#im not even using their pie crust recipe
rohirric-hunter · 9 months
*flips through cookbook I got the pork pie recipe out of*
So... how many changes to a recipe do I have to make before I can say that it's mine?
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How do you keep a from-scratch pie proper up and not melting all over the place? I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I always end up burning my hands trying to push the crust up before it finally hardens enough to stay against the tin sides on its own and it's horrible, I just want my pumpkin pie... Also, how do you make peach pie?
i love you anon. why do i not get MORE asks about pie making on my writing prompt blog??
i cant diagnose your issues perfectly over the phone, but generally speaking a melting pie is a symptom of the ingredients not being cold enough. whatever fat you're using in your pie, make sure its as cold as possible without being frozen before you cut it in, and make sure you're not using too much.
pie dough should only just come together before being rolled out, it should never be sticky. your butter/lard/shortening, whatever, and your water/vodka etc should all be cold cold cold.
different altitudes and temperatures will effect how well a pie stays cold/comes out, so no matter what I usually throw my pie crust back in the freezer or fridge whenever im not actively working with it. sometimes even after it's been filled, if it looks a little soft.
i will say, since baking a pumpkin pie requires blind baking (usually), that can definitely be a little more finicky. the bottom of my pumpkin pies are usually a little melty directly post blind bake/its not unusual for one section of the crust to droop a little. i recommend dry beans vs metal or clay pie weights and again, very very cold ingredients (I sometimes freeze the flour too if im baking in florida).
while i work on my own personal peach pie recipe (in the works, to test further this summer), here's the link to a good one.
i trust sally of the above linked recipe blog with most baked goods so i recommend looking at her other pies etc as well.
peace love and pie
- L
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thequrry · 2 years
Hey! Could you do a Max Brinly x reader one shot? Something fluffy and cute? It’d be really appreciated, thank you!
absolutely!! max always deserves more love so i am more than happy to oblige lol (keep in mind that it’s been a bit since i’ve written fluff and i have to read and correct my stuff by myself so im just trying my best!! hopefully y’all enjoy it despite the flaws though lol)
Sugar, Butter... Failure? (Max Brinly/GN!Reader, Fluff, One-Shot)
According to the romance novels you’d read and the Hallmark movies you’d watched, baking a pie with your boyfriend was supposed to be a cute, quirky, picture-esc little moment that went straight into photo albums and reminded you of love and warmth and joy…
According to the way the kitchen looked not even halfway into the recipe, though, it was feeling more like a scene from “The Play That Goes Wrong: Waitress Edition.”
“I promise it’ll go well, hon,” he’d said beforehand, smiling and pulling up the cherry pie recipe he had found to bake for his mom’s birthday. He was far more excited than you were at the prospect of covering the kitchen in flour and spending hours laboring over a single pie, but you loved him and his antics, and that meant you were obligated to follow along. You’d gone shopping for the ingredients earlier and it’d sort of tired you out a little, but again, love conquers all or whatever.
Really, it did all start pretty well. The two of you sat at the counter pitting cherries for a while, chatting about work and school, playing some music in the background. It felt homely and familiar, like the beginning to something memory-worthy.
“Wait, what is that? I haven’t even put anything in yet, it shouldn’t–“ Max started, walking over and opening it. Before he could finish, his eyes went wide and he quickly pulled out a half-empty 
Then the smell of something burning came from the preheating oven.
box of the pizza the two of you had a few nights before. Apparently, he had still not broken his habit of putting things in the oven instead of the fridge because he insisted “it’ll take less time to reheat.”
That first one wasn’t too bad of a mistake, though. You both laughed it off and double-checked that nothing else was left in the oven, and then you started on adding some lemon juice and sugar to the cherries. 
After that, Max scrambled to get the extracts and cornstarch while you grabbed the premade pie crust from the fridge. You bumped shoulders a few times, but nothing catastrophic happened. At least, nothing happened until he tried to slip past you to put the lemon juice back in the fridge and knocked the pie crust out of your hands. It fell to the floor and shattered into crumbly, flaky crust bits. Max winced and groaned, looking at the scattered pie chunks with a pained expression. 
“That was the only one, wasn’t it?” He asked. You nodded.
“And neither of us is up to leaving to go to the store for another one, aren’t we?” He asked, voice softly lowering in defeat. You nodded again.
He stood there for a minute, gritting his teeth, when his eyes suddenly lit up and he made a face that practically screamed “Eureka!”
“I can just make another one, right? We have flour and butter and stuff. I mean, it’d take a while, but it’s better than nothing, right?” He said, running over to the fridge and grabbing up what he assumed he needed before you could react. In the end, all you did was sigh and smile a little at the way he was beaming while he looked up several variations of “simple pie crust recipe short time”. 
When he started to get a little ramped up, tossing things around and folding them like he was on The Great British Bake Off, you stepped back and carefully took your phone up and switched to the camera. As he pulled a series of intense, overly dramatic expressions, you zoomed into his face action-style, holding your laughter in as best as you could. You could hear him muttering little affirmations under his breath like the pie crust would absorb them. It was, in a way that only silly stuff Max did could be, adorable.
After about two minutes of that, though, Max pulled out a rolling pin and reached for the flour that was sitting on the edge of the counter. He gripped the bag for a second and tried to drag it over, but as he did, he noticed you recording. He jumped a little, eyes going wide… and the flour in his grip went flying. 
It dropped down to the floor, landing with a smack. A massive, choking cloud of flour exploded into the air, covering everything in its path, including Max. In just about a second, he was coated head-to-toe in flour. He stared at himself for a moment, and then groaned. He looked sad at first, like losing the pie was a true tragedy, and you almost felt bad, but as he seemed to take it all in and looked around at the predicament he’d gotten himself into, he shook his head and shrugged cartoonishly.
“Oh god, I know, of course I’d freaking manage this. You can look and laugh, hon, I’m not that devastated. But, uh, can you come over and help when you’re done, please?” He said, breaking into a smile and chuckling a little under his breath. You giggled, but put your phone down and headed over to try and get the mess off of him. Before you could actually get over to him, though, he grinned and scooped up a handful of the flour off of the counter. You didn’t process what was coming before he threw it, so you stood there in shock as Max practically smothered you in flour.
“I’m sorry, but if we go down, we go down together!” He shouted, ducking away as you realized what he’d done. You darted over, ruffling his hair playfully in an attempt to dig the flour in deeper, and he pushed you away with a snort. The two of you tussled for a little bit, laughter and yelling filling the air the same way the flour did only minutes prior, and before you knew it, you were sitting on the floor, coated in a layer of flour, clutching your stomach from how hard you’d busted your gut. Max was in the same situation, his face red and his mouth and cheeks completely pushed up with how much he was smiling.
The two of you looked at each other, sitting and cracking up in an absolute disaster of a kitchen, and you realized that this was the cute, quirky, picture-esc little moment you’d been expecting all along.
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pale-cheezit · 7 months
Do you guys wanna see my baking projects so far??
Please keep in mind i am a brand new beginner baker so my presentation is awful
But everything ive made so far has tasted amazing and thats what really counts!
The first thing i tried was plain old chocolate chip cookies from scratch. Perfect beginner dish
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Then i recently made a cheesecake (for Thanksgiving) it fell apart though ): in the oven too long
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And today i made an apple pie! Looks shitty but actually tastes great. I even used apple cider vinegar instead of lemon juice and doubled up on cinammon instead of using nutmeg. I also threw a tiny bit of vanilla extract in there. Im amazed that going off-recipe didnt totally ruin it! I did not make my own crust- it was a store bought crust so this one isnt all from scratch but oh well!
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istherewifiinhell · 2 years
Tumblr users wifi's Chicken Pot Pie Recipe
Sort of anyway. due to my cooking method the following probably bridges the distance between old timey recipes where the author tells you to take a good amount of almonds and your just supposed to know what that means. and a very online much too conversational approach to instructions. fantastic
Frankly just picking a recipe and doing some freestyling on it is my method. And so my ingredients list is a general idea and if you want the explainers they are after that. and if you for some reason want my directions, which I do not recommend if you need real guidance and not just tips, those are last.
The suggested amounts may make you too much filling for an average pie crust. I do not consider this a problem.
Ingredients Filling
Chicken (or your choice) 1 Pound Onion 1 large. Sliced or diced. (adjust for how much you like onion and how long you like to cook em. caramelized will shrink) Carrot. 1 cup. Freestyle cut. I mince but maybe you cut circles Mushroom. 1 or more cups, again were adjusting for cook time shrinkage. I just cut them last and go until the pile looks right in proportion to other ingredients Potato. I'd love to give u a list of fancy potatoes, but its yukon gold all day every day here. i use one to two depending on size. Garlic. 3 cloves… Heavy scare quotes. I don't want to tell you 6 so then you do 12 okay. just. whatever you want. Ginger, while we're at it, if you like. shout out to garlic ginger paste havers Flour. just to coat the meat and veg, or you could thicken the sauce with cornstarch or other thickener. oh. oil or butter. whatever. pan grease of choice
Spice zone: (no measurements? yeah i know. see digression)
Chicken stock. You have bullion powder or cubes or a jar probably. good. me too. just add to your level of preferred salt and chicken-y goodness. or beefy or porky or veggy. Salt and pepper. you know this one. paprika. dont even. whatever you have. smoked is delicious, ive never had the hungarian stuff okay. oregano cumin turmeric. or saffron if ur rich, or bootleged ur own crocuses. leave out if you hate yellow (ur risk of staining something is probably high) chili powder (reference which paprika you used) ground coriander seed cinnamon or all-spice literally whatever you want. you want a curry pie. make that. you want piripiri pie. go for it. five spice. shichimi togarashi. whatever.
Enough for top and bottom of your pie. you can find many recipes. in general it will be something like 1 cup solid fat (butter lard shortening or margarine) 2-3 cups flour (pastry, all purpose, whole wheat. whatever. if your doing gluten free look into that) sugar and salt if you want. dried herbs if you really want cold water. a few spoonfuls you can fuck around with leavening even but ehhh
Ingredients Digression: search your heart, and your fridge
Chicken: Thigh would be my preference of course but someone has to eat all the white meat and sometimes that person is you. or maybe you have a rotisserie chicken from the grocery store. or maybe your gonna use beef or pork. thats fine. im not your boss. use meat substitute for all i care. The package we got on sale is some .950 kilos, and that clearly too much. so lets say .425 kg. Or just around 1 pound if you prefer.
Veg: Yeah I love mushrooms and I'm gonna put them in everything. Brown or white cap is common, portabello would be extra. Oyster mushroom would be delicious. Shiitake I don't like, and if you ever meet someone who would use enoki in this, have em call me I'd love to hear how that went. You dont like any of these, then don't add em. Leek, celery, peas, and corn all seem like fine choices to me. Any veg you like if it can handle the bake time. I don't ever recommend baking peppers but live ur bliss. As for measurements. I'm not actually using a cup. I just make piles on my cutting board and when i run out of room use regular eating bowls.
Spice zone: If you would like pot pie with just a bit more kick, stick to the paprika chili and cumin. If you wanna go full bananas, you could do a teaspoon of every spice you like. probably not the salt if your stock has salt tho. Keep in mind your own preferences. I don't measure. good luck. really think using spices as what they're for, which is coating and seasoning the food. it should colour the meal but if you can no longer see it you've probably gone to far. Taste and tweak as much as you like.
Pie crust and tin: use your favourite pie crust recipe. or not. or store bought is in fact fine. you just need enough for whatever tin your gonna use. A round tin is traditional and recommended. 18-25cm/7-10 in diameter range. A 4-7 cm/1-3 in deep. depending on size and shape of you hands, bigger than your hand splayed and no deeper than your finger... probably.
Directions: For the Desperate and Bored
Pie crust: Cut up solid fat. Work in flour (and other ingredients) till its all crumbley. looks like sand, breadcrumb etc. Should be a bit dry. Add cold water to bind it in a dough. Add this gradually, u do not want it sloppy style okay? You can do this with your hands, a food processor. Probably not a blender thought who knows. Maybe you put it in a couple layers of freezer bags and stomp on it. All good.
Make it to a ball, or lump shape, and put it in the fridge to firm up. Unless that would impede you ability to work the dough too much.
Rolling it out, or not? Here's the thing. You can just take the warm dough and pat it into you pie tin like graham cracker crust for cheese cakes. Just really compact it and get it up the sides of your tin. Don't say I never gave you anything.
The top crust would be more challenging to not roll out, but you could probably do the same with a greased or lined plate, leave both to chill in freezer. When time to fill, flop it on top of the filled pie, and let it warm up again to seal the pie edges.
If you roll it out. Flour your work surface. Pat the dough flat a bit, roll it out, turn the dough as you go to keep it even. Use you pie tin to check the size. Bottom crust needs to be bigger by how deep the pan is all around.
(See filling directions)
You could blind bake the bottom if you want. Stab the bottom crust with a fork a bunch to prevent bubbles. Either way. Filling goes into bottom crust. Pie lid on top of filling. Press or crimp the edges to seal it.
This is where the size of pan and amount of filling comes up. Make it as tall as you feel comfortable with/physics allow. Any left over filling can be eaten. If you did it right you, personally, will find it delicious. Also pies can take a long time and you might need the snack. Vent the lid (stab the crust. patterns welcome. left over dough can be used as decoration or as smaller pies for a fractal and recursive baking process)
Cooking Directions: Keep in mind the level of doneness you want for each veg, add to the pan in that order. Frozen peas and corn or whatever are going last if you want them in any way intact. If you want to reduce dishes use a real big pan or pot with a lot of bottom surface area My order: OIL UP THAT PAN. i want my veg saute'd not steamed okay? onions first. cook till a little less than you like. garlic and ginger (or any other seasoning paste if your using). you want aromatic not crispy. seriously if it looking ever a little too toasty take of the burner and add the next things and stir a bunch. burnt onions and garlic will ruin your whole meal carrots and mushrooms meat. if you dont want to transfer things out of the pan just push it to the side, watch out to not burn the bottom of that either, ur just moving the two different piles of stuff. you can season the meat before you cook it if you want but im not sure it matters. get to cooking the outside of the meat.. it will fully cook in the simmering sauce (If using Pre-Cooked meat add later) potato. again. cooking in the sauce sprinkle the flour on now and coat everything (i almost always forget this step so if you do thats fine. where just gonna thicken the sauce later) time to go to the spice zone. Add your liquids. Stock, or water with bouillon. some dairy product if you want. if you forgot the flour mix a little with the liquid and make a paste. and add more liquid and stir. add to pan I mean you could also do it by making a roux or bechemal. but its all really the same thing. You can simmer the sauce if you want more cooking time for your filling. (I would add pre-cooked meat and frozen peas or corn here, Stir!) Check for taste and tweak seasoning. It can be a little stronger than you like cause its going it mostly plain pastry.
BAKE IT. We're looking for good crust quality here. also additional cook time if any ingredients need more time to finish. depending on oven and pie size could be 20 mins to like. hour plus. i dunno
let rest before serving or whatever.
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finalgirldave · 2 years
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turkey pot pie I made last night came out bangin
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coco-munchie · 4 years
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I recently beat undertale for the first time so I made the butterscotch cinnamon pie! Thank you toby fox for my new fave dessert!!
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cryptidgraveyard · 3 years
Sweet pumpkin bake
For some context: im autistic with sensory issues & for this reason I hate pie. I don't like the conflicting textures but I do love pumpkin so this is basically pumpkin pie filling which you could put into a crust if you wanted to but you'd have to mess with the baking time. 
-1 can pumpkin (plain 100% pure pumpkin)
-225g (1 cup) cream cheese 
-250g (1.25 cups) sugar 
-3 eggs
-1 tablespoon molasses (I don't like working with brown sugar)
-2 tablespoons maple syrup
-pumpkin pie spices of varying amounts. Theres no constant way to tell how much to use it depends. I use a mix of Cinnamon, ground clove, nutmeg, ginger & a bit of vanilla powder.
 1. Beat the pumpkin, cream cheese, & sugar in a mixer on high. make sure everything is the same temperature!! this keeps it from clumping as much. 
2. add in the eggs, molasses, & maple syrup
3. beat in spices. I try to use enough that you can smell all of them & will taste it if necessary 
4. Baking times vary to the day even with a consistent oven. I generally go with 45 minutes at 180 Celsius. Trust your gut with this as I have had to bake it for much longer before
Additional whipped cream recipe cause it goes amazing with this
- 1 c very cold whipping cream
-3 tablespoons of sugar (preferably caster sugar)
1. place your bowl & whisk attachment in the freezer for 10 minutes 
2. beat the whipping cream on high & gradually add in the sugar
3. leave it alone but keep watching it as its mixing. it will take a bit but once it starts to form it doesn't take very long. everyones preferred texture is different so find what timing works right for you but don't go too long or you'll enter butter territory. 
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scapegrace74-blog · 3 years
Ginger Snap, Chapter 2
A/N I am breaking probably the only rule I gave myself when I started writing fanfic, which was Don’t Ever Post a WIP.  But lord knows I’m not immune to peer pressure and the narcotic that is reader feedback, so here it is, the second chapter of what is now an open-ended modern AU story about Jamie the Chef and Claire the Kitchen Disaster.  Still a first person Claire POV, so I apologize in advance for any stray pronouns.
For the first chapter, I recommend reading it on Ao3, since I’ve made some minor edits since I first posted it on Tumblr.  See above re. not planning on posting a WIP.
Oh, and funny story.  When I decided to check the location of the real Ginger Snap catering company in Edinburgh, it was squished between “FrazersOnline” and “McKenzie Flooring”.  If that’s not kismet, I don’t know what is.  The location I describe below, however, is based on a catering venue here in Ottawa called Urban Element, where I’ve attended a few team-building events.  I have yet to set anything on fire, though.
I checked my phone for the third time, confirming I wasn’t lost.  
Frank and I moved to Edinburgh over the summer, just in time for him to start his position as Associate Professor of History at the University of Edinburgh. Despite our years spent in America, neither of us cared overmuch for driving, so we chose a flat (or rather, Frank chose a flat and I concurred) not far from campus.  Therefore, this was the first time I’d ventured as far afield as Leith, a maritime enclave just to the north of the capital that couldn’t seem to decide if it wanted to be grittily working class or artistically hip. 
When I finally reached the address, I had to smile.  No main street pretensions or non-descript commercial frontage for Ginger Snap Catering.  Before me stood a two-story red brick fire station, still emblazoned with the crest of the Scottish Fire and Rescue Services.  The two massive truck bays were now enclosed by see-through doors that could be drawn back on a sunny day.  Through these a warm yellow light could be seen, spilling onto the grey, damp pavement.
A petite woman with dark hair manned the small reception area, a red-haired toddler clinging to her like a marsupial.  She held a phone to one ear while simultaneously pacing the polished concrete floor.  I stood as unobtrusively as possible near the door, but in such an open space it was impossible not to overhear her side of the conversation.
“... they willna take ‘im back until ‘is fever goes down...  aye, an hour ago when I picked him up but it hasn’t... nay, i dinna think it’s... tis jus’ terrible timing with two weddings t’morrow... Could ye?  Och, I owe ye Mrs. Fitz, a million times o’er... Anytime, we’ll be here.  Alright, soon.”
The speaker turned to me, the harried look of a working mother sharpening her already honed features.
“I apologize fer keeping ye waiting.  What can I do fer ye t’day?”
Before I could respond, the young boy, probably no older than two, began to fuss, rubbing his flushed cheek against his mother’s shoulder.
“Och, mo ghille, Mam kens ye’re poorly.  Mrs. Fitz is coming as fast as she may.”
Unable to quell my instinct to diagnose and then cure, I spoke up.  
“I couldn’t help overhearing your conversation.  Based on his age and the way he’s holding his head, it may be an ear infection.”  At the woman’s penetrating look, I hastened to explain: “I’m a doctor.  Would you mind if I took a closer look?”
Permission granted, I carefully palpated the boy under the jaw and peered as best I could without an otoscope into the offending ear canal.  Confident in my diagnosis, I recommended treatment with a warm compress, an over-the-counter analgesic ear drop, and children’s paracetamol to control his fever.  If, after twenty-four hours the symptoms had not improved, they could consider seeing his pediatrician for antibiotics, but these were only truly necessary for a persistent infection.
“Och, ye ‘ave no idea what a relief it is tae hear ye say so, lass.  He’s my first bairn, ye ken, an’ I can ne’er tell if I’m over-reacting or being negligent.   Can ye say thank ye tae the nice doctor, Wee Jamie?”
My stomach jumped.  “Wee Jamie?  Is he related by chance to Jamie Fraser?”
“Aye, tis his nephew.  I’m Jamie’s sister, Jenny.  Ye ken my brother, then?”
The pieces fell into place, and my insides settled.
“We’ve spoken before,” I explained.  “I’m Claire Beauchamp.  You and your brother helped me with a dinner party emergency last Tuesday.  I came to return your market bags, and to thank you again for coming to my aid during my hour of need.”
Jenny and I spoke for another ten minutes, sharing the superficial narratives of two strangers brought together by circumstance.  She was warm and thistly by turns, and I felt a longing for the honesty of female friendship that I’d given up when we left Boston.  Eventually a matronly woman arrived to collect Wee Jamie.  I carefully wrote down the exact names and dosages of my prescribed remedy.
After Mrs. Fitz and Wee Jamie had left, it occurred to me that Jenny needed to get back to work.  I’d accomplished what I’d set out to do, even if I hadn’t thanked Jamie himself.   As I began to make my goodbyes, however, Jenny interjected. “If ye’re no’ in a rush, why dinna ye join our afternoon cooking class?  My brother will be demonstrating how tae make quiche.  Tis the least we can do, after ye helped Wee Jamie.”
Which was how I found myself standing behind one of six cooking stations arranged across the fire station’s main area, a bright red apron covering my black slacks and saffron turtleneck.  My impetuous curls were slowly breaking ranks from where I’d slicked them into a bun that morning.  I worried I looked like a human Pez dispenser.
I glanced at the workstation immediately to my left.  A slight woman who I guessed to be roughly my own age was engrossed in her phone, a cheeky smirk playing on her berried lips.  Her strawberry blond hair was swept into an effortless chignon that made me twitch with envy.  She looked up from her screen and caught me looking her way.
“Geillis Duncan,” she said, offering a well-manicured hand.
“Claire Beauchamp.  Pleased to meet you.”
“Is it yer first time taking a class, Claire?”  At my nod, she leaned in and whispered conspiratorially: “Ye’re in for a treat.”
Before I could enquire what she meant, a murmur amongst the other students (all women, save one) was accompanied by the heavy tread of work boots on polished concrete and a familiar Scottish burr.
“Good afternoon, everyone.  Thank ye fer joining me on this dreich Scottish day.  I ken a few of ye are new, so let’s start with a brief overview of yer stations and some basic safety reminders, before we tackle the quiche.”
Today Jamie was wearing a pair of olive pants that tapered down his endless legs and a technical shirt that clung valiantly to his upper body.  He looked like he’d just stepped off the nearest rock climbing pitch.  I wondered if he owned anything that answered to the name of a professional wardrobe, but I couldn’t deny that he looked impressive, in an athleisure sort of way.
“See what I mean?” Geillis hissed at me as Jamie made his way to the front of the hall, speaking now about optimal burner temperatures.  “That man is a dozen kinds of yes.”
I concentrated on each step of the ostensibly simple recipe.  Pie crust had been the previous week’s assignment, so I had only to blind bake the prepared dough already at my workstation.  Once I had the crust centered exactly in the pie pan, pierced with a fork in orderly rows and placed in the oven, I rushed to catch up with the others.  I’d missed Jamie’s instructions regarding pan frying the bacon, so I increased the flame, thinking I could make up a little time.  The fatty meat crackled pleasingly as I set it in the lightly greased pan.  I was inordinately proud of myself.
Things went very badly, very fast.  First, my eyes wouldn’t stop watering as I meticulously peeled then dissected the onion into near-transparent crescents. Tears obscured my vision and I tried to wipe them away without contaminating my hands.  To my left I could make out Geillis skillfully cracking eggs into a glass bowl, her pie crust already elegantly filled with crispy morsels of bacon and caramelized onion bits.  
A vague sense of having forgotten something important tickled my mind.  My pie crust!  Grabbing a silicone glove (I wasn’t making that mistake twice) I rushed to the wall oven and extracted the pan.  Giddy with relief, I saw the dough was only a little dark around the edges.  
Before I could return victorious to my station, Jamie uttered a Scottish noise of alarm from his vantage at the front of the class.   We both rushed across the room to where my rashers of bacon now resembled blackened shoe laces obscured by a heavy veil of smoke.  With practiced ease, Jamie lifted the entire skillet into the adjacent sink and turned on the cold water.  A cloud of steam enveloped his head, highlighting his auburn curls.  I bit my lip as he looked my way in amusement.
“I hope ye werena planning on serving quiche to yer faculty guests t’night, Ms. Beauchamp?”
I stood meekly next to Geillis for the remainder of the class, no longer trusted around open flame without adult supervision.   She graciously allowed me to extract her quiche when it was done baking.  It looked like a magazine cover.  Meanwhile, my workstation looked like the scene of an industrial accident.
While we were waiting for her quiche to cook, Geillis and I got to know each other a little better.  She was a Highland lass from up near Inverness.  Married to a wealthy older man, her life sounded like an endless quest for diversion.  Despite this, or because of it, she had a sharp-witted frankness that I appreciated.  She was also a hard-core gossip.
“Wee besom,” she remarked with a nod towards a blond girl who was currently monopolizing Jamie’s attention with endless questions punctuated by manufactured giggles and flicks of her pin-straight hair.  “Tha’s Laoghaire Mackenzie of the Mackenzie brewing dynasty.  They’ve a live-in cook, so there’s only one reason she attends these classes, and it isna for the quiche.”
I watched Jamie laugh over something the girl said, mineral eyes alight and his perfect white teeth on display.  I suppose I couldn’t blame her.  I wasn’t here for the quiche either.
The interminable ninety minute lesson finally ended.  I thanked Geillis profusely and we exchanged numbers before she rushed off for her reiki treatment.  Gathering my trench coat and purse, I tried to slink away without calling any further attention to myself.
“Ms. Beauchamp!”
I cursed under my breath, then turned to face him.
“Please, call me Claire.  After I nearly burned down your place of business, we should probably be on a first name basis.”
Jamie chuckled. It sounded more natural and lived-in than his earlier response to Laoghaire, but I was likely fooling myself.
“Och, wha’s a cooking demonstration wi’out a wee bit of drama.  Will ye be joining us next week?  We’ll be making ceviche, sae I willna need tae put the fire brigade on stand-by.”
“Bastard,” I replied to his cheeky smirk.  “Alas, I don’t think I’m cut out to be a cook.  It appears to be the one science I can’t master.”
“Cooking isna a science, Claire,” he explained with sincere intensity.  “Tis an art.  Perhaps tha’s the root of yer struggle.”
“Perhaps it is.  But in that case, I may as well give up now.  I haven’t an artistic bone in my body.”
His languorous perusal of said body lit a different kind of flame in my belly.  Geillis was right; he really was a dozen kinds of yes.
“I canna say as I agree.  Come back any time if ye’d like tae try again.”
I blushed, thoroughly discomfited by his blatant flirting.  He knew about Frank.  He’d fled from him onto my fire escape, for Christ’s sake!  Maybe when you looked like James Fraser, every interaction with a woman was merely a chance to hone your craft.  Or maybe he was truly ignorant of his effect.
“I’ll take that under advisement.  Thank you again, Jamie.”
“Until the next time, Arsonist.”
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MY Marriage Mending Pumpkin Pie
Im baking a Pumpkin Pie, but pumpkin isnt the only ingredient..
Im baking a “Relationship Rescue Pie.” I saw someones recipe/spell online, but I decided I wanted to craft my own. I used similar ingredients that will allow me to create a similar outcome that I manifest, and with the help if the spirits.
✨Your magick comes from within, everything else is a tool. You just have to know which ones to use, and who to ask for help.✨
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Marriage Mending Pie
Wet ingredients:
1/2 32oz can of pumpkin purée
1/2-1 cup brown sugar(sweeten to taste)
1 cup almond milk
2 tablespoons vegan butter, melted
Splash of vanilla
Flax seed egg
Dry ingredients
1/4 cup flour
1/2 tsp Nutmeg
1/4 tsp Cloves
1 tsp Cinnamon
Crust (I used a store bought walnut crust)
Magickal Properties
Cinnamon: High levels of spirituality, psychic ability, and works in matters of lust and love.
Cloves: Drive away negativity, cleansing, and bringing prosperity.
Nutmeg: Inspires passion, attraction and irresistible allure, helps with making convincing arguments with someone who doesn’t see things your way.
Almond milk: Encourages lasting and loving union.
Pumpkin: Helps with getting your desired outcome, love.
Vanilla: Calming and strengthening properties, love, friendship, healing, happiness, passion.
Step 1: Preheat the oven to 375°F
Step 2: In one bowl, add all of your wet ingredients, and mix until combined.
Step 3: In a smaller bowl, mix your dry ingredients together, and slowly add them to the wet ingredients. Or be chaotic like me and add the dry ingredients one by one.
Remember to be setting your intentions throughout this process!!
Step 4: While mixing the ingredients in a spiral pattern I repeated 3x:
“With every bite, He craves my touch.
With every taste, He remembers the
good memories”.
(You dont have to use the words I said, you can use your own!!)
Step 5: Pour the filling into the pie crust while repeating the above words 3x. Place the pie on a baking sheet. Slightly tap the baking sheet againt your countertop to release any air bubbles in the pie.
Step 6: Close your eyes and use your hands or whatever tool(s) you see fit to harness your energies and your intentions, slowly imagine all of your magick going into the pie. If it helps, imagine the pie slowly starting to glow brighter and brigher. Do this while repeating the words 3x.
Step 7: Cover the pie with foil, make sure the foil doesnt stick to the filling. Place in the oven for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, check your pie, remove foil, and repeat the words 3x while imagining all your magick being baked into the pie. Put pie back in the oven and bake for another 20-30 minutes. The middle of the pie may still be slightly jiggly, dont worry it will firm up! Allow to cool for 20-30 minutes, then draw a heart in the middle with a knife or toothpick while repeating the words 3x. Enjoy and blessed be!! (If possible, get their slice for them and repeat the words 3x while putting all your positive intentions and all of your magick into their slice.)
My thoughths/results:
December 7, 2020: After we had our slices of the pie, he said he thought it tasted delicious!! About an hour later, he said he wanted to come over again tomorrow for another slice! I feel like its working so far😌
Me and my husband are going through a serious rough patch at the moment, so I thought I would use my magick and the help of the spirits to strengthen the love and longing. We are also going to marriage counseling for help as well🖤
December 8th: He made his decision that he wants to stay and work on our marriage! We both agree it will take time, but we both love eachother and are eachothers best friend, and we dont want to give up or lose what we have.🥰
He is still staying with his friend for now, but I say the spell is working!! All in due time😌
December 10th: I brought him lunch and we ate together!! He just kept kissing my cheek and my forehead and me! And he said he loved me! (Which is a big deal right now, marriages are a lot of work. You have to want to choose love even when its hard) When he had to go back on duty(24 hr shift) he sad he wanted to see me again later! So I brought him dinner and we ate again! I sat in his lap and held me and my hand. When I had to leave, he didnt want me too and he kept kissing me goodbye🥺❤️🥰 I say the spell is working wonderfully!!
I will keep my results updated on this post!! My intentions were to help mend our relationship and allow love back into our hearts, but also to help us to decide where to go from here.
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iruludavare · 2 years
There are no circumstances under which this would be considered a pretty pie. He'd tried, but even with the help of the Larvesta, it was still burnt at the edges, and the shaping of the crust was lopsided at best. Despite the meticulously folded origami Delphox set next to it, the pi symbol carved into the top crust was uneven and jagged; clearly, N was not as dexterous with a knife as he was with paper. But the qualot berry filling was fresh and fully cooked and sweetly tangy, and it was at least serviceable in taste.
If unfolded, the Delphox contained the poorly-spelled note: "Hapy π day! Sory Im stil lurning to bayk."
π Day || Not accepting @sumofn
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     He has tried, most definitely. She can see that.
     It is endearing, in some ways. Reminiscent of the baked goods that those just starting out in the academy, whom she was tasked with teaching on the odd occasion, would give to the blonde as thanks. Burnt edges, the finesse of forming and decorating crust not yet learnt by the maker, jagged edges and shaky laying of the pastry to form the symbol atop it all. How nostalgic. From the origami beside it, Serena can tell-- he is capable of mastering finer artforms, and perhaps this, too, would be one N would conquer over time. One he might better understand if it was broken down into more a logical, mathematical manner. And the contents of the note-- why, it does nothing but prove her train of thought right.
    Maybe it would be a kind gesture to offer him some help in the future.
     There is the sound of a knife cutting into the pie, a cautious slice taken from the piece, for she wagers it would taste better than it looks. Presentation is an important aspect of cooking, one might argue, but for a beginner like him, well it could be cast aside for the time being. Something wonderful that does not look all that appealing is far better than a dish that tastes atrocious, but looks beautiful-- or, at least, in Serena’s eyes, it would be. Yet as she takes a bite from the slice, the slightest feeling of anxiety cannot help but bubble in her chest.
     It is sweet. A little tangy. The faintest ghosts of spice barely hanging onto to it all. Did N use qualot berries for the filling? Oh, he must have-- it still carries that distinct taste. A basic recipe it must have been, for even if her mind scurries around thinking of what else could be added to it the next time it was made, it cannot associate much complexity with the pie. However, it makes sense. It is still very much passable; not a bland mess that it easily could have become. And so, she picks up pen and paper, scrawling onto it a message thanking the other trainer for the food, along with quite a positive, encourage little review.
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dreamgirledward · 3 years
ok so i wrote a drabble in the tags of this hysterical post then they got FUCKED but i still liked it enough to copy and paste it here in the proper order (with some polishing) pls enjoy <3 the whole thing is under the cut bc it got kinda long 🤡 ty @thighholstered for inspiring me on this thursday night when i have like 2 assignments due at midnight
thinking about how easily tragic it could be for dean to find out mary's 'homemade' pie, the source of his warmest childhood memories of her, wasn't homemade at all.
but he doesnt mope about it. he gets up one day and goes FUCK IT. his whole life has been a goddamn tragedy. he had his childhood and innocence taken from him, and after that fire, he never had a home or a stable family environment. why the hell would he have the one comforting thing he'd been holding onto since he was 4 years old? but now, he's got his own 4 year old and a home and a proper life and damn if he's gonna make cas and jack (and sam, fine he can have some too, but he better not hear about calories when the time comes), the best pie they've ever tasted, he will.
he uses this revelation to bake a pie himself for the first time in his life - and he's all in. he considers every single element and looks up recipes written by old ladies that have been perfecting their pies for like 50 years and compares them to see what route he should be taking.
he's determined to make the whole thing from scratch, particularly the pie shell and crust. he gets to work: he practises all night for a few days in a row trying to get the dough just right. once he's finally satisfied it'll be a good shell for the filling, he decides to settle on apple. start small. classic. he can work his way up to blueberry, cherry, or strawberry eventually. he starts to find just the right types of apples because the ladies on the internet said the mix is important and not every apple is best for an apple pie, and oh. this is slightly more daunting than he initially thought.
he doesn't even know the different types of apples. he's always just associated them with colours. he didnt know they had different names and flavours.
so he just awkwardly approaches sam one day and asks him about his favourite apples as casually as possible. which is not casual at all apparently because sam is staring at him like he's grown a second head now.
"jeez sam im just asking what your picky ass prefers because im going on a grocery run and i dont wanna hear you bitch me out for not buying anything that's grown from a tree or the dirt." for some reason he doesn't quite know what to do with his hands.
and then it slowly dawns on sam and he tries hiding his smile behind a hand because he's heard dean grumbling in the kitchen at 3am for the past 4 days rolling out his dough and cursing whenever it didn't end up the way he wanted. so he just joins his brother and helps him pick out a variety to test out and says nothing when he notices dean's embarrassment quickly dissipate as he picks up apples to smell them (probably for the first time) and nods seriously as sam explains what makes each one unique. it takes like 5 or 6 separate pies with different mixes and ratios of gala and granny smith and honey crisp and pink lady for them to finally settle on the best combination. and after a month or two of practicing day in and day out and a million taste tests between the two of them, he's finally ready.
on september 18th, he brings out a perfectly golden apple pie and lays it gingerly on the table in front of cas. there's 4 slits in the middle and carefully stencilled decorative dough leaves resting on the crust. cas just blinks down at the pie and asks what's going on. dean clears his throat nervously before explaining:
"well, i found out the one thing i thought i could associate with home was actually store bought this whole time, so im making it our family's tradition to have homemade pie for your birthday."
cas, who's gaze hasn't left the steaming pie, takes a moment to let that sink in, and slowly leans forward to take an inhale through his nose, closing his eyes in the process.
"it smells delicious, dean."
dean lets out the breath he never realized he was holding in relief. jack quickly leans over the table to follow suit, sniffing much louder than cas, and exclaims, "did you really bake this dean?!"
"i really did."
"the whole thing???"
"yeah kiddo, the whole thing," dean chuckles.
"it's so pretty!"
dean reaches over to ruffle his kid's hair affectionately. "why don't you grab the ice cream for your dad while i slice this bad boy up, jack?"
jack excitedly bounds towards the freezer, and sam gets up to help him as dean begins cutting everyone a piece. the sound of the crust crackling fills the kitchen and dean grins inwardly in satisfaction. it took him what felt like forever to know exactly how long to leave the pie in the oven for it to get that crispy while the filling stayed perfectly juicy.
as he lays the first slice of the pie before cas he murmurs, "yknow cas, if you still want a cake for your birthday i can totally make you a cake, i know i didnt really ask you if you wanted-"
cas cuts him off with a soft kiss on the nose. "dean. i love it."
if dean wasn't (thankfully) distracted enough, determined to make every piece perfectly symmetrical, he'd probably melt into a puddle of goo on the spot.
"good. happy birthday, angel."
"thank you, dean."
jack's practically skipping back to the kitchen table with the vanilla ice cream, sam in tow with the bowls and spoons.
"can i have pie for my birthday too, dean?" he inquires excitedly.
dean smiles down at his kid so hard he feels like his cheeks might burst.
"i can make you pie whenever you want, jack."
end 🥰🥧💖
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thesorrowoflizards · 4 years
ezra i’d love to hear your thoughts on desserts? what are your faves and stuff you dislike the most? (yes it’s daydreaming about cooking and baking for the murder bois hours)❤️💖💜💙
god cooking is fun but im bad at it but im actually not terrible at baking and desserts--other than breaking eggs, which i still have to ask someone else to do because im a garbage baby
but Y E S  ok desserts are, great. i admit i actually like cooking them more than eating them a lot of the time? especially most cake 
although i do love strawberry cake,, my local grocery store’s generic bakery does this strawberry cake with whipped cream icing that tastes SO GOOD especially chilled. like idk bro that shit is good
chocolate cake is overrated but not disgusting (if its like Moist And Dense its pretty good especially with the right like, fudgey icing?) and vanilla is fine. better in cupcake form
as for like pie, i like pecan and certain kinds of chocolate pie a lot, i like apple and rhubarb but i might pick out some of the filling like a loser, pumpkin pie and coconut cream i can stand in small amounts bc unique flavor but not great texture. key lime and lemon meringue i ADORE in concept but in practice always seem to fail me. peach and cherry i just dont like im sorry :( i mean cherry is good if i just eat the cherry juice soaked crust like a heathen but pretty sure that doesn’t count
fglkhjfgh im trying to think of other desserts... spotted dick is TERRIBLE, had it once, i hate it. all bread pudding sucks im sorry 
cookies,,, chocolate chip is boring unless very fresh and gooey and a little underdone so its like warm cookie dough but not dangerous, shortbread is great if done right but needs something with it, anything with raisins is trash, sugar cookies are only good if they’re those weird soft lofthouse ones, double choc is fine, white choc macademia nut is fine.... i can’t think of any others rn 
apple turnovers? the shit. cherry turnovers? suck. those strawberry cream cheese ones the walmart near me has sometimes? delicious. i love fake strawberry shit ngl
same with fake blueberry shit like blueberry muffins or waffles with like, the weird processed blueberry stains that aren’t really blueberries? good blueberry flavor without the texture i hate
uhhhHHHHH im sure im missing so many more desserts i know. some random other ones i’ve tried--churros (had some really good ones at one place and some really bad ones at another), sopapillas (always good but i somehow always make a mess), ice cream in general (strawberry and mint and superman are the best, chocolate sucks, and generally, i like frozen yogurt better. all good with caramel and like, turtle sundae kind of things), brownies (easy to get wrong but if right THE BEST), monkey bread (pretty good), doughnuts (almost all garbage), zeppoli (i liked the strawberry one, surprise surprise), uhhhhhhh im running out of desserts i can think of tbh fuck. uh, fudge, i like a lot of fudge, tbh, but in small amounts. don’t think i’ve had any i straight up hate although the maple nut one was kind of meh. (we used to go to this fudge shop on summer vacation to this same place because of like, family reasons, and we always got fudge so i tried a lot of different fudge. i even made some once!), cheesecake (good! i like it. my mom had a really good recipe for the plain stuff but she hates cooking so i never eat it), those french cream puff things? (nasty, flavorless, weir texture), those little cakes i used to get at my local chinese buffet that i don’t think were actually chinese but were very tasty (very tasty!! they sometimes had these little strawberry ones--I KNOW I KNOW STRAWBERRY LOOK IM A SLUT FOR IT OK), anything banana flavored that isn’t actually a sliced up banana (ew), custard (generally not that good?)..... that’s all i got for now i can’t think of anythng else but if you had any other specific ones in mind hmu (or if theres one i probably haven’t tried but you like you can tell me about it!) 
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so how bout them kids huh
They’ve been settled for a bit
Neil is obviously playing exy for a pro team
Andrew is doing something probably ??? idek im putting more effort into the child than these idiots
They never planned on having kids (like talk about having terrible role models amirite)
But Renee has settled with Emilio after working in the peace corps for a bit, and she’s ready to find local ways to help the people around her
She obviously starts working with kids bc they trust her a lot
(except for the few that know enough to be wary of her and her soft smiles and seeming perfection)
But eventually this kid, just turned five, is pulled from a father who left marks somewhere a teacher would notice. And this kid refuses to talk. Like to anyone about anything. Renee has never seen a single expression on his face, and as much as she tries to keep her own judgments of the children from becoming too personal, all she can see in his flat eyes is andrew before he found something to live for.
So she calls Andrew. Obviously she doesn’t start out with “hey come relate to this traumatized child”, but just about spending time with kids in general, seeing if there’s anyway he can help them that he feels comfortable with.
(He agrees surprisingly quickly, in just over 5 days, and most of that time is actually convincing Neil to come, because what do you do with children that don’t play exy?????? But like hell Andrew is walking into this alone, even if renee is going to be there)
But they show up and Andrew immediately dislikes all the kids he firsts meets, all of them are in-your-face little shits who have chosen to be loud and act out in response to their shitty lives, and while Andrew doesn’t really care if that’s how they choose to react, he also doesn’t want to spend any more time with them than possible.
Neil gets along surprising well with these kids, he knows how to snap back at them with just as much attitude and have a good time without seriously hurting, and Andrew eventually wanders off bc he can’t deal with more than one loud-mouthed idiot at a time.
Eventually Andrew finds rooms where the other more reserved children are, but clearly none of them want to talk to him so he gives them a nod and moves on.
But there’s a room that is closed and locked, and Andrew gets a feeling that that lock contains the same kind of desperate hope he knows all-too-well.
He knocks. Fuck if he knows why, but he knocks. There’s the faint sound of clothes moving, almost indecipherable from the yelling below them, but Andrew hears. He sits down, leans his back against the door, and says “hey”. There’s no answer, so Andrew closes his eyes, tips his head back, and listens to the noise coming from downstairs and the house around him. Eventually, Neil comes and finds him, and they head home.
Renee doesn’t push (she noticed andrew disappeared, and she has an idea as to where he was, but she knows better than to assume).
Andrew eventually calls her, tells her they’re coming back. He doesn’t ask, but Renee knows he’s aware she would tell him if she didn’t want them back there.    
Neil is less than happy about going back, but it’s enough that Andrew seems interested in these kids, and no way is Neil letting him do it on his own.
(eventually, when the situation is less new and alien, Andrew becomes comfortable enough that he can go when Neil is out of town at matches or talk shows or team events)
So they keep coming back, sometimes both, sometimes just Andrew, and Andrew keeps walking the back hallways. He starts doing more than just acknowledging the quieter kids, he asks for names and ages and offers little bits of himself in return. And every time, he stops by the locked door, greets whoever is in there, and sits quietly with them.
Renee is now certain of where he’s going, because she isn’t above bribing the kids he talks to with candy if they tell her how long he spends with them.
And then one day, on about their tenth visit, Andrew sitting with his back against the locked door debating whether to try a new lemon meringue recipe that night or not, there’s the sound of someone else, someone smaller, leaning back against the door on the opposite side to him. Andrew mouth twitches in what might be a smile, but all he says is “knock twice if you don’t care if I come back or not” because he knows “wanting” might be out of this kids vocabulary. There’s what Andrew estimates is about seven minutes of stillness, and then two, soft, barely there knocks. He knocks back twice, gets up, and goes to talk to Renee about what crust to use for the pie.
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katsudekuheadcanons · 7 years
9) Baking on a rainy day, high fives, a first kiss sounds really cute!
THIS CAME OUT A HECK OF A LOT LONGER THAN IT WAS SUPPOSED TO OOPS. But here. :3 sorry if it feels a bit rushed toward the end... T 3 T --The phone call was awkward. A forced phone call to Izuku's phone,  from none other than his childhood friend. And Izuku knew it was forced because he could hear Mrs. Bakugou telling her son what to say in the background. "Tell him." she said, probably attempting to whisper. "Tell him to come over..and quit being such a grouch, Katsuki. " she added in. Izuku had to stifle a laugh as he listened silently, waiting for Katsuki to actually speak up.  "Deku" After about three quiet minutes,  he spoke. What a surprise! "Come the fuck over." It was more of an order than an invitation. And before the freckled boy had a chance to ask any questions, the phone was disconnected. If it wasn't a cell phone call- Izuku was sure it would have been hung up with a slam. A distressed sigh escaped his lips and ran a hand through his curly locks. "What am I supposed to do?? Why is Kacchan's mother making me go over there" He cant help the worry that had taken over him, and he paced about his room. Great. Katsuki's house. What a way to spend a Saturday evening.They weren't on terrible terms anymore, but they definitely weren't /perfect/. They could at least hold a conversation with out yelling at one another now. And they walked home together sometimes... but they haven't necessarily 'hung out'. Another sigh left him, and he tucked his phone away in his pocket.  Well,  if he was going, he may as well get it over with.  Katsuki wanted to make it a quick visit too, he was sure. He'd never invite Izuku over just because-- and it was evident now that for whatever reason,  his mother was the one who wanted them to meet.  "I'll just see what Kacchan wants-  And then I'll come home." ~~Fuck. Fuck. /Fuck/. Izuku was coming over.  Katsuki shot a look at the clock ticking away on the wall.  It wouldn't take him too long to walk over, despite the rain fall. It was only drizzling, so it wouldn't slow Izuku down.  "Mom. What the fuck??" Katsuki growled,  as he watched his mother grab hold of her umbrella.  She slipped on her high heeled shoes, and swung a light jacket over her shoulder before making her way to the door.  "Why the hell would you invite Deku here?! When you're leaving,  what the fuck??""You invited him, brat~" she sing songed, and set a hand on the door knob. "Don't be such a baby. Do you think your mother is stupid? Take advantage of this! " she demands to her son,  before heading out of the house.  Shit. Dammit. Fuck. What did she mean by that?  The ash blonde leaned himself against the wall of his living room.  His bottom lip jutted out in thought,  slowly starting to realize what she meant.  Oh."No fuckin way." He stated,  before standing himself up straight.  "No fuckin way mom noticed somethin like that." Katsuki decided he may as well tidy up as he waited to get his mind off of things,  and it wasn't long before there was a knock at the front door.  In that moment,  Katsuki swore his heart jolted to a stop.  His breath shortened in his lungs and he shot a death glare at the door.  Almost as if he was hoping to scare off his guest with out having to communicate at all... of course it didn't help.  There was a short pause,  before another knock followed; this time it was louder. His mind started to race all over as he inched himself toward the door.  What would he say? For what reason did he even have Izuku come over?  He had to think of something before he got to the door. He had to figure it out. Had to think.  Had to plot-- "Kacchan!" Izuku called.  "Please let me in, its down pouring!" Katsuki paused as he reached the front door. He swallowed thickly, as his hand hesitated to open it. He could easily ignore Izuku and continue on with his evening. Eventually Izuku would get tired of standing in the rain and he'd just go home. But then he could also catch a cold. Izuku is dumb sometimes, so he wouldn't have taken an umbrella for a short walk. Katsuki couldn't let Izuku get sick. "Kacchan!" The voice jolted Katsuki from his thoughts once again and he grumbled, before grabbing hold of the door knob. It swung open with a crash against the wall and it would have bounced back shut, if Katsuki hadn't stopped it with his foot. "I heard you the first time- be patient, damn." His red hues narrowed and looked down at Izuku who was a shivering mess. And at that site, Katsuki swore he hated himself. Why didn't he just open the fucking door? Now Izuku was soaked. "A..are you going to let me in or not?" He questioned then, frowning. The ash blonde, pressed his lips shut,  and took a step to the side.  His eyes watching Izuku's every movement.  The way his hair stuck to his face from the rain, the way his clothes dripped, how he took awkward steps because his shoes were also soaked through... it was sort of cute. Shaking away the thought,  Katsuki kicked the door closed. He followed Izuku in, and the silence was becoming a bit awkward. "Why did you want me to come over?"  Finally it was broken,  and the freckled boy turned his attention toward his childhood friend.  There was a bit of shyness in his gaze. "Uuuh--" Katsuki paused momentarily. "Uh... to help me bake somethin." It /sounded/ like he made it up on the spot, but who the hell would care? Although now he had to figure out what exactly he was baking. "To /bake/?" Izuku's eyes widened slightly,  before he nodded and looked down at his wet clothes. "Thats unlike you Kacchan, is this some kind of prank?" He smiled crooked. It was that uneasy,  unsure smile that Katsuki really disliked for many reasons. "No- no seriously!  I gotta bake somethin and Im not fucking good at it! So thats why I wanted you over. ""Your mom made you call me" Izuku stated. "But.  Let's get it over with,  okay..? Um.. I'm sure you want to get this done as soon as possible. " Katsuki's brows knitted at that. It hurt to hear that Izuku felt he wasn't wanted there... because that wasnt true. "Sure. But I'm gonna give you some dry clothes first.""What??""Just take the damn offer!"~~Now that Izuku was in a dry set of clothes, (Katsuki's shorts and hoodie), the two of them could get started.  Izuku's cheeks were flushed red wearing them. It felt weird.. but nice. They had only shared clothes one other time,  and that was when they were children.  Katsuki however,  regretted his choice of allowing Izuku to use his clothing.  Because God /dammit/, he looked really cute wearing it. The sweat shirt and shorts only showed off how much smaller Izuku was than Katsuki, despite not looking much different standing side by side.  Sure Katsuki was taller,  and more built,  but he never realized how much."What are we making?" Izuku questioned, finally looking up at the other. Katsuki's gaze was disturbed then, and he lifted a hand to rub his neck. His eyes darted around the room. He had to look anywhere but at other. "Uh.. Apple pie. My mom wants it for dessert tonigt.." A lie. But a good one, he hoped. They had the ingredients for one so how hard could it really be? "I gotta recipe." With that, he made his way to the kitchen counter and started to dig through the small box that held his mother's different recipes. "You dont seem like the type to enjoy baking, Kacchan" Izuku commented,  trying to keep things calm.  They were having a decent conversation so far... no yelling.  No annoyance.  Just talking- about pie and baking! Perhaps it was the start of something... something normal.  A genuine friendship, possibly. The chances were slim,  but Izuku could be hopeful couldn't he?  He never hated Katsuki, and lately they had been on good terms.  The latter hadn't even bullied or talked down on Izuku for a while.  Izuku could almost safely say that his childhood friend was becoming nicer.  Not to others per say, but to him personally. It felt good.  It gave Izuku a tickle in his stomach.  "I never said I / enjoyed/  it. It just has to be done. " Katsuki replied,  and held up the recipe he was looking for. "And here it is- lets start workin on this and get it done. Maybe by the time we're finished the rain will stop."  He offered a slight smile before setting the paper down on the counter.  Was he actually trying to make conversation? Izuku could hardly believe it, but thats what it seemed like. He wouldn't let the opportunity slip from his fingers and he nodded; his green curls bouncing a bit as he did. "I hope!" And he smiled. It was genuine, and there was no hint of unsureness to it. Katsuki could swear his heart stopped. The sight of a smiling Izuku was so rare to him, and it was precious.  Something he'd treasure for the rest of his life if he were able.  "Read off the ingredients, Kacchan. I'll start to gather them." Katsuki blinked, waking up from his daydream. (He had been doing that a lot that day. He needed to stop). "Yeah,  yeah. First things first is obviously the apples".~~"What the fuck?!" "It doesn't look right.." Izuku muttered."Seriously,  what the fucking shit??" Katsuki growled, as he stared at the pie they had baked. It was cooling off on the stove top,  but the top crust had sunken in, and the inside was liquid instead of caramelized.  "What the hell did we do wrong??" He questioned,  grabbing hold of the recipe. It looked like they did everything right.  So why was it coming out that way? "Maybe we mis-read a step" Izuku mumbled,  as he lifted a hand up to play with his lower lip. "We should give it another try.. this time Ill read the directions and you add ingredients! Its still raining anyway-  it'll be a fun way to pass the time.." Suddenly, Izuku's voice grew unsure.  Katsuki shifted his gaze to the other,  and felt a wave of something (happiness was it?)take over him. Izuku said it would be fun to pass the time baking with Katsuki. That meant he enjoyed it the first time. That meant he didnt want to leave yet. The blonde felt his cheeks redden, and he piped up finally.  He couldn't let Izuku be doubtful. "Sure- why the hell not. Im no quiter. We're gonna make this damn pie right,  no matter what. " he smirked,  and started to gather the ingredients once again.  The second time around seemed to be going more successful, in more ways than one.  To both their surprise they were talking. It started off about the pie- but it slowly moved away from that.  Katsuki swore they were having fun. Izuku laughed a few times. Katsuki was finding it easier to joke around with him, and it was refreshing.  Izuku couldn't remember the last time he / laughed/  with Katsuki... it felt warm. It made his heart pound in his chest,  and his stomach do flips. They continued to work on the pie, and it wasn't long before it was in the oven. The duo wasted time waiting for it to bake by telling stories.  They touched back on a lot of their past memories together, majority from when they were young. They avoided any of the bullying memories as if they didn't exist and focused solely on the times they played or went by each other's houses. Katsuki was surprised that they actually did so much together.. he had forgotten about the peaceful times between them. Finally the timer went off,  and it was time for the moment of truth. Izuku watched eagerly, as Katsuki put on the oven mits and went into the oven.  The crust wasn't caved in so that was a good sign. But the real confirmation of their success would be in the filling.  "Ill bet its okay!" Izuku chimed,  as he watched the pie. They waited patiently together for it to cool.  "We'll see. If it isnt right,  we're going to the store for more god damn apples and we're makin it again" Katsuki stated and he picked up the knife. "Ready?""Ready!" As the knife sunk into the pie, a grin formed on Katsuki's face. He finished cutting the slice and it was perfect.  The inside was caramelized just right, and the apples were soft. "Fuck yeah!" Katsuki looked at the other quickly. "Look at it! "Izuku smiled wide, seeing their sucess. Apparently adding too many apples and not enough sugar was their downfall last time. "We did it Kacchan!" He laughed again and lifted a hand up, waiting. "Ill bet it tastes as good as it looks! "The blonde glanced at the raised hand and lifted his own up. He slapped their hands together for a satisfying high-five,  though his hand lingered there. He still couldn't take his eyes off Izuku. Especially because he was smiling now.. it was such a tender smile, Katsuki never realized how warm it made him feel. How much he actually longed to see it. And he didn't realize how nice it was to be the cause of it.The freckled boy looked puzzled,  as Katsuki stared at him.  He tilted his head slightly,  and as he went to move his hand away it was grabbed. Fingers laced and suddenly... he was being tugged forward. It all happened so fast after that.  Their bodies were closer than they'd ever been.  Izuku's eyes widened,  as Katsuki's  feel shut.  Their lips collided together only for a few moments before it was over. Katsuki pulled back relatively quickly,  looking just as surprised as Izuku did.  "K..Kacchan you..." his cheeks grew dark red at the realization.  "..Shut...shut up, Deku." "...Kacchan why did you-""Don't,  Deku!""You k.. kissed... kissed me!" It was finally said. And the two stared at each other in silence for a few moments.  "... why did you..?" Izuku said softly.  Katsuki thought it should be more than obvious as to / why/, but Izuku seemed confused.  He appeared to be looking for some type of reassurance,  and he was holding himself back from reacting. Katsuki stayed quiet for a few moments before parting his lips to speak.  "I'm..." his voice grew quiet.  "..I think I... love you. " ".. you /think/..?" Izuku didnt sound too pleased with the answer.  He definitely sounded confused and weary. His brows furrowed,  and he huddled into himself. It was that look that Katsuki couldn't stand.  The look that displayed his fear. The look that was especially for Katsuki in the past.  "A...Are you...making some kind of joke?" At that, the ash blonde stiffened up.  That was the last thing he wanted. This wasn't a joke, it was real. And he had to make sure he displayed that."No-- no its not a joke. " he lifted a hand up to touch his forehead.  God, he hated being bad with words.  "Its not a joke- I said it wrong. I meant that I.. agh..  I.. really.." It really wasn't like Katsuki to mix up his words,  but when it came to Izuku nothing made sense. He couldn't form a sentence,  and it was killing him inside. "I love you,  okay? I love you-- and I'm absolute shit at trying to put this into words.  I dunno when it started-  I dunno what made me want to tell you right now.  But I did.  And I fucking kissed you, and I did it because I love you.  This isn't a joke- Im serious! " There was silence between them then. Izuku's green hues stared intently into Katsuki's red ones. They stayed like that for a few moments before Izuku spoke. "....Kacchan.. I... I also have feelings for you.." it was weird to admit.  " But!"Katsuki blinked, waiting eagerly. He felt his heart palpitating fast. "..I can't trust you fully yet. I'm sure you know why.." Izuku played with his hands then. "I need you to show me." Katsuki swallowed hard,  but nodded a bit.  Of course Izuku couldn't trust him all the way. He knew the reasons as to why,  but it still hurt. It fucking sucked. But Katsuki's not a quiter. He took in a deep breath, before closing the distance between them."I'll prove it. I don't care how long it takes.  I don't care if its years or whatever.  I'm gonna show you and prove it. Im different than I was.." Izuku's, face softened as he listened.  He gave a gentle nod before reaching out to lace their fingers together.  "I know you are." They kissed again, this time it was mutual. Their lips moved together slowly, before parting. Katsuki then pulled the other in for a firm hug. It was going to be a journey together. It was going to be a bumpy road, it was going to be hard, and it was going to be long. But it was worth it. To be able to see Izuku smiling as bright as the sun, just for him. It was worth everything to Katsuki.
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raisindeatre · 3 years
hi! its pie crust anon here to give you an update on the Situation. i unfortunately saw your reply a bit too late and randomly picked inspiredtaste's recipe. it turned out ok and honestly at that point edible counted at a win in my book!! i made lemon meringue pie which i ended up not even tasting bc my lime eating asian ass decided to HATE lemon after finishing the curd :') i first tried my hand at making pie not even a week ago but i have the memory of a goldfish and thus could not recall
correctly what my initial problem was :/ i do think that it had something to do with the liquid – adding too much, then adding too little. if i ever try to make pie again (and i probably will because im a masochist like that) i’ll definitely use the recipe that your mother recommended!!
Hello pie crust anon, and thanks for messaging me again - I've been thinking about you ❤️️ I'm sorry I replied too late to your first ask, but CONGRATULATIONS on making a lemon meringue pie that was edible! 🎇 (I'm sure that it also tasted good, but I completely understand what you mean by how at a certain point... edible is enough.) If you ever do try out that recipe, do let me know how it turns out (because my mother has been asking. "Did your friend like that recipe? What do you mean you are not friends? Who is this? Are you talking to strangers on the internet?")
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