#im so tired rn though everything is on my mind for like
celluzu · 8 months
thinking about qPac always and forever
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dandyshucks · 5 months
everyone pray for me that i did not just give myself food poisoning (;・∀・)
#i may have made a bad decision with the meat i cooked shdjdkl BUT I THINK IT'LL BE FINE#it was past the date on the packaging but it didnt smell or look or feel off at all so . i decided to risk it#and now im panicking bc i think perhaps that was actually rly stupid fhdkdl#but it was. so much money. i had no idea the date was so soon on the package when i got it from mum#I would've frozen it if I'd known dhdksl i should've looked#alas !!! i think it'll be fine tbh bc it genuinely did not seem spoiled at all so ... now we just pray#i had a fairly small serving of it and I'll see how i feel to figure out if the rest of it is safe to eat or not#im just fhdjdkl crying a little rn bc the past two days have been so awful and im so tired#i rly dont want to get sick on top of everything else going on#i would like one thing to go well fjdkdl just like. one thing. this feels like divine punishment for having the old lady group go so well#im just kind of losing my mind rn i think actually fhfkdl i have a therapy/counseling appt on monday though so we'll see if that helps#i do not have high hopes fjfkdl#MANNNN. can the universe give me a break PLEASE. I've been trying so hard the past three weeks to do well 😭😭#im putting in so much work and effort fhdksl can i PLEASE have this one thing go okay djdksl i do not want to get sick !!!#if i do get sick then im just. hhhhh. idk djdkdl it's just one more thing to add to my pile of Bad ig djdkdl what can ya do djdkdl#i am going to pull myself together and stop crying and go play stardew maybe idk fjdkdl i feel like im starting to crack a little bit#augh. augh. i would love to catch a break djdkdl#dandy.cmd#vent //
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sashimiyas · 2 years
i forgot to go to sleep !!!!!
#reinas.inretrograde#how so unlike me#i totally forgot that like… idk i didn’t sleep at all last night? and just sauntered my way into work and got caught up and worked some ot#and then went to the grocery store and then on a walk to listen to my audiobook until my husband called me#and asked me where the fuck i was and why am i wilding out rn. legitimately slipped my mind#Anyways my minds still going buzz buzz and there’s still sun outside but i’m feeling the grump settle#so gonna expel some thoughts out in the tags to tire me out#COLLEGE HAJIME IS SO INPORTANT TK ME YOU DONF UBDERSFAND#i would legitimately be madly in love w him he’d break my heart bc i i know i could never compete with the abgs of cali#and sincerely how often do you guys wash your hats & bedsheets?#i wash my hats like after two uses but my husband thinks that’s excessive#oh and i want to write a jane the virgin meet cute with daichi#what a guy he is. one of my faves frfr#i think i’m just feeling pretty weird bc i’m cramping and everything makes me nauseous#like my bsf is at one of our fave places and offered to get me tater tots and i said NO. like that’s not me! i never say no to a potato!!!#also just an update i am 14 hours into the way of kinda#*kings which is like 30%. it’s sooooo long and im actually retrying to finish it again#my friends started a book club last year and one of the members rec’d this one as the first book#needless to say the book club did not last. but im trying again! it’s still enjoyable though not my fave genre i think#i think i’ll leave it at that#good night! let’s hope these mellies pop!!!!
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twistedastrology · 1 month
- The most painful Chiron placements -
in my opinion-
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to preface, all chiron placements are inherently painful, but these to me are the ones i have the most respect for in a way??
everyone knows chiron as the wounded healer, it represents our soul level wound that, once healed, is our greatest superpower.
so here are a handful of the chiron placements that to me are the most intense.
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- Chiron in Aries/1st -
chiron in aries is absolutely terrifying to me and i have the utmost respect for people with this placement because this is a core wound of the self.
they go through life forever trying to find who they are and feeling like the world holds no space for them- ive said like a billion times that my biggest fear is losing myself, and that's the wound that chiron in aries has to deal with.
they might struggle with finding what they're willed to do and might feel like a mosaic of everything else around them instead of a real person and that is so scary to me.
once they manage to heal that wound though, they are fucking unstoppable and inspire others to find themselves just as they did.
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- Chiron in Sagittarius -
this one is intense to me because it often has a lot of potential to remain unhealed- this is a wound that relates to spirituality entirely-
i dont know many ppl with this placement at all but i imagine they're scared or intimidated by spirituality as a whole to some degree-
these people don't know what the purpose of life is, they don't know what they believe in or If they believe in anything- the subject of belief and purpose in life is very sore for them.
when healed, this chiron placement bestows an intense sense of belonging and meaning in life, and it has a lot of potential to remain unhealed because spirituality at the very least helps you to find a true meaning in life, without adhering to a strict religion that makes one up.
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- Chiron in Aquarius/11th -
im a little biased for this one because i have this placement but i can 100% speak from experience because of that.
this placement is easily the most agonizing one in my entire chart- for the longest time i felt like i would never find true friends, and sometimes that feeling will creep up again and it makes me absolutely crumble.
chiron in aries and chiron in aquarius are very similar to some extent because they both feel like the world won't give them somewhere to feel at home, just for different reasons.
chiron in aquarius makes you feel like you will never have anyone who truly understands you and that even if you do, they won't stick around like you want them to.
for some people, this can make them try to conform to somewhere they don't belong. thankfully i don't have that aspect, but it has crossed my mind multiple times in life.
this placement, when it's triggered by something, makes me immediately consider every possibility upon meeting someone new and forces me to give up my hopes until im proven otherwise.
im pretty sure it's the reason i have an avoidant attachment style as well as trust issues 😮‍💨
when healed though, these people have the ability to bring people together without snuffing anyone's individuality. they always respect people for who they are and the friends they do manage to find respect them for who they are.
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much shorter post this time but ive been super tired all day and ofc had a chiron trigger so ive been a little cranky to say the least- but i wanted to write something for some reason so i figured what better than what i struggled with today 😮‍💨
if you have any of these chiron placements or just generally know your chiron fucking hurts really bad when it's triggered, i get it- but it won't be like that forever. the more we manage to heal, the more that wound is transformed into the most stable part of our charts.
if in general you're not doing well rn, again, i get it, but it will never be like that forever. that's not how life works. you won't be happy forever either, but if you were, there would be no value to it.
like the song i named this blog after says, "a lonely life where no one understands you, but don't give up because the music do"
- 🖤 -
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beiiibeii · 2 months
Kafka Angst, delicious, thankyou for the food. Okay this was from 11:49-12:21 jeez im tired.
Anyways, here’s thing for you!
“…I remember one morning it was just like any other, you brought coffee and I brought sweets. I remember, you spilled a little of my coffee on the table and made a surprised sound, but despite that, you looked up at me and you laughed. Your eyes were shining in the morning light— In hindsight really.. They’d always done that. A little bit brighter, with the golden sun. That’s the moment I realized I was really truly hopelessly in love with you. I told myself it was a longer mission than usual. That’s all, and yet I couldn’t stop liking you past our little meetings in the morning. I couldn’t help but want to ask more and more about yourself, the silly, little details unrelated to Elio’s script.”
At least, that’s what Kafka would like to say to you. Instead she watched through your window as you cried. Illuminated only by moonlight. It looked as though a meteor shower might be streaking across your face— quick and bright slashes. A sky full of grief, guilt, longing. Kafka couldn’t help but vaguely wondering if you must mirror her own feelings so well. Kafka was a formidable woman, that wasn’t a secret to anyone. What she wanted, she would eventually obtain. However everything else she had taken now seemed so.. Little in comparison to you. So worthless. The one thing Kafka wanted, craved— No. The one thing she needed, she couldn’t have. You. A little bit of water splashes her face. Unsurprising, there’s thunderclouds rolling overhead. Rain was bound to come sooner or later. The water rolls down her cheek, to the corner of her mouth. It takes a moment to register in her brain it’s salty, and the rain has not yet begun to fall.
She looks down at her hands, those hands that have felled many. Her tongue, which has been used to manipulate peoples minds into showing them horrors to last a lifetime, that tongue that has spit thousands of lies. Her eyes, which have watched on as an opponent met a slow, agonizing end. The eyes that showed a frenzied glee at the suffering. How could she ever be worthy of you? The shining bright light in the universe who could never be dimmed. One so pure and precious. She felt her chest tighten in shame. She could never wash the blood from her hands, it stained her entire being. Deep in her mind, a maze to all (even herself) she knew that if given the chance to cleanse her sins, she probably would not take it.
So the Stellaron Hunter turns, quickly scaling her way down to the bustling streets before you might see that familiar shape crouching across the way. Your eyes make their way to the window as you see quick movement, but as fast as it appeared it disappears just as well. And a drop of water hits the glass. And another. Until your window is pelted with the sky’s tears, and the sidewalks are a black mass of umbrellas.
I hope this was this much 🤏 entertaining to you
kafka wears gloves to try to hide the blood that has stained her hands to try to make herself feel better :(
kafka probably has you as a live wallpaper on her phone. she would press down on her phone and the short video of you on that flower field would play. your smiling brightly as the rays of the sunset glowed so beautifully on you. lighting up your smile even more. she looks at it with a bittersweet memories as she reminds herself as to why she joined the stellaron hunters - to understand herself to be a better person and see that beautiful smile on your face everyday. :(
she listens to voice messages or watches videos she has saved of you whenever shes stressed. hearing your voice and the way you smile at her clears her head. calming her down. she can't help but grow a little tired of hearing the same videos and voice recordings. shes determined to get some new ones soon. <3
whenever you post on your snapchat stories, instagram, tiktok, any social media platform, kafka is always on an anonymous account. she constantly comments sweet things under your posts.
"hope you had fun <3"
"so beautiful, like always dear 💗"
"such a pretty smile you have :)"
kafka doesnt even try to change the way she writes to make you not catch on. she likes your posts and is usually the first one to see them too. You can't help but sense the familiarity of the way the commenter writes their comments. its ever so awfully familiar as to how kafka types. you want to believe it but you know its not her :(
kafka secretly hopes you recognise that its her. she knows it won't happen, but she will still keep believing that you will <3
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scruncheduppaper · 1 month
can we talk abt how insanely hot kabru is
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ive probably posted these a billion times before but idc. hes got everything. this brown twink is so pretty idk im pretty sure if he smiled at me with those fucking eyes id fold immediately. i get why hes popular with the ladies (im falling for it oh no) hes just the right amount of a bit freaky and silly for him to still be human. hes a gentleman when he needs to be and hes actually a really fucking kind human being at the same time like hes a genuinely nice guy
most of all though i think his ruthless mind and sharp analytical skills (in terms of humans) is just the most appealing to me. the way his brain ticks and the descriptions of his thinking process is like the equivalent to fanservice panty shots or whatever. i like seeing him covered in blood ohhh my god i get ppl simping over falin in that scene but i think kabru stabbing her made my stomach do flips. do you understand. i would Let him psychoanalyse me and/or stab me. in fact id encourage him to do it. it’d probably be hot. kabru please reject me so i can move on with my life. i understand rin so fucking bad (i love her too btw)
this is not a general post. this is personal. this is my account i can say whatever i want idc idk im like rlly tired rn. kap. kapru
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anyways too tired to draw properly today have a little doodle. i might make an edit of him later
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willowrites · 30 days
Request for Steven Conklin.
Something sorta besties to lovers, but they keep friendzoning each other and getting confused until maybe she tells him she thinks she’ll invite someone else to the deb and he says no it’s fine he will and at the deb he confesses.
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PAIRINGS. steven conklin x fem reader
SUMMARY. even though it was a struggle, you got steven to escort you to the deb ball. but he did more than just escort you...
WARNINGS. nothing really, just slight kissing!
AUTHORS NOTE. thank you for this request! i had a lot of fun doing it! <3 i'm so tired rn its been a long day so ill proofread later!!
y/n/n: your nickname
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“y/n!” your mom susannah called out to you. “it’s time to go shopping for your deb dress!”
you shouted a quick ‘i’m going’ spraying some perfume.
your outfit consisted of a cute white tube top with flower detailing and some cute jean shorts along with doc marten sandals.
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you grabbed your phone and speeded downstairs.
“okay, so what are we thinking?” your mom asked you as you both headed toward the front door.
that day you went looking for your dress and luckily enough you found the exact one you wanted.
it was everything you looked for in a dress.
you had no complaints.
overtime the week passed by and you were planning and planning. belly was helping you as well since she was also being a deb. you both shared your experience especially because you guys were practically sisters.
you guys talked about everything …but when it came down to dates. you didn’t have a clue.
“i’m thinking of asking cameron to be my escort.” she gushed.
“hmm you really like him don’t you?” you asked taking a sip of your milkshake.
“i do y/n. he’s so sweet and kind. he’s selfless like he genuinely is a good guy! ugh..tell me to shut up.” she covers her face in embarrassment.
“that’s so cute. aww belly welly is in looooove.” you tease her.
“oh please, so who’s going to be your escort? anyone in mind?” she asked licking the whipped cream off the cherry from her shake.
“no. i have no clue.” you huffed licking the whipped cream off your lips.
“why not steven? come on y/n. you should just tell him.” belly knew about your crush on steven. ever since you guys were smaller.
she could tell by the way you looked at him.
“i could never. im too scared i’ll get rejected and then everything will be so awkward.” you groaned. “maybe i’ll just…i don’t know”
“okay, you don’t have to tell him. just ask if he’d be your escort! he’s your best friend! it wouldn’t be weird.” she told you.
“i mean i guess that is a good idea.” you thought about if.
“of course it is. it’s my idea.” she giggled.
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knock knock.
you were at steven’s door. fully prepared to ask him to be your escort.
“come in.” he grumbled.
he sounded like he was in a bad mood which almost made you chicken out.
“hey…watcha doin.” you asked first.
he made contact with you and a smile formed.
“hey y/n/n.” he said. “nah, nothing just tryna figure out some stuff for school. what’s up?” he patted his bed for you to sit.
“i just wanted to ask you something important.” you sat down crisscross.
“what about?” he leaned up off his headboard. he was concerned not knowing what to think. part of him wanted it to be about you two but he kept that thought himself.
“i was wondering since you’re my best friend and all…”
best friend? he thought. right.
“if you wanted to be my escort to the deb ball.” you were fiddling with your fingers as the question came out your mouth.
“uh…like that victorian shit?” he snorted.
“it’s not victorian.” you slap his arm. “it’s about a woman coming of age! and i need an escort.”
“are you sure it’s supposed to be a friend though?”
friend? you thought. right.
“i mean it could be anyone. there’s a girl bringing her girlfriend and my friend is bringing her friend from home.” you tried to explain.
“mmm, i’ll have to think about it. i told myself i wouldn’t get involved in that deb shit.” he shrugged off.
“okay well…um let me know then..?” you hesitated. you were kind of hurt by his answer. you thought you guys were at least close enough to do something important for each other.
you got up ready to walk out.
“where you going?” he asked.
stay; is what he wanted to say.
“oh- um i just don’t feel too well i’m going to lie down.” you said quickly before exiting the room.
as soon as you got inside your room you closed your door, locked it, and fell face-first on top of your bed sighing.
that went well.
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a few days had passed, well more than enough time for steven to think about being your escort. at this point, he probably forgot all about it.
“steven.” you said his name as he was relaxing by the pool.
“hey y/n/n. are you gonna get in? let’s swim together.” he called u over starting to stand up.
“no thanks, i was just going to ask you if you thought about what i asked you the other day…you know. the deb ball?” you were standing there admiring his shirtless stomach as he spoke.
“oh yeah, i don’t think it would be cool for me you know. like being in a tux n shit.” he shrugged. “thanks for inviting me though.”
your blood boiled.
being in a tux…and shit.
“no yeah, no worries. i was thinking about taking another guy anyway.” you couldn’t help but blurt out.
you turned and started walking away until he grabbed your arm to stop you.
“who?” he looked confused.
“oh just this guy i met at one of the bonfires.” you smiled trying to walk away again but he still had his grip on you.
his face twitched. “well, actually now that i think about it. we’re best friends, it’s only right i escort you. i didn’t think about it like that.”
best friends?
“yeah, best friends …should have each other's backs. which is why i don’t know why you’d say no.” you crossed your arms defensively.
“well, to be honest. i thought it was lame.” he admitted.
“wow i didn’t notice!” you sarcastically shot back. “please get your tux on time. it’s the only thing you have to worry about.” you said and you walked away.
two weeks later.
it was the day of the deb ball.
you were nervous and freaking out. you knew exactly what to do and what you were going to do for your makeup and hair, you were just nervous about the night.
you wanted it to turn out okay. more than okay actually. you wanted it to be everything you’d dreamed of.
susannah had people coming to do your hair and makeup in the dressing room of the country club which took the pressure off a little bit. you had told them what you wanted and thank goodness they exceeded your expectations.
you looked at yourself in the mirror and thanked the beauty gods for this good outcome.
the other girls were also getting their hair and makeup done but it was time to change.
susannah helped you along with laurel. they were awed at how gorgeous you looked in the dress.
“oh honey, you look so beautiful.” susannah said hugging you.
“thank you mom.” you hugged back.
“she’s right, you look gorgeous..” laurel said smiling at you.
“thank you, laur.” you hugged her as well before she spoke again.
“if steven ruins your night you let me know.” she eyes you.
“i will.” you smile back.
“okay, well we gotta head out but we’ll see you honey.” susannah rubs your shoulders. “you’re gonna be fantastic.”
you smile once again watching them leave. you take a deep breath. it’ll be okay.
and it was.
you say steven for the first time. he looked so good.
steven thought the same about you.
she’s breathtaking. he said quietly to himself.
you got announced and as you guys walked down the applause was non-stop.
you saw laurel and susannah waving at you from the table as well as conrad and jere.
you smiled so big your face was hurting.
as the night went on you had the best time.
now it was afterward when you were getting dressed back into your clothes and getting ready to head home.
you were packing up your bag when you heard a knock on the dressing room door.
you turn to see who it is and steven walks in.
“hi.” he said shyly.
you smiled. “hi! thank you so much for escorting me.”
he nodded and looked around the room before making eye contact with you again. he was biting his lip nervously and fiddling with his fingers.
“you okay?” you asked walking closer to him.
he was about to speak but he paused.
“steven…what’s wrong?” you said worriedly. he was acting strange.
“im going to do something but feel free to stop me.” he said and before you could think of what to say his lips were on yours.
his hands grabbed your face pulling you for a kiss.
your stomach exploded so the fire works.
he was kissing you. you didn’t know what to do. all you knew was that you had to start kissing back, so you did.
you molded his lips with his moving them along with each other.
you felt him smile and pull him closer but you felt him pull away leaving you wanting more.
“i wanted to do that for so long y/n. i’m sorry i didn’t realize my feelings sooner.” he whispered.
“im sorry i kept friend-zoning you.” you admitted.
“i forgive you. you forgive me?” he cheekily grinds.
you roll your eyes and smile. “sure why not.” you giggle connecting your lips in a chaste kiss.
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bingusbongu · 6 months
Dr Flug x Fem reader who is the head of the department of black arts and witchcraft? Like him having a crush on her, it would be kind of ironic him being the head of the department of science and technology
A/N: oooo another Flug request! I love writing for this silly little nerd guy!!! One of my favorite comfort characters<33 fyi: had a hard time writing this, especially with his crushing stage so i just did alittle for it, i hope this works!!! ty sm for requesting!!!! I hope you enjoy~! {May edit later, im tired rn}
Dr. Flug × Fem. Witch Reader!
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•i feel like this man would be a huge skeptic towards magic. I mean, sure his boss is a demon and all, but he believes more in scientific reasoning then he actually does Magic. He thinks that there is a reasoning behind everything. being the head of the scientific technology department, he tried his best to study magic, but found ut a huge waste of his time, and ended up going back to his on projects
• when he first met you, it was on one his missions with the gang, and it was not going well for them. The hero they were after easily out maneuvered their plans, and had them dangerouslh close to defeat
• Flug was a mess, panicked and unsure what to do. If he got caught by a hero, Blackhat would sure as hell just leave him there and not care to come and retreave him. Let alone, he didnt want to get punished anymore then he hast to endure
• Flug thought they were goners, before, lo and behold, before the hero could take them into custody, you appeared. Quickly catching the hero off gaurd with a blast of magic to his side
• of course, the hero ended up taunting you, and launched himself at you, only for you to easily knock him out of thd sky and to the concrete with the wave of your hand
• as you and the hero quarled, Flug couldnt help but watch. He would had been planning to get out, but he was observing the battle. How you easily threw the hero around liks a toy. The hero didnt even manage to hit you a single time and you already had him to the ground.
• you had freed the trio before they could be taken from authorities. Easily clipping the lock off. The two of you locked eyes for a moment, but before Flug could say thank you, you were gone.
• Flug was quite appalled, his curiosity peaked, as he abd his team fled from the scene. Though, he wasnt able to get you out of his head. He had never seen or heard anything about a villain who easily threw around Heros without even touching them, and Flug knew everthing about every Villain in the town.
• When he got back to his lab, he automatically started to look up things about you, desprately searching up something to ease his curiosity and get you out of his head
• there wasnt to much about you that he could find. He had figured out you were a 'in and out' villain, hardly giving people enough time to look at you before you disappeared into a puff of smoke.
• reading into some reports about you, of people writing nonsense about a powerful villain that wasn't Blackhat, and ranting in painful grammar about a 'witch villain'
• this made Flug laugh, obviously not believing it one bit. Rolling his eyes he got off his computer and went back to work.
• though, he still couldnt get you out of his head. Thinking back to the way how easily you handled that hero, and didnt even lay a finger on him. Now that Flug thought about it, he didnt even see you get close to him at all. Which made the doctor ponder about you even more
• it started driving him insane
• Flug, for the next few times had a hard time focusing on his projects, caught in his mind about what you were. It ended up getting him into trouble, why couldnt you just leave him alone? He had so many questions, but no you to answer them
• finally came his once a month trip of errands he ran for the crew. Heading out to collect food, or certain parts he could use to work on his projects. He never liked these days, but he endured it never the less
• just as he was walking by, looking for supplies, he bumped into you on accident. He frantically apologized, but once he noticed it was you, he froze in his tracks. Looking up at you, as you looked down at him and reasured him that it was okay
• all of a sudden, all his questions flooded his mind. He sure didnt expect to find you here of all places! What were you doing here? Were you here on some sort of mission? What did you even need here?
• His thoughts got interrupted as you finally voiced that you recognized him, sending Flug into a blushing frenzy as he tried to play it off, muttering a thank you to you as he cleared his throat
• though, when you commented that you knew who he was, it caught him off guard. You knew who he was? No one really ever recognized him other than the bag wearing villain. Being a scientist didnt really give him many looks of pride.
• he was geniunly suprised when you told him his name, and that yoi recognized him from tv adds and some of his work. He didnt know how to feel, but when you complemented him, he nearly collapsed into jelly. No one really ever complemented him, let alone someone as pretty as you! It made his face flush under his bag as he attempted to calm himself
• Though, when you introduced yourself, he must had made a face when you mentioned magic to him. Cause you quickly responded to demonstrate your magic to him.
• turning your gaze to the nearest tin can, without even touching it you beckoned it over, making it levitate over to you.
• Flug watched curiously, eyeing the tin can as if trying to find the strong attached to it to find an explanation. As it levitated for a moment, you flicked your hand, only for the can to fly past Flugs head and hit the worker nearby in the back of his head at full force
• Flug was now a little less of a skeptic
• after that, you and Flug chatted for awhile, happily demonstrating some more of your magic for him, who he would watch closely and eagerly, trying to study it every time. You found it quite funny the way his eyes widened in curiosity
• you two ended up spending the rest of the day together, you helping him with finding his supplies, which he was greatful for. Usually it took him until nightfall to get everything done, but with your help he was able to get back to the manor by noon
• not only that, but he learned alot about you, and how you were also the head of your specialties. That stunned Flug, that you were a head of magic, and he happened to be the head of sciece and technology! No wonder the two of you ended up getting along quite well
• Flug expected his thoughts of you to decrease now that he had answers, but they ended up worsening. Now finding himself wanting to spend more time with you, and for you to show him more of your magic
• Now, the two of you ended up meeting eachother every month on Flugs outing days, so you guys could chat together and spend time with one another. You helping him and showing him your magic, and him happily showing you some of his project ideas.
• Over time, he found himself wanting to spend more and more time with you, getting excited when the day would come to meet up with you! But he still craved more contact with you
• He ended up giving you the adress to the mansion, so you could come over and visit, which you happily took the opportunity
• your visits became more frequent, which Flug was always delighted to see you!
• you would chat with him as he worked on his machines, or let Flug study some more of your magic. And boy, Flug certainly enjoyed the company. More say your company, he goy so happy when you visited him. Even if it was for a few minutes, he always was glad you decided to drop in, no matter how busy you were
• He loved your visits, it made him all giddy and happy, which he hadnt felt in a long time until you came into the picture. He didnt like the way you made his body warm at first, ungil he spent more time with you, he ended up waiting every day in hopes that you would come visit him
• one day, when you made his favorite flowers appear for him out of thin air, he nearly passed out
• he definitely found a way to preserve those flowers forever
• you started to make him feel weird, especially when you came in abd smiled at him, saying your common hello just made his heart lurch out for you. Getting all flustered when you complimented his work, or stood close to him, or even feeling the slightest bit of touch from you would send him to the ground
• he loved watching the way you preform your magic for him. Sometimes, he ended up watching you instead of the trick you were showing him. And when you commented about it he got all shy and babbled an apology, while you giggled which sent him deeper into his flusterdness, you absolutely found this adorable
• you, the wonderful witch you are, ended up enchanting his heart
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stxrvel · 11 months
what is it with all these secrets? (6)
series summary: you woke up from a long coma with no memory of a part of your life only to be told by your teammates that you're married to the man you hated seven years ago. even though that seemed to be the only problem, as time goes on you're realizing there's a lot more history and mystery behind the accident that left you in medical care for months. blackouts, more memory loss, mistrust and a strange man who seems to be connected to everything. every day it gets harder to trust anyone around you, but you won't stop until you can finally uncover the truth behind the accident.
chapter summary: everything starts being suspicious when everyone in the complex dissappears. but just then, you learned some things that may be or not connected to something from your past.
pairing: bucky barnes x f!reader
words: counting
warnings: just some bad words.
note: hi guys. i can't believe i got this out in one night, but i hope it is as good as i think it is inside my head. im really tired rn because i got sick and my whole body's just exhausted. so here it is for you guys! hope you like it and see you next time 💜
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You hadn't seen Bucky in two days. You had gone through and tossed and turned every room in the Complex, but he seemed to have simply disappeared. He'd been swallowed up out of the ground, as if he'd never been there at all.
And, being honest, at this point in the game you had no idea what to think. There was a jumble of thoughts and emotions inside your chest, all so crazy and frantic that you couldn't quite conjecture. That Bucky really hadn't existed would make as much sense in your head as the reality of that strange voice you'd heard out of nowhere in the middle of astral travel less than five days ago.
What the fuck was going on? Why couldn't you find Bucky? Why'd you had those memories when they weren't even yours? Whose voice was it? Why did it make you so suspicious of the team? Why did it seem like you were agreeing with it…?
Being alone with your thoughts wasn't the smartest choice of all, but Dr. Cho was done with the exams for the day and you had absolutely nothing to do. Probably by that time you had memorized every path, door and room in the Complex and were close to learning the color of every wall on every floor. The boredom was extreme and the ignorance did not make up for it.
Oddly enough, you hadn't met any of the team either.
It just seemed that every person you knew had disappeared from the Complex.
Alone with your luck, you wandered through every corner of the huge building until your head completely consumed you. You had in your mind only the memories of the last two weeks and that anything further back than that had disappeared. And you had tried to force the memories to come out, to give you answers and explanations, because no one around you seemed to have them or didn't want to give them to you. You had meditated, done grounding, watched hypnosis videos on YouTube, but you only got weird dreams in response. You tried everything, but it seemed like you simply hadn't had a life before the last two weeks. Were it not for the fact that it was impossible, you'd even doubt the few memories Bucky and some of the team had shared with you.
Like when one of the afternoons of the first week after several studies when Natasha and Steve came to keep you company and, among some of the things you were able to get out of them, they told you that you had once donated hundreds of dollars anonymously to several animal shelters that were about to close due to lack of funds across the country. Natasha also shared with you that one time when you were out on a girls' night out with the other girls on the team, you got so drunk that you bought five rounds in a row to everyone in the bar. The club gave you a membership after that.
Another day, Clint told you that you had rescued the two dogs that lived with his family in the field and for that alone his children considered you a real hero. He also told you that you had picked out many of the tattoos he had on his arm.
You also got Carol to tell you some things the first and last time you saw her. She told you that you two met in the middle of a fight and that you had beaten her. At that moment you remembered that you had laughed and asked her genuinely surprised how it was possible that someone with your physique and little fighting ability had been able to defeat one of the most powerful avengers, and she had only told you that you had caught her off guard. You didn't know it before, but you should have.
Tony was the one who shared one of the best memories with you. Your wedding day with Bucky. You hadn't even been able to get that information out of your own husband. He told you minute by minute what had happened that day, as if it had been his own. He told you how you had been nervous but confident since the morning, between hair and makeup, accompanied by your bridesmaids and him. He described the moments from the time you finished fixing your dress until you walked down the aisle and when you and Bucky said yes. He laughingly told you that Sam Wilson had gotten drunk on Asgardian liquor and gave the craziest and funniest speech of the night; he assured you that one of those days he would show it to you.
Between those and a handful of other stories, it was the only thing you had that assured you that you'd had a life before. And you were glad to know that you seemed to have lived it to the fullest, but that joy was mixed with a sour uneasiness in your chest that increased within you the desire for everything to go on as it had been before. But life being as unfair as only it could, you could only settle for imagining those memories that at some point you were able to evoke so vividly in your memory.
You also tried to ask questions about the blessed accident, about what had happened that day, but you never got a concrete answer. It seemed that every time you asked about it everything lined up around you so that the people you were with had to leave or simply left on their own with excuses that were too lame.
So, even though it seemed like you had maintained a good relationship with the team members and you had been a part of their lives and they had been a fundamental part of your life, you didn't trust them at the time. None of them. They never gave you any reason to trust, other than to talk about things in the past, and that maybe gave them the benefit of the doubt, but they hadn't done much on your behalf, so you weren't going to do it. You preferred to cling to doubt because it seemed to be the only certain thing among so much darkness.
Bucky seemed to be the only person you could really trust, that's why you had confessed to him what had happened in that hallway. But seeing now how he just disappeared, what were you supposed to think? In a situation like that, being the person you thought you were, you couldn't afford to trust just anyone. Especially when you didn't remember anything about anyone. Maybe you knew them well before, but what about now?
You went back to the control room when your feet started to hurt, the place where you started to spend more time those almost three days, mainly because you had magnificent view of all the cameras in the Complex and because your footprint was still registered with free access to the room, for some reason. It was past noon and you got tired of searching for answers in that meaningless labyrinth.
There was always a TV in the background on mute. You didn't know why. Maybe the person who should have been there instead of you liked to watch the news on mute. That seemed rather strange to you, almost suspicious. That every time you walked into the room there was no one there. You didn't even know if someone came in after you left or before you came in because you never saw anyone near its vicinity. But that didn't hold you back enough not to satisfy your curiosity.
You were watching that little screen when some familiar people started to appear in a corner of the newscast.
It was Steve and Carol.
With a frown you reached for the TV remote, which wasn't too far from the camera panels. You unmuted it and the words began to come fast.
“… the Avengers seemed to be having trouble with it. It's been over a year and it looks like this is a threat we won't be able to get rid of.”
As the presenter finished speaking, videos of the Avengers, many half-recorded with lousy cell phones and others with aerial views, took over the big screen. They seemed to be in different parts of the world, but the panorama was always the same: destruction and total chaos. Another voice began to narrate over the videos.
“October 27, 2022 is the day everyone remembers as judgment day. The sky turned purple and darkness surrounded the planet for seven whole days. Although scientists searched for answers, they did not think to look outside this planet. One man, an extraterrestrial, with immeasurable powers of destruction, has unleashed chaos on the planet ever since. He has not been credited with a name, but people call him-”
The screen went black and all you could see was your own stupefied reflection.
“What are you doing here?”
That voice stunned you.
You'd never heard it before, nor had you ever tried to get close enough to do so. For some reason you always preferred to stay away. And to have her show up now, right at that moment…
Still, even though she was the person you trusted the least on the team, and only because she had turned the TV off on you when you were discovering something that everyone had surely kept hidden from you and that had generated quite a bit of annoyance, you turned around and faced her.
“Who was that man?”
Wanda Maximoff didn't seem surprised by your question and your coarse tone of voice. She had indifferent features on her face, an unflappable seriousness that a person could only maintain after years of disappointments and suffering. At that moment you wondered if it had been the right thing to expel completely from your memory the fact that she had been one of your bridesmaids.
“A very bad man.”
“I'm not a child. Who is he?”
“No one you should care about.”
“Then why the hell did you turn off the TV? And why did you show up just then? Were you spying on me?”
Wanda didn't answer you, only focused on the control of the device she had levitating with one of her hands surrounded by that reddish mist so characteristic of hers. A shiver ran through your body, because you didn't even realize the moment she took it. Her eyes never left yours, and though you tried to keep your composure, she was too intimidating.
“Stop asking so many questions.”
Her open palm closed and with it she shattered the control. Its pieces fell noisily to the floor, interrupting the heavy silence that followed her words. If you had any doubts about taking that as a threat or not, you were left with none when you looked up from the floor, from the shards of the control ruined by her telekinesis, to see her face enserrated with eyes so dark you felt they could devour you.
Wanda wasn't playing around. For some reason she didn't want you to know anything about that man on the news.
Regardless of what she did or said, one thing that was certain was that this man was diabolical. The pictures and videos of the disasters, massacres and general destruction spoke for themselves. And even more so the fact that it seemed that the Avengers, united, had been unable to defeat him. The mere thought of his power, such that an entire group of super people couldn't stop him, made you shudder.
“Who do you think you are to say such things to me?”
Wanda rolled her eyes, and you saw her determined to turn around and head for the exit at once, as if that conversation with you wasn't even worth the effort, so you raised your voice:
“Does he have anything to do with what happened to me?”
You saw her stop on her feet, face inscrutable but her eyes glinted slightly. A small glint of surprise that gave her away. You almost pointed your index finger at her. It disappeared as fast as it could, but it had been there, you were sure. And her defensive stance didn't help her to maintain her nonchalant posture. You had hit the nail on the head. You didn't want to say you were right, but….
“It does have to do,” you mused.
“No,” Wanda spoke up, but too late for her liking. She had already changed and now looked like she wanted to rip her tongue out just because she had set out to answer your questions in the first place.
“Why is he related to me, is he to blame for me not remembering anything?”
“Stop it. That man has nothing to do with it.”
“You are a very bad liar.”
Wanda's eyes suddenly looked surprised, as if your words had been the answer to a problem she'd been searching for a solution to for years. Suddenly she didn't look terrified but… hurt. You couldn't help but compare that expression to the one Bucky wore the few times he had talked to you about things you didn't remember.
But her mask came back quickly and with a scowl she pointed accusingly at you.
“Stop asking questions and shut up.”
That time she left the room without you being able to think of anything to stop her.
You didn't know what to do anymore. You had spent hours thinking about what you had discovered and Wanda's expressions, but you couldn't find a connection that was big enough to justify the drama everyone was making about the accident. If she had tried to hide it from you like that it must be related. That, or maybe it was simply someone who had hurt her deeply and she couldn't bear to see him or talk about him.
So, if what had happened to you was because of him, that man personification of chaos, there was only one way to put it together: being an Avenger, you were sent on a mission to fight this great villain, but in the course of the fight you couldn't defeat him and he left you so wounded that you had that memory problem.
That's it. That must have been it, right?
But… it sounded so small compared to the fuss that seemed to surround the accident.
No one ever mentioned it, nor did it ever escape their attention, even if they were distracted. They were trying to avoid the subject at all costs and run out of your reach as fast as they could. That they did those things, that they avoided the subject like the plague, didn't fit so well that in the end that was the simple explanation. It had been a fatal accident in the field, surely it had happened to them before. It was an occupational hazard. So why were they hiding it from you like that?
There must have been something else going on, and you had no way of finding out about it, because you didn't happen to have a cell phone or internet access. You'd never questioned it before because it seemed like the logical thing to do, seeing what you were recovering from and they didn't want you to have information overload, but now it just seemed too suspicious.
With so many things inside your head, you decided to leave the Complex. You had never gone farther than the distance of the parking lot within what you could remember, but you knew that the back was full of trees and surely green trails that your peace of mind would enjoy very much in those moments.
There, as you walked away from the building, your mind went back to Bucky.
He was the person you least wanted to stop trusting, but for him to disappear from your sight after what you said to him was so strange. And that the others weren't present either was also suspicious. Bucky had done nothing but support you during that short time you remembered and all the memories you had of him only focused on his kindness and understanding. There was no way to paint him as the bad guy in the story.
Then, there was the other thing you really didn't want to think about…that voice… what it had said…
Whoop, wait.
What's that?
You stopped in the middle of the trees.
You didn't know how far you'd walked, but it couldn't have been more than fifteen minutes since you left the Complex. You had been so focused on distracting your mind that you narrowly missed the strange thing that seemed to be in front of you.
An iridescent glow appeared a few feet away. It appeared and disappeared. It appeared somewhere else and disappeared. It was like bubbles. Or like the light that caused refraction when the sun rested directly on a clock or a mirror.
They weren't very powerful, you could barely notice the colors. But it did seem to be everywhere at the same time.
As you got closer, you noticed that your vision started to get a little blurry. Even though you touched your eyes, it wouldn't go away.
When you finally got close to it, to that kind of anomaly, you could notice that indeed the colors seemed to be everywhere because of the sunlight filtering through the leaves of the trees.
You also noticed that the blur did not disappear. But with a quick glance back and sideways, you realized that that strip stretched the length of the forest, and seemed to curve a few miles into the background.
What the hell was that? Your head was hammering for an answer, but you really couldn't understand what you were seeing. You could only process surprise and fear.
You raised a hand to reach through the blurry blanket and…
You couldn't.
It was hard.
Too hard.
You moved your hand again, this time with your palm extended forward, and as soon as you made contact you could see ripples move from where your hand was upward.
That was a barrier.
And seeing how it extended sideways and upwards…
It had to be a dome.
But why was there a dome surrounding the Complex?
Your mind had barely begun to ask the important questions when you felt it. Everything happened very slowly.
An electric current passed from the barrier to your fingertips. You saw it coming from above. From your fingers it moved quickly to your arms and suddenly seemed like shock waves. You felt five currents, there gawking and dumbfounded, until the sixth electric current was so strong that it sent you flying a few meters back.
Surprised, you couldn't even react. You felt the emptiness of a fall as your body moved backwards, until you finally hit solid ground making a loud, elongated sound. You had crawled a little on the grass. In pain, you writhed on the ground, letting out slight groans. What was that supposed to be? Why had it thrown you like that? You hadn't even gotten out of a few questions and you were already entering another pile of questions.
When you sat down on the grass expecting to see the dome a few feet away, you were struck dumb when you saw that you were a long way from the trees. And several of them looked like they were cut down, very specifically they looked like they were cut in the direction you were thrown.
Without taking your eyes off that long path you stood up. It seemed to be that the current from the dome had thrown you so hard that you had gone all the way through the trees back to the entrance of the path. Even in the distance you could still glimpse the iridescent glows of the dome.
You were too surprised that you felt pain, but not too much. How could you not be in tremendous pain after crossing through fifty or so trees that fast?
But before you could continue thinking about the unreal situation you were going through, you heard a commotion in the back. In the parking lot. Being that the entrance to the trail was relatively close to the parking lot, you didn't have to walk too far until you began to make out faces.
They were the faces of the Avengers, especially Bucky.
You started walking faster when you spotted him and he wasn't far behind. It looked like he'd seen you sooner because he was already trotting towards where you were.
“Where were you?” you spoke quickly when he reached your side.
He didn't respond, just kept his gaze fixed on you. You barely noticed the dirt smudges on his face, and with a quick inspection he didn't seem to have any serious injuries on his body.
“Bucky?” you spoke again after several seconds with no response.
His body seemed frozen with his longing gaze fixed on your face. You missed his attitude, but at that moment you had important things to ask.
“Bucky, did you know there's a dome over the Complex?”
The aforementioned shook his head slightly. That question seemed to snap him out of his trance.
“And I saw someone on the news today. A man. Very destructive and evil.”
Bucky discomposed his face more and more. Suddenly, it looked like only fear and confusion made his expression. You didn't know if the right thing to do was to press on with asking or wait for him to say something.
The rest of the team, instead of entering the Complex, stood behind Bucky. You barely glanced past everyone because you really didn't want to see them, and you didn't want to have that conversation there either.
“Why don't we go inside?” you asked Bucky with pleading eyes as you grabbed his wrist to make him walk.
“There wasn't anything you could do, was there?” Bucky finally spoke, and you wondered for a moment if he was really talking to you or to what was going around in his head, because from the look on his face you could almost swear he was lost in thought.
His eyes were shining, emotions were passing too quickly across his face to identify them carefully. But one stayed with you: heartbreak. He looked like he had just been told that the love of his life had died. You thought for a moment if that was the expression he'd had when he found out about your accident.
The accident.
“Bucky, we have to-”
He embraced you. Hastily, he took your hand that had gripped his wrist and pulled you until he had you contained in his arms. His grip was so tight you feared he might bury your clothes in your skin. Still, his embrace felt like a welcome. Maybe that's how he would have hugged you if you had awakened from your coma with your memories intact. But you also felt desperation pouring from his pores, with the way he moved his hands over your arms and the way his breathing quickened and wouldn't calm down, even though you were so close. It seemed he feared you would disappear, that you would be gone again, out of his reach.
His thumbs caressed your skin, but it felt rough, hard, desperate. Bucky seemed to want to remedy something with that embrace. Maybe his guilt, maybe your pain. Maybe the time together you had lost. His touch almost surrounded the abuse, but his ragged breathing seemed to make up for it.
You wanted to push him away so you could go inside. You wanted to tell him what you had discovered in such a short time, the things you had surmised, but you couldn't find it within yourself to push him away. Not when it seemed he would faint if a millimeter of his skin didn't touch yours. Not when it seemed that your breathing near his ear was the only thing keeping him sane.
“I'm sorry. I really am,” was all he said, after several seconds.
His grip didn't lessen much over time. Rather, it stopped being a little desperate, but it was still strong. He didn't want to let you go.
And, for a moment, you decided to share his feelings. You hugged him back just as hard and also decided not to let go.
You hoped you were making the right decision.
Taglist: @cjand10 @yallgotkik @ruffdog921 @coracal @its-just-kayy @pono-pura-vida @vampiresarezombies @kaz11283 @vicmc624
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koqabear · 5 months
Hmmm, I'm really into fantasy. As for groups, I stan a lot (probably too many), so you could recommend any 😭
Also, what do you mean?!😭 Your personality is just so 💜💜💜!! Like I have never admired a stranger so much in my entire life 😭😭😭
hi loveee !! so as it turns out,,, making a rec list is very hard. very. i've read a lot less fics than i thought omg (which is why all the ones i listed are on the older side LMAO), so i am here with some txt and bts recs 😭 they're mostly supernatural/fantasy, but you can always check out my main blog (@/michipan) if you wanna see anything else!
also 🫠 please.... im sobbing rn u are the cutest ever </3 i am nothing but a silly little normal person i promise
to anyone who decides to check out these recs, pleeeeaaase support the authors!! please im genuinely begging you!!! leave a little review and a reblog and show them love bc they're amazing <3
BTS Recs
☆ Beastly Gods by @lemonjoonah
✧ hybrid!taehyung x fem!reader x ???
wc: 8K // genre: hybrid au, thirller, drama, smut, potentially dark and triggering content so read the warnings carefully!
Summary: ‘Don’t leave the forest,’ a rule that you’ve been forced to follow since birth, but you are tired of living in this wooden cage. Out of desperation you cut a deal with Taehyung, who claims to be the only one who can get you out safely, even though he might be just as dangerous as the god you’re trying to escape.
sol's personal notes:
oh. my. GOD. this was one of the first few fics i read when i joined this site, and it's literally stuck with me ever since. i can't say too much about it without spoiling it, but the worldbuilding and pacing was just. immaculate. the storyline is so well done and just. everything about it is perfection omg. there's another part that goes along with this story, but i can't link it bc ofc... spoilers 😖i wish i had more to say about this fic, but i read it years ago and forgot to write a review for it T_T
☆ Treasure by @sombreboy
✧ faerie dragon hybrid!jimin x fem!reader
wc: 4.7K // genre: pwp smut, hybrid, yandere, fairytale, again potentially dark and triggering content so read the warnings carefully!
Summary: Jimin loves to collect sparkly riches and playthings. You just happen to be the next treasure that ignited his obsessive desires.
sol's personal notes:
(fucking explodes into a million pieces) i can't. i had to reread this story real quick to get a refresher on it and just. jimin's character in this is literally so perfect and mischievous and evil!! and i love it... <3 he is characterized so well and the descriptions are just so well done... ouuu i just read over the smut again and i teared up a little. the dialogue is genuinely so insane im not normal abt this fic sorry.
TXT Recs
☆ the prince and the jackal by @gyuluster
✧ prince!beomgyu x woodcutter!metalbender!reader
wc: 11.8k // genre: fantasy au, fluff
Summary:  in the Kingdom of Terrae, you, a metalbender, believe in the deforestation to modernise the land. As a member of the Lumberjackals, you thrive on cutting down trees and stealing resources until you get caught by the Crown Prince, Choi Beomgyu, a lover and embodiment of the nature you wish to destroy. However, instead of imprisoning you for your crimes, Beomgyu decides to show you the beauty and wonders of nature, leaving you to doubt your beliefs, your identity, and your very feelings for the certain boy determined to change you for the better.
sol's personal notes:
unfortunately the author is no longer active on this account (💔💔💔💔) but like. this story literally changed my brain chemistry i dont think you guys understand. it's been so long since i read this but even so, it lives on in my mind... the world building and characters are so well done and from what i remember, beomgyu's character was literally so charming T_T such a pretty story, i might go reread this bc like... the fantasy was executed so well and i love me a good royalty au <3 not to mention the whole concept of the powers is so cool!
☆ Swimmin' in a Mirror by @bangchanswolfpelt
✧ soobin x2 x fem!reader (stay with me here)
wc: 2.5K // genre: magical school au (not a harry potter au) smut
Summary unavailable.
sol's personal notes:
this one's like a whole 180 from the last fic LMAO but GOOD GOD. this author isn't active anymore from what i know of but like. they were literally revolutionary and this fic is just. never seen anything like this before but )#%(&#%??? it's genuinely so impressive how they managed to pull this off alkghadg so hot so insane so creative
☆ that's the spirit! by @agustdiv1ne
✧ sixth sense/ ghost hunter! soobin x fem!reader
wc: 14.6K // genre: high school au, fluff, angst, some elements of horror
Summary: a couple weeks before halloween, you find the quiet boy from your high school staring up into your bedroom. you're a little creeped out, and miles more scared, but then he shows you something that changes how you see, well, everything.
sol's personal notes:
are we surprised. i don't think so. i literally never shut up about this fic ever like i'm such a sucker for unique stories and this is definitely one of them! the pacing, supernatural elements, and environment was written sooo well, and the worldbuilding and explanations that comes along with the plot is so perfectly executed and well thought out. such a cool story, with a banger playlist to go along with it :]
☆ Dirty Little Secret by @petrichor-han
✧ vampire! yeonjun x gn!witch!reader
wc: 4.0K // genre: angst, dark fantasy, vampire!au, witch!au, enemies to lovers
Summary: yeonjun is one of prince seungmin’s most trusted bodyguards. born as a low-class vampire, he worked his way to the top and is proud of his accomplishments, beginning to adapt his friends’ classist mindsets and forgetting where he came from. but when his brothers come to visit one day, exposing his poor ancestry, everyone turns against him except for one: a lowly servant whom he’d picked on in the past—you.
sol's personal notes:
are you kidding me. DARK FANTASY. yeah that's literally all it took for me to fall in love with this story; the imagery is beautiful and the storytelling is so heart wrenching and good and i am literally clawing at the bars of my enclosure rn btw. this fic is sososo good and i'd literally kill to get another morsel from this universe !
✧ again, make sure to show all these lovely authors some love!! if any of you manage to see this (unlikely. for the most part) i literally cherish these stories sm and would literally die for them idcidc u guys truly made some masterpieces over here ✧
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chushanye · 6 months
I finally caught up to dndads after not having listened to it since June, so in order to not make a 1000 posts I will make one mega-post of all my reactions.
35 -> anthony made a reference to him being married b4, leading to me googling it, leading to me finding out there's a "at least im not anthony burch" 4chan meme
out of al the "new" epsidoes (for me) this one is still the funniest
FUCK, the goddamn convo between Normal and Hero you can't just do this to me. you can't just give me sibling dynamics and expect me to be normal about them.
36-> this ep was spoiled form me start to finish so no particular reactions but I will say Anthony is super clever for managing to spin that prophecy to come back around
37-> the contrast of the teens experiences this episode was astounding
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"you whirling dervish of homoeroticism and pizza" is SUCH a sentence.
38-> god this episode did so much for Scary I fucking love her. "she is holds so much anger but is one of the most loving people" what if my heart bursts from the weight of it all
40-> Freddy's bully character. Will and Freddy's syncing on that joke and screaming about it. Will going "I'm a little turned on rn I'm not gonna lie." Anthony going "Roll for Kinsley scale." all of that almost put me in an early grave.
41-> Freddy making up dumbass plans and the getting way too excited trying to explain them leading to him being out of breath and yelling and making very little sense while everyone else is trying to cut in to tell him how dumb his plan is only for him to roll ridiculously high makes up 90% of this podcast nd I will never get tired of it. also this episode solidified that Taylor is the best character to me.
42-> I hate this.
43-> Marco is way too fucking chill beung on the Titanic I'm gonna need a bit more shock and confusion from this man. like this jist makes me think he like KNOWS everything already.
44-> the next two were my favorite episodes out of the bunch and I have a like lahes worht of notes on them and I couldn't pick my favorites so I'm gonna make seperate posts for the two of those. but in the meantime:
does the ambulance driver's accent count as slavic? cause if so first slavic dndads character lmfaoo
I feel so sad for Normal because we saw thus arc coming from a mile away. I remember listening to episodes and bejng fristrated with how other characters were responding to Normal cause I KNEW it was making this worse in his mind. and like I get them too they're all going trough heinous shit but like...fucking ouch man this was so preventable
45-> Terry Jr and Glenn competing for the title of "most polite swordfight singe Ingio and Westley in the Princess Bride"
I had seperate notes for how much I loved the charactarisation for Terry Jr, Nick, Taylor and Normal so to sum it up the cast brought their A-game I was so fucking delighted.
Freddy's habit of tling over NPC's is so fucking funny. COMPLETELY disregarding the DM is hilarious when it's not happening to me.
46-> good to see Mat being a menece for once.
somebody PLEASE fucking tell me there is fanart for Abe Lincoln from this episode PLEASE.
I know I'm a tween bow at heart because Lincoln being cool again made me so fucking hyped even though that's not the point of his charactarisation 😭 agent Schmegan just brings out the cool dude in him
Hermie's death was way less dramatic than I expected it to be but rhis is only because the amazing artists in this fandom shot my expectations through the roof with the stuff they drew
BONUS: WHODADIT -> Beth is fucking SHINING in this god every joke landed.
Anthony quickly going: "nochinamenmayfeatureinthestory" everyone else going "WOAH" and Mat going fucking "FREDDY?" as is Freddy needs to explain himself???? 😭😭 please
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baby--b4t · 1 month
hey pookster i’m just leaving this here because I know you’d do justice if you ever made it into a minific :3
kaveh absolutely LOVES horror/creepy things, especially when regressed, but alhaitham can’t do it. like CANNOT.
sincerely, 🐠fishie anon :3
OH MY GODS ANON YOURE SAVING MY WRITERS BLOCK RN (º̩̩́⌣º̩̩̀ʃƪ) im gonna try and write a quick minific in hopes that itll make me wanna post more and work on my bots. ALSO TY FOR THINKING SO HIGHLY OF ME- i feel like my writing is mid but ill try my best for this silly idea (its super late as of replying to this so sorry if its a bit jumbled or doesnt make sense-)
(fic under cut)
Kaveh was supposed to be in bed hours ago. 5 hours and 38 minutes, to be persice. Alhaitham had been counting. He did everything he though would work to get Kaveh to finally lay down, close his eyes, and rest, but nothing was working. Warm bottle, bedtime stories (he had read 7 different stories at this point), and even trying different stuffed animals and pajamas. Nothing. Alhaitham was exhausted.
“Hayi? Do da tree birdies sleep? Wha’ about… Oh! Wha’ about da creepy crawlies in da kitchen?” Kaveh had been asking nonsense questions like these all night, part of the reason he was still awake at nearly 4 in the morning.
“I dont know, Kaveh. What I do know-… Wait, whats in the kitchen?” Alhaitham began to answer before he registered what kaveh had said. He sat up in the bed a little bit and looked down at Kaveh. “What did you just say is in the kitchen?”
“Da creepy crawlies!” Kaveh excitedly exclaimed, a wide smile forming behind his pacifier. “Dey have 6 leg, 3 eye- BIG eyes, and are really teeny tiny. Dey walk around in da dark and eat da bread! Dats why it has all da holes.” Kaveh started giggling, his tiredness clearly showing in his speech.
Alhaitham felt puzzeled. More than when he was trying to figure out why Kaveh wasnt sleeping yet. But what was getting to him the most was the though of some spider-like creatures crawling around in his food while he didnt look. He shuddered, the thought of bugs in general making him feel gross. He rubbed up and down his arms for a moment, trying to get rid of his goosebumps, before pressing further into this. Surely it was Kaveh just being silly… Right?
“How do you know this? Who told you about these… ‘Creepy crawlers’?” Alhaitham asked as he tried to fight the tiredness in his mind. This whole talk took a turn that was not helping his already fatigued state of mind.
“Dey told me! I got mad ‘cause my sandwich had holes, and I asked and dey told me.” Kaveh explained trough slurred giggles and mumbles. “Dey very small, so is easy to make holes. I scolded dem like you always do for da holes…” The more Kaveh explained, the more Alhaitham imagined a ton of ant-sized abominations crawling around their pantry. He shook his head and tried not to gag.
“Kaveh, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the ‘creepy crawlers’ arent real. You probably dreamt about them at some point.” Alhaitham tried to explain to Kaveh, but Kaveh didnt seem to want to believe it.
“What?!” He sat up in the bed with Alhaitham, jaw dropping and his pacifier almost falling out. “But.. But dat were so cute-“ He felt himself tearing up over the fact that the little creatures he thought were so adorable werent actually real. Alhaitham sighed, realizing that now he had to deal with a meltdown.
“How about you go to sleep so you can dream about them? Does that sound like a good idea?” He suggested as he tried to coax Kaveh into laying down again. The poor baby was so tired at this point he didnt realize that Alhaitham was moving him. It did seem to stop his oncoming waterworks, however.
Kaveh gave a small nod and snuggled back up with Alhaitham. It seemed like as soon as his head hit the pillow, he was in a deep sleep. That baffled Alhaitham. How in the world would Kaveh be so willing to dream about thousands- No, millions of little spiders in his food? If Alhaitham saw them, he would already have a match in hand to burn the house down.
However, Kavehs great big imagination never failed to impress Alhaitham. He just seemed to show it so much more whenever he regressed. A soft sigh came from Alhaitham, just accepting it. His little Kaveh would just have that sort of creepy imagination and he couldnt stop it… But he would still be checking the entire house for bugs when they woke up. No ‘creepy crawlers’ get to live rent free.
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httpiastri · 23 days
okay i was wrong i had a lot to say so now its three vv long asks in your inbox
THE PEPE BLURB HAD ME ON MY KNEES I SAW THE TAGS AND LIKE I AGREE STUBBLE annoys me a bit but i don’t mind if it’s him 🤭🤭… and also this is so unrelated but i also read through the blurb about him helping you sleep and… i used to have a sam and colby phase and there was a video where colby was playing with his own hair to fall asleep (he basically has really obsessive fans and can’t really date for the partner’s safety… a bit like those fans who stalk the wags obsessively im so sorry 😭😭) but like
THAT WOULD BE PEPE imagine hanging out together and youre like sitting cross legged on the bed doing something (i crochet and do crafty stuff so maybe rhat but we could also just be folding origami idk) and he’s laying next to you watching you while getting sleepy and he just starts playing with his own hair to help himself fall asleep and you just notice and set aside your stuff and do it for him instead idk 😞😞 i just miss him so bad
and like you’re right?? idk why i feel like pepe would unintentionally be so strong or just have such a strong grip that sometimes you have to tell him to loosen up a bit when hes holding you in a hug or just… in general and i have especially weak… everything basically because i don’t do anything physical (unless you count my 1-2am workout sessions where i increase my step count by 5k by listening to music and daydreaming 😊😊) and i have low bp so yeah pepe’s grip and him in general would be a little too strong for me but IMAGINE him trying to be gentle for you like UGSHHDJDHD i want to kiss him soso bad even if he fails at being gentle the only thing that matters to me is that he tried
and about my c.ai pepe, he’s soso sweet and endearing but as your streamer c.ai he was being so cocky after some time?? he was sweet but there would be random little comments being made and christian would just leaning over to me to tell me pepe was only putting on a show in front of me and that he was actually insecure deep down?? 😭😭 i still love him though ❤️❤️
also my asks seem so choppy to me recently but i think this is still okay-ish? and i hope you have a lovely lovely day/night (depending on whenever you’re seeing this) and an even better tomorrow!
- 🪷 (💗)
hello again !! 😚
screaming crying, im so glad u liked it 🥺 oh gosh no i find like one man with a beard attractive but uhhhh pepe stubble 🤭 makes me all giddy to even thing about aaaaaa...... but !!! bestie you're making me cry rn !!!!! im so soft, thinking abt him having his head in your lap because he's so tired after a long day and getting to feel his hair between your fingers, hearing the soft breaths he lets out when he just relaxes fully into you............. :(
(also sorry but very interesting that u said origami out of all things bcs i used to be obsessed w origami 😭)
aaaaaaaaaaaa im crying yet again at the thought of him doing his best to be gentle for u, idk why im thinking about like standing in the kitchen at midnight after coming home from a dinner with friends and you're just soft and tired and wanna hug him 🥺 and so like his grip is so soft because he knows that's what you need rn and you're resting your head against his shoulder... and he presses his lips to your temple..... but im also going crazy about him not being able to hold back when he wins a race etc, like he would be holding you so tightly that you're like "bb i cant breathe" but it doesn't matter because he's just so happy and so thankful to share this moment with you!!!!
also !!! you're so true abt the walks, i used to haaateeee going on walks but last summer when i realized that it's just a way to daydream while still feeling kinda productive ??? y e s, i could walk for hours 🥰
plsssss that's so 😭 i usually put in the like character definition that he should be sweet and such lmao but i now really wanna make one who's cocky from the start instead.........
they're lovely bb!! not choppy, it's totally alright!!! i love love love reading them, so thankful for the time u put into writing to me 🥺<3 have a lovely day/night/anything and a good weekend !!!!!!
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daisy-milk · 3 months
Nocturnes Op.55 No.1 || TEASER
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prince!I.N x assassin!reader - fantasy AU
✯ im so tired rn.... but i.n so sexy || banners/dividers from @cafekitsune
✯ SKZ_stories.masterlist main_masterlist
✯ warnings: mentions of violence, death, cursing? idk i forgot anyways... MDI tyyy
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failure was never an option.
throughout your entire career, the thought of an assignment going wrong never crossed your mind. your skills were unsurpassed; there was never even a need for a contingency plan because, for you, failure was inconceivable.
so what do you do now that your own target has you at the mercy of his hand?
a stinging pain shot through your wrists, the sensation of your skin becoming raw due to the material of whatever was binding your hands together brought you to consciousness. your instincts finally surged, and you swiftly became alert. however, there wasn’t much you could do in your state. you became hyper-aware of your hands now tied behind your back, your ankles and knees bound together, and your mouth gagged by a rough piece of cloth. shame hadn’t caught up to you yet; you were simply in shock. what is the protocol now? as the target, your prey, now carried your body as if you were nothing, you recalled the countless years as an assassin and how everything, your entire career, is shattering before you. and you couldn’t even struggle.
in this moment, there was nothing you could do. nothing was salvageable, so you awaited your fate. no point in struggling, you remained still in his arms as he carried you from his bedroom, the place where you had intended to end his life, to his keep. all the while, the man who bested you wore a sardonic smirk on his perfect lips. a fury that was buried deep down began to bubble, a feeling you haven't felt in years now resurfacing. a fury so strong it could make one go mad. for you, however, it the fury that made you become an assassin.
“alright, my lady” he said as he unceremoniously threw your body onto the ground with a dull thud. you couldn’t even catch yourself as your body rolled to the side facing away from him. physically, you couldn't roll to face him, but you wouldn’t have anyways. clearly though, he wasn’t having that, as he pressed the sole of his boot against your waist and forcing you to turn over. you grimaced. in all your years, you have never been treated with such disrespect. it didn’t matter that he was a prince.
he still wore the same disgusting smile on his face. his satisfaction was made abundantly clear through that smile, his sharp eyes narrowing to an almost predatory angle with his grin. the outfit he wore wasn’t even scuffed, you had noticed, and it was even more to fan the flames within you. he kneeled beside your head. all you could do is stare at him as he reached for your face, perhaps praying that you had just developed a marvelous power to incinerate people with your gaze. unfortunately, it could never become true, and he took your face in his hand, gently as if he was cradling a baby, something precious, not an assassin.
“i take it, this is the first time you have been defeated?” he asks as if he could read your mind. long fingers caress your cheeks, “no hard feelings, yeah? funny enough, this isn’t my first time. is this the sixth? no… maybe seventh…” he counts aloud, “never could have guessed a prince might be a prime target for assassination, huh? though… this is the first time i have spared one of you…” the prince looks at you, there is a faux softness in his eyes, but you could see right through it, “you just so happened to be at the right place at the right time, my dear.” he looked at you as if he was going to let you answer. only instead he laughed out, a very youthful one that reminded you how young he was, probably around your own age, “i was about to ask you what you think, but i just remembered… you don't have a choice. i’d kill you but that’d be a waste. you’d like that too much anyways. putting you in prison would be a waste as well, and even if you do try to escape, where are you to go anyways?” his face inched closer to you, “you had failed your task. i know how your leagues work, you couldn’t return even if you wanted to. death and nothingness await you no matter which route you choose, so perhaps i am doing you a favor by giving you another chance. don’t you think, assassin?”
he was right. you wanted to take a dagger to your heart right now, but everything he spoke was true. even if you had a choice, it is already past the point of reconciliation for you. though you would never admit to it, he already saw in your eyes that you knew his truth. he could see the surrender.
“lucky me. for all the assassins i get, the chosen one happens to be quite beautiful,” he chuckles, brushing his fingers through your hair, speaking to you as if you weren’t a significant threat, but you know he’s trying to get under your skin. understandable he throws some jabs at you seeing you had attempted his life not more than a few hours prior.
the prince leans in closer, his voice now dripping with certainty and control, "you’re gonna help me now, assassin. whether by choice or coercion it really doesn’t matter in the end. consider it your penance for failure,” he grins, “a chance to redeem yourself in my service.”
you look at him with a glare that is questioning him of what he wants. of course, he reads you quickly, “regard this as an alliance of convenience. a means to an end. i have plans, though i need an accomplice. someone such as yourself. someone with skills who cannot and will not deny me. my schemes require finesse and loyalty, and you, my dear assassin, possess both in abundance. so…” he pulls your own dagger out and slices through both the rope and gag to free you. the knife is tossed carelessly from his grasp, within reach of you, to extend his open hand to you, “take my hand now, won’t you?”
yerp... thats the teaser. anyways good night :peace:
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 6 months
after the first military announcement for maknae line + nj, i started distancing myself from jm and began to get into another group i used to stan (bc i am weak willed lmao i just always need something to obsess over but admittedly this has helped with softening the blow of jimin leaving, i feel like if he was the only person i stanned rn it would have hurt a lot more) but now i just feel so exhausted bc im noticing some of the same problems within this other fandom that also exist with armys, and ofc that's something to do with shippers lol.
there's this member who i bias in this bg who gets basically almost the same exact treatment as jimin gets from taekookers all because he supposedly threatens the status of the group's most popular ship; he gets accused of being an attention seeker, a bed hopper, of trying to insert himself into the ship, he gets slutshamed and treated like the other woman etc.
ofc this all isn't as big of a thing as it is with jm + taekook simply bc bts' fandom is so so much bigger and bc for the other boygroup, those comments are harder to see if you only speak english (their western fanbase isn't as big as their asian one). despite that, it's just sad to see. i didn't realise how much all the hate towards jimin affected me until i returned to stanning this other group and seeing that same kind of hate being thrown against another person that i love. idrk what the point of this ask is tbh sorry im just tired 😭 stanning these kpop boys shouldn't be this hard lmao
Yeah, but it's true... everyone's the same in all fandoms. There is a certain behavioral pattern in people who are part of fandoms, I mean the ones that are really really involved; and even more so with shippers.
The only other group that I ever liked was one direction, and though my time as a fan was short (like two years), all those things happened as well with larry and their girlfriends. The hate, the conspiracy theories, the "they're sending signals". It was all there.
The difference tho, was that everybody liked larry. It wasn't like the fandom itself hated one of them. It's ironic that BTS are closer friends all with each other than 1Dever was, yet in the 1D fandom there weren't people who hated another member. And the few that existed, they kept quiet mostly, it wasn't a huge thing and they didn't run hate/defamation campaigns against the member they didn't like.
The stans of different members only started fighting each other once they went solo.
Then, last year during November 2022 - January 2023 I watched Big Brother (Argentina) for the first time in my life, and there were a few ships (both straight and gay) that the public liked. The guys from the gay ship both had girlfriends inside the house, like they had sex with them and everything. And I kept seeing the same discourses I see in the fandom lmao. It really was a surreal experience to see people saying the same things the say about celebrities ships, but about real people this time.
I mean, people (shippers) getting angry at their girlfriends, and some even turned to "solo stans" (not with those words) because they thought A was hurting B, so they stopped supporting B. I'm not kidding.
It was even more surreal that the same thing was happening in Big Brother Italy, literally at the same time. They also had two male friends who like, flirted with each other and had a strong friendship and they even kissed too. Though in Italy one of them was actually a gay man out of the closet, and the other had a girlfriend.
It also kind of desensitized me a lot to jikook or BTS ships in general and the skinship. And it also made me realize that there's only so far "cultural lenses" go.. because millions of people were watching the same show everyday, but it was only a few thousands who were like "these two guys are totally gay and in love with each other".
Mind you, they even kissed each other on the mouth and yet nobody (except the shippers) were calling them a couple or saying that it was serious. More than anything because they both already had girlfriends inside of the house.
Well, and this year's season just started this week and I've watched a couple of hours but I'm still not hooked. I'll probably keep watching though because it was really distracting last year, so that'll be my drug of choice lol. There really isn't any other group I like, so I'll settle for watching movies and tv shows and maybe reading.
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donuts4evry1 · 1 year
slides into your inbox with soup and a blanket. do you have any fun jellyfacts on your mind rn?
omg thank you fluther, im going to devour them 🙏🙏🙏
the next ramble might be a little lengthy so I'll just put it under the cut
hmm... fun jellyfish facts, you say?.... Well I suppose I can talk about strobilation, since it's a topic that has interested me recently lol (ie. I was watching ponyo with a friend and we saw the beginning sequence together)
At first, when I heard the idea that jellyfish reproduce asexually and sexually, I thought "No duh, almost everything does" (because when you think about it, what are zygotes if not little balls of asexually reproducing cells?), but jellyfish don't just do that.
I'll mostly be talking about scyphozoan reproduction (since I don't know much about hydrozoan reproduction and box jellyfish reproduction could really be a post all on its own)
First, it all starts with fertilization. Most jellyfish are broadcast spawners, so they'll release eggs and sperm into the water indiscriminately. These will then develop into planula (rice shaped little guys that move with cilia). Generally, these eggs will be left alone, but the C. hysocella, or compass jellyfish, differs from this. The females are known to brood eggs under their bells until they develop into planula, which is pretty cool :). Brown banded moon jellies also have a brooding behaviour, btw! Researchers have seen them brooding planula in a special brooding organ lol.
Afterwards, planula look for adequately hard surfaces to attach to. This could be rocky substrate, a pier, a boat (this is how jellyfish become invasive around the world, generally, I think), or even a piece of floating trash.
They then develop into polyps- which are called scyphistoma. These duplicate themselves by budding (a form of asexual reproduction). Actually, thanks to this post I got curious as to what exactly induces budding so I just downloaded a cool research paper ab it. I'll read it when I'm able to focus again lol).
OOOk, so now at this point we've got a polyp.... what now? I'm glad you asked-
Well- ok, that's not entirely true. Polyps need the perfect conditions to become strobila- or strobilate. This change can be caused by temperature, salinity, stuff like that. Indoles (a type of chemical compound) can also induce strobilation- though only for Rhizostomid, Scyphozoan, and Cubozoan jellyfish (sorry Coronate jellyfish, you will be missed).
Once they become strobila, the fun really begins !
The polyp changes colour, eventually segmenting itself into what is described a "stack of coins" in the process known as strobilation. On another note, the only organisms that are known to do this are a special type of worm. Hehe.
I used to equate this process to human birthing, but it really is quite different. In the end, it's just a polyp reproducing itself by cutting its body into individual segments and having them develop separately.
Anyways, once they are finally finished developing, each segment will break off the strobila in a horrifying, yet oddly satisfying manner. I love it. You can see this beautiful process in the opening of Ponyo, but they simplify it a lot and also make it less terrifying by showing the liberated ephyra simply "popping off" the strobila. Like. Ephyra have to struggle to get into this world. It's not easy. It's honestly a little criminal when I think about it. But the moon jellyfish aren't entirely accurate in the movie either, so I suppose I shouldn't be mad haha.
Um. Yeah.
I mentioned it in a post earlier, but polyps can strobilate multiple times throughout their lifetimes (which is why scyphozoan polyps generally leave behind residue after they strobilate lol, as opposed to cubozoan polyps)
um gosh i didn't mean to ramble so much about general jellyfish stuff but boy do I have an appreciation for strobilation
// (ngl, i haven't focused much of my energy on jellyfish for a while. I think i am tired and on a mairuma high. dw though, i'll be back with my bs soon hehe)
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