#and therefore the crown and everything can just. Come out. (NOT supposed to happen)
doctorwhoisadhd · 1 month
also another reason i play picc despite it causing my migraines is because i can use it to win arguments. Like any other instrument you have no right to complain about piccolo being "too high" when i am playing it and it gives ME migraines. like. ok coward. what do u even have to complain about
#also its literally NEVER the flutes or oboes (who sit on either side of me) complaining even though they are third closest lol#(first two closest being my right ear and my left ear respectively btw)#ive had them be like wtf thats so high when im on a REALLY stupidly high note but its always in solidarity with me lol#complainers are always like trumpets and low brass and its like Damn that sucks dude.#It must be so hard for u to be like 20+ feet away from it at all times. Sounds like the hardest thing in the world its a good thing nobody#in the ensemble has to specifically be exactly that distance closer to it. Say about 3in away Per Ear. That would just be. Awful#disclaimer picc is fun i love playing picc its great#other benefits include: small i can just put it in my backpack :) flute can also do that but only if i dont have a ton of stuff in there#actually easier to play faster passages than on flute bc the keys are smaller and therefore lighter#marching picc is great cause you dont have to worry as much about rain cause its so little#and also people Will hear u#fun fact my picc that i own has problems with the cork in the headjoint being loose#and therefore the crown and everything can just. Come out. (NOT supposed to happen)#so their name is Lottie which is short for. Lobotomy.#which reminds me i need to take her to a repair shop again bc not only is that cork loose AGAIN (i dont think they actually replaced it the#first time which is Annoying) But Also the glue on the pad on the A flat key has come out a few times. Which strictly speaking i can fix#myself bc its just hot glue and a lighter but it gives me an excuse to be like Hey. Replace the fucking cork this time okay? ive soaked it#about 8 million times and it didnt work. Its dried out i PROMISE it just needs replacing#maybe ill mention im a music student so they believe me
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gojuo · 2 years
ALSO (still me from the alicent anon lmao) people really aren’t able to consider the ever-so-famous historical context. they use it as an excuse all the time to ignore Daemon or whoever being total monsters but god forbid they actually remember that alicent wanting her own blood on the throne is actually a pretty good motive for a medieval queen. she really didn’t need much else as an excuse lol, why would she accept Viserys ignoring hundreds of years of tradition in the name of a “queens fix each other’s crowns🥰” mindset, like PLEASE. add to this the fact that her sons would legitimately be a threat to rhaenyra’s rule and therefore in danger, and that the only consolation queens got after living shit lives in service of men who used them as incubators was seeing their kids rule and she wouldn’t even get that. i would turn evil too after what she’s been through like, she literally was supposed to never win ever😭. the original motive for the dance to happen does make her a power-hungry character but the entire fucking point of the targ dynasty is that they’re power-hungry and ambitious and entitled so how would she be worse than everybody else? the prophecy excuse makes no sense, especially after that whole debacle of her disowning aegon because he’s a monster. and now she’s going to put him on the throne over her own morals?? obedience to her husband despite everything?? THAT’s her reason? THAT’s her redemption? i’ll continue rooting for her but what the hellllll. sorry for the rant <3
No but that's literally part of the job description ?? Being queen means being the mother of the next king??? That's literally a part of the job???? Or else you'd just be a concubine or a mistress not the legal wife of the king?????? Like having the queen's son be the next king is lit e rally what it says on the job application I dunno what to tell the Blackcels AND THE WRITERS because having Alicent misinterpret Viserys is just such a cuck reason to have her act, I agree with you. I mourn the cunning politician she was in F&B and who we didn't get in HOTD really... Her and Rhaenyra's friendship/"love"/whatever the fuck it was they had is just way too shallow or came across as way too immature for me to believe Alicent would just let Rhaenyra ascend after Viserys with Daemon at her side (the very reason why the Lords agreed to make Rhaenyra heir instead of Daemon!!!! Cuz no one wanted him on the throne!!!!!!)
You can rant to me all you like really, don't apologize. Would you mind if I rant also? This whole "women suffering from patriarchy" schtick Condal & Sapochnik have chosen to go for in HOTD instead of having women be the active players in the game is so .... patronizing to me. Like, we live in 2022 not 1822. Is there any Western woman suffering because of the patriarchy anymore? How the fuck is seeing women who are supposed to be queens act like headless chicks because evil men (who are in all technicality beneath them socially/politically/culturally, etc.) apparently oppress them and they are poor women who are stuck in this system while they are actually 2 women at the top of the food chain ... empowering? Alicent and Rhaenyra were active characters who went out and got what they wanted for themselves in F&B but in HOTD they get pushed around by other people while they 👁👄👁 all day. But yayyy! Having these two women who are at the top of the top of the social class be oppressed by "patriarchy" and "fighting against patriarchy" is soooooooo empowering, right? Instead of them being two cunning women moving the entirety of the Six Kingdoms whichever way they want because they want more power for themselves. THAT is empowerment to me. Women being allowed to just be characters that do both the best and the worst all in order for to achieve their own goals. Women taking active part in their own lives and their own fates instead of crying every single day about motherfucking "patriarchy" this and "patriarchy" that. Like .... come on ..... what kind of woman in the West actually buys into this lame "patriarchy" excuse in modern entertainment anymore?
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mrpenguinpants · 3 years
Genshin: University AU [V1]
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I love modern au. Or any “everything is fine, no one died, it’s just a fever dream” au. Half of me is thinking, damn maybe I should answer this serious- LOL HAHA no. That’s not happening. Time to crack my knuckles and let my brainworms take over again.
Once again, this is 90% crack 10% content. I want to switch up my characters from the last brainworm post but I included Kaeya and Diluc.
Today’s appreciation post goes to twistedwishes. Hey! I’ve been seeing you pop up a lot lately and thanks for the support 💕💕 I hope things are going better for you and you’re doing alright^^ I feel kinda bad for making appreciation posts on crack fics but hopefully this is somewhat funny haha. 
Genshin: Holding Hands [V1]
Genshin: When you’re cold [V1]
Genshin: Roommate [V1]
Genshin: Royalty AU [V1]
[taglist]  <- if you want to be added, please read this first.
  @mikeysbike @hanniejji@unionwitch @musekala @twistedsunnshiii @stanzastic @akaasea @xoneaboveallx @adoring-ghost @asheseiler @childelover @dilucsz @dai-tsukki-desu @thicmitten @youaskedfurret @diaxfeliz @wintergreen-aix @dandelily @thegayrubberducky @lovelykittycatmeow @yuunoagivesmelife  @dokidokisama @simpygrimoire @minakohasmanyhusbandos @strwbrry-lia @tigerpriestess @yuu-yuukurotsuki​
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Absolute pretty boy who has braincells, but only if Kaeya is not there. In his mind, Kaeya’s presence makes his room loose 40% of their common sense. He can’t prove it just yet but he’s working on it. He majors in accounting but also has a minor in marketing, logistics’ management, fia- he majors everything business related. He’s going to become the next Elon Musk through smarts or by getting the competition drunk. There can be no contest if he’s the only candidate. He’s actually a hard working guy that overworks and stresses way too much. You have daily “Diluc recharge” evenings where he just hangs onto you while you go through your day.
“Don’t fucking talk to me until I’ve had my coffee,” except there is no coffee - he drinks grape juice out of juice boxes and his only energy boost is when he meets up with you - and that’s his constant mood. So he usually only hangs around you and Jean, since she has childhood friend status and is actually an angel. By default, Lisa is added and Diluc doesn’t mind her but if he see’s Kaeya, it’s full on war paint mode. If he's not busy with work or studies, he's usually with you either in your dorm or his apartment.
He has a fanclub and he seriously hates it and tries to do everything in his power to get Ningguang to take it down. Shouldn’t this be against his rights? But she refuses for whatever reason and makes a whole speech about free will. No matter what he does, someone manages to take a picture and it get’s printed in the university’s newspaper. The only bonding time he has with Kaeya is every Monday, where they collect and burn all the universities newspapers before anyone can get their hands on it. You always bring marshmallows to make smores during their arson activities.
“When I graduate I’m going to burn this school down to the ground. That’s not a threat it’s a promise.”
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Is secretly the leader of the Diluc fanclub - not that she likes Diluc, she’s in a questionable platonic poly marriage with you and Beidou - but it was the easiest way to gain funds for the student council. Which she is the president of, so rip Diluc the fanclub stays. Ruthless business woman I tell you. But she can run in heels so her danger factor rises by at least 20%.
Majors in social sciences and law but more specifically the political science & government. She saw the Imperial State Crown that the Queen of England wears and says yes, that’s mine now. If she’s not with Beidou and you planning on “how to infiltrate the state government just for lols”, then she’s with Keqing, Ganyu, and Zhongli discussing student council things. Should they or should they not tell the student body that they can see everyone’s search results? Sit back and relax as the school goes into chaos. 
She’s probably the scariest person on campus No, she is the scariest person on campus. She’s the scariest person on campus. But secretly she’s popping 20 aspirins just to make it through a night. She has the digestive system of steel. She still holds the title of "seriously do not try and beat her in a drinking game it's never going to happen" and that's her proudest achievement in life but sadly she can’t put it on her resume. Kaeya is still trying to beat her out of spite but so far it hasn't been working. You’re seriously concerned for her when she get’s challenged but Beidou gives you a way-to-hard slap on the back and cheers her on. If Ninngguang somehow get’s alcohol poisonings she’ll somehow find away to make a profit out of it.
"I'll let him die, I'll get the insurance money."
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One day he chugged too much mouth wash, passed out, and somehow woke up in university majoring in law. His idea is that if he is apart of the law, he can therefore stand above it. To be fair, his only goal in life is to say “I am the manager” and he can go live the rest of his life in bliss or as a hermit. He’s secret best friends with you but wouldn't be caught dead beside you. He will stab a bitch if you ever get hurt but will still trip you on the way home. Seriously, you have no idea why people find him attractive. Your guess is it’s the eye patch or the clap of his ass cheeks that keeps alerting everyone.  
He’s apart of the newspaper club and if anyone asks: No, he has no idea who keeps taking all the newspapers and burns them in the back of the campus. Originally, he joined because he was nosy and needed to join some type of club for his resume. He sometimes feels bad for his junior assistant Amber because he keeps tricking her and says that Diluc is secretly a demon that is trying to steal all the jobs and is apart of the lizard government hell bent on eradicating the human race. He even brought out a whiteboard for this joke, he’s dedicated to his job ok? 
The type of guy to try and be humble and say his work is “okay” but will choke a bitch if anyone agrees. He tends to leave everything last minute and says that it’s his drug since actual drugs could land you one year in prison and a maximum penalty of $2,000. You have to awkwardly hold in your concerned mother head shake when you see him speed running his assignment literally right when the professor is walking around to check if students finished. 
“I was taught how to lead not to read.”
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Broke wallet #2. Zhongli is broke wallet #1 but Childe simps for him so is he really a broke wallet at this point? In this essay, I Mona Megistus, will explain why I have the rights to the title “Broke Wallet #1″...
Believes that astrology should be an actual career path but refuses to take astronomy as her major. I can read the stars not a textbook that tells me how to calculate the mass of the sun divided by the fucks I give. Instead she went into Philosophy and cries to Albedo, who is an actual prodigy genius- sir lend some braincells to everyone else please?, that her professor keep turning her paper down because “star reading” is not an academic source.
Fischl wants her to join the occult club because, surprisingly, Mona is very good at telling people’s fates through her crayon sketch ouija board. She thinks first year Fischl is cute but is put off by the cosplay roleplay that she has going on. She would join except that stupid hat wearing gremlin in her lit class would make fun of her if he found out.
You gave her half your lunch one day and bought her a doughnut "because she seemed upset" and "out of the goodness of your heart" whatever the hell that means. She thinks you pensioned it but once that thought comes she takes a bite. Poison from a doughnut is not the worst way to go out, classes are hard enough. She’s waiting for the lord to strike her down anyways. 
“Its not about passing, its about doing better than everyone else.”
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Slept through most of highschool and people question how he got into university. He’s a music major (wow how fucking original is that), and if anyone asks him to serenade someone or just do anything, he’ll do it for the right price. Or if you buy him alcohol because he still keeps getting ID checked. He’s banking on Kaeya actually becoming a lawyer or being on good terms with Diluc so he can finally stop being arrested for looking like a toddler.
Takes one step into classes and quickly nopes out and goes back to bed. Professors have no idea how he hasn't dropped out or failed. He just has some god given talent. He does whine at you to pretty pretty please with a cherry on top tutor him because you're such an angel and would never leave your poor but awesome best friend hanging right? He needs to get this essay down but how he is suppose to explain how the number 10 is symbolic and connects to the universe or the meaning of life. Do you think he can just say it’s apart of his culture and make up some random myth to pretend it looks like he knows what he’s doing? 
He’s honestly going with the flow and put his brain on the back burner all of highschool and only now realizes wait, I actually have to use my brain?
He’s been banned from most club chats since Venti has the no chill card. Someone says “lol I look ugly today.” and he’ll respond "yup, you look like a cow." and he get’s banned. Zhongli keeps a speed run timer on his phone just to document these occasions.
"Sad spelled backwards is das and das how it be sometimes."
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An actual dumbass that somehow does well. He eats sandwiches with the crust off, this heathen. Surprisingly he’s studying to become a physical therapist but most of his experience has come from breaking his own bones. You’re scared how he's going to be if he actually becomes a therapist. If he'll make bets with his patients or try to one up whatever crazy injury they get into. Everything is a challenge to him that sometimes the best way to deal with Childe is to knock him out. 
This man really knows the way to a Zhongli’s woman's heart. Through micro transactions. Mona saw him accidently drop $20 and just shrugged and walked off. She has never been both spiritually and physically offended in her life. She did take the $20 though. As much as you hate leeching on Chile when he’s basically a walking wallet that probably uses bills as tissue paper, you can’t help but give him puppy eyes while planning on how to get into his will. If he even plans on having one, he might honestly write “whoever wins in a gladiator style duel in my funeral’s tournament, they will get my fortune.”. 
Any sport the university offers Childe is probably in it. Which is how he met Zhongli, challenged him to a fight, proceeded to have his ass handed to him, got a backhanded compliment, and screamed to you he was in love and how he found his soulmate. He's secretly very sappy and has cried and watched every Disney and Pixar movie at least 28 times.
God if it isn’t Scaramouche, it’s Childe that ruins the aesthetic. This is why I hate you. Why do you people enable me like this, it isn’t even good. This is pretty much a @ yourself moment and I vibe hard with Venti. This entire post was just to make a joke about the clap of Kaeya’s ass cheeks alerting the guards.
This week might slow down since I have classes and assignments. My reply’s are gonna be late too, sorry;; (oh and thank you to everyone that was so supportive and nice when I mentioned it. All of you. Beautiful 💕💕 )
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thekingofwinterblog · 2 years
Amphibia Ending Theory - Anne Boonchuy, Queen of Amphibia
When speculating the ending of a series, there are many, many factors that goes into it.
What are the protagonists goals? What is the antagonistic force that opposes them? What does the series foreshadow?
In regards to Amphibia, it is specifically an Isekai story. It is a deconstruction of many, many of the common Isekai tropes, but it is at it's heart an Isekai story nonetheless.
And Isekai stories by their very nature tends to end one of two ways. Either the Main Character goes back home to Earth, to reclaim the lives they were plucked from, or they stay in the fantasy world for whatever reason(Be it because they have to sacrifice their way home over the course of the story, because they like their new lives in their new world, or because circumstances demands they stay).
Amphibia plays with this concept, in that Anne manages to achieve her goal at the end of season 2, managing to get back home and reunite with her parents and reclaim her old life... Only to immediately want to return to Amlhibia because of a variety of reasons(Having to deal with Andrias, reunite with her friends, etc).
In that regard, it's very, very clear that the final conflict of Amphibia will take place in the titular world, and that the series is building up to a return to planet for it's third season.
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While the Core might be the machine behind Andrias, and therefor the true Big Bad of the story, it is Andrias who is the one that the story time and again has set up as Anne's personal nemesis, her counterpart, the mirror of everything she could become.
That Anne and Andrias has deep personal business that's going to be resolved by combat in the finale, isn't exactly hard to guess.
My theory on how her story will end however, goes deeper than that, as I belive that the series is setting Anne up, not just to defeat Andrias and the Core, save the multiverse and free Amphibia from tyranny, but to succeed Andrias himself, as the next Monarch of the continent/world of Amphibia.
In one of my first Amphibia posts, I laid out my theory that the Music Box's original purpose before it became the power source for the entire Amphibian civilization was as a means to choose the next Monarch of the land by selecting a trio of worthy candidates with the potential for kingship.
They would all three be imbued with great and amazing power, but crucially they also had a system where the power wielders were supposed to divest themselves of that power after a long, and deep journey of character building, which seems kinda backwards when the journey is about GIVING UP those godlike powers, unless there was meant to be something more at the end.
Mayhaps one of them being chosen as the most worthy to lead.
This would explain why Andrias, who just so happened to be one of the three who possessed the power of the box, also ended up become king, while having his friends at his side to aid him until their betrayal.
There is a lot that goes into the theory, but one thing I didn't go fully into was the implications this would have for Anne going forward.
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Firstly, there is Anne's Calamity mode, which we thankfully have the concept art for, and from it, we can learn a few things. Firstly there is the fact that Anne's floating hair was intentionally designed to mimic a crown, which suggests a deep royal connection to the form.
Secondly however, and far more blatant, is that before settling on the super saiyan inspired design, apparently one of the previous concepts that never made it beyond the page was that Anne was apparently going to manifest a full on Thai crown for this form, which is just dropping the subtext about this being connected to royalty, and saying it flat out.
And thirdly, there is a blatant spot on this concept sheet where one section was painted over digitally, presumably because whatever was there would be spoilers for something yet to come.
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The crown imagery doesn't just end at the concept art either. In Amdrias mural, Anne is showcased, not surrounded by a blue aura, but instead with a blue fire burning over her head like a crown.
There is also the fact that Anne's colors beyond her blue, are Purple and gold, generally the colors of royalty.
Anne and Andrias
But beyond her connection to the Box and what it's power might mean, there is also Anne's journey through the series, and how her story is all about her coming into her own as the Heart of Amphibia, and by extention clean up the mess Andrias has made of Amphibia.
Anne learns many, many lessons about all the things her power is supposed to represent in season one, but it's not before she comes into direct contact with Andrias feudal system, that she would begin going down arc she would see to the finish in the finale.
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In Toad Tax Anne chooses to stand up to the blatantly unjust Tax Collectors, that are only where they are because Andrias made this corrupt, unjust, and inefficient feudal system long, long ago, and today he refuses to do anything to fix it.
And by doing so, she gets seriously hurt, but also wins the towns true respect for the first time, by doing what is right.
The system Andrias built is a Feudal one that has reached the point where the crown flat out doesn't care anymore about actually upholding it's end of the societal contract, and Anne standing up to that system marks the point where she becomes a true hero.
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This arc continues into Reunion, where Anne finally stands up to Sasha, because it is the right thing to do, despite the fact she thinks that by doing so, she would be sacrificing her friendship with Sasha.
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However, despite this, Anne still refuses to let Sasha fall to her death, risking her own life to try and save her. And by doing so, she proves herself superior to Andrias, who is defined by his vicious anger and resentment over his friends betrayal.
She would do this again in True Colors where even after both her friends betrayed her, she still chooses to give them another chance.
Anne choses to continue to open her heart, despite the pain she risks by doing so, because she deeply, deeply cares about those around her. Andrias is defined(Both as a person, and as a king) by the fact that he is incapable of opening himself up to anyone, and as a result has grown completely, totally emotionally numb inside.
Throughout the entire series Anne is being set up as Andrias foil, and her journey is one where she is going to replace him, one way or another.
Andrias has become unworthy, both as a representation of the Gems power, and as a king. Anne however, is worthy, as proven when she activates her power in full to right a truly monstrous wrong on Andrias part, when the man who is supposed to protect and nurture every citizen of Amphibia, throws a child to his death to spitefuly prove a point to Anne.
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Anne inspires people, be they the ragged band that liberated Newtopia from the toads with a daring plan, Wartwood, or individiual people like Sasha.
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Andrias brings only misery to those around him, having long, long since stopped caring that a king's duty is to his people first, and he must live and rule for them. And so he kills them if they don't comply becoming glorified factory workers, amuses himself by shooting rockets at them, and all in all makes their lives miserable just to entertain himself.
The imagery is quite clear. Andrias is the Aerys of Amphibia. The cruel tyrant that has long, long since overstayed his welcome, that brings only suffering and misery to everyone he is sworn to protect. Anne is the burning star that has come to cleanse Andrias and the Core from the face Amphibia, and restore order once more.
And as the prophecy notes, she is not alone in that.
Post Andrias
With, Heart, Strength
Three Stars Burning Bright, Come for Beyond to expel the night, should they fight or embrace the Fall, their choice will determine all.
While all 3 girls will undoubtedly have a role to play in saving Amphibia from it's mad tyrant, Assuming this theory ends up happening, Anne would not be alone as Monarch.
She would be the Heart, the one that can bring people together, the obvious Hero that the entire country can rally behind as the defeater of the hated Andrias, the figurehead who nonetheless is capable of making the right decisions.
Sasha would be Strength, the muscle, the general that in this new world(And post her character development) has grown enough as a person to be willing to subordinate herself to someone else, someone she is 100% loyal to, that has both the skills, the strength and the charisma to crush any opposition to Anne, be it revolts, enemy factions or rebellions against her reforms.
Marcy would be Wit, the brains, the great minister who would be responsible for implementing the technology that Newtopia always had so that every single part of the recovering country will be able to enjoy it.
Strength, Heart and Wit, united and working together, as they were always meant to be.
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blu-joons · 3 years
When Your Child Gets Accepted As A Trainee ~ BTS Reaction
Just by the look in his eyes you could tell that Jin was far from impressed when your daughter came home and let you know that she’d been offered a contract. Whilst you were pleased, his head could only shake at such an idea.
As your daughter looked across at him, he leant forwards. “I’ve been there, it’s not always as nice as people think it is.”
“But it’s what I want to do.”
“I know that,” Jin sighed, unable to look away from the excitement in her eyes. “But there’s a very clouded vision of being a trainee for most people.”
You let go of a sigh, “Jin, she’s always wanted to follow in your footsteps, and now you’re telling her no.”
“It’s not that I’m saying no, I just want her to really be able to think this through.”
“What’s there to think about?” Your daughter challenged, “what haven’t you told me about being a trainee that could possibly be bad enough to put me off.”
“A lot,” Jin frowned, resting his hand against the crown of his head, “I never told you the bad stuff because I was scared that it would put you off.”
As her eyes flickered to you, your head slowly nodded. “I think there’s a lot that maybe you still need to find out abut being a trainee sweetie.”
“So, tell me, but it still won’t stop me reaching my dreams.”
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The discussion of your daughter being a trainee was a ticking time bomb, and so when it finally erupted, you were far from surprised. It took Yoongi some time to really come to terms with what was being said.
Eventually, he crept back down the stairs after calming himself down. “I’m still not exactly thrilled about all of this.”
“I wasn’t expecting you to be ecstatic.”
“But I do want to try and find a way to agree to this that we can both be happy with,” he spoke up, taking a seat at your side, opposite your daughter.
Her head nodded, “I want you to be happy for me, even though I know deep down you’re worried about me, because of you.”
“It’s just that I’ve been there, it’s not always as happy as you think it might be.”
“Nothing is easy,” she argued, her argument something that neither of you could deny. “And I’m prepared to put all the hard work in, just like how you did.”
“Of course,” Yoongi acknowledged, “and I know becoming a trainee and an idol is something you’re more than capable of achieving too.”
Her smile slowly grew, “it’s only because I’ve got your genes,” she complimented, desperate to get her father a little more on side.”
“Flattery won’t get me to agree to this straight away, but nice try.”
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Seeing Hobi’s car directly outside of the company building was a nightmare for your daughter. She was yet to sign her contract, but that didn’t stop Hobi making sure he was there every morning and night to keep her safe.
As she got into the car, she let go of a heavy sigh. “You don’t need to do this; home is only five minutes down the road.”
“How else am I supposed to keep you safe?”
“Nothing is going to happen,” she argued, placing her seatbelt around her figure. “Do you know how embarrassing it is to be picked up by my dad every day?”
Hobi shrugged back at her, “I don’t care, all I want is to make sure that you’re safe, even if you can’t see that.”
“I can see that, but it doesn’t mean I’m pleased about you being parked right outside.”
“Until I’m entirely convinced that this trainee business is good for you, I’ll be here every day,” he responded, refusing to listen to any of her protests.
“I remember the good days when you used to be fun,” she muttered under her a breath, a comment that stung harshly at Hobi as he pulled away from the company.
His head turned to look at her, “how about I prove to you that I can still be a fun dad? Just a dad who has your best interests in heart.”
“That depends, are you going to take me for food, or not?”
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The idea of your daughter becoming a trainee was never one that truly appealed to Namjoon, but he wasn’t prepared to fully stand in the way of your daughter’s dreams. Just enough, that he knew the ins and outs of everything.
The first time he met the trainees she worked with, his eyes looked everywhere. “So, have you got a leader yet, I want to meet her.”
“No, we’re all just equals right now.”
“But is there someone in charge?” Namjoon continued to push, “I could give them some advice, so I know that they’re going to protect you properly.”
Your daughter pushed his side, “you’re not giving anyone here one of your lectures, I’ve heard enough of them myself.”
“But how else will they know how to do their job? You’re all still learning.”
“Exactly, we’re all still learning,” she frowned, “therefore we don’t need you to come with your advice. I thought you said that you’d trust in me with this?”
“I do,” Namjoon assured her, “but as your dad, I’m bound to have concerns, especially when I know exactly how you’re feeling right now and how hard it is.”
Her hand moved up tor rest against his arm, “please, just maybe take a step back. You have to trust in me dad, whether you’re pleased or not.”
“I know, I guess it just feels like you’re growing up a lot now.”
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Knowing just what he was like as a young trainee, Jimin couldn’t help but worry. He remembered how everyone’s eyes would always stare when a female walked in, and how the same would probably happen to his little girl.
When he came home one day with an oversized hoodie, you were hardly surprised. “You have to have this on you at all times.”
“Why am I ever going to need this?”
“Men,” Jimin stated as he placed it in your daughter’s lap, “I won’t have a single one of those trainees staring at you like I remember we all used to.”
Her head shook, handing it back to him. “No one’s going to stare, and if they do, it’s hardly like anything will happen.”
“Even if nothing happens, people still shouldn’t stare. It’s not fair on you Y/D/N.”
“But you used to stare?” She challenged, rendering Jimin silent. You couldn’t help but let go of a light chuckle at how stumped he had become.
“It’s human nature Jimin,” you reminded him, “just because she’s your daughter isn’t going to stop people looking at her if they want to.”
His head shook rapidly, “you’re young, these things shouldn’t be happening. Wear the jumper and then no one will get a look in with you.”
“I’m not wearing your stupid jumper; I can handle myself.”
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Being a trainee was far from easy, Taehyung had learnt that first-hand. But he was a male, aware of the stereotypes that surrounded females, aware of the stereotypes that would probably end up about his daughter.
He wanted to be please, but the concerns just kept eating away at him. “What are you worried about?” You asked him one evening.
“Her, and what could happen.”
“Judgement?” You queried, slightly relieved when his head nodded. “I’m worried too, but this is always something that she’s wanted to do Tae.”
He sighed gently, “I’ve seen it though, the way so many females are treated, no woman deserves that, especially her.”
“Don’t you think she’s old enough to stand on her own two feet a little bit?”
“I can’t stand back and let her put herself at risk,” he vented, resting his head against your shoulder, “I’ve been there, it’s not pretty.”
“What about all the good times too?” You then quizzed, “you’re not telling me you’ve only got bad memories of being a trainee, are you?”
His head shook instantly, “it was a good time, for the most part. It always is when you’re a guy, but what about when you’re a girl?”
“I’m sure she’ll be alright, if not, she’s got you in her corner.”
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As soon as he heard rumour that the company wanted to sign up your daughter, his mind wondered back to the days of him being a trainee. He was young, like her, and incredibly vulnerable, a position he didn’t want her to be in.
As he met your daughter that evening, he couldn’t keep himself quiet. “Are you truly sure that this is what you want to do?”
“Why are you trying to put me off?”
“I was in your shoes once,” Jungkook whispered, staring away from her. “And I don’t think I can tell you how hard it really was sometimes for me.”
Her head nodded, “you’re always the one that tells me sometimes you have to go through hardship to get to where you want to be.”
“But are you really prepared to go through the true hardship of being a trainee.”
“Kook,” you sighed as you walked up the stairs and heard the lecture that he was giving her. “She wants to do this; you know she’ll be looked after.”
“Of course,” he hummed, trying to ease his mind, “it’s just I was that teenager at the back of the room, and the last thing I want is the same for you.”
Your daughter moved across to wrap her arms around her father, “I promise I’ll be alright; you don’t have to worry about me anymore.”
“I’m always going to worry about you, I’m your father.”
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wizkiddx · 3 years
the worst case scenario
okay so this is possibly part 1 of a v v angsty dad!tom fic!!
WARNING: the section under the cut of this is v v v dark with mentions of death and some graphic descriptions of blood etc - please please don't read if any of these things may affect you <3
the part above the cut (the keep reading bit) is completely fluffy (a bit of childbirth but not graphic) so you could read only that first bit as a stand alone if anybody wanted to
dad!tomholland x reader
“Stop laughing at me!!!”  Y/n exclaimed in mock anger before bursting out laughing, knowing she did look pretty ridiculous. 
“I can’t help it you just…. You look like an elephant!” Tom cackled from his reclined position lying on the couch, whilst his 8 month pregnant fiancé struggled to get up from her seated position on the floor - where she had spent the last half an hour wrapping presents for her nephews birthday.
“You know a supportive soon to be father would’ve helped me up!” Replying with a scowl that didn’t last long, Y/n finally standing up took the three steps to the couch before uncerimoniously collapsing into it. 
Grinning with this absolute sparkle in his eye, Tom leant forward and slid up to Y/n to pull her into his side. His hand came to rest upon her massive bump - at this point it was almost a rule that if he were touching Y/n he also had to be touching the bump. Tom claimed it to be skin to skin contact and although Y/n were pretty sure that didn’t come into effect until after the baby was born, she wasn’t complaining either. 
“It’s a shame your stuck with me then huh?” He murmured into the top of Y/n’s head, pressing a kiss to the crown of her head while tracing meaningless patterns on her shirt over the bump. Tom was beyond excited to become a Dad, family had always meant everything to him growing up (and now). There was nothing he wanted more , therefore, to call them a family of three - or more accurately four, not forgetting Tess of course. 
“Oh how I regret ever taking up that extra shift at the club” She mused sarcastically, enjoying how he feigned offence in return.
 The way the two had met was so incredibly cliche that it was almost painful, whenever anyone asked how they met she always winced internally. But it was their truth, Y/n had been a caddy at the golf course Tom frequented with his brothers. The nature of his ‘reputation’ meant the caddies always had to sign NDA’s to be paired with Tom’s group and the chosen few were those personally recommended by the golf course. She’d always stuck out to him, mainly because she seemed to be biting her tongue as they worked their way round the course. Caddies, also by job description, were not to speak unless spoken to; to be polite and courteous but not chatty. So, given how professioial she was, had taken some convincing for Tom to drag it out why she looked in physical pain whenever they played the 13th hole.
“Look somethings on your mind I can tell! If you hate me I can arrange another caddy I just -“ He followed her march to back from the hole toward the little buggy, ahead of his brothers and Dad who were making small talk from behind.
“FINE! Okay fine.” Reaching the end of her tether, Y/n snapped, whipping her body round to face him. “It’s your grip! On this hole especially you always play the driver with you pinky too far down the shaft, it’s why you always end up in the bunker on the 13th! It’s bloody infuriating because them I’m the one that has to clean the buggy you’ve trampled sand into!”
“Oh…. I-I … I wasn’t expecting that” Tom had spoken quietly, in an unfamiliar tone to Y/n. Over hours she’d spent on the course with them over the months, Y/n had gotten used to his storytelling voice when recounting an insane experience to his family that he’d had in the world of Hollywood; his grumpy voice when he played badly, which was often; and then his gloating voice - most definitely the worst and intolerable. This voice though, was different.  
“I-I’m so sorry I have no right, I just-“ She’d out her foot in it …. badly. The young actor was one of the most clubs most prestigious and valued members; and she’d just insulted him. Clearly, she was also about to be in search of another job. 
“No no I appreciate your tip… I didn’t even realise you play?” His gracious smile calmed her nerves a little, though Y/n still wrung her hands together as she replied.
“Well we aren’t supposed to talk about it but the club let us employees loose after hours… I practice quite a bit”
“Seeing as you think my game is so shitty, you fancy a round next time?”
Flash forward 3 and half years and a proposal, they were now taking their next massive leaps in the world together. Bringing a whole new life into it. It was bloody terrifying, they both openly admitted. But it was also exciting, new, incredible and… and made them even closer. Now they had to be in each others lives forever, no escaping. 
“How many days left?” Craning her neck back on his shoulder so Y/n could meet his brown eyes, she knew the answer would be immediate. 
“15 till the due date and the app said they’re the size of a rhubarb but I don’t really know what that means.” He knew more about the pregnancy and birth than she did. He had about a dozen different apps on his phone (including one pointlessly comparing the size of the baby to carrots/ watermelons/ onions), had read 4 different books (which for Tom was the equivalent to reading Newton’s book ‘philisphica Mathematica’.)
Ever since she’d told him about the pregnancy Tom had excelled every expectation Y/n had of him… massively. Without even having a conversation surrounding it, he had explicitly cancelled all major work commitments within 2 months of the due date and until around a year after. He had flown back and fourth across the world so he could pop in and check on you. He’d also set his whole family on becoming your minders when he was away - Y/n wouldn’t have been able to go a day avoiding a Holland (or Osterfield) if she had tried. 
The pregnancy thus far hadn’t been the easiest though, hence why Y/n still appreciated to constant worrying texts and calls. During the first trimester the morning sickness had been literal hell; and then you’d had a little bit of a scare with pre-eclampsia during the second. It landed you a 3 day stay in hospital and a very very panicked Tom rushing back from New York on the first possible flight. 
So now? Y/n wanted the baby out. She wanted family life as parents. (At which point hopefully Tom would stop comparing the size of your child to an assortment of different fruit and veg)
“You know, you really are going to be the best dad in the world Thomas Stanely Holland.”
“And you Y/f/n y/m/n y/l/n are already a pretty impressive mum.”
It was 3 o’clock the next morning when Y/n awoke with a sudden groan instinctively rubbing her stomach in an attempt to get them easing up. Now too familiar with Braxton-Hicks contractions, the weird cramping that waxes and wanes but never letting her get any rest - Y/n knew she was in for a long night. With a muted sigh she carefully lifted Tom’s arm off her side, cautious not to disturb him. The poor boy had been up most nights with her, just because baby wasn’t letting her sleep, it didn’t mean Tom wasn’t deserving of rest either. 
So making furtive movements at a snails pace, she attempted to tip toe out the room - yet as Tom had pointed out before, she looked almost like an elephant, so everything was relative. Surprisingly though, she was successful, escaping onto the soft cream carpet of their hallway before choosing to venture into the room opposite theirs. It had once been a spare room, though more correctly termed the ‘shit room’ because that’s where all the accumulated shit they got was thrown. Now however, Tom and his brothers had taken on the mammoth task of clearing it out and redecorating - creating the most beautiful nursery one could ever see. Complete with a rocking chair which Y/n made a beeline for, now allowing herself to audible groan at the tight sensation deep inside her. 
Normally they would ease after a half an hour or so, yet this time, after what was surely more like an hour and a half they started to…. ramp up. What was a tight pressure sensation quickly became one more forceful volatile and full of pain. She put it off for about 3 or 4 cycles of these, pursing her lips and breathing deeply as she tried to convince herself they’d just simply fizzle away. This couldn’t be the real thing could it? It was too soon - as Tom had said she wasn’t due for another 15 days. It wasn’t happening… was it?
The answer was pretty comprehensively and cohesively given when Y/n tried to stand up, in the hope of walking the ache off, she felt an incredibly tight crunch as her insides seemed to wring themselves together. Oh … and a surge of water soaked her pyjama bottoms. 
“Fuckfuckfuckfuck FUCKKKK TOMMMM!! TOM-ah shit-  MY WATERS!!! TOOOMMMM”The pain had amped up to a very very impressive levels, forcing Y/n to clutch her sides as she kept bending and straightening back up… as if that would help. Her lonesome agony didn’t last long though, a flustered Tom hurtled in the room - his hair sticking up all over the place and although his eyes were puffy from sleep he still had them glued open impressively wide.
“No its-its too- its too early!” In pure disbelief, Tom shook his head staring across at her face, contorted in pain.
“Yeh because-“ She gulped and exhaled in as much of a controlled manner she could through pursed lips; before answering his stupid statement. “Because I can just HOLD IT IN FOR ANOTHER 2 WEEKS SHALL I?” It took a while for Tom to process, looking down at the puddle of clear fluid on the floor and damp patch on her plaid bottoms while it was Y/n’s turn to look upon his it utter disbelief at his stupidity. 
 “Oh shit shitshitshitshitshitshit!!!!” His words grew with increased volume and place whilst he stayed frozen, his arms reaching out lightly toward Y/n without touching her though. “What do we do?!”
He of course had revised repeatedly and extensively what he was supposed to do when this happened - yet in the moment all knowledge and planning evaporated from his mind. Now wasn’t the time for taking the mick of her terrified fiancé though, Y/n was too blinded by pain as she leaned on the dresser.
“Get the-ah FUCKING hell - phone we need to time them and phone the … the-MIDWIFE.” It was hard to direct a frantic and terrified man when one feels as though her insides are collapsing in on themselves. 
Tom gulped, nodding shakily, whilst trying to take deep breaths because although he was fucking terrified it wasn’t him that was giving birth. He had to step up now. 
It took barely 10 minutes from the midwife picking up to a frantic Tom for her to assess that they needed to get into the hospital asap. During the pregnancy, all of Tom’s rich friends had recommended paying for a private hospital like the ‘Portland hospital’. The idea was it was a much more luxurious and private experience - of course coming with a heavy price tag. For Tom money was not an issue, so he’d suggested to Y/n and met the strongest rejection of all his life. The NHS was by far the only choice in Y/n’s mind - of course it busier, a lot less serene and not as private; but if god forbid something did happen, that was where all the experts and resources were. The idea of being able to pay for better access to healthcare actually repulsed Y/n and everything she stood for… so in short Tom was met with a very blunt refusal. 
Once they arrived on the ward, all it took was one look at Y/n’s inflated belly and the way her body was squirming in the wheelchair Tom was pushing, whilst laden with the baby bags they’d had packed and prepared for weeks, for the pair to be rushed into a side room. After an intense 20 minutes of getting Y/n settled, getting her full medical history and inspection of her vagina the hmidwife’s head popped up from between her legs with a kind smile. She explained in a calming and gentle tone that Y/n was 5 cms dilated and had got to that point fast, yet now things looked to be slowing down a bit. With final words of advice of try to relax she left the pair to it. 
They both looked at each other, a matching expression of confusion and relative terror blatantly clear in both their eyes. It had them both burst out laughing, if Y/n then scowled at the pain that shot through her side.
“This is really happening huh?” Tom murmured as he rounded the bed to gently run his hands through her sticky hair.
“I don’t know unless you really do want me to postpone their arrival for a short while?” Tom rolled his eyes and shook his head, although not really able to surpress the chuckle at his finances humour - even if it was at his expense.
“Glad to see you can still be as sarcastic as ever.” He laughed but before she could reply another wave of contractions hit making her instead just scream - grabbing his hand so tightly Tom was certain a bone or two were crushed in the process. 
It was another hour or two of the same traumatic sight of watching the women he loved more than anything in the world be in such extreme pain. God knows how his appreciate for his mother grew in that moment - she had had four kids overall, two of them twins! Tom dared to think of the scenes in that room of twin brothers birth. Having to deal with both Sam and Harrys large heads…
Harrison had arrived in the meantime, he was to be the child’s godfather and Y/n was more than happy to have him there - even if it was more of a support to Tom than Y/n. Quite expectantly though, he was just as terrified and useless as Tom - so instead of having one idiot to deal with, the midwives now had double trouble of terrified men. 
And yet after another 1 hour or so Y/n was being told to make one final push. Baring down on the gas and air tube, Y/n squeezed her eyes shut together whilst simultaneously contracting every muscle in her body with what little energy she had left. Hearing Tom and Harrisons words of encouragement; the midwifes orders and her own long and continuous scream, Y/n pushed with all she had. It was excruciating and torturous yet she kept going until the most beautiful sound was the only thing left reverberating round the room. 
Her babies cry. 
Tom looked at the scene in awe, feeling an almost out of body experience as the midwife unfolded from her position leant over the bed looking up to Tom. 
“Do you want to cut the cord Dad?” Releasing a breathy laugh, tears collecting in his eyes he looked down at Y/n. She looked a mess - hair flying all over the place; sweaty sheen and a ruined look on her face; panting hard as she caught her breath. But to Tom? Never had he seen her look more beautiful, especially when she managed a small smile, nodding encouragingly at him. So he moved round to the end of the bed as the nurse motioned, while Harrison squeezed Y/n’s shoulder with the proudest look on his face. 
It was the first time Tom had ever seen his child. And really, seeing a wrinkly little pink thing covered in all sorts of gunge - it shouldn’t be such a magical moment. But here he was, a single tear escaping over his lower lashes at the sight of them wriggling about. The midwife gave him a second, before gently handing him the medical scissors and directing him as to what to do. Once done, the lady announced the room it was a beautiful baby girl.
The next hour or so was a bit of a blur, the whole situation felt extremely surreal to everyone - but perhaps most to Y/n. Although the baby was premature the doctors had checked and were confident was perfectly healthy, so after both Y/n and Tom having their turn holding her (Tom finally got his real skin to skin time) they brought in a little incubator where she could rest while Y/n was recovering. Due to her prematurity, as a safety net, the doctors did want to keep the baby girl in overnight for observation, which meant the whole party would be staying too. 
Y/n loved nothing more than watching Tom and Haz with their baby. The way they delicately cradled her in their strong arms and the way their eyes softened so inexplicably. Y/n swore that had she not just pushed a watermelon sized human out her vagina, the way Tom looked while holding their daughter would make her pregnant all over again.  
“I still can’t believe you two created a real life human.” Harrison mused while standing with the baby girl in his arms, shifting his weight from foot to foot as he watched her sleep soundly. 
“To be fair it was mainly Y/n” Tom laughed as he squeezed Y/n’s hand (wincing internally as it hurt his already injured hand - Y/n had an almost death grip)
“Oh no credit where credits due… he was involved for a whole 3 minutes or so.” Harrison snorted and Tom scowled at her, yet her cheeky if exhausted grin instantly erased any annoyance.
“Don’t make sexual jokes in front of our child!” He retorted, Harrison still laughing at his friend. Haz loved Y/n too - she made Tom a better version of himself. And now, she’d made him a dad. 
**triggering part starts here
After all the excitement of the early morning it was more than fair to say Y/n was shattered, Tom not doing much better. So after a little bit, Tom joined Y/n on the bed and they instantly fell asleep to the light beeping of their babies heart monitor. Harrison stayed in the arm chair in the corner of the room, wheeling the little incubator right in front of him to just stare at the little girl. He had been texting Tom’s family too, giving them details of when they’d be allowed to come and meet the little one, who had just woken up to all Tom’s frantic texts from the night before.
Eventually though he was ped ousnapt of his happy daze, looking over to the bed and seeing Tom groan as he shifted on the mattress that was technically only spacious enough for one.
“You good mate?” Harrison spoke in a low voice, keen not to disturb either the baby of Y/n - she had earned a bit of peace. Tom just mumbled in response, rubbing his eyes as he sat up before letting out a deeper groan.
“-hat the fuck” Tom lifted up the blanket covering them both as Harrison looked on inquisitively. But then Tom leapt off the bed, started violently shouting Y/n as he shook her in a look of desperation. It was violent and harsh, Harrison was horrified as he immediately stood up in an action to pull Tom off her. 
“Tom what are you-“
“Get help Haz.” Tom turned around to look at Haz, only at which point could the blonde haired boy make out why Tom looked so insane. Because his trousers, and the bedsheets that were now not hidden by the blankets, was covered in a red sticky substance. Jaw dropping, Haz slalomed round the incubator to stand at the foot of the bed. 
It honestly looked like a horror scene. Y/n’s lower half was completely saturated in a bright red liquid that slowly was creeping further and further through the sheets. Her face looked pale, Haz cursing himself for not noticing earlier and her breathing… it looked so slow it was barely noticeable. The silence was only endured for a few moments, before Tom turned back to violently shaking the dead weight below him yelling her name repeatedly and frantically. 
As soon as the alarm was raised more and more staff piled into the room, each one carrying a new level of importance and seniority - instantly taking control of the room and shouting orders. Tom had long since been pulled away from the bed by a nurse, who was trying to speak to him and calm him down, but was completely ignored as he focused on the scene over their shoulder.
“Looking like a primary PP bleed but she’s lost at least 3 pints already…. Somone bleep the aenestists and lets get moving to the OR please!.. We’ll need bloods crossmatch 5 units….”  
Tom heard to the controlled sense of urgency in the lead doctors voice and he felt as though his heart was being torn straight from his chest. Harrison took over from the nurse, half restraining - half hugging him as the nurse ushered them completely out the room.  Shouting over Tom’s desperate pleas to let the doctors do their thing. He fought hard against Harrison but ultimately his hold was enough to keep him back, the two watching from he corridor as Y/n’s bed was wheeled rapidly out the room - what seemed like at least 12 staff members bustling after it.
Harrison knew it was hopeless to try and talk to Tom, as he paced up and down the ‘relatives room’ the two had been confined to. They didn’t have a clue what was going on, no-one seemed to want to tell them - making the worst case option appear the most likeliest in Harrison’s head. A nurse had said the baby, as yet unnamed, had been taken down the neonatal unit so that it was one thing less for them to worry about ; but refused to say anything about Y/n, saying a doctor would come and explain soon. 
It must’ve been 20 mins, even if to the two men it felt like a lifetime, when a round and short, greying man with big black rimmed rectangular glasses entered the room. Tom was too in his own head to even notice, pacing up and down the room while constantly running a hand through his hair as he tried to keep his breath in regular time - even if his brain was on overdrive.  It took Harrison calling his name twice to make him snap out of it, looking up with desperate pleading eyes to notice the stout man, a sympathetic smile on his face. 
“Are you Mrs y/L/n’s husband?”
“I’m Dr Webber the consultant gynaecologist,  shall we take a seat sir?” Tom stayed rigid, standing opposite him in an offensive manner.
“She’s dead isn’t she?” At Tom’s cold words, Haz’s breath halted in his chest. It had been what they’d both been thinking, of course, it was natural when you see someone with more blood out their body than inside it. The doctor seemed a little shocked at his frankness, pressing his lips together as he let out a sigh. 
“No sir she’s not but she is very very unwell. Please, let’s sit down so we can talk about it because I understand it’s a lot to take in.” It took a couple of movements of Tom stood frozen staring but Dr Webber held firm, waiting until Tom took a seat next to Haz before he moved - drawing a chair from across the room so he could face both men. 
“First off I’m sorry you were removed from the room and put in here for so long but these situations are incredibly hard and to get Y/n the best care we needed the whole room.”
“Doctor I just… I just need to know what’s going on.” He couldn’t deal with the state of unknowing, Tom was going insane, he didn’t care for the small talk. 
“Sorry right, so what we think happened was your fiancé developed a condition called ‘placental accreta’. In simple terms, a bit of the placenta is stuck in the uterus and causes bleeding.”
“That much bleeding?” Haz couldn’t help himself from butting in, he knew this wasn’t really his place, that he was just being there for Tom. But at the same time that was his godchilds mum, it mattered. 
“Honestly? Usually not, Y/n had very severe bleed… So she has been taken in for surgery, where the very talented surgeons are trying patch up the affected blood vessels. I’m afraid at this point that’s all I can really say.”
“So… she’s going to be okay?” It was desperate plea for something that, even if Tom wouldn’t admit, he didn’t really believe - it seemed as if none of the three in the room did. 
“It’s not that easy I’m afraid. Assuming the surgeons can stabilise the bleeding and fix it…. with blood loss like she has suffered we… we don’t know what the effects of that will be. We tried to prevent as much damage to her brain and body as possible with transfusing blood into her and it was good that she was in hospital so could get treatment almost immediately…. But I’m afraid it’s simply too early to say. The first hurdle is going to be getting her out of surgery safely, only then can we deal with whatever happens next.”
Tom had so many emotions flashing through his head. He knew the doctor was trying to go slow to make the information a little more digestible  but it was all so bloody incomprehensible. So when the greying man asked  both men if they had any questions, neither took up his offer. Surely they both would after hours of processing and analysing but for right now? They were stunned into silence. 
“Okay sir, now I hope you don’t mind me saying this but it really is important for you to hear. You are now a father, as Y/n is a mother. This situation is never easy but as a first time dad I need you to be aware that now your fiancé can’t be your only priority. We are all here to support you but please, just remember that.”
Harrison was so glad the doctor had said that, it was so completely true - yet Haz knew he didn’t have enough power to have said it to Tom. The whole thing was impossible and at the centre was an innocent, beautiful but totally dependant baby. 
“What happens now then?” Haz had to ask on behalf of his friend, who was now completely overwhelmed. Dr Webber sighed, leaning back and rubbing his knees before answering. 
“If the surgery is successful it’ll be at a best estimate two hours before we will have news for you , then she will be taken into intensive care where everything else would be assessed and further investigations would happen. You can both stay here or go get food, maybe go down and see the baby in the neonatal ICU? I personally promise that as soon as any of us get any news you will be the first to know.” 
He was met with the sort of silence that makes you shiver. Sighing heavily, the doctor rubbed his knees, apparently preparing to leave. “This possibly one of the worst case scenarios that could’ve happened but Y/n is in the best hands and we will do everything for her. If you do think of anything you want clarification on, grab one of the nurses and they’ll come and find me.”
And then he left. 
The room was deathly silent. Harrison couldn’t dare to look over at Tom - he knew what he would see and honestly seeing Tom like that would only make it worse. God knows how long they sat in those plastic lined, lightly padded hospital chairs. Both in silence. Just thinking… or more like worrying… or more like dreading. It was Tom who actually broke the silence first, his voice barely audible but still the meaning was crisp and clear. 
“I can’t do it Haz” For the first time since the doctor was with them, Harrison looked at Tom, catching him directly in the eye. That hurt… Tom’s eyes looked so, so… hopeless. He knew what his broken friend was saying, but honestly Haz didn’t want to hear it so he did not respond. That didn’t stop Tom though, he continued. “I can’t do it. … I-I can’t be a dad without her… I just can’t.”
What the hell was Harrison supposed to say? There wasn’t really a guidebook to this situation. He was clueless. So, cautiously Harrison just leaned over, wrapping his arms round Tom as he all but collapsed into his friends chest. Tom was sobbing harshly as Harrison looked up at the ageing ceiling tiles, trying to surpress his own emotions because now clearly wasn’t about him. 
“You can Tom… you have to.” His friend didn’t respond, well apart from harsh sobs that racked his frame. And so Harrison just let Tom cry, folded awkwardly and uncomfortably over the arm rest of the chairs, occasionally yelling into his chest at the unjustness of the situation. 
It wasn’t fair. But it had still happened. And there was still a baby girl by herself downstairs. 
is this okay or too much? I won't write another part if generally people think its a bit too dark!!!!
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crownedaxo · 3 years
Nether Babies
If Phil had a nickel for every time someone he loved came back from the Nether with a child he would have three nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's so fucking weird it happened three times.
The first time was Kristin. She needed to go home to visit her parents, two old brutes living in a crimson forest a ways away from the portal. Phil knew she could care for herself, she grew up as a piglin brute, but he still worried. Especially since she gets portal sickness. So she packed up and Wilbur and Tommy, a 5 year old and a baby at the time, each waved their mother goodbye. Phil was okay caring for the two kids himself. Mostly. Wilbur was an evil little shit, and Tommy was clingy as hell, but he handled. He started to worry when the day Kristin was supposed to come back came and passed. He tried to remind himself that she's definitely okay and could kick the ass of anything threatening her but the worry and fear didn't stop. He stayed up while the boys slept. In the morning, he heard the portal activate, and when he saw his wife step through he almost cried in relief. Almost. There was soft sniffing, but it wasn't from him. Kristin was holding a small piglin child, not even a brute, a little older than Wilbur, about 6 or 7. He had longer pink hair and a few scrapes and scars, and he was shivering from the temperature difference from the Nether and Overworld. Phil also noticed he was unusually pale. A gash was on the boys chest and zombification was setting in. The two parents raced to disinfect, clean, and dress the gash, then gave the boy a harming potion and golden apple. As they did so, Kristin explained how she had found the boy in a crimson forest being chased by a hoglin. Wilbur watched intently the whole time and when he saw how the boy shivered as he ate the gapple, he raced to his room and grabbed a red blanket. He draped it around the shivering piglin like a cape and smiled. The boy stopped his sniffling. Wilbur then had grabbed a hairbrush, deciding the little piglin's rats nest needed taking care of. He fell asleep as Wilbur brushed through his hair, and the two parents cooed at the sight. In the morning, the boy was asked his name, and he just shook his head indicating he had none. Kristin offered 'Technoblade', which Phil recognized as 'King of Blood' in Piglin. Technoblade nodded happily to the name, and Wilbur, knowing piglin from his mother, giggled and crafted a paper crown for his new brother. From that moment the two became inseparable, and Phil gained another child.
The second time was a 16 year old Technoblade. He had told Phil he needed to make a supply run for some potion ingredients and wanted to go through the Nether as a shortcut to a village that had some great deals. He wanted to do it himself too, and Kristin had agreed that he was ready. Phil loaded him up with potions and food and anything he could need. The Nether is a dangerous place and as amazing Techno is at PVP, Phil wanted to take no chances. When he finally let his son go through the portal, Kristin, 14 year old Wilbur, and a 9 year old Tommy waving next to him, he prayed to the Void that Techno would return on time and safe. That didn't happen. The day he was supposed to return, the portal stayed dormant. It took all of Kristin's effort to stop him from going out and looking. "He probably got distracted. He's fine." And a day later, she was proven right. The portal activated and Technoblade stepped out, not a scratch on him. What was on him though, was a child, about Tommy's age, 9 or 10, small, scared, and wearing Techno's crown. Phil recognized him as a hybrid of an enderman and something else. He had small bumps on his forehead and from Tommy's playdates with Tubbo, Phil could guess they were horns. He also had two tails, wrapped tightly around his leg in fear. Tears streamed from his eyes, burning his face, and there was a gash on his side. Techno hurriedly explained that he had found the boy in a warped forest running from a hoglin. Kristin, Techno, and Phil all raced to help the boy's injury, Techno having to feed him the regen and healing potions since he was the only one the boy trusted so far. Once the boy was safe and asleep in Tommy's bed, Techno talked with his parents about the trip. Phil thought back to how Kristin had found Techno and they laughed at the similarities. Techno told them about how to get the boy to trust him, he handed over his crown and said the kid could keep it, and how he liked the shiny object. In the morning, the boy introduced himself as Ranboo, which apparently meant rainbow in enderman. He also asked if Techno had a book, because he was missing his. Techno checked in his inventory and there it was, a book named 'DO NOT READ'. He handed it back to Ranboo who immediately started writing in it. When Phil asked what he was writing, he simply said "Memories." Once Ranboo had warmed up to the rest of the house, they learned of his bad memory and how he wrote everything down. He and Tommy had a playful rivalry, he made Techno a new crown out of paper, and he became fast friends with Tubbo when he came over. So Phil had a new addition to the family.
The third time was a 17 year old Ranboo (and Tubbo). The two had already gone off on their own along with Tommy and Wilbur but wanted to visit Phil, Kristin, and Techno who lived next door. Ranboo had forgotten something important and needed to get it fast, so Kristin and Techno had suggested a nether shortcut. Phil was instantly worried. Ranboo wasn't bad at fighting but he didn't like it and therefore didn't do it often enough to be super good at it. So Phil loaded him up with the best armor and potions and food, and did the same for Tubbo who volunteered to go along to keep Ranboo on track and safe, not that he was particularly amazing at fighting either. Techno and Kristin keep him from making Ranboo take too long, and they waved the boys off. Phil waits by the portal with some gear this time, and Kristin agrees that if they don't come back when they’re supposed to, that he can go looking for them. Thankfully, they come back on time. Holding a 3 year old piglin child who holds a chicken. Thankfully he's not hurt, but Ranboo and Tubbo are talking about how they found him in a dangerous spot and wanted to help him, so they rescued him with the blocks Phil had given them, and now they're going to adopt him. Phil couldn't help but laugh, Kristin joining him. The others looked at them in confusion and Phil managed to get out "This is the third time!" between laughs. "First Kristin bringing home Techno, then Techno bringing home Ranboo, and now this." The group spend the whole visit helping Michael adjust and Phil spoiled the heck out of his new grandson. Void, he's not that old, is he?
Three times Phil had to worry about someone he cared about going into a dangerous environment. Three times that dangerous environment didn't take but rather gave Phil a new family member. Maybe the Nether wasn't so bad.
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ruewrites · 3 years
Wait asks being open means requests are open right??? If yes OH MY GOD IVE BEEN PRAYING FOR THIS DAY SINCE AGES
Could you pls pls pls pls do a dialuci fic except it's a royal au? Like dia and Luci are set to get married but Luci didn't want to until he saw Dia?? I know this isn't your primary ship but it would mean the WORLD to me (*˘︶˘*).。*♡
Meeting His Prince
Ship: Diavolo/Lucifer
Word Count: 2008
Warnings: None
A/N: Hi Anon! First of all, thank you. When I finished up WBT, I was thinking about writing a royalty au, and this request acutally made me plot it out. I guess this will be a psuedo prequel to it? But I want Dialuci to be a ship in it. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this!
Lucifer had his clothing pressed and his crown polished. A crowned prince had to make a good impression being the shining jewel of the growing empire of Arcadia. Yet it wasn’t his clothing that worried his father. It was Lucifer’s expression.
To say he was happy was far from correct. Lucifer never gave much thought to marriage. Honestly, he’d be happy ruling Arcadia without anyone by his side. He’d spent much of his time caring for his siblings and learning how to rule over the kingdom, so an heir wasn’t an idea he was fond of. It was something he knew had been expected of him as well. Producing a strong line of future kings and queens to lead Arcadia had been in the stars for him according to his father. 
Perhaps he had read the stars wrong.
The memory of Father bursting through the palace doors uttering curses under his breath. Apparently the prince had been rather persistent with his demands. His father wanted to make an alliance with this kingdom horribly so. Apparently the prince was rather effective in the way he ruled and was a skilled strategist. He would be a powerful addition to Arcadia, but he was stubborn once he’d made his decision. Strategist indeed if he could get the King of Arcadia to give into his demands. The anger in the king’s eyes when he told Lucifer that he had been chosen burned Lucifer’s very soul.
Lucifer knew where this anger was coming from, not that he cared all that much. He’d never really given too much thought to what his paternal figure wanted from him. Why start now?
His siblings had all had varying reactions: sighing about the ‘romance’ of the situation, poking fun at him, and in some cases offering sympathy. He just wanted to stay neutral about it. The end goal for him was to be a worthy future king of Arcadia, this was just a stepping stone he had to take to get there. Other issues surrounding this engagement could be figured out with time. He had time. He just needed to stay level headed. 
He hadn’t noticed the clock ticking down to his wedding day, he hadn’t even realized that he’d never met his fiance despite the flood of letters that were sent his way once a month.  It seemed odd. Lucifer wasn’t really sure how to react to the attention and aggressive affection. The entire situation felt more like a relationship with a paramour rather than an arranged marriage for the good of their kingdoms. For now, it was best to push it to the back of his mind and deal with it when the time came. There wasn’t any point in fighting anything lest he cause conflict that would certainly affect more people than just him. 
Ah the life of being a royal.
Lovely wasn’t it? 
The day of the foreign prince’s arrival, Lucifer spent hours pacing around the palace overlooking every tiny detail. Of course he could change his mind at any moment and Lucifer couldn’t have that happen. This was for the good of Arcadia. He glanced over the arrangement of food on the table one last time before letting out a sigh. 
Composure was key.
He was the pride of Arcadia.
Nothing could break him.
Nothing could throw him off guard.
Lucifer didn’t even have time to process the situation. Strong arms wrapped around him, suffocating him in a tight embrace. He struggled, gasping for air and attempting to escape from the steel grip capturing him. When he did manage some distance, his hair was a mess and his clothes were disheveled. 
Golden eyes met his own, sparkling like gold coins reflecting the summer sun. 
“You’re even more beautiful in person,” the other prince’s voice came out as a whisper, as firm hands gently cupped his face, “You’re as radiant as an angel-”
He was a puppy. A giant puppy. 
“Oh how lucky I am to be married to such a gorgeous man.”
“We’re not married yet,“ Lucifer hoped he didn’t sputter as he pulled away.  This was hardly the professional meeting he’d been expecting. This was their first time meeting before their wedlock, and Lucifer had been thrown off balance.
He could do professional.
He couldn’t do whatever… whatever this was.
“Well, we’ll be married soon.”
“Your Highness-”
Lucifer stopped in his tracks. All he could do was stare at those big shiny eyes. “Excuse me?”
“Please call me by my name. I’d like to hear how perfect it sounds on your tongue,” Diavolo repeated.
Heat rose into Lucifer’s face and he hoped it didn’t show. Quickly, he turned away and started walking towards one end of the table. “In any case, you’ve had a long trip. Why don’t-”
No sooner had Lucifer sat than Diavolo swooped in to scoot a chair closer to him. This man really didn’t have any sense of personal space did he? This was unfamiliar territory. Lucifer expected him to sit on the opposite end, allowing him to keep some distance between them. That’s how people were to stay. At a nice, respectable distance to be observed and to exchange pleasantries, but no closer. Diavolo was a stranger, yet he refused to act like one.
“I want to know everything about you,” Diavolo sounded as if he was marvelling at a being from another word. It was an unsettling feeling, “You’re favorite music, what you like to do in your free time, everything about you.”
Lucifer scooted away ever so slightly. Diavolo followed. 
“Why would you care about any of that?” 
This was business.
“Because we’re getting married.”
That didn’t mean he had to know anything about Lucifer.
But Diavolo had a nice laugh. It was booming and made Lucifer’s lips twitch upward ever so slightly. Everything about him was warm. Warmth Lucifer had never known before. 
He tried to touch his face once more, Lucifer turned away. It was instinct. Lucifer wasn’t accustomed to being touched. 
“You act like no one’s ever acted like this with you before!”
“That’s because no one has,” his eye glanced toward Diavolo, “My family isn’t exactly touchy.”
More specifically his father. He didn’t like touchiness, he thought it would make them weak. Therefore, physical affection wasn’t common when their father was around, especially not with Lucifer. He was their crown prince. He needed to be strong and rule without anything in his way. 
Diavolo’s demeanor changed, his shoulders fell, his eyes widened, and his mouth fell.
“Don’t apologize. It’s not anything worth pitying. It happened and there’s nothing that can be done to change it,” he sighed, leaning back in his chair, “It’s what he thought best for the future of Arcadia.”
You threw a wrench in his plans.
And for that, well, Lucifer couldn’t help but feel a little satisfied. After pushing him and his siblings to follow certain path all of their lives, it was nice to see something not go as planned for a change. Lucifer wouldn’t be having heirs, and that was fine by him.  Any interruption counted as a victory for him, no matter how small. 
“I am sorry,” Diavol’s voice was more even and calmer than it had been before, “For how I have been behaving though. It must have been startling to you. Please forgive me.”
Lucifer turned his head back towards him and quirked his eyebrow.
“My own father was very affectionate when I was young, I suppose I just miss it, and I’d like to share that with you, if you’ll allow me.”
Lucifer thought for a moment, allowing silence to permeate in the room. If asked, he’d say he did it to make Diavolo sweat, but in reality he was genuinely thinking it over. “I suppose, perhaps with time.”
The way he beamed made Lucifer’s heart skip a beat, “Then let’s get to dinner and start to know each other a little better, shall we?”
Enjoying the evening had not been on Lucifer’s list of things to do, but he wouldn’t complain.
“You like dogs? I could get you a dog as a wedding present.”
Lucifer laughed, “Father wouldn’t allow it. He’s not fond of animals.”
“Well he can’t stop me from getting a present that you would like. “
This man defying his father? Heavens help them. Perhaps Lucifer liked him a little more than he thought. It wasn’t something he was used to. He’d never had a relationship like this before. This was the first time he felt like he’d had a genuine conversation with someone outside of his family. For once, Lucifer felt a little relaxed. 
Diavolo was genuinely interested in what Lucifer liked. He wrote down how Lucifer took his tea, wanted to listen to all of his favorite songs with him, and what he liked to do in his free time. He wanted to play chess with him and spend time with him in any way he could.
It made Lucifer’s feel warm and his chest lurch. He loved the smile that found its way onto his face and how Diavolo’s voice surrounded him. Perhaps he’d found a new favorite song.
He felt like he’d known Diavolo for ages.
He made it easier for Lucifer to breathe.
Diavolo froze. His eyes went wide again, “You said my name.”
Lucifer didn’t get a chance to move before he was being lifted off the ground and spun in the air. Diavolo’s booming laugh surrounded them. 
“Oh you said my name! And it was perfect! More than perfect!” he lowered Lucifer only to bring him into a kiss. Now it was Lucifer’s turn to freeze. His face quickly turned red as his eyes flew open. He stiffened, and tried to bring himself back. He’d never been kissed before. A crown prince had to be careful when it came to his image, and he’d had more important things to focus on than starting romances that would lead to nowhere. He’d always known he’d be married off to someone else, so he didn’t really see a point in seeking out others for romance.
Lucifer never thought about what it would be like to be kissed.
He wasn’t exactly sure about what to think now. 
When Diavolo pulled away the terror seemed to set it. “Oh I’m sorry! I- I went too far-” 
As he mumbled, Lucifer felt himself come back. It was when he realized how nervous the other prince was.  He was energetic and was the opposite of Lucifer himself. Instead of going silent like Lucifer did, Diavolo seemed to ramble even more. With a chuckle and the shake of his head, Lucifer put his finger tips under Diavolo’s chin and brought his focus back to him. 
Lucifer wasn’t one to be won over so easily, but there was something about this man that made him think their union wouldn’t be a bad one. Perhaps he could make his life a little more interesting. 
If he could force his father into doing something that he didn’t want to do, like agreeing to the condition of Diavolo getting to marry his crown prince, Lucifer figured he would like him.
“I will have to kiss my husband eventually, you’re an awfully excitable man Diavolo. I think I quite enjoy that about you,” he smiled, before placing a gentler kiss onto his lips. 
If Diavolo wanted to play the role of adoring husband Lucifer wouldn’t stop him. Maybe marriage wouldn’t be as bad as he thought. Perhaps he could rule Arcadia with another person effectively after all.
When they pulled away, Lucifer caressed his face, “I think I could see myself participating in acts of affection in private.”
He and Diavolo walked a little closer on the rest of their stroll, and he found himself leaning into his shoulder every now and again. 
Perhaps he could get used to this.
Perhaps he would lead Arcadia into a new age, and be an even better ruler with Diavolo at his side.
It would be a future to look forward to.
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kalee60 · 3 years
If it inspires you... maybe you could write an established relationship Steve and Bucky where they are completely in sync when it comes to the battle field and the kitchen but there’s one place they are like fumbling idiots. I don’t know where. No hard feelings if this sparks no ideas lol 😂💖💖💖
Oh Kay - this wonderful prompt you gifted me could have gone in so many different directions. And it most definitely inspired me to write something...
But it's neither a clever take on your words or a twisted storyline, therefore I have no apologies and I went the obvious route when filling your idea 😂 (why does my brain always try and get these boys naked?)
So this turned into something a little longer (of course), a little more ridiculous than anticipated, and features some very well intentioned Avengers and two idiots helplessly inept in love...
The fic made it to almost 5.5k and is also on ao3 here (with all tags necessary) if you prefer to read there instead, it'll be part of my stucky bingo fills - 'Sex Magic' and rated E for explicit sexual content 😉 so proceed below with caution...
Oh it's also the first time I've ever tried established relationship... hopefully I've pulled it off!
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Steve was happy. 
He finally had a home to call his own, a brilliant team of coworkers, a place in the future and he had Bucky Barnes. After more years than Steve could count, Bucky and he had finally found themselves on the same page - different century, but on even ground. They’d kissed in the heat of the moment after a brutal mission, stated their affections clearly and decided after a breathless confession - to give forever a go.
Having been on the battlefield together for years, Bucky at his six and always there for Steve when he needed, and Steve, having had Bucky’s back no matter the situation (or trouble it got him into) - meant they had a solid base to grow from. And as soon as Sam took over the mantle of Cap, Steve was free to be himself for once, and although Nomad made appearances on the odd occasion, he and Bucky still fought flawlessly together, seamlessly, almost at one in their movements.
It was magical.
But not only were they in sync when under pressure and danger, that same energy continued into their modest but homely kitchen in their brownstone as they unlearned that boiling was the only way to prepare food. They wove around each other, hot pans and knives flashing in a dance as intricate as fighting while they spun about the kitchen, preparing dish after dish, including sweet treats for themselves and cat treats for Alpine.
Bucky and Steve were essentially one unit, an extension of the other in every aspect of their lives - except one…
They’d shared their first kiss, a declaration of intent less than a month earlier on the battlefield in the midst of chaos, and Steve had never felt sweeter lips against his. But it wasn't just the kiss that floored him, it was the all-consuming knowledge that Bucky was his, would always be his, that they were made for each other - that's what made it a perfect moment.
Afterwards, when they'd arrived home tired from the week-long operation, 'congratulations' and 'about times' ringing in their ears, they sat on the sofa staring at the other until Steve leant in, cupping Bucky’s cheek and slowly pressed forward. Bucky having the same idea, lurched up and they smacked heads hard enough to see stars. Chuckling with small smiles, they tried again, with Steve accidentally biting Bucky's tongue, and the third was a kiss so awkward and sloppy, it made Steve feel like a thirteen year old practising on the back of his hand again.
Steve wasn’t sure how he'd got it so wrong.
Bucky had laughed it off at the time, asking Steve if he wanted to watch TV, and with nothing left to do, he agreed. For two overly large war-torn men, they fit wonderfully; wrapping limbs around the other, holding tight like they'd never let go again. It was soothing, comfortable - right. And as Steve pressed soft lips to the crown of Bucky's hair while a documentary played in the background, he wondered why their attempt at kissing when alone, without an audience hadn’t worked.
Steve could only put it down to nerves.
Bucky was his best friend after all, he was the only one who remembered and knew Steve, knew everything about him in fact, there were no secrets - except for the almost one hundred year pining between them. The awkwardness had to be because of a change in dynamics, they were now more, they wanted more, and were so nervous and scared to adapt to something new, it had become an issue of self-confidence.
It would get better.
It had to.
The next morning when Bucky left for a briefing, he placed a kiss on the corner of Steve’s mouth, and when Steve jerked his head to the side to capture Bucky's lips, he somehow managed to press his teeth into the soft pink flesh, tasting blood. Bucky pulled back with a huff of laughter and licked his lips to capture the red stain before leaving with a wink and a goodbye. Steve flushed red, the heat on his cheeks burning enough that he jumped up and organised an impromptu run with Sam to escape the memory. The whole time Steve lamented to a cackling Sam, that he'd somehow forgotten how to kiss.
Sam was a dick.
It had officially been three weeks, three full weeks of 'dating' and even though their actual dates were wonderful, full of laughter and fun and exploration, it was when they crawled into bed next to the other that suddenly every kiss, every touch was fraught with danger and peril. And maybe it was because they were both supersoldiers, both familiar and unfamiliar with some of their strengths, they'd overlooked they were still prone to the usual calamities that befell non-serumed folk, they just bounced back quicker.
So when Bucky ground down hard enough it bent Steve's dick practically in two - well, it wasn't pleasant, and took over an hour for the tears to stop streaming, all while he yelled to a panicked Bucky there was no way he was calling Dr Cho over it and that it would heal.
It healed, but Steve winced each time he went to the bathroom for the following two days.
The love bite Steve sucked into Bucky's upper thigh on the way to taste his gorgeous dick for the first time, erupted into a blood blister almost immediately and Bucky instinctually jerked away, kneeing Steve in the temple.
He only saw stars for two minutes, but the mood died in a flurry of apologies while the mark on Bucky's skin disappeared as quickly as it had appeared.
By Steve's count, they'd tried a total of ten times to initiate sex, to make each other feel good, and every single time something had happened to thwart their attempts.
Steve wondered if the universe was trying to tell them they were not supposed to get physical. That they were destined to be best friends without any benefits.
But Steve wouldn't give up without a fight.
“You can stop laughing now,” Steve said with a sigh, taking a sip of his espresso while trying to ignore the spluttering of his other best friend.
“Oh I know, but I can’t. You kicked Bucky in the hip so hard it somehow threw his body out of alignment and he was walking with a limp for two days. And not the type of limp you want.” Sam was practically heaving in mirth by that stage.
“Why did I come to you for advice? I'm leaving.”
"No, no don't. I'm glad you came to me. But Barnes? I understand your reaction because I'd kick him so he couldn’t walk for days too - but obviously under different circumstances,” Sam added when Steve scowled at his words.
"I don't get it though," Steve complained with an exaggerated shrug. "We sync so well everywhere else. Christ, we even snuggle in such a natural way, that neither of us have had a real nightmare in a month. We are more than ready for the next step. Sam, you have no idea how much we want to take it - but the minute we try to get… intimate - it falls flat."
Sam took a long sip of his iced coffee, thick cream bobbing over the surface as he tilted the glass up. Steve winced at how sweet it had to taste, but he said nothing, remained quiet, knowing that Sam would have some advice at least.
"Maybe it's the way you say intimate? I'm joking, jeez Steve, don't give me your disappointed face. Look, I think you should set the mood, you know - music, candlelight, silk sheets and no distractions. Maybe some aromatic oils too, do the whole, 'I think you're sexy and I want you' gesture - make it obvious you find him desirable.”
“Aromatic oils?”
Sam smirked and waggled his eyebrows, “for a special massage of course.”
Steve flushed at the thought of having Bucky’s naked skin and hardened muscles under his hands, sliding and slipping as he loosened him up, ready to make Bucky fall apart, make him languid and hazy with want. Sam coughed and Steve realised he was letting his imagination run too wild, especially in front of company.
“You know what? I think I chose wisely for my replacement.” Steve grinned as Sam ducked his head, a pleased look gracing his features. “Thanks, Sam. I’m sure it’s a timing thing, we just need to make it sexy.”
Sam clapped his back, and with a wide toothy grin and a wink, said in a low deep voice, “you’re an overachiever Steve - you’ve got this.”
Steve in fact, did not have it.
Maybe his first mistake was to massage Bucky on the sofa, not in their bed. He used too much oil and when Steve raised himself up, eager to flip Bucky over and finally take his hard dick in hand, the vinyl fabric in conjunction with Bucky’s skin was soaked and slippery. Steve found himself sliding and flailing uncontrollably, right off the sofa to smack his face into the coffee table, the mood disappearing in a peal of Bucky’s laughter. Steve couldn't even blame him, it would have looked a sight.  
After a long hot shower where Steve contemplated his choice in friends and their terrible advice, Bucky and he sat on a freshly cleaned sofa and watched Animal Planet while eating Thai. They ended up cuddling under Bucky's weighted blanket, falling asleep entwined, and just before Steve blacked out, he wondered if maybe Sam wasn’t the right choice for Cap after all. His plan stunk.
“You do know I’m not that kind of Doctor, right?” Bruce reiterated for the third time, and Steve shrugged in response.
“I know. But at this stage it’s worth a shot. So Doc, any advice for me?”
Bruce sat back on the lone stool in his lab, hand cupping his chin as he thought. At least Bruce appeared to be more contemplative than Sam had been. “Have you tried to romance him? Take Bucky out for a nice dinner, partake in some Asgardian wine to loosen things up, before dancing, showing him that you're a gentleman - prove to Bucky how special he is to you. In my limited experience, the rest will flow from there with no problems.”
Steve nodded along as Bruce spoke, holding Bucky against his body as they danced across the floor wouldn’t be too different from fighting together, and they were in perfect harmony while out in the field. Bruce’s idea made perfect sense to Steve, had more of a familiar feel from Bucky and his early life, before the war than what Sam’s had. Sam's suggestion centered on the physical between Steve and Bucky, whereas Bruce was suggesting something subtle, emotional.
“You know what Bruce? Thank you, I think it might just work.”
It did not work. 
Halfway through their fifth dance as their bodies started to meld together, barely moving on the dancefloor, holding each other's gaze as they whispered words of desire to each, Steve leant forward, their lips barely touching. And as Steve took in a breath, feeling Bucky’s returning exhale on his lips, the back wall blew out in an explosion, Bucky headbutting Steve in surprise, and suddenly they had Hydra operatives swarming them. Steve, as he took out three hostiles with his shield, wondered if he should talk to Dr Cho about the effects of concussion and if he could suffer them, due to his head seemingly taking the brunt of recent mishaps. 
Bucky and Steve fell into tandem together, their natural ability to fight kicking in, keeping the other safe. It was much more natural than dancing and Steve sighed, knowing romantic nights out might not be the right course of action for them. 
It took three days of intense fighting to take down the Hydra faction, and afterwards they were both too tired to speak more than a sentence, and fell into a deep sleep curled around the other immediately. 
Steve ignored Tony's unsolicited advice to take Bucky to a ski chalet and teach him how to toboggan, knowing freezing conditions and a small metal tube wouldn't be the best way to loosen them both up to get frisky. Plus Steve was still trying to work out how Tony even knew Steve had asked other people for advice about sex? Maybe JARVIS was spying again, though the AI had promised Steve he wouldn't.
But what was worse, was Peter Parker, at barely even twenty years of age coming to Steve, red faced and stammering, saying that he thought Steve should take Bucky to laser tag and the arcade to have some old fashioned fun. 
Steve at that point was at his wits end, so he tried Peter's plan. When Steve was confronted with all the bright, colourful and confusing machines, he almost gave up. Actual 'old-fashioned' and Peter's idea of it, were poles apart. Though, Steve found he was really good at Tetris and Bucky excelled at zombie shooting games. But it was when playing laser tag it all fell over, Bucky and Steve getting too competitive, and a tad physical, which ended up with them being kicked out and banned, after having to apologise to a bunch of wide-eyed yet excited fifteen year olds. 
Bucky's exclamations that there wasn't that much blood, fell on the deaf ears of the twenty year old manager who reprimanded them, saying that at their age they should know better.
It did not induce a night of passion afterwards. Although, Bucky purchased a console online and a bunch of zombie games that evening, including a bundle that included Tetris, so it wasn't a complete bust.
“So basically what you’re saying is that nothing has worked? You’ve been tiptoeing around each other for what? Almost two months now?” At Steve’s nod, Nat grinned, crouching down and did a handspring, legs wrapping around his neck, pulling him to the floor. “The way you are with each other, I honestly would have guessed you’d been screwing for years. If I didn't know you better.”
“That’s not helpful. I’m serious. We have a real issue.” Steve looked up from his twisted position directly into her green eyes and sighed, she loosened her legs and Steve ran a hand over his face and stayed on the ground. “What if we’re just not meant to be?”
Nat’s expression softened as much as it ever did, meaning her left eyebrow turned down for less than a second before reasserting itself into a perfectly sardonic position.
“Okay, my advice for what it’s worth, and just note that I’m extremely offended that you didn’t come to me first, I mean Sam - come on. But let it happen naturally, organically. Just like it took you a hundred years to own up to your feelings, wait until it feels right to have sex.”
Steve groaned, and stood up, “I’m not waiting another hundred years, Nat.”
“Jesus, Rogers. Fine. Go see Wanda then.”
“Use that big brain of yours, not the small one. She’s a witch, I’m sure she can help you out.”
Steve knew the surprise on his face wasn’t feigned. He’d not actually thought Wanda could do spells or the like, but the more he thought about Nat’s words, the more it appealed. Could some magical interference help them?
“Thanks, Nat - I’ll definitely think about it.”
In the space of him finishing his words and a smile forming - Steve was on his back again, Nat’s thighs wrapped around his neck as she squeezed with intent.
“You’ll see that I was right.”
That night when Steve tried to let things happen naturally, organically as Nat had suggested, Steve slid a hand up Bucky’s side, light as a feather, only for Bucky to squirm in laughter and throw his head backwards, smashing into Steve’s poor battered nose - which broke. It healed within seconds, but blood spurted out in a gush, coating the back of Bucky’s hair and neck. It took an hour to clean up.
He went and saw Wanda the next day.
“Well, I’m one lucky girl, first a visit and latte from James this morning and now you this afternoon with a pastry.” Wanda took a bite of the flaky dessert, one Steve knew was her favourite. “Alright Steve what can I do for you today?”
Steve’s immediate reaction was to ask why Bucky had been there, but knew that the two of them had a strong connection, Wanda helping Bucky through some of the residual trauma with her powers, and then their fast bond over Alpine - Bucky’s terror of a stray cat that took up residence in their apartment. Or took over would be more apt.
“I… err, I need your help with something... delicate.”
Wanda gave Steve the smallest smile, a knowing look in her eyes and Steve lost his train of thought for a moment, not sure he really needed another Avenger to know about his intimacy issue with Bucky. He almost chickened out, but Wanda leaned forward and grasped his forearm.
“It’s okay, Steve - you can tell me, ask me anything.”
Sighing heavily, Steve steeled himself, he was out of options.
“Alright -” Steve laid out plainly what had been happening, the awkwardness, the injuries, the sheer unluckiness they’d suffered each time they’d attempted to move their relationship forwards physically.
“And you came to me for...?”
“Help, I guess,” Steve said and looked at Wanda pleadingly, “Can you? I mean, with a potion or a spell or something of the like?”
Wanda slumped back in her chair, mouth opening to speak, but nothing came out, she remained silent. After a minute, she swallowed audibly then looked up at the roof, and if Steve didn’t know better, he would have thought she was rolling her eyes at him. Yet he knew that wouldn’t be the case, Wanda was polite to him, always had been, they were a team. Friends. Only Nat would take those liberties with him.
“Alright,” Wanda finally spoke and stood up, walking over to her kitchen cupboards, pulling out jars and bottles holding different liquids. And before Steve knew it, he was holding a small glass vial filled with a substance that smelt like vodka, but had rosemary and a slice of orange and a few other items bobbing around inside.
“What’s this?”
“Well you asked for a potion, didn’t you?”
“Really? I actually didn’t think you’d -”
“- Do you want the sex magic or not?”
Steve grasped the tiny bottle in his hand, careful not to crush it in his huge meaty hands.
“I do,” he said quickly and stood, pulling her into a warm hug, which she returned readily.
“Just take half an hour before you want to… well, you know.”
“Thanks, Wanda, you were my last hope.”
And as he walked out  the room, Wanda called out after him, “you’ll be fine Steve. I know this will work for you.”
It worked. 
Bucky was on his knees, mouth wrapped around Steve’s thick dick, swallowing and licking like his life depended on it. And Steve, well, he couldn’t articulate, could only stare down into those familiar grey-blue eyes that gazed at Steve like he was a conquering god, stare at the way saliva dripped down Bucky’s chin as he drew in as much of Steve’s hardness as possible, Bucky’s plush lips stretched taut until they’d lost most of their colour.
It was the most glorious sight of Steve’s entire life.
He didn’t want to think about Wanda in that moment, but he was eternally grateful to her. Bucky had disappeared into the bathroom about half an hour earlier - leaving enough time for Steve to drink the potion in one go, and before he knew it, almost half an hour to the dot, they launched at the other. For once there were no injuries, awkwardness, or pain - just hungry kisses, curious hands and moaning. A lot of moaning and grinding.
Then Bucky dropped to his knees, yanking impatiently at Steve’s pants until they all but ripped off, and sucked him down in the same breath.
Throwing his head back, Steve looked to the ceiling, fingers tangled in Bucky’s hair as Bucky hummed and gasped around his dick, sucking loudly, slurping and choking at times. But Steve couldn’t keep his eyes away for long. Bucky was too compelling, too perfect.
“God, you have no idea how you look right now do you, on your knees, mouth full of me?” Steve husked and involuntarily pumped his hips a few times. Bucky’s eyelids fluttered shut as he listened to Steve’s words, not complaining about the added pressure. “Born to take me, weren't you, Doll?”
Bucky practically squirmed on the spot, moaning and whimpering and Steve realised through the haze and bliss of what Bucky’s clever tongue was doing to him, that Bucky clearly had a thing for pet names.
“Do you want this large dick inside of you sweetheart? Do you want to sit on it? Take it deep into your body, let you take control and ride me until you come?” Steve should have been taken aback by his words, about where his filthy mind was taking them. But he was running his mouth, not thinking, letting what felt good flow off his tongue. And Bucky - he loved it.
Popping his mouth off the end of Steve’s dick, tongue immediately lathing up and down the shaft so as to always have a point of contact, he moaned loudly, wantonly. “God yes, Stevie - want you to fill me up, stretch me, want to feel you for days after, I want you to own me…”
Steve growled possessively, his fingers tightening in Bucky’s hair, pulling back so Bucky was jerked away from his dick, Bucky whining at the loss. Oh christ - that jar of sex magic needed to be marketed - it was phenominal. Steve had never felt so in control of a situation, so ready for anything, not scared, just willing to make Bucky feel good. “I want that too, baby, want everyone to know you’re mine.”
Yanking Bucky upwards, Steve devoured his mouth in a kiss, completely surprised that the potion had worked so well. Not only were they finally on the same page, they were doing it with no shame, telling each other exactly what they wanted and when, pleasuring with sensations and not overthinking, and the teasing - it was natural, it felt right. And Steve knew he was forever in Wanda's debt for the gift of her magic.
“I want to watch you prepare yourself, gorgeous. Want to see your fingers sliding in and out of your tight hole - a hole I’m going to own from tonight onwards.”
“Jesus, Steve, you’re killin’ me here.”
“Not quite yet, I’m not. Give me an hour and we’ll circle back to that.”
“Don’t speak to me like a rookie learning the ropes.” Bucky grumbled.
Steve smiled, “But aren't you?”
Steve swallowed the rest of his retort when Bucky stripped naked to crawl up on their bed, spinning around to lay amongst the pillows, spreading his legs wide like he couldn’t wait to be railed. And Steve was unable to tear his gaze away from Bucky’s hole, his gorgeous and perfect entrance, one that would be puffy and leaking before the night was out - the superficial damage caused by Steve and no one else. A tight sensation welled in Steve’s gut, lurching when Bucky grabbed the lube, pouring liberally before starting to finger himself.
That was the point where Steve knew he'd made a grave mistake.
He wasn’t going to be able to watch Bucky open himself up, Steve was too wound up, too impatient and also too much of a control freak. He needed to ensure Bucky did a good enough job, knowing his girth alone was more than most people were used to. So when Bucky was two fingers in, sweat beading, eyes never leaving Steve’s face, Steve jerked forward and climbed up on the bed, positioning himself between Bucky’s legs. He lubed up his fingers to test the tightness himself, Bucky’s eyes opening in shock at the probing.
“Steve…” he stammered, “What are you doing?”
Bucky sighed out a breath, relaxing into the intrusion as Steve pressed a finger in next to Bucky’s, and Steve shut his eyes, groaning; Bucky was so tight and hot, perfectly wrapped around Steve’s finger. Steve knew he was going to lose himself in Bucky’s body, was going to transcend, never be the same again and he couldn’t wait.
Steve ensured Bucky was a writhing panting mess before he even contemplated sliding into his tight heat. No matter how much Bucky asked for it, no matter the pleading, the begging (of which Bucky did so prettily, especially with the beginnings of frustrated tears in his eyes), Steve wanted their first time to be free of pain and injury, and by god was he going to deliver.
When he deemed Bucky ready, who pouted back to declare he was, hours ago, it only confirmed a surly Bucky was absolutely gorgeous to Steve, and Steve pulled him down the bed, spreading Bucky’s legs wide. Bucky sank back, allowing himself to be positioned, holding Steve’s gaze hotly as Steve pressed the tip of his dick against the loosened muscle of Bucky’s ass.
The first testing push felt like Steve was going to split Bucky in two - there was no way he would fit. But Bucky grabbed Steve violently by the back of the head, holding him tight in his superhuman strength.
“Don’t you fucking dare stop - not now.”
“Alright, sweetheart,” Steve said placating, “just don’t wanna hurt you.”
“You won’t.” Bucky replied adamantly, and Steve still wasn’t sure until Bucky husked out, “Trust me.”
And Steve did. He trusted Bucky more than anyone else in the world, the universe, and so he continued to press past the tight muscle and...
Oh fuck.
He wasn’t expecting Bucky to feel so good, so tight, so perfect. Steve kept pushing, further and further, almost endlessly until he had to pull out an inch to gain more leverage, and the whole time he did this, the whole time he tested and pressed forward again, Steve watched Bucky’s face, looking for signs of discomfort. He saw none.
Bucky was slack-jawed as he stared into Steve’s eyes in a completely blissful state, and pride welled up inside of Steve, he was making Bucky look like that, giving Bucky what he wanted, desired. Steve and no one else.
It was both heady and compelling.
When Steve could push no further and was fully seated within Bucky’s body, he took a breath, then another, and although his instinct was telling him to thrust, take, pound, he didn’t. He’d promised Bucky something.
Grabbing Bucky’s waist, he spun them quickly; Bucky yelping suddenly at the change in position, and looking a little dazed, he ended up straddling Steve, thighs stretched taut over Steve’s large frame.
“Ride me baby.” Steve said simply, and Bucky melted, falling forward to kiss Steve’s lips passionately. Steve held Bucky close as a tongue snaked into his mouth, lips frantic and hot on his, so Steve jerked up into Bucky’s body, reminding Bucky of what he was supposed to be doing, earning him a gasp directly into his mouth.
Sitting up, Bucky pressed his hands against Steve’s stomach for leverage, and tested his breadth of movement, wiggling side to side before he started to move in earnest. Soon Bucky was bouncing on Steve, pulling up and slamming down, taking the pleasure he wanted for himself, and Steve, he lay back and watched the love of his life take every inch he could, and adored it.
After a while, sweat started to pour down Bucky’s temples, his eyes squeezed shut tightly in concentration as he speared himself again and again on Steve’s hardness, wringing pleasure out of every pore, and Steve knew Bucky was close - could tell by the shortening breaths. Licking his palm, Steve reached forward to grip Bucky’s gorgeously rigid dick as it bobbed freely before him, mesmerizing in its movements.
Bucky snapped his eyes open, capturing Steve in his intense gaze, a pleading spark in them, and what Bucky was asking for, Steve wasn’t sure - so he grasped harder and began to stroke. He was methodical, brutal, unrelatening and soon Bucky was clenching around him as come erupted from his dick, coating Steve’s stomach in sticky stripes, and Steve was desperate to taste. So he did. 
Trailing a finger through the mess while Bucky caught his breath, Steve relished Bucky holding him deep within his body, clenching and twitching around him as Steve slid one wet and come soaked finger between his lips, moaning at the unique and tangy taste. It was pure Bucky. His essence, and Steve was addicted already.
“Oh Buck, I’m going to suck you so good one day. You’re the sweetest thing, aren’t you?”
Bucky nodded his head in return, sated and hazy, his breathing returning to some semblance of control, and with a refractory period only superserum enhanced soldiers experienced, Bucky’s dick started to fill again, not quickly, but enough Steve knew from experience that the sensitivity would have abated enough to touch - to continue.
“My turn,” Steve growled, spinning them back over, crushing Bucky into the bed under his weight.
Steve didn’t wait for a response, just immediately pounded hard into Bucky’s limp, open and languid body. And at odds with the rest of his self, Bucky’s dick hardened against Steve’s stomach with every stroke, but Steve had become lost in the sensations, in how good it felt to be encased in Bucky’s heat, his warmth, of finally being closer than ever before for the first time and he couldn’t think straight.
Grabbing Bucky’s chin in one hand, Steve pressed their mouths together, panting into Bucky’s as he whispered words of love tempered with a stream of filth that had Bucky’s eyes rolling to the back of his head.
Thrusting harder again and putting all his strength behind it, able to without hurting Bucky, Steve went into a frenzy as Bucky writhed and moaned underneath him, nonsense words falling from his throat. Steve held on as long as he could, but it was too much, had taken too long to finally be inside of Bucky, and with a litany of ‘oh god’s’ Steve came deep inside of his lover, his friend, his forever and basked in the moment, knowing it was all thanks to a little potion bottle. 
As he caught his breath, inhaling Bucky’s scent, smiling down and kissing his lips reverently, Bucky looked up at him grey-blue eyes full of wonder and happiness.
Their smiles couldn’t be any larger.
Maybe magic wasn’t so bad after all.
“Judging by the way they couldn’t keep their hands off each other this morning at the team breakfast, I assume you gave Steve and Bucky some help and advice?” Nat asked Wanda as they sat in a wine bar downtown that night on their weekly catch up.
Wanda smirked, holding her glass up in a cheers to Nat. “Yep, Bucky came to me yesterday morning and Steve in the afternoon. Both seeking the exact same help.”
“And did your ‘sex magic’ work?”
“Of course it did - I used my best Vodka.” Wanda affronted that Nat would even question her, knowing the redhead was really teasing.
“What about the spell you used?”
“Well, I wriggled my nose for theatrics, added a sprig of dried rosemary that was stuck to the back of my fridge, and made my hand glow for a second. Some of my finest acting work I think.”
“Those boys just needed some inner confidence - I knew it would work.”
“Of course you did.”
“Damn straight. Tequila shots here please!”’ Nat yelled to the barman who looked way too eager to assist, even though the bar was packed. Nat left a hefty tip when their drinks landed before them less than a minute later, and picking up the glasses she handed one to Wanda. Wanda knew she was going to regret their night the next day. 
Clinking their glasses, Nat declared, “to sex magic and dumb idiots in love.”
“And to us for being excellent enablers and smarter than the lot of them.”
“I couldn't agree more.”
Wanda woke up the next morning wishing she could infuse potions, if she was able to, then her headache might not be so epic. She hid under the covers for the rest of the day. 
Romanoff was a bad influence.
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jinrawon · 3 years
Your wish is my command.
Prince!Jinyoung x Fem!Reader. 
Genre: Angst, fluff, idk , some fantasy as well.
Summary: When the crown prince, Park Jinyoung,  breaks his engagement he is forced to have someone he did not expect as his knight. Displeased with the idea, deep down he knows he will need her by his side.
Words: 2k+
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The first time he saw you you had a wooden sword in your hand and your big brother, and close friend of his, Jaebum had won you once again. He was 8 and you were 6 yet you seemed sure of what you wanted to be. 
The Lim family had always been close to the royal family. Jaebeom and Jinyoung were best friends and it was almost expected that you married him however not only did you avoid him, you also became a knight just to prevent that from happening. Contrary to what you thought, that did not break the engagement. As your father worded it, “ We need Jaebeom and you to be close to him, otherwise our family will be nothing” . To say you were annoyed was an understatement. The Truth was that Jinyoung had never treated you badly, you barely knew each other so of course he had not. The last time you had talked to him was the first time he saw you. You never made an effort to get to know him but he knew he was supposed to marry you. Or so both of you thought until you somehow broke the engagement. 
Your father was dissatisfied. You had studied to be the queen, the education was not the problem and neither your social status but the prince asked to break off the engagement and so did you. The queen and the king had no choice. Even if both of them wanted you to be the next queen, especially Jinyoung’s mother ,who was especially fond of you, they did not want to force you to. 
On the other hand, your parents had other plans in mind for you. 
“ Y/N, sweetie. “ Whenever your mother called you with that voice it was meant to go in a way you were not going to like. Her sweet smile and the worried gaze of your brother behind her made you clench your fists. “ Your father and I wish to have a talk with you. I take it you are not busy at this instant.”
“ What makes you think that, mother?” You were training with your sword. “ I am clearly busy. As a knight, I must  perfect my technique. And as an answer to you I must say I am indeed busy. “ 
Even if you said that you knew that you did not have a choice so you followed your mother to the big living room of your family manor. Your brother seemed uneasy as you looked at him searching for some kind of hint of what was going on. Your father was sipping tea while he heard some random old man talk. It was not until you saw his face that you knew who he was. He was the only duke of the kingdom. An old man without a family, someone desperate to have an heir and it was rumored that he was looking for a young woman who could be the mother. The fact that he was there and the look on your brother’s face easily made known that your father wanted to sell you to him. 
“ Ah, look who is here, “ Your father said. “  this is my lovely daughter who I was talking about. “
“ You have some nerve.” You were displeased and it was shown on your face.” I just broke my engagement to the prince, father. “ 
“ Y/N we have a guest. “ The look he gave you was not enough to scare you. You were a knight and he was a man you could easily take down on your own even if he was your father. “ You should act like a lady. “
“ Do you think I can’t break another engagement? “ You challenged him. “ I am not someone you can sell. “ You bowed and looked at the man before storming out of the room. 
Jaebeom came after you. He was always worried when it came to things like that. He was the next head of the family therefore he always knew what his father had in mind. He was the first to try and stop your father whenever it came to marriage, he knew how much you hated it. Even if he cared and wanted to help you he couldn’t always. Perhaps that’s why you noticed his regret. 
“ Where are you going, Y/N? “ He tried to stop you. Even if you were a knight you were still a human and a lady of an important family. Going alone was never wise. The fact that Jaebeom was the captain of the royal guard did not help. He was always told to protect you, first because you were his little sister and second because you would have been queen. He had been raised to protect the prince and you. “ Y/N , stop now, it’s an order. “
You did not care about his rank over you. He was your brother first and that made you a undisciplined knight. 
“ Jaebeom, I said I am going. “ You looked at him. “ It’s not your fault so there’s no need to feel responsible over me. “ 
You were quick to go after grabbing a sword. He saw you leave with your horse without any other word. 
It was late at night when you finally arrived to the palace. You left your horse on the stable and quickly went inside the palace. The knights were soon to notice who you were and bowed at you. The news that you and Jinyoung had broken off your engagement had yet to be spread and you could notice by how the guards treated you as the crown princess. You stated your business on the palace and one of the knights went away. He looked for the queen and when he returned you were told to go to the tea room. 
When you arrived the queen welcomed you with a warm smile. If your father had seen you with your knight uniform in front of the mother of the kingdom you would have been doomed. Fortunately, he was not there to see you. The woman in front of you was gorgeous. The dress looked uncomfortable and yet she wore it with grace. You thought you could never imitate her. You had been raised to be queen and yet you were everything but one. 
“ What brings you here, my dear? “ You sat in front of her. “ You clearly need help if you are here this late at night. Not only that but you just saw me yesterday. “ 
“ It is true that I am here in seek of help, your majesty. “ You bowed and apologized to her. “ But I am in a desperate situation and I believe I have the answer to resolve it. “ 
She saw how nervous you were. It was only her who could see you with such weakness and she wished it was otherwise. How adorable you looked to her, how she wished you would be queen when she stepped down from the throne. 
“ Tell me dear, what may I do for you? “
“ I heard your majesty was looking for a knight who could protect the prince.” There was determination on your eyes. She looked at you and nodded to make sure she was listening. “ So I would like to suggest myself for the job. “
“ May I ask why? “ She was concerned about you. Your actions were confusing even for her who knew you since your childhood. “ You have always avoided Jinyoung , your marriage is not going to happen anymore because of that. I ask you to explain yourself so I can understand. “
“ Your majesty , I do not wish to marry his highness as you already know. “ Even if you had to, it would be better than marrying an old duke. “ But It is not because of his highness but because I do not wish to marry by force. When the engagement was broken my father did not doubt on selling me to the Duke. “
“ Oh dear. “ 
“ That is why if you could grant me the honor to protect his highness then I could make sure to devote myself to him but I could avoid marrying. “ 
It was well known that the personal knight of the queen or king often devoted themselves to them and only them but it was unheard of a woman avoiding marriage thanks to that. The queen thought about it. She could grant the wish to her but he had to talk with the king to make sure it was allowed. 
“ Stay here for the night, sweetie. “ She suggested as she stood up. “ I will talk with the king on your behalf. If I am able to then I will grant you your wish. “
It was often that you spent the night in the royal palace, that is why you had your own chambers. It was also clear that the queen instructed them to be placed near the prince's chambers. She always tried to make you talk but both of you managed to avoid each other. That was until that night. 
With your sleep gown on, you went to walk on the halls of the magnificents palace gardens. You could easily see thanks to the moonlight which seemed to be more intense than ever. While looking at the beautiful scenario you saw the prince, the guy you had avoided for years. For the first time you approached him. 
“ Is it a good night, is it not, your highness? “ You sat next to him on the stairs that led to the garden itself. “ It is as if your mind is heavily bothered.” 
“ I am deeply pissed at you. “ You were confused. “ You avoid me for more than ten years and suddenly decide to be my knight? What the hell Y/N? Did you hit your head? “
“ No need to be rude, your royal highness. “ You smiled. “ Is it that strange? I just don’t want to marry you. That’s why I avoided you. “
“ So now that you are no longer marrying me you decide to come to me and talk? “ You understood his confusion but he was the only one who could save you from being sold to someone who only wanted you to have his heir. “ If you asked me I would say you’ve lost your mind. “ You remembered the first time you met and how you did not know he was the boy you were engaged to. You both became friends, that was until you knew and avoided him without an explanation. He kept trying to talk to you for years until he was done with it. It was the first time he heard you talking to him. “ Not only that but now mother says you are my knight? “
You did not expect the prince to have such a temper when he was mad, he seemed so perfect that you thought he would have stayed quiet. 
“ Wait, that means his majesty accepted me as your knight? “ 
It was the first time that you two were looking at each other’s eyes. It was the first time you looked at him without hesitating. 
“ Shouldn’t I have a choice in this? “ He said. “ I don’t need you around me day and night. “
“ I don’t see the problem, it’s either me or Jaebeom. “
“ I don’t need a knight, “ He answered. “ I don’t need you so tell my mother that you don’t want the job, Y/N or I will make sure myself that you don’t get it. “ 
He stood up and soon he was gone. You were never the nicest to him, you were rude in fact. You always avoided him and whenever he helped you in any way you just nodded. You helped him if he asked but never talked to him which ended in him not wanting to ask anything to you at all. You knew you should have been fair to him, it was not his fault that your father used you as an item which he could sell at the best price. However, even if you could see all that there was something more important. Just as Jinyoung had broken off the engagement he could make you lose the job. In the end it was always his choice or his father’s. If he asked his father then you would lose it. You had to do something to prevent that from happening.
The next morning you woke up feeling lost. Perhaps if you hadn’t avoided Jiinyoung all that time he would have accepted you as his knight.
“ No,” You said to yourself hiding your head between your knees.” I would have married him. “  
Thinking about the past was no use so you decided to dress and find the prince to talk to him about it. You were not going to get married, no matter what. On your mind you played all the possible answers he could give you. You were his best friend's little sister, he could not just abandon you. You sighed. 
When you finally saw him he was in the library. He seemed to be looking for a book. The royal library was definitely bigger than the one you had in the manor and you always admired that but avoided it due to Jinyoung or your brother being at it. Now you could enter without worrying about the first one. 
“ Which book is it? “ You stood close to him trying to look over his broad shoulders. “ Oh, I’ve read this one, I bought it with my first knight payment.”
“ What are you doing here? “ As a contrast to the night before he seemed calm. He looked at you without a hint of any emotion. “ If it is about the knight thing, forget it. “
“ Come with me, your highness. “ 
You grabbed his hand and went outside the library only to sit on the same stairs as the night before. The people who walked by saw you amazed. For them you were the crown princess and Jinyoung was the crown prince. For them you were a couple who loved each other. 
“ I told you to forget it. “
“ I can’t.” Your lips were pressed into a thin line. “ I am asking you, please. It would benefit both of us. I need you and you need me. “ That was all you could say without mentioning the forced marriage that seemed more and more close.” I know it’s unfair, you have only treated me with kindness while I was a jerk but...”
“No. I don’t care what you have to say, Y/N. I will not have you as my knight.” 
“ But I can protect you and with other knights you will not have as much freedom as with me, your highness! “
Of all the answers you had imagined this was not one. He was kind, you thought, he could never crash your hopes with a simple no. He would doubt, you believed, but he did not.
“ No and that is final. “ 
“ Please, Jinyoung I am asking yo-” Before you could say anything else someone had grabbed your arm and pulled you up. When you looked at the person and saw your brother you could not help but sigh. He was angry. No, he was furious. “ Jaebeom, what the hell, let go of my arm. “
“ Apologize to his highness. “ He said. “ You of all people can’t just call him by his name. “ 
“ What? “ 
Jinyoung looked at both of you and even considered telling Jaebeom to let you go after seeing your gaze. You were about to snap and he did not want to be there to see it but it was rather late.
“ Let me go. Now. “ You did not care about him being your big brother or someone with a higher rank than you. “ I said, let go. “ Seeing he had no intention of doing it you grabbed his arm and with all your strength you took him down. “ I don’t care about any of this freaking sh*t anymore. What do you mean me of all people? Am I that unworthy? “
When you walked away from there Jaebeom was surprised. You usually were more on the calm side but the latest days seemed as if you would be furious for everything.
" Sorry about that. " He murmured. " She is just being a child."
" Got to say is more interesting than her ignoring me. "
" Forgive her.  She has the intelligence of a brick but she does not mean any harm. "
When Jaebeom saw you again you apologized. That did not make the situation less awkward. You were still mad at him but you knew he was just doing his job.
" You are embarassing yourself. " He said. " His knight? For real? You could not ask for anything else , Y/N? The knight of the man you were supposed to marry. To avoid marrying at that. "
Even if you knew it was his way of looking out for you you could not help but feel as if you were betrayed by your own brother.
" They have not given you the job anyways. "
You knew, the moment Jinyoung had said no you knew your fate was sealed. There was no hiding or running anymore. More than ten years avoiding it just for it to become true in the worst way possible.
“ I have no other choice but to accept marrying that man? “ Your gaze was on the floor and you would not dare to look at your brother.
“ Him or you could try and speak to Jinyoung. “ 
“ Right. “
And it was the first time Jaebeom saw his sister give up.
A/N: So this is the first chapter of this series which I hope you’ll like. I’ll try to be regular at updating but I can promise anything since my final exams are around the corner but yeah. Anyway, I hope you’ll like it and I hope I can portray Got7 well but sorry if they feel a bit OOC. 
Here is the masterlist: Your wish is my command.
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swordofpevensie · 4 years
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requested by: @mywinterivy “Hiya! I’m quite excited to find a new Narnia blog! Could I make a headcanon request please? Imagine being a famous pirate & having a friendly rivalry with King Caspian, like they enjoy vexing e/o & keep running into e/o before plot happens & the pirate helps them out? They’re v playful/bantery together but maybe they’re both kinda conflicted about liking e/o, cuz Cas is a king & the pirate is a criminal/commoner, could it be gender neutral or female please? Thank you!’’
my masterlist is here.
warnings: mentions of death, fighting.
a/n: i don't know if it is an “imagine” or a fic. i'm really confused too. and i can't be sure if this is exactly what you wanted but i hope you like it. x
• In your defence, you thought attacking to that ship was a good idea. If you’d known the ship belonged to Narnia, you, of course, wouldn’t have attacked it. You should have guessed that such a amazing ship would belong to the king of Narnia.
• Anyways, you couldn’t guess and you ended being caught by the king’s men. And a mouse, Reepicheep, was holding its sword towards you, suggesting you to surrender. It was unbelievable that a famous and feared pirate like you was being threatened by a mouse.
• It didn't take long for the king to come to the deck, where you were brought down on your knees and held by king’s men. His crown wasn't on his head but you didn't need to see his crown to know that he was the king. His walk with his hands tied behind his back, unhurried steps, the look in his eyes, the armor he wore, the sword hanging from his waist, everything about him demonstrated that he was the king.
• He was coming closer to you. You spoke immediately, ‘’First of all, that sea doesn’t have a conquerer, therefore you can’t arrest or punish me.’’ He was surprised that you dared to speak without any sign of fear. Normally people were afraid of speaking in front of him as he is the king of Narnia, he is Caspian the Seafarer. ‘’Secondly and lastly, tell your men to release me. Otherwise things will get ugly.’’
• He smirked. ‘’I do not think you are in a position to threaten me. If I want, they'll kill you right now.’’ And that moment, you knew you hated him.
• Also, that was how you two met. After that conversation, he released you because you were right, that sea didn’t belong to anyone so he couldn’t arrest you or you crew. He let you go "for this time only" because he didn't want any more trouble. His voyage was to explore, not to fight. He didn’t want to take the risk and fight.
• You hadn’t been Narnia before, you never sailed in their sea. For no reason, you suddenly wanted to visit Narnia and discover its sea.
• Caspian, of course, heard your arrival and he wanted to you to come Cair Paravel immediately. Just to annoy him, you went to the castle after to days of his call.
• You could tell he was angry and annoyed when you first saw him in the throne room. He wasn’t sitting on the thore, he was standing in front of it and his posture was strong. To be honest, you were delighted. You wanted to prove him that you didn’t obey to anyone and no one could patronize you. You’d been free since you were born and you weren’t willing to let anyone take it from you.
• ‘’Why are you late?’’ He asked. You shrugged and all he did was to take a deep breath. ‘’Why are you here? Are you planning to cause trouble?’’ He asked again. ‘’No,’’ You said. ‘’Look, I'm not going to come and invade your kingdom just because I have attacked your ship once and by mistake. I'm here for sightseeing. Or does your majesty not accept guests to his kingdom?’’
• His looks were judging you. He wasn’t even trying to hide that. He didn't take his eyes off you and your two men standing behind you while he ran his hands thoughtfully over his beard. ‘’You can stay.’’ He finally said. ‘’But be sure your sightseeing doesn’t take so long.’’
• ‘’I was gonna stay anyways.’’ You said and left the room. If there was something you really hated, it was kings. For you, they were nothing but egotistical people who restrict freedom. On the island you came from, people would choose the person to lead them. That's why you could never understand or love kings.
• ‘’You are so pathetic.’’ Caspian said to his reflection in the mirror. ‘’You are the king but you are about to take a trip in the woods just to come across her. Moreover, you are taking a dozen men with you. You are really pathetic.’’
• He couldn’t help it. He liked you for no reason at all and he just wanted to get to know you. And also he wanted to make sure that you were not causing any trouble because he really didn’t trust you.
• He found you. You were alone, wandering in the woods. Your crew wanted to stay in the ship and rest. But you wanted to walk, get some fresh air and think. After spending so many days afloat, walking on the ground and feeling the earth made you feel good. Besides, it was good to be on your own. You could plan where to go, how to go, what to buy for the next voyage.
• You were feeling very very good until you heard the sounds of horses approaching and people talking. You saw the king. He was riding a black horse. To be honest, he looked very majestic and handsome. But you pretended you didn’t see him and kept walking. Soon, the black horse was next to you. You sighed loudly. ‘’You don't need to follow me. I will not cause any problem. I already told you.’’
• ‘’What?’’ He chuckled nervously. ‘’I wasn’t following you. I just happened to find you.’’ You laughed, saying you didn’t believe him. Without you noticing, he motioned to his men to leave with his hand and dismounted, then he started walking with you without your permission. For some unknown reason you did not object and you let him.
• As you two walked, Caspian was the one to start a topic. You just answered his questions at first but as time passed, you realized that he wasn’t that hard to get along. When it came to his being king, you couldn't help but say, ‘’I hate kings.’’ He asked you the reason, his voice was serious and his looks were tense. ‘’I’ve been to many kingdoms and fought with many kings. And every king I met was tyrant, egotistical, and selfish who was willing to sacrifice others for himself.’’
• He turned to you, looked at your eyes and said ‘’Maybe you’ve never met a king like me.’’
• ‘’I don’t think you are any different.’’ You replied.
• ‘’What if I proved you that I’m different?’’
• ‘’And how are you planning to do that?’’ You asked sarcastically.
• ‘’You can stay here-‘’ You immediately interrupted him. ‘’I’m not staying here more than two days. And in these two days, me and my crew will be getting everything we need. Then we’ll leave.’’
• He opened his mouth to speak but you spoke first. ‘’Look, your majesty, I’m sure you are the king for some reason. I don’t want or need any proof because I don’t care at all. We needed some rest and we anchored here. That’s all.’’ Then you turned around and left him there and returned to your crew.
• ‘’He is the king.’’ You thought. ‘’Why is he trying to prove himself to me?’’
• When you arrived, one of your men came and informed you that two of the paddlers were sick and they needed help. And that’s how you had to stay in Narnia for eleven days.
• On the fourth day, while you were walking in the market to find something to steal, you heard enthusiastic voices. It was as if people were celebrating something. Since you didn't understand anything, you asked the person closest to you what was going on. She replied, ‘’King Caspian visits market and pays a visit to people living hereabouts every wednesday.’’
• You quickly hid behind a stall and waited for Caspian and his regiment to arrive. But he was walking and talking to a man and a woman. Reepicheep was walking behind Caspian. There was no guards, no knights to protect him. He was wearing a trouser and a dark purple shirt which showed most of his chest. He looked so casual. You now understood what he meant.
• You came out of your hiding place and continued to wander around the market. Until you saw Caspian's long body in front of you. He didn’t speak first. You said nothing either. You two just looked at each other and it hit him. He liked you much more than he thought he did. ‘’Oh, no.’’ He thought. ‘’That is a problem.’’
• He didn’t care about you being a pirate or a commoner. He was the king, he could mary whoever he wanted. The problem was he knew you wouldn’t like him back. You liked to be free, sailing, traveling, he knew that. It wasn’t hard to tell.
• ‘’Hi, your majesty.’’ You said finally, feeling uncomfortable because of the silence. ‘’Hi.’’ He bowed to you but you didn’t do the same. Why was he bowing to you anyways? You weren’t a noble, you were criminal, a pirate.
• ‘’I thought you left.’’ He said. ‘’I had to stay.’’ He just shook his head. Was he expecting you to talk?
• ‘’My men were sick.’’ You said but he talked at the same time. ‘’I’m glad you had to stay.’’
• You looked at him, totally confused.
• ‘’I mean… I’m glad you had to stay because… you can see I’m not like other kings.’’
• You rolled your eyes. ‘’If you excuse me, your highness, I should go and shop for my crew.’’
• When you turned your back, he asked ‘’Why do you hate kings so much?’’
• ‘’King Miraz killed my mother and father.’’ you said, without turning back to him. Then you left, both the market and Narnia.
• It’d been weeks since you left Narnia. You were sailing again, your men were healthy. You’d stopped at a port and after looting there and taking your needs, you’d continued on your way. Everything was supposed be good but you were restless, some nights you couldn’t sleep, your crew told you that you were being a little agressive, you couldn’t focus on making plan sor fighting. You almost got stabbed in the looting.
• You were lying in your chamber, thinking about where to go next. But your brain kept finding a way to think about Caspian. ‘’No,’’ you said to yourself. ‘’Where should we go next?’’ But your mind’s answer was ‘’To Narnia, to Caspian.’’ Before forcing yourself to sleep, you whispered silently, ‘’Damn!’’
• The next day was a beautiful day. The sea was good, the weather was breezy. You felt a bit better. But it was interrupted too. One of your men screamed, ‘’Two ships behind us!’’ You turned and looked, said ‘’Damn it!’’ again because one of the ships was Caspian’s ship.
• Then you realized that the other ship was attacking to Caspian’s ship. You saw arrows flying in the air. While one part of you said "Don't care, go on your way", the other side said "You have to help him." Even though you couldn't explain why, you chose the latter.
• You turned the course of the ship, ordered your men to prepare to attack, and when your ship approached Caspian's ship, you and a few others with you jumped onto the Narnia ship while your men shot the other ship with arrows. It was easy for you to distinguish between Narnians and non-Narnians. It was also easy for you to kill non-Narnians.
• The only problem was you hadn’t seen where Caspian was yet. “Where is your king?” You asked the closest Narnian. "He was taken to the other ship," he replied. That answer was enough for you to jump on the other ship and make a little slaughter there.
• You put your sword on one of the men's throat and asked, "Where is the king?" He pointed to the cabin, which was the last thing he did before he died.
• You kicked the cabin door and entered. A man was holding a dagger on Caspian's throat. Seeing this, you stayed where you were. "If you move, your king will die," said the man. You said, "He's not my king," and you looked into Caspian's eyes. He just nodded slightly and you knew what to do.
• When you moved to attack the man, Caspian hit the man's nose hard with his elbow and managed to escape from his arms. He took the dagger from the man's hand, and when you pressed your sword to the man's chest, Caspian had the dagger against the man's neck.
• In a short time, the man and his surviving crew were captured. Once everything was under control, you ordered your men to return to the ship. You intended to leave without having to talk to Caspian, but as you were about to flee Caspian caught you by the arm.
• ‘’Please,’’ he said and something about his tone and voice made you feel sad and somehow got kicked in your stomach. ‘’You saved me and my crew. Please be my guests in Cair Paravel.’’
• Before you said anything, one of your men shouted from your ship, ‘’C’mon captain! We deserve a feast!’’ You just rolled your eyes.
• In Cair Paravel, Caspian was very... caring. He gave your crew seperate rooms, also gave you a special room, the feasts were generous. You were thankful but still you felt weird. You were a criminal and he was the king. Why was he so kind?
• In the first couple of days, you managed to avoid him. You wandered in the castle, you chatted with the maids for hours and you helped the cookers.
• But he wanted to talk with you, spend time with and he got what he wanted.
• You were at the balcony, watching the stars and sea. The view was breathtaking and relaxing. Also it felt good to be on the land. But you were interrupted. You heard the balcony door being opened.
• “Hello.” he said softly. "Your majesty," you said and realized, you'd never introduced yourself to him before.
• You told that to him but there was something you didn't know. After the first he saw you, he learned almost everything about you. He listened the stories about you, all those crimes you comitted, those adventures went on, where you were from. And when you told him about your parents, he immediately searched about them and found out your parents were warriors who tried to protect their people from Miraz, but they were eventually killed, but you ran away with the help of your uncle and became a pirate.
• “I'm, Y/N.” You said. “Caspian.” He replied and couldn't stop himself from saying “I'm sorry on the behalf of my uncle, Miraz. I'm really sorry.”
• “You have blood tie, that's true, but you're not your uncle.” You said. “There is no need for you to apologize.”
• And that moment, he fell in love with you. No one said such thing to him before. He was a beloved king, that was true, but he always felt like he carried his uncle's burden, he was always judged because of his uncle and terrible things he did. But you, although your parents were killed by his uncle, said that he wasn't his uncle without hesitation.
• And that night, you chatted in the balcony for hours. He was like a friend, he never made you feel he was the king. He was so casual. He smiled, laughed, made jokes, told stories, asked questions and he flirted.
• Oh, he really did. He implied you were beautiful many times. He looked at you playfully sometimes, something in his eyes was scary but so attractive. He smirked, made fun of you at some points but always managed to atone by complimenting you. He said you were smart, brave and very talented many times. He touched your cheek, saying that there was something on your face.
• You were surprised to see that you two could have a good and fun evening. You never thought you could get along with him that easily.
• At the and of the night, after you said your goodbyes, Caspian looked at your lips for a short time, you noticed. You didn't do anything, though. You just waited. He didn't kiss you and you couldn't decide if you wanted it or not.
• You stayed in Narnia longer than before this time. Your crew was also happy to be there, so you didn't mind.
• Caspian was always around you. You two never stopped talking, laughing, wandering in the castle, wandering at the beach, wandering in the castle's big library, watching stars in the balcony. You felt comfortable around him, somehow happy. He made you feel something but you couldn't tell what was that feeling.
• And one night, while you were in the castle's library, Caspian told you that he liked you.
• “I know how you feel about me.” He said. “I know you think we are different and can't be together. But I know how strong my feelings are. I like you, Y/N. And I want to be with you, that's all I need and care about.”
• You couldn't speak, really. You wanted to something but somehow you couldn't find any words to say.
• “It's alright.” He said. “You don't need to like me back. I understand. I am not trying to force you to anything. I love what we have, this friendship. I don't want to ruin it. Yes, I do like you but no matter what your answer is, I'll always be your friend.”
• “I think... I think I like you too?”
• And you made him the happiest man alive. He smiled so brightly and beautifully that you were glad you'd sait these words. He looked so handsome with that happy smile on his face.
• “Don't you really mind that I'm a pirate and you are the king?” You asked. “How things will work? We'll be seperated for so long.”
• “I don't mind it.” He replied. “I am the king, yes, but it is just an adjective that was given to me by the good people and animals of Narnia, nothing more.” He put his hand to your cheek. “I know the problems we might face, but I have a solution. But before saying it, I want you to know that you do not have to make any sacrifice if you do not want to. It's just an offer.”
• And he told you that he asked your crew if they'd want to join his own crew and army. He offered them a better ship, healthier conditions, better food, a great salary, fixed income and freedom. Your crew said they couldn't answer before asking you, their captain, but they were eager a little.
• “Can I still be the captain and sail however I want?” You asked. He nodded. “Then, your highness, I accept your offer.”
• Everything was amazing. Caspian and you never stopped sailing. You visited new islands, conquered new kingdoms, came through strong storms, explored new places, fought shoulder to shoulder. You two were unbeatable.
• At first you were scared of regretting. You feared you'd regret quitting being a pirate but everything was almost the same, the differences were this time Caspian was with you and together, you had so much fun.
• Caspian was a caring lover, he'd always make sure that you are okay, feeling good and not hurt. He always kissed your head before fighting, after the battle, when you said something clever, or just anytime, anywhere. His kisses were so gentle, lips were so soft. He liked holding your waist, he'd always pull you in close. He adored it when your first motive was to protect him while fighting.
• You liked kissing his cheek, he'd always get his morning and goodnight kisses. Also you liked resting your head on his chest, it was so calming. You loved it when he randomly kissed your body, your face, shoulder, neck, nape, hair. He'd always tell you looked good, you were so smart, brave, talented, cute (although you'd give him death stares), and an amazing warrior.
• You weren't type of a couple who talked about their feeling all the time but Caspian always made you feel that you were loved and cared. And you tried your best to make him feel in the same way.
• The first time you said “I love you.” to him was the time you found him after a couple of hours. You two were seperated in the battle and you couldn't find him anywhere. You searched the coast, the nearest places but he was nowhere to be found.
• You almost lost hope when he came, with five children and three woman. You ran to him, you were too worried about him to care about the other people. He took you into his arms and catched you when you jumped to his lap.
• “Where the hell were you?” You asked angrily. (You shouted if you ask Caspian). “I was so worried. How dare you to be gone for hours!”
• He was sweaty, his face and armour was dirty, his hair was messy, and he still was out of breath but he looked so attractive in this way that you couldn't stopped yourself and kissed him.
• “I love you,” You murmured. “Don't you ever dare to be gone like that again!”
• He smiled. “I love you too. I'm sorry for making you worry. They were trapped and it took time to rescue them.”
• Then you immediately took care of the women and children. He watched you while you were talking and comforting the women, played with the children, cooked for them.
• He was the luckiest man alive, he knew that. Not because he was the king, seafarer, hero, or the conquerer, owner of many lands, places and people. He was the luckiest man alive because he loved and was loved by a woman like you. No matter who you'd been, who you were, who you'd be, he loved you so much and therefore, he was the luckiest man alive.
okay but the way i DIDN'T shut up omg. i honestly don't know why i wrote such a long thing. maybe it's because i looove caspian and i like the idea? well, anyways, i hope you like it!
aaand i'm back btw! i still have some assignments to do but i started writing and i missed it soo much. also i have 59 followers??? THANK YOU SO MUCH!! ಥ‿ಥ
for now, requests are closed because i have requests to write.
please let me know what you think.
love, andrea. ♡
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Tangled the Series Character Analysis: Childhood Trauma POV
I can't believe Tangled the Series really created two incredible antivillains and threw them in direct contrast with the pre-existing golden couple. I love what the showrunners did with the main quartet, so I made a very subjective analysis post about it from a Childhood Trauma POV. (Spoilers, obviously.)
The Boys
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The series' focus is on Rapunzel, and by association her direct opposite, Cassandra, so the boys get comparatively less screen time. But it doesn't take long to figure out that Varian is meant to be a parallel for Eugene—these are two people dealing with the absence of parental guardians, struggling to reconcile the lives they previously had with their changing ideals in relation to a less-than-perfect Father Figure.
They both respond to the helpless state of being young, alone, and powerless by trying to take back power in any way they can. Eugene reinvented himself and buried his desires for a family. Varian throws in everything he has into recovering what he lost, because he's a child and the best solution he can think of is to return to the familiar safety of his father's presence. A significant portion of his desperation is fueled by fear of his father’s disapproval, because as much as Quirin loves Varian, he wasn’t the dependable voice of support. Varian needs approval from outside sources, which was also Flynn Rider’s purpose in life, once upon a time. (Again, parallels.) 
Throughout the series, the boys' relationship with each other transforms from exasperated incomprehension to easy understanding. The process is hastened as Eugene lets himself realize he cares a lot about troubled kids who remind him of himself. He becomes aware that children should not be required to survive on their own like he and Lance had. Spurred on by his significant other's love and encouragement, Eugene is able to acknowledge the adverse affects of his childhood on his life and start moving on. His extending a ready hand to Varian is his process of healing. Though Eugene's first priority will always be Rapunzel, he truly wants to save Varian from the uncontrollable volatility of risky decisions because he knows that downward spiral intimately.
Of course, there is a difference between thieving from the rich and planning the destruction of a kingdom. We'll get to that later.
The Girls
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Rapunzel and Cassandra are the biggest driving forces of narrative power in the show, and they are survivors of child abuse. Every one of the main quartet has Parent Issues, but Rapunzel takes the crown (figuratively speaking) with this one. She was kidnapped and groomed into a life-giving doll, and she was only able to escape her abusive adoptive mother through incredibly traumatizing means. For Cassandra, it was neglect, and even her loving adoptive father couldn't leviate the scars left on her childhood mind.
They're a classic case of Golden Child vs. Scapegoat, which is a common case seen in siblings raised by Narcissistic parents. When one child is "favored" more than the other, the kids experience vastly different childhoods, resulting in resentment that stems from their inability to understand each other. Rapunzel and Cassandra are both jealous of what the other had—Rapunzel wants Cassandra's casual, practiced ease with freedom and personal agency, while Cassandra wants the attention and respect that Rapunzel is given by the status of her birth. Because they're unwilling to speak candidly about the unique hardships of their childhood, what results is a series of miscommunications that put a strain on their friendship.
Cassandra and Rapunzel both want the other in their lives, but how they attempt to make that connection is very different. Cassandra wants to be a helpful, essential force in Rapunzel's life. Unfortunately, Rapunzel has been raised on the idea that when push comes to shove, no one will help her survive. Cassandra interprets Rapunzel's desire for independence as Rapunzel scorning the connection that Cassandra is attempting to create. Add in some manipulation from an ancient evil, and Cassandra decides she is done exhausting her emotions for Rapunzel.
Rapunzel, on the other hand, wants absolute honesty in her relationships. Gothel raised her on lies, so she spurns deception. But Cassandra knows the merits of protecting herself by holding her opinions in, which is where the misunderstandings occur. Rapunzel cannot trust someone who isn't completely forthright with her. She's tired of dealing with liars, and she grows afraid that Cassandra will cause her the same pain as Gothel did. But the thing is, Cassandra is not Gothel, and Rapunzel loved Gothel. She couldn't save Gothel, but maybe she can save Cassandra. It's not too late.
Rapunzel doesn't know when to give up on Cassandra because she is aware that she and Cassandra are similar people. Giving up on Cassandra would feel too much like giving up on her own hopes for a happy life. Rapunzel can't let Cassandra be unhappy. This princess cares too much, loves too hard. She never learned how to write people off because you can't survive a childhood like hers with that much cheer if you don't hang onto your optimism like a goddamn lifeline.
This is Rapunzel’s method of taking back power for herself: saving others. Rapunzel could have been Cassandra. Rapunzel is trying to believe she herself is worth saving—therefore, Cassandra must be worth saving as well. Rapunzel's significant other is giving her a stable source of love and support, but without a proper resolution to Cassandra's struggles—a final proof that despite Gothel's influence, they can both be happy—Rapunzel would feel incomplete.
The Golden Couple
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At the end of the day, Rapunzel and Eugene are fundamentally good people. If it comes down to it, they would be unable to sacrifice the world for their own desires. (Eugene's thievery doesn't count as an expression of true desire because it was literally his method of survival. An expression of true, selfish desire for him might've been something like manipulation and abduction for the purposes of making people stay, but Eugene is not Gothel and he would never do that to anyone in a million years.) (On a side note, Rapunzel's selfish desire might've manifested in the abandonment of all duties and personal connections in favor of eternal exploration, or revenge towards a kingdom that failed to save her, or a thorough destruction of authority figures—but she loves people too much and would never be able to forsake her family.)
Life threw a lot of rocks at them, but these two came through it marginally well-adjusted. They affirmed their love for each other in a violent, unforgettable manner, which makes it easier for them to trust in each other's affection. Eugene would've been okay with never finding his biological father, just as Rapunzel had been okay with her biological parents' inability to protect her. They have no wish to punish the world for what they suffered. They’re content with who they are. They're just glad they made it, that they're finally allowed to love someone without being afraid. They're each other's saving grace.
The Antivillains
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This is the difference between Hero and Antivillain: Cassandra and Varian are willing to punish the world for what happened to them. There’s a very faint line between justified retaliation and venting. In their desperation and anger, they cross the line, and they’re unable to stop themselves once they get going. Unlike the Golden Couple, Cassandra and Varian refuse to settle. They want what is owed. 
Also, they really, really hate themselves. (This is important.)
Varian believes Quirin is the ultimate source of affirmation. The fact that he lost his father by way of his own dangerous experiment, coupled with the fact that no one prioritizes his call for help in the face of national disaster, is enough to make him feel isolated from the world. Though he is burdened with a growing sense of remorse for his deeds, he doesn’t stop resorting to drastic, harmful measures to get his father back until he is forcefully stopped by betrayal from his allies. He finally makes the full transition from “antagonist” to “protagonist” when Rapunzel risks herself to save Quirin from the rocks. If Quirin could not be saved, there’s a possibility Varian might have stayed an antagonist, unenthusiastic though he may have been in his villainous role. As long as Quirin is trapped in those rocks, Varian remains the villain who put him there.
With Quirin safe, Varian allows himself to take huge steps in healing. He slowly rediscovers his self-worth, one that is separate from Quirin’s approval. Rapunzel—and by extension, Eugene—play the friendly, supportive role to Varian’s ingenuity, helping him along in his quest for self-acceptance. Varian still has trouble working through the heavily ingrained self-hatred, but he recovers enough confidence in his own judgment that he takes Eugene’s warning to heart and is able to install a safety device in his father’s helmet, just in case.
This is the Varian who meets Cassandra in the Tower that once belonged to Gothel. At this point in time, Cassandra has been manipulated into thinking of herself as weak and unimportant in comparison to Rapunzel. Her adoptive father, much like Quirin, was too gruff to be vocal with approvals. Her efforts have not been met with successes. She feels like a failure, and she hates feeling like a failure. This is Cassandra’s method of taking back power: by turning herself into someone unforgettable. If she can make something of herself, she’ll finally be able to prove Gothel wrong. She can be just as special as Rapunzel, if she’s given the chance. She wants that chance.
Similar to Varian, Cassandra doesn’t stop her downward spiral until her supposed ally and mentor betrays her and forcefully takes her power away. Only when there are no options left does she allow herself to admit that she was wrong. She is then rewarded for her honesty with Rapunzel’s love and trust. Armed with a new confidence, the sisters vanquish the evil together in an epic showdown that will long be remembered. Cassandra finally gets her dramatic hero’s tale.
Rapunzel and Eugene have an internal compass that lets them make snap decisions. They don’t have the healthiest self-esteem, but they can at least stand by what they think is right. Comparatively speaking, Cassandra and Varian have terrible self-esteem. They don’t trust their own judgment and are heavily influenced by outside forces. Without the constant barrage of trust and affection from Rapunzel, who is akin to a blazing sun when it comes to personal loyalty, these antivillains might never have reached their redemptive ending. They wouldn’t have been able to let go of their twisted priorities without outside influence. Can’t blame them for it, though.
It’s no surprise that Cassandra and Varian are relatable to many people. Who wouldn’t want to reclaim what was taken from them during childhood? (Of course, the problem occurs when you start hurting others to reclaim what you lost.) Their journey is a different kind of vulnerable from Rapunzel and Eugene’s journey, and it’s extraordinary in its detail. This show is essentially a long exploration of the various ways a parent can mess you up and the coping methods of kids who want to become more than their past, which is totally up my alley of expertise. I’m grateful I got to watch them grow taller than their trauma.
Finally, here’s a parting gif of Lance, because I love him and he’s a well-adjusted ray of sunshine. We all wish we could be as mentally stable as Lance—the main quartet included.
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knwsoft · 3 years
[where did it goes wrong?]
— member. lee know
— genre. fluff, faint angst, arranged marriage!au, royalty!au
— words. 1.4k words
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grew up as the only and most loved daughter of the kim duchy never made you worry about your future. that was until you got the chance to see your entire future in a dream.
in your dream, you just turned 16 years old when your happy life became miserable. the crown prince—who was your future fiance—falls into unrequited love with your adoptive sister. this made you blinded by jealousy thus got yourself and family executed by the prince because of the sin that you did toward her.
therefore, you were determined to reshape your future by treating your big sister as if she was your life. so, you wouldn’t be killed by the time it comes. 
talking about the crown prince, you actually hate to send a man like him to your sister. he is a good-looking, sweet-hearted man of this age, and an invisible swordmaster with fierce passion toward his own people. but, you have to live. and in order to do that, you need him and your sister to love each other. that way, you could live with your own happy ending and spend a thousand years on your own.
the day you were waiting for had finally come—your twelfth birthday party where the crown prince made his first appearance and met your sister. 
the beginning is important, so let’s do well.
the party went on with a speech from the duke and cheers from the guests, followed with some polite greetings and wishes for you. you politely thanked them, thought mind not fully paying them attention. you even didn’t know them or even their status that well. and the party itself was just fine. it's too extravagant to your liking. 
thankfully, the boy you were waiting for finally came, making people turn their attention to him as he made his way to greet the duke.
he was no other than lee minho, the crown prince—and your possible murderer.
“it’s nice to see you come, your highness,” the duke greeted him back politely.
“how have you been? his majesty has sent a gift to lady [name] in celebration of her twelfth birthday.”
there was also one thing that you learned from your dream. the very reason why minho was engaged with you.
minho was a perfect man, but he doesn’t have one thing, which is bloodline. the emperor was known to not have married yet, and minho's existence as the sole heir to the throne became a debate between the aristocratic faction and imperial faction.
“it’s a gift from the emperor, so come out to receive it, lady [name].” a servant then came to his side and brought him the gift sent from the emperor.
that’s why, to secure his position as the crown prince and silence the aristocratic faction, the emperor pushed ahead with the marriage of minho and you, the daughter of kim duchy, the second most powerful family after the imperial family. but you know better that he will fall in love with your sister, who doesn’t help his situation at all.
now is the chance! 
you hide behind your sister’s dress and grin, “my sister will take it for me.”
this should be work, you thought. you’ll get out of here on your own, so they two could get to know each other and fall in love. just like what you planned. 
however, you didn’t expect that minho would kneel down in front of you to match your eye level and lean closer, shortening the distance between you two. this made you blushed and lost of words. 
“my lady, i’m talking to you right now,” he looked directly at you in the eyes. he didn’t bat an eye at your sister at all, not even just for a mere second.
something definitely didn’t feel right here.
to play it safe, you hesitantly took the present before thanking both the prince and his servant. 
for some reasons—and to your knowledge, minho didn’t like to be around the kim duchy family that much. if it wasn’t because of the arranged marriage and duty as your fiance, he might now not come to your birthday party. but weirdly, this hatred also included your sister, the one he was supposed to fall in love with. 
not only that. whenever you tried to leave them alone, you would somehow ended up with him alone instead of your sister. to make it worse, his lack of expression face and habit of not saying much made the atmosphere awkward and difficult for you to bring up a topic. it felt more like you're talking to yourself than to the prince.
looks like this plan wasn’t going to be easy as you thought.
however, little did you know, minho secretly liked your presence.
he might look cold and rarely show his expressions around you. but once he did, it was no other than horror that was written all over his face. 
you were just trying to protect your sister from this noblewoman harassment. and instead of slapping your sister, her palm landed on your face instead.
he saw everything. and with rage, he called the guard to take the nameless noblewoman away, not letting her to explain herself, and dismissed everyone in the room to leave you two alone. he quickly ran to your side in worry and asked you so many questions.
“i’m fine, your highness.” you assured him with a smiled while touching your sting red cheek. “more importantly, could you help me check on my sister? she-”
“how can you still care about the other in this situation?”
he wanted to roar with frustration, he wanted to cradle you close and never let this happen again, he wanted you to stop being selfless. he raised his trembling hand to your cheek and caressed it, “how can you still look for the other when you’re the one who is hurt here?”
“this is nothing compared to what happened to my sister, your highness,” you answered.
“don’t tell me this is nothing! you're my fiance, and whatever happens to you is matter to me.”
he was supposed to look after your sister and left you alone here, not worrying about you. yet, deep down, a part of you was happy he did.
is that okay for you to feel this way for him? why did he come closer to you in the first place!?
"but, don't you hate me? my status as the duke's daughter was the reason you are engaged to me. the reason why you have to be tied with me!"
you swallowed and looked down, ducking away from his stare for the first time, or else, you wouldn't know what else to do with your own feeling.
he just kept his mouth shut, surprised at your thought of him.
was that how you see him all this time, someone who doesn't care about his own fiance's well being and only cares about status?
"are you that blind?" he softly asked you in disbelief.
all this time, people were always trying to be careful around him. no one dared to displease him, nor get into his bad side. and minho found this boring and annoying. but, all of that changed after he met you on your twelfth birthday on the emperor’s order.
you weren't scared of him at all. while other people tried to avoid his eyes, you weren’t. you looked him back at the eyes like he wasn’t someone higher than you. though he never understood why you avoided him for a multiple time—using your sister as the excuse—before, you still never pushed him away. instead, you were the first one who wanted to talk to him normally.
he didn’t know when it exactly happened, but you started to be someone important for him. you’re the reason why he can’t seem to be focused lately. you’re also the one who made his day better just at the mere thought of you. so, when he saw that nameless noblewoman hit you, something inside him snapped. yet, you didn’t understand that.
"yes, i might hate kim duchy at first, but i never hate you. instead, i love you. i care for you more than anyone else in this world and i want you to be with me.” 
you didn’t know what to say.  you used to find joy in reading heartfelt confession novels you found at the kim duchy’s library. but, hearing it in person from the most unexpected person felt strange. happy, shock, confused—you didn’t really know how to describe this feeling at all. 
“let’s continue this talk later. we need to treat your swollen cheek first.” right before you could protest, he added, “this is an order. not a request.”
since when did this ‘being cupid for your sister’ turn into ‘making the prince love you’? where did it go wrong?
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black-streak · 4 years
Little Pistol - Daisy
Chapter 1
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I'm trying to keep this in line with her canon personality to an extent here. Determined, focused, conniving and scheming. A little obsessive. But also needs to give herself a little pep talk to go through with things. Let me know how I'm doing?
Btw, title is by Brand New.
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Convincing a miniaturized pocket god that your intentions are sound came surprisingly easy to her.
That could be in part due to all the prior planning. Considering every possible argument the goddess could come up with and creating contingencies to match. Really though, taking out Tikki's own advice and laying it out as a perfect reasoning quieted her down quite nicely. Not that Tikki agreed with her, but the logic was too sound to push back on and the little bug never expected Marinette to come up with such thoughts without getting emotional. It just wasn't the way the girl was as far as Tikki was concerned. So it could only be taken at face value without the usual accusations of her being overdramatic.
It was an early Saturday when she voiced her thoughts.
"Hey Tikki?"
"Yes, Marinette?" the red bug looked up from her perch.
"Our biggest priority is to stop akumas and find Hawkmoth, correct?"
"Of course. You know that," she dismissed.
"So is it reasonable to say that Chat has been a hinderance to our duty?"
"How do you mean?"
"He distracts me or sits out on important battles. Threatens to quit if details that don't pertain to our purpose are withheld. He refuses to remain professional in the face of an attack."
"Well yes, he has been rather unhelpful lately, but then again, you are teenagers. It's to be expected, I suppose. Though I do wish he'd be a bit more focused," she easily agreed.
Marinette bit back a victorious smile and kept her expression closed off but for the determined, calculating expression she saved for important moments. Like now.
"In that case, it would be a good idea to make him focus any way I can. To make it easier. To hurry along the hunt for Hawkmoth."
Tikki's expression became weary as she stared at her welder, taken off guard by the open statement, "I don't know, Marinette...What did you have in mind?"
"Nothing yet, but I think I'm going to start brainstorming some ideas. Maybe do a little research. Something needs to change though," she emphasized, staring down her kwami with a hopeful, prodding look until she hesitantly nodded her agreement.
With the god's blessing, she turned to her tablet, pulling up everything she could on different heroes and their methods. Down the rabbit hole she fell.
Some thirteen hours had passed and she felt the strain of her eyes and the bright burn to her retinas for the effort of her work. She refused to believe that no inspiration would come from this effort, though she'd moved on from conventional heroes and into a more sketchy territory by now, having been let down by the uptight views of others who'd obviously never been harassed or neglected by their partner and therefore wouldn't understand her need for a more, let's say, gray solution.
She'd seen the ideals of Superman and the Lanterns and the generalized view of both the Teen Titans and Justice League alike. Many worked with partners, many had betrayals or interpersonal problems. The solution they always took was for one or both parties to leave the team and travel to opposite sides of their country. Or world. Or separate worlds. Either way, avoidance was key. That didn't really work for her though. She had to stay in close contact with her partner while not truly working together. Remain civil within the same city limits. Fight side by side even. And it's not like she could just leave her responsibility here or allow Chat to go unchecked with a miraculous on his own. 
Then she stumbled upon Batman's history. The infamous bat had many a partner or sidekick with their own rough history and seemed to be operating with them regularly still. His solution to a lost or dead partner seemed to be a steady stream of replacements. Unfortunately, unlike a vigilante suit, a miraculous has to resonate with the wearer and no one she knew and trusted would fit the black cat. So she was stuck with the one.
Still though, Batman apparently had a falling out with his first Robin who became Nightwing. Those two were seen together regularly now so something must have happened to fix their issues. Gods, she was so lucky the internet seemed to stalk these people hardcore enough to have so much information on them so readily available. However, looking deeper, the resulting theories and knowledge did not bode well for her. It seems Nightwing had been in much the same state as her and with zero apologies from the Bat, had forgiven the man and resumed operations as usual. Well she was done with forgiving and forgetting. She wanted a real solution, not just rolling over and letting Chat do as he pleased! 
Alright, so Batman was the Chat Noir to the Robin's Ladybug. Maybe the others fared better?
Nope, second one died.
Current one seems to be a literal feral child out to bleed Gotham dry. Not sure how that helped, though maybe she could go just psycho enough to force Chat to be the responsible one? No, he'd just try and quit again.
There was a third and fourth one apparently? Between the murder baby and the dead one. What happened to them?
The fourth was a blonde girl with a short stint. Seems she just moved departments since many speculated she might be a batgirl or working with a few others in the city. Not much more.
But what about the other one?
The third Robin, who worked with the Teen Titans for a stint. Who worked many years under the Bat, who gave away the title to the blonde only to return after and disappear once more with the coming of the blood toddler. What happened? Where'd he go?
Thousands had apparently asked the same question themselves. All signs seemed to point towards a betrayal. Something went wrong. The first resigned, the second died, the third just seemed to drop off the face of the planet. Did Batman kick him out? Replace him? For child's play, sword addition? She couldn't be sure, but it seemed the most likely guess. Much more believable than alien kidnapping or a quest for a dead man or his predecessor coming to life to end him.
But what after that? 
Surely, Marinette could've stopped there. Obviously, this wasn't the same as her situation, but she couldn't help but be so very intrigued. She watched videos of the boy in his Robin suit (much more practical than the first two if you asked her, though still slightly shameful) fighting and flying across rooftops and working with his team. He was so. So. Efficient. So clean. Ruthless when he decided to be. Calculated. Everything she ever wanted to be. 
He was amazing.
And then he disappeared.
Where did he go, that perfect Robin. How could anyone ever think the position needed an upgrade when the perfect bird was already there? It made no sense. And then she found him. Hunting through the rogues and heroes and inbetweens of Gotham, hidden in his own layerings of cover stories and identities. Her new aspiration of what a hero should be, mixed into the Anti-heroes of the city.
The vigilante of the more morally ambiguous variety, manipulating the world to the way he saw fit, using whatever method he wished. And the way he seemed to bend the city to his whim, well it matched quite well with how she wished her own city would be. She found her solution. Now it was showtime.
"Are you ready to apologize, m'lady?" Chat dropped down at her side, the akuma of the week tied up below them. It was a relatively easy battle, with no need for special abilities for once.
"Whatever for, Chatton?" Marinette asked, already tensing at the response she knew she'd receive. She hated when he tried to coerce her into apologizing for things that aren't her fault.
"For your neglect of your kitten, obviously."
"I don't have a kitten," she stated plainly.
"What? You wound me, to disown me so abruptly," he put a clawed hand to his chest, offense and hurt in spades marking his features.
"I can't disown what I never adopted," she went along with the analogy so he wouldn't complain about her ruining his fun again. The last thing she needed was his whining.
He perked up with this, "Well we can draw up some adoption papers right now if you wish? I'd love to be yours," he smarmed, leaning into her space further. 
This was it. Time to turn the tables. To make this work in her favor. She just needed to play it right, the way her Robin did. By manipulating the enemy into doing her bidding. She could do this.
"That's just it, though. I don't believe you would," she frowned, letting her eyes soften the way she'd seen Lila do so often. Might as well learn something from the girl.
"What? I would," he insisted, eyebrows furrowing.
"See you say that, but where's the proof? You've done nothing but pester and punish me over these weeks. You say you love me, but then watch me get hurt by akumas and make me fight all alone and threaten to leave me. That's not the actions of a loving partner. It feels like you hate me."
That had him panicking.
"No no, I don't hate you, you're my sun and my moon. My everything. Surely you know your worth in my life. I only did those things to show you how much you hurt me." He attempted to reason with her.
"See, but I've never intentionally hurt you. And always apologized to you when I realized I had. Whereas you just admitted to causing me distress as a form of punishment. It seems to me that I'm far more attached to you than you are to me and I'm just not willing to hurt myself by getting involved with someone who so obviously dislikes me."
"I- no- that's not- I love you! I didn't mean to do that, I shouldn't have. Please believe me? I love you, Ladybug," he begged, ears dropping and body tensed in fear.
"I'm sorry, but until I see some proof, I can't do that," she shook her head before taking off home without a backward glance, leaving the cat to his misery.
That night, Tikki went straight to bed and refused to speak to her for the next two days.
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somanysigns-13 · 3 years
Part 3: Snuggle in and buckle up for a long read. 😬
Reputation 2017 - her final required album with BMR (2014-2017 3 years after 1989)
…Ready For It? (also see cowboy like me on evermore)
* Knew he was a killer first time that I saw him wonder how many girls he had loved and left haunted...Knew the beard (maybe Joe?) was gay; wondered how many girls he had to pretend with?
* But if he’s a ghost then I can be a phantom holdin him for ransom...She can use him to cover her relationship with Karlie (also see New Romantics)
* Some boys are tryin too hard he don’t try at all though younger than my exes but he act like such a man so I see nothing better keep him forever like a vendetta...Some of her beards actually tried to make the relationship legit but he doesn’t try at all, maybe because he is also gay, so she can see staying with him until it’s over
* In the middle of the night, in my dreams you should see the things we do. In the middle of the night in my dreams I know I’m gonna be with you, so I’ll take my time...She knows in the end she will be with Karlie so she’s just going to ride this out
* Knew I was a robber first time that he saw me stealing hearts and runnin off and never saying sorry but if I’m a thief then he can join the heist and we’ll move to an island.... Possible reference to Karlie’s bearding with Josh and him knowing they are together and being part of the whole plan?
* He can be my jailer Burton to this Taylor...Nod to Elizabeth Taylor and her relationship with Richard Burton * Karlie’s middle name is Elizabeth * Burton to this Taylor - Josh will marry Karlie to quiet the rumors of her and Karlie’s relationship therefore he is Taylor’s “jailer” keeping the “cage” in place. Back to that recurring theme..cages..(see so it goes, this is me trying, and cowboy like me)
* Baby let the games begin...Here we go...start of the end game by playing more games
End Game
* I wanna be your endgame I wanna be your first string I wanna be your A-Team... She wants to be able to be public with Karlie and not the “secret”
Could the End Game be them getting through the final years of the BMR contract and possible other contracts (Karlie with Scooter and Josh). Did Taylor possibly sign a 3 album obligation to UMG which is why she busted out 3 albums in 1 year (Lover/folklore/evermore) to make “End Game” “New Year’s Day” 2021? There seems to be a countdown between the years of album releases...1989-reputation (3) rep-lover (2) and lover-folklore/evermore (1)
* Big reputation, big reputation ooh you and me would be a big conversation... If they came out now everyone would really be talking about it even though there are currently rumors
What kind of big conversation would really come of her and Joe Alwyn? Why would being in a heterosexual relationship need to be kept such a secret? What’s so taboo about it? And why would it need to be a secret when the public narrative is that you are in a relationship with him already?
* I hit you like bang we tried to forget it but we just couldn’t...Karlie and Taylor’s chemistry is too much to disregard or act like it was just a temporary thing, they are each other’s lobsters and they couldn’t quit each other.
* And I bury hatchets, but I keep maps of where I put them... She’s going to go along with the plan but she won’t forget who made her have to do it
* And I can’t let you go your handprints on my soul It’s like your eyes are liquor like your body is gold...again Karlie’s astrological sign is Leo and the Leo color is Gold…she’s love drunk on her eyes and she’s left a mark on her forever (see This Love and Dress)
* You’ve been calling my bluff on all my usual tricks so here’s the truth from my red lips...Taylor tries to push Karlie away or talk herself out of her feelings but Karlie calls her on her bullshit
I Did Something Bad
* I never trust a playboy but they love me so I fly ‘em all around the world and I let them think they saved me...Playboy as in boy she uses as her beard (play things for her to use- Don’t Blame Me) they think they can be the one to change/save Taylor (make her straight?) or possibly that by them going along with the plan she owes them something more since they “save” her reputation/career, she pays for all their expenses as her beard
* They never see it comin’ what I do next ...New Romantics; poker ref...she fills them in on the situation?
* This is how the world works you gotta leave before you get left...Foreshadowing her leaving BMR so she doesn’t lose Karlie?
* If he drops my name then I owe him nothin’ and if he spends my change then he had it comin... Did a beard say something he wasn’t supposed to in an interview that went against the NDA contract... Was he taking advantage of Taylor and her money?
* They’re burning all the witches even if you aren’t one they got their pitchforks and proof their receipts and reasons... “Witches” historically were thought to be lesbians (see Salem witch trials - see Willow) Even if you aren’t one - Some of the rumors of her being with her friends other than Karlie (Martha Hunt)...The proof is obviously in the rumors of her and Karlie and possibly Kissgate..and lots of witch references in evermore
* So light me up go ahead and light me up...Acknowledging she’s gay?
Don’t Blame Me
* Don’t blame me, love made me crazy if it doesn’t you ain’t doin’ it right lord save me my drug is my baby I’ll be using for the rest of my life... Don’t blame her for all the crazy things she’s had to do to keep her relationship with Karlie Lord save me - “pray the gay away” type ref
* I’ve been breaking hearts a long time and toying with them older guys just playthings for me to use (see “I Did Something Bad”)...Boys = beards
* For you, I would cross the line I would waste my time I would lose my mind they say she’s gone to far this time... She would give it all up to be with Karlie (see lyrics of evermore)
* My name is whatever you decide and I’m just gonna call you mine I’m insane, but I’m your baby...Reference to Karlie writing her name in the sand wrong or maybe using “James” or another pseudonym like maybe Kayda?
* Echoes of your name inside my mind halo, hiding my obsession I once was poison ivy but now I’m your daisy...
Alleration of Karlie’s name? (Echoes of your name) Halo = Victoria’s Secret Angel.. Poison ivy (see Ivy) Daisy - all the pictures of them with daisies during the Big Sur trip and other
* And baby for you I would fall from grace just to touch your face if you walk away I’d beg you on my knees to stay... She would give it all up and come out if she could ....If Karlie wanted to leave (Victoria secret fashion show “walk away” ref) she would do whatever she had to do to make her stay
Delicate - there’s more lyrics here but you’ll get the point with just a few
* Is it cool that Taylor told Karlie how she felt? She knows their relationship/situation they’re in is delicate
* Echoes of your footsteps on the stairs stay here honey I don’t want to share...She hates that Karlie has to leave and pretend to be with Josh, she gets jealous
* I pretend you’re mine all the damn time...She hates the bearding
So It Goes - all Victoria Secret fashion show refs
* See you in the dark all eyes on you my magician all eyes on us you make everyone disappear ...From Taylor’s perspective - Victoria secret fashion show interactions - usually all eyes are on Taylor but not now, it’s all eyes on her and Karlie and Taylor see’s only her and her “shiny abs” when they’re out there together on the stage
* Cut me into pieces gold cage hostage to my feelings back against the wall trippin when you’re gone...it kills Taylor to have to hold her love for Karlie inside and not share it with the world as much as she hates when Karlie has to leave after their time spent together
* Cause we break down a little but when you get me alone it’s so simple cause baby I know what you know we can feel it... When they have to be apart it’s hard but when they’re together it’s all worth it...They both know what they have and what they have to do to keep it
* And all the pieces fall right into place getting caught up in the moment lipstick on your face so it goes...Everything so far is going to plan but sometimes they forget and have to deal with a revelation (lipstick on Karlie’s face as they walk out of the apartment and get papped)
* I’m yours to keep and I’m yours to lose you know I’m not a bad girl but I do bad things with you so it goes...Seems like Taylor is saying the ball’s in Karlie’s court so to speak? The bad things = lesbian things 😂
* Met you in a bar all eyes on me your illusionist all eyes on us I make all your grey days clear and wear you like a necklace I’m so chill but you make me jealous but I got your heart skipping when I’m gone... From Karlie’s perspective - usually everyone is looking at Taylor but not at the VS Fashion show. She’s the sunshine in Taylor’s life but she does get jealous sometimes...But she knows she has Taylor’s heart and that Taylor misses her when she’s gone
* Come here dressed in black now scratches down your back now so it goes...Victoria’s Secret fashion show when they’re in black dresses holding hands walking down the runway and likely what happened after the show 😉
* You did a number on me but honestly baby who’s counting I did a number on you but honestly baby who’s counting 1, 2, 3...They really can’t help themselves with each other and their feelings * 3 years has gone by (2014-2017) (see invisible string - bold was the waitress on our 3 year trip. * 3 album contract with UMG?
Gorgeous - the rest of the lyrics speak for themselves I think, so here’s a couple.
* You make me so happy it turns back to sad ...When they’re together vs when they’re apart (Karlie w/Josh)
* There’s nothing I hate more than what I can’t have Due to the management teams keeping them apart?
Getaway Car
King of My Heart - Karlie is a Leo (Lion - king of the jungle)
* Salute to me, I’m your American Queen - Karlie referred to Taylor as the Princess because she has blue eyes, red lips, is beautiful and wears a crown in the Best Best Friend Vogue video
* Cause all the boys and their expensive cars, with their range rovers and their Jaguars never took me quite where you do...She feels nothing with any of her expensive beards like she does with Karlie
* Late in the night, the city's asleep Your love is a secret I'm hoping, dreaming, dying to keep... They have to sneak around to avoid being seen together in intimate situations
* Change my priorities The taste of your lips is my idea of luxury... She’s making all the effort to make the relationship work. I’m sure some guys have tasty lips but typically the ladies win that one
* Is the end of all the endings? End Game
* My broken bones are mending She uses breaking bones metaphors often (sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me refs?)
* Up on the roof with a school girl crush
* She’s got a girl crush
* Drinking beer out of plastic cups
* Karlie and Taylor at the Knicks game
* Say you fancy me, not fancy stuff
* Taylor wants to know that Karlie wants her for her, not what she has
Dancing With Our Hands Tied - a lot to unpack here so I’ll try to do it briefly
* I, I loved you in secret First sight, yeah, we love without reason...Depending on when they first met, Taylor saw Karlie either irl or modeling or through mutual friends and had a crush instantly
* Deep blue, but you painted me golden
* Karlie is Leo...astrologically represented by 1 color...Gold
* I, I loved you in spite of Deep fears that the world would divide us...If they came out what would it do to their relationship and their careers?
* So, baby, can we dance Oh, through an avalanche?... Is it possible to do it? Maybe not now, but can they weather the storm until they can make it public?
* I'd kiss you as the lights went out Swaying as the room burned down Possible Kissgate ref?
* I'd hold you as the water rushes in...They’re both fire signs...a water sign beard (Joe is a Pisces) could be the extinguisher to squash the rumors of Kaylor
* If I could dance with you again...She’ll do what she needs to do to keep this relationship
Dress - another big one
* Our secret moments in your crowded room They've got no idea about me and you...Victoria Secret fashion show moments
* There is an indentation in the shape of you Made your mark on me, a golden tattoo Again with gold and the tattoo...permanent mark (see End Game)
* Say my name and everything just stops I don't want you like a best friend...Not really sure if it could be any more obvious..Karlie and Taylor were each other’s “Best Friend” and Taylor is letting it be known that she wants her more than that
* Only bought this dress so you could take it off Take it off (ha, ha, ha) Carve your name into my bedpost 'Cause I don't want you like a best friend...She wants to “do bad things” with Karlie (see “so it goes”)
Call It What You Want
* Possible start of the bearding ref?
* Sounds an awful like “So Karlie would you want to?”
* Windows boarded up after the storm ...They have to be apart, possible arguments over what the plan should be? Also see Death by a thousand cuts on Lover
New Year’s Day=End Game?
* Last song with BMR..Taylor’s contract is over
* Candle wax and Polaroids on the hardwood floor...Candles are a recurring prop in her music videos, assumed to represent the passing of time of their respective contract periods * Polaroids - Karlie was asked in an interview what she collects, she said Polaroids...They took lots of Polaroid pictures on their trip to Big Sur * Taylor used the image of a Polaroid as her album cover in 1989
*You and me forevermore...direct link to the evermore album and song...she said in the MAATHP documentary that her life is planned out at least 2 years in advance...looks like maybe some of the folklore/evermore songs were already in the works or at the very least she went back and drew inspiration from other albums.
* You squeezed my hand three times in the back of the taxi
* could 3 years be the length of Karlie’s contract with Josh? (See So It Goes)
* 3 album contract with UMG?
* I can tell it’s gonna be a long road They’re going to have to suffer through at least 3 years of not being seen together in order to avoid speculation
* I’ll be there if you’re the toast of the town, babe Or if you strike out and you’re crawling home Whatever Karlie’s reason is for going along with the Josh stunts, Taylor will be there to support her no matter what...Strike out is a baseball metaphor and Karlie is a big St Louis Cardinals fan (baseball ref also used in peace on folklore...”swing with you for the fences, sit with you in the trenches”)
Crawling home…opposite of what Karlie used to do as a Victoria Secret model and “walking” the runway
* Don’t read the last page But I stay When it’s hard or it’s wrong or we’re making mistakes... Try not to look too far ahead, things can go wrong and it can make the time longer or seem longer
* I want your midnights But I’ll be cleaning up bottles with you on New Year’s Day Taylor wants to be with her now, but she knows in the end she’ll be with her forever after the charade and games are over.
* Hold on to the memories they will hold on to you Just keep remembering the good times..they’ll get “us” through until the games are over
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borisbubbles · 3 years
ESC 2021 Preshow: 08. France
Barbara Pravi - “Voilà”
France going from 3rd last on my ranking / likely last place in the finale to 8th place in the ranking / probably top 3 in the Grand Final. 😍 WHAT A GLOW-UP.
So, “Voilà” is epic, obviously. Yeah I will skip the theatrics, each and every one of you know this song and we all know it’s probably the best French entry in ages. 
Funnily enough, I didn’t care for “Voilà” when I first heard it lmfao. It felt similar to the song Patricia Kaas went to Eurovision with and while “Et s’il faillait le faire” has its fans, I was never one of them. Worse, the internet immediately resorted to refering to “Voilà” as a “masterpiece” which is probably the pretentious statement you can make about Eurovision songs. Guys, it’s an Edith Piaf-inspired tribute act. Calm the eff down. Still, even at this early a stage I was instantly charmed by Barbara’s introspection and pluck even if I didn’t care for the music at first. After all, Barbara was the mastermind behind jesc HITS “Bim bam toi” and “J’imagine” and if she wants to bring a song that puts HER SELF at the forefront, she’s perfectly entitled to do so. About fucking time. On top of that, I thought the ending was sublime, even in studio version. “Why can’t the entire song be like that”, I thought. And then, E:CVQD arrived and Barbara SERVED, OUTSOLD, SLAYED, etc every superlative under the sun. 
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So remember when I aired my critique regarding Gjon? “Tout l’Univers” is an “Objectively Strong” composition in that it employs music theory to conjure up a song that sounds impressive on first listen. But behind that academic skill lies virtually nothing of interest. I cannot connect with it beyond a base level because what does it tell me about Gjon or his story? Technique without a heart or a soul is merely pretense. But I suppose it can sound sophisticated to someone who doesn’t know what “sophistication” is. 
Barbara, however. Her personality just SPRINGS FORWARD on an approachable level from the first note. “Voilà”s’s technical expertise and Barbara’s own perfomance talents carry this vibe, this SERVE of personality, through the full three minutes without ever getting boring or tedious and they leave me craving for another listen. ALL OF THESE ARE AMAZING TRAITS IN A EUROVISION SONG. And this is just from the studio version, the live stage show makes it even better. 
So yeah, homeboy’s got his work cut out for him because if this is his competition he’ll have to graft hard for his victory.
NF Corner -  C’est Vous Qui Décidez
In what would become a running theme amidst countries this year, France led the charge in a personal project called #OperationForget2020, in which every trace of last year would be subsequently memory-holed. To acheive this, they revived their NF, gave it a new name and pretended it was ~The First NF of Its Format~ (so basically doing what Lithuania did last year when they rebranded Atranka into PiN).
INCIDENTALLY, this would also wind up the best NF of the year, pretty much by default because France had the most to win. Even though Barbara was the obvious winner from the instant the songs were revealed, the French had some excellent back-up options in their arsenal. Let’s rummage through them shall we?
LMK - “Magique”
R&B Trap wench <3 “Magique” starts off pretty and cute for fifteen seconds, before whiplashing hard into kick-ass tropical house territory. Her Slovene spirit mothers Raiven and Lea Sirk are so proud of her <3 She definitely deserved much better than the result she got (being NQ with the audience O_O), but lol it’s France, they ain’t NEVER crowning a sexually confident sassy woman, let’s not kid ourselves. 
Céphaz - “On a mangé le soleil”
This Hat God had me at that title. “We have eaten the sun” 😍😍😍😍. More songs should adopt a fatalistic environmental angle by using consumption-related metaphors à la “we’ve devoured out planet :burp:, MOAR”, and then set this suuuuper cynical and depressing text to an upbeat and optimistic soundtrack <3 The “Hey ya” tease of it all. 😍
Amui - “Maeva”
So cheerful it turns a surly cretin such as myself into a blundering mass of uwu. It’s like a nillies Eurovision semi NQ’er suddenly wandered into the set, so derivative and repetitive and tacky but SO fun and happy-go-lucky <3 The entire premise of “Maeva” is basically like: “VISIT FRENCH POLYNESIA, WE ARE THE MOST HOSPITABLE PEOPLE ON THIS EARTH” <333 using this message in the middle of a worldwide viral pandemic <33333333 Normally fun-trash like this would be murdered at first sight by any jury, but whoops “Maeva” turned out a massive televote hit HEHEE 😛 and finished third in the televote despite being last or second last with the jury. Those Tahitian diasporia votes coming through <3
Adriamad - “Allélujah”
TACKY EUROTRASH <3 Lol when I think of it, did I like this NF because it was good or because it was so fun-trash. Anyway, this display of diversity would normally be on my shitlist but it’s honestly SO OTT in its ~People Of The World Of All Colours Are Equal~ message it circles back into funny. The eye gimmick, the hammy choreography, the obnoxious fusion of several cultures into a nondescript ethnotrash hodgepodge, the fucking LYRICS everything is so funny and so entertaining it’s giving me LIFE. 😍 I’d say it deserved better but “Allélujah” stranding in the demifinal (not a typo) is honestly a much, much more satisfying result <3
Predicted Journey - France
Barbara is going on that Mahmood trajectory, I see. Early fave who gets near unanimous critical acclaim, rules solely on top until the other contenders show up and is then put on the backburner because she’s an autoqualifier and therefore isn’t a part of the “who will qualify?” discussions. Then, the rehearsals will happen and everyone will remember “hey, that French chick we almost forgot about is actually REALLY good” allowing her to pick up momentum again, catapulting her into the top five. So it is written, such it shall be.
The question is... Can she win? 
The answer is: yeah, possibly? At this point we have three potential contenders: Gjon for Switzerland and Destiny for Malta are the main rivals and I’d say Barbara has one big advantage over Gjon and Destiny: She already has a great live performance to back up her potential winner status. In fact, Barbara is a fave to win because we know what she’s going to bring in Rotterdam.  Gjon and Destiny could theoretically still bomb if their staging is off (and both are getting theirs done by Sasha Jean-Baptiste, soooooo) and their contenderness is based on things such as hype and expectation. Barbara meanwhile already had her baptism by fire when she competed in E:CQVD, which she handily won.
The problem though is Gjon Muharremaj. For the average eurofan, France and Switzerland have similar entries and it will result in a tug-of-war between which of them has the better song. Either could win this televote bout, and whoever does could beat Malta.. .but that would require Malta to have a disappointing televote result and with each passing day this is starting to look less likely. (Jury results matter less because they’re probably the top 3).  Personally I don’t really have a preference between Barbara OR Destiny as a win for either would push Eurovision in a better direction (A Gjon win though... I am TERRIFIED that may result in a 2022 contest filled with Vincent Bueno’s and Vasils), but if these three are indeed the top three, Barbara’s position is the most secure although she’s probably also the least likely one to actually win. Pray that I’m wrong though and we can all meet at her flat in Montmartre for a covid-proof afterparty. 
Projected placements:
> Grandfinal: 1st-5th (predicted Runner-up)
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01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. FRANCE - Barbara Pravi - “Voilà” 09. BULGARIA - Victoria - “Growing up is getting old” 10. LATVIA - Samanta Tina - “The moon is rising” 11. GREECE - Stefania - “Last dance” 12. SWEDEN - Tusse - “Voices” 13. IRELAND - Leslie Roy - “Maps” 14. CROATIA - Albina - “Tick Tock” 15. MOLDOVA - Natalia Gordienko - “Sugar” 16. ITALY - Måneskin - “Zitti e buoni” 17. ALBANIA - Anxhela Peristeri - “Karma” 18. UNITED KINGDOM - James Newman - “Embers” 19. LITHUANIA - The Roop - “Discoteque” 20. ESTONIA - Uku Suviste - “The lucky one” 21. FINLAND - Blind Channel - “Dark side” 22. AZERBAIJAN - Efendi - “Mata Hari” 23. the NETHERLANDS - Jeangu Macrooy - “Birth of a new age” 24. CZECH REPUBLIC - Benny Christo - “Omaga” 25. DENMARK - Fyr og Flamme - “Øve os på hinanden” 26. SLOVENIA - Ana Soklič - “Amen” 27. SWITZERLAND - Gjon’s Tears - “Tout l’Univers” 28. ROMANIA - Roxen - “Amnesia” 29. SERBIA - Huricane - “Loco loco” 30. POLAND - Rafał - “The ride” 31. ISRAEL - Eden Alene - “Set me free” 32. GEORGIA - Tornike Kipiani - “You” 33. PORTUGAL - The Black Mamba - “Love is on my side” 34. SPAIN - Blas Cantó - “Voy a quedarme” 35. NORWAY - Tix - “Fallen Angel” 36. CYPRUS - Elena Tsagrinou - “El Diablo” 37. AUSTRIA - Vincent Bueno - “Amen” 38. NORTH MACEDONIA - Vasil - “Here I stand” 39. GERMANY - Jendrik - “I don’t feel hate”
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