#im safe and home now just processing
genderoutlaws · 4 months
went to buy hair dye today after work and got fucking chased down in the parking lot by 4 dudes in a car screaming slurs and shit at me abt my body and my hair and shit. and 2 ladies were walkin in front of me n no one said shit or asked if i was okay. being a girls girl isnt for dykes and heshes i am well aware but it always stings and it sucks feeling unsafe and also knowing theres no one on your side. cant show your heart or tears just have to rage and scream and fight back and hope for the best bc what else is there. last time i saw a girl in a parking lot getting yelled at by dudes in a car driving by i screamed go fuck yourselves and she thanked me and it felt good and i will always stand up fr others but i wish tough butch dykes had someone to stand up for us too sometimes. thts what femmes are for honestly but my femme is 200 miles away and im just Here. anyways i hope those guys get in a fiery car wreck and die
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puhpandas · 1 year
Take Me Home 1, 2
(to see new chapters release, sub on ao3 :))
(3227 words)
When Cassie wakes for the second time, it's not with a pounding head and limbs as heavy as iron. No. This time, her awareness of the world rolls in smoothly, and all she feels when she wakes fully is faint buzzing throughout her body.
She revels in it; the fact that theres no pain. She doesn't think too hard about why, she just shifts, moving to stretch her limbs, but hisses when going to move her arm sends a wave of soreness pain up her arm.
She grits her teeth, yelping and suddenly re-entering the world fully when the pain throws her into alertness.
Her eyes shoot open, and she moves to sit up in bed, heart racing when all she can remember is last being in the dark, dingy, falling apart Pizzaplex, but she calms when all she can see is someone's bedroom.
"...Huh?" She mumbles, her mind still not having fully caught up to her yet. She glances around the room, painted a pale blue, with furniture tucked against the neighboring walls and flowing curtains covering most of the sunlight filtering through the window, a light breeze ruffling them.
Movement catches her attention in the corner of her eye, and she glances over just in time for Gregory to snort awake, eyes trailing across her, not really seeing her, until they blow wide in recognition.
"Cassie!" Gregory exclaims, rushing to stand up from the position he was in where he had been sitting in a chair, laying his head in his arms, hunched over on the bed. "You're finally awake!"
Cassie feels her heart warm when she realizes that Gregory had been waiting for her to wake up by her bedside, never leaving her prescence. Long enough for him to fall asleep. Her heart slows to a normal rate when she sets eyes on him, immediately feeling at ease, and she breaths a deep breath, shifting to sit up more and allowing Gregory to help her when he rushes over.
She hisses when the movement jostles her leg and arm, and she finally takes a good look at them, realizing that at some point, in her sleep, her cardigan had been taken off, leaving her in her button-up, and her shoes and socks had been discarded, leaving her in her dark purple tights and shorts.
Gregory notices her staring at her foot, which is propped up on a pillow, peeking out from under the thick comforter, with some sort of makeshift splint made from cloth wrapped around the ankle.
"We had to improvise." He informs her, that lopsided grin Cassie'd always see in her dreams and on her homemade missing posters stretched on his face. "Ness cant exactly take the chance of getting involved with authority."
Cassie furrows her brows, her mind still kind of foggy from her -what she guesses- long sleep. "Ness?"
Gregory perks up. "Oh. It's a nickname we use for Vanessa a lot. Y'know, that blonde girl that was with us in the pizzeria?"
Cassie nods in recognition, remembering her blonde ponytail with rainbow streaks. "Yeah, um... how exactly did--"
She gets cut off when the door clicks open, and speak of the devil. "Oh, you're awake." Vanessa peeks her head in the room, a smile on her face when she sees Cassie sitting up and awake. "We were just making dinner, and I wanted to see if you were up."
"Um..." Cassie trails off. "Dinner?" She settles on.
Gregory senses her uncertainty, and settles a hand on her shoulder. "Vanessa's makin' chicken alfredo. And since you're awake, now you can finally eat."
Her stomach rumbles as if on queue, and her cheeks redden. Gregory has no problem laughing at her. "How long has it been?"
Cassie tries to think. "A few hours before you came and got me, since I ran to the Pizzaplex as soon as I got the message. So... that plus however long I slept for."
"Eighteen hours." Vanessa supplies helpfully.
Cassies eyebrows shoot up to her hairline. "Eighteen hours?!" She exclaims.
Gregory laughs, and Vanessa just looks at her with a crooked smile that reminds her of Gregory's. "Yup. You were exhausted physically and emotionally, and were injured, kiddo. The fact that you slept for so long checks out."
Gregory giggles. "Remember when we first got back, you slept for twenty-one."
Vanessa rolls her eyes. "I think I had a perfectly good reason to sleep the whole day away. Unlike you." She points two fingers from her eyes to Gregory. "Its not my fault you have the same amount of energy as a hyperactive dog."
"You mentioned a dog! So is the dog talk working?" Gregory asks, smugly. "Come on, Ness. Just concede. Its only a matter of time before you cave."
Cassie just watches, unsure of what to do when Gregory and Vanessa talk. Theres a grin on Gregory's face, not one she's used to. Not like the mischievous, pointed ones when Gregory was brewing something up, or the slight, hopeful ones, when Cassie would talk about when they got older, and she and Gregory could work towards getting a car and finally being able to give Gregory a life where he doesnt have to worry, and they can just live. Just a few more years, they'd always say.
This one is easy. Its gentle, with no kind of edge to be detected, and it looks so right on his face. It doesn't look forced, it doesnt look rare. Cassie can tell just by looking that Gregory has smiled like this often, and hes been allowed to be used to it. To smile without the quirk of worry.
It warms Cassies heart, to see that theres been change. But it also hurts.
Because he'd been away for so long, and although Cassie is so, so glad to have him back, she can't help but wonder why he never reached out to her. If he'd been able to smile so easily like this, while she couldn't muster one at times, too empty from his absence.
"I can barely take care of you and Freddy, kid." Vanessa points out, and Cassie is thrown back into reality. "And now I got another destroyed animatronic to fix and another kid. Not even mentioning a dog."
Cassie gasps, big and sudden at Vanessa's words. "Roxy!" She exclaims, and she winces when her voice rasps, and her dry throat burns from dehydration. "Roxy! Where is she? Is--Is she okay?!"
When Cassie starts to shift, arms moving to roll the comforter off of herself and somehow leave the bed, Gregory and Vanessa both rush to gently push her back down.
"Its okay, Cassie." Gregory says in that soft voice of his where it feels like it's only reserved for Cassie. "Shes in parts and service. While you were asleep, we wanted to fix her up a little, so we took turns watching you and fixing Roxy up."
Cassie feels the tension melt off of her body when she hears that Roxy is here, and has been fixed a little, but she still furrows her brows in confusion at 'parts and service', because are they not in a house right now?
Cassie can see Vanessa roll her eyes and go to explain. "He means that shes in one of the spare rooms we use to work on animatronics." Vanessa tells her. "We used it to build Freddy a body, and once Freddy started calling it parts and service, Gregory jumped on it, and it just stuck."
Cassie nods slowly, taking in the influx of information that she cant fully sort through right now. "So thats why Freddy didnt have a head."
"Do you want to see her?" Gregory asks. "Roxy, I mean. I'm suprised she hasnt barged in here already. I had to fight her to get her to trust me and Ness enough to work on her and watch you."
Cassie smiles, but it doesn't quite reach her eyes. Because Roxy is so worried about her, and Cassie is happy that she cares, but shes upset that Roxy and Gregory are so hostile towards eachother. "Yeah. Um. I would like to see her."
Gregory nods, and smiles. "Kay. She wont look the exact same, since I tried my best to restore her some, but at least she isnt about to fall apart."
Vanessa leaves the room with a curse, and Cassie ignores the slight burning smell coming from outside the door. "...Okay. Just... when you get her, can we have some alone time?"
Gregory nods, halfway out the door. "Okay. Sure. I'll be right back, okay?"
"Okay." She says, and then Gregory is gone.
Cassie breathes deep, playing with the frayed edges of the comforter when theres nothing else to do. She can hear the clattering of kitchen utensils from further in the house, and hushed voices.
The silence stretches further in her room, and when Gregory doesnt return, not right away, Cassie can feel her chest tighten, and something grip her lungs.
She breathes harshly through her nose, and notices how her hands begin to shake slightly.
Something grabs at her chest, something akin to panic, feeling like a giant hand and squeezing.
Gregory. Is all she can think about. He said he'd be right back. Where is he? He shouldn't have been gone this long, right?
Have I lost him again?
She squeezes her eyes shut, trying really hard to keep still, to keep calm, but her brain is jumbled, like its tied itself in knots, and all she can think about is how Gregory isn't here with her.
She has half the mind to get up, to tear through the house to search for him, to make sure she hasnt lost him again, that she wont have to look for him again. But one look at her ankle thats wrapped in cloth and she knows it isnt possible.
She makes a pitiful noise, breaths huffing out of her mouth now, short and heavy, and Gregory hasnt come back yet, and she cant do a thing about it.
It's only when Gregory pops his head back through the door, nudging it open with a creak that Cassie is ripped away from her thoughts and actually realizes how much shes panicking.
Gregory steps inside, a smile on his face, mouth open ready to speak, but it drops right off as soon as he sees Cassie.
Cassie cant find it in her to speak when Gregory rushes over to her, asking if shes okay. Her brain feels like its fogged over, or like its signal is blocked, and she cant think enough to respond to his questions.
All she can do is reach out to him when relief overwhelms her, enough for tears to slip past her lashes, and Gregory pauses in his rapid fire questions, seeming to understand something.
"I'm here, Cassie." He tells her, getting on the bed with her. He let's her wrap her arms around him and squeeze him as much as she needs when she moves to. "I'm not leaving again, okay? I'll be here with you. Nothings going to take me away from you. You arent going to lose me."
Cassie relishes in the reassurance. It reaches past all of the fog into some part of her brain, and it's like hosing down a wildfire. Her breathing slows down as she soaks up the feeling of Gregory right here, with her, and not going anywhere.
The panic that gripped her heart loosens some, and shes finally able to breathe, breathing deep breaths when Gregory does too.
"Sorry." She says after a moment, wiping at her eyes. "I dont... I dont know why that happened. I, um..."
"Separation anxiety." Gregory says, and Cassie startles. When shes finally able to unfuse herself with Gregory enough to look at his face, he has a knowing, serious expression on his face. "I had my rodeo with it, too... me and Freddy didnt have too good of a time with it."
Cassie furrows her brows, and it feels like she has ten thousand more questions added to the pile to ask, but Gregory stops her before she can speak.
"I'll tell you another time, okay?" He says, gesturing to the door where Roxy stands, waiting patiently for someone who was, when she last checked, willing to rip apart the guy Cassie just hugged to death. "Just... I promise I'll help you with it, okay? I dont think I'll be too different from you, after trying to reach you all night, and also..."
His eyes glaze over some, looking like a thousand different memories are playing over them, but he shakes it off, offering one more smile. "Itll be fine, okay? I'm gonna go make you a plate, cuz I think dinners ready, and you can talk to Roxy. Sound good?"
Cassie doesnt know what's wrong with her, because she almost tears up again at Gregory's words, because hes being so kind, and so understanding. She shouldn't be surpised, she guesses, Gregory had always found a way to catch her off guard with kindness when she'd been so used to being brushed off or disliked.
She nods, smiling back ag him, and he offers a thumbs up, moving past Roxy and shutting the door behind him.
It's only now that Cassies able to fully pay attention to Roxy, and she gasps, almost not recognizing her.
Before, she hadn't had anything resembling a face. Just her endoskeleton skull exposed due to broken casing. But now, she somehow has her face casing back. The colors are a little off, and it looks dusty and unused, but she looks like herself. Her last remaining strands of hair are fuller now, some new strands added. They've been shifted, too, styled to look adjacent to her old style, just shorter.
Her body isnt much different, one of her arms has its forearms back, a bright, clean purple compared to her filthy leg warmers, and she has her other foot back, just a larger size and different color.
But the most prominent change are definitely the eyeballs, glowing blue LED's, stuck securely in their sockets.
Cassie laughs disbelievingly, joyously, putting her hands up to her mouth with a wide smile.
"Roxy!" She exclaims. "You have eyes again!"
It's only now, when Roxy laughs along with her, that Cassie realizes her voice box has been replaced, too. Cassie laughs even more when Roxys voice filters through, sounding happy, instead of angry, no warbling or static to be found.
Roxy heads to her bedside, and shes walking much more surely, now. Not like her long, wide strides, always careful to not collide with something. She sways from side to side, ever confident in her looks.
"How do I look?" Roxy asks, fluttering her eyelashes now that she has some again and fluffing her new hairdo up with her hand. "The brat gave me a makeover."
Cassie giggles. "You look beautiful, Roxy."
"I know." Roxy says, but then turns her attention towards Cassie. "How are you doing, Speed racer?" Roxy asks, voice soft. "That elevator couldnt have felt good."
Cassie shakes her head, gesturing to her splinted arm and ankle. "Nope, but... Gregory and Vanessa fixed me up pretty good. I'm not hurting that much."
"I'm glad." Roxy smiles, because she can now.
It's just Cassie and Roxy, now. And like with Gregory, everything she'd been feeling, all the thoughts she'd been having all bubble up to the surface, and now that everyones here, and safe, she just wants to get it all out.
So Cassie furrows her brows, and goes to tell Roxy I'm sorry, I didnt want to, I shut you down and you still saved me, why? But before she can, the door clicks back open, and Gregory steps inside her room, balancing two plates on his hands.
"Dinners ready." He tells her, smiling, and Cassie doesn't know why shes suprised when after Gregory hands her her own plate, he crawls up on the bed with her.
So she doesnt voice it. She just smiles, a big, wide one, but still small and soft.
Vanessa walks inside the room with her own plate, and Freddy, looking everything like the home-built animatronic he is, follows behind her, extra pillows and blankets in his arms.
"I was thinking we have a movie night." Vanessa says, sitting in the same chair Gregory was when she first woke up. "Better than you having to sit in here bored, right, kid?"
Cassie nods, and her mouth waters when she catches a whiff of the chicken alfredo sitting in her lap.
Gregory snatches the remote from Vanessa, holding it away from her arms when she tries to take it back. The TV in front of them that she just now notices is in the room comes to life, Disney+ appearing on screen.
Gregory hands the remote to Cassie when Vanessa finally gives up, and shes able to pick the movie, putting on a happy, animated movie, where all the characters have their happy endings and nothing bad really ever happens.
The chicken alfredo was delicious, and they sat in her makeshift room, pillows and blankets built up like jenga around her to make her as comfortable as possible for hours, laughing together.
Cassies cheeks hurt by the end, and although shes so thrilled after hanging out with Gregory again, just having fun together like they used to, she cant help but notice that Roxy was really quiet the whole time. Really quiet.
Cassie doesnt think shes very good at reading animatronics yet, not like Vanessa and Gregory seem to be able to with Freddy, but Cassie cant help but feel like Roxy wasnt really able to relax this whole time, and shes surrounded with people she feels unsafe with.
By the end of it all, when the suns long set and Cassie feels tiredness drag her eyelids down, she cant rest, even when Vanessa's retired to her room, Gregory's left, and Roxy and Freddy went to parts and service.
She feels the same panic as earlier grip her heart. It's not like a panic attack; she's had a few of those, it's more like any chance of relaxation has left her body, and all that's left is feeling tense, on edge, and like something bad is going to happen. Like Gregory isnt going to be there when she wakes up.
But she needn't have worried, because it isnt too long until Gregory re-enters her room, wearing pajamas and Roxy and Freddy plushies clutched in one hand, with a night light in the other.
"This helped me and Freddy when it'd get bad, too." Gregory explains, tucking the Roxy plushie into her own arm as he lays down with her, clicking the night light shaped like Sundrop on. "That way, you can see me if you get scared that I'm gone."
Cassie can't put into words how grateful she is, or how glad she is that Gregory's back, and that she finally has him again, so she just doesn't, even though she wants to. Instead, she just clicks the lamp off, and when she lays down, wraps her arms around his middle.
Once Gregory is pressed up against her, with her forehead against his collarbone, and she can feel his slow, calm breaths, she feels relaxed. She finally feels herself slip into dreamland, and has no nightmares.
2nd ao3 link
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autumnalhalcyon · 20 days
#i am at my fucking limit lol#i need to leave this fucking town and this fucking state the very second i can nail down both a car and a remote job#the fucking ''''affordable'''' housing company i rent from has once again opted to start harassing us#and we're once again gonna have to be in a fucking fight with landlords who think that we're making too much money to live in a $1200 apt#and want us to pay $2000 a month for this rathole we live in despite taxes and deductions literally absorbing a quarter of our earnings#so they want to absorb half of what we have left when ive yet to be able to even afford a car that isn't a fucking beater destined for scrap#at least not without using p much all of my current life savings in the process#so we have to instead get around by buses that refuse to actually show up take us on huge detours for no reason have lead feet that-#-exacerbate my chronic pain and - oh! how could i forget? is also horrifically mismanaged to the point where they're now canceling entire-#-bus routes including the one i take to work and ALSO GOES TO THE AIRPORT lol#and nothing will fucking change about the highway robbery rent hikes bc the entire state legislature is filled with and bought by-#-landlords NIMBYs and property management firms.#that's not even getting into the fact that ive got too many traumatic memories too many enemies and not enough good things to show for it#the only thing I've got in this fucking town is my partner bc not even our home can be considered safe anymore.#i want to take them and the home we dream of and get the fuck out bc i can't keep doing this shit#and i can't even fucking talk to them about this bc they need me to be the strong one for once#im so tired. i feel like im in danger even though i know we'd be able to tank the hit to our finances. but i would like to escape.#i know of a city in ny where our $1200 rent is considered the norm. there's also so much more to do within reach that isn't just. drinking.#i wanna go there. i may have had a desire to live there since our vacation there this past March.#but for now im stuck here dreaming of the future and fighting off desperation and despair in the present#this breakdown brought to you by: the bus purposely avoiding my stop this morning after learning my landlord wants to ruin us again#vent
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uh oh! worlds stupidest little guy used the wrong lotion and now everything smells like my childhood bathroom and the year is 2016 and its february which means its almost valentines day which is perhaps the most accursed date on the calendar and the year is 2016 and your least favorite little guy is in full blown survival panic mode!
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#fuuuuuuuuck#head in hands#i fucking . have had perhaps the worst week ive had in years . including all my time in indy last year#i have not had a single win since . idk. last saturday maybe ?#uhhhhh i dont like springtime its the most painfully nostalgic time of year#and idk why i even have this lotion but everything is dry and itchy so i was like hey im gonna treat myself to some basic self care#and now my apartment smells like my second suicide attempt and everything is horrible actually . into the garbage with you.#im going to stick my legs into the fireplace and hopefully the smell of burning flesh will drown it out!!!!!#that is. not serious. im just like. fuck#i was supposed to go home tommorrow but yet another tragedy has struck because the universe fucking hates me#so now i domt know whether i want to or not#like. is it better to grieve alone in my apartment where i (usually) feel safe#or should i go home and be surrounded by grieving family which is. a whole other process i dont know if i want to deal with#pros. i get to see loki and i am extremely pet deprived . cons. my parents are going to ask me questions about my life#and also i have to sleep in my childhood bedroom a week away from my most mentally ill day of the damn year#ugm. um. yeah#i need to cry but i havent been able to cry in a really long time and i know it would be cathartic#but also its already 1030 pm and i cant spend two more hours having a sobbing fest because i have work in the morning#and i dont know how to make myself cry without doing things that would be even more damaging to my mental state#so instead i will stare at a wall and hope the smell goes away and try to fall asleep. i fucking guess#uhhhhhhhhhhhhhg#im holding it together by a fucking thread and boy is it fraying
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burntoutangel · 5 months
A guardian angel who’s been with her charge for years. They practically grew up together, and ever since she realized she could see her, they’ve both been there for each other. Keeping her safe from the dark, telling her jokes on boring car rides, supporting her in transition. They’re like best friends or sisters, and even if they Angel isn’t around 24/7(everyone needs privacy now and then. Girls do, and even angels do), she’s only a name away.
And so she’s not entirely surprised when she’s called to chat on her charges smoke break. Manifesting her form in a grimy alley behind the shitty restaurant she’s been working at, calling out a few lines about the virtues of patience and humility, and how she should really quit smoking. What is a surprise is her girl grabbing the back of her neck and muttering “Angel, I need some *real* relief right now. Not just pretty words”. They’ve never touched like this before. And her voice has never been so gravely and full of… want. And so the angels first experience today in the physical world is her bare knees grating against the damp and grimy concrete, hands against the faded concrete, whimpering and grinding her hips as her charge, the girl she’s been with for years, uses the hand not holding a cigarette to fuck her throat until the angels nose is buried in her crotch~ it smells like sweat and precum and grease and smoke, this is far beyond what an angel, especially a *guardian* should do but fuck it just feels so good
The five minute break seems to stretch to eternity until a final shove hilts every inch of tired, underpaid girldick into her angelic throat, and the angel has her first whimpering shuddering pathetic orgasm at the feeling of her humans cum coating her mouth from throat to tongue, dripping the last remnants of it onto her eager lips. “Fuck honey, that was amazing. Look, my shifts about to start again but. You teleport to our place when im done, and I’ll make it up to you ok? Thanks for always being there for me” her girl says with a soft kiss to the cheek before turning quickly into the back door of the building, almost managing to hide her neon blush in the process
It takes a fair few minutes for the angel to collect herself. Dusting off her bruised knees, shyly licking the last of the cum off her lips and hands. Trying to get any remaining ash or dust off her robes. That was definitely more than a guardian was allowed to do. But she hardly cares. All that matters is the thought of her charge coming home and fucking her senseless again ❤️
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midnightwriter21 · 1 year
demon slayer hcs: the hashira men having a demon!SO that’s immune to sunlight pt.1
characters: fem!reader x rengoku, giyuu
PT 2 with Sanemi HERE
AN: the long awaited request is finally here!! sorry for the delay! im in college and finals week was crazy! but the semester is over and i'm ready to get back to it with a bunch of new content for you guys! <3
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when he comes home from a mission to find the house completely trashed and a trail of blood leading to the bedroom he freezes
his first thought is that you're dead
someone or something has broken in
and he wasn't here to protect you
immediately blames himself
and poor kyo just can't force himself to walk in the bedroom only to discover your broken bleeding body
his heart couldn't take it
its not until he hears movement and small noises of pain that he pushes the bedroom door open
only to discover you hiding in the corner of the room covered with a blanket
until he pulls the blanket from your head to see what you've turned into
he doesn't react
doesn't talk
doesn't move
doesn't even breathe
just stares at you
until you manage to croak out his name
this snaps his mind into high gear
immediately thoughts of the young Kamado girl are running through his head
she has never hurt a human and seems to do just fine
and if you were going to harm him you would have done it already
quickly pulls you into his arms, making sure to avoid the sunlight peaking through the curtains and carries you to the bed to set you down
scribbles a note to the head of the corps to inform him of your condition
and spends the rest of the day and that night comforting and reassuring you because of what had to have been a traumatic night
a week or so passes
you fall back into your old routine of caring for the house
and its quite obvious that you're becoming depressed
no longer able to enjoy the warmth of the sun and being cooped up in the house for your own safety
it isnt until a young man wearing the head of a boar bursts headfirst through the window
breaking the glass, ripping down the curtains
with a "comin through!"
that you realize the sunlight doesn't harm you like it does to other demons
leave it to inosuke lmao
when kyo returns home from another mission around noon
imagine his surprise when his demon SO bursts through the front door into the sun
and into his arms
takes a minute for him to process that you're not burning up
"oh my god we have to get you inside NOW"
the poor man is having a heartattack
but then he sees your smile and hears your laugh for the first time since the attack
finally he's able to realize that the sun has no effect on you
and he's picking you up and swinging you around in a giant hug
i just know he gives the best hugs
i'd let him crush me to death in one
of course kyo is still sometimes crushed with guilt
he blames himself for your transformation in the first place
but the most important thing is that you're safe and happy again
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why can't this man ever just be happy
when you don't show up at your usual meeting place with Giyuu in between missions he knows somethings up
he rushes to your home
and there you are
sitting on the steps in front of your house
covered in blood and in tears
it isn't until he gets closer that he realizes what has happened
he has no words
everyone that giyuu has ever loved has been taken from him
and he allowed himself to love you
thats why this has happened
blames himself even though it obviously not his fault
still not speaking he looks at the sky to see the sun
and then back at you
a demon
who isn't affected by the sunlight in the slightest
and isn't attacking him
and then he disappears
when he returns several hours later it's dark outside
and with him he's brought Shinobu and the Kamado siblings
one of which is a demon
Shinobu checks you over and determines that the blood you are covered in is indeed yours
but any wounds you had have already healed
Nezuko senses what you are but seems to know that you're docile and snuggles up to your side as a comfort
and Giyuu just watches quietly
when Nezuko has fallen asleep her brother picks her up giving you a sad smile before he leaves
Giyuu helps you stand and brings you inside
he runs a bath so you can clean urself off
and goes about cleaning the house which was destroyed during your attack
it isn't until you're in bed that Giyuu lays behind you, tugs you close to him, and speaks to you for the first time
"i am staying with you. and i WILL turn you back."
and those two sentences bring you all the comfort in the world
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leilanihours · 3 months
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pairing: paige bueckers x soccer player!reader
word count: 631
warnings: descriptions of blood, cuts, that kinda thing
summary: paige takes care of you after you get hurt during practice.
⭑ from lani: this was originally written for...someone else...but i changed it bc well...anyways! 🎀 not proofread either cus im not home oops
masterlist !
"I GOT HER, coach," your girlfriend says as she puts a protective arm around your waist. you lean on paige with your arm resting on her shoulders, steps staggered as you try not to apply pressure to your right leg.
a burning pain shot up through your body with every heavy step you took, the gaping cuts overwhelming your body with discomfort.
you had just played in a nasty scrimmage during practice, taking a particularly rough fall on the field in the process. one of your teammates assigned to guard you in the drill had been a little too rough, resulting in the blades of grass digging into your skin and cuts to scatter across your knee.
"let me know if i'm hurting you, alright?" paige says with a hushed voice.
she was currently disinfecting one of your many cuts with delicate hands, cautious not to press too hard on certain areas.
you were grateful for paige’s presence at your practices. even if she was just sitting in the stands watching or making small talk with your coaches, her simply showing up in her little free time meant the world to you.
"ima kill that girl," she whispers to break the silence.
"please don't."
"she ain't even say sorry, though. that's crazy to me."
"it's part of the game, p, it's okay," you laugh, "she's still my teammate."
"nah, i know, but she just walked away like nothing happened. like, she still coulda apologized,” she finishes, covering the cut skin with bandages.
"my guard dog," you joke, stroking her cheek as she rises from her position to face you directly.
her hands rest on your thighs as you sit on top of one of the bathroom counters in the girls' locker room.
her fingers lovingly stroke the skin under your now untucked shirt, as if they had the power to heal you in an instant. and in that moment, you believed that they did. the way they slowly traced tiny stars on your waist distracts you from the burning sensation cursing your skin.
on top of that, the way she's looking at you with undertones of frustration and concern makes you feel utterly safe and protected. that's just how paige was. she would truly go to war for you, and she never had any problem showing it.
"how you feelin', ma?"
"better. it didn't hurt that much to begin with, though."
"damn, we've been together how long and you still think you can lie to me?" she smirks, tilting her head.
"i swear i'm not lying," you giggle as she begins to slowly kiss the nape of your neck.
both of your voices are hushed and delicate, as if any raised sounds would disrupt the peace that had become a shield against your shared world.
you close your eyes in relaxation, the whole scene providing you with a complete sense of comfort despite the circumstances that brought you here. as long as you were with paige, you would feel at home - because she was your home.
"let's get you some rest, yeah?" she whispers, placing a final kiss to your jaw.
you nod as she helps you down from your place next to the sink. you slowly make your way over to your locker to get your belongings, laughing and shaking your head when your girlfriend rushes forward before you can even attempt to haul your own bags.
and somehow, despite paige looking like a hotel bell boy with the amount of stuff she's carrying, she still manages to rest a hand on your waist supportively.
it was clear to you, and pretty much anyone with eyeballs, that paige would quite literally do anything for you - no questions asked. and, of course, you would undoubtedly do the same for her.
— leilani signing off ! 📁
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biolumien · 4 months
... carried flower petals
pt 2 to this
notes: I AM. such a bad writer. help. going through double the stages of grief on this one. who even cares. who even gaf! i don't. im winning in the dgaf wars. (lying)
samurai!soshiro hoshina x fem!reader NSFW! w/ m/f sex. no i did not proofread this. this isn't a flex i actively just squinted trying not to look too hard at my own writing. this is also hoshina pov word count: 2415
hoshina supposes that he couldn’t blame you for your reaction. there was no way you would have been happy about marrying him, a complete and utter stranger–no matter how many times you might have met prior. and in the three times you’d met, he’d tried to keep his distance. there was an aura of deep discontent about you, and he didn’t want to disturb you, for fear that your anger would turn darker.
at least, until you pulled a dagger on him.
the dagger that he’d gifted you, no less. 
or, well–he hadn’t gifted it to you directly. he had selected the gift, but it had come alongside the marriage offer–and so hoshina wondered if you’d conflated the dagger as something utterly negative. when he’d picked out the dagger, he’d vowed it to keep you safe from harm. a selfish well-wishing on his part, sure–as a samurai, he was bound to make enemies that could hurt you.
he raises a hand to his neck, touching where you might have slashed him.
would he have let you? 
he brings himself to his feet as the sliding door to his room opens. you stand in the doorway, dressed in a simple nightgown–a far cry from the garments you wore during the ceremony. 
his mind flits back to them, for a moment–you’d chosen to wear pure white, contrasting him in his black haori and hakama. your expression had been severe, distant even then. you’d followed your new attendants into the quarters of your new housing within the hoshina clan’s home to change out of your wedding attire, and you hadn’t met his glance once.
you bow your head.
“your attendants tell me you’re quite the talent in bed,” you say, your voice crisp. your eyes meet his, your gaze unreadable. his eyes flick to your hands, folded neatly in front of you–and yet your fingers are fidgeting ever so slightly, a possible indication of just how nervous you were. 
hoshina can’t help but laugh.
“is that what they say? my mother can’t help but find people that run their mouths…” hoshina runs a hand through his hair. “sit. i can’t have my wife–” the word still felt foreign to him–wife, he was really a husband, was that even a moniker that fit him?–but he swallows his misgivings, pats one of the cushions next to the futon. “–standing for so long. it would be unfitting.”
“so are you?” you gather your kimono, sitting down. 
hoshina hums.
“if i tell you, would you see me differently?” hoshina asks.
“well. you’re my husband,” you say. the corners of your lips twitch when you say the word husband, your brow furrowing a little bit as you say it. a clear show of your definite displeasure. “i have to… accept it, after all. as your wife. hell, your attendants tell me that you were in the process of courting concu–”
“ahh,” hoshina leans his head back. “so is that what that’s all about?” he sighs, a strange, tightening pressure forming somewhere in his throat. the marriage acceptance hadn’t been on his end. it’d been his father’s, much to his mother’s chagrin. you were from a no-name clan, having long lost your family’s relevance. his mother had complained about your family’s name dragging down the hoshina family’s name.
but as hoshina reminisced–he couldn’t give a damn about his family name.
his brother–his proud, arrogant, stubborn, awful brother–had made his opinion on their family name very clear, by just leaving.
hoshina did resent him for it, just a little. it just meant that he couldn’t run away, now. 
“no. the concubine rumor’s bullshit,” hoshina says. “quite honestly, i couldn’t be bothered. i’m not in the interest of producing my family an heir.”
“huh?” you ask, sounding confused. “but–” “i mean. the sex is fine,” hoshina says candidly, placidly. “and if the family gets an heir, we get an heir. but it’s never been my concern. i think you ought not to worry about it, either. our families need each other. it’ll be reason enough for you to stay.” 
you stare at him, perplexed for the moment, before your brow also furrows. 
“so, you… don’t, want—”
“mm. you pulled a knife on me last time we talked,” hoshina teases as he begins to undo his ponytail. “i thought that made your opinion on me fairly clear. i won’t do anything that makes you uncomfortable if you don’t want it. my folks won’t be happy, but there’s nothing like lying that can’t fix that.” he runs a hand through his hair. “so it’s your call.”
you watch him. 
“it’s fine,” you say. you lean in closer to him, and he simply watches you—watches you like he did on the first day the two of you met, watches you like he did when you raised the dagger to his throat. always watching, waiting for you to make the first move. 
“i’d rather just get it over with,” you say. “the first time.” 
“mm. as you command, then,” hoshina says. 
when he leans in to kiss you, he does it slowly. you taste faintly of the sake you drank during the marriage ceremony, though the alcohol has long worn off. 
he wishes he could take you apart more cleanly. to take you apart with intention. he can draw the lines from the veins in your wrist to the beating, fluttering of your heart in your breast. you kiss him with your eyes open, as if you’re watching for his every movement. he supposes that he’s watching you, too, trying to see what you’ll do. what you like. 
“are you just going to kiss me?” you murmur, something like spite in your voice. “or are you actually going to show me something interesting?” 
“interesting?” he pulls back from the kiss, raising an eyebrow. 
“i’ve read all the woodcuts,” you say. “as apparently was my duty as your wife. i was just wondering if there was anything more interesting than that.” 
“mm. you can’t possibly learn what it feels like through reading alone,” hoshina says. “experience is the best teacher.”
“big talk,” you retort. hoshina almost hates the way his heart flutters at your words, entranced by you. one hand reaches out to touch your face, the other hand gently reaching down to undo your obi as he pulls you closer to him, letting you straddle his lap. 
“i’m afraid most of my lovers say i’m a talkative one,” hoshina purrs. “but i hope you’ll find me satisfactory.” when he leans in to kiss you again, your sash falls gently onto the ground, and the inner layers of your kimono come undone.  
he’s had no small share of lovers—or, well, general brothel experience, he supposes. he’s a man in the end—a samurai from a family of renown, for whom many lovers might have found him appealing simply for how much money he was willing to pay for good service. but he knows what he’s doing, in any case.
he revels in it, though—at how responsive and jittery you seem to be. the faintest touch of his hand against your skin is enough to make you jolt out of your skin, and you whimper ever so slightly as his fingers pull at a nipple, and he feels your pulse jump in your throat as his teeth graze at your neck. he feels you shift against him, attempt to press your thighs together and he laughs. 
he’s surprised there, too—the way you shudder when he laughs, as he’s pressed against you. 
when his fingers seek between your legs, he’s thrilled, but still surprised to find the telltale sign of slick. 
“mm. this wet already, really?” hoshina teases. his hand brushes against your inner thigh, coaxing you to spread your legs a little more, and he feels your leg twitch against the shift of his knuckles. “you’re desperate.” 
“as if.” your breath sounds shuddery, and hoshina laughs, not meanly. he wonders how he could take you apart—could he use just his mouth? his fingers? the mere suggestion of touching you, just using words alone? he wanted to know, desperately so. desperately in the same way he wanted to know your heart, if only you’d let him. but in the meantime, he smiles—and it’s more of a smirk. 
he takes his fingers to his mouth, sucking the wetness from his fingers, and he revels in the way you flush, a half-scandalized and half-flustered sound escaping your mouth. 
“it’s alright,” hoshina says, teasing. 
“i don’t—need you to tell me it’s alright,” you say, flustered. “i just—”
“less talking from you,” hoshina says, fondly. gently. he’s entranced by you, the swell of your breast and the way your skin flushes red from your neck to your collarbones. he wishes he could sink his teeth into your pulse—or would you give him your beating heart, let him devour the tender organ? “you’re doing wonderfully. do you feel up for more?” 
you pause, biting your lip. he marvels at the way your fingers twitch against his in anticipation, and your brow furrows. 
“let—i want to be on top,” you say, and hoshina simply smiles. 
“alright,” he acquiesces. “i’m all yours.”
that much was true. he was learning far too quickly that he was very much a man that would follow you anywhere, that he was at your beck and call. 
you help him undress with shaking hands, pulling his belt away and pushing the kimono from his shoulders. your hands stop for a moment as you survey his chest—hoshina watches your face, propped back and leaning back on his hands. your fingers press against a deep scar against his chest, and your eyes meet his. 
“long story,” hoshina says softly. “not the kind i’d tell my wife on our first night together, anyhow.” 
your hand gently touches his cock and he hisses, practically, wincing at how it feels like too much and not much at all. it takes most of his discipline to not rut up into the touch, to let himself be taken by that pleasure. you gently push him back, letting him lie back against the futon. 
as you lower yourself slowly onto his cock, hoshina watches as your fingers flex against his chest, your eyes squeeze and your toes desperately curl. he shifts his hips a little bit, and you whimper. 
“don’t tease,” you keen. 
hoshina thinks it’s quite the opposite, really. he’s a patient man, but not this patient. you’re about halfway down his cock at this point, slowly taking him in bit by bit—and then his patience just snaps somehow when he hears you whine again. not in a bad way—just in a he’ll fucking die like this, he’s sure kind of way. 
you gasp immediately as he thrusts up, causing you to bottom out. your hips meet his, and you lean your head back, a loud and desperate moan leaving your lips. 
“y-you awful man,” you moan out, something like a pout in your tone. “i wanted to take my time—”
“mm—hm. sorry,” hoshina teases, not quite apologetic at all. his voice strains a bit—you feel almost like a fire, your cunt desperately squeezing against his cock. “just don’t think i’ll last long with you squeezing me like this. does it feel that good?”
your face flushes, your hair plastered to your forehead. 
“shut up.”
“i’ll take that as a yes, then,” hoshina says, unrepentant in the way he thrusts up into you, reveling in the way you respond to each movement with tiny little whimpers that stretch into longer and longer cries. you don’t say his name, but he finds himself uncaring for the moment. does he wish you’d say his name? does he wish, however selfishly, that this moment might burn itself into your memory?
surely he doesn’t. it would be unbecoming of him to ask that much. 
your hand leans out, digging into his skin, and he lets out a soft, raspy breath, taking your hand into his. 
“‘m close,” you whimper out through shaking breaths, and hoshina’s heart squeezes again, at the way your hips cant against his, as if each touch almost hurts, but you can’t help but continue to press your hips against his, trying to find more traction. hoshina smirks, his free hand reaching out to thumb at your clit, flicking upwards, and tries to see if he can memorize the way you seize up against him, the way you squeeze down on his cock–tries to see if he can memorize every twitch.
he hopes he can.
you cum soon after, and your hand digs into his so hard that he wonders if you might be able to break his fingers one day–and hopes that you can. he holds you tightly against him, letting you ride out the waves of your orgasm as you whimper tiny uh, uh, uhs–until you wince.
“hurts, i–please,” you say, and hoshina takes pity on you for the moment, pulls out, and strokes soothingly at your face. your chest heaves, and hoshina thinks he could get lost in your every motion. as hoshina shifts to move away–he’d rather prioritize your comfort over his in the end, so despite the fact that he was hard to the point it almost hurt, he figured he’d just deal with it on his own—you shift up.
“but you–you didn’t,” you say after a moment, grabbing his wrist. 
“hm?” hoshina hums. “mm. don’t worry about me, dear. i’m more than capable of–fuck, you–” his voice halts right as your hand wraps around his cock, your thumb grazing over the head of it ever so gently. “fuck. you-you don’t have to–”
“please,” you say, something like disdain–or spite? or something, he really couldn’t tell–in your voice. “i can do this much.”
he cums embarrassingly fast–the mixture of being so strung out at this point, so strangely affected, enamored by you–and he can’t help but laugh. he wants to press his face into your collarbone, but he can’t bring himself to cross the distance. he hums, instead, simply exhaling through his teeth for a moment.
“get some rest,” hoshina says. he watches as your face shifts ever so slightly–and he wishes he knew you better, if only so he could understand what you were thinking.
“alright,” you say.
hoshina fears he’s in love.
but the part of him that knows better says he shouldn’t be. he watches silvery moonlight paint the planes of your back, and you turn away from him, lost in sleep. 
he sighs.
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love-bitesx · 1 year
May I request a hobie x fem reader
Reader is also a spider person and dating hobie. she gets in a fight with other spider people that been talking about hobie behind his back, And he just comfort her and help with her injuries.
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: ̗̀➛ HONOUR. hobie brown x fem!reader
summary: after hearing fellow spider-people talking rudely about hobie, y/n defends him, taking a couples punches in the process. words: 1.6k warnings: fem reader, she/her pronouns used, mentions of blood & injury, miguels pissy like always, general mentions of fighting/violence
thank you sm for the request!! i hope i did it justice. im getting through all the asks, so pls be patient! ily all sm
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"he's just a bit freaky, you know."
shoulders tensing, you eavesdropped on a pair of haphazard spider-people, their snark voices carrying through the reverberant room. you were sitting by the 'go-home machine' – aptly named – waiting for miguel to arrive and dish out orders, listening to them tattle about hobie brown.
"literally," a second voice tagged themselves in, jumping on the wagon of comments, "just turns up, acts like a prick and somehow everyone puts up with him."
chest burning, you tried to grasp your composure, gripping onto it with white knuckles – similar treatment given to the metallic desk you sat on.
first hand, you saw how hard hobie worked – having been dating him for a while now. though he lived to deny it, saying he was only in the spider society to look after you, gwen and pavitr - you constantly experienced his passion for keeping you all safe. even if its unconventional, he deserved his place here more than anyone.
"don't know what miguel was thinking bringing him here," the first spider snarled, a hint of a smirk lacing his tone, "he's useless."
stomach twisting, you physically bit down on your tongue - miguel would kill you in broad daylight if you started a fight in the headquarters (ironic, you thought, but you didn't want to bite the hand that fed you).
"freakshow, honestly," the other muttered, followed by a cold-hearted guffaw that made your blood spurt past the boiling point, "he doesn't even belong here."
as though someone had physically flipped your restraint, severing your ties, you turned to the duo, taking them by surprise when you shot a web in their direction, sticking the second man's mouth shut.
"what the hell?" the free one spun to you, stance ready.
you kept your posture strong, enraged eyes trained on him, "don’t be such a prick,” you spat through a clenched jaw. wrist aching at the urge to web him to the wall, your fingers itched.
he scoffed, stepping up to you, “i don’t think it’s any of your business, sweetheart.”
in your peripheral, your eyes caught the sight of the second spider clawing at the webs smothering his face, and you shot again – his hands now clasped together against his chest like a prayer.
a second audacious scoff sounded from the man in front of you, and a threatening tingle vibrated each and every bone of your spine – your spidey-senses alive with caution. it quickly became apparent why, when a fist flew towards the side of your head – an aggressive muttering of “oi, what do you think you’re doing?” accompanying it.
an inch before it connected, you ducked your head, crouching to the floor and kicking at the man’s knees. he buckled, falling to the ground and your fist collided with his jaw. your rage clouded your vision, adrenaline pumping through your veins like a poison. knuckles aching, pulled back, you webbed him to the concrete.
“y/n?” margo called from behind you, and you turned to see her. eyes wide like saucers, she looked at you with confusion.
“they start—” you couldn’t even finish your sentence when a powerful blow hit the side of your cheek, knocking you to the side, hip smashing into the corner of a desk.
shielding yourself with your arms, you caught vision of your attacker; the first man you webbed had freed himself, pouncing to you in defence. yelling something ending in “bitch”, he swung again, crashing into your ribs and you groaned in pain, connecting your web to a beam just behind him, pulling yourself away from his towering stance. with your new advantage, though winded, you raised your wrist to web him once more, when the huge, mechanical doors swung open.
“what the hell is going on in here?” miguel’s booming voice thundered across each vibrating wall, and you both froze, your arm gripped around your aching ribcage.
accompanying him was a cluster of spider-people, excluding your boyfriend. they took a second to adjust to the darkness of the room, before they halted at the scene in front of him.
“she went crazy, miguel!” the man on the floor shouted in defence, and your chest was heaving so heavily, you were at a loss for words.
“y/n, what happened?” gwen’s tone was soft, you could feel them approaching, your adrenaline draining through your body – taking any comprehensible inhibition with it.
“he swung at me!” you barked back, and the feeling of everyone’s eyes on you made your chest swell in anger, “don’t spin this on me when they’re the ones who started it.”
“we didn’t do anything!” unwebbing themselves from the floor, you stared at them, your eyes alive with rage, “she just came at us for no reason. she’s crazy, man.”
“i’m not—”
“enough! all of you!” miguel’s voice was heavy with anger, and you’d be lying if you said it didn’t send a shot of fear to pierce your chest, breaking through the bone.
“i don’t care what happened,” he spat, looking at you like you were dirt on his shoe, “you two,” he pointed at your attackers, “get out.”
without a word of complaint, they filtered out behind your petrifying boss, and his enraged eyes fell on you.
"you," he paused, stepping until his lofty stature towered you, "you're one of our best, and you're picking stupid fights?"
"you don't understand, they–" you tried, grasping desperately at your side.
"i don't care what happened," he repeated his earlier quip, "it's not happening again, got it?"
reluctantly, you nodded, and he could practically see the flames in your iris, it burnt you to give over.
"go home, y/n."
"miguel–" gwen tried to intervene, but miguel wasn't paying attention.
"go home."
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sitting on your bathroom counter, you struggled with the first-aid kit, hands trembling in pain as you attempted to patch up the skin that sat split open on your cheekbone. frustrated, you slammed the bandages and compact mirror down on the hard surface, chest burning with annoyance.
spine fuzzing, you felt the empty space change in your apartment, the tingling of static air putting you on edge.
"darlin'? you in 'ere?" hobie's rich voice carried through the walls, and you sighed in relief.
"hobie?" the bathroom door creaked open and he was standing there, dark eyes taking in your wounded appearance.
"fucking 'ell," he muttered, booted feet taking him to you, calloused hands gentle against your cheeks.
"you should see the other guy," a half-hearted smile played at your lips and you were melting into him, your anger subsiding, "well, guys."
"i heard," his expression didn't change, but his eyes scanned your open wound, "gwen wanted me to tell you she thinks you're badass."
a chuckle resonated in your throat, and you immediately regretted it as the vibration shot a bullet of pain through your bruised ribs. that's what hobie's mood shifted, his brows furrowed in worry and lifting your chin to him.
"what 'appened, pretty?" he reached for the first-aid kit, pushing your legs open to step between them – he tended to your wound softly, "can you tell me?"
hesitation brung you to a halt and you bit your lip. you had fought over him, defending him when he couldn't, but part of you wasn't sure how he would react. he saw this, sensing the tension in your chest, and longed to catch a glimpse inside your mind.
"look, i can't 'ave my girl get done up and not tell me what 'appened," a flash of his teeth as he smiled, and you reflected this, a tired grin on your lips.
"it was just," you sighed, wincing as he pressed a cloth to your cut, "they were being so rude."
"about you, darlin'? good on ya, defending yourself," he muttered affirmingly, dabbing the blood away.
"about you."
he stopped then. your eyes darted across his face for any signs of a reaction, nerves building in your throat. seconds of silence followed, and the air between you both almost dissipated as the tension grew. hobie squashed it, though.
pulling your face to his, he kissed you. lips warm with passion and respect, they melted together. hand falling to your waist, you were flush against him, the heat of his body overwhelming any of the pain pulsing in your skin. relief washed over you instantly. stress from the day just withering away at the power of his adoration.
breaking the kiss, hobie rested his forehead against yours, both chests heaving in tandem.
"you didn't 'ave to do that, darlin'," he muttered, and his brain was so conflicted. whilst his heart raced at the thought of you putting yourself in harms way to defend him, he felt guilty at how much pain it put you in to do so.
"you know i'd do anything for you, hobie." and his heart settled at that statement, nuzzling itself in the all-encompassing feeling of love overcoming him.
not feeling the need to do anything else, he kissed you again, this time with such a force you leaned back under the weight of him, shoulders pressed into the mirror. he was gripping your thighs, as to not tamper with the swelling bruise on your hip, and you succumbed to your boyfriend, lost in his touch, pouting when he pulled away.
"miguel's well pissed at you, by the way," he chuckled, cheeks flushed, massaging the skin of your thigh.
"i'm surprised it didn't happen earlier," you giggled, not excited to return to hq and see him again when needed.
placing a trail of kisses from your forehead to your lips, hobie's eyes softened.
"so proud of you, pretty."
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romihearts · 9 months
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married life ! ┊ft. nene, aoi, akane, teru
synopsis. married life with them.
content. fluff, gn reader, intended lowercase
her notes. can mokkes be used as a pillow
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— yashiro nene
married life would be quite calm and relaxing.
housework is split 50/50 but if you or her is very tired from work one of you would offer to do the other's chores for a bit
even the simplest things like the two of you cooking together makes your heart skip a beat !
the two of you have a pet hamster by nene's request :3
if the two of you aren't busy, she'd plan small dates around the town or city you reside in.
the dates would commonly consist of looking at cute appliances, furniture and whatnot.
grocery shopping is quite a hard thing because most of the time the two of you end up with a few of the things you planned to buy and the rest consist of junk food
either way, married life with her is really comforting : ) she'd always be there for you like you'd be there for her
the early morning light entered through your shared home, illuminating you and your beloved in bed, you awake while nene was still asleep.
you cherished moments like these, the warmth and comfort felt around made you feel so safe. even having her beside you is already enough for your heart. not to mention how cute she looks. despite her sayings that there are better people out there, she forgets that you chose her, and she chose you.
you felt so lucky to have her.
— akane aoi ; m
married life with him would be busy yet fun!
in terms of housework, it's 50/50 aswell on mosy occasions but he'd really prefer to do the job for you! especially if you're tired from work.
he'd be the type to wake up earlier than you to cook you breakfast :3 and i feel like he's not really a morning person but he feels better if it's you he's waking up for.
another hc is that he commonly listens to jazz or classical music, and when he plays it out loud while both of you are cleaning you two would end up dancing : )
for dates, he prefers them the typical way. a romantic dinner, a walk on the dock at night, etc. despite it being generic, he'll always enjoy any second he spends with his significant other.
if the two of you go shopping, he becomes very strict and acts like your babysitter TT he wouldn't allow any things that aren't planned to be bought. althoouugh,, if you bat your eyelashes at him, tilt your head, and ask in the most polite way, he reluctantly allow to let you buy something.
it was 8:57 pm, and the sound of water running and dishes clashing were the only thing to be heard at the moment. you and akane had just finished eating dinner and you offered to do the dishes considering he already ran the rest of the errands earlier.
until, akane caught you off guard by wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his head on your shoulder. it was uncommon for akane to do this, yet it still continues to surprise you. "kane, im doing the dishes, you can hug me later." you giggle out yet he just tightens his hold around you.
"but i want to hug you now." akane said nonchalantly. accepting it, you continue with the dishes while your beloved was embracing you.
— aoi akane ; f
married life with her would be fulfilling.
despite the fact that she's popular and whatnot, i feel she'd prefer a secluded and comforting life
for housework, she'd offer to do all of the chores but of course, you need to help aswell so she reluctantly lets you TT
she'd be the type to buy you flowers !! and with this, your house would probably be filled with flowers too
in the privacy of your home, she lets herself unwind and confide in you, without anyone else's expectation of her : )
she'd like cuddling too! just the two of you on the couch, close to eachother while simply watching a movie makes her happy
for dates, i feel like she'd enjoy on of those craft studios, specifically pottery making! even though its quite cliché, she likes it when you're behind her, helping her through the pottery process too >< oh and she'd definitely love dates to the zoo aswell !! especially if she's with you,she likes admiring the animals : )
she's kinda lenient with letting you put whatever you want in the shopping cart when you two are going grocery shopping, but she's the type to secretly put them back too 😭
"thank you for the date, [name]." aoi said, the two of your were walking around the zoo whilst talking about each other's day and jobs. "it's no problem aoi, i love being with you, really." you responded while aoi blushes a bit a your statement.
"well, for this date, i'd like to treat you to!" aoi beamed. "how about some ice cream? what flavor do you want?" she continued to ask despite you really insisting its fine. but, you faltered against her, seeing her focused face makes youe heart melt and you eventually let her treat you.
"thank you for the ice cream too, aoi" you said, while the both of you continued chatting with your ice creams.
— teru minamoto
married life with him would be chaotic but fun.
teru's good on almost all aspect of housework! except cooking.
he'd try to cook you breakfast but he fails at even cracking the eggs TT for some reason the eggs exploded when he tried cracking them???
another time, he tried baking and the cookies came out burnt and charred.. and incredibly salty too..
after those times, you forbid him from the kitchen.
he'd be clingy, super clingy. if he comes home exhausted from exorcist work, he'd only want to have you in his embrace and won't let you go until for a few hours.
he'd be super romantic when it comes to dates. literally giving you a bouquet full of roses and asking you out for dinner. with the tuxedo suit too.
grocery shopping with him is a 50/50. most of the times you get what you need and only that. but the other half, you two end up getting unnecessary things TT
a loud bang could be heard from the kitchen, it was early in the morning and you noticed your lover out of bed. you could have only guessed what happened. you immediately got out of bed and headed to your shared kitchen, seeing your husband's focused and beautiful face on.. charred eggs?
"ah, [name] you're finally awake!" teru said, his eyes lighting up once he saw you. "i made you breakfast, do you want some?" he asked as you stepped forward to him, taking a look at his work. it was, unidentifiable? you guessed that the beige colored whatever the shape was pancakes..? the look on his face and the food he made was really contradictory.
despite that, you offered to cook breakfast instead. even if your husband can't cook, that doesn't take away from the fact you love him.
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nayuluvs · 3 months
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₊˚.🕸️🕷️⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ᶻ spider-man mark au !
✰ paring fem bodied y/n x mark lee (nct)
✰ genre fantasy fluff smut 18+ minors stay away angst
✰ warnings mentions of an armed robbery
a/n ;; this will be two parts ! i have a lot of ideas in my head regarding spider-man mark - i want to note this isn’t directly inspired by the spider-man films therefore what happen’s isn’t a reflection on the films ; im also working on another story with possibly yuta or jeno i hope you enjoy <3
Walking home after a long shift wasn’t the brightest idea. However, it beat waiting around for Jaemin to finish his shift. ‘Just an hour’ you mocked yourself. Suddenly, you felt a tug on your bag. startled, you froze, unsure what to do next. The masked man pulls harder. ‘I have a gun. Just give me the bag’ You had no choice other than to let your belongings walk. 
In a blink of an eye, a figure appeared out of nowhere, knocking the robber out and retrieving your items. You could barely process what was happening as your hero stood protectively in front of you. The robber scrambled to their feet and began looking for what you assumed was the gun he had mentioned earlier. To his and your surprise, the figure had taken the gun along with your bag. The robber was defeated and ran, leaving you untouched and safe.  
Your heart was booming within your ears. It’s all you could hear. watching your attacker disappear within the night. You turned to thank the figure, but, just as he appeared, he was gone. hearing the police sirens, you felt somewhat at ease. 
It felt like hours at the police station explaining the same story over and over again. that the individual that helped you disappeared along with your attacker, and all you had to identify your hero was a black bookbag with a cheetah pin. 
‘Y/n! Are you okay?’ Jaemin rushed to your aid. You text him about your whereabouts in case he goes to your shared apartment and notices your absence. ‘I’m fine, just a little bit shaken up.' Jaemin engulfed you in a hug. His hugs always made you feel safe, and you needed that now more than you thought. ‘Excuse me, miss..’ breaking the hug you've met with the man that has helped you this entire time. ‘You’re free to go, and if you remember anything, please give us a call.' He handed you his card, and with that, you and Jaemin left the police station. 
‘I was worried sick, you know?’ Jaemin tapped the wheel. ‘i’m sorry’ ‘Please don’t apologize’ You tucked your bottom lip in between your lips before continuing. 'Honestly, I don’t remember much; I just know some guy came and helped me, then disappeared in the night’ You let out a low laugh. ‘Imagine if it were the infamous spider-Man!!’ You hit Jaemin’s arm. ‘OW! I’m just saying no one gets that lucky’ ‘You’re right. Either way, I’m happy, Spider-Man, or whoever saved me was there.' ‘me too; are you going to class today?’ ‘As much as I want to sleep when finals are coming up, I can’t miss any class’ ‘of course’
Exhaustion wasn’t enough to describe how tired you felt. ‘At least class isn’t that long,’ you thought. You truly thought you were seeing things. THE BLACK BOOKBAG WITH THE CHEETAH PIN! Your feet moved on their own, heading directly towards the black bookbag. ‘HEY!’ you yelled, gaining attention from everyone around you. It’s almost like they didn’t hear you as they continued walking to their destination. You reached out, holding onto the bookbag, which took the person out of their trance. Turning around, you were met with Mark Lee. a student whom you worked with on projects, but nothing more after that. 
‘It was you’ out of breath; that’s all you could stammer out. ‘excuse me?’ Mark looked confused but decided to entertain you. ‘You were the person who saved me last night’ Mark feigned confusion, his expression unreadable. ‘I don't know what you're talking about,’ he replied, his voice steady. persisted, your voice raised slightly. ‘Come on, it was you, wasn’t it?’ Mark glanced around, noticing the attention you drew, and pulled you aside to a quieter area. ‘Okay, fine, you caught me, 'he admitted with a grin plastered on his face. ‘but let’s keep this between us, deal’ 
‘Why are you the infamous Spider-Man?’ Your curiosity took over about Mark, making the question blurt out before you could even take a moment to fully understand what he said. Mark looked around before answering. ‘Yes..’ he sighed deeply. ‘Please tell no one or involve anyone else’ He checked his watch. ‘I’m sorry, I have to go, but here’s my number. I will show you something else and explain everything’ By handing him your phone, you allowed him to save his number, and just like before, he disappeared. You were booming with excitement. You wanted to know more about Mark, about Spider-Man, about anything and everything. 
Class felt like it went on forever. You couldn’t make out anything your professor went over because you couldn’t get over Mark’s confession. He's spider-man.  He saved you. It all felt unreal. More than anything, you wanted to tell Jaemin, but you made a promise to Mark, and you wanted to keep it. 
'Hey, it’s Mark! Meet me here. the amount of excitement that surged through your body. ‘What time?’ ‘Later tonight, I will text you when. 
You were nervous, and you couldn’t ignore the itch. You just wanted Mark to text you. What if he never texted you? What if it was just to get you off his back? You couldn’t focus on studying. All you wanted was to meet Mark and ask him about everything. 
‘Y/N, are you alright?’ Jaemin snapped you out of your daydreaming. You couldn’t really explain to him; you made a promise to Mark, and you wanted to keep it. ‘I’m just exhausted, you know?’ You nodded when suddenly your phone finally dinged. It was the notification you were waiting on. 
‘It's Mark! Meet me here; it’s a hidden garden tucked away behind the library. Let me know when you’re here. Your eyes lit up with excitement. ‘Sorry to bail Jaemin, but Mark and I are working on a class project together’ ‘See you at home’ You grabbed your things and ran out of the library. 
Your heart is racing with excitement. You could have never imagined that your unassuming classmate could be Spider-Man in disguise.
You were shocked. You’ve been at this school and have never come across this spot. It was beautiful. ‘I’m here. Where are you?’ You began fidgeting. What if he stood you up? You guys are nothing more than classmates who’ve spoken briefly. 
Just as before, Mark appeared before you, but this time you were able to see his red and blue suit. Mark removed the mask, laughing a bit. ‘You did discover my biggest secret, yet you seem like a nice girl to get to know’ Your cheeks heated up at the compliment, forcing you to ignore it. ‘thanks! So spider-man, why haven’t you revealed your identity?’ He sucked in his bottom lip before replying. ‘Honestly, the media paints me as the bad guy, you know? They have it all wrong!! I just want to help everyone. ‘Hmm… can you show me anything?’ Those words alone lit a fire under Mark. 
He demonstrated his incredible speed, running circles around the garden in the blink of an eye, leaving only a blur in his wake. Of course, showing his web shooters and wall climbing. landing in front of you perfectly. You felt like your heart was going to explode with the amount of excitement you felt. You threw yourself at Mark, hugging him tightly. ‘I'm sorry! I’m just blown away, and thank you for saving me. He hugged you back; it all felt right. You felt safe in his arms. 
That night changed everything between you two. As the days turned into weeks and then months, you and Mark grew closer, spending more and more time together. You two went on adventures, exploring Mark's  powers and the thrilling world of superheroes that existed alongside their everyday lives.
Your relationship blossomed, and you two fell deeply in love. Mark was attentive and protective, always making sure you were safe and cared for.
You were excited for tonight when Mark asked you to meet him on a rooftop overlooking the city. The more time you spend with Mark, the more you've grown to appreciate the city. He’s shown you beautiful places you would have never imagined seeing. You loved it. ‘I’ve seen you less and less now that you’re with Mark' Jaemin pouted while hugging you close. ‘Can you blame me? He’s such a nice guy. I promise you will be able to meet him soon, okay?’ You hugged him back before breaking the hug. ‘I need to get ready for tonight. I’m crashing at his place. I’ll bring up him visiting you’ Giving Jaemin a quick kiss on the cheek, you ran to your room. Tonight was going to be a night to remember, like all your other dates with Mark. 
You and Mark shared a romantic dinner together. The stars were bright, along with the city lights. The chemistry you and Mark shared was undeniable. You two were slow dancing to nothing. Your ear was on his chest, and you felt safe. Whenever you’re with Mark, that’s all you feel. ‘Hey Mark, I don’t know if this is too soon, but I love you. The time we’ve shared together has made me feel nothing but comfortable and loved’ Your cheeks heated up; it’s the first time in months you've shared how he’s made you feel. ‘I love you too; to be honest, you’re the first person I’ve shared my secret with, and I don’t regret it at all.’ 
Leaning in for a kiss, Mark’s lips brushed against yours, sending electric sparks through your bodies. The kiss deepened, became passionate, and became intense, leaving you both breathless. Mark’s hands roamed your body, lighting fireworks wherever he touched. the desire building between you both. You pulled Mark closer; you needed to feel his body against yours. 
Mark responded eagerly, his hands sliding under your dress and caressing your smooth skin. You moaned into the kiss as Mark’s fingers found your sensitive spots, teasing and praising them with expert touches. Your mouth explored Mark’s neck, tasting the salty sweetness of his skin as their hands moved downward. fumbling with Mark’s belt, eager to free his hardening cock from the confines of his pants. 
He let out a sharp breath as you wrapped your hand around his throbbing dick, stroking and slowly speeding up as you felt his cum leaking from the tip. ‘fuck that feels so good’ Mark threw his head back. Your core was pooled with desire; you were begging to be touched, and Mark took notice. He began tracking small circles on your clit. You gasped, bucking your hips forward. 
Needing more, Mark dragged you inside, and to your surprise, it was Mark’s apartment. You’ve been often but never on the rooftop. 
Pushing Mark onto the couch, you quickly undid his pants, freeing his throbbing cock. You took a moment to admire the thick, veiny shaft, feeling even more desire buildup within you. You took Mark’s tip into your mouth, swirling your tongue around the sensitive head. Mark bucked his hips, moaning loudly as you took more of him into your mouth. sucking and bobbing your head up and down. You worked Mark’s cock with skill, eliciting a stream of curses and pleas from his lips. Mark’s hands tangled in your hair, guiding your motions and encouraging you to take more of him. Your heart was throbbing, needing attention, but you couldn’t tear yourself away from the pleasure of tasting Mark. 
Mark’s hips began thrusting off the couch and deeper into your mouth as he chased his release. You grabbed Mark’s hips, pulling him deeper, hollowing your cheeks, and sucking harder than before. A loud groan came, cum coating the back of your throat. You swallowed every drop, savoring the taste of Mark’s release and milking him dry with gentle sucking. As Mark came down from his high, you slowly began to remove your dress. Pulling you up on his lap, Mark placed another kiss on your lips, as you shared before. 
Mark’s eyes deepened with desire as he took in the sight before him. There, you lay in nothing but your underwear. ‘You know you’re beautiful,’ you said, feeling your cheeks heat up. You lifted your arms up to cover your face, but Mark stopped you. ‘No hiding now, he said, slowly beginning to remove your underwear. Your core was clenching around nothing. All you wanted was a mark inside you. ‘Mark, please, I need you.’ He positioned himself between your legs and began rubbing circles on your clit again. your arched back moaning, as Mark teased your clit. You felt yourself close to coming from the teasing. 
‘That’s it, baby, going to make you feel so good’, Mark whispered, learning to lick and nip at your sensitive nipples. His mouth trailed lower, his breath hot on your entrance. Mark places a kiss on your clitoral area, causing you to roll your hips onto his face. Finally, he begins to suck on your clitoral area. You cried out, the sensation of his warm, wet mouth sending you over the edge. You came with your wetness covering Mark’s lips and chin. He quickly lapped up every drop. Collapsing onto the couch, you painted, your body buzzing with pleasure. Mark crawled up beside them, his eyes shining with satisfaction. He kissed you roughly, sharing a taste of your release.
Suddenly, Mark’s phone began ringing nonstop. breaking the kiss, you were met with a dopey mark. ‘Baby, what’s wrong?’ ‘Your phone, it seems like someone really wants to reach you,’ he sighed, grabbing it. The smile you once saw quickly turned into horror. He jumped up and began pacing. ‘What's wrong?’ ‘Did you tell anyone?’ He asked, and he began to put on his clothes that were scattered across the floor. ‘No, I promise, I love you. I would never do that to you’ You grabbed your dress, pushing it on as well. ‘Everyone knows now’ he said, tossed his phone to you, and you were met with a new article exposing Mark. Reading the article, you found out Mark was exposed by someone at your shared college. 
‘Mark, someone saw you at school. You bit your lip. somehow you feel guilty. Somehow, you feel like it’s your fault. engulfing Mark into a hug. You hoped it would make his worries go away. ‘Still, will you stand by my side if I do come forward?’ You kissed him and hugged him again. ‘Of course, Mark, I told you earlier that I love you; nothing would change that.’ 
He finally smiled, which warmed your heart. ‘I love you too, y/n’ 
You stood off to the side as Mark faced yet another round of flashing cameras and probing questions. Mark’s identity as Spider-Man had been exposed. He had quickly became a sensation overnight. His handsome face and incredible powers captivating the public. Every news outlet wanted an interview, and Mark with your loving support, obliged to them.
At first, You had eagerly accompanied Mark to each interview, proud to be by his side. But as the attention intensified, so did the exhaustion You felt. It wasn't just the media frenzy; it was the endless stream of fans that followed Mark wherever he went. The adoration was overwhelming, and You found themselves feeling smothered.
As Mark charmed the reporters with his modest smiles and witty remarks, Your gaze drifted, your mind wandering. You thought back to the early days of their relationship, before Mark's secret had been revealed. You remembered the thrill of secretly dating a superhero, the stolen moments in hidden alleyways and passionate nights on rooftops under the stars. Was it wrong to miss everything he was revealed? Was it selfish to want the public to move on?
A sigh left your lips as you recalled Mark’s strong arms around you, his superpowers making you feel safe and cherished. Now, surrounded by the press and the public, that intimacy felt like a distant memory. You longed for those quiet moments when it just had been the two of them, your love shielded from the world.
Mark caught a glimpse of you. He saw the disconnect from you and what was currently happening. His heart twisted in worry — He had been so caught up in the new world of fame and admiration that he hadn’t noticed your withdrawal.
The interview came to a close, Mark politely excused himself, his team ushered him away. You trailed behind them. Your heart felt heavy. Mark noticed this as well.
Back at your shared apartment. You were ready to call it a night. You slumped on the couch, running a hand through your hair. Mark sat next to you, concern etched on his face. ‘Hey, you okay? … You seem differently lately’ His voice was gentle, a contrast to the confident tone he used with others. You sighed. You knew you could no longer keep the anger and sadness you felt inside any longer. ‘Mark, I’m happy for you, I really am. But the constant attention … it’s overwhelming. I feel like I’ve lost you to the world.’ Your eyes pleaded with him to understand. Mark rolled his eyes which made your chest fill bile. ‘Y/n you encouraged me to step forward.’ Mark let out a sarcastic laugh.
‘Yeah I .. I don’t know what I thought’ You got up pushing past Mark to your shared bedroom. You thought he would understand. The safe feeling you once felt was gone. You cried yourself silently to sleep. The words kept replaying over and over throughout your mind. You encouraged him to step forward. Are you really to be blamed for everything?
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angel-of-the-moons · 11 months
Miguel x Fem!Reader
TW/CW: Angst, self-image issues, mentions of childhood trauma, addiction, our mans has had it rough as fuck™
A/N: Brought on by this post from @tarjapearce and the comments i made (I'm sorry i am a ho for some angst sometimes) I'm merging ATSV stuff with comic stuffs because NO WAY IS HIS MOVIE DESIGN LIKE THAT ON PURPOSE WITHOUT IT POSSIBLY COMING UP IN FUTURE MOVIES ASDFGHJKL
Taglist: @tojishugetiddies
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You came home and it was quiet. Quiet and dark; and already you knew something was up. You left Miguel sleeping so you could attend to some meetings and paperwork at your office, and pick up a few groceries.
Miguel had been acting strange the past few days. You'd asked him if it had something to do with work and he simply shrugged the question aside, like it was a small chip on one of his broad shoulders.
You'd asked him what was bothering him again, and he simply stared at the carpet, muttering something you didn't quite catch, and he went straight to bed.
You were so worried you'd even texted Gabriel on your walk home:
Hey, Gabe...
Heyyyy! If it ain't my favorite brother's girlfriend!
You couldn't help but roll your eyes with a soft snort. You only have one brother, Gabe.
No no, chica, I meant that you're my favorite of any girlfriends he's ever had. 😂
Gabe that sounds a little... Bad. 😬
Does it? Woops! Anyways, what's up? My big dumb, brick-house brother do something to make you mad?
No, Gabe... He's acting weird. Has been for the past few days, and he won't open up to me. I'm worried.
You could see the chat bubble pop up over and over again with '...' signifying that he was in the process of texting. With how many times it popped up and went away you were expecting a bible scripture's length of a text wall.
But what you got instead made your heart sink.
He saw our mom. She... She brought up Tyler.
Oh, god. You knew that Miguel and Conchata had a rocky relationship. Miguel had told you why. It was so bad, even just recalling everything, that you felt Miguel's pain like it was your own.
You also knew that Miguel's biological father, Tyler Stone, was the one that manipulated him, that used him, got him addicted to Rapture and almost killed him...
But it wasn't even the real dose of Rapture. It was simulated. Just another manipulation tactic. It was overhearing that conversation that Miguel found out the truth of his heritage, and you could tell that nugget of knowledge permanently chipped his sense of identity.
Even moreso when he confessed to you about Gabriela--
Your phone pinged.
They fought. It was... It was ugly. I... I didn't know about Tyler. God, chica, I didn't know. Dad was...
You felt your heart flop, knowing poor Gabriel was shielded by Miguel for so long so he didn't have to suffer like he did at the hands of their gaslighting and manipulative mother, his sadistic sperm donor... Miguel wanted nothing more than to protect Gabriel from that pain.
Your fingers flew fast on the little keyboard, a few spelling errors here and there;
God, Gabri im sory you had to fidn out that way
I know. It figures Miguel would have told you, before me, tho. He loves you.
He loves you too, Gabri. God, more than you know. He loves you.
I know. He was trying to keep me safe and out of Mom's drama.
No offense, Gabri, but if I ever see that woman I'm rearranging her face with a shovel.
OMG. I mean... After the things she said to Miggy, I... Kind of want her to at least feel consequences of her actions, y'know?
Oh, she will. Don't worry. Thanks for telling me this, Gabri.
Go cuddle my big brother and tell him I love him, k? Let me know how he's doing.
OMW home now, I'll text you when he's feeling better.
KK, see ya.
Yeah. You knew for sure Miguel was still heartbroken when you came home after that.
You put the groceries away, a somber expression on your face as a million thoughts went through your head.
God, of course Conchata had to come see Gabriel at the same time Miguel was there. You wouldn't be surprised if either she could have tabs kept on him, just to... to try and lord her power over him somehow, like he was still that scared little boy, holding onto his baby brother, being his shield and buffer from their parents' fights.
That bitch had to have had a hand in Tyler using him the way that he did, that she had to have known about--
Your mind was knocked away from those dark thoughts when you heard glass shatter.
You dropped the bag of apples onto the ground, the fruits tumbling out and rolling across the floor as you made a mad dash to your bedroom.
Noting Miguel wasn't in there, you turned to the adjoining bathroom door, seeing faint light come down from below, small wafts of steam rolling out.
"Miguel?" You frantically called out, knocking on the door and leaning your ear against the smooth metal.
You could hear shuffling and the tinkling of glass shards, as well as the shower running; but no verbal reply.
You knocked on the door again, hurried and a little too hard, your fingers hovering over the control panel.
Before you could push a button, the door slid open.
Miguel was in nothing but a pair of boxers, leaning over your bathroom sink, his hands gripping the marble countertops, threatening to crack the material. Beads of water rolled down his muscular, tanned skin; droplets of water dripped from the ends of his thick, wavy chocolate locks, the natural curls more apparent thanks to the water.
That's when you noticed it. Your bathroom mirror, shattered into a hundred pieces, scattering the counter, floor, and in the sink.
Bright, scarlet droplets were on the floor, steadily building into small puddle from his right hand, his knuckles split, shards of the reflective material sticking out of it.
"I'll pay for it." His voice croaked out, unable to lift his eyes to meet your horrified gaze. "I just--"
"Oh, god! Miggy!" You breathed, reaching out, taking a step towards him, only to wince and hiss when the pieces of broken mirror stabbed the soft, delicate soles of your feet.
You gritted your teeth as the glass crunched, but you grabbed Miguel.
Instantly it was like a switch flipped inside of him, Miguel's head snapped up and he looked down at you, seeing the bloody footprints you now left on your tile.
He looked terrified at what he was seeing. How you just ignored the shards in your body in favor of frantically digging around one of the cabinets for your first aid kit.
"Bebita... I..." Miguel choked out.
When you found it, you killed the shower and stepped into the glass once again, pulling him into your room, and onto your bed, your feet leaving bloody prints as you walked, like macabre rose petals being left in your wake. Miguel had a large enough stride that he was careful to avoid getting any in his feet, but the smell of your blood permeated the air, it made him sick to his stomach. Not with disgust.
With guilt.
Of course, you checked him over first, plucking out the shards of glass from his knuckles and cleaning the cuts out with wound wash, ignoring the blood welling up onto the tile floor of your bedroom from.
You carefully roll his hand as you try to wrap the gauze around his knuckles. "Miggy, can you hold your--"
"I'm sorry." He interrupts.
You looked up at him, and only then do you see his face. Framed in his wet curls, his face was shadowed and haunted, his eyes dark and as tumultuous in a maelstrom of anxiety and fear.
You bring your hand to his cheek, caressing one of his sharp cheekbones with your thumb. "Baby, it's okay. It's just a mirror, I can--"
He shook his head, as if your touch to his face burned him like a hot iron.
He leaned over, grabbing your legs and pulling your feet into his lap so he can assess the damage, and return the favor of cleaning and dressing them.
"You're hurt because of me." He whispered sadly, dabbing the blood away.
"I'm hurt because of the glass, honey." You tell him gently, letting him apply the "honey" to the cuts in your feet, sealing them.
His massive hands encapsulated your ankles, his thumbs rubbing small circles as the rough pads caressed your skin. Like you were made of the delicate gossamer of a butterfly's wing.
He sits like that, not meeting your eyes. And god, did that hurt you so badly. You knew how important eye contact was with Miguel, he almost always went out of his way to keep eye contact when he was conversing with someone. Having him avoid your eyes... hurt.
Because you knew he was hurting.
"Miggy." You breathed. "Talk to me."
You move your feet from his lap and scoot closer to him, moving your face until he locked eyes with you again, and you could see the pain and the tears fill his own as he looked at you; his full, pouty lips trembling in an effort to hold his emotions at bay.
His shoulders dropped low, and Miguel leans forward until he was practically bent in half, clinging to you, burying his face in your chest as he fisted your shirt in his hands.
You rubbed his shoulder with one hand, biting your lip as he softly cried into your blouse, your other hand combing through his messy wet hair.
You stayed like that, for what felt like hours. You weren't sure how long it was exactly, with the blackout curtains drawn and the lights off. The only light that dimly illuminated the room was from your bathroom, and the open door.
He finally calmed enough to speak, to explain why he shattered the mirror.
"...I look like him." Miguel said, his heart in his voice, his soul stripped down and naked with raw pain.
"God, I look like him. That... that cabrón." He hissed, tugging your shirt in his fists.
"I look like that bastard that... that made me into this." The self-contempt in his voice broke your heart.
You kiss the top of his head, murmuring against him. "No, you don't, baby."
"Yes, I do!" He snapped, pulling himself away from you and throwing himself to his feet. He paced like an angry tiger in a cage, waiting to swat at whatever keeper dared enter his enclosure. He didn't notice that he was stepping into the sticky, dried blood trails you left.
"I have his--his face. His fucking face--" He said, gripping his hair in his hands, tugging as he started to hyperventilate. "My fucking nose, my fucking cheeks, my fucking lips--they're all him! I'm not allowed to be me, every time I look in the mirror I see him! I can't ever get away from him! He's a part of me, he always will be! I fucking look like him!"
You get to your feet, ignoring the throbbing in your soles as you dared to reach out, to touch the pacing tiger.
Your hands smooth up his back, gently, softly; then back down until they wrapped around his mid-section.
You feel him, how tense he is, how his muscles flex at your touch almost like he's bracing himself for some kind of blow that simply will never come from you.
You rest your cheek against his back, feeling how hot his skin was burning.
"Baby. You don't look like him. You aren't him, and you never will be." You whisper.
You plant kisses wherever you could reach, not letting him go, feeling his body shake with each shuddering breath as your soft lips made contact.
"More importantly, Tyler will never be you."
You cut him off. "Listen to me... Did Tyler figure out multi-dimensional travel, build a strike force of super-powered people from across the multiverse? Does Tyler, almost every day, work to keep dozens--no, hundreds--of universes safe from monsters?"
He didn't answer.
"And did Tyler Stone protect your baby brother from your mother all these years?"
No answer.
"You are Miguel-goddamn-O'Hara." You tell him. "I love you, with trauma, quirks and all. I love your little scritch-scratches you make, the way your bottom lip pokes out when you pout, your crooked teeth when you smile. I love your ridiculously large body, I love how you hug me. I love the little snores you make when you fall asleep at your desk, how you crinkle your nose when you're about to sneeze.."
You feel his hands slowly rise to touch your arms where they're almost-locked around his larger frame.
"I love how sweet and gentle you are. I love hearing you curse to yourself when you shock yourself with your soldering gun... I love listening to you bicker with Lyla, or complain about one of the other Spiders bugging you." You place more kisses after each sentence; hoping each one plants a seed of love beneath his skin, to bloom into a garden that he can admire and love, not hate for the very skin he was born with out of illegitimacy and infidelity.
"Tyler Stone is not you. He never will be. He will never be as good as you." You sigh against his skin, feeling the goosebumps form in the cold of your room, now that the adrenaline of his anxiety was beginning to fade, and his body became aware of the water that was slowly drying and cooling his skin.
"I love you, Miguel O'Hara. You and no-one else. Don't ever think for a second that you don't have your own identity because of your genes."
He slowly turns in your grasp, looking down at you with raw, unclothed emotion as his hand touches your cheek.
"You're more than that. You're you, and I wouldn't have you any other way." You say, your tone set and jaw tight; every word you spoke carrying a hefty weight of seriousness and honesty.
He smiles, almost sadly as you feel the rough pads of his thumb against your cheek, the little talon there poking you but not breaking the skin.
"...I..." He said, his voice stiff as he swallows the lump in his throat.
"I really will pay for your mirror, you know."
You grin up at him and turn your face so you can kiss the palm of his hand.
"I know you will, Miggy."
"But I am curious... I felt like you were going to keep going with the affirmations." He said, raising an eyebrow slowly.
"Well, the last one..."
"The last one?" Miguel tilted his head down at you quizzically.
You grin at him again, your teeth showing and eyes creasing as you barely manage to reach around him, swatting his ass playfully.
"I also love the fact you have the nicest ass I've ever seen on a man."
He couldn't contain the snort that came out of him, and he reached up to cover his whole face with his other hand.
You giggle as you step around him, giving a playful swat to his ass once again as you walk by.
"C'mon, Miguel O'Hara. You got a broken mirror to clean up."
His shoulders lifted as he watched you, his eyes softer than you've ever seen as he smiled.
Yeah. You were right.
He was Miguel O'Hara.
And he was certainly going to pay you back for the smacks to his ass.
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lvrcpid · 2 years
imagine being neteyams twin and dying along with him.
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includes: gn!reader. they/them pronouns. neteyams death..AGAIN! getting “shot”. blood. death. grief. the afterlife. neteyamxreader (platonic!) i totally pulled this concept from my ass so if it doesn’t make a lick of sense i am SO SORRY. ANGSTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT mwah love y’all.
in na’vi culture it’s unusual to carry twins. the na’vi body isn’t really meant to carry two babies at one time. but somehow your mother did it. although the pregnancy was difficult, she powered through and gave birth to two babies. neteyam and (y/n). you had come out a little bit after neteyam, making him the oldest. watching the two newborns sleep cozily in their moms arms made jake well up with tears. his little family was starting.
another thing in na’vi culture which goes unsaid is when a twin dies. the other one dies as well. they feel and see eachothers pain too. one time when neteyam got cut, you also felt the pain of his cut, the gash leaving a scar on both of your bodies. in the same place.
the na’vi people don’t understand this predicament. it just happened. the one thing they couldn’t understand. while jake and neytiri were happy and felt blessed by this, they also worried.
if we lose one kid. we lose another.
your parents had informed you of this many times while growing up with your brother. sugar coating it seeing as though you two were still too young to understand the concept of death. all you knew was ‘if neteyam gets hurt. i get hurt too’ vise versa.
you both did a relatively good job keeping eachother safe until the sky people arrived and that fateful day struck your family, tarnishing their hearts forever.
you felt a sharp pang in your chest, a feeling of dread and sluggishness consumed your body like the plague, brushing it off as something minor. but when you couldn’t shake the feeling. something hurt but you didn’t know what. you knew something was wrong.
“(y/n)! come quick it’s neteyam!” your youngest brother, lo’ak called to you frantically, he knew since neteyam was hit that you were as well. you stood up from your seat and immediately felt dizzy, feeling a substance trickle down your chest and down your back, sending chills down your spine. you were bleeding. there was a coin sized hole that wasn’t there before. that’s when it hit you.
neteyam had been shot.
neteyam was dying. and so were you.
panic sky rocketed through your body as you stumbled out to your family, your mother quickly scooping you and laying you next to your brother. your health declining rapidly as blood began to pool your mouth.
jake stared in horror. there was nothing he could do for his kids. he knew this would eventually happen. but he didn’t think it would happen this soon. the sight of you red at the mouth with a wound, ironically matching your twin, made him cringe. this was unfair. he couldn’t process one. now he’s being forced to process two upcoming losses just because it was the way of the na’vi people.
you leaned into your brother as everything was moving. so fast. just a few minutes ago you were making bracelets for everyone. now you’re on the rocks dying with your brother. you cursed eywa in your head, cursing how this was unfair to you and neteyam. you couldn’t even give proper goodbyes first.
neteyam turned his head over to you before letting out a weak smile “im sorry..”. you opened your mouth to speak but was quickly silenced by the spew of blood that erupted from your throat, neteyam feeling the warm metallic substance cloud his throat.
“mom im scared..” you turned to your mom while you faintly heard neteyam whisper something to your father about wanting to go home. then..
there was nothing.
“(y/n)!” you shot up in a panic. it was white. everywhere. when your sight adjusted you saw your older brother in front of you. “neteyam..where..” he quickly shushed you and brought you to a glowing figure, her warm smile filling your body up with the warmth of a mothers embrace.
it was eywa.
you and neteyam quickly bowed before she let out a small hum of approval. “you both have strong hearts. one soul. but very strong and different hearts” her voice was smooth like honey against your ears.
one soul? you always knew you and your brother were attached at the hip but not like this. ‘one soul?’ you thought to yourself but the goddess in front of you was quick with her response. “yes. one soul. you both have one soul. soulfully connected. if one part of the soul leaves..” she looks over to neteyam “then the other has to go along with it.” she looked over to you.
after the conversation, you and neteyam walked hand in hand in the afterlife, admiring what eywa has to offer. “(y/n) im sorry.” neteyam spoke , breaking the comfortable silence. “it’s okay..it’s not your fault. let’s just spend the rest of eternity happy okay?” neteyam giving a small nod before pulling you towards a river, pushing you in.
life isn’t fair. you know this. but at least you have your brother.
how everyone reacted. (part 2 ish)
a.n // y’all probably hate me after this but OH WELL. i just wanna say thank you for all the love and support on my most recent stories. your comments and reblogs truly make my day 10x better. i plan on doing a lot more so thank you again - sae 🥹🫶🏾
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batfamtv · 1 year
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“i’m a man now”
ethan landry x fem!reader (reader in her 20s)
warnings: age gap (ethan is 18, reader is in her 20s), power dynamics, mommy kink, no sex
a/n: based on this tiktok that awakened something in me
ethan usually hangs out at your place now, ever since you moved out he would just invite himself over. he even has some clothes there, and his parents trust you so much that they would even let you know that he’s coming over. so when you get home to find quinn, tara, chad, and mindy there on ethan’s birthday, along boxes of pizza and several cans of beer, you’re not too surprised. of course he was gonna celebrate it here, and you have to apologize to him too because the game console you ordered for him isn’t arriving today.
sam is hurriedly pulling them out now, turning to you with an exasperated smile. “hey y/n,” she greets, “just taking these kids home.”
“drive safe!” you wave at them as you lock the door behind you, now thinking about how you’re sure you’re gonna take care of your own drunk little ethan. you find him seated on the couch, his temple resting on his fist as he leans on the side of it, watching you.
“had a fun party?” you ask, plopping down next to him.
he doesn’t say anything, just smiles at you. he leans closer, and you know that he’ll start to get all cuddly, like he always is whenever he’s drunk.
but before you can process it, you feel his lips on yours. they’re soft and inexperienced, but when you don’t move, ethan moves closer and kisses you more, now getting your lips to open against him. you hear him groan, feeling your lips wet from his saliva.
“ethan,” you pull away from him, still in shock. this boy just…kissed you. the same one you babysat all those years ago. if you remember even further back, you also remember playing with him before you hit your teenage years.
he smiles at you dreamily, licking his lips, “i’ve wanted to do that since i was 13.” he gaze moves to your lips, and before he can dive back in, you stand up.
“no,” you tell him, “you’re drunk. get some rest and we’ll talk about this in the morning.”
strong hands grab your waist, making you stand between his thighs. the look ethan gives you is almost sinful…lustful. he’s so tall and even in this position, with you standing in front of him, he only needs to tilt his head back a little. “i didn’t drink anything,” he whispers. hot, heavy breaths making your nipples pebbles underneath your shirt. his hands now fly to your tits, groping them.
“fuck,” you close your eyes, trying not to moan as his thumbs graze your nipples.
“fuck,” ethan inhales, pupils dilated that his eyes almost look completely black, before he stands up and grabs you into a kiss.
your surprised gasp gives him the opportunity to slide his tongue inside.
ethan moans when his tongue touches yours, flicking around your mouth desperately. he ruts his hardened cock against your stomach, and you moan at the feel of his jeans and his bulge against you. knowing that he’s so tall his cock is grinding against your tummy.
he slips his hands under your shirt, moaning into your mouth when he feels your tits. he breaks away from you.
“i wanna suck on your tits, momma,” ethan whispers, “will you let me suck on your titties?”
your hand cups his bulge, and he whimpers into your mouth.
“let’s go to the bedroom,” you tell him, “and you can suck on my tits all your like.”
his cock twitches against your hand and he pulls you towards the bedroom.
ik im gonna get flamed for this hence why i used this account i havent opened in forever lol
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pshbites · 25 days
LOVE ON AiR: 16. YAP CENTRAL EP.136: did social media ruin relationships?
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WARNiNGS » profanity, mentions of d wording, sexual jokes, crying, ynhoon teasing, yn never being safe
wc: 3.1k
episode desc - enjoy your stay today in yap central! as we’ve done the whole cycle, todays episode is a deeper one! we open up with a positive impact we’ve seen on each other. then we go right in with how our presence on social media has affected our relationships. following that up we keep the theme of the deeper episode and go over the influence social media has on us and how we view ourselves. we end the episode off by saying one thing we’ve noticed about one another as we’ve grown and how we think it affects the friendship. the episode ends off on a bittersweet note but we hope you enjoyed your stay today in yap central!
*the 6 of you are seated in your assigned seats. jungwon adjusts the soundboard and riki tests the mic out, then giving him a thumbs up. sunoo sets his mic up a little closer to pick up his audio and looks to the camera, setting his phone down*
sunoo: it’s been so long since we sat in here
giselle: i know like two weeks right?
yn: i think almost three *you say, adjusting your outfit as well as your seating position. riki scoots over so you have more room.*
jungwon: i mean it counts as like a summer break since we didn’t really take one.
kat: good point. you know guys do you guys remember those um fuck what were they called
riki: it would help if you gave a description
kat: shut up im thinking
*the rest of you stare at kat in silence until jungwon breaks the silence to laugh, the rest of you following suit*
jungwon: im sorry it’s just what could it be that has you thinking that long
giselle: she’s using everything in that little brain come on now!
*giselles comment makes the rest of you laugh even harder, kat laughing as well*
kat: i can’t even think of it nevermind
yn: it’s okay babe you’ll find it later.
riki: i have to say these costumes are amazing actually. might be my favorite theme
giselle: you know riki you’ve been hating a lot less recently.
jungwon: i was gonna say that too, he’s a bit nicer
riki: what can i say, finally holding my deal for the new year’s resolution
yn: watch now that we said this he’s gonna be doing some fucked up shit by the time the episode comes out
*a text box pops up on the screen saying “he in fact did do some fucked up shit during the editing process of the episode - jungwon” then disappears after a couple seconds.*
riki: you have no faith in me
yn: simply stating the facts
jungwon: you guys ready for me to sign in?
kat: go for it man *she nods at jungwon who smiles back. jungwon adjusts himself and looks to the camera*
jungwon: beep beep! you’ve arrived in yap central i am your host today, jungwon or aang. starting from my far left we have.
kat: toph
riki: zuko
yn: katara!
giselle: azula
sunoo: appa!! *he shows off his fuzzy appa bucket hat, earning a smile from all of you*
yn: sunoo i love you please don’t die
*sunoo looks at you in horror as the others burst out laughing*
jungwon: anyways.. *nervous laugh* the cycle is complete so today is a deep episode!
giselle: oh my god last time i literally bawled on my way home
kat: won you always pick the most brutal questions
sunoo: i cannot believe you asked us if the younger versions of ourselves would like the us now. like that is so ugh
riki: look at the way he’s smiling i think it’s something torturing again
*jungwon grins evilly at everyone making the rest of you groan in both discomfort and agony.*
jungwon: starting with my first question! what is a positive impact you have noticed on each of us. let’s start with sunoo. you guys don’t have to go one at a time just build it up.
sunoo: okay well.. lay it on me. *he looks to the rest of you, nervously, then shocked at who speaks up first*
riki: you laugh a lot more
*giselles eyes widened as riki spoke, the rest of you sharing the same reaction. everyone stayed quiet so riki could talk.*
riki: like when we were in highschool you always seemed to be bothered, or like you just never really were happy. and i think when we started doing this and you started tiktok you’ve been a lot happier
yn: i was honestly gonna say the same thing. you seem happier when we go out sunoo, like you want to be there.
sunoo: i feel a lot happier, honestly it sounds stupid but doing this with you guys does make me really happy.
kat: i agree. i mean i really wouldn’t trade it for anything.
giselle: awww look at us having our moment!
*both you and sunoo giggle at giselles comment, jungwon nodding to giselle, signaling she’s next*
kat: giselle, you don’t really care what people have to say about you anymore.
jungwon: ahhhh i was gonna say that
kat: like you seem so much more confident now than you did before.
giselle: when though? because i feel like i just started feeling like this overnight.
yn: if i were to pinpoint a time frame id say when you broke up with [BLEEP]
sunoo: no i COMPLETELY agree, like there’s a brightness to you now.
giselle: aw thank you guys *she pouted then smiled*
jungwon: guys please be nice to me.
riki: you’ve always been a natural born leader. i just think you’ve always been positive.
yn: i agree but there’s like a glow to him now
kat: oh my god are you pregnant?
*everyone looks at kat then bursts out laughing. some of you stop but jungwon and giselle can’t stop laughing.*
sunoo: oh my god it has something to do with who gave you that bracelet
jungwon: sunoo seriously *his cheeks turn pink, hand now covering the friendship bracelet*
giselle: oooo who made it for you?
jungwon: it was a mutual swap
yn: mutual swap.. or she gave you that wap?
*the others start laughing again, jungwon as well. riki daps you up*
riki: that was a bar
jungwon: i’m not admitting anything.. on camera.
everyone: OOOOOOOO
jungwon: next! go flame yn!!
yn: not fair, we weren’t even done with you
jungwon: don’t care, you’re not as closed off as you used to be
riki: oh my god yeah, when we were kids you were so shy
yn: really? i feel like im still in my little shell
kat: no i get what they mean. i mean even when i met you, you were really shy.
yn: thank you?
riki: i think jungwon means it in the way that you’re more open to meeting others now. like you enjoy being a people person
yn: ahhh, i see now. i guess the podcast really helped with that. like seeing people say how they enjoy my little bits and just things like that. it sounds conceited but it almost made me feel like people actually valued me? you know.
giselle: i get it, it doesn’t sound conceited babe
yn: okay i don’t like this much attention
giselle: this sounds weird to say but riki has gotten nicer atleast to us
kat: yeah i see
riki: die
sunoo: glad to know you haven’t changed..
jungwon: guess someone doesn’t wanna open up today
riki: oh would you look at that! it’s kats turn!!
yn: i think kats tells us a lot more now. like before you never really told us anything about yourself.
kat: i just have trust issues, it was nothing personal.
giselle: it’s true it took her so long to open up to me
riki: i honestly think the podcast brought out the best in us. surprisingly enough
jungwon: i see what you mean. maybe another way to put it is that we realized how much closer the camera brought us
giselle: or this friendship is just a ploy for jungwon to make more money off of us
*everyone laughs*
sunoo: we’re such coworkers
yn: heard it here first!! giselle hates her friends
giselle: can you stop with that *laughs*
yn: oh i’ll drag it through the mud
giselle: then i’ll drag yn[BLEEP] through the mud
*everyone laughs even harder now, you side eyeing giselle.*
sunoo: she kinda got you there
yn: let’s move on?
jungwon: speaking of relationships. *you glare jungwon down as he chuckles a little, looking at his phone once more.* how do you guys think social media affected your relationships and how do you think social media just influences how you view yourself. you can answer it in any order.
sunoo: i feel like having a presence on social media just makes having a relationship so much harder.
giselle: it kinda does, like people just expect for you to lay out your entire lives on social media.
jungwon: i think it depends on what kind of person you’re with, it’s almost like that person has to be up to your fans standards you know.
yn: i think there’s some people who can be normal about it but at the same time you have to be okay with everyone knowing everything about you.
kat: yeah but then it just shows that people online think that we don’t deserve privacy. it’s fucked up like they’re borderline stalking us you know?
*riki glanced at you as kat spoke, noticing how you stiffened at the word stalking*
riki: a lot of people aren’t okay online, it’s weird. like being so obsessed with someone to the point of finding out their personal information
giselle: if that ever happened to any of us i really don’t know what i would do.
jungwon: i think i honestly would try to sue you know. you have to be a certain level of fucked to do something like that.
yn: yeah, i agree it’s so weird.
kat: i kinda don’t wanna sound like a pick me
riki: just say it, you won’t sound like one.
kat: it’s so much harder being a girl with a social media presence.
sunoo: the fact that you had to hesitate to even say that says everything
jungwon: i really don’t get it either, like i’ve seen both women and men do the same things online and sometimes the guy is worse than the girl and yet it’s always the girl getting attacked and harassed.
giselle: i think it’s because people just view girls as easy targets almost. like a girl could do something completely normal and the internet would spin it to make her a villain
yn: it’s disgusting really, no one really ever really wants to side with a girl.
jungwon: do the comments still get you guys? i mean i know it was really bad in the beginning
kat: actually no i remember when it got bad. it got bad that episode where [BLEEP]
*jungwon and giselle glance at each other then start laughing*
giselle: remind me to edit that out.
yn: honestly no, the comments don’t bother as much anymore. after a while i realized that they’re just saying this because they have nothing else to talk about so i just stopped looking.
kat: i agree, it gets better when you just stop reading the comments all together.
riki: god please take periods away from women and give it all to me.
*you and kat give riki a look then burst out laughing, sunoo jungwon and giselle following that.*
sunoo: can’t stay serious for a second
riki: i would never joke about women in pain
*jungwon and kat keep laughing as riki goes on, unable to take him seriously*
yn: going back to the original question i just think it’s hard, like seeing people overstep a boundary or intrude on your life and just be okay with it
sunoo: and people just say oh well you asked for this um? no i didn’t actually i just wanted post skincare videos
*jungwon snorts, causing a chain reaction for everyone else to laugh*
kat: im glad we haven’t cried in this episode yet.
giselle: oh my god don’t jinx it he still has two more questions
jungwon: you might cry at this next one *kat sends a look to jungwon and he gives her an evil smile* my next question is what changes have we seen in one another as we’ve grown up together. it can be good or bad.
riki: jungwons lost it this is so similar to the first question
yn: i feel like he means overall
jungwon: thank you! atleast someon listens to me
yn: *you look around shocked and confused* oh my god.. did you guys hear that? was that a ghost?
*jungwon stares at you as everyone else laughs at your joke*
sunoo: so are we gonna go around in a circle?
jungwon: no how about.. the person sitting across from you. like riki sits across from giselle so they can say it about each other
kat: wait i wanna start
sunoo: this is too much pressure
kat: *she stares at sunoo and smiles warmly* sunoo i admire your love for us. like i don’t know you always support all of us no matter what and i feel like as we’ve grown closer you just have so much love to give
giselle: that’s so adorable
riki: sunoo i love your videos please don’t die
sunoo: STOP WITH THAT JOKE *he turns to look at kat* thank you kat i love you. i have to say sometimes i feel like you don’t tell us everything but it’s okay, just because we’re your friends doesn’t mean we have to know everything about you. i just want you to know that we’ll always listen no matter what.
*kat stares at sunoo as he smiles at her, then looks down when she feels tears welling up in her eyes. riki looks at giselle and jungwon panicked as they pass him the box of tissues.*
yn: aw babe *you frown looking at her as she lifts her head up to see tears streaming down her cheeks*
sunoo: wait i didn’t mean to make you cry
kat: it’s okay i jinxed myself
*everyone laughs slightly, still worried about her. sunoo moves his mic and gets up to hug kat. they stay like that for a few seconds until he lets go, patting her head. he says something but the mic can’t pick it up then walks back to his seat.*
kat: it’s not that i don’t want there was just a time where i felt like no one really care you know?
jungwon: you’re not obligated to tell us everything, but we care more than you think even if we have weird ways of showing it. *he glares at riki who only throws his hands up*
*the rest of you laugh at riki’s reaction and even kat lets out a chuckle after wiping her tears*
kat: to the viewers watching.. this never happened i am mysterious and batman doesn’t cry
giselle: nurse.. she’s out again
riki: okay giselle! lay it on me! *claps his hands together*
giselle: you use being mean as a cover up you actually care a lot about what people think but you use being rude or mean as a shield.
*sunoo gasps, the rest of you stare in silence because giselle is 100% right*
riki: okay cut the cameras
jungwon: i mean she’s not wrong
riki: if you wanted me to cry it’s not gonna happen
giselle: i know
riki: i hate you guys
sunoo: yeah sure you do
riki: well, since you want a taste of your own medicine *riki clears his throat* you shouldn’t get into another relationship, atleast until you evaluate how you act during them.
giselle: excuse me?
jungwon: weird ass time to admit your feelings
riki: you’re a weirdo that’s not how i meant it
yn: well then how did you mean it
kat: i’m curious
riki: every time i've seen you get into a relationship you just stop acting like yourself. you’re less confident and it’s almost as if you change yourself to please the guy you’re with. I just don’t like seeing any of my friends like that.
*all of you stare in silence at giselle, the air feeling heavy as she pushes her mic away and mumbles something to jungwon then ups and leaves.*
yn: um. is she okay?
jungwon: she needs a second
riki: was it something i said?
jungwon: it’ll be okay, she just said she needs a second.
sunoo: she’ll be okay guys, let’s move on yeah?
yn: okay well.. jungwon i think you bottle a lot of things up, intentional or not.
jungwon: *he sighs, crossing his arms* it’s not intentional i just think you guys have too many worries on your own plates to worry about mine.
kat: even if we have a lot going on that’ll never stop us from wanting to know what’s going on won
jungwon: i know i guess it’s just hard? to admit i need help?
sunoo: there’s never anything wrong with that
jungwon: thanks guys
riki: yeah yeah
jungwon: okay yn, im glad you like yourself more
kat: um
riki: wow!
sunoo: that is certainly a statement
yn: excuse me??
jungwon: no i worded that terribly
*the 5 of you burst out laughing at jungwons poor word choice. within this time giselle walks back in, closing the door slightly. the mics can’t pick it up but riki mouths “im sorry” to her. causing her to shake her head and smile. “it’s good” she mouths back making him smile back.*
jungwon: what i mean to say is that you’re more confident now. not just about yourself but your videos too. i’m glad to see this change in you
yn: thank you won, it means a lot
jungwon: of course
giselle: well this was certainly an episode
yn: one of us always ends up crying
sunoo: that sadist probably likes it too
jungwon: woah? the term isn’t sadist
*the rest of you laugh*
sunoo: let’s have a group hug! everyone up on your feet
*sunoo stands up, kat and giselle following suit. you and jungwon stand up and riki groans, then reluctantly stands up. the 6 of you huddle around one another and go for a group hug. the mics can’t pick up your voices but the recording has slight shuffling and giggles from you 6. after a couple seconds you pull apart and sit back down in your respective seats.*
giselle: i love you guys
kat: me too
sunoo: me three
jungwon: me four
yn: me five
*everyone looks at riki who only rolls his eyes*
riki: me six..
jungwon: well guys hope you enjoyed your stay in yap central we hope you didn’t cry too much. i have been your host jungwon and please make sure to check out our links in this description and like, share, subscribe, and comment! till next time!!
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AUTHORS NOTE » lol UMMMMMMM sorry guys i didnt realize how long it had been without an update WE ARE SO BACK THO
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stuck-in-jelly · 2 months
Im surprised not a whole lot of people are talking about Lissa. Like after YEARS we finally got a full look into what actually happened and the full reason why she left.
Up until now we really only had Claudia’s and Viren’s perspective.
Claudia being upset and sad that her mother abandoned her and Viren frequently thinking of her but both believing it wasn’t fair.
Then we get Viren post resurrection clarity looking back and looking at the trust the full truth and it is utterly tragic. He doesn’t try to defend himself or frame what happened in a different light he fully faces what he did and admits it.
The reason Lissa left wasn’t just a conflict of morals but a betrayal of trust.
Its wasn’t about the tears that were needed for the spell it was about the fact she said “No” it was about the fact that she was already scared and trembling when he begun confessing everything to her.
Its not as if he came in and said “hey i found a spell I need your tears to save our son” no he walked in face rotting rambling about what he did to Kpp'ar and what rare creatures he has killed. He didn’t give her time to process, time to mourn.
Up to that point no one knew what happened to Kpp’ar just that he was missing, and Kpp’ar was more than just a mentor he was a family friend he was man who loved their children so much he was building them their very own carousel.
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Then when she refused to give him tears out of fear inside of their own home he held her down, stopped her when she tried to fight, and physically hurt her so that she would cry.
Do you underst traumatic that is? This was her husband someone she loved and who she moved away from her home for someone she trusted.
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She’d never be safe in that house again and she more than likely had no support. Her whole family was in Del Bar and in Katolis…the only person who would’ve had her back was Kpp’ar but he’s gone now by her husbands hands.
Viren has power here, influence, status.
And to mirror what Kpp’ar says to Viren after he attacked him: Prince Harrow trustes him.
In her eyes what else could she do, how could she continue to live in a home where she now knew for a fact would never be safe again? Live in a home no longer with her husband but a stranger
She did try to take her kids, but she tried to be fair to them to give them a choice. So when one child choose to stay of course she became scared, of course she’d also want her other child to stay so they’d have each other at least.
Was it the best decision in the end? No. But up to that point she hadn’t known Viren to be cruel to their children. He had hurt her for one of their children after all.
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So in the end what else could she do?
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