#im so excited tomorrow is back and bicep day
theongreyjoyyyy · 11 months
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gfguren · 1 year
iruka x reader x kakashi | fluff, angst, !suggestive in parts, self-indulgent and way too long (i’m sorry lol), im in love with iruka and it shows | cw: cursing
-iruka gives you everything kakashi never could-
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It's strange, that feeling in your stomach - all butterflies and cartwheels abound. It makes you sick almost, makes you want to run and hide and destroy the one thing that finally makes you feel whole again. Damn those fluttering feelings. They'll turn to wasps one day, they always do.
But there he is again, disheveled hair and stars in his eyes, holding your hand and promising he'll never hurt you. "Iruka," you whisper.
He smiles, wrapping his arms around your torso. He's warm as always. "Something you need?"
You shake your head, resting your chin on his shoulder. His sweater smells of your detergent and you sigh; sharing your life with him still feels strange sometimes but you cherish it - and him, and all the sweet, fluttery memories you've made together. "It’s nothing."
He hums in understanding and you hold him a little tighter, taking a peek at the book in his hand. It's a cheesy romance and for the first time in a long time, you think of him. Him with his wily white hair and crooked smile, and words that you so desperately wanted but never received.
You wonder why the words "I love you" were so hard to say. Sometimes you still get whiplash when Iruka whispers them against your lips, so honestly and sweet. Was it so wrong to want to belong to another, to yearn to spend your life with him, as his? Was it too much to ask from the man you loved so deeply once?
It must have been - for him to disappear like he did - to vanish from your life like a flash of lightning, so exciting and beautiful and gone, just like that. But Iruka was there to lull you back, like thunder rumbling in your soul, letting you know the storm was passing bit by bit; and when it cleared he was there by your side, in place of the man who left you behind.
It was hard at first, to trust another, to let yourself fall into the insecurity of loving someone once more; because now you knew you could lose him just as easily. But Iruka eased that fear, with hands that's intertwined in yours so easily, with eyes that looked at you like you were his universe, his eternity.
You've nearly forgotten the way you looked at Kakashi, like he put the stars in the sky, nearly forgot the night he packed those very stars away, along with the moon and left your sky a muted grey - but that book, hanging so innocently from Iruka's fingers brings them flooding back.
And suddenly you're back to that night and Kakashi's in your bed, beneath your sheets with your arms wrapped sweetly around his middle in the hopes he'd hold you back this time.
But he wouldn't, he never did.
He flips through the pages, attention solely on the book instead of you and all you can do is pout, shifting to peer over his shoulder. A blush creeps up your neck at the lewd words scrawled across the page, somehow embarrassed as if he hadn't bent you over the kitchen table less than an hour ago, the food you spent half a day cooking easily forgotten. But you muster your courage, he would be leaving tomorrow - back to Konoha - and you didn't know when you'd see him again. You hope he'll leave marks this time, proof that he was here at all.
"I'm right here you know," your fingers grip his bicep but he doesn't respond, nonchalantly flicking the page over. "Kashi-" You're startled when you find yourself beneath him so suddenly, wrist in one of his steady hands, the other on the small of your back.
"I know." He lowers his mask and you admire his bare face in the flicker of a moment before his head dips to press his plush lips to yours. "You're very distracting."
"Is that a bad thing?" You breath softly.
He only smiles, hand creeping beneath the material of your shirt to softly caress the curve of your breast. You arch into his touch, quiet whimpers swallowed by his lips. It's almost sweet, the way he holds you, and you wrap your arms around his neck, pretending he's embracing you, pretending he's confessing his love for you - you know he's in love with you, the very same way you are with him. But he'll never admit it.
Neither to you, nor himself.
And you fall into this fantasy, so deeply that the words you know you can never say tumble from your lips faster than you can catch them, pouring through your fingers like water through a sieve. 
"I love you, Kakashi."
He freezes, turns to ice, eyes locked in the far corner of the room, and then he's gone. Your gaze follows him around the room, tongue searching desperately for the words to say as he collects his clothes from the floor.
"Kakashi." He doesn't say a thing, just pulls up his mask and throws his shirt over his head. "Kashi, please. I didn't mean it, I-"
The smile that pulls at his lips startles you, silencing your babbling in an instant. "Sorry. I forgot I have an errand to run before returning to the village." He grabs his bag from the end of the bed before reaching over to pat the top of your head. "Don't wait up for me, okay?"
Something pulls at your chest when he turns his back to you, despite his unwavering smile. It's different than all the times before, the fear squeezes your heart, makes it hard to breathe, and you find yourself searching for any excuse at all to make him stay, but all you can manage is a pathetic, "Don't leave me."
He hovers in the doorway, and you'd have sold every bit of your soul to merely glimpse at the thoughts crossing his mind in those few short moments, because he disappears from your life after that. Which isn't so strange at first, he’s a busy man after all. 
But a year passes, and then two, and eventually you give up, accept that he left whatever strange, fragile thing the two of you had behind for you to sort through all on your own. And you do a poor job of it, but you accept it, giving up on ever seeing him again.
Until work leads you to Konoha, and you try, god damn it all, you try not think of Kakashi but you search for him in strangers' faces and linger a little too long around the places he'd mentioned in passing. And you know he can sense your chakra, he'd always said it was unique, though you're not a shinobi at all.
Still, you cling to the hope that he doesn't expect it, that you catch him off guard and you reunite like star crossed lovers, or that he missed you so deeply in your time apart that he confesses his love in such desperation that all he can do is hold you, as if he's afraid you'll disappear.
The same way you did for him, and it's all kinds of pathetic and melodramatic, you know.
You push your noodles around the bowl, anything to distract you from the hustle and bustle around you, because the moment you look up, you'll search for Kakashi's stupid face, in this stupid restaurant, in this stupid town - and damn it all, you just want to enjoy your sake in peace for one night. 
"Do you mind if I sit here?"
You startle at the man's voice beside you, waving him off in a subtle 'whatever' before returning to your poking and prodding. "What crime did those noodles commit?"
His voice is kind and gentle, and his stupid joke is for your sake, not his; but you're not in the mood tonight, rolling your eyes and lifting your glass for the third or possibly thirteenth time this evening, you really can't remember.
"I've been told I'm not funny before but this is an all time low for me." He laughs and you finally lift your gaze to catch the way his head tilts, hand rubbing the back of his neck, and your annoyance simmers, just a bit. He's cute, at least, with tan skin and a mysterious scar across the bridge of his nose. "I'm Iruka, by the way."
You consider offering your own, but you don't - leaving a silence as deafening as it is awkward.
He coughs dryly, "Am I bothering you? Sorry."
"Your jokes could use some work," you muse. "But you're easy on the eyes, at least."
You catch the blush that creeps up his throat and colors the tips of his ears, and you can't stop the laughter that bubbles up your throat.
It's been a long time since you've found yourself so easily and completely enamored with another, not since - since - your drunken stupor leaves you hazy, lost on the name.
Right, since Kakashi.
"Late as usual," Iruka sighs.
You want to say it's the screeching barstool, and the waitress’ cheery, lilted voice that draws your attention across the bar. But it's not. It's the white hair and dark eyes that are the same as ever.
He seems tired, more worse for wear than you remember, and a small, selfish part of you is glad that you're not the only one. But more than that, the part that still loves him is worried, still; and you hate yourself for it, wishing you could cut that part of you away, like it’s the half of a photograph you no longer wish to keep and set it alight, burn it to ash.
You realize you're staring, blatantly so, and he's not looking at you at all. He knows you're there, you're sure, and that hurts you even more.
Tears burn your eyes and you slide a tip beneath the empty drinking glass, keen on leaving before they fall. You stand to leave a little too quickly, swaying precariously on your way up and Iruka is quick to steady you, hand gingerly tucked beneath your elbow. "Careful now."
Instinct kicks in and you start to pull away, but you catch Kakashi's gaze suddenly locked on you, worry creasing his brow, and you're angry, angry that he still has so much power over you, angry that he has the audacity to watch over you still, and the anger fills you, fills you until it spills over and you're grabbing the stranger by the collar and sweetly keening up at him with a softly babbled, "Mm, don't feel good. Can you take me home mister?" His face is beet red at the implication and you grin, making sure to croon his name softly as you press against him. "Pretty please, Iruka?"
His nod is a hesitant one and he's gentle about the way he steadies you, one hand on your elbow and the other hovering over the silhouette of your hip, just in case. It's so incredibly respectful and sweet, and the guilt almost creeps into your conscious - almost - but Kakashi's eyes are still on you, and the anger washes the guilt away in single, sweeping wave, disappearing within the tide.
"Raincheck?" Iruka sheepishly mumbles and Kakashi finally pulls his gaze from you, waving him off with a nod.
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You're nodding off by the time you reach the door to your room, shuffling the inn key into Iruka's hand; though you'd have probably thought better of it had you been sober, and not teetering on the edge of passing out in the stranger’s arms. But you trust him, oddly enough, as he all but carries you inside, gently placing you atop the freshly made bed. Taking one look at your disheveled state, he sighs, disappearing into the bathroom.
You sit up, clumsily pulling the jacket from your shoulders before tossing it over the chair in the corner. It falls to the floor, and you groan, flopping over on the bed, too tired to care.
That’s a tomorrow problem.
You're startled when a warm washcloth is pressed against the palm of your hand. "You should wash your face before you sleep, at least." Iruka's voice is soft and you watch curiously as picks up the jacket, folding it neatly before placing it atop your luggage. Your curiosity deepens when he opens the mini fridge and pulls out a bottle of water, placing it on your bedside table. "And try to finish that before you sleep." He sets the key to your room beside it before heading towards the door.
"That's it?"
He turns halfway, just enough to catch the bewilderment sweeping your face. "That's it?" he repeats, a lilt of confusion in his voice. "Ah," he hums, returning to switch off the light to your room, leaving the illumination to the soft light of the bedside lamp. "Sleep well."
The smile on his face is one of innocence, it's so different from what you're used to. And you want to catch it, keep it by your bedside table, like fireflies in a jar.
But he's gone all too quickly, shutting the door with a soft click.
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Konoha is entirely too hot, you’ve always thought so, still it’s better than the dark, cloudy skies you grew up under. But your days in this scorching hot village are waning and you're searching the crowd whenever you find yourself wandering through town, though it's not for Kakashi - not anymore.
And unlike Kakashi, who was a ghost hiding in your shadow, Iruka is so easy to find.
Maybe it's his laugh, warmer than the sunshine on your skin that draws you in, lulls you close until you're standing before him, hand raised in an awkward, half wave. He seems to perk up at your approach. "You're a lot friendlier when you're sober, I see."
You roll your eyes, but you're not annoyed, his quip is as playful as it is deserved. "Thank you for the other night - Iruka, was it?"
"You remembered, I'm honored. And frankly surprised too considering you couldn't stand straight." He grins and your heart skips a beat. "Do I get the honor of learning yours this time?"
You're a little too quick to give it away, afraid it comes out desperate, but Iruka repeats it, rolls it over his tongue like candy and it makes you feel almost comfortable, safe falling into the vulnerability. "Are you busy?"
He seems a bit taken off guard but plays it off with a smile. "Why? Need an escort again?"
You laugh, leaning in just to make him squirm, to watch the red color his ears. "I was thinking we could get dinner, actually."
"I would love to." You're a little too happy about it, which makes it all the worse when he finishes with a sighed, "but I can't, I have to work late tonight."
"Oh." It's a pathetic sound, though you try to play it off as nonchalant.
"I'm free tomorrow." He's quick to soothe your disappointment. "And I make a mean Udon soup, if you're interested."
You can't help but laugh, as if that's something to brag about. "Do you offer that to all the girls you meet?"
"Only the pretty ones." A blush creeps up the nape of your neck, and it feels silly, juvenile even. "And you're one to talk, as if you didn't ask a complete stranger to take you home."
"That's because-" Kakashi's visage creeps into your mind and you're quick to shut your mouth. "It just happened that way, it's not like, a habit or anything. Promise."
"I know." He smiles and you feel your worries dissipate like snow melting beneath the sun's enduring watch. "Just be careful, is all."
“Oh?” You’re clearly scheming, grinning when you take a step back, following up with a taunting, “If I’m careful, I suppose I’ll have to turn down that infamous Udon of yours.”
“Did I say something? I suddenly don’t remember.” A laugh bubbles past his lips. ”I’ll be seeing you tomorrow then.”
Your laughter follows suit.
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His soup is perfectly fine, you suppose, but you’re much more interested in how cute he looks with his hair down and the apron still tied loosely around his waist, salivating at the thought of taking his hand and leading him to the little couch tucked in the corner of his apartment and-
“So, how was it?”
“Mm ‘as fine.” And maybe it’s because you drank a little too much, it’s not like you could have turned up empty handed, and well, you couldn’t let such an expensive wine go to waste when he didn’t seem all that interested in it. You make a mental note you’ll probably forget by morning to expand his palette, teach him to live a little, momentarily forgetting you won’t be around long enough to do so anyway.
“Just fine?”
“Mhm,” you tumble forward, barely catching yourself on the wooden tabletop. Worry creases his brow but you only laugh. “‘m fine, see look.” You do a little twirl, well - a half twirl, and a full dramatic fall, saved only by his quick reflexes and strong arms. “W-oah.”
“Alright,” he sighs, lifting you carefully, gently like you’re a fragile, precious thing. And it makes your heart flutter. “I think it’s time to get you home.”
“but ‘m not even drunk.”
“I’m sure,” he laughs. “Let’s say it’s because it’s late then.”
“Iruka,” you whine, keening up at him and you see him start to crumble. “Iruka,” your voice is hot against his throat, alcohol on your breath and hearts in your eyes. “I-ru-ka.”
He’s folding, you’re sure, and you grin, sly as a fox. “Just a lil longer, hm? Pretty pl-ease?” He sighs and you have to suppress the laughter bubbling up your throat, confident that you’ve got him wrapped around your finger. “Knew you-”
“Huh?” You’re sure you must have heard him wrong, sure the alcohol must be messing with you. “No?”
“Let’s get you home for tonight, yeah?” His arms fall away from you and he turns away to help collect your belongings.
You’re sure you’ve never been this embarrassed in your life, he’s rejected you not once but twice and hot tears begin to well in your eyes. “Thought you said I was pretty?” You’re entirely dejected, picking at your fingers. “‘’m I not pretty enough?”
“You’re very pretty.” Iruka doesn’t miss a beat, quick to set the record straight. The last thing he wants to do is make you cry. “But you’re also very drunk and-” He hesitates, worries the skin of his bottom lip.
He sighs, making his way back over to you. “I know Kakashi’s the one in your heart, that you’re doing this just to get under his skin.”
“You... knew?” You’re taken aback, the shock sobering you almost immediately. You scramble for an explanation, the hows and whys, but it only makes your head hurt. “Did he tell you?”
“He didn’t have to; it was obvious.”
“Is that why you took me home that night?” Your sadness turns to anger, embarrassment, indignation. “Because you pitied me?”
“If you’d asked before Kakashi showed up, I probably wouldn’t have taken you home.” Your hands shake, you feel stupid, trusting him, leaning on a stranger so easily, so naive; but even worse is the fact that you know the way you used him was worse. But Iruka does what he’s best at, lulls you in, soothes you, dissipates your worries before they take shape. “But if given the chance, I’d have certainly asked you on a date.”
And makes you feel hopelessly guilty.
“I’m sorry.”
You can’t even look at him, counting each crevice of his worn floorboards. His voice is soft, kind, like he’d accept any and all mistake you’ve made, every way you’ve ever slighted him. “For what?”
“For using you that night, I just-” You shake your head, swiping angrily at the tears spilling down your cheeks. “I just didn’t want to look pathetic in front of him. But I was sincere about everything else, and-” You sigh, stealing a glance up at him. “It’s not that I want Kakashi I- I just- damnit.”
The sobs fill you to the brim, wrack your frame until you’re helpless. You thought you were done crying over him, but it still stings, no matter how many times you tell yourself it doesn’t. 
Iruka is hesitant, gentle about the way he reaches out to wipe the tears from your cheeks. “I always figured he was the type to make pretty girls cry.” He pulls you in, holds you steady but it’s useless, like trying to embrace ripples in the water. You only become more inconsolable. And he tries something out of pocket, reckless, stupidly bold and so unlike himself. His soft lips slant over yours and reality snaps back into focus, and you’re staring up at him, like deer caught in headlights. “I wouldn’t - at least - I’ll try my best not to. If you’ll give me that chance, that is.”
You blink slow, answering him with your fingers in his hair and lips back on his.
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Your remaining days dissipate, flash before your eyes like stars shooting through the sky and you cling to them like a wish you know won’t be granted, in the end. It hurts, to gain something so precious just to have it taken from you so abruptly, unjustly. 
At least you’re used to it.
And if the skies and the stars and the heavens won’t grant you that wish, you suppose you’ll just have to make it a reality yourself.
And you do, returning just long enough to finish your current contract and pack your things, finding work and a cozy little apartment on the edge of Konoha. It’s a bit silly, you realize, dropping everything for a stranger who could leave you in the end, burn you the same way you’d been before. But you figure you wouldn’t miss a thing about the cloudy, overcast skies of the Mist anyway - not to mention the memories that linger like smoke, seeping through your windows and closing up your throat.
Konoha is still warm when you return, teetering on the edge of Autumn, and Iruka is there to welcome you, making sure your arrival is warmer still. And he’s quick to help you unpack, settle into your life like you’d been there all along. It makes you sick at times, like coming down from a sugar rush and you’re almost reluctant to indulge. 
But he lulls you in, holds your hand and kisses your lips so sweetly that you can’t help but fall into him, for him, even if it scares you - that vulnerability. And when he tells you he loves you that very first time, you’re reeling, fight or flight kicking in and it’s the way his soft brown eyes steady on you, hold you down and pull you back that makes you stay, convinces you to trust his words are true.
Though it’s years before you truly do, years of confessions and promises and proclamations of love and, god he must be a saint to be that patient with you, because you struggle to reciprocate, still, even though you’re sure he’s the one in your heart, even though you love him so deeply you’re scared you’ll break if one day he decides he doesn’t feel that way anymore. 
And all you can do in the meantime is let him hold you, the very way he is now. A book in one hand and his self-proclaimed world in the other - you.
A subtle knocking draws your mind back to the confines of reality, where you're still cozied up in Iruka's arms, but you notice he's tensed, the page between his fingertips frozen mid-turn. You look to the door then up at him, trying to read the mixed expression on his face.
He opens his mouth only to close it again right after, as if he's hesitant to say what's on his mind, scared that it'll hurt you. His voice is quiet when he finally mutters, "It's Kakashi."
There's a heaviness in your chest and you can't place why exactly until you find yourself burying your head in his shirt, arms wrapping tighter around his middle, hoping that he can feel just how much you love him. "And what about it?"
He's gentle about the way he sets the book aside and takes you by the shoulders, prying you away just enough to meet your gaze. "You should talk to him."
You pout, crossing your arms across your chest, and it’s childish as hell, you know. "Mm, don't want to."
"My love," he sighs. "You don't have to but-" He hesitates, chews the inside of his cheek. "Sometimes it feels like you struggle to love me, like you put distance between us the second I think we've finally grown closer. And I-" You can feel his sadness in the way his fingers tighten around your shoulders. "I can't help but think it's because of Kakashi."
You're speechless, you can't even deny it. He can always read you like an open book.
"Please talk to him, if not for yourself then for me."
You hesitate but ultimately resign with a nod. "You're sure you're okay with this?"
He smiles, a genuine one that puts your heart at ease. "I'm sure."
Your legs shake when you stand but you straighten your back, making sure your head is high when you open the door. The confidence you hoped to exhume vanishes the moment you lock eyes with him, instead you just feel empty.
"How did you know I was here?" is all you ask, it's all you find yourself wanting to ask. You don't care where or how he's been, and it doesn't strike you as odd either. He doesn't answer, just stares, hands nonchalantly in his pockets. You sigh, "Did you need something?"
"Iruka's inside?" It's not a really a question, you're sure he can sense his chakra the same as Iruka sensed his, still you answer with a nod. "Then he doesn't know?"
"Know what, Kakashi?" You have an inkling but hold your tongue anyway.
"That we..." His words fade, dissipate as if he's waiting for you to fill in the blanks, and you can't help but wonder if that's a habit you taught him. "You know."
He smiles, eyes crinkling and head tilting to the side; it’s so fake it makes your stomach turn.
"No, I don't know. That we what?" Your words are snappy, though it's not your intention. "That we were in love once? That's not how I remember it." You cross your arms over your chest. “But yes, I suppose he does know.”
The smile never leaves his face but you catch the way it falters, trembles at the edges and becomes a little tighter. “Do you love him?”
“Do you love him?” he repeats, taking a step closer.
You take one back.
“I don’t see how that’s any of your business.”
“Do you love him? If not-” His smile gives way, brows creasing in way that startles you, playful facade morphing into that of dead sincerity. “You can come back to me, at any time. You know that, right?”
You have to stop yourself from laughing in his face, instead you turn to go back inside.
"I love you." 
It's rushed, desperate and so unlike him, but you know he means every word, that he’s scrambling to catch you before you’re too far gone; but you’d reached that point a long time ago. You turn back to face him, regarding the way his eyes search your face for any hint of reciprocation.
You're sure he doesn't find any.
"I know." His shock and confusion couldn’t be clearer, he must have thought he’d fooled you, completely, that those words would lull you back like magic. "You think I didn't know? You think I would have stayed by your side if I thought you didn't?"
You knew him all too well, knew that he loved you, and knew he could never act on that feeling, because the second he said it, it would become tangible, real, and you would become yet another thing that he could lose. Still, you poured, poured, poured your love into him, as if it would wash away all the memories that haunted him.
Instead - it washed him away, past the bridges he burned and the dams he built to keep you from becoming someone precious to him.
And if it hadn't, if he'd stayed, you would have continued to love him, pine for him like the fool you were, desperately begging for whatever scraps of affection he deigned to give you.
"Don't leave me." He breathes, a quiet whisper that you almost miss. “I love you, I love you, I love you.”
It's everything you wanted to hear for all the years you loved him and all years you missed him, and yet when you reach, and reach, and reach into the furthest depths of yourself, past the flowers Iruka bloomed in your heart and the butterflies he nurtured deep in the pits of your stomach, you find nothing for Kakashi.
He's too late.
"But I don't, not anymore."
He reaches out to you, for you but you pull away, close the door, and return to the man that you love, and not even for a moment do you stop to wonder how Kakashi's heart has just broken. Because it’s not your burden to bear anymore.
You're so deeply in love with Iruka -
His gaze is soft when you approach and he places the book he was reading face down on his lap. "Are you okay?"
You nod, a smile finding it’s way across lips as you slip your arms around him. "I love you, Iruka."
He sighs against the top of your head, returning your embrace. "I love you too, darling."
- and he loves you just the same.
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dndfuckhouse · 1 year
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Whistling away the time, floating through the sky...
DAY ONE > Return of the Airship Drinking Party Part 1 - 6/4 > Return of the Airship Drinking Party Part 2 - 10/4 > Return of the Airship Drinking Party Part 3 - 27/4
The Helpful Timeline Diagram
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Return of the Airship Drinking Party Part 1 - 6/4
Vinny and Cimmorro finally decide to wrap it up after a long day of bashing their heads into tomes and formulas, both of them having completely lost track of the time. It was only until jasper started mewling for her supper when they’d all finally realized how late it has gotten.
Cimmorro and Vinny head over with Jasper to the dining hall, the former only starting to realize how hungry he was as soon as he stepped in and the smell of fresh meals wafted from the entrance, he orders more than his usual that may even be brow raising worthy for someone of his size -and of course, drinks, alcohol as promised, were present on the table as well.
Cimmorro: (cimm probs ordered smth sweet like a long island) as they eat and chatter about, the topic of the lessons were still prevalent in their conversations. "okay, okay," cimm swirls his drink around in his glass with a straw "if you had to pick ONE spell as your favorite and least favorite each from your tome what would it be?" they seemed to have wandered into the subject of vinny's spellbook Vinny: chowing down into his dinner vinny pauses while taking a sip of his drink (smth salty to help his appetite) as cimmorro asks. he folds his arms and starts thinking to himself, bobbing his head from side to side he closes his eyes as he lets out a 'hmmmmm' sound "wristpocket's quite useful when im working on something... then again so is sending and burning hands..." he taps a finger against his bicep still in thought "as for least... well i can't even remember the last time ive used sudden awakening for anything..." Cimmorro: after swallowing a spoonful of food in his mouth, he asks "never heard of wristpocket. what does it do?" he helps jasper with a prawn as he nods in agreement to his other choices. "can't argue with that, my life instantly became better after sending. also, sudden awakening seems like something that needs to be cast on YOU with all the times i find you on the floor 😂” Vinny: he looks back over at cimm "ah.. it essentially lets me flick my wrist and send something im holding to an extraplanar pocket for a little bit, i can take it out and put it back in when i need it. it's nice when my hands are full during work" he snorts after and shakes his head "t-travel is tiring..! i've got plenty of built up exhaustion over here... my bodys taking the time to catch up" Cimmorro: cimm's interest seems to pique at the explanation. "what, that's cool! like a temporary bag of holding... the hell,that would be so good for my back. carrying shit up and down those stairs, man, i tell you... yeesh...!" he shakes his head and takes another sip of his drink while snorting a little. "heh, i won't get on your case about it. you seem to get up around the same time as i do which makes sense you nap around..." looking up at the ceiling in thought, cimm hums. "i mainly asked about your spells since i would have to choose a few to get started with my own tome, don't i? and there's quite an array of choices." he shifts to lean back on his chair and smiles "how's my progress coming along though? ya think i could get into some actual spellcasting tomorrow? :D" Vinny: he nods, smiling a little at cimm's excitement "it cant take anything too heavy but having a space like that saves you having to get up alot" he thinks for a moment, almost theatrically putting a hand to his chin in thought "hmmmm... well my quick study...! we could have a go and see if you've got enough of a stable hand on things yet, though our third day will almost entirely be stabilizing your casting anyway" he smiles again brightly, spreading his hands out by his face "you're doing incredibly well already though! maybe i'll have to shorten the curriculum" Cimmorro: "for real?!" he lets out a delightful cheer with jasper happily meowing along. "yay!!! i told you i'd knock this shit right out of the park!!" he puffs his chest out proudly and flashes a sweet grin. "some of those principles almost had me for a second but i can only be grateful with how attentive you are with teaching me, of course!!" he continues to wiggle around in his seat as he imagines telling his family all about it. "that rainbow dye is also getting closer within my reach, heheh" Vinny: he gives a reserved fist pump as cimmorro cheers with a smile "it can get a little tricky to start, especially copying out the higher level ones..." before he gets lost in thought he recalls the dye and half laughs "true, i'll have to remember to make it before we land. nearly forgot" Cimmorro: "i won't let you forget it, except for tonight when we're meant to be drinking. i'll let it pass for the time being," he playfully hmphs like a boss letting his subordinate have some time off. cimm eyes the now-empty plates on their table and wonders. "hmmm, what'd be a good drinking game now... what about some classic truth or dare?" Vinny: he rolls his eyes a little while smiling "i appreciate the slack" he takes another sip of his drink as cimmorro thinks and coughs a little as he suggests the game "w-what?" he shakes his head clearing his throat "and here i'd thought you'd gotten sick of me talking about myself earlier...!" Cimmorro: "hmmmm," he rests his head on his hand as he leans an elbow on the table, "nope. fun's just about to start! and i'm curious at how well you hold your liquor." he cackles a bit. "i'm gonna be drinking for a while anyway cause if i don't i'm sure i'm gonna be seeing those equations in my dreams! i'm sure you know of the rules right? we take turns, truth or dare, can't do one then glug glug, yadda yadda" Vinny: he withers a little under cimm's stare and sighs with a wobbly smile "i'm not sure i have many idea for crazy requests or questions s-so don't complain if you get disappointed halfway through this..." as he says that he finishes off the last few dregs of his drink afterwards and tilts his head a little "though maybe we ought to get new ones..." Cimmorro: "don't you worry about that. it just means more space for me to heckle you with ^_^" he raises a brow when vinny finishes his drink then he laughs. "are you that excited to get hammered? i need a refill too anyway," he calls for a waiter for refills and upsizing both their drinks at the same time. while waiting, cimm asks "you or me first? :3c" Vinny: he almost laughs at cimmorro getting them bigger drinks this time around as the waiter refills them "just preparing in advance?" at the question he kind babbles for a second and waves his hand through the air "you go first! i dont really have any ideas yet" he rubs his neck like he's already trying to dispel some kind of nerves
Cimmorro: cimms like :evilsmile: "alright. truth of dare~" Vinny: he tilts his head and squints "truth..?" Cimmorro: cimm makes a manic laugh to intimidate him before going "kidding. i'll be easy on you for the first couple of turns. how'd you and ezra meet?" Vinny: he lets out a relieved sigh "er...lets see how long ago was it... i think the year i first opened the store is when we met actually" he pauses to consider the timing of it "i must have been 25? i heard some strange sounds in the alley outside, when i opened the side door to check it out i saw him leaning against one of the walls covered in blood" he waves a hand through the air "not all his own but er... he gave me quite the haggard look as i opened the door, so i let him in for some tea" he leans back smiling as if recalling something that sounds far more pleasant than what hes said Cimmorro: "wow? that's, not at all what i expected..." cimm seems amused by the story. "i'm just imagining you taking him in like a cat" Vinny: "he'd probably hate it if he heard you say that" he puts a hand to his chin in thought, amused "i let him stick around for a few days, it was his first time in shorewater funnily enough and now when he's in the area he comes to say hi. he usually takes care of some things for me as thanks, though i always tell him he's too much of a busybody" he shakes his head like he's internally tutting Cimmorro: cimm snickers. "what doesn't he hate? i feel like i've never seen him do anything but brood, which makes it a little funny to see you two together." he nods as he listens to the rest of vinny's story. "that's interesting though. i thought you two were childhood friends or something, really. it's the only way i could make sense of you two having met at all since you seem so different" he laughs again. "your turn." Vinny: he smirks "he's not that brooding just ah... stonefaced?" he laughs again at the childhood friends assumption "that... is very amusing to picture. maybe he'd have got along with some of my relatives..?" he finally leans back again and thinks "right, ah truth or dare?" Cimmorro: "i suppose so, either way it's fun to poke people like that" he asks the waiter for some finger food to pick at while they play and turns back to vinny at the comment about his relatives "you think so? is it because of all the travelling around?" cimm drapes one of his arm over the back of his chair as he makes a choice. "mmm, truth" Vinny: he tilts his head in thought "he just seems to get along with easy going sorts" he glances at the finger food but shakes his head as if to focus on actually coming up with a question. he puts a hand to his chin, leaning on the table "hmm.. lets see..." after a few moments he speaks up again "what's the reason you're all travelling together right now? i recall you mentioning a destination after your hometown but..."  he tilts his head curiously Cimmorro: cimm blinks at him before snorting. right, he had no idea about that. "well, vinny, i would love to tell you if i could. all we're aware of is we're hired to do a common job" cimm sighs and shrugs at it all. "we'll know what it is once we get there. without this condition i find myself having a hard time imagining travelling with half of these guys if i had any other choice." he pops a biscuit into his mouth. "i'm sure you noticed some of us don't really jive" Vinny: he folds his arms and furrows his brows almost too seriously "it has been really perplexing me... but it felt strange to ask around everyone" he leans back a little gesturing with one of his hands "putting it that way you sound like a sort of typical mercenary band though" Cimmorro: "well, if you put it that way, yeah. it'd be my first merry little band too, now that you mentioned it." he stares at the ceiling as he recounts. "i would sometimes travel with one or two other people but it's only to get to point A to B which doesn't last very long. but with these guys i feel like i'll be stuck with them for a little while." Vinny: he offers a smile to cimmorro half consolingly "here's hoping it gets easier? though i imagine any group of strangers coming together has its rough bumps" he raises a finger again "remember the common goal of getting a paycheck and im sure itll help out"
As they chat the two see han stumble into the dining hall looking, not physically tired but emotionally tired... she goes to get a little treat, a fruit cup. She eats it straight at the serving table, and then takes like another and begins to look for somewhere to sit
Han: she spots cimm n gives a lil wave before sitting by herself ... nom nom nom fruit cup… Cimmorro: cimm just gives vinny a smile that's forced and full of discomfort. "i think i need more than hope for things to work out in this group. a miracle maybe." he shuts his eyes and breathes out of his nose. "at least, yknow, we manage to get jobs done. albeit a little all over the place and chaotic..." when he opens his eyes he suddenly sees han who is clearly very, very difficult to miss. he greets her back with a friendly smile and a raised glass Vinny: he lets out an awkward laugh and pats cimm on the shoulder "the only place to go from rock bottom is up?" as he notices cimm glance over he turns as well, noticing han he also gives her a wave Han: 😊 fruit cup bliss..... Cimmorro: gesturing for her to come over Han: gets out of fruit bliss, points to herself like me? o_O Cimmorro: cimm points at her and nods, yeah you O_o Han: O_O turns around and steals more fruit cups and scuttles over "did you know they have pineapple in this thing!! its crazy!!! hi" :3 Vinny: he nods in greeting "its a big variety for a ship honestly..!" Cimmorro: cimm laughs "didn't take you for a pineapple lover. wanna come sit? we're just having some drinkies” Han: "all fruit is so good" +_+ "i would love to sit and drinkies" ^-^ to vinny “have you ever been on another ship before?" O_o Cimmorro: cimm pulls out a chair for her Vinny: he shakes his head "no, it's just what i've heard. though i guess the cost of riding one of these is already that much more than a regular ship"
Han: she puts a fruit cup in front of each of you but there’s like 10 more in front of her Cimmorro: cimm just kinda goes like o_o at the sheer number of that "is... this your dinner?" Han: "this is....." she gives a bit of a thousand yard stare "snack for being good" Vinny: stares half amused at the fruit assortment Han: deep thought over fruit costs ...... Cimmorro: cimm tilts his head "oh? something interesting happened to you today on the ship?" Han: "i said thank you to finn and had normal conversation with him where i did not upset him ... tooo much" very proud of herself as she says this Vinny: vinny looks back over at cimm like 'see?' ^_^ Han: 🐱 ❓ Cimmorro: cimm pulls a head back and laughs, immediately understanding the reason behind the thousand yard stare. "well you two are hitting it off, then. maybe before we all part ways you've have already mastered the art of not detonating him before the rest of us do. you've done good" he raises the fruit cup han gave him and goes "cheers" while slightly rolling his eyes at vinny "vinny and i were just playing a little truth or dare game but with drinks if you wanna participate :3c" Han: han listens to cimm saying all that w a grin that truly says 'ye i fuckinf doubt that', but she goes "cheers!" to it anyway "ye sure, i like game. is it drunky drinks?" han remembers last time she drank w cimm. actually han realizes that and goes "do you make everyone you meet play drunk truth and dare with you?" 🤨 Vinny: vinny ponders the phrase 'drunky drinks' for a few seconds Cimmorro: "it's the easiest way to hang out! we don't have any games on this ship. kevster's the only one with cards! i bet she's up somewhere climbing the sails or whatever they're called again" he mopes. "also yeas, drunky drinks. you drink if you refuse to do neither truth or dare :3" he mumbles about something something psalm soured the last card game anyway something something Han: han looks like she gets where hes coming from... hard to do anything on this ship. han huffs proudly "ill never refuse, so easy. ill play. who is next" >:3 Cimmorro: "atta girl. we both just finished our turn. so you can have yours" Han: han hmms and then with too much gusto goes "vinny! truth or dare!" Cimmorro: cimm clapping when han decides to go for vinny Vinny: he sighs as if summoned for public speaking "truth?" Han: she rolls her eyes playfully "of course, cowards option." looks at cimm n stage whispers "what did you ask before" Vinny: he makes a disgruntled face to himself Cimmorro: "oh, i asked him about how he met ezra" Han: "oooo..." turns back to vinny "how did you meet cole then?" suddenly genuinely curious Vinny: he blinks as if not expecting the question "oh, hm. she came to my store about 2 years ago... oh jeez that's been a while" he leans backwards a bit "she said she'd heard about my work and basically fell to the floor to beg me to take her on" he scratches the back of his head awkwardly "when i said i wasn't taking on apprentices, especially er, so out of the blue she still wouldn't give up. she came back everyday for a week until i decided to finally hire her as an employee at least..." he looks down in defeat "eventually she just started calling herself that and i couldn't be bothered to correct it anymore" Han: han laughs into her hand, snorting n shit "i didnt know you were such.. what it called. hotshot!!" Cimmorro: cimm is also just cackling and bringing up the cat thing again "i can't even blame her. maybe i would've resorted to such tactics if you also turned down my request" Vinny: he shrugs "well, the accord like to brag about their acquisitions, so maybe my name got around... and that i was specialized in the newest school of magic" he says this all with complete neutrality, though at cimmorro he sits up straighter getting embarrassed "d-don't joke about that please...!" Cimmorro: cimm sneers playfully. "you should start preparing yourself for more of those flooding in now that they're parading you, as you said... but i'm sure none of them would have as funny of an entrance as cole" Han: han nods sympathetically Vinny: he blinks like he'd never even considered the possibility before a kind of horror dawns on his face "...oh i don't want to imagine that... let's hope cole isn't fighting back young applicants at the store in my stead" he rubs the bridge of his nose as if to dispel the thought Han: han hehehes gleefully n loudly at vinnys misery Cimmorro: cimm laughs too but it's mixed with amusement and also pity "maybe it was best you are on vacation then, she could easily just say you're not there and they'd run off... least until you come back" Vinny: he continues rubbing his eyes "maybe i should have just wandered off into the forest in figstup after all..." Cimmorro: "not too late to start planning! but let me know if you relocate, i could at least come and send a housewarming gift" he snickers. Vinny: he lets out a groan and just looks forlornly across the table Cimmorro: "so, my turn yeah?" Vinny: he gestures with his other hand like go ahead
Cimmorro: "kay, vinny. truth or dare. btw han called you a coward for picking truth. remember that" Han: han nods seriously Vinny: he raises his eyebrows surprised and sits up straight again from his hunched over pose shaking his head "...truth" Cimmorro: "oh cmooooon. fine," cimm huffs as he thinks over what to ask, determined to get vinny to start drinking. "hmmm, what's one embarrassing secret you have?" Vinny: he gives cimm a deadpan face "...i thought that's where this was going" he rubs his neck as if he's genuinely considering a way to answer it while not getting too embarrassed "...m-most of the books i sell in my store are secondhand romance novels i didn't enjoy...?" Han: the delight on hans face rn Cimmorro: cimm listens to that and looks at han and goes "do you think that's embarrassing enough for a pass?" Han: han considers it seriously 🤔 then narrow her eyes at vinny "what made them not enjoyable?" Cimmorro: cimm looks at vinny expectantly Vinny: he tilts his head still sweating "...usually having terrible prose, or really derivative plots" Han: leans in n whispers evilly "what is deh-ri-va-tif plot" Vinny: "...unoriginal or boring?" Han: leans back disappointed "oh. thats all it meant? booo" Cimmorro: cimm in his head like idk why this is considered embarrassing i read garbage all the time Han: "ill still let it pass i guess" 🙄 Cimmorro: "yeah, well if vinny finds it embarrassing then i suppose it counts. it also gave me an idea what to ask next time. you're free... for now" he mimics the same way vinny gestured earlier to let him have his turn
Vinny: he makes a strained face as he attempts to move them on quickly "er...han? truth or dare" Han: "daaaaare!" victoriously puts her cup up Cimmorro: claps claps Vinny: he glances at the cup then the rest of the of the fruit cups still sitting on the table "hmm... see how many you can down in a...minute?" Han: "easy peasy!! someone count" she readies into position Cimmorro: "i'll time it, vinny can count" Vinny: he quickly starts to rethink this decision but the die has already been cast "s-sure uh" he gets up and stands next to han looking down at the table "when youre ready...!?"
Han begins downing the fruit cups like crazy, though she soon gets queasy at the 40 second mark. As the minute rounds she feels herself starting to regret this as her stomach rebels against the plentiful fruitstuffs. She reaches 20 and finds herself with a stomach ache.
Han: han is visibly not happy anymore as cimm counts 58..59..60! but she raises a hand in the air likes shes a fucking trooper and sits in the chair like that dead joe pic chip uses for a minute "fruit is.............delicious and good..............." Vinny: vinny looks on with worried eyes and pats her on the shoulder scared shes about to blow Han: thumbs up Cimmorro: "wow..... arguably just taking the drink would've been easier on your stomach but, i know you" he smiles a little pensively "very impressive though!"
Han: THUMBS UP as she groans and sits back up "my turnnnn cimmyyy... truth or daaare.." Cimmorro: "you've inspired me, truly. dare." 🖐️ Han: "i dare you .. to..." han looks at all the empty cups "i dare you to wear all empty littol cups as hats for rest of night" Vinny: vinny goes to sit down as he glances between the two of you "...how would they fit..?" Han: han thinks at the mess they could cause "okay, just two. on your horns" Cimmorro: cimm looks down at the cups and tries to figure out how to even start doing that. "han, I wouldn't mind that if we weren't on a ship on route but i feel like these would eventually end up in an accident... my horns are small" he moves his hair to show her properly "psalm could probably pull it off though" Han: han pouts "psalm isnt here to ruin my daaaaaare" 😤 Vinny: vinny looks between the glasses and cimmorro like hes doing math in his head "...guess you're drinking?" Cimmorro: cimm looks at vinny like this (just playfully), its less about him needing to drink and more about him being the first one to when he wanted to get vinny
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Cimmorro: "I'll drink then yes, my drink has already started to get lonely anyway!" Han: han looks happy with the outcome anyway Vinny: he almost laughs at how put out cimmorro looks at the idea "make sure to enjoy it!"
As he downs it, Cimmorro finds the drink packs a punch, he blinks a little more tipsy than he thought he’d be.
Cimmorro: blink blink blink wtf did that waiter put in my drink<-- cimm rn cimm blinks a little spaced out but shakes his head a little from it. maybe the previous drinks are all stacking up along too? ah well. he clears his throat. "meeeee? :3c" Han: "youuuu" :3 Cimmorro: "alrighttt," he squints between you two and lands on han. "you, truth or dare!" Han: she agonizes for a moment before feeling all those fruit cups in  her belly "..truth" 😔 Cimmorro: "hmmm, what are all those tattoos on your face about?" Han: han perks up, unexpected and then laughs a little "they arent tattoos? theyre birthmarks. go all the way down" shes points out all the ones going down her back, arms, chest, etc. "its on all goliaths. what the word... passed on. easy to tell apart clan, too." Cimmorro: his eyes follow her wherever she points. "oh... right," he slowly blinks again, the tipsiness must be playing with his eyes. "that's interesting? so... your siblings have the exact same ones too?" Han: she thinks "no, not exactly.. they are similar, though." Cimmorro: cimm nods. "i see, good to knoooooow vinny, yer up"
Vinny: he blinks back over from where he's glancing at the marks on han's cheek "hm? oh uhh... cimmoro i suppose. truth or dare?" Cimmorro: "truth!" Vinny: he thinks for a minute stumped "ah...." scratching his chin he goes on "...what's your biggest fear?" Cimmorro: "augh, ehhhh..." he leans on the table with both arms and hands on both sides of his face as he thinks. "i would say losing my connection to the ruby sorceress... but i suppose that's every follower's fear, ain't it?" he thinks again and reluctantly he goes,"i guess right now, I'm really scared of something happening to my ma... or worse! she might not come back at all" he just kinda squeezes his face as he says the last part. Vinny: he nods his head in agreement at the thoughtful answer "family woes are on the forefront of alot of our minds huh..." then makes to pat cimm on the shoulder apologetically "er sorry...i was expecting something silly as an answer, like...bugs..." Han: han gives him a big look of pity, not expecting such a real answer, and not knowing what to say rly, she just goes "sorry, that sucks.." Cimmorro: cimm snorts a bit at that. "you said BIGGEST fear. also i love bugs, excuse you!" he seems to be more or less back to his usual demeanor. "if we're talking about stuff that exist then I'm scared of geese........." Vinny: he stares wide eyed "geese...." Han: "ive only seen geese in farmer market. are they that scary...?" 🤔 Cimmorro: cimm just makes a scrunched smile. "it's okay don't worry about it, really. i got chased by geese when i was young okay!" Vinny: vinny lets out a surprised laugh, putting a hand over his mouth "...i see... a traumatising event..." Cimmorro: "there was a wedding ceremony," he begins "at my temple, the betrothed wanted to have black geese around the altar. but they got out of the cage when i was looking for willow and they just started chasing me!" Han: O_o "how.. little were you" Cimmorro: "like," he measures with his hand which is barely like 90cm-ish "this? i was 5!" Han: han stares in horror, remembering what size geese are Vinny: vinny is distracted trying to picture a ceremony with geese Cimmorro: "have you seen the teeth on those things? horrible. i barely made it out alive" Vinny: "i wonder if it was that severe..." Cimmorro: "are you saying you don't believe me :plumface:" Vinny: "i mean... i believe you're scared of them" he smiles while tilting his head Cimmorro: [off my puter jpg] Vinny: [laughs under his hand] Cimmorro: "whatever 🙄 han next"
Han: han comes out of her stupor about dire geese "hm? oh.. vinny ! truth or dare !" Vinny: he looks over cautiously "truth..?" Cimmorro: "ask him something he's gonna have to drink for :mortcry~1:" Han: han think she could very easily do that , but she would feel bad about it, so she wont "what is ... the favourite romance book you have" Vinny: he makes a lopsided face at the question and look away embarrassed again "....f-favourite huh...." he closes his eyes as he scratches the back of his head "of all time...that's a difficult choice...." he folds his arms and taps his finger on his bicep thinking "there was one i liked recently though called star night calls. it was about a man haunted by evil spirits...though one day a benevolent one steps in to act as his bodyguard, and eventually a relationship blossoms between the two..." Cimmorro: "what the hell." hold on brain static blinking again. "that sounds good? do you have it with you? can i borrow it?" Vinny: he makes a coughing sound again "i...did not bring it with me... i usually only take things i havn't read around when i travel..." Cimmorro: "ahhhhhhhhhhh, fine I'll look for it when we land..." he pouts "let me borrow something else though" Vinny: still not making eye contact he nods "s-sure sure... i'm done with a couple already..."
Cimmorro: 🐱🐱🐱 cimm making a mental note to browse through Vinny's suitcase library "okay my turn.... vinny, truth or dare!" Vinny: he slaps a hand to his red face and sighs "maybe it was better when only two of us were drinking" Cimmorro: "aw cmon you made han eat all of those fruit cups 🙄" Vinny: he looks at the cups despondently "truth..." Cimmorro: cimm taps his chin. "what are the best and worst dates you've ever been on? go!" Vinny: he drops his head with a sigh Cimmorro: ?!? "hello? portcus to vinny?" Vinny: he scratches the back of his head again more anxiously than before and lifts it again, turning to cimm but glancing away "i... have never been on one?" Cimmorro: "what? like, date-date like, lover date right? we're on the same page?" Han: "i would high five you but i scored date with psalm so i am no longer not been on one" 😎 Vinny: he nods his head still glancing away "yes, date-date" he looks at han like he's updating something in his mind Cimmorro: cimm makes a genuine, sharp gasp and just kinda stays still on his seat like that Vinny: vinny flinches a little and grumbles embarassed "it's not that dramatic come on..!" Cimmorro: "no- but, i really thought... i mean you seem very sociable enough for it, and you read a lot of those books apparently--- not even once? do you just not want to?" he's genuinely concerned Vinny: he spits a little at the mention of the books "t-the.. the opportunity j-just hasn't ever really come up! i've been b-busy studying or working! back in my village, never, and m-most people in the city find me a strange man usually, including locals..." he pauses as he finds himself getting redder at the babbling Han: han looks up from staring at vinny, and looks back at him to ask "not everyone thinks youre strange man, right? is there no one You're interested in?" Vinny: he crosses his arms scrunching his face up "i m-mean interest comes and goes- i am under no obligation to answer more questions..." Han: >:3c Cimmorro: cimm sits there and listens to both of them like, "even if you were strange, strange isn't really a bad thing anyway, no? just gotta find someone who likes strange" Vinny: he lets out a weary sigh still red "it's not high on my priority list...." Cimmorro: "what if you're interested in someone then? do you just let it pass because it's not a priority?" cimm seems boggled by this. "that's why you wouldn't get any openings then because you just close them!" Han: han was gonna push the game along to torture vinny faster but seeing cimm taking this so personally is also pretty amusing Vinny: he waves a hand around through the air exaggeratedly "i- i just said so! i'm not eager to get involved with anyone w-who doesn't know me all that well anyway... and e-even then i wouldn't want to..." he waves an arm again as if to gesture to himself in his entirety "no one needs to... augh..." he starts rubbing his hair with both arms looking between han and cimm frustrated "the question has been answered..!" Han: han just lolling inside n trying to hide her laughter w her hand, vinnys struggle is cute lol lol Cimmorro: cimm just watches him faff about like O_o. this is more serious than he thought... but he also needs vinny to function tomorrow so he decides to leave it alone. maybe. for now. "okay, you're right. it's your turn now"
Return of the Airship Drinking Party Part 2 - 10/4
Vinny: he rubs eyes underneath his glasses a little as he wills his embarrassment to die down for near a minute, nearly taking a sip of his drink until he remembers the rules of the game they're playing. he lets out a wobbly sigh, shaking his head and glancing over at han "er...truth or dare?" Han: han sits pondering intensely ... having to admit shes a coward hurts... but tummy hurts more... "truth..." her pride withering rn Vinny: he tilts his head consolingly at the stomach pain as he continues to rub his face idly "hmm... best fruit cup flavour?" Han: hans surprised at such an innocent question that she giggles a lil then thinks seriously about it... then it turns kinda too serious? then after a too long pause she goes "... apple" Cimmorro: cimm snorts a bit at how han went into full thinker mode Vinny: he glances at the empty cups after han's minute of serious thought wondering if he somehow asked another upsetting question "maybe i'll grab an apple for myself then?" Han: arms crossed, very seriously "apple is simply best fruit" jjba i understand your feelings deeply jpg Cimmorro: "I'm more of a mango and strawberies fan but apples are delicious, that much i can agree" he nods Han: han nods seriously back "also good option...” Vinny: vinny half smiles again "i can agree on the mango, but im glad we've reached a real consensus on this question with the apple" Han: “strong.. powerful..." Cimmorro: "w-what?" Han: "in flavour" Cimmorro: "OH." he seems a bit frazzled by the answer. "sorry i just wasn't expecting that description of it... but i get it now!" he shakes his head from the hint of embarrassment "which kind do you like the most?" Han: "big red one" Cimmorro: cimm slowly cheers a "yeaaaaaahhhhh" with a thumbs up of approval Han: YEAAASH THUMBS UP BACK "wait, whose turn is it" Cimmorro: "yours"
Han: gasp, she looks like shes up to no good again "truth or dare" Vinny: he gives han a glance and sighs "i'm sensing a trend here" Cimmorro: cimm innocently :3c's at him Han: "the trend is you saying interesting things" >:3 "you said interests come and go... who was your last interest?" 🤔 Cimmorro: cimm laughs into his hand when han doesn't let vinny have a choice Vinny: he makes a scrunched up red face at her and moves to immediately take a sip of his drink Han: han makes the pog face "i got vinny to drink!!! i think i win??" looks at cimm expectantly Cimmorro: cimm seems surprised at vinny drinking "love life too private then, huh?" but there's definitely a look that suggests he's also scheming as he watches him, then at han "YEAH YOU GOT HIM!!" hi5 Han: HI5!!! HEHEHE Vinny: his face grows a little redder as he mumbles into the cup "my l-lack of one, yes" Cimmorro: "oh but you do have semblance of one, don't you? why else hide it? :)" Vinny: he pointedly tries to ignore cimmorro Han: hans just like yaaaay i win i win (ignores ust) "cimms turn!?" (nose growing gag) "be warned, im already point ahead--" Cimmorro: "yes, my turn!" he eyes between han and vinny, spins a fork on the table to let it decide "technically two? i also had to drink because of you" Han: she forgor.... look of shock and then she laughs like finn "HAHAHA! YES! TWO!" Vinny: 😓
Cimmorro: "vinny, truth or dare" he smiles Vinny: he sighs audibly resisting the urge to hang his head "..dare?" Cimmorro: "oh cmon, don't be so drooooopy I'm not that evil!" cimm pretends to think but clearly he's had this idea from the start. "say the corniest pick up line you can think of, one for each of us." Han: "what does corn have to do with pick up line?" :3 Cimmorro: "oh it's like, corny means something that makes you cringe, or probably cheesy. I'm not sure why they call it corn or cheese, either though" cimm seems a bit taken by the question like yknow i never wondered about that Han: "like...dairy..?" Cimmorro: "yes, cheese is dairy... have you had cheese...?" Han: nods... Cimmorro: cimm snorts at han's cluelessness still. "cheesy either means something with a lot of cheese. or it's a feeling you get when you feel... somewhat embarrassed? i suppose. it's rather difficult to describe if i'm being honest" Han: thinks deeply and stores this information in her brain, awaiting vinny to give her proper examples Vinny: he looks surprised at the suggestion, expecting something more physically strenuous in some outlandish way. he coughs, still pouting and a little red, he leans back folding his arms "c-corny....?" he tries to recall lines from anything he's read recently. after a minute of han and cimm chattering on the meaning of corn and cheese, he turns to cimm, not looking him in the eyes "my h-heart exists in three stages, solid, liquid and c-completely yours...?" he then turns to han, also avoiding a glance at her face "i think the g-gaps in my fingers were meant for yours?" he finds himself embarrassed afterward as he leans back in his chair, arms still folded, screwing his eyes shut Cimmorro: cimm puts a hand over his own eyes and laughs breathily, trying not to burst out into a full bark. after he calms himself a bit, he turns to han with a hand over his mouth, still laughing. "that's cheesy" Han: han studying the gaps in her fingers and takes vinnys hand to measure "is that so?" Vinny: he reddens worse at the laughing from cimm, though he's so flabbergasted han actually grabs his hand that he lets it go limp as he stares at her confused "i...it's not literal" Han: "OH" NOW SHES EMBARRASED, puts his hand back gently Cimmorro: "aw but you two looked so cute just now!" Vinny: >_< Han: gives cimm an unimpressed look Cimmorro: :3 Han: han looks a bit dejected but still pink "i dont think i get pick up lines after all.." Cimmorro: "it's stuff that's supposed to make your heart flutter one way or another. but truly it's a hit or miss" he leans back on his chair. "i think most of the time it really only makes me laugh, especially at bars? if someone wanted to have sex with me I'd rather they just be out with it... definitely different coming from a sweetheart though" he takes a bite of another biscuit Han: han nods in understanding Vinny: he rubs his furrowed brow "l-lets move on..." Cimmorro: "why? I'm not even targetting you anymore 😭 can't a guy talk about himself. han, have you never been given a pick up line? i feel like you're more out there than i am" Vinny: vinny stares at the ceiling Cimmorro: "🤔🤔🤔🤔 do YOU want to be pick up lined?" Han: she thinks this way... she thinks that way... "some inn guests tell me i have great thighs? or like, 'you wanna wrap those legs around me tonight baby?' but thats not like what vinny said.." she then has this moment of clarity and she goes pink "THATS LIKE WHAT STELLA KEPT SAYING TO ME!!!! LIKE 'YOURE SO SWEET, ARE YOU ON THE MENU' " she folds in on herself head on table in embarrassment, stomping a little Vinny: he makes a surprised sound as he looks over "i-i dont even know how i'd react to someone giving me one..." at han's flash of self awareness he looks over like well at least im not the only one embarrassed now at this table Cimmorro: cimm lets out a laugh again. "so, you get it right? it's supposed to make your heart flutter! or turn you on. whichever" then at vinny "YOU'VE NEVER GOTTEN ONE EITHER? does nobody flirt with you at all?" he turns to han "i think we need to bring this guy to a night bar" Han: "no! they sound silly !!! im not on any menu !!" pulls her hair :O "do you know good bars in krenic?" 🤔 Vinny: "i told you i'm not the h-hottest commodity -and I-I DONT NEED TO BE TAKEN ANYWHERE..." he lifts up an arm quickly in a stop motion Cimmorro: "why are you getting embarrassed then!" at the bar question he seems to think for a bit. "a couple, yeah. but i havent visited in the past few years so it might've changed by now. you need to LIVE a little buddy" Han: "it is new experience" nods seriously Vinny: "i'm living just fine...!" he shakes his head "all i've been getting lately are new experiences..." he gets a far off look in his eyes as he sighs, pouting again "don't go trying to s-set me up with strangers please" Cimmorro: "fine. I'll respect that..." he seems to relent until he gets Han's attention again. "you wanna take vinny out on a date or should i?" Han: !? caught off guard but gives it some thought "i only had one... and psalm said i need to work on my skills more... you sound more like expert... makes sense you go?" very genuine answer Cimmorro: "i dunno, seems like a nice experience either way... you could get some practice in! at the same time vinny gets to experience it. we could have a threeway date too 🤔" he thinks for a bit and looks around the table. "honestly, this is more or less a date already" he shrugs Han: "is it...?" han considers this seriously "i suppose it could be..." 🤔 Vinny: at some point vinny has put his red face in his hand to stop himself from making strangled sounds Cimmorro: cimm waves a hand nonchalantly. "either way it's pointless if vinny doesn't want to. but know my offer is up for grabs. han well, you have to ask her if you want her instead... know that I'm a limited time offer though!" he snickers as he jokes Han: han gives a thumb up, kinda lost but shes got the spirit ! Vinny: he drags his hand slightly down his face to reveal his eyes, face still flushed "...n-now can we move on...?" Cimmorro: "fiiiiiine.... i forgot whose turn it was.... yours?" Han: "i also forgot, lets say vinnys" ^o^
Vinny: he huffs as he leans back towards the table looking at cimmorro "truth or dare..." Cimmorro: "oh he's mad at me now...! dare." Vinny: he fights the urge to roll his eyes a little and thinks for a second rubbing his neck, he glances at the fruit cups again before pointing at them "...do your best to juggle three at once" Cimmorro: "you are very fixated on these fruit cups..." cimm picks three of them up and it's obvious by how awkwardly he's holding these things that he has never juggled a thing in his life. but by the gods will he try. "I've never done this before so wish me luck" Han: thumbs up u got this Cimmorro: cimm goes "hup, hup, hup---WHOAH-- nope, i got it! heh" as he eases into the rhythm of it. he looks smug as hell now Han: han claps while oooo-ing Vinny: he blinks a little wide eyed at the successful attempt "i'm surprised you went for it, good job though..?" Cimmorro: "what? you thought I'm gonna drink again?" he smirks and puts the cups down. "I didn't peg you for someone who'd try playing a little dirty, I'm impressed" Vinny: he makes a face at cimm "i've just been starting to feel a little bullied at this table... though if i really wanted you to drink i could have just said take a flying leap over han or something" he snorts to himself as he pictures that Han: han looks like shes overjoyed at this new mean streak Cimmorro: cimm also snorts and nods. "fair. but that's the point of the game isn't it? trying to get the other person to drink. otherwise we would just be playing regular ol' truth or dare." he smiles and turns to han. "your turn"
Han: "ummmm... vinny! truth or dare!" Vinny: he has given up on expecting anything else, he settles his chin in his hand as he looks at han "..truth?" Han: "whats the one place you would like to travel to!" :D “anywhere in world":3 Vinny: he blinks and ponders the question thoughtfully "...i've never thought about that much since coming to the city, felt resigned to staying there most of my life" he pauses as he continues thinking, mulling it over "...tyalorin might be interesting..." Han: "whats there that got ur attention?" :3 Vinny: he gives her a smile as he thinks "well...most of the city is powered by old fey enchantments, floating stairways and self igniting lamps. that sort of thing, they're pretty ancient too so they're almost historical" he puts a finger to his chin "it'd be interesting to see all that in action, not to mention most of the ore i get for components is exported from there, maybe see some of the scholar's circle..." he looks off as he gets lost in thought Han: han is like jawdrop at all that "that sounds so cool... that the fuck... i need to go there" >_< "i hope you get to see it soon" :3 Cimmorro: cimms like ooooo 🤩 then goes, "is that where you plan to head to after your favor for me?" Vinny: he gives her a lopsided smile "i guess we'll see" at cimmorro's question he turns cimm "i plan to go back to shorewater" he laughs like its a silly thing to even suggest Cimmorro: "aah? how come? would be a nice detour before you head back, no?" Han: han nods in agreement Vinny: "i'm on old berryl's radar again, and if they do come calling id rather not get my ear pulled for being out in the middle of nowhere. besides there's no fun travelling on my own" he tents his hands idly "any trip i take in the future will be at their whims most likely..." Han: han looks so sad "whaaaaat! fuck that berry guy!" she pounds the table with a fist playfully "lets travel together there then!!" :D Cimmorro: cimm frowns at that. "jeeeeez, can't even have a vacation in peace..." he seems to mumble to himself a little annoyed by the setup. but nods in agreement at han's suggestion Han: "i will protect you from berry" 😤 Vinny: he raises an eyebrow at her "it's not really on the way" he gives a dry laugh at cimmorro's understanding before giving han a sadder smile "i appreciate it" Cimmorro: "maybe after we're all done with all we oughta do, we could meet up there? I haven't been there myself." Vinny: he thinks a little wistfully "if we could make that work it'd be pretty fun, huh?" he still looks he doesn't quite believe it's possible Han: "travelling is best thing you can do!!! its movement!! its life!! its culture!! so many places to see! so much different!!! we have to all go now!!" she moves rly passionately during this tirade Vinny: he perks up a little at han's passionate spiel and laughs again smiling "well i agree with you there!" Han: "so you agree? you must go with us?" 🤨 Vinny: "just because i agree doesn't mean i think it's actually feasible..." he feels like hes explaining to a kid why they cant go to disneyland Han: "i will take you. no problem" 😤 👍 Vinny: he shakes his head like he given up still laughing a little less sadly "alright alright, i look forward to it" Han: happy she won 😊 ✨ "cimm turn" :D Cimmorro: cimm watches the both of them, amused at the results of it. "we can figure it out. we'll even help you cover it up with a little lie if need be." cimm spins the fork again, when the fork points to vinny again, cimm just leans over the table facing him. "hi ☺️ you know what to do" Vinny: vinny abt to strangle him Cimmorro: FR #(2))2)# Vinny: *EXAGGERATION Han: JSBSJEBWBDJDNDN 😳 ⁉️ ) Cimmorro: HALAKSKDKSLLCLV
Vinny: he stares at the fork with a deadpan expression "....truth... did you enchant that when i wasn't looking?" Cimmorro: "you're accusing me of that now?" he barks a laugh, entertained. "and if i did, who would be to blame? only you i think. you're the one teaching me these things~" Vinny: he snorts and shakes his head "a star pupil casting spells after one day just to harass his friend over a drinking game...?" he pauses and makes a serious thinking face "very plausible for you" Cimmorro: cimm snickers. "i know. adorable, right?" he gives him a wink and puts some thought into his next question. "what's the most sentimental gift you've ever received?" Vinny: he clears his throat at the wink as if trying to ignore it before pondering the question "oh... hmm..." he takes his arms off the table and leans back in his chair again "probably something my parents gave me, back when i left the village..." Han: han is like :3? "where are you from what did they give you??" Vinny: "they move around the green glades... er..." he seems to get a little embarrassed recalling it "it's a little silly, but they braided me a daisy chain to wear on my wrist" he taps it with his finger to punctuate the point "it's said to bring good tidings and weather, obviously it fell apart after a few days of travelling... but i felt pretty bad about it. i tried to keep one of the flowers to press it but i hadn't learned how to properly do something like that yet, and so it ended up rotting away..." his face is strangely somber as he recounts the tale Han: han gets progressively more teary eyed towards the end of this, smth about flowers as a gift .... a charm that dies so fast... augh ... poetry.... she just puts her hand on his wrist like 🥹 but fighting her snot from running down. Cimmorro: he gets a little emotional abt vinny's tale too. "ahhhh, that's the thing with flowers, so short lived... I'm sure they've served their purpose though. so it's not all to waste, yeah?" he gives vinny's shoulder a comforting pat Han: han recomposes herself while the others talk and goes "my tribe is against this, but cimm asked earlier if these were tattoos <points to brithmarks>, n they arent, but they are meant to tell lifestory, or be guidance, hence ramhead, because it look like ram, its meant to guide- anyway, what i mean to say, if you dont mind tattoos (i saw some guys have tattos at inn, they look cool, but its like the hair thing, cimm you know), maybe tattoo of daisy would be nice :)" shes still like teary eyed but in that faraway look type teary eyed, like shes imagining smth really cool...... Cimmorro: 🥺cimm goes ooooh! and nods with enthusiasm. "that's a great idea! also i didn't know that about your birthmarks, but that's a unique way to interpret it" he seems very in awe as he continues to study the marks on her now Vinny: he looks surprised at the attention the two give him over the story, thinking maybe he'd been needlessly dramatic over the whole thing, especially in recent years. her tears surprise him the most, though he in turn feels a few start to well up in his own eyes as he watches her get snotty. he wipes his eyes before they can fall, responding to cimmorro "y-yes well, i don't have much else from them these days so..." as he readjusts his glasses he listens to the tattoo idea and gets a sort of longing on his face "that sounds quite nice actually..." Cimmorro: "that settles it then! i can hook you up with willow's favorite artist when we land 😌👍" Vinny: he coughs a little to clear his throat as he raises his brow "your mentor has tattoo's as well?" Cimmorro: "oh yes, a lot. all over, in fact" he gestures to his entire body. "so don't worry, you'll be in good hands!" Vinny: he nods his head feeling a little self conscious now "well, i'll hold you to that then" he scratches his neck again out of habit Han: "wait really" O_o comes out of her bro stupor Cimmorro: he nods "yeah, they're always just under a lot of layers but it's really all over, it almost looks like a suit really, the way it covers them" Han: hans mind.. goes somewhere... Cimmorro: cimms like, "...? hello...? han?" and turns to vinny while shrugging cluelessly Han: 😳 Vinny: he looks at cimm confused and decides to move on... "er..whos next?" Cimmorro: "uh, you... i think" he's still glancing at han every other second HOWKSKDKKX Han: does not make eye contact
Vinny: he glances at her as well but decides to leave her...to whatever is happening "right uh, cimm truth or dare?" Cimmorro: "truuuuuth, i don't want you making me do something dangerous with those cups again!" Vinny: he laughs a little "caught onto my trick! hmm..." he gets back into a cheerier mood "what's the drunkest you've ever been?" Cimmorro: cimm grumbles a bit as he recalls a memory. "okay, so, I don't normally get drunk so often. it takes a while to hit me, but there's one time when my ma sent me some of her favorite liquor to celebrate my birthday. i believe i was 21...?" he brings a hand to his face as he talks, "anyway, I don't know what the fuck was in that thing but i took one sip and i was a goner! zoop! out! i was seeing shit I shouldn't be seeing! next thing i knew i was sleeping in the graveyards!" Vinny: he slaps a hand to his mouth as he laughs picturing cimm sprawled out on the ground outside "i-in the graveyards?" he's trying to not laugh harder "how kind of your mother" Cimmorro: he laughs too, finding the stupidity of it all amusing now. "no man, i was sure i saw my future self. that tripped me up. he was talking to me, but it was all like gibberish? i looked good though," he smirks. "when i was sober enough, the first thing i did was send a letter to her asking her what the fuck that shit was. i waited two months for a reply and you know what she said? 'ha ha ha ha. drink responsibly' is what she said. 2 months. in a pretty little envelope, wax sealed. that's all there was." he rubs his temples Han: han laughs along Vinny: he continues smirking as he subdues his laughter "prophetic visions huh? sounds like if you ever go drinking together she'll have you under the table in a second" Cimmorro: cimm looks at vinny as if he's just come to consider that one day he would eventually be invited to drink with his mom. "yknow... i miss her, truly. but i am never going to drink with her. she's a beast. the last thing i need is an embarrassing photo of myself in her purse she can freely show the other temples." he rolls his eyes. "han turn?" Han: han mental note: get crunk with cimms mum Cimmorro: cimm shuddering at the memory of circe out-drinking willow
Han: "oh!" she keeps forgeting they're playing tbh "umm.. cimm! truth or dare!" Cimmorro: "me? i see the tables have turned now... ehh hmmmm, truth again" Han: "u was talking about dating... what was your best date?" ;3 Cimmorro: cimm snorts at the devilish look han is giving him. "best date... ah. well, there was a girl dated before. she was really into building things! one time she set up this boat picnic. built the boat herself. it was small but yknow." he smiles recalling the memory. "just because she liked building things doesn't mean it was in its best condition though. eventually it started leaking and after trying so hard to keep it afloat, it ended up finding its resting grounds on the ocean floor... but we had a good laugh swimming back to shore!" Vinny: he tips his head curiously thinking to himself "almost sounds nostalgic, like an old summer day... also that behavior reminds me of someone" he holds back a little laugh Cimmorro: "no way... did we date the same girl" he barks another laugh Vinny: he makes an incredulous face and waves his hand through the air "n-not what i meant! i was thinking it sounded like something cole would pull" Cimmorro: "ahhhhhhhhhh" he snorts. "be more clear next time. also y'know what, yeah i could see the similarities, I'd say cole would be on the more easygoing side though" Han: han looks kinda dumbfounded but then starts hollering "you!! you said date should be about gifts or something!! and thats your best one?! thats so funny..." hitting the table with her fist.... ure killin gher ...!! wipes a tear "whats her name? is she in krenic? i wanna meet her now..." 😂 <- basically han rn Cimmorro: "w... what's gotten into you?" he finds himself laughing more out of surprise. "spending precious time together like that is a gift! one of the most priceless ones in fact! cmon han" 🙄 "actually, i don't know if she's still in krenic. we didn't keep in touch after we broke up." he looks up in thought, but he doesn't seem too sad about it really Han: shes still laughing and wheezing between words  "ye, okay, it is, it just not what i expected, at all...." calms down a little "aah, pity. she sounds fun to hang out with" Cimmorro: "the fun thing about dates is that there's a lot of things that can happen, good or bad! but a great date would be something that leaves you feeling fulfilled, despite it all... or because of it." he rests his head on his hand as he leans on the table and sighs a little whimsically. Han: "sinking boat made u fulfilled then?" snickers Cimmorro: he rolls his eyes in a lighthearted way. "one day, you'll find yourself in a situation similar to that and i will have the last laugh, you'll see... also yes, i was itching for a swim that day, i won't lie" he laughs again Han: han keeps snickering
Cimmorro: cimm spins the fork and as it points to han, he makes a gesture towards her that's like a slight limp wrist. "let's see what you got for me, hanny. truth or dare" Han: makes a really scrunched up thinking face "truth" P: Cimmorro: "hmmm... give your very honest opinion about me. and vinny while we're at it. no holds barred. I'll be a good sport about it" Vinny: vinny looks up from his daydreaming curious at that Han: "wooooah... want to know so bad??" she covers her face like shes shocked but u notice she goes kinda pink? Cimmorro: seeing han like that actually makes cimm feel slightly nervous. but he stands his ground "yes... i said what i said" Han: hans like drinking is losing........ this is also losing... but drinking is LOSING MORE.......... AUUGUGHGH >_< han pointedly keeps looking somewhere away from cimm. complete 180 degrees from him in fact. she struggles getting words out, stuttering a little, some literally thru gritted teeth. her tone is steady tho, she doesnt half ass this. she seems almost angry about saying this (BUT SHE CANT LOSE) and she does go pink lol "youre really nice to me...i appreciate it. you are funny and smart and seem to know lots that i. Dont... its... nice.. to hang out with you.. and ... LEARN.. from you... sometimes. though you are puny" then she relaxes a bit "and youre good looking" she briefly makes eye contact with vinny before turning basically away from the table 180 degrees, to face away from both of you and goes (in pretty much the same manner) "i thought you were kinda weird at first but youre pretty nice too !! you seem kind of airheaded but its cute sometimes!! and not always bad i guess!! you know lots too, its nice to listen to you talk!! also why are you built, i thought all wizards are like limp noodle !! youre good looking too !!" turns to cimm borderline steaming "DO I WIN" HUFFS Psalm: Psalm, who had wandered in for dinner notices Cimmorro, Han and Vinny having some kind of heated conversation(?) and briefly wonders if he should make an escape. Han: ;LKADG;AWILKEFS;D) Cimmorro: psalm just sees this table all red and blushing
Vinny: he blinks wide eyed at the intensity of han's proclamations going a little red himself as he glances at her whirling around in her seat throughout that "t...thank you?" he thinks how the subject of him being built also came up in cimms study today "i... lift alot of heavy things i suppose..?" he almost feels bad for not returning the intensity and pats her on the shoulder consolingly as if soothing a wild horse Psalm: Intending to just grab some food and head back to his room he can't help but overhear the tail end of Han's grand declaration to Vinny, which only adds to his confusion. Kind of a random time and place to be confessing...and with Cimmorro there...what is going on.. Han: han keeps turning and blissfully unaware to how loud she is so she spots psalm and is like WAAAAAAAVE PSALMY HIIII :3 Psalm: he waves cautiously, not sure why Han would even single him when she's clearly in the middle of..something? Cimmorro: cimm has just been sinking into his chair kind of speechless and red. "yeah, okay you win that one. geez..." he takes a fucking drink 💀 Han: HAN HUFFS PROUDLY AND SITS UP STRAIGHT. YES I SERVE CUNT HERE ! THANKS ! (she doesnt know what that means) she waves at psalm again and is like "come sit with us! o, if you want i guess..." nods at her being civil
Psalm raises an eyebrow, but ultimately decides to come and join his companions after grabbing himself something to eat.
Psalm: He nods at Vinny and Cimmorroorro in greeting before saying, "So, uh, what's going on here exactly?" Cimmorro: cimm gives psalm a small nod, acknowledging his join in the fray. he's not the best companion he'd like to be drinking with but also not the worst, he thinks. "drinking. playing truth or dare." Vinny: he coughs into his fist awkwardly clearing the air "celebrating? and failing to get drunk" Han: "i am winning!" 😤 Cimmorro: i want to make clear that cimm is not being cold but is also not being super peppy abt psalm being here JKWKWDKKSMSM IN CASE THAT CAME OUT TOO MEAN) Psalm: Not exactly sure how one wins truth or dare but deciding not to question it, he asks "Celebrating? What's the occasion?" Vinny: "cimmorro's first day of wizard study, he insisted" he gestures with a hand at the man in question "it's been giving me deja vu..." Han: han leans to mock-whisper to cimm "wait, really? did i not hear? congrats???" Cimmorro: cimm gives a 😗✌ expression "yes, i passed my test today with flying colors too because I'm so fucking epic" 🤭 Psalm: "I see." He does not see. "Congrats." Cimmorro: "cheers." he pauses and rethinks the thought of inviting psalm in the game or not 5 times in his head. eventually he goes "... so, are you joining in for our game? you'll need a drink." Han: han eyes sparkling at psalm Psalm: he is genuinely surprised at the invitation, coming from Cimmorro no less. He'd assumed he could just eat and head back to his room unscathed. After a bit of consideration he decides its better to not risk rejecting the invitation to join them.  "Sure, why not? Although if you're expecting a grand declaration on how handsome I find you like Han over here don't get your hopes up too much." Han: han kicks psalms chair from under him on auto Cimmorro: "don't worry, han's opinion is the only thing i care about." he calls over a waiter for psalm Psalm: He just snorts at han Han: she puts it back before he can reach for it cause she feels bad "whose turn was it again" 🤔 Cimmorro: "vinny's. psalmboy can go after your turn han" Han: yaaaaay ^_^ Psalm: Psalm eating his food quietly
Vinny: he looks over at their new guest and gestures with an incline of his head "truth or dare psalm" Psalm: Psalm just narrows his eyes slightly at Vinny as if to say "Really?" before he just shrugs and says "Dare." Vinny: he thinks for a moment not expecting the dare "er...." he scratches his chin in thought "do your... best impression of han?"
[brief performance roll]
Psalm: i got a 12 so in the best accent resembling han's that he can muster he clears his throat, sits up straight and goes, "YES I SERVE CUNT HERE! THANKS!" Vinny: vinny lets out a laugh in sheer surprise over the volume Ghester: you hear ghester say "i didnt know that about you psalm?" Han: han loses her shit Psalm: "Well...you learned something new today I guess." ☠️ Ghester: "everyday together is a treasure!" Cimmorro: cimm just stunned to watching psalm do that, mouth slightly ajar Han: "if we ever need to fake my voice, you are great" Psalm: "I...don't know about that." Han: pats his back (too hard as ush) "that was joke" 😇 Psalm: * coughing * "Thank god."
Han: beams at you "now! truth or dare" >:3 Psalm: He looks at her like, did I do something to you..? Before sighing and going, "Truth. I only have one impression in me." Han: han gasps "how did you know....................." 😨 Psalm: "You're not serious." He can't tell if she's joking.. Han: she pouts a little "ummm.. then, what place would you like to travel to! anywhere in world" Psalm: "Kind of a boring answer considering we were just there, but I like the beach, airships and theatres, so Shorewater." Han: she seems disappointed "whaaaat, you would just go back?? ... i mean it is great place but booooo" Psalm: He knew this reaction was coming... "I'm not from there, and I spent a decent amount of my time there on the run from the law, so..." he trails off before adding "And cities aren't really what I'm used to." Han: han mulls it over "that..makes sense... ok, when we go back, ill show you aaaalll the cool places" she seems surprised at the last bit "oh? really?" Psalm: "Sure, whenever that is." He folds his arms. "Yes. I've never visited any like Shorewater before until recently." Han: a W in hans books! "where have you visited then?" :O Psalm: "Just...here and there...in Ackran. The cities are a bit more old fashioned. And the beaches aren't as nice. Kind of cold actually." Han: han hmmms "i didnt realize its cold there too.. but makes sense (?). i suppose ill have to see for myself. your turn!" Psalm: "Well if you ever need a tour guide, although I don't think I'll find myself back in that area for now." Cimmorro: "happy for you guys planning for your second date 🎉" Vinny: vinny hides a laugh with his hand Psalm: "I suppose more congratulations are in order aren't they." /j
Psalm: "Also let me know if I say something that's been asked already...? I'm late after all." Han: 👍 Psalm: to vinny "Truth or dare." Vinny: he gives psalm a deadpan smile "ah... revenge... truth?" Psalm: "I've been kind of curious, you're obviously a wizard with some level of repute in Shorewater regardless of your own feelings about it, so how'd you get to know your bounty hunter friend in the first place?" basically one stop short of asking "why are you guys friends" ☠️ Han: han looks with curiosity at vinny :O Vinny: he makes an amused face "i answered a question like that earlier actually..." he glances down at his cup and takes a drink "i'll say it's nothing too exciting though" Cimmorro: cimm eyeing vinny like 👀 Han: han gasps and looks distraught "nooo! i wasnt here either!! only cimm hears it?!" Cimmorro: cimms just smiling innocently on his seat Han: hits table playfully "this is so unfair!!!' Vinny: he tilts his head with a smile "it's not too fun otherwise is it?" though out of courtesy he says "ask me tomorrow and maybe i'll tell you" Psalm: "That's the game unfortunately." Psalm completely understands wanting to be secretive though so he's more or less unbothered. Han: pout pout pout... "ill keep you to that" Vinny: he laughs a little at both of you before turning to cimm "you're up?"
Cimmorro: "sorry guys... i think he's picking favorites now 🤷‍♂️" and a laugh. he swirls his drink and hums. "you know, I've been thinking our drinks have been mostly untouched and we've been here for a while, save for psalm of course. so i have a proposal to make... what if instead of asking one person at a time, we could ask the entire table a general question, or a dare really, and the first one who answers to it gets saved from drinking." he eyes the table for the others' reactions. "you might think i'm being an ass for doing this on my turn but i'm willing to skip mine if it gives you any comfort" Han: han doesnt even have a drink in front of her Vinny: THATS HOW MUCH SHE DOESNT NEED TO DRINK Han: EZ GAME
Han: hans eyes glint with COMPETITION! Vinny: he scratches his chin idly curious "i guess you did sound like you wanted a hangover by the end of this" Psalm: "Fine with me." Han: han nods vigorously ! "then, back to vinnys turn? does he decide if truth or dare?" Cimmorro: "i guess the rest of us can vote for one. it'd be 2-1 anyway. also yes vinny can take the spotlight. i vote for truth" Han: "dare!" Cimmorro: cimm eyes psalm Psalm: not the tiebreaker "I'll vote truth." Cimmorro: ++ Vinny: he thinks for a second as he considers the new mode the rules have taken, he whips out a hand like its a speed round as he speaks "...favourite food!"
Han: 24 dex check Cimmorro: 16 dex check Psalm: 2 dex check
Han: "meeaaaat" luffy voice NIKUUUUU Vinny: psalm like wait whats happening Psalm: psalm like i like fish if anyone even cares Vinny: vinny nods at han's exclamation as he eyes the other two boys with a smile Han: his evil era Vinny: he's flourishing Han: han sits triumphantly
Psalm: 17 con save > the drink barely affects him Cimmorro: 14 con save > still easy sailing
Cimmorro: cimm huffs and drinks and mumbles something about fish too Vinny: vinny pleased, looks towards han "you next?" Han: "truth or daaaare!!" Cimmorro: "truuuuuuth" Vinny: "truth" Han: "majority already!" Psalm: psalm nods then since it doesn't matter lol Han: she thinks... :evilsmile: "say one secret no one but you knows" Psalm: just deadpans and drinks.......don't mind him.. Cimmorro: [kpop guy putting down mic n drinking sbux] Vinny: vinny also drinks as he watches the other two
Psalm: 18 con save > hes breezing Cimmorro: 12 con save luck feated into a 16 > still easy sailing Vinny: 23 con save > feels nothing
Han: SHIT eating grin on han, shes so annoying rn "psaaaalm tuuuuurn" grinning right next to his face Psalm: "Alright truth or dare?" Unbothered. Vinny: "truth" Han: "dare!" Cimmorro: "dare!" Vinny: vinny sigh of defeat Psalm: "Alright, let's see an impression of me then." Han: han does a completely wrong accent and is like "WAIT- ITS LIKE (WRON ACCENT)- NO OKAY WSIT I GOT IT (WRONT ACCENT AGAIN)" Vinny: vinny pre-emptively takes a drink and almost spits it laughing at han Psalm: psalm also busts out laughing Han: han is like ue ue ue... she keeps trying n failing "i still did it first so i win" sniffle NOT A PROUD WIN BUT A WIN Vinny: vinny wipes his mouth and gives her a little cheer Psalm: "I suppose that counts for something yeah"
Cimmorro: 17 con save > a little buzzed now Vinny: 20 con save > untouched
Vinny: he glances over at cimmorro as han sits somberly "you're up" Cimmorro: "right, truth or daaaaaare my sweet lovelies!" Psalm: "Dare" Vinny: "truth" Han: "truth!" Psalm: yall hate me) Cimmorro: "describe your ideal partner, go!" Han: han was so ready to answer but actually thinkign abt it causes her to blue screen Vinny: vinny pondering how to word his awnsers too long every time Psalm: "I almost don't want to answer since I know how you'll respond." He sniffs in mock offense. Cimmorro: "then drink." he says deadpan Vinny: vinny flags down a waiter while these two act bitchy for a drink for han Han: han mopes on the table about this Psalm: "I'll answer just to piss you off cimmorro. I'll answer for my past self since I don't really think about that much these days, but when I was younger I used to be really into the swashbuckling hero type." like whatever the dnd equivalent of robin hood would be or something Vinny: vinny nods his head like this makes sense as he hands the mopey han her drink, patting her on the shoulder smiling Han: her like i cant beleive hes actually evil....! i thought u were niiicee!!!! 😭😭😭 Vinny: he has been weathered by this eveening Cimmorro: cimm sticks his tongue out at him in the most childish way possible 💀 just kill me
Cimmorro: 8 con save > hit hard by that drink Vinny: 18 con save > perfectly fine
Han: 🤧 han gulps it down n almost spits it back out from the taste and gives vinny the most withered look as she gulps it down... lesson learned, do not underestimate nerds Cimmorro: cimm doesnt really care about psalms answer he just wants to torment him at this point Vinny: vinny's pleased that despite all the sips he's taking he's the least tipsy here and han's attitude over having to gulp once makes him laugh
Cimmorro: "vinny, your turn" Vinny: he looks over with a glance "oh uh truth or dare" Han: "dare" 🤧 Cimmorro: "dare" Psalm: Shrug emoji Vinny: he strokes his chin again thinking hard "do a handstand?" Cimmorro: cimm glares at vinny for this, cimm gets up, reluctantly. looks at his drink for a second. sighs. maybe its a bit of the tipsiness getting to him or he's just annoyed at psalm being a wet rag still, but he attempts the handstand anyhow. Han: han trips on the chair trying to get out to do a handstand, its so sad, she lies on the floor defeated Vinny: vinny is surprised more than one person even goes for it and claps for cimmorro as he doesnt faceplant Psalm: he like this is truly absurd in the middle of the dining hall right now. Cimmorro: cimm probably only like keeps himself up for like 3 seconds before he almost tumbles over, he doesnt faceplant !! thats the win here!
Han: 12 con save > its starting to hit boys... Psalm: 8 con save > the tipsiness is kicking in
Han: han sits up on the floor n drinks sadly ... she doesnt deserve the chair now... Vinny: vinny is starting to regret the choice of dare, though he also marvels how she can still see over the tabletop sitting on the ground "g..ood job everyone?" he looks back at han "your turn...?" he gives her another horse taming pat on the head this time since shes low Han: yay headpats ^_^ Psalm: Psalm just claps Cimmorro: cimm huffs back into his chair a little embarrassed but also feeling oddly proud. didnt think he'd even be able to do it
Han: hans already tipsy, she keeps sitting on the floor "truth or daaaare" Vinny: "..dare?" Psalm: "dare" Cimmorro: cheersilldrink2that Han: "RUN TO THE MAST AND BACK FASTEST WINS" Psalm: psalm just rolls his eyes and drinks Cimmorro: cimm almost begins to run out of the shot of adrenaline, but pauses and goes like. "what the fuck am i doing" in his head and sits down and drinks
Cimmorro: 13 con save > tipsy time Psalm: 16 con save > doing okay
Vinny: he looks at psalm drink them cimm get up then sit back down and just gets up "i'll just take a walk i guess? brisk night air might be nice" he tilts his head and leaves the room at a leisurely pace (he returns after four minutes with messier hair from the wind) Psalm: "Congrats Vinny, you win." Vinny: he sits down and laughs "i had a feeling...!" Han: han laughs and while vinny is gone pokes psalm and cimm in their cheeks (to varying success) and goes " are youu guys scaared because youre out of shaaape hehehe" Psalm: "I'm scared because I just ate and have had a few drinks." Han: poke poke poke Cimmorro: cimm swerves his face away from han's touch and closes his eyes "I'm not gonna start running through the halls at night and get myself yelled at by people who are trying to sleep in their cabins" Han: han just sits swaying on the floor going hehehhehehe at u both
Vinny: as he glances around he sits a little closer to the table "i was right about the chill though...brr" he glances at psalm "your turn?" Han: has gives vinny a thumbs up!!!! proud!!! Psalm: him like glad I didn't go outside then... "Truth or dare?" Vinny: "truth?" Cimmorro: cimm is mindlessly trying to fix vinny's hair where he could reach bc it's bothering him. "dare" Han: "truuuth" Vinny: vinny wonders how drunk he already is as he watches him do this Cimmorro: <-- not even drunk Psalm: he closes his eyes and ponders fake dramatically before asking "What's the most awkward situation you've ever been in?" Han: han plays with her own cheeks in thought but she goes "getting kicked out of brothel is high on my list...."
Vinny: 21 con save > STILL barely buzzed Cimmorro: <- MAD ABOUT IT
Vinny: vinny gives her a stupefied glance as he decides to down the rest of his drink finishing it, though he still barely feels buzzed Han: "is that awkward or just embarrassing" Psalm: psalm also just looks at her like my god before going "both" Cimmorro: cimm already heard this so he just drinks in peace Psalm: "I don't know if I want an explanation so..whose next?" Vinny: vinny points at cimm as he orders another drink Han: hans in lalaland
Cimmorro: "okay truth or daaaaaareeeee!" Vinny: "truth" Psalm: "Truth" Han: "daaAAA-OOooh..." Cimmorro: cimm thinks as he stares at this drink "tell me the worst lie you've ever said to someone" Psalm: Psalm thinks for awhile about whether or not he actually wants to answer this, before saying, "Probably not the worst lie but I used Ghester as an excuse to escape a situation where someone was interested in me." Han: han was about to start talking but as what psalm says rolls over her shes just like jawdrop Psalm: no please talk please Han: 😇 Cimmorro: cimm raises a brow at him. "involving ghester like that means they must be aware of him, then..." Han: jawdrop x2 (the implications did not actually hit han) Vinny: vinny downs his drink wondering if they gave him the wrong one as he looks confusedly between cimm and psalm Han: han drinks cause she does not want to think about the implications further actually<3
Vinny: 23 con save > zero effect Han: 19 con save <- this information is sobering her
Psalm: Psalm just shrugs like "That could be any number of people." Cimmorro: cimm shrugs to one side. he could make a good guess that he doesn't need psalms confirmation for "im sure you take delight in telling every person youve come across about him" Vinny: he raises a brow still confused "...about who?" Cimmorro: cimm looks at psalm for this Han: "his sword talks! i think..." :plumface: Vinny: vinny looks more confused Psalm: "What makes you think I was telling the truth about Ghester in this scenario :plumface: " Han: han nods seriously... Psalm: "I can't explain it more accurately than this." He just waves his hand in a dismissive way Cimmorro: "you couldve used a different subject. i dont see why it had to be ghester specifically if you still had to lie about it. thats all" Vinny: he blinks "...your talking sword stopped you from...?" he shakes his head like he wants to take another drink so it makes more sense Psalm: "I was... panicking. And he's always there so it's an easy excuse." Cimmorro: [sure jan jpg] Psalm: Psalm just shrugs like "well i answered so" Cimmorro: "indeed you have. cheers to that and lets move on to vinny"
Vinny: he shakes his head out of the confusing exchange and coughs "right... truth or dare?" Cimmorro: "truth" Psalm: "truth" Han: "truuuu" Vinny: he puts a hand to his chin thinking for a second "what was your last dream of...?" Psalm: "Nothing special," Psalm says. "I adopted a dog." Vinny: he suddenly has a cheerier expression "oh? that sounds quite nice" Psalm: "Yeah I guess you could put it that way." Vinny: he folds his arms on the table with a smile "did you recognise it from somewhere?" Psalm: "No, my first time seeing it for sure." Han: han mumbling under her breathe " i fought blaaack draaagon aaalll by myseeelf" makes wrestling gestures
Cimmorro: 13 con save > stably tipsy Han: 20 con save <- she is reawakening
Vinny: he nods "i hear seeing animals like that are usually pretty good omens, maybe you'll have a lucky week" he glances over at han next to him like ...???? Psalm: Psalm like I wouldn't describe anything that has happened to me in the past month or so as lucky but he just smiles like this :psalmface:  and agrees nonetheless Cimmorro: cimm doesnt even recall what he dreamt about all he remembers from his past day are piles of arcane formulas so he just drinks
Return of the Airship Drinking Party Part 3 - 27/4 
About a half an hour or so later, Psalm passes out due to excessive drinking, Han moves to take him back to his room. Though she feels bad waking Keva, so she instead opts to bring him to her room and let him sleep there for the night, readying herself for sleep as well.
Back in the dining hall Cimmorro and Vinny continue drinking however.
Vinny: as the nights gone on vinny's drinking tolerance was finally surmounted and he feels himself slipping past the threshold of being lightly buzzed for once. he waves a hand through the air as he talks, drink in his other hand rambling about this or that. the light flush on his face reaches to his ears at this point as his eyes grow a little unfocused, staring at the middle distance like he does when he normally gets lost in his own thoughts sober "...and i mean the import fees can get pretty high, which isn't tooooo bad really. but if you don't remember to do inventory the right time of the week the prices can double almost! shorewater's great for finding certain things but, oof at what cost..?" he tilts his head to the side ruefully, at this point he's being going on for 5 minutes on his own at least Cimmorro: "that does sound dreadful. oh dear." cimm has simply let the night settle after the adrenaline from playing games and fucking each other over drinks, so this includes him just letting vinny ramble as much as he wishes to. he's not sure what he was expecting to see, maybe assumed he'd be the sleepy kind of drunk... but now he just seems more energized than ever, prattling on and on. it's amusing. cimm has finished the last ounce of his drink by now, not at all sozzled but not planning to have another since he figures he's gonna have to watch vinny and make sure he doesn't end up being mopped by the crewmates in the morning. nothing a little spell can fix, but where's the fun in that? this is what he was anticipating to witness after all. "sounds like you had a particular experience about this you're hung over." Vinny: he gestures strongly with his hand "it Is!" he nods his head "and less a particular experience and ah... just the entire period when i was starting out. you really need to try and get a handle on it if you want to stay afloat. make the right friends at the markets too. most people found me a little strange, but if you help enough old ladies move crates of turnips..." he smiles to himself as if discussing some kind of well held secret, he leans in to stage whisper behind one of his hands "there's a woman named marissa at the docks who'll trade just about anything if u bring her some fresh baked apple pie" Cimmorro: his eyes go a little wide at the revelation, completely amused. he stifles a laugh as he says, "so, you're admitting to me that you like to woo old women, is that it?" Vinny: he snorts and smacks a hand on cimmorro's shoulder "i simply show my elders the respect they deserve! got me into the habit of baking actually... reminds that cole nearly blew up my kitchen a few months ago" he stares off into space again thinking Cimmorro: grunting at the sudden smacking, he gives vinny a look before saying "well, the turnip thing maybe solves the mystery of the... heavy arms." it really does leave such a weight every time vinny decides to park his hand on his shoulder, even when he's not even putting his entire weight into it. not sure if it's something he'll ever get used to. "does that mean cole can't cook? what is it that you bake anyways, aside from pie?" Vinny: at mention of his arms he glances at his body again "i suppose..? i only ever started doing that stuff once i got to the city funnily enough" at mention of cole he shakes his head a little and moves to rest his head in his palm "not a lick, she can do things like steep tea but.." he starts laughing a little "ahh... fire and her do not mix when it comes to food. i used to bake quite a bit of bread, though not as much lately"
Cimmorro: "somehow it doesn't surprise me that cole's a bit of a kitchen disaster," he smiles then mimics vinny's current position. "but you struck me curious now, about your big boy pre-city life... what was that like?" Vinny: he lolls his head a little "hmm? you mean back in my village?" he blows out a buff of air and hums "less hectic that's for sure... though then again someone was always up to something or another" he closes his eyes and smiles "i'd mostly read in my parents caravan when i had the time, family friends and neighbors would come by often and teach me a few things here and there too. compared to everyone else i must have seemed like a shut in" he pauses as he continues to think "my parents were mostly bards by trade, so i picked up a few things. i used to know how to strum a lute but ask me noooow and.... id hardly remember where to start" he laughs opening his eyes again Cimmorro: cimm finds himself smiling at vinny's storytelling, something about it just feels nice. maybe because lately they've mostly been talking about his life to death situations and being imprisoned in his career. "ahh, that's too bad, i was going to request a song... maybe it's something like riding a bicycle? you never really forget how to." Vinny: she shakes his head amused "nooo no no, big waste of everyone's time there. i'll end up snapping a string and take someone's eye out..." he gestures with his hand again "so my point is...ah...." he furrows his brows for a few moments, tapping his fingers on the tabletop before he recalls his point "...i was as my mother said 'a skinny twig of a thing' when i left home" Cimmorro: at this point cimm is somewhat impressed vinny can even hold a conversation still. "aha, now that's something i have a hard time picturing... were you less scruffy too?" he gestures at the early stages of his beard. Vinny: he smiles and raises an eyebrow "scruffy?" he rubs his own chin idly in thought "i suppose i shaved regularly back then, there was less to get rid of. carlyn used to say i had a birds nest for hair though" Cimmorro: he chuckles and makes himself more comfortable in his seat, silently wishing he brought his pipe. "is that no longer the case right now? minus the minor burns, your hair still seems to go wildly about, and your bed hair is just as unruly as mine too," he hums. "while it's a little hard to imagine you without your key features," he says in a joking tone and coos "i bet you looked just as cute when you were younger." Vinny: he rubs a hand idly through his hair as he closes his eyes again "i don't style it much differently...maybe less greenery..?" he blinks at the latter comments, not quite understanding "what are my key features...the beard...?" he tilts his head towards cimmorro again "huh, cute? well we're all awkward looking when were young aren't we?" he smiles again as he gets a thought and swings his arm around cimmorro's shoulder "why am i the only one telling stories now anyhow!"
Cimmorro: "you put greens in your hair...? flowers and the like? what the hell, why'd you stop? you should keep doing it..." cimm was about to comment about how his beard completes his look somehow but gets distracted by the sudden weight around his shoulders. yep, there it is. "aiiegh... you seemed pretty happy yapping on your own and i was fine just listening!" he tries to adjust his seat to accommodate vinny's weight then goes. "what do ya wanna know anyway? honestly, i think you live a more... eventful life than i do" Vinny: he chuckles enough that his glasses get a little lopsided "harder to find flowers in shorewater on a daily walk, and i mostly did it as a kid!" he waves his other hand around in the air as he makes a lopsided face "i wasn't exactly trying to have one believe me, and that's pretty rich coming from a guy who ended up...e.....embroiled in an attack against the capital city. we're going to your home so why dont you give me a primer on antics you got up to back there?" he says the last part with a smile as he grabs his drink with his free hand to take another sip Cimmorro: "okay, to be fair," cimm gets a little defensive and faces vinny "my travels up til that point has been normal, not swimmingly great but i never got caught up in something as big as that! I don't know what happened there, but i like to think the goddess just had it be my calling of sorts. otherwise I'd go insane thinking about it..." he shakes his head, goes back to his original position and huffs. he laughs a bit after seeing vinny drink more and shakes his head once more. "my antics? hnnn... you already know more or less what i do for a living," he tries to think, looking up at the ceiling in thought. "i suppose there's also the fact that i also have a musical history of my own? i was part of the choir when i was a kid. my ma figured it'd be a good use for my mouth since i never shut up." he snorts Vinny: he snickers a little over his drink at cimm trying to explain himself "it's hard to fight a ball of luck once its rolling, maybe it really was divine interference?" his eyes go a little wider at the mention of the choir and he gets a dopey smile on his face as if excited "what seriously? with the little uniforms and everything? oh, groups of kids like that are so cute!" he stares at cimms face as if trying to picture it "sometimes they have ones for the holiday in the market square, in winter their cheeks get red and they look like radishes..." he's just ☺️ like this now Cimmorro: "yeah, i had flowers as big as my head on special occasions." he lets out a small but warm laugh at vinny's stare and daydreaming. "i know what you mean. kids are a delight in many ways and always full of surprises too!" he also ☺️s then hmms. "i didn't take you for someone who likes children, I'll be honest. only cause like, well, most people who have such... hmm... demanding jobs tend to not prefer to be around them much yknow?"
Vinny: he grins a little more clearly "well... its true im not sure if i'd be very good at rearing any of my own at the moment, much less want to get any involved with my..." he waves his hand through the air sort of noncommittally at himself as he lolls his head "but they're cute all the same ☺️ i like to give a treat to any that come to the store. back in my village there was always a few running about all over the place" he stops and seems to get a little distracted by what he says after he says it and pensively stares into space Cimmorro: cimm nods in understanding and just sighs again at his predicament... even in an outsider's perspective, it's frustrating to hear and see him be so caged in. how do you look forward to anything like that...? his thoughts come to a halt when he notices vinny drifting off... and kind of solemnly for that matter. he leans his head to get a better look at him. "are you alright?" Vinny: he blinks as cimmorro calls his attention, looking over "ah..." he looks away again after a moment of staring "yes. i just realised, i haven't been back in so long. those kids are all probably pretty grown by now... i wonder what they look like these days?" he has the same sort of wistful look on his face Cimmorro: "been away that long, huh?" he gives him a consoling pat on the back. "would it hurt to visit?" Vinny: he drops his head sidelong on cimms tiredly "...what if berryl doesn't even know where they really are these days... and he's waiting for me to smoke them out...." his face contorts into a dreadfully sad expression "i don't know how id face any of them..." Cimmorro: vinny's confession of his worries takes cimm completely by surprise, so much that he doesn't even have the leisure to process him leaning his head on his like so. he stays speechless for a moment as he puts the bits and pieces together in his mind. the picture, while still not crystal clear, he can still make enough sense of it. he wants to ask a few things, but at this point he feels rather awful that the drinking has gone this far... it was merely only for some laughs and seeing vinny so hurt isn't what he wanted to get out of this. what a thing to carry this whole time... cimm finds himself being able to relate to him in a way, not being able to see family for so long. and yet he still doesn't know what to say... so, he opts to give him an embrace instead. after a moment he asks, "shall we call it a night?" Vinny: as cimmorro turns to properly hug him he shifts a little to accommodate, and takes the opportunity to tiredly drop his head on his shoulder, closing his eyes. it's been a very long while since he's told anyone about any of this and it's seems its all come tumbling out today, he should have expected it'd be on his mind since discussing it earlier really. it's hard for him to get the image of the children out his head for some reason, cimmorro's warmth is comforting however, and the fact that he let him ramble on was kind of him. he finds himself drifting for a moment sleepily before he speaks again, noticing his eyes are a little wet "...hm? ah..." he lifts his head a little, wiping at them with his hand "y-yes... maybe that'd be good..." he wobbles a little upright on the chair again Cimmorro: "aiyayayayah," he clicks his tongue and helps him dry the rest of his tears with a handkerchief. "alright, back to the room now, up we go while you can still walk. i can't carry you like a princess even if you pleaded me," he pulls on one of his arms to urge him up. Vinny: he sits as cimmorro dabs him with the handkerchief sniffing a little, he adjusts his glasses afterwards as well as he can. as he stands he puts an arm on the table as cimmorro pulls the other and wobbles a little upright "ooh... haven't been this bleary in a while..." Cimmorro: cimm thinks to just clear out the intoxication from him with a spell right now, but wonders if that would a good idea after he just spilled something he likely wasn't even meaning to. he wouldn't want to embarrass him that way... so decides not to for now. "i'll make sure you won't have a hang over, so don't worry about it," he says with a few soothing pats on the back. he puts vinny's arm over his shoulders again and supports him as best he could on their way to their room. Vinny: he lets cimmorro help move him around as opposed to trying to use the rest of what remains of his logic to figure that out. he leans on him as they walk back, growing tireder with every step, leaning on him a little more as they go. it was easier to ignore the heaviness when they were sitting but standing up really knocked the wind out of him. he finds himself letting his eyes drift closed, trusting cimmorro to direct them correctly. by the time they reach their room he recalls the man said something and mumbles under his breath "..thanks" he continues walking as they reach his bed, he wobbles and drops onto it still keeping his grip, afraid to drop something unintentionally. it's colder in the room than he expected but this way it ought to stay warm, his head is swimming where he lies but not standing anymore is doing wonders for his dizziness. he slowly begins drifting away within a few breaths. Cimmorro: in contrast to vinny's in and out drift to dreamland all the way back, cimm had been heaving and struggling to keep them both from falling over. it's a comical sight. when they got to their door, a crewmate that was passing by gave him a worried look and had asked him if he needed help, to which he replied between panting "no, ha, it's okay... this... this is our room... thanks..." after another minute or two, he finally gets to start lowering vinny down to his bed. "o-okay, good night vi-- WHOOAGH!" was all he could say as he gets towed down with him in a firm grip. is he actually fucking asleep?! he's tried tapping his arm and telling him to let go but to no avail. he tries to tug himself out but he doesn't even budge... shit. and now his back is starting to hurt, awkwardly half-standing at the side of the bed, of course. and sitting all night at the dining only making it worse. he looks at jasper at the foot end side of the mattress, just tilting her head at him, clueless on what she could do to help. that's when cimm sighs and resigns to the fact he has to wait for vinny to loosen his hold on him. he gets on the bed, right beside him and trying to at least be in a position comfortable enough for his back to not scream in pain in the morning, resulting to them lying down side by side. this is karma, he thinks, for hassling him to drink. well, lesson learned. after a little moment of mumbling and brooding to himself, he turns to look at vinny sleeping soundly beside him... and somehow, the tiny irritation fades away. he takes his glasses to put away on the table next to them and before he forgets to, he quietly whispers a prayer to prevent vinny's hangover from surfacing in the morning like he promised.
Cimmorro continues watching and waiting afterwards, but soon enough dreamland starts calling for him as well as the two slip into a tired slumber.
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uplatterme · 3 years
As Long as It’s You
cw: sub!benkei, dom!reader, softdom!reader (kind of), jealous!reader, no pronouns used, sounding, bondage, benkei being a pillow princess ahhh 😭, fluff
a/n: bro, ill do anything for benkei crumbs. this one is really sweet despite the sounding like this is so sweet im-
“You’ve been coming home so tired lately, Benkei.”
Benkei scratched his head, not knowing how to respond. He did not want to upset you but if he told the truth about his situation right now, he would bet Takeomi’s entire wallet that you’d go and try to beat up his friends.
“It’s nothing, just some extra hours at the gym.” He stated, removing the jacket that he was wearing and showing off his biceps and the outline of his body through his white tank top.
“You sure about that?” You questioned him, staring him directly in the eye.
“It’s a holiday today, Gyms are supposed to be closed aren’t they?”
You could see your man try to run away by the way his eyes were looking at the front door. Before he could get to it, you cornered Benkei by throwing a pillow from the couch at him and directly hitting him in the head.
Benkei knew he fucked up when you called him by his first name. No honorifics, at that. He would try to reason with you if he could but that option was a no-go with the way your face was scrunching up right now.
“I’m sorry.” He said, giving that look that you can’t help but avoid.
“No, no. Don’t look at me like that. You lied to me!” You complained, averting your gaze from him but when you accidentally took a glance, you couldn’t help but soften on the floor.
He looked like a teddy bear, your teddy bear.
You gave up being mad at him. “Fine. You win.”
“Still, I’m giving your friends a visit tomorrow. They can’t keep overworking you, your body aches, doesn’t it?”
It was true. Besides the hit you landed on his face earlier, most of his body was hurting. These days, it was from beating some guys up or carrying bags of clothes that their leader bought due to a shopping spree. He would never tell you the latter, you would get so jealous he didn’t know what you would do if you’d find out.
“Kei, Babe. Do you want me to fix you up?”
That was how he ended up in this position, his hands tied up by the pretty cuffs that you bought him for your anniversary and full-on naked as he watched you get ready.
The sound of metal as your nails hit them gave him such a rush. Was he excited? He didn’t know.
You brought this up a while back, and even if he agreed, you were still worried that it might be too much for him. Except for the occasional toys, this might be the most extreme thing he’s done but he deserved it for working so hard for the past week.
His cock was already riled up waiting for you but he stayed patient like the good boy that he is. Hell, he’d do anything you would ask him to.
“Just tell me if something’s wrong, okay?” You reassured him, giving Benkei a kiss on his lips.
He wanted to feel you more but you immediately let go, feeling neglected and wanting more attention. He’s too embarrassed to get pampered, he knows you’d kiss him till he runs out of breath if he’d say so but you’re already doing him such a favor, he couldn’t possibly ask for more.
His head rolled back instantly when you licked the tip of his cock, hands already wanting to hold onto something but remembering that he was being restrained.
“It feels good since we haven’t done it in a while, right?”
“Yes, thank you.” His answer made you chuckle.
“Already thanking me? But we haven’t even started.”
“You are always welcome, babe.”
Your hands reached for the bottle of lubricant, dripping it all over him. Benkei grit his teeth together feeling the chill and wetness from the liquid. “It’s cold.”
“It won’t be long.” He didn’t have to worry anymore about the lube when you started caressing him all over the place. From his thighs, his stomach, his ass, and finally his cock.
“Aaah… More, please…” He spoke, feeling the said liquid entirely on his lower body.
You noticed the way he said it. “More?”
Benkei didn’t notice he said that out loud. He thought you couldn’t hear it. “No, I-I didn’t mean-“
“Just be patient for a little longer, okay?”
“Mhm!” Your fingers slid inside of him with ease, making sure to explore every part of him. You had to spread his legs apart, left hand on his thigh while the other was solely focused on pleasuring him.
He couldn’t help it. Benkei was trying his best not to close his thighs together, the way you moved inside of him felt heavenly. Was he even tired from today anymore?
You didn’t miss the way his breathing got heavier and faster as you started going at a pace. His lovely cock is excited and ready to burst.
You purposely were avoiding a certain area, not wanting him to be tired before you even got started. However, this was annoying Benkei. He wanted you to do the exact opposite of what you wanted.
“(N-Name), go deeper-“
“Are you sure, Kei?”
He nodded furiously.
Benkei wanted to cum. He wanted to cum from your tongue, your fingers, your voice. It didn’t matter how, as long as it’s you.
He’d cum as many times as you want.
As soon as his request reached your ears, you removed your fingers and thrust them deep and hard, feeling all of him clench around you to find his most sensitive spot.
“Ahh—Ngh!” There.
You continued to bully his prostate, his large frame causing him to hit the headboard with his head, the pillow the only thing separating the two.
His ass carried on shaking, you keeping him still along with those pesky cuffs.
Your fingers sped up, the friction between them and his insides were pushing him past his limit. Moans spilled out of his mouth as you continued making eye contact with him, his eyes were not on you but when he felt your stare, he started to get more vocal.
Benkei felt like a whore for you, the way he was letting you do anything you wanted to him.
He came quickly after that, his cum flowing down to his lower abdomen and onto your hand. It was a lot more than usual, he really needed this.
His chest heaved, letting out a whine as he finished.
“It’s going to be painful for a bit, just relax, Babe. I’ll take good care of you.”
What? Oh right. You weren’t done yet.
He looked over to the small pouch that you placed on the bed. The cute and pink ribbon masked the metal rods inside. There was something quite similar between the two of you, you looked so tame but here you were about to insert a rod inside his cock.
“Say if it’s too much, all right?”
He watched in awe as you chose the tiniest one among them and rubbed his cock, the lubricant and his cum mixing with each other.
It was as if time had stopped. At first, he didn’t feel it when you lined it up against his entrance. Then, you decided to go deeper.
“(Name)– (Name)–“ His moans chanted your name as if it was some sort of prayer. All he could do was take the rod in anguish as you keep pushing deeper, his hands holding onto each other.
“Should I stop? I should warn you though, it might take a bit more of your strength to pull it out.” You asked him, despite all his whines of your names.
He couldn’t possibly refuse you. Why would he? The pain was there, sure. Yet, the slight tingling of pleasure was noticeable and attracting him profusely.
He promised to cum for you and he would. “N-No. It’s…” Benkei wasn’t exactly sure how to describe it.
You smiled at his response, you were glad to see you’re not the only one enjoying this.
The overwhelming pleasure soon hit Benkei and you had him moaning as if he were a dog on a leash. His body spasmed as you continued lowering it inside of him. Too much, it was too much.
“W-Wait, (Name)! Ngh–Ugh! Ah!” He screamed out loud, begging you to stop.
You wanted to stop.
You didn’t. Why didn’t you? You clearly heard his voice call out to you, didn’t you?
Benkei struggled from the intense pleasure that he was getting and looked at you, shivers being sent to his spine. You looked mad.
“Keizo, How does this feel?”
He tried looked at you, dumbfounded. “It feels so-so good! Mmmpf!”
You let his cock swallow it whole, the rod hitting the back of his tiny hole, sending immense satisfaction to him.
His cum started to leak as he orgasmed again. This was a lot more than earlier, you know because you saw how his cum was slowly pushing the metal rod up, riding up against every part of his inside. His sensitiveness was not helping at all.
“(Name)! P-Please! Please! I’m sorry– Aah!” He sobbed so hard from the pleasure, tears streamed down his face as he came again.
What was he doing wrong? You’ve never been this angry at him before.
“How about that? Did that feel good?”
It did. It felt so good that he’d want to do it again, he wanted you to mess him up some more until you milk him dry.
“Yes. I-I enjoyed it.”
“Then, why’d you spend so much time with Wakasa and the others then?!”
Oh. You were jealous.
Benkei was unable to hold it anymore and laughed. You on the other hand, you weren’t amused.
“I’m yours. I’d let you do anything to me, as long as it’s you. Sorry for neglecting you. It won’t happen again. I promise.”
You two were literally sitting in front of each other naked, the rod still partly inside of him but those words were enough to make the two of you blush. Benkei, from not being used to saying something so sweet and you, whose heart fluttered as he said that.
“I’m sorry for not listening earlier.” You apologized, maybe you were an asshole for not stopping.
He avoided your glance. “I-I kind of liked it.”
“Yeah…” He blushed furiously, red mixing with his dark skin. He was so cute.
You gave him a smirk. “You sure you won’t mind not being able to walk tomorrow, babe?”
The rest of the night was spent and so was Benkei, he wasn’t even able to remember how many times he came that night. When you said he wasn’t going to be able to walk you meant it, his legs shook with each step he made.
He wouldn’t be able to go to work like this, especially not with his bruised wrists.
Hold on… “(Name)!”
You planned it. You totally planned it all.
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enchantestuff · 3 years
appreciation - max verstappen & daniel ricciardo
in which you originally plan to go congratulate your two favourite boys but instead they end up showing you just how much they appreciate you
Tumblr media
warnings: language, oral (both male and female), masterbating, its a threesome so, also im wine drunk beware, mentions of Pierres dnf (im still hurt)
1.5k words
You could help but pace around the AlphaTauri garage, nerves killing you from the inside as sharp teeth bit on your nails, waiting impatiently for the next five laps to pass. Sure, you should've been more upset, you were Pierre Gaslys’ PR manager after all - and he certainly didn't have a good sprint race - but your two best friends, your two favorite boys, were currently second and third. You just couldn't contain your excitement.
It felt like you were transferred back to their Redbull days. You knew the media would be going crazy with the fact they’ll make up the front row for the race tomorrow, but you also knew nobody was more proud of them than you.
A yelp of excitement left your lips the minute Daniel crossed the checkered flag, relief immediately filling your body as you realised Pierre was still sat sulking in his motorhome.
You, of course, had your own duties to fulfill before you got to meet up with your friends and helped Pierre struggle through the disappointed questions thrown his way from various journalists and reporters. You had the perfect view of Max and Daniel from where you stood and a smile crept up your lips at the joint interview they were doing. Pride was all you felt for the two boys and you just couldn’t wait to congratulate them.
When you found out they were conversing in Max’s motorhome you deemed it as the perfect opportunity to portray your emotions to them. “Knock knock,” you smiled, opening the door after a few seconds and grinning at the duo standing in front of you.
You beamed up at them and they smiled proudly back down at you. “Congratulations, I’m so proud of you both!” You tackled them into a hug, squeezing their bodies into you as they held onto you tightly.
“Someones happy,” Daniel chuckled in your ear, his deep raspy voice sending goosebumps down your skin.
“Think you might be happier than I am, love,” Max smiled, only pulling away slightly to look you in the eyes. Your grip against them faltered, holding on to each of their biceps while they maintained their strong grip on your body.
“Its cute, isn't it Max?” Daniel questioned, his usual teasing smirk forming on his face again. Never breaking eye contact with you, he looked you up and down, licking his lips teasingly as you regained eye contact.
“The love that she holds for us?” Max mocked, tapping his finger against your cheek in order for you to look at him. His hair was a mess, sticking up in every direction, beads of sweat still tangled within it. You couldn't fight the urge to rake your hands through it. He looked beautiful without his usual cap resting atop his head and you found yourself questioning as to why he even bothered with it in the first place.
“Always showing your appreciation for us, darling, it's heartwarming really,” Daniel admitted, his thumbs beginning to draw circles on your back. You bit your lip in anticipation. You had a strong feeling about where this was going to lead and you had no objections to it in any way whatsoever.
“Think we should show her how much we appreciate her mate?” Max pondered, cocking his head to the side and pulling your lip out of your mouth with his thumb as he waited for Dan's response.
“You've never spoken truer words, Max.”
Almost like they had this exact moment planned, they simultaneously moved towards the couch. Max laid upon it, beckoning for you to join him with a pull of his fingers while Daniel stood happily to the side, his hungry gaze never leaving you as you timidly walked up to the Redbull driver.
“Take a seat, love,” Max smirked, shaking his head lightly when you moved to straddle him and tapping on his face at the confused look you shot his way. “Up here, darling.”
Butterflies erupted in your stomach and you let out a shaky breath before taking a step forwards. “Take off your leggings, love. I think Max wants a taste.”
When you looked over at Daniel he had his suit zipped down, sitting halfway down his body. His muscles were now on full display through his fireproof shirt and of course your eyes were drawn towards them. He took note of your gaze and ran his hand down his body, slowing his movements as he reached his pelvis and reaching underneath his suit to grip his member. “Enjoying the view?” he teased, you could see his hands moving underneath the suit and could only imagine what he was doing.
“Hate to break this moment up but im getting quite impatient here, doll,” Max butted in from his position on the couch, he now had his hands crossed behind his head and was the image of cool, calm and collected - definitely not impatient in the slightest. “Now be a good girl and strip for us.”
You quickly pulled your leggings down your legs, wetness gathering embarrassingly fast at your core as you threw them across the room before positioning your thighs on either side of Max’s head. “You're not going to break me, darling,” he chuckled, reaching up to grab your hips and forcefully pushing you down to sit on his face. A blush creeped up your cheeks at his eagerness and a gasp of delight echoed through the room as he took a swipe between your folds. Max knew what he was doing when it came to women, sure he wasn't adventurous, but that was what Daniel was here for.
You bunched his hair in your fist, lifting your hips up to allow him to stimulate your clit with his thumb. His arm was now wrapped around your thigh, giving him perfect control over your body. He held you down against his face as he sucked and lapped every inch of your core. You quickly glanced behind you, peeking back at Daniel who was already looking at you, his lip caught between his teeth and his cock on full display. He didn't falter his movements when the two of you looked at eachother, instead quickening them and actually laughing when you let out a breathless moan.
Glancing down at Max’s body, you realised he also was pleasuring himself. You would have felt useless if your mind wasn’t only focusing on the euphoric pleasure he was giving you. Your head rolled back on your shoulders as Max rubbed circles on your clit, his tongue never once leaving your core. You began feeling guilty at how tired he must be - that was until you remembered he was a driver for living and had plenty of stamina to outlast your usual hookups.
It was only when you felt a tap against your cheek that your eyes opened again. Now face to face with Daniels throbbing cock, you looked up at him, your eyelashes fluttering innocently as he stared down at you. “Open wide,” he demanded.
You did plan on obliging with his request, but when Max managed to slip a finger inside your drenched core, a moan escaped you. The parting of your lips seemed like the best opportunity for Dan to slip his cock inside. Your eyes widened at the sensation but you enclosed your lips around him without a further thought. Hollowing your cheeks as you flattened your tongue against his prominent vein, you wasted no time in sucking him off. You wanted so desperately to show him how proud you were and judging by the curses he let out, you were succeeding.
You moaned against his dick. Feeling yourself getting closer and closer to your orgasm, you sped up your movements against him. His hand weaved between your hair, gently pushing you into him, causing you to gag and him to smirk in delight. “Such a pretty girl, isn't she, Max?’
You could feel Max hum from between your legs, the sensation caused your eyes to roll back and once again a moan of your own vibrated across Daniels cock. “Fuck darling, just like that,” Daniel moaned, his own hips bucking forward chasing his own release. You could hear vigorous faps from behind you, Max's muffled hums, your moans of delight and Daniel's praises filled the room and you were sure if anyone happened to walk past they would assume a porno was being filmed.
You could feel the knot in your stomach beginning to unravel. Your thighs unintentionally squeezed against Max's head, a slap of disapproval being delivered to them before he continued again.
You looked up at Dan with wide eyes and he nodded sweetly at you. “Going to cum darling?” he grunted, his voice cracking as he seemed to near his own release. You nodded up at him, a string of curse words leaving his lips before you felt him release in your mouth. The feeling of his salty cum washing down your throat spurred on your own orgasm.
A partially loud moan left your lips as pure pleasure washed over you. You lifted your hips up, giving Max space to breath and barely even noticing his own cum sprawled across his abdomen.
“Shit that was fucking great,” he praised, his face dripping with your juices and the most delighted smirk plastered across his face.
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mqgriett · 3 years
Crosshair- The Exam
Prompt: “You’re the only thing that matters”
Pairings: Crosshair x Fem!reader
Warnings: none!
Summary: you’ve been studying your ass off for a month trying to prepare for the exam that will dictate whether or not you get to go back to the 104th battalion as a medic. 
Notes: IM SORRY THIS IS SO LONG thank you sm for requesting @lightning-wolffe
You shut off your data pad and pushed it under your armpit, squeezing it with your bicep to not let it fall from your grip as you open your textbook. Before you received the chance to re-read your highlighted notes you felt a tap on your shoulder. 
“I heard that your boys landed in Hangar 5.” Kix chirped, pointing behind him with his thumb. He ran his opposite hand through his short brown hair, smiling kindly. 
You hummed in response, your attention mostly focused on your annotations. The big exam, one that basically determined whether or not you were allowed to return to your assigned Clone Force, was in three days. Every quiet moment was spent with you cracking open a textbook or reviewing your notes. Now that you thought about it, when was the last time you ate… or slept?
Kix quickened his pace and moved in front of you, using his index finger to push your book down to properly view your face. “You know the exam isn’t for another three days, right?” he asked. 
You pressed your lips in a thin line, “Unfortunately not everyone has a memory like yours. I need to study.” you said, closing your book and bopping him on the head with it lightly. 
He took the textbook from your hands, holding it up in the air until it was out of your reach. “Fives!” he called to someone you couldn’t see, “Batchers still here?” 
Behind you, the ARC trooper nodded, “Gonna be here for the next coupla hours. Engine is shot.” 
Kix let his guard down just long enough for you to grab your study materials back. You gently nudged him to the side and walked past, just wanting to get back to your quarters and study. 
The medic gave up, hurrying to catch up with Fives as you walked in the opposite direction. 
Were you dying to see the Bad Batch? Absolutely.
Did you have the time to? Unfortunately not.
Someone (a medic from the 212th apparently, but you tried not to believe rumors) had fucked up a month ago, and it costs you your privilege of being an on-site medic. All field nurses were sent back to Coruscant to retake the big medical exam to prove that they could still serve as medics. 
Unlike Kix, you took it very seriously. Getting anything below a 80% would make your chances of returning small. Only the top 45% of nurses would go back to their battalions while the other 55% stayed on Coruscant to continue their studies. 
The large metal door to your room slid open as you scanned your hand and you stepped inside. Without looking up, you wandered to your desk, which was covered in an assortment of different papers and sticky notes. 
Still reading your textbook, you typed in the access code for your online notes. After a few seconds an automated female voice began to quiz you on questions you had written down two weeks ago.
You stood up and undressed yourself, lazily pulling a dark brown shirt over your head and letting your hair fall loose from the bun that had sat on your head for the majority of the day. 
“Define Choledocholithiasis.” said the voice. 
“Stones in the gallbladder or common bile duct” you replied effortlessly, shuffling to your bathroom to fill the water compartment for your caf. 
You plugged the machine into the wall, allowing the slow drip of heavenly brown liquid to start as you sat back down at your desk. It gave you a moment to think about everything. Realistically, you were more qualified than half the shinies going in to take the exam. 
Kriff, you were wasting your time here. 
You pushed back from your desk and slid on the first pair of shoes that were near your door. 
The halls had quieted down for the most part, most of the clones eating dinner or heading to bed if they had an early start tomorrow morning. 
Massaging your scalp and yawning, you made your way to Hangar 5. 
You looked a little tired, but it didn’t matter as long as you got to see Crosshair. You knew none of them would care but especially not him, in the small window of time you two got alone he frequently told you how much he loved your messy hair. He wasn’t much of a verbal communicator when it came to your relationship, but he always made up for it in physical gestures. 
Rounding the final corner, your eyes began to scan the busy hangar for the marauder. You took back your thought from earlier, seeing that Hangar 5 was a lot more busy than you had anticipated. 
At least two different squadrons were shipping out, from what you could tell it was the 104th and 312th battalions. The blurred figures of grey and green armor made it difficult to keep your focus on one thing at a time. 
You carefully started to walk along the wall, ducking until a small cruiser as a short cut. 
After another ten minutes of searching you finally spotted a familiar face in the bottom right corner of the hangar. 
Tech typed away at his data pad, turning to shout something up at Wrecker, who was sitting on the top of the ship and swinging his legs like a mad man. 
Despite the excitement bubbling in your stomach, you took your time walking over to them. It was nice to just observe and laugh at their behavior for a few minutes, it lifted your spirits.
Once you were within vision to Wrecker, he didn’t hesitate to point and shout at you from the top of the Marauder. 
“Tech!” You called as he mindlessly searched for you in the crowd of people. 
He grinned widely, opening his arms up as you jogged over to him. He hugged you tightly, another pair of large arms suddenly wrapping around both of you. 
Wrecker finally set you two down, giving you an individual hug and swaying you from side to side. At one point you were almost choking. 
“Thought you were studying for the exam.” Tech said skeptically, eyeing you as if you would ever hide something from him. 
You shrugged, “priorities” you peeked over his shoulder, looking for a specific person. 
Tech noticed your wandering eyes and smiled, “Cross is taking inventory with Cody.” 
“Where’s Sarg?” you asked, linking your arm into his. 
“Talking to some of the blue regs.” Wrecker replied loudly, making a few of the 501st soldiers turn to look at him. The large clone was never one to be secretive when it came to addressing the other clones as “regs”. It often drew attention to the group, not necessarily the good kind either. 
From a distance you could see Hunter walking back towards the Marauder with Fives, both of them with their helmets at their hips. 
Sarg’s eyes lit up at the sight of you, his pace quickening as his urge to be with you grew. He hugged your torso tightly, allowing his arm to sling around your shoulder loosely afterwards. 
“It’s been a while.” He said, gently nudging you away from Fives before the ARC trooper could talk.
“It’s been two months. And I always call.” You replied, smiling. 
“You look exhausted.” Hunter pointed out quickly, looking down at the bags under your eyes. 
You shrugged, “could say the same for you Sarg.”
You four situated yourselves underneath the Marauder, sitting on top of a few power supplies and food crates. Hunter sat next to you, Wrecker and Tech mirroring both of you. 
“We were told you wouldn’t be coming down.” Hunter said, leaning back on his elbows. 
You raised a skeptical brow, “who told you that?”
“Fives” he answered nonchalantly, “why else would I be talking to him?”
His comment made your eyes roll, “be nice.” You warned, poking his stomach where armor didn’t cover him. 
Hunter swatted your hand away, briefly turning his head and smiling. “Look who’s back,” he jutted his thumb behind him, pointing to the two other clones making their way back to the ship.
Cody held a clipboard loosely at his side as he spoke to Crosshair, who carried his helmet against his hip. The 212th trooper laughed at something he said before saluting the sniper and walking in the opposite direction. 
You always seemed to forget how handsome Cross was in person. The blue hologram of him during your brief calls did nothing for his strong jawline and high cheekbones. The scruff along his jaw and neck was slightly more visible now, a grey shadow lingering along it. 
Pushing yourself off the crate, you broke into a swift jog towards him. For someone with perfect eyesight, he didn’t notice you coming until you were a few meters away. 
He opened his arms up, catching you perfectly as you jumped to him. 
His long arms held your waist completely as he lowered you to the ground, back arched due to his height compared to yours.“Didn't think you would come.” he said softly in your ear, his voice alone producing butterflies in your stomach. 
“I wanted to see you.” you replied, pulling away from him and moving to his side. 
Crosshair sent a small smirk to you, which was enough to indicate that he felt the same way. 
You walked side by side back to the rest of the group, shoulders touching and hands grazing against one another’s. The gestures were sweet, like the type you would make in school when you were younger. They were enough to make the other person feel loved without drawing too much attention. 
The Bad Batch, plus you, sat underneath their ship once more as the rest of the 104th took off in their ships. You waved to Sinker and Comet from the opposite side of the hangar, tossing over-dramatic kisses in their direction while they climbed up the steps. Another mission for them, one that you wouldn’t be going to. 
“When do you expect to return?” Tech asked from the top of his crate. You had situated yourself on a lower case, one that was used to store bombs and other small explosives. It kept you about seven or eight inches off the ground while Crosshair took your spot next to Hunter. 
You let out a long sigh, “I don’t even know if I’ll go back.”
“They need ya out there.” Wrecker replied, crossing his large legs like a child would. 
Crosshair could sense your unease and pushed himself off the crate, settling on the ground in front of you and leaning back so his head pressed against your chest. He let out a small chuckle, no doubt feeling your heartbeat quicken for a few moments. “They’ll take you back.” he said calmly, reaching for your hand and placing it atop his head. 
You began to run your fingers through his short, grey hair. “If I don’t get above an 80% then I’m not going back.” You mumbled. 
“Why 80?” Hunter asked innocently. 
“Because she’s a girl.” Wrecker replied loudly, having absolutely zero common sense as to who could be listening. 
Crosshair tense underneath you, muscles tightening against your legs, “Wrecker.” he seethed, using his brother’s full name. 
Your face dropped, cheeks heating up. He was right, but hearing someone finally say it out loud made it worse. That was the real reason you had been dedicating so many weeks to studying. Even if Kix received a 45% and you an 80%, they would choose him over you. Clones were bred to be intelligent. You were just a girl who somehow got Senator Palpatine to assign you to a clone squadron. 
You wiggled your way out from under Crosshair, stepping over the low crate of explosives and walking up the steps of the Marauder. It was cold inside but the chill felt so nice against your hot body. 
In all honesty, you wanted to cry. You wanted to go back to your room and bawl your eyes out until you physically couldn’t produce tears anymore. But you knew you couldn’t, that would be showing weakness. 
Soft footsteps echoed behind you, Cross’s monotone voice ringing in your ears shortly after, “he didn’t mean that.”
You shook your head, “No no, he’s right.” 
He took a few steps towards you, gently reaching for your wrist and pulling you into him. He rested his chin on your head, “you’ll do great on the exam.” 
You pushed off of him, needing a bit of air to keep from crying. You shook your wrists out and looked up at the ceiling, it helped a little bit. “Just nervous.” you muttered. 
He stayed silent, not exactly sure how to comfort you. Words frequently failed him and in the rare occasion that you were upset Tech was able to calm you down, but not this time. Crosshair wanted to make you feel better, no matter what it took. 
You hated being this vulnerable around anyone, the panic in your stomach growing every second of silence that passed. 
Taking a deep breath, you began to walk past him, “I need to go, you have more important things to-” 
He caught your bicep and spun you back around, other hand holding the small of your back as he kissed you. It was a deep, passionate, yet chaste, kiss. You melted into his grip, leaning backwards to force his lips onto yours more. You held the sides of his face, the small scruff on his jaw feeling immaculate against your own. 
He rested your foreheads together and quietly, barely audibly, whispered, “you’re the only thing that matters.” 
You were about to kiss him again when Hunter, Tech, and Wrecker walked through the door. 
Hunter smiled, “Guess who’s got a new nurse on the team.”
Your head cocked to the side, Wrecker looking like he was about to explode from excitement at any moment. “We do!” he bellowed, “and it’s you!” 
Mouth hanging open, you looked from Crosshair to the other three. “What?”
“Welcome to Clone Force 99, medic.” Hunter answered proudly.
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cloudykaii · 4 years
pairing: bts x eighth member!reader [platonic]
summary:  omg i just real some of your eight member scenarios and eveerything was so good!! i wasnt into eight member things before but now.. im super in! 😭 can you do a scenario about compilation of the members little caring act on stage, backstage, when theres camera or not, something like that to the eight members?? if you make it then i would be so delighted. than you !!
warnings: none, it’s just really fluff :( some of it might not make sense, but i really love this
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A lot of things could be said about your brothers. Each and every one of them had their moments and mistakes, just like you did. Some people would call them rude, or selfish amongst other things, but the one thing they could never say, is that they didn’t care about you. ARMY pointed it out all the time; they even had compilations of moments the eight of you cared for each other, but your favorite were the ones titled things like: “six minutes of proof that bts’ world revolves around y/n.”
Jin jumped as your head fell against his bicep. You were at an afterparty for an awards show the eight of you had been asked to present at. The music wasn’t too loud- you used to joke that it was because everyone knew rich people liked to brag. You had no idea where the rest of your brothers were but you and Jin had been perched on the oddly comfortable sofa as he socialized. He could feel your hairpins digging into his shoulder. 
“Y/N, are you okay?” You didn’t answer and he moved slightly so that he could reach across and tap your arm, but you moved with him. He felt your even breathing and sighed. You still had around two hours left before they could leave. 
One of the girls he had been talking to chuckled as you gave a tiny shiver in your sleep. “She must be tired.”
He smiled at her before slipping off his blazer to cover you with it. “She works hard, sometimes I think she works harder than the rest of us,” he chuckled, pulling you closer so that he could make sure she was comfortable. 
No one knows how a fan account had that video trending on twitter under the hashtag #BabyY/N three days later. 
One bad thing about being the only girl in an idol group, is that sometimes you get the least amount of consideration. Not because they didn’t respect you or anything like that, it’s just that after styling for seven boys, you think sometimes the staff tends to forget you are not a guy, or maybe they had never seen a girl in real life.
Or at least that’s what the short dress you were wearing had you feeling like. It’s not like it wasn’t pretty, a black skirt and connected by a thin, white lacy strip that wrapped around your abdomen. It was gorgeous, and the silky ribbon of a choker around your neck made it look even better, but it was just.. so short. 
You powered through like a trooper, despite the fear in the back of your mind that you were flashing the entire audience while you danced. The minute the song stopped and everyone moved to get a drink of water, Yoongi was taking his jacket off and tying it around your waist. 
Not speaking into the mic, you let him do as he wanted but asked, “Are you even allowed to do that? Won’t the stylist say something about how you ruined her outfit?”
Tightening the knot of material, he rolled his eyes. “Honestly, I don’t give a fuck what the stylist has to say right now. Not only is your outfit not okay, but it’s obviously making you uncomfortable. You can wear this until the next outfit change.”
“Thank you,” you hugged him briefly, glad he had your back. 
There was a time where you guys were recording a live during a long break while at practice. Fans talked about it for ages afterwards. Taehyung sat against one of the mirrors, holding his phone, while Jimin was in the picture beside him. 
“Basically, that’s it. We haven’t really-”
“Y/N, stop running around, you’re going to hurt yourself!” Jimin’s voice cut in, making the other man look over. 
“What is she doing?”
Jimin huffed, “I have no idea, but she’s going to- Y/N, at least t- no actually come here, I’ll do it for you.”
And when you bounced into the view of the camera, only for all the fans to see Jimin pulling your foot to him so he could tie your shoe. “Be careful this time, even if you’re playing tag.”
Jeongguk laughed at the camera, the comments being ridiculous. He was doing a live, answering questions about the embarrassing moments he chose to talk about. “No, it was funny! He fell, but then he tried to play it off by doing pushups, but he feel while trying to do that, so-”
He heard the door open in the background, and the camera saw him turn to the side just before he let out an “oomf.” The side profile of your face was visible to the viewers as you moved to curl against him on the bed. You rubbed your eyes sleepily, and he frowned. “It’s really late, you’re supposed to be asleep.”
You mumbled, “I was, but then I got scared and woke up. I didn’t want to be alone.” He pouted at that. You tended to have nightmares whenever you were stressed, and since he was the one who found out about them first, he was usually the person you ran to. 
“Do you wanna sleep in here?” He asked softly. Everyone tuned in could hear everything, but your brother barely remembered that he was even recording as he fussed over you. You nodded, already drifting off on his shoulder. He smiled down at you before turning back to the camera. He read the many comments of everyone cooing over you. “Yeah, she’s alright. I’ll tell her to tell you guys herself tomorrow. Anyways..” 
Of course, there were incidents that were more serious. 
The sun was setting, which made the perfect picture for the shoot you guys were about to do. The rooftop everyone was on was beautiful and stone, the kind of background you saw in movies. The sun seemed to glitter, and the wind made everything sway until the lake’s seemingly glittering waves caught your eye. “Whoa,” you gasped, moving closer to get a look.
You waved off Taehyung’s warning. “I’ll be careful! I just want to get a closer look!” You walked back over to the edge, admiring the way the sun sparkled on the water. You subconsciously leaned closer, moving your body a little too far against the thin railing, but before you could topple over, a hand grabbed the back of your jacket with a tight grip, yanking you back until you were a good distance away from the railing. 
Your back hit someone else’s and you recognized Taehyung as you turned to see him. He stared down at you. “I said be careful!” 
“I’m sorry,” you said a little shakily. Taehyung sighed before pulling you back into a hug. “Having a little sister is so hard, you’re not leaving my sight for the rest of the day.”
Another moment fans loved to talk about actually happened at a fansign. You smiled brightly as the next fan came up to you, following the line. “Hello!” you greeted happily. 
Something about this girl threw you off though, and the look in her eyes had you unintentionally leaning away from her. You couldn’t decipher it, but when nothing happened, you told yourself you were just overthinking it. She was probably just excited to meet what could have been her favorite artist group, right? 
You stood by Hoseok as the fansign ended, moving to follow him out of then venue. He chuckled as he looked at you. “You have that look.”
You wrinkled your nose. “What look?” 
“The one that says you’re hungry,” he teased, poking you in the stomach, making you whine. “Well, maybe-”
“Y/N!” You turned around, cutting yourself off mid sentence, to see the fan from earlier. “I found you.” Her smile was a little too bright as she reached for you, only for Hoseok to push you behind him as you stuttered out, “I’m sorry, we really have to go.” 
You moved to attempt to leave after that, but her demeanor quickly changed. Her face changed from too happy and delighted, to dark and angry. Her eyes narrowed, and she reached for you more aggressively this time. “Don’t be son ungrateful,” she squeezed your wrist painfully and you cried out as security finally made their way over. 
Hoseok immediately pulled you to him, looking at the rapidly forming bruise on your wrist. Even though at the moment, it was just a large red mark, his face still tightened. “This never should have happened,” he cursed when he noticed tears in your eyes. 
He pulled you into a hug as he waited for the rest of your brothers to show up. “It won’t happen again,” he promised you. 
The moment that was probably the most talked about, was when a talk show host felt the need to ask you how it felt. Namjoon shared a glance with you. 
“Excuse me?” you asked timidly, straightening up. 
The interviewer turned to you. “Oh, you speak English! I was just asking how it felt to be so similar to a child all the time.” The man’s tone of voice didn’t even change, but the idea that he had expected Namjoon to translate this to you, and now casually asked you as if there was nothing wrong with the question. “You know, they’re always taking care of you, it makes it seem like you can’t do anything by yourself. Does it ever irritate you?”
You tried laughing it off, the chuckle leaving your lips as you ticked a strand of hair behind your ear awkwardly. “Not really. They’re not doing anything to be condescending, and I know that.”
“Do you feel like that is because you need their help?”
“That’s enough,” Namjoon cut in, his jaw clenched as he slid forward a little in his seat as if to help get his point across. “Y/N is perfectly capable of taking care of herself. We pitch in to check on her because we love and care about her, and she does the same for us. She is not a child but a grown woman who we love and care about enough to make sure she’s okay and gets the nice treatment she deserves. With all due respect, if you insult our sister again, we will be forced to cut this short.”
You looked over to him, offering a silent thank you as the interviewer coughed, trying to recover. The bad news was that this interview was live, so he really couldn’t do anything but sit there and realized he had just embarrassed himself. 
Honestly, what else is there to say? You loved and cared about your brothers, and they loved and cherished you. 
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harrystylescherry · 4 years
In My Feelings Snippets!
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a/n: im, like, halfway done with part 3. it’s gonna be shorter than the other parts, but it’s a really pivotal part for them so trust me it’s worth it. it will prob go up tomorrow, honestly. AND U ALL HAVE TO BE NICE TO ME ABOUT THAT BC FRI IS MY BDAY SO DO NOT COMPLAIN TO ME OR ASK ME WHERE IT IS. anyway, enjoy the drama--the smut hasn’t been written yet. 
share ur excitement here
Harry found you just as you brought the lit cigarette to your lips. “We were wondering where you went.” His mouth was full of something. You looked down and saw the cinnamon sugar donut in his hand. When you didn’t say anything, he said, “I thought you only smoked when you were drunk.”
“If I don’t smoke, I’ll scream.”
“And why’s that?” You could hear the sarcasm in his voice. 
“I thought my days of hooking up with losers was over. Guess not.” 
“Am I meant to be the loser?” 
Your eye stayed glued to the pavement below you as you took a drag. “It’s a bit disappointing, you know? Letting fucking assholes walk all over me and rewarding them by sucking them off.” 
“I didn’t walk all over you.”
 You shrugged nonchalantly. “No, you were cruel. As if that makes it any better.” 
“I wasn’t.” 
“You were--and if you can’t fucking see that, you’re a much bigger narcissist than I thought.” You dropped your cigarette to the ground and crushed it beneath your boot before you turned around and tried to walk away, but Harry wouldn’t let you. 
His free hand wrapped tightly around your bicep and he pulled you back, turning you back to him and making you stumble a bit in the process. “You act like you’re so fucking innocent.”
His brows were furrowed and his eyes were locked on the two messages he had sent to you days ago. They hadn’t even been read. That comforted him slightly, since it meant that you weren’t rubbing it in his face that you were ignoring him. Because they were only delivered, he was able to convince himself that you had been busy with work and that’s why you hadn’t answered yet. You just hadn’t gotten around to it. Maybe you even forgot. 
Before he could think twice, his fingers were moving over the keyboard. 
i’m having the band over for dinner tomorrow night if u want to come
He hit send quickly and dropped his phone onto his sweatshirt that sat in a pile on the floor. 
He turned around and put his hands on his hips as his eyes swept over his friends. “Uh, so, tomorrow. Dinner. At my house.”
“What?” Adam asked at the same time Mitch asked why.
“Dinner at my house tomorrow. I’ll make a roast. Like, the whole bit. It’ll be fun.”
“I’m in.” Adam said and Sarah nodded enthusiastically. 
“Can we get all dressed up? Make it a proper occasion?” Charlotte asked. 
“Yes.” Harry nodded before turning his attention to Mitch, waiting for him to say he would be there.”
“I don’t really know what that entails but sure.” He shrugged. 
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iaemjnct · 4 years
[10:56 pm]
a/n: i recommend listening to escape by kehlani while reading this :)
you sit against the wall at the back of the practice room as you watch idol!jeno practicing. his comeback is in a few days. you’re obviously excited and happy for him to comeback. after being gone for almost a year, it’s nice to see him and the dreamies back.
he invited you to see him practice for tonight. it was only you and him in the room for the night. as you lean back, you couldn’t help but admire him. the way his dance moves were smooth yet sharp and clean. the way his jaw clenches when he focuses. the way his biceps flex. the determination in his soft eyes.
but you quickly shook all these thoughts away. you’re his best friend. only a best friend. you’ve known him for quite a while, ever since he came in a cafe where you were studying and accidentally dumped his drink on you. not a classy move for a first move but hey, look where you are now. best friends with an idol. but you couldn’t help but start to grow feelings for him. the more you hanged around with him and also the dreamies, the more your feelings grow more and more. every night, you’re mind goes off to him before sleeping, every morning the first person you would always text ‘ good morning ‘ to is him. and mostly everyday, you hang out with him and the dreamies unless they have a schedule or you have to go to your lectures. obviously, your feelings couldn’t help it.
but since jeno was an idol, it’s obviously hard for him to date. you feel like he should be free and continue to be successful and focus on his career and not be distracted. you believe that that both of you are better off as friends and you don’t want to mess that up. so as hurtful as it is, you ignore all your feelings, thoughts towards him. but there are moments where you can’t always control your mind.
jeno stops dancing for a split second and looks at you in the mirror. you were in deep thought, not really saying anything and just staring at the floor. he quickly dries off his sweat with a towel before walking towards you. he then sat in front of you with his legs spread apart.
“y/n.” he softly said your name. you snap out of your thoughts and look up at him. you gave him a small smile.
“why’d you stop practicing? you were so deep into it.” you said.
“took a break for a bit before i realized you were in deep thought, just wanted to know if you’re alright.” he said before taking a sip of water.
“i’m fine really. just school been kicking my ass but it’s alright.” you chuckled.
he playfully scoffed. “i see right through you. i know it wasn’t about school.”
“i swear it was. don’t worry.” you reassured him.
then there was silence for a good 5 minutes or so. so you stood up, checked the time on your phone.
“it’s getting late and i have school the next day.” you told him. he stood up too and placed his things down. he just stares at you. you looked at him weirdly.
“why are you staring at me?” he then moves closer to you. you were surprised at first but mentally calmed down. he slowly leaned in with his hand touching your cheek. you slowly closed your eyes as you felt his lips on yours. it was a soft but passionate kiss. you couldn’t help but feel like you’re knees are about to give up on you. your lips felt like they were perfectly molded for jenos’.
you both pulled away slowly and looked at each other. but then a pang of thoughts and feelings hit you. you start to frown.
“i’m sorry. i shouldn’t have kissed you. god im such an idio-.”
“you’re not. don’t say that. i enjoyed the kiss.” you reassured him. but he looked at you.
“but what’s wrong?”
“i-.” you don’t know what to say. as much as you want to be in a relationship with him, you don’t want to be a burden to him and his career.
“jeno, i’ve been falling for you for a long time already. i can’t help but feel this way about you. i always feel something when i’m with you. but as much as i want to be with you, i can’t. i don’t want to be a distraction for you and your career. but god i can’t help but think about you with someone else, that’ll hurt like hell.”
he just stayed silent. he was speechless. he was starting to fall for you. but him to find out that you feel this way also. he doesn’t know what to think.
“i still want to be with you but not any deeper. i want to be worth escaping to, when you feel out of place or need me for something, need a break from the stress of being an idol,i don’t know. i don’t want you to risk your career for me.” at this point you had tears streaming down your face. you look to see him and he had tears in his eyes.
you just smiled and wiped the tears off from your face and jeno’s.
“i’ll always be here, but i just don’t want to be burden.”
he pulls you into a hug. it was a strong but delicate hug. you bury your head in the crook of his neck as he puts your chin on top of you head.
“you’ll wait right?” his voice cracked.
“of course.”
you two just stand there, hugging each other like there is no tomorrow. you would do anything for jeno, but you wouldn’t want to let him lose himself while looking for you.
a/n: hi guys :) i took a long break from writing as you can tell. i’m not sure if i’m able to write all the time but since with quarantine, i think i can but not as much.
the song escape by kehlani inspired me to write this. but i hope you still like this even though i’m a bit rusty lol. sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes, this is not proofread.
have a nice day :)
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drkcnry67 · 3 years
we’re related and I Don’t Care
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title: We’re Related and I Don’t Care
pairing: Jared x reader
fluff: roommates (bro/sis)
kink: virginity
rating: 18+
mentioning @spnfluffbingo​   @spnkinkbingo​   @sweetness47​
fluff    kink 
before i get ahead of myself here, let me just put this here, i was 100% in control of my actions when the following events took place. 
twas the week after highschool graduation, i was all set to move into an apartment of my own. it was a wonderful idea, i was so excited. but then the day before my big move was supposed to take place my parents and my brother got into a huge argument. 
he approached me about moving into the apartment with me, okay that wasnt a issue, my brother was successful like me and we were both now packed and prepared for our early day start the next day. 
me and my brother always had the best relationship. it was a bond like no other, he was my guardian while i would go on shopping sprees and i was his while he was with his friends in a club setting. 
our chemistry was about to take a very very wide turn... but we at that time didnt know that. the day of the big move, well i helped my brother for the most part load our shit on the truck, but he insisted on him and his friends doing this themselves.
who was i to complain, anyway it was complete in 5 hours, it was all in the apartment and then we realized that we would need to purchase some more furniture, not a problem. it would be a easy fix, so we sat down on the floor and set up the laptop to TV hdmi.
Jared: alright sis, what kind of furniture are we getting?
You then gesture down to the table before you where the list of furniture sits before you and your brother.
Yn: well dear brother as you can see before you, I made a list, but because this is our place we both have equal say in the furniture design.
Jared: may I pick the first piece of furniture?
Yn: of course... Let me just go and take another measurement real quick...
You got up and left the room, your brother picked out the sofa and love seat, in a pattern that he figured you would approve of.
He was browsing the blanket sets when you re-entered the room.
Yn: alright so what do we have so far in the cart...
Jared: the sofa and love seat. I was just browsing through the blanket sets... We should have a few extras for when we do laundry...
you were scouring the blanket sets and decided your brother was right. you were now putting one of each set in the cart, you then passed the reigns to your brother so he can pick out the bed frames, one for you, one for him.
then some pots, pans, kitchen stuff, and bathroom stuff. then you both agreed that would be sufficient to get you both started so you went through the checkout and waited.
YN: so we should also order another tv so we can both play games together. its gonna be easier that way.
Jared sighed he knew you were right he just hated to admit it... deep down inside he was holding in his feelings, he had a huge boner for you, he always had, but now living with you now he might actually have his shot at having the life he always wanted with you.
Jared: your right, which is why i had placed that order last night... they will be delivered around the same time as the furniture. its a good thing we think alot alike.
YN: guess thats the bond we share, now what do we want for dinner.
Jared: well we clearly dont have any groceries yet... so what do we want...
You had to go with your gut... You had to use your keen sense of sibling skills and happily tell your brother what you wanted.
Yn: remember when we were growing up and after school you and I would stop for dinner on Fridays at a little restaurant down near the school and celebrate the victories and losses through the week.
Jared: do they do delivery?
Yn: how bout you call and find out while I go and find the bed sheets so we can finish setting up the beds as in put the pillows and comforters on as the rest of the stuff won't be here till tomorrow.
Jared nods his head and smiles watching as you get up and leave the room.. his mind thinking the most evil thoughts, as he mentally undresses you and pictures you beneath him screaming his name with bountiful pleasure.
Jared (to self): i need to make my move soon, cause its perfect opportunity to now that i live with her. its the perfect time. just need the right moment.
so for the next few hours Jared watched, waited, and sat with you in the living room, dinner arrived you guys ate and smiled.
Yn: hey bro, what time is it?
Jared looked at his watch, and smiled when his brain dinged and remembered your evening routine. for as long as he could remember you would shower every second evening. since the last time you showered was the night before last...
Jared: dont worry about anything ill clean up and finish setting up the sleeping arrangements. it will all be done by the time you get out...
YN: thank you... now ill see you when im done.
you left the room, you went into the bathroom with your speaker and phone setting up your music and leaving the door open a tad for no foggy mirrors when you got out.
jared however was waiting till about half way through your shower time before he would make his mark.
you set up the dark shower curtain and turned on the water, stripped off your clothes and it started. Jared counted the minutes by the song lengths.
Jared (to self): okay this is it time to man up and confess my feelings. i should lock the door first though.
as jared was locking the door, he could hear you talking to yourself in the shower.
YN (to self): okay girl get a grip, your extremely caliente hot brother is now living with you, as your roommate, you have only been saving yourself for like ever... i mean he probably would think it super weird and such if i like told him that i love him.
Jared came closer to the door and smiled as he took all his clothes off and snuck into the washroom, your voice melding with the music you didnt hear anything, you had no idea what was about to happen.
you were in the middle of rinsing your hair when your brother walked into the shower.
Jared: did you mean it?
this startled you, you didnt turn off the water, but instead hid behind the cover or as much of it as could be done with your hands/arms.
YN: what the hell jared...
Jared: did you mean what you said...
YN: what are you talking about...
Jared: a few moments ago, i was locking the apartment and i heard you tell yourself that you love me... was that true.
you had now dropped your hands from covering you...
YN: yes, i have been hiding that from you since 9th grade, when you gained all your hot muscles, when you and i were crowned as the 2 most likely candidates for the spring fling royalty that year. when we won i was amazed by how good your biceps felt beneath my hand... want me to say it, i love you more than a brother, i love you Jared...
Jared: i love you too. now i am gonna fuck you into the middle of next week. Yes I know you saved yourself, as did I.. I never gave up hope that you would one day say you love me more than a brother.
Yn: then take me and don't worry about being gentle I think we are way passed that now.
You and Jared were alot closer, before another word was spoken Jared pressed his lips to your own, you stood on your tippie toes to reach up as your brother's arms pulled your form closer to his own.
his hands now cupping your butt cheeks lifting you so your legs wrap round his hips/waist. you feel his hard cock under your pussy, you were not bothered by this, you felt like you should be but your brain, heart, and body told you that you were happy, that you were in the right hands.
Jared: im sliding in, scream for me baby!
you went to kiss him but the kiss was broken by your scream as his hard cock slid right into your pussy. stretching you out, waiting a bit for you to fit to him.
Jared: well i think this is gonna be a short movement cause im almost too hard to keep pounding into you here and now but i will go as hard as i can and unload into you fully.
You screamed moaned and felt the hard cock of your own brother inaide you. It was another 15 minutes before Jared unloaded into you.
Jared pulled out for 2 seconds, he then helped you wash your body and you washed his hair and body before both of you got out and dried off.
Jared: let me just go turn off all the lights then I'll join you in bed.
You walked into the bedroom and took a look at the mirror on the wall, your reflection looked different, yet somehow the same, similar to how you looked that morning.
but your brother walked in and came up behind you, wrapping his arms round your waist he smiled and so did you.
Jared: you looked very deep in thought when i walked in
YN: i was just thinking about how this might be viewed in the public eye...
Jared: and i dont give a flying shit hole fuck of a damn as to what the public eye thinks. ill be out in public and have dinner with you, and ill beat anyone who dares make a pass at my new girlfriend.
YN: promoted from sister to girlfriend in the span of 24 hours, im very lucky girl.
thats when your brother backed both you and him up to the bed and both of you fell backward and on bed.
Jared: your a lucky girl whose not leaving this bed till the doorbell rings for our furniture delivery tomorrow... now lean into me and lets enjoy our new life together.
Jared placed a kiss to your forehead as he felt your head nestle into the crook of his neck and your breathing became relaxed. he slid himself back into you and soo you both felt only peace.
~see you soon~
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soobiniebaby · 4 years
Angels & Devils Part XI : I’m Yours, You’re Mine
A n g e l s   &   D e v i l s || Tomorrow x Together Fanfiction
~ p a r t s : main post || prologue || part 1 || part 2 || part 3 || part 4 || part 5 || part 6 || part 7 || part 8 || part 9 || part 10 || part 11 || part 12 || part 13 || part 14 || part 15 || part 16 || part 17 ~ p a i r i n g : love triangle involving choi soobin and choi yeonjun  ~ g e n r e : high school au | some social media au | some fluff & angst | childhood friends | love triangle  ~ l a n g u a g e : English  ~ w a r n i n g : contains swearing, alcohol, kissing (?) and may contain mature themes (angst, etc.)  ~ a / n : This will be my first fanfic (go easy on me pls) and i’m just writing this as I go along, so bear with me juseyo The setting (place/country) of the story is up to the reader’s interpretation ~ s u m m a r y : What should she choose? Han Baby: the new girl with a troubled past MO Academy: her new high school Choi Soobin: student council president, member of the Ecosave club, volunteer at the Humane Treatment of Animals, member of the Honor Society, a vocalist in the Jazzed club, the school’s all around golden boy Choi Yeonjun: leader of the Dance club, star of the Jazzed club, the school’s it boy with a bad rep 5 best friends, 1 new girl, 1 childhood friendship, 1 epic love triangle? What will this school year bring?
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Over the weekend, B and Kai had spent most of their time lounging around the living room, finishing the entire season of It’s Okay to Not Be Okay on Netflix on Saturday and having a movie marathon on Sunday. They ordered all their meals and had all the food they wanted delivered to the apartment, their food cravings ranging from donuts and milk tea to egg tarts and mint chocolate ice cream. It felt like one of the many sleepovers they used to have when they were kids, only now it was just the 2 of them in a place of their own, without nosy siblings or strict parents to bother them or tell them what they could or couldn’t do.
Other than stuffing their faces with food and drowning their emotions in Netflix, they finally had all the time in the world to do all the catching up that they hadn’t been able to, asking questions and telling stories about what they had missed out on each other’s lives through the years.
“First kiss?” B asks.
“Oh, I think I was in the 7th grade, and it was with Im Yeojin. You?”
“Lucas Wong. A couple of years ago.” B responds.
Kai shakes his head. “That guy was your first kiss ever? Lucas? Your ex?”
B nods. “The one and only. Next question please?”
“Alright, worst ex?” Kai asks intentionally.
“Ningning, you know I’ve only had 1 boyfriend.”
“Yes, and he was the worst! He had the audacity to cheat on you! And all because you wouldn’t ‘put out?’ He's lucky I lived 3 hours away or else I would’ve kicked his ass.” Kai says, huffing.
B laughs, trying to swallow down the lump in her throat that formed whenever she talked about her horrible ex boyfriend. There was so much more to their relationship than him cheating on her cause she wouldn’t put out, but she wasn’t ready to let her best friend know all about it just yet. “Thanks, but judging by the size of his biceps, I don’t think that could’ve ever happened anyway.”
Kai pouts. “Are you saying I should start going to the gym?”
B laughs at him dismissively before changing the subject.
Also, sharing a living space with another person was also a bit of an adjustment for B since she had already gotten used to living alone. Her apartment only had one bathroom which she now shared with Kai, and now she had to keep all her personal toiletries set aside and her feminine hygiene products kept away, not wanting a repeat of the horrifying moment when her best friend walked out of the bathroom with his face all red.
“What happened to you?” she had asked, noticing how flushed he looked after being in the bathroom for 20 minutes.
“You know that when I’m, um, taking a shit I like to read the back of labels of whatever I see in the bathroom, right?” Kai starts slowly.
“Okay, weird, but go on.”
He takes a big gulp before continuing. “Well, let’s just say I now know how to properly put on a tampon. And let me just say, I’m glad I wasn’t born a woman.”
After that incident, B made sure to keep all feminine hygiene products hidden away in the bathroom cabinets. She ensured to leave a stack of random books and magazines on the bathroom counters so Kai would have something to read when doing his business. Other than that, B also had to remind herself that it was no longer socially acceptable to walk around her apartment in nothing but a tshirt and underwear on, since she had gotten used to roaming the space without worrying about other people seeing what she looked like. She usually went to bed in just a shirt and underwear and roll out of bed and straight into the kitchen for breakfast without a care in the world. Now, she had to double check and make sure that she was wearing bottoms and a bra before stepping out of her bedroom.
Even though there were many things she hadn’t considered before inviting a guy to stay in her apartment, she had to admit that it was nice to have company around. She hadn’t realized how lonely it was to live alone until Kai had come along, and now she was already sort of dreading the day when he’d get better and move out. She was starting to consider finding a room mate before then, knowing that she’d feel lonely once her company had to leave.
Come Monday morning, B woke up feeling excited. She rolled out of bed, put on a pair of shorts, and made her way to the kitchen, only to be surprised by the sight of breakfast already prepared on the table. A plate full of bacon and sunny side up eggs, a bowl full of fresh fruit and cereal, and a glass of blue lemonade were all neatly laid out on the table, and Kai was sitting there with an apron still tied around his waist. When he saw B step out from her room, he immediately greeted her “Wakey wakey Baba, time to go back to school!”
B rubs the sleep from her eyes, making sure she wasn’t just dreaming that Kai had prepared breakfast for her. Once the smell of freshly cooked bacon filled wafted in the air, she immediately brightens up and walks on over to give her best friend a hug.
“Ningning, you did all this for me? Thank you so much!” she says in awe.
“Yup, I wanted to make it special since it’ll be your first day back at MOA today.” Kai says. “Now hurry up before it gets cold. You have to be ready in 40 minutes.”
B all but gobbles up all the food that Kai had prepared for her before jumping into the shower, drying her hair, putting on some make up and changing into her school uniform, making sure she had everything she needed before letting Kai walk her to the front door.
“Have fun, Baba!” Kai says.
“Sure thing. Make sure to keep the door locked and call me if you need anything.” she says, waving goodbye before making her way downstairs to meet Taehyun.
As soon as Taehyun sees her, his eyes visibly light up.
“B! Finally, I’ve missed you so much.” he says, waving hello before stretching his arms out towards her. “Come here!”
B excitedly runs up, preparing to hug Taehyun, until at the last minute he folds his hands across his chest and takes a step back, which stops her in her tracks.
“On second thought, don’t touch me. You may be medically cleared already, but since Hyuka’s staying with you, you might still be carrying the pox.” he says. It’s only then when she notices that he was wearing a face mask and had a small spray bottle of alcohol hanging from his school ID lace.
She smiles at him sheepishly. “I missed you too, you know.” she says, opting to wrap her arms around her own torso instead.
He laughs at her silly antics before following suit, wrapping his arms around himself. “Let’s just pretend that we’re hugging right now.”
B nods. “Alrighty. Thanks, Tyun.”
“Don’t mention it. Now come on, put on your face mask and make sure you have hand sanitizer before we go.” he says, adjusting the mask on his face.
She puts on a mask and puts a small bottle of hand sanitizer in her pocket before they start making their way to school.
“I’ve missed these walks of ours.” B says happily, breathing in the morning air.
“I’ve missed them too. And I’ve missed you. School was a bit boring without you, and walking to school alone just didn’t feel the same.”
“How have things at MOA been, apart from the health protocols? And how are the guys?” B asks.
“Apart from the implementation of health protocols, school has pretty much been the same. The guys miss you. I think they’re excited to see you.” Taehyun responds.
“I miss them too.” B says, sighing. She and Yeonjun had FaceTimed every night through the weekend, but she missed him, and she felt a bit sad that they had to cancel their supposed last date. She had to admit that she missed the other guys too. “What makes you think they’re excited to see me, though?”
“They told me to ask you if you could meet them by the front gate of MOA before classes start this morning.” Taehyun says.
“Oh? They did? Weird, but okay. I wonder why.” B says, trying to think of why they might want to meet up. “How have you been? Has anything in your life changed in the past week?” she asks.
Taehyun shrugs. “Not really, same old same old. Just the usual studying at school and working at the café.” he says. “What about you? How have you been doing?”
B shrugs too, mimicking his response. “I’ve been good, nothing much going on.” she says casually, which was a lie. She wanted to tell him about Yeonjun and about how he asked her out and all the dates he put together, but a part of her was scared about how he’d react, so she thought it would be better to tell him when the time was right.
As she and Taehyun approach the campus, her eyes catch sight of 3 familiar figures standing right outside of the gates, particularly to the head of blue hair.
B feels her heart jump out of her chest, speeding up her walking, and Taehyun runs to catch up to her as she starts waving her arms in the air the closer they got until the 3 boys look up in her direction and they all wave back.
“Seriously, you 3, why aren’t you wearing face masks?” Taehyun says as they meet the 3 boys outside the gate.
“Well good morning to you too, Tyun.” Beomgyu says playfully. “Relax, we’re not within campus grounds so we don’t have to wear masks yet.”
B laughs at their banter. “I think Tyun’s just worried that you’ll catch Kai’s chicken pox germs if you stand too close to me without a mask on.” she jokes. “So, why are we meeting up here outside the gates instead of at the front steps like we usually do?”
“Hey, B! Good to see you again.” Beomgyu says.
“Well, you see, there are new health protocols set in place on campus right now, and as members of the student council, we can never be caught violating any rules set within the school.” Yeonjun begins, smiling at her brightly, like there was a secret that only the 2 of them shared.
“Alright, and…?” B asks, not sure where they were going with this.
“And before we go in and start off another week of school, there’s just this 1 health protocol we’d like to violate.” Beomgyu continues.
“Okay, which one? Is it the face mask thing? Why are we standing outside the school gates?” B asks, still confused.
“So we can do this.” Soobin says, before taking a step towards B with arms outstretched and pulling her into him, his whole body engulfing her in a hug.
He feels time stop the moment his arms wrap themselves around her body, her face buried in his chest, the top of her head inches away from his chin, the smell of her lavender-scented shampoo tickling his nose, his hands resting on the curves in her waist.
When Soobin woke up feeling excited that day, he told himself it was just because he was excited to start a new week of school, but deep down he knew that wasn’t the case.
When the guys suggested that they wait for B outside the school gates so that they could greet her a proper ‘welcome back,’ he felt a flutter in his chest, and he told himself that it was just because he was happy that their group would be complete again (minus Kai), but deep down, he knew he was only fooling himself.
When he and the guys stood outside the school gates waiting for B and Taehyun to arrive, he could feel his heart start to beat even faster in anticipation, and he told himself it was just because he was looking forward to see their friend again after a whole week, but he knew there was more to it than that.
When he saw her waving her arms in the air and walking towards them, he felt his breath catch in his throat, and he told himself it was just because he was surprised to see her looking so radiant and healthy knowing how badly sick she was, but he knew it was because of how he was just now realizing how beautiful she really was.
When he took a step towards her and engulfed her delicate figure in his arms, feeling the warmth of her body against his, a feeling washed over him unlike anything he’s experienced before, as if by having her in his arms everything in the world was finally falling into place and the pounding in his chest and the flutter of butterfly wings in his stomach finally made sense, and it was at that moment he knew with absolute certainty just what it was.
It was her. It was B.
He didn’t know how it came to be, or why exactly it happened, but all he knew was that it was her.
It was him realizing that he was falling in love with her.
And the feeling hit him so suddenly with such clarity that for a moment, it felt like the whole world stood still, as his breath seemed to catch in his throat and time seemed to stop as he held her in his arms, savoring the moment and all the emotions that were hitting him all at once.
She lets out a surprised squeal as Soobin pulls her in, only to be muffled by her face being buried in his chest as they embrace.
“Soobinie!” she says, laughing in surprise. “I missed you too.”
Soobin smiles to himself, tempted to rest his chin on her head, but he was aware of the presence of their friends, so he slowly lets her go, his eyes meeting Taehyun’s as he does, and Taehyun’s expression quickly changes as he realizes what was happening.
Taehyun raises his brows in question, and Soobin gives him a quick and discreet nod in response, to which Taehyun shakes his head.
Soobin keeps his head down to conceal the blush creeping into his face as B steps away and Beomgyu tackles her into a hug.
“We missed you so much! I wish I could’ve gotten an excuse to skip school for a week too, though.” Beomgyu says slyly.
“Hey, I did not skip school! I called you everyday to listen in on lectures, remember?” B says defensively, hitting Beomgyu’s chest. “If you wanna stay at home so bad, maybe you should come over to my place. I’m sure Hyuka would gladly give you a big hug, along with the chicken pox of course.”
Beomgyu steps away and holds his hands up in the air in front of him. “No way, I don’t want chicken pox. I’d rather endure school than have hideous spots all over my body.”
B looks at him offended. “You think I have hideous spots all over my body?” she says through gritted teeth.
“Oh, now you’ve done it, Gyu.” Taehyun says, watching as Beomgyu runs away from B to hide behind him. “Don’t worry B, I’ll help you kidnap him after school. I think Hyuka would like to have an extra playmate.”
“I never said that!” Beomgyu cries, running from Taehyun to Yeonjun now, hiding behind the blue haired boy. “B, you look beautiful as always. If anything, the spots just accentuate your beauty.” he says desperately.
B scoffs. “Oh shut up. You’re lucky I like you, or else I would’ve slapped you so hard that the spots would transfer from my skin to yours.”
Yeonjun laughs, shielding Beomgyu behind him. “Wow, I never pegged you to be violent.” he says.
B shrugs. “I’m not. I’m just saying, I could slap someone if I wanted to.”
Yeonjun shakes his head, pulling her into his arms. “Welcome back, Baby.” he whispers in her ear, giving her a quick peck on the cheek and slowly stroking the small of her back, making sure that the other boys don’t see, before letting her go.
Once she pulls away, her face is noticeably red, and Yeonjun can’t help but laugh. God, she looked adorable. He gives her a quick wink before saying “And now that that’s settled, shall we head to class?”
The 3 boys put on their facemasks and let B lead the way into the school gates, each of them having their body temperatures checked and their hands disinfected before walking through the gates.
As B walks ahead of the boys, the 4 boys pair off.
Beomgyu slings an arm around Yeonjun’s shoulders, keeping his voice low as he says “So now that’s she’s back, will you guys have the talk now?”
“What talk?” Yeonjun asks.
“The talk? The relationship talk. You know, the talk about your feelings and where you guys stand and what your label is and stuff like that.” Beomgyu says knowingly. “If the 2 of you don’t want to put a label on whatever it is you 2 are, then you should at least let the other guys know that you’re dating.”
Yeonjun shrugs. “Don’t worry, Gyu. I’ve got it all planned out, you’ll see. I’ve been planning this for days now, but considering that we’re at school, I’ll have to make do. At the end of the day, we might even let you guys know about us.” he responds, his eyes glued to the girl in front of them, which automatically puts a smile on his face. “I’m gonna make that girl mine.”
Meanwhile, Taehyun attempts to sling his arm around Soobin’s shoulders, but with the other boy being much taller and walking a bit faster, he settled for interlocking his arm around Soobin’s instead.
“Oh, hey Tyun.” Soobin says, surprised by the sudden lock on his arm. “What’s up?”
“’What’s up?’” Taehyun says, mimicking him. “You tell me. All your questions about falling in love and stuff…were they about B? Is it her? Are you in love with—”
Soobin cuts him off. “Shhh, the other guys might hear you!” he says, hurriedly looking around and seeing that no one was within ear shot. “Yes, it’s about her. Let’s talk about this later, okay? Alone.”
Taehyun sighs. “Fine, but wow, I should’ve known. I had a feeling it was her. You 2 would make a great couple.” he says teasingly.
“Oh shut up, you know-it-all.” Soobin says, flustered. “I’m sure you would’ve figured it out sooner or later anyway, you’re too damn smart, you know?”
Taehyun laughs. “It doesn’t take a genius to see that you’ve got it bad, Binnie.” he says. “Let’s talk about it soon, okay? Just hang in there.”
Soobin sighs, his eyes focus on the girl walking in front of them. “Trust me, I’m trying.”
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B had to admit that Yeonjun’s sudden request had her heart fluttering, but more than anything it got her head buzzing with curiosity. Within 5 minutes she had excused herself from class, 3rd period biology which she didn’t share with any of the guys, and she was on her way to the student council room, which she had only been to once before with Soobin and Yeonjun. Technically, she was cutting class, but a few minutes probably wouldn’t hurt.
B takes a deep breath, not knowing what quite to expect, before turning the knob on the double doors to the student council room, taking a step inside.
The room was dark, the blackout curtains doing their job, and was only illuminated by the light spilling in from the door and a set of candles in the middle of the conference table, which also highlighted the fact that the conference table seemed to be overflowing with blue rose petals.
And there was Yeonjun, leaning against the table, a single blue rose in his hand. It’s only then when B looks down and notices that the carpeted floor all the way from the entrance of the room to the spot where Yeonjun was standing by the conference table was littered with blue rose petals.
“Yeonjun? What is this?” B asks, stepping inside and closing the door behind her, the only source of light in the room now coming from the candles. She removes her face mask, noticing that he wasn’t currently wearing one, and pockets it in her blazer.
“Baby. Come here.” he says, patting the spot on the table beside him. B walks over to the table, stepping on countless blue petals as she did so, and once she reaches him, Yeonjun takes her by surprise and carries her, lifting her up and setting her down on the table.
“Yeonjun!” she squeals in surprise, clinging on to him for dear life. As her bottom hits the table, she lets go and whacks his arm. “You surprised me!” she huffs, surprised by his sudden maneuver. “And you’re breaking the health protocols! What’s all this for anyway?”
He stands in front of her, simply staring at her, admiring how she looked in the candlelight. A few blue petals had fallen over the edge when he set her down on the table, but that didn’t bother him. He had skipped the entirety of 3rd period to prepare for this moment, so he wouldn’t let anything distract him now.
“All this?” he simply says. Upon seeing the confused look on her face, he takes a step towards her, situating himself in between her dangling legs, and he rests his hands on either side of her, his palms laid flat on the table just centimeters away from her thighs. The whole mood in the room shifted from playful to something different with just that simple action. “All this is for you.”
B could feel her heart start to pound in her chest again. She tried to keep a level head but Yeonjun was standing so close that she could smell him, the scent of his cologne now very familiar to her, and she could feel parts of his uniform lightly tickling at her inner thighs where he stood, sending shivers down her spine. “For me? Why?”
“Because, Baby, you deserve it. You deserve all of it.” he begins carefully, slowly, his gaze locking her in place. “I told you I want to give you all the good things you deserve, and during the past week I tried. Those dates meant a lot to me and I can only hope that you enjoyed them half as much as I did. My plans were cut short because of your unexpected temporary roommate,” he says, fondly referring to Kai, “and maybe I should’ve waited a little bit longer to do this, but I don’t think I can keep this to myself any longer.”
B looks down then, her cheeks starting to heat up. She sees how close his hands are to her thighs and her mouth goes dry. He was standing so close. “What are you talking about?” she says, her eyes transfixed on his hands.
Her eyes follow as he raises one hand to cup her face, lifting it up slightly to meet his gaze. “I want you, Baby.” he says, looking right into her eyes. “I want you to be mine.”
B takes a deep breath, finding herself unable to look away, before she says “I want you, too.”
And with those words, Yeonjun couldn’t resist any longer. He leaned forward, closing what little distance was left between them, and pulled her face up to his, their lips crashing together.
~ w a r n i n g : makeout scene  ~
Praying that he couldn’t hear her pounding heartbeat, B returns the kiss with equal fervor, wrapping her arms around his neck to pull him even closer. Her fingers entwine themselves in the hair at the nape of his neck, effectively disheveling his blue hair.
Yeonjun’s hands inch away from the table and come in direct contact with her thighs, the sudden warmth of his palms on her bare skin causing B’s mouth to open a little to let out a breath of surprise. She feels him smile against her lips, amused by her reaction, before taking the opportunity to trace her lower lip with his tongue, seeking entrance, which she allows.
His hands start to move slowly up her body then, he slides them up from her thighs to her waist, her skirt hiking up a few inches higher in the process. He breaks the kiss, allowing a moment for them to catch their breaths, before bowing his head down, his lips coming in contact with the sensitive skin on her neck.
“Oh god.” B breathes out, surprised by the contact, and again she feels his lips form a smile against her skin. She tilts her head backwards, his lips trailing kisses along her exposed skin, her heavy breaths starting to make her feel lightheaded.
Just as he’s about to pull away, his lips brush against the dip in her collarbone, causing her to wrap her legs around his waist and her fingers in his hair to dig in deeper, her body reacting to him before her mind could grasp what was happening.
“Fuck.” he breathes against her skin, feeling himself start to lose control.
B’s grip loosens then, her hands dropping from his hair to rest on his shoulders, her breathing heavy as she lets her head fall forward to rest on the top of his head, his face still buried in her neck. “Sorry.” she whispers, trying to control the rise and fall of her chest.
His grip on her waist remains tight, her blouse bunched up in his fists, his head buried in her neck as he tries to calm himself down, his breath coming out through clenched teeth. For a moment, they stay like that, until Yeonjun’s grip gradually starts to loosen, letting go of the fabric of her blouse as his hands go from clenching her waist to gently tracing circles on the now exposed skin on her hips.
~ end of makeout scene  ~
“You…” he begins slowly, lifting his head and letting it rest against her forehead, their breaths mingling. “You drive me crazy, you know?”
She lets out a small laugh, shaking her head lightly against his. “Not really, no.”
He laughs too, reaching a hand up to caress her hair, his eyes on hers once again. “Baby.” he simply says.
“Yes?” she responds, unable to stop a smile from creeping on her face. He smiles too, his heart fluttering, and he takes a deep breath before saying the next few words.
“Will you be my girlfriend?”
She nods her head eagerly, their foreheads rubbing together. “Choi Yeonjun, I’m all yours.” she says, laughing upon seeing his bright smile. She kisses his nose, then his forehead and each of his cheeks. He starts laughing as she showers his face with light kisses. “I’m yours, you’re mine, Baby.” he says, the feeling washing over him.
“You think it’s safe to let everyone know now?” Yeonjun asks her, remembering how he promised Beomgyu they’d tell the rest of the boys about it soon.
B nods, biting her lip as she thinks of how people would react to the news. Yeonjun was her boyfriend. “Yes.”
He uses his thumb to free her lower lip from her teeth, gently tracing it before kissing her softly again. “Let’s tell the guys later. At lunch.” he says, referring to their daily lunchbreaks spent at the gazebo.
“Sure.” she says. Then she pulls away and pushes herself off the table, straightening out her uniform as she does so. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a Biology class to get back to.”
Yeonjun smirks, watching her pull her skirt down and tuck the hem of her blouse back in, straightening her blazer and running her fingers through her hair. It gave him some sort of satisfaction, knowing that he had gotten her so disheveled. He leans back against the table, running a hand through his hair and straightening out his necktie as well, keeping his hands in the front pockets of his trousers.
“Aren’t you coming back to class?” B asks, pulling the face mask out of her blazer pocket and putting securing it over her nose and mouth. “There’s only a few more minutes, and then it’ll be our lunch break.”
Yeonjun shakes his head. “I never went to third period.” he admits. “You better get back to class and surrender your hall pass though. I’ll meet you at the gazebo for lunch.” he says.
B’s mouth drops open. “You skipped third period?” she exclaims. “Please promise me you won’t skip classes again, please?” she pouts.
He laughs, taking her hand and pulling her closer. “I promise. Except for when my father requests it, though. But this is the last non-business related time I skip class.” he says, kissing the back of her hand. “You better hurry back, the bell rings in about 10 minutes.”
“Oh my god, I am so dead!” she squeals, her eyes widen as starts to pull away, but Yeonjun’s grip on her wrist keeps her in place.
“Aren’t you forgetting something?” he says pointedly, his brow raised.
“Oh.” she simply says, before standing on her tiptoes and using a finger to pull her mask down, giving him a quick peck on the lips before pulling the mask back up. “That?”
He laughs, shaking his head. “You are adorable. I meant this,” he says, planting the single blue rose in her free hand. “but thanks, Baby.”
She blushes beet red then, straightening out her blazer one last time and quickly saying “See you at lunch, Yeonjun!” before dashing out the door.
He uses the remaining 10 minutes of 3rd period to distract himself from his thoughts by cleaning up all the rose petals he had set up. He wasn’t expecting things to get so heated, he only wanted to ask her to be his girlfriend, but he had to admit that he was pleasantly surprised by the turn of events. Just thinking about how she had reacted to his touches and how adorably flustered she got made him smile to himself, but the memory of her wrapping her legs around his waist and tilting her head back sent his mind wandering into the very place he was trying to distract himself from in the first place.
He sighs, shaking his head as he forced his thoughts to go focus into another mindset instead. He checks his watch, the petals all put away in a garbage bag. As the lunch bell rings, he grabs his things and locks the student council room behind him, putting on a face mask before making his way to the gazebo where he would meet his friends and his girlfriend for lunch.
Now he just had to tell his friends about his girlfriend.
When B got back to her Biology class, the teacher fortunately didn’t seem to notice that she was gone for well over 5 minutes, but her friends definitely did. When she sat back down beside Ryujin and Yuna, they definitely noticed how long her absence was, and they took note of how flushed she looked, and of the blue rose that he had haphazardly tucked under her blazer.
“Spill it. Now.” the 2 girls eagerly say, eyeing her like a hawk.
“Yeonjun asked me to meet up with him at the student council room.” B whispers to them, making sure that they were the only ones within earshot.
“Ooh, a steamy secret rendezvous in the middle of class?” Ryujin says teasingly.
“No, it wasn’t like that.” B aggressively whispers back, well-aware of how her cheeks were heating up as she tries to push away thoughts of Yeonjun’s lips on her neck.
“So what was it like then?” Yuna asks innocently.
Unable to contain her smile, B says “He asked me to be his girlfriend. And I said yes.”
The 2 girls quietly squeal at the good news. “Wow! Congrats!” Ryujin says.
Yuna nods. “Wow, and just like that for the first time in 2 years, Choi Yeonjun has a girlfriend.”
“2 years? He hasn’t had a girlfriend in 2 years?” B asks, surprised. Since everyone kept mentioning Yeonjun having a record for being one of the biggest flirts on campus, she was expecting him to have a long list of complicated past relationships.
“Well, real serious girlfriends, yeah. He’s been on a few dates with some girls since then, but it never really went beyond that so I wouldn’t call them girlfriends. And if I’m not mistaken, she was his first girlfriend. His first love, actually.” Yuna says thoughtfully. “I don’t really know her since she was never a student here.”
“I did, sort of.” Ryujin pipes up. “Gyu told me all about the guys’ past relationships. He mentioned Yeonjun and Rose’s relationship a lot. He said she was…” she starts, trying to choose her words carefully. “well, a complete bitch.”
“Rose?” B says, the name completely foreign to her. “His first girlfriend? So he’s only had 1 other girlfriend before me? And she was a complete bitch?” she asks, her head spinning with information.
Ryuji nods. “Yeah, despite his track record and dating history, he’s only ever had 1 serious relationship, and that was with Rose.” she says. “Gyu said they were intense. It was one of those relationships that were just so, um, loud I guess?”
“Loud? What do you mean?” B asks, genuinely curious yet a bit afraid to find out the answer.
“Gyu said they were one of those couples who were always so in-your-face about their relationship. Yeonjun wasn’t active on social media back then, but she was, and she was flaunting her relationship all over, showing off all the stuff he’d spoil her with and everything. Not only that, but they were one of those couples that, when going through a fight, the whole world would know about. According to Gyu, their relationship was dramatic and fiery and intense and so damn toxic, but Yeonjun was head over heels for her, which annoyed the guys to no end.”
“That sounds kind of awful.” B says, unable to imagine Yeonjun in such a relationship. “Kind of weird that the guys didn’t seem so supportive, either?”
Ryujin shakes her head. “That’s not even the worst of it. Apparently, she cheated on him with another rich kid she met while she was on vacation or something. Gyu says he hasn’t hated anyone as much as he hated Rose.”
“Now that sounds really awful.” B said, the information overload swirling around in her head. She couldn’t even imagine how awful this girl must’ve been for even Beomgyu and his friends to hate her so much. Why had Yeonjun fallen in love with such an awful person? And how could he have stayed in such a toxic relationship? And how could anyone cheat on him?
“I can’t say for sure since I personally don’t know her, Gyu just showed me a few of her pictures before, but he made her sound like the devil incarnate.” Ryujin says.
“Well, devil incarnate or not, Yeonjun’s definitely taken his standards to a different level with you.” Yuna says a bit comfortingly, squeezing B’s arm, trying to move away from the unpleasant topic. “And the best part is, I’m pretty sure all his friends love you already, so you won’t have to worry about that either. You and Yeonjun are solid.”
“Thanks, Yuna.” B says, smiling in relief. Then, remembering what Kai had told her about wanting to ask Yuna out, B giggles to herself.
“What was that for?” Yuna asks, noticing the sudden giggle.
Just then, the lunch bell rings, and B stands up instantly, slinging her bag over her shoulder. “Nothing. Just excited about my new relationship, I guess.” And about your soon-to-be relationship with my best friend. she thinks to herself, before greeting the girls goodbye and leaving the room.
Due to Kai’s absence, she had to walk to the gazebo alone, growing accustomed to having him pick her up outside her classroom so they could walk to the gazebo together. Now that she was left alone with her thoughts, she was starting to feel overwhelmed about everything that had happened that morning, from being back in school to her meet up with Yeonjun to officially being his girlfriend to learning about his ex. Even though she had learned a lot from Ryujin, she had to admit that her curiosity was still taking over her thoughts, which she knew would probably do no good for her new relationship.
Still, she couldn’t help but wonder about Yeonjun’s past relationship, and worry about how similar it had sounded to her relationship with her one and only ex boyfriend.
As she approaches the gazebo, she sees that Yeonjun and the rest of the guys were already there, sitting at their usual places. Without Kai, she wasn’t sure where she should sit. She usually sat beside Soobin cause that’s where Kai would usually sit before welcoming her into the group, but now she wasn’t sure.
Before she started to worry too much about where to sit, the boys spotted her approaching the gazebo and started waving at her. She smiles and waves back, stepping into the gazebo.
“There you are! Ah, it feels good to see your face around here again.” Beomgyu says, welcoming her in. “And just in time, too. Yeonjun says he has an important announcement that he’d like to make.”
“That we’d like to make, actually.” Yeonjun says, offering B a hand as she steps in, and she takes his hand shyly, letting him guide her into the small space.
“Oh?” Taehyun says, eyeing the 2 with a bad feeling in his gut. “What announcement?”
B takes a deep breath suddenly feeling shy and nervous, her eyes on the ground. She was starting to feel worried about how their friends might react, and guilty about not telling them about the whole thing in the first place. She had grown very fond of the boys and felt very comfortable around them, their closeness making her feel safe, as if she belonged. She was afraid that being Yeonjun’s girlfriend would change the way they see her or the way they treat her.
Sensing her nerves, Yeonjun squeezes her hand, urging her to look at him instead. He offers her a small smile, which she nervously returns. He nods at her before turning his attention to the 3 boys seated. “First thing’s first, I just wanna say that I’m sorry we didn’t tell you guys about this sooner. We just agreed that it would be best to keep it between us until we were sure about how things would go.”
“Whatever it is, we understand.” Soobin says with a smile on his face yet with a sinking feeling in his stomach, his mind buzzing at Yeonjun’s choice of words.
Taehyun looks at his president with worry, a part of him dreading whatever Yeonjun would say next yet already sensing what was coming.
Yeonjun smiles brightly, his heart fluttering as he looks at the girl by his side before slinging an arm over her shoulders and pulling her to his side. “Baby and I are together.”
As the words leave Yeonjun’s mouth, Soobin’s gaze instantly falls on B, wanting to see if it was true or if it was some sort of weird prank that Yeonjun was pulling. When he sees her smile shyly, attempting to bury her face in the blue haired boy’s chest, his heart sinks.
“We’re officially a couple.” she confirms, her face getting redder by the second as she looks up at Yeonjun, who he could tell was grinning behind his face mask.
Soobin didn’t know what felt worse, the fact that his best friend and the girl he just realized he was falling for were now a couple, or the fact that now he was falling in love with his best friend’s girlfriend. Seeing them together now—her with her flushed cheeks and her tight grip on Yeonjun’s necktie and him with his arm dropping down from her shoulders to her waist, securing her by his side—made Soobin feel a bit sick. But what made him feel even sicker was the fact that seeing them together was making him feel sick in the first place. His best friend had finally found an amazing girl 2 years after his horrendous break up and was now dating said amazing girl. He wanted nothing more than to feel happy, but the fact that he didn’t made him feel terrible.
Before Soobin’s guilt starts to consume him, Beomgyu suddenly claps, sending a jolt through everyone in the gazebo. “Wow, congratulations B and YJ!” he says, approaching the couple and happily slapping the older boy on his back. “You 2 look great together.”
“Thanks, Gyu.” B says shyly, her blush visible even through her face mask, one hand fisting Yeonjun’s necktie as he kept her close to him.
“Don’t mention it, I’m happy that this guy has finally moved on.” Beomgyu says teasingly. “And that he was able to score someone way out of his league.” he says, wiggling his brows at the pair.
“Shut up, BG.” Yeonjun says, playfully shoving Beomgyu away before they share a quick high five “You’re right though, I don’t know how I got so lucky.” he says, using his free hand to caress her hair.
“Shut up, both of you.” she says, flustered. She looks at Taehyun and Soobin anxiously, holding her breath as she waited for their reactions. So far, the two boys had either been staring at her and Yeonjun or at each other.
Finally, Taehyun stands up, approaching the couple. “B.” he simply says, which causes her heart to sink a little.
“Tyunie?” she asks, nervously waiting to know his verdict. She and Taehyun had formed a sort of special bond over their walks together, and his opinion was the one that she worried about the most. She wanted to apologize on the spot for not telling him about it sooner, and explain everything about the past couple of weeks to him to make him understand why she had chosen to keep her relationship with Yeonjun a secret. She didn’t know why, but she wanted Taehyun’s approval.
He smiles at her then, and she feels the weight lifted off her chest. “Congratulations.” he finally says, stepping towards her and hugging her, which she wholeheartedly returned. She lets out a sigh as he rubs her back, her chin tucked into his shoulder, before he pulls away. “I just broke a health protocol for you.” he suddenly says, horrified. He instantly steps away then and starts to vigorously spray his hands, arms and neck with alcohol, which causes B to burst out laughing.
“You did it cause you looove me.” she says teasingly. “And thanks, Tyun.” she says, glad that he approved, though she made a mental note to tell him about all the details later on. She felt like she owed him that much.
It’s quiet for a moment as Yeonjun’s gaze lands on Soobin, the only one in the group who hadn’t shown any reaction towards the news as he had just been staring back and forth between him and B the whole time.
For Yeonjun, it was Soobin’s opinion he valued the most. Soobin was one of the few people in the world that Yeonjun would trust with his life. He was the only one among his friends who supported his relationship with Rose, valuing Yeonjun’s happiness above his own when he was clearly unhappy about the whole incident.
He was the one who was there for Yeonjun when everything came crashing down, the one who helped Yeonjun pick himself back up after being cheated on by his first love, the one who helped save Yeonjun from the nights when he would drown himself in alcohol in the hopes of numbing the heartache, the one who would sneak into Yeonjun’s house in the middle of the night to make sure he was asleep safe and sound in his bed rather than hooking up with random girls and picking fights with random guys at the bar, the one who would talk Yeonjun into giving his father a chance and reason with him that his father only wanted what was best for his son, the one who encouraged Yeonjun to join the dance club and the jazzed club and the student council, the one who begged the faculty and advisers to give Yeonjun a second chance at finishing school at MOA promising that he would keep his friend in check, the one who would do anything to make Yeonjun smile, and the one who would always tell Yeonjun the truth.
He stares at Soobin until Soobin’s eyes finally meet his and he stands up, making his way towards the blue haired boy. Once they stood face to face, there’s a moment of silence before Soobin’s face melts into a warm smile, his dimples peeking out from under his mask, his eyes crinkling at the corners, which instantly puts a smile on Yeonjun’s face as well.
Yeonjun pulls him into a hug, relieved. “Congratulations, Yeonjun.” the taller boy says, patting his back a couple of times before pulling away. “I’m so happy for you.” he says.
“Thanks, Binnie.” Yeonjun says, patting him on the back as well. “This means a lot to me.”
Soobin nods at him before turning to B, and before he can say or do anything, she throws her arms out to him and pulls him in for a hug, her tiny body feeling especially fragile as her arms squeezed around his waist.
He looks down at B then, finding her in his arms for the second time that day, in almost the exact same way. Again, he feels time stop the moment his arms wrap themselves around her body, only this time she had her arms around his waist as well. Her face was buried in his chest, the top of her head inches away from his chin, the smell of her lavender-scented shampoo taking over his senses, his hands resting on the curves of her waist.
Only now it felt completely different.
When he hugged her this morning, it felt like everything in the world was falling into place, the feeling hitting him so suddenly with such clarity, as if time seemed to stop as he was hit with the realization that he was falling in love.
As he hugged her now, it felt like everything in the world was falling apart, the horrible feeling hitting him as he felt his heart sink deeper and deeper, as if time seemed to stop as he was hit with the reality that she was Yeonjun’s, that what he felt for her was wrong, that he could never let his feelings for her go past what they were now, that he probably shouldn’t even be hugging her anymore.
“Thanks, Soobinie.” she says in response to how he had congratulated Yeonjun.
“No problem, B.” he says, lifting a hand up to gently stroke her hair, taking a deep breath and taking in her lavender scent, savoring the warmth of her body against his one last time, telling himself he’d never hug her like this for as long as he could handle it. As he lays his chin gently at the top of her head, his eyes meet Taehyun’s, who was standing behind her, staring at him with a sad look in his eyes.
Soobin squeezes his eyes shut, prolonging the hug for a moment longer, before finally pulling away, looking directly at her eyes. She was glowing, her face flushed yet radiant, her smile so big that it was visible under her mask, she looked so so happy that it made his heart ache, knowing that the next few words he’d speak out loud would kill him yet knowing that he meant every bit of it.
“I’m happy for you.”
Author’s note:
Hello, thank you for reading! I’m trying to get more familiar with Tumblr, so if you have any suggestions or comments don’t be afraid to drop them! (PS I’m not even sure how to reply to comments, that’s how bad I am at using Tumblr lol but I promise that all replies are highly appreciated!!) PS: Happy 1 year anniversary/birthday, MOA! <3 Also: STREAM DRAMA MV!
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goldenfawnwriting · 3 years
Birds of a Feather- pt 7 Hawks fic
Summary: Finch has a big decision to make and isn’t really sure what she wants. Will she choose to fly again? Or keep her normal life. 
A/N: My cats are running wild right now and jumping on my keyboard lmao, anyway hope you guys like it!
Warning: a lil bit of angst sprinkled in there.
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This was the third time today that Finch had zoned out at her desk and Hawks was beginning to be concerned. 
He called. Her eyes snapped over to him and he gave her a look. 
“What are you thinking about?”
He questioned. She looked away shyly and he smirked. She was adorable when she got like that. 
“I-I just don’t know what to do.”
His face dropped. He knew she was thinking about the surgery again. He thought she would’ve taken the opportunity immediately but he was wrong. He only hoped she would decide soon so that the commission wouldn’t move on and forget her. After everything he’d been through with the commission this was the only thing he was happy with them about. 
He knew she would be amazing at a sidekick. She was alert at all times and could pick up on things he didn’t see immediately. She would be a great scout to fly above the city and pick out anything that looked suspicious with her super power eyesight. He was sure of it. 
“Well, you already know what I think love. I think you’re overthinking it.”
He leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms, throwing his legs up on the desk top. Finch gave him a disapproving look before turning to her computer an starting to type. 
“It’s just not that easy.”
“What do you mean Finch? You tell me all the time you would kill to fly and now that you’re being given the opportunity on a silver platter you don't want it?”
She was quick to respond, a bit offended. 
“That’s not the issue Hawks, see you don’t understand at all.”
Hawks rolled his eyes from his spot across the room and groaned loudly as if to mock her. 
“Hawks you’ve been great at your job since day one. Imagine someone coming along and saying hey we want you to do a different job that you have no experience with, all while recovering from a huge surgery and figuring out how to live your life all over again. How would that make you feel? I’ve been comfortable in my life for years now and you want me to flip it upside down?”
Hawks shrugged but gave it thought.
“I mean didn’t you do the same thing when you took the job being my personal assistant? You didn’t know anything about how or what to do you just learned along the way. Life is full of hardships Lovebird, but you have to deal with them in order to grow as a person.”
He paused before continuing.
“Imagine this, you fix your wings, become a sidekick for me, maybe even your own hero, eh? You save countless lives doing your job, instead of sending boring emails to other office workers who are all depressed and tired. You could be making a real difference out in the world instead of getting carpal tunnel and back issues.”
She could really feel his dislike for office jobs right then. She huffed as she shuffled the papers on her desk and grabbed the whiteout from her drawer.
“Im just saying, some people are built for certain jobs. I don’t know if hero work is really my niche...”
She trailed off as she fixed the hours on the students’ intern logs.
“You need to sign these by the way. You can’t tell me I’m not good at my job Hawks. You’re good at yours and I’m good at mine y’know...”
“Finch, babe, honey, sweetie,”
He started, coming over to where she was sitting to lean uncomfortably close to her as she put x’s where he needed to sign. 
“If you never do anything scary in life you’ll never gain new skills or grow as a person. You have to shake it up sometimes.”
“Hawks this isn’t really a- sign there too- shake it up kind of thing. We’re talking huge surgery- and there.”
He huffed as he scribbled out his signature in different places before she threw them all into a manila folder labeled ‘STUDENT INTERN FORMS’ before she spun her chair around towards him to look him in the eye.
“Put yourself in my place for just a moment.”
“No, Finch I get it, it’s just you could be passing up something that could change your life and make it ten times better!”
He reasoned. She sighed and averted her eyes before he tilted her chin up with his finger, forcing her to look at him. 
“Don’t let this be the biggest regret in your life all because you’re a little nervous about the details.”
He pressed a kiss to her forehead before turning and making his way to the window.
“Anyway, I’m off to patrol, see ya baby bird~”
He purred before taking off. She was learning to resent the jealous pang in her chest when he did that. That could be her, she thought, sighing afterwards. She just didn’t know. What if she wasn’t any good at the hero thing? What if people died because of her messing up somehow? Would she be saving more lives staying at her office job compared to becoming a hero?
They were all questions she couldn’t answer as she sat back in her chair, slouching lazily. She just didn’t know, and the stress of figuring it out was killing her. Plus she didn’t even get to tell Hawks how she really felt, she kept pushing it off. But was now the right time? Would it mess up the dynamic they had? If she told him would it ruin the sidekick deal she was being offered?
The phone interrupted her with it’s shrill ringtone and she quickly picked it up.
“Pro hero Hawks’ office, this is his secretary Finch, how may I help you?”
She jumped in surprise at Asami’s voice.
“Asami? You know you shouldn’t be calling me at work!”
She scolded. Asami giggled on the other side of the line. 
“I was just calling to remind you to take a break and come get lunch with mee~”
She drew out the end and Finch sighed, rubbing her temples. Maybe she did need a little break, she wondered, biting her lip. 
“Where were you wanting to meet?”
Sami hummed on the other end for the line before replying.
“Wanna just go to the hibachi down the road? Or sushi?”
“It’s all vegetables for me anyway Asami, it doesn’t matter.”
“Then sushi!”
She hung up the phone and Finch turned, clicking the phone to transfer any calls to her personal phone. Grabbing up her notebook, detailing Hawks’ to-do list, she made her way down and to the small sushi place a couple blocks down. When she finally neared it she waved to Asami, who was standing outside.
“Hey birdie! Long time no see!”
Finch giggled as Asami lead her inside. Once they were seated she spilled about the stress of trying to make a decision. Asami paused before replying. 
“If you want my personal opinion, I think you should go for it. It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity you may never get again Kore. And besides that, think about the monetary benefits. You’d live comfortably for the rest of your life.”
“Y’know it’s a serious surgery Asami-”
“But what will you lose? If it doesn’t work it doesn’t change what you have now, you’ll still be the same. There aren’t any negative consequences.”
Finch looked off before changing the subject.
“So what do I do about telling him my feelings then? what if he doesn’t want me to be a sidekick anymore? Or what if he fires me from the company completely?”
“Then don’t tell him. I mean, I think you should, you never know how he feels, but at the same time, it’s kinda risky now huh? Maybe you should put it off for a little longer.”
They were quiet the rest of lunch before Finch had to return to the agency, finally sitting down at her desk and slipping off her heels. She only wanted a moment of comfort before she slipped them back on, just a little break. As she replied to emails she made her mind up and when Keigo finally flew back through the window she was nearly busting at the seams. It was nearly sunset now, she had stayed after the end of the day jus to see him and tell him before she changed her mind. 
“Uh, hey lovebird, I didn’t think you’d be here so late.”
He greeted unenthusiastically. He seemed really tired.
“Uh... I just wanted to let you know I made up my mind..”
She blushed hotly and wrung her wrists. She should’ve just gone home and let him rest, it could’ve waited until tomorrow, she wasn’t so important that he couldn’t relax.
“You did?”
It was obvious he was trying to contain his hope. He was so excited and was hoping she’d tell him what he wanted to hear.
“Ya uh.. I’m gonna do it.”
She was immediately swept up into his arms, being swung back and forth as he hugged her. She squealed, her arms pinned to her sides by his strong biceps.
“M-Mister Hawks!”
He finally set her down, holding her at arms length and speaking fast.
“Oh my gosh, Finch you just made my night, I’ll let them know, I just have to call them!”
She tried to catch her breath from laughing at him, smoothing out her blouse. 
“Ok, ok bird man, calm down...”
She grabbed her things and started making her way out to go home before she looked back over her shoulder at him.
“But just do you know I’m doing this for me ok? Not because you convinced me.”
She turned to go home then, making her way to the elevators. She didn’t want him to think she was only doing this because he had hounded her. 
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iovnyu · 4 years
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happy ending (6/?)
summary: being cinderella’s daughter has many pros and cons but on top of that you are soon becoming responsible for the citizens of auradon. the first thing you do to show the citizens of your worthiness is by creating a program to bring kids from the isle of the lost, a isolated island where villains and their kids are held, onto auradon. with this new program, you undergo harsh realities and maybe a little bit of love and drama along the way, who knows?
a/n: hello im very inconsistent on updates,, im sorry lol. ill try to be better at it in the future. also im making things go a little faster so enjoy !!!
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y/n knew that there would be many opinions regarding her orders, but she never knew it would be like this. she had never felt that scared for her life that  much. when she had walked out of the meeting hall, it almost looked like something out of a movie -- people were yelling and threatening her life. in other words, the citizens of auradon were raining hell on her right now.
y/n was currently positioned in an awkward pose as she watched the news. flipping through the channels, she noticed that most of the news anchors all had said the same thing about the statement. not a single one mentioned a positive effect that came out of the meeting.  
“princess y/n.” a guard came into her room and bowed. she now had to have double the amount of protection considering the anger of the citizens.
“prince seokmin, prince jun and prince mingyu are here to see you. do you want their presence?” the guard asked.
“uhm... sure! why not?” she leaned closer to see his nametag, “mr. mark lee.”
mark bowed and opened the door for y/n to see jun, mingyu and seokmin with her favorite snacks piled in their hands. “princess y/n you can not be sulking right now because guess what? your favorite princes are here to get your mind off of the previous hours and replace that time with happiness!!” seokmin announced, dumping a series of spicy chip bags onto your bed.
“yes! we cannot have our princess be sad, otherwise we will be sad and then all of eternity will be sad. do you want that prince jun?” mingyu pointed to jun.
“no! i certainly do not! princess y/n?” jun said looking at y/n.
“fine! but it is only because i am dying of boredom right now.” y/n smiled at her friends, mentally thanking ariel, mulan and aurora for having the best children and being best friends with her mother.
they all cheered and started opening each bag of chips so they don’t have to stick to one. they all had their designated chips, but the production of spicer chips gets better everyday thus having way too many bags for the night.
“should we watch a movie or a show? oh my god, i heard that the british baking show released a new season!!” mingyu squealed.
“what? really?” jun asked. mingyu nodded his head and turned on the tv that was bigger than his bed. he quickly found fairyflick and searched up the show.
“guys, we have already discussed that my bed is big, why are you guys so close to me?” y/n rolled her eyes, making sure that the two boys who were almost cuddling her sees.
seokmin looks at her and gasps, “do you not like it when we cuddle you? you have never complained before!”
“hmm maybe it is because all of your weight is on me causing me two lungs to merge into one!!” y/n exclaimed. even if she did try to move away, she would be faced with laying on the carpet floor.
“i dont know about jun or mingyu, but i do not lean on you with all my weight. i gently snuggle into the warmth.” seokmin argued with y/n.
“shut up! watch the show you flounders.” mingyu said as he jumped onto the bed following with a series of complaints from seokmin. everyone adjusted their posture to be spaced evenly apart with not a single limb touching.
“god this show is one of the most boring shows to ever exist!” seokmin whined, kicking underneath the blanket.
the rest of them ignored his whines as he eventually quieted down and got interested in what they were baking. y/n was thankful to lay next to jun since he   wasn’t boney to lean on.
it was not long after the show started when the “cuddling” started to happen. everyone slowly found themselves closer to each other, wanting more body warmth. jun had his arm around y/n as she laid against his chest, eating whatever that was in front of her. seokmin was leaning on mingyu since his biceps felt like fluffy clouds.
jun looked down at y/n as she started to speak. “i hope one day my future prince will make that cheese puff pastry thing.”
“do you even like cheese pastry?” jun questioned, fingers combing through her hair.
y/n shrugged, “if it looks good then it tastes good.” a laugh emitted from jun,  making y/n smile.
y/n looked over to her left to see seokmin passed out hugging mingyu and mingyu watching the show intently. she quietly chuckled knowing that sooner or later seokmin will kick mingyu off of the bed.
“hey, y/n?” jun whispered, “do you already know who you are going to take off the isle?”
“isn’t it obvious?” y/n replied.
“maybe. but are you just going to bring them only? or have other isle kids?”
“just them. the limit is 10 kids, i want to make sure they are the first ones here.” y/n had stopped eating and grabbed a can of coke to down the spiciness of the chips.
“when are they coming?” jun played with his fingers. he knew that when soonyoung comes over, he won’t be the only one to try to capture y/n’s heart. he needs to start upping his game, he just can’t lose y/n.
“uhh... i think it is the end of this week. we want them to come over as soon as possible. we already have the welcoming ceremony ready and everything.”
jun nodded and sensed someone looking at him. turning to his left he found mingyu staring at him intently, making jun confused. he shrugged it off and turned towards the tv. one by one, each of them fell asleep with the sound of  bakers talking about the making of the beast’s famous grey stuff.
y/n woke up to being violently shaken by mingyu and seokmin. “y/n!!! wakey wakey, eggs and bakey!!”
groaning, y/n got up and groggily looked at the loud boys. “dude. no one says that.” she rubbed her eyes and looked for her phone.
“if you are wondering what time it is, it is 8 o’clock.” jun said, looking back at her through her mirror. he smiled at how she can look messy but still so adorable in the morning. “get ready before you’re late to your favorite class.”
“i would be glad to not go to mr. hyunh’s class.” y/n rolled her eyes. she knew that either way she needed to get up before fairy god mother barges in and yell at her. she shooed the boys out of her room so they can get ready and have some privacy to herself.
after y/n had gotten ready, she looked at herself in the mirror. “okay, y/n you got this. we got this. just ignore the stares. let’s just not make eye contact with anyone.”
giving herself a final look in the mirror, she grabbed her bag and went out the door.
“y/n! please go see fairy god mother in her office. she said it is important.” mr. lin, her history teacher, spoke from the sea shell phone.
nodding, y/n quickly put all of her supplies in her bag and got up from the seat. she stole a quick glance at seokmin and shrugged. usually fairy god mother only talked to her after school, never during school. she always raved about how important school is and there is no reason to lose “education time”.
she walked pretty fast to fairy god mother’s office and knocked on her door. “please come in!”
opening her door, y/n walked in and waved. “hi fairy god mother, if you don’t mind me asking -- why did you call me up?”
“oh! i just got some good news for you, i just couldn’t wait until after school.” fairy god mother smiled, “the counsel just called me and told me that they can move the day that the isle kids come. they said it is ideal if they can come the day after tomorrow. if not, then it is fine!”
y/n couldn’t handle her excitement, “wait, really? is the welcoming ceremony ready? if so then the day after tomorrow is fine!”
“yep! everything is ready, they just need your word and then we can move it.”
“then sure! i can’t wait! thank you for telling me this fairy god mother.” y/n hugged her.
“no problem kid. now, go. get to class.” fairy god mother shooed her away. y/n couldn’t wait to tell jun, mingyu and seokmin. she practically bounced down the halls wanting to get to seokmin as fast as she can.
“no, you’re kidding right? tell me you’re kidding!” mingyu said, looking back and forth between y/n and seokmin.
seokmin shook his head, “no we aren’t. they are literally coming in like two days.”
mingyu squealed and jumped around y/n’s room, bumping into jun in the process. jun pushed mingyu away from him and looked towards y/n. “why did they move the date closer suddenly?”
“fairy god mother said it’s ideal to have it closer or something like that.” y/n shrugged. jun nodded grabbing his homework, “okay well let’s get to work now. homework isn’t going to do itself.”
mingyu gave jun a skeptical look before taking his homework out of his backpack and setting it on the coffee table, far away from y/n. mingyu knew that jun and soonyoung will fight for y/n no matter what. although jun tried to ignore his thoughts, he decided that whatever happens, y/n has to be happy -- even if that means his heart will be broken.
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dadzawa-adopt-dabi · 4 years
Secret Baby ch 18
“You got plans for tonight?” Rumi tilts her head at him while on patrol. She always makes sure their patrols  sync up at least once a week. He’s only ever teased her about it being her omega instincts acting up and forcing her to check up on him once, and only once.
“I've got the usual reports from the day to finish. Then plan on working out and going home.” he shrugs and does another quick sweep of the area, snagging a stick of yakitori for him and a roasted carrot stick for her at the same time as stopping a kid from walking into traffic. 
“You're coming out tonight with me then. It’s been forever and you can fake your reports for a single night.'' She signs an autograph for a little girl that comes running up to her much to her mother's distress.  The girl is young and excited, Miroku is one of the only Omega pro-heroes afterall and the only one in the top 5. Rumi spends a couple minutes showing off her biceps and letting the child dangle from them before signing the kids backpack and taking a selfie with her.
“I’m not sure that’s a good idea Rumi.” His wings flutter a little again, giving away his nerves. He's gotten better at not allowing them to show every emotion he has but there’s still small signs. Mostly only noticeable to those who have known him for years.He’s not sure he’s ready to go out clubbing again. Sure he’s been going on dates but it's not the same as risking it getting back to the hero commision. Probably not worth another almost scandal or having to scramble to come up with a lie for why so much money was suddenly gone from his bank account.
“You haven't been out since Touya right? How long has it been now anyways.” she questions him quietly once her fans have left the others have left. She wraps an arm around his shoulders, sharing her scent and snagging a selfie of them. Her scent is soothing and has always been, she’s his closest friend and if he belonged to a pack it would be hers. 
“Um it's been a little over a year? Our kid would have been 9months old by now i think. If they had been born on time?” His wings start to droop but a fan spots him and starts belining for him so he forces them up and wide. He puts on his show of smiling and joking around with the fan while he signs a piece of scrap paper. The guys snags him and gives him a large hug before he can protest, startling him and crushing his wings to his back before he thanks him and runs off. “Okay, yeah maybe i need a drink and a night out to get over this. What time and what club, I’m willing to hit up any of them except our old haunt,”
“I’m not that cruel Hawks. The point is to get you a new man, not to go back to where you found Touya and see if he stuck around there.” she pats him on the back before taking off, having spotted a would be robber trying to make trouble. After patrol he goes home and showers quickly before changing into jeans and a normal muscle tank with his aviator jacket thrown on top. He’s high enough up in the rankings now that he’s recognizable no matter what he wears. And truthfully he’s never seen the point of getting dressed up in expensive clothes  to go out, Doesn't get the point in showing off a designer wardrobe he hardly has time to wear when he looks the same in those as he does in much comfier outfits.
Rumi sends him the address of a bar soon after he’s finished along with a picture of what she’s wearing as a dress code guide. She knows better, knows he’s a disaster of an alpha and just wears whatever is most comfortable. It's a good thing she seems to have picked a casual club if the image of her in a cropped t-shirt and shorts is anything to go by. She always goes for a dress with a large thigh slit if its a fancier place or a leather jacket if it's more punk. Hawks almost always wears the same thing unless Rumi comes over and digs through his closet to throw an outfit in his face. He snaps a selfie as he leaves his apartment. ‘Hope this is okay because i'm not going back to change.see you there in 10.’ 
When he meets her outside the club she rolls her eyes and douses him in a glitter body spray. “You're here to get dicked down, make an effort Hawks.” She scolds him with a laugh. They take yet another selfie with the bouncer on duty and skip the line. Rumi heads straight for the dance floor and Hawks goes for a couple drinks first. 
The club is an assault on his senses, he used to be better at ignoring it, the lights too bright and the noise too loud. There’s also the issue of people constantly brushing up against his wings, he has just enough to fly here but left the rest of them home. After a few drinks he joins Rumi out on the dance floor. It’s nice, despite the overstimulation Hawks experiences, he hadn’t realized how much he’d missed this. Just hanging out with Rumi and blowing off work for a single night of fun, he used to do this so often that he didn’t get overstimulated at all. Rumi breaks off after a few dances to go get herself a drink as well and Hawks finds a dance partner for the next song. 
They spend the rest of the night breaking off from each other to flirt and dance with people then joining back up again to gossip and share another drink.Eventually its time to wrap the night up and Hawks gives one more once over to the alpha that’s been trying to get in his pants all night.
“Rumi, I'm calling it, I got to work early tomorrow morning and have to get some rest.Thanks for the push to come out tonight, I think I needed it.” He laughs, a little drunk and very happy to be around his best friend in the entire world. She smells relieved and happy and he curls in close to her when he wraps her up in a hug.
After letting her know he’s leaving soon Hawks grabs one more drink from the bar and after downing it goes back for one more dance, the same alpha ends up joining him for it and when he offers to bring Hawks home for the night he agrees.  Putting all thoughts of potential scandals and work tomorrow out of his mind when the guy kisses him like he’s worth something and gives a careful stroke down his wing.
Morning comes way too early for Hawks and he scraps together his clothes. He’s never been more thankful that he keeps a spare suit at his agency, he’s already running late and last nights alpha keeps trying to tempt him back into bed despite him already saying he couldn’t, that he had work. Then as he is shimmying into his pants he hears a camera shutter go off and sees the guy with his phone pointed in his direction.
“Please tell me that I didn't just hear you take a photo without my permission.” he grits out between his teeth. For fucks sake, couldn’t he go one night without his privacy being invaded, just one without someone looking to take advantage of him?
“Maybe, come join me for more?” he stretches out in whats obviously supposed to be another attempt to seduce Hawks back into bed. “Cmon big shot, im worth blowing off work for a morning.” he grins confidently and waves the cell phone tauntingly.
“ I already blew off work for you last night and am running late because you decided to shut off my first two alarms.” He snarls. “And just so you know it's illegal to take pictures of people without their consent.” Hawks temper snaps. He uses a feather to snatch the phone and chucks it out the open window. 
He flys at his top speed out the window, still trying to zip up his jacket, before he lands on his agency’s balcony he rushes in right away and books it for the shower. Itachi silently brings him a  giant ice coffee and some ibuprofen when he sits down at his desk with a small wince.
“Rough night?” he asks with a small smirk as he sets the caffeine and painkillers down.
“The night was quite good but my morning definitely could have been improved.” He laughs lightly and takes a file from the most competent secretary he’s ever found. Opening it reveals a case being passed to him from the hero commision, its skethy a little.
“I opened that already, Hawks… please, decline that. It has shady sketchy information written all over it.” Itachi drums his fingers on the edge of Hawks desk, already knowing and dreading his response.
“You and I both  know I don't get the option to decline missions Tachi.” he smiles sadly and tucks the file into the pile he has to go through today. Last night had been a fun break from reality, but it was time to get back to work. This morning had proved he couldn’t afford to let his guard down too much anymore,it was lonely in the top rankings and he just kept getting pushed further. However he also knew he owed everything to the hero commision and had to show them respect by taking the jobs they gave him, he had to pay them back somehow anyways for their kindness in training him and in taking him in as a talentless kid.
@mostladylikeladythateverladied @ruelukas22 @xxsnowchildxx @drxgonstone @i-like-to-shruggy
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queenlifesupport · 5 years
Like It’s Yours (Ben x Joe x Y/N) #1
A/N : This is sorta inspired by @freddiesmercvry (Truth or Dare) and low-key from 50 Shades of Grey... Also please leave suggestions for scenes or some smutty situations!! (this might have typos, also im so tired while writing this so it might be SHIT)
WARNINGS : SEX, Language, Unprotected Sex, Kinkiness. WORDS : 3,019
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I haven't been out of my small apartment in days, I had work piled on my desk like theres no tomorrow, my job was absolutely pushing me to the edge and I needed a break before I fell. I used the strong liquor in my hand to pump myself with confidence in order to move onto the dance floor, I wasn't much of a drinker but tonight called for it. It was hard to make out what song was playing due to the overdramatized bass that throbbed through my eardrums, but whatever it was, people still let loose of their problems and personal lifestyle. 
I attempted to stand while the drink flew through my system, accomplishing balance on my six inch heels. The confidence finally brought me to the large gathering I've been eyeing all night. I entered the crowd, feeling like I'm lost in a humid corn-maze, being bumped into by random strangers that were also tipsy, some more than others. Finding the middle of the crowd, it was my time to let loose. During the midst of my drunken swaying, my eyes fluttered open to view those around me, gaze following the eyes a man a few feet away. He looked lascivious as he mirrored my moves. His blonde hair was slightly swept to the side, he wore an all black suit that tailored him quite nicely, you could tell he was fit. I held his stare intensely, not daring to make a move in his direction for I did not want to lose the challenging match so easily. He seemed to not budge easily either, I debated in my mind to either approach or signal him over. His glare made my stomach slightly weak, out of reflex I looked away, I knew I couldn't approach him on my own. I continued to dance, deciding to slow it down, adding more sensualness to the way I moved. I needed to draw him in and this was the only way I knew how. Although our beaming was cut off from my shyness, I could feel his eyes still exploring every inch of my body. My feet began to ache, I had a inclination that connections would not ascend further, I'd rather sit down instead of waste my time. I looked up one last time, giving the stranger a smile before strutting off to the lounging area. I felt overheated from the moving along from the warmth emanating off others, once getting away from the swarm I accompanied myself on the white pleather. I sighed at the cool air being pushed over me from the air conditioning overhead, I wondered why there wasn't air conditioning above the dance floor. It was getting late according to the time on my phone screen, I should head home soon so I can attempt to demolish my workload tomorrow.
"Hello." My thoughts were interrupted by a harsh British accent, I took a gander at the wellspring of the voice and to my surprise it was him, the one from the herd in the dancing mass. My eyebrows lifted ever so lightly, I didn't think he'd follow.
"Oh - hi." I could only manage a short response. He lightly chuckled before asking me if he could accompany me on the cushion, I accepted. He smelled of Versace cologne, the hint of green apple, mint, and lemon, it was exhilarating on its own.
"Crowded night, I suppose." His voice was as mesmerizing as his scent.
"Indeed. I've never been here, thought I'd give the nightlife a try."
"I agree, I usually come here to meet interesting people, and as of now, I've accomplished my goal."
"You don't even know my name." I laughed now.
"Good point, I'm sure it's as interesting as you seem. Now humor me." From then on, we talked about all sorts of aspects of our lives; work, friendships, hobbies, and even romantic relationships. I learned his name is Ben, he lives with his best friend Joe, he's an actor, and he plays football (soccer) in his pastime. Once I looked down again at my phone, it allowed us to see we've talked for about 2 and a half hours straight. Time did fly when you're having fun.
"I should probably get home." My smile faded at the thought of ending our night, he frowned slightly too. I opened iMessage to text my friend, earlier she agreed to drive me home since I would be drinking and I've always been her designated driver in the past. "I just have to wait for my ride, in the meantime I can get your number?" 
"Sounds lovely." He recited his number to me as I quickly pounded it in, setting his contact as 'Ben'. 
"We should get together sometime soon, maybe coffee tomorrow?" A ding from my phone alerted me of a notification. "Fuck - she can't pick me up."
"What's going on?"
"Her tail-light is busted, she doesn't want to get pulled over while driving around." I sighed frustratingly. My apartment was about a 45 minute walk from here and I wasn't in the mood to walk in heels.
"I can order you an Uber."
"No no - You don't have to pay for me. I can order one."
"Why don't you come over for the night? It's just 10 minutes away." He seemed serious about his statement. I couldn't tell if it was a legitimate invitation. Would I really go home with him? I wasn't that type of person, meet them then immediately jump to the next thing. "Well, are you down?"
"Sure, I don't see the harm in that." I didn't even give a second thought to my answer. 
The industrial-loft like apartment was dark and smelled of cedar wood, it gave a very expensive vibe yet homey at the same time. I hung my purse and coat up on the welcoming racks and followed Ben further into the flat, as we ventured through he flicked every light switch allowing the place to illuminate under the warm lights. We entered the kitchen, presently taking a seat at the island as he sought what appeared to be a wine rack.
"Care for a drink? We have Dom Perignon, Caymus, whatever you desire." I desire him. 
"I don't speak rich, surprise me." He gave my comment a delightful snicker. My love life was very exhausting, I was constantly focused on my profession. I never discovered many fascinating folks, however he was something different. He was adorable, smart, kind, and as a plus, rich.
"For the lady, Beau Joie." He held two beautiful champagne flutes, each held a fizzing liquid. I accepted the cup between my fingers and took a drink at the same time as him. I've just heard of this stuff in romance books and films, yet I was at that point of truly liking him in one night. I felt my cheeks heat up with a pink as he sent me little wink while his lips pursed around the glass rim. "Have I let you know that you're the beautifulest amongst all the women I've ever seen?" I couldn't help but roll my eyes playfully, biting my lip at his compliment.
"You haven't seen many women I assume?" My eyebrow raised at him as I yet again took a sip of the champagne that tasted like citrus and apple as it hit my many tastebuds. 
"I've seen my fair share, and I can tell you what I said was a fact. Don't believe me if you want, but I can prove it if needed." I gulped at the possibilities he could be suggesting.
"And what are you implying, Mr. Hardy?" I scooted to the edge of my seat, leaning in closer to him. He did the same, only a few inches from my lips.
"Why don't you kiss me and find out?" His voice was deep, pushing me over the edge, I couldn't deal with him. I went forward, crashing my lips with his soft ones, sharing the alcoholic tase between the sensual moment. I didn't mind the taste. I felt his strong grip move to my thigh as we continued to synchronize our lips, soon feeling his tongue graze my bottom lip in anticipation to enter. I allowed it. We pulled apart after a few moments of heavy interaction, we both sat there out of breath. 
"Take off your blazer." My request was forward and I demanded I got what I asked for. He slipped it off without question, grabbing onto the bottom hem of his under shirt, giving me a questioning look before I nodded, then he took that off too. I was correct before, he was fit, my fingers ran down his abs, drawing an imaginary sloppy line from his V-line to his biceps, clutching a hand around his upper arm to feel the hard muscle. 
"Maybe we should get you out of that pretty little dress of yours?" His whisper was dripping with lust, I had to clench my thighs harder. Everything he said drove me crazy, I was soaked at this point. 
"Who said you earned it?" 
"Who said you were the one in control here?" He made me melt, he was so dominant and I loved it. I surrendered, standing up, first unzipping it from the back as we held eye contact, then slipping down the dress sleeves, finally pulling it down to pool around my feet. He bit his lip at the sight of the black lace panties I wore underneath, the dress had enough support to wear it without a bra. In the cool air, my nipples were hard at the high amount of excitement I felt. "I think you might be missing something else." He slightly pointed at the thong I still wore. I slid my thumbs into the waistband, teasing him by stretching out the fabric but not pulling them down. As I continued, I could see him getting quite impatient in his seat. "Now." I finally slid them down at his command, feeling embarrassment at my exposure but replaced it with fake confidence. 
"What now?" I sweetly asked, swaying seductively as I walked myself directly in front of him. He harshly grabbed onto my hips, pulling me in to take my nipple between his teeth, harshly sucking and nipping. I moaned loudly, his sudden action sparked my body massively. "Fuck - Ben." My hand took a fistful of his blonde hair, tugging slightly. His suction pulled off as he took a moment to look up at me.
"Don't call me that." I looked down confused. "You can call me Sir." He then wrapped his lips along the other breast. His other hand found its way to between my thighs, rubbing my clit slowly. His fingers rolled perfectly. 
"Hmph - Sir, I need more please." He hummed against the soft skin in response, he continued. "Please, I need to be fucked." He withdrew his lips and hands from me, standing up to match my height, unbuttoning the suit pants then releasing himself from them. Once he was left in his boxers, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me to the counter on the other side of the island. Although there was a cup holding utensils, he used his arm to sweep them off the counter and to the floor, scattering everywhere. He once again grabbed onto my hips, ordering me to jump then also lifting me up to sit bare-ass on the counter, he re-adjusted his hand position, placed his hands on both my under thighs, lifted them up so that my pussy was at a better angle for him to enter while I leaned back and held myself up on my arms. He bit his lip as he gazed down at my glistening slit.
"You're so wet for me, princess. How bad do you want my dick in your tight little pussy?" I rolled my head back in anticipation. 
"So bad, Sir, please fuck me." He finally removed his last layer, revealing his hard and throbbing cock, I licked my lips at the sight of him completely nude in front of me. I moaned quietly as he teased me with his tip, it was this moment I was beyond thankful I was on birth control. I craved him cumming inside me. I made no remarks at his slow entrance, I knew thats what he wanted from me. Suddenly he thrusted in slowly, I moaned out, hearing him sigh as he slipped in. 
"You're so tight, babygirl. You feel so good around my cock." He continued a slowed pace, allowing me to adjust to his length and width. At first it felt slightly uncomfortable but was soon replaced with pure bliss.
"Sir, please go faster, " He slightly built up to a fast pace with my request. The sound of our moans and slapping skin filled the quiet apartment. His thrust grew faster and deeper, and I moaned even louder with every push. At this point I was a moaning mess, the pleasure took over from the waist down, the overflowing delight clouded my head. 
"Turn around, I want your ass facing me and your stomach against the counter." He slid out of me, causing me to whine in response. "Do it, now." I followed his order and managed to rotate myself on my tits, it was cold sending small goosebumps on the surface of my skin. "Such a lovely ass." As his words distracted me, his cock slipped back into my slit, hitting deeper than the last time. I cried out in pleasure, stretching my arms out attempting to reach for something. All of a sudden the sound of glass hitting the floor could be heard, I knocked the glass full of champagne off the counter.
"Fuck Ben, I'm sorry." I managed to get out between breaths as I used my hand to push behind me on his chest. All he did in response was grab my wrist and pin it behind my back.
"I don't care, don't think about it babygirl." He sped up once again, now grabbing a fistful of my hair. My legs started to weaken from all the pleasure, I couldn't control any sounds that left my mouth. I barely had a grip on my surroundings either. "Shit baby, I'm close." His teeth clenched together, grunting as he continued the pace.
"Cum in me Sir, fill me up." I attempted to push him over, and I succeeded. Feeling his warm cum release inside me. After a few sloppy thrusts, he pulled himself out. 
"Now it's time for you baby." He lowered his face to my cum dripping pussy, licking a strip from my clit to my opening, pressing his tongue into my slit. I groaned as his tongue thrusted in and out, it was significantly more exciting to me that he had quite recently came inside me and is currently licking it up. I didn't require substantially more attention to cum, I was already close when he was fucking me with his dick.
"Sir, I'm close." I moaned.
"Not yet baby." He muffled against my pussy. I rolled my eyes as I attempted to not cum. His tongue removed from me, now standing and inserting two fingers. Curling them with every moan, he harshly pulled up and down causing an intense amount of pleasure. I was bound to cum at this point. 
"Sir, p-please, let me" I couldn't finish the sentence without stuttering on my moans, "let me cum, please."
"Now, babygirl." And with his reaffirming words, I let myself release around his fingers, urging them with both our cum joined. "Face me." I pitifully pivoted, looking at his fingers he held at my face level. "Suck." I eagerly took his fingers in my mouth. Sucking and enjoying our tastes together, once I licked all the wetness from his fingers he sighed as he removed them from my mouth. "You better to go tidy yourself up, sweetheart." His voice was presently delicate as we ogled at one another, flushed from our recent climaxes. 
"Wheres your room?" My voice was strained and tired from the many moans I recited. 
"Down the hall, second room on the left." I let myself down from the counter, to my surprise he snaked his hand behind my neck, pulling me in for a soft kiss. I blushed before I slightly wobbled to his room. 
It was the following morning, I laid in his bed, naked whilst enveloped by his white sheets. I didn't know what I was thinking the previous evening, however I was satisfied with my result. The washroom entryway was open, enabling me to watch Ben wash himself in the steamy and glass doored shower. I had no desire to go home. I heard the water stop, signaling me that he would be emerging any moment. The shower door accompanied the silence that now filled the room.
"When do you want me to go home?" I called to him, tracing imaginary shapes on the sheets. 
{TAG LIST // @fixedonroger // @lovingbenhardy // @bemywiggins // @vampire-way// @brianrogerinas // @16wiishes // @theonlyone-meeeee // @g-g-g-ghost-butt // @oxuminaa }
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itsbuckysworld · 5 years
HELLO SPRING DAY 15 + Bingo Entry: Scout Leader Bucky HC
Pairing: Bucky has a crush on Reader. she does too ngl. Warnings: fluffy and bucky + kids! Category: AU! Scout Leader!Bucky Word Count: N/A, this is a headcanon so i didn’t count. Bingo Square Filled: interacting with kids for my @star-spangled-bingo card! Guest Appearance: Steef Rawgers.
Troop Leader Bucky has a wonderful team of kids, in his eyes they always deserve a treat so he takes them to Y/N’s Sweets Shop, definitely not cause he’s crushing damn hard on the sweeter-than-her-own-products store owner
Day 15: "That’s it! We’re going for ice cream” for my Spring Short Story Writing Event + Bingo Square for my #StarSpangledBingo Card. HEADCANON.
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there’s a cut cause it got quite long and i don’t want to disturb anyone’s timeline. please read it tho?
Scout leader Bucky.
He’s amazing with the kids
He insists since day one that they all call him Bucky instead of James or Mr. Barnes or anything else.
He plans the most amazing outings and tries to always get the team to work together.
He’s also great with the parents.
In fact he’s the reason most parents want their kids in his troop or the reason a lot of them even signed their kids up for scouts.
He insists on having all the parents’ numbers, makes a group chat with them and is always on top of activities and reminding them of games, trips and fundraisings.
It doesn’t hurt he’s extremely good looking - all the single moms melt whenever he calls them to ask if they can bake the brownies for the next event -
He looks great in uniform.
The kids adore him cause he’s funny and he listens to them and makes sure everyone is having a good time.
like that one time he fell in the lake? hilarious they never let him forget it. or that one time he got scared by a little lizard? iconic.
They think his metal arm is fucking dope and they love his stories when camping, whether they are made up or not because let’s face it he makes up the greatest stories.
He’s also a prankster and whenever a food war breaks out he looks angry for 10 seconds before grabbing a slice of cake and chucking it across the room to continue the fun and then gets in line with the kids and looks like a wet puppy when a higher rank leader finds out and they all get called out.
His troop specially loves the summer camps. They spend more time with their counselors and troop leaders, meet more kids and do cool stuff. Sometimes even science experiments – but only sometimes and when counselor Tony is there, cause Bucky won’t have a repeat of that time something exploded brown dust on his face: again, hilarious.
But this year ‘round, so far Bucky has taken the kids for ice cream thrice.
It’s friday and much like last week when the kids are finished with whatever outside activity, Bucky is checking everyone’s progress/finished assignments.
His hair is tied back in a neat bun that pops out of the open part in the back of his cap and his bandana is tied around his bicep.
He claps twice and blows his whistle once, getting everyone’s attention. “Great work guys, I feel like this calls for a treat” he’s asked the parents in the group chat for permission and they agreed.
And all the kids are exclaiming in joy. 
“That’s it! We’re going for ice cream!” and even though this might not be news they are excited because the kids love ice cream and that’s not the only sugary treat they can get where bucky takes them
It’s this quaint little sweets shop located not very far so everybody buddy’s up and they practice the look three times before crossing the street when they walk there.
the decoration is cute and vibrant, and the kids love the thematic seats.
Inside they all line up to receive a scoop of ice cream, some opting for a small bag of cookies to switch it up, and he even makes sure any kid with allergies or intolerances gets a treat they can eat.
Gluten free cookies for Evan – Steve’s kid.
Vegan ice cream for Poppy
No peanuts for Ryan and Matt.
Its the reason he picked this sweets shop: they have options.
He also picked it because of the owner. You.
Your face lights up when he walks in with the kids, you’ve already memorised some of their names, and his face lights up when you add sprinkles to some of their treats per the kids requests.
He strikes up a conversation with you each time, as the kids all fill the booths and the two of you look over them, wiping messy chins, placing napkins to avoid stains on uniforms, and picking up fallen spoons, exchanging them for clean ones.
You also give him a discount, after all he brings in so many customers. He always refuses but you don’t take a no for an answer.
They don’t leave until the very last kid is done with their treat. Making the most of each second he gets to talk to you.
Since he discovered your little shop he’s come here alone a few times and with his troop four times, and he always makes you giggle with his jokes and blush with his words.
You hate saying goodbye to him but he promises they’ll come back, after all the kids love her treats, and so does he. You also bravely admit you love his company and his face gets so red. It’s adorable.
There’s a chorus of “Bye Ms. Y/N thank you for the food” as the kids file out and Bucky’s giving you one last wave goodbye and a wink promising to see come by tomorrow.
He’s going to gain like 100 pounds if he keeps coming to see you but he doesn’t care.
When they day’s over, he catches a ride home with Steve, his best friend, when he picks up Evan, who’s munching on a cookie he saved.
“How was your day with Uncle Buck and your friends today?”
“Good! We went for treats again!”
“Again? Uncle Bucky is spoiling you guys”
“They are marvelous, so they deserve a treat” Bucky argues back. 
“I think Uncly Bucky takes us there so he can see Miss Y/N” Evan says innocently, causing Bucky to turn bright red and turn so fast to look at Evan in the backseat it almost gives him whiplash.
“Miss Y/N huh?” Steve is mocking and Bucky glares at him.
“Is she your girlfriend?” Evan continues.
“S-She’s not” Bucky coughs “yet” he whispers, wishing he can someday say you are, and looks back at Evan with a fake menacing glare “and someone is about to lose their loyalty badge”
“BUCKY AND MISS Y/N SITTING ON A TREE!” Evan chants all the way home, with Steve joining in with the “K-I-S-S-I-N-G” as Bucky sinks down on the seat laughing embarrassedly. 
this was written very quickly so im sorry its bad and sorry if there’s any mistakes.
feedback is greatly appreciated and encouraged. Even if it’s just something in the tags, please i beg you, if u read this tell me what u thought, send me an ask, a reply, a dm, whatever.
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