#im trying to find anything on fashion in m-e
cwilbah · 1 year
i feel like i hallucinated a tumblr post about ‘realistic’ fashion in middle earth
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Do you think they would actually enjoy the modern world? Or would they want to stay in their current time period?
Hm, well, I think that may vary depending on each suitor if I’m honest! (I’ll be excluding Sebastian from this one, only because he is a modern man and I wager he would want to stay in the mansion in order to finish his thesis) 
Under a cut bc it’s a long boi:
I think for people like Arthur and Theo, for instance--who always seem to live in the fast lane--it might not really prove much of a problem. They would continue enjoying the night life and move with their busy schedules. Tl;dr: (For them? Same shit, different day)
Vincent would likely be doing just fine given how Theo often provides assistance in places where he struggles; to promote his art, to spark intrigue in the general public and benefactors. He might be a little overwhelmed by the influx of stimuli that comes with the modern era, constant noise and interaction and movement--perhaps worry that people are losing their ability to live in the moment. (Not to mention what’s being done to the environment...) There might be a learning curve/adjustment, but I think Theo would help him ease in. Plus, it would be a little easier to promote his art given the less stringent restrictions on public exhibitions. He’d still have to work for his fame, but at least the van Goghs wouldn’t have to live in constant unease in the proximity of the cutthroat academy.  Tl;dr: (Mixed feelings, but tries to stay positive about modern times)
Dazai is more familiar with this kind of life of quick turmoil and breakneck speed, if anything he falls back into his old coping mechanisms--hello writing, drinking, and smoking. An overwhelming influx of information and suffering would probably be hard for him to manage, despite how expertly he hides it. I think I would be worried he would lose himself in the dismal reality of diminished connection with other people. Yes I’m shoving him into therapy, I want him to start living for himself and taking care of himself ffs
That isn’t to say there aren’t happy possibilities for him, just that I think he really needs to heal first. I could see him very happy in a kind of writer’s circle with people he loves and trusts; less expending his energy in a desperate attempt to fill the void and please others, more cultivating his own happiness... Tl;dr: (Positive potential, but honestly part of me thinks the past quieter/simple/rural life suits him better...he still loves meme culture tho, he finds it so expansive and creative)
Isaac is in a similar boat as Dazai, I think! He has wonderful potential as a mentor and professor, and living in a world that has a little more patience and respect for genius might help encourage him to put himself out there. That being said, I think the pace of life would exhaust him though--he is very much the kind of person that prefers to keep to himself and just puzzle and tinker. Baby boy just wants to do equations, build little inventions, and read up on the recent discoveries in astrophysics (BRUH WHEN THE IMAGE OF THE BLACK HOLE CAME OUT HE FORGOT HOW TO B R E A T H E) Napoleon is the only reason he eats anything healthy or on any kind of regular schedule s m h. Tl;dr: (Not a lot changes, honestly? He was reclusive then, he still is now--he just has more toys/academic resources. If anything he might get a little too lost in his work because of it, somebody please make sure he’s eating/sleeping/socializing;;;)
Poor Jeanne is SUFFERING. Please release him from this nightmare he is begging. Jk jk, I don’t think it would be too bad for him--but I do think that he would have the aforementioned problem of too many stimuli and too much interaction. I think he would ease into it a little with Mozart’s help; he would just be awkward and wooden until he got the hang of it. Most people just find him quirky in an amusing way, and don’t think too hard about it. I’d wager he’d probably become literate at this point because of the abundance of resources and necessity to read/write (okay but imagine this baby with a little kid workbook iM GONNA CRY!!! TAKE ALL MY CRAYONS JEANNE). 
Can you imagine this mofo at a Starbucks??? Tall and stoic, dark and debonair (EVERYONE IS S W O O N I N G), and he just asks in a light tenor “can I have a mocha with eight shots of expresso” with a completely straight face. “Sir, that could kill you” “Don’t worry, I’ve been dead a long time” And he just moves to wait for his order. 11/10 cryptid I could watch an entire show just about his daily adventures
He works with Napoleon a lot given their similar skillsets. They coach kids at high schools that have fencing teams (it’s really REALLY cute bc if they’re on the younger side, Jeanne will very dramatically lose bc he wants to encourage them and the kids are delighted--but the parents are INCHES from laughing so hard they’re in tears). Otherwise, he mostly takes up gigs as a security worker/bodyguard, only really works for the money. He prefers to spend his time in ways that feel meaningful if he can, so don’t be surprised if you see him in foster homes and in social working spaces. He has an uncanny understanding about him, a kind of silence/patience that doesn’t stifle; it makes the kids/teens calm down in milliseconds. They really listen when he does talk, and he sets good and clear boundaries--he knows how to be firm when it’s required. He gives them the structure and placid grounding they’ve never had, and really pays attention to what’s important to them. Brings them little things he notices; brings flowers to the one that likes to draw, brings CDs (he is bad with technology, but they usually only have access to older/outdated stuff anyway) to the one the one that struggles to write with white noise in the house, brings little plushies to the ones that lose theirs. He’s simple but solid, and he finds a lot of meaning in helping kids overcome the similar kind of struggles he faced.  Tl;dr: (Steep learning curve, but he just sees it as all the same really--just more work to be done with the literacy requirement and adjustment to technology. Will be resistant at first, but when he gets accustomed and starts finding people who are important to him, he wouldn’t want to change anything/go back. But will admit there are some days he just wants to go to the most remote place he can access and just live there for a month with no human interaction whatsoever; people are inefficient and insufferable sometimes)
Mozart’s life honestly doesn’t change much? I feel like he would easily be able to keep composing and continue releasing his work as per usual. Given his quick capacity to schmooze and say what people want to hear when he must, he’d be more than able to network his way into success. I think the only thing he might struggle with now and again is inspiration, given the world operates on a very surface level in the modern era sometimes. Profound insight and depth are not quite as cultivated in many ways, and he can struggle to find something that just sparks motivation/novelty in his mind, makes him start composing at breakneck speed. He reads a lot and watches some TV shows/movies when he’s at really low inspiration levels, the kind of guy that sneers at Game of Thrones--but finds things like BBC’s Sherlock more passable (wants intrigue and complexity, doesn’t much enjoy the sensationalized drivel). When Arthur finds out he loves ATLA he about falls off his seat. “It’s a children’s show.” “Yes it is, with a remarkable level of depth and craftsmanship, what are you trying to say?” He begins to find a kind of rhythm in his composing, and Jeanne and Dazai often drop by with so many crazy stories he finds himself filled with music anyway LMAO Tl;dr: (Same as Isaac, really just keeps doing his thing without being impeded, and he enjoys the luxuries/conveniences of the modern era. Will be slightly resistant at first because of how alien some of the changes are, but will fall into the habits/customs slowly and surely. Fine with it, will whine a bit at the growing pains tho)
Leonardo actually canonically owns a bar, and does that really surprise anyone? He really enjoys the excitement of meeting new people and hearing about their myriad histories, the influx of cultures/languages/experiences. It’s a nice but lowkey place, people stop for a drink, listen to some good music--chat amiably and relax after a long day’s work--before heading out. There are regulars and people that just stop for that single day; tourists, vacationers, so on and so forth.
When asked, many people note a sleek black cat with sharp eyes that led them to the bar... Tl;dr: (Don’t Let the Existential Dread Set-in: The Prequel, adapts well to the modern era because of centuries of experience but also...he’s so tired...somebody please hold him I can’t watch him live like this, lord jesus)
Optimally, I see Comte filling his time with myriad pursuits; ranging from philanthropy, indulging in art/music/theatre (often a benefactor as well), and keeping track of his chirren (they may exist more independently now, but he still worries about them ;-;). Otherwise nothing much changes for him, still goes to galas and fancy gatherings, still enjoys fashion and spoiling people, still seeks to occupy himself with social interaction and care-taking--if he doesn’t have a family of his own. He’s basically just that meme that’s like DON’T LET THE EXISTENTIAL DREAD SET-IN. DON’T LET IT SET-IN!!!!!!!!! Tl;dr: (Not to repeat myself but also Don’t Let the Existential Dread Set-in: The Sequel, literally just desperately trying to fill the void please somebody help him he also just needs to be held fuck’s sake, I’m going to drag him kicking and screaming into happiness--but otherwise has no great trouble adjusting to the modern era. I feel like he would have a more minor form of what Dazai struggles with, maybe a lack of personable connection that he once had; fewer chances to be himself and relax. Also probably worried about the increasing unhappiness and turmoil building in the world in general...)
Napoleon is similar to Comte in that he often checks up on Isaac and Jeanne from time to time, and does the aforementioned fencing lessons with kids. He also takes a lot of basic security positions--for venues, concerts, museums--you name it. He dislikes the idea of sitting behind a desk a lot, so he prefers to do a lot of different things; he even cooks from time to time at the restaurants  that know him very well. One gig he particularly enjoys is battle choreography for movies/theatre! He tends to stay away from anything too historically close to his era of origin, but he has fun coming up with realistic (smaller scale) hand-to-hand combat scenarios and duels. Tl;dr: (This era doesn’t feel like too much of a change. It’s a little more intensive in terms of pace, but he manages to keep up pretty well, it just exhausts him from time to time--and he usually goes on trips or hikes to unwind when he needs to like Jeanne LOL they do not go to their happy place, they go to their high lonesome place).
Shakespeare also continues to do his drama thing, organizes troupes on tons of different levels--from community level to more intense, skilled groups that re-enact his own work. His life doesn’t change all that much beyond a new form of theatre logistics, and he adjusts to the technology fairly easily out of necessity. He’ll stop by Vincent’s place from time to time to show him recordings of his latest shows, but otherwise is almost always on the move. Tl;dr: (So long as he can keep following his greatest passion, he doesn’t really mind the changes in how theatre happens--he doesn’t have any sizable issues with the modern era.)
Ability with technology (phones mostly):
Arthur: more than capable, well-versed, loves to do everything on his phone no prob--maybe lives a little too much on his phone (Vine/TikTok/Youtube can kill his productivity RIP) also yes he has a fidget spinner on his desk, no I will not be taking any constructive criticism at this time
Theo: yes but with a lot of cursing at first, had to do it for work and now looks down on anyone that can’t keep up with him (except for Vincent)
Vincent: knows the basics, taking and sending pictures, writing things in notes for later, texting (tho sending emails is a little harder for him); he does his best but he can be slow. Really really enjoys the paint programs on his iPad for when he’s on public transit, but he starts setting alarms after he gets the hang of it (he’s missed his stops before because of it LMAO)
Leonardo: what kind of stupid question? Man knows how to pick them apart and put ‘em back together for crying out loud, uses it like a pro--comes to him naturally, and he’s the guy that keeps coming up with ways to jailbreak Apple products and thwart their money-grubbing tactics. Catch him playing Minish Cap on his emulator on the way to work, brah
Comte: just vibing, keeps up with the times easily since he’s been doing it for so long, much like Theo uses it to keep in touch with the people around him--he’s the “prefers to call instead of text” sorta guy though, he worries about losing emotional subtleties and he likes to hear people’s voices. Doesn’t do anything special on phones, more just a tool; will read/listen to podcasts/does have emulators (courtesy of Leo) and enjoys playing Pokemon when he’s bored
Jeanne: types one finger at a time, it will take a while--but he’ll get there (deleted all his contacts by accident once and Mozart was just. HOW.) He barely knows how to use a phone, and it’s a steep learning curve for him
Mozart: purely functional when it comes to his phone, refuses to rely on it beyond the necessities that only tech can do (for instance, sending emails or reading articles or uploading compositions) he still writes his music before making more polished digital copies. He will sometimes listen to pieces digitally, but prefers to play them in-person; he feels that a lot of the soul in a piece is lost despite the convenience
Dazai: you absolute fools. you baboons. why would you ever give him this kind of power. it is 3AM and he has been on a wikipedia trail spanning hours, started with Cleopatra being the seventh in her line with that name all the way to cotton candy being called “daddy’s beard” in French. please help him he hasn’t slept in years. Also probably binges anime and manga lbr. He’s the one making vine references every other second, always up to date on the memes^TM
Isaac: also mostly uses it as a tool for research and calculations; it’s a way to keep track of information. He also likes to play background music while he’s working, so he finds the device nice and convenient--plus less having to go around pestering people in-person. he does start to get interested in coding and tinkering with apps/programs eventually, too
Shakespeare: finds it a delightful little contraption, so useful because it lets him jot down ideas as they come to him quickly, and he can edit his texts much more easily with digital interfaces. also likes that performances can be recorded, because now he can analyze his staging more efficiently--it gives him a good sense of what needs to be adjusted, and encourages him to keep streamlining/try new concepts
Napoleon: likes it because he can keep in touch with people more easily, the kind of guy to drop a line before checking on a friend. he really likes to look up recipes and find out more about cooking techniques he’s never encountered before. Isaac starts making an Instagram account just to show Napoleon’s impeccable plating, and Napo gets quite the following without knowing for a while
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tetsuskitten · 4 years
Todobaku fic recs (buckle up folks, this a long one)
Runnin’ With the Devil by Essele (Rated E)
This one comes first and is always the one that always comes to mind when I think of my favorite todobaku stories. Maybe because the vivid descriptions won’t get out of my head, or because it’s about music and Baku has a bike and there’s this one line ("It's because I'm gonna figure out a way past all this fuckin' ice," Bakugou says, jabbing Shouto straight in the chest with one finger. "But I ain't about that sappy shit, so I'm not looking to melt it or anything. I'm gonna crack straight through."), long story short it’s my favorite and I’ve reread it a couple times
Here are some of Essele’s other todobaku fics that I adore: 
Bittersweet and Strange by Esselle (Rated E)
True Temptation by Esselle (Rated E)
Vacation with a Vampire by Esselle (Rated E)
Bloom by Esselle (this one is open ending but it will break your heart anyway so...) (Rated T)
My Hero Love Story by Esselle (Rated E)
Betrayed by the Weather by XenophonSpeaks (Rated T)
This one is my second favorite, I love how it reminds me of fall and being warm when it’s so cold and falling in love for the first time... and just how beautiful it can be to catch someone being unabashedly themselves. 
More by XenophonSpeaks:
Starting Over From Ground Zero by SpiceHya, XenophonSpeaks (Rated E)
This fic is... impressive and it squeezes my heart when I think about it... it’s about second chances and I love it to death
How To Lose A Costume Contest But Still Win At Life by XenophonSpeaks (Rated E)
Sorry (Not Sorry) For The Distraction by XenophonSpeaks (Rated M)
But I love the way you hurt me by XenophonSpeaks (Rated E)
Whatever It Takes by XenophonSpeaks (Rated E)
Protective Katsuki and falling in love shenanigans, this one is also very very lovely!
allow me the pleasure of loving you by pyrrhicwildfire (Rated T and later E)
This is a very sweet series of the boys falling in love and Katsu doing what he always does: trying to be the best (at being a boyfriend)
stardust in monsoon (we were freefalling) by TastefullyIlliterate (Rated T)
The absolute sense of calm I get from this is... insane. I love it so much, it makes me feel giddy.
better late than never by bonnia (Rated T)
rule 02: stay by bonnia (Rated M)
heartburn by bonnia (Rated T)
All of bonnia’s works are quite descriptive and lovely, I also find they can be quite funny (they also have a todobaku fic inspired by “your lie in april” which i haven’t read because im a coward and i don’t wanna be sad but i’ve heard it’s very very good)
threadache by dinosuns (Rated T)
There was so much work put into this fic and it’s honestly So Good! It’s about fashion and misunderstandings, and funny because everything dinosuns’ writes is funny af - and so descriptive and NICE (here have more~~)
mind your mind by dinosuns (Rated T)
all it takes is a spark by dinosuns (Rated T)
timezoned by dinosuns (Rated T)
work of heart by dinosuns (Rated T)
a good egg by dinosuns (Rated T)
And here you have, straight from my personal bookmarks, the random sweet fics I find and love, from coffee shop aus to boxing matches, we have it all:
Pumpkin Spice and Everything Nice by Lillabelle (Rated M)
Closer by Lillabelle (Rated T)
The indelicacies of nitroglycerin by yeetin (Rated T)
me and you and café au lait by kagehinataboke (Rated T)
why are you so pretty by waywardfacegarden (Rated T)
hard body by velificatio (Rated E)
(they say you and me are) tautology by cenli (Rated T)
Fine Dining by castiiron (Rated E)
how to register for a library card (and get a boyfriend in the process) by Kaleid369 (Rated T)
Something of Silence by Viidoll (Rated T)
Where White Lilies Lay by sodapopcurtis (Rated T)
i hope you know (you don't go alone) by badmatch (Rated T)
The walls I build aren't meant for you by auriadne (Rated T)
Somebody to Have, Somebody to Hold by ryanhasao3 (Rated E)
Midnight Coffee Grind by quirklesswonder (TheSadisticMunchkin) (Rated T)
i like you so much (what do i do?) by underfallingflowerpetals (Rated T)
Bonus round (OT3/OT4):
Fire in the Mountains by EllaBesmirched (El_Bell) (Rated E)
A polyamory fantasy au which is the best thing I’ve read in a while (I skipped meals this was SO FU**** GOOD I COULDN’T PUT IT DOWN). The main ship is TodoBaku and then TodoBakuDeku but Katsuki is also married to Kirishima, Ashido and Kaminari so there’s some shenanigans in there
I Want it All by surveycorpsjean (Rated E)
Now listen, this is a TodoDekuBakuKiri fic and it accompanies the development of their fourway relationship with TodoDeku and BakuKiri already being established relationships. And I adore, adore, adore the way this showcases Shouto falling in love and opening up, especially to Katsuki... like I just- and surveycorpsjean is an AMAZING writer, they have so many fics (albeit not todobaku) but they are so so so so worth the read if you’re into the pairings! 
Powder Keg by Ajaxthegreat (Rated E)
TodoDeku + Baku - It’s.... really quite funny
Summer (c)Rush by warschach (Rated E)
TodoBaku + Deku summer vibes, very chill, Izu is a total babe but what’s new
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lilikags · 4 years
Hello dear! I just absolutely adore your little Teyvat Matchmaking series you have and I'd love to participate! So this is my formal request! First off, you can call me M, I am female, I stand about 5'2 (and ¾ but who's keeping track?). I have short orange hair with black roots, bright green eyes, fair skin, and I wear black rectangular cateyed glasses (cuz a b cant see-)
Personality wise, I am very scatterbrained, loud, opinionated, and confident through and through. Though, and I don't mean to sound snotty, I am humble behind this rough exterior of loud bubbliness. I am really sweet and caring once you get to know me and I am very emotional though I try to not let my emotions control me! On the flipside though, I have trust issues and a smidge of overwhelming anxiety. With that being said, I will not hesitate to cut a b off. If you treat me right, I'll treat you right thats all there is too it. I love to joke and am very sarcastic as well and some people see it as off putting so I try to tone it down but nine times out of ten it doesn't work but oh well!
My intrests consist of Reading, dabbling in writing, trying new foods, but most importantly of all, I L O V E art. Painting, sketching, digital art, literally anything Im on it. I love creating! My likes consist of: Fuzy blankets, warm weather, cats, flowery and earthy smelling candles, and talking with people about anything under the sun. My dislikes consist of: rude people, the texture of velvet, cold weather, and sour food.
My friends describe me as someone who would do well in a fight, a good advice giver and overall a really good listener despite how much I like to ramble. I truly am the wine mom friend of the group but just a smidge sweeter than most.
In a relationship the key thing I look for is someone who can compliment me and my sarcastic humor. I believe that I deserved to be treated with respect and like a princess but only if I treat my lover like a prince. Im confrentational so if I have an issue within the relationship I try to think it over and then I bring it up politely. I am a firm beliver that men shouldnt always pay for meals and that relationships are strictly 50/50. Forehead kisses and cuddles are my priorty when it comes to affection and not only for me. Guys deserve forehead kisses too, dang it!!! So do with that information as you please!
I hope thats enough information to match me with someone. I would like to be matched male character. Thank you for taking the time to read this and if you end up writing a pairing for me, thank you x2!
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Status ; check before req
Req Rules
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Lili, Teyvat’s Goddess of Love, matches you with...
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⁺ You two are so cute together! I can (kinda) just see it and like >w<
⁺ The two are you are both sort of loud, you’re kind of a loud couple and no one really minds that much. (Zhongli is studying your relationship and sipping tea) 
⁺ The both of you are humble and down-to-earth inside, and that’s something you can both relate to, which you both appreciate.
⁺ Childe loves how you’re so sweet and caring. He thinks it’s absolutely adorable, and he loves that so much about you.
⁺ Childe is great with emotions- not really great with the emotions per se, but good at controlling his actions when he’s emotional as long as it’s not fighting excitement. He’ll be able to calm you down when you’re emotional.
⁺ You didn’t trust him right away, and nor did he. He had a lot of secrets to hide, but the two of you kept spending time together, and you developed a great trust. When the two of you got together, he told you all about his job as a harbinger for the Tsarista, and you accepted that. You knew he was from Sneznaya, and you accepted him as he was.
⁺ He treats you like a princess, and you treat him like a prince in return. He likes that, and the feeling is returned. 
⁺ He finds your jokes funny, he kind of has a similar type of humor himself.
⁺ You and Childe read books together. You’ll buy two copies of the book, one for you and one for him. You’ll read and discuss the book together, and it’s really enjoyable.
⁺ He loves reading your drabbles; he’ll make either funny comments or good constructive criticism. 
⁺ Childe will take you out to every good restaurant he can find to try their food. He’ll take you out for lunch or dinner, and you’ll come up with a review of their food.
⁺ Childe would request for you to draw him, he’ll tease you about it from time to time, but if you don’t want to, he won’t force it. He’ll take you out on dates in the city or a little outside, to find some interesting things and scenery to draw or paint. 
⁺ You love creating little trinkets for him, and he keeps all of them. He thinks they’re adorable and he’d do almost anything to keep them safe. 
⁺ He will buy you a large fluffy blanket to snuggle under. He loves physical affection, and a fluffy blanket is amazing. 
⁺ He’ll definitely adopt a cat with you if you want. He thinks they’re absolutely adorable and he’d love to have one. You’d take care of it more often though; he’s kind of busy with missions and comes back late.
⁺ Childe will buy you a plethora of winter clothes so you don’t feel cold in the winter. They’re all fashionable and warm and of the highest quality.
⁺ He will glare at any rude people and that will scare them off.
⁺ He will come to you for advice. He has good judgement, but when he can’t make a decision, he’d definitely come to you first.m
⁺ When he comes back late, he’ll smother you with forehead kisses and you’d sleepily return them.
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gardenia-angel · 4 years
Chapter One:
𝓙𝓾𝓼𝓽 𝓜𝔂 𝓛𝓾𝓬𝓴
(First chapter is a little longer than I planned oops! Sorry not sorry but please let me know what you think of the story so far in comments!)
‘God I wish I could go home.’ I thought to myself as I worked. Today I had an early morning shift, which meant I had to be up at 5 am. As a non-morning person that took a lot of effort and a lot of coffee to get me up. I mainly worked by myself so it was just me and my wandering thoughts during my 7 hour shift. My mind mainly focused on what I finished binge watching last night. The Umbrella Academy. I was shocked but also excited with the ending. Even though the thought of what happened to ghost Ben broke my heart, I still cant wait for what’s in store for season 3.
I began to wonder what it would be like to live a world such as the Hargreeves siblings. I thought it be way more exciting than my normal boring life.
My phone buzzed signaling that it was time for me to take my break. I didn’t realized how much time went by while I was daydreaming about my Umbrella Academy fantasy. As I entered the break room, I realized I was the only one with a break at the time. I sighed contently. I find it rather peaceful being alone all the time. It beats having to be in a cramped room with all your other obnoxious coworkers. My break was ending soon so I decided to leave the room and head over to the restroom. When I opened the break room door however, it wasn’t the store I worked in at all. I stared wide eyed into a blue vortex that was blowing air everywhere. I put my hands to my face trying to shield my eyes from the bright lights flashing when suddenly I felt my whole body being lifted up. Im not the type that screams when im scared, I’m the type that cant let out any noise when im truly frightened. So with a gasp, I was sucked right into the vortex.
I dropped down into an alleyway. I groaned as I laid on my stomach for a few moments as I tried to piece together what the hell just happened. For some weird reason my mind felt all fuzzy and I couldn’t exactly remember anything. I decided to get up now and take a look around. Stepping out of the alleyway I glanced around. I seemed to be in a downtown area with stores that looked..outdated? That’s really weird. I walked down the sidewalk until I stumbled upon a very familiar scene, although I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. I saw a boy in a school uniform sitting on a bench next to an older man in a suit. I watched from the side as the two talked. I started to get a bad feeling, like something was about to shift. Across the street I watched as a bus pulled up to a stop. In the back of my mind I could hear gunshots. I got goosebumps all of a sudden as I rushed to the boys side.
“Excuse me but you need to move right now!” I said to him while shaking his shoulder slightly. He looked at me in confusion and with a slight anger in his tone he asked “who the hell are you?!”
I shook my head. “Please you have to listen to me! Three men are about to get off that bus and start shooting at you!”
Just then, the three men did come off the bus. They began walking towards us.
“Who the hell are those guys?!” The boy said, trying to get a good look at them.
“Shit.” The older man said as he put something in the boys pocket.
“FIVE!” I shouted. In a matter of moments the men started shooting at us. The older man had shoved a briefcase in front of us and somehow the boy and I found ourselves behind a car. The briefcase now having bullet holes in it. “How many times did I say bulletproof briefcases.” The boy said in disappointment.
“I think I’m going to be sick..” I groaned as I held my stomach. Did we really just teleport from the bench to this car?! The sound of guns cocking and footsteps nearing us made the boy grab my hand and teleport us again. This time on a roof.
“Oh my god I’m going to throw up!” I groaned again. This time we were laying down on top of a roof. The boy quickly shushed me. “If you don’t shut up they’ll find us and kill us.”
The thought of being shot to death quickly made me stop complaining. He stuck his head up a little to see if the coast was clear. When it was, he grabbed my hand and teleported us both back down into the alleyway.
I ended up vomiting up a little bit. “Sorry about that, didn’t mean to make you sick but if I didn’t, well then you’d be dead.” His way of trying to comfort me did not comfort me in the slightest. “Thanks?” I said as I wiped my mouth and turned back to face him. “Who are you and how did you know that was going to happen before it happened and how do you know my name!?” He bombarded me with a whole lot of questions. I stared back at him in confusion as I stuttered trying to find the answer to these questions i truly did not know. His attention was then directed elsewhere. He looked towards a window in suspicion. “Hold that thought. I’ll be right back.” He said before heading towards a door into the back of a building. “Hey wait! Don’t leave me here.” I said before he teleported away inside. “Wait here my ass..” I mumbled before following him inside. Luckily the door was unlocked. I followed him up some stairs where he knocked on a door. The door next to the other one opened up and a man poked his head out. “What do you want?” The man asked suspiciously.
“Hi I’m selling encyclopedias for my youth group. I was wondering if you —“ The man shut his door without a word. Five then teleported into the mans home without a second thought.
“He really needs to stop doing that.” I said to myself as I tried to open the door. To no avail, it was locked. I sighed as I waited for them to open the door for me. I could hear the other man let out a small scream. They were talking some more until the boy finally came and opened the door for me. He teleported back into the other room where the man was. He jumped a little at how close the boy appeared to him.
“Listen to me I —“ The boy began.
“E-Elliot Elliot, m-my name is Elliot.” He said while backing up.
I looked around at all the newspapers and things plastered on the walls. Guess this guy is super into SciFi.
“Whatever, alright! I got 10 days to find them and save the world, and I’m gonna need your help to find them.”
I looked at him when he said that. Something about what he said rang a bell in my head. God why I can’t I remember anything clearly!
He turned to me. “And you? What’s your name?”
I shook my head solemnly and looked down at the ground. “I really wish I could tell you but I just can’t remember anything clearly.” I said truthfully.
“Well what was the last thing you do remember.” He said, this time his tone was more sympathetic.
“I remember being somewhere and..and opening a door, I think. The next thing I know is falling onto the pavement in that alleyway.”
“Hmm..” was all he said before taking a sip of coffee.
“I know I sound absolutely crazy but it’s true!”
“Well, my whole life is crazy so I understand” he sighed.
“I must’ve accidentally time traveled you too along with the rest of us.” He muttered before looking me up and down. “I can tell you’re from my time, your clothes don’t match the sixties fashion.”
My eyes widened. “Wait hold up..did you just say the sixties?!” I looked over at the other man. He waved at me but I just stared in disbelief. “Plus you also have a cellphone in your back pocket.” I reached down to my back pocket and pulled out my phone. “Oh shit maybe this could help me..” I tried pressing the home button but it wouldn’t turn on. “Just my luck, it’s dead. I doubt there’s a charger around here.” I said sadly as I put it back in my pocket.
“What I don’t understand is how you knew what was going to happen. Is that your power?” He asked nonchalantly. As if having powers is normal.
I knitted my brows is confusion. “My powers?! What are talking about, I don’t know! How do I even know your name? I’m not sure about that either Five!” I crossed my arms around my torso and held myself tightly. “It’s like I know you somehow..all of you. This all just seems so vaguely familiar.”
“You know my siblings names too?” Five asked.
“Yeah there’s..” I ondered on the thought for a few seconds before I could clearly say each of their names. “Diego, Vanya, Klaus, Allison, and Luther.” I said without a second hesitation.
Five looked up at you in curiosity. He’s never met anyone quite like you. Suddenly I got flashes of what seemed like memories. Of the brother Diego. He was in a hospital of sorts and he seemed to be sitting in a circle of patients, talking.
“I think I might be able to help you look for one of your brothers?” I said sounding more like I was asking a question.
Five nodded. “Where do we start?”
“I wanna say he’s in a sort of hospital or something. l don’t really know where for sure though.” I shrugged.
“She right actually!” Elliot chimed in. He went over to a desk drawer and pulled out a newspaper clipping. “Disturbed man with multiple knives arrested outside 1026 N. Beckley.” I read aloud.
“Diego.” Five muttered as we looked at the article. Five then took the paper from Elliot and put it in his pocket. “Let’s go, you’re gonna help me find all of them.” He said to me.
He began walking away towards the door, ready to start his mission.
“Woah woah woah! Hold on mister, what makes you think I should come with you? Have you forgotten about the three men that were shooting at us? There’s a fat chance that they’ll still be hunting us!”
Five turned back to me and shrugged. “They’re hunting me not us. They’re the Swedes as everyone would call them. They’re brothers and they work for my former employer at the Commission. I already know how to handle them. That won’t be our problem.”
“I don’t know Five. I might just slow you down. I’m a liability..”
He shrugged again. “Maybe you can actually fight, we don’t know that yet.” He smiled and I rolled my eyes. I decided to follow anyways.
“Key word Five, ‘yet’. And I don’t think I wanna know if we really do get in trouble.” I said as we walked out the door
In a short time we found the hospital Diego resided. So are we breaking him out of here or what’s the plan?” I asked as we went inside the large building. “I’m not entirely sure yet..” Five said.
Five talked to the front desk lady and she led us to a visiting room where we waited for them to bring Diego to us.
The orderlies led Diego in the room a few minutes later. “Five.” Diego stated as if he didn’t believe it was really him. He glanced at me as he sat down on the chair across from us but quickly put his attention back onto Five.
“Hey Diego.” Five replied back. All were quiet until Five broke the silence. “You look good in white.” He sarcastically remarked. Diego rolled his eyes. “About time you show up.”
“How’d you know I’d be back?” Five questioned.
“Because that’s the kind of shit you pull.” Diego said as if it were obvious.
“Where are the others?” Five asked.
“They’re not with you?” He said then glanced at me again. “And who’s this?” He said confused.
I smiled slightly and put my hand out to shake his. “Hi, I’m...well actually I don’t know who I am.” Diego shook my hand and gave me a skeptic look and turned back to Five.
“It’s a long story but basically when we teleported, I accidentally teleported her too. I don’t know how exactly, time travel is a roll of the dice. I haven’t exactly worked out all the quirks..” Five explained.
They went on talking to each other as I started to drift into my thoughts. Why am I here? What’s wrong with my memory? None of this is making sense. I don’t belong here. I need to find a way home. All Five seems to care about is this doomsday thing. It all just seems too unreal!
I was brought back to reality when I heard Five stand up and shout. “Guard! My brother here is plotting an escape. The bars in his room have been shaved down.”
In a matter of milliseconds Diego jumped up and pranced forward trying to strangle Five as the guards tried to hold him back. I quickly stood up trying not to get in the way. A nurse then came in and injected Diego with something causing him to knock out. Five tugged at my shoulder and leaned in to whisper something. “We’ll come back for him later.” He said and began walking away with me following right behind.
“How could you let them do that to your poor brother?” I said. He doesn’t look like he belongs in a nuthouse.
“Diego’s fine, he knows how to take care of himself. Like I said we’ll come back later.”
I sighed as we walked out the building. I gasped as a sudden flash of memories passed through my mind. I had to stand still afterwards. It had caused my head to start aching. “I need to sit down Five.” I said wearily. He led me over to a bench just outside the hospital entrance. “Did you just have another vision?” He asked with hope in his voice.
“Yeah Luther..” I groaned as I massaged my head.
“Well then let’s go.” He stood back up. Oh god how can he be so active all day and not rest for a minute?! I thought as I looked at him.
I made a tsk sound and shook my head. “No no no no, you can go find your other brother, I’m just going to stay right here.”
“What? Why!?” He frowned.
“Because Im tired Five! I can’t do this all day. I need to stop and think. It’s frustrating when you can’t remember shit!” I yelled and put head in my hands. Five looked down at me in sympathy. “I know it must be tough but don’t give up. I’m sure your memory will come back to you in time.”
“I sure hope so...” I said while looking back at him. “Which is why I think I should stay here. You said yourself you wanted to come back later on to get Diego anyways.” I said making a valid point.
“Hmm..I guess you’re right. You’re sure you’ll be fine here?”
“I’ll be good. There’s people all around here too so it’s not like the Swedes can just come up and shoot me.”
With that, I told Five the name of the Club Luther was at in my vision and he took off. Hours went by and soon it was night time. Five was nowhere to be seen. My memory didn’t come back yet either. I let out a huff as I waited on the bench. What do I do if Five doesn’t come back? I can’t break Diego out by myself. I can’t go back to Elliots because I don’t even know my way back. All I could was stay there. A few more hours went by and soon there were no more people walking about. I now started to regret not going with Five. It’s sketchy as hell out here by myself. Suddenly I saw a truck pull into the hospitals parking lot. It looked like a milk truck. Why the hell would a milk truck be here in the middle of the night? My question was answered when I saw the three men from earlier get out of the truck and load up their guns. I jumped off the bench and quickly tried to hide myself, scared that they were going to spot me. I watched as they made their way into the front doors. Shit they must be after Diego! What do I do? I don’t think I can fight. Five said Diego could take care of himself though. I trust that he can. My best bet is to try to make my way to Elliot’s home. I got up and began to walk away from the hospital.
It felt like I had been walking for a very long time with no final destination. I got myself lost. I ended up walking in a neighborhood. I could tell it was started to get very late because mostly all the house lights had turned off. As I turned down a street I saw flashing lights coming from the left of me. Police cars were surrounding someone’s house. They seemed to be arresting a man. I wondered what was going on. Before I could ponder on the thought any longer, something else caught my vision. I saw a fucking milk truck parked down the way. No way in hell thats them. The moment I saw the truck they seemed to have spotted me because the head lights turned on. “Fuck.” I said under my breathe and sprinted off down the street on my right. The car then began to chase me. I ran and ran as fast as my legs could take me. I tried to turn down every street I could so that I could loose them, but they always seemed to be on my tail. I made my way into a narrow alleyway. I took a right and then a left and then another left. To my surprise I had just lead myself into a dead end. “Just my luck..” I breathed out.
I turned to look to see if they were coming as I breathed heavily. All this anxiety wasn’t helping me catch my breathe. I looked around me to see if there was anything I could use to defend myself. Looking through a dumpster I luckily found a metal pipe. I held it up ready to swing at who ever tried to come near me. In the next few moments they came down the alleyway. With guns. How could I forget they had guns?! None the less I still remained calm with my metal pipe. As they approached me they saw that all I had to defend myself with was a metal pipe. They smirked and the one in the middle let out a small chuckle. The one in the middle that seemed to be like the leader put his gun away. The other two just lowered theirs. The leader made his way towards me. “Don’t you come any closer!” I yelled, tryingto sound mean but all I sounded like was scared. He went in for a swing but I dodged. I then went for a upper hand swing with the pipe but he quickly grabbed it. As if it were a reflex I picked up my leg and kicked him in the chest which caused him to fumble backwards. He looked taken aback for a quick second before resuming to fight me. How I had all these moves, I have no idea! I guess Five was right. Maybe I did know how to fight. Not good enough though. I went in with a high kick almost hitting his jaw but his reflexes were way faster than mine. He caught my foot before I could touch him and with the slightest effort he spun my whole body and I crashed onto the hard cement. I let out a groan and tried to crawl away to the wall to try and pick myself up. When I got to the wall the man turned me around as I stood there. I looked up at him with tears forming in my eyes. “Please don’t kill me..” I said in a hushed tone as I shook my head slightly. He looked at me with curiosity. His two brothers slowly approaching from behind him. He turned to look at the taller one and gave him a nod. I looked at them in confusion. What was their none spoken agreement?! Before I could think any longer the taller one turned his gun around and knocked me on the head causing me to pass out.
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witchy-lili · 4 years
Sander Sides Coffeeshop AU! Part 3 (or whatever-)
Do you guys believe me if I tell you this hell of an au actually has a storyline- no ? neither do I. Sorry for the short chapter, my adhd is acting up really bad and I cAN’T FOCUS-  --------------------------------- 6:30am. Finally. He was back home. The night was indeed, very long. The bar got very busy with Roman’s performance, so busy that he even missed Janus’s constant chatter. He was annoying and malicious, but Logan could not ignore the fact that he was, indeed, really cultivated. Often quoting philosophers, with interesting subjects to discuss and surprisingly knew a lot about the different types of tea and botanics in general, along with an absolute metric ton for chemistry, which kinda intrigued the barista, being a science and biology major. The melon hat man, unfortunately called it a night after only a couple hours into their discussion after giving a quick glance at his phone and claiming that he “had to be home or the kids would be worried”. By that time, Roman had already left to get some beauty sleep, as he always said. 
Logan let himself fall on the bed after putting his glasses on the table, slowly closing his eyes to finally join the dream world… ….If his alarm didn’t decide otherwise.
A tired groan left his throat as he tried to ignore the noise, until a wet scratchy thing rubbed against his nose. Apparently Plato didn’t like his breakfast being delayed, and the little kisses were just a nice way of saying “feed me human or your soul will never see the light of day”.
-Okay okay you fluffy son of bitch…
He always got a bit more crude when he was tired, being the type to avoid cursing, just to appear sympathetic. After a few stretches, Logan stood up to fill up the cat’s bowl before changing into his “morning clothes”, throwing the others in the washing machine. He tried to wake himself up a bit more by washing his pale face in cold water. A few checks here in there to make sure everything was alright, and he was on his way for a brand new day in his dear cafe.
Two cups of coffee. Two freaking cups of coffee and he still felt incredibly tired. The place was not really busy right now, fortunately enough but the extremely feline yawn he let out still managed to steal a small chuckle from the client he was serving, noticing that he was on the verge of overflowing the tea cup. A few drops fell on the wooden table and were quickly wiped out by the barista. -Well well Auriga, looks like someone here didn’t get a full night of sleep.
Doctor Emile Picani was the name of this regular client. He was the very soft type, always complimenting everyone, generously tipping Logan and just overall being the beloved and friendly psychologist.  
-Is it that obvious Doctor.. -I already told you ! E-m-i-l-e ! You’ve been serving me the same freaking order for four years ! I think that’s enough for a first name basis.
-Says the one who just called me “Auriga”.
-What can i do “bro” ? I find your name pretty. All that aside, you should really get some rest Logan, you’re giving me more casper than human vibes. And that’s a really big oof.
-Is this your cartoon lingo or are you trying to sound young and modern ?
-A bit of both ! How am i doing ?
-Horrible. This took a chuckle out of the two before Logan returned behind the bar after serving a few more clients to drink start on his third cup of coffee. The moment he brought the mug to his lips, the cafe’s bell chimed, revealing a soaked man from the rain, a bit shivering under his leather jacket that he couldn’t just close -what can you do ? Fashion is just more important than comfort-. He took off his wet sunglasses to dry them off before putting them back and walked to the counter without even caring about wiping his soaked, muddy boots on the carpet planned for that, which earned him a few dirty looks from the dear Mr.Auriga. Before even being able to greet him, the newcomer slammed a plastic reusable tall cup in front of him before saying in a tired, cranky voice.
-Can you fill this venti cup with espresso ?
-..I-I, I beg your pardon. -A venti cup. With espresso. Can you do that hun ?
That was twenty ounces of strong coffee. Logan suddenly got a concerned and kinda alarmed look on his face and shook his head. -I don’t really, quite know how to count that-
-Sis’...just fill the cup, I don't care about the price. Count it as three regular ones or charge me the supplement in shots.
-...Yikes. Who hurt you ? -Life.
This made him let a quiet giggle out before taking the cup and making his drink and silently pitying his heart rate. Upon closer inspection, the “venti cup” was from Starbucks. He could even see a name written on it with a thick glittery acrylic sharpie. “Remy”. Once the blood pressure heightener completed, the man in sunglasses took a large sip from the straw, exhaling loudly.
-You are, literally my life savior right now sweetie, you can’t even imagine.
-Rough night ?
-Yeah, i can say that. Plus my boss is a total bitch, like he really needs a chill pill.
Accompanying those words, Remy’s phone chimed and Logan could clearly see him rolling his eyes behind his sunglasses upon seeing the contact on the screen.
-Speaking of the devil. Yeah Remy there ?...Well i'm taking my morning coffee y’know i can’t get going without it….Duh ! i KNOW the Star’s is closed, i'm in a random cosy coffee shop….Honeeeey, pretty sure you see that rain, i ain’t going back. Move your bubble butt and come pick me up...Where am I ? Uuuh, bitch legit i don’t know, like, y’know my sense of direction is effed up...it’s a bit outside the city aaaand, hem, there’s a lot of blue, and the barista’s cute...Ah and yeah it’s called “Blue’s”, just saw it, like, right now...yeah, want me to grab ya something ?...aw don’t be cranky ya sound like an old man...sorry not sorry babe im just sayin’ the truth ! Anyway byeeee.
The “barista” raised a curious eyebrow before brushing it off as Remy hung up, sighing loudly.
-Jesus, this man doesn't know when to take a breather !
-Heard that.
-You’re not much of a talker are ya ? What’s your name cutie ? “The barista” sounds kinda lame.
-It’s on my badge.
-Ah yeah, Logan, sounds so basic but im in !  
What a singular strange character. The whiplash he got from just having a ten seconds conversation with him was stronger than any coffee. He wondered what kind of mentally functioning human would accept the insolence and the nature of that individual. The boss was maybe really patient or Remy was just so good at his job they couldn't give him up. His questions were answered when a tall, well dressed man with a melon hat walked in, a few minutes later, for the most remarkable trait, a giant red scar on the right side of his face. Was that a burn ? It couldn’t be anything else. He knew this man.
-Well. Hello again Logan.
-Janny ? You know him ?
-Less than i’d like to. But yes.
Looks like the snake was back. ------------------------------------ Eyyyy Picani and my fave bitch are there
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rattusrattus3 · 4 years
Hey! I hope this isn't super weird or anything, but I'm writing a paper for my queer theory class about the relationship between queer and punk identity and I was wondering if you personally felt like there was a relationship between your queer and punk identities, I'm trying to make sure that there is actually something to this and it isn't just something that me and the people I know are perceiving? Again I hope this isnt super weird and I'm sorry if it is! Have a good day!!!
aegszdfxcghvbjklm,. bcfi !!!!!!!! FUCK YES i LOVE THIS 
i 10000% feel there is a relationship with my punk and queer identieis, in fact my thesis im working on is DIY fashion and queerness lmao (and several of my uni friends would agree that queerness and punk is correlated, esp because within the subculture we are more free from heteronormative and capitalist expectations like makeup is only for girls and ripped clothes are not professional so theyre not ok etc etc)
heres some sources i used that might be helpfulf to u, the more relevant ones are at the top! (sci hub if u cant find them)
   Aberle, C. (n.d.). “Serious is Bad”: A Queer Reading of Punk, Midwest Emo, and Connecticut DIY. 65.       
Sharp, M., & Nilan, P. (2015). Queer punx: Young women in the Newcastle hardcore space. Journal of Youth Studies, 18(4), 451–467. https://doi.org/10.1080/13676261.2014.963540   
Cherry, B., & Mellins, M. (2011). Negotiating the Punk in Steampunk: Subculture, Fashion & Performative Identity. Punk & Post Punk, 1(1), 5–25. https://doi.org/10.1386/punk.1.1.5_1    
  Downes, J. (2012). The Expansion of Punk Rock: Riot Grrrl Challenges to Gender Power Relations in British Indie Music Subcultures. Women’s Studies, 41(2), 204–237. https://doi.org/10.1080/00497878.2012.636572   
  Dunn, K., & Farnsworth, M. S. (2012). “We ARE the Revolution”: Riot Grrrl Press, Girl Empowerment, and DIY Self-Publishing. Women’s Studies, 41(2), 136–157. https://doi.org/10.1080/00497878.2012.636334    
Garrison, E. K. (2000). U.S. feminism—Grrrl style! Youth (Sub)cultures and the technologics of the Third Wave. Feminist Studies, 26(1), 141–170. https://doi.org/10.2307/3178596      
Persephone Is Pissed! Grrrl Zine Reading, Making, and Distributing Across the Globe. Hecate, 30(2), 156–175.   
 Dwyer, A. (2009). Identifiable, queer and risky: The role of the body in policing experiences for LGBT young people. In M. Segrave (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2009 Australian and New Zealand Critical Criminology Conference (pp. 69–77). Monash University Criminology, School of Political and Social Inquiry. http://www.arts.monash.edu.au/criminology/c3-conference-proceedings/index.php  
 Geczy, A., & Karaminas, V. (2013). Queer style. Bloomsbury.  
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baozis-marshmallow · 6 years
A Girl is a Gun: Im Jaebum (Got7) Mafia AU
Pairing: Im Jaebum x Reader
Genre: Thriller, romance, dystopian, organized crime, fluff, smut
Summary: Im Jaebum is the leader of the notorious mob known as the 7. They hold extreme power, and every other gang wants what they have; including Y/N’s father, a corrupt political superpower in this dystopian world. This man will do anything to get even a fraction of the 7′s fortune. Even if it means destroying them in the process. However, Jae makes the politician a deal that he simply can’t turn down.
Previous Chapters:  1  -  2
{TRIGGER WARNING: Contains drinking, gang violence, swearing, and themes of kidnapping.}
You can find the moodboards that correspond with this fic here!
*There is no smut in this chapter, but there will be in future chapters*
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c h a p t e r   2 
You awoke from your slumber feeling like you were having the worst hangover of your life. Your head pounded, and it had felt like someone had punched you in the gut. While rubbing your temple in an attempt to alleviate your migraine, you found that a large, swollen bump had formed; likely from when Jae had thrown you in the car. 
That bastard, you thought to yourself. 
You turned your head to take in your surroundings and the entire room began to spin. You had to grip the sheets you sat on to stop you from falling over, and you were really wondering if what he had injected you with was poison. When the potentially drug-induced vertigo eased away, you were able to catch some of the details of the room.
Ornate vaulted ceilings towered above you, and held a giant, broken chandelier that had littered various pieces of crystal on the floor. You were sat upon an old, elegant looking four-poster bed with tatters of what you assumed to have been a silk canopy at one point. The paint was peeling off the walls around the half-broken, floor-to-ceiling windows that adorned the one side of the room. 
Whatever this place was, it must have been beautiful at one point, but it looks like you were the first person to set foot in here in years. Although, perhaps maybe not, because you noted that the thick layer of dust that covered most of the furniture, did not cover the bed, nor the bedside table. In fact, you had noted the strong, distinct scent of disinfectant, and that there were several pairs of foot prints in the dirty floor leading to and from where you now sit. Your heart began to race. Where the hell where you?
As if on cue, you heard the large wooden doors of the room creak open, and you nearly jumped out of your skin. Without thinking you pushed yourself backwards into the headboard of the bed, and grabbed the nearest object that could do the most damage. In this case, it was an ornate candlestick that must have once been on the now-clean bedside table. It looked like it had been pushed to the floor in a hurry. 
A man had appeared in the doorway, but it was not Jaebum. This guy had a mess of light brown hair and warm eyes. He had his mouth twisted in a sad, almost sympathetic smile after seeing how frightened you were. He was of average height and average build, nothing you couldn’t handle if you needed to, but he didn’t give off a hostile vibe at all. In fact, he actually felt - friendly? You weren’t going to let your guard down though, there was no way you could trust anyone right now. 
He began to walk towards you, adding another set of footprints to the dust, and opening his mouth to speak. “Hello Y/N I’m Doc-” he was cut off by having to duck away from the candlestick you had thrown at his head. 
“You stay the fuck away from me, you hear?” You screamed “I want nothing to do with you or your BASTARD of a boss.” 
The man stood back up with a look of horror and raised both hands at you for mercy. “Okay look I know you’re mad.” he said. Obviously he could tell he was testing dangerous waters.
“Yeah, no shit,” you said. 
“I’m sorry for Jae being,” he paused for a minute trying to find the right words “Jae.” He brushed the dust from his coat. “However, believe me, if he wanted you dead, you would be dead.” 
You were taken aback at his words. He did have a point. He must have wanted you alive for a reason. 
“Now as I was saying before you tried to assault me, I’m Doctor Choi Youngjae. I’m the one that created the drug that Jae used on you, but I’m also the one who saved your sorry ass when it nearly killed you.” 
Now you were starting to wish you had another candlestick. “You made that crap he injected me with? It feels like I was hit by a truck.” 
“Well its meant to be a quick getaway, as we have been getting jumped rather often.” He paused to give you a look filled with shade and anger. There was no way he knew it was your father who kept sending men to attack them, right? “Its disguised as a clickable ball point pen so it can be carried anywhere without any way of being detected.” 
“And its supposed to kill people?” 
“Its supposed to knock them out long enough for us to make a getaway,” he corrected. “I’m not much for killing people, considering I make a living saving them.” He slowly and carefully started to walk toward you again, obviously worried that you would try to hit him with something else. “The pen is made with a large dose of anesthetics to put the target in a temporary coma. However, I’m still formulating the proper doses, as it would be a different amount for each person based on height, weight, sex...” He waved his hands in a “and so on” fashion. “The dose he injected you with was enough to take out a man about three times your size, which is why it almost killed you.”
You let out an anger-filled laugh “I guess he really did want me dead then, huh?” 
“Well, no. He just wasn’t aware. He doesn’t think of these things.” 
You rolled your eyes. “He doesn’t think of a lot of things apparently.”
The doctor just pointed a finger at you and gave you a look that said you’re not wrong.
A pain suddenly shot from your neck to your forehead, and you hissed in pain.
“How about if you promise to stop throwing things at me, I’ll give you some pain killers. Deal?” He said with a smile. You hated to admit it, but you kinda liked the guy.
“Deal.” you said, returning his smile.
“Great, now lets get you out of bed. The boss wants to talk to you.”
End of Chapter 2
{There’s part 2 guys! I hope you all love it!}
All requests are OPEN!
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moonchildhcs · 6 years
parkchan hcs
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hi kids uwu
in retaliation to miss parker dae’s decision to write some persimin im writing some parkchan so bring it on, bitch boy
how do yall meet ?? its because u were both at the park uwu
u and persi were playing on the swings and oru boy bang chan arrived with his kids and !! he might be the leader but he Wants The Swings !!! but persi is in their own world so you, being a Kind Person (not because hes super cute or anything) gave up ur swing for him and decided to play on the monkey bars instead
and it goes like this for a few hours !! its u, persi, and the boys playing around the park and having the time of ur lives !!! but then the ice cream truck comes and chan, not forgetting that you gave up ur prized swing for him, went over and bought u both some !!! and its the expensive soft serve ice cream too and ur like BITCH WAIT LEMME PAY U BACK
and hes like no !! u gave up ur swing for me !! im repaying u for ur kindness
persi and the kids in the background: huehuehue lovebirds
anyways u two playfully bicker about who owes who (chan insists ur both equal but u insist u owe him) before it gets really,,,, really dark our and u all have to head home and chan, smooth as hecking EVER, says he needs ur number so yall can settle this matter later and who are u to deny this hot guy with a cute accent ??? so u give him ur number and ur like “i WILL repay u”
and he gives u the cutest grin and is like “sure you will ! its a date” and he leaves and u fucking SCREAM
and he keeps u to it yall go on an ice cream date later and u treat this time !! tho he did try to sneakily pay when u left for the bathroom but you caught him in the act and he just,,, walks back to his seat and ur like :^) before paying for the two of you !!
also yall take some cute pics but he insists on having his mask on (you think its for the fashion but its bc he doesnt want to get caught by dispatch oopsies)
and this becomes a monthly thing !! you guys go out to a new ice cream place and try different flavors and stuff once a month as a date but also yall enjoy going on different kinds of dates as well :^)
such as exploring !!! chan told you his job sometimes forces him to stay up rlly late and ur like :( oh no bb but then hes like BUT LETS GO ON A NIGHT ADVENTURE and ur like oh HECK yeah !!! and you guys explore the city at night
also u both speak english and korean so sometimes yall just,, randomly switch between the two in the middle of ur sentences ! anyways uwu
this is maybe three months?? after yall started going on dates and yall are stargazing from the rooftop of the tallest building there is in the area and ur eyes are sparkling, looking at the sky as some soft music plays from ur playlist
and chan just blurts out an “i love you” and you whip your head because !!! holy shit !! and hes like “please, please be my girlfriend” and ur like omg YES !!!
and thats how yall start dating !! but he feels guilty bc hes assumed that u dont know that hes an idol and he calls you and hes like “ive been keeping a secret from you” and ur like “ur an idol? dw i been knew but ur a person before u r an idol !! it changes nothing between us” and his heart hecking BURSTS with his love for you bc !! u dont care abt his career u care about him primarily and he just LOVES YOU
anyways now that yall are an Established Couple lets explore the dynamics shall we?
tbh yall are just big hecking softies !!! yall love to stay in and cuddle because chan is a busybody and can be,, tired especially with promotions so sometimes yall just put on a nice movie or some cool tunes and,, cuddle with a bunch of blankets and stuff
and its rlly cute and wholesome and just,,, uwu
as mentioned yalls continue your ice cream dates !! its a tradition and even if he goes overseas yall just facetime each other and go out to an ice cream place and c o n s u m e !!!! its rlly cute actually and after a while yall settle on One ice cream place that not only has really good ice cream but is also not that busy so chan doesnt have to wear his mask inside !!!
hes five inches taller than you which is Optimal for forehead kisses !!! he just Smooch you all the time !! also loves smooching ur nose he thinks u have a v cute boopable nose !!! he just rlly loves showering u with affection
also he loves to be big spoon !!! he just likes emphasizing that he is bigger than you its fun and to him its very cute, especially when u get frustrated and ur like “IM NOT SHORT” and hes like aha, tell that to our height difference :)
also yall have made eachother so many playlists before and sometimes its a lil bit spicy to indicate that yall find each other Hot but mostly its just rlly cute, meaningful playlists that have made eachother cry
also you BETTER believe this sappy boy has made you more than one song !!! he just lovessss you and he subtly mentions u with nicknames and variations of spider man and ur like (O//W//O) bc thats so hecking cute and meaningful !!
also he better believe ur his number one supporter !! uve got all the merch (but also eventually he finds out that despite being ur bf ur bias is hyunjin and he pouts for a week straight lol)
also u steal so much of his clothing that at one point hes like “parker.. please return my shirts i have nothing but pants to wear” and ur like “oh my god bet?” jokes jokes but im sure the view would be nice oopsies
u dont say it but u love his accent a lot u think its rlly cute (and a lil hot) and he doesnt notice it at first but eventually he notices the dreamy look on ur face when he speaks english and hes like oh? is that what i think it is? and he goes out of his way to speak english from then on and ur like BITCH but also KEEP TALKING
u guys have some lowkey couples clothing but the most blatant is a matching necklace !! it has a sunflower charm on it and its rlly cute :)
anyways bitch lets get onto that hecking SPICEEEEE
u saw the babygirl broadcast. the og broadcast with the pic. and once that live was over u texted him like :^) babygirl huh?
and hes like,,,, oops !
but this prompted a discussion abt kinks between yall and he was like ,, i cant call u babygirl because imma have to call my fans that now to cover for myself but,,, a daddy kink,,, whew chile !
later that day he comes over to ur house and fucks you into the mattress as u scream daddy into the pillow! and dont worry; he calls u princess instead :)
he likes tying you up with these rlly nice silk ribbons !! especially these baby pink ones he thinks u look rlly cute with baby pink :^)
hes not into ageplay of course he thinks thats fucking weird but he likes being called daddy and sometimes when u want to be a brat ull lean into him in public and call him daddy and hes like Wait Till We Get Home and ur rlly in for it with then bc then ur getting it especially rough that day he doesnt give a FUCK
but semi-public spaces are a no go hes got an image to maintain and a career at risk so its strictly at ur place but the absolute tension between yall as yall approach ur place is palpable like... hes rlly intense
also sometimes hes rlly into producing music so sometimes ull be in his Producing Room with him and ur just,, rlly horny but hes like Im Sorry I Have To Work so u get off by riding his thigh and ur like NICE but hes like,,, fuck thats hot and so he takes a break from producing and instead fucks you in the recording room since its soundproof :^)
anyways yall are spicy oof the flavor !
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sixphonecalls-blog · 7 years
Losers at Prom
•is really trying to tell himself he doesn’t have the BIGGEST crush on Stan
•like oh my god he loves him
•but his parents have always been wierd about homosexuality (especially when Richie and Eddie would come over for sleepovers)
•so Bill is really trying to get over his immense crush
•he asks this really nice girl in his English class to prom really casually
•she just kinda smiles at him and tell him she’s sorry but she’s going with his friend, Mike
•Bill tells her it’s totally fine but inside he has absolutely no idea what to do now
•he doesn’t ask anybody else to prom and the day of, he’s hanging out at Stan’s house because Stan doesn’t have a date either
•so they were going to sit around and watch whatever was on TV
•they’re a little bummed knowing that pictures at Mike’s farm have probably already started
•”Why didn’t you ask me?” Stan asks, and throws Bill COMPLETELY off guard
•he starts stuttering really badly and he can’t say anything and Stan sits there and smiles at him
•needless to say, they change quickly and show up to Mike’s with their hands intertwined
•has the idea in his head-he doesn’t know how it got there-that Bill was going to ask him
•waits and waits and WAITS and finally realizes that Bill is not going to ask him
•so, he asks Bill the day of, rather crudely, why he didn’t ask him
•Bill stands there and stutters and Stanley just knows that Bill wants to go as much as he does
•”Jokes on you, Bill. I’ve had my outfit planned for weeks.”
•”But your parents...”
•”They know I’m gay. They’re supportive.”
•Bill m-e-l-t-s when he sees Stan in his navy blue suit
•alternatively, Stan melts when he sees Bill in his black one
•their first kiss is on the dance floor while Africa by Toto plays loudly in the background
•literally asks Eddie the day it becomes acceptable to ask (he’s still 3 months early)
•he’s really cheesy and buys his boyfriend flowers and shows up at his house smiling wide
•Richie wears a deep blue suit and Eddie wears pink and Richie can’t stop making jokes about how they look like the bisexual flag
•Richie almost cried when Eddie opened the door to meet him outside in his truck because his boyfriend looked absolutely fucking adorable
•they buy matching white corsages
•Richie googled how to put one one and practiced like twenty five times on himself so everyone is really impressed with how good he is at it
•Eddie and Richie are the famous™ gay couple of Derry and honestly everyone finds it hard not to love them
•thinks wearing a pink suit is a little ambitious and dangerous in this town
•Richie tells him it’s not and it’s just fine and that he looks beautiful
•Eddie smiles so widely and blushes every time Richie does anything nice for him so he’s a blushing happy mess the entire night
•Richie pulls his chair out at the dinner they all have at Mike’s barn
•they slow dance to Africa by Toto at the dance and Richie is SO SMUG because he was the one who requested this song
•it’s their song and Richie is kissing him and Eddie doesn’t know if he could ever be this happy ever again
•Eddie tells him quietly that he got into the same college Richie did (it’s UCLA)
•Richie actually does cry for the second time that night because he gets to go to college with the love of his life
•Eddie wipes his boyfriend’s tears away and kisses his face again
•is wearing this lovely blue dress that brings out her eyes
•she made it herself and Ben thinks that’s just about the coolest thing ever
•she doesn’t mess with her hair much because it’s still short and she loves it that way
•she knew that they were going to go to prom for years now; and has been excited about this night for a long time
•she compliments ben on his suit and won’t stop telling her boy how handsome he looks and he’s a blushing mess
•they take the cutest photos at Mike’s farm like the cutest couple right here!!!!
•literally almost cried because she can’t believe she has found a boy that is THIS sweet and loves her THIS much
•loves to dance so she dances with him nearly the entire night and they’re both sweaty and tired but their faces are so full of happiness and love
•is nervous????? he isn’t sure why since he’s been dating the girl of his dreams for so long.
•he worries about how he looks because his girl looks so beautiful it actually hurts him
•like he looks at her and he just aches
•his heart is too full of love for this girl
•they’re dancing wildly on the dance floor, material girl by Madonna playing in the background and it’s bliss
•it’s fast and loud and all ben can see are Beverly’s beautiful blue eyes and tinkling laugh and he stops dancing
•he stops, causing her to stop as well
•she gives him a look and he takes her face and kisses her roughly
•”Beverly, I love you. When we graduate, let’s leave this hell hole together.”
•Beverly smiles widely and kisses him again and the fast beat of the Madonna song and the energy is enough for Ben to start crying because of how much he loves her.
•is the most fashionable (other than Bev)
•literally looks so good everyone is jealous of his looks and suaveness
•he is so excited to take the girl in his science class because she’s so pretty and so sweet
•he sets up the barn to look like a five star restaurant and makes the BEST food for all of them
•needless to say, his date is very impressed by the incredible venue and his amazing friends
•Mike’s parents take Polaroids of all the losers and are the MOST EXTRA about this
•”Richie, give ‘im a kiss! Ben, Bev, you’re perfect! Bill, Stan, we always knew this day would come. Mike, hands above the waist, sweetheart!”
•Mike kisses his girl while the music of Africa by Toto is playing and she is smiling so widely and he is smiling even wider.
•They all leave the dance (only after Ben and Bev had been crowned prom king and queen) and go back to the barn.
•Mike set up a TV and a table and some couches and sleeping bags; and they all enjoy a game of Monopoly.
•Mike and his girlfriend are holding hands and Mike’s heart is swelling because he is so happy, and so is she.
•All of his friends are so happy. Bev is fighting sleep as she lays on Ben’s lap. Eddie is sitting in Richie’s lap, the two kissing each other softly. Bill is holding hands with Stan, smiles on their faces.
•And they’re content. And they’re happy.
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frostironficrecs · 7 years
Yoo I'm looking for more Immortal!Tony fics if you know more tho
really really sorry that this has taken so long dude. this as old as that au ask and aaaaa im sorry
on with the show tho!
i just trawled my bookmarks and found things where tony becomes immortal, since you said that was cool lksjdhf
but! a lot of Like_a_Hurricane’s stuff has tony becoming immortal, so go check their stuff out and give them a go if you havent already! :>
Hidden Within- Lynds, T, Chose No Warnings, WIPTony's on the verge of giving up when he stumbles into Lucas and his large brood of troubled children. He knows they're on the run, but frankly, he's not going to live very much longer, so he doesn't care. He just wants to hang out with the hot guy with stunning green eyes and crazy kids, and maybe fall in love with all of them. Just a little.When Loki finds out he isn't Odin's son, he washes his hands of the lot of them. He steals his children back from their prison and takes them on the run, hiding their true nature and magic in a mortal form. But then Tony comes to their aid one day, and he has to choose between keeping his children safe and hidden, and releasing his magic to save the life of a man he might be falling for.ive been following this one from the beginning and  have had no regrets whatsoever
Innocent Hearts- STARSdidathing, T, No WarningsPrince Loki knows he's not as revered and praised as his older brother, but he still so desperately wants to be able to impress the one Asgardian boy who holds his affections. It just somehow never seems to go to plan.Loki’s a baby gay here and honestly same, and also hella adorable
The Mighty Thor: Asgard’s Worthiest Matchmaker (should not quit his day job)- Reremouse (TheBelfry), T, Chose No WarningsThe story is less about Thor than you would think. He shouldn’t quit his day job yet. So what is the story about? Loki is persuaded to give heroism a try, or at least take a vacation from evildoing, on Midgard for the low, low price of a bushel of magic apples. Meanwhile, Tony Stark is Tony Stark, living the dissatisfied life and bantering with anything that moves. Things proceed in an orderly and domestic manner right up until the point where Loki and Tony are whisked away to Muspelheim and must find their way home without magic, ideally before Tony’s wounds claim his leg, or worse, his life (though he thinks that’s probably an exaggeration).These two nerds are fucking,, idiots, and need to stop denying theyre flirting and freaking kiss!! just kiss dammit!!!!
Golden Apples- mortenavida, M, Chose No WarningsTony Stark was seven when he ate his first Golden Apple, but he didn't know what they meant until he met Thor... and Loki. (Soulmate au, after a fashion)this one is a good one, i really think you’ll like it!! and for anyone looking for jotunn loki, right here is a good one
Sold to the Devil (series)- Majinie,T, Graphic Violence, WIPObadiah Stane still sells Tony out the way he does to the Ten Rings, however, the Ten Rings (before they get blown to smithereens) and Stane make another deal to get rid of him and earn a bit of money. They sell him to space slave traders so he’ll be a profit that will never annoy them again. Tony gets grabbed and shoved into such a life, but he isn’t an easy slave to control; he’s sharp and broken and smart and he keeps escaping, pissing off the ‘owners’ who buy him so he gets sent back with another few bruises and scars. But Tony is learning and constantly planning. He won’t be a ‘slave’ for long.He’s still doing that x amount of months into his slavery when Thor, Loki and the Warriors Three are on the same planet as him - where the slave trade is accepted and prevalent - and Loki, known for strikes of “whimsy” that no one understands, buys Tony.I READ THIS SERIES IN LESS THAN TWO DAYS AND I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO REGRETS EVER AAAAAA
Thou Shall Not Fall- STARSdidathing, T, No WarningsTony has only ever met one other vampire that likes to have as much fun as he does.theyre vampires, so this counts right?
Those Sinned Against- Arkada, E, Graphic ViolenceWhen Asgard invades Earth - led by a huge blond man in a red cape and wielding a massive warhammer - it takes six months for Tony Stark to come up with a plan to turn things around: let himself be taken prisoner, and bring the Asgardians down from the inside.But it takes less than an hour for the plan to get away from him, thanks to the black-haired Asgardian prince who takes personal - very personal - charge of him.(there is a lil dubcon-ish bdsm elements at the beginning, and some major trust issues, but i think thats abt it for warnings that i can think of? there is a list of possible triggers here however, if you want to click on that before anything elsehe doesnt become immortal in the fic, but it is implied that he can become so, and i am of the opinion that he does, so it counts?? right???? it counts???????
Family Reunions- LokasennaHiddleston, T, Graphic ViolenceWhen a freak accident raises questions about Tony's mortality, the Avengers find out there's a reason why Tony always survives his self-destructive heroics. Tony thinks he has the worst luck with dads and wants to just crawl back to bed with Loki. As for Loki... He just wants his lover to keep his promise and stay alive for a change.And to think, it's all because of Clint's dog.he’s... kinda immortal. also he gets a golden apple so then he’s really immortal! :D
Iron and Silver (series)- Kadorienne, T, Major Character DeathThe arc reactor is slowly killing Tony. The only way Loki can save him is by persuading Odin to grant him a golden apple. But the All-Father’s price is high.Tony is badass here and im love
A Reality- Oh_Toasty, G, Chose No WarningsIn a reality where they close the portal before Tony Stark can fall back through, the energy of the tesseract and other forces combine to send Tony through time and space.He ends up in Asgard during Loki's childhood.this was Good(tm)
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RFA + Minor Trio react to MC being kidnapped? And how would they go about saying them?
✿ im sorry if you wanted a serious answer to this because this got goofy.
Everyone expects him to cry, but no - no, this little chick of a man has hatched into a full-fletched chicken, and if the Legend of Zelda has taught anyone anything, it’s that our favorite egg-producing feathered friends ought to be respected and feared.
He gets cold. Quiet. And though he doesn’t look much like an action hero, he has learned how to be an unstoppable, unrelenting force of destruction via his mother. When you’re taken, Yoosung will not be denied in his quest to get you back.
Yoosung hires a private investigator and pours over documents, photos, and red-string connected diagrams in the interests of finding out who took you, where you’re being held, and how to get you back.
When storming the warehouse where you’re being kept, he doesn’t go in through the front door, but uses his LOLOL raid-planning skills to engineer a rescue operation. His co-conspirators are said private investigator and his gaming buddies, who Aren’t Going To Leave a Bro Hanging, Dangit.
For once, Yoosung gets to be the shining paladin of his dreams as he rushes in to rescue you with a bunch of other nerds.
Zen gets sulky, angsty, and in typical Zen fashion, he lone wolfs it.
He really looks the part of a brooding boyfriend set on getting the love of his life back. He puts on his leather jacket! He gets on his motorcycle! And he starts pursuing your captors with a dogged vengeance.
He uses his army of fans to track down details about where you are, because even though his armada of pining, lovestruck teenagers doesn’t entirely appreciate your existence, the thought of Zen being a loyal badass who goes to the ends of the earth for his loved one is so D~R~E~A~M~Y that they help out. With thousands of eyes combing the entirety of Korea, he gets some leads about your location within short order.
Once he knows where you are, he gets on his motorcycle and CRASHES THAT PARTY.
then throws a chair at someone because Zen’s planning abilities are poor, but his heart is in the right place, ok?
jaehee karate chops a motherfucker.
Like - there’s no stopping her. There’s no halting her for a fraction of a second. Once she hears the news, she stands up, adjusts her glasses, walks out of work… and goes on the warpath.
like, Turn Down for What is blaring in the background as she walks into the camera, explosions firing behind her while she’s dressed in her pencil skirt and fashionable suitjacket.
she buries one of her heels into a man’s stomach.
She rescues you and carries you off into the sunset, while on a yacht, without having sustained a scratch. Everything is sparkling. There’s a dolphin jumping superimposed over a rainbow.
…i will admit this might be wish fulfillment here
please jaehee. come for me.
i’ll do anything.
[The others are under the Read-more!]
Solves his problems with money, and not by “paying the ransom” like his staff is suggesting. No. Jumin can’t be that complacent. Jumin can’t reward the person who would dare touch his angel.
Jumin basically hires a small army to get you back.
It’s like one of those action movies, except Jumin is the president who is managing everything from the command room while the Cool Guys are running around dodging explosions or whatever.
Honestly, he’s pretty scary. Like, James-bond “petting a cat while plotting” scary.
When you’re rescued, he wants to be the first to talk to you. Like, none of his agents are allowed to speak to you and explain anything, it has to come from him directly.
he also doesn’t slip, because lmao, there’s no way he’s going to rest while you’re in danger. what the hell does anyone take him for???
basically has an emotional breakdown where he shoves everyone out of his life, which is honestly business as usual for Seven.
He doesn’t eat. He doesn’t sleep. He doesn’t do anything except work his hacking magic and go to the bathroom, which he only does because he knows he can use his cell-phone to continue searching while he’s on the toilet. 
it’s. kinda gross. seven gets pretty smelly. at some point, Vanderwood forces their way in and begins aiding him, but that’s only after three days of stale air is allowed to accumulate in Seven’s awful Hacking Den.
vanderwood is the only voice of sanity in this miserable endeavor, and is the one that hauls a duffel-bag full of weapons and Seven’s weird robo-dog along for the ride.
The resulting debacle is kind of like an episode of Charlie’s Angels, if Charlie’s Angels were actually just two loser secret-agents with weird fashion senses and who are really hyped up on caffeine.
As soon as Seven gets you back, he passes out, and Vanderwood has to grab the wheel because Seven is a moron who won’t let anyone else drive his car even when he’s ODing on energy drinks and needs to go to the hospital.
vanderwood tells you not to pity him, but you do, because he’s your Hero.
please tell me honestly, do you think this man is going to save you?
he’s not
he just bursts into tears and has a panic attack, sobbing about how if he was a better boyfriend this wouldn’t have happened and it’s ALL HIS FAULT.
(jumin takes pity on his stupid best friend and throws money at the problem for him.)
Look, V tries to be cool. Really. He wants to save you, but he’s blind as a bat and probably was shoved into lockers when he was in high-school. seriously, he’s a photographer. nothing in his skillset prepared him for this!
His only real contribution is giving photo-editing advice to help improve the resolution on some security camera footage, which Jumin later hypes up to you as having been a key contribution to Operation: Save MC.
it wasn’t.
jumin is just the ultimate wingman and doesn’t want you to know that V had to drink some hot cocoa to calm down.
Unknown (Saeran)
Saeran seems to take the news pretty well, in that he doesn’t punch any walls or yell at anyone. no, he just grabs a baseball bat out of the closet, procures a length of rope, and calmly walks out the door.
this is Bad.
I cannot emphasize how Bad this is.
Saeran doesn’t want help. Not only does he not trust anyone with the job, but it would also damage his pride. He won’t even let Seven help him, though it’s fair to say that Seven isn’t about people letting him do things and he helps out anyway.
So, Seven is running around trying to low-key keep Saeran from getting killed while Saeran just launches himself into danger with a comet-like velocity.
seriously, once he finds the location where you’re being kept, he DROPS IN THROUGH THE SKYLIGHT WITH ONLY SOME ROPE AND A BASEBALL BAT TO HELP HIM.
saeran and vanderwood are there in the shadows, shooting guys and trying to keep him from dying.
When you’re freed, you hug him and tell him he was SO COOL. You do not see Vanderwood and Seven high-tailing it out of there, exhausted and miserable.
They don’t mind that they don’t get any credit, but they wish Saeran would stop BRAGGING about it.
ok this loser is an ex-secret agent, do you REALLY think they weren’t prepared for this eventuality?
do you really think that they didn’t expect that this might happen?
do you really think they didn’t already have a pre-planned response strategy to handle you getting kidnapped?
Well, they do.
And they follow it to the letter.
They are so organized about this. They even had VACATION TIME built up which they’d saved for precisely this purpose.
Seven Owes Them, so Vandy makes him help, and they’re totally calm as they tell him what they need him to do, where they need him to go, and what they need him to bring.
They’re criticizing the kidnapper’s technique, for christ’s sake (though tbh that might also be a coping mechanism.)
This is such a boring, mechanical rescue that Seven feels he has to spice it up by incorporating robots.
This goes badly, and in the end, Vanderwood has to jump with you out of a warehouse window into the bay and pray that neither of you are implicated in arson charges.
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THE 04/02/17 UPDATE
Hey look at that, I’m bored and I can’t urge myself to close that act omega tab. You know what that means. I’m doing another part today, w o o o o o 
Alrighty, last time. Aranea showed up, and I reacted in a perfectly calm and orderly fashion. Let’s see where this goes!
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Yup. Nobody’s happy. Put that grin away Aranea.
MEENAH: serket?? MEENAH: HOLD the GLUB up MEENAH: i thought you like MEENAH: got owned or w/e
She did indeed get owned or w/e. By you, in fact. You from another universe in which you became a giant hot troll wearing a goddamn skintight outfit.
Oh yeah, and she is currently destroying the hell out of the kiddo’s back at the lily pad.
ARANEA: ... Nice to see you too, Meenah.
Pssst.. it’s not nice to see you aranea...
ARANEA: Just as anxious to get to the point as ever. 8ut as per usual, I encourage you to exercise a 8it more p8tience. ARANEA: All your questions and concerns will be addressed eventually, I assure you. MEENAH: UUUGH MEENAH: i cannot B-ELI-EV-E this MEENAH: you go all crazy and try n pull off some ridiculous timeline divine intervention stunt MEENAH: prolly kelped actin like a hotshot all the way up to getting fuckin WAST-ED MEENAH: im out here thinkin i aint never gonna sea you again cause you got it in your head you had ta be the ultimate magnanimous blowhard just like your STUPID ALT S)(-ELLF MEENAH: AND T)(-EN MEENAH: you reappier outta NOW)(-ER-E MEENAH: lookin just as smug as you got no business bein MEENAH: and you tell me i gotta put up with whatever sanctimonious salmon youve prepared before i get any answers?!
LET ‘ER HAVE IT MEENAH. Can Aranea get the idea out of her head that SHE has got to be the one everybody looks up to? Because everytime she’s had an effect on this story, it’s made everything completely horrible. Honestly, she just tries too hard to be worthy of admiration. If she were like Vriska, she’d care more about doing what needs to be done instead of being admired by all. Merely because Vriska isn’t so dependent on the approval of others, and is happy with doing what needs to be done just so she can brag to herself and others. Alright, I kinda feel like getting deeper into this. How Vriska and Aranea differ and parallel eachother, because it’s a pretty thin line that doesn’t feel obvious. But here’s a very simple way of putting it:
Vriska wants to be the hero Aranea wants to be seen as the hero
Vriska wants to force dead weight to carry itself Aranea wants useful people to depend on her
I feel like that sums it up fairly well, really. Maybe I’ll start making sideposts of character analysis if I feel like getting deeper into these topics.
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And here we find Porrim, in her natural state of “tired of everybodys shit”
PORRIM: Meenah. Yo+u might want to+ reel yo+urself in for a mo+ment.
MEENAH: >38( PORRIM: Maybe try to+ avo+id making the same mistakes as the yo+unger Serket.
VRISKA: Excuse me???????? PORRIM: O+h, hush. Yo+u’ve spent far mo+re energy externalizing yo+ur frustratio+n than you+ have do+ing anything pro+ductive. PORRIM: We can o+nly take so+ much o+f this. We're here to+ try and do+ so+mething with o+ur afterlife o+ther than willfully subject o+urselves to+ its infinite echo+ chamber o+f teenage drama.
porrim, baby
i love you, i do
but this is n o T JUST TEENAGE DRAMA? I mean, Aranea killed EVERYBODY.
PORRIM: I myself have had eno+ugh o+f that fo+r at least two+ lifetimes. PORRIM: So+ if either o+f yo+u are ultimately o+nly go+ing to co+ntribute to+ the endless caco+phany, rather than fo+cus o+n getting results, I suggest yo+u mo+ve it to+ so+me o+ther bubble. PORRIM: If no+t, then co+nsider jo+ining the rest o+f us in seeing what Aranea might have to+ o+ffer to+ o+ur cause. ARANEA: Why, thank you, Porrim. That was very eloquently put. I promise you won’t 8e disappointed. ::::)
Goddammit Porrim, you gave her a reason to be smug. Just because Porrim is tired of the arguing, doesn’t mean you’re somehow at all justified in anything you’ve ever done ever.
ok im salty
PORRIM: Hmmm. We’ll see. ARANEA: Really, I was well prepared for my reappearance to cause something of a stir. It’s completely understanda8le to want an explan8tion.
UUUUUGHHhfadjnkms SHuuut uppp
ARANEA: I’ve 8een lying low for quite a while now. Gathering inform8tion, drawing conclusions, revising and perfecting plans... All of which will certainly prove invalua8le for you all in your current predicament! ARANEA: It really is a shame you’ve landed yourselves in such a 8ind! It was ultim8ly inevita8le, 8ut unfortun8 all the same. ARANEA: Isn’t it lucky, then, that I’m here to put this tr8n 8ack on its tracks?
Im gonna die from salt poisoning help
PORRIM: If yo+u have any interest in keeping that pro+mise o+f yo+urs, I suggest yo+u skip the preamble.
Thank you Porrim. I’m trying to find somebody to latch onto here, but everybody is starting problem’s n s t uf f . 
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Everybody looks so
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VRISKA: Hold the fucking phone! Why should we listen to ANYTHING you have to say?
VRISKA: Your track record isn’t exactly stellar! And from what I’m seeing right now, you haven’t learned from your colossal fuckup one iota!
WOAH, VASKA... who the hell says iota????
VRISKA: I have a8solutely ZERO interest in letting the same washed up has-8een whose mess *I* had to clean up waltz up here and act like she’s my goddamn s8vior!!!!!!!
And, oh god my memory of the timelines and stuff are getting me confused. I’m sure I’m probably wrong about this, but y’know what I’m gonna talk about it anyways. Would this Vriska really even know about Aranea? I mean, she didn’t die, so... maybe just in her dreams or something. or. gdi im confused.
ARANEA: Come now, Vriska. You of all people should know that there are 8etter times to choose for throwing hissyfits!
This isn’t a HISSYFITS. This is clear and rational thought. And I don’t get w hY NOBODY ELSE IS QUESTIONING THESE THINGS.
ARANEA: And 8esides, what a8out your little plan? We can all pl8nly see how well that turned out. You were smacked down just as unceremoniously as I was, so don’t act as if you’re suddenly the only person who can pull their own w8 around here.
Yeah, but you know what? Her plan didn’t revolve around dooming EVERYBODY. Her plan had essence of COMPETENCE.
ARANEA: You may 8e incredibly stu88orn, 8ut you can’t 8e so foolish as to dismiss common sense purely for the s8ke of your ego. I’m your 8est shot at m8king it out of this alive. While your army was 8eing eradic8ed, I was 8usy uncovering the truth. ARANEA: If you would just allow me to expl8n, perhaps you could finally reg8n your wits and 8e a8le to focus on what TRULY matters.
oh god i hate her h e l p.
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VRISKA: I already HAVE my wits! And I was just a8out to use them to whip this 8unch of losers into sh8pe 8efore YOU and your 8loated delusions of grandeur showed up! ARANEA: Is that what you were a8out to do? I never would have guessed. Considering from my perspective, you were in the middle of some sort of mental 8reakdown 8rought on 8y 8eing utterly incapa8le of comprehending the magnitude of your own failure!
At least she DAMAGED HIM. SHE INFLICTED SOME FORM OF HARM TO THE UNKILLABLE GOD TRYING TO FUCK THEM OVER. You literally just got everybody killed with no positive result, you cannot claim that you are A N Y better than her.
ARANEA: If you had been p8ying attention, you might have t8ken note of when I mentioned that this outcome was inevita8le. There was hardly anything I could have done to prevent it. YOU, on the other hand... ARANEA: The mishap with your dice could easily have 8een avoided if you had simply realized how thoroughly outmatched you were. Did you actually try your little luck-stealing trick on LORD ENGLISH?
VRISKA: Yeah! I did!!!!!!!! That’s kind of what I DO? VRISKA: 8ut... it didn’t WORK. ARANEA: Tsk, tsk. Of course it didn’t. Lord English is hardly on the same level as the 8lack king, or the myriad low-level imps, hapless trolls, and pitiful ghosts from which you’d previously acquired your ill-gotten fortune. Your a8ilities aren’t even close to developed enough to stand a chance against such an opponent! ARANEA: 8ut say, I think that perhaps we can strike a deal. We all know that time has 8een kinder to me in that I’ve had enough of it to refine my powers considera8ly. 8etween the two of us, I am clearly the superior Hero of Light.
. . . . . . . . F U C K Y O U .
Can’t deal with this. Can’t TAKE this girl’s superiority complex.
God im turning into the human equivallent of a salt shaker.
VRISKA: Oh, yeah. Sure. 8ecause I’m totally interested in whatever 8ogus “deal” you have to offer. Especially when you phrase it like THAT! ARANEA: And yet you don’t deny truth of my words. A smart choice. VRISKA: Are you going to w8ste time gloating, or actually get to the point?! ARANEA: My point is that I would 8e more than happy to lend you my services. Allow you to maximize your potential in a more... expedient fashion, given the sizea8le constraints we are currently under. ARANEA: All you would have to do is ask nicely. May8e even apologize for raising your voice? A little more respect and deference would 8e appreci8ed as well. ARANEA: What do you say? A deal is a deal? ::::)
VRISKA: How a8out this: I DON’T NEED YOUR HELP!!!!!!!!
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O k you know what. For once, I’m actually happy about Kankri existing. That fuckfest needed to end.
And jesus. I need to calm myself down.
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Oh god poor Mituna is freaking out.
KANKRI: I think that is QUITE en9ugh 9f that f9r n9w. While I n9rmally endeav9r t9 enc9urage c9nstructive de6ate in the interest 9f inf9rming the ign9rant masses, this argument has 6ec9me far t99 pr96lematic f9r me t9 all9w it t9 c9ntinue!
Gdi I haven’t even read it yet, but it already hurts to look at.
Alright. So yeah, this is getting out of hand and he’s putting a stop to it with his space jesus powers.
KANKRI: There isn’t nearly en9ugh time f9r me t9 g9 9ver all 9f the deeply distur6ing c9mments disparaging n9t 9nly the magically disadvantaged, 6ut the mentally challenged, which I have just 69re witness t9. S9 I will settle with 6riefly chastising y9u 69th f9r y9ur cavalier disregard 9f y9ur inherent privilege, and enc9urage y9u to 6e m9re aware 9f h9w the nature 9f y9ur w9rds might affect the very imp9rtant feelings 9f pe9ple that aren’t here.
And people that ARE here. Like, you know. The mentally challenged Mituna right behind you. Though I’m pretty sure you’re speech his having a worse affect on him than they are. Also, how the hell did they even offend any mentally challenged people??
LATULA: ummmmmm, l1k3, not to b3 UN-r4d or wh4t3v3r, b3c4us3 th4t 1s TOT3S not my styl3, LATULA: but m1tun4 1s l1k3, R1GHT h3r3??
Thank you Latula, the poor guy is dying at all these words.
KANKRI: He is?
Oh my god Kankri, seriously? Were you too busy ogling at Latula to realize that their were handicapped people who needed defending in the area?
MITUNA: 1 H4T3 Y0UR FUCK1NG W157L3 KANKRI: 9h. Right, 9f c9urse. My mistake. Ap9l9gies, Mituna. I h9pe y9u d9n’t mind that I have taken it up9n myself t9 help speak 9n y9ur behalf, c9nsidering y9ur vari9us issues with speaking at all.
kANKRI. that is not how you speak to handicapped people. Is he just salty that he’s dating Latula? Yeah. he’s totally salty about latula.
MITUNA: UM KANKRI: Exactly. Y9u’ve 6een rendered n9n-ver6al 6y the sens9ry 9verl9ad caused 6y all this unnecessary sh9uting. Which makes the wh9le thing w9rse, really. Right, Mituna? MITUNA: WHY 4R3 7HR33 S0 M4NY W0RD5 MITUNA: 175 4LL MITUNA: 8UZZ1NG LATULA: dont worry 4bout 1t b4b3! 1ts 4lmost ov3r. MITUNA: 5H0U71NG 4ND MITUNA: 5TUP1D 8ULG3 WH1FF1NG WH157L35 MITUNA: FUCK
Latula is literally the best supportive girlfriend. Is she gonna cover his ears for him next?
KANKRI: Even m9re sincere ap9l9gies, Mituna. Even if the use 9f the whistle was vital in the c9nstructi9n 9f y9ur safe space, I understand that it did upset y9u and that y9ur feelings 9n the matter are valid. KANKRI: 6ut thankfully, and despite the unf9rtunate side effects, it did its j96 9f helping 6ring every9ne t9 their senses. KANKRI: Really, this wh9le thing c9uld have 6een av9ided if y9u 69th had just listened t9 P9rrim's advice. PORRIM: O+h. PORRIM: Kanny, did yo+u just... AGREE with me fo+r o+nce? KANKRI: ... KANKRI: I 6elieve I have asked y9u several times n9w n9t t9 call me that!
what has this devolved into? What is this BICKERING. Can anybody remain on the same page for more than two sentences? Honestly, I’m surprised Lord English hasn’t just killed them all yet.
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AND HERE THESE TWO ARE, indifferent as always.
SOLLUX: (well.) SOLLUX: (this is pr0bably the worst clusterfuck i have ever had the f0rtune 0f n0t seeing.) SOLLUX: (are y0u sure we can’t just leave?) SOLLUX: (as if whichever smug fuck that ends up running the idi0t brigade is g0ing to s0lve 0ur impending d00m. it’s alm0st starting t0 feel like the wh0le pirate crew bullshit all 0ver again.) SOLLUX: (except s0meh0w even m0re 0f a catastr0phe.)
Sollux, there’s one thing you’re forgetting. The pirate ship was a disaster, yes. but now you have one KEY FACTOR that will lead you all to victory. The power of F R I E N D S H I P. Can’t you just feel all the good vibes radiating off of these assholes?
ARADIA: (we cant go yet sollux!) ARADIA: (i have no intention of leaving) ARADIA: (and while i understand why you may want to this time it really is somewhat imperative that you stay) ARADIA: (we all have a part to play in the preservation of reality) ARADIA: (a mission which is even more critical now than it has ever been!)
Alright, so this team’s objective “SAVE REALITY” Team lilypad’s objective “DONT.. DIE” Team Lowas’s objective “THERAPIZE ERISOL”
oh god i just remembered Calliope already died and that’s s A  D ...
SOLLUX: (ugh. really?) ARADIA: (yes!) SOLLUX: (s0 i’m like. imp0rtant s0meh0w?) ARADIA: (does it help you feel better to think about it like that?) SOLLUX: (... kind 0f? bizarrely en0ugh.) SOLLUX: (where did that c0me fr0m all 0f a sudden?) ARADIA: (i couldnt possibly tell you) ARADIA: (but what i can tell you is that i think this brief setback will be over soon) SOLLUX: (fine, if y0u say s0.)
All setbacks can be overcome with enough  TIME. HAHA.... TIME JOKE. The hell am i doing with my life.
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Oh shit is Davepeta here to drop some calm bombs on the group?
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < man this is just getting sad DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < but guess i oughta toss my two cents into this clusterfuck DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < beclaws honestly i KIND of agr33 with vwiskers a little? DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < my subconscious is clawing at me that we totally cant trust aranea at all ever
THANK, you. 
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < cause shes seriously bad news DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < i dont have any real concrete memories or anything to support it but DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < i dunno! thats just how i f33l DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < meow on the other paw DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < we kind of are in some purrty hot water DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < and i ALSO have the conflicting f33ling that whatever info she has fur us will be impurrtant DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < so if anything we should just hear her out DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < so long as you dont try to pull anything fishy!!
SIGH... I G U E S S. It still feels horrible to even let her get a word in, just because she’s literally gonna act like every useful information she gives is worth everything, and they have no right to blame her for anything.
ARANEA: Er... ARANEA: Thank you for the endorsement. And the warning, I suppose. ARANEA: If there won’t 8e any further interruptions? MEENAH: yeah sure fine whatever MEENAH: but u beta believe im gonna be gilling you later ARANEA: I look forward to it.
I’m gonna hope that was a fish pun, and what she meant was ‘killing’
N O B O D Y A S K E D Y O U  T A V R O S
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ARANEA: Don’t worry, Tavros. I will try and keep this as 8rief as possible. ARANEA: While also ensuring all vital inform8tion and context is provided, of course. ARANEA: Now, allow me to 8egin...
conflicting feelings about everything here. Alright. WELL, that is the end of this update. you can listen to my whine a bunch on the next part. SO. yeah.
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earcontact · 7 years
Zey, prime numbers because im currently our and cant remember specific numbers well
This is already exceedingly long and I have answered exactly one question. This is going under a read more.
Also, you are now in possession of my eternal love.
1. What does their bedroom look like?
Well, her bedroom is shared with Rekmid and it is a Complete Mess. Clothes thrown everywhere, little trinkets stashed on every flat surface but the bed, a sunning area for Rokgor shoved in one corner. Zey flies everywhere and Rekmid has tough feet, so neither of them really bother to keep things off the floor. To note, it isn’t actually messy in the traditional sense? There is no remnants of like weeks old food or laundry that has needed done for years now or anything, it’s simply a bunch of things they love and value thrown everywhere. Zey loves collecting cool looking things and had to start over upon boarding the ship, so most of their early dates was, well, going on hunts throughout Plantasia and the ship for Cool Things.
Zey has a little birdhouse Rekmid made that hangs from one of the headboard posts of the bed, but doesn’t sleep there. It’s more for her clothes and her smaller, more prized possessions. They’ve always joked that Rekmid can just unhook it, grab Rokgor, and run if the cottage ever caught on fire and that way they would have a solid 90% of the things they hold most dear to them.
There’s also tiny potted plants littered across every surface. Every now and again one of their lopsided dressers gets cleared off and a cage set down so that Rekmid can give more personal, consistent care to a sick or injured animal. Those dressers are so incredibly beaten up.
Overall: a Mess.
3. Do they exercise, and if so, what do they do? How often?
Zey exercises her right to free speech at every single opportunity. 
Really though, no, she doesn’t exercise beyond her typical flitting around everywhere and pulling up weeds, which is actually a rather hard thing for her to do.
5. Cleanliness habits (personal, workspace, etc.)
Well, we know her personal cleanliness habits already. She lets the forest grow however it wants, though she does ensure that no one species of plant completely overwhelms others. She was raised by and worked with professional farmers and gardeners, so she’s pretty meticulous when it comes to her gardens, actually. 
7. Favorite way to waste time and feelings surrounding wasting time.
Zey voice: there is no way to waste time if you have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Really though, the majority of her time outside of her plant-based work is spent making people happy! When no one outside of Rekmid was awake, she put a lot of time and effort into making future people happy! With her Vines and videos and always refining her comedy act. But outside of both of those (and being incredibly sapphic), it’s likely her hours long jam sessions with herself? She’ll get the piccolo playing something and sing along or in harmony or records herself singing and plays along and just spends hours, not for anyone else’s benefit, just playing and singing and coming up with new things or trying new things, it’s rather good and pure.
11. Intellectual pursuits.
She does tinker around with plant based genetics? Mostly to get really cool looking plants. But outside of that, and like, teaching Rekmid Gnomish, she has no real interest in pursuing anything.
13. Sexual orientation? And, regardless of own orientation, thoughts on sexual orientation in general?
She’s pansexual and romantic! She doesn’t really care what other people’s orientations are, well, she respects those orientations but it’s never something she focuses on, past ‘are they okay with me hitting on them????????’ if they aren’t attracted to her, oh well, she can still be around them and make them happy, they’re pretty great! And so long as no one else tries to moderate or control anyone else’s orientation, she’s fine with whatever people want to identify as.
17. Preferred mode of dress and rituals surrounding dress.
She typically wears dresses with short or tank top-like sleeves that cut off at her knee or up to her mid thigh, and adds leggings underneath. She’s typically barefoot. She does spend about ten minutes a day choosing what to wear, often flying in and out of her birdhouse to show Rekmid different combos and ask her opinions (even though Rekmid is absolutely awful with fashion) and tries on two or three different outfits before settling down on one for the day (which is then typically absolutely filthy before it hits midday.)
19. What do they think about before falling asleep at night?
Cliche, but Rekmid, because Rekmid is right there and Zey’s sapphic and likes watching her dragon gf fall asleep. Zey is absolutely 100% the type to randomly blurt out night-blogger-esque type questions and revelations right as Rekmid is about to fall asleep.
23. How organized are they? How does this organization/disorganization manifest in their everyday life?
This is mainly touched on in the cleanliness question, but typically, not at all, she assumes that she can fly around fast enough to find whatever she needs/wants in her house. Garden related tools and seeds and the like are much more organized, but still in a system not really sensible to anyone else. She is disorganized but typically fortuitously stumbles into getting down what needs done, so hasn’t bothered to try and fix this.
29. Who do they see as their best friend? Their worst enemy?
Rekmid! But anyone she likes that she is with is also her best friend, pfffffttttttt. If you are within her line of sight and she likes you, you are her best friend.
She doesn’t have a Worst Enemy, but if you piss her off or do something she doesn’t agree with, you are now her Worst Enemy until reconciliation is made (which is surprisingly easy with her.) And then you can go right back to being her Best Friend.
31. Most prized possession?
Rekmid’s heart. Really though, her rock bag of holding and the rocks within. Followed right up by her piccolo.
37. Are they more analytical or more emotional in their decision-making?
E m o t i o n a l, so very emotional.
41. How misanthropic are they?
Not at all? She typically automatically assumes the absolute best out of everyone.
43. How far did they get in formal education? What are their views on formal education vs self-education?
Not really far at all? She was taught about plants and gardening from her family and picked up history and politics and languages from her mother and taught herself everything Bardic and expanded her own knowledge on plants/gardening and taught herself the piccolo and how to make people laugh and feel better. So she certainly places a much heavier emphasis on self-education.
47. If they were to fall in love, who (or what) is their ideal?
Really though, do you exist near her? Are you, at the very least, a decent individual? Do you have moments of competence or adorableness and exist as your own individual with free will? She loves you. That’s it. She loves you and adores you and you are her ideal.
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coelura · 8 years
Tagged by- @fictionallesbian​ (she’s hilarious and i love her)
Rules: Copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in yours, and when you are done tag up to 10 people and also tag the person who tagged you… And most importantly, have fun!
A - Age: underage lmao
B - Biggest fear: paying for college? i try not to think abt my fears
C - Current time: 4pm
D - Drink you last had: water
E - Every day starts with: sleeping 10 minutes past my alarm. now that it’s spring the sun’s up with me so i usually get to see the sunrise :)
F - Favourite song: Currently all time low - jon bellion. bc WotE did a really cool cover of it lol and it’s fun to sing along to. also “something just like this” by the chainsmokers&coldplay. the lyrics are so sweet i love that song :,)
G- Ghosts, are they real: yeah, i’ve never met one tho
H - Hometown: St. Paul, Minnesota :) I love it there
I - In love with: so many people jesus christ someone save me from myself. to name just a few... all members of little mix, because goddamn. they’re insanely gorgeous and have incredible voices and great fashion sense always
J - Jealous of: jealous of beyonce, bc who is not jealous of her??, jealous of KHS cause i wish i could make music like he does. (please understand this is all healthy jealousy)
K - Killed someone: well, yesterday I sent my best friend a picture that had her on the floor for a solid 2 minutes (“i’m deadddd”)
L - Last time you cried: a few hours ago, I was reading this incredible fic. I’ll link u if u want (it’s The Social Network, i bookmarked it like forever ago and im NOT SORRY)
M - Middle name: Lily
N - Number of siblings: just 1
O - One wish: I wanna have a concrete idea of what I’m doing in life
P - Person you last called/texted: My friend, Liam. he’s supposed to be doing his stats homework.
Q - Questions you’re always asked: is your hair naturally that curly?
R - Reasons to smile: reasons I have to smile? i have lots of really nice amazing and supportive friends who i see on a regular basis :) i am so thankful for all of them. also, my brother keeps sending me dumb vines and I always laugh at dumb vines.
S - Song last sang: Never Enough - One Direction
T - Time you woke up: 10am
U - Underwear colour: black/pink? it has black widow on it lol
V - Vacation destination: the north woods in MN. my fav place in all the earth :) but also i’ve never been out of the country so that would be awesome- like new zealand would be amazing. there are mountains and middle-earth and tons of species u can’t find anywhere else in the world, so, it’s p cool.
W - Worst habit: p r o c r a s t i n a t i o n. nvm scratch that i ruin my cuticles when im stressed. it’s awful.
X - X-rays you’ve had: none
Y - Your favourite food: where do I start... anything with chocolate. i’m also a sucker for pad thai, and for pho, and for pesto, and burgers that aren’t greasy?, but also cheese curds, and anything with potatoes as a main ingredient.
Z - Zodiac sign: Libra. i’m such a stereotype.
I’m tagging...
@alligotleftismyjim @bonesonthetardis and @for-goodness-cake cause i wanna know yall better
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flower-mist · 8 years
Ur gonna hate me but all of the crayon asks. Have fun!!!
*inhales* bOI
answers are under the readmore bc l o n g
Macaroni and Cheese: What makes you think of your childhood?
crayons, ofc! also 2000s music (esp disney), yearbook photos, capri suns, those ice pop things that come in clear plastic, cedar point, the kid’s fantasy section at barnes and noble, i could keep talking for like 12 years
Spring Green: How do you relax when you’re stressed?
i read! i read so, so much. writing also helps, but it’s hard to make myself do it bc Issues™. i also watch an excessive amnt of john oliver
Asparagus: What’s an unpopular opinion you have?
listen, hot sauce on mac in cheese is so good
Bittersweet: Has someone you loved ever hurt you?
h*ck yeah 
Eggplant: Explain your url and avatar.
my url is a flower that means courage! and my avatar is that flower
Outer Space: Do you ever feel like you’re an outcast from others?
Cotton Candy: What is your favorite dessert?
i will eat approximately 50 macarons if no one stops me 
Freckle: Do you have any marks on your skin? How do you feel about them?
i have a birthmark and a scar on my back from when i slid down a wall (long story) and freckles! idk i like all of them i guess, as much as i can like my body
Shocking Pink: Is there a trait that you have that others don’t expect from you?
when ppl first meet me they never expect me to swear as much as i do, idk why
Robin’s Egg Blue: If you were an animal, which one do you think would you be?
probably a cat? i took a test once and it told me i was a dik dik but like,, i want to be able to protect people, so a lion or a fox or smth would be chill
Granny Smith Apple: What’s something everyone else likes that you don’t?
Dandelion: What’s a pet peeve of yours?
i rly rly rly don’t like the sound of people eating tho idk whether to file that under “sensory issue” or “pet peeve”
Atomic Tangerine: What gets you motivated to do a difficult task?
a time restriction, someone i care a lot about depending on it, spite
Wisteria: What’s your favorite thing about yourself?
im really really good at writing gothic post style things
Candy Apple: How do you think others view you?
l m a o y i k e s 
Plum: Are you insecure about anything?
im insecure about everything but one of the places im most insecure is whether or not people like me
Sky Blue: Where do you feel the most at home?
with the people i love most
Tickle Me Pink: How do you try to cheer others up when they’re sad?
being there to listen, sending them cute animals or memes, writing things for them, etc
Wild Strawberry: Do you care what others think about you?
wayyyy too much
Glossy Grape: Recommend something to your followers.
World Wide Web Yellow: What was the last thing you looked up?
“john oliver”
Shadow Blue: Do you have a darker side to you that most people are unaware of?
im not really sure what “darker” means but probably?
Electric Lime: What genre of music do you listen to?
literally everything tho im not super into hardcore country
Night Owl: Describe a very interesting dream that you had.
i rarely remember my dreams but one time i was definitely on a quest to save the world and i broke into a building via a roof
that’s all i remember abt it
Cornflower: What do you think about the most?
dogs and how much i love them
Grasshopper Green: Describe the area where you live.
my dad’s house is part of a complex of town homes. all the houses are very white, and there’s neatly trimmed park areas in between. my favorite part of this area is by the highway where the wildflowers grow. they cut down the last of the woods last year
Misty Moss: Is there anything you regret?
Tiny Toad Brown: Do you find beauty in something that people consider to be ugly or undesirable?
snakes are pretty!!!! dont hate on snakes!!!!!!!!! unless you have a genuine fear of them bc thats valid but don’t be petty its not cool!!!!!!!
Sunny Side Up: Do you like waking up in the mornings, or would you rather sleep in?
i love waking up in the morning but i usually mess up my sleep schedule too much to be able to do it
Kitten Gray: Do you have any pets? If so, describe them.
Rose Dust: Describe your aesthetic in five words or less.
stardust, honey, rain, old books (hopefully)
Timberwolf: Do you give second chances when somebody has wronged you?
depends on how far they went
Freshly Squeezed: What excites you?
literally everything im interested in bc i get super invested in things and also my friends being excited about something 
Firefly Red: What gives you purpose?
the people i love, fear, spite, laughter, ice cream
Tiny Teapot Tan: Do you consider yourself to be attractive/cute?
lmao no
im okay sometimes but like, that’s rare
Rain Drop Blue: Describe the weather outside.
it is currently cloudy as fuck and also cold
Sweet Pea Green: Do you have/want children?
i don’t think im in a place where i can make that decision for myself yet
Pussywillow: Do you like being around others, or do you like being alone?
yes and no? social situations are very draining for me bc anxiety/introversion, but i absolutely love spending time w my close friends
Jack ‘O’ Lantern Orange: What’s your biggest fear and why?
highkey not gonna talk about that on a public forum
Baby Bunny Pink: Do you look young for your age, or do you look older than you are?
one time i went to get the oil changed for my car and the person at the counter asked me if i was 12
Mystic Maroon: What confuses you, and why?
people confuse me bc 
Cosmic Cobalt: What’s your zodiac sign, and do you think it’s accurate?
pisces! and it’s a very very good fit for me
Petal Pink: Describe your fashion sense as well as what you’re wearing right now.
idk rn it’s mostly sweaters and plaid and converse? but my style differs a lot based on gender stuff so idkkkkkk
Mountain Meadow: Do you like taking care of others, or do you prefer being care of?
Fuzzy Duckling Yellow: Is there something from childhood that you haven’t outgrown?
literally everything i will never outgrow my childhood
Brussel Sproutlet: Do you have any unhealthy habits?
*gestures to all of me*
Razzle Dazzle Rose: Describe an ideal date.
yikes this is hard bc like
okay this is going to sound rly rly stupid but im good with almost anything just so long as im spending time with the person?
i guess doing anything that makes them comfortable/happy
that was such a non-answer, ill come up with a real one at some pt
Periwinkle: What’s something ordinary that has personal meaning to you?
my necklace is gr8
Mauvelous: Do you think you deserve a better life than you have now?
probably not
Blueberry Blue: Do you get sad easily?
h*ck yeah
Purple Mountains Majesty: How does someone earn your respect?
by treating others with respect and kindness
holy shit that was so many but thank u!!!
jonathon took all of these so here are more questions if you want to ask some
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