#im just procrastinating writing some more teehee
lyekisses · 2 years
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as if i would blow up the spot without ordering for myself first 😈
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robyn-goodfellowe · 2 years
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teopatra · 1 year
✨🤭 BIENVENUE 👋🏽👋🏻👋👋🏿
Let me preface by sayin, I went on Google, found some images, saved these images, but I DO not own them and i am NOT citing my source 😆 BC I CAN *karlie red’s voice* teehee yes I did yes I did somebody plz tell ‘em who the EFF I IS 🤪 I’ll give updates if someone takes legal actions 🥳
♍️Pick a fictional Virgo♍️
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Since it’s both Virgo season ANND mercury rx im going to be doing a lot of readings themed around this season for research 🧐 purposes 🤓
1. Rue (real life ♍️ Zendaya)
What do you need to work on?
Either you have an unhealthy addiction or attachment to something OR you need to be focusing more on something like your life depends on it due to either procrastination, laziness, self loathing/not believing in yourself ENOUGH OR just not dedicating enough time to something. If you have an unhealthy attachment to something like social media or video games, know that it’s okay to indulge in certain things but you have to have balance and know wen it’s time to take a break.. your screen time could be high but if that’s the case how are you using that time to create content or make that fun thing lucrative for yourself. You can make tiktoks even if you may think it’s stupid bc the views will bring more traffic to your page but only if the intentions are good and you aren’t harming anything or displaying inappropriate behaviors. Also if you play video games you can stream, if you like to read you can do voice memos and turn it into a podcast, reel, YouTube video and you don’t even have to show your face. I’m getting mercurial energy from this pile bc it’s something to do with your voice and hands .. maybe you build, play instrument, make beats, sing, do ASMR whatever ..
Additional Messages: while mercury is in retrograde this is a good time to work on your craft not perfect it just work on it.. beginning stages will not exhibit perfection so if that’s what you expect out of yourself there is where the shadow work needs to be done. You need to make a schedule; it doesn’t have to be time exact focused but you need to have better intentions for your day.. you need to strengthen your upper body especially the arms.. practice breath work and work on healing and or balancing your lower chakras: root chakra, sacral chakra and or solar plexus whatever one resonates with you..
2. Hermoine Granger 📚
What is holding you back?
Your mouth is holding you back because you don’t understand what it means to move in silence. Just because you didn’t tell people about it or show the internet doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. Learn how to enjoy the beauty of life on your own. People will begin to see right thru you and not take you serious if you’re always posting every little thing. Know your own worth, other people see it but it doesn’t seem like you’re being authentic to your true self. Maybe you tried doing shadow work and wanted to reinvent yourself; but who are you trying to be like? If you’re not being you then you’re being a carbon copy and that will just lead you down a path of self destruction.
Additional Messages: I see you’re experiencing some type of food allergy maybe gluten or dairy and hormonal imbalances. You will benefit from journaling, sound baths, and meditation music. Gemini energy somewhere in your chart maybe your moon; if it’s difficult for you to quiet the mind rn maybe bc of issues within the family relating to health or finances then you have to unwind the mind. It’ll take time, (bars) maybe you want to write music is so then do it.. work on the crown chakra, heart chakra, sacral and solar plexus chakras, you really need to recalibrate cuz you’re out of wack and your body or tummy is stressed
3. Bella Swan 🦢
How can you hold yourself accountable?
You use other people’s problems as a way to distract yourself because you want to feel needed by other people. You refuse to do things for yourself or by yourself bc maybe you realize that wen you’re by yourself you’re really sad or lonely.. figure out the root of this sadness and loneliness and heal your trauma. Tell yourself that what happened to you is NOT YOUR FAULT. People will still love you even if you aren’t available for them at the moment, if they’re meant to be in your life they’ll understand. But you don’t want to accept the fact that the people you hold dear to you are probably not meant to be in your life at this time.
Additional Messages: are you using your financial status and material meals to define your happiness? Who would you be without those things? Who are you? Do you even know? You’ve been going thru the motions for so long, that you’ve put your true desires in life aside bc you feel guilty . Heavy guilt issues, check your sun sign and your Saturn and the houses they’re in.. Heal your root chakra and if you’re going thru a Saturn return you better understand what that means for you now since the start of it until the end or else you’ll have to wait another 27 years to really dive into what you love…
4. Frodo Baggins 🧝🏽‍♀️
Where you need to communicate better…
If you have a speech impediment or your first language is diff than those around you causing language barriers do NOT be afraid to express yourself. If anyone makes fun of you for the way you speak they’re a loser and work on your confidence so this doesn’t bring you down. You know what you’re trying to say so maybe work on how to express yourself better with words. You may deal with self doubt, insecurity, trauma, and you may shut down when you feel like others don’t understand you. It’s mercury retrograde and I see for the next 3 weeks people just may not listen , that doesn’t mean talk louder, that doesn’t mean argue, become a better listener and this will help you with your communication. I feel Aquarian energy like you’re different and the ones who know you understand when you speak but you have to have balance and be able to speak in all aspects don’t be afraid or shy it’s okay.
Additional Messages: check your 11th house, and aspects to your Aquarius house, work on your throat chakra and your root chakra. If you’re in school for psychology or you’re an astrologer then you already have the answers you seek you just don’t trust yourself so work on the heart chakra as well.. idk why you don’t trust yourself you’re actually very intelligent but you have some type of disability maybe, confidence and time will strengthen this
5. Jorah Mormont 🗡️
What isn’t working for you anymore?
other people opinions aren’t working for you; you keep allowing people to put their 2 cents in when you need to trust your gut. You have a very keen eye and people feel important wen you ask their input. It’s okay to ask advice from others time to time but ask the universe, the divine, your spirit team, and or your higher self to enlighten you. There may some evil eye around you in regards to your work, others see that your hard work will lead you to success but people feel left out and want to siphon all your energy. Insecure and low vibrational people aren’t working for you. Your challenge rn is to know wen is a good time to just put your phone on DND and do you whether it’s rest or meditation. Strong Leo energy, check your sun sign your 5th house and anything aspecting your Leo house.
Additional Messages: you may need more sunlight or you may need to use more sunblock so you don’t get radiation poisoning. Or some of you could be outside n the sun too much which is draining you in some way. Vitamins could benefit you or orange foods like oranges and carrots. Maybe try drinking smoothies, cut out carbonated drinks and snacks high in sodium, it’s causing brain fog and memory loss. Fatigue is happening to you bc you’re probably over worked and don’t drink enough water or the right type of water.
6. Neo 👽
How to be more productive?
Be more imaginative , be more delusional, exercise your neptunian or piscerian energy by making your dream or fantasy world reality. You need to strengthen your psychic abilities maybe by asking the universe or higher power to give you a sign.. work on your telepathy by imaging a certain object you want the universe to use to communicate with you to affirm. Stop doubting your intuition just because it may scare you. If you believe that we live in a simulation and nothing is real then why are you allowing this reality to bring you down. Pretend you’re in a video game or movie and you’re the main character or final boss. You may need to move your body more bc your blood isn’t circulating enough or properly esp if your body parts have been falling asleep lately
Additional Messages: it would benefit you to detox, drink more water and take on a healthier diet or lifestyle because something is clouding your judgement and intuition. Check your chart for what planets are in your 12th house or aspecting your Pisces placements. You’re in a self deprecating mode rn and you have to snap out of it. Eat less meat especially if you’re a water sign bc you’re taking on the energies of those unalive animals your eating you feel their pain.. also stop eating GMO food for 60 days…
3:03 on the clock
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softhairedhotch · 10 months
no, thank YOUUUU <3333 and it's okay HEHE remember to take it easy!!! 🫶 i can tell u for sure i will be here ready to absorb and consume n love anything that u create <3333 ive already read ur new fic Too Many Times . it struck sooo many chords like . I WOULD REALLY DO ALL THAT 😭😭 n ya fr there's too many good ideas out there to explore n there's only so much you can do at One moment. i personally have this long standing problem of starting sooo many things that i cannot finish bc i'm a master procastinator... so the only way i function is with looming deadlines ☠️ wish i was getting paid to just sit down n think about aaron bc man... i'd be a millionaire by now 🗿
TEHEEHHEE OMGGG PLEASEEE PHONE SEX . another big weakness of mine . idk how many times ive said smth is my weakness BUT like there's just some tropes that NEVER GETS OLD ... also sometimes i focus so much on aaron n how he makes you feel that i don't think about how HE would be so affected by everything about you GOSSHHHHHH please . like you're captivated by him but he's literally also soooo smitten and down bad for you to that he has to fight his urges to just give into anything that u want 😭😭 but unfortunately he can't always magically teleport to wherever you are so he just talks you through it and gives you such clear instructions BRRRR IMAGINE IF HE USES HIS WORK VOICE BC HE WANTS YOU TO LISTEN TO HIM EXACTLY STEP BY STEP . like my god i can't believe how i can giggle n kick my feet whenever cm has a scene of aaron giving instructions n delegating work to the team... like it's just so hot . n when he shows off his intelligence WOWOWWEEWW major turn on . n wooooof.
AND??!?$$;&; him sending pictures of himself 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 🧎‍♂️🧎‍♂️🧎‍♂️🧎‍♂️🧎‍♂️ also i love the idea of aaron being away from u but being soo pent up that he takes the initiative to surprise you with a special video of him jerking off or using a toy <333 and u BET he knows to send it with sound so you can hear all the sounds he's making <333 bc what is nut videos without SOUND 😤😤😤
omg.. i luv daddy kinks BRRRR n sometimes it just especially HITS SO HARD . like omfg got me actively looking for those daddy asmr porn audios 😭😭😭😵‍💫😵‍💫 sometimes it takes awhile to find a good one but when i strike gold... Wow . GODDD i know aaron would say such filthy things that are downright insulting n degrading... BUT HE DOES IT IN THE SOFT AFFECTIONATE VOICE sparkled with some praises... AGRGRHRHHH .
omg REALLLL he's SOOO the type to make you say what you want directly in words. he isn't going to budge if you're just whining n hoping he'd take the hint bc he himself also loves to hear such filthy things come out of your mouth <3333 "you know daddy really loves to give you whatever you want... but not if you don't use your words. come on, does your pretty little mouth only function as daddy's cocksleeve?" HARGRHRHEHEJE i am Dead . n STOPPPP ENCOURAGING MEEEE ure gna make the can of worms EXPLODE ABOUT ALL THE FILTHY THOUGHTS ABT AARON'S CUM PLSSSS (not actually complaining ! i am Egged)
also omg... TEEHEE... i will tell u more abt my lovely male oc soon!!!! omfg im SO EXCITED . bc i literally have never talked about it to anyone even though i've thought abt it in such detail LMFAOOOO its just hard out there to find someone who shares the same brain ... damn 😭 i'm really glad i happened to stumble across ur page n decided to send an ask <333 bc i rly enjoy talking to u too!!!!! <3
you're so sweet bless <3 hehe i'm glad you liked my new fic!! and YEAH I GETCHA omg that used to be me, like i couldn't do stuff without deadlines, AND NOW I CAN'T EVEN DO THINGS WITH DEADLINES LMAO. sometimes i can, but if i set it myself then you best believe it ain't getting done. i procrastinate sooooo much it's painful. like i could sit here and write for most of the day because rn i currently do NOTHING ELSE in my life (rip, i'm working on it lol) but do i??? no!! i mean that's just a lot of effort innit lol, writing constantly sounds exhausting even tho it's all i wanna do
phone sex my beloved <3 and awwww yeahhh he'd be sooo so so in love with you and he'd wanna do anything and everything you ask :') but GOD YEAH him using his work voice?? all stern and professional and demanding?? goddd i need that so bad. and YESSS when he shows of his intelligence it's soooo hot, like that one scene where he does the maths and penelope goes "is this reid?" and he goes "what, you impressed?" YES I AM BABE I LOVE YOU SM
i loooooove the idea of his sending pics <333 that's why i love looking at nsfw stuff sm bc sometimes i strike GOLDDDDD and its like the most aaron pic ever and it makes me lose my mind. once i found one that was so him i fully forgot to breathe and was blushing like mad (this one i think!). it was... a lot LMFAO. but god god GOD him sending a video of him jerking off when on a case??? i need that soooo so so much. and yes FR there needs to be sound in nut videos. once was sent one from a guy WITHOUT SOUND like babe? dude? what are you doing? where's the fun in that? i mean it was hot don't get me wrong but i was like "buddy wheres the sound at 🤨" LMAOOO
YESS I KNEW YOU WOULD BE INTO DADDY KINKS LMFAOOOO. and omg real, they're sometimes so good and for what. or any video of someone with daddy vibes,, godddddd sometimes it just HITS FR. YESS HIS VOICE WOULD BE SO SWEET AND GENLTE AND LOVING BUT ALSO DOMINATING AND THE STUFF THAT COMES OUT OF HIS MOUTH IS SOOOO FILTHY N HOT
yessssssss he'd looove to hear you say what you need. "come on, little one, let daddy know what you want, hm? i need to hear you say how much you want my cock" and "you want me to ride you, sweetheart? want daddy to ride you until you can't cum anymore? hm? let me hear you say those words, baby, i need to hear you say it."
and yayyy i'm so excited to hear about your oc!! i can't WAIT it's gonna be soooo good i just kNOW IT. i'm also really glad you stumbled across my page too <33 thanks for sending me all these asks!!!!
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whimsyskittles · 1 year
he likes the girl in the band hobie x f!reader PART 1!
my first fic everyone..sorry if it disappoints lmao
TW: i literally cannot do hobies accent for the life of me I APOLOGIZE IN ADVANCE
also i started losing sanity throughout writing this because it was like 3 when i started and 5 when i finished!!1! (if i dont finish an 'assignment' all together without breaks i end up procrastinating until it never gets finished) teehee anyways here you go!!
word count: 1542
it was the night of your concert, you and your bandmates were practicing on stage before the doors to the arena open. you were the bass guitarist and were very skillful. skillful enough to the point where people have cried at some of your performances.
a few minutes later, people started filling the arena. everywhere you looked you seen thousands of heads. close to where you were standing, in the very front section, you seen an absolute gorgeous tree-like figure standing there, cheering with the rest of the crowd. your cheeks turned a rosy pink color, before you snapped back to reality (eminem reference??!!?) just in time to prepare yourself to get in position.
after everyone had gotten in, the keyboard started playing, which led the singer to start vocalizing. this meant it was almost your turn. you had to start playing your bass in front of thousands of people. the intensity and anticipation rose as it was almost your queue to start moving your fingers along the guitar in your arms and really get the concert going.
after a few seconds, you started jamming to the music and plucking your guitar. everyone was screaming and cheering to the point where you could hardly hear your increasingly fast heart beat. you continued to play as you eyed the guy you had noticed before the area filled up to its maximum capacity. you were making eye contact with each other and you grinned as he watched you, he looked quite mesmerized as he sung along with the rest of the fans.
after a few seconds of maintaining eye contact with the boy (and an internal confidence booster), you winked at him as you got a little more funky with your guitar playing, showing off a few free spirited moves before the end of the song. even thought you couldn't tell, he was definitely blushing. "did the guitarist just wink at me?" he thought, as he paused his singing before starting again. "nah, there's too many people for y/n to even notice my appearance." (ironic considering the situation) he settled with this and cleared his mind before turning his attention back to the concert.
your band walked off stage into the back rooms (BACKROOMS REFERENCE???!!!!) and grabbed a few waters before you walked into the main lobby near the entrance to meet a few of your fans. (i'm sorry i dont really know how that works lmao) you and your bandmates moseyed on down to the main lobby where a couple of tables were set up. the trio stood by a table as the crowd flooded in and formed a line amongst (amongus reference??? i apologize it's 3 in the morning) the rest of the people who had decided to leave instead of waiting in the now huge line. with each fan, each member signed their name and if wanted, took a photograph with them. as it got down to the last person in line, you blushed a little and zoned out into the eyes of the beauty standing in front of you (the much noticed beauty of course). you felt yourself get nudged in the rib cage
"give the man his autograph, y/n, what're you doing?" the voice was coming from literally right next to you. it was your bandmate, ryan.
"oh, uh, yeah, sorry about that, got zoned out there." you tried to cover up what had just happened by signing your name on the newly purchased poster and handing it down to the other members.
"no worries, love." the boy said, directed towards you, "my names 'obie, 'obie brown. im a 'uge fan of your band, been listenin' for years now. it's my favorite for sure." he grinned and looked directly into your eyes, much like how you guys had locked eyes before during the concert.
the lead singer handed the poster back to hobie. "okay hobie, here ya go, it's your lucky day, you get all three signatures of the members from your favorite band." said ryan, the one who had nudged you before. "sorry about y/n, don't know what's going on with her today." he nudged you again, you were still looking at hobie, admiring the outfit he was wearing.
you finally zoned back in and your bandmates, including hobie were staring at you.
"you okay there, love?" hobie inquired, raising an eyebrow
"yeah, yeah sorry about that..again..uh...you know what, i've gotta go get another water, wait here and we'll get a picture with you."
he nodded and smiled as he watched you walk away to go grab another water bottle
as you walked backstage to get another bottle, you sat down for a moment. you thought to yourself "oh my god what am i doing?? am i so obvious that the man himself was taking notice of my behavior?? you put a hand on your forehead and took a deep breath out. you composed yourself and finally walked back with your water.
"woo, she's finally back, here she comes!" shouted one of your bandmates
hobie looked at you, focusing on your lips as he grinned while you were walking back to the area where you were originally standing. "you're ready to take the picture now, yeah?" he raised an eyebrow at you and held his phone up to take a selfie with the members.
"yeah, of course, go ahead and shoot." you said, grinning back and posing for the camera.
[SORRY I DIDNT KNOW WHAT ELSE TO PUT TIMESKIP TIME!! timeskip: one day later at a park]
you and a few of your closest friends, including ryan, a member from your band, decided to have a fun little picnic at a nearby park. you were laughing and joking around with the group when you seen him. hobie was also with a friend, you seen him in the corner of your eye.
"hey, guys, i'll be back in a few minutes, i'm gonna go over here and chat a little, kay?" you looked at the group and nodded your head towards hobie.
"yeah, go talk to your boyfriend, y/n" ryan teased
"oh, stop. he's not my boyfriend, he just stuck out a little from the rest of our fans, i wanna go talk with him for a bit, and don't say another word about it" you threatened joked, as you walked away from your friends and started making your way towards hobie.
as you got close enough to where he could hear you, you shouted and waved, "hey, hobie! it's me, y/n!"
he turned around and had a surprised look on his face "y/n? a member from a famous band came to see me? i'm not complainin'. what brings you over 'ere?" he looked at you and waited for a response (like he doesn't know the entire population is attracted to him in some way)
"just wanted to stop by, you stood out to me yesterday and i think we have a good chance at becoming friends!" you looked at him and smiled, not having any intention of creeping him out in some kind of weird stalker way, even though the entire situation was a little odd.
he blushed a little as you were always his crush favorite in the band. "alright, let's get to know each other a bit more then, yeah?" he started asking a few questions and a bit later he had asked one that really made you stop and overthink for a minute, "so, y/n, are you single at the moment?" he was looking right at you. was he crushing? was he genuinely just wanting to 'know more about you'? or was he just messing around?
after a minute, you responded, "uh, no, i'm currently single. i've been trying to find the right person before i start dating anyone." you so badly wanted to tell him that you genuinely had at least a little bit of feelings for him. but what if he didn't accept and made a fool out of you? what if you don't like him as much as you think you do? you had zoned out for a minute as you were questioning everything before he tapped on your shoulder.
hobies pov at that time:
he was extremely flushed when you came over, but he was doing a great job at hiding it. way to go, hobie, you didn't stutter this time! (lmao just you wait)
he had just asked you what had seemed like a normal question, although you and him were both sorta overthinking it a bit. was he too direct? was it an odd thing to ask all of a sudden? had it made you uncomfortable? these are the questions he was currently asking himself.
you had finally responded to him to which he said, "ah.." you didn't catch that, though.
he looked at the grass for a moment before noticing that you were zoned out as well. he scooted closer to you and tapped on your shoulder. it felt like it was just the two of you, looking into each others eyes.
(love how everyone else including the friend hobie was with is just being ignored 😍)
back to your pov:
you looked up and met your eyes with hobies, you two looked at each other for a good while before..
before he had leaned in to..to kiss you?!?
before anything could happen you quickly stood up, swerving hobie. "uh..sorry..i've uh...i've got to go.." you stood there for a minute, feeling bad about your actions.
hobie looked away, you couldn't tell if he was disappointed or understanding of what had just happened
you stood there for awhile longer, allowing the awkwardness to settle in. you were about to apologize, but quickly shut your mouth and decided it would just be best if you had left, so you walked-almost speedrunning-away from hobie and his friend. you walked past your own friends, and walked back to your apartment, which was only a couple of blocks away from the park.
you unlocked your door and sat on your sofa. thinking of everything that happened. wondering if you did the wrong thing. questioning your actions. did i really just do that? we don't even know each other that well...but i do like him...but what if he hates me now? does he? what am i saying..we just met! but he's so...amazing..he probably hates me. what is wrong with me??
a couple of hours had went by and you were in a constant loop of laughing at the tv show that was currently playing and stressing about what had happened at the park
suddenly, you hear a knock at your door.
CLIFFHANGER!!! (i bet nobody could guess who's at the door 🤭)
goodbye and thanks for reading!
-whimsy ☆
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kursedmayo · 5 months
Not gonna lie I got confused by this before remembering that one thing I reblogged. Lol. Anyways.
Heads up btw, Im a yapper, so this is gonna be a somewhat long post. Buckle up.
🎁 Do you prefer drawing fandom stuff or your own characters?
Fandom stuff.
They're more likely to be seen and enjoyed by other people, plus making people care about your own characters too is hard to do, especially when you rarely draw/write about them in the first place and they mostly live in your head.
You see, I don't usually draw for just myself AND I love sharing my art with people, so if I know people would be more likely to be disinterested than not in my OCs, then I'm less motivated to draw OCs and share them.
Maybe one day though. I'll share some lore and stuff.
✨ How often do you draw?
Not very often, though I do doodle once in a while
These days I only really draw when I have the time, want to give someone a gift or when I'm procrastinating, so if I feel like I don't have the time, don't have anyone I want to gift nor have anything to procrastinate on, I don't draw as much.
I mean, I do have a few art pieces I can post though I just... Forget to post them. A lot. So uh... Whoopsie? Teehee?
✏️ Do you prefer traditional art or digital to relax?   
I prefer digital art to relax.
I do traditional art when I'm bored but considering I can't always just erase mistakes plus I have limited coloring materials, plus the thought of screwing up a piece I really like without being able to just undo it stresses me out, I end up not drawing on traditional as much.
But yeah, thats about it. I was answering this in biology btw so I had a lot of fun trying to pretend I was taking notes in my laptop. I live a dangerous life, my friend...
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Oh, and I'm good too! A bit stressed since exams are in a couple of weeks, but good.
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honeybeesiness · 4 years
fandoms i will write for + rules.
i'm not 100% certain on how imagines blogs start out, so i am unsure on what to do first, but i think that i should at least make a list of fandoms that i'll write for along with some rules to make the request/writing process easier. so! here you go uwu.
hey hey! thank you very much for taking a look at my account and this post! i appreciate it :).
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fandoms i will def write for.
Boku no Hero Academia (i will not write for Dabi, Mineta, Shigaraki or Endeavor).*
Ouran Highschool Host Club.
Angels of Death.
Demon Slayer (i will only write for Tanjirou, Nezuko, Zenitsu, Inosuke, Shinobu, Mitsuri, Giyuu, Muzan, Tamayo, Yushiro and Rengoku.).**
Cells at Work.
Toilet-Bound Hanako-Kun.
Inuyasha (i’ll only be writing for Inuyasha for now.)
Jujutsu Kaisen (i’ll only be writing for Yuuji, Nobara, Megumi, Maki, Panda, Junpei and Mahito for now.)
Doki Doki Literature Club.
Detroit: Become Human (i will not write for Gavin, Hank, Nines or Perkins).
Mystic Messenger (i will not write for Jumin).
Danganronpa (Trigger Happy Havoc and Goodbye Despair only).***
Pokémon (Sun/Moon, Sword/Shield, humanized Pokémon).
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. (and therefore Age of the Calamity as well).
Food Fantasy.
Rune Factory 4.
Tales of Zestiria.
Obey Me!
A3! (I'll write for everyone except Tasuku.)
Genshin Impact (i will not write for Childe/Tartaglia, Diona, Rosaria or Eula.)
Stardew Valley.
the reason as to why i will not write for certain characters is mostly because i don’t think i'll do a very good job at writing them. yes, yes, i love Jumin and Hank too, but i'm not confident in my ability to portray them accurately.
and i think we all know why i'm not going to write for Mineta :").
* i am not caught up in the bnha series. i'm an anime watcher, and i'm on the last episode of the 3rd season, so i'm kinda very far behind. i will not write for characters that appear in season 4— excluding Overhaul, of course. i'll write for Kai ;).
** like bnha, i am extremely far behind in demon slayer. i read the manga, and i'm only at chapter 50. however, i know enough about the characters i mentioned up there to write for them. please no spoilers or requests based off of chapters past 50! sorry m'dudes.
*** i have only played Trigger Happy Havoc and Goodbye Despair. i have not completed Goodbye Despair, though! i just will not be writing for Killing Harmony or any other games, and my knowledge will be entirely based on Trigger Happy Havoc and Goodbye Despair.
now that we have the fandoms out of the way, here are my rules!
the reader will be portrayed as gender-neutral unless specified to be female. i will NOT be writing for male readers. i'm really sorry, lads.
lgbtq+ is accepted! in correspondence with the first rule, i will not be writing male x male pairings. while i do support my homo bros, the way the internet has portrayed romantic relationships between two dudes (especially people's fascinations with.... yaoi. *shiver*) has made me extremely uncomfortable in writing them. i love boys who love boys but i just can’t bring myself to write about it, sorry.
i will not be taking requests for scenarios/short fanfics, only headcanons/imagines! i tend to procrastinate and overcomplicate fanfiction to the extremes and it takes me FOREVER to get them done. if i do post fanfics, then they'll be on my own time. i just don’t want to keep you guys waiting!
i will not, under any circumstances, write any nsfw content. i do not feel comfortable with it. i have more lenience with perverted characters like Bloody Mary or Sweet Tofu from Food Fantasy, though.
i will not write for ships between canon characters. this blog is about you and the fictional characters of your dreams ;).
i refuse to write for p*dophilic relationships or anything similar. this does not need an explanation. if i am to write something for a pairing between an adult and a child, then it will be strictly platonic.
i'm not just here to satisfy your romantic daydreams! as much as i love writing about you and the characters you’re in love with, i also adore writing sibling, parent, best friend, rival, or sworn enemy relationships! you want to know what it’s like to be a certain character's sibling? i got you covered, compadre.
all body types are welcome! gotta love 'em all 💕.
i am not against writing gore or angst. i will be adding trigger warnings in the posts that need it, though.
yanderes? yes please. i'll definitely write for tsunderes, kuuderes, or even himederes too!
aus are welcome, but i will not write for the omegaverse au. disgostang.
hopefully i'm not being too demanding or too descriptive, sorry. i'm kind of extra, you see, teehee.
thank you for reading this through!
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solivcgant · 5 years
616  | send me a number and ill make a post about you
IM CRYING BC I HIT BACK AND THE STUFF GOT WIPED. WIPED. this is a sign that i should NOT multitask while doing this. okay but time for part two of gushing.. though for you it’ll be part one. you always worry about sending memes in later, but like.. the jokes on you bc i always reply back just as late! maybe even later at times but shh. new year, same me. the procrastinating mochi who does things last minute like there’s no tomorrow. due today means do TODAY. but i am TRYING my best to ... not be so delayed with my responses now just bc i really do enjoy writing and trying to come up with fluff for our muses. the fluff and occasional angst.
we’ve known each other for so long now, but i’m still AMAZED at your writing. its so high quality and so easy to read along with? and it flows so smoothy and everything just feels natural. from the dialogue to the description of actions and of course, when you give your muses their moments to voice their thoughts. i LOVE reading your threads and answered asks so much just bc it’s incredible. like you have so many muses to write for, but you don’t push them under the same rug and hope the small differences in personality is enough. you go ABOVE AND BEYOND. and make sure each muse is unique with their own backstory and struggles. and i find that so amazing. especially since i just have eiji and yikes. i’ve given him the bare minimum simply bc i... am lazy.. which is very bad and i should work on that. but that’s for me to tackle on another day.
i probably sound like a broke record at this point, but i don’t know how else to gush about your muses. curse english language and having limited ways to express love. so pls... don’t have a tally count somewhere marking how many times i’ve said love. ; AAA; 
but!!! i LOVE writing with you so much. like i seriously look forward to our threads even if its something crack like eiji playing fetch with ammy. though i will admit, its a little nerve wracking simply bc your writing is such a masterpiece while mine.. leaves more to be desired tbh. sometimes i forget that we’re just here on tumblr roleplaying and i’m not reading some super top SECRET manuscript thats about to be published.
thank you so much for letting me write with you and exploring so many possibilities with eiji? like my fave the pacrim au with shino. our os au with asuna bc that is the GOOD STUFF. my guilty ship teehee. and ofc hikari and eiji. i live for that childhood angst and their first meeting after so long. bc eiji will initially think she left him alone too. but that’s not the case she.. was just busy with... valkyrie things. but all the potential things we discussed for them is so... soft but also mine field for angst??? so i’m EXCITED. 
2020 the year i write with more of your muses!!
especially mitsuha bc... i finally remembered to move taki sideblog here and it’s time. for those feels. especially since tenki no ko is FINALLY having its us release and i am ready for radwimps and feels. 
i always end up rambling on your posts cries. i’m so sorry pupper. but i really hope you know that i APPRECIATE you so much. you’ve made my time rping here on tumblr so much more enjoyable with your pupper stickies and for enjoying my pupper memes. you’re an incredible and irreplaceable friend. also your enthusiasm and just optimistic attitude is such a joy to be around? like my dash seems 1000000x more happier and lively when you’re online. so i hope that never changes and 2020 treats you amazing.
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