get lots of that back in the apartment so it wasn’t like she wasn’t meeting his needs.  Luka burst through the room with wide eyes that almost seemed frightened.  He looked scared, accusatory, and almost…guilty.
“I don’t like small spaces.”
She stated, crossing her arms, as if that’s why he was looking at her like she had done something she shouldn’t have.  
“I know, sorry.  It was the only place to hide you.”
He whispered, never leaving his spot right in front of the door.  They stayed silent for a few moments longer before he finally asked,
“Why are you here?  Who’s your target?”
And didn’t that just hurt.  It felt like she had been slapped in the face, but she didn’t let him see that.
“I’m not here for the League, I left it.  They have no control over me.  I am here because I want to live my life free of anyone.  I’m here to make my own decisions, I am not here to kill.”
She stated, looking into his eyes the entire time with a hard conviction.  He stared back at her, familiar blue, calculating eyes trying to piece together her words.  Find a hidden meaning where there was none, look for the lie where she only said her truth.  
“Very well, but if I catch even a whiff of you trying to hurt my friends or family, I will not hesitate to expose you.  I may not be able to defeat you, but I can take you down with me.”
And with that, he turned and left, leaving her alone, fists clenched and face expressionless.  She could feel Plagg nuzzling her hip through the purse, it grounded her, made her feel warm, but it didn’t take away the loathing that began to once again squirm through her entire being.
Two weeks after that day Jason was staring at his little sister in shock as she told him what had happened that day.  It's a real experience to see someone so bright and full of life… just break and melt down in front of you.
* It's a real experience to see someone you’ve loved for quite some time… just drop dead all in the span of a second.
It's a real experience to see someone’s life flash on and off repeatedly for 5 minutes until… it never turns on again.
It becomes a real experience.
Until it's an everyday experience.
She hates it.  Jason hates it, especially when he has to see it every time Marinette fades away to Marin.  He loved her, they kept each other sane while I’m the League and always had the others back.  Nothing would ever change that.
“Möckel is alive.  He goes by Luka now.  He had infiltrated the League.”
She said, spitting out the last sentence like it was an insult to her very being.  And in a way, it was.
“I know.”
Jason stated and that had Marin snapping her head to stare at him like he was insane.  He was worried she had given herself whiplash.
“You-you knew and you did not say anything?!”
“Well, I kept a close eye on him and threatened him.  But you two were getting close and you needed another person you could trust in your life.  Didn’t want to take that away unless I had to.”
It was silent for a few minutes.  Then Marin whispered,
“Möckel was a mask.  It didn’t take control of his life.  Luka is real.”
Jason was confused and didn’t understand where this was headed.  But he was sure it was nowhere good.
“I don’t- it’s like my emotions are shut off.  I’m me, but I’m not me.  I’m here, but I’m not here.  I speak and I listen and I see people, but I’m not THERE.  I'M NOT F*ING REAL-“
Jason said softly as he tried to take her hand in his.  She moved it away quickly and hugged herself as warm tears fell down her cheeks and a sob escaped her lips.
“I’m not real.  My emotions aren’t real.  I’m not real.  I’ve never been real.  Marinette,”
She spat the name like it was the most disgusting poison she had tasted,
“is real.  Alice is real.  Hailey is real!  All my molds are real, but I’M NOT!  I'M NOT REAL!”
Jason was at a loss for words and it hurt to see her like this.  To finally have her walls fall down around her as she sobbed.  Carefully Jason maneuvered her so that she was seated in his lap while he hugged her to his chest as tightly as he could while not crushing her.  He placed a gentle kiss to the crown of her head and whispered,
“Marin, you are-“
“I’M NOT!”
She screamed, banging her fists harshly against his chest, face buried against his neck.
Jason was silent, letting her have a moment while he compiled his thoughts.  He, like the rest of his emotionally constipated family, was never great with words.  He had known her for so long, so many years.  He knew so many of her molds by heart, her fears, her triggers, when she was actually happy and sad, he knew her better than Damian ever would know her.  Where Dick was like a father to Damian, the same could be said of him with Marinette.  
He had always wondered when this breakdown would happen, it was a long time coming, and now that it was here he didn’t know what to do.  He knew that she had never had the opportunity to really let herself just be, especially when she was stuck with Bruce.  It turns out that seeing Möckel, or rather “Luka”, had been the thing to finally tip her over the edge.  Jason carefully ran his fingers through her hair, gently removing the knots and running his fingers softly against her scalp.  Slowly her sobs petered down to hiccups and eventually to small sniffles.  Jason was very happy that they were in one of his safe houses instead of the bakery for this conversation.
“Marin, and yes, I mean Marin, please listen to what I’m saying.”
A pause,
“I promise you, that you are not fake.  I have known you longer than Damian has, better than anyone ever will, or at least that’s what I’d like to believe.  I know who you are, you are strong, resilient, fierce, a bit of a prankster, a smartalec, and a little s*.”
“So you admit it,”
Marinette sniffled with a small chuckle.
“I am a little s*.”
Jason smirked and rolled his eyes at that.
“Yea, I admit it, you really are.  But, in a good way, because your my Little S*.”
“You really believe that Marin is real?”
She asked hesitantly.  Jason gave her a small smile and ruffled her head, earning a sharp slap.
“Of course.  I know for a fact this isn’t a mold, a facade, this is what you really feel.  This is all Marin, no one else.”
She muttered,
“I’m tired.”
“I believe you.  Why don’t you take a break.  I’ll text Sabine and Tom if you want to spend the night.”
“Yes please.”
“Alright.  I’ll do it when you're ready, and don’t you dare force yourself.”
“Yes, Sir.”
@aespades @adrestar @astrynyx @doll246 @queenz-z @toodaloo-kangaroo @crazylittlemunchkin @seraphichana @miraculous-ninjabird @dorkus-minimus @mysticsoulgirl @ritacrow-blog @snow-leopard-777 @fidget-eep @sometandomstuff333 @lady-phoenix-of-tardis @shreeing @achaoticmess1 @liquid-luck-00 @buginetye @stainedglassm @prettylittlebutterflie @laurcad123 @iloontjeboontje @heartsong18 @raeuberprinzessin @when-no-wings-do-broomsticks @jennifer-rose123 @moon5608 @corporeal-terrestrial @skitarii-alpha-c6-555 @saltysugarysembei @phantom120 @kking13 @depressed-bitchy-demon @a-slytherinish-gryffindor @iamablinkmarvelarmy @fleursroses
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the1975attheirverybest · 11 months
Halla I know that this probably is not the place for this but i really want to come out to my family I feel as though it is time but I don’t know how, (they’re extremely religious and totally against homosexuality) and I am very scared
oh, honey. 💗💗
im so sorry that your family, the people who should love and support you unconditionally have put you in a position of fear. that should never be the case. I know you know this and there's no use in me telling you what things SHOULD be. but I need you to know and to remember that its not on you.
Of course, never having dealt with this myself, my perspective isn't the most important here (LGBTQAI+ friends on here please do weigh in!), but I'm gonna ask (please feel free to ignore if you dont feel comfortable sharing) are you sure about this? in other words, do you think that coming out to them would put you in danger? You deserve to be able to live your truest self openly and not have to hide who you are around those who are closest to you, and I want that freedom for you. But, you also don't owe anyone any disclosure if it's gonna put you at risk. Like, if you live with them, if there's any danger of harm, etc.
If you feel ready, and you are certain that you can remove yourself safely, should things escalate, then....they might surprise you? I have had this discussion with family members of mine who are rather religious (not about myself, but just about the importance of queer rights). but its gone rather well. BECAUSE they're religious. they believe that god created everyone equally and if god created someone and they're queer, then who are we to disrespect that. There are plenty of queer affirming churches etc. so perhaps your family could be among those?
if not, please know that you are loved. you are valid. just because some people's dogma prevents them from seeing you as a complete, perfectly equal, human being, doesn't mean that you're lacking anything or that ANYTHING is wrong with you. You've got nothing to be ashamed of whether your family is receptive or not. You'll always find safe spaces elsewhere (including here). Love and respect aren't the same. they must respect you. and if they're incapable, then you'll find others who would be more than happy to. you're going to be okay. I promise.
Again, this is not something I've ever had to deal with, so im sorry if this isn't helpful. i defer, with respect, to my fellow queer friends on here. anybody?
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hiii :):) i hopee you have a great dayy act i want to ask about my future spouse anything about it . im a she , my initial is D and my sun is gemini
thankyouu so much:):)
Hello hello! I am so so sorry love ❤️
Hope you have a great day and week as well 💕
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I have got it in three parts:
1. Personality
2. Treatment to you
3. Relationship of both of you.
Cards: 6 of Cups, King of Pentacles (reversed) Knight of Cups, Queen of Swords (reversed).
I feel like he would definitely have a pet. Who he has been with for long, really attached to the pet definitely. He is someone loyal. Someone who is committed to the bit. And won't leave someone just for any reason. The people he has had around him have influenced him greatly, in a wholesome way.
Someone who might seek riches specifically a lot. While, that's not a bad thing on a moderate level but with him it's more than moderate I feel. He might chase riches or material abundance so greatly that he might forget the other important priorities. Working overtime may be a thing too.
He would LOVE surprising you with flowers. Like, whenever he would meet you after work, he would get you flowers, chocolates or anything you love in that regard. Planning a surprise picnic on a warm Sunday. On special occasions, giving all those romantic gestures like that. A romantic at heart, by soul.
As I mentioned before, with all the greed for riches, he would definitely forget the priorities this would lead him to not be able to see the things and matters in the long term. Basically, Long term planning might be something he doesn't do, or simply neglects. He might sometimes get cold and blunt with his words, without even meaning to. Aloof at times, isolating might be something he would tend to do when things get stressful.
How would he treat you?
Cards: 2 of Pentacles, 7 of Cups, 3 of Swords.
Like he would treat himself, that is, an equal to him. You know, he might see you as his other half, so treating equally makes sense (Am I even making sense??). He would be really authentic with you. You would not need to worry whether he is being truthful or not, he is showing you what he actually is.
Sometimes, in spite of his best intentions, he would jumble things up and get confused. Like, "Oh, will she like this? Or will she like that? No, no, that, THAT seems the best or...." Yup! He would want to give you whatever he can, however he can, but the options are too much. You would find this really endearing though.
He would at difficult times, distance himself from you. I feel like, it will be in order to not hurt you even though the distance will hurt you more. Getting away from you in stressful times. Like that.
Your Relationship:
Cards: Ace of Cups, the Magician.
A connection where the efforts were made, and the result is just so beautiful! There would be so much love in this relationship. Two hearts together, like it was meant to be. You two were meant to be. A beautiful connection. Maybe you two manifested this bond.
Again, something you both created together. Oh, you two might also like trying out new hobbies together. Going on trips, trying out new food but mostly something related to creating something new!
Your relationship will feel like a beautiful magic! A lasting magic ✨
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If you have any further questions related to this reading please let me know! 🥰🫶🏻🪔
Have a nice day and don't forget to leave a feedback ☺️🤍
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