#im not even a writer
dehydrated-rose · 2 years
considering writing a fanfic but…
what to write it about hmmmmmmmm
i have a vague idea, but no promise, i suck at keeping promises
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kociamieta · 2 months
i made a little interactive story about a spaceship and its passenger, you can read it here: passenger9027 ^_^
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petricorah · 6 months
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scenes i loved from Real Enough to Get Me Through by @marriedzukka <333 [ids in alt]
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punnifullife · 4 months
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Been binge-watching the '03 show and it's re-ignited my hyper-fixation on one of my first OTPs as a kid.
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girl-bateman · 1 year
I guess that this is as good of a time as any to remind people that WRITERS MAKE THE STORY!!!! I cannot count how many times I see posts praising tv directors for things that are simply not their doing. That iconic line of dialogue? Yeah a screenwriter wrote that. The characters you love? Screenwriter. The places, the plot lines, the developments? Writers.
A show CANNOT happen without a script because a script is necessary for EVERYONE to do their job right. It dictates what set to look for/create, the filming schedule, the casting calls, the costumes and so on. It's not just words on a paper, its the backbone for all of production and it deserves to get recognised as the integral part of tv and film as it is.
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feelingthedisaster · 2 months
The King's Men's plot structure is genius.
TKM has been critized a lot for not following the conventional plot structure, because it doesnt end inmediatly at the resolution of the climax, like they taught us in class. But it actually has a reason behind it and it think that is what makes AFTG unique and Nora Sakavic an amazing writer. I'll explain.
So, we all know AFTG has a lot of chess metaphors, however i think it doesnt contain the metaphors, it is the metaphor. Each character represents a piece of the board (Riko king, Kevin queen, Neil pawn, Andrew knight, etc) and exy is the chess, but but but, a chess game not only involves the pieces, the game cannot exist without someone playing, the chess masters (which would be Kengo, Ichiriu, Nathan and all the mafia stuff).
So, AFTG is divided into two plots happening at the same time: what happens on the chess board (exy season) and what happens outside it (the mafia mess).
Of couse, the climax has to be about the outside out, because who cares which one of pieces move in which way if the players are pointing guns at eachother under the board? The guns are more more important. So who cares? The pieces on the board care, the ones that are being played with. And who is the narrator? The character that represents the pawn, the less important figure of the entire room.
Yeah, the 'outside of the board' plot is over half way into the book, but it doesnt matter because that happens outside the board, the chess game has not ended yet. The pawn cannot go back to rest in the box until the game is over, until the king dies. The book cannot be over until the chess game our protagonist is a piece of ends. The books have to end with the king's (Riko) death and that is exactly what happens.
If this isnt excellent writing and one of the best examples of know the rules so you can break them, i dont what is.
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daily-prompts · 1 year
Typing a long document: yes. YES! Writing is my passion :)
Editing a long document: Pain. Hell. Death.
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bottombaron · 11 months
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oh ok so its the usual no-homo bullshit you always hear, good to know.
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lokh · 7 months
modern au where shuro is enamoured with a writer only known as touden. he loves their off beat humour, the startlingly poignant insights into the nature of people, the look into western culture and behaviour it offers him and the in depth niche knowledge. when he meets laios and co he's convinced touden must be falin, because who else could it be?? her bumbling brother that gets a little too excited when he talks about monsters and cryptids???? that dreaminess, the appreciation for the strange, her compassion, it MUST be her right? it's laios.
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satoruhour · 8 months
the way writers have been driven off more than once because of anon asks. do you fuckers have no shame? sending death and r*pe threats? i’m not even going to ask if you stupid fucks would ask this in real life because you wouldn’t even have the brain cells to comprehend the fact that you’d just be regarded as a weirdo and a creep. showing up at someone’s house threatening that they DIE. your high horse is a pile of shit, thinking you’re so brave for sending in an “i hope you die!” ask like you aren’t hiding behind a screen like a fucking loser with nothing to do, simply stalking pages and when they do anything you don’t like, you send in the ask like clockwork.
you people merge the online and real life so much you don’t even know how INSANE YOU FUCKING SOUND !!!!!! NO ONE SHOULD BE GOING AROUND SHOUTING THAT THEY WISHED YOUD GET R WORDED OR THAT THEY SHOULD DIE. but what do i know, right? i’m just a little writer for you to bully and push around.
you lot DO NOT see writers as humans, thinking that anon asks are everything you can hide behind but the fact that you even took the time out of your day to send an ask and then willingly turn on the anon button is hilarious. fucking cowards
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sad-leon · 1 month
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crawling out of the shadows with this as an offering
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fairuzfan · 13 days
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For Liefer to pull up a Camus quote like this is quite laughable because of how the dynamics mirror each other. In the modern day, we have a status quo where Palestinians continue to be imprisoned and murdered and raped and segregated, denied basic medical care for years on end, all on their own land — while Jewish Israelis (to make distinction from Palestinians with Israeli citizenship, as many liberal zionists love to point out) suffer no consequences for anything, even if they play a direct role in the continued erasure and genocide of Palestinians. So if given a choice between suffering no consequences while benefiting from the status quo (that will not change unless the oppressed take it upon themselves to change their circumstance) and suffering consequences in the form of direct personal loss (with the strategy of forcing things to change by ennacting the same type of violence that the occupied experience on a daily basis onto the occupiers), of course someone who stands to lose nothing from the continuation of the status quo would rather the status quo continue if he has something to lose otherwise. Camus, when he said this quote, was not being righteous or overly sensitive. If anything, it shows how little he understood at the time of saying this quote. Because he didn't understand that an Algerian will suffer in both scenarios even if he (Camus) is safe, and for him to say something like this when people lived generations worth of violence for his and his family's (social) benefit is annoying and just plain offensive. Who is he, as a Frenchman born in occupied Algeria, to say what is worth justice when he only stands to lose anything in one scenario but not the other? He did not experience life as an Algerian native in French occupation. He might have observed it, growing up poor, yes, but he never LIVED it. Liefer might have observed the horror of settler colonialism, but that's nothing like experiencing it firsthand. To be the object of hatred to people who have higher status and more rights than you. It's just not his place as a person with nothing to lose if the status quo continues to comment on anything like this. What's the underlying meaning of this quote? "I'd rather others continue to suffer than myself experiencing suffering once."
I'm not saying Liefer doesn't have a right to mourn whoever. Im not even saying he has a duty to accept the consequences he experiences. But to say something so heartless as "I prefer the safety of my own rather than justice" within the larger, nearly century worth of context, is just insensitive and really belies his true opinions of the liberation of Palestine if he's so comfortable saying this outloud with moral authority in the middle of what is an outright bloodbath of Palestinians across Palestine. It's the timing of saying something like this because to say it now of all times when the entire world ignores or even encourages the violence in Gaza but mourns the death of Israelis? An Algerian born Frenchman and Israeli are going to be mourned on an international scale... but Palestinian and Algerian natives? Their deaths are regarded as facts of life by the rest of the world.
This makes it seem like I hate Camus, but I honestly don't, but I think the way Leifer is holding this quote up at face value and as the height of reason really is annoying. People like to mention Camus' "if" in this case as proof that he's actually saying "this is not real justice so therefore I do not have to accept it," but who is he to say what is or is not justice? The point I'm getting at is the people who benefit from occupation, in this case, Camus and Liefer have no right to determine what is or is not justice, despite their personal beliefs. The occupier has no right to tell the occupied what they should do to get freed. That alone is an arrogance in assertion that is so offending — the assertion that the occupier knows how to free the occupied in what *he* considers justice and the occupied just need to do whatever the occupier tells them to do. Because whether they both like it or not, they still benefit from and are part of the occupying force, and therefore have no real reason to fight the occupation at their own expense — the occupation is a violence that they are alright with inflicting if it means they cannot lose anything or anyone.
Also the idea that liefer indirectly compares himself to Camus is a little funny to me.
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backwzzds · 1 year
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clownmitts · 1 year
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Oh you destroy my ship? I destroy every man that have a crush on her
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swordymacaroni · 3 months
🎀Screw a breakup, you ever write 5000 words of a fanfic and realize you kept switching between tenses every two paragraphs?
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littlest-bugz · 3 months
Man :( My uncle kinda bummed me out about my fantasy series.
He's like "well you need humans or elves or something that readers can already relate to" and I'm like
the 10+ species I made was for nothing? The species I made to replace the human population is just,,, irrelevant? Like damn :( I really broke my back making this fantasy realm for 8 years, and I have to change it entirely now because humans need to be there for 'relatability'?
My wee little heart is shattered,, Would literally anyone read a fantasy series that doesn't have humans or elves?
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