#im gonna make a playlist of his stuff that i imagine will become the sound of my sad girl summer lmao
beepbeepdespair · 2 years
idk why but im really on a jack stauber kick today and its made me realise that i actually know so few of his songs lmao. so if anyone has any they particularly recommend please let me know <3
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aaalllice · 2 years
Heyy x3 could you do a Marco ilsø x fan reader? Like at a comic con she gets an autograph and hes just amazed? Maybe some jealousy (im a sucker for that xD) when she goes to Alex? Thank you <3
Let’s hope you gonna like it !
I’ve never been to a comic con, there’s probably mistakes
Warning : none, so enjoy !
You and Marco
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Friday, April 22, 10 pm
I just arrived in my hotel room, first reflex I drop my stuff and lie on the bed, comfortable…A few seconds later I stand up and turn my head towards the only window of the room, outside the sky was grey and big clouds were approaching not announcing anything good, hoping that tomorrow morning the rain won’t be there, I don’t want to look like a mop, I get up rubbing my hands on my shoulders to warm me up, it’s freezing if I don’t want to be sick tomorrow I have to put on a vest. I approach my suitcase, lift it and put it on my bed without delicacy, after I put the piece of cloth on my shoulders, I start to put my belongings on the room shelf. I mustn’t forget to take the gifts, knowing myself between stress and excitement, I will forget them The sound of my phone ringing startles me, it's my best friend, I pick up
hi ; where are you !? ; she has an unusual voice
I’m fine thank you ; I start making random steps in my room
I’m at your house, but apparently, you’re not! ;
I went to Germany for the weekend ;
What, you went on vacation without me! ;
I’m at a comic con ; … ;
hello? ;
you’re at the German comic con ; bravo you remember ! ; I’m obviously ironic, I had already told her about it, she could have come with me, but she doesn’t like Vikings…
Yeah, it’s good, I drank a little, sooo ;
you can stay at my house if you want ;
serious ? ;
I’m sure you’re already lying on my couch with something to eat ;
Maybe; I hear her yawning uhh, otherwise, what’s new since this morning ?;
hello ? ;
the sound of his snoring was heard ;
ok good night ;
I hang up and go back to my business
an hour later ~
I just finished tidying up, I put the presents on the bed, I finally found the radiator, the room temperature will warm up soon and I ordered food, waiting I sat on the floor to review my schedule for tomorrow, unfortunately, I could only afford one day but we will enjoy it, my day will boil down to waiting, waiting for autographs and still waiting to take pictures, but it’s worth it, imagine meeting Ivar the Boneless !!!
I get up suddenly, hold up my ticket and jump around my bed like a child, after that moment of euphoria, I lie on my back, I start to imagine scenarios, imagine Alex dropping me at the back of the line and making me double-cross everyone, imagine that we get along well, imagine that we become friends or best friend! imagine that he introduces me to all the cast and that he appreciates me all! imagine going to party with them!!!
The sound of my phone notification brings me back to reality, I look at the screen, my belly gargoyle, my food is there! It’s sleep time, I just got out of the shower and headed for my bed which looks more comfortable than when I arrived, I grab my phone and sit comfortably under the cover, the temperature was nice, the sheets are soft, everything is perfect, I launch my playlist puts on my headphones and turns off the light, and it’s back to imagine fake scenarios Weird I don’t think too much about tomorrow, I go more into a fantastic world, some music later, music "until I fond you" begins to ring in my ears, as soon as a man’s face appears, we lie in the hotel bed, the sunlight passes through the window what allows me to better distinguish the face of the man who sleeps on my belly is… Marco!
He smiles at me, with his angelic smile, and approaches me, to place a kiss on my forehead, then he gets up and goes to the bathroom, he was shirtless, which allowed me to look better at detailing his back well drawing, I wait for the shower water to run, an irresistible need to join him takes me, I hardly get up, the sound of his voice comes out of the bathroom, "need help ?", I did not answer but I could not hold my smile, I moved with a little difficulty, arrived, I lean back to the frame of the door, Marco was finishing shaving his beard, he turned his head with a surprised look on his face, but began to smile very quickly, "I was going to come to get you", he rinses his face and approaches, he puts his hand around my waist, I kiss his chest "come with me in the shower", he had a little laugh, he put his hands under my thighs and lifted me, I felt the steam of hot water and Marco’s lips coming closer, but unfortunately the music ended which brought me back to reality, shit! It was so realistic… Let’s hope I'm gonna dream about that! I turn the light back on, grab my book and start my reading, still a little out of it because of this "amazing" fake scenario.
9 am
My alarm clock rings, but my eyes refuse to open and my body to move, after a few seconds I finally decide to extend my arm to stop this unbearable ringing, I stretch myself painfully, then get up, before anything I will take a shower, What better way to wake up than a warm shower. Once I get up, dress up, make up and do my hair, I go to my bag, check my things, and pick up my phone, 10 am, it’s time to go, I grab the key to the room, and out, it’s grey but no rain in sight, I’m waiting for the cab that’s supposed to drive me to the comic con… Damn it! As soon as I got out of the hotel, I realized that I had obviously forgotten the gifts, I hurried up, before my taxi arrived Only 30 minutes to go before arriving, I’m overexcited, my right leg gives small strokes on the ground, and I stress.
Here I am inside, Just in time as the rain begins to fall outside, there is no way that there are people, the comic was suitable to open some minute ago, and already queues started to form I walk between the stands, I have to control the desire to buy everything, I remember that I have no more money, I put everything in this weekend (well almost everything, I still have to pay my rent),    I walk between the stands, and admire the various exhibitions.
A voice announcement that different actors have arrived at their signing booths, and that they will soon be ready, people have started to run like crazy, all in the same direction, I guess it must be around here
I’ve been waiting in line for 1 hour, and to be honest, I don’t know who I’m going to see Jordan maybe? I got in through the crowd, and I couldn’t see where I was going but well it doesn’t matter, but in any case, Alex didn’t notice me as by miracle in the crowd, as I had imagined. After a few minutes and some fangirl fainting, I finally get to see the actor, and it was Alex, the more time passes the more I can’t wait Waiting for my turn, I look at the booth next door, it was Marco he was on break for a few minutes, I am super-happy to see Alex and to be able to talk to him, I had hoped to see and talk to Marco. I had planned to see all the actors of the Vikings present but seeing the world I think it would be impossible for this morning, but it is not a great loss, this afternoon it is the photos, 
37 minutes and 32 seconds later only two people left and it’s my turn hi ; Alex makes me a gesture to move forward Are you okay ? ; He looks at me waiting for an answer I blink quickly and mouse embarrassed Yeah, sorry, I’m fine ; Don’t worry, you’re not the first one that happens ; I imagine ; so what do I sign ? ; I give him a miniature posture of a Vikings season 6 poster You can sign this, please ; of course ; he takes the poster and sits at his table
A hand is placed on his shoulder of Alex who jumps into contact with this gesture, we lift our head at the same time toward the owner of the hand,          My brain freezes, my blood freezes and my cheeks get even redder you made me miss my signature ; idiot, it's always missed your signature ; Marco, did you finish your pose ? ; Yeah ; he looked up at me and smiled Sorry ; w wh why ? ; my voice trembles, I want to slap myself, pick up, he’ll find you strange for the signature ; oh it doesn’t matter, it’s not a big deal ; I feel like my head is going to explode Come to my booth, I’ll give you a better signature than this idiot ;
Alex raised his head and slightly pushed Marco making him laugh, he saluted him and went back to sit down, and gave me a last look before welcoming the fans I think I can die in peace, Marco invited me to his booth… it doesn’t mean anything but in my head, I’m going to get married and have two kids with him, take it back, damn it
for you ; Alex hands me my poster Thanks, uh, I’ve, uh; I’m frantically rummaging through my tote bag a gift? ;
yes ; I give him a stuffed bear dressed up as Ivar the boneless he thanks me in his arms, and it’s already time to leave, I have to leave the place, I turn my head to Marco who looks at me and beckons me to come 
don’t worry Marco she’s coming, she’s not going to fly away ; shout Alex in an ironic tone a heat runs through my body, I smile, and I feel my cheeks warm come ; Marco’s voice echoes in my head as I head towards him, his eyes are on me, and even if his smile is meant to reassure me, I can’t help trembling slightly hi ; I was in front of him… he was standing, I had to raise my head to see his face
I don’t want to disturb, I can keep waiting in line ; I look at the people behind me who are watching us attentively don’t worry, you won’t have time to get back in line, there are too many people ; he holds out his hand FIRST reflex, I put my hand in his….
It took a few seconds for me to realize what I’m doing, so… we’re holding hands, but why did I do that!? , he reached out to me to give him my poster, not that I give him my hand! He had a cute little laugh, which brought me back to reality I’m so sorry ; I take my hand off right away, I don’t even dare look at it, but why did I do that!?
this is the first time that some do this to me; he laughs and I do the same I give him the poster, he takes it and with his other hand he grabs mine, and goes towards his table makes me stop next to the chair, and he sits down gently letting go of my hand, of course, I'm still red
well well well ; he takes his black mark and starts signing I prefer Alex’s ; I was leaning over her shoulder
what ? ; he lifts his head to look at me Alex’s signature is better; I smile sarcastically, and he smiles back
You have no right; he belittles the head to look at his signature
why ?; slightly destabilize because you have no right to choose Alex over me ; he raises his head, hands me my poster and makes me smile mischievously
is that clear ? ; I laugh a little nervous Yes, sir; I take my poster he gets up and looks at me smiling thank you for signing; I said goodbye with my hand and moved towards the exit
where are you going? I turn to see Marco’s face a little confused
where am I going? I’m as confused as he is Yeah, where are you going? I don’t even know what your name is? ; 
oh, uh y/n, enchanting ; why did I say that’s, stupid                                              Marco, nice to meet you ; he shakes my hand
Now that we know each other, I go or…;
you’re leaving? ; a disappointed look appears on his face
I think so, you have to sign more posters ; I smile at his puppy face Alex has the right to a surprise, a hugh and I don’t ? ; He made a dramatic gesture with his hand
oh, yes, no well yes I have something for you too, I have something, of course ; he began to laugh softly
I can’t find the gift I made for Marco I whisper to myself where you put it, where you put the little present for my Marco his laughter grew louder, which made me realize that I spoke a little too loudly
I’m sorry I forget it in my hotel room ; I look at him with a sorry look
really ? ; he seemed to be disappointed Yeah, sorry… ;
Go say it, that you did it on purpose, that you prefer Alex ; no no, I uh I think you heard what I just said anyway ; I’m making a little smile to hide my gene heard
what ? ; he’s getting closer to me, with a stupid fake look on his face nothing, Marco, nothing ; I get a little closer to his face and give him a sarcastic smile
goood Marco, you work or you flirt ? ; Alex, she hates me so much that she didn’t even bring me a present ; my cheeks that were refreshed, go red again let them down,
I’m irresistible, she’s already under the spell, you can’t go after me ; please gentlemen; a security guard was getting closer to us                          yes sorry ;
oh uh yeah I’m going ; I’m heading out this time for good
see you later y/n ; he winked at me and went back to his autographs
What the hell just happened?! I barely realize, that the voice in the speaker, indicates that the photos with the actors will start in 45 min Already? But it’s a few hours? I’m taking my phone out, 2 pm, already!? I think I’ve heard so much! I have to find something to eat and especially a place to sit and recover from my emotions
I searched everywhere, I couldn’t find a free place, so I sat outside, next to a small rescue door The sky was always gray but the rain had stopped, I’m enjoying my meal looking into the void, I can not believe what happened... the scene goes back and forth in my head,                                                            I held his hand there... I began to laugh alone on the moment I was very embarrassed but start it was nice, as if all his hours dreamed was become reality
But let’s be realistic, in a few minutes I’m going to take a picture with him, then come back and never see him again (in real life), each of us is going to go back to our life, and he’s going to forget my name and forget my existence
Besides, I think he’s already forgotten me, and anyway, it’s okay, it’s life, who do I think I am, the main character? no, otherwise I would have kissed him and right now we’d be hand in hand planning our first couple trip The sound of rain comes out of me but thinking, SHIT, I’m going to be soaked, I throw the paper from my snack in the trash next to me and head for the little door
Fortunately, I am only a little wet and with the heat of the big room I will quickly dry I think it’s time to head to the photo booth, I’m slowly moving forward trying to dodge the world but obviously a crowd movement is leading me to oppose it from where I want to go
After a few nudges, I can get myself out of the herd of people who are heading somewhere I arrive, finally "I arrive" and place myself in the queue, it will be long, I feel the headache coming, between the noise and the heat I have the impression that I will faint, fortunately I bought a bottle of water (which cost me dearly, damn it)
After 2 hours of waiting it’s my turn soon, I’m impatient, I’m going to see Marco again !
I give my ticket to a lady who lets me pass in front of a blue background where Alex and Marco were talking, Marco noticed me coming over Alex’s shoulder and gave me a big smile, which made Alex turn around.
Hey, but I know you ?! ; he opens his arms to hold me in his arms, Marco puts his hand on Alex’s shoulder to stop the hug
my turn ; he steps forward and I do the same, red as a tomato
please ; the photographer seemed to want the day to end, a chance for him, the comic con ends soon
what you want to do ; ask Alex Um, I had an idea ;
tell us ; said Marco with a rather perverse smile, which made me laugh
You know the same, where there’s a guy and a girl walking down the street and, you know what, I’ll show you ; I pull out my phone, and they get closer  *shows the same*
oh yes, I know ; Marco raised his head to look at me
so, who does who? ; asks Alex
y/n and I hold hands ; he takes my hand abruptly, and sets himself up to do like the girl in blue, Alex laughs shaking his head and places himself in the same position as the woman in red
Okay, 3 2 1 ; the photographer looks at the photo and gives us a sign that he will take another one
The detention between me and Marco had gone up, although it’s a nice feeling, I think I’ll relax the atmosphere
Alex has a nice butt...; too bad can’t see his reaction, I hear him, choke slightly
the sound of the puddle makes me slightly jump or it is the pressure of Marco’s hand on mine that disturbed me
perfect, thanks ; the photographer goes to a big print and takes out the photos
thank you for coming ; said Alex hug me again
your finish uh ?!, you will suffocate her ; Marco made a false look full of reproach, we laugh slightly I take the pictures
thank you very much for your time, guys  ; 
Marco gently puts his hand behind my back If you don’t know where to go during the summer holidays, come to Denmark, you’ll see it’s super beautiful...; I don’t know why but I do the same thing I put my hand on his back, is this moment real? yeah, why not ; I smiled at her slightly but it’s time to go, so I walk away while saying goodbye
after some second walk in an empty corridor, I arrive in the main room, it is time to leave, where is the exit?
Y/N! ; I turn around to see who pronounces my name (although I certainly don’t get called because I don’t know anyone here)
It was Marco, he stood between the hallway, which I had just crossed, he smiled and waved to me to join him
Are you okay? ; What’s he doing here, he doesn’t have any more photos to take? yes very good is just, that euh ; he gets interrupted by the speakers
*Photo booth closes* *Dear visitors the comic con will soon close, take your time, but please start heading out, thank you*
oh you finished your day ; exactly, and I was wondering ; he stops talking and looks me right in the eye Yeah, Marco, what were you wondering? ; he laughs slightly, he must think himself stupid, but I find him cute to blush slightly, for once it’s not me
I wonder if, uh, how to say, would you be willing to lend me your phone number? ; he smiled embarrassed but a bit charming
oh my God! oh my God! oh my God! it’s not possible! , ok breathe and calm down but oh my God!!!
Lend? ; I try to stay calm .                                                                                      Um, yeah, so I’m giving you a coffee and uh ; I see he’s trying to be confident, but he’s stressed out I can’t believe it! It’s happening to me! a coffee? super! ; his face relaxes, he gives me a wide smile 
great! yeah ; he makes a small gesture of victory, which makes me laugh, how it’s possible to be so cute and so handsome (I think it’s criminal)
Um, will there be Alex? ; He raised an eyebrow no, no, not Alex ; he seemed a little upset by my remark, even though he was pretending not to
I have to catch up, obviously I wanted to be alone with him, but I prefer to ask so much the better ; I wink at him he began to laugh
sorry I ; don’t apologize for being jealous ; I’ll give him a slight pat on the arm jealous ? no, i’m not jealous ; he says laughing
are you sure? ; I tease him just because Alex got a gift and I didn’t ; we laugh there was a moment of silence, we looked at each other without saying anything
*Dear visitors the comic con will soon close, take your time, but please start heading out, thank you*
I think I have to go ; your number, first ; oh yes ; he hands me his phone, I can’t believe it, I can’t believe it! After registering my number in his phone, he offered to take me to the exit and to wait for my taxi together
Marco and I have been sitting on a wall talking for five minutes. I can’t believe, the conversation is going so well, it’s relaunching, after this tiring day that we both spent
He’s very nice in person, and he seems very attentive to what I’m saying, we get along, and we laugh, I find him very charming OK yes I find him handsome , and I have already imagined several times my life with him, but here this conversation, sweet and fun between two real humans is incredible and simple at the same time.
Unfortunately, a taxi is careful to quote us
I think it’s for you ; Marco gets up and holds out his hand, I grab it and lift me up
thank you ; he had a laugh
send me a message when you arrive, ok ? ; he opens the door 
thank you ; I sit in the back seat and greet the driver, the inside of the car was old brown leather, which made it look dark, there was a slight smell of cigarette and the radio passed an old German music air                                                      Marco closes the door, and I open the window
text me when you arrive ; he gets closer and bends over to see me better ok ; we looked at each other with a stupid smile on our faces, without saying anything, without doing anything, this moment is not awkward, it’s just pleasant the engine noise gets louder, I feel the car moving, Marco steps back a bit so as not to get his feet crushed he signs me goodbye and I do the same the car turns to the right and rushes into a street and Marco’s silhouette would disappear from my sight
On the way, I think back to our discussion, which was the most mundane but the most sweet and fun I’ve ever had, I think back to his smiles and his laughter and his eyes looking at me, to his body so close to mine, I dreamed of moments like thisthis, but this was real, and a thousand times better than my dreams
I walk into my room, the cold that reigns and worse than yesterday, I put my bag down, I rush on the heat and turn it on, I don’t remember turning it off on my side this morning, I sit on the bed, and take off my shoes and my jacket, I wish Marco was there to keep me warm, I had a little pevers smile looking at my pillows
7pm I’d been home an hour, and the only thing I could do was take a shower so here I am in hot water, humming songs and foaming soap on my body I let my mind wander, relax after this day filled with emotions
*knock knock*
Marco ? ; His name had escaped my lips, I don’t feel a bit stupid, it was obviously not him... what if?
I turn off the water, go out and wrap a servite around me, I look in the half-foggy mirror, I look pathetic, my hair wet, my skin reddened (by warm water) and my mascara which is not very well gone But whatever, I open the bathroom door and run to the front door.
Nobody, there was nobody, the hallway was empty, disappointed I lowered my head a little on the ground, a bag, a bag of food
but yes, that I am stupid, I was ordered to eat and I did not see the time passing, I laugh a little, find me stupid to have thought that Marco would be there
I go home with the bag of food still warm, and starve on the bed, and start eating
Marco... I’m stupid ; I start laughing all by myself Marco?! I forgot! I forgot to tell him I got here, damn it!
Where’s my phone, or I put it, it’s when you need it most that’s not there FIND, at the foot of the bed, what is it doing there?!
2 missed calls 3 messages
in my life, I prefer to communicate by message, I find it simpler and less annoying, but I wasn’t thinking about it, and I call them It rings, why was I calling them?! a message would have sufficed, I hesitate to hang up but he picks up
Did you see the time? ; He looked ironic I have arrived ; I answer in the same tone as him I thought I’d have to come see if you had arrived well ; still ironic, but he could have been serious ah yeah ? ;                                                                                                        yeah ;
un silence s'instale, je ne sais pas quoi dire, j'aimerais le revoir mais quand ?, et est ce que lui veut me revoir?, oui il veut sinon il ne n'aurait pas demander mon numero de telephone, mais demain je pars, et lui il a la comic con,...
y/n ; yes? ; tomorrow, you ? ; No, I, uh, I wouldn’t be here ; oh too bad ; Yeah, I wish I could have seen you on stage ; I would have liked to see you in the crowd ; it would have been cool ; yeah ; yeah ; What time are you leaving? ; Wait ; I rush to my bag, and take out my ticket I have to be at the airport around 11 am ;
there was a silence and you start at what time tomorrow Marco? ; I have to be there at 2:00; we could meet! wait maybe he doesn’t want ok ok, good luck; thank you;
Go y/n ask for a coffee “date”, or just a short walk to change his mind I risk what? that he says no, that I become embarrassed and that the situation is embarrassing and that I ruin the little chance that I have Be brave, damn it!
tomorrow 10 am, in the bar you want, is that okay? ; There was a silence, shit he’s going to say no... Marco? ; perfect, 10 in front of your hotel, I go to take ; a stewardship joy does not invade (and a huge stress too) great ; I can’t help smiling foolishly I’ll take you to the airport ; oh uh thank you, that’s nice ;
the conversation ended with good-byes tomorrow,
a minute of silence for my soul who has just left my body I can’t believe I have a "date" with Marco Ilso!!!!
What am I gonna wear, I got nothing!!
Apr 23 9 : 30 am
in front of my mirror, I look at myself one last time to be sure that everything is fine, I do a simple hairstyle, a simple make-up, my outfit...I did with what I had, but at least with my 4 layers of clothes I wouldn’t get cold, even though I look like my woodcutter who drank way too many beers
*notification noise* I look at my phone
From Marco <3: I’m waiting for you downstairs
I grab my stuff, look one last time at the room to see if I forgot anything, everything is good I can leave
He stood in front of the reception, dressing well, styling well and beautifully beautiful, for a moment I considered running away, I’m ashamed, imagine a person like me with him, a fan, I’m just a fan... too late he saw me, he beckons me and gets closer
hi, y/n ; hi Marco ; Let me help you ; he put his hand on the handle of my little suitcase oh it’s okay I can do it ; I was a little embarrassed I know ; he took it and motioned me to follow him, outside a taxi waiting for us Once inside a banal conversation began, also side by side, shoulder to shoulder
oh, I was going to forget ; I’m going through my bag, under Marco’s watchful eyes
and there it is ; I give him a small cardboard box what is it ; he prices it carefully a gift ; I smile at him                                                                                                really, I’m entitled to a gift? ; he looks at me smiling Yeah, well, it’s not exactly for you ; what? ; he looked confused open ; I push his shoulder he opened, and began to laugh oh ; What ?! you don’t like it, he’s not gonna like it? ; no, it is perfect, Pablo will love it ; he turns to me with a big smile great ; our face was close, smiling and alaise but very close
he’ll smile, I do the same he gets a little closer to me, I do the same he puts his hand on my cheek, I put my hands on the back of his neck envy, electricity and butterflies paradise, quick and shy, but adorable we look at each other, smiling like children
I won’t tell you what happened next, because it’s a secret A well-kept secret between me and Marco Is our date go well, probably Did we keep talking by message, maybe Did we meet again after, who knows
but what I can tell you is that the fake scenario imagined in this hotel room may have become reality and it’s much better in real life (with some real good sensation)
i known, the end is bad but i have no more inspiration, so, hey sorry
anyway, if you have some request or anythings else
Kiss Kiss
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omegawolverine · 3 years
hi hello i dont think we have talked b4 but i would love 2 hear ur craig ND headcanonz :))
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hehe hello!! thank you for the asks!! here's my ND craig headcanons aka me projecting onto one of my kins :>
note? ig: im diagnosed with adhd buuuut i probably also have undiagnosed autism and idk how to separate those symptoms tbh so im not gonna be too specific about what's what ig. this truly will just be Pure Projection soooo
let's go!
-was absolutely that one kid growing up that got either "never applies himself" or "has good grades, but issues with socialization" on report cards
-bad at making and maintaining friendships :/
-school probably tested him and was like "yeah there is something here but we arent gonna diagnose bc that means we have to give him Actual Accommodations" and then stuck him in SPED classes which just got him bullied ajsksk
-has bad sensory issues with like. the feeling of skin and the sound of like silverware on plates, it literally makes him wanna peel his skin off. there's other ones obvs but those ones are the worst
-sensory overload makes him incredibly agitated or just downright pissed. gets very snippy but doesn't yell bc yelling feels Weird and he doesn't like it
-cant wear more than 2 layers, cant sleep with more than one thin blanket, it makes him feel like he's being suffocated and having his movement restricted
-always stimming but pretty good at making it unnoticeable, has a lot of normalized stims like playing with rubber bands, leg bouncing nail tapping, cracking knuckles, etc.
-but when he isnt trying to hide it? ohhh boy is he a loud motherfucker, very into stims that involve noise like rolling his r's, doin lil brr sounds, clickn buttons on like remotes and stuff, etc.
-not very good at masking tbh
-mmm echolalia galore
-flappy hands!! lots of flappy hands :]
-stims by hitting the balls of his hands/wrists together repeatedly, is probably one of his most used stims
-has like. harmful stims when he's upset or in pain? like hitting himself, scratching himself, etc.
-has lil dancey stims but only really does them in private or around close friends
-so flipping people off is already basically a stim in canon lbr but imagine he starts doing 👉👈 as a joke and then it just becomes a Default Stim. he jus be standing there and outta nowhere he's goin 👉👈 while having a completely normal conversation
-very bad at reading tone and social cues but he just wont admit it. refuses to ask questions either. leads to a lot of bad situations but he'd rather die than ask for clarification
-if you don't tell him exactly what to do he will just kinda. be confused. like you need to give him a step by step tutorial otherwise he will not do something very obvious on his own just incase he's wrong
-low empathy my beloathed /hj
-uhhh pls dont put him in a situation to comfort someone he will say and do all the wrong things even if he's trying his best
-red racer hyperfixation <3 guinea pig hyperfixation <3
-the most dry texter known to man bc he refuses to have important conversations over text due to Lack Of Tone Indication (his friends would be an exception bc tone indicators pog but still greatly prefers irl)
-its the having multiple swears as stimmy words for me /hj
-walks while leaning on the outside of his feet more than having them like. level? if that makes sense. similar to toe walking but like on the sides of the feet
-dont ask him to read a book he'll either hyperfixate or end up rereading the same page over and over again bc he retained nothing
-very blunt but he's not trying to be mean he just has literally no idea how to Not talk like that
-does a lil high picthed mm sound when happy flapping and usually rocks back and forth with it :]
-will be in the middle of the test and you'll just hear him softly muttering "bonk. bonk. bonk. bonk. bon-"
-that ^ or bababooey
-basically any tiktok sound he hates turns into a stim at some point
-has a playlist just titled "neurodivergent moment" bc he's that kind of person. the first song on it is the home of 47, followed by stupid mf (idk if the person who made the home of 47 ((trolleycat)) can reclaim the r slur but it's used a good amount in the song, stupid mf is just blatantly ableist tho lol)
-*info dumps by tearing apart his favorite media and then gets offended when a NT does the exact same thing*
-calls things ableist when they dont go his way
-has a lot of oral stims like give him anything he can chew on and he will fucking destroy it unless it's made to be chewed
-*sees strings on hat* *sticks end in mouf* *complains when its soaking wet 2 minutes later*
-hyperfixates on a lot of problematic media so he has become the most critical ass mfer when it comes to the shit he consumes
-sometimes he just. screams. bc he can. and he feels the need to.
-has rsd but shhh he'll never discuss it
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eitelle · 4 years
hi!! this is where the matchups are i think??? haikyuu pls!!
i’m 5’8, im an intp and a gemini, i really like astrology and i play the guitar and stuff like that :3 my style is pretty good i would say and i put effort in my looks lol, i watch a lot of youtube and play minecraft a lot and listen to music an excessive amount 😭😭 i like anime too haha, i literally only hang out with like 2 people because anyone i’m not comfortable with i’m rlly shy around and i don’t talk much in social situations especially with people i don’t know, i like to sleep a lot and i’m pretty lazy ngl hahshdhdh
that’s pretty much it sorry if i did this wrong oops tysm! <3333
HIHI U DID THIS COMPLETLY RIGHT TY FOR THE SUBMISSION!! wait damn i cant spell. and i call myself a writer 😞🤚 ANYWAYS ARE WE THE SAME MF PERSON??/):$36:$;7 except im 5’4.5 and im an enfp BUT STILL
lemme just kin assign u kenma rq 🙄🤚 basically that means marry me
lemme just match you up with: BOKUTO KŌTARO 🥰
baby is so cute and he will crack u out of ur shell 🤤 BYE I HATE THAT EMOJI SM I CANT
anyways some hcs:
so basically if ur in the dream smp he will watch the WHOLE THING
will he understand any of it? hell no
will he have kins and also become obsessed and simp for wilbur and quackity? hell yeah
u will change his bio on social media to “him/himbo” BYE
akaashi and u are besties i dknt make the rules
tempted to say suna but u and bo would have just cuddle dates
he woukd spoon you and yall would just cuddle and he would rant ab his day while u relaxed
he would play w ur hair
he loves it when u play with his hair tho
wtf is this spotify ad
will have random arguments or be like “what is the dip of ur calf called?” “isnt white just light black and black is dark white?”
both of yall are ruled by mercury so,,,, match made in heaven
you guys are people who get lost sometimes but no matter what you always find each other
like how the ocean will always wash something up, or how i always shit what i eat out
u make playlists for yall and he has a little jar of every one youve made that youve shown him and of his fav songs from them
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another day, another 12 hours in bed. maybe 8 today because dinner downstairs actually sounds good for once. but all of that was ruined when u hear footsteps OUTSIDE YOUR FRONT DOOR. you literally hear huge ass thumping, probably jumping. and these arent just small cute ones; no theyre large and booming.
“HEY HEY HEYYYYYY,” you hear as your front door is ripped open. you sigh with a smile on your face and get out of bed to go greet your boyfriend. knowing how empathetic he can get you become happy just at the sight of him.
he opens his arms wide and brings you in for a hug, lifting you ip and carrying you while talking about the sights he saw on his run here. as you both end ip in ur room, you lay down on top of his chest listening and laughing at his imagination and perceptiveness.
“anyways, its such a nice saturday morning.” he says, meanibg for it to be an offhanded comment but he doesnt notice your tensing up at his comment.
“saturday? ko its tuesday,” you say turning to look ay him with a questioning stare.
“SHIT ITS TUESDAY? AKAASHIS GONNA KILL ME!” he yells as he leaps up. as he gives you a peck on your cheek he leaps down your stairs and runs to the fukurodani gym.
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texts now 😋😋
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asbcblog · 4 years
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1. I remember everything - John Prine
I was going to write an incredibly earnest and long review of this song that outlined just how much John Prine meant to me. I can’t really do it and I think this song probably says enough alone. With only a few chords he always manages to express all the little things that make love what it is, all different kinds of love. Long lasting, short moments, love with places, sounds, going places and staying home, endless family ties, and the often fragile but in the end tenable love between all human beings in the face of catastrophe. The pandemic stole a lot of things from a lot of people this year, including John Prine, but he will remain one of the greatest songwriters of all time and his songs will live on forever.
2. Dream Palette - Yves Tumor
I can’t drive but let’s pretend I’m driving, I’m in LA and it’s night time or something, my elbow’s out the window, don’t know why I’m wearing sunglasses, this song comes on the radio, I’m the coolest person alive.
3. Boylife in EU- Yung Lean
Not to repeat my review of Garden but when the chorus comes I feel like I’m on top of a really big hill and its pouring it down with rain and im screaming but this time its because of a no-deal Brexit.
4. Garden- Joseph Futak
My review was already used as part of Joe’s promo campaign and it said: “feel like im on top of a really big hill and its pouring it down with rain and I’m screaming when the drums come in x x”
5. Circle the Drain- Soccer Mommy
I like this song because I too, am often alone in my room, and I have also become obsessed with subtle breakbeats to an extent where people around me have become very bored of the subject.
6. The Brothers William Said- The Innocence Mission
I listened to this song over and over when I was travelling round London in January just after my birthday, it felt like I’d been listening to it for years, like it was in a movie I’d forgotten. It felt at the time like I was saying a lot of goodbyes, recognising that things weren’t really like they used to be.
7. On the Floor- Perfume Genius
Say it with me ladies: I CROSS OUT HIS NAME ON THE PAGE!!!!
8. Shameika- Fiona Apple
She may not believe it but I bet Fiona Apple looked tough with a riding crop.
9. Song for Our Daughter- Laura Marling
Everything about this is fantastic, mellow and bright at the same time. Every part is brought forward individually and no part of this song gets left behind. A stunning vocal from Laura Marling and purposeful lyrics set to a cinematically emotive instrumental. Pure magic as always.
10. Building site outside- Piglet
Not going to lie, I was in a very vulnerable emotional state when I listened to this song for the first time, but I think that makes it no less powerful and just, sad. The lyric ‘she smiled at me so much last time’ is just so simple and devastating that you forget this would’ve been on every indie film soundtrack from 2000-2008 if Piglet was an industry plant.  
11. I wonder- Shamir
One word: EPIC
12. Crimson Tide- Destroyer
Listened to this every time I came on my period this year.
13. In the Dining Room - Joe Pera talks with you
Adam showed me Joe Pera when I really felt incredibly sad at the very beginning of this year. It’s a show that’s made me feel good, no matter the circumstances. This moment in the show made me smile, and I love hearing Gene come in a bit too early.
14. Stupid Love- Lady Gaga
Shakin my little booty in the kitchen to this x
15. Might bang, might not- Little Simz
Livid we didn’t all get to go to End of the Road and see all the hot dad’s loving Little Simz.
16. Fire- Waxahatchee
A truly insane vocal. I listened to this song on my way to work almost every day from September to December and fantasised singing back up at some kind of outdoor gig in the summer and it made everything significantly less bleak.
17. Hannah Sun- Lomelda
This song is too nice and genuine for me to say anything other than, “really lovely song :)”.
18. Scroll of Sorrow- Machine Girl, guayaba
Listened to this a lot this year while sitting on my kitchen floor staring into an empty oven, wondering if I was ever going to go to a party again.
19. Build a nest- Jeff and Ruby Parker
Have put this on in the flat because the guitar solo reminds me of everything my dad listens to at home. A really great piece of music that kicks off a really exciting album.
20. Kiss me thru the phone- That Kid
Ned said yesterday that he thought it was funny how much the original of this song is so foundational to hyper pop and I agree. Also I’ve started saying ‘Bitch’ like That Kid does every time I stub my toe.
21. Cuckoo- Sam Amidon
I am punting down a creek, looking in the branches that hang over the water for the bird that shall lead me to my next clue.
22. Places/ Plans- Skullcrusher
Used this song to comfort myself in moments where I also just don’t understand why I’m not famous.
23. Sweetjoy- Jam City
Finally….. HAIM for dudes.
24. Clean Living- Slow Weather
I saw someone listening to this on the side of my Spotify so I decided to give it a go and it was a fantastic decision. It’s mental that half of this song is an outro.
25. Summer All Over- Blake Mills
Along with the music video visuals and the dampened piano tone, this wins the competition for least summer-y song with the actual word summer in the title.
26. Ready Cheeky Pretty- CHAI
All of my joy this year has been brought to me by CHAI. I have nothing negative to say about CHAI. If you have anything negative to say about CHAI you’re gonna have to go through me.
27. Diaphanous- Land of Talk
This band was recommended to me by a guy I was trying to flirt with at rough trade east but everything closed before I could impress him by saying ‘I think they’re really cool’.
28. Anything - Adrianne Lenker
Anyone who has ever attempted to write a song with me knows how much I simply love rhyming. Seriously though, every thing rhymes, brilliant stuff. (It’s also such a brilliantly full and constant song that still manages to move and remain exciting from start to finish. I imagine this is partially due to Adrianne Lenker’s almost nursery rhyme- esque structure and also due to her beautifully colloquial approach to family dynamics.)
29. Blow- Dj Gigola, Kev Koko
This song makes me wish I was Jason Bourne- just wanna jump really far while something explodes behind me.
30. Money Can’t Buy- Yaeji, Nappy Nina 
‘Well I’ll buy some Yaeji tickets, they’re for NOVEMBER, there’s NO WAY they’re gonna get cancelled’.
31. Only the Truth- Johanna Warren
When I first listened to this song I felt like I was floating in the ocean looking up at the stars as the drums came in on ‘what more can I do’. An incredibly beautiful and careful song.
32. Gasoline- Haim
2020 could probably be summarised with the phrase ‘WHY AM I NO LONGER IN CALIFORNIA? WHY DID I LEAVE CALIFORNIA?’ And this song is the 3 minutes 13 seconds seconds of escapism I needed to not topple into a full spiral.
33. Mapuu - Ic3peak
No one can convince me that Ic3peak are real people. They are a collective made up of child ghosts.
34. Don’t Worry- Bladee
Whenever I have an anxiety attack in the night I wake up and see Bladee’s ghost of the future over my bed, he says ‘Don’t worry’ and mumbles for a bit as I fall back into a peaceful sleep.
35. The biggest tits in history- The magnetic fields
The most relatable magnetic fields song imo.  
36. Sand Castle- nijuu
Yujin is a genius and my answer is yes, I do want to just walk for a while.
37. Curl Up- Darren Hayman
Ned reminded me how much I used to love Darren Hayman, and both of them have been a pretty big part of my year.
38. When Will Death Come- Sarah Mary Chadwick
‘Wow, mental voice’ - Ned, while doing the washing up.
39. Dear Dad - Sylvie Wiley
‘But I didn’t cry, you’d be proud’ Sylvie, I’m weeping forever.
40. 34+35- Ariana Grande
41. Garden Song- Phoebe Bridgers
Phoebe Bridgers is a pretty unparalleled lyricist and this song feels like a disconnected series of thoughts that somehow all make sense together and come to create something that doesn’t build, but all just kind of sits? What I’m trying to say is that I don’t really know what she’s talking about but like, I get it.
42. Ringtone (remix) - 100 gecs, Charli xcx, Kero Kero Bonito, Rico Nasty, 
I love the way it sounds like everyone got just one take and had to improvise all the lyrics but it still bangs.
43. Changer- Andy Shauf
Thank you lord for another album about a smaller than average man overthinking all of his social interactions with lots of lovely clarinet parts.
44. What’s your pleasure - Jessie Ware
My pleasure jessie? Probably just sitting by the fire with a tough crossword and a glass of merlot x
45. Slime- Shygirl
Shygirl’s series of singles this year made me even more livid that I had to take out my eyebrow piercing for my new job this year.
46. Sears Tower- Salem
Perfect halloween release.
47. Title track- happyness
Ned turned to me and said: ‘so is their new thing that they sound like Elliot Smith’ and I said: ‘and that’s a bad thing?’
48. Cross-sound ferry (walk on ticket) - Hamilton Leithauser
Have found unbelievable joy in chopping veg and shouting GREEEEEEEN PORT, NEEEEEEWWWW YOOORK alone in my kitchen.
49. Lowswimmer- Hailaker
I’ve loved hearing Jemima’s voice when I haven’t got to see her much this year. I normally take the piss out of the Hambledon line but I haven’t seen that this year really either. I guess we find sentimentality in strange places.
50. XS - Rina Sawayama
This song made me feel very decadent on those days where I didn’t wash.
51. Emily- Clem Snide
Let’s be more kind and brave in the face of it all.
52. Building a fire- Bonnie ‘Prince’ Billy
P.O.V you’re doing bushcraft in the garden with your husband Bonnie Prince Billy and he’s here to protect you.
53. Asexual Wellbeing- Okay Kaya
This song absolutely bangs but I am truly bewildered by the way they singled out the line ‘if they could put a pulse into a spinach leaf, can they turn the two of us into a tree?’ in the production as if that was a true piece of genius. As I say great tune tho.
54. Anthems- Charli xcx
The soundtrack to couch to 5k
55. Never Better- Kitty Fitz
A SE London queen bringing us huge pop tunes in 2020. So so excited to see what 2021 brings us from Kitty, she’s gonna be a real force!
56. Deep in Love- Bonny Light Horsemen
This is such a delightful song which (mainly due to the time I actually got around to listening to the whole record) for me really rang in the spring. A beautifully recorded testament to the feeling of love getting stronger meaning you have a lot more to lose.
57. Malibu- Kim Petras
My song of the summer, made me feel like I was at the beach when really I was in Lewisham.
58. Like I’m Winning it- Girlpool
I’m so delighted that the turn girlpool have made this year is towards dramatic goth music with breakbeats. Their voices both sound amazing and they look simply incredible.
59. Azad- Frazey Ford
I have no idea what she’s saying as always but I love it.
60. Helio- Charlotte Dos Santos
I’m literally so excited for what Charlotte Dos Santos is gonna put out next. The production is fantastic and her aesthetics are flawless.
61. Lost in the Country- Trace Mountains
‘I checked my email twice as I cried’. Safe to say we’ve all been there this year amirite girlies x
62. Unfold You- Rostam
I hated this at first, I thought, what’s this lo-fi beats to study to shit, but it’s now my classic ‘I’m just gonna pop to the shops, anyone want anything? x’ song. Huge.
63. Oh Yeah- A.G cook
One of 2020s realisations is that me and A.G Cook kind of look like we could be cousins.
64. Can’t cool me down- Car Seat Headrest
I would like to personally thank will Toledo for giving me a tune that got me off my ass when I was too warm to do exercise this summer.
65. Take back the radio- Katy J Paerson
In love with Katy J Pearson’s voice and the way this song builds. Just pretty flawless and feel good in my opinion. I think she’s such an exciting new artist who’s gonna be around for a very very long time.
66. Good Woman- The Staves
‘I’m a good woman’… speak for yourselves.
67. A Little Love- Jack Francis
Feel like I’ve been singing this song for about 5 years! It’s amazing and I’m so excited about what Jack’s going to bring out in 2021, he’s a genius and also the nicest man on the planet.
68. Lullaby No.4 - Snailbeach
This song makes me feel like I’m being hypnotised on a haunted carousel in a very relaxing way.
69. Boyfriend in every city- Roma Radz
Sucks that she can’t see any of her boyfriends cos of covid :(
70. Jaja ding dong- Will Ferrell
Get back in there and play Jaja Ding Dong !!!!
71. Highway- Jonatan leandoer96
Man, would be pretty sick to have 20 boys outside the club but alas the clubs are dead and I’ve only regularly texted about 4 people this year.
72. De nadie- Kali Uchis
Felt v sexy listening to this for the first time in a Morley’s in Honor Oak.
73. Weird Fishes- Lianne La Havas
This album was a pretty triumphant return for Lianna La Havas and me teenage self simply couldn’t be happier.
74. Micro Creature- Aya Gloomy
Love that despite everything about this song telling me otherwise, that the artwork for this single looks like Aya Gloomy is just chilling in the fields by my family home in Hampshire.
75. Si Ella Sale- Bad Bunny
Better get on the duolingo now if I’m gonna know what this guy’s saying at Porto next year.
76. Through my sails- Mountain Man
Truly gentle reimagining of an already incredibly beautiful song, mountain man make every word seem new!
77.Christmas Day (get me outta this funk) - Baggio and Blue 5 Years- Bath days
In joint 77th place are two banging Christmas songs that have soundtracked a pretty bleak Christmas period and have made me feel pretty joyous in their ways, despite one literally being called Blue Five Years.
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shiro-0197 · 4 years
Of course! The title is Yuukoku no moriarty, and it's honestly one of the best things I've EVER watched (next to aot and haikyuu) and I watch it with my mom 😆 they're all so pretty I might cry
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oh that is SO understandable. We get flooded with lots of work too, our days are always filled with tuition classes and stuff, and the more active you are, the more responsibilities you have, which also eats a lot of time. (I'm VERY active in clubs and extracurriculars so I low-key don't have any time at all when schools on, so it's very nice to relax now)
I hope you find out soon!! And I hope you don't get those headaches :( they must be very annoying... Skdhskks that sounds so nice!! I hope breakfast goes well!!
I woke up early to join an event another Leo club from a different school was hosting. The president invited me and I went as a favour hhh. I'm probably gonna spend the rest of my day working on our event, and inviting people. My email and phone are so packed with contacts to invite 😣🙀 and I've been calling my members since morning to get them to help me with the promotion :D
oh that's so cute! It just personalises the names so well uwu and that way no one else except you guys will ever know which store you're referring to.
YES IT WOULD!! I'd love to bake with you. I totally wouldn't smear flour on you when you aren't noticing, wdym? 💁😼😋
oh I see!! So they celebrate Eid, then? Tho yes I think new year's is universal :D can't wait to count down and welcome the new year~ that sounds so cool!! Gonna check their videos out if I have time, and I added the song to my playlist!! I get what you mean, whenever the singer screams or something, chills istg! I used to listen to a song like that, it had a scream in it halfway but I forgot the name. I'll let you know if I remember!! Do you have a celebrity crush? I'm curious x)
IM GONNA FITE YOUR HEADACHE HOLD ME BACK HOW DARE IT PLAGUE YOU AND MAKE YOU FEEL UNCOMFORTABLE >:(((((( brb gonna Google how to fight a headache :] tho I hope you have a good brunch :D
JB skfhskjdks no 😭😭 me and my friend constantly annoy each other with his song titles, especially "baby" cuz it's the cringiest thing ever, but we can't ever seen to drop it skckdhkdk
thank you!! And good luck to you too, I hope you have a good day!
Ohh, it looks good! Thank you, I'll check it out<33
Ahh, that sounds so stressful!! I'm glad you have time to rest today, and I'm proud that you got through that everyday, I would've probably shrunken or something at that amount of work XD
Yep, though sometimes I get distracted enough to not notice them. I forgot how it feels to live without a headache, and now I dont know if I dont have it all the time and if I just imagine the pain sometimes, it's so confusing😭😭 It did!! It was nice, it was really quiet and I decided to put my phone away and it felt pretty good<3
Oho?? That's so cool! From a different school? Our schools have connections too but tbh we dont hold meetings together at all, that sounds so cool. I wish I went to your school😩 mine isn't bad but tbh I'd need something to keep me busy. I'm literally so used to having free time every day it's annoying. I hope you're holding up well with all your work, good luck♡♡
Ahahah, food fight during baking🥰 that sounds like a huge mess, I'm in.
Yeah, they do!! Though not everyone does the fasting part, they still celebrate it.
I hope you like 'em!! And sameeee the absolute blast I feel whenever they scream is INSANE, I'd love to hear that song you're talking about hehe~
A celebrity crush? Well, I'm not really big on celebrities right now XD though about an year abo I was obsessed with Brian Dechart and Ben Lambert, the guys who played Connor and Simon in Detroit: Become Human. I watched EVERYTHING I could find with them.
Also, idk if it counts, but I really admire a girl from Kuro's school. He keeps talking about her, saying how cool she is and what awesome stuff her and her class do. Shes also one of the main members (idk, maybe shes the leader? I'm not sure) of the KVN club of their school, which is really cool. It might be a waste of time, but if you're curious you can check out the team's insta - 6madam - and theres everything else you need. The girl's name is Raushan and the amount of stuff she does for the school is really cool:)
BWAHAHAH I feel you, when someone mentions the "Baby", no one can stop singing the freaking "baby, baby, oeaughbehhfhdhhr" part and it's so HORRYFYING sometimes but also so FUNNY😭
I hope school's been treating you well, love you lots😝💖💞💝💕
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the-kipsabian · 6 years
Also sparkleharper and/or spaceharper
sparkleharper ~
Who offers their jacket when the other is cold?jared. this smol thing on his side cant be cold, nope he wont allow. his sparkles will keep him warm lol
Who giggles uncontrollably when the other playfully picks them up?idk how many times i can repeat myself, but mads will just. yell. and she cant pick up jared so yep
Who compliments the other in front of everyone?jareddddd. mostly cause thats just what he does tbh. and mads doesnt need to say anything to compliment him in front of everybody tbh, everyone already knows how fantastic the school senpai is lol
Who is more likely to tell the other a pun and what is the other’s reaction to the pun?i think in this case the puns fall on mads to deliver? being the courteous gentleman that he is, jared laughs. pretty much every time, not even depending whether he gets it or not tbh
When one of them has a bad day, what does the other do to help cheer them up?jared puts up a “fashion show” for mads, completed with a photoshoot session of goofy outfits and expressions and googly eyes. when jared needs to distress, mads sits him down, asks him to ramble to her about any recent d&d games and help him plot some really stupid and lighthearted side quests while having a relaxing cup of tea and some kit made cookies
If they got to pick what one another wears for a day, what would one another wear?blue. lots of blue. mads wants jared to wear his blue shirt (”its pretty and its soft and you look so nice in it”) and jared insist she wears one of his shirts (”cause its adorable, they are so big on you”) and her favorite pair of blue jeans. i dont think i need to say why anymore at this point lol
Who introduces their partner to their family first? How does it go?for this, i wanna say mads? jared obviously isnt too keen on introducing anyone to his family, and while mads is very hesitant about this, especially since this is a super well-behaved boy its. gonna get very awkward considering what kind of a bunch of normies my family is mmmm. but jared is a good boio underneath all that rich senpai stuff, so it would probably go very well in the end, actually
In a coffee shop AU, who would be the coffee shop employee and who would be the customer?jared is too pretty to work as a coffee shop employee sssooo hes the customer, and mads is the daydreaming waitress woo
When they sit side by side, do they touch one another? For example, does one person has their arm around the other, do they sit holding hands, or linked arms, ECT.jared definitely. has at least one arm flung around her at like all times. if he needs to be more discreet in like a more public place or whatnot, he holds her hand under the table
What is a small thing that one another does to make their partner happy?jared definitely tries to befriend the stray cats tbh. mads takes his encouragement about herself to heart and whenever jared is feeling down or just generally missing her, she send him little video messages to cheer him on and selfies she wouldnt sent to anyone else cause jared keeps saying he loves seeing her and that makes him happy so dang it shes gonna push past her comfort zone to be more comfortable with herself and make him happy
What would they do to celebrate their one year anniversary?jared would arrange something very elaborate tbh. take her to dinner, possibly see a movie, go to the arcade, win her everything she wants, walks in the moonlight.. literally anything that he can think of, and he would fit it into either one day or over the weekend, if mads seems like shes gonna get exhausted by it
When did they know that loved each other, and when did they first tell each other that they loved one another?i feel like they both had like. hard time actually recognizing when it was love tbh? like yeah mads first falls for him cause of aesthetic reasons, and jared is playing the senpai card of loving every girl, so you cant really tell on the outside when its actually love or when either of them develop like real feelings, but at some point it just. kinda becomes obvious that oh shit i. love this person?? and yeah its jared who definitely says it first tho. its like an offhand remark at first and mads is like ‘what did you say’ and jared repeats it and realizes that oh heck i. actually do mean this??
Who likes to give the other hugs from behind followed by a kiss?jared does this as a combo, mads sneaks in little kisses when hes piggybacking her around tbh
Who would make a playlist for the other person? What would be featured on the playlist?i feel like mads would do that? jared is more about more expensive presents, while mads cant really afford that so she has to pull something selfmade together and yeah, that happens. its mostly like ambient sounds and background music tbh, stuff she thinks will inspire him and what he could use for d&d games and maybe some more upbeat stuff for the fashion shows and for better days
Who would bring their partner on a romantic date under the stars?they could both do this tbh? mads wants to surprise him so she arranges a little cuddling under a blanket while stargazing moment, and jared just does this a lot in general
spaceharper ~
Who offers their jacket when the other is cold?jeff. mom friend habits kick in and they kick in hard. this has also probably been established somewhere in the canon of this route anyways lol
Who giggles uncontrollably when the other playfully picks them up?im gonna keep repeating myself but mads. except that she yells. put her down yall pls
Who compliments the other in front of everyone?mmm i wanna say jeff? but its like. really soft things and its done in almost unnoticeable fashion, like its just really offhand comments like “oh shes so sweet” etc. unless its something that she has given him a permission to share about her writing. then jeff will lose his freaking mind cause eveRYONE NEEDS TO SEE THIS THING MY GF DID OMG
Who is more likely to tell the other a pun and what is the other’s reaction to the pun?i’d imagine jeff is more of a pun man out of these two. he does it very casually tho, like most of the time its not on purpose or he doesnt put much emphasis on it, so most of the time mads just misses it. if she gets it tho, she will most likely laugh
When one of them has a bad day, what does the other do to help cheer them up?jeff arranges some cuddle time, with the help of kit builds a blanket fort, gets some scented candles, and they just cuddle up with some strays and play animal intersection. if its jeff that needs destressing, mads will literally cling onto him until he sits down and just takes it easy - which is her cue to throw a blanket on him, get jeff a cup of tea and just sit down and talk about random nonsense with him to make sure he takes a break from everything
If they got to pick what one another wears for a day, what would one another wear?onesies all day every day. jeff in a hamster onesie, and mads in a fox one
Who introduces their partner to their family first? How does it go?jefffffff. i think ive crossed this topic enough times by now tbh lol
In a coffee shop AU, who would be the coffee shop employee and who would be the customer?mmmm i’d say jeff is the customer? i could see him working in a coffee shop tho, but this pair feels better to me with mads behind the counter tho
When they sit side by side, do they touch one another? For example, does one person has their arm around the other, do they sit holding hands, or linked arms, ECT.jeff does what mads feels comfortable at the moment. usually its just limited to hand holding, tho if they are in relax mode, like playing games and mads doesnt wanna be too cuddled up but still wants to be close enough to jeff, there will at least be her legs in his lap
What is a small thing that one another does to make their partner happy?jeff brings sweets and stray cats. hes also always available for cuddles and advice when needed. mads sends him stupid pictures of her with googly eyes and gets him hamster related gifts cause they made her think of him
What would they do to celebrate their one year anniversary?STARGAZING WITH CANDLE LIGHT PICNIC NEXT QUESTION
When did they know that loved each other, and when did they first tell each other that they loved one another?jeff helps her through some rough times and shes like. oh heck i like this boi like. LIKE him. oh dear goodness me what do. jeff comes somewhere afterwards as they spend more time together and thats where the whole ‘you wanna join hidden club’ thing comes along and only after that jeff has it in him to actually tell her how she feels mmmmalso it would. probably actually be mads who tells him first? jeff has hard time opening up about his feelings even if they are there, so it falls on her to confess about it first yay
Who likes to give the other hugs from behind followed by a kiss?both honestly? tho jeff needs to be sitting down for this lol, but yeah they both do it. its just a cute little way to show the other that hey im glad youre here
Who would make a playlist for the other person? What would be featured on the playlist?probably both? with both asking help from luke cause oh my god wHAT DO
Who would bring their partner on a romantic date under the stars?mads? its one of those nights when jeff really needs to destress and she knows how much he likes space and stars and stuff so she basically drags him out to just lay on the grass and stare up at the sky like yes pls jeff tell me about your plan to shoot hamsters into space again tho i mean when you put it like that its not like. super romantic pfff but you know it doesnt need to be romantic as long as it makes him happy
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