#im just drawing the events as they happen so when i say my mouth dropped open
lamina-tsrif · 6 months
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hemlock is so cute !!!!! i adore him. hes is fuckin clueless !! hes wearing smth like a cat harness, bc
1: his sprite looks like he had one on
2: i say so
also scarecrowbee is hilarious. 2 moons n a row and he is so fucking pissed dove's pelt is so pretty
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15 notes · View notes
heyidkyay · 1 year
I guess I’ll take this pain, instead of your name |
Part Seventeen
A/n: IT'S BEEN A WHILE! Hi, I'm very sorry for the wait! But even so, I hope this next part will have been worth it, there's a lot going on here and it jumps around a bit but it is longer! Enjoy? x
Summary: In life, things changed. The boys you'd once grown up with were men now, and famous ones at that. The type that toured the world and had millions of adoring fans.
The five of you shared a shit ton of history. But you also shared a lot of mixed emotions for one of them in particular, a certain drummer.
Warnings: Lots happening!! Mentions of food, body issues, bouts of sadness and struggles with both physical and mental health (dw, there's still a healthy amount of fluff, im not that evil)
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“Excited, darling?”
Matty’s enlivened voice startled me from the messy thoughts which swarmed my mind, I glanced up and out of my daze to find him walking over. I hummed back in soft confusion.
“I mean, you’re finally getting out of this shit-hole and your face only continues to look like that of a slapped arse,” Matty snorted as he dropped down onto the bed beside me, though he did nudge my shoulder to soften the blow. 
Still, my eyes narrowed as I wrinkled my nose up at him in retort.
“This do you any better?” I goaded, getting into his space.
I watched his mouth pull up into a lopsided grin, it stayed there even as he rolled his eyes at me and proceeded to shove my face away from his.
“Tons." Matty blew out, "But come on, darling, what’s been going on, eh? Figured you’d be bouncing off the walls by now, been planning an escape ever since you first opened your eyes.”
I quirked a brow at him. “Erm I’d quite like to remind you, Healy, that I am currently incapable of bouncing from foot to foot at this very moment in time, let alone any walls. Also, I’m pretty sure that Dr Mann would rescind my release papers if I even made an attempt.”
With a shrug, I shot him a braggart smile. 
“Yeah, alright Einstein.” Matty drawled with another roll of his eyes. “That still doesn’t answer my question though, does it?” 
His gaze drifted downwards then to where I held my phone tightly in my good hand. Its shattered screen tended to draw the eye- but I figured I’d get it fixed soon enough, when I had a bit of money to spare instead of taking up the guys’ offer of just getting me a new one altogether. They were utter idiots if they thought for one second that I’d ever agree to an offer like that. Though, it had been rather sweet.
But in truth, I only had my phone on me because I’d been waiting on a text. Or a call. Or any sort of notification that would let me know that George hadn’t just gone and disappeared off of the face of the Earth- again. 
Though it seemed to be an ongoing thing with him, something of a hobby now that I’d actually thought about it...
See, after the events that had transpired during his last visit, it was safe to say that I hadn’t heard from him again since he’d left. Which, in itself, had been quite the dramatic exit.
What with Hann having gone off at him whilst the rest of us had been too fucking shell-shocked to try and sort things out between ourselves. George had taken his opportunity and ran with it, darted the second fate had given him the chance. Which had actually been in the arrival of the day-nurse with my breakfast, who’d been awfully surprised by the audience of people, as well as the very tense atmosphere we’d created. 
The lads, well mainly just Ross, had reassured me a few times since then that they’d let George know about my discharge from the hospital, but there hadn’t been any sort of response from him. Not anything of worth at least, unless you considered him blocking me on every social media platform.
Yeah, that’d hurt.
“Love.” Matty called out again with a huffed laugh, gently knocking me sideways.
I blinked out of my stupor and over towards him, “Sorry, what?”
With an exaggerated groan, Matty rolled his eyes at me and fell back onto the bed in a strop. “You know… when they listed off what the fuck was wrong with you, I don’t remember them ever bringing up amnesia.”
“Oh, piss off.” I scowled and tried to swat at him, but I couldn’t hide my slight smile, especially when I carefully lowered myself down to join him, the two of us just sprawled there, sidewards on the sheets. I kicked at his ankle childishly and his legs locked around mine in retaliation. 
“Almost wish I’d been given amnesia if it meant I’d be free of you.” I mumbled, hoping he’d take the bait. 
And he did. Matty gasped brightly and I could only laugh at the indignant expression that overwhelmed his face.
“You prick, take that back!” He practically shouted, slapping the back of his hand against my hip.
“Sorry, no can do, Healy. Lying’s a sin and all that gobshite.”
I received a derisive snort in return but when I glanced over at him, Matty was wearing a fond sort of grin. “Our little atheist, glad to have you back.”
I shook my head in mock exasperation, fighting off a wider smile, and then proceeded to shove at him when he tried to rope me into an awkward sort of hug due to our position. “Oh sod off, would you!”
“Nah, at least not until you say you love me!” He quipped back, burying his chin in my hair. 
“Matty!” I groaned, but ultimately resigned myself to the fact we’d probably be stuck here a while. “You’re actually such a stubborn prat.”
My head reeled back as best as it could into the mattress when Matty’s face suddenly popped into view above me. “Pot, meet kettle.”
Helplessly, I groaned again.
Knock. Knock. 
I looked up from where I’d lazily been packing at the soft sound and smiled when I saw Lee stood in the doorway waiting for me. “Hey.” I greeted him with a soft grin and he returned the sentiment just as easily.
“You got everything?” Lee asked me whilst he made his way over, eyeing what little items remained on the bed. 
“This is the last of it.” I told him, tucking away a folded t-shirt. “Why, you gonna miss me or something?” I questioned with a sly smile, feeling very smug when he laughed and gave me a feeble nod.
“‘Course I will. Besides, you know you’re my favourite patient, what am I going to do without you and all your chaotic fuss?” He quipped and I had to chuckle, feigning a halfhearted glare even as I pointed towards him.
“You say that now, but you’ll be glad for the peace.”
Lee shook his head, wearing a smile that was only ever made for sorrowful goodbyes, and I had to tut at him before I started getting all misty eyed too. I stepped forwards and threw my one good arm round his neck to tug him in.  
“‘M gonna miss you.” I mumbled into his shoulder, silently cursing the tears that had started to prickle behind my eyes. He only hugged me tighter at the admission before we finally parted ways, and I watched as he tried to brave a real smile for me.
“I’m gonna miss you, too. Reckon everyone here will,” Lee sniffed, “You and your boys have made this ward into a VIP lounge of sorts.”
We both snorted at that, knowing it to be all too true. Everyone had been aiming to get a bed in our unit, what with the band coming and going, Matty and all his theatrics. Just thinking about it, it was a massive surprise to suddenly realise that there had been a real lack of paps.
Or maybe, I’d just been shielded from it… I made a mental note to ask one of the lads later on.
“I’ll come visit.” I assured Lee before my face fell into an anxious sort of frown, thinking it over. “Wait, that’s alright, ain’t it? Me stopping by?”
With a simple mirth filled laugh, Lee pulled me into another long hug, “I’m counting on it.”
I hid my smile in the collar of his scrubs.
“Oi.” Ross said to me, nudging my knee with his free hand from where he sat in the driver’s seat, it broke me from where I’d previously been watching the world outside pass by. “Was talkin’ to you.” He added.
My brows lifted and I blinked as I turned away from the window. 
“Sorry, just strange being outside again. Feels weird.” I told him honestly, fingers tapping away on the door handle. 
The giant snorted in turn and moved to shift gears. “Like when you get back off holiday weird? Or you’ve been frozen and just woken up, sort of weird?”
“Second. Futurama type shit.” I nodded decisively, eyes skittering over everything we drove by so that I could take it all in. The gossamer sky and its many clouds. The dozens of contradicting faces. Those with their frowns and them with their laughter. Even the postbox got its fair share of gawking. But then I had to shake my head and peer back over at him, “What were you saying anyway? Before.”
Ross blew a soft exhale out of his nose and I watched one side of his mouth quirk upwards slightly. “I asked if you were gonna be alright, camping out at Matty’s place and whatnot. Figured you might’ve finally had enough of the daft idiot.”
I laughed softly and shook my head at him in turn. “Nah, we’ll be alright. Besides, Doctor's said I needed to have someone close by whilst I’m still recovering, didn’t they? And Matty, he offered.” I shrugged, playing with a loose thread on my jeans. “Well, I say offered, he just sort of decided- but I was just grateful for it all the same. I mean, who else would’ve put me up for so long? Not like I could just head on up to my mum’s if I wanted, or have my boyfriend wait on me hand and foot.”
I snorted at the very thought, but it died the second I saw the hardened eyes Ross wore- even with them casted out towards the road. I knuckled his shoulder in hopes to ease his sudden solemn mood.
“Awh, what’s wrong, MacDonald? Sad you didn't get the chance to house me for a couple weeks, ey?”
Ross cracked a smile at that just as the car made a right, he glanced over at me. “Yeah actually. Could’ve had a right laugh me and you together. Plus, nursing you back to health would’ve given me the chance to get out of a couple of these upcoming meetings we’ve got going on.”
My mouth dropped open at the revelation and I flicked his upper arm in retaliation. “Oi, I’m not some helpless pawn you can use!”
With an amused roll of his eyes, Ross flashed me a toothy grin. “I know that- still, would’ve been a win, win though.”
I simply shook my head at his wind up attempt and left the topic to rest.
Trying not to move too much in my seat, despite my discomfort, I let my head loll back against the headrest. “What time did Matty say he’d be back anyway?”
Said prat had gone and dipped out of the ward a little over an hour before I’d been set for release, claiming he had ‘shit to sort out’.
Ross had originally offered to bum us both a lift but in the end Matty had decided on getting himself an Uber after having given the bassist strict instructions on where to collect the rest of my medication and how to get me home. ‘Safe and sound?’ Ross had assumed, but no. Matty had given him quite the detailed description- having already accounted for the journey and its flow of traffic when we'd first received the news- but he’d also had another rant prepared for what would occur if those points were not met.
It’d been a laugh. For me, at least. Ross not so much.
“Uh,” I watched as Ross’s eyes flickered to the dashboard of his swanky motor before he answered me, “Probably be back about the time we are, could already be there.”
His phone dinged then and we both shared a look when a couple more rapidly followed. 
“Guess you’re a psychic, MacDonald.” I told him, then chuckled to myself when Ross winced and moved to turn the radio up, mainly in hopes to drown out the many messages from Matty on his pinging phone.
By the time we pulled up to Matty’s, both Ross and I were rather thankful for the fact that the frontman had seemingly made it back before us, seeing as he’d gone and left the front gate wide open so that the car could graze up the driveway.
I peered as best as I could through the windscreen at the house as I unclipped my seatbelt and Ross turned off the engine. It looked far too still, which always through me off whenever I came over, but even more so than usual. The hospital had been severely overcrowded though, and so it was incredibly bizarre to be welcomed by something so polar-opposite.
“You good?”
Absentmindedly, I nodded at Ross's question and the man took it for what it was, hopping out so that he could grab my things for me. The car was eerily quiet for a brief moment before the boot opened and the sound of rustling and the birds that had nested in the nearby oak tree flooded in. I tried not to focus too hard on the faint buzz that’d started up, deafening my left ear, and instead moved to follow.
“He reckons he left the front door unlocked for us, so just head on in, yeah? I’ll grab this lot.” Ross told me, catching my attention once I’d finally managed to slam the car door shut behind me.
“You sure?” I questioned him, eyes squinted as they got used to the full force of the sun. Even with its sly chill this time of year, London always came with a harsh glare.
“‘Course, go on. I’ll just be a sec.”
I nodded to myself and paced the rest of the way up to the stoop. Luckily, Ross’d been right and the handle gave way with just a gentle push, allowing me to step inside.
“Matty?” I called out, peering my head around the hallway’s first corner to see if he was in the living-room or kitchen. “Matt?” I said again, this time a little louder.
“Yeah! 'M up here!” I heard him shout back, voice muffled and a way away. I frowned but found myself already making a beeline for the stairs.
“What the fuck are you even doing up there?” I asked out loud as I slowly edged my way to the top. “You better not be on the shitter, Matthew! I’ve been there, done that, and would very much not like to relive it.”
I grimaced at the vivid reminder my mind then gifted me. It was safe to say that it hadn’t been the most gracious of days for either one of us. 
See, the tour bus flu was indeed very much real and also a huge fucking menace. Six hours stuck in a moving metal bin fitted with one singular toilet in a bathroom no bigger than a coffin was actual hell when you were yoshing and another person had the shits.
Matty and I hadn’t been able to look one another in the eye for a good while after that. Only forgetting about it when Hann had gone and gotten himself shitfaced after a show and nearly sliced himself in half climbing up the bus’s steps. It had taken us a bit to finally find the humour in it though, still it was not something I’d like to experience again.
“Oh, shove off, you’re dying to catch another glimpse of this arse!” Matty replied and I had to roll my eyes whilst I took a second to catch my breath on the landing. Though it wasn’t too long before I was wandering down towards where I’d heard him shout.
“If I wanted so see something flat and pasty then I’d-”
The words I’d been about to speak were ripped from my lips the second I bypassed one of the many doors Matty’s house had to offer, completely taken aback.
I could hardly blink, let alone fathom it, as I tried to take the entire room in whilst Matty jumped up from where he’d been putting something together down on the floor so that he could flaunt his way over to me.
“Like it?” He questioned me with a sly grin, but I couldn’t find the right response to give him, especially with my jaw hanging by my feet.
It was an absolute contrast to everything the room usually offered. Gone were the beige covered concrete walls that decorated the rest of the house, replaced by a calming white that had been paired with a beautifully muted sage feature wall. The bedsheets had been revived by a lovely floral pattern but softened by a plethora of blankets and pretty pillows.
The expected wooden dresser and side tables had also disappeared and in their place now stood antiques coloured the same as the green wall, with brass handles and etchings. Then by the window there was a large collage of pictures, practically an album plastered there in a spiral which stretched from the window to the far corner. I couldn’t quite get myself to move towards it because I'd been stunned to actual tears.
When I finally looked back to Matty, he wore an anxious sort of smile, one of which was almost a smirk but tinged with a little insecurity.
“Matty, I-” I blew out a breath and glanced around again. “You did this? All this?”
He scratched the back of his neck, gaze skitting about the room with mine. “Yes, no? Dunno, not sure if those tears are a good sign or not, so if they’re bad, it was all Ross, yeah?”
With a soft snort, I gifted him a far too fond smile. “First of all, I’m not crying. And second, why would any of this upset me?”
“Oh yeah, ‘course, how stupid of me. Too cool to show emotion us, eh?” Matty feigned as he dipped his head a couple times and pursed his lips, playing along. “You actually like it then? ‘Cause I sort of came up with it on the spot the other day- picked it all out myself as well. Had Ross and Hann put the dresser and shit together though, then paid some guy to paint for me, 'cause fuck that.”
He shrugged it all off, acting as though the gesture was nothing. But I could tell he was proud, that of his work or my reaction I didn’t know, but it was probably both though knowing him. I had to grin. 
“Thank you.” I whispered with conviction before finally enveloping him in an overdue hug.
“Ah, take it you liked the surprise then?” I heard Ross say as he waltzed in behind us, dropping my stuff just outside the door.
I pulled away from Matty to watch him walk further inside.
“Even set up the steps! Knew you could do it, mate.” He continued, clapping his curly haired mate on the shoulder as he gestured over towards the right side of the bed.
My forehead pinched as I rounded the two to get a better look at what he meant. “What steps?”
Matty was back to looking a little sheepish again and he trailed on over to where a small set of wooden steps resided. He toed at the structure lightly, “Figured you still had a hard time with he hospital beds and this one, well it’s a lot higher. Reckon these will make it a lot easier, innit?”
I couldn’t even get past my fish-mouthing before Ross was intervening again. “Go on then, have you tested them out yet?”
Matty’s eyes widened slightly before he laughed and shook his head. “No, man. Finished just up as she walked in.”
So that’s what he’d been doing.
“Well then, best make sure they’re stable enough for her majesty.” Ross cajoled, wearing the slightest hint of a smirk whilst he prodded at Matty’s shoulder. “Can’t be having any more injuries, can we?”
I rolled my eyes, but not even Ross being his usual twattish self could dim my mood.
Matty’s wary gaze darted over to me and I had to hold back a laugh, “Come on, do as the man says.”
I was met with a petulant scowl before Matty finally relented and shimmied his way over towards the steps in a huff. “Why am I always the one getting fucked?” He mumbled under his breath and I had to hide my smile in the cuff of Ross’s shirt when he moved to throw an arm over my shoulders.
“Ah, come on, Healy. Be a good sport, won't you.”
“Yeah, I mean I’d do it but imagine what Dr Mann would say if I’m already in A&E before the days out?”
Matty glared at the pair of us but didn’t comment, instead he put a courageous but cautious foot on the first step. Ross and I stood there with baited breath, waiting in anticipation whilst Matty drew in a shaky lungful of air before finally allowing the step to take the brunt of his weight.
His eyes had been glued shut but when nothing happened he slowly pried one open, the other soon followed when a prideful grin threatened to overwhelm his face. Ross and I cheered loudly in congratulations (and sheer shock), before Matty, in turn, did a silly little bow for us shortly followed by an odd dance.
“Alright, Louie Spence. Calm down before you really do hurt yourself.” I chuckled and took his outstretched hand in mine when he motioned for a bit of help back down.
“And you said I’d fuck it all up.” Matty beamed like the cat who got the cream back at Ross. “Pay up, dickhead.”
I glanced between the pair in rising amusement and observed the way Ross scoffed before he ultimately dug his hand into his back pocket.
“How much did you bet?” I couldn’t help but ask them.
“50 quid said I’d get the ump and give up. 100 if I paid someone else to do it for me. 200 if it broke.” Matty relayed, happily counting the extra notes he’d been handed. 
I laughed at Ross’s prominent scowl before the giant tackled his bandmate onto my freshly made bed.
“No, not the clean sheets!" I gasped, shooing the two. "Get your dirty shoes off my pillows, MacDonald! Oh for fucks sake.”
I should’ve known better than to try and stop them, because even with a broken body they still somehow managed to rope me into their antics.
Recovery felt much different outside of the ward I'd decided.
There was no proper routine here at Matty’s. And although I was forever grateful to him, for everything he’d done in the build up to my release and for letting me shack up with him for a few weeks, it was also very hard.
I was still in pain. More so, sometimes. There was no Lee here to rely on, and I couldn’t find it in me to burden Matty any further than I already had. Everything felt like a task to me. From sitting up to showering. Or even going to the loo and drinking a glass of water.
I mean don’t get me wrong, the first couple days had been heaven sent. The peace and the quiet. But then the peace had quickly grown tense and the quiet too loud. And I was left stuck here in my own head for hours at a time.
Being out of hospital meant life getting back to normal. It meant days passing without much fuss, friends stopping in but never for too long, meetings and calls and messages- all of which only ever concerned Matty, seeing as Delia had threatened to sack me if I even thought about doing any work whilst I was supposed to be resting. Which meant no emails, or designing.
But the band meetings Ross had previously mentioned a couple days prior appeared to drag on for hours, and Matty would be holed up in his office or the studio for most of the day. Not that I had much room to complain, he had a lively hood and actual shit to do. I couldn't keep interfering with that.
It was just hard. Hard being alone. Hard feeling so isolated. 
Hann was busy with Carly and work, and when he had the time to spare it was mostly spent with us just talking about the new album or how I’d been getting on. Which was nice enough, but I hated lying to him, to everyone really. 
Ross had been back and forth, he’d annoy me for a couple hours whilst Matty was busy and then he’d disappear for a couple days and I’d hear nothing. Maybe a vague text here or a tag on Twitter there, but that was it. 
And me, I was slowly abandoning what little sense of reality I still held onto. 
Things with George hadn’t gotten any easier.
In fact, I started to ignore everything and anything to do with him.
The guys they never mentioned him, not even in passing. But I knew when he’d been around. I could always tell. Ross wouldn’t look me in the eye. Matty told too many jokes. And Hann would give me this pitying expression that made me want to hit him.
I avoided all mentions of him and the band on social media as best I could and had started listening to podcasts through headphones whenever Matty’s music echoed through the house.
It was difficult. Everything felt difficult at the moment. Life did.
And so, almost subconsciously, I’d taken to hiding myself away for longer periods of time. The room Matty had made for me was a safe haven, it made me feel more at home than I would’ve in my own bed. But it was also isolating, being at Matty’s cut me off from the outside world. He had no real neighbours, no local parks or trails to wander, and the only scheduled visitor he had was the cleaner who came in every Wednesday.
My body and I were also on the outs. A little like George and I, I supposed.
It was an evident struggle having to relearn parts of myself. To acknowledge these new scars I had and the thing that came with them. It was still a shock to me each morning to wake up and be reminded of the damage to my ear. To my head. The throbbing migraines that followed, as well as the ringing and the utter silence too.
Most days, I just wanted to scream. Others I wanted to disappear altogether.
“Looks to be healing rather nicely. Though I’d be a bit wary about the wound on the back of your head, it seems to be taking a little longer than the rest.” The doctor told me and I simply nodded in return, wanting this whole charade to be over and actively avoiding the tiny mirror adhered to the wall opposite from where I was sat on the bed.
It was just another checkup, I told myself in hopes to calm the nerves. I’d had two in the time I’d been out, and this was just the third.
“What- it isn’t infected is it?”
That was Matty, he’d joined me as per usual.
In my peripheral, I saw the doctor shake her head in response to his question. “No, but I would suggest keeping an eye out for any abnormalities that might arise. Oozing liquids, light throbbing, heat and what not.”
Matty hummed and then proceeded to ask another rapid fire of questions whilst I just stood up and dipped back behind the curtain to change out of the gown they’d given me.
“How long until the cast can come off?” I overheard him say.
“Three weeks, hopefully. Though we’d probably recommend a splint after that. At least until she’s in physio.”
I kept on breathing. In and out. Out then in. Ignoring the muted whispers that followed.
I tugged on the large hoodie Ross had leant me, one that actually covered my cast, then stepped back out. “Are we all done?” I questioned and the woman turned to me with a polite smile, clipboard in hand.
“All good to go. Your prescription should be ready at the front desk, you only need to head to the pharmacy.”
I nodded and quietly thanked her, slipping out of the office and then the unit altogether as quick as my feet would let me. Unaware of the troubled gaze which followed behind me.
With a quiet huff and a flick of his wrist, Ross waved off George’s silent question as he tried to pay attention to what Matty had been saying on the other side of the phone. 
The two of them had been holed up in the studio since the early hours of the morning- mostly because he’d been shafted with ‘G Duty’ (a glorified name for babysitting the walking self-destruct button they all called a mate basically)- because the knob hadn’t been sleeping as of late and so he'd decided to come in and work through some things. Not that it’d helped much. They'd gotten fuck all done.
“Say that again, mate. Didn’t quiet catch it.” He murmured into the phone, listening intently even whilst George decided to take a seat near him instead of heading back behind the deck.
“Just- I don’t know what to do, man! She’s been- I don’t know! It’s like she’s turned into a zombie or summat! Lifeless. Dead, almost.” Matty hissed through the speaker, and Ross could practically visualise his turmoil, the way he’d be scrubbing at his face or anxiously tapping his foot.
He sighed heavily to himself. It seemed they’d known one another for far too long.
“She won’t eat, and if she does then it’s only ever in her room. She comes down in the middle of the night and I hear her puttering about down here, she’ll make a tea or something then she’s gone before I can even see her, and I won’t hear a peep til the next evening- that's if I’m lucky.” Matty went on to say, describing to him what the last week or so had been like for the pair of them.
“I’ve tried everything, mate. She doesn’t want to come on a walk, or go to the shops. Even step into the garden, for fucks sake!” He was whispering harshly now and Ross could easily pick up on the stress which lined his tone. “Gimme a sec.” Matty told him after a tense pause had passed and so Ross listened to him faintly pad about his house before a door soon opened.
“You alright?” Ross asked him with a furrowed brow, only glancing up when George shifted slightly beside him. He ignored it for the time being.
“Yeah, yeah.” Matty assured him, albeit a little breathlessly. “Just had to step outside for a fag. Didn’t want her to hear me either.”
“She there?”
Ross could almost hear him shake his head. George shifted again too and so he shot him a dark look in hopes he'd fuck off.
“Nah, in her room." Matty replied, "But I don’t know. Rather not chance it, you know?”
Ross hummed in reply, then inhaled slowly. “How did the check up go yesterday?”
“Fine, I ‘spose. Doctor said her cast could come off soon, so that was a plus. But they're still a little iffy about everything else though, her ear especially…”
“Still can’t hear a thing?” Ross asked, picking at a long thread in the studio’s sofa.
“Nope. Ringing sometimes, she's said. But otherwise nothing. Sometimes I’ll be talking to her about random shit and I’ll see her turn her whole body just so her good ear’s facing me. I dunno if she even notices it.”
“I know, I’ve seen it too.” Ross mentioned gruffly, his chest growing uncomfortable at the thought of it. At the thought of having to see her go through even more heartache. “Did she say anything?”
“Barely spoke a word to me on the way home, mate. Picked up her favourite too.”
“Five Guys.” They both said simultaneously, and Ross’s mouth quirked upwards when he heard Matty’s airy chuckle titter out.
“Yeah, got her usual. But she mentioned having a shower when we first got in and so I left it for her to heat up and went to sort out some crap, but I came down later it was still on the side. And that was hours after we’d got back, man.”
Ross chewed on a loose thumbnail, lost in his own head.
“I just, I don’t know, what if she’s like depressed or something? I mean, I get it. More than fucking most. But her? Seeing her like that... Ross man, it’s killing me.”
“I know, mate. I know. You just gotta hold out, yeah? She’ll bounce back. She always does.” He attempted to reassure, but he was fucking fretting over it all too. How much could a single person suffer through before they just caved in?
“Ross.” Matty paused after he'd said it though and so Ross waited. He listened to his mate work through his tangent of worries, heard his shaky breaths, and just waited.
“What if she doesn’t?” And the tone Matty used was one he’d only ever heard once before, the morning that he’d decided he needed to get clean. 
Ross hadn’t even realised that his jaw was wrenched shut by the grit of his teeth before he went to reply. “Then we be there for her. Like she was for us. Like she’s always been.”
Ross didn’t say anything for a long while and it almost sounded as though the line had gone dead before a loud trembling exhale ripped him from the tension.
“Look, mate. I’ll head on over tonight, alright? Surprise her.” He decided, “Bring dinner or dessert. Fucking whatever. You can go out for a bit. Clear your head. I’ll try and see if I can get her to talk.”
Whilst he listened to Matty ramble away in return, asking if it was a good idea, if he was sure, Ross caught George’s eye from across the sofa before the drummer quickly startled away. Ross watched him closely after that, but still found himself mulling things over. Wondering how he could possibly fix this apocalyptic mess that'd been created. If anyone even could.
But then he decided in that next moment, he at least had to try. 
If not for his own sanity, then for her's.
Part eighteen>
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jae-daddy · 3 years
Duff (11)
im jaebum au series 
one / two / three / four / five / six / seven / eight / nine / ten / eleven / twelve masterlist
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pairing: im jaebum x reader  genre: angst, mature, smut  plot: you are the duff and guys use you to get close to your best friend, heather, and turns out Jaebum is no exception, but as time goes on the tension between you and your best friend’s unofficial boyfriend grows a/n: it’s been a while, my bad. but the next chapter is going to spicyyyyyyyy. not edited, hope yall enjoy it <3 stay safe out there <3
Your jaw dropped as the driver drove through the gates and up the long driveway to Park Jinyoung’s mansion. You knew he was rich, but you didn’t know he was this rich. But even more than the vast wealth the Parks had, you were more taken by the decorations that started from the gate all the way up to the main entrance. 
You turned towards Jaebum who was watching you already. You felt the golden glow of the lights outside flow into the unlit car, and somehow you could see something glint in his dark eyes. 
“It’s so beautiful, isn’t it Mr Kim?” you looked out the window again, to see the sparkling lights making a rendition of Van Gough’s starry night. You smiled to yourself a bit, “It might be a bit cliche and basic, but starry night is my favourite piece of artwork.” 
The driver hummed in reply, saying something about taking a picture for his daughter.
Jaebum didn’t reply, and you didn’t mind. Him and you weren’t exactly on friendly speaking terms, well at least not in your books. 
Since that day in the office, Jaebum had tried to talk to you numerous of times, but you avoided him. You didn’t want to hear his empty apologies or empty excuses or empty flirty, or whatever meaningless, empty words he wanted to say to you because he was feeling bored. 
You didn’t even think he would pick you up today, but when you called up your driver, Jaebum had pulled up in his sleek black car. It was a moment that you seen in movies, where the male lead sees the female lead with her makeover for the first time, and he’s blown away. 
But Im Jaebum wasn’t blown away. He wasn’t even fazed, if anything he found you so unappealing that he couldn’t bear to look at you for more than two seconds without looking away in pain. 
Was he always such an asshole?
He probably was, but back then he was trying to charm you with his sweet words. Maybe, he was a sicko who liked girls who weren’t into him, and as soon as you showed him any interest he vanished into the night. 
The car stopped at the red carpet laid out at the entrance, and you began to check your outfit and lipstick for the last time before reaching for the door. Your hand was reaching for the handle when the door swung open, and a hand reached in for you. 
You placed your hand in theirs, and carefully got out of the car. 
You stepped out to find yourself chest to chest with Jaebum. His fingers gripping onto your fingers as you stared up at him. 
You cleared your throat and began taking a step away from him, when he reached out and pulled your body against his by your waist. Your hands laid flat against his chest, the black material feeling rich on your skin. HIs dark eyes drifted to your lips, before they looked away purposefully. 
You turned around to find the car driving off behind you that you were about to bump into. You looked up at Jaebum, your cheeks tainting pink, “Thanks.” 
“Watch where you’re going,” was all he replied, as he let you go. 
Your heart once again sank at the lack of endearment, but you ignored it and adjusted the dress before you began following Jaebum into the mansion. 
Jaebum was instantly surrounded by people. People lining up around him, trying to play it off as they waited for their turns for introductions. You were right next to Jaebum, introducing him to everyone. 
The first hour was spent just like that, making introductions and standing next to Jaebum and pretending like you were invisible. The other important people only gave you a passing glance before looking away, no one stared for too long. You weren’t worth their time. 
You didn’t mind though. 
You enjoyed the architecture of the building and the artworks hanging around the hall. This must have really been a castle at some point you concluded after an hour of staring at the walls. You wondered which kind of ruler lived here before, but you knew for certain whoever it was wasn’t a good person; no in power ever is. 
Jaebum and you had drifted away about fifteen minutes ago, but you kept an eye out for him. He was currently taking to Paul from work, so you thought he was in safe hands. You took another mini-sausage roll before washing it down with another glass of expensive champagne. 
You didn’t like that taste even though it was exquisite. All it did was remind you of the night Jinyoung engaged to that woman in front of you, after telling you he loved you a few hours ago. 
“I finally found you,” a deep voice spoke behind you. His voice fell over you like velvet, and you struggled to breath. 
You turned around, already annoyed, “What are you doing here, Jinyoung?”
“You’re casual and feisty today,” he chucked, moving to stand next to you. He picked up a mini-sausage and popped it into his mouth, before waving a hand around, “This is my party, incase you’ve forgotten, y/n.” 
You snorted, “How can I forget with this champagne? Tell me, was this your favourite before you chose her or did it happen after?” 
“Woah,” Jinyoung tried to take the glass from you, but you moved it out of his reach, “How many of those have you had?”
“None of your business,” you gave him a straight smile. “None of these people are drinking anything anyway. And I needed a drink, it’s just been so hard lately.” 
You leaned your head on his shoulder, but straightened your spine right away, “I’m not drunk, Jinyoung. I just don’t have the energy to fight or pretend, at least not with you, not tonight.” 
“I don’t know if that is a compliment or not,” Jinyoung clicked his tongue, playfully. “I kind of like it when you fight with me.” 
“God, you’re such a perv, Jinyoung,” you groaned, and he laughed. 
“Come on,” he said, holding out his hand and gesturing to the dance floor. “Dance with me?” 
“No, thanks.”
“Why not?” 
“Are you sure you want to dance with me?” You asked him, with a knowing look. “I know this is a party, but I am still just an assistant here. Are you sure your reputation won’t hurt from dancing with someone like me? I’m not made of money like you, Jinyoung.” 
“Beauty and wealth are both welcomed here, y/n,” Jinyoung took your hand in his, “And you have a wealth of beauty, my dear.” 
He brought your hand to his face, his lips brushing over your knuckles. 
“Oh, right,” you chuckled, your heart sinking slightly. “You think I am pretty.”
Your gaze went to Im Jaebum who didn’t spare you a single glance. Your eyes fell on the girl he was talking to, and you couldn’t help but notice how different she was to you. You couldn’t but notice how different Jaebum looked talking to her; kind and well-mannered. 
“I’ve always found you beautiful, y/n,” Jinyoung said, drawing your attention back to him. “That’s why I was drawn to you in the beginning, and when I got to know you... well, I guess that was the end of me.” 
You laughed lightly as you placed your hand on his shoulder, and the other in his hand. His hands rested on the curve of your clothed hip. 
“But today,” he smiled at you, “You looked absolutely gorgeous.”
“Don’t exaggerate, Jinyoung. If you were so taken by me,” you laughed, teasingly, giving him a look. You continued your words turning sour, “You would’ve chosen me.” 
“You know how things were back then, y/n,” Jinyoung sighed, he closed his eyes to take a deep breath. He opened them to stare into yours with so much emotion, you couldn’t breathe. 
“I looked for you, you know,” he spoke over the music. You couldn’t blink or breath as you stared at Jinyoung. His brows creased as if he was rethinking a painful event. “After I decided to end the engagement... after I broke it off, I looked for you. I searched for you, but I couldn’t find you anywhere.” 
“I- I went back home,” you whispered. You saw yourself laying in a pool of your vomit and urine, and your mother and father crying around your limp body. “I couldn’t stay here. Everyone was talking about you... it was too much.” 
“Y/n,” Jinyoung said, softly. You looked up to meet his gaze. “It’s nice to have you back. I’ll make it up to you, I promise.” 
“May I cut in?” 
“Always interrupting us, isn’t he, y/n?” 
You turned to find Jaebum glaring holes into Jinyoung’s head. 
“What if I say no?” Jinyoung pouted, teasingly. Jaebum sighed, his patience running thin. You looked around to see people already turning this way. 
“Stop it,” you gritted through your teeth at the both of the them, your lips holding a smile. “People are starting to look.” 
“I’ll dance with him for a bit,” you smiled at Jinyoung, “Thank you Jinyoung.” 
Jinyoung smiled back at you before giving you a cheeky wink. You chuckled watching him walk away. 
“You both seem closer than last time,” Jaebum said from behind you. You shrugged stepping closer to him placing a hand on his shoulder and the other in his hand. You were holding Jinyoung the same way a few moments ago, but somehow this felt different. 
The soft velvet of his jacket, the heat of his skin, the short hair tickling your fingertips at the nape of his neck. It was all somehow more intense, more intimate. 
Jaebum’s warm hands wrapped around yours as he took another step closer towards you. HIs other hand rested on your waist, pulling you in closer as it rested on the small of your back. His thumb caressed the exposed skin from your dress and you drew in a sharp breath. 
You didn’t say anything as you looked up at him. His dark eyes bore into yours, his lips drawn and tight. His jaw clenched and sharp, his black eyelashes gently fluttering across his cheekbones. 
He was beautiful. 
He was a sin in this all black suit made to precision for him. His hair was styled in-between completely swept back and lazy natural. His lips were rosy pink, and even without his lip-ring you wanted to taste them between your lips. 
You leaned closer to him. HIs thumb gently caressing your back, electricity dancing up your spine making your head spin. You welcomed his minty breath falling over your lips, as your eyes fell to his lips. And to his neck, watching as he swallowed nervously. Your gaze fluttered up to meet his eyes fixed on your face. 
You looked away from him feeling your cheeks flush, “Are you having a good time tonight, sir?” 
Jaebum only hummed in reply, his dark eyes still trained on you. 
Your eyes met his intense gaze for a moment before looking away instantly, “It’s a beautiful place, isn’t it?” 
“Yes, it is,” Jaebum said. You didn’t say anything more and bit your lip wondering if you should continue to dance with him or excuse yourself. 
You looked up at Jaebum, your hands letting go off him. 
Jaebum’s hand held yours tighter as he pulled you in closer by your waist. Your front was completely pressed against him now, and your body shivered as he leaned his lips close to your ear. 
You felt his warm breath caress the slope of your neck, and you closed your eyes letting the feeling sink deep within your bones. 
Jaebum drew his lips higher, his softness brushing against the shell of your ear as he whispered, “Thank you for everything, y/n.” 
You remained like that for a moment. Soaking in his presence, his heat, his touch, his breath, him somewhere deep inside your heart, and then you leaned back. 
“Thank you for giving me this opportunity, Mr Im,” you smiled up at him. 
Jaebum stared at you with an unreadable expression as his lips parted. 
“You must be glad you’ll be getting a proper secretary now,” you laughed, but there was no humour between you two. 
“I might not stay.”
“I know,” you nodded, “But if you do, I think it’ll be the biggest win for the company.”
Jaebum might be an asshole, a player; a complete fuckboy. But he was also hardworking, intelligent and gave his all into his work and accomplished a lot within the last three months you were working with him. 
“Loosing you is probably the biggest loss,” he said, pausing for a moment. “For me.” 
“I’m sure there are more qualified then me for this job.” 
“But I only want you, y/n.” 
You breath got caught at his words. Your wide eyes met his that stared at you as if you were the stars and the moon. As if once again you were presented to him as impossible puzzle, and he wanted to get lost in trying to solve you. 
He moved in closer, and lowered your gaze to avoid his heated ones. 
Jaebum lifted his hand from your waist. His fingertips brushed your cheeks with the slightest touch as he whispered, “You look beautiful, y/n.”
“Jaebum, stop it.” You began moving out of his arms, but he pulled you back in. His fingers digging into your waist as he held you steady in front of him. 
“Why?” His fevered breath fell over your face as you looked up at him. His eyes were wild with darkness, but it didn’t scare you. It only made you mad, so terribly horribly mad. 
“Why?” You spat, quietly. Your chest was heaving as you tried to control the anger that had been swelling inside you over the past month. 
“Don’t you think we’re past these little games of yours?” You sneered up at him. Your hand on his shoulder tightened as you tried to control yourself. “We already know I fell for it. Do you wanna see if I’ll fall for it again after being rejected once?” 
Jaebum didn’t say anything so you snorted. The sneer on your dark lips growing as you looked down your nose at him, “I won’t let you lead me on again, only to make a fool of me like that. I’m not going to play this sick game of yours.” 
Jaebum’s fingers bit harder into your waist making you gasp as he pulled you flush against him. HIs nose almost brushed against yours, as he breathed harshly, “A game? You think all of this was a game for me?” 
“What else could it be?” You snickered at him, both your hands flattening on his shoulder, trying to push him away with attracting any attention. But he wouldn’t budge a centimetre. You gritted through your teeth as you glared up at him, “Why else would you pretend to be into me? Play with me like that?”
Play with my feelings like that?
Jaebum’s hands rested on your exposed back as he held you steady against him. His jaw clenched, his eyes furious as he tried to control his breathing. 
“It wasn’t a game for me.” 
You ignored his words. 
“Then what was it?” You bit back. “You made it seem like you felt the same way only to reject me when I-”
“I didn’t reject you,” Jaebum cut you off. 
You began laughing mockingly, and Jaebum shook you slightly to make you look at him.  
You didn’t say anything and looked up at him, your lips parted in surprise. 
“Do you,” Jaebum whispered, leaning in closer to you as he leaned his forehead against yours. His eyes stirring golden as they stared into yours, his fingertips softly dancing on your back, causing fire to dance through your vines. “have any idea how crazy you make me, y/n?” 
Suddenly it was all too much. His touch, the way he was looking at you, the things he was saying. The lights shining down upon you two, the chattering of people around you. It all became to loud too much. Your heart beat loudly in your ear as you took a step away from him. 
Jaebum looked at you, expectantly. You stared him, unable to hear a single bought. The only thing you could hear was your heart beating thumping loudly in your ear. 
Your lips parted, you were going to say something. You weren’t sure what. Jaebum’s gaze fell to your lips, waiting for you to the say the words. You took another step back, not saying a single word. 
The smile on Jaebum’s lips dropped as your brows creased as a sudden panic before settling in your chest. You needed to get away.
“I-” you began. 
“Y/n!” You turned to saw a fury of red first, and then her smiling face as she jumped in front of you. “I didn’t know you were coming here.” 
Heather turned to Jaebum, placing a kiss on his cheek. His eyes remained on you, his face void of any emotions. 
Heather smiled at you, “Go away, JB. I won't let you steal my best friend.” 
You were next to Heather the rest of the night, but your eyes still followed the man in the black suit. His sharp eyes met yours throughout the night, but every time you looked away. 
You were looking at him once again. There was something pleasant about his lips when he talked, and the way those whiskers appeared on his cheeks when he would smile or laugh brightly. You couldn’t look away from him no matter how hard you tried. 
You watched him talk to Park Jinyoung with a frown on his face, that deepened when Jinyoung looked your way and winked. His hard glaze travelled to you, as his lips drew into a straight line. 
You looked away once again, your cheeks on fire. 
“Are you okay?” Heather asked. You looked towards her to find her following your gaze to the pair of males. 
“Mhmm,” you nodded, taking a sip of the champagne.
You watched Heather take a sip too, but you noticed that knowing smile on her lips. 
This was all too dangerous.
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velvetsehun · 4 years
Born To Die| OSH | 08
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pairing: Oh Sehun x Reader genre: Mafia!Sehun rating: 18+ warnings: violence, gun use, mature language, smut (in future chapters), slow burn. words: 17k summary: a collusions of worlds is supposed to kill, but what if it can do something else?
A/N: Im going to let chapter 8 do the talking for itself ;) remember feedback is important, like AND reblog,  so drop into my askbox once you’re done, lets chat hehe 
TW// Warning this part contains some material that might be sensitive to readers as it depicts scenes of blood, mentions of gun use and violence, readers discretion is advised.
sehun this chapter [x]
“We split up; cover what needs to be covered then regroup to scope the basement? Sound good?” Baekhyun told him just after breaking down the door to the rather drab building, their flashlights illuminating the foyer in wide circles; the light dancing with the dust in the air.
“Sounds good to me,” Chanyeol gruffed back, tapping his back pocket to make sure he had a spare magazine, “Boss find out why we’re here?”
“Nope,” Baekhyun hummed, checking his gun, “Kyungsoo tried to follow through with Jongin’s lead, didn’t get us anywhere.” He sighed softly
“Lovely,” Chanyeol was keeping it short, something Baekhyun noticed.
“You good?” Baekhyun asked nonchalantly, eyebrow quirked, “You were quiet the whole ride here.” Chanyeol shook his head.
“I’m fine,” He grumbled, “Just don’t see the point in this that’s all.” Baekhyun tried to not roll his eyes at that one.
“I don’t just mean today,” Baekhyun clicked his tongue, “You’ve been in a bad mood all week,”
“I have not.” Chanyeol snapped slightly, but Baekhyun merely smirked.
“My point exactly, save it for someone else,” Baekhyun chuckled, “You can pull that shit with anyone else but not with me, got it? So, spill.”
“We don’t have time for this,” Chanyeol tried to walk away, shaking his head, “We’ve got a job.” But Baekhyun caught his arm, making the taller male look at him.
“You can stomp around the compound till your heart's content, Yeol,” Baekhyun started with a look, “But when something eating at you, it hinders your ability to think – and we can’t have that, not now.”
“So, you’re not asking me cause you care?” Chanyeol’s eyebrow flicked up as he looked down at the man, “You just don’t want me shot.”
“I do care, you wouldn’t be here if I didn’t,” Baekhyun’s hands raised in a calm down gesture, placating the man for a brief couple seconds, “You’re showing that you’re upset over something so I’m asking you as a friend, what’s wrong.”
“We’ll talk about it later,” Chanyeol sighed, looking around the area, “Not worth discussing now okay?”
“You promise?” Baekhyun smirked softly, but there was a friendliness to it.
“I don’t make promises, as you told me to,” Chanyeol smirked back at him, “Now do your job.”
“Sehun’s rubbing off on you,” Baekhyun laughed while walking towards the stairs, “I’ll meet you in the middle, sound good?”
“Sound good,” Chanyeol nodded before walking towards the corner that led to the ground floor apartments.
“Stay safe,” Baekhyun sang slightly which Chanyeol shook his head at.  
The apartment building was disgusting, meaningless graffiti slew across desolate walls that were barely holding on – the musty smell had Chanyeol’s nose turning up slightly as he flashed his light down the hallway that held the apartments; the dust dancing in the bright light.
“Where did Jongin get this place…” Chanyeol mumbled to himself, flashing his light up at the first door.
Apartment G1
He took as deep a breath as he could before he tried the doorknob, the old piece of wood falling open as Chanyeol applied a bit force – a cloud of dust kicking up with it, Chanyeol’s hands swatting the particles away with a cough.
“And why are we doing it at night,” He mumbled on from his point earlier, readying his gun as he stepped into the apartment.
It was a pretty basic layout, open plan kitchen living room that probably reversed in each home with a small hallway that led to the only bedroom and bathroom in the place; it wasn’t as light as what the apartments up on the floors would be but Chanyeol merely just prepared himself for the dark before fully walking into the place. The place looked like it hadn’t been touched in years, aside from the small graffiti that was littered it seemed no one ever stuck down here.
“They probably all slept in one room for safety,” He spoke to himself quietly, thinking of the fact that this area was rife with homelessness and there were rumours of numerous break in’s here – not that the pace showed it.
Chanyeol was careful when he opened door to the only bedroom, coughing softly at the stench of mould that filled the room; a breeze whistling in from a left open window. It was strange for a window to be open in an apartment that looked like it handed been touched in a while, but at the same time; Chanyeol didn’t know how long it had been open for. A small sigh passed his lips as approached the thing, shining his light into the ground outside; a fat lot of nothing.
“Note to self,” Chanyeol mumbled while giving the bathroom the same treatment, “Talk to Jongin about the validity of his tip-offs,”
There were sixteen different apartments in the one stretch of hallway, all categorised by the same peeling green door and faded gold numbers – something that grew monotonous to Chanyeol after the 4th apartment as they were all as empty as the last.
Apartment G5
“Here goes nothing,” He faintly whispered to himself as he went to open the door but stopping slightly as he looked down at the ground; the door just barely open.
Unnoticeable to some, a patch of dust that had been clinging to the old wooden floors had been recently disturbed; Chanyeol remembering how his boots left marks in the settling dust and how easy the dust could settle again. Placing his hand on his gun that was tucked into his pants, he opened the door; letting the wood bounce off the wall behind it.
The apartment looked as untouched as the last but faintly on the floor near the hallway, there was a scuff that alerted Chanyeol that he wasn’t alone; drawing his gun up in front of him, he took a careful step into the apartment; wary of any loose floorboards that might alert anyone straight away that he was entering.
Planting his shoulder to the adjacent wall that led down the hallway, Chanyeol took a small breath before swinging himself around; the butt of his gun connecting with flesh making him grit his teeth.
Dressed completely in black with a covered voice, he heard a modulated gasp come from the mouth of his assailants mask; Chanyeol wasting no time in gripping the man by the scruff of his neck to toss him into the open plan – dust springing up everywhere as the body landed with a thud.
“Who are you,” Chanyeol demanded, aiming his gun at the person, switching the safety off.
A modulated laugh siphoned out of the mask the man was wearing, his shoulders jumping slightly as he laid back on the ground, arms folded over his stomach like nothing was happening. Just as Chanyeol was losing his patients with the idiot, the man held up a remote shaking it slightly just at the same time Chanyeol felt something cold pressing into the back of his skull. The cackling man still laughed, taking a breath before speaking again.
“Wouldn’t you like to know, Park Chanyeol?”
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Baekhyun liked to imagine that the precious few hours before Electric Kiss opened its doors were supposed to be his quiet time; a small amount of time that he dedicated to ignoring everyone that tried to talk to him unless it was of the utmost importance, one where he could sit at his cushy desk and imagine that he was a regular guy that worked a regular job. But Baekhyun was not a regular guy – something that was becoming more and more evident as he found himself slammed in the chest with a foreign object on the way to get a meagre drink from the bar.
“How are you today, Baekhyun?” He mimicked his newest workers voice whilst glaring down at her, before answering himself in a conversation that wasn’t happening, “I was fine, almost peaceful until someone decided to get in my way.” He snapped softly, brushing the hand that was holding something to his chest away with an annoyed tsk.
“My composure is now wearing thin,” He plunked an eyebrow at the girl in front of him, his eyes flicking between Y/N and Joohyun, the later who was wearing a wince behind the bar, “What do you want.”
“What’s this?” She waved a crème envelope in front of his eyes, his eyes narrowing slightly at this thing.
“If I say a piece of paper can I go?” He asked with a raised brow, but she merely glared at him.
“Baekhyun,” She snapped slightly, but he merely rolled his eyes and plucked the thing out of her fingers – his eyes narrowing at the silver insignia on the wax seal, the tree of life staring him in the face.
“Unless I’ve been leaving my stationary around then I’m curious to where you got this,” He frowned, opening the envelope quickly – the familiar cursive written across the thick crème paper, the feeling of a look passing over his eyes.
“You are warmly invited to a night of festivities, courtesy of Exodus.
It would be with great pleasure if you would honour us with your presence at the Byun City Estate this coming Friday for a black-tie event.  
We look forward to your attendance.”
“Night of festivities my ass,” He spoke to himself as he watched the women in front of him look utterly confused, a small roll of irritation passing down his spine before he thrust the paper back to her.
“Joohyun,” Baekhyun smiled rather tensely at his other bartender, “Be a peach and let me borrow her for a bit, we’ve got some things we need to discuss.”
“Is everything okay, Byun?” Her eyebrow quirked slightly, a glimmer of something in her eyes as she flicked between himself and Y/N.
Baekhyun merely gritted his teeth in a rather tense smile before parting without a word, the scurry of feet behind him signifying that the woman in question was indeed following him. The walk to his office was brief but it felt like an eternity at the same time as the two went without words, and well he was without a drink and a little irritated to the point he flinched himself when he opened the door to his office with a little more aggression than what was needed.
“Sit.” His gestured to the plush seat in front of his desk lazily, while rounding the magnificent piece of dark wood himself.
He let out a rather stressed sigh as he sunk down into his leather desk chair, the cushions hugging his tense back muscles in a warm embrace – Baekhyun’s eyes fluttered shut for a moment to savour the feeling.
“What is this all about?” Your voice broke his silence, a puff of air passing through his lips as he opened his eyes to look at you; probably the vision of a tired man. “Why am I being invited to your house?
“Where did you get that invitation?” He countered with a slightly raised brow.
“I asked first,” He rolled his eyes as you snapped back.
“Watch the tone,” Baekhyun huffed at you, “Just answer the damn question, you’re not in trouble here.”
“I came home from work two days ago and it was laying on the floor of my entryway,” You huffed back at him, laying back on his leather chair as you did, “You’re the only Byun I know so I figured you could tell me.”
“What does he see in you, I’m still yet to work that out” Baekhyun eyes rolled, lounging carefully back into the plush chair, “I can’t tell you why you got one because I didn’t see it off, so if anyone’s going to do something without my knowledge, well... I think I can hazard a guess who it is.” You frowned.
“But what is it.” You stressed, tossing the envelope onto his desk.
Baekhyun took a second to compose himself, rubbing his eyes with his pointer finger and thumb to relieve some of the tension before speaking.
“It’s an invite to a very exclusive party,” Baekhyun began with a look on his face, “Factions of Exodus will congregate together for one night under some elusive reason, we haven’t had one in a while, but…” He gestured to the invite.
“I guess that’s changing,” He tutted, “Obviously I knew about the party, but I was not informed of who was going...”
“Wait,” You said confused, rightly so, “Then why did I get this? I’m not part of any of your…Factions?”
“That’s the million-dollar question,” Baekhyun hummed before he lulled his head to look you in the eyes, “You're taking this rather calmly.”
“It’s just party, right?” You naively asked, “I don’t have to go do I?” Baekhyun let out a rather low laugh at that.
“You have no idea about this world, do you?” He asked honestly, “It isn’t as easy as just declining an invitation.”
“Well, what happens if I do?” She asked, eyes a bit wider, “Am I fucked?” Baekhyun chuckled at that but it was short-lived.
“Listen, something you need to know is that every “immediate family” to the Oh’s gets a number of invitations they can hand out,” He gestured to the papers slew across his desk, “It’s only for high ranking members and they’re limited, so whoever gave you that was a higher member.”
“So, who was it?” He watched her rightly frown, something he started tapping his finger on his desk at.
“See that’s where this gets even funnier,” Baekhyun hummed with an annoyed look on his face, “That’s mine but that’s not my handwriting.” He watched her mouth open to dispute him and, in his annoyance, he was quick to refute her with a finger being held up.
“Sehun may like being interrupted by you but I don’t so shut it.” He snipped, “I didn’t write the damn thing.” He watched her deflate back into his chair.
“I only wrote out a few,” Baekhyun defended, “And you were not on that list.” There was a small beat of silence as the two of you tried to think of something to explain the invitation; the two of your minds clearly off to completely other directions. 
It took Baekhyun only a few seconds to put the pieces together, nothing his brothers like the back of his hands; but if you received one of these stupid things that to him meant that whatever higher power involved wanted you there – something you were not catching up with.
“Chanyeol?” You asked with a sigh, “He could have, he got a weird...” Baekhyun smirked as he watched you struggled with the feelings of the taller man but also at the hilarity of it.
“A weird attachment? Nice theory but laughable at best.” Baekhyun kept smirking.
“How so?” You huffed, glaring at him slightly – ignoring the previous jab.
“Chanyeol isn’t even high enough ranked to send out any invitations,” Baekhyun stated as he watched you frown, a sigh passing his lips at something else you clearly knew nothing about.
Shaking his head, Baekhyun snatched a piece of paper from the tray on his desk before gesturing you forwards; scribbling something down.
“Oh the things I do for this man…” He thought to himself.
“I’m doing you a favour, so if anything of this leaves this room, even a peep to some who isn’t us; I’ll know,” He glared at you, “And I’ll make sure you pay for it, do I make myself clear?” He asked plainly, watching as you mouth glued itself shut for a second.
“Don’t make me repeat myself,” Baekhyun told you, “Am I clear?”
“Crystal,” You huffed at him, an air of attitude passing over your face for a second, “What is it with you all threatening my life, I’m of no importance.”
“A match is of no importance to a piece of wood until it’s up in flames,” He retorted like he normally did, quick-witted, “Now pay attention.”
“Yes sir…” You curled your lip up in annoyance slightly before giving the paper your attention, something which Baekhyun opted to ignore for now.
‘Oh’ was written very clearly at the top, Baekhyun’s scripture something you didn’t expect as you looked at the nearly perfect cursive.
“I’m guessing you know who this is?” Baekhyun gestured to the name, “Oh is Sehun’s family name and ergo, the leader of this all.” He watched you nod.
“Okay, I could guess he was the boss…” You bit down on your lip slightly, “He made that message clear.”
“Good,” Baekhyun ticked at you before writing a series of three names directly in a line under the Oh’s, connecting them with lines to their leader.
Byun. Kim. Zhang.
“These three are the three main families directly under the Oh’s,” He explained to you, “Do you know who these are?”
“Well, you’re Byun.” She affirmed to him, “But the other two I don’t know.” He sighed softly.
“I’m from the Byun’s, yes,” He started, “Kim is the family that Junmyeon is from, he is Sehun’s right-hand man.” He looked at you to check you understood before continuing.
“Zhang is Yixing’s family, you’ve met him very briefly,” You nodded to him, “He typically does our more…Out of area stuff – not for your ears.”
“What do you do?” She interrupted him again, “Your family I mean…” Baekhyun tensed slightly but he guessed she’d be inquisitive – every time he met the woman, she was asking some form of a question.
“Don’t tell the others,” He tried to counter the feelings bubbling with a bit of sarcasm, “But its typically written in order of importance, arguably my family and the Oh’s are the closest, we sort out the nasty stuff they don’t want to – but if you’re asking about me? I do a bit of everything.” Your eyebrow raised at that.
“Shouldn’t that make you Sehun’s right-hand man?” His jaw ticked slightly as you mocked the way he spoke for a second.
“You’ve met Junmyeon?” Baekhyun tried to counter you, “I’d hate to be that uptight about everything.”
“But…” You tried to talk but he merely glared at you.
“Back to the task at hand,” He gestured to the paper with a snap, “I’m doing you a favour, as much as it would bring me no greater joy to see you get ripped apart by the wolves, I’d rather save myself the scolding since your name is on my invitation and guest-list.”
“You’re so hot and cold,” You quietly huffed but paid him attention again.
“There is one more connected to the Oh’s,” His eyebrow raised slightly while drawing a line that was straight across from the Oh’s, not beneath like the other three, “That’s the Parks.”
“The Parks?” You echoed him slightly with a small furrow of your brow.
“I believe you met their delightful heir,” He rolled his eyes, “Park Jeonghwa, the woman you met.”
“That’s her?” Your own nose scrunched at that as he hummed in agreement.
“Complicated family relationship between the two but she’s an only child and her father is a bigwig in the city; you probably know him.” Baekhyun explained, “Own’s a pharmaceutical company, that invests in the city hospitals, he’s the chairman of them basically.”
Legacy Pharmaceutical
“But he’s in the pocket of the gang…” You asked quietly, “Isn’t that…”
“Highly illegal?” Baekhyun said like it was nothing, “Yes, but he’s a big investor, helps us out when we need it – doesn’t do anything the grimy stuff that we do but his hands aren’t clean.”
“Come to think of it,” Baekhyun smirked looking at you with an act of slight revenge written in his eyes, “Doesn’t your precious boytoy work in the main hospital in the city?”
“For a man that turns his nose up at us, I’m sure he’d be just elated to know who his boss is…” Baekhyun kept talking because he knew it would rile you up.
“Paper?” You snapped at him slightly, a feeling of pure joy filled him knowing you had a small thread to pull on. “So, where do Chanyeol and such fit in.”
“I was getting there,” He rolled his eyes, “Chanyeol, along with Jongin, Kyungsoo, Minseok and Jongdae full under what we call ‘adopted brothers’.”
“Adopted?” You repeated clear confusion.
“Adopted,” He affirmed to you, “Every so often, the main families will take people under their wings I guess, it’s different to just… Joining us.”
“How?” You asked him, still clearly confused.
“Anyone can join us if you know the right people,” Baekhyun stated to you while placing his pen down, “But adopted brothers are someone we’ve asked to join our ranks, we’re responsible for them in a sense.”
“So like prodigies?” He watched you try to rationalise it all with a hint of amusement on his face.
“Sort of, we train them and are directly responsible for them, they’re often hand-picked and there isn’t that many of them.” He explained to you slowly, “It’s sort of a phenonium, you have to get approval from the head of your family and the head of the gang.”
“So, it’s like literal adoption in a sense? You induct them into the family, not just the gang.” You kept up with him.
In that moment of time, Baekhyun could understand the appeal in your that Sehun seemed to see; you rationalised quicker than most and especially for someone who literally is having the information they don’t want dumped on them.
“Yes, like that,” He nodded, “They don’t hold the same respect as blood children would, but they’re apart of the family in a sense, they can even take their names if they really want.”
“It’s complicated and not easy to understand, it’s also different for every family,” He hummed, “Some people, like my own father, don’t give a shit about adopted brother’s they’re just pawns to him, but Kim’s turn theirs into mini geniuses” His nose turned softly.
“What about Zhang’s?” You asked curiously.
“Negotiators, mini leaders, the best liars you’ll ever meet,” He smirked slightly, “Zhang’s don’t just take on anyone, it’s an honour to be selected.”
“So, who goes where? Who is what family?” You looked a bit more interested than the beginning of the conversation, something Baekhyun wasn’t sure was a good or a bad thing.
“Jongin and Kyungsoo are part of the Kim’s, but only Jongin carried the name.” He sighed softly, writing their names under Kim’s
“Minseok and Jongdae are Zhang’s, neither took the name for safety reasons.” He smirked softly as you let a little noise.
“So that leaves…” You trailed off slightly.
“Chanyeol is a Byun, didn’t take the name though,” Baekhyun hummed, “Park Chanyeol sounds better.”
“Park?” You quizzed as he laughed softly.
“Not related, don’t worry about that,” He chuckled, “Byun didn’t have a ring to it so he stuck to his actual name, but I doubt my father would let him use it anyway…” He trailed off himself.
“Why only one for you?” You asked honestly, “I guessed you and Chanyeol were close, but why only one?”
“Short story; My father is a bastard,” Baekhyun shrugged, tossing his pen back into the pot, “He’s all about being a pure Byun – no adoptive business.”
“But Chanyeol?” You frowned.
“Chanyeol is lucky I like him,” Baekhyun sighed, “Listen it’s a lot more complicated when you look into the families, back to the task at hand.”
“Does Sehun have anyone?” You asked, a glint in your eye.
“No,” Baekhyun didn’t waste time in shutting you down, “He doesn’t bother with that business, he’s got his hands full with us.”  
“I’m still confused to why you’re telling me this though, I appreciate it but…” Baekhyun sighed again for what felt like the umpteenth time.
“Friday, you’re going.” He stated to her, “Your invitation is under the Byun name and I will not have you disgracing it by rejecting it.”
“But I don’t want to go?” Your voice heightened slightly.
“I don’t care.” Baekhyun said simply, “You’re were asked to go by a high-rank family, and you will attend – I’m not skinning myself to save you from whatever nonsense my father will conjure up as punishment.”
“But I’m not a part of this.” You snapped at him, a fire in your eyes, “You’re dancing around everything, who sent the invitation, Baekhyun – you can explain all you want but I know you know.”
“Wow, you do not catch on quick.” He hummed, “Of course I know, you idiot – it’s as clear as day to me, but you do not, so what you’re doing going to do is turn up like you’re asked and smile prettily at the boss or whatever ever it is you do with him.”
“You can’t force me,” Your jaw was tense.
“Yes, I can.” He smirked, “I know where you live and I’m not above coming to your place and dragging you myself.”
“I’ll get-,” He cut you off.
“The police?” He leered, “You forget how we got here”
“I hate you; I hate all of you.” You spat at him, “There was supposed to be no meddling, I told you what I know.”
“I’m not Chanyeol,” Baekhyun laughed with a drawl, “I don’t care if you hate me.”  You were fuming in your seat, Baekhyun could read that very easily, so to bring the situation back down to what it was before, he took a deep breath before speaking again.
“Friday evening; a car will pick you up at 6:45 pm,” He began sharply while looking at you, “You will be dressed in something appropriate, I will provide it if you need it, and you will pretend that you are going to a perfectly normal party.” His eyes ticked softly.
“You don’t need to stay the whole time, but you need to turn up ��� do I make myself clear?” He asked you, without a bit to his words. “Everything I just told you will keep you in check, no talking to anyone that doesn’t talk to you – people will be watching you”
“What do I get out of it…” You asked quietly, simmering down from your earlier burst.
“Well, what do you want?” His mouth was tense, “I’m not Sehun, I don’t hand out favours.”
“I want to not go.” You bit at him, “Or you tell me why I’m going in the first place.”
“Not an option, pick something else.” He responded.
“Pay rise and a promise,” You asked plainly, not giving it much thought, something that his eyebrows flicked up to, “I want a pay raise for working here, and I want you to promise that I will not be involved in any pathetic schemes like this again.”
“Not even any diabolical plans?” He smirked softly.
“Baekhyun,” You warned him, something he raised his hands to.
“Pay rise I can do,” He explained, “The other thing I’ll see about, I’m not a man who makes promises.”
“Talk to your boss or something, I don’t care” You snipped, “I’m tired of this, it’s bad enough that I work here.”
“So, you won’t attend a party, but you’ll take our money,” He pulled an amused face, “Some moral high ground you have, completely solid.”
He looked at you quite amused as you stood up, snatching the papers off his desk before pointing a finger at him.
“This is the last time I do anything for any of you, whoever wrote the damn invitation…” You started with a stressed look, “Tell them I will personally make their life hell if they don’t stop, I’m tired and want no part in any of this.”
“Don’t shoot the messenger before the message can be sent,” Baekhyun tutted with a raised eyebrow, “Don’t worry Cinderella, we’ll make you a real belle of the ball.”
“Oh, fuck you, Baekhyun,” You snapped at him before storming to his office door, practically tearing it off the hinges more than he did, before speaking again, “Get me a dress.” Was the last thing you said before you slammed the door – Baekhyun jumping slightly at the force of it.
As soon as you left, he felt the mask melt off for a brief second – his body sinking back into the chair as the stress of the last hour left a funny taste in house mouth.
“What are you thinking, you idiot…” He spoke quietly to himself, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.
“Do you normally have that effect on women?” Baekhyun practically leapt in his seat as a new voice joined his own.
“Fucking hell… Joohyun,” Baekhyun snapped, glaring at the woman now standing in front of his desk, “What have I told you about sneaking up on me.”
“She’s in a mood, practically shook down the whole place,” Joohyun asked with a raised brow, “Why is that?”
“Not anything you’d be interested in,” Baekhyun leaned back in his chair to continue rubbing his eyes, the familiar burn seeping into his retinas, “Gang stuff and such.”
“Gang stuff,” She whistled lowly, trailing around his desk to lean on it, looking down at him, “A soft thing like that, what did she do to you all?” He glanced up at her with a sigh.
“Nothing,” Baekhyun pulled his mouth tight, “Surprisingly, she was just in the wrong place at the very wrong time”
“Which means?” She pushed slightly, a slight smirk curling on her lips.
“Bar shoot up, Sehun spared her,” Baekhyun crossed his arms loosely over his chest, “Ridiculous move, but here we are.”
“My my…” She laughed softly, “I can tell that’s not even the full story”
“You have no idea…” He sighed softly.
“That heartless bastard actually has a heart, wow.” Joohyun chuckled, “Who would have thought?”
“That heartless bastard,” Baekhyun repeated, “Is the most powerful man in the city, remember that he’s got ears everywhere.” He looked up at her with an amused look.
“You’d never rat me out would you, Baekhyun?” She asked sweetly, a smirk painted on her lovely mouth.
“Do me a favour and I won’t have to,” He smirked back, “Get her a dress for a black-tie event.”
“Now,” Joohyun tutted, “You don’t even pay me enough for that,”
Baekhyun gave her a look before fishing into his pocket, pulling out his wallet quickly and handing her a credit card, swiping it back before she could fully grab it.
“You’re not just buying her a dress, are you?” He gave her a look, to which Joohyun merely laughed back in response, swiping his card.
“The son of a very rich man hands you a credit card asking for a favour? of course I’m not just getting her a dress…” She teased looking at the black card with an impressed look, “Oh a black card as well…I have a couple of things on my wishlist too.”
“You’re a cruel woman, Irene” He gave her a fake sad look, using her work name to tick her off slightly, “If you wanted the house, I could have got it for you”
“And have to be indebted to you?” She smirked before nodding at the door, “I’m not one of your lackeys, I owe you a lot but not a ‘5-bedroom house with walk-in closet’ lot.”
“You’re my best employee, buy what you want,” He smirked slightly, “You deserve it.” He nodded, as she went to open her mouth, he cut her off.
“You would deserve it more if you accompanied me on Friday,” He raised an eyebrow at her, “Like I asked.”
“I do recall you complaining to me that you didn’t want to go because your family would be there,” She mocked a frown, “Also that, and I quote…”
“Chanyeol is being a miserable bastard, Sehun is a lovesick puppy, and no one wants to have fun,” She mocked his voice and his stature, before going back to her tune, “Did I get that right?”
“Actually, I change my mind, I’ll ask someone else,” He tried to swipe the card back but Joohyun looked elated as she jumped from his desk, waving the thing in front of her.
“Ah, no take-backs,” She smirked, walking towards the door in what Baekhyun could only call a strut of pure jubilation, “I want that new coat and bag, it’s getting cold outside,”
“Just get her the dress, Joo…” He called out to her as she walked out the door, “And is that a yes to Friday?”
“I’ll get her the dress, Baekhyun”
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Sehun’s eyes refused to leave the pieces of papers splayed out in front of him, but his hands told a different story and he fished in his suit jacket to pull out a familiar black and silver box; his nimble fingers deftly pulling out a cigarette before an elegant black gas lighter was lighting the extension of his stress. It wasn’t long before curls of smoke crawled out of his lips, a relaxed sigh leaving his chest as they did – he paid, even more, no mind as his fingers plucked the thing from his mouth to ash it in the crystal ashtray that always sat on his desk.
“That’s going to kill you one day, you know?” Junmyeon tutted disapprovingly, looking at the younger man with a slight grimace; the smell of smoke filling the room.
“Ah yes, the cigarette is going to kill me,” Sehun spoke back without looking at the man, continuing to take draws from his cigarette, “Not the countless threats on my life, the guns, running a gang, or even the countless enemies.” He had a sarcastic edge to his voice as he spoke, tapping the ash off again into the tray.
Junmyeon was silenced at that.
“But yes, let's worry about my nicotine addiction – this pack of Marlboros is just pressing a gun to my temple waiting to pull the trigger at any moment,” Sehun flicked to the next page still not bothered to glance at his brother, “Truly terrifying.”
Another beat of silence passed between them to which Sehun sighed to fill.
“You’ve clearly got something to say, so say it.” He tutted.
“Why can’t you ever take anything seriously?” Jun sighed, tossing his pen down.
“I do take things seriously, insufferably so” Sehun countered ashing off his cigarette again before tossing his papers down, “Actually I think I might be the only one here taking anything seriously.”
“Sehun…” Jun gave him a look, sitting a bit straighter but Sehun carried on talking.
“I do recall that it’s my head someone has a metaphorical, or probably more, in this case, literal gun to,” Sehun ranted while taking another draw of his cig, “It’s my business, my family, hell its what’s left of my livelihood that got a giant red marker over it.” He stood up pushing his chair back to look out the window keeping his back turned to his brother.
“And what have I got defending that, huh?” He countered himself quietly again.
“You have us,” Junmyeon sighed, putting his papers down to come to stand beside the man, “All of us…” He rested his hand on his shoulder while the latter pressed his cancer stick back to his lips.
“You know Baekhyun said he’d be proud of me…” Sehun spoke quietly, his face almost reminding the older man that he wasn’t as far from a child as he liked to think he was, “Very proud…” His voice took an edge to it.
“But you don’t believe that.” Junmyeon opposed quietly.
“Why should I?” Sehun asked him honestly, turning to face the man while he flicked the bug of his cigarette out the window, “I’ve lost thousands in weapons, I’ve had a drug laundering bar go bust and detained by police, I've had shipments stolen and tampered with before being redistributed under someone else’s name…” He looked at his watch briefly.
“All within… Nearly two weeks.” He tutted, “I think that’s a track record, considering the man that’s supposedly proud of me handled everything with the utmost ease…”
“Your father was…” Junmyeon trailed off for a second before Sehun cut in.
“A horrible man, a narcissist, a murderer, a criminal,” Sehun’s eyes danced with mirth that wasn’t pleasant to look at, the sarcastic yet jovial stance didn’t settle well with Junmyeon’s stomach in the slightest.
“He was your father, he raised you,” Junmyeon concurred, “We may not have the most settling of up bringing’s, but this is our world – you know that.”
“Actually, nannies raised me,” Sehun retorted sarcastically. “Stop spending so much time with Baekhyun,” Junmyeon rolled his eyes, “You know what I meant.”
“I’m going to be very plain with you, Jun,” Sehun spoke honestly, sliding his hands into his pockets while he gazed out at the fields in front of the compound, “Your world and mine and very different…”
“How so?” Junmyeon asked, his eyebrow raised, “We grew up in the same circles.”
“The difference is that you were your father’s golden boy…” Sehun started with a sigh, “He wanted you to better yourself, be a part of this world – you belong here because you want to be.”
“And you don’t?” Jun wasn’t mad, “Is it that insufferable to be here doing this?”
“I didn’t get a choice,” Sehun chewed on his lip, “From the moment I was even conceptualised I had everything laid out for me, not a say otherwise… It’s heavy guilt to carry.”
“You’re hardly worse off because of it,” Junmyeon shrugged, “It’s a heavy guilt that reaps rewards that only some men can dream of, that has to count for something.”
“Do you know why you have the job you do?” Sehun asked off-topic.
“Because Baekhyun said no?” Jun frowned slightly.
“That…” Sehun chuckled faintly, “And because you’re the only man who can do the job; otherwise I would have run off years ago, and you know fine well Baekhyun would have let me.”
“Baekhyun would let you burn the city if it meant he could fight off a chill,” Junmyeon hummed, “Byun’s good at what he does, but I still don’t get where you’re going with this.”
“Where I’m going with this is that I have a very horrible feeling,” Sehun sighed.
“About tomorrow…?” Jun asked, leaving the man to leave against his desk.
“Not just about tomorrow,” Sehun sighed, telling a lie that not even his closest brother needed to know, “That’s just another showboat to get the families back on my side; I mean in general.”
“Check my top drawer…” Sehun nodded to his desk.
There was a passage of silence between the two while Junmyeon plucked a thick envelope out of Sehun’s desk; the usual matte black being replaced with a crisp crème, the silver tree of life taunting the man with its presence.
“Is this…” Junmyeon said in disbelief.
“It’s not a will…” Sehun sighed, “Think of it as the next course of action in case of an untimely demise of any kind.”
“Sehun…” Junmyeon started, “You can’t be serious.”
“I am, very…” He sighed “It’s just a precaution that’s all,”
“Listen,” Junmyeon sighed, tossing the documents back into the drawer, “I get it's hard; things aren’t ideal right now and we’re all running with our heads off but even Rome wasn’t built in a day, there’s going to be mishaps.”
Sehun hummed with a smirk on his lips.
“But it burned in one.”
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After your spat with Baekhyun in his office, you assumed that your next day off would be spent finally relaxing into your couch while the world passed around you – but as you occupied yourself early Wednesday morning, you felt a wash of confusion bathe over you at the sound of a knocking door. A sigh passing out your lips as you tossed your dishtowel down to investigate.  Taking a breath before opening the door your smile felt like it dropped as you caught glimpse of who was on the other side.
“Joohyun,” You asked, shocked at the women who was giving you a dazzling smile on the other side of the wood frame, “What are you doing here?” You stuttered softly looking at her.
Dressed in woollen coat, black turtleneck, and grey slacks - she looked like a million dollars, especially considering it was 9 in the morning.
“We’re going out,” She grinned, pushing herself into your apartment; looking around with a look of approval, “Homely, very you.” It took you a second to process what she said while you closed the door.
“Out?” You echoed, “Where, or more so, why?”
“Well…” She smirked softly, “A little birdie, told me you need a dress, don’t you?” You deflated slightly.
“He was being serious about it wasn’t he,” You sighed turning to look at the woman who made herself very at home looking at everything you had on display; more so the pictures that sat on your bookcase. “Listen Joohyun, I appreciate the help but-.”
“Handsome guy, your boyfriend?” She cut you off completely, changing the topic to what she wanted to talk about; she was holding up an old photo that you knew was your old friends, or more so yours and Jeonghan’s old friends. “The two of you look cosy,” She smiled.
Rushing over slightly you plucked the frame out of her hand to rest back on the shelf, a look passing over your face at your boss; her easy smile giving you a sense that she wasn’t being completely honest.
“Ex. Now, what are you doing here really?” She quizzed, looking at the woman who huffed slightly.
“Ex hmm…Like I said, you need a dress and I’m here to help.” She coolly breezed past you to keep looking around, “No offence but you don’t exactly scream that you’re knowledgeable on black tie events.” She laughed softly.
“Baekhyun said he’d provide the dress, he didn’t mention shopping,” You sighed, looking at her as she smiled softly at an old stuffed toy you kept on the couch as a makeshift cushion.
“Baekhyun doesn’t mention much,” Joohyun turned from what she was looking at to beam at you, “Again, hence why I am here and I’m not leaving this apartment without you.”
“Joo…” You started but she shushed you.
“You’re going, Baekhyun even offered to pay if you’re unsure about prices,” She smirked softly, plucking a card from her coat pocket, “Piece of cake.”
“Do I not get a choice?” You asked defeatedly.
“Let me think,” She smiled, “No.” A tinkering laugh spilt from her lips, looking at her, she painted herself with the vision of an angel; a halo practically glowing from the crown of her perfect hair.  
“Give me five minutes,” You rolled your tongue in your cheek slightly, shaking your head as you beelined for your room.
“You have two!” She cackled softly, clearly going back to her snooping.
“Of course, I do…”
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After being rushed out the house by the excitable Joohyun, you couldn’t help by smile at her softly as she linked her arm with yours; the two of your taking public transport like two friends who had known each other for years, it was wholesome to an extent, but there was an underlying feeling behind it all.
Joohyun had rightfully taken you to the richer part of town, the one that was lined with designer shops that had a price tag worth a year of your rent; her ecstatic voice talking your ears off as you two strolled down the pristine street.
“We’re here for your dress, but I have a few things I want to get!” She grinned, “We’re gonna get you the whole package; dress, shoes, jewellery, the works!”
“Is Baekhyun okay with this?” You quizzed slightly, looking around at the people who were looking at the two of you, “I mean this is a lot of money,”
“Between you and me,” She mumbled with a smirk, stopping in front of a very fancy looking store, ‘The Kingdom’ written across a crème signage in beautiful modern letters, “Baekhyun’s more than good for it, the card he gave me probably doesn’t max out until into the millions…”
“He really has that much?” You frowned softly.
“He’s a gang member, silly, and the son of one of the richest men in the world,” She smirked at you widely, “Of course he has that much, now come on…” She tugged your hand with a smile, watching at the security guard opened the door for the two of you with a polite smile.
“Ladies.” He nodded, while the two of you strolled in.
Clothing of all sorts lined the racks in a spacey fashion, giving the customer room to glance at the garments without having to struggle with anything else; but Joo didn’t give you enough time to look at anything before she was tugging you to the back of the store, an array of dresses picking up in your peripherals.
“This is where the money is,” Joohyun smile brightly, gesturing to the dresses, “Let’s get looking…”
After talking briefly the two of you concurred that due to the fact you didn’t want to be there, it was probably best to stick to a black dress; something to blend in with but something that wasn’t a gaudy colour at the same time, minimalist yet sophisticated. The store attendant had bothered you both a few times to ask if you needed help but each time Joohyun shooed her away with a smile, telling the sour-faced woman that she had it handled; and that she did.
It took merely 15 minutes before Joohyun was shoving you into a fancy fitting room; one the size of a small bedroom while she talked to the woman in charge about getting your size for other dresses that had caught her eye. The room had a podium in the centre of it that directly looked at a series of huge mirrors, while a silk curtains off to the side hide where you were supposed to change; yours and Joohyun bags swung unceremoniously over the chairs for the waiting husbands. There was an air of discomfort in your chest you ran your fingers over the lux fabrics of all the dresses, a small pang in your heart feeling disgusting just being here. This wasn’t your world, and to some degree, you couldn’t understand how it could be anyone’s but as you picked up the first dress, you figured you had to live with it for a while.  
By the time you’d managed to get into the first dress, Joohyun and all her tyrannic dress tendencies were back in the room, her nose turning up slightly at the first dress you tried on. It was a beautiful sheer cream with a colourful shift to it that glinted softly in the light, the airiness of the tulle looking ethereal as the modest bust line squared off into spaghetti straps – it was a lovely dress but.
“It looks like a prom dress,” Joohyun giggled softly, cutting off your inner thoughts, “A very expensive prom dress…”  
“I thought so too,” You tried to smile softly, but it looked more like a grimace in the mirrors, your eyes catching your companions as she came up behind you in the mirror.
“Smile,” She tugged softly at your cheek, “We’re having fun.”
“This just isn’t me,” You said honestly, looking yourself up and down in the mirror, “I don’t do fancy dresses and cocktails with associates,” She jokingly rolled her eyes at the word associates.
“Honestly,” She adjusted the dress slightly, “Neither do I, this is a favour to Baekhyun…”
“So, you’re telling me you don’t want to be in an overpriced store with me on a Wednesday morning?” You hummed softly with a smile.
“No,” she stage whispered to you, “I like you but I’d rather hang out doing something a bit more productive than shopping with snobs, but hey – I really wanted that new coat” She winked.
“Will you be there?” You asked her, catching her eye.
“Where,” She hummed not looking at you, and instead, rearranging the skirt to the dress you both agreed was ugly.
“Friday,” You raised a brow, “Will you be there?” She held her breath slightly before she sighed.
“I won’t lie to you,” She nodded, “I won’t be there Friday, I don’t…” She struggled with the words for a second before continuing.
“I don’t belong there, it’s not my world and I’m not welcomed,” She smiled softly, but it wasn’t real, “I’m a bartender, not a socialite.”
“I’m not either,” You frowned, “I just thought you and Baekhyun seemed close…”
“We are,” She smiled sadly, “I owe that man more than I can ever thank him for, but his world isn’t mine – I don’t fool myself into believing I could be part of it either.” She placed her hands on your shoulders, the warmth radiating into your bones; much like her personality.
“But how?” You were still frowning, “He’s so…”
“Crass? Sarcastic? Pig headed?” She smiled, “That’s just him, we have an understanding…”
“You on the other hand,” She hummed softly looking at your shoulders, “I saw some security tapes the other day – Oh Sehun?” Her eyebrow raised while you flushed softly.
“He drove me home, I had to ask him some stuff…” You breathed softly, “It’s not like that, I don’t know him.”
“But he knows you?” She clicked her tongue softly, looking much like an older sister would, “I won’t tell you what to do, it’s your life but you need to be careful.”
“I know that,” You trailed slightly, but she didn’t give you time to explain as she spun you around to face her, your eyes looking down at her own.
“No, I don’t think you do,” She was frowning, “This isn’t some cheap book plot where a dangerous man falls for an innocent girl and the world does another rotation like nothing is wrong,” She stressed softly.
“He is a very dangerous man who is a part of a very dangerous gang, y/n…” She pursed her lips together, hands tightening on your shoulders, “They’re all dangerous, one wrong move and police are finding your body in a back ally with no clue who did it.”
“He shot up the bar you worked in,” She stressed to you, “Stop and think about that for a second before you get all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed at the man, there is no way that this ends well for anyone, especially not you…” Her voice trailed off slightly, cracking almost at the end.
“Speaking from experience?” Your own voice cracked softly as you took in her words, a sad smile passing over her face.
“Go to the party, do as Baekhyun says…” She said softly, stroking your shoulder now instead of gripping it, “But you can’t let your heads get in the clouds about this, you’re being blind-sighted… You can’t fall for Sehun.” It was the first time she had said his name and you wanted to flinch hearing it.
“You work for them though?” You asked her truthfully.
“I work for Baekhyun, he’s no better… But I owe him,” She smiled sadly again, “I’m telling you this as your friend,”
“I know…” You smiled delicately at her, “I know you are; I’ll be careful – things right now… They’re complicated.”
“Promise me.” She demanded softly, “Anything goes wrong, you come to me.”
“I promise you, Joohyun,” You touched her hands softly, “Anything wrong, I’ll come straight to you.”
“Good,” She smiled, pushing a stray hair from your face like a mother would, “Let’s find you a dress huh?”
“I think I have the perfect thing…”
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Baekhyun grimaced as he looked at the notification that popped up on his phone during the meeting, the device buzzing with his bank app loudly on the table as Sehun; the grumpy man he was, was explaining the plans for Friday evening.
“Important?” Sehun’s brow ticked softly from the head of the table while Minseok stifled a laugh from beside him, “Or would you like us to pause while you take a message?”
“Sorry dad,” Baekhyun smirked slightly, sliding the device off the table and into his pocket – or he would have if Minseok didn’t decide it was a wonderful idea to pinch it out of his hand before he could.
“$10k, how are you spending money while you’re here?” He whistled lowly, before the device buzzed again, “Oh look at that, another one for $5k, what are you up to Byun.” He tossed the device back at the man who barely managed to catch it over the knock to his fiscal funds.
“I gave Joohyun my credit card,” He stuffed the offending device in his pocket before looking at his brothers, “I believe we were in a meeting or is it break time” He gestured to the papers over the table with a look, while the rest of them looked at him quizzically.
“I’ll bite,” Sehun smirked softly, “$15k in mere seconds, is she preparing to rob you dry?” Baekhyun rolled his eyes.
“I don’t know, you tell me, Oh?” Baekhyun tightened his mouth slightly, “Or was forging my invitations and paying for your little friend to come to this god-awful party not enough for you?” Baekhyun smirked softly as Sehun’s face tightened a bit, only something he would notice.
“I have no reason to forge anything of yours, Byun.” Sehun chuckled with an easy smirk while Junmyeon sighed slightly tossing his pen down, “And I certainly didn’t invite her, have you tried our resident stab wound victim?” He gestured to Chanyeol’s empty seat.
“Can’t we just have a nice family meeting? Just once?” Junmyeon rubbed his temple slightly, “Or is your own security measures beneath all of you?”
“He started it,” Baekhyun smirked, “Sorry Dad number 2,” Minseok chuckled beside him again while Jongdae did the same from across him.
“If you’re up to something, just don’t let me hear it,” He spoke out but everyone knew who it was directed at, “It’s bad enough we’re all gathering on Friday if anyone of you fucks that up then it's directly on you.”
“Oh, he said a swear,” Baekhyun chuckled, while Yixing cut in – the man relaxing like he was the one that one the place on the other end of the table.
“Do we still have that swear jar?” Yixing teased, sipping on his coffee.
“No,” Jongin hummed, “We got rid of that after Baekhyun’s last trip home, you can only deposit so much into it before it becomes another bank account,” The man had an easy smirk on his face.
The bantering stopped for a second while the double doors opened again, Taeyong and Johnny letting in a very haggard looking Chanyeol – the evidence that the man just woke up still on his face.
“That’s a record,” Sehun hummed with a tone that wasn’t biting for once, “Only 2 hours late,”
“Slept in,” Chanyeol grumbled while Jongdae slid the man a coffee.
“No, we thought you were off running to be the cities next murder victim again,” Baekhyun grinned at the man who merely passed him a glare, whatever had been eating at him wasn’t as bad but Baekhyun couldn’t tell if the stab wound was just worse.
“No threatening doctor and cute nurse to patch you up this time,” Jongin laughed softly.
“How are you feeling, Yeol?” Yixing asked him with a slight smile, to try and ease the teasing but Chanyeol wasn’t having any of that.
“Like I’ve been stabbed, Yixing.” He spoke with a dead look on his face.
“That’s great,” Minseok chuckled, “We’d worry if you felt like anything else,” Chanyeol rolled his eyes, before looking at Sehun.
“Sorry I’m late,” He nodded while Sehun looked confused, Chanyeol seldomly apologised for… anything.
“It’s fine…” Sehun looked at his brothers, “Did stabbing you give you manners or something?”
“If that’s the case, I get to stab Baekhyun,” Kyungsoo smile slightly at the man in question, “Lord knows he could use it”
“I think my attitude is character building,” Baekhyun was offended for a second while Junmyeon cut in.
“Are you okay?” He asked Chanyeol.
“Yes,” Yeol sighed, “Just in a bit of pain that’s all, it’s nothing really”
“Well if that’s the case…” Junmyeon nodded to Sehun to continue.
“We’re discussing Friday,” Sehun confirmed, “That’s if you’re still coming,”
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world,” Chanyeol smile tensely, “Is it on my schedule to get verbally abused by Mr Byun and his wife? Or do I just get jumped with that again,” Baekhyun pulled a face.
“Could be worse,” Jongdae hummed, “You could have to listen to Mr Kim’s all inspiring speeches again, solidarity is key remember?” Junmyeon chuckled faintly at that.
“Will your mother be there?” Baekhyun asked Sehun, who flicked is brows up faintly before answering, “Please say no,”
“Sadly, yes – She has things to discuss with me” He hummed.
The boys all pulled a face at that, the ex-gang mother wasn’t the most pleasant to be around; especially after her husband died, the hidden verbal lashing that Sehun got every time he saw her was enough to make any of the boys want to stay away. Mrs Oh had a clear vision from her husband how they wanted things in Exodus to run, and the current line-up of boys wasn’t exactly the best on delivering that, she lived about 4 hours away from the city which made their lives easier to deal with, but when she was here, lord, was she here.
“She’s not going to make us scrub this place again, is she?” Minseok flinched, “I don’t know if I can live with the smell of chemicals ingrained in my nose again.”
“My mother won’t be here this time, relax,” Sehun rolled his eyes, the woman had an affinity to use his brothers to the bone – especially the “adopted” ones, “She’s staying with the Byun’s for a few days, told her that it wasn’t worth travelling into the woods to stay here when she’d only have to travel back out.” He waved his hand slightly.
“Back to the matter at hand,” He sighed slightly, “Rooftop looks directly onto the ballroom, someone has to post up there otherwise whoever wants could take a clear aim in,”
“Post up two of my father’s security,” Baekhyun waved his hand slightly, “He owns that building so I doubt an attacker would try to break into that, considering its rife with security anyway.” “Two of your dad’s men then,” Sehun mumbled slightly, writing it down, “I think it goes without saying that I expect you all on your best behaviour, right?” He said again not looking up from the paper yet.
“This is an important night, and I expect the 6 of you to understand that,” Sehun said casually, “One mess up and its trouble, am I clear?”
“Just 6? Why not 8,” Baekhyun asked as the rest of his brothers sighed at once, telling him to shut up.
“Two of you don’t get on my nerves, I asked If I’m understood?” Sehun asked again.
“Crystal clear, sir.”
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Walking around the nicer side of town might not have been your forte exactly, but you had to admit that Joohyun, regardless of the earlier talk, had made the day very enjoyable, even if she wouldn’t let you see the receipt of it all. The outfit and such were eventually forgotten as soon as it was bagged, the woman on a mission not very intent on spending her boss’s money to fulfil whatever need she had now. It had started with lunch at an upscale restaurant that you’d only seen businessmen and rich girls eating at, yourself and your newfound friend making fun of the menu whenever you could, making sure that Baekhyun fed you two the best- regardless of price.
It was fun, it was even fun when Joohyun decided it was now time to drag you around the stores she wanted to, her tiny body bursting with excitement as she found the things she wanted and tried them on in turn – her stature fitting into the world more than she gave it credit for, something you noted as you watched her try on a very expensive jacket that she just insisted on having.
She made the area seem normal to you, that the people here could have personalities beyond their bank accounts – while you understood clearly, she wasn’t from around here, if someone told for a second, that she was, you’d believe them wholeheartedly. Someone that like doesn’t just stumble into things like this.
Eventually, the day had to come to an end, when evening struck after getting dinner at a slightly less upscale restaurant in freight to spare Baekhyun his bank account, the two of you parted ways – thousands in bag expenditure in toll. It was a nice evening, especially considering it was now the end of October, the chill settling into the air as it belonged once again. It wasn’t exactly the easiest thing on your small apartment, considering the heating system tanked itself every winter without a fail – but it was something to live with, all the smalls things you noted as you hiked up the 5 floors to your apartment.
However, what you weren’t expecting was the shape of a hooded body standing outside your door; a male figure leaning up against the old wood like he was waiting for someone. Approaching closer, you let out a small breath as you managed to see a small tuff of blonde sticking out from under the black hoodie, a small smile passing your lips.
“Do you make a habit of camping outside of doors now?” You teased slightly as the figure jumped into action, spilling to face you in slight shock, “Or does being a doctor not give you enough gratification?”
“Maybe if you learned to answer your phone, you’d know I was here,” Jeonghan smiled slightly, holding up a bag and a few bottles, “I brought food,”
“I was out with a friend,” You chuckled softly nudging past him to open the door, the warmth from his body comforting as you wrestled with the wood to get open, “You’re dressed comfortable, day off?” You shoved the door open with a smile, nodding for him to go in before following.
“It’s not one of your… Criminal friends is it?” He frowned softly placing the stuff he brought on the coffee table, glancing at the bags in your hand with curiosity, “Yeah, it was my day off today…What are those?” He gestured to your bags.
“I didn’t peg you as a designer person,” You rolled your eyes as you walked to place them just in the entryway of your door, out of his sight.
“Someone from work, a girl named Joohyun,” You shook your head softly, flicking on the lights to your living room while he made himself comfortable, “And I’m not, it’s for… work,” You nodded rolling with your lie.  
“Work requires a heavy price tag dress?” He raised his eyebrow at you while passing you various food items; Chinese food and booze, just want you needed after today, “I know you work at a nice club but I didn’t think it required 3k dresses,” He chuckled faintly passing you chopsticks.
“How do you know how much dresses there are,” You smirked faintly, breaking the chopsticks to tuck into the food he got you, “Or is that doctor perks? Attract some rich girls and have to hear all about it,” If he wanted to talk about it more, he decided to drop it instead.
“I don’t do rich girls,” He smirked softly leaning back into your couch with a small sigh, the tiredness of his job written on his face, “And I certainly don’t have time to date,” You laughed softly, tucking into your food.
“Don’t let them hear that, imagine the heartbreak?” You stifled a laugh, “The good doctor Yoon Jeonghan not on the market? The outcry,”
“I do not have the affect women that you think I have,” He laughed easily back at you, eating his food at your pace.
“Relatively tall, blonde, even if it's fake,” You winked, “Career, well mannered, funny, I’d say you were a steal,” He smiled faintly
“You’d know,” He hummed, looking at the table before tossing you a fortune cookie, “Open it” He nodded at it while you looked at him.
“Really, you force me to eat now you want to know my fortune too?” You smirked teasingly at him, “Admit it, sleeping all day doesn’t do it for you anymore,”
“Just open it,” He rolled his eyes, “And for your information, sleeping all day works fine but I’m a doctor, we don’t get that pleasure anymore.”
“Romance follows you if you can only see it,” You repeated to him while looking at the small slip of paper, “Oh and lottery numbers, think we can strike gold this time?” You went to smile at him, but he was already looking at you.
“Jeonghan?” You frowned softly, “What’s wrong.”
“There’s a reason I’m here,” He sighed softly, placing down his food, “It’s about the other day with… them.”
“Jeonghan we’ve been over this,” You sighed, “You were right in acting how you did, regardless if it was stupid – I sprung this on you and lied about who you were treating…”
“It’s not that,” He waved his hand and reached into his pocket, placing something on the table as your frown grew, “I found this in my locker at work.”
“I think someone is following me.”
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Joohyun had managed to keep her word and found you the perfect outfit for the night, the dress you were being forced to wear fitting you like it was made for your as the black fabric caressed your body like a whisper of velvet. It was a picturesque floor-length gown clung beautifully to your torso and upper hips before falling naturally around your legs and to the grown; no pleating or draping was needed as the fabric fell and swayed with your natural shape – accentuated by a lower back and a bold silver exposed zipper, the shape and the thin straps at the shoulders spoke of its modernity while also holding strong to the type of event.
“Wow…” You breathed to yourself in the mirror, running your hands over the soft velvet that made your hips look goddess-like, your feet pushing into insanely high heels picked the end of the dress up just enough that only a small pool of fabric trailed as you walked, it was a work of modern art being worn.
Your décolleté was kept open, letting the skin being shown doing the taking - a thin diamond choker adorning your neck instead of chunky jewellery; the jewels so small that they glinted in the lights like glitter, with a thin matching bracelet and ring, you looked like you were worth more than the apartment you were standing it. A heavy wool coat was to be your small protection from the chill that was spilling outside, the item clutched in your hands along with your clutch as you waited by the door for your ride.
As promised, Baekhyun had a messaged passed onto you earlier reminding you that the car would be there at exactly 6:45 pm and no later, and while you stood looking at the clock in your entryway; that was confirmed as your door rattled softly at exactly 6:45 pm. It was hard to stop your hand shaking a little as you opened the wood, but you let out a small breath as the man on the other side.
“Your ride,” The man greeted you with a smile, his black hair looking much like the material of your dress as it fell over his forehead softly, “I’m Doyoung, I’ll be your chauffeur for tonight.” He nodded while gesturing to the hallway to get a move on.
“Pleasure,” You nodded softly, stepping out into the cold open balcony, quickly shuffling your coat on as you locked the door behind you, checking a few times to make sure it was closed before following the man – who was now waiting right next to the elevator, a small grimace passing on your face.
“Not a fan?” He asked, when you caught up to him, shuffling into the old thing with a sigh, his finger quick on pressing the button for the ground floor.
“Not exactly,” You hummed, the two of you looking extremely out of place in the rundown elevator; you in your dress and him in his suit, contrasting with the poverty of the place immensely.
The conversation between you was few and far between as he led you out to the car, your throat seizing slightly as you registered it as one of the cars that they kept in the compound; your brain remembering your escape with the gun that led you to blow out a few windows.
Doyoung was ever the gentleman as he opened the back door up for you, gesturing for you to get in; the leather of the seating warming to your body as he’d left the heating on to keep you comfortable. Night had settled onto the city early, with winter approaching fast, it was almost night to see the lights dance on the skylight by 5 pm, but you couldn’t appreciate them as the car started to take off, your fingers deftly buckling yourself in as you tried your best to relax.
“You’re nervous,” Doyoung commented after a few minutes of driving, glancing at you in the rear-view mirror.
“A bit,” You sighed looking out the window, watching the city get more and more expensive with each mile taken, “This isn’t exactly my scene,”
“You don’t say,” He hummed stopping at a light, “Well, when I left they were inviting the more important members in for pre-drinks, there’s gonna be a lot of people there – I’m sure you can blend into the background.” He assured you.
“But,” He continued before you could say anything, “It’s not every day Baekhyun asks me to pick someone up.” He smirked faintly, but there was no ill intent behind it.
“Guess this isn’t just your usual day then,” You gulped, swallowing the stomach bile that was threatening to creep out of your oesophagus any second.
“Guess it’s not,” He echoed to you.
The car went silent after that, the hum of the engine filling the void for a while – at least until you noticed that you were creeping closer and closer to the houses in the city that cost more than you could even imagine; their large yet still old detached building making a home in the bustle of lights and decay of a usual city. They were the diamonds in the rough, their millions coating the walls like paint and pebbles on their driveways.
“Byun City estate,” Doyoung confirmed as he began to pull up to the only house that had its gates open, the lights from the place causing a gentle yellow hue in the night sky.
The driveway was a bit extensive as Doyoung slowly followed a car that was in front of yours, but it still felt like time was moving faster than light at the door to the establishment crept closer and closer. Two very heavily armed guards standing at the old double doors, ready to weed the ones who weren’t supposed to be here out in seconds.
Your heart seized in your chest as the car came to a stop in front of the stairs, Doyoung quickly getting out to open your door for you; holding his hand out for you to take as your feel footing into the unknown began.
“Breathe,” He said quietly, hoisting you out the car as the stones underneath you created unstable ground.
The air felt crisp against your lungs as you took a moment to look around, the hair settling your stomach as the white curls spilling from your lips at your warmth met the cold air – it as a short-lived moment of peace however as Doyoung nudged you slightly to the door, another gulped passing down your throat as you ascended the stairs; the man who drove you falling back into the car to park it somewhere else.
The guards were sizing you up as you approached them, a glance at the foyer inside bustling with people and more of them were behind you getting out of their respective vehicles; this was a legit event. The guard closest to you was about to ask for your name when it was called out instead. The man of the untimely hour, walking closer to the doors to get a look at you as a stressed look settled into his eyes.
Byun Baekhyun. He was dressed a lot more formal than you’d seen him previously; his usual garb traded for a dark suit and tie, the black making the fact his hair was a shade of light brown looking all the nicer. It fitted him well, he wasn’t the tallest in the world, but the suit gave him an air that said regardless of height he was dangerous; something the guards noted at the broke formation slightly to let the man past. A sigh passing his lips as he approached you, his hand instantly resting on your back you were ushered into the place. He was quick in giving your jacket to a coat attendant while he was rushing you in.
“You’re late,” He grumbled, looking at his watch accusingly, “Its 7:02,” He looked down at you while he walked you in.
It wasn’t a fairy tale moment that people often made these things out to be, no one stopped to stare and no one gave a shit who walked in and you appreciated that more than anything; people stopped to star at Baekhyun but that’s only because they probably have the information that this was his family home.
“I wasn’t aware that it was dire time?” You frowned softly while looking at everything you could. The black, white, and cream decorations looking fantastic in the grand foyer; the checkboard floor one of the key pieces while Baekhyun led you around to another set of double doors, “You look nice,” You grudgingly added on.
“I saved you the issue of listening to pointless speeches,” He flicked his eyebrows up slightly, “You could at least make it here a bit quicker.”
The doors opened into what you could only describe as a grand ballroom, the checkerboard pattered from the foyer carrying into the room beautifully; it was lined with numerous windows that let the nigh time in like a dream, the warm lights glinting off of every polish surface. Holding the room together was a series of roman pillars that kept the up the stairs in its places; the only way to get there is a grand staircase that was off to the side of the room. You would have caught a glimpse at the people on the stairs if Baekhyun hadn’t tugged you to the furthest away he could manage.
“I know what you’re doing,” He fake smiled at someone the two of you passed, his hand still firmly on your lower back, “He’s busy, look later.”
“Where are you taking me,” You hissed back, glancing up at him.
“To your babysitter for the night,” He said collectedly, “I refuse to let you embarrass yourself under my name,”
“I am 22, I know social cues,” You huffed quietly at him.
“Knowing social cues is not gawking at the décor like you’ve never seen it before,” Baekhyun mumbled back, before grinning at someone in passing again.
“Then who the hell is my babysitter?” You asked him quietly, trying to smile at the people looking at the two of you.
Wrapping his arm around you to pull you up next to him, Baekhyun grinned briefly before gesturing.
“He is,” Baekhyun smiled tensely, “Now we know this isn’t his first job at this.”
“Baekhyun?” Chanyeol rolled his eyes, suited up much like the man her was referring to was.
“Hi, Chanyeol,” You smiled at him, looking a lot better than the last time you saw him, “You clean up nice, even if you have a fire truck on your head.” You chuckled softly while a ghost of a smile came on his mouth.
“Great, now that we know this is going to work lovely,” Baekhyun pushed you into Chanyeol, your feet barely stumping before you were caught by the taller man, “I’ve got a meltdown to avoid, go dance with her while I do that.” Looking up you noticed Chanyeol rolling his eyes.
“He is…” You watched his quick walk away, ducking away from a man that looked scarily like him before turning back to Chanyeol, “Is he okay?”
“Is he ever?” Chanyeol straightened you out, watching where the man was walking before turning to you with a slight smile, “You look good, you clean up well.”
“Can’t exactly look like a measly bartender here, can I?” You smirked softly, something he chuckled at.
“Don’t think that would go down with anyone here,” He gestured to the servers that were handing out flutes of champagne, “Or you’d be in a doing that.”
“Rich people,” You mumbled slightly, passing a smile at one of the workers, “This doesn’t seem as bad as I thought,”
“You’ve not been here that long,” Chanyeol rolled his eyes, “You missed the boring speeches, and having to deal with the families,”
“That bad?” You frowned softly, something he took your arm to and turned you around to look at all the people; a mixture of them dancing to the music that was playing and a mixture of them conversing, turning you slightly you watched as Chanyeol leaned down as whispered to you.
“Stairs at 2 o’clock,” He mumbled as your eyes flicked to them, getting the shape of Sehun standing on the stairs with a much older woman beside him; her face familiar.
“Mrs Oh,” Chanyeol confirmed, “Has kicked off 3 times since she got here, has been in the office all day ranting about things.” Adjusting you again, he pointed to where Baekhyun had headed; the man in question standing with two other men and woman, only two of them looking scarily like him.
“Baekhyun’s family,” Chanyeol confirmed, “I don’t bother myself with them, none of them like me, but they do love to berate him…”
“Things aren’t always what you hear, you need to take time to look around sometimes,” Chanyeol confirmed slightly.
“That’s poetic coming from you,” You hummed, looking around before pointing at Jeonghwa and Yixing, “Who pissed her off?” You asked.
“Who do you think?” Chanyeol’s chest rumbled from behind you, “He’s standing on the stairs looking like he’s ready to throw himself off them.” You shook your head slightly.
“And how are you feeling?” You asked, “My eyes tell me one thing, but I’ve heard something else”
“Dance with me first,” You could hear a smile in his voice, “And then maybe I’ll feel inclined to talk about myself.”
“Lead the way”, Turning around instantly you held your hand out to him with a nod and a smile.
He merely just faintly smiled before he tugged you towards the space that was meant for dancing – couples of all sorts dancing to the music that was gently playing from the speakers, orchestral but with somewhat of a modern flair. Chanyeol wasted no time, grabbing your other hand he settled the two of you into position, just off the main throng of people; Your hand was delicately placed on his shoulder while he grasped the other one in his hand, his sliding onto your waist – it was intimate enough for conversation but there was still a respectful distance.
“Will you tell me now?” You looked up at him to ask, while he looked over your head, taking everything in, “Or were you just respecting Baekhyun’s orders.”
“What’s a party if you stay in a corner all night?” He asked, “But to answer your question, I’m fine – the wound is healing nicely, thanks to you.”
“Thanks to Jeonghan,” You corrected him, “He done the stitching I merely just gave you some blankets,” He shrugged softly at the two of you danced slowly around the area you permitted yourself to.
“It’s the thought that counts,” He hummed.
“Would it kill you to just thank someone for once?” You raised an eyebrow at him, as he looked down at you briefly before looking away.
“I don’t like him,” Chanyeol stated, “Am I not allowed to do that?” You chuckled in disbelief.
“You don’t know him,” You smiled incredulously, “He done you a favour.”
“Do you like everyone you meet?” He asked you simply, “Is that part of the peppy package?”
“I’m not peppy,” You stated with a huff, looking around at the people around you, “I just give people chances.”
“But how many?” He countered you, “How many chances?”
“Enough to prove their worth,” You frowned at him, “God knows I’ve given you too many.” He smirked at that.
“And I gave your little boy toy a chance, he blew it,” Chanyeol announced, “I only do one, too many and well… You’re asking to get hurt.”
“He’d never hurt me, or you,” You raised an eyebrow at him, “He’s a doctor for god’s sake” He has an amused look on his face as the dance took you both into turning around, his head gesturing faintly to an older man who was by one of the pillars; his cheeks already reddened with the drink.
“Anyone can hurt anyone,” Chanyeol shrugged while there was a beat of silence.
“That man over there is a doctor,” Chanyeol stated, “Do you think he’d ever hurt someone?”
“I’d hope not,” You frowned, “But we’re also at a gang party,” You lowered your voice slightly.
“Ding, we have a winner,” He chuckled, “Profession doesn’t equal good, also doesn’t always equal bad, from what I know that man loves to get his hands dirty.”
“What’s your point,” You rolled your eyes, “What has this got to do with you not trusting Jeonghan?”
“What I’m saying, is that because you know someone doesn’t mean you know them, anyone can hurt you,” He chuckled faintly, “I gave your doctor a chance and saw something you don’t see,”
“Well, what did you see,” You frowned again.
“Something you’ll see in due time,” He nodded at someone who passed him.
“What is it will all of you and being fucking cryptic,” You mumbled, “Why can’t you just say what you mean.”
“There’s no fun in that,” Chanyeol snickered, “Then everyone knows what you’re talking about.”
“Fine, I have another question,” You threw your eyes back, “Who’s Yoora?”
“Oh, that’s how she’s playing,” He hummed, “Why do you want to know?”
“You called me that,” His jaw tensed slightly, “That night after you were stabbed before you passed out - so who is she?”
“My sister,” He licked his lips glancing down at you briefly, “Older.”
“Hmm...” You hummed, “So if I’m right, taking into consideration what Baekhyun said about you being miserable – you’re upset about more than a stab wound.”
“Me calling you her doesn’t mean anything,” He deflected with an eye-roll, “Blood loss makes us do funny things.”
“But you were thinking about her,” You countered.
“Is it a crime to think about your family?” He frowned slightly, “God imagine the prisons if that was the case,”
“It’s not a crime to think about your family, but adding onto everything else,” You thought carefully, “And the fact you haven’t seen her for nearly ten years, I’d page a guess something’s happened, am I wrong?” You smiled up at him, his own eyes giving you an unamused look.
“I believe that’s none of your business,” He said while spinning you around. “Just why are you here exactly?”
“I was invited,” You grinned.
“Whose smart idea was that?” He rolled his eyes but before he could pull you back in, you saw a hand rest over Chanyeol’s bicep stopping the movement.
“Mine,” Baekhyun said with a tense smile, “Mind if I cut in?” Chanyeol frowned slightly but stepped away, gesturing for him to take his spot.
“Nice dancing with you,” Chanyeol smile slightly at you, moving away to give his brother room.
“This isn’t over,” You countered while he walked away with a slight chuckle, but the jovial nature didn’t last long as Baekhyun tugged you towards him – the dancing style very different considering he was closer to your height.
“I thought Chanyeol was my babysitter,” You asked quietly noticing the tense air of the man, “Or is something wrong.”
“You’re good at reading people,” He spoke just as quiet as you, tugging you a bit closer to hear you, “Let’s just say I needed a small escape plan.”
“Family issues?” You asked, locking eyes with him.
“Something like that,” He sighed.
“Well…Do you want to talk about it?” You asked carefully, “You did come over here to me,”
“Not particularly,” Baekhyun’s mouth tightened slightly.
Sighing, you let the dance move into silence as he led you around, he was quite the dancer but your eyes were too busy drifting to be able to pay too much attention to it – instead of focusing on the pair dancing a few feet away; Sehun and Jeonghwa.
“I thought they were mad at each other,” You nodded slightly to them as Baekhyun’s head turned with a slight smirk.
“They’re always mad at each other,” He said, “It’s just part of their relationship.”
“Relationship,” You echoed slightly, “Some relationship.”
“Is the green-eyed monster knocking at your door?” He smirked again to which you rolled your eyes at.
“I don’t know him enough to be jealous,” You sighed, “Why does everyone keep assuming that.”
“Because no one looks at Oh Sehun with puppy eyes,” Baekhyun retorted, “People look at him with respect, fear, hate – but not lovesick puppy eyes.”
“But Jeonghwa-,” He cut you off.
“Jeonghwa looks at him like a task she needs to accomplish,” He stated looking over you, “I don’t think that woman has a romantic bone in her body.”
“But…” He started with a sarcastic edge, “I don’t often know people that fall for their kidnappers, is Stockholm Syndrome all the rage?”
“It’s not-,” He cut you off again, pulling you closer with a wicked smirk.
“In another world, I imagine the two of you would make quite the couple...” Baekhyun hummed, an air of severity dripping into the word, “But sadly this is our reality, and frankly... the future of it is being switched from a promise to a threat with you around.”
“So whatever idea’s you stored in your little head about how this all ends? It needs to stop,” He hissed softly, making it look like the two of you were just having a polite conversation. “This won’t end well for you.”
“Do you often lash out at people to deflect from your own problems?” You raised an eyebrow a him, “Does cutting someone else down for a second make you feel a fraction better about everything around you.”
“I enjoy watching the light in people’s eyes die,” He said sarcastically, “What can I say.”
“I don’t have any ideas about anything, Baekhyun,” You stated firmly, “I am here like you asked me to be, that’s it – after today it’ll never see any of you again besides work, sound good?”
“Sound’s perfect.” He hummed straightening back up.
The dance and the conversation trailed off to a finish the song started to die back down, a few people clapping slightly as the orchestra finished their piece; only a brief second passing before they started back up – Baekhyun being quick to release you, the people around you started to part, a figure emerging from the crowds.
Parting the crowds like the red sea was Sehun, fitted in a suit much more formal than his usual ones; the black fabric clinging to him in a way that let your mouth feeling a lot drier than it had done before; his hair that was usually pushed away from his face was parted off to the side with the front section only being slightly pushed away, the inky tresses falling around his forehead like ribbons of silk.
“Boss,” Baekhyun nodded slightly, glancing between you two, “What do I owe the pleasure.”
“Your brother is asking for you,” Sehun announced, nodding at you with a smile, “Taking care of our guest well?”
“Quite well,” Baekhyun edgily smiled, “If you’ll excuse me.”
“Excused,” Sehun smirked softly, making room for the walking man before turning to you, “Everything to your standard?”
“I don’t think my standard matters all that much,” You nodded slightly.
“Nonsense,” He chuckled faintly, “You’re probably one of the few people here that’s never seen this before, I’d like to know if we’re doing a good job.”
“It’s very nice, Sehun,” His name felt like sand in your mouth, “If you’ll excuse me, I do believe I had a conversation with someone to finished.” You said as you attempted to walk past him, but you jumped slightly as his hand caught your arm in a loose grip, tugged you back.
“Dance with me,” He stated, as you opened your mouth in slight shock.
“I think I’ve had enough, for now, you’re probably busy,” You explained as people started looking at the two of you.
“I wouldn’t ask otherwise,” He smiled easily at you, it was faint, but it was there. Sighing deeply, you nodded. Letting him take your hand and drag you back to him to get into position, only this time you were aware of where he was touching you as the two of you took off.
He was gazing down at you now, a vague sense of amusement dancing in his eyes; your own eyes barely managing to keep focused at the warm of his hand sitting casually on your waist; it was beautifully distracting. The moment felt more surreal than it was, the music feeling like it caressed one ear and went straight back out the other as the two of you moved calmly to it, your heart in time with your steps magically; gliding across the floor with no care.
“You’re better at this than I thought” He hummed, plucking his eyes away from yours to peer over your head, the warmth of his breath hitting your forehead softly, he was closer than the other two, as he spoke, “Maybe you’re made for these sorts of things.” You scoffed at that.
“You don’t know me that well,” He was close enough to the point his aftershave was making a home in your senses, “I actually can think of a million other things I’d rather be doing right now.” He chuckled at that.
“I don’t know you that well,” He repeated with a smirk, “But I can tell you’re an excellent liar,” His eye’s flicked down at yours again briefly as his voice lowered to a tone only, you’d hear.
“We need those sorts of people around here.” He tutted softly.
“I’m not a liar,” You pursed your lips softly, “And I’m not joining your little… club” You raised an eyebrow at him as you looked up at him, his face very much looking down at you as your forehead brushed his nose.
“See that’s where you’re wrong, you are a liar, and a bold-faced one at that,” He smirked softly, “And I don’t think you’re cut out for my little…club” He mimicked you.
“How am I the liar?” You sniped at him while he chuckled, "When you're right here?"
“It’s in your eyes,” He stated, “You’re lying about something, and a part of me wants to know what that is.”
“You don’t need to know everything,” You countered him, “I’m nothing to do with you.”
“You’re at my party,” He hummed, “You also work at my bar, I’d say that’s pretty involved.”
“But why is that?” You caught his eye as you stared him down, “Why do I work for you? why am I here? I have just as many questions as you.” He tittered at that.
“Why do you think I’m the only one involved? And I told you why you’re working for me, or did you forget our little car ride?” He chuckled pulling you a bit closer, “You’re so full of questions but you don’t have the backbone to ask them.”
“I do have a backbone,” You looked away from him, “For normal people things, like making sure I get an order right or getting a refund – not dealing with people like you.”
“Am I not a normal person?” He asked, “I thought the term normal was relative?”
“You’re insufferable,” You scoffed, “Why does everyone here dance around their words?”
“Because if anyone tells you what they mean, they’ll have to kill you,” He stated simply.
“See, that’s not normal,” You gulped softly, “None of this is.”
“To you,” Sehun countered, “I think this is perfectly normal,”
“The world doesn’t revolve around you,” You rolled your eyes at him.
“My world does,” He smirked at you as he held your gaze, looking around your face for a second while it softened.
His eyes were like barrels of warm whiskey if you caught them in the right light, but the intensity came from the fact that Sehun had a knack for looking at you like he was trying to peel back every layer of you in mere seconds and without words. It was charming to see someone want to figure out something they couldn’t understand, to have that attention on you for long enough to know that they were really looking at you.
“You look beautiful,” He said quietly, “I haven’t said that to you yet.”
“You look good yourself,” you gulped softly as you looked back at him, remembering every little thing that made him…Him.
“I wasn’t lying,” He said quietly, “You do fit in here – even if it doesn’t feel like it, most people would have bailed at the door.”
“I was asked to be here so I am,” You nodded slightly, “Least I could do I guess…”
“Baekhyun talked to me about the meddling,” He hummed slightly, “Apologies, I’ll make sure it doesn’t happen again, I said that to you before…”
“Who sent the invitation?” You frowned softly, his eyes flicking to the small crease on your eyebrows as you did.
“Faintest clue…” He sighed, his eyes a bit more unreadable, “But does it matter now? You’re here”
“Yes, I am…” You said quietly, focusing back on the dance.
The two of you went back to dancing quietly as you mentally evaluated the situation, it was comfortable to be this close to him surprisingly – it almost felt right to be the person dancing with him, and that was dangerous. His chest was directly in your eyesight as you tried to focus on anything else but your dance partner, but he was insistent on talking.  
“You don’t make a lot of eye contact, do you?” He asked casually, releasing your waist slightly to tip your eyes up to meet his, his fingers holding your chin, “I’m no formal dancer but eye contact is a given”
“You’re tall,” You weakly said to try and simmer the conversation down, but he merely frowned using that same hand to move your hair away from your neck slightly – his warm palm resting on your neck as your eyes widened.
“What are you doing-,” You started.
“Shit.” He cut you off with a swear
The world around you blurred for a second, the feeling of his hand on your neck tossing you off to the side with him sending your mind into a spin as the sound of shattering glass suddenly filled the ballroom – the music cutting out fast. You could feel your face forced against Sehun’s as the man let out a pained grunt after the sound of something thudding into flesh filled your ears as well.
The cool feeling of marble against your back sent a chill down your spine as the sound of another thud landed close to you again, the shattering of windows and screams echoing around the room as a replacement for the music. It felt like a lifetime before Sehun peeled back from you, his breath a bit more haggard than before while your eyes adjusted to the sudden light, you neck barely making it to look up at him. He was gritting his teeth, his left arm placed above your head to brace himself on the wall while the other was still around your waist in a tight fashion. The sounds of bullets hitting marble floors sending awful pangs into the air.
“You need to leave.” He hissed out, glancing down at you while you looked around his torso to see what was causing him discomfort, pushing his jacket back on his left shoulder - you gasped, your hand leaving wet as a giant red stain formed around his pectoral.
“Sehun you’re-,” You gasped out, but he moved his chest away with a slight wheeze.
“I said you need to go,” He snapped looking down at you, the fire and pain clear in his eyes – He gulped slightly before pushing himself off you, a hiss passing through his teeth as he ducked again from a bullet that hit the pillar, a dusting of marble raining down on your head as you both ducked.
“But you…” You stuttered softly, frightened out your mind.
“Taeyong.” Sehun snapped as someone came skidding over, a small mind with intense eyes stopping next to you.
You didn’t even get to hear what he said before you were shoved into the man’s arms his lithe body catching you with a grunt as Sehun barked orders at him.
“Get her and anyone else out of here, now.” Taeyong merely nodded as you shrugged in his grip – the sounds of bullets still echoing with the constant yells of men barking orders.
“Wait, you idiot.” You yelled slightly, “You’re the one bleeding.”
“Taeyong.” Sehun snapped ducking again, “Do your job, now.”
“Yes boss,” His voice was surprisingly level while he took you away, your heels scraping on the floor as you tried to escape on your own.
For once in your life, you called out the name you never thought you would.
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wordstrings · 4 years
of sleep-warm skin and love requited
Written and submitted by @delicategoblin:
OK IM OFFICIALLY TERRIFIED BUT IVE EDITED THE ABSOLUTE SHIT OUT OF THIS AND I CANT FIND ANYTHING ELSE TO CHANGE SO UHHHHH HERE WE GO. uhhhh you don’t need to anonymize it I’m g with having my actual blog on here i’m just ,,, f r e a k i n g o u t . thank you again for this opportunity though cause i never would have done this otherwise,,,,also it’s kinda cringe i know but i’m fragile ok i needed the Bois being soft
Publisher’s note: The first official fic of I Fixed/Fic’d It: A Supernatural Fluffsgiving Event! I absolutely love this and it’s exactly what my heart needed.
Words: 1,700
of sleep-warm skin and love requited
Soft puffs of warm air blew onto his chest, it blew the fine hairs that grew there against their follicles. It was an annoying, tickling sensation that made it feel like there was a bug crawling on him. He didn’t move, though, or adjust the sleeping hunter in his arms. It served as a grounding sensation, a reminder that the warm body lying next to him was just that; warm, breathing, alive.
“I c’n feel you look’n at me weird.” Dean’s sleepy voice cut through the gentle silence that hung around them. One sleepy green eye cracked open and he shifted, wrapping his arms around Castiel’s bare torso tighter and burying his nose into his sternum.
“I was admiring you,” Castiel protested indignantly and smiled at the muffled embarrassed noise Dean made against him.
“Less admiring, more sleeping.” He grumbled, and pressed a placating kiss to Cas’s throat. Castiel let out a contented hum and let his fingers glide up Dean’s muscled back, feather-light, and up to the nape of his neck.
“Quit it.” Dean shuddered and fell back onto the mattress with a bleary-eyed glare. Castiel shifted onto his side and smoothed his thumb over the crease in Dean’s forehead that resulted from his affronted expression. Dean didn’t comply with his silent request, and it was Cas’s turn to frown. He leaned down and pressed a tiny chaste kiss to the wrinkle, Dean just shied away and huffed.
“Dean,” Castiel squinted at the stubborn man beside him, who stuck his tongue out and made a point to draw his eyebrows even further - the crease became more prominent. Cas could almost laugh, but this was a challenge. A challenge he didn’t intend to back down from.
“Cas,” He mocked, pulling a face.
Oh, so that’s how it was.
Gears in Castiel’s head were turning, but before they could even quite slot into place, he was on top of Dean, pinning him to the mattress with his weight. Dean’s eyes widened, no longer half-shut with the remnants of sleep, and he sucked in a breath. Pupils blown wide, and Castiel grinned. Dean had a very wrong idea of what was about to happen.
“Dean, you’re very stubborn.”
Dean smirked and waggled his eyebrows, before quickly returning to his previous expression, complete with his arms crossed across his chest.
“Yeah? What are you gonna do about it?”
Castiel hummed as if he were deep in thought, tracing his index finger from Dean’s collarbone to his sternum. Dean cringed and pushed himself back into the mattress.
“Me? Well, I’m going to knock you down a peg or two, in a manner of speaking.” Castiel purred, resting all ten of his fingertips on his ribs, a salacious grin on his face.
“You, on the other hand,” He continued, gliding his hands down to rest at Dean’s sides. “You’re going to smile for me.”
Dean barely had time to swallow nervously before his senses were set alight by tingling, buzzing electricity. He bit his lip and squirmed, grappling with Castiel’s flitting hands.
“C-Cas, c-c’moHAH. Nonono, c’mohon man, this shit’s for kIDS.” His voice raised an octave when the ex-angel who was enjoying this way too much dug his infuriatingly skilled fingers into his tummy.
It took less than three minutes for Dean to be lost to laughter, punctured by the occasional ‘No!’ or ‘Cas!’ and things that were definitely not shrieks when his attacker got to a bad spot.
Cas, the bastard, was watching him with a big stupid smile on his face. It was so wide and genuine Dean couldn’t even find it in himself to be mad when he caught glimpses of his face amidst his thrashing.
“Cas! Cas, it’s like 4 am, stoho- nahaha CAHAHAS NOT THERE, YOUSONUVABIHIHITCH.” Dean cackled and threw his head back with laughter as Castiel’s hands shot into his armpits, he convulsed and clamped his arms down as hard as he could. Nothing could deter Cas’s determined digits.
When Dean’s breathing started sounding labored, Castiel retreated his hands and took to scritching at Dean’s lower belly. Tickling there, just above his waist-band, was the closest thing to giggling he thought Dean Winchester was capable of. His other hand, bored and itching to roam the squirming body beneath him, cupped Dean’s other side and stroked the skin there. There was another layer of squirming away added to Dean’s half-hearted struggle.
“Caaaas, quihihit playing with my chubby spots.” He whined through bubbling laughter. It was innocent enough, but Castiel knew this man well enough to tell the difference between a joke and genuine insecurity.
Castiel pursed his lips and abandoned his tickling, leaning forward to kiss the panting, red-faced mess. Dean was enthusiastic, cupping the back of Castiel’s head, meeting his kiss sloppily with an open mouth and obscene smacking sounds.
When Castiel pulled away, Dean’s hand kept him there; their faces just inches apart, noses brushing.
“You’re the single most beautiful creature in all of creation, Dean Winchester. Inside and out.” Castiel said firmly, cupping Dean’s jaw reverently and looking into his lover’s wide eyes. A faint blush dusted Dean’s cheeks and he dropped his gaze, shrugging, and grumbling. Cas used his hand to nudge Dean’s face back up and pressed kiss after kiss to Dean’s face. His forehead, each eyelid, his nose, his top, and bottom lip, and his chin.
“I’ve seen stars born,” Castiel murmured against his jaw, pressing another kiss to the stubbled skin.
“Galaxies formed,” Another kiss, this time to his neck, then his collarbone, then his sternum.
“Supernovas,” His chest, right over his heart.
“I witnessed the creation of the very first life forms,” His ribs.
“I’m older than time, older than this world, than the universe.” His diaphragm, his stomach, his hip.
“It’s you, Dean. Nothing I’ve ever seen, ever experienced, could ever hold a candle to you. I just wish you could see yourself the way I do.”
Dean sat completely still, watching Cas with twinkling eyes, he swallowed thickly and made to sit up, Cas climbed off him and Dean leaned forward, resting his head on Castiel’s shoulder.
“You mean that?” He whispered, taking Castiel’s hand and fiddling with his fingers. Castiel smiled and pressed a kiss to the crown of Dean’s head, nodding.
“Yes, Dean. I mean it.”
Castiel could hear the quiver in his breath when Dean inhaled deeply.
“That’s pretty gay, man.” He said shakily, pulling away from Castiel with a wobbly smile on his face.
“That it is. I’d venture to say what I’m about to say is gayer, though; I think your smile is especially beautiful. And your laugh.” Castiel added with a sly smile. Dean was quicker on the uptake, though, and before Cas could follow through on his plan, he found himself pinned to the mattress. Staring down a disgruntled Dean, who wasted no time in reaching behind him and kneading Castiel’s thighs.
He howled with laughter and grabbed blindly at Dean’s arms.
“DEAN! DEAN, STOHOHOP!” He bucked underneath the grinning man.
“You started it! And you were about to ambush me again.” He feigned offense, his words spoken around a laugh. His hands converged on Cas’s ribs and dug into the giggle-shriek-inducing spots between each bone.
Expertly, Dean took Castiel apart. Fingers seasoned with years of big-brother experience. His goal was to just tire Cas out to the point he wouldn’t be able to re-retaliate. Ten fingers scribbled across his belly and Cas was lost to giggles that Dean would never tire of hearing.
“Deheheannn, nahaha I’m sohOHORY!” He barely managed around an honest to god squeal that left his mouth when one of Dean’s curious fingers wiggled into his bellybutton.
“See, I just don’t think that’s true.” Dean tutted.
He could have continued on forever, sweet laughter and adorable attempts at an escape or a plea. But, now that Cas was human and oxygen was kind of a necessity, he made the mature decision (what can he say, falling in love changed him) to stop. He pulled away with a parting raspberry to the side of Cas’s neck, which made him shriek and jackknife under him.
“I didn’t bring you back from super hell just so you could tickle the shit out of me, you know,” Dean said, poking his hip. Cas flinched and rubbed a hand over his face, residual giggles still tumbling out of his mouth. He sighed and parted his fingers, peering up at Dean.
“Why did you bring me back, then?” He challenged. Dean glared down at him, but his gaze held no heat. Maybe some exasperation.
“You know why.”
Castiel pulled his hands away from his face and shrugged innocently.
“I don’t, actually.”
“I told you,” Dean huffed. Don’t ask why he was allowing himself to be swept up into Cas’s little game - maybe he liked it. Or maybe he felt guilty still.
“You told me lots of things - through wailing sobs, so it was hard to understand at times. Here; I’ll even make it easy for you. I love you…”
“I know,” Dean replied in a mocking, honeyed tone as he flopped back onto the mattress, pointedly shutting his eyes. Castiel let out a long-suffering sigh and lay back next to him, body curved around Dean’s; a perfect fit, like pieces of a puzzle slotting together. It was a shame Dean was being too much of a man-baby for Castiel to properly enjoy their compatibility and closeness at the moment.
“You’re impossible,” Cas murmured into the skin of Dean’s shoulder, reaching over to pinch at Dean’s waist. He curled away with a squeak that made Cas’s heart swell and grabbed his hands.
“No more tickling,” He pouted. The other man smiled fondly and pressed a kiss to Dean’s temple.
“No more tickling.” He agreed, nodding solemnly.
Then it was quiet again, peaceful. The soft sounds of Dean’s breaths were in sync with his own - the feeling of his heart beating was still alien to him, even though it wasn’t something he noted often.
“Hey, Cas?” Dean said quietly, fingering a mindless pattern on Castiel’s bicep, “I do. Love you, I mean.”
Castiel smiled and pressed his thumb gently into the give of Dean’s thigh, reveling in the softness, the warmth.
“I know.”
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crashingmeteorz · 4 years
zuko brings a lot to the table when he joins the gaang, especially the return of the ba sing se bimbos (jinjetsongko)
credit as always to @azenkii!
when they all eventually join team avatar, in my mind, it still happens after the Betrayal by zuko. this is obviously very Angsty and Intense, but that’s a post for another day.
song and her mother, through a series of Strange Events, make their way into the fire nation in disguise and end up in a village that the gaang passes through, just before the invasion. she and katara recognize each other, and song asks to go with them to help at the invasion.
at first, song positively Freaks Out at meeting aang and also at the fact that he’s ALIVE. katara eventually calms her down enough to ask, “are you comfortable going to the front lines of the invasion, song? we need healers, but this will get very dangerous.”
“oh, i think i’ll be alright,” song says mischeviously.
jin ends up at the boiling rock for trying (and failing, but not without a good hard fight) to free mushi/iroh. how does she end up in the crystal catacombs? idk yet, but she was there, and boy was she PISSED at lee. azula took her away before zuko had much of a chance to argue - he’s ashamed to say he didn’t try very hard.
of course, she meets suki, and has her own fan girl moment. she also develops a very quick crush. i mean, yeah, she’s the leader of the kyoshi warriors so of course sokka was obsessed but after meeting suki jin’s like how could you NOT fall in love.
jet, who has been brainwashed by the dai li, goes with them to the fire nation. he’s assigned to dangerous reconnaissance missions that azula plans, which she ensures that zuko finds out about, since she’s doing it purely as a way to test his loyalty. it works - because this, along with zuko’s other realizations in book three, is what makes him fully denounce the fire nation. when he leaves to teach aang, he drags jet along with him.
this trip is less than easy, because jet, who is, again, brainwashed, bounces between attempting to murder zuko for his betrayal, and treating zuko as his ward to be protected.
at some point on the trip, after an extreme mood swing, during which they both almost die, they’re breathing heavily on either end of the war balloon, and zuko says “you’re giving me emotional whiplash.”
“OH AM I, LEE?” roars jet, before collapsing with exhaustion. it’s a very song-like comment, and in spite of everything zuko really truly hopes his friends will forgive him one day.
when zuko first shows up to greet the gaang, jet is Not Well, and so zuko leaves him at the campsite. he also knows things between the gaang and jet did not end on good terms, so zuko figures it’s no big loss.
the second time, when zuko attacks combustion man, jet follows him on a Murderous Rampage, until he realizes zuko’s trying to help aang and the others, and then he joins zuko’s side.
“fucking prince, fucking avatar, I WAS A FREEDOM FIGHTER! I DID IMPORTANT THINGS, LIKE TERRORISM! NOW IM GONNA DIE, FOR WHAT? THE PEOPLE WHO KILLED MY GANG’S VIBES AND THIS TWIG-SIZED ROYAL MORON?” jet screams as he uses his hooks to hoist himself and zuko back up the cliff.
(of course, his anger mostly melts away when the others exit the temple after the danger passes, and song is there holding the duke’s hand. it’s the first happy thing that has happened to him in so long.)
song regards zuko/lee as a mixed bag because, you know, the obvious Bad Stuff, but also he saved jet? and he’s training the avatar now?
so she decides on the middle ground - forgiveness, paired with Never Letting Him Live Anything Down.
she hugs him, and tells him she missed him, and he’s so overcome with relief he almost cries, and then she says very loudly for the whole group to hear: “i forgive you, but i expect a herd of ostrich horses after the war.”
“song-“ he says desperately.
“you know. compensation.” she says.
“i only took the one-“
“zuko!” says aang, scandalized at the idea that zuko had personally affronted one his new friends even though it’s the smallest of his crimes.
“was it just one? i must’ve forgotten,” song says sweetly. “sure hope i haven’t been brainwashed. oh! like someone we know-“
“that wasn’t even my fault!” says zuko.
yeah, katara LOVES song.
when sokka and zuko go to the boiling rock, jet tries to go with them because he’s convinced zuko will betray sokka, but he’s still kind of out of it, and they try to convince him to stay back. he gets loud, threatening to tell everyone what they’re up to if he doesn’t get to come along, when a hand holding a rag comes up around his mouth and he passes out.
“it’s my turn to watch him tonight and i’m too tired to reason with him,” says song, dragging jet under his armpits back to the camp. “just go do whatever stupid risky thing you’re going to do.”
“that’s it?” zuko asks curiously. “no speech about how we shouldn’t go?”
“oh, i’m sorry, am i your mother?” song asks innocently. “i personally haven’t seen my mother since before the invasion, you know, the one we had to plan because SOMEONE’S nation waged a war-“
“okay, okay, i get it!” zuko snaps, and they go.
when they return with jin, however, song drops all the sarcasm and jet stops being so hostile. this is partially because they’re so grateful he brought her back, but mostly because jin is definitely the Friendship Glue.
she tells them all about how their daring escape, she mentions that everyone acted according to their sexy selves (hakoda, thankfully, does NOT hear this), but especially zuko.
“honestly,” jin says, “being the one of the first prisoners to escape the boiling rock has got to be the most legendary thing anyone’s ever done. i’m going to go down in history. so many fire nation prisoners are going to be like ‘who’s that pretty girl who escaped on the gondola?’ and they’re either going to be talking about me or suki, and it’s all thanks to zuko.”
yes, they have a ba sing se bimbo reunion hug.
“guys, you will not BELIEVE what i found out at that gross prison.” jin says at the campfire that evening. “the firelord singed his eyebrows off once, and now he has to draw them on every morning. also, he gets these little flames painted on his nails at the palace spa because he thinks it makes his firebending stronger, and, like, yes, guys who paint their nails are hot, but not when they paint them to look like a four-year-old drew them.”
“literally none of that is true,” says zuko, absolutely baffled.
“oh really?” jin says, rounding on him. “because i heard it from min, who heard it from the guard who shaved her head, who heard it from the watchtower guard, who heard it from the WARDEN HIMSELF.
“yeah zuko,” says song, “do you think you know more about the firelord than the WARDEN?”
“no offense, but you’re not exactly the expert on the firelord,” says jet, grinning because He Knows.
zuko says nothing at first. then he sighs, shakes his head, and asks happily, “so, is it all the nails, or just, like, the ringfinger?”
part two of this segment coming soon!
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  masterpost
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icecreamkink · 4 years
so i watched cobra kai all in two days and i have so many -
this show has so many cool and smart angles to it, but the same time.... its so stupid oh my god everyone is so dumb literally mr miyagi held all of the braincells in this whole universe 
like i am but at the same time i am not surprised it was made like this, bc in hindsight of course there were hordes of ppl simping over johnny lawrence ....  but it still amuses me that this is like... an Actual Official Thing
ok this will get long so cut it is
how much fun this cast has is super visible and i love it
i rly enjoy how the world was expanded ! i did grow up watching the karate kid movies, so watching how they progressed the world of the movies so organically was pretty cool. it rly feels like its the same universe
i fucking LOVE stories that are largely about a Thing. dancing ,skating, sports its just so thrilling to experience this all consuming relationship people can have with this type of activity? and martial arts are just that much more intense, so yeah, grown ass men kicking each other around at the lightest provocation and a war veteran caring so much abt teen karate is Ridiculous.... but i love it all because thats the intensity i find so thrilling
was kinda surprised with how much im missing mr. miyagi. first because, like everyone is so unhinged jesus christo, it just really throws into relief how much his character grounded the narrative of the movies. but also hes just a really great character
and on that note it rly Gets Me that the show itself aknowledges that and plays that into daniels angst and all the little ways they sorta weave myiagisms into the whole show........ im not getting emotional over this dumb karate dads show OK
related - i really miss hearing ‘daniel-san’ 🥺🥺
ACE DEGENERATE oh god oh no
they really went down the down and out johnny lawrence route huh. like i was always kinda bummed we see kreese choking him and then we never see him again in the movies, and while i love dumpster fire problematic trash himbo ck johnny, its like......................... actually really sad that his life turned out like this fjngn
everytime i hear ‘babes’ and ‘pussy’ i die a little inside. i know thats the point but i am a v cringe easy person, have mercy (ehe)
loved the way they are constantly drawing parallels between johnny and mr. myiagi of all people. hes the handy man of his building that has a bullied kid asking for help and eventually steps up to teach them karate, beats up a bunch of bullies for him, creates a friendship with said kid, estranged from family, drinks his sorrows away, surprisingly one of the least quick to anger characters (which says more about everyone else really but.... Well.), no schemes or ulterior motives hes just tryna vibe here.... oh and ofc magically heals miguel of is asthma apparently. the true disciple.. meanwhile daniel is his usual messy petty self even tho he wants to be mr myiagi so bad 
also interesting about that is how miguels character is a parallel of both johnny and daniel at the same time
overall the parallels in ck are done really well, drawing comparisons and also subverting them constantly. theyre well thought out
fr tho, the angle being explicitly the cycle of trauma and its effects and how trumatized adults in turn traumatize kids, maliciously or not, is so interesting
but! on the flip side of that, it feels like the writers are getting in their own way @ letting the characters grow. especially this last season. theres only so many times you can do "johnny and daniel are getting along but 5mins later they are (literally) fighting over some dumbass random issue" or "johnny puts in 20% of effort with robby and then gives up" before it gets on your nerves yknow?
i see daniel no longer talks like macchio ingested 15 shots of espresso before every take and idk how to feel about that tbh
interesting tension in daniel, as in, in tkk mr miyagi was there and daniel was frankly, kind of a lil shit, this messy petty spitfire hot tempered sassy kid,(johnny lawrence voice: just... stop being so annoying) but now hes the adult, and he wants to be mr. miyagi... but hes just not, and never will be to his very core and it shakes him and in a way hes trying to find who he is now that he sees himself in a position to be a not! cobra kai figure. i kinda really like that 
plus how that relates to his cobra kai trauma. idk if the writers thought abt it Like That, i think so, but in any case, its interesting bc it seems like daniel has told everyone whod listen about johnny lawrence his Pretty Boy Karate Rival and high school and 84 cobra kai... But. no one seems to know what went on in 85 (or 86? idk) which was just so much worse
like ye og cobras were shitheads, but tkk iii is just two hours of daniel being emotionally and physically tortured. 
like, the third movie is.............chaotic, to put it nicely, and many people ignore it, but the writers clearly didnt. daniels actions are, in a way, responding so much more to the events of tkk iii than to the first movie ie. johnny himself, AND. daniel doesnt rly seem to have dealt with that trauma? he never told sam? doesnt feel like hes ever told amanda? he doesnt even say terrys name out loud? freaks Out over kreese ? the way he reacts to robbys deceit? his FACE when he walks past the new "fear does not exist in this dojo" paint or kreeses photo? hmMm i sense Pain
his fashion tho........... disappointing. where are the flower shirts daniel huh we had one (1) shirt what a tragedy STOP WEARING SUITS ALL THE TIME . also the band ts/grunge bi are a look for johnny but part of me longs for the preppy lovable 80s bully chic johnny lawrence getups
weird that they never used that last moment of karate kid where johnny kinda... snaps out of his anger and hands daniel the trophy almost in tears. like “youre alright larusso, good match” “thanks a lot”  that being their last direct interection seems like itd be perfect fruit for cobra kai but... they just dont. weird. 
especially when, the FIRST SCENE they see each other, suposedly in 30+ years, the first thing to come out of daniels mouth is QUOTE "u still got those golden locks huh?" WHO SAYS SHIT LIKE THAT DANIEL FUCKING SAN 
also amandas immediate reaction "your pretty boy rival?" like. can we talk about the fact that daniel had to have imparted to his wife the very important information that his high school bully/karate rival was like Really Cute and Fucking Hot Actually
 the writers Knew exactly what they were doing and honestly.............. power to them
tkk director voice: and billy was just so cute  
also I was thinking that daniel sounded strangely fond in that first scene, and i wonder if he developed a weird affection for johnny on the grounds that of all of his Karate Rivals johnny was actually the only one who didn’t actively tried to literally kill him
i was actually delightedly surprised with how great the chemistry between them is, like from the get go i am Invested. their rl friendship totally bleeds through and its fantastic
. granted, idiots enemies to lovers friends is my Thing so i am biased  
johnny lawrence: i am down in the dumps, i fucked up my whole life and my sons probably, largely in light of the trauma that the father figure sensei and the philosophy of my karate inflicted on me and all my friends. u know what i should do, as a traumatized, unreliable mess of an adult? teach that same philosophy to some other kids! what could go wrong! 
but really i enjoy the setup of it. i kinda like that i watched it late because, season 1 was johnny setting himself up for failure in a way and it was exciting to watch it all go to shit sjfn
Like. his heart might be in the right place, but theres just.... not a way to teach something like ‘strike hard, no mercy’ and not have it fuck up a kid 
case and point: aisha, miguel and hawk become annoying as all hell over that bullshit in the end of s1, even before shit gets truly fucked up
billys subtle panicked eyes when he sees hawk and miguel fighting dirty in the all valley was SO GOOD especially in parallel with the panic that is so visible in his face in the movie when kreese tells bobby to injure daniel and in the sweep the leg scene 
seen people question wether kreese should have returned and i absolutely think he needed to. johnny needed to realize that cobra kais fundamentals are flawed, at the root, beyond kreese himself being a toxic piece of shit 
also who are we kidding? we are here to see the tkk characters play on new playgrounds!
i get what they're doing abt kreeses backstory, ( also. cobra kai. pq eles caem nas cobras djjs sorry) but did it need to take up that much time? feels like they couldve  done it in half the run time and developed some other stories better 
martin kove has such an evil eye. i love it
love that we get a good follow up to kreese breaks johnnys trophy and tries to CHOKE HIM in the parking lot, which happened in the movie and then....................... was never mentioned again
“the gang is all back together again” aaaa u piece of SHIT 
also. terry silver is definetely appearing ha ha ha PAIN i cant wait
seen ppl say kreese was too much of a cartoon villain like..........................oh......... sweetie........... u dont even Know
interested how johnny will fit into that bc kreese was simping rly hard for johnny here. like i did not expect him to be so adamant to have him with cobra kai ... under his control, sure, but he really wants johnny by his side despite already having control of the dojo and how will terry silver self appointed jon kreeses forever simp going to feel abt that? 
like bitchs dropping by every episode like ‘joooooohnny ..... come bacc to me joooonny......... this ur last warning! for real this time johnny! i wont say it again! watch me ! im leaving johnny! im rly leaving ! im dragging a chair” and johnny is just like. dont let the door hit ya bitch it was so funny pls
and on that subject oof, johnny! doesnt! Know! he doesnt get that side of daniels cobra kai trauma. and i kind of.............. cannot wait for ck 2021 johnny lawrence to meet terry silver like. what a shit show i need a front row seat and popcorn (imagine terry tries some greasy charm and johnny just roundhouse kicks him in the teeth bc he just doest Not Have the Patience for This. glorious)
feels like we, as a society, should acknowledge that cobra kai will never die................ bc their sense of design is just chefs kiss. their name is COBRA KAI. they have sexie sleeveless black gis. theyve sneks. colorful leather jackets with embroided naja insignia, the get ppl thru the aesthetics. evil geniuses
the flashback cuts : masterpiece behavior
the other takes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! of the movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the differente angles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! of the FIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE CLOSE UP ON JOHNNYS FACE AT THE KICK 
that scene of daniel and johnny vibing to 80s music in the car. just. oh my god. the fan wish fullfilment. no thoughts head empty.
the new characters! theyre .... good. but. idk. i really like miguel (save for the annoying phase mid s1 - end s2) and amanda, who is a damn riot and has some functioning braincells, but everyone else is       
like dont get me wrong, i dont hate anyone,its not a jane and rafael from jtv situation,  and i am interested and invested in their arcs, but i wouldnt say i like   Like them, as in, personality wise 
like, sams grappling with ptsd was rly gutting and i enjoyed that plus her slight rage issues, 
which nicely parallel torys rage issues. torys background is all over the place tho so im pretty on the fence abt her so far
robby deserves better in every way, and i like how smart and cunning and surprisingly sweet he is
hawk............... is there i guess,
 demetri is annoying in the best way possible,
 carmen is sweet but. i just feel like her character is blunted to make the johnny relationship easier. like when shes furious with him after miguels injury but then forgives him like an episode later? and then convinces him to fight for the tournament bc she had a karate epiphany off screen even tho she was always against it? meh. feels like with the plot thiccening she was swallowed and now shes like a crutch for johnny mora than anything, which is disappointing.
aisha was cool and im kinda mad she wasnt in s3, especially bc a storyline with her tory and sam was like RIGHT THERE , but also... cant say i was super super fond of her... doesnt feel like we ever spent enough time on her
moon the bi icon, 
overall its a good cast but the main draw for me remains the og cast 
the tory/sam miguel/robby Thing. enjoy how theyre Narrative Foils and i like how their stories were so dramatically entangled but oh god give me a break with the teenage love square for the love of god. if u gonna put us through that at least have the decency to not make it so straight
and honestly some sam/tory        miguel/robby romantic tension would even make more sense. just saying! 
also im not sure how i feel abt the cobra kai: red miyagi do: blue theyre going with since some of daniels most iconic looks in tkk are also red. like it was a color they (johnny and him) sorta shared. i get it, opposite but complementary but idk... a little too fire nation and water tribe for me .
 and like the cobra kai kids are so funny abt it bc their outifts grow progressively more ridiculously coordinated. its like do they group chat every morning before leaving their houses? 
robby still sticks out like that tho. he went thru an athleisure/daniel san tsleeves phase and now hes back in the bandts grunge, but his color scheme doesnt fully blend with the other cobra kais. hmmmm.
LOVED LOVED LOVED both the okinawa episode and the cobra kais easy rider episode just such good good heart aching fun
bobby is an icon. he was in tkk and he is now ck hope appears more and more
 tommy is like the most iconic background character. all his lines, freaking gold then and now. sigh :( 
the framing in the okinawa trip was so good everything was so good
i stand by the fact that kumiko was the love interest daniel had the most chemistry with and shes is overall such a joy to watch, loved to see her again, idola, fashion icon
also tkk ii is good u guys are just mean
also really enjoyed chozens role in the episode, his evolution; i love that they introduced the pressure points (ty lee the blueprint) and! the honk + karate! cousins! absolutely iconic
when kumiko reads mr miyagis letters........ oh my god, my eyes FILLED with tears, it was so heart wrenching :(( tamlyns delivery was so emotional and lovely and its so obvious everyone involved in ck has so much love and respect for pat morita and mr miyagi as character, and i adore that it exists like this electric current through the show
when we were watching i told my sister i thought that ali would be miguels big shot surgeon and ngl i am so disappointed that didnt happen. hire me cobra kai writers
also the johnny ali daniel amanda chemistry? off the charts
AND the sassy retconning of daniel and alis breakup! LMAO ‘I HOPE U DIDNT TELL MR MIYAGI IT WAS MY FAULT’ HFDJJGNKFKSD
i am preeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetty sure back injuries dont work like that    but oke
daniel and johnny are so good together whenever, like they never actually help the kids or get shit done and end up fighting anyway but its just so much fun when theyre hanging
daniels “plan” on how to get robby to juvie was so stupid. literally were u TRYING to make him hate you. dumbass
parents at those hearing rly brave for ppl that did not do ANYTHING as their kids got involved in a karate gang war until now
“bullshit i heard u were the real bully!” i mightve screeched
this s3 ending was SO DRAMATIC omg
everyone is such a MESS go to THERAPY u unhinged motherfckers
also im sorry but uh. a richass neighborhood in california doesnt have some type of neighborhood watch? the larussos rly dont have any security at all? neighbors wont hear the sound of a damn karate brawl happening next door??? also wasnt tory all like ooo i cant go to juvie, my mom yada yada yet shes always running around town getting into fights even at the rich girls house she was kicked out of school for fighting??   ?  ??    ??        ?                ?    ?          ??                  ?    ? girl??
stop destroying the larussos house, its so pretty :((((
sam finding her center looking at mr miyagis picture...  uwu maybe
robby yelling ‘U ARE WEAAK’@  johnny \as he is easily blocking him is like.... so funny and so sad to me. sweetheart. 
also i know it was meant as ‘oh johnny pushes him and HURTS HIM’ but it just looks like robby runs himself into the lockers and IM SO SORRY I FEEL SO BAD BUT IT WAS SO FUNNY 
i like that he and tory are the cobra kai kids now. we need ppl we care abt there to not revert to a good vs evil schtick, and this is the most engaging it could be... tho it hurts that these kids cant catch a break
ah yes "lets bet some real shit on the result of this teen karate tournament bc that is always a great idea" is BACK
so daniel saves johnny from kreese..... maybe johnny will save him from terry 🧐
and dojos unite ohohoho. lets SEE how that’ll work out 
miguels face of Despair when the ck defectors and the md kids are bickering like 'this is never gonna work' : gold
also. Johnny Lawrence is gonna learn some myiagi-do karate AHAAHSJAKDFH
 ive been waiting for this moment all my lifeeee oh lawrd 
final thoughts! there are def things i hope the writers will improve on the next season, but i am very excited for it either way AND i feel like it has made me enjoy the movies even more and that is a win for a reboot/sequel to me!!
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lavenderlattaes · 4 years
the night we met. | jeon jeongguk
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⇒ summary: and on a cold winter’s night just before the start of a brand new year, you meet a boy who changes your entire new year for the better. 
⇒ [ ghost! au ]
⇒ pairing: jeon jeongguk x reader
⇒ word count: 4.7k words
⇒ genre: light fluff, angst
⇒ warnings: mentions of cheating, breakup, and death
⇒ note: hello! it’s been so long since i wrote a long bts fic, huh? but i’m back again with a new one and this is one of my entries to @btsghostiewritersnet​ ‘s Bingo Bash! It falls under my ghost! au tile and i hope you guys like this! please don’t hesitate to tell me what you think. enjoy! (also this is the third time im reposting bc the tags haven’t been working for me hhh)  \ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ/
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The cold night air nips at your frozen, flushed cheeks as you hold back tears. Of all the days of the year, why did you have to end up alone and heartbroken on New Year’s Eve? Your tired, Timberland boots clad feet lead you to the park you frequented with your boyfriend before he decided to lock lips with someone else that wasn’t you. You walk past the benches and the playground and find yourself by the crystal lake that was still frozen over by the cold winter. You crouch down on your feet, your fingers reaching out to glide across the icy surface.
You sniffle softly, your mind going back to the events a few hours prior as your heart breaks. You shut your eyes tightly and let the tears fall freely, the hot tears warming up your frozen cheeks. Loud, heartbreaking sobs wrack your entire body until you can hardly breathe anymore.
Stupid, stupid, stupid. 
How could he do that to you? How could he break your heart in the most cliché way possible? How could he break his promise of a forever with you? You were stupid to think he’d actually love you for as long as you breathed the same air, for as long as you lived.
“You’re going to get sick if you keep crying out here in this cold weather.” A shy, timid voice rings out from behind you, and your sobs quiet down slowly. You immediately wipe your tears away, and sniffle again before turning around.
Your eyes lock with a pair of soft, gentle, brown, doe-like eyes the moment you turn around. A handsome boy around your age stares at you, his hands buried deep in his pockets. You break away from his glance momentarily to wipe the few tears that still manage to escape. You let out another gentle sniffle before standing up. You brush your hands against your jeans, the snow falling down your fingers and down onto the ground.
Your eyes, nose, and cheeks are all red now, and the boy purses his lips before pulling out a small handkerchief. His right hand extends out to you, offering the small piece of cloth. You look at it and back up at his face. He stares at you and you timidly reach forward, taking it. You give him a small nod and he just nods back, as you turn to the side slightly, blowing your nose into it. He lets out a chuckle at that, and you feel your cheeks heat up. 
“Thanks,” you whisper once you’re done, and you stuff the handkerchief into your pocket as you turn back to face him. 
“Why were you crying?” The boy asks and you sigh, plopping back down onto the ground. He approaches you gently, before going down on his knees to sit beside you. You glance at him to find his gaze trained on the empty, frozen lake in front of you both.
“My boyfriend cheated and broke up with me,” you answer, the words leaving a bitter taste in your mouth. 
“On New Year’s Eve?” The boy asks again and you nod, as he chuckles. You turn to look at him with a light frown.
“What’s so funny?” 
“My girlfriend broke up with me too on New Year’s Eve,” the boy tells you, and he turns to meet your gaze.
“Maybe you weren’t supposed to spend the next year together. Maybe this happened to you because you’re supposed to be with someone better than him.” He says softly, as the wind blows around you both, making you shiver lightly. The boy notices you shivering and shrugs his thick coat off, throwing it around your shoulders.
“It’s okay, I’m fine,” you try to decline but he shakes his head. “You’ve been crying, you know. You need to warm up if you don’t want to get sick.”
“Thanks,” you mutter, pulling the coat tighter around you.
“I’m Jeongguk.” The boy finally introduces himself and you manage to crack a small smile.
“I’m Y/N.”
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An incessant tapping sound rings in your bedroom in the middle of the night, waking you up in the process. You groan from the annoying noise, rolling over in your sheets as you try to get yourself to get out of bed.
Tap, tap, tap.
“Y/N, open up!” you hear a familiar voice call your name, making your eyes snap open, fully awake now.
You get up and rush over to the window, your eyes meeting those same, doe-like, eyes you first met one year ago. He grins at you, the corners of his eyes crinkling up in amusement as you squint at him, your fingers reaching over to unlock the window. The cold air brushes inside the room as you let the boy in.
Jeongguk lands on his feet gracefully, barely making a sound against the hardwood floor. He glances at you with a grin as you roll your eyes at him.
“What are you doing here? It’s late,” you ask him, walking back to your bed. He climbs in with you, crossing his legs as he leans on his arms for support, facing you.
“It’s been exactly one year since we met, don’t you remember?” your best friend grins at you as your mind finally registers the date. Your eyes glance at the digital clock perched on your bedside, and the red numbers glare in the dark room. 
12:03 am, 2021-12-31.
“Happy one year of friendship…?” You suggest sheepishly, turning back to face the boy. He grins and lunges forward at you, trapping you in a bone-crushing hug. Your body falls back on the bed as Jeongguk moves his full weight on top of you, making you whine.
“You’re heavy!” You choke out from underneath him, but he only lets out his melodious laughter ring out in the quiet room.
“Oh, come on, you love me!” He giggles and you’re furiously slapping his back, trying to get him off of you.
“If I say that, will you get off of me?” you breathe out and he immediately rolls off to the side, making you gasp for air dramatically. He rolls his eyes before perching his head up on his arm. He turns to your side, grinning at you as you glare at him playfully.
“For real though,” you begin once you’ve caught your breath, “I really do love you.” You admit, the sincerity in your voice and the gentleness of your tone making the atmosphere suddenly shift. It’s silent now, and Jeongguk just stares at you, his mouth partly open.
“You made me happier. I thought I didn’t want to keep smiling after what my boyfriend did. I know he doesn’t deserve me pining over him so hopelessly but I still continued believing he would somehow tell me it was all in my head. I hoped he would chase after me that night, but he never did.” You say quietly, your eyes trained on the ceiling. It was covered in stars, not the plastic, glow-in-the-dark kind, but hand-painted stars that Jeongguk and you both painted a few months ago. Well, he did most of it while you just cheered him on, dancing around in your room to whatever was playing on his Spotify radio back then.
Jeongguk’s free hand comes up to cup your face, turning your cheek to face him. “I just wanted to see you smile. That’s all that I ever really wanted. You looked so sad when we first met. I’ve never seen anyone so sorrowful that I even felt my own heart breaking.”
Maybe it was the way he looked at you — like you were his entire world, or the way he cupped your face in his hand — like you were some delicate china doll he couldn’t bear to break, or the way he always hugged you — like he never wanted to let go, that made you realize maybe you’ve already fallen for your best friend. 
Maybe you really were supposed to break up with your boyfriend before you welcomed the new year because you were supposed to spend that new year with Jeon Jeongguk instead.
“I love you.”
The words fall past your lips and out into the silent night. It doesn’t register in your mind until Jeongguk smiles softly at you, leaning in close to kiss your forehead.
“I love you too.”
You smile up at him and he just scoots closer to you on the bed, wrapping his arms around you tightly. That night, you fall asleep in Jeongguk’s warm embrace, your breaths mingling, your hearts beating at the same slow, steady, and calm pace.
When you wake up the next day, he’s gone. It doesn’t faze you though, because he’s always snuck inside your room late at night and left before you woke up. But a small part of you hoped that he would be there when he woke up, especially since things have somehow changed between you now.
His scent still lingers in the air, and the side of your bed where he lay was still warm, the sheets slightly crinkled. A small note peaked out from underneath your phone, and you know it’s from him. The handwriting says it all.
Meet me at the lake later tonight. i love you <3
A smile makes its way onto your face, instantly boosting your mood for the rest of the day.
And just like one year ago, the cold night air nips at your frozen, flushed cheeks as this time, you try to hold back an excited smile. You take excited skips toward the park, your fingers brushing along the benches and the trees. You reach the frozen lake, your smile blooming once you recall the events from last year. You crouch down onto your knees again, your fingers drawing on the icy surface as you wait for him.
“I hope you’re not crying like last year,” Jeongguk’s playful voice rings out from behind you and you immediately turn around to face him.
“Why would I -” your smile drops from your face when you see Jeongguk’s red eyes and nose. Tears are falling down his face as the wind blows softly, making you shiver.
“Hey, are you okay?” you ask softly, walking over to him. He purses his lips, his dimples popping out as he tries to stop the tears from falling.
“I’m sorry.” The cursed words you’ve despised the most leave his lips.
“Why? Why are you sorry?” you plead, reaching forward to grasp his hands in yours.
“I can’t be with you.” Jeongguk whispers, his breath shaky as he grips onto your hands tighter.
“Why not? Why are you doing this to me now? After telling me you love me?” You’re crying now, and Jeongguk’s sobs get quieter as he slowly calms himself.
“You’re going to have to be happy without me now, okay? I’ve spent an entire year with you now, I need to go.” He explains, letting go of your hands to cup your face.
You shake your head furiously, your hands coming up to hold his wrists. The wind was blowing harshly around you, making you both shiver but it can’t possibly be colder than the ice crawling into your heart right now. 
“Don’t leave me.” You cry out, making both of your hearts break. 
Jeongguk’s thumbs wipe your tears away, before he leans in to kiss your forehead again. “I can’t stay here with you, Y/N. It would be selfish of me to stay.”
“Why? Where are you going?” You ask desperately, your eyes searching for some sort of sign that he’s just lying. But over the past year that you’ve come to know him, you’ve learned how to read him better than anyone else. You know him like the back of your hand. He never hides his emotions when he’s with you. And he’s never lied to you, not even once. 
“Somewhere far away and I’m not coming back,” he answers truthfully and you know it in the way he doesn’t stutter and in the way he holds your face gently. You close your eyes, letting more tears fall down your flushed cheeks as you feel the same biting cold from just over a year ago. Only this time, it hurts more in your heart than it does on your cheeks.
“Even when I’m gone, I’ll always be here,” he whispers, placing your hand above your heart as you feel your steady heartbeat. “I’m never going to truly leave you behind, Y/N. But I need you to be happy even without me. Can you promise me that?” he crouches down to your height, tucking a finger under your chin, prompting you to look at him.
“It’s going to be hard, but can you do it? For me?” He adds, caressing your hair gently as you give him a slow, hesitant nod that still manages to shatter your heart into a million pieces.
“That’s my angel.” He coos with a soft smile, pulling you in for a tight hug. You cry into his chest, wrapping your arms tightly around his waist as he kisses the crown of your head repeatedly. 
“Will I see you again?” you ask, pulling away as you stare up at his doe-like eyes that made you fall for him in the first place. He smiles, and leans forward to kiss you on the lips for the very first time, and the last. You kiss him back, pouring all of your love into the only kiss you ever get to share with Jeon Jeongguk.
“One day, angel. When it’s time for you to see me again.” He pulls you into a hug again, wrapping you tight in his warm embrace. For the first time that night, you don’t feel the cold. All you can feel is Jeongguk’s warmth spreading all throughout your entire body. You close your eyes, relishing in the feeling of being wrapped in his arms.
“I love you, always remember that.” Jeongguk whispers. 
And when you open your eyes, he’s gone.
You take ragged breaths, wiping away the tears hastily as the coldness starts creeping into your heart again. You turn around, hoping to find a glimpse of his retreating form or even just his shadow but you find nothing. Not even a trace of his footsteps on the snow, or his scent lingering in the air.
It was as if Jeon Jeongguk was merely a figment of your imagination.
And you cry. You cry, and you cry your eyes out until you can’t breathe, until your throat hurts from screaming, until your mouth feels dry. You drop onto your knees, the snow seeping into your jeans, soaking your skin with the icy coldness. But it still can’t compare to the ice that has now fully coated your breaking heart.
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“Y/N? Y/N, can you hear me?” A masculine voice calls out in the darkness, and you squint your eyes, opening them slowly. A bright, white light greets you, and when your eyes finally adjust to the brightness, you’re staring into the eyes of a doctor.
“Hello, Y/N. I’m Doctor Kim. How are you feeling?” He asks gently, giving you a gentle reassuring smile. Doctor Kim is young, seemingly only a few years older than you, with black hair pushed back against his forehead, and full, pink lips. He seems more like an older brother than a doctor with his warm smile.
“I’m okay, I guess…” you trail off, your hands flat against the bed as you try to push yourself up to a sitting position. Doctor Kim immediately goes over to your side, helping you sit up. “What happened?” you ask, as Doctor Kim sits down beside you.
“You got into a car accident, Y/N. You were in a coma for a year.” He tells you, as your brain tries to process everything in. “You remember your name, so you most likely didn’t lose your memory. Or is there anything you don’t remember?”
You try to think. You know your full name, and your birthday. You know your parents’ names. You know where you study, what you’re taking up, and even some of the professors you hate the most. You know your friends, and the name of your pet. 
You shake your head, and Doctor Kim smiles at you. “Great. Seeing as there’s nothing wrong with you, you’re free to go. Your parents are already filling out the forms so you’ll be out by tomorrow. If ever you suddenly realize that you’re missing a piece of your memory, don’t hesitate to contact us right away. Aside from that, you’ll also have weekly check-ups with me until I’m fully assured that you’re okay.”
You give him a nod and a small smile. “I understand. Thank you, Doctor.” He gives you a curt nod before slipping out of the room quietly. You let out a long tired sigh, despite just having woken up from a coma. You lean back on the bed, your mind racing with a million thoughts.
You didn’t tell him, but you were sure you were missing something. You didn’t know what, exactly, so you decided against telling him. What would you even tell him anyway? Your gut tells you something’s missing but you don’t know what it is? That wouldn’t make sense anyway.
“Y/N! You’re awake now!” A bright, cheery voice snaps you out of your thoughts, and your eyes land on a smiling, blonde haired boy.
“Chan,” the name falls off your lips with ease, your heart warming up at the sight of your best friend. He rushes over to your side, grabbing your hand to grasp it in his. The gentleness of his hand holding yours feels familiar and you feel yourself smiling. 
“I was so scared you lost your memory and forgot about me,” Chan sighs, his eyes looking downcast. You squeeze his hand gently. 
“How could I forget the only person who always drags me to work out at the gym with him against my own will?” you tease and he lets out a loud laugh.
“I won’t drag you along with me now. At least, not until you’ve fully recovered,” he winks and you give him a playful roll of your eyes as he smiles wistfully at you.
“What is it?” you ask, tilting your head as you study his expression.
He shakes his head, pursing his lips. “Nothing. I’m just glad you remember everything.”
Chan spends a few more hours with you before he has to leave, saying he still needs to work on a few more of his songs. He gives you one last hug before leaving you alone to your thoughts once more.
Everything feels weird. Everything about Chan still feels the same. He’s still your best friend, and there’s still that familiar warmth of his hand holding yours. His laugh still sounds the same. Nothing’s different, nothing feels unfamiliar.
But why does it feel like you can feel a warm hand holding yours long after Chan’s hand lets go of it? Why does it feel like you can hear someone else’s laughter ringing in the silence long after Chan’s laughter has died down?
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The next day you find yourself back at home, missing the familiar, homey scent of your surroundings. This was definitely better than the bleach and betadine trademark scent of the hospital. Your parents leave you to collect your thoughts, giving you some time and space to yourself first. 
You climb up the stairs to your room, feeling drained from the car ride back home. You had a long day, and it was past five in the afternoon. The sky was dark already, since you were still early into January and still a few months away from blooming flowers and cherry blossoms falling. You climb under your covers, smiling at how familiar it all feels.
Still, something’s crawling at the back of your mind when you turn on your side. Your hand reaches out, feeling the sheets, hoping to find some sort of answer to the nagging question you’ve had since yesterday. 
What were you missing?
Sleep eventually consumes you and your eyes shut close, momentarily putting a halt on the nonstop thinking.
You missed dinner and it’s already 12:15 am when a strong breeze blows in through your room, pushing your windows open. The strong gust of wind hits your bare skin, and the coolness wakes you up with a shiver. Your eyes glance at the clock on your bedside and as the red numbers glare at you, your eyes widen.
You remember his doe-like eyes and his giggles full of mirth. You remember the little scar on his left cheek and his plush lips. You remember his soulful voice when he sang for you and how he holds you in his arms when you dance around in your room into the late night. You remember him taking his coat off to wrap you in it the first time you met. You remember him telling you you’ll get sick if you continued crying. You remember feeling his warmth surround you during your first meeting. You remember how he holds your hands in his, how he hugs you with so much care. You remember how he picked up the broken pieces of your shattered heart that night, putting it back together little by little, piece by piece over the days, weeks, and months that you got to know him. 
You remember how he snuck into your room that night, reminding you that it’s been one year since you met at that frozen lake that holds so much sentimental value for you. You remember telling him you love him, and how he tells you he feels the exact same way. You remember falling asleep in his arms that night, you remember his soft lips against your forehead kissing you good night.
You remember how he leaves you that same day, telling you to still be happy even without him. You remember kissing him for the first and last time. You remember clutching onto his embrace, hearing him say he loves you one last time before opening your eyes and finding no trace of him anywhere.
You remember every moment, every memory, every fleeting moment you had with him. You remember how he made you feel — every time he made you laugh, every time he made you feel loved. 
You remember him. You remember Jeon Jeongguk. 
Tears start streaming down your face as you grab your phone, searching his name through your contacts. But you find nothing. Your fingers type out his number instead, memorizing it by heart, but your call goes straight to voicemail. You don’t stop there, you pull up almost every social media account you have, hoping to find any trace of him in your friends or your following list. You remember taking a thousand pictures with him, posting them all the time.
But there’s nothing about him. Your breathing gets ragged as your fingers fumble through your phone, calling your best friend. Knowing him, he’s still awake at this hour.
“Y/N? Hey, why are you still-”
“Chan? Chan, where’s Jeongguk? Did he tell you where he’s going? He never told me but maybe you know where he is?” You cut him off, tears still streaming down your face as you stutter out your inquiries.
“Jeongguk? Y/N, where are you? Are you outside? I’m going to pick you up, tell me where you are.” Chan says worriedly, and you can hear him cursing lowly under his breath and the sounds of keys jingling in the background.
“No, I’m at home. Chan, where is he? Why did he go? Why did he leave me without telling me where he’s going?” You’re sobbing into the phone now and Chan’s door shuts behind him as he sighs.
“Y/N, I need you to stay there until I get to you, okay? Wait for me.” You shake your head but remember he can’t see you.
“Chan, just tell me where he is. Please.” You’re begging now and you can feel the heartbreak rising up your throat, making you feel suffocated. You can’t breathe properly, but the next words you hear knock the breath out of your lungs.
“He’s dead, Y/N. He died saving you.”
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“You were crossing the street when he saw you. He immediately ran over to push you out of the way. Your head hit the pavement, but he couldn’t get out of the way in time to save himself. He died the moment you both made it to the hospital.” Chan tells you slowly, his car coming to a stop by the park. Tears were flowing silently down your cheeks.
“But I met him, Chan. I spent an entire year with him.” you try to insist, turning over to face Chan whose eyes are glossy with tears now. 
“You were in a coma, Y/N. You didn’t know each other before the accident either. How could you have possibly met him?” Chan sighs.
“Chan, I loved him for an entire year! Was he just a figment of my imagination then?” You cry louder, your heart breaking. Chan looks up in thought with a sad sigh, before turning to face you.
“Dead people have regrets. Jeongguk must have had his own regrets and didn’t want to leave just yet. Your wandering soul met his ghost that same night. But after spending a year loving you, he has to go. Maybe all he wanted was to make you happy. And now that he’s accomplished that, his time is up.” Chan explains and you close your eyes tightly, wishing for all of this to just be a huge nightmare.
But it isn’t.
“Can I get some fresh air for a bit?” You ask and Chan leans over the console to give you a hug. He opens the door from behind you and you give him a grateful smile before heading out. Your feet lead you to the very same spot again. 
And just like the last time you were here, the lake is frozen over. Everything feels like déjà vu again. You crouch down on your knees with a sad, long sigh, your tears slowing down as they fall past your cheeks and down your chin.
You’re going to have to be happy without me now, okay?
I can’t stay here with you, Y/N.
Even when I’m gone, I’ll always be here,
I’m never going to truly leave you behind, Y/N. But I need you to be happy even without me. Can you promise me that?
It’s going to be hard, but can you do it? For me?
I love you, always remember that.
His last words ring in your ears, your hands coming up to clutch your chest as you feel your heartbeat. The wind blows softly, your hair fluttering in the wind as you wait for the usual shiver to come.
But you don’t feel it. Instead, you feel a blanket of warmth envelop you and you stop crying.
It’s barely there, but you can feel it. You can feel him. 
“Jeongguk.” You whisper softly, your breath raspy from crying so much.
“I told you you’re going to get sick if you keep crying in this weather, angel. Why do you love crying in the winter?” His gentle voice rings in your ears and you bite on your lower lip to prevent yourself from crying again. 
“I miss you.” you answer simply, and a gentle breeze blows again as you feel a soft kiss on your hair.
“I miss you too. But please be happy, okay? Don’t blame yourself. I never regret saving you that night, not even once.” He says gently as you nod rapidly. “I’ll see you soon, I’m going to wait for you. I love you, I always have, I always will.” 
You’re scared he’s going to leave again like last time without hearing you say the words back, but his warmth still surrounds you. “I love you too.”
And as the words leave your lips and form into clouds of smoke into the cold, dark night, the warmth surrounding you slowly disappears, leaving you with the familiar, stinging, cold winter air. Jeongguk always calls you angel but you realize that after all this time, he was your angel. From the moment he saved you that night, to piecing your broken heart back together, up until his last ‘I love you’, he’s been your angel.
And he always will be.
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Lying is the Most Fun a Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off
pairing: lead singer!peter maximoff/bassist!fem!reader
summary: nobody likes the opening band-- except, of course, the lead singer’s secret girlfriend, who just happens to be the headliner.
warnings: smut, oral (female receiving) they fuck on an amp and that stresses me out
notes: you literally cannot blame me for using this song its just so HORNY. also this is almost 1.8k words im Proud. This is a songfic but also at the same time not really (based off of lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off by Panic! At The Disco) 
I dedicate this fic to my dear friend @kitwalkers who’s honestly an icon and you should go check them out
            You could see it in his eyes and the mischievous grin on his face. He sauntered over to the stage, his hips swinging just a bit more than usual. He said something to the drummer before approaching the microphone. His hand slides down the mic stand, his finger caressing the cold metal as he adjusted the high. The opening performance. This was only the opening performance. All you had to do was get through his set and then you could do your own-- you just had to make it through a couple songs. Yet somehow, Peter Maximoff managed to drag out his set as much as possible, his intentions obvious. He was trying to get you worked up before the performance-- Peter had a habit of teasing you before big events. 
            Eventually, the last song rolls around and the end is in sight. His eyes met yours, the dark pupils obviously blown out more than usual. He was either high or horny-- probably both. His tongue darted out to wet his lips, but it lingered for a second, flicking a corner of his mouth before he gave the signal to his bandmates. The bassist had barely played a note but you already recognized the song-- Lying is the Most Fun a Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off. Your stomach dropped and Peter smirked, satisfaction written all over his face as his queue approached. 
            “Is it still me that makes you sweat? Am I who you think about in bed? When the lights are dim and your hands are shaking as you’re sliding off your dress?” His voice is low and sultry, his eyes still locked with yours. His hands move along the mic stand slowly, his actions and the fiery look in his eyes immediately traveling to your core. You press your thighs together and Peter grins. “Well then think of what you did, and how I hope to god he was worth it. When the lights are dim and your heart is racing as your fingers touch your skin.” Your bandmate leans over to whisper in your ear.
            “He’s, uh, quite the showman,” She chuckles. Her eyes trail upland down Peter’s body and you can’t help but clench your jaw. Sure, no one knew about you and Peter, but that didn’t stop you from getting defensive. 
            “I heard he’s got a girl-- somethin’ secretive.” You add slyly, your eyes not leaving Peter’s. 
            “Lucky gal,” Your bandmate quips. You nod absentmindedly. Peter seems dissatisfied with the loss of your attention, his movements becoming more and more suggestive by the second.
            “Girl I was it, look past the sweat. A better love deserving of exchanging body heat in the passenger's seat-- no, no, no, you know it will always just be me,” He nodded slowly, leaning forward with the mic stand, the long metal pole tipping between his legs. “Let’s get these teen hearts beating faster! Faster!.” Peter tore his eyes away from yours as the bass and guitar blares, his head shaking to dishevel his hair. Peter takes the mic off the stand and begins to move around the stage with more energy than usual, his voice melodic and breathy and so incredibly hot, it makes your bones vibrate. 
            With every strum of the guitar and crash of the symbols, Peter was becoming more and more frustrated. He was hot and sweaty and so horny he felt like he was about to shout-- he was the opener, he was only the opener. He tugged off his jacket, tossing it to the corner of the stage before he returned to singing. He had to get through the song-- just the one song then he could run backstage and jack off in some closet and he’d be fine. You were not helping Peter’s situation; your unyielding gaze and slow gestures making Peter’s jeans feel much tighter than before. Yes, Peter understood he started it-- he chose this song because he knew it would get you going, but Peter did not realize the consequences. He didn’t show it, though. He kept up his smug facade, shooting a wink your way as he began the final chorus. 
            Peter grunted in confusion as you walked away before the end of the song, his eyes following you around the corner. He glanced back at his bandmates as the song closed, allowing them to adjust their instruments and discuss the performance as he sped off. You were standing outside of the venue, the cool winter air soothing your hot skin-- Peter’s appearance startled you. 
            “Why’d you run off, doll? Did ya not like the song?” Peter teased as he pressed his palms against the brick wall on either side of your head, effectively trapping you in place. You weren’t necessarily complaining, though; it was nice to have Peter this close. Although you had a feeling he’d get a lot closer in the near future. 
            “Eh, it was okay,” You quipped, a smirk stuck on your face as Peter began inching closer.  “I hope you’re aware that I blow your bass player out of the water; the poor kid had no control over his fingers.”
“Oh yeah?” The silver-haired man leaned close, his lips brushing your ear and his hot breath on your skin as he spoke softly. “Well unlike him, I actually know how to work my fingers.” He drags his pointer finger along your jaw causing a shiver to run down your spine.
            “Prove it.” You purr. Peter hastily pulls you inside the venue and into the first empty room he could find; he was pleased to see that you ended up in the equipment storage closet. He was on you in seconds, his hands gripping your waist as he slammed his lips on yours. You gasp, and Peter takes the opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth. He grinds against your thigh, a quiet whimper falling from his lips. Frantically, he manages to lay you on top of one of the industrial sized amps in the corner. Sure, if they were to break the both of you would probably owe thousands of dollars, but neither of you cared at the moment. 
            “You’re on in 20 minutes,” Peter says as he nibbles on your earlobe. “I’m sure we’ll make good use of our time until then.” He winked before making his way down your body, stopping at your hips. His hands make quick work of your jeans, tugging the tight fabric off along with your underwear. Peter glances up at you with faux innocence in his eyes before he pulls your legs into his shoulders, his hot breath fanning over your cunt. After what feels like an eternity, he finally jerks forward and buries his head between your thighs and drags his tongue over your clit. You stifle a moan as Peter moves quickly, his lips encapsulating your clit as he plunges two of his fingers inside of you. Peter’s fingers are long and calloused and he curls them in just the right way. Immediately, your fingers are tangled in his hair as you attempt to pull him closer to you. You pull just a bit too hard and a low groan emits from Peter’s lips; Peter can feel you tighten around his fingers every time he moans into you. Your hips jerk forward as Peter speeds up, adding another finger as he does so.  You bite down on your lip hard enough to draw blood as you spasm around his fingers, a breathy whimper escaping your lips. Peter laps up the last of your juices before crawling on top of you.
            “I’m still not over how good you are at that,” You pant. Peter slams his lips on yours, his tongue pushing its way into your mouth-- you can taste yourself on his lips, but you don’t really mind. “Time?”
            “We got 10 minutes,” You smirk.
            “Perfect.” You shimmy out from below Peter, falling to your knees in front of him. He melts like putty in your hands as you pull off his jeans; Peter’s cock was throbbing and stiff by the time you took it in your hand. He groans, his hips snapping forward in an attempt to get more friction. You press kisses to his lower abdomen, intentionally neglecting his rock-hard dick while doing so. You kiss your way back up his body, chuckling as Peter tries to grind into your thigh.
            “C-C’mon, we’re gonna run out of time.” Peter whines. He quickly repositions himself so he’s on top of you, his hands holding himself up. “You ready, babe?” You nod, and Peter grins.
Peter’s hips snap forward, pushing his cock into your throbbing cunt. He stretches you deliciously, a pleasurable burning sensation spreading between your hips as Peter begins to move. 
            “Fuck-- you’re tight,” Peter huffs, his thrusts becoming quicker and more rhythmic as the time passed. Your nails dig into Peter’s back as he thrusts harder, the sound of his skin slapping against yours filling the small room along with your moans and gasps. Peter pulls your leg onto his shoulder, allowing him to thrust deeper than before.
            “Oh-- fuck, Peter, you feel so good--” That seems to spur Peter on, his head dipping down to meet your lips. He moans into your mouth, your teeth clashing together as your lips move sloppily. The man above you is panting, his hot breath hitting your face as he pounds into you. He’s sweaty, his silver hair sticking to his forehead. Your eyes roll to the back of your head as Peter brushes the spot deep inside of you that makes your toes curl, a strained moan leaving your lips. Peter’s thrusts become uneven and you can tell he’s close-- you are, too. 
            “You gonna come, baby?” You ask, and Peter can only nod. Your hand grapes the back of his neck, tugging him down so you can whisper in his ear. “Come for me, sugar,” He does exactly that, his hips rapidly snapping into yours as he emptied himself inside of you. Peter’s orgasm triggered your own, your cunt tightening around him as you threw your head back. 
            You’re both sweaty and disheveled by the time you both came down from your climaxes, both you and Peter decorated by dark red hickies. You chuckle quickly at Peter’s blissed-out smile, his lips pressing small kisses along your jaw. He whines as you get off the amp and begin pulling on your clothes.
            “Stay with me,” He pleads. You press a kiss to his forehead before you button up your jeans.
            “I wish I could, Maximoff, but I’m on in 5.” You turn to leave, but not before speaking up one more time. “For the record, Maximoff, you were right. You are pretty good with your fingers.”
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emsvegetables · 4 years
“hello! may i request #38 from the prompt list with kuroo? thank you! you’re amazing ❤️”
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Kuroo isn’t shocked when he sees your name appearing on his phone the weekend before, because the both of you always call each other to catch up on the week’s events, which is what best friends are supposed to do.
No, what makes him shocked is when he puts the call on speaker mode and fumbles in his closet to pull a shirt on, your voice is loudly stating,” i need you to pretend to be my boyfriend for my cousin’s wedding.”
He pokes his head through the wrong hole, ending up with his hand in the hole that was supposed to fit the head and his head in the hole that was supposed to fit his hand.
He struggles for a little bit, using the time to register the words in his mind, before he’s choking out,” what?”
“My asshole of a cousin’s getting married to an absolute pretentious guy, and she’s told me that she wouldn’t be shocked to see me alone at the wedding because apparently, i’m not pretty enough for anyone to date. So i’m bringing you.”
Fury spreads through his chest when he hears you say those words, because has anyone seen you? You’re stunning, with your smile and your wit. Your cousin was clearly getting on your nerves, and in that moment, it’s etched in stone that he’s going to help you.
Which brings the both of you to the predicament now.
He shows up to your door an hour before the wedding started, with a smirk on his face and his bed hair neatly gelled into spikes, and your breath catches when you see him from the window in the living room.
It isn’t the first time Kuroo’s made your heart hammer against your chest, and you’re sure it won’t be the last.
“Hey, love.”
You try to ignore the skip of your heart when those words leave his mouth, and you roll your eyes nonchalantly as you step beside him.
You don’t notice the way his eyes linger over the dress that flows prettily around your knees, and don’t notice the way he blinks quickly when you walk beside him.
You don’t notice it, but this also isn’t the first time you made Kuroo’s heart flutter, and he knows it won’t be the last.
“You’re looking very pretty,” he’s telling you as the two of you walk to his car, and you scoff to hide how his words affect you, a pretty blush now tinting your cheeks.
“Save it for the wedding, mister,” you tap him lightly on the stomach, and try to hide your gulp when you feel the abs under the shirt,” you can start complimenting me properly there.”
You think he’s joking, about saying that you’re pretty, because why would someone like him ever look at someone like you?
A small sigh is exhaled out from him when you reject him again, because he thinks that this is just another way of you subtly telling him that you don’t like him.
The ride’s silent, but Kuroo can tell that you’re starting to get even more tense as you near the venue, and he lightly places a hand on your thigh as he pulls the car to a stop.
“Let’s do this,” he watches your eyes narrow, and your jaw set.
He tells you to stay put and you see him get out of the car, before rushing to your side to pull the door open.
“After you, my girlfriend,” he’s winking at you, and this shouldn’t make you feel warm and tingly on the inside, but it does.
You walk with him, hand in hand, to the reception to register your presence, and that’s when you catch sight of the photos of your cousin and her soon-to-be husband. You instantly stiffen against him, the words your cousin said to you over the phone washing over you once more.
You’re nervous. And pissed off.
That’s not a good combination to begin with, and Kuroo knows that. He unlinks his fingers from yours and rests it on your back lightly, and you snap out of your trance to stare at him, and he shoots you a reassuring smile to remind you that he’s there for you.
“Act natural, love,” he’s leaning down to whisper in your ears,” it’ll be alright.”
When you force out a smile for him, he can tell that you’re still tense and angry, but it’s a start when you relax again his hands, and softly grip his shirt, before lacing your fingers with him again.
He’s there with you, and that’s all that matters.
Then it happens.
Your cousin waltzes in, dressed prettily in her wedding dress, and she catches sight of you.
“Oh, (Y/N),” she’s smiling sweetly at you,” you came.”
Her tone is as sweet as sugar, but Kuroo knows from the way your fingers tighten around his that she’s anything but that.
“Congratulations on your wedding,” you say, forcing a smile out for her.
“Oh, you brought someone,” your cousin masks her surprise with a shrill giggle, but you can see the way her eyes rack over Kuroo, and you don’t like it one bit.
“Gee, (Y/N), he’s handsome,” your cousin notes, her eyelashes batting flirtatiously at him,” what’s he doing with someone like you?”
Kuroo’s polite smile drops the instant your cousin’s jab at you leaves her mouth, and he’s grip on your hands tighten.
“She’s gorgeous, for starters,” he bites out, unable to conceal the fury that he’s feeling in his chest,” she makes me laugh with all her stupid jokes, her wit is unmatchable, and she fiercely protects the people she loves.”
He’s glaring at her, and when you look up at him, you’ve realised that you’ve never ever seen him so pissed off before.
“(Y/N)’s amazing in the way she’ll bend her back to help her friends, even if she gets nothing in return. She’s even more wonderful when she tries her best to be nice to people, even when they’re total bitches.”
His tone is ice cold, and he’s grip on your hand is so tight that you’re sure you’re losing circulation in your hands.
“Especially when the bitch is you,” he finally says, after drawing a long, deep breath in,” how (Y/N) even managed to actually get along with someone like you astounds me, and amazes me because i could never do that. And that’s why i love her, and why i’m with her.”
Your cousin’s mouth opens when Kuroo finally ends his speech, and he’s tugging you on the arm and saying,” let’s get out of here, (Y/N). We’re not going to a wedding where the bride doesn’t even show respect to you.”
When you guys are back in the car, Kuroo’s aura still scarily intimidating and fierce, the both of you sit in silence for a while.
“I-I didn’t mean to scold her,” he says, after he cools down,” i just snapped.”
You can’t say anything, because the words Kuroo threw at your cousin just a while ago is echoing in your head.
“Did you mean all of it?” you ask quietly, so soft that he wouldn’t have heard it if he wasn’t waiting for you to say something.
You’re looking up at him, his hazel eyes locked onto yours, and he nods after staring at you.
“I meant every word. I’ve liked you for years, (Y/N).”
His sincere tone is unmistakable, and you feel the warmth pool into your chest, and a blush rising in your cheeks.
“I like you too, Kuroo.”
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oh my goddddd i’m so sorry i got carried away AGAIN. Kuroo makes me do that LOL. anyway i’m sorry if this is super cringey but i hope it was okay anon!!!!!!!
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But You Can Never Leave [Chapter 7: Forget Everything You Know]
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Hi y’all! I just wanted to take a moment to thank you all so much for reading and for showing me and my fics some love. You better believe that I see EVERY. SINGLE. reblog, comment, tag, and message, and they mean the absolute world to me! I know that a lot of content creators are frustrated and taking breaks right now, but rest assured you will not be able to get rid of me if even a SINGLE person looks forward to something I write. I’ll finish this fic (eventually), and I’ll finish the next one too (it already has a name!), and I won’t disappear or leave the Queen/BoRhap fandom at any point in the foreseeable future. Lots of love to you all, stay safe, and I hope you enjoy! 💜 💜 💜
Chapter summary: Y/N brings home some friends; Brian attempts an intervention; John draws a line; Roger gets an answer.
This series is a work of fiction, and is (very) loosely inspired by real people and events. Absolutely no offense is meant to actual Queen or their families.
Song inspiration: Hotel California by The Eagles.
Chapter warnings: Language.
Chapter list (and all my writing) available HERE
Taglist: @queen-turtle-boiii​ @loveandbeloved29​ @killer-queen-xo​ @maggieroseevans​ @imnotvibingveryguccimrstark​ @im-an-adult-ish​ @queenlover05​ @someforeigntragedy​ @imtheinvisiblequeen​ @joemazzmatazz​ @seven-seas-of-ham-on-rhye​ @namelesslosers​ @inthegardensofourminds​ @deacyblues​ @youngpastafanmug​ @sleepretreat​ @hardyshoe​ @bramblesforbreakfast​ @sevenseasofcats​ @tensecondvacation​ @bookandband​ @queen-crue​ @jennyggggrrr​ @madeinheavxn​ @whatgoeson-itslate​ @brianssixpence​
Please yell at me if I forget to tag you! :)
“Smile, everyone!” Your dad peeks through the viewfinder of the Canon F-1 and beams. “One...two...three...say Queen!”
“Queen!” you all shout gleefully. The flash illuminates the dining room, and you blink away momentary blindness. The table materializes back into vision: lobsters, clams, haddock chowder, sourdough bread, fried oysters, pierogis with Vermont cheddar cheese, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes...and, of course, Boston cream pie for dessert.
“Ah, perfection,” your dad sighs contently. “Please continue, Mr. Mercury.”
“Mr. Mercury!” Brian whines, incredulous. “Like he’s got a bloody PhD or something!”
Freddie cracks a lobster claw. He hasn’t taken his sunglasses or wrist-full of clanging bangles off all afternoon. Your parents are profoundly confused by him, but welcoming nonetheless. “I’m a professor of lusciousness. Pay attention and you could learn something.”
Brian rolls his eyes and dunks a hunk of sourdough bread into his chowder.
“So,” Freddie tells your mother between bites of lobster dripping with drawn butter. “Our darling damsel in distress was in the clutches of that horrid, dodgy wanker when none other than our very own Roger Meddows Taylor—”
“You weren’t even there!” Brian protests. “I wasn’t even there! This is, what, a third-hand account?!”
“Eat your soup, peasant. Thank you. Anyway, our beloved Roger comes raging out of nowhere, red-faced, nostrils flaring, a terrifying sight to behold, grabs this guy by his hair and slams his despicable face directly into a marble column. Broken nose, cracked orbital socket, blood everywhere! It was magnificent. I’ve never been more proud.”
“Good for you!” your mother cheers, patting the back of Roger’s hand encouragingly. He smiles at her, warmly, radiantly, like the wildfire he’s always reminded you of. And you marvel at how every human on this earth is made of the same fundamental components—blood and muscles and vessels and nerves, hearts and enigmatic brain matter and ribs, vulnerable parts, armored parts, all webbed together like nature’s own organic circuit board—and yet the marks they leave on you can feel so different: burns, scars, bruises, shadows, imprints that are deep enough to brush bone and never fade.
“Mom, the guy could have died!”
“Did he?” she asks innocently.
“Nope,” Roger says.
“Well then, Mr. Taylor here is a hero in my book.”
“Mr. Taylor!” Brian groans.
“I was petrified he would turn out to be the son of an executive or producer or something and the band would be ruined,” you say. “Fortunately he was just someone’s annoying frat brother from college who already had a reputation for being a sleazebag. So, we were in luck.”
“You were in luck that Mr. Taylor was there,” your mother points out, gazing at him dreamily. This delightful English boy is going to be my son-in-law and give me gorgeous, doe-eyed grandchildren, that look says.
“Yes, a literal superhero,” John says ruefully, sipping a Manhattan. Your dad has a passionate love for mixing cocktails, especially for guests who also happen to be rock stars.
“Mom. Don’t make his ego any bigger, please. I’m begging you.”
Roger snarls around a mouthful of Boston cream pie, sending your mom into a fit of giggles.
“I’m just glad you’re okay, dear.” She smooths your hair. “And that you have people to keep you safe all the way over there across the ocean, and that you’re happy.”
“Yes, your work environment is much improved, isn’t it?” Brian says. “That supervisor you had at the hospital was an absolute bear!”
Your dad strokes his short grey beard. “Well...” he admits. “That may have been my fault.”
Brian’s brow crinkles. “Really?”
Your mom turns to you. “You didn’t tell them?!”
“Oh, is there a scandalous backstory?” Freddie inquires, elated. “Do tell, darling!”  
“Once upon a time, in a kingdom far far away—just kidding, it was here in Boston—my archnemesis Patricia and my dad dated.”
Roger drops his fork, appalled. “No!”
Freddie’s nose wrinkles in revulsion. “Why?!”
Your dad rocks back in his chair and laughs loudly, heartily. “She wasn’t always so cantankerous, if you can believe it. She was a sweet girl, wonderful even. But then I met my future wife, and...” He smirks guiltily. “What can I say? The heart wants what it wants!”
You nod along. “And I got the illustrious honor of being an outlet for the frustration stemming from Patricia’s lifelong unrequited love.”
“You saucy minx!” Freddie playfully lashes your mom’s shoulder with a cloth napkin. “Homewrecker!”
She chuckles, not the least bit offended. “People get together under all sorts of strange circumstances, and you know what? You can’t wreck a home if the home wasn’t already half-wrecked before you got there, that’s what I think.”
Roger raises his Patriot’s Punch. “I’ll drink to that.”
Brian clutches his New England Express, bewildered. “Are we...toasting to infidelity?”
“Oh, does that horrify you?” Rog asks sarcastically. Brian grimaces, but dutifully raises his glass.
“We’re toasting to love,” your dad clarifies. “However it comes, as long as it’s true.”
John holds his Manhattan aloft. “To love.”
Freddie clinks his Flying Elvis against the other beverages, including your parents’ wine glasses and your Cranberry Crush. “Cheers!” Then Fred glances at the clock and swiftly polishes off his slice of Boston cream pie.
“Can’t you all stay a little longer?” your mom pleads, collecting plates and gazing longingly at Roger. “This has been so much fun...”
“They have soundcheck at seven, Mom. We have to leave for the stadium soon.”
“Well, before you jet off to your next adventure, can I treat anyone to a long distance call?” your dad asks.
Brian perks up. “Really?!” You know there’s a ring in the future for Chrissie; not an expensive or extravagant ring (not that Chris would want that anyway), but a ring nonetheless. You know because Brian has taken you shopping to help him choose one.
“Of course! You can use the phone in my office. It’s Valentine’s Day, after all. I’m sure there are some lovely ladies back in jolly old England who would be over the moon to hear from you.”
“That would be very much appreciated!” Brian says. “And thank you so much, this has been such a treat, you have no idea how long it’s been since we had a proper homemade meal.”
“I had to rehabilitate the reputation of us Yankees, didn’t I? Now come on, Mr. May, I’ll show you to the office...”
“Mr. May...I like the sound of that!”
“Ten minutes, Bri!” Freddie calls, following them down the hallway. “Then it’s my turn...!”
You begin gathering up the empty glasses, but Roger promptly snatches them away. “No way, Boston babe. You go relax. I’ll help your mom.”
“I think she’s in love with you.”
He grins. “Do you have a secret stepdaddy fetish I could exploit?”
“Oh my god. Roger.”
He snickers and sweeps off into the kitchen. It’s only then that you realize John has disappeared. You check the kitchen, the living room, the hallway, the study, and finally the front porch; John is standing outside in the cold, smoking and watching the setting sun. The sky is threaded with cerulean, rust orange, lavender, indigo. You pull on your coat and go out to join him.
“We’ll make it to Florence one of these days,” you promise John, resting your arms on the wooden, white-painted porch railing. Your mother hung baskets of fresh flowers for the band’s visit, which swing lazily in the breeze. “Crank out a few more hits and we’ll get the record company to add it to the tour itinerary.”
“Wouldn’t that be nice.”
“Are you going to call Veronica?”
He shrugs, frowns, exhales a lungful of smoke into frigid New England air. “I don’t know if I should.”
“You don’t think she’d like that?” you ask, confounded.
“I think she might like it too much.”
“Ohhhhh.” You read his soft greyish eyes, which are faraway and somber, sad even. “I’m sorry, John. You know she’s wild about you.”
“I know it.” He takes a drag off his cigarette. “She’s the first person who ever was, actually. The first person who ever noticed me. Came up to me out of the blue at a disco and asked me to dance, me! So I said yes, like you do when you’re the guy nobody notices. And then I said yes again, and again, and again, until one day I realized...oh, this girl thinks we’re getting married. When the hell did that happen?”
“I noticed you,” you contest.  
John chuckles and nods. “You did,” he agrees. “Right away. Tried to win me over when I was too nervous to finish a sentence around you. But that was long after I’d met Veronica.”
“Well, you can’t break up with her tonight. On Valentine’s Day?! That would be traumatic.”
“We’ll have a few days in London between the American and Asian legs of the tour. You can think it over and decide what to do then. I’m happy to arrange the getaway taxi if that’s something that interests you.”
“Yeah.” Again, he peers out into the Western horizon, into rising stars.
Now he looks to you. He’s a little too thoughtful, too low. There’s something you’re not seeing.
“...Is there somebody else?”
He doesn’t speak; he just stares at you with those velvety azure-grey eyes, drums his fingers against the railing, lets the ash from his cigarette crumble into the snow-dusted Blue Pacific Junipers.
Roger barrels through the front door and out onto the porch. “There you are, Deaks! I thought we were going to have to find a new bassist. Enlist Nurse Nightingale’s mum or something.”
John smirks and crushes the rest of his cigarette in your father’s ashtray. “I suspect you’d do just fine without me.”
“Oh no. No way. Not happening.”
“That’s kind of you,” John says, unconvinced.
“Here, I’ll prove it.” Rog holds out his calloused hand. “If you ever leave, I leave too. Come on, Deaks, shake on it. It’s official. It’s a pact. There’s no Queen without John Deacon.”
Reluctantly, trying not to show how pleased he is, John shakes. “Alright.”
Roger grins triumphantly. “Signed, sealed, delivered. You’re ours for life, baby.”
“Deaky, do you want the phone?!” Freddie yells from inside the house.
John sighs and exchanges a knowing glance with you. “I guess I should say hi.”
“Okay, but quickly!” Rog presses. “We gotta go!”
“So bossy...” John ducks inside; and Roger, though he’s not wearing anything over his pale pink button-up shirt—sufficiently sophisticated to impress your parents—comes to the porch railing to join you.
“You’re not staying out here, are you?” You eye his thin shirt worriedly, the goosebumps rising over his collarbones, his bare forearms where he rolled up his sleeves to help your mom wash the dishes.
He tosses you a mischievous wink. “I’ve got no one to call.”
Roger looks up at the hanging baskets of flowers, plucks out a cerise carnation, and offers it to you. You mean to say something witty, something sardonic, something that will make him laugh; but all your words vanish into cold February air. You take the carnation, smiling helplessly.
“Happy Valentine’s Day,” Roger whispers.
You just let me know if you ever change your mind, okay?
He turns to go back inside the house.
I won’t fall in love with him. I won’t fall in love with him. I won’t fall in love with him.
Then Roger pauses in the doorway. “You coming, Boston babe? I can’t have you catching pneumonia or something. I won’t know how to fix you.”
Oh, you realize, with horror and yet relief, all those grueling lies stripped away. It’s too late.
You knock on the frame of the dressing room door. “Hi Bri!”
He glances over from where he sits in front of the mirror, rimming his eyes with inky liner. Soundcheck went swimmingly, and now Queen has thirty minutes until they need to be onstage. You can hear the disembodied reverberation of voices from the waiting crowd through the walls. “Hello, love. Come in.”
“Freddie said you needed to see me. Did you rip a sleeve or something? I brought my kit—”
“No, it’s not that.” He pats the chair beside him. The boys practically always get ready together before a show, but you suspect profoundly introverted Brian is experiencing one of his post-socialization crashes after dinner with your parents. Something about him is tired, very tired, almost drained to empty. “Join me.”
“Sure,” you say cautiously. You shove your medical kit onto the countertop and then reach to feel his forehead. “Are you feeling alright...?”
“I’m fine, love. I just have a favor to ask.”
Brian sighs deeply, sets down the eyeliner, swivels his chair towards you. “I need you to promise me that you’re not going to start seeing Roger.”
You titter, deflecting, brushing Brian’s hair away from his troubled, angular face. “Well, as the official Queen touring nurse, I see him quite a lot.”
Brian catches your wrist. “I’m being serious.”
Now your brow knits into tight agitated lines. “I’m curious as to why you think that’s something you have a say in.”
“Bloody hell, I’m not trying to offend you—”
“Job well done.”
“Dear, please, listen to me—”
“Eight months,” you hiss through your teeth as you tear away from him. “For eight months I’ve listened and avoided and resisted and ignored and it’s not going away.”
“Oh, fuck,” Brian breathes in despair. “You love him.”
There are tears biting in the periphery of your vision; you don’t want them to be there, but they are. Your voice is hoarse and trembling. “Bri, please don’t.”
Brian shakes his head and motions with his hands frenetically, desperately, trying to make you understand. “Look, sometimes...sometimes the people we love, the people who own us, the people who fucking set us on fire...they’re not the people we end up with. And that’s not always a bad thing. It’s necessary. It’s self-preservation. Because sometimes the people who set us on fire would burn us alive.”
You gape at him, furious, stunned. “That’s just fantastic, Brian. You’re a true romantic. Jesus christ, does Chrissie know about this? Is that why you’re with her, because she’s, what...safe?!”
“No, that’s not fair, Chrissie’s great, she’s steady and supportive and she’ll make a wonderful mother one day, and my parents adore her—”
“Those aren’t reasons to marry someone, Brian!”
“They are!” He leaps to his feet. “That’s what I’m trying to tell you! You have to think about these things, you have to be rational, you have to protect yourself—”
“Why the fuck do you care?” you flare bitterly.
“Because you saved my life.”
“Stop it, I didn’t.”
“You did, I truly believe that. And I want you to stay with the band. And I want you to be happy. But, dear, please, I’m begging you...this is not the way to do it.”
“I’m not going to go out to some pub and drag home a random guy who’s suitably passionless and predictable enough to be Brian-May-approved.”
“That’s not what I’m asking you to do—”
“Because you’re such an expert on relationships!” you shout, exasperated. “Planning to propose to Chris while you’re still secretly pining over some fling from New Orleans, fucking groupies and then having the nerve to mope around guilt-ridden the next morning as if anyone but you was responsible for that decision, and do I say anything about it?! Do I ever say a single fucking word about it to you, or Fred, or Roger, or your future wife, or anybody?! No, because it’s not my life!”
The dressing room door flies open and John storms inside. “What’s going on?!”
You cross your arms and stare at the floor. Brian’s wide green eyes flick to John, to you, back to John. If it was Freddie, Brian would tell him in a second, would try to enlist him in the effort, and it would probably work; but John is a different story. John won’t side with Brian over you, everybody knows that. And John has a talent for sharpening words into blades. “Um. Nothing.”  
“I could hear you in the hallway,” John says flatly. “Obviously it wasn’t nothing.”
Brian points to you. “Have you tried to talk her out of this? Maybe you should, maybe she’d listen.”
“It’s not my choice to make, just like it isn’t yours. Worry about your own body count. It seems to be growing exponentially these days.”
Brian scoffs. “Because you’d be so thrilled if she ended up with him, right?”
“What’s that supposed to mean?!” you demand.
Brian and John glare at each other from across the room. John raises his eyebrows, daring Bri to answer. Brian gnaws his lower lip, but doesn’t elaborate. The air is heavy, tense, electrified.  
“Don’t upset her again,” John says darkly.
Brian shows the white palms of his hands in surrender. “Fine.”
John waves for you to follow him. “Come on.” And he slams the door behind you as you both escape into the hallway.
“I’m sorry.” You chase away stray tears with the back of your hands. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to get anyone worked up right before the show...”
“Don’t worry about it. I treasure any excuse to harass Brian.”
You study him, seeking answers, seeking more than you know how to put into words. “Do you think I’m being stupid? If you do, you can tell me.”
“No,” John responds carefully. “I think you’re being hopeful. And I’d like to believe that stupidity and hopefulness are two very different things.”
You smile. “I don’t deserve you.”
“That’s very inaccurate.” He fluffs his hair with his fingertips. “Do you want to touch it before we go on stage?”
You feign demureness. “Hmm...”
“Oh come on. You know you want to. It’s extra voluminous right now, Roger shared some of his magical mousse or whatever. Something way too expensive. You should thoroughly berate him for it.”
You laugh. “I’ll see what I can do.” You comb your hands through his brunette hair, and John’s right; it’s extraordinarily full and soft, and smells like honeysuckles. “You always know how to get me smiling, don’t you?”
“You do insist that I have game. Though I remain skeptical.”
“Good luck tonight. Not that you need it.”
John’s rough thumb lifts your chin, then whisks away a tear you missed. “You’ll be watching, right?”
“I always am.” And that’s the truth; you haven’t missed a Queen show since you met them.
He beams, those gentle grey eyes incandescent. “Then we’ll have an ocean of luck.”
Exactly twenty-four hours later, Queen is in New York City.
The thunderous bassline of the opening act shudders through the concrete walls. You’re staring yourself down in the bathroom mirror under harsh florescent lights, your palms gripping the cold rim of a white sink, your eyes shimmering with black and gold shadow, your lip gloss slick and crimson. There’s not a single thing left to do. You’re running out of time.
You breathe in, breathe out, snatch your purse off the floor, breeze out into the hallway.
You can hear the boys’ laughter even before you open the dressing room door. Inside, Brian is tuning his Red Special with his mantis-like legs propped up on the countertop, John is attempting to teach Freddie how to make popcorn in a microwave without setting anything on fire, Roger is scrutinizing his hair in the mirror and frowning as he rearranges it with a comb.  
“Hello, darling!” Freddie warbles. “Can I interest you in some delicious and expertly-prepared popcorn?” He opens the microwave, and smoke pours out. “Oh, you bitch!”
“I’ll pass, Freddie.” You glide to where Roger is sitting, knot your fingers through his blond hair, and tug his head back so you can kiss him. He tastes like mint gum and the ghost of smoke and reckless intemperance; he tastes like everything you’ve ever wanted. There are gasps, and surely dropped jaws as well; but you don’t have eyes for them. “Okay,” you tell Roger.
He stares up at you with huge, starry eyes, a dazed grin slowly lighting up his face. “You changed your mind.”
“Come find me after the show.”
“Yes ma’am.”
You move to wipe your blood-red gloss from his lips, but Roger stops you, knits his hand through yours, stands to meet you.
“Leave it,” he murmurs. “I want them to know.”  
“Want them to know...?”
His lips touch yours again, smiling and scorching and ravenous. “That I’m yours.”
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kpopchangedme · 5 years
Im Jaebeom | Pregnancy!au [M]
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Jaebeom read so many baby-related books he's forgotten how to enjoy some simple pleasures... (Oh, and you are obviously cranky and hormonal but he knows better than to tell you that!)
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Protagonists: Im Jaebeom & You
Word Count: 2.4k
Genre: NSFW - Newly Weds - Romance - Angst - Pregnancy - Pregnancy sex- Smut || [Drabble 2k]
Prompts: “I can’t help the fact that I’m so goddamn moody all the freaking time” + “Should have gotten a puppy.” [Anon]
Lyly's note: Is this sexy pregnancy!au worthy of Things I Wish I Knew or what? lol. Pregnant ladies, go get some! ;)
GOT7 | M.list
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You let out a loud swear, stepping on a phone charger someone has somehow abandoned in the middle of the living room. It freaking hurts, like a tiny torture device, tore the sensitive skin of your foot. Of course, when you sit on the couch to examine it, it looks perfectly fine. 
“Should've gotten a damn puppy,” You curse again under your breath, unreasonably livid. 
Instantly, the guilty party's head pops out of the doorframe to his office. “Honey!” Jaebeom considers you from head to toe in outrage, “The Shrimp has ears.”
That's his thing now that the third-semester started; obsessing about auditory development and what the baby is able to hear. Swears, news coverage of dramatic events and loud quarrels are strictly prohibited. He plays music whenever he has the chance, boasting about how you are growing a music whiz. 
Ever since he read his first damn pregnancy book, Jaebeom turned into a helicopter daddy-to-be, always hovering to make sure you are doing everything right. At the end of the third prenatal visit, he decided on moving his whole studio at home to work and mommysit – as he calls it.
By the time he was done with the fourth pregnancy book, you felt like nothing but an incubator to his spawn. That's not exactly what you wished your first year of life together would feel like. But then again, you didn't plan on getting pregnant on your honeymoon, the first time you two ditched contraception. It happened very fast. Everyone called it a blessing and you did too for a while, you were elated. Right until you started to lose your hair and struggle with acne like a damn teenager… Now it varies daily, you are either excited or scared shitless, in high spirits or easily irritable, you can't tell before it shifts. Overbearing, Jaebeom has gotten better than yourself at reading your daily disposition.
When you glare at him, he straightens worryingly in the doorframe, partly to blame for your current mood. “Don't look at me!” You snap in exasperation, still rubbing the sole of your aching foot. “Can you stop looking at me like that?”
He risks taking a few steps in your general direction, expertly assessing the situation, “Like what?”
"Like I’m a ticking bomb; like I'm gonna start yelling at you any second!” Freezing in the middle of the place, he presses his tongue to his cheek. You are almost shouting, but he knows better than to point that out.
“I’m not,” Jaebeom comes to sit by you guardedly. He makes sure not to maintain eye contact for too long, as though you're a dangerous fickle animal. "Did you hurt yourself?"
You hiss threateningly at the question but he still reaches for your perpetually bloated foot. Gently, he massages it, flashing you a dumb innocent smile. Still sullen, you at least allow him to do that much.
Fine, you do not completely hate having your man work from home. 
“I can’t help the fact that I’m so goddamn moody all the freaking time...” 
“Moody?” You cross your arms over your chest and Jaebeom chuckles, shaking his head. “You're the living definition of serene honey... You're the best. I love you.”
“Shuddup.” Groaning at the fake compliment, you offer your second foot after a minute of pampering, slightly appeased. “Stop trying so hard, it turns me into a cliché bitch.” You don't miss Jaebeom’s grimace at the word, but he isn't brave enough to correct you again. “Tell you what, if the baby's first word is a swear... I’ll do everything you ask of me for a year.”
"Everything? A whole year?” Raising his eyebrows suggestively, Jaebeom leans in for a lengthy kiss. “You know I can't say no to a promise like that. I would abuse that power, I’m quite imaginative.” You laugh against his mouth, sliding your arms around his neck for him to linger a little longer. Your hub has one hell of a gift, he can always change your mood, even on the worst days. That being said, you're always in the mood for some sexy time with him lately. You just have limited positions and flexibility. “I might teach the Shrimp your favourite cusses just to win that privilege.”
“You wouldn't dare.”
Laughing, Jaebeom sits back but you follow, managing to climb him without difficulty. It's clear he has started something with his massage, stirred your desire. “I’m not done,” he warns pointlessly, not talking about you, "I'm working hard." He points his chin to the studio, but you don't climb down. There's no way he believes you will let him go back to his office right now.
“Very hard yeah,” chuckling, you pull at the collar of his shirt, “Mister Producer.” He breaks the kiss to get rid of the piece of clothing himself, eager to entertain your favourable disposition. Some sacrifices are harder to make than others, and taking a break from work for quick sex is a no brainer. Your hands roam his shoulders, even after all this time you still can't get enough. “Did you save it?” Nudging your nose to his, you pull away to throw your loose gown over your head. 
Jaebeom groans, already expertly unhooking your bra, “Of course I saved, but I’ll need to get back to it...” His mouth explores your neck and you throw your head back, savouring every single one of his kisses. “Feeling better?” He hums, lightly sucking your skin and you moan. Fine, having your man work from home is the best damn thing that ever happened to you. At your natural response, Jaebeom cups your swollen breasts, thumbs rubbing circles on your areolas. 
“Shit.” Instantly, he shushes in disapproval making you laugh. You lean into him as much as your 29 weeks belly allows. “I can't help myself, I'm too sensitive.”
“I can see that baby,” Jaebeom marvels as his constant stroking of your nipples makes your thighs jerk. “I read third-semester’ orgasms are incredibly intense...” You rise to your knees to slide his fleece jogger pants down, smoothly freeing his erection. These darn books sure reveal some useful information sometimes… “What do you think?”
“Oh, how would I possibly know that?” He stops altogether, freezing under you at the joke. Barely two days prior, you finished twice before he did – very expressively – but still, he hesitates. For a man as skilled as he is, it sure is easy to make him question himself. Jaebeom is contemplating his life, a dubious look on his face when you take his cock in your palm. His eyes shut, goosebumps spreading on his body at your touch. Smirking, you stroke him leisurely, “I guess you’ll have to keep working hard so we can find out.” You say that but really, you’ve been so hypersensitive lately, he could make you reach your high without even trying.
“You know...” Opening his eyes lazily, Jaebeom frowns; “I'm not sure how I feel… About the Shrimp is hearing all our sexy talk...” It's your turn to stop everything.
Oh no, he did not just say that… Not after all the stuff he put you through!
“I swear to God, Im fucking Jaebeom! I let you have your way until now; I gave up caffeine, cheese and fish…” Suddenly livid, you start checking things off of your fingers. “You are worried of dumb stuff you read about despite the doctor's best opinion... So, I let you hire a cleaning service; I stopped driving myself around and dyeing my hair; I allowed you to post our ultrasounds all over your socials; I didn't say anything when you sent the cats away to your mom's…” His mouth is open in awe as you angrily go on. He's clearly racking his brain to find out what he said wrong. Him and his stupid pregnancy obsessions. “But this... This is where I draw the fucking line Jaebeom. If you stop making love to me because it creeps you out... Honest to God, I will murder you. I don't care what the baby hears. The doctor said it was safe. I want sex, I need sex. Give me sex, or I'll destroy you.”
“Honey,” Jaebeom bites his lips, struggling to conceal his amusement, “I wasn’t saying we should stop. It doesn't bother me like that...” His right palm rubs your lower back in repetition to ease you. “I was just wond–”
“I don't care what you wonder about,” you interrupt, still down, “just do me.”
Before Jaebeom can fully laugh at you flaring over nothing again, you're kissing him roughly, intended on getting your way. Wriggling under you to get to a better angle, he doesn't seem too affected, simply enjoying the hormonal rollercoaster ride. One of the actual perks of your pregnancy is being in the mood quickly and it's more than just your desire, it's physical too. Something that is undeniable when his hand finds its way between your legs. You're ready for him already, wet and messy. Though you rock into his palm briefly, there's only one thing on your mind right this instant. 
You don't want to wait any longer to feel him inside you. You use Jaebeom's shoulder as a fulcrum to position yourself, raising on your knees and he helps, holding his cock as you gradually sink down. Once you're sitting back on him on the couch, filled, you pause, dropping your forehead to his. Eye to eye, out of focus, Jaebeom pecks your lips tenderly. His hands caress your belly on their way to the side of your thighs. That's enough to make you soft all over again. The power that man holds over you knows no limit. Careful, you rise, rocking your hips forward to add friction before sliding back down. This lazy back and forth goes on for a while and every time you fall down and your ass meets his thighs with a clap, you feel like breaking. 
“Okay?” Jaebeom mumbles, using his strength to firmly guide you upwards. You're thankful for his help because you're heavy and tired. You nod, letting out a weird throaty sound when he fills you up once more.
Jaebeom chuckles, entertained by your acute senses and unusual reactions. Sliding on the large couch to lay, he makes sure you follow closely, riding him. From this position, he can take better control, raising his hips to slam into you. You coo when he does, hovering above to let him have his way. You're already too taken by so little. There's a gentle thud in your belly at the shift of position but Jaebeom doesn't seem to feel the baby stir, awakened by your unrest. Thank God, because the last thing you want right now is for him to stop or slow down. It's not something abnormal or new at all, but now that the baby's movements are getting more noticeable from the outside, you wouldn't be surprised if it messed up with Jaebeom's sexy groove. In the dark, he picks a swift pace, thrusting faster but lighter, making sure to stretch this moment for as long as you both can.
Yet, you're shaky and unfocused, unable to calm yourself. Way too fast, you come undone, overwhelmed by the friction and pleasure. Ecstatic, you drop on your hands, on all fours, as your intense orgasm washes through you. Aware you're peaking already, Jaebeom maintains his rhythm, breathlessly laughing at your shortage of stamina. Sure, he was right, pregnancy orgasms are amazing but they also come almost unannounced and are ridiculously exhausting.
Losing the smile, Jaebeom frowns in concentration, probably trying to finish too. After a whole minute, you're still being carried by your own paroxysm, core quavering when his hips halt altogether. Sighing deeply, he cums in spurts inside you, letting go probably more hastily than he would have wanted to. He's a team player. He knows you won't be able to handle him for long after oversensitivity hits you.
Afterwards, you both stay like that for a moment – as one – trying to repossess yourselves. Some days, it's like you're an entirely different person. Food doesn't taste the same, you yell at your caring husband over nothing and your orgasms are absurdly drawn-out. 
“Hey,” Jaebeom speaks up after an eternity and you take it as a cue to pull away, letting him fall out of you, “that was very quick. Are you alright, was it good?” Typical of him lately, being so overly concerned, you snort. Reaching for the tissue box on the coffee table, he offers them up so you can clean yourself. Still overpowered, you nod, laying back naked on the couch to do so.
What a sight it must be, a stranded whale in the middle of his living room.
Jaebeom doesn't seem to see that though. Transfixed, he positions himself to comfortably kiss and hold your heavy belly. His fingers linger, tracing patterns over the stretched skin. “What about you Shrimp?” He asks mouth pressed to the bump, tickling. “How are you doing?” Sure enough, the baby rolls, following the sound of his familiar reassuring voice. 
“We definitely woke her up”, you announce casually, grabbing one of his hands to position it better. Now that it's over, hopefully, he won't mind or get weirded out by that idea. “And you’ll need another nickname, we're both getting huge.”
“Sorry,” Jaebeom apologizes with adoration when there's a more obvious kick. To him, his baby girl's tumbling never gets old. To you neither, but it's a different sensation entirely. Whispering in confidence, he adds, “You'll always be a shrimp to me." At the words, you can't help the flutters you feel, not from the baby. When he looks up this time, Jaebeom doesn't seem as apprehensive of your reaction. You're on the magical post-coital cloud of happiness, together. “What?” If it could, your heart would physically expand from emotion at the sight, swelling with unconditional love. As an only answer, you run a hand through his locks and he cutely grins. “Shrimp, I think we're safe for now. I don't think mommy wants to murder daddy anymore...”
“Daddy needs to get over himself,” you dramatically roll your eyes, smiling, “he knows mommy loves him, no matter what…”
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GOT7 | M.list
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babyblujayyy · 5 years
Imagine No. 1
prompt song: “slow dancing in the dark” by joji
pairing: alex elmslie (imallexx) x reader
warnings: slight swearing, fluff
word count: 2149
random visits from alex were nothing out of the ordinary.
seeing as he was the brother of one of your closest friends, the pair of you had known each other for years, and in that time had managed to form a close-knit bond.
you could still recall the late nights spent sprawled out on the couch, laughing along with alex as the pair of you gawked at the television.
he was someone you knew you could depend on for anything, and was undoubtedly one of the first people you would go to if you ever needed anything. from providing your favorite comfort food, to just listening to mindless rambling, alex was no stranger to being there for you whenever you called.
and yet, despite being so reliable and open to help any chance he got, alex was not one to accept the same favor in return. he reveled in being well put-together and strong, choosing rather to face his problems by working out or hardcore gaming.
which is why you were surprised when a soft knock on your door caught your attention, diverting your focus away from the movie you’d been watching. you glanced at the time before pausing it, taking note that it was almost two in the morning and pouring down rain. slowly you pulled yourself up off the couch, tugging on a nearby cardigan before moving to the front door.
“who could possibly be here at this hour?”  you wondered aimlessly to yourself, taking in a deep breath before pulling the door open.
the sight before you made your stomach churn, your heart ache, and your eyes tear up.
standing in the doorway before you was none other than alex elmslie, body slumped over in defeat, and face stained with tears. he was soaked from top to bottom from the rain, his brown hair plastered to his forehead like clay.
you stared dumbfounded for a moment up him before your brain finally caught up, making you shake your head in panic. you found yourself reaching out your hand, grabbing hold of his arm and quickly pulling him into the warmth of your apartment.
he engulfed your smaller frame as soon as the door was shut behind him, pulling you close to his chest as he shivered in your arms. you didn’t say anything, didn’t take notice of the way your clothes became damp from the close contact with his. you just stood there in his arms, drawing gentle circles into his arms as he sobbed into your shoulder.
“she cheated on me.” he whimpered as he tried to catch his breath. “she cheated on me y/n.”
you stiffened as your mind processed the new information, thinking back to the girl he had introduced you to months ago. it had taken less than two minutes for your brain to decide that you absolutely despised her, but felt that it had not been your place to deter him from dating her.
“i… i don’t know what to say alex,” you struggled to console him, “i mean, i never personally fancied her myself, but i never thought she would…”
he shook his head, pulling away from your arms so he could face you directly. his eyes were glassy and dark, disappointment and hurt glimmering within them. as he moved away you found yourself beginning to shiver, now suddenly chilled from the loss of his embrace.
“i’m sorry, i just…” he let out a defeated sigh. “i didn’t know where else to go, or what else to do. i let my body do the driving, and it led me here.”
you nodded your head in understanding, wrapping your now damp cardigan tighter around your small frame. the two of you stood in silence for several minutes, unsure of what else to say or how to say it.
you found yourself staring deep into his ocean blue eyes, entranced by the different hues and the subtle golden flecks that glittered like stars. despite the pain and emotion that swirled within them, you couldn’t help but admire the way they were fixated upon your face.
it was a thought that often entered your mind whenever he was around, how you felt light-headed whenever the pair of you made direct eye-contact. it felt as though he could stare straight into your soul, and a part of you knew you wanted him to.
your eyes flickered down to his lips for just a brief moment, lingering on them as you had done so many times before. finally, you decided to break the silence.
“look alex, im not exactly great with words when it comes to this sort of thing. not anywhere near as good as you, that’s for damn sure. but i do want to help you in any way i can. i can’t even begin to imagine what you’re going through right now.”
your mind raced for the right words to say, anything that could lessen the pain that he felt. you wanted nothing more than to relieve him of his hurt, wipe away every tear that still clung to his face. and yet, there you were, with nothing to say and nothing to do that could change what had been done.
“alex i…” you sighed, forcing a supportive smile. “you’ve been there for me without fail each and every time i’ve needed you, and i want to be there for you too. i’m just not quite sure how exactly i can—”
you paused for a moment as a sudden idea popped into your head, an idea so crazy it just might end up working.
you sucked in a quick breath before looking up to meet his gaze, eyes lingering once more before you stepped forward and took his hand in your own.
“can i ask you something kinda strange?” you inquired, hesitating for a moment before taking hold of his other hand.
“you can ask me anything y/n,” he said with a small sad smile, “no matter how strange.”
you allowed yourself to relax a bit at his go-ahead, giving his hands a small squeeze before pulling him out of the hallway and into the dimly-lit kitchen. as you made your way to the middle of the room you allowed your arms to drop, leaving him standing in wait behind you as you moved towards the radio on the counter.
you could feel his eyes boring into your back as you flicked the start switch on the radio, turning the volume dial to the right until music began softly filling the space. you turned back to him then, face wearing a sincere smile as you held out your hand to him.
“dance with me alex.” you whispered, eyes meeting his gaze as you watched for his reaction.
wordlessly, he made his was over to you, taking your hands in his and gently wrapping them around his neck. he timidly placed his hands on your hips, pulling your body close to him as the pair of you swayed silently to the music.
your heart beat loudly against your chest as you held him in your arms, syncing your breaths together as you continued to slowly rock your bodies to and fro.
“talk to me alex.” you murmured against his chest, moving to press your face into the crook of his neck. “let your heart speak, and i’ll try to answer.”
he nodded in response, removing his hands from your hips to wrap around the small of your back. he stayed silent for a moment, before he melted further into your embrace.
“i can’t believe she did this to me y/n, i just can’t believe she did it.” his hands trembled as he began to speak his mind, fingers linking tighter together as though he was afraid to let you go.
“i gave her everything i could, my heart, my time, my money, everything i had.”
“you did what you could,” you responded, mouth half-buried in the fabric of his shirt. “nothing that happened was your fault alex.”
“but i must’ve done something wrong.” he insisted, shaking his head as he held back tears. “why else would she have cheated on me?”
“she wasn’t a good person” you said under your breath, just loud enough for him to pick up. “you don’t deserve to go through all this shit alex.”
the song changed as you slowly spun in a circle, never moving away from each other’s embrace.
“is there something wrong with me y/n? something that made her think that it was ok to go and do that to me?”
at this you pulled your head back just far enough to meet his gaze, faces inches apart as you shook your head firmly.
“alex, there is 100% absolutely nothing wrong with you. you’re special, you’re sweet, you’re perfect.”
he remained motionless for a moment as he stared into your eyes, the slow swaying of your bodies coming to a stop as he remained frozen where he stood. panic surged through your body suddenly as you gazed into his eyes, terrified at the thought that you had overstepped your boundaries.
seconds felt like hours passing as the pair of you stood in silence, still wrapped in each other’s arms while music poured from the radio.
“can i ask you something?” alex said after what felt like an eternity, blue eyes shining with an intensity that took your breath away.
you nodded your head after a moment of hesitation, heart pounding against your chest as he brought his face closer to yours.
“can i be selfish for a moment? i promise it’ll be quick.” this time it was his eyes that flickered down to your own lips, lingering there for a moment as he awaited your response.
his breath mixed with yours as you attempted to vocalize your approval, furrowing your eyebrows in frustration as the words got caught in your throat.
“fuck it.”  you growled inwardly, cupping his face in your hands and pulling him into your kiss.
you expected it to be quick, a light peck on the lips that would satisfy his need, but instead he pulled you closer to him, lips melding together as he released all his pent-up tension. your hands slipped from his face into his hair as your lips moved in sync, the kiss soft, and passionate, and electrifying.
you jumped slightly as his hands gripped onto your hips, causing him to grin against your lips as he backed you against the counter, only stopping once he felt you couldn’t move any further.
he was the first to pull away when oxygen was required, the two of you panting heavily as he rested his forehead against yours. the pair of you stood silently as you both worked on catching your breaths, reeling from the event that had just taken place.
“im—that was…” he struggled for words. “wow.”
you smiled in response as you moved back to meet his gaze, reveling in the sight that was him post-kiss. his hair was ruffled from your fingers raking through it, cheeks stained a pale red and lips puffy from the intensity of your lips against his.
the longer you stared at him, the more you felt your heart sink in a sudden realization.
he just did it because he was lonely, not because he actually liked you.
“alex i… i’m sorry. i shouldn’t have done that.” you tried to hide the hurt in your eyes, but were quite unsuccessful. “it was wrong of me to take advantage of you when you’re vulnerable like this. maybe it’s best if you jus—"
the words died on your tongue as his lips met yours once more, kissing you feverishly as though he was afraid to pull away. you couldn’t help but melt into the sudden unexpected kiss, moving your lips against his as your hands reached down to hold his.
he pulled away only to move your chin up towards his face, a small but genuine smile tugging at his lips.
“no please, don’t apologize.” he looked down sheepishly, cheeks flushing a deeper red. “i’ve kinda wanted to do that for a long time now. but i never made a move because i didn’t think you’d feel the same way. that’s why i—”
this time it was you who cut him off, bringing his lips back to yours and slowly moving the pair of you back to the center of the kitchen. you began swaying your hips once more as your arms wrapped around his neck, remaining wrapped up in his kiss as he brought his arms back down around the small of your back.
the two of you continued to dance late into the early morning hours, only stopping when the need for sleep became too overpowering.
despite everything that had happened throughout that night, there was one thing that was for sure.
he’d never get cheated on ever again.
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whereisten · 5 years
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The Agreement
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Summary: Vampire!Sicheng needs a new toy and he just so happens to find you, a struggling college student that would literally give up a few drops of blood for some quick cash. An agreement is reached, you are told that you are strictly forbidden from falling in love. You are to only show up, give blood, get money. Seems pretty easy, right?
Pairing: Vampire!Sicheng X female reader
Genre (emboldened words signify what this specific part has): angst, smut, fluff, violence
Chapter Warnings: alcohol usage, drug mention
Word Count: 5.7K
It’s the first day at your new job and you close the door of the Uber as you approach Sicheng’s house.You give the door a light knock and Sicheng answers it just as quickly as he did the first time.
“You’re here.” Sicheng smiles when he sees you at his doorway.
You smile and nod.
“Come in.”
You’re both quiet during the first meeting, but your mind is filled with many questions. Who was Sicheng? Why did he live alone? How did he get like this? You thought you should get to know him better. He was drinking your blood after all.
Sicheng watched the Twilight Zone on an old black and white television as you had the blood drawn out of you in his entertainment room.
Your cushioned chair was comfortable and you felt you might drift off into sleep, but you didn’t want to, not in this place and with this man that you weren’t familiar with.
“What episode is this?” You finally broke the silence and asked.
“The Midnight Sun” Sicheng answered while still watching.
“And... how many times have you watched it?” You asked him.
He laughed out and turned to look at you. “Too many times.”
The episode follows a young lady struggling to live in the blistering heat. In this universe, there is no night, no moon, no cool air and the world is suffering as the sun draws closer and closer every day.
“I like this episode” you responded and he turned around gave you a look of shock. “You’ve seen this already?” He asked softly.
“Well, Yeah, I didn’t have dvr or satellite growing up so I could only watch what showed on the channels..for old people..” you mumbled the last part.
“I’m sorry—I didn’t mean..”
He laughed and you swore you heard angels sing. “it’s fine, I am old.”
You opened your mouth to ask but stopped yourself.
“The acting is wonderful” Sicheng picked up a cup of tea and brought it to his pink lips. He spoke like an actress from an old Clint Eastwood movie.
“Could you survive..in a world like that?” You quietly asked Sicheng.
He placed his cup down and turned to you. “I don’t know. There’s only so much of the sun I can take. My cells regenerate themselves, but if they’re killed at a ridiculously fast rate, I may not survive.”
You nodded and looked back at the TV.
Sicheng was delicate, you were captivated by the way he moved and the way he spoke. He was always so graceful and careful. You could tell he was from a different generation as he possessed manners that kids your age had no idea existed.
Day two was the same, the two of you watched the Twilight Zone and didn’t speak to each other.
The session was over and you were fixing your jacket on your body while he collected the small bags of blood you filled.
He never drank out of them in front of you, you figured that it wasn’t a pleasant sight and that’s why he chose not to.
“How are you feeling?” He asked before you opened the front door. He always walked you out like a gentleman saying goodbye to his one night stand.
You smiled when you turned and saw his worried expression. “I’m fine.”
He smiled. “Good, I’ll see you on Friday.”
It wasn’t until Friday, the third session, that you finally asked the burning question.You were watching The Hitch-Hiker episode.
“Sicheng, what happened? How—did you get like this?” You watched the pale man breathe slowly.
He turned to you and paused.
“I’m sorry, forget I asked, it’s none of my business.” The last thing you wanted to do was piss off your pleasant boss. He made our job so easy, it was like you were a sugar baby but instead of sex, you gave blood. It was easy and great.
“It’s alright, y/n.” He gave a small smile.
“My father, he was what you young ones call, a jerk. He was a narcissist. He had the disease, but my mother was human. I was human. My father and I would practice fencing in the woods by our house in China, and one day, a hunter finally caught him.” Sicheng paused and stirred a sugar cube in his tea.
“You see, we can only die at the hands of someone that loves us, and the hunter knew this. He took my mother from the house and held her at gunpoint while forcing a knife in her hand. My mother reluctantly drove the knife through my father’s chest and he started to die, but he couldn’t bare to think of the finale of his “superhuman” gift. He decided to pass it on to me before he died. My mother saw this and quickly turned the gun on the hunter and killed him before he could get to me.” Sicheng cleared his throat and looked at a painting above the piano in the corner.
It was of an older man in a military suit.
“That’s him, that’s the bastard that gave me this curse.” Sicheng said through clenched teeth.
Your eyes widened. What a terrible thing to experience at 22. You couldn’t imagine going through it yourself. But now you understood the crucial rule in the agreement. The one that forbid you from falling in love. It would give you the power to kill him.
“And so, I was pressured into taking over my father’s finances and businesses. I took care of my mother until she died. She hoped that I would bring her grandchildren, but I never did...I don’t want to carry on this bloodline, his bloodline.” Sicheng said in a deep tone.
The timed machine went off and you jumped in your chair, frightened by the alarm.
“I’m sorry Sicheng, I’m sorry that happened to you.” You said quietly as he got up to unhook you from the machine and take the needle out.
Sicheng laughed and shook his head while grabbing gauze. “Don’t be apologize, dear, this happened long before you were born.”
You gave a small smile. You started to gather your things to leave, but Sicheng stopped you by gently placing a hand on your arm.
“This is yours, thank you” Sicheng handed you a black bag with cash.“It’s $1,050. I’m sorry, I don’t use debit card or Orange Pay or whatever you guys call it.”
Your eyes widened. “oh—thank you.” You took the bag and Sicheng nodded and walked back to his entertainment room.
You were saddened to learn of his tragic past. He was expected to do so much at such a young age all while living as a completely different person, with strange abilities he couldn’t understand and a demanding craving for blood. He was cursed to lie without the ability to love and be loved back.
Twenty minutes passed and you still stood in his foyer. No one was driving for Uber right now as a terrible thunderstorm rolled on outside. The thunder shook the walls of Sicheng’s grand house and the chandeliers swayed back and forth, it really was a bad storm, so you understood why no one would be on he street.
You sighed.
Sicheng walked out of the entertainment room and wiped his mouth clean with his hand.He just finished drinking.
“What’s wrong?” He asked, surprised to see that you were still there.
“I—there’s no one driving right now, it’s the storm” you gave a small smile. “Im sorry I’m still here.”
“It’s alright, y/n. I’ll drive you back.” Sicheng walked closer to you.
“Are you sure? It’s terrible out there.. I can wait a few more minutes.”
Sicheng shook his head, “I hear and see everything, the darkness only heightens my senses even more.” He smirked.
You laughed. “Okay, now, I didn’t think you were a show-off but I guess I was wrong.” Sicheng laughed. “Come on, lets go.”
Sicheng led you through his house and to a door which led to the garage. The garage was huge and filled with several exotic cars.
“Whoa” you gasped at the sight of the expensive cars you only saw on TV.
“So you don’t have Apple Pay but you have the newest Lamborghini?” You walked around and gazed at the two door car.
Sicheng laughed. “Taking my father’s place does have its perks.”
Sicheng opened the passenger door to it and held it open for you.
“Thank you for this.” You turned to Sicheng as he drove on the highway to your dorm.
As expected, Sicheng has the radio on the station that plays jazz music.
“What do you study?” Sicheng breaks the silence.
“Oh—psychology.” You said.
“Oh! That’s nice!” Sicheng said brightly.
The two of you went on to talk about the growth of the field. Sicheng told you that he was impressed by how much you knew.
“Do you like jazz?” He was asking the questions now and you didn’t know how to feel about it. You two were establishing a relationship, but you liked the way he talked, sometimes you couldn’t focus on what he was saying while you listened to his sensual voice.
“Y-Yeah it’s nice.” You nodded and look outside to the rain that threatened to break through the glass.
“I love it.” Sicheng said as he turned into your campus.
“Of course you do, old man.” You teased and laughed, you felt that you two were finally becoming friends. You didn’t want everything to be so serious.
He laughed. “You’re ruthless and brave, I like that.” He turned to you and smiled.
You both sat still in the car for a moment as you watched his puffy lips.
He leaned in closer and watched your lips as well. The rain suddenly stopped and you looked outside and turned to him.
“I should—go now.” You got your bag and left as he nodded.
What was that? You thought to yourself as you walked to your dorm.———————
You and Sicheng grew closer as time went on. You would watch TV shows together and share the memories you had—well, it was mostly you listening to Sicheng reminisce on the ,memorable events that occurred in his long life. 
To be honest, you just loved watching him talk. There was just something about his voice that you liked. It was warm and soothing.
Sicheng enjoyed his time with you too. He liked how funny you were and how you would call him “old man” whenever you said goodbye. 
He liked watching you laugh and smile while the two of you watched his old DVD’s.You both noticed that you looked at each other more frequently, more...longingly.
Sicheng felt his heart growing in adoration for you and he should’ve stopped what was bound to happen. 
He knew better, but he couldn’t. He liked being around you.
“This is like...ancient, you need to upgrade.” You said as you watched Sicheng pop a DVD into the DVD player that sat in the corner of his entertainment room.
I Love Lucy came up in bold letters across the screen.
“All the other shows we’ve watched are good, but this..this is my favorite.” Sicheng grinned as he sat down on his couch and pressed play on the remote.
It’s the episode where Lucy and her friend try to work a factory job where they organize chocolates, but they can’t keep up and end up having to eat the chocolates from the conveyor belt.
He laughs as he watches it with you and you can’t help but watch him, fascinated by his bright expression and his dimples, the way his mouth opened wide and his big eyes squinted. His teeth were perfect as was his jawline, everything was so perfect.
You smiled to yourself at first, but frowned once you felt the longing in your chest. The two of you were getting close after these two weeks, dangerously close.
He was helping you financially and spiritually because he made you happier and gave you something new to do to distract you from your college life filled with due dates and endless studying. It gave you anxiety,but he calmed you down.
You wanted to be more than just friends, but you were afraid of liking him. His glances and the way he watched you laugh told you that he felt the same way too.
“Don’t fall in love.” Yuta’s voice echoed through your mind. 
There was a reason he said this, so you figured it was best to heed his warning.
But how could you when Sicheng was charming and kind? He was strangely attractive at every moment. He never had a bad look, his hair always neatly styled, his shirt always pressed and crisp.
His hands were soft, you watched as he raised one to his jaw and placed it in his palm while he watched the TV.
He was an anomaly, he had the knowledge and manners of a 70 year old man, but he still looked like he could attend college with you.
“Do you want to paint me while you’re at it?” Sicheng said while still watching the TV. He knew you were staring as you were doing a terrible job at hiding it.
“I-I’m sorry,” you laughed.
He turned to you and smirked. “Don’t be.”
Your chest felt a strange pull when he looked at you so you quickly looked away.
It was moments like this that told you your heart was already too far gone.———————
It’d been a while since you and Bella went to a campus party or a nightclub, so you thought it’d be the perfect opportunity to get out and celebrate with your money one Saturday night.
When you arrive to the club, you buy a few drinks for you and Bella.
“Okay! OKAY, do you feel it now Mr. Crabs??” Bella shouts after she’s taken a seventh shot at the bar. She is already tipsy and laughs out loud as she slams the shot glass down.
You smiled, you were happy to see her happy. It had been a while since the two of you just had fun.
“Bella! That’s it for tonight okay? Lets dance!” You grab her hand and take her to the dance floor.
The flashing blue, pink and red lights decorate the club as the DJ plays a mix of pop and hip hop hits. Sweaty bodies bump into each other while couples swallow each others’ tongues on the dance floor.
Bella is smiling and twists her waist so that she moves sensually to the beat. You mirror her action and just feel the rhythm in your veins, closing your eyes for a second.
“Hey Girls!!!” You hear a female voice shout from a few feet away. Once you open your eyes, you see that it’s Rebecca, a mutual friend you and Bella had. Rebecca was tall and gorgeous. 
She always had a possy with her, but she stood out from them. So of course, she caught your attention with the her glowing skin and sparkly dress, accented by her long golden hair. She really was a model and while you could’ve been jealous of her for her dashingly good looks, you couldn’t. She was also very sweet.
“Ahh!! Hey! How are you?” You excitedly jump up to hug her.
“I’m wonderful, it’s nice to see you bookworms out for once! You look amazing.” Rebecca pulled back and eyed you up and down.
You did look amazing in your tight red strapless dress. You took a risk by having some faith in your strapless bra, but it did its job and now your boobs sat perfectly while the dress hugged your curves in all the right places.
“Thank you!” You smiled and watched as Rebecca talked with Bella, who managed to slur out a few words out correctly. You didn’t know that the alcohol had hit her so hard, so fast.
The girls start to dance again and you eventually get tired in your high heels, which were the worst part about your outfit. You didn’t wear them very often so when you did, your ankles screamed at you for making such a poor decision.
“I’m gonna take a seat for a moment guys!” You yelled out over the loud music and Rebecca and Bella both nodded.
You head over to the bar and sit on a high stool to massage your ankle.
You look back up and a pair of eyes watching you in the corner catch your eye. You squint your eyes and see that you recognize the man.
What was he doing here? He didn’t seem like the type to go out and party. Then again, why would he only stay home and watch black and white TV for an eternity?
You gave a cute smile, but he only turned back to the men that surrounded him and rejoined the conversation.
“Oh..okay” you shrug your shoulders and pull your phone out from your handbag.
You were scrolling threw twitter and laughing to yourself at some funny posts when a tall man approached you.
“Hey bartender! Call 911, this lady just stole my heart.” He sat down beside you and smiled.
Oh no.
You turned to him and smiled while still holding your unlocked phone.
“That was..okay” you laughed.
He laughed as well and held his head down. “I tried.”
He was handsome, he had a strange glow about him and big eyes that drew you in. He was one of the men that Sicheng spoke to.
“My name’s Ben.” He held out a hand for you to shake.
“Nice to meet you, Ben” you shook his hand and gave a smaller smile.
You didn’t notice that Sicheng watched the two of you from far away. He fiddled with his watch and fixed his collar when he saw Ben hold your hand. 
He didn’t like it, but he didn’t know why. It wasn’t like you belonged to him, but he still didn’t like to see another man, especially one that he knew, get close to you.
“And what’s your name? Or should I just call you heart stealer?” Ben was charming as he flashed his bright teeth, he reminded you of the business students that went to your school, but he was a little older from what you had guessed. He wore a tight button up long sleeve shirt that stuck to his arms and had three buttons open to reveal the top of his sturdy pecs. 
He smelled like leather and donned a large gold watch that looked like it cost one year of tuition.
He looked expensive and..dangerous.You weren’t sure what would happen if you got too close.
“Heart stealer is fine.” You smiled and looked back at your phone.
He laughed. “you know, I saw you with your friends on the floor and you were the one that caught my eye. No, really, you’re beautiful.”
You looked back at him. “Thank you.” Then looked back at your phone.
You hoped that he would get the hint and leave, but he persisted.
“Can I get you a drink?” Ben tilted his head and tried to get your attention by waving his hand.
You put your phone down and sighed. “Ben, I’m sorry, but I’m not interested. I’m just taking a break here.”
Ben pouted. “I was hoping you’d make this easy for me.”
You furrowed your brows. “What?”
Ben looked up at you through completely black eyes. He drew closer to you and placed a hand on yours as you still watched him. 
and suddenly, you couldn’t do anything, you couldn’t move. You couldn’t even open your mouth to ask what was happening. 
Ben had a strange control over you, you were being forced to do everything he said, and while you were aware of this, there was nothing you could do to stop yourself.
“Ahh sweetie, that’s it, just relax.” Ben brushed a hand through your hair and gave a sinister smile.
“We’re gonna leave together, tell your friends you’ll see them tomorrow.” Ben whispered in your ear and you nodded.
“I’m going to drink your blood in the alley, and if you scream, I’ll rip your throat out. You won’t remember any of this tomorrow, you won’t remember me.” Ben grinned as he pulled back from your ear and stood up, his eyes returning to normal.
He took your hand as you got up and as you were about to walk over to your friends and do as Ben told you to, Sicheng took your other hand.
“What the fuck did you do, Ben?!” Sicheng yells to Ben who looks shocked. You stand still unable to focus on anything, but Ben’s commands.
“Release her!” Sicheng demands.
Ben only laughs and walks closer to Sicheng, “and if I don’t?”
“You know what happens when you do this..” Sicheng walked closer to Ben and watched as you stayed still but looked at him through low, sleepy-like eyes.
“I don’t care, she can pass out when I’m done, I’ll just get her some orange juice.” Ben looked at you and smiled wickedly.
He had no idea that Sicheng was already throwing a tight fist towards his face.
Ben was too slow and his jaw cracked at the sudden contact.
Sicheng grabbed your wrist and headed to the door. He had to take you home. Now.
“Y/n, it’s okay, I’m here, you’re gonna be okay. Focus on me.” 
He didn’t want to glamour you as that would only make your mental state worse. The only way for you to get out of your catatonic state is if he drinks directly from you. It was as if the glamour from Ben’s eyes infected you and was running through your blood so Sicheng had to get it out quickly.
You were almost at the exit when Ben grabbed your other wrist and pulled you toward him. 
Sicheng landed another punch and grabbed Ben by the throat. He lifted him in the air as some nearby dancers stopped and watched. The scene surely didn’t make any sense. Sicheng was at least half the size of Ben, but here he was lifting him off the ground with one hand.
“Don’t..test me.” Sicheng said through gritted teeth. You had never seen him so upset, it was scary, his eyes were filled with fire and rage. 
“You’re young and stupid, and even though I manage to tolerate your company, I will not hesitate to snap your neck in half and feed your body to dogs.”
Ben stares at Sicheng through black eyes as he struggled to breathe.
You were still drawn to Ben and his commands, your mind wouldn’t rest. Sicheng remembered your state and put Ben down before heading out with you again.——————
Sicheng takes you to his house where he lays you on his couch. 
He placed his hands on his kitchen counter and thought about what he would have to do. Did he really have to do it? Was it really the only way? 
He liked the friendship you two had and he didn’t want to ruin it. He knew that by making direct contact with you and drinking your blood, you would long for it after.
He held his head down and cursed Ben for being so foolish. You were unresponsive in the car as you were unresponsive now.
He walked over and looked down at your weak body. “Sicheng...what’s happening to me? Where’s Ben?” You asked innocently.
He knew you were only asking because you were commanded and manipulated by Ben. 
He sighed and kneeled down before wiping away a tear that fell down your cheek.
“I have to do what he says Sicheng, the longer I stay away from him, the more this fire builds...my chest hurts..I can’t breathe” you cried.
Sicheng knew that being glamoured was a horrific experience for the victim. He had to stop it. He softly brushed his thumb over your cheek and looked into your eyes. “Y/n...I’m sorry, please forgive me.”
You looked at him questioningly and watched as he lifted your wrist to his face.
“Sicheng..what are you doing?” You whispered but Sicheng opened his mouth to reveal two sharp fangs and bit into your wrist. 
You gasped at the pain and whined. The piercing feeling of his teeth puncturing your delicate skin soon faded away and now you only felt a heavenly sensation. 
You felt...high. You were finally in a state of bliss as the pain in your chest dissipated and Sicheng continued to suck your blood from your wrist. It was an indescribable feeling of pleasure.
Sicheng feels it too. He closes his eyes as he savors the taste of your sweet blood rushing into his mouth. The bitter taste of the alcohol you drank combined with the honey-like taste of your warm nectar made it difficult to stop.
“That feels good, Sicheng, don’t stop.” You grabbed onto the couch with your other hand and closed your eyes so that you could focus on the euphoric feeling running through your body.
The alcohol made Sicheng light headed, the sound of your rapidly beating heart filled his ears along with your angelic mewls and moans, and the sight of your soft body on his couch made him lustful.
His mind became filled with desires. He always did like you and now he had you right where he wanted you. He wanted to feel your body close to his while he drained it dry. He wanted to make you feel even better before taking every drop out of you. It was in his animalistic nature.
“Sicheng...” your soft cry interrupted his dangerous thoughts and he finally let go.
“I’m sorry, y/n.” He wipes his mouth with his sleeve and brushed away your hair from your face. 
“Y/n?” Sicheng’s eyes widened as he realized that he took too much blood from you.
You blacked out. He listened out and heard the faint beating of your heart so he knew that you weren’t dead. 
He sighed and and gulped, thankful that he didn’t kill you.
The smokey smell of bacon fills your nose. You carefully open your eyes and look around you to find a soft blanket covering your body. It all comes back to you after you look down and see your cleavage and tight red dress from last night.
A bit of sunlight peeks through the large velvet curtains that cover the windows and then you figure out just exactly where you are. You look down at the heels that have been neatly placed beside the couch you’re on and try to remember how you got there, but you just can’t seem to.
All you know is that you feel light headed and weak. You try to sit up but your body won’t let you.
“You should rest.” A familiar voice comes up from behind.
“Sicheng? Wh-why am I here? What happened?” You drowsily asked.
“The food’s almost ready. I’ll explain everything while you eat.” Sicheng paces back to the kitchen.
You shake your head, still unable to decipher what was going on. 
“Wait—“ you tried to stand up and walk behind him but you falter and start to fall.
Suddenly, Sicheng rushes over to you and catches you before you make contact with his marble floor. 
Your eyes grew as you realized that he just caught your body at a crazy fast pace, but even though you’re caught off guard by his swift movements, you’re captivated by his eyes and the way they focus on your lips. 
It was like everything moved in slow motion. Maybe it was because you were light headed.
His defined arms stuck out under his rolled up sleeves, and his brown hair was now curly. You never saw him like this. He was laid back and cute.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t get to brush it this morning when I got up. I had to hurry to the supermarket and get you food.” Sicheng blushed as you looked at his luscious hair. “Please sit, I’ll be right back.” Sicheng nods and lowers you onto the couch to sit.
“I didn’t know you cooked” You looked down at the source of the pain you feel in your wrist and see two small holes.
He walks up to you and places a tray with a plate of bacon, eggs, and buttered toast in front of you. The sunny side up eggs and crispy bacon were placed on the plate to form a smiley face.
You giggled.
“Actually..I’m quite disgusted by food, but I know you need the energy.” Sicheng gave you a small smile.
He was so good looking, you couldn’t help but smile back even though you felt like crap.
“Thank you, now what the hell happened to me?” You picked up the fork from the tray and stuffed your mouth with a piece of bacon.
Sicheng sighed and held his head down as he sat on the couch beside you. “What do you remember?”
“I remember getting to the club, seeing Rebecca...going to the bar..then seeing you. And—that’s about where it stops. I guess I drank more than I could handle.” You furrowed your brows and looked at the eggs.
“It wasn’t—the alcohol.” Sicheng looked down at you as he sat down beside you.
“Are you telling me I was drugged?” You stopped mid-chew.
“No no...well kinda..wait no” Sicheng stumbled over his words. He couldn’t figure out the easiest way to let you know.“There was a guy, his name’s Ben..he’s..like me.”
You nodded and waited for hime to continue.
“He glamoured you last night. It’s kinda like being hypnotized. He did it so he could drink from you without your objection. Once in this state, you’ll do anything he wants you to do. And the only way to get anyone out of that state is for someone to drink the poison out.”
Okay, wait, who the hell is Ben?” You asked.
“Don’t worry about him, he’s an asshole, but I’ll have him taken care of.” Sicheng looked to the side and gave a look of annoyance. 
You weren’t sure what he meant by that but it didn’t sound like things were gonna end well for Ben.
Sicheng stopped himself from clenching his fists and looked up at you, he studied your dainty face. He was upset that Ben had tried to hurt you. 
He waited for your reaction before he continued, but you still looked shocked.
“It doesn’t make any sense, I know, but I had to..drink from you.”
You choked. “You WHAT?”
Your eyes widened and looked back down at the two pin-sized holes that decorated your wrist.
“I’m sorry, it was the only way.” Sicheng turned to and touched your thigh. 
Your body felt shivers as his cold fingers touched your skin, but your mind was still trying to piece the puzzle pieces together. 
Sicheng broke one of his rules. He drank from you directly, he was the one that punctured your skin. Sicheng was so strict about his rules and you didn’t understand exactly why. But you knew that this could only mean that there were serious consequences to be expected once they’re broken.
“What does this mean, Sicheng? What’s gonna happen to me? Am I gonna..turn?” You gulped and looked up at him.
Sicheng looked at your eyes, taking in the depth of color they had for a moment. He had never looked at you for long, he never studied your features until now. You were so young and beautiful. He adored the shape of your eyes and the curve of your lips, even the slightest movements you made were graceful and soft.
“No..you won’t turn, but there will be side effects. You’ll have the urge to have your blood sucked again, it’s like a strong craving but you have to ignore it. It may take some time, but you will get over it. It’s like—a withdrawal from a strong drug.” Sicheng tried to give you a reassuring smile, but you only stared with large eyes.
“What if I can’t control it? What if I can’t ignore the feeling?”
“You’ll be okay, I promise, I’m not gonna let anything happen to you.” Sicheng held your hand with the hand he was resting in your thigh.
Everything was happening so fast. You couldn’t remember anything from last night and now Sicheng tells you that you’re...addicted to a feeling that you can’t even remember.
Your mind was cloudy and you couldn’t think about anything but him for some reason. His touch sent sparks through your body and you started to feel a trembling in your chest whenever he looked at you or touched your skin. 
You knew what this meant, and you knew you had to stop it. You took the tray off of your lap and stood up, letting go of his hand.“Thank you for this, but I have to go.” Sicheng jumped up and held your back. “Are you sure? You should get some more rest.”
“I’m fine..please, can you just take home?” You looked up at Sicheng who gave you a somber look. 
He didn’t want you to leave, not so soon. He wanted you stay, but he didn’t know if he had this desire for you to be close to him so that he could make sure you were physically okay or if he was really developing a connection to you.
He only looked down and nodded before walking away from you to get his keys.—————
You got back to your dorm and fell onto your bed, thankful to finally be in familiar surroundings.
You stared at the ceiling and thought about him. You thought about how he made you feel and how he took care of you.
His small smile gave you butterflies as you left his car. 
You had reached your dorm and were about to leave when Sicheng touched your arm and leaned forward. His eyes gazed at your face, your eyes and your round cheeks, before settling on your lips while you breathed heavily. 
The sound of your heart beat increasing made him smile.
You were so close, you felt your chest rise up and down rapidly while you stared at his pink, round lips. You moved closer to him, so close you could feel his cold body just inches away from yours. But he pulled away.
He couldn’t do this to you, too. He couldn’t ruin you, like he did the others.
“I’m sorry, maybe..we should take a break” he turned to the road and put his hand back on the wheel. 
You felt a hint of pain in your chest when he suggested you not see him, but even with a cloudy mind, you knew that this was what was best for your health.
You were getting emotionally attached to him and this wasn’t part of the agreement.
He cleared his throat and didn’t look at you while you sat in silence for a moment.
“Call me if you feel different or weird. It’s best to stop it while it’s early.”  he said softly.
You weren’t sure what it was, but what if you didn’t want to stop it? What if you wanted to give in..to him?
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shirtlesssammy · 5 years
8x22: Clip Show
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Cas almost gets hit on by Dean 
Lost Creek, Colorado
A couple are at a cabin in the woods, and the woman is so happy that her boyfriend finally joined her. He acts like it’s no big deal but we flash back to a memory —specifically of Supernatural season 1, episode 2: Wendigo. He’s Tommy and has some serious PTSD from the terror he experienced that night in the woods.
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He thinks he hears a growl and pulls his girlfriend away from the window. He knows that a Wendigo is outside and pulls out a flare to take the unseen monster out. He crumples to the floor and then just explodes right in front of his girlfriend. Eeerp.
At the bunker, the brothers continue to find records that the Men of Letters have kept over the years. Sam’s not doing so well due to all the Trials. He’ll feel better once they finish them.
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Cas shows up in the war room, and it appears that Dean and Cas didn’t follow the golden rule of not going to bed angry. Dean doesn’t even acknowledge the angel. Cas is still convalescing. He sits down to talk with Sam a bit about the trials. Dean comes back with food for Sam—well, jerky, beer, and peanut butter cups. 
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Cas offers to go with Dean for more food, but still gets the cold shoulder. “I’m sorry.” “For what?” “For everything.” Classic DeanCas, lol. (Brb, off to throw myself off a cliff.) Oh wait there’s more, Dean calls out Cas with the whole bolting with the angel tablet and adds, “You didn’t trust me?” 
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Cas is contrite but Dean is not accepting his apology. Sam stays out of it all for a bit but interrupts eventually to pull Dean aside to make it clear that Cas is one of the good guys. What’s that saying? Dean’s harder on Cas because he loves him the most? Well, meh, I do like their later seasons of grumpy banter more than the divisiveness of right now.
In any event, the brothers head to a storage room. 
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Sam wants to find a case that their records mentioned. He finds the box, and Dean finds a dungeon! Sam’s box contained a movie film.
They set up the movie (They even made popcorn, guys!)
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It’s an old black and white film of the Men of Letters. Josie, the woman that Abaddon possessed, is filming the experiment. They have a demon captured in the very dungeon the Winchesters just discovered. They throw holy water on the demon, recite an incantation at it, and then one priest cuts his hand and presses it on the demon. It flares out, apparently gone. The film stops. It was weird (!!!) One of the priests is still alive and Sam thinks it’s a good idea to get the lowdown on what they just watched on the film. Cas wants to go too but Dean won’t hear of it. (Brb, flinging myself off another cliff. DO NOT LIKE.)
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Cut to the brothers meeting with the priest. He tells them that the other priest believed that demons could be saved. He thought that they could cure the demon and they could be a normal human soul again. There were other experiments after that one attempt, and then the priest ended up dead a couple months later. Something had torn him apart. Sam tries asking about records but goes into a coughing fit, complete with blood. He heads to the bathroom while Dean continues to talk with the priest. The priest agrees to give them the other priest’s papers.
Meanwhile, Cas is on a mission to make up with Dean. He’s at a Gas ’n Sip and pulling all the essentials to make Dean like him again.
Ways to woo Dean Winchester:
Beef Jerky
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AND Smiting the sap who can’t provide the pie
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Cas almost smites the poor attendant. Metatron interrupts. They need to talk.
He wants to talk about Heaven. It’s apparently a mess up there without the archangels. Naomi isn’t in charge as much as she’s led Cas believe. Cas blames himself for everything that’s happened in heaven. (URGH, no! —I mean, yeah, but NO). Metatron thinks they can buddy up and save the day! They can sort everything out. First, they need to shut down Heaven. Then he mentioned crepes and flies away.
At the bunker, Sam can’t find Cas. Dean doesn’t care (URGH, no!) They decide to watch the last audio recording before the priest died.
Once again, there’s a demon in chains. This time, the priest injects the demon with purified blood. He continues to do this 8 times. And the demon seems to be cured. 
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They decide to try the experiment out on their own decapitated Abaddon.
Meanwhile, Cas flaps over to Metatron’s brunch location, a cute restaurant with an outdoor patio overlooking the water. It’s a perfect place to relax!
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Iconic dialogue alert: 
Waitress: Cool coat.
Cas: No, it's actually quite warm.
Waitress: Cute and funny. Okay…
Metatron: I should have picked a better looking vessel.
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You’re not here to accidentally flirt with the waitstaff, Castiel! Cas asks for clarification on Metatron’s quest to close the gates of Heaven. Metatron waves it away as just another godly safety switch - you’ve got one for leviathans, demons, and Heaven, of course. Metatron tells Cas that it’s time for a heavenly lock-in to work out all their feelings. And he needs Cas, the warrior, to do it. Cas owns to feeling responsibility for the current state of Heaven but recoils when he hears the first trial. He’ll need to cut out the heart of the cute waitress, the sole nephilim on earth. (Pronounced in this episode as neph-IL-im.) “What’s more important?” Metatron asks. “Her life? Or your family?”
With season 9 under my belt, I watch Dean and Sam sewing Abaddon’s head on with particular horror. Like, you took on the Mark of Cain to defeat her, Dean Bean. Which led to a whole bucket of depression and sad men. Nobody likes buckets of sad men. (JK obviously I love it or what am I even doing here?) What a spectacularly bad idea! Still, it wouldn’t be my beloved show if characters were making smart choices. Abaddon wakes up, cracks her stitched neck, and greets them with “Morning, sunshines.” 
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“I can’t wait to tear out those pretty green eyes,” she says, lovingly. The Winchesters smirk, drawing her attention to her handless state. (They chopped off her hands - or maybe just left them detached.)  “I’ll stump you to death,” she says and...that’s the spirit, Abaddon! She knows about the priest and his work curing demons. In fact, she was a special dispatch straight from Hell to make an example of him. The priest led her to Josie and possessing Josie helped her dismantle the entire Men of Letters network. Yeesh. 
The phone rings. It’s Crowley! Abaddon is appalled to learn that Crowley is the King of Hell. Dean and Sam leave the room to talk to Crowley and FOR THE LOVE OF GOD BOYS they leave Abaddon alone. 
Outside, the Winchesters chat with Crowley. He directs them to some news stories, “sexts” them an address, and bids them farewell. They discover that Crowley’s been putting out hits on people the Winchesters have saved. 
While Crowley’s giving them the news, Abaddon makes like Thing from the Addams family and puppets her hands out of the loosely closed box on the table.
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Her hand crawls into her mouth and pries out the demon trap bullet. It’s freedom time, mofos. 
The Winchesters return to find Abaddon gone. You FOOLS! Sam keeps his eyes on the prize, though. Crowley’s latest address is from their “witches and baked goods” case and is clearly a trap. Time to make a play to catch themselves a different demon. 
Prosperity, Indiana
The power’s out in the target’s apartment (and so are the cupcakes! yum!) Unfortunately, Jennie’s body is also out - sticking out of the oven, that is. “You were a great gal, Jennie Klein,” Dean says and...okay? Great mourning, everyone. 
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Crowley calls them up again. He’s killing off everyone they’ve saved (and using the books as a reference guide) until they deliver the demon tablet to him. 
Metatron and Castiel stalk the waitress outside her place of work, Metatron goading Cas to make a choice. Urg. It’s just the bad decisions gang all around. She whirls around to confront them and saves them the trouble of introductions. “I could see your halos.” (I start to hum Beyoncé to avoid thinking about this next part.) Metatron calls her an abomination and she begs to be allowed to just live her life. (She apparently works twelve hours shifts as a waitress, for heaven’s sake. It’s not like she’s exploiting her power.) Cas looks disturbed, apologizing even as he advances on her. She throws him across the grounds like he’s nothing and then advances on Metatron. Castiel kills her from behind. Oof. 
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The Winchesters race to the next location, only to discover Sarah - the art dealer Sam flirted heavily with several seasons ago. She’s staying in a seriously adorable hotel room, with actual art on display. Dean greets her like he’s just dropped by for a casual visit. OMG Dean. Sam briefs her on the plan. Devil’s traps at all the exits, shotguns, and an exorcism ready to play on loop. We learn that Sarah’s married with a kid. (Sam gets a peek at what-could-have-been.) Sarah tells him that he’s changed - he’s more confident and grown up. She misses the old haircut. Awww… 
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Crowley calls and starts counting down and when he reaches zero, Sarah starts to choke. She collapses. “You son of a bitch!” Dean shouts. “Son of a witch,” Crowley clarifies - his mother taught him a few useful spells. The Winchesters start tearing apart the room to try and find a hex bag. Crowley continues his villain monologue: he’s keeping all things hell-related far away from the Winchesters - no more demons getting close enough for them to kill. 
“I think the people you save, they're how you justify your pathetic little lives. The alcoholism, the collateral damage, the pain you've caused – the ONE thing that allows you to sleep at night, the one thing is knowing that these folks are out there, still out there happy and healthy because of you, you great, big, bloody heroes!”
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I mean, when Crowley’s right, he’s right. 
Sarah dies. Ugh. UGH. Crowley gives an ultimatum: they stop their quest to close Hell or people keep dying. In rage, Dean hurls the phone across the room. When it breaks, they finally find the hex bag. (Me: But okay she only stopped breathing a minute ago? Start CCR and call 911!)
Back at the bunker, Sam is Not Okay™ and does not respond well to Dean’s attempts to cheer him up. Sam, who continues to look awful and exhausted, suggests giving in to Crowley. “We’ll kick it in the ass like we always do,” Dean insists. Rousing speech, babe. 
We fade to black, with everyone we love on dark paths of one kind or another.
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I NEED Quotes:
Well, that was weird with three exclamation points.
I NEED pie.
I can't wait to tear out those pretty green eyes.
First things first – what are you wearing?
You’d better find him toot-bloody-sweet. 
I know this is insane, but insane is kind of what we do.
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badsext · 5 years
AU - Klaus Hargreeves x Nathan Young Part 2
Part 1 is here: https://badsext.tumblr.com/post/185460594572/au-klaus-hargreeves-x-nathan-young
Warnings: mlm SMUT, this one’s also kind of a tear jerker
“Nafan wot the fok? It’s Thursday! The probation worker’s lookin’ for you,” Kelley hisses.
Nathan sits up in bed, rubs his eyes, and stretches his long arms. The covers slide down just enough to reveal that he is naked. “Will you tell him I’m sick or something?”
Klaus sits up, also naked, yawning and scratching his head. “Kelley, you remember Klaus…”
“Jesus, Nafan.” Kelley cups her hand over her mouth to hide her gut reaction which is pure delight. They are actually pretty cute together, she thinks. Plus, this might be exactly what Nathan needs to make him less of an asshole. Still, she doesn’t want to look like too much of a softie or he’ll take advantage.
“No, Nafan. Vis cun wait till tonight.”
“Klaus is leaving tomorrow night. We just started getting on and I want to spend more time with him before he goes back to New York.”
Kelley softens, angry with herself for giving in too easily. “Alright, I’ll tell vem yoor sick.”
"We could really use a place to shower and change that’s not here.”
"Yoor pooshin’ et.” Nathan and Klaus both look at her with the same sad puppy dog eyes and she knows she’s done for. “Alright you cun stay at my flat ‘till I get ome, jost don’t be disgustin.’ You cun ave the chickun nuguts en va freeza.”
Nathan stands up excitedly to hug her, forgetting his nakedness. “Jesus, Nafan, put some clothes on and keep it down! Va key is oonda va mat. You’ll ave to sneak out while va rest of us are pickcun up rubbish.” Kelley walks away trying to hold back her smile.
Her flat is small, but cozy. The boys head eagerly towards the shower. They stumble around kissing and taking each others clothes off. Nathan turns on the hot water and gets in, pulling Klaus in with him. The shower is barely big enough for both of them, but they manage. Kelley’s soap smells like orange and jasmine. Nathan washes Klaus’ back, watching the lather find its way down the middle of his gorgeous ass. He vividly remembers the pleasure he experienced there and grows hard just thinking about it. His hand slides down the small of his back. He can’t resist slipping two wet fingers inside Klaus. Klaus moans, bracing himself against the tile.
After the events of last night Nathan embraces this new aspect of his sexuality fully and without reservation. He wants to experience it all with Klaus. For Klaus, being with Nathan feels different than the other guys he’s had sex with. An asshole, sure, but Nathan is also impossibly soft. Klaus is trying so hard not to fall for him for the sake of both their hearts.
Nathan slides his other hand down Klaus’ long tight torso to his stiffened cock. The water runs down their bodies, dripping and pooling into a chorus of splash sounds around their movements. Nathan nibbles at the back of Klaus’ neck while he strokes him and curls his nimble fingers inside him.
Nathan withdraws his fingers, releases klaus’s cock and spins him around by the waist. The water trickles off his eyelashes. “You’re such a tease,” says klaus breathlessly. Nathan smiles and begins lathering his own cock slowly and sensually for Klaus benefit. Klaus bites his lip, watching the show until Nathan stops to rinse the soap off. Klaus draws him close for a kiss. “So you want to be the little spoon, hu?,” he says reaching down to grab Nathan’s ass with both hands. Nathan jumps with a little giggle. They both laugh at his reaction. Klaus kisses his forehead. “We’ll go slow.”
They grab fresh towels and head for the bedroom. Nathan immediately starts tugging at Klaus’ towel. He lowers himself to his knees. His saturated curls are flattened except for a resilient few around his temples and behind his ears. He leans foreword, grabs The base of Klaus’ wet cock and eagerly wraps his mouth around it. Klaus squirms at Nathan’s initial use of teeth. Nathan looks up, his green eyes apologizing. He tries again, this time Klaus lets out an encouraging moan. Nathan takes Klaus in further, sucking him in a slow, careful rhythm. Klaus tilts his head back and closes his eyes. Nathan picks up speed, using his free hand to caress his balls. Klaus shudders and lets out a breathy “ah.” His hips buck forward on their own accord. “I’m about to come,” Klaus warns with shaky breath. Nathan holds his position, continues sucking until Klaus twitches and releases into his mouth with a loud moan. Nathan swallows every drop.
When Klaus opens his eyes Nathan is standing in front of him wearing a cocky grin. He laces his hands around the back of Klaus’ neck. “Not bad for your first time,” Klaus teases.
Fuck off, I was amazing!”
"I’m surprised you swallowed. How did it taste?”
"little salty, like mine.”
Klaus laughs.
"What?…Of course I’ve tasted my own cum. I thought that was standard guy behavior.”
"You are so fucking cute. Are we having breakfast? Im starving.”
"How about…"chickun nuguts?” They both start laughing.
They settle into the sofa eating nuggets and drinking beer. They find their favorite films on streaming. Nathan can’t believe Klaus has never seen ‘Death Wish’ and Klaus can’t wait to show Nathan ‘Moulin Rouge.’ They snuggle so comfortably in each others arms.
Kelley gets home to a surprisingly tidy flat and yummy smells coming from the kitchen. “Welcome home. Klaus made dinner.”
Kelley is pleasantly surprised. “Fanks, mate. I cood get used ta vis.”
Dinner is a weird combination of random food, but still pretty good. The three of them eat and laugh and hang out until the sun goes down. Kelley can sense the boys getting anxious to be alone again.
"I think we’re gonna go back to my place,” says Nathan, referring to the community center.“
"Everyfings locked.”
"I have my ways.”
"Be carefol you two. Don’t get caught. I’ll wake you up tomorrow and you cun stay ere tul Klaus asta leave.”
"Thanks, Kelley.” Nathan says sincerely.
"Shit, mate, you alright?” I’ve never erd you say vat word.“
They return to the community center and sneak in a back window Nathan keeps unlocked for this very purpose. The dark silence of the building feels different knowing this is their last night together. Klaus’ phone rings and he lets it go to voicemail, so he can focus on Nathan. Nathan puts on some music and starts dancing around like an idiot to lighten the mood. Klaus jumps in with his own ridiculous moves until the song changes to something slow. They lock eyes and make their way into each others arms. Nathan lays his head on Klaus’ shoulder. "I wish you didn’t have to go.”
"I wish I could take you with me.” Klaus smiles.
"I’m serious. Even if I had enough money for a plane ticket, I still have to finish my probation…You have to stay…With your power and mine…it’s meant to be.”
"I don’t know, Nathan. This is happening really fast.”
"Fucking hell! You come in here with that fucking face and mess with my head…” Nathan pushes Klaus in the chest.
"Nathan, the longest relationship I’ve had is three weeks, I’m homeless, I don’t have a job, I see dead people everywhere unless I’m on drugs…What about that appeals to you?”
"You could say the same things about me…accept for the last part.”
"I want to be with you. It’s just complicated.” Nathan kisses him and drags him to the mattress on the floor.
"I want you to fuck me tonight. That’s not complicated, is it?”
"I’ve actually never done that before…with a guy…I’ve never been on top.”
"Don’t you want to?” Nathan bites his index finger and flutters his eyelashes dramatically.
"Oh yeah, I’m going to pound that ass.” Klaus grabs a handful of Nathan’s ass and grunts.
They break into laughter that melts into lust. Klaus kisses Nathan, easing him into the mattress. He applies a generous amount of lube to his finger. He traces the rim of his tight little muscle a few times then glides slowly and gently through. Nathan sucks in a ragged breath. His legs twist and tighten around Klaus’ hand.
"You like it?”
"I want more.”
Klaus adds another finger, gently moving them in and out. Nathan writhes and clutches at the sheets beneath him. His swollen erection says everything.
"Are you ready for me?”
Nathan looks up. His eyes are glassy and dilated. “Mmm hmm.” He nods and rolls over to give Klaus easier access. Klaus lifts his hips and parts his legs a bit wider. Nathan rests his elbows on the pillow. He whimpers as Klaus passes through his entrance, then groans as he sinks deeper inside, intoxicated by the combination of pleasure and pain. Klaus summons all his willpower to go slow as he watches his cock disappear into Nathan. He leans forward, kissing between his shoulder blades and whispers, “Fuck, Nathan, you feel so good.” Nathan presses back against him and moans. Klaus responds, thrusting carefully at first, then gradually picking up speed. He strokes Nathan’s cock in equal rhythm. It becomes too much for Nathan and he explodes in ecstasy. Klaus pulls out and releases onto Nathan’s back, using the corner of the sheet to wipe away the evidence. They collapse beside each other on the mattress’ looking up at the ceiling, trying to catch their breath.
"What did you think?” Klaus says rolling into his side to look at Nathan.
"I think…I feel even worse about you leaving now,” An unexpected tear falls from the corner of His eye.
Klaus catches Nathan’s tear with his thumb and kisses him on the temple. “Maybe I should miss my flight tomorrow and we can figure it out from there.” Nathan reaches up and grabs Klaus’ face with both hands, searching his eyes for reassurance. Satisfied, he pulls Klaus down for a kiss. They soon settle onto their sides to cuddle and fall asleep. Nathan is the little spoon.
Kelley wakes them up the same as the day before. This time instead of heading straight to Kelley’s flat, they walk out to the river for a change of scenery. “I got a voicemail last night from my sister. I’m going to listen to it." Nathan lights a cigarette and looks out at the water to avoid staring directly at Klaus while he listens to the message.
"I have to call her back.” Nathan shifts his focus back to Klaus, with growing anxiety. Klaus rings Alison’s number and brings the phone back up to his ear, clutching his forehead.
"Shit, I’m sorry….That inconsiderate son of a bitch…Are you okay?…Yeah…I’ll be there.”
"What is it? What happened?”
"Reginald Hargreeves died yesterday.”
"Who the fuck is that?”
"My asshole father.”
”…I’ve got one of those too….I’m sorry, Klaus.”
“I have to go home for the funeral.”
"Fuck,” Nathan exhales, his eyes welling up with tears. Seeing him so emotional causes Klaus to well up too. He gathers Nathan up in his arms and they stand there like that for a long while listening to the water lap along the shoreline.
"I’ll come back after everything is settled. There’s nothing for me back home. I want to start over with you,” Klaus seals his promise with a kiss.
@kitty-red @kitty-red @klaus-hargreev3s @spokenforimagines @bcriss11 @mysticrebelwerewolf @itsfreakingyouth @helena-way07 @binchidavinchi @herosizedbirb @themilkcartonkid
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