#im probably gonna change it tho bc i remember not liking it
sparklingcid3r · 1 day
ik in the musical they changed it from darry to darrel bc it sounds close to dally, but in a deeper way what is ur hc of how in the book only the socs call darry 'darrel' and also now in the musical that darry is in charge everyone calls him darrel? what do u think that switch was like for him, and how did his brothers react to it?
you’ve come to the right place bc i LOVEEE overanalyzing the whole name thing. reaching is my favorite pastime fr. i’m gonna try and answer ur ask and then some bc i feel so strongly abt this deadass (me making up for the fact that idk how long this has been sitting in my inbox without me knowing, anon im so sorry lmfao🙏)
i think darry probably just went by darrel at school because the right to call him darry was reserved for the people he grew up with. my own hc is that paul used to be one of the only people from school who called him darry because of how close they were, but paul didn’t stick to one name, he switched between darry and darrel. tho after the fallout, it’s exclusively darrel or just “curtis,” as a way to distance himself from the fact that they were once closer than he cares to admit.
as for the musical, i could definitely believe that at least pony and soda grew up calling him darry, but stopped as they grew older, like outgrowing a kid’s toy. especially when their parents died, the name darry kind of died with them, it’s a relic of their innocence that they can’t use anymore without remembering what they’ll never get back.
i kind of also want to get into why the coordinators of the musical chose to change darry’s name over dally’s, when they just as easily could have had dally go by dallas and kept darry’s nickname. and this is where the reaching starts so don’t take me seriously i’m just being a D1 yapper rn
but to me the decision to keep dally’s nickname is a symbol of the fact that dally literally is a child. to the average audience member who has little to no knowledge of the source material, “dally” is probably a little bit childlike and serves to remind them that no matter how touch he acts, they’re watching a kid make incredibly big decisions for other kids
darrel meanwhile is the designated adult of the group, and that’s only by circumstance, not because he genuinely is old enough/has enough maturity to handle it. but by taking away his nickname, it emphasizes the point to readers/movie watchers that darrel can’t afford to be seen by anyone as too young or childish, not even the audience. he’s hiding behind even his name to put up the illusion that he knows what he’s doing, where they’re going, how they’re going to get there.
but yall ik this is some crazy headcanoning i’m just a girl having fun lmfao🫶
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mizzical · 28 days
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i miss you teruko i miss drawing you i miss you i miss you i miss you i miss you love love...
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koolades-world · 8 months
Ok so I've randomly had this genius idea and was keeping it in my head for a month or so. And i for some reason had an urge to find someone to make this thing. And YOU got unlucky to be in my FYP with open requests! Poor you, now you are cursed with this request! (Also ur writing is cool, but im suck at giving compliments~)
Imagine being a one of the most powerful demons in entire devildom, falling from heaven, going through a war.. and you just meet a human, who is crying because of a paper scratch! That's the request!:
Brothers with Pain-sensitive MC/MC with Algophobia if you prefer.♡
Ahem🤓👆, Algophobia is a phobia of pain. No one likes getting hurt, but algophobic person is afraid of it more than normal ppl. Also Algophobia makes all pain feel even more painful because if the fear🤓👆
These two are pretty much the same, but Algophobia one has more angst potential than just "Pain-sensitive"
This thing sounds just so hilarious in my head, imagine after MC does something bad Lucifer wants to punish them, but then he remembers that this human uses cooking gloves to drink coffee because "its way to hot" and ends up with existential crisis because all of his punishments will turn Pain-sensitive MC into dust😭
I saw a lot of ppl headcanoning that demons are like "well, humans are fragile and easily will die!" and starting to think that human is dying when they broke a bone. Thats funny, but imagine what would happen if it ACTUALLY were like that. Mammon wants to get MC to the casino, but then sees how they slip and fall to their knees and the crying because "FFFFF MY KNEEEEES HURT😭😭😭" And he is just like..."Damn, bro, how u live like this" and ends up way to afraid to bring them to the casino bc of "eeevil demons that would eat them!".
Also i imagine that Levi would do something similar, but, lets agree that him asking MC to go somewhere is an impossible scenario. I think he will do a good job tho.
Satan and MC hanging out in the garden with cats and this dude, who can easily broke the entire house if he gets angry, casually watching this piece of human struggling to pet a cat bc of their shaking hands. "Come on, just pet it, u got it, MC." "but cats have claws and claws are paaaainful!!!!"
Asmo is probably the only one who will have no problem with that, lol. This dude loves saying about being gentle. Yeah, not surprising that i simp for him. But dynamic between Devildom's biggest slut and a Human, who never kissed with anyone because "well, if i am kissing someone, I can't tell if the person is not gonna get a knife a d won't stub me! and stubbing ppl is painful!" sounds hilarious.
Beel is a big cinnabun, we all can agree. But yhis cinnabun is so big, that it can easily hurt MC accidentally! Even average people often cause ain-sensitive MC pain, and someone as big and strong babyboy like Beel? Damn, poor big man and MC, who waits for hot food to cool down for 15 minutes before eating it because "hot food is painful!"
Belphegor probably will do okay.. i mean, if we ignore 16 lesson.. he is pretty gentle boy so i guess he won't do anything bad. But, i can still imagine how this dude might hurt MC in his sleep and when wakes up and sees them, ouch-ing and rubbing their cheek, because "you were asleep and accidentally hit my cheek.." while this dude was just changing his sleeping pose.
So you can make something fluffy with brothers trying to not-hurt Pain-sensitive MC accidentally, you can do it in memes, you can do some angst with Algophobia. You can do whatever you want, i give the idea, you use it if you want!~
Damn, this think came out like a whole ass post. But i hope you didn't got bored halfway, lol.
Have a nice day tho!~~~
hi! haha I didn’t get bored you understand me!! I absolutely love when someone is just as excited as me about an idea :) this is exactly what I do when I have an idea I love so much I want to squeeze it in a good way
glad you like my writing 🥺 <3 please enjoy!
Mc with Algophobia
he knows right off the bat because it was on your paperwork (creepy) but makes accommodations where he can (loving)
essentially baby proofs the house right after you arrive once he realizes you’re being serious including padding on every sharp corner
always has a first aid kit on hand because he’s worried about you and won’t hesitate to offer you all the time off you need
finds himself unconsciously making sure you're ok
didn't take you seriously at first until you almost started crying upon reach into the freezer to help defrost Goldie yet again
wants to help you with your fear, and unveils all of his stupid fears to you, including his fear of public water fountains
when you're not together, he has his crows keep an eye on you for him to make sure you're ok
often opts to stay home with you if it makes you more comfortable
so so chill about it since he himself is afraid of many things, and while not paralyzing, goes out of his way to avoid all these things
lets you know the door to his room will always be open for you if you need a place to relax for the hour or day
protective of you in a way he never felt before
ready to listen to your woes and try to help resolve them for you
to some extent, he understands what it's like to be misunderstood and he goes out of his way to boost your confidence
knows some amazing professionals that might be able to help you out if you want
works on himself and his outbursts to keep you safe and unafraid <3
holds your hand as often as he gets the chance to reassure both you and himself that you won't get separated and avoid any potential problems
100% finds many excuses to kiss your booboos
finds all sorts of fun cute ways to make sure you don't get hurt and stay happy
if you get hurt around him, he's on top of it and upset too since he hates to see you unhappy
whatever you need, he's got you covered. he carries some of you things in his handbag that he always has with him in case you need it
doesn't understand at first, but is more cautious around you
he knows humans are fragile but he severely underestimated your fear
however, he's willing to do anything that you need from him
he knows his strength and always finds himself moving slower and more protective around you
at first, he couldn't have cared less but after he got to know you, he felt extremely guilty about what he had done
does everything to make it up to you and prevent you from getting hurt again
expect lots of gifts that include nice blankets and cute bandaids
finds his way to your room in the middle of the night often to make sure you're fine and then stays (he's totally not just sleepwalking)
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sabh0 · 4 months
Is skk abusive? Other than the name calling and banter that I just don't take seriously, I've seen people say that Dazai is abusive since he planned for Chuuya to be tortured in stormbringer and didn't help because it would be boring, despite having the ability to do so. There's also the whole manipulating the sheep thing.
I've also seen people say that Chuuya is abusive because of how violent he is, how he punched Dazai to wake him up in Dead Apple and called him inhuman(? Ngl, I don't remember that part) and because Chuuya shot him more times than necessary in Meursault.
Personally, I struggle to see them as abusive r toxic, if only because of how much they trust and understand each other, and how they rile each other up for fun without letting it actually impact their relationship, but I may just be biased? What do you think?
Ok im just gonna say - dont take this post ad some 100% real wisdom or anything. It's just my personal opinion and it's definitely biased as well because of how much these two mean to me but yeah
I wouldn't call them abusive in relationship terms because all that banter and most of their fights are just, as u said it, unserious.
They're both fucked up a bit tho, so yeah there's definitely some toxic behaviours anyway.
Dazai manipulating Chuuya to join the sheep always made me real sad, but if you think about it more - Dazai knew The Sheep aren't any better for Chuuya. Plus if not like this, Mori would get Chuuya to join PM anyway in one way or another, since it was a plan from the beginning.
Dazai planned the whole 'helping Verlaine' thing to buy time so the PM forces could get ready to protect Mori and Chuuya later. That's mafia they're in - lives are not equal. Also Dazai wouldn't put Chuuya in danger he knew the other wouldn't be able to deal with. Either way, his whole yapping about wanting to see Chuuya being tortured is yet again that stupidly weird banter of theirs. After all, he's trying to find him and literally stop him from doing something he would regret. (Sab is trying to make some points but that still doesn't make whatever Dazai did something good. Just sayin. I just don't feel it's a black or white situation.)
I said it some time ago but lord, Chuuya is not abusive. Look, he knows when it's alright to fight Dazai and when he should stop himself not to hurt him. Even if they fight, he never does it seriously. Basement scene? He could've very well just punched Dazai without warning there. But instead he literally invited him to fight - and Dazai very much agreed to that sht with a smile on his lips. They're just very much not okay in the head on both sides. Later when Chuuya actually got angry, he himself threw his knife to the ground, which only shows he doesn't really have any intent of hurting Dazai seriously (In the manga. In the anime they changed it for whatever reason and he did strike him with the knife. But anime skk is just. Anime skk.).
That Dead Apple argument is so funny bc??? Chuuya was literally UNDER CORRUPTION AT THE TIME??? Corruption literally makes him lose control. He could kill a person with one touch. Instead??? Corruption Chuuya in dead apple somehow managed to hold himself back just enough not to actually hurt Dazai. Also, Dazai f knew he's gonna punch him anyway. I mean, bro kinda deserved it atp tbh /j
Cant really tell much about the shooting thing in Meursault - i stil have no f idea if these were even real, considering the fact Dazai is moving normally and there's no wounds/holes/blood visible on him or his clothes. These were probably just a play like the whole headshot thing?? (Tho dazai's scream and expression after that arm shot say otherwise),, really don't know, call it a better impression on Fyodor or Chuuya actually paying Dazai back for the other times
Ok so ,looks at all that sht i just wrote and tried to still excuse it somehow, I wouldn't call them abusive anyway just bc I've seen actual abusive relationships in real life and that's just uhh different in a way i cant really put my finger on,, there's some toxicity simply from the fact they're emotionally constipated and won't talk things thru like they should but,,, welp. Tbh i see most of their usual fighting as something unserious that both of em r okay with. Usually when they actually get into an argument about something it's because one actually got hurt by the other's words (for example that scene with Chuuya punching Dazai after he made jokes about Colonel's death). And they apologize without really apologizing, too (Dazai going to find Shibusawa and trying to take revenge on Colonel's death and later Chuuya going to rescue Dazai and saying to 'wait for him').
Unpopular opinion but i honestly feel that in the future they could very well form a normal, healthy relationship. They just really need to talk. Bickering and calling each other names for fun isn't imo really a form of abuse, when both sides know it's not meaning to hurt the other fr (if it was, then me and most of my friends would be fr abusing each other unfortunately) (and I don't feel abused even if we call each other names and say we hate each other, while watching cat reels together at the same time) (consider this some sibling-like stuff)
If nothing of whatever i just said makes sense, don't eat me please, it's just really hard for me to explain what i really think without being able to just talk for 5h straight while considering every ppint of view
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oh-no-its-bird · 2 months
reading ur fic one step three steps rn and I don't usually read oc-insert fics but ichigo is SUCH a menace I love her to death... and the idea of this feral, unchecked little kid being put in kakashi's care is so good. he's gonna suffer so much but it'll be good for him I think 👍 anyway I can't help but wonder how things would go down with the whole. obito thing. because I can't help making everything about my favorite insane guy. do you think they'd bond over their love for making kakashi suffer. do you think they'd bond over their shared affinity for chaos. I don't know I just!! think they have so much potential as a duo ANYWAY sorry for rambling have a nice day
I'm also kind of in the boat of not especially liking or reading oc centered fics, I think making Ichigo was a bit easier for me than it would have been otherwise bc I really went into it treating her like a plot divice. Still am tbh. I love Ichigo but the story isn't there for her, it's there bc of her. I needed someone to stir shit up and bring up some very specific topics and issues, so she became that. And I fell a little in love with her character along the way
Inevitable tbh, it's probably impossible to write a character that much without finding or molding them into something you can like writing
Kakashi absoloutley deserves to be harassed by tiny children, and now he can't escape bc Ichigo is in his fucking house!! She's gonna bring back more (even tinier) children to harass him, starting with Naruto. He will never know peace.
I have so many notes and plans laid out for One Step Three Steps u don't even know
Anyways spoilers for the eventually Obito introduction in the fic, take a snippet for his introduction (it's liable to change tho, we won't be seeing Obito for a while in the fic)
"I . . . am Madara Uchiha."
Ichigo opened her mouth. Closed it. Opened it again.
Finally, in her flattest voice, she went, "No you're not."
The imposter paused, then shook his head and gave a sinister chuckle. It was a decent enough imitation but she'd seen Hashirama give a better Madara impression.
While drunk.
"I understand it's hard for you to believe, but the stories of my death were greatly exaggerated."
Ichigo aimed her best impression of Ojisan's unimpressed face at him. Lip curled in distaste and head tilted to stare down at him like he was a bug.
He twitched. It was a pretty good impression. (Better than his Madara one, anyways)
"No, you're not."
"Yes, I am."
"No. You're really not."
"Yes, I really am."
They stared at eachother, locked in stalemate, till she smirked.
"Ok sure, you're Madara-sama. What's my name then?"
"Come on, Dara-chan," she batted her eyes at him innocently. "I'm sure you can remember."
He seemed to regain control of myself, straightening up and giving another echo of what might have been Madara's laugh. If he was a crazy cave hermit who'd decided to inject a gallon of cringe fail evil villain juice into his laughter, anyways.
"Come now, Ichigo, I know it's hard to believe but it really is me."
"Ha!" She shoved her hand towards him, pointing triumphantly. "My real name is Hatake Miko! I gave them a fake when I got here, and if you were the real Madara-sama you'd know that!"
"O-of course, Miko-chan, I was just testing you. I had to be sure you were the real Miko I remembered, after all."
"No, I lied I really am Ichigo." She deadpanned, giving him a little peace sign.
He staggered under some invisible weight, making a noise like a popped balloon.
"I don't usually kill children, but . . ." He mumbled to himself, and she scoffed.
"You don't even have his hair." She squinted at him, feeling insulted om Madara's behalf. "You're pretending to be Madara with hair like that? Have some standards.
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zeephyre · 1 year
god chetney totally clocked them, it's so funny bc they were NAWT subtle -- also, patê low-key exposing them and laudna very subtly (not) changing the subject... chef's kiss.
this episode????? was so good??? i am so happy that my hellians are back together??? i can barely focus rn so I'll try to remember all the good bits (which was the whole episode).
fcg and ashton -- im really glad ash specifically told fcg to hold onto the feelings they have for frida to give them smth to come home to, bc he's brought up how self destructive fcg can get bc they don't consider themself important. it was a very cute moment, and i almost cried bc i love ashton and... idk. he's not coping.
ashton gave me very manic energy this episode. a lot of emotional distress disguised as an epiphany, but that moment of them telling fcg that they can't afford to be useless explained every second of flustered panic.
(not to be that person but i uh...i am starting to ship milo and ashton. i liked it before but now i REALLY like it).
i need to know wtf talie and matt have cooked up those little bastards.
chetney getting caught in a trap almost immediately after ajit warned them to be careful or whatever was pretty funny. the whole time that was going down i kept thinking, "the world is ending. we have better shit to be thinking abt than this fr," and not in a bad way. it's just ??? bro who cares who hired you, we are BUSY. i knew chetney attacking that shop keeper was gonna bite him in the ass, and it honestly was hilarious.
i know it was just casual and also sort of a trick, but i loved fearne giving chet a little kiss. they are so real to me y'all don't understand.
i have a very complicated relationship with the matron, bc i love her aesthetic, love her vibe (tho i hate birds, but i love a raven motif), and i also will never forgive her for taking my skrunkly wunkle away from me. that shared vision between orym, chet and fearne was... fucking amazing. matt outdid himself this episode fr. it's probably one of my favourite scenes of this whole campaign.
speaking of which... VAX SCREAMING???? HE'S IN PAIN????????? LET MY BABY GIRL OUT????? I STARTED FUCKING BAWLING NO JOKE. The imagery was so visceral i felt sick to my stomach and i just started tearing up. ludinus your days are fucking numbered.
:( still no caleb safety confirmation but i think he's fine guys what could have possibly gone wrong /s.
we're in zephrah 🥺 i knew the episode was about to end, and it was so damn beautiful, but i can't wait until thursday. we're gonna see kiki. we have to tell her abt vax, but i also don't want her to know that he's suffering.
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is it thursday yet :(
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cyberneticlagomorph · 4 months
is there something you've got that you've worked really hard on and loved, but not really been able to share extensively, in Jack's world? yes this is an invitation to talk about it.
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god theres so fuckin much
the second version of the lore doc is 104 pages long at present and this 3rd edition is gonna be AT LEAST that and some change
i have pages upon pages of weird stuff i've written down and mulled over and will never ever use bc i have no idea how to incorporate it into anything yet
like the-end-of-everything
ok so i gotta put this under the cut due to length and religious stuff and Theseus Hare spoilers
so the-end-of-everything is
a lot?
She's almost As Much as Jack
She's the personified Ending of Jack's Narrative, the Jabberwocky from Alice in Wonderland, the angel Lucifer, The Green Sun from Homestuck, Nidhogg from Norse mythology, Mr Eaten from Fallen London and a million billion other things
She exists currently as a weird dream ghost that has attached Herself to Jack to the point where he dreams about Her every night no matter what.
The same dream, every single night for as long as he can remember
In one of his earlier iterations on this blog, he had his ability to dream SURGICALLY REMOVED (don't ask me how he did it, he just did it, it was hard) and She still showed up every night like normal
You see, their fates are tied together. Jack is the Protagonist, and She the Antagonist, as well as the Ending to his story.
Her in universe lore is fucking WILD and i'm probably not gonna do much of anything with it on the blog for Reasons.
In universe She was made to be Fairyland's original captive star, but She was Too Much on many levels to the point where Her creators had Her lobotomized in hopes that would calm Her down. It did not, She eventually escaped and fucked off into deep space, where She met God (yes that God) and fell in love.
He made Her his favorite angel and named Her Lucifer. And then the shit in Eden happened and She got kicked out of heaven
She swore revenge against God for abandoning Her and when She tried to take that revenge She was torn apart and devoured by... something.
In older drafts it with other deities, im not sure about now tho, but Her leftovers were shoved into a well/hole/pit at the bottom of the universe where nobody could ever find them, Her True Name erased from all history and record. (Hence why we know Her as the Nameless Thing)
She wasn't dead though, not completely anyway. She found Her way into the world of dreams and spoke to people through them, She amassed followers and made plans.
And then a child was Born
Alice was born, many Alices in fact. Each born and grown and groomed for war and lost and lost and lost because they were not the right Alice to slay the Jabberwocky
Jack is supposed to be the Right Alice, Alice is actually his deadname and why his VTM alt is Named That. Jack is supposed to slay the Jabberwocky for good with the Vorpal sword and lock Her away inside of himself forever and always
See, Lucifer does not want that at all, She wants to find Her Name and pull Herself back together so She can kill God for what he did and then devour the multiverse bc everyone let God Do That to Her so they very much should all die about it.
Outside of the in universe lore, She doesn't HAVE a fucking Name to find. The Writer never gave Her one, She was never supposed to win or leave or anything, and even if She was the Narrative is unfinished and abandoned so She's stuck in here with the rest of those virgins until She figures out a way to Fix That.
Also Lucifer and the elder god thing inside of Vorpal have major beef, they had beef before Vorpal died and became a bone sword. I'm 90% certain Luci is why Vorpal fuckin died but i might change that later. Vorpal was made exclusively to kill the Jabberwocky and other divine entities so if they didn't have beef before they sure do now???
I wanna do so much with Her but i can't cuz writer's block has hands, I'm a coward, and vivzieverse made characters based on biblical figures Weird and Kinda Uncomfortable but The-End-Of_Everything is my fucking BABY and i can't wait for you to meet Her, also she looks like this in jack's nightmares:
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art by @/pencilbrony my befriended
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queer-crusader · 2 months
ask game!!!
3, 18, 21, 22, 23, 25, 40, 51, 73, 86
yes i chose a zillion, i got excited ♡
3. Last text message “Your twitch verification code is:” (i know. RIVETING)
18. Met someone who changed you Oh that is a HARD one uhh... I’m gonna go with my first roommate? We met as we both moved in, immediately hit it off. Turns out we were also doing the same course! So here i am, having just moved to a different country, not knowing a soul, and i’ve made a friend. This is my friend. My safety.
Until it turned out she was a chronic liar who tried to stab me in the back in the end and cheat me out of the deposit. That was a lovely thing to find out. It taught me where my boundaries lie and who i am when someone betrays my trust. It thankfully has RARELY happened, but it did harden me just a little
21. What did you do for your last Birthday I don’t really remember? We went for dinner im pretty sure. I just wanted a quiet day, literally ANYTHING beat my birthday last year lmao (i got fucking gallstones last year). So just a chill day, i was at work im pretty sure, and then in the weekend i had dinner with family!
22. What time did you wake up today Around 9 😊
23. Name something you CANNOT wait for REN FAIRE!!! Do i have one planned yet? Nope. Do i have an outfit? HAH. BUT I WANNA GOOOOOO
25. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life More success in the theatre and novel industries i suppose, and maybe that i were still living in the UK. But im currently in a comfortable position, surrounded by family i love, and with a stable income, and quite frankly, that’s a better outcome than staying in the UK with its horrific economy and gas and electric bills would’ve given. I’m happy with what i currently have.
Tho i will absolutely try and write and direct some plays and maybe finish my fucking novel for once bc i do very much want that
40. Do you have a crush on someone Not really? I’m pretty gay for a close friend of mine but like. I’m also kinda aro and as they call it demisexual, so crushes are a rare thing
51. I’m about to Still calling a friend atm! But after that go to bed probably, it’s midnight here lmao
73. Fallen for a friend See 40, but also, i did get brief and quick crushes when i was younger and that was always for a friend!
86. Out Of Everything In The World What Do You Wish For For all my friends and loved ones to be healthy, happy, and within quick, cheap and easy reach 💖
Thank you for asking these, these were all very fun!! And don’t worry about sending me a shit-tonne lmao 💖💖
Feel free to send more of these!
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sierice · 11 months
the longer i sit here the longer this list grows.. ill just have to come back next time (threat)
HI HELLO HIIIII !!!!!!!!!!!!!! i hope this is for that pjoverse ask game thingy bc if not this is gonna be uh. a little bit awkward but whatever here we GO
3. Favorite character
meg..........lester.......... explodes and dies (they are a package deal do not SEPERATE !!)
11. Favorite scene
oughhhh uhhhhhhh there is a lot tbh. im a very impressionable person you make a scene even slightly cool and i'll be like WOAHHHH WOOOOAHHH WOW. anyways i hope top three is fine instead
the scene from tdp where apollo shields meg from chaos and then they both come back out alive bc they both remembered that they need each other. this was only in the second book rick was insane for this
sorry 2 be cringe on main but. the bit in tlt where percy gets claimed. idk that changed my brain forever i loved it. the way it was shown how much of a serious and insane and never seen b4 event so ppl were both in awe and in fear and percy could tell that his life was never going to be the same. chills literal chills
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12. First pjo book you've read?
THO !!!!!!!!! i saw one of my classmates reading it and i was curious so i borrowed it for a bit and i was HOOKED. i WAS super confused who this 'percy' and 'leo' he was talking about so i decided to start from the beginning XD im pretty sure i was caught for reading in the middle of class that day lmao
13. Favorite minor character?
SO SO SO MANY. i collect minor characters like pokemons i adore them with all my heart. favorite is probably felix philip from tkc though. i love him and his penguins and his tendency to demolish bad guys with basketballs and also shoes
19. Favorite Olympian
APOLLO. claps and nobody joins in
23. Opinion on TSATS?
i couldn't even FINISH it i just couldnt. it was that bad like im sorry but i simply could not bring myself to like any bit of it 1/10
27. Scene that makes you cringe the most
oh the TTT reyna rejection scene for sure. and then the bit where he pees himself in TDP and TBM like girlie what 😭😭😭srsly why do subject me to this lester why do pee yourself in every single book without fail
37. 3 hcs about you favorite character
OOOOOOOOH DIFFICULT QUESTION. this one is a definite one though:
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2. meg teleportation powers !!!!!!!!! (yes i know its basically canon BUT. it was used like one (1) time and then never again i need to see MORE OF IT NOW)
3. lester meg empathy link is REAL. to me. and also kind of to canon but whatever
4. basically everything in the headcannons channel in the toa discord LMAOOO i read it and then i forever incorporate it into my psyche its like my daily ritual at this point
44. Favorite rareship
apollo x happiness. apollo x therapy. apollo x revolutionizing against zeus. lester x some f*cking good things happening to him for once in his life. why are you dragging me out of the building
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atopvisenyashill · 7 months
You know how you said that it was stupid that Rhaenys and Viserys didn't marry since that would've united their claims? Well, what if they did marry? What goes down? Who would Corlys marry? And what about Aemma? Does she marry Daemon instead or maybe someone else?
Okay, so this is all wild speculation and opinion so it is NOT written very well. Just follow the train of thought wherever it takes you, don't worry about going down a tangent, it's fine, we're fine!!
SO…I mean okay, if Rhaenys and Viserys grow up believing they’re going to marry, I would imagine a dynamic similar to Rhaena/Aegon, which is to say like, fine? They like each other well enough, Viserys is fine being ruled by Rhaenys, altho there will be inevitable “make sure Rhaenys doesn’t look hotter than Viserys on Meleys” type stuff the way there was with Rhaena not being allowed to ride Dreamfyre bc Aegon’s dragon was too small (I think Viserys was always going to claim Balerion, but I wonder, if he's engaged to Rhaenys, that the dragonkeepers don't encourage him to claim one of the younger, faster ones, so Rhaenys isn't showing him up? I mean no matter what, I don't think Viserys is ever claiming a young dragon. There's The Narrative but also, that man probably hated riding a dragon, he just wanted to chill with Balerion and read to him). So even with the kind of clash in their personalities, you could do worse than marrying a relative you feel okay with in this series, especially as a Targaryen princess, and both Viserys and Rhaenys would realize that.
BUT. if they marry because, say, alysanne or jaehaerys, suggest it specifically as a way of combing their claims and crowning viserys king and rhaenys queen, well that’s a whole different can of worms. that’s probably a worse aegon/visenya dynamic - rhaenys will feel resentful of being tied to & expected to be subservient to his claim, and viserys, eternal people pleaser that expects people to please him right back is um, not gonna cope well with that (see also: his marriage to alicent).
i would imagine in either case they’d take the throne more or less without any problems. i can see rhaenys talking viserys into letting her rule the way visenya & rhaenys did (could she push to be named queen regnant besides his king regnant, a la william & mary?? im doubtful but i do think rhaenys would insist on the ability to make law & run the small council without viserys needing final say, and i think she’d get it too). given that rhaenys seemed on the whole healthier than aemma (largely because she was giving birth at 17 and not 13), i think they’re probably fine in that area but even if the two of them have issues with living sons, well, rhaenys is certainly not about to let her daughter’s claim be put aside for the likes of daemon fuckin targaryen, and she’s going to be a lot smarter on ensuring her daughter takes the throne after her. i do imagine regardless of whatever changes rhaenys makes, gyldayn refers to her as some sort of harpy badgering poor viserys tho lmao. I think she'd be remembered much less fondly than Alysanne and Rhaenys, again more in line with Visenya, because it would be obvious that she resents her marriage, and she would be attempting to actively play politics and make changes, and both Westeros and Gyldayn get really resentful when women Do Things. But the same way no one could check Visenya, no one is going to check Rhaenys because Viserys is not going to check her. While Rhaenys is deeply resentful, and Viserys is definitely feeling weird about his wife, this is best case scenario fo rhim - all the power of a king without the responsibility. He can have his parties, his songs, his drink, and not worry about the line of succession because Rhaenys had kids, and Rhaenys does the ruling.
as for who everyone else marries….kinda depends on what is cooking in alysanne’s psyche in the mid to late 90s lmao. i think the general theory is that alysanne threw daemon in the vale to help rhaenys’ claim (so rhaenys would be uncontested in the crownlands, and probably so daemon would destroy viserys’ support in the vale by being daemon), and tbf there is mountains of evidence that alysanne plans marriage matches based around punishing the person she’s matching. i think in this scenario, alysanne would be outwardly really supportive of rhaenys & viserys but inwardly super angry, resentful, feeling weird about rhaenys being forced to merge her claim instead of just ruling on her own, and she’s gonna take that out on daemon, so his ass is still going to runestone. we don’t know who arranged the aemma/viserys match (could have been baelon given that alysanne was avoiding the capital at that point) and as for Corlys, his attraction to Rhaenys was a) status b) DRAGON RIDER and he doesn’t really get that with any other woman from this era. all that to say…..i’m wildly speculating here because i think it’s unlikely daemon marries aemma, and i also think it’s likely daemon would inevitably get psycho sexually obsessed with a daughter of viserys.
for aemma…i don’t think it’s out of the question that alysanne suggests corlys for her, and if she’s not married off to viserys, i think alysanne takes a more active role in her life. it means aemma likely doesn’t marry until she’s 16/17, but if aly is arranging it, it’s still likely to an old dude. BUT. i actually think borros baratheon isn’t out of the question here - he’s partial valyrian descent, we don’t know exactly how old he is but he’s probably at least in the same ballpark as aemma, and he’s first born & heir to storm’s end. she could also wind up in white harbor, considering the manderlys press the point in the dance & alysanne seemed at least a bit charmed by the northerners, but i think borros would be most likely.
corlys….the thing about him is that he’s pragmatic, ambitious. yes, he loves rhaenys, but both of them are aware of what privileges the other brings to their marriage. corlys is not only ambitious but (imo) he is aching to prove that the velaryons are just as valyrian, just as powerful as the targaryens - having three dragon riding children was important to him. and look at marilda - precocious, curious, intelligent young girls are very clearly his type. he wouldn’t be cruel to aemma but im not sure he could love her as fiercely as he did rhaenys. and he seemed in no hurry to marry either - i think corlys was being purposefully choosey, biding his time until the perfect match appeared. I'm not sure Corlys would wait like forty or fifty years to marry, but if Rhaenys and Viserys have a girl early enough, if Corlys perhaps has a friendship with Rhaenys....does he ask to marry her daughter? OR OR maybe he does marry Aemma, and then encourages her to claim a dragon.
now i'm thinking about aemma the dragon rider, aemma the daughter-wife of corlys. a better and also much worse life for aemma, haha.
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serendipitous-girl · 3 months
okay so my plan for today was kinda off and i dont appreciate that but it was also because the rain and humitidity which i didnt plan for
so heres to tomorrow (its hair washy day tmrw and i night as well shower too)
ill wake up (actually get up) at a decent time bc i usually wake up around 8-10 and get up at 1-3...
(waking up at 08:00-10:00 getting up at 13:00 to 15:00)
do everything id need to do upstairs before heading downstairs (thats when my day actually starts)
eat watermelon
i dont wanna plan to workout at a certain time even tho ik ill attempt to but thats actually gonna throw me off and i might not do it so im gonna do that when i feel like it as much as i wish it was part of the plan.
id hope to shower after i lift because that makes sense but the times i usually feel good enough to workout vs the times i shower are complete opposites (if i had it my way id shower before heading downstairs)
i have to keep in mind my mom has work tmrw i think shes done at 1 so i need to get stuff done before then (ik i wont tho) because i reckon shes gonna tell me to get the clothes from the dryer and fold
we're gonna go with me showering after i lift so i do that get my hair situated change to the outfit i actually want (i will not be happy with my fit before then) and go downstairs again
i suppose at that time ill have to eat so now i have to do that
oh shit i didnt drink water these past few days i js remembered okay after i eat ill have water probably
after that im going upstairs and im not gonna interact with anyone for the rest of the day(excludes discord, and tumblr, and most likely snapchat)
id have to go to bed at some point round 23:00 (11pm) so id brush my teeth use the bathroom and get my laptop out
in this specific order i will:
get comfortable-ish and open my laptop n sign in
connect my airpods and put the LEFT one in
open the google acc i use for tumblr spotify and discord
make three new tabs
the first tab ill put in tumblr to the google search bar
the second tab ill open spotify
the third tab will be discord
ill sign into spotify then discord
then ill sign into tumblr
put on my music
if i feel like using c ai ill open that one too but AFTER i check my activity for tumblr
at this point i might choose to open kick and ill see if sapnap is live or smth
if he is ill stay on his tab for a bit and pause my music before i send u asks
after i get bored ill keep his tab open but do other things
if he's not live (which is the more likely one lately) ill stay between my tabs
at some point i like to open youtube and close out all of my other tabs and i do that until i want to try and sleep
hehe after im done doin wtv i close out everything and clear my activity (my mom does not know about tumblr kick twitch or c ai.)
i close my laptop plug my airpods into the first charger slot on my laptop then its actual charger on the second
plug in my airpods to that charger and put them in and put my laptop on my desk in the same position its always in and i try to sleep
i think i have a problem
but its so satifsying to type it out im sorry
love you!!
preppy i am okay with being your planner lol
Love you too :D
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boyslit · 20 days
if i go to sleep soon i will have less today, but more tomorrow
and i just remembered i told my coach im a trans dude and we might meet up to discuss tomorrow bc IDK how to navigate that when i start hormones and the name change and stuff. like i will have to give hr the legal stuff probably. update my license. and my insurance. car title? fuuuccck
she's super cool tho and she says my boss is cool about it so. i am still kind of really scared so scared i cried a little but
we do it scared, don't we? yeah... *wiping face so i can pretend i wasn't crying* it's gonna be fine
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m1ckeyb3rry · 20 days
LMAOOOO yeah lowk it was still more funny than embarrassing for me catching that typo here but if I found it after I sent it to someone else I think I’d be a goner
(Also wait speaking of I forgot to mention you’re seriously a trooper for reading all of orv…I followed the comic for awhile but I have a friend whose obsessed with it and like summarized the entire novel to me in like an essay (I’m still confused as hell because I lost track of the details) but after hearing it all from them it’s truly a ride…)
NOOO I SAW!! Ofc it’s sae LMAO classic itoshi scenario…yk maybe Karasu nation will come in clutch last minute…(I’m ngl I’m kinda glad none of those characters are on there oops LMAOOO I also don’t think they’d have much to do with aiku and honestly there’s so many works of them all) Ok I still kinda feel like it’s a win tho bc Karasu and Barou in second and third???
FRRR the edits are gonna go so hard…just imagine the Barou stripping scene LMAOO (the dudebros glazing Barou are everywhere omg)
I love how “the white haired dude” is an archetype of its own it’s so funny but so real…(gotta confess Im usually in the white haired dude fan section like somehow I end up gravitating to them too)
IM CRYING THE PARENTHESES it just goes on“or fifth…sixth……15th…” LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO
I’m crying your writing has made MY standards too high but honestly so real…even seabird sae is already better than like…a good majority of the population out there this is lowk sad
LMAOAO THE SELF HELP BOOKS I see the vision the purple green was also perfect for him
OOOOH I guess we’ve just gotta see what tiktok audio pops up on your fyp LOL but I’m excited I was leaning towards chigiri or Barou I was looking cooking way more for their ideas
LOL it’s ok that Nagi requester will get Nagi content from oaeu too!! I’m actually so hyped for the series
LMAO I plugged them into a generator and got Karasu!! I guess it’s the universe telling me not to stray from Karasu nation….lowk almost forgot that he’s essentially my namesake I got too desensitized to it so the generator really said remember your origins
OHHHHHHHHHH wait that’s kinda stupid on tumblrs part wdym the creator can’t see the results unless they vote??? SHDHS thats actually so annoying your rant is so valid (also just generally feel free to go wild ranting or venting it’s all good w me) im ngl if you want the next time you make a poll i can just vote early on and keep you updated on the results if you don’t wanna have that option there for people to screw with…but BRO YUKI AND OTOYA???? I know they generally still lag behind Karasu in terms of popularity s2 please save them
LMAO nah it’s perfectly reasonable and valid like some people don’t have the brain development for proper impulse control ig like damn
Ok well in the time I was writing it ig it’s over now good for you sae fans good for you (BOOO TOMATO TOMATO /j)
- Karasu anon
HAHAH our freaks are so matched i don’t even blink at 90% of your typos we truly are the same person LMAOAO
omg i LOVEDDDD orv i read it on my phone in the summer of 2023 when i had nothing else to do and it was genuinely so so good like the novel is PEAK i never read the webcomic version because i’m attached to the translations in the novel even though they’re not “official” but genuinely the novel is probably one of if not THE best things i’ve ever read like it actually changed my brain chemistry fr (it’s a long build but the ending arc is peak fiction)
SAE WON 💔 but very proud of karasu nation and barou nation for locking in and getting them so close to sae that was def unexpected!! and yeahhh that’s the vibe i was getting too like there’s no way for them to realistically be involved w aiku so it wouldn’t make sense for them to be there PLUS i don’t like them that much so i can’t cook up an idea to involve them w aiku the way i did w nagi 😰 speaking of which i think i have the idea for yukimiya HAHA basically aiku is like “okay we’re the two oldest blue lock members let’s be best friends 😄” and yukimiya is like “thanks but i already have a bestie ☺️” and ofc aiku is like WHAT and has to do some heavy recon (he probs recruits niko too LMAO atp niko is an honorary wingman just because he’s consistently aiku’s sidekick) and that’s where he finds reader which makes be like “hold on there is definitely something romantic going on here” so he tries to get yuki and reader together in order to finally have a soccer playing bff who’s also relatively normal (@ barou)
the craziest thing abt dude bros glazing barou is that he’s physically their ideal but in every other way he is NOTHING like them!! like that man respects women, cooks and cleans, is willing to accept his mistakes and work on them, hates people who are mid…he would think they’re goofy asf 😭
KDJDKSSJ i normally don’t really go for the white haired characters but nagi is an exception…my other top favs have been eren from aot (brown hair), megumi and yuta from jjk (black hair), and shinah from yotd (blue hair??) HAHA honesty karasu and rin are very in line w the kinds of characters i typically like physically but idk smth abt nagi appeals to me the most 🙂‍↕️
FBKDDNSJSN luckily it was NOT shidou!! i’m going to repost it so i’m sure you’ll know by the time you read this but i got chigiri 🤩 which honestly i can actually see but specifically his actual canon miraverse characterization NOT his overly feminized fandom self 😭 apparently they originally thought nagi which slay but they came to the same realization i did a while ago which is that as much as i love him the two of us are too similar in some ways and too different in other ways so we would actually not work out irl 😓💔 honestly chigimira wasn’t one i was necessarily expecting but it might be what i needed (idk if i could muster up a long fic idea for chigiri…maybe?? we will see #tbd)
LMAOAAO me when a man slides into my dms but he doesn’t buy me plane tickets and an expensive sandwich 😒 abt to start telling everyone i have a bf or smth HAHA because unless a man is miraverse bllk men level he’s simply not replacing nagi or karasu or sae or whoever 🥱
HELPP i’m glad the vision comes through i rlly like this cover!! i think i’m going to put the character’s name where it said “masterlist” on the masterlist so it’s easy to tell who the individual oneshot is abt 🤩 don’t want people to start reading expecting an aiku fic (at least until the last part which actually is for aiku)
i just got a barou request HAHA so it’ll def be chigiri or MAYBE bachira depending on what i feel inspired for!! agreed it’s time to open tik tok and feel the vibes out for what i want to write next…maybe watch some edits too while i’m at it for further assistance 😏
HAHA no fr stay true to your origins…i’m going to write all of them eventually anyways so it’s not that deep but i just wanted to figure out where I should start since all of them have such good premises that i can’t decide!! rip otoya and yukimiya though…hoping s2 + oaeu converts more people 😰
for now i think it should be okay like it’s nbd since so many other people do vote as well it’s just like a personal pet peeve HFKDJDSJS we all have smth that makes us tweak i suppose…i’m just in my isagi on field era 😩 i don’t do polls that often so it shouldn’t be a huge issue but expect me to have at least a paragraph in our convos crashing out over that whenever i do end up making a poll 😭
sae nation is too strong…they’re inevitable fr KFJDKD honestly proud of karasu and reo for hanging on for a bit that’s impressive 🤩 in the end though an itoshi bro is basically a guaranteed win (unless like i said kaiser or MAYBE isagi are in the running too)
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kroosluvr · 24 days
What do you think happened to Rumi after the thieves defeated Maruki? Cause the change in cognition Sumi had at the start of the year didnt change, only stuff after xmas went back to normal. So did Maruki left her with her family still without any memory of him? Or you think he went back to her eventually and tried to reconnect/work out stuff with her?
OMFGG THATS SO FUNNY i was also thinking abt that.... i dont remember if the game ever mentioned how well her actualization worked. bc w sumire it was only her who was affected, and its implied that her parents wanted her not to be away frm home too long in case the actualization wore off.... LIKE i also dont remember if rumi had other friends/family that'd realize "hey wtf shes just better all of a sudden and also she doesnt remember who takuto is thats weird."
im gonna go with the idea that shes like 100% actualized and all plot holes were just mysteriousyl filled in regards to rumi, even after the actualization wore off? it'd kinda be a reminder to maruki of his misdeeds, that things arent magically back to the way they were before All That, which is cool thematically i think O_O
and i think maruki wld do like how he did in the bad end and not try to reconnect w her at all, just do his own thing taxi driving and whatever kASJDKLASKJSDGHK
FEEL FREE TO LMK IF U HAVE UR OWN IDEAS THO BC ive been trying to think abt it a bit but ill probably have better ideas once i go thru p5r again O_O
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almondmlkbtch · 1 year
keeping out of binge territory — personal reminders & ideas that have helped me
- 1-2 “maintenance” days for every -3500 deficit mark (minimum)
- “maintenance” day = anywhere from -800 to -500 deficit for me. i am usually trying for -1000+ deficit daily. i get discouraged if i do a real maintenance day (zero deficit) that’s the sickness in me lmao. aiming for a couple days of -500 deficit— usually enough to satisfy me & get back on track if im really feeling like binging. that is subject to change tho lol.. depends on how hard im going with fasting & exercise.
- remember to incorporate more volume meals like salads, veggie bowls, etc. — in general & especially when feeling a binge coming on. sometimes i forget that this actually helps. im hungry i think, im gonna binge, nothing will help. binging is such a helpless feeling. but even if i just sauté some broccoli or veggies with egg whites— the difference it makes. you’d be surprised. before you surrender to a binge, at least try to make something healthy to eat.
- max 1 meal or snack a day that includes calories which cannot be counted (so no take out, only certain foods from work like salads, etc) in GENERAL keep to calories that can be counted so home cooked meals only, small exceptions like salads or tiny snacks can be made in emergency if afraid of binging, lol. i will fall into the trap of eating things i cant count and this puts me in “fuck it” territory with counting calories. which leads to binging because i could be under calories or over, idk bc idk what’s in that salad dressing or half a sandwich or whatever it is im eating bc i didnt take the time to prep my lunch for work
- similarly ^ minimize processed foods — 1 item per day max— … protein bars/snacks lead to binges, are not as filling/satisfying during binges, they just make things worse tbh
- HYDRATE — need to hydrate to feel ok when cutting cals AND fasting AND exercising. up the Powerade zeros, vitamin waters, gatorade zeros, etc, whatever it takes, have a variety on hand
- food diaries !!! this one is SO important to me— rly what my blog is for— tho i have more extensive entries in my notes app. it’s a huge part of manifesting. without it i dont think i’d have the confidence to continue when things get difficult— but also it rly truly helps you get past challenges when you actually think through things & reflect. like what is holding me back rn? why did i feel like binging today? or did i not— why is that? did i eat more fat? did more carbs in the morning help me get through the shift without eating as much? what is helping/hurting? so helpful. any time i stop journaling i really come up against more challenges.
- make a list of foods/meals want to binge on & come up with a healthy replacement version i am going to do this tonight probably & post some ideas
- also ^ variety in food & meals — get creative — again, makes it fun, distracts from eating less
- prep healthiest meals of the day to eat at work & show it off.. lol… this one is sick but it’s just such a high to eat something healthy to eat during a shift and everyone see.. and i work in a cafe sometimes my coworkers will giggle at my tiny meals/comment on healthy they are.. it rly helps. but i gotta start to do something that’s not just a yogurt & carrots, like i need a whole ass salad or something filling, i been tempted to binge at work lol. this one is specific to me hahaha i just rly think it will help
- practice mindful eating — ig this should be at the top of the list LMAO but i have a hard time sticking to this every meal. when im eating at work on break it’s my only chance to take my mind off work so i tend to go on my phone while i eat. but getting in the habit of this is sooo helpful, even if just one mindful meal a day. enjoying my meals helps me feel satisfied and start my fasts from a feeling of abundance. and how you start a fast is really important i think to sticking it through. if you start it feeling like you didn’t eat or can’t eat, you won’t finish it, or you’ll be slogging through.
✨ short list i wrote out for myself today. i got off track after 2 binges one of which had me in -500 deficit which RLY hit my confidence and made me wanna get off track. i wanna keep going and challenging myself but i realized i gotta be smart if i wanna sustain my faster pace. it’s nice that i went so long without binging but, if u have a fast pace with stuff like this, it’s easy to get ahead of urself and get into binge territory. these r some reminders that help me keep on track, still be able to challenge myself while also being realistic abt how much i can push myself✨
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midnightmah07 · 9 months
I’m back again! Exams have been ok so far so that’s fun. 2 done 6 to go!
Anyways to the main subject of my ask: what’s your oc’s first impression to Daria and they’re current thoughts on her.
Also I decided for the sake of me adoring your oc’s, that Cyrus doesn’t despise Neige and just doesn’t really care for him. Is he civil and nice with him? Yes. Would he inconvenience himself for him? No.
(Btw saw your pfp and just, how we feeling about the new animation cause I wanna hold them in my hands they look so good😭)
Also so happy for your exams!! Hope they keep going well!!<33
Hmmm ok I have only the info you posted about Daria, I think her strongest relationship out of my OCs would be with Isabelle bc that's her housewarden lmao. Because you said so much about Daria's slight arrogance (I think that's what's written there, I might have to double check later tho bc it's been a while since I read Daria's character info) and other very negative traits that she has Isabelle would probably get a headache with her rather often when she acted like this, in fact I think sometimes she would have to remember she's dealing with a dear student (she holds all her dorm members very dear and near her heart) and not Leona since they share some traits, but overall I think they would have a positive relationship outside of these headaches; Daria is inspired by Athena and you yourself said she's plenty smart, so that's something her and Isa have in common, I feel like they could get along pretty well!
Daisy's surrounded by screwed up people at NRC so this isn't news to her, + she always aspires to see the best in everyone because of what her parents taught her, so I feel like even if her relationship with Daria wasn't that deep, I feel like she would be intrigued and want to assume the best out of her
Jeanne............ Yeah she looks a Daria and gives her a thumbs up. Like idk why but my gut feeling is to say that even if Daria and Jeanne probably aren't close, Jeanne probably finds her interesting and admires how smart she is-- not as smart as her captain Leona tho sorry😋 jokes aside, she would low-key push Jamil to talk to her and stuff just so she could get Jamil off of her and Kalim's dates
Perse and her are...... Surprisingly similar? I mean they're both incredibly attractive women who are extremely smart and (if I'm not mistaken ofc) keep it to themselves. But exactly because of that I don't feel like Perse would have a strong opinion about her, maybe she could see her as a rival because Perse is rivaling Idia in Ignihyde and in the Island of Woe as the smartest people there; other than that, Perse is very closed off and puts walls around herself all the time so good luck getting those two to get closer than a simple "hi." "hey."
Also I'm pretty sure u weren't thinking about Jasper and Angus but I wanted to include them still :] I think they'd be both very wary of her, as they are with most strangers, but seeing how Daisy is supposedly only talking good things about Daria would lower their guard... Only by a little bit, if Daria ever does something to Daisy those two little mice are gonna make her pay lmaoo
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