#assassin!marinette au
lily-drake · 1 year
Lesson 8: Find What's Worth your Protection
Random: *glares at Marin* Marin: *blinks* … Jon: *leans slightly towards her* what’s her deal? Marin: if looks could kill.. *grins* well, I still wouldn’t care but- Jon: she’s glaring at you like you killed her mother. Marin: *blanks* …. Jon: did.. did you ki- Marin: *snaps her attention towards him* no???? *smiles warily* at least I don’t think so- Jon: Marin! Marin: *pushes his shoulder playfully* what??? *looks back at the Random* I had many missions, who knows, maybe shes a cousin or whatever. Jon: *groans into his hands* ~~~~~~~ Marin: …you’re not fazed by this. Jon: you’re Damian’s sister. Marin: I’ve done considerably worse than my brother has. Jon: again, you’re Damian’s sister. Marin: …which means? Jon: that you both were raised to be assassins and I? Don’t? Care? Marin: …you’re not fazed by my molds. Jon: *grimaces* Damian kind of.. explained the situation. Marin: *blinks* …did he? Jon: yeah… Marin: … Jon: sorry-? Marinette: *shrugs* its whatever, so what are we going to do later? Jon: uhh- homework-??? Marinette: sweet!! Let’s go. Jon: uh-huh..
Damian stared at the letter laid across his desk.  He had read it, reread once, twice, thrice, and yet he still couldn’t fully process the words. 
“ I don’t want to be found so don’t look for me.  I am going to be who I want, I’m going to act how I want, and I’m not going to force myself to do things that will make me feel terrible.  You will no longer be able to pressure me, and that means you will NOT pressure someone else instead. ”
Was he truly that terrible?  Was it truly his fault for pressuring her and unintentionally pushing her away in the process?  
“ I love my dearest little brother.  Stay strong and know that I will one day visit.  For now, I’m figuring things out for myself, and I finally feel like I have a grasp on my life. ”
He reread those few sentences over and over and over again reassuring himself.  She would return, she would come back.  She never broke a promise, not once.  He scowled when he had read the last part of the letter, Jon was afraid of him!  But then again, Jon still hadn’t told him despite the fact that Marin had been gone for three weeks now.  It was infuriating.  Speaking of Jon, he hadn’t heard his annoying voice at all yet, something was up.
Damian tucked the note away in his desk almost reverently before he stood up and marched out of his room.  He would check the kitchen first, but the only one there was Beast Boy.
“Where is Kent?”  He demanded while crossing his arms.  Beast Boy turned to him with a confused frown before he shrugged.
“No clue man.  Last I heard he had a “private call” to make, something about someone calling him, or whatever.”  Damian’s frown deepened.  It didn’t matter, he would just head to the training room, nothing defeating the highest level of holographic enemies wouldn’t fix.
______ Jon was on a secret mission, well, secret in the fact that he just didn’t want anyone to know what he was doing.  What was he doing, well, currently he was trying not to let the craziest of the al Ghul-Waynes cut his head off.  “Hey, hey!  It’s me Marin!  Please don’t kill me!”  He shouted, keeping his hands up and forward in a show of peace and surrender.  Her eyes were dark and predatory as she studied him.
“What are you doing here?”  She growled, baring her teeth in a way that was definitely threatening.
“Is it so wrong to want to make sure my friend is okay after weeks of radio silence?”
He could hear her heart skip slightly at that, she was surprised.  “What makes you think we’re friends?!”  She snarled, pushing the blade that no doubt had bits and pieces of Kryptonite in it, further against his neck.  He was so screwed.  Why did he think this was a good idea again?
“The fact that we spent years together attending Gotham Academy and you know, our side job.”  He replied nervously, making sure to keep perfectly still unless he really did want that dagger slitting his throat.  
Marin let out a small hum, thinking over his words while allowing the dagger to stay firmly planted against his neck.  “Fine, your answer is acceptable.”  And just like that, the dagger was removed and hidden in one swift motion.
Jon let out a sigh of relief, moving slightly away from Marin to catch his breath.  “Damian still thinks he’s scarier than you and I still don’t know how to convince him he’s wrong.”  Jon gasped, cupping his throat as if that would protect it.  He could feel the slight sting against his next from where the blade laid across the skin.
“Damian assumes much and understands little.  He will not allow himself to believe that others can be feared more than himself.  That’s one thing that will never change.”  Marin stated with a roll of her eyes,  “Now, why are you really here?”  She demanded with a simple raise of her brow.
“Is it really too much to believe that I just came to check-up on you?”  He asked, trying to show how sincere he was.  All he really knew was that there was a falling out between Marin and the rest of her family that was so bad that she refused to come back.  He wouldn’t pry or ask details, but he wanted to make sure his friend was okay.  Her heart quickened slightly.
“As it’s coming from you, I guess not.”  She replied flippantly.  Jon honestly could not tell what she was thinking, she’d always been hard to read.  
“So while I’m here, why don’t we go somewhere?”  Marin sent him a sharp glare, and Jon quickly put his hands up in surrender once more. “Somewhere public of course.  And it doesn’t have to be somewhere you visit often!  I just wanted to catch up with you is all.”
“If you try anything, I will disassemble you piece by piece with my strongest and dullest kryptonite knife.”  She watched the way the boy paled, enjoying the way his Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed back his fear. Why did he think this was a good idea again?
Marin gave him a sharp nod before she turned on her heel and started walking away.  Jon stood there for a few moments more, still frozen in shock before he hurried after her.  “Wait up Marin!  Come on, it’s not like we’re in school right now.”
Marin just rolled her eyes, a small smirk on her lips as she watched Jon running after her.  Once Jon was right at her side, her smile was gone without a trace.  “Sooo…” Jon began, side eyeing her with a large grin.
“None of your business.”  She replied sternly.
“Come on, I didn’t even ask anything yet.”  He whined.  Marin rolled her eyes, but never faltered in her steps.
“Doesn’t matter, the answer is still the same.”
Jon sighed and crossed his arms, “I just wanted to know if you like anyone you’ve met here.”  They walked in silence for a few minutes, before she finally answered.  It wasn’t that she hated this type of silence, she just liked making people wait in suspense.
“There are a few people that I’ve come to tolerate.”  She replied flippantly.  His eyes lit up with curiosity.
“Oooh, is that so?  And what have these people done for you to even “tolerate” their existence?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know.”
“I would, that’s why I asked.”  Goodness, she forgot just how infuriating this farmboy was.
“Well isn’t that just a shame, guess you’ll just have to suffer in your curiosity.”  She mocked as she weaved through the crowded streets with ease, all while Jon attempted to stay by her side.  
“You never were the merciful twin.”  He muttered to himself.
“Only when it suits what I need.”  She shrugged, stretching her arms slightly.  Jon gave a small exasperated huff before they continued walking together in silence.  It lasted all of five minutes before Jon slightly nudged her to gain her attention.  She raised a silent questioning brow at him, usually he just called her name.  She watched as he tilted his head slightly to the left in the direction of a middle aged woman that was glaring at her, and specifically her.
* Marin blinked a few times, trying to see if the woman was familiar at all, because no one glared at her like that without a reason.  She felt as Jon moved in slightly, whispering next to her ear, “What’s her deal?”
“If looks could kill,” she started, a small grin creeping up her face, “well, I still wouldn’t care but-”
“She’s glaring at you like you killed her mother or something.”  Jon muttered jokingly, cutting her off.   Marin didn’t falter in her steps, but it was a near thing as any signs of amusement quickly fled her face.  Jon actually pauses and stared at her with a mix of fear and worry in his eyes.  “Did…did you ki-”
Marin felt her body snap to attention, a jolt of fear rushing through her.  For a second, she thought Bruce was there, waiting to catch her slipping up so he could finally turn her away.  But he wasn’t here, she needed to remember that.  He. Isn’t. Here.  “No?”  She tried to give Jon a smile, pulling in as much of Rebecca as possible, but came out as more of a grimace than anything.  “At least I don’t think so…”  She said trailing off slightly, trying to recall if she actually had done that.  Rebecca was always getting lost in thought, she was always the dreamer.
“Marin!”  Jon hollered in shock.  She needed to focus right now, maybe Rebecca was the wrong mold to use.  But she was also very nice and playful, so she’ll stick with it.  Rebecca Marin playfully shoved Jon at his shoulder, before continuing her walk, almost skipping down the street, forcing Jon to pick up the pace after her once more. 
“What?”  She said with a smile, glancing at the seemingly random person one last time before looking forward.  “I had many missions.  Who knows, maybe she’s a cousin or whatever.”  She said in an almost playful tone.  She could hear Jon’s muffled groan, but she didn’t care, she just needed to get away from this place.  Get away from the people she may have harmed when she was in the League.  
Jon watched Marin, he could tell she was currently using one of her molds, it was a little jarring at times, but he understood why she did it.  As they walked farther and farther away from the crowds he watched as she slowly removed her mask, returning once more to being Marin.  He had seen her do this so many times when they were at school or on missions, but no matter how many times he watched her do it, it never took away the sense of hurt he felt for her.
They stayed silent for another long while, traveling everywhere yet nowhere at once.  This time, it was Marin to interrupt the silence, “...You’re not fazed by this?”  Her tone was flat, not giving away any of her emotions.  Marin was officially back.
“You’re Damian’s sister.”  He replied with a nonchalant shrug.  
“I’ve done considerably worse than my brother has.”  She countered.
“Again, you’re Damian’s sister.”  He responded as if that explained everything.  
With a small huff of frustration she asked, “Which means?”
“That you and your brother were both raised to be assassins and I? Don’t? Care?”  Marinette watched from the corner of her eyes as he tilted his head slightly with an unsure, almost sarcastic, smile.
“So, you're not fazed by my molds?”  She asked, raising her brow in challenge.
Jons smile became more of a grimace as he glanced away uncomfortably.  “Damian kind of…explained the situation,” he answered hesitantly.
Marin really shouldn’t have been surprised, but as she blinked at Jon, she could admit (never out loud) that she was a little shocked. “...Did he?”  Damian always tried to avoid talking about the League, and especially her molds.  Damian hated them, so it was a little shocking that he would even tell someone else about them rather than pretending she had Multi-Personality Disorder….Now that she thought about it-NO!  She wasn’t going down that rabbit hole right now.
“Yeah…Sorry?”  he still wasn’t looking her in the eye.  She didn’t like that, but who cares.  It’s not like it really mastered in the end.  When she looked away from Jon and back to the street in front of her, she noticed that she was in front of the bakery.  Well, if he wasn't fazed, then it didn’t really matter who she was right now.  
So, with a shrug of her shoulders and a lightness to her step that always seemed to follow Marinette, she replied.  “It’s whatever, so what are we going to do later?” She asked with her brightest smile, it almost felt real when she watched Jon’s reaction to her switch.  
“Uhhh, homework?”  he asked more than stated, obviously unsure where this was headed.
“Sweet!  Let’s go.”  She cheered as she grabbed ahold of his arm and started dragging him towards the bakery, and away from the eyes she could feel following them.
“Uh-huh.”  Jon let her tug him forward with a roll of his eyes, his farm drawl coming out slightly.  She would never admit this out loud, but it was nice to have an old friend teammate here, and hopefully for once, she wouldn’t be the reason they got killed.
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viscari-a · 4 months
MariClaw AUs
AU thinking let's go. Bad boy x sunshine is a classic dynamic and I saw MariClaw (marinette x claw noir) and the possibilities are endless. Since I'm a love square shipper this is going to be MariClaw and Marinette x Emo!Adrien! Highkey I headcanon that Adrien became emo because Marinette did it first so I'm not going to dive into mechanics of why Adrien is emo but Marinette isn't. I would say 'maybe he watched too much anime' but the brand of claw noir feels a bit more more wattpad bad boy (back in 2016) than shoujo bad boy, depending on the shoujo. He's been pining for literal years AU
maybe she once gave him a bandaid, maybe he's always seen her from afar and curiousity became love, who knows! Point is, he's liked her for SO long and when he's given the chance to go to school, he's super excited because that's the school she goes to!! Cue manga cliches and the title is probably something like "The New Delinquent is Actually a Softie at Heart and He's is in Love With Me???" It could be so cliche, with very lighthearted and cute romcom moments. maybe a secret admirer AU!!
It could also be super angst/fluff. Marinette thinks the whole thing is a prank, or doesn't think he actually likes her, and it's the slowest burn or the most comedy romcom. OR it's the first person who appreciates her slash doesnt bully her (the standards are low here, kids, cause i'm going on the assumption she's heavily bullied), and it's a story of self-acceptance! All of these ideas assume that Adrien has the bravery to approach her and talk to her though :> (not quite romantically, thats up to you. Personally, I think he's too shy to be able to blatantly flirt) Integration of Claw Noir is possible is so many ways that I'm not going to go into it. He joined the Supreme to get back at her bullies + protect her AU I once read a villain!chat blanc fic where he and her are soulmates and he does questionable things like follow her around and is kind of wary but also curious. This would have the same vibes! Could also be more wholesome/pining where he stays in the shadows. Plus hurt/comfort when she realizes, plus the fact that his powers are corroding him! Sick fic potential Can also be a lovesquare enemies to lovers (+ mistaken/secret identity), if Ladybug is part of the Resistance and Claw Noir is with the Supreme ;) The Balcony cliche AU
Marinette has mixed feelings on the Supreme but there's one hero who she sees a lot (potential for pining on Claw's part) and it bothers her so much that one day she meets him on the balcony and gives him food and it becomes a Thing! Traditional Marichat vibes but with a more kuu/tsun-dere Noir
Reverse crush AU There's a certain brand of danmei where the MC is really really shy and it's a lot of angst until the ML realizes that the stoic MC is just shy and is actually the cutest, kindest person ever. This! Is! EmoAdrien x Marinette!! One of the potentials, anyway. Marinette thinks Adrien hates her because he keeps glaring/staring at her (and all the stares she's used to are judgemental ones), only talks to her in clipped sentences, and never goes near her. Then, something happens!! Maybe he gives his umbrella to an abandoned cat or something, idk. Point is, she gets more interested and it's a slow burn-ish progressive romance :) Now the above [she thinks he hates her] except he keeps partnering her with projects and events and everything and she's really confused by the mixed signals so can he please stop. I think everyone collectively died when EmoAdrien realized + quietly blushed in the movie so flirting would be SO fun here because both of them would get really embarrassed.
Secret Identity AU Maybe the secret is that he's Claw Noir or the secret is that he's Adrien Agreste but either way it'll be fun :> Maybe she hates his alt persona so he dies a little inside everytime she makes a comment or a jab and this can be either very comedic or very angsty or both Dengeki Daisy AU, same scenario, enough said. Would probably be more interesting if its Claw Noir + OG Adrien / Chat Noir + EmoAdrien, just to have more of a switch. (In Dengeki Daisy, MC has online friend A who she's never met, and a classmate B who she kind of hates. She talks to A about B, where she rants about B and A comforts her. A and B are the same people).
Manhwa style
Sweet, strong, feminine, girlboss MC? With a the stoic, rich, powerful, smitten ML? say less. He might be more of a tsundere than stoic, though. Gabriel Agreste is definitely the hidden boss. Could be the above but also a villainess/reincarnation/transmigation AU. Reincarnated into a game like an RPG or Stardew or something could also be fun, and bonus points if Mari liked him (as a character) before transmigation!
Gaming AU! Gaming AU. Maybe they meet in a game, on Discord, or because they're always playing at the same time and get matched? This is so beautifully canonical. Especially when Adrien is home schooled, he probably gets really attached to his online friend. And if they're both bullied?? they're each other's comfort (be careful to not let this be co-dependent, unless you're going for that). Can have secret identity AU. But, in my personal opinion, the super cute option is to also have them realize on their own! Maybe they've been doing discord calls for ages and recognize each other's voice. Maybe he's been telling her about the school and they realize they're going to attend the same one! Tbh this doesnt have to be mariclaw but the vibes are cute
Extra notes
Yeah Claw Noir doesn't have to have superpowers in all/most of the AUs
Marinette is a loner/bullied in most of these AUs because otherwise it feels a bit too much like a Mary Sue/self-insert (cute competent popular girl meets famous pretty emo boy who hates everyone except her). Can it be done if she's friends with Nino and Alya? Yep. Heavier themes on friendship where Alya (and maybe Nino) are more wary at first but grow to like him and help him be more self-confident. Less romance focus, more character development/trauma healing
If we're going with canon then for all of these, a true happy ending would involve the Supreme being dealt with, but I don't want to deal with that (plus I don't think we know who he is, anyway)
I realize a lot of these are a flavor of Chat Blanc but I had already written it all anyway
Personally, I am a sucker for smitten x insecure and EmoAdrien x OGMari fit that to a tee. Emo x Sunshine I have mixed feelings on because boi have I read a lot of that, but if it's done well it's super cute and MariClaw does that really well!! I could probably think of more AUs but I've already spent at least half an hour purely typing I pretty highly doubt I'll write any of these since they feel like longer fics + I don't have enough canon info on Claw Noir to comfortably characterize him; if anyone wants to write or draw something based on these then feel free to!
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miabrown007 · 2 years
Power-Struggle Power-Couple
Ladybug's final mission should have gone smoothly. Quick and painless, as a professional of her scale always works. After all, there should be nothing special about the crown prince she has to kidnap.
Now, if only he would quit hitting on his hitman.
Ladrien prince/assassin AU
many thanks to @ladyofthenoodle and @chocoluckchipz for beta reading! <3
Power-Struggle Power-Couple (1,826 words, Teen, 1/1 chapter)
“Oh, this could get embarrassing quickly.”
Ladybug pinches her nose and mentally recites the thirty-five most effective ways to incapacitate her enemy. Anything to ignore Adrien Agreste’s disturbingly handsome face that hovers just a lunge’s distance away.
“I mean, I can understand why you don’t really want to talk. Kidnapping someone can be a tiresome duty, I get it. Lots of concentration, scheming, lots of moving parts. I’m okay with the silence,” he says. The cadence of his voice lets her know that—despite both his previous statement, as well as her desperate pleas—shutting up in the foreseeable future doesn’t rank high among his priorities. “But did you know that there is only one bed? That can get embarrassing quickly.”
“I’m aware,” she says, in the flattest voice possible.
Adrien blinks at her, then a jolly smile spreads on his face and he falls back on the bed—which is really a bale of hay at the otherwise empty loft of an abandoned stable. “That’s good. I’d hate to be the one to make this embarrassing.”
“I’m aware that there’s only one bed,” Ladybug clarifies pointedly, because, apparently, they are having a conversation about this now. “There’s no need for more, though. You can sleep if you want, but I certainly won’t be.”
Craning his neck, he eyes her from under his golden fringe. His hands, bound by the wrists, go over his head and rest at the back of his neck, as if he was on some luxury getaway and not in the process of being held hostage.
“A fan of sleep-deprivation?”
“We aren’t staying for long,” she says, coming to sit at the bale’s edge. She twirls a small knife between her fingertips, for good measure. She’s an assassin, goddamnit, with knives, and a final mission, and—overwhelming desire to leave this all behind and open a flower shop in the countryside aside—she’s dangerous. If only he would quit acting like he didn’t get that memo. “In a few hours, your family will fulfill my commissioner’s demands, and then, we can both go our separate ways.”
“I wouldn’t hold my breath for that.”
She peers at him from the corner of her eyes, but he looks equally as unfazed as before. “What do you mean?”
“Just that my father is not the kind of person who you can blackmail. He doesn’t let people get him into that position.” Adrien shrugs.
“Well, he is now. We have his son.”
“He isn’t a family-man, either.”
The flat retort does make Ladybug quiet for the duration of one, two, three blinks. She is nothing if not thorough , though. “You’re the crown prince.”
“That I am. If my estimates are punctual, for about an hour or two more.” When she continues to stare at him—now with a confused frown added to the repertoire of her facial expressions to shake things up a bit—he sneers at her. “I also have a twin brother. What do you think, how long will it take for the rumour that dilettante assassins mistakenly kidnapped the second in line to reach your commissioners?”
She twists in his direction with her whole torso, eyes blown wide. “He wouldn’t!”
Adrien holds her gaze for a short second, something gut-wrenchingly sad fluttering in the depths of forest green, before he shuts his eyes. “Well, you know what they say about that. Wait and see.”
But Ladybug doesn’t solve problems by trusting the whims of fate. Even if, realistically speaking, she knows this isn’t her problem. She’s just a hitman who gets paid either way. There’s no reason for her to care. But for some reason she still reaches out, hand hovering over him until she finally settles for poking him in the side.
“He wouldn’t,” she repeats, with conviction this time. “He wouldn’t, because that would mean that my commissioners would have to make an example.”
She isn’t superstitious, but words have weight. She won’t say it.
Adrien is seemingly unaware, or uncaring, of such damning possibilities.
“You would have to kill me. I know.” His tone is light as a feather, but if she listens carefully to the silence, her practiced ears can pick up the swallow.
“He will not,” she spits.
She scoots up on the bale and peers out on the window by his head, but there’s only the lonely midnight of the orchard stretching below them. There’s not a soul—not even a messenger pigeon—in sight.
The bale moves under her and Ladybug’s grip tightens on her weapon, but it’s only Adrien rolling to his side and tucking his hands against his chest. When he looks up at her, he has a smile about him that jiggles. “It’s fine, if you have to kill me. I won’t hold a grudge.”
“Of course you won’t! You’ll be dead, you jester!”
She swats him on the shoulder, which proves to be an intimidation tactic of below-average success. He bursts out in a guffaw.
“Hey, stop that! Death is no laughing matter!”
Ladybug tries to make his laughter stop by plastering her palms over his mouth. That proceeds to go reasonably well up until the second moment of the endeavour, upon which Adrien promptly licks her palm. She sounds rather unassassin-like as she snatches her hands away, falling square on his chest with the momentum.
It isn’t her fault, though. That was a dirty trick.
“It’s my death, not yours. I get to make as much fun of it as I please,” Adrien says. His voice comes out a little breathy, and she can’t decide whether the culprit lies in his wheezing laughter, or on top of him.
At any rate, Ladybug pushes herself up into the most dignified sitting position she is able to conjure. If that’s straddling his hips while she stares down at him… Oh well.
“I would appreciate it if you wouldn’t diminish the significance of this issue. We’re talking about my profession, after all.”
“Have you ever considered changing career paths?”
“Every day. In fact, if you really want to know, this is my last mission,” she says.
She strokes away the golden locks falling in his eyes and tucks them behind his ear. His breath comes out in an uncertain huff. Her lips curl up at the edges.
“And what will you do after you’re done here?” he asks.
“I’m heading to the sea. Buying a cottage. Selling cut-flowers. Stuff like that.”
He smiles up at her, eyes glinting in the low light of the sole candle. “Sounds like you know your area of expertise. But—and forgive my manners for asking such things—aren't you too young to retire?”
Ladybug draws an eyebrow. “Don’t you talk too much for someone who’s currently being abducted?”
His whole body trembles under her as he chuckles. And even though it’s a lovely sound, she’s still thinking of a way or two to silence him. None of them involve any of her usual arsenal.
“You’re the expert, you tell me,” he says.
However, what he says appears to be the last thing he’s paying attention to. His bound hands wander to her hip, thumb swiping over the exposed flesh where her crimson tunic has ridden up her side in the mighty quest of wrestling him. His eyes flash at her, experimental. Ladybug doesn’t hesitate as she grabs his wrists and pins them over his head.
Her hair cascades down around them, leaving them in darkness.
Her vision has never been clearer.
“Yes, you definitely talk too much,” she says, lacing their fingers as she kisses him.
[read the whole fic on AO3]
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the-delta-42 · 10 months
Your Royal Highness - Chapter 1
Your Royal Highness
Chapter 1
Marinette subtly scanned the room, Nino had already scouted it out and informed her that everything was safe. As usual. She spotted Kim sitting with Max and Alix, laughing at something, probably the latest attempt Lila made to get back in his favour.
Marinette thought back to the incident that caused Lila’s empire to collapse. She claimed to be dating the Prince of Elysium, a small country that lay between Asia and The Americas. It was one of three countries that had kept its boarders closed for the latter half of the millennium, the other two were Eden and Babylon. Marinette had seen theories, a couple by Alya, that Eden, Babylon and Elysium were named because they were the Countries that had proof that God existed. Marinette internally snorted at the cover story.
A flicker of light caught Marinette’s eye, her eyes zeroed in on the source. Immediately jumping into action, Marinette ambled her way towards Kim, picking up a metal tray on her way. Marinette got five feet away from Kim, before she ‘tripped on something’. The tray went flying, just as a small pellet hit the flat side of the tray.
“Marinette?” Said Alix, looking over at the pigtailed girl, “Are you alright?”
Marinette remained face down, before she said, “I’m glad my lunch wasn’t on that.”
Marinette felt a pair of hand grab her arms, looking up, she came face to face with Nino.
“You really need to watch where you’re going, dudette.” Said Nino, keeping his question in his eyes. ‘Where?’
Marinette’s eyes flickered to the roof outside the window. Nino frowned, before subtly glancing in the direction.
“We have our project to work on.” Said Nino, making Kim’s shoulders slump.
“Now?” Whined Kim, as Marinette grabbed his bicep.
“Yes, now.” Said Marinette, pretending to be too weak to haul Kim to his feet.
“Dude,” Said Nino, folding his arms, “the last time we had a project together, you didn’t do anything, and we nearly failed.”
“That was last week!” Exclaimed Kim, as Marinette let out small grunts in an effort to hide her laughter.
“Yeah, that’s why we have this project,” Scolded Nino, “Mendeleiev is having us redo it so that everyone participates.”
Kim groaned and got to his feet, “Fine.” He pouted.
As soon as the three were outside the cafeteria, Marinette whirled around.
“Nino, you keep the prince safe,” Commanded Marinette, her mind going into captain mode, “I’m going to investigate where that shot came from.”
“Wait, so there isn’t a project?” Asked Kim, looking affronted.
Marinette and Nino stared at him.
“Elysium is in for a bad ride.” Commented Marinette, before spinning on her heel and marching off.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Demanded Kim, as Nino carefully herded him away.
“Probably another one of the ‘inside jokes’ she has.” Said Nino, completely oblivious to the three people hiding around the corner.
Alya and Adrien gaped at each other. Marinette had just made a sarcastic, boarder-line snide remark about another country and had walked off. Then Marinette had called Kim a Prince. A. Prince.
“But she has a point,” Said Nino, looking down at the tray in his hands, flipping it over as he spoke, “someone tried to take a shot at you and, quite frankly, I don’t want to be on the receiving end of the Queen’s wrath because the two bodyguards she had watching her son couldn’t do their jobs.”
“What is that?” Asked Kim, looking at it closely.
“I don’t know, but knowing Marinette, we’ll find out soon.” Said Nino, before grabbing Kim’s shoulder and walking him away.
Kagami poked her head around the corner.
“Okay, they’re gone.” Said the Japanese girl, allowing Adrien and Alya to release the breath they had been holding.
Marinette hauled herself up the fire escape for the building. Granted, she could’ve just transformed and used her yoyo, but she felt like pushing herself today. She carefully looked across the roof, before hauling herself onto it. The equipment for taking the shot was scattered around haphazardly, as if whoever fired the shot was in a panic to get away. Marinette walked towards the rifle and crouched to pick it up.
A cold blade was pressed against her neck.
“Dead.” Said the Marksman, before putting the sword away, “I honestly thought you were going to do well today.”
Marinette scowled, before standing up to face her brother, “I did, you’re just a pessimist.”
“Really?” Questioned Michael, his arms folding, “I didn’t see you scout around the perimeter of the area before heading up here.”
Marinette froze, before swearing.
“Hm, fuck indeed.” Said Michael, as he started to gather up the equipment, “Don’t worry, Nino’s not out of the woods yet. Maria has a special test prepared for him.”
Marinette remained quiet, before looking around the roof top, “If I’d scouted around the block, the sniper could get away.”
Michael sigh and turned to face his sister, “Little one, a great leap forwards often requires two steps back. You need to examine the situation before jumping to conclusions, what if where was a second assassin waiting for you to turn up?”
Marinette scowled and glared at her feet.
“Plus,” Said Michael, “if you can get above them, they won’t see or hear you coming.”
Marinette snorted.
Nino kept ducking his head down the aisles of bookcases, looking for the Librarian, or anyone else for that matter, and finding no one.
“Typical, the one time we need a crowded place, all the intellectuals go on a sabbatical.” Muttered Nino, before a hand grabbed his shoulder and shoved into a bookcase.
Nino looked up at his attacker, they were wearing a black balaclava, hiding their features. Nino quickly rolled over and jumped to his feet, before swinging his leg out, kicking his assailant in the side. Another assailant grabbed Nino and slammed him against the wall, before a cold barrel of a gun was pressed to Kim’s head.
“One more move and his brains will decorate the floor.” Said the Gunman, making Nino stand down.
There was a tense silence, before the Gunman holstered their gun and pulled the balaclava off.
“Nino, did you forget the actual techniques you were taught for a situation like this?” Demanded a woman with green eyes, tanned skin and red hair.
“…Nooooo.” Nino trailed off, before looking away, “I take it the sniper thing was Marinette’s test.”
“Yes.” Said the woman curtly, before hauling Kim to his feet, “I can only hope her test went better than yours.”
“Sorry, Maman.” Said Nino, scratching the back of his neck.
“Keeping them here has made them complacent.” Said Michael, striding into the library.
Marinette was red in the face, while her gaze was firmly on a spot on the floor.
“Let me guess,” Said Nino’s mother, “She didn’t scout around before heading to the roof?”
“Got it in one.” Said Michael, leaning against a bookshelf, “Now, what’s this I hear about a failed assignment because a certain Prince didn’t pull his weight?”
Marinette let out an undignified snort as Kim went red. Michael suddenly tensed, spun around and launched a knife towards the door, the blade embedding itself in the wood of the door.
“All of you, come out!” Commanded Michael, as Adrien, Kagami and Alya slowly shuffled into sight.
“Guys?” Asked Marinette, looking at the three, “w-what are you doing here?”
“Little one, they’ve been following us since we entered the building.” Said Michael, stalking towards, “Who are you and what are your intentions?”
“They’re our classmates,” Said Nino, getting a reprimanding look form his mother, “Sorry.”
“Great.” Grumbled Michael, “Loose ends, just what we need.”
���Kim’s a prince?” Asked Alya, disbelievingly.
“Current heir to Elysium, yes.” Answered Maria, before looking at Michael, “You do realise that we have to take them to be debriefed, right?”
“Did you tell anyone about what you’ve found?” Asked Michael, giving the three a cold, calculating glare.
“Our lips are sealed.” Rushed Adrien, “Um, what do you mean ‘debriefed’?”
“Because I’ve got to be somewhere soon and-” Adrien was cut off by Maria.
“That’ll have to wait.” She flicked her wrist and three darts shot out and hit the three students, rendering them unconscious.
Michael, Marinette and Nino stared at the unconscious teenagers.
“Maria,” Said Michael, “my leg’s busted, remember? I can’t carry them.”
“They can.” Maria gestured towards Marinette and Nino, “It can make up for the sloppy work they’ve done.”
Skye frowned at the man sitting at the desk. The Mentor had found that mayor of Paris had links to the enemy and that he was possibly one of them. She silently made her way behind him and gently resting the palm of her hand on the back of the chair, before she flicked her wrist and a short blade pierced the back of Andre’s chair and went into his back, piercing his left lung and nicking a major artery.
“What?” Rasped Andre, as Skye appeared in his vision, “You…”
“Reposez en paix.” Murmured Skye, as she went through his pockets, smirking when she found a data stick and a disk. She looked down and spotted a hard drive plugged into the computer. She unplugged it and stuffed it, the data stick and the disk into her jacket pocket.
“You did great!” Came Rafael’s voice in her ear, making her jump.
“Christ, Raf!” Gasped Skye, “Don’t do that!”
“Sorry, you’re going to need to get rid of your wig and jacket,” Said Raf, “There should be a uniform closet near Bourgeois’ Office.”
“That staff id that you made should work, right?”
“Of course it will.” Said Raf, “Mike and Maria are collecting our two novices and Cal and Toby are dealing with the other two targets.”
Toby silently groaned as he hung from the ledge, he was thankful for the tree hiding him from sight, the Bourgeois woman was with Tsurugi, with a cd player playing violin music in the room next to theirs. He peeked over the edge and saw Bourgeois was facing away from him, and with Tsurugi being blind, it gave him the opportunity to leap out at them.
“Claudette’s not worthy of our order.” Were Bourgeois’ last words, as Toby rammed his fist into the back of her neck and slammed a vase over Tsurugi’s head. The two women dropped to the ground, unconscious.
He quickly rummaged through their pockets, and Bourgeois’ bag, but found nothing.
“Fuck.” Muttered Toby, glancing around the room, “Where is it?”
Unfortunately Toby didn’t have the time to rummage around the room, as two burly men charged into the room, making Toby run and jump out of the window he entered in.
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so since ao3 is back id thought it be the perfect time to pemote my Assassination Classroom × Miraculous Ladybug fic while people are still here 🙏
(bare with me im both new to tumblr and to posting (i dont know how to format this))
With help, Nagisa Shiota grew to become a very respected assassin. Now two years after graduation, he is sent on a difficult task. One that could take years to finish. Not only that, but Nagisa would be leaving Japan and heading towards Paris, France. He has to once again enter high school as someone he is not, a young girl by the name of Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
The target is Famous Fashion Designer Gabriel Agreste.
Or, Marinette Dupain-Cheng does not exist. Nagisa Shiota becomes her to kill Gabriel Agreste.
i promise to post Nagisa/Marinette's design once i get to finally posting the next chapter!!
[p.s. this fic is updated VERY SLOWLY, but never abandoned, i just have a shit ton going on in my life and motivation has been hard to come along but it should spark soon. take care!!]
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From Which Lies are Born
From Which Lies Are Born by Sophiee945
With help, Nagisa Shiota grew to become a very respected assassin. Now two years after graduation, he is sent on a difficult task. One that could take years to finish. Not only that, but Nagisa would be leaving Japan and heading towards Paris, France. He has to once again enter high school as someone he is not, a young girl by the name of Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
The target is Famous Fashion Designer Gabriel Agreste.
Or, Marinette Dupain-Cheng does not exist. Nagisa Shiota becomes her to kill Gabriel Agreste.
Words: 883, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug, Assassination Classroom
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: Gen, Multi
Characters: Shiota Nagisa, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Tom Dupain, Sabine Cheng, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Gabriel Agreste, Alya Césaire, Nino Lahiffe, Principal Damocles (Miraculous Ladybug), Original Characters, Kwami(s) (Miraculous Ladybug), Master Fu (Miraculous Ladybug), Rich Business Men
Additional Tags: Assassin Shiota Nagisa, Assassin Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug Does Not Have a Crush on Adrien Agreste, Marinette Dupain-Cheng Does Not Exist, Oblivious Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Shiota Nagisa is Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, very slow updates, also i havent watched miraculous in a while so bare with me
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48506722
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dc-sideblog · 4 months
Daminette arranged marriage au where the League of Assassins worship kwamis and through some mystical magic artifact, Ra's divines the next Guardian of the Miraculi is some random French girl, kidnaps her, and forces her and Damian to be married in order to further legitimize his rule. This happens when both kids are like eight. And then Ra's releases her back to her parents and no one really believes her about what happened for years and Marinette eventually half convinced herself she made the whole thing up. She nearly forgets it entirely until she's fifteen and she locks eyes with Damian Wayne and recognizes him.
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aurorarose2112 · 6 months
Help Needed to find Daminette Fanfic (Update: Found!)
Okay, so, I am looking for a MLB x DC fanfic, specifically a Daminette soulmate AU.
There are three specific moments/details I remember. This fic I am looking for comprises of all three.
The first being the start of the fic, Damian and Marinette have a Soulmate greeting(?), whereby they could see each other’s appearance, that appeared before each other like a mirage.
The second is that their soulmate connection was a mental one, wherein they had a mindspace of sort that they could actually see and meet each other in, but only(?) when they are asleep or unconscious.
The third being there was a conversation between Damian and one of his older brothers (I can’t remember between Dick, Jason and Tim; my money’s on Jason though), who assumed the League didn’t take kindly to the idea of soulmates. Until Damian tells him about how his grandfather initially tried to assassinate his own soulmate (who was his grandmother) as he assumed she would be a liability, but ended up having her appear before him and throwing his dead subordinates at his feet and telling him to cease his attempts. Thus after he sought the soulmates of his subordinates and would bring them into the League which ended up increasing their forces.
I can’t remember if I read this fic on Tumblr or AO3.
So yeah; if anyone comes across this fic or knows it, please do let me know!
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somereaderinblue · 6 months
Talon!Adrien AU
Another common Maribat trope I see is Marinette having ties to the League of Assassins, have it be biologically or through marriage.
Thus, I raise you this Adribat prompt: AU where Emelie & Gabriel are members of the Court of Owls. Wanting to gain more influence, they offer Adrien away as a Talon.
When Nightwing ventures to Paris to ensure the last of the Court was disbanded, the last thing he expected to find was a blonde kid with black veins & glowing green eyes camping in the catacombs.
Dick, holding Adrien like a stray kitten: Can we keep im'? I promise he doesn't bite.
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bet-on-me-13 · 1 year
Dp x Dc x Miraculous: Deified Siblings AU Pt. 1
Based on 2 Prompts.
One is the Deified Batman AU , which you can read here
The other is a Prompt where Danny, Damien, and Marinette are raised together in the League of Assassins. I can't find it at all, so I will go over the gist of it here. (Edit: Found it!, thank you to the person in Replies who linked me)
Danny is the oldest, about 3 or 4 years older than. The other 2. He is the favorite child.
Danny is 10, Damien and Marinette are 6
Damien is seen as the spare, Marinette is seen as the unfortunate addition.
As the Prompt goes, Danny wants to escape the League and takes his little siblings with him. Damien, fully brainwashed by the Leagues ideals, stabs Danny in the back and drops him off a cliff into a River below, thinking he killed him. He tries to take Marinette back, but she backs away and runs.
Damien returns, tells the League that Danny tried to run away and got himself and Marinette killed in the process. Damien only survived because he wasn't stupid enough to try and leave the League.
Damien stays in the League for a while, before he is eventually taken to his father, The Batman when he is 10
Danny survived his murder attempt, but he lost all of his memories and washed up on the shore of the river miles away. He was found by the Fentons, who were in Europe on a research trip, and was adopted. Canon goes the same for him.
Marinette ran away, using her skills to get all the way to Paris before managing to get adopted by a loving couple. She becomes Ladybug at 13, the same as in Canon.
This is where the Deification happens.
Lets go Oldest to youngest.
Danny became a God the moment he died. As a Demigod, he was already partially Divine. When he lost his Mortality, he became what was essentially a God with no Domain. So, he built one up.
He became known as a Protector Spirit, as a Winter Spirit, and after defeating Pariah, as a Death God.
By the time he was 16, he was a fully fledged God.
This did help his amnesia a little bit, and he did have a vague sense of what his life was like before he lost his memories, as well as some flashes. But he knew that he preferred his new life, so he never really looked into it.
Damien is the only one who would eventually ascend to God-Hood through Natural Growth.
Damien takes the Mantle of the Robin. And as such, he links himself directly to his father's source of Power, and creates his own Legend, his own Myths. He becomes his own God at around 14.
He is a Vengeful God, one who is Violent. But at the same time he is an Animal God, one who takes care of the abandoned Animals around him. Probably a carry over from his Dad's Protector God Domain.
Marinette became a God last. She had it easiest though.
Marinette was born as a Demigod, and later became Linked with Tikki, who is basically a Small Part of the Goddess of Creation tied to the Miraculous.
Her own fledging Divinity mixed with Tikki'a Divinity and helped her Acsend to God-Hood after about a Year as Hero when she is 14.
She would have done so anyways as a Hero, but without the Gotham Pantheon to attach herself to, it would have taken many more years for her to grow enough to Ascend.
She became a Minor Creation Goddess. She also became a Goddess of Creativity, and Protection as well.
If you are worried about the Balance between Creation and Destruction don't worry, Adrien also becomes a God soon afterwards. His Ascension is mostly because he is a being made of Magic (as a SentiMonster) who was linked with a God through his Miraculous.
(I don't like the stories where Adrien is mistreated for no reason, so here he at least gets to be Ladybugs Equal)
This is the basic premise of the Prompt. I am planning on writing out the potential Story in a Part 2, but until then what do you think?
(Honestly looking at this after finishing writing it, it feels absurd. 3 different Fandoms, plus 2 different Dp x Dc Prompts. You need to be DEEP in the Crossover Fandoms to really understand this. Imagine a casual fan finding this! It would look like Pure insanity!)
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lily-drake · 2 years
Lesson 7: Always Know Your Place
Marin: Möckel! I havent seen you in aw-
Luka: its Luka.
Marin: oh- *furrows her eyebrows, whispers in Arabic* [I thought it was Möckel..]
Luka: *hums* Möckel doesn’t exist.
Marin: you.. *tilts her head* you were undercover?
Luka: yes.
Marin: you.. infiltrated..
Luka: *smiles* yes.
Marin: *grimaces* if mother knew she would have punished me for not knowing.
Luka: *grins* good thing they never found out, huh?
Marin: how did.. *furrows her eyebrows* how long?
Luka: 4 years?
Marin: how are you still alive???
Luka: *grins viciously* killed in combat. Unit down.
Marin: *hums* quite sad they never found Möckel’s body.
Luka: *nods solemnly* yes.
_____ It’s a real experience to see someone so bright and full of life… just break and melt down in front of you.
Its a real experience to see someone you’ve loved for quite some time… just drop dead all in the span of a second.
Its a real experience to see someone’s life flash on and off repeatedly for 5 minutes until… it never turns on again.
It becomes a real experience.
Until its an everyday experience.
She hates it.
_____ Marin: i don't- it’s like my emotions are shut off. Im me but not me. Im here but not here. I speak and i listen and i see people but im not THERE. IM NOT FUCKING REAL-
Jason: Marin-
Marin: *crying* I'm not real. My emotions aren't real. Im not real. Ive never been real. Marinette is real. Alice is real. Hailey is real. All my molds are real but I'M NOT! IM NOT REAL!
Jason: Marin you are-
Marin: *screams* IM NOT!
Things seemed to actually be looking up for Marin.  It had been months since she left, and no one had found her yet!  Jason visited on an on-and-off basis, and she had felt…good!  It was a strange feeling, honestly when she first truly felt it she thought she was having some sort of panic attack.  She was fighting her own villain now with her own partner–not a sidekick, but a partner, an equal–and she was free to do ct how she pleased with no interference and no one reminding her not to kill every time she so much as twitched!  Paris had actively put a block on any information that pertained to the Akuma Attacks from being able to exit the borders so she didn’t have to worry about anyone coming here and accidentally finding her.  Mother had visited briefly one other time after their first time meeting for tea, and it didn’t end with any form of bloodshed.  Everything was looking up for her, and that should have been the first sign that something bad was quickly approaching.
Marinette had been invited to the Couffaine’s home for a concert; it surprised her when the offer was first made, but she quickly accepted.  Chloe was bragging about going to XY’s concert and how she should ditch “those losers” and come with her.  Marinette simply told her she had terrible taste in music.  Chloe had crossed her arms and looked up definitely, making a ‘hmph’ noise and angling her body slightly away from Marinette.  Marinette had laughed and bumped her shoulder against Chloe’s.  Chloe simply rolled her eyes as her lips made a small upturn.
“Whatever Dupain-Cheng, he’s #1 on record charts right now.”
“Yea, but it’s all very subjective, so let’s not argue over it.  Besides, we both know that Jagged Stone is far superior.”
Chloe felt a chill run through her at Marinette’s playful tone.  Marinette still made something in the back of her mind ring loudly in alarm, but when she looked at the girl she was just smiling at her with her hands fiddling anxiously with the strap of her purse.
“What’s wrong Chloe, you seem a little frightened.”
“Ha, frightened of what?  There’s literally nothing to fear.  It would be ridiculous, utterly ridiculous of me to be afraid.”
Chloe replied insolently.  Marin knew that Chloe could sense something from her, it had thrown her off the first time she noticed Chloe could sense her.  Afterall, she had set these molds up to be perfect, she was extremely careful with how they were formed and used.  The fact that Chloe could even feel something about her besides the happy, anxious, bubbly, and sunshine girl from her was extraordinarily impressive.  Now she would never reveal that Chloe was right to be on edge, that would be a fool’s decision, she liked to tease Chloe about it though.  Never enough to make Chloe think she’s going crazy, rather small call outs to make fun of her.  It amused her greatly to see Chloe’s reactions.
When the time came to go to the concert she was shocked to see that Juleka lived on a ship.  It made her wonder if she could convince the Dupain-Cheng’s to let her get one of her own.  She wandered around and tried to help where she could, but it seemed like everyone knew what to do besides her.  That was until Anarka came and told her to get her son, Luka, from his room.  When she got to his room and they made eye contact both stared at the other in complete and utter shock.
“Möckel!  I-I haven’t seen you in aw-
“It’s Luka.”
He said quickly, cutting her off.  His eyes scanned the room frantically as if someone were hiding in the shadows just waiting to attack him.
Marin furrowed her brows in confusion.  Did she mix him up with someone else?  She had heard about doppelgängers before, maybe that's what this was? Under her breath she muttered,
“I thought it was Möckel…”
Luka hummed at that and once he was satisfied they were alone, leaned back and relaxed slightly against the wall.
“Möckel doesn’t exist.”
At his words things began to click into place, because she knew exactly what he meant by that statement.  Marin tilted her head slightly as confusion and disbelief bled through her voice,
“You… you were undercover?”
He stated simply, his eyes never leaving her form showing he was on guard even if he looked completely relaxed.
At that Luka gave her a bright and smug smile.  He was proud of this, he found victory from having done it.
Marinette grimaced at that.  She didn’t feel too terrible for never figuring it out as no one else had either, but still.  She was supposed to be one of the best, and she failed…again.  If he was aiming to kill her or anyone else in the League, would he have been successful?
“If mother knew she would have punished me for not knowing.”
Was all she could say to his smug response.  At that his smile fell to one of sympathy and pain.  After all he had seen her punishments, they were made public for a reason.
“Good thing they never found out then, huh?”
Marinette nodded dazedly before asking,
“How did… how long?”
Marin asked, her fingers twitching at her side in frustration.
“4 years?”
He said, or rather questioned.  He and Marin had interacted a few times in the League, in fact he saw her as an almost friend in the death trap.  He had never seen her like this before, this was all Marin, but it felt like she was falling apart here.  Marin’s head snapped and she stared him directly in the eyes,
“How are you still alive?!”
She yelled almost incredulously.
Luka’s grin turned vicious as he stated,
“Killed in combat.  Unit down.”
Marin hummed at that, calming down and letting her own body relax slightly.
“Quite sad they never found Möckel’s body.”
She said almost distantly, her eyes downcast with a sort of silent remembrance in her tone.  Like she had lost something important, and even if she found it it would never be the same again.  Luka nodded solemnly, remembering the battle and how all of his comrades had died.  He was the only one to make it through.  It was the perfect excuse to finally leave, to report to his superiors so that he could finally be reunited with his family.
Was all he could say as the somberness of the conversation filled the room.
Suddenly yelling and loud noises filled the room from the outside and the ship was covered in dark purple bubbles transforming the ship into a modified red and black medieval pirate ship.  The large round window was still there and thankfully open.  
“Come on Luka, we have to get out of here!”
She said pointing to the window.  He nodded and quickly stood up, but before either could get to the window loud footsteps sounded through the halls.  Luka opened a door under the bed and pointed to it.  Marin gulped but quickly got inside, already going into battle mode.  Luka pushed her back in and started to act like she had escaped and he was about to join her.  The door was burst open and she heard Anarka yell,
“Liberty, capture him.”
The sound of chains sounded and Möc-no, Luka’s body fell to the ground.  Once she was sure she was alone she had Plagg pull the drawer out and she took a small gasp of breath, almost choking on open air.
“Alright Plagg, it’s time to get to work.”
Plagg sighed tiredly and stretched.
“Do we have to?  I’m still tired.”
Marin smiled at her little friend and gently patted his head with one of her fingers.
“I promise that once this is over I’ll make you some Camembert Danish.”
“Alright, Plagg claws out.”
She whispered, afterall, she didn’t need anyone to hear her and figure it out.  She snuck out through the window and took stock of her surroundings.  They were passing by other concerts, both large and small, and they were getting far too close to the land.
“Liberty, fire!”
She watched as the sets and everything around it crumpled and died with the canon balls.  Cries and Screams pierced the air, she felt terrible with how the familiar noises almost seemed to put her mind at ease.  Quickly she made her move, blending in with the shadows as she tried to figure out what the object that needed to be broken was.  
And just her luck, she saw Mr. Bug swinging on the opposite side of where she was, easily distracting the Akumatized victim.  That wasn’t good for long term reasons, but it was good for now.  She needed to be careful though because if she was given even an ounce of good luck, it could only mean there would be Hell to pay later.  
She quietly climbed onto the deck, keeping to the shadowed areas of the ship creeping closer and closer to where the civilians were tied together in the center of the ship.  She needed to do this carefully, she couldn’t risk being spotted by the Akuma, but she also needed the kids to talk to her in case they knew where the corrupted bug was.  She quickly glanced over and watched as Mr. Bug was able to deflect the chains with his yo-yo causing the Akuma to be even angrier than before, placing even more of her focus into catching him.  Good.  The tip of her tail began to whip side to side as excitement filled her bones.  This thrill, the life or death of it all is what she lived for.  It wasn’t a game to her, she knew how serious this was, but she had lived her entire life like this, she was far too desensitized to ever feel the fear of this line of work ever again.
She reached into her belt and pulled out three small orbs that would explode on impact, each with a different purpose.  One would be smoke, the next would be an explosive, and the last one she would be able to channel her power into without having to activate her Cataclysm.  With practiced ease she threw the explosive at the Akuma, the smoke bomb at the group of kids, but held onto the last one.  She didn’t have time to focus on the Akuma and Chat, her first priority was information, so she ran as fast as she possibly could toward the kids.
They were coughing slightly, but it didn’t matter right now.
“Do any of you know where the Akuma may be?”
She demanded as soon as she was in front of them.
“Huh, Kaus Noir!”
One of them gasped excitedly.  
“Yes, now tell me, where is the Akuma?”
“It’s the compass!  A police officer came and asked if we had a docking permit, but Mom refused to show it to them.  He kept giving her senseless tickets, and I saw it fly into the Cabin.”
Juleka all but muttered.
“Thank you, I’ll take care of it.”
Marin’s senses were on high alert as her ears perked up at the sound of chains coming straight for her.  She dodged with easy grace, grabbing her staff from its holster at her lower back and extending it.  Now out of the smoke she could see what had happened.  Mr. Bug had seemed to tire the woman out quite a bit, but she had been able to chain him to the mast.  She wore an almost gleeful smirk, her eyes bright like she had already won.
“I have your bug, and if you don’t want me to run him through, you’ll hand me your Miraculous!”
Anarka demanded while pointing her sword towards Marin dramatically.  Marin simply rolled her eyes before she threw the small ball at the chains, letting them quickly decay.
“You don’t scare me, and I have more tricks up my sleeve than you’ll ever know.”
She watched as the boy jumped, landing right next to her while swinging his yo-yo in a large circle so fast it became a shield.  She stayed next to him, letting him deflect the oncoming chains.
“What's the plan Kaus?”
He asked, not even breathless.  Maybe she didn’t give him enough credit, he’s fairing far better than she thought he would these last few weeks.  She was slowly starting to trust him, and him her, it was strange.  
“Witness said that the Akuma is in the compass in the Cabin.  If you can keep her distracted a little longer I can destroy the object.”
Mr. Bug nodded.
“I’ll separate from you, so be ready for an incoming of chains.”
With her confirming nod, he moved away, racing towards Anarka at a high velocity that can only be attributed to the Miraculous.  Marin twirled her staff in a similar manner that Mr. Bug did his yo-yo, allowing her to block the chains and shield herself.  It didn’t take long for her to reach the Cabin.  Where there was once a simple wooden door now stood a large iron door with slithering chains.  She was hidden in a dark shadow, but she could tell Anarka was looking for her.  It was a pattern, she would fight Bug for 45 seconds before she would glance around for 5.  After the third time Marin began her work, the timer ticking down in her mind as focussed her energy into one more orb, this one draining her Cataclysm only a little.  She threw the orb at the door and smiled as it disappeared into ash, but now Anarka was racing towards her, riding the chains.  Marin ran into the small room yelling Cataclysm and placing her hand against the compass.  As soon as her hand brushed the device the chains encompassed her body, but it was too late, the device was already decaying.  
“NO!  What have ye done?”
Anarka yelled, falling onto her knees as purple consumed her once more.  She watched as Mr. Bug threw his yo-yo at the corrupted creature, capturing it before releasing its purified form back to the wild.  Yes, the wild, she had placed tracks on some of the other ones and none of them ever led back to anywhere except parks and the like.  She watched as he also threw a giant pair of chain breakers into the air, causing millions of Ladybugs to fly around all of Paris, fixing all of the damage that occurred, and removing the chains from around her.  
Mr. Bug lent his arm towards her, and for once, she accepted it, letting him pull her to her feet.  He smiled at her and held out his fist.  Dick had always done something similar, he had called it a “fist pump”.  She returned that as well, he smiled brightly at her, and though she didn’t feel butterflies or anything flying in her stomach, she felt settled.  Calm.  It was a nice change of pace.
“Great job today Kaus.”
“Yea, not bad yourself Mr. Bug.”
Both of their miraculous beeped, and with one last curt nod, she ran off the boat, only to subtly arch back to land back into Moc-LUKA’S room once more.
“Claws off.”
She whispered letting Plagg fly out before hiding him back in her purse where she kept cheddar cheese, because she was not smelling like camembert. He would get lots of that back in the apartment so it wasn’t like she wasn’t meeting his needs.  Luka burst through the room with wide eyes that almost seemed frightened.  He looked scared, accusatory, and almost…guilty.
“I don’t like small spaces.”
She stated, crossing her arms, as if that’s why he was looking at her like she had done something she shouldn’t have.  
“I know, sorry.  It was the only place to hide you.”
He whispered, never leaving his spot right in front of the door.  They stayed silent for a few moments longer before he finally asked,
“Why are you here?  Who’s your target?”
And didn’t that just hurt.  It felt like she had been slapped in the face, but she didn’t let him see that.
“I’m not here for the League, I left it.  They have no control over me.  I am here because I want to live my life free of anyone.  I’m here to make my own decisions, I am not here to kill.”
She stated, looking into his eyes the entire time with a hard conviction.  He stared back at her, familiar blue, calculating eyes trying to piece together her words.  Find a hidden meaning where there was none, look for the lie where she only said her truth.  
“Very well, but if I catch even a whiff of you trying to hurt my friends or family, I will not hesitate to expose you.  I may not be able to defeat you, but I can take you down with me.”
And with that, he turned and left, leaving her alone, fists clenched and face expressionless.  She could feel Plagg nuzzling her hip through the purse, it grounded her, made her feel warm, but it didn’t take away the loathing that began to once again squirm through her entire being.
Two weeks after that day Jason was staring at his little sister in shock as she told him what had happened that day.  It's a real experience to see someone so bright and full of life… just break and melt down in front of you.
* It's a real experience to see someone you’ve loved for quite some time… just drop dead all in the span of a second.
It's a real experience to see someone’s life flash on and off repeatedly for 5 minutes until… it never turns on again.
It becomes a real experience.
Until it's an everyday experience.
She hates it.  Jason hates it, especially when he has to see it every time Marinette fades away to Marin.  He loved her, they kept each other sane while I’m the League and always had the others back.  Nothing would ever change that.
“Möckel is alive.  He goes by Luka now.  He had infiltrated the League.”
She said, spitting out the last sentence like it was an insult to her very being.  And in a way, it was.
“I know.”
Jason stated and that had Marin snapping her head to stare at him like he was insane.  He was worried she had given herself whiplash.
“You-you knew and you did not say anything?!”
“Well, I kept a close eye on him and threatened him.  But you two were getting close and you needed another person you could trust in your life.  Didn’t want to take that away unless I had to.”
It was silent for a few minutes.  Then Marin whispered,
“Möckel was a mask.  It didn’t take control of his life.  Luka is real.”
Jason was confused and didn’t understand where this was headed.  But he was sure it was nowhere good.
“I don’t- it’s like my emotions are shut off.  I’m me, but I’m not me.  I’m here, but I’m not here.  I speak and I listen and I see people, but I’m not THERE.  I'M NOT F*ING REAL-“
Jason said softly as he tried to take her hand in his.  She moved it away quickly and hugged herself as warm tears fell down her cheeks and a sob escaped her lips.
“I’m not real.  My emotions aren’t real.  I’m not real.  I’ve never been real.  Marinette,”
She spat the name like it was the most disgusting poison she had tasted,
“is real.  Alice is real.  Hailey is real!  All my molds are real, but I’M NOT!  I'M NOT REAL!”
Jason was at a loss for words and it hurt to see her like this.  To finally have her walls fall down around her as she sobbed.  Carefully Jason maneuvered her so that she was seated in his lap while he hugged her to his chest as tightly as he could while not crushing her.  He placed a gentle kiss to the crown of her head and whispered,
“Marin, you are-“
“I’M NOT!”
She screamed, banging her fists harshly against his chest, face buried against his neck.
Jason was silent, letting her have a moment while he compiled his thoughts.  He, like the rest of his emotionally constipated family, was never great with words.  He had known her for so long, so many years.  He knew so many of her molds by heart, her fears, her triggers, when she was actually happy and sad, he knew her better than Damian ever would know her.  Where Dick was like a father to Damian, the same could be said of him with Marinette.  
He had always wondered when this breakdown would happen, it was a long time coming, and now that it was here he didn’t know what to do.  He knew that she had never had the opportunity to really let herself just be, especially when she was stuck with Bruce.  It turns out that seeing Möckel, or rather “Luka”, had been the thing to finally tip her over the edge.  Jason carefully ran his fingers through her hair, gently removing the knots and running his fingers softly against her scalp.  Slowly her sobs petered down to hiccups and eventually to small sniffles.  Jason was very happy that they were in one of his safe houses instead of the bakery for this conversation.
“Marin, and yes, I mean Marin, please listen to what I’m saying.”
A pause,
“I promise you, that you are not fake.  I have known you longer than Damian has, better than anyone ever will, or at least that’s what I’d like to believe.  I know who you are, you are strong, resilient, fierce, a bit of a prankster, a smartalec, and a little s*.”
“So you admit it,”
Marinette sniffled with a small chuckle.
“I am a little s*.”
Jason smirked and rolled his eyes at that.
“Yea, I admit it, you really are.  But, in a good way, because your my Little S*.”
“You really believe that Marin is real?”
She asked hesitantly.  Jason gave her a small smile and ruffled her head, earning a sharp slap.
“Of course.  I know for a fact this isn’t a mold, a facade, this is what you really feel.  This is all Marin, no one else.”
She muttered,
“I’m tired.”
“I believe you.  Why don’t you take a break.  I’ll text Sabine and Tom if you want to spend the night.”
“Yes please.”
“Alright.  I’ll do it when you're ready, and don’t you dare force yourself.”
“Yes, Sir.”
@aespades @adrestar @astrynyx @doll246 @queenz-z @toodaloo-kangaroo @crazylittlemunchkin @seraphichana @miraculous-ninjabird @dorkus-minimus @mysticsoulgirl @ritacrow-blog @snow-leopard-777 @fidget-eep @sometandomstuff333 @lady-phoenix-of-tardis @shreeing @achaoticmess1 @liquid-luck-00 @buginetye @stainedglassm @prettylittlebutterflie @laurcad123 @iloontjeboontje @heartsong18 @raeuberprinzessin @when-no-wings-do-broomsticks @jennifer-rose123 @moon5608 @corporeal-terrestrial @skitarii-alpha-c6-555 @saltysugarysembei @phantom120 @kking13 @depressed-bitchy-demon @a-slytherinish-gryffindor @iamablinkmarvelarmy @fleursroses
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dear-buttercup · 10 months
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Okay, okay, hear me out:
Spy x Family AU, except Marinette is Loid & Adrien is Yor.
Marinette & Loid both have this alternate self that is very calculative & has the urge to plan out every possible outcome of a situation so they're not caught off guard. Not to mention that both of them have this very strong sense of justice and, each in their own way, are trying to make the world around them a better & safer place. However, both of them also have this other side that is gentle and kind and, essentially, a softy (though this shows more in Marinette bc, well, she hasn't been through the things Loid has been).
Then we have Adrien, who, like Yor, is outwardly sweet & cheerful and doesn't have a clue what to do with Life (TM). But he also has a dark & deadly side, which makes him absolutely consider dirtying his hands if he thought he was protecting the ppl he loves (*cough* derrision *cough*). I can totally see him become an assassin if it was the only thing he could do to protect his loved ones & bring food to the table, esp if he was taught to do that from a young age.
Also, some of my other headcanons for this AU (and pls beware of possible spoilers for sxf if u aren't caught up or want to watch):
- Emma would be Anya, obv, and like Anya, she has telepathic powers and can read her parents' minds. (Side note: I was considering making Emma a creation of the peacock miraculous & for that to be the reason she has her telepathy powers, but then I realized the miraculous existing in this AU might not make much sense, so I'm putting it on the backburner. If anybody wants to explore that, though, be my guest!)
- The plushy u see in Emma's hands in my drawing is Tikki, which is the equivalent of Mr. Chimera in the anime (however, alternatively, The Handler could be Tikki & in turn, The Shopkeeper could be Plagg. But going with my initial idea...)
- The cat in the picture, then, would be Plagg, who is the equivalent of Bond. However, unlike Bond, Plagg is a little shit & he knows it & therefore gives Marinette a lot of grief. But he's very cute when he wants to be, and Emma is very set on keeping him, so Marinette resorts to silent psychological warfare with him. Surprisingly, Plagg is pretty chill when it comes to Adrien to everyone's surprise.
- Just like Bond, Plagg also has psychic powers. However, I can just see him hissing in annoyance everytime a vision pops up. :D
- Adrien is secretly an assassin who exterminates traitors with his special dagger(s) that he calls 'Cataclysm'.
- Marinette is a spy who is tasked with getting close to her target, Chloe Bourgeois. She has a customized gun that she prefers to use that she calls her 'lucky charm'.
- Also, the same as the anime, Marinette's agent name is 'Ladybug' & Adrien's is 'Chat Noir'.
- Chloe is Marinette's target (I know Desmond & Gabriel are crazy similar, but I think it'd be pretty weird to have Gabe & Adrien in the same universe & for them to not be related).
- Chloe has 2 children: a twin son & daughter who r attending the same prestigious school. The daughter (which I haven't chosen a name for) is the equivalent of Becky & the son (which I also don't know the name of) is the equivalent of Damian.
- Chloe's daughter lives with her father (who I imagine is Luka bc it's a guilty ship of mine, but eh), but she also pays for her child support and education, so her daughter was raised like a princess and therefore has the same princess tendencies as Becky.
- Chloe's son is still pretty much the same as Damian, so not much to add there. (Yes, exactly like Damian. If you know, you know :) )
- Lastly, I will leave you with this out of pocket notion: Felix as Yuri and Kagami as Fiona (and yes, I very much ship them, even in this AU :) )
Here are the individual characters separately as a treat for making it till here!
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disorganizedkitten · 9 months
I should go back to more old fics because I was ON SOMETHING in my Maribat era. Like? Three way crossover where half the plot was just me making bad translations bc I was mad that learning languages was hard. Cute. The au where daminette happened ONLY because an akuma or gabe managed to rewrite reality and then they FIXED IT and I had to start a follow up fic where they're both suffering from incredible amounts of deja vu and have to figure out what's real? iconic. The au where after hawkmoth the Miracle team split up to go help other superheroes and literally no one noticed until they were all in one room making fun of each other? So much fun. The circus au? Absolute banger of a fic idea, why didn't I finish it?
Literally anything wine aunts? I was integral in the wine aunts scene there for a bit, they were my babies.
Multiple assassin Marinette soulmate aus. Someone drew ART for one of them and then I never wrote it 😭
The au where Marinette was a Talon who escaped to france and became the black cat, with Kagami as her ladybug partner? Beautiful, why did I stop?
The OTHER Talon Marinette au where she was just. living in an abandoned room in wayne manor
The ghost au that I didn't start but I wrote some pretty things for
Maribat was a really fun era and I should spend more time in the maribat discords again, I think. Or at least go back and FINISH SOME OF THESE they're all so good
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cocoabellefuntimes · 2 years
Happy Valentine's day!
This is a gift for the lovely @mistyshadow707-blog
Hope you have a great day. Enjoy your gift 🫴
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Short headcanon: In this au, Marinette's somewhat of a lil assassin, and she's been tasked to investigate what's been making such a fuss in the forest. Luka himself has been watching her for dayyyyysssss. He knows she's dangerous but something about that danger seems enticing to him. This is their first meet up. Marinette's too stunned to do anything else but look 🤭🤷🏾‍♀️
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starsweepers · 1 month
childhood besties!
friends in princess au... princes.... princesses... people of her kingdom...
people she helps in her angel au
friends for her older verse who help her stand up to bullies and not be a pushover all the time
more crushes and soft romance in older verse
i need drama with dawn i can't think of anything off the top of my head though?
omg her with heroes especially baby dawn let her just win over hearts
romance - main, lady-in-waiting, princess, unicorn, especially boys with attitude or spark, bad lads bad lads-
i crave using her unicorn au
her assassin au... forbidden romance
her with like villain or bad boys oh my gOSH like any verse did i mENTION BAD BOYS
people she mentors in fashion and the like
fashion friends
girls she can design all the things for and just support and raise up because girls support girls!
her with fellow princesses being besties and gossip
pokemon au and just magic aus did i mention unicorn?
romance, give her some boys to babble with, pony or human
singer friends
bad boys or overly dweeby/soft boys
small town friends showing her small town life
her as a non-mlp pegasus with people she trusts
her as a unicorn with kids or people she trusts
just friends in general dear pony needs them
adult figures
yeah simplistic ones here red kind of just needs more
girls who can step on him
lads to hang with
fellow actors/actresses, fellow surfer friends
also girls who can step on him lol
fellow witches and wizards
magical creatures to befriend or care for
let him nerd/geek out
he'll adopt kid muses
people he can become protective over
besties !!!! cheerleading or school friends!
let her show out of towners her small town
fellow bakers to have healthy competition with!
give her lost souls in her forest spirit or forest goddess aus
other magical beings in her werewolf au or even just humans who love nature i love this au
princess friends!
pokemon life and magic things
girl crushes
adult/guardian figures
older brother or sister figures
extroverted friends who just love her anyways
someone who would totally beat up her family or who takes her in if they're lost and just helps her navigate freedom from her parents poor care
magical creature/beings friends
children to be playful with
other wizards and witches
any of the arcadia crew
monsters/humans to befriend or maybe catch her eye if she's not with deuce
human au friends and relationships
descendants figured out events
i want drama and sadness. dealing with her family, new guardian like figures who actually help her promote a positive lifestyle
fellow characters who have died and come back
people who will put up with her
i need to give her more attention rip
lady, mittens, georgette
au ownership
friends of animal and human variety are always loved
any canon interactions tbh
lady and georgette can be romantically shippable but mittens will unlikely be so
fei fei, ruffnut, marinette, chang'e, faline, olaf, lottie, sasha
pickier with romantically shipping any of these characters so friends preferred if you wanna ship come plotty
canon interactions ( minus sasha since she's not canon lol )
fei fei with super sciency people and mentors
chang'e with fellow beings of power
faline with other forest animals, maybe rescued by a human like her brother was if the forest is in trouble
lottie with all the other dibney friends!
marinette just in general lol
ruffnut being rESPECTED
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flightfoot · 9 months
Any angsty ladynoir fics that don't have the conflict centered around the other heroes? I know this is pretty specific lol
...okay so I'm not sure what you mean exactly, most angsty ladynoir fics don't center the conflict around other heroes? Off the top of my head I can think of two major kinds of fic that should fit the bill: Ladynoir enemies au and "Chat gets injured/killed and Ladybug's very upset about it" fics. Though there are others, of course.
I (Wish I) Knew You by @buggachat
University has been hard on Marinette. Making new friends and maintaining her grades is a lot easier said than done when she has to disappear at odd times to fight akumas. She's struggling, and with Alya away with family and Adrien painfully out of reach, she's never felt lonelier. If only she could talk to someone who really understood her struggles... but it's not like Chat Noir would know anything about loneliness. Right?
call it even by @anna-scribbles and @sha-nwa
After a year of dating, there is one thing Marinette knows for certain: it's her and Adrien against the world. Through it all, Adrien is kind, patient, and endlessly understanding—even as she tries her best to keep her secret superhero identity hidden from him along with the rest of the world.
Nothing could ruin it, not even the supervillains of Paris: Hawkmoth and Chat Noir.
(adrinette dating // ladynoir enemies au)
Nothing Else Matters by LiquefiedStars
Marinette couldn’t figure out Chat Noir. He was supposed to be her partner, but instead ended up working for Hawk Moth. Still, her heart betrayed her and when a strong connection forms between them, Ladybug goes to Chat looking for answers, finding out more than she bargained for.
A Little Fall Of Rain by Druwho
Unable to transform in time, Marinette sacrifices her life to save Adrien from an assassin. With the help of the Kwamis, Adrien is able to bring her back to life, but it comes at a price. One that Adrien alone must pay. Now, Adrien is forced to keep even more secrets. The fact that Marinette is alive and that she has been his Lady all long. More than ever, they must defeat Hawkmoth. Only then can Marinette return to her life.
Ghost of You by its_just_lori
It finally happened. The akuma attacked at the wrong time. They weren't prepared. For the first time, there was a casualty. Someone was killed. Marinette doesn't care that her identity was exposed to the world; she can't stop blaming herself for what happened. If only she'd been ready... if only she'd done more... There's nothing for Adrien to say. There's nothing he can do other than stay by her side and help her through this pain.
The Son of my Enemy by Saccha
Cat Noir never wanted to be a villain, but he doesn't have a choice. Ladybug wishes she could save him. A reverse love square, villain!Cat Noir AU.
I hope these satisfy you! All of them are complete.
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