#im sure there are other variations
abracazabka · 2 years
What if...what if we were terrorized by a fear-eating clown monster and...and we were both boys..? 😳😳😳
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mollypaup · 2 months
tajima trying to write a 2 on abe's back so mihashi would feel better is so funny. the possessiveness goes both ways.
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xmoonlitxdreamx · 7 months
How do you say worcesteershsire sauce
Idk why ur asking this but unfortunately i studied linguistics in college so im gonna send a pointlessly specific answer.
I speak general american english & i usually say it like one of these (rough IPA transcription in brackets; closest word approximation in parentheses, but this may only work to read if u also speak gen american english):
[wʊs.tr.ʃɑɪr] (wuss-ter-shire)
[wʊs.tr.ʃir] (wuss-ter-sheer)
sometimes [wɔr.tʃɛs.tr] (war-chess-ter), but I think I mainly said that as a kid? I don't think it's an uncommon pronunciation in america tho. idk i might b wrong.
I think [wɔr.tʃɛs.tr.ʃɑɪr] (war-chess-ter-shire) and [wɔr.tʃɛs.tr.ʃir] (war-chess-ter-sheer) are possible pronunciations ive heard here too
None of these are how it's pronounced in the UK, i think. iirc I think it's [wʊs.tə] (wuss-tuh). I dont know much abt british eng tho so idk.
Sauce is [sɑs] (the "a" sound in "father").
Tbh i dont eat worcestershire sauce (i dont like most condiments) so i dont really say this word often LMAO;;
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drbtinglecannon · 2 years
I just think about Flapjack, Dadrius, Huntlow, and Gus-Hunter-bros so much
How each dynamic Hunter has with them parallels a previous Caleb's story, and how each dynamic is a perfect reason in Belos' eyes to kill Hunter for "betraying him", let alone the way all of them are happening at once.
Flapjack being the first ever source of unconditional support in Hunter's life, as well as a gateway to wild magic, something Hunter adores but isn't permitted to be around -- just like they were for Caleb centuries ago. Flapjack is scarred and was abandoned for a long time, likely all from the day Caleb was killed, and the person who inflicted this pain onto them is the same person who abused Hunter. Flapjack didn't bond with Hunter because he is made from Caleb, but because Hunter's motivations line up with Flapjack's, and they have (literally) pulled Hunter along helping him eventually build the other supports he's made.
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Flapjack represents the beginning of the end for both Caleb and Hunter in Belos' eyes, evident by his outburst upon seeing them. The very representation of the dangers of magic, leading Caleb away from his brother all over again.
Darius being the same witch that the Previous Golden Guard was the mentor of and became attached to, probably as something like a little brother or son, then ended up dying to protect. From the trauma and grief of loss, Darius kept a distant and strained relationship with Hunter for years until recently after a moment of rare rebellion from Hunter -- something we now know every grimwalker before him has also done. Now it has come full circle with Darius as the adult developing a similar attachment to Hunter as something like a son to him, and almost dying during the draining spell after sending Hunter away to protect him.
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Belos had to have known about the Previous Golden Guard's dedication to Darius, just as Belos knew Darius was a rebel when no one else suspected him. And now here he is, ruining another perfectly good Caleb not even two decades later.
Willow being a witch that Hunter, a non-witch, develops feelings of some kind for, who is brave and strong and always protecting her loved ones, including Hunter himself a number of times. Hunter, a Caleb clone, who loves wild magic and the people he's bonded with in the Boiling Isles, with Willow being the very first to be positive from the start. A perfect reflection to Caleb, the original Caleb from centuries ago, who willingly fell in love with the Boiling Isles and the people there and -- most importantly -- the witch he started a family with, who bravely tried to protect Caleb in his final moments.
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The original sin of Caleb that got him killed in cold blood, grave robbed, and cloned for centuries afterwards was falling in love with the Boiling Isles and a witch. The ultimate betrayal, when Caleb chose this hell over his own brother.
Gus being a little brother to Hunter, who is sheltered and cared for and protected by this older brother figure. This isn't the first Caleb to be an older brother to someone, blood-related or not, in fact that's how this story all started. Caleb was Philip's doting older brother, who sheltered and cared for and protected him their entire childhoods through the horrors of their upbringing. But this time it's not one-sided, Gus has sheltered and cared for and protected Hunter back, he was the safe haven for Hunter to confide in after he ran away from his home, and he shared a healthy coping mechanism with Hunter for his anxiety.
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Gus' brothership with Hunter is a series of kindnesses that Philip didn't grant to Caleb in the end. After everything they've been through, how could Caleb choose a witch as a brother over him?
Willow and Gus reflect the original Caleb's story, Darius was directly involved in the last grimwalker story, and Flapjack was directly involved in the original Caleb's story. And all of them are here now for Hunter.
It was inevitable Hunter was going to be the Grimwalker to finally break the chain, with having so many direct and indirect ties to his predecessors all lined up together in his favor through a combination of extreme luck, coincidence, and his own actions to change.
It's beautiful and poetic, really.
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voidimp · 7 months
turning off rbs bc i explained this poorly u can stop voting on it
i forgot to add an option for other so just like. pick whichever one u think is closest (or the results option if u really cant decide)
feel free to elaborate on your opinion if u would like. i am Curious i want to know everyones thoughts
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simplydnp · 4 months
pinof: if you could ask any pinof question with a guaranteed answer, what would it be?
what is your credit card number
send a dnp ask!
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dailyeca · 1 year
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Facts about the Underwater Grotto
Fact 1: Though most of the entrances are underwater, humans can enter from the beachside through a small cave in the side of the cliff that connects to the underwater section of the grotto. When it's not raining, there's low tide pools and cool stepping stones and quartz crystals glittering in the cave walls.
Caving In Arc: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
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northern-passage · 2 years
how would we feel about an update that doesn’t have all of the paths available immediately? as in you could see the choice but it wouldn’t be selectable and would be marked as a wip?
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the very least you can do as a partner is treat your s/o like derek morgan treats penelope garcia
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mihai-florescu · 2 years
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If she was a girl i'd kiss and play with her hair
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kennabeth · 11 months
bought my first joss mold last night so I'm finally going to have all the ag sculpts again for the first time since joss came out:') I don't really like any of the stock joss molds which is why I haven't gotten one yet but this one is gonna be another dye victim and I'm so fucking excited
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shokushii · 1 year
fuck just got a message that the fig i ordered is apparently out of stock. hate and hell on planet earth
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waitingonher · 6 months
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ELECTRIC TOUCH — [jason grace dating headcanons]
author's note: i need 2024 to be THE year. 2023 did me soooo dirty. im praying
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dating JASON GRACE would be like dating someone from a regency era romance novel…he’s just SUCH a hopeless romantic but he would rather die than admit it.
in the initial first few weeks of dating, jason was sosososooooo shy about pda/physical touch. it’s not that he was uncomfortable, he LOVES physical touch, but he had just gone so long without it that he wasn’t used to it. but eventually, he warms up to it…and now he can’t go without having at least one part of him touching you 😭 
when it came to things like hugs, kisses, handholding, etc. jason would always wait for you to initiate it because he was so anxious about making you uncomfortable ?? fjsldfjs 
but when you communicated that he didn’t need to ask/wait for you all the time, jason started initiating things more. even still, he occasionally gets nervous to even hold your hand? like wdym you’ve been dating for over six months and you still get nervous doing simple couple things 😭 it’s very endearing though 
chivalry is NOT dead,, and it’s because of jason LMAO. he’s the type to swap shoes with you even though you’re wearing heels that are 3x too small for him, but hey, at least your feet don’t hurt anymore!
jason’s also hellbent on carrying things for you, opening doors for you, pulling out/pushing in chairs for you, etc… GOD HE’S SO CUTE. 
since dating him, you don’t think you’ve ever touched a single door or car handle when he’s with you. 
jason is NOT afraid to advocate or stand up for you, especially if you’re more on the quiet & non-confrontational side. if you’re in a group setting and someone interrupts you, he’s making sure you get your chance to say what you wanted to say. and he doesn’t do it in a way that leaves you embarrassed, he’s very very classy with it! 
if you’re a big music person, jason will literally learn your favorite artist’s entire discography so you guys have another thing to talk about. 
you guys also have a shared playlist of “your songs” and he’s so serious about it 😭 if jason hears a song that even remotely reminds him of you, he’s going to the ends of the earth to figure out what it’s called. 
rip to anyone around him if shazam doesn’t work! he’s gonna send voice messages to your big group chat humming the tune, but he’s so tone deaf that no one knows the song…and his search history is just variations of “song that goes du du ooh du ooh du du ooh” a for effort though babes…
jason’s love languages are definitely acts of service and quality time. over the years and throughout the many battles he’s fought, he’s come to realize that all he wants to do when he comes home is just spend time with his loved ones. 
after a busy day, you’ll come home to find your laundry folded, bed sheets washed & freshly made, along with a sweet little note from jason <3 
your guys’ thing are writing notes to each other. considering his and your busy schedule, you’ll write and leave tiny notes around the house for each other to find. it’s one of the many reasons why jason gets up in the morning. 
he loves coming home to you after a long day to simply melt in your arms. there’s just something so soothing about cuddling with you after a busy day. 
it does not matter where you are, you guys could literally be cleaning the camp toilets and he’d still be able to find the fun in it. you’re his home, and he’d follow you wherever you go. 
if you play sports, you already know he’s showing up to ALL your games. it doesn’t matter if it’s pouring rain or if it’s hours away, he’s absolutely determined to show his support. jason even makes posters with your jersey number and when you have big tournaments he’ll show up with posters of your face 😭 the refs are SO tired of jason help
i feel like if he really tried, jason would be a good cook. 
one day you sent him a recipe you saw online saying you wanted to make it with him, but then he decided to make it himself to surprise you. and it was actually so good??? 
JASON IN A “KISS THE COOK” APRON OMFG. that’s what you got him for his birthday and every single time without fail, he’ll wear it when he’s cooking. 
one of his hidden talents is that he’s super good at origami. he originally picked it up because he heard it was a good stress reliever, but now he also does it for you <3 
he loves your reaction when he gives you little paper rings or an origami version of your favorite animal! 
this guy DREAMS of domesticity. he’s always been the type to date to marry, and that’s just what he intends to do with you! even though you guys are still young, he’s been planning your proposal sfjfls
tell me why he already knows what kind of ring he wants to get you… omg. 
he really wants to just settle down with you in new rome. but honestly, he’s willing to do anything as long as you’re at his side. 
expect flowers from jason at least once a month! he even keeps one flower so he knows when it’s time to get you a new bouquet. and if he’s away, he’ll get one of his friends to deliver it! 
i have this headcanon that the aphrodite cabin teams up with the hephaestus cabin to throw a really elaborate party, essentially like prom. anyways, jason would go all out for your promposal jfdsls i feel like he would either do a super funny poster/proposal like y’know that one guy who did that medieval promposal 😭 yeah well jason would do something like that but like...more roman... LMFAO him pulling up to your place in a chariot 
or he would do something super super intricate and planned out…like a fancy picnic and then he’d have the fauns arrange fireflies to spell out “prom?” when it’s dark out. 
ugh! jason grace the man that you are… <3 best bf ever,, i can confirm btw
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pairing: luke castellan x fem!reader
warnings: none!
a/n: i have arisen from the dead with this blurb instead of actually finishing the two other series i have... anyway! this was so cute to write hehe
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luke, to put it simply, was a pack horse.
he had been dragged around the shopping complex all morning, bags of snacks and clothes adorned his arms and he had never been happier.
the reason for his happiness was the excited girl rushing back to him with a candle in hand gushing over the smell. "luke! luke! ahh smell this one!" she places the candle under his nose and, yep sure enough, its vanilla. your favorite scent.
nearly all of the candles you've picked out this morning have been some variation of vanilla; french vanilla, caramel & vanilla, coffee & vanilla, light vanilla- what even is that?
"oooh we've got to get these! look at them, they're adorable!" she says picking up a pack of heart shaped tea-light candles and placing them in lukes arms.
after he pays - he will always insist on paying no matter how much she argues - when his girlfriend notices a bookstore across from the current one they're in, she takes off dragging him behind her and exclaiming how they must go in there.
a smile appears on lukes face as he watches her's light up with joy while she flicks through books and spins back between the shelf and him chattering excitedly about each book. the girl - y/n, his y/n, was so wrapped up in her little world that she barely noticed when luke slipped away and scoured the aisles looking for a book that he think you'd like.
he found two, both with pretty covers - which she loves - and both written by authors she loves.
"luke?" the girls tentative voice fills the store, and he quickly spins around finding his way back to her.
"hey you," he says his voice low and adoring when he sees the worry on her face before she notices him. "i'm here."
"hey," she breathes, coming to a stop in front of him. "you disappeared." she hesitates a little, "i'm sorry for dragging you around all day, i know this isn't your cup of tea."
luke softly smiles down at her placing the bags on the floor next to him and he wraps his arms around her waist. "baby, i could be completely covered in bags and it wouldn't matter, you're here so im here."
y/n's eyes fill with so much love and she leans in to place a soft kiss on luke's lips. "i love you so much," she whispers.
luke grins and picks up the bags letting her lead the way to the counter, "oh wait i forgot to get that book!" his girlfriend says, "be right back!" luke discreetly picks up the books and pays for them before the before she comes back.
the girl appears again with another book and smiles brightly at luke when he pays and then allows him to lead her out of the store and to their car.
when they're both home that night snuggled up in bed luke leans over the edge and picks up the two books he had bought earlier.
"luke!" his girlfriend shrieks peppering with kisses when she sees the books. "you're my favorite human i swear. i love you so much."
"not as much as i love you," luke hums kissing the top of her head as she settles into him. "read to me," he whispers.
your calming voice fills the quiet room and luke presses a heartbreakingly adoring kiss to the top of your head.
"not as much as me."
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pro-crastinate17 · 8 months
hello!! so im going to try to make a disability inclusive picrew and id like some help making sure i include as much as i can!
the person would be seated and pretty much all of the body would be visible. ill post it when im done!
its mostly focused on phys disabilities, bc i so rarely can find picrews w good diverse mobility aid options, but ofc im including non phys disabilities as well! (sorry for clunky phrasing, im unclear on the preferred term for non phys disabilities so thats the term ive been using)
what i have so far is below the read more. be warned it is a very long list! (every option/category of option i could think of)
if you think i missed something, please recommend it!!! (related note: id much rather get recommended something that is already on the list than miss something!)
category: head
various jaw shapes 
missing jaw 
crooked/misaligned jaw
category: skin
wide range of skin tones, including white/extremely pale (albino) 
freckles, lots of scar variation (including burns), vitiligo, acne, facial hair, eye bags, other skin conditions (trying to make a list)
breathing tubes, masks, bandages 
category: eyes 
blue, grey, green, hazel, medium brown, dark brown, black, red 
heterochromia options 
lazy eye options 
clouded eye options 
closed eyes that look like winking and closed eyes that don't 
missing eyes
category: mouth 
general expressions 
variations for color 
variations for cleft lip, scars, facial paralysis 
category: ears 
ear size, shape, missing ears, deformed ears
category: eye/ear accessories 
earrings, earplugs, hearing aids, bone anchored hearing aids, headphones, earmuffs (modifications for missing/deformed ears), cochlear implant
glasses, sunglasses, blue light glasses, eye patches, eye masks/bandages 
category: nose 
various shapes & sizes, bumpy noses, deformed noses  
category: eyebrows 
lots of expression options, thickness options, color options (including white) 
one missing, scarring, eyebrow slits 
category: body 
body types: very skinny, skinny, fat, very fat (options for muscularity too if i can figure out how)
body hair, scarring, freckles, tattoos   
range of missing limbs, deformed limbs, prosthetics   
diabetes patch 
category: hair 
wide range of hairstyles, bangs, and colors 
patchy hair, scalp scarring, receding hairline 
category: head coverings
range of hats, hair accessories, headbands, bandanas    
range of hijabs, turbans, kippot (+ more variation in cultural headwear if theres space)
head bandages 
category: clothes
range of styles and colors 
adaptable to body types (+ breasts), missing/deformed limbs 
category: shoes 
range of styles 
adaptable to body types, missing foot/feet 
category: hand accessories  
gloves, bracelets, rings, nails, wrist braces, splint rings
range of types, adaptable to missing/deformed hands 
category: pins 
range of queer pride flags 
pronoun pins 
animals, fandoms/characters (def muppets, feel free to recommend characters and i'll try to include some of the most popular ones) 
general disability pride, cripplepunk, madpunk, sign union flag, & pin (for systems), specific disabilities (need some help with these, send me specific flags and i’ll include them!) 
category: seat 
chair, manual wheelchair, power chair, spinny chair, throne, rollator, electric scooter 
category: mobility aids 
cane, white cane, crutches (underarm/axillary and forearm), rollator, walker (with and without wheels), electric scooter  
joint braces (shoulder, elbow, knee, ankle, back, others?), joint tape, compression garments 
category: other disability aids
AAC tablets, word cards, glucose monitor, sunflower lanyard, inhaler, medical id bracelet
stoma bag, central line catheter, picc line catheter, heart monitor, breathing tube, feeding tube (nasal and abdominal), tracheostomy 
stim toys/chewelry, stuffed animals, phone 
service animals
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itneverendshere · 2 months
guilty conscience (+18)
chapter iii
pairing: rafe cameron x female!reader
summary: when ward cameron, a renowned business man and millionaire specifically requested your services through an escort agency, you assumed it would be just another job—brief and straightforward. however, your entire world shifted when ward disclosed his true intentions and rafe cameron stumbled into your life. there were rules, and rules were meant to be followed.
was money worth breaking someone’s heart?
taglist: lmk if you want to be added (comment down below! if you've already asked me to be here and I didn't tag you LET ME KNOW AGAIN CAUSE IM VERY FORGETFUL) : @tiaamberxx @haruvalentine4321 @maybankslover
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Your phone buzzed in your nightstand, startling you out of your reverie. 
With a sigh, you fished it out, glancing at the screen to see Ward's name flashing in bold letters. You’d just texted him an hour earlier but spared any details for your sake.
Taking a deep breath, you answered the call, plastering on your most professional tone. 
"Hey, Ward. How's it going?"
There was a moment of silence on the other end, followed by Ward's booming voice, filled with impatience. 
"Well? Did you find him? How's it going over there?"
You hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to tell him you royally fucked up. The truth was things hadn't exactly gone according to plan. Rafe had slipped through your fingers not once, but twice, leaving you feeling more defeated than ever.
But you couldn't let Ward know that. Not yet, at least.
"It's... going." you replied vaguely, trying to keep your tone upbeat.
There was a pause on the other end, and you could practically hear Ward's mind whirring with impatience.
 "Make it faster," he snapped, his tone sharp and demanding. "He’ll be at the golf course tomorrow, 9 sharp.”
The golf course?!
You had never golfed a day in your life, let alone attempted to blend in with a bunch of rich snobs on the green. For fuck’s sake. This was going to be a disaster.
On the other hand, you were nothing if not resourceful. You didn’t know the first thing about golf, but you were a quick learner. And if there was one thing you were good at, it was improvising on the fly. 
“Sofia works there. Get his attention off her.”
Easier said than done. 
“Ward, your son looks at her like she hung the moon and the stars."
"I don't pay you to play matchmaker, sweetheart," he retorted sharply, his tone laced with irritation. "I pay you to get the job done. Now, I don't want any excuses tomorrow. Make sure you're at that golf course bright and early, and don't screw this up."
With that, he hung up the phone.
Fucking assshole.
You slammed your phone down on the nightstand, cursing under your breath.
Ward might have been your current employer, but that didn't mean you had to like him. Dealing with his crap was like dealing with a spoiled toddler throwing a tantrum. Except, you know, this toddler had a lot more money and power, which somehow made it even worse.
You were not some puppet he could just yank around whenever he felt like it, constantly ordering you around like some sort of lackey.
But you were not about to let Ward's ridiculous demands get the best of you. If he wanted you to be a professional golfer, you would give him just that.
The evening turned into a crash course on all things golf. Who knew there was so much to learn about golf etiquette? You spent hours glued to your laptop, absorbing every last detail you could find. And those YouTube tutorials? Let's just say you had never clicked on a video so fast in your life.
Then came the real fun—practicing your swing.
Spoiler alert: it was a hot mess. You must've looked like a total dweeb flailing around with that golf club in your hotel room. 
And let's not forget about perfecting your fake smile. You must've spent a solid hour in front of the mirror, trying out different variations until you found the one that said, "I'm totally a golf pro, trust me."
By the time morning rolled around, you were as ready as you'd ever be. 
You found yourself standing outside the gates of the local Country Club, taking deep breaths to calm your nerves. You glanced down at your outfit, a bunch of preppy pieces that you hoped screamed "I belong here" rather than "I have no idea what I'm doing." 
And hey, bonus points for the fact that it made your ass and legs look great. Confidence boost, check.
With a mental pep talk and a final adjustment to your collar, you stepped through the gates, steeling yourself for what lay ahead. The crisp scent of freshly cut grass filled the air, mingling with the distant sound of clubs striking balls and polite laughter. You felt like a fish out of water in this sea of polo shirts and khaki shorts, but you refused to let it show. 
Taking a deep breath, you approached the pro shop, hoping they had something available for a last-minute rental. Inside, it was bustling with old men browsing through rows of shiny clubs and chatting with the staff.
You stepped up to the counter, plastering on your best smile as you tried to appear confident. 
“Hi there," you greeted the clerk, your voice coming out a little shakier than you would have liked. "I was wondering if you had any clubs available for rent?"
The clerk eyed you curiously, clearly noticing your lack of golf attire. "Sure thing," he replied with a friendly smile. "What kind of clubs are you looking for?"
You paused, realizing you had no idea what kind of clubs you needed. "Um, just something... basic?" you ventured, feeling completely out of your depth.
The clerk nodded understandingly and disappeared into the back room, returning a moment later with a set of clubs. "These should do the trick," he said, handing them over to you. "Just sign here, and you're all set."
You hastily scribbled your signature on the rental form, feeling a rush of relief as you finally held the clubs in your hands. 
The course stretched out before you, lush green fairways bordered by trees and dotted with sand traps and water hazards. It all looked so pristine and posh, like something out of a magazine. You couldn't help but admire the luxury of it all, even though you felt like a total fish out of water.
Glancing around, you realized you were flying solo. No caddy to show you the ropes, no fellow players to offer tips or cheer you on. It was just you, your instincts, and the vast expanse of the course.
And let's not forget, your sheer power of delusion. 
Taking a deep breath, you placed your ball on the tee and tried to remember everything you'd learned from those YouTube tutorials.
Grip firm, eye on the ball, swing smooth. Easy, right?
With trembling hands, you lifted the club and took a practice swing, hoping to shake off some of the jitters. Then, with a quick scan down the fairway, you drew back and swung.
The ball sailed through the air, arcing gracefully before landing with a satisfying thud on the fairway. It wasn't the most impressive shot in the world, but it was a start. You hadn't missed the ball entirely or accidentally hit someone in the head.
Small victories and all.
You grinned, feeling a rush of pride. Maybe this golf thing wasn't so bad after all.
You continued to take swings, each one feeling a little more confident than the last. It was all about finding that rhythm, hearing that satisfying "thwack" when the club met the ball, and watching it soar through the air.
You got lost in the game, forgetting all about the stress of the morning. The sun was climbing, spreading this warm, cozy light over the course, and all around you, there were these little moments of nature - birds chirping, clubs swishing, and the occasional "fore!" from nearby players. 
It was kind of peaceful, in a way. All you cared about was nailing that next shot. Walking down the fairway, you couldn't help but grin to yourself. Sure, you weren’t exactly a golf prodigy, but who cared? 
Just as you were lining up for another swing, a voice startled you from behind. "Hey new face, need a hand?"
“Fuck!” You blurted out, nearly dropping the club at the sound of his voice.
There he was, Rafe Cameron, looking all cool and collected in his golf gear like he'd just stepped out of a magazine. And of course, he caught you in the middle of your amateur hour on the course. You were hoping to find him during a break, probably around the bar, lurking around Sofia.
"Hey.” he said with a smirk, sauntering over to where you stood frozen in embarrassment. "Didn't mean to scare you.”
You tried to muster up a nonchalant response, but all that came out was a nervous chuckle. "Yeah. Just, you know, getting some practice in."
For the first time in my life, you’d like to add. 
Rafe glanced down at the clubs in your hand, a glint in his eyes.
"Practice, huh? Well, you definitely look like you're giving it your all."
You wanted to die.
You forced a smile, hoping he couldn't see the panic swirling beneath the surface. "Yeah, well, gotta start somewhere, right?"
He chuckled, a sound that sent a shiver down your spine. "Mind if I join you?”
Your heart skipped a beat at the suggestion. This was not part of the plan, but you welcomed it anyway. You couldn't help but feel nervous at the thought of him witnessing your less-than-stellar golfing skills up close. But then again, you weren’t here to become a professional golfer, you were here to woo him off his feet and get paid.
Ward's words echoed in your mind—get his attention off her. And what better way to do that than by keeping him occupied with small talk on the golf course?
You shrugged, "The more, the merrier, right?"
"Exactly.” He said, falling into step beside you as you headed down the fairway. "So, how long have you been playing?"
You hesitated, not wanting to admit that this was your first time on a golf course. "Oh, you know, just getting into it recently," You replied vaguely, hoping he wouldn't press for details. "How about you?”
Rafe ran a hand through his tousled hair. "Been playing since I was a kid," he admitted. "It's kind of a family thing."
Of course, it is. Rich people. Nothing like a little golf for some family bonding time. But it gave you the opening you needed to make a personal connection. Nothing like sharing personal information to establish contact.
 “That’s cute. My family thing was shoving pizzas down our throat every Friday.”
Rafe chuckled at your comment, the sound genuine. “Pizza Fridays sound pretty great, actually."
You smiled back, feeling a sense of relief wash over you. Maybe this wouldn't be as awkward as you'd feared. "Yeah, they were definitely the highlight of the week," you admitted. "But I have to say, golf seems a lot more... sophisticated."
Rafe raised an eyebrow. "Sophisticated, huh? You must be hanging out with the wrong crowd."
You felt yourself relax a little more with each passing moment. 
"Maybe I just need the right teacher," you said, giving him a sideways glance.
Rafe's smile widened, and he stepped a little closer, "Well, lucky for you, I happen to know a thing or two about golf."
 "Is that so?" you replied, trying to keep your tone light despite the sudden flutter in your stomach.
Rafe nodded, his expression turning more serious. "Yeah," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "If you're interested, I'd be happy to show you."
You could feel every little detail, like how close you were and the intensity in his eyes, like they were trying to unravel some mystery hidden deep inside you. 
No, no, no.
Pull yourself together! You mentally slapped yourself, shaking off the dreamy haze that seemed to cloud your brain whenever he looked at you. You had goals, a mission to nail, and getting all googly-eyed over some suave, wealthy guy was not on the agenda. 
You flashed him this playful grin, trying to play it cool even though your heart was doing somersaults in your chest.
 "Oh, I dunno," you teased, taking a little step back to collect yourself. "Golf lessons? Sounds like it could burn a hole in my wallet. Can't be going broke over a new hobby."
Rafe chuckled, his eyes lingering on you for a second before he backed off, “You think I’d charge you?”
The way he said it, so casually, it sent a thrill through you, but you knew better than to let yourself get carried away. This was part of the game, after all.
“You’re always this nice to strangers?”
His blonde, tousled hair fell just so, framing his angular jawline, while a subtle stubble added a rugged charm to his appearance. And his smile... ugh, it's like he knew how fine he was. Rafe had this smirk that was just... chef's kiss. And his eyes? Sparkling like he was up to no good but in the best way possible. You couldn’t stop staring. 
“Only the pretty ones.” he replied smoothly, his tone dripping with flirtation.
You couldn't help but roll your eyes, trying to maintain your composure despite the butterflies dancing in your stomach. But damn, if he didn't have a way with words.
"Well, lucky me then," you quipped, hoping your voice sounded steadier than you felt. “But don't think you're getting off that easy. I’m not just some pretty face, you know.”
Rafe raised an eyebrow, gaze fixed on your hands as you moved them to fix your ponytail, “Is that so?"
Ah, you have no idea.
"Guess you'll just have to stick around to find out,” you replied with a cheeky wink, feeling a surge of confidence wash over you. “But fair warning, I'm not exactly a pro at this.”
Rafe chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement. “Don't worry,” he said, his voice softening. “I'll go easy on you.”
His confident demeanor was infectious, and you couldn't resist playing along.
“Who said I wanted easy?”
He tilted his head slightly, his hair shifted with the movement, “You think you can take me?”
With that, he gestured for you to take the next shot. You could feel his eyes on you as you lined up your shot, the weight of his gaze fueling your focus.
Taking a deep breath, you blocked out all distractions and focused on the ball. Grip firm, eyes locked on the target, you swung the club with all the force you could muster.
The ball sailed through the air, soaring gracefully before landing with a satisfying thud on the fairway. You couldn't help but grin as you watched it roll to a stop, a surge of pride coursing through your veins.
Rafe let out a low whistle, his expression somewhat impressed. "Not bad," he conceded. "Let's see if you can keep it up."
“Sounds like you’re scared…”
His eyebrows practically hit the sky when you threw down the gauntlet, his lips curling up. "Scared?" he shot back, his voice oozing with playful doubt, “Of you?”
Oh boy.
“Of losing.”
“Pretty girl, I don’t lose.”
Yeah, we’ll see about that. 
“And you’d swing a lot harder if you arched your back just a little.”
"How so?” you retorted, your tone teasing.
Rafe stepped up behind you, his presence suddenly much closer than before. His large hands gently adjusted your posture, touch gentle yet firm. 
"Like this," he murmured, his breath warm against your ear as he guided you through the motion.
The warmth of his palms seeped through the fabric of your shirt, sending a wave of tingles across your skin. His fingers rested lightly against your sides, the pressure just enough to provide guidance without feeling intrusive. You tried to focus on his instructions, on the proper form and technique, but it was so fucking hard with him standing so close.
Every subtle movement, every brush of his body against yours…goddamn. You bit your lip to stifle a gasp, unable to believe how good it felt to have him so close.
"Alright, let's work on that swing.”
 There was a confidence in his tone, a subtle reassurance that made you want to combust on the spot. The way his voice rose and fell with each word…it was difficult to do anything with the sensation of his touch sending your senses into overdrive.
You tilted your head slightly and threw out the question, "Like this?"
Before he could even answer, you couldn't resist the urge to push the boundaries a bit. So, you arched your back ever so subtly, pressing yourself back into him. It was a total spur-of-the-moment move. 
There was a beat of silence that felt like an eternity. And then, oh my god, you felt his hands tighten slightly on your waist.
“Just like that.”
But then he stepped back and you couldn't help but feel disappointment at the loss of his proximity. You gave yourself a mental shake and got back into the swing of things – pun totally intended.
Grabbing the club again, you were all set to take your next shot. With Rafe's tips fresh in your mind, you took a swing, putting everything you had into it. And would you believe it? The ball actually went where you wanted it to, landing way closer to the hole than you expected.
Rafe's reaction was priceless. His eyebrows shot up again, and there was this look in his eyes like, this time he was genuinely impressed.
Score one for you.
But you weren’t about to get cocky just yet. So, you gave him a smirk and threw down the gauntlet. 
“Funnily enough, I never lose either.”
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