#also i did stand up for myself i screamed Kill Yourself after the first slur n they swerved back around n started being like
genderoutlaws · 1 month
went to buy hair dye today after work and got fucking chased down in the parking lot by 4 dudes in a car screaming slurs and shit at me abt my body and my hair and shit. and 2 ladies were walkin in front of me n no one said shit or asked if i was okay. being a girls girl isnt for dykes and heshes i am well aware but it always stings and it sucks feeling unsafe and also knowing theres no one on your side. cant show your heart or tears just have to rage and scream and fight back and hope for the best bc what else is there. last time i saw a girl in a parking lot getting yelled at by dudes in a car driving by i screamed go fuck yourselves and she thanked me and it felt good and i will always stand up fr others but i wish tough butch dykes had someone to stand up for us too sometimes. thts what femmes are for honestly but my femme is 200 miles away and im just Here. anyways i hope those guys get in a fiery car wreck and die
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littlethie · 3 years
In Safe Hands - Draco Malfoy x reader
You and Draco are in a relationship. The two of you have a fight but still go to a party. Draco is still angry and reserved until someone drugs you and you seek out his help.
A/N: this was FUN! Thank you for a lovely request  ❤︎
Warnings: Angst, fluff, alcohol, drugs, swearing, puking, mentions of death/killing, fainting - this sounds like a horror movie, I swear it isn’t 
Requested: Yes / No ; By: starcross16
Words: 1,9k 
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picture’s not mine
“Fine, then I´m not going!” you screamed at your boyfriend and dramatically sat down on the sofa, your voice echoing through the manor. The two of you had been fighting this whole day. You couldn´t even remember why, anymore.
It had started in the morning. You both had woken up a little annoyed, snapping at each other every now and then. You were visiting him at the Manor since his parents were away on a fancy Malfoy-style vacation. Everything had made you irritated and you hadn´t even been able to make breakfast in peace. Draco had been answering you unpleasantly and acting as if you were an obstacle in his way. This hurt your feelings, since you had been invited by him.
You didn´t fight much in the relationship. But today was different. You both could have dealt with the irritation. But when Blaise Zabini had invited you to join him and the others at a party happening at his place, Draco had said something about you not being able to handle liquor and something about you embarrassing him.
So you had been screaming and fighting. You had done your makeup and hair. You both wanted to go, perhaps, let off some steam. It was kind of funny, how you had fought but still got ready. You didn´t think you had a problem with liquor, and honestly, you both knew, somewhere deep under your layers of egos, that this whole situation was just an unfortunate outcome of bad sleep or a bad day. But you were also stubborn. And resigning was just too anticlimactic for the both of you.
“Don´t be such a fucking child, Y/N,” he scoffed at you, evidently now more irritated. “Perfect, now I´m a child. If you don´t want me to go, then just tell me. I may just fucking stay at the Manor and bore myself to death,” you rolled your eyes and put one leg over the other, while your head fell behind, leaning against the backrest.
He was fuming. You knew you both had to go. Everyone knew you were visiting him. “Don´t make me angrier. Get up.”
Oh, how you didn´t want to. Again, standing up would scrape your ego. But you did it anyway. Draco huffed and walked to the door with your unbothered body behind him. He grabbed you by your arm but didn´t look at you. Firmly and a tiny bit painfully. His brows were furrowed and mouth upside down in a scowl. He could never hide his discomfort.
You apparated in front of Zabini´s huge Manor. All you knew was that his mother was also somewhere on a vacation. You were a expecting a peaceful evening, maybe some other classmates. But when you arrived you could hear loud music coming from the inside. Draco let go of your arm and made his way inside. There was one thing you couldn´t deny, though. He looked extremely attractive in his tux.
You followed your snappish boyfriend inside and got immediately greeted by already drunk Blaise, Theo, Pansy, the smell of alcohol, bodies and perfumes. “Heeeeeey, the favourite couple has arriiiived!” he slurred.
“Merlin, Blaise, how many people do you have here?” Draco asked, totally perplexed, looking at the mass of people dancing and drinking. “I have no idea, man. Some people have invited people and they have invited more people,” he laughed and this was the first time Draco gifted you a look. A confused one. But he did. Others quickly rushed you into this huge saloon.
“Come on Y/N!” Pansy had a strong hold on your wrist while dragging you to the bar. “What are you drinking?!” she screamed through the music. You looked over at Draco, who was not far behind with Theo. “What are you drinking?” you asked him, the annoyance leaving your mind. “Don´t care about me,” he growled and your heart sunk. “I just asked…,” you explained but his face stayed stern. He walked through you, leaning slightly over the counter asking for a firewhisky. He usually asked for your drink too but tonight… not a chance. “Oh, trouble in paradise?” Theo smirked and Pansy hit his arm. “Stop being an asshole and leave… and take your drama queen with you,” she pointed at Draco with her head.
Theo squinted and mimicked her, but Draco swiftly turned him around by his shoulder. “You alright Y/N? What happened with you two?” she snooped a little and you just shook your head.  “It´s nothing. We had a bad day full of fighting. We both got up on the wrong side of the bed,” you sighed. “Oh, I´m sorry. A little drink and dancing will always help! We can start lightly. Hey!” she turned around to face the bartender. “Two gin-tonics please!” she yelled at him. The bartender looked at her then you. He blinked at you. You were petrified. “Did you see that?!” you came closer to Pansy. “Yea, I heard he´s a prick, don´t mind him,” you obeyed but this feeling in your gut just wouldn´t go away.
You looked behind you to see where your boyfriend had gone, and you spotted him sitting in a booth with the boys and some other classmates. You turned back the moment you heard the bartender. “This one´s for you…” he handed one drink to Pansy, “and this one is for this beauty I hope I can see later,” he handed you the other drink. “I´m sorry, I´m here with my boyfriend,” you gave him an uncertain smile. He raised his eyebrows and looked at you strangely. What the heck? “I said, don´t mind him! Let´s dance!��� Pansy grabbed you again and dragged you right into the middle of the dancefloor.
You took a sip from your gin-tonic and let yourself go. You noticed Draco walking behind you towards the bar, probably for another firewhisky. “Hey…” you grabbed his arm lightly. He shot you an angry glance and wriggled out of your hold. “Can´t you leave me be for just a few fucking hours? This doesn´t help me calm down.” You were looking at him totally blown away. He continued in his way and you were now looking at Pansy, who was about to rip him to shreds. You stopped her. “Just leave it. Let´s dance!” you were trying your best not to cry. So you finished your drink as quickly as possible.
After a while your body started feeling weird. And so did your mind. It was only one gin-tonic. You said to yourself. Out of the blue, you could see not one, but two, three, four Pansies. You stumbled a little and Pansy quickly got a hold of you. “You didn´t eat anything before this, did you,” she laughed. You couldn´t answer. Your eyes were circling around the place. The lights were too light, music too loud and people too many. You wanted to tell her something was wrong, but your mouth felt like powder sugar and you put your fingers up to your face to feel it. She was dancing like crazy, turning away from you to dance with this cute tall boy.
Your steps seemed heavy as rocks. You felt like puking. Every time you made a step forward it was like your direction changed or the room turned around. Your sight was blurry and music made you flinch. It was even worse when different bodies hit you while dancing or walking. You tried to steady your mind, focusing on the platinum mop of hair. You were well aware of your situation and what was happing.
You thought it had been at least an hour. It had actually been five minutes. Your eyes landed on his tall body. He was standing, his back facing you. His hands were on the table supporting him. You were getting closer.
“Draco…,” you breathed out as soon as you reached him. He turned around with an extremely annoyed face. “Fuck, you´re already drunk?” he frowned, “you only had one drink, Y/N, this is what I was bloody talking about,” his friends were looking at you with raised eyebrows but you couldn´t care less. You felt the panic attack washing all over your body.
“I can´t. I... Draco, there´s something wrong with me,” that was all you had managed to let out before collapsing, Draco catching you just in time. His annoyed face turned into a worried one. “Y/N?! Hey! Baby! Come on!” he shook you gently, but your eyes kept going backwards. You had fainted. The boys didn´t wait a second and helped Draco take you out for some fresh air.
You had woken up by then and you steadied yourself, holding onto Draco and Blaise. They helped you sit down on a bench outside of his manor. You knew you had to get it out of your system. You put two fingers deep down into your throat and puked. Theo was quick to bring you some water. Boys let the two of you alone. You were sitting on the bench for a solid hour. Draco didn´t mind though. It helped him calm down, to gather his thoughts and to realize what an actual ass he had been this whole time.
Draco pulled you into him, kissing the top of your head. You closed your eyes, feeling a little better now. “What the fuck happened, Y/N?” he murmured into your hair, slowly rocking the both of you back and forth. “I think the bartender drugged me. I am not sure, though,” you answered him honestly, taking in his sweet and masculine scent. And just as you said that, Blaise stormed out.
“Guess what. The bloody bartender has been selling drugs in my own fucking manor. He shat his pants when he saw Y/N, so he confessed. The boys are taking care of him now.” He said and squeezed your shoulder softly as he left to deal with the sucker. You could see Draco´s urge to go and hex the guy, but you held him close to your body. This was more important and he knew it. “I´m so sorry, Y/N. If it weren´t for my stupid stubbornness, this wouldn´t have happened,” Draco cupped your face and placed a warm kiss on your lips. “I´m going to hurt him anyway, though. Who does he think he is?!” he growled and you placed your palm on his fiery cheek. “Hey, just let it be. Let the boys deal with him. Don´t get your hands dirty,” you smiled and shifted closer to him. “I want to kill him. This is all my fault,” he pressed a kiss onto your forehead.
“It´s not your fault, Draco. We are both stubborn. I was acting like a child today and I want to apologize. I am a little emotional at times and you are really the only one who can handle me,” your noses were touching, foreheads pressed against one another. He moved his nose gently along yours and kissed the tip. “I love you, Y/N. I promise I´ll take care of you. I promise I´ll keep you safe. I don´t know what I´d do if you were…,” he gulped, “you know, if you ended up in a worse condition, just because I am too proud to let things go.”
“Stop, Draco. I am here. Thanks to you. You know that I love you too.”
“I think it´s time to head back home. There´s no other place I´d rather see you than in my bed with my clothes on. What do you think?” he smiled beautifully.
“Let´s go,” you whispered and kissed him once more.
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ijustwant2write · 4 years
The Tomboy-Shelby Family x Shelby!Sister!Reader
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(GIF credit to @mutlulugumhayallerim​)
Prompt List
Tags: @jenepleurepasbaby​ @amirahiddleston​ @bloodorangemoonlight​ @haphazardhufflepuff​ @mzcrazy2​
Requested by anonymous: ‘Hi!! I was wondering if you could do one where the reader is a major tomboy and the youngest Shelby and people start to bully her because she never acts like a girl and she comes home crying and everyone comforts her and next time she goes out the boys stand up for her? Thank you!!!’
Characters: Thomas Shelby x Shelby!Sister!Reader (siblings), Arthur Shelby x Shelby!Sister!Reader (siblings), John Shelby x Shelby!Sister!Reader (siblings), Finn Shelby x Shelby!Sister!Reader (siblings), Ada Shelby x Shelby!Sister!Reader (siblings), Polly Gray x Shelby!Sister!Reader (aunt)
Meanings: (Y/N)=Your name
Warnings: Swearing, homophobia, bullying, crying, fluff
Woman tutted as she watched past, instantly whispering to each other once she was out of earshot. Men would take a double glance, frowning at the woman’s attire, shaking their heads as they thought about what kind of body was hidden beneath those clothes. (Y/N) never took any notice, knowing that she stood out from the other girls. 
Besides being a Shelby, she was known for not wearing the usual attire a woman of their time would wear. Although she was mostly spotted in suits (falling in love with them after her aunt Pol had showed up in one), (Y/N) surprised those around her by slipping on a dress sometimes, but that was an extremely rare occasion. (Y/N) liked covering up, she wasn’t ashamed of her body, it was just that this was comfier; and leering men wouldn’t ogle at her, she wouldn’t give them the chance. And round Small Heath, there were plenty of people like that.
“That’s a new one (Y/N).” Ada noticed (Y/N) in a new suit as she spotted her across the street.
(Y/N) looked up and down the road before crossing, smiling at her sister and nephew.“Indeed it is. Got a bonus on a job Tommy gave me, thought I would treat myself. Alright Karl?"
The young boy nodded, about to say something when his mother interrupted him.
“A job?!” Ada exclaimed.“Why did Tommy send you?”
“Because I’m perfectly capable. Finn’s starting to take on more jobs, and he’s only a year older than me.”
She huffed, rolling her eyes.“You’re too cocky for your own good. Speaking of the other baby in the family, have you sorted out Finn's birthday present?"
(Y/N) ignored her sister's comment."I have actually! So you are going to be there tomorrow night, at the Garrison?"
"Yes, why do you sound surprised?"
(Y/N) shrugged."Just heard you and Tommy arguing the other day."
"Oh, that was Tommy being an idiot."
"So nothing out of the ordinary?"
Ada laughed."Nope."
"I'm not allowed to go." Karl huffed.
"What?" (Y/N) acted surprised."Why not? It won't be a party if you're not there?"
Ada sighed."Don't encourage him."
"And with that being said, I need to head off. See you tomorrow night Ada, bye Karl!"
She winked at them as she walked away, cheekily smiling to herself when she saw her sister's disgruntled face. She was glad that she wasn't a parent yet, it looked far too stressful.
The day of her brother's birthday had arrived. (Y/N) still lived with her aunt, but left the house early that morning to visit Finn in his new flat. It wasn't the most glamorous place, you would be surprised to find out a Shelby was living in such a place; nevertheless, he was still lucky to have a place of his own. With his presents in her arms, she passed women coming back from a night of working the corner, a few homeless man, and those leaving for work, but she kept a smile on her face. Finn wasn't expecting her, and she knew she was way too excited for his birthday.
Walking down the hall, she was almost at his door when she heard the woman she just passed by mumble something. (Y/N) would have ignored it if the woman didn't continue staring at her.
"Can I help you?" (Y/N) boldly said. She was never afraid to call out someone.
This woman was older, she must have been around Polly's age. She looked away, sighing before speaking."I just don't understand you people."
"'You people'?"
"Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about. You women, if I should even call you that...women that enjoy the company of other women."
"Are you calling me a homosexual?"
"It's pretty obvious isn't it?"
"Do you know who you're talking to?"
"Look, I was minding my own business-"
"But you weren't, were you? You decided to make a comment about me under your breath instead of keeping it in your little head."
She scoffed."Oh, there's that attitude, not surprising whatsoever."
"Fuck off you old bat." (Y/N) knocked on Finn's door, praying that he would answer soon.
"Hope you're not seeing some young man, wouldn't want to disappoint him."
"Didn't I already tell you to fuck off?"
Just as she finished her sentence, Finn opened the door, looking confused as to why his sister was there and what was going on. He leaned against the door frame as the woman walked away, glancing down to see (Y/N)'s scowling face.
"Bringing trouble into my neighbourhood?" Finn mumbled, rubbing his eyes from tiredness.
"No, your neighbours are just twats. Anyway, happy birthday!" she exclaimed the last part of her sentence, shoving the presents into his hands.
He stumbled back into his flat, managing to shut the door after (Y/N) let herself in.“Uh, thanks. What are you doing here?”
“Coming to wish my brother a happy birthday?” she sarcastically replied, disappearing into the kitchen before returning with a bottle of whiskey.“And to make sure he starts the day off right!”
“You’ve definitely started to pick up on Tommy’s bad habits.”
Although she was having a good time with Finn, (Y/N) couldn’t stop thinking about the comments made about her. Of course it wasn’t the first time, but she noticed more and more people openly staring or saying something. It was confusing to her as people new who she was, they knew what family she was apart of; she could get them beaten up or even killed. So where had the confidence come from? And why were they even saying anything in the first place? However she wasn’t going to let that show, and she certainly wouldn’t let it effect Finn’s birthday, especially since they were enjoying drinking at such an early hour.
Finn had a suspicion that they would end up in the Garrison that evening, even if there wasn’t an actual party being thrown. He let his sister take him out to a nice restaurant, buy him more presents (though he didn’t mind that when they turned up at the suit shop she frequently visited, they knew how to tailor), and he pretended he didn’t notice there was an edge to her that day. He had seen how easily she flipped her emotions off, though he had also seen the anger and hurt as he opened the door. (Y/N) was a tough Shelby, she would feel belittled if he tried to help her, despite his brotherly instinct desperate to take over.
(Y/N) was awful at acting casual as they approached the Garrison. Finn bluntly told her that he knew people would be waiting for him inside, she profusely denied that, her mouth hurting from trying to suppress a grin. Theatrically opening the doors (that was due to how drunk she already was), Finn flinched as everyone inside cheered, screaming ‘happy birthday’. It was mostly drunk punters who were probably promised free drinks if they acted like they cared, but that didn’t matter to Finn. His brothers, sisters, in-laws, aunt and friends were there. He was handed a glass of whiskey from John, a hard slap on the back following. 
“See?” (Y/N) slurred from beside him.“I told you there was a surprise!”
“(Y/N), you told me there wasn’t a surprise.” he reminded her, feeling lighter but he wasn’t at the same level as (Y/N).
She pouted as she thought.“Oh. Well, cheers!”
(Y/N) concentrated on Finn, gripping onto her glass and keeping her focus on the story he was telling, not the group of people clearly talking about her. There were men and women squeezing into a booth, not so subtly pointing, glaring and chatting away about how she looked and acted. (Y/N) was leaning against the bar just as any other man would, hand in a trouser pocket with the other holding her beer. Apparently it was most entertaining to gossip about her.
“Excuse me?” one of the girls had approached her when she was alone.
(Y/N) sighed, looking down into her drink.“Yes?”
“We were just wondering why you dress like that?”
(Y/N) frowned, a tiny part of her hoping they were being serious.“What?” 
“We just don’t know how you could wear something like that? Have you not seen some of the beautiful dresses out there? Seriously, a suit does nothing for your figure.”
(Y/N) scoffed, slamming her drink down on the bar.“And what if I don’t want to show my figure?”
“You should.”
“It might be the only thing going for you if you don’t change how you hold yourself.”
“I suggest you go sit back down.” (Y/N) sneered as she began to turn away when some men started hollering.
“Don’t bother the gentleman!”
“The lad is just trying to enjoy a drink!”
“Sorry mate, women am I right?”
They all found themselves hilarious, erupting into laughter as the girls returned. People around them would glance back and forth, waiting for the show to start; what would the Shelby’s do about this? Instead, (Y/N) couldn’t find the strength to stay there and ignore it, storming out of the pub and down the street. Her breath was shaky as she sobbed, unable to hold it in. Her hands fumbled with the keys to the house, slamming the door shut and heading to where the alcohol was kept. She groaned when she didn’t find whiskey, settling for gin and collapsing into the arm chair. As if it were water, (Y/N) drank away, cheeks soaked with tears, wiping her nose with the back of her jacket sleeve, ugly noises escaping her as she let it all out. It was only now that she felt how much emotion she had been building up and holding in; now that she was crying, it was all too overwhelming.
“(Y/N)?” Polly called out as the front door opened.
Polly quickly headed towards the sounds of crying, sympathetically sighing when she saw her niece in such a state. Taking away the gin, she knelt down to eye level with the girl, lifting her face by the chin to make sure she was listening. Tommy and John followed, standing back as they let Polly take the lead. 
“What happened?” she demanded to know, though her tone was soft.
“I just don’t understand.” (Y/N) loudly whined.“Why are people so hateful? They don’t have to fucking say anything!”
Alright, alright,“ Polly calmed her,“they disrespected you?”
“Yes! They even came up to me and made a scene, and there was some old bitch from this morning. Why do people hate the way I dress?! How does it effect them?! IT’S NONE OF THEIR BUSINESS!” she screamed the last part.
“(Y/N),” Tommy said,“what other people think, it doesn’t fucking matter. But if it upsets you this much, you need to tell us.”
“Yeah, we need to give them a reminder about who their talking to.” John smirked.
“You don’t hate the way I dress, do you?” (Y/N) asked much more quietly.
“Of course not. You’re our (Y/N).” Polly reassured her.“You’re (Y/N) Shelby, you do whatever the fuck you want. You’re royalty here.”
“(Y/N), we’re going to walk back in there like nothing happened, because it didn’t. It was just a bunch of drunk twats running their mouths.” Tommy said.
John chuckled.“And you know what we’ll do if they start anything else.”
(Y/N) felt nervous as they headed back to the Garrison. Her brothers and aunt walked in before her, and she heard the atmosphere die down as people realised they had returned. (Y/N) expected the noise level to rise once they got their drinks, until she saw Arthur standing up on a chair.
“Oi! All of you listen up!” he shouted, everyone going silent and looking at him.“This ‘ere,” he pointed to (Y/N),“is my baby sister. I fucking love her! And if any of you disrespect her in any way, you will be banned from this pub! Not only that, but you will be hunted down by the Peaky Blinders, and you don’t want to know what we do to people who go against our family!”
(Y/N) smiled at her eldest brother, knowing that he was drunk too, but Arthur still meant every word. Once the tension left, the music and chatter became loud again. He clumsily got down, slinging an arm around her shoulders.
“How was that?”
“Couldn’t have said it better myself.” (Y/N) giggled.
“It was all true, we all love you. Don’t give a fuck what you wear.”
“Thank you, I’ve got the best family ever.”
“Too fuckin’ right.”
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flying-nightwing · 3 years
Throne of Blood (2/3)
It’s ya local simp back again with the praise/devotion kink sweating out of this series in waterfalls. I set this on three parts, and potentially a bonus chapter *wink wink*. 
This is still marked NSFW for the same reasons as part 1, so minors still DNI
Part 1 in masterlist (Bio + pinned)
Pairing: Jason Todd x fem!reader x Roy Harper
Word count: 4919
Warnings: Same as part 1 babes
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“I still don’t believe it”
The sky was clear and the sun was high, reflecting on the crystal white of the snow covering the land. A cold wind blew over the western watchtower, reddening Roy’s cheeks in a similar tint to his coat. He looked down to you and grinned. 
“Say what you may,” He replied, pulling slightly the string of his bow twice. “I’m hitting that target, darling”
“So smug” You sighed, twirling the arrow in your fingers before handing it to him. “Let’s see, my dear. One chance, gotta hit the mark”
He only winked and armed his bow, carefully drawing his bowstring. He paused there and closed his eyes, feeling the force of the wind and calculating his aiming angles. You could see in the distance the Wayne Kingdom’s guarding post and a small dot pacing around. Roy reopened his eyes and angled his bow to the right, then up. As he breathed out, he let the string go. 
First thing you knew, the little dot fell over the ledge of the tower.
“I…” You mumbled, your jaw going just a bit slack. You couldn’t stop staring at the guard post. 
“That’s right!” He laughed, pumping his fist in the air. “I told ya I was gonna make it”
“Well, I know to admit when I’m beaten” You sighed again, looking back at him. His eyes were shining with pride and mischief. “How many golds did I owe you again? 4?”
“Mhh, forget the gold” His cold hand trailed up your neck to rest behind your ear, tangled in your hair. “That baffled expression on your face is more than enough to satisfy my ego” 
“Are you sure?” You teased further, letting him invade your personal space. “Your ego is pret-ty big sometimes”
“You’re right” He breathed out, rubbing your temple he was so close to you, his lips were almost on yours. “Maybe there is something you could do for me after all”
“Name it” You said, smiling. “I owe you one, after all”
He didn't answer, only closed the short distance between you two. His cold, chapped lips met yours in a soft kiss as his other hand snaked around your waist. You could feel his bow digging into your back, but you didn’t care. Your hands went around his neck to pull him even closer to you, letting him shield you from the harsh wind. He was so warm, you wanted to stay against him for hours more. 
“Did we ever do it on the western tower?” He asked as he pulled back to breathe. 
“On the south tower, we did” You nodded, panting. “There was also this one time with Jason on the north balc-- Fuck”
Your eyes shut as he bit the skin of your neck, then sucked on it. “So we never did it on this watchtower” He hummed against you. “Right, because that guard definitely had a field glass. But now he can’t spy on us” 
“My Lord, my Lady”
You shut your eyes, trying so hard not to snap at the boy. You could never have a moment of intimacy in this castle, it seemed. Roy recomposed himself first, straightening his back and facing him. He didn’t even look shameful or bashful at all, instead, he was pretty relaxed. 
“His Majesty requires your presence in the throne room” He said, his cheeks slightly pink in embarrassment. “It seemed pretty urgent”
You both shared a concerned glance. Without another word, you swerved passed the boy and walked straight to the throne room. You were a bit far, but you believed you set your record on how fast you could cross the entire castle. Your strides were long and purposeful, and your hands were not far from your weapons.
You ended up in the large room sooner than later, your eyes scanning for any imminent danger. Instead, you found a small crowd of seven people in front of the throne’s pedestal. One of the men caught your attention--and everyone else’s probably--by his looks alone. Tall, dark hair, wide blue eyes and one stunning armor. The blue bird on his chest contrasted the black of the armor, sticking out from the silver gray of his guards. His posture was tensed, but not as much as Jason’s on the throne. You and Roy slowly took your place on his side, finally making you be seen by the handsome man. His eyes found Roy first, and they exchanged a long glance. Then, it was your turn. He studied you for a moment before he turned to Jason again. 
“Listen, I don’t want any trouble” He said, holding his hands up. “I’m only here to warn you”
“You could have sent another message if it was that important” Jason sneered. So this was his brother.
“Jason, I’m serious” He rubbed his nose. “Father is done and through with this will he won’t he. He is determined to stop you”
“Let him come” He snorted. “I know his every move, Dick. He can’t touch me”
“He knows that,” He argued, frustrated. “That’s why he issued capture warrants for both of them, effective as we speak”
Jason froze as his brother pointed at you and Roy. His face betrayed no emotion, but you knew a sensitive chord had been hit. You didn’t like how his own father tried to hurt him that way, and it made you angry. How dare he try and hurt your Jason. 
��He’s not gonna kill us” Roy spoke, but even he had a subtle uncertainty in his voice. The mighty King Wayne didn’t kill, but this moral guideline might have wavered if Jason had pushed him far enough. 
“He won’t” Dick replied. “But it doesn’t mean pain won’t be involved”
“If he even tries, I’ll kill him myself” Jason grumbled. “He’s not ready for--”
It happened fast. Your attention was divided in between the two brothers, so much that you failed to do a visual sweep of the room. You missed the two shadows on the higher balcony, or the draw of a bow that was aimed in your direction. It was the quiet sound of the arrow flying through the air that tipped you off, making you turn on the side by instinct to protect yourself. You felt the sharp steel of the tip pierce your shoulder--instead of your heart--and you fell on your knee. Before you could touch the ground, Roy fired and dropped the two shadows from the balcony before they could shoot anyone else. In a blink, Jason was over you and Dick was barking orders to his men to stand down. 
Then came your scream of pain.
“Hey, hey, look at me” Jason called, bringing your attention to him. Your breathing was shallow and you wanted to pass out from the pain. You could feel the arrow tear and burn your flesh at every muscle contraction, and the hot blood slowly and steadily flow down your back. “You’ll be okay. Don’t pass out just yet, stay with me” 
“I’m sorry” You rasped out in between two shallow breaths. You were pretty sure the arrow had been barbed by the pain that was pulsing through your entire upper body. "I didn't see him sooner. That was a rookie mistake"
“No, this is on me, not you” Jason’s beautiful face was twisted with guilt. “I-- I didn’t see him, I should have known-- Fuck”
His hands started trembling around the arrow he was holding steady. His hands were red already and you were getting drowsy; you had no more feeling in your right hand already, your entire arm hanging limp from your body. Black dots veiled your vision that was becoming blurry by the second, only dissipated for an instant when Roy appeared in front of you. 
“Dick and Commander Garret got it” He told Jason before holding your head in his hands, forcing you to focus your attention on him. “You’ll be fine, but we need to move you. It’s gonna hurt. A lot”
“Can’t be worse” You joked, your voice slightly slurred and your smile resembling a grimace more than anything else. His expression turned sorry while he offered you back a pity smile. Oh, it would be a lot worse. 
And he was right. They lifted you easily, both their strength more than enough to support you, and carefully made their way to the side room. You bit your cheek hard enough to draw blood so you wouldn't scream again with every step they took. There, with one swipe of his arm, Jason threw everything off the stone table in the middle of the room, sending flying some probably priceless items on the floor. He didn’t care. They laid you face down, then rushed to stop the blood flow.
“The doctor is on her way” You heard Roy say as you felt fabric pressed around the shaft of the arrow. You tuned in and out of the conversation, unable to keep focus on their voices for more than a few seconds at the time. A nap seemed so good right now.
“How did we not see them--”
“Don’t start blaming yourself again--”
“Well, it’s pretty much my fault if--”
“Jay, we are your guards, we knew--”
“Still! I’m the one who’s supposed to--”
“If you want me to take out this arrow, you’ll need to stop arguing and start helping me--”
“Yes ma’am”
“Sorry ma’am”
Some doctor she was. If only you could see their faces. You felt them working around you, something cold on your skin, followed by the arrow being pulled out of your shoulder. At this point, everything felt the same. Your pain was just everywhere, but now you knew at least the arrow was out. You heard the doctor shoo out Jason and Roy, then you passed out.
The tremble in Jason’s hands went away when Roy closed the door of the room behind them. His eyes turned as hard as steel as he faced the throne room, and without looking back, went straight for it. All heads in the room turned at the sound of him coming in again, and he had an idea why they kept staring. Your blood was still on his arms, reddening his skin up to the elbow. His hair was a mess and his eyes read violence. He stopped in front of the still moving body of one of the assassins. Roy’s arrow went through his cheek, but he was still alive. He glanced briefly at the other body, still with two arrows in the throat, then back to the one at his feet. Nobody else dared to move, not Roy, not his brother, not the guards around him watching the scene unfold in front of them. 
Roy had a similar posture. Despite shooting in a reflex, his rage had left him guide his aim in the fire of the action. He had known in that split second that the man who fired the arrow didn’t deserve a quick death, that an arrow to the chest like his friend would be a mercy. Instead, he had gone for the painful shot that would leave him alive for the wolf the devour. Besides, it wouldn’t have been fair for Roy to have them both to himself.
Jason bent down and grabbed the man by the back of the neck, dragging him along with him. The man couldn’t talk, only moan in pain as he was forced to follow Jason’s angry pace. Roy wasn’t far behind, eager to see what would happen next. Jason wasn’t a predictable man, especially not when angry. And now, it would be an understatement to say he was furious. 
Jason dragged the man through the room, then out of the castle and across the stone bridge. He stopped only when he was out of the fortified gates, where the towns citizens passing by eyed the scene with horror. A crowd gathered around, and Jason waited until there were enough people around to speak. He must have looked insane like this, bloody and disheveled, unhinged and on the edge. He usually wouldn’t have gone in public like this, but he needed to pass a message. 
“This man has committed a crime against the crown” He began, and silence fell over the crowd. The man writhed in his hand, but he was too weak to escape the iron grip on his neck. “He snuck into the castle and attempted to kill my personal guard and advisor under a mandate issued by a neighboring Kingdom. If anyone has any idea to follow in his footsteps, this is what will happen. No one trying to claim the bounty will end up any better than him. Somebody fetch me a rope. A sturdy one”
It didn’t take time for one of the guards to come back with a thick rope and give it to him. He kicked the man down and held him there with his foot, ignoring his moans of pain as he worked on a noose. He looped it around the man’s neck and pulled him back on his feet. The sound of his sword sliding out of its sheath was deafening, and even more so the footsteps he took to stand in front of the man. 
“Death is too kind for your crime” He muttered. “But it’s what you’ll get today, because I don’t want to see your face ever again. Tell the devil I said hi when he pulls out your guts”
With a quick movement of his sword, he sliced his stomach deep enough for his insides to spill on the pavement. Jason stood there, watching him for a minute before he walked away. He only paused when he was shoulder to shoulder with his guard.
“Hoist him up the gate” He instructed, but there was no place for arguments and the boy knew it. “So he can serve as an example for the rest of them”
Then he kept walking. 
“Your progress is impressive”
You looked up from the gourd you were drinking from, your chest still rising quickly after the effort you just made. You had stopped outside a little road town and set camp in the woods. Like always, you’d take an hour or two to train with Jason. You had a lot to learn to even get close to an acceptable gap between your skills and theirs, but they were patient with you. 
“Thanks” You nodded as you closed the gourd again. Night was setting in soon, announcing the end of today’s training session. 
“I think you are ready to choose a weapon of your own” He said as he put back his sword in its sheath. “One’s choice of weapon is personal, and it can be quite telling about its wielder”
“Choose a bow and arrows” Roy called as he came back from the woods, dinner in hand. He had caught four rabbits and a bird. “There’s nothing quite like it”
“See, Roy chose a bow,” Jason explained further. “This tells us that he’s an idiot”
You laughed as Roy rolled his eyes exaggeratedly. “Ha ha” He laughed dryly. “You’d look like a clown if I wasn’t your long shot”
“I’m not gonna choose a bow” You shook your head, chuckling. “I’ll leave the exclusivity to you”
You turned around as they kept bickering, looking over to the small bunch of weapons your party carried. Swords, curved blades, barbed sticks and one sharp looking spear were staring back at you, but nothing caught your eyes. That was until you spotted the two bodies laying a few paces away from your camp, reminding you of the two mercenaries who tried to ambush you earlier to catch the reward for your heads. Tried being the keyword, because the two amateurs had no idea who they went up against. Despite their sharp battle axes, they were taken down in a blink. You wandered toward them and picked up the two weapons beside them, then came back.
“I want these ones”
They both turned to you, surprised by your choice. Jason stepped closer to you, gently pushing up your arm so he could have a good look at one of the axes. The double edge was kept sharp, and it seemed balanced. He looked back at you.
“Those are quite heavy weapons. Warrior type, devastating things” He hummed. “You need quite some strength to wield them precisely and inflict damage. Are you sure?”
“You think I can’t do it?” You raised your eyebrow in challenge. He smiled.
“Oh no, I know you can do it. I even think the axes will suit your style” He chuckled, holding your stare. “All I’m saying is you’ll need to put the work into it”
“I’m ready” You lifted your chin up. “I don’t want to feel powerless ever again”
“With these, you won’t” Roy said as he passed behind you. You could just hear the grin in his voice. “Whoever will stand in your way will have no idea what came for them”
Jason already hated meetings, but this one had been particularly long. Not only because he was worried for you, but because he was alone. Roy was with you, making sure nobody got to you while you recovered, which left Jason off to bear the entire meeting without at least his favourite people by his side. But it was crucial for him to be there, because it was when he decided the counter offensive to adopt. His troops had been sent across the border, blocking all the roads to his territory. No army could march in without being met with resistance. He was well aware he was escalating the tensions tenfold by doing that, but his father deserved everything that would come his way. 
The sky was cloudy, but the weather was nice for winter. He stepped outside, spotting the man in black and blue observing the frozen garden with little interest. At the sound of Jason approaching, Dick faced him. 
“Well, you got a grip of yourself quicker than I expected” He hummed, noticing the lack of blood on his hands and his combed hair. He had changed to his black and red armor, leaving behind more formal wear for the time being. “I’m surprised”
“Don’t be” Jason snorted as the two men began slowly walking side by side. “I am aware I have a duty that I must do, no matter what happens”
Dick eyed him without commenting on that matter. “I suppose I am not allowed to leave just yet”
Jason smiled without humor. “That’s right”
“You know I could easily escape on my own”
“And you know if you did I would drag you back here by the neck”
“Obviously” Dick rolled his eyes. “What about my men?”
“Escorted out of my territory with the soldiers who are heading east” He replied.
“Why are you doing this?”
Jason raised an eyebrow. “Why, to make our dear father sweat a little” He shrugged. “His golden son close enough for me to strike down quickly if he even thinks of pulling that shit again”
Dick remained quiet for a moment, his head down. He was aware his brother was watching him, looking for any sign of guilt or responsibility in that matter. “You know I would have never let those men tag along with me, right?”
“Do I, now?” Jason hummed. “They used your presence here to sneak in. I’m sure you know how this looks like”
“Jason” Dick sighed. “I don’t want to see you fall. I might not agree with some things you do, but there is a reason I came here to warn you”
He didn’t answer.
“Besides, I would have never tried to hurt the woman you love. I wouldn’t have done that to you” He added. “To you and to Roy”
Jason’s head snapped up, his wide eyes setting on Dick. How did he know?
“It’s quite obvious. Both your reactions were one of love, and there is clearly no competition between you two. It wasn’t very subtle” Dick explained. “And no, you did not say that out loud, but your face did. You forget sometimes I know you both better than you want to admit it”
Jason sighed. Of course, Dick would see it instantly. It’s not like he was ashamed of his relationship, on the contrary, his staff already knew it all about it judging by the number of times they barged on them in compromising situations and he did not worry about them knowing. But he knew decorum frowned upon it and a lot of people who already had something against him would only use it to further their case. He wanted to protect his family more than anything. 
“You’re lucky to have them, and they’re lucky to have you” Dick spoke again after a moment. “I hope she’ll be okay”
“I hope she’ll be too, for your sake” Jason turned serious again.
“What does that mean?” He grew wary, straightening his back. Keeping him here was one thing, and he’d quietly stay if it could appease his brother to have him somehow prisoner, but he wasn’t sure he’d accept being threatened. 
“Whether or not it was voluntary, you brought those opportunists here” Jason didn’t back down. “If she doesn’t make it, I will rain hellfire on everything Bruce loves, starting by his most prodigal son”
The two men stared at each other in confrontation, shoulders squared and the tension so tight it could be cut with a knife. And that knife was apparently named Roy.
“I think it won’t be necessary,” Roy said carefully, breaking the heavy silence. “She has been awake for a few hours, the doctor is changing her bandages. You should go see her”
Jason looked in between both men, then nodded at Roy. “I guess you two have things to talk about. I’ll leave you to it”
He walked away without looking back, and instead focused his thoughts on you. His feet guided him to the infirmary while his mind was far away from this reality, spiraling down what ifs and worst case scenarios. He paused in front of the door, then knocked and pushed the door open. 
“Ah, King Jason” The doctor greeted as she washed her hands. “Just on time. I’ll leave you two in a second”
“Is she okay?” He asked.
“Ask her yourself” She smiled before wiping her hand on a rag and leaving.
You blinked slowly as the voices registered around you. You were feeling tired, but you wanted to stay awake a bit longer to speak to him as well. Roy had spent the majority of the day with you, well past sundown. You turned your head and smiled at him, easing just a bit of concern off his handsome features. 
“Hey” Your voice was weaker than usual, and you had no doubt you looked paler too. According to the doctor, it was possible to make a full recovery if nothing got infected before the wound healed at least a little bit. She’d have to check in inflammation as well, but it looked not so bad so far. 
Jason couldn’t help but smile back as he reached you and sat on the chair left beside the bed. He brushed hair away from your forehead with the back of his hand, relieved he couldn’t feel the heat of a fever coming out of you. “How are you feeling?”
“Just peachy” You chuckled, then flinched at the pain in your shoulder. “Ow”
“Take it easy” He soothed, caressing your uninjured shoulder. His touch was so comforting, you wished he’d never take his hand away. “I’m sorry I didn’t come sooner”
"S'okay" You replied. “I know you must have had a lot to do after this shit show” 
“Still” He sighed. “I should have just--”
“Don’t start blaming yourself” You frowned. “None of this was your fault. I don’t want to see this expression on your face anymore, now”
He snorted. “Roy said the same thing, you know?”
“Well, he was right” You smirked. “You should listen to him sometimes” 
He rolled his eyes playfully. “Of course you choose this time to gang up on me”
“I dreamed about you” You changed the subject before he could find a new way to blame himself. “Well, I don’t know if it was a dream or a vivid display of a memory. Everything was too hazy to make the distinction”
“What was it about?” He asked, rubbing his thumb in circles on your shoulder. 
“When I chose my axes” You answered. “It’s a good memory. It did make me feel better”
“If I recall correctly, it was also the first night I kissed you” His tone turned teasing. “First night Roy kissed you as well. Beside the fire as the summer began, right after wiping out the guild members on the edge of the Kingdom of Blüdhaven”
“Hmm, I recall we did more than just kiss”
The soft glow of the fire, three naked bodies intertwined as they moved in sync, breathless moans and wandering hands. Jason had to chase that perfect picture away from his mind before it could lead him somewhere inappropriate for the situation, no matter how he wanted to close his eyes again and let the memory play out in full. You did it on purpose, he knew that much, probably to cheer him up or pull his mind further away from the less than pleasant reality. 
“You’re going to kill me one day” He grunted, and you let out a little laugh, careful not to pull your stitches. Your hand found his and you squeezed it lightly, making him look down briefly at your locked fingers. He took a deep breath and sighed longly. 
“What’s on your mind?”
“Doesn’t matter” He shook his head, but you didn’t back down your stare. Finally, he caved. “The assassins. They’re dead, and the one that did this to you is… Well”
You could only imagine his death was nothing short of horrible and painful. You didn’t know if finding satisfaction in this made you a terrible person, but you took comfort in the fact that he suffered more than you did. You only wished you had been there to see it.
“But my father, I…” He gulped. “He’ll know what happened here. If he strikes, which will be most likely the case, I’ll need to be ready. He won’t take you, not on my watch”
“I won’t let him take me, or Roy for that matter, away from you” You reassured him. “I’ll be out of this bed in no time and back at your side, just watch”
A small smile stretched his lips. “Always the warrior spirit” He leaned down and kissed your head. His lips lingered on your skin and your eyes fluttered close to prolonged contact. “But you’ll need to take it slow to recover. You need not to rush for me”
“I’ll always rush for you, my King” 
You noticed the hitch in his breath and the adoration in his eyes. The crystal shine of tears gave them an innocent glow, one you rarely observed on his face but appreciated every single time you had the chance to. It was easy to forget how young he actually was under all the weight that has been put onto him, he always seemed so much older and stern. You reached your hand for his face despite every single of your muscle screaming against it, and he leaned into your touch, softly closing his eyes. He allowed himself to relax just then, finally convincing himself that you would be okay. You had this gift with him, how you always managed to sneak into his heart and mind and bring him peace. He had been bewitched from the moment he met you, he had known right then and there he was already yours. And the fact that this connection transferred so easily to Roy, that you could make equal space in your heart for both of them only amplified his affection for you. You were their missing piece, and he would do anything--anything for you. 
“How did I get so lucky?” He whispered, gently taking your hand on his cheek and kissing it. 
“It’s not luck” You smiled. “You took care of me when I needed you the most, I’m only returning the favor however I can”
“She’s quite a woman, isn’t she?” 
You and Jason looked up at the new voice joined in, and you couldn’t help but chuckle at Roy’s wide grin. He walked closer and gave Jason’s shoulder a little squeeze, sitting on the arm of his chair. Your shoulder hurt but now that you had them by your side, everything seemed better. 
“So, what are we going to do now?” He asked, eying you both. Jason took a deep breath, repeating Roy’s question in his head a few times. He didn’t have much time to think about something concrete, but it wasn't the ideas that were missing.
“Well, this seems to me as a pretty clear declaration of war” He said, slowly trailing his eyes from yours to Roy’s. “We should react accordingly, don’t you think?”
“Hit ‘em hard and fast at the source, won’t matter if they see it coming or not” Roy nodded in approbation. “This is what you were thinking, right?”
A sinister smirk appeared on Jason's lips. It was thrilling and frightening all the same, promising a terrible retribution. “My loves, we’re going to war”
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Part 1: Responding to Jeansaaa
I intended on writing both my response to jeansaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa and another person in one message, but there’s some delay and I only finished the first part some time ago, so I’ll split my message up in two parts with the second part coming later. So NOTE: this message does NOT contain all my answers to this subject and I WILL explain more about the “why’s” in the (I hope) near future.
It’s been a while, but I’ve finally decided to write the respond to both jeansaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa’s last message and someone who I spoke with in the private chat. I’ll start off by saying I’ll call jeansaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa just “Jeanaaa” for short and the other person I’ll simply call “ABC”, because this person preferred to remain anonymous. I’ll respond to this last person later on in this message too, because I might answer several questions others might have as well…
I can’t reblog Jeansaaa’s last message and reply to it, because Jeansaaa blocked me afterwards (I send him/her a private message and asked about whether he/she had never blocked me or unblocked me again and then Jeansaaa said he/she forgot to block me, made a joke about his/her memory, told me not to worry and said he/she would block me with a smiley... like, WHERE even is the logic in blocking someone like THAT), so I don’t even know if Jeansaaa will ever read my message. However, this is a reply to basically everyone who’d say the exact same things in a discussion about lgbt+, so that’s why I’m responding to his/her message anyway and the same thing goes for ABC. I will however speak directly to these people, because it is them who wrote me the things they wrote.
The last thing I wanna say before I actually start writing, is that I might use capital letters and exclamation marks. This, however, will be more often shoutouts out of surprise and confusion instead of anger and aggression or it will be just to emphasize parts of my sentences…
Jeansaaa’s last message:
Listen bro don’t take this personal I have no I’ll intentions at all and I don’t hate straight people ( I’m bi myself so i’m part straight ) but if you’re gonna post your opinions online than your gonna be subject to criticism, and the problem with straight pride is that for centuries lgbtq+ people have been called slurs, demonized even KILLED because of their sexuality, even to this day in certain countries it’s illegal to be to be part of the lgbtq+, until just RECENTLY gay marriage was illegal, nothing like that has happened to straight people, that’s why gay pride exists because homophobia is still ever present, but I’m not gonna shove this in your face, I’m just trying to let you know why gay pride exists and why straight pride doesn’t, have a good day dude 😊
“Don’t take this personal”
Okay, so first of all, EXCUSE ME?! I shouldn’t take it personal??? ERR. Aside from blocking me yourself, you LITERALLY told others to block me as well, so that is PRETTY personal!
No hate to straight people? WOW. I’m blown away!
Like I said before, it would be quite mankind-hating if you’d hate straight people! I know people don’t hate straight people (because THAT would be completely insane), but I still can’t believe we have come so far that you are criticized when you do say you’re straight! Because that’s what’s happening. Lgbt+ supporters want lgbt+ people to show everyone they’re not straight and straight people should shut up about being straight?!
I’m okay with criticism if it’s because I say THESE things…
Yes, I AM posting the things I say online. Those aren’t “opinions”, but I guess it wouldn’t even do any good anymore to explain that to you, so I’ll just say “opinions” to keep it simple… I know a lot of people have the same opinions as me. People that also have no ill intentions (towards the lgbt+ community itself as well), but (like me) they act the way they act and have opinions because they think about it themselves and NOT because the majority (or at least, the ones who are given a voice and scream the loudest and the ones that can control the governments and the media together with – of course – the large herd of people that blindly follows them) thinks that way. Unfortunately, many people don’t dare to stand up for their opinion anymore these days and those who do speak aloud are often silenced. Either because their account gets blocked if they’d speak on the internet or something even worse would happen if they’d stand up for their opinions in real life.
You’re calling the ENTIRE humanity before us STUPID…
So I have a question for you… You say: “for centuries lgbtq+ people have been called slurs, demonized even KILLED because of their sexuality” and you say “nothing like that has happened to straight people”. Now… Don’t you think there is a REASON why all these centuries people thought of lgbt+ as abnormal? Do you really think all these BILLIONS and BILLIONS of people that have lived on the Earth for CENTURIES just thought of lgbt+ as abnormal for absolutely NO REASON?!
Again: I don’t hate gays and don’t feel any need to discriminate them, in case you still thought I did after I already told you a hundred times I didn’t.
Look, I don’t justify the fact that people were killed because of whatever they thought they were or liked and I have said that before. I think they should have human (I repeat: HUMAN) rights and that they should be protected by the government in the country they live in (as long as they act normally, of course, but that applies to everyone). So if they’d get abused or they’d beaten up, the perpetrators should be punished! If people want to make decisions or changes to themselves, it’s their problem. That’s why I also wouldn’t hurt or scold anyone who’s – for example – gay. I fact, some of my very own friends are gay and they know how I think about it, but we have no problems with each other at all. So don’t pretend like I’M the one causing others frustration or whatever!
The problem.
And that’s why I think I should clarify myself one more time: I’m not against gay people. That’s their choice. What I am against is the lgbt+ AGENDA that is being executed (and that too is why I definitely wouldn’t support the lgbt+ community and why I openly said that on my account). I’m against the forcing of changing mankind’s morality. It’s totally fine (to me, at least) if you want to have an opinion, but why all that pushy hassle?! And now it even goes far beyond imposing opinions. Entire cities are changed. I know why and I’ll speak about this more extensively later on, but I’ll first finish my respond to what you’ve said.
I believe you are mistaken about your own goal.
You claim that gay pride is all to make sure gay people will have the same rights as straight people, right? I know many people do. Well, let me tell you something: the way you’re trying to achieve that WON’T change the fact that it’s illegal to be part of the lgbt+ community in some countries! Waving rainbow flags, painting rainbow zebra crossings and creating wall paintings of two men (like I have all seen more than once in my very own hometown and much, MUCH more in the capital city of the country I live in) won’t change a SHIT about what’s happening in faraway countries. And I can tell you another thing: in the places where all these changes for lgbt+ people are made, lgbt+ people already HAVE the same rights! So if you REALLY want to change anything in some country on the other side of the world, GO OVER THERE and try to convince them to treat lgbt+ people differently!
More than just normalizing (whether you acknowledge that or not).
But NO. That’s NOT what you all do. You wave all these flags and stuff here for another reason, because – like I said – lgbt+ people ARE accepted by the community in these countries and waving flags won’t change a thing ANYWHERE even IF it hadn’t already been legalized here. You wave these flags, paint these rainbow zebra crossings and create these wall paintings of two men because lgbt+ is already normalized here, but the lobby who created this agenda wanted people to take it much further than just normalizing the lgbt+ community. That’s also why it’s not called gay “normal”, but gay “pride” and why you all celebrated an entire “pride month”. That’s also why I spoke earlier about you all praising, glorifying or even WORSHIPPING the lgbt+ community now.
So DON’T try to convince me…
… that all these rainbow stuff and same-sex paintings are to reduce discrimination of lgbt+ people (which I, for the record, am also against, but I’ve already explained that before), because it’s NOT. It already IS not allowed to discriminate lgbt+ people in these countries and on social media and you guys are NOT trying to change anything in countries where being gay is illegal, because that would be happening over THERE and not over HERE.
About the next message:
Once again, I know (a couple of reasons) why the lobby wants you all to wave rainbow flags etc. etc., but I’ll speak about that more at some other point in the next (extremely long) message, in which I – like I said earlier – will also respond to someone who texted me in a private chat.
So this is where the first part of my message ends. You’ll hear more of me about this some other time…
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justgenshinstuf · 4 years
Could I possibly request some team headcanons for Diluc, Razor, Barbara, and Diona? :pensive:
Thank you for the request! I hope you don’t mind me making a deeper dive into Diluc and Diona’s relationship in this one, focusing a bit on this little scenario I had in mind for them.
Team Headcanons: Diluc, Razor, Barbara and Diona
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Diluc was kind of reluctant to work with other people at first.
He was sure he is competent enough to deal with every mission himself and even thought out a plan to finish the task the Traveler gave them beforehand all on his own.  
Barbara completely busted him when he tried to sneak out of their hideout and lectured him about it.
He stubbornly stated Diona was too young, Barbara not built for fighting and Razor... “He is certainly a powerful unit, but he is feral. He can barely speak for Barbatos’ sake”.
“You don’t talk much ether”. Barbara argued frowning, she was so disappointed in him. “You are not much better yourself. Traveler trusted us on this, so we need to work together!”
Diluc didn’t have much choice at this point. Going on a treasure hunt with a bunch of kids, what is he a nanny or something? He just hoped to get this over with quickly.
Needless to say, he underestimated pretty much every aspect of this situation they were in. If he was stubborn enough to get caught into this by himself there could be a great chance of him not returning back in one piece. This mission required more time and planning, Diluc needed a team.
Barbara is an absolutely extraordinary healer and a true fighter at heart. She won’t hesitate to throw herself into the thick of it to be helpful during combat.
When the battle is over she will be there, her little dress covered in dust, maybe a smudge of dirt on her round cheeks and ponytails ruined, but always with the brightest smile. “We did it!”
She seemed absolutely fearless and ready to do whatever it takes to win, to prove everyone who would judge her solely on her appearance wrong. 
She herself was amazed by what kind of drive she can feel from being an adventurer. She tried to improve her grasp on Hydro Magic everyday, not only for the sake of healing, but for fighting too.  
She may be a bit self-conscious about her powers, but when she gets better no one will dare to say she is not built for fighting.
Dedication to improving her strength aside, her main passion was still helping and healing. Barbara was always a little shining star of the group, trying to keep everyone’s morale up and to prevent quarrels.
She was also the only one Diona let close to herself at first. She kept her distance with Razor and especially with Diluc, her arch nemesis in Wine Business. “Ew, you give me the creeps! I’m only here to help Traveller with the mission!”
Razor tried his best to stay out of conflicts. “The pack must stick together”. But he still had some disagreements with Diluc on how to handle different situations better. Wolf senses against professionalism of a vigilante, desire to keep the group together against reckless self-reliance.  
In reality, Razor wasn’t the only one with the moral high-ground. Diluc’s behaviour was caused mostly by his desire to protect who he thought were too weak for the dangers they were facing, and a bit by his recent antisocial lifestyle.  
In fact, Diluc acknowledged Razor’s outstanding abilities and ferociousness, but still thought of him as a child, too young to deal with the darkness of this world. Same thing with Barbara’s determination and Diona’s agility and senses. “Possessing a Vision is not enough to fight evil”.
Diona was mostly intrigued by her teammates and happy to have them around, even tho she wouldn’t admit it. She would even go out of her way to show everyone the opposite of how she actually felt not too become vulnerable.
A bunch of people too used to keeping to themselves and poor Barbara trying her best to maintain a positive atmosphere. To say the truth, they just needed time.
Pretty soon Diona and Razor discovered their shared love for hunting. Diona still tend to say mean things along the road of “You smell like a wet dog!” or “Stay away, I don’t want to get fleas!”, like an insecure child she was, trying her best to build thick walls around herself.
One time Razor complimented her bow shooting skills and Diona’s little face turned as pink as her hair, little cat-ears twitching in excitement. “Don’t tease me, you mutt!.. You are okay with your hunting too... I guess”.  
She was now looking forward to evenings when Razor would ask her to come to the woods with him. “Ugh, what took you so long! We have boars to hunt!” And with more time they would even come up with a friendly competition of who gets more kills.
Barbara often starts her morning routine with healing their bruises and picking thorns from their hair after the night hunt. Razor especially loves when she uncombs and brushes his hair. “I can do your hair too sometime”. She teases Diluc jokingly. He always politely declines “Thank you, I’m good”.
It is possible to pinpoint the exact time their team dynamic turned to the better - the day Diona didn’t show up for the group meeting. Strangely, Diluc volunteered to go look for her, almost like he had a strong feeling something was off.
When he was almost ready to start panicking he found Diona hiding in a tree. She had watery red eyes and face smeared with tears. Diluc felt his heart think into his stomach. He usually barely knows how to deal with his own feelings, let alone someone else’s.
That was how Diluc first learned about Diona’s situation with her father. He then asked Elzer to do some snooping around Springvale to confirm some details of the story. Master Diluc was shortly informed about head hunter’s unchecked alcoholism.  
“Master Diluc, should I send people to deal with this matter?”
“No need, I would like to have a talk with him myself”.
Uncrowned King of Mondstadt suddenly turning up to his door one late night was a bit sobering for Draff. Diluc gave him a strong gaze, little flames flashing in his eyes for a brief moment. He welcomed himself to the table, taking a bottle of wine from it, spinning it a bit in his hands, examining his Winery’s label with fake curiosity.  
“Would be a shame if Mondstad’s most famous drink made children miserable, wouldn’t it”. He said thoughtfully to himself before sharply smashing the bottle against the floor.
Draff recovered from shock with a slight delay. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?!” He screamed, unable to control this burst of rage, still drunkenly slurring his words.
Red liquid that was now spilled across the floor suddenly inflamed, scaring Draff enough for him to lose his balance and fall backwards, so that hot tongues of spreading fire were now nearly reaching his face. The dark figure of Master Diluc was standing in the epicentre completely unflinched.  
He firmly stepped over bottle pieces, that were now melting into obscure shapes. His shadow was looming over poor drunk, whose face turned completely white, tiny cat-ears laid back.  
“I’m making sure I won’t need to come here again”. The flames went out as abruptly as appeared, leaving no trace of the fire that just broke out in the middle of the room. All of the wine burnt, but not a single floorboard damaged, only a faint smoky stench in the air.  
Diluc glanced over Draff one last time, making sure he made his point clear, before heading straight for the door. “Now let me excuse myself”.
After that fiery visit Draff surely laid off on drinking and Diona’s moods drastically improved, even though she never learned about that incident. She even became a bit closer with Diluc, who would now be much softer with her, trying to do what he can to make her life easier.
He even took her fishing one time, something her father haven’t done in ages. Diluc starting to act more like a big brother to Diona surely made Barbara very excited. “See, Razor, I told you they just needed some time!”
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marvel--3000 · 3 years
Mirage (4/???)
Summary: The Avengers are try to recruit you, but you say run, right into Hydras arms, you have no idea what they did to you in there, the Avengers help you figure it out. 
*AU after civil war, Steve and Tony are friendly, and Pietro is still alive.*
A/N: this is my first thing I’ve ever written, soooo, some feedback would be appreciated, Hi I’ve been gone a couple years, and now I'm back, sorry....
I started writing this a long time ago, so the first chapters suck.... sorry
Pairing: Avengers x mutant!Reader
Warnings: some language, torture
Italics indicate that she is thinking to herself
Summary of last time: 
Bucky’s POV:
“Anybody, this is Bucky, I need immediate assistance, I have a girl down, she’s been shot in the abdomen, she needs Banner to stitch her up.” I say into the coms.
“Hey this is Banner, I'm on my way, is the route safe for me? I don’t particularly want to let the other guy out. Where are you??”
“We’re in the south west corner. She’s bleeding out, I'm coming to you Banner.” I say picking her up bridal style and started running for the door.
You doze in and out of sleep, every time you wake up a little, you are to tired to open your eyes. You hear patches of conversations.
“She's to weak to wake up right now.”
“We need to talk to her, she has vital information.”
You black out again. The next time you wake up, you hear a familiar voice...
“How is she doing Banner?”
“She shouldn't be doing this well, not for a human, she looks like she got shot 3 week ago, but its only been 2 days.”
“Is there anything I can do, I mean she saved my life...”
“Right now, there is barely anything I can do, she's doing it all herself.”
You’re unable to stay awake any longer, and pass out again.
Time skip
The next time you wake up, you are strong enough to open your eyes, and lift your head. You look around and see all kinds of medical equipment. Oh good now what have I gotten myself into, You think to yourself.
You see the door open and a average looking guy walks through, looking at the tablet in his hand, not bothering to glance at you. The man has curly brown hair, and is wearing a blazer and a doctors coat. He’s a cute guy, kinda on the short side. He has an odd power to him.
You clear your throat to get his attention.
He jumps and accidentally drops the tablet in his hand. He whirls around to look at you, his jaw drops and he says;
“Friday please alert Steve and Tony that our patient is awake.” he takes a step towards you, and you tense up. He steps back and puts his hands up in a calming gesture.
“Hi, I am doctor Bruce Banner, I was the one who patched you up after you got shot. Do you remember being shot?”
“Yes.” You say curtly, “Who were you talking to a second ago?”
“Oh Friday, she’s the Towers AI, our artificial inte...”
“Artificial intelligence” you cut him off, “I know what an AI is.”
“Good...” He says while glancing at the door he came through. “I was alerting our team leaders that you are awake, so that they can come ask you a few questions.”
“Why do you keep looking at the door?” Because he scared of you, as he should be.
“Do you know where you are” Why did he dodge my question?
“No, you didn't answer my question.”
“You are in The Avengers Compound we took you from the hydra base you were in.” Took me, what do you mean took me? That is when you finally look over and notice that your arms are chained to the bed, and that you are your natural purple.
“Why the hell am I chained up! Wait, Compound?? I’m in the Avengers lair?!?” Oh shit they got me, they are going to experiment on me just like hydra did. You start to hyperventilate, and shake. 
“Friday tell Steve to get here now!” Bruce barks to the ceiling before rushing to your side. “I am going to give you something to relax, okay?” “You're going to be fine” He says as he pulls out a needle with clear liquid in it.
This only makes you hyperventilate more, throwing you into a complete panic attack, you thrash against your restraints and shift erratically. You scream as the needle goes in your arm. Bruce's face pales as you scream.
The door bursts open to the muscular blond man from the coffee shop, running through, and a shorter brunet man with a goatee runs in after him.
“Bruce what is going on?!?” The blond man says forceful.
“She started breathing hard and shaking, then when I gave her a tranquillizer she screamed and started changing like she is now...” Bruce says while backing away from you.
You continue breathing hard and shifting for a few moments, until you feel the drugs start to work, and you relax, and stop shifting as the cute red head. He didn't try to kill me... Who are these people? Why am I here? Where is the guy I saved?
All these thoughts hurtle through your head as the three men stare at you. You finally notice them blatantly staring at you, and ask, 
“Who are you people? Why am I hear, and what the hell are you staring at?”
They stand there in silence, before the cute blond from the coffee shop says,
“I am Steve Rogers, this is Tony Stark, and I'm sure Bruce has already introduced himself. You are hear because you threw yourself in front of my best friend, before he was about to be shot in the back by a sniper. And because you saved an Avenger in a Hydra base. So understandably, we have a few questions for you, and my friend would have killed me if I hadn’t taken you here for medical treatment.”
I saved an Avenger? These are the avengers? Oh My LANTA! Who did I save? All these thoughts bounce around your head at painful speeds, making you lean your head back.
“Are you okay?” Bruce asks and takes a step towards you to help.
“I’m fine, just a normal headache, to many things happening at once” you say, then look up at him and give him a hint of a smile.
“We will let you rest a little more before asking our questions, but when we do, we expect you to answer all of them. And as for why we are staring at you, you look like a friend of ours.” Steve says to you as he also takes a cautions step towards you.
“Let me guess, Natasha Romanoff?” You guess, remembering the name the man in the trench coat called you.
“How did you know?” The man Steve called Tony asks.
“I’ll tell you later, right now I'm about to fall asleep with my eyes open, so I would appreciate some privacy so I can try and sleep peacefully.” You slurred out with sass.
“we’ll leave you for now, we will check back up on you when you wake up, and hopefully you will be able to give us some answers.” Steve states. He then turns to Tony and motions for him to leave. They slowly file out until its only Bruce.
“Try and sleep well, the tranquillizer I gave you should help, sorry I freaked you out with the needle.” He says giving you a small apologetic smile, then turns off the light and leaves before you can say anything else.
What in the galaxy did I get myself into... If only I had shifted into ANYONE else, I could be back at the coffee shop with Lilly right now, laughing at her dumb jokes. 
Little did you know that shifting into Natasha Romanoff was the best decision of your whole life.
to be continued.
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kuronanox · 4 years
Different views - Kensei Muguruma
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"Stop being so shy and tell him!" Matsumoto encourages (Your Name) as she sighs and grabs a fistful of her hair. "I HATE MEN!" She screams as Kira nods in agreement and Shuhei sit across from them awkwardly.
"GO GO GO OR ELSE ILL TELL MUGURUMA TAICHO MYSELF!" Kira's flush face offers as he slams his hands on the table causing the sake to spill. "Oi! The drinks is expensive you know!" Shuhei lectures catching the small shot glasses in mid air. "WHAT ABOUT YOU KIRA?!" Matsumoto shouts grabbing his shirt and tugging him towards her. "Everyone knows how you feel about Hinamori!"
"Ya ya ya! NOO I don't want my death bed by Hitsugaya Taicho." He crosses his arms as Shuhei attempts to help a very drunk Kira sit up after. (Your Name) just watches the scene and sulks in the corner this night was suppose to be fun but the only ones having fun is Kira and Matsumoto. She sighs and thinks about how her and Kensei relationship turned to friends with benefit rather than a couple as she hoped for.
It was about a year and a half ago, it was the New Years Festival (Your Name) drank to much alcohol on a empty stomach not realizing how fast it was going to hit her. She was lit though, dancing with everyone and making new friends. She was so drunk she attempt to kiss Yumichika and he allowed his cheek since he was probably gay anyways. That's what her problem was, she was so open and lusty when she was drunk.
"Kiss?" She asks Matsumoto as she gave a kiss to her and Hinamori even snatching one from Renji. Of course his face got so red he had to walk away. "(Your Name) you can't go around and keep asking people for kisses." Kensei lectures her and sighs as she pouts and crossed her arms. "You are just upset that I didn't ask one from you." She jokes and he lightly hits her head. "No stupid, I'm not trying to catch anything."
"MY MOUTH IS CLEAN!" She shouted and joined Ikkaku in another round of a drinking game. By the end of the night everyone was pretty sauced and making their ways back to their barracks. (Your Name) saw that everyone was slowly going home and she decided that she needed to head back home or else she was going to black out.
"God damn I can barely stand." She whines using the wall for support looking around for help because everything was blurry. Kensei sets Shuhei and Mashiro in their rooms and goes back to the party to help other members of his squad just in case they were to drunk to get back. As he expected he catches (Your Name) trying to walk back home. "Come on." He offers his hand as she looks up at her captain and takes it. "Captain, I don't think I can walk." She slurs as he clicks his teeth and picks her up so she was on his back. "I guess this is how Yachiru feels everytime she's on Zaraki Taichos back." She half jokes and silently falls asleep on his back.
"Oi don't fall asleep, I don't know where you live." He says and looks to see she is fast asleep, he sighs and takes her back to his place. After placing her on a extra futon he had Kensei makes his own a little further from her.
After a few hours of deep slumber (Your Name) wakes up and looks at her surroundings, it was unfamiliar to her. She turns to her side and sees Kensei fast asleep. "Huh? I guess I blacked out. Awe Captain is going to kill me when I'm in better shape." She shrinks still kinda drunk from a couple hours ago.
'The moon is still high.'
Laying down she scoots closer to Kensei attempting to warm herself from the cold winter night. After a few attempts she couldn't get comfortable and sits up. Going through his cabinets she saw there was extra blankets. "How can Captain sleep in this cold weather!" She says and grabs two. One for her and one for Kensei.
Placing the heavy comforter on him he awakens by shifting around him and he grabs her arms rather roughly. "Ow!" She shouts as his eyes widen. "(Your Name)?" Kensei questions as she rubs her armed that was grabbed from him in his sleep. "Sorry Captain it was cold so I got more blankets."
"Are you still drunk?" He asks because her face was still red and her words still a bit slurred. "Yes, but I am able to function again." She admits, hugging herself from the cold breeze that flew in. Noticing her gesture for warmth he looks to see he only gave her a thin sheet to sleep in.
"Are you cold?"
"No shit Captain!" She rolls her eyes as he knits his brows and clicks his teeth. "Sassy." Kensei says while opening up his spot next to him. (Your Name) stares at it hesitantly before climbing in the cover with him. At first it was awkward because he wrapped his body around hers to warm them up. She was still wide awake and turned to face him.
They stared at each other for a fat minute till she leaned in and placed her lips onto Kensei's rough ones. It was a small kiss till he pulled in and kissed her back in a more aggressive and needy way. Flipping (Your Name) onto her back and climbing on top of her he caressed her sides as her breath hitched from his touch. "Mhn." She moaned into his mouth as he separates their lips and gave her neck some attention. Grabbing a fistful of his hair she moaned in pure bliss as Kensei bit onto her neck as she squirmed by the rough gesture but he held her in place as he sucks the rough patch he bit. "K-ken-Kensei." She moaned out as he groaned in her ear.
"I'm sorry (Your Name)." He says then letting her go as she felt rejected from his warmth and kisses. "Why did you stop?"
"I don't take advantage of drunk women." He says as she shakes her head. "I'm not that drunk."
Kensei looks at her she was beautifully flushed and he couldn't tell if she was lying or just embarrassed. "Are you sure?"
"I'm sure."
(Your Name) cringed thinking about the first night they had sex, after that night they made it official that everything they did was just for their own benefit and they had no relationship status. The first year was fine, they act like nothing happen and it wasn't awkward or anything between them.
Slowly Kensei started opening up to her and even sleeping with her after those sessions they had instead of leaving like he usually did. On some occasion he would invite her over and they wouldn't have sex but just for some  company. A few times they cooked together at his place and watched a few movies he really liked back when he was living in the human world.
It fell apart for (Your Name) when she realize that she was catching feelings for Kensei her captain and the worse part of it was that he didn't return them. He already made it known when they first started that this thing they were doing was for their own individual pleasure.
As time passed by they started learning what each individual liked in bed, luckily for her they both were into rough sex. But recently he was not as rough but more slow and passionate. It confused (Your Name).
"Ugh stop it!" She says walking back with Shuhei back to the barracks. She was on his back as he looked up and questioned what was wrong.
"Nothing! I'm fine!" She reassured as she looks up to see Kensei waiting outside infront of their barracks. "Taicho?" Shuhei says as Kensei sighs and shakes his head.
"(Your Name) how many times I told you to pace yourself when you drink?"
She looks down as Shuhei apologizes because he was also tipsy and not sober. Kensei walks them both home and drops off Shuhei first then (Your Name), she knew he was angry but tried not to show it. "Are you mad at me?" She asks him as he places her onto her bed. "It's fine (Your Name)." He says before leaving her. She sighs and falls down before sleeping.
The next week she didn't talk to Kensei much, he avoided her sometimes and didn't acknowledge her presence half the time. He only called her for training and paperwork but either then that they didn't speak. She was getting upset that he was acting the way he was to her. She wasn't dating him so why was he so upset?
"Can we talk?" She says to him as he went through papers on his office. "About?" Kensei asks raising a brow and crossing his arms now. "You are mad at me." She simply stated as he gave her a straight answer. "Yes I am."
"Well why are you mad at me?" She says staying the obvious slapping her hands into the air looking for answers.
"(Your Name) you realiz-" he started but was interrupted when a squad member barged into the room to say there is a emergency meeting for all captains and vice captains. He dismisses and tells (Your Name) to meet him at his place tonight.
"Ahh!" She moans as he roughly held onto her neck for support as he thrust into her. He came back stressed and upset but before she could ask what was wrong he slammed her against the wall and claimed her mouth with his. Now they were on the bed as he aggressively took out his anger into each thrust as she held on for dear life screaming his name. "Fuck." He says and flips her onto all fours.
"Ken-" (Your Name) says but he ignores her and places one arm around her neck to secure her from moving and pulls her hair with the other free hand he had so she was staring at him as he thrust into her. The sound of clapping turned him on each time their skin slapped as he groaned and she screamed. "Damn." He says as (Your Name) was left with her back arched all the way and her mouth was parted and she looked at him with lustful eyes. 'So fucking beautiful.' Kensei says in his thoughts and chokes her harder as she pleas under him.
"Ke-Kensei I can't." She says as a safe word and he realizes that he was choking her kinda hard as she holds her throat and coughs a little bit. "I'm sorry did I hurt you?" He worriedly asks as she faces him with tears in her eyes.
"You've never been this rough before, what's wrong?" She asks as he felt bad for making her tear up. "I don't know." He admits.
"I don't know if I can do this anymore?" (Your Name) tells him as he sits next to her and places a blanket around her naked body. "What's wrong? Am I being to rough?"
"It's not that, it just.... I've had feelings for you the last few months and I don't wanna keep sleeping with you knowing you don't return the feelings and me ending up with a cold bed every night." She shamelessly admits hugging her two legs towards her.
Kensei doesn't saw a word for a while and says "I was angry at you because you were drunk and Shuhei was tipsy."
(Your Name) looks up confused and tilts her head. "But I-"
"I know you tend to get really touchy with people when you are drunk and Shuhei was also not sober so the thought of you guys doing something made me angry because I also.... I also like you." Kensei admits as she widens her eyes and he looks away from her.
"Why didn't you tell me sooner?"
"Because I didn't know how, I thought you were in it for the sex only, but I started to open up to you and you genuinely were interested and was there for me. Even when I showed my hollow mask I thought you were going to run away from this monster I have in me but you didn't.... I realized then that this was the girl I wanted to be with."
She sighs and leans against Kensei, relief and a smile on her face. "You idiot."
Kensei hugs her bare body and smiles back. "Now that we know how we feel about each other you don't have to feel down anymore." He reassures and gives a small peck on the lips.
"I agree." (Your Name) says and straddles his hips. "So let's continue where we left off at."
"Oh?" Kensei smirks and holds her hips firmly, getting ready for a night filled with adventures.
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OUAT fanfic: “Love Is A Ghost You Can’t Control," M, Killian & Smee friendship
Rating: M Characters: Killian Jones, Peter Pan, William Smee Word count: 4233 Summary:“Killian knew he sounded frenzied, wild, bordering on insane. His outburst was drawing attention from the rest of his crew but he didn’t care. Smee looked like he was trying to crawl right out of his skin to avoid the point of the hook pressed against his jugular.” Set in early Neverland days. As a grieving Killian sinks deeper into the darkness, Smee awkwardly tries to cement his own place on the Jolly Roger’s crew. Warnings: Implied/referenced Hook/Pan non-con but nothing graphic. Accidental self-harm.
(On AO3) || (On FF.net)
The FF.net version is the more family-friendly version, from which I’ve removed the non-con references and most of the “bad” language as well as my little sister has access to my writings over there lol
A/N:  Kind of a follow up to my story For Love And Revenge, but works as a standalone fic as well. I just had some more ideas that didn’t quite flow on from the end of the other story. Title is from Christina Perri’s “The Words.” (go watch the music video for it, if you hadn’t already!)
Love Is A Ghost You Can’t Control
“You will do what I say, Hook,” Pan said, his voice sharp, “Or there will be consequences.”
Killian bristled at the unfamiliar, and unwanted, moniker.
“It’s Captain Jones.”
Pan only tilted his head slightly, one eyebrow raised as he looked challengingly at Killian. He’d appeared on board without warning as the crew busied themselves preparing for the day, and in a moment he had every one of the crew members locked in place with a twist of his hand, although for some reason he’d left Killian free. Now Killian gazed back into Pan’s eyes and there no trace in them of the boy he looked to be. No, this was a demon. Just like the Dark One.
“And I won’t make a bloody deal with you,” Killian growled, pushing aside the flicker of fear growing within him.
“A deal? Of course not, I’m not here to make deals.”
Pan stepped closer to John, and Killian ground his teeth together to hold back his instinctive protest as the demon took the cutlass from the first mate’s hand.
“Here’s how it goes. You now work for me, and you will do whatever I ask of you. And if you don’t, more of this is going to happen.”
Killian never got a chance to ask what Pan was talking about, because in the next moment, he had driven that weapon right through John’s heart. Killian might have screamed. He’s not sure. But then Pan was right in his face and Killian’s own cutlass was half drawn, held back by Pan’s magic.
“That was only the beginning,” Pan said, “You have until tomorrow night to be on that shore, pledging your allegiance to me. And if you don’t… well, let’s just say I’m going to really enjoy myself that night.”
Pan smiled predatorily as he caressed Killian’s jaw in a way that left no dispute as to what exactly he planned to do with the captain if his instructions weren’t followed. Killian’s skin crawled. Then the demon vanished, and Killian nearly fell to his knees as his magical bonds were released. He felt like he couldn’t breathe. Some of the crew quickly gathered around John’s body, but it was obvious the man was already dead. Killian was in disbelief, caught in that destructive place between anger and grief, where your chest feels tight and your throat closes, but you can’t quite cry and you want to scream and fight and break down but none of it happens. So Killian just stood there in frozen silence for too long, until he realized his crew was now looking to him for direction.
They buried John at sea just after midday. Killian forced himself to say a few words. John had been part of the crew from the very beginning, his place as first mate well earned. And more than that, he’d been a trusted friend, helping Killian stay afloat in those first few days after Liam’s death, and then again after Milah’s. He owed John more than he could ever say. It was too much in such a short space of time. Killian could feel himself spiralling, losing control. And the weight of his imminent decision still hovered over his head. How long could he resist Pan and the Lost Ones? Could he, in good conscience, risk his men’s lives by doing so? Pan had already killed John like it was nothing, like John was nothing. Just like the crocodile had killed Milah. And Pan surely had further evil plans for them if Killian didn’t surrender, he had made that clear. Killian internally berated himself for ever coming back to Neverland. Another impulsive decision, exactly what his loved ones had always warned him against.
“Bloody cursed island,” he muttered, taking another swig of rum.
He needed to quieten his mind, just a little, shake off the crushing guilt he’s feeling. He needed to think objectively. He was too emotional right now. His thoughts kept bouncing around from one trauma to another and he couldn’t seem to calm them. The Dark One standing over him in the alley, using Killian’s own sword to pin him down. Liam dying in his arms, Killian screaming uselessly for help. Twice, remember? No, stop. Milah touching his face, whispering I love you. Pan sliding the sword effortlessly between John’s ribs. Stop! And suddenly Killian’s hook was buried in his leg. He blinked at it for a moment in hazy disbelief before yanking it loose. His involuntary cry of pain drew attention, and momentarily there were footsteps on the stairs.
“Captain? Is everything alright?”
No, everything’s not bloody alright.
“’s fine. Go ‘way,” he said instead, and since when did his voice get so slurred?
“You’re bleeding.”
And suddenly Smee was next to him, daring not only to deny a direct order but also to grab Killian’s shoulder. Killian growled and went to punch the insolent man. He missed. Apparently, he was drunker than he thought.
“Sir, please, let me help-”
Killian pushed his chair back from the table and his wounded leg nearly gave out when he stood. God, he’s such an idiot, stabbing himself with his own hook.
“Get out,” he snarled.
Smee didn’t. In fact, Smee was actually calling for assistance now, because Killian had pitched forward and Smee’s probably the only thing keeping him from going all the way to the floor.
“Leave me be,” Killian mumbled at the two - three? He can’t see straight - blurred shapes that come down the stairs.
He shoved hard against the man bracing him and stumbled backward. Smee barely avoided the wildly swinging hook and quickly caught Killian’s forearm before he could make another pass at any of them.
“Sir, if you just-”
“I said leave me!”
Killian managed to pull a bit of strength into his voice but he couldn’t seem to do the same for his body.
“I am your captain. Y-you do as I command.”
He couldn’t even stay conscious long enough to see if they do.
Killian drifted in and out of awareness. His leg was on fire from hip to ankle. He fought against the hands holding him, yelled, spat curses until he fell into darkness again. Then there was a damp cloth on his face, gentle fingers on his jaw.
“Milah,” he whispered.
The touch withdrew immediately.
“No, don’t leave me!”
He lurched upright, biting back a cry as the pain speared through his knee again, and grabbed the arm pulling away from him.
“Take it easy, Captain.”
Smee’s voice was like a slap in the face. Killian dragged himself back to full awareness and shoved Smee away from him.
“Bloody hell. What the devil are you doing, Smee?”
He twisted so his legs reached the floor, and sat there for a moment, holding his head. God, his brain felt like it was going to fall right out of his skull. And it’s likely his stomach would follow shortly after.
“You’ve been a bit ill, sir,” Smee explained nervously, which at this point just seemed like his natural state, “Just rest, alright? I’ll get you some water.”
“No. Get me rum.”
“Captain, I really think-”
“Mr Smee. Rum.”
Smee did as he was told, for once. The rum did no favours for Killian’s swirling stomach, but it did settle his head somewhat. With his thoughts flowing clearer, Killian realized something else and fixed Smee with a dark look.
“Where’s my hook?”
“Uh, we had to take it off,” Smee said.
He looked dreadfully uncomfortable under Killian’s gaze.
“You were thrashing around too much, I thought you might… hurt yourself.”
“Give it back,” Killian demanded harshly, “Now.”
Smee complied. A small voice at the back of Killian’s mind (it sounded like Liam, it always did, though he couldn’t be certain now that he’s even remembering his brother’s voice correctly, it’s been so long) said he should thank the man for cleaning the blood off it. But the words were buried too far down. The hook made Killian feel a little less feeble, a little more whole, and having it removed without his consent was almost more than he could take. He clicked it back into the slot and let the rage consume him.
“I should have you flogged.”
“I-I’m sorry, sir. Please don’t.”
“Who helped you?”
“D-davis. And Baldy.”
Killian pushed himself to his feet and immediately regretted it. There was no strength in his wounded leg, the knee refusing to lock at all. He gritted his teeth and sat back down.
“I don’t think your medical skills are quite up to task, Smee.”
“Sorry, sir. I did my best but the wound was quite deep. It’ll take some time to heal.”
“Let Davis and Baldy know that I’m thinking of an appropriate punishment,” Killian said, “and for you as well. Now get out.”
Smee quickly obeyed. Now alone, Killian took a moment to examine his leg. Of course Smee had actually done a decent job sewing him back together. The man was surprisingly deft with a needle and thread, as evidenced by his work when Killian had torn the stitches on his stump just days after arriving in Neverland. But now more than ever, Killian couldn’t seem to keep his anger in check and most times, he was beyond caring.
Between the infernal cramping of his left hand, which despite being gone for weeks now still found a way to pain him, and the newer throbbing agony in his leg, Killian couldn’t settle. He’d plunged the hook in just above and slightly to the outside of his left knee, and the whole joint now felt painfully swollen and the rest of the leg below it was practically useless. He finally gave up on sleep sometime before dawn and dragged himself up to the deck. There was usually only one man on deck at this time of night, when they weren’t sailing somewhere, and he wisely kept to himself when Killian was in one of his more volatile moods. Which, if Killian’s being honest, was more often than not these days. But the sight of the open sea always soothed him, and tonight was no different. Killian gingerly lowered himself onto a crate, his injured leg stretched out in front of him rather awkwardly, and felt the tension easing almost instantaneously. The soft, cool breeze on his heated skin felt marvellous. Killian didn’t manage to sleep, but by the time the sun rose, he felt much more like himself. He felt like a bit of an idiot though. He hadn’t intended to get so drunk last night but it had been so easy to just keep drinking, keep chasing the numbness. Right up until the moment he’d clumsily stabbed himself in the leg and shattered what calm he’d nearly managed to find. Now Killian stood up and shook off the thoughts, returning to his quarters before the rest of the crew awoke.
Killian’s men took the news that they would all be in Pan’s employ from now on rather well, though Killian didn’t leave them any room not to. Apparently the only emotion he was capable of portraying now was anger. And really, that’s probably for the best, he thinks. He met with Pan on the shore as requested, wanting nothing more than to rip out the demon’s spine. But he couldn’t do that. So he instead he taunted Pan right back, one insult in return for each one Pan sent his way, and although it only served to rile the demon further and Killian paid for it before their meeting was over, he didn’t regret it for one moment. He dragged his battered body back to the ship, where the crew waited anxiously. He brushed them all off and slunk back to his quarters to nurse his new wounds in private.
Pan ordered them to make a “supply run” almost immediately, disregarding Killian’s still-healing wounds. Killian had no choice but to obey. He had to admit though, plundering villages again felt good, and if it weren’t for the pain in his leg and other places he doesn’t want to think about he could almost pretend things were normal. He chased that feeling of normality and calm for hours afterward, standing at the helm, looking over the ocean, picturing Milah at his side.
“Captain. How’s the leg?”
“It’s… better.”
Killian had made a point to be a little more civil to Smee today. The man was only trying to help, although Killian couldn’t quite hide his irritation at having his pleasant daydream interrupted.
“Glad to hear it, sir,” Smee said with a small smile, “And what about your other woun-”
Killian’s good mood evaporated instantly at the reminder of Pan’s actions and Smee hurriedly backtracked at the look on his face.
“I-I mean… I’ll leave you to it, then.”
He practically ran away. Like a coward. Killian growled under his breath and returned his focus to the horizon. He’d been almost excited to come here and thwart the Dark One. Good luck living long enough. Killian was going to make sure he did, but he hadn’t counted on Pan’s interference. He had known the boy – no, the demon – couldn’t be trusted, but the extent of his power hadn’t been comprehended until it was too late.
Over the next few weeks, Killian’s anger only grew. He was desperate to keep his memories of Milah pure, not allow them to be tainted by his own anger. He wanted to think of her only with fondness. Remember the days and nights they shared together. But he found that each time he let his mind wander to her, it got harder to capture those good feelings again. His dreams, not normally pleasant to begin with, had dissolved further into warped horrors. Sometimes he was tied to the mast, screaming for Milah. Other times, he played the role of the Dark One, and it’s his own hand that crushes Milah’s heart. Bloody crocodile. Bloody Pan. He must find a way out of this cursed realm before he loses his mind. Killian’s only consolation is that Pan regularly sends them out to pilfer from more villages, so he can take some of his rage out on the men that try to stop him.
“Captain, the men are tired,” Smee told him carefully, the sun just coming up at the edge of the sea as they come into view of Pan’s island after another raid, “Do you think… maybe you could ask him if we could have a vacation?”
Killian stared at him blankly. Smee’s request honestly caught him by surprise. The rest of the crew knew better than to question him, to ask anything at all from him these days.
“A vacation?”
“Yes!” Smee lost the cautious tone now, misinterpreting Killian’s incredulity for confusion, “I think we’ve earned one. And you look like you could use a rest as much as anyone, just look at the dark circles under your eyes.”
He had said too much, gone too far, forgotten his place. Killian could see the exact moment Smee realised, but it’s too late. Killian lunged for the smaller man, hook at his throat.
“Pirates don’t take vacations,” Killian all but yelled, “They seek revenge. Which is exactly what I’m going to do as soon as I figure out how to kill the bloody Dark One.”
He knew he sounded frenzied, wild, bordering on insane. His outburst was drawing attention from the rest of his crew but he didn’t care. Smee looked like he was trying to crawl right out of his skin to avoid the point of the hook pressed against his jugular.
“Of course. I-I’m sorry, Captain.”
“Know your place, Mr Smee,” Killian warned him darkly.
He gave the pitiful man a rough shove as he let him go, nearly knocking him over. Perhaps it had been a bad idea to give Smee a place on the crew. He’d been nothing but disrespectful and ungrateful.
Days later, he was forced to admit to himself that Smee was right and he probably should have tried asking Pan for a break, although likely wouldn’t have done them much good. Killian couldn’t imagine the demon actually acquiescing to anything Killian desires. But lying on the floor of his quarters almost delirious with fever, he thought he could have at least tried. He was not sure what had caused his illness but stretching himself so thin for this long had almost certainly contributed to it.
“Captain, we’re-”
Smee stopped short. Killian supposed he must look quite a sight lying there on the floor, shivering and sweating and only partially clothed because he’d run out of strength part way through dressing.
“Uh, sir, are you alright?”
Killian barked out an almost manic laugh and dragged his hand over his face.
“Do I look like I’m alright, Smee?”
Smee clearly didn’t want to answer that and Killian didn’t bother waiting for his response anyway, pushing himself clumsily to his feet. The floor didn’t seem very steady today.
“I just came to tell you we’ve arrived at the port,” Smee said.
Bloody hell, the port. If the Jolly Roger doesn’t return with a full hold, Pan will have his hide. Killian reached for his vest, missed, had to catch himself at the edge of the table to avoid another tumble.
“Just a moment, mate,” Killian said, his voice slurring slightly.
He managed to grab the vest this time, pulls it on, goes for his overcoat and that’s when the whole ship tilted, throwing him back to the floor.
“Have we hit some bad weather?” he asked in confusion, trying to bring Smee’s face back into focus.
“Um, no?”
“Is that a question, Smee? Or a statement?”
“I think you should rest for a bit, sir.”
Killian was suddenly too hot and he yanked his vest off again.
“I think… I think that’s a good idea, Smee.”
It’s the first good idea Smee’s ever had in his life, Killian thought, and that struck him as funny. Hilarious, in fact. Vaguely his mind warned him that this was it – the moment Killian Jones finally goes insane.
He’s not going insane. At least, that’s what Smee said, though Killian couldn’t be sure because he’s definitely seeing things that he shouldn’t. Milah, for one thing. She was a ghost, flickering in the corner like candlelight, but sometimes when his mind was at its most clouded, she came close enough to brush her fingers over his cheek. He learned after a few times just to accept it, not to try to return the gesture because as soon as he moves, she disappears. So he lay still and silent and closed his eyes, Milah’s touch soothing his fevered body.
“I’m sorry, Milah,” he whispered.
“Sssh, my love, just sleep. You’ll feel better soon.”
He missed her so much it hurt, a physical ache in his heart. He still had so much to tell her. The crocodile hadn’t even given him a chance to respond to her murmured I love you and now he’ll never get to say it to her again. He tried to take comfort in the hallucination now, telling Milah all the things he wished to but never could before. But other times the tricks of his mind were less pleasing, instead tormenting him with visions of the Dark One or of Pan, and after, when Killian comes back to himself, he’s most often cowering in a corner, throat raw from screaming, and several of his men are trying to wrestle some weapon from his grip. They stole his hook again sometime when he was passed out, and no matter how much he shouted and threatened and cursed, they would not return it to him. They were frightened of him, he can see it in their eyes, and if he’s honest, he’s frightened of himself too. Afraid of the darkness in his soul. When the fever finally broke after who knows how long, leaving Killian exhausted, and ripe with the stench of sweat and sickness, it was only Smee who dares to offer him a row to the shore to bathe in the river that flows nearby. Killian accepted, of course, but it surprised him that after the cruelty he’s shown the man, Smee was still trying to help him. Sometimes during the fever, they’d sailed back to Neverland. Killian wondered briefly who had taken charge and regretted not reassigning the position of first mate. It was a blatant oversight on his part, too distracted by his own grief that he failed in his duties as captain. (That’s bad form, little brother, says Liam.) Not that it mattered, obviously, because we made it back, didn’t we, Liam? Killian felt terribly weak from the illness, and to strip off his clothing took more effort than he would have liked, not helped at all by the awkwardness that is only having one hand. They’d returned his hook again, finally, but it was no use to him in this situation. Killian feared he’d never get used to this, his newfound clumsiness humiliating and he was glad Smee kept his back to him, allowing his pride to stay more or less intact. The water was slightly too cold to be comfortable, but it was refreshing, and the chill was a small price to pay for his cleanliness. Killian quickly finished bathing and returned to Smee. He was running out of energy already, the fever having sapped his minimal reserves.
“Captain,” Smee said suddenly, his voice urgent.
Killian looked up from pulling his leather pants back on to see Pan staring back at him. His pulse quickened in fear, although he carefully kept his face neutral.
“Captain Hook,” greeted Pan with a smile that looked purely evil, “You know you don’t have to redress so quickly on my account.”
Killian’s jaw clenched in barely contained rage, continuing to dress even as his face flushed with embarrassment. He did not want Smee to hear any of this.
“Where have you been? I expected your return several days ago.”
“He’s been ill,” Smee interjected, “But the Jolly Roger’s hold is full, as you commanded.”
Pan seemed as surprised by Smee’s interruption as Killian was. The demon’s attention shifted, and Killian is grateful that he gets to finish pulling his clothes back on without the uncomfortable scrutiny.
“And who are you?” Pan asked, almost childlike in his curiosity.
It sickened Killian. Although to be fair, just about everything about Pan sickened him now.
“Smee. William Smee, but please, call me Smee.”
“Is this true, Hook?” Pan asked, his attention back on Killian, “You’ve been ill?”
Pan stepped closer to him. Killian could feel his façade of indifference slipping as the demon sniffed him, nose so close to Killian’s neck he was almost touching him.
“Well, I believe it,” Pan said, stepping away, “You do reek of frailty today, Captain.”
Somehow Pan knew exactly where Killian’s sensitive points are, mentally as much as physically. Killian would certainly have spoken up about that statement if he’d been alone, but he couldn’t risk Smee’s safety. Not after what Pan did to John.
“Very well, William. It seems you and your captain have fulfilled my order. And you know what? I’m feeling generous today. I will allow you both to return to the ship now and I will send the boys to assist you with unloading.”
“Thank you,” Killian said. Bastard.
“But Hook,” Pan added, his hand pressing against Killian’s chest as he tried to move past him, “I do expect that next time, you will inform me much sooner of any changes to the plan.”
“Of course.”
By the time they boarded the ship again, Killian’s legs wouldn’t hold him up any longer and two of his men had to almost carry him back to his quarters. His head swam, vision going grey, body trembling with exhaustion. They gave him some warm broth to drink and left him to rest. He listened to the sounds of the cargo being unloaded in a sort of daze. The broth was cold by the time he came to his senses.
“Who took charge while I was unwell?” Killian asked Smee, hours later when he felt sufficiently recovered and forced himself to return on the deck.
Smee shuffled awkwardly in place.
“I did, sir.”
Killian couldn’t quite believe it. He looked at the handful of men who were eavesdropping and doing a poor job of pretending not to, and they just nodded and quickly returned to their duties.
“Really? You?”
“Why does that surprise you so much, Captain?”
“You’re just… you don’t come across as a leader, mate.”
And yet all the men had clearly accepted him as such when Killian was indisposed. Smee shrugged, but he still looked worried, refusing to meet Killian’s eyes.
“It just kind of happened. I didn’t mean to. I… I hope I haven’t overstepped again.”
Killian’s mouth curved upwards slightly. It’s not quite a smile, but it’s the closest he’d gotten to one in a while.
“Well, since you’ve already taken it upon yourself to claim the position without my approval, and it seems the crew will accept you as such, I believe I will have to officially call you my first mate.”
Smee just blinked in stunned silence. Clearly he hadn’t anticipated this outcome.
Killian grabbed Smee’s shoulder and turned him to face the rest of the crew.
“Men,” he called out, “I’d like to introduce you to my new first mate, William Smee.”
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kpopbopz · 5 years
min yoongi | careful what you wish for (angst trigger warning)
!!!trigger/angst warning: attempted suicide and harsh language.
disclaimer: this is a work of FICTION; purely meant for entertainment, all texts are fake and does not reflect the personality of min yoongi or any bts member. 
also, if you or someone you love is feeling suicidal or in an abusive relationship, please seek help; I don’t mind talking and giving some advice but understand that I am not always available or a professional. ♥
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You froze in place as you stared down at what you’ve done completely baffled with your suddenly increased capability of clumsiness. You watched as Yoongi’s keyboard malfunctioned and LED lights underneath the keys faded out. You had accidentally spilled a bottle of water all over it and you knew that once Yoongi found out, he would be beyond furious. Namjoon had been a witness to the destruction, surprised he hadn’t caused it himself, but at the same time knowing better not to go near Yoongi’s area of work, and definitely not to bring food or drinks—especially drinks—into the studio in the first place. 
“Oh, no. Yoongi will kill me! Namjoon—what am I going to do?” you questioned as the instant feeling of panic was beginning to settle. Quickly you moved to get the napkins from the bag you brought, pressing feverishly down on the keyboard hoping it would revive back to life. 
“Don’t worry about it Y/n,” Namjoon interrupted your thoughts, “I’m sure he’ll understand that your intentions were good.” He shrugged it off, still knowing that Yoongi was going to react with badly no matter how this looked. “Just buy him a new one and he should be fine, at least it was you of all people, he’ll have to show some mercy.” 
“Okay,” you nodded, still with a distraught look on your face, trying to calculate how much money it would cost and how fast the same version of the keyboard could possibly be delivered to you. “I’ll make it up to him, I swear. Just tell him I’m sorry and that I’ll see him later, and to eat.” With that you left the studio in a hurry; you had to get home to finish up a project assignment for class and to now order a new keyboard for your boyfriend.
It wasn’t until about an hour later while you were just reading up on your research when your phone buzzed; suspecting that it was Yoongi, you read it immediately... 
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You bit down on your bottom lip, quickly responding in order to try to not escalate the situation more than what it needed to. The only thing you wanted was to help your boyfriend, you wanted him to stay healthy considering the long days and nights he was working in the studio; all you wanted was to help.
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Holding your breath, you could only hope that he would accept your apology. He couldn’t be that mad at you for wanting him to eat. Right?
Another buzz.
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You couldn’t help but feel the sharp pain in your chest at his words. You annoyed him? He knew that you were sensitive and you tried to reason with him. Yoongi was supposed to be your sweet and kind boyfriend, he was just saying this because he was angry, that’s all, right?
Sometimes he needed to be reminded where to stop before he crossed the line, so you responded once again.
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You stared at your phone, watching as the bubbles popped up while he was typing. The anxiety creeping in your chest was almost unbearable, hoping that he would understand how sorry you were.
His next message appeared.
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Now he was really hitting below the belt. No feelings of anger surfaced for you, just guilt and sadness. He knew that you had a hard time with your confidence and often times would fall into states of depression because of it. This was mainly because a lot of his fans would deteriorate your character and looks on social media. Constantly berating you with insults and telling you just how much you didn’t deserve Yoongi, that you were an ugly, gold-digging lowlife that should just disappear. 
Usually, he would be the one that would remind you that they were wrong and you were more than that, but now it was as if all of that sweet talk was out the door. He had no remorse for what he was saying and everything he mentioned felt like it was his way of being spiteful.
You responded, wishing that he would just stop already. You didn’t want to make this anything more than what it already has become.
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By this point, he didn’t realize that tears were streaming down your cheeks. Yoongi was throwing all your insecurities right back in your face as if you wanted to be this way. You couldn’t help the fact that you didn’t feel worth his time sometimes, and you felt bad every time you asked for his help. There was no way for you to know that it was bothersome for him because he always led on that he would build you up no matter what.
After your last response, you hoped that this would be the end of the discussion. It wasn’t like he wasn’t going to get a new keyboard from you, so it was completely unnecessary and rather painful that he was lashing out at you without any type of remorse.
The text messages to appear next shattered you into pieces.
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I wish you would just disappear.
His words absolutely destroyed you, turning you into a bawling mess as you sat on the edge of your bed. Water stains hit your paperwork as you reread his last few messages over and over again, feeling the undeniable pain in your chest. He broke you. Of all the people in the world, Yoongi telling you to disappear was the final straw.
You couldn’t help but feel like you were a burden, on him and everyone else that constantly reminded you, no matter how hard you tried to escape. But hearing it from Yoongi, your sugar bear was proof enough that it was all true.
Barely being able to see through your tear-blurred vision, you typed your final response, apologizing and finally deciding to give him what he wanted. 
For you to disappear.
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With that being said, you turned off your phone, letting it fall down to your feet. The only thing going through your head was that he didn’t want you anymore. He couldn’t stand dealing with you and all the emotional baggage he claimed that you brought to this relationship. If he thought that you were that irritating and should just disappear then what was stopping you?
With tear stained cheeks, red eyes, blurred vision, and a broken demeanor, you got whatever strength you had left over to get up and go to the bathroom, searching for the strongest pills you could find.
You wouldn’t be a problem anymore, you would just disappear...
Having already closed the texts after he let out his frustrations on you, Yoongi didn’t see your very last few words to him just yet.
“I can’t believe she would even come in here. She knew that I wasn’t here. God, Y/n knew that I was taking a nap and didn’t need her help,” Yoongi was non-stop ranting to Namjoon, oblivious to just the amount of damage he had caused you because of his blinding rage. “She’s so damn annoying; how am I supposed to get my work done now?!”
“You should relax Yoongi. When she came in here earlier, she really was just checking up on you,” he shrugged it off, handing Suga a notebook and pen, “Besides, you know how clumsy I can get myself, show her some mercy. Use this anger in a positive way and just write down your lyrics the old fashioned way while she gets you a new keyboard. Lashing out on her isn’t the way to go and you know it.”
He did know that, and he was starting to feel terrible about what he said. Even though you frustrated him sometimes, he knew that your intentions were good and taking it out on you the way he did, was indeed going too far. 
Yoongi took a few calming breaths before he was ready to finally apologize and hash it out, given his younger’s wise words. Lifting his phone, he was planning to text you to treat you to dinner tonight, but what he didn’t expect was to open your texts, seeing that you took him seriously in his fit of rage.
“No, no, no, no, no,” Yoongi had an alarm ringing in his head and began to rapidly type on his phone, panic beginning to settle in his chest.
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It had finally started sinking in what he’s done. He slowly stood, phone in his shaky hands, waiting impatiently for you to respond.
“What’s going on?” Namjoon would speak up.
“C’mon Y/n,” Yoongi would mumble under his breath, eyes glued to his phone screen, searching for any type of sign that you were getting his texts, “Please, oh my god.” His fingers would rapidly keep typing, needing to know that you were okay.
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*recommended song while reading: when the party’s over by billie eilish from this point on.*
He waited another moment, re-reading his previous texts and seeing how cruel he was to you and it brought tears to his eyes. Yoongi dialed your number, listening to the endless rings before your voicemail came through. He tried again and again, each ring sending him into a further panic.
“Joon, call 911, now! Send the ambulance to Y/n’s apartment,” his words were practically slurred because of him speaking so fast, however, Joon still managed to immediately do what he was told. “Fuck Y/n, pick up your damn phone!” Yoongi visibly was shaking, he could barely even text you with his hands trembling the way they were in absolute fear of what you could’ve done to yourself because of his carelessness.
“They’re on their way over there now,” Namjoon tore him away from his distressed state for a moment. “Do you need me to co—,” he was cut off once his hyung quickly dispersed from the studio, leaving everything behind except for his keys and phone which was still glued to his hand, quickly sending you another few texts just before getting in the car and heading toward your place himself, needing to know that you were okay.
On his way there, it would be his fifteenth time calling your phone to no avail. Somehow he managed to get there before the ambulance did. Yoongi burst into your place, screaming out for you. In his panic, he searched everywhere he could think of, seeing that your room was left empty. It wasn’t until he searched most of the apartment that he realized the only place left to look was the bathroom which was closed. Upon turning the knob, he found out that it’s locked.
“Y/n?! Y/n, baby, open the door,” he spoke to you through the door, his voice nearly cracking. Upon receiving no answer, he started to bang on the wooden surface standing between both of you. “Open the door! Y/N! Babygirl please I’m sorry, please, open the door, oh god—,” his voice would begin to crack even more than it was already, the worst possible scenarios crossing his mind. Feeling the rush of adrenaline pulse through him at the thought of your limp body, he kicked the door in, finding his absolute nightmare come true.
He fell down onto his knees, instantly cradling your unconscious body, crying above you as he held on tight to you.
“No, no, p-lease, wake u-up, please, y/n,” he would whimper, not paying attention to the distorted sound of EMTs rushing into the apartment. “Baby no, WAKE UP! Please? Please, wake up for me. I’m so so sorry.” 
Yoongi was then forcefully dragged away from you, his face red and being stained with tears as he watched them check over your limp body, not knowing if he would ever get you back, not knowing if he could ever apologize and hold you again in his arms, and kiss you, and tell you how much you meant to him, and how much he didn’t mean it.
He didn’t mean it when he said to disappear, and now seeing that he broke you to the point where you would actually want to leave him like this, broke him too.
“Please y/n..”
part two.
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calpalirwin · 4 years
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Summary: Ashton Irwin thought he had everything he needed in life in the form of his daughter. Funny the difference a choice can make.
A/N: New series!
Content: Nothing too crazy/out of the norm.
Word Count: Just shy of 3K
And away, and away we go!
Chapter 1
“Is this seat taken?” a woman’s voice drawled, pulling me from my thoughts.
“Huh? Oh, no, go ahead,” I said, motioning to the empty seat next to me at the bar. I held my hand up in a half wave to get the bartender’s attention, “Cal,” I called out to him, “little help?”
“Thanks,” she smiled softly, getting comfortable on the seat and rummaging through her purse for her wallet.
“Not a problem,” I half-smiled back, before turning my attention back to my own drink. I took a sip, still not sure what I was doing here, or if I was in the mood for something stronger.
“Can I buy you a drink?” another guy slurred at the woman. “I mean if he doesn’t have the balls to ask, I will,” he further explained, motioning at me. I rolled my eyes and bit my tongue.
“I’m okay, thank you,” she smiled pleasantly at the man before turning to Calum, the bartender. “Jack and coke, please,” she ordered, handing over some money and her ID. From what I could see, it was an out-of-state ID, but I couldn’t see which state. Based on her accent, I assumed some Southern state.
“Wow,” the man whistled, looking at me, “If you’re not gonna hit on her, I am.”
“Or, you could leave her alone,” I suggested firmly. This is why I don’t go out, I told myself.
“Why don’t we let the lady decide?” he slurred again. “What’s your name, darlin’?”
She looked at the man and smiled another polite smile. Then, “I wouldn’t waste your efforts, I’m not interested, but thank you.” She took the drink from Calum and took a long drink, sighing in content.
I scoffed into my drink. Good for you, I thought to myself.
The man scoffed too, “Not interested, you say? Then why are you by yourself at a bar on a Friday night?”
“Trying to enjoy my night,” she said, her pleasantness fading away to a clipped tone. Another long drink from the glass.
“You’d enjoy it a lot more if you accepted some friendly flirting,” he told her.
“I’d appreciate it if you left me alone, now,” she said, trying to keep her voice both firm but polite.
“You know what I’d apprec-”
“Okay!” I said abruptly, turning to face the guy. “The lady said she wasn’t interested. I strongly suggest you listen to her.”
“Or what, tough guy?” he asked, standing up.
I stood up myself, towering over the guy. “Or you’ll have to deal with me.”
He looked me up and down thinking over his choices. He shook his head, grabbed his jacket, and walked out of the bar.
I sighed and sat back down. “Sorry, we’re not all like that, I promise,” I told her.
The anger she had towards the guy turned full force on me, “I didn’t ask, nor did I want your help. I had that handled just fine, thanks.”
“You’re welcome.”
She let out a small scream of frustration. “Ugh! You’re impossible!”
“You don’t know the first thing about me,” I told her.
“Oh, so you don’t have a savior complex? I’m not some damsel in distress. I can hold my own.”
“Just trying to help.” It wasn’t worth getting mad that she was mad. I didn’t know her or her story. But you want to, my brain told me. I shook my head to get rid of the thought. I turned my attention to the baseball game on the TV, the only reason I had agreed to go out in the first place.
“Well, next time, don’t,” she retorted, pursing her lips.
“And sit idly by while some douche says derogatory comments towards you? Can’t do that.”
“And why not?”
“Why don’t you ask my savior complex?” I teased.
This got a laugh out of her, “Alright, maybe I overreacted. I’m just trying to prove that I can take care of myself.”
“You moved this far to prove a point?” I asked.
“The accent. Southern?”
“Good ear,” she smiled.
I shrugged. It was an easy enough accent to detect. “And what possessed you to move from the warmth of the South to the bitter cold of Seattle?”
“Grad school,” she confessed.
I nodded, slowly, “That’s cool.” She had drive, and while I’d never be able to wrap my head around someone willingly subjecting themselves to grad school, I could appreciate the ambition.
She shrugged, “Just prolonging life.” Her tone was almost bitter, like she wasn’t sure whether or not she believed it.
“I get the feeling someone fed you that bullshit line.”
Another laugh, “Bingo!” Then, “So, what do you do?”
“Oh, I’m a cop.”
Her eyes went wide. “Wow, that’s… incredibly impressive.”
I shrugged, “It’s not as glamorous as you’d think.”
“Rough week, huh?” she asked, nodding at my glass.
I laughed, “It’s just club soda. I try not to drink too often.”
She raised her eyebrows, “Girlfriend doesn’t like you drinking?”
“Oh, I don’t have a girlfriend.”
“Not a lot of time,” was as much as I was willing to fess up to a perfect stranger, no matter how pretty I found her.
She nodded slowly, pursing her lips. “Nice tattoos,” she said, changing the subject.
“Thanks,” I said, my left arm self-consciously covering the tattoo on my right forearm. So, where you from?”
“And you moved here for college?”
She nodded, “Yep.”
“Why? I mean, why Seattle?”
“Change of pace. Trying to broaden my horizons and whatnot.”
“And the boyfriend wasn’t a fan?”
She scoffed, “No he was not. Which is why he got bumped to ex-boyfriend.”
“Ah, so now you come to bars to verbally abuse the good guys, huh?” I teased.
“Keeps ‘em on their toes,” she smiled, her eyes dancing.
“Most would say being defensive is a front,” I told her.
“Most would say being secretive is also a front,” she shot back.
I leaned back. She was quick-witted; I liked that. “How am I secretive?”
“Quiet guy at a bar by himself, defender of innocent girls from the regular creeps? You’re right, open book.”
“Not secretive, just uninteresting.”
“Bullshit. You’re a cop. By definition that makes you interesting.”
“My job is interesting. But me? Not so much. Pretty basic stuff.”
“Oh really?”
“Really,” I assured. I finished my drink and drummed my hands against the bar, contemplating my next move. I wanted to get back home, but a huge part of me wanted to stay right where I was. “Um… you got a safe way to get home?”
She laughed a small, short laugh. “Is that your attempt at asking to see me home?”
I shrugged, “In my own incredibly lame way, I guess so.”
She took the last swallow from her glass. “Every instinct is screaming at me, but I got a gut feeling that says you’re one of the good guys. Even if I don’t even know your name.”
“It’s Ash,” I told her, offering my hand.
“Ash,” she repeated, taking my hand and smiling. “I’m Nic.”
“Okay, Nic,” I said, liking the way her name sounded on my lips. “Can I walk you home?”
“Call it an apology for my reckless savior-complex.”
She eyed me carefully. “This isn’t a ploy so you can murder me, is it?”
“Oh yeah, I’m the Barkeep Killer. I get rid of douchebag creeps for innocent girls so they think I’m the good guy. Under the ‘good guy’ guise I offer to walk them home, so I can murder them because the one thing I can’t protect them from is my own bloodlust that can only be tamed by killing.” I couldn’t keep a straight face, and we both started cracking up with laughter. We laughed until our eyes teared up and it hurt to breathe.
“So, you really want to walk me home?” she finally asked after we caught our breath.
I shrugged. “Yeah. Not that it’s not safe, or you’re not capable of taking yourself home. It’s just… I dunno… I’m overstepping. Sorry…” I couldn’t think of a good enough reason to walk her home that didn’t sound completely insane. And she was right, I could be a murderer or some other sort of psycho. I wasn’t, but she didn’t know that.
“No, it’s just we’d literally have to walk. I didn’t bring my car. I only live a few blocks away.”
“Oh, that’s fine. I walked, too. I mean, I have a car, I just left it at home.” I reached for my jacket and stood up, “Shall we?” I asked.
She stood up and slung her purse over her shoulder. She smiled at me, “Yeah, let’s go.”
“Lead the way.”
“Fair warning,” she said as we made our way to the street. “Try anything and I will scream.”
I held up my hands defensively. “You can trust me. As stupid and as crazy as that seems, you can, okay? Like, yeah I can be a jackass sometimes, but I’m a pretty good dude.”
“Are you now?”
“Yeah. Okay, so I have a little sister. A brother to, but that’s slightly irrelevant to this particular story. Anyway growing up the one thing that was reinforced just as much as protecting her, was ‘treat girls the way you want guys to treat your sister. If you don’t want someone to treat your sister that way, don’t treat other girls that way.’ So, I try to look out for the female population as best I can. Cuz all the other girls are someone else’s sister or daughter. And I like to think that there are other guys out there who’d look out for my sister if I couldn’t myself.” I left out the daughter bit of the equation. I learned more times than I could count that dropping the “I have a daughter” bomb didn’t bode well for romance.
“Wow… that’s actually really sweet of you.”
“Golden rule right? Treat people the way you want to be treated. Or in this case, treat girls the way I want guys to treat my sister. Either way, it’s really not a big deal. I’m happy to do it.”
“So, do you walk a lot?” she asked after a small lull.
I shrugged, “I like the exercise.”
She took a step back to eye me up and down. “You must like to exercise a lot…”
I laughed. Admittedly, I was a well-built guy. It was the kind of body a guy built after joining the police force and chasing criminals, and keeping up with a five year old. “I just keep busy,” I half-lied.
“Oh, this is all from being a cop? Bullshit.”
I laughed again, “And walking.” She laughed with me, our laughs echoing off the buildings. “So, tell me something about yourself no one else knows,” I said, trying to make conversation as we walked to her place.
“Hmm…” she thought for a minute. “Alright. Despite the fear instilled in me by double-standards and plain old sexism, I love this time of night. When half the world is settling in for the night and the other half is getting ready for a night out, I feel so… alive. Like I’m part of something bigger than myself, y’know?”
I nodded. “It’s part of why I walk. The world seems almost peaceful.”
“And incredibly cold,” she laughed, breathing into her hands and rubbing them together.
Without thinking, I took my jacket and draped it around her shoulders. “Not used to the weather yet?”
“Yeah, I’ve only been here for a few weeks.” She put her arms through the sleeves before zipping up the jacket.
“And how are you liking it so far?” I asked, draping my arm around her shoulders.
She leaned into me as we continued to walk. “It’s nice. A little colder than I’m used to, but it’s still nice. So, what about you, Mr. Cop?”
“What do you mean?”
“I dunno. Tell me about yourself.”
I shrugged. “I’m a 25 year old cop who likes to walk. What’s to tell?”
“You forgot the part about saving girls from creeps in bars.”
“Only the pretty verbally abusive ones.”
“Pretty?” she asked, stopping to look at me.
“Not… like you’re pretty verbally abusive. Not pretty pretty. Well, you are… but…” I sputtered. Why did this girl make me feel like such a dupe? I took my hat off to run my hand through my hair before putting the hat back on. “Yeah, you’re pretty.”
“You're not so bad lookin’ yourself,” she responded before walking a few more steps, stopping again in front of a large apartment complex. “Well, this is me.”
I let out a laugh as my eyes fell on the address.
“What?” she asked.
“I think we’re neighbors.” I laughed again as I recalled a group of girls in sorority shirts hauling up boxes between fits of giggles a few weeks ago.
Her eyes looked at me, searching my face for an ounce of familiarity. “You’re ‘ladies’ guy!” she exclaimed when it finally clicked.
I laughed for a third time. Anytime I had passed one of them I’d always said a small “Ladies,” as I made my way out to work or came home. “That’s me.”
“I didn’t recognize you without the cop uniform,” she laughed at the sheer coincidence of it all.
“I didn’t recognize you either, so I guess we’re even.”
“Who’s the girl you’re always with?” she asked.
I gulped, wondering which girl she was referring to.
“You know, the tall, pretty one,” she pressed, sensing my hesitation.
I sighed in relief, “That’s my sister. She’s over a lot.”
She reached in her purse to pull out her keys and undid the lock. Her roommates were hanging out in the living room and immediately all their eyes went to me. Then, “Who’s this? Who cares, he’s cute!” came rushing out in a whirlwind.
“Girls, this is Ash. Ash, this is Kayla, Sasha, and Natalie.”
“Nice to meet you, ladies,” I nodded.
The same sense of familiarity flicked across their faces once the word “ladies” left my lips. “Oh! You’re him!”
“Yes. Ash is our neighbor,” Nic explained. “He was just walking me home.”
I nodded again, rocking on my heels. “Yeah, well, I guess my job here’s done. Night ladies. Nic.” I nodded again and turned towards my own door.
“Wait,” Nic called out, closing the small distance between us. “Thank you, Ash,” she smiled before reaching up to kiss my cheek.
“Anytime,” I said, ducking my head to hide my face turning red. I quickly unlocked my door and let myself in.
My sister looked up from the couch, “Wow, I wasn’t expecting you back so soon.”
I shrugged. “Wasn’t feeling it.”
Lauren shook her head, “You’re never ‘feeling it’, Ash. That’s the problem.”
“How’s that a problem?”
“Because you deserve to have a life, Ash.”
“I have a life, Lauren.”
She rolled her eyes. “You know what I mean. Where’s your jacket?”
“Must’ve left it at the bar,” I lied.
“You’re a terrible liar.”
“I met a girl. I walked her home. She got cold. I gave her my jacket.”
“You met a girl?! What?!”
I shrugged. “It’s nothing. Turns out she’s my new neighbor. I’ll get my jacket back eventually.”
“You can’t just casually mention that you met a girl, Ash.”
“Yes, I can. It doesn’t mean anything. I got other things more important than some girl.”
“But what if she’s the girl?”
“Then she’s right down the hall. She still up?” I asked, changing the topic.
“She was dozing off when I last checked.”
I nodded. “You staying? You can have my bed. I’ll take the couch.”
She shook her head, “It’s early and a Friday night. I’ll probably see if Adam wants to do anything.”
I raised my eyebrows. I wasn’t sure I liked the thought of my sister being out with a guy by herself, no matter how much I liked the guy.
“I’ll be fine, Ash. I’ll see ya later.” She grabbed her coat and purse before heading for the door.
“Thanks, Lauren. See ya,” I told her as she pulled the door shut behind her. I made my way down the hallway, poking my head in the bedroom on the right. A night light glowed brightly, casting the bed in a soft glow. I slowly made my way across the dolls and various other toys towards the bed. “Night, Cass,” I whispered, pulling the covers over the little body and kissing her forehead.
“Daddy?” Cassidy’s voice asked, heavy with sleep.
“What’s up, love?” I asked, my voice low.
“You missed bedtime.”
“I know. We’ll go to the park tomorrow, okay?”
“Alright, get some sleep. I love you.”
“Love you, too.” She rolled over and fell back asleep.
I made my way out of the room and into my own. I sighed as I put my wallet and keys on my dresser and got changed for bed. This is why I don’t go out, I told myself for the second time that night. But Nic’s nice, and you wouldn’t have met her if you stayed home tonight, another part of my brain pointed out. Yeah, but how would she feel when she finds out I have sole custody of my five year old? I asked myself. I crawled into bed, my mind arguing with itself and my cheek still tingling from Nic’s lips.
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fanfiction27878 · 5 years
Pairing - Harry Hook x Reader
Rating - PG
Warning - None
I walk down the roads of the Isle of the Lost. The pitch black sky above me. I turn into an alley way going home. As I’m about to leave the alley way, a group of boys come around the bend. They stumble and are clearly drunk. One of them is holding a flask. They see me and immediately walk closer. One of them puts there arm around my shoulder. As I push him off another goes to grab me. I keep trying to push them off when a voice speaks from the shadows. “You better leave the lass alone. Look at her right shoulder.” The drunken guys seem to sober up when they see the symbol on my jacket. They start apologizing and leave.
Let me introduce myself. My name is (Y/N). I’m the only doctor on the Isle. I over see gang disputes and stuff like that ready to treat the seriously injured. If you have a stomach ache though, you go to the witches. There always trying to sell their potions. I have a meeting place. You go there if you need help. My hours are from 9-5. Other than that I’m usually around the Isle looking for the injured in the field. I wear a Red Cross on my right shoulder. I’m untouchable since I’m the only one on the Isle with medical supplies. Every 2 weeks there is a supply shipment and I grab all of the medical stuff because I know how to use it. I have an abandoned house that I take the people who are dying. Not many people have seen it.
“Thank you.” I call to the stranger in the shadows when the men are gone. “No problem.” The stranger says stepping out of the shadows. The first thing I see is the Hook on his hand. So he must be the infamous Harry Hook. I’ve only seen him in a distance when we were younger. I over saw a land dispute between Uma and Mal’s gang. We’re about the same age but I think he’s a year older. “Me names Harry. Harry Hook.” He says with a small bow. At this point we’re only a few feet from each other. I go to leave when Harry says, “You never told me your name.” I look at him in surprise for a second before responding, “People don’t usually ask.” “I did.” He answers shortly. “(Y/N).” I tell him and with that im gone.
I’m at my place by the center of town where people come if they need something from me. It’s about 3 when Harry Hook walks in. “What can I do for you?” I ask him. “We need you to look at a hostage.” He says. Then I can see he brought someone else with him. “Hi. My names Gil.” The other person chirps happily. He must be Gaston’s son. I heard he was a sweetheart. “(Y/N).” I say with a smile. “Now back to business. He seems fine and isn’t complaining of being hurt but you should still look at him.” Harry says. “I have important things to do. I can’t just help someone who isn’t even hurt.” I say. “This person is very important.”
That’s how I find myself on the Lost Revenge. Harry is on one side with Gil on the other. I have a backpack of supplies on my back. We’re walking to the cells. No one will tell me who it is but as soon as I see the prisoners face I start to freak out. “You didn’t tell me you kidnapped the King.” I practically screamed at Harry. He flinched and said, “Surprise.” I just hit him in the back of his head. “Why did you kidnap the King?” I ask Harry as I start to get my medical supplies out. The King then speaks up and says, “My names Ben.” I look towards him and say, “(Y/N). Pleasure.” I then turn back to Harry.
“Well you see Mal is back on the island.” “Mal’s back on the island?” I ask in shock. “Yes. The rest of her gang and the King over here went after her since she ran away.” Before he can continue I interrupt him again, “She ran away?” “Yes. Now if you would stop cutting me off I could finish me story, love. We kidnapped Ben for leverage, lass. Uma and Mal arm wrestled for Ben. Uma one and now they have to give us the wand for Ben tomorrow.” Harry explains. “I’m guessing you want me to go to the fight also?” I ask. Harry nods his head. Gil just stands in the corner I kind of forgot he was there.
“Wait I’m confused. Why would you go to the fight tomorrow.” Ben asks. “I’m the only doctor on the Isle. I collect the few medical supplies that are shipped every two weeks. I’m the only one on the Isle who knows how to stitch wounds, stop infections, and stuff like that. I’m here now to make sure your alright. I also over see gang disputes to help the injured afterwards.” I tell him grabbing my flashlight to see his pupils. “Oh.” Ben says in understanding.
“Hey Gil. Can you help me out?” I ask him. Gil jumps on the offer happy to be needed. “Ok. I need you to grab me cotton swabs and bacterial disinfection.” I saw seeing the cut on Bens forehead. “So why would he be hurt?” I ask Harry. “Well to knock him out I hit him in the head with my Hook.” Harry says. “Idiot.” I say under my breath. Gil comes over and I disinfect the wound. I also wipe away the dried blood.
“He needs stitches.” I tell everyone. “Harry hold this flashlight so I can see the wound more. Gil grab me the needle and thread.” I order. “This is going to hurt. You should be fine. Harry give me your shirt.” I say. Harry looks confused but takes off his shirt. I ring the shirt and say, “Here bite down on this.” I thread the needle and Ben bites down on the shirt. 20 minutes later all the stitches are done. “Ok. Your done with the stitches. Don’t scratch at them or they’ll break. Now I just have to check for a concussion.” I tell them after I put a bandaid on Bens cut.
I motion for Ben to stand up. “Do you have headaches, memory loss, nausea, blurred vision, emotional outbursts, slurred speech, or dizziness?” I ask him. Ben just shakes his head, no. “Ok. Now I need you to walk in a straight line with your hands on your head.” I tell him. Ben does is perfectly. “You seem fine. Just make sure to put bandaids in your cut everyday and put disinfectant on also.” I tell him. “The trade is tomorrow at 11.” Harry says. I nod in understanding. “Bye (Y/N)!” Gil says happily. “Bye Gil. I hope you don’t die tomorrow Ben.” I tell them. “Wait who’s team are you on?” Ben asks. “No ones. I’m neutral. I help both sides but only with the wounded.” I tell him before leaving.
Harry walks me back to the little hut by the center of town. “Thank you.” Harry says as we get there. “No problem. Good luck tomorrow. I hope you guys get us off this island.” I say even if I’m supposed to remain neutral. Harry nods and then leaves. I grab all of my medical stuff knowing tomorrow was going to be a long day.
I got to the ship by 11. I had all of my medical stuff on my back. I sat on the sidelines. Uma gave me a nod of acknowledgement that I returned. Gil happily said, Hi. Harry just sent me a small smile before returning to work. At eleven sharp Mal’s gang shows up. I see Carlos, Jay, Evie, Mal, and some new girl. She’s clearly from Auradon because I know everyone from around here.
I watch as they perform a song and dance. That’s something I learned from over seeing some of their fights. They sing and/or rap before hand. They even dance. Let’s just say their pretty good. How they practiced that I don’t know. After the song they each demand the other side of the bargain. Soon Uma is handing over Ben and Mal is handing over the wand. Uma tried to cast a spell while Mal tried to run away. When Uma snapped the wand in half all the pirates ran toward.
I was very disappointed that Mal lied and we aren’t getting off this island. I put that behind me because I have to stay neutral and help anyone in need. I see the new girl fall the floor a wound down her leg. I immediately run forward and stand in front of her putting my hands up. The guy who injured her went to hurt her again. “You know the rules. She’s injured and down. She’s in my hands now you can’t touch her.” I tell him. He disregards me and goes to hurt her. I grab the girls sword from where it is behind me. I clank the sword against the pirates. I push him back and then kick him in the chest sending him to the ground.
The pirate leaves and I go to assess the girls injuries. “Oh my Hades. Are you okay, love? I’ll kill that guy.” Harry says running up to me. He must have seen me take in that pirate. “I’m fine. I can handle myself. Now I think Jay needs a fighting partner.” I say pointing to Jay about 10 feet away just take on a pirate but needing another one to fight. I turn back to the girl. “Who are you? Whose side are you on?” She asks. “I’m (Y/N) and I’m neutral. I’m the doctor. I make sure no one gets killed.” I tell her this seems to calm her down.
I grab disinfectant and wrap for the wound. “What’s your name?” I ask the girl. “Lonnie.” She answers. “I’m guessing the daughter of Mulan.” I say. She nods to say I’m right. “You did good. Your a good swordsmen. I mean you should probably spread your feet out more and stagger your right foot in front.” I tell her. “You can sword fight?” She asks in surprise. “Of course. I over see all the gang wars you need to know how to handle yourself.” I respond. After a few more minutes I wrapped up her leg. “All done you can fight now.” I say. She nods in thanks and I’m on to the next injured person.
The smoke bombs go off when I’m helping a pirate who got hit in the head with the end of a sword. I bench him and stand up to see Jay throw Harry’s hook into the shark infested waters beneath the ship. Luckily sharks don’t usually bite humans. What I’m worried about is Harry getting hypothermia. Before I can get to Harry and bench him Uma’s already helping him up. They go after the other gang again. Mal and everyone else get away and Uma goes below ship.
I look around. There’s one pirate sneezing probably allergic to the dye in the bombs, another pirate has a nose bleed, a girl has a small gash on her leg, Harry’s already sneezing and shaking, while Gil is nursing his shoulder. I go to Harry first. “Idiot.” Is the first thing I say. He just flashes me a cheeky grin. “Take off your shirt and put this one on.” I say throwing him a shirt I had. I also give him a blanket and some tissues.
“Come on you can help me with the others.” I tell Harry walking towards Gil. “Hey (Y/N).” Gil says his smile faltering when he moves his shoulder. “Hi Gil. I saw you fight. You did really good. But now I need to pop your shoulder back in place. It’s going to hurt but I have something to help you.” I tell him. I start to rummage through my bag and then pull out a lollipop. “This is a magical candy from Auradon. It’s really rare on the Isle. They only came in with supplies once and I managed to grab them. There called lollipops. You open it then suck on them.” I tell him.
Gil’s eyes immediately light up at magical candy. I hand it to him and he immediately starts to eat it. “Ok Gil how do you like it?” I ask him. “Oh. It’s so good. It tastes like what I think strawberries would taste like. It’s sweet. Is there more in Auradon. I want to go to Auradon.” During Gil’s ramble I pop his shoulder back in place without him noticing. “There you go Gil all done. I hope you get to Auradon one day you deserve it.” I tell him standing up. “Thanks (Y/N) your right this candy is magical.” I chuckle at his child ness before moving onto the girl with the leg gash.
“Grab me my disinfectant and wrap.” I tell Harry. He grabs it and then says, “That was really nice. What you did for Gil.” “Gil’s different and shouldn’t be treated like villains with the rest of us.” I tell Harry’s with a small smile that he returns. We went around to all the other injured people. Harry helped out and an hour later I was ready to leave. “Ok. So make sure if anyone else is getting allergies to come find me. Or if any stitches come undone.” I tell Harry before he walks me home. “Thank you for your help out there. A lot of good pirates would have been way worse.” Harry thanks. “No problem, thank you for walking me back.” I say and give him a small kiss on his cheek before I’m gone.
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softestvirgil · 5 years
Let The Flames Begin
Chapter Five 
Virgil has a confrontation with an enemy and makes a terrifying decision
Genre: Alternate Universe
Rating: PG
Pairing(s): Side Logicality, Implied Prinxiety
Word count: 2561
Warnings: Cursing, Bullying, Physical abuse, Homophobia/Homophobic slurs, Unconcentual touching
Let me know if there’s any more I should add!
The next day was Friday, and the weekend was so close. 
Just within reach.
Virgil woke up to his alarm with a start, after having the same nightmare he'd had for the past several years since the accident. He then sat up and looked at himself in his wall mirror. His hair was all messy and standing up and the scar on his face was right there, out in the open.
Virgil stared at it for what felt like far too long, but was probably only a few moments, and then snapped back into reality and got ready, hiding it as he did all other signs of what happened. The reminders were too painful.
When he went downstairs, it was just Roman, and it wasn't that he wasn't happy to see him, but he wondered where Patton was.
“Where's-” Virgil started but was cut off by Roman.
“Shhh! Logan slept over, and he and Pat still aren't awake yet,” Roman said, placing a hand over Virgil's mouth, and breaking his personal space in the process.
“Move your hand or I will bite it,” Virgil murmured, muffled by Roman's hand.
“Got it,” Roman replied, moving his hand and also moving across the room.
“So your parents don't know?” Virgil whispered to which Roman replied with a head shake.
Virgil's eyes went big. “Did they…”
Roman made a face of disgust. “Ew! I don’t know! Maybe!”
Virgil chuckled whilst pouring himself some cereal. “Alright man, sorry I asked… but what about Logan's Mom?”
Roman sighed. “Logan's Mom doesn't know Patton lives here so she thinks he was having a sleepover with us,”
Virgil smirked. “Ah,”
Then the two boys came downstairs as if on cue, holding hands as they usually did, and beaming as if today was the greatest day ever.
“What's up?” Virgil asked the couple as they sat down at the breakfast bar.
“Oh, you know…” Logan trailed off, unable to formulate a sentence.
Roman looked at them. “Oh my god... you did…”
Virgil choked on his cereal and began laughing hysterically. He wasn't sure why he was laughing but he just found it really funny.
“Dude, don't die,” Roman said, looking at the mess that was unfolding before him. He would have been lying if he said he didn't worry about Virgil. He just felt very protective of him for some reason.
Virgil was coughing like crazy now, and breathing super heavily and Roman's worry spiked.
“What's the joke?” Logan asked, genuinely not understanding what was going on.
“Nothing!” Roman and Virgil yelled in unison, and then Roman joined Virgil in his giggle fit.
“Good Morning, boys!” Roman's Mom greeted, and all of them regained their composure.
“What's Logan doing here?” She asked, smiling at him kindly.
“He uh, he's carpooling with us,” Roman lied.
“But he has his own-” She started and was cut off.
“Bye, Mom! We gotta go, talk later!” Roman shouted and they all ran out and got into Roman's car.
“That was close,” He announced.
Virgil sighed sarcastically. “Ya think?”
“Listen, if my Mother finds out she'll ground me until College,” Logan said. “So, please try your best to keep this under wraps,”
“Sure, whatever you say you, crazy kids,” Roman winked.
Logan rolled his eyes and Patton just smiled and laid his head on his shoulder.
When they made it to school, the first few hours went by so quickly. Once his last class ended before the free period started, Virgil was excited to finally go find the others.
He was just walking to the Library, where they were supposed to meet when Nate passed him and pushed him to the ground.
“Hey, fire-boy,” Nate sneered.
“Fuck off,” Virgil hissed at him raising a fist.
Nate laughed. “Oh... I'm so scared. I'm shaking in my boots!”
“What do you want?” Virgil grumbled,  getting up and dusting himself off.
“Leave Roman alone,” Nate said blankly.
Virgil blinked in confusion. “I live with him, how can I-”
“Move out,” Nate told him.
“Is that a threat?” Virgil asked smirking at the idea that this guy thought he was threatening in any way. He was clearly forgetting the time Nate beat the crap out of him.
“No. It's a warning. You are a psycho who killed your whole family, and if you cared about Roman you'd get out of there,” Nate stated, thinking he was some sort of genius and that he was hitting a nerve.
Virgil stared him down, unaffected. “I'm not scared of you,”
Nate was inches away from Virgil's face now. “You should be scared of yourself,”
Virgil breathed in Nate's face. “Bite me,”
“Nah, I'll just have them do it for me,”
Then Nate's friends came out of nowhere and ambushed him. Kicking him to the floor and beating him into a bloody pulp.
He had no way to fight back because they had his arms pinned down, but he was too weak to even summon his fire now regardless.
Nate chuckled. “Aww what? Poor fire-boy can't defend himself? Boo hoo!”
Virgil coughed up blood once they stopped. “Why do you want me gone so bad? You don't even know me,”
“Because before you got here, we almost had Roman ready to ditch those useless faggots, and now he's back to where he was before,” Nate explained. “He belongs with us, his team,”
“Their names are Patton and Logan,” Virgil stated sternly and was surprisingly intimidating for someone who was laying on the floor in a pool of his own blood.
“What did you say to me?” Nate asked, clenching his fist.
Virgil got up. “I said. Their names are Patton. And Logan,”
“How did you-” Nate started and then Virgil opened up his palm and they all bolted. No fire came out because he was too weak to make it, but just the action of him opening his hands was enough to scare the bullies away.
How did he get up? He had no clue. He knew his pain tolerance was affected by the accident, but it somehow still shocked him every time.
He then collapsed to the ground again.
“What happened?” Roman asked as he ran up, a horrified look on his face when he saw Virgil. The guy was covered in blood and was bruised head to toe.
“I-” Virgil went to say something but before he could Roman picked him up and scooped him in his arms like he weighed nothing.
“It's alright. I've got you,” Roman said, walking toward his car.
Virgil was shocked. “What're you-”
“Mr. Prince, you cannot just leave,” A teacher yelled at him from the office.
Roman sighed exasperatedly. “He's hurt so I'm going to take him to the- What are you doing?”
Virgil was wiggling his way out of Roman's arms. He then fell and rolled on the floor before running the other direction.
“Where are you going?!” Roman yelled, confused as all hell.
“I am not going to the hospital, I'm fine!” Virgil screamed and ran out the back door of the school. He then sat down on the pavement and breathed heavily.
It was humid out and rainy as usual, but today there was a nice breeze that came and went every so often. With the birds chirping in the distance, the scene felt almost relaxing.
After a few moments, Roman came out to join him. Breathing even more heavily than he was.
“What… even happened?” Roman asked, huffing and resting himself against the wall.
Virgil looked out at the rustling trees in front of him, rather than at Roman. “I got beat up again by your old homophobic douchebag buddies,”
Roman raised an eyebrow. “Wait, what?”
Virgil sighed. “They uh, they called Patton and Logan a… terrible word and I am resisting the urge to burn their houses down so I uh, I'd rather not talk about this anymore,”
“Oh… okay,” Was all Roman said before sitting beside him.
They sat there in silence for what seemed like an eternity, but Roman broke the silence.
“You scare the shit out of me, you know that, Virgil?” He said, looking at Virgil, who was still looking forward.
“You really care, don't you?” Virgil made it seem like he was directing that question at Roman, but he was more just thinking out loud. He had forgotten what it felt like for people to genuinely care about him ever since his parents died, and it was such a weird feeling.
Roman blushed. “I do. I know it's rather silly but I uh, I wanna keep you safe,”
“I can take care of myself,” Virgil defended.
“Oh, trust me, I know,” Roman said with a laugh. “I just, I don't know…”
Virgil met Roman's eyes for a moment, and as he did so Roman moved in closer and began to lean in, but as he did, Virgil pulled away.
Virgil didn't want this. He didn't want their friendship to get ruined. He didn't want to hurt him. So why did pulling away, hurt so bad?
“We should probably get back inside and find the guys,” He said, awkwardly getting up.
“Oh… yes. Of course,” Roman was a gentleman about it, but Virgil could tell he was hurt.
They then went to the library where they were meant to meet their friends, and Roman explained some of what happened. Leaving out the bit about them in case it upset Virgil again. They were used to hearing words like that since they were pretty open about their relationship, and high school kids were assholes, but Virgil cared about them and hearing someone say something like that really stung. It stung more than anything they said about him.
When the teachers saw Virgil they forced him to go to the nurse again and she just shook her head at him for refusing to tell anyone else who did it and not going to the Principal, but she wouldn't snitch because if Virgil really didn't want it out there that was his choice.
After school that day, Logan had to go home because his mom wanted him to stay in, so the group parted ways with him and went back to Roman's place.
“Hello boys,” Mr. Prince greeted but was shocked to see the state Virgil was in. “What happened?”
“Oh, he uh, he got beat up,” Roman said and received a look from Virgil.
“What? You did…” Roman murmured.
Mr. Prince's eyes widened. “By whom?”
“Not important, sir. I'm fine,” Virgil told him. He really felt fine, but he looked like death.
“You really are just like your father,” Mr. Prince snickered.
Virgil's eyes went big. “My- father?”
Mr. Prince smiled fondly. “Oh, yes. He was so stubborn. Never wanted to admit when he needed help. Tough as an ox. Your Dad, he was extraordinary,”
Virgil smiled slightly at the thought of his Dad. He always wondered if his Dad was like him, and that one of them was the reason for the accident, rather than the fire causing his powers to manifest. He had to know, and who better to ask than his Dad's best friend.
“Could I… ask you a question… about my Dad?” Virgil asked Mr. Prince, and he nodded, gesturing for him to follow him up into his study.
Roman went to follow but Patton held him back. “Let them talk alone, kiddo,”
Roman frowned because he knew Patton was right. “You know… it's weird you calling me kiddo when you aren’t my Father, and I am older than you, right?”
Patton smiled. “Yeah, but I’m smarter,”
That caused Roman to laugh and Patton laughed right along with him.
At Mr. Prince’s study, Virgil hesitantly stood in the entrance, looking inside.
“Come in Virgil, I don’t bite,” Mr. Prince said, gesturing for Virgil to sit in an armchair that was beside his desk.
The study was small but cozy. Its walls were painted dark red, and accented by gold and brown, unlike the rest of the house which was the opposite.
He sat down in the chair and fiddled with his zipper nervously.
“So, Virgil, what did you want to talk about?” Mr. Prince cut to the chase.
“I uh…” Virgil started, taking a deep breath. “I wanted to know if my Dad had any… powers?”
Mr. Prince smirked. “Powers, you say?”
Virgil gulped. “Yeah like uh, like superpowers, sir,”
“That is why I took you in,” Mr. Prince said, smiling still, with tears in his eyes.
“Wait, what?” Virgil was in shock.
Mr. Prince sighed. “I knew it. I knew you were just like him, and I promised that if anything were to happen that I would protect you,”
“What do you mean by just like him?” Virgil pressed.
“Well… you have the fire, don't you?” Mr. Prince asked.
Virgil's breath hitched. “I do… I thought the accident caused it to happen, but recently I have been suspecting that I may have been the cause of the accident,”
Mr. Prince paused thoughtfully for a moment. “Well, there is no real way of knowing that, but even if it was your powers caused it, that is not your fault since no one ever told you,”
“I guess…” Virgil trailed off, looking away. He wondered why his parents never told him, and wondered if his Mom even knew. What other secrets were they hiding from him? If they could hide something like this, it was possible there were more things they had hidden away.
“Your Dad would be so proud of you, and so happy to see you and Roman getting along so well. We always hoped our kids would be close, but life got in the way,” Mr. Prince told him, with a sad smile on his chiseled features.
“Yeah, Roman's cool,” Virgil admitted, feeling a pang of guilt about earlier.
“So, since you have the powers, you need to learn how to use them. I have a cabin you and the boys can go to for the weekend that has over 20 acres of land that you can use to practice. It's where your Dad learned to use his powers,” Mr. Prince offered.
Virgil was very shocked by his offer. “Yes, thank you, sir. That would be perfect,”
“Oh, please, call me Richard,” Richard insisted.
“Alright, thanks, Richard,” Virgil chuckled, getting up and leaving respectfully.
He then ran down the staircase and to the rec room, where Roman and Patton were, and told them the news.
“That uh, wow. Why is my Dad cool all the sudden?” Roman wondered.
“He said I can call him Richard,” Virgil flaunted proudly.
Roman was taken aback. “What? Not even my Mother calls him that,”
Virgil grinned. “Yeah, well I guess I am pretty special,”
“You are!” Patton said, smiling widely. “I just wanted to contribute,”
“You're doing great, buddy,” Virgil told him.
“So what now?” Roman asked.
“We tell Logan the plans, and hope his Mom lets him come,” Virgil responded.
“I hope he can…” Patton thought out loud.
“I just hope if he comes he stays back when I tell him to,” Virgil said, which caused the other two to laugh.
“It wasn't funny!” Virgil yelled.  
“Eh, maybe not then… but it's funny now,” Roman stated through his laughs.
“It's really not,” Virgil said, stone-faced but then the laughter of the other two grew to be contagious and he couldn't help it. “Damn it,”
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ijustwant2write · 4 years
An Unforeseen Future-Hvitserk Ragnarsson x Reader (Part 6/?)
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Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5
Prompts List
Tags: @littlemessyjessi @hains-j @cliffdidanelvis @satsuma-livewasp-nightmares @miss-artemis-wild @thoughtsmeander2tumblingblindly @millie67 @absolutelynoregretsonlychoices @the-loud-and-crazy-rabbit-pirate @mysticalfairytales @snowblazeblack @darkwolfpeanutskeleton @thatchampagnebitch @thiahilmarsdottir @mzliterarydreamer @newlifeforus@x-valhalla @jazzycasino @blonddnamedhandz @enchantedbones @severewobblerlightdragon @sad-letter @pieces-by-me @squids-for-knees
Summary: (Y/N) is stuck as Hvitserk stalks after Bo, and she is sure that he is intent on killing him. It seems that there is no possible way out, there is nothing that she can do to save him.
Characters: Hvitserk Ragnarsson x Reader, Harald Finehair x Reader (platonic)
Meanings: (Y/N)=Your name
Warnings: Mention of blood, killing, death, false imprisonment, swearing, drugging, manipulation, threats
“Hvitserk!” I screeched, hurting my throat as I continued screaming at the top of my lungs.
My wrists were red raw from struggling against the rope, and I felt like I had pulled the muscles in my shoulders after thrashing around so much. With nothing near me to cut the ropes, I was truly trapped, with no way of getting to Bo. Even if I stepped foot outside, Hvitserk surely had his guards on strict orders to lock me up again. I had never seen Bo fight, I had no idea how good he was; even if he won against Hvitserk, his men would go straight after Bo for killing the prince.
I heard the front door open, but it couldn't be Hvitserk and Ivar, they wouldn't be back so soon. Falling silent, I heard footsteps approaching, tensing up when a guard entered the room.
"Stop screeching. You're pissing us all off." he snapped.
"Go retrieve Prince Hvitserk, he's about to do something incredibly stupid!" I urged.
"Like I would listen to you."
"I-I'm still the princess!"
“Oh, so now you want to class yourself as royalty? Well, your highness, would you please shut up?” He mockingly bowed.
I groaned.“Why can’t you see that Hvitserk is about to kill an innocent man because he is jealous? It’s ridiculous!”
“Many men kill each other to keep their women.”
“He’s not keeping me.”
“You seem to be kept here.” he gestured to the rope.
Looking up at my hands, I had an idea.“Look, I’ll shut up if you untie the ropes. Please, I’m not going after him.”
“Oh, is that so?”
“No, because I’ll never make it past any of you. Have you seen my wrists? The skin is cut, I’m bleeding. I just don’t want to be in pain anymore.”
He stepped closer, looking sympathetic as he glanced at my wrists (where blood was trickling down my arm). Now stood beside me, he leaned down, looking as if he was reaching for his sword. Yes, he was foolish just as I had planned, the idiot was going to let me go!
“If you stop moving about, it wouldn’t hurt so much.” he smirked.
I frowned at him.“Fuck you.”
The man said nothing as he left, but from the way he walked, I could see that he was pleased with himself. Slamming the front door shut to make a statement, I felt a horrible overwhelming feeling build up, a lump form in my throat before I started crying. My shoulders ached as they shook, tears running down my neck as I couldn’t wipe them away. Bo was going to die, I couldn’t do anything to help him. I was useless! 
Hours had passed since Hvitserk left, and the exhaustion from crying, struggling against my binds and fighting with Hvitserk had made me fall asleep. No sweet dreams visited me. I was sluggish as I woke, hating the painful feeling in my arms; however, the sight before me was what I truly loathed at that moment. Hvitserk was sat on the edge of the bed, hand on my thigh as he quietly called my name, he was the one to wake me.
“(Y/N), (Y/N), wake up.”
I jerked away from him, wincing as I unintentionally moved my arms.
“Try not to move, you’re going to be sore.”
“Please Hvitserk, I am in so much pain.” I cried again, my throat hoarse.
“Sh, here,” he reached over for a cup on a small table beside us, bringing it to my lips,“you must be thirsty.”
Moving my head away from him, I kept my lips closed, not wanting to take anything from him, despite desperately needing a drink. He had a smile on his face, even as he grabbed my cheeks with one hand.
“Come now darling, you must be parched. I just want to look after you.”
Having had enough of me, he pinched my nose blocking off any air to my lungs. Trying hard not to gasp, my eyes watered as I held on, though I knew I would have to take a gulp of air at some point, and so did he. With my lungs hurting, I attempted to subtly take in a breath of air, but of course that didn’t work. I choked and coughed as he poured the drink down my throat, spitting some out.
“What did you give me?”
“It’s alright, it’ll help you.” he stood, leaning over me as he began untying the rope. His hands were stained red, making my eyes widen.
“Y-you’ve killed him...you killed Bo!” I snapped. 
“Hush now, you’ll lose your voice.”
As the ropes loosened, my arms slowly fell down, the muscles stiff from being in the same position for hours. Despite the pain, I attempted to lunge for him, but somehow I wasn’t in control of my limbs, making me fall off the bed. Hvitserk chuckled as he caught me, lying me down on his lap, cradling my head.
“What...” my words were slurring.“What did you give me? Hvit...Hvitserk...help.”
“It’s to help you sleep. You’ll need your strength for tomorrow.”
I wanted to ask about tomorrow, but could only moan, words unable to form. Although my mind was screaming at me to fight, my body had shut down. He drugged me, he had a plan for me that he needed me to be asleep for, and I was petrified what was going to happen. As my body shut down again, eyelids heavily closing, I felt him stroke back my hair, flashes of his red hands being the last thing I saw.
“She’s waking up.” 
The sentence was muffled, I couldn’t figure out who it was. My eyelids struggled to open, I rubbed my eyes, ignoring the ache in my muscles. With my vision still blurry, I went to speak, but my throat was too dry. Swallowing thickly, I cleared my throat, finally able to make out my surroundings. Two thralls stood at the end of the bed I was lying on. We weren’t in the cabin given to us when I first arrived, this one was different, more grand.
“Where am I?” I mumbled, trying to sit up when I felt a tightness in my chest. Glancing down, I realised I was in a dress.
“Please do not rush princess, you need to take things slow.” one of them said, hesitantly approaching me.
"Why am I in a dress? Who put me in a dress?"
"We did, we were ordered to by Prince Hvitserk."
My eyes widened."Why?"
They glanced at each other."F-for the feast."
"What feast? I'm sick of asking questions!" I winced, my head hurting as I raised my voice.
"The raid is set to take place in a few days. And it's also a celebration of your reunion with Hvitserk, everyone was worried about you."
I sneered at them, they understood they needed to elaborate.
"Prince Hvitserk set out to rescue you, after your kidnapping."
I groaned, rolling my eyes at the story. Of course he was telling lies, he had to make up a story to make him look like the hero. I was in a deep blue dress which had embellishment around the off shoulder neckline; it also had long sleeves, he knew he had to cover up my cuts.
"You're currently in King Harald's home, his room. The feast will take place here too."
I sighed."And when is this feast?"
The thralls helped me to my feet, testing out whether I could walk by myself. I was slow, and I felt like I had been through a whole day and night of training. Dismissing them, I looked at myself in the mirror, wishing that I wasn't wearing such a beautiful gown to a miserable event. Thinking about who would be there at the feast, I remembered what I saw before I passed out; Hvitserk's bloodstained hands. Bo wasn't here, not any more. I couldn't fathom the idea of him being dead. Staring at myself in the mirror, I didn't see myself, this was the (Y/N) Hvitserk wanted. The good, little princess of his, his obeying wife.
"Oh, you look beautiful (Y/N)." I heard Harald's voice as he entered the room.
I frowned at him."I can't go in there."
"Come (Y/N), you will have a great time. There are old friends of yours in there, people who can't wait to see you raid-"
"I don't want to fucking raid!" my voice cracked."I don't want to be here Harald. I'm a prisoner."
"Things will get better (Y/N). If you go along with it, it will be as if nothing changed."
"And that's the problem. I can't act like everything is alright. He's killed my friend Harald! He's killed him for no other reason than jealousy! I would have gone along with his fairytale if that meant he would leave Bo alone, but he wouldn't listen. How can you stand back and watch as I, your friend, suffer through all of this? You know he's in the wrong!"
"Take a deep breath (Y/N)," he took a step towards me, reaching out to comfort me but I flinched away. As I did that, he furrowed his brow at me,"what is wrong with your wrists?"
I scoffed."You sound shocked. If you didn't know, I was tied up all night, then drugged and dragged here. And I was also dressed in this whilst unconscious, then told I was apparently kidnapped and that there was a feast being held partly for me tonight. This seems to be my life now."
"I...I do not know what to say."
"Then you are as speechless as I am." the sound of Hvitserk's voice made my skin crawl.
"Hvitserk, you should not sneak around like that." Harald let out a breathy laugh.
"Why? Are you two up to something?" Hvitserk was half joking, but tension rose in the room. Hvitserk looked me up and down, happily sighing,"You always look gorgeous in that colour."
I turned away from him, sitting on the edge of the bed again.
"I'm sure you must be starving. Your favourite foods are out there waiting for you, and the people will arrive soon. Let us celebrate your return." he held his hand out as if I would leap up and take it.
"Hvitserk, perhaps we should let her rest a while longer. I'm sure people will understand that." Harald tried to help me.
"Harald, would you please leave me and my wife? This should be between us."
My pleading eyes didn't work on Harald. He looked guilty as he left, but I heard him happily greeting people as they entered the hall, the noise level rising with the chatter. I was stuck again.
"Why don't you want to see our friends?" Hvitserk quietly asked, sitting beside me. He rested an arm behind me, and I knew he was itching to wrap it around me.
"My friends would see right through this act, so you didn't invite them. Your friends shall be there, as will all your followers."
"I chose this dress for you. As soon as I saw it, I knew it was the one."
"You knew it was the one to cover up my wounds."
"How are they?" he reached down for my wrists, smiling to himself,"I know what will make them better."
He was about to tenderly kiss them, but I shot up, tearing my hands away; we used to do that all the time for each other's scars (he had much more since I never raided again), it was a beautiful moment between us. A sign that we would always be there to look after each other, as if a kiss would heal all wounds. However, I suddenly went very dizzy, and Hvitserk was there to catch me again.
"Woah, be careful (Y/N)." it was disgusting how tight his arms were around my waist."Let's get you sat down and get some food in you. We shouldn't keep them waiting."
The way he now held my hand wasn't comforting. I knew that if I let go or refused to hold his hand, something else might happen to me. Now was not the time to cause a scene. Hvitserk wanted to put on a show for everyone, he wanted everyone to see how perfect things were now. His smile grew bigger as we made our way to the hall, the music and chatter getting louder. Cheers rang out as we appeared, Hvitserk waving an arm out as we went to take our seats. I managed to look somewhat content.
"Here they are, your prince and princess!" Harald had the audacity to announce, avoiding eye contact with me."Finally, two lovers reunited. This is the kind of uplifting and encouraging story we needed to give ourselves a boost of motivation for this raid! Everything is back to normal, and soon, we shall have even more riches to shower ourselves in! For tonight, we feast!"
The roar from the crowd was extremely loud, hurting my ears. I made sure to look happy, taking a cup with some form of alcohol in one hand as Hvitserk kept grip of the other. I flinched as he squeezed it, pulling me closer to him so that he could whisper in my ear.
"Do not ruin tonight." he warned, looking out into the crowd. No one was watching.
"You're going to tie me up again?" I snarled back.
"No. I know who else was on that ship with you. They can easily be tracked down, just as Bo was."
I pulled away from him, pushing the petrified feeling deep down inside me and remaining calm. Leaning back in my chair, I let out a shaky breath, scanning the room for any of the crew. None of them were here, and I could believe that Hvitserk had guards waiting for orders tonight.
How the fuck was I supposed to get out of this? Hvitserk had all the power. The only people that could help me were under threat if I made a bad move. I was literally trapped, I had no freedom to even think of a way to escape. Bo was dead, and if I didn't tread lightly, I would have more blood on my hands. It seemed that the only way out was me with no life left inside, and that wasn't an option in my eyes. This would be a waiting game, a long one, but I had to bide my time; because I would overcome this, I had to overcome this.
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captainchrisfics · 5 years
We Have Today
About: After he’s gunned down on a mission, a first-person pov narrator tries to take care of her super soldier boyfriend. Of course, being Captain America helps with the whole not dying thing, but Steve could never get away that easily without a good reprimanding. And I could never end a fic without a good kiss.
Word Count: 2,807
Requested By: Anonymous. Thanks for sending this my way! I had the absolute best time writing the dialogue in this one, it was a lot of fun writing my take on a trope I love too. I’m always accepting reqs if you have any more. Hope you enjoy!!
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“I cannot believe you sometimes, Rogers,” I snapped at Steve, scoffing out of frustration. Exactly what I needed right now, while entirely exhausted from battling far more Hydra agents than we anticipated, was a boyfriend with bullet holes scattered throughout his bicep and shoulder. “Thinking your whole body can fit behind that dinner plate of a shield,” I continued to chastise him with a shake of my head as I tore at my suit, ripping some fabric to apply pressure with while we waited for our ride. 
We got what we came for. In fact, the tech was safely buried in the bag slung over my shoulder. The job was done. Almost. 
There was one rogue Hydra sniper left hidden away at the top of a tree. Steve spotted him first and responded so quickly, as if it were an instinctive reflex, that he barely considered what he was doing by jumping in front of the already-aimed gun. It’d been pointed at me. I returned fire successfully, but Steve was still hit. To say the least, today just wasn’t ours. 
He looked far less heroic laying on the forest floor in a crumpled heap of more red than usually accompanied his white and blue. Steve wheezed as he inhaled, though he seemed fine enough to give me one of those frustrating crooked grins as he said, “It’s never failed me before. I mean, look at me,” he tried to spread his arms so I could get a proper view, but all I saw was the way his face contorted with pain. “Pretty damn good for pushing a hundred.” He coughed before allowing his star-spangled piece of vibranium to clatter to the ground. 
“Dear, you look like Swiss cheese,” I countered sympathetically as I stuck a knife between his lips so Steve could bite down on something instead of busting my eardrums in 3... 2... 1...
I pulled the cloth taught around the worst of his wounds in an attempt to stop the bleeding. Steve’s screams still managed to be blood-curdling despite his grinding grip and, with as many horrors as we see in this line of work, I knew it wasn’t a sound my subconscious would allow me to forget any time soon. 
Steve’s rolled his eyes to the back of his head as hurt washed over him in waves, holding a hand to the bloody hole penetrating the left of his chest like a mirrored pledge of allegiance as he took deep breaths in and out. Prickly tears burned my eyes, but I did my best to fight them off. A torrential downpour wouldn’t help anyone right now. 
“C’mon doll, don’t be so harsh,” he paused to wince and for a split second and I allowed myself to feel the heartbreak of watching him in pain. “You’re still ripping your clothes off for me after all.” I chuckled some of the heaviness out of my chest to alleviate the oppressive weight in between my ribs. 
I didn’t have time for Steve’s jokes, though, I was too busy focusing on keeping him from running out of time, period. I tried to elevate the wounds in an attempt to keep his blood at the mercy of gravity so I hauled Steve up to a sitting position against a tree on the outskirts of the field our jet was set to land in. Now it was just a waiting game. 
I wasn’t sure if the super soldier serum made him at least a little impervious to wounds like this or if Steve was putting on a bit of a show to lessen my worry and even maybe boost his own spirits, but I had a bad feeling it was the latter. “You’re a lot of things,” I told him, hoping it would help to play along as I searched the compartments of his toolbelt for something useful until I found a spool of gauze. “Bulletproof apparently isn’t one of them.” 
Steve laughed from his belly at first, a welcome sound to my ears, until it turned into an affronted cacophony of grumbled curses and sullied coughs. I started wrapping up the rest of his injuries to the best of my ability, but I wasn’t a triage doctor, to say the least. On the bright side, however, I also heard the aircraft that descended before us, whipping about my hair so much I could barely see it until it slowed and Nick Fury stepped out.
I helped Steve stand, wrapping his arm that wasn’t littered with gunshot wounds over my shoulders for support as we walked to the ship. He hissed a breath through his teeth with each step, trying to breathe through the pain and chipping away at my resolve. 
Fury opened his arms to welcome us on board with a snarky quip on the tip of his tongue. Shooting him a look maybe more deadly than the weapon I brandished, I shoved the bag into his chest with enough spiteful vigor for him to know it wasn’t worth it. Nothing could be worth this.I left Steve to be treated by an actual medical professional (and by that I mean some Stark tech that still managed to amaze me) while I cleaned up myself and it seemed he’d be fine. 
I met Steve in the onboard bathroom an hour or so later. His major wounds were patched up, leaving me, a damp washcloth, and a mediocre first-aid kit given our circumstance to finish the job. Nevertheless, Steve still looked a hell of a lot worse than I did, having taken the brunt of every beating, jumping in front of the fist of every bad guy aimed at me so I walked away with little more than a scratch while he sat there looking like he’d been through the wringer.
Steve sat on the sink’s counter and slouched down as far as he could so we were almost eye-level. He’d taken off his suit for the procedure and kept it that way evidently, sitting before me in a red-splattered white tank top. I was patting at his bloody lip with an ice pack in the hopes to lessen the swelling as he said, “Don’t people bond through trauma?” Steve’s words were slurred, but I didn’t know if it was because of blood loss or some kind of treatment from the AI. “Good thing, huh, since the whole being from different centuries tends to complicate things.”
“Being a dumbass doesn’t help,” I chided, maybe applying a little bit too much pressure since I elicited a wince from him, though that could’ve just been from my harsh tone. The time for his wise-cracks was long gone. Sure, I could deal with it as a coping mechanism when we were both worried he was about to drop dead, but right now? When I was turning myself into a pretzel so I could properly clean all his cuts and ice all his bruises without so much as grazing the holes from bullets that went in one end of my boyfriend and out the other? Not the time to be talking about how we’d be better for him almost killing himself.
Steve’s eyebrows knitted together as he jutted out his puffy bottom lip. “What’s wrong wi-“ he started to ask, but the answer was already tumbling out of my mouth.
“It was stupidly impulsive of you to jump in front of me like that. To act so indestructible... it isn’t like you,” I lectured. “Correction, it actually totally is and it’s the most frustrating thing.” I pressed the ice pack to his mouth with maybe a little too much fevered force as I ranted, causing Steve to grunt out of discomfort or protest. I kept ranting anyway. 
“I hate when you do that, you know?” I dropped my hands to my sides, staring at Steve with wide eyes to convey how exactly tired of his shit I was. “When you try to save the day by putting yourself in danger. Giving me a heart attack. Acting all heroic.” I couldn’t stand looking at him anymore as his face shifted from concerned to smug with a supposed understanding so I reached for a q-tip dipped in rubbing alcohol and began scrubbing at the small open cute sprinkling his cheeks like freckles.
Steve winced at the disinfectant’s sting. Usually, he complained about my doting, claiming his enhanced healing would take care of it just fine, but I liked the tenderness of getting to clean him up too much to let him have his way. And, secretly, he did too. “It’s part of the job description, actually...” Steve said under his breath with downcast eyes. He swung his legs a little so his heels bounced off of the sink’s cabinets, acting every bit the chided kid he felt like. 
“And to treat me like some inexperienced lackey incapable of taking care of myself?” I jeered with a scrunched face. Steve had a bad habit of treating me like an endangered civilian on missions. Hell, even if I burn my hand on the stove, you’d think someone just told him World War III was knocking on our front door. 
Don’t get me wrong, Steve always had everyone’s backs. He would lay down on the wire for any one of the Avengers any day of the week, he never wanted to see anyone hurt either. In fact, it’s one of the things I loved most about him. However, there was a line thinner than that wire between keeping each other out of the line of fire and literally jumping in front of it. 
“It’s insulting, to treat me like I’m not half the soldier you are when I’m just as much a part of the team as everyone else. I had the shot until you jumped in front-“
“Well, dammit, so did he!” Steve snapped, slamming his hand against the countertop so hard I could almost swear I heard it crack under the pressure. “And you aren’t just everyone else on the team,” he said, quieter now. It was almost eerie after how loud he’d been only seconds before, going from strained veins in his neck to a soft, glassy look in his baby blues. Without him even saying it, I knew the difference. I love you, his eyes told me. I couldn’t stand to lose you.
“And you’re not some fucking self-sacrificial lamb,” I shot back with angry narrowed eyes. “You’re my whole world,” I insisted, shoving a pointed finger into Steve’s chest just over his heart. “You don’t get to just jump into unfriendly fire in front of me like that.” I could feel the tears I’d been pushing down this whole time rising with a new ferocity, like a current I’d been fighting to swim through for so long my body was about to give out. It became obvious I couldn’t take Steve on, too.
“You don’t get to decide that, love,” he said just above a whisper, though I could hear him clear as day given our proximity. He wrapped his fingers around mine jutting into his pec until I allowed him to hold my hand, probably against my better judgment. “You’re everything that makes mine go ‘round. It’d be over my dead body that I’d stand by and allow someone to hurt you,” Steve vowed with a profound seriousness I didn’t expect, striking me right in the heart so hard it felt like I could count the seconds between when it started to beat again.
“It almost was, Steve. You don’t know how it felt...” I spit out the words which tasted like vinegar, burning my throat like acid. I stopped prodding his scratched cheeks, dropping the q-tip along with my gaze. If I stared at his face, broken from the inside out, I was worried that current would turn into a tsunami. “My stomach dropped so fast it felt like it fell right out of me. How’d you feel if the roles were reversed and I was bleeding out at your feet, huh?” I squeezed his hand, reassuring myself that Steve was still here to hold onto. Thinking about how he almost wasn’t. We came close a lot, in our line of work, but it never got any less terrifying.
Steve let go of my hand to caress my cheek, rubbing his thumb under my eye. I hadn’t realized I was crying until he started wiping away my tears. “Doll, for a few split seconds, when I saw him about to pull the trigger with you in his crosshairs, they were.” He tucked his heel behind my leg and pressed against the back of my thigh, urging me to step closer to him so I did. “That feeling, that heart-wrenching desperation and brain-short circuiting,” he paused, taking a deep breath as he tucked his arms under mine, interlocking his fingers at the small of my back, “That’s why I did it. And I’m willing to bet my shield that if I was in his line of fire, you would’ve done the same.”
I wrapped my arms around Steve’s neck and leaned into him, far too tired of fighting and way too in love with him to stay upset with him when he was right. In a heartbeat, I would save him without even so much as a thought. I’m not a big enough hypocrite to hate Steve for doing the same.
I pressed my cheek to his chest, neither of us caring too much about how the wave of tears I couldn’t keep bottled up behind a dam any longer soaked through his shirt as they spilled out of me. “Still…” I exhaled, relishing in the sound of his beating heart. It was comforting, to have near-tangible proof that he wasn’t going anywhere any time soon. “I don’t know what I’d do if…” I failed to finish the sentence, overcome with emotion. I could barely stand to think it, let alone say it out loud.
“I know, love,” Steve paused to press a long kiss on top of my head. “I don’t either.” His hands moved in gentle circles at the base of my back, soothing me as I felt like every other bit of me rattled. He spoke with vulnerability only total honesty could offer. “We don’t have to worry about that now, though. We may not at all. We only ever know we have today and I’ll be damned if we don’t make the most of it. Or if you spend another second of it being mad at me,” he half-joked, causing his chest to rumble with a barely-bitter chuckle.
I pulled far enough away from his embrace to look at him, trying to engrave it on the inside of my brain. The tenderhearted look in his eye, the soft curve of his rosy lips as one side was tugged up a little more than the other, the concerned creases in his forehead, and the blush pink of his cheeks burning through his faintly developing bruises. I watched his eyes flicker from mine to my lips, his long lashes just barely brushing against the swollen apples of his cheeks. 
I leaned in to kiss him, closing the distance slowly until our chests pressed together with every breath before our lips met as if we were each other’s oxygen tanks, unable to survive without one another. Steve gathered my cheeks between his strong hands, fingers just barely grazing my hair. He tucked it behind my ears before tracing his fingers down the curve of my body, stopping once he reached my hips, where he rested. Exactly what we both needed. 
Mine stayed at the nape of his neck, pulling Steve closer to me as if he possibly could be. We parted to breathe, chests heaving unevenly. I pressed my forehead to his, brushing our noses together, as I whispered, “You smell like rubbing alcohol. It’s nauseating.” 
Steve’s chest vibrated with laughter as he rocked my lips again. He dropped his head to the crook of my neck as his chuckle died down. “Your attitude isn’t much better,” he said, looking at my with those baby blues and a spark that melted my heart on contact. “You should be nice to me. I almost died you know?” Steve’s familiar cocky smirk returned as his eyes drifted down again, watching as he tangled our fingers together and undid the knots. 
I rolled my eyes before stealing another quick kiss. As quick as it was, kissing Steve still felt like every bit the Fourth of July fireworks display it had the first time. He was a firecracker through and through, one that wasn’t near ready to fizzle out yet. “Please don’t remind me,” I sighed, taking his hands in mine and holding them tight, not quite ready to let him go anytime soon.
Tags: @patzammit​ , @thegetawaywriter​ , @coffeebooksandfandom​ , @captainsteveevans​ , @intrepidandabitcrazy​ , @super100012​ , @spilledinkindumpster​
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geralehane · 5 years
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A Faeverse Story: The Forest Queens
(faeverse is my new series of interconnected short stories about fae and their girlfriends interactions with humans.)
Fae hate iron. Fate love bargains. Fae want your name.
I was about twelve when I met my first fae. 
I ran away from home and into the Forgotten Forest – a bad decision to make, if you ask me. But I simply couldn’t stand my mother’s silent fuming any longer, and I just wanted to -- get away. To forget and be forgotten. That’s what the forest is for, isn’t it? In a way, I was a willing spirit for fae to abduct.
I wandered off deep into the forest and spend an hour aimlessly browsing through the trees. The forest is beautiful. Sun was shining through the leaves, illuminating them a shining brilliant green, and particles of dust swirling in the streams of light looked enchanting. That’s exactly the word.
I sat down on a tree stump, and I cried. I cried, because my mother didn’t love me, and I don’t think I loved her, either. I cried because there were no friends I could talk to about this, and even if there were, twelve year olds aren’t exactly equipped enough to deal with this kind of emotional turmoil. I cried, because I knew that I would end up going back to my broken home with its tense silence and my mother angrily washing dishes at me. I cried, because there seemed to be no escaped.
That’s when she crept out of the woods, her steps light, inaudible. She walked the way only fae could – almost levitating. And mesmerizing. Fae are, despite all of the danger and alleged people eating, magnificent creatures.
“Hey.” Her voice was light, too. Like wind, and sunshine, and the stream of a spring. All lovely clichés rolled together in one slender blonde-haired bundle standing before me.
I sprung to my feet and ran. Or wanted to run, really. Except I only ended up stumbling over a branch that wasn’t here before and scraping my knee as I fell down.
“Am I that scary?” Fae cocked her head to the right, studying me with her amused eyes. Emerald green. Just like the leaves with the sun shining through them.
I kept silent. Talking with fae, if you’re inexperienced at it, could end badly. On the other hand, what did I have to lose, really? My name? My life? None of it particularly mattered to me. None of it made me happy. So I stood up, dusted myself off, and looked at her.
She appeared to be the same age as me, but you never knew with fae, the immortal creatures they were. She could be a thousand years old and I wouldn’t know till she told me. She was a little shorted than me, and much, much prettier. Which isn’t that hard to be when the eternal magick of the Forgotten Forest and the spirits of wanderers lost feed your youth and beauty.
“So?” She got impatient with me rather quickly. Not surprising. “Am I that scary?”
“No,” I said quietly. “Not really. But I’m still scared.”
She stood, then, contemplating something as she studied me. Then, she sighed. “I won’t ask for your name. Don’t worry.”
“I can give it to you,” I said. For a second, I was enveloped by my fear; imagining The Feast of Fae, with a table full of every food I loved, beckoning me to eat something, anything, and never be able to return to the mortal world again. Imagining the endless dance. Imagining fading away into the sunlight, and the fae in front of me breathing my soul in.
I wasn’t sure that that was exactly how it went, but my twelve-year-old imagination pictured everything so vividly and beautifully that I didn’t want to know the truth. Perhaps, fae would simply gnaw on my flesh and bones instead while I danced away in a magically induced haze. Perhaps, they – or even her, in front of me - would wear my skin and come back to my mother.
“Careful.” Her quiet voice interrupted my train of thought that was about to take a rather gory turn. “It’s not something you want to say in this forest. Come on.” She gave me another long stare. “Follow me.”
I had already made peace with the fact that I was staying in the Forgotten Forest forever, so I simply did as I was told. To my surprise, instead of a sunny meadow and a dinner table, she led me back to the town border.
“Go. Don’t come back.” Her expression was serious, and it looked completely out of place on her young, ethereal face. “I can’t cross over the border, or I’d walk you home. But hey,” a tiny smirk appeared on her lips, then. “If you managed to survive an hour in the Forgotten Forest, I’m sure you’ll find your way back home.”
The words escaped my mouth before I even had a chance to thought them over. “What if I don’t want to go back home? What if I wanna stay here?”
“No mortal wants to stay here,” she cut me off, rather coldly. “Go before I change my mind.”
That was when my self-preservation instinct kicked in, and I ran. Mother didn’t even notice my absence, and I never told anymore about my run-in with fae. No one would believe I escaped her, anyway.
For a week after that, I waited. And researched. I read everything I could on fae, but the books didn’t offer much – only that they were trouble and you should never talk to them, or attempt to bargain. There were things I already knew – that they hated salt and iron and you could use that to protect yourself, should a stray fae wander up to your house. In the Forgotten Forest, though, that was virtually useless. It was their territory. The land itself gave them power. Or so dusty old books told me. I wasn’t that dumb of a kid to go to the forest again, but I also had enough anxiety that told me the border might not stop a fae that realized she let her prey go.
So I stocked up on salt and waited seven long, sleepless nights for her to come take me back. Yet she never appeared. I waited for confusing, luring dreams, but they never happened. I waited, and waited, and it was almost in vain.
Until the eight night, when I awoke to a silver moon and an annoyed familiar face staring at me through the window. Naturally, I screamed. Or attempted to, really, but fae waved her hand at me, and no sound came out. I could only watch, wide-eyed and terrified, as she crossed her arms over her chest and huffed.
Her next words, however, made me more baffled than scared. “What do you want?” She hissed, thoroughly irritated.
I blinked and gestured at my throat.
“You scream and I tear you apart,” she warned. I nodded. Huffing again, she snapped her fingers. “Now. What do you want?”
“N-nothing,” I stammered. “I don’t want anything.”
She glanced down at the window sill. “Salt? Seriously? I finally answer to your call, and you make it so I can’t get in?”
“My call?”
At my question, she narrowed her eyes, and studied me for a long moment. Her gaze ran over me, searching for something. And, clearly, she found what she was looking for, and she didn’t particularly like it. “If you don’t know about the call, how did you do it?”
“I don’t—”
“Yeah, you don’t know.” She shook her head, incredulous. Her hair shined silver in the moonlight, and her eyes looked dark. “Don’t think about me. Forget you ever met me. If I cross the border again, it’s to kill you and burn your town to the ground. Do you understand?”
Oh, I understood. I frantically nodded, wishing for this all to be over so I could go back to my uninterrupted, boring small-town life. As soon as I thought of it, her face relaxed, and her expression became that of a relief.
“Good,” she told me, curtly. “Hope to never see you again.” With that, she stepped away from my window and ran. I didn’t watch her retreat. I jumped from the bed, closed the curtains, and poured another salt circle around my bed before climbing back in and hiding under the blanket.
I was wildly successful in not thinking of fae at all for several years. If I were more willing to start therapy, I would’ve been probably told that I blocked a traumatic experience as a defense mechanism. And I, once again, successfully avoided even talking about fae unless it came to studies, and I was the only one in my class to opt out of the Defense Against Fae class, which didn’t exactly help with my social standing as that quiet freak.
It was only at my graduation night that I was forced to think of her again.
Our class gathered at the house of our valedictorian, as was the long-running tradition. It certainly helped that our valedictorian came from an extremely long and equally powerful line of witches. Makes sense, really; children of ancient witch families were taught the craft earlier than they learned to walk. I, like many of other simple witches, only got to start on the witchcraft at the age of fourteen. Anything earlier was deemed potentially harmful. But old bloodlines didn’t care. And maybe they were onto something, too.
The fact that our valedictorian was from one of these families meant not only proficiency in magic, but wealth, too. Wealth meant owning a house that was more of a mansion, which meant a party for the ages. I had no idea how I ended up going there. The invitation stretched for everyone in the class, though, and I wasn’t all that looking forward to spending another lonely night in my room with my mother silently watching TV. I guess I just wanted to celebrate at least somehow. Do something to remember one of the most important days in my life.
It turned out to be both the worst and the best decision I’ve ever made.
When it was late and half the class had passed out in various places not really meant to passing out around the house and the other half got tired of excessive dancing and drinking, we all spilled out into the backyard to gather around the fire. Another tradition. I stood a little behind, silently sipping on my wine and watching everyone joke around and exchange promises they likely won’t keep. Until it got quieter, and the main fae expert of our class, Sam, noticed me.
“Hey,” he addressed me, with a tiny bit of slur in his words. “Hey – Mika, right?” His pupils, dilated and sparkling, told me he’d been sipping on potions that night. That didn’t help me at all. I wondered if I should translocate to my house. That would be too dangerous for a novice like me. I could always just run, though.
“Yeah, Mika,” he nodded and beckoned me to come closer and sit on one of the logs that served as chairs around the crackling bonfire. “I always wanted to ask you. Why are you so afraid of fae?”
“Why aren’t you?” I replied quietly. Every pair of eyes watched me as I slowly sat down.
He shrugged. “Why would I be?” The on-going question ping-pong did nothing good for my anxiety. I took a deep breath and shrugged back at him, clearly indicating I wasn’t interested in continuing with this conversation. But he wasn’t done. And not just him. Reana Griffin, the valedictorian, watched the exchange with unhealthy interest.
“No, seriously,” Sam continued coking his head to the right. Just like – no. I gulped the remaining wine down, shutting the thought down. “You didn’t take the Defense class. You never talk about them.”
“I never talk about anything to any of you,” I reasoned.
Reana smirked. “Then why are you here?”
I didn’t have an answer to that, and I was all out of wine to gulp.
“Come on, tell us,” Sam said loudly. He spilled some wine on his tailored pants, and didn’t notice. “Something happened, didn’t it? Did they kill your father?”
“Sam,” one of his friends, a guy I didn’t remember the name of, shushed him disapprovingly. “Too far, man.”
“No one killed my father,” I said, clearing my throat. “He was just... never there. I don’t really…” Why was I even sharing any of these with those people? I glanced at my empty glass. Right.
Everyone kept staring at me. Witch unions were supposed to last forever – literally, in some cases. Divorce was unheard of. One of the many reasons I didn’t really have friends. Everyone speculated that my mother got rid of my father, or that I caused him to leave, somehow.
“So you don’t know your dad?”
“Wait, I wanna know what’s up with her and fae first,” Sam interrupted.
“Nothing,” I said. Nothing was up with me and fae. I was afraid of them. I couldn’t think of them. It inevitably lead to thinking about her, and what happened that night, and what did she even mean by my call? And why did she save me – and did she even save me at all, or did I make it all up in my lonely mind of a lonely child to escape the reality of being utterly, truly alone?
I blinked and felt something wet drip down my cheek. Great. Now I was crying in front of these brilliant, wealthy, confident morons. Truly a way to end the night. I blinked faster, and the tears kept coming faster, too. I couldn’t bear to watch their faces twist with pity, so I pointedly looked past them, far eat. In the direction of the Forest.
It probably shouldn’t have been such a surprise to see her standing there. She grew up, too, as I did. Her hair was longer, and it still shone silver under the moonlight. She stood mere feet away from where we were all sitting, and her smirk was as warm as it was annoyed. At first, I thought she was just a result of my desperation and blurry vision. But, when I wiped the tears away, she remained.
“I’m surprised it took you this long,” she told me. Everyone turned around, and then scrambled to their feet, cries of surprise and fear filling the air. I didn’t move. I simply watched her as she walked to me, her bare feet barely touching the ground.
“So am I.” There was something different about meeting her this time. There was no fear. “Are you mad at me?”
“Not anymore.” She outstretched her hand. “Come.”
“Aren’t you going to kill me and burn this town to the ground?” I asked, then, allowing myself a small smile as I stood and took her hand. Warm. And soft. It promised forever. So I accepted.
And she led me away; away from my gawking classmates and my small town and my dim future; away from my previous life that seemed so dull in comparison with the bright green of The Forgotten Forest. We crossed the clearing that separated the town and the woods, and I didn’t ask why The Forest was suddenly illuminated by sunshine, just like the way it was when we first met. I just watched, and breathed the warm summer air in, and smiled.
“It’s yours now,” she told me, quietly, as we stood before the unseen border. “All of it.”
I looked at her. “Do you need my name?”
“No. No,” she shook her head, and let out a small, melodic laugh. “But you don’t need it, either. You can find a new one. I can give you a new one, if you want. Or you can go without any name at all.”
I thought of it, and the last option seemed the best. Later, perhaps, we’ll come up with something together. Now, I just wanted to be.
And so I smiled wider, and grasped her hand, and led her over the border, into the emerald depth of our forest. patreon
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