#in doing so he kills his ego and becomes the collective
stvlti · 6 months
Something something Paul drinking the Water of Life to kill his individual self is ego death in the original sense of the word
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d4yl1ghts · 6 months
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alex karev x fem!reader
summary: evil spawn isn’t so evil when he discovers you struggling in a closet
warnings: panic attack
You were a new intern at Seattle Grace and today you had been chosen to help perform in your first surgery. You were extremely excited but your overall emotion was nerves. What if you messed up? What if the patient died? What if you kill the patient? You knew you were overthinking it but you couldn’t help the spiral of your thoughts. You knew you were a good surgeon, it was a simple procedure that you had practiced many times in med school. This was easy.
All week you had been stressing over it. You would say dreading it but you were looking forward to it but you were just so anxious.
And that is what lead you to hiding in the nearest janitor’s closet whilst tears welled up in your eyes. You were supposed to be heading down to the OR in five minutes but you needed a moment to collect yourself. With your mind racing, you paced around the tiny area with out falling over the cleaning supplies.
Bailey had sent Alex or ‘evil spawn’ to come and find you as you were due in the OR now. He had paged you and told you to go to the OR but he was yet to see you. Meanwhile, you were taking deep breaths and then you left the closet. On your way to OR 3, you stumbled upon Alex who seemed to notice your nervous demeanour. “Are you alright, Bambi?”, he questioned with genuine concern laced in his voice. The nickname had developed when you knocked into him on your first day and spilt your water all over him. He obviously being evil spawn didn’t take it too well but he eventually got over it.
“Yep, I’m fine.”, you said in a hushed voice as you struggled to breathe properly. “You don’t sound it.”, he stated. “Come here.”, he guided you into another closet. “Take some deep breaths, follow me, 1… 2… 3…”, he continued as you tried to follow him. He only noticed you getting worse as more tears began to stream down your face and your breathing fastened.
“Okay, okay, look at me, baby.”, he gently grabbed your chin, forcing you to look into his eyes. He then repeated his breathing steps for you to follow. “In through your nose and out through your mouth. Well done.”
Never in a million years would you have expected Alex Karev to be so good at comforting someone. Right now he was so not living up to his nickname. When you had calmed down, you slowly got up. “Thank you so much, Alex. It genuinely means so much.”, you thanked him awkwardly.
“No problem, anyway, should we head off to perform the surgery now?”, he questioned. He realised your face had become full of nerves again. He cupped your cheeks and stated with certainty: “You can do this, you’re one of the best interns here, maybe even the best. You’ll pass this with flying colours, trust me.”
You smiled at him and your cheeks started blazing. You loved how sweet and gentle he was with you. Also, you couldn’t deny his good looks but you couldn’t give him the ego boost. However, one thing that would damage his ego is the news that evil spawn has a soft spot.
Who knew Alex Karev would have gone soft for an anxious girl in need of some guidance?
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overlysour · 2 years
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He can’t help but want to savour your touches and smiles for himself but he knows he can’t keep you to himself.
You made an effort to interact with him, even with his big ego and judgemental comments. So why would you cheat on him?? What would you even get from that?
Also, his newly received anemo vision represented his freedom, so why would he take yours?
He would still be annoyed, probably rolling his eyes, glaring and overall being grumpy if he’s jealous, he’s not just gonna act like nothing is happening!
Might make a scene out of it… overall pretty petty even if you don’t get what you did wrong.
Probably ends up yelling at the person he’s jealous of after telling you someone needed help (did he throw an arrow at some stupid guy that stalks your neighbour? Yes! Was it just because he needed to distract you? Yes! (also partly because the neighbour wouldn’t shut up about how they have an admirer to you and he wanted attention)).
It really depends on the situation but he won’t act on what he deems to be unreasonable jealously. He thinks it’s unfair to act in that way when he’s been flirted with by many in front of you, though you still try not to react.
If he thinks it’s reasonable then he will act, just briefly though.
Would probably ask for help with a commission, muttering a sorry and making sure to give you a loving hug.
Understands the feeling of loosing someone very well so he’d want to still make it slightly obvious that you’re his and he’s yours.
Would likely threaten anyone making you uncomfortable in anyway.
If she’s just feeling jealous due to you speaking with someone closely then she absolutely won’t make a scene, though most likely asking who they were and what their relationship is with you.
Might make an excuse to walk off with you..
Overall chill but quick to threaten or drag you off.
Doesn’t really come out of his lab much unless going to other nations for fatui missions so he wouldn’t really get the chance to watch you converse with others.
Though If he does get jealous then he’d be slightly colder to you then usual.
Petty as heck (much like many other characters but way more in a ‘I’m-gonna-kill-whoever-that-was’ type of way).
If you were his lover then he’d think high of you, meaning he’d think of stuff like ‘that measly brat doesn’t deserve someone like [Name]’
Wouldn’t make contact with the cause of his jealously, instead gaining small details about them just in case.
Quickly pulls you off, glaring at the probably already scared person.
Acts normal once away, might be the tiniest bit more affectionate.
Understanding yet one to quickly go take out anger on any unsuspecting enemies he can find at that moment.
If it’s someone he trusts then he wouldn’t go let his anger out, instead opting to give you more affection then usual.
He doesn’t want to loose you, since he’s lost so many people over the years.
Though it wouldn’t to be death, he wonders if it’d make him feel worse knowing that he’d lost you to emotions.
Overprotective but watches from afar I guess??
He’s well aware of human emotions but I think he’d be a little confused at first, like why was he jealous so easily? Also how is he feeling such intense feelings?
Treats it as an experiment on himself, though still making sure he’s keeping any more-than-friendly remarks off anyones tongues (he’d like to hope that you wouldn’t do that but he’s prepared to be a barrier between you two anyways)
Trusts you but won’t hesitate to send a cheeky smile at the person as he plants a kiss on your hand and you become increasingly flustered.
Absolutely makes no scene, she’d just feel a bit self-conscious.
If you give her lots of love then she’ll easily forget about it (though it may linger in her mind for a while no matter what).
Kind and collective, openly stating her worries with you if given encouragement or if you’re worried about her.
Honestly quite chill depending on what’s happening.
Though no matter the situation, he’ll butt in your conversation by kissing you and hugging your waist with an innocent smile.
Can be intimidating but would only ever act that way when no others can see him act like that, therefore nobody would believe the person and he’d be known as a cheerful and carefree bard!
Absolute child about it (pun not intended 😗).
He will hang onto your waist whilst he hugs your back as he glares at his source of jealously.
Acts like nothing happened afterwards, dragging you wherever suits him that he thinks you’d like.
Won’t really think about it again, only feeling the need to protect you from harm or people with the wrong intentions.
Calm as long as it’s not much of a big deal, extremely understanding and not afraid to let people know that you two belong to each other only and any objections will be ignored.
If it’s a bigger deal then that, then he’ll keep his calm facade and act relatively normal and understanding but with a small loss of patience.
Worst case scenario, he’ll threaten them without a smile in sight.
Won’t pay much mind to what happened, only focused on perhaps kissing you on the cheek or hand a bit more.
A man that is genuinely not that easy to make jealous, seemingly always calm and knowledgeable.
If in a situation that he becomes jealous, he’ll kindly ask to speak with you and then express his feelings.
Would easily sort out any misunderstandings between you two.
To be continued. I will take requests on what characters people want included!
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thewulf · 2 years
That's a Kill || Jake "Hangman" Seresin
Summary: Y/N Kazansky. The Admiral's daughter. You always had to prove yourself to the boys. The good old boys. You never thought much of any of them, knowing you were better than them. That was until you were called back to Top Gun. You meet Lieutenant Jake "Hangman" Seresin who drives you nuts, the first day. You start to fall for the man in front of you as he does the same.
A/N: You all really are the sweetest. This one is a bit longer. Hope you enjoy! I Appreciate the feedback! All fluff. We're also pretending Ice is completely okay - no cancer :)
Pairing: Jake “Hangman” Seresin x Y/N
Word Count: 8,900+
Part 2 | Part 3
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You weren’t sure you wanted to be a pilot when you were a kid. Over the years you learned to love flying, especially with your dad. He had always encouraged flying but never forced you into anything you didn’t want to do. Your brother on the other hand had decided he wanted to be a pilot just like his daddy. He became a damn good one at that. But you, you were exceptional. Once you decided you did want to become a pilot you weren’t going to stop until you were the best. You kept true to your word; you were one of the best. You graduated first in your class at Top Gun, earning the coveted picture on the wall. It wasn’t without challenge though. People made many assumptions about you because of your dad that you had to overcome. Once you did, you were a force to be reckoned with.
You were so different than your dad, oh so different. Your dad, the legendary “Iceman”, Tom Kazansky, was a cocky son of a bitch (his terms, not yours). He always got whatever he wanted. He was cool, calm, and collected Tom. He was ice cold. He was Iceman. It worked for him.
But you, you decided from an early age that you caught more flies with honey than you did vinegar. You quite literally killed them with kindness. It became your thing. You only seemed to grow kinder over time, never letting anybody walk all over you though. It worked for you.
You shamelessly tried to hide your lineage, but it just didn’t work with your brother’s big mouth and your rather recognizable last name. Kazansky wasn’t easy to hide with your dad being an Admiral and all.
The word spread quickly of the Admiral’s daughter joining the ranks of Top Gun. You kept your head low and worked hard. You were kind to everybody in your class confusing your instructors who had to deal with your brother, and your dad, not that long ago. You didn’t have the ego nor the cockiness your lovely father and brother had. You were laid back, kind, but so sure of yourself.
You were a quiet one too. You never spoke out of turn only when you were addressed. Just a quiet observer in a world of crass pilots who thought they were the best. You knew you had a leg up on all the boys in your class, you were trained by your dad and Maverick from a very early age. You were yet to beat either of them, but you swore your day was coming. Each time you went up in the air you were determined to fly even better than the last, they both noticed. They knew you were special, Y/N Kazansky.
When you were in the air you were just as cool, calm, and collected as your dad. You knew you were better than your brother you would just never dare to say it out loud. You flew just like your dad did. Ice cold. You had that something special that everybody chased after. People didn’t know how to deal with you, your personality didn’t match up with the girl who flew. It made you smile, they always walked on eggshells around you. You knew you held the power you just never took advantage of it.
Your personality is what got you the callsign Lava. Everybody claimed you were the exact opposite of your father. You wanted to disagree with them, you and your dad were more alike than anybody knew. But you couldn’t fault them, the way the two of you presented yourselves was completely different. You were kind, you smiled at people, and you helped others. You had to laugh at the subtle shade that was being thrown your fathers way. You knew how cold he could be, but you also knew how loving of a guy he really was. You loved the entire situation, so you embraced your callsign. What was the opposite of Ice? Fire. But Fire didn’t sound as cool as Lava, per the boys, so Lava it was.
The instructors couldn’t quite grasp who you were. You were a sweetheart on the ground but a menace in the air. You didn’t even sound like yourself when you were giving orders and having the time of your life in the sky. You proved them wrong time and time again in the air. They thought you only got into Top Gun because of Ice; boy were they wrong. You just had that little something extra that other pilots didn’t seem to have. You couldn’t put your finger on it, nobody could figure it out either. That was years ago now, you had graduated Top Gun first in your class two years prior.
You went on a few decent missions that brought you some sense of accomplishment. You were sure your father had something to do with all the lame assignments you had been given over the last few years. You were the best of the best and you were going on missions that any pilot could go on. You had blowout arguments with your dad about it. He claimed he never did anything, you just had to believe him even though it didn’t make sense to you.
That was until you were called back to Top Gun. You were called back just like the rest of them. You were a few years younger than the majority of group that was invited. You weren’t familiar with anybody you were briefed on. You’d certainly heard of them though; they were all very well known within the Naval Aviator ranks. The best part about being a Kazansky was getting to know who you were going on missions with.
“No Will?” You asked your dad. Will was your older brother, three years older. He had gone to Top Gun with a few of the people on this list of twelve. You recognized Hangman from his class. Will always complained about him telling you the stories of how he earned his callsign Hangman. Will always referred to him as Bagman, you made of note of that one in your head. You grinned seeing him on the list knowing he’d be a tough one to deal with.
Your dad shook his head, “No, he isn’t ready yet.”
You nodded your head eyeing your dad curiously, “Must be serious then?”
“More than you know Y/N. Please, be careful.”
You hid a smile from your face seeing his apprehension. You knew it had to be one hell of a mission, “Yes sir.” Finally, your chance at something big.
You had gotten the invitation just like the rest, to meet everybody at the Hard Deck the night prior to your reporting day. You really didn’t want to go but you had a feeling that everybody else was going to be there. You were mortified when it said to show up in uniform. You considered showing up in your civ gear but decided it would be worse if you were the only one to show up in regular clothes.
You ended up going in your uniform trying to play it cool as you entered the bar. You quickly spotted the other aviators before slyly made your way over to them, all of them in uniform. You mentally thanked yourself for wearing it.
You sat down next to the most unassuming looking person there who happened to be shoveling popcorn into his face, “Hi.” You greeted him as you took a seat.
“Hi!” He smiled setting the popcorn down, “I’m Bob.” He stuck his hand out to you. He was a little dorky, but you just knew you were going to love him.
You nodded taking his hand gently in yours, “I’m Y/N. Nice to meet you Bob, what’s your callsign?”
He laughed while nodding his head, seemingly like he just went through this, “Bob.”
“I like it!” You giggled.
“Thank you, Y/N.” He smiled genuinely seeming to not get that reaction all too often, “And yours?”
“Lava. Lav for short if you wish.” You smiled swinging your legs back and forth on the high-top chair.
“Noted.” He smiled at you while fixing his glasses, “How’d you get that name?”
You sighed leaning back into your seat, “My dad. Kinda sucks when your own callsign comes from somebody’s else.” You paused for a second before continuing, “My dad is Iceman.” You nearly whispered the last part. Everybody knew about Iceman. Iceman this or Iceman that. He was a legend among Top Gun piloting legends.
“You’re Admiral Kazansky’s daughter?”
You nodded looking your head down, “I swear I’m a good pilot Bob. I’m not just here because of the name.”
“I didn’t mean that!” Bob spoke frantically, “Just surprised is all, your kind of well-known but nobody really knows you. I’m surprised you’re here.”
You bit your lip in spite, “I believe my dear old dad had something to do with that. I’ve always flown the most basic missions. None of them worth a damn. Who knows how I even made it here?” You said grumbling in frustration.
Bob shrugged, “Who cares? You’re here.”
You nodded your head, “You’re right Bob, I am here.”
“And who do we have here?” A new voice interrupted the two of you. You slowly turned your head seeing your brothers favorite pilot leaning against the chair next to you with a toothpick sticking out of his mouth. You had to admit he looked good. Better than the pictures ever showed. Your damn brother would never mention how handsome he was to you either, you weren’t surprised. Will had made him out to be some horrific monster. Not the tall, tan, muscular pilot standing before you.
“Y/N.” You gave him your sweetest smile knowing you’d have to kick up the charm to get through to him. You didn’t necessarily want to beat Hangman, you simply wanted to get into his head. You wanted to know he could be beat if you wanted to. You weren’t a hundred percent sure you were better than Hangman in the air you just had a sneaking suspicion you were.
His eyes flicked down to the last name embroidered on your chest. Kazansky big and bold for everybody to see. You heard him chuckle before looking up to you, “The other Kazansky. Thought you were some mythical creature. Nice to know you actually exist.”
You smirked seeing just how this man got under Will’s skin so bad, “Nice to meet you Bagman.”
He snorted setting his beer down ready for the conversation to begin, “Seems like your brothers got a big mouth. Where is he?”
“I don’t disagree.” You giggled, making sure to turn that charm up even harder than before, “Dad said he’s not ready.” Shrugging you leaned back into your seat wishing you had a beer to distract yourself with.
“That’s cold Kazansky.” He eyed you up and down taking you in. He didn’t know how much trouble he really was in before he initiated the conversation between the two of you. He was starting to get a sense of just how fucked he knew he was once you started throwing words right back at him with the sweetest look on your face. He knew right then and there you were going to be a problem for him, a thorn in his side. He got a rush just thinking about it knowing he had to continue the conversation on for as long as you would let him.
“Would you say, ice cold?” You tapped the table.
You heard Bob let out laugh from behind you, almost forgetting he was sitting there. Hangman shook his head leaning just a touch closer to you, seemingly being drawn in by you, “My real name’s Jake. Jake Seresin.” He stuck his hand out to you waiting for your response to his move.
“Will did not like you Mr. Seresin.” You took his hand gently in yours, just as you did Bob’s. Not reacting to his firm grip instead cocking your head to the side looking at him curiously. You felt him release your grip immediately. You weren’t sure why but that move made every man react the same way, almost embarrassed to be showing off to you.
He took a second to regain his composure, thoroughly enamored with the game he knew he had just begun with you. “I hope you don’t take anything he said to heart darling.”
Smooth. So smooth. You were a sucker for endearing names. He didn’t know that, and you couldn’t let that one slip. Your turn to regain composure. You just hoped your delicately crafted façade hadn’t slipped already, “Your telling me not to trust my own brother? Wow. That’s cold Seresin.”
“You don’t think family can be a bit dramatic sometimes?” The world around you two had seemed to slip away. You forgot Bob behind you. Hangman forgetting the game of pool he was playing with another guy, looked like Payback to you.
“A bit. But I don’t think my dad is.” You played the dad card not really caring that you did. Wanting to keep him on this toes.
You saw him visibly gulp, “Now, I know your joking.” He almost sounded, desperate? You knew you had to draw it back a little bit. Truth be told your dad only had good things to say about Hangman, some thing he needed to work on in the air but a damn good pilot otherwise.
You shrugged hopping up from your seat, “I’m getting a beer. Bob, you need one?” You turned back to the silent observer who was picking up on something between the two of you.
“I’m good.” He smiled back to you.
You waved at him before turning back to Jake, “Maybe I am, maybe I’m not. Guess you’ll have to find out Bagman.” You winked at him before making your way to the bar.
The rest of your night consisted of strategically staying away from Hangman. You didn’t want to get caught up with his antics just yet. You felt what Bob had seen earlier. The bantering between the two of you came way to easy. It didn’t take you long to warm up to a person, but you just felt connected to Jake instantly. You decided when you walked away from him earlier that you would have to avoid him at all costs. You didn’t really think the plan would work but it would certainly delay the inevitable. You knew the two of you would either become the best of friends or hate each other bitterly. You didn’t want the latter, so you decided to avoid it.
Any other night and you would have likely gone home with Harvard. You were instantly charmed by the Clark Kent looking man. You knew it wasn’t the brightest idea to go home with him once you realized you kept looking around for Hangman to see if he was paying attention to you or not. You accidentally caught his eye a few times instantly looking away. He smirked know he had gotten into your head. Physically, you were with Harvard but mentally, Hangman had caught your attention. So, he backed off, he saw what you were doing. He wasn’t dumb. He was thrilled when he saw Harvard leave without you. You moved back to Phoenix, still avoiding Hangman.
You got to know the entire Dagger squad the rest of the night. You were one of three women on the team of twelve, Phoenix and Halo rounding out the crew. You knew you would grow close to Rooster, hearing everything about him from Maverick, he was the life of the party. The squad welcomed you with open arms. You still avoided Hangman, knowing how screwed you were. But he knew, he knew he won that night.
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The next morning you were pleasantly surprised to learn that Maverick was your instructor, a detail your father had refused to give you. You sensed the tension immediately between Rooster and Mav. You quickly remembered just how awful things were between the pair You didn’t know Rooster personally, until you met him last night, but you felt like you knew him from the stories you were told. You weren’t sure why you had never met him before last night. He was older than you are sure, but it still didn’t add up. Mav always said Carole had kept him to keep him from the Navy, one of the many failed attempts.
You were snapped back into reality when you heard the two quietly arguing with one another before the class was dismissed. You sat patiently waiting on Mav to pack up and the rest of the class to leave.
“Good class Mav. Can’t wait to start.” You grinned getting up from you seat.
“Kazansky. Good to see you kid.” He walked over wrapping you into a tight hug.
“Dad didn’t spill. Can’t believe your teaching us!” You squeezed him tightly.
He ruffled your hair after releasing you, “Didn’t know until a few days ago.”
“Oh Yeah!” You laughed, “You blew up the Darkstar! Dad told me all about it.”
“Course he did.” He chuckled guiding you out of the classroom. The next six hours consisted of field air training. You couldn’t be more pumped to have your hand at Mav again.
“Heard you went past Mach 10 though. That’s certifiable Mav.” You paused as you got to the front of the women’s locker room.
He nodded stopping with you, “Pushed her a bit too far. We’ll get her next time.”
You nodded along with him, “Good luck up there, old man.”
He feigned hurt by placing his hand on his heart, “You wound me Kazansky, I still don’t recall you ever getting me though.”
“Eat it.” You laughed walking into the locker room.
You changed into your flight suit quickly. Phoenix and Halo were already finishing up, they waited on you while you changed keeping you company. All twelve of you gathered in the training room waiting on direction from Maverick.
“Payback, Fanboy, and Rooster. Your up first.” Mav spoke in the doorway entry exiting quickly to his plane. The nine of you tuned the radio into the channel listening into the chatter between all the aviators.
You simply smiled listening into the panic once Mav came on Radar between all the pilots. He had done that shit to you so many times before. So Maverick. You giggled when Payback and Fanboy nearly begged for 200 pushups, no idea what they were in for. Maverick broke the rules. He didn’t give a shit about the Navy’s policies. Maverick did what Maverick wanted to do. He always had your dad to pardon him, he was truly fearless.
You were up next once all three were eliminated. You were with Hangman. You audibly laughed once Maverick gave you your assignment. You turned to him radiantly, “Let’s beat him.”
He snickered, “Yes ma’am.” Whew, you nearly melted. You had to turn away quickly walking out of the training room and to your plane so you wouldn’t get distracted. You and Hangman were up in the air five minutes later in two separate planes, of course.
“Let’s see what you can do sweetheart.” He chuckled before breaking left away from you.
You audibly sighed forgetting you were on radio for everybody to hear, “That’s why they fucking call you Bagman.” You knew you were on your own, not that you minded. You were used to this game with Maverick. You heard Maverick audibly laugh, the game was on.
You had avoided him and tried to help Hangman, but Maverick was just too good. He knocked Hangman out first. Your turn. You lasted longer than you thought you would, pulling out all the stops and maneuvers you had been taught throughout all the years. You faltered when a flock of birds changed the plans in your head at the last minute breaking you right instead of left which left you as a sitting duck. You mentally cursed yourself when you hopped out of your jet joining Hangman in your 200 pushups.
“Not bad Kazansky.” Maverick patted you on the shoulder.
You shook your head, “That was not good Mav, and you know it. I should have seen those damn birds sooner.” You wanted to pout but replaced your frown with a small smile.
“You’re too hard on yourself kid. That’s the best I’ve seen you fly. Don’t sweat it. Plus, I need your head in the game. These next few weeks aren’t going to be for the faint of heart.”
You nodded, “Got it, Captain.” You smiled, “Now don’t mind me, I have a punishment I must fulfil.”
“Lieutenant.” He nodded before walking back to the training center. Grabbing the next pair of victims.
You dropped down and began your pushups. Jake was already past 150. You grumbled internally knowing he would be watching you once he finished. You loved having his eyes on you but him being this close was rather intimidating.
“Thanks for the help up there.” He spoke once he finished his 200.
You sighed knowing you were just going to have to have a conversation with him because you couldn’t move, “If you would have listened to me, you wouldn’t have been shot down.” You said as sweetly as you could muster. Pushups were never really your thing. You could do them. They just weren’t the prettiest nor the fastest.
“I disagreed.” He retorted.
“Thus, why you were shot down.” You said quickly, knowing how easy it was to get him upset. You just considered it payback.
He sat there quietly watching you. He didn’t really blame you. He blatantly didn’t listen to you on purpose. Not wanting to believe you were as good as he thought you were. Turns out you were better. He thought you might even be better than him. Especially watching you work with Maverick. He was in awe of your ability to control the aircraft. You were effortless in the air.
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer.” You spoke up breaking him from his trance.
He bit his lip sending shivers down your spine. Not good. Not a good reaction you thought, “I would if I could Darling, don’t seem to have my phone on me though.”
Smooth, he always seemed to have something to say. When he didn’t, he sat down and shut up to figure out how to get himself out of the situation. He knew you’d beat him though and that excited him beyond belief. He was yet to be matched and he knew that Y/N Kazansky would be the first to change that.
You playfully rolled your eyes, “Pig.”
He shrugged, “You suggested it Lava.”
You nearly recoiled hearing your callsign off his tongue. You truly didn’t dislike your callsign it just wasn’t frequently used for you. You were often called Baby Ice or Kazansky. You didn’t want to admit how good it sounded though. How much you liked hearing any sort of your identification coming from his lips. You needed to get ahold of yourself and quick.
You sighed getting up from the ground shaking your arms out, “Just try and keep up next time Seresin.” You smiled to him before walking away.
He walked up behind you almost making you jump. You weren’t expecting that. Kind of bold you thought, “Need any help stretching those arms out darling?”
You almost gasped at his forwardness. You really didn’t know how to handle this man. You could’ve sworn that my growing up around your dad and Mav you would’ve been prepared for any scenario. You were wrong about that. Jake Seresin was figuring you out quicker than anybody had in your entire life, perhaps he’s the only one that would be able to. That truly freaked you out. You had a finely crafted exterior that nobody had been able to penetrate. You were worried that was going to change and soon.
You shook your head, “Don’t even think about it Hangman.” You laughed smiling back to him. He really was a handsome man. Blond hair and green eyes. You were a sucker for a man with green eyes. You knew once he figured that out, you’d be a goner.
He smiled at your resistance. His breath got caught in his throat as you whipped around and greeted him with that smile. He was a sucker for a beautiful smile and man oh man did you have a million-dollar smile. He returned to his thoughts quickly as you turned back away from him, “Just offering sweetheart.” He followed you back to the training room where you were cheered for and greeted by the other pilots.
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You weren’t sure what Mav was up to when he told the class to meet at the Hard Deck at 5 PM that night and to wear your ‘beach workout gear’. You were sure you were incredibly nervous as to what beach workout gear meant to the guys, specifically Mr. Jake Seresin.
You weren’t given much time to go home and change, Mav letting you go at 4 PM, giving you just an hour to get ready. You raced back to your temporary home looking for just the right clothes. You mentally cursed yourself for putting so much time and thought into what you were going to wear to this sunset workout, specifically for Jake. You had never done this sort of thing for any guy you’ve come across in the Navy yet somehow Jake freaking Seresin was beginning to wrap you up in his tangled web.
You groaned hitting your head softly against the wall. You knew your dad would be getting a kick out of this one. Your dad never thought anybody was ever going to crack your hard exterior, much less a boy from Top Gun. You were always so much more confident than anybody you had come across. Your dad would always comment on it, sure that you would rarely get challenged. But here came Jake Seresin to mess up all your plans and assurances.
Maverick was yet to catch onto anything between the two of you. You had gone up with Hangman a few more times, each time a little better than the last. All Mav noticed was the bickering between the two, seemingly no different than any other flight with Hangman. He seemed to bring out the fighter in everybody he talked to. But the bickering was different, for Jake it was. You were so much quicker and wittier than anybody he had come across. You seemed to have a response ready to go at the tip of your tongue no matter what he said. You only got tripped up when he mentioned not very work appropriate actions. Your face would go a light shade of pink when he alluded to indecent things in such a casual manor. He was ready to use that against you, simply bidding his time.
What Jake did notice was how damn good of a pilot you were though. He found that the two of you were easily matched. You were quicker and seemingly more agile in the air. He was better at locking onto targets than you were though, he locked onto Mav a few times but failed to hit him so far. Mav was as cocky as ever, so much fun to watch as he ripped through the air. Always proudly shouting his favorite phrase as he show the twelve of you down over and over, “That’s a kill.” You really couldn’t wait to use it against him one of these days.
After letting yourself think way to hard for a few moments you snapped back to the present. You decided on a simple set of a black sports bra and spandex. You through on a loose tank top fully intending to take it off if it got to hot in the San Diego sun.
You rushed down to the Hard Deck upset at yourself for leaving with such little time to spare. You hated being late, something your dad instilled in you at a very young age. That topped with your mom making you late to everything she took you to cause that sense of dread every time you were coming close to being late. Luckily, you got there with a few minutes to spare rushing over to Phoenix and Halo’s side.
Jake grinned when he saw you arrive a little frantically. He had picked up on your punctuality. You were always one of the first aviators to arrive in the classroom and in the field. He saw a glimpse of panic when you arrived far to close to Mavericks call time. He smiled knowing he had noticed another small thing about you. He never planned to use it against you only to use it for his advantage. He knew you were always early to things giving him a chance to talk to you alone, away from the other pilots.
He was snapped out of his thoughts when Maverick called everybody to attention. He explained the rules of his made-up game of Dogfight Football. You were an avid football watcher knowing the game like the back of your hand. You weren’t allowed to grow up in house with Iceman and not know every rule like a ref would. What Maverick was explaining though confused even you. Nonetheless you split into two teams. Phoenix and Rooster on your team. Hangman, Payback and Cayote on the other. Halo was unfortunately snatched up by the opposite side, she lined up against Phoenix. Leaving you with Hangman. You wanted to complain about how unfair a matchup it was but could never give Hangman that simple satisfaction, so you shut your mouth.
“This ought to be easy.” He winked at you as he lined up for the first time against you.
You squatted down ever so slightly. You were fast but you weren’t Jake Seresin fast. You needed to take any advantage you have against him. Rooster also had you back against him in case he got by. Not that you were going to let it happen, “Do you ever just keep your mouth shut Bagman?”
“Now you know there’s no fun in that Lav.” That nickname was new from him. You had heard it time and time again from your various classmates and naval aviators throughout the years. But it was new coming from him. You liked the way it sounded more than you wanted to admit.
You hummed admitting he was partially right, “Not everything has to be a game, Jake.” You admitted sincerely, not sure where you wanted the conversation to go.
“Sure, it doesn’t.” He admitted, “But again, no fun in not making everything a game darling.”
He caught the small sigh that escaped your lips, “That sounds exhausting.” You spoke looking down to the ground trying to listen for both Jake and if the balls were being snapped.
He wanted to answer you honestly, it was exhausting for him. But he didn’t know how to turn that side of him off. So, he just let it happen. He knew it was something he needed to work on he just wasn’t so sure he was ready to admit that just yet.
The two of you worked well against one another, to your utter astonishment. You were both able to stop the other often, occasionally letting a good catch or run slip through. The game was utter chaos, yet you and Jake were able to stay in the little bubble the two of you seemed to be in. You didn’t forget the world around you, you both just ignored it and focused on the other.
You about lost it twenty or so minutes in when Jake tore his shirt off and threw it over to the sideline where Penny was sitting. You bit the inside of your mouth to stop the face you were itching to make. You kept your eyes on his not daring to look down at his toned body. You knew you were toast if you looked down, so you opted to look ahead.
You heard Jake laughing before you saw it, “What’s the matter Kazansky? Never seen a shirtless body?” He spoke a little too loudly earning a chuckle from a few other pilots. Embarrassing. You were thankful your cheeks were already rosy from the workout hiding the stupid blush you know adorned your face presently. He really knew what to say to tick the right buttons didn’t he?
“Shut up, Jake.” Was all you could think of quickly before the balls were snapped again giving you a second to regroup.
“That all you’ve got Kazansky?” He egged you on once he blocked the pass that came your way. He was in your head and he knew it. You knew it.
You nodded, truly at a loss for words, “Yeah, you got me.” You admitted, maybe sounding a little too upset in the admission.
You noticed Jake’s features soften a bit. He was itching to reach out to you, to ask you what was wrong. You seemed more than fine a few moments ago. He knew a few silly comments wouldn’t throw you off your game that bad, but they seemed to this afternoon. He decided to back off a bit not wanting to push you too far. He knew you could handle a lot, but he didn’t know your limits. He didn’t want to push you over the edge.
You ran over to the side ignoring Jake’s silent protests. You spotted Yale sitting there taking his break, “Yale! Can you cover me? I need to talk to Mav.” You smiled as sweetly as you could to him.
“Sure Lav.” He laughed taking your spot across from Hangman. You saw Jake watching you frowning when Yale stepped in front of him. You watched him out of your peripherals as you ran over to Mav who was sitting in the distance letting the teamwork out the game on their own. Jake didn’t take his eyes off you until the balls were snapped bringing him back to the present.
“Mav!” You gasped when you finally reached him, the sand decided to humble you a bit leaving you out of breath.
He slid his aviators off raising his brows curiously, “Everything alright, Y/N?”
You took a second to catch your breath, “I need you to have me switch teams.” You clapped your hands expecting him to oblige beginning to walk back to the game.
“Great!” You stopped abruptly before turning a little startled by his answer, “Why not?”
“I made the teams purposefully Y/N. I’m not just moving you over. You’ve got to learn to work with what you got.” He looked at you expectantly, waiting for you inevitable rebuttal.
“It’s not that I don’t like my team Mav. They’re all great.” You stopped short not wanting to admit to your almost Uncle why you really wanted to switch teams.
“Then what is it Kazansky?” A small smirk was beginning to underline his features. Did he know? He had to of known. Or else he wouldn’t be doing this to you right now. You paused and thought this over with yourself. On one hand it was just Mav, maybe he knew the right way out of the little predicament you were in. On the other, it was Mav and he’d immediately be calling your dad up. You loved your dad but there were just some things he didn’t need to know while you tried to figure it out.
“I can’t play opposite of Jake.” You admitted softly.
Mav laughed, “I know he’s annoying Y/N. There’s a reason why I put him and you against each other.”
“It’s not that!” You groaned turning away from him. You wicked the sweat off your face with your damp tank top, knowing it wouldn’t be on your body much longer either.
“Then what is it, can’t help if I don’t know Baby Ice.” He full on smirked using your childhood nickname.
You couldn’t stop the eyeroll that already begun when you heard the name baby coming from him, he just loved to get under your skin too, “He’s too distracting Mav.” You gave him a wide-eyed look hoping he’d pick up what you were putting down.
He in fact did not pick up what you were putting down, “Too distracting?”
“Dammit Mav! You’re really going to make me say it.” You sat down next to him on the sand brushing the stray hairs away from your face, “I can’t focus when he has his shirt off. I forgot we were playing a stupid game there for a second.”
Mav’s face finally came to the realization of what you were telling him. His mouth formed a small o as he processed the information, “Jake really?” He laughed waiting for you to join in. When you failed to join him, he realized you were being serious.
“Mav that’s not funny.” You grumbled looking down finding the sand super interesting.
“I thought you detested him.” Mav admitted finally processing what his almost niece was telling him.
“I did! On the first day.” You threw your head back looking to the blue sky that was slowly beginning to turn orange. Cursing the timing of everything. You finally got a huge mission, and a stupid southern boy was going to distract you from it? You weren’t into boys the way your friends were growing up. You were a tomboy through and through and saw most of them as brothers, not lovers. This didn’t end when you graduated high school, college and even all the way through Top Gun. Nobody interested you. Sure, you had a few suitors and you dated sporadically but you never had a tried-and-true boyfriend. Your brother teased you until his face was blue about it sometimes. He had a few long-time girlfriends but none of them ever seemed to work out in the end, your only weapon against him. But that weapon was shattered when his girlfriend of three years accepted his marriage proposal. Not that you minded, you loved his fiancée Marissa and really couldn’t wait for her to marry into the family.
Marissa never gave you a hard time about it. She understood it made sense for you. You had something to prove in your Naval career that would likely get thrown off course with a serious boyfriend. You couldn’t get distracted, your career depended on it. That mindset worked. You were always the young one. You went to the Naval Academy at 17 and graduated by 21. You were invited to Top Gun at 25, the youngest in your class who turned out to be the best in the class, cruising by all the men. You knew you had a lot to prove being the daughter of Admiral Kazansky. It irritated you though that you had to work tirelessly for it while Will seemed to just have it. And now here you were, the youngest at 28. You had really hoped it was all worth it.
Maverick laughing pulled you back out of your mind and into reality, “Does Y/N Kazansky, my own Baby Ice, have a crush?”
If looks could kill Mav knew he’d be dead. He’s not sure he has ever seen such a look on your face before, “Mav keep it down.” You sighed not denying him.
“You didn’t answer my question Y/N.” He sounded a bit more serious this time. He had certainly not picked up on your feelings towards Hangman. He really thought you detested him. You body language made it seem like you really hated the guy, always standing away from him if you could. You snapped at him quite a bit, not ever losing your cool but not acting like that towards anybody else.
You nodded silently, “I do. But you can’t tell dad.”
“You’re taking the fun out of it for me Kazansky.” He sighed leaning back into his chair. He was happy for you although still confused. You really didn’t show any signs of it, maybe he was that oblivious though.
“Mavvvvv.” You sighed just like him dragging his name out like a toddler would.
“Fine. You have my word. I won’t call up Ice. But you’ve got to figure it out for me. I cannot afford to have you distracted kid. Either say something and own up to it or forget about it, alright?”
You gulped and nodded, “Okay. But you’ve got to give me a little time.”
“Sure. But this really is life or death Y/N. I need you here. All of you. 100% of that big ass Kazansky brain that you have. Do you hear me?”
You shook your head up and down hearing him. It frightened you a little bit. You understood how hard this mission was going to be, yet you had the confidence you could do it. You had yet to master the course but you, Phoenix and Bob were the closest group to completing the task yet. Only off by thirty seconds, you knew those thirty seconds were life or death though. Seeing Maverick this serious though threw the gravity of the entire situation right in front of you. A knot formed in your stomach finally understanding this was it, this was a true test of skill. You were picked because you were the best of the best. Maverick needed that Y/N, he was going to get that Y/N.
“I hear you Maverick.” You stood up, ready to rejoin the group.
“Good. And no, you still can’t switch teams.”
“Mav!” You eyed him angrily before returning to the game. Mentally preparing yourself for what Hangman was going to tease you with next.
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You knew you couldn’t ignore it anymore when the Dagger Squad met for drinks at the bar and your eyes couldn’t seem to be taken away from the blond man. You now knew you didn’t have a type before you made it to this camp. But now you did. Jake Seresin was your type, just your type. You were entering week three of training, things have kicked up by about a hundred notches. Mav constantly reminding the team that it was life or death, day in and day out. He had to prove to the team it could be done. Boy, did he show off. Doing the whole course in under 2 minutes and 15 seconds.
You learned later that day that he was selected Team Captain. You saw how disappointed Jake was when it was announced. Mav decided to take his time selecting teams. The whole squad was in an all-out Dogfighting war during training, for the next few days at least. You were tired yet you refused to show it, having to prove yourself once again. You could see how exhausted the whole squad was, tonight was needed. Mav gave you the weekend to recover before one last session on Monday where he would announce teams. You were nervous. You had flown the course with a wizzo and without. Proving your capability with both. You desperately wanted to be picked. You were still nervous about the whole situation though, who wouldn’t be? One mistake and you could be dead. No pressure.
Jake noticed your eyes on him. He couldn’t help the smile that slowly spread across his face. He might have managed to crack you, just a bit. He played it cool though. Wanting you to make the first move. He wanted to see if you crack or not. He did want you. He had never been so matched before. He was also sure he would never meet somebody who could put him in his place quite like you did. You beat him more often than not in the air. He was amazed by your flying. Only Mav was able to beat you and even then, you had come close a few times only to be outsmarted by the old-timer. You also challenged him when both feet were on the ground. You didn’t piss him off like most people did when they challenged him, he tried to become better.
He knew he really had liked you when you told Rooster off for the stupid death spiral that he and Maverick were in. You were the only one that was able to get through to Rooster as your words really cut like ice, your dad shining through. He watched curiously as Rooster walked away like a sad puppy, tail tucked between his legs. You, you were fuming. He was sure he hasn’t seen you so mad. You let out the most frustrated groan as you lightly punched the wall. Not stupid like the boys before you who had broken their hands on the cement behind it. He watched as you leaned against the walls collecting yourself. You took a moment before you stood back up fixing your uniform. You turned and spotted Hangman standing there giving him an awkward hello before walking away quickly. Yeah, he liked you. He liked you more than he really cared to admit.
He brought you over your favorite beer on tap sliding it to you as he sat at the high-top opposite you. You smiled thanking him and took a big swig from the glass, “Rough day?” Jake asked eyes softening just slightly.
“Nah, I’m okay.” You spoke, “Just been thinking about the mission, that’s all.”
He bobbed his head seemingly agreeing with you, “Kazansky scared? I’ll be.” He grinned giving you some much needed shit.
“Shut up, Hangman. You know that’s not what I meant.”
He laughed softly nodding in agreement, “I know Y/N. Some serious stuff.”
“You could say that again.” You downed some more of it, nearly finishing the glass in two drinks, “I guess you could say I am a little scared.” You admitted quietly waiting for him to interrupt. When it didn’t come you continued, “I’ve known Mav my entire life and I’ve never seen him like this before Jake.”
“That’s why were here.” He tried to cheer you up.
“I know.” You sighed finishing the beer off. Hangman was impressed, he was only a few drinks in. “It doesn’t make it any less frightening.”
“Shit, Y/N.” He spoke delicately, you traced your eyes up his body to his face wanting to hear what he had to say. He continued when he had your full attention, “You’re on of the best pilots I know. You might be better than me. If you repeat that I will deny it so don’t even try it.” He smirked continuing on, “You were born for this mission. Don’t let Mav freak you out. Go be that confident Lava in the sky, that you can’t be stopped.” He breathed out looking at you happily.
Stunned. You were stunned. And you were a hundred percent your face looked just as stunned as you felt. You were computing his words, yet it didn’t make sense coming from him. Soft Jake? Sweet Jake? You weren’t going to sit here and deny it. Especially because he didn’t give you a chance to respond before he took your glass and told you he was getting you another. He left you with that.
He was showing you a different side of him. You had seen the softened facial expressions and knew when he let up when you two were going at it. But this, this Jake was different. You were sure he was showing his true self to you. He came back and slid the beer over to you like he did the first time, smoother than ever.
“Thanks Jake. For the beer, for everything.” You smiled softly to him. You took your time looking at him curiously, fully drinking him in. Gosh, was he beautiful. He had that damn toothpick in his mouth. You loved that damn toothpick. You loved when he smiled with it too, his dimples always showed when he did. You could hardly take the green eyed, dimpled combination that was in front of you all too often. Mav was right, you needed to tell him, you were struggling keeping this one from him.
“Anything for you Kazansky.” He said without a bit of sarcasm in his voice. A chill ran down your spine, you were sure these physical reactions were going to give you away at any time now. You sat back slightly wondering how in the hell the Hangman had wrapped you so tightly around his finger. You were hooked. Truly hooked on every word he spoke, every look he gave you. How had he done that to you in less than three weeks? You weren’t sure. You didn’t really care either. Your head was already exploding in fear from the mission but with something else entirely when you thought of Hangman, something foreign to you.
“I like soft Jake.” You fluttered your eyes, clueless to the effect you were having on him. He too was utterly fascinated by your presence. He also wasn’t sure what you had done to him. But he sure well knew he would do just about anything for you. He was so drawn to every aspect of you. Your delicate smile you gave everyone and the genuine one you threw his way every now and then. Your calm and collected demeanor in the air, even when Mav beats up on you. Your sweet eyes and all the emotions you tried (but failed) to hide from him. He didn’t really want to wait on you anymore. He just wanted to tell you exactly how he felt so he could hold you, feel you, take you in.
“I like you. You know.” He admitted so nonchalantly you did a double take.
You sucked in a breath so taken aback by his admission to you, “You what?”
“Like you, Kazansky. A lot. I like you a lot. A lot a lot.” He grinned moving himself to the seat next you. He took one of your hands in his, picking your hand up so gently.
“You do?” You whispered, dumbfounded really.
“Don’t act so surprised Y/N. You’re incredible.” He kissed the back of your hand softly. Your heart nearly jumped out of your throat.
“Okay.” You nodded wanting to slap yourself in the face. Okay? Okay, was that all you had? You took a second longer to process what he was really saying, “You like me.”
He laughed scooting even closer, not dropping your hand but squeezing it instead, “I do Kazansky.”
“Well, that’s good.” You gave him that genuine Y/N smile he desired to see once more.
He chuckled inching even closer, your chairs were touching now, “That’s good.” He repeated back to you.
Realizing how dumb you were sounding you continued, “I like you too, Jake.”
He gave you his genuine Jake smile. You could’ve melted right then and there. You had to remind yourself that your fellow classmates were not too far off, “I know.”
You shook your head in response to that cockier than thou attitude, “Course you did.”
He moved his hand to brush some hair out of your face, “It’s nice to hear you say it though, darling.”
You eyed your surroundings, not forgetting where you were. You were going to melt into this man and the wrong person was bound to see. You pulled him out of his chair pointing to the door. He grabbed the beers following you out of the bar as casually as possible. You found a spot on the back patio away from any prying eyes.
“Sorry, it felt… claustrophobic in there.”
He pulled you down, so you were sitting on his lap. You felt so self-conscious when he did so. Your breathing became uneven. He could feel your apprehension. Slower, he noted. He was excited to get to know you better. You were unlike any woman he’s ever met. He didn’t want to screw it up by doing something your uncomfortable.
“I should have asked. I’m sorry Kazansky.” He whispered in your ear trying to make you more comfortable. A full body shiver erupted when he did so. If he noticed he didn’t say anything. He just ran his hands across your back willing you into his embrace.
“S’kay.” You mumbled falling into his touch almost immediately. You relaxed against his chest quickly feeling at home in his arms. You fought to keep your eyes open, but they didn’t want to listen.
You felt him laugh softly as he moved his hands up and down your back. Seeing just how easy it was to get you to relax into him, “It’s only nine sweetheart.” The sun had begun its decent for the evening casting a beautiful array of oranges and pinks into the sky.
“Way past my bedtime.” You mumbled into his chest. You instinctively curled yourself closer into him. You took a long deep breath in smiling as you smelled him. He smelled so good to you, even after a long day he smelled so good, so Jake.
“Let’s get you home then.” Before he could shift you shook your head.
“No, please.” You sighed looking up to him. He was looking at you so lovingly. The droopiest eyes you’ve seen on him yet. It felt like every nerve on you was on fire, not feeling so tired anymore, “Just a few more minutes, you’re so comfy.” You dopily smiled to the lovestruck man holding onto you.
“Like I said earlier, anything for you Kazansky.”
You lit up at him, “Which reminds me, you’re going to have to meet my dad.”
He looked like he lost a shade off his tan as you reminded him. He tried to play it off as nonchalantly as he could, “He’ll love me, promise darling.”
“We’ll see about that Jake.”
“We sure will.” He kissed the top of your head, pulling you closer.
Part 2
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fuckyeahisawthat · 6 months
Something I find interesting when viewing the two recent Dune movies as a whole is that initially, Paul is more than willing to use the prophecy and his visions for his own gain to convince Liet to help them, while Jessica whispers "careful!" at his side, and she later recommends they leave the planet entirely. But Paul decides they'll stay with the Fremen. Even at the beginning of Part 2, Paul is like "fuck yeah let's wage war on the Harkonnen" and Jessica is again counseling caution: "your father didn't believe in revenge." She goes through the Water of Life ceremony not because she wants to help Paul fulfill the prophecy but because she's forced to: do this or die. And even then, the old Reverend Mother had to use the Voice on her to get Jessica to drink.
That all changes when Jessica nearly dies during the ceremony. After that, Paul becomes more wary of embracing the prophecy, and she just throws herself into it. Paul nearly loses his mother (and his unborn sister) to a painful, agonizing poison - mere hours/days after losing his father and all their friends/allies to the Harkonnen slaughter - and decides it's not worth it. Meanwhile, Jessica gets a direct download of memories of millennia of oppression and goes "yeah let's burn everything to the ground."
It's an interesting, quick reversal at the beginning of the second movie, and it's great.
Ooh thank you for this great ask. I can always count on you for smart and thoughtful Jessica takes!
You make a really good observation about their reversal of positions--I had been struggling to figure out how Paul's line about "I must sway the non-believers" fit into his overall arc, but you are absolutely right that this feels like a continuation of how he talks to Liet. We're seeing the first stirrings of that little "maybe I am special" thought that later takes center stage.
For most of Part Two, Paul has several reliable counterweights pulling against that streak of arrogance and high-handedness that he's had from the beginning. Jessica almost dies drinking the Water of Life, which, like you point out, has got to make him think twice about encouraging people to believe in the prophecy. Then, he spends most of the movie surrounded by Chani and her friends and comrades, who seem the most skeptical of the prophecy and also aren't going to give his ego the time of day. And at the same time, he has an opportunity to pour his desire for revenge into collective political action that seems to be making a difference.
It's only when those countervailing forces start collapsing (the people who had started out as his equals are now becoming his followers; the Harkonnens attack Sietch Tabr and other civilian population centers, proving they are far from militarily defeated; Gurney shows up and immediately offers what seems like an easy solution to their problems that only Paul can access) that the little maybe I am special voice starts winning again.
As for Jessica, her journey doesn't get as much focus in the movie but it's also fascinating. She's a great character because she is so fucking smart at navigating power structures from what seems like an unenviable position. Did she have any choice about being sent to Caladan to become Leto's concubine? I am guessing she did not. But she sure figured out how to work that situation to her advantage. It happened that along the way she and Leto came to genuinely love and respect each other. But I'm sure she would still have figured out an angle even if that had not been the case.
In Part Two she starts out in a frankly quite terrifying position: she can undergo this unknown, dangerous ritual or die, and also possibly put Paul's safety at risk by raising doubt about whether he is the Lisan al-Gaib. But after she survives the Water of Life, she is launched into a powerful position in Fremen society and pretty quickly realizes she can use that to both protect Paul and get her revenge on the people who tried to kill her whole family. And unlike Paul, she is much more cognizant of the intergalactic power structures at work and aware that the Harkonnens themselves were a pawn in all this, so her target is the Bene Gesserit and the emperor.
I would have loved more time to explore Jessica's relationship to Fremen society and her POV in general. Because in some ways she becomes as Fremen as it's possible for her to be--she has access to thousands of years of memories of Fremen history and culture and politics; she becomes instantly fluent in the language and she is immersed in Fremen daily life in the sietch. (If there's one single thing I wanted more of, it was daily life in the sietch.) But she's still the same person she was, so she hasn't lost that ability to be ruthless and calculating and see people as forces to be manipulated. In Part One, her love for Paul and Leto provided an interesting counterweight to this that allowed us to see some moments of vulnerability from her (ie. she knows Paul has to undergo the Gom Jabbar test but she's terrified for him while it's happening). In Part Two she is so isolated for most of the movie (away from Paul; surrounded by followers who were never friends; I think we can all agree that talking to your unborn fetus doesn't really count) that we don't get a lot of these more unguarded moments from her. (I would have loved some Jessica/Stilgar action and it seems like the potential was very much set up for that, but I understand why they didn't have time.)
But in general I thought they did a great job of setting up this contradictory tension between Jessica and Paul, where they both want so desperately to protect each other and they both want revenge, but the way they each go about it ends up putting them in direct conflict with each other.
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aqwnstars · 10 months
Give me siren scara or bratty mermaid scara hc pls. I'm begging you. I'm on the floor. I'm bashing my head on the wall.
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- A.N- I haven't been writing lately because my schools getting harder and I recently got an F in an exam so i have to study so the alpha scara isn't coming out soon so sorry my lovelies :(( I try to do my requests first, and then any other fanfic i started doing, but since fanfics take me a week or so to write, this one.... will be written in a headcanon format.. I'm not that experienced with writing a hc format so any criticism is appreciated, in a later time i might make a whole fanfic<33 (FUUCKKCKKKS I FORGOT TO WRITE HIM AS A BRAT ONEOMFMKOAKXKSK)
uhhmmmm i keep noticing i always write scara pining over reader which im not sure if its TOTTALLLYY in character, but writing him pinininy is cute so stfu🙏🙏🙏
Siren Scaramouche x partially deaf gn reader
Word count: 686 (short one..)
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None!!
Pronouns: You/Yours, reader can be any gender (meant to be gender neutral!!)
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Loving waves
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Siren! Scaramouche who was known in the underwater world as the most majestic siren out of all.
His voice was such a lulling song so much so that anyone who gave him their listening ear couldn't help but be entranced.
And how shocked he was when he met a person he couldn't lure in.
He began to only think about them, at first planning on how to kill them because he wouldn't let someone he choose to lure in and kill survive, due to his ego, but that began to turn into a genuine interest a few weeks later.
Without thinking about it, Scaramouche had spent hours just staring at you, he wouldn't say it's admiring of course.
It has become a routine at this point, you'd go work outside, maybe take a walk and he'd just stare at you, gazing longingly at your features from afar.
The way you two met would be as if it was straight out of a fairy tale, he'd get caught up in a fishing web, and you'd be his knight in shining armor!!
Him, being a siren, is seen as a terrifying being, a coldblooded murderer, but to you he was such a majestic being, if you were more naive you'd think he was a God (in which case, he wouldn't complain!!)
Everyday since you had saved him, you started to visit him. You brought little trinkets from your home, and he brought you a few shells. (sometimes that is, if you're lucky!!) Might I add, the shells he gifted you were like no other. They range in colors and shapes, not even the most avid collecters saw the shells he had given you.
He enjoyed spending time with you, more than he thought he would. He has gotten used to being alone, so a daily presence in his life was something unusual.
He'd let you touch his tail, his face turning pink as you compliment him. Your fingers on his tail, lightly caressing his scales. He couldn't help but look away as you admired him. If anyone else had requested to touch his tail, he'd plan a new song just for them, ...let's ignore the fact he offered to let you touch his tail, that's an unimportant detail.
One of the things he loved, ahem... liked most about you is the gentleness your eyes hold. He has gotten so used to the trashing waves of hatred in the mankinds eyes, but to see one's with calming flowing water? He could and would get lost in that body of water, no hesitation, of course he wouldn't tell you that though!
He wanted to listeh to you all day, anyone who said his voice was enchanting has never heard yours. Although you sometimes slur your words, stutter and at times get too loud, he loves that about you.
At times he wished you were a siren too, how beautiful would you look under the waters light he wonders. How would your tail sway in the oceans, rivers and seas?
One time, you asked him whether or not he can sing without indangering someone, he had never thought about that. Well of course he's not gonna risk losing his only love to find out, but that's a story for another day.
A few things I can definitely see him doing is;
Giving you his scales! He could tell how you always admired his tail, your eyes glowing at how his tail would practically shine under the Suns light. One night, he'd pluck a scale out, later in the say give it to you, saying: "It had accidentally fallen out, here. Don't think for a second I pulled it out for you." All while looking away, trying to look as non-chalant as possible while.. panicking inside over your reaction.
This might seem cruel, but he'd sing to insects, without the intention of killing them, to see if he can sing to you without putting you in danger.
He'd look around the seas floor for hours to find a shell that you'd like!! (.. you like everything he gives you so that's... pointless..)
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AND THAT'S ALL I HAVE ON SIREN SCARA!!! :DD I HOPE I SATISFIED YOUR REQUEST POOKIE!!! (hope i did the hc format right..............
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pageofheartdj · 8 months
All jokes and horny aside(I do love horny and specific position only🙏 and them fighting over everything always ever and ooc fun scenarious) radioapple are so interesting to think about, about their dynamics, and the characters in general. So I will!
As they are in canon now, Lucifer did not care for Alastor plus the general disgust(and guilt) towards sinners. And then the song happened and Alastor became Lucifer's enemy number one xD If Alastor will drop it, Lucifer won't have a reason to hate on him, but initial negative imperssion is still there.
And Alastor, he is a mysterious guy. The abusive dad is still a theory, him being momma boy and therefore connecting with women better doesn't say anything about his dad situation. The Lilith's deal is also just a theory for now. So for me his immediate negative reaction comes from the same place as his annoyance at Carmilla disregarding him. He wants to be on the top, the most unknown, the most powerful one, the most scary one. He loves attention, he loves keeping everyone alert with his antics.
And he loves being in control, his plans going exactly the way he wants them, not that he can't improvise. He immediately tenses when he sees the sign welcoming dad, he knows. The King of Hell has the ultimate power, the ultimate influence, the ultimate importance. Alastor does not mind someone being more than him in something like he is politely neutral with Zestial. But the hotel carries importance for Alastor's plans so he feels threatened. Before with Charlie's daddy issues I guess he did not expect to see him anytime soon. But here he is, threatening to pull Charlie from his influence, from her needing his powers.
But then we see him being completely chill and not antagonistic at all. One of the reasons I think is that he let his stim out, for a reason being restricted in his activities, the deals he can make, the souls he can take, the kills. And because Charlie needed Lucifer to arrange a meeting with Heaven, something that only Lucifer can do. And that's it. So he lets go for a bit.
Who knows what dynamic season 2 will bring, now that Lucifer stays at the hotel and Alastor took a hard blow at his ego and reputation.
In the wiki it is stated Alastor dislikes people who are like him, but likes people who are more like him, but who knows where is this line. He also said to like Willy Wonka character for being an entertainer and a dick. And Lucifer was told to be like that character. For now Lucifer is a depressed sad baby, but we saw how he can be when he is fucking with others. Alastor likes fun, no matter how this fun is done. Potentially he can enjoy Lucifer's presence. Not to mention, he respects power, at least when the whatever deal with Alastor is done, potentially.
Don't know how prevalent this is now, but both seem to enjoy collecting certain things, like ducks and those firby toys. Both were drawn to dance-vibe with each other.
Speaking of, both love music and play instruments, they can totally jam with each other, making their own little concerts.
Lucifer's idea of sinners will be definetely challenged with Alastor. It's one thing to meet a nice sinner and think 'ah they are not like everyone else'. But it's a completely different thing when this sinner is exactly what you hate about them, the maniac who loves violence. And then you have to come to terms that even THEY can become better, can have something to them. Lucifer drowned himself in guilt and shame, it would be nice to get a bit in touch with people in Hell. Because it seems like he stays away from most things sinners bring with themselves.
Alastor was told to like theatres, so it would be nice for them to go together, to try and see something good from humanity even in Hell. Something that can still keep not being corrupted. And humans creativity and artistism can definetely spark more hope back to Lucifer.
And I think Lucifer would appreciate someone who treats him as equal, it doesn't look like he cares much about being a King, so having someone who will not shy away at punching first can be good.
Lucifer's main support of course would be Charlie(and hopefully hotel crew), but having someone who he can rely to get things actually done is pleasant. He is a King of Hell but he doesn't often act like one, he surely will benefit from someone who can act appropriately spooky. (He can get scary, but I think he needs to get MAD mad for this side of him to appear and at that point you better have Charlie around to calm him down)
And they have to keep the beef part of their interactions, it's just fun to have someone you can freely argue with with no hard feelings afterwards, just a battle of words, their interests don't always aligning. And it's fun to mindlessly banter about them. Like their sweet and bitter food preference, or cooking techniques, etc. Small irrelevant things, or maybe even some clash of ideals, but it is oh so fun to let yourself go lose and not hold back.
It would be nice for them to develop mutual respect and learn to care about each other's boundaries, be it the painful personal history, or choices of leading the relationship.
Yes, the aroace situation. Start with simple, I do not believe Lucifer is straight(nor NT xD) and he is perfectly sex-positive(he started with no experience and no shame either xD). He is more on a demi spectrum for me, getting excitedly horny only with close people(one-times can happen, it's a grey(literally) area). And Alastor... he is touch-aversed until you are close, then the touching is required(both gentle and playful and rough, depending if he wants to sooth himself or get energised or let the stim out). The same with the bed situation. He gets attracted long after all the other bonds are formed. He is sex-indifferent, never wanted with anyone so never went there. He is perfectly content with himself. And when it starts, yet again, depending on what it feels like in the moment.(cannibalism was not the only thing he grew to like in Hell(¬‿¬))
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vibingandsimping · 1 year
hi! would you feel comfortable writing up something for a godhood!gale after he assembles the crown of karsus and wields the power for himself, seeking out a vulnerable tav as his chosen? i think the darker aspects of gale’s personality, like his ego and his possessiveness, could be really attractive
I like the way your brain thinks. Keep sending me juicy thoughts like this… I am THRIVING. He 100% would seek you out.
I wanted to make this a longer post for one of my follower goal specials. I rewrote this like two or three times because I liked the prompt. Still, was never satisfied with it. I will possibly write something based off this later… but for now enjoy a drabble + some headcanons :)
(also still haven’t finished the game… work is a bitch 🤞)
Gale always sought out knowledge and power. It was how he had gotten so intimately involved with Mystra. He spent his life studying and practicing to ensure he’d be a great wizard- like his mentor Elminster. Yet, nothing ever truly felt like enough to him. The weave in his chest ever-consuming proof of his hunger. That was until the Netherstones. He nearly drooled when you held Ketheric’s in your hand. The power thrumming and sending his veins alight. He thought all to have only a fraction of their power… but these. These stones were unlike anything he’d ever seen.
Everytime he stood near Orin or Gortash, his skin would tingle. He yearned to wield that for himself. To study and debunk everything behind it and nurture his mind with the intellect he could collect. He placed his trust into you. You led the group and held them close to you after killing Orin. Gale was noticeably on edge the entire trip with Gortash. He chalked it up to nerve- partially true. The Elder Brain was a powerful entity and surely would be intimidating. So, you as oblivious as ever, smiled and reassured him. He almost envied you. Once you reached the brain with the Archduke, you handed over the two stones and reconnected the three. Piecing together the Crown of Karsus. After Gortash was slain by Bane for serving his purpose… fate was left in your hands.
He watches as you turn the artifact over to him. He’s trembling as he holds the crown, finally feeling the immense magic coursing through him. He closes his eyes and claims it for himself- finally. When he reopens he is faced with Mystra who is less than pleased. He won’t relent, no, this is what he wanted. She placed a bomb in his chest just to ensure nobody could claim this power. How ironic that he ended up being Karsus’s successor? After winning a mental duel she curses him and banishes him from her realm. Why should he care, though? Mystra was nearly useless to him. He was a god now. When he returns to your realm, his skin glows ever so slightly and his brown eyes are much brighter. You can see his changed form and sense the change of his mind. He takes one of your hands in his- his skin electrifying to the touch. It sends a shiver down your spine. Gale draws the back of your hand to his lips and presses a tender kiss. “Thank you,” he hums, “for bestowing this privilege onto me. I won’t let it be for nothing. Join me, my love. I can give you anything and everything you’d ever want.” Quite frankly, how could you turn down a god?
Gale was different from that day on. He was still tender and caring. So doting for your every need. Yet, he seemed to view you much differently. You were a mortal- so weak in comparison to him. His lips would trail your skin as if you were porcelain and he so despised not having you by his side. What if something happened to his beloved lover? Oh, and don’t you dare imply that he’s changed. His usual gentle and… a little overprotective or possessive nature will morph. He’ll become colder and stare at you. How has he changed, his beauty? What do you mean he doesn’t treat you the same? Isn’t this better? In the lap of power and in the hands of a god?
Careful what you say and do. He would hate having to punish you. Stripping you of your magic abilities or casting a spell to dumb-ify you. That, or how about being trapped in his personal quarters for a couple days? With no-one but himself to keep you company? Oh, don’t worry. Those are only if you disrespect his new placement. He knows it’s a lot to adjust to, he’s still adjusting himself. This is a journey you’ll take on together, hand in hand, just like how you started. He’ll do nearly anything for you, only ask. Just promise to never leave his side, okay? He couldn’t bare to let you go.
And if you did leave… it won’t be for long. He will find you and he’ll ensure that you recognize the mistake. You can’t escape your god, love.
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factual-fantasy · 10 months
26 ASK! :DDDD🎉🎉🎉
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I do not.. :/ Sorry!
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:DDD Thank you!! ☕ I'm hanging in there as best I can <:) Thank you for the well wishes. I hope the same for you!
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@boxofcreampuffs (SKJAJD HORSE XDDDD)
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@chaotic-public-menace (Post in question)
<XD While that is true, this comic is way overdue. Its taken me some weeks to make and it should have been up like a month ago! I just wanna get it done already so I'm trying to not get distracted by FNAF and other drawing ideas-
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I haven't actually decided on whether or not the other Addison's were good or bad guys. This would change their reaction to seeing Spamton.
I had this idea that Spamton's world is a lot like Seam and Jevil's. Its more cruel and wicked than the original Deltarune.. And Spamton might not have been particularly close with the other Addison's.. They had no time for bonds or relationships. It was a dog eat dog world, every man for himself.
Branching off of that, one idea I had was the other Addison's had become jealous of Spamton's success and tried to kill him by pushing him into the acid pools.. Only for Spamton to survive and reemerge as a horrific looking creature..
If I go with the evil Addison story.. some Addison's might run away in fear just because of how horrific Spamton looks. Though some might deliberately abandon him becuase they hated him/were jealous of him and felt like he deserves this.
If I go with a story where the other Addison's weren't responsible for the acid fall.. they might still run away in fear. Seeing this horrible beast.. not realizing its one of their own.
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XD No problem! Soft boi Gregory is best Gregory!
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In my AU, none of the other Glamrock's know that Gregory exists. But if they did, maybe Roxy would envy it a bit..? Having someone look up to Freddy and not her might hurt her ego a bit.. :(
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Oh no no, his top and bottom row of teeth are separate. Like these pictures here show,
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(Post in question for the pictures)
The top row of teeth all fused together and became one big cracked tooth. And the bottom row did the same. But the two rows are separate and he can still open his mouth.
To think that if while he was initially melting, he had kept his mouth closed? His teeth would have melted together and he wouldn't be able to eat anything easily.. if at all.
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Please don't draw fanart of any of my stuff. There are no exceptions.
(Also thank you💖)
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Thank you! :DDD
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You just made their night XDD
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Thank you! I'm hanging in there 😅 I hope you are well too! :}}
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They're dry :x
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I imagine that Bonnie Bowl might have a flashlight.? And Pirates cove would have a box of confiscated Bon-cams XD
I don't really remember what the other collectables were in the game so I don't really have a reference to go off of..
Buuuut,,, maybe from Bonnie bowl you could also get one of Bonnies signature bowling balls? A purple bowling ball with a rabbit ears print on it somewhere.
And for Pirates Cove perhaps a cheap pirate captains hat? I had this idea that there's 100s of these cheap captain hats that Foxy gives away to the kids every day. So maybe that could be a collectable too? :00
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XD Once I'm done with this project that will be me. Posting the most painful angst I can conjure up
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I have not. But something tells me its about Hares/Rabbits XDD
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Yeah, me and some friends theorized about that. We thought "Maybe Vanessa or William is taking care of the animatronics and keeping them clean"
But even if they were, you cant help certain wears and tears. They would look noticeably worn, stained, torn in some places and a bit brittle in others after so many years of just existing.
They also missed out on a lot of scares by making them pristine. Bonnie's face could have had a crack/split down the side. "Oh yeah that's been there for a while, its fine" Only for it to fall of later in the movie revealing these piercing red eyes and a Childs head lodged in Bonnie's face/jaw.
Or Chica could have her beak come off or dangle down and reveal colorful wires hanging down.. and.. is that a childs arm.?
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(Post in question)
Oh yeah, he'd be scared. Even the Captain is spooked in that AU XD
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@kaiserdarken (WAAA SORRY FOR ANSWERING SO LATE! I was originally going to draw something as a response to this but I never got around to it and it got burriedddd.. my apologies. Better late than never I suppose-)
I do celebrate Halloween, which means Bibi and Jangles would as well XD For Halloween I like to dress up in some way and carve pumpkins. Although I forgot to carve any this year and didn't have a good opportunity to dress up unfortunately-
I can see Bibi wanting to dress up and carve pumpkins too. But he might not actually be strong enough to puncture a pumpkin to carve it <XD He'd need some help-
Jangles would just eat all of the candy. Plus pumpkin pie and more candy-
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(Again one of those asks I was going to respond to with a drawing but never got around to ittttt.. I'm sorry-)
Its been so long since you sent this I cant actually remember what it was referring to.💀 IM SO SORRY! Its still funny though! <XDD
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(Another ask I was going to respond to with a comic- sorry for the lateness!)
Thank you so much! And yeah, "Jangles looks like Papyrus," I get that a lot <XD
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(Yet another late ask that was meant to have a drawing attached😭 Sorry!)
(Bibi sweating profusely) "PLEASE do not die for me- I prefer you were alive--"
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@minnesotamedic186 (ANOTHER late ask meant to have its own post but I got lazy😭💔Sorry!)
The basic idea for my Kirby AU is that I took the other metaknight's and added them to the Kirby Right back at Ya universe :00 I cant remember what info I shared before because this ask was sent so long ago.. but I'll just recap Axe Knights story because it has the most detail!
Axe Knight was Metaknight's first follower, and best friend. He was with Metaknight from the very beginning. They became star warriors together when they were both a bit young. Axe Knight truly believed in Metaknight. He saw greatness in his friend, he saw a true hero. And he truly believed Metaknight was going to end this war and save the world. Its because of this adoration and belief, that Axe Knight devoted himself to Metaknight and proclaimed himself to be his first follower.
It was not too long after when tragedy struck. A battle broke out and Axe knight sacrificed himself to protect Metaknight. As he lay on the ground, dying from his sacrifice.. he saw Metaknight too laying on the ground nearby. Unmoving, and in a pool of his own blood. Axe knight died with his heart twisted in grief. Thinking that his sacrifice had failed. And that his best friend had died.
Metaknight of course survived, and Axe Knights sacrifice was the only thing that saved him. But Axe Knight didn't know that before he died. Metaknight buried his best friend and left that planet in grief. Forever changed by this loss..
But Axe Knight.. wasn't totally gone. Axe died grieving, thinking that this world lost a great warrior; Metaknight. Thinking that it was so cruel Metaknight didn't get to live longer. To travel the universe and save lives. They were robbed of a hero. Because of Axe Knights failure. His soul was so disturbed that it couldn't move on. He later crawled out of his grave, with a fiery determination to make things right. To go out there and save as many lives as possible. To protect anyone he can and to help all who need him. Because that's what Metaknight would have done.
Eventually after years of blindly wandering the universe.. battling monsters and saving innocents.. he crosses paths with dreamland. He finds himself in a little town full of Cappys.. And then he runs in to a familiar face...
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I was going to draw a comic of Jangles making a vlog style video. "Hey guys, welcome to pranking with Jangles. Today I'm gonna prank Bibi by throwing this cheese slice at his face!"
He sneaks up behind Bibi who is sitting on a beanbag and reading or something- "Hey Bibi" He turns around
Jangles throws the cheese slice and it completely misses and just splats on the ground. "Oh oops"
Bibi: "????"
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@uay778 (The last ask that I was going to draw something for and never got around to. So sorry!)
I was going to draw a comic to this where I replace the bandages with clean, fresh ones. But then they immediately get soaked with blood again XDD Its just a part of my design!
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rubra-wav · 6 months
Why So Blue? Vox x Reader
[ Part 2 - Never Gonna Give It Up ]
A/N Listen man, I don't know jackshit about code or hacking, and that's probably gonna become glaringly obvious throughout this fic 💀
Cw: SFW, gn!reader, intimidation and manipulation, slight mention of blood.
<< [ Part 1 ]
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A month went by since the attack on his social media and hijacking of his camera systems had taken place.
The paranoid anticipation of a second attack was deeply present to Vox, but it faded at about the 2 week mark.
Surely, whatever imperfections there were had been mended! Someone would be thrown on the chopping block if not.
All his employees were on edge and were eager not to irritate him even a little bit after last time. Even more than usual. It was excellent to the TV demon, stroking his sadistic power complex even more than it already was.
Every blow done to his ego with the Sinstagram hacking had fallen away, and he was once again power tripping on everything around him. As expected, the home surveillance systems had made him a killing, and he could see places he'd never been able to make it to now.
All of these things put him in a rare string of a genuinely good mood. Everything seemed to be working out.
On the other hand, you worked hard on your next attack that'd far solidify your threat to him, that's for damn sure.
You'd given it a few weeks before you began to really step into your next plot, wanted to lure him into a false sense of security so he'd fall harder off his high horse.
You laid on your stomach in the middle of your living room surrounded by your collection of monitors, clicking away with one hand and typing code out with the other.
The next stage of you trolling him was just gonna be meme material alongside establishing your persona to properly establish your presence in hell.
The more serious pranks up your sleeve would be showing up later down the line. For now, you were just playing games with him for entertainment.
You were barely able to leave home nowadays, opting to befriending people or talking to those you knew before becoming a recluse online.
One of these friends of yours being a certain inventor who ironically very much wanted to be positively noticed by the object of your somewhat despise.
At first, it was because you took pity upon Sir Pentious, having helped to patch him up after he (literally) exploded through the wall of your apartment, however, you came to enjoy his presence.
He was power-hungry, of course. However, he also just wasn't much of a threat at all. He wasn't charming or manipulative - god, was he an awful liar - just good with making things. Pen was a glorified, awkward, and overly goofy fanboy more than anything.
You kept trying to encourage him to work on a business of his own rather than just trying displays of power against Cherri Bomb for the sake of trying to get attention from the Vees, but he just wouldn't listen.
The sound of you receiving a notification from said inventor snapped you out of spacing out at your reflection in the monitor in front of you.
I got the codes you asked for, (Name). 🫡
*Pen included attachments*
Do be careful with these, though. I had to talk to one of my acquaintances in league with lady Velvette's people for these, and they said that it seemed like bad news to have these on you!
Just what are you planning on using them for?
You hummed as you looked at the codes sent, thinking of how you would answer exactly, your eyes wandering absentmindedly to the slightly peeling painting of tree branches on the wall you had done many years ago at this point.
Your eyes snapped back to your monitor as you typed back simply.
Thank you very much! 🧡
And let's just say... tomfoolery.
Should I be worried?
You snorted.
You laughed at the barrage of texts with extremely poor spelling sent to you one after the other half jokingly fretting about you. In the beginning, it was genuine panic from him, but he'd come to know you were smart enough to not kill yourself via being a menace.
Chill out, MUM. I'll be good.
I mean, you most assuredly wouldn't be good, but he didn't need to know that.
You weren't exactly going to reveal you were the one harassing Vox to anyone, even if you were friends. Doing so would be endangering you but also them as well.
You logged the access codes you had gotten from Pentious - ones you couldn't attain normally because they were physically kept in real life - humming and kicking your legs as you cleaned the attack up to make sure there wasn't some missed quotation or something which would fuck the whole thing up.
As you worked hard, a certain someone was about to wake up to the cemented vision of the series of unfortunate events you had in store for him.
This time, Vox woke up in a very unconventional way unlike the prior attack.
One of his main maintenance team members booted him up before his scheduled time.
He looked at the employee with confusion, which quickly turned to anger as he realised that this asshole had intruded into his sleeping quarters, he was very confident, without permission.
The embarrassment about his sleep attire of course underlying. It was hardly the same impression as what he wished to show to the world.
He instantly went to start yelling at the obviously shit scared man in front of him, but he was stopped short as he heard familiar lyrics that didn't yet fully register for him.
"What. What the fuck is that?" He asked, Vox looked at the employee who seemed to be grappling to try and explain.
"We're.. o.. angers.. o love.. u.. ow the rules, and...o do I!"
Vox's eyebrow furrowed in disbelief, mouth parting as he fought to comprehend what was going on, straining to hear what the song was.
"A.. ull.. commitments.. -at.. m.. inking of. O.. ouldn't get this.. om any other.. uy."
Seeing as the employee was useless next to him, Vox got out of bed and quickly raced to his bedroom window, ripping the blinds apart and opening the window.
"I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling, gotta make you understand."
Vox looked absolutely dumbfounded out at the scene of hell before him as his still tired brain fully comprehended what he was hearing and seeing.
"Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down. Never gonna run around and desert you!"
Who in the fuck was rickrolling hell.
It was on every single billboard and screen that Vox could see out the window of the tall building he lived in, the image of Rick Astley singing 'Never Gonna Give You Up' with a small message Vox could barely make out at the bottom of the faraway billboard.
"S-sir, it's been playing since 6am, we haven't been able to turn it off! It's everywhere! This hacker- 'U' they call themselves, its the same person as last time it seems!" The frightened employee standing behind the hunched over and now trembling figure of Vox finally found his voice.
Vox let out a cold bark of laughter, slamming his hands against the windowsill as he jerkily moved to face the employee. "What the fuck," Vox began to approach the young man, him shrinking back from the clearly furious overlord. "Do you mean that this has been p-p-playing," Vox glitched as he gripped both hands on the techie's shoulders. "Since 6 in the fucking morning!" He yelled.
His claws dug into his shoulders hard. He was about to go fully apeshit, but the sane part of his brain won over that at the last second.
This was not one of his lowest earners, and he had far more pressing things to do then prey on the refuse lest his image be messed up any more then it already had.
He stiffly unhanded the employee, eyes admiring the way blood had started beading where his claws had dug in before taking a deep breath, composing himself and then forcing a strained smile.
"My apologies," a lie, of course. "I will deal with this accordingly myself since it seems like you and your team are un-a-able to yourselves." He spat the last part out, before striding out of his bedroom with one last 'get out.' directed at the employee shaking like a leaf in a strong breeze.
It was all over the internet and Vox knew he had no chance of dealing away with it like last time.
He could do away with a stupid Sinstagram post pretty easily. It was moreso from one source - the branches from that easily clipped and made to be forgotten about nearly completely with a carefully placed broadcast that was succinct and to the point with his hypnosis ability, and constant content moderation.
This though was a completely different story.
Even after kicking you from his system (he hoped), he found himself unable to even begin to try moderate everything as he did last time. He couldn't escape 'U' becoming a viral meme overnight.
Someone with obviously incredible hacking skills using said skills not to attack or harm Vox or anyone, but to instead Rick Roll the entirety of hell?
Vox became a victim of the meme culture him and Velvette had cultivated to keep eyes on them, and he hated it.
He was terrified, which of course manifested as red hot anger. Anger which grew even worse as something was discovered the afternoon of him finally managing to remove the video loop being broadcasted.
An account on one of the many social media applications he owned. An account he somehow couldn't touch with one single post going absolutely viral - the same as the text that was displayed across the bottom of video you had infected all of his screens with which he couldn't quite see from out of his window the prior morning.
'Never gonna give it up, never gonna let you go. Never gonna let you run away and avoid me~ - U'
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If anyone wants to be added to a taglist for when I update this fic lmk - I was unsure if the people I @ last time still wanted to be (sorry)
[ Why So Blue masterlist ]
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glitteringcrab · 4 months
Rick Prime's decoys
1. If Evil Morty knew for sure that the fingerguns would work on Rick Prime and he had the situation totally under control, wouldn't he have used them the first time he came within close proximity of Rick Prime?
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You know. Instead of punching and kicking and getting strangled?
2. If he didn't know for sure whether the fingerguns would work on Rick Prime, was it because he made them with another Rick in mind, a Rick whose head was full of cables that could be overloaded by electricity...
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(there is really no other way I can interpret his look except "uncertain")
Maybe he thought that, at worst, the fingerguns might temporarily incapacitate Prime, granting Eyepatch Morty a few more seconds, and at best, Rick Prime might have some sort of implant allowing them to work kinda as intended...
And work as intended they did...
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(kinda similar, isn't it? Not the same, but similar.)
2. So, what, is Prime's head filled with puppeteering cables like Evil Rick's was?
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Well, no.
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And why should it be?
It shouldn't.
He works alone. He doesn't bother to team up with anyone, to manage people, or anything of the sort. He has said as much.
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(headache? Interesting choice of words heh)
And yet, against the face of opposing evidence, I will continue talking :P
3. Because how do we explain THIS:
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I've read a fan theory that Prime has time split himself (go read it!!!), and that's how he was able to be at several different places at once:
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"I wish Morty. It's all the places he is."
And there could be a lot of truth in this theory, but it doesn't really explain why there would be a "main" Rick Prime.
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If all copies of Rick Prime are the main one, and are just time shifted, then Rick C-137 would really have to kill all of them.
No, wait. Maybe killing the first (chronologically) Rick Prime would work as a domino effect and make all of them disappear via paradox??? (this might explain how Evil Morty seemed to be able to delete whole trees of Rick Prime clones at once)
Could be.
However, Prime being time shifted doesn't explain by itself how the copies were apparently able to communicate with each other. Finish each other's sentences.
They act like a collective, don't they?
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Of course, you don't need mind control to explain that. It could just be a simple communication thing.
However, we've seen Rick C-137's decoys not only acting independently from each other, not only being unaware they're decoys and ignorant of each other's actions, not only being worried they might be fake, but trying their best to be the ones to come on top, the last ones to survive.
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Compare this with Prime's decoys, which, despite Prime's massive ego, didn't even bat an eyelid at the prospect of being shot:
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(I'm dead XD Look at his face)
4. What if Prime was... mind controlling his own decoys? Puppeteering them, sorta?
Or maybe, if that was too much of a drag for his concentration, what if he let them act independently from him most of the time, overriding them only when the situation called for it?
Or maybe it was a time thing, and he used a puppeteering-ish/operation phoenix-ish implant to communicate his thoughts and transfer the consciousness? (but I still feel the various time split Rick Primes would try to fight each other... Time split Rick C-137 was quick to become paranoid and try to murder himself.)
Or it could be something entirely new, something that incudes all of the above at the same time. Maybe he did time shift himself and then merged his consciousness or something, to become one ultra person.
5. Anyway, the lack of visible cables (or any kind of implant on the head) could be explained by craftmanship more superior, discreet or compact than the one Evil Morty is using...
(and, interestingly, we never got to see what Rick Prime looked like at the very end... because Rick C-137 was blocking the view)
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6. If this theory is true-ish, then this would be the understatement of the century...!
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It's the least stealthy technique possible!!!
Prime would have at all times detailed information on exactly what Rick C-137 was doing, where he was, who was with him, and how far his search progressed.
This would be an extreme disadvantage for Rick C-137 I feel, which points away from this theory.
7. (Still going along with the theory anyway) Maybe THAT was the purpose of his Very Cool Chair: maybe the "main" Rick Prime (whatever that means) would sit there and control all his clones and decoys simultaneously, like a king on his throne:
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Maybe all those thin black cables really were supposed to go to his head, but probably through a different piece of equipment or implant, and not through Eyepatch Morty's fingergun.
8. If this theory is true, it would be in line with the show's implied narrative that Rick Prime is the smartest, craftiest, strongest, most cunning Rick; he is the best in every aspect (except empathy lol), trading emotion and family and morals for... infinity. Greatness. Playing god.
His weapons are the deadliest, his teleportation goo the most versatile (it can take the form of living organisms!!), his creations the most elaborate, his messing with time the most advanced (he keeps himself youuuuuung)...
...So it would make sense that he has dabbled in brain control as well, reaching the point of simultaneously controlling hundreds of bodies at once.
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icycoldninja · 8 months
(If you write crossovers, if not sorry!) Any headcanons of how Vergil and Sephiroth would interact if they ever met? 👀👀👀 I need to see an ego-clash between these cool and collected samurai boys~ 💜💙 Your works are amazing btw~! Keep at it!
I don't normally do crossovers but Sephiroth and Vergil hold special places in my heart so I'll do it. Thanks for requesting and I'm so glad you enjoy my works. 💜
Sephiroth and Vergil meeting headcannons
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-Vergil would be very confused (as he almost always is) and wonder who this strange, effeminate, cat-like man is, and how he can manage hair that long.
-Sephiroth, meanwhile, would bristle, thinking this strange old man to be a friend of Cloud's.
-Since both of them are brooding, emo INTJs, they'll spend a full five minutes staring and quietly analyzing each other.
-Sephiroth would come to the conclusion that the man before him is not a human, and appears to be way stronger than Cloud could ever hope to be. There's also this sinister aura around him that puts Seohiroth on edge. Good. He'll make a great ally, as long as he cooperates.
-Vergil, on the other hand, sees Sephiroth's white hair and notes his age, as well as build. He'd be around Nero's age...and he has the signature Sparda white hair....oh no. He didn't have another offspring...did he?
-After a very long time, Sephiroth finally breaks the silence and asks if Vergil would perhaps be interested in joining him in defying destiny and such.
-Vergil responds, asking if by doing so, he will gain more power.
-Sephiroth doesn't really know what to make of this; he plans on killing him right after his goals have been completed...but hey, he seems like a chill dude. Just humor him.
-Sephiroth tells Veegil that yes, he will gain power, and Vergil is immediately on board. Rather than shake hands to consolidate their new friendship, the two swordsmen bump the hills of their swords together, in a cooler, more badass "fist bump".
-Fast forward 3 months later; Cloud, Dante, Tifa, and Nero have joined forces and are now scouring the Earth, looking for Vergil and Sephiroth. Dante and Nero are doing this because they're secretly worried; Cloud and Tifa are looking because it's been too long since Cloud had a headache--not a good sign.
-The quartet spent a long time searching and finding nothing. Exhausted, they decide to try one more area before calling it a day. They travel to the top of a mountain, where they discover something they weren't prepared for.
-Sitting in matching plastic chairs on a nearby precipice are Vergil and Sephiroth, their katanas delicately resting against the backs of their chairs. They each have hot mugs of coffee and are currently chatting about their mommy issues in the most casual of tones.
-Dante and Cloud exchange looks, as do Nero and Tifa. "Should we...interrupt them?" Asks Nero, uncertainly. Cloud shrugs; Dante sighs and scratches his head, and Tifa just stands there, wondering how life became this messed up.
-Vergil and Sephiroth go on to become the top bringers of Dis-Pear and Motivation, though whether or not either of them achieve their respective goals is uncertain...for now.
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0oolookitsme · 1 year
The Most Handsome Man
Type- One-Shot! (First one of model!h so yay!)
Verse- Model!Harry x Fashion Designer!Y/n
Word Count- 2.02k
Warnings- Smut... and oh, this is not proofread. Heheh
A/N- I'm so sorry (or am I?) for not completing the last scene lmaoo
Silence fell after all the cheering for Harry's 'iconic model walk' at the 2023 Versace Spring collection for men. He had been wearing a pink shirt, fully unbuttoned with nothing on under it, and a pair of sheer white pants on his bottom half. Everyone had raved about how no one, no one but Harry, could pull off that outfit and steal the whole show.
The one clip of him taking a turn to the left of the runway and winking at the camera filming him from a lower level with his infamous lopsided grin had everyone drooling on the floor. It was reposted again and again on all of the social media apps, quickly becoming viral all over the internet.
"Well, Y/n. Enough about Harry, it's been more than 15 minutes talking about him, it's your turn now." Graham said, narrowing his eyes when Y/n mouthed 'Oh no'.
"How do you feel about Harry walking for another brand, wearing clothes designed by another designer?" he asked, leaning on the arm of his couch as if ready for a statement that he could use to spice up the interview.
"He really pulled it off damn well, obviously. The show was marvellous, the clothes absolutely stunning and the models killed it!" Y/n replied, realizing how disappointing that must have been for the media. "And, Harry hasn't like ...signed up a contract to walk only for Gucci and wear clothes designed only by me, you know? Like whatever he does, he absolutely puts his best into it, so it doesn't really matter who he is walking for until he decides to perform partiality and walk like a god for one show and bad for another" she finished, joining everyone else with the laughter.
She glanced at Harry once, just for some validation for what she said and immediately released the tension from her shoulders the moment he passed her that damn smile.
Graham passed her a 'well done' smile, sighing and letting out a "Hmm, nice."
He shuffled the question cards in his hands and almost in no time his head shot up with his brows raised so high that Harry and Y/n just knew that whatever was coming couldn't be so nice for them. It was, no doubt, everytime a question the answer to which could get them dragged if they were to answer it wrong
"I totally forgot about this!" He shrieked, chuckling a little what seemed like evilly. "Y/n," he dragged her name, looking at her with a playful expression that made the crowd laugh again.
She couldn't help but quickly go over everything that he could've found out about in her brain. With a straight posture, she let out a tense chuckle, adding to the humour unintentionally.
"Harry, here, is a well know good-looking young man, everyone knows that. But this week, he has been named the most handsome man! His face almost corresponds with the ancient geek measurement for perfect beauty and proportion. It's called the golden triangle, you see," Graham went off, not really showing where he is going with this.
Clearing his throat, he continued. "So tell me, y/n, what is it like to be dating the most handsome man in the world?" He asked and the crowd roared with hoots, cheers, and laughter.
Oh, it wasn’t as hard of a question as they were expecting.
Harry hid his face behind his hands, pretending to be blushing hard while kicking his feet.
"Umm... it's definitely hard because he's a narcissist. And, now it's pretty safe to say I'll forever hate you for telling him this and blowing his ego off the roof," looking at Harry she grinned. "But it's nice too, he's a lovely fella," she added, nodding along with Graham.
"Leave her, Harry. She doesn't understand how extraordinary you are!"
"Oh yeah, but Graham totally does! If you take any advice from me, H, let it be this one- choose Graham," Y/n said in a faux serious tone, patting Hary's knee while looking towards the crowd, breaking out laughing when Graham too pretended to blush.
"Oh stop it, you. We know you had him at 'H'," he waved her off, looking at Harry who had his hand over his heart.
"Okay everyone, this interview has been going on for more than 30 minutes now," Graham panicked looking at his watch. "Please say a huge thanks to my guests tonight, Mr. Harry Styles and Ms. Y/n Y/ln!"
"Now what should they say, Harry?"
"They should subscribe to this channel."
"There you go, thank you."
The crowd cheered for them as they bid their goodbyes and left the stage. At the back, both hugged Graham, everyone in a hurry due to the unexpected delay. "I just can't keep up with time around you two," he said, laughing as he hurried somewhere else.
Y/n knew something was off when Harry didn't act much about being the most handsome man as they were being escorted out of the building to their car. Then, on the way, sleep overtook her. Not being a morning person and having to wake up at 5 in the morning over that was not something she could cover up with caffeine.
It was when they were nearing their home that she woke up. Something stopped her from raising her hand, turning to see she felt something heavy on her preventing her from moving even.
Just tilting her head, she smiled at the sight. Harry had intertwined their hands as his body had fallen onto hers, his head on her shoulders with his lips parted.
Thinking about all the stuff she had to do, she forgot about his tiredness. With all the shows he had done the past week, and then having to proceed with a meeting every single day and even online interviews, he hadn't even had the time to relax other than just straight up passing out the moment his head would hit the pillow.
He looked so calm that she didn't wanna wake him but the car turned in the driveway and she raised her other hand to tap his cheek. "Wake up, darling," she spoke slowly, lingering her finger near his open mouth to wake him faster.
It made her laugh, how he smacked her finger away before blinking his eyes open. "Hello there," she greeted him, feeling a lot better after her nap.
But he grunted in return, slumping down further on her.
"We are home, H. C'mon, you can go back to sleep once we're in," she said as she opened her door and dragged him along with her.
Quickly, she appreciated the driver, wishing him a good night as Harry rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, walking towards the door slowly. "I really want to have a drink, my head hurts like it's been hit so hard," he mumbled as Y/n caught with him with her heels in her hands.
"It was probably hit hard when you were a child, considering you are pretty dumb now," she laughed, making a face at him when he clicked her on the head.
After some fumbling for the keys and failing more than thrice because Harry wouldn't stop pressing small pecks of kisses here and there on the skin that was exposed and near to him, Y/n finally pushed the door open and pretended to bang Harry on the head.
"Dear God! You will accidentally kill me someday!" He claimed, laughing when she almost wheezed while clutching her stomach. "We haven't even had a drink and you already seem drunk," he mumbled as he took off his shoes.
He walked on behind her while taking off his suit, swinging it over his arm as she was already onto pouring their drinks. She didn't need to ask what he wanted, it was always the same. Whiskey. And he knew what she'd take- white wine, no questions asked.
It was fitted in her system, that white wine freshened her up. No one knows where that came from, it just does.
Y/n passed him his glass, filled with some ice and his drink, and came to stand just opposite him with her arms on the countertop, just like his. "Cheers," she mumbled and took her first sip.
It wasn't long before they both finished their drinks and went to pour some more, sharing a guilty glance.
One drink turned into another and the distance between them began to decrease enough to make them buzz with some sort of excitement. Then the slurs turned into their mouths moving in sync as one pushed another's clothes off.
Her hair curtained their faces from one side as he picked her up, wrapping her legs around his hips. He climbed the stairs knowing there was a hundred percent chance they could topple over just because of the force they were enforcing on each other. His hands hungrily moved on her body and her hands tangled their fingers in his locks.
Turning on his heels to push open the bedroom door by his back, his feet carried them straight to the bed. Their mouths parted then, her chest heaving quickly as she lay on the bed, seemingly not sensing the importance of breathing while going for the side of his neck.
But Harry rose up just as her lips settled on his skin, chuckling sweetly at her confusion and look of helplessness.
He dropped down on his knees, on the cold hard ground.
Looking up at her as if she were a goddess, he cupped her knees and pushed them farther away from each other. The slight hint of her smell alone snatched his focused gaze from her confirming eyes, to where her drenched panties covered her center. 
Pupils darkening with each passing second, Harry placed his hand on her lower tummy, pushing down so that her hips slip, and her throbbing core grows nearer to him. "So fuckin' wet," he said in a voice so soft, and yet it sounded like a taunt.
A lopsided grin stretched out on his lips and carved out one of his dimples as raised his head up once more to take in her expression. Her eyes showered him in praise and begged him to go on, but her breath just hitched. He could tell she hadn't yet started breathing again as his cold hand started crawling up her knee, slipping up higher and closer with each drag of his palm.
His hungry fingers tapped and walked on her skin like a smooth metal ball bouncing up and down her body after slipping down from one's hand. Just as he hooked his finger on her panties elastic line, her thumb hooked itself on the other side and started pushing the thin clothing down. "Ow!" She exclaimed in a voice lower than a whisper when he slapped her hand away, clearly not expecting such harshness from the man who usually lays underneath her every time they're high on lust. 
"Don't do that again," he told her, almost frowning, before pulling the clothing down her legs in a rush he's never had before.
Inhaling deeply, he hooked his arms under her knees and pushed them up till his hands reached her boobs and the elbows just a tad above her hips. A small crisscross of his two limbs and she was flipped on her stomach. 
"Oh ...my god, H," she gasps, a chuckle leaving her mouth followed by a trembling breath. 
"Raise that ass for me, please," he asked her politely, waiting for her to oblige and let her ass rest in front of his sharp V-line. Smirking in contentment when she slowly, but surely, did so. He landed a quick slap to her asscheek before he turned and rested his back on the curve at the end of the bed, quickly hooking his arms around her thighs. 
He wanted to taste her first, just like she mostly does. "Ah, fuck," she shuddered as his tongue swiped between her puffy lips, separating them.
"So tell me, darling," he said, replacing his tongue with his thumb. "What's it like... having the most handsome man between your legs?"
Tagging: @reveriehs <3 MASTERLIST :)
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Sorry, just discovered your public knowledge au, its hilarious. I think 'realistically' I like the Only Miraculous wielders & whoever they tell knows version as it could feel a bit less cracky though it'd still beg why they don't bring other heroes in to collectively stomp Gabriel as they know his location. Though that just has me imagining him palming it off on his various rich friends like a hot potato. Anyway two main thoughts:
`1: For the just Holders know AU, Gabriel owns up to his motives right away & almost convinces the kids. Except Fu shows up & reveals that its basically a monkeys paw and more people will die if he makes is wish. Gabriel insists he s smart enough to work around that (He also just doesn't care) but Tikki & Plagg are like, "Literally we have no control over this, it goes to shit every single time, sorry."
In essence, its his ego and control freak nature that mean Gabriel refuses to give up even when he and everyone else know he should quit. Its probably kind of a sad/rough start for Adrien especially, but also leads to very quick positive vibes with Marinette & more direct mentorship.
2: Rogercop be like
Chloe: Well, seeing as you won't do your damn job, how about our classes two super heroes show you up? Adrien: I am one hundred percent down for that except I can't find Plagg! Marinette: Ya know I've wanted to try this anyway, Luck Charm! (Gets a Plagg doll with his head snuck in the bracelet) Well that answers that.
Tikki: How did you even get stuck we can phase through soli matter.., Oh this is interesting and maybe concerning. Chloe: What can it do magic, is it a Miraculous? Plagg: Well its tied to a Miraculous, where'd you find this?
Chloe: Back of my mothers cupboard? Andre: You aren't meant to have that (Tries to snatch) Chloe: Why, what is it!? Can it do magic?
Andre: If by magic you mean mind control you- don't break it you'll explode! Chloe: Why do you own a mind controlling bracelet that only works on me and kills me if it breaks and why was it in a fucking dust covered pile of half forgotten trash!? Andre: ... Its your mot- Gabriel's fault, blame him, now I have a meeting to get to bye! (Runs away)
Butterflies appear Adrien: Dad, glad you could... Make it. Gabriel: Well I am here now, also the Amok's treatment is very much 'not' my fault, it is like that because your parents don't love you.
Adrien: DAD! Gabriel: I am a magical empath son, I know it to be true, your mother and I were much more careful with your Amok & sealed it away so it could never be used against you or damaged. Those two tossed it in a cupboard once they realized it couldn't just rewrite a babies personality, or any personality, to not need things like food or affection, if they hadn't already made the announcement they'd have probably smashed it or given it away. Gabriel: By it I mean Chloe.
Chloe: Oh... (Uses the Amok to turn herself 'off' IE pass out) Gabriel: Dammit, I was hoping the truth would cause her to explode in a rage never before seen and become my most powerful Akuma! I can't even use this self destructive self loathing, she's too depressed to even transform! (Leaves)
Honestly this started out kind of funny then I made myself sad.
Gabriel: I wonder if I should mention the sister they had made as a replacement. That one didn't turn out how they wanted either but they did skip the baby phase.
GOD the chaos there.
But also yeah the AU is mostly crack because tbh I can't see an identity reveal happening that doens't immediately lead to an ending one way or another.
But also OOF.
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stolasdearest · 4 months
hi! I have now been thinking about the lack of people to own overlords, so, I have an idea. imagine an overlord reader who's older the zestial, using Vox as a side table. like, vox was being cocky and a brat, so, they forced Vox to kneel beside their chair, turn his head up, and just place a stack of books on his flat ass face. hell, maybe Vox could start begging after hours in the position, and reader is like, "You were ungrateful as a pet, so, a side table will have to do.
welp, thanks for reading my rant!
Vox x Reader˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
ׂׂૢ pairing : Vox x Reader
ׂׂૢ cw : Not proofread, Author being out of practice.
ׂׂૢ Reader is Gender neutral
𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . .
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Being an Overlord was a big deal, Money, Safety, fame. People were afraid of you, respected you; every single overlord had an image, a persona and a facade to keep up, something that kept people at arms distance. Never seem weak or vulnerable, people will jump at any opportunity to see you fall. People will berate you, belittle you and ridicule you to make you step down; everyone considered a mere peon would kill to become one of the Sinners on top.
Vox was once one of those Sinners. Envy and jealousy were the only things he felt, wanting to be strong, feared, respected. And he, begrudgingly; came to you, one of the biggest and baddest overlords hell had ever seen. You were cold, calculated and a prominent power for centuries. Everyone wanted to be you, Vox included..alas Vox came crawling and begging at your feet for advice, guidance; anything he could get his clawed fingers on and you delivered, not in the way he wanted but, "power is power" he thought. A simple contract signed, a hand shook and an understanding made. His soul was yours, and you had to simply lift a finger to skyrocket him into success, you watched him get stronger, striking fear and unease into lowly sinners, his powers and connections grew along with his Greed,pride,ego and self-Image.
Vox began speaking to you and treating you as if you were just another of his pathetically weak minded employees, a sly grimace plastered on your face as you let the slip ups happen, making him forget who owns him, who he belongs to until finally you have had enough, which was today; calling him into your living room you flicked through your phone, hearing his heels clack on the floor up to the room, his cool facade waning as he walked closer and closer. The realization of who you were suddenly dawned on him for the first time in a while.
He knocked on the door, patiently, nervously waiting for your response
"come in."
Vox adjusted his tie and stepped in, his eyes quickly scanning the room and your body language, were you in a bad mood? What was happening here? Unease further setting in when you were unreadable to him, he cursed himself for hanging around such emotional and brash people like his Fellow Vee's, now he couldn't see what you had planned. You snapped your fingers and pointed to the side of your leather chair.
"right here, on all fours"
Vox felt a pulling in his chest, his hands getting sweaty and clammy immediately and his breath got stuck in his throat, he hesitantly walks over and does as told, getting on his hands and knees he lightly flinched feeling your phone being placed on his back. His mind racing as to what you have planned or even what's currently happening as he looks at the clean, pristine floor, you voice forever ringing in his ears.
"you've been really, really bad. I'm above you, I always have been and I always will be. You need to relearn your place."
Your voice is as ever cold, malicious and mocking as it always has been, not an ounce or crumb of compassion or feeling lingering in your vocal cords. You stood up and grabbed a considerably thick book from a neat bookshelf you have had, books collected from places around hell. Before seating yourself back down you grabbed a nice glass of Neat whiskey, setting it onto Voxs head as you sat down, opening the pristine book from the very start.
"you are going to stay in this position till I finish this, if I hear that glass fall and break you'll be doing a lot more than sitting there like a dog."
Your voice sent shivers down his spine as he simply whimpered a "understood" before returning back to silence. Halfway through your book you hear the "overlord"s voice quietly whine and protest.
"My knees and elbows really hurt..ive— I've learnt my lesson can I please be done?"
Your eyes flick over to the shaking TV demon as he stays obediently as ever in the position he was in hours ago, dog earing the page you were on you slammed the book shut and swung it at the Whiskey glass, shiny glass shattering against the nearest wall as Vox felt the air of the book go by him.
"Tables, do not speak. So shut up, before I do it for you."
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Authors note : I kinda hate this..I really hate this actually, but hello I think I'm back!!
Taglist : @anni1600 @d0nutsaur @ihavetoomanyfictionalcrushes @k1y0yo
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scary-tingz · 1 year
Slashers + Their Merchandise
A/N: Spirit Halloween is finally back.. and of course I needed to go for my costume and obligatory mug. Here’s the slashers and their thoughts on a reader who collects their merchandise.
Slashers Included: Michael Myers (any), Bubba Sawyer, Freddy Krueger, Jason Voorhees, Ghostface, Chucky
Warnings/Tags: SFW, can be interpreted as romantic or platonic, regular reader and victim reader included
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Michael Myers
If there’s one thing every Myers has in common, it’s ego.
Michael has already made up his mind, he’s going to allow you to live and accept you as his own, so whether or not you’re a fan is of no concern to him…
But it does feel nice. To be recognized, praised, admired even.
He can’t help but feel a fondness towards your little hobby of collecting merch of his, even if it is silly stuff like mugs with his face on them. To him, it only cements your loyalty and reaffirms his belief that he’s a great killer. I mean, you have to kill a lot to get your own merchandise and tourist based knickknacks, right?
He may feel a little jealous if you collect merch for other slashers though. Don’t be surprised if you find your Freddy fedora in the trash or something like that.
If he were to pursue you as an unlucky victim only to find out you were a fan, he wouldn’t spare you but he’d try to make your death special in some way. He has his reasons for killing you, but that doesn’t mean he won’t give a fan a proper show…
Bubba Sawyer (and co.)
Bubba likely didn’t even know about their merch at first, and doesn’t really know what to make of it.
They respect it as a cool little hobby of yours, thinks it’s sweet that you’d show interest in the things he does.
Chop Top and Nubs get a real hoot out of it, they probably sell Bubs on the idea of the merch since she values family so much. Anything her brothers are so fond of must be good, right?
Drayton likely isn’t a fan. The fact that the murders are well known enough to become a local story with souvenirs and everything makes him even more paranoid than before, so I doubt he approves.
That doesn’t mean you won’t catch Bubba wearing one of those “I Saw Texas” shirts on laundry day though.
Killing a fan would likely make him very sad though. An outsider who actually likes him is something he never thought possible, so once again Bubs is forced to kill his only connection to a person from the outside world… He’ll try to be merciful.
Freddy Krueger
If you think Michael is full of himself, you haven’t met Freddy. Myers seems humble in comparison.
He will actively complain if you buy merch for other slashers instead of his, if you don’t have a shrine before October is out you’re doing something wrong!
I’m sure somewhere in his own little realm he has a museum dedicated to himself, and he’d gladly let you borrow an old little number of his to wear as a costume.
Will 100% call you basic for buying anything Haddonfield related but the ultimate sin is buying anything Jason or Camp Crystal Lake themed.
He was already salty that you were looking at other slashers, but JASON?! He’ll get you for that one, and your little dog too!
If you’re already a victim and he finds out you’re a fan of his work, it adds an extra layer of sick pleasure to the killing. What better way to snuff out a fan than to kill them himself? You like his murders so much, fine, he’ll murder you.
Jason Voorhees
Confused at first. There’s this mug in his cabinet all of the sudden that looks just like him, when the hell did that happen? Maybe you got a new skill and made it, impressive. Then he sees hockey jerseys with his mask on them, big goofy plastic machetes just like his… Where the hell is all this coming from?
He asks you about it and when you tell him there’s a store that sells things with his likeness he doesn’t know how to feel. Flattered? Insulted? Undeserving?
He’s still not sure, but seeing you enjoy yourself while putting the items to good use makes him happy… So he accepts it.
Jason would likely spare an average fan outside of his camp, especially if you’re younger and see him as an icon for the misunderstood. But if you’re an obsessive fan, willfully encroaching on his territory in search of relics or sightings, he’ll kill you. It crosses a line into disrespectful territory in his eyes, as he’s very sensitive about his past.
You really know how to get on his good side, don’t you?
Every Ghostface is an egotistical megalomaniac, and you being a fan just makes it so, so much worse.
Especially if you guys are living together and/or know each other outside of his life of crime… Bonus points if you’re unaware of that fact, excitedly showing him a piece of merch you paid way too much for while he smiles down at you. How cute.
It motivates him to add a bit more panache to his killings this year, maybe he’ll even write a little message to the fans in the victim’s blood… Though it’s clearly meant for you.
He will definitely collect merch for other slashers with you, he probably already has a sizable collection himself! He harbors no jealousy towards the classic slashers, only admiration. Newer slashers though… He might have a little competition with.
The classics are classic for a reason, you know… They just don’t do it like they used to, only he can truly capture the art of killing!
He finds it hilarious but will constantly complain about how it doesn’t capture his likeness well enough, like a Flynn Rider poster situation.
He will definitely bully you about it but will also get upset if you stop collecting because of his teasing, so don’t mind him!
Tiffany loves it though, thinks it’s the cutest thing how much you admire them. I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s been collecting Chucky’s merch for a while now, but it’s hard to keep the collection updated when she’s always moving.
Despite his complaining, you can and will find him drinking his morning coffee out of a mug shaped like his head.
If you find a shirt his size he might wear it if he’s going undercover, just for the sake of irony.
Tiff loves those Good Guy sweaters you find at Spirit Halloween, and those stupid lil knife purses too! She’d wear those things year round if she could.
Chuck would definitely wear a Tiffany costume if he was in a femme body, but aggressively refuses otherwise. He thinks it’s not hot if he’s a dude.
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