#im sure that a lot of you would call them hills but i am from northern virginia
mactavishsgfandwife · 7 months
saw that ur reqs r open, and i love all ur work sooo here i am lol
what would the tf141 boys be like w a reader who’s into horror? (i was thinking reader is like rlly sweet but loves playing horror video games or smth, but u can interpret it however u want!)
i can js imagine johnny freaking out when he sees reader playing like,,silent hill or smth. or resident evil 7 (can u tell im a horror game nerd lol)
but yeah! js a silly little idea i had, feel free not to write it if u don’t want to! have a good day, ily!
TF141 Watching a Horror Movie With You 🎃
hi omg this is such a cute concept!! thank you so much for the support, you have no idea how much i appreciate it! i have so many ideas for them with someone who loves horror movies so that’s what this post is about (i hope that’s ok :( ) but i’ll try to write about horror games another time because that’s such a cute concept! i just have lots of ideas for this one rn so i thought i’d do it first female reader, fluff, not proofread <3
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Simon "Ghost" Riley thinks it’s cute that you love horror movies. He spends half his life in a real-life horror, he’s seen things that you could never imagine. Teasingly calls you a ‘psycho’ for just sitting there happily, cuddled up to him as you watch something absolutely terrifying go down on the screen.
Simon is a pain in the ass to watch certain horror movies with, because if guns or fighting are involved then he will make sure to point out to you exactly what the directors got wrong.
"He’s holding it wrong… if I even… Price’d never let me hear t’end of it," he mumbles, not talking to anyone in particular.
When you cuddle on the sofa, if you’re laying face down on his chest, he loves to keep one hand on your ass. Sometimes, if something does make him jump, he’ll squeeze it out of instinct.
People don’t usually expect it but you’re very good with scary stuff, you rarely ever get spooked out. But sometimes you do, especially if you’re tired and it’s late.
Once, after you’d watched a film, you went to get ready for bed and Simon went ‘to eat something’. Even when you were all changed and ready for bed, he still hadn’t returned, and so - twiddling your fingers together for reassurance - you peeked out into the darkened hallway.
Only for a 6'4" soldier in a skull mask, wielding a cup of tea, to jump out at you from behind.
You screamed, stumbling back in a state of panicked confusion, about to cry out for Simon when you came to your senses and realised that the masked intruder was Simon.
He stood there, laughing his ass off, until he realised that you were obviously very on edge and a little bit teary eyed.
"C’mere…" he sighed, placing down his tea to take you into his arms, "i’m sorry, baby girl, please don’t cry…" Your heart was racing and you were debating whether or not to slap him, but you knew he didn’t mean to upset you. And you were happy so long as he made up for it.
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Soap Mactavish claims that he’s not scared of anything. Nooo, no way, he’s not scared. He’s so not scared that he’s looking away and squeezing your hand.
Poor guy is so easily jumpscared, it makes you giggle.
"You sure this i’nt going t’be too scary for you, bonnie?" he coos, placing an arm around your shoulder as he half-watches the film that has plunged into a strange silence. He’s definitely trying (and failing) to be subtle as he flexed his muscular arms a little bit, in an attempt to show off.
"Oh yeah, don’t worry," you nod sweetly, smiling up at him.
"I’m just saying, angel, if you need to bury your head into my chest, or if you can’t look, then that’s okay, you just go ahead and make yourself comfortable. I’m a soldier, I could easily take on any- Shit! Fucking hell!" he jumps, squealing and then clearing his throat in a poor attempt to disguise it.
"You sure this isn’t going to be too scary for you, bonnie baby..?" you tease, kissing his cheek.
"Lay off it," he pouts, blushing a little bit as he nuzzles his face into your hair.
Alsoooo Johnny is a fiend for feeling you up when you’re watching a film together. He sees it as a perfect opportunity to get to know his pretty lass a little bit better.
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Kyle "Gaz" Garrick’s favourite part of movie night is the food. He loves takeaway (he’s definitely a Nando’s lover) but his absolute favourite food is your home cooking. When he was asked his favourite food when he was younger, he was always the one kid who would say "whatever my mum makes!" and now he’s an adult it’s just the same, but "whatever my girlfriend makes!" Whenever he realises you’re going to watch a film, whether you invited him or not, he will call out to you from the other room to "HOLD ON!" as he grabs snacks and drinks for the two of you.
Gaz isn’t too easily creeped out, but it happens. He’ll never admit that it’s because he was scared, but you’ve definitely noticed him ‘accidentally’ leaving the hallway light on. If it wasn’t an ‘accident’, then he obviously did it so that you wouldn’t feel scared in the night. He probably realises that you can see right through him, but you always say you believe him, just to make him feel better.
Kyle’s favourite horror movie series is Paranormal Activity, because it’s a so-bad-it’s-good kind of thing. He loves sitting in bed, eating popcorn, with you in his lap, laughing til you cry at all his jokes about how horrendously made the films are. Once, he was taking the piss out of how bad the film you were watching was and then immediately got jumpscared. He even let out a weird noise in shock - he didn’t hear the end of it for weeks.
Even if he’s not cuddling you as close as possible, Gaz loves to rouch you, usually by holding you with one arm as you rest your head on his shoulder. He is a serial thigh-squeezer.
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John Price is a total dad, and that extends to when you can convince him to watch one of your favourite films with you. He wants to watch the movie, it’s not his fault if he falls asleep 15 minutes in every single time.
He lets you lay on his broad chest, that’s warm and rises and fall under your head, while he rests his hands behind his head and closes his eyes. He’s prone to snoring, too - in past, you’ve had to rewind the film because you missed part of it while you were trying to get him to wake up and shut up. The only sureproof way to wake him up is to try and move off of him - he’ll open one eye and grumble at you, as he pulls you right back into him.
"You’re not even watching the film, you’re asleep…" you whine, looking up at him.
"’M watching, love. Shhh," he mumbles, eyes still closed as he softly pats your hair.
"Are not," you pout.
"Shhh. ‘M trying to watch this," he hushes you, eyes closed and totally ready to go back to sleep. You’re almost annoyed at him but he makes that very hard, breathing softly through that moustache as he presses you against him, like you’re a teddy or a weighted blanket.
In terms of the films himself, Price isn’t easily scared (partly helped by the fact that he spends half of the time asleep). The first time that you two watched something scary together, he was almost expecting you to be terrified, but he was pleasantly surprised when you weren’t. He thinks it’s funny how you can sit in his lap perfectly happy and watch something that would have any ‘sensible’ (as he puts it) girl screaming.
He either gets very irritated by the main characters making terrible decisions and getting themselves into trouble, or finds it hilarious. He also loves to rub your feet while you watch the movie, literal princess treatment.
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i kind of want to watch a horror movie nowwww
all pictures are from the game or from pinterest as far as i’m aware
i hope this was ok for you!!! i know it’s not exactly what you wanted but maybe we can just consider it part 1 of the horror obsessed reader saga >:)
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sparklingsora · 7 months
Hi. I would like to know many things about your roleswap au bc I love it very much but I have no idea what to ask I just want to know many things bc my brain has been consumed already
uhhhhh I guess can you lore dump a little bit on backstories? Idk I just wanna know everything about this au
I will be back in your ask box for this au several times most likely
-Spaghetti Brain Anon
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE ASK!!! i am SO glad that i could get this au to live in someone else's brain rent free too. all i could ever ask for in life tbh i guess i'll infodump about character backstories, dynamics, character arcs, all that juicy stuff putting it under cut because HO BOY THIS IS GONNA GET LONG
as a heads up, take the timeframes i give you with a grain of salt, because i still havent completely figured out the timeline so first of all, vox!! he's a sinner, died in the 1950s, as per canon. he's a businessman, but less stable than in canon. he's always jumping from job to job, business to business, which results in him having a lot of connections with various people around hell. soon after arriving in hell, he met and became friends with alastor. cut to, i'd say around 7-10 years before the events of the story? alastor disappears without a trace during an extermination and vox assumes him dead. having now been personally touched by the effects of the extermination, the idea to try and solve overpopulation another way is planted in his head, but wont come to fruition until much later. in the meantime he meets velvette - finds her bleeding out in an alleyway after getting too cocky and trying to fight back to an exorcist (bad idea). he nurses her back to health, they become friends and eventually start dating, yada yada yada. one day vox and velvette find a funky little cat (keekee). keekee takes a liking to them and leads them to the old ruins of a building up on the hill on the edge of pentagram city. they figure out that the cat turns into a keyblade that can be used to magically build shit (only the hotel though, as keekee is the spirit of the hotel or??? whatever the hell the canon lore is idk???) vox finally decides to realize his idea to try and solve overpopulation more humanely - through redeeming sinners! his reasoning is, if angels can fall (as proven by lute and charlie), then demons can surely ascend, right? though he's not as sure or idealistic about it as charlie is in canon. he simply thinks it has a chance of working, and opening up a hotel means a bigger sample size than if he were to just try and get into heaven himself or something like that. besides, he wouldnt wanna go to heaven, he likes it here. also, im not sure where this is situated in the timeline yet, but he was in a band with adam, lute and possibly eve at some point? the band is called brimstone eden, as mentioned in the comic i posted. im not sure yet whether he was in the band prior to eve's disappearance or after it (eve disappears 7 years before the story starts to mirror canon lilith). swap!vox, like his canon counterpart, is a very reactive person. he follows trends, he's extremely go-with-the-flow to a fault. he never really had any strong beliefs until the hotel - his character arc mainly involves him gaining something to believe in and learning to fight for that belief, 'ready for this' being more or less the culmination of his arc. jesus christ i cant believe i wrote that much JUST on vox. *slaps the top of his head* this boy can fit so much lore in him
now, velvette... she's how you'd expect her to be. same old brave, arrogant velvette. she's a fashion designer and seamstress and runs a moderately sized business which she promotes on sinstagram. she's mutuals with val there, which is how he finds out about the hotel. there's not much to write home about when it comes to val - it's insane how similar angel and him are. like literally barely anything changes when you swap them, it's very clean. he's a prn star, sold his soul to angel dust, yada yada. though a bit on his dynamic with vox - vox is very good at reading people, and doesn't like being lied to (he's a bit of a hypocrite in that regard - he puts on a facade all the time when in professional settings). he can clearly tell val isnt doing as good as he pretends he is, and wants to help him really badly, but val just sees it as vox pitying him and rejects his help (its what they fight about in ep 4, as a counterpart to the whole "charlie going to the studio" thing bc vox wouldnt do that) and now here's the fun part - ALASTOR! oh, alastor, you beautiful stuck up bitch! so turns out, he's not so dead after all! he ALMOST died in that fateful extermination, but husk found him and offered him a "give me your soul right now or bleed out in this alleyway" type deal. of course alastor chose the former, but boy he's not happy about it. he's extremely ashamed of how far he's fallen. so ashamed, in fact, that he hid from the world for those 7-10 years! yeah! he's only pulled out of hiding when husk summons him to be the bartender for the hotel. vox is of course, extremely bewildered and demands answers. alastor doesnt give them and avoids him instead. it takes a sincere conversation with valentino in ep 4 for alastor to finally talk to vox again and explain himself. alastor is basically in extremely deep denial of just how fucked his life is. he clings onto his radio demon persona like a lifeline bc its the last thing that can help him feel some semblance of control over his situation. his tension with valentino is twofold - first they butt heads because of opposing personalities, and second because they both see the other's bullshittery. it's a clusterfuck it eventually bubbles over in ep 4, they both admit how absolutely fucked they are and are friends now. wish i could say more on al & val bc i love them very much but it seems ive run out of eloquency for now. though i know i'll draw some comics of them eventually so maybe it'll come across better in comic form. anyway as mentioned above ive run out of eloquency and im honestly not sure how coherent this whole thing is so you'll have to come back for the other characters some other time, dear anon! until then, thank you so much for the ask once again, and have a nice day/night :)
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The tusken massacre controversial take (both sides)
tw: mentions of rape, torture & racism
People WILL probably block me for this but IDC because I went up ahead and read up on the tuskens on the official Wiki and while I definitely DO see how it could be interpreted as racism (I genuinely believe Lucas Did Not mean for it to be read as such) . But. BUT.
I'm not saying the murder of the tuskens was "justified" but it was definitely a much. much. more complicated situation than people make it out to be. It is CANON that Tuskens are mistrustful to the point of Xenophobia of the other settlers on the planet, settlers who by this point have been there for generations. So the argument has to be made that their culture and traditions would NOT change overnight if at all. And therefore Anakin was right about one thing, (and I am willing to die on this hill.) the tusken children Would have grown up to be the same torturers and killers (possibly rapists, there were very few reasons for them to keep Shmi alive and none of them good)
Now, am I saying that killing children for something they might do or in this case Will do in the future is wrong? I'll be very honest, im only 70% sure my answer would be a definitive No. The other 30% is genuinely considering it. I cannot comment upon the female tuskens as there is literally almost NOTHING about them in Canon verse and so I know nothing about how culpable they are in this. But motherfucker NEITHER DO YOU.
Anyway yeah there are many tribes of tusken and some of them peaceful but this one was Definitely Not. We were sown this. This wasn't a matter of racism. this was a matter of Murderous, Torturing, Kidnappers. Who kidnapped and possibly raped this guy's mother.
Fact: Shmi was an innocent woman who had done NOTHING to the tusken
Fact: She was tortured at their hands for days
Fact: If someone did that to my mom, I'd be pretty murderous too especially if someone had been grooming (palpatine) me to give into my worst nature from age 9.
Idk man, things are definitely not as black and white as we are making them out to be. On EITHER SIDE. And if we're talking about bringing up the consequences of his actions before the senate? Most of them are not Nearly empathetic enough even give a fuck. They need the Hero With No Fear too much and even if they didn't they would NOT give a fuck. The jedi council definitely would but they would ALSO debate this, like a LOT.
Edit 2: The tuskens also engaged in slavery. Definitely not the "🥺 innocents" people make them out to be.
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skullsandcorals · 9 months
1. Holy shit I am so happy I found another person who gets how smart Percy is, and gets that every instance of Percy looking/getting called stupid is due to his dyslexia or people not telling him anything.
2. Which book/chapter is this from? I need to bookmark it ASAP and start shouting it from the metaphorical tumblr hills.
3. We really don't talk about how good a mom Sally is? Like yeah she's badass and gentle but like. She respects Percy. When the school system failed Percy, she's the one who still not only believed that he was smart but still acted like it and probably taught him too. Queen mom Sally Jackson right there.
1.) YEAHH EXACTLY. Or his ADHD 😭 It drives me NUTS whenever Percy is treated as the dumb + comedic guy. Like I get what they're saying and why they're saying it, but sometimes his character gets reduced to JUST that and it hurts my soul. I get that he's funny as a narrator and as a character and sometimes he can be a little "clueless" but it just feels like some people like to think of that as either all he is or a huge part of who he is. I believe I've also seen Leo get this treatment despite literally being insanely smart at such a young age so. that's...fun. They can be funny and smart too 😞
2.) It's from the 10th Anniversary edition of The Lightning Thief! It's Rick's cover letter for the first readers of the manuscript & a note from the narrator. I don't have a copy of that edition myself, but I've seen some pictures of it on Rick's blog and someone posted one of the pages on Reddit (where I got it from).
Here's the full page from Reddit (source) & the picture from Rick's blog where the page is visible (source):
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3.) YEEEAHHHH I LOVE HER SO MUCH!!! What I would do to get adopted by her rn. The way she talks to him makes me kinda teary-eyed because she's just so...you can just tell how much she loves Percy and that she would do anything to make sure he grew up resilient and kind in a world that's always out to get him. She believes in him so much that it just makes me lose my mind a little. It's just so sweet and I can't help but feel so moved by it.
I'm not sure if you've read Chalice of the Gods, but there's this scene where (spoilers, kinda) Sally talks to Percy after the whole thing with Hebe and honestly this scene makes me want to sob and cry and weep
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“You are a lot of things, Percy. But helpless isn't one of them.”
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crazylittlejester · 5 months
We are always making Wars suffer in this house, man 😔
So fluffy headcannons time ✨
Wars was gifted an orange sapling by Impa even she found out he liked them the most, and he takes pride in having nurtured it to be able to have fruit. He likes to give his friends oranges if he has to many to store/preserve, and sometimes even makes baked goods from them as well.
Wars made a sort of birdhouse for the fairies he rescued during his adventure. He made sure that there was a wardrobe for their clothes and plenty of food while he's away. He has Linkle check up on them during his journey with the chain.
Is trans! Both he and Zelda are, and upon realizing as such, they just swapped lives and called it a day. It was an awkward conversation having to explain to the others why he had the triforce of wisdom instead of courage and can harness holy light. He likes to joke that the fates got confused and mixed them up by accident.
Doesn't know if he wants kids or not. Mask, Town and Tetra were all hellions and gave him more migranes than he can count, but those softer and more wholesome moments he spent with them also makes him want a kiddo of his own. Might just become the cool wine uncle who sees his neices and nephews as his own kids.
Animals love him. Every single one, even usually hostile ones. Wild nearly had a stroke upon witnessing a Lynel acting like a full blown house cat demanding pets from him. This also means cuccos love him to death, even though he is scared by them.
Ginger, bleaches his hair to hide it. Likes scaring kids by saying if they look him in the eyes he'll take their soul. Mask, upon being told this, said he didn't have one. This was the start of Wars' concern of the child.
Has a huge sweet tooth. Like, it puts even the fairies to shame. It is a miracle his teeth haven't rotted out his head, and that might be from divine intervention.
Cat mom, and he babies them. They are spoiled and chonky and love being cuddled and held like babies.
The scarf wasn't apart of the uniform he was meant to wear. In all honesty, nobody knows how or when Zelda got the scarf, or how it became a part of his attire. It's just apart of him now.
Speaking of the scarf. It's huge. Like it straight up could be a blanket if he unfolded it and laid it felt on the ground. It's his security blanky.
OUGGHH I’m so with you on these
- He is SUCH a friend of the fairies, they all love him to death and I’ll fucking die on this hill. They absolutely adore him
- TRANS WARS REAL. Link in general is just such a transgender icon and I love him for it
- I headcanon him as ace so I don’t think he’d ever have his own biological kids, but look me in my eyes right now and tell me he wouldn’t take a kid in who needed it. Also he’s such a girl dad, yknow? (I am so obsessed with the idea of him being a girl dad I’m writing a fic about it-)
- I have this vision in my head now of the cucco’s lookin at him like “OMG it’s Link 🙌!” and they love him so much and he runs away screaming in fear. It’s such a clear vision too 😭
- I LIKE THAT SO MANY PEOPLE ALSO THINK HE DYES HIS HAIR. Like we may have different headcanons on his natural hair color (for me I think it’s a dark brown) BUT SO MANY PEOPLE HEADCANON HES A FAKE BLOND AND IM OBSESSED.
- Oh he is SUCH a sweet treat kinda guy, I headcanon he has blood sugar issues, so small little snacks with a lot of sugar in them would be so good for him actually if his blood sugar dropped suddenly
- CAT MOM REAL. I think he’d have two of those hairless cats and he’d make sweaters for them. He treats them like his children, and he cried when Legend called them ugly (the cats are hideous but like in a cute way)
- Oh that scarf is fr gigantic and definitely bug enough to be a blanket. That’s his emotional support blanket and he takes extremely good care of it
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dyke-pollinator · 1 year
Im in the mood for a story
Im a little drunk and im in the mood to share a story with yall of when I was out living in Nevada. This was back in 2017 or so.
This story requires some backstory so please indulge me.
I was a crew leader, managing a group of 4-9 people ranging from 18-23 ( I was 24 at the time). Part of that meant helping them integrate into the new location they moved to (Reno, Nevada) despite living out of my car at this time.
One of my crew members, who I will call Shawn, was...... Interesting to say the least. He was a pretty interesting person, but was definitely way too interested in falling in love while on this job.
So while he was out with some other members on their off week, he confessed his feelings for another crew member who turned him down. He proceeded to seriously harm himself. So now, on my crew, I had to manage that shit and make sure he wasn’t a risk to himself. Because of course this motherfucker was on my crew and technically my responsibility.
Everything was basically fine. Shawn and the other member barely interacted and we were learning a lot about how to cut down trees safely.
During one of our hitches (time in the field) where we were building cattle fences on the border of Utah, this bitch decided he wanted to go for a walk. So idk if you know what the middle of no where Utah looks like but its basically the same as this for 100 miles in every directions 
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Barely any geographic features. Insanely easy to get lost. 
We had a rule where if you were gonna split off from the group,  you had to let the crew lead (me) know, and you had to explicitly say where you were gonna go. He decided he wanted cell phone signal one night, and told no one where he was going.
He got lost. In the middle of the desert. I need you to understand how horrifying that is. There’s nothing out there. You can walk for 200+ miles (350km) in any direction and find literally nothing. Especially on the Nevada / Utah border. 
By 8pm we were all wondering where he was till a random person was like “Oh he went that was looking for signal”. Like wtf? Excuse me? We searched in the direction he went for like 4 hours before we called emergency services & our organization that was gonna send out reinforcements to help us look.
We parked our giant truck on the top on the highest hill around us, with our high beems on, and blared on the horn all night, hoping that he was going to find his way back to us. He never did.
We spent 38 hours looking for this person, and since we all knew his history, we legitimately thought he was dead.\
The next day we had the whole BLM (Bureau of Land Management) looking for him. They were about to call in the fucking helicopters.
Now, this next part is gonna sound like some bullshit I just made up but I stg it is true. My dumbass forgot to restock the first aid kit. My co-lead got stung by a bee / wasp while we were doing a grid search, and for the first time in his life, he had a major allergic reaction that none of the leftover meds we had would take down.
So we had to take him into town (an approximately 15 mile drive on back roads) and I did it since I was one of the few that was allowed to drive our trucks.
This motherfucker, Shawn, literally stumbled across the road while I was driving my co-lead into to town. Idk how the fuck he found this road. Idk how the fuck his timing was absolutely perfect. But we found him. After 56 hours when all of us thought he was already dead.
We would have NEVER found him if not for this random happenstance. Some divine power wanted this kid alive I swear. Its some of the most insane shit I have ever experienced.
The moral is never trust Non-profit organizations. They dont give a fuck about you. 
And if yall wanna head this story from Shawn’s perspective just lmk I am happy to share it.
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sakiblack · 1 year
Our old love will remain forever
EP 1
Miles Quaritch x navi reader
(I use Nari as your na'vi name but i will use y/n in other episodes)
(Words writen likeThis are spoken in na'vi)
(if there are any mistakes i'm sorry english is not my first language and i was writing this last night)
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Your pov  
Pandora's forests hold many dangers. But the most dangerous thing about Pandora …. is that you may grow to love her too much.We sing the songcords to remember. Each beat , a story in our life. A beat for the birth of my son  Miles Socorro or Spider , as i only  call him that. He is a human as i give birth to him while i was still human which im not anymore. Im Nari Sully , Jakes older sister. Years ago we both went to Pandora after our older brother died. Before his death he wanted to go to Pandora as he was one of the people that had an avatar body. He was ment to stay on the planet and explore it and he would have done that if he was not killed. Since Jake and i have the same dna as him we were asked to go instead of him.At the time we were both 2 depressed siblings as to Jake not being able to walk and me being fired 5 days ago.We did not have a life on Earth at least not anymore so we took the offer.
Pandora was something new to my eyes.It was a lot more different then Earth , more green and alive.It was beautiful and it was the place i met him , Miles Quaritch.Back then i was so in  love , it was like he was the only one for me ,but now im not sure what he is to me.He destroyed the home tree a place the na'vi lived.He killed so many na'vi , he killed the love i had for him.In the end of the war between the na'vi and humans he died but just before it all started to go down hill , before the war started he gived me a gift.My son.
As much as i hated him when he did all of thes things im happy he brought Spider in to my life.I do not know how my life would look like if Spider was not with me.He is my everything.
Before Quaritch died he did not know i was pregnant with his child.Sometimes i think if things would be defferent if he had known but i am not so sure that would change anything.
As i said before , Spider was born when i was still human and about 5 months after i became a true na'vi.My human body was given a proper burial.I was no longer a human but one of the people.Jakes mate Neytiri was my good friend and i was happy to hear that 1 year after spider was born she was having a baby her self.It was a boy Neteyam and not long after him they adopted Kiri , Graces child that was born from her avatar body.Some time later they had 2 other kids Loak and Tuk.They were all great kids and were witk Spider all the time.I was living in one of the science labs with spider.I was scared he would get hurt and the people to help him were too far away.Life was simple and perfect that was until the sky people came back.I know i was one of them but after what hapened i cand bring my self to call them my kind.As they came back they destroyed everything in their way.The forest it was red.The whole forest was on fire it was the moment i knew i could never think of my self as one of them.They are demons all of them.
Me , my brother , his mate , Neteyam , Loak and some other warriors were attacking one of the trains from the sky people.I was on my ikran flying close to my brother.The warriors on the ground attacked the train as it blew up. Neytiri and Jake took down some of the helicopters.We had some time to get things from the train before the rest of the sky people came back. I was on my ikran looking left and right to see if the sky people were comming back and for about 4 minutes they were nowhere but just as i was starting to thing they will not come i saw a helicopter.
-The demons are back!
I yelled and hissed.I saw the other going back home and i did as well but i was still looking around for my brother and his family.
-Nari! I heard a voice call my name.It was Loak.
-Where is your brother?
I asked looking around him to see if i could see Neteyam.
-He is with dad we kind of went to the ground.
-You did what!? You do know you two could have gotten hurt right?!
I asked him anger and worry in my voice.
-I know i just wantet dad to see i am not a baby.
Oh this boy Jake really is too hard on him.
-Loak you do not need to do stupid things for your father to notice you.
-I know i just wanted to agh i dont know.
-I get it Lo but promise me you will not get you and your brother in danger .
-Yes Nari.
He said looking at me with a smile.
We came back to the hide out after some time as Jake ,Neteyam and Neytiri joined us .We all landed  as Tuk , Kiri and Spider came to us.
I said as i gived him a big hug.I could hear Jake scolding Loak and Neteyam.Spider walked to my ikran and i looked at my brother.Neytiri was now telling Jake Neteyam is bleeding.It took him a moment before he leted Neteyam go.They all left and Loak was now alone with his dad still scolding him.
I sadi as he looked at me im guessing he did not even know i was there.
-Nari dont  he did something wrong.
-I know but he knows he did something wrong.You do not need to be so strict with him.
I sadi as Loak looked at me.
He looked at me and sighed.
-Get out of hire boy.
He said to Loak as Loak started to walk away.
-Your too hard on them.
I said after some time.
-I know im just scared for them.
-I get that but you need to know they are your children they are doing their best.Dont be so hard on them.After all you were just like Loak when you first came hire.
I said with a smirk on my face.
He asked looking at me confused.
-Oh please you were a trouble maker when we first came hire.
I said as he now had a small smile on his face.
-Just try to be more nice.
-I will try.
He said as i started to walk to the tent the kids were in.
I was woken up by Spider standing next to me.
-What is it Spider?
I asked still a little sleepy.
-Can i go out with Kiri,Loak and Tuk?
He asked .
-Hm yeah sure but be careful , dont get hurt and doont do anything stupid.Got it?
-Yeah yeah
He replied as he started to walk out of our tent.
-Oh and make sure you all come back by eclips.
-Yes yes got it mom.
He said as he went out of the tent.I was going to go train with Jake and Neytiri so i was happy Spider and the others will have fun.Jake , Neytiri and i went training every now and then when we had time.It was a family thing we all did to hand out and still train at the same time.It was fun and this time it wont be different.I made my way out of the tent some time later and i saw Neytiri standing next to her ikran.
-Good morning.
I said as she looked at me with a smile.
-Good morning Nari.
She replied as she made her way to me.
-I hope you do not mind Neteyam joining us.
-Oh not at all im  happy for him to come with us.
I said as i could hear Jake say good morning to me while he was walking to us.
-Good morning little brother.
-Will you stop calling me that.
I said as Neytiri smiled at us.
-She is right Ma Jake she is older then you.
Said Neytiri as Jake looked at her.
-So your on her side too hm . First it was our kids and now you.
That made all of us laugh.It was not long after Neteyam came and we all went on our ikrans and started to fly.I loved flying it was something that made me feel calm.Sometimes i took Spider with me but that was not often.I am still a mother  and i am scared for him.He is a human he could get hurt fast.But i still let him do his things i want him to be happy . So i often just push my worry to the side.
Spider pov.
We were just going exploring the forest but in the end we got captured by some avatars.We saw them near the old shack and just as we were going away they captured us.They came out of nowhere.
-It amost eclips come on.
Said Tuk as they appered .They all grabed us.I grabed my bow and aimed at one of the avatars but in the end i troped it.Kiri said its a bad idea and if i did not drop it they would probably do something i did not like.As they grabed us 3 others came to us probably the ones we saw at the old shack.
-What do we have hire.
Said a man looking at all of us.He looked at me for a second and then went to Loak as the other guy showed him Kiris hand.
-Show me your fingers.
He said lookig at Loak but the only response he got was the midle finger.
-Oh you are his arent you?
He asked as Loak hissed.He grabed him and i could hear my self yelling to him to stop.He pulled out a knife after Loak did not want to tell him about Jake.
-Stop dont please! Let him go!
Yelled Kiri as the man made his way to her.
-Kiri! Hey no stop!
Yelled Loak.
-Hey ! Hey dont touch her!
I yelled as the man looked at me.
-What is your name kid?
He asked after some time of looking at me.
I said.
I sadi as the man looked at me confused.
He asked.Now i knew it .Now i knew who he was.The man that my mother talked about when i was a kid.The one she cryed for every night long ago.He was my father.Oh how i hated to even think that.
-Nobody calls me that.
I sadi as he was still shocked.Now i know he knows who i am too.
-Well ill be damned.Well i figured they would sent you back to Earth.
He said still looking at me.
-My mother stayed hire and no mother would let her child go.Plus they cant put babies in cryo dipshit.
As i said the first part his face became even more shocked then before.For a second i could even see tears in his eyes.
-Your mother.
There was a long pause before he continued.
-Your mother did not went back to Earth?
-No.She bacame a na'vi .
I said looking at him with anger.He was looking at me with sadness now.
-Does she have a.
He started but i interrupted him.
-No she does not .
I do not know how i knew what he was asking but i some how just knew he was asking me if she has a mate or for them a partner.I dont even know why he wanted to know that but i did not care.He was looking at me for a little longer and then got up and started to walk to the old shack.
Your pov
We were flying for a long time talking and shooting with a bow.It was getting close to eclips and we were about to make our way back home but just then i heard something.We all have some kinds of walkie talkies but a lot smaller and they were located under our ears.It was for communicating when we were not together.And this time it was Loak calling us.
-Devil dog, this is Eagle eye,over.
-Eagle eye send your traffic.
Replied Jake.
-Ive got eyes on some guys.They look like avatars but they are in full camo and carrying Ars.There are 6 of them over.
Loak said as Neytiri and i looked at one another with worry.
-What is your pos over?
Asked Jake.
-We are at the old shack.
Replied Loak.
-Who is we?
Asked Jake.There was a long pause before Loak replied.
-Me , Kiri , Spider …. And Tuk.
Loak replied.
Spider.I felt like i was about to faint.Spider was in truble.I felt tears run down my face as i looked at Jake.
-Son you listen to me very carefully. Pull back right now.Do not make a sound.
-Get the hell out of there.Move, copy?
-Yes sir, moving out.
Replied Loak.
-Dad i know a quick way!
Said Neteyam.I yelped as i followed Neteyam , Neytiri and Jake behind me.
It was not long after we got there .It was dark and you could only hear the night life.We all landet  on a big branche. I got down from my ikran.
-Tam tam tam Mira.
I said as i peted her.
-No no you stay hire.
I could hear Jake say to Neteyam.
-But dad im a warrior like you. Im supposed to fight.
Said Neteyam.
Said Neytiri looking at him.
-Im not ganna say it again.
There was a long pause before Neteyam replied.
-Yes sir.
-Lets go.
I sadi as i started to make my way to the place my son was at.
The forest was dark the only light was the flowers that were glowing.It was raining by the time we got there.Jake went to the ground and Neytiri and i moved to another tree.
Neytiri yellped. It was a yellp that made the kids know we were hire.
We both got on the tree right next to the kids and the 6 avatars.I was looking at every one of them as i saw Kiri and Spider being held by some man.I felt anger inside me and my tail started to move around.
- Mawey.
Said Neytiri in a silent voice.
I looked at her and then back at the avatars.I was looking at every one of them until i say one that looked familiar but i just could not know whu it was.Neytiri yellped again and started to make her move.She shot the guy that was holding Spider and Kiri.
-Contact rear!
Yelled the guy that was familiar as the rest started to shoot at us.
Yelled Neytiri to Loak  as the guys started to yell.
I could see Spider ,Kiri ,Loak and Tug running away.Good now we just gatta get out of hire.
-That you mrs Sully?I recognize your calling card.
Neytiri and i both gasped as we looked at one another.It cant be him.
- Quaritch.
I said in a silent voice.
-Why dont you come out mrs Sully?You and i  we got some unfinished business.
He said.I was still in shock as Neytiri looked at the kids running away.
-Demon! I will kill you as many times as i have to!
Yelled Neytiri.
He started to talk but i did not listen i was in my own worls.How is he alive?Why is he hire?
My thoughts were distracted as someone started to shoot at us.That made me jump down from the tree as Neytiri was running away jumping from trea to trea.
I looked back and saw him.It really was him.It took him a little to spot me but he did and when he did his eyes opened wide.It was him and at this moment i knew he knew whu i was as well.I pulled out my bow and aimed at one of the man next to him but i missed.I hissed as i started to run after Spider and Kiri.It did not take me long to get to them.
Yelled Spider as he looked back at me.At that moment something exploited behind me.It made me lose balance but i grabed one of the vines. Unfortunately Spider did not have the same luck as me cus when i looked at him he was falling down from the branche we were all on.
I yelled as i saw him land and not move.Neytiri came out of nowhere as she grabed Kiri.I did not even bother to look at them i just jumped down to where Spider was.I could hear Kiri yell mine name as well as Spiders but i did not care.By the time i looked up they were gone.
-Spider oh great mother help me.
I said as i started to cry.I heard someone walk to us and as i looked to my left i saw him and some other avatars.I pulled out my knife as i left the bow on the branche.I hissed and stood on top of Spider in a protective manner.They all started to move closer as 2 of them aimed guns at me.
-Stay back demons or i will take your life!
I said hissing. I am not sure if they knew what i sadi but i saw Quaritch holding his hand up to let them know they cant shoot.He started to walk closer and that made me hiss even more.
-Get away demon!
I yelled looking at him with killer eyes.
-Calm down if you dont we will have to use force.
He said in a calm voice.I was looking at him not paying attention to the others when out of nowhere i felt something around my hands and someone push me down.I yelled as i kicked the person on top of me but it did not help.My hands were tied up and my knife on the ground.I saw Quaritch standing next to Spider looking at him.
-Dont you dare hurt him! If you do anything to him i will kill you demon!
I yelled as that was everything i could do.He looked at me and started to make his was to me.
-Dont do anything stupid , dont fight us and he will be safe.
There was a long pause.
-I promise.
I looked at him and then back to Spider.He is hurt and needs help they can help him but at the same time they could hurt him.But it was the only option i had . I looked back at him.
I asked looking at him.I do not thing he knew what i said so i said it again.
I asked but this time yelling.
-I promise.
He replied as he went back to Spider and picked him up.The guy holding me down did the same as i yelled at him.
-I can walk on my own!
He puted me down just holding my hand as we all started to walk back to the old shack. By now Spider was awake looking around him before he saw me. He wanted to fight the man holding him as is said something.
- Mawey Spider , Mawey.
I said in a calm voice.He looked at me and stoped.We got back to the old shack and after about 2 minutes a helicopter came.The guy holding my hand grabed me and putted me on his shoulder.I hissed and i could see Quaritch looking at the guy with anger in his eyes.Was it that he was jealous or maybe protective? I am not sure and at that moment i did not care.I only wanted Spider to be safe and to get us out of hire and i will. I promise my child.
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ozrockbitway · 7 months
Taps on window glasses
Yes, hi herrooo! I was wondering if you had any Taizo/Touya thots you'd be so kind to share? ((Your fic with them was so cute!!! The cardfight boys deserve more love!!!))
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the glass is being tapped!! what do!! uwaaaaaa I am here....to give you rare pair food...ueiladkjfladsjf thank u for reading the silly fic. sobs they both deserve more love!! (Taizo more since I dont see as much as him sobbssss)
anyway THOTS
me joking about Taizo being Tonya's sugar daddy. I will die on this hill!! (I won't). I like to think Taizo tries to treat Tohya but. man. he doesn't really like to accept things (unless their cards). He's a little stubborn but if you keep pushing eventually Tohya will cave.
Taizo would like to recruit Tohya as like...a personal doctor/nurse?? Considering Tohya was like top of the class/school prior to dropping out Im P SURE this man can clean a wound and pull some doctor words and its like 100% right.
CEO man would offer to pay for his schooling (so he has a back up from card fights) and would just say he pays him back by working for his company. Does Taizo ever keep track of him working off his debt tho? Probably not he'd let him go free if he wanted to.
I KEEP FORGETTING TOHYA TECHNICALLY DOES KINDA WORK FOR HIM??? he has that sticker underneath his hoodie so like. sponsor??
okay but for some gay shit...I like to think Tohya would be kinda slow at realizing he's into Taizo. Meanwhile Taizo realizes and always has a really hard time holding back doing anything gay. (tfw ur hands brush when picking up a card and you have to not blush)
CEO with his personal cheerleaders....I feel like his assistants?? team?? everyone sees he's into Tohya and roots for him hehehe
fellas is it gay to sleep under the same roof with the homeless man you card fight with? aka I think Taizo forces offers his home to Tohya bcuz he is rich and jfc Tohya plz take care of yourself...eat food!! self care!!
Tohya treating Taizo to the little things...Imagine him taking him to some lil mom n pop restaurant that serves his fav food (I forget what it is that he and yuyu eat in one ep and they're like yeah good food even if its. childish??). Taizo isn't that pompous ass rich type so Im sure he'd enjoy the ambiance and difference there!! smaller and more comfortable places.
tbh...I dont think their parents would approve RIP. Taizo is an heir to a company and his dad probably wants offspring and Tohya...I hc that he is disowned after dropping out of med school.
I thought about how Welstra calls Bastion 'Basty' (I forget the spelling whoops) and just think that Taizo would give Tohya a lot of lil nicknames...in private at least.
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branmer · 6 months
💛💚💜🤍🖤💕🏳️‍🌈 for b5 >:DDD
I want all of them but I am being So Good and not asking for all of them ;_;
for this meme
ooooh excellent choices, and yes you are being so good <333 i am very proud of your restraint
💛<__< >__> i don't know if it's accurate to say i can't get behind them but i'm not really into londo/g'kar. years ago i probably would have been 'fuck yeah londo/g'kar!' but over time ive just come to prefer their relationship as a complicated frenemy situation, i'm not even sure i see g'kar liking londo so much as he understands and pities him and feels a loyalty to him because of their shared history. i'm also increasingly a bit hmmm re sheridelenn but mostly because jms really sucks at writing relationships and the further it went on the more delenn just got slotted into the wife role rip s1 delenn
💚treating neroon's deathbed conversion as legit and not just a political manouvre. that man doesn't have a priestly bone in his body >:( also special mention for chad neroon, a characterisation that has marred many a marcus/neroon fic. and generally any characterisation where neroon gets over his xenophobia too quickly!
💜i will die on the hill that branmer is sexy and evil idk if it's really unpopular in fandom to say neroon is hot but we do periodically get people going 'ew neroon????' so i'm just gonna throw down for my guy 😤😤😤
🤍shakiri i joke, i joke, but more seriously my answer for this is less one specific character and more broadly that i think the entire situation with the castes was probably more complicated than what we see on the show (or the books) and it's interesting that people tend to take unapolagetic villain shakiri as being representative of the caste generally, rather than neroon, who is more ambivalent (while still being a dick haha). i find the whole religious caste = good, warrior caste = bad stuff very reductive especially since we see many in show examples of the religious caste absolutely fucking unhinged. i also think it's v interesting that no one in the warrior caste really put up a fight when shakiri got backstabbed by neroon and defeated by delenn in the starfire wheel. i guess you could put that down to minbari having an intense respect for tradition and ritual but... this is also a caste that just broke a thousand year minbari do not kill minbari rule and idk... it just speaks to something interesting going on behind the scenes with this guys!
🖤delenn, haha. this is probably my most controversial opinion and it's one i've touched on before. i don't think delenn is evil (and disclaimer: she is one of my fave characters), but she is cunning and manipulative and she's prone to letting her own personal biases rule her understanding of a situation which leads to some, uh, interesting choices on her part. basically i don't think delenn is the trustworthy source on the minbari, on her own choices, or on broader issues in the b5 galaxy that she gets treated as by fandom lol. like, for example i don't entirely believe what delenn says about why they had to leave the narn to face the centauri/shadows alone, i think that's just what she told herself to justify the decision. im also, idk, iffy about the whole not ever telling sheridan about her role in the war. i saw a post on here where someone was saying this was her great 'gift' to him and it just... ew. ick. no. fuck no. i understand why she doesn't tell him, but it's not a gift
💕i feel like marcus/neroon gets a bad rap and a lot of people being sniffy about it, but also enough people appreciate it that i can't really call it unpopular exactly so um. hmm. i do, sigh, i do have a growing fondness for neroon/sheridan actually >__> which probably isn't so much unpopular as non-existant apart from your amazing neroon/delenn/sheridan fic. i have a feeling that neroon-as-the-bridge is gonna end up going down the sheridan/neroon route if i write more of it haha
🏳️‍🌈 oh this, this is a tough one haha... tbh... londo i guess? he just comes across very... straight male to me >__> like at most i can see him having a drunken fumble with a friend and thinking nothing of it, but that's it.
thank you for the ask! <33333
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maxismp1 · 2 years
Can you make it rain again
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It was a pleasing day at the small land of many secrets. The field filled with flowers of every kind know to man. Many collors going miles without an end. This place was known to one person, and that specific person was blessed by a god. She was blessed with the peace. She was blessed with this land, and she must care for it! And the very God that has given her the peace.
DreaXD, the lord of smp, the God of gods, and someone.... someone you could call a friend.
You have meet in a rather said surprising circumstances.
It was a sunny day at the so called land of chaos. Or it's original name, The DSMP. You wished to have a simple picnic by yourself. Everything was prepared a day before. A simple red and white blanket, some sweets of course, and a book to read. You had it perfectly planned.
The place you picked was a small garden with your flowers, it was a hill behind your house. The perfec mix of sunny weather and a slight breeze was quite pleasant.
You gathered your basket and went on your way. It didnt take you long, of course but it still felt like a small journey. When you arrived at your destination, you calmly put the basket down, got the blanket out of it, and settled down.
It has been few hours since you settled down, few cookies Here and there along with a peace of strawberry cake you prepared. The weather was still the same. Until the slight breeze picked up, it soon became a small spiral of wind and leafs. A slight golden glow startet appering. The leafs picked up a human like shape and it soon became an actually human. Tho this human had wings...
You didn't mind, there were many hybrids on the smp. It was not weird to see a new one here and there.
The breeze came back to normality, the humanoid title his head to the side, as if he was questioning me.
"Do you wish to have some strawberry cake with me"
I offered. It was not polite to not offer a person some cake if you already had plenty in your basket.
The fellow hybrid looked even more confused, it was harder to say his expression because of the mask on his face, the lips were still visible. There was a small frown, but, eho am I to blame them.
"You are not... scared?"
They asked
"Should I be?"
I replied with a question of my own
"Do you plan on hurting me?"
"Okay then. My offer still stand mister. Do you wish to have some of my home made strawberry cake ?"
I scooted over so they could have some space. Reaching into my backed I pulled out the cake, and sliced a peace of it. Putting it on a small plate decorated with flowers. I gave it to them, also not forgeting the fork.
The frown turned into a smile and they began to eat it. An pleased hum could been heard here and there. After eating in a comfortable silence. Both of you decided to chat.
That small picnic you had planned turned in to a talk with a creature, later learning that HE was a GOD.
The visit became often, from few days in month to few days im week. It soon tuned into a daily visit, and a part of your routine.
As much as you wished to go outside, you simply couldn't. You wasted a lot of energy farming yesterday. You could have asked for the potato's.... but you do not wish to abuse his kindness.
The light started shining straight to your eyes true your blinds.
'I thought I closed them'
Slowly, you sat in your bed, the blankets mangled with your feet. Reaching towards the blind you separated them, letting the light finally come true. There were few birds to be heard, but your focus was only on the wind going in circles.
To an ordinary human, that would be a sign of bed Wether coming. But to you, to you this was a sign. XD was calling for you.
With an smiled you opened your window, letting some fresh air come along aswell.
"XD... I have to sadly tell you I cannot go outside today. As much as I wish to do so. I'm simply to tired. Please understand. If you wish, you can come to my home and we could talk in here"
The moment you have ended the sentence, the glow you have memorised has aperd in your room, few feet away from your bed frame.
"Well hello there XD"
"Hello y/n.. you look.... ravishing as always"
You could tell that was sarcasm... your hair is mangled and your clothes wrinkled.
"Oh shush mister, you saw me in worse conditions. Now do you wish to talk or muck me while I have awoken not less then 5 minutes ago."
"I wish to talk"
"Good choise"
You patted the bed and moved to side so he could have some space to lay in your bed. To his suprise, you didnt just start talking like you ussual do. Instead, you snuggled in his side. He was frozen for a moment. Then remember on of your many conversations.
'It's called cuddling XD, we do it ti show love, or when we just want to be hugged'
It was a simple one, but to the God... not that much.
Few minuts have passed, he ended the fight with his mind. Slowly picking you up and putting you on his chest, his wings writing around you protectively.
"Yes y/n"
"I have a request"
Upon that, you snuggled in his chest a lil
"Ask my dear"
"Could you make it rain?"
"Well of course, anything for you"
Moving his hand away from your embrace, he flicked it once and the sunny weather soon turned in to a slight rain. .
This was nothing new yet nothing old. It was a simple act of him. You never asked for anything unless it's nesesery. So this small request was pleasing for XD. He was okay with it.
Small hum was heard and soon your breathing became slower and in a slight rhythm. You have fallen asleep.
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I hope y'all like the re write. I will start doing requests tomorow, they are still open, just aint gona do them rn
Have a pleasant nigh or day.
Goodbye my dear
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4, 10, 20, 135? :)
AAAAAHHH YAYY, thank you so much for the ask, Teaspoon (can I call u that?? Or do u have a better nickname suggestion!)!! So sorry it took a bit, I was trying to PERFECT this answer LOL (the book recc part especially took me a bit HAHA)
4. A poetry book that reads like a story
I think I'm gonna have to say When We Were Very Young and Now We Are Six by A.A. Milne!! I absolutely adore those poem books aaaaaaaa, I left them in our other home and I miss it so muchhh. I'm not sure if the question means all poems are connected or each poem feels like a story on its own, to me they really feel like the latter. They're so cute and beautiful and charming and nostalgic and agghhhhh
here's some of my favorites, just to name two of many:
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Wind On The Hill
No one can tell me, Nobody knows, Where the wind comes from, Where the wind goes.
It’s flying from somewhere As fast as it can, I couldn’t keep up with it, Not if I ran.
But if I stopped holding The string of my kite, It would blow with the wind For a day and a night.
And then when I found it, Wherever it blew, I should know that the wind, Had been going there too.
So then I could tell them Where the wind goes… But where the wind comes from Nobody knows.
10. A book that got you through something
Okay this is a toughie, but only because I can't remember any specific times. BUT BOOKS HAVE ALWAYS AND FOREVER WILL HELP ME GET THROUGH A LOT OF DIFFICULT THINGS!
BUT one book that I am sure has helped me through SOME difficult things is Inkheart by Cornelia Funke. That's honestly one of my main comfort books ever since I was like, ten years old. Some people consider it to be slow but I think that's why I love it 🥺. It really takes time to depict the more mundane, realistic moments in between the high-stakes, perilous ones in their adventure. It's really about the ENTIRE journey, and I really love that
20. A book that got you out of a reading slump
I think one book that ripped me FIERCELY out of a reading slump was Wings of Fire, book 6: Moon Rising. I absolutely LOVE the Wings of Fire series (it's no surprise that it's about dragons LOL. I... love dragons...), and I'll be honest after finishing the first quartet I was skeptical about continuing to the next part of the series just because it ended so well, but I was NOT DISAPPOINTED. Disclaimer: I have yet to find a copy of book seven... BUT CAN'T WAIT FOR WHEN I FINALLY DO 😭
135. Recommend any book you like!
Okay so there's Inkheart by Cornelia Funke, a REALLY underrated book imo that I love so much, that I think you'd like if you like fantasy and adventure that takes place in the real world. I don't know if COZY is the right word for it but it'd really cozy to me even if they characters are often in danger lol, but I think the biggest reason I love it so much is because it's a real love letter to books and reading (and even writing as well!). It's about a book binder and his daughter, and the book binder has the ability to read characters from books to life. I read it when I was ten and have loved it ever since.
Then there's the Wings of Fire quartet by Tui T. Sutherland, which I ABSOLUTELY LOVE TO THIS DAY. If you love dragons and fantasy, then you'd probably like this!!! Yeah it's a children's book but who CARES. This book series is about five dragonets who have been told all their life that they are destined to stop the Sandwing queen war, and their journey as they try to do exactly that. The world-building is so cool, with the different type of dragons, and I love the five main characters so much and their relationship with each otherrrrr. Seriously one of my favorite series ever.
ANYWAY IM SORRY AGAIN FOR THE LATE RESPONSE!! I've been thinking about this ask for days I swear thank you so much for asking it 🥹
If you wanna ask me more book-related asks, fire away!!
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manie-sans-delire-x · 2 years
I think you're decontextualizing too much and talking from a privileged point of view. I'm not arguing with the objectivity of what your point is, but it's a very bland flat hill to die on, in my opinion. People can totally agree to disagree, but the whole "good luck living this way" or "it's never gonna happen" is nothing but a shrugging off problems just because they don't belong to you.
Of course trans folks have deeper issues, we've been fighting in a society that, by default, does not accept us and we're forced to explain our very existence on a daily (or whoever cares to, to be honest I dropped that one ball there). So that's why it's important to make people who are coming from said privileged spots (mind, I'm not using the word "privileged" to hop on a high horse and offend anyone) understand how some things are very easy adjustments to make to accommodate minorities. And you don't really need to know/profoundly understand /why/ it's important for them, you can simply trust it is if they say so.
It's like saying "why would I use City money to build a stupid ramp when wheelchair users can struggle a little and learn to climb a 3 inches step" or "why would I stop staring at that person's ass if it's out and it's natural for me to look at it" because you want to be better and it's not that deep.
Yet again, agree to disagree if adding "assigned at birth" is such an inconvenience. No one is word obsessed, but personally speaking I'll bend the usage of my language as much as I can to make sure everyone around me is comfortable and feels safe, I don't care and need to know why.
How am I decontextualizing or talking from a privileged point of view? I mean I suppose I am in that I am not trans? I'll give you that.
Why is my point of view a bland hill to die on but insisting on changing female/male to afab/amab isnt?
No I just truly believe and came to the realistic conclusion it will never happen, not in any of our lifetimes at least. Do you really expect that this is going to become the new normal, in every country and culture? Seriously?
Yeah damn straight Im shrugging it off, I cant help people who are determined to be unhappy over word choice. Its not my problem, as you said. Everyone elses life will go on as normal, only they will be stuck on this and being unhappy, only hurting themselves.
Changing a language is not "very easy adjustment", not at all. I mean clearly, or else all this fighting wouldnt be happening right? And ok, say English changes. What, now every other language in the world has to change? Oh boy, thats going to lead to a lot of confusion and fighting. Sounds kinda problematic too, to insist other cultures and countries have to change their languages to match the more enlightened English. Colonist vibes.
Lets have realistically attainable goals. Lets focus on what really matters- like violent hate crimes against transpeople. People who are sooo passionate about political correctness and word choice should maybe, idk, do something real to help. Volunteer or work to help transpeople. But see they dont actually care about transpeople, they just get off on the self righteousness and false sense of moral superiority.
Its not about understanding why its important to them, I understand that it is. But unfortunately, reality doesnt give a shit about peoples emotions or whats important to them. (and clearly its not ok to disagree, because then you get labeled as a terf or whatever else new acronym...)
If you want to compare it to that, its more like if people in wheelchairs insisted that all stairs should be banned- ramps only- and you cant call them disabled anymore, everyone else is un-disabled. Society will never build itself around to a minority population, and shouldnt because it makes no sense.
Its not about "doing better" or peoples feelings. This is the main difference in thought process I think- some people view it as a moral social issue, some people view it as a issue of reality and logic.
What is a female? What is a male? A woman? A man? Whats the differences between them? Whats the difference between sex and gender? Are trans people actually transsexual or transgender? Is it even possible to be transsexual since you will never have the desired sex's gametes? Can someone be a female man or a male woman? At some point we need some god damn definitions. We cant just make words mean whatever we want them to.
Why not just have females, males, and transfemales and transmales?? Men, women, transmen, transwomen. That makes way more sense. Why would the majority and a whole ass language change to fit the minority? And even with the use of "cis", "trans" is still in use so attaching "cis" is pretty redundant either way!
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nathank77 · 19 days
9:12 p.m- Added to 9:30 p.m/ Added to again at 10 p.m
I mean I think he wants to disappear on me and I'm making it difficult for him. I want to believe he is a good person and something not so bad happened but he couldn't make it. And he is recovering but if nothing happened he had me sit there for 30 minutes during which time he purposely ignored me and let me sit there while I was worried about him.
I actually looked at obituaries bc I'd like to believe he is a good person but I doubt it at this point.
I guess I'll try to find another therapist. I won't talk to them about Kristen bc it may be the reason the new ones disappear.... and I won't mention my hallucination bc I mean that could be a reason too. I won't talk to them about microsleep. I won't talk to them about anything. My dogs. My anxiety.
I won't open up. Then why would they abandon me? I mean I won't have much to talk about. I'll just talk about ocd and barely talk. Cause I mean being open isn't working.
Mike I'm almost positive doesn't want to deal with me. I mean he brought up mania bc of white mulberries... and I fought him bc I'm not fucking manic. I didn't yell at him but I brought up 500 facts about why I'm not. And he at the end of the appt was like okay you aren't manic.
Idk I just need therapy at this point bc I need to stay on disability to stay alive.. I need real therapy but therapists don't want to deal with the real me I mean it is what it is.
I feel like he is either trying to stick a label on me that truly doesn't fit. Or he wants to make me mad. If he has been listening I'm so not manic. You could prove I have ptsd. I mean a voice comes from ptsd but the ptsd is from the voice and microsleep.
If I can accept i have psychosis, why can't I accept that I'm maniac? Wouldn't that be better? I mean label wise??? I am not maniac. That's the thing. I'm not reckless. I'm not anything like a maniac person. I don't suffer from mania. I'm not even depressed. Sure I get really fucking sad cause my life sucks but! I also spent a lot of time gaming and doing things I love. I'm so motivated to find all the collectibles and figure out the whole resident evil 7 game.
I want to 100% the achievements and do all the dlcs. I also want to get resident evil 8 and do all the same.
Beyond that I want to play resident evil one. I own it already and I'm excited it's like silent hill with the controls and puzzles...
I mean I have motivation. I have pleasure doing things I love. I want to go to the gym but I can't afford it and I'm not reckless so I'm not getting a gym membership.
If I was truly maniac I could accept it bc I can accept that I virtually have schizophrenia for christ sake. I'm not indenial.... the shoe doesn't fit.
I have ptsd. I have psychosis or schizophrenia if that's what you want to call it but it's psychosis bc the voice got lower.
I mean if the shoe fit for mania I'd accept it but it DOESN'T. So this is why I argue back. White mulberries don't have a LD50 per several research studies... but either way we butt heads and it annoys him that I don't roll over.
I'm not getting assigned a label that is incorrect. He doesn't even believe psychosis is real. But it is. The voice gave me ptsd. Now I have ptsd from the voice and microsleep.
I am not hypomanic.
If I could get my hdcp bypasser to work I'd be super excited to work on my shattered memories Playlists for alternate ending guides. I'd be super excited to work on my sh2 greatest hits alternate ending guides.
I don't match the symptoms. The label doesn't fit cause I truly am not manic. And I'm sorry but im going to butt heads with you about that label bc it's wrong.
Label me with what I have: psychosis, ptsd, panic attacks and anxiety thats my true diagnoses.
Anyways look at how fucking much fun I had playing re7. I'm already on my second playthrough half way through with half the collectibles and I'm fucking loving it.
I want to buy them all but most of them aren't first person which is the only off putting thing for me. But moral of the story is if you try to label me I'll fight you with facts.
If he said you have psychosis ld say ummm yes I do. If he said you have ptsd I'd say yes i do. If he said I think the voice became apart of your ptsd I'd say maybe. Cause it's not impossible but that's not how it started. It started with psychosis.
If he said i have schizophrenia I'd fight it bc I don't have visuals which is a hallmark and i have no negative symptoms. I just suffer from auditory and tactile. It's 1000% psychosis.
And ptsd induced by psychosis and microsleep. I tried to sleep I wasn't up all day playing vjdeo games cleaning the house and running errands I laid there for hours 20 hours a day trying to the sleep. The remaining 4 hours I used the bathroom and cooked food. I showered and then tried to sleep.
I don't have mania of course I'm going to buttheads with him about it.
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babymorte · 5 months
Oh missed the mark? I grew up with people not caring about my obsessions, so I refrain from talking about them now. Someone listening to me rant about books is the fastest way to me opening up.
Any games you looking forward to releasing?
I'm stoked for a city building game that releases tomorrow called Manor Lord.
im sorry you went through with that it’s definitely not okay. Im horrible at conversation and keeping them going but if you ever want to just go off on any sort of tangents my inbox is always open and im sure there are other people here who would love to hear about the things you enjoy as well. for me i just can’t turn it off. its not really about if people care i guess i misspoke. it’s more of a they asked what my favourite horror movie is and i go on a 20min rant about blair witch trivia they didn’t ask to hear. i dont really know how to be concise if you could tell. it’s not that i don’t try…its hard to explain. but im always afraid of talking too much or out of turn or being annoying that i just try not to talk as much as humanly possible and let whoever im talking to take the reigns unless im like prompted to talk if that makes sense…i dont know its a whole thing and its kind of annoying from my standpoint. honestly it would be nice if i could turn it off.
honestly i really am looking forward to the silent hill 2 remake. i love bloober and i really want this game to do well. people give them way too much shit as a company. layers of fear is one of my favourite games of all time and they made the blair witch game which i also loved from a lore standpoint so im probably biased but im really confident that bloober is handling the remake with care because they really do have a love for horror games you can tell with the efforts they put into the horror aspects in their other games…now konami on the other hand…im fairly confident they’re doing things behind the scenes that are going to piss people off (im guessing there’s gonna be useless microtransactions out the booty a la dead space 3 because it’s konami) and bloober will get blamed for it which is whatever at this point it’s kind of expected. but im really excited for this remake and i hope it does well. it also hasn’t been announced at all but its inevitable to be in the works - the resident evil 5 remake. im excited to be able to (hopefully) play as sheva again. even if i dint end up having someone to play it with im kind of hoping they do it the re6 was and you can choose which character you play as…at the very least it’ll make for great replay value. also re9 is rumoured to be an open world game which if it’s true that is all ive wanted out of a resident evil ever since i started playing the division 2 (also excited for the division 3 but its so early in development that who knows when its coming out). but im kind of tired of playing as chris and leon who are rumoured to be the protags. like let me play as literally anyone else and im happy. or give me a new character to bring the lore to modern times. there’s a lot of rumoured games that im more excited about than actual games that were announced.
manor lord? is it like a civ6 sort of thing or is it like you’re an owner of a single manor? im such a sucker for city building games (tropico 5 is my favourite of all time) so you definitely have my attention here
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crabbunch · 11 months
secret life thoughts (long post underneath cut)
-there's a cherry forest !!!
-impulse? can we find pearl for the soup group?
-ok gem and the two scotts is very funny as well.
-love gem just. repeatedly fulfilling the challenge. just to make sure she's got it.
-maaaan the cherry biome is just so pretty though. man.
-"lets hold hands as we jump"- joel as he lets jimmy jump without him. incredible
-joel's name is not smallishbeans last time i checked. scar. you are ove-complicating this
-oh well he's cringefailed it up beyond belief !!
-wait i wish they had just let him fail.... why are people nice i want them to fight to death for my entertainment.
-d. desert duo
-scab??? scab???
-why are you trying to tell bad jokes to mumbo, chronic giggler. dont tell bad jokes to your friends. they'll be funny anyways
-intrigued by whatever bigb is doing. gaslight i guess.
-no wait actually what is bigb doing. my guy
-of course etho would be the one not to laugh at the jokes
-i was going to watch etho because he finally uploaded but actually i have to go find out what this guys secret was
-i understand nothing
-ok so is he. just like that?? just doing that?? i mean i. you know what. if i dont see about ten million billion people waxing poetic about the allure of a hole im going to blow this whole website up. this is the funniest thing ive ever seen and i want to write about bigb being. the absence of things now.
-"joel you already own my heart" awwwwwwwww
-the way he just lingers around bdubs
-cletho? cletho? cletho? cletho?
-the way he just. never mentions the merch. keep on doing what you do king <3
-the editing. when he's promoting the merch.
-he's dying so much faster than anyone else lmao
-heavy rock timelapse music as he struggles to place a fence
-oh he's going to be the first to red again isnt he. my guy.
-just resolving not to sleep for etho... boat bois crumbs 🥰🥰🥰
-impulse my man carrying the good word of the cherry wood to everyone. thank you good sir
-a lot of murderous music going on. and some very interesting pronunciations of fish. joe hills has had a profound influence on them
-unequal exchange <3 its ok he'll just owe her
-"it's ok it day one alliance!!! those statistically have no meaning!!!" wow that says a lot about traffic cleo. heuh.
-the shadowrot is real
-promotion of merch is an acceptable bribe <3
-just. steal moss off of the rock thing. yes good idea
-ideal roomate dynamic is throwing fish down through the hole that your roomate made as thanks??? this is so ethubs meat shower
-"dont talk about my shield hole like that"
-"we could be called the axis :D" "well maybe you shouldnt"
-the way. bdubs just knows that they're referring to etho. hello i know this has been clipped but its so bizarre to see lol
-AND pearl cleo secret alliance?? with dogs? man cleo's dynamics with everyone this season. they're all just so good
-heart foundation. ok. on love island.
-cherry blossoms!!!! wahoo best wood!!!
-bdubs acting all offended about killing a horse for leather vs his season 8 horse murder stats
-every season they get a little bit better at not immediately killing all the wildlife
-every season they also get a little big better at gay marriage. this time they've even got yuri!
-lizzie: "lets take this baby down the river.. and find some sugarcane!" cleo in the distance: "hey, i've got sugarcane!"
-jimmy comes running. from nothing. average jimmy behavior
-lesbian marridge AND lesbian divorce. fantastic
overall thoughts: i think that the povs im going to keep watching in the future barring Interesting Events will be etho (i am legally obligated) cleo (daily dose of sarcasm) bigb (hole guy) and joel (his bloodthirsty swag has charmed me once again)
i think that the mechanic is interesting but also if they do a lore thing with it i WILL start killing. sorry.
i like the groups that've been established so far but i sort of think that they're a little sparcer than usual??? gem and her two scotts is a VERY fun dynamic but unfortunately i hate the way all of them edit their videos :pensive: i love the mounders and their stupid houses from what ive seen of them from other people's videos and cletho???? cletho???!?!?!? love island is also very good.
anyways. very fun. much fun. im making an effort to tag spoilers this time if you want to filter this stuff its sl spoilers 👍
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piningeddiediaz · 2 years
Wait I’m confused about that group of screenshots about Adam you just reblogged…is it a theory that bryde is a dreamed Adam? I’m consumed everyone in the notes is just like OH NO LOL
oh boy this is a can of worms. to answer your question in the simplest way... yes but also no.
now i'm going to preface this by saying I saw this theory appear ages ago, right before mister impossible just came out and a bit afterwards. there are definitely posts that explain it better than I am going to, but I went through my tags and I can't find a single one of them except this but it doesn't so much 'explain' it, more like draws parallels. i don't really remember a lot of it in detail tbh, and I'm not sure how much I agree with either of them, but there are two main ideas
idea 1: is essentially what you said - bryde is a dreamed version of older adam. the main reason for thinking this is mainly that there are a truly uncomfortable amount of hints made to the idea of a 'dream' adam, and also bryde sometimes says things that sound so very adam, and also they're both 'tawny'. honestly i cant tell you much about this theory because tbh I don't really agree with it, but I'm sure the theories tag will have something about it
idea 2: this is the one i am slightly more 👀 about because it's more concerned with the idea that bryde isn't actually adam, but simply dreamt to look like and embody certain characteristics of an older adam. firstly, in call down the hawk in the infamous tomato dream ronan has, ronan is dreaming about an older adam. in this dream, ronan notes that recently "he [adam] had been an adult in all of ronan's dreams." now, at the time I thought the reasoning for this was probably the idea that ronan was seeing that adam has been moving towards his future whereas ronan himself is very much stuck in time, and it was his grief at the idea of whether or not he and adam will have a future manifesting (also back then I was a visionary adam truther skkds). however, when ronan is having this dream, bryde is in his head spouting his cult bullshit which drew a connection between the two of them. in the same way, there are a lot of characteristics bryde has that matches gansey as well, so I don't think it's so much a 'bryde is adam' as it is a 'ronan dreamt bryde to be someone he looks up to, and so he dreamt into bryde bits and pieces of the three people he loves most: niall, adam and gansey.'
in summary im going to have to admit this isn't a hill I would die on. i see where some of it comes from, but ultimately I do personally think the link is slightly too tenous. I'm sorry if this confused you more loool
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