#im so excited for Mythos and Magic
moocfitab · 1 month
so... Ive been rewatching Mythos and Magic after HeyHay's world lore stream and now have headcanons :D
-The first time Marcos heard Arlos talk- he assumed that someone was fucking with him at first, but then respectively freaked out at Arlos talking.
-After the group hug, Alastor tried going up to Mark but ended up getting vaguely threatened by Mal and Rai.
-Marks love language is physical touch- Whenever he sees one of his friends upset or having a rough day, He'll go up to them and ask if they want a hug or if they wanna talk about it. Arlos feels bad that they can't hug back, but still appreciate the hugs.
- Perry, Mark and Arlos can't cook for shit, it's always up to either Mal or Rai to cook
- Once when Rai was molting, Mark found one of his feathers and decided to keep it in his bag.
- Speaking of molting- Mal and Arlos tend to help Rai with their wings while Perry distracts Mark, Most times they either go to the nearest town to buy food, or take a walk and just ramble to each other while the others help Rai.
- The party dog piles anytime they're camping or far away from civilization- Mark always falls asleep first and ends up using Arlos as a pillow (No they don't mind)
- Rai is actually really good at drawing, and whenever they need to do something with their hands- he'll end up drawing whatever pops into their mind. (Would they show the rest of the party? If theyre proud of their work- then yes! But everything else is either discarded or put in their bag and forgotten about)
- Mark braids flowers into the party's hair. (don't question the fact that Perry and Mal don't technically have hair- it's fineeee)
- Mark is surprisingly good with animals. Most animals will just look at him and go "hm, thats so friend shaped" and walk up to him. It happened so much that the party is slightly less convinced that he's human.
- Mark 2 and their mother watched the chariot race- and cheered on the party from far away.
- Everyone in the party has slight nightmares of their time with Elias.
...I am now realizing after writing this that about 85% of this post is just abt Mark.
Listen- I have *a lot* of thoughts and feelings abt Mark, I love him so dearly.
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silhouettecrow · 6 months
365 Days of Writing Prompts: Day 347
Adjective: Steadfast
Noun: Statue
Definitions for those who need/want them:
Steadfast: resolutely or dutifully firm and unwavering
Statue: a carved or cast figure of a person or animal, especially one that is life-size or larger
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sleepingmire · 7 months
Omg Hiiii! Thank you for answering!!!!!
(I'm sliding back in your dms for some best girl Jules content)
do you have some writing or some art for her planned? ( i swear i saw a fic about her and tyr on ao3)
Also what are her relationship with characters like Freya, Sindri, Thor etc?
YOOOOO!! best anon in the world hello omg !! dude feel free to slide in anytime – these asks give me life ngl
HNGNG there was a fic that I wrote and I did keep posted for a while. It was called ‘No Light No Light’ after the f+tm song (it’s very jules and tyr coded, especially their early marriage and also it’s just a banger song in general). But I don’t know, I wrote it while I was stuck in a really bad writing rut, to try and kick myself out of it? And tbh I kinda hated it so I took it down :”))) Although, I was thinking about rewriting it/continuing it! It follows how Jules and Tyr met, and like the relationship between the Aesir and the Olympians? Which I feel like could be interesting.
As for upcoming fics and art!! Hmm.. I am currently working on a COD fic that i'm really excited about, so it'll probably be a little while before I get any jules fics out -- altho i guess it depends on what you wanna see?? But in terms of art, my uni term has just ended so im finally having time to get back into it! I want to draw her again because by the gods i miss her :')) she is so lovely to me
Okay so this is going to be a pretty long one, so the rest is under the cut.
OHOHOH cracks knuckles let me tell you
Heimdall -- he was a little boy when Jules and Tyr just got married, and since his mother wasn't in the picture, she def mothered him alot. Doted on him, calling him her 'little magpie' because he liked her jewellery. Although, as he grew up Odin obvs wanted him to be a certain way, and esp with Odin and tyr's disagreements, jules and tyr would spend time away form the aesir gods. This created some mad issues between her and heimdall as he grew up, especially as he started being alot like Odin/the heimdall we know, he could see with his powers that in her mind she was starting to dislike the person he was becoming. But even to this day, she still viewed him as her boy, and it was actually her unconditional love/trust that got her captured !
(for some backstory, tyr was captured and imprisioned by Odin. And Odin, being actually kind of a smart dude even if he is a pos, is like ?? ayo?? Hmm maybe let's not let his Olympian (scary strong) wife who very much loves him be running around on the loose, especially is she thinks i killed him. So what if we capture her?? ((he didnt want to kill her because u know how when Olympians die it like, wreaks havoc??)) and so he basically send heimdall to be like, 'hey!! im so sorry about being distant but tyr is this way come on!' and lead to Odin, who was disguised as tyr, and when she jumped into his arms he like, put magic cuffs/collar thing that makes her not be able to use her magic? and imprisoned her somewhere in musphelheim (hot hot place for hot hot lady who, if she died or escaped, couldn't use her powered to melt/destroy shit)
After she gets out, she misses/hurts/greives him but also like, understands that he was kind of a shit person, even if it wasn’t entirely his fault.
Sif -- Slay besties for real. Espeically once she settled in, I feel like she'd easily fall into pace beside sif, espeically since (at that time) neither of them had kids. Very much like, real houswives of the Aesir kinda energy except they are all judging everyone else together. I feel like they'd both be pretty interested in like, each other's country's versions of femininty? Like, how sif is the embodiment of being a woman in norse and Aphrdoite (jules) is also like, peak feminitny (kinda) in greek mythos.
After ragnarok I think her and jules would be working together to rebuild, and she would be hella empathetic? Especially since for the last like century or whatever she believed her own husband (who she loved dearly) to be dead. And like, thor while a pos dad and an asshole, sif loved him?? And he loved her?? And they really did try?? Idk I feel like jules would help take care of her because she knows what that’s like.
Thor -- at least in these games, seems very women respect-y. I feel like he'd respect her and almost kind of admire her/like her more than his brother? Tyr is a little bit uppity (at least from thors perspective) and jules is a bit more >:)) commit crimes and cause problems on purpose. In saying that though, I feel like they'd probably never be too close and mainly would spend time together because of Tyr/Sif.
Freya -- her and freya used to be besties, they both kinda knew what it was like to be the outsider (?) wife from a different place. But both freya and jules are both super stubborn/bull headed, and esp when it came down to baulder. That's when freya said something to her (to be fair, in freya's defence jules was probably way overstepping even if it came from a place of care/kind of what happened between herself and heimdal) she held a grudge in typical olympian fashion.
Sindri/Brok -- I think that maybe she didn't interact with them too much? I'd like to thing though that maybe her and Sindri got along better than say, her and brok. I imagine that maybe one time she helped them forge something using her sunpowers, like a cool weapon or something maybe as a gift for tyr. Otherwise, they are on good terms. Also, I think especially due to the fact that like, craftsman ship was a very admired/masculine thing in greek life, maybe she'd have a bit of admiration for their craft?/the dwarves in general. Appreciating the fact that while they make very good weapons/structures/devices etc, they also make them beautiful.
Hmm... I'm trying to think of some other people that she interacted with. OH HAHA there's a running joke in my friend group where like, Freyr is Jule's and Tyr's third (mainly because I think he's handsome but whatever) And i feel like, especially as jules has no real internal fealty to the Aesir apart from Tyr, who himself is always kinda teetering on a blades edge, she tends to appreciate/befriend people even outside of their 'allies' kinda thing. (This wily willful nature maybe also pissed Odin off, who was expecting like, maybe someone like Harmonia)
Also here are some bonus teehees and bits about tyr n jules specifically because they are little running jokes and make me teehee a bit:
Tyr, early on in their marriage when things were still a bit shaky between them and jules was taking out her frustrations/fear on him, he tried to take her to Vanaheim as a cute little like, date thing? also to get her out of Asgard. Anyway, him being a dork nerd was like 'BY MY BEARD, JULIUS!! look at these wonderful specime--' and then the flower like, exploded colour all over her dress, staining it and she was HELLA pissed. And then, a few days later he tried to buy her a bouquet of vanaheim flowers as an apology, and they were also. pollen staining ones. Let's just say he slept on the couch for a few days after that.  Now everytime they go to Vanaheim together she treats him like a child at a grocery store -- hands INSIDE the trolley, look with your eyes not your hands, PUT THAT DOWN!! YOURE NOT GETTING THAT put it back !
ALSO ! theres a running joke that Tyr has like, water-proof journals (so his tears dont make the ink run) he writes into like a tween girl everytime jules is 'mean' to him. 'dear diary, today my beloved light-of-my-life jules called me a dork and said that the french toast i made her was 'alright'. I will never recover.' followed by a page of poetry about how his beloved has betrayed him.
He feeds her well is all im saying. Mans can cook and shes sitting on the bench holding the bowl.
also jules funfact of the ask -- her name is Julius (roman/latin)/jules because its cute, but like her greek name is ιουλος (ioulos). I mainly chose the name jules despite it being hella inaccurate because 1) it's cute as hell and the nickname is cute and 2) idc that it's inaccurate, she's not real and plus it's my meow meow oc and i get to make the rules... also i dont really love alot of male greek names :')) (She was born a boy! And probably aligns more with genderfluid but mainly fem lady girlboss, she's a shapechanger becuase hmmm Aphrodite powers and also i said so)
Anyway im gonna end this up with a Spotify link to her playlist because !! I listened to it almost exclusively for like, 8 months so yeah. Love that gal.
thank you best anon in the world for letting my ramble abt my baby girl for 1.5k
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wawek · 1 year
Could you write something about your dnd character/s? Love hearing about other people's ocs!
hehe i finally have a moment to answer >:3c this is gonna be long so im gonna get a read more involved
my only character thats actually from dnd (my online group plays other ttrpgs) and "active" (we played two sessions 3 months ago ;w; but! might play again) Is Yeshe :3
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Its a mdzs inspired campaign... im pretty sure, i havent watched it... so i based her off of tibetan folk clothes and ofc off of a pallas cat. She hadnt had time to shine as a character yet and her backstory and motivations are bit murky =w= but the gist is that she takes care of her magically gifted little sibling (another player character, my sketch attached), they were raised in a remote commune and are now going to the big city.
Now, the character from a finished campaign of City Of Mist (really cool system!!!) thats been on my mind a lot recently is my beloved Theooooooo
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He was originally an oc completely detached from any specific setting, then I put him with my beloved Rochelle (in the blue dress, she started out as a dnd character but got only like 2 sessions back in 2020 :'3) in my own version of feywild (ill get to it later).
And then!!! I decided to play him in that CoM game and it was the best decision everrrrrrrrrr he was so so so so sos ososoosososos fun :3. CoM is urban fantasy where people become "rifts" for mythical beings and are able to use their power.
Theo was a Detective and a Fey and i really enjoyed playing an absolutely devious, controlling and charming guy =w=. His main motivation was power, he thought most people (except for his wife rochelle altough they have a tomshiv thing going on) are beneath him and mostly there for him to order around like chess pieces. And something that made this campaign insanely fun for me was that in order to get more powerful he had to do a task for the fey queen - kidnap and deliver a singer to her. A singer which also happened to be the person we had to protect during our investigation... dm and me kept it secret.
It was so insanely fun to walk into every scene thinking of how to find an opportunity to do that... in the end I managed to, in a very tense scene (the greyscale sketch at the top, the girl smiling behind theo is one of the fey messangers). The other PCs didnt stop him because they had some trust in him... got away with it completely :3. Tho I agreed not to play him in the next campaign (even tho id love to >_<) bc his jig was kinda up. Great character tho, and thanks to my dm i finally get warlocks, i might play one sometime!
Now, still in the city of mist im playing Valerie :3
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Her mythos is "Vampire" but she refuses to drink blood... she gets all sorts of issues bc of that, has trouble keeping down frineds and jobs ect... Still very early in the campaign but shes pretty fun :3 tho i prefer chracters who are a bit more commanding, i made her more of a follower to let my group breathe after theo but i kinda naturally fell back into organising the party again last session so i think i just need to stick to making charismatic characters next time sidugfsd. shes a nice change of pace tho, im excited for whats in store for her.
My feywild!!! It's a setting ive had in my head ever since i made Rochelle, Its sort of an early modern france mixed with Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell which sounds pretty lame and ig it is isudgfsd.
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Theres a lot of ideas and a lot of characters that i dont really have time to develop and am prolly gonna rework a million times =w= but its fun, and its fun to make plalists for random archfey.
Last character I'll mention =w= even tho i never got to play him because the campaign fell apart before the fist session, as they often do, I really love Byk and I wanna show you guys...
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Tadeusz Byk born in 1880 in Poland, Emigrated to the usa (boston then moved near new york) with his mother and grandma when he was 13... Operates a temporary house for immigrants that his mother started. Now 40, works as a tailor and sells moonshine on the side. Depressed, repressed and with a big heart... hope i get to dust him off for something someday...
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mars-behind-bars · 11 months
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Asher Charming (he/they)
a city of mist ttrpg character- very similar to the persona games in that your powerset- and character in general- must model after an existing story- a myth, legend, fairytale, ect
In this game you have to balance out your normal life with your secret side- the logos and mythos of your persona. Logos being your daily normal life while mythos is your power/story coming to life in the part of town no one can see.
If the blonde hair and blue color scheme didn't clue you in, I'm sure the last two pictures would- he's my little Cinderella :3
Very much the definition of a girlfail. Look at how his shirt falls off his shoulder. Harlot.
He works at a rentable maid/butler service- he mostly gets stuck with janitorial work but he doesn't mind it! As long as whoever hired him doesn't treat him as "just the help" (and we all know how rich people are)
They live with their stepmom and two stepsisters, but contrary to the assumption, they have a pretty good relationship with all of them
In the mist, they're your royal highness- they can draw the crowds attention just as easily as they can hide in it. They're the jewel of the ball- and fucking slays his two outfits, his princely costume and his princess dress
His power is mostly to draw and lose attention at will, as his character troupe is the subversion type as the "prince in distress"
His powers work best on those who think they're above others, and with his illusioned appearance, his powers only fail when people can figure out his identity- which ties in to his second set of powers- the mobility troupe :3
They can summon a horse drawn carriage that can fit them and their allies, have pretty good parkour skills, and obstacles can appear around them to help them parkour away/ stop their pursuers
Downside is everytime they have to rely on their powers to get away, they leave something behind. How does the magic allow people to figure out his identity? Items he leaves behind :3c
I haven't gotten the chance to play him but we're SO close to starting the campaign Im so excited for everyone at the table to meet him
Fun fact: I almost made a Cassandra character (prophet cursed to never be believed) or Peitho (goddess of charming speech, persuasion and seduction) but chose Asher so that I could be a persona 5 royal reference. So far no one's noticed.
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bloodynereid · 6 months
that seems really cool!! can i ask about the fantasy world?? i loooove hearing about people’s creations!! - 🧚🏻
aww omg ty! im super excited about it so im going to try not to ramble lol.
so the realm/land is called eisleohr, and it's basically like a land of ice and forest (with mountains ofc). it's sort of like a blessed realm so i have like a whole hierarchy of gods living in one of the port cities, and then there's like the warriors who ride the ice serpents (name pending), i also have like a magical cult, the realm of humans and the elves.
i'm currently just writing like the mythos/backstory of it so it's not like a novel or anything but it's been a really fun project so far (even tho i really don't need anymore new projects lol). so yh i have no idea what else to add since i would need to go into wayyy too much detail but hopefully that was kind of interesting.
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n7punk · 3 years
I’m so excited for LOTD! Did you create your own lore for sirens or heavily draw from mythos?
created my own! there will be sirens and selkies in this fic (some other fae also exist, but won't appear), but im creating my own lore for how they and magic works. most of the princesses will be sirens (mermista is a selkie)
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princesssarcastia · 3 years
thoughts on uhhhh the MCU
ohh man. okay. thoughts on the MCU.
All I wanted out of the MCU was some found family narratives.  Barring that, I wanted the growing expanse of superheroes who all canonically existed on the same planet, in the same country, even, to evoke some sense of community and belonging.
Barring that, I wanted the movies to be well-written, and have new takes on the whole superhero mythos that would provoke some interesting thoughts on my part about something I consume a shit-ton of.
Barring that, I wanted them to just fucking make sense.
All of these expectations and dreams were quashed at one point or another, and I’m still bitter about it even three (?) years after Infinity War came out, two years after Endgame came out.
Obviously there are exceptions; Black Panther, for one, was very well-written and had its own sense of community and tradition.  Thor Ragnarok certainly had a lot to say about imperialism, which I enjoyed.  Winter Soldier is still an excellent political thriller, and a game changer for the MCU as a whole, though I didn’t necessarily like the new game they started playing after it.
I don’t know about any of you, but I was alive and invested in superhero comics in 2008.  I remember going to see Iron Man in the theaters, and just feeling so...excited!  I mean, god, that last scene where Tony Stark says, “the truth is...I am Iron Man,” was a fucking revolution for superhero movies.  The elimination of the whole secret identity thing and all the bullshit contrived plot-lines people liked to milk it for was a brand new thing!!  And at that point, Iron Man was a brand new superhero to the big screen. 
Over time that magic just faded for me, as the movies got worse and worse, and all seemed to follow the same formula, as the formula got shitter.  As they kept raising and raising and raising the stakes until they were more like “stakes.”  Or worse, did things to some of my favorite characters that I hated, like with Spider-Man.
Or worst of all, did fucking racist bullshit like the entire existence of “Wanda” Maximoff, who is canonically a jewish roma woman of color in the comics, who they turned into a nazis of a white woman who???? hangs crosses on her wall?????? hahaha no.
The turning point for me was probably everything from the moment Clint Barton was revealed to have a secret wife and literally two point five children onward. 
I still had fanfiction, at that point; people were still largely living in denial in a 2012-avengers-esque fannon where they were all people who loved and respected one another, and more often than not lived in the same tower together.
And then Civil War came along and just kinda ruined the fandom for me, too, because then all the fic had to be about that bullshit.  Like I said yesterday, stupid civil war fic still has the ability to make my blood boil.  They did my man Steve Rogers so dirty in that movie with terrible characterization.
I don’t know if I’m ever going to see another new MCU movie again.  Right now, I’m leaning toward “hell no.”
Though its worth noting that I am still, to this day, writing a big-ass (for me, its probably gonna be between 30-50k when im done) AU that starts with Jane Foster as the one who Loki mind controls and goes on from there.  So maybe the magic isn’t totally dead after all.
anyway. those are at least some of my MCU thoughts.
ask me my thoughts on ____
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phantomqueen · 4 years
i haven’t done any book blogging™ in a while so here’s some books i read recently:
(included links to goodreads summaries so i dont have to struggle through summarizing plots myself and i can just give u Thoughts. ALSO does anyone remember the alternative to goodreads that was circulating around a while back? i didnt bookmark it at the time which was foolish of me)
- i finished the obelisk gate by nk jemisin which i’ve already talked about a few times. its good, its really really good but this is also the one that made me cry like REALLY made me cry towards the end bc GOD the main character just can’t catch a break. that being said i cannot recommend this trilogy enough. i love this fully realized science fantasy world & mythos and its magic(?) systems. and theres just smth i love so much about jemisin’s writing; its very grounded & fittingly cynical but she’s also good at getting across the vibe of grand larger powers. if that makes any sense. anyway its brutal but great and im diving right into the third book excited for the final showdown
- but before that i spent a weekend with meet cute club by jack harbon which is a very straightforward gay romcom--not in a bad way; it’s well-written and the characters are very likable, it’s just that u know what you’re getting. which, again, not a bad thing. the main character is a fan of romance novels so sometimes its almost self-aware which i thought was kinda cute. both characters had different “learning how to love” issues so rly their only obstacles were themselves. i normally don’t like Grand Romantic Gestures but i was okay with this one; it fit with the story and it was like, still an apology but also smth beneficial for the recipient outside of just fixing their relationship. anyway idk if that makes sense either but it was a good time
also rereading the raven boys for nostalgic comfort. no fresh new 24-year-old-me thoughts on it yet, just pure indulgence. all out queer anthology is on the backburner for now; i’ll finish it eventually but i don’t think i really vibed with it
next reads are probably will do magic for small change by andrea hairston and after the eclipse by fran dorricott
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quidfree · 4 years
Hi!! :) I was thinking about the marauders and I started wondering about the Snape Incident. It is popular opinion that Remus thought Sirius was the spy because of this Incident in the books. What do you think? Also do you think Remus, James, and even Peter changed their opinions or feelings about Sirius in anyway (long or short term) after the incident? If you feel like saying. have a good day :)
hello!! this is a v good q ty
i actually do not subscribe to that theory because... i find it kind of dumb?
ok that’s a little harsh let me clarify- i very much believe that remus’ opinions/view of sirius were permanently altered by the incident, and i’m sure that when he believed sirius to be guilty he remembered it as the first of two great betrayals on his part. however, i don’t really think one had much bearing upon the other at all beyond the superficial. sure, in both cases (as remus would have seen it at the time) sirius betrayed the marauders’ trust by divulging a secret and leading an an enemy to them- but the two scenarios are completely different. in one, sirius told snape about the whomping willow because he wanted to harm/frighten *snape* and was sick of him trying to expose remus; it was a reckless and callous way to go about it, and it shone a light on some of his uglier traits, but it was driven by characteristic blind loyalty to his friends and hatred of those seeking to do them harm. if sirius had been the spy, he would have had to pull a complete 180 from those motivations, or been faking it all along- so that his loyalty had somehow shifted to voldemort at some point, or had covertly been with his family, or those traits had been part of some elaborate lie on his behalf. the latter would be too absurd a theory (i doubt remus would honestly believe sirius to have been faking it for the entirety of their school years) so he must have thought sirius had simply gone to the dark side at some point and coldly relinquished his prior attachments- none of which meshes with the thoughtless, defensive anger that coloured his actions in the snape incident. honestly, now that im thinking about im not sure what might have lead remus to suspect sirius- i think it had to have been a simple process of elimination; obviously james and lily wouldn’t spy on themselves, and peter was dismissed because dear old frightened pete couldnt possibly imagine such a thing, so sirius was the only option close to them. certainly he had the profile for it- magically gifted, death eater connections, legilimens, etc. i don’t think remus had any strong conviction of his guilt (it was *sirius* and james and lily, for god’s sake) but i think the fact that sirius in turn considered him the most likely suspect and was presumably the one slowly pushing him away from james and lily would have naturally seemed suspicious from his side of things.
as for changed opinions post-incident: most definitely, yes!!!
for short-term, i think they all must have had instinctive knee-jerk reactions to the shock of it all. i tend to imagine james as the most angry, remus as the most hurt, and peter as the most scared by it; so their respective readings would have been something like “sirius is a bastard”, “sirius is heartless”, and “sirius is a monster”. peter i think is just scared shitless- obviously pissed off too, because what the fuck, sirius, someone could have died- but also it took him the longest time to grow close to sirius because sirius doesn’t take him very seriously and tends to be the meanest to him (especially at first because he’s james’ childhood friend but james is sirius’ now and sirius does not want to share), and he’s always been a little wary of him, but now he feels like he was right all along and sirius is just the prodigal black son that he looks like, cruel and dangerous and filled with bloodlust and oh god he’s crazy he might kill peter in his sleep (etc ad nauseam). remus is furious, but more than that he is devastated, because he nearly killed snape- he came close to genuinely slaughtering his schoolmate, and it just confirms all of his worst nightmares about his monstrosity, and he can’t belive sirius would do that to him; for the first while he thinks maybe they were never friends at all and sirius has just been biding his time to use him as a pet monster, and he thinks to himself that he’ll never be able to trust a word he says again. james is besides himself- james is the one sirius tells, darkly excited and expecting support, and james is the one who stares at him like he’s never seen him before it hits him and he’s sprinting wildly across the school grounds, horrified beyond words and swearing blindly to himself that snape won’t die, that he’ll ge there in time; james is the one who wrenches snape back as he gapes pale-faced at a snarling remus, and james is the one who sees remus first when he awakens, remembers himself, shudders full-body and goes “did i-“ in such a raw terrified voice it haunts james forever. it’s like sirius spat in his face. he can’t even look at him, it makes him so angry. he sees him after he’s dragged snape back into the school and dumbledore’s handled it, and sirius by then is unmoored and his eyes are like cracked glass but james doesn’t care, doesn’t feel anything for him but anger and disgust, and he shouts at him for ten good minutes and then doesn’t speak to him at all. short-term, james ceases to think of sirius as someone he knows.
long-term... hm. it’s hard to delineate. i think peter from then on is always just a little scared of sirius, which he’d stopped being between second and fifth year, and during the war there are countless moments where he stands with ice in his veins sure that sirius knows and ready to die, because he’s seen sirius nearly kill someone for less. remus never manages to trust him so fully again- though he trusts him with his life, he never quite trusts him on a personal level the way he might have otherwise, and it’s the cause of that sliver of distance they never manage to bridge. he and peter also both lose some degree of their hero worship for him- peter less so, because the people peter admires are strong and powerful and not necessarily good, but remus’ hidden shiny-eyed admiration dies there and then. i think oddly enough for james it probably changes things the least (counterintuitive i know) because it’s not so much that it changes his feelings or opinions about sirius as that it makes him change his optics- stop seeing sirius quite so much as someone just like him who has a few quirks courtesy of his upbringing, start seeing sirius as the person he is, and understand for the first time the unspeakably intricate relationship the two of them have. i think the incident as much as anything lily related (more, actually) is what motivates james’ decision to change his ways in fifth year. you know snape’s worst memory? james taunts and teases long past lily telling him to stop; he only starts going after snape in the first place because *sirius is bored* and he’s looking to entertain him. that’s fifth year james and sirius- bored, justifiably cocky, wrapped up in themselves, each other, and their self-made mythos; james has always been indulged and spoiled, and sirius’ sense of right and wrong is completely relative, and between the two of them they fail to realize (james) or care (sirius) that they are doing bad things and no one is going to stop them. the incident changes that. he’s furious for a bit, and incomprehending (how could sirius have done it? why would he have thought james would be on board?), and then gradually he simmers down and really pays attention- to everyone’s reactions, to how devastated sirius is, to the way he feels- and he registers for the first time that since first year he has been sirius’ moral compass in a post-black family world and if sirius thought this would be ok with him then he has been ok-ing too many things he shouldn’t have. once he figures that out, remus and sirius are cautiously talking again, and james doesn’t even wait on a further apology; he saw the look on sirius’ face, he knows. they never fight like that again.
anyways those are my two cents on the subject- ty for asking :)
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nicollekidman · 5 years
ugh im so excited to get back into the books where magic and mythos is real and important and house words are like. meaningful. 
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hello hello !!  i’m reyna and i’m fuelled by iced coffee. i’ll be playing the lovely molly prewett -- i adore molly and i’m very excited to write her with my own twist, and of course with all you talented people! i love to plot and honestly am down for mostly anything so!!!! feel free to reach me through IMs if you’d like to chat or cook something up. let’s get down to business!! 
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* △ — the dark lord has targeted [ MOLLY PREWETT ] !  the muggles say she holds resemblance to [ LEE SUNG-KYUNG ]. the [ 24 ] year old [ CIS FEMALE ] was [ TRUSTING & KIND ] before the war, but have now become [ OVERBEARING & PARANOID ]. though they were once a part of [ GRYFFINDOR ], they have now taken up the position of a [ HEALER ]. whispers throughout the ministry claim that the [ PUREBLOOD ] is actually [ A NEUTRAL, ORDER ALLY ], but i wouldn’t report that to the daily prophet. 
her name is molly -- just molly. try calling her margaret and she won’t give you the time of day.
born on the thirtieth of october, making her a scorpio.
gryffindor alumna.
her wand is nine inches long made of mahogany wood (strength, safety, protection), a unicorn core, and a springy build. 
golden retriever patronus ! 
the youngest of three siblings, three years behind twin brothers that are simultaneously her biggest headaches and fiercest loves. 
molly stands at five foot two inches of whoop ass. 
TO BE LOVED. molly knew she was adopted as soon as she was old enough to understand — after all, she was starkly different from her parents and brothers, from the slant of her eyes to her stature and the way she always seemed to stand out. she doesn’t know much about her biological mother apart from the fact that she passed away not too long after her birth and the prewetts took her in soon after.  there was a fair bit of gossip that surrounded her adoption, everything from hushed whispers to biting remarks at social gatherings, questioning the legitimacy of her pureblood status because how would you know for certain after plucking your ‘daughter’ from stranger’s arms? the prewetts did their best to shield molly from these cruelties but they couldn’t shelter her from everything; for every tear shed there was a tight embrace, for every judgemental glance, they matched with proudly showing her as their bonafide and beloved daughter and sister. this was her first lesson in true, unconditional love, and she seeks to emulate it for the rest of her life.
ALL OF MY KINDNESS IS TAKEN FOR WEAKNESS. it’s easy to see molly, her stature, and baby face and think of her as all soft -- in reality, she’s a firecracker wrapped in cotton wool. unbeknownst to many, molly was a part of the duelling club in her years at hogwarts. she makes quite the formidable duellist given the chance (she insists she would rather not, laughing off her past passion with duelling as a mere hobby) — nowadays her wand work focuses primarily on healing magic and charms. 
BUT FIRST YOU MUST LIVE. molly cannot bring herself to join the order. martyrdom to a horrific war is something she just can’t justify, no matter how much she believes in the cause and loves the people out there on the front lines. every time she entertains the brave voice in her head that invites her to jump in the fray, her heart shouts i’m not strong enough, i haven’t even lived enough. there’s an entire life she has envisioned for herself; marriage, children, surrounded by all of her friends and family – safe and sound. however, molly also simply can’t put it all on the back burner, not when there’s so much at stake. she funnels her energy into being an ally to them, tending to their injuries and providing somewhere safe and warm for shelter. it frightens her to see her loved ones so willingly throwing themselves into the war, and it has become a terribly touchy subject.
burning your tongue on a hot cup of tea, a house that truly feels like home, dancing barefoot on kitchen tiles, putting others’ needs before your own, standing on tiptoes, reassuring words spoken into existence, a lioness’ warning roar, clean dressings on a weeping wound, waking up to sunshine peeking through the windows, forehead kisses, tears of joy, tears of relief, tears of frustration, constant reminders to dress warm & eat well & be safe, off-tune lullabies composed on the spot, crossing fingers and toes for good luck, a white-knuckle grip, drizzling summer rain, to see the glass as perpetually half full, a love that never runs out.
inspo / associations: april kepner (grey’s anatomy), jane villanueva (jane the virgin), the goddess hestia (greek mythos), katara (atla). 
friends!!!!! give molly all the friends. she’ll be fussy and (s)mothering but dear god will she love you with all her might.
it’s always the ones who try to run away the farthest that get tangled up the worst. molly hates the thought of the war and what it’s done and continues to do -- she will help, she will care, but she will never get directly involved. she feels as though she has to be the one that stays grounded and clearheaded, not wrapped up in ideals of being a martyr, soldier, hero, or whatever else. molly wants to hold her own, protect all of her loved ones and keep them safe and sound. talk to her about the war, dig a little deeper -- also an open invitation for trouble to come find her. 
let her patch you up after a mission / tussle / miscellaneous injury. it’s essentially guaranteed you’ll get an earful about being more careful next time, though. 
assumed connections are also!!!!! very much welcome. friends / old friends / old flames (woot!) / person(s) of dislike / etc ! 
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dcrmammu · 7 years
Want new-and-exciting plots for your character? Long to reach out to more of your followers, but don’t know where to start? Fear not! Fill out this form and give your RP partners both present and future all the of juicy jumping off points they need to help you get your characters acquainted.
Be sure to tag the players whose characters YOU want more cues to interact with, and repost, don’t reblog! Feel free to add or remove sections as you see fit. Template here.
Mun name: Todd OOC Contact: IM / Discord (if we’re friends), hit me up with memes.
Who the heck is my muse anyway:
Dormammu is basically what would happen if Cthulhu from the Lovecraft mythos and Aku from Samurai Jack fused, and then the fusion set itself on fire. He’s a dimensional overlord who conquers universes and annexes them into his realm, the Dark Dimension. He has enough magical power to defeat entire pantheons and go toe-to-toe with the likes of Eternity and other cosmic beings. However, his plans to conquer Earth and its universe are always foiled by one or more superheroes, usually Doctor Strange, through guile and cunning rather than an all-out battle. He’s greedy, prideful, and evil as fuck.
Points of interest:
WHAT DOES HE LOOK LIKE? : He is a being of mystic flame that often appears surrounded by a suit of armor made to contain his appearance. This armor is made from the same magical obsidian that makes up his Black Dechantment Throne. Around his head are the Flames of Regency, which signify his status as ruler of the Dark Dimension. However, he can just take on a form of flame without the armor.
OK, BUT WHAT IS HE REALLY? : Millions of universes that are all on fire. You heard me right. He used to be a Faltinian, a being made completely out of arcane energy. However, he has undergone quite the dramatic change in that he has absorbed the Dark Dimension in its entirety into himself, transforming into a sentient plane of existence that is both king and dominion.
WELL DAMN. DOES HE HAVE A FAMILY? :  Where to begin. He and his sister Umar killed their sole parent, but then Umar betrayed him and has tried to usurp the Dark Dimension from him many, many times. Umar had a daughter named Clea, who wound up marrying and then divorcing Doctor Strange, making Dormammu’s arch-nemesis his son in law. Aside from that, he has created multiple demons, some of them even taking the title of Hell-Lord, including the fearsome Satannish and the nefarious Marduk Kurios.
What they’ve been up to recently:
Conquering universes, torturing his subjects, accumulating magical power, scheming, and creating new cults.
Where to find them:
The Dark Dimension.
Current plans:
ABANDONMENT: Dormammu has tried to conquer the Marvel Universe so many times that he’s actually gotten fed up with it. Therefore, he’s decided that it will be the final addition to his collection, after he has gained enough power to completely annihilate any resistance with ease.
Desired interactions:
SUMMONING : Contact him in a ritual. He’s left many trinkets and items behind so that an unlucky being might discover it and summon him so he can promise them power and sap their free will.
PESTERING : It’s obviously very suspicious that he’s suddenly leaving. Perhaps you don’t believe him and decide to call upon him, suspicious of his motives. He’ll be very exasperated and angered.
Offered interactions:
BATTLE : I mean, he’ll fight you, but even if you’re magically inclined, it won’t likely end well. That is, unless you can find out a way to banish him rather than outright trying to defeat him.
PRISONER : Whoops, surprise! You’re in the Dark Dimension now, and Dormammu gets to torment you in every way imaginable and unimaginable! This is mostly for when I’m in a bit of a sadistic mood.
BANTER : Dormammu loves to hear himself talk. And he loves to talk about how inevitable your defeat is and how all of creation shall bow to his will.
COLLABORATION : You’re evil? You want some dark power to get what you want? Bingo. But beware, owing Dormammu a favor is probably one of the worst positions to be in.
Current open post/s:
Anything else?:
SHIPPING?: Probably not. Dormammu is incredibly sex-repulsed. However, there is an infinitesimally small chance that he might actually enjoy being around someone.
Tagged by: @contemptiblysinister​ but only kinda vaguely.
Tagging: i mean you can steal it if you want.
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solangelo headcanon’s because i’m depressed and they make me happy:
- will likes to tease nico about his height and nico always just rolls his eyes but everyone can tell it infuriates him.
- on the topic of height: they have a big height difference, even as they grow older. when the start dating, will is around 5’11 and nico sits at around 5’6-
- nico only grows like one inch for the rest of his life, but he insists that he’s 5’8 anyways-
- will ends up being around 6’3 and he always comments on how nico is the perfect size for hugging.
- naomi loves nico to bits- to the point where, the moment after she meets him, she gives will the shovel talk.
- naomi’s always been SUPER accepting, especially with the father of her child quite literally being bisexual, and she suspected will was gay from a very young age-
- like, she knows there isn’t any way to “look” or “act” gay, but will used to love stealing her makeup and he always talked about boys from school
- so when he sits her down right after school one day with a solemn, slightly nervous but inexplicably excited look on his face, she KNOWS what’s happening
- she gives him a big hug and they just cry
- she’s also totally the type of mom who buys him a bunch of pride stuff (first a rainbow flag, then the more common gay male flag we see now).
- nico steals will’s clothes all the time
- like half his wardrobe is just a bunch of will’s sweatshirts and jeans that he always wears with a belt and ends up looking like a grandma
- but will thinks it’s the cutest thing ever
- and just kisses the life out of nico.
- chiron never got around to updating the rule about two people in a cabin, and will is like,,, oddly stealthy, so he sneaks into the hades cabin
- at first it’s just because nico needs someone around in case he has nightmares, but they gradually do other stuff too
- and yeah, im talking about ✨that✨
- like the ~deed~ but it takes a while because of nico’s trauma and comfort with touch, but their first time is really sweet, and will is constantly checking in with nico to make sure he’s not in any pain, and they dance on the roof afterwards and go stargazing (not me manifesting what i want my first time to be like oop- 🤭)
- they just go stargazing all the time
- but they also have midnight dance parties, and nico can play piano so they just sort of fool around with the one hades got him for his 15th birthday
- and nico teaches will how to play mytho-magic, while will teaches him all about science and his little niche interests.
- lastly, nico loves complimenting will in italian and will does it in french because i headcanon that naomi is french.
- they just love each other so much 😭
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viralhottopics · 7 years
Here’s why The CW’s ‘Riverdale’ isn’t just ‘Dark Archie’
Pictured (L-R): KJ Apa as Archie, Camila Mendes as Veronica and Lili Reinhart as Betty in ‘Riverdale’
Image: Katie Yu/The CW
When Luke Perry was growing up in small town Ohio, sharing a tiny bedroom in a trailer with his brother, he took sanctuary with a stack of comic books piled high in his closet. Hed pull issues from his stash and read them diligently by flashlight, and amid the many superheroes and sci-fi epics there was another favorite a staple of the medium since debuting in 1941: the quaint, relatable, all-American adventures of teenager Archie Andrews and his high school pals, rivals and crushes, set in the idyllic town of Riverdale, U.S.A.
Today, Perry no stranger to series centered around iconic locales, thanks to his stint on Beverly Hills 90210 is among the cast of Riverdale, The CWs ambitious and decidedly edgier take on the 75-year-old comic book series.
Veering away from the wholesome vibe that many associate with classic Archie, the drama adds a Twin Peaks-inspired aura of mystery, danger and controversy to the small town proceedings.
For instance, in the pilot episode, our redheaded, freckle-faced hero, played by New Zealander K.J. Apa, indulges in a steamy backseat tryst with his teacher Miss Grundy reimagined from the comics silver-haired spinster into the much younger, more curvaceous form of actress Sarah Habel. Not only that the site of their forbidden dalliance soon puts them in uncomfortable proximity to the season’s unfolding murder mystery.
I was the biggest skeptic, Perry admits to Mashable of the more adult take on the Archie gang. I said, Im the guy youve got to convince. I grew up reading Archie I am that guy. So show me what is different about this. And they did.
KJ Apa as Archie and Luke Perry as Fred
Image: Diyah Pera/The CW
“They” are the production team led by writer-producer Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa, an accomplished playwright and veteran scripter of popular television series including Glee and Big Love, whos also enjoyed an acclaimed second career in the comic book industry.
A stint at Marvel Comics writing top-tier characters including the Fantastic Four and Spider-Man ultimately led Aguirre-Sacasa to an opportunity to write the 2013 comic book miniseries Afterlife with Archie. The endeavor represented a bold step for publisher Archie Comics in which the company combined their longtime characters with a zombie apocalypse narrative drawn by emerging fan-favorite artist Franco Francavilla.
It is a five-year-old Robertos dream come true, Aguirre-Sacasa tells Mashable. Ive always loved the characters. I read them from when I was a kid.
Like Perry, the writer was among a second generation of Archie devotees that discovered the now-iconic characters Archie, Jughead, Betty, Veronica and Reggie, as well as spin-off headliners like Josie and the Pussycats and Sabrina the Teenage Witch over a quarter century after they first debuted.
Ashleigh Murray as Josie
Image: Katie Yu/The CW
In 1941 a few years after rival publisher DC Comics had launched the superhero genre with Superman MLJ Comics had been riding that pop culture wave with their own powered-up characters, including the patriotic, pre-Captain America hero The Shield.
But publisher John L. Goldwater was looking for a new comic book genre that would feel fresh yet familiar. Hoping to capitalize on the popularity of the wholesome, funny, relatable teen antics of MGMs Andy Hardy screen franchise, starring a young Mickey Rooney, he gave over a six-page portion of the twenty-second issue of an established title, Pep Comics, to the earliest incarnation of the Archie gang.
Though not even mentioned on the cover of its debut issue, the Archie feature, originally written by Vic Bloome and drawn by Bob Montana, was quickly established as the hottest and much imitated new genre in comics, so popular that within a few years MLJ formally changed the books name to Archie Comics, and Archie himself appeared on every cover from 1944 onward.
Over the decades, circulation soared to nearly 300,000 copies, and Archie-mania was born: Several of the ever-expanding Archie-verse characters headlined their own solo series; Dan DeCarlo, who moonlighted drawing sultry pin-up girls for pulp magazines, became the definitive Archie artist and developed the signature look of the comic; The Archies, a prefabricated pop group of anonymous studio musicians (packaged as Archies garage band) scored an enduringly popular hit song in 1969 with Sugar, Sugar; past issues were collected in conveniently miniature digests; progressive new minority characters were introduced into white-bread Riverdale; and the characters became widely commercialized, appearing on TV shirts, lunchboxes, Saturday morning cartoons and a hit primetime sitcom starring Melissa Joan Hart as Sabrina the Teenage Witch.
Although the Archie lines mainstream appeal would gradually wane to cult status among comics fans in the 1990s and 2000s, the characters would endure as iconic figures to multiple generations of readers.
Through it all, though the hairstyles, hemlines, hotrods and hi-jinx evolved, the Archie stories rarely wavered from their core conceit: the misadventures of an average American high-schooler pursued by a pair of beautiful, competitive girls, constantly vexed by his rivals and consoled with good humor by his offbeat, free-thinking best friend.
By 2010, more opportunities were arising to tap the ongoing goodwill toward the Riverdale mythos.
I love the characters. Id grown up reading the characters. I always kind of went back to the characters, says Aguirre-Sacasa. I always wanted to write them even when I started writing for Marvel Comics. I was exclusive to them for years. And in fact, I broke my exclusivity with Marvel because I had a chance to write an Archie comic, Archie Meets Glee, which was the first thing that I did for Archie, and that was a dream come true.
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Even as he was bringing the characters slightly outside of their traditional comfort zones, it was clear that Aguirre-Sacasa was simpatico with the essence of the Archie gang, and he quickly assumed greater custodianship of the characters, eventually being named Chief Creative Officer of Archie Comics, overseeing a critically and commercially successful re-launch of the core titles by top-tier comics creators. At the same time, he began shopping new and left-of-center takes on the properties to Hollywood.
I really want to help bring these characters to life in a way thats never really happened successfully, he says, explaining how he promised publisher Jon Goldwater, the son of the original Archie Comics head, that theyd have to create a slow build of heat on the publishing side before turning Hollywoods head.
Though theres always sort of heat on Archie, he adds. When they make a move and they get tons of press. I know that my friends at DC and Marvel were always like, Why do you get so much ink? People love the characters.
Afterlife With Archie, a surprise sensation in the comics world, demonstrated that after three-quarters of a century that the tried-and-true Archie format had more malleability than expected.
Image: archie comics
We were really nervous about putting the Archie characters in quite a hardcore horror story with a lot of gore, and violence, and some pretty wild ideas, says Aguirre-Sacasa. But we found out two things: one is that the characters could withstand that kind of caldron of stuff; and two, the fans loved it the fans loved seeing the characters they loved in different situations, and they were emotionally invested in what happened to the characters. They were sad when characters were eaten by zombies.
It of course has a little bit informed Riverdale, says the writer, who teamed with executive producer Greg Berlanti no stranger to successful comic-to-TV adaptations thanks to his success with DC Comics and The CWs interconnected superhero series, Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl and DCs Legends of Tomorrow to infuse a similarly shadowy sensibility into the television take.
When we start pushing at the boundaries, I think people get nervous, but I think when you see it, you see that its done with integrity, and care, and comes from a deep abiding love of these characters,” Aguirre-Sacasa says. “No one wants to protect them more than I do. But you do have to evolve them, and you do have to push boundaries, and you do have to be more than just a story with a joke at the end.
My pitch to Roberto was, Number one, we have to find a form where in this can work as a TV show, Berlanti tells Mashable. Number two, can whats beloved about Archie and intrinsic about Archie and the Americana-esque, period element of it translate to todays audience? Thats the challenge we have to at least be aware of [Id tell Roberto] it has to be as much of his personality as possible, because youre a show creator, and youre creating this thing, and theres so many elements of things you love: you love horror, you love comedy, you love irreverent stuff. It has to be as evocative of you and your personality, as Afterlife with Archie really was too.
As we moved along, he wrote a script that was terrific and had that magic thing, Berlanti adds. Im not sure I knew until I read his draft of the pilot script that we developed that it was a real TV show.
One misconception that is out there is that this is Dark Archie, this is dark, gritty Archie, and Rated R Archie, chuckles Aguirre-Sacasa. And in fact the show is a mix of light and dark. The show honors what is Archie, and then subverts it. For me, the sweet spot is the tension between Twin Peaks, and the tension between the 1950s sock hop Archie right in between that is where stories work on both levels. They work as good Archie stories, but they work as good noir, or mystery, or moody stories as well.
KJ Apa as Archie, Camila Mendes as Veronica, Cole Sprouse as Jughead, and Lili Reinhart as Betty
Image: Katie Yu/The CW
Roberto loves these characters, and I dont think anyones salacious to be salacious, Berlanti says of the elements that may sound eyebrow-raising to anyone who hasnt read Archie Comics in a while. That is not our goal. That being said, the show wants to deal in the tropes of these kinds of shows, and comment on those kind of things, and have that be a part of it. Im sure that wont be the first time we have a subject matter that makes people [take pause] – but I can say, in terms of our heart being in the right place, we dont start from that place of like, ‘this is going to get us some people to watch.’ We love these characters, and you dont want to assassinate them either.
Though the characters may be in dark, adult, morally-compromised, scary situations, the characters are still true to their essences, says Aguirre-Sacasa. Those characters are basically the characters they are in Archies Double Digest, just put in a crazy, messed-up situation. Theres trial and error, but I think thats where the show lives in the tension and the juxtaposition of those things.
I would say weve been met with guarded optimism, Perry who ultimately signed on to play Archies father, Fred Andrews says of the Archie fanbase. They dont want us to mess Archie up, but they do want to see it in a new way. They do want these characters to have a new life thats the sense Ive got. So were going to try to give them that without messing up the other.
Riverdale airs Thursdays at 9 p.m. on The CW.
BONUS: You won’t believe what Stan Lee originally wanted to name ‘The X-Men’
Read more: http://ift.tt/2juUoPo
from Here’s why The CW’s ‘Riverdale’ isn’t just ‘Dark Archie’
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