#implied 2x? well not really but i mean
quartzitess · 5 months
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Two in a swimsuit!! And some other side doodles of me conceptualizing four and x’s designs 4 funsies!!!!
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shihalyfie · 2 years
I wanted to know if you could explain what the Digimons attributes mean? Some Digimon are vaccine types, then theres data and virus and in some cases ive read about digimon having the free or variable type.. i thought it could be something like a typical strength-weakness thing but then i read a part of a wiki where it said that virus types and vaccines dont get along? So now im just lost about what it means
I am so confused im sorry this is probably a really stupid question haha
It's basically a game mechanic. You know how games will have elemental alignments, like for instance fire-aligned characters taking 2x damage from water attacks and fire attacks doing 0.5x damage against water-aligned characters? Virus/Data/Vaccine form a rock-paper-scissors relationship like that (Virus > Data > Vaccine > Virus). It's a defining feature for V-Pets, since it adds a factor regarding whether they have an advantage or disadvantage over their opponent besides just stats. and has been a franchise staple since the Pendulum 1.0, which introduced it as part of multiple factors that made Digimon raising more complex and interesting.
So every time Bandai or whatever comes up with a new Digimon, they'll usually assign an attribute type for it as part of the lore. There are times there'll be exceptions, and the old card game (Hyper Colosseum, not the new one) was kind of notorious about messing with these -- a good number of the "exceptions" chronicled on Wikimon are that game's fault -- but for the most part Digimon are pretty consistent with the typing you see on their Reference Book profile. Different attributes are often the major distinguishing factor between variants as well, so for instance the orange Greymon we all know from Adventure is Vaccine, while the blue one is Virus. Free Digimon are ones that aren't typed at all, so from a game perspective they give and take damage with no modifier; the most famous ones are the 02 quartet's Digimon (V-mon, Wormmon, Hawkmon, Armadimon) and the Armor Digimon, and Variable ones are ones that mimic their opponent's type when they battle (basically the Frontier Hybrid Digimon).
From a meta perspective, the attribute triangle corresponds to the Chaos-Neutral-Law alignment system in Shin Megami Tensei (which Digimon takes a lot of cues from), so that's why angelic or "holy" Digimon are usually associated with Vaccine while dark or edgier (?) Digimon are associated wtih Virus, and why you saw that comment about Vaccine and Virus Digimon often being portrayed as at odds with each other. Takato is implied to have made Guilmon a Virus type because, like many ten-year-olds, he thinks being edgy is cool. In theory, it should be an even rock-paper-scissors triangle, but in practice, the franchise is biased towards Vaccine types, because it has a tendency to portray most of its holy Digimon as unambiguously good while its chaotic dark Digimon are usually evil. (In comparison, Shin Megami Tensei's Law demons would often be even worse than the Chaos ones, because when taken to extremes Law vs. Chaos basically meant authoritarianism vs. anarchy.) Even the naming probably reflects that bias, since while there are a lot of positive chaotic entities, it’s hard to argue that a computer virus is likely to be good or beneficial. The Vaccine bias is a problem that's dated back all the way to the original Pendulums, since Vaccine was the default Ultimate and most commonly used type to the point it influenced the meta. It probably even says something that we didn't get a Virus-type Digimon as a main party character in the anime until Tamers.
(Weirdly enough, Digimon doesn't have any restraint portraying the dark side of Lawful behavior or even organized religion -- Yggdrasil being one of the franchise's most recurring antagonists is proof of that -- and it's also been comfortable with "sacred darkness" like Kouichi's Spirits, it's just that for some reason the actual typing doesn't reflect this.)
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That said, typing has been irrelevant in the anime for the most part, probably because it really does have "game mechanic" written all over it, and also probably because being too stuck to it would limit storytelling options, so anime between 02 and Adventure: hasn't even included it on their Analyzer segments (a big deal was made out of Ghost Game bringing it back). It was brought up at the end of Adventure (as if driving home the franchise's Vaccine bias dating back all the way to here, everyone flips out negatively at the idea of Agumon evolving into a Virus type, which is then reinforced further with 02's MetalGreymon incident), and if you count Tamers battle statistics Guilmon/Terriermon/Renamon's win records and which Digimon they struggle against do seem to be mildly influenced by their Virus/Vaccine/Data typing, but that's about the most I can really think of in terms of story impact. Even the Sakurada series (Xros Wars, Adventure:, and Ghost Game), which tend to be really enthusiastic about Digimon null canon, haven't really delved much into it at all. So that's why Takeru's Patamon changing his type out of nowhere for no reason probably isn't that big of a deal, since most of the time Takeru will have him evolve into his Vaccine-typed angelic forms or the Free-typed Pegasmon anyway if they need to battle. But it still does play a big role in the V-Pets and console video games, and in the latter, party composition often depends on it. In fact, playing a console game often involves experiencing the franchise's Vaccine bias firsthand, because a lot of the time your party will end up full of Vaccine types without you even trying -- the infamous Demon Lord endgame quest in Cyber Sleuth basically depends on you having a party full of Vaccine types.
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retphienix · 1 year
I'll admit 100% I do not participate in warframe spaces online, I don't actually know what the talk of the town is, I don't watch brozime, I really only keep semi-tabs on 2 content creators and even then only once every few months when I think "Wonder what such and such said about 'specific weapon'"
So for all I know what I'm about to say is either already common knowledge OR has been debunked as "Not Meta Enough" already but who cares.
I just wanted to say Nourish is fucking busted and really fun as a subsume.
A cursory glance online implies that no one is talking about this since the rework- the biggest posts I can find are from BEFORE the rework and are just people clarifying what it is and how it's "fine, I guess, kinda bad"
So lemme tell ya how fucking stupid this subsume is and how you might enjoy playing with it lmao.
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(forgive the 179% strength comparison)
The short of it is that this subsume used to be pretty lackluster, it sounds like it used to just add a little toxin damage to your weapons and healed a VERY marginal amount since the heal primarily scaled off Grendel specific factors and all of these were baselined for the subsume.
Pretty crap.
NOW it does quite a bit and has really become my niche pick for energy starved frames (just feels more fun to me than like, dispenser etc).
NOW Nourish:
Grants you VIRAL damage to all attacks (scales high very quickly)
Grants you a VIRAL reflect ability- where taking damage has you explode (aoe) a viral damage pulse that applies 1 stack of viral and does some damage (mostly just convenient as yet another source of free viral to go along with the primary damage and say a panzer proc)
and (best part!) MULTIPLIES all energy sources by a baseline of 2x, this is ALL sources so even a single zenurik pulse will quickly fill an entire primed flow build in no time.
Oh, and it's not a selfish self buff (by default). So a build without hampered range (or with but well positioned) can just casually give the entire party this same privilege.
I feel like at a glance this looks "okay" but I promise you, give it a shot, try it please, this explodes your energy reserves in seconds while also giving you 2 forms of damage buff, free viral procs, free and easy team support, and you get to hear the beautiful Grendel "UWU" while you play.
This has become so ludicrously helpful for making even the most energy draining builds comfy as hell that I'm tempted to go even deeper in the sauce and start doing minimum efficiency max strength ult spam builds just for the hell of it, I mean, I have infinite energy so why not? COMFY AS HELL subsume, definitely keep it in mind.
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many-eyed-seraph · 2 years
1 2 3 6 24 28 43 46 48 49 (the ones u gave me!!)
1. who is/are your comfort character(s)?
Your guy James! And also Lieutenant Commander Data Soong from Star Trek my baby Data my beloved Data I love him so much he is JUST like me for REAL and I love him! And also, and I don't like this about myself, Garak Deepspacenine! Don't worry, I'm Jewish!
2. lighter or matches?
I mean aesthetically matches but I'm shit at lighting them so ;—;
3. do you leave the window open at night?
If there's a screen on it, absolutely!
6. why did you do that?
Because I never learnt to act like a person, and I sometimes (often) have difficulty differentiating "insane things" from "normal things" :(
24. if we were together on a rooftop, what would we be doing?
Honestly, what you said, minus the smoking. I used to smoke pretty fucking infrequently, and when I got COVID, I could no longer breathe as well. I may smoke again, but I don't relish the prospect of losing more of my lung capacity. Otherwise, yeah, sharing a bottle of wine, talking shit, taking the piss out of each other, and talking about OCs, probably!
28. do you wear a mask?
I do when I'm around a lot of people, COVID is real and terrible and I do Not want to get it again or infect someone else.
43. what’s your take on spicy foods?
I have what I'd consider an above average spice tolerance, particularly considering my culture and upbringing! I really like spicy things. I will say that the Samyang Buldak black noodles by themselves are probably the spiciest thing I eat on a regular basis, and the existence of the 2x spicy flavour implies that I am in fact a weak bitch. :(
46. favorite holiday film?
The Nightmare Before Christmas. But I also really enjoy this one Russian animation of The Nutcracker!
48. when did you first try an alcohol beverage?
Unintentionally, when I was around five, and a restaurant served me a regular piña colada instead of a virgin one. Intentionally, when I was around thirteen or fourteen, and snuck a sip from my parents' friends' discarded wine glasses.
49. can you skip rocks?
No, though it pains me greatly.
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seattlesea · 3 years
Why Percabeth Isn’t a Good Ship (Sorry 2x)
I’m definitely getting cancelled- 
1. Annabeth is physically abusive. The fandom makes this point seem controversial and debatable, but it’s really not. The definition of abuse is hitting someone. Annabeth hit Percy. Therefore, Annabeth abused Percy. Is that really that hard to understand? Annabeth hit Percy for the first time in The Titan’s Curse when she, Percy, and Thalia were looking for the di Angelo siblings. She punched him in the gut when he asked her who he should ask to dance with him. Annabeth knows that Percy can be oblivious at times...but punishes him when it benefits her? The second time was in The Mark of Athena, when she judo-flipped him because she missed him. That’s...what?? Usually when people are worried about someone else, they hug or kiss them, not flip them over their shoulder. And yes Annabeth kissed him first, but the judo-flip was completely unnecessary. Annabeth punished Percy for ‘leaving’ her despite him being kidnapped and his memory wiped. And everyone’s like ‘But Percy didn’t feel any pain!!11!!1!’ The chapter wasn’t in his point of view, so that claim is a guess. Just cause he didn’t say ‘Ow’ doesn’t mean he wasn’t in pain. Also- Annabeth slammed him on a stone pavement on his back. That definitely hurts, even if Percy is a demigod, physically strong, and has gotten hurt a lot. There’s a difference between ‘playful hitting’ and actually hurting someone. Yes they trained a lot, but this isn’t training. This is Annabeth punishing Percy for being traumatized with yet another life-threatening quest and being kidnapped. I don’t remember Percy judo-flipping Annabeth after he saw her again when she got kidnapped in TTC. Besides, the Romans were about to take out their weapons when they saw Annabeth attack Percy, so if all of them thought it was an attack...it was most likely an attack. Even Annabeth said herself “I only attack my boyfriend like that”. The thing is, if it was Percy who flipped Annabeth over his shoulder and slammed her on her back or punched her in the gut, all the fans immediately would’ve freaked out and cancelled him, calling him a horrible and abusive boyfriend, but because it’s the girl hitting the guy, it’s fine apparently. Nothing wrong with it, right? And then Riordan (and the fandom) had the audacity to romanticize that abuse. Abuse isn’t a sweet, romantic gesture. Stop making it seem like it is. That’s disgusting. 
2. Annabeth is also verbally abusive and toxic. Annabeth canonically lowered Percy’s self-esteem, constantly insulted him and his intelligence despite knowing he was insecure about it and always getting kicked out of schools and getting bad grades (even with her so-called ‘endearing’ name for him ‘Seaweed Brain’), and the overall idea of Percabeth is a super smart, pretty girl making a guy with below average intelligence feel insecure about himself. Percy’s self-esteem has plummeted since he met Annabeth and her behavior is never called out or even noticed, which implies some manipulation going on. Annabeth is shown to be extremely capable of manipulating her enemies and anyone else she pleases, and there are quite a few signs she’s using it against Percy (his feelings of obligation, fear, and guilt of and over her, questioning himself, having strings attached, always only thinking of her and no one else in his life, etc.), especially since Percy begins to gradually stop noticing Annabeth’s wrong and toxic behavior as the story progresses. 
3. Annabeth only likes Percy cause he’s the chosen one. Annabeth only hung around Percy since The Lightning Thief cause she thought he was ‘the one’ and so she could finally go on a quest. She literally used Percy to go out to the mortal world and ‘prove herself’ cause really, all she cares about is glory, which is shown multiple times throughout the series with all her pride and ambitions. Plus the fact that Chiron made Annabeth swear on the River Styx that she would keep Percy from danger is a pretty clear sign she didn’t stick around him just cause she wanted to, but because she felt obligated to and cause it would benefit her. Take all of this and it’s kind of obvious Annabeth only hung around Percy cause he was the chosen one of the prophecy, a son of one of the Big Three, and was destined to go on multiple quests and play a big part in the mythological world, which is what she always wanted since book one.
4. It was forced. Since the beginning of book one, it was so obvious that Percy and Annabeth were going to get together that their relationship ended up being boring, dull, and flat. Riordan made it so obvious they were going to be a couple that nothing that happened to their relationship really mattered, cause everyone knew it would work out in the end (which is probably why everyone *wrongly* hated on Rachel) so what happened in between didn’t matter. Their relationship was the typical ‘male lead and female lead’, ‘bad boy trouble-maker skater and nerdy good girl’ power couple that was way too clear. And Riordan made it worse by pushing their relationship and shoving it into the readers’ faces way too much. In MoA Annabeth states that she’s always had a crush on Percy (since they were twelve) which immediately rips all the development their relationship (which was supposedly ‘friends to lovers’, but not anymore) had away. Riordan made up a bunch of honestly dumb scenarios that were legit cringe to make Percabeth seem like ‘OTP’ that really didn’t make sense.
5. It ruined their characters. Percy and Annabeth would’ve been way better off as just friends. After they got together in HoO, all their personality and everything else that made them independent was destroyed to make room for more ‘Percabeth’. All of Annabeth’s skills, bravery, intelligence, pride, ferocity, judgmentalism, and all the other traits and flaws that made her a well-written character were never utilized or even mentioned. All she thought about was Percy, and the same goes for him. His loyalty, sarcasm, humor, obliviousness, etc. disappeared to make room for arrogant Annabeth fanboy. In PJO, they were amazingly well-written and great role models for younger readers (especially Annabeth), but in HoO their characters were exclusively ‘Annabeth’s boyfriend’ and ‘Percy’s girlfriend’. Their characters were completely dependent on each other, and they were way better off as just friends. 
6. Annabeth is way too possessive. And creepy. It’s fine and honestly normal for people to get jealous when another person likes someone they do, but Annabeth’s jealousy was downright creepy. Not only did she not know if her feelings for Percy were reciprocated or not, but she also didn’t know if Percy and Rachel liked each other, either. The very first time she met Rachel she immediately hated her. That’s not ‘I’m jealous cause this girl likes the guy I do’, that’s ‘I’m jealous cause the guy I like has another female friend’. She had no reason to believe that Rachel and Percy liked each other and has no say in who they can like, either. She thought that she and Percy absolutely had to be in a relationship and that he couldn’t even have friends with different genitals than him. And remember when Annabeth literally stalked Percy in The Sea of Monsters? Like when she creeped by his window, constantly watched him, and kept tabs on him just cause she ‘couldn’t find the right time’ to tell him something cause he was ‘never alone’ despite him being alone multiple times and despite the fact that she literally could’ve just knocked on his door like a normal person instead of creeping around his cabin and staring at him through the windows? Again- switch the roles. If it was Percy who was stalking Annabeth, everyone would’ve immediately called him a creep. If- according to Tumblr and almost everyone who read Twilight- Edward is a creep for stalking Bella, then Annabeth is a creep for stalking Percy. 
7. It’s mostly fan love. Honestly, the fandom is the only thing that fuels Percabeth. Riordan just destroys it. He shoved it down the readers’ throats, forced it way too much with really dumb and honestly unrealistic scenarios, and made it abusive and toxic. On its own, Percabeth freaking sucks. The fandom’s version of Percabeth is 1000x better than whatever the hell Riordan was doing, but even that version is toxic. Like, I’ve seen way too many jokes about Annabeth hitting Percy (as if abuse is hilarious and amazing meme fuel and not an extremely sensitive topic that triggers multiple people who actually went through it). Half the time, the fandom fixes Percabeth and the other half of the time they over-glorify and ruin it. The fandom over exaggerates and over glorifies it way too much. It’s not that great of a relationship, to be honest. Most of y’all only like it in the first place cause Riordan made it canon.
8. It was cringey. Like I said above, Riordan wrote some really dumb scenes for Percabeth. I mean- the matching gray streaks in their hair despite Atlas and Artemis not getting any? Percy’s tie to the mortal world while bathing in the River Styx being Annabeth and not his mom, Grover, etc.? Percy only remembering Annabeth, the girl he’s only known for four years and not his mom, the only woman who actually cared for and took care of him or Grover, his best friend who protected and continuously cared about him? Percy turning down immortality only for Annabeth and not even bothering to mention the pain of leaving behind his life, friends, family, memories, etc. behind if he accepted it? The romanticized judo-flip? The whole ‘dark-haired rebellious bad boy/nerdy blonde good girl who can be bad’ trope? Even the boring predictability of Percabeth is cringe. 
9. It’s a bad influence on younger readers. Basically the lesson of Percabeth is ‘Once you get a love interest nothing else in your life matters’. Besides that one single scene that took like three lines in The Son of Neptune, Percy never even thought of his own mom, nor did he think about any of his friends or passed allies like his dad, Rachel, Grover, Paul, Silena, Luke, Ethan, Bob/Iapetus, Tyson, Calypso, Charles, Michael (whose death he accidentally caused), Bianca, Zoë, etc. Even when in Tartarus with the curse of the Arai being forced to remember all the people he forgot and feeling guilty about abandoning Bob and Calypso, all he thought about was Annabeth. Even when faced with the man who broke the heart of the girl who sacrificed herself for him, Percy didn’t even think of her, only his jealousy of Jason. Same thing with Annabeth. She never thought about her mom, Luke, Thalia, her step-mom or step-brothers, etc. It was all about Percy. Cause yes, Riordan, that’s exactly the lesson you should teach your younger readers- forget everyone you ever knew the moment you get a partner. Besides that, it also teaches readers that being rude to people who like the same person as you is completely okay cause no one will care and once you start being rude, bitter, and possessive you’ll get exactly what you want (that’s literally what happened, with Annabeth and with Calypso, too). He also teaches that after you get a partner, everything that makes you you will disappear and you’ll be completely dependent on them and nothing in your life will matter, even your own independent life and personality. 
10. The fandom tries to excuse and explain Annabeth’s behavior??? What??? Since when does explaining and excusing hitting people put you in the right again? And the excuses aren’t even good, too! Percabeth fans use-  Annabeth was full of emotions/mad and doesn’t know how to deal with emotions. Annabeth really loved Percy. It was only one time. Annabeth was worried about Percy and mad that she left him. Annabeth didn’t mean to hurt him. Annabeth didn’t know what she was doing cause she was full of emotions. ??? Annabeth was full of emotions/mad and doesn’t know how to deal with emotions- Annabeth was seventeen years old, the daughter of the wisdom goddess, and is supposedly the smartest character in the series who is shown to be extremely good at reading people and their emotions. And y’all are really trying to say she doesn’t know how to deal with her emotions?  Annabeth really loved Percy- SO? A mother might really love her child, does that excuse her for hitting them for dumb reasons? It was only one time- actually, it was twice, and so what? If someone was slapped across the face ‘only one time’, does that mean they weren’t abused? ‘Abuse’ doesn’t mean ‘hit constantly’, it means ‘hit’. If someone was hit, they were abused. Is that really not a known fact in this fandom? Annabeth was worried about Percy and mad that she left him- last time I checked, people didn’t hit others when they were worried about them. If I was worried that my friend was going to get hurt, I wouldn’t hurt them myself. That literally makes no sense. And again- Percy didn’t leave Annabeth. He was kidnapped. Do y’all not know the definition of that, either? Annabeth didn’t mean to hurt him- yes, cause that’s why she decided to flip him over her shoulder, slam him on a stone pavement on his back, and punish him for ‘leaving her’.  Annabeth didn’t know what she was doing cause she was full of emotions- Annabeth??? the daughter of the wisdom goddess??? not knowing what she’s doing??? huh??? I mean, would any of you really, legitimately try to use any of these dumb excuses to excuse a man from hitting his wife? Hopefully not. And if you did, you would immediately get hated on and legit cancelled. So what makes this any different? Also- I see the excuse ‘Annabeth didn’t know Percy lost his Achilles Heel and thought he was still invincible’. Under different circumstances I’d accept that, but Annabeth knew that Percy’s Achilles Heel was on the small of his back...BUT SHE SLAMMED HIM ON HIS BACK. If Percy hadn’t lost the Achilles Heel, Annabeth literally would’ve killed him. Abusive enough for y’all? Or is attempted murder excusable and still ‘OTP’? 
11. They had no chemistry whatsoever. Was I the only one who felt...absolutely no chemistry between Percy and Annabeth? Like some of their moments were cute, their friendship was really good, and they had a lot of potential, but they didn’t feel right for each other. Remember- opposites don’t attract (they just argue, and no one has ‘another half’ that needs to ‘complete them’, everyone is their own person), they cancel each other out. I mean, Reyna and Annabeth had more chemistry in that one chapter of the New Rome tour in MoA than Percy and Annabeth had in 12+ books. They’re just...not right for each other, I guess. 
I’m definitely getting cancelled-
Edit 2: Sorry if I offended anyone with that last note. Just wanted to let y’all know that I am not here to start any drama, hurt anyone, or disrespect any Percabeth shippers. I respect your opinions 100% and only ask you do the same for me. Like I literally only wrote this at 12 am when I was bored and had nothing else to do and couldn’t sleep (same goes for pretty much everything else I write about PJ). Besides, why argue and start drama over dumb stuff like that when we can just find something we agree on? Don’t like Piper McLean? Let’s talk about that. Think Reyna Avila Ramirez-Arellano is a queen? Let’s talk about that. Think Nico di Angelo is freaking amazing? Let’s talk about that. Think Theyna would be adorable? Let’s talk about that. Want someone to vent to about writer’s block? Why the hell not? Want random writing advice and tips for writer’s block? Sure, I got plenty. Instead of arguing and starting beef over trivial fictional ships. 
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denkilightning · 3 years
what was the context of that line?
ill assume you mean the "george i thought i was only in love with you!" line.
the entire scene starts at 1:25:25 of "quackity and jschlatt win the dreams smp elections" which you can find on quackityvods on youtube.
rp/ when quackity asks george, tubbo and schlatt, if they want to talk about their feelings, he adds he hasnt talked about his feelings in a while.
then quackity stars saying that he likes this girl, while keep glancing at george (i believe its intended, given how he keeps looking forward and back at george multiple times). wait ill actually give you quotes here (he says and then just fucking transcripts the entire clip)
quackity: listen, im [glances at george], i- i met this girl, the other day [glances at george], and i thought i could share with you boys my thoughts on it [looks back at geogrge and tubbo]
tubbo: o-okay? (quieter) whats up big q?
quackity: she's a- she's a girl? and she looked at me? and i think i fell in love
schlatt: woo (/pos, idk how to describe that expression)
tubbo: okay
quackity: i think i fell in love. and i just dont know- i just dont know how to approach these feelings i have
george: yeah youre probably in love
quackity: [smiling, hopefully] you think so? george i thought i was only in love with you!
george: well [pauses] sometimes times change
quackity: no, george, i dont want 'em to change. i dont want em to change, george
george: its up to you! 2x
quackity: you think so? 2x
george: yeah
quackity: [slightly flustered? i am bad at describing tone sorry] anyways! regarding my feelings- so i take this girl is like she likes me too, but shes not telling me. shes not telling me that she likes me!
george: shes just playing hard to get
quackity: she- do you think so? (speaking over george) do you think shes har-
george: who doesnt love you? who- how can she not love you?
quackity: [in a higher pitched tone, clearly happy] you think so?
george: [nodding] i know so
quackity: [makes a happy "whaa" noise] george? george? [in a very small voice] do you love me?
george: [takes a pause in nodding but nods again, saying nothing]
quackity: tubbo, tubbo can you please like stare that way? (over schlatt) can you stare that way?
schlatt: oh this is really awkward (over quackity) jesus 2x im cringing right now
quackity: what? what? [laughs] what? sounds like youre fucking little jealous. sounds like youre a little fucking jealous pal
quackity: [walking towards schlatt] i know you
[end transcript]
thats the entire context! after that quackity tells schlatt to tell viewers how schlatt used to call him an term of affection (i think pumpkin?) and then schlatt goes "imma make a speech", they announce the speech and he does the speech where he changes lmanbergs name to manberg.
i believe its also important to add few moments like:
quackity asking george if theyre ok with him calling them his gorgeous friend (they say he can call them whatever),
when quackity tells george his only job is to have a fat ass george says at 6:28 "well you should be pretty good at that",
at 7:17 quackity goes "i love you" and then slightly flustered changes the topic
at 10:33 tommy tells george to sit down and have some manners, quackity tells them verbatem "you can sit wherever you want, baby" and repeats it. tommy yells at him that you can't be dating ur coworkers and quackity says theyre not dating theyre just flirty friends
at 34:45 when wilbur reads out the election results quackity asks george to hug him
then at 1:55:16 starts a scene that pretty much ends with quackity kissing george multiple times (sic!) and everyone laughing cus georges skin has no lips to kiss so its implied theyre kissing on the lips
when george says fhey have to go shower at 2:05:07, which then extends to saying bye to everyone until 2:06:40, one of quackitys goodbyes is "thank you for the kisses"
given All Of That (and reminder thats from a single stream) AND quackity in a lore stream telling george "i was gonna propose-" yeah there are some heavy implications c! quackity has romantic feelings for c! george
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heretherebedork · 3 years
Francis Watches Tharntype
Goal of Day 1: Watch to episode 4. (ACHIEVED!)
First thought: I don't care about soccer.
Second thought:... let's throw a cut in.
Episode 1
"I... hate gays" lol really, that's where we start? I mean okay.
And, of course, his roommate is gay I mean I already knew that I guess but lol that expression is just... WELL.
I can't even be made yet tbh because this feels kind of goofy to me rather than as serious as it probably should.
I mean, this homophobia is so over the top it's just... kind of stupid? I dunno, y'all, I know that it's a real thing but the way this show does it is just so over the top.
I do like Tharn so far, no denials. He's a good boy.
I mean, even Type knows it's a stupid complaint to just say he's gay and doesn't say it.
"Everyone must be close to their roommate by now." I... dear lord, I lived in dorms for years and I never liked a single one and probably would have happily switched for a chance to live with someone else who behaved better.
Also, just switching rooms without asking if they're gay doesn't guarantee anything dude. Seriously.
Honestly mostly bored right now. Not even Type's homophobia can make me care. Viki REALLY needs a 2x speed option y'all.
I like Tharn's teasing friend. Most fun I've had yet. Also ahahahahaha Type's staring.
Okay, now the homophobia is... I mean, look, it's really bad and unpleasant and yet somehow I'm just rolling my eyes and laughing because I know how this ends, I suppose? But poor Tharn. Though I suppose doing the exact same thing back is equal revenge.
First episode is literally just "Tharn exists and is gay and Type hates it." isn't it. Techno realizing EXACTLY what Tharn means is hysterical and all of Type's friends just not giving a shit is great. Type is so pissed and they're like "Hey, Tharn! Let's hang! :D" and it's darling.
omfg I haven't finished the episode yet HOW IS THIS STILL GOING.
Okay, that kiss was mostly just obnoxious and very uncomfortable but I'm also uncomfortable with all the implications about being near a gay person meaning it makes them gay because, frankly, Type never implies that. Only Tharn.
Do people really group watch porn?
See, the little homophobia is so much worse to me than the big stuff, the little like 'you got drunk with him in the room and this bad thing might happen to you' or 'I've never known one like you before". Thats gets to me worse than Type's grandiose statements.
Teaching Type a lesson is not going to help at all, ugh, I already hate this plot point. Also Techno just ruined all my goodwill for him. Riiiight out the window.
Oh, ew, do not do this to sleeping, drunk people. Like... no. Ew. Boo. I very much dislike this. This is... this is not an okay response to homophobia. Can we just stick to punching, please? Seriously. Yeah, not okay with this at all. This is what I was avoiding. For fuck's sake, there was more consent in H4 than this!
Episode 2
Yeah, imply things at the person who already thinks your a predator. Like, for fuck's sake, this isn't helping anything. Poor Type. I actually feel horrible for him. He's obviously terrified and hurt and Tharn did things to him against his will that he doesn't even know about.
All this is doing is proving that his assumptions were all entirely correct and that all gay people ARE predators. Fuuuck this plot point. Assaulting people to prove that gay people aren't predators doesn't work for some reason.
Oh, Tum and Tar! I'm trash for stepbrothers and still sad that their storyline in LBC never went anywhere and then got destroyed in LBC2. Oh, poor Tar.
Okay, why... why are you going sappy? Child, boy, he is literally harassing you for being gay to the point of absolutely destroying your room. This makes literally no sense.
Oh, a bad masturbation joke. Okay. Fiat did it better.
Type's panic is painful. He's so absolutely terrified. Poor boy. But also, like, Tharn needs to stop pinning people down to win arguments.
I mean, yeah, he hates you? You made out with when he was drunk and left hickeys and then pinned him down and yelled at him and like... seriously?
Ah. Yes. This. I knew this was coming. And, again. Poor Type. Another MAME characters that needs therapy!
Yes, the comfort from the nightmare is cute. Would be a lot cuter if it hadn't been proceeded by assault and huge amounts of homophobia. But, like, I don't get what Tharn is expecting to happen? How the fuck else is Type gonna react to this?!
Also, nightmares are nightmares because they are scary. That's.... literally what they are. Like of course he's scared of his nightmare? If he wasn't, it wouldn't be a nightmare.
Why the fuck are you still waking him up!?!? LEAVE HIM ALONE. Just stop and leave him alone, holy fuck. I'm sick of both of you.
He said he had a headache and was going back to sleep. Why would you automatically assume he's seriously sick?! How does that follow?! But also fuck that Tharn, let Techno take care of him. Like, he's his friend and Type hates you and told you to leave him alone like 436934605439 times.
Oh ew he's way too sick and out of it to consent to that fuck that what the hell is going on here? Poor Type is just not allowed to have free will, I guess? I mean, yes, he's homophobic and pretty disgusting about it but that doesn't give Tharn the right to constantly ignore his wishes and requests.
I can see the chemistry, okay? No denying it. But I just hate all the rest of it.
/eyerolls hard at the whole lying about how took care of him/
Tharn, what the fuck. I'm just so lost on how this relationship turned and also Type is, at least, staying fairly steady.
Oh and Tharn asked someone who can't lie to lie for him apparently. Why? I am so confused. Didn't he agree to lie to Type? Why isn't he? WTF y'all.
Episode 3
If I were watching this week to week, I would not have been excited for this week's episode.
See, the problem here is that they do have real chemistry as friends and as more. But the surroundings make SO LITTLE SENSE and are so actively toxic that I don't want to like them.
See, the biggest thing is that Type has literally EVERY reason not to trust Tharn because Tharn constantly crosses all his boundaries and touches him regularly against his will.
Type is working through an interesting little convoluted argument in his mind about good gay versus bad gay and how he can handle the concept as well as Tharn's presence. While Tharn seems to mostly just be figuring out new ways to molest Type in his sleep.
lol drinking from a waterbottle. Still prefer Nitiman's version.
I'm sorry, I'm just... this is a strange combination of goofy, slightly disturbing and just plain annoying. I really just want Tharn to leave Type alone and get over his slightly creepy crush on him.
What the fuck, Tharn? Why? Why is this even happening? What the actual fuck? This is just... look, I get chemistry. But what the FUCK. Type, punch him. Seriously. Punch him and punch him hard. Goddamn that was so viscerally uncomfortable for me. Like, I get that it's supposed to be a turning point in their relationship I guess but it's mostly just me feel wrong and dirty. Ugh, poor Type.
Thank you for at least elbowing him. Seriously. Punch him in the fucking face. Please.
And poor Tar. Darling boy deserved so much better and lots of therapy.
I don't care about soccer! At all!
Ugh, seriously, I kind of agree with Type? Not in his homophobic rants and reasoning but seriously they don't have any right to grab him or grope him. It doesn't matter if you're gay or straight, you don't have any damn right to grab him and hang off him without him agreeing to it. You did NOT just approach him for a photo. You grabbed him and hung off him and groped him and didn't take no for an answer! Fuck that. Fuck this. DAMN.
Episode 4
I seriously did not go into this expecting to feel bad for Type so many times. But I do. He has a right not to be groped and assaulted randomly and he shouldn't apologize for them not accepting that his no meant no.
Dude, Type, you've been insulting Tharn this entire time. Literally every moment of the entire show. So how the fuck are you asking him which side he's on in this situation?
lol he threw the line back at him, that's interesting. But wow what an insulting response to Tharn's offer to help. Still feel bad for Type, though. This only happened because apparently no one at this fucking university can keep their hands to their goddamn selves.
What the fuck, Tharn? Also, how the hell would you 'know it's not his fault'? Like... that doesn't even make sense? You know he's actively homophobic so why would any of this be a lie? That doesn't make sense!
And trauma. Wow. I mean, I knew about it so it's not a surprise. But yeah. I will say that this is the best scene so far because at least the touching is consensual for once.
Hey, maybe stop groping people and you won't get people so upset at you!
At least Type's stayed a steady character this entire time. And it absolutely makes sense that he'd assume Tharn told them about his part because Tharn refuses to have a single boundary around him apparently. Even just basic ones.
Is he? Is he really? Because honestly he's never done anything good for you? I mean, I think he's a better guy then you because he doesn't seem to molest people on a regular basis. But still? Really? None of this makes sense. Y'all very confusing.
Okay, so pressing charges is bad too. Got it.
You know, I'm glad I waited this long to see this. I don't know if I would have watched a lot more shows after this tbh. This and 2gether, both glad I put off a bit.
Well, that was interesting.
I do like the really strange mindgames that lead to everyone accepting that Tharn liking Type would explain this. I mean, they make no sense but whatever fine.
I will admit that i like Type more than Tharn mostly because Type has stayed steady and also, you know, hasn't assaulted anyone. He might be homophobic but it's a reaction to trauma and never getting therapy because MAME obviously thinks that sex is a better solution to things than therapy.
It is very weird to me to prefer the homophobic character to the out gay character and yet here I am... I mean, I don't like any of them (besides Seo, he's fun and I want his hair!) but like... tiny preference?
lol what
i... lol what
You absolutely do not understand how hard I am laughing.
My mind is GONE.
Dude he already gave you hickeys in your sleep and sucked you off in the shower. What even is this? lol what.
I will never deny their chemistry. But dear lord the number of times Tharn has kissed Type before this makes the idea of him saying no to kissing but yes to fucking even goddamn funnier to me.
The chemistry is so mismatched to the story.
Ah, yes, the "I am only a top and a top only' argument. Of course.
Hey, STI testing is better than nothing. I'll take it.
Ugh. I don't like Tharn. He's got that same sort of cockiness to him that I tend to dislike in characters. It's that EXACT personality. Type is more of the tsundere I like with a helping of homophobia and I can handle that as he grows.
First cute moment: ordering Tharn Sprite.
Why do I love MingKit so much and yet hate so many other couples that feel like they should have the same or similar vibe?
Well, that moment of cuddling was also cute.
... Will I keep watching? That's the ultimate question.
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luxurysuccess1010 · 4 years
10 Ways To Make Extra Money Online | by dkr methods
If you want to make money online from home without any investment  CLICK HERE
The gig economy is relentless. Pandemics? Social separating? Remaining at home? Regardless of what life tosses their direction, tricksters will consistently adjust.
Nowadays you can sell anything on the web. Let's assume you have some incredible photographs on your telephone camera — you can sell them on the web. In case you're a capable artist, artist or voice entertainer, you can sell those abilities on the web.
Consider the possibility that you don't have a specific ability, yet you're an inviting individual who loves to talk. That's right — you can adapt that, as well! In case you're hoping to make some snappy money on the web, you'll love these 10 gigs we found.
1. Convey staple goods for Instacart or Shipt
Coronavirus implies food conveyance applications are prospering. On the off chance that you've ever utilized Instacart or Shipt, you realize how advantageous it is the point at which you need to maintain a strategic distance from the market. Tap or snap here for four different ways to arrange your goods online securely. Tech news that is important to you, every day
Protection, security, the most recent patterns and the data you need to carry on with your best computerized life.
Presently is an extraordinary opportunity to get on board with the temporary fad. What's more, despite the fact that you will individuals' homes, you can do without contact conveyance. You can even set your own hours. Besides, these applications are seeing more traffic than any other time, so you're not liable to run out of occupations.
2. Sell your abilities on the web
Regardless of what your aptitude is, you can sell it on Fiverr. Like composition? Sell your accounts on the web. Like drawing? Sell your stick figures on Fiverr.
You can rap, you can express clever things in a robot voice or even read Tarot cards. Here are some arbitrary Fiverr gigs we found:
I will instruct you to talk with your pets clairvoyantly
I will say anything you desire in a Yoda impression
I will toss a message in a container into the ocean for you
I will have a great time perusing your content as "Macho Man" Randy Savage or Hulk Hogan
I will make an amazing breaking news video for you in 24 hours
Did any of these rouse you to concoct you own gig to offer? Simply recall: If you can dream it, you can sell it on Fiverr.
3. Lease your vehicle
Is it true that you are telecommuting? Do you never take off from the house? Provided that this is true, you should locate another approach to cover your month to month vehicle tab. That is the place where Turo comes in. It's the world's biggest vehicle sharing commercial center. Here's the way it works:
Rundown your vehicle and transfer some photographs. React to asks for so you can affirm or decrease likely excursions. Meet your visitor so you can check their permit, check the fuel and mileage, and stroll around the vehicle so you can see if there are any new scratches when it's returned.
From that point forward, you can kick back and appreciate the automated revenue coming in. At the point when the rental time frame is finished, the driver will restore your vehicle. What's more, as indicated by the application, all drivers are required to supplant the gas they utilized.
"Your vehicle is concealed with to $750,000 in risk protection, authoritative assurance for harm and burglary, and all day, every day emergency aides all through the excursion in the US," as indicated by the Turo site.
4. Or on the other hand you can brighten your vehicle with commercials
Here's another incredible method to utilize your vehicle for uninvolved money. Look at Stickr.Co. On this site, you can look over various publicizing efforts.
When you discover an advertisement you like, pursue the decal you need sent to your home. At that point:
Spot the promotion on your vehicle's back window (fortunately, it's transparent)
Send a photograph to the organization to confirm it's appropriately introduced
You'll begin accepting regularly scheduled installments by means of PayPal or Direct Deposit
You can likewise do this through Wrapify. On the off chance that you toss on numerous decals, you can make up to $452 per month. Simply download the free Wrapify application on iOS or Android, join to turn into a driver and get coordinated to promoting efforts. Presently you're making money just by taking your typical drive.
5. Serve on a false jury
Look at eJury, an online preliminary encounter that assists lawyers with building up their abilities. You can bring in cash as a fake attendant, assisting legal advisors with getting ready preliminaries.
Additionally, you're serving the equity framework. Your work helps lawyers "decide case esteem, create case topics, discover current realities to underscore, and learn 'public' perspectives," as indicated by the site.
You'll get $5 to $10 for every decision delivered. Obviously, it relies upon the length of the case you're a piece of.
In the event that you go along with one case seven days, you'll acquire practically enough to cover your month to month web tab.
6. Sell your fellowship
You've known about internet dating. In any case, have you known about internet friending? You can meet new individuals online with Rent-A-Friend, a mainstream site with 100,000 clients around the world.
You can design joints, similar to supper, films or excursions to historical centers. Indeed, really, you could do this before the pandemic. Because of Covid-19, there aren't any more outside "companion dates," however there's a silver covering. All things being equal, you can give "Virtual Friend Services" over FaceTime or Zoom.
You can likewise message individuals, talk via telephone or send each other letters as friends through correspondence. It's an incredible method to get paid for having some good times. Besides, you'll develop your group of friends!
7. Put a few advertisements on your telephone's lock screen
This is an incredible method to get some automated revenue. In the event that you have an Android telephone, look at S'More. It's one of the most lucrative lockscreen applications.
You need to open your telephone a few or multiple times in a day to watch the commercials. However long your telephone is opened, you're certain to make at any rate a dime daily.
Be careful with comparative applications, however. A huge load of applications that guarantee to make you cash this way are tricks. We looked at S'More and it looks genuine, yet ensure you don't succumb to any applications with helpless surveys.
8. Sell your hair
Hair is consistently sought after. Simply consider all the intricate hairpieces big names wear. In case you're sufficiently fortunate, one of your tasty secures could wrap up Ariana Grande's assortment.
Look at HairSellOn. You can make up to $4,000 on this site. In the first place, you need to enroll for a free record and post a promotion with certain photos of your "item." Then, kick back and trust that the offers will come in!
The best part is that there are huge loads of nitty gritty classes. You can write in your length and shading so individuals searching for hair like yours can discover you rapidly. There's additionally a hair value mini-computer so you can get a smart thought of which cost to pick.
Another site you should look at is OnlineHairAffair, which offers huge loads of itemized tips that will help you locate your best cost. There's additionally WorldofWigs, however this site just acknowledges hair that is at any rate 12-inches in length.
9. Livestream yourself eating or examining
This may sound unusual. "For what reason would I film myself accomplishing something so exhausting?" You may ponder. "For what reason would individuals need to watch that?"
Evidently, individuals love to watch outsiders do standard things on the web. Anybody can bring in cash by rolling a camera while they're approaching their everyday lives. Regardless of whether you're a gamer, customer, performer or understudy, you can run a camera and post it on the web.
This procedure banks on the brain research of parasocial connections. That is an extravagant method of alluding to the uneven sensations of fellowship we get when watching others.
Simply consider your #1 entertainer. When you see the person in question giving a meeting, don't you feel near them? You begin to create sensations of commonality — despite the fact that they don't have any acquaintance with you exist.
A similar brain research becomes possibly the most important factor when you're livestreaming. Look at Twitch, the most well known web-based feature out now, or even YouTube. With these livestreaming administrations, you can talk with outsiders and begin fabricating a feeling of commonality.
When individuals begin to like you, they can send live gifts. This might be difficult to accept, yet individuals have gotten tremendous gifts only for messing around or eating before a camera. In the event that you become an effective decoration, people will begin considering you an influencer!
10. Play with pets
Who realized you could transform fun into a check? With Rover, you can pet-sit creatures close to you. The application lets you discover pet proprietors in your general vicinity who need individuals to investigate their felines and canines while they're away.
This is what you can do:
Feed the pets, play with them and give them drug
Walk canines at whatever point you have an opening in your timetable
Host a doggy childcare in your own home
House sit or drop in on pets at their homes
Care for a pet for the time being at your place
As per Rover, this is the most ideal approach to make money. "Sitters who offer barricading can make to 2x more than sitters who don't," the site claims.
Intrigued? You can likewise pursue Fetch! Pet Care or Petsitters.Org. Simply be prepared to pass a record verification. All things considered, individuals need to ensure you'll take great consideration of their cushioned relatives.
"You're back to pre-pandemic levels with sports, combined with the expansion in online club movement. It's difficult to think all things considered what might have occurred without a pandemic, yet as the circumstance stands today it's pretty certain for the business," Bischel said.
Numerous in-person business club haven't fared too.
The U.S. Gambling club industry as of late looked for help from the public authority after states lost more than $2 billion in lost expense income in the four months they were closed down because of the pandemic. One of the objective zeroed in regions that depend vigorously on business property income is the well known Strip in Las Vegas — Strip properties' gross gaming income declined by 30% year over year to $375.8 million, as per the Nevada Gaming Control Board.
Yet, organizations that work in provincial gambling clubs are more furnished to manage the pandemic. Spots like Penn National PENN, - 1.34% and Caesars CZR, +3.81% who work nearby club with high guest consistency standards are more similar to.
If you want to make money online from home without any investment  CLICK HERE
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thewhitefluffyhat · 4 years
How do you feel the anime is doing in handling the elements from the game? I think they've made some very meaningful changes to get rid of much of the padding and improve the ot/character beats. In the recent episode they didn't even include Homura and Madoka's search subplot, despite the easy fanservice there.
Oh geez, what a timing-dependent ask!  This was sent right around Episode 8, I believe.
And yes, I’ve been mostly enjoying the anime changes so far, particularly some of the little character details.  Kaede holding up that drawing of Rena, Mitama’s horrifying new food combinations, Iroha having to bail out Felicia when she gets in a fight… there are a lot of moments that are unique to the anime, yet feel so wonderfully true to the characters it seems like they should have been in the game!
(Also much like Doroinu’s Valentine’s event sections, it’s really obvious that he’s more confident in writing the original cast than the f4 team is…)
The changes to the rumors have also been intriguing, and I think generally for the better.  Things like the Breakup Staircase requiring you to write your name on a specific staircase, or how the rumor of the Endless Solitude requires that only one person can enter at a time… it all works towards the rumors feeling more like genuine urban legends.
Still, I did think Kaede and Rena’s arc was unfortunately rushed, and witch fights tend to go by really fast too.  So even though Madoka and Homura are my favorites from the original quintet, I was outright happy to see them removed if it meant better pacing and focus on the important parts of Ch5.
(More detailed discussion of Episodes 9 and 10 below.)
And to some degree, that really did happen!  I’m watching alongside my little brother, who not only hasn’t played the game, but he’s also very skeptical of gacha adaptations.  And both of us loved Sana and Ai in Episode 9.  (He even found it the first episode so far that managed to touch the spark the original anime had!)
I thought it was particularly well done in how it balanced including just enough of Sana’s Magical Girl Story to explain her character, without going overboard and piling on so much suffering it seemed too over-the-top.
That being said, while Sana and Ai were great, Iroha and Sana’s relationship… really took a backseat.  Iroha in general has been frustratingly passive so far, despite the early episodes seeming like the anime might be trying to fix some of that.  But with the little Kyuubey being the one to force Iroha to jump from the tower, and in getting rid of the Ai fight, Iroha now comes across as even more useless and disconnected than in the game.  :/
And… then there’s anime Alina.  Who at this point, consists entirely of meme poses, manic cackling,  and shouting her lines from the game at 2x speed.  I was hoping that Episode 10 would at least have Yachiyo mention her background as a famous artist, and that it would give Alina a bit of a humanizing moment with her relationship with Mifuyu, but… nope.  Instead, she jumped straight over Jojo and landed in Higurashi with those faces.
(Which is kind of an insult to Higurashi, tbh.  Even Meakashi-hen Shion has more of a reason and behind her wild actions than Alina here…  unless you buy the theory that Alina’s doppel doesn’t just drive witches and rumors berserk, that is.)
Quite a disappointment, especially when the OP looks more like Alina from her MGS.
Aside from Alina, Magius as a whole seems more reasonable and morally gray, which is a major improvement from the game.  (Especially if, as Episode 10 kind of implies, Mami joined without being brainwashed!)  I suppose if nonsensical Alina is the price I have to pay for the rest of Magius being sane, it’s still a tradeoff I would make… but oof, what a cost.
And I’m worried about what this means for Alina’s role later in the plot.  Right now, it seems quite possible she’ll be the one who corrupts Touka and Nemu, rather than the other way around.  The way that Alina can control witches with her doppel also seems like foreshadowing for what she does in the game’s Ch10… yet doesn’t solve the problem that she has no relation to the rest of the themes Magireco’s main plot is trying to explore.
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pcbuildnet · 4 years
How to Pick a Good Monitor for Software Development
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When Should You Buy a New Monitor?
Not at all like most equipment buys, screens can wind up enduring you quite a while. The main explanation I wound up overhauling was my old Dell 2007FP at long last ceased to exist after around 8 years of full time use. I was utilizing it as a second screen in a double screen set up.
You could expect 5-10 years out of a screen since innovation in the screen office moves at an agonizingly slow clip. They are as yet hawking 1080p screens today in 2017, and they were delivered when precisely? At some point in the mid 2000s? That is around 15 years.
Sure there have been steady improvements throughout the long term yet it's generally not worth purchasing another screen when a small gradual upgrade occurs.
On the off chance that I purchase another screen, I would hope to get a "genuine" redesign. That may mean bouncing up goals, or improving picture quality and revive rate.
Understanding Physical Size vs Resolution
Actual size doesn't establish the amount you can fit on a screen. For instance my mother feels that a 25" 1080p screen will let her fit a bigger number of things on her screen than a 22" 1080p screen. Try not to be my mother!
The main thing that is important for "fitting more stuff on the screen" is the goal of the screen. Here's the 3 most regular goals:
1080p is 1920x1080
1440p is 2560x1440
4k is 3840x2160
The primary number "1080p" is the means by which a great many people depict the goal in discussion
The second number "1920" is the number of even pixels can fit on the screen
The third number "1080" is the number of vertical pixels can fit on the screen
My Chromebook has a 13.3" 1080p showcase, thus does my auxiliary 22" 1080p screen. The two screens offer a similar precise screen land. Which means in the event that I have a Sublime Text 3 code editorial manager open, the two of them can serenely show 2x 80 character code windows one next to the other alongside a sidebar.
On the off chance that you need to fit more things on your screen, you have to build the goal, not the actual size. Be that as it may, as you increment the goal, things become more modest, so in the long run you should expand the actual size as well.
This is what the screen looks like on top of my standing work area for scale
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Retina Resolution Caveats
A ton of equipment producers publicize enormous goals, however the truth is they offer MUCH less screen land than what they basically promote.
For instance, A 13.3" MacBook Pro publicizes a 2560x1600 goal however that is somewhat bologna. Definitely sure, the showcase is in fact equipped for delivering 2560x1600 pixels however the goal you really wind up having as land on the screen is 1680x1050 which is LESS than a 1080p screen.
1680x1050 is something you used to see on LCD screens 15 years back and today, you can get them for $50 on Craigslist.
The main contrast is, a Retina empowered showcase will look more pleasant on the grounds that it's basically packing twice the same number of pixels into a similar actual space. This will make text styles and pornography… I mean proficient Photoshop illustrations that you configuration look truly sharp.
In case you're interested the 15" MBP promotes itself as 2880x1800 which thus gives it a "genuine" goal of 1080p. That implies you'll have the option to run your 2x 80 character Sublime Text code windows with a sidebar similarly as somebody completed 15 years prior with an original 1080p screen.
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Health, Fitness and Beauty Updates (05/25/2020)
So today is a Monday and I normally post these on Saturdays so I apologize for the slight delay.
I’ve been trying to repeat my program for a second round. Unfortunately I don’t have the interest nor motivation to do so. That’s not to say I lost complete interest in health and fitness (I hope I never do). I mean to say that I’m a bit bored of the same workout routine and want to try something new.
I was cardio boxing 3x a week and doing strength circuits 3x a week from the program. I feel that this might be a bit too strenuous and “boring” given the fact that I followed the program for 2 months and never skipped a workout. Unfortunately, because of this, I ended up binging quite often for the past month. I feel this was the case because I ate so healthy for such a long time as well as following a strict workout plan that no excuse would prevent me from sticking to it. Now that I’m done with the plan I feel more “free” if that makes sense, so I started eating more “freely”. Again, not implying that healthy eating and proper exercising is “bad” or “not freeing” but I was so diligent during those 2 months that I became too “relaxed” after I finished the program. With a less strenuous and diversified workout regimen, I will find myself binging much less often.
I want to focus on walking as a form of cardio for now. I noticed my calves are overdeveloped and this is due to walking up inclines several times (I used to live in a mountainous region and I walked uphill so often). I want to slim them down by doing calf stretches 2x a day until I notice any changes/get the results I like. I am concerned that running or any form of cardio that uses my lower body can bulk my calves/prevent them from slimming down. So for now I’ll focus on walking on flat surfaces.
For strength I am going to do an arm workout 4x a week so I can slim down my triceps. I am following a video that was recommended by a blogger who posted her 3 month before and after pictures showing the results she got from doing it on a frequent basis (and it looks promising). For the other 3 days of the week I’ll do an ab/lower body circuit or pilates workout. My legs and abs are toned already but I want to keep them that way.
In terms of bloating (something I’ve complained about on my blog in the past), I notice that the bloating I experience is normal (i.e. from eating, drinking, and consuming salt). It isn’t from severe digestive issues/diseases thankfully. With that being said, there is nothing I can do to prevent or stop it. My tummy does bloat whenever I eat or drink and that’s completely normal. Everyone goes through it. My abs are most visible and flat when I wake up in the morning with an empty stomach. I know I do have toned abs but I can only see them at that time.
So really all I want to do is to maintain a healthy diet with a good balance between the 3 macronutrients and low in sugar, as well as follow a good cardio and strength routine (walking for cardio and circuits/pilates for strength). I just want to tone my upper triceps and slim my calves, that’s it really. I used to be harsh on my body and was upset as to why I couldn’t get slimmer. Well I decided to be strong and dedicated and follow a workout program along with a healthy eating plan and I managed to be lean and toned without being way too slim. In other words if the current body I have that resulted from this program then it is the body I will accept. It might be hard to explain this through text but it makes great sense in my mind. Also it’s fair to note that some people are skinnier than others while some are curvier. I have a naturally tall and athletic build (good ab definition, narrow waist, shoulders and hips equal width, slim legs and not a huge butt/breasts). If that’s what my natural physique is then that’s what I’ll have for the rest of my life regardless of what lifestyle I follow. I can definitely be lean and fit, but I’m trying to say that I’ll never become super skinny nor super voluptuous because genetically my frame is medium/athletic. I will also point out that there is a difference between natural skinniness and emaciation, and natural curviness and obesity (I don’t want to encourage eating disorders and unhealthy lifestyles on my blog).
Now those are my health and fitness plans, I hope they help and inspire you!
In terms of beauty, I’ve mentioned before that I am huge on skin care (i.e. sunscreen, drinking lots of water, moisturizing my skin, etc...) and I love a natural look. With that being said I’m not the biggest fan of makeup (I hope I don’t come across as putting down or shaming those who do enjoy makeup as this isn't my intent. People are free to wear what they want but makeup just isn’t for me). It tends to dry my skin or make it super oily, and I’ve developed clogged pores/styes by my eyes from wearing too much makeup. I don’t feel like bold makeup looks good on me (especially that matte evening look). I prefer natural, rosy flushed, and glowing makeup. Something that doesn’t make me look like I’ve been caked with full coverage stuff. I decided to try some Glossier Cloud Paint (not sponsored) on my face and it looks really nice and natural. My skin has a healthy natural flush. I already had one shade and I decided to order another 3. It looks really nice when applied to your cheeks and lips (even your eyelids). So I’ll be using that as my makeup from now on!
I have eyes, eyelashes and eyebrows that are on the darker side. Wearing eyebrow makeup and mascara can make my eyes look too bold (versus on someone with blonde eyebrows or blue/green eyes). I try to avoid adding anything to my eye area for that matter (maybe some sheer/light to medium coverage concealer to brighten the area or brushing my brows). I try to keep my brows at a moderate thickness but with slightly sparser thickness/boldness than how they usually tend to grow so they don’t look too harsh on my face (and I keep them soft and curved as opposed to arched for the same reason). I love a nice rosy/pink lip so I make sure to apply lip balm as often as I can (and a tiny dab of Cloud Paint). 
I’m happy I found some makeup that works for me (even as someone who really doesn’t like wearing any). I want to take care of my physical appearance without being too over the top. I love a casual everyday look that looks well put together but effortless. I’ll post more beauty updates/changes I would like to make or have already made. I’m just experimenting at the moment. I want to update my hair and clothing routine.
I hope everyone had a great weekend!
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thekaijudude · 5 years
Do you think it’s possible that Taro also obtained the unique attributes of the other Ultra Brothers? Like for example Ultraman’s Unique skin and immunities.
A really interesting question indeed
Well for starters, if we examine Taro’s motif, he’s basically meant to be the ‘amalgamation’ of the previous 5 Ultra Brothers as shown:
Taro’s protector design = Zoffy’s Star Marks
Taro’s Color Timer = Ultraman’s Color Timer
Taro’s Overall Head Sculpt = Seven’s Head Sculpt
King Bracelet (Upgraded from the Taro Bracelet) = Jack’s Ultra Bracelet 
(Tho granted that the Ultra Bracelet isn’t unique to Jack but back in the Showa Era, it was)
Taro’s head fin = Ace Hole & Eye Slugger
With that being said, canonically and explicitly speaking, Taro was only stated to have ‘mastered’ the fighting styles of all the Ultra Brothers
Now does that mean that he was able to train his body to adopt the same immunity to electricity and tankiness as Ultraman?
Not necessarily but he has been shown to be tankier than other Ultra Brothers
Heck, does Taro even need to train his body to be immune to electricity?
Like his Ultra Horns could simply manipulate it and/or absorb it like Ace
Does that also mean that Taro can use the Eye Slugger and could utilize Ultra Psychokinesis as well as Seven?
On the Eye Slugger part, definitely a no, but with the King’s Bracelet, I don’t think he really needs an Eye Slugger tbh
But Taro, even as a Spark doll, was able to use his Ultra Psychokinesis to repel attacks from Dark Tiga, definitely somewhere on the level of Seven as the latter was able to lift a whole Kaiju off the groud even as a human
Does that mean that like Jack, who seems to mainly fight by using his overwhelming strength to overcome his enemies as well as using the Ultra Bracelet?
Well, Taro’s even stronger than Jack (And Zoffy too considering that he’s the 2nd physically strongest in the 6 Ultra Brothers)
And he even received an upgraded Bracelet in his series which can do more than just launching attacks but also grants the user abilities as well
Does that mean that like Ace, Taro has adapted himself to be able to store 2x as much as energy as a normal Ultra?
Well, considering that his Ultra Horns are able to manipulate ridiculously large amount of energies, I’d say that Taro is just born with the same result of abilities as Ace, but even better cause he is able to even manipulate large amounts of energy to even use Ultra Overlapping and whatnot
But to bring up 2x energy storage in another perspective, we know that Seven’s Beam Lamp is basically his color timer, but Taro has both the Beam Lamp AND a color timer, does that mean he has 2x energy capacity as well? 
That we have yet to receive official confirmation but considering that Taro and Seven are cousins, I wouldn’t rule this possibility out
I would like to bring your attention to what we saw in Ginga S, cause Taro was able to grant Ginga the Storium Brace which allowed him to use all the 6 Ultra Brothers’ finishers, even the Cosmo Miracle Ray
Now this heavily implies that Taro himself also managed to also master the finishers of the Ultra Brothers and likely could now also use the Cosmo Miracle Ray by himself, which is consistent as:
1. He has mastered all the Ultra Brothers’ finishers
2. Able to manipulate large amounts of energy
So its really not a far fetch to say that Taro can’t simply weave all of their finishers to mimic Super Taro’s finisher
Heck, he himself might be the actual reason why Mebius was able to achieve Mebius Infinity as well considering that Mebius wasn’t shown to have the same Ultra Overlapping ability like Taro.
Not to mention that recently in UGF, we saw in Taro’s flashback that the Ultra Brothers just gave him a small portion of their energy (Cause all of them were still in the blue) that allowed Taro to use one of Super Taro’s Finishers, the Super Ultra Dynamite, I mean this definitely shows that Taro has been getting stronger ever since the last appearance of Super Taro that he dosent even need to use Ultra Overlapping anymore to simply dish out a Super Taro finisher
But we could also say that it’s how Taro managed to get so strong so fast and manage to even master all the Ultra Brother’s energy signatures (eg Specium, Emerium, Metallium, M87 etc), it was cause of the fact that Taro was given bits of their original power to take out UDK which perhaps also enabled Taro to break down and analyse their energies to adopt them into his own repertoire
Not a far fetch considering that Taro seems to also be well versed in scientific knowledge as well as in one of the Taiga Voice Drama episode, it was revealed that the Taiga Spark was co-created by both Taro and Toregia
So as of now, it seems that its less likely that Taro has specifically managed to develop the intrinsic physical abilities of the other Ultra Brothers, but more likely, by virtue of his innate abilities and enormous potential, manage to train himself to be able to achieve and even surpass the abilities of the other Ultra Brothers in a different way altogether as shown in the earlier part of this answer
Also let’s not forget that he specifically trained himself to be the strongest Ultraman ever and we sure do see him slowly getting there
Thanks for the question!
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vspirit8 · 5 years
After listening to his post-WC interviews
If he’s been getting titanium body part ads when surfing the Internet, he’s gonna find the push doubled from now.
Much text, needs cut
Possible or not, I don’t know, but I can see why he thinks he should add them quads, if he wants to remain competitive--and it’s not because his current BV no longer is. His current BV isn’t all that far behind Chen’s but current judging awards bonus points for clean skates (the higher the BV the higher the GOEs and PCS)  and as always, momentum, and Hanyu has had two things going against him: his inability to skate two clean back-to-back programs on a more constant basis and his plague of ankle injuries that caused him to sit out most of the season. Twice. Consecutively. So he couldn’t afford to make mistakes and the 4S mistakes he’s been making are apparently attributed to the fact that it’s an edge jump and edge jumps are more susceptible to ice conditions and as such, failure. According to him, the ice in Saitama Arena was different both days--softish on the day of the SP and then hard again on the day of the FS--and that he didn’t have enough skill to be able to account for the difference in traction. Also according to him, toe jumps like the flip and the lutz are less susceptible to ice condition and as such, less prone to mistakes. So I’m guessing he’s hoping to up his consistency level by incorporating them, especially seeing as Chen and Uno (when he’s uninjured) both seem to have a pretty high success rate with these sort of jumps, as does he himself with his 4T, while his relationship with the 4Lo is tumultuous at best and the one he has with his 4S seems to be an on-again-off-again gig. And of course, the BVs for them are higher.
Anyway, he seems to have found a positive spin for this recent experience and is now pretty pumped up about having a new last boss to beat, one that kicked his ass rather soundly despite all his EXP and unlocked achievements (I’m not spinning this, even if he didn’t use these exact words, this was basically what he himself implied) and other factors (Chen skated after him, had had to once again warm up amidst the storm of Poohs and not to mention doing it on a turf where support for Hanyu is strongest). He apparently enjoys competing in a manner where no mind games nor any cloak-and-dagger strategy is employed and opponents simply met each other head on with sheer firepower. Guess this means he intends to answer Chen's challenge in kind, blow for blow. But better. And with prudence. He feels it’s thanks to others like Chen that he's now relieved of the 2x OGM must-win-everything mentality and he's free to tackle this new challenge with a clean slate.
That’s fine and all but invested as I am in him not just as an athlete but also as a person, I can’t help but hope Hanyu finds something else besides just skating to win to focus on. I mean, seriously, how long does his e-study course allow him to extend his studies until??? >.< While it's probably imperative for him to have singular focus in order to achieve his ultimate goal before he reached it, he's already achieved it. Perhaps he feels he has a new one now with this loss (see above paragraph) but it’s hard not to feel it's perhaps really time he discovered new challenges beyond simply competitive skating. Because at this point, simply having goals limited to competitive skating doesn't seem wise and if I may be so bold, a complete waste of someone as intelligent, passionate and talented as he is.
He's made clear of the fact that he's aware life isn't simply limited to competitive skating, or skating in general really, but being aware and taking steps to achieve a balance are two very different things. For example, he's announced, although never wholeheartedly, on multiple occasions that he needs to improve his English but it's been more than half a decade and if I didn't know his background, I'd have thought he never lived abroad at all, or at least, not for as long he has.
There doesn't seem to be a middle ground for things he's passionate about and the ones that he feels less passion for. As in, he goes to great lengths and achieve great heights for the things he loves to do and the things he doesn't never really take off beyond him being aware that he may need to give them more focus at some point. And while he can get away with below average English despite living for years in a country where he'd had ample opportunity to improve, branching out when it comes to direction in life isn't something anybody, even a 2x OGM, can do without. If anything, it's people like him who needs it the most.
Yes, he seems to have found new motivation when it comes to competitive skating and for that, I feel happy for him and for the sport. Relief, however, isn't quite the word for it, as I sincerely hope he isn't going to be as singularly focused on it as he was before he achieved his Olympic dreams. Maybe he feels he needs to give it his all considering he's basically skating on borrowed time now but doing it while finding or even indulging in a new direction may actually be something that'll help with this new game+ he’s looking to conquer instead of hinder.
He's said Chen has opened his eyes as to how much stronger he needs to become as a competitor. But I think the lesson Chen has taught is bigger than that. Chen has found new perspective and, by extension, his equilibrium in balancing his athletic ambitions with plans and a life that extends beyond them, and this, together with his experience last season, has enabled him to perform better as an athlete. It's a lesson Fernandez had taught as well (though I think Chen maintains better discipline) and while Hanyu couldn't immediately take a page off of his book before his initial goal was reached, as he couldn't afford to divide his focus then, it's definitely something he can look back on and mull over now looking ahead at the rest of his life. Also, this way, when the time really does come for the transition, perhaps he'll be less lost.
If dividing his focus into more than one productive passion is difficult for him, well then, he should consider it a challenge worth taking on. The guy does love his challenges, no?
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honestfutures · 6 years
skill and creation in hacf
I’ve seen a lot about who’s the “smartest” or “most creative” in HACF (often paired with Donna hate…), and while of course it’s always more complicated than simple character stats, I thought it might be fun to look at the various ways the characters are skilled and how they differ. So let’s break down these characters like Pokemon, shall we?
Hard skills: by this I basically mean strictly technical proficiency and knowledge. This is what most people think when they consider the characters’ “intelligence”.
Donna: Based solely on what’s plainly stated in dialogue, Donna is a skilled engineer with a computer science degree. In terms of “hard” skills, she has at minimum THE SAME credentials as Gordon. Like I’m tired of hearing about this.
Gordon: He has the same degree as Donna. I mean, there’s not much to say here because it’s sort of matter-of-fact, he is evidently good at what he does and I would say it’s by far his strongest area out of the 3 I’m looking at.
Cam: Cameron is more slippery to pin down, but we’re meant to understand her as exceptionally bright, a prodigy, in the sort of nebulous good-at-everything way TV likes to depict prodigies.
Joe: He has other skills, more specifically he is good at selling, influencing, and encouraging, but he is not knowledgeable about computers by his own admission, and as evidenced repeatedly. He’s the least technically skilled of the group.
Something to consider is how in this one area, the skills of the characters go against the typical distribution of tech skills in media, gender role-wise: both women are very talented re: hard skills, and the least talented person is a man, who in other ways, small and large, is an outsider and goes against typical gender norms. Someone who is not me write an essay on this. Anyway, moving on...
Soft skills: Soft skills encompass things like organization, time management, communicating with others, etc. Unlike hard skills they’re harder to teach or quantify, because they’re usually not considered job skills, just someone’s personality, or, in a more unspoken way, “feminine” skills.
Donna: She’s skilled at these because she needs to be, as a mother and wife, and because she is by default the only person who really has these skills at Mutiny and is therefore forced to step into that role- to deal with the power company, to prevent coders from attacking each other, to organize, etc. She’s the most classic example of someone with good soft skills.
Gordon: He sucks at this. He’s got some brain stuff going on, but mostly he’s a man in the 1980’s who has never developed these skills because he’s never needed to; he’s got Donna. Of note is the fact that even in season 1, Donna is performing these duties for Gordon at home with no pay. YMMV on how much of that is normal in a relationship, but the fact is the Giant project would never have gotten off the ground if Gordon had to take on 50% of childcare, event planning and other household responsibilities, and this is true of many families.
Cameron: Bless her heart, she is also garbage at these, in a more overt way than Gordon. Part trauma, part possible autism/adhd/other neurodivergence, part “is literally 19 at the start of the series”.
Joe: This is tricky. He is very skilled, but in a restricted and relatively short term way, that is to say he burns bridges as fast as he can build them. This is one of the areas he learns to improve over time.
Though you might not consider these things when comparing the characters’ smarts or talents, they’re definitely part of that equation. These are all skills that are undervalued but that in real life are crucial, and no project can succeed without them; if you can’t talk to people you can’t work in a team, secure funding, etc. They may not be impressive skills like coding, but they are crucial, and this is where most of the tension between Cam and Donna comes from in season 2 and 3: Cameron doesn’t understand this and feels judged, and Donna resents being made to fill that role. If you don’t consider soft skills as valuable, time-consuming and challenging, most of Donna’s character development and personal struggles will be lost on you.
Creativity: This is a little more difficult to define. It’s not just ideas, and as anyone in a creative field will tell you, everyone hates the “idea guy”; typically a dude, who thinks his ideas are great, but has no concept of how to follow through on them. Creativity implies an understanding of how your idea can be implemented, if not the personal know-how to do it.
Cameron: She is of course the main creative: the friendly OS, Mutiny, Space Bike, etc. She can both imagine her ideas, and has the know-how to execute these ideas personally.
Donna: Her main idea in the series is Community, and again, she both imagines the idea AND knows how to implement it and develop it further as the concept grows. She is building on the Mutiny concept, of course, in the same way Cameron’s Mutiny concept was building on the existing framework of phone lines. Aside from that, Donna, creatively, is the one most likely to come up with fixes for specific problems (think the piggybacked layout of the Giant and the trick to convince Joe they had ported Mutiny to UNIX), which is interesting considering that’s her role in the plot socially as well.
Joe: At the outset, he is absolutely, 100%, the Idea Guy. Possibly the best example is the scene in season 1 where he writes 2x faster, 2x cheaper on the whiteboard and expects Cam and Gordon to reverse engineer that into reality. In real life this kind of behavior doesn’t impress anyone. Like, anyone, really anyone, can do that. I can tell you I have an idea for an app that lets you talk to your cat, but if my whole idea is “an app that lets you talk to your cat”, I’m very clearly full of shit and my idea is pointless. So while Joe is outwardly creative he is, creatively, the least useful. Again, Joe evolves here, as the writers realized “Mad Men clone” was a bad look for their show, and as he naturally learns more about the industry his ideas get more grounded.
Gordon: He has… some ideas, notably Sonaris and his garage-based computer business, but both flop badly and immediately and he lacks the vision to polish them into something functional. I would say Gordon is the least “creative” of the main four, but this brings me to another thing:
Gordon and Joe: They typically arrive at ideas together, the Giant most prominently (Cam’s OS is almost entirely separate from the Joe/Gordon back and forth on the hardware), their business in season 4, and I would argue Sonaris/MacMillan Utility. Joe suggests an idea with no technical basis, and Gordon is the one who figures out the execution, or vice versa: Gordon invents unsellable, impractical software, and Joe figures out how to use and sell it.
This is crucial: I can’t count Joe’s Giant concept as an independent idea, because he himself has no clue how something like that would work, whereas it's not fully Gordon’s because he’s not capable of that kind of initial creative drive. Their ideas only really reach fruition when both are involved. What’s fascinating is seeing how he and Gordon mesh together as partners, both equally crucial. There’s tension there, but ultimately they're uniquely well-matched and rarely work without the other. Even when Joe starts his company without Gordon, he’s using his software. Comparatively, Cam and Donna do work together but can create independently; it's less meshed at that creative level because they are individually more well-rounded.
In conclusion I guess, while all these nuances are definitely explored in a way that many shows don’t do, HACF definitely falls into that trap of attributing ideas and achievements to individuals rather than teams, and specifically those individuals who have skills understood as valuable in a capitalist, white man-centric culture. Here that means coders and engineers, with other disciplines that Cardiff or Mutiny would definitely need, like visual and sound artists, HR staff and yeah, janitorial staff, happening automatically in the background.
Part of this is because of the obvious fact that you need central characters to root for, but it’s worth keeping in mind because this is definitely a mindset that affects the workforce particularly for lower-paid, majority female and nonwhite jobs. Appreciate these people!
Thanks for reading!
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Party-size Paint By Number Projects
Need to paint a Photo of yourself? or then again re-live a memory of a lifetime? Send us your photograph and we will send you its adaptation of Paint by Numbers Kit. Make your own showstopper with Numeral Paint DIY paint by numbers unit. It is the ideal initial Personalized paint by numbers step for novices to appreciate the craft of painting. Paint your  own divider craftsmanship, regardless of whether you have zero imaginative capacity. Also, it very well may be confined to be a magnificent design for your home.
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 Why you should arrange:
 Improve Relationship: Share the enjoyment of painting with your family or companions. Accomplishing something innovative together helps a great deal in associating individuals. you can likewise amaze somebody you have with him an old story by giving him a chance to draw, find and recollect that extraordinary minute.
 Unwinding and Joyful: Take your psyche off the tensions of the work day and your poop manager. Who needs treatment when you have paint by numbers?
 Simple Drawing: You don't need any essential expertise of painting to do this. We will give you a guidance manual that is extremely simple to pursue and regardless of how great or poor you are at illustration.
 Blessing Choice: If you are in a bad position finding a proper blessing, this is the perfect arrangement. DIY paint by numbers pack is an entirely decision as a present for Christmas, Thanksgiving Day, New Year, Birthday or different events. Inventive and Educational: This action helps with creating numerous great propensities in youngsters, for example, tolerance, focus, assurance, insight and so on.
 What's in the bundle?
 1x Numbered acrylic paint set (About 24 unique hues, contingent upon the artistic creation)
 1x Numbered superb material canvas
 1x set of 3 paint brushes (1x little, 1x medium, 1x huge)
 1x hanging unit, including 2x screws and 2x non-track hooksTurn your most loved picture into your very own Paint by Number for a really interesting, stand-out magnum opus!
 Basically transfer your image above, or email it alongside your request number to [email protected] after you have put in your request, and we will deal with the rest!
 For tips how to accomplish the absolute best outcomes for your customized paint by numbersYou bring your imagination, we deal with the rest
 Make a showstopper that you can hold tight your divider or give as a blessing, all while having a fabulous time and diminishing pressure! This satisfying, scripted DIY paint by numbers venture accompanies everything that you need go to from a clear, stamped canvas to a bit of cleaned fine art. Everything necessary is a little persistence and a spotless paint brush to make work of art that is certain to rouse discussion.
 Your unit incorporates the canvas, paint, brushes, and hanging pack, so you don't need to be an occupant craftsman or even have your very own specialty supplies to succeed. Basically paint inside the lines agreeing with the comparing hues and watch the canvas come to life.Design your own special paint by numbers canvas with a customized print. Transfer your most loved photograph or configuration to make a custom paint map. Everybody will love the measure of time, care, and inventiveness that you put into the venture; also, the completed outcome will stagger. Paint a family representation for relatives, finish your home with painted photograph recollections, or make a painted form of your most loved selfie for no particular reason. The blessing thoughts are perpetual!
 Any picture can be transformed into a paint by numbers creation and there are a wide assortment of sizes to look over. It's anything but difficult to transfer your picture straightforwardly onto the site. We prescribed picking a composition measure that intently coordinates the image's viewpoint ratio.CUSTOM DIY PAINT BY NUMBERS KIT FOR ADULTS. Presenting Custom Paint by Number packs! Transform your most appreciated individual photographs into Personalized Custom Paint by Number packs. The PERFECT blessing thought for any event!
 Remove the battle from Struggling Artist!
 Release your inventiveness with EASY, FUN, BEAUTIFUL DIY paint-by-numbers packs for grown-ups. Spend a loosening up night in and make your own great divider workmanship.
 **Design not found in stores**
 Why you should arrange:
 Incredible GROUP ACTIVITY - Spend an extraordinary night in with the young ladies (wine prescribed)
 DIY HOME DECORATION - Paint your very own divider workmanship, regardless of whether you have zero masterful capacity
 Immaculate GIFT IDEA - Whether it's for a birthday or Mother's Day, give a present they'll adore
 Unwind. Take your brain off the nerves of the work day and your poop supervisor. Who needs treatment when you have paint by numbers?
 Gracious, and did we notice..
 **FREE SHIPPING** We ship to anyplace on the planet at definitely no expense to you. As we fabricate our packs abroad, it should take around 12-20 days for your request to arrive. On the off chance that you request mutiple, you may get different bundles.
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 Need assistance with your buy? Converse with a human and give us an email at [email protected] or hit us up on Facebook!
 I'm in - what's in the bundle?
 - 1x numbered acrylic-based paint set
 - 1x pre-printed numbered top notch canvas
 - 1x set of 3x paint brushes (Varying fibers - 1x little, 1x medium, 1x huge)
 - 1x hanging unit, including 2x screws and 2x non-track snares
 - 1x set of simple to-adhere to directions for useEverything you need is incorporated into the pack to finish your artwork. There's even a card mounting edge to complete it off pleasantly. You should simply pursue the number guide and apply the paints. There's no surge, simply take a seat, unwind and appreciate the experience. When complete, you and your companions will be flabbergasted at what you have created!A photo is great however an artwork? That is ARTISTIC. With custom paint by numbers you can get your pictures, wedding photographs, your pets' photographs or some other photograph you need changed over into a canvas for a depiction. Make your very own custom units and have a great time painting anything you desire or reproducing your most loved minutes on canvas!
 We can change over any of your photos or recollections into the ideal painting canvas. What's more, learn to expect the unexpected. This is likewise the ideal blessing as you can give a companion or a friend or family member, an artwork of a unique minute in their life extraordinarily painted by you!What's New in Custom Kits?
 You disclose to us what you need to paint!
 A remembrance for a lifetime as you can reproduce recollections
 A customized blessing or the ideal expansion to your divider
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 Prepare yourself for a "supernatural occurrence" that paint by numbers is. The experience of illustration a brush aesthetically on a cloth canvas is precious. Also, the sentiment of finishing a perfect work of art like the one you are seeing on the left side is extremely valuable. So let the Painting make you with our flawless paint by number units.
 Default Size: 40x50 cm/16x20 inch. On the off chance that the size isn't referenced in the item (varients), the size is 40x50cm. In the event that there are different sizes in the variations, you can look over there.
 What will happen when I paint?
 It will makes you feel "loose".
 It drives off the "stress".
 Makes you feel "more joyful".
 Painting makes me "center" better.
 It enhances the in general "psychological wellness"
 Last yet not the least, it upgrades your "artwork abilities" since training makes a man perfect.When I made those a large number of you needed to realize how to transform a photograph into paint by numbers. I utilized Photoshop and Illustrator for that. It worked fine, yet it took me a super lengthy timespan and a great deal of calibrating by hand. In addition, the vast majority of you most likely don't approach that product.
 Luckily, I found a free paint by number apparatus on the web!
 So today I'm demonstrating how you can make your very own paint by numbers with your most loved picture highlighting DecoArt Americana Premium acrylics and free paint by number transformation software.Paint by numbers for grown-ups implies getting the chance to do it absolutely your way, isn't that so?
 So I'm going to tell you precisely the best way to make a free paint by numbers format from your own photograph, comfortable. While this is best done from a PC or tablet, in case you're searching for a paint by numbers application, PBNify will at present work from a telephone. It's surely worth a strive for a less muddled image!tart with a photograph that is as straightforward as could reasonably be expected and has great complexity. I utilized this pretty bloom from Jeon Sang however transformed it from lavender to a greater degree a pink coralThe more hues you pick, the more detail your paint by numbers layout will have. In any case, each snap is another shading you need to paint, so locate a cheerful medium.Once it's changed over, you can click forward and backward among "filled" and "diagram" to perceive what the format resembles.
Here's the primary principle for picking the best inside paint—purchase top quality, top brand paint. These exceptional paints are demonstrated to give more inclusion in less coats, frequently disposing of the need preliminary.
 To pick the correct shading for your space, get bunches of paint chips, place them on the divider close to the trim, and take a gander at amid various occasions of the day to perceive how light influence the shading. When you're prepared to begin testing shades, paint test hues onto sheets of overwhelming paper rather than the divider so you can move them around and not make a wreck of your dividers.
 In conclusion, picked a sheen to coordinate the necessities of the space. Level completions shroud flaws well and ingest light which can make the paint look darker. Eggshells and silks are extreme enough to be utilized in family rooms, children's rooms, and foyers yet don't shroud surface flaw well. Semi-Gloss and polished completions are principally utilized for trim since they highlight woodwork subtleties and tidy up effectively.
 You'll effectively locate the best inside paint hues for your home, from the best brands, here on the web and at your neighborhood Home Depot. Our proficient store partners can enable you to shading match paint from practically any brand to get the shade of your craving. We've likewise got you secured on all the basic painting supplies, including paint brushes, coverings, drop materials, plastic sheeting and more.Our group has some expertise in conveying a wide scope of administrations, impeccable to meet your requirements. We endeavor to make a bias free and receptive condition so as to give the best help to satisfy your vision. Regardless of what your vision is, be it for a private, modern, inside or outside task, we are the ones you need to make it a reality.Everyone can paint with Painting by Numbers. On account of the basic painting system, it's anything but difficult to end up a craftsman. Get some paint and a brush and make your own interesting gem . Or on the other hand blessing your friends and family Painting by Numbers with your own photograph. With our Paining by Numbers Generator you can make your own exceptional painting set with your very own image in only a couple of snaps. At that point your fruitful depictions, wedding photographs or pet photographs will transform into interesting mementos!my Painting by numbers - transfer your very own photograph and plan your very own extraordinary show-stopper
 Making your very own Painting by Numbers is simple utilizing the Ravensburger Painting by Numbers Generator. Effectively transform your image into a point by point painting layout. Pick between 2 canvas sizes; 20 x 20 cm or 30 x 24 cm. The numbered painting areas and the amazing acrylic hues transform your photograph into an individual perfect work of art. Obviously, with each myPainting by Numbers, you likewise get a coordinating quality paintbrush.
 Painting by Numbers - your very own structure decides the trouble
 Ravensburger pursues a detailed procedure to make an individual painting format from your image. The choice of structures is essential: Pictures with the biggest conceivable surface and distinctive hues are less demanding to paint than little subtleties. For instance, vast configuration pictures of individuals or creatures where you can plainly observe the entire of the face are perfect. It is vital that the image layout is sharp and sufficiently bright. In our tips and deceives, you can study how you accomplish the ideal outcome for your photograph Painting by Numbers.
 When you have made your Painting by Numbers, you will get an email from us inside 2 days which will incorporate a connection to various proposals for your artistic creation layout. Select the plan you like best. When you have affirmed the plan, we will start creation of Painting by Numbers with your picture.Suitable for children of all shapes and sizes from 7 years of age (contingent upon the structure)
 Channels and impacts in the Product Designer grow your imaginative alternatives
 Each Painting by Numbers is delivered independently in our production line and checked by our own strict quality criteria
 Conveyed in a powerful box, you can pick your own diverse plans and customize the container with a welcome or title
 Customized Painting by Numbers - the inventive blessing thought
 Be it commitment, Mother's Day or for another event, a cherishing and individual photograph blessing is dependably a superb astonishment. Bring your customized Painting by Numbers plan to life and watch the eyes of the blessing beneficiary light up.Custom Paint by Number Canvas From Your Photo
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volumes2lo-gan · 6 years
Can I ask a favor of you? Could you possibly post a list of your favorite sanders sides quotes? Preferably meaningful or cute ones.
I had fun getting these quotes together (I actually had to watch through nearly all of the episodes at 2x speed to get to lines I couldn’t exactly recall.  I also skipped Thomas quotes in favor of just the Sides, though had to add at least the one I put at the end.)  If you want more quotes, from Thomas or any of the other Sides characters, let me know and I can try to find some more! 
-Logan ✨
[Ps. I definitely missed a lot of good ones, but I did try to limit it to meaningful/cute ones.]
“If you sit around waiting for inspiration to strike, consistency is unattainable.”“We will be your constants.”“I will always be there to a degree.”“You may not always see it, but sometimes our universe can be stranger than fiction.”“You can let your past motivate your present.”
“Life is an adventure!  Embrace the change!”“I’ve always been there fighting for you.”
“I know big words too!  Saxophone…”“Dear Valerie, Happy ‘Valerintine’s day’… wow, that didn’t come off quite as well as I would’ve liked it to.”“I love my dark, strange son.”“Life shouldn’t be lived without enjoying the simple pleasures from time to time!  Goals are great, but life is short.  Might as well make it short and fantastic!”“You shouldn’t stress over originality, just think of it as doing what you want to do in your own unique way.““That’s my boy.” (about Virgil)“One step in front of the other, kiddo.  You can do it.  I’m rootin’ for ya.” (to Thomas)
“I’ve always aimed to protect you.”“Be mindful.  Being self-aware of what you’re feeling and non-judgmental in the face of those feelings, knowing that they’re normal and that you’re on the road to feeling better, could be exactly what it takes.”[“You make me wanna die… Of laughter.  Best friends.”] (Virgil’s card to Patton)
“The spirit of the friendship doesn’t fade with location or any form of change, it’s up to us.“
“Always good for taking a little nap…” “Don’t you mean a little cat nap?”“*gasp* Did you just make a dad joke?”“Um… no, I did not mean to–”“I AM SO PROUD”“Please don’t be proud.  Or tell anyone.”- Patton and Logan
“What can I say?  You’re all so handsome.”“Well, that does make sense.”“Just not as handsome as me.”“That does not make sense.”- Roman and Logan
“Can it be, like, an understood thing?”“*gasp* You’re implying that you love us!”- Virgil and Patton
“Bippity boppity boo-yah!”“That’s one of those outbursts we internalize.”- Patton and Logan
“No one can really plan their future…”“But that shouldn’t stop them from looking forward to it.””No matter the fears.”- Patton, Roman, and Virgil
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