#im in. the worst mood ever so this was all i could choke up
verawhisk · 2 months
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"who had the most negative impact on your character's life?" for @fire-shadow-dragon-god
oiriginal ask ^^
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goremet-chef · 1 year
vent. mind the tags
grieving with bpd is so... i wont say its worse or anything cuz im really not about that shit, anyone and almost everyone can and has felt this pain before, its a constant of life, but.. when im not actively sobbing and depressed and my mood switches up, it makes me feel so guilty. i should be spending that time in misery, i should be wailing and wiping more snot from my nose and my head should hurt worse like it was a few minutes ago, but yknow. emotional permanence n all that
its so funny, they keep trying to get me to believe in god, she says he'll show himself to me and ill find him my own way. i respect that she at least respects im not there yet (i dont think ill ever be truthfully but we can agree to disagree), but i just keep losing more and more, and any faith i had gets ripped away in an instant. there is no god worth worshipping, because someone worth worshipping would not put me through this pain again and again and again
3 pets dead within a YEAR. riley died june 29, 2022, talcum died in october of 2022, and now artemis, today. may 24. it hasnt even been a full year since riley died. i cant keep doing this man
i find myself less hopelessly despaired and choking on my spit wailing sad like the last two, only because im started to.. lose faith in everything. i feel cynical, it makes me MAD
because i did everything right this time. with riley, i made the mistake of even THINKING that it couldve been cancer, and then it was. i know that wasnt my fault, he had the tumor before i even came to visit and before we took him to the vet, but its still incredibly hard not to blame myself for that. talcum died of stress, because bruce kept jumping on his bird cage. i was so ashamed with myself that my MOM (who doesnt even view our pets as family, more like accessories) noticed talcum wasnt singing like he used to. i didnt even notice until the day after when my sibling was on the phone with every vet he could call to see if they took birds
i was optimistic this time, because it looked hopeful! it seemed like she would be okay, i told myself itll be fine and that we'll fix her up and she'll live longer because she deserves to. obviously that was completely useless because shes dead now, so none of that mattered. i didnt even get to say goodbye to her. i said bye when i left my grandmas house a few days ago, but.. its not the same.
i did everything right this time and obviously it didnt fucking matter because theres no fixing that. theres nothing you can do, death is the worst part of life and it never goes away. never gets easier, you can never outrun it. it makes me so sad that the ones who dont deserve it get it first. i know they were old cats but artemis wasnt THAT old. she probably wouldve lived happily for quite some time after, if everything turned out good. ive known them since i was 7. theyve been in my life forever, and now theyre both gone
god it hurts so much, it never gets easier. i just feel so hopeless right now. i wish i could freeze time, and we could just exist as we are forever. but i cant do that
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2jaeh · 3 years
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GENRE: mature theme, slight smut
WARNINGS: choking, dom themes, cursing
asshole! Doyoung , enemies to ???
Words : 4k 
You’re put in a group project with the most annoying pretentious jerk your law class had to offer. Immediately Doyoung tries to boss you around but you being you, you weren’t taking his shit...soon enough he finds out he can dominate you after all...in a very different way. 
“Theres no fucking way...no fucking way” you groaned looking at your group project list, eyes narrowing on possibly the worst people within your course year. Slumping in your seat you half smiled at the girl who approached you, one of your fellow members from project hell. 
“Heyyy y/n I think we're in a group together” she grinned and took a seat next to you, flipping her red hair over her shoulder and checked herself out in her mirror covered cellphone. 
Dami was probably the most narcissistic person you'd ever met and being in law, it was definitely a common trait around here. Dami sat up and began tapping you on your shoulder frantically “He’s in our group! Kim Doyoung is in our group” the two of you watched as the dark haired man conversed with the lecturer, casually turning back to look at the table where you guys sat, in annoyance. 
“That guy is such a prick” a guy who slid in the desk behind you, Seungmin said and Dami nodded in agreeance as you all continued to watch him. 
“Ive never really spoken to him before” you cocked your head, “What’s so annoying about him?” 
This time another group member joined in, a quieter girl who normally sat in the back Jisoo, cleared her throat, “He is really bossy and only likes to do things his own way.”
‘Well he is about to meet his worst nightmare’ you thought knowing nothing pissed you off more than someone telling you what to do. 
The muffled conversations around you began to soften as you felt someone stand over you and drop a file on your desk. Looking up, you locked eyes with the one and only Kim Doyoung, dressed in his usual black slacks, black turtleneck and clear rimmed spectacles. He raised his eyebrow at you as if you were supposed to guess what he wanted.
“What ?” you challenged him, folding your arms across your chest and returned an eyebrow raise. 
Doyoung sighed in annoyance, his long slender fingers moved across the file and opened it swiftly, “I want you to do roll call” he said coldly. 
A lump formed in your throat. You felt like you were being talked down to, it was something that infuriated the hell out of you. He wasn't older than you, nor was he getting better grades than you but somehow he had a superiority complex. Dami quickly nudged you and you rolled your eyes, “Seungmin ?”
“Jisoo ?” you placed a tick as you called out each name. 
“Dami, Jangjun…?” you looked around and noticed that the usually loud comedic relief in your classroom was nowhere to be seen. 
“I think Jangjun is late, i’ll text him” Seungmin sighed and pulled out his phone. You turned back to the roll call sheet and pursed your lips, “Kim Doyoung ?” 
Doyoung just looked down at you, sucking in his bottom lip and raised that damn eyebrow at you again. 
“You need to say ‘here’ do you not know how roll call works ?” you tested him and he rolled his eyes and sighed, “here.” 
You smiled to yourself, completely satisfied with pissing him off when your internal celebration was interrupted by an out of breath Jangjun, who threw his bag on the floor and took a seat on Dami’s desk. Doyoung looked at him disgustingly, and even though you too were obviously annoyed by Jangjun’s tardiness, was that reaction really necessary ?
“Be on time” Doyoung sneered and grabbed the roll call file making his way back to the lecturer. 
“Fuck Kim Doyoung is in this group ?” Jangjun groaned, sharing the sentiments of the entire meeting. You couldnt believe these were the people you had to work with for the week. It's like you could almost feel an outburst waiting to happen, whether it be from you or Kim Doyoung. 
Doyoung returned and took out his phone, not really looking at any of you as he spoke, “we should make a group chat to update each other on work”
The group hastily shared each other's details and Doyoung created the chat and pinned a set of three rules. 
The first was the group was strictly to be used for the project, no small talk or any other messages that weren't related to the project. The second rule was that no one talks about the group content in private chats as it will cause confusion among members. Lastly you weren't allowed to message after 9pm unless it was an emergency, a very serious emergency. 
“Dang is this the military ?” Jangjun snickered as Seungmin and Dami tried their best to hide their laughs. It was typical of people like Dami and Jangjun to not take anything seriously. Their families were well off and they were just studying just for a piece of paper you call a degree. Doyoung couldn't even hide his annoyance, not like he ever did but he seemed particularly pissed off today. 
“Look, just follow the rules and all of you get a free pass and then we never have to speak to each other again” Doyoung spat and made his way to the exit leaving the rest of you in utter shock. 
The first two days were utter hell as Doyoung tried to take control of almost every aspect of the project and frankly you didn't even mind because his business proposal was flawless, it was just the way he spoke to all of you that drove you insane. 
“Dami its not fucking rocket science all you need to do is make a clientele spreadsheet with the mock list the professor gave us” Doyoung didnt even lift his head from his laptop, unaware of the impact his words had on her. 
Dami pushed away from the desk and her eyes began to well up and before you knew it she was running out of the library, with Jisoo and Seungmin following quickly out of concern. 
“Nice move asshole” you rolled your eyes, continuing to work on your laptop. 
Doyoung peered up and pushed his spectacles up, “what was that?” 
“I said nice move asshole, do you intend to talk to your future clients like that?” He initiated a different kind of anger from you but you managed to keep your cool. Doyoung shrugged as if what he had said to Dami had not carried any weight and continued typing away. 
A few minutes of the members disappearance quickly turned to an hour and Doyoung’s nonchalance about the whole ordeal really ticked you off to the point of slamming your laptop closed and pushed back from the desk. 
Doyoung quirked his eyebrow at you, “Is something wrong ?” 
“Is something wrong” you mimicked him, “Jangjun hasn't come in today because you sent him on multiple errands, and you just made Dami cry over something so ridiculous”
Doyoung sat back in his seat and rubbed his temples, “They're all freeloaders, you and I are the only ones doing work, why do you care so much about them?” 
“Basic human fucking decency maybe?” you groaned and ran your fingers through your hair, “listen im not like them, i'm not gonna take shit from you”
“Youre a fucking asshole Kim Doyoung.” 
You lay in bed and replayed that scene with Doyoung in your head multiple times. He was so unbothered by your antics nor did he care about anyone's feelings within the group. He was cold, heartless all he thought about was himself. His cold expression was practically engraved in your head, spending all these hours with him was really not your favourite pastime. 
Group 7 gc 7:00pm
KDY: I posted a schedule for tomorrow we will be working in pairs on the highlighted sections. 
You took a look at his document and groaned when you saw your name placed next to his. There was no way, no way in hell you want to work with him one on one. Not caring about breaking his rule, you pulled up a private chat with him and began expressing your concerns. 
y/n  x  KDY : 7:10pm 
Y/N: Hi, there's no fucking way in hell am I working with you. Change It. 
KDY: I said no private chats and no, I'm not changing it. 
Y/N: Wouldn't it be better for us to split and have the others actually DO work for once ?
KDY: I barely gave them room for error, we're going to be the most anyway and besides, I'd prefer someone who can handle...my personality. 
Y/N: …..so you agree..you are an asshole ?
KDY: I give people a reality check that's all..
Y/N: whatever makes you sleep at night...can I atleast choose our work venue because If I were stuck in a library again with you I might kill you. 
KDY: haha..
KDY: sure. 
Y/N: mango drop cafe, 10am. 
KDY: cool, see you then. 
‘Haha’. You had no idea why that text in particular riled you up. Did he find all of this amusing ? Was he making everyone's life a living hell because he enjoyed it ? You stared at his messages and somehow ended up on his profile picture. He was leaning against a railing dressed in all black with his hooded eyes concentrated on the camera lense, Your realization of how attractive he was came from the fact that you stared at the picture for a good 20 minutes. You wondered who took the picture, a girlfriend maybe ? You shook your head. He seemed too uptight to be getting laid. You sighed, closing your phone and awaited yet another day with the insufferable gorgeous man that was Kim Doyoung. 
You arrived quite early at the cafe but of course Doyoung was here before you, already typing away at his laptop, in his usual attire. You greeted the barista and placed an order for a chilled cafe latte before making your way over to him. 
“Hey” you said simply and took a seat opposite him in the booth. Doyoung’s ears perked up at the sound of your voice and made room for your books on the table.
“You're here early” 
“You're already picking a fight with me?” you said casually setting up your workspace. 
Doyoung chuckled under his breath and shook his head, “I just didn't expect you this early y/n it's not that serious.” 
You ignored his words and got straight to work, not in the mood to play his little game. You felt Doyoung look at you a few times. You weren't sure if it were to check if youre doing the right thing or he was just looking at you. 
“Well i'm done with my part” you stretched your arms above your head and yawned. 
“Yeah I'm pretty much done too, Do you want another cup of coffee ?” Doyoung offered pointing to your empty cup. You were taken back by his softer demeanor but quickly nodded, “uh yeah sure.” 
Doyoung returned carrying a tray of two fresh cups of coffee and a slice of cheesecake. Setting everything down he handed you the extra fork and placed the cheesecake in the middle of the table to make it easier to share. 
“H-how much do I owe you ?” You fumbled in your bag for your wallet. 
“It's okay, it's my treat” Doyoung replied, placing a piece of cheesecake in his mouth and slowly licking the fork clean. You gulped as his tongue darted out carefully licking the cream from the metal, not leaving any residue behind. You had no idea what the hell was going on but you felt hot, almost claustrophobic. 
“You're okay?” Doyoung asked innocently, unaware of what he was doing to you. 
“Why are you being...nice?” You questioned, knitting your eyebrows together as the man continued to act as if this was his usual behavior. 
Doyoung pursed his lips and placed the fork on the plate, “You want me to be mean to you?”
“No I just don't get-”
“I apologized to Dami and she told me she only overreacted because the guy she likes, Seungmin was there” Doyoung explained and removed his spectacles, “she was embarrassed to ask anyone for help, I paired them up for today.”
“Wait wha-”
“Also Jangjun works at the campus radio” Doyoung continued, “I had only found out the day we all met, I gave him tasks that will allow him more flexibility, that way he doesn't have to join group sessions often.” 
You blinked, unable to form any words in order to reply to Doyoung. Especially after he chuckled at your speechlessness, knowing you didn't bother getting his side of the story at first. 
“You were right y/n I dont have to be an asshole all the time, I just like to get my work done” He shrugged. You kept eye contact with him but somehow it felt as if he were still toying with you, waiting on your next reaction. He seemed like he played this game often, making sure he always had the upper hand. Doyoung seemed relaxed as he stared at you, taking another scoop of the cheesecake and slowly ran his tongue over his lips after his bite. What the fuck was he doing ? 
“Y/N ?” you heard a familiar voice come from the entrance of the cafe. Your attention diverted from Doyoung to the blonde haired boy who began approaching your table. 
“Jungwoo ? oh my God what are you doing here ?” You stood up and pulled him into a tight hug and pecked his cheek. Doyoung shifted awkwardly in his seat as he watched your exchange with the stranger. 
“I got off early from class about to go to Subway, are you still doing that group project thing?” Jungwoo looked over at your table and half smiled at Doyoung who tried to distract himself with his phone. 
“Uh yeah but i'm all done here I think, wanna hang out ?” you hooked arms with Jungwoo as he nodded enthusiastically. You turned around and scratched the back of your head, 
“Were all done you can go, I have somewhere to be anyway” Doyoung smiled as you slowly began packing up your things. 
“Alright, see you tomorrow I guess” you bid your goodbye and headed out for lunch with Jungwoo. 
You had just finished up your skincare routine and caught up with a few instagram posts when you noticed Doyoung had followed you. Sitting up in bed you scrolled through his feed curiously. Every post was aesthetically pleasing and he looked absolutely hot in every single one of them. He had to have a girlfriend right ? No guy posts pictures this good without women flooding his DMs. 
There was no harm in doing the same since he was in your class, you decided to return the follow and close the app. Suddenly your phone vibrated with a new message in your chats. 
Y/N X KDY  10:30pm
KDY: hey 
Y/N: aren't you breaking two of your rules right now ?
KDY: haha 
KDY: I didn't realize what time it was…
Y/N: ….anyways..is this about work at least ?
KDY: kinda… you left one of your books at the cafe. I have it with me. 
Y/N: oh… thank you.
KDY: no prob...oh I hope its not a problem I added you on ig
Y/N: no its okay we are friends I guess
KDY: haha I thought I was the insufferable asshole..
Y/N: you are...but not all the time. Look im sorry for saying shitty things about you. 
KDY: its all good. 
KDY: …….
Y/N: ..whats up?
You twirled your fingers as you watched the three dots from Doyoung pop up and disappear over and over again. What was taking him so long ? 
KDY: that guy….that you met at the cafe..is he your boyfriend ?
Y/N: Jungwoo ? no way we've been friends since high school.
KDY: oh..
Y/N:....why would you even ask that ?
KDY: curious. 
Y/N: curious about who I'm dating ??
KDY: A little. 
You frowned at your phone and noticed Doyoung had changed his profile picture to a selfie. The picture was..something alright. You bit down on your lip as you enlarged the picture, which showed a wet haired Doyoung with his head resting in his palm and his long index finger was placed between his plump lips. 
“Fuck y/n get yourself together” you gave yourself a pep talk before opening his chat back up again. 
Y/N X KDY  10.54PM
Y/N: fine if you can ask a question can I ask one..
KDY: go ahead 
Y/N: who do you keep thirst trapping for ?
KDY: ….haha thirst trapping ? 
Y/N: Yeah who do keep posting these hot pics for huh
KDY: …..
KDY: You think i'm hot ?
Fuck. Why did you word it that way. You groaned immediately regretting sending that message but something in you was so curious about him you decided to just risk it, what was the worst that could happen ? 
Y/N: well yeah, I mean I'm sure everyone thinks you're attractive, you seem to know it too. 
KDY: wow. 
KDY: I think you're hot too. 
What the hell was going on. You felt your face heat up and you placed your pillow in between your legs as you turned on your side. 
KDY: I was almost disappointed when I thought Jungwoo was your boyfriend, he's way too passive. 
Y/N: ...and what makes you think you know what kind of man I need ?
KDY: hmmm
KDY: first of, with that fucking attitude of yours..A dominate one. 
You swallowed hard as you felt a tingle in your stomach, squeezing your thighs together on the pillow to create more friction. 
Y/N: I could say the same for you. 
KDY: You may think youre dominate in many aspects...but when it comes to fucking..im the one in charge. 
God you hated how hot that sounded. He had you in the palm of his hand through text. You were a mess and he wasn't even the room to fuel it. You wanted him so fucking bad it was insane. 
Y/N: running your mouth doesn't equate to doing it you know...
KDY: then would you like me to show you ?
Everything happened so damn fast. One minute you two were texting the next minute you were sharing your apartment location and Doyoung was on his way over. You scrambled to put on sexier underwear and do your hair, still in shock by the fact that Doyoung was on his way over to bang you. 
You jumped when you heard the doorbell and realized it was him. Opening the door you were greeted to a very different look of Doyoung. His hair was messy and reached his eyes. Instead of his usual black academic attire he wore a loose white vest that showed off his toned chest and arms, along with a pair of grey sweatpants. 
“Hi” Doyoung smirked, his eyes were dark as he scanned your figure. 
“Hi” you responded, leaning against the wall in the hallway and looked up at him. Doyoung slowly approached you, like a lion circling its prey. His slender fingers danced lightly along your body, drawing a line from your waist until he found your throat and wrapped his cold fingers around it. He bit down on his lip as he studied how perfectly his hand looked around it and squeezed gently, smirking after hearing a soft moan emit from you. 
“I want you to do as I say, any back chat from you will get you punished you got that ?” he brought his lips down to your neck and exhaled. 
You nodded in response but that wasn't good enough for Doyoung. You felt his squeeze on your throat once more and he used his hips to pin you against the wall, “use your words” he gritted his teeth. 
“Yes sir” you replied obediently, and felt him smile against your neck. 
“Good girl, and if i'm too rough let me know so I can stop okay ?” he replied, his voice changed and it was much sweeter and genuine than before. He placed a soft kiss on your cheek when you nodded and led you to the bed. 
Doyoung lay you on the bed, already stripping off his shirt and ordered you to undress yourself and rid him off his sweatpants. You bit down on your lip taking notice of how aroused he was when you palmed his member. 
Doyoung watched you through hooded eyes as you discarded his sweatpants and boxers. He softly patted your head and grabbed a tuft of your hair in order to make you look up at him. 
“Spit” he ordered, and held out his hand and you did as you were told. You watched as he lathered himself with it, moaning as he stroked himself. He was so damn sexy, biting down on lip and slowly pleased himself as you watched. 
“Do you want this inside you sweetheart ?” he cooed and placed a finger under chin. 
You nodded quickly, “Yes please” 
“What do you want me to do baby ?” He purred and hovered over you as you lay on the bed, breathing heavily as his fingers moved against your warm skin, tracing your curves, ghosting over your heat and returning back to your lips to insert a digit inside. 
Doyoung watched diligently as you sucked on his finger like the good girl he knew you were. He finally pulled his finger out and with one swift movement entered with his member before you could even respond to his question. You moaned as he quickly slammed his hips into yours, wasting no time in gaining a rhythm as you marked his back with scratch marks feeling as though you were on a high. 
Doyoung fucked you like a pro, wasting no time to switch positions and had you on all fours, slapping your ass before slamming into you again, that pretentious smirk forming on his face as he heard your whimpers asking him for more. 
“Are you ready to cum sweetheart ?” he asked, pulling you up as his strokes became slower and tugged on your ear with his teeth. 
“Y-yes yes i'm ready” you panted.
“What's the magic word ?” he growled as he grabbed your throat and slowed down his pace as you were nearing your climax. 
“Fuck youre so annoying PLEASE, please let me cum Doyoung fuck” 
Doyoung chuckled and picked up his pace until you finally climaxed and he followed shortly after, collapsing in the bed next to you. 
“You have such an attitude God” he rolled his eyes playfully, bringing the blanket over your bodies and grinned when you moved in to cuddle him. 
“I guess you will have to fix that some time” you yawned and wrapped your arm around his waist, “but I have to admit, maybe I do enjoy the insufferable Kim Doyoung bossing me around once in a while.”
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unprofessional-bard · 3 years
Don't Push It, Pt. 1
Unprofessional Bard's Masterlist
Part 2 (1/2)
Based on this request.
Pairing: Joel Miller x Female!Reader
Warnings: Age gap (the reader is 26 and Joel is 53), a lot of teasing/sexual tension, implied romantic feelings.
Summary: It's been going on for years. They both know better than to act on their feelings, but patience starts running thin when a few boundaries are crossed.
Word Count: 5.280
Author's Note: Okay y'all so I am a whore for Joel with long hair and I unintentionally made this into a fix-it au where Joel is alive. Also, the reader is going to have some OC characteristics to fit the scenario better. Finally, this fic changes POV's a lot, so I'm gonna clear that up:
• ----R and below: The reader's POV.
• ----J and below: Joel's POV.
• ----B and below: Both POV's.
The fic starts off with Joel's POV.
gif credits: nikolai-stavrogin
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"Hey, Joel," Dina called over to the man sipping coffee on his porch.
"Mornin' Dina," He replied as his daughter's girlfriend walked over to him. Her baby bump had grown a little more and it never failed to put a smile on Joel's face.
"There's a little trouble with the patrol today," She said. "Jesse won't be able to make it to patrol with (Y/N)."
"And they're askin' me to fill in?" He sat up a little.
"Yup, Maria told me to ask you if-"
"No problem, sure, I'll do it." He spoke nonchalantly, then asked if Jesse was alright. Dina told him she wasn't sure, that it must be something important for him to miss patrol, which made Joel nod: "You told (Y/N) too, or...?"
"No, but she's gonna be there regardless. I doubt that she knows."
"Alright, thanks Dina," Joel got up and she smiled in return before walking over to Ellie's place.
It was wrong. By the lord it was wrong, but he couldn't help it. You were fierce, confident, determined and disciplined; qualities he came to appreciate in time, but a bit differently only when it came to you. He shouldn't want you, an unknown source in his mind kept telling himself, but he did. He didn't know why, he never found himself being attracted to a woman your age, yet you had him under your spell. Oh the things you did to him...
Worst part was, he couldn't have you, whether he liked it or not. Nevermind the fact that you were too young for him, you probably didn't want him anyways- despite the crystal clear signals he got from you. It was just how you were, though: A little physical and perhaps a little flirty, but he could just be confusing that with your confidence.
Or he could be overthinking everything.
Joel readied his backpack, but realised there was still a little more than an hour before the rendez-vous, so he decided to head over to your place to tell you about the news to kill some time. After he made it there and knocked on your door while calling your name a couple of times, which were left unanswered, your neighbour curiously looked over the fences and called over to Joel: "She left a while ago... For the gym, I think."
"Thank you," Joel smiled politely and earned a wave from the lady in return. He took his time as he walked over to the gym. After he arrived, he looked around for awhile to spot where you were, but when he found it, the sight almost made him choke.
There you were, ankles crossed as you pulled yourself up and chin over the barfix with closed eyes, a frown and a clenched jaw. Sweat laced the sides of your face and Joel's eyes wandered lower: You were wearing a sports bra and matching shorts which hugged your frame tightly and the sun was shining directly onto your muscles, which the lord himself carved out and were also sweaty, but Joel didn't care - it made you look more attractive, if anything. You let out a huff and lowered yourself down, while he tried to collect himself. He didn't want to disturb you so he decided to wait until you finished...
...but you didn't seem to be finishing any time soon. He didn't want to look like a creep as he stood there and waited, so after you did another pull up and let yourself down, he cleared his throat.
"(Y/N), here you are."
Had you not been already hanging, you definitely would've fell when you heard Joel's voice reach your ears. You opened your eyes to see him slowly approach you, his stupid thumb stuck in behind his stupid belt.
You hated it: You hated finding this man attractive and you hated your guts for occasionally flirting with him - him, who probably would never look at you the way you looked at him. He liked you, of course, he enjoyed your company but not the way you wanted him to. You hated that you had a crush on this man, who became even more gorgeous as he let his hair grow over the last few years, you also hated how he neatly parted it to the left.
Patrol with him was both a treat and a curse at the same time. You got to spend time with him, which made it a treat, but when you watched him- saw him in action, how aggressive he was, heat started to pool between your thighs. He was so rough and precise as he was smart; he always knew what to do under any circumstance, so you almost never worried when you went out with him. He made you feel safe, praised you and played with your heart when he responded to your flirting and nothing came out of it.
You hated it because your little "crush" on him was pathetic, for someone as confident as you. Sure, you teased and flirted with him, but one praise as simple as you did well today and you'd be melting on spot. You even tried to get with other people to distract yourself, to no avail. They weren't Joel.
None of them could ever be Joel.
"Good morning!" You said with a high pitched voice, reflecting your struggle to keep yourself up.
"To you too," He chuckled at your state and watched as you pulled yourself up slowly. "Hey, listen. Jesse ain't gonna make it to patrol today so I'm fillin' in for him."
The way you faltered a little didn't escape him: "Why? Is he okay?"
"I dunno, but I'm sure he is. Something important must've come up," Joel informed you, not wanting to worry you as you seemed to care about him. A lot. Ugh.
"Tsk," You breathed out and closed your eyes to focus on keeping your head above the metal bar.
Joel then spoke again: "Yeah, I was just here to let ya know."
"Okay, well-" You exhaled audibly and suddenly let yourself go. The force of the action sent you flying a little and it almost made you bump into him: "Woah, oh, sorry-"
"Woah there," You both chuckled at the same time. Joel held you by your elbows to help you balance yourself and your heart rate picked up pace when you realised how close your face was to his chest a moment ago - the chest you wanted to get your hands on: How muscular was he? How many scars did he have there? How would it feel to run your fingers through the hair as you ro-
"Uhm, yeah, as I was saying," You snapped yourself back to reality and took a small step back, disappointed by the way his fingers let go of your arms: "I'm done here, just need to do a couple of stretches, then head back and take shower."
"Right. Well, I'll see you at the gate, then?"
"Uh, sure, yeah."
You didn't know what else to say other than stay. You wanted him near you and around you, you wanted to show off to him and you wanted his attention, so you had to think quick.
Joel didn't want to leave either, even though you were going to spend the whole day together. He still nodded and turned around to leave. It was then, when a brilliant idea crossed your mind: "Actually, Joel?" He turned around, gave you a soft look that made you want to run up to him and kiss all over his face. "Could you help me with my stretches?"
If he'd been drinking or eating anything, he most definitely would've choked: "Help you?"
"Yeah," You flashed a smile at him. "It's simple, you just gotta press me down and keep me in place." The widening of his eyes, puzzled face and his tense posture made you shy. "Eh- Normally, Jesse helped me with them."
True. Some stretches required someone to push your body to its limits - when you worked out alone, you stuck to simpler stretches, but right now, you needed a reason to have him by your side.
Joel was torn between leaving, like a responsible person who knew when to walk away would. He was responsible, yes, but his moral compass was thrown out of the window whenever you joined the picture. So far, he wanted to think he was handling his emotions well- by not acting on them and not talking about them.
Now, however, it was as if he was facing the last straw. He had a few boundaries left to cross, and this was one of them.
"Plus, I'm a bit tired to do them. Will you help me?"
Lies. All lies.
You'd been doing these stretches for long enough, even though you'd worked hard, you weren't tired at all. Joel thought this to be the case, so he tried to go around it: "You sure? I mean, how're you tired?"
"I've been training like hell this morning," You settled on the mat. "I don't wanna do these stretches, but I have to. I'm not in the mood to pull a muscle today."
That was good enough for him really: "'Kay," He sighed. "What do you need me to do?"
Your eyes glowed in excitement before you faced forward and explained: "Im gonna lean forward, like this-" You extended your legs forward and lowered yourself down. "All you gotta do is press on my back and stop me from moving away for a few seconds."
A few seconds which felt like five minutes, truth be told.
As soon as he touched your bare back, you sighed, then forced it into a hiss. He immediately retreated his hands, thinking he hurt you, pushing the ludicrous idea that you might have moaned away immediately.
His hands were big and a little cold comparing to your skin which was on fire after the workout, but you'd be lying if you said you didn't do that on purpose. You straightened up and looked at him with an innocent smile: "Your hands are cold."
Not cold enough to make you react like that, obviously.
Joel offered an awkward chuckle from the back of his throat: "You're gonna have to deal with it, missy."
And deal with it you did- barely. Christ, that was a bad idea, your worst one yet. To have his hands on your bare skin, pressing you down made your cheeks burn and mouth hang open as he kept you in place. You almost didn't hear him when he spoke, too busy trying to comprehend the size of his hands and how they'd feel around your throa-
"How many of these do you gotta do?"
"Uh, dunno," You blurted out. "Not too many."
Joel was partly glad, it felt so wrong yet it was just a simple act of help you could've asked from anyone. After 20 seconds of staying like that, you straightened. You went into a head-to-knee position and gave him an okay to press you down again.
You switched to the other leg after half a minute, but you were running out of ideas. There weren't any positions left that you could use his help with, so you played one last card to ruin him: "More."
Good riddance.
"Press a little harder," You pretended to focus and tried your best not to smirk, knowing you had him where you wanted.
"Oh- hm," He cleared his throat and pressed a little more down on your back. If your plan hadn't backfired and made you almost moan through your teeth, everything was going accordingly.
Joel went to pull back, but stopped when you added: "It's been a while since I did these..."
"That enough?" He slowly retreated his hands and stood up, watching you lean up where you sat.
"Yup, that'll be it," You smiled and blinked a couple of times. If Joel had known better, he would've thought you were making him do that, then being all cute on purpose-
It was going to be a long day.
Patrol with the older Miller went as normally as it always was. Part one usually went like this: Meet up at the gate, get your rifles and horses, ride out, reach checkpoint one and sign your names. The road to checkpoint one didn't have any trouble, it usually never did. It was more quiet between you two than usual though. Had you gone too far?
"So, uh," You said once the two of you mounted your horses again. "You coming to the dance tonight?"
"What?" He snapped his head in your direction, looking clueless. "What dance?"
"Well, not a dance exactly but- you know what I mean?" You started riding. "The adults only event?"
He looked really distracted, a bit tense even: "Oh, right. You know those ain't my thing."
"I know," You nodded with a soft smile. "But I haven't seen you in any event ever since you decked Seth."
"Decked?" Joel chuckled bitterly at the memory.
"He deserved it, and more, that prick," You rolled your eyes, making him chortle.
"And nobody managed to shut up about it for the whole month," He sighed with a gorgeous yet tired smile on his face which you managed to see just in time. "So, no thanks. I'll pass."
"Aw, come on," You whined. "You can't avoid coming to these events forever. Please?"
He gave you a confused look, his smile slowly disappearing but not in a bad way: "Why?"
A good question. Oh, no reason, just wanna try and make a move on you, quite possibly jump your bones if it all goes well.
"I wanna make sure you haven't lost your ability to socialise." You offered.
"Really? Why, you're my momma now?"
"Ew, no," You both laughed. "Can't I be sure my friend is alive and well occasionally?"
A word that made Joel stop and think.
You saw him as a friend, huh? Two people, with clear sexual tension and an obvious age gap between them- Friends was an awkward description for him, but it was better than nothing.
He opened his mouth to reply, to insist that he was indeed alive and well, but you stopped him: "You know what I mean."
The conversation was making him a little distracted, he noticed, so he decided to keep his mouth shut until you reached checkpoint two. You didn't press him on, which was also a delight. That's another thing he liked about you: You knew your bounds- in patrol anyways. Or maybe it was because you got to know him well over the time, knew what he liked or not.
Part two went quieter too- infected and conversation wise. Not even a single runner was on sight as you swept through the small cabins and houses. Except for the occasional clear's and nothing here's, you didn't say anything else. Joel itched to talk to you, about anything to break the silence, but he was too lost in thought.
When you finally made it back to Jackson, you finally spoke up: "So? You coming?" He chuckled, mostly out of relief, then you added: "I found a new outfit, I wanna know what you think."
That caught Joel's attention. With a curious smile, after handing over your horses, he asked: "What outfit?"
"You'll see... If you come." You smirked, your close proximity making Joel's heart race.
"Don't get your hopes up," He sighed with a small grin and tucked his thumb behind his belt, the other one gripping the strap of his rifle.
"You're the worst," You punched his shoulder with mock upset, making him chortle and stumble a little to the right. "Anyways, I'll see you tomorrow then."
Joel remained quiet, then you walked away with a soft smile gracing your lips. The words sunk deeper than he would've liked, a sudden wave of guilt soaking his guts with regret, even though you didn't sound disappointed or upset. Lips pursed, he watched you hand your rifle to Peter and sign off, then leave; his steps coming to a halt as you did.
He just might check out what was up at the dance tonight, if he could successfully move himself out of his comfort zone in the following few hours.
"Well well, look who it is," Tommy grinned when you approached the doors of the pub. The night had settled across the sky by the time you stepped outside your place. The sound of music and chatter of the people from inside filled your ears.
"Yours truly," You smirked. "It's crowded in there huh?"
"It sure is," Tommy said as he turned around to lead you inside. "Adults only events tend to attract more people, as y'can guess. Don't you look pretty today."
"Why thank you." You smiled playfully: "For no one, but myself, at that."
You lied through your teeth. You had dressed up in the silly hope that Joel would actually show up. You had been planning on it ever since you came across the item wrapped around your hips in an abandoned clothes shop a few weeks ago, and this event was the perfect excuse for you to wear it. For him.
"I ain't sayin' nothing!" Tommy raised his hands up in defense. "Figured that much, haven't seen anyone catch your interest in a long time."
Ha. Nice.
The atmosphere was lively and the air was warm, full of energy. Chatter and dancing went about the packs of people scattered across the space, but you couldn't see Joel, much to your disappointment - you weren't surprised though. What surprised you was Jesse suddenly showing up.
"Where's Ellie and Dina?" You asked after a while of teasing him about missing patrol.
"They decided to stay behind, I guess." He shrugged.
"What can I get y'all?" Tommy smiled, suddenly appearing behind the counter. Without waiting for an answer, he filled two glasses and pushed them towards you. You and Jesse looked at each other for a brief moment, before knocking it back at one go. "Woah there..."
A round of laughter later, you felt someone's presence behind you, then they tapped you on the shoulder: "Hey, (Y/N)!"
Much to your disappointment, once more, it was a boy named Mark. He was a year older than you, had no features whatsoever matching Joel's prettier ones and he took an obvious liking to you, which in truth you didn't appreciate, even though he wasn't weird about it or anything. You faked a smile and turned to him a little: "Hi."
"Good to see you," Sure. "How, uh, how are you?"
"Busy, actually," You pointed at the glass Tommy was refilling for you.
"Mind if I join?" He made himself comfortable on the stool next to you.
"Yeah. I do." Your smile never faded but your words were laced with poison.
He looked between you, Tommy and Jesse, mortified at your answer: "W- Heh, well, would you wanna dance later, then-?"
"No, I don't." You spoke calmly and turned to face Jesse again, only for him to move to tap you on the shoulder, which Tommy stopped from happening.
"Why don't you go home, huh?" He grabbed his wrist firmly, but not hard enough to leave a bruise of course. "The lack of oxygen in your brain's clearly stoppin' you from understandin' a word as simple as no."
You looked over at the younger Miller, a stern look on his face which seemed to make Mark piss himself. Suddenly, an even deeper voice was heard behind the boy: "I advise you to listen to him, son."
You turned completely in your seat to see Joel grabbing Mark by the shoulders, making him jump, then remove him from the seat carefully. Mark's legs were quick to oblige, making him walk towards the exit, but Joel held him in place: "A-ah, what do you say to the lady?"
"I'm s-sorry, (Y/N)," He nodded quickly. "I'll never disturb you again, I promise."
"Good boy," Joel patted him on the back, which sent him running to the door. Your cheeks were suddenly burning and you couldn't help but smile shyly.
"Tsk, what a jackass," Tommy nodded disapprovingly as Joel took the now empty space next to you.
"You decided to show then, huh?" You smirked at Joel.
"Yeah, figured you'd break someone's wrists and make 'em eat it," He chuckled, tipping his head at his brother in a greeting -God he looked so handsome, was that a new shirt?- before he continued: "Decided it'd be a shame to miss it."
You giggled and lightly pushed at his arm, almost immediately feeling the muscles underneath the rolled up sleeve of his blue shirt: "I'll take that as a I came because you asked and I listened for once." The exchange, obviously, didn't go unnoticed by his brother and Jesse, which made you sit upright suddenly: "Tommy was the one who was gonna break his wrist anyways..."
"Nobody gets to disturb anyone here, especially right in front of me," He said and slid a glass to his brother.
Jesse joined in: "I doubt it, but should he ever-"
"Aw, you guys are spoiling me," You grinned and waved your hand down, pressing the other onto your chest.
You looked beautiful. You were wearing a plain, dark green, mid-thigh, flare skirt; which could pass as a miniskirt, but Joel was no fashion expert. You always did come up with the rarest clothing items (like your sports set that morning), so he wasn't surprised that you happened across the skirt. You also had a simple, white, v-neck t-shirt on- which all in all was the reason you left Joel speechless: You could be wearing something as simple as these, but you'd still look so damn pretty.
A few minutes later, after Jesse and Tommy disappeared in different directions and you were finally left alone, Joel spoke up: "Is this the-"
"What made you-" You gave each other a brief look before chuckling: "You go first."
"Ah, I was gonna ask if this was the outfit you wanted me to see," He said, briefly looking down to point at your skirt.
He watched you run a hand through your hair and bite your bottom lip before answering: "Yeah..." You got up and stuffed your hands in your pockets, which made Joel's heart sizzle. "What do you think?"
He gave you a genuine smile: "I think you look beautiful."
The shock on your face made Joel panick a little, but when you offered a shy little smile, he relaxed: "You- Really?"
He gave you a single, slow nod in acknowledgement, his smile grew bigger when you beamed at him and offered him a quiet thank you, then sat back. You were staring hard at your glass, clearly avoiding his gaze and he found it rather cute, but didn't comment on it.
He was looking forward to chat with you, after all, you were the reason why he showed up, but you were unfortunately dragged away by a couple of friends, Jesse included...
To dance.
An upbeat song he didn't recognise started playing, putting you and another boy, Mick, to action. Everyone backed away to give you two space, then started off with what seemed to be something you'd been practicing for a while. You mirrored each other's moves, it was similar to some folk dance he'd watched way before the outbreak, but it most definitely wasn't a folk dance. Your arms linked occasionally, hands on your hips as you crossed each other's legs with fast movements and other types of moves Joel couldn't name if he tried, but it was organised and fun to watch. It wasn't intimate, too, just a silly little dance as you called it minutes later when you finished and walked to the bar for a drink. You didn't stay long, though, just downed your drink, winked at him and went back to the stage where you and Mick (but mostly you) stole the show.
It went on for two more rounds, to the point your t-shirts were absolutely soaked and your legs couldn't take it anymore. Joel had a particularly hard time in his seat, watching your skirt float around your thighs made him feel embarrassed with himself. Tommy even went as far as to tease him about his constant squirming, but a glare from his older brother was enough to shut him up.
The last dance finished off with you in Mick's arms, leaning back in his hold and closing your eyes with laughter. Everyone clapped you both, which earned you a kiss on the cheek from Mick- which you returned. Joel's jaw clenched unintentionally, even though you and him didn't appear to be more than friends.
Stop. Stop it, you idiot.
He couldn't care less about these types of things, drama about who's dating who and whatnot, but when it came to you he naturally grew curious.
He watched you, eyelids struggling to keep themselves open as Jesse led you and helped you onto the stool, next to Joel once more. You huffed and giggled, eyes closed with sweat droplets on your forehead. He couldn't help it when his smile grew wider at your tipsy state.
What he didn't see coming was the sudden hand on his thigh and your back against his arm, letting your head drop onto his shoulder as you let out a brief laugh: "Never let me dance and drink at the same time again."
Joel didn't know what to say, he quickly looked around for Jesse only to find him already gone and a couple of people staring at the both of you. With a rush of panic, he responded: "I don't think I'm the one you should say that to, darlin'."
Your hand and the rest of your body immediately retreated when you jumped at his voice: "Joel?!" You looked a little embarrassed and he couldn't help but smirk. "Uh, where's Jesse?"
The question almost made him scrunch up his face, but he patiently waited until the end of the conversation, which was after you've walked away to find the boy in question and he was alone with his own thoughts... Jealousies...
"He dropped you off and went over there, I think." Joel nodded to the direction he thought Jesse went off to - he didn't see though, he was too busy focusing on you when your fingertips had brushed somewhere dangerously near his crotch.
"Huh," You stared around to find him, but Joel figured you were too intoxicated to actually see that far. "You need to stop wearing the same clothes."
He raised a brow at that: "You tell him that."
"Oh I will," You grinned mischievously and suddenly grabbed Joel's glass of whiskey from his hand, then downed it at one go before he could intervene.
"Hey!" He tried to grab the glass from you but you leaned back. "I think you've had enough for the night."
"Says who-?" You pouted and at the very same time, lost your balance, realising that you leaned a little too back. However, Joel caught you; one hand on your arm, the other on your waist and he pulled you back - he didn't know if you did it purposefully, but you practically fell into his body: "Oh! I'm sorry-" You laughed, not looking sorry at all. "Thanks, Joel," You purred, extending the 's' and the 'l' at the end of each word as you grabbed onto his biceps. "You saved me."
"Pfft," Joel couldn't help but let his hand linger on your waist as he made sure you stood in place. Your eyes met when you lifted your head from his chest - the meaning behind his hazel gaze and your own was similar and it lasted for what felt like a whole minute, while in reality it was no longer than a few seconds.
You finally let his arms go and he took it as his cue to remove his hand from your waist (which, for a moment, felt like it had been glued there): "So... You enjoying yourself, old man?"
Joel sighed through his nose, amused at how the alcohol in your system was slowing your speech, then went back to how he had been sitting before you came. Just when you asked, the smooth, familiar tune of Ain't No Sunshine started playing. After all the excitement, a slower music felt nice: "Sure. You?"
"Oh I sure am," You nodded and leaned back against the counter with something of a triumphant smile.
"I can tell," Joel replied, then without turning his head, side eyed you. His stare later on moved down to your skirt. "Why'd you get all dressed up for, really?"
"Huh?" You blinked, not processing if he was asking what you thought he was.
"I, uh- just never took you for the skirt type."
"Is that so?" You asked, eyes widening. "Well, just trying on a new outfit..." You looked down and bit your lower lip, making Joel's heart skip a beat. He mentally kicked himself for not leaving right then and there and continuing to talk to you: "There's actually another reason."
"There's this guy," You turned towards him, placed your arm paralleled across his on the counter and leaned forward a little, pretending to look around. His fingertips scratched against the wooden surface of the counter at the mention of this guy in question. "I don't know his name, but maybe you do?"
He just raised a brow when you looked at him innocently: "He's a bit old, around this tall," Your hand went back and forth in the air as you tried to size the man's height in your mind. "Has pretty, long, graying hair with an also graying beard... A little scar on his nose," You looked at him and leaned in a little more, invading his personal space but not touching him, then pointed at the exact spot on your nose and it was then, Joel realised, that you were indeed describing himself. "He's wearing this blue shirt and, honestly, it would look better on him if he opened another button or two."
I know, I know
Hey I oughta leave young thing alone
But ain't no sunshine when she's gone
He wanted to counter, tease you back, lean down and taste your lips, then place a kiss or two on your neck and bite it softly just to hear you moan quietly into his ear- he also needed to get his shit together, as much as he wanted to do all of that.
He couldn't quite believe his self control when he leaned away from you, especially since the tip of your noses almost touched and he felt your hot breath on his lips. He cleared his throat and quickly looked around to see if anyone was looking- no one had seen the rather intimate interaction so he spoke: "I don't know who that is."
The disappointment on your features was like a knife twisting up in his guts. You blinked a couple of times, but didn't lean back: "S- Sure you do..."
"I don't," Joel insisted, his voice stern. "Maybe you should look for someone else."
Your disappointment turned into embarrassment and anger, making you frown and lean back: "Excuse me."
Ain't no sunshine when she's gone
And this house just ain't no home
Anytime she goes away
And with that, you got up and stormed away, leaving Joel wanting, aching and ashamed.
Anytime she goes away
Anytime she goes away
Anytime she goes away
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lymmsweb · 3 years
Eeyy how you doing? Can I please have how Zenitsu wpuld react to a very happy and confident reader having a breakdown and finally telling him how she really feels? Like she finally tells him that she has depression, and she says this line: "I know that I'm the worst, that's why I pretend like I'm fhe best..." it's okay if your not comfortable doing it and thank you! ❤💖
I’m doing somewhat well! Wbu ? <3
You didn't specify if you wanted a fic or hcs, i was listening to Mitski and was like ‘im in the mood to write a fic’....so here we are
Ngl it reminded me of a line of ‘Oh no!’ by Marina and The Diamonds
Zenitsu x f!reader having a mental breakdown
Prompt : “I know that I’m that I’m the worst, that’s why i pretend like I’m the best”
Female reader
Zenitsu Agatsuma
Tw: Mental Breakdown (?), Depression (?)
Words : 932
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“Y/N?” Zenitsu's worried voice broke through your muffled sobs, your eyes widened as you realising your cries had been way too loud. You tried your best to calm down and keep up your cheery facade like you always did.
“Y/N?” Zenitsu repeated himself, banging lightly on the door separating you two. There was no way that you couldn't hear the concern and worry in his voice. There was no way of getting out of this one, your puffy eyes would give it away.
“Coming just give me a second!” You tried to push your voice over a whisper, wincing at yourself, you're voice cracked. By now he must have known that you were crying. Your heart sunk right then, ‘why should I burden him with my problems?’
As you slowly started to stumble towards the door, you felt like throwing up, you knew that today you would have to tell him. Opening the door, you averted your gaze to the floor, hoping that he wouldn't be able to notice your face.
“Hey.” You didn't dare to speak any louder, you knew that your own voice would betray you.
You were met with silence, all you could hear was your heavy breathing, but you knew that he was there. He was there in front of you. He heard you.
“Y/N, ” Zenitsu said softly, reaching out to your hand “take it from me, I know when people are crying.” Letting him take into his own, feeling like if you tried to push him away you would burst into tears again. “Can...i come in.” It wasn't a question, he was coming in, it was simply a statement. You stood there frozen as he started to walk into your room, dragging you in behind him.
“Babe-” The warmth of his hand disappeared, it seemed like he held it for ages. You finally raised your head, instantly you two locked eyes. Shame washed over you, ‘why should he have to deal with me at my worst?’ He flashed comforting smile your way, a sense of security washed over you, he patted the space next to him on your bed. He was silently inviting you to sit with him, and tell him everything.
“Y/N, come and talk, please.”
‘I’ve have managed to keep up this confident, cheery, loveable image, so why was it now that you were gonna open up?’
“Even if it's just something very minor, you can tell me anything.”
As you stood there, tears started to paint your cheeks, trying to regain your composure. It was this boy who managed to tear down your walls, the mask that you put on - he was able to see right through it.
You always tried to be this cheery, confident person that anyone could rely on. Even though you were surrounded by Tanjiro and the gang, family, everyone, you could not help but feel lonely. This wasn't you, you weren't like this, everyone loved this other person that's personality inhabited your body. Never-ever have you opened up to someone about this, but he would still love you. Right?
He noticed your crying form, it broke his heart that he hadn't noticed the stress that something was putting on you. Zenitsu bolted from the bed and embraced you. Resting his chin on your body, rubbing small circles on your trembling body as he let you cry on him.
“Th-This isn't me!” you managed to choke out “This isn't my personality, I don't act like this alone.” Zenitsu stayed in that position, not saying a word. “I’ve been trying to be an unrealistic version of myself, I can't be myself. I've noticed how everyone else is so happy, at times I feel genuine happiness when I'm with the ones I love, but as soon as I'm alone I realise that that's not me! Me being a cheery, loveable girl that's friendly to everyone, is. not. me.” by the time that you finished, you were out of breath, noticing how pathetic you sounded. “You must think that I'm a lost cause-“
“I don’t.” He said firmly as he let you go, trying to get a clear look at your face. Even with your tear stained, contorted face, he still found you gorgeous. “I can’t relate to what you’re going through, but remember that I love you.” Zenitsu on the inside was panicking, he felt like crying but that wouldn't help you at all. He knew that whatever he was about to say was going to leave a lasting effect on you, so he chose his words carefully.
You swore that you fell in love with him even more right then and there, heat rose to your cheeks but it wasn't like that alone was going to change your thoughts.
“I know that I'm the worst, that's why I pretend like I'm the best.”
Zenitsu’s eyes widened, in his eyes - wether it was a mask or not - he thought that you were perfect, he knew that this wasn't something that would change overnight. Right then and there he made it one of his primary goals to help you and make you feel loved. He swiftly grabbed your hand, his calloused palms hit yours, squeezing it gently. You were still trembling, trying your hardest to take deep breaths.
“Y/N, just so you know that I will help you through this! I don’t want you to go through this alone! I know that this won’t be something that we can quickly change but I know if we start now, one day you'll be comfortable with yourself!”
A/N : I don't have depression, and I've had a mental breakdown before but I dealt with it alone so I didn't really know how to incorporate another person. I am so sorry if I've misrepresented something in here!
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tricks-tickles · 3 years
You Laugh, You Lose
Ever since Ranboo had moved into the SBI House he had gotten used to his flatmates dropping in every now and then during his streams. He had even done it himself, though only to Technoblade (for obvious reasons). When he had mentioned over breakfast that he planned to do a 'You Laugh, You Lose' Techno and Phil offered to sit in, given that sometimes they could get a little boring, what with chat's sense of humour. 
So there he was, sitting comfortably in his unicorn chair, Phil and Techno having dragged two chairs up from the dining room and were now positioned on either side of him. He was mid-stream when they reached a lull in the videos. Gathering supplies for a build wasn't the most interesting and his mind was starting to wonder, as predicted. He could see it in his companions that they were feeling it too. Techno tutted, 
"C'mon chat, step up your game or Ranboo will never start gigglin'." 
He flushed a small bit, Techno's choice of words making his traitorous brain conjure up other ways he could be giggling. Of all the times to fall into a lee mood, now was less than ideal. He couldn't help but imagine teasy words and fingers on his.. wherever he was ticklish. It had been so long since he had been tickled he could barely remember it. 
Chat remained unimpressive, lots of 'loud = funny' style videos which were definitely not his sense of humour. Unbeknownst to him, there was a silent conversation of looks and actions going on behind him. When a vaguely amusing video popped up he exhaled through his nose but fell into giggles as it ended. However, the video wasn't what got him laughing. It was Techno's fingers poking his ribs, making him squirm into Phil, who smirked,
"Dude, that wasn't even funny." He said, his tone teasing. Ranboo grumbled under his breath as he removed a life, leaving him with two left. Internally, he was screaming. Was Techno psychic? And more importantly, how could he maximize his chances of more tickles without alerting chat. However, it became quickly apparent that he wouldn’t have to do much, as Phil had taken to periodically poking his side, making him wiggle in his chair. 
His next bout of proper tickles came a minute or two later, at a video he would’ve already laughed at, though it seemed that his flatmates weren’t satisfied with his small chuckle, as he was thrown into surprised cackles at two hands on each of his sides, ten fingers wiggling into the apparently sensitive skin. He fought against the urge to say something. Instead he slid down his chair, cut off from his end destination (the floor) by Phil and Techno hauling him up by his underarms. 
“I told you chat, as soon as he starts he can’t stop.” Techno said with a self satisfied smirk. Ranboo glared back, choking on a squeak when his ribs were prodded. 
It seemed Techno's theory was accurate, as it was now much harder to keep his laughter at bay. In fact, not 15 minutes later he lost the challenge, making it his shortest ‘YLYL’ yet. He quickly ended the stream, as per the rules of the game, and turned to Techno.
"What the hell was that? You lost me the challenge!" He complained, not actually angry.
"Well uh, actually, you lost that last one by yourself." Techno said in his mock nerd voice.
"Yeah," Phil added, "Plus, it could have been much worse." 
Ranboo internally cheered, the shot was all lined up, now all he had to do was:
"Oh yeah? How?" Techno and Phil shared a glance, then Techno stood up and behind the chair in one fluid motion. Ranboo craned his neck to watch his but was brought back by Phil's sneaky fingers prodding at his ribs. He tried to bat his hands away but Techno grabbed his wrists, holding them hostage above his head with one hand.
"Like this." He said with a smirk, then dug into his underarm. Ranboo squeaked, weakly tugging on his arms in a mock attempt to get away. When Techno's attack became more coordinated, zeroing on his hollow, he tried to pull his legs up but was bested by Phil, who spun his chair till he was facing him and held them down with his elbows, using his hands to scratch at his sides. This made him cackle, he had no idea he was so ticklish. Techno apparently got bored of his armpit and he moved up to flutter his fingers against his neck, making his laugh go squeaky.
“Aw, Ranboo, who knew you could go so high pitched?” Techno teased in a low voice, making him shiver amongst his cackles.
“Dohohon’t teEAHSehse.” He said, squealing when Phil’s fingers began to inch closer to his stomach. 
“Why not?” Techno asked, moving to whisper in his ears. “Does it tickle more when I point out how ticklish you are?” Ranboo nodded frantically, the word making tingles erupt in his stomach. They slowed for a second, Phil tracing shapes on his sides while Techno scratched under his chin. While Ranboo caught his breath he sunk into the chair, caught up in the bliss of gentle tickles.
“Aw Ranboo, if I didn’t know any better I’d say you like this.” Phil said innocently, making him go bright red. He tried to hide his face as Phil got a knowing look on his face.
“Wait, do you like this?” He said, right as Techno begun to dig into his ribs. Any coherent thoughts were swallowed by an onslaught of giggles. 
“Uhuhm nhoho?” He said softly, trying not to act too desperate.
“Really? Cause you don’t seem too sure.” Phil pried, moving his fingers closer to his stomach where he involuntarily arched his back. Then, the fingers disappeared. He glanced down, then up at Phil, confused. Then Techno stopped too, causing him to hold in a whine. 
“Tell you what, if you really don’t like it, we’ll stop, and we won’t do it again.” That made his gut sink, he had no idea Phil could be so cruel.
“But if you do like it, then tell us and we’ll keep going.” Shit. Shit shit shit. His face burned as Techno let go of his arms, making him immediately hide his face. He mustered up all his courage and nodded.
“Use your words, mate.” Everybody who said Techno was the scary one was so, so wrong. 
“I-I um, I might, you know, like it? A little bit? Or a lot?” He mumbled out from behind his hands. Phil gently guided his hands away from his face, softly holding them in his lap. That, with Techno’s hands resting on his shoulders made him a little drunk of how loved he felt.
“Cute. So, where do you want us to go next?” Techno said, giving his shoulders a small squeeze. Ranboo thought about it for a second, then gestured towards his stomach, bringing his hands back up to hide his face. As Phil’s fingers began to tap there Techno took his hands and held them up at either side of his face, making it hard for him to hide. He liked it a little better than his wrists being held up, it was more comforting somehow. Then Phil’s fingers switched from tapping to scribbling along his stomach and wow okay, he had no idea he could be so ticklish. He squealed, his back arching and he tried to wheel his chair away but was stopped by Techno, who squeezed his hands and resumed his teasy whispers.
“Is someone’s tummy a little too ticklish?” He said, the smirk evident in his voice.
“YEAHEHES! PHIHIHIL IHIHIT’S SO BAHAHAHD.” Phil hummed in apparent agreement, sliding his fingers under Ranboo’s shirt, which had ridden up in his frantic squirming. He cackled, loving every second but starting to reach his limit as his laugh grew wheezy. Phil sensed it, slowing a little bit. 
“Okay, one last thing, Ranboo, do you like raspberries?” 
“RahahaspbehehehERRIHIES?” He squealed as Phil blew a large raspberry right on the center of his stomach, then burst into cackles when he blew another while scratching his sides.
“PHIIHIHIL, STOP STOHOP STOPSTOPSTOP.” Phil stopped immediately, pulling down his t-shirt while Techno realised his hands. He rubbed his stomach as bubbly giggles spilled from his lips, raspberries on his worst (?) spot were a little much for his first time in god knows how long. As Phil left to go get him water and Techno rubbed his shoulders comfortingly he checked twitter, scrolling through his indirects. One in particular caught his eye.
cupid <3
is it just me or did ranboo sound like phil n techno were tking him during the ylyl?? im not crazy right
His face burned as he turned off his phone and slid all the way onto the floor, making Techno cackle behind him.
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guudak · 4 years
andante, andante
pairing: jungkook / oc genre + tags: college au, f2l, alcohol, pining word count: 7,522 The aftermath of your best friend singing that ABBA song, clumsily flirting with you and then drunkenly professing his love to you multiple times in the same night.
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“Is he ok? Namjoon, what’s he doing?” 
“He’s severely hungover,” he explains to you, propping an arm on the windowsill. His hand gestures. “This is his remedy.” 
You look out the window again, overseeing the frat’s backyard, and down below at the deck - is the person you sought. The gales shake the trees, you can hear it howl, and not to mention the downpour of rain that had you soaked to the skin through your jeans between your sprint from the bus stop to here. You look back at Namjoon, disbelieved. “What, sitting in a hot tub outside in the middle of a hale storm?”
“Erm, well, not the storm bit. That was just unfortunate. Sitting meditatively in a hot tub though, yeah. He does that a lot, moreso when he has something on his mind.” He peeps a discreet eye at you while you claim a seat on the ledge. Your arms cross, huddling your oversized cardigan over yourself as you glance back at the mop of matted black hair on the deck. Jungkook is sitting very still, laying back, eyes closed and his neck craning upwards towards the gloomy sky. A breath of air expels from your nose when you imagine how cold the rain must be. 
“I really wanted to talk to him in person … I don’t know, do you think I should have waited a few days?” You turn to Namjoon who shakes his head. 
“It’s good you came here. I think it would have left him to assume the worst and overthink otherwise, and you know what he’s like - better to confront him sooner than later. He’s been in a kind of sad, mopey daze since this morning.”
Your lips purse together as you mull this over. “I don’t necessarily want to confront him about it now, not if he doesn’t want to yet. I just want to see him and … make sure he’s ok. Because you know, that … overthinking thing he does.”
The upward lift of Namjoon’s lips is soft, the same kind of softness that’s perceptible in his eyes. The look reminds you of Jungkook’s own gentle demeanour. “I think seeing you here will disorient him a litte, but I think deep down he’ll be relieved. ” 
He invites you to sit in the warmth of the lounge downstairs while you wait. The house of Beta Tau Sigma is cosy, and your favourite visits are always during the winter period when they’d decorate the interior, reminding you very much of the setting of a classic Christmas movie. Alas, however, it isn’t winter, and there are still strewn cups around and a broken lamp on the table in front of you; consequence of the party they hosted the previous night.
You’re surprised Jungkook remembers. He’d been so far-gone yesterday, yet you woke up this morning to four successive texts from him -
i’m sorry
im so so sorry.
can we talk
You’d thought over a tactful reply; taking into mind Jungkook: despite the calm, rational front he has - is emotional, an individual with a soul as sensitive as they come. You had to be careful with what you said, but soon after aborted all efforts when you’d found yourself backspacing each time. You prefer face-to-face conversation, and for something like this - you couldn’t possibly venture any other approach that would be befitting. For anyone else, perhaps. But Jungkook isn’t just someone else. He’s your best friend.
You check the text in reply that you’d left for him from two hours ago, which is still left unread.
 hi jungkook i’d love to talk
are u ok
Sleeping it over had dulled the shock from the night before, as hearing it from him had been a double whammy for both your head and heart. You hadn’t known what to think, hadn’t known what to say.
In his tastefully tipsy state he’d been very happy. The chirpy go-lucky sort of happy that made you coo. Tipsy Jungkook is sweet and endearing, more affectionate and made it his mission to pull you with him to the karaoke machine. You’d been friends with him long enough to know that he could sing. He’s a soft singer; has a voice that could be lullaby to late sleepy evenings, it’s one you’d heard snippets of because he did it without conscious thought; he hummed in the car, while waiting in line - one of his many mannerisms that makes clear when he’s in his head.
“ABBA? Good choice,” you’d commented, after he jabbed the numbers on the remote. He budged over so you could sit beside him on the armchair. So cramped and close that you moved to drape your leg over one of his, and he welcomed it. “Not their most popular song, but definitely one of their most soulful. That’s a good one, it’s one of my favourites,” and then he stilled. 
At the cease of his movements, you’d found your spine straightening just slightly, as if on guard, but for what you hadn’t been sure. You were about to ask him if he was ok, only to be taking the brunt of his bright puppy eyes that smile at you.
“Me too,” he’d said, with that characteristic gentleness shining in his orbs. 
A few hours later, he’d morphed from sweet boy-next-door with the angel voice to himbo football jock slash and quote “pussy-whisperer,” courtesy and words verbatim of Park Jimin, who vibed with Jock Jungkook like a long lost brother. 
The amount of girls that suddenly flocked to him and sat on his lap had you reeling in hysterics to the extent that you had to bury your face in Hoseok’s shoulder. Even when Jungkook’s on the football team, you’d never thought of him once as a jock. Didn’t they say all jocks are athletes, but not all athletes are jocks? He’d never lived up to the greasy college stereotype. Turned out maybe some alcohol was missing in the mix. Was this what you were missing? Who knew he had it in him?
“How many have you had, man?” Hoseok had asked, and Jungkook grinned, mouth lop-sided, before then thwacking him solidly on the back. 
“I’m good, thanks for asking, man.” 
“That wasn’t what I - ok,” Hoseok winced, clutching at his shoulder blade, and exchanging a bemused look at you. 
You were alert to the sliding gaze of Jungkook on you. He slid into the chair close beside you, and you propped your elbow onto the counter. Head resting in your palm, you’d anticipated it.
“Hey, cutie.”
And there it was.
Your mouth twitched during your attempt to stifle your laugh, but you were eager to play along. You straightened, not shy to look him direct in the eyes, even when his own wandered to your midriff. “Hey.”
A moment’s pause, before he let out a wistful sigh. 
“Holy shit, I love your boobs.”
Hoseok spat into his cup, a succession of coughs after.
“No, I’m just saying, from a non-biased, impersonal point of view …” He made a vague, rounded motion in the air with his hands, “- they’re really nice. I’m saying this objectively.”
“Objectively,” Hoseok wheezed. You aimed a calculated kick at his ankle.
“Thanks! They’re not much but they’re cute, I grew them all by myself.”
Jungkook hummed in acknowledgement, a critical eye on you and his head bobbing solemnly. “You did a good job.”
“Oh my God,” Hoseok was crying; head ducked, full-blown tears of laughter, ears pink and slapping the countertop. “I’m not drunk enough for this.”
“Yours are pretty neat, too,” you told him. 
He looked down at the outline of his chest. “You think so? I’ve been working out but they could do with a bit more volume.” 
Hoseok was doubling over, desperate to leave but at the same time rooted to the spot, thumping his chest to stop himself from choking. “I can’t take this anymore. I’m gonna die if I stay any longer. See you, guys.”
He left, leaving you alone with Jungkook and a few others in the kitchen. “You alright?” you asked, and he nodded again, smiling tiredly and head lolling a little to the side.
“Did you like the song I sang for you earlier?” 
“You sang it for me? How sweet of you,” you cooed, cuddling up to his side. “You know, if you wanted to touch my boobs, if you asked I think I’d be ok with that.”
He seemed hesitant. “You’re bullshitting.” 
“Ok, maybe I am a little,” you chuckled, feeling the rumble resonating from his chest. 
“Seriously,” he murmured, and for a millisecond, you swore you detected the tone of the Jungkook - not this Jungkook who was a confident force, but the one you were most familiar with, “I think I’d -”
Jimin’s voice boomed above the stereo, “Jungkook! It’s your turn! Get your ass back here!”
A heavy sigh was drawn out from him as he slid his chair back. Though, he waited for you to lift your head from his chest before doing so. 
“See you.” He winked at you before following Jimin’s ongoing calls. Though, more of a wink and a half. He never could wink properly with just one eye, both had to be involved.
Then came the finale.
The most recent drunken Jungkook phase - one you’d never witnessed beforehand. If there was anything you could have concluded, it was that beyond his sober level-headed exterior, he must have a lot of pent up anger. Jungkook in drunken phase three transitioned between a three colour spectrum of moods and you’d barely caught up. 
Exhibit one -
“The ocean is so important!” he cried, literally cried as he began bumbling about blue whales and the sheer plastic in the ocean, morosed how the first piece of plastic ever produced still hadn’t decomposed. 
It was no help that Namjoon enthusiastically joined in - the fucking nerds, until Jungkook started bawling and knocked back the salt shaker on the countertop mistaking it for a shot of tequila. 
You’d panicked and dragged him to the nearest bathroom to wash it out of his eyes. The seconds that followed afterwards, was you rubbing his back while he sobbed and puked the hearty contents of his stomach into the toilet.
Exhibit two - 
“If any dude is giving you a hard time, chances are - you’re hotter than them. And on top of that, they made you cry, making you a better person than them!” he proclaimed. Once you’d helped him clean up, he’d bumped into Ola - a girl you recalled was in his media class, and was crying outside of the door of the bathroom you and Jungkook had been in. 
She’d sniffled her way through a story about a boy she’d been talking to for six months, and Jungkook was as revved up as his ocean speech while he pep-talked her about how heartless the guy was; that he gave good guys a bad rep; and that she simply deserved better. Of course, you’d agreed with him. It sounded all too familiar to something you’d said in the past, though who could blame him for adopting your mannerism of speech when he’d spent so much time with you?
Exhibit three -
“Hey, Chad! Why the fuck do you hate poor people?!”
You were mortified. “Jungkook! Literally, where did you get that conclusion from?!” 
“He plays lacrosse and owns a golf cart!”
You groaned, yanking at his arm away from Chad - captain of the boys’ lacrosse team, and who’d also fortunately passed out on the couch, otherwise Jungkook for sure would have had his face beat in. Though, you’d like to think that Jungkook would win, for sure, but you promised sober Jungkook that you’d take care of drunk Jungkook. 
So that was that. 
By now you’d contracted a stress-induced migraine, by which your own best friend was accountable for. And you thought - by God, did he have to deal with this every time you went to a party together while you’d run rampant? This had been an eye-opener, and you should definitely be considerate next time because drunk people were babies, and not in the cute way either.
And finally: exhibit four.
You endured all the pet names, had endured being called the Apple of his Eye, Angel Face, and his Compass Star, because flirty Jungkook had been throwing pet names around all night. You’d seen and heard it yourself. But nothing would have prepared you for what he’d say next. 
You glanced at him, just a second to look away from your phone screen. “Yeah?” 
His eyes drooped, form slouched, and head atop his folded arms on the countertop. It was just after midnight, and the kitchen was a quiet lull, besides you and Jungkook who were sitting together; and then there was Jimin and Taehyung, and Seokjin by the sink in their own private conversation … and whatever it was that Taehyung was doing. Admittedly you hadn’t been paying much heed nor did you endeavour to find out.
Body curling into himself; Jungkook looked so much smaller than when he stood to his full stature. 
“I’ve got it bad,” he mumbled, wistfully, “real bad. So bad - I’m doomed bad. End of the fucking world baaad.”
Your hands rubbed at his nape, tender fingers toying with the longer hairs there. He’d been growing it out, and he looked good. You tucked a tuft of hair behind his ear. “What makes you think that?” 
Again - the glossy puppy eyes that gazed up, contemplating you like you’d fallen from heaven. 
His smile was meek, as shy as the drawling voice that spoke, “I … I really think you’re my soulmate. I don’t like saying it too much but I … like, love love you, but we’re only best friends. Someday you’ll date for real - instead of flings, I’d have to accept it. I don’t think I’ll be ok, but I will be, jus’ will take time to get over you. Have done it a few times before. I’ll be ok.” 
Your hand stilled, fingers still tangled in his locks. 
Rendered motionless, like air had been punched out of you from the stomach, unable to bring yourself to salvage the words. Breathless, all you could bring yourself to do was to weakly call his name. 
He hadn’t heard you, and he yawned, leaning into your touch. His body trembled with his giggles. “One time, you were sooo drunk. You were so drunk, don’t think you remembered - blacked out. You flirted with me that whole evening. After that … after that I became obsessed with you forever.”
It was with a sinking stomach when you’d realised that you couldn’t recall that night at all. 
Gulping, you peered down at the mop of tangled hair on the countertop, wishing for nothing else but to properly see his face, but it was half-hidden where he’d snuggled into his arms. 
“Jungkook?” you whispered, gently moving away the hair that flopped over his eyes. “Jungkook?’
No reply. Just steady, heavy breathing.
No reply, because he’d fallen asleep.
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It’s a splitting headache that rouses Jungkook from heavy sleep. One of those slumbers where he wakes up groggy, as if he hasn’t rested at all despite it being hours since. He tries to get up, but to no avail. His limbs are leaden heavy, and he collapses back onto his bed within seconds of mustering the strength to hoist himself up.
There are a series of knocks on the door but what’s the point of knocking when Jimin barges in anyway. He snickers seeing Jungkook: a sad, spectacular heap on the bed with a bitching hangover to boot.
“Oh, how the mighty have fallen.” 
“Shut up,” Jungkook drawls, barely recognising the cadence of his own voice. He throws an arm over his face, brow tightening as he shuts his eyes to recall anything that happened hours prior, but even that’s too much of a Herculean effort that his brain isn’t willing to commit to at nine in the morning. Hangovers are not worth the night before for this - this is a different kind of hell. 
Jimin places a glass and a jug of water on his bedside table. “Good morning to you too, sunshine.” 
“Thanks,” he replies. He at least has enough strength to reach for the glass. When he sits up a hand goes instantly to knock against his temple, as if it would stop whatever invisible vice it is that’s squeezing and hammering at his brain from all directions. He notices Jimin’s narrowing scrutiny on him. 
“You remember anything from yesterday?”
“Honestly, not really. Just some bits here and there.” 
“Blacked out, huh.” If Jimin hesitated it’s only for a split second, he stuffs a hand into his hoodie pocket for his phone. “There’s something I wanna show you. Not sure if you’re gonna like it much.”
“Can’t be that bad,” he says, but Jimin proffers a look, and Jungkook frowns. “... Right?”
Jimin licks his teeth in a way that makes Jungkook’s stomach drop just slightly.
“Famous last words, bud,” is all he replies.
The slide of the back doors from the kitchen is what jerks your head up, followed by the sound of feet pattering on tiles. Suddenly, there’s a rise of anxiousness. Until you drum into your head that, no , this is nothing for you to be anxious about. There are the natural nerves budding that stem from confrontation, and you think this may be it.
Towel around his shoulders and dampened hair swept back, Jungkook doesn’t notice you at first when he appears by the doorway. He walks, gazes ahead like his legs are functioning on autopilot - but when he does notice you, he could have skidded. The way he halts and how his body almost springs backwards into the kitchen as soon as he sees your form huddled on one end of the couch, and how Basil - the frat’s cat, is curled by your lap, peacefully asleep and indulging in the soft stroke of your knuckles on his head. 
His expression mirrors a man who wants so desperately to sink into the floorboards. Or to dash back into the hale storm and fully immerse himself head to toe into the hot tub’s waters and never surface again.
The first few seconds of silence is heavy. As if you’re both still trying to process the presence of the other. It’s an uncomfortable silence you’re not accustomed to when with Jungkook. He’s always leaned more to the quiet side of the spectrum; introverted, introspective. But silences had always been comfortable, even when you two clashed. 
You endeavour for eye contact but he’s suddenly so transfixed on a shadow upon the wood flooring. 
“Hey,” you begin, quietly, like the walls are listening in on you. It’s enough gentle encouragement for him to peer up. He hides his hangover well but the mirth, the glint; the starry eyedness that reflected in his orbs from the night before is absent, and no amount of hot tub therapy could conceal the physical and mental exhaustion. 
“Hey.” He sounds almost breathless, smothers the tremor in his voice with a cough. “You’re … you’re soaked.”
“So are you.” Your tone is apologetic, “Sorry I came on short notice, I messaged you but I don’t think you saw it.”
He winces. “Right - sorry. My phone died. Haven’t checked it since.”
You muster a small smile. “I thought as much.” 
Another breath. Another nervous lilt in his voice. “I’m sorry. Not just the phone thing but everything I said to you last night.” 
You sigh. “Don’t be. It’s just … I’m surprised you remember what you said.”
He takes a breath, bicep flexing when he rubs anxiously at his nape. “I don’t,” he admits. “Jimin told me. It’s in this video he took last night of Taehyung eating cake off the floor, you could hear my voice in the background.” 
“Ah. That explains it.” Your lips pursed. “Did you mean what you said?”
His eyes round and flash to yours. He chews his lip, throws a glance at his feet. “... Yeah,” he whispers. 
“Not just the alcohol talking?”
You’re quiet, continuing to stroke Basil who’s still fast asleep beside you.
“Stop apologising,” you snap. You didn’t mean to, but his shoulders tense, and it makes you wallow in guilt that only he out of everyone has been able to make you feel. You haven’t thought this through and now you’re here you’re saying all the wrong things and asking all the wrong questions. But you remember it’s him, and recollect yourself. “Jungkook - it’s just … it’s just a lot to unpack.” 
You peer up, his nod is slow, but he gets it.
He’s tired, you see it clear as day. See it in the trudge of his walk, the dim in his eyes, and neither of you talk on the way up. Not until you reach his room. 
Despite your protests, he insists you help yourself to his draws for a spare change of dry clothes. It’s with that thought when you realise you still have yet to return several shirts to him with the promise of them all being washed and folded; washed and folded they are, but you never have been great at remembering to give them back. Putting it into perspective - maybe it is a little weird. Weird for two people who fall under the label of best friends. But then again you borrowed clothes from your own roommates all the time to the point you sometimes forgot whose is whose. It isn’t weird. Right? 
While Jungkook goes for a brisk shower, you peel off your soaked clothes, hang them over a spot on his clothes rack. His room is mostly devoid of personal touch, though there are a few photos of his high school football days and some of him and his friends pinned to a board. Otherwise, he’s never had much interest for interior decoration, but he likes his room clean and uncluttered. 
There’s a knock on the door a few minutes later. “Are you …?”
“Yeah,” you say. “I’m done.”
The door cracks open, and Jungkook appears, adorned in another change of clothes. His hair is still damp, fluffed at the patches that have managed to dry and his cheeks are pink from the heat of the shower, but he’s less rugged than earlier. Still tired, though. So tired that you don’t question it when he makes a beeline for his unmade bed and collapses face-first into his pillow. You perch on the edge, pulling his duvet over him. 
He wriggles closer to the wall, like he’s making more room for you to sit. You appreciate the gesture and shuffle closer. Outside, the wind still howls.
“You should dry your hair properly,” you murmur, fingers at the damp ends of his nape. 
“Yeah … prob’ly should,” he sighs, muffled where his mouth is buried in his pillow.
You came here to talk about yesterday night, but maybe it’s a conversation for another time. You out of everyone should know how strenuous it is to have a heart-to-heart while being victim to a hangover that gives you the same capacity as someone half-dead. 
You’re staring blankly at the wall, so occupied with the whistle of the winds, so lost in the strands between your fingertips - that when you peer down you’re met with half-open shining eyes, and a lazy blinking gaze directed upwards at your face.
“Nothing,” he murmurs, like clockwork, and buries half his face again into the plush of his pillow. It’s enough time for you to catch the shy tilt of his lips before they hid again. It’s almost ironic, how you’re the one next to him while he nurses a hangover when it’s always been the other way round. Here, he’s so vulnerable. Your mind wanders to the possibility - what if it was the other way around? An alternate universe where it was you who serenaded Jungkook with karaoke and confessed. 
In whatever reality, you imagine him to confront you in the way you did now. Perhaps approached it a little differently, would perhaps be a little gentler, but he would never give you the cold shoulder.
For now, you both pretend there’s been no drunken confession. Best friends, like how it’s always been, and you’ll discuss it all when the time comes.
At some point you’re lowering yourself next to him; your head on the same pillow, and your bodies beneath the same blanket. He’s warm. 
And it’s peaceful, as comfortable as it always has been. 
“Oh my God, where the hell’s your shirt? I haven’t seen you swim once so far,” you scoff, and Hoseok pulls a sour face.
“You’re talking big for being the one in the string bikini.”
You look at him in disbelief. “Yeah, but I actually used the pool?”
“Scooch over, babe.”
Your eyes roll skyward as he plops beside you on the loveseat. It’s another weekend, another frat, another party, another excuse for Hoseok to walk around without a shirt because there’s a pool. Correction: a further excuse for hoards of frat boys to walk around without a shirt, but at this point you’re desensitised to it.
The music booms, a dull vibration you feel through the ground. 
Kappa Omega is infamous for their extravagant parties (at least, as extravagant as college parties can go). Compared to others it’s vastly over-the-top, with most of the guys getting in through connections just like how their college applications got past admissions, but it is what it is. They’re not all bad people, they hold parties for fundraisers but sometimes it can’t be helped not to feel sour when you see what they blow their money on. The Kappa Omega mansion is so big that you’d spent a good portion of the beginning of the night lost.
“Lucky bastards,” Hoseok mutters. He’s said that several times this evening. He’s only here for the booze and the cheese tray. He pops open another beer, chucks the bottle opener onto the low table in front of him, besides the cheese tray he stole from the kitchen. “Which frat party was it again when you blacked out and dived into the pool fully clothed? I can’t remember anymore.” 
“We don’t talk about that, thanks,” you utter, wrapping your long cardigan tighter around your torso. “Have you by chance seen Jungkook around? I thought he’d be here by now.”
He looks up, mid-way from tipping back his beer. “Yeah, I saw him some time ago.”
“What, where?”
“Sat with some food by himself somewhere.” His arm gestures vaguely. “He looked a little sad. You know, in signature Jungkook fashion, you know how he gets sometimes.” 
Your form slumps. “Right,” you murmur. It’s been over two weeks since the last time you saw him. Not that it’s unprecedented. He has football among other commitments that strung him away for days and sometimes weeks at a time, and you had your own as well.
Be that as it may, somehow it feels like the both of you are drawing the whole thing out. Not purposely, but definitely unnecessarily. Neither of you brought it up in your messages to each other either, and it hit you recently that, well - you miss him. You’ve seen him around campus, but never for too long. Nothing more than fleeting sightings of him and his disheveled hair in a half-pony while he rushes to class after football practice; a hand usually holding onto a snack while the other held onto the strap of his half-open duffel bag, but you only had time to exchange a wave and a look that held promise of your next meeting. The fact remains that you miss your best friend, and it would kill you for your friendship to be awkward because of what happened. You had every intention to talk to him tonight in person, and no dallying or delays this time.
Hoseok’s eyes squint your way. “What’s going on between you guys, anyway. You guys a thing or what?”
You sigh, “That’s the thing, I have no idea yet.” 
“Yet.” His lips purse, contemplating you. “He really likes you, you know. So, like, go easy on him.”
Your eyes narrow. “How long have you known, then?”
“As if it was hard,” he scoffs, sitting back. “Guy wears his heart on his sleeve. You have to be thick as a brick not to notice.”
“Wow. Thanks,” you deadpan.
He stabs his fork into the blue cheese. “You know why him and Yerim broke up?” 
“Oh no,” you morose, frowning, “don’t tell me it was because of me. I talked to her after they broke it off and she said it wasn’t.”
“Not entirely. But I think she was bending the truth a little so that you wouldn’t berate Jungkook about it. She’s a cool girl, really nice and a good sport. Knew you two were close and accepted that like a champ. But -” and he pauses for emphasis. A pause which is seconds too long, and then finally he puts his fork down, clutches one of your hands in both of his, and waits for you until you’re hanging on to his every breath while he chews and swallows the remaining in his mouth. He resumes, brightly, “it’s not my story to tell. So you better go and find him.”
You shove him. Harder this time - enough that he topples over, and he cackles obnoxiously. 
“Prick,” you laugh, but rise to your feet. Your gaze spans the backyard, the pool. You spot a hot tub, but it’s filled with other students who are laughing and raucous. 
“Ok, I’m going,” you announce, glancing at Hoseok who’s still very much captivated by the cheese tray before him. It does look really good. “See you in a bit.”
“Yeah, yeah, bye.”
The problem with knowing so many people, and having the same friends as those people - is that in situations where you try to pull yourself away from yet another drinking game you’re taken by the elbow by someone else. Having all of your mutual friends congregated in one domain that is the Kappa Omega House has made your search for the ever-elusive Jeon Jungkook a grand Pain in the Ass. He’s like gold dust. You’ve texted him but you’ve yet to receive a reply.
“Hey, have you seen Jungkook?”
“I saw him at the front porch a few minutes ago?”
“... Seriously? I’ve literally just been there.”
You even scrambled over a balcony and leaped over a hedge when you tried to get away from Chad’s third invitation to join the game of chicken fight in the pool (a parkour stunt that you like to think would put Peter Parker to shame). You give yourself a quiet moment to catch your breath. 
It’s then you realise you’re in a part of the backyard you swear you haven’t been in before. You can presuppose why. It’s dimly lit, less people, and the boom of the stereo is still loud, but is more of a distant noise in comparison to the other parts of the house you’ve been in. Like what the hell, how big is this place? 
“Sooo, you’ve found him yet or what?”
You hear the voice before you see the face. 
Unbelievable. So you cross paths with shirtless Hoseok for the third time and yet haven’t so much as had a hair’s glimpse of Jungkook. 
“Nope,” you reply, quite miserably, hands stuffing into your cardigan’s large pockets. You feel for your phone. He still hasn’t seen your message. At this point you’re one teetering step away from letting go of the remaining wisps of your dignity and yell his name through a megaphone with a hope he'll come to you instead … you’ve probably done that while drunk before but you’re nowhere near tipsy now, and that’s besides the point. 
Behind you, Hoseok hums, quite serene. When you look back you see he’s lowered his back onto the grass, his eyelids shut.
Eyes scanning this part of the backyard, it’s a different ambience to the atmosphere by the pool. More relaxed. There are students either sat or lying on the grass in small groups, their conversations a low murmur with the occasional twinkling sound of someone’s laughter rising above it. There’s a slabbed stone pathway that leads further up the grass, which then disappears behind a tall row of hedges, and with that you find yourself on your feet again. 
“As much as it pains me to leave, there’s only so much of you I can take in one evening before I go crazy,” you tell Hoseok, who’s unbothered reply is no more than a lazy thumbs up from his spot on the grass.
It gets darker the further away you are from the house, but you’re led by the quiet warm-white glow of the lawn lights that highlight the path. It calms your mind to a lull that puts you at peace, something you desperately sought after your hopeless goose-chase just minutes prior. 
The waters of a hot tub glow blue up ahead. You skid to a stop when you come closer and see someone’s in there; shoulders immersed and their head just above the water’s surface. What’s the phrase? When you stop looking for something, it finds you? That’s probably not how it goes, but it doesn’t matter. After futile searching, hedge jumping and greasy frat boy dodging, you finally found him. Of course he’d be in a place like this.
His eyes are dazed, mesmerised by the ripples in the water that his smallest movements create. He hasn’t yet noticed you coming.
You pad closer. “... Jungkook?” and like a switch, his spine straightens, goes rigid as a ramrod at your voice. He’s blinking, head shaking side to side as if to snap himself out of the trance that clouds his head. 
“I’ve been looking for you everywhere,” you exasperate.
He blinks. “You … you have?”
You scoff, amused at the way his brows knit. “Yeah,” you sigh, stopping so your forearms can lean on the sides of the tub. “May I join you?”
After a beat of hesitation - “Of course you can.” 
You shrug your long oversized cardigan off of your shoulders, and double check that your phone is still in the pocket before you chuck it in a heap on the bench. You secure your footing on the step, eyes intercepting his own. His Adam's apple bobs when the rest of your body comes into view, and you shiver at the breeze but warmth engulfs you the second you’re in contact with the bubbling water.  
“Feels good?” he asks, and you sigh contentedly, leaning back.
“Yeah.” If you really wanted to, you could fall asleep right here, right now. “What is it with you and hot tubs? Always knew you had a thing for them but never asked specifically why. Or does it just feel good?”
“Mainly that. The guys on my team use the excuse that it breaks up the lactic acid in your muscles after training, but it just feels good when you’re sore.” 
“Huh.” When you crack an eye open, he’s already looking at you. 
His lips purse. “Did you want to talk?” and when you nod he sighs, wearily. “I wanted to, honestly. But I … I guess I never felt ready to hear what you’re going to say.”
You frown. “What do you think I’m going to say?” 
“I don’t know. That you don’t feel that way about me, which I’m fine with. I was never meant to let it slip, but I ended up saying all the things I didn’t want you to hear yet. And while I was drunk, of all things.” 
You consider this, broach your tone carefully. “Were you ever going to tell me?” 
His eyes avert to the water. “... Eventually. It would have been after graduation. No step three beyond telling you, no secret ploy to get you to fall in love with me, I only would have wanted you to know how I felt. I’d leave you alone and we’d finally move on with our lives. And what better timing than after graduation? But that’s not how it turned out, did it?” He laughs, but it’s with rueful discomfort.
“How long?”
He exhales. “A while.”
“I see.” You think hard for a second. “Even when you were with Yerim?”
He gnaws on his bottom lip, but you can tell he’s honest when he replies with, “Yeah. But I never pretended she was you.”
“Of course you didn’t, you’re not that type of person.”
At last, he does smile at that, and seeing the tilt of his mouth settles a warmth in your heart.
Part of you wants to ask what happened between him and Yerim, but you think perhaps it’s for the best you don’t know, at least now. It’s not your business nor his obligation to tell you.
Before you could dwell too much on your oncoming words, you continue barging forward or you’ll chicken out from what you’re going to say next.
“Jungkook,” you begin. “What if I said yes?”
A pause. 
“What do you mean?”
“If you asked me out, and I said yes.”
He’s so bewildered he looks as if he’s just been slapped. Suddenly, something more serious shadows his features. “You know I’d never want you to date me just because. I’m fine with rejection, seriously, I’ll get over it. But I don’t want you to settle for less than what you want. You deserve someone you want, and if I’m not that person, that’s fine. You deserve -”
“Last time I checked, you don’t get a say on what it is that I do and don’t deserve. Who I deserve is for me to decide, so stop cutting yourself so short because you’re more decent than most of the guys I know.”
He shifts, looks away. “So what are you saying?”
“Should we try it?”
“What if it doesn’t work out?”
“Then it doesn’t work out,” you say, simply.
“But then it’ll be awkward.”
“You telling me that you became obsessed with me after I flirted with you for one evening while I was drunk already made it awkward. Not like we have anything else to lose.”
A breath of air expels from his nose in a chuckle. “Oh, ouch.”
“Jungkook,” you sigh. “It’s so easy to be around you. If it doesn’t work out, then it doesn’t work out, but how are we supposed to know how it’s going to turn out if we don’t even give it a chance? It’s going to be awkward either way but we’ll figure it out. Like with all the other crap we’ve gone through. I’ve been with enough guys to know that guys like you come far and few between, I trust you enough to want to do this. You’re one of those few guys I know I can trust, alongside Hoseok. Even though he can be a real bitch sometimes.”
Jungkook doesn’t rebuke you, but he laughs. It’s a sound you’ve never been more relieved to hear. 
“So what do you think? I don’t want to force you into it. If you don’t want this, I’m fine with it. If you do, I’m fine with that too. Everything on my end is fine, so what about yours?”
If him confessing happened a year, or maybe two years earlier, you don’t think you would have confronted it in the way that you’d done now. You understand why Jungkook wanted to bide his time. You’re stubborn, fiery, and don’t think things through in the way that Jungkook does. If this happened two years ago, you can imagine you’d have yelled at him on impulse, asking him why, why he let it happen.
But there’s a very particular fondness you’ve honed for your best friend that has unfurled in the years of your friendship, to the point you couldn’t possibly imagine yourself putting blame on him for his feelings. It seems being friends with him has really mellowed you. While Hoseok is the friend you’re most similar to, your other pea-in-the-pod, Jungkook is the friend who balances you out. Someone so different to you, yet someone who still knows what makes you tick.
He’s a friend who doesn’t judge, but yet is always first to call you out whenever you’re out of line. A friend who waits until you’re inside of your dorm building before driving away. The type of guy who pays for dinner and doesn’t expect you to pay him back. A friend who makes sure you’re back home safely when you’re drunk, puts a glass of water next to you and watches over you to make sure you don’t choke on your vomit in your sleep.
Finally, after careful consideration, he nods. He nods, finally.
“So we’re doing this then.” You crack a smile, and he finds it difficult to suppress his own.
“Yeah,” he whispers. “Yeah, I guess we are.”
With an unchanging temper, as still and as serene as waters below the turbulent surface - Jungkook is your anchor, he always has been. The anchor that tethers your feet to the earth when the elements threaten to topple you over.
In the blue glow, you shuffle closer forward on your knees. 
“Can I kiss you?” you murmur, and he chokes on his saliva, spluttering. You smile sheepishly. “Sorry it’s weird, you don’t have to let me if that’s going too fast. I just … I want to see what it feels like.” 
He hesitates. “Are you sure?”
“Pretty sure.”
He mulls it over, but it doesn’t take much thinking. He stares at you, hard. But then you disrupt the stillness with a disarming smile, and unable to resist, he beckons you over. “Come here.”
It’s odd to straddle his lap at first. In the same way it is when you’re getting on a bike for the first time or any kind of first. He doesn’t make any first move, it’s you who he waits to initiate. 
The path of your fingers trail slowly upwards, until they’re splayed against his chest. They remain there, and you detect the quick pattering of his heart, the rise of his chest. His breaths are deep but they’re controlled, and he feels sturdy beneath you. 
Jungkook is stupid handsome, with the body to match. But that’s not what swells your heart. It’s not what pushes you to move further forward in his lap and finally press your mouth to the seam of his lips before you could think twice.
It’s how tenderly he gazes up at you. With the same sincerity and adoration he’d shown the night he’d confessed drunk. His eyes, an opening to his soul which is a whole other wonder. 
When was the last time someone looked at you like that? 
The kiss is soft. No sparks, no butterflies on your end - not yet, but somehow it still feels right. Like missing pieces that have finally fallen into place. Warmth and love spills from him. It saturates your body to the very tips of your ears, all the way down to your toes, like a slow, spreading glow. It feels good.
When shy pecks don’t become enough anymore, you get needy, touching and grasping for more of him. His palms press against your lower back, massaging the skin there, and eventually your mouth parts pliant for him. 
“Oh,” he croaks, his head leaning forward so his cheek brushes yours. You can’t see his eyes, and you attempt to move but he curtains the planes of his face with his hair. 
“What’s wrong?” you ask, having to strain to catch his whisper. 
“I’m embarrassed.”
You chuckle, warmth spreading from the spot on your ear that his lips hover over. “How come?”
“Like, there are probably bricks softer than my dick right now. And … I really, really don’t wanna jizz my pants in a Kappa Omega hot tub. I would have hit my lowest point in life if I do.” 
“Oh my God.” You’re almost crying, shoulders shaking with how hard you’re laughing. 
“Please, I’m so serious right now. I’d never be able to redeem myself.”
“Would jizzing in an obscenely expensive hot tub be so bad?”
“Yes,” he emphasises. “Really bad, actually. Have you heard of that guy who ejaculated in a swimming pool and accidentally got twenty girls pregnant?”
“That sounds like fake news. There’s no way. Sperm aren’t homing torpedoes, Jungkook. They’d be unviable as soon as they’d be in the water. But if you want me to move back, I’ll move back.”
His face is taut, like he’s trying so hard. “Yes, please.” His eyes go stern, but there’s a nervous jitter you feel with the skin beneath your fingertips. “And just because I think it’s worth mentioning, I don’t think we should have sex straight away.” 
“Oh. Right. I see,” you deadpan.
It’s his turn to cackle at the dead-set, disappointed look on your face. “What’s with that?”
Your eyes roll. “You know I’m kidding.” You brush the hair out from his eyes. “Jungkook, will you wait for me?”
His expression softens, and he hoists you until you’re pressed impossibly closer.
“Of course I will. However long it needs to be.”
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a/n: when jk says you flirted with me the whole night and i became obsessed w you forever, yea that was from b99
originally posted on ao3! thx for reading!!! <33 
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lord-explosion-baku · 4 years
Opia (Night 3)
Vampire!Shinsou x reader x Kirishima
warnings: sexual content, (i wouldn’t call it smut because it’s not graphic, but sex happens...), dark themes, drinking, MASSIVE TRIGGER WARNING FOR DRUNK DRIVING HIT AND RUN, blood, pain, mentions of abuse, mentions of sexual abuse, dead dove do not open, blood drinking, vampire shit, jealousy??
A/N: this honestly turned into a miniature vent??? idk what about, but this was kind of relieving to write. anyways, the reader is still kinda dumb... im not sorry
Night 3
The streets were alive with rabid students, elated to be over and done with the autumn semester. Winter break was starting up, and kids in your neighborhood were celebrating by tossing their notes and flash cards out wherever they could (which they thought was virtually anywhere), drinking the night away, and partying hard. You’d heard shrieks of joy and kids hollering at one another and there were a couple of boys from a nearby fraternity passing out fliers for a rager they were throwing tonight. They were supposedly combating against another party house and you had a vague idea who that house might have belonged to. You wanted nothing to do with it.
Ever since the last party you attended, you’d been feeling...watched—unsafe, even in your own home, and it was even worse when you went out. If you were the same as you were a couple years ago, you’d be out and in the same Jeep that had sped down your street for a total of three times this night, smiling and laughing with your friends, singing along, but now you were perfectly content staying home with your movies. Well, not perfectly content. You had to admit that you were lonely.
The phone at your side glared at you, and you had to pull your legs into your chest, locking your arms around them to ensure that you wouldn’t dial any numbers. But you wanted to. It was selfish, and you knew you shouldn’t, but you couldn’t fight the gravitational pull your phone had on your hand.  
Just after two rings, Kirishima answered. “Hey, you! What’s up?” You could hear people talking around him. Damn.
“Hi...Ei…” you cringed at the nickname. Calling Kirishima anything but his last name or ‘Kiri’ felt unnatural to you, but when you hooked up with him in the past, you knew that he thoroughly enjoyed it when you called him, ‘Ei.’
“Hey…” Kirishima’s tone dropped. You were glad he wasn’t dumb; he could catch your mood from a simple greeting.
Shifting in your seat, you laid halfway down on your couch, staring out the window. You could tell from the subtle amber hue on your neighbor’s window that the sun wasn’t quite gone from the sky yet. If he was throwing a party, he must’ve just been greeting guests right now. It was early, but you were hoping it wasn’t too early.
“What are you up to?” You purposefully heightened the lilt in your voice to sound sweet—a little more coy than your norm in hopes of grabbing his attention.
“Who is it?” You heard someone—a gravely voice—ask on Kirishima’s end.
“Nobody. Shush,” Kirishima hissed, probably trying to cover the speaker. You didn’t mind being nobody. That was probably for the best. “Uhhh-“ He was walking now, and you heard even more voices and loud music playing. “Not much. Why?”
It didn’t take much to convince Kirishima to come over to your place. Just one, ‘I’m feeling uneasy and I don’t want to be alone,’ got him through the door in no time. You’d heard a few of his friends protest, telling him to just invite you to the house, but those demands went ignored which you were delighted about. You felt a little guilty using Kirishima’s righteous sense of gallantry for your own selfish gain, but that guilt dissipated as soon as you found him on your front porch.
Though it was winter, Kirishima sported basketball shorts and a tank that showed off his impressive brawn. He always used to say that he ran hot and never really got chilly, which you knew to be true when you pulled him into a snug hug. His arms were warm as they wrapped around you and he smelled vaguely like spicy cologne. Taking him in, you thought it wasn’t the worst thing in the world.
“Thanks for coming,” you murmured into his broad chest, “I know I’m just being a baby, but I’m glad you’re here.”
“Nah, it’s no problem at all! I wouldn’t leave a lady all alone in a big house like this.” He pulled his head away with his arms still wrapped around you. “You look really nice.”
You bit your lip. You didn’t do much besides shower and put a tiny bit of mascara on. You were in your pajamas shorts and you might have put on that one bra that made your chest draw more attention than usual, but you had on a simple look...and you tried very hard to obtain it. Judging by how Kirishima’s eyes kept flicking down to your cleavage, you knew that you’d pulled off your alluring nonchalance with success.
“Can I get you anything?” You asked while walking towards the kitchen while Kirishima unshouldered his backpack next to the couch. “Water? Juice?...Beer?”
“What are you gonna have?”
You casted a bashful look his way. “That depends entirely on you.”
“I’ll have a beer.” Kirishima grinned, his hands in his pockets.
Returning to the couch with two glass drinks in hand, you handed one off to Kirishima and seated yourself next to him, purposefully brushing your bare shoulder against his arm before settling in. Neither of you really cared about what played on the television so you chose a random channel, nervous about spending too much being indecisive, and landed on an old cheesy classic horror movie that was in black and white. Zombies. What a mood setter.
Idle chit-chat survived as the yawning drawls of menacing pale-faced villains gathering to hunt in herds. Kirishima asked how you did on your finals and you inquired about what exactly he was doing when you called. He admitted that there was a party at his house, but said he wasn’t all that into it, explaining that it was Kaminari’s idea.
“He said it was supposed to be a favor for a friend, but I think that was just another excuse to get shit-faced,” Kirishima explained, taking a sip of his second beer.
“Uh-huh…” A friend. You couldn’t help but think about how Kaminari previously referred to Shinsou as a friend, but quietly shook that thought out of your mind. You didn’t want to think about that strange, albeit beautiful enigma while you were with Kirishima.
A blood curdling shriek from the movie snapped your attention back to the scream. You were about to laugh and make a comment about chocolate syrup used as blood, when Kirishima tensed next to you. You looked up at him and saw that he was grimacing, even recoiling a little bit as the zombies claimed their next victim.
“Are you scared, Ei?” You asked, scooting closer to the redhead. You rested your head on his shoulder and peered up curiously, pouting your lips.
“Huh?” Kirishima eyed you. “Nah, ‘course not. I love scary movies.” You could tell by the tenor in his voice that he was lying. You thought it was cute that he was trying to tough it out. “What about you? Sure you can handle a scary movie after you’ve been feeling jittery all night?”
He poked your side and you jumped, laughing bashfully as you attempted to hold his hand back. You gazed up at him through your lashes, focusing on using that innocent look you’d used countless times before when you wanted something.
“I feel very safe with you here,” you whispered breathily, watching as Kirishima’s pupils expanded while your fingers tip-toed up his arms. You pushed yourself up and hooked a leg over his waist, settling evenly over the growing bulge in his shorts. You took the glass bottle out of his hands, kept eye contact with him while you took a sip, and placed the bottle on the side table.
Kirishima didn’t miss a beat, his large hands resting comfortably at your hips. “You really mean that?” He asked as his fingers curled around the hem of your shirt.
You leaned into him, your lips a breath away from his. “I mean everything that I say.” Then, you kissed him, slowly at first, smoothly drawing your tongue along his bottom lip, before he ran his hand up your back and pulled you deeper onto him.
Kirishima kissed you like he was drinking in the taste of you and still coming back thirsty. His hands explored your body as if it were both his first time and possibly the last, wanting to get the most out of you as humanly possible. One of his large hands trailed up your shirt, squeezing your side before cupping your right breast, while the other hand brushed through your hair, tugging on you lightly to elicit soft moans out through your lips.
The familiar sensation of being leered at came after Kirishima stripped you of your shirt.
“You’re so hot,” he breathed before kissing the rounded curve of your breasts. While he worked to unclasp your bra, you glanced back to the window to see your curtains drawn open. Kirishima noticed and asked, “should we close them?”
There was nothing to be seen out the window, but you still felt watched. The thing is, you didn’t care. If there happened to be mesmerizing indigo eyes staring at you through the window, then so mote it be. “It’s okay. Nobody’s out there.”
You sighed when Kirishima took your left nipple into your mouth, pinching your right one with his fingers until they were both taut and colored by the flush of your blood. You massaged his head while his sharp teeth worried at you, growing a little more aggressive. The creeping feeling of being monitored intensified tenfold when you reached down to stroke Kirishima through his shorts. He moaned when your thumb ran circles around the wet spot at the tip of his tent. He pulled you down so you were rubbing against him, and you felt an aching tension grow in your hips.
“Ei,” you mewled, pulling at the drawstrings of his shorts.
“Yeah,” he rasped in understanding, and briskly swept you over and onto your back.
Years ago, an ex-boyfriend of yours told you that he loved to fuck you because you weren’t breakable. He could bite you until you bled, choke you until you nearly passed out (sometimes you did), and hell, he’d even hit you a couple times while he was inside of you. He left bruises all over your body for everyone to see—like he wanted people to know who you belonged to. You didn’t really mind it, at least, not while you were with him. The thing is, he was wrong about you. You were very breakable. You had bones that could shatter and skin that could scar. But a part of you wanted to be broken and that was why you never stopped him, even when you knew he treated you wrong.
Kirishima never treated you wrong. He provided service between your legs, making sure you were shaking and clutching the couch cushions, barely able to form a coherent sentence by the time he was done, and he kissed you up your torso as he would make his way back to face you, where he asked if you were okay and if he could continue. When he was inside of you, he started off slowly, whispering to you all about how good you felt, how tight you were, how he thought about this all the time. No, Kirishima never treated you wrong, but he also knew about your ex-boyfriend. He knew he didn’t have to hold back with you. So after easing into you, after making sure you were well taken care of, he knew that he didn’t have to restrain himself. He hurt you too, like how you’d asked him to in the past.
With each stroke came a pained pleasure, a violent hunt searching for a violent release. He fucked you like you were a secret that he wished the world to know about, and when you yelped and when you cried, it was like you were granting him his wish. You knew it would come to this, and though you wouldn’t have asked him to hurt you now, you didn’t mind it. Kirishima was still a good guy—a sweetheart, your loving friend. You also knew that even the kindest, most caring guys had animalistic urges clawing at their skin. And how could you really deny him this clandestined divulgence when you were the one using him from the beginning?
He came inside of you, panting out a string of obscenities as he thrusted the last bit of his energy into your already tender core. He seized your lips as if they were his to take, though in that moment, one could say that they were, and cradled you in his strong, too-hot arms.
“Holy shit, that was...you were ncredible,” he muttered against your jaw as he began peppering you with more kisses. “I love you so fucking much.”
“What?” You put a hand to his broad chest and pushed back very gently.
Kirishima brows frowned. He was already realizing his mistake. “I...didn’t mean…”
“What?” You asked, gathering your shirt from off the ground. “You didn’t mean it, or you didn’t mean to say it?”
The absurd paradox that was your sex life: you could do pain, you could do borderline abuse, but love was where you drew the line. Kirishima knew that all too well. If you counted on your fingers how many times you have had this conversation with him, you’d need to use your toes as well.
“You know how I feel about you,” he argued, decently handing you your pajama shorts when you pointed at them. “I didn’t mean to say it.”
“Well,” you sighed, not even really having the energy to disagree. Instead, you grabbed your shoes.
“Where are you going?”
“I don’t know. I think I’m gonna go on a walk. I need to cool down.”
“Let me come with you. You said you were feeling uneasy earlier.”
“Are you going to try to talk about us?” You asked, using your fingers to make quotation marks around the word ‘us’.
“I don’t see what the big deal is!” Kirishima stood up to put his own shorts back on. He stopped you when you were at your front door, throwing his hand up to keep it from opening. “You know that I would be good for you…”
“Let me leave, Kiri.”
“Oh, so I’m Kiri now?”
“You’re always Kiri.”
Kirishima shook his head, incredulous. “Not when you want to fuck me. Then I’m Ei,” he accused. He had a point, but you were too upset to admit it. So instead, you crossed your arms and took a step back, glaring out the window. Kirishima sighed. “I just don’t understand why you won’t give us a chance.”
“I don’t wanna talk about it right now.”
“Then when?”
“Ideally? Never.” You reached for the doorknob, but Kirishima kept his hand on the door, unmoving. You shot him a look, softening up an ounce. “C’mon, Kirishima. Let me just...clear my head. I...am aware that I’m overreacting, and I’m sorry. It’s just a touchy subject, I guess.” Gingerly, you touched his arm, and despite knowing better, you gave him a peck on the cheek. “We can talk when I get back, okay?”
Kirishima exhaled, relaxing a bit. “Yeah, okay.” He cleared the way and ambled back to the couch, not casting you another glance until you opened the door. “Just be safe.”
“Will do,” you promised, and you were out the door.
The night air was brisk which you were thankful for. The cool was refreshing against your more-than-hot skin, so it kept you grounded and alert. Your thoughts raged war inside your head as you chastised yourself for being a manipulative bitch. You thought about what you would say to Kirishima, how you would explain to him yet again exactly why you didn’t want to be in a relationship, and what you would do to get any more romantic thoughts out of his head. Growing frustrated with trying to find the right words, you decided to start picking up the litter the kids from earlier tossed around. There was so much of it around, and honestly? you felt like you should do maybe one good deed tonight to balance out your karma.
You zigzagged through the streets, collecting the trash in your hands. You felt gross because a lot of this shit was lodged in the gutter, plastered down by the rain. One flier in particular was especially stubborn with letting you pick it up. You had to use your nails to finally get it in your clutches. You thought that you’d have to make a second shower when you were done with this. Kirishima would probably want to join you...
It came before you knew what literally hit you. Pain shot through you as you were projected back maybe twenty feet through the air. You wanted to scream, but when your back hit the ground, the wind rushed out of your lungs at the same time you heard an excruciating crack. Your ears rang as your fingers and toes twitched until they stilled, disobeying your commands to tell them to move.
Blaring music cut out, and you heard erratic voices muffled by the dull roar of an engine—the Jeep you’d seen earlier.
“Go back!” A female voice cried. It was familiar. Was that Yui Kodai? You were too...out of it to tell, and when you tried to raise your head to check, sharp pain seized up your spine. You attempted speaking, but it was like your lungs were crushed and mangled, no longer able to do their job. All you could do was listen. All you could do was feel.
“It was just a fucking cat!” A man yelled back.
“It wasn’t a cat! You just killed that girl!”
“Will you shut the fuck up!” Quieter and quieter the voices came. “It was a fucking cat, and we don’t tell anybody about this, end of story.”
But I’m alive, you thought loudly at them. Please...come back…
The screeching of those tires bolting down the street was the most devastating noise you’d ever heard in your entire life.
Karma was a dirty bitch that played with her own deck. You affronted yourself, reasoning that if only you had stayed inside with Kirishima, work things out, kiss him, make him feel better, this wouldn’t have happened. Maybe you shouldn’t have called him at all. That really should’ve been for the best. You knew what you were doing when your fingers dialed his number. And now you were paying for it.
So this was it. This was your punishment. This is how it ends. You, laying abandoned in the gutter of your street, dying. At least, you could see the night sky. You had the stars to keep you company, though focusing on them was painful when you fought dizzying sensations that kept the stars blurred and seemingly...red.
“What a shame,” came a familiar loquacious purr. Your mind told you to move your head to find the source of the voice, but again, you were stuck, hopelessly sputtering and defeated.
Then a beautiful creature came into view, though from where you were positioned, Shinsou’s face was upside-down. Still, you were glad—glad that the last thing you were going to see before you died, was something so...incredible.
The movement was like a blur; one moment Shinsou was standing above you, the next he was crouched beside you. Pearly white arms stretched out in front of you, and you felt a scorching burn, then Shinsou brought his hands back, and inspected the crimson liquid that coated his fingertips. He inhaled, closing his eyes as if the smell was enticing to him, and you were suddenly struck with unease. That was your blood.
Blinking up at him in disgust, you were frustrated that you couldn’t bark out a thousand questions like: why don’t you call for help? Why did you just touch a dead girl? Why are you looking at my blood?! But you were stuck, paralyzed, unable to stutter out a single word.
That was when you saw two elongated fangs poking out through his gums. The caged organ in your chest gave a strained thrust and Shinsou’s eyes snapped open as if in direct reaction to your heartbeat.
He sighed. “A shame that you get to taste me before I get to taste you…”
Shinsou’s eyes shifted down the street, then you felt his arms wrap around you. The sky became a blur and then it disappeared, suddenly replaced by shrouds of leaves and branches. You wanted to cry. Being touched—being moved was excruciating, but you couldn’t do a thing besides stare and blink.
“Here’s the deal,” Shinsou began, pulling up his sleeves and discarding the bracelets from around his wrist. “I’m going to give you my blood.”
Hah?! Your brows creased.
“Oh, you can understand me. Good. My blood’s got a healing agent in it that’s probably the only thing that will save your life.” Shinsou looked you in the eyes and you saw the same thing he showed you at Kirishima’s last party: pupils so black that they appeared white. “It’s a highly addictive substance, but I think since you’re already so far gone, it won’t be all too affected by it. You might experience some side effects, such as heightened visual and auditory senses, feeling euphoric or stronger than you are, and-“ he smirked- “increased libido.”
As he kept talking, you felt your mind swimming, as if you weren’t going into hysterics already. Maybe that was it. You were imagining this because you were dying and your brain was graciously giving you a scenario that was better than your reality which was actually you alone and broken on the side of the road. Despite the situation, your lips managed to twitch upwards. At least you were sticking to your character. These past couple weeks, you’d been going insane and now you were leaving the world as batsy as ever.
White wrists met pale lips and a grim noise made your stomach turn as you watched Shinsou bite himself. He hovered his injured arm over your mouth, then he hesitated.
“But wait,” he said in a sardonic tone. “What was it you were going off about the last time we met? Consent?”
If your body could have shuddered, it would have. This was exactly like when you’d try to fall asleep and remember all the embarrassing things you’d ever said and done in grade school, only now you were nearing death’s gate, and you had to endure the memory of you awkwardly sputtering your righteous jargon to a stranger. Good grief. If there was a god who had control over your mind, he was a damn sadist.
“So what say you, darlin’? Want me to save you? Blink twice if yes-“ he shrugged- “die if not.”
You glared at him. Let’s just rub salt into your wounds, why don’t we? Deciding to entertain your delusions, you blinked pointedly, twice, hating the self-assured expression on this sicko’s perfect face.
“I’m glad to see that you value your life,” he said, then raised his wrist over your mouth. You felt droplets fall against your lips. You no longer had the energy to protest—not even to grimace and tighten your mouth. Instead, the liquid lazily trinkled onto your tongue and down your throat.
The change started immediately. Your muscles tensed and tightened in a sort of soothing, weaving motion. You’d heard pops as your bones cracked back into the place which would have disgusted you if you weren’t so distracted by the wonderful sensation on your tongue. Shinsou tasted like nothing you’d ever had before—sweet nectar, rich and pleasing. Your tongue lapped at his skin until feeling returned to your hands and you grasped firmly onto his arm and began sucking harder, greedier, at once needing more and knowing you wouldn’t be able to get enough.
Shinsou began raising his arm away from you, but you chased it, following his motion by lifting your healed torso as more of your bones snapped back into place. Your entire body was frenzying with elated tingles. You felt euphoric, high, and if you were still coerced to believe you were dying, you’d have thought that you’d gone to heaven. But you knew better now. This was present and this was real. This was everything.
“I see that you’re enjoying yourself.” Shinsou pressed his hand against your jaw and dragged it back to the nape of your neck. He stilled, then tightened his hold on you, trying to ease you off of him. “That’s enough.”
But it wasn’t. You pulled, knowing full well this was going to end, but wanting desperately for it to not. Shinsou’s fingers sunk into your hair and pulled, baring his teeth—baring his fangs—at you. Once you were pried away, he sucked in a breath and hissed.
“That’s good,” he said, his thumb wiping at the corner of your mouth where renegade blood seemed to have escaped. “That’s good,” he cooed again, the melody in his voice all but worshipped you. You eyed his wrist, noting that there wasn’t a bite mark in sight. You shook as his thumb brushed against your bottom lip. “Satisfied?”
“More,” you demanded childishly without a care. It wasn’t fair. He was a bully dangling a treat right in front of you while you were starving and tied to a pole. Gathering some sense of morale, you breathed and asked, “please. More.”
“Greedy girl.” Shinsou sneered. God, even when he was making such a nasty face, he was still so...pretty. You couldn’t stand it. “There’s a time and a place for everything, and there’s not a lot that I do without asking for something in return. It all comes with a price.”
“A price?” You asked, still dazed from your elation. At this point, you’d do borderline anything for just one more taste. And honestly, with someone with the same aura as him, you certainly wouldn’t mind doing anything…
“A price,” he reiterated darkly, his lips curling into a grin. “An eye for an eye, as the saying goes…”
“Do you want...my blood?” Your heart jumped.
“I do,” he purred, and as if on reflex, you extended an arm out to him, ushering him to take whatever he wanted. Balls to thinking about what a ludicrous idea that was—you had one thing on your mind: his blood. Shinsou took your arm and brought your wrist to his mouth. You tensed, thinking he was going to bite, but he merely placed a tender kiss to the back of your wrist, sending jubilant waves of pleasure to flutter up your arm. Then, he snickered. “But I can’t take yours tonight. You’ve already lost so much, and your veins are tainted with...well, me.”
Trepidation settled deep in the pit of your stomach. You were not much closer to thinking like a normal human being, but you were hit with the realization that you just drank some guy’s blood...after being hit by a car. You stirred, raring yourself to stand up—if you even could—but Shinsou held you firmly, forcing you to look at him straight on.
A light buzzing noise rang in your ears while you swam in the pools of his magnificent eyes. Your body went numb for the second time this night, but this numb was more of a warm blanket than anything else. You felt secure, despite your situation, and that was what he wanted.
When he spoke, he was simultaneously right in front of you, and inside of you. He was a whisper of a thought, but a furore of a demand as well. He said, “you’re going to go home...send that putrid, hormonal mongrel on his way...and hide yourself under your covers. You’re going to go into a very deep sleep, and if you can help yourself, you won’t be dreaming about anything. Not even me.” His words rocked you gently like a lulling cradlesong. All you could manage to do was nod at his every request. He went on, “and the next time you feel my presence around your home, you’re going to open the door and invite me in. Do I make myself clear?”
As quickly as it came, your calmed mood disappeared as Shinsou blinked at you. Suddenly very sleepy, you tilted your head at the stranger. “Putrid, hormonal mongrel? Do you mean Kirishima?” You grinned when Shinsou’s eyes narrowed. “Were you watching us?”
A low rumble came from Shinsou’s throat that confirmed your accusation. This certainly wasn’t anyway to thank someone who might’ve just saved your life, but you couldn’t help but poke the bear. “What is it?” You ragged. “Are you jealous?”
His demeanor changed in a flash. One moment he looked ready to kill, and in the next, he was tame, wearing a cool mask to support his laxly facade. Shinsou abruptly stood up, cursorily bringing you to your feet with him, and held you so your back was pressed against his chest. You felt the need to stumble—you weren’t used to moving so fast!—but his arms locked you into place.
“You mean like how you were with Miss Kodai,” he quipped against you, his chilled breath caressing your ear. You inhaled sharply, striving to keep yourself from warbling out any embarrassing, telling sounds, but when he pulled some hair away from your neck, and his pinky finger just barely grazed your oversensitive skin, you couldn’t stop the shaky sigh that departed your lips. “Is that why you went out of your way to put yourself in such an uncomfortable situation? Because you were jealous.”
“I wasn’t,” you lied in an attempt to convince yourself that you weren’t. You had no reason to be. You didn’t know him. He was just some kid you saw at a party, and now he was...what was he? Your savior?
Your breath hitched as his hands slithered down your sides, taking their place at your hips. Your heart pounded against your chest when his fingers intentionally grazed over the bit of skin that was bare between your shorts and your shirt.
“You sure about that?” Shinsou dipped his head to lick the column of your throat. A rush of heat settled between your thighs when he flicked his tongue over your pulse point, sucking the tender skin into his mouth. You felt something sharp press against you, and you instinctively craned your neck more to the side to grant him more access, while you pushed your ass back against his hardening groin, nails digging into the arms that were caging you against him. A low groan escaped him, and for a moment, you thought he’d tear through the skin, rip out your vocal chords, and leave you for dead, when he finally pulled his head away.
“Don’t...stop.” You wanted to cringe at your plea. It wasn’t everyday that you actually had to ask for something like this to happen, forget wanting it to begin with. But as Shinsou toyed with the little hairs at the back of your neck, you felt nothing short of longing for things to escalate.
A dark chuckle sounded in your ear. Shinsou whispered, “go home and do as you're told,” before kissing your earlobe. You bit your lip, wanting for his kiss to linger, but instead, he took your chin into his hand and turned you to face him. “And please note that if you don’t, I will find out. I’ll know if your lips touch that mongrel again, too.” You half wanted to inform him that you and Kirishima did far more than ‘touch lips’ earlier, but seeing that threatening look in his eye, you decided against it. “There is a price for everything, my sweet sanguine.”
He released you, and it took everything out of you not to fall to the ground. Shinsou paced a few steps ahead of you when you reached a hand out and called, “hold up!” He stopped, turned his head, and waited. You were going to demand answers to the questions jostling in your head, but you were suddenly very shy. “Where... are you going?”
Shinsou hummed, considering the question and probably enjoying the look of desperation on your face. Finally, he said, “I quite like cats.”
You crossed your arms over your chest and waited for an explanation. When he didn’t give you one, you prompted, “cats?”
“Yeah, cats. I heard there were a couple cretins running around assaulting cats. I just want to make sure your neighborhood is safe.”
“For cats?!” You demanded, but without explaining himself further, he was gone. Like he literally disappeared. The only thing left of him was a playful message resounding in your head.
‘Do try to not get hit by a car on the way home.’
You sauntered the way back to your house, not feeling the least bit sore from the events that unfurled over the night. Having past the spot you’d been hit, you saw dark spots in the road from where you probably had been bleeding out, so you knew that it happened, but your mind was too fuzzy to really contemplate how and why you survived. All you really could think about was how good it felt to have Shinsou touch you—how you’d be counting the days until you would feel him prowling around your house again.
When you got home, you saw that the downstairs bathroom light was on, and the television was on some kind of sports channel. It looked like Kirishima wasn’t entirely invested in the zombie movie you’d put on. You quietly crept up the stairs and slid into the bathroom adjacent to your bedroom. When you saw yourself in the mirror, you gasped.
“Troll,” you hissed at your reflection. Your face was crusty with reds and browns—blood and mud?! And your hair was a mess of dirt and leaves! Your pajamas were shredded and splitter with the same essence that covered the rest of your body. You were disgusting! It didn’t stop there, either! When you took your shirt off, the bruises that littered your skin on your ribs and meat your stomach were countless. You really put the zombies in that old movie to shame.
While you showered, you agonized over the thought of Shinsou seeing you in such an awful state. The water ran down to your drain in a river of rust-colored muck and you wanted to be swallowed down with it.
When you were out of the shower, the only evidence left from the night’s events were the purpling contusions on your torso which you tucked away with your towel. You were sure that the bruising would be worse tomorrow, but you pushed the thought out of your mind and tried to focus on the great night’s sleep you were supposed to be getting.
However, when you opened the door to run to your room, you were greeted with a sheepish looking Kirishima, his hand on the back of his neck. When he saw you standing there in nothing but a towel, his eyes widened and he quickly looked away. “Oh shit, I’m sorry!”
“What were you expecting?” You asked, grinning at the blooming flush of red at the tips of his ears. For god’s sake, he fucked you earlier.
“I...don’t know. Shit, shit. Uh-“
“It’s okay, Kiri.” You leaned against your doorframe and watched his adam’s apple bob. Chewing on your lip, you could already hear Shinsou’s demands swimming around your head.
Send that putrid, hormonal mongrel on his way…
“I just wanted to really apologize to you about earlier...” As Kirishima went on, your attention shot to the bead of sweat appearing on his temple. Heat radiated off his body which made you yearn to be closer to him. God, he was such a good guy. You couldn’t just kick him out in the middle of the night. You didn’t want to. You wanted to be closer to him, which should make you feel bad, but you didn’t feel anything but ravenous.
“Kiri,” you murmured and dropped your towel. Kirishima froze, and with the willpower of a thousand suns, managed to keep his eyes away from you.
“Um. Yeah?” He gulped.
“Ei,” you strummed, lifting your hand out to cup his jaw. You turned his face towards you, watched his eyes trail down your naked body, and kissed his lips, pushing him back and into your room.
When you were done with him, you hid on the covers, and fell into a very, very deep sleep, where you didn’t dream about anything. Not even Shinsou.
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imagines-mha · 4 years
class 1-B and night routines
Monoma: if monoma doesn’t annoy at least 2 people per night he simply will not sleep. Wears the comfiest pyjamas- like a 100% cotton top and plaid pj bottoms and everyones so fuckin jealous. He tells everyone he has a 16 step self-care routine he does every night but he really just brushes his teeth and then sits on his phone for like 2 hours? Ike what do you GET out of lying??? 
Tetsutetsu: he thinks going to bed after 11pm is criminal. Literally doesn’t understand the cryptidcrew™️ who DONT MF SLEEP. Works out before bed which is 👌🏻👌🏻 OOF. Aw hes the type of friend to make everyone tea and toast and send them asmr videos if they cant sleep i love him. He usually spends his night dancing around with pony and working off all his ENERGY
Kendo: “yall im turning into bed i’m too tired for this shit” “kendo it’s 7pm”
My girl will retire to her room as early as she can (usually with the rest of the girls) and she just RELAXES. Like self-care to the max: paints her nails, watches tv, plans her tomorrow, showers. She’s usually asleep at 10pm and wakes up the next morning full energy I want what she has
Awase: he has the WORST sleep schedule like fr. Literally sits up on tiktok until 3am and he’s just like “oh shit i’m up at 7…” *continues scrolling* like bro GET UR ASS TO BED U HAVE TRAINING AT 6AM. His night routine ain’t anything special- he sleeps in sweats and always keeps his window open (although someone told him about banshees once and now hes lowkey terrified lmao)
Kaibara- the type to fall asleep on the sofa and wake up at 4 in the morning to find tsuburaba in the kitchen eating a full course meal and he just SIGHS and goes up to bed in the worst mood bc why tf are his friends so WEIRD. Likes to watch the stars and edit pictures before he sleeps- its so therapeutic to him and also productive so he’s winning
Rin- he drinks coffee every night after midnight and then goes “oh my fuck shit i just drank coffee why am i like this” like congrats u fuckin dumbass now u ain’t gonna sleep. And he never fuckin learns. Always does his hw at like 11pm, Also stays up way too late binge-watching star wars smh 
Tsuburaba: he gets up every night and treats himself to a three-course meal in the kitchen no cap no sound awareness my man will be blending shit full blast at 2 in the morning. Usually falls asleep sitting at the kitchen table and he 👏🏻 needs 👏🏻 a 👏🏻 chiropractor 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻. Also always forgets to do his homework until everyone’s packing up to go to bed and hes like “please,, anyone,, the math?”. Shoda wants to punch him so bad
Ibara: the most well-structured person in the entire building. At 7pm she has her shower, at 8:30pm she goes to pray, at 9:30pm she journals and draws to calm her mind, and at 10pm she meditates until she falls asleep- which is usually 10:20pm.. Everyone wants her self control and independance like damn how does she FUNCTION. Also queen of vegan self-care remedies 
Pony: girl is chaotic as fuck it’ll be like 10pm and rin’s like “yo pony can i copy the hw??” And shes like “WHAT HOMEWORK.” . *cue two idiots freaking tf out*. She’s always wearing matching pj sets and fluffy socks and loves sliding around in them like a dork. Dances every night before bed to tire herself out like shes just in the lounge deadass vibing to taylor swift and a new person joins her everytime . people would be dead without her
Kodai: movies every night or she won’t go to class the next morning. Shes always just sitting on her phone w earphones in like she has absoloutely no time to deal with monoma’s shit so she just peaces tf out of existence. Cutest pyjamas ever i love her pyjama queen. The go-to girl for homework she just leaves her bag open, as long as u return it shes cool
Tokage: oh my god shes so CRYPTIC and FOR WHAT. Pranks pranks pranks pranks pranks. everyone hates her for it and she loves it so bad. Like she has the balls to prank kamakiri and that TAKES BALLS LET ME JUST SAY . she’ll just leave her body parts in people’s beds and its SO annoying. They usually just pick up her stray arm and fling it at the wall in revenge then act confused the next morning when she complains abt the bruises 
Komori: cryptic as fuck. Does she sleep? Why is she always sitting at the table? What is she doing? . Closes her tabs whenever someone comes into the dining room and just stares at them til they leave again like :)). In the garden every night til she can’t bear the coldness- watches the stars and makes flower crowns and worships the moon i love her
Kuroiro: nighttime is the time he just evaporates like where tf is he like 🙄🙄 reel it in randy from monsters inc . Hiding in the walls and listening to everyones conversations and secrets is his only skill in life . Everyone thinks he doesn’t sleep and just wanders around (he does, he just likes to have an edgy reputation)
Kamakiri- did you hear that?? oh its just kamakiri fistfighting monoma in the hallway again. Fr takes no prisoners he needs his beauty sleep (or idk do bugs sleep lmao??). If you’re in his way while he’s RAMPAGING to his room youre dead bro when i say he takes bedtime routines seriously i MEAN it. He does self-care and tells NOONE but its lowkey cute idk lmao why do i have a crush on a bug lemme call my therapist real quick
Bondo- 9pm. Wind down time. A good book is all my mans needs and he’ll be out for the count in absolutely no time at all. Fukidashi will die jealous and bondo fucking loves it. Milks tf out of it too he’s like YAWN I AM SO TIRED OFF TO BED NOW TO SLEEP PEACEFULLY GOODNIGHT and everyone who WISHES they could sleep as early as that wants him to choke
Manga- king of never having hw done until 1am at the earliest 🤡. He lives on 1 hour sleep most nights and his speech bubble just says “no <3” until like 11am. Its cus of his crippling hyperactivity he’s running the halls at 3am practicing the entire mamma mia choreography ffs fukidashi U HAVE A CAREER AHEAD OF U 
Reiko: energy drink addiction 101 if she doesn’t drink monster every night before bed she’s convinced she’ll die. “I sleep all day and party all night” she says, crying over math hw at 2am. Plays music too loud and has LED strobelites on ALL NIGHT. Shes deadass doing witchcraft in the lounge w komori all night during finals week she doesnt give a single fuck x
Shishida: another reader,, mans will finish an entire book in a night by the force of sheer willpower alone. Takes a bath every night and it makes his fur so fluffy and smell like apples smdnwjdnwd. Perfect snuggle buddy for wintertimes (pony LOVES HIM) and he’s that good man who carries tsuburaba to bed when he falls asleep at the kitchen table
Shoda: “please don’t speak to me while im doing my homework im 👌🏻 this close to having a mental breakdown and all it takes is a single poke to reel me over the edge.” Complains all day about being tired then goes to bed at 2am?? Like no shit ofc ur tired bitch . Always up for a deep talk at night he knows EVERYTHING abt EVERYONE and hes so trustworthy hed never tell a soul
Honenuki: he meal preps and does yoga before bed 🤢 like WHO HAS THAT MOTIVATION. Irons and sets his uniform out for the next day before getting his homework FINISHED by 9pm . He’s pretty flexible w what he does at nights it 100% depends on his mood. Usually he’s helping Tokage with pranks or working out w tetsutetsu tho. Used to annoy people who were up doing hw after 11 like “really tsuburaba? You should be ashamed”. Shoda almost DECKED him once for it tho and he was #traumatised and never did it again
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baggochipps · 4 years
‘Everything’s still the same, nothing changes. Except now, I get to hold you and kiss you, and show you much I love you.”
AN: Hello Readersss and @stellarboystyles, this is my first piece that I’ve ever posted of mine and for that I’d like to thank @stellarboystyles for creating a great way for newbies like me to get our writing out there and gain recognition(experienced writings as well🥰). I am entering this challenge with a friends to lovers piece so yeah I had fun with this. Now without further ado I present to you beautiful people:
‘Our moment’
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Ever since you and Harry have been sat in front of one another at the age of 5, you guys have been inseparable. You guys went through what friends go through of course; the arguments and the infamous drift between friends due to the want to fit in and society’s placements, however as soon as y’all got over that and realized that society’s standards shouldn’t be the blueprint to life, you both began strengthening the bond between the two of you in high school despite the fact that Harry, to everyone, was the charming jock and you were only merely thought.
You both still continued to go on though ignoring the wandering eyes and the gasps of air from stuck up popular kids when they saw you both crackling in the hall at the jokes you’ve both shot at each other and the times when you both were caught skipping school together. So by the time you and Harry were at the end of senior year and prom was just a few hours away, Harry planned to go to prom just to hang with those he more than likely won’t ever speak too again and then you would both find yourselves at the end of that night in his car, but as all plans go, it didn’t fail, but it definitely wasn’t what you expected. Yes, you guys left. Yes, you’ve got to hangout, but he leaned in and you kissed him only to laugh it off and never speak of it or bring it up ever again because you’ve already told yourself it was the alcohol you’ve both consumed prior to getting in the car with him, but Harry couldn’t help, but remember your soft pinkish lips against his as he lays down only to get lost in the sight of his ceiling on restless nights. You didn’t know that though because when you asked him he said he didn’t remember that night at all, you laughing it off after that.
Even after that event, you were both officially back to together, as friends. Harry was there for you through the booboos, the mood swings, and family troubles as you were for him, but as things began to get back to the way things were, You were there for the endless amount of girls that he talked to you about even after you’ve expressed that you didn’t wish to hear about his sexapades that left envy in your heart, you were there for his darkest moments and he was there for yours especially when you called him over late at night to hold you because you’ve gave all of yourself away to someone who didn’t deserve any of you.
You guys carried each other through the end of high school to sophomore year of college avoiding another recap of high school prom again and to say it was easy would not be the truth. Along the way there were many college parties or days alone that got cut short due to one look, one bite of the lip and or one lengthy staring contest that would’ve resulted in jeopardizing a great friendship. Conversations of what could be if you and him decided to take that leap surfaced. All in all you’ve both managed to not take it to that point despite the fact that you and Harry shared a room and a very strong bond.
“Har, I don’t think I wanna go to that party tonight.” You sigh as you reminisce about what your mom talked to you about a few days ago, the word ‘separation’ drowning your thoughts. You wanted your parents to be happy, but to think that you had it all wrong, they weren’t always as happy as you thought, makes you question everything.
Harry stopped his search for an shirt just to knell beside your bed and rub your back. You lean into his touch and continue to look at the wall in front of you.
“Who would I get drunk and make Trevor uncomfortable with,” He says as a smile begins forming upon his lips. “ You know, I can’t do that with anyone else. You remember that Annalisa bit ?”
The “Annalisa bit” occurred when You were sick, which doesn’t happen often, and making it to class and college parties wasn’t really an option so Harry went to seek an understudy and Annalisa was his pick. “I found her in the tub of the bathroom asleep after one winecooler” He told you once he got back before plopping right beside you and letting it be known that if you can’t make it too a party he won’t go either because it just wasn’t the same without you.
You didn’t respond yet as you were looking for the strength to just get up “ Or we can always watch a gameplay or a movie or whatever until we feel better, yeah ?” Harry says patiently waiting for your answer. You turn to meet Harry’s emerald green eyes,furrowed brows and small smile in the dimly lit room. Harry searched your eyes as you searched his until you part your lips to speak with a worn expression on your face with a warming smile upon your lips.
“Can we just stay ?” You ask cautiously to which he nods. It takes only a second for Harry to get up and search for a few snacks to pair with some drinks he saved for occasions like these. He never believed in watching a movie without snacks and neither did you. With the snacks in his hand, he goes to sit them on the floor for easy access to then catch with your head bowed as you play with your fingers.
“What’s on your mind, bug ?” He asks, going over to knell beside you again.
“Nothing. Just glad you’re by my side.” Your eyebrows furrow and your eyes get watery. Harry’s faces drops as he notices yours contorting. You clear your throat to speak again until you’re interrupted by his soft voice.
“Come ‘ere.” He gets up and pulls you into an embrace and as though your face against his chest was a trigger you find yourself sobbing.
You couldn’t think about anything except for that day, you felt like you couldn’t even function that day. Harry walked in on you just sitting on the edge of your bed with confusion clouding your mind. The last time you’ve talked to your parents they seemed fine, happier.
Harry rubs your back gently holding you tight enough that you could hear his heart beat and every breathe he takes. It’s almost soothing only you can’t stop thinking about your parents. Harry knew that and it was breaking his heart. He placed a kiss to your forehead as his eyes began to water, that familiar feeling coming about as he remembers the first time he heard his parents were separating.
“I don’t know how I didn’t figure it out,” You choke out and remove your head from under Harry’s chin to look up at him. “I wish I was enough to keep them together.”
“Hey, hey,” Harry says. He takes your face in his hands .”You will always be their girl.”
“But why ?,” you say in a despondent tone. “Why would they just end it ?” His heart sinks again for the hundredth time.” I knew their relationship wasn’t perfect, but why ?”
He hated this so much. He hated to see you look so defeated because you were always so strong despite what you went through, but as though this situation drained all the energy you had, your eyes are low and puffy, and your posture is no longer accentuating confident anymore. He lets the tears that he’s tried to repress fall.
“Maybe they just don’t feel the same way they did around each other anymore ,” Harry speaks honestly, “ When you’re around someone that you love, their smile brightens your day, their laugh is contagious, but even when their not so bubbly or warm you want to experience that with them and the only thing you want to change about the experience is how they felt. I’m sure they had similar feelings towards one another, but feelings fade.” You could only nod as more tears fall and your heart sinks. You knew what he was saying was right, things change and as much you didn’t want things change, things will always change with or without you.
You pull Harry into a tight hug and he can’t help, but hug you just as tight. “Thank you, Harry.”
“Im here, bug.” Harry says. It take a few moments for you both to let go and get ready for the movie. Coraline is always the go-to movie you’d watch when you’d be going through something or nothing, it is definitely your favorite and Harry didn’t mind watching it because of that same reason.
As the movie played, the energy in the room began to settle, you stealing a few glances at Harry while he steals some at you. Neither of you can stop what Harry said just a few moments ago about your parents from flooding his and your mind. As those words flew from his mouth he felt so much emotion behind it as he looked in your eyes and he just knew you felt it too which you did, however anxiety consumed you. You wished to experience him as yours just as much as he did, but your worst fear is losing your best friend so never experiencing Harry in a different light is something you’ve come to terms with. Pulling you out of your thoughts, Harry leans towards you to get your attention.
“Shh you’re making me miss my favorite part.” You lightly push his face away as a light laugh erupts from your mouth.
“The part you’ve seen a million times,” Harry says taking your hand in his, a pout forming upon his lips,” I just want to lay in your lap.”
This was what watching a movie with H is for you and in all honesty it only made you love him more because that’s how he is, always distracting you despite the fact that all you wanted to do was watch the movie. You sigh and clear your lap of your phone for him to lay down.
“Are you happy now ?” You ask as you look down at a very content Harry Styles with his prominent dimples. He nods and focuses on the movie once again.
When the movie finally reaches the end your eyes feel as heavy as Harry’s. Harry raises his head from your lap to look at you.” Feeling any better, bug ?” He asks to which you nod and take in his reassuring smile.
“I’m okay, H, you could head to bed. I might just watch this again.”
“Well I can always stay up with you.”
“No. I just want to say thank. You have been there through everything and I’m sorry if this brought up anything from when your parents were going through it. I just think if I figured this out before they told me I might’ve been able to accept this better,” you shake off the haunting thought before continuing ,” either way, thank you.”
” I will always be there no matter what. You will never have to endure anything alone, y/n y/l/n.” He kisses the top of your head and positions you in between his legs. He pulls you to his chest and lets you lean against him while you shut your eyes.
“When we were young you were such a fashionista, man, with your rainbow shorts and off brand snea-“, you rise up from his chest and turn around swiftly to meet his eyes in amazement. “ You know how much those sneakers meant to me, Styles. Don’t get beat up.”
“Oh ? so you think you could beat me up ?” He returns your expression, straightening his posture. You give him challenging look.
“Oh for fu- we were only playing !” He exclaims. “ And you hit me hard-“ you add.
“And a punch to the gut was your way of solving it, I know.” He laughs aloud at the memory for a moment while you break into a smile. Silence surrounds you both as you and Harry keep your eyes on each other, the smiles fading.
Harry always loved you and the day he pressed his lips against yours only for you to lean into it, you’ve confirmed that you’ve felt the same way. Your tongues brushed each other with such ease and passion, but as soon as you both let go you became hesitant about every move you’ve made because you didn’t know if he really meant to kiss you. I mean he didn’t mean to kiss a lot of girls so you didn’t feel the need to even jeopardize a great friendship for one kiss while he was under the influence.
You break the silence first once a wave of realization washes over you. “ We should get to bed, H.” And with those words you’re getting up with his hand wrapped around your wrist.
“We should talk about this.” Harry gives you a suggesting look. “About what, Harry ?.” You ask as you silently hope it isn’t about you and him.
“About the night we kissed. I mean I kissed you, but you leaned in, love.” The words that leave his mouth makes your lips tingle as they wish to indulge in his taste again.
“And ever since that night, that memory is engraved in my mind and it won’t let up. I can’t sleep because of you so how do you sleep at night ?” You shrug before speaking.
“ I thought I was just another girl, Harry, that you were just doing what you usually do.” You watch him shake his head and disbelief take over his expression. He lets his hand drop from your wrist. “ You told me you didn’t remember so maybe I am just another girl.”
“You’re not.”
“ But you know where I stand on this topic, Harry, so why do you insist on having this conversation ?” You fold your arms as you become slightly frustrated. “When I said all that stuff about your parents and how they must’ve felt towards one another I thought about how I feel abo-“
“Don’t finish that sentence. I just don’t want to talk about this right now.” Before you get the chance walk away Harry’s hand is attached to your wrist again. “ But I do, y/n. I do because I like you a lot and I hate that you won’t even consider being with me despite your list of what-ifs.” Harry says as you pout. You weren’t looking to talk about this, but you didn’t want push this away anymore. If you were going to nip this in the bud you wanted to give him a chance to talk. “If I have this conversation with you and I say no to being with you, do not pester me again okay ?”
“I can’t promise that,”Harry says causing a groan to erupt from your mouth, “Just talk to me.” You take a breathe before obliging.
“I like you too, but my list of what-ifs are very important to me.”
“So enlighten me.”
“Well what-if we don’t work out ?-“
“We will,” Harry replies all to quickly, no doubt detected in his voice,” but if we don’t please hold off on telling me ‘I told you so’.”
“Welp that wasn’t reassuring at all, Styles.” You say as you chuckle. You watch him get up from his seated position and smile down at you.” That’s because I’m not from the future, but when you bunk with Styles,” Harry leans in to place a kiss on your cheek,” I’ll guarantee it will be for awhile.” Your smile brightens and his follows.
“I’m making you smile is that a good sign ?” Harry asks, using his thumb to trace your lips. “I’m scared.” You say lowly to which Harry mouths an ‘I know’. Harry wasn’t oblivious to the fact that you were uncertain about this shift in direction of his and your relationship, however he wasn’t going to let up because he knew why you didn’t want to partake in a relationship with him.
“I’m scared that we won’t get married or have kids-“
“So you started planning beforehand ?-“
“Shut up,” Harry continues as he smirks,” or even just enjoy a few years before those things happen, but I can’t say that I wouldn’t risk it, bug. I want to hold you and not just on days where you feel alone or sad, but days I just want to hold you. I want to kiss your lips and every inch of that pretty little face of yours and tell you everyday how much you mean to me.”
“And on days you don’t want too do that ?” You ask as you began to feel overwhelmed with emotion. Your eyes get watery again and your heart beat quickens. Harry wipes the tears before they fall.
“I’ll do it anyway and if I don’t or I do something wrong I want you to tell me. I want you to tell me if I’m being a jerk or an ass or if I just pissed you off. I take criticism very well.” You stifle a laugh.
“No, you don’t.” You say and Harry gives you an amusing look. “ I do so ,y/l/n.” Harry replies to which you shake your head. You remember a time where this art teacher you both had assigned a project which instructed you, Harry and your peers too draw a portrait of a person among the class. Harry picked me as said person to draw, however the person on the paper looked nothing like me and our teacher was sure to point that out. Harry just let that go after so many years. You blink just a few times before Harry moves on with a ‘fine’ and goes on about the task at hand.
“ A penny for more of your thoughts ?” Harry asks. “ What if we don’t work out and stop being friends ?” Your breathe is shaky as this question comes out of your mouth. You are scared of losing him in anyway shape or form and Harry senses that, his playfulness gone as he allows you to set the tone. He drags you over to your bed and sits down beside you as his thumb caresses the back of your hand. “ Then we don’t,” you interrupt him with a sigh dripping in disappointment,”But look I just want to enjoy you while you enjoy me. I want to sit and watch movies with you all day, go on cute dates maybe even pick out a few outfits for you to wear on them. I want you to love yourself while I love myself while we work on loving each other. No expectations, no talks of the future. I want you here with me right now.” He places your hand against his lips. “Okay ?” Harry asks, but you pause taking in everything before you respond.
You’ve always wanted to say yes and just live in the moment, but you knew you couldn’t because that just wasn’t you, however that was Harry. He balanced you out and made you feel comfortable, stop you from overthinking and has made everything that has mentally held you back no longer do that anymore. It is going to take time to adjust, but you nod your head slowly, confirming that you understand. You don’t want to give up this opportunity and you aren’t going too. As your nodding that shit eating grin takes over his once neutral expression. You return the smile with a small one, one of slight caution, but excitement of how this will go.
“So ask me.” You say to which Harry improves his posture and takes a deep breathe.” Will you, y/n y/l/n, be my girlfriend ?” Harry stares at you in such awe. “Yes, Harry Styles, I do.” You say and in one swift move Harry is picking you up and expelling words of joy all at the same time. You squeal in his arms and wrap yours around him. The moment is over once he puts you down to take in your face, feeling of adoration overcoming both of you, but the look on your face fails to hide your uncertainty.
“I don’t like change, Harold.”
“Everything’s still the same, nothing changes. Except now, I get to hold you, and kiss you, and show you much I love you.” You pull Harry into an embrace and silently hope for the best.
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vocalyunho · 4 years
pairing — Hongjoong x reader (fem).
genre — angst, smut
word count — 2.6k
warnings & tags — jealous! Hongjoong, hard language, explicit unprotected angsty sex, choking, finger sucking, overstimulation, multiple orgasms.
synopsis — it all started with an argument, a drunk guy and a party you didn’t want to attend in the first place.
This is the first time I’m writing something THIS angsty...idk if it’s good, but I was really in the mood for angst and this request fit it well.
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You and Hongjoong had decided not to make your relationship known yet, but when you had to attend a friend’s party separately you knew this would be a problem. You didn’t want to go in the first place but there was no other choice..now, you’re stuck there in the middle of your friend group with a guy that you barely know, being all over you the entire night.
San isn’t a friend of yours, you only know him through your friends and you’ve met him quite some times, but you still consider him kind of a stranger to you. The fact that he’s drunk tonight doesn’t help the situation, nor does the fact that Hongjoong and you had a fight before going to the party. It was a small misunderstanding and you knew he’d get over it sooner or later, but for now he uses the silent treatment which gets into your nerves.
You could play with his feelings and get him jealous, especially now that San is drunk and trying his best to get in your pants, but that’d be too harsh. You ignore San as much as you can, however he’s being too much...he tries to dance with you with your bodies as close to each other’s as possible making you feel his bulge on your thighs...this boy is too hard, he could get off in a minute with just a handjob. You’ve been trying not to make a big deal out of it...after all, he’s drunk, he’ll probably text you a million times tomorrow apologising for what he’s doing right now. Hongjoong doesn’t know that though, and his look on you from the other side of the room is burning you. He hasn’t stopped checking on you and San the entire night, he probably thinks you like what San’s doing and when you get a text from him, your thought gets confirmed.
2:14 am
From Hongjoong ❤️
“meet me in the bathroom in 2 minutes.”
“Be there.”
no emojis, just fullstops on both messages.
You see him making his way towards the toilet, but you take your time to follow after him and for your own good, it doesn’t get unnoticed. 2 minutes later you get a third message from him.
From Hongjoong ❤️
“are you coming or should I make you come?”
In any other situation this message could be translated completely differently, but you know he’s mad now. So, instead of acting immature you head to the toilet to solve the, probably, new misunderstanding.
“oh, so you’re talking to me now. wow that’s progress” you say loudly entering the toilet, but he’s not there. Feeling a burn in your stomach, you turn around to leave. Did he really play that game to you? What’s the need?
“follow me” he stands at the door. His face is more serious than ever before and his lips straight, like a line.
“You can’t just move me around the house like a fucking toy, tell me what you want here” you say and he stops dead in his tracks.
He comes close to you, his eyes on yours and his expression strong “I said follow me to the room down the hall”.
Why is he so serious and...most importantly, why’s he so scary? You’ve seen him mad before, many times...and the last time was literally just before you came to the party, but right now he acts like you’ve made the worst mistake of your life.
You follow him silent, ready to snap anytime if needed. If he tries to blame you for anything, you won’t play along with his game. You’re not the perpetrator, you’re the victim.
You both enter the room down the hall, him first, you last and the moment you’re both in, he turns around and slams the door behind you locking it afterwards.
“Who was he?”
“don’t act stupid and tell who the fucker that was all over you was”
It’s not visible, but you’re sure smoke is coming out of his ears and, maybe, nostrils too. His eyes are red and the veins on his neck have popped out for the effort not to yell.
“no one”
If he acts like this, you’ll act like this too.
“I’m sorry, do you think I’m blind?” he comes closer to you “I saw you and him in there acting hideously...last time I checked you were in a relationship with ME, do you think I’m some naive asshole?”
“you are because you don’t fucking trust me” you do the same and the space between you gets small.
“HE WAS ABOUT TO FUCK YOU, IM GLAD I PREVENTED IT” his breath smells like alcohol, but so does yours probably. He isn’t drunk though, at least he doesn’t look like it.
He really said that, right into your face...like he doesn’t know you, like he doesn’t know how much he means to you, how much you care about him, how much you love him.
“you know what FUCK YOU, HONGJOONG” you point every last word to his chest. Your eyes are filled with tears but you don’t blink to clear your vision, you look at him dead in his own and move to get to the door as soon as possible.
Once you reach for the handle he turns and traps you between the door and his body so fast, you felt dizzy. Your hands are against the door, but his left on your hip and his right on the door next to your face.
“Don’t you dare leave this room, before we solve this” his eyes are on your lips as he speaks.
“We’ll never do that because you’re an asshole and you NEVER listen”.
He distances his face from yours to take all your features in “DON’T YOU FUCKING GET IT?” he slams his hand on the door and you felt a knot in your stomach “DON’T YOU UNDERSTAND HOW JEALOUS YOU MADE ME?”
“I did nothing” he tilts his head.
do you understand who you belong to?”
Your walls clenched and your breathing got faster. His face is on the crook of your neck as he speaks now, his lips slightly touching your skin as they move.
“I belong to no one” you spoke softly and he breathed out loudly and a chuckle left his lips. You want him right here, right now.
“you’re mine, do you get that?” you can feel him poking through his pants.
“fuck me so I can” he instantly felt his dick twitch.
His hand went around your neck and forced you to look up at him. He pressed his body on yours and collided your lips with force. He’s kissing you roughly and you tag on his shirt to keep yourself up, but at the same time your knees feel like no strength is in them anymore. He’s cutting your air influx just a bit, but this with his tongue in your mouth are making your head dizzy.
You part gasping for air and he drives you on the bed with his hand still around your neck. The mattress is firm under you as he’s taking away the obstacle that your clothes are and then he does the same with his own. You’re glad he took responsibility of that because you really needed to calm down and catch your breath. You still feel light headed, probably not only from the lack of oxygen, but also from the anger inside you. How dare he?
“look at me” Hongjoong says hovering above you, he comes closer enough for his lips to touch yours as he speaks “the only thing you’ll be able to say after tonight is my name”
“and everyone will know who you belong to, baby” he licks a stripe along your neck and bites hard onto it with no warning. Your mouth dropped open at the sudden attack, but his words got stuck in your head and the gush of wetness from your core increased. He’s taken his job on marking your neck seriously with his left hand under your chin keeping your head up to have the entire canvas on his view while his right caresses your thigh.
It took him a while to stop and position himself in your entrance, but he slid in so fast, you flinched and the concentration you had on your neck, instantly moved to the feeling between your legs. He bottomed out easily and your eyes rolled at the back of your head. “I said look at me”, he grabbed your chin and made you face him. He managed to stay still for a bit, but your walls are asking for friction so when you started moving your hips against him, he becalmed you with his free hand and his other squeezed your cheeks to lock eyes with him “beg for it”.
“such a brat” he laughed, “be a good girl and beg for it”
“I said NO”
By the way he looks at you, you know he doesn’t mind the begging that much. He only wants to see your reaction to it and you didn’t let him down at all, so when he pulled out and snapped his hips against you, a smile formed on your lips as a whimper found its way out of your mouth.
“you fucking-” he thrusts hard and slow.
“who the fuck do you think you are to tell me what to do?” you laugh as he picks up the pace. You’re making him angrier. He’s always the leader, the one to be in charge and have everything around him as he wants it, except for when it comes to you. You’ve come in terms with it, it’s hot. It’s hot when he pins you down and fucks the living lights out of you, but you don’t play along with it. You love to make him so hard to the point he can’t keep himself in, even on a friend’s house, like right now. These are the consequences of being in a relationship with you, he asked for it and he’s loving it.
His hold on your waist is so tight, but not enough. You keep bouncing on his dick because of the force of his thrusts and you know he’s thinking the same because his other hand wrapped around your throat again. The headboard starts knocking on the wall and you’re glad the music on the speakers is loud. The curve of his cock and your walls parting for him so easily, helps him hit just the right spot.
“shiit- ffuuuckkk- mee-” you say through greeted teeth and your back arches to feel him deeper.
“watch your fucking mouth” he groans.
“wh-what are you g-gonna do about it-?” you looked at him with a smirk on your lips and his pupils dilated when he looked back at you. “You’ll be begging me to stop” he said and kept fucking back into you, a groan accompanying each thrust. Something felt different on how you felt him inside you this time...he fills you up better, the feeling between your legs is stronger and your mind is messier, but you couldn’t bring yourself to realise the reason, until he accidentally slipped out before a thrust.
His dick hit his stomach hard, but he didn’t mind it and buried himself inside you again. Your body twitched at the sudden stretch again and a groan left your lips. That’s it. He feels different because he pulls out completely every time, not just halfway like always. He pulls out his entire length and backs it in harder.
“so- fucking tight”.
Your mouth has formed into a silent scream as occasional moans or cries make their way out of it, until he puts two fingers in it.
“suck”, he groans it. He can’t speak properly anymore and when you started sucking on his fingers, he dropped his head as a low “fuck Y/N” found its way out of him. He’s pounding into you, yet his fingers stay still in your mouth. Your mind is all over the place, you’re sweating and you can feel the blood running hot through your brain.
“ffuuuck that’s it THAT’S IT” you cry it out, but push yourself down on his dick as he took his hand away from your mouth.
“you’re such a dirty brat” he half laughs, half groans.
“fuck me harder, you coward” Your hands reach for the sheets under you, not really making a difference, but this gave him the opportunity to hold on your thigh. “how fucking- dare you assume t-that I’d like someone else fucking me?” you’re shamelessly grinding against him and tears start to form on the corners of your eyes. Your walls clench and sparks appear in front of you, you’re close. You instinctively try to close your legs, but he pushed them wider than before.
“Give me your all” he started drawing circles on your clit and, now, your legs tremble too.
“Hongjoonggg-” all your senses have left you and the only thing you’re feeling is the pleasurable abuse of your clit and hole.
“HONGJOONG IM-” you didn’t get to finish your phrase, not that you could anyways, and you came around him with loud cries mixed with louder moans and curses. He’s groaning and his dick’s throbbing inside you but he doesn’t stop. He falls on top of you, keeping himself up with one hand as the sound between your legs gets squelchy.
You’re crying and you can’t stop your chords from letting all types of sounds out. You’re bouncing, but he synchronised your movements and collided your lips. He’s kissing you hungrily and your eyes are wetting his cheeks. He bit onto your lower lip and let his words fill your mouth “fuck, I’m sorry” he groaned heavily against you. He shoved himself inside you once again and kept pounding mercilessly, like you hadn’t just come. You can’t take it anymore, the feeling is too much, but he still hits your g-spot.
“Hongjoong- please”
“come again” he says and slips his tongue inside your mouth. Your moans get mixed and he’s breathing so heavily, you know he’s holding back his climax. Every ridge of his cock gets dragged along your walls and, fuck, you’re clenching again.
“Hongjoong please, PLEASE-” it hurts but you feel the burn in your stomach again.
“come on, come for me again” he’s looking at you but you shut your eyes and he touched your foreheads. You feel numb and you didn’t realise but your legs started trembling again.
“fuck I’ll come- you’re so tight again-” his hips stutter.
“shiiiit” he pulled out fast and came in spurts on your stomach as you let your hot spill out for the second time tonight. He’s groaning as he’s pumping himself and his hot liquid lands everywhere. You’re heaving and you can’t feel your lower part at all.
“You needed a good fuck, didn’t you?” he’s sitting on his heals, trying to catch his breath as his member softens. He’s so beautiful like this...his hair’s gotten all fucked up and his lips are red and swollen and you heard his “I’m sorry” damn well a while ago.
“shut up” you say, your heart’s beating so fast. You needed this, indeed.
“watch your mouth”
“shut up and help me up, I can’t feel my legs”
“......I didn’t mean what I said earlier”
“we’re not gonna talk about this here”
“are you kidding? We just fucked in here”
“I don’t care. We’ll talk at home with clear minds and without this damn loud music”.
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rjhpandapaws · 3 years
A Cup of Something Better
Ch7: When Stuck in One Place, Try Another
Hank was in a tight spot, his manuscript was late already, and it was only going to get later. Hank was out of ideas, well, kind of, distracted was probably a better word for it. Somehow he didn't think his editor would take the excuse of 'so I'm gonna need an extension on that deadline because I'm out of ideas, and also the time I could have spent writing I've spent thinking about a guy that I've seen like once,' all that well. Kaya was great, don't get him wrong, she put up with a lot of his bullshit, but even she had her limits. Hank being almost a month late with a manuscript was definitely one of them, that he unfortunately knew from experience. Best to get this over with. After his meeting with Kaya he was meeting Jeffrey for lunch, something they didn't do as often as they should.
Figuring he'd sat outside her home office long enough, Hank turned off his beat up old car and got out to head inside. The sooner he got this over with the better. She met him at the door, her red hair tied back in a bun, her green eyes were narrowed behind wide red framed glasses. He was definitely about to get an earful.
"You're late," she said in place of a greeting stepping aside to let him in, "but im beginning to notice thats the one garuntee with you."
"Good afternoon to you too Kaya," Hank remarked letting the tall redhead lead the way to her office.
She sat in her office chair and Hank took the couch. Kaya waited until he was seated before she spoke, "Please tell me you have something, even just a progress check. You're creeping up on a month and the company is starting to breathe down my back."
Hank cleared his throat rubbing at his beard, trying to find words that wouldn't get him flayed alive, "the college has been keeping me pretty busy, when I've had time to write I havent been able to get anything down. I was, um, I was wondering if I could get an extension or maybe a hiatus period. I honestly thought I'd be done by now, I'm sorry Kaya."
She sighed, an incredibly swdate response compared to the anger that was burning in her eyes, "an extension Hank? You come in here a month overdue with nothing to show for it and you have the nerve to ask for an extension! You never fail to amaze me. I'll see if I can get you marked as on hiatus. I'll cite your being a professor as my reasoning." Hank breathed a sigh of relief, though the feeling was short lived as Kaya continued, "If you do something like this again the company is going to drop you most likely."'
"Thanks Kaya." Hank responded, "I know I'm not the easiest to work with, but this shouldn't happen again."
She watched him stand with a distant expression, "you know what happens if it does."
He nodded as he made his way to the door, "Have a good day Kaya."
"You too Hank."
Hank figured this was a long time coming, but it was still a surprise to hear just how close he was to being dropped. Not that it wasn't deserved, only a few of his manuscripts had ever been on time. For a few months out of the year he could blame it on being a professor, but the main reason for it was just that his writing process was unstructured and slow.
He needed a pick me up if he was going to be dealing with Jeff as well as Kaya. He drove the familiar route toward the university, planning to stop by the cute cafe again. He parked and walked into the cafe, making his way to the counter with plans to try that same latte again with less espresso since he was feeling more human today. There was a different barista working the counter today, Josh, according to his nametag.
"Hey," Josh said with a charismatic smile, "welcome to Hand Brewed Hope, what can we get started for you?"
"I'll take a medium vanilla latte with two shots of espresso," he almost ordered something for Jeff but then thought better of it.
"Connor will have that down at the other counter for you when its done," Josh said handing the cup off to the other barista.
Hank followed the action with his eyes and then his brain froze. It was the barista from yesterday, he figured as much from the name, either the kid from his night class or his twin. He was just as struck by Connor this time as he had been before and it took all of his strength not to just stare. If anything he was more attractive now that Hank was awake enough to take in more than just his eyes.
Connor was tall, maybe a couple inches shorter than Hank. His brown hair was styled back neatly save for one errant curl that fell defiantly onto his forehead giving the look boyish charm. Hank caught himself staring and decided to make conversation.
"So, uh, Connor, was it?" Hank asked in the ineloquent way that seemed to be the usual of him when he was around the barista.
"Yes professor?" Came the almost immediate response and Hank needed a minute.
Hank stared again, trying to assess if he had in fact heard that correctly. Upon the realization that he he had, his stomach turned on itself. Nothing said dirty old man quite like crushing on one of your students.
"Well that answers that I suppose," Hank said, and hopefully he didn't sound like he was choking on his words.
Connor couldn't be more than in his early twenties at best, and Hank was turning thrity-nine come September. On top of being his professor, the age difference would make anyone uncomfortable. This crush needed to be tucked away, it couldn't become anything. He was pulled from his thoughts by the paper togo cup coming into his line of sight. He took it with a weak smile.
"Have a good day professor," Connor said kindly as he turned to leave.
"You too kid," he responded lifting the cup in place of a wave as he left the cafe like the devil was on his heels.
He could already hear Jeff giving him a hard time about falling for yet another pair of pretty brown eyes, as well as the following lecture about appropriate behavior. He rolled his eyes at his own thoughts and started his car heading to their usual place, a diner by the police station. He drank from the latte, deciding that two shots of espresso was ideal, the bitter perfectly balanced by the vanilla.
Hank arrived before Jeff as was usual and picked a table close to the door, somewhere easy to spot. Jeff arrived a few minutes later, sitting across from Hank. He eyed the coffee cup.
"Good to see you're as much of an asshole as I remember," Jeff joked in way of a greeting, "stopped for a fucking coffee and didn't even get me anything."
Hank laughed shaking his head, "I don't see you for six months and the first thing you do is bitch at me for not buying you a coffee. Some friend you are."
"How's the new book coming along?" He asked looking over the menu.
Hank winced, "I asked to be put on hiatus with my publisher because of got nothing in me right now."
Jeff gave him a sympathetic smile, "how's the university treating you then?"
"Good," Hank replied setting his own menu down having decided on a bacon burger, "night classes are pretty relaxed. How are things at the station?"
"Hectic." Came the reply as Jeff flagged for a waiter, "just got a bunch of new academy graduates and they all think they're hot shit."
"You know how it is, give them a few months and the gravity of the job will set in."
There was a lull in the conversation long enough for them to place their orders. Then the topic finally turned away from work. Though Hank didn't like the new topic that much better.
"So you seeing anyone Hank?" Jeff asked right as he was drinking from his latte. His choking must have marked him as guilty because Jeff continued with, "let me guess, brown eyes."
"Its complicated," Hank replied when he caught his breath, staring at the table as though it held the solution to all of his problems, "he's one of my students. I met him here though." He said tapping the paper cup, "he's a barista."
He could feel Jeff's eyes on him and he looked up. "You've got it bad, its written all over your face." Hank could feel the lecture coming, "you know you can't do anything right? At least not until the semester is out."
"I know that Jeff, jesus." The second half took a little longer to catch up with Hank, "wait what?"
"He's taking night classes right? So that usually means older students. Try talking to him outside of class, like at the shop once the semester is over," Jeff said casually, as though he wasn't suggesting that Hank talk to a guy that was younger than him but also definitely out of his fucking league.
Hank was saved from having to reply when their food arrived. Content silence followed as they enjoyed their lunch, though in the background Hank was overtaking what Jeff had said. Could he approach Connor? Would that be okay? Worst comes to worse Connor would just assume him an overly conversational customer. It couldn't hurt to try he supposed, but then again he'd always been a sucker for brown eyes.
They switched to lighter topics until it came time to part ways. Like always they parted with the half empty promise that they would do this more often. Hank giving a less empty promise that, yes he would at least try and talk to Connor when the semester was out.
Hank had left in a better mood than he had arrived in. For the first time in months he felt inspired, he wanted to write. Not for his manuscript, but maybe it was time to start a new project. Something that better fit what he was feeling, something light and happy. A short piece probably, but well worth the wait. Something that reflected the warmth that can be found in warm brown eyes.
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mrs-han · 4 years
Hello!! I see your request is open, so i was wondering could you write about jumin finding out that mc has a self harm scars? And she’s been trying not to relapse into her old habit but she’s having a hard time so it’s the only thing she can think of? Im sorry for my bad english 😅 and if you don’t want to do it, it’s okay! Don’t force yourself to write it. Thank you, oh and also i like your writings a lot! Have a good day :)
You’re too sweet, thank you so much for your request! This deals with some fairly upsetting topics!
The delicate georgette sheen from your onyx long-sleeved dress rubbed harshly against your slashed arms. Of all times to relapse, this was the worst - Jumin was a guest of honor at a new hotel inauguration, and of course, he brought you along.
Palms sweating, you pasted a friendly smile towards every patron in attendance. Frankly, you were overjoyed with your husband’s success. But with you having issues of your own... it was difficult to be in a celebratory mood.
“Mrs. Han!” A sponsor quickly made his way towards you, bringing with him several other philanthropists. Anxious, you tugged the hem of your sleeve down, experiencing a sharp pain and a subtle ooze of liquid.
“It’s an honor to finally meet you,” the older gentleman beamed, hand extended towards you. “I am Tanaka Sato, a close partner of your husband.”
Again, you plastered a fake smile across your mouth. You reached over to shake his hand and shuddered as pain radiated through your right arm. Unconsciously, you tugged at your sleeve. “A pleasure to meet you, Mr. Tanaka.”
“It seems he has chosen a new aesthetic, entirely separate of C&R’s minimalistic design. Are you the inspiration behind this?” A chirpy young woman chimed in.
“I always consult with my wife before making any major decisions,” Jumin spoke affectionately, resting his hand on your waist and lightly tugging you close to him. “This project has been hers as much as it has been mine.”
Several of the woman blushed and whispered amongst themselves as the men took a subtle step back, aware of the power both you and Jumin exuded.
If only you felt as powerful as you looked.
“Jumin?” You flashed him a subtle look of desperation. “I need to freshen up, where’s the restroom?”
“Come with me, my love. Excuse us,” he smiled, his eyes bright and full of fondness for you, ignoring everyone else.
It still confused you, how he could look at you with so much love in his eyes. A whirlwind of emotion ravaged your stomach and chest every time he did it. Were you deserving? Certainly not. But he continued to gaze at you with more tenderness than Cupid’s gaze upon Psyche.
“Are you well?” He asked, the strong acoustic voice that overpowered the venue twenty minutes ago now a low, effete tone.
“I’m okay,” you lied. “I couldn’t find the bathroom, but I’ll be out in a minute or two! Go back to your guests!”
A lie was difficult to get past Han Jumin. But he kissed your temple and squeezed your arm - and you held back a mighty yelp.
There was a first time for everything.
“I’ll be waiting for you by the grand piano,” he hummed. “Take your time.”
After watching his withdrawing figure, you pushed the door to the ladies’ room open, flew to a stall and caught your breath before slowly unbuttoning the diamond buttons on your sleeves. Pain greeted you instantly as the cuts on your wrists throbbed unbearably, each laceration making up a heartbeat on their own.
Easing the sleeves up further, you winced. Dull maroon meshed with bright red, old droplets of blood met new. Unforgiving gashes punished you mercilessly, each slice reminding you of how stupid it was to relapse now, when things were so good. Why now? You were so beloved. So cherished. You had no goddamn reason to do this to yourself.
Choking back sobs, you recklessly pushed the stall door open and turned the faucet on. The water cold, you shoved your arms under and bit your lip, desperate to keep from crying out. Determined to keep your scars from discharging anymore blood, you scrubbed with the flat of your hand. The white of the porcelain sink and marble countertops, illuminated by the overhead lights, was now stained with red hues. You had to hurry before someone else came in - everyone knew your face. Anyone could report what they saw to Jumin, especially...
Tears blurring your vision, you looked towards the door. Her eyes wide, she stood there, processing the scene before her. Hands shaking, you turned the faucet off and, trembling, faced her with what little courage you had left.
She continued to stand there, speechless. You had presented a fairly complicated situation to her, no doubt. Finally, she pressed her hand to the door. “There you are... I will let Mr. Han know.”
“No!” You bellowed. “Please, don’t!”
Conflicted, Jaehee hesitated. “Those cuts... they look serious. It’s best that I —”
“Jaehee,” you pleaded, tears falling down your chin. “Please. I’m begging you, don’t tell Jumin.”
Jaehee’s brows creased. “But MC... he’s worried about you. He’s been standing by the piano for over twenty minutes and now he is sending others to look for you... myself included.”
Overwhelmed and angry as more blood leaked from your opened gashes, you shouted at her. “He can’t see me like this!! Look at me!! Look!!”
Jaehee blinked and flinched slightly.
“I look disgusting!! My arms hurt, I... I can’t face him like this, Jaehee... please —”
“Have you found her, Assistant Kang?”
You didn’t have time to shield yourself. Jumin stepped through the threshold and froze in place. Completely exposed and frozen with fear, you stood before your husband like a deer in headlights.
A single drop of water falling into the ceramic of the sink was the only sound that could be heard.
“Leave us,” Jumin spoke to Jaehee, his voice trembling ever so slightly - his power slipping from him.
Obedient to the end, Jaehee agreed - leaving you stranded.
“What is this,” Jumin demanded, power seeping back to his voice.
You trembled. “Jumin...”
He moved closer to you. “Who did this to you?”
What did he mean...? His eyes trembled, moving back and forth between your arms and your eyes. Did he... not believe you could have done this to yourself? Did he not want to...?
You hung your head shamefully. There was no going back from this, no more hiding from him anymore. You felt mortified, embarrassed that he could see you like this. If only you could turn back time and...
“Give me your arm.”
You flinched - he was already so close to you and you didn’t hear him move. Refusing to look at him, you limply lifted your arm - his hand took hold, making you wince.
He turned the faucet on and ran his hand through the water, checking it’s temperature. “Come closer to the sink,” he hummed, easing you closer to the sink with his other hand on your lower back.
You shuddered as your husband cupped cool water over your wounds. His fingers stroked your burning cuts, making you wince and twitch - but he remained kind and gentle throughout.
What bothered you more than anything was his silence.
He remained focused - but quiet. Hot tears flooded your vision - he would think of you differently now. He could think you were crazy, or he would put you away in a mental ward. He wouldn’t want you anymore, not after this.
The silence dragged, second to second, minute to minute. Jumin patted your arm dry, still saying nothing.
“Jumin...” your voice trembled. “I... I —”
“Give me your other arm,” he spoke, a commanding yet tender tone overtaking his voice.
His eyes met with yours and you trembled under the weight of his sorrow. “Talk to me, darling. Please talk to me.”
You moved your hand over your mouth. What were you supposed to say...?
Jumin swallowed thickly. “Are you... are you unhappy with me?”
“No, no Jumin, not at all...!”
“Then...” he took a step toward you, cradling your elbows in the palms of his hand. “... talk to me. Dearest, these wounds look fresh... days old.”
“I...” you leaned against the sink, your legs wobbling. “There are days when... when I’m the happiest person in the world because I have a wonderful life... and I have you, you who loves me more than life itself... and yet... there are days when I’m so sad, so miserable with my own existence that I... I take my misery out on myself.”
Jumin’s thumbs stroked your abrasions, his touch so gentle that you lost any will to contain your tears. You leaned into him, hands close to your chest, and you wept.
“Come here,” he cooed, wrapping his arms around you and holding you firmly against him. “I’m here, darling. I’m here.”
“Of course you are,” you whispered. “You’ve always been here...”
He cradled your face in his hands, wiping your tears with the pads of his thumbs. “I want to help you, darling.” His blinked and you gasped as tears rolled down his eyes. “I don’t want to lose you.”
He clutched your hands desperately, as if you would disappear without a moment’s notice. “I’ll do anything for you. I’ll sit with you and we can come up with a plan for you to stop hurting yourself. I’ll shorten my schedule at work just to hear your troubles, my love. I’ll do anything, so please. Don’t leave me. Whatever is plaguing you, we can fight it together... I won’t ever leave you to fight on your own, so please. Please.”
His knuckled whitened. His hands trembled. For the first time since you met him, you witnessed your husband so desperate to keep you by his side... and you realized that you weren’t alone anymore. For the first time in a long time, you felt a link in the chains that subdued you break and shatter... all because he loved you and wanted to help you.
No he couldn’t banish your demons all together. You didn’t expect him to. But at least this time... you weren’t alone.
“Thank you,” you pipped. “I only wish you found this out later, rather than... here, now, at this very moment. I’m afraid I ruined a really important night for you...”
Jumin carefully kissed your scarred wrist. “No businessman nor any proposition will take precedent over you, my love. Now... let’s finish cleaning you up, mm?”
Through tears, you cracked your first genuine smile of the evening. “Okay.”
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My bad opinion: Monoma doesn't deserve the treatment he gets from the rest of UA. Aizawa legit choked him out and he doesn't even know the kid. Mirio calling him the dark side of UA is bad as well. Also why does everyone resort to hitting him when he's in a manic mood. I understand it's funny but I wish they showed class B being nice to him during his manic mood once. Also Kaminari calls him mentally ill everytime they meet and it pisses me off that people ignore that. 1/2
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Heeey there, whats up, Anon? Nice to see meet you
SO. Let me talk a little bit about this whole Monoma situation (And yeah, I already done this in other post, but I love writing rants, and you give me a perfect excuse. Thanks)
Im gonna start poiting out something that may seem out of the blue for some people who know me. I do NOT dislike Bakugou at all, hell, Im even a bakudeku shipper and their relationship, I think, is one of the few reasons I still feel draw to the story. 
I feel like is natural that people cares more for Bakugou than for Monoma. For starters he is a main character, and for that reason he gets a lot more of screen time. Also he is good looking, and people tends to overlook bad characters developments when the characters in question are"hot"
Yes, Bakugou has more screentime than Monoma. Is reasonable that Monoma is not the favorite. Now, why is that a issue?Because there are significant flaws on the story and in the development of characters.Yes, Bakugou is a main character that has more screentime, and yes, he does have emotional moments in the sotry that make you feel or him.  And yet is not enough. And plase keep in mind that Im not here saying he deserves the worst of fates because he was a bully. I suffered from depression and anxiety all my life, and people on school bullyed me in horrible ways for that same reasons. And yet, I can tell that BNHA is a fictional piece of media. I can discern between reality and fiction.Probably because I’m a filmmaker who studied about this,  but I learned that a review of a piece of art cant be done focusing in only one specific point, because if you do, you lose sight of the biggest picture. Yes he was bad, but what is the author trying to say here? How is the author writing the character development?  I think Horikoshi does knows what future he wants for Bakugou, i do truly think that he wants this to be a big redemption arc, and put Bakugou and Deku side to side as the greatest heroes ever for the end of the story…. But…. Horikoshi struggles a lot with character development. A lot of people who likes Bakugou, excluding those who just like him for his looks, do it because they can see the potential and get the general idea.Which is great. but the character development, at this point of the story, is just not enough.Not enough to justify a lot of Bakugo current actions. Hell, even my bakudeku heart was disappointed with the movie because the structure of the story was weak and Bakugou arc went to nowhere. Instead of meaningful conversations or actions between characters (Wich there a few are ofc, I almost cried watching Deku vs Kacchan) , we have to assume the Bakugou aggressiveness is just endearing now. And that’s just not how this work. 
I realy hope Horikoshi gets better at writng Bakugou develoment because I truly think he could be such a good character. Im rooting for him.
Now, how I connect this with Monoma?
Monoma, just like Bakugou, can be a “problematic” character. (God hate to use that word) but the differences between the both of them are crystal clear.
1) Monoma is not a main character, so even if Bakugou is this aggressive and short tempered character, we still see the other side of him because, again, he has more screentime.  With Monoma we cannot see the other side of him that often, which can be a problem when the only side you show of a character is such a pathetic and unfair side. In comparison, you would think Monoma is worse than Bakugou, but thats only because they are showing us only the worst side of Monoma. Wich bring me to the second point.
2) Monomas mental state is treated as joke.  Just as I said that I don’t care about Bakugou being a debetable ex bully,  I should say the same here and affirm that just because they make fun of his mental issues it shouldn’t affect me, even if I deal with depression and anxiety. Well kids, let me tell you something: You are wrong. Why you may ask? For a little concept called: Character development.With Bakugou, even if is FAR from perfect, does have more little moments here and there, where you can see the other side of him. Monoma isn’t that lucky. So you are showing just his crazy side and making fun of that. Which just simply bad and a little sad that you think that is a good character design. When you have a piece of media with this kind of success, you cant ignore this. You just can not. You need to take responsibility of what you put out there.And we are talking about Monoma, but we could also be talking about how they treated their token characters, how they treat those characters who are mentally unstable (cofcofTwiceforexamplecofcof). That is just another rant, but is bad. Realy bad. 
BNHA has a really problem in justifying villainous actions just because class A or a Pros do them.  And yes I’m talking about Mineta and Endeavor, but Im also talking about a lot of your Favs like Aizawa, or class A students.I understand that in japanese culture Monoma being loud and weird and just being legitimately crazy is funny.  But some things you can’t justify. Just like you cant justify a lot of what happened in this story and how some characters are treated.
3) Monoma was supposed to be different.We all know about this, he was meant to be this cunning strategic individual who could actually be more interesting that the freaking main character,  but because he dared to do look at Bakugou in the wrong way, the fans started hating him,so Horikoshi changed him… I just can’t . How could an author change his characters because of that reason? Sometimes you have to stand with your ideas man.
Anyway, I liked the JTs Monoma. And I hope Shinsou ends up in class 1B with him. THAT would be an interesting writing. But I learned to never expect anything. So… We’ll see
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jisungs-tummy · 4 years
The Kids From Yesterday
This is the song I listened to while making this
Genre: angst im sorry seungmin ily
Warnings: Mentions of drugs, suicide attempts, death, hospitals
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Seungmin was your best friend. He always had been. He’d been with you at your worst and always managed to make you feel your best. He found you when you had nearly overdosed, he had been there for you every time you got your heart broken, he would always distract you from your icky dark moods. He was everything you could ask for in a friend. He was your whole world.
And you were his.
When he found you laying limply on your bathroom floor, he was terrified that he had lost you. He froze and dropped the bags in his hands when he saw the near-empty bottle of pills laying beside your hand. He rushed over to your body and tried desperately to shake you awake. He was crying so much. He didn’t know what he would do without you and was so scared that you weren’t coming back. He called the hospital and you were rushed to the emergency room to get your stomach pumped. He wanted to stay by your side through it all, and almost fought one of the doctors telling him to wait outside. He didn’t sleep a wink until he saw you were resting peacefully. He got mad at you for scaring him like that, and told you sternly never to do that again. He told you if you felt like doing yourself harm that he should be the first thing you go to. You felt bad for scaring him, and did as he said, as best you could, from then on.
Seungmin would always be at your side when you got your heart broken. He hated seeing you cry. He hated seeing you so worked up over another boy. In all honesty, he was kind of jealous that you were in love with someone who wasn’t him, but he always kept it to himself. He would buy you chocolates and flowers and ice cream and anything to make you feel comfortable. He would give you an endless amount of attention, and leave you alone when you needed space. 
You recall the times he took you outside to Lotte World or a festival or even just the park when you’d feel upset. He knew when you had your mood swings, and would always do what he could to help you out. He always knew when something was wrong and always try to come up with a solution to your problems, or reassure you that you’re great the way you are when you felt insecure. He would tell you he cared about you every day. 
But now you were gone. 
His world shattered to pieces when he found your body. He knew you were gone the moment he saw you. He felt his chest tighten before he choked out a sob. He felt it was his fault you were gone. He didn’t do enough for you, did he? He caused this, didn’t he? It was his fault. He couldn’t save you. He never even got to tell you how he really felt.  He never got a chance to say goodbye. 
He cried day and night before and after your funeral. He ignored all the texts and calls he got. He rarely ate. He slept more than ever. There was nothing to keep him going anymore. His best friend was gone. The love of his life was gone. You were gone. There was no point anymore. He couldn’t be happy anymore. He would only be happy when you were with him.
He got to his lowest point a month after you left. He stared at the closet you had taken your last breath in. He looked down at the rope in his hands. He would finally see you again. He could finally be happy again. He’d be reunited with you and everything would be okay.
He was about to kick the chair away until he heard your voice echo in his head.
“Don’t do it.”
It made him freeze. Your voice was so present, so… there. It rang in his ears as his eyes filled with fresh tears.
“Seungmin, get down.”
He practically fell to his knees when he got down. He sobbed harder than he ever had. He missed you so much. Why were you telling him to stop?
“Live for me.”
He cried harder until he tired himself out, where you met him in his dreams. You convinced him to stay. You convinced him to live for you. You were weak, you told him. He was strong. You told him you would still be in his heart. You’ll continue to watch over him. He needed to live for you. He told you he loved you, but you were already gone and he always woke up when the words left his lips.
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tag info!
hi lovelies! i’ve gotten quite a few questions abt my tagging system (for those of u who don’t pay attention to that sort of thing/only use mobile, this is my tags page) over the last few days + i thought i’d try to condense all of your questions into a single post to make it nice and convenient. pls feel free to reach out if i missed smth!
1. what are your tags from and what do they mean?
individual tags: 
this is not your destruction bang chan
a tag for chan + the bravery + terror that must have accompanied his flight into stray kids. he has poured everything he has into them. they are his one shot, his only shot. his life, his blood, his greatest creation and sacrifice. this tag, which comes from nothing other than my brain, is a kind reminder to him that no matter how dark it gets, stray kids are an act of love and so will never be a mistake. 
learn to dance; it is your birthright 
a tag for minho. im a terrible person and can’t quite recall where or who i took it from, but i believe it was originally in french. minho came from nothing, built himself on nothing. the strength in his spine comes from suffering and endurance: living through all that life has thrown at you, getting up every single time it has knocked him down. and it has knocked him down over and over and over again. but each time, he gets back up. wipes the blood off his chin. dances. because he is owed this, this expression of love and life and control, one of the most fundamental parts of the human experience. minho dances because he is owed it, because he knows that it his right. 
 there is no sacrifice
my tag for changbin, from a longer piece by arianna reines. the original quote goes ‘there is no sacrifice. you have got to want to live. you have got to force yourself to want to.’ perhaps a little dark, but i believe it reflects the resolution with which changbin throws himself at life. there is no uncertainty in seo changbin. that’s why he’s stray kids’ anchor, their backbone. he’s uncompromising, devoted, resilient. 
 gutted and rising 
for hyunjin, my very favorite embodiment of the fragility of being human. once again, his tag is from a much longer quote by katie ford: don’t say it’s the beautiful i praise. i praise the human, gutted and rising. quite honestly, it is one of my favorite lines of literature in the entire world for how vulnerable and honest it is in its devotion to the human spirit. and that’s of course what i love so much about hyunjin. he is beautiful yes, but he also breakable and delicate and sensitive and irrational and ridiculous and dramatic and sweet and so unbelievably human. such a gentle soul who has seen some of the very worst that humanity has to offer, who has been beaten down and forced to kneel. who has grown tall enough and strong enough to push himself up off the floor and keep going, scarred and gutted and soft and rising.
 all you have is your fire
if uve spent a single second on this blog you will probably know that i have a serious love affair with what a walking contradiction han jisung is. he is so many impossibilities in so little physical form. fierce and shy and angry and brilliant and brave and scared and small and bright. han jisung is on fire all the time. it burns deep within him, burns him from the inside out. you can see it when he enters a room, walks on stage, opens his mouth. the core of him, all that he is, this burning burning burning energy, it flares around him, casts him in gold and red and orange. call it courage, call it fire, call it light, call it whatever you want. it is all that jisung has, just as it is all that small things have. 
 if there is a light im going to swallow it
this is for seungmin, and it comes from yet another one of my favorite pieces of literature. a poem called ‘blasphemies at the 5th street station’ by s. osborn and if there was ever a poem i would like you to read, it would be this one. seungmin’s particular tag comes from the final verse: ‘if there is a light, then i’m going to swallow it. if there is a god, then i’m going to eat him whole.’ appropriate for someone like seungmin who cannot be kept on his knees and who has always existed in a way that is uniquely his own. no authority, no god, no force of good or evil could bend seungmin to its will because he is simply not to be bound. 
 i have loved the stars too fondly
oh yongbokie. his tag fits him so well that it always makes me choke up just a little when i use it. it’s from a famous poem by sarah williams, most likely one that you have heard at least in passing. the poem details a message left by an astronomer on his deathbed to his pupil. “though my soul may set in darkness, it will rise in perfect light. i have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.” which, to be honest, is so incredibly lee yongbok that i’m not sure i could clarify it any further. 
 as above so below 
jeongin’s tag comes from an age-old saying, one of those idioms that is so ancient, its originator has been long-forgotten. it is often attributed to religious or spiritual meanings, but i like it just find secular. at its essence, the quip describes the integral connection between everything small and big. the earth and the sun, the moon and the tides, the leaf and the cell wall. the way in which things that happen happen to all, no matter how big or small or young or old. befitting of the maknae, i think. an old quote for an old soul trapped in a young kid’s body. 
relationship tags:
and now the loyalty of the wolves
my very general ot8 tag, for moments when i see that little bit of more that filters through stray kids and their unrepentant love for one another. yet another reference to their growth: looking at where they are versus where they once were. stray dogs, nothing more than street hounds, scrappy and feral and dismissed. they did not belong, nor have they ever belonged. but they have grown. now, when they stand on stage, they fill it out. they draw attention and turn heads. they’re still outsiders, still outcasts, still unpolished and raw and untamed. but where once were mutts are now wolves. and now the wolves. and now the loyalty of the wolves.
i will carry you home in my teeth
i’ve mentioned this previously, but this is my tag specifically for chan and his boys. it comes from a mountain goats’ song. it embodies chan’s sacrifice and devotion to his kids, his family, his lifeblood. come hell or high water, chan’s going to get them to that finish line. 
do i look moderate to you?
this tag is from moderation, a trully excellent song by florence and the machine. ‘want me to love you in moderation, do i look moderate to you?’ what better pairing to fit this lyric than hyunjin and jisung? their love was born in violence and it has always been too much. the two of them have always been too much. too much anger, too much blood, too many teeth. the imprints of their fingers are pressed into each other’s chests. they have ripped each other apart, sewn each other back together. do i look moderate to you? do i look like someone who could be with you and not make you feel everything all at once? 
our fate cannot be taken from us
going back to the ancients, this is a quote from dante. ‘do not be afraid. our fate cannot be taken from us; it is a gift.’ something about it has always screamed seungbin to me, something about the impossibility of their relationship. a friendship, a love, a brotherhood that should not exist and yet it does anyway, because they are too goddamn stubborn to let any force, supernatural or otherwise, make their choices for them. 
2. where do ur tags come from?
the very short answer to this question is: everywhere! movies, lyrics, poetry, tumblr posts. i have a pretty long and pretty comprehensive list of tiny pieces of writing that have stayed with me over the years. i look to it often for hope or writing advice or tattoo ideas.
3. can we see it? 
nope. a, it’s too long to conveniently post on tumblr. b, it’s organized categorically in a way that works for my brain, but is unlikely to work for others. c, a lot of it is personal and Not For All Eyes. however, if you do want quotes or inspiration, you are always welcome to ask. give me an idea of what you’re looking for, a mood or an experience, a moment or an emotion, and i’ll do my best. (i also have a secret writing inspiration blog that, were there to be enough interest, i may make publicly available) 
4. okay then, can we have at least a few recommendations for songs or other works that have inspired you?
it depends on what you’re looking for. what kind of feelings do you want to amass listening or reading to something? the end of the world? the free-fall of first love? bitter heartbreak? the insignificance of human kind? tell me what you want + i will do my best to get back to you.
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