#im so sorry if i got ur generations wrong
angelicpawz · 3 months
Hello again! Haven't requested a userbox in a long while. Is it okay if I may please get a blue and black userbox, with a picture of generation one Frankie Stein (Monster High) that says "This user is a Frankie Stein fictionkin", as well as
A pink and blue userbox with a picture of generation three Lagoona Blue (Monster High) that says "This user is a Lagoona Blue fictionkin"? Thank you!
- @batsbolts-andfangs
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themyscirah · 27 days
Complaining abt Suicide Squad yet again but the fact that they have Waller exposing the alien community to space racist attacks and talking abt how she got to her position through deceit and being a terrible person and stuff is just. Ahsfiwueh JUST SAY YOU DONT KNOW WALLER.
Anyways literally the 3rd mission of the Squad ever (and the first framed as smth Waller picked and not orders from above) was the Squad discrediting and stopping a rogue vigilante who was only arresting POC and funneling white people into white supremacy groups (of which he was the most prominent member) in SUICIDE SQUAD #4. and it's explicitly framed as this mission being personal for Waller that she's hiding from the government bc its illegal like. Guys. Please why are we having her incite (space bc comics) racist attacks now
Also the whole "Amanda got her position through deceit and being a terrible person" NO. she KEPT her position through being shitty and playing complicated political games!!! She wasn't always that way like there is a difference and it is IMPORTANT ppl PLEASEEEE. In Secret Origins #14 we learn Amanda's backstory and she used to be a normal, caring person! Like even after she entered into working in government and politics she wasn't automatically morally bankrupt like please people. She was originally given control of the Squad by Reagan (*sigh* 80s comics...) to distract and get rid of her because she was so successful at pushing progressive social policy in Congress. Acting like she's this static pillar of evil is such a waste of her character and so fucking uninteresting and disrespectful to her arc it drives me MAD.
Like I am NOT saying Waller is all sunshine and rainbows, she fucking SUCKS (said w love <3) but like there's a human being there. It's a progression, she has a character arc like please, DC, please!!! They've fucked up Waller so bad and made her so opaque and uninteresting she can't even be the protagonist of her own story for fucks sake!
Like I don't know how many times I have to scream it until DC hears me or remembers but WALLER IS THE MAIN CHARACTER OF SUICIDE SQUAD. ITS HER BOOK. yet right now she's a cutout to be used as the villain wherever the writers please. Even in her book we get none of her perspective really displayed, no exploration of her thoughts with any kind of understanding of the role she traditionally has played and was made to play in the story.
#its like youre unable to root for her in any form. which is annoying bc shes actually awesome actually#also having her say “actually im the good guy fuck you'' w/o any actual deep analysis of her psyche or whatever while doing these things#doesnt count as development or showing shes 3 dimensional. its just having 2 dimensional waller say shes right when everyone is obviously#supposed to believe shes wrong#anyways i want real waller back please i miss herrrrrrrr#anyways hope mr john ridley has read secret origins no 14. i know its from 1987 but please guys please. my only hope#also it was a few months ago but i think they tried to push certain elements of a diff backstory in dream team and sorry but fuck that. and#any mention of another waller background like my eyes are closed sry. im a preboot truther#actually im just ignorant of most squad comics outside the original series. im gonna do a readthrough and become knowledgeable on other#stuff i just need to find time. so if im wrong then sorry if its smth factual and if you disagree with my opinion then uh sorry for ur loss#anyways shoutout to the time i had a nerd night w my one friend and she was asking me abt dc and said my favorite villains and i said waller#and silver swan. and she had a “yuck WHY” to waller and a ???? to silver swan. love shouting out my faves and explaining them to the less#informed. didnt say a number 3 but would probably be parallax ig. idk hes kind of slay. or maybe someone else honestly i like hal but waller#and nessie are blorbo level for me i could think abt them for hours#or maybe it wouldnt be parallax actually idk who my 3 would be. hes definitely up there but way below the other 2. maybe the cheetah#interpretation that i personally have. v different from the popular cheetah interpretation esp rucka vers actually. much closer to the pérez#and esp develops some subtext there surrounding barbara and the exploitation and theft of sacred cultural artifacts and pieces but also#like british colonization a lil bit#but i actually despise the cheetah that lives in my head but think shed be interesting to use narratively and see diana fight#vs the other guys who i find interesting and sympathetic and like for themselves#whereas my fave interpretation of cheetah can rot in hell#i got off topic here#blah#swishy rant#also disclaimer that w the main character ik dreamer is the main character of dream team. im talking more in general and that amanda should#always have a huge role as shes the main character of the squad and yet is treated like its villain and not its protag#sui sq
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blitz0hno · 2 months
Me pondering: kids are capable of going through and understanding complex problems and their feelings should be taken seriously when it counts.
Me practically: who are all these annoying fucking kids in the milgram fandom and why are they posting the worst takes and most irrelevant bullshit I've ever seen ever???
I think these are valid to coexist.
#haterposting sorry lile kids like amane?#w ACTUAL maturity and intelligence? yes hear them out!!#some 13-year-old posting drivel about “ships” when it's completely irrelevant#or missing the point of very complex plot points bc they are Literally Not The Age Demographic and Actually Dont Understand It?#im SO SORRY i am not gonna b mean to anyone but I WILL HATE THEM FROM AFAR#GO BACK TO BNHA OR DANGANRONPA U ARE ACTUALLY MAKING THE SPACES LOWER QUALITY BY BEING HERE#like obviously it does not matter at all lmao kids will do whatever#i was watching bojack horseman at 13 thinking i was So Smart i don't get to talk#but to be fair i NEVER missed the point as bad as some milgram kiddies in the YouTube side of the fandom#like no “wrong” way to enjoy things but imo they legitimately need to enjoy something else#but literally if your only takeaway from this project is “omg ship cute characters silly”#but you still insist on joining discussion spaces? god please leave#I DON'T HATE MINORS I DON'T DISCRIMINATE i just think the minors who legitimately have nothing to add should shut the fuck up#sorry livechat got me wildin lmaooooo idc that much but like it's a weird contrast#cuz my general genuine feelings for most situations is “yeah listen to kids' perspectives wholeheartedly”#but like ONLINE kids who post about nonsense that has nothing to do with what others are trying to discuss? godddd they legit need to leave#nothing against shipping either long as ur not Gross#(coughbitchesshippingwholeadultawunderagecharacterscough)#but if that's ALL YOU WANT TO TALK ABOUT there are way better fandoms for that leave the milgram creators aloooone lmao#minors who actually Think about shit this does not apply to you obviously lol#if ur smart ur smart if you contribute u contribute#but like try to let urself be a kid sometimes too lol
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nikialexx · 2 years
y’all are gonna be mad at me for this and i’ll fully deserve it but i can see Remus and Snape being friends, specifically becoming friends after The Prank sksjsksk
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raytorosaurus · 2 years
Remaining anonymous for this but I’m sure they’ll know it’s me if they lurk around 😭
I unfollowed them (but they still followed me) after you made their post about them (which I didn’t see until earlier but I’m glad I did) but didn’t think about blocking them until I saw the tag of your most recent post saying that they were transphobic and I had no idea!! I blocked them straight away after I saw that-transphobia isn’t welcomed here
Anyways this is just me saying thanks cause I had no idea about any of this and feel bad for following in the first place. Ngl their posts were starting to get…theoretical (if that’s the right word) to the point where it’s ridiculous and a bit unsettling. I mostly just ignored the posts whenever they were on my feed, but your post made me feel comfortable with the way I was feeling and I’m glad to say I’ve unfollowed them and blocked them. Hopefully all of what I just said made sense lol
Anyways thanks for opening my eyes a bit more and making me feel comfortable with the way I was feeling :)
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connectingtolan · 2 months
do tumblr users read?
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Anyone else feel like. I won’t say ✨triggered✨ but like genuinely very upset by even the sight of snow. Maybe my seasonal depression is just very bad but if I see snow outside or even see like an aesthetic picture of snow online I get oh so sad and the thought of it feels so threatening and bleak and doomy gloomy like you might as well show me a frame from a horror movie. That’s not even a good comparison tho bc snow is real. Idk y’all there’s nothing I can do abt it bc no one can stop the snow I just wish I didn’t have to pretend not to be afraid of winter for the sake of people who are like bUT ITS PRETTY
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aita for deceiving a psychiatrist with lies to get diagnosed with a psychological disorder so i could get attendance accommodations at school where it was really nazi strict and evil forced attendance and they would fail me for not going to class EVEN THO I DID EVERYTHING TO THE TOPS?????? Sick fucks tbh. May those “educators” burn in torment💖 i wasn’t allowed to have my anxiety/agoraphobia/aversion/truancy/YOUTHFUN absences excused bc of the fasc policies in place as a standard in our christofascist bluemaga joe biden hillary fucked bernie in the ass dry clinton fake woke coopting bullshit society. so because of their nazi policy i had to find a way to get accommodation bc clearly i couldnt be in class every day in a row and needed leniency, not academo nazi policy, i was like. Fuck it let me get my papers for that accommodations letter approval. Bc like i had already been going to the counselors for stress and general social bullshit So since i wasn’t allowed to use that for accommodation i hd to make sooo many months long appointments w this far af psych and i didnt have a car and what an added stress. They were like “we dont got a car to pick you up like a normal fucking doctors place. Take the bus!” Ok die first. Next fucking help me!!! I did the meds they really sucked bc i guess i didnt need it and it was all side effects, no benefits, and i was like FUCKING DIAGNOSE ME!!! after reading the DSM5 and “practicing whats wrong w me” so that they are like . Hm yeah that sounds bad. Then IN THE END IT WAS A FUCKING PERSONALITY INVENTORY THEY USED TO ASSESS MY ILLNESS. IT WAS A BAR GRAPH. It was bullshit service in the goddamn american healthcare system and then bullshit actual healthcare bc it was fucking fake. Dumb psych couldnt even tell i wasn a liar???? DUMBASS BITCH LOSER FAGGOT CUNT SCUM. I remember how they made me wait AND CHARGED ME WHEN I MISSED AN APP BC IT WAS SO FCKN FAR AND ANOTHER BC I TOOK A NAP. CHARGING UR POOR MENTALLY ILL CUSTOMERS??? They can explode forreal💖and so can the dumb school policy bitches who couldnt just let me get my A had to be like ohhh cant accomodate u even tho u hve a 98 u are gonna fail :/ DIE ON FIRE SCREAMING YOU SCUM BITCH!!!! <-me to that professor nazi. May she be tortured. ANNMYWAY im sorry to everyone who’s gone thru academic ableism and abuse by this bullshit system!!!!! my school ended up being transphobic and zionist so i transfered anyway bc i dont want that bullshit on my titles. I’m glad i got my classes accomodated tho! I only wonder if im legally beholden to that diagnosis or if we can just be like fuck that doctor. Hm. Like i lied 😂 ffbsjfbsjfbjsnfjekfnsjs FREE ATTENDANCEE THOOOOOOOOOO it should be like that always for everyone. Kill every nazi teacher forreal. And kill teachers who dont give free B’s. Fuck your grade curve bitch. Fuck your admin. FUCK IT ALL!!!!! And i know its possible bc ive had actually good teachers. Hmmm the nazis WISH they could hide!!!
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ivestas · 1 year
a good shot
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Summary: König had a staring problem, so you confront him about it. 
Tags: sniper!fem!reader x konig, platonic!141 x reader, barely edited, awkward, unintentional confession(?)
Word count: 1.1k
Note: my mw2 obsession is real. been trying to deny it but its all that occupies my brain.... send some reqs?? i have such a bad habit of saying that then not following thru but i promise i will LMFAOOO (nah but fr tho im working on ur guys’ requests, just veryyyy slowly since, again, mw2 brainrot) also sorry if this seems rushed, i just wanted to get this idea out of my head hehe
König had a staring problem. 
You really didn’t know why, but whenever he was near, you could practically feel his gaze burn a hole through your skin. 
You weren’t one to care for stares—you were used to it, especially in your early years as a merc. Most would just be curious why a woman was wearing a bullet vest, especially civilians. 
But... König’s eyes were intense. Nothing like the curious—or even hateful—looks you were used to. 
You were sure you hadn’t done anything wrong; you barely spoke, never really caring too. You kept to yourself. You didn’t particularly stand out next to your flamboyant peers. 
So... why? 
You’d first asked Soap about it: he was a people person, always seemed to know someone’s intentions in an instant. 
However, he was confused. “He stares at you?” 
"You hadn’t noticed?” 
“No? I barely see the lad in general, always skulkin’ in some shadow.” 
“Seriously?” You frowned. “Then you think you’d know why?”
“Hmmm... here, maybe if I get my crystal ball and ponder for a bit I can find out!” 
"Shove the ball up your ass instead.” You snorted. Soap laughed, probably at his own joke than yours. 
Getting up, you headed to your next target: Ghost. 
You found him in the mess hall, taking apart his rifle on one of the cafeteria tables by himself. Without a second thought, you slid beside him. He didn’t acknowledge you.
Propping your head up with a hand, you look at him. Despite it being night, he’s still wearing his balaclava and shades. You decided it’s best not to make a comment about it since you’re trying to pry answers regarding the Austrian Colossus. 
“You’ve noticed König staring at me, right?” 
“Yeah. Why?” 
“Do you think you’d know why? I’m sure I hadn’t done anything to piss him off, but he’s always just... you know...” you widen your eyes, leaning in. “Doing this. I don’t know whether to be unsettled or flattered.” 
Ghost carefully puts two pieces of his rifle together, a satisfying click resonating in the air. “Maybe he’s surprised why the 141 got a clown for a sniper.” He intoned. 
“Says the guy wearing a skeleton balaclava and tinted shades—scared the enemies are gonna find out you’re actually just a loser with nothing to his name?” You said the words too quickly, and when Ghost looked at you, he probably knew the thought was bubbling in your head. 
You couldn’t help the laugh that crawled out your throat, and you noticed that the corners of Ghost’s eyes crinkled. 
“...So you don’t know?” 
He snorted. “I’m no psychic.” 
Sighing, you rose from your seat, leaving Ghost once more in his own bubble. 
You really didn’t want to, but you realized you were gonna have to ask from the source itself—König.  
Now, you didn’t consider yourself a shy or anxious person, but there was something so imposing about König; maybe it was the fact he literally towers over you like some Goliath, or maybe it’s the fact he only speaks in raspy monosyllables, or, maybe, it was the fact that he just always stares at you, but you couldn’t deny the nervousness that writhed in the pit of your stomach. 
But curiosity shined over it, because just why would he just stare? 
So, you decided to head to the shooting field: it was an open secret that König often lurked there at night, shooting away at the targets from the day. No one really complained since he’d replace the targets with new ones at the end of every session.
The walk was short; just a quick turn through some halls and out through a door and you’re in the range. 
König was some meters away, hunched over a stack of crates and a sniper under his arm. His back was to you. 
You stepped on a stray stick just beside your foot. His head shot up. 
He turned around in an instant, sniper tight in his hand. 
They were right. He’s antsy. 
“Hey, König.” 
You slowly approached as though he were a frightful deer... but perhaps a cautious bear would be a more accurate descriptor. He could kill you in seconds. 
Like anyone can. It doesn’t scare you. 
Admittedly, it’s a little exciting.
“Can I talk to you about something?” 
 “Your eyes—uh, you stare. A lot.” 
His gaze flickered away. 
“Just wondering why you just... stare. I’m pretty sure we’ve never spoken, either—”
“We’ve spoken,” he cut in. Rough and light, as usual. “Mostly on missions though.” 
“Oh... well, I’m just wondering if I pissed you off, somehow? Earned your ire? I’m dumb, I forget and I can be socially unaware—”
“No, no, no!” His eyes rounded, the sniper loosened in his hands. “No, you didn’t! I just, well...”
“...well?” You echoed, prompting him to continue. 
He did. 
“You’re nice to look at.”
Your brain froze. 
“I’m sorry, is that weird?—it is, isn’t it? I apologize, I—”
“No, wait, I’m really flattered, I just—” you laugh breathlessly. In disbelief. “That’s just really fucking flattering.” You can feel your face light up with heat, and all the neat composure you’ve built wash away completely. 
Now, you’re reduced to a blushing schoolgirl at a complete loss for words. 
What were you supposed to say? What does that even mean? Is that an admission of some crush, or were you just eye candy to him?—and did you like that, like his attention or are you just that deprived of contact? 
You force your eyes to his, and you realize he’s hunched over, rubbing at the metal butt of his sniper with a thumb, eyes everywhere except on yours. 
"So...” you rubbed your wrist. “What now?”
He finally looked at you. “Huh?”
You were this far already, you weren’t gonna back down yet. Even if your heart was slamming against your chest. “You just called me pretty? And I have a feeling you’re easy on the eyes too—maybe this is too quick—but wanna hang out then? Like, talk and stuff... because... I’m pretty?”
König stared for a moment before breaking into a laugh. “It would be an honor.” 
“Then let’s hang out right now! Stay here, I’m gonna grab my sniper and we’re gonna shoot shit till bullets’re covering the ground!!” 
König extended his sniper. “Use mine. I want to see how you shoot.” His eyes fluttered, gaze awkwardly averting yet again. You were beginning to find it endearing. “You’re a good shot. And I’d like to get better.” 
“And watching me will help you?”
“Yes,” he said the word with earnest, eyes bright. 
A crooked smile pulled at your lips. Fuck, you weren’t used to this. 
But you liked it. You liked it a lot. You just hoped you could eventually make him feel the same. 
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rusmii · 5 months
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#🫧 includes : fem!reader x dazai, chuuya
#🫧 notes : yall may think im weird for this, but hear me out! i got curious and decided to make a/b/otology. more characters later!!💀
#🫧 cws : smut hcs is in its own section so u can skip over it, a/b/o dynamics, ruts/heats, pls don't take this seriously, uh implied weird sex with these men, mentioned: fisting, cunni, fingering, marathon sex, big dicks, cervix touching, rough fucking, bed breaking, FEM TERMS ARE USED!!! (pussy), unknown drug mori gave you and chuuya
#🫧 taglist (free to join!) : @luvan1 @dollchuya
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— 𝐃𝐀𝐙𝐀𝐈 : general hcs
idk I'm leaning towards alpha
dazai is more like a non stero typical alpha due to his lack of outwardly cocky confidence and average muscle a normal alpha should have
at first glance he seems like a regular beta - hell even with some submissive qualities 💀
but as you get to know him you also notice the shift in his scent
dazai is the type to wear scent blockers bc he just doesn't wanna deal with a flock of whores coming his way whenever he's out
as for when he presented, probably around 15. a little after when mori found him and recruited chuuya
dazai isn't really an aggressive alpha per say, but as an alpha it's rlly in his instincts so if you're observant, you may notice his passive aggressive attitude
him in the pm was ruthless tho. he was murdering dicks with just his presence, but he's a changed man now
dazais rut cycles happen every 4 weeks (every month). average rut time that lasts a week
since he's an alpha most likely he's going to be a little bigger than the average beta. maybe abt 4.7 inches when soft and 7-8 inches when hardened
he doesn't have a preference in the omegas he likes but if he were to choose, probably an omega who reminds him of oda in way
basically someone who won't judge him for who he is cause dazai is a whole mess to deal with😭
— 𝐃𝐀𝐙𝐀𝐈 : smut hcs (u can skip this part)
hope u guys didn't forget this is an omegaverse post
anyways dazai goes feral when he dicks you down😭
shoving you on his cock even when he only used one finger:( jk nah he uses his whole fist first
you're stretched so wide opened that you don't even need a plug. your slick already producing more than enough to replace a whole bucket of lube
that's when he bullies his cock up into you. making sure you least expect it— making you beg and moan then shoves it in when your mouth is already wide open
I'm sorry if ur on the smaller side but dazais dick IS gonna be 7-8 inches so if you're like under 5'4 then yeah you might feel that shit up in your cervix
but that's fine since you're born to be bred that way (omega reader)
that aside, dazai isn't as dominant as other alphas. controlling, yes. lazy? definitely
rather have you fuck yourself on his dick then do much work but that's when he's NOT on his rut
if he's on his rut then yeah, ur pussy is getting a restraining order against his dick
bro your pussy would be PULSING for daaysss after his rut😭😭 you wouldn't even wanna open your legs for this man anymore
your heat cycles and his rut cycles probably don't align, meaning more days off work, meaning a happy dazai
dazais version of aftercare is eating his cum out of you then carrying you to use the bathroom to pee then carry you back to bed to sleep
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— 𝐂𝐇𝐔𝐔𝐘𝐀 : general hcs
ALPHA 100%
but gets mistaken for an omega💀
as an alpha, chuuya exerts that usual cocky confidence and muscle a normal alpha would have. in fact he probably has more than the average alpha
the only reason why chuuya gets mistaken as an omega is bc of how short he is. there's no way that an alpha could be so non stero typical but chuuyas existence proves everyone wrong
chuuya doesn't wear scent blockers then complains abt omegas, BETAS even, clinging onto him like he's gonna leave them after edging them for years
submissive betas though, normal and more dominant betas aren't crazy over him like that😭
as for when chuuya presented, he was a late bloomer lmfaooo. buddy presented as an alpha at 18
ngl everyone thought he was gonna be one dominant omega but chuuyas biology rlly said, "lemme show yall where i put the rest of his height"
unlike dazai, chuuya is one hell of a volatile alpha. one second he's calm then he's slamming a random alphas head in the wall bc he was harassing omegas
a volatile alpha for good reasons (unless it's dazai)
chuuyas rut cycles comes every 3 weeks and lasts for about a week and a half. not on the average time but pretty close to it
he'd just have to adjust and manage his timing well
like dazai, he's gonna have a BIG D so I'd say around the same length as him, 8-9 inches when hard and 5 when softened. as for width though? man's a coke can. THICK AS FUCK.
chuuya does have a preference in his omegas. he'd prefer a more submissive but act-like-they're-in-charge type of omega. he's not picky though, and will worship an omega anyways
that will always send them the wrong signals but it's alr since it's chuuya
— 𝐂𝐇𝐔𝐔𝐘𝐀 : smut hcs (u can skip this)
a dominant man always loves being on top
chuuya be the type to finger you while eating you ouuut😝 literally doesn't stop till his face, neck-down is SOAKED
and chuuyas fingers are BIG like did you guys know his hands are bigger than dazais?!? one finger would probably equal to two of yours
bby makes sure to stretch you wide open cz he knows he big:((
just know that his tip is gonna be slobbering your cervix, so let's hope your omega body is aroused enough to stretch for him
on normal days where normal sex occurs, chuuya doesn't really treat you any differently from his rut days
only difference being that he's softer and gentler, especially on special days
during his ruts however.......... yo bro breaking bed after bed yall might as well just fuck on the floor😭
like it's gotten to the point where you just use a floor bed
ik ur neighbors banging on the doors every 3 weeks
your pussy is literally applying for another alpha cause WHEWW man keeping up with chuuya is a workout on its own
it don't help the fact that his stamina exceeds normal people staminas
your heat cycles and his rut cycles align! when you and chuuya first mated, you both took these unknown concoctions mori gave yall to align your cycles
in chuuyas house, aftercare is important. or at least that's what he says before knocking tf out and you having to drag your ass out of bed to clean yourself + him up
he feels bad abt it the next morning and makes you stay in bed for like the next 3 days
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©CHURUAI ;;; don't steal, plagiarize, or repost my works
rbs and comments appreciated <3<3
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danikamariewrites · 10 months
what do you think about batboys headcanon with s/o that has daddy issues, like she does small things to try to make him proud and at first he thinks she’s just being cute but he realizes the depth and her need for praise and what’s going on and just reassures her. i’m just literally projecting😀
The bat boys would be so sweet about this omg…
A/n: the way this made me even more aware I need someone to be proud of me 🤪 ur not alone anon trust me
Warnings: I honestly don’t know what to put here Im so sorry
To get his praise you’d help him a lot with his paper work or other high lord duties
You do things around the house like redecorating just for his attention
“Good job baby! I love it.” And he’d kiss your head
One day you help him with a stack of paper work that he just didn’t want to do
When you gave it to him he just said ‘thank you’
Which was fine but you were hurt, stung even. You felt a pang in your chest
He always praised you and you just wanted to make him proud of you bc he was always proud of you
You froze up staring at him with wide eyes and the most heartbreaking frown
Rhys noticed you were still there and looked up at you, “darling what’s wrong?”
“Did I do something wrong?” And that’s when it clicks for him. Your past and how you light up at his praise
“No not at all my love. I’m just tired. Come here,” he pulled you to sit on his lap and would whisper sweet nothings to you reassuring you that he wasn’t mad at you
I think he praises his s/o in general
Cass thinks you’re the most precious thing in the whole world
So he gives you a lot of love and attention
He always holds your hand or has his arms wrapped around you
One night while you’re at Rita’s with the IC and Cass would typically keep you close but he wasn’t tonight
Cassian wasn’t even doing it intentionally he was just all over the place enjoying himself
It made you feel like he didn’t want you or need you around him
You sat and moped in the booth watching him have a good time
Cassian was looking for you but you didn’t see that
He finally noticed you and slid in the booth next to you
You look away from him and he puts an arm around you and pulling your chin softly so you look at him
“Baby what’s wrong?” You pout up at him “you weren’t hanging out with me tonight and you didn’t pay attention to me when I tried. It felt like you didn’t want to touch me.”
Cassian’s heart breaks the moment you say those last words
He runs through all the times he’s held you and how you hold on tighter and he realizes you need that
Cassian holds you and dances with you the rest of the night
Azriel knew immediately after you started dating why you were so attached to him
He never brought it up bc he never wanted to make you talk about anything you didn’t want to
You’d talk to him when you were ready
Az always made sure to show you love by using physical touch, spending time with you, and praises you like crazy
He was always so proud of you when you got through the days where he was away on missions
Az would always bring you back a souvenir from the continent or other courts he visited
One day he came home without one and just gave you a hug and kiss
No praise. No gift.
You knew some jobs took a toll on him but he would always tell you, communication is a huge thing with you
A few days passed and you didn’t say anything about it. You knew you shouldn’t always expect gifts from him, he didn’t need to but you had gotten so used to it
You were quite and reserved all week. Trying not to be to needy for attention in case Azriel didn’t want to give you any. It scared you though. You thought you did something or something happen on his mission to make him not want you
One night after dinner you sat next to him on the couch both of you reading. Az noticed you sitting very still and not snuggling with him like you usually would
“Love, why are you sitting so far from me?” “No reason.” You try to give him a convincing smile but he sees right through it
“Tell me the truth. Please love.” “When you came home a week ago you just brushed me off. And I had a really hard time while you were gone. And I’ve been anxious all week because you didn’t bring me a gift or anything. I’m sorry it’s stupid.” You quickly stand and head for the stairs but Az stops you
“My love, I’m so sorry. Come here.” He hugs you and explains it was a bad mission and he had no time for anything else. He also apologized for not giving you the usual welcome home treatment
Az made sure to never do it again and always told you if he needed a day or so to recover
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badchoicesworld · 10 months
hello hello hi ! i hope you're doing well ! may i request a miles!42 and hobie with like a butterfly mutated reader (masc) ? ironically he's more bug than beauty and has alot of features that he tries to hide (antennae, long ears and :3 mouth that opens up to a long tongue to suck up food ? he has teeth too but theyre sharp with fangs in the splatoon inkling way. skin is like a bug's sort of hard and exoskeletonly and bro is just really fluffy. like his wrists and neck have fluff)
reader is a result of like a weird science experiment gone wrong so he sort of feels like an alien trying to fit in whenever his features pop out. he just wants to live an ordinary life but somehow keeps on gettinh pulled in the middle of every superhero fight there is :'). also ! ARTKIDDD
im sorry if the req got really specific to work w aha :') hope you have a good one !
hobie brown and miles42 with butterfly mutated boyfriends !
huge fan of these mutated readers, i am however a tmnt man so (i fuckin see you btw, my most active friend and that tmnt blog)
separate, established relationships
warnings: nah
pairing: hobie brown x masc!reader, miles morales!42 x masc!reader
requests: check out my guide/masterlist
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★⋆ ⋆☆⋆ ☠︎︎ ⋆☆⋆⋆★✧
we all know hobie’s a massive fan of making a statement, so he thinks that you look absolutely incredible with your mutation
will likely go through a phase of insisting you should embrace it and flaunt it, he’s gotta be told a few times that you just wanna live an ordinary life
sounds a little boring to him, but whatever suits you, y’know?
he’s not the guy to go to however for tips on how to blend in, do not ask
you’ve got a butterfly mutation, he’s got a spider mutation- he calls you the bug boys sometimes when he’s feeling hyped up and you can feel how you wanna feel about that
if you ever tell him about your mutation, about the experiments and such, it just fuels hobie’s habit of antagonising authority n all that
you’re like walking proof of the government taking advantage of the people through the systems they put in place to protect them but in reality are just some form of propaganda to give the public false hope and sense of security
yeah, hobie wasn’t surprised when you told him
not too pressed over it either since it’s been and done, no point in getting worked up over something thats irreversible and apart of you now
feels disrespectful to even feel bad to a degree
of course he feels bad that you were experimented on, but he’s not gonna say anything about your actual mutation
does however have something inappropriate to say about ur tongue im sorry
yknow what hard skins good for ? drawing on, let him please
yknow what fluff around you ur neck and wrists is great for ? hobie and his desperation for contact, ur mad comfy dawg
he likes to wear his studded collars and wrist bands in the same places as your fur sometimes, matching innit
hobie absolutely recognised how badly you want to have an ordinary life, so can honestly empathise and sympathise when you somehow manage to find yourself sucked into every super scrap in the city
he can try diverge the fights, but can’t promise a thing since they tend to be unpredictable
hobie’s plenty happy to diverge from large crowds with you if it helps you stick out less, he’ll navigate for the two of you and somehow come up with insane routes to get to where you need to be
will diy you clothes tailored to your mutation, shirts with holes in the back for your wings just so they don’t have to be uncomfortably folded under clothes n stuff
i feel like with society going up in flames, standing out is something you generally wanna avoid in earth42, just doesn’t seem so safe
so miles definitely goes the extra mile (ha) to make sure you’re not gonna stick out too much
if you’re smaller than him he’ll for sure lend you certain things to wear if they cover you up well enough, he knows just about every nook and cranny in the city to hide in whenever your features decide to make a guest appearance
like if you’re ever just walking down a street then your antenna poke out, he’s very fast to act and doesn’t make a big deal out of it
now you either just chill in an alley together or start making your way home through the intricate backstreets miles can effortlessly navigate
he appreciates your mutation though, it’s one of them things that he can silently admire and daydream about instead of worrying about the future
realistically ? you could be a result of a really shitty human experiment gone wrong at oscorp, god knows they can take advantage of the people without a spider-man to protect them
if you ever reveal this to miles, he’s obviously upset, but it’s probably predicted at this point
i imagine in his universe that they’re a force to be reckoned with
asks his mum to make things for you sometimes, to help you feel better about your appearance and to help hide certain features that you wanna
can completely understand your desire to want an ordinary life, he does too
he’ll help you achieve it, it’s one of his dreams and he can only hope to share it
your mutation takes time to get used to but it gets to the point where miles simply won’t bat an eye at your mutation, he treats you like any other person in the world except he loves you- wants so badly for you to feel normal if that’s what you want
in the least condescending way he will insist from time to time for you to stay home, just for your own safety if he starts to notice a particular rise in stats
he completely understands your desire to just blend in, but it’s not worth it if you’re genuinely at risk
he gets into the habit of doodling butterfly features on scraps of paper, on the back of his hand during classes- you’re on his mind a lot
says that he’s indifferent towards ur fluff but then he’ll fix it up for you after putting a shirt on and it’s a lil outta sorts
★⋆ ⋆☆⋆ ☠︎︎ ⋆☆⋆⋆★✧
sorry this is kinda brief and not great, i’ve been out of it for the longest time but i’m tryna provide 💪💪
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myunghology · 2 years
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so. SLAMS HAND ON TABLE. read this for summary. i KNOW it's a little late but hey at least i did it thanks to @alizaneth for this idea!! mostly crack, im sorry (no im not) TW // i mentioned kinks and mommy issues once
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- first time you did it, bro tried waking you up. OBVIOUSLY it failed
- when it failed, he just left you there. i mean.. you weren't dead right. right? RIGHT?
- ngl he would probably make a joke out of your body not knowing that ur just sleeping. let's be real
- but let's be fr and serious
- carried you home bridal style once he sees you sleeping somewhere unthinkable. he may be small but holy SHIT is he strong? YES
- plants a sweet kiss on your forehead and leaves
- people have called him multiple times because of you.. so him carrying you is now a daily thing.
- but he doesn't know that you're faking it sometimes LMAO a little smile could be seen on your face when he's carrying you
- you pulled on his arm once when he carried you to bed because it was already late, begging him to stay with our words because babe that's embarrassing! we here do not beg! people with degrading kinks rn 💀
- even though he had so much work to do, he stayed for you
- ugh im so single i can't
- you manage to bribe him because yk he probably isn't getting enough sleep because he's a general. much needed thank you [name]
- he's worried about how pale you are
- guys it's genshin of course there's no melanin
- IM SORRY IF UR POC WHAT I MEANT BY THAT WAS you always look like your frozen.. yk like you can already see your veins through your skin
- encourages you to eat more if you have a problem with that, if that's the cause of you being so pale.
- doesn't look like it but he DOESN'T eat if you don't. you always have to be with him when you eat, if he's not there then it's either him, tighnari, or collei. someone has to keep you company.
- that's all
- btw hey cymps do you not get bothered by his carpet clutchers
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- he knows.
- bro stares at you lovingly. he thinks your very pretty when your quiet, he always thinks you're pretty don't get me wrong, but he thinks you're prettier when you shut the fuck up
- sorry that was uncalled for
- police we got another one who carries you when you sleep somewhere unthinkable. but it's in the most stupidest ways possible
- it's either a piggy back ride, or a potato sack carry .. bros feelin a lil goofy. one time you woke up when he was potato sack carrying you and you accidentally kicked him in the face because you didn't realize it was him
- you had to take care of him
- but guess what
- Ok sorry.
- now he has to take care of you
- found you sleeping in a cabinet once and never questioned anything you do after that
- his response to "we saw [name] sleeping at [random location]" this fucker responds with "it is what it is" or a "shit happens"
- OKAY let's get serious my bad
- he was actually pretty worried of how pale you were, he didn't know if it was natural or if it was because of your health, and let's say you didn't know either
- he's a lil bit over protective but you know he means well
- once he hears your name in a random conversation, he starts ears dropping, if they're talking shit about you, he pulls them aside to give them a "friendly proper talk" yeah okay whatever makes you sleep at night
- you always look like your about to faint that's probably why he's so overprotective
- yes, you naturally look like that but who knows? he's just worried let him slide
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- bro was flabbergasted. he tried waking you up but obviously no avail
- tried calling the hospital. guess what it was closed
- shakes you violently
- but lemme tell you this he isn't getting used to it
- but when someone tells him they found you somewhere he's so calm somehow? bro sighs but he's sweat dropping irl, comes to pick you up, he doesn't bother waking you up because he already knows the result . . .
- bridal carries you because he's nice, unlike SOMEONE here. you know who you are bro
- “at least im not a free loader”
- al haitham bro stop that
- gags whenever he sees you two arriving, you know what you are, al haitham.
- gets you all cozy like the caring boyfriend he is
- but sometimes he forces you to come with him, best if you don't because al haitham's there too and you probably don't want them disturbing ur sleep since you know how they are!! (i actually just don't wanna explain)
- if you sleep walk then jesus
- you may or may not have scared the bejeebers outa him more than once
- sorry his words not mine (it's actually my words) (not false information it's all true)
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- even if it's the first time he's the type of person to know everything about that person when he's trying to approach them
- he's an observant man what can i say. he just leaves you be unless it's important
- has considered throwing you into a pond when you're still sleeping and it's something important
- bro face palms when he sees you sleeping at random places, he has to carry you on his back now, or.. if IFFFF he's feelin a lil giddy then bridal style
- collei tries to help LOL she's so cute, she's carrying all of his stuff while he's carrying you, best student for real
- bribes you into tutoring her when he's busy smh #FREE[NAME]!
- passive aggressive but caring bf .. i want him
- but you obv fall asleep, but you still have notes so she can just snatch them and study it's a win win am i right. no? okay why should i gaf about your opinion radish lookin head ass
- (no im not bullying tighnari im not a bad influence)
- but duh, he's worried because you ARE really pale, asks to examine you with permission because we ask for consent here!! if you don't stop reading and block me and dni
- asks if it's really normal, im leaving ur answer up to you because you know!!!! oh you don't? neither do i
- when you're sick this mf can't tell, because obviously.. headbutts you to see if you're sick, it's a punishment for not telling him
- cups your face and it's so adorable i can't right now i wanna kms
- sorry
- he's just being a little bitch but he really cares about you. source? im a writer and i write x readers of course i know
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- SWEETEST PERSON HERE unlike some people *looks up*
- always tells you to be careful whenever you randomly go off somewhere because she knows your antics. probably more than you know
- guys sorry we're actually married my bad
- whenever she dances you try so hard to stay awake when ur extra sleepy
- because.. her dances are short and you can stay awake for that long. I think. Unless ur really tired
- but she always let's you slide she understands don't worry
- always places a palm on your forehead whenever you sleep and she's sitting beside you just incase
- she got your back fr, she always covers for you, unless it's really important then she'll lightly scold you for it.. but she's very cute your only focusing on her face let's be fr
- takes naps with you sometimes, when she's supppppper tired after practicing a new dance. obviously you have to help her, so you both are very tired so in conclusion, why not a nap
- flicks your forehead when you fall asleep while doing something important LMAO
- do i have favorites
- always checks up on you, hugs you so fast after a bad day and it's so cute istg
- she's pouting don't talk to me
- also vv worried because you're vv pale! she lays her head on your shoulder while your hand is intertwined with hers because she's looking at the veins that you can literally see right through your skin
- offers to see a professional healer but you deny saying it's natural
- she frowns slightly but wouldn't do anything you don't want to do
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- you have to be at least 2 ft within her presence. her words not mine but im actually serious
- she will not hesitate to punch someone if they're bothering you when you're sleeping!
- she's almost always there when you take a nap so you feel safe, but when she's not she's probably busy, she knows you won't be going anywhere once you wake up though
- only wakes you up if needed
- she thinks ur a lil lazy so she forces you to take walks with her around the desert because you know staying inside for that long isn't good for you
- but if you're seriously really tired then she won't force you
- carries you around if you're with her and you fell asleep somewhere, she doesn't mind + she's really strong and it's like a workout for her
- at this point you aren't sure if she's your mother or your girlfriend because she's always taking care of you
- people with mommy issues rn💀
- you feel bad so you try to talk to her that you can take care of yourself
- she isn't listening
- you're her number 1 priority
- (real)
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©miihai ; not proofread because it's 3:45 am
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luvchrltts · 6 months
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dating mondo owada headcanons !! (sfw + nsfw)
ship : mondo x reader 🫡
— warnings : breeding kink, dimensions and measurements of his dick 😭😭, cccccunnilingus, dominant mondo (most of the time ….), erm js sex in general FOR THE NSFW AREA . no warnings in the sfw :3
reader : female anatomy in nsfw areaaaa
love language is spending time with u <3 he stands on BUSINESS when it comes to being with u no matter what it is
takes u to the gym and shows him his routine (REOWWW 😻😻)
lazy af when inside tho 🤷🏼‍♀️
he lets u borrow his jacket that’s like 5x bigger than u — forgot to say that he is most likely towering over u
not shy or anything but he genuienly forgets to show affection . he thinks of u as a best friend
reallllyyyyy comfortable with u but u’ll never ever catch him lacking
u love to play with his long hair after hes just showered and hasnt styled it yet
more loyal than anyone ever could be . he thinks having ONE partner is enough LET ALONE TWO . and also he just wouldnt choose to be a cheater he doesnt see the point and believes its tooo much effort
mondo doesnt tease a lot he’s just kind of sly
he finds it downright hilarious when u say something that sounds dirty and he gets to make a joke about it 😭😭. hes got smth wrong with him
would do anything to prevent u from breaking up with him. he’s already lost his brother let alone the lohl ☹️ give him a BREAKKKK
nsfw under the cut 🙈
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he’s so loud omfg
wants u to sit on his face .
no joke he literally gets off even to the thought of eating u out …..
goes pussydrunk
he loves ass im sorry
as long as you have SOMETHING for him to grab onto no matter the size he’s satisfied
………….. thick dick
alr just hear me out on this
shaft #AD8484 tip #97575F — 8 inches long and 5 inches thick ………. it doesnt feel right writing this x
if he feels like shaving he will if he doesnt he wont ✌️ he doesnt care what u do with ur pubes as long as u dont care abt what he does with his
he wants to be gentle he really does but he cant bring himself to be sometimes
not necessarily kinky but he’ll do whatever the fuck u want 😇😇 as long as ur happy pookie !!!!
as i said at the start he’s very vocal.. literally pants like a dog 🙇🏼‍♀️
his voice breaks when he orrrrgasssmmmmssss
his stupid hair bounces up and down when he thrusts inside u 😭😭😭😭 i find myself VERY funny 🫡
hear me out . he wraps his arms around ur thighs to hold u still as ur laying down and eats u out 🙏
u cuuuummmmm on his weird ass hair sometimes and he gets pissed ESPECIALLY WHEN ITS A GOOD HAIR DAY
maybe just MAYBE would he let u take control . but only if its a birthday treat or smth as i said u’ll never catch him lacking like that
toys are useless in his opinion … why a fake cock when hes got a real one waiting for u with open arms 🤗
'attagirl’ 'take it like a champ’ 'doing so well f’me..’ ……. I MIGHT TEML A JOKE BUT I NEVER TELL A LIE
bbbbbreeeeedinnnngggg kink maybe …… as long as ur alr w it
would laugh recklessly if u ever mentioned piss or shit or anything like that (as he should. as he fucking should)
erm thats it i hope it was alr for my first thingy evaaa lolz 🫡
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byalexisness · 3 months
☆none like you
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Eita Otoya x fem! reader
anonymous asked: hii!!! first i just wanna say that im in LOVE with how u write and how u portray the boys as yanderes sm!! like i just cannot stop rereading ur stories secondly i wanted to request one for otoya eita? where like: at first he treated reader like another fling, but when he notices that reader doesn't come running after him like the rest; he tries to get reader to like do that, but then becomes obsessed with reader in the process? im not sure if my request is understandable but i hope it is!! (ÓÓ) p.s no rush! u can take as long as u want, idm the wait!! <33
hiii, i'm really sorry for my absence and for the fact that this took so so so long and it's honestly so disappointing :(( i had no motivation to write and no ideas :( and i REALLY appreciate your love ty bby <3 content warning: yandere behavior, stalking, implied violence (not towards the reader)
at first, you were like the rest. a normal college girl, with your cute uniform and average grades, you didn't stand out in any way.
for him, you were just a...meh. he didn't really pay attention to you, just knowing you existed as his classmate, just another woman.
that's all he thought you were...
...until one day, when he tried to hit up on you and got a little surprise. instead of blushing, stuttering and acting like a high-school girl whose first crush interacted with her, you did...nothing, basically.
the conversation still replays in his mind to this day.
you were sitting in the college classroom, headphones on your head as you peacefully scrolled through your phone.
"well, hello there, cutie." he started with the same thing he tells every single girl, which, usually, makes them flustered.
you looked at him and, after blinking confused, you seemed to...cringe. as if it creeped you out to be flirted with.
"hello?" you greeted back, confused. "can i help you?"
"yeah, perhaps...you could..." he said as he leaned on your table. "...give me your number?"
blinking confused again, you cocked a brow. after a slight scoff, you shook your head.
"i'm not interested."
that was not the reaction he expected, at all.
and the fact that it didn't only happen once, but twice made it even worse.
eita was so used to girl chasing him that, when his advances got rejected, he felt hurt.
not in his heart, but in his ego.
you hurt his fragile ego so, you could only pay the price, right? and what better way to pay him back was there to exist rather than just straight up making you obsessed with him? just like any other girl, you have to fall for his charms, right?
absolutely wrong.
during his weeks of continually chasing after you, by easily inserting himself into your small friendgroup, following you around, sitting next to you in every class you shared (simply making it that you two spend as much time togheter as possible), his whole plan went down the hill.
instead of having you become obsessed with him, he became obsessed with you.
it was just something about your appearance, about how you walked, about your voice...about you, overall, that made him lose his mind.
eita had no idea how and why did it happen, but he paid it no mind. he gaslit himself that he wasn't obsessed, that everything was just a part of his plan to make you love him so he could hurt your feelings.
not even karasu ever saw him like this.
that, until he found himself secretly beating up every boy that flirted with you or every person that generally upseted you...even if it was a simple reply that bothered you in your conversation with you.
he knew your schedule by heart, he knew where you went most of the time. he had dozens of photos of you kept in a secret compartiment of his room.
it was...concerning, really. and he knew it well enough.
and when he found out about what his best friend was up to, karasu tried to warn him... he really tried to convince otoya that his behavior was absolutely not normal. but to no use.
nothing and nobody could break otoya out of the spell you unknowingly put him under.
it was twisted and sick but he was in love.
and it wouldn't end too pretty for you either.
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issacballsac · 10 months
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“Attempting to be Friends with Vergil Sparda„
Honestly he’d never outright call you his friend💀 ! Gn Demon Reader
Origins | DMC3
Let’s be FR he wouldn’t care abt your gender or lack there of he still sees you as lesser than
You’d have to be a Devil or half Devil to even linger around him
Im seeing you just come from Hell to be friends with him🦀
Naturally like any of the devils in DMC3 u were originally gonna attack Vergil bc NPC does what NPC is supposed to do
But you have common sense a pretty mf with a sword is bad news so let’s be friends dear beautiful one
Bear with me right—all ur demon gang gets slaughtered by this mf and you’re just standing there watching fascinated absolutely entranced by this mf
Seeing as you’re the last obstacle he points that big ass katana at you
“Sorry I just can’t fight someone so beautiful man.”
Gives you the MEANEST side eye
Still tries to HARM you and succeeds—but like you regenerate 💀
Mf would let out the BIGGEST sigh and just walk away🪦
You follow ofc bc who wouldn’t (a mf who wants to live 💀)
Me when might controls everything 🫦
Despite being a demon yourself you def would try to convince him to NOT open the portal
Bc lets be FR them other devils ain’t shit for nothin‼️
He constantly looks annoyed and has a mean case of resting bitch face
He’s very stand-offish and depending on how long/well you know each other he’ll listen to what you’re sayin
Especially if ur a person that likes to go on rants
DMC3 he’d be more open to a mf who has no attachments as seen during the scene where he stabbed Arkham
New to friendship and sees everything as a transaction
You give me this and I give you that typa thing
Would take FOREVER to tell you abt his childhood and by the time he does u pretty much already know bc of Dante
Would get along better if ur also half demon rather than full demon as he has a complex where he continuously tries to rid himself of his humanity
Bros on a MISSION so u gotta be able to keep up
Obviously being demon/half demon you got some power but if you’re weak he’s gonna drop you I’m sorry 💀(no I’m not)
Doesn’t celebrate his birthday
Just in general regardless of his childhood I just don’t think he’d like to
So no surprise parties please🫶
Now don’t get me wrong he IS smart but like also a dumbass💀
Constantly makes you think bc he’ll say smth so stupid but make it sound so smart
A very dramatic mf
Always makes dramatic entrances no matter where he goes
Walks into McDonalds with his blue coat flowing, snowlike hair, glistening eyes, arched eyebrows, and a judgmental look
Baby let ur hair down🫦
Bro is effortlessly breathtaking and if u ask for tips or question what he does for his routine he looks you up and down, scoffs, and leaves💀
Spars with you bc luckily you can regenerate
Infinite punching bag
Love a reader with no shame(me acting like I didn’t write this)
Idk why but I feel like he can play the piano as just like a pastime thing
When trapped in Hell u just roam around y’know bc you’ve lived there for as long as you can remember 😭
Vergil is in a constant search for more power and ur just chillin watching him
Like those mfs who still calmly sip on their drinks when there is a bar fight
“Woohoo! Go Vergil you’re doin’ great!”
“Shut up!”
He loves you, I promise.
Talks shit abt Dante, lovingly ofc
After the events of DMC5 if he were to come back with Dante(ambiguous ending)
Y’all would prob live together
And they were roommates 😨
FR tho it’s like weird especially with Nero being recognized as his son
“Nero is my son?”
“You have a son?”
“I didn’t know..”
“How did you not know?”
Becomes more vocal during the friendship during/after the events of DMC5
He doesn’t see the need for an abundance of clothes so if ur into fashion your ideas fill 98% of his wardrobe
Honestly I think he can cook
More of a baker methinks
He probably wouldn’t like sweets but he’ll certainly make them himself
No I’m not going to make a berries delight joke.
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