#im just so scared that the stress will get to me and that’ll make me mess up + lower my mark. hrrng
tedlebred · 5 months
chat I’m sitting my first ever exam this Wednesday. How am I supposed to come out alive
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genderdog · 4 months
ive been feeling a constant sense of dread since last week
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lunajay33 · 1 year
Hope Part.4🧟‍♀️
Summary: After Daryl was taken away by Negan for months he finally escaped and was reunited with y/n, now is time to work out all the details with the baby coming soon but things don’t go as planned
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I was 9 months pregnant now and the last two months with Daryl have been everything I could’ve dreamed of, I was just glad he was here for the last few months of the pregnancy and for when I give birth
(Im gonna skip over some stuff just so it goes with my story, just go along with it)
“Daryl?” I asked as I rolled over in bed but he wasn’t there, I got up and looked all around the house and I couldn’t find him
I ran out of the house looking everywhere, the pantry, the look out, everywhere
“DARYL?” I screamed starting to panic
“Oh no no no” the tears were streaming down my face and I felt like I couldn’t breath
What if he never came back, what is this was all a dream and he was still with Negan and was never here
I sank to the ground, crying as all these horrible thoughts ran through my head
“Y/n? What wrong?” I looked up and it was Carol
“Carol, I can’t find Daryl, he’s gone, was it all a dream and he never came back” she kneeled down and wiped away my tears but they just kept falling
“Come on, come with me sweetie” Carol always treated me with such kindness
We walked towards Aaron’s house and around the back to see the garage open, that’s when I saw him working on a bike
He looked up at me and smiled but that quickly went away when he saw I was crying
He was in front of me in an instant
“Baby what’s wrong, are ya hurt?” He asked as he brushed my hair back and wiped my tears away just like Carol did
“I woke up and you were gone, I..I couldn’t find you anywhere and I thought….” I didn’t wanna say it, it was so embarrassing but Carol said it for me
“She thought it was a dream that you came back she thought you never came back” she said giving Daryl a look I couldn’t figure out, they always had their own way of talking
“Oh baby I’m so sorry, you’ve been so tired lately with the pregnancy that I wanted to let ya sleep in, I’m sorry I scared ya” he said as he pulled me into a hug
I hide my face in his chest and holding him tight just wanting to stay here with him forever
“Didn’t know this would still scare ya” he stated
“Im always scared that once you leave you’ll never come back and I won’t have you again” I said feeling the tears begin to bubble in my eyes again
“Ya should have told me”
“Im sorry, I just didn’t want to stress you out more I know you’re really stressed with all the walkers in that pit you guys have to deal with” I said looking up at him
“That’ll all be over after today hopefully, but still ya should’ve told me, you’re my number one forever, I don’t care what I have going on always tell me if somethins bothering ya okay?”
“Okay I will” I say smiling as he leaned down and pulled me into the sweetest kiss
“Ya know I love ya”
“I know, I love you too handsome” and I said a little blush form on his cheeks, it happens everytime I call him that and it’s the cutest thing
“Daryl, Rick is ready to go he wanted me to get you” Carol said as she called out, I didn’t even notice her leave
“I gotta go know but I’ll come back to ya, I always will” he smiles as we walk to where everyone is gathering at the gate
He gets on his bike and starts it up
I gave him one last kiss and pulled something out to give him making sure he comes back
“Here, just something to hold onto just in case something happens” I handed him a ultrasound picture that I have been holding onto for a long time, forgetting to show him
“Baby, nothing will happen” he said smiling at the picture as he placed it in his pocket
“But just in case” I smiled as he squeezed my hand and they each drove off one by one until Rick was the last one
“Please make sure he’s okay, no matter what happens, make sure you both come back safely” I asked
“Ill bring him home y/n, now go rest that baby is gonna pop any day now” he smiled then drove off and the gates were closed
I couldn’t sit alone and think about him all day, I’d go crazy so I decided to find Carol and stay with her today
I walked into the kitchen of her place to see her baking cookies
“Hey Carol would it be okay if I spent the day with you?” I asked as I sat at the island
“Of course dear, I’m gonna be working around so hopefully it helps distract you”
“Thanks Carol”
We ate some cookies then walked to the garden and worked there for a few hours that’s when a huge sound rang through the town
I stayed close to Carol and that’s when we saw the watch tower fall crushing one of the walls
We saw people rushing in killing people in the streets, I felt frozen until Carol grabbed my hand and led us to the infirmary with Denise, a few others were in there already
“Y/n you stay here do not leave no matter what” carol said as she ran out the door
The others blocked the door and windows, leaving a little slit to check outside
“Something went wrong out there” I said panicking all over again
“Hey we just have to stay calm and wait” Rosita said as she sat me down and the infirmary bed that’s when I felt a gush of water run down my legs
“Oh god no please not now” I cried
“Y/n your water broke” Denise said
“I can’t do this, I need him here, I can’t do it without him” I said feeling like the universe was against me
“It will be okay he’ll make it” Aaron said as he rubbed my arm
“Here change into this” Denise said as she handed me a medical gown
She closed the curtain around the bed and Rosita helped me change, she was one of my best friends so I didn’t care, I turned and she tied up the string on the back of the gown
For the next few hours we just heard groans from the walkers that filled the streets outside which didn’t help me relax
My contractions were getting stronger but Denise said I was still a ways away from beginning to push
It was dark outside now and Daryl still wasn’t back none of them were that was until Aaron started unlocking the door
“Aaron what the hell are you doing?” Rosita asked
“Its Rick and Michonne, somethings wrong with Carl” they burst in and laid Carl in the bed next to mine
“Oh god” I said feeling faint
His eye was gone, Rick was freaking out and he left doing gods know what, but if he was back then where was Daryl
I sat up and let my legs hang over the bed, just trying to breath but the noises around me was making everything worse
Rosita came in front of me and placed headphones over my ears that was connected to a little Walkman
I smiled at her thankfully, she always knew what I needed
I let the music calm me down as I closed my eyes imagining that Daryl was next to me right now, to help me through this pain
Another hour went by and Denise finished patching Carl up but I was growing more uncomfortable and I knew it was time to push, I wanted Daryl but I had to do this for my little girl
“Denise its time, I have to push” i stated preparing myself for the pain
I sat up as she got ready between my legs and Rosita held my hand with Aaron ready next to Denise incase she needs an extra pair of hands
“Okay y/n push” I pushed with all I could and the pain was excrutiating but I couldn’t make a noise or the walkers would come
I pushed 3 more times and that’s when all the pressure released and I heard her cries
Denise laid her on my chest, I looked down at her and she was beautiful and she immediately calmed down when she was in my arms
“Oh y/n she’s adorable” Rosita whispered as she cleaned the sweat off my face
She was a perfect mix of me and daryl, dark hair, blue eyes, she was just beautiful I couldn’t look away from her
“Im gonna clean her up okay, you should rest” Rosita said as she took her from my arms
“Be gentle please” I whispered as I passed out from exhaustion
When I woke up I saw a little baby bin next to my bed
I sat up and pulled it close to see her all fresh and sleeping, wrapped in a blue blanket
“How long have I been asleep?” I asked Rosita as she was sat next to the bed
“Not long about an hour”
“He’s still not back?” I asked
She just shook her head
I picked her up out of the bed and she whined, I pulled down my gown and let her feed for a while until she was full and she slowly fell back asleep
“So what will you name her?” Rosita asked
“Im not sure yet, I wanna wait for Daryl” that’s when the door bursted open and it was Daryl
“Daryl, you’re back” I smiled still tired
“Fuck, I can’t believe I missed this” he grunted as he came and sat next to me on the bed
“Isnt she beautiful Daryl” I said as he looked down at her in my arms
He was silent, as I placed her in his arms and I saw him start to cry
“Thank you, thank you for giving me this amazing gift” he said looking back at me
“I wish you were here, but I’m glad you came back” I said pulling him into a strong kiss
“Ill be here for the next one” he smirked
“What’re we gonna name her?” I asked
“What about…….Harlow?” He said
“I love it, our little Harlow”
(Guys lmk how you liked this story!!:))
Taglist: @itsmytimetoodream
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Hello old friend,
I haven’t been on this account in forever.I guess It hasn’t been bad like that in a while. Not that it’s bad this time around it’s just weird. I mean it’s bad but not that but still bad.
He hasn’t gotten any better i’d say he’s gotten worse. My senior year hasn’t felt right. Maybe it’s college stress i mean i only have a year to find out what the hell Im gonna do with my life. Everytime I think I have something figured out something changes and ruins it.
I don’t have much motivation for things anymore. I do suddenly like reading again but i dont know if that’s helping.
First I thought I was Trans I have no idea if i am or not. Now I think I’m AroAce? 17 fucking sucks everyone lied to me.
I’m having the worse identity crisis of my life and I have to pretend everything is alright while I feel like everything is wrong and off.
it’s not like my parents are pressuring me I know it’s all in my head but it’s me pressuring myself to make them proud. I love them both so much no matter how much they piss me off.
It’s Nov 1st Early decision applications are due today and all I want to do is sleep. I have to do duel enrollment stuff and I have to fill out the FAFSA and I just want to crawl in a hole and disappear.
We put the christmas tree up yesterday and it felt like a chore.
Everything feels off. I’m not gonna off myself i’m not that bad, not yet anyway. But nothing feels right.
I get upset easier and I cry about practically everything and I stay up late and I forget about everything and nothing feels right.
Reading is fun but it’s making everything worse. It’s one of the only escapes I have but I can’t help but feel envy when the main character gets a happy end.
I don’t feel like I’ll have a happy end. I’ll have a satisfying end. A good job in a good neighborhood with a good pay but I’ll be alone.
I’m not allowed to bring girls home. Mom and Dad are homophobic I’d die if they found out the truth. I’m sure they wouldn’t put me out of the house but I’m not sure what they’d do.
Every book I read tells me everything ends well and the main character ends up with their perfect match and their friends and family accept them but I can’t promise that’ll happen to me. That’s what scares me the most. Being alone I mean
Nothing feels right anymore and I have no idea what to do about that.
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moonchildstyles · 2 years
imagine aster harry and angel out with friends maybe at a dinner or something, and angel starts feeling sick and nauseous throughout the dinner, and she starts to panic that’ll she’ll be sick in front of everyone maybe she’s going into a bit of a panic attack and has tears running down her face. harry just automatically grabs her to comfort her, “im think im gonna be sick” while she’s crying “okay, okay, you’re okay, just breathe baby” and he asks her if she wants to *continue on another*🫶
🫶*continued* and he asks her if she wants to find a bathroom or just dip and try and make it home. and shes just panicking and he just makes the decision for her by just going out to the car just to be able to let her breathe and let her have her moment with just them bc he knows people stress her out. and shes just so overwhelmed and they get to the car and he opens the passenger door lets her in and just stands in the door way and holds her while she cries “okay baby you’re okay” sjksksk weak
Like maybe she hasn’t felt good all day but she knew they had dinner plans w all the friends that night and she didn’t want to bail but it’s when she’s halfway through her dinner that she’s like kind of panicking now bc she shouldn’t have eaten all this it wasn’t a good idea and the pasta didn’t help like she thought it would and she’s out of water as the waiter hasnt come by since he dropped off the entrees and she’s like flustered and scared she’s going to be sick at the table and this isn’t good she can’t be here but she doesn’t want to be rude and it’s when h notices that she’s gone completely silent and her hands are in her own lap instead of holding his and baby? And she’s a little teary and so flustered and she’s like hm? Hoping he doesn’t notice but ofc he does so he just crowds around her and sheilds her off from the rest of them and “are you alright what’s wrong?” And the second he asks she’s getting even more watery and I don’t feel good I’m scared I’m going to be sick:( and he just holds her face and okay it’s okay Angel don’t cry alright? Only gonna make you feel worse u need to breath w me that’s what’s gonna help and she’s trying her best but it’s just too much too much noise and she can feel her food in her stomach and not good and he can tell so he’s quiet when he asks do you think you can make it home or do we need to go to the bathroom? And she doesn’t give a real answer outside of a little whimper bc she doesn’t know she doesn’t want to be sick here but she can’t be sure if she can make it home:( so he just decides right then that he’s taking her outside for a minute and he just tells everyone that he left something in his car and takes y/n w him and he’s just sitting her in the passenger seat w the door open and her legs out the side and he’s kneeling in front of her running his hands over her legs and can u breathe now baby? Think a little better? And she nods her head still teary and thank u h:( and he’s like ofc baby ofc:( ready to go home or do you want to stay? It’s up to you🥺 and she just….do u think everyone will be mad if we leave? And he’s like no no no baby no they won’t they’ll understand just fine don’t worry okay? I can tell them and grab our stuff and I’ll take u home and we can shower and get some water and relax a little okay? And it’s just how perfect it sounds that gets her to tear up again and smiley and thank u :(((((((( 
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celestial-heartbeat · 3 years
hello, i hope you're having a good day, and i, really sorry cause this is gonna be long and it might bother you a bit so im really sorry, but i really need some help
i literally just wanna know how to manifest and be able to do it, and i've read SO many blogs, i've watched so many youtube vids, i've listened to so many lectures, i've done every method out there, and im not saying i didn't get any results because i did, but very LITTLE results, it's like only third of my desires manifest, why can't i have the full thing? why must it be so hard for me? i've consumed so many info on loa and manifesting that i literally don't know which opinion i should believe, i've consumed so much but i still feel like i don't know much? i really hope im making sense (english isn't my first language im really sorry if i get mistakes), like i have so much info in my head, i read a blog and im like "i understand!!" and then i go to do what the blog said and then i get doubtful and scared that it won't work out or that it not the right thing and then i go back and read more, and every time i try to apply the things i read, i apply them for a couple of days (a day or two max) then get sad cause i don't see fast results like said in the blog and then go back to reading more blogs, im really sick of this cycle because i am not getting ANYWHERE, i want my full desires, and i want them fast and i know i can because i've done it before with other desires, but why is it so hard all of a sudden? i want to be able to also have a success story just like everyone else, but im so lost on manifesting even though i know so much and read so much, i know all the rules and all the methods, but when it comes to me actually manifesting i get lost and confused and then i go back to searching for more help, but the help never helps me, it makes everything worse.
i don't wanna have to keep looking at blogs and saying "i'll be able to do this some day", i want to read a blog and say "i do this so easily"
hi love! first of all, i just want you to know that this is a VERY common issue that a lot of people have struggled with. oftentimes we get caught up in the endless posts and amazing success stories, that we get lost and forget to apply everything we’ve learned. so here are some simple things you can do to fix this and get back on the right track!
i want u to check out this excellent post by @zen-shu that’ll help you get back to basics when you’ve over-consumed info. i then want you to read this very simplified explanation of manifestation.
i also STRONGLY recommend that you work on your self-concept and ONLY your self-concept for a period of time. you seem to have a very low concept of self, which is evident by you saying that you are scared, doubtful, and unsure of yourself even though you‘ve learned everything there is to know. a solid self-concept will make manifesting and having faith in yourself 10x easier.
you are also looking WAY too much to the 3d for validation for results. you say that you try and apply the info that you learn and after a day or two, you get sad and discouraged that you don’t see results. again this could be solved if you had a stronger concept of self, but i also want you to understand that the 3d conforms to YOU and your imagination... not the other way around. so stop reacting to the 3d and turn your focus inward to your imagination. simply know that you will get your desires no matter what so there’s no reason to stress about the 3d.
alright once you’ve read all those posts that i linked, i want you to literally log off of tumblr, and stop watching, reading, and listening to any manifestation content for a short (or long) period of time. your main problem seems to be over-consumption and this is the best way to solve it. also HAVE CONFIDENCE BABE!! you don't even need to consume more info bc you already know everything you need to know, and you are the MOST powerful and the ultimate creator of your reality. have faith in this fact!
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komoreangel · 4 years
𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐡𝐜𝐬
pairings: childe, diluc, kaeya, albedo x f!reader (separate)
scenario: it’s reallyyyyy cold outside and you want your boyfriend to warm you up :) and maybe cuddle :) i mean what no its just soooo cold
genre: fluff so much fluff
wordcount: 1.6k (mostly albedo’s djkfsdjfnkd) 
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ok so this guy
he’s from snezhnaya which is like russia
its always cold there so he’s used to the below 30 temperatures
you however
like at all i mean you’re from mondstatd whens the last time it snowed here
so at first he might not notice that you are extremely cold
you two are walking around, being cute yk couple stuff
that is until you start shivering
“why are you shaking? are you scared of something???”
he’s not the brightest but we love him
“childe, im cold.” you bury your face in his chest to hide from the wind
“it’s not that cold out here, i don’t see why you’re being so dramatic.”
“it’s below 30 degrees! i’m going to get frostbite and die!”
ok so maybe you are a bit dramatic but YOU’RE FREEZING OKAY?
“hey ojou-chan, why are you so clingy all of a sudden-” you reached your hand inside his pocket to grab his hand.
holy crap your hands are cold
“hey wait don’t grab my- THAT’S MY SCARF!”
suddenly you were running away from him at top speed, his scarf in your hands
“come back here! what are you - oof-!” he had grabbed onto the edge of the scarf and pulled it back, you along with it.
you fell on top of him and you’re both wrapped in the scarf like every single christmas romance movie
“well now my hair is all full of snow.”
“you deserve it.” “HEY!” 
you get up and walk off to the side, taking his scarf with you
he follows after you, and catches up quite fast considering he’s got them long legs 
oh to be tall
he wraps his arms around you in a hug 
“still feeling cold?” 
so you two head for home and he promises that he’ll cuddle you all day to keep you warm
which is what you wanted in the first place ;) 
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diluc doesn’t get cold
not because of where he’s from or anything
but because pyro vision 
~natural body heat~ 
and unlike childe he would actually notice you withering away in the snow 
“y/n, are you alright?” 
“huh? yeah yeah im fine just a bit cold” 
suddenly you are being cuddled 
“you’re hugging me?” 
he doesn’t usually initiate pda often so it was a surprise
“you said you were cold. i’m simply warming you up.” 
you lean into his hug and notice that he’s actually really warm
like so warm you get sleepy
you’re so sleepy now that you think about it
and bonk
congrats dear reader
you have fallen asleep in diluc’s arms
he continues to talk on about venti’s drinking problem and how annoying kaeya is
he looks down and notices you sweetly dozing off in his embrace
and he’s so lucky to have you isn’t he
he smiles softly and sweeps you into his arms
carries you bridal style upstairs 
he’s about to tuck you into your bed when your arms begin to tightly wrap around his shoulders
almost like you dont want to let go 
“darling, it’s more comfortable in the bed,” he says quietly
“noo...” your voice is muffled by his chest and you sound tired 
he chuckles lightly 
“just lay down for a bit i’ll be right with you in a minute” 
you’re quiet, like you’re stopping to think
“if i lay down, will you cuddle with me?” 
diluc sighs
“yes i’ll cuddle with you, just please lay down? for me?” 
and who are you to resist that 
so you lay down and while it’s not as warm as him
its still really soft and you fall asleep in no time
he comes back to you sleeping, and not one to break his promises, he cuddles with you anyway 
at least you’re warm now 
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believe it or not, kaeya actually does get cold
i mean yeah he has a cryo vision, but that just means he isn’t affected by his own abilities 
or at least thats my headcanon 
if you’re shivering...he will not help you at first
no, first he’ll tease you about it
like imagine you guys have a mission in dragonspine
“oh y/n~ did you fall for me so hard you got frostbite?”
“you’re looking mighty chilled over there, need a hand?” 
you are this close to punching his arm
however because you want him to hug you and warm you up, you are going to stay on his good side 
he might prolong the teasing for a while
and after that while, he may or may not let you hug him
if he goes on for a bit too long however, he’d feel bad 
you aren’t laughing at his jokes anymore because you’re so cold
you just want to stop and sleep 
your steps become slower and slower
your vision is getting blurrier by the second
and after a while you just stop moving
kaeya turns to look back at you bc he notices
and then in a total cliche moment you collapse out of pure exhaustion
like the gentleman he is, he catches you before you land face-first in the snow
and in his mind hes like shit i let this go on too long
so he carries you around, looking for a cave you can rest in until you’re feeling better 
after maybe five minutes of searching he finds one
and he knows albedo is up here somewhere but he doesn’t want to risk you being in the snow for too long
he starts a fire and tries to lay you down near it, but you aren’t getting any warmer
so he puts you in his arms and just cuddles you 
the combination of body heat + fire is slowly warming you up 
and in about an hour you’re awake again
but you can’t move, because his grip on you is very tight
“kaeya? where are we?” 
he slowly opens his eyes 
“oh, just a random cave in dragonspine” he laughs a bit as he says it
then ofc he remembers you’ve just woken up from collapsing and is like oh right serious time ok
“are you okay?” he asks and this time he has a hint of concern in his voice
“yeah, i’m fine. i’m warm now too” you say as the fire starts to die down a bit
kaeya moves his arm in front of you to shift the firewood a bit 
“i’m sorry for letting you get that cold” he murmurs 
you adjust your position so you’re facing his chest 
“it’s alright, at least i can finally get some cuddles this way” 
you both continue to rest by the fire and decide you’ll head back to mondstatd in the morning
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because albedo is rather observant of most things
he notices your state right away
he immediately stops whatever he is doing and tends to you
“you’re cold, aren’t you?” he sits you on the table and feels your forehead
“albedo, its not a fever” you laugh. 
“no, if it was a fever you’d be burning up” he says matter-of-factly 
he walks to the other side of the lab and grabs his coat
“here, put this on.” 
you wrap the coat around yourself and start to get off the table
he rushes back and grabs your hands
they’re cold (duh) 
so then he thinks what can he do to make your hands warm
usually some mittens would do the trick
but he doesnt have any except for his own
he’ll do what he has to
anything for you 
so he slides his gloves off and offers them to you
“put these on, your hands are probably freezing” 
when you hesitate (because arent his hands cold now? you dont want him to be cold) he takes the initative and takes your hands to put the gloves on
he stands back and says “there. tell me if you get colder, okay?”
and tries to hide his flustered face because
you look so cute in his gloves!!! 
they’re his gloves and you’re wearing them ! 
he turns back to his work for a bit 
after maybe half an hour he looks back 
and you aren’t sitting on the table anymore?? 
he looks around
you aren’t anywhere?? 
thats not good
not good at all
he makes his way outside and doesn’t see you there either 
“y/n?” he calls out into the snow 
unknowingly to him, you had headed out about ten minutes after he turned around 
you went to go search for some starsilver, as you heard him muttering about it under his breath 
you were happily heading back to the lab, arms full of the stuff, when you heard someone shout in surprise
it sounded like albedo 
something must have happened to one of his experiments
you quickly hurried towards the lab only to find
nothing?? not even the man himself
there were footsteps in the snow leading away from the room, but you couldn’t be sure if it was yours or his
you decide to wait for him to come back, and set the starsilver near his workspace
after a while, he comes back in, looking stressed and worried
“albedo?” he looks up and breathes in relief 
“where were you, i came back and- mMf!” he rushes towards you and wraps you in a tight hug
“please don’t do that again” he says
“i got you some starsilver..”
he breaks the hug and looks back at his desk
“you went to get starsilver...for me?” 
you bury your face in his neck 
“yeah..i heard you muttering about it so i thought you needed some. it was colder out there than i thought, though” 
he pats your back soothingly, rubbing his hand in circles around your shoulder 
“let’s start a fire, that’ll warm us both up” 
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a/n: hi! wooh my first headcanon :) sorry if it was a little long, and i know some were a bit angsty and im honestly sorry about that! albedo’s got away from me sdkhjf but i hope you enjoy! and feel free to request a fic if you’d like :)
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im really glad I celebrated last weekend being good because oh man was last week so very NOT good, and I’m already anxious over the fact this week probably won’t be much better 😂
most of last week’s issues were low level garbage (work stuff, weather, coworkers being mad at me/cold shouldering me for no reason? who fucking cares) but the biggest one is the fact that tim needs fucking dental surgery and is getting it the last day of this month.
so on top of me going to be anxious about it until it happens (because I’m scared of leaving him alone in a strange place and him thinking im abandoning him/the potential of issues with anesthesia/what the fuck damian’s going to think with both me and tim gone all day and he’s as anxious as me on a normal basis etc etc etc) its going to be fucking EXPENSIVE. and like. i hate using my savings but ive always said I will spend every dime i have on the cats before myself if i have to. so, however much it’s gonna cost I know I can afford it. i will afford it. it’s just gonna make everything tight for the next few months.
so, it’s not dire. I’m more worried about the medical side than the monetary. but I’ll make my schpiel again. sorry I’m so annoying about it.
but if you want to help, patreon or commissions will get you something in return, and then I also have a kofi if thats more your speed. id be forever grateful.
I’ve never had a pet go through any kind of surgery before, so I don’t know what the timeline of after will look like either. I know along with cleaning his other teeth, he’s for sure getting a root extracted (of a rotted tooth that I found fallen out last sunday - that’s what started this) and potentially other teeth removed that the vet already tagged as inflamed, so that’ll be up to the surgeon. so I imagine he’ll be on pain meds and a bit loopy afterwards and I’ll be busy stressing and worrying over him so...I probably won’t be here much for a while. again. sighhhh.  
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softmafia · 3 years
im the vampire anon here and lmao i loved the part when hisoka throws over another sheet of newspaper over his s/o even tho they said they can tolerate sunlight, like the feeling of being dumb is so relatable pls help,,, i'd like to request a continuation where their life (rather, unlife) in in danger and uh,, drinks hisoka's blood please?
You ask and you shall receive!! I enjoy making this as angsty as possible.
Genderneu vamp reader, sad warning
Y/n heaved and gasped, they were badly damaged and close to death, they needed a vessel to drain of their blood but it was hopeless, they wouldn’t make it in time to get to a village or city. Hisoka held them upright, clearly panicking and doing a poor job of hiding it, “Y/n.. please just drink my blood, we’re not going to make it.” He pleaded. As much as the smell of Hisoka’s hemoglobin made Y/n’s mouth water, they had to control themselves, they couldn’t risk draining their lover of all of their blood and risking his death, they wouldn’t be able to live with themself.
Y/n shook their head, “No.. I don’t want to risk it.” Hisoka’s brows furrowed, “You won’t, Y/n I trust you.” He kept calm despite the situation and his inner turmoil. They were both stressed, and frightened that they would loose each other. “You might trust me but I can’t trust myself.” Y/n sighed, which alerted Hisoka, “You said the Troupe was in the nearest city.. if we can get there in time I can feed off of them, two people alone will be enough to heal me and the rest can last me for another week or so.” Y/n continued.
“We won’t make it.. it’s too far. Even if I’ll risk my life I’d rather much die right here than watch you die in my arms.”
Y/n blacked out, falling limp against their lover, making him panic. He laid them down on the ground and grabbed their knife out of their thigh strap, slicing a good portion of his palm and squeezing as much blood on their mouth as possible. He ended up having to use both hands, he’d been through worse really considering he had both of his arms sliced off by some Inuyasha lookalike. Relief washed over him as he watched some color return to Y/n, he cupped their face and kissed it all over. They woke up with the taste of blood in their mouth, Hisoka’s blood. “What the hell..” they mumbled, then looked at their boyfriend, “Are you crying..?”
Damn, he thought nobody could notice, he quickly turned away and wiped his face, “I was sweating.” He swallowed at nothing. Y/n laughed and hugged him tightly, “You were crying, you sap!!” They laughed, “Thanks.. I’m sorry I was being stubborn.” Y/n sighed, “I was just scared I would loose control and drink.. all of your blood.”
“Wouldn’t that turn me into a vampire~?”
“No.. only if I bite your neck.”
Hisoka’s eyes glimmered, “Bite my neck~”
Y/n laughed and stood, pushing Hisoka away playfully, “Haha- no way, I don’t think you’ll do so well conforming to vampire culture.”
Hisoka whined and stood up, hooking his arm around your waist. “Hey if we kill the troupe now that’ll be a years worth of food for me.” Y/n said. Hisoka hummed, “Leave Chrollo for me~ you know I still intend on killing him~” the two walked and talked all the way to the busy city.
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ninak803 · 4 years
Elitist Nightmares
Another chapter is ready! Enjoy it. & read tags for CW.
@whataboutmyfries I don't know what to say... You're such an incredible good, nice, amazing bean!
Characters belong to @lumosinlove
@sunflowerfox87 here is a new Chapter!
Chapter 6
Remus walked up and down in his living room. He felt Leo’s eyes on him, following every step he took
The last few days, they had spent refining their plan and by now it was a pretty decent one. Sure, there still were variables, like Sirius himself, but they couldn't do much about it. They also didn't know when they would kick it off or how everything would work out in the end, but their plan couldn't get any better.
Remus sighed and sat down next to Leo.
“I went over it again and again. It's good as it is.” he said.
Leo nodded.
“You're nervous.” he stated.
Remus bit his lip; nervous was an understatement. He was supposed to trust a Black. Someone who was part of the family, who… No. His mind wouldn't go back to his own family. Not now, he still had work to do. He needed to stay calm.
“Yeah. I am. This is just not what I thought this mission would look like, not at all. I like to have control over things and now I have to trust Sirius Black to work with me.” Remus shook his head “I don't like it. I don't like him, I guess.”
“You don't like his family. And if he really is lying, you can still kill him.”
Remus laughed a little.
“You're right.”
They sat in silence for a while, Remus still thinking about everything he and Leo had talked about the last couple of hours. Remus rotated his shoulders a little to get rid of the tension in his muscles. It didn't work.
“You're going to work with O'Hara and Tremblay afterwards.” Remus said.
The younger one turned his head to look at him, something showing in his eyes. Curiosity, joy maybe, but definitely a bit of nervousness.
“They can teach you more. Both of them are pretty good at what they are doing. Usually. And I don't know what Dumbledore wants me to do next, I guess I'll have some time off, which would be good, considering that I have a houseguest by then.”
Leo nodded, a small smile on his lips.
“Yeah, sure. I don't mind. They both seemed… nice.”
Remus looked at him, then grinned a bit.
“Sure. You'll be doing fine with them.”
He took a sip from his coffee and scrunched his nose. It was cold by now and there was nothing worse than cold coffee, he sighed.
“Okay… You have the rest of the day off, Leo. I'm going to meet Sirius tonight and tell him about the details. I don't need you for that.”
“You sure? I could wait in the car, like the last time.”
Remus shook his head.
“No. I appreciate it, but no. You get some sleep tonight.”
It was the middle of the night as Remus sneaked through the Blacks mansion. He tried to not make any sound and listened very carefully if there was someone still awake who could notice him. He opened Sirius' bedroom door just a crack and slipped in. It was dark and Remus could hear Sirius soft, regular breaths. He was asleep. Well, not for very long anymore. Remus moved closer to his bed and looked at him; he was lying on his back, his mouth slightly ajar, his hair a mess around his head. He looked… calm. Remus hadn't seen him so relaxed before, he always seemed so stressed and restrained, but right now he seemed peaceful. Remus almost had a bad conscience that he would wake him up any moment. Just almost.
He touched Sirius' shoulder gently. When he didn't react, Remus shook him a bit. That did the trick. Sirius opened his eyes and almost jumped out of his bed when he noticed Remus. His hand moved up to his heart.
“Fuck you. You scared me. That's your way to get in touch with me? Scaring me to death?” Sirius said, his voice still heavy from sleeping.
Sirius sat upright, moved a hand through his hair.
“So what's up, Amber Eyes?”
That confused Remus a bit.
“Amber Eyes?” he asked.
Sirius just shrugged.
“Tell me why you're here.”
Remus sat down next to Sirius on his bed and nodded.
“Okay, so we came up with a plan, how we will handle this situation, but you have to cooperate, otherwise your death is inevitable.”
“Im fine with my death…” Sirius whispered, almost inaudible.
That and the sadness in his voice made Remus heart hurt. He swallowed.
“Well, we're going to fake your death, everyone is going to think you're dead. That'll work for my purposes. And until everything is solved, and we got rid of your parents, you're going to stay at my place. You can't stay at a hotel, people would recognize you.”
Remus looked at Sirius, who remained silent.
“I'll need your blood to prepare the crime scene. It has to be a lot of blood, so it'll be plausible. You'll feel dizzy for a while, but you'll survive. After that I'll bring you to my place and then we have to wait.”
Sirius still didn't say a word, he just looked at Remus with a look he didn't quite understand.
“I have to tell James and my brother.” Sirius then said.
Remus shook his head.
“No. You can't tell anyone. I'm sorry, but I don’t think your brother would lie to your parents about it, I think he couldn't do it.”
“I still have to tell James, though. He is about to lose his job, he has a wife and a child, he needs to know. Also, he is my best friend, he will blame himself for it, he'll think it was his fault. That'll destroy him. I can't let that happen. You want me to work with you? Then let me tell my best friend.” he sounded determined.
Remus sighed.
“You think you can trust him? He's loyal to you, not your parents? He won't sell us out?”
“No.” Sirius laughed a little “He will be happy to know I’m out of my parents' reach, to be honest. I do trust him.”
“Okay, I'll be back on Wednesday. Try to act unsuspicious until then. Oh, and you can't take anything with you… No clothes, no phone, nothing. Otherwise it would look like you had run away.”
Sirius nodded a little.
Remus got up and looked at him.
“I'll see you on Wednesday then. Don't do anything stupid, Im still watching you, remember that.”
Then he silently made his way out of the house.
He couldn't fall asleep that night again, too many thoughts occupying his mind.
“You look tired.” James said.
They were on their way to a meeting early in the morning.
“Can we talk later?” Sirius asked him.
James looked at him worriedly.
“ sure. Whenever you want to talk, I'm here. You know that.”
Sirius sighed and nodded. He had three days. Three days he had to act normal, though everything was far from normal.. So he acted normal, he attended the meetings of the day; he said his opinion on topics where no one actually cared what he thought. He ignored the angry looks from his parents. Perfectly normal.
Back home he went to his bedroom with James, who sat down on his bed. Sirius preferred to stay in the moment. He looked at James, who was waiting patiently until he found the courage to say what was on his mind all day. Sirius was sure he had already noticed the nervousness, James knew him better than anyone else.
Sirius sighed.
“Okay, you won't like what I'm telling you now, but promise me you'll listen first.”
James raised an eyebrow, looking confused.
“Okay? I promise, go on then.”
Sirius looked at his hands, fiddling them. He swallowed before he started speaking again.
“So a couple of days ago, this guy broke into my bedroom. He actually came to kill me. He had a knife and everything…” his hand moved up to his throat as he remembered.
Shock showed on James’s face as the realization sank in. He opened his mouth to say something but Sirius lifted his hand before he could start.
“Nothing happened, obviously. I'm good, don't worry. I don't know what made him change his mind, though. He came back yesterday with a plan and you won't like that either: We're going to fake my death and I'm going to hide somewhere, I don't know where yet. And I'm telling you this, so you don't blame yourself for it. this is going to be hell for you. My parents will investigate against you, obviously. You'll get fired, you have to find a new job, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, James…” he swallowed again.
James got up the moment he had finished talking.
“No. That's not going to happen. I won't let that happen. This shouldn't have happened in the first place!” he moved a hand through his hair in frustration.
“James, that's nothing to discuss. It is going to happen, even if you're not okay with it. I just wanted to let you know beforehand.”
James shook his head vigorously.
“It's my chance to get away from my parents, to get out of this hell of a life.” Sirius tried to argue, “Please, don't be angry.”
He looked at his best friend pleading, and James sighed.
“Promise me nothing is going to happen to you. And you have to contact me as soon as possible, I need to know you're okay and not actually dead. Fuck. I don't like this, I don't like this at all.”
Sirius smiled a little.
“I know you don’t. And I promise, I'll behave so no one has to shut my mouth and I'll be in touch.”
He pulled James in for a hug and he wished he never had to let go. He wasn't so sure if Remus would let him call James or write to him, but he was going to try it, anyway.
After a moment, he let go of his best friend reluctantly.
“When?” James asked.
“Soon.” was all Sirius told him.
Sirius was sitting on his bed dabbing on his freshly cut lip with a cloth, when the bedroom door opened and his brother stormed in.
“Why can't you just shut up for once in your life? It's like you want her to do this to you! Why do you have to provoke them all the time!” he shouted.
“I just told her what I was thinking.”
“Well then, don’t!”
Sirius shook his head, getting angry with his little brother. Who did he think he was?
“And then what? Just do as they tell me? No. I will not kiss their asses, I'm not you. I don't care what they say about me or what they do to me! And you shouldn’t either.”
Sirius got up and looked down at his brother, both of them angry now.
“I do care what's happening with you! But you know what? Maybe you're right. Maybe I shouldn't. You obviously don't care what consequences your behaviour might have for others! For me. You just care about yourself, you selfish asshole.” and with that Regulus left.
Sirius heard him go to his own bedroom, the door closing loudly.
He rolled his eyes. His brother was such a drama queen sometimes, so Sirius went after him, knocking on his door.
“Reggie, come on. Let me explain everything, without fighting.” he tried.
“No. I don't want to talk to you now. Maybe tomorrow, now fuck off.”
Sirius shook his head, swallowing. They won't be able to talk tomorrow. It was Wednesday already.
p.s. there will be more of Finn, Logan & Leo the following chapters, I promise!!
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jiubilant · 4 years
id rlly love to post microfics abt my tes ocs on here? but on the other hand im scared of, like. being not lore-friendly enough. but then i see ppl like u and many others post amazing little ficlets abt ur amazing little characters and im like wow :0 i wanna do that too
HEY DO IT. DO IT. DO NOT BE AFRAID one of my favorite things about tesblr is the oc content that people produce for it and i'm sure i'm not the only one <3
if you don't want advice on writing stuff like that IGNORE ME FROM HERE ON but whenever i sit down to write something about my own characters that i plan to post here, these are the three questions i keep in mind
if my own characters are the main focus of the piece, have i provided enough background information about their situation that people who don't know the characters might still be interested?
if i'm writing something lorebreaking (here's your concern), is its relationship to the established lore still clear enough that the reader won't be confused / require more context?
is the piece self-contained enough to stand without that extra context, either in regard to the characters or the lorebreaking premise?
the way i personally address point 1 is usually by referring to my characters with epithets ("the dragonborn," "the archmage," "the hero of kvatch," etc) rather than their names, which immediately clues the reader in to their history and place in the story—if you've played oblivion then you already know who the hero of kvatch is and what they've done, and i the writer get to skip explaining all that to you. it's sort of the same principle as newspaper headlines. the reason you see "local woman saves child from burning building" in the paper rather than "jane doe saves child from burning building" is NOT to separate jane doe from her actions or at all devalue what she's done, it's so readers who are skimming the paper don't go "who the hell is jane doe, i don't care about this" and go check instagram instead. to be clear i am absolutely not saying "YOU MUST USE EPITHETS. THIS IS THE ONLY WAY TO GO"—there are LOTS of other ways to introduce a character in a way that gets the reader's interest. i just want to stress that it's important to get that interest. there's an immediate "why should i care" threshold in every reader that the writer has to find a way around, and that threshold is particularly strong (especially in a fan space) when a reader's introduced to a character they're unfamiliar with. other ways to establish familiarity or interest are to begin the piece with something funny, intriguing, frightening, or surprising, provide context early in the piece that tells the reader who the character is (this can be as simple as writing a sentence like "[your nerevarine's name here], slayer of gods, stares fearfully at the cockroach" and then continuing to drop little contextual clues as needed), or just to post about your characters a whole lot beforehand (hype generation) so that the people reading your story already know who they are. that'll work in this context
for point 2...to use an example, i wrote a piece awhile back about a character of mine whose mail was delivered by a dragon courier. the non-canon element i introduced in that piece was "years after alduin's fall, dragons have made peace with mortalkind, and one dragon is even working as a mail-deliverer." this was an unfamiliar idea to the reader that i couldn't just drop on them and expect them to accept, so i introduced it by making the piece's focal character (it was ravi) an audience stand-in—the concept of a dragon courier is just as new to ravi as it is to the reader, and he reacts to it with the same skepticism and surprise as the reader might. i the writer then get to introduce and explain this lorebreaking idea in a way that's integrated naturally into the story. skyrim does a form of this with its "what are stormcloaks. what's a thalmor. what are hamburgers" dialogue options
and point 3 is really just to say that it's usually a good idea on a scrolling platform like this to post something that your average scroller doesn't have to click on anything else (i.e. a "read the next installment here" or "click here for additional context" prompt) in order to understand, because your average scroller doesn't want to do that. your average scroller wants to scroll
uh yeah that's it i think. roll credits
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looz-y · 3 years
lately i’ve been sewing masks all for fun cuz i’ve been itching to buy some (but needing to save money until i start getting paid at my new job). i’ve so far made 4 masks!! the first one wasn’t so gr8 but it was my first try, second i got the hang of it, third i made and it looked beautiful, fourth i made to gift my friend later!
i really enjoy making these masks and i hope to keep making more or move onto other sewing projects to gift to people! no i don’t wanna sell them cuz that’ll stress me out and stop me from sewing entirely.
oh! i should mention i hand sew them all by myself cuz i don’t rly own my own sewing machine or im too scared to borrow one from ppl i know. i’ve spent a couple days just making and completing masks out of fun!
something i didn’t know wtf to do with and was never rly taught about, i’m rly confident to do now at the very least!
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everyone on the carte blanche for the ask meme
everyone? oh boy this is gonna get long ajfhdsf
First impression: i, like a lot of people who get into the podcast without knowing a great deal about it, was expecting at most an ambiguously bisexual angst machine with a closely-guarded heart of gold. juno being an explicitly bisexual genderqueer angst machine is perhaps the most pleasant surprise of my life. the angst machine heart of gold characters were kind of my type at the time, so i loved him right away
Impression now: every time i think about juno’s arc from depressed mess held together by bad coping mechanisms, safety pins, and a few good strong puns into someone who can talk about his feelings, feel comfortable about being happy, and recognise when he needs to change, i want to cry about it a little bit. the depth of my love for juno steel has only grown along with him
Favourite moment: juno has a lot of great one-liners and i’m still a big fan of the “on the other hand i wasn’t wearing a watch” bit and who can forget such classics as juno finally deciding to stop moping over nureyev and move on only for him to open the door to his apartment and find nureyev sitting in the dark dramatically, but honestly nothing will ever hit me harder than his sudden, pissed-off declaration of “i can’t die yet, i still have shit to do!” in promised land. god.
Idea for a story: oh i have so many and i want to write most of them so no spoilers, but juno accidentally kidnaps a baby during a carte blanche heist and shenanigans ensue
Unpopular opinion: obviously we all know he’s dummy thicc but i feel like a lot of people forget he’s an actual genius, like the stuff he notices and how he strings it together is sometimes so obscure and he’s almost always right. oh, also juno is not skinny and i will not be taking criticism on that
Favourite relationship: this is so tough because every dynamic is so good, but i think it has to be juno and rita. those two are so good! the best best friends in the world!! i’m really a sucker for any dynamic that’s ridiculously in-sync so i loved these two as soon as juno saw rita’s notes in prince of mars and went “makes perfect sense to me” (which it probably didn’t, because rita, but he trusted that she knew what she was doing which is the important part)
Favourite headcanon: this isn’t really a headcanon but i still think about how juno is (was?) deathly afraid of heights but when he heard rex glass coming he still attempted to climb out of the window. either his aversion to working with dark matters/other people in general was so strong is overrided his fear, or his office was actually on the ground floor. not sure which of these is funnier.
First impression: we’ve all seen the memes about nureyev knowing juno steel for one (1) day and deciding to Risk It All by leaving him with his name, look at this Hopeless Romantic, this utter DISASTER of a homosexual. the fact the very next time we hear from nureyev (at least directly) he’s patiently waiting in juno’s dark apartment to surprise him with a heist definitely supports this image.
Impression now: even after literally being inside peter’s head, i feel like we didn’t get a real sense of who he is until man in glass, where we find out he aggressively compartmentalises everything that causes him stress. he’s also distinctly someone who’s had his heart broken before, i think, which makes those first appearances of his very strange. but it does remind me of what juno says about diamond, and how he decided to provide the trust first and wait for the trustworthiness to grow in (only to get severely hurt), and i think that’s exactly what nureyev did. i am also... very uneasy with how suspicious he’s behaving this season because obviously i want to believe he’ll sort it all out and not betray the crew but... oof
Favourite moment: the beginning of what lies beyond pt1 where he’s affectionately bullying juno into taking care of himself? cleared my crops watered my skin etc etc etc
Idea for a story: i’d love to hear more about his past as a young thief idolising buddy and vespa (i can’t actually remember if that’s canon or fanon but anyway i wanna read it!)
Unpopular opinion: i think people often cling to an image of him that more resembles his first impressions in season 1 instead of seeing the depth that we’ve been given about his character in season 3
Favourite relationship: him and juno but honestly it’s a close call between them and his budding friendship with rita. even though she learned it by accident, his name is still a point of intimacy and it’s one less secret to keep around her which has to be a weight off his shoulders, at least a little? they seem like they could be really good friends once ultrabots is out of the way. juno steel love (and also bullying) zone activates whenever they’re together
Favourite headcanon: i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again - nureyev has never done a household chore in his goddamn life. he doesn’t know the water needs to be hot when you wash dishes.
First impression: honestly i’m not sure? i don’t remember having a big awareness of her in murderous mask but i remember loving her “note-taking” in prince of mars, i thought she sounded really fun and cute
Impression now: rita is really fun and cute, she’s also an extremely hardworking and dedicated woman who had the guts to throw in with a detective fired from the force and then invest all of her time and money into helping him help people.
Favourite moment: Rita Gets A Knife. enough said
Idea for a story: i don’t know honestly! i really struggle to write rita because her thought processes are so wild and i don’t think any story i could come up with would match mega ultrabots of cyberjustice.
Unpopular opinion: this shouldn’t be unpopular because juno steel himself shares this opinion but all future-jupeter headcanons are incomplete without rita also being a huge part of their lives
Favourite relationship: rita + franny 4ever obviously.. jk it’s juno & rita have you heard rita minute 3 they’re too adorable for this world. im still Soft over their conversation at the end of soul of the people when he said he couldn’t stay in hyperion anymore but he wouldn’t leave with the carte blanche if rita wasn’t coming because he was done leaving her behind, and she threw out all her hesitations on the spot and said call the big guy. speaking of, rita & jet are a close second. instant best friends i love them.
Favourite headcanon: i think this is basically canon now but rita being literally half the height of jet is so good
First impression: “haha lorge funny man puts juno in the trash”
Impression now: jet sikuliaq is one of the dearest characters to me out of anything ever. he is a huge, menacing, polite, kind, sincere man who i would very much like to give me a hug. he’s the best aro ace in outer space and while being generally very levelheaded and straightforward, also takes every opportunity to fuck with juno because it’s very easy and very hilarious to him personally. he is everything my autistic acearo ass needed and i’m so glad to have him
Favourite moment: all of them every single one. him putting juno in the trash is of course a classic and every moment jet chooses to be funny makes my heart happy, but also every piece of genuine advice he gives. i’m a particular fan though of buddy recounting her years in the lighthouse and him saying he became concerned when she didn’t come downstairs at the usual time. “you took the door off its hinges.” “i was deeply concerned.” king of understatement
Idea for a story: again no spoilers for you but..... tools of rust time loop au
Unpopular opinion: this isn’t “unpopular” as much as it is unknown but jet is buddy’s queerplatonic partner and i will keep saying it until everyone believes it
Favourite relationship: jet and buddy,,, just everything about them. the way he suspects when she’s lying, the way she makes tea for him when she expects him to drop by. the fact he comes to check on her when she is 41 seconds late to the family meeting because it’s unlike her to be late and the last time she was late for something her brain was turning to radiation soup. but most especially the way she snaps at him to stay out of her business and he said he could not because he made her promise eight years ago to never stay out of the business of her health, no matter how many times she asked. they r literally in a qpr
Favourite headcanon: i don’t think this is true but i still think it would be funny if the ruby-7 used to be painted red but when jet got it he had it painted green because he Just Really Likes Green (as evidenced by his hovercycle). it’s very funny to me.
First impression: it’s been a minute since i relistened to time gone by but i’m pretty sure the first thing she ever says in the podcast is sliding up to depressed accidental whiskey thief juno and say “that’ll be ten million creds,” scaring the shit out of him, so needless to say i was in love instantly.
Impression now: my love for buddy aurinko has only grown and if it sounds like i already said that in this post it’s because i did about juno and it’s appropriate because the parallels are astounding. the heart of it all gave us such depth to buddy’s internal monologue and why she always sounds like she knows exactly what to say and what that’s like and honestly will i ever be over the heart of it all as an episode? unlikely. i think i’m gonna have a little piece of it in MY heart forever.
Favourite moment: everything she’s ever said is iconic as hell i especially like “in an impressive fit of hubris i’ve decided not to prepare my words for this vow” which made me laugh out loud but once again i must give it up for her iconic “I WANT TO LIVE” moment. honourable mentions to her taking rita out for ice cream and giving juno shooting lessons while she’s in her actual wedding gown. i love her
Idea for a story: buddy and vespa as sun/moon dieties.... that’s all
Unpopular opinion: stop drawing her with a fancy high-tech eye like the theia!! it canonically looks like garbage and it’s described in detail, please, i’m dying, also don’t minimise her scars you bastards
Favourite relationship: buddy and vespa invented romantic love and the entire carte blanche crew’s relationship to her is great but you know by now i’m a slut for buddy & jet out-of-this-world queerplatonic partners. the way she checks in on him during tools of rust to make sure he’s not relapsing and he comes to find her when she is 41 seconds late in the heart of it all to make sure she’s not having a heart problem!! it’s the trust,, the devotion,, the mortifying ordeal of being known
Favourite headcanon: she can sing. absolutely tears it up at karaoke. i’m right
First impression: knife lesbian goes STAB. she will heal your wounds but she will be threatening to give you more the whole time
Impression now: she is extremely strong, heart-rendingly tender, and despite being in the older half of the carte blanche crew somehow has unmistakable little sister energy which makes her downright hilarious. i’m so glad she got to marry buddy and they’re official space wives now they’re so good for each other
Favourite moment: both from shadows in the ship, either “GUN!!” “KNIFE?!” (iconic) or when she clocks the dark matters drone pretending to be juno because it called her crazy and juno wouldn’t call her crazy. i’m always a sucker for “shapeshifter fails to fool mark because they Know Each Other Too Well” and it was just *chefs kiss* so good
Idea for a story: i really want to write something about when she was first staying at the lighthouse with buddy post-reunion, and getting to know jet and stuff. i think it would be cute
Unpopular opinion: i know vespa doesn’t canonically have lots of scarring but people who don’t draw her with scarring? cowards.
Favourite relationship: once again, although buddy and vespa invented romantic love, i just love the dynamic between vespa and juno so much. they’ve come so far with each other and their weird sibling dynamic gives me life. at the end of what lies beyond when juno says “we’re not gonna kill her, vespa” and instead of sounding full of Rage and Suspicion she’s like “whyyy notttt?” and he’s like “because i said so!” and that’s just good enough for her even if she’s a bit grumpy about it. i love it.
this took.. a hot minute to do! jshkfjsdgsa thank you dyl ily <3
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hopelikethemoon · 4 years
Therapy Session (Javier x Reader) {MTMF}
Title: Therapy Session Rating: PG Length: 2000 Warnings: Mild Angst. Notes: You can find everything about Maybe Today, Maybe Forever here. Set in January 1999.  Summary: Reader goes to therapy after the holidays.
@grapemama​​@seawhisperer​​@huliabitch​​@beccaplaying​​@rogrsnbarnes​​@thewallpapergoesorido​​​ @twomoonstwosuns​​@gooddaykate​​@livasaurasrex​​@ham4arrow​​@plexflexico​​​ @readsalot73​​ @hdlynn​​@lokiaddicted​​ @randomness501​​​ @fioccodineveautunnale​​  @roxypeanut​​@snivellusim​​@lukesrighthand​​ @historynerd04 @mrsparknuts​​​@synystersilenceinblacknwhite​​​ @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead​​ @exrebelshocktrooper​​​@awesomefandomsunited​​​ @ah-callie​​​@swhiskeys​​​@lady-tano​​​ @u-wakatoshii​​ @space-floozy​​​@cable-kenobi​​​ @cool-ultra-nerd​ @himbopoes​​​@findhimfives​​​@pedrosdoll​​​@frietiemeloen​​​@arrowswithwifi​​​ @random066​​ @uncomicalhumour​​​@heather-lynn​​​@domino-oh-damn​@cyarikaaa​​​@ahopelessromanticwritersworld​​​ @im-still-a-pieceofgarbage @ksgeekgirl​​​@yabby-girl​​​@xqueenofthecraziesx​​​@punkass-potato​​​@coredrive​​​@pascalesque​​​@theduchessofkirkcaldy​​​ @queenquazar​​​@sabinemorans​​​@buckstaposition​​​@holkaskrosnou​​​@yespolkadotkitty​​@fleetwoodmactshirt​​​ @seeking-a-great–perhaps @kochamcie​​​@jaime1110​​​@katlikeme​​​
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Nancy carefully removed her glasses sitting them atop her desk before opening a drawer and pulling out a glasses cleaning cloth. “How were the holidays?”
You watched her hands as she wiped each lean carefully, inspecting them for smudges. 
“Surprisingly relaxing.” You offered, shifting on the sofa as your gaze flickered towards the clock on the wall. Javier had agreed to joining you for today’s session — at Nancy’s prompting. 
“You slipped your December session,” Nancy pointed out. 
“It was a busy month.” You pushed your fingers through your hair nervously. “But a good one. We went to Laredo for Thanksgiving, came back and went headfirst into planning for Christmas.”
“And how did Christmas go?”
“Really well,” You caught your lip between your teeth, hesitating for just a second. “Mitch and his family came down from Philly. It was good to see him again. All of them, really.”
“So you did follow through with that,” Nancy tilted her head, her eyes meeting yours briefly. “Did it bring any memories back to the surface?” She questioned.
“I…” You started glancing down at your hands. “There have been a lot of memories since October.” 
“And how does it feel to be addressing them again? Based on your session in November,” Nancy flipped open her notebook. “You repressed quite a bit of your childhood.”
“Yes.” You agreed. “But, Javier was incredible and let me vent about the past. He kept me grounded. He was so understanding.”
She nodded, making a note in the book. “How have you been managing the memories? 
You blinked, “I’m not running from them, if that’s what you’re getting at.”
“I mentioned nothing about running.”
“No, but…” You frowned. “It’s just the impression I get. After the last session—“
“When it became clear that you avoided addressing deeply traumatic aspects of your life during your subsequent visits?” Nancy arched a brow at you as she replaced her glasses, peering at you over the rims. “Why is it that you see yourself as running from your trauma?”
“Because I’ve moved past it.” You said with an edge to your voice, “Would you prefer that I dwell on it?” You questioned. “It would keep me coming back, wouldn't it?”
Nancy made a note in the book, “Defensive.” 
You folded your arms across your chest, “I spent sixteen years living in the trauma and five trying to grow out of it.” You gritted out. “There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t second guess my actions out of fear that I’ve become her.”
“So you haven’t moved past it?”
“No, I—“
Nancy gave you a skeptical look. “It’s not uncommon to feel like your trauma is ever present, but you have to accept and address that. You can’t simply pretend it away.” 
“I have addressed it.” You retorted. “I’ve packed it up, stamped a label on it, and have it ready to ship.” 
Nancy shook her head, “Trauma is never fully overcome, it's a process you have to work at.” She jotted another note down. “You mentioned feeling like you’ve become her… Would you care to elaborate?”
You chewed on your thumbnail, looking away from her for a long moment. “I stress about motherhood. I’m consciously aware of doing everything the opposite of what she did while raising my girls. I want them to have everything I didn’t have.”
“Like what?”
“Love.” You answered without hesitation. “Javier and I love each other in a way my mother was never capable of loving her partners. And on top of that, I try to show them the love they deserve. That’s part of the reason why I ended up here to begin with. The way I felt after Sofía was born scared me.”
Nancy nodded, glancing down at the notebook. “The fact that you’re aware of your actions, would indicate that you’re not following the same patterns as your mother.”
“I hope I’m not.” You sighed heavily, looking towards the door as someone knocked at it. “That’ll be Javier.” You told Nancy as she got up to answer the door. 
“Welcome,” Nancy ushered him in. “We were just finishing our first half of the session.” She gestured to you, “Please, sir.” 
Javier sank down onto the sofa beside you, reaching over to take your hand into his. “How are you doing, baby?” He questioned, lifting your hand to his lips and kissing each knuckle. 
You shrugged, “We’re about ten minutes into — why I didn’t address the mother elephant in the room.”
He squeezed your hand three times.
“How have you been, Javier?” Nancy questioned as she sat down at her desk again. “How were the holidays?”
“I’ve been good.” He answered, shifting on the sofa as he got comfortable. “We went to see my pops for Thanksgiving, took the girls and the dog and made a week of it.” Javier dragged his fingers through his hair, glancing at you. “Did you tell her about your brother coming to visit?”
You nodded. 
“How did that go?”
“Really well,” Javier offered, shrugging a shoulder. “Christmas Eve we had friends and family altogether to welcome them, “Christmas morning was just family.” 
Nancy nodded, “We didn’t get to meet after the Halloween incident.” She flipped through her notebook. “How did you cope with the scenario?”
“How did I cope?” He cocked his head to the side. “Frankly, it wasn’t about how I felt during it. I was merely there to stand up for her.” He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his thighs. 
“But given what I was told, it seems that her mother antagonized you. How did that make you feel?” 
Javier cleared his throat, rubbing his hands together. “Not great, but after our relationship ended up in the public spotlight, I learned to ignore outside commentary.” 
You reached out and ran your hand down his back, “Rebecca knows where to strike.” You added. “She would’ve lashed out similarly to any man in my life. She knew that my father was my lifeline and she always saw any male figure in my life as a threat.” 
Javier nodded his head in agreement. “We worked through it. I listened, I comforted… everything you taught us to do after Sofía was born.”
Nancy hastily wrote in her notebook, “On a scale of one to ten, how well do you think the situation was handled.” 
He blinked, “Nine?”
You pursed your lips and nodded in agreement, “I’d say nine too.”
“Interesting.” Nancy hummed and your expression fell. 
“Nothing negative about interesting,” She assured you. “And how has your intimacy been? Has it suffered during this tumultuous period?”
You felt your cheeks warm as you shook your head, “No, it’s been good.”
“A few stolen minutes when the girls are asleep,” Javier added, staring at the ground.
“There was also the night at the ranch,” You pointed out, leaning your arm against his. That had been a risky endeavor, considering you were very much not alone. “And we were kid free for New Year’s Eve.”
Nancy nodded and took a few more notes before closing her notebook and looking between the two of you, “What are the faces for?”
You felt Javier tense beside you, “Nothing we’re comfortable with sharing right now.” You told Nancy, looping your arm through his. “Just rest assured that we’ve got intimacy covered. No dry spells here.” 
Javier’s Adam’s apple bobbed in his throat, “Definitely no complaints here.” 
You fought the smirk that was playing at the corners of your lips. New Year’s Eve had been all of two days ago — and the memory of Javier writhing beneath you was still vivid in your mind. 
But that was not a conversation for therapy. 
Nancy hummed thoughtfully as she sat her glasses atop her notebook. “Continue addressing the situation head-on,” She advised. “You can patch the wounds of trauma, but they’ll still ache. Continue discussing it with each other.” She fixed Javier with a stern look. “I suggest opening up about your own mother.”
Javier shifted in his seat, “Alright.” 
“Have a lovely rest of your month,” Nancy said as you both rose from the sofa to leave. 
“That was—“ You cut yourself off, shaking your head slowly. “I shouldn’t have skipped December.”
“Hey,” Javier caught your hand, pulling you towards him. “December was crazy.”
“I don’t actually want to rehash things.” You told him. “Mitch and I had a walk down memory lane and that’s about all I can stomach for right now. Rebecca doesn’t get to live rent free in our relationship.”
He nodded and pressed a kiss to your forehead, “If you don’t feel like you need to work on it right now, don’t.” 
You sighed heavily, digging your teeth into your bottom lip. “I didn’t even get to talk about starting at the university next week.”
“Still a good session?”
You shrugged, “It’s good to talk about everything with a third party. I cried my heart out in November, this month didn’t really have anything left to give.”
Javier interlaced your fingers and guided you out of the office building and down to the car. He was clearly trying to make up for you being disappointed with the session, because he made a point to open the passenger door for you. 
You loosely tied your hair back into a knot as you got yourself settled in your seat. “Thank you for coming today. You didn’t have to.”
He squeezed your knee briefly, before starting up the car and backing out of the parking spot. “Baby, I’ll do whatever I have to, to help you.” 
You smiled to yourself, looking out the window. “I’m really fine.” You assured him. “I’m not gonna spiral because of any of this. I did that in November and I’m not doing it again.”
He clicked his tongue against his teeth, giving a stiff nod. “What else did you discuss?”
“Uh,” You scrunched up your nose. “The holidays, Mitch, my mother. Rehashed some of the last session briefly.” You shrugged. “I felt like she was hoping I might unload. But I’m so done dwelling on the past, Javier.”
“Me too, baby.” 
“You know I worry about becoming her. About curbing those impulses when they strike.” 
Javier nodded. 
You pressed your tongue to the inside of your cheek and sighed heavily. “It was only sixteen years of my life.” You reiterated. “I’m pushing forty. I’ve got my only family to worry about.”
“And you’ve done a fucking amazing job, baby.” He assured you. 
“It’s just bullshit,” You laughed harshly. “Isn’t it something that I overcame my hang ups when Josie happened? I never could imagine all of this,” You gestured vaguely between. “Because I had no reference of healthy relationships aside from Mitch and Darla. Not to speak ill of the dead, because I know my mother was a monster, but my father still left me with her. You know? And I just assumed it would… repeat.” 
“I know.” None of it was new information for Javier. 
“I mean, did Nancy want to hear me admit again that I still wake up in the middle of the night terrified that you left me?” You pressed your palms over your eyes and let out a frustrated sound. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be.” He rubbed your leg. “How about pizza tonight?” Javier questioned, expertly changing the subject.
You perked up a little, “Extra cheese.” You said, snapping your fingers and pointing at him. “And you can order your monstrosity.”
“Blame Monica.”
“Pineapple doesn’t go on pizza, Javier.” You scolded him, but ended up snorting as you started to laugh. 
“Did you just snort?” Javier started laughing, slapping his hand against the steering wheel as he stopped at a light. “Baby!”
“Hey, pineapple… and ham pizza is a divorceable offense.” You managed to get out between laughs. 
“You wouldn’t.”
“Maybe not, but I can threaten it.” You teased, wiping at the tears that had slid down your cheeks from laughing so hard. “Thank you.”
“I love you,” Javier reminded you and you felt your heart warm at those words. Still, after all this time they made you swoon. What would you do without him?
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ofstarsandvibranium · 5 years
Two for One
Fandom: Marvel (Professor AU/College AU)
Pairing: Stucky x F!Reader
Summary: Ever since you became the TA for Professor Romanoff, you’ve been seeing a lot of Professors Rogers and Barnes. They seem to be attracted to you, but you have a hard time deciding between the two. What do you do?
Warning: smut - bjs, threesome, semi-public…just a whole lot of naughty mk?
A/N: based off of this post and my tags in it. also, word count is about 4.1k. so yall better appreciate this and the struggle i went through to write this (i’m looking at you @chloerinebarnes )
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Steve was sure that if Bucky bit his lip any further, he’d draw blood. He nudged his boyfriend with his elbow, gaining his attention back, “Cool it with the staring and lip biting. You’ll scare her off.”
Bucky groaned, “She’s killin’ me with those jeans, babe.”
Steve snorted, “Tell me about it,” he murmured as his eyes went back to across the lounge. You were standing off to the side, speaking with Professor Romanoff, the teacher you were a TA for. You were nodding to everything that she was listing off for you to do. After handing you a stack of papers, you saw yourself out of the lounge. Bucky and Steve’s shoulders sagged in disappointment. 
Ever since you became Professor Romanoff, aka Natasha’s, TA, Steve and Bucky have been seeing you more and more. Not that they minded. You were beautiful, funny, and smart. Honestly, you were the missing puzzle piece in their life. 
Don’t get it wrong, Steve and Bucky were completely devoted to each other. But for the past few years, they’ve been feeling like they were missing something. And they believe that something is you. 
But how does one go about proposing a polyamorous relationship? You don’t. It’s not a very common thing and it’s not accepted in a lot of places. Nonetheless, Steve and Bucky adored you from the moment they met you. 
So, they hatched a plan. They would worm their way into your heart individually and when it came to the point where you “have to choose”, they’ll give you the other option: a two for one deal. 
You’re in the school cafe, a pile of papers off to the side that you’re making your way through. You suddenly feel a presence looming over you and you look up to see Professor Barnes. 
You give him a polite smile, “Hey there, professor! How’s it going?”
“Monday mornings were never my thing hence,” he gestured to his large coffee cup.
You snorted, “Tell me about it,” you pointed to your own, “This is my third one already.”
“Mind if I sit?” he points to the seat across from you.
You shook your head, “Not at all!” you move your things around to give him a little bit more space, “Enjoy your weekend?”
He shrugged, “Just stayed home, watched some Netflix, graded papers. The usual.”
You nodded, “That’s become my usual now too. Although, yesterday my friends Pietro and Wanda dragged me out of the apartment to go to a bar. Gonna be honest, had a bit too much.”
“That explains the coffee and you still grading papers that are probably due today.”
You sighed, “Yeeeaahhh. Never listening to the twins again,” you said with a snort. 
“I wish I could help. Russian Literature was my minor. But I’m sure if Nat found out, she’d have both our heads.”
“Definitely. Romanoff’s great, but, damn, does she terrify me!”
Barnes snorted, “Same here.” he stood up and grabbed his coffee, “Well, I’ll let you get to it. Good luck.”
“Thanks, Professor Barnes!”
He smiled down at you, and with a wink, he said, “Call me Bucky,” and he waltzed out of the cafe like it was nothing. And you hated to admit that that little gesture made your cheeks heat up and make your panties slightly damp.
You were struggling with holding the pile of graded papers in your arms and trying to get your notebook out for Romanoff’s class. Just when you thought you had it, all the papers tumbled forward onto the ground. You groaned and hung your head back, staring up at the sky asking, “Why me?”
You bent down and began to collect the papers, and then another pair of hands came into view. You tried to object, “It’s okay! I got-” when you looked up, staring back at you was he striking blue eyes of Professor Rogers, “I-I got it, Professor Rogers,” you stammered as you quickly collected the essays.
“It’s alright. I don’t mind helping,” he said with a shy smile, grabbing the leftover papers and handing them to you. You both stood up and awkwardly stood there, “So, uh, headed to Nat’s-I mean, Romanoff’s office?”
You nodded, “Yeah. Gotta turn in all these papers I graded.” you gestured to the pile that was back in your hands. 
“Oh, well, my office is in the same direction. I’ll accompany you.”
You two walked together, towards the Literature and History building, “So, uh, how was your weekend?”
“Oh, uh, pretty bland, honestly. Just hanging out and grading papers. What about you? Did you spend your weekend grading all of these?” he points to your pile.
“Sorta,” you answered, “I got most of them done. Then I went out last night. Got drunk and never finished the rest. I just finished up in the cafe. Professor Barnes was actually there too. Surprised you weren’t with him. You two are usually attached to the hip,” you say teasingly.
Rogers snorted, “Please, I couldn’t shake ‘im even if I tried. We actually live together. We see a lot of each other and you would think we’d get sick of each other. But we don’t.”
“That’s good. I love Pietro and Wanda, but, God, I don’t think I can spend every second of the day with them.”
He chuckled, “Guess you just gotta find the right people that’ll make you want to see them all the time.”
Soon enough, you were in the building, standing in front of Professor Romanoff’s office, “Well, here’s my stop,” you say.
“Yeah. Anyway, I hope you have a good rest of your day, Y/N.”
“Thanks, Professor Rogers. You too!”
“Please, call me, Steve,” he says with a grin and then turns around, heading for his office in the other direction.
Bucky is eating lunch in Steve’s office. Steve is typing away at his computer, occasionally pausing when Bucky feeds him a forkful of penne pasta into his mouth. 
“So, progress?” Bucky asks, his own mouth full of pasta. 
Steve chews a few more times before swallowing. He takes off his glasses and sets them onto his desk, “Told her to call me Steve after I helped pick up her papers that she dropped and accompanied her on the way to Nat’s office. She said she came from the cafe and you were there?”
Bucky nodded, “Yeah. Grabbed some coffee, sat with her and chatted a little bit. When I left, I told her to call me Bucky. You still think we should do this?”
“I really like her, Buck. I just-don’t you feel it? That spark with her?” when Bucky nodded, Steve continued, “Then can you imagine how it would be if all of us were together?”
“It’d be like nothing we’ve ever felt before,” Bucky murmured.
“Exactly. We gotta try, but we can’t be too overbearing. She’s gotta be the one.”
Bucky set down his tupperware of pasta and rest his hand on Steve’s, “She’s out missing puzzle piece.”
You sat in the lounge next to Professor Romanoff, or Nat, as she’s allowed you to call her. You’re both going over test grades and that’s when you hear the screeching of wood against the floor and then you look up to see Bucky and Steve settling across the table from you.
Your eyes brighten and a smile appears on your face, “Hey, Bucky! Hey, Steve!”
Big grins appear on their faces when you acknowledge, “Hey, doll,” Bucky says, and you feel your cheeks heating up. 
You duck your head down, biting your lip and continuing to grade papers. You hoped that Nat ignored that interaction, but she didn’t. While you continued to grade papers, Nat gave questioning looks to the professors across from her. Both gave her shrugs and pulled out their own work that needed to be done. 
Words started to blur as your eyes skimmed through another test, your red pen marking wrong answers. You could feel yourself getting a headache so you groaned and fell back into your seat, “I need a break. I’m gonna walk to the cafe. Do you guys want anything?” Nat and Bucky shook their head but Steve stood up.
“I’ll go with you. I think I need to stretch my legs anyway.” he turns to Bucky and gives him a nod, and then follows you out of the lounge. After you both leave, Nat turns to Bucky.
“What the hell are you guys up to?”
“Steve and I both like Y/N, so we’re trying to ease our way into her heart and possibly propose a poly relationship.”
Nat groaned, “Jesus Christ. You know what happened the last time you tried that. You and Steve ended up heartbroken and nearly broke up because of it.”
“Dot wasn’t right for us,” Bucky said with a shake of his head, “But Y/N’s different. You know she is, Nat.”
“Maybe so, but then again, you hardly know her.”
“And that’s why we’re trying to spend as much time as we can to get to know her.”
Nat shook her head, “You’re playing a dangerous game. She’s a student.”
“She’s graduating this year. Once she’s graduated, then Steve and I will ask. Trust us, Nat. We learned from the last time and we know what we’re doing now.”
“So, the semester is half way over and you’ll be graduating soon. Have any plans on what to do?” Steve asked, his hands curled up in his pockets. 
“Travel. Find a job. Maybe find some love on the way. I don’t know.”
“Not looking for love right now?” he asked with a teasing smirk. 
You shrugged, “Oh trust me, I’ve been looking. Just haven’t found anyone that clicks with me, ya know? Someone funny, smart, compassionate, independent. Oh and knows how to cook. It’s surprising how many people here barely know how to cook.”
Steve snorted, “Bucky loves to cook. He cooks our meals all the time. I know how to cook too, but for Bucky, it’s his stress reliever. He’s in his element when he cooks, plus everything is delicious when he makes it.”
“I’d love to try something other than ramen and burgers.”
“I’ll bring you some tomorrow. Buck loves to cook for other people so it won’t be a problem.”
You shook your head, “I can’t ask you guys to do that. You don’t have-”
“You’re not askin’, sweetheart. Plus, we want to do this. Trust me.”
You sighed, “Fine.”
Steve was beaming right then and there, “Great. Do you have any food preferences?”
“Surprise me.”
It became a regular thing after that. You and Nat would be in the lounge going over lecture notes or grading papers. Steve and Bucky would appear and slide over some tupperware for lunch that Bucky had prepared for you. At one point, they started bringing some food for Nat too since she complained about them not bringing food for her. Plus, they didn’t want to seem too suspicious. 
As the semester progressed, you found yourself in the company of Steve and Bucky often. Sometimes it was both of them, sometimes it was one or the other. You’d have lunch with them, walk with them to class or the office building. Relax under some trees while you graded papers. You also ended up getting both of their numbers and all three of you would be in a group chat texting away or texting to either men individually. 
You were around them a lot and you couldn’t help the feelings you were starting to develop for both them. It was conflicting. Very much so. You were a student and they were professors. 
It was a month before the semester ended, before you graduated, and you’d had enough. Enough of the feelings and the confusion. It had to stop!
So you burst into Bucky’s office where you knew both men would be. As soon as you step into the room, you freeze. There right before was Steve and Bucky, but they were tangled up in each other, making out. 
“I’m so confused,” you murmured as they stared at you wide-eyed. 
“Doll, I-we-”
“I-I should go. Sorry. I didn’t-I’m gonna-” 
You turn to leave but Steve cried outs, “Y/N, wait!” and you stop. You look at them and they’re staring at you with pleading eyes, “Sweetheart, please, don’t leave. Just-Just close the door and we’ll explain everything.”
Slowly, you move back inside, closing the door behind you. You sit at the chair across from Bucky’s desk. Bucky sits back down into his seat and Steve stands off to the side, running his hand through his disheveled hair. 
“Are-Are you guys together?” you ask apprehensively. When both men nod, you let out a shaky breath, “I-I don’t understand. Both of you made it seem like you were interested in me. Were you just toying with me? Is that it?!”
“No!” both said unison. 
Steve cleared his throat, “It’s nothin’ like that, Y/N. We swear. We-Bucky and I, we’ve been together for a long time. We love each other a lot, but-”
Bucky interjected, “But we feel like we’ve been missing something. And we think that something is you.”
You became even more confused, “But you’re together already. How would that even work?”
“A polyamorous relationship. The three of us can be together. Bucky and I have strong feelings for you, Y/N.”
You shook your head, “This can’t happen,” and suddenly, it felt like Bucky and Steve’s hearts were breaking all over again, but then you continued, “I’m still a student and you’re professors. If this got out, I’d be expelled and you two would be fired. I-” you take a moment to let out a deep breath, “It’s funny. I was coming here to tell you that I can’t choose between you two. I have feelings for both of you, so I was just-I don’t know-take myself out of the equation.”
“But you don’t have to, doll,” Bucky says with a hopeful gaze.
Steve rest his hand on Bucky’s shoulder to prevent him from getting ahead of yourself, “But we understand your reasoning why you don’t want to be with us.”
“I didn’t say I don’t want to be with you. I said I can’t right now.” that made both men’s ears perk, “I’m graduating next month. We can put all of this on hold for now and once I’m outta here then...”
“We can wait!” Bucky said all too enthusiastically, which made Steve chuckle.
Steve’s hand moved from Bucky’s shoulder, down his arm and to his hand where they laced fingers, “We’re willing to wait for you, sweetheart. You’re worth it.”
You moved around the desk and to the two men, grabbing each of their hands in yours, “Thank you. You guys mean a lot to me,” you leaned in and pecked the cheeks of each men, “I’ll see you guys soon,” and then you were out of Bucky’s office. The end of next month couldn’t come any sooner. 
“Y/N L/N!” your name was called as you walked across the stage, shaking the dean’s hand, and accepting your diploma. Cheers from your loved ones and peers brought a huge smile to your face. You walked down the steps dancing on your way back to your seat, your classmates buzzing all around you. 
After everyone’s name was called, the dean stood up the podium to give final remarks and the changing of the tassels, “Now, everyone, I present to you the Class of 2020!” everyone cheered as caps went flying into the air. You hugged the people around you, and waited for your family and friends to meet you on the field. In the meantime..
“I’M SO PROUD OF YOU!” Bucky cried out as he gave you a big ol’ hug. Steve stood behind him, holding a bouquet of your favorite flowers. 
“Congrats, Y/N,” Steve gave you a hug, nothing to make anyone suspicious.
You were beaming at them, “Thanks you guys. I can’t believe it. I graduated!”
Bucky was ready to ask you out right then and there, but stopped when he saw your family approaching. He and Steve stepped aside to allow you some time with your loved ones. They mouthed, “See you later,” and both walked away to congratulate other students. 
You watched as they departed. A part of you wanted to chase after them and kiss them both then and there, but that would stir something up and you didn’t want any trouble on this momentous day. Soon, Y/N. Soon. 
The day after graduation was when you were to pick up your official diploma. You knew from the group chat that Steve and Bucky would be on campus, due to finishing up finals. And after you picked up your diploma, you wanted to go see them. 
With diploma in hand, you approached the office building, sending off texts to the men:
You: whatcha up to?
Bucky: grading finals in Steve’s office
You: can I stop by?
Steve: of course ;)
You giggled, knowing how predictable Bucky was, two cups of coffee with you already. You approached Steve’s office, knocking on the slightly ajar door, “May I enter?”
The door swung wide open, and Bucky immediately pulled you inside, closing and locking the door behind you. You snorted, “Wow, eager mu-mmf!” you couldn’t finish the teasing retory as a pair of lips matched up with yours, hands cupping your face. 
You heard a chuckle from behind you, “Buck, careful, you’re gonna make her spill the coffee she got for us.” He went over and grabbed the coffee tray from your hands.
You pulled away, mumbling, “Thank you,” to him and then looking back at Bucky who sported a dopey grin on his face, “How long were you waiting to do that?”
“So fucking long,” he mumbled, pressing his lips to yours once more, but it was brief since you pulled away.
“Hey now, two kisses and Steve hasn’t even gotten any from me yet. You’re starting to get greedy, mister.”
Bucky’s cheeks flushed and he ducked his head down shyly, “Sorry, doll,” he then moved aside for Steve. 
Steve pulled you in, wrapping an arm around you and slowly leaning in. His lips were hovering over yours and right as you were about to tell him to hurry up, his lips met yours in a passionate kiss. His fingers dug into your skin as he held onto you for dear life. For so long him and Bucky have wanted you like this and he feels like if he lets go, if he pulls away, it’ll all be a dream. 
Steve began to walk you backwards until your backside hit the edge of his desk. You pulled away to look at the two men, whose soft gazes faded and turned into lustful ones. 
You smirked, “I’ve always fantasized about being fucked on a desk.”
Both men growled as they started to undo their pants. Steve pressed you up against the desk, kissing you heatedly, while Bucky began to remove things from the surface. You hopped onto it after receiving the okay from Bucky. Steve worked on getting your jeans off while Bucky pulled of your shirt. Clothes flew around the room with no care where they landed. 
“Ah fuck, baby doll. You’re so fucking gorgeous,” Bucky moaned, his hand slowly pumping his cock and the other kneading your breast. 
You laid across the surface, opening your mouth, welcoming Bucky’s length. You both moaned when his dick entered your mouth. Bucky thrust his hips back and forth, loving how you looked taking his cock. 
Meanwhile, Steve was paying special attention to your pussy. He licked a strip up your slit, tongue circling around your clit. When you moaned a little too loud, Steve pulled away, “Quiet now, honey. Someone might here your pretty little noises and those are for our ears only.”
Bucky pulled out of your mouth for you to reply, “Sorry, Steve.”
“How wet is she, Stevie?” Bucky asked through his panting.
Steve licked his lips, “So fucking wet and she’s so sweet,” he murmured before slurping up some of your juices. 
Bucky whined, “Lemme taste.” Steve then stood up and leaned over the desk, pulling Bucky towards him, Lips smashing against lips. You wished you could’ve seen the two men swapping your taste, but the view was blocked by Bucky’s body leaning over yours. 
When they pulled away Steve cleared his throat, looking from you to Bucky, “So, how’s this gonna go: i fuck her pussy while you get her mouth, or vice versa?”
You shook your head, “No, I wanna feel you both at the same time.”
Both men moaned at the thought of both of their cocks filling you up to the brim. Steve nodded, “Very well. Bucky, on the table. Sweetheart, straddle Bucky.” Both you and Bucky did as you were told while Steve pulled out a bottle of lube from a drawer. 
You gave him a questioning look and Bucky chuckled, “This isn’t the first time we’ve fucked in this office, doll.” And just the image of Bucky and Steve fucking in this office made you even more wet than before. 
Steve, with his cock lubed up, knelt behind you and in-between Bucky’s legs, “You ready for us, babygirl?”
“I’ve literally been waiting all semester for this, Steve. Now hurry up and fuck me.”
Both men snickered at your haste, “Gotta give our girl what she wants,” Bucky mumbled as he lined himself up with you and you lowered yourself onto him. Steve was right behind you, pushing you forward and slowly easing himself into not wanting to hurt you. Moments pass they’re both inside you and, holy shit, this is something you’ve never felt before.
Both men stay still as they let you set the pace. You rock your body back and forth, allowing both cocks to drag themselves in and out of you. Seriously, the feeling was something unworldly. What made it ever better was Bucky’s lips on your chest and Steve’s hand working your clit. These men both knew what they were doing. 
“So fucking sexy, sweetheart, taking our cocks at the same time,” Steve murmured into your neck, “You love this, don’t you? Love being filled to the brim.”
Bucky bit at your skin, making you hiss, to which he mumbled, “Answer him, babydoll.”
“Yes, Steve. Love your cocks filling me whole,” you gasped when Bucky’s cock just hit that spot that made you shudder. With the way things were going, you knew you were gonna be cumming soon. 
“Wanna make a mess outta you, sweetheart,” Bucky whispered, lips still wandering over your neck and chest, “Wanna fill you with our cum, paint you with it. Mark you as ours.”
“I’m yours,” you panted out, “I’m all yours,” you moved your body faster, desperate for your release. 
“Go ahead, baby, cum on our cocks. We wanna feel ya,” Steve mumbled in your ear, his hand working faster on your clit. You dug your nails into Bucky’s chest, a pain he happily welcomed. 
“Come on, baby. Give it us. You can do it,” Bucky encouraged you, slapping your ass and kneading the flesh. 
“Fuck, fuck,” you said through gritted teeth. A powerful wave of pleasure washed over you as leaned down, resting your head against Bucky’s while you came.
“So pretty when you cum,” he whispered.
“Such a good girl,” Steve murmured, kissing your back and shoulders. You moved a bit and felt something wet. You sat up and looked down to see that you just squirted all over you and Bucky.
“Oh shit. I’ve never done that before,” you murmured.
Bucky snickered, “First time for everything,” he said with a wink. 
You then moved off his lap, “Well, lemme clean this up for you since it is my mess.” Both men hissed when your hands wrapped around both their lengths, your mouth gliding over Bucky’s stomach and pelvis, collecting your own juices. 
“Oh my God, you’re perfect,” he moaned, his hand grabbing your head and trying to push it towards his cock.
You slapped his hand away, “I already sucked you off, babe. Now it’s Steve’s turn,” you said with a smirk. You gave a wink to the blonde as your mouth lowered onto his dick. Bucky was right, you are perfect. And you’re theirs. All theirs.
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violetnotez · 5 years
HC: BNHA Boys and Their Kisses
Katsuki Bakugo
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This boi
When he wants kisses-
Wherever, whenever he wants it-he’ll figure out a way to have them
Sees you dressed cute at the mall-hes finding the first bathroom he can find to make out with you
At UA and your skirt is getting to him- you two are in the janitors closet
Inexperienced in kissing and making out but damn, he’ll never admit to that
ALWAYS super rough-but like in a good way
Like pinning your wrists to the wall, tugging on your bottom lip
ALWAYS leaving hickeys
No matter what-you always have like at least 4 or 5
Secretly really smug and proud about it because enjoys seeing them on you and knowing
1) he did that to you and
2) your his and only his and that’s proof of it
What an ass tho
Literally GROWLS when kissing you (it’s pretty HaWt)
Tbh anytime your “kissing” with Bakugo, it’s just making out
Like, it’s never a sweet kiss or a little peck it’s ALL OR NOTHING with him
Tastes like cinnamon
Mr. Grabby McGrabbers
Loves grabbing your a*s
Reason why: cause when he does it and you don’t expect it you jump a little and moan into his mouth and IT. TURNS. HIM. ONNNNNNN
Tug on his hair and he turns to jello
Is always the dominant one and fights to be it
And does everything in his power to make sure its him that wins when your fighting him
“Keep acting like this and I’m going to punish you later, Princess”
You keep acting like that 😉😉😉
Izuku Midoriya
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Such a sweetie pie
He’s always super nervous and scared to kiss you because he doesn’t know if he’ll kiss you right or cross a boundary or do something completely embarrassing
DEIFNITELY over thinks it
And has absolutely searched Wiki How on how to kiss
It takes him awhile but he starts off with sweet little gestures
Like if he sees you after training he give you a hug and a kiss on your forehead
Or he’ll sneak attack you with a kiss on your cheeck if he sees you and is overloaded by you cuteness
1st time you kissed him-
Cause of course HE wasn’t gonna initiate THAT
He completely melted and was on Cloud 9
But then he realized he didn’t know what to do with his hands
So you kinda had to guide him where to put them
And then he realized he couldn’t BREATHE
But of course he didn’t wanna stop
So when you guys broke apart he was gasping like a fish out of water
“That was”-(GASP)-“AMAZING”
ALWAYS super nervous though when he really wants to initiate it
“Can-can I kiss you y/n?”
Of course you always say yes!
Loves it when you put your hands on his chest
Best way to get what you want with him is to give him a kiss and he caves
You: “Izuku can we please go get some ice cream?”
Midoriya: “I don’t know y/n...we have a lot of homework and our practical exams are tomorrow-“
*kiss him
Midoriya: “ICE CREAM IT IS!”
Denki Kaminari
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Is a w*hore for kisses
Like he’s non stop asking for kisses or giving you kisses
“Cmon, babe just one?”
“Just because you failed another test Denki doesn’t mean you get to suck my face off.”
Is super okay with PDA in public
That’s literally how he greets you everyday
“Hey babe!” He’ll call out as He’ll sling his arm around your shoulder and press a kiss to your cheeck
Kisses you anywhere and everywhere
Especially when your sick or hurt
You gotta headache? He’s kissing it
Your shoulder is sore from training? KISSING IT
Your legs are sore? He’ll kiss those too
It’s worse when your sick though
Because he’s kissing every place that hurts, aches, or is exposed
And your begging him to stop because you don’t want him to get sick, because he’s a HUGE baby when he’s sick
“Cmon babe one more kiss won’t hurt me, it’s gonna help you I promise!”
But he doesn’t listen until he starts getting the symptoms and now starts asking YOU for kisses
Sucker for when you bite his lip and hickies
He literally melts
Sometimes when he gets too into it, he forgets to control his power and shocks you
It never hurts, it’s only a little jolt but he freaks out
“Oh my god, y/n, are you okay, I didn’t mean that, I’m sorry!”
Kinda scared to touch you but quickly gets over it (holds back just because he’s scared to hurt you again)
Like Bakugo, is Also a Grabby McGrabbers
This child is a pervert what did you expect?
Loves to put his hands in your pant pockets when kissing you
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Is super, super gentleman-like
Cause thats MaNLY
But really, hes never pushy on you to kiss or anything
Its your call and you call the shots
Hes really not big on PDA, but he loves to hold your hand or hold your waist and give you kisses on your temple
He scares the crap out of you all the time, because his favorite thing to do is run up behind you and tackle you with the biggest hug and give you a bunch of kisses on your neck
Has literally the softest lips everrrr
You always have teeth marks on your body
One time they got so bad they began to bruise over and it looked like you literally got attacked by a little shark
WHen he saw them, he didnt realize he did it
“Whoever did this to you Im gonna make them pay!”
“They are goinna be seriosuly hurt once Im through with them! Nobody can touch my girlfriend and hurt her and get away with it-”
“Kirirshima, you did it!”
Likes it when you put your hands on his chest because makes him feel like hes in some super fluffy, romantic movie and hes falling in love with the pretty girl of his dreams
Which he is but ACK its cute!
Is the worst when he’s sick or hurting because hes super whiny
“Y/nnnnnnn can I pleeeasssseee have a kiss- my leg hurts!”
Uses kisses as a bargaining chip ALLLLLLLL the time
 Like if you want some of his food, its always followed by a “Okay...what about 3 kisses for it?”
You always give him more than what he asked for tho ;)
Shouto Todoroki
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Literally cannot stress this enough
Always waits for you to make the first move, follows your lead, is never super touchy 
Hands are ALWAYS on your upper back and never go any farther down
Even though sometimes he has to fight himself because he kinda wants to let them drop a little bit lower....
Not super big on PDA
But hes the type that’ll give you kisses on your knuckles or your hand
When your feeling down, he’ll kiss you on your temples or forehead
IS always super nervous to kiss you
But he gets more comfortable as he does it more
Their usually just super gentle and sweet and innocent
“Can I kiss you y/n?”
Either holds your face in his hands or is holding your hand while kissing you
Hes either super hot or super cold
Like NO inbetween
But you notice when you kiss him and hes cold, he instantly gets burning hot
Sometimes so hot you gotta pull back because your afraid he’ll burn your lips
His kisses are usually super sweet and soft, but the first time he REALLY kissed was when you got hurt in battle
He had thought he had lost you, until he saw you were limping towards him, hurt but smiling
He was so relieved he couldve cried
He screamed your name in relief, and just grabbed your hands and face and didnt let go
Just kept repeating “I thought I lost you, Im so sorry y/n, I love you, I love you so much”
Hope you all are having a good day (or night)!
Requests open! (HC, One Shots, Match Ups, etc :)
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