#im on a critter binge
sleeplesssmoll · 9 months
The Poussiere: A town reclaimed by by Critters
There is a story in the stage descriptions. I summarized it and added the original text under "Keep reading." Note: the Dust mentioned in the story is this:
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Once upon this time, there was a town that specialized in broom-making. The brooms were used to sweep away high concentrations of Dust and chase away Critters attracted to the Dust. However, everything changed when the youngest son of one of the workshops built a flying taxi out of scraps. He sold it and made a fortune. The town shifted its priorities. Over 253,000 vehicles were sold globally every year. However, because the town switched to manufacturing flying vehicles instead of brooms, Dust accumulated and the Critters returned. The town ignored them and focused their resources on making more profit. Eventually, the Critters grew strong enough to conquer the town. Now They live as royalty among the rubble. They took no interest in the finer things left behind and like to wear rubbish.
You can actually see the abandoned vehicles and a TRAIN trying to escape the wilds that reclaimed them.
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I interpret this story as being led astray by greed and losing sight of the important things. Ignoring problems doesn't make them go away and money can't solve everything. Original text below.
LP 1 (stages are labeled LP for some reason)
This was a paradise for humans. I remember its glory was as dazzling as a sun that drops to the ground.
LP 2
A broom-making town. Brooms are made to sweep the high concentrations of Dust as well as the constant skirmishes from the critters attracted by the Dust.
LP 3
Changes always arrive out of the blue. The youngest son of the broom workshop's made a flying taxi with a pile of scraps and sold it for a whole bucket of gold coins.
LP 4
Over 253,000 vehicles leave this place every year for various destinations around the world without coming back.
LP 5
No one cares how those little monsters stuff their bellies with stolen Dust. You can see how common they are.
LP 6 (Final Stage)
Now it belongs to them. These filthy, crazy little things dropped the fancy dresses and jewelry and put on abandoned cans and tires. They are squeaking aloud, like a king and a queen.
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seabunnieart · 23 hours
girlfriend found a real pic of me
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apompkwrites · 2 years
👁👁 requests are open, can I request some fluff with Leona featuring cheka to save me after binging all the black sheep fics
mhm mhm of course! this time its gonna be in the black sheep universe!! so expect lil kingscholar except nothing bad happened :D so not canon in the actual fic but it'll be the same character <3
takes place where lil kingscholar goes to nrc but they stayed at home bc the elders weren't bad people :D
unca/aunnie is used like once to describe (name) by cheka :D
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"unca leona! unca/aunnie (name)!" a familiar high-pitched voice squealed your names, prompting leona to groan under his breath.
"damn it..."
"wah! cheka!" contrary to leona's resignation, you were ecstatic to see the little redhead bounding through the halls. you scooped him up into your arms, pressing your cheek against his. "you've gotten so big since we last saw you!"
"you ran away from your attendants again, didn't you?" leona grumbled, looking around to try and spot the familiar red hair of your brother. "falena's not even here."
"papa's busy right now but i wanted to see you!" cheka explained, a bright grin on his face. he wrapped his arms around your neck, his legs swinging as much as they could in your hold.
"oh! then, let's go," you snickered, whisking cheka away to one of your favorite spots. critters and insects crawled all over the floor in the shadows, prompting cheka to squeal at the sight of them. you pressed your finger to your lips and plucked a beetle off of the ground, dangling it in front of cheka by its head. "your papa won't know what hit 'im!"
"oi, this again?" leona huffed from behind you. when you turned to face him, you laughed as you held up the bug.
"c'mon! it'll be just like old times, right?" you pointed out, earning a sigh from your older brother.
"you're on your own when falena hunts you down," he shrugs, already making his way back home. you pouted but opted to hand the beetle over to cheka, who struggled to have a proper grip on it for a few minutes.
"here, hold it like this," you moved the beetle to the center of his palm and placed his other hand alongside it. the beetle scurried into the middle of his hands and seemed to nestle where it stood. "now quiet! we gotta catch your papa off guard!"
"okay! i'll be quiet!"
needless to say, the moment cheka dropped the beetle in his father's hair, you ran down the halls, screaming and laughing at the top of your lungs.
leona, despite using a pillow to cover his ears, relished in the idea that this very moment felt like the good old days when there was no talk of inheriting the throne.
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fruity-gutz · 2 months
ok I know this isn’t a head canon post but im very excited for this so hear me out
I introduce to you the totally epic ANIMATRONIC AU!!11!1!1!!
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ok so basic info is this is very obviously based off of fnaf, but the plot isn’t exactly the same. basically the smiling friends still exist in this universe but one day they got a call from an inventor who didn’t feel fulfilled since he felt like he was wasting his talent making animatronics for a random children’s restaurant. so the smiling friends scurried on over there, and usually I hate aus where the characters get killed for it but this is my one exception yea they get murdered. But due to their unique body shapes, the critters got special animatronics they could fit in. So the inventor made these 4 animatronics, put spring locks in and baca bing bada boom the animatronics are possessed now. but, the inventor put a certain code inside the animatronics so at night the critters end up getting a taste for MURDER 🔥🔥🔥 basically they snap and kill anybody that enters the restaurant. im making character pages right now but for now just take these doodles
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xaeydnquartz · 5 months
Part of me kinda wants to stop DMing my first and current campaign? IDK just need to vent
So, brief expo. like many, got into CR during the pandemic (mainly due to "The Legend of Vox Machina" which lead to me actually bingeing the all 3 campaigns) During which time a friend (who was in my immediate friend group but like the rest of my friend group, i didnt really feel close to) told me that he was really into CR as well. As a fresh new critter, i was stoked. Was able to share my blossoming love of CR with someone (FINALLY!) during which we both mentioned how D&D looked so much fun and that it would be really great to be able to play and ooo what if we got our friends together and played.
After which we discussed, if we did, who would be DM? Seeing as how none of our friends really played D&D our talk lead to either my friend or me and after asking the question "Which do you think you would prefer more?" It was clear i would try my hand at DMing (i like lore in games, and i like storytelling, and im a tad bit of a control freak at times, lol)
Anyway, we eventually got in touch with our close knit of friends, and though i intended to be a standard 6 we suddenly had an 8 party party (and that was with me having to tell even less close friends there wasnt room).
Feeling it would still be manageable (as there was precedent that i could pull inspo from, CR) i began planning a rough idea of a campaign and working with my friends to create their characters and running a session 0 so we were all on the same page. You know standard stuff.
-Fast Forward to current date and time-
It has its stressful moments, but i still am able to enjoy the time with my friends for the most part (though theres a lot of times were ive never felt lonelier) Which brings me to the whole point of the post, my need to vent to the void about this loneliness. Nobody really gets in touch or interacts with me at all. Not to talk about the campaign or even collab on their characters. The most i get are occasional critiques about how i could have done something better couple sessions prior and request to add another person to the 8 person party. When we have sessions, people show up late quite often, leave early quite often, have to cancel as they have other things they are doing (even though we planned and scheduled weeks prior) and even when people are there they somtimes feel like they arent always present. i already feel extremely distant from all of them as they all live closer to each other while i live on the totally opposite side of the state and theyve known each other way longer than i have, but the minimal interactions they have with me, the DM/GM of all people, just continues to add to all of it I know we all are busy with our lives, and that compared to those things D&D is really not that big of a deal or important. And i get that, it is just a game afterall, but it still manages to hit pretty hard
I've communicated my feelings through our time of this campaign, if im being honest, maybe not this indepth. I mean, its partially because i barely see or talk to them (again life gets in the way) but also because i feel extremely guilty for putting this kind of tension to something we are all supposed to be enjoying and relaxing to. Its especially painful as most recently 2 players, who said they would get in touch with me about changes possibly being being made to their characters, never got in touch in anyway shape or form, and its been about a month now? And session is in a week...i didnt even get much as a reply back. Idk, its been almost about a year now and i felt i just needed to get this out somewhere other than debating myself.
Thanks for listening tumblr.
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us-ugay · 15 days
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im losing my fucking mind my bank account will never recover from the calico critter binge im about to go on
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chihirolovebot · 8 months
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i binged sleep awake over two full days and i cant stop thinking about it. i love phys and kokichi and i hope u like this version of phys i made :3!!
this phys is so . oh my god. what a creature /pos this is genuinely one of the squishiest designs ive ever seen im SOOOO fucking bonkers abt their stubble and THEYRE SO TALL more tall phys agenda pls pls plssss . i LOVEEEE the Grime Bar Counter going up before and after trial 2 ( so incredibly accurate and a reflection of their mental state at the time lol )
im fucking clawing at the wallpaper at the physical contact drawings at the bottom like why did my heart skip a beat HELP . oh my god ur artstyle is just lovely . technical stuff aside because the linework and anatomy is REALLY good i just love the style on a personal level . they both look so squishy but so distinguished. anyway ur so spot on with the ‘when ouma initiates / when phys initiates’ and im going to be thinking abt that blushing ouma critter for days to come oh my god . im so sick about them . thank you SO SO much im so sorry again that i didnt see this until now .. only see submissions when i go to my inbox to check it i hate u tumblr and im killing u . but yes . thank u so much i am genuinely treasuring this im soooo silly and obsessed with them and im so so happy you used your amazing talent to draw my little guys :’) so grateful . thank u so much my lovely i hope u have the best day ever !!!!!!
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yokomation-blog · 11 months
ALRIGHT THEN! almost done on Conner Sully here(AGIAN), getting him done tomorrow, his hands and clothing alongside the boots too, I WOULD LOVE to get Conner done so we can use the rest the year to get these models done and focus on Jurassica Safari Park tho i might take a Break when it´s my Birthday and christmas as well as new year´s Eve, maybe
also worth noteing i feel like i might get the Retopo done for the B-Models as well as the rhomaleosaurus model during the december month(Depending on how far i got with my project) as well as maybe blockout the saurolophus, Tricreatops and Dryosaurus and if im willing to after this sculpting mission of mine, even sculpt them too,
also i MIGHT Retopo Alex and Conner Sully at some piont as im doing all these sculpts and blockouts just so i can get them done too tho we´ll see about that, over all good planning is everything here on my 3rd try at bringing Jurassica Safari Park to life, so either i´ll Retopo Alex and Conner Alongside the T-Rex and Stego or i will do it inbetween the sculpts.
tomorrow like i said we´re getting Conner Sully´s Hand, Clothing and boots done tomorrow and THEN i might get things ready for the blockout´s and sculpts too as well as Retopo for Alex and Conner Sully, as for all my models, not too high or too low poly but, JUST RIGHT! and sub div´s at 1
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with that said, there is ALOT and this this planning is needed
the critters to be done are of course not limted to but are of course these 8 critters
Yoko Ruby
and also because of the Quoll alone project, i´ll also consider doing a few redesigins plus Cuddles the chicken, and YES i might add in a few new critters here, like the a New Dragon
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most likely the pariewing, tomorrow´s gonna be a busy BUSY day
not only to get Conner Sully done but also Prepareing Alex Johanna here for Retopo AND getting all the 8 models ready for Blockout and sculptings too.
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a huge task awaits me but i´ll be ready for it, if that´s what it takes
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wish me good luck, i´ll need this for my YT comeback for real this time, it´ll be my next bing Yoshi cupcrake vs the Weegee Monster 2 thing, tho the video´s just 11 min and 49 secs long it is a passion project i have thrown myself into now.
wish me good luck, shit´s bout to get real now and i will mostly focus on this project tho when i get far enough, we might get new desigins for Dallas, Grumpy and Skittles as well as Cuddles the chicken and i might also jump into a Storyboard Animation for The Quoll Alone Project too.
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yeehawgeek · 5 months
ok tales of the empire came out yesterday so i guess i’ll do a reaction post to those like i did with the bad batch
im just gonna binge all the episodes so it’s gonna be one long post
oh is this the nightsister massacre
wow they look so much better then they did in tcw
like more variety
grevious looks sick af
were those the night brothers coming to her post battle
damn they really said “y’all were never here”
i was under the impression that only the night sisters/brothers inhabited dathomir
wtf is the hunt
o shit the seppies are still here
ok scary morgan
mountain tribes gonna get wiped out
watch them get wiped out while these 4 are gone
their bows are like omegas
damn ok mountain lady
hey morgan i’d bolt
oh that shot of her in front of the burning stuff is cool
i see thrawn in the thumbnail, does that mean we’re gonna see him and his bf
o shit tie defender
bitch morgan elsbeth did not fucking come up with the tie defenders, that was thrawns whole thing
also magistrate?
o this is the world she was on in mando
oh that’s thrawns ugly mfer
he’s even uglier now
o shit its thrawn
when do we see bariss
bro who are you
oh new republic
love the aliens costume design
oh her hands are weird
i thought that droid or guy behind morgan was like vader for a sec
she’s gonna get sniped
not another razorcrest
the fire animations are beautiful
was that like a pats falshback
yippee corries
oh this is order 66 so maybe not yippee
“will you take it?” *guns cocking*
does girlypop have a choice lmao
is her hair in like a weird ponytail
she really just switched one prison out for another
the floor is gonna be like it was in narkina 5 aint it
dante or whatever that guys name is looks like a clown
they’re gonna kill each other aint they
bye clown boi
he is so menacing ❤️
“local rebel cell” first thought was saw gerrera
bariss seems to still have some morals which is good
the kid is the jedi
or at least force sensitive
is she just killing EVERYONE
that poor kid
bariss have you not figured out that the empire rules thru fear
knew lyn was gonna get the jedi from behind
canon enby jedi?
bariss, i love you
oh cute critter
for some reason the mom reminded me of phee for a split second
maybe like the eye shape or something
now that i got a better look at her she doesn’t look like phee
awww baby
loving older bariss
how long was between these episodes
“an old friend” so she’s talking about her ex ahsoka right
wow lyn hasn’t aged at all
yay the cute family is safe
omg no bariss
well it seems she lived a good life after leaving the empire
i wonder if bariss ever found out what happened to her master
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ofthewilderwest · 6 years
Anyways here’s my add brain’s idea of a history essay about the Cold War:
In Central Oklahoma born and raised, on the playground is where I spent most of my days; playing fantasy adventure games with my friends, we spent as much time as possible going over to the creek at school to explore. Lizards lizards lizards lizards lizards lizards lizards lizards lizards lizards lizards llllllliiiiiiiiiizzzzzzzzzzaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrddddddddddddssssssssss l i z a r d s l i z a r d s yeaaaaaah babey lizards are cool as heck can i write an essay about those funky little dudes instead of myself because i may not know much about myself but i sure as heck know about those scaly critters oh golly gosh this sucks
i hope filling the page with words makes it look like i’m doing something because i have absolutely no idea what to write. I remember nothing before the events of this week. And nothing has happened this week. Scooby dooby doo where are you.
Ha you know what a good word is? Plethora. Another good word? Puffin. But another good word is parakeet. Hey, they all start with the letter P! Nifty. Golly gosh i want to do something with this but what to do?
Think of their cry of their undying support. Prima donna your song shall never die think how you’ll shine in that final encore see these demands are rejected but if it’s loudly sung and in a foreign tongue it's just the sort of story audiences adore light up the stage sing prima donna once moooore. Okay thats a thing. A ghoooooost or rather a ghooOOOOoOoooOOOOooost aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa… nope im still uninspired.
Woah, google docs saves automatically?? That's totally tubular man! Perfect for a lazy cabbage like me. Piano noises. Ugh i really need to work on work. Work? Idk her. Did you know the basilisk lizard can run on water with their toe flaps? They slap the water with their big feet and create a little air pocket between their toe flaps, allowing them to remain buoyant enough to run on water. Crusty is a gross word. Worse than moist. Moist>crusty.
Textures. Triskaidekaphobia. Woah i spelled that perfectly. It would be cool to be a bicycle. Rollin’ around and having’ fun to see the world.
My wife and I sat at the bed of our only daughter Roxie. The bleak walls the decaying trees the utter depression of the soul the bitter ghost of everyday life the icy sinking of the heart for seventeen years our roxie had danced danced on the edge of a star but now following the loss of her only child a sickness has taken over. He child was stolen and she blames herself she is wasting away her liquid eyes her thin lips her pale skin her spiderweb hair floating in front of her face. Astonishment and dread in the house of usher……. Ugly.
Cannibalism is rather uncool. I could see where it could be necessary but i couldn’t just EAT A PERSON. It’s quite spicy in here. My hoodie isn’t doing any good. Alms, Alms for a miserable woman. I feel like an elderly ravioli rolling down a hill into a lake.
Wowie i kind of want a ravioli right now. Is this acceptable to turn in to [teacher]? Probably not. I really want a ravioli. I would walk 500 miles and I would walk 500 more for a ravioli now. Yum. This dude behind me is frickign on cool math games bro you really have no fear. Not to sound like a goth but, as a goth, I love Edgar Allan Poe’s stories. Wtf am I listening to I- oh yeah I like this song I forgot. Lizards Lizards Lizards.
This is peak creativity for me today. Still thinking about the ravioli. Penny Whistle solo from My Heart Will Go On. The sticker on my computer says [school]LAB529-38. It means i’m at [school name], lab 529, computer number 38. Litty.
I have absolutely no idea what to write. This isn’t even in mla format. Big chungus. Haha. whoops i almost used a comma instead of a period haha ya silly sausage. I sound like a chipmunk vacuum cleaner when i laugh. Go go gadget.
She thinks my tractor’s sexy. I hope not. I’m not part of the cars universe. Wait can i make a carsona? Is that allowed. That would be a rip-roarin funny time. My carsona is aaaaauuuuuuhhhhhh one of those baby cars that you run with your feet sticking out to drive
advertisement is a good word yeah it’s got a lot of syllables. Ssssyllablessssssssssss. Morphine.
My phone is blue, i have a blue phone, the poison the poison for kuzco the poison chosen specifically to kill kuzco kuzco’s poison that poison. Orange has the capability to be an awful color or a cool color. I just dont really like orange.
Sitting in a library bunch of books around meeeee wow the people i’m supposed to be with are sitting far away from me i’m all alone ):|> what if googgle haha googgle i spelled that wrong haha what if google didn’t exist and we were stuck with bing or yahoo or something that's super gross right?
Imm sleeby and i can’t go home until 8:00 unfortunately so i guess i’ll just suffer. There's a shiny nickel on the floor! Wow i might be 5 cents richer wait hold tf up there’s no cent symbol on the keyboard?? Really?????????????????????????? That irks me a lot.
Class will be over soon and the five hours or feet hurty dancy time. I gotta finish my candlestick hat but yaknow it will turn out ugly or smthn.
Do you ever just love your friends even if they are not talking to each other and suff you still love them wow my friends are queens i want to ea-
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dunamanticarchivist · 6 years
Critical Role Latest of the Lateblogs C2E31 Commerce and Chaos
Well I think this is the longest I’ve held off watching CR 2 since binge-ing the first 13 episodes in a marathon procrastination for roughly 3 days. Which might be a good thing, that I’m giving sufficient priority to things around me. But not being able to browse twitter and tumblr cos spoilers has been rather killer. Now, for a relaxing shopping episode of... critical role. Also that title is amazing
Only 3 and half hours boo hoo
Or did they take out the break in replays?
Oh boi a Sam Riegel southern special
A true blue ‘murican musical masterpiece
Oh thank god I thought they took out the audio for the cheesy intro
That wouldn’t be the same any more would it
RIP Sam Riegel, but RIP Matt Mercer first
Dafuq Nott is now inventing flechette rounds in fantasy settings
Holy shit thats gonna be dangerous - one potentially explosive arrow
Im surprised Travis isnt asleep yet
Okokokokokok there are shenanigans afoot with letter forgery
(Ok i got spoiled a bit for this bit, but still)
Liam’s face palm is mood
Jesus there will be a million repercussions spilling out of this and plot ends for Matt to refine into knives to murderinate them with
Oh no this will not end well. At all. RIP erbady’s heart
Diamonds, fucking diamonds 
Ah there is Travis’ eyeroll. RIP him
LETS GO TO PUMAT’S (i saw a pumatprime logo that looks like amazon prime it was awesome sry i forgot who to credit it to on twitter)
Dese kids MOAR PUMATS 
Bath time again?
Thats really helpful Jester you should never bargain
A mighty girth....hmm not the group name you are looking for
Interesting spell selections. Feather fall, expeditious retreat, catapult. All 1st levels and uses reaction, bonus action and action. Very versatile
“This longsword”. Travis instantly becomes interested in shopping again. BAD FJORD BAD PUT DOWN THAT LONGSWORD. NO DONT EAT IT AGAIN BAD
The sword that was broken, potential plot point
Dust of deliciousness wtf that sounds absolutely baller
Cleaning out the pumats
ALL THE FUNKY ENCHANTMENTS someone please make the thinking meme for pumat 
The dancing sounds like a Otto’s Irresistable Dance a lvl 6 spell enchantment.
8000 gold for that. Interesting.
As an economics student, I am incredibly fascinated by the price systems that exist in Exandria (so 400 gold for +1 weapon)
Lotta pigeons hooting in here
Tfw when your hobo wiz is charming af
Only 100 gold off, its something but thats less than 5% off the bill (total should come up to 2400 golds ish)
Paper and ink in the same box, I too like to live dangerously
Marisha’s grabby hands for the bracers *squeeee
Matt, you have no idea how heavy paper can get
“May I go to the library” jesus that brings me back to childhood I loved my school library
We now have an official cook and potion maker on the road, its gonna be lit
Suvo’s Secrets ooo what a name. 20 ft by 20 ft. The first thing that comes to mind is how a Fireball would put the place to flame. I need help
Holy fuck thats a big dragonborn
Im calling it thats a hoarding hag of a dragonborn
FROM YOUR MOTHERS CHEST really Matt you forget the Ruby of the Sea was a prostitute for one second. Just one second. Meme mode ON
1 gold for fucking garlic they have no fucking sense for money 
They should have just brought Nott along and stole the whole bag
Jester please once again, never negotiate for prices.
Also if Matt was in the mind to fuck with them, they could literally be paying for the privilege of being cursed
Fjord bailing, shopping must have been super depressing
Bummer to have a week of failed investigation
Zenoth still being creepy af
Jebaited monk training Day 1: Time to fucking read
Roleplaying lvl 6 subclass features pretty good
Lotta bows there
Correction Laura: everyone be a Cobalt Soul monk
“I dont get to kill those guys?” aww man
Info dump lads this is a wiki filling episode erbady take notes
The Chained Oblivion? With all the manacles I think that’s shaping up to be BBEG of this campaign
Magical experimental in Solstryce? This is not a particularly helpful turn of events
I wonder does the eye serve as a spellcasting focus
Lots of charming ASMR voices with the Gentlemen and Fjord
oh shite its cree another WHERE’S MOLLY???
Ya he ded
Eyyy here we go (i got somewhat spoiled for this defacing of temples)
The ‘healers’ got a cloak for Nott the bravest rouge. Yes. But this is entirely wholesome and soul saving
Clearly the cast isnt all the religious or that serious about it
The platinum dragon is now.... a farmer. Very agricultural
-3 to deception at disadvantage. Still a 13. Absolutely golden
This is heresy and we are all going to hell
I HAD JUST HIRED HER goddamn they are horrendous at this skulduggery 
OH SHIIIIT 5 CROWNSGUARDS one of whom appears to be a spellcaster
fuck some kind of forcecage? Ottiluke’s Resilient Sphere does damage?
Jesus christ I didnt know I could get anxiety from watching a getaway scene
Good lord Jester virtually blew through her entire long rest of options in one night of revelry
Oh god here cometh the heartbreak
Thats alot of vague speak in the manner of gods
Dafuq the god is real? He can touch the dodecahedron? This sounds like a great amount of fuckery
Holy shit the time indeed passed I forgot there needs to be a break
Taliesin is playing his INT 9 well
Lets go vacationing in the Bahamas/Nicodranas/Menagerie Coast
Yes that is exactly how Jester would cast sending someone once wrote fanfic like that. It is obviously now canon
Paper = power
Everybody gets a dead people tea healing potion
Aaaand we’re back to the beginning
A delicious transitory episode, and hmmm a one-shot 2 weeks from now? Fascinating. 
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vonvonglitter · 7 years
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first thigs first: self fullfilling prophecy of me drawing a cute girl critter doing some floaty shit with clothes i wished i owned immediatly after binging breath of the wild druing break. sup yall im on break?? this semester was hard but i pulled through sigh sigh. I just wanna draw tons of really self serving stuff but i reaaally need to practice doing textures and landscapes :') off lets see how it goes,,, hopefully i wont dissapear into breath of the wild hell,,, Instagram: purpurglitter Twitter: purpurglitter Telegram: hotorispirit Facebook: purpurglitter
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system-architect · 7 years
gonna be doin some late additions to that ask meme since i was asked a bunch...! it’s a lot for four dif chars so i’ll be splitting it up into two posts. i might have to skip a few questions but we’ll see
here’s the gunner and xinn edition! i was asked uhhh... 1-6 and 9-19
gunner first!
Their physical weak spots: gunner is speedy and evades a lot, but can’t take too many solid hits in general-- anything that disarms him or messes with his ability to move/think fast will hamper him a lot. he’s actually mostly primarily weak to over-exerting his magic and making himself sick/’irradiated’ Their emotional/moral weak spots: he can be too stoic and too cocky and launch into things headfirst without properly assessing the situation or consulting his allies Scars or painful spots: his right arm/side is aaaalllllllll leyline scars! Best places to kiss on their body: he is partial to shoulder/upper back/neck/jaw/near ear kisses. also scar kisses Guilty pleasures: it’s not a guilty pleasure so much as a Secret Pleasure but gunner’s surprisingly talented at baking/cooking. he’s also very into sweets specifically chocolate Their vices (physical or emotional): it’s not particularly severe for him, but he sometimes turns 2 Substances when hyper stressed Humiliating memories: god i’m sure there’s a Lot but i gotta develop him more here. he probably has quite a few from growing up in novus but not being much of a typical asura. plus some embarrassing combat defeats Fears/phobias: afraid he’s gonna squandered his extended lifespan and amount to nothing despite that, afraid he’s gonna end up losing everything he has again like he did in the chak attack on rata novus, afraid he’s just been constantly making the wrong decisions and everything that’s happened to him is his fault and that he could’ve solved it if he was just Better, afraid that bad things are going to just keep happening to him Bad or petty habits: god he can be very stubborn and petty and aggressive or passive aggressive at times... he has a bad habit of overfocusing on himself and not considering others in a situation Grudges and vendettas: he’s got a grudge against Every Single Chak and will go out of his way to kill them. he loathes the inquest for all the shit they’ve done to ppl he loves and all the havoc they’ve caused with his DNA, and he’s also still bitter at zinn for leaving his people behind (he was very.. smug when he learned how zinn died) What gets them flustered: gunner is very strongly emotional despite acting stoic so it’s pretty easy to get him riled up into an argument... anything about synergetics or related to ppl gunner cares for or his fighting strats is a 1 way ticket to Yell Town Ingrained habits/forces of habit: he’s crossing his arms like 24/7 and he’s also a very paranoid person who is constantly surveying the area and whips his head about every time he hears A Noise.. he’s on his tactical survivalist fighter game like all the time What it takes to make them cry: takes a LOT to make him cry bc he bottles those emotions hardcore. things related to his parents or setting off his “alchemy why me, why do bad things keep happening to ME??” complex will do it Dark secrets/’skeletons in the closet’: he keeps the novan thing concealed but u all here on tumblr get to be privvy to it. he’s also very clammed up about how the mists affected him... Regrets: he’s constantly picking over and scrutinizing his past actions, big and small, and wondering how he could’ve done things better or if he could’ve prevented such huge messes by acting a little differently Things they’ll never admit: he’s bottled this a whole ton so he tends to be less aware of it tbh, but inside he’s a big huge softie who’s very emotional about a lot and he should bottle things less and he wants more gentleness in his life. he has a hard time admitting to himself that showing emotions isn’t Bad People they’ve hurt or indirectly killed, and how it affected them: depends a lot on the situation.... idk much specifics but gunner def has had to kill people and generally views it as a survival necessity (think like, fighting enemies ingame-- bandits, centaurs, djinn, whatever). he doesn’t like needless killing. whenever he does have to kill someone he’s slightly crestfallen a bit, he does trudge onwards but the general concept he gets hung up on was how that person had a whole world and spirit inside them and he’s put that to an end now
aaaaaaaaand here’s xinnux--
Their physical weak spots: xinn is speedy and can put great force behind stabbing/throwing with his knives/machetes but he mostly marches in with his pets to attack things, so anything that disarms him or impedes his movement or separates him from his pets will render him useless. good luck catching him tho he’s like a mouse on red bull Their emotional/moral weak spots: xinnux is Les Enfants he gets emotional and confused about a whole lot of things. he doesn’t have a bad bone in his body but he’s still figuring out how morality works; he doesn’t quite Conceptualize death and good vs bad yet Scars or painful spots: he’s got a lot of weird scars from inquest tests and he doesn’t like any of them, they physically hurt and remind him of Bad Things Best places to kiss on their body: i’m just gonna slide in here for future ref, xinn physically appears to be 20 atm (his bday was nov 25th! woo!) but he is literally two years old and the narrative handles him as a child!! (xinn being a child who’s not been given a childhood and has been forced to grow up fast is Very Much a plot point, even!) so i’m not gonna b answerin any kind of questions about romance/sexuality for xinn. xinn is a toddler in a big boy’s body, he has dirt to crawl around in and retrieve bugs from, that’s his life atm he doesn’t mess with adult business like this Guilty pleasures: xinn feels guilty about nothing. he WILL binge eat what he pleases. he WILL ‘accidentally’ steal things. he WILL just literally do whatever he wants at any time. the concept of feeling guilty for something that is fun is like, beyond him Their vices (physical or emotional): this isn’t rlly a vice but like i said since xinn has a hard time conceptualizing things like death and pain, he will sometimes be a bit cruel in his treatment towards others, but it’s out of obliviousness and not direct malice.. he def has a strong sense of empathy he just.. doesn’t Understand things.... (think about when you were a kid and were cruel to animals not bc you hated them but bc you were a tiny untamed infant monkey who acted on instinct and “i want to touch that”, but the thought of “this thing might not enjoy being touched” wasn’t something that occurred to you because your tiny walnut brain couldn’t compute that yet. that’s about xinn’s predicament.) Humiliating memories: there’s probably a few memories he has of bouts with the inquest and tryin to run away but bein wrangled back into his cell and he’s like, embarrassed about his lack of strength there whilst also bein seething mad at the inquest for this all Fears/phobias: A Lot. he’s filled with fear and doesn’t quite process any of it. right now he just knows that feeling hurty things is bad and he feels that and he doesn’t like it. he is also really afraid he will never be Normal and it’s not really a fear he can do much about, or rlly directly a fear, but he’s very bitter and sad about not getting to be a kid and just be born and have a normal childhood. more normal phobia wise, he hates small enclosed spaces with no easy exits, and he hates doctor-related stuff, and he hates being alone Bad or petty habits: xinn can be very stubborn and if he’s told not to do something he will usually run off and try to do it either out of ignorance or just, direct spite Grudges and vendettas: big big ol grudge against all inquest/former inquest. except the one who let him free, that guy’s cool. fuck everyone else tho What gets them flustered: challenging xinn to an argument on literally anything will get him very mad very fast and he doesn’t know how to argue. it VERY LITERALLY will turn into arguing with a child Ingrained habits/forces of habit: he’s always scanning for exits in a room What it takes to make them cry: not much. xinn cries easily, though he does hate crying in front of people and tries to stop it. he doesn’t like bein reminded of his past and also he hates being told he’s wrong or that he can’t do something Dark secrets/’skeletons in the closet’: not rlly a Dark Secret uh, despite being physically 20 he still a lot of the time really wants to be treated like a kid and just entrust himself to parental units and be fussed over jhkgd he does fluctuate on this tho and can absolutely get very “no im adult!!!” too Regrets: the childhood thing i guess? he also feels regret when he unknowingly acts cruelly and it adversely affects someone/something. rn his brain is still forming the concepts of regret, really Things they’ll never admit: xinn can’t really form his brain around concepts like this. he doesn’t particularly have anything complex going on that he would never admit. he has stuff that’s tough to admit, but he does a poor job of hiding it People they’ve hurt or indirectly killed, and how it affected them: i’m sure he’s killed at least one person and probably some critters and like i’ve mentioned he doesn’t really Conceptualize death yet. he knows death is Bad but doesn’t really currently have the emotional development to put himself in other people’s heads and understand why killing someone is so bad and tragic
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zwentner · 6 years
Critters: A New Binge
Neues aus der Neo-Trash Abteilung: Mit Critters: A New Binge wird ein für mich jugendbegleitender TV-Horror Spaß aus den 80ern und 90ern wiederbelebt. Sieht ganz genauso aus, wie ich mir das vorstellen würde und dafür musste ich noch nicht mal meinen Anspruch runterschrauben.
Handgemachte Effekte, schlechte Kamera, schlechte Darsteller und vermutlich eine dämliche Geschichte. Alles im guten Sinne versteht sich
Die 8-Teilige Mini Serie wurde im Sommer 2017 in Kanada gedreht und läuft zunächst nur beim US Streaming Dienst Shudder.
The Critters return to Earth searching for a lost friend that was left behind. They land in Burbank and soon torment a group of high-schoolers and their families.
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poop4u · 5 years
Dug Up at Dogster: January 2020 Dog Events and Premieres
The post Dug Up at Dogster: January 2020 Dog Events and Premieres by Melissa L. Kauffman appeared first on Dogster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren't considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on Dogster.com.
You and your pup won’t have time for the post-holiday blues when you check out January 2020’s latest dog events and premieres. If you have a dog event or premiere you would like listed, please email your event details to [email protected].
All January 2020: Walk Your Pet month, National Train Your Dog month and Unchain a Dog month
January 13, 2020: The Healing Powers of Dude premieres
Love to binge on Netflix? Here’s a new one for you. Noah, an 11-year-old boy with social anxiety disorder, has to start middle school. Forget bringing a textbook with him — he brings his comfort mutt, Dude. Despite the protests of his cat-loving principal, Noah not only brings Dude to school with him, but gets help navigating everything from judgmental preteens to how not to spill mac and cheese all over himself in the cafeteria. Details at netflix.com.
January 10 through January 12, 2020: Greater Philadelphia Pet Expo
Gail Mirabella and The Dynamo Dogs, Johnny Peers and the Muttville Comix and The Hard Drive Flyball Club’s Flyball Tournament will all heat up the cold month of January at this pet festival held at the Greater Philadelphia Expo Center in Oaks, PA. Pet lovers can interact with dogs, reptiles, rabbits, birds, guinea pigs and even check out TICA’s cat show during the three-day expo. Full details at familypetshows.com.
January 24 through January 26, 2020: World of Pets Expo
Take your pet-obsessed family to one of the largest pet shows for pet lovers on the East Coast. Located at the Maryland State Fairgrounds in Timonium, you’ll shop, adopt and be entertained. Check out the many educational demos, seminars and workshops by hundreds of animal experts, plus discover a variety of pet services and products. More info at worldofpets.org.
January 25 through January 26, 2020: Edmonton Pet Expo
Dogs, cats, reptiles, small critters, parrots and fish can be found at this two-day pet lovers expo held at the Edmonton Expo Centre in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Games, search-and-rescue demos and dog frisbee are just a few of the events at this weekend show. Of course, there will be plenty of pet product vendors and pet organizations, too. See full event highlights and more at petexpo.ca.
January 26, 2020: 5th Annual im Schnee festsitzen Trail Run
Part of the 2019/2020 CaniCross series, the Bristol Woods County Park in Bristol, Wisconsin, has snow-covered trails that take you and your dog through upland forest, wetlands, oak savanna remnants and prairie areas. The CaniCross event will be approximately 3 or 6 miles and CaniCross athletes have the option of running an additional loop. The CaniCross event starts 15 minutes prior to the runners and walkers. This event is perfect for all fitness levels and is dog-friendly for those not interested in the CaniCross Event. Register here or click here for more information.
The post Dug Up at Dogster: January 2020 Dog Events and Premieres by Melissa L. Kauffman appeared first on Dogster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren't considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on Dogster.com.
Poop4U Blog via www.Poop4U.com Melissa L. Kauffman, Khareem Sudlow
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vonvonglitter · 7 years
first thigs first: self fullfilling prophecy of me drawing a cute girl critter doing some floaty shit with clothes i wished i owned immediatly after binging breath of the wild druing break. sup yall im on break?? this semester was hard but i pulled throu… https://t.co/y6kBiu4YMi https://t.co/3jBlgya3eG
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