datauthorress · 1 year
you just had a horrible breakup with your boyfriend, who you found out had been cheating on you because he couldn't keep his dick in his pants. you were a virgin and he had been your first serious relationship and you hadn't felt ready to have sex yet.
you're out having lunch by yourself at your favorite cafe when you notice an older man, early 40's perhaps, sit down across from you.
you immediately recognized him.
your ex's father.
and you couldn't help but be amazed by how handsome he was.
he smiled at you softly. "i heard my son was rather cruel to you, y/n. i'm sorry he was so heartless. you deserve so much more than him."
he reached over and gently touched your hand with calloused fingertips, warm and strong against your flesh. "if you ever need anything, you can count on me,"
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juipterjim · 2 years
idk if anyone did this already, BUT y’all know how the Mario movie is coming out April 7th right? I just find it interesting how literally the DAY AFTER THAT, Sonic 2 came out. I can already see the memes coming out with them just full on having a rivalry about how their film was better than the other 😂
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crackedpumpkin · 1 year
a/n: am still sick but hope this makes u happy lol, drabbled a little here n there, just imaginethis with ur fav character 🫶🏻🫡
Sharing a bed with your crush was never on your bucket list to begin with.
And yet here you are laying beside him, your back pressed against his chest as he holds you tightly. A soft snore slips past his lips, his hot breath tickling your ear.
An involuntary shiver tiptoes down your spine at that, hands scrambling to hold the hem of your shirt as your eyes squeeze shut.
You glance down at his hands gently holding your waist, warmth painting your cheeks a beautiful red.
With your heart beating as loudly as it is now, it's a wonder he hasn't woken up.
Well, you suppose it's a good thing he didn't. Afterall, it's a one-sided love you have for him.
Gazing at the soft beams of moonlight brushing against your pillow seems almost like a dream. Your breaths slow, his every exhale soothing your nerves.
With eyelids beginning to grow heavy, your fingers reach for his hand that circles your waist. They hesitate.
Even for a moment, perhaps this would be seen as scandalous; maybe even bordering on insane.
But who are you to care, when he holds you so tight, yet so gently? Who are you to care, when his teasing eyes bring a breath of fresh air to your otherwise mundane world?
Who are you to care, when he regards you with such a soft expression, that you can never say no?
You place your hands on his.
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magic-hcs · 1 year
Drabble time: Kissy Faces
You can imaginethis with any boy
He had seen you do it a few times; pursing your lips together and creating a sort smacking noise. Being relatively new to human customs, he had not the slightest idea what that behavior could mean.
You did it at certain times, directed at certain things - or more accurately, certain beings - followed by a happy smile or a small giggle.
At first he only saw you do it when you were cooing and playing with animals. Letting your hand be grabbed by the paw of the stray cat who always pushed their body against your legs, you would smile and pucker those lips and push them forward, creating a smack sound. Or when that dog starts to enthusiastically lick your face you would giggle and stick out your lips. You would also do it when you greeted family, smacking your lips together before pressing them against the cheeks. He once had asked you what that was called and you told him those were kissy faces. No clue what that meant.
And now recently, you’ve been sending these ‘kissy faces’ towards him. Smiling and breaking out in giggles whenever he caught you doing it. It send warmth through his soul, why he didn’t know. He started to ponder, until one day a realization hit him.
You always gave ‘kissy faces’ to beings you cared a lot about.
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st4rstudent · 9 months
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THANKYOU!! (imaginethis is me jumping up and down)
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bluu-m0on · 4 years
Favorite ship dynamics #3
Person B: you are by far the most amazing, sweetest, gentlest, kindest, greatest, smartest, brightest, .... person I have ever met in my life, and did I even mention how- mmm!
(Person B gets cut off by Person A kissing them.)
Person A: *smirk on their face* (does) that sum it up for you darling~? <3
Person B: *with a lovestruck grin* yes... yes it does.
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sassydemigodsoul · 3 years
CHB Karaoke
Percy and Annabeth singing Paris by Chainsmokers and the seven watching this crying.
thats all thank you for your time.
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andiluvu · 3 years
“ you're the hopeful flame in this snowstorm i call life” 
- A heart broken soul
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panda-of-light · 4 years
Superman and Lois
Imagine this:
You have a family, you have a great wife, raising two teenage boys, and you are one of the world’s most famous metahuman. That is basically the premise of Superman and Lois, the new series by CW.
It was around 3:30 in the morning having a hard time to sleep as usual, I was catching up on Arrow (another CW series about the Green Arrow of DC comics, which started a multitude of DC series on the same universe coined the Arrowverse) because I was looking for that kind of superhero drama that I’ve watched a few years ago. I finished 2 episodes of season 7 and I just remembered there was a new series added to the arrowverse and it has one of my favorite DC superheroes, Superman.
So I go to download the CW app on my phone, installed it and watched the pilot episode, and what can I say? IT WAS FANTASTIC!
So without trying to spoil much and not to make this text post really long, it’s basically superman trying to juggle his two identities: Clark Kent, a husband to Lois Lane, a father to two teenage boys and day job. 2nd identity, as superman trying to save the world who sees him as a symbol of hope. The problem with this dual identity as all superheroes problem have I presume, you can’t be there for everyone no matter how powerful you are, even superman.
There was even a point where I forgot I was watching a superhero series! It was more focused on Clark Kent being a family man, and then you see a crisis happened and he goes whooshhhhhhhhh and I said to myself “Oh yeah, this is a superman show”
So to anyone out there reading this, give it a try if you like the arrowverse, DC heroes, superman or a fan of watching series. It’s worth your time, or I”m just being bias because he is a favorite.
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simpingwriter · 4 years
Imagine being in my situation.
I'm visiting my grandparents since two weeks and I have to share the bed with my mother.
In the middle of the night I sit fully awake next to her, listening to music while thinking about how to write literal porn about a way too joyful serial killer and a touch starved fucking bitch as dirty and wrong as possible.
And after a while my dog also enters the room with this knowing look, kink shaming me from a distance...
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johnhmcintosh · 4 years
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 Imagine this: Your body is whole, vibrant and ever youthful. This body never experiences illnesses or debilities. You can eat virtually anything without influencing weight changes or having side effects of any kind. You are attractive to everyone you come in to contact with and are sought after for your company by all. You sleep soundly, easily and rise fully refreshed. You have luxury homes in both snowy and tropical climates cared for by attendants that see to your every need. You have wealth that allows you to go where you wish, buy what you want and do whatever you please. You are surrounded by loving friends and family and experience harmony in all situations. Your mind is calm and yet stimulated by an abundance of options, opportunities and distractions. You are never bored. Whatever chaos may exist in the world you are never touched by it on any level.
 The care and comfort of the body-mind-identity occupies virtually every moment of almost everyone’s life and beneath the surface of conscious awareness these experiences are longed for, craved and sought after by most of humanity.
 Should such a scenario as described above exist and finally you pass away peacefully in your sleep without prior warning … your return to the Grand Dream ‘would be guaranteed’ … perhaps to experience the exact opposite. And this ‘dream within the Grand Dream’ would continue until attention was withdrawn from all but the basics – ‘inward’ toward the ‘Voice of Silence’ where the idyllic existence outlined would seem like a child playing in a sandbox by comparison.
 SUBSCRIBE to John McIntosh’s BLOG
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reddiestolemylife · 5 years
*Richie practicing asking Eddie out in his room*
Richie: okay...Eddie, hey, we should bang  – shit!
Richie: Eddie, would you want to come over sometime? 
Richie: okay now a less creepy one...hey Eds! Why don’t we go to the movies tomorrow? 
*later that same day*
Richie, whispering to himself: okay go you can do it *breathes deeply* 
Eddie: hey Rich! What’s up?
Richie: hey Eds! I banged your mom last night LOL 
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oasisofpassion · 5 years
detroit: become steve
Imagine Connor, Hank, Gavin, Tina, and Nines playing Minecraft Nines is the loner Gavin and Hank keep killing each other Tina is building the house and Connor keeps destroying it
Tina: G-Guys I'll make Hank and Gavin's rooms on opposing sides on the house just please get along
Connor: wouldn't it be shameful if a certain green monster had some fun - Hank: Touch Connor and I will break into your house and spill your diamonds into lava
Gavin: lmao old bitch taste my iron - Hank: Nines where are you Nines: The nether Connor: wHAT Nines: Lmao all your bitching has given me time to set up shit for myself Gavin: c-can I join you-- Nines: No
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peterfriggingpan · 6 years
Nap time [H.S.]
Imagine this: Harry wants you to take a nap with him, but you have work to do.
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“Come on, just for 20 minutes.”, Harry begged, dragging a pillow and a blanket from the bedroom behind him and plopping next to you on the couch.
You had taken up most of the room on the coffee table, your laptop in front of you and pieces of paper sprawled all over the place. You had a report due first thing in the morning and you and Harry were invited to a friend’s house for dinner, so you had to finish it before then. You were freaking out a bit, not able to think properly, thus running behind already. And Harry wasn’t helping at all with his nagging.
“Harry, for the thousandth time, I cannot take a nap right now, I’m swamped!”, you snapped at him, causing him to pout.
“Fine, I’ll just nap on my own.”, he said, making himself comfortable next to you on your huge couch. “I’ll just lie here, all by myself, while you work on your stupid report.”
“Harry, I’m right here. And it’s not stupid, it’s super important.”
“Is it more important than me, then?”, he asked, sitting up and looking at you with his puppy dog eyes, which you normally couldn’t resist.
“Nothing’s more important than you, apparently.”, you retorted, already sick of putting up with his sleepy cranky self, which you normally found extremely cute.
This wasn’t any other normal day though, and you really needed to be focused on this report, and you couldn’t help but feel stressed out about it, taking it out a little bit on Harry.
“Okay, darling, I’ll leave you alone.”, he said, snuggling up in his blanket and resting his head on the pillow. His voice was getting raspier by the second, already affected by his drowsiness. “It’s just that I’ve had a long hard day in the studio, the songs came out all wrong, and I just needed a nap with my baby to get my spirit up. But, I understand that you have work to do, so I’ll just nap here in my cozy corner on the couch, and you can do your thing, away from me and my warm fuzzy blanket and my hug and my sleepy sloppy kisses that I know you love so much. It’s fine, I’ll be fine all on my own.”
You rolled your eyes at that.
‘Such a drama queen’, you thought to yourself.
His words did have an effect on you, though. You started to feel dozy, all the stress and anxiety of the day suddenly making you tired, He did look pretty cozy laying there, all wrapped up in what you now realized was your favourite blanket. He was being sneaky, trying to entice you in all your favourite comforting things, which coincidentally just were this blanket and a sleepy Harry.
His eyes were already closed, his breathing slowing down, as he waited patiently for you to join him, for he knew by now the idea of a nap with him had become irresistible to you.
His hair was just the right amount of curly today, just how you liked it, and you felt the need to run your hands through it. His lips were slightly parted, looking so kissable.
He looked like an angel, and you knew you couldn’t resist him any longer.
“Okay, fine. You win. Screw the report, let’s nap!”, you said, snuggling next to him on the couch.
He wrapped his arms around you, and kissed the top of your head.
“I knew you’d come around.”, he said smugly. You fidgeted a bit, making yourself comfortable against his back. This was exactly what you needed, your Harry and a nap, and you could take on the world.
“I love you, you annoying little lovable buffoon.”, you said to him.
“I love you, too, my love.”, he mumbled, barely awake, and soon you both drifted peacefully to sleep in each others arms.
So I wanted a nap, and I wrote this instead.
Sleepy Harry would be the best Harry hands down.
Thanks for reading, lovelies. x
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AU where every person is named after a plant. Most people are named after flowers, i.e. Rose, Daisy, etc. Some names are weird, too, like Oak Tree, Bush. This plant system works for a while until one day....
“Hey what’s up I’m Weed.”
“Hi I’m Daffodil.”
“Oh nice I’m Opium Poppy.”
“Hey I’m Jim.”
“Jim? That’s not a plant name.”
“Short for Jimsonweed.”
“Hello everybody my name is Sassafras Root. And before you ask, yes, I’m named after the plant used to make ecstasy.”
*everbody blinks silently*
“What can I say? I was a pretty happy baby.”
*collective groan from the audience*
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lunulatales-blog · 6 years
Bonsai 🌱
Have you ever seen the sunlight filter through the leaves? As a young boy his mother would tell him how the light which danced between the gaps were really fairies who had come to show off their dazzling beauty. He thought of those fairies often nowadays and Will knew it, she could sense that longing flow outward from her father. Perhaps it was pity or sympathy which had allowed for the idea to take root in her mind, the idea of such a trip which so few had the time or energy to make though everyone spoke about it. They spoke about the trees as though they were dinosaurs now. Spoke about oaks which had once stroked the sky with their green fingertips, oaks which had once been so large it would take over a dozen people holding hands to encircle it. Such trees had become part of myth and legend. Schoolchildren could be found at the museums gazing up at old fashioned photographs of their great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers standing beneath entire canopies of trees! Teachers would explain how the trees had once been the skyscrapers of the world, they had stood just as proudly with twisting arms and dark skin. Teachers would speak of the numerous species of trees, all of which were unique standing this way or that. They would speak of the proud pine and its sharp needles, how it represented a time of Christmas and how people would decorate the pine with tinsel and silver. They speak about the willow and its relaxed mood, swinging side to side in rhythm to the reggae beat that seemed to drift through the air whenever one was in the presence of the willow tree. The blue gum who would shed its skin and when damp appeared as though it were a Van Gogh painting with such a diversity of color. 
The history lessons of fast growing populations and an unquenchable thirst for natural resources. Her father had told her most of those. He had told her how the world swallowed itself whole. The bonsai tree is often prayed to, preached to and its symbol restores faith throughout the world. Thousands of bonsai trees can be seen to line the windows of every building they pass by, each gnarled and stunted in height they standing slightly crouched over yet with an attention to detail that is captivating. Its petite leaves dangle from slender branches, moss keeps its feet warm in the winter and in spring miniature blossoms can be seen blooming. There are one hundred bonsai’s for each singular person. The bonsai’s are their breath, absorbing the smallest particles of carbon dioxide and releasing minute oxygen in return. Her father could often be found glaring or frowning at the bonsai’s, speaking of how they were poor imitations of the real thing. A child that never had the chance to grow up, he would mutter. Each person was taught from young how to curate and nurture the tiny trees, to ensure their survival was to ensure humanity’s survival. Will had loved her bonsai’s and to this day felt the thrill of watching one grow its first leaves, her favorite being the maple whose leaves portrayed spectacular flecks of gold in the autumn. Will feared this trip would change her view of the bonsai’s. 
The car smelled stale, litter could be found beside feet and under chairs. Cups and takeaway Styrofoam boxes with remnants of food probably three days old. What had possessed her to take such a drive? Will could no longer answer that question and the need for a bed had become unbearably loud. Her father slept in a fetal position in the passenger seat and his body was so frail at this point he could be mistaken for a child. At over a hundred years of age his childhood was long behind him and there was only one thing left in this world for him to do. Death was an old friend who visited in his dreams and made sweet promises. Before he accepted her hand, there was one last thing on this great earth he wanted to see. Will had lamented. As they drove the final distance a silhouette appeared on the horizon. At first she believed them to be buildings of a strange architecture. As the drive drew on, the last forest came into view. From a distance they looked like a line of bonsai’s growing somehow naturally but as the car drew nearer the trees grew larger. Their presence in the world spoke of times long forgotten and their leaves were maps of a world that once was. Charlie seemed to get out of the car before the wheels had stopped moving, he was six years old again playing with his brothers outside.The trees had been grand mansions once, entire worlds for them to climb. His legs did not ache as they moved toward the lush forest which seemed just out of reach. Stretching out his fingertips the distance between him and the trees finally closed. Charlie felt the gross beauty and imperfection of its rough bark. An energy ran through the tree making his fingertips hum with its vibration. 
“I am home.” 
By J.C. Delport 
©   This work is subject to copyright (14.02.2019)
All rights are that arise from this work are reserved for, and are the property of the author JC Delport
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