#im writing this at 2 a.m.
lunchtimebedamned1997 · 4 months
Hazbin S2 thoughts?
Okay, hear me out:
I love Poly!Vees, but if it ends up being just Vox/Val being fuckbuddies with Vel not in the romantic or sexual mix - particularly if Velvette is more of a daughter to Vox and Val... then that could set up a super interesting dynamic in S2 with the other half of the cast???
So in 1x05 we get Al (presumably just postulating) about how he sees Charlie like a daughter (heh, yeah right. Al? After like, four or five months? No way. With Nifty? Sure, I can almost buy it. Charlie? No.)
So, like, imagine this:
Charlie steps between the two overlords, hair mussed from the warring static, scleras dipping red as they fix on Vox.
"Stop." Her arms are out, Vox almost laughs when he realizes she's shielding Alastor. "I won't let you hurt him."
Alastor's expression is somewhere between smug and affronted. Vox can understand, having someone as powerful as the princess devoted to your safety is quite the bragging point, but to have anyone think that Alastor would need help, against him, no less. No, no. That stroked Vox's ego. He did laugh now.
"Alright, princess, I'll bite. How'd he win you over?"
"Alastor. How'd he convince you, you matter to him? I can tell you how he convinced me, if you'd like."
"Charlie - I would strongly advise not engaging with this one. Once you get him started, its quite hard to shut him up again. Not to mention, most of what comes out of his speakers is meaningless drivel."
Vox scoffed.
"What are you, her fucking dad?" He watches the princess puff up her chest, eyes sparking with something that could really only be noted as passion.
"Yes." She looked back over her shoulder at Al, and Vox caught the softness in her growing smile as her head turned away from him. "He's as good as." When Vox processed the genuine tone in her voice, he started uproariously, uncontrollably laughing, she returned her gaze sharply to him. "You don't know him like I do. Like we all do! He's helped us, maybe not out of the goodness of his heart at first, but time means something, and we've built a bond! He's shown up for me in ways people who should have, haven't."
"Oh my god you're serious!" A few more laughs escaped him before the righteousness and earnestness of her expression processed in his system. Oh my god. She's serious. He felt his expression sober, and he dropped his aggressive stance, keeping a few of the cameras trained on Alastor so he could keep his screen directed at the girl, and he watched her tense at the serious drop to his expression. "Look, I don't know what you think he's done for you, but I learned the hard way how little he cares. I'll admit, your little theory has more of a shot than the things I used to think were between us, but I wouldn't count your chickens, Charlie." Her mouth pulled into a flatter line as her name left his speakers. "I know what it means to care for someone like a daughter. And I don't think he has that in him."
"You -" When Charlie's words faultered, Vox cut in.
"Alastor can manage - what did you call it Al?" He spared a glance over Charlie's shoulder. "'Passing affections?'" He choked down the sneer he wanted to give Alastor and returned his gaze to Charlie. "I think he's too selfish to love anything but himself. I think he can enjoy people for what they give him, but don't be sweet-talked into thinking he has enough room in his heart to be anything like a fath-" A black tentacle shot up from the pavement, hitting the base of Vox's screen and throwing him up into the air and back a few feet before he crashed back down onto the ground.
Alastor stepped up beside the princess, putting a hand on her shoulder and bending down slightly, his tone light, like he was sharing a bit of innocent gossip.
"What did I tell you, my dear? This one doesn't quite know how to summarize a thought." He looked over a Vox, who was pulling himself back up into a standing position, his screen still glitching mildly from the force of the impact, he could feel wetness dripping down from the corner of his mouth. "Shall I summarize for you then, old friend?" He moved out and around Charlie, removing some of the newfound space between himself and Vox. "Something, something, I'm a terrible monster who cannot be trusted, i hurt your feelings, nobody should risk being near me, and you... 'hate' me?" He leaned forward slightly, smiling as he tilted his head to the side - that stupid fucking smile widening even further as he send another tentacle barreling into Vox's stomach like a punch, Charlie squeaked somewhere in the background like she wasn't expecting them to come to blows again already. Vox was just pleased he was only winded rather than thrown this time though. "Did I about cover it?"
Vox breathed raggedly, trying to get his lungs to work right. "You're a fucking prick."
"Get a new fucking line."
Alastor narrowed his eyes slightly. "I am curious about this 'daughter figure' of yours? That spunky little overlord nobody worth their salt can stand? The one with the fabric name? Velvette, was it?"
Sparks flicked from Vox's claws. "Don't."
"You expose a weakness and expect me not to strike? And here you are trying to convince Charlie how well you know me!"
"Velvette can handle herself."
"Against me? I hardly think so. So few can."
"Adam did alright." Vox watched the small twitch of displeasure Alastor gave at the bruise to his ego with a little bit of pleasure.
"You can't seriously think their levels are comparable. What exactly might she do? Wrap me in silks? Oh the horror. I have felled overlords so old only Zestial rivals them. And her? Has she even reached fourty? Thirty?" Alastor shook his head disappointedly. "No, I'm sure she'd be quite the waste of energy. Then again, I do so love to see you suffer."
Vox surged forward and blasted enough volts to level a city block straight into Alastor's neck, watching him fly back to land behind the Princess' startled form.
"That, is mutual." Vox rolled his shoulders, getting ready for more... for maybe dying. You always had to be with Alastor. Part of him didn't want to believe they'd ever devolve quite that far, but the part of him that scrabbled around in his self preservation like a panicked animal had to face that eventually one of them was going to...
It was statistics, honestly. Even in eternity, nobody seemed to last forever.
Like???? Come ON. That doesn't even touch the Valentino side of things. Make the terrible people complicated! Give them weaknesses and things to like about them that makes hating them feel worse for us!
Idk something about the idea of Vox, the fucked up guy from the age of the 'nuclear' family having the most warped but genuine dynamic with Velvette and Val? It tickles me!
Like I can see Charlie trying to convince Al there's something worth redeeming in Vox if she actually stumbles across seeing him being a doting father to Vel, especially if it was before any interactions like the little senario I wrote above. You just know our little baby bleeding-heart with her big doe eyes and daddy issues would just feel for him. Wouldn't want him to lose even though she wants her side to win.
'how can i destroy what might be the only good family relationship I've seen in almost 200 years. If someone took that away from me -'
You just know that Vox would be the most indulgent little guy ever when he loves someone.
Now, do I think Charlie actually bought Al saying all those things to her in 1x05? Not entirely. Not given how she spoke to him in 1x07 before they made their deal. I think Charlie is a lot less naive then people assume her to be, but I also think she'd want to believe it. Maybe with a bit less desperation then before she made up with Luci somewhat. Regardless, it's clear she has a big soft spot for Al, and considers him to be like family much the same as the others from the S1 hotel crew.
Idk, I just think there's a lot of potential there! Do I think it will go that route? Heh - no. Probably not. But It's fun to think about :3
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isayahacts · 1 year
One thing I'll never understand..
How do ppl just like.. Plan their all nighters?? Like days before it's happening? Take for example: It is 5:00 A.M. at the time I'm writing this. And throughout the day I was all tired, thinkin' like "Imma actually try getting some good sleep" and yet.. Here I am.. I don't think this is good.. for like my health.. But honestly idc. Why and how do y'all plan out your all-nighters??
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amsznn · 4 months
ALWAYS SECOND - c.sturniolo
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warnings: mentions of cheating
2:56 A.M.
your phone rang. it wasn’t strange for you to get calls at this time. especially not with the situation you’re in.
you fumbled to grab your phone before the screen lit up with the contact name ‘chris’ blaring at your eyes. you contemplated whether or not you should answer, but ultimately you gave in.
“you up?” was all he had to say, and before you knew it he was at your door, in your house, and in your bed.
all you could do was stare at the ceiling as chris lightly snored. seemingly comfortable in your bed. you shifted to your side to get a better angle of him. the clock on the nightstand next to him read ‘4:24 A.M.’ and you knew you would have a hard time getting up for classes later but you didn’t care.
you wanted to cherish this moment for as long as you could, hold on to it just before..
ring ring ring
she called.
chris jolted up, at the sound of his ringtone and quickly grabbed his phone from beside him. you already knew what this was about. chris got out of the bed and quickly shuffled on his clothes before hanging up the phone.
“i gotta go, see you later?” he said before quickly planting a kiss on your forehead. you couldn’t bother to respond. because by later he meant the next day, and the next, and so on.
but he would never stay those days.
not when he had a girlfriend.
he always said you made him feel better and he felt like himself around you. so why were you left longing for him? why was she the one he went back to every night?
why were you always second.
a/n: no tags today as im writing this at night and im too lazy to do allat. I DO NOT CONDONE CHEATING CHAT. this is simply fiction.
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ripleylove · 4 months
Drunk in love.
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pairing: Rhea Ripley x fem reader.
genre: fluff.
summary: you were exausted after a night out at the club,and your girlfriend Rhea is here to help you.
A/N: writing this while im waiting for my brownies to get cold :)
⋆ ˚。⋆𔓘⭒๋࣭
It was 2 A.M. and you were wasted.
All the the adrenaline started to wore off,and your eyes were starting to close,but you suddenly thought about something: Rhea.
Your wobbly hands reached out for your phone,and you texted her:
You: Rheaaahahahahsowoejd
You: cpme pick mw up at the clu
You: club
Rhea: baby? are u okay?
You: yessssssss hahahahajwh2kwwhksp
Rhea: come on honey,send me ur location so i can pick u up
You: noooooooooooo i wann stay herw
Rhea: if u come home,i will cuddle u
You: *location sent*
Rhea: good girl.
Rhea: im coming in 5 mins okay? wait for me and dont do anything crazy pls
You: *seen*
⋆ ˚。⋆𔓘⭒๋࣭
While you were almost falling asleep on the bar counter,you heard the door open,and you felt familiar hands wrapping around you.
"Baby,I'm here. Wanna go home?" The australian accent was strong,and you turned around in her arms.
You wrapped your arms around her waist,and you softly put your head on her chest,her loud heartbeat blocking out the bar music.
"I'll take that as a yes,then." Rhea chuckled,and she picked you up effortlessly, as if you were a feather.
She paid all of your drinks,and she proceeded to leave the club.
You were heavily asleep in her arms,her warmth and her strong hold lulling you to sleep.
"You know that you will have to get rid of you clothes and your make up when we get home,right?" Rhea teased,and you groaned.
"Nooooooo please noooooo" Your words were muffled by her leather jacket,and she laughed.
"You're really something else." Rhea said breathlessly, whilst continuing her giggle session.
You finally reached Rhea's car,and you started to drive to your shared house,while you were snoring (and Rhea was struggling to not laugh).
It was 2:45 a.m. when Rhea softly put you on the bed,starting to take off your sparkly midnight blue dress,and putting on your cute mickey mouse pj's.
"Okay,now let's remove your make up." Rhea talked mostly to herself,since you were sleeping like a bear.
She found some cotton pads and micellar water in the vanity she bought you,and she started to carefully remove your make up,as if you were a porcelain doll who could break in any moment.
Your eyeliner was the hardest thing to clean up, (maybe it's because she almost lingered the cotton pad on your face,scared to hurt you.) but she managed to do it.
You were all fresh and clean,and Rhea was too,so she got into bed next to you,cuddling as she promised.
Feeling her embrace around you,you unknowingly smiled in your sleep,calm and serenity overtaking your senses.
taglist: @stellakiddsblog @bibibi-tchx
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brooooswriting · 11 months
Hi!! I love your writing, so how about prompt 9 and 16 with Nat?
9. “Don’t panic, but I think there’s someone in our house”
16. “Don’t touch me! GET OFF”
A/n: my first prompt writing, let me know what you think :)
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You were laying in bed with your head on your girlfriends pillow and your guys cat curled up to you. Natasha was on a mission for the last two weeks and there were one and a half more to come. You hated it when she was gone, especially since you guys moved into such a secluded house, it felt extremely lonely there. But you loved the fact that your girlfriend was saving the world so you never said anything. It was around 2 a.m. now and you just couldn’t fall asleep, you tossed and turned around until Liho came and lays down next to you.
You were about to doze off when you heard a crack making you jump awake again. It was loud enough to be on the inside and you were 100% sure that you closed all the windows which meant that it couldn’t have been the wind. Another sound was heard from the first floor making you jump again before turning to the cat. “Don’t panic, but I think there’s somebody in our house” you mumbled to the blob of black fur next to you but only received a purring as a reply. “Great to hear that you’re also concerned” you rolled your eyes before standing up to investigate where the sound was coming from.
With your phone in hand you waddled downstairs, turning every light on that you had passed. Your phone was on call mode, Natasha contact already open, just in case. It was kinda funny to you how your first instinct was always calling her, not the police or Tony, who lived like 8 minutes away when he flew with his suit and was currently home. No, it was her because you only felt save when she was there.
You looked around and went through almost all the rooms but there was nobody. “Well, I guess it was my imagination then. Right?” You whispered to yourself. You decided to drink some water while you were already in the kitchen. With your back towards the door you looked outside the window, watching how the wind blew through the trees and a sense of calmness overtook you.
At least until you felt an arm around your waist. You immediately let go of the glass and yelped as you started to hit around yourself. “Don’t touch me! GET OFF” you screamed once you felt yourself being turned around. Terrible scenarios building in your mind as you cried out for them to let you go. As soon as you were turned the grip on you disappeared and you felt the person take a step back.
“It’s alright, it’s okay. It’s just me love” The moment you heard the voice you calmed down, taking a moment to breath before doing anything. It was the moment you also noticed that you had tears streaming down your face. She repeatedly mumbled reassuring phrases until you started to talk.
“You asshole! I thought somebody was going to kill me” you whisper screamed at her, hitting her with the kitchen towel that was behind you. She couldn’t help but giggle as you kept on hitting her with the fabric.
“Im sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you that bad. But it was kinda funny” she grinned and hugged you tightly, her hand rubbing your back while yours wrapped around your neck.
“Why are you here already?” You asked into her neck, your hand playing with the back of her shirt.
“What? Not enough time to hide your side chick?” She laughed as she squeezed your waist, making clear that she was joking. “We found the suspect sooner and I couldn’t wait to come home. Steve snores like 10 men” you giggled before placing a kiss on her neck.
“I’m happy you’re back, I really am but I’m so tired” you sighed and placed the side of your head on her shoulder. The next thing you let out was a yelp as your girlfriend picked you up and carried you up the stairs and placed you on the bed. “Thank you” you mumbled with a small smile as you went under the blanket.
You watched as the redhead greeted the cat before changing into some sleepwear. “Now move over, I gotta cuddle my girl. You’ve had her for the last two weeks” she said to Liho and poked his belly making him stand up and lay on your other side. “Thank you very much” you couldn’t help but laugh at their antics.
“I’m so happy you’re back” you whispered as you nearly laid on top of her.
“I’m happy to be back too” she placed a couple of kisses on your lips as her hand rubbed your bare back. You chased after her lips making her smile but keep kissing you nonetheless.
“I love you, but if you ever scare me like that again you’re sleeping on the couch”
“Yes ma’am”
“Good, now give a kiss and then cuddle me”
“Yes ma’am” you kissed again before you turned to your side so she could spoon you.
“I love you too by the way” she kissed the back of your neck before turning off the light to let you sleep.
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thefallennightmare · 8 months
One Night: Noah's POV-four[END]
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*gif created by me. feel free to use, simply give credit*
Pairings: Noah Sebastian x Reader
Warnings: lots of smut(mask play, spit play, bondage, anal, fingering, oral(m/f receiving), choking, unprotected sex), swearing, angst, fluff.
Summary: Noah's POV of his one night with Reader.
Authors Note: OMG IM CRYING! I cannot believe this is the end to the very first Noah fic I wrote! I know it's supposed to be in Noah's POV but I had to throw in the readers pov a few times.
Tags: @thescarlettvvitch @sammyjoeee @shilohrosechicken @malice-ov-mercy @thebadchic @niicoleleigh @lma1986 @dsireland86 @bellaboo967 @cookiesupplier @whenthesummerdies @bngurngheart @laurpartyprogram @thisbicc @lyinginbetween @princessmarshmallowx @loeytuan98 @cncohshit @lacktoesandtoddlerants @notingridslurkaccount @calleyx13 @jessiskyee @mrscevans @spicywhenspeaking @myownthoughts12
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Turning over in my bunk with a sigh, I reached for the warm body that usually would be there but touched cold, empty space. I raised my head from the pillow, half-lidded eyes searching for her then looked at the time on my phone. 
2:32 a.m. 
Running my hand over my tired face, I rolled out of my bunk with a groan as my long limbs stretched. Almost three weeks into the tour my body was screaming at me to sleep in an actual bed rather than the small bunk that before would barely fit me. However, with Y/N on the road with me, it was a tight squeeze for both of us. The first night, she offered to sleep in her own bunk so I could have as much space as I could but immediately I declined. I wanted her to be as close to me as possible. While none of us said it, both of us were worried about what would happen to our relationship when this tour ended. Although we both agreed to work on it even though we lived in different states; we would put in the same amount of effort. 
Craning my neck to the side, bones popping, I walked to the front area of the bus, knowing exactly where she was and what she was doing. Y/N sat on one of the couches with her legs crossed, laptop perched in her lap. The lights were off, only a blue light emanating from her screen illuminated her face; glasses resting on her nose. She wore my yellow hoodie, her drowning in it as the skin of her legs peaked through the bottom of it. I hummed to myself at the sight, enjoying how she looked. This was the first time in weeks that I saw her wearing glasses. 
“Angel,” I muttered quietly while rubbing my bare chest. “Do you know what time it is?” 
She glanced up at me with a sheepish smile. “I’m sorry. I know I said I was coming to bed like three hours ago but I got a surge of inspiration. I only meant to write for a little bit but before I knew it, I finished two chapters.” 
I fell onto the couch next to her and left a soft kiss on the side of her head. “How’s the book coming?” 
“If I’m being honest, I didn’t expect it to be so easy to write a novel while traveling. I thought with all the excitement of tour life, I wouldn’t be able to find time to write but it's been the opposite of that.” 
I hummed. “Well, it helps that you’re writing about our night together.” 
Y/N shifted next to me. “Does that bother you?” 
I raised a brow at her. “Why would it?”
“I don’t know,” she shrugged. “I only want to make sure you’re comfortable with it. I didn’t use our names and I created two different characters. But everything else is the same as what happened that night. I mean, the guy is a rockstar and kind of resembles you. Maybe I should scrap the idea.” 
Y/N was rambling on and I knew what this was; she was beginning to doubt her novel, something she did a few times now while with me. 
“Hey.” I lifted her chin so I could force her to look at me. “Stop doubting yourself, alright? I’ve read what you have so far and it’s amazing, angel. I don’t care that you’re using something that happened between us. It inspired you to write a book, use that. Create a world from that one night.” 
She bit her bottom lip and I internally groaned at the sight of her; glasses and wearing my sweater. Truly in this darkness of the bus as it moved along to our next destination, Y/N looked like an angel. 
“Thank you for supporting me, Noah. I know we haven’t been together long but your support means a lot to me.” 
I left a chaste kiss on her lips and then on her nose. “I’ll always support you. Even if you start writing fanfiction about me.” 
“You know,” she started while going back to typing away on her laptop. “It’s kind of cool that it doesn't bother you that people write about you.” 
I shrugged. “It was weird seeing it at first but I realized it helps people escape the reality world for a bit to create this entire universe, all because of our band. It’s pretty special if you think about it.” 
We sat in silence for a little while as I lounged next to her, watching her fingers type furiously against the keys of her laptop. My gaze flicked upwards at her face, drinking in the sight of her and my heart pounded hard against my chest. I was afraid she could hear it. 
“You’re staring,” she muttered with a smile, not taking her eyes off the screen. 
“I didn’t know you wore glasses.” 
“Oh, these old things,” Y/N adjusted them on her nose. “I don’t usually but I think I’ve been staring at my screen too much because my eyes have been feeling a bit strained.”
“You look cute,” I mused while resting my head against her shoulder and peering down at her laptop again, stifling a yawn behind my hand. 
Y/N brushed her lips over my forehead. “You should go back to sleep, Noah. It was a long night and you’ve got a big day later.” 
Our show tonight was filled with problem after problem it seemed. My voice wasn’t up to par, even though everyone reassured me I sounded fine. Our tech wasn’t working which made things incredibly hard for Matt. Then not to mention the constant fights happening in the crowd tonight. We were all so upset that we ended up skipping two songs tonight only because having to stop the show a few different times for the tech issues and fights, the time we were allowed to play was stretched thin. 
Later today, we were taking a break from our normal tour schedule to play a festival in Missouri. But before that, I had two solo interviews and one with the guys lined up before our set. 
“Only if you come with me,” I poked Y/N’s side before looking up at her through my lashes.
“Alright,” she sighed with a playful roll of her eyes. 
As she began clicking out of her tabs, one immediately caught my attention and I placed my hand over hers to stop her. 
“Inspiration, huh?” I smirked and pointed to the picture on the screen. 
Her cheeks flushed red and Y/N pursed her lips. “Can you blame me? You look fucking hot in that mask.” 
On her screen was a picture of me sporting a Bad Omens sweater and a yellow mask. 
A low noise rumbled in my throat as I gripped her chin, forcing her to look at me. Her bright eyes shined in the darkness and my heart stopped in my chest. 
“Do you want me to wear the yellow one, angel?” 
Y/N swallowed thickly before slowly nodding. “Please.”
My cock twitched in my joggers at hearing her beg. We had a quick fuck in the bathroom of the green room before the show but it wasn't enough. I wanted to be able to taste her on my lips later today. 
I peered over her shoulder to the front of the bus, noticing the door that led to where Jake, our driver, was shut. Then I looked over my own shoulder to see if anyone was up, moving around in the back. 
All clear. 
I then took her laptop from her, setting it on the kitchenette table behind me, and motioned for her to lie back. 
“Noah,” Y/N’s brows furrowed as she shook her head. “What if someone hears us?” 
I gently pushed her to lie down on the couch. “Then you’ll have to be quiet, angel.” 
Adjusting myself so I was kneeling on the couch in front of her, I slid my fingers underneath the bottom of her sweater; my sweater. When I continued to touch her skin and not the fabric of her shorts, I raised a brow. 
“Were you sitting out here in nothing but my sweater, Y/N?” My voice was low. 
She grinned. “I have panties on.”
I hooked fingers in the waistband of said panties and slowly slid them down her legs until they hung around her ankle. I spread her wider for me, mouth salivating at the sight of her slickness, with one leg up against the back of the couch and the other foot perched on the floor. 
“Noah,” she whined while arching her back. 
My tongue rolled over my bottom lip. “Can you be quiet for me, angel?” 
Y/N quickly nodded before going to take off her sweater. 
“No,” I held her hand. “Leave my sweater on. You look heavenly in yellow.” 
With a flick of my tongue, I licked up her arousal with a hum of delight. She always tasted so fucking good. Y/N had her own specific taste and scent, and it drove me absolutely mad. My teeth grazed over her sensitive clit and the noises that fell from her lips made my cock throb. 
Her nails raked through my hair, scraping along my scalp, and I shivered under her touch. I sucked hard on her clit, earning a loud moan from Y/N, so I smacked the inside of her thigh. 
“Shit, Noah,” she hissed in pleasure when I slipped one finger between her folds. 
I pumped in and out of her in fast strokes as my tongue flicked over his clit, then added another finger, spearing the two inside of her. 
“Fuck!” Y/N panted as she gripped my hair tighter. “Shit. ‘M so close.” 
“Cum for me, angel,” I ordered, removing my lips from her only for a second then went back to tasting her arousal. 
Her body shook underneath me as she screamed out her release and I reached up, smacking a hand over her mouth. Her cries were now muffled as I licked her through the aftershocks. 
“Good girl,” I praised while leaving a gentle kiss on the inside of her thigh. 
I helped Y/N to a sitting position and wrapped my hand around the back of her head, pulling her into a heated kiss. She moaned as she tasted herself on my tongue and folded into me, hands resting on my chest. 
“I’m so sleepy now,” Y/N sighed while adjusting the glasses on her nose. 
“Let's go to sleep, angel.” I reached for his discarded panties and pocketed them. 
She tried to reach for them but I threw her over my shoulder as I stood to my feet. Thankfully her sweater covered her bare ass as I began walking back toward our bunk. 
“You don’t need them,” I said. 
“Noah,” she giggled. “I can’t sleep without underwear.” 
Gently, I tossed her into our bunk and looked around at the others, making sure her cries of pleasure hadn’t woken anyone up. 
“I need to make sure I have all of you when I wake up,” I winked while crawling into bed with her, pulling the curtain closed tight.
“Such a perv,” Y/N joked while smacking my chest. 
I wrapped her into my embrace by lifting her leg over my hips as she rested her head against my chest. We lay there for a little while, just basking in the solace that we created ourselves. 
“Noah,” Y/N spoke quietly while running a finger over the tattoos on my chest. 
I hummed, enjoying the way she felt against me. 
“Do you honestly think my novel is good enough?” 
I shifted us a bit so I could gaze down at her with a frown pulling at my lips. However, Y/N refused to look at me. 
“Y/N, why are you doubting yourself?” I questioned. 
She was quiet for a long moment, simply dragging a finger over the tattoos on my stomach now. 
“It’s my first one. I’ve written a few things online for years but this is an actual story that's going to be published for people to buy. What if it fails?” She finished with a shaky breath. 
I rolled us over so I was peering down at her while she was on her back. Y/N’s usual bright eyes were dulled and I took off her glasses, safely setting them in the far corner of the bunk. 
“Why do you think it will fail?” I asked. 
When she tried to look away, I cupped her cheek so she couldn’t. “Don’t hide from me, angel.” 
“I-shit-,” her bottom lip quivered. “Writing is all I have, ya know? If this book fails, I don't know what I’m going to do.”
I left a soft kiss on her nose. “There’s going to be negativity with it, there's no way around that. But from what I’ve personally dealt with, you need to focus on all the positives. I don’t want to see you get in your own head, angel.” 
She nodded in my grasp. “I’m my own biggest critic. Now that I’m so close to finishing it, doubt is settling in about if it’ll be good enough. What if no publishing company wants to pick it up?” 
I brushed some hair out of her face and propped myself up on my other elbow. 
“Have you thought about self-publishing?” I suggested. 
Y/N scoffed. “I looked into it and the cheapest route is almost a grand. I don’t have that amount of money to invest in something that might fail. The cost of living in Las Vegas is killing me to begin with, I can’t put all my savings into something that might fail.” 
My lips parted to speak but she quickly pressed a finger over them, hushing me. “No, don’t. I do not need your money for this, Noah. I cannot ask you for that.”
I kissed her finger before removing it from my mouth. “I just want to take care of you, Y/N.” 
She grabbed my hand and left a kiss on the inside of my palm. “I know. But I can’t ask that from you. I’ll figure it out.” 
“Well,” I tapped her nose. “Writing isn't the only thing you have. You have me and I’m not going anywhere.” 
Y/N grinned up at me. “Good because I’m not letting you go.” 
I dipped low to leave a kiss on her lips, letting my tongue slip inside to taste every inch of her mouth. Faintly I could still taste her arousal on her tongue and I groaned, rutting my hips into her. 
Y/N’s nails left red marks down my chest and stomach then she reached for my joggers, pulling at them. 
“What do you want, angel?” I asked breathless from the kiss. 
Her bottom lip jutted out and I immediately attacked it with my teeth. 
“Fuck,” she hissed while bringing her fingers to her lips, faint crimson painting them. “I’m bleeding.” 
Our lips met again in a fiery, teeth-smacking kiss, and Y/N’s hand slipped beneath my joggers, palming my hard cock. I groaned into the kiss and ground my cock against her hand as Y/N began palming it.
“Noah,” she mewled against my lips. “I need it.” 
“Use your words,” I teased while leaving a mark in the crook of her neck. 
Y/N squeezed my cock and I hissed in pleasure as my head fell to her chest. Her hand began to pump up and down then when her thumb grazed over the head, I nearly came in her hand. 
“Angel,” I breathed against her neck. “Please don’t stop.” 
She did, only briefly to help me shimmy out of my joggers then I stripped her off her sweater, eyes turning dark when I realized she wasn’t wearing anything underneath. 
Quickly I guided her hand back to my aching cock and Y/N started pumping me fast and hard. 
“Shit. Please,” I held myself up on my elbows as I gazed down at her through half-lidded eyes. “Keep going.” 
Her eyes were locked on the space between us, almost focusing on her actions. 
“I love hearing you beg,” Y/N gazed up at me, a playful smirk on her lips. 
“Don’t.” I panted. “Stop.” 
Suddenly, she was patting my hip with her free hand. “Get on your back.” 
I groaned when she stopped. “Angel-.” 
“Get on your back, Noah. Now.” 
Something burned low in my belly hearing the demanding tone in her voice so with a hastily nod, I did what she asked and watched as she climbed on top of me. It was a tight fit with the small space of the bunk and she couldn’t sit completely upright. Instead, she leaned half of her body over me as she held my cock with one hand, the other resting over my heart. 
I internally smiled at the small gesture. 
My head fell back onto the pillow when Y/N slowly inched herself down on my cock, the tightness of her walls gripping around me harder than her hand did. 
“Fuck,” she cursed. “I didn't think this through. Not much space here.” 
I grunted, wrapping an arm around her waist to lock her into place. “We need an actual fucking bed.” 
As her hips moved, a spew of curses fell from my lips along with her name, it sounded like a prayer in the small confines of what we called our bedroom the last two weeks. It still didn’t feel real sometimes that she was here with me. Y/N chose to leave her life behind to follow me and my band across the States for a month. Not many people did that, especially for someone they barely knew. 
But we weren’t those people. Our relationship wasn’t typical, it had been different since the start. 
The last two weeks have been perfect. Y/N fit in great with everyone in our crew, she and Nicholas bonded over Britt. Same with her and Folio. Y/N and Jolly had a mutual show they watched together some nights after our shows when she wasn’t working on her novel. 
Hell, Y/N and Matt even bonded over their love for raccoons. 
Gazing up into her bright eyes, I cupped her cheek to force our gazes to lock. 
“Have I told you how beautiful you are?” 
A red hue brushed across the soft features of her face as she continued to ride me. “Hm, no. Not recently.” 
“Well,” I pulled her flush against me. “You’re fucking beautiful, angel. And mine.” 
“Yours,” she cried out when I began to fuck up into her, my cock slamming with no remorse. 
The bunk beneath us creaked, giving away to everyone on the bus what we were doing, but I didn’t care. Y/N’s head fell to my shoulder, my name muffled by my skin, and when she clenched harder around me I knew she was close. 
I yanked her head back with my free hand, the other still wrapped around her tight and exposed her face and neck to me. 
“I want to watch you fall apart on my cock,” I said through gritted teeth. 
Her tits bounced with each hard thrust and I briefly took one of her nipples in my mouth, biting and teasing it with my tongue. 
“Noah,” Y/N choked out. “‘M gonna.” 
My head snapped up so I could watch her as the coil in my stomach began to snap, a burning rush shooting through my entire body as my release washed over me without warning. 
Both of us moaned each other's names in tangent as Y/N came apart all over my cock, her arousal coating my cock and hips. She fell to my body in a heap of exhaustion and I quickly covered us with the blanket, not bothering to clean us up or get dressed. 
“Goodnight, Noah,” Y/N pressed a kiss to my cheek before snuggling closer to me. 
I grinned, heart beating wildly in my chest, and wrapped myself tighter around her. “Sweet dreams, angel.” 
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“Oh, you’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” I exclaimed while staring down at the email on my laptop. 
Dear Y/N, 
We hope this email finds you well. But we wanted to let you know that beginning in two months, we will not be renewing your lease. We appreciate your understanding in this matter.
The leasing office. 
“Everything alright?” Noah asked as he stepped out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist, steam following him. 
I bit my lip at the sight of him. The towel hung loosely around his hips, his hair was slicked back, and droplets of water trailed down his warm skin still red from his shower. 
I blinked. “Sorry, did you say something?” 
He smirked. “Distracted, are we?” 
“Well, you walk out like this,” I motioned to him from head to toe. “And you expect me NOT to listen to a word you just said?” 
“If I didn’t already bend you over the bathroom sink to fuck you, I would. But I have to be at the venue soon,” Noah left a kiss on my forehead.
My cheeks burned at the memory of earlier when Noah had me bent over the bathroom counter, fucking me without an ounce of falter. He slammed me so hard into the granite counter top, I was sure I’d have bruises in the morning. Noah’s long fingers were hooked in my mouth to hold me upright and I shivered when I remembered how my body reacted during my orgasm. 
“Are you sure you don’t mind if I stay here tonight?” I asked, biting my lip as I watched him walk around the room naked. 
Shit, his ass was perfect. 
“Angel,” he sighed while stepping into a pair of black briefs. “You’ve watched every single show on this tour so far. I’m not going to be mad or upset if you miss this one.” 
I pouted. “I know but I feel terrible.” 
“You’re so close to finishing your book, Y/N. You need some quiet time to focus. Take advantage of the fact we are staying in a hotel for the next two nights. Enjoy the quiet tonight and tomorrow we can spend our last day off sightseeing,” Noah said. 
It was the start of the last week of the tour and while the fear of what would happen afterward started to weigh heavy on my shoulders, I did my best not to dwell on it because I didn’t want to ruin the time we had left. It was clear that we would continue our relationship but it wouldn’t be easy since we lived in different states. 
“I can’t believe there are only four shows left,” I noted while setting my laptop on the table in front of me. “How do you feel about it?” 
Noah fell onto the couch next to me with a breath. “It’s always bittersweet. While I love performing on stage in front of sold-out crows, I miss the comfort and solace of my house.” 
I hummed in agreement, resting my hand on the back of his neck to play with the wet strands of his hair. 
“I don’t think I’ve ever had that feeling about the place I’ve lived in,” I admitted. 
“Really?” He raised a brow. 
“I’ve tried to make my apartment feel like a home but it always feels like something was missing. But it doesn't even matter anymore.”
“Why’s that?” 
With a long sigh, I turned my laptop towards him so he could read the email, a slight frown pulling on his lips. 
“So, this means what?” Noah asked, even though I was pretty sure he already knew. 
“I have sixty days to find a new place to live,” I shrugged as if it wasn’t a huge deal. 
Although, it was. My heart sunk low to the depths of my stomach knowing that I had to spend the rest of my time on the road with Noah by looking for places to live. 
“Do you want to stay in Las Vegas?” He asked while rubbing my back. 
“I guess before I never thought of moving anywhere else but now-,” the words trailed off. 
I didn’t want to say something if Noah didn’t feel the same. 
“But what?” He urged with a gentle tone. 
“I don’t know. Maybe I should think about moving somewhere new; a fresh start,” I said after some hesitation. 
Noah hummed. “I heard Los Angeles is a great place to start fresh.” 
My head snapped up towards him, the words stumbling over my tongue. 
My heart hammered so loud in my chest that I could hear it in my ears and I began rubbing my palms on my thighs. Noah immediately picked up on my nerves and gently grabbed my hands and brought them to his chest. 
“I’m not asking you to move in with me, angel. You said it yourself though that you’re looking for a fresh start. Los Angeles has a lot of opportunities and there’s quite a few different places for rent around my area,” Noah explained. 
I chewed on my bottom lip. “Well, if I’m being honest. There’s really nothing for me in Las Vegas anymore. Britt was bouncing back and forth between there and Virgina to see Folio so I barely saw her to begin with.” 
Noah’s thumb brushed over the back of my hand, his brown eyes sparkling with so much hope. 
“It will make things easier for us,” I turned towards him. “But I don’t want to uproot my entire life if you’re not willing to work on us.” 
“Angel,” he brought my hands to his lips, leaving a vast variety of kisses. “I’m one hundred percent into this relationship. You know that I’m not going to force you into anything. But I’ve had you this close to me the last few weeks, I don’t think I can handle you living hours away from me after this.” 
Tears burned in the corners of my eyes and I blew out a shaky breath to keep them at bay. 
“Can I think about it?” I asked after a few beats of silence. 
Noah’s face fell slightly but he quickly recovered. “Of course, angel.” 
There was a knock on the door of our hotel room and after a quick kiss to my forehead, Noah tossed on a shirt before answering the door. On the other side stood Jolly with his bag slung over his shoulder. 
Noah peered over his shoulder to me, a frown on his lips. “I’ll miss you.” 
I giggled while jutting out my bottom lip. “I’ll miss you too, Pookie Bear.” 
Jolly rolled his eyes as he stepped into the room, waiting for Noah to finish packing up his things. 
“You’re not coming tonight?” He asked. 
I shook my head while motioning towards my laptop. “I have to finish up the last few things of my novel. I plan to self-publish in the next month or so.” 
“Oh, fuck. That’s great, Y/N!” Jolly smiled wide. 
“It’s a bit scary, though. I’m putting everything I have into this and if it fails, I don’t know what I’ll do,” I admitted with a sigh. 
Noah snuck up behind me on the couch and placed his hands on my shoulders. I looked up at him upside down and he bent low to leave a firm but soft kiss on my lips. 
“It won’t fail, Y/N. I’ve read it and this is my unbiased opinion. You wrote an amazing, beautiful story. People will love it,” he reassured me with a squeeze to my shoulders. 
“Thank you,” I mused while tapping his arm. 
With one final kiss, Noah sneaking his tongue past my lips, I moaned quietly into his mouth as my hand snaked behind his neck. 
“I’ll miss you,” he muttered against my lips. 
“I’ll do my best to stay awake to wait for you,” I said. 
Noah slung his back over his shoulder and winked. “I’ll wake you up if you’re asleep.” 
As he and Jolly began to walk out of the room, I called after them. 
“Yeah?” He poked his head back into the room just before Noah shut the door. 
“Tomorrow night! Season finale. Bring the pizza, I’ll have the drinks!” I pointed a finger at him. 
With a two-finger salute, Jolly nodded with Noah pushing him out of the room. He quickly turned to look back at me. 
“See you later, angel,” Noah blew a kiss. 
“Kick ass tonight!” I returned it.
Finally, in the solace of the hotel room, I blew out a shaky breath and rested my laptop on my lap once again, ignoring the email from my leasing office. Even though I asked Noah for time to think about my final decision, I already knew what I was going to do. 
It was the truth when I said there was nothing for me left in Las Vegas and I wanted a fresh start. Although, I didn’t expect Noah to throw out the idea of moving to Los Angeles. But the thought of being close to him made my heart flutter in the best fucking way. We got so used to being around each other all day, every day the last few weeks so the thought of being separated once the tour ended on Friday didn’t sound appealing. 
With a crack of my fingers, I set to work for the next few hours focusing on my novel as I worked out the last few kinks and polishing it to perfection. By the time I felt comfortable with everything, reading it from start to finish, I couldn’t stop the large smile that spread on my face. 
“Shit, Noah was right. This is good,” I muttered to myself. 
Quickly checking the time on my phone, I noticed that it was almost time for Bad Omens to go on stage so I hastily typed out a message to Noah. 
Me: It’s finished 😁
Almost instantly, he responded. 
Noah🧜: I’m so fucking proud of you, angel. We’ll celebrate later tonight when I’m back. 
With a slight uncurl of my lips, I responded. 
Me: Would this maybe include the yellow mask? 
After a few minutes of no response, I chalked it up to Noah being pulled away to go on stage. So I spent the rest of the night tidying up the hotel room every so often checking my phone for any Bad Omens content from tonight. Even though it was sparse, I couldn’t help but feel that twinge of jealousy that I didn’t go tonight. 
It’s one night, Y/N. You have four more shows to watch before the end. 
Just before I went to lock my phone, a new text from Noah popped up. 
“Must be the break,” I muttered with a smile. 
Noah🧜: Don’t tempt me, Y/N. Because now that’s all I’m thinking about before going back out on stage.
Of course, I did want to tempt him so with a sinister smirk, I quickly stepped out of my clothes and lounged on the bed. I went through a few different positions until I found the best one and snapped a few pictures. I had an arm over my bare breasts with my bright yellow lace panties. With the picture attached, I replied to Noah. 
Me: Is this temptation enough?
Setting my phone on the bed, I got dressed once again then ordered myself some room service with a few extra things for Noah when he returned tonight. I did some more research on how to self-publish and although the doubt was still there, I couldn’t help but feel excited that soon my book would be out there for everyone to read. 
I tapped my chin and mulled over this thought for a few seconds, I decided to spend the time while I ate to look up different apartments for rent in Los Angeles.
“What the fuck,” I grumbled when I realized how expensive some of the apartments were. “There’s no way I can afford any of these.”
I shut my laptop with a bit of force and left it on the coffee table. I decided to ease away my worries and doubts by taking a long soak in the tub. Briefly checking my phone, I noticed Noah still hadn’t responded but I knew that it was the end of the show and he’d be back soon enough anyway. 
Almost thirty minutes later, I stepped out of the bathroom with the towel loosely around me only to be pushed up against the wall by a large, warm body. 
“Someone’s been naughty while I’m gone.” 
I was frozen in fear until the familiar voice breathed in my ear and immediately I relaxed in his embrace. His arms were posted on either side of my head, hands sprawled against the wall as his hips locked me in place. I drank in the sight of his tattoos and eased into his chest. 
“I missed you,” I breathed while resting my head on his shoulder. 
It was then that I noticed something yellow covering Noah’s face and I sucked in a breath. But before I could turn to look at him completely, he forced my face into the wall again. A slick warmth spread between my legs as a fire buzzed in my lower spine. 
“Meet me in the hotel pool in ten minutes,” his teeth grazed over the shell of my ear. 
Suddenly Noah’s warmth was gone followed by the door to the room shutting. I swallowed thickly while staring at the empty room. My heart felt giddy with the wonder and excitement of what Noah had planned but my stomach flipped with nerves as I quickly threw on some clothes. 
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Thankfully the pool was empty since it was late evening so I didn’t have to worry about anyone other than Y/N walking in. I sat on the edge of the pool in my pair of black swim trunks and the yellow mask covering my face. From the second I saw that picture of Y/N, all I could think about was this moment which made it difficult to focus on finishing my set tonight. 
The door to the pool room opened and my eyes snapped away from my legs wadding in the water to drink in the sight of Y/N sheepishly walking in. My pupils dilated when I noticed she was wearing my white Death Note shirt and nothing else. 
I felt her burning gaze over every inch of me, lingering on my face, and even from our distance, I could see the breath catch in her throat. 
“What if someone walks in on us?” She asked while shifting on her feet. 
I pointed to the door behind her. “Lock it.” 
Her eyes widened. “Noah, we can't!” 
I titled my head to the side. “Angel, are you afraid?” 
“No,” Y/N scoffed with a shaky voice. “I just don’t-.” 
“Lock. The. Door.” 
I never took my eyes off of her as I watched her shuffle her feet back to the door and when the click of the lock echoed in the large space, I hooked my finger at her. 
“Get in the pool,” I demanded. 
Y/N swallowed thickly. “Uh, I didn’t wear my swimsuit.” 
My feet kept wading through the water as I bit my lip. “Are you telling me that’s all you’re wearing?” 
When she nodded, I absent-mindedly ran a hand over my chest, a hum vibrating against my palm. I had two options: I could have her strip naked and get in the pool or have her get in the pool while still wearing my shirt. 
Deciding on the second option, I jumped into the pool still wearing the mask, and swam to the other end of the pool where she stood. I reached my hand out towards her but quickly picked up on the hesitation on her face. 
“Are you alright?” I asked, my facade dropping slightly. 
“Um, if I’m being honest, I’m kind of nervous about what you have planned,” she rubbed her hands on her thighs. “I trust you, Noah. I do.” 
“Safe word?” I reminded her. 
Y/N nodded with a small hint of a smile. “I remember.” 
“Good,” I extended my hand again. “Now get your pretty ass in this pool.” 
When she went to reach for her shirt to take it off, I curly shook my head. “Leave it on.” 
The second her soft hand was in mine, I helped her walk down the stairs of the pool until the water stopped right under her breasts. I yanked her into my embrace, catching her lips in a passionate kiss. Her nails dug into my chest while mine gripped underneath the shirt, grazing over her bare ass. 
“Angel,” I groaned against her lips while pushing her against the wall of the pool, locking her in place. 
Y/N pushed me away gently so she could look into my eyes, hers darting all over my face. 
“Fuck, I thought you looked hot in the black one but something about this yellow mask is making me feral,” she nipped at the skin of my neck. 
I hissed in pleasure, shivering underneath the touch of her lips upon me. It was something I never got used to, no matter how many times she kissed me. I still couldn't explain this feeling that filled my heart and view whenever I was with her. It was so unknown that it scared me to follow it at first. It hindered me useless when she left me in the hotel room all those months ago. 
Suddenly I realized that this was the first time we were in a hotel room together since that first night together and fear sunk my heart deep. I yanked her away from me so I could force her to look into my eyes. 
“Promise you won’t leave?” I asked with a stern hold on her chin. 
I licked my lips. “I need you to promise me that you won’t walk out the door tonight unless it’s with me.” 
Y/N’s eyes darted back and forth between mine until they finally softened, her realizing why I needed her to promise me this.
“Noah,” she cupped my cheek over the mask. “I promise to never leave you like that again. I’m here with you, for you, and I’m never leaving.” 
I swallowed the burn in my throat and left a kiss on the inside of her palm. “Thank you.” 
She kissed me again and this time, I didn’t hold back. I ravaged every single inch of her with my hands and mouth, needing to taste her; to feel her. With my hands on her hips, I forced her to turn around towards the wall of the pool. 
“Hands on the edge,” I rasped. 
Doing what I said, Y/N rested her hands on the edge of the pool while I brought her ass towards me underneath the water. My cock was straining against the confines of my tight swim trunks, it almost begging to be inside of her. Ever since she sent me that picture earlier, all I could think about was the sweetness of her pussy and the way it felt when it gripped my cock. 
Once my cock was free, I pumped it a few times underwater and leaned over Y/N to whisper in her ear. 
“You think you were smart sending me that picture earlier?” 
My voice was dark and low, filled with my desire and mock disappointment.
“No,” she breathed. 
“Anyone could have seen it, angel,” I nuzzled my mask-covered face into the crook of her neck. “What if that happened?” 
One hand was wrapped tightly around my cock, poised at her entrance, while my other hand dug into the soft skin of her hip to keep her in place. 
“I’m sorry,” she whined while pressing her ass farther into me. 
Her whines went straight to my cock. 
“I’m not going to hold back, angel,” I bit down on the sweet spot of skin underneath her ear. 
“Fuck me, Noah.” 
With fucking pleasure.
The water splashed as I slammed into her, completely seething myself between her folds, and her cries echoed throughout the vast room around us. Neither of us said a word as I harshly fucked it, the only thing that you could hear was the water splashing, my heavy breathing, and her cries of pleasure. 
I wrapped my arm around her midsection to pull her closer to me, her shirt hiked up just underneath her breasts, and I felt the sweat gather on my forehead underneath the mask due to the humidity of the pool and our bodies intertwined. 
“Shit,” I cursed when her pussy clenched around me. “I need to take the mask off.” 
“No!” Y/N looked over her shoulder at me. “Please, not yet.” 
Water had splashed out from the pool onto the stone floor around us and I yanked her off of me, her whines of protest sounding like music to my ears. I spun Y/N around so she could look up at me now. 
“You want to see the mask?” 
She nodded in her blissed-out state. 
“Then eyes on me, angel,” I demanded, spearing her open with my cock yet again. 
Y/N cried out my name, almost as if she was praying to me, and I lifted her leg around my back so I could reach her at a better angle; deeper. I needed to go deeper. 
Her eyes never left mine as I fucked her senseless, her mouth falling open. My cock twitched inside her when the fire burned at the base of my spine, my orgasm so fucking close. 
“Are you close, angel?” I asked, barely hanging on as my pace became erratic and uneven. 
There was a slight frown on her face and for a second, I worried I was hurting her. 
“It’s hard for me to cum underwater,” Y/N admitted with a shy face. 
One hand rested against my chest while her other grasped at my mask, almost holding it in place. 
“It’s okay, you can cum, Noah. Cum for me, I want to watch your face underneath the mask fall apart. 
A whimper crawled out of my throat, one that made Y/N’s eyes widened and pussy clench around me one final time as my hips stilled, cock spilling my arousal into her. My forehead fell to hers as my breath came out strangled. 
“So beautiful,” Y/N mused while playing with the strands of hair that peaked out from underneath my mask. 
“Why didn’t you tell me you couldn’t cum in water,” I asked, almost breathless, now looking at her. 
She shrugged. “Trust me, Noah. It still felt good; really good. But I couldn’t even if you put a vibrator against my clit. My body just can't.” 
Ripping off the mask now, I let the cool air of the room brush across the heated skin of my face and took a deep breath. 
“Well,” I kissed her lips and tucked myself away. “Seems like we have unfinished business then.” 
Y/N raised a brow but before she could ask what I meant, I had her sitting on the edge of the pool, me following right behind her. 
Her giggles carried around the room as I threw her wet body over my shoulder and began walking us out of the pool room. 
“My ass is hanging out!” She cried. 
I smacked it before unlocking the door. “Lucky for you, our room is only down the hall.” 
It was her turn to smack my ass. “If anyone sees us, Mr. Sebastian, I swear to Hades himself.” 
“Oh, Mr. Sebastian, huh? Am I your professor now?” I joked when we stepped in front of our door. 
When Y/N was set down on her feet, she crossed her arms over her chest, the wet strands of her hair sticking to her face. 
“Are you suggesting a new roleplay?” 
She was fucking adorable with her bottom lip caught between her teeth. If she wasn’t careful, I would have pressed her up against the door and fucked her right here in the hallway. 
“You like the idea of me dressing up as your professor? You’re my student coming to ask for extra credit?” I teased while leaning an arm against the wall above her. 
Y/N gazed up at me through her lashes and dragged a finger down my abdomen, resting at the waistband of my swim trunks. “Only if you wear those gold round glasses.” 
“Really,” I leaned away from her. “Those glasses turned you on?” 
She shrugged with chattering lips. “You look fucking adorable in glasses.” 
I patted her thigh. “Let’s get you inside and warm you up. Your lips are blue.” 
Once the door was opened, I let her walk in first, only for Y/N to halt in place with a loud gasp leaving her lips. I stood behind her with a proud smirk on her face. 
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I stood in place as I took in the sight in front of me with tears gathering in my eyes. Somehow while we were in the pool, Noah had someone come and decorate our hotel room with a variety of flowers, a tray of chocolate-covered strawberries, and a bottle of sparkling grape juice on the table. 
“Wh-what is this?” I pointed while looking back at Noah. 
He was leaning his back against the shut door, a proud smile on his face. “I told you we would celebrate you finishing your book.” 
“When did you do this?” 
“Jolly came and set it up while we were in the pool,” Noah said. 
I felt my skin prick and burn. “You didn’t tell him why we were in the pool, did you?” 
“No, angel,” he snorted while pushing himself off the door and closing the distance between us. “Do you like it?” 
I wrapped my arms around his back and rested my head against the cool skin of his chest. 
“I love it, thank you.” 
Noah placed a kiss on top of my head. “Anything for you.” 
We stayed like that for a few beats until he lifted my chin with a finger and kissed me gently and slowly. The amount of passion from this simple kiss made my heart stutter in my chest and my head spin with a feeling I was so afraid of confronting. It had been lingering within me a lot the last week and I kept pushing it deeper and deeper. 
But now in Noah’s embrace, I couldn’t ignore that feeling that lit a fire in my veins and made my heart spread warmth throughout my entire existence. 
He walked me back towards the bed where the back of my knees hit before I fell onto it, Noah following close behind. His hand grazed over the chilled skin of my thigh before resting over my hip as his other hand palmed my cheek, keeping me in place. 
My fingers wrapped around his wrist while I hooked him with my legs around his back. Noah’s tongue brushed over my lips as he pulled away, resting his forehead against mine.
“Woah,” I said breathlessly. “That was some kiss.”
His eyes burned with so much adoration as he stared down at me, thumb grazing just underneath my cheekbone. 
“I have something else we can try tonight. If you’re up for it.” 
I nodded, a little too eager. “Always.” 
Noah climbed off of me to help me sit up, removing my cold wet shirt and tossing it to the floor. My nipples perked with the sudden chill and he motioned for me to lie back. 
“Do you trust me?” He asked. 
I nodded again. “Always.” 
“Close your eyes for me then, angel.” 
Doing as he said, I listened as he moved around the room, glass clanking together, and what sounded like him rustling around in his suitcase. The bed dipped next to my head when I felt Noah grab my wrists, pinning them together, and a silk fabric was tied around them. 
“What?” I opened my eyes to see him tying my wrists to the headboard of the bed. 
My heart rate picked up as the slick wetness pooled between my legs. 
Noah peered down at me. “I-is this alright?” 
I couldn’t help but smile at how nervous he suddenly became. 
“More than alright,” I reassured him with a soft kiss to the anime tattoo on his thigh. 
With my reassurance, he finished tying my wrists to the bed and then slipped a blindfold over my eyes. 
“If this is too much, let me know.” 
Suddenly without my sense of sight or touch, my others picked up and I could hear the slight waver in Noah’s voice. 
“I’m okay, Noah. I’ll use the safe word if I have to.” 
He patted my thigh softly before he got off the bed only for a few seconds before returning. A bottle popped loudly in the room and I squirmed, my squeals echoed when a cold liquid spilled over my stomach and between the valley of my breasts. 
“It’s so cold,” I giggle while writhing in my binds. 
Noah’s tongue licked up the liquid, starting at my navel then up between my breasts and I heard him hum in approval. 
“You taste so fucking good, angel.” 
His hand lifted my legs so I was perched on my feet then spread them wide. The cold liquid was then spilled over my core and when I tried to close my legs, Noah’s grip on my thighs turned bruising; in the best way. 
“No hiding.” 
“Shit,” I arched my back off the bed when I felt his tongue lap up the juices, my own and the one he spilled before he sucked it with a pop. 
My jaw was wrenched open and although I couldn’t see, I could hear Noah taking a drink from the bottle before he hovered over my lips. Suddenly, he kissed me, spitting the juice from his mouth into mine and I groaned in ecstasy as I hungrily attacked him. 
Unfortunately, he pulled away too soon and I could hear Noah set down the bottle on the bedside table but was taken aback when his lips met mine in a hungry kiss yet again. His tongue explored every inch of my mouth and I moaned when I tasted myself mixed with the sparkling grape juice. 
“I’m so proud of you, Y/N,” Noah mused while he kissed down my jaw and neck. “I can’t wait to be by your side as you continue to succeed.” 
“You’re going to make me cry,” I joked as a happy tear fell from behind the blindfold. 
He kissed it away. “You deserve all of this.” 
Suddenly his warmth was gone only to be replaced with an unknown feeling being grazed over my perky nipples and then down my stomach. It was gone for a second and what sounded like Noah taking a bite of something juicy before I felt that object grazing over the same path as before only this time it was wet and sticky. His tongue followed that path and I shivered underneath the touch, still only seeing the darkness of the blindfold. 
“If I had to compare you to any flavor, I think this would be it,” Noah’s voice was deep, overtaken by his own lust. 
I whined. “Noah, please.” 
My body felt on fire with what I guess was the strawberries, as it dragged over every inch of my torso followed by Noah’s tongue. The burn between my legs was a painful ache that I needed to touch. With me not orgasming in the pool, I felt like I was ready to explode with the simple breath of him. 
I pulled at the binds. “Please, love.” 
I felt Noah stiffen above me. “What?” 
“Can you take the blindfold off? I want to see you.” 
Suddenly I blinked wildly at the sudden brightness of the room but sucked in a breath when I realized how close Noah was to me; his pupils blown wide. 
“What did you call me?” 
My brows furrowed as I tried to remember what I did call him. 
“Love?” I said again, only this time it was filled with doubt. 
Was it too much? Too soon for a nickname like that?
“I’m sorry. It sort of slipped. If you don’t like it-.” 
Noah’s hand covered my mouth, hushing my rantings. “It’s fine, angel. I like it. As long as you don’t call me some kind of frozen dessert, love is fine.” 
I peered down at myself, eyes widening at the sticky mess he created. My breasts and stomach were covered with the red juice from the strawberry and the chocolate that seemed to melt. 
Then resting on top of my pussy was a perfectly shaped strawberry and Noah followed my gaze by perching himself between my legs, his brown eyes peering up at me. 
He took a bite of the strawberry and flicked it with his tongue. Anything I wanted to say died on my tongue as I continued to watch him devour the fruit that was still resting on my core. 
“No-Noah,” his name came out choked. 
“Hm?” He hummed while flicking his gaze up to me, now dragging the half-eaten fruit between my lips and I arched off the bed at the new sensation. 
I pulled hard at the binds on my wrist but cursed when I realized there was no way I’d be able to break free. 
“Try all you want. I’ve done extensive research in Shibari,” Noah bit gently on the inside of my thigh. “You’re not getting out of that.” 
I hissed. “Shi-what?” 
“Shibari,” Noah bit then licked up the entire length of my thigh. “Japanese bondage.” 
I licked my suddenly dry lips. “Have you been reading my private thoughts or something? You’re two for two tonight on my secret list of kinks.” 
His head snapped up from between my legs. “What was the first one?” 
I wanted to turn my head away in embarrassment but knew that Noah didn’t want me to hide from him. 
“You spitting the juice in my mouth,” I said with only a slight waver in my voice. 
Noah’s eyes darkened as his tongue darted out to wet his bottom lip. “You’re bringing out this dark side of me, angel.” 
I lifted my hips towards his face. “Prove it.” 
His face disappeared when he buried himself between my legs again, tongue and teeth crazing over my clit and I cried out in pleasure. 
“I’d say you’re better than any fucking fruit,” Noah said before sucking on my sensitive nub and adding two fingers. 
He pumped ruthlessly and I swore under my breath, stars blinding my vision. 
“God Noah,” I mewelled feeling the coil in my stomach pull taunt, almost ready to spring free. 
My toes curled as my legs went stiff, orgasm so fucking close. 
“That’s right, you call me and I’ll make sure you cum, angel,” Noah rasped. 
Finally, I let my body relax as my waves of ecstasy washed over me and I came all over Noah’s face and fingers, the noises I made undoubtedly being heard by whoever was in the room next to us. 
“Shit,” I breathed, chest heaving. 
Noah licked me through the aftershocks while he reached for another strawberry. The juices squirted everywhere when he sunk his teeth in deep and it was then I noticed he had stripped himself of his swim trunks, baring himself naked in front of me as he knelt between my legs. His hair was falling into his eyes in slight curls from the humidity of the pool earlier and I whined at how gorgeous he looked with the red juices of the strawberry and my arousal coating his lips and jaw. 
His cock was thick and red, beads of precum spilling from the slit and I licked my lips, wanting a taste. 
Noah cocked his head to the side. “Do you want to suck something, angel?” 
“Please!” I begged. 
Suddenly the fingers he used to finger me were stuffed in my mouth, instantly tasting myself and the strawberry on them. My tongue quickly went to work on cleaning them, humming in approval of the taste. 
“That’s it, I want you to taste how heavenly you are for me, angel.”
His fingers were yanked from my mouth with a loud pop but before I could protest, I noticed Noah’s eyes rolled to the back of his head, jaw falling slack. I saw his hips still and felt a warm liquid coat the inside of my thigh. His cum covered both of our thighs and the blanket beneath me. 
“Shit,” Noah cursed as he ran a hand through his hair. “I didn’t think-.” 
“Untie me.” 
He raised a brow. “What?” 
My jaw clenched as I spoke through gritted teeth. “Untie. Me. Now.” 
“Yes ma'am,” Noah joked while finally freeing me from my binds. 
Once freed, I managed to overpower him so that I was straddling him, a look of shock on his face. I reached for a strawberry on the plate next to the bed then once perched over his cock, semi-limp but also hard from his orgasm, I took a large bite of the strawberry so now he was covered in the juices. 
I tossed the rest of the strawberry to the ground before licking up the cum from inside his thigh and then the length of Noah’s cock, reveling in the taste of his cum and strawberry. My tongue swirled over the head in fast circles and Noah’s hand grasped at my hair, holding me in place. 
The noise that came from Noah’s mouth nearly made me choke on his cock. 
Did he just whine?
No. There’s no way. 
I grabbed the rest of his cock I couldn’t fit in my mouth and stroked in slow pumps. 
Another whine echoed in the room. 
“Angel,” Noah whined, just before he spilled himself down my throat. “What the fuck!” 
I was pulled off of him with a loud pop, his hips shaking from being over-sensitive. 
“That’s it, Noah,” I praised with a kiss to the reaper tattoo on his stomach. “I knew you had it in you.” 
As he pulled me into his warm embrace, ready to sleep the exhaustion that had suddenly overtaken us away, I didn’t miss how his eyes glistened when I praised him. 
“Do you remember your promise?” Noah’s voice broke through the quiet. 
I rested my chin on his chest as I glanced up at him. “I’m not leaving you, Noah. I’m right here with you as long as you have me.” 
He left a soft kiss on my forehead. “I’m not letting you go, angel.” 
I wrapped my leg around his stomach. “The feeling is mutual, love.” 
Just before the darkness of sleep took us, I traced my finger over Noah’s chest. “I’m going to move to Los Angeles.” 
Noah suddenly lifted my chin to face him, his eyes full of light and hope. “You are?” 
I nodded with a wide smile. “There’s nothing for me in Las Vegas anymore. Everything I want is wherever you are, Noah.” 
We shared a lazy kiss that was full of passion and I relaxed into his embrace, excited for what the future held for us.
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“Mother fucker,” Noah cursed as he bounded down the steps of the stage to where I was standing. 
It was the final show of the tour and everything you think could have gone wrong, did. 
There were fights all night. 
Noah’s voice wasn’t up to par as he was dealing with some kind of sore throat but he wanted to push on. 
Folio’s drum broke but that was an easy fix. 
Not to mention, since this was the last show, that meant that I was flying back home tomorrow. We didn’t speak of it much only because we didn’t want the bubble we created the last few weeks to pop. I needed to go back home to pack up my apartment and figure out where the hell I was going to live. In the last few days, we spent all our free time looking up apartments only to be broken down when I realized how expensive Noah’s area was. 
“Something will come up, angel,” Noah kissed the side of my head. “We can’t rush things.” 
“I have less than sixty days to find something. I feel like I have to rush. But these prices are insane.” 
Nick set down a cup of tea in front of me as we all lounged in the front area of the bus while it drove us to the next destination. 
“Your book is set to be published at the end of the month right?” He asked. 
I nodded. “It cleared out my savings so I’m hoping that it wasn’t for nothing.” 
Jolly sighed. “You need to stop being so negative. While we didn’t read your book, from what Noah has said, your book will become popular. You already have a great following on your Instagram. Just give it time.” 
“I’m my biggest critic,” I shrugged with a sigh. 
“That’s why you and Noah are perfect together,” Folio joked with a smirk. 
I was brought out of the past when Noah kicked the crate next to me and I grabbed his arm. 
“Noah, you need to take a breath,” I said when he turned to look at me. 
The vein in his neck twitched. “This was the last show and everything kept getting fucked up.” 
“I know,” I rested my hand on his cheek and could feel all the anger leave his body. “But you can’t dwell on it, alright? You can’t change things that already happened.” 
He pressed a kiss on the inside of my palm. “I just hate not being able to control things.” 
I nodded. “I’ve noticed. Which is why I have a surprise for you.” 
Noah raised a brow while he wrapped an arm around my shoulder, guiding me towards the green room of the venue. We had plans to drive the six hours from the venue back to Noah’s place where I would take a flight out tomorrow night back home. 
We had about twenty-four hours left with each other and I didn’t want to waste it with things we couldn’t change. 
“Do I get a hint?” Noah waggled his eyebrows as we stepped through the doorway of the green room. 
“Oh, does this have to do with you needing the back room of the bus?” Folio wondered, picking up on the last bit of our conversation. 
“Yes, it does,” I stuck out my tongue playfully before I turned back to Noah. “I’m going to head to the bus to get things ready. Text me when you’re done here?” 
He smiled and pecked my lips. “You have my mind swirling with ideas, angel.” 
I smacked his ass on the way out of the green room. “You have no idea, love.” 
Thirty minutes later, I was standing in the middle of the back room of the tour bus, shaking out my nerves. This was big and something I didn’t know how Noah would react. He could get one look at me and slam the door shut in my face. While we did explore a wide variety of kinks in our sex life, this was something different. 
I pulled at the red lace over my breasts as I adjusted the lingerie set I had bought earlier today. It was tighter than I would have liked but I did feel sexy the moment I stepped into it. The material was thin, my nipples perking through, and the panties had the shape of a heart cut out on my ass, the breeze brushing across my bare ass. 
I had no idea if Noah loved lingerie on his partners or if he liked what I had planned but it was something he needed. Doing my own research on Shibari, I found out that being tied up and bound helped for a variety of different reasons. One specifically: help people who feel like they’ve lost control. 
A soft knock sounded on the door and I quickly brushed my hair out of my face while double-checking to make sure the blinds were drawn. 
“Angel?” Noah’s soft voice called from the other side. 
“It’s open!” 
As soon as he stepped into the room, his eyes widened at the sight especially when his gaze fell on me. The tattoo on his throat bobbed up and down as he swallowed. 
I shifted on my feet. “Hi.” 
“Hi,” he ran a hand over his jaw. “What’s all this?” 
“Uh,” I pointed to the floor. “Well, we both have been complaining about how small the bunks are, and with what I have planned, we needed more space. So I pulled the mattresses from our bunk and the two empty ones to make a giant bed.” 
The corner of his lips curled up but his eyes were hidden underneath his black baseball cap so I couldn’t see them. He wore a black turtleneck, cargo pants to match, his white shoes in contrast to the rest of him.
“And this?” He motioned over my body. 
I suddenly felt self-conscious. “You know, this was stupid. I don’t know what I was thinking.” 
As I walked past Noah, ready to put whatever I had planned behind me, his arm shot out to wrap around me and tossed me to the floor, gently landing on the makeshift bed I created. His hips locked me into place as he held both of my hands above my head with one hand. Still hidden under his baseball cap, Noah tilted his head at me. 
“Did I say you could leave? Especially to walk out there like this?” 
I slowly shook my head. “N-no.” 
“Good girl,” he mused while leaning farther over me, his lips ghosting over mine. 
“Noah,” I whined. “This was supposed to be for you.” 
He hummed, fingers of his free hand touching the lace of my panties. 
“Fuck, angel. You look gorgeous in red.” 
“I-uh-had a feeling you liked red,” I cursed when a finger slipped underneath my panties and between my folds. 
“So wet. What do you have planned for me?” Noah brushed his lips over the swell of my breasts. 
“Let me show you,” I lifted my legs to wrap around him, somehow managing to get him on his back. 
It might not have looked the prettiest but it got the job done as now I was the one straddling him. 
“As much as I love this hat on you,” I smacked it off of him, his brown eyes now on full display. “I want to see your entire face with what I have planned.” 
On the couch next to us was a bag and I rummaged through it, still sitting on Noah’s hips. He rested his hands behind his head as he watched me. 
“Now, I know that you can easily overpower me but can you promise to let me do this?” I asked, pausing momentarily from looking through the bag. 
Noah smirked. “What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?” 
“Safe word?” That was my response.
His face went stone, eyes darkening as his pupils dilated. “Angel.” 
Freeing the rope from the bag, I held it out in front of him. “Take off your shirt.” 
Without a second thought, Noah stripped himself of his shirt, and when I stood to my feet, allowing him to kick off his shoes before shimming out of his pants, donning only a pair of black briefs. 
“Hands above your head,” I ordered. 
Once Noah was adjusted back on the floor with his hands above his head, I sat on his hips once again and began working on the knots I spent the last few days practicing in private. 
“Shibari?” He asked. 
“You know,” I started, pulling the knots around his wrist tight. “Bondage is more than just sex. It can help people deal with panic attacks or not feel like they’re in control. Their mind is solely focused on the binds and feeling as if they can't escape kind of grounds them in a way.” 
“Why do you think I started reading about it?” Noah asked quietly. 
I paused briefly to stare down at him, the features of his face now soft. 
“I can stop-.” 
“No,” he shook his head. “Keep going.” 
With his reassurance, I finished up the knots around his wrists and smiled in victory. I then kissed from his jaw down to his neck, all the way down his chest and stomach. Noah’s breathing became slow and steady so when I peered up at him, I noticed his eyes were closed. 
I began to pull down his briefs, his hard cock springing free and smacking against his stomach. The beads of precum begging to be tasted so that's exactly what I did. 
“Shit, Y/N.” 
Noah’s bound hands reached for me and I immediately pulled myself off his cock. Looking around the room, I tried to find something to tie him to so he couldn’t move his arms. 
“Oh, perfect,” I  muttered while taking another rope from the bag. 
I looped it through a free space of knots on the binds of his wrist and there was enough slack with the new rope as I tied it to the doorknob. We were less than two feet away from it so I knew Noah wouldn’t strain his arms if he pulled on it. I also knew that the door was locked and wouldn’t open. 
“You little minx,” Noah licked his lips as I positioned myself between his legs again. 
“Just enjoy this, love. It’s all about you tonight.”
I grasped his cock in my hand as I lowered my mouth over it once again. My tongue brushed along the underside of it as I began bobbing my head up and down, free hand massaging his balls. 
“Fuck,” Noah strangled out, pulling on his bindings. 
The door rattled loudly but I didn’t care if anyone heard. As I mentioned, this was for Noah and I wouldn’t let anyone get in the way of that. 
I worked him upright to the brink, knowing that when his stomach muscles tightened, he was close. So I popped off of him, earning an annoyed groan from Noah. 
“Fuck  you,” he said with no ounce of venom behind his voice. 
I tsked while smacking his thigh. “Such a filthy mouth. Maybe I need to stuff it with something?” 
Noah’s eyes flashed as he pulled on his bindings. “I fucking hate I can’t touch you right now.” 
I laid a soft kiss on his lips. “Soon, love. If you behave.” 
Reaching behind me, I pulled out the last two things from the bag, slipped on the bright yellow mask, and looked back towards Noah. 
“Oh,” his tongue darted out to wet his lips. “Fuck, Y/N. Angel. I-.” 
I titled my head. “Cat got your tongue, Noah?” 
The door rattled even louder now as Noah yanked on his bindings. “Untie me.” 
Ignoring him, I gently forced his mouth open and set the grillz on his top and bottom teeth. Noah’s tongue glided over them, huffing and puffing with anger that I wouldn’t untie him. 
When he growled, the grillz shined under the light and my pussy clenched with desire. 
I wonder how it would feel to have him eat me out with those in his mouth. 
Hm, another time. 
Noah bit his lip hard, drawing a little bit of blood and I immediately brought his face to mine, licking up the blood as I kissed him deeply. We both moaned into the kiss and I reached between us to poise his cock at my entrance. I wanted this night to drag on but suddenly, I couldn’t wait. I needed him inside of me. 
Pulling away from our kiss, I pushed my panties to the side before sitting completely on his cock. Both of our moans echoed in the room as I sat there for a long moment, reveling in the way he felt between my walls. 
“So good,” I praised before moving my hips. 
The veins in Noah’s arms bulged as he tried to break free of his binds but I refused to let him go. 
“Touch yourself,” he rasped, gone in ecstasy. 
I did, two fingers pressed to my clit in fast circles as I brought both Noah and me closer to our orgasms. 
“Noah!” I cried out when mine hit me without warning, my arousal coating his cock and hips. 
“Holy shit,” his head smacked against the floor. “ ‘M gonna fill you up, angel.” 
I nodded hastily as he fucked me through the aftershocks, soon enough his warm essence filled me up, just like he promised.
Exhausted, I fell onto him in a heap, burying my face into the crook of his neck. Noah brushed a kiss into my hairline. 
“Thank you for this, angel. It helped; a lot.” 
I patted his cheek, eyes closed with slumber. “Of course, my love.” 
Suddenly remembering he was still tied up, I clambered off of him, his cum running down my legs as I went to work untying him. Once freed, I brought his red wrists to my lips, pressing gentle kisses. 
“You might have to explain to the guys where those marks came from,” I said with a grimace, 
Noah rolled us over so we were laying on the makeshift bed again, covering us in the blanket. 
“I want to hold you till we're frozen,” Noah nuzzled his nose in the back of my neck. 
With a yawn, I rested my back against his chest, letting the noises of the bus gliding along the road and the guys moving around the front of the bus lull me to sleep. 
I was so exhausted that I could only hum in response to Noah. 
“I hope you know that I’m coming with you to Vegas to help you pack.” 
This had me turning over in his arms so I could face him. His hair was matted to his forehead with sweat so I brushed it away. 
“You don’t have to do that,” I said. 
He left a kiss on my nose causing me to giggle. “I know but I want to. We can keep looking for places in the meantime.” 
I raised a playful brow. “You’re really not letting me go, huh?” 
“You’re stuck with me,” Noah kissed my lips. 
Wouldn’t have it any other way.
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Carrying the box down the long hallway, I let my mind wander to how I got here; how we got here. 
I never thought all those months ago when Y/N first stepped into that green room behind Britt that my life would change the way it had. I never expected one night of sex would turn into a full-blown relationship for me. But the moment those bright eyes pulled me in that very first night, I knew that Y/N was it for me. She was the only one I wanted. 
Y/N was apprehensive at first to follow me on the road, but I didn’t blame her. She was worried all we would do was fight but contrary to that, we only fought once and that was a few weeks ago when we had to spend some time apart. 
I had to fly back to Los Angeles for some podcast interviews and Y/N needed to remain in Vegas to finish packing up her place. She still couldn’t find a new place, one that she could afford even though her book sales were flourishing. A week after the tour ended, her book was finally released and was slowly climbing the ladder towards a best seller. It wasn’t there yet but just as I predicted, it was popular. It sold out in a variety of stores around the States. 
Even though it was a small fight, it still weighed heavy on my heart. It was almost two weeks apart from each other and our calls were far in between; both of us were busy. Needless to say, we were getting frustrated. 
“I don’t understand what you want me to do, Noah. I’m just as busy as you.”
I pinched my nose with one hand while the other held the phone to my ear as I paced my room. 
“Yeah I get it but, I want to hear your voice. Sorry for bothering you over it.” 
“I never said that!” 
I knew it was wrong to snap at her but my anger got the best of me. I hated being so far from her. She told me prior she was thinking of renting a place thirty minutes from me. 
“It’s just how it felt! The way you answered.” I sighed into the phone.  
“Noah! Come on! If we want this to work, we can’t do this.” 
I scoffed. “Do what?”
“This petty blaming shit. Who misses whose calls first or what not? Come on.”
“How do you expect me to react, Y/N? You told me you’re renting a place that’s too far,” I fell onto the edge of my bed. 
“Thirty minutes isn’t too far, Noah! And I never said I was renting it. I was thinking about it. There’s nothing else closer. I don’t know what you want me to do.” 
“Just let me find a place, alright? I know something will show up,” I urged her. “Don’t jump into the first place you find without actually thinking it through.” 
There was a long beat of silence. “Look, this is a bit too much for me right now. I’m already stressed out as it is, the last thing I need from you is you pushing me.” 
I shook my head. “I’m not pushing you-.” 
“I have to go. I’ll call you later.” 
Once she hung up, I stared at the screen of my phone for less than two minutes as my knee bounced in agitation. 
Fuck that. I’m not leaving it like this. 
“What, Noah?” Y/N sighed as she answered the phone. 
“I’m sorry, angel. I didn’t mean to start a fight. I just miss you, that’s all,” I apologized while running a hand through my hair. 
“I’m sorry too, love. It was wrong of me to take my stress and anger about the situation out on you. I’m afraid I won’t be able to find anything close to you.” 
I nodded even though she couldn’t see me. “We will, I promise.” 
She did find an affordable place that was close to me and she signed the lease this morning, us spending all day moving in her things. The guys helped out but once evening came, Y/N rushed them out of the apartment. They spent all day working with us, they needed to rest. 
“Here’s the last box from the truck,” I spoke while setting it down on the kitchen island. 
Y/N smiled up at me from her spot on the floor, newspapers scattered around her. 
“Thank you, love. Is Jolly still taking the truck back?” 
I nodded. “You know, I love my house. It’s comfortable. I’ve got a great couch and I go out on my porch every morning to drink my coffee in the sunlight. But I can definitely see myself being comfortable and finding a home here too. Wherever you are is home.”
Y/N rose to her feet and walked into my embrace; my arms immediately encircling around her. We faced the large windows of her apartment as we gazed down to the row of houses that their backyards faced her complex; one sticking out like a needle in a haystack. 
“I love that, and I’m very happy you feel safe with me. You’re home to me too, Noah.” 
Y/N then pointed to the one house I was already staring at. “Is that the porch you have your morning coffee on?” 
I chuckled. “Damn straight. I’ll be able to wave to you every morning.” 
These apartment complexes went up across the street from my house about a year or so ago so when one finally went up for rent, I sent the listing to Y/N immediately and she agreed right away; affordable and close by. Within walking distance. 
We spent the next few hours unpacking everything, joking about things here and there, as music played softly in the background. I helped put away some of the wine glasses, taking them out of the bubble wrap and carefully placing them in the cabinets. 
“They’re all even. Nice!” I muttered to myself, admiring my work. 
I turned to get some more when I saw her. Y/N was sitting on the floor fiddling with an object she unpacked herself. She was so beautiful, serene, so sweet.
That’s when it hit me. We have never been closer in this time of love, nor communicated more profoundly with one another, than when she would brush silent lips against my shoulder or when I touched the end of her fingers, gently, as though she were asleep. 
All this time, I fucking knew. 
I wanted to hide what was pushing out of my mouth, what was about to roll off my tongue- I wanted so badly to keep quiet because of the fear of the unknown. 
What if she didn’t feel the same? I couldn’t handle that. Not after everything. 
However, before I knew it, it flew out of my mouth like a crow who was easily disturbed and needed to get to its next destination 
“I love you.”
Y/N nearly dropped the stack of books in her hands when she rose to her feet, ready to set them on her bookshelf. 
“What did you say?” She set the book on the kitchen island between us.
I ran my hand through my hair, a wide smile on my face. “Well, it’s just that I didn’t think this part of my life was ever going to be a thing. I accepted this part of my life would be over or just a series of random hookups until I met you. Everything that happened from the moment our eyes locked in that green room to now just proved to me what I’ve always known. I love you.” 
Y/N jumped onto the counter and slid herself over to me and I stumbled to catch her in time as her lips met mine in a heated kiss, teeth and tongue clashing. 
“I love you too,” she admitted against my lips.
My heart soared into my throat and I cupped her face. “Fuck, you do?” 
She nodded. “I’ve known for a while now but was too afraid to admit it. But now that I’m here with you, creating these two different homes with you, I know I can't hide those feelings anymore.” 
I lifted her from the counter, my arms resting underneath the swell of her ass, and began leading her towards the bedroom. 
“I love you, Y/N.” I nipped at her bottom lip. 
She moaned, scratching her nails against the skin behind my neck. “I love you too, angel.” 
With a wink, I tossed her onto the bed. “I like your bed. How about we break it in?” 
I kicked the door shut with my foot, the sounds of our love echoing through the new space, creating a home here for the two of us.
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nathanbatemanfucker · 9 months
In Plain Sight, Ch 2: A Hoard of Cupids
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summary: nathan’s much more insightful about you than he used to be. it’s making you uneasy…and curious.
pairing: nathan bateman x f!reader
contents: 18+/NSFW/MINORS DNI, enemies to lovers (sorta), boss/employee dynamics, pining, nathan trying to be nice but he’s so abrasive lol, pining, mentions of caretaking/sick family members, mentions of emotionally abusive parents, masturbation (m), sub!nathan if you squint
wc: 2,745
AN: back at it with part twoooo. thank you all for the kind words and support on this fic, i didn’t expect it to get the response it did but i’m really excited to give y’all the rest. fair warning that these chapters seem to be getting longer as i write on. happy reading!
in plain sight masterlist | part 3 | part 4 | part 5
Nathan gives you space— at first. When you return the next day at 7 a.m. sharp he’s nowhere to be found. Not in the living room or in the kitchen, not on his patio boxing. You assume he’s in his room, probably toying with one of his bots in a distasteful manner. The idea makes you shudder. But is it not easier to come to work with every task he could want you to do placed on his desk, no fuss?
You don’t like Nathan Bateman. He’s a pompous asshole, a know it all, a man who thinks only about his own desires. When he apologized— or rather attempted to— yesterday you thought that maybe you slipped and fallen down the stairs on your way out. By his standards, it was a top tier apology. You’d never once heard him apologize to anyone. On your drive home you had wondered if he had ever apologized in his life. The thought made you giggle, and then you’d turned up the music and forgotten about him until right now.
Sat at your desk, an ungodly stack of things to do. There’s a note sat on top. It’s simple and straightforward, lacking emotion but somehow still has your stomach flipping. It reads:
In meetings all day— let me know if you need anything. Go home early today.
Mr. Bateman
P.S. I’ll spruce up my apologizing skills.
You regard the note cautiously, raising your brow at it before you let yourself laugh a little. Was this a joke or had Nathan Bateman taken some criticism to heart (which is rumored to not exist). You fold the note up, and for some reason slip it into your bag.
The last thing that’s on your mind is that Nathan’s watching you. He sits in the dark at his monitors, leaning in closely. His eyes trace your figure on the screens intensely, watching as you read and read and read. He expects no reaction from you beside maybe throwing it in the trash. But then you laugh, and he watches you store it for safekeeping. A piece of him will go home with you. Nathan never thought he’d be jealous of a piece of paper, not when he seems to have the entire world at his fingertips.
He returns to his normal behavior after a week— partially because he thinks you settled in. And partially because…well he begrudgingly can admit to himself, in the comfort of his own mind, that he misses you. When you get to work the next Monday he’s sat on an observation table, examining what looks like a deconstructed robot brain.
You aren’t even able to open your mouth and say good morning before he’s talking to you.
“Are you sleeping okay?” He asks, his eyes appraising you intensely.
You stop in your tracks, regarding him as always, your expression pieced into that calm expression. So you’re back to normal, none of that fire. He expected it but that doesn’t keep him from feeling disappointed.
“You look really fucking tired. Exhausted,” He tacts on for good measure.
Your spine goes completely rigid, your grip on your bag tightening. You are tired. So very tired. You work shitty hours for incredible money and then go home to take care of your younger sisters and mother. Dealing with Nathan is for them. For your sisters’ schooling, so they won’t feel left out when the other kids have the newest gadget or shoes. For your mother’s ever piling medical bills. It’s important that you don’t jeopardize something so precious.
“Is it affecting my work? Have I done something wrong?” You ask him softly.
“No— that’s not why I’m—“ He stutters before closing his mouth and starting anew. You’ve never seen him like this. If you didn’t know better, you’d think he was flustered. But knowing Nathan, he’s just never asked a single employee he’s ever had if they’re alright. “I’m your boss, I worry about your well being. That’s what good bosses do.”
“Are you sure?” You ask evenly, eyes still trained on him.
“Am I—“ He stops, eyes wide for a fraction of a second before he bites away his smile. “Are you fucking with me?”
If he was looking at you so intentionally he would miss the way your mouth twitches. “I’m fine, Mr. Bateman. I have a lot of responsibilities, not only here but out there as well.”
“Out there?”
“The real world. Thank you for the concern, sir.”
For the second time, you’ve rendered Nathan speechless. That night he lays in bed thinking of you, like many nights prior. He turns your words over in his head time and time again. The real world. Do you think he doesn’t know what it’s like out there? He wonders how much research you’d done for the job. Nathan used his brain to get here, climbing and climbing. He hadn’t been born into this but his personality lent itself to such a conclusion. Nathan knows what his real world used to look like, though one day he hopes that any of his contraptions can help him forget. He wonders what your real world looks like.
There’s no ring on your finger, but you could have a partner. Kids? Another job? He pays you well enough for that to not be necessary. Maybe you volunteer at a puppy shelter. He could picture it. You in something other than your stuffy work clothes, a smile on your face as you drown in puppy breath and slobber.
He groans, rolling over in bed to plant his face deeply in the pillow. Maybe he can smother himself out of this. Thinking about puppies? He might as well be one, he’s practically lovesick if you have him thinking like this. When would he get used to feeling this way? His usual cynical thoughts feel like they’re being pillaged by a hoard of cupids.
He doesn’t even know if you feel the same. Being better for you is one thing, but what if there’s no payoff? What if he changes for you and you leave him high and dry? Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. He feels the back of his neck sweating and sits up.
Nathan’s been down this road before, it’s brought him his fortune and an insane work ethic. It’s all brought him sorrow he’ll never be able to escape. Being with his parents feels like a fever dream sometimes and other times he feels 6 again, like he’s drowning in their expectations and insults, trying to measure up. He’d given up eventually, once he realized that they would never love him the way parents should. Why try to do anything anyone wanted but himself when they could still treat him poorly for it?
He’s the way he is from his own indoctrination. He doesn’t know where he would be if he hadn’t convinced himself that he was the only person that truly matters.
But, now there’s you. You, who looks so soft, you that scratches an itch he didn’t even realize he had. You, that he wants to goad and prod and poke until you unleash all of yourself on him. He closes his eyes and lays back, envisioning you right here with him. He feels insane, his heart— his mind, his dick— are taking him through a whirlwind of emotions right now.
He palms himself through his boxers, eyes squeezing shut tighter than before as he tries to narrate. He pictures you in one of his white shirts, it’s fabric nearly see-through with the way it clings to your breasts. He grasps his length through his boxers letting out a heaving sigh. Fuck he wishes this was you.
If there’s anything that Nathan knows how to do its not only being smartest but the most imaginative. He’s been daydreaming for as long as he can remember. Universes with better outcomes— having worth, or loving parents or anyone for that matter. Anyone to be on his side. He imagined codes and synthetic body parts that live and breathe in front of him. He can surely imagine you, breathy and horny in his bed, jerking him off. He doesn’t care if it’s fucked up, or inappropriate. He wants you, and maybe this is the only way he can have you. He slides his boxers down, finally done teasing himself. Licking his palm, he grabs his cock, starts stroking and succumbs to the thought of you.
Another moan bubbles out of his throat. He can see your nipples through his shirt when you straddle him like this. Your thighs are soft against his own and he would reach for your free hand, thread his fingers through your own. Your hands are smaller than his, smooth and supple. And god, you’re stroking him just the way he likes it, the soft wet sound making pleasure shoot through his groin.
You’d overstimulate him wouldn’t you? With that clever mouth barely pulling up a grin, eyes full of fire as you stroke him past the point of pleasure. Would you make him watch? See the way your hands would grow slick and shiny with his cum as you kept pumping and pumping, pushing him to another release. Covering you both in him, until you’re too needy to keep toying with him. Nathan cums just as he’s imagining the feeling of you dragging your bare pussy against his sensitive cock. He whines and keens off the bed, the high singing in his veins. He swears he can almost imagine the way you would moan.
His eyes open, the spell broken. He’s alone, covered in his own spend, chest heaving like he just ran a 10k. He avoids his reflection when he walks into the bathroom to clean up. His loneliness spikes again and he heads to the kitchen, reaching for the first bottle he can find.
“You’re late,” He says stiffly, crossing his arms as he watches you cross the space to sit at your desk.
The day after he’d gotten off thinking of you he’d had the slightest difficulty looking at you. It quickly faded, he was too greedy. Too needy, if he’s being honest. He can’t get enough, he doesn’t know if he could ever say it but you’re the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen.
You’re openly frazzled; your shirt isn’t tucked in, your hair is a little more frizzy than usual and you look as tired as ever. He regrets his biting tone immediately.
Even as you explain you’re moving, setting your to-go mug on the desk, fetching your calendar, booting up your computer. “I know, I’m sorry, Mr. Bateman. My sisters were less than cooperative this morning.”
Nathan turns completely away from the bins he’s been searching through, raising a brow at you in surprise, “Your sisters?”
“Yes— one is 7 the other is 14. The little made getting out of the house…difficult,” You murmur distractedly, eyes trained on your screen.
“Isn’t that your parents’ fucking job?”
His question snaps you back to the present— you hadn’t shared nearly as much as you could’ve. But you’d gone into this job wanting to be nameless and faceless. Memorable only for the quality of the work you do.
You shake your head, daring a quick glance in his direction that you immediately regret when your eyes meet his.“I realized that I’ve shared far too much about my personal life. I should work, Mr. Bateman.”
Nathan immediately understands your deflecting. How many times has he been asked by reporters and interviewers where his family is? Enough times that he’s had his publicist strike the topic from the acceptable lists. That was about all he was good for anyway, Nathan says what he wants when he wants.
He goes back to the task at hand— though now with you here he doesn’t quite remember what that was. A part…some sort of part that he needed. Wires? Screws? A metal plate? He sighs in frustration and leaves without another word.
Your gaze is on the door as soon as it shuts, making sure he’s gone. The tears that you’ve been biting back fall and you bury your face in your hands. Your youngest sister had begged and pleaded for you to stay warm in bed with her this morning. With your mother so sick, you’ve practically raised her yourself these last few years. It makes her needy, which you understand. But what she doesn’t understand is how delicate the balance you found in caring for your entire family is. Middle sister lacks just as much understanding, with heaps of attitude. She doesn’t want to snuggle with you or with younger sister. Mediating this entire situation is what made you late.
It feels like you’re cracking under the pressure but that isn’t an option, is it? As if the universe wants to make it clear, your computer chimes. It’s Nathan, asking you to come to his office.
He’d meant to go clear his head in his office and come back to get whatever part he was in need of. But, when he sat in his chair he was met with the sight of you hunched over your desk, presumably crying by the way your shoulders jerked every once and a while.
He’s pinging you before he can think better of it. He watches you read his message. You’re such an anomaly— you sit up immediately, reaching for some tissues and cleaning yourself up as if nothing happened. You even check yourself in the reflection of your computer, fidgeting with your hair, tucking in your shirt once you stand. As soon as you start out of the office he turns off his monitors, not one to be caught snooping around though it’s right and was clear in the contract. Maybe you’ve forgotten. Perhaps you don’t think your anything worth watching…Nathan would like to change that assumption.
“You pinged me, sir?”
How would he play this? He couldn’t admit that he just watched you cry.
“Trying my hand at this apologizing shit again. I— Nathan Bateman— am sorry for being insensitive. Like I said last time, I don’t know your life or you. Alright, how was that?”
“I would say a solid, 5/10, which is a 50% improvement.”
“Fuck me, you’re a tough crowd. What am I docked for? You know I’m all about perfection.”
“There was a lack of originality. And you omitted your middle name.”
It takes everything in Nathan not to giggle. The way the words come out of your mouth are so funny… or maybe he’s just obsessed. It could be both. “My middle name is classified information.”
“Does Wikipedia know that?” You ask, tilting your head in that uncanny way.
Nathan can’t hold in his laugh this time, running a hand over his beard, “You’re funnier than you look.”
Your mouth twitches, and you give him the smallest nod, “Thank you, sir. Is that all?”
He pretends to think about it. “This apology is feeling pretty one-sided to me.”
“I accept your apology, Mr. Bateman, thank you.”
“Accept something else,” He proposes, going out on a limb. Suddenly your stare is too intense, the room is too hot and small. What the fuck is he doing?
“What’s that?” You ask, as soft and sweet as ever.
“Dinner. Tomorrow,” He says simply.
“With you?”
Nathan ignores the twinge in his heart— your tone barely changed. If he wasn’t with you every single day, studying you, he wouldn’t even have noticed.
“I can invite the droids if you want. They’ll just stare at us while we eat.”
Your hand tightens around your planner. Dinner with Nathan…choosing to be around him? It seemed like as of late he was trying to be…more palatable. This could be an act of good faith. But, you have your sisters and mother to think about. You’ve given her nurse enough overtime hours in the last few weeks.
“Without getting too personal, I don’t think I’ll be able to swing it sir, I have to get home to my sisters as soon as possible.”
Yes, your family, that you never talk about. He could accommodate, what’s he the fucking boss for if he can’t?
“We’ll do it early.”
You sway a little as you think about this— that’s new, he thinks to himself, filing that information away for later.
“You’ve already got me apologizing, I can’t add saying please to the list of acceptable behaviors. I’ll lose my fucking edge.”
“How early?”
“Alright, then, sir.”
nathan taglist: @missdictatorme, @hon3yboy, @runa-falls, @campingwiththecharmings, @toracainz, @steven-grants-world, @clemdango04, @jdbxws, @crispysublimecupcake, @sub-aro, @faretheeoscar, @cupidysm, @whentheskyispinkandabitblue , @nova-ivy541, @sparkypantelones, @veritable-trash, @mangoslushcrush, @kotaropuppy
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portals-posts · 3 months
Baby i'm jealous
2018!billie eilish x fem!"nepobaby"reader
Angst? w/fluff (& jealous billie🤭)
a/n : this writing is just one of my many daydreams I wanted to jot down!🫀
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Summary: Billie meets Y/ns childhood bestfriend, after a paparazzi video at the airport went VIRAL.
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Its 5-6 a.m. and here Y/n is, getting dressed it a 2-piece tracksuit set, doing "lighter" makeup for the time and getting her sign ready. "Y/n come on honey were gonna be late!" Her dad yelled,as loud as he could, for it being 5-6 in the morning. "Okay" She replied 'skipping' down the stairs, before heading outside to the car that was already waiting.
As they waited for the plane to land, Y/n got up and started just goofy around,doing cartwheels,trying not to kick anyone, running in circles around ger dad(litteraly) and just messing around,causing people to notice who it was. Y/N Y/L/N. Once she got her engery out as she waited,at the same time, Maddie (Y/ns childhood best friend) had exited the gates and some paparazzi were outside. "MADS" Y/n yelled with both girls running at each other causing Y/n to drop her sign and crash into her making them both fall and roll on the floor giggling. "Oh I missed you!" "Me too!" Y/n said wrapping her legs around her waist as they rolled on the floor. "Alright girls, lets head home,cause im fucking tired" her dad mumbled, carrying Maddies bag as they headed to the car. Paparazzi flashing their camera, asking umcomfortable and stupid questions as they sped off.
Later in the day...
"Hey baby!" Y/n said answering the door, hopping into billies arms. "Hey mama" Billie replied softly, wrapping her arm around her waist. "Whats wrong?" Y/n asked noticing an almost 'angry' look on her face. "Nothin" Billie repiled, as y/n lead her to the living room. "Ok, Billie this is Maddie, Maddie this is Billie" Y/n introducing the girls. "Hi" Maddie said shyly, paying her attention back to the tv. "Hey" billie said, holding y/ns waist as they sat on the couch together, a couple seats from maddie, but not to far. "Should we order some food, cause its kinda getting late." Y/n said stretching her legs over maddie lap."Yeah" Maddie said playing with y/ns thighs and tracing her tattos, which Billie had caught notice of. "Baby, you want food?" "Sure" She answered with an annoyed tone.
Shit shes her best friends, and Billies her girlfriend, so whys she so jealous? She dont even know the girl,it was one paparazzi video.
Part 2?
a/n : sorry this came out so late and if it maybe to short. I've been a it busy with things, hope yall like it.🫀
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i have been getting a tad bit too obsessed with reverse 1999 lately and compiled some stuff around might edit it if i find more
this yapping session will be abt sonetto
her name is deprived from a fourteen line poetry called the Sonnet while also having the meaning of “little song or sound’
her udimo is a dog called Cirneco Dell’Etna a breed that originated from italy as stated in her storyboard
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she doesn't know her date of birth and uses the date of when she was adopted by the foundation as her birthday (January 10th)
she's 16 yrs old
she's speculated to be 5'3 ft or 160 cm
her compliments are so sincere that people are often too shy to face her (the rizzler)
back in SPDM she was worried about vertin's arcane skill exams and tutored her privately
a helper in the SPDM once found a challenge letter with pink heart patterns in the trash bin (might imply that the letter was from matilda to sonetto)
sonetto is an artist as stated in her 80% bond story and glassfeder's description
sonetto likes collecting newspapers and treasures them
every year she gets a present from vertin on her birthday which is mostly a collection of poems
it’s implied (this is really obvious) that she has a crush on the timekeeper/Vertin and has also been implied sonetto's va during the reddit Q&A
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on her medal she has an embroidered dog on it (i just thought this was cute)
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since she doesn't know much about the outside world or her culture she doesn't see anything wrong with pineapple pizza or gelato pizza for that matter (april fools and pizza hut collab comic)
she keeps a frog in a jar in her room
time for voiceline analysis
"Sempre caro mi fu quest'ermo colle.”
this quote is derived from the poem L’Infinito by Giacomo Leopardi in the autumn of 1819 the poem is meant to show how he yearns to travel beyond his restrictive hometown of Recanati and experience more of the world that he studied.
this can also show the way sonetto might have wished to see the outside world just as she studied on the textbooks
"Regna sereno intenso ed infinito.”
a line from the poem Mezzogiorno Alpino written after a short stay in Courmayeur, Giosuè Carducci reflects on the clear Alpine landscape, with the aim of highlighting the power of nature.
the trees stood as if to enjoy the pleasure of the sunlight penetrating their branches, absolute silence dominates, broken only by the rustling of the river water.
this might show how much interest and adoration sonetto shows towards things outside of the foundation
“So long lives this and this gives power to thee.”
a line from the famous poem Sonnet 18 by William Shakespeare, where he used this poem to praise the beauty of his beloved where their beauty is more preferable than a hot summer day. theres a bit of a change in the lines "So long lives this and this gives life to thee." the original line used life instead of power, it wouldn't really make sense if they used life for a buffer it would've been more of a healing skill so i get it
(i actually don't know what link this has towards sonetto soo fun fact sonnet 18 was about a man)
"I know the moon and this is an alien city”
the line is derived from the poem A London Thoroughfare 2 A.M by Amy Lowell the meaning of this poem is the feeling of being lost in a busy city, expressing emotions such as loneliness and being overwhelmed and how the only thing familiar to the writer was the moon. (aight im sorry idk how to word this one again another fun fact Amy Lowell is a sapphic and likes to call her muse or lover Lady of the moon)
“Each moment, now night.”
One of the lines from the poem Night by Max Weber (not the sociologist, also not sure on what to write since i dont actually know what the poem actually means i like to think that its about the silence and darkness of the night to show loneliness)
so basically most of these references loneliness and adoration towards the things the writer wrote about which might link to how sonetto might feel adoration and curiosity for the outside world and how she might've felt lonely in the foundation after being closed off from the outside world
(sorry if some words might not make sense and for how many things i've kept blank i failed literature so feel free to correct me im always up for discussion, its funny the way i found out most poets are queer are because of this)
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null1ty · 29 days
trips and falls and drops this
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adding ghe paper texture was so hard this time :(
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mommahughes19-23 · 4 months
Beach Day - A.M (M.R sister)
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@y.userreilly : guyyyyys I convinced aus to let me live out my fairy dreams 🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️(gonna convince him to leave hockey and become a photographer)
tagged : @austonmatthews
austonmatthews: still the most beautiful fairy to ever exist ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
↪ y.userreilly : @austonmatthews HAVE YOU SEEN YOURSELF 🫨
stephmarner : petition to have @y.userreilly model all the leafs merch from now on
↪ ybsf : @stephmarner WHERE DO I SIGN 😱
↪ y.userreilly : @stephmarner @ybsf STAHP YOU GONNA MAKE ME CRY 🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧
bertuzzi17 : peep my sunnies @ashleybertuzzi let you steal smh 🤬🤬
↪ ashleybertuzzi : @bertuzzi17 and what r u gonna do about it 🤨
↪ y.userreilly : BITE ME BERTMAN 🤡🤡🤡
morganreilly : @austonmatthews your eyes better have been closed when you took those tf is the rest of the outfit🤢🤢🤢🤬🤬🤬
↪ austonmatthews: 🤫🤫
↪ y.userreilly : @morganreilly please leave my comment section or I will tell mom your bullying me 😤😭
user1091982 : dressing like this in public ... no wonder Austons with u slut
↪ user8382328 : @morganreilly is probably paying him to date her
user19191919 : MOMMY OMG STUNNING 🤩
matthewknies : put your tongue away youre gonna catch flies @y.userreilly
↪ y.userreilly : I was trying to catch something else😏😏😏😏😏
marner_93 : I think the amount of times I had to standby for wardrobe duty was rude
↪ austonmatthews: YOU BETTER NOT HAVE PEAKED ILL KILL YOU😤😤😤😤 @marner_93
↪ y.userreilly : @austonmatthews babe its ok he just had to tighten a strap remember and @marner_93 SUCK IT UP BUTTERCUP
A.N :
Hi my loves, I finished some school work and decided to take a lil break to write this. ( I feel like my comments get shorter and shorter but I am trying.) Not a request Im just obsessed with miss Aspen and wanted to use her asap :)
I am thinking of doing a pt 2 where they just had a normal beach day (aspen either owns the house behind her or this is just her local beach bc I have a bunch of other pics she's taken in this same spot or somewhere else along this beach. and a few with another blonde girl so I could use it as Steph) lmk ur thoughts. super happy with how this turned out either way.
the format of the comments likes to do its own thing so that's why I have included arrows so you know what is a reply and what isn't!
xoxoxoxoxo, M
Tags : @skylershines
P.S if you wanna be tagged just send me a message and ill start tagging you!
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mymelodymia · 1 year
Snuggles Dad!Tony stark x daughter!reader
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Summary: you and your father fall asleep on the couch together <3
A/N: I wrote this at like 2 a.m (im tired)
You lied down on the couch after a long day of school, and turned on your favorite movie, slightly giggling from time to time. Your father walked out of the lab heading straight to the coffee, you peeked around the couch to see who was there, "hey dad" you said half awake, he looked up at you, having not noticed you were there before "hey Y/N/N, you okay" your dad asked,
"Yeah just tired" you said yawning, your father, who had previously been making coffee to try to stay up again. Set down his drink And walked over to the couch where you were snuggled into a blanket with a small pillow under your head. "It's late, You need to go to sleep soon" your dad said given the fact that it was a school night. "Says you" tony sighed knowing that you had a point, he figured the only way to get you to sleep quickly,
Cuddles. Ever since you were a kid you always loved leaning into your father, holding onto him tightly never letting go. And so, he let out a dramatic diva sigh (im sorry i had to) and walked to the other side of the couch and laid beside you, upon seeing him just sitting there with a extended arm inviting you to come lay with him, you immediately took this chance by scooting towards him, resting your head softly against his chest, cheekbone just above his arc reactor.
Tony had his extended arm under you, elbow curled cradling your head, his other hand gently rubbing your back, you were snuggled within tonys arms, one of your arms wrapped around his waist, the other tucked under your blanket.
You both just laid there, enjoying the feeling of the others presents, slowly you started drifting off, before you could, you spoke up.
"I love you dad"
"I love you too Y/N/N"
With that, the two of you fell asleep in each others arms, your movie playing quietly in the background,
A/N: I have zero clue if this is good or not, this is my first fic I am posting, very short for how long it took, so if you see anything I can improve, please point it out, I like writing now I guess <33333
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rreeaahh · 1 year
We are both filthy now | R. A. B.
Third chapter of "One way ticket" | Ch. 1 / Ch. 2
taglist> @my-beloved-fandoms
pair> regulus black x lestrange! reader (slytherin)
summary> a birthday party means, for most people, a way to celebrate your existence - for purebloods, however, is a good way to spent time together with their master. regulus and y/n are not fond of the event, but no matter the traumatic experience they both go trough, they are still enemies - and y/n should've know that.
word count> 4.5k (wtf)
warnings> some type of angst; slow burn af; family toxicity; female discrimination; description of getting the dark mark; regulus hitting reader's hand; not proofread!
a/n> hi m'loves<3 do not forget that the tag list is open, feel free to ask to be added! im sorry for the long wait, it was one tricky chapter to write and from now on im gonna stop hunting the perfection, ill just enjoy writing. im more than happy to see all the notification from you on this series, and im beyond grateful - ill love to read your reaction, it makes me incredibly happy and helps me write. any comment is more than welcomed<3 any reblog helps this series to get to more people and it only takes a minute to do so. thank u for reading, ily all<3
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Dear Y/N,
I hope my letter finds you well – your cousin’s pathetic owl is one lazy bird, let me tell you, but Rodolphus seems to be quite fond of it, and won’t let me get a new one.
Anyway, I write to you in hope that you’ll make me the pleasure to attend my birthday next weekend – I already spoke with Rodolphus and your father and they assured me you’ll come, but I still think it’s better to write to you personally.
We’ll also have a little meeting, besides the party itself, so I’m sure you’ll find it rather educative than a silly simple ball – do not worry, I know you tend to get anxious when surrounded by people you don’t know that well, but my cousin Regulus is coming too! I’m sure you two young purebloods will have all the fun you need.
Don’t worry writing me back, just come along with Regulus back from Hogwarts. Your presence if the only gift I need.
                                                                                                      Lots of hugs,
                                                                                                                                    Bellatrix L.
Y/N puts the letter on her desk and grabs the other envelope – this one also has her family’s wax seal, the L and the raven on top of it sending her chills on her spine.
Don’t even think of not attending Bellatrix’ party. You cannot let this family down. Your cousin, Rabastan, will wait for you on the Platform 9 ¾, since me and Rodolphus have a lot of work to do for the meeting. Saturday morning, no later than 10 A.M. The meeting will be at our house.
                                                                                        Don’t disappoint me.
                                                                                                                        Cyrus Lestrange
She scoffs and lets the paper fall from her fingers. She was only a child when her cousin, Rodolphus, married Bellatrix, Regulus’ cousin. They were the youngest at that party so all the adults expected them to spent time together. Truth is, however, that Regulus was shy and quiet and only stayed by her side, listening to all of her questions and never responding back. After the wedding, when her father seemed to be so pleased with little Regulus, with his manners and his obedient nature, Y/N decided that she hated Regulus Black. He was just a little prick, and she decided that she’ll be better than him – always.
As her roommates are deep asleep, Y/N stays at her desk and watches the two letters. She grabs again the one from her father and watches how the flame of the candle on her desk dances on it, the paper getting warmer and warmer, until it’s lit on fire. She hates to keep her father’s letters – it’s like she’d want to ever see them again.
With the burning paper still between her fingers, she gets out of her dorm and walk on the dark corridor of the Slytherin Girls’ Wing and goes to the Common Room, where the fire seems to be burning with green flames. The Black Lake is silent behind the large windows, only the water’s movement being heard. She throws the letter in the chimney and smiles at the sight of the fire eating up her father’s words. It’s like she’s watching him get eaten up by the flames.
“It’s late, Lestrange.”
Y/N jumps on her feet and gets a grip of her night robes. The light green material covers her body now that she’s tugging her fingers into it. From the dark green sofa, Regulus Black watches her with a bored expression. He was reading a book and in front of him, on the small black table, is a cup filled with tea, she could guess.
“Always staying in the shadows, like a rat,” Y/N mutters and walks to him, staying on the couch in front of him. While she sits down, she lets the robe fall from her shoulder, exposing the skin. She’s dressed in a dark purple pajama set, made out of silk, and the little string of her tank top falls with the robe. Regulus seems to notice the bare skin just exposed and he gets his eyes to look at her face fast, before she could sense his gaze. He feels… disgusted.
“Always speaking like you own the whole place,” he talks back and smirks, “when we both know it’s nothing like that.” His voice is flat – no matter his facial expressions, Regulus Black always had a boring voice when he’d talk to her.
Y/N just watches him for a second. He’s still in his Quidditch equipment, even if the Slytherin team came back from practice a few hours ago. His hair is messy, his eyes are circled by a dark color, in comparison with his light skin, and he looks tired.
“Why aren’t you sleeping?” she lets the question escape her lips without even thinking.
“I could ask you the same thing, if I really cared,” he says and grabs his cup, drinking slowly from it.
“Don’t flatter yourself, Black,” Y/N laughs and puts her hands over her chest. Regulus notices that, too. “I’m sure you got an owl from Bellatrix.”
“Yes, Bella wrote me about her birthday. Unfortunately, if you’re telling me about it, it means she wrote to you, too,” he says in a quiet voice, letting out the air in his lungs.
“She’s part of my family, too, Black,” Y/N says and surprises herself – she never gave that much importance to the family relations. She only had herself, at the end of the day, no matter how much her father would scold her for being an absent member of the House of Lestrange.
Her father never really showed her love – he was meant to be her father, but he was just a kind of legal tutor who raised her and was responsible for her well-being, and her cousins looked down on her – she was just a silly girl, meant only to bear children and get more powerful connections for her family. Her uncle and her aunt were distant, and maybe that was better than giving her reasons to hate them, like the rest did.
“Please, do not remind me – I still can’t get over that.” Regulus seems annoyed, bored, tired of her presence. And, yet, he stands there, face to face with her, watching each other – studying each other with such attention like they’re looking for a weak point.
“Why are you such a hypocrite, Regulus?” Y/N suddenly asks. He just smiles in the corner of his mouth, grabs his cup of tea and gets up from the sofa.
She feels him getting closer to her and in a second his breathing is hitting her face. “Don’t act like I’m the only one putting an act on, Miss Little Perfect,” he says amused.
Her brows drop. The skin on her forehead wrinkles and her eyes watch his, wanting to see behind them – they are empty. “I know you look up to me, Regulus, but there’s no need to remind me,” now she’s the one to smirk, and he’s the one to frown.
“Please,” he scoffs, “I wouldn’t look up to a pathetic orphan even if you’d be hanging out from the ceiling,” he mutters and gets back up on his feet, looking down to her. Regulus is not the tallest boy Y/N knows, but that position gives him a more decent posture.
“That orphan is better than you,” she whispers. “That’s why your momma always prays the ground I walk on, right?” she laughs and she can sense his body getting alarmed by her words. “My dad just wanted an heir, someone to get his name far – but Walburga wants more than that, right? Now that Sirius, your disappointment of a brother, left, she only has you, but she doesn’t seem to be fulfilled,” the air leaves her lungs when Regulus drops the cup of tea and gets on top of her. The liquid spills on the stone floor.
His hands grab her bare shoulders, his leg is between her hips and he presses her body into the couch. Her back is arched into the plush material of the sofa and her eyes widen at the proximity. His jaw is tightened and his breathing is deep while Regulus watches her face with a spark into his eyes. “Do not, ever again in your filthy, pathetic, good for nothing life, talk about my family,” he mumbles and his grip only gets tighter – his nails digs into the skin of her shoulders like he wants to rip it off.
Y/N shoves him away and quickly gets up from the couch. Regulus is on the floor, right into the tea puddle he made, and he seems to be caught with his guard off. “Do not, ever again in your pathetic, sad, good for nothing life, call me an orphan – I have a family, Black. The blood in my veins is just as pure as yours, and my name is just as important as yours.”
And she leaves him there, into the Common Room, to take a bath into his own mess. She needs to go back to sleep – tomorrow she has to go back home and get ready for a birthday party.
The whole night she tried to forget Regulus’ hands onto her skin – her shoulders felt like burning, like they got marked by his touch. She tried not to think about the anger in her soul the whole ride back to London, when she was forced to be in the same wagon with Regulus – apparently, they both wanted to travel into the Prefects’ cabin. At least, they both kept their mouths shut and didn’t even looked at each other.
She didn’t have to have a very warm welcoming back home – Rabastan waited for her at the station and kept his eyes on the road the whole time. He only asked about other Slytherin kids in her year and some older ones – he wanted to know if she was behaving well enough towards them. Once she got to enter the big mansion she called ‘home’, there was chaos – all the house elves were running left and right with platters, candles, flowers in their hands and all of them stopped to look at her and welcome her mechanically. She just got up to her room and closed the door behind her. When she dropped on her bed, there was silence – there was no longer Regulus Black, or Cyrus Lestrange or any other dumb man who made her angry.
Once she woke up, she started to get ready for the gathering she was forced to attempt. She got dressed in a dark grey dress, elegant enough not to make her father a fool and yet, simple enough not to make Bellatrix feel left out – it was her birthday, after all.
“There you are,” says her father as she gets out of her bedroom. “I thought you’re still asleep.”
“I was getting ready.”
Cyrus looks her up and down in a judgmental way – he points to her neck. “Make sure the chain is visible, nothing else.”
Y/N forces a smile and a hand travels to the gold flower at her neck. “Yes, father.” He gives her his elbow and the two of them go down, where the elves decorated the whole floor with black and purple roses and white candles. There’s a long table near a wall, right at the fireplace, where are plates with food and glasses of expensive champagne.
“Here,” Cyrus whispers and gives Y/N a red box, and before she could question his action Bellatrix is right in front of her, laughing happily.
“Y/N! I’m so glad to see you, how are you?”
Bellatrix Lestrange, nee Black, is a very… bipolar witch. Once, she’s loud, smiley, in a good mood, and then she acts like the Devil himself. Y/N could never figure out why her cousin, Rodolphus, wanted to marry her – there were plenty of purebloods who wished to be married to him, but all his attention was on Bellatrix ever since they were in school together, despite the fact that she didn’t show any kind of interest in him during those years. Now, Rodolphus would do anything Bellatrix asks without blinking twice.
“Happy birthday, Bellatrix,” Y/N smiles and hugs her in a soft manner. While giving her the small box, she can see her cousin behind his wife, watching them carefully.
“I told you there was no need for gifts,” Bellatrix says and gives Rodolphus the box to take care of it. “I assume you just got down here,” she continues and grabs her hand, getting her away from her father – he doesn’t seem concerned about that. Cyrus always said that Bellatrix was a good wife and that Y/N had a lot to learn from her. What he did not know is that Y/N really wanted to learn a lot from Bellatrix – she wanted to know more about the power a witch could hold.
“Yes,” she said and looked around her own house. It was full of wizards, all of them being purebloods and talking to each other with a clear superiority in their voice. “I hope I’m not late to the party.”
Bellatrix scoffs. “The true party begins only when he gets here,” she smirks and Y/N freezes, knowing who she’s talking about. Tom Riddle was certainly not her favorite person, no matter how much he convinced her father that she will be a good daughter for him.
“Wonderful,” she manages to say and walks beside Bellatrix to greet her guests. She smiles and greets Bellatrix’ parents and gets a deep breath when her aunt and uncle come to wish her a happy birthday.
“Y/N, how are you, dear?” Walburga asks and kisses her both cheeks. Bellatrix seems busy talking to her uncle about the upcoming meeting, while Regulus sits behind them and only listen. “How is school?”
“It’s good, wonderful, even,” she smiles and Walburga laughs happily. “I’m working on some essays for Potions and Transfiguration, maybe they’ll be published after I finish school.”
“Did you hear, Regulus? Y/N plans to publish some essays after graduation,” she scolds her son and now his attention is on them. He only smiles to his mother and she goes on with the talking. Neither of them seems to be truly focused on what she’s saying – they look at each other like they’d snap each other’s neck if they could.
“Regulus, why don’t you invite Y/N to dance?” Bellatrix pops between them and her aunt claps her hands satisfied with her proposal. “You know how much joy it brings me to see you two together, Reggie,” she continues and puts her arm around his shoulders. He looks at his cousin with doubt in his gaze – she made them dance together at her wedding, too, like they were some monkeys to entertain the adults.
With a silent scoff, he forced a smile in his cousin’s direction and looked shortly to his mother, who only seemed to tell him the same thing with her eyes. “Shall we dance together, Y/N?” he asks and gives her his pale hand.
No matter how much she’d like to hit it, getting it away from her, she grabs it lightly and smiles. “With pleasure,” she mutters and the adults all clap their hands and smile in their direction as they go to the center of the room, where other people are dancing slowly.
Bellatrix flicks her wand and the room is now filled with a more vibrant music – they smile to each other and Y/N’s skin is burning under her dress where Regulus’ hands touch her. He cups her hand into his and the other one rests on her back, bringing her closer to his body. She has a hand on his shoulder and they both move synchronically to the rhythm.
“You disgust me,” he whispers into her ear, sending shivers all over her spine.
A big smile appears on her rosy lips and she looks behind him, where her father is beside Orion and Cygnus Black – they all had firewhiskey glasses in hand and talked with serious expressions on their faces.
“The feeling is mutual, my dear Regulus,” she mumbles and steps on his foot, careful to put the heel right into his toe.
“Then, you could’ve save us both and deny Bellatrix’ stupid wish.”
“On her birthday?” she scoffs. “Yeah, right, you tell her no, I like to be alive.”
Regulus lets a small chuckle out and before she could look at him, he spins her away for a second. When her body is back into his arms, her vision is blurry. “You better keep your mouth shut during the meeting,” he says in a cold tone.
“Why, Reggie?” she mocks the tone Bellatrix used. “Scared the Dark Lord will see more potential in me than in you?” She’s joking. On Merlin’s beard, she’s only trying to piss him off.
“Tonight is my night and you better not do anything to steal it from me,” he spits the words into her ear. Her skin becomes ice cold and all her blood runs faster into her veins because of the way he presses his fingers into her back. “I warn you, Y/N, stay in your place,” he mumbles and when the music changes, he lets go of her and smiles, before going away.
After some hours, the chaos in her house begins to cool down – the guests start leaving until there are only the usual people. They all sit at the long table, talking about some things that happened in the Muggleworld and how unacceptable they were – for someone who said they despised the muggles, they sure talked a lot about them. The conversation dies when the chair at the end of the table is occupied by the tall, dark haired wizard. They all rise from their sits and greet him with joy.
“It’s good to see you too, my dear friends,” Tom Riddle, Lord Voldemort says and he shakes her father’s hand. Her lungs take the air in with great difficult, given the fact that there’s only a sit between the dark wizard and her. “I assume I need to apologize to Bellatrix,” he speaks and looks to his left, where the witch smiles from one ear to another. “I did not bring any gift with me, Bella,” he explains.
���You are my greatest gift, My Lord,” she says and from her left, Rodolphus and Rabastan just nod their heads. “Your presence gives us hope for a better future for us, the right titled wizards,” she continues and everyone agrees.
Bellatrix is one of the most loyal followers the Dark Lord has besides Cyrus Lestrange and the rest of his friends from when they were in Hogwarts. He saw the potential in her, just like he saw it in Y/N.
“Then tell me, which is the reason of this meeting?” Voldemort asks and looks at every face at the table.
It was not Y/N’s greatest pleasure to sit at that table from time to time – her father thought it was good for her future to assist those meetings, but they were incredibly boring. There were many parents of her housemates and from other kids from school, but not even a single person her age – that until Bellatrix brought Regulus to join her. Apparently, he was quite a fan of that man because of his cousin’s stories.
“We think it’s the time to welcome another wizard between us, as an official member, my Lord,” Lucius Malfoy speaks and his voice is just as annoying as ever.
“Oh, really?” Voldemort smiles. “And who might that be, Lucius?”
“My cousin, my Lord,” Bellatrix says and points to Regulus. “Regulus is one of the most dedicated wizards to your plans,” she continues and the air leaves Y/N’s lungs.
Looking over the table to Regulus, she could see Walburga smiling proudly while he just looks to Tom Riddle. “My Lord,” he says, “I swear I’ll serve you with every power I have.”
“Then come closer, young Regulus,” the dark wizard says and plays with his wand between his fingers. The boy gets up on his feet. From his right, Cyrus Lestrange clears his throat. “Yes, Cyrus?”
“My Lord,” he begins, “I was not aware that the Death Eaters were open to new members.”
“We always have free spots for the one who wish to serve our believes,” comes his explanation.
“In that case, I’m sure you’ll agree with me that Y/N is just as worthy of getting the mark as young Regulus is.”
Her heart stops beating. What did he just say?
“Right, Y/N?” his father touches her back, forcing her to look at him. His eyes are desperate. There is no way, in his opinion, that his only child will not be recognized as a worthy follower of Lord Voldemort.
All eyes are on her. She can feel them. However, she does not care about them – the only ones that matter are her father’s, and the one from across the table who looked down at her.
“Yes, My Lord,” she says that quietly that she barely hears her own voice. Her father pats her back and goes back to Voldemort. Y/N can’t gather the courage to look at Regulus.
“You said she was worthy from the first day you saw her, My Lord,” Cyrus says. “You said she will be a powerful witch, with a great future – how is she supposed to be powerful if not under your command?”
Voldemort smiles pleased. “You’re right, my old friend. Come, child, let me get a better look of you.” Her father looks at her and orders her to do as asked just with his eyes. Do not disappoint me, hesays with his burning gaze.
Mechanically, Y/N is on her feet and walks behind her father, in front of the sick looking wizard. His hands are cold, like he’s dead, when he touches her jaw. He looks at her like she’s some kind of animal that needs to be inspected.
“Are you willing to follow my orders, whenever you are needed, child?”
There’s a knot in her stomach. She wants to say no. She wants to leave that house and never come back. She’s scared.
“Yes,” is the only answer she can give in return.
“Very well,” Tom Riddle smirks satisfied and gestures to Regulus to come closer too. They are now next to each other. She can hear his breathing from her left and her knees are about to go numb. “Who wants to go first?”
Before she can say anything, Regulus already has his shirt lifted from his left arm and brings it closer to the man. Y/N can hear the soft scoff of his father.
“You need to swear to always serve me, boy,” Voldemort demands, the tip of his wand pressed into Regulus’ arm.
“I swear, My Lord. Whenever you’ll call for me, I’ll be there, ready to do everything I’m capable of for you,” Regulus speaks.
With a big grin on his face, Voldemort begins to press the wand deeper into the skin, until Regulus grabs his arm with his free hand. From under his skin is visible a dark smoke that lingers there, running like it’s chasing his blood. His nose is twitching from the possible pain, but besides that, his expression is blank. When the wand is lifted, the Dark Mark is on his white skin. There is silence, like the rest would wait for him to scream. His parents have a proud expression on their faces as Regulus watches the crowd with a blank, serious stare.
“Your turn, Y/N” Voldemort says after a few seconds and puts his hand out there to grab her arm. She lifts the sleeve of her dress and looks at her father – Cyrus Lestrange watches her with a demanding manner, like he’s forcing her to go closer to Voldemort. Which she does.
“I always knew you’d be a great witch, child,” he says with a proud tone in his voice. He wanted her to be his weapon. “Say you’ll serve me without question, Y/N. Let the others know that from today, you’ll become one of the most powerful followers of mine.”
“I do, My Lord,” is the only thing she says like she’s hypnotized – her body doesn’t listen to her commands, it acts on its own.
The wand is cold against her skin, but as soon as Voldemort presses it harder into her arm, a burning sensation hits her entire being – she needs to grab her arm in order not to get it away from the unspoken spell. The black smoke feels like venom and she wants to scream from the bottom of her soul. Instead, she just bites the flesh inside her mouth, the taste of blood blooming from her cheek. When the wand is lifted and the mark is done on her arm, too, there’s silence again – and when there’s no screaming, all the Death Eaters gets up and start to applause them, to congratulate them.
“That’s the best birthday ever!” Bellatrix laughs maniacal and jumps from a foot to another.
She still has her left arm in her right hand, looking at the black drawing on her skin. She’s too afraid to touch it, like it could burn her fingers. Two arms wrap around her in the noise and she’s hugged by her father. Cyrus Lestrange hugs his daughter, and a single tear rolls down on her cheek.
“Good job, Y/N,” he says in her ear. “Now you’ll show everyone what you’re made of.”
She gets slightly away from him and she can feel the vomit sensation grow in her stomach. While everyone clink glasses of champagne and laughs with joy, she excuses herself and leave the dining hall.
She could not see Regulus in the crowd. She needs to see him to be sure it was all real. And she finds him on the corridor near the bathroom, at a balcony with a view to her garden. His shoulders are moving up and down and his breathing is accelerated. If she didn’t know any better, she wouldn’t guess he was… crying. She stepped closer to him slowly and put her hand on his back.
“Regulus…” she said softly and tears started to form into her eyes, too. What have they done?
“You couldn’t contain yourself, right?” he screams and turns around to face her. “You got to be the center of the attention tonight, too,” his voice is full of hate, which she ignores when she sees his wet blood-shot eyes. Her hand tries to touch his shoulder, wishing to show him… empathy?
“Regulus…” she mumbles again and her voice is hurt. Maybe they are in this together; she just needs to explain everything.
“Don’t put your filthy hands on me!” he says and slaps her hand away.
Y/N doesn’t know what hurt more – the slap, the burning feeling in her arm or the fact that she thought that maybe, just maybe, Regulus was willing to show her kindness then, when it was clear that neither of them was feeling good with their actions.
She looks at his hand – the one he slapped hers with – and at his arm. His left arm.
“We are both filthy now,” she says with despair and turns around, leaving him alone.
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jillsc6rs · 10 months
I Guess ✯
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pairing 。⁠*゚⁠+ jill valentine x fem ! reader
warnings 。⁠*゚⁠+ angst , hurt no comfort , break up , pet names (baby, babe ect.) , ooc (?) , not proof read , poor grammar...maybe , messy writing , very short sorry
a/n 。⁠*゚⁠+ i was writing this while i was still upset over my breakuo but now om fine.now. sorry for no posts lolol...i might post a bday special soon bcus my bday was like days ago too LMAO...I rly dont like rhis as well its so messy and i have like.major writers block🥹🥹
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I guess, I guess, I guess this is the end / I’ll have to learn to be somebody else / It’s been you and me since before I was me / Without you, I don’t yet know quite how to live
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You considered her your soulmate and you thought she did as well. If only you knew she had been planning to leave you.
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Jill had came back from her recent mission in Alcatraz and you jump to greet her.
“Hi, baby, how was the mission?” you go in for a hug only for her to push her arm out, rejecting your hug.
“It was...fine. Like any other mission.” words are muttered as she pushes past you to put her bag down.
“Oh. Okay, well, it's nice to have you back home.” smiling, trying to cover to ache in your heart. She rarely ever rejected your hugs after missions, she even said she loves your embrace after. You follow behind her as she walks to the kitchen.
“So...do you want to d—”
“Can you just leave me alone right now.” you blink, trying to process her reaction. You nod, understanding the mission was probably a lot. You never know what happens with those but all you know is that there's probably a chance one day she won't come home.
You sit down at the kitchen table to finish your work while Jill rummages through the fridge.
For the rest of the day, Jill avoids you. She just stays in the living room watching some television.
It's night time now - you're worried about how Jill's acting.
“Babe, you gonna come to bed?” voice quiet, you place your hand on her shoulder. She shrugs it off and mutters a ‘no’
Nodding, you go to the bedroom and soon fall asleep.
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You're awaken to the sound of rustling and hurried steps. Reaching over to Jill — she's not there and her side is freezing. She hasn't came to lay down at all. You look at the time, it being 4:38 a.m.
What is she doing up this late?
Sitting up from your spot, you use your phone screen to shine around the room and you notice Jill is rummaging through her wardrobe.
“Babe? What're you doin’...” voice groggy from just waking up and you notice she stiffens for a moment.
“I'm sorry but—” a beat. Pure silence while the two of you stare at eachother.
“We're done.”
A pit in your stomach forms, an ache forming in your chest, at a lose for words. Everything hurts, you can only utter the word —
You get off the bed and walk towards her, you reach to rest your hand on her shoulder and she moves away.
“I'm sorry.”
She finishes packing her bags while you go back on the bed, the only thing filling the silence of the room was your choked out sobs.
Jill looks back at you and grabs her bags, uttering one last ‘goodbye’.
Now you're left alone in your bed that feels freezing, alone with your sobs and the memories you had of the great times the two of you had.
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a/n 2 。⁠*゚⁠+ im also in Another relationship. with the same person. i loce them si juch :3
79 notes · View notes
haezen · 11 months
a/n: OKAYY IM SLOWLY COMING BACK im defrosting my writing skills ... they're frozen
(not proofread mb)
belphegor x gn!mc
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2:56 A.M.
The perfect time for a late-night snack. 
You make your way to the kitchen and try to be as quiet as possible, so as to not disturb any of the demon brothers ‘peacefully’ sleeping in their rooms. Though it’s useless because you can hear Levi screaming at his teammates behind a closed door. That was normal for the third-born. If you listen carefully, you can also hear a faint tune playing all the way from behind Lucifer’s door up in his study.
You tip-toe to the kitchen and peek around the corner to ensure Beel isn’t already inside rummaging around for scraps. Aaand he’s nowhere to be seen. Perfect. 
During your time down in the Devildom with the demon brothers, you have noticed that there's rarely a day that passes where there are snacks for you to enjoy at night. Luckily, tonight seems to be an exception because a singular cookie is sitting smack dab in the middle of the kitchen island. Your favorite flavor.
You creep towards it to inspect it. How could this be?
There’s not a single letter, mark, or name written on the wrapper. There’s also no ignoring the convenient absence of any note that would indicate not to eat it.  Surely with Beel’s senses, he would have been able to sniff this cookie out in his sleep. It’s a miracle that the cookie has lasted this long.
The growling of your stomach pulls you out of your thoughts. Nobody would miss this cookie if it was gone, right? There’s no time to debate or allow your conscience to take over because before you know it, you’ve already taken a ginormous bite out of the cookie. And it tastes absolutely divine. It tastes so heavenly that you can’t help but close your eyes to savor the flavors that overwhelm your taste buds. Have you ever had a cookie that tasted so good?
The bliss you’re experiencing from a singular bite out of this godly cookie comes to an abrupt end. 
Oh, god. Please don’t be a ghost. You think as you peek around the kitchen door. Nobody’s there. You assure yourself. Everybody is busy or asleep. This house is just really old so of course it’s going to be creaky.
You take another bite and it’s just as good as the first. So maybe a moan escaped from your mouth? It tastes so good that you don’t care if any of the brothers heard you. 
A glass of milk would go perfectly with this cookie. Even though it tastes amazing on its own, it’s kinda making your mouth go dry. You fling open the fridge door to grab the carton of milk – nearly empty. 
With no one around to chastise you, you unscrew the cap and take a swig right from the container. As you begin to slowly shut the fridge and screw the cap back on, a dark figure is directly behind the previously open fridge door. 
You want to scream but with your mouth full, you end up spitting milk straight into their face. 
“What the fuck!” He yells with his hands outstretched in shock as he looks down at the floor.
“Belphie?” You whisper in disbelief, trying to calm your rapidly pounding heart. You want to feel bad for the demon because he's now soaking wet. But…you don’t because he scared the shit out of you while you were peacefully minding your business. He deserved it.
Ever since you told the demon brothers about Halloween and all of its traditions that you participated in up in the human world, the brothers have been tirelessly working to make it possible for you to celebrate the holiday in the Devildom too. Belphegor must have thought that scaring the shit out of you was perfectly in season. The thought of him planning the scare makes you wanna slap him. (Not that it’d hurt him, but just to get your point across that you didn’t exactly appreciate the gesture)
As your attack left him, his face, and his hair soaking wet, he’s forced to brush his bangs back out of his face to see properly. He tries to adjust to your unexpected reaction to his prank, but he could have never expected to be standing right in the splash-zone. 
“Why would you DO that!” You whisper-yell and lightly push him backwards. 
“I wasn’t expecting you to spit all over me!” Belphie groans in his defense, regaining his balance from your shove. “I was just trying to give you a good little scare.”
You slam the fridge door shut and shake the milk carton in front of his face. “You want the rest? Because I sure am tempted to dump the rest over you, you jerk!”
“Are you trying to get on my bad side?” 
“Are YOU trying to get on mine?!”
“Ah, right.” He laughs and snags a hand towel from the counter to dab his face dry. “Well…I don’t suppose you want to help me?”
“Surely you’re joking?” You set the carton down by your half-eaten cookie on the counter. “You want help, Belphie? I can help you plenty!”
The look on his face sours at your sarcastic tone. He’s about to roll his eyes but the sensation of your warm hands coming into contact with the wet clothes on his skin forces him into giving you his full attention. 
You grab a fistful of his shirt and pull him closer, sticking out your tongue to lick his cheek. Belphie recoils in disgust but you don’t miss the slight tinge of pink dusting over his pale cheeks. 
“You’re fucking disgusting!” He complains as he throws his head back. As he’s lifting his hands up to try and push you away, you lean in even closer to continue your assault. “Hey!”
“You asked for it!” 
Giggles and loud protests from the both of you fill the kitchen. Neither of you want to let the other win. As the fight continues on, the louder his squeals and your laughter become.
You sneak in a particularly wet lick on his jaw and as he cringes away, his foot slips out from beneath him. In the blink of an eye, you've fallen on top of the seventh-born. The fiery look behind his violet eyes and the slowly growing smirk on his face (as he plots revenge) makes you want to kiss him.
“Oh, you’re so in for it now [Name].” 
“I would say that the BOTH of you are in for it now.”
At the sound of Lucifer’s voice, you scramble off of Belphie immediately. Heat floods your body and when you meet Belphegor’s eyes, they are just as wide as your own. The apologetic smile he offers you in the midst of being caught immediately steels your nerves.
“If this kitchen is not cleaner than before you entered it in approximately ten minutes, both of you will deeply regret having left the comfort of your rooms tonight.”
"Yes sirrrr..."
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lemonlyman-dotcom · 7 months
Writing Patterns
Tagged by @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad @vineofroses @sznofthesticks & @apothecarose thank you! 💕
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 posted fics and see if there’s a pattern!
I say a prayer with every heartbeat
3:18 a.m.
Green eyes, keeping him awake
Como Te Quiero Yo (how I love you)
In hindsight the beach oysters were probably a bad idea.
The Greatest Gift I’ve Found, The Sweetest Thing I’ve Known
He’s not sure what wakes him, the rich smell of coffee - brewed strong with piloncillo and cinnamon like Carlos’s abuelito taught him - or the warm feel of lips on his neck.
Why Do You Think I Ran
Two nights later, after the call from Owen. After they’ve celebrated. And after they’ve celebrated. TK is curled into Carlos’s side, Carlos is running his hand up TK’s bare torso when he hears a soft, “I’m sorry.”
All Your Colors Make Me Feel Alive
“Umm,” Carlos says with a side eye towards TK, who’s just cranked the volume from the passenger seat, and is bouncing along to the beat of the abomination coming out of the car’s nine high-performance surround-sound speakers; the ones he splurged on in lieu of the more practical LoJack GPS service. “What are we listening to?”
TK Strand’s Sweet 16 (times 2) (minus 2)
This is how he’ll remember TK Strand. Forever. Years from now, when he’s in his 80s, sitting on a porch swing reminiscing on his prime. He’ll think about his gorgeous husband. In this moment. On this night.
I'm Not A Fortress, But I Will Try To Protect You
“Damn, Marj, you’ve got ESPN or something,” TK says in lieu of a greeting as he picks up the incoming call.
That's The Way We Get By
Carlos lets out a low whistle as he rolls the loft’s front door open.
getting past the wounds of love
“So,” Marjan says as she sidles up next to TK at the crate of records he’s digging through, “What’s the deal with dreamy Officer Reyes?”
Call Me If You Get Lost
“Mmm, hey baby,” TK mumbles through a yawn as he snakes his arms around Carlos from behind. He woke up a few minutes ago, alone in bed, to the sweet sounds and smells of breakfast cooking, and Carlos softly singing along with the bluetooth speaker in the kitchen windowsill. When he rolled open the bedroom door he was blessed with the visual of Carlos at the stove, rolling his hips with the melodic guitars of a Bomba Estéreo song.
Okay, so I think my pattern is that I like to pull people right into the action!
I’m not sure who all has gone, but I will tag @ladytessa74 @chicgeekgirl89 @carlos-in-glasses @fallout-mars @honeybee-taskforce @thebumblecee @liminalmemories21 @never-blooms @bonheur-cafe @basilsunrise @your-catfish-friend @sugdenlovesdingle
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