#i have daddy issues soooo
lunchtimebedamned1997 · 4 months
Hazbin S2 thoughts?
Okay, hear me out:
I love Poly!Vees, but if it ends up being just Vox/Val being fuckbuddies with Vel not in the romantic or sexual mix - particularly if Velvette is more of a daughter to Vox and Val... then that could set up a super interesting dynamic in S2 with the other half of the cast???
So in 1x05 we get Al (presumably just postulating) about how he sees Charlie like a daughter (heh, yeah right. Al? After like, four or five months? No way. With Nifty? Sure, I can almost buy it. Charlie? No.)
So, like, imagine this:
Charlie steps between the two overlords, hair mussed from the warring static, scleras dipping red as they fix on Vox.
"Stop." Her arms are out, Vox almost laughs when he realizes she's shielding Alastor. "I won't let you hurt him."
Alastor's expression is somewhere between smug and affronted. Vox can understand, having someone as powerful as the princess devoted to your safety is quite the bragging point, but to have anyone think that Alastor would need help, against him, no less. No, no. That stroked Vox's ego. He did laugh now.
"Alright, princess, I'll bite. How'd he win you over?"
"Alastor. How'd he convince you, you matter to him? I can tell you how he convinced me, if you'd like."
"Charlie - I would strongly advise not engaging with this one. Once you get him started, its quite hard to shut him up again. Not to mention, most of what comes out of his speakers is meaningless drivel."
Vox scoffed.
"What are you, her fucking dad?" He watches the princess puff up her chest, eyes sparking with something that could really only be noted as passion.
"Yes." She looked back over her shoulder at Al, and Vox caught the softness in her growing smile as her head turned away from him. "He's as good as." When Vox processed the genuine tone in her voice, he started uproariously, uncontrollably laughing, she returned her gaze sharply to him. "You don't know him like I do. Like we all do! He's helped us, maybe not out of the goodness of his heart at first, but time means something, and we've built a bond! He's shown up for me in ways people who should have, haven't."
"Oh my god you're serious!" A few more laughs escaped him before the righteousness and earnestness of her expression processed in his system. Oh my god. She's serious. He felt his expression sober, and he dropped his aggressive stance, keeping a few of the cameras trained on Alastor so he could keep his screen directed at the girl, and he watched her tense at the serious drop to his expression. "Look, I don't know what you think he's done for you, but I learned the hard way how little he cares. I'll admit, your little theory has more of a shot than the things I used to think were between us, but I wouldn't count your chickens, Charlie." Her mouth pulled into a flatter line as her name left his speakers. "I know what it means to care for someone like a daughter. And I don't think he has that in him."
"You -" When Charlie's words faultered, Vox cut in.
"Alastor can manage - what did you call it Al?" He spared a glance over Charlie's shoulder. "'Passing affections?'" He choked down the sneer he wanted to give Alastor and returned his gaze to Charlie. "I think he's too selfish to love anything but himself. I think he can enjoy people for what they give him, but don't be sweet-talked into thinking he has enough room in his heart to be anything like a fath-" A black tentacle shot up from the pavement, hitting the base of Vox's screen and throwing him up into the air and back a few feet before he crashed back down onto the ground.
Alastor stepped up beside the princess, putting a hand on her shoulder and bending down slightly, his tone light, like he was sharing a bit of innocent gossip.
"What did I tell you, my dear? This one doesn't quite know how to summarize a thought." He looked over a Vox, who was pulling himself back up into a standing position, his screen still glitching mildly from the force of the impact, he could feel wetness dripping down from the corner of his mouth. "Shall I summarize for you then, old friend?" He moved out and around Charlie, removing some of the newfound space between himself and Vox. "Something, something, I'm a terrible monster who cannot be trusted, i hurt your feelings, nobody should risk being near me, and you... 'hate' me?" He leaned forward slightly, smiling as he tilted his head to the side - that stupid fucking smile widening even further as he send another tentacle barreling into Vox's stomach like a punch, Charlie squeaked somewhere in the background like she wasn't expecting them to come to blows again already. Vox was just pleased he was only winded rather than thrown this time though. "Did I about cover it?"
Vox breathed raggedly, trying to get his lungs to work right. "You're a fucking prick."
"Get a new fucking line."
Alastor narrowed his eyes slightly. "I am curious about this 'daughter figure' of yours? That spunky little overlord nobody worth their salt can stand? The one with the fabric name? Velvette, was it?"
Sparks flicked from Vox's claws. "Don't."
"You expose a weakness and expect me not to strike? And here you are trying to convince Charlie how well you know me!"
"Velvette can handle herself."
"Against me? I hardly think so. So few can."
"Adam did alright." Vox watched the small twitch of displeasure Alastor gave at the bruise to his ego with a little bit of pleasure.
"You can't seriously think their levels are comparable. What exactly might she do? Wrap me in silks? Oh the horror. I have felled overlords so old only Zestial rivals them. And her? Has she even reached fourty? Thirty?" Alastor shook his head disappointedly. "No, I'm sure she'd be quite the waste of energy. Then again, I do so love to see you suffer."
Vox surged forward and blasted enough volts to level a city block straight into Alastor's neck, watching him fly back to land behind the Princess' startled form.
"That, is mutual." Vox rolled his shoulders, getting ready for more... for maybe dying. You always had to be with Alastor. Part of him didn't want to believe they'd ever devolve quite that far, but the part of him that scrabbled around in his self preservation like a panicked animal had to face that eventually one of them was going to...
It was statistics, honestly. Even in eternity, nobody seemed to last forever.
Like???? Come ON. That doesn't even touch the Valentino side of things. Make the terrible people complicated! Give them weaknesses and things to like about them that makes hating them feel worse for us!
Idk something about the idea of Vox, the fucked up guy from the age of the 'nuclear' family having the most warped but genuine dynamic with Velvette and Val? It tickles me!
Like I can see Charlie trying to convince Al there's something worth redeeming in Vox if she actually stumbles across seeing him being a doting father to Vel, especially if it was before any interactions like the little senario I wrote above. You just know our little baby bleeding-heart with her big doe eyes and daddy issues would just feel for him. Wouldn't want him to lose even though she wants her side to win.
'how can i destroy what might be the only good family relationship I've seen in almost 200 years. If someone took that away from me -'
You just know that Vox would be the most indulgent little guy ever when he loves someone.
Now, do I think Charlie actually bought Al saying all those things to her in 1x05? Not entirely. Not given how she spoke to him in 1x07 before they made their deal. I think Charlie is a lot less naive then people assume her to be, but I also think she'd want to believe it. Maybe with a bit less desperation then before she made up with Luci somewhat. Regardless, it's clear she has a big soft spot for Al, and considers him to be like family much the same as the others from the S1 hotel crew.
Idk, I just think there's a lot of potential there! Do I think it will go that route? Heh - no. Probably not. But It's fun to think about :3
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mispelled · 6 months
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Sorry for immediately angsting him up but hermie 2.0 must have even more identity issues than original hermie
Lyrics from Sweet Tooth by cavetown
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stevie-petey · 8 months
hi honey <3 what was going on in steve’s head while bug was driving him home from the halloween party? :) mwah!
finally have some time to respond to this blurb because a LOT was going through that silly boys brain </3
enjoy !
"i'll drive steve home." if steve had had anything to drink, those words wouldve sobered him up immediately.
however, hes stone cold sober as you stand before him, demanding him to argue with you.
he tries. he really does, but you have that glint in your eyes that steve had quickly learned meant youd get your way, no matter what.
for such a sweet and selfless person, you could be frustratingly stubborn sometimes.
steve is about tell you to just leave him alone, this is most eye contact hes made with you since july, but then you grab his hand and it all comes crashing back to steve.
your hand still fits perfectly within his, and for a second steve swears the pads of his fingers tremor when they graze against your palm, as if theyve exhaled with relief upon your touch.
when youve dragged steve outside, the tremors in his fingertips has become so uncomfortable that he has to drop your hand. hes afraid that if he doesnt, his knees will give out. after the shitty night hes had, he cant afford to spare any more of his pride.
steve sees the disappointment on your face when he drops your hand, and he feels the familiar pang in his chest. hes disappointed you again, upset you, but he figures its time hes evened the score anyways.
you hurt him first.
"not to make this awkward, but i kinda dont know where you live." you voice from the drivers seat. your tone is light, steve can hear how much youre trying to tell him without explicitly saying so.
hes tired of everyone treating him like a fucking idiot.
"make a left up here." he responds, staring out the window. he refuses to let you see him cry. nancys words are still ringing in his ears while your perfume clouds his mind.
its all so fucking confusing.
"do you want to talk about what happened tonight-"
steve once admired your selflessness, how open you are with what you feel and how deeply you feel it. then, you closed yourself off from him. shrouded your kindness from him and masked every feeling on your pretty little face without so much of an explanation. now, after finally being confronted with one another, you want to talk about fucking feelings?
yeah, sure. steve can do that.
"why do you only ever care about me when im some kicked fucking puppy?"
steve sees you flinch from the corner of his eye and the anger hes felt ever since july vanishes. "you know thats not true."
"its not?" steve remembers the look on your face that night the two of you saw jonathan in nancys bed. itd been the first time youd shown genuine sympathy towards steve, the first time hes ever truly had your attention.
then he remembers the alley, how youd begged him to not hurt jonathan and hed let his childish anger get the better of him anyways. steve remembers grabbing you and pulling you away from the others so that you wouldnt get hurt by the cops. he had just wanted to help you, and when he told you this he knew you saw the helplessness in his eyes. your lips had trembled as you looked at steve, you had cared about him, then.
you had almost stayed that day in the alley.
but then you left steve to go run after jonathan.
and this summer, steve doesnt know what happened between you and him, but you left again.
"then explain what happened this summer." steve knows himself. he knows that if you can give him any reason, anything, then hed welcome you back into his life with warm and worn arms.
your fingers tighten around the steering wheel. your eyes scan the empty road ahead and steve already knows what youll say. "i..."
nothing. you cant tell him a single fucking thing. delirious and heartbroken, steve laughs. "yeah, whatever. some real fucking friend you were."
and thats what hurts steve the most. you were his friend, you told him this yourself. minutes before you pulled away from him, youd been telling steve how much of a good friend he was.
you knew. he had told you how much hes struggled with connecting with others. you knew, and you still left.
nancy has provoked a different kind of hurt. she doesnt know steves deepest insecurities, or how hard he tries to be good enough for her. sure, steve felt a purpose being loved by her, but she couldnt have known this.
you were different.
and steve just wants to go home.
the silence settles, heavy. you take a shaky breath and steve has to pinch the skin on his arm so he doesnt reach out to hold you. "i got scared."
he cant help it. steve turns to you, your confession surprising him. "scared?"
"yeah, scared."
and just as quickly as youve opened back up to steve, you retreat.
anger rises again. "gee, y/n. that really explains a ton."
"im sorry, steve. i really am. its just... i got scared, ive never been good at letting people in. i know it doesnt excuse my actions, and you didnt deserve any of it, but you just... you scared me."
steve understands what its like to be scared of those around you, of giving someone the power to be vulnerable around them, but after everything thats happened with nancy tonight, he finds that he doesnt care anymore what vulnerability gets him. "turn right after this light."
something changes, then. steve notices your posture straighten, your jaw clenches and your knuckles are white against the steering wheel. theres a newfound spark now, a fight within you. "look, you came crashing into my life in such a violent way, and it became the best goddamn thing that happened to me."
steves heart is pounding against his chest.
your voice shakes still. he knows, he can feel it, just how hard this is for you. "there you were, spending every day at my job just to talk to me. you asked me questions about myself and noticed things no one else had before and i just... i couldnt do it."
a pause, you look over at steve and you soften your voice, lacing it with everything hes wanted from you since july. "i missed you."
i missed you.
steve whispered those words to nancy in the hallway only yesterday, but he knows he really meant them for you.
no ones ever missed him before.
"missed?" when steve was young, he remembers asking his dad if he missed him. missed implied caring for someone at some point, but long after theyve already left. to have missed someone means to have long settled the ache that followed the hurt of leaving.
"miss. i miss you,"
something opens within steves chest. he can feel it, this expanding that slowly overtakes his body. it crawls over him, clouds his brain the same way your perfume does, and steve has to close his eyes as it settles.
he feels like a little kid again, accepting whatever his father gives him.
steve is tired.
but he sees you wipe at your eyes. your hands shake, despite your best attempts of steadying them as you drive, and steve knows he could never, ever remain angry with you.
he recognizes, suddenly, how similar the two of you are. two lonely kids trying to walk everyone home.
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crocodilenjoyer · 3 months
ace had to die for narrative reasons i know but the more i think about it there was no Way he was making it past twenty-five. cursed with Stupid Idiot disease
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binch-i-might-be · 5 months
I'm at the episode where they're baiting us with a potential Dean Offspring and like eight whole years later I'm STILL salty that they didn't make it canon. why did they even bring it up.... you can't do me like this
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wickedhawtwexler · 1 year
pushing daisies deserved 5+ seasons
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pyreshe · 1 year
also I am thinking a lot about writing p.eter q.uill from marble bc I could liberate him of the mcu and crisp rat and play him as the cosmic horror telenovela hero he deserves to be,,
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roobylavender · 2 years
(i apologize in advance this is probs gonna be long) okay i’m still making my way through dc canon so i apologize if any of this is nonsensical or ooc, but i can’t stop thinking about the alternate introduction idea u have for damian where he’s given up for adoption, and then his adoptive parents are killed and he’s with the loa for whatever time. idk i just think, if by some rule dick & damian had to develop a close bond as characters, it would have been interesting to see how that could be interwoven with au!damian’s story while still being cognizant of Talia & Bruce and the fact that neither would be as intentionally callous and shitty as they are in modern canon. I think it would’ve been neat to sort of set it up so Talia & Bruce are off together investigating the murder of Damian’s parents after a discussion turned argument where they (including Damian) tried to figure out what their son’s role in the investigation should be if any. Talia believes he should be involved if he wants to, that he has a right to justice for his family, it’s not like he has no training, and it gives him a way to work through his emotions on the matter, isn’t that what Bruce is doing? Bruce sees this side (obv, the robins exist) but having learned from his experience with Jason, and knowing there’s a lot of details of Damian’s time with the league after the death of his adoptive parents that he is not yet privy to, he is unsure if it is best to throw Damian into a battlefield after he was just freed from one. Ethical conflict between divorcees, who knows maybe they get intimate about it! Meanwhile, lets say Dick would have been called by Bruce, wanting to leave Damian in the care of someone who a) has the capacity to keep him in check if need be (as in a situation where Damian would be a danger to himself etc), b) can sympathize at least to an extent with Damian’s trauma, and c) someone who could be a positive influence on Damian through that relatability (& prob also dick being a bit closer to damian’s age than bruce is). And like, I think in this hypothetical Damian would really appreciate Dick because not only is Dick someone who has insight into his parent’s relationship to each other and why they may have given him up, but I also think he’d be really upfront in answering Damian’s questions and paint a pretty fair picture of who Talia & Bruce are as people. there could be that sort of sense of okay this is who damian feels at least somewhat comfortable to latch on to without any bs. I also think it would be sort of interesting to use Dick being put in the position of a temporary caregiver of someone who has a million questions about the man who raised him as a way to explore his current feelings about bruce and how their dynamic has shifted through the years, particularly irt to how he feels about being asked for this out of what may be the blue, and whether he’s glad to have been asked by bruce or not. internal man vs self vs father type stuff yk (& maybe whether he wants to take on that sort of responsibility in his own life, who knows) . i think it would help subvert the “golden bio kid” stuff to have bruce’s experiences with some of the other bats explicitly influence his decision making irt trying to parent damian, and though i didn’t give talia’s reasoning as well as i could have i think it would be interesting to explore how deeply her personal philosophy would influence her itr. and also i like the running theme of exploration of familial structures through both damian’s adoptive and bio parents. sorry for how insanely long this ask is, i just had to share that ur idea has made me a wee bit insane. hope you have a good day/night.
(the au posts being referred to) anon how have you managed in one condensed ask to chart a better path for damian and talia and bruce and dick as an interconnected collective than morrison or tomasi or whoever else could even hope to imagine. where is your publication deal with dc. when are you storming their offices and making the pitch and winning the hundred issue run guarantee with the best pencillers and inkers at your disposal like i am so serious right now this is insane i'm obsessed i can't get enough of it
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blushouyo · 1 year
a female durges relationship with bhaal makes me so crazy like... youre daddys special princess. his little girl. his daughter...
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forestbuilt · 1 year
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NARUTO, Vol. 65, Chapter #622 / VENIENNES, DOOMED FROM THE BEGINNING / MITSKI, Jobless Monday / LI YOUNG LEE, A Hymn to Childhood / KEY BALLAH, On Fathers / THE FRONT BOTTOMS, Father / HIMIZU (2011) / CHARLES DICKENS, Great Expectations / UMBERTO ECO, Foucault's Pendulum
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lateral-org · 2 years
Writing Supernatural: The Musical in my head and imagining Sam and Dean on opposite sides of the stage harmonizing The Lord's Prayer, both praying to an absent father the other one doesn't believe in
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heavyedit · 2 months
got a part time job offer 👍
works with my existing work schedule well (pretty much only have to work sundays) 👍
it’s the football stadium where i’d have to work football games 😐
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cloudyvulpine · 7 months
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character sketch turned into a full on headshot
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f1zzlest1ckzz · 8 months
the amount joe goldberg looks like my dad PISSES ME OFF
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uravitypng · 5 months
Koutaro's kinks, let's talk about it 🤓 even better with our chubby reader🤩☝🏼
eeek !! i'm soooo excited to talk about him !!♡
praise- koutaro LOVES praise!! giving and receiving. he likes being told about how good he's making you feel and how much you love him. he likes praising you, if you have self esteem issues or you don't bokuto is going to do everything in his power to constantly remind you how wonderful and pretty you are. "so gorgeous baby, my pretty girl. just perfect, i love you."
size kink- his size kink kicks in whenever he's around you because you're just so soft and squishy (smaller than him in height too, because he's superrr tall) and he loves having you under him, his large form caging you in between his arms. "you look so good under me, i could just eat you right up." he's so much bigger than you and can pick you up like you weigh nothing, pressing your pudgy body against his harder firm body makes his head go fuzzy. he will manhandle you without even realising it, he just wants your soft small body where he wants you to be and will move you to make sure you are there.
breeding- boy oh boy does he have a breeding kink. the idea of filling you up for hours sounds like heaven. "come on babe, you can get that later. i'm sure you're sore. if you really want your charger i can get it for you," he thinks you don't know whats happening. you do. he doesn't want to have any of his cum drip out of you. it would be a waste, the only place his cum should be is in you with no chance of any spilling out.
daddy kink- he obviously knew about daddy kinks but he never thought he had one. the idea didn't seem super appealing to him and he never thought to ask anyone to call him it in bed butttt when you accidentally slip out a breathy moan of 'daddy' when he slides into you his pace becomes unsteady because holy hell did that sound good coming out of your mouth. his previously stated breeding kink is doubled. bokuto's super into it and it never fails to get a blush out of him.
the more common it's become with you both the more confident he will get in indulging himself with calling you 'mama/mummy' while folding you in half and plowing into you, making sure by the end of the night you end up with at least three loads of his cum in you. "that feel good? want daddy to make you a mummy?" "want daddy to fill you up?"
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rafesfavbimbo · 1 month
You Belong To Me.
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Pairing: Rafe Cameron x GlamourModel!Reader
Read the first part of this AU here.
Moodboard for this chapter here.
A/N: So excited about this AU! Banner is for aesthetics purposes only! GlamourModel!Reader can be imagined as anyone :)
TW: SMUT! Dark!Rafe! Choking, Dom/Sub Dynamics, Possessiveness, Dub-Con
Rafe has imagined this moment so many times in his head. How many positions he would bend her into, feeling her smooth skin against his, pressing his thinner lips to her plump pout that is always enticing and suggestive. Gliding up and down the silky lips of her pretty pussy and then pressing the tip of his cock into the tight little cavern, till he’s pressed all the way in.
But now he’s finally experiencing it for real. In person. He feels like he’s floating, watching her wither around on his ruffled bed sheets with the skirt of her dress flipped up, lacy thong pulled to the side as he runs his fingers over her soaked snatch. Standing over her on the edge of the bed like a predator about to devour it’s prey.
“Rafe-I-please do something baby,” she moans erotically, perfect legs spread wide. One hand on top of and interlocked onto the hand he has groping at her perfectly designed chest while the other holds onto his wrist that is connected to the hand gliding over her soaked pussy. Guiding him to where she needs him most while he teases her.
Rafe smirks down at her, bringing the hand he had groping her tit to pinch her cheeks together, luscious lips puckering even more enticingly then they already were. Her eyes glazed over with tears of lust and frustration, thick lashes wet with tears and the sexy smokey eye she was wearing to dinner now dripping down the side of her face.
Fuck-she looks like the perfect wet dream. Docile, spread open for him and begging for any little touch he’s willing to give her. His already loaded ego bursting through the roof, Rafe always gets what he wants.
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After stalking her and meeting at the country club, Rafe made sure his little model was at his side at all times. Showing her the rest of the island tucked into his side, pulling her in closer and displaying his possessive claim when people recognized her and came up to her. Various request of photos, autographs- even signing the magazines and posters of her completely bare. She is a centerfold, after all. The ultimate Playmate.
It’s not surprising Rafe laid his claim so quickly, he’d be stupid not too. If there’s one thing Rafe was known for- is having the best. He’s got the best home on the island, his family is at the top of the Kildare hierarchy. He’s got the best of the best and now he’s got the best girl on the island. His friends are jealous, his sister is jealous (only bc she met you first-you’re HER friend!) and even his own dad praised him for locking you down, much to Rose’s dismay. He loved that-well his daddy issues sure did.
After showing her off and around the island, Rafe took his little model out on a date in Charleston. He bought her the dress he wanted to see her in, the lingerie he wants to rip off of her. And even brand new designer heels that show off the brand new pedicure he paid for. Although by now he’s sure it’s obvious she’s his, it’s time for him to complete it and claim her in the most primal way possible.
“What’s that, princess? You want more?” he drawls smoothly, still gripping her cheeks in a pathetic pout as she nods her head quickly. Eyes looking at him pleadingly, her smokey makeup even more ruined and rimming her eyes with smudged black while tears drag the makeup down her cheeks, making her look every bit like the erotic dream she is. “Use your words, don’t play stupid.” he mocks.
“Pleas-please! Rafey stop teasin’ me,” she whines, thighs spreading wider and her grip on his wrist tightening as she presses his hand harder into her aching cunt. “Need it soooo bad daddy…” she drawls seductively, “been wanting you since I first saw you.” She admits in a light, airy voice. Rafe groans deeply at that, his dick jumping as he lowers himself a tad and drags her up to him by the grip on her cheeks. Smacking his lips against her harshly, then shoving his tongue into her mouth. Dominating her completely. The idea that his princess wanted him just as bad as he wanted her. Making his already heavy head, bigger.
She squeaks which turns into a long whine as she pushes herself more into his grasp. Following his lips when he pulls back with a condescending smirk etched onto his handsome face. Eyes catching his as his glaze over with something dark, possessive. “I’m never letting you go, got that?” He whispers harshly, grip on her face tightening painfully, and she loves it. Nodding quickly and trying to push her mouth back against his, only to whine louder when he keeps her in place. The smirk falling off his face and his expression turning into something almost sinister.
“Nuh-uh… I don’t think you get it my little star.” Rafe removes his hand from her pussy, his grip on her cheek moving to her throat and squeezing harshly as he pushes himself onto the bed on his knees, straddling her and bringing their faces close together. The hand once on her pussy gripping onto her messy, tousled hair. Snapping her head back harshly. A threatening snarl curling on his lip. “I’m gonna keep you here. With me. All the time.” His grip tightening even harder as he menacingly speaks to her. Her breath catching in her throat, both hands coming to grip the wrist attached to the hand wrapped around her neck. Not making the effort to remove him. Tears streaking even more black down her face as she listens intently to each word that slips past his spit-slicked lips that she wants to suck and nibble on. So badly.
“You belong to me. Only me. You’re lucky if I even let you keep that little job you love so much.” His eyes crazed, voice harsh listening to her whine in protest, “Aht-listen,” he shuts her up. “I’ll let you keep your little job, but I’m gonna make sure you know your place. By my side, under me. Wherever and however I want you. Don’t even have to say it but you already know you’re my girl. And one day, when we ditch this place m’gonna make you my fucking wife and lock you down with a heavy ring on that pretty finger. Got it?” His eyes cut deep into hers, it feels like he’s staring into her soul. Dominating it completely as well as her heart and mind. She should be scared, revolted. Beg him to let her go and get far, far away from him. But she doesn’t, because she doesn’t want to. They barely know each other, only having met just a few days ago. But it already feels like so long to her, and deep in her chest she knows she wants no one but him. Ignoring the screaming in the back of head that’s logically telling her to get away from him.
Her heart pounds in her chest as they hold eye contact, his darkening by the second when she doesn’t respond immediately. “Don’t make me repeat myself. You’re not gonna like what happens.” He threatens to which she moans lightly. She brings a dainty hand up to his reddened face, his cheek warm and damp under her palm. Nodding as much as she can with the grip he has on her throat, “Yes,” she chokes out.
Rafe loosens his grip just a bit, allowing her space to breathe. “What was that?” he presses on, inquiring her to continue. She looks at him with stars in her eyes, “I’m all yours Rafey… wanna be with you. All the time. I belong to you.” She whispers with utmost sincerity, her eyes displaying the genuineness behind her statement. The glazed over look in them only telling Rafe everything he wanted to know. His chest tightening with pride at the fact that he knows he’s got her. Right under his thumb how he wanted her. And he’s not letting go.
“Mhmmm,” he drawls deep in the back of his throat with that cocky smirk back on his face. Using the grip he has on her neck to push her back harshly into the bed. She bounces against it, gasping air deeply into her chest and blinking away the haze in her eyes from the lack of oxygen. Rafe stands on his feet quickly. Making quick work of unbuckling his belt and tossing it the side as he unzips his pants, his thumb tucking into the band of his boxers and pushing them down along with his pants. His hard, achingly hard cock smacking against his toned-tanned tummy. The pretty pink tip already leaking copious amounts of pre-cum. She watches with wide eyes, legs spreading wider at the excitement of finally getting what she wanted since she first met him. Mouth watering at the sight of his pretty cock.
Rafe grips her by back of her upper thighs, yanking her harshly to the edge of the bed till her ass is hanging over it. Lifting her hips up and lifting his leg with bent knee on the bed to hold her thigh over his while he pushes her other leg back by the behind of her knee. He grips himself in his free hand, slapping the leaky tip of his dick on her swollen clit harshly. Watching as his pre-cum leaves strings of wetness when the tip pulls back up. He lowers himself to her leaky little hole and slightly nudges the tip in. Listening to her whine louder. Rafe looks at her with darkness in his eyes, using the hand once holding his cock to now grip the thigh laying over his leg.
“Raf-“ with no warning he pushes in harshly, till his hips snap firmly against hers. Trimmed bush pressing harshly into her clit, as his hands grip harder into her thighs. Her words catching in her throat as she moans loudly with a gasp. Hands immediately scrambling to grip on something. Anything. One hand twisting into the sheets as the other presses into his lower stomach.
French-tipped nails tapping against him as she squeaks when Rafe begins giving bruising, unforgiving thrust. His hand quickly grabbing the one smacking at his pelvis and intertwining their fingers as he presses it into the mattress next to her head. Lowering his body into hers, a sick smirk on his face as he watched her gasp and cry loudly. Eyes rolling back and head turning from side to side as she tries to get accumulated to the overwhelming feeling of his harsh pounding. Her thigh that is laid over his, bending back with her knee into the mattress as he lays lower onto her. Her pedicured toes pointing and tapping into his lower back. The other leg held open by his large hand getting spread wider as it sticks out straight to the side with pointed toes.
“Sshh. Sshh. I know baby,” his voice light and calm in contrast to his unforgiving thrust. Stopping to grind into her deeply as he brings his face closely to hers. He brings the hand that was interlocked with hers, to grip her face and bring her attention back onto him. Staring deeply into her hazed over gaze, “Shh shh shh. I promise i’ll be nicer to you next time my little star.” His infamous smirk etching itself back into its rightful place on his handsome face. As he continues on. Pressing a light kiss to the lips he’s learning to love so much.
“But right now.. daddy’s gonna show you exactly how much you belong to me.”
A/N: I need him so bad. I hope i’m making it clear that little star is just as sick and twisted as him. Enjoy! :)
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