#im from a distance it was great
lamina-tsrif · 2 years
Jschlatt 4?
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*schlatt voice* and I would’ve gotten away with it too if it weren’t for you meddling kids
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"Sometimes I forget they're gone."
Bruce looks up from work - a crossword he's doing to pass time until the gas chromatography finishes - and over to where Tim is rolling back and forth in front of a secondary terminal. The steady squeak of his chairs back wheel was almost meditative in a way. He stared up at a blank screen, face only illuminated in profile by the gentle glow of Bruce's own terminal.
"Who is?" Bruce asked when Tim didn't elaborate. For all that this was functionally his home now, the boy had a tendency to occupy space in a way that made Bruce's jaw ache from biting his tongue.
"My parents." Tim stopped rocking and the Cave was as silent as a grave between them. One grave in particular. "Like, something happens and I think, oh, Mom would love to hear about this. Or Dad would get all huffy and rant over something silly and it would be fun to listen to."
Tim, who loved his parents and, arguably was loved in return. He spent most of his time in his room or the Cave, exploring other rooms in the Manor like his parents did archeological sites. Interesting to him, but not a place to be.
"Sometimes I pick up the phone and get as far as putting in their international number, you know?"
Tim, who was parented through phone calls and post cards. Tim, who spent so much of his life in boarding schools that an actual home looked more like a museum than a place to live.
"I'm sorry, bud," Bruce murmured. There wasn't much else he could say, aside from reminding Tim that his father was still alive. Comatose, hanging in limbo, but alive.
Bruce thought it would be easier if Jack Drake died with his wife. Bruce also hated himself for thinking those kinds of things.
"I just keep thinking about Mohenjo-daro," he continued. "We're learning about it in school this unit and I keep remembering- I keep remembering that Dad said he's been there. I can't keep the dates right in my head and he would have helped."
"I can give it a shot," Bruce offered even though he knew it was the wrong thing to do now just as it had been the wrong thing to do when he offered to find a Romani language tutor for Dick when he realized he was forgetting things.
It would solve one part of the problem, but it would never replace the help a father could give.
Tim turned towards him, pale face washed out in stark relief under the light from behind Bruce. He wondered if Tim could even see his face in the relative darkness and found a cowards courage knowing he couldn't.
"He told me a story about it once," Tim said. "I can't remember the ending. I can't remember what he told me. Why didn't I listen better?"
Bruce had no answer for him. He set his paper aside and opened his arms.
Dick would have thrown himself at Bruce, taking comfort where and when he could. Jason would have slunk over and did his level best to press close enough to cave in Bruce's chest and make himself a home.
He was, in hindsight, too good at that.
Tim always hesitated. Weighting the pros and cons? Overthinking a simple comfort offered freely? Bruce never knew.
Still, Tim slowly abandoned his squeaking chair. He let Bruce tug him in for a hug.
Tim was older than Dick had been, around the same age as Jason. Even so, in moments like this he seemed immeasurably younger. Tim, cast off in a prestigious boarding school, had lived comparatively untouched by life's hardest lessons. He signed up for the work, but he couldn't have known how hard it would be. Bruce never should have let him in, but what could he do now? Tim came to him when he needed a partner the most and he was so, so grateful even as regret threatened to choke him.
A beep, then. Bruce's eyes drifted upwards.
"The drugs we lifted from the Iceberg Lounge?" Tim asked against Bruce's neck.
"Show me."
Bruce let Tim out from the protective circle of his arms and did so. The moment lay broken behind them, like so many others.
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cosmicrhetoric · 7 months
the continuous focus on birds and birdsong in monstrous regiment is one of my fave bits just because we know the only reason polly has all that background knowledge is bc of paul. and even when she has that moment of not wanting to admit that she wants to get paul back partially for selfish reasons she was still the person in his life that paid attention enough to remember everything he loved/knew about birds lol. he's not really haunting the narrative he's just kind of chilling back there but ANYWAY lol polly perks could do antigone
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kairithemang0 · 3 months
So this post was originally something entirely different for an entirely different fandom but I'm rewriting it now as what I really want to talking about.
It's a fucking. WALTZ.
The Soriku side of the fandom has picked this song to bits, having the game featuring the two main characters who have one of the strongest bonds in the series and having their theme for the game where they're together be a waltz is just a perfect hint towards their possible romantic relationship together.
Frankly, I think that's just beautiful, and if we ever get another kh game where we play both Riku and Sora, I'd love to see the DB call back to this song in some way. I also like how it's most magical, dreamlike. It fits DREAM drop distance.
I dunno, I love this song so much. It's definitely not my favorite Dearly Beloved (save me days/com/mom/kh2 db... save me) but it's up there. Then again ranking the Dearly Beloveds is a task no one should even try to do because they're all just so damn good. Yoko please come back for kh4, DBs aren't the same without you.
For the -1 person curious what the original post was gonna look like, it was gonna be something like "oh yeah these two fictional relationships soirta mirror each other in how they play out, one starting with hatred and the other ending with it" and how this is the db that would be on my playlist for them because I love the idea of the two dancing no idea why but just gahhhh them <3
Now that I think about it, I should rank the DBs, just to see how much I can screw that list up and have it all change in a day max.
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barblaz-arts · 3 months
Random question, but any thoughts about them casting Jenna Ortega as Lydia's daughter in Beetlejuice^2? Thought it was funny 'cause of you specifically 😂
I thought it was funny too, but I have no particularly strong opinions about it because I don't really plan on watching. Movie Beetlejuice kinda makes me uncomfortable.
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thursdaygirlmp3 · 7 months
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hey.... the time you spend with your friends will be a faint but cherished memory in ten years...and not all of us will be so lucky so as to get to reconnect with the people we love who drift out of our lives. if i have laughed with you you will always have a place in my heart
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iknaenmal · 1 month
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mayoiayasep · 2 months
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soulsilversprings · 6 months
i had a dream that there was a regular show episode where they reveal that most of it takes place in minnesota
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kyolypso · 4 months
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hauntedtrait · 4 months
top 3 favorite books and favorite fictional character (from any kind of media)?
favorite books: the all for the game series (im gonna count it as 1 ok sfndjcj), ninth house by leigh bardugo, and crush by richard siken
favorite fictional character: for the last many years i have had an extremely strong attachment to john constantine of the hellblazer comics and andrew minyard of aftg and mollymauk tealeaf from critical role campaign 2
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sodrippy · 6 months
hm i shouldnt have vocalized how i feel abt this trip, my ma just showed me its rainy at home on video call and im being overcome w upsetness help
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doctorwhoisadhd · 1 month
also another reason i play picc despite it causing my migraines is because i can use it to win arguments. Like any other instrument you have no right to complain about piccolo being "too high" when i am playing it and it gives ME migraines. like. ok coward. what do u even have to complain about
#also its literally NEVER the flutes or oboes (who sit on either side of me) complaining even though they are third closest lol#(first two closest being my right ear and my left ear respectively btw)#ive had them be like wtf thats so high when im on a REALLY stupidly high note but its always in solidarity with me lol#complainers are always like trumpets and low brass and its like Damn that sucks dude.#It must be so hard for u to be like 20+ feet away from it at all times. Sounds like the hardest thing in the world its a good thing nobody#in the ensemble has to specifically be exactly that distance closer to it. Say about 3in away Per Ear. That would just be. Awful#disclaimer picc is fun i love playing picc its great#other benefits include: small i can just put it in my backpack :) flute can also do that but only if i dont have a ton of stuff in there#actually easier to play faster passages than on flute bc the keys are smaller and therefore lighter#marching picc is great cause you dont have to worry as much about rain cause its so little#and also people Will hear u#fun fact my picc that i own has problems with the cork in the headjoint being loose#and therefore the crown and everything can just. Come out. (NOT supposed to happen)#so their name is Lottie which is short for. Lobotomy.#which reminds me i need to take her to a repair shop again bc not only is that cork loose AGAIN (i dont think they actually replaced it the#first time which is Annoying) But Also the glue on the pad on the A flat key has come out a few times. Which strictly speaking i can fix#myself bc its just hot glue and a lighter but it gives me an excuse to be like Hey. Replace the fucking cork this time okay? ive soaked it#about 8 million times and it didnt work. Its dried out i PROMISE it just needs replacing#maybe ill mention im a music student so they believe me
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like-sands-of-time · 10 months
Wait why did balinor need to even leave his cave could he not have just called Kilgharrah and then the dragon not only would have left Camelot but also came to his master once more? They could find the egg balinor was guarding and save like years of other issues
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darabeatha · 2 months
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gaydexvocaloid · 3 months
nvm just saw one of my friends mock the fact that people like a character who is a Conventionally Attractive White Woman so i think i'm entirely justified in my paranoia
im gonna be fr and i don’t mean this 2 be malicious at ur friend, jst my genuine opinion ;;; but imo people who judge others just based on characters they like ( as long as the character isn’t inherently shit like rac/st or smth yk ) aren’t the best ppl.. i’m so sorry you’re around people who’ve made you b paranoid about just what characters you like T__T like there r so many other problems in the world and they choose to worry themselves abt what other ppl like.. likeee???.. it just sucks your worries aren’t just “worries” ,,, u deserve better ppg anon T_T
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