#im linking this to my pinned post
sydmarch · 2 years
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911bts · 2 months
What We Know: Season 8
8x01 - "Buzzkill"
Writer(s): James Leffler & Molly Green
Director: James Wong
Air Date: September 26, 2024
Production Code: 801
Synopsis: TBD
Stills: TBD
8x02 - "When The Boeing Gets Tough"
Writer(s): TBD
Director: Brad Buecker
Air Date: October 3, 2024 (presumably)
Production Code: 802
Synopsis: TBD
Stills: TBD
8x03 - "Final Approach"
Writer(s): Lyndsey Beaulieu
Director: Marita Grabiak
Air Date: October 10, 2024 (presumably)
Production Code: 803
Synopsis: TBD
Stills: TBD
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julesart04 · 6 months
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oobbbear · 6 months
Orange Knife Master Post (updating)
Recommend reading the “main comic/asks” first and then the “story tag”! There’s a lot more art in the general story tag but so as spoilers :]!
Story tag: #Orange Knife
OC tag: #orange knife oc
Orange knife OC discord
Main Comics/Asks:
Story premise
Artificial Soul Gem
Doll’s height and body guard issues
Dandelion bites OK arm off(?)
Is Natto and Heart two separate gems?
Can OK make me a doll
Old man Natto
A hug for Natto
Why does OK hate Natto :(
Gay people
The Poly!!!
Natto and Heart Switch Function
Moon on moon crime (animatic)
Smoll Nato
Song Bird and the Rat pt1
Song bird and the Rat pt2
Character List:
OK: (tag) (new ref) (old ref)
Heart: (tag) (main ref) (back ref)
Natto: (tag) (main ref) (back ref)
Worm: (tag) (main ref) (Past ref (1) (2))
Dandelion: (tag) (main ref)
PinBoy: (tag) (main ref)
MoonDust: (tag) (main ref)
Spark and Sable
Household recycling bin
(Crossed names are yet to be introduced!)
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liquidstar · 11 months
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My new commission post, so hopefully I can scrounge up some extra cash for the holidays!
My life has been a lot busier and I've become a lot more tired, so the prices are slightly higher than before BUT I've added more variety in options. So hopefully that makes up for it!
The only strict rules I have are no hardcore gore or nsfw, but suggestive stuff and some blood is fine. I can do furry stuff, but I'm not great with mecha (Sorry!) Ships are all fine as long as they're nothing incestuous or pedophilic, please! There are some fandoms I'm not too comfortable with drawing, but if you're unsure feel free to ask! ALSO, due to the nature of the pixels, it may be hard to fit complex designs into them- We can negotiate simplifying them though.
If you're interested please feel free to DM me here or on Discord @/finn_again. If not that's totally fine and there's never any pressure, I hope you have a nice day anyway <3
Oh, also, I made a Ko-fi! That one post convinced me hehe, here's the link: https://ko-fi.com/liquidstar
Thank you everyone!
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ninjasmudge · 4 months
hey anyone following me for art
i have a blog called @sharks-art which is where all the art gets reblogged, no shitposts, no other fandom stuff, so if you want to get notifications for my art only, you can stick them on for @sharks-art and youll only see the art posts ✨👌
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karamellisokeri · 24 days
Dislyte dump (August 24)
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Basically everything i did this month excluding some that already have their own post. Im grinding alot more for merch its so 💀💀😭😭 ion like doing chibi LOL anyway more characters coming soon, i just need finish those to print some sample
Also i was like, damn i need to draw more chu yao, but i realized now i draw him alot
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s0uth3park · 9 days
Here is the Google Form for the Cutest Boy Contest (2024). Tournament will be hosted on my sideblog @sp-the-list-tournament (I'm yet to decorate the blog yet, lol).
Email addresses are not collected and more than one response may be entered upon refreshing. Please be respectful, stick to the rules, and reblog this post as you see fit for a bigger sample and better notice.
The tag for this will be #tcbt24 or just #tcbt. Hopefully that isn't confused with anything else.
I'll be very surprised if Kevin (McCormick)'s name doesn't show up.
(This form was made on the 15th Sept. 2024 and I would like to have enough results to start this by, say, the 28-30th of this month. Please be respectful and enjoy!)
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sans-guy · 1 year
(explosion) butch info masterpost (explosion) I’ve been asked a few things a couple of times and i just wanna lay some stuff out about butch that doesn’t get asked just so u guys know. i'll update as needed (if i can remember) <3
I can’t say everything because sooner or later I want to create some kind of comic or fic, but can’t right now cus my brain sucks and i'm pretty busy irl
Here is his updated ref sheet How old: 30-ish How tall: 6'8"
He kills people???!?!?!? D: Yes. only people that really deserve it, he's not a mindless killer. Even though he's a butcher, killing isn't something he enjoys doing.
AND HE EATS THEM??! D: No. but he sells the meat to monsters that do, in an effort to get rid of evidence. he's not friendly with the monsters he does business with, and he does not sell to humans. The selling of human meat is a drug trade of sorts; and it is by no means an easy business to get out of.
lore and loreposts; -He needs glasses -How he lost his fingers
-He isn't too fond of humans.
-despite everything, he is goofy.
-extra info about relationships/"clients".
-he is not too socially inept, but prefers to keep to himself and not say too much, just the way he was raised. -he is a workaholic, preferring to stay either busy or asleep, despite occasionally getting sick from all the stress he's under.
-he is technologically illiterate, hates newer technology, but will still use a landline (for his friends or for work) and the library computers with help (to check emails cus the modern age is horrible and requires you to have an email) -he is very slow to make friends, but when he does, theyre very good friends, going as far to consider them his family. -he LOVES knives, and has a collection of unique knives (culinary/pocket knives/hunting knives etc) he's found or obtained from flea markets.
-because of the state of his right hand, he's technically ambidextrous, since he's had enough time to learn how to use his other hand, but still writes better with his right hand. he could use ecto fingers if he really wanted to, but he doesn't care either way.
-he lost a tooth rough housing with his brothers when he was younger (he has many siblings ((and his older brothers picked on him becus thats what loving siblings do <3 )) )
-his arms and hands are riddled with scars and cuts because thats what a lifetime of physical labor and 10 years working with sharp objects will do to u
-the gloves he wears are cutting gloves here's some fluffy small character stuff for him ive thought about, i'll update this list when i . remember what i posted lovers/trust/friendship can i draw butch (or any of your characters)??
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can i draw butch kissing me/my insert?
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i'm ok with most fanart, I love everything everyone makes of my guys!! but if ur not sure if i'll be comfortable with it, please just shoot me a message. i dont bite i promise *bats eyelashes* also its a given but no fanart or ships can be inserted into the canon sorry
edit; pls pls check out the #fanart tag, so many beautiful ppl have drawn/written so many beautiful things of my boy and they must be seen
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bibbysstuff · 11 months
If repost my art or use it as an icon/banner , credit me!!
My twitter: (2) Birb 🥟 (@BB_theBirB) / X (twitter.com)
My Kofi //commission open// :
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satans-knitwear · 2 years
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Think about it.
💕Treat me🥂💕~ Tip me
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crispyjenkins · 21 days
FINALLY got you on my dash again, only to discover you've written an AC fic that you are giving us dribs and drabs of, heathen *shakes prison cell bars* please tell me more about "Miles" before I combust
HI UR MY NEW FAVORITE (part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4)
  “Your name is not Miles.”
  Desmond tenses for a barely a moment before relaxing again, and doesn’t bother to look up from the hidden blade he’s tweaking to have a faster release. Even if he didn’t recognise the voice, the dark blur leaning against the doorjamb out of the corner of his eye would tell Desmond sure as anything who had come to haunt the armoury at his side. “Of course it isn’t,” Desmond eventually mutters to Francesco Vecellio, the only one of Ezio’s brotherhood to wear dark gray instead of white.
  Francesco snorts, eyeing Desmond from under the beak of his hood, Desmond’s own pushed down around his shoulders to better see by lantern-light. “You should have thought to pick a more common name if you did not want others to question it.”
  “ ’Should have thought to pick anything before I showed up.” He grinds his chisel a little deeper into the metal casing of his blade, and then nearly cuts himself slipping on it when Francesco gives a startled laugh.
  “You didn’t have one prepared?”
  Desmond blinks up at Ezio’s highest-ranked protégé, not sure if he should feel embarrassed or not. “I, uh. Didn’t think that far ahead?”
  And for someone who had managed nine years evading Templars and Assassins both, you’d think he’d have known better.
  The look Francesco gives him tells Desmond he feels the same. “You’re smarter than that, fratellino.”
  Desmond scowls. “Well, obviously I’m not.”
  “... You snuck into the main headquarters of the Italian Brotherhood in less than an hour and then fooled us all into thinking you were supposed to be here for nearly a week — Machiavelli isn’t sure even our Padrone could have managed that.”
  Swallowing uncomfortably, Desmond scoffs and tries to return to his hidden blade, but that still leaves his entire profile in view of Francesco’s far-too-discerning gaze. And he’s the only one other than Desmond to have been training for this since childhood: his observation skills are beaten only by Ezio, and even that is mostly thanks to his Eagle Vision.
  Actually, Francesco is a born Assassin, too, does he have EV?
  “Do you have the Sight?”
  They blink at each other, and Desmond isn’t sure who is more surprised by the interruption. Snarky he may be, Desmond has also had politeness beaten into him, and deference besides, and everyone in the Brotherhood had clocked it.
  “To an extent,” Francesco eventually admits, sounding puzzled, “Nothing so refined as il Padrone’s.” He looks away, crossing his arms over his chest. “It is... finicky, I can only use it while motionless, and it really only tells me if someone means me harm.”
  Desmond bites back the offer to help train his EV into something far more useful — it would never reach the level of Altaïr’s, or Ezio’s, or Ratonhnhaké:ton’s, because that had more than a little to do with Isu fuckery. However, the Levantine Assassins (at least until Altaïr’s death, though it was Al Mualim who started the practice) were able to train most initiates to have at least some grasp of the technique, as long as they had that genetics-dictated spark to start with. Desmond was lucky enough for his time in the Animus to awaken his own Vision, and living as Ezio slowly mastering it into Eagle Sense had improved it in leaps and bounds for Desmond on the outside, and prepared him for experiencing Ratonhnhaké:ton’s advanced form of it. Though that, and Eagle Sense, never actually awakened in Desmond Miles.
  But “Miles” hasn’t told this Brotherhood that he has Altaïr’s Sight, Ezio’s Gift, partly because Desmond forgot they didn’t know, but now it’s also an active decision, because it would without a doubt make them insist he’s Ezio’s son with even more conviction. And until Desmond has figured out what he’s going to tell Ezio about the whole time-travel–thing, he isn’t going to confirm or deny anything the other members cook up.
  Except Desmond watches Francesco tilt his head, and then his eyes burn golden for just a moment. “Why do you ask?”
  He’s smart enough to guess, but he’s also smart enough not to assume, and patiently waits for Desmond’s response.
  Ahh, fuck it, he’s already screwed up this whole identity thing by talking with Claudia (not that he meant to reveal so much to her but, well, she’s Ezio’s baby sister. And [redacted]. Fuck, time travel is so weird).
  He looks up from his carving again to flash his eyes right back, and is more than gratified to see Francesco glow a steady, deep blue. He tends to avoid looking at the Brotherhood with his EV, he’s too much of a coward to confirm just what they actually think of him, and he’s only looked at Ezio once, before they properly met.
  Francesco smiles in the shadow of his hood, seemingly pleased with Desmond trusting him with such a secret. “Does il Padrone know?” he asks without judgement, and Desmond winces as he looks back down at his tinkering.
  “No, I... I became so used to it that I didn’t think to mention it, and then it had been so long that it was... awkward?” He chuckles nervously at admitting such a weakness, especially when he’s pretty sure this is the longest conversation he’s had with Ezio’s star pupil. He has double blades, for Christ’s sake, despite not being a Master Assassin.
  Oh. Is Desmond jealous of Francesco? Hm, something to think about.
  “And then you did not want the others gossiping,” Francesco agrees, nodding like that is the obvious conclusion. Desmond still doesn’t relax, but he’s glad he didn’t have to spell that out for him.
  Desmond scratches the bridge of his nose awkwardly. “I’m not Master Ezio’s son, but I don’t think any of our siblings would believe me if I tried to tell them that.” And hadn’t finding out his real parentage been an absolute trip; he’s still scarred mentally and physically from it. Which reminds him, he should respond to his mother’s last letter before she begins to worry about him taking too long.
  Having a mother to care about him is... still an experience he’s getting used to. It’s only been, what, two years since he found her again?
  She had glowed a blue so dark it was almost black, a colour Desmond hadn’t seen even once in either of his lives, or the lives he’d lived in the Animus. He knows she kisses her letters before sending them from the indigo left behind like lipstick.
  ... Which is also how Desmond found out he had progressed from Eagle Vision to Eagle Sense, which was also the point he realised he hadn’t told Ezio about his EV in the first place.
  “I believe you.”
  It’s said so simply, Francesco even gives a little shrug, but Desmond whips his head back around and is... absolutely floored. As dehumanised and used as he was in the 21st century, his little jaunt to the past has almost been worse, if he lets himself think about it too hard (and he never does). People don’t just... believe in Desmond.  Something must show on his face, because Francesco offers him a tight smile. Then, blessedly, he changes the subject and nods to Desmond’s hands, “What are you working on?”
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go-to-the-mirror · 1 year
feeling super normal emotions about how tma is just all about the intersection of fear and love, and what makes your wants and your self you. what if it's just trauma/mental illness/the thing in your head that is a part of you, but isn't you, not really.
what are you? what are your wants? what do you love? what do you fear? how much of this is influenced by trauma and mental illness and other factors? how much of yourself is yourself? is it still yourself if your self has been warped irreparably? do you want it if you only want it because of the trauma/mental illness/spooky entity? do you fear it if you only fear it because of the trauma/mental illness/spooky entity? do you love it if you only love it because of the trauma/mental illness/spooky entity?
how much of your mind is you? is it still you if it's changed? can you even define the difference?
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weedgay · 5 months
[infomercial voice] do you like OMORI? do you like trauma narratives and horror elements? do you like FREE SHIT?
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play END ROLL today !!!!
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ghostly-cabbage · 8 months
I have officially edited and updated my DP fic recommendation document
I've so far only used it for friends but now I'm wondering if any of you guys would be interested...
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Hey, I was just wondering - do you have an AO3? I see you referencing some fics/aus but I don't see a link or anything on your page lol. Love the art btw!! I'm living for the fantasy au rn.
Yes! but its all DC at the moment </3
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