#imagine this Loki with Infinity stones
loki-who-remains · 1 year
Holy smokes I love Tome Hiddleston, but if I were chased through dark London alleyways by a Norse god running like that I’d shit bricks
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firebird-nonnette · 11 months
I never post, but just finished Loki s2e4 and.... what the hell?
Rant in the tags...
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fanficsformyfaves · 1 year
Loki Laufeyson x Fem Witch!Reader
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WARNING: SMUT 18+, ANGST, Oral Sex ( R Receiving) P in V Sex, No Protection (This is fiction, you are not, WRAP IT UP), Praise Kink, Mentions of Torture, Hurt to Comfort
PREFACE: Nearly a month after being rescued by Loki, Reader begins to warm up to him and even starts developing a crush on the all powerful god. One night, she has a particularly frightening nightmare about being kidnapped by Thanos and goes to find Loki for comfort
A/N: Flashbacks in Italics!
Dream Sequence in Bold, Italics and Colored!
Loki never faked his death in Avengers 1, but just escaped in this A/U
I have such an affinity for big scary villains having soft spots for 'that one person'
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"Please", I sobbed quietly,
As the titan walked closer towards me. The gauntlet on his wrist emitting different colored glows from each infinity stone.
"I don't know where the mind stone is", I lied.
I couldn't give Vision away and betray the family I made of the Avengers. They've saved my life on countless occasions and I couldn't let them down.
"Lies do not bode well with me, little witch. It is in your best interest to be complicit", he warns menacingly,
Before calling over his henchmen to pull my bruised aching frame off the floor.
"I will not ask again...where...is...the stone?"
"I don't know!"
He sighs heavily and points the golden fist right at me.
"Fine. Have it your way"
The gauntlet begins to radiate light and I felt it drawing my powers out of my body. The screams of agony I let out echoing around the room and down every hall.
To say it was excruciating would've been an understatement. I could physically feel the life in me being quickly drained and the remaining strength I had left leaving with it.
Just as I was on the verge of completely losing consciousness, I wake up screaming into the darkness of my bedroom.
This was not the first nightmare I've had since escaping Thanos and I was sure it wouldn't be the last, but this one felt all too real. Like, I truly was still on that spaceship, enduring even more of the torture.
It had been nearly a month since Loki found and rescued me. No one knew that either of us survived Thanos' attempt on our lives, so, we were left to hide out somewhere in Europe.
At first, I wanted to leave and find the rest of the Avengers, but Loki refused to let me go and enchanted the house we were staying in. It wouldn't have been a problem...had I not just lost most of my powers.
He was a god after all and I was nowhere near strong enough to break through his magic, especially running on an almost empty tank.
"It's not safe-"
"They're my family, Loki-"
"Then they should be able to understand that you are in no condition to fight!"
"I at least need to let them know I'm alive!"
"And risk exposing yourself to Thanos?! Are you really that stupid?!"
The tension between us was all you could feel. That and the deafening silence that followed his harsh words.
"Don't call me that-"
"Stop acting like it and I will"
I walk away and take a seat by the bay window. He sighs and bows his head.
"I saved your life. You might hate me for this now, but I do hope...eventually, you'll understand", he says,
Before making his way back to his room.
I couldn't really blame him for being the way that he was. He had lost so much already and I was the only person, besides his brother, to give him another chance at life.
Loki and I met long before the kidnapping, while he was in S.H.I.EL.D.S' custody. No one was getting through to him and Thor thought I would be the right person for the job, given my past.
"You sure about this, kid?", Nat questioned,
"I know enough about dealing with people like him"
She furrows her eyebrows curiously.
"What does that mean?"
"I was like him", I emphasized,
Before walking towards the chamber they locked him up in.
"Well...you must be the witch I've been hearing so many murmurs about"
I sigh through my nose, as he scanned me up and down.
"A lot shorter than I imagined"
"And a hell of a lot tougher than your futile attempts to get under my skin, so", I smiled sarcastically,
"Oooh, sharp tongue", he says,
Using his elbow to lean against the glass, as his deep voice causes my stomach to stir.
"You might just be the most interesting person I've met today. Well, that's not saying much, given your competition. My dull brother, the broody spy, metal man and captain wonder boy"
I scoff, folding my arms.
"I hear you use to be a villain of sorts. Why the change? I can tell you had potential"
"I found a family"
It was now his turn to scoff and turn away.
"The avengers?", he mocked,
Turning back to watch me step closer to the glass.
"You truly think they actually care about you?"
I take a moment to myself, before returning my attention to the god before me.
"I used to be just like you. Untrusting, malicious, a conniving little backstabber that was convinced that everyone was out to get me. I would hurt people before they could even think of hurting me first, sound familiar?"
He rolls his eyes and shakes his head at me.
"If you're such an expert on my character, then why not just kill me and get it over with?", he questioned,
"Because you still have a chance. I did and I know you do too"
"How incredibly naive. This little mind game of yours might work on the weak, but not on me"
"Its not a mind game, Loki. It's the truth"
He glares at me in an attempt to scare me off, but that wasn't going to work.
I knew back then if the team had just walked out on me, I would still be in the same exact position as him, maybe even worse off. So I wasn't going to back down without a fight.
"Was it easy for me to let my guard down? No, it was terrifying. I thought they would turn on me at any chance they got, but when they came back and saved me from Hydra...I knew I could trust them"
"How touching. Should I bring out the violins?"
I roll my eyes at his sarcasm.
"The point of all of this is that I'm not giving up on helping you"
"You're wasting your time", he said dismissively,
"Maybe, but that's not gonna stop me"
Unbeknownst to me, what I said actually got to him that night and for the first time in centuries, he truly felt seen as something other than a monster.
After his escape, I didn't see him again till Ragnarok, when we had to battle against his sister, Hela.
I was preoccupied with fighting off one of the undead that I didn't notice another one closing in on me. Just as the Draugr was about to swing his sword, his head was cut clean off his neck and the moment his body hit the ground, Loki was revealed standing right behind him.
"Hi", I greeted surprised,
"Hi", he nodded.
I look behind Loki and see Hela's wolf charging at us, when I use my powers to suspend the creature in the air and send it flying over Asgard's edge.
"I see you've gotten stronger", he says,
Causing me to shrug.
Once Thor put an end to Hela's reign of terror and got the remaining of Asgard's people safely onto the ship, we thought we were in the clear.
We couldn't have been more wrong. The refugees were mercilessly slaughtered by Thanos' guards and we were all imprisoned for days. All of us, except for Loki, who still pretended to be on the titan's side.
Eventually, when Thor was ejected out of the ship, Loki somehow managed to sneak the tesseract out and plan his escape, but when he realized I was still trapped there, he couldn't leave me behind.
I was laying in my cell, after freshly being drained of my magic, when a flash of green catches my eye. I tiredly turn to see who it was and in my half-conscious state, I could still recognize the man rushing to my side.
"Loki?", I called out weakly,
"Shhh, I've got you", he whispered,
Scooping me up into his arms, before using the tesseract to teleport us away.
I couldn't make out where we were, but he immediately lays me down on the bed and started checking me for injuries. Thankfully, only my hands had aged years from my powers being taken and they would eventually return to normal with time.
"Get some rest. I need to make some arrangements"
It didn't take long for me to fall asleep after that.
Back to present day, I find myself leaving my room and making my way to his. Hesitantly, I knocked on his door and awaited a response. The door eventually opens and I was met with Loki rubbing his tired eyes.
I could no longer keep my composure. I run into his arms, throwing my own around him and sobbing into his chest.
"I had a nightmare", I wept.
He sighs in relief, before holding me.
"I still see him when I close my eyes"
"Shhh, you're alright"
I pull away, sniffling and he wipes my tears away.
"Come in", he urged,
Gesturing to the inside of his room. I nod and walk in, taking a seat on the foot of his bed, as he followed suit.
"He can't get you. I won't let him", he reassured,
Taking my hand into his.
"You can't promise me that"
"That won't inhibit me from trying"
I take a deep breath, as he uses his hand to gently cup my cheek and turn me to face him.
"It won't"
"Could I um...stay here? Just for tonight", I sniffled,
"Of course", he reassures.
We get into bed and buried ourselves beneath the blanket. A few moments of silence goes by, till Loki spoke up.
"Was this the first nightmare?"
I was too embarrassed to reply, so I simply shook my head.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"I was ashamed. I didn't wanna worry you either"
"Ashamed? You've gone through the worst of it and here you were, worried about how I would see you? (Y/N), you don't have to pretend with me. You're allowed to express your pain"
Hearing him be so sincere and gentle was more than enough to calm my nerves. I scoot closer towards him and he welcomes me in with a warm embrace.
"You are here with me and as long as there is still life in my veins, I promise you, you are safe"
I crane my head up and he meets my gaze.
Maybe it was just the exhaustion that was getting to me, but in that moment, I felt something and I was sure he felt it too.
"Loki", I whispered,
Carefully bringing my hand to his cheek.
Without wasting another precious second, I press my lips onto his. If you had told me months ago that Loki and I would be here, in this moment, I would've laughed in your face, but right now...all I could think about was how good he felt against me. How effortlessly his skilled hands would caress the expanse of my back.
For a while, he reciprocated the kiss with the same fervour that I had, but then suddenly, he pulled away from me with a gasp.
"We can't"
"If you're doing this because you feel as though you owe me...don't"
I couldn't help but feel my heart ache at his words. He really thought this was just a pity kiss, when it was nothing of the sort.
With my hands still cupping his face, I spoke.
"Loki. You saved my life, yes...but this isn't just some act of me saying thank you. Don't get me wrong, I will forever be grateful, but this is not what tonight is about"
He watched me intently, anticipating what I had to say.
"Life could end at any given moment and I won't spend what could be my last days being afraid. I know should've said this sooner...but I've fallen for you", I confessed.
His shoulders relaxed at my words.
"You truly mean that?"
"With every fiber of my being", I reassured,
Rubbing my thumbs back and forth on the apples of his cheeks. He lets out a breath he didn't realize he was holding, before continuing.
"You have no idea how long I've been waiting to hear you say that"
All the weight that had been burdening me for weeks had finally been taken off my shoulders. He brushes a hair away from my forehead, before continuing to speak.
"You saved me from the moment you met me. You gave me another chance at redemption...and I will never"
He presses a kiss to my forehead.
He pressed one more to my cheek.
"Be able to thank you enough"
He presses a final one to my lips.
"If you'll have me, darling, I would love to show you the depths of my devotion"
I couldn't help, but blush at his request.
"I'd love nothing more" I exhaled.
That was all the god of mischief needed to hear, before grinning like a wild cat and pouncing onto me.
Our lips meet in a heated exchange, as his hands used my hips to pull me in closer. Every inch of my skin was burning for more. All the secret pining and anticipation has lead us to this very moment and I knew there was no going back from here. Not that I had any plans of doing so.
At some point, he flips us over so that I was on top, straddling the expanse of his thighs. I pull away for a moment to grasp at the bottom off my sweater and pull it off over my head. I was now left completely topless.
A coy smile tugs at his lips and his hands make their way up my waist, till they gently settled on my breasts.
"Had I known this was what awaited me beneath your clothes, I would've invaded New York much sooner", he joked,
Making me chuckle, whilst biting back a smile and shamelessly rolling my hips against his erection.
"Glorious, every inch of you", he exhaled.
Every word he spoke had me losing my breath. Though, it should come as no surprise to me, as he was always so effortless with them. He didn't have to say or do much to make me melt and he knew it.
Growing impatient with me teasingly grinding on him, he flips us over once more, causing a surprised gasp to escape me.
"You will be the death of me", he murmured under his breath,
Kissing me again. His lips eventually trail down my neck, the valley between my breasts, till he wrapped them around one of my eager buds, using the tip of his tongue to draw firm circles. The sinful noises spewing out of me only encouraging him further.
Once he was done showering both my hardened nips with attention, he journeyed down farther, before yanking my shorts and underwear off and pulling my thighs apart. I couldn't help but feel a chill run up my spine, seeing him stare at me with now darkened eyes.
"At long last"
He drags a finger up my drenched slit.
"A feast worth dying for", he whispered,
Finally lowering his head. I gasp at the contact, feeling his tongue clean up the mess he caused. My hands flying up at his hair, grasping at the roots.
"Loki", I whimpered,
As my legs tighten around his head. I was only met with approving hums and his hands keeping my legs apart, allowing him to continue savoring the taste of me.
"Even the sweetest fruits fall bitter at your presence", he mumbled against my bundle of nerves,
Sucking it in like the last thing he'd ever have.
I already found myself trying to fight of the nearing climax that was threatening to overtake me.
It would've been less of a struggle, had he not decided to slip two of his digits into my needy cavern, repeatedly pressing into my sweet spot. He was oh so precise with his ministrations.
"You're close, I can feel it. Do not deny me of that. Come undone for me, darling. Show me how good I make you feel"
That was the final push I needed for the knot in my stomach to snap apart and unravel. My vision fading for a moment, as my body tensed to welcome in the euphoric high.
Eventually, I grow limp coming down from my orgasm and he slowly made his way back up to my lips.
"Do you taste yourself? So exquisite, so rich. I must have you"
"Then take me", I demanded,
Holding the back of his neck.
"I was only ever yours to take"
I could tell that unlocked something within him. Like I had just awoken a beast that was already trying to claw its way out. Giving me one last mischievous smirk, he sits up, pulling his own boxers off, revealing his painfully hard cock that was begging to be soothed.
"Do you see what you do to me? Driving me up the walls by simply just being? I will ravish you to no end"
"Stop talking and just do it"
He chuckles deeply and reunites our lips once again, before tossing my legs around his waist. He takes his member into his hand, pressing the red aching tip against my sensitive clit. My back arching off the mattress as a result.
"So responsive to my touch. Will you be good for me?"
"Yes", I whispered,
And before I knew it, he plunges himself into me, resulting in another gasp to escape my parted lips.
"You are just as I'd dreamt", he groaned into my ear.
After giving me a moment to adjust, he slowly pulled his hips back, before thrusting back inside of me.
"You feel so good around me"
It didn't take long for his pace to pick up momentum. Within what felt like seconds, he began pounding mercilessly into my heat. His arms bound tightly around me waist preventing me from slipping away, as if I had any plans to.
That same familiar feeling that overwhelmed me not too long ago already building up.
Loki wasn't that far behind either. I could tell by the tempo of his movements faltering with each passing second.
"I cannot hold back any longer. Come with me, darling. Now", he struggled,
As we both fall into it together. I claw down at the alabaster skin of his back, whilst he gripped onto me for dear life, emptying himself into my pulsing walls. He then collapses on top of me and we take a moment to catch our breaths.
By the end, the room smelled of sex, sweat and the apple cinnamon candle illuminating the darkness.
He then musters the remaining of his strengths to carefully pull out of me and place me atop his sweaty chest.
"Nothing and no one will ever hurt you again. Not while I can help it", he promised,
Kissing the top of my head.
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Personal review regarding what if…? season 2 episode 8 (spoilers)
No ok, I must admit, the episode was good in some aspects.
Wanda was majestic. Loki and Scott were hilarious and I loved every single moment with them.
Thor was amazing, dark and serious out of loss but still enjoyable, and the crumbs of his relationship with Hela were very nice.
I’ve actually liked Tony for the very first time in my life, probably because I tend to like him a lot more in AUs and fanfictions than I do in the normal timeline.
And then… there were those two.
I will never comprehend why marvel wants Steve to be so dependent on Peggy. And I will never comprehend why, to make him interact with her, they have to destroy or sideline every other relationship he has built, or make his character flat.
Bucky being friends with Scott was amazing, but the fact that him and Steve interacted like two times was extremely disappointing. You’d expect “best friends in every universe”, if you dislike the romantic pairing so much, to acknowledge themselves for more than a few scenes, in only one of which they’re in frame together (Bucky was literally 😐 while his best friend disappeared, come on now).
And the storyline about Peggy coming from another world to save the universe was just… Mbah. It could’ve been executed in another way without including her and it still would have made sense. It really feels like a Y/N insert.
Seeing literally any other character was so good, so fun, and they had to ruin it this way, making Peggy once again the self insert and girlboss she didn’t need to be.
Plus, forgive my constant complaining, but it’s extremely infuriating how all of Steve’s friends were eliminated to put the focus solely on Peggy. Where’s Sam? Where’s Nat? Where’s Clint? It’s not an underrated friendship we’re talking about, a big chunk of the fandom loves the cap quartet or team cap, and after civil war it would have been nice to see them interact, especially after its popularity and popular demand. Outlaw team cap would have been glorious, a good chance to bring back many characters who aren’t here anymore in the right way, and involve characters that are rarely involved in What if in the storyline, for a change.
The treatment of Sam in this series particularly angers me, and even more so in this episode. I understand not involving him in other storylines, but Sam was a big part of CATWS and he wasn’t even in the episode centered on that film. What, because Steve met him while running he can’t be introduced in any other way? And oh, there’s no excuse for this episode. If there was one episode they could have placed Sam in, it was this one. Sam was there in infinity war, where the mess happened, and he should have been with the other avengers in this one.
If marvel wanted to involve someone from another universe so bad, it should have been a Captain America Sam from another universe. Can you imagine the poetry of seeing Steve and Nat again after endgame? Can you imagine having closure with them both, and having fun in the process? It would have been so great.
Another great storyline without involving characters from other universes would have been one where Steve, who touched the time stone, accidentally brought everyone in the past, and he was the only one to remember it. And to go back and prevent everyone’s distraction, he had to recruit the avengers, who don’t know him and don’t trust him but that in the end become his friends and companions. It would have been so interesting to see the original avengers involved in something different from being some side characters or extras in the one woman show that seems to be What if, constantly centered around the same bland, one dimensional reimagined side character. Peggy’s blandness is so obvious in these episodes (aside for some random remarks that made me smile) that literally everyone who’s involved directly with her must be bland like her, otherwise risking to overshadow her.
I don’t think I was supposed to cringe and look away as much as I did during Steggy’s forced scenes, but I did. If they had to force Steggy and Peggy down our throats, at least they could have done something different from the same bland and boring storyline as always. I wouldn’t be as mad as I am now if Peggy and Steve’s relationship wasn’t as bland. I would have preferred an enemies to lovers type of twist or change, where Steve doesn’t trust Peggy and struggles with her because he sees in her a different version of the Peggy that died in that universe. But noooo, god forbid, let’s go with the same old song.
An episode five or ten minutes longer with a better, avengers-centric or Steve-centric storyline would have been much better than what we got.
And given that this was my most anticipated episode, I was very disappointed by it. I hope for the next seasons, if there’s other ones, Marvel will listen to the general complaint regarding Peggy and will give her a break. I don’t think any of the original avengers or relevant MCU characters made as much appearances as Peggy, and being a main focus in four episodes out of nine is ridiculous.
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Somebody asked me to talk about the misconception that Loki is always trying to kill Thor, so here are some thoughts.
When Loki and Thor are children, Thor is the one who expresses bloodlust: "I'll hunt the monsters down and slay them all". We can infer from this scene that Loki was not violent or murderous as a child (unlike a certain scene in Thor: Ragnarok would suggest which, let it be remembered, was completely improvised and therefore not written with Loki's actual character in mind).
Loki never expresses a desire to kill Thor (except on Svartalfheim, and we all know that was a trick).
The closest he comes to this is his command to the Destroyer: "Ensure my brother does not return. Destroy everything." Notice how direct the latter part of the sentence is, while the former is vague and left up to interpretation. This is a partial reach, but I wonder if Loki wouldn't have just told the Destroyer to kill Thor if that's what he really wanted.
Loki had the opportunity to use the Destroyer's death ray on Thor, and he didn't. He chose to slap him instead. Yes, this proved to be nearly fatal, but he could have been much more direct. The Destroyer is a literal killing machine.
Even knowing Thor was mortal, I sincerely doubt Loki believed he would actually die. To Loki, Thor has always been his strong and unbeatable older brother. He has probably seen him mortally wounded hundreds of times and it was probably impossible to imagine him dying from a slap.
Remember that at this point, Loki has no reason to believe that Thor won't try to kill him as soon as he finds out he's Jotun. Thor had been happily killing hundreds of Frost Giants just the week before, and had likely been doing so for the last several hundred years. So even in this "him or me" situation, in the midst of a mental breakdown, moments away from attempting genocide, Loki isn't able to directly attempt to kill Thor.
Loki never even comes close to killing Thor at any other point in the films. They fight on Bifrost, but they're fighting more for control of the mechanism here than with intent to hurt (let alone kill) each other.
In the Avengers, Loki doesn't even pretend to try. He stabs Thor once with a tiny dagger that looks like it affected Thor as much as a bee sting.
In TDW he takes it a step further and sacrifices himself for Thor (or at least tries to). Is the opposite of trying to kill someone trying to die to save them? I feel like it might be.
In Ragnarok he tries to... turn him over to the Grandmaster? I guess? And we get the snake story, but like I already said, that was improv done with no regard for Loki's actual character. And then Loki literally saves the entirety of the Asgardian people and supports Thor becoming king which doesn't seem very murderous to me.
In Infinity War he sacrifices himself for real this time, first throwing away a goddamn INFINITY STONE to tackle Thor to the ground with no thought for his wellbeing and then having the life choked out of him by his greatest fear and tormentor and also oh my god it's been FOUR films since the last time he sort of maybe subjectively tried to kill Thor and he's been actively trying to save him in three of those
This got a bit long and rambly but yeah. No matter how you look at it, Loki's attempt-to-kill-Thor count is either one or zero. That simply doesn't add up to any number high enough to qualify as him "constantly" trying to kill his brother. Also his attempt-to-save-Thor count is by my calculations AT LEAST six, and that's only on-screen and obviously not counting the hundreds of years they spent together before this.
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frasier-crane-style · 2 months
It's hard to overstate how much Marvel fucked the roll-out of Kang. I can forgive casting a domestic abuser--no way to know that ahead of time. But
Introducing him as the villain of an Ant-Man movie.
Can you imagine an Avengers villain whose personal arch-nemesis is Ant-Man?
2. Introducing a wacky nerd variant of him in Loki Season 2.
Before we've even gotten to know this guy really, we're seeing the actor essentially parody himself. Could you imagine if in Age of Ultron, our second look at Thanos was this:
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3. They tried to make him the multiverse guy without having him involved in any multiverse stories.
Early movies in the Infinity Saga introduced the Infinity Stones, Nebula, Gamora, the Chitauri, and so forth. But movies like Multiverse of Madness and No Way Home went by without furthering the plot or deepening Kang's character, making him feel curiously uninvolved with his own story. All they really accomplished, as entries in a saga, was to lay down the ground rules for the multiverse... which were constantly contradictory and nonsensical. With Wandavision and Wolverine & Deadpool, this multiverse stuff just started to seem like silly sidestories, but no, it was supposed to be the main event. A random, cameo-centric main event.
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We were asking "hey, why should we care about the multiverse?" and the answer was "because boner joke."
4. Kang wasn't mysterious, just confusing.
Why would some dude from the 40th century care or be a threat to a bunch of 21st century characters? In the comics, among other reasons, Kang is simply an egomaniac who wants to 'honorably' take on the best of the best. Like a modern war gamer who wants to see if he could beat Genghis Khan with his own horse cavalry.
In the MCU... gosh. Loki paints him (or He Who Remains) as a well-intentioned extremist who wants to destroy all timelines but one to keep hordes of alternate Kangs from waging destructive war on each other (how this would affect characters in the 21st century is unclear).
In Ant-Man, the threat is a renegade Kang who wants revenge on a Council of Kangs (who CAN get along now) for some unspecified betrayal. He might be THE Kang or he might be dead for real and the whole thing is only good for a Jonathan Majors clip reel.
In Loki season 2, it's now possible for there to be a 19th century Kang (meaning that, if circumstances changed, I guess Tom Cruise could've been born during the Reformation? How the fuck does that work?) and Loki seems to sort out the whole multiverse problem without the need to destroy any more timelines, so unless he's really bad at his job, that would wrap up the Kang saga, right? Right?
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spider-gem · 10 months
if you feel like hearing some silly goofy mobius-mr tesseract thoughts, I have a hc that post-finale mobius might- after a long long time of looking for a way to reach loki- go a bit bonkers with grief (particularly the denial/anger/bargaining stages of grief), he gets a bit morally dubious. over time he steals as many tesseracts as possible, hiding them away in a secret tva office. eventually, surrounded by thousands of stolen tesseracts and out of ideas of how to use them, he has a “WWLD/what would loki do? probably suggest we take a coffee break” moment and puts a bunch tesseracts into the office coffee grinder, making a piping hot cuppa jOH NO. except there’d be a little anticlimactic fake-out after he drinks it (maybe pairs it with some pie) where nothing immediately happens because infinity stones aren’t active inside the tva. but the moment he exits the tva…….
On a more realistic thread, I can imagine mobius somehow absorbing/becoming the space stone à la Princess Kida in Atlantis, and the stone ‘asking’ “where do you want to go?” and mobius ‘telling’ it “outside of space and time, I know a guy” or something. And prying open a tear in time and space to reach Loki.
The idea of missing a friend so deeply and wanting more than anything for them to be ok because you believe they deserve to be with you, helping them to be ok because it’s NOT FAIR -to the point of obsession and corruption, maybe even loss of self… ouch… but if he succeeded, “Time and Space” are always paired together after all (lmao “mobius, king of space”)
Anon, I love your mind! Mobius initially using the Tesseract’s power to find his (boy)friend, but slowly being corrupted by its power… Loki being the King of Time and Mobius being the King of Space… Oh, the possibilities…
The first idea is hilarious (Mobius, sipping the triple shot Tesseract espresso: hmm I probably should’ve done this outside of the TVA…) but I love the second concept! Mobius merging and becoming one with the Tesseract raises many questions of how it would affect him. Does the Tesseract have a mind of its own? Does it influence Mobius’ thoughts? My best guess would be: yes, absolutely.
This raises another question: if/when Mobius reaches Loki, how will Loki react to his friend’s new power? Loki has been lured by the Tesseract before, he’s been where Mobius is now. Will he be shocked seeing what it has done to his friend? Or has he been suffering this whole time, watching the timelines helplessly as the Tesseract has been corrupting his friend’s mind? And ultimately, can Mobius gain control of this new power, or will it control him?
I have to get this idea to Marvel…
In the meantime, I would love to know if there are any fics with this concept! If not, I’ll have to get writing, I suppose…
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olet-lucernam · 6 months
A Hollow Promise [25] chapter vi, part ii
{_[on AO3]_}
main tags : loki x original character, post-avengers 2012, canon divergence - post-thor: the dark world, canon-typical violence, mentions of torture
summary: In the aftermath of the Battle of New York, the Avengers need a few days to build a transport device for the Tesseract. With the Helicarrier damaged and surveillance offline, SHIELD sends an asset to guard Loki in the interim: a young woman who sees the truth in all things, and cannot lie.
Even long presumed dead, her memories lost to her, Loki would know her anywhere.
And this changes things.
Some things last beyond infinity. And the universe is in love with chaos.
(Loki was never looking for redemption. It came as an unexpected side-effect.)
chapter summary : astrid gathers her allies, and draws the attention of her enemies. loki pays a heavy price for a victory.
recommended listening : rebel soul, katharine appleton, maja norming
tag list: @femmealec, @mischief2sarawr
Astrid had told the truth, as always. Ophelia was not her only appointment.
Neither was she the first, however.
Hours earlier, wrapped in a fine, black woollen pea coat and comfortable trainers, Astrid had been walking through the fog and frigid, sea-soaked air of the Cornish coastal town of Looe.
The historical fishing village was sheltered within a deep valley, prefaced inland by thick, verdant forests and winding country roads. Ivory villas and weathered stone cottages were built into the slopes of the cliffs, bordered by a riot of meadow-flora and hardy coastal shrubs, the settlement split in half by the river that decanted into the small marina, and the open, pewter waters of the North Atlantic.
The place held a kind of quaint, antique seaside charm that was ubiquitous to Britain, in Astrid’s experience- a nostalgia that was just slightly foreign to her, evoking the same feeling as the second-hand copies of those interbellum novels by Enid Blyton and Agatha Christie that she used to read on rainy days at home.
She could feel Loki watching through her eyes, dozing gently, shamelessly indolent as he clung to sleep.
Exhaling a smile, Astrid consciously drank in as much as she could. She drew the mouldering, salt-stained tang of seaweed and ocean shallows deep into her lungs, face raised to the damp air, clear-eyed and refreshed.
It was one of the many reasons to be relieved to be out of SHIELD’s custody: wherever she went, and whatever she saw, Loki could experience it through their link. And she was one of the rare, fortunate few who could go anywhere, at any time, with little enough effort.
A flush of affection bloomed in her, like a kiss at the nape of her neck, Loki reading her intentions like braille.
Astrid giggled, the ache of want in her chest ebbing slightly, and glanced out across the harbour.
It was the off-season; the tourism trade withered into hibernation with the last days of August, and first weeks of September. Even so, the picturesque village obviously received a fair number of visitors in the summer months. Across the town, there was an abundance of cafés, bakeries, fishmongers, local crafts shops, ice cream parlours, wetsuit and board rental stores. A sprawling car park had been cut at the base of the hill, and a number of small commercial pleasure boats were moored against the harbour walls, anchored between algae-stained tangerine buoys, advertising sea safaris and recreational fishing trips on printed boards affixed to the weather-rusted harbour railing. A few places were shuttered, but other businesses remained open even into November, catering to the permanent residents of the town.
As she chased the slope upwards, approaching from the narrow, eastern flank of the harbour, towards the ageing arcade and stone bridge across the river, a thought occurred to her.
“Loki. Do you like seafood?”
She felt Loki stir. Astrid could almost imagine his head lifting from his cupped hand- or rolling across a pillow to look at her, black curls spilling, eyebrows steepled in mild askance.
I tend to eat more game, I suppose, he answered cautiously. Hunts are too popular on Asgard for it to be otherwise. But I do like shellfish. Although it is seen as peasant food on Asgard. Cheap fare, common as mud, to be eaten at the harbour by tradesfolk.
“It used to be the same here, for centuries,” Astrid replied, the corner of her mouth twisting up sardonically. “Oysters were still delicious when they were only good for the poor.”
Loki laughed softly. It is ridiculous, is it not? The arbitrary standards of high taste.
He hesitated for a long moment.
I do like oysters, he admitted, almost nervous.
A lilt kicked into Astrid’s step, her mood lifting.
“Oysters, then.” Widening her stride into a loping gait, forming rolling bounce on the balls of her feet, she lifted her face to the headwinds, letting it blow her hair back. “Maybe mussels or scallops, if I can’t find any? Oh- and cream tea.”
Cream tea?
“It’s, ah- like a dessert version of afternoon tea, I suppose? It’s sometimes called Cornish tea.” Astrid crossed the bridge at a brisk clip, shoulder bag tapping at her hip. “You’ll love it. Black tea, served with split scones, clotted cream, and jam. Strawberry is traditional, but I prefer raspberry.”
At the mention of something sweet, she felt Loki’s interest instantly perk.
Astrid’s victory dimmed as Loki swiftly crushed down on his eagerness, cooling into reflexive indifference.
Then you should have raspberry, my heart, he replied mildly, like fingers skimming her cheekbone.
Astrid strummed her fingers against the cross-strap of her bag, tension furling.
She wondered if she could just scream I want to give you this, let me give you this, I want to give you everything, be selfish with me, just ask me and it’s yours, yours, yours, just say the word, put me to the test, let me prove it across the connection, or if that would be too blunt.
She opted for a subtler option. For now. “Seeing as we’re breaking tradition, we could change the tea out as well.”
“I thought you might prefer rosehip. Or something floral.”
It’s your tongue, darling.
Astrid nipped her lower lip.
“I like sharing my tongue with you.”
She felt his train of thought stutter, before heating.
You’re playing a dangerous game, Astra, Loki warned, dark and edging into primal, shifting into a voice behind her left ear that seemed spoken through gritted teeth.
Astrid startled, almost tripping, as she felt the sensation of the pads of his fingers swiping at her inner thigh.
Her brain short-circuited for a moment.
Hm. Are you curious, darling?
She bit her lip, restraining the impulse to goad him further.
Following Loki revealing how he could twist his magic into her through their link, Astrid had begun asking about the possibilities. The conversation had been mostly practical- but the thought had occurred to her, even if she had quickly become distracted when it struck her exactly how ingenious the method was, how brilliant Loki was, how blithely oblivious he seemed to that fact.
But now- despite herself, folding her lip between her teeth in an effort to pin her unravelling thoughts in place- Astrid lingered over exactly how far and how intensely he could project sensation into her, how much sensory feedback he received back through their link, and whether-
No. Nope. Nope, nope, no. Work first, North. We’ll explore that another time.
Despite the curl of delighted, thoroughly distracted mischief from Loki, he let the matter drop.
Astrid exhaled quietly, grateful.
Today, she was visiting an old friend. It would be unwise to arrive disarmed of her wits.
Astrid swung off the bridge and into West Looe, swerving in a hairpin turn back down the hill, sinking into the warren of the town. There were only a few figures out in the midmorning light, walking dogs or tending to their boats, the quiet seeming to echo against the rush of the sea. The narrow streets were barely broad enough to accommodate a single car, the cobbles uneven and worn smooth underfoot, none of the structures more than two or three stories tall; most of them were at least a century or two old, patchworked with modern features, dating to the days of smugglers and portside inns and the great age of sail, their timbers ancient and their walls full of ghosts and memories.
She came to a halt outside a particular storefront.
The entire street was built into the incline of the hill, its rowhouses sitting a foot or so below the edge of the pavement, squatting low. The windows of the ground floor were almost level with Astrid’s crown, the sills above within reach if she cared to make the short jump, walls a washed white between dark Tudor beams.
Astrid tipped her head up a millimetre, the aperture of her senses opening to sweep the interior, as she read the sign affixed above the door.
Witches’ Brew, it read, white font upon a rich violet backing. On the left side of the sign was the outline of a cat, paws upon the rim of a bubbling cauldron to peer at the contents.
Bookshop, was added underneath, in smaller, blunter font. Tarot. Occult. Café.
You know, Loki commented, there is an infusion made from íviðia blossoms called witches’ brew.
Astrid tipped her head. “Really?” She asked softly.
Mother sent some blossoms to my cell recently- if you care to share my tongue later?
She winced into a grin, knowing that he wasn’t going to let that go any time soon. “Mm, in exchange for cream tea?” She teased.
Astrid felt a pair of arms slip and loop around her midriff, a mouth skimming her crown.
She felt the gentle billow of his sigh, the phantom of his chest against her back.
You drive quite a bargain.
With a faint smile, Astrid stepped down to the shop’s door, and turned the handle.
A classic shopkeeper’s bell chimed overhead, jostled into motion, before the door clicked shut behind her.
She was met with the fragrance of incense- a thicker, heavier curtain of agarwood, compared to the delicately floral smoke that lingered in the training halls where she grew up, and which her father preferred- blended with the earthiness of burned white sage, and coffee grounds.
The shop was quiet. Her steps were muffled by a dark patterned carpet, the space airy and inviting, despite the low ceilings and semi-subterranean position. At the right, the space folded into a geometric puzzle of tall bookshelves, walls paved with spines, the stacks labelled by genre with signs in blackboard and chalk, a few tables laid out with bricks of bestsellers and new arrivals. To her left was the register- unoccupied, with a bell to ring for service- and several tables and shelves, displaying various occult-themed wares. There were box-trays of tumbled, semi-precious gemstones, kitsch plastic goblets with dragons curled around their stems, dowsing crystals and decorative glass figurines, starter guides to palmistry and divining the stars.
Her eyes skipped past all of them, and up.
A large sign was placed at the bottom of a flight of narrow stairs. It advertised the café on the second floor, and tea leaf readings.
Astrid didn’t move to ring the bell on the counter, but the one at the door must have been enough.
“I’ll be right with you, dear!”
A woman’s voice called down from the upper floor. It was American-accented, almost neutral, but underscored with something in the region of Massachusetts.
Astrid smiled, folding her arms and turning away.
“That’s alright!” She replied, voice raised to carry as clear as struck crystal, twisting at the waist to speak over her shoulder. “Take your time! I’m here to see a friend.”
Movement upstairs stilled.
A beat passed, before Astrid felt the familiar crackle of magical wards being activated.
Loki reacted, his mana surging into her nerves with a precision that knocked the breath from her chest, pressing up to the surface of her skin, preparing to force his own counter-wards into her flesh.
Catching her breath, fingers fluttering at the foreign magic in her blood, Astrid sent him a gentle nudge of reassurance.
“Did you not hear the word friend, Agatha?” She yelled up, tone dry and hip cocking. “Your wards didn’t react when I walked in. Now would you please quit it?”
Before Loki tries to rip apart your spellwork and fracture your magical core in the backlash, she added internally.
Don’t tempt me, darling, Loki warned, poised like an adder to strike. Who is she?
The wards lingered, bristling like spines- before settling back.
A moment later, Astrid heard footsteps, and the creak of the ageing banister under new weight.
As I said. She’s a friend… of a sort.
Of a sort?
The subject of discussion halted, a few steps above ground floor.
Astrid remained with her back turned for several seconds, shoulder blades open and unguarded.
After deeming that her message had sufficient time to sink in- if it was going to at all- Astrid turned.
It had been about a century and a quarter, chronologically, since they had last seen each other- during the last of her father’s missions that Astrid had accompanied him on, before she had gone looking for answers.
The inciting incident that drove her to look for answers, in fact.
True to form, however, Agatha Harkness had adapted, and today was the very image of a modern, new-age witch.
Stocky, square-jawed, and casually confident, she possessed the mien and bone structure that would command the description of a handsome woman. Dressed in plimsoles, thick black leggings, and a cable-knit sweater the exact velvety depth of wolfsbane, she looked deceptively, cosily middle-class, her dark chestnut hair styled in a cloud of tight waves to her shoulders, framing her fair, round face and dark cobalt eyes.
“Well.” She draped an elbow across the rail, sleeves rolled back, sizing Astrid up with a wide, crooked smile and a gaze as hard as flint. “Look what the cat dragged in.”
Astrid was simultaneously reminded of a salacious, bored housewife with a mind like a steel trap, and a large crocodile sunbathing by the water’s edge.
“It’s good to see you, Agatha,” Astrid said sincerely, light as air. “You look well. I’m glad.”
She tried to sacrifice my soul to Mephistopheles once, Astrid admitted to Loki, deciding that it would be better to get it out of the way now.
She did what? Loki snarled, alarmed.
Long story. Daddy stepped in. She came to regret it.
She could feel Loki glaring into her. Because you made her regret it, or because she decided to regret it? Because that’s quite a distinction, darling.
Astrid almost laughed. His mind was always so quick.
Alright, fine. A little of both.
Jaw and mouth pursed tightly, Agatha’s eyes flitted sharply across and behind Astrid’s form, darting as dragonflies.
Astrid softened her stance, loosening her limbs and opening her posture.
“It’s just us,” she said reassuringly.
Conveniently, Astrid did not mention that us included the sorcerer-prince whose mind was currently linked to her nervous system.
His tone was grim, steeled, but quietly restrained.
Astrid sensed the unspoken undercurrent underneath- that he wanted her out of that shop, now.
Astrid reached for him, slotting herself into his edges, feeling him shift to accommodate her.
Please trust me, Loki. I have this.
She felt him hesitate, her calm focus an emollient.
Besides, she added. You might find that you like her.
I highly doubt that, dove, Loki replied haughtily, even as he relented.
She kept silent. Something told her that Loki would refuse to see the similarities, even if she informed him of exactly how her long story with Agatha had ended.
Agatha’s expression had stiffened slightly, eyes narrowing to a squint.
“Just so that we’re clear,” she drawled, gesturing vaguely across her with a jabbing index finger, “you’re not here to check in on me, or- drag me away to some kind of tribunal, are you?”
Astrid tipped her head consideringly. “Have you done anything to warrant it?”
Once again, Astrid opted not mention that she already had a fair idea of the answer. She had made it her responsibility to know; confidence in her decision didn’t negate the gamble, and Astrid wouldn’t ignore her culpability if things went sour.
As far as she could tell, however, Agatha had been smart. She had spent the years since they had last seen each other travelling and researching and collecting, restraining herself to a few petty grudges, mild curses, and mostly harmless, mostly necessary fraud. All in all, nothing that Astrid had found worth getting into a snit over.
Besides. That thing with the carnivorous rabbit had been pretty funny.
Astrid could feel Loki trying to pretend that he wasn’t intrigued.
Agatha snorted. “Not in my book, but we both know that doesn’t mean much. Even my best behaviour means being a little badsometimes.”
“Mm. Well, so long as they deserved it, I’m happy to remain ignorant.”
Brows raised, corners of her mouth tugging into a shrug, Agatha looked pleasantly surprised.
“Huh. Well, in that case- it’s good to see you too, Little Miss Dante,” she said wryly, dragging out the old nickname as though she were dusting off a spellbook, descending the last few steps. “Now that we’ve got the formalities out of the way, how have you been for the past- oh, hundred and thirty years or so?”
“Not quite so long on my side, Madame Virgil,” Astrid admitted, satin-smooth as sugar ribbons, “but I’ve- been busy.”
The Divine Comedy? Loki noticed.
Mm, good catch.
He paused, quietly assessing- before relaxing slightly in realisation.
Aha. I see.
Astrid held down her smile, but sent its warmth in his direction.
“And what about your dish of a father?” Agatha asked.
“Not interested, Agatha.”
And still hung up on whoever gave him that watch.
“Huh. Pity.” Agatha paused, appraising Astrid with long, slow sweeps. One forearm folded against her lower ribs, the opposite hand raised, fingertips rubbing together. “Any luck, then, dear, with that little- soul-searching identity quest of yours?”
Lifting one shoulder, Astrid let herself smile abstrusely.
“Some. Thank you for asking.”
“Well, you know. I like to know who and what I’ve made a deal with,” she said, head lowered into an unblinking stare, as though wondering how Astrid’s liver might taste, “as a rule.”
“It’s a good rule.” She said mildly.
Agatha looked at her for a long moment, one corner of her mouth and eye tensing- then straightened, clapping her palms together and spinning on her heel.
“Well, since you came all this way- fancy some tea? I could read your leaves for you! I must say, I’ve gotten pretty good- or, well, as good as you can get, with fortune-telling. It’s always a bit of a crapshoot, you know. Less mess than the animal guts, though.”
Astrid adjusted the strap of her bag against her shoulder as Agatha began to head up towards the café, not even waiting for her reply.
“Why not? We do have a lot to catch up on.” She began to follow her up the stairs, drawing a shallow breath as she went in for the kill. “And I think I have a way to get Karmar-Taj off your back so that you can come out of hiding, so I’m sure you’ll want to-”
Agatha turned back to her sharply. “What?”
Her eyes were slightly wild, incredulous, and treacherously hopeful.
Reflecting briefly, Astrid supposed that she should feel a little bad.
That was, if not for the memory of choking sulphur, of her face and throat scorching with brimstone-heat, and the sound of dimensions ripping apart like adipose from muscle tissue and Agatha laughing broad and wild- just before Mephistopheles betrayed her, just before Astrid regained the strength to yank the witch away from the consequences of her own actions.
Just because she had forgiven did not mean she was inclined to be nice.
Besides. Agatha would respect her less if she was.
Loki watched her work, ruthlessly, using honesty as a weapon and the truth like she she owned it, cautious and amused and a little proud.
Astrid arched her brows, both at him and the witch standing before her.
“You didn’t think I’d come without a gift, did you?”
Some time later, a platter of a dozen shucked oysters in front of her, seated with a sea view and décor of scrubbed wood and clean white walls, Astrid made the first entry on her shopping list.
Tea leaves.
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mobius-m-mobius · 10 months
a mr tesseract thought: the tva has so many infinity stones… just sitting there… they might not notice a handful of paperweights go missing
Anon you've got my full attention 👀👀
Absolutely living for all the renewed Mr. Tesseract theories and origin stores going around because he's just too perfect to continue the current story!?? I'd always pictured a Mobius variant eventually entering the picture, having succumbed to the power of the Tesseract after needing to save Loki in some way but never in a million years imagined before now that *our* Mobius could end up in that exact situation...
Plus tbh I almost feel Loki going about their self-sacrifice in such an isolated way, reliving all those centuries determined to find a solution without involving anyone else, had an obviously noble goal but a means in such a misguided way which has almost ensured Mobius will do something similar.
Mobius isn't okay. He's on a timeline that can never be his (partially to escape the memories of Loki by his side everywhere he looks in the TVA and hopefully so that back in the flow of time Loki can at least see him again as some form of company still), looking at a life I think he greatly admires but wouldn't personally want even given the choice, and seemingly the only one left directionless and without purpose with Loki being gone.
It wouldn't be a stretch to think loneliness would turn to frustration (because he's done nothing but repress *everything* in the past and deserves to finally burst and be angry and figure out how to express his emotions), confusion, and finally desperation at the thought he might be the only one who cares enough to burn things to the ground in an attempt to either find Loki again or bring him home. I've been headcanoning that similar to Loki in the last episode, Mobius will start putting himself more and more at risk searching for a solution and cut everyone at the TVA off while doing so to keep them from worrying about what he's getting involved in and stop him, which of course eventually leads right to the Tesseract as potentially one of the only methods left of traveling to what I assume is the end of time or somewhere similar.
Bonus points if Loki is watching every moment, unable to do a thing as the Mobius he knows slips further and further away while experimenting with the Tesseract until finally he can't see him on the timeline at all anymore, and as he mourns a crackle of blue energy opens nearby. Loki immediately realizes what's happened and calls desperately for Mobius, but when the figure who exits steps closer he's all cold, hard lines and an blank, electric blue stare. Temporary amnesia v4.0 let's go but make it even more angsty this time 😂😅 Eventually the Power of Love™ wins out of course but that's pretty much my dream arc for now!
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mochifiction · 11 months
I’ve been seeing a lot of people (myself included) distraught over the fact that Loki did not exactly reunite with Thor, at least in the way that we all imagined at the end of the series. However, I would like to provide an alternative means of interpreting this that will either give you a means of coping or render you torn to pieces. Loki says “The sun will shine on us again,” and we are led to assume that this means that Loki and Thor will physically be within each other’s presence. Despite this, this obviously never happens at the end of the series: Loki’s supposed ending. While I’m sure my interpretation is flawed and has a few holes in it, I’d like for everyone to consider the fact that TVA Loki might BE the sun. Like the sun is to Earth, Loki is distant from his brother, but still in his presence. From his new position as the God of Stories and keeper of the multiverse, he is able to see Thor in every universe where he exists. He can change the story, and he can protect him. If we are going by the somewhat flimsy logic circulating around that he is the reason why the time stone is green, we can also assume his influence has stretched before Infinity War, and so is his influence in what occurs in the narrative. Thor never gets snapped. Thor survives the ship explosion after his Loki’s death. Thor defeats Gorr: a relentless god killer. Thor is able to find a purpose in caring for Love. All of these things could have been TVA Loki’s doing: his means of ensuring his brother’s safety and recovery from traumatic events throughout the Infinity Saga and also Phase 4. Not to mention, he is watching himself and Thor together in other universes. Universes where they might be happier. Universes where they may be at war with each other. Universes where they’re still young, when favoritism hasn’t driven them apart yet. He will always be looking after Thor and their relationship. He is the sun that shines on them in every universe.
Or I might be absolutely wrong and delusional and sad and in awe over what the fuck just happened-
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Doctor Doom is probably a Tony Stark Variant.
Okay so here's my theory about Robert Downey Junior playing Doctor Doom. Imagine it's like a What If episode.
Tony lost Pepper, probably to Killian. and he lost Rhodey too, either in that fight or later on.
Then Tony leans further into the Iron Man persona. He wears a silver suit with blue lights. He becomes ruthless. He even adapts some of the war machine guns to his suit. When Shield tells him that Hydra has Loki's scepter in Socovia, he insists on dealing with it alone.
Scarlet Witch gets the drop on him, but the vision of the Chitauri's return only makes things worse. He does his stuff to the scepter, but discovers the mind stone within. He takes that for himself, and lets Thor have the scepter, telling him that Hydra broke the blue crystal. He puts the Mind Stone in his silver suit, making the yellow light replace the blue light.
Tony seeks to put a suit of armor around the world, but he doesn't give Ultron that directive. Instead he sorta becomes Ultron, cybernetically. He takes over Socovia, renaming it Latvaria, and wears a new mask. One that he can't take off.
Then things get really crazy. Since hes' got the mind stone in his suit, He's able to sense the other Infinity Stones. He knows that Ancient One is hiding one, and he sees the sorcerers as a threat.
This leads him to aquiring the eye of agamotto, and even his own version of Doctor Strange's living cloak. But it's green, and comes with a hood. Now Tony Stark has the chrome suit and the green magic cloak. He even makes a better version of the Sling Ring, which he uses to go to Titan.
Stark decimates Thanos and his forces, leading to the survivors calling him the bringer of Doom.
Anyway, that's how I would write it. But the MCU writers are probably gonna write something dumb and say that he's a totally different guy who just looks like Tony Stark.
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Glorious Purpose?
Summary: Mobius had intentionally shown the frames of your conversation when he was being held captive by SHIELD. What did he intend with that? Meaningless sentimentalism? Or to introduce something else, something more?
Pairing: Loki x Stark!Reader
Warning: a bit of angst, spoilers of Loki (series), swearing
Word Count: 3072
A/N: yes' i'm random that way lol, had this idea doing my late night maladaptive daydreaming, thank you very much. English is not my first language! Any typos or something, let me know.
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One of the sharpest pains he'd ever felt, and it wasn't even physical. 
Loki rewinds the video, looking at Frigga, his mother — even if he denied eventually in the future, the woman was still his mother —, lying on the floor. Dead. By his own intercession. He could feel his eyes watering up, his breath trembling. Was Mobius right? Would this actually happen, as it did every time in every single timeline? Moreover… Was all of the hatred for Thor worth it?
He fast-forwarded to another scene, lifting an eyebrow when he recognized someone in one of the frames.
But it was you! You fought against him in New York, with the Avengers, developing some powers after being touched with the sceptre on SHIELD's giant flying device. Stark's daughter. He recalled how curious he was about the young woman, suspicious of what she could be. 
Of course, there hasn't been an Infinity Witch in over a millennia, as he learned the Sorcerers of the earth had been avoiding the birth of a new one for centuries. He remembered how the power of the Tesseract threw you over the balcony of that ugly Stark building, only for you to come back seconds later, a mist of an electric blue glow flowing around you. He could feel your suddenly powerful aura in his bones; all of his body hair bristled like a giant cat, and he couldn't help stare at you in absolute awe. You'd already been affected by the sceptre, now another stone had built up your power. 
Mobius had intentionally shown the frames of your conversation when he was being held captive by SHIELD. What did he intend with that? Meaningless sentimentalism? Or to introduce something else, something more? You both were in a small ship with Thor and Jane Foster.
He kept watching when you talked about the loss of your mother in labour, and how Stark had sent you somewhere called England until the age of seven, when you were expelled from a boarding school for building a bomb and exploding the chemistry lab. You laughed at the memory, and he admired how youthful the sound was; how your eyes gleamed, and you slightly blushed. You didn't seem to regret your mischief. That pleased him. 
"I'm so sorry about Frigga, Loki. She seemed to be a remarkable woman" your voice felt like velvet, and he could tell you were being sincere.
"Why?" He inquired, his voice sounding slightly annoyed. "Why are you sorry? You didn't even know her."
He was deflecting again. Feelings were never his forte. Feeling was… a waste of time. A distraction. 
You stared at him with patience, sighing.
"A loss is a loss. You seem to love her very much, I can’t even imagine losing my dad, it would drive me nuts. It pains me to see you hurting. Thus, she showed nothing but kindness to me, even when your f… Odin kept a harsh demeanour due to his suspicions." You corrected yourself in a haste, knowing how it would infuriate him to call Odin his father. He appreciated your gesture in silence, staring at the mountains while the wind messed up his hair. 
The scene changed. Thor pulled him over to his side, leaving you with Jane Foster slightly behind. You all seemed to be trailing along a vast desert. Svartalfheim. The land of the dark elves.
"What are you planning, Loki?" He interrogated, pulling him by his armour like chastising a child. "Y/n is a good woman. She doesn't deserve to be a tool for your dirty affairs."
He watched as himself laughed, but his eyes were perplexed. Thor would never trust him. 
"Nourns, brother… We were simply having a conversation. You're not jealous, are you? Must you always take all the good toys to yourself?" He provoked, his silver tongue sharp as a blade. He watched as Thor clenched his fists, waiting for the impact, but it never came. Instead, the blonde sighed, scratching the back of his neck.
"You both seem to share a strong connection ever since the battle of New York. I saw the way your stare longed for her when we used the Tesseract to return to Asgard." He halted, searching for words. "I mean it when I say she's a good woman. Do not fail her, brother."
The present Loki lifted his eyebrows in surprise, watching as his future self seemed to be pondering at Thor's words. Therefore, Thor was favourable to whatever was going on between the two of you… interesting.
He fast-forwarded again. His corpse was on the ground. You wept, hugging his body and begging him to wake up. Thor held your shoulder, also crying. The scene cuts to the throne room; Odin offering Thor the throne of Asgard, him denying it. Once he leaves, a voice comes from the shadows, your voice. Odin's form changes back; it was actually Loki.
"I hope you know what you're doing" you allowed yourself to be seen, raising an eyebrow once you realised how surprised future Loki seemed to be. "Really? A mere illusion? I'm the lady of infinity, you really thought I bought that little show of yours?"
"So you didn't truly mourn me? Were those tears as false as my death itself?"
You chuckled, crossed arms. You seemed more confident, powerful. Instantly, present Loki knew you had absorbed the powers of another infinity stone.
"You're incorrigible, Loki. Or should I say Your Majesty?"
"So, what happens now, milady? Are you going to try to stop me? Play hero as you did in Midgard?"
You seemed to consider your choices for a moment, poking your chin with the index finger.
"Actually, I think this could be good for you. Being king, learning some virtues for a change. I just hope you'll be a benevolent one. Asgard deserves it after the last events. Deal?" You lifted your chin, impetuous, looking even more dashing. "I'll be watching you closely, Loki. Don't make me regret this decision. And promise me Odin's going to be fine."
"I promise, Y/n." He simply stated, his lips curling in a satisfied smile, one you gladly reciprocated. "Promise one thing in return, milady?"
"Don't push it, god of mischief" you jested. "Name it".
He stepped closer, lifting his hand to place a strand of your hair behind your ear.
"Promise me you will watch me. Closely."
Present Loki couldn't help to smirk at the scene, appreciating the way your lips were ajar and the glow in your eyes. You allowed yourself to delight in his touch, nuzzling his hand like a kitten, and he wanted to find you pathetic, however, he simply could not. As confusing as it all was, he knew him. He wasn't trying to manipulate you. He was being sincere, he wanted you close.
"Loki…" you sighed, and the way you said his name, like a longing prayer, awoke something lost a long time ago inside him. His eyes fluttered and, for a few seconds, he couldn't catch his breath. 
The frame changed again. This time, Thor and you were in Asgard, arguing with Odin, who probably was still him. Thor threw Mjolnir, forcing him to stay in the hammer's way, since Odin had the power to stop it at his will. You lifted your hand, your eyes glowing yellow, and Thor released him right before the hammer could collide against him, staggering, right at the moment Loki changed back to his form. You had used the power of the mind stone to stop Thor from hurting him, watering eyes as you stared at the blonde.
Thor looked shocked, staring back at you with disbelief in his eyes.
"You knew, did you not? You knew all along and you did nothing to stop him!" He seemed hurt, betrayed. For a moment, Loki pitied him; however, he couldn't help to notice you took his side instead of Thor's. "I thought you could be a good influence on him, Stark, but you are as mischievous and untrustworthy as such." 
"Thor, please. I can explain" your voice cracked as you tried to avoid the tears that rolled free through your face. "I… I…"
"I don't wish to hear it! There's no possible explanation for this treachery! You said I was your best friend, and yet you betrayed me. You betrayed Asgard."
"I love him, Thor!" You sobbed, and Loki's heart skipped a beat. You held your chest, trying to catch your breath, and future Loki looked astonished at your words.
The scene changed again. Odin calls Thor and him his sons. You stare at the scene from afar with a knowing smile, hugging your body for comfort. Remember this place, Odin says. Home. He vanishes in a whirl of golden sand, gone. 
Another scene. Thor (with shorter hair?) states he thought the world of him, and how they thought they were going to fight side by side forever. Loki's heart softened at his brother's words, tears streaming down his face. For the first time, he felt as his equal. His sibling. Not a threat to be exterminated.
Another scene. All of you standing on the Bifrost with a Valkyrie, and you glowed so much your feet barely touched the ground, the air sparking with so much power. You smiled, raising your arms.
"Meet your demise, goddess of death."
The scene changes again. Thor says maybe he's not so bad after all, calls him brother. Thanks him. Another frame, and future Loki is holding you by your waist, smiling like he never did.
"You know, I really wish to promote my dad to grandfather. And Thor to uncle. I think one day we should think about that." You jested, stealing a peck of his lips with a sly grin. Little minx. Present Loki couldn't avoid a chuckle, his eyes teary. It's amazing how intimate both of you look, and he wished there were more scenes from before... Or was it after, since he hadn't lived it yet?
"I think, at least for a while, the world could not handle one more Loki or Y/n Stark, dearest."
"Gosh, I believe you're right. Forget about the world, we wouldn't be able to handle it."
Another scene. He stood in front of Thanos himself. The Infinity gauntlet was around your throat and, in his mind, you were begging him to escape. 
"I can handle it. I can beat him, but not with you here. Please, Loki. Just go."
He tried to stab Thanos, but the Mad Titan easily blocked him with the power of the gauntlet, releasing you on the ground. He then held future Loki by his throat, and he watched himself start to struggle.
"Undying?" Thanos mocked. "You should choose your words more carefully."
"Please! Please! I'll go with you, I'll do anything you ask of me, but please! Spare him!" You begged, crawling to the Titan's foot, undignified, desperate. 
"You… will never be… a god" his strained voice threw one last shot.
A loud crack. Your pained screams filling the air. You and Thor hugging his lifeless body, just as the Mad Titan grabs you by the hair, teleporting elsewhere, leaving Loki unsure of your destiny. He watched as the ship exploded, unsure if Thor survived either.
The tape ended, as did his life. Just like that. End of file. End of the great Loki Laufeyson, with his bloody glorious purpose. 
A dry laughter echoed through the room and, for a moment, he didn't realise it came from himself. Glorious purpose. 
"What's so funny?" A voice came from behind. It was the woman from TVA, the one that caught him. 
Things escalated quickly, the physical altercation taking it's toll. He stole the device that kept resetting him from Mobius earlier, and found the perfect opportunity to use it. He put it around her neck, resetting at his own will, over and over again just to spite her and, when it ceased being funny, finally getting rid of her.
"This way! Bring her." Agitated voices echoed across the hall outside. "This one was hard to get. Surely will be pruned as soon as possible."
"She seems alright" another voice replied, probably the other guard.
"She took out almost the entire unit by herself. Never trust a pretty face, they're usually the most dangerous types."
"Aw, you think I'm pretty?" Your voice echoed through the hall, and Loki's heart skipped a beat. "Don't worry fellas, I ain't doing shit. I'm tired of fighting."
Loki ran to the door, leaving it ajar and being able to see you. You looked almost the same as the frames; your hair was longer, and you had some new scars to show, but in spite of that, the same. 
"Y/n" he called before he could stop himself, standing by the door. You turned your head so quickly he feared you would get a sprained neck, your tired eyes glistening with tears. You tried to reach him, suddenly forgetting you were trapped, but one of the guards began to warn the others. 
Bad choice. Your eyes looked like helfire and, with ease, you knocked both of them to the ground, pruning them with one of the batons. Loki was astonished. You were something else; like a Valkyrie, a true fighter, a warrior. Imposing, dangerous. You turned to him, assessing with your eyes, only to throw your arms around his shoulders, hiding your face on his neck. Loki was taken slightly aback; he wasn't much used to physical displays of tenderness. You realised how stiff he felt, and it took a moment for you to understand what was wrong. Your eyes fell tired again, and suddenly, you looked much older than you really were. 
"Ah… You're not my Loki, are you?" You caressed his cheek with a sorrowful expression that pained him. The meaning behind those words, the sentiment, he could practically taste them in his tongue, like a bitter piece of a once sweet fruit. "Forgive me. I… I keep forgetting about the multiverse."
"I have seen you before, have I not?" He recalled, just before he snatched the Tesseract, he had a glimpse of the you of the Future Loki's timeline. Nourns, that was confusing. "You were trying to get the Tesseract. Why? You already had it, the avengers stole it from me."
"We didn't steal, you twat. It was SHIELD's, if someone actually stole it, it was you." You replied, but there were no emotions in your voice, no anger, or resentment. Nothing. You sighed, raising your head to look at him once more. "You look exactly the same. You don't know, do you?"
Loki looked around the hall, wondering if guards were coming for them. He pulled you back to the room he was in, shutting the door and placing a chair so no one would open it. 
"I know… I know enough" he kept the part about the two of you out. "I've seen my end. Pray tell, what happens after that? And how are you here?"
You sat on the table, staring at your knees.
"After you died, Thanos took me to collect the other gems, keeping me away from them so I couldn't absorb their power. I located the rest of them. He killed his own daughter to avoid me from getting close to the soul stone. I managed to escape when Stephen Strange opened a portal to send me to Wakanda, a city back on earth, where his army was attacking, so I could help protect Vision, since he had the last gem. Once Thanos came to take it, I managed to get close to the gauntlet, absorbing the power of the remaining stones. However, it was a bit too much for a few minutes, it made me vulnerable. The stones fought to corrupt me, and Thor tried to stop him, but he successfully snapped his fingers and fulfilled his plan. It was too much power, I couldn't… I didn't…"
You stopped for a moment, blinking away tears. Loki waited patiently in silence. 
"We found Thanos a few days after that, but I knew it wouldn't matter anymore. So I wouldn't be able to revert what he did, he destroyed the gems right after he escaped. I could feel my power being drained at each stone he destroyed. By the time we found him, there was nothing left. Thor killed him. We had lost, and shamefully. Half of our friends were gone, half of all life. It took us five years to actually come up with a plan to reverse his doings, to gather stones from other timelines, bring them to ours so I could regain my powers and bring everybody back. And so did we. An error in calculation, and we lost Natasha. But the stones were there. I absorbed them with the fear of being taken by them once more, drunk with power, but it didn't happen. I snapped my finger, and it was incredibly damaging to me." 
You showed some of your scars. 
"It's an unbelievable source of power, Loki. No one should be able to gather them. I was built for it and it still hurt me deeply. We were attacked, Thanos came from another timeline and tried to gather the Infinity stones once more. I wasn't able to use the powers again so soon, so…" you hesitated, your eyes moving from one place to another as if you were looking for a way to bolt. "So dad had built a gauntlet so another person could use it in case of me being corrupted by the stones, and he used it to finish Thanos for good. My dad was human, so it killed him. He died because I couldn't fulfil my duty. Because of me. And that was the last trigger, the last thing I could possibly stand. So I travelled through the multiverse trying to find a way to reverse what happened and bring everybody back. Apparently TVA saw me as a threat, so here I am." you stared at him in silence, waiting for a response. "Is that… is that the Tesseract?"
Loki followed her stare, forgetting for a moment that he had taken the electric blue square from the drawer, seeing several infinity stones with it. 
"Yes. It doesn't work here."
"Yeah, I figured. Tried to use my powers lots of times here. We're trapped." You shrugged, taking the square and rolling it in your hands. "As cheesy as it may sound, at least i'm with you."
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worstloki · 1 year
so imagine the MCU but the Avengers are convinced Loki is the actual BBEG:
Avengers 1 - as shown
Thor TDW - No stabbing fake out, Malekith takes Loki with him after Thor tries use the powah of lightning to destroy an infinity stone (total Thor moment). Somehow it looks to the Avengers like Malekith is Loki's minion. Now they think he's brought TWO armies to Earth
Avengers 2 - Loki has the brilliant, beautiful idea to recover the mind stone since that thing is pretty dangerous to leave on Midgard and Thor will cry if those mortals he plays with kill themselves with it. He gets there right as Ultron is born. Now they blame him for that too
Thor Gagnarok - The final battle with Hela takes place on Earth for some reason. Loki joined her as part of a flawless, meticulously planned gambit to ensure her defeat. But she loses in a stupid way before that happens. He was 2nd in command... now her draugr obey him. Avengers mad af because this is his THIRD army wtf man
Avengers 3 - Loki: Thanos is coming. Avengers: Don't care, hate you more
Avengers somehow deciding that Thanos works for Loki
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thirsty4villains · 1 year
Bound | A Loki x Reader Fanfic - Chapter 21
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Rating: E
Warnings: Smut, human sacrifice, mentions of torture, blood and injury, violence, angst
Tags: slow burn, romance, smut, fix-it, canon divergence of Avengers Infinity War/Endgame, AU, humor, limited use of Y/N, action, sharing a bed
Consider joining my Patreon – where all fics are posted earlier than anywhere else and you can make fic requests at certain tiers!ヽ(•‿•)ノ
Read on AO3 | Wattpad | Previous chapters on Tumblr
A year has passed since the Snap. As you look to find a fresh start in life, you end up in the wrong place at the wrong time. A small cult dedicated to the newly revitalized Norse religion chooses you as a sacrifice with the belief that this will give Thor and the other gods the strength to undo what Thanos has done. What you don’t know is that human sacrifices come with a powerful magic — those who are sacrificed become linked with the god they have been given to.
It’s been a millennia since a human was sacrificed to one of the gods. You’ve been bound to Loki.
A month passed since you and Loki returned to Earth alive, well, and unbound. In that time happy tears were shed because you spent that month celebrating and meeting with all the people the Snap had taken from you. Family, friends, old coworkers, even people you stopped talking to before it happened. Although it was a horrible, tragic event, the Snap taught an important lesson in appreciating what you have and not to take the people in your life for granted.
And it wasn’t just you, it was everybody on the planet. Mothers and fathers reunited with their children, sisters with brothers, cousins, best friends, lovers, families and beloved pets. It was a period of relative world peace and happiness. The birds chirped again, bugs buzzed, you watched critters chase each other up trees and into bushes. The world was busy again, and not just busy – loud. Cities bustled, excited crowds of people walked together, and cell phones beeped and rang.
While you utilized this time to reunite with those taken by the Infinity Stones five years ago, Loki hesitated coming with you. And by hesitated – he flat out refused.
“What do you mean you aren’t coming? You don’t want to meet my family?”
“Of course I do,” Loki said with a sensitive voice. “And you’ve met mine, but will they have forgiven me for New York? I tried to take over your planet, I don’t imagine they’ll be thrilled to see me.”
“You’re a hero, Loki! You helped bring everyone back!”
“That doesn’t erase what I did,” he said calmly.
“But you have to start moving on, you can’t live in the past.”
“I don’t, but humans do.”
You sighed and took his hands in yours.
“I will meet them one day,” he said, caressing his thumb over yours. “I don’t want to take away from your reunion by causing a commotion. A lot has happened in five years and people are still reintegrating into everyday life. Not yet.”
You nodded, squeezing his hands. “Okay. I suppose that makes sense. I just really wanted you to meet them today.”
You shared a kiss, then you conjured a portal to the home of the cousin that was hosting the reunion. 
You regaled Loki with all the details of the reunion and showed him pictures when you returned. He admitted that he wished he could have been there, but held that staying back and waiting was still the right thing to do. 
Ever since returning to Earth you didn’t exactly have a home or an apartment to come back to, considering you disappeared. In the month of your return you and Loki just spent your time together traveling Earth, staying in motels and hotels. The apocalypse happened and you were able to reverse it; the least you could do was treat yourselves. The most interesting part about traveling the world was Loki’s commentary. It was very easy to forget that he was a thousand-year-old deity and that he visited many of these locations before your ancestors’ ancestors walked the Earth.
“So many buildings and crowds. This area used to be full of sweeping plains. And what is that thing?”
“You mean the Eiffel Tower?” you asked.
“An amateur Asgardian architect could come up with something more impressive.”
You rolled your eyes and laughed.
However, not all of his commentary was sarcastic. Though he’d seen parts of Earth before (and hundreds of years ago), he hadn’t seen all of it. He was awed by the Great Barrier Reef and the cherry trees in Japan. And now that he was a permanent resident of Earth, you forced him to get a cell phone. He didn’t care for it, only finally giving in so the two of you could communicate from distances. The one thing he pretended to be indifferent about but actually fell in love with was the camera.
After the trip, Thor greeted you when you came back. He pulled both of you in for a bear hug, which always knocked the wind out of you. You agreed to meet him at a cozy little cafe in New York, since he was there with the Avengers for some post-Thanos paperwork.
“By the way, the new S.H.I.E.L.D. will require statements and all sorts of stuff. It is tedious work.”
“Great,” you said sarcastically.
In front of you was your order of your favorite drink and a breakfast sandwich, Loki had black coffee, and Thor an Irish coffee and an enormous helping of bacon and pancakes.
“Statements? What are we stating, that we fought Thanos and won?” Loki asked. “That seems rather redundant.”
“Welcome to Earth,” you said.
“Lovely,” Loki said, rolling his eyes.
The conversation moved to the trip. Thor wanted to know all about the places you visited. You and Loki showed him the hundreds of pictures both of you took on your phones.
“I am so joyful that father bestowed life upon you once more, brother. You have earned it,” Thor beamed.
“If he didn’t, I would have found a way to wriggle my way out of Valhalla. I would have died again of boredom if I was forced to stay,” Loki said.
“And mother and father?” Thor asked. “How are they?”
“They are very well, and happy. They miss us dearly, and are proud of our victory.”
Thor’s eyes welled with tears. He blinked them away. “I am glad to hear it. And now that you’re here on Midgard, where are the two of you going to stay?”
“I’m not sure,” you said. “We haven’t put a lot of thought into it.”
“If you would, I invite both of you to stay with us in New Asgard.”
“Hmm,” mused Loki.
“There is quite some work to be done. It will never be exactly like home, but we can make it into our new one.”
“What of the people there on trial for what they did to her?” Loki asked, gesturing to you.
“They are still on trial,” Thor said. “It has been a slow process.”
“I – I don’t know if I want to go there if I might see one of them,” you said, twiddling your fingers nervously around your beverage.
“Of course,” Thor nodded in understanding. “Think about it, and you can text message me, it is much quicker than sending a raven.”
“Thank you, brother,” Loki said.
The brothers hugged, then you hugged the god of thunder. Thor excused himself to return to the tedious S.H.I.E.L.D. paperwork. People on the streets oohed and ahhed when he took to the sky with Mjolnir.
“What are your thoughts?” Loki asked.
“Is that where you want to go? To live with your people?” you said.
“Yes,” he said. “But we can wait until after they figure out what to do with the savages that sacrificed you. You don’t need to relive your trauma. I don’t want to go unless you’ll come with me.”
Your heart swelled from Loki’s words. “Thank you.”
The two of you shared a kiss.
For the time being, you and Loki found a place just outside of New York City. Loki wanted to go somewhere a bit more lavish but Thor warned that S.H.I.E.L.D. would want to speak soon, and to make it easier on everyone the two of you should stay close by.
One morning you woke up with a warm feeling between your legs. In your dream, Loki was laving you with his tongue, and two of his fingers curled inside your core. It was a pleasant surprise when you woke up and found that it wasn’t a dream at all. Your half-lidded eyes focused on the raven-haired god of mischief eating you out sensually, deliberately. You shifted, indicating to Loki that you were now awake and his forest green eyes looked up from his meal to you. He took a break to lift his head up and smile.
“Good morning,” you said, gasping when he curled a finger inside you.
“Good morning,” he mirrored. 
His eyes flashed with green fire as he watched your body succumb to him. Your thighs shook and your pleasure coated them. Your chest heaved quickly. Loki chuckled and continued his ministrations with his tongue. Plunging his deft fingers into your body, working in tandem with his mouth and lips, you were rendered a shuddering, shaking mess. Squelching noises sounded through the room, signifying just how eager and ripe your body was. The scent of you filled the air. Loki added a third finger, fucking you deliciously and playing with your clit; then the tide rolled in and you came, moaning the god of mischief’s name to the skies
He drank you in as you shuddered to completion, flicking at your sensitive nub, his fingers rubbing your trembling walls until the wave subsided. Your body unarched and your back rested against the mattress again. Slowly, your breathing returned to its regular pace.
“That was quite a wakeup call,” you said contently.
“Yes,” the god replied. “Normally you don’t sleep in this late. I had to rectify that.”
A smile graced your lips. “I see.”
Loki removed himself from between your legs, climbing beside you on the bed. As he moved, you caught sight of his bulging, erect cock. The god was completely naked and currently attempting to remove your pajama shirt. You shied away from him.
“Want something, do you?” you teased.
“What is rightfully mine,” Loki said. He magicked away the remainder of your clothes – which wasn’t much.
Now entirely naked, Loki hungrily feasted on your neck. His lips and teeth grazed the thin skin, one of his hands fondling your breasts while the other cupped your ass and thighs. You could already feel your growing arousal despite having just climaxed.
You turned your head, lifting his chin so you could meet his lips. Loki complied, gladly. The kiss was sensual, then turned carnal when Loki darted his tongue inside your mouth. Once in a while he bit your lip, claiming you for his own – all the while, teasing your nipples between his thumb and forefinger. He moved on top of you. Parting your legs with his own, he lowered himself to rub your clit again; this time with his member. He was rock hard, gliding the tip of his cock through your slick up and down between your lips. You squealed underneath him. 
You outstretched your hands, placing either one on the side of his face and pulled him back in for a kiss. Your lips and tongues intertwined as Loki rubbed against you. The feeling was absolutely divine, your head already swimming. Then, he broke the kiss off, settling above you again, and finally moved inside you. It was seamless with the combined wetness of your past orgasm and your current arousal, like a glove. He filled you up completely, entirely, stretching your walls to their delicious peak. Loki began to move, and you took him in stride.
He fucked you face to face. One arm snaked itself under your hip and his tongue flicked at your earlobe, his teeth nibbling occasionally. You moved your hips in tandem with his, doing the age-old dance of lovemaking. Underneath him you moaned with each thrust as Loki delivered you your pleasure. 
Then, he stopped. His teeth retracted from your earlobe and you felt his lips press against the shell of your ear.
“Flip over,” he whispered.
Loki removed his cock from you. Whining for a moment, you obliged. 
“I’m still waking up, I don’t know if I can really stay up on my hands and knees,” you said.
“Then on your belly you shall be. I want to hear you screaming into the mattress as I take you like an animal.”
A jolt of electricity snaked its way through your lower area. You lowered yourself completely flat on the bed, then Loki’s body weighed on top of you. His fingers found your opening and guided himself into you once again. You groaned in relief and thanks.
He thrusted in and out, hard. You choked out a muffled cry.
“I want you entirely at my mercy,” he demonstrated.
Then, pinned between the bed and him, Loki rutted into you with that glorious cock of his. Into the mattress you groaned as he took your pleasure. You felt your fluids coating your thighs and his cock as he guided in and out, over and over again. Every once in a while he spanked your ass, causing you to shriek and rut into the bed involuntarily. The light pain of the spanking mixed with the ecstasy wracking your body.
Above you, though you couldn’t see him, Loki was very clearly enjoying this position. Grunts and groans of a man deep in pleasure sounded above and behind you. Sometimes after spanking you he leaned down, whispering dirty things into your ear: “Yes, that’s it, take me. Take all of me,” and “My little mortal woman.”
It wasn’t very much more until you could bear it no longer and underneath the god of mischief you came. You screamed into the bed, a mix between Loki’s name and an incoherent mess. Your legs shook as your body surrendered to the tidal wave, and a moment later Loki reached his climax, too. He thrusted his cock into you, buried deep, until he reached his completion. He gave a few final pumps, groaning as he did, releasing his love, his lust, his virility into you.
Then, a knock on the door.
Both of you jumped, heads turned toward the direction of the front door.
“It’s probably that package I ordered,” you said.
“I don’t hear anything dropped on the porch, or his footsteps for that matter.”
“Well, it’s probably nothing. They’ll leave soon enough.”
Loki nodded, then settled back on top of you, tracing random lines on your back with his fingers. You giggled when he roamed over the ticklish spots.
Another knock sounded at the door.
“Ugh,” you groaned, burying your face back in the pillow.
“What infernal human..?” Loki asked, irritated. 
He removed himself from you, casting a spell to clean both of you and the bed. A third time the knocking commenced on the door, however this time the knocker’s fist pounded quite hard and fast. 
The both of you quickly got dressed. “What in the world?” you said.
A woman’s voice spoke behind the door. She said your full name, then Loki’s. 
“We need to speak, and I know you’re in there. Open up,” she commanded.
“Yes, okay! Hang on a sec!” you shouted back to the door.
As you were getting dressed, Loki left the bedroom and went to open the front door. “Wait, wait, wait…” you mumbled to yourself as you hurriedly pulled your pants on.
You ran into the entrance room where Loki had already begun talking with the woman. She was tall, not as tall as Loki, but tall nonetheless. Clearly this was S.H.I.E.L.D., like Thor warned the two of you about. She took off her sunglasses and tucked them into her jacket pocket. You’d hoped she would be less intimidating now that you could see her eyes – nope. She had a steely look in her eyes. The agent also had a wire in her ear; her hair was nearly as dark as Loki’s. And behind her stood another agent, an older man, about middle-age with balding hair. 
“Is that Coulson?” Loki asked, genuinely shocked. He seemed to be addressing the man behind the other agent.
“Yes, it is,” agent Coulson said. “Surprised to see me?”
“Very much so, considering I killed you in New York.”
“Nearly killed me. Nice to see you again, too,” Coulson said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.
“You almost killed this guy?” you whispered to Loki.
“Yes, when I tried taking over Earth… This is awkward,” said Loki.
You rubbed your eyes. Okay, bad first impression already,
“So, S.H.I.E.L.D., huh? I thought you guys disappeared a few years back,” you said, arms crossed.
“We’re rebuilding,” the woman said curtly.
She addressed the two of you by your full names again. “We have a few questions concerning the Infinity War and your involvement in it.”
“You know ours but I don’t even know yours. Why should I not slam this door in your face right now?” Loki said, clearly peeved.
“Because we have authority to arrest you, Loki, for your attempted domination of the Earth back in 2012,” the agent said calmly.
“Oh, do try,” Loki said, his lips splitting into a sadistic grin.
“Loki, let’s just do what she says, don’t make anything worse than it needs to be,” you said, placing your hand lightly on his arm.
The man behind the female agent looked past the two of you and spoke up. “May we come in?”
Loki’s nostrils flared. “How dare y –”
“Yes, please come in!” you interrupted Loki. You shot him a look and gestured the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents in. “What did I just say about making things worse?” you whispered.
“You can call me Agent Hill, you deserve that much,” the unnamed agent said as she took a seat on the nearest couch. Coulson stayed standing. He leaned against the wall.
Loki looked like he was going to burst a blood vessel.
“You really don’t remember me, Loki?” Agent Hill asked.
“No, excuse me for my rudeness,” the god said sarcastically. “You have a rather forgetful visage, apologies.”
“I just have a few questions for today, then I’ll get out of your hair,” Agent Hill continued, a slight smirk on her face upon being able to get under Loki’s skin. She looked at you first. “According to our documented victims of the Snap, you were not one of them. What were you doing in the years leading up to Thanos’ return? How did you meet Loki?”
“Is this relevant to what happened?” you asked.
“Just answer the question, ma’am.” Hill pulled out a clipboard and pen. Coulson already had his own out and ready to go.
“No, I didn’t disappear with the Snap. I actually went on a drive across the country to find a new start in life. Everyone I knew was taken from me; friends, family. On the way I stopped in a little town of people that worships the Norse pantheon. Then they… Well, this is gonna sound crazy, but they sacrificed me.”
Agent Hill and Coulson’s pens stopped scribbling.
“They what?” Coulson said.
“They sacrificed me. That’s how I met Loki. They were desperate to get their loved ones back and sacrificed me to Loki in the hopes pleasing him would somehow help him bring everyone back.”
“This is a serious question, ma’am. I’m not joking,” Hill reminded.
“Neither am I. I was attached to a bonfire and burned. Thanks to magic I don’t have any burn scars.”
Her cool demeanor cracked for just a moment as she listened to your story. “I… I see.” She continued her scribblings. When she finished she turned to Loki. “And where were you during the time you left Earth in 2012 when you were taken by Thor back to Asgard, and the end of the Infinity War?”
“Do you want the entire picture?” Loki asked with irritation. “I was in many places, human, doing many things.”
“Answer the question,” Coulson asserted behind her.
“Just do as he says,” you whispered to Loki.
“How did you survive anyway, Coulson?” Loki asked, ignoring your comment. “And I’m surprised they are allowing you to be here for this interview considering our… past interaction.”
“To answer your question,” the agent said, “It’s a long story. To your second point, I am in charge of obtaining information from all involved in the Infinity War. However, since our relationship is… complicated, Agent Hill is conducting this interview.”
“It’s hard to not find someone emotionally compromised with you, Loki, considering you tried to enslave the planet,” agent Hill said. “Distractions aside, answer the question.”
He growled, but ultimately complied. Loki recounted to Agent Hill how he was brought back to Asgard but shortly after the Dark Elves invaded, and he and Thor had to work together to defeat them. In this time, Loki faked his death and took Asgard’s throne, secretly disposing of Odin on Earth while he could rule. Then, when Thor came back four years later they went to Sakaar and fought their long-lost sister Hela and brought on Ragnarok. Finally, on their way as refugees out of Asgard, Thanos invaded the Asgardians’ ship. 
“I knew of Thanos’ power because I briefly worked with him. He had one Stone when he boarded us, then took a second. I knew then he couldn’t be stopped; it was only a matter of time before he obtained all of the Stones. I knew what had to be done and I allowed the Mad Titan to kill me – and this was to be transported to Valhalla and obtain Idunn’s apples.”
“Yes, Thor mentioned these apples when he briefed Coulson,” Agent Hill said, placing her pen down. “I’ve also learned that in the time you two were in the afterlife, Loki taught you magic and you used this magic to help with the fight, is that correct?”
“That’s correct,” you answered.
“We will be entering your name on the Extraordinary Persons Registry,” the Agent told you.
“Oh, okay… I didn’t even know that was a thing.”
“Every superpowered individual we are aware of is on it. Anyway, what is your relationship to one another?”
“I’m sorry?” Loki said.
“What is your relationship to one an –”
“No, I heard your question, mortal. I thought you were asking us about Thanos. Each one of these questions has been about us, our history, not him. Why are you really here?”
The room fell silent as Loki and Agent Hill partook in a staring contest. Loki impatiently tapped his fingers on the couch armrest. The Agent spun her pen around between her fingertips and uncrossed her legs. After many awkward moments, she broke the staring contest and added something to her notes.
“I will get your statements about Thanos, but I was told first to learn more about you, Loki, to verify if you’re still a threat to this planet.”
“I can answer that for you. No. Now, may we move on?”
“And you think we’ll just take your word for it?” Coulson said. “The only reason you aren’t in heavy containment in an underground base in Alaska is because you helped save the universe, but we don’t know your intentions. Was it all a part of a greater plan, a distraction?”
“No one goes from trying to take over Earth to reforming into a good guy,” Hill added. “That just doesn’t happen.”
Loki was standing now, and his fist was curled.
Hill spoke up. “I ask you again: What is your relationship to one another?”
“We’re not evil masterminds working together if that’s what you think,” you interrupted, looking between both agents. “We were complete strangers and some… stuff happened, and now we’re together. We’re a couple.”
“You’re… dating?” Agent Coulson interrupted.
“What? Didn’t hear the screams of pleasure on the way to the door?” Loki asked.
“I… No. Oh, I see.” His cheeks turned the vaguest shade of pink. “That’s why it took you so long to answer the door.”
The corner of Loki’s mouth curled into a smile.
“So, you two aren’t working together?” Hill said.
“Like, what? For evil domination crap?” you asked, almost snorting. “We ‘worked together’ I guess to bring the apples out of Valhalla and beat Thanos.”
Hill and Coulson took many more notes. A minute or so passed until she spoke again. “You’re telling me you’re dating the alien that tried to take over our planet?”
“This woman must be insane,” Coulson said under his breath as he wrote something.
“Oh believe me, I know it’s crazy,” you said with a laugh.
Suddenly, Coulson’s cell phone began to buzz. He fished it out of his pocket, eyes scanning the screen.
“We need to leave. I’ll cut to the chase of why we’re here. Loki and Y/N, S.H.I.E.L.D. is keeping very close watch on both of you and the only reason you aren’t thrown in a cage to rot, Loki, is because you helped save the Earth, but you slip up or do anything even slightly suspicious, we’ll know about it and we’ll lock you up for however long Asgardians live to be.”
“Because locking me up worked so well the first time,” Loki said darkly. “Are you done invading our space now?”
“Oh, like you invaded Earth?” Hill quipped. Loki narrowed his eyes.
“Agent Hill and I will be back next week to take the actual statements on Thanos,” Coulson said. 
The S.H.I.E.L.D. agents stood up, pocketing their pens and notes. You walked them to the door and the two of you signed about a dozen papers stamped ‘CLASSIFIED’ in bold red letters at the top.
“You’ll see that Loki is a changed man, agents,” you told them.
Coulson looked between you and the god. “We’ll see. If Loki is even on perfect behavior we may loosen the leash. May. Goodbye.”
“Goodbye,” Hill said.
Loki shut the door as soon as they crossed the threshold. “Rats.”
You extended your arms, hugging Loki as hard as you could. “I’m sorry about that.”
“I thought of thirty different ways I wanted to kill him again while suffering through that,” the god said.
“Hey, look at me,” you said, turning his face to you. “Don’t worry about them. We saved the world, some S.H.I.E.L.D. agents up in our business is annoying, but nothing we can’t handle.”
Loki sighed. “Yes…” And he closed the gap between you, kissing you sweetly on the lips. You stood on your tiptoes
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okilokiwithpurpose · 1 year
Mobius' identity theory 11
On with my 20 days of pre-TVA Mobius’ identity theories event!
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Day 11: the Space Stone
Told you they'd be some crazy theories, well, here is one!
This time, I'm not talking of Mobius succumbing to the power of the Tesseract like "Mister Tesseract" was all about, but about Mobius being - or at least being made of - the Tesseract, or more so, of the Space Stone.
I'm basing this one on the controversial theory that infinity stones have a mind of their own. In this case, not only would the stone have a mind, but it would also possess a humanoid form and therefore a higher degree of autonomy, as well as a name: Mobius Mobius Mobius (and, well, a Mobius strip happens to be a common symbol of Infinity, a one-sided surface you can loop on indefinitely).
Either a synthetic being à la Vision, a former human that somehow "fusioned" with the stone to become something new, or a stone that "choose" to take a human shape, Mobius' identity would be indissociable to the stone composing him.
Would this have been considered an act of transgression in and of itself by the TVA? Or did he commit another crime against the Sacred Timeline? Anyway, he ended up being arrested, brainwashed, and "put to good use".
Yes, I know that Infinity Stones loose all power within the walls of the TVA, where they are used as paperweight. But it doesn't mean their personalities "dissipate", should they have one. And if Loki doesn't automatically transform back into a Frost Giant when he enters it, I don't see why Mobius' couldn't keep his appearance as well, even if the stone's energy was initially used to acquire it! As for when he goes on the field, sure, he never seems to manifest any extra-human abilities, but how could unleash a power he cannot remember ever possessing? (Also, and yes, this is absolutely me fangirling, but can you imagine the moment he does for the first time before a very confused - and very impressed - Loki??!)
Finally, of all the Infinity Stones, which could have suited Mobius better than the Space one? I know I'm at it again but the angst potential of a Mobius discovering his origins and unable to stop himself from wondering if he and Loki ever got close because Loki, who has a history of reaching for the Tesseract, has been unconsciously drawn to him by his Stone powers... (the answer is no!!!)
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It drives me up the fucking wall that on a purely theoretical level, Darkhold-controlled Wanda could indeed cause more destruction than Thanos, but as far as we know, she didn’t.
That said, imagine seriously thinking she actually killed more people than him. Thanos is hundreds of years old, and he was going from planet to planet “saving” them for probably centuries before Infinity War. Even if we assume Wanda destroyed Defender Strange’s Kamar-Taj (which I guess is possible), that still leaves her body count miles below Thanos’s. (Unless my cynical theory about her inadvertently causing incursions is true, but hopefully it isn’t.)
And also imagine seriously thinking Wanda is morally worse than Thanos. Even if I were to concede to her having destroyed multiple universes… none of it was her fault. Just like the incursion Illuminati Strange caused wasn’t his fault. Yes, wiping out quintillions of lives is an absolutely diabolical crime, but how much can a person who is under the control of an evil book and doesn’t even know such a thing is possible be blamed for what the book causes?
Those comments are insane and it's even crazier that they were upvoted. You know I always try to stay away from the "you hate this character because she's a woman" crowd but at some point I wonder, if Wanda was a man and Thanos a woman, would they be saying the same thing? I doubt it. Look at how mad they were at Carol for being so powerful and yet we never heard any complaints about Thor withstanding the power of a star or Thanos being capable of wielding the 6 stones for no freaking reason.
I will admit though I had never expected to read anybody writing "Thanos wanted existence to continue and not the genocide of imaginary infants". No, he didn't kill the imaginary ones, he killed very real ones across the universe.
But what I hate the most about these comments is the comparison purely based on what, number of victims? Wanda never killed so many people but even if she had... that's not enough to compare the two. That's like saying Steve and Bucky can be compared to Zemo and his squad in Sokovia only based on the fact that they're military or the number of deaths they caused. Zemo was a terrorist, Steve and Bucky were fighting the nazis. It's not the same thing.
This reminds me again of that post with all the Avengers listed next to the crimes they committed, it's such a superficial reading. But I'm not surprised with the way Marvel is handling the story lately: The Snap is treated as a joke, Loki claims in his show he went to NYC because he was mad at Thor and Odin, the Asgardians have a Thanos-themed ice cream in Norway... but Loki is blamed for the invasion, Bucky is told to make amends for what Hydra did and now Wanda is called worse than Thanos and the Darkhold's hold on her is completely erased (to be fair, that's what MoM did after the first 20 minutes so I'm not surprised these fans are doing the same).
With the amount of hate Wanda gets, I don't know how we got so lucky to have a show like WandaVision.
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