#im not gonna post anything else about this unless i get asks about it
thechekhov · 2 months
so ive been following you for years now and i love your comic but mostly what i see now adays is your awesome reactions and asks and stuff - which is great! - but i decided to break down and read your comic on tapas. i didnt realize how much i missed and the impact of just sitting down and reading it is much more intense. youre a very talented storyteller and i knew that but im still blown away by this. thank you so much for sharing your skills, time, energy - especially since i saw you recently say you basically do this and work and nothing else. which makes me wonder what are you gonna do when you're done with WD!Steven? like do you have other projects youd like to work on and i just missed you saying so? whatever you do take care of yourself!
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That's very kind of you.
I do indeed have SO many projects I want to work on.
Unfortunately, I'm a bit committed to WDAU at the moment. I am trying to draw other stuff on the side, but it's very difficult to fit stuff in.
One project I wanted to do was a little slice of life comic series about my partner and I living in Japan as a mixed couple.
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Another was an original comic that I still hope to have the time to launch someday.....
And there are actually other projects, like an SU ttrpg that I wanted to put out, which is currently on hold because... Again... I'm too busy to finish it.
The reason I haven't talked about these projects much is because I feel incredibly embarrassed about posting anything that isn't at least some level of completed-ness. I don't want to announce something that I'll never get to finish. So unless I have a good head start on something AND I know I have a few things lined up to share, I kinda keep quiet....
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magniloquent-raven · 1 year
its midnight and im sleeby but i finished this thing i started scribbling out this afternoon based on @harringroveera 's post that i couldnt get outta my brain
i think i might have angsted it up a little cuz i can't help myself but its still cute so. pls enjoy
Billy's not super clear on where he is right now.
There are people everywhere. Yelling. Laughing. Music plays over a big fancy sound system. There's a blurry blue light glowing through glass sliding doors that he's been staring at for a little while 'cause it's…pretty. Twinkly and stuff. 
He's too many drinks past a good buzz, that much he's sure of. His head feels. Floaty. And heavy. And if he tries to move the room starts to spin. 
Whatever he's sitting on is comfy though. Soft. Softer than his damn mattress with that broken spring that's always stabbing him in the ribs. 
He's tired. Really tired.
Feels like he hasn't slept in months.
To his left a girl starts squealing as her boyfriend grabs her around the waist, to his right a speaker vibrates against the wall, buzzing to the beat of a deep bassline. Everything sounds far away, though. White noise blending together while the edges of his vision go fuzzy and faded.
He feels his head tip, just a little, and then—
With a sharp inhale he jolts, blinks, glancing around blearily at a silent, empty room.
It's still dark out. The blue glow still shimmers at him through glass. A lamp lights the room he's in. Everything's…shapes. Colours. His brain is still mushy.
He blinks a couple more times. His eyes are dry. Wobbly. All the shapes are wobbly.
"Hey, man, party's over." A voice startles him. He tries to look around, but it fucking hurts, and moving his head is so much work. Whatever, it's a nice voice. Way nicer than the jarring silence. 
Wait, why's the party over. He doesn't want the party to be over.
He wrinkles his nose. "Nooo…" 
"...Yeessss." There's a pause. "Everyone is gone, dude."
"No." Billy rubs his eyes. The chair is still so comfy. He sinks further into it, unwilling to move. "You're here."
"It's my house. I'm allowed to stay." The voice sounds amused. There's some rustling behind Billy. Plastic crinkling. Maybe. Something being moved around. "Why are you even here, anyways?" 
Hazy memories jumble together. A flask of vodka in his pocket, slipped under itchy robes. Sitting two heads away from Steve Harrington, sneaking glances between barely concealed shots. A droning speech. Another droning speech. Neil's solemn face in a crowd, watching him walk across the stage to shake hands with…the guy. The. Whatever.  
Some girl digging her talons into his arm after he slipped away from Neil's attempts to maintain a public image by acting like he gave a shit about his son's accomplishments. Beer and cheap tequila and shitty music blurring into each other as he gets dragged around like a trophy dangling off the elbow of whichever nameless girl claimed him for the night.
"Graduated," he says, picking at a sticky spot on the thigh of his jeans. Pinching the fabric isn't doing anything but he can't stop prodding. 
"Yeah, I know, with honors. Congrats." There's a huff. A silence. "Doesn't explain why you're here though." Footsteps, sneakers on linoleum, tap tap tap, meandering around whatever room is at his back. Glass bottles getting moved around. It's sort of soothing to listen to someone move around their house without any reason to be keeping track of their movements.
Well, unless…
Billy's stomach flips, and his chest goes tight. "You're not gonna kick me out are you?" he asks, his voice small. He feels sick, saying it. Thinking about it. He doesn't want to be anywhere else. This house smells sweet under the stink of spilled beer and leftover perfume. And he likes this chair.
The movement behind him stops for a second. "...Nnno?"
He breathes. Relaxing into velvety upholstery. "'Kay." 
"You sure you don't have anywhere to be? Family waiting up? Girlfriend expecting a midnight rendezvous?" 
Billy snorts. "No one gives a shit where I am." 
Neil will care tomorrow when Billy makes him look bad by pulling up hungover and in yesterday's clothes, but that's a problem for tomorrow. He won't be waiting up for him, worrying about Billy's safety or whatever.
A glass bottle clinks against something. "What about your sister?"
"Pfff…" He snickers, and gives his head a tiny shake. The movement makes everything spinny for a second and he has to pause to swallow bile. The sour taste on his tongue feels appropriate. And gross. "I fucked up. Everything. Beat the shit outta her friend. She's prolly hoping I don' come home at all. Ever."
Another glass bottle gets set down, slower this time. Carefully. "...This friend of hers…"
"Steve," Billy sighs. His eyes fall shut and he leans back into a cushioned headrest. His insides do the stupid fluttery thing they always do when he thinks about Steve. Steve and his stupid kissable face. 
"It was pretty dumb of him to pick a fight with you, huh," the voice says wryly. 
"Mnh…I guess." There's a soft snort behind him. But something prickles at Billy. Guilt, maybe. It's uncomfortable. He chews his lip as his eyes start to burn. "Nah. No. Whole thing was my fault. All my fault. S'always my fault." 
Saying it doesn't make it feel better.
"What do you mean?" There's sounds anymore. Just the voice, and Billy's heartbeat in his ears.
"It's…" Billy swipes at his eyes with the back of his hand. "It's a secret."
"I'm good at keeping those."
"You can't tell him."
"...I definitely will not tell him."
Billy hums. "He's real pretty, y'know."
"So I've been told, but what—"
"No, he's…he's so pretty. Like, I can't believe it sometimes, and I just wanna. Do something about it. All the time. But it hurts. Hurts so bad, and it's not supposed to, so I had to—I had to…I just got so mad. And I had to prove I didn't wanna kiss him, but I do. 'Cause I like him so much. Too much."
The silence is back. Ringing in Billy's ears. He sniffles quietly. 
"Please don't tell him. Or anyone."
There's a strained pause. Billy fidgets, his insides twisting into knots. 
"I promise." The voice is so gentle, and it makes Billy's eyes sting again. He blinks away tears and listens to more bottles being moved. Plastic cups hitting plastic bags. Sneakers against linoleum, and hardwood, and carpet. And after a while, "You're not gonna spend all night in the chair, are you?"
"You said—"
"I'm not kicking you out, I just meant. There's a guest bed, man," 
Sunlight hits Billy directly in the face and he rolls over, groaning. 
The motion makes his stomach lurch, but he buries his face in…pillowcase. Unfamiliar pillowcase. Smells like honeysuckle and clean air and it's softer than any bedding he's ever touched. 
His legs are tangled in sheets just as sweet-smelling and finely woven, and his guts give another heave as he realizes he's only wearing briefs. 
Did…did he fuck someone last night?
He was definitely drunk enough to do something that stupid, if the cottonmouth and pounding headache are any indication, but he doesn't fucking remember. Which would normally be a blessing, except he usually doesn't stay the goddamn night. 
Is he going to have some girl hanging all over him for the first couple weeks of summer? Until he can figure out how to ditch her without making it look like he's too eager to.
Or maybe he'll stick around for a little while, this bed is actually ridiculous. He might be able to fake his way through one shitty summer fling if it means sleeping like a goddamn king. There are like, five pillows, and it feels like he's laying on a cloud. 
He nuzzles deeper into the pillowcase. Smells nice too.
His memories of the previous day mostly stop around Tammy Whatsherface dragging him away for a graduation afterparty. Maybe he shouldn't have started drinking at noon. 
Christ, he's not even sure how he got here, or where his car is. 
Or where here is.
It's one of the Loch Nora houses, probably. Nowhere else would have sheets like this.
Eventually he drags himself, reluctantly, out of bed. And immediately tastes bile.
Which is. Bad. 
Being upright is bad. 
And he doesn't know where the nearest toilet is. Which could be extremely bad. Girls whose carpets you puke on don't invite you back to sleep in their nice guest rooms.
So, he's very slow and careful about pulling his jeans on. And he makes sure to pause when he starts to feel clammy, sitting on the floor to stop his head spinning. 
It takes him forever to get mostly dressed, jeans and an undershirt are enough. He can't find his button-up and socks require too much bending down, which his dehydrated brain does not appreciate. 
Peeking out into the nondescript hall doesn't provide any more answers about whose house this is. It's all shiny boring expensive decor and not a single person in sight.
Oh, looks like there's a bathroom at the end of the hallway though, good. 
He beelines for the sweet promise of a place to piss and rinse out his mouth, shuffling past a couple closed doors, listening for any signs of life and hearing nothing, until he shoulders his way into the bathroom and freezes in his tracks, because—
"Hey, uh. You're awake." Steve Harrington blinks at him, standing in front of a plain oval mirror, hairbrush in hand. Which he obviously hasn't used yet, because the bedhead he's sporting is kind of hilarious. It's all fluff in every direction. Billy wants to run his hands through it. 
Worse, though, is the fact that he's bare chested, wearing an unzipped hoodie and soft plaid pants, with all that fucking chest hair, and he's looking at Billy with a curious expression that isn't remotely like any way he's ever looked at Billy before and this is…all very, very strange.
So, obviously Billy's theory about what happened last night was wrong. He's not even back to square one, he has less than no idea what the fuck is happening.
"...Yes," Billy responds after a beat too long. 
Very smooth.
The corner of Steve's mouth twitches. There's something soft and warm about the amusement twinkling in his eyes and it's making Billy itch. 
"I think I'm gonna puke."
Steve snorts, and drops his hairbrush on the vanity. "Right, I'll get out of your way then." He sidles past Billy, far too close, patting his shoulder as he passes. Which does not help when he's just barely keeping his shit together.
His footsteps fade down the hallway at Billy's back. And Billy doesn't move. 
What the actual fuck.
He slams the bathroom door shut behind him, and leans his forehead against it, trying to breathe slowly through his nose. 
They didn't have sex last night. There's no way. He did not fuck Steve Harrington.
He couldn't have. Steve would never…
He's not…
That's just. Not what happened. Because that would never happen. 
It kind of looks like that's what happened, but it's not. 
He sits on the floor, head in his hands. And breathes. 
It's unclear how long he stays curled up on cold tile. Long enough that his legs start to feel stiff. Nothing about last night comes back to him. He sighs.
And gets up.
And splashes some water on his face. Drinks a little from the tap. Uses some of the mouthwash he digs out from under the counter. Takes a piss.
He's still unsteady. His temples throb if he moves too quickly. But he feels a little less like roadkill.
Steve waves at him when he spots him coming down the stairs. Waggles his fingers in the air, like they're best buds and this situation isn't the most surreal thing to happen to them since the Byers' weirdly trashed living room.
Billy rubs the back of his neck. "...Hey."
Steve pulls out two mugs, one of his thumbs stuck through a hole in the cuff of his sleeve. There's sunlight warming the honey-coloured highlights in his hair.
Yeah, no, this is definitely more fucked up than finding Max in a random house with a busted window and shitty drawings everywhere.
He might actually have lost his mind.
"What the fuck happened last night?" He blurts, his cheeks hot, fingers jittery. He shoves his hands in his pockets, fists balled up against his thighs.
Steve glances at him out of the corner of his eye. "Ah, figures you don't remember."
"Don't remember what?"
"You were pretty out of it."
"Yeah, thanks, I know that part."
Steve snorts, grabbing more things out of cupboards. Billy's paying more attention to his hands than what's in them. "You didn't want to leave, so I let you sleep upstairs."
"You didn't say, just said you didn't have anywhere else to be."
"That's not what I meant." He knows exactly why he didn't want to leave. All the many reasons why he'd rather be here than under Neil's roof. Or anywhere else. What doesn't make any fucking sense is Steve accommodating him. 
Steve's eyes flicker to his again, briefly, before he turns back to the counter. When he shrugs the nonchalance seems forced. "You're a lot nicer when you're plastered."
"I…" Billy opens his mouth. Shuts it again. 
What the fuck does that mean. 
Steve fidgets with a spoon. "You got…kind of weepy, y'know."
His shoulders go tense, jagged edges of a shield around what's left of his dignity. "Fuck you, Harrington," he snaps. It's all he can muster when he doesn't know what the fuck he was crying about. Every possibility is worse than the last.
"Yeah, you wish," Steve mutters.
Billy freezes. 
And doesn't recover quick enough to hide it from Steve. Steve's eyebrows shoot up. "Holy shit, it's true isn't it?" He turns around fully, the mess he's made of the counter forgotten. 
"I—don't know what you're talking about." His stupid deer-in-the-headlights expression is mostly under control but the sudden tremble in his voice definitely fucking isn't. 
He backs away a step and then stops. Where the fuck is he going to go, he doesn't know where his car is, where his keys are, and he's fucking barefoot. Running upstairs and locking himself in Steve's bathroom seems just a little too pathetic but that doesn't mean he doesn't consider it.
Billy clenches his jaw. It makes his head pound. "What exactly did I say last night?" He grits out, crossing his arms over his chest. 
Steve eyes him. Slowly, carefully. Deliberating. He chews his bottom lip. The silence is fucking agonizing. 
"Can't tell you," he finally replies, his voice light. One corner of his mouth lifts into half a smile, and scratches his cheek. "I promised I wouldn't tell anyone."
"That's…" Billy rubs his forehead with the palm of his hand, like he's looking for the button to restart his poor, confused brain. He drops his hand, exasperated, eyebrows creeping up to his hairline. "Steve, what the fuck."
Steve cracks a full-blown grin. "I told you I'm good at keeping secrets."
"I swear to god—"
"Aw c'mon, I can't break a promise! Especially 'cause you asked so nicely. You were so polite. It was very cute."
He can't have heard that right.
Or Steve's just fucking with him. That's what's going on here. Billy let something slip last night and now Steve's holding it over his head. Because why wouldn't he, honestly. He has every reason to want to mess with Billy, and now he's got the perfect leverage.
"Billy." Steve's voice is soft, suddenly. His expression gentles, and he moves to close the gap between them. And Billy…doesn't get it. He's stalled out and stuck trying to figure out how this is gonna go wrong, how it fits into whatever prank Steve is clearly pulling.
He doesn't know what his face is doing, but he's pretty sure he's being way more readable than he'd like. 
He nearly jumps out of his skin when Steve touches him. A hand on his shoulder. A hesitant, awkward pat. Testing the waters, maybe. Trying to make sure he's real, maybe.
Is any of this real? Billy's still not convinced. He can smell Steve's shampoo and see all the little flecks of colour in his eyes and his shoulder is still burning where they made contact, but…
"I'm sorry I hurt you, y'know," Steve murmurs, his gaze dropping, hovering somewhere around Billy's crossed arms. He reaches out again, fingers grazing Billy's knuckles this time. All Billy can do is blink at him, afraid to breathe. "Doesn't have to be like that."
He tugs at Billy's hand, untucking it from the crook of his elbow, unfolding Billy's arms, and Billy lets him. One hand drops to his side and the other stays cradled in Steve's grip. He's…staring at it like he's studying for a test. Billy has no idea what's so fucking interesting, or what Steve's talking about, but he's also not bothered at this point. 
His knees feel like jello. 
"You could've just kissed me."
Billy nearly collapses. Like one of those swooning chicks in shitty romance novels. Breathless and flushed and overwhelmed. Except he just stands there like a moron, staring at Steve. And Steve's mouth.
"What?" he manages not to sound too strangled. Miraculously. 
Steve smiles at him, almost sheepishly. "You still could. I wouldn't mind."
"Yeah, I mean, if you had morning breath still it might be a different story, but…" Steve gestures vaguely, pulling Billy's hand along with him as he shrugs. 
Billy snorts.
And hey, maybe Steve is messing with him, and this will blow up in his face, but…
Well, he just really wants to kiss him before it does.
So he leans in and presses their lips together. 
~~tag list @spreckle @growup-thatbeautiful @prettyboy-like-you @suddenlyinlove
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koinotame · 1 month
What I wouldn't give to just have a bunch of sexy people that let me touch their tiddies 😔
- 🍎
i feel that... i'm gonna piggyback off your ask and elaborate a bit more on how the characters in the fic would react to being groped:
honestly ei's outfit feels like it's purely for utility to me with the fanservice being a bonus. in fact i feel like she wouldn't have much reaction to you suddenly groping her? she's maaaybe a little embarrassed, but mostly confused. unless you initiate anything more sexual she's just kind of like. ok. it's you so even if she doesn't really get what you're doing she enjoys the contact. if you mention you think her chest is nice and soft, she'll start initiating hugs where she presses your head against her chest more. she'd be very soft and warm i think, especially since you'd be getting direct skin contact <3
childe's completely useless tiddy harness..... anyway suffice to say he wouldn't mind you playing with his chest at all. whether he'll get turned on by your groping depends a bit, but for the most part he's perfectly fine with leaning down for you literally anywhere or sitting himself in front of you so you can lean against him and busy your hands. the soft contact feels nice (especially since it's something he gets very, very little of), and he's pleasing you so it's a win win. there's more obvious muscle on him compared to ei so there's plenty for you to grab lol. feel free to also slip your hand into his shirt via the little window on his stomach ;)
i feel like kaeya knows what he's doing with his tiddy window. and if it's you... well, go right ahead. he does get a little embarrassed if you do this in public too much though, so maybe save it for when it's just the two of you? he'll start off by teasing you, but the longer you keep going the more quiet he gets. also pretty touch starved, so if you compliment him and maybe play with his hair while you're at it he melts. after the first couple times you're pretty sure he's been using some sort of skin oil or something to keep his chest extra soft and smooth. his chest isn't super sensitive either so unless you combine the groping with something else sexual he's pretty unlikely to get turned on
zhongli... well, his chest is fine, but his better asset is his butt. he doesn't mind if you come up and cop a feel. not entirely sure how to feel about it (on one hand.... on the other you're paying attention to him and clearly like his body, so he's doing something right). to be honest i think he'd enjoy the fact that you're paying attention to him over the skinship or the actual feeling of the groping. you might notice he starts wearing tighter pants and/or shirts around you... and if you don't notice they get tighter. still would prefer if you did this in private though. the bonus of that is he'll let you go on for hours upon hours—as long as it takes for you to be satisfied
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airyelbreezy · 2 months
Imma do a multi fandom one!!
Fandoms include:
Inanimate insanity
Kinito pet
Soul eater
Welcome home
Undertale (no aus, sorry :( )
South park
Orion and the dark
Bendy and the ink machine (chapter 1-3)
Cuphead (only a lil)
Sesame street. (Half satire because I love sesame street sm :( )
Hells angels
The amazing digital circus
Hotdiggitydemon (max ggggg....🤤)
The Mitchell's vs the machines
Scott pilgrim
Captain underpants
And fandroid :)
So, disclaimer, I will not be posting much unless I get a bunch of questions, or even just one.
I will try to reply with art as in character as possible!
I will implement anons! But not ur oc, sorry D:
You can ask:
Anything except for the following
You CANT ask:
Anything about proship
Basic dni stuff
Tw: there will be very selective ships based on the question.
ANDDD YOU CAN ASK MY SONA TOO!!! HERE HE IS!! (Idk what Anon name to give him)
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Love him.
Anyways, IM SO EXCITED!!!
Ask any character from the fandoms above >_< LOVE YOU!!!!!<3
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luvring · 2 years
Okay. Okay listen.LISTEN TO MEEEEEE oh my god Micah with a very very VERY affectionate s/o!! Thats cuz!!! I am one and I would like to show him any type of wholesome affection I could omg. Omg OMG PDA AT MAXXXXXXXXXX im gonna cry omg i wanna hug him and smooch his squishy cheeks SO BADDD
— micah with an affectionate s/o
gn!reader | I GET IT!! micah micah micah micah (if i chant his name he will physically manifest next to me i'm sure of it) a lot of this is physical affection but eye think he'd be good w any love language
relishes in this a bit actually. love and attention for the guy who loves quality time and you and specifically Quality Time With You?!
is always one to mirror/work with the energy you bring. i get it. do what's best for the bit and the vibes and romance I Get it
he becomes aware very quickly of how physically affectionate you are and works with it—laying on each other's laps, playing with your hands, cuddling, etc. etc.
anytime you come up and want affection he can just Tell, even when you're not very explicitly holding your arms out. it's your vibe. he grins before moving closer
^ smth smth "hi there, angel" / "oh? did someone want attention from their incredibly warm and cuddly boyfriend micah yujin? can't blame ya" smth smth. you get it
he never complains . why would he complain actually. he always smiles and returns your affection when possible. actually makes sure to try and multiply it
you want a hug you're getting the best hug of your life! you kiss him and he's kissing you all over your face back! you compliment his appearance that day and he's going to point out all the little things he loves about what you're wearing/doing! it doesn't matter if you're in pyjamas or whatever because you always look incredible to him‼️
if you want to give him some affection but he's busy, again,, micah will usually pick up on it and call you over himself, reassuring you that it's fine and he'd actually love some attention from his favourite person in the world! cuddle up next to him and he'll be finished whatever it is in a bit, he promises
when you cut up some fruit for him to eat and he does the thing like in that one post where he leaves one piece so you can have it. it also gives the both of you an excuse for you to come over again—"i'm just too full, can't you come over and finish it for me please?" [it is a single peach slice]
you don't have to ask to hold his hand or kiss his face or whatever else, he welcomes and appreciates all of it
micah always kissing you goodbye before one of you has to leave. mfw (my/micah's face when) you get home and he's ready to tell you you forgot to get your goodbye kiss before leaving. Ok
micah holding your hand and swinging your arms a little. sometimes he slowly picks up speed until you're both violently swinging arms back and forth for a while but it's funny and no one has broken anything (yet)!
you are one of the couples ™ at carnivals and that's Ok because it's you guys and you're valid💗
micah keeping his arm around you under the guise of pulling you out of the way if needed. what if he loses you? "that would kill me, angel."
him trying to do the little sharing a milkshake trope and staring as you both go for a sip and he gets a little flustered . considers it an INCREDIBLE SUCCESS!
becomes a habit of his to just,, lay against you when you're waiting somewhere. or to kiss your head/grab your hand when he sees you. or to lean in when he can tell you want something. or
if he can/you want, he Will just give you a piggy back around. even if it's just around the house. calls you his little koala
asks you what position you want to cuddle in that day
very easily notices when you've been less affectionate and always checks in to make sure you're alright
if he knows you're busy he won't bother you, but is very willing to hang around or lay beside you if it helps. genuinely won't distract you unless he thinks you need a break
you can poke him to get his attention just to squish his cheeks at the risk/promise of him doing the same . you are both squishing each other's faces. lovely
you want to say some Words of Affirmation? this is about to become a cheesy little contest where you're both complimenting and thanking each other for little things. as it goes on his voice and smile eventually soften before he sighs and goes "god, i love you."
this is barely tangential but i needed to put it somewhere . if you guys get separated somewhere and he finds you first there's a few scenarios here . 1) making eye contact and grinning before pulling you into him,, "there you are, angel." 2) micah scaring you before kissing you and apologizing 3) micah draping his arm around you from behind and saying something like "come around here often?" like yes it's the grocery store💗
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miikpal · 1 month
Heya, Milk! You got any advice for somebody who wants to start taking commissions but doesnt know where to start? I been drawing for a while (about 10 years), but I never tried selling my art before. It's kinda scary. I don't need a lot of money right now, so it's not urgent, ive just heard people say it's good experience. Is it worth trying at all rn? Sorry if you answered something like this before
no worries!! i dont think anyones asked me about this stuff before tbh... im in a similiar boat where i dont really do these out of necessity lol its definitely worth it!! if u thought about it even briefly its worth it to try
its been a hot minute since ive first started taking comms but i guess these would do for starters:
- your following might affect comm interest - i would only get very sporadic ones for the longest time unless i undersold (DO NOT DO THIS GET UR MONEYS WORTH) so dont get discouraged at first is what im saying. get ur pals to promo the announcement posts and put urself out there and eventually someone will get interested
- you can start small and lowkey. if u wanna just dip your toes in the commissions water before doing full blown pieces its absolutely ok to start with doodle or sketch comms. they tend to be cheaper and attract client bases that way anyway - so its a win win! low stakes and you can slowly figure out what works for you
- for the love of god make a TOS. having a document of things that are and arent allowed that u can point at whenever somebody tries to pull a fast one on you is a lifesaver. mines really thorough but i like to cover all the bases
- pretty much at every step where youd think 'going back to fix something after this part would be a pain in the ass' stop and send the progress to ur client and ask if anythings off or needs fixing before you keep going. better safe than sorry. in general be communicative and upfront about any info with ur commissioner - its a nice thing to do and will make both of ur lives easier!
- make sure ur comm post includes clear examples of the kind of art u can offer - this is gonna be the forefront that attracts ppls attention! they should know what theyll be getting
- set up a comm only email or a google form for taking in comms its. much easier to keep track of things this way. actual communication can go somewhere else but its good to have a single place just for the actual initial inquiries etc.
I RAN MY MOUTH LOL. if u have other specific questions feel free to ask for a follow up i suppose!! these are just the ones i wish i thought of when i first started. i hope ur commissions journey goes well, im rooting for ya !!!!!!!
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louisisalarrie · 21 days
So this ask is me and you asked what makes it believable…well, the podcast story for one (which was from last year I think) seems pretty believable to me. It’s actually a cute story. No shade thrown at Louis, she says he was lovely and a great kisser. He took her number (don’t think he gave his) and messaged her a few times - by then he’d left LA - and then contact stopped. He’s not that big of a name in the music/celeb world - don’t get me wrong I love him but he keeps a fairly low profile - so this girl has no reason to lie in my opinion. Most folks who listen to her podcast probably have no idea who he is apart from the 1D link. Her podcast doesn’t appear to be about 1D - although I’ve not seen what else she’s done. She doesn’t appear to be a fan in fact I don’t even think she knew who he was at first, others told her.
Her story is also very similar to others that claim to have made out with him. Girl meets him in a bar/club where he’s usually with at least one other friend, they kiss, his friend kind of protects their privacy…and then nothing beyond. No stories of them going back to his hotel, sleeping with him or anything like that. Just club make outs! There was a photo doing the rounds a while ago of him sat with a girl in Mexico I think. The story from her friend was that they’d made out and it does sort of look that way from the pic but honestly who knows!
I’d say he has a type!
Of course none of these may be true (and I’m quite happy for you tell me they’re not!) but there does seem to be a reoccurring theme…
Eepers. Welcome to the show, anon!
ok I think im just gonna touch on a couple of things here for you anon:
1. About him being not big enough/why would people lie: he’s not Harry, and so it’s simply because it’s more believable. We don’t see Harry out and about at clubs. We don’t see him getting drunk and surrounded by gals in a filthy club. But we do see Louis doing that. Louis is open about his alcohol and drug use so it’s a lot easier to fabricate things about him because it’s no secret that he goes out. But I simply don’t believe he’s on the pull.
2. Continuing with texts: if he was on the pull, he wouldn’t just make out with a girl, keep texting her, and then ghost shortly after. I feel like it would be a hit it and quit it more likely, because why bother texting after if you have no intention on seeing them again? Would it just be to make him look better/because he’s a nice guy? I think it makes it seem that he was more interested in her. But in my experience, artists don’t do that, unless they wanna uphold the relationship to see that person every time they’re in town. But I just don’t think it’s the case.
3. Not being a fan: of course she wouldn’t post this from a Louis account or whatever, as it would make it more unbelievable. And you’re right, I doubt she’s a fan, and becaude she’s like “oh im not a fan” it makes it seem, again, more believable.
4. Similar stories: upholding the narrative is what makes these stories more believable. Someone says a story, paints a picture of Louis, then another person claims they made out with him too but aligns their “story” with what the other person said because it seems consistent, and the more people with a similar experience, the easier it is to believe it’s him.
5. Club make outs: these are by far the easiest to fabricate, because going back to an artist’s hotel these days seems ridiculous and too far fetched. You have to uphold a longer and more detailed story, and you’ll probably get more hate, ya know?
6. Random girls: like… okay. Listen. Making out with randoms is a surefire way to get sick when on tour. You don’t know what germs you’re getting and it’d be a big risk. Hook up with someone and wake up the next day with a sore throat? Soz, your show is cancelled!
And finally, just to put things in perspective:
Would you believe me if I said I’d hooked up with Louis? I just run this account because I once believed larry were together and I still fight for them because of the injustices they went through as kids. I’ve never discussed it before, because it’s quite clear im a fan, and it would sound quite unbelievable. But when I worked with him on tour, he invited a few of us for post show drinks, and we went out to a club with a VIP area out of sight. Oli and his crew were there, and we all drank and laughed, and had a dance. Louis grabbed my waist and we started making out, and it was super hot. I was obviously really shocked! But he was super sweet and a good kisser so I just went with the flow.
So, we continued to dance and make out and oli and security kinda noticed a few people from the dance floor below the balcony VIP area we were in, started to notice that there may have been someone famous up there. Oli moved to the front to block us, we continued making out, and luckily there was only one photo posted and I immediately asked the person to take it down. We carried on drinking shots and vodka redbulls together, celebrating an awesome Australia tour.
Louis was very touchy for the rest of the night, but we just had a laugh. He asked for my number, I gave it to him, and he said he’d text me the next day. I went back to my hotel with my workmates, and was in absolute shock and so weirded out that he was actually into women!?!?!! The whole Larry thing just dropped for me, and it turned out that yeah… the other stories were true.
We texted back and forth the next day, both laughing about our hangovers, and he was super sweet. He said he’d like to see me again when he’s in AU, and kept in touch even when he left. Communication fizzled out on his end and I figured like whatever he’s a super busy guy, and I left it at that. He was super gentle and sweet though, and very funny and loud. It was so wild!
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papakhan · 8 months
im really sorry if this question was asked before 😭 but im super interested in khans' relationship with animals. not only like, in the religious way, but with pets and cattle. would love to hear your thoughts on that
Sorry this took me forever to reply I wanted to draw some things for it first but I feel like I'll forget if I don't post now :')
I think the Khans have a lot of different relationships to animals, I think it's pretty interesting how at multiple points they have had some relation to dogs, with their leader even having a guard (who I hc that he considered as his right-hand man, only because there aren't any named New Khans in that role) and in FNV there's cut NCR reports mentioning the Khans hunting dogs (the report actually mentions possible a dozen one group! 12! that's a lot of dogs!)
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Personally, I hc that the Khans have their own standard breed of dogs similar to the Legion mongrel that's descendant from Darion's baddog, and you could probably trace its ancestry back to the guard dogs/pets of Vault 15. I think they have a lot of working dogs tho! I already have an oc whos the Khans newest houndmaster, but I think they also have pets, I think working dogs are very valuable to them though
In my story Sun gets given Rex by the King, leading the King to have an unexpected alliance with the Khans because 1. he had no idea who Sun was and just thought Rex seemed happier with him after Sun helped get his brain fixed and 2. Papa was so pleased and IMPRESSED about this other (smaller) gang leader giving his son a working animal/guard dog, I imagine he sent the Kings some real tanners, leather workers and armorers to reinforce their leather jackets or something
Sun also loves his new pubby (and has no idea that he's 200 years old LMAO)
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Speaking of dogs, Papa Khan specifically has an association with wolves that isn't really seen anywhere else with the Khans, unless you count Baddog (which the Chosen One isn't even sure IS a dog) which I think is cute and fun for him, the way he calls the courier a cub and the Longhouse the wolf's den. Part of me hcs that it could be something to do with him being a different bloodline to the Death Hand linage but idk I haven't got very far with that. I don't think its a reglious thing, since the Khans have been shown to be areligious from the start, maybe just a splinter group of New Khans he was part of? idk I'm probably overthinking I do think its also interesting that the other 2 raider groups from Vault 15 picked animals to represent themselves and the Khans didnt
I'm gonna write about other animals under the cut because I just rambled about dogs :')
As for other animals, I know its not in game but I think the Khans 100% farm brahmin, at least a little, if only for their dung to make jet. I know the Khans are eating brahmin steak and have brahmin over spits but I think if its their dung specifically that makes jet then they probably would want to avoid killing them just for meat. So maybe brahmin are more like Jack's pets and he names them and loves them so so much. I think the Khans farming bighorners or something would be fun, especially since those are pretty regional to the Mojave so it'd mean that the Khans have picked up on it in the 14 years since they arrived, which is nice for them and something I could totally see them doing
CHICKENS as well this is some really old art I had for fallout chickens and I think the Khans would have them. Maybe not so many though, I think the Khans lost a lot of their animals in Bitter Springs either because they ran off, they got killed or because the Khans had to eat them when they first arrived in Red Rock with no other supplies.
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I've also seen some people talk about Khan falconers which I think is SO COOL I'd love them to have that. I know that hunting with eagles is a thing in Mongolia so maybe they could pick it up from the book you get from Ezekiel? Please. I haven't really done anything with it personally but I SHOULD
Last but not least, horses. I think the Khans very much do have horses (because I believe in a horseful fallout) Again, I think a lot of their herd bolted during Bitter Springs but I think the Khans have been working to get them all back. I hc that Khans will insist on a person learning to ride a horse before learning to ride a motorbike because to them it teaches balance (strengthens the right muscles) and co-ordination and also a horse can take you home and bikes use up precious fuel and are usually reserved for the Khans messengers or long distance raiders A lot of the Khan's horses will have NCR branding on their flanks which the Khans usually cover either with their own branding or some other decoration. I think they'd be considered very skilled riders with an average Khan being just as if not more skilled on a horse than an NCR ranger. They do a lot of sport involving horses like their own version of jousting and also shooting on horseback. I hc that a lot of Khans will have their own horse but will also share, the fastest horses are often gifted to people involved in the Khan's communication who need something more subtle then a motorbike, like negotiators or scouts. Horses also pull their carts when the Khans are moving their location. Here's a drawing of Suns other dad Min and his caravan
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Thank you for coming to my Khans and animals conference THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ASKING 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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sexboobomb · 10 months
Wait I think I figured out how to make a pinned post. Turns out it’s very simple and I was just autistically overthinking it.
UPDATE: added a “mutuals fucked” counter to my bio hehe
UPDATE 5/3/24: yeah im gonna add a little DNI bit here because some people have been taking my posts and distorting them in ways that i dislike. DNI if you are a centrist or a non-voter by choice. "Men DNI" or anything similar will also get you blocked.
i am not interested in debating these because if you are smart enough to understand why those are harmful beliefs then you should be smart enough to do better on your own. it is not my job to teach you how to be self-aware.
by all means, please send me hatemail for this. it will make it all the easier for me to block you and get your hateful and harmful garbage off of my blog.
UPDATE 9/18/23: I will be adding many flavors of content to my reblogs instead of just liking them, some of it is bc I want to support the artists who make stuff I like, and some of it is bc I have decided that it's in no way shameful to (gasp) be attracted to stuff. Most active hornyposting and explicitly sexual content will stay on my sideblog, but if you continue following me then from this point on be aware that I will occasionally post things that may be suggestive, lewd, or downright explicit. I have also added the URL to my sideblog down below, for those interested.
Hi there >:3
You can call me V. I’m 22, autistic, adhd, and transfem! I’m a polyamorous bisexual lesbian (so far, exclusively t4t, but I’m open :3). I live in Seattle, and as long as you aren’t a creep or weirdo I’m open to making friends! I am currently in wonderful relationships with @cynthjam, @draconianfleet, @foxgirlpuddle, and @thevicioushotdog!
Trying to try new things and to be a bit more shameless, because I figure I should try to like myself as much as other people seem to. I’m still learning some of my limits, and breaking a few, so feel free to ask me all manner of things but don’t always expect an answer. I occasionally hornypost, but most of the more explicit stuff stays on my sideblog, transgirlhornyposting. Horny asks should also be directed to my sideblog if you want a serious answer. I may put the URL here eventually.
I may include more about my interests here in the future, but for right now I’ll stick to introductions. Check back later and I’ll probably have this updated!
Reblogging my stuff is not only appreciated, but actively encouraged! I enjoy very few things more than I enjoy sharing my interests with others, and reblogging helps me reach as many people as possible with that!
This one is a little bit unusual I'm sure, but for the time being I will not be interacting with any Picrew stuff such as Picrew rebog chains. I have nothing against Picrew, it just sets my dysphoria off more severely than damn near anything else. Wish it didn't but it does, so for now I have to avoid it.
I will block minors, creeps, bigots, or anyone who gives me those vibes even if not explicitly clear. Ageless blogs will be blocked, because I’m not taking any chances here.
As a rule of thumb from now on, I generally will not directly interact with folk (eg. DMs) unless I see you have liked this post to show me you’ve read it and respect my boundaries.
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i feel EXTREMELY late to doing an introduction... so. here goes nothing...
hello, as you may already know my name is jamezz or just james, i'm a redheaded, mush brained, teenaged metalhead who has a bit of an obsession with thrash metal, the 80s and metal culture. i play guitar and bass and i'm slowly learning how to PROPERLY sing without fuckin dying, i've been playing guitar for about 2 years now and bass for a couple of months.
more info on me BELOW the cut.
BIGGEST OBSESSIONS: expect posts surrounding the topic of...
metallica (mainly the 80s)
80s culture in general
retro video games
vinyl/cd collecting
dave mustaine (wow who knew)
anything to do with metal/rock (UNLESS IM NOT FOND OF IT)
making gifs
human anatomy
there's a lot more but that's the most important ones
some of my favourite bands:
judas priest
iron maiden
limp bizkit
suicidal tendencies
guns n' roses
alice in chains
and... once again. A LOT more. boundaries below.
i only want interaction with people here ABOVE 13, i like, DON'T want literal children looking at the shit i post because some of it is.. rather... um. questionable.
please be respectful with things you send in my asks like dawg, i had someone hitting on me once in my asks... um that was AWKWARD.
if you ever repost my gifs or use my gifs that i've claimed are MINE, please credit me or whatever because sometimes these gifs take a lot of effort to get out there.
don't be overly SEXUAL with your asks if you're asking me to write something for you as some of that stuff... grosses me out.
just... don't be weird (you can see i'm running out of ideas for boundaries)
don't spam my asks, if i don't answer right away... just be patient, i'm not as active as i used to be on here so, don't expect a response in a millisecond or so.
anyway, moving on from my boundaries... i'm just gonna link a couple of things below my carrd
my spotify
my youtube
everything else is linked on my carrd!!! um... thank you for your time and getting to know me!
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exiledelle · 5 months
ended up getting VERY distracted and did not touch up the sprites like i thought i would but whatever its fine anyway, finally,
undertale yellow vengeance au mew mew (UNDERTALE YELLOW SPOILERS AHEAD)
id also like to note real quick: asks ARE open if anyone has anything theyd like to ask about the au
with undyne taking up the throne after asgores murder, the royal guard would be left with an opening for her position.
question is: whos the best fit to take it? the dogs, despite their rank and despite the undergrounds more negative tone from asgores death and the souls being stolen, are still too playful to really fit the role of Fearsome And Commanding Captain... red, without martlets push, joined a little too late to get the chance to prove herself as a potential captain, and probably wouldnt have the same ambition for the guard as she usually does, getting to know the rest of the guard less due to the atmosphere... and papyrus...undyne would never let it happen.
without many potential candidates left....what about undynes own training dummy?
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a little different than undynes used to, coming across her new body sooner than usual due to undynes leave, and the general sense of emptiness following that until she spots it
but once shes acquainted with the body and challenges herself to undyne, id bet shed end up being a surprise pick (so in this au, she is)
maddy shares the violent passion undyne has, she has experience training with undyne,
...and of course it helps that her cool new body is robotic and can support attaching various forms of weaponry. that might give her just a bit of an edge. who knows.
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her body in this au also isnt the exact same mew mew animatronic as it is in canon. its BUILT from it, but due to the undergrounds situation, alphys reluctantly decided to bite, and heavily modified the oversized doll, with the help of some generous inspiration (stolen blueprints) from the old security bot prototypes in the steamworks, after being permitted to investigate them once monsters realized it had mysteriously been turned on.
so maddy is now combat-ready, her body being faster, more durable, easily modifiable, AND strategically detachable and reattachable (the limbs, that is, her idea). and of course, still cute, maddy was very insistent that it stays cute
its unclear how many weapons shes currently hiding, but whenever shes asked, she just maniacally laughs. ...so no one ever asks...
she also prefers the title of "admiral" over captain, which undyne allows. as far as the guards concerned, its the same thing.
she also directly oversees papyrus' watchmen duties, as per undynes request, and the two end up hanging out fairly often whenever she has spare time since maddy doesnt really have anyone else whos available, and papyrus has no issues with her (hes Very hard to displease), plus nothing really happens, at least until clover pursues frisk out of the ruins.
thats about all ive got. honestly i cant think of many other major character stuff for the au, so the last character post could be clover (and frisk, double feature, why not) whenever i decide to make that, unless that changes. im not sure if ill make any big posts surrounding locations, but i do have some small ideas for minor new locations to go with the other changes, so we'll see if i ever bring those up.
for now though, other than asks if anyone has any, im probably gonna be a bit quiet on this au since im currently in other, very unrelated interest swings, like risk of rain :p
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cl0wntwn · 7 months
ok hi wow i'm posting something that isn't what i usually do but i want to share because. idk i'm autistic abt cathal and my personal interp could be taken as a mischaracterization(?) of the character so i want to ramble. it's a mix of projections, my interpretations of things cathal says/does, and headcanons. this is just gonna be a glorified bulletpoint list with little to no organization im so sorry. this obviously be inspired by this post cause i love it so much i'm rotating it in my mind please go check it out. this whole ramble was supposed to go into the tags of that post but i think i can organize it better in a text post. i can also share it easier. but please go read that post if u haven't :D
first things first, cathal is depressed.
ain't that a shocker? he's been depressed for a while, but it never really got to "i don't want to do anything ever" until he was hired at C.O.G.S. inc., and even then it's not really the main reason. it does make it hard for him to do things that he's asked of. he's not incapable of doing things though, unless he's like. super unmotivated or sad.
cathal is a papa's boy.
he loves his dad. ever since he was a kid, he's loved his dad. he appreciates the patience he has with him, he appreciates that his dad is willing to take hit for him not doing his work, his dad is first and foremost in his mind. his dad comes before his own wellbeing. which goes into my next point well...
seeing his dad being destroyed every day hurts cathal bad.
it is the main reason he hates working at C.O.G.S. inc.. yeah, the work sucks, it leaves him drained most of the time (which i will hit later), but the fact that he has to watch his own father basically fall to his death every day makes it all so much worse. not to mention he has a clear view of it from his office.
how does cathal cope with this stuff?
by distracting himself. and not doing his work at all. the work he has to do already drains him and what little energy his depression gives him, but i don't think seeing your dad dying every day helps with motivation. he distracts himself by watching tv and ignoring what he needs to do.
this is not to say that he is unaware of the work he has to do, he knows all the work he puts off piles up on him. but piles of work doesn't seem like the most easy thing to do... so he just keeps putting it off and putting it off, and his dad lets him get away with it by making excuses for him. it stresses him out, which makes him not want to do it more, and the cycle continues...
also believe it or not, cathal actually thinks about the future and is very stressed about it.
he knows that when his dad either retires or... can't work anymore, cathal's going to be the new department lead. and because he has literally no experience working where he is now. he's scared he's gonna get thrown into work he doesn't know how to do or doesn't want to do.
so why did cathal apply at C.O.G.S. inc. in the first place?
short answer, he wanted to make his dad proud and didn't process the gravity of applying to C.O.G.S. inc.. he didn't think it would take so much effort and energy to work a full time job. but now that he's been in it for a while, he's afraid to quit. he doesn't want to upset his dad or make the lack of work he's done worse by throwing it on others.
aaaand that's all i can think of. if i can think of anything else i'll edit this post and reblog it or smth. thank u for reading <3
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juni-ravenhall · 1 year
sso's candle, and jumping into the ai bubble for publicity and investment
so yasmin told me to write about this bc not everyone might realise it. its a bit of a long topic so prepare. for legal reasons this is all my personal opinion :3
first off - the sso candle doesnt actually have anything to do with ai. i just wanna get that out of the way. i will come back to this later.
the sso candle ai promotional event is 2 things to me. one is, "probably someone at the company knew someone at the other company bc why else would this specific random collab ever happen" (and theyre not even a candle company? its a perfume company?)
but the other thing which is the main thing, is that we've entered the ai boom, or ai economic bubble. before this there was a crypto bubble, there's sort of been a mobile bubble, and we have the old classic dotcom bubble. summary of tech bubble is, a new shiny thing in tech makes ppl go OOOH!! I WILL THROW MY INVESTMENT MONEY AT THAT!! I BETTER HURRY AND NOT MISS THE TRAIN!! IM GOING TO GET FILTHY RICH BY INVESTING IN THE FUTURE!!! and many of these ppl dont actually understand the tech, and can therefore be exploited by startups or new projects targetting these investors, by just saying "we use the shiny thing that is the future and will make people rich".
just like the dotcom and crypto bubbles, everything that has "ai" in it is currently getting lots of attention both from media and from investors. things that are about "ai" are currently like "wow! youre using modern tech and this is the future!" and for all those ppl who dont know that much about ai or tech, or tech ppl who are easily influenced, it makes companies look cool and modern and forward if they include that current shiny thing.
what does sse achieve by making promotional vids and posts about an ai candle? attention from media and potential investors. the playerbase doesnt care. their target audience arent ppl who generally care much about ai, or even support its usage in creative fields.
they also count on that the playerbase wont be mad enough about it bc most players dont rly care or understand. which is prob going to be an accurate prediction. so they dont especially lose on it unless theres a genuine uproar, but even then, theres a lot of space in "genuine uproar" that still results in "no such thing as bad publicity".
so, thats my perspective on why sse did the ai candle thing. publicity for investors and the industry and media. it helps both sse and the little weird "ai" (side eyes) scent company who both get ai bubble points here. its completely unrelated to what players want or care about (and as many have said, players actually do want to buy things from sse - like plushies and other merch).
now to the last point. the candle isn't even ai, and it's really just an ai boom trending word thing for attention.
some ppl on ssoblr dont really understand what ai is or how it works, or how its already been in use for a long time. im not really gonna explain all of that but i do ask you to like... watch a video or read a wikipedia article or something and please educate yourself on what ai is and isnt. anyway,
supposedly this company feeds pictures into whatever ai model theyre supposedly using. the ai supposedly spits out things like "sunshine :) dirt :) chupacabra :)" from the customers phone pics and then actual perfumers mix blends based on what the ai supposedly told them from the pics.
idk if ur catching on here but, there are trained perfumers here who have seen the customers' pics with their own human eyes. they humanly blend scents based on the content of pics theyve humanly seen. (unless all perfumers at the company are also blind and the ai is their only way to find out whats in the pics, and if so, power to them, ofc.) and, at best, an ai has supposedly told them some generic image analysis terms, which are unlikely to be very helpful to the art of scent design.
there is absolutely nothing the supposed ai is actually doing here. theres no reason for it to be here. it contributes nothing to the process. exceeeeeppppttttt..... clicks!!!! articles. videos. wow! crazy ai scents! wow! ai horse candle!! thats crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so future!!!!!!!!!!
the scent company is a classic tech bubble startup (allegedly from my perspective in my opinion). they dont even use ai (allegedly from my perspective in my opinion). they want a quick buck for looking like a modern futuristic business to the FOMO investors who fall for this every single time theres new shiny tech (allegedly from my perspective in my opinion). and sse collabs with them for pretty much the same reason (allegedly from my perspective in my opinion).
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hana-no-seiiki · 1 year
Imagine being the one that hurt someone else’s feelings
and then promptly blocking them when they said they’ve already forgiven you?? Im??
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alright im gonna be real frank with you guys. and i’m setting this boundary now for the future. i am a yandere blog writer. not a therapist. at most you can be my acquaintance unless you actively try to approach me in discord or dms (i’m a high maintenance friend i’m afraid).
honestly speaking i’d rather you don’t vent to me (im pretty sure i have this in my rules) because i’m not in the correct headspace to be helping you.
you. dont. know. me.
i. dont. know. you.
seriously, think before you send stuff through asks.
is it necessary? is it kind? are you willing to show that to whoever might view that post? cause whatever that is out in the internet stays there.
you know what would be better to send through my asks? actual asks about my works or ocs, requests, ideas, maybe even your own works. cause guess what? it’s what this blog is about. heck even just some praise or critiques.
i don’t mean to be condescending or anything with this post, just read all this with the tone of a disappointed parent. cause that’s just today’d mood rn istg.
cause fr i understand it, ive been there. it’s why i try to entertain asks that mention depression, thoughts of unalive, or whatnot is because i’ve experience that. but there comes a point where i have to wave the white flag and say i cant deal with that anymore.
anyways yeah stay safe everyone. no hate at all, i really dont want this to escalate to drama. mwah 💋
I’m most likely going to edit my rules soon as to make sure this doesn’t happen again.
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kurtismcilroy · 6 months
I saw your reblog about agere asks sooooo im just gonna start a lil discussion (im sorry I do it sm the hyperfixation is raging I feel like I'm only living when I'm interacting with little loki stuff LMFAOOO)
So your recent post about the blanket is so so so so cute, I wanna do a short fic about it and maybe he can be in the room w the window to the temporal loom but he obviously doesn't have to sacrifice himself
He's just playin on the little steps with a teether in his mouth and playing with little trains or something idk idk
And Mobius is working on the loom from the computer-y area just watching over him
And Loki gets yawny and Mobius is like hm think its naptime and drapes him in a long green blankie
If there's anything else you'd like to add or see just lmk I will literally write any loki agere I just need to be indulging myself HAHAH
Hey dude that sounds great!! Never apologise for putting Loki content in here, it's so great ^^
I love that idea a lot, and, you don't have to do this ofc, but I was wondering if you'd wanna make Loki a little younger? Like, the type to not talk properly but just loudly babble almost constantly unless content? Hehe ^^
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himbos-hotline · 1 year
Writing masterlist
Disclaimer: It is totally fine to draw fanart of my fics [tag me if you post it. I will love you forever] and that stuff, it is not okay to reupload them or to post them on another website without my permission.
@allelitesmut @homoeroticgrappling @dustinslovehandles @paradoxunknown @katries @mrsmatt @echoxshxrx @malewifemoxley @kass-the-kitten @itsnoosetome @racerchix21 @jacedoe @chuckstaylors @old-no7 @thekadster @mandiableclaw @tahiri-veyla
[send an ask or a DM if you would like to be added or removed]
Last updated: 24/09/2023
Tumblr requests/fics:
1.) Very nice, Very tired, Very evil || Prompt: “You should sleep." “I am not human. I don’t need sleep.” || Ship: Hookhausen || AU: The Bakery Au
2.) How much time ya got? || Prompt: Eddie Kingston and Jon Moxley sitting in an all night diner talking about the new "adoptees" of the BCC. Bonus if you can work in Regal shipping them and a serious question on how many teeth to get Danhausen to curse Jericho. || Ship: Kingmox || Fluff
3.) Blood is as rare and as sweet as cherry wine || Prompt: have i not suffered enough? has my sacrifice been insufficient to entertain you? || Ship: Hangkenny || Angst with no happy ending
4.) BTE buddies || Prompt: “that hurt more than a brazilian wax.” || Ship: The buck brothers || OC: Jay Orton || Family fluff
5.) I love the way he looks at me || Prompt: "Waiting outside in the car after dropping the other off to ensure they at least get inside their homes safely before driving away." || Ship: bluejays and blowjobs || OC: Jay Orton || AU: the highschool AU
6.) Hand in [un]lovable hand || Prompt: “Do you trust me?” || Ship: The polycule & Southern lovin' had me a blast || OC: Jay Orton || Angst with a happy ending
7.) Getting you off is my favourite hobby || Prompt: I’m gonna stop if you don’t cum.” || Ship: Southern lovin' had me a blast || OC: Jay Orton || Fluff and smut
8.) We'll bury these old ghosts here || Prompt: “You literally don’t have to do anything to catch my attention because my eyes have never really been on anyone else other than you.” || Ship: bluejays and blowjobs || OC: Jay Orton || angst with a happy ending
9.) I need to purge my urges [I need somebody to blame] || Prompt: CM Punk trained Jay turning on him to join BCC or The Elite || Ship: Welcome home || OC: Jay Orton || AU: Elite!Jay
10.) If I said you could never touch me || Prompt: I wish you would write the conversation between Kenny and Hangman on Kenny's return. || Ship: Hangkenny || Angst with no happy ending
11.) Would you love me more? [If I killed someone for you?] || Prompt: "You're bleeding… You're bleeding bad…” || Ship: The Elite Polycule || Angst || Adam Cole gets killed
12.) We made our peace with weariness and let it be || Prompt: You were a good person once. I looked up to you" || Ship: Hangkenny || Angst with a happy ending
13.) I find myself alone at night [unless im having sex] || Prompt: "Person A gets cold during the night, and joins Person B in bed" || Ship: Hangkenny || Angst
14.) There's always some reason [To feel not good enough] || Prompt: things learned in a nearly empty diner || Ship: Hangkenny || Angst
15.) An open hand [for your other man] || Prompt: “How much did it hurt?” || Ship: Hangkenny || Angst
16.) It's fine, fine, fine [Who am I?] || Prompt: "just tell me what you need. let me give it to you?" || Ship: Hangkenny || Angst with a happy ending || Kenny is a DiD system
17.) Angel to me // Watashi ni totte tenshi || Prompt: 'how long have you known?' || Ship: Hangkenny || Kota comes to AEW [1/2]
18.) You know the distance never made a difference to me || “i can't hide from you like i hide from myself” || Golden Lovers || Kota comes to AEW [2/2]
19.) I'll tell you my sins and [you can sharpen your knife] || Prompt: "I'm starting to feel jealous when I see you with other people." || Ship: bluejays and blowjobs || OC: Jay Orton
20.) The dead man in the dream is you || Prompt: "I've got a lot of bad shit that I'm taking to my grave." || Ship: N/A || OC: Jay Orton || Trans Girl Adam Cole
21.) I picture it soft and I ache || Prompt: Singing them a lullaby || Ship: Hangkenny || Fluff || Kenny Omega's stories for young lovers [1/4]
22.) Show the method of your selfless tongue [Give me a sermon] || prompt: “are you..are you blushing?” “NO physical activity just makes me red okay” || Ship: Hangmatt || smut
23.) no lover leaves the rose garden without blood on their hands || Prompt: “if I asked, would you stay?” || Ship: Hangkenny || angst
24.) Everything stays [But it still changes] || Prompt: “Kisses that have them hiding their face in your shoulder” || Ship: Hangkenny/Golden Lovers || Angst
25.) Look at you [how could I not be in love with you] || Prompt: Leaning in without realizing and then stopping just before their lips are attached to look in the other’s eyes to see if they want this too || Ship: Hangkenny || Comfort no hurt, Fluff
26.) I could be a better [boy]friend than him || Prompt: "This is a bit weird, isn't it? Sharing a bed with a stranger." || Ship: Adam Squared || Fluff
27.) I hate what you’re doing, I hate that it feels so || Prompt: “How far is too far?” “I honestly don’t know at this point.” || Ship: Hangkenny || Angst
28.) Did you kiss me so my lips would bleed? || Prompt: "Those soft gazes you can feel burning into the side of your head, and when you look back at them, they’d either hold their gaze or they’d quickly look away so you don’t catch them staring at you." || Ship: Hangkenny || Angst
Poetry/Original works of fiction:
1.) Girl || A poem about my dysphoria || Angst
2.) Elizabeth || Original Fiction || Angst with no happy ending || Based on two alters in my system
Wrestleprompts fic prompts/warm up writings:
1.) With tears in your eyes, you begged me to stay || Prompt: It was you the whole time || Ship: Bluejays and Blowjobs || OC: Jay Orton || Angst with a happy ending || Week two
2.) We only write by the moon || Prompt: A proposal on the beach || Ship: HangKenny || Fluff || Week three
3.) Just Cole || Prompt: When the otp+ are not on a first name basis and it becomes more intimate than more technically familiar address ||Ship: Bluejays and Blowjobs || OC: Jay Orton || Fluff || Warm up writing
4.) Can we just lay here and just forget the world? || Prompt: "I just want to lay here, with you, for a little while longer." ||Ship: The polycule || OC: Jay Orton || Fluff || Warm up writing
5.) The things we used to share || Prompt: A reluctant trip to the zoo to make a partner happy || Ship: Hangkenny || Fluff || Week five
6.) Write it in ink or in blood [it's the same either way] || Prompt: "You got a tattoo of what?" || BROTP: Crimes? Crimes! [Jay Orton & Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson] || Found Family || Week six
7.) To you I'm just a man [to me you're all I am] || Prompt: N/A || Ship: hangkenny || first fic
Twelve days of Chirstmas 2023:
1.) glass on the rocks || Prompt: "I know it's winter, but you don't have to act so cold!" || Ship: Hangmatt
2.) But let me kiss your lips [so I know how it felt.] || Prompt: "Please open the door before I freeze to death." || Ship: Hangkenny
3.) Dancing on the blades, you set my heart on fire. || Prompt: "If you don't have gloves, you can just hold my hand." || Ship: Hangkenny || AU: The Highschool AU
Archive of our own exclusives:
1.) Til death do us part, please keep breaking my heart [Til it ceases to beat, please be mine] || OTP: Hungbucks || Work in progress
2.) The ghost story would be over || Ship: The BCC] || OC: Jay Orton || Work in progress
3.) Love always finds a way || OTP: we're so full of love || OC: Jay Orton || AU: The Indies AU || Discontinued
4.) You know I'm gready for love || ship: N/A || Fictober 2022 || Family fluff
5.) Jon Moxley's weird way of showing affection || Ship: N/A || Fictober 2022 || Family fluff
6.) I should have known you'd bring me heartache [Almost lovers always do] || Ship: Hangkenny || Fictober 2022 || Angst no happy ending
7.) Holding his wax wings together || OC: Jay Orton || Ship: we're so full of love || Fictober 2022 || Angst and fluff
8.) Hold on [One more time with feelings || OC: Madelyn Orton || Ship: oh my god and they were roommates || AU: The roommate AU || Half-abadoned/ Currently being re-written/re-worked
9.) je ne parle pas français Sami || OC: Madelyn Orton || Ship: oh my god and they were roommates || Prestablished relationship fluff
10.) Oh I'm so human || OC: Madelyn Orton || Ship: We could build a lego house || AU: the Mob AU || Complete
11.) Fairytales don't exist || OC: Madelyn Orton || OTP: we could build a lego house [Finn Balor/Madelyn Orton] || Angst and fluff || Complete/ Currently being reworked/re-written
12.) I am not a vessel for your good intent || Dead Girl Adam Cole || Angst/fluff || Currently being written
Requests: Open What I write for: AEW ⭒☆━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━☆⭒
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