#in fact i thought they were until i realized this is highschool and it's like lol
lemoniiiiiii · 2 days
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just realized that aside from jake, most of max's relationships with people were either superficial or transactional which he probably just thought was normal growing up as a rich kid who was a "loser" learning that ppl only liked him when he had something to give them.
of course, when he was younger everyone loved to go to his birthday parties b/c his parents were loaded and they always planned something extravagant to try and make up for the fact they were never really around but, as he got older his parents stopped really caring to put on those parties. after that, no one bothered to give max any attention or befriend him unless they saw his wealth as something useful, or just brought him around so he could be the butt of the joke. and the second they got what they wanted from him they discarded him. being the kind-hearted and naive boy he is, he doesn't really fully grasp it until after ryan beats him to a pulp. he brushes off what happens but it honestly profoundly affects him from then on.
he thought ryan was a friend but turns out he was just being taken advantage of, his parents didn't care to come see him in the hospital despite how serious his condition was, and jake, the only genuine friend he ever had, ends up leaving (prolly bc college) and max later refers to him in passing as "a guy i brought up back in the day" which hints that they likely don't talk anymore.
so college starts. a fresh slate. max guards himself with this macho (with a very small hint of being an asshole) persona. he's got a leadership position as the RA of his floor, got two nerdy "friends" that are very reminiscent of ryan and his guys (remember when they snicker along with him at mike?), and a semi-famous reputation online. he loses weight the summer before college and decides to stop fighting (probably caused by the trauma from ryan) but we see he uses hand grips so even he definitely wants to keep himself strong for his physique and to protect himself. though max is still fairly lean which is likely an insecurity for him. the last thing he ever wants to be seen as is a dork.
let's not even talk about how being conditioned like this affects his views on women and relationships. first off in highschool he only gets attention from baja's friends b/c of his association with jake, then in college he gets all this attention because he's "attractive" now and has this cool car, dorm and fame due to the fighting videos + promotions. he's (mostly) only ever made out with drunk women at parties or events that just throw themselves at him but it never goes further than that.
he likely has made himself believe that he should think of women as prizes (again as awful as ryan was max kind of molds his new self with his influences subconsciously. he had the kind of attention, the girls, the intimidation factor max aspires to have), but if a girl were to ever genuinely like him it would fry his brain. he wouldn't understand the idea of someone wanting to spend time with him, even if he wasn't really doing anything. to intently listen to him and partake in his interests. or how much happier you'd look after just going on a walk around campus with him vs. when he bought you jewelry or flowers.
it left him with a feeling he only experienced once before when jake saved him, and went after ryan.
it just clicks for him like-
oh. this is how it feels to be genuinely cared for.
it's not soon after he realizes that you tell him you love him for the first time, while cuddling in bed (he's sure his mother used to say it to him when he was younger but he honestly can't really remember anymore-- the most communication he has with his parents now is the deposits into his bank account).
once the door closes, and you've left for your classes.. he feels the lingering heat of your lips, your words echoing in his head and the way you looked at him...
and he cries.
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vxlkirayaxo · 3 months
Stuck like glue
Tags/ warnings: clingy Scara, attachment, kissing, slightly suggestive (?) violence, yandere-ish (just Scara beating someone up for [name])
Character: Scara
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When your mothers were young, they were best friends and they made a vow to make you two best friends,"pass down our legacy" they said
Well...you two liked each other too much, you guys were inseparable.
All though poor Scara was more attached to you than you were to him. For scara, you were his only friend but for you you had a lot of friends.
While you two were in preschool he'd follow you around while he'd hold your hand. A grumpy expression on his face as he held his plushie and watched you socialize like a little butterfly.
"His little butterfly." his mother would say when she picked him up from preschool.
...that was another problem, when he went home before you did. He'd cry and scream, throwing a tantrum until his mother would call to see if she could pick you up too and just drop you off on the way home. Each time he would refuse to let go of your hand in the car which just earned a cute smile and giggle from you.
One day in grade school a rude boy put gum in your hair, that didn't end well...he beat the kid up until the kid couldn't walk. Not without you sitting there in the same room with your eyes closed and your ears covered.
The more you started to get bullied the more he became violent, and soon in highschool he became a 'delinquent'. But you didn't leave him during his violent times. When he snuck out of his house, his poor mother thought he was sneaking out to go do drugs and drinking little did she know he was sitting on the floor in front of your bed while you put accessories in his hair and stickers on his face. He didn't mind though, it was you of course.
It got to the point that your mother sat him down and asked him "do you like [name]?" That made him realize that he did, in fact, have feelings for you.
After graduation he offered for you two to move into the same apartment together after all, he really couldn't go more than ten hours without seeing your face.
Pretty soon his feelings got so bad he couldn't sleep without cuddling you. Holding your waist, face buried in your neck as you peacefully slept not noticing the blush on his face and how his breath grew a bit heavier when he noticed how perfectly your bodies fit together.
One day he finally had the courage, he handed you flowers and asked.
"Please be my lover.." he mumbled his gaze avoiding yours as blush stained his cheeks and ears.
You giggled before taking the flowers, a smile on your lips you chimed
"I thought we've been dating since junior high." You hugged him and he felt like he immediately burst into flames from how much he was blushing.
It was true that he had asked to be your partner for a project but you thought he meant actual partner.
"Do you want a kiss?" You looked down at him before he nodded and closed his eyes waiting for the kiss, this was going to be his first one!
You gave him a kiss on the lips before giggling out of embarrassment. He, however felt like he was in heaven.
"Again?" He asked his eyes only partially open.
Throws you this and leaves to go finish another project 🏃🏻‍♀️‍➡️
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yanderecrazysie · 2 months
Oikawa dating a reader who's more popular than him, like she's a new young rising celebrity. At first things were perfect, they love each other, he doesn't have to worry about her getting harassed by his fangirls cuz they love her to, and they're one hot couple. But everything changed, when the fanboys attacked. They were not happy to see her happy with another guy. Especially since in their eyes, he's just some random highschool volleyball player.
It got so bad, that reader broke up with him to protect him from possibly getting harrassed in real life. But ofcourse as yanderes do, he won't accept things ending this way.
This has an ambiguous ending which can be seen as death or kidnapping, whichever you prefer. I really enjoyed writing it!
Title: Protect
Pairings: Oikawa Tooru x Reader
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, physical violence (all characters are 18 in their final year of high school)
Summary: All you wanted to do was protect him.
keep safe from harm or injury:
As the whistle blew, sounding another Aoba Johsai victory, Oikawa Tooru raised his hand and waved to the stands. The girls high above squealed, but you knew that he was waving at only one person. You.
If the cameras weren’t flashing for the victory, they sure were snapping a million pictures a minute when you ran into his arms off the court. A popular volleyball player was an article, but a popular volleyball player dating a famous actress? That was a story.
“(Y/n) (L/n)! What a surprise to see you at the game this evening!” a reporter, sensing some seriously big news on her hands, shoved a microphone in your face, “And so close to the captain of Seijoh!”
You exchanged a look with Oikawa and he gave you an imperceptible nod. “He’s my boyfriend,” you answered with a smile.
The reporter’s eyes shone like the stars, practically shaking in excitement, “And how long has the happy couple been together?”
Before you could answer, Oikawa’s fangirls came running over, squealing at the sight of you two together. It wasn’t news to the school that the two of you were an item- in fact, it was a wonder that the news hadn’t already leaked.
“(Y/n)-chan! Over here!” one of the girls shrieked, waving enthusiastically with one hand as the other clutched a poster with Oikawa’s name on it. You waved back and giggled a little at her enthusiasm. 
“I love you both!” another girl screamed, raising her own “Go, Seijoh, Go!” poster in the air. 
Oikawa took your hand in his and squeezed. You smiled gratefully at him as he leaned closer, his breath tickling your ear.
“You ready, my precious star?” he whispered.
“Always,” you whispered back playfully.
Life was perfect.
Perfection has a way of crumbling. 
Everything is wonderful until the cracks start to show and spiderweb across the fragile glass of perfection. 
Oikawa’s fangirls had accepted you with open arms, but your fanboys were outraged at the news that you had a boyfriend. Some were mad that you were taken, but a lot thought you could do better than a volleyball-playing pretty boy.
(Y/n)-chan deserves better than some flatass.
Dump the loser, (Y/n)-chan!
She would be wayyyy better off with one of her co-stars and not some nobody.
He’s using you, (Y/n)-chan!
Oikawa seemed to deflate more and more as the days went on. You caught him scrolling through hate comments on more than one occasion. But it wasn’t until you caught him nursing a bloody nose and black eye that you realized that he wasn’t safe as long as he was with you.
“Tooru, we need to talk.”
The setting sun cast long shadows over Oikawa’s downturned face. 
You fought back tears as your gaze fell on the damage done to his face by the fans that had recognized him in the street. You needed to do this… for his protection.
“We need to break up.” Your voice was a hushed whisper and cracks in the middle, but he heard you all the same. His head snapped up and his eyes went wide.
“What? Why?” he demanded, a hint of panic in his voice.
“All the hate and harassment you’re getting… it’s because of me. And… I can’t take it. I can’t watch them hurt you any longer. I’ll just announce that we’ve broken up and your life will go back to normal.”
“No no no no no, we can handle this together,” Oikawa protested, suddenly grabbing you by the shoulders, “You can’t leave me!”
“I need to!” you replied, a tear slipping down your cheek, “I can’t let you get hurt on my account. We can’t be together anymore, okay?”
“Or…” Oikawa’s tone dropped several levels and his gaze became more intense. Suddenly, the man you knew was gone, replaced by something devoid of all emotion. His hands tightened on your shoulders until it began to hurt.
“Or you could just… disappear. The whole world will wonder why you went missing and, after they clear me of suspicion, the world will move on,” Oikawa smiled down at you with a grin so twisted that you could barely believe it belonged to him, “Don’t worry, my little star, I’ll never forget about you.”
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xzaddyzanakinx · 4 months
what do you think stalker!anis body count is?
i can’t work out if he’s had a “fuck everything that walks” phase or not
I’ve thought about this a lot actually, cause I’ve also had trouble deciding that lmao. I originally intended for stalker!ani to have BPD, but as he developed as a character I think antisocial personality disorder fits him much, much better. Both disorders experience hypersexuality.
In this essay I will…
Stalker!Anakin has never had a girlfriend before reader. Unfortunately he was painfully awkward and strange during his elementary school years:
Exhibit A: tying nettles together with worms (a beautiful bouquet if you ask me) and giving them to a girl he thought was pretty.
Exhibit B: staring and unapologetically eavesdropping on any conversation.
Exhibit C: starting conversations with “I am Anakin Skywalker, I am seven years old and I like to collect Hot Wheels. Do you like to collect Hot Wheels?” (Bc his therapist said he should try to be ‘relatable’ by finding people with similar interests. How is he expected to do that unless he systematically goes through his entire class list and initiates/interviews his classmates??)
Moving onto his middle school years were even worse bc he found out that girls are hot and hot girls make him horny. Everyone remembered him as the weird kid, told the other sixth graders and ruined his chances of winning people over with his new, carefully crafted personality/mask.
So when he asked his crush to the homecoming dance he bought real flowers (sans worms!!), and his mom helped him find a cute sign on Pinterest to copy… She refused the flowers and said “ew”, thinking there were prob bugs in it (she’d heard the gossip). Anakin unwrapped the flowers and shook them out to prove they were indeed wormless, made a joke and then the girl reconsidered her refusal and decided ‘hey maybe he’s not so bad, all kids are weird anyway so he’s probably fine now’.
Turns out he was in fact trying to be fine & normal. But ended up in a ‘Carrie at prom’ situation at the homecoming dance bc the guy who also liked Anakin’s date was there. Anakin ended up with a suspension and the other guy ended up with the girl.
Then the summer of 7th grade he wacked a grown man with a table.
That didn’t bode well for his highschool conquests of course! So he got his rocks off with the occasional use of the good ol’ ‘hide in the bushes with binoculars and hope Becky from Algebra changes in front of her window again’
Anakin got his first job at the Hot Topic when he was 17. This is where he tried out everything he’d learned over the years and he realized he was actually very decent at speaking to girls as long as he kept up his masked personality. Anakin stayed a virgin until a pretty girl with a nose ring (she worked at Claire’s, he was getting his ear pierced) complimented his Suicidal Tendencies t-shirt and he smooth talked his way into getting her in his car after his shift. Then… continued to do that for a while, strictly fucking. She thought it was strange that he never really wanted to talk before or after.
He was just trying to perfect his sex game and she was just a body. She wasn’t his dream gal, so she was perfect for making mistakes and learning from them. He didn’t have to worry about appearances or properly apologizing for accidentally not doing super great at something, he could just move on and keep going. After all, she was just a body to practice on.
Unfortunately for Anakin he had a brand new court appointed therapist at the time who didn’t think promiscuity was good for the healing and reconditioning process (it wasn’t).
So Anakin put a stop to fuckin’ the girl from Claire’s. He was very confused that she was so upset when he just completely ignored her. The next time they both worked, she waited at his truck like usual and he walked right past her and got in his truck, locked the door and backed out of the parking spot without waiting for her to move (she was fine just really mad).
Claire’s girl confronted him about it, thinking she’d done something to upset him and asked if that was his way of breaking up with her. Anakin’s like??? Break up?? We were never dating!!?? (This is how he found out that when you fuck someone weekly for over four months they will more than likely form an emotional attachment)
To avoid a repeat of that incident when he moved to the city for college (he dropped out obvi), he got a job as a bartender for the sole purpose of people watching for research and practicing being a normal dude. Being a normal dude includes learning how to pick up chicks, so I think he probably took a girl home once or twice a month just to keep sharp on his pretending and fucking skills so he’d be on his best game when he found the right girl.
So in conclusion, yes he did have a ‘fuck everything that walks’ phase. Just not for the sex. For research.
me reading the DSM-5 and diagnosing him. [im a doctor you can trust me]
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Tag List:
@wickedtactics @tsugumiholic @kingdomhate @burnthecheshirewitch @exquisitcorpse @arzua10 @bby-imasociopath @depressed-kay @aliciaasky @naty-1001 @mrsmikaelsxn @bunnylovesani @ausskywalker @angelsadmired @chocolatepalacecloudhoagie @starkiller419 @hearts4mitski4 @lethargic @allhailbuckybarnes-blog @shadowhuntyi i @mortalheartache @fallinlovewithevil @sythethecarrot @chaoticantihero @vadersslut @luvvfromme @anakinsbaee @sweetcheesecakesblog @luvskywxlker r @angelsadmired @kaminokatie @anakin-pilled @graveyard-stray @chiaraanatra @jediavengers @zapernz @lunalitva @salted-snailz @queenofchaos99 @ellie-luvsfics @dazednstars141 @hopesworlld @lonaah @guiltycherries @syralix @doblasftcisco @demieyesore @hemmoxloser @ahano
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strwbrryeyes · 4 months
Hiii, I love your writing sm, idk if you're taking asks rn so if you're not im so sorry 😭😭 BUTTT if you are can you Nishinoya Headcanons for female reader who is taller than him like by 6-7 inches and she plays volleyball too and he's got a huuugeee crush on her?
𖦹°。⋆ Nishinoya having a crush on a taller girl
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⟡ cw: sad noya :(, taller reader, tiny bits of angst, lmk if i missed anything
⟡ an: bahhh kind of shorter than i would like but i hope this is good enough im bad at these kind of headcanons so im sorry if it isn't what you wanted exactly</3
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Nishinoya has been utterly in love you ever since he watched the girls volleyball team practice.
You and Nishinoya were put in the same class your second year of highschool but never really talked until you came up to him after watching the boys volleyball team play against aoba johsai in a practice match. He was elated that such a pretty girl was talking to him, let alone complimenting him, but he was even more happy and excited when you invited him to come watch your practice.
From then on, Nishinoya has never let his own team know peace because he was always gushing over you and your amazing volleyball skills
“You should have seen the way she spiked the ball! It was like Hinata’s spike but better!” He would exclaim causing a whine from Hinata who was clearly offended.
He would also make it a point to come to any practice he could make it to as his schedule with volleyball was just as busy with yours.
“Nishinoya! You’re here a again!” You ran up to him with only one of your volleyball shoes on and the other on your hand making him laugh a bit before he nodded and handed you a sports drink.
“Yeah! I had so much fun watching you all play the other day that I thought I could stop by again whenever I can!” He explains, smiling as you take a sip of the energy drink.
After a while, you started watching his practices whenever you could as well as going to any big games he had which only made him melt because it just meant he got to show off how super cool he was.
“Oh! [name]! Did you need something?” Nishinoya runs to you as soon as he sees you walk through the gymnasium door.
“Nope! Just thought I’d come by and watch you practice as a sort of returning the favor type deal since you come and support me so often” You softly say before you remember something and open your backpack to take out the protein bar and sports drink you brought for him making the butterflies in his stomach flutter like crazy.
Nishinoya genuinely thought he had a chance with you and was talking to Tanaka about how he was going to finally make a move on you and properly ask you out but that was all shattered when Tsukishima overheard them and chuckled saying “You really think [name] is going to go out with someone who is shorter than her?”
“Bro, don’t listen to him, you know how Tsukishima is.” Tanaka tries to reassure him but Nishinoya just shakes his head and sighs.
“No, he’s right this time.” Nishinoya drops to the floor and lays down to look at the ceiling “she would never go out with someone who is like what, 6? 7? Inches shorter than her? I have to face it, I have no chance with her.”
Nishinoya then distanced himself from you because he didn’t want to face the fact you could never like someone like him. However, this didn’t go unnoticed by you.
You hadn’t had a chance tot alk to Nishinoya in a few days and at first you thought it was just because he was busy so you didn’t think too much of it until one day school was let out early meaning there were no after school activities so you thought of this as you chance to go talk to him.
You had found him at his locker getting ready to leave, Tanaka next to him. As you walked closer, you could see Tanaka look at you then back at Nishinoya to tell him you were coming making him turn his head a little to see you but quickly walked away once he realized you were actually coming his way leaving Tanaka alone and disappointed and leaving yourself confused and a little hurt.
“Hey Tanaka…” You greet the wing spiker before looking over his shoulder before you continue “Is Nishinoya mad at me? Did I do something wrong? He hasn’t walked to me in days.” you pout with your eyebrows furrowing in confusion.
“He’s not mad at you, [name].” Tanaka puts his hand on you shoulder as he sighs “Noya just- he’s just in his head about something but it isn’t my place to tell you about what just try to talk to him? Please?” Tanaka says and asks making you nod in response before he walks away.
You think about what Tanaka says and become determined to talk Nishinoya even more than before so one day at lunch time, you quietly follow Nishinoya to the rooftop where you found out he’s been going since he stopped talking to you. Once you reached the rooftop, you watched as he went to where he would look over the school’s courtyard from the holes of the wired fence and took this as your chance to corner him.
“Why are you ignoring me?” You blurt out making Nishinoya jump out of terror and shock.
Once calmed a bit, Nishinoya turns to look at you, up at you and he sighs before going back to looking at the rooftop view. “I’m not ignoring you.” He says flatly hoping its enough for you to leave him alone but of course, it isn’t enough and you grab his shoulder to force him to look at you.
“Yes you are! Everytime I call out for you you run away or say you’re busy!” you shout with a slight pain in your voice but after a second you take a deep breath and regain your composure “Tanaka said something’s been bugging you but he wouldn’t tell me what it was and considering that you’ve been distant, I guess it has to do with me. So spill.”
Nishinoya looks into your eyes, thinking of what to say but nothing is coming to mind leaving you both in dead silence with only the distant sound of laughter and chatter of students enjoying their lunch.
A minute passes and you sigh and look at the ground before turning to look back at Nishinoya’s face. “Okay fine. You don’t want to talk to me? Then don’t. I’m leaving.” you say as you grab your bag that at some point fell on the ground and turn to walk away but are stopped when you feel a hand on your arm.
“I like you, [name]. I have since the moment I first saw you play volleyball.” Nishinoya starts as he pulls you closer to him, making you look at him again. “And everyday since, I have fallen harder for you. Whenever you automatically take a sip of the drink I bring you, everytime you come give me snacks at my practice, when you hit my head to wake me up when im sleeping in class. I am always finding more things to love about you but it hurts. It hurts knowing you’ll never feel the same way about me.” Nishinoya croaks out his feelings, leaving you shocked and speechless. Nishinoya waits for a reply but when he doesn’t get one, he lets go of your arm and sighs “So yeah, forgive me if I want to distance myself from you before I get hurt by you not liking me back.”
“Who said I didn’t like you back?” You finally say, a serious tone taking over.
It was now Nishinoya’s turn to be shocked. “You like me back?” he asks and you nod in response. “But I’m shorter than you how could you like me ba-”
“What does you being shorter than me have to do with any of this?” you interrupt his rambling with a look of genuine confusion and all Nishinoya can do is blush.
“Well, I don’t know really it’s just that Tsukishima said that someone like you would never go out with a shorter guy.” he looks down in embarrassment as he explains what Tsukishima had told him.
“That tall blondie? Now why would you ever listen him?” you ask Nishinoya and all he can do is shrug and you just shake your head before pulling Nishinoya in for a quick hug before looking at him again “I don’t care how tall you are, if you're shorter than me or taller than me. I like you for who you are. Your personality is one of the brightest ones I have ever seen. Your dedication to volleyball is amazing and I admire how you play on the court all the time. Everything about you is perfect, Nishinoya. Nothing can change my mind. Not you, not Tsukishima, not anyone.” You tell Nishinoya all the things you love about him and you can see his face get a little redder. “So does that mean you’ll go on a date with me?” he finally asks (more like blurts) causing you to giggle before grabbing his hand and nodding.
“I would love to go on a date with you, Noya.” you accept his invitation and then smirk “but first let’s go tell Tsukishima that he was stupid and that you’re all I could ask for.” you suggest going to look for the person slash reason Noya didn’t talk to you and ask you out sooner and he agrees and jumps in joy because he finally has the girl of his dreams.
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makkir0ll · 5 months
setting the past (part two)
ukai x reader
wc: 1.8k
synopsis: you coach a volleyball team, one of the best in the country known for having mostly recruited players. you take pride in the fact that you have led your team to win a national championship title. And with the news of the rising team karasuno, your interest is piqued, mainly because that was your old school. you had known that they were nicknamed the "fallen crows" and such, so hearing about their fast improvement you decide you want to see it for yourself. you call up the school and takeda picks up. you organize a practice match for later that week.
but what you don't realize is that their coach is your highschool ex.
a/n: me when i post a part two after a month. sorry guys i was battling depression, school, and writers block but we survived and now i give you this. shoutout to @cottonlemonade for listening to me rant about this fic for hours.
part one. masterlist
the aura in the gym is awkard. everyone can feel it. and they sure don't miss the way you and ukai keep sneaking glances at each other while the teams warm up. ears turning red when you guys make eye contact.
he's just observing your coaching style he says to himself. but he can't help but notice how pretty you are. your hair tied up so your neck can remain cool in the hot and humid gym. the sweat beads that drip down ur neck and onto your chest. he's starting to sweat a little and not because of the heat anymore.
and you surely think he's changed a lot too. the blonde hair definitely suits him, compared to his buzzed hair in high school (that you helped him with in the bathroom of the sakonishta store). and you for sure don't miss the two silver piercings on his left ear.
but your thoughts are interrupted when your team captain comes up to you "we're receiving first." you nod your head in acknowledgment, pulling out the whiteboard and giving the team the game plan.
"we're going to start out with haru, yoshi and kyo in the back line, for the best defense. and we'll have our tallest in the front." you point to the whiteboard. "remember that no matter what keep-"
"keep the ball in play" they all cut you off. you're surprised with that. do i really say that everytime you think to yourself.
"well since you already know the drill then. go and have fun. don't worry too much since this is just a practice match." you say smiling sitting back down on the chair as you watch them line up.
as the game starts nothing too interesting has happened yet. until you see a ball getting slammed to the ground out of nowhere and you look to see a jumpy first year land back from his spike. your team is frozen in their spots, they turn their heads to you and you turn your's to ukai. he just gives you a smug smile and shrugs his shoulders. clearly he likes to show off.
"don't mind it, get the point back!" you yell at them, as karasuno goes to serve. what the fuck have they been working on?
the game continues as your team slowly becomes accustomed to the first year's insane quick attack. you end up winning two straight sets but the points were really close throughout.
as you pack up your things you see a man with glasses approach you. you assume he's the one you talked to on the phone to plan out this match. you turn your body to face him and he holds his hand out to shake.
"thank you so much for coming all the way here, it must've been a long drive." he starts, still shaking your hand.
"oh it's no problem, thank you for having us. i know it was very last minute so thank you for being able to accommodate us." you reply, releasing your hand from his and bowing down slightly. "i think our bus driver is here, so we'll head out. i hope you see you again."
you hoped to see everyone but your ex, you lied to yourself. but deep down you couldn't help the butterflies in your stomach that would erupt whenever you would catch him glancing at you.
you and your team are walking back to the bus, they are eager to get home and you can see it on their faces how exhausted they are. you told them that you'll stop for food on the way back home and you're going to keep your promise.
once you counted fourteen players on the bus, you reach into your pocket for your phone, except you couldn't find it. with a sigh you turn to the bus driver, " i'm so sorry, but i think i left my phone back in the gym. i'll just go grab it really quick." you explain with an apologetic look on your face. he tells you it's no problem and to take your time. meanwhile he'll turn on the air conditioning because it's hot.
you turn around to walk back to the school, the smile on your face turns irritated. you really didn't want to run into ukai again. how emabrassing would it be to walk back in the gym. he would proabbly say some bullshit like "oh back so soon", with that stupid smirk on his face you thought to yourself. you really liked his stupid smirk.
your thoughts are interrupted when you hear your name being called out. you look up to see the fake blonde running towards you, your phone in his hand. you roll your eyes. of course this would happen to me of all people, this somehow seems worse.
he stands in front of you now. you take notice of how he's grown a couple of inches since you last saw him in highschool. "is this yours?" he asks, holding your phone out.
"yes, thanks." your tone is still sharp, you're really annoyed now. you would've rather just slipped into the gym quietly to grab your phone, not be face to face with your ex.
you grab your phone out of his hand, but your fingers ever so slightly graze each other and you feel his calloused hands from the years of volleyball. i wonder if they- NO NO NO STOP THINKING THAT.
once the device is in your hands, you begin to walk away, pulling up your friend's contact so you can update her on the absolute shit show that happened today.
"i saw they used your little trick back there," ukai says. it makes you stop in your tracks and you slowly turn around.
"in the game, your team, they used that trick of yours from high school, right? the one where you would hit the block on purpose to get a rebound?" he explains to you, crossing his arms with that stupid smirk on his face gracing his features.
"so? it's a good technique. and since when were you this observant?" you question. ukai had never really been the one to know techniques, let alone remember yours. it might have made your stomach erupt with butterflies at the comment but you tell yourself its the anger bubbling up. with your frustration growing and all you wanted to do was go home, you turn around. "i'm going now, bye."
"you haven't changed a bit, y'know" he makes you stop, yet again. ukai couldn't help but admire how your passion for the sport never left. the way your eyes lit up everytime your team got a point was the same look that you had when you were in highschool. the way you spoke with so much thought and intent during time outs made him smile.
though you didn't think he meant it in that way. you thought he still thinks your the same dumb girl from highschool. you have changed a lot. you've grown as a person. you are NOT the same person from highschool.
"whatever ukai." you emphasize the use of his last name, walking away back to the bus as you ring up your friend. she picks up asking what happened.
"you will not believe the shit i just went through."
"and then get this, as im about to leave he goes 'you haven't changed a bit y'know' like what the hell is that supposed to mean?" you say to your friend who's on the other end of the phone. for the past twenty or so minutes you've been debriefing the utter chaos that happened today, what you don't realize is your team in the background quietly eavesdropping on your conversation trying to put the pieces together.
"i dunno y/n? but anyways why does this matter he is your ex from highschool," she emphasized the last word, "it shouldn't matter now, unless, y'know, he's a good fuck? is he?"
your voice goes to a whisper "i dont see how him being good in bed is related to this?" you know your team is listening to the conversation, they’re not slick about it and you can't have them hear you talk about things like this.
"because! maybe you'll meet again and have some hot makeup sex, and trust me it sounds like you need it." she explains, you cringe at her words trying to not imagine the scenario (you do later that night)
"anyways, i wouldn't know either way. we never got that far in highschool." you explain. you did all the other stuff though, just not the main act.
"what a shame, he sounds like he'd be good too."
"can you please not imagine my highschool ex in bed." you bring your fingers to smooth out your furrowed brows. you don't want to have wrinkles before you hit thirty. "anyways i have to go now we're back at the highschool, i'll talk to you tommorow." the bus comes to a stop and the team stands up to walk out of the vehicle. when they all step off the bus they thank the driver in unison before turning to you to hear any last minute annoucements.
"good work today," you start off. "i know it must've been a long drive but thank you for cooperating. i hope you enjoyed the game." they all nodded their head yes, too tired to express any other emotions. you could tell that they just wanted to go home and sleep. "alright then! go home and rest a lot, make sure you're eating enough and staying hydrated, because next week we're going to the summer training camp. that's all i have to say for today, i'll see you tommorow, goodnight!" they all reply with a tired goodnight mumbled under their breath as they make their way back home while you go towards your car.
once your in the tiny vehicle you immediately crank up the ac because although it is night your car still feels somwhat warm from the summer heat. as you're waiting for the car to cool down you're checking your email, and you see one from coach nekomata, the coach from nekoma highschool who invited you to the tokyo training camp. his email is answering your question that you asked a while ago about the teams that are going to be there.
Hi Y/n! Sorry I got back to you so late. I am still figuring out how to use this phone. But here are the list of teams that are attending the training camp:
Fukurōdani Academy
Nekoma High
Shinzen High
Ubugawa High
Karausuno High
Kozue High
you re-read the list of highschools again, making sure that you read them all right. karasuno high. you read the two words over and over again, rubbing your eyes to make sure you weren't hallcuinating. with a groan you slump into your car seat.
"of course this could only happen to me"
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vex91 · 2 months
Ahn Yujin - Jealousy, jealousy
Pairing: Ahn Yujin x Female Reader (Highschool AU)
Fandom: IZ*ONE / IVE
Summary: You hated how perfect Ahn Yujin was or maybe you just hated her but only if you knew the hatred wasn't reciprocated then maybe you would realize stuff sooner.
A/N: Of course Yujin needs to be the first fic on this blog 🙂‍↕️
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3rd's POV
Ahn Yujin.
She was the definition of perfection. Perfect grades, perfect looks, perfect personality, perfect friends and perfect family - it was so hard to find any bad thing about her.
You on the other hand weren't that. Your grades were average at best, you weren't as pretty as her, your personality was often talked about as annoying, you only had 2 friends for your whole life and your relationship with your parents was shitty.
You were jealous of her whole life and it only fueled your hatred.
"Y/N come here" You looked up at the sound of your best friend's voice. Smiling you walked over to her "Rei, you're unusually cheerful today. Something finally happened between you and Jiwon?" Rei slapped your shoulder at your remark and shushed you quickly since Jiwon was close by with her friends. Well Jiwon knew about Rei's crush on her so you didn't know what Rei wanted to hide exactly but it's her business.
"Are you coming to that party at Gaeul's house?" Your best friend asked causing you to raise an eyebrow until you realized what she was talking about.
"I don't know, all annoying people from our school are gonna be there" Rei rolled her eyes at your comment before shaking your arm "Come on, it's gonna be fun. Me and Jiwon are going" The thought of going to a where you would see Yujin's face and also third-wheeling your best friends wasn't the most tempting one but you could never say no when Rei made that face.
"Fine but you're the one explaining everything to my parents when they find out"
Here she was - Ahn Yujin in all her glory having fun with her friends. Honestly you should've guessed that she was gonna be there since it was her best friend's party but you really tried not to think about her and destroy your mood. As long as she would stay away from you then the party won't be so bad, you just need to focus on your friends.
It's easier said than done because it seemed like wherever you went, she was right there too.
You tried to keep your cool but it was harder and harder until you couldn't hold it in anymore and you exploded on her when she finally approached you.
Her reaction wasn't what you expected, she was standing still and completely not affected by your harsh words. It even amused her as she kept looking at you with a small smirk.
Yujin shrugged "Nothing much, you just look cute when you're trying to yell at me from down there" You became red at her words, so now she was making fun of your height? This girl was unbelievable.
"Why are you always so-"
"So in love with you?"
You quickly closed your mouth, your ears became red at her words. Out if everything you weren't expecting that but honestly it was Yujin, she couldn't have been serious.
"Stop joking around"
"I'm not. Remember when you got so angry at the fact I won that science contest and destroyed my project after? I kept the pieces because they remind me how cute you looked that day when you were so determined to win. Or when you pushed me into water during our school trip to the beach, your laugh when you were with your friends later stayed in my head. I love everything about you" During her whole speech you were silent, the whole time you thought that she hated you, just like you hated her but now you're finding out it wasn't like that?
"Do you really hate her though"
Rei's words kept coming back to you as you stared at Yujin but the moment was interrupted by your phone suddenly calling. You looked down and cursed when you saw your mom's name displayed on it.
"I need to go" You quickly said and tried to push past her but she quickly held your hand to stop you. Without another word she walked you out of the house and onto the cold streets. Before the cold could hit you though she put on her jacket on you.
"I'll walk you home" Yujin loudly announced and before you could protest she added "I don't take no as an answer. You can hate me later, right now you look like you can't be alone... at least in my eyes" The staring competition between you two continued until you gave up and led the way while Yujin quietly followed after you with her hands in her pockets.
The whole way home was spend in silence, the only sound that could be heard were the cars passing by from time to time. Yujin felt weird seeing you like that, you rarely kept yourself from making some snarky comments to her that made her day every time. Weird but Yujin just liked any sort of communication she had with you, even if it was you being angry with her.
It was clear it was because of your family, Yujin could feel the cold aura coming off of the house from miles away, it was far from the place you would want to come back to. And seeing you clenching your fists before going to the door assured her of that and Yujin immediately stopped you. She didn't want you to in there.
You looked up at her confused and Yujin only looked away embarrassed. She thought of what to say before muttering "I can walk you to Rei's house, I'm sure she's back home and would be happy to let you stay the night" It looked like the idea was tempting to you but the fear of your parents made you hesitate. Yujin squeezed your hand and let you think about it more and soon you only nodded.
At Rei's house your parents kept blowing your phones with calls and messages but you didn't really care at that moment when you could only look at Yujin's disappearing figure with mixed feelings.
What was that night?
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kaeichi · 7 months
love is in the air.
. . . and maybe that's why mikage reo can view the world with such clouded, pink-hued vision, and why nagi seishiro cannot breathe at all.
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series. nagi + reader + reo. no gendered terms, but some implications of m! reader. reader likes boys. bestfriend! nagi. valentines/white day. highschool setting. swearing. humor. fluff & angst.
a/n. repost bc it wasnt showing up in tags T-T i js want a shoujo anime w these two as the MLs...
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⊹ 01 : my dear partner [wc: 4.7k]
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“…dude. you're scaring all the hoes away.” 
nagi watches your lips move, though he barely registers anything you've been saying since he has stopped listening a while ago—which, honestly, comes as no surprise to anyone.
there’s no real reason to be so lethargic at this hour (it's already late noon, plus he surprisingly had a decent amount of sleep the previous night for once), nor the time to think about trivial things, but he can’t help but think about how exactly every single thing stopped being so bothersome like it used to.
he can't quite pinpoint what brought on this gradual change, but if he had to, then it’d probably be three springs ago—when he’d wake up a little earlier than usual to the gentle kiss of the sun through his window and the cherry blossoms were in perfect bloom. around that time is when he’d received his quiet companion choki, he’d finally scored top 1 in the leaderboards after months and months of grinding in his favorite mobile game, and… when you’d first sat next to him in middle school.
for as long as he remembers, you were simply just there. an unexpected oddity that has not only forced its way through, but has also wedged firmly into every aspect in his life. and somehow, he’d concluded that maybe some things weren't so bad—that some things weren't such a hassle to him after all.
“move, idiot. at this point you might as well hold my hand.” the snow-haired male barely hears your voice over his wandering thoughts, stumbling from the light shove you give him. he has now become acutely aware of your swinging hand, wary of the close proximity and the faint buzz of static that lingers on his skin. huh. maybe it is better to move away.
still, he’d rather not reposition himself. it’s too much work, he’d like to reason, and it's certainly not because of anything else… maybe. he doesn't really know for sure. what he does know though, is that the space beside him suddenly feels strangely empty. 
when he looks at you to see a pout forming on your lips, he can't help but sigh. you're being unreasonable. there's something that's been nagging his curiosity for a while now, and it took him quite a bit to realize what it is.
“seishirooo,” you whined one day, allowing your head to sink against his mattress, taking up nearly the whole space while nagi sits at the corner of the bed. you came over to his place that day to bother him, stating that you needed some comfort because apparently, “no one ever looks at me. i feel so damn invisible.” he shrugged and offered you his controller, challenging you to a 1v1 with him as a distraction.
“…but i look at you all the time?” he replied.
“yeah, but that's different.” and he would've asked you to elaborate more, if not for the fact that you've been horribly vague about it when he does ask, and the perpetually sleepy gamer only has so much patience before he gives up and decides it's something not worth spending his energy on.
besides, you're always emotional like that. this was probably just another one of your fleeting phases.
it's not until he notices you've been longingly gazing at the couples on the campus, quietly seething under your breath that it finally clicks. now, he may not have the greatest understanding when it comes to feelings and all its complexities, but even he can tell you’re reeking with jealousy.
despite being pushed off only seconds ago, nagi shuffles closer again as he falls into step beside you. even if sparks prick his skin, it feels right in this way. “dunno why you ‘need’ hoes when you already have me.”
“just because i'm into guys doesn’t mean that i like you in that way,” you mutter, sending him an odd glance like you thought there’s something wrong with his head for even suggesting that. not knowing how to respond, he settles for staring right back without a word. 
“what's with that look? you know what i mean, seishiro.” you continue, averting your gaze from him. what look? he asks internally. “it's just, well, literally everyone is getting into relationships. and i know we're still first years, but… it just feels like i’m missing out, y’know? 
“do you really? sounds like a hassle to me,” he shrugs, and it truly does—he never saw the appeal of dumb crushes, of drama nearly every day, of possible unrequited “love,” or of wasting half your time and energy on someone just for it to not mean anything at all in the end. video games sound way more fun, and way less heartbreak inducing.
“you can't say that when you haven’t even experienced it,” you argue, still pouting.
“it’s overrated anyways. being single is better.”
“hah! of course you’d say that, you virgin.” 
“you’re one to talk,” nagi boredly quips. “i’m celibate purely by choice, but you on the other hand… if you really think about it, you're basically an incel.”
nearly choking on your spit, you exclaim, “hah?!”
“you don't even really talk to other guys except for me, and on top of that, you're barely approached by anybody,” he explains in a matter-of-fact tone, oblivious to the way his best friend’s confidence waning rapidly by the second the more he speaks.
“yeah? and who’s fault is it, you cockblocker!” 
nagi simply sticks a tongue out as you flip him off.
right after that, the two of you ended up breaking into a sprint as you heard the clicking sound of heels walking on the tiles around the corner, not wanting to get caught for skipping classes. well, you ran, and just dragged him by the wrist. he felt the warmth of your fingers even through the thick barrier of his baggy sleeve.
you try not to trip and fall face first as a cold hand guides you through the crowded hallway.
it's embarrassing enough as it is to be rushing through the middle of the corridor and pushing past the bodies of random students like you're a main character or some sort, but even more so when the (apparently) most popular guy of the campus that you’ve (never) seen is walking right in front of you.
and it gets even more humiliating when said popular guy has taken hostage of your wrist, leading you away to a more secluded area. shocked, harsh whispers echo throughout nearly the whole floor, and multiple eyes shoot daggers at the fingers wrapped around the sleeve of your uniform, and you’ve never wanted to bury yourself alive more than this moment.
after rounding a corner into a miraculously empty hallway, you finally skid to a stop, yanking your hand away, ready to pounce at the culprit who made you go through all that unnecessary attention. however, before you can get a word in, the refined male bows his head low in front of you, and you find yourself face-to-face with sleek purple locks.
“i’m sorry, but i have no time for dating. i’m really flattered, though. i hope we can stay friends still.” he hurriedly says, hope gleaming in his matching purple eyes.
who is he again? and why is he rejecting you?
for some reason, you find the stranger’s gaze too bright that you have to look away; so you do exactly that, tilting your chin downwards instead and letting your hair mask your expression.
after a few beats of silence, he clears his throat. “i'm really sorry, it hurts me to see you look so down… i’m sure we can put this behind us and—”
“nice shoes,” you interrupt, still not raising your head to meet his now confused stare. “i can tell you really love wearing them, judging by the busted, worn out stitches. hey, is it just me or is that prada logo kinda wonky too?”
the male's jaw drops down nearly all the way to the floor.
“pardon me?” he says through gritted teeth, keeping his composure by flashing his usual award-winning smile, albeit a lot more stiffer. “i know i just rejected you, but you don't have to be so hostile…” 
when you finally raise your head, your expression can only be described as terribly and solemnly unamused, unimpressed beyond words.
then, you suddenly lean closer, peering closely into his violet irises with thoughtful hum. an unwilling flush of red creeps on the tips of the boy’s ears, his eyes widening comically at the sudden intrusion of space. “you’ll do,” nodding to yourself, you now grab his wrist and pull him away. “come.”
“w-wait, huh? where are we go—” 
“you're the one who made me late. let's go!”
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reo isn't quite sure why he's the one being dragged away now.
he has only initially planned to gently turn down the person who last confessed to him, whose family just so happened to be related to his father’s business partners—but now he somehow finds himself on a whole date with that person? (the same one who brazenly insulted him by implying his shoes are fake, by the way!)
“i have other plans today, you know…” the heir says, subtly trying to inch away from you.
you tug him back by his sleeve, with twice as much force than he had used on you earlier. “i can imagine, my dear partner.”
“w-what?” reo stutters, and he's cringes at himself for how he's acting at the moment. the usually composed and charming mikage reo, now reduced to a stuttering and blushing mess? how embarrassing.
“normally my best friend would do this with me, but he slept in today.” leave it to seishiro to leave me all alone on the day that actually matters, you irritatedly mutter under your breath. “well, whatever. come on.”
as you and him enter the packed bubble tea shop, the fingers that were wrapped around his sleeve slides down to interlace with reo’s own clammy ones. he realizes this a second too late, and before he has the chance to let go, the clerk by the entrance greets them with an enthusiastic “welcome, lovebirds!”
“huh?!” reo’s jaw slackens, dumbfounded. he’s really starting to hate himself now—it's unbecoming of him, really, but it's hard to process everything when you're so close to him that the scent of your shampoo keeps invading his senses and subsequently messing with his head.
“here’s your special tickets for today. thank you for participating, and happy valentines!” you drag him straight to the back, where the colorful claw machines are set up. reo catches a glimpse of the pink posters set up on the walls of the quaint shop, which reads: couples get free special tickets! today only! …ah. that's why he's here.
“aoi-san… you're gripping too tight,” he says, gritting his teeth together into a forced smile. 
“aoi?” you repeat, your grip finally loosening until you let go entirely. “huh… i see. by the way, what's your name again?”
needless to say, the purple-haired male is beyond perplexed. “is this your unique attempt at a joke or something?”
“come on, rich boy. we've held hands and i don’t even know your name!” 
“right… which i totally wasn't being forced to do…” he lets out an awkward laugh. sure, some admirers of his tend to get a tad excessive, but they were never able to get far with him, much less forcibly drag him out on a date—and it's not even because they want him to spend his unlimited budget on them and spoil them rotten, but just so they can get… a free special ticket for a claw machine. how did he end up getting in this bizarre situation? more importantly, how does he get out?
you simply shrug. “your fault, rich boy. you should try thinking about anyone other than yourself for once.”
“excuse me?” he narrows his eyes, slightly peeved. he's had enough of your rude attitude; potential business partner or not, he hopes that he never has to interact with you again in the future. “stop calling me that. i have a name, and it's mikage reo.”
the way your eyes widen doesn't go unnoticed by him. “and what did you even mean by that?” he presses defensively.
you plop down on the seat, with reo mirroring you as you insert the rouge ticket decorated with pink hearts into the slot of the claw machine. “well, mikage reo. i’m sure you're aware how aoi’s family is important, right?”
yeah, this person is definitely a weirdo, reo muses. who refers to themselves in third person?
“i heard they had connections everywhere… just like you. it's crucial to maintain a good relationship with someone like that, right?” you conclude—that would explain why reo had taken the time to personally talk to “aoi” one-on-one instead of just flat out rejecting them on the spot.
reo tilts his head to the side. “i’m not following…?”
“mikage.” you emphasize, looking at him straight in the eye before turning your attention back to playing. “i’m saying that the poor kid’s still waiting for an answer. your heartfelt and sincere rejection, to be exact.”
a few seconds of silence pass. well, as silent as it can be with the loud chattering of the crowd and the mechanical whirrs of the claw machine you're currently messing with resounding in the air.
“you mean, you're not…” reo trails off, all color draining from his face. “i’m so, so sorr—”
“aoi’s the one you should apologize to, not me. oh, i got a double! how lucky.” you eagerly grab the prize, the limited edition valentine’s merch exclusive to this boba shop; a plushie collectible that comes with a redeemable code for your favorite video game. you want to collect all of them, but you’re broke as hell and you’re only here due to the free ticket. turning to reo, you shove the second plushie to his chest. “here, this is for you. since you did help me out with getting these.”
“ah, thank you…” reo absentmindedly accepts the small toy, still reeling on how he could make such a careless mistake. “listen, i do apologize—”
“i wonder how'd you even mix us up. is it ‘cause we have the same hair color?” you ask, slightly amused because aside from that, you and aoi look nothing alike. your fingers tap on the surface of the control panel, observing reo’s shame-stricken visage. “or maybe… is it because everyone just looks the same to you?”
at that moment, mikage reo realizes two things: (1) maybe he's more transparent and vulnerable than he thinks, and (2) you're dangerous, and it's better to stay far, far away from you. how could you see right through him so quickly? what if that's something you'll use against him?
he doesn't like to admit it, but it's true—in his perspective, everyone's the same. they're just after him for money and status, and at some point, they've all just become faceless, superficial pawns vying for his attention.
and of course, you’re no exemption.
noticing he’s gone quiet, you continue, “but i guess if my world was as vast as yours, i couldn't possibly keep up with everything either, so i get it. i’m not saying i’m in the same situation as you, but i can kind of relate, i guess. i only keep the ones who's important to me close, and the rest just exist and do whatever. i’m selective, but in that way, at least i can give my all to the ones that really matter.”
reo closes his mouth shut. here you are casually saying that you don't matter to him, and while that isn't a lie in the slightest, he still can't help but feel guilty. maybe it's just the people-pleaser in him, or maybe it’s the way the corners of your lips are slightly quirked up and to form a miniscule, accepting smile, but he wants to reassure you, “still, i’m sure you feel that—”
“i don’t.” you don't mind that he didn't know you, because you didn't even know him either—there’s no reason for you to take it personal. you’d be a hypocrite otherwise. “i really don’t.”
you smile at him. he thinks it's out of understanding, but unbeknownst to him you're actually just entertained by how his inner turmoil is so clearly reflected on his expression. “so don’t worry about it. plus, we’re even now.” you add, gesturing towards the prize.
hopping off the stool, you wave at him as you start to walk away. “...happy valentines. i'll see you around, mikage. maybe. er, probably not.”
“wait!” he hurriedly jumps off the stool as well, clutching the plushie in his hand as he follows after you. “i… let me drive you home.” the words stumble out before he even realizes what he's saying. you're probably just using him, and you're dangerous, and you see right through him, and he should stop wasting his time because his actual valentine's date is probably three seconds away from storming out the restaurant he's booked at—
so why is he doing this?
“drive?” you repeat, because of course he’d have a driver. damn rich people, you think internally. “nuh uh. it's like a ten minute walk, and i’d rather save the environment.”
“then i’ll walk with you.”
“you do realize i’m done dragging you for the day, right?” you quirk a brow up, amused; you could've sworn he was itching to get the hell away half an hour ago. “you're free. you can go home if you want.”
reo smiles, a more genial one this time. “i know.”
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“so, you into popular guys now?” 
“hell no.”
nagi narrows his eyes at you. “you’re just into reo, then?” 
while you expected to be grilled first thing in the morning by random people about your apparent relationship with mikage reo (to which you simply replied, “i don’t know who that is, sorry,” and proceeded to run away), you didn't expect to be interrogated by your apathetic best friend as well. 
usually, nagi prefers to be completely silent during the 1st period (and actually all the way through lunch), not bothering to utter more than a few words, but today, he seems uncharacteristically on edge, waiting for you at the corner of the gym with a wrinkle between his brows.
“why are you on a first name basis with him?”
“everyone calls him reo.” he shrugs. “why him?”
“i never said i was into him.”
“then what's all that partner thing about?” he asks, which confuses you a bit. you doubt that reo would go around announcing to everyone how you teasingly called him ‘partner’ and practically dragged him to a date against his will, but it's not like him and nagi are close either, so you wonder where nagi has heard this information from. then, you suddenly recall back to yesterday, where you saw the curtain of your neighbor’s bedroom window swinging side-to-side, as if it was drawn close a mere second before you looked up. 
it seems that your mind wasn't playing tricks with you after all, and that a certain someone was eavesdropping on your conversation with reo as he walked you to your door.
“fake partners, you mean? and it was a just a joke—i met him that day.”
“that day? why are you acting so close if you've just met that day?”
“you're awfully talkative today, seishiro.” 
“i know. it's making me exhausted, and it's all your fault.” he then presses his weight against you, leaning his forehead on your shoulder—as he always does when he's tired and you're within reach. your eyes widen immediately, darting around the gymnasium to see if any of your classmates has noticed.
you don't want people to get the wrong idea about you two. it's not because it kills your chances with anyone due to the assumption that you aren't single (which you still very much are, by the way), or even because of potential issues of being a two-timer due to a certain rich boy—it's just that whenever you get asked if you and your best friend are together, you can't help but flinch from the idea, like ice is being poured inside the back of your shirt. you don’t really know what to call it, but you do know that you've answered the question a hundred times and you're positively sick of it.
“i told you to stop doing this in public,” you hiss, trying to push the giant, clingy sloth off you. “and stop whining, nagi. i’m not going anywhere. besides, i’m not even looking for a relationship or anything like that. not after… you know, what happened during our first year.”
he lifts his head up, frowning at you. “don’t call me nagi. just ‘cause you met a new guy doesn't mean you get to call me nagi.” 
you raise an unimpressed brow. what’s his problem? “only if you stop whining.” 
“…‘m not.” he slurs his words together, only proving your point.
“yes you are!”
“why do you have to be so annoying? you're such a pain,” he sighs, now walking away from you.
“i'm the annoying one?! and don't call me a pain, you—!” without hesitation, you promptly snatch a red ball from the steel ball cart beside you before swinging your arm at him, slamming the dodgeball right to his head. well, you tried to, at least; even with his back facing towards you, nagi only takes one step to the side to avoid it.
“your shitty aim sucks balls,” the tall male comments unenthusiastically, his white fringe falling over his eyes as he gazes at you over his shoulder. his nonchalance only spurs you on, now hauling multiple dodgeballs at him.
“how about you suck my ba—”
“give it up already. you're never gonna hit me.” and nagi actually has the audacity to yawn mid-dodge. of course, it only fuels your irritation even more. you eventually run out of balls to throw, so you mindlessly grab the nearest object to your right and chuck that as well.
…which unfortunately, happens to be nagi’s phone that he's snuck inside the gym, peeking under a face towel on the bench.
“oh, fu—” 
because of your (rightfully) so-called shitty aim, it swung way up high to the left, a few steps away from nagi. in less than a second, he realizes what you have flung at him, and his body moves instinctively; he throws himself towards it, swinging his leg upward and trapping it with his foot with perfect ease before it has the chance to plummet down on the floor.
“why are you making me move so much…” he sighs. “what a pain.” 
“you’re supposed to move anyways, we're in PE. you're welcome,” you smugly reason out. and then not even a second later you fold, shoulders curling inwards as you glance toward his phone; if it weren't for his godly reflexes, you would've broken it. with a small voice, you meekly add, “sorry.”
nagi shrugs in response.
when he saunters over to place his phone on the bench again, a silver glint catches your eye. a small charm swings lightly, small beads of white and black strung haphazardly together attached to the side of his phone case.
“wait, this is…” a phone charm crafted by hand, which is your birthday present for him four years ago. “i didnt know you still had that.”
“why wouldn't i?”
“where was it this whole time? this wasn't here a few days ago.”
“i just kept it in my drawer ‘cause i don’t wanna lose it.”
tilting your head to the side, you ask, “so why'd you suddenly decide to attach it to your phone now?”
he looks away, scratching the back of his neck. “…dunno.” 
eyes dropping into slits, you mutter, “you know, that kinda sounds sus—”
“hey! that was amazing! nagi, right? you should play soccer with me!”
nagi and yourself both turn to the direction of the sudden voice, seeing a familiar figure running towards you, vivid purple eyes gleaming under the gymnasium’s stark white lights.
“mikage?” you exclaim.
ever so slightly, nagi sharpens his usual droopy eyes. “nah.” he immediately says, turning on his heel.
“seishiro? wait, weren't you supposed to be looking for a club?”
“don’t really care.” you follow him, lightly jogging to keep up. as soon as you catch up by his side, the taller male glances at you as he asks, “will you join too?”
is he seriously asking you that… “no?”
“then i won't.” nagi concludes as he continues to walk away from reo.
“hey, wait up!” reo calls out, placing a hand on your shoulder. “ah, i was completely shut down… say, will you help me convince him?”
your brows shoot up as your gaze flicks down where he's casually touching you. after your initial confusion of who he is yesterday, you then recognize him after learning his name—the most popular boy in school, known for his good looks, charisma, and most especially, his wealth. he gets along well with literally everyone, and acts genuinely close with them even if they aren't.
“uh, why should i?”
“remember that limited edition merch you like? i can get you the rest of the collection. in fact, i’ll even buy out the whole place just for you.”
“wha– seriously?” you feel your eye twitch. damn rich people. “it was limited edition. they all ran out of stock already.”
“i have my ways.” well, that's not shady at all. he flashes a grin at your skepticism, winking at you, “anything for my partner.”
and you now understand why he's earned his title. this is probably how he always gets what he wants—with a smile like that, anyone would drop to their knees and do whatever he’d ask. two years ago, you would've keeled over for attention like this, but now, you're nothing but indifferent.
he places his hands on both of your shoulders now, completely stopping you from taking off. wide violet eyes scrutinize your own, making you scrunch your nose at the close proximity. “shouldn't you be begging him and not me?”
“yeah, but...” reo swears he feels an air of animosity radiating from the white-haired male, and that's why he has decided to turn you instead. “you wouldn't leave your partner hanging, right? as partners, we help each other out, riiiight?” he says, dragging his words out.
you lean as far as you physically can from his grip, but he doesn't seem to care, excitedly looking at you with stars evident in his eyes. “mikage, you—” he smiles at you, bright and blinding, and you find yourself withering under his intense gaze. “okay, fine, just—”
“well, that's settled then! they’re joining the club too, nagi seishiro. they can be our manager.” you briefly wonder why he didn't outright offer to have you join the team, but he probably saw how you threw the dodgeballs earlier… though it's not like you have to use your hands in soccer, so what the hell, this is kind of insulting.
“says who, mikage?”
“you're gonna come watch all our games?” he negotiates.
“why don’t you offer that i join the team?”
“ahahaha. haha. hah.” he laughs awkwardly, swinging an arm around your shoulder and ultimately evading your question.
because you were too busy trying to shrug him off, you miss the way nagi’s eyes zero on to reo’s arm around you, wordlessly observing the whole interaction with his lips pressed taut.
you still don’t know why reo hasn't moved away; he's so close that you can see the dark amethyst specks in his irises, the long strands that frame his face are lightly tickling your cheek, and if you lean in even just an inch, you can practically—
“you said anything i want, right?” your voice drops to a low whisper, and reo nods slowly, still seemingly oblivious to the lack of space between you.
“then... what if i said i wanted a kiss?”
reo’s smile drops immediately, recoiling away from you as if you've slapped him, his whole entire face heating up all the way to the tips of his ears. finally out of his grasp, you erupt into boisterous laughter, shaking your head as you leave the flustered boy alone and catching up to nagi.
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likes/reblogs/feedback appreciated ♡
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lilacgyuvin · 7 months
star — p. gunwook
pairing: gunwook x gn!reader
synopsis: gunwook unfortunately loses his wallet. luckily for him, a good samaritan is kind enough to trace the address on his i.d. and brings it straight to his doorstep! too bad it’s his newly ex-best friend (post-dramatic confession of love).
word count: 3.6k
warnings: highschool!au, friends to lovers, hurt/comfort, BARELY proofread, jealous gunwookie, talks of falling out, misunderstandings, miscommunication, feat. seniors hanbin and seunghan (and eunseok), not to be taken serious this is just fiction!!
a/n: needed a break from writing that tattoo artist jiwoong au so i wrote this 🥸
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Gunwook’ s lost his wallet.
It’s no big deal! It’s not like his whole life is in there or anything: his money, I.D., credit and debit card, along with his ultra rare Twicecoaster Lane 1 devil Nayeon photocard— yeah, he’d be fine without them.
He only realizes when he get’s on the train home from school, reaching for the photocard for emotional support after the shit week he’s had until he realizes it’s in his wallet which definitely isn’t in any of his pockets right now.
He finally lets out what he thinks is a quiet ‘fuck!’ after patting his pockets down and emptying out his backpack for the third time, which ends up not being as quiet as he originally thought, if the looks from the elderly couple sat across from him are anything to go by.
A few hours go by, and he’s still mourning the loss of devil Nayeon— oh, and all that other stuff too, he guesses. To get his mind off of things, Gunwook thinks a game of Fortnite with his loving friends would do the trick. It’s twenty minutes after when their entire squad gets wiped out (and proceed to get emoted on) is when he retracts that whole idea.
“I’m positive those guys were like, ten year olds. Do you know how embarrassing that is?!” Hanbin’s voice comes from Gunwook’s headset, meshing with the groans of Eunseok and the laughter of Seunghan on the other ends of the call.
“Obviously, it just happened to us! And the audacity. of Gyuvin to leave when he’s the reason we lost. His aim is so fucking ass,” Eunseok speaks loud and fast into his mic, making Gunwook wince at the volume. He seriously needs to start putting his volume down as soon as Eunseok joins. “Why do we still play with him? No, seriously someone answer me, why do we still play with him? Can we replace him with Y/n? Matter fact, I’m calling them right now I can’t do this.”
Seunghan’s laughter comes to a halt the minute their name is mentioned, just like Gunwook’s breathing for a split second.
“Eunseok.” Seunghan says his name and it sounds like Eunseok’s movements come to a stop, the only sound being that of the classic lobby music and the occasional Ps4 notification.
“... Does Gyuvin not have shit aim? I mean, we all saw that.” he says, and Hanbin then decides it’s his turn to speak up. “Maybe don’t talk about Y/n right now.”
It’s only now that Gunwook realizes he hadn’t told Eunseok about the whole ordeal this entire time, and it’s evident in the way he gasps from the other end of the call. “Y/n?! The fuck happened with Y/n? Oh my God please don’t tell me I have to cut them off they’re so fun. Speaking of, we have plans next week on Thursday to this new—”
“Eunseok seriously shut the fuck up.”
“ ‘Kay I’m gonna go heat up my hot pockets.”
Gunwook feels bad since he’s kind of the reason why Eunseok got cursed out by Seunghan. He’ll make it up to him after the upcoming, full on expected pep talk from Hanbin.
“You two still aren’t talking?” he asks the same time Eunseok logs off, and Gunwook thinks that maybe he too can escape this if he leaves without a second thought. He then realizes that Hanbin can literally just call him after he leaves, so he decides to dish it out and get it over with, mumbling his next words. “Well they’re not talking to me.”
It sounds childish, but he wasn’t lying! “The phone works both ways, Gunwook.” he sighs, the sounds of him readjusting in his seat being heard before he’s continuing, “Was it that embarrassing?”
Gunwook forgets that he didn’t explain the extent of the situation to his senior, so it isn’t entirely Hanbin’s fault that he thinks that Gunwook is simply embarrassed, but he can’t help the groan that follows anyway. “It’s not just that. It’s- I can’t even say.”
It’s nothing personal, really— everyone knows that Sunghoon and Y/n used to go out (for a mere 5 months, so Gunwook doesn’t even care for real!). What people didn’t know was how they swore to Gunwook that they’d never get back with him, not even for a second, so when Gunwook finally realizes the feelings he has for his best friend and decides to do something about them (queue chocolates and flowers at the end of the school day), the last thing he expects to see is Y/n and fucking Sunghoon, holding each other in a warm hug, like they’d shrivel up and die if they were to part.
Gunwook wished that had happened to him when he walks into the empty classroom, the wrapping from the flower arrangement in his hands startling the two out of their tight embrace. They looked like a pair of deer caught in headlights, frozen in place as they watch Gunwook’s word die on his tongue, mouth agape as he tries to restore them.
“Sorry. Bad time.” it’s the only coherent thing he can manage to say before he’s making a beeline for the door, too embarrassed and upset to verbalize the rest of his thoughts. Never getting back together, huh? Gunwook’s feeling a lot of things in this current moment, but the one that sticks out the most is how utterly stupid he feels. It’s so intense it almost drives him to anger, but he’s on the train home before it can get to that point, free from the fear of them running after him.
He isn’t particularly proud of what he does when they text him almost immediately after the whole ordeal, only responding after he gets home.
Y/NN🔥🔥💕😘😇: omg i’m so sorry i totally forgot you asked to meet up
Y/NN🔥🔥💕😘😇: we were just talking
Y/NN🔥🔥💕😘😇: did you still wanna talk? where’d you go??
Y/NN🔥🔥💕😘😇: gunwook??
sorry i had to rush home
its fine tho lol
i was just gonna ask your opinion on
the flowers i got
they’re for eunchae
Y/NN🔥🔥💕😘😇: oh
Y/NN🔥🔥💕😘😇: i didn’t know you liked eunchae?
Y/NN🔥🔥💕😘😇: okay well then yeah they’re really pretty
Y/NN🔥🔥💕😘😇: she’ll really like them
thanks 🙌
Okay don’t look at him like that. He had to save face! He feels bad as soon as he spews the lie out, but then he remembers the way his heart dropped to his ass at the sight of Y/n and Sunghoon hugging, and convinces himself that maybe this was for the best.
What Gunwook doesn’t expect are the two weeks that follow. To describe them in two words: extremely awkward. The following morning, instead of the two taking the train together like they normally do, Gunwook makes up some lame excuse about being late and ends up taking the longer way. They talk during the classes they have together, but it’s all stiff and feels uncomfortable, despite anyone saying anything about it. Going home is the same as the morning was, yet this time it was Y/n who couldn’t make it, saying they had to visit a relative after school.
It was always easy for the two to tell whenever the other was lying, but Gunwook wants to give them the benefit of the doubt, seeing as he wasn’t so truthful himself just recently. When the two do arrive home, there are no texts exchanged or calls that go on for hours on end like usual, and it makes Gunwook uneasy, but the feeling of being rejected without actually being rejected was more prominent in that moment, so he left it alone.
He didn’t know that the lack of communication on both ends would lead to them not talking at all, though! It didn’t help that he’d see them talking with Sunghoon again in the hallway only two days later, rubbing a reassuring hand along their arm, which then prompts him to talk with Eunchae during the period he knows he shares with Y/n. That day is what really set the tone for the rest of the week, he thinks; no calls or texts, passing each other through the hallways, and going home together came to a dead end. All the little things that made Gunwook not absolutely hate school were taken away from him, and he feels it’s partially his fault which made it suck even more.
It took his friends, including his seniors, only two days to realize that something was wrong, which is what’s prompted Hanbin to lecture him every chance he gets for the past two weeks.
“Well maybe you should text them anyway. I bet they miss you just as much as you miss them, right Seunghan?”
There’s absolutely no way Seunghan was listening in, seeing as he doesn’t answer til five seconds later when Hanbin clears his throat. “Oh! Yes, definitely.”
“What are you even here for.”
“Emotional support? I don’t know man, I just wanted to play Fortnite.”
Seunghan whines at the disapproving tone of Hanbin’s voice, not sure how he got roped into being scolded alongside Gunwook. Hanbin’s just that good, he guesses.
“Ugh okay fine. Not gonna lie Gunwook, seeing you two not talking is really depressing, for all of us, and honestly super unsettling. Just tell them how you feel and maybe don’t lie to your crush about having a crush who isn’t actually your crush. How’d I do Hanbin?”
“Absolutely terrible. Please log off.”
Before Seunghan can defend himself against what Hanbin identifies as Useless Senior Syndrome™, there’s a steady knock coming from the front door, successfully getting Gunwook out of the lecturing. “Thanks guys, but I have to go.”
The two can barely bid their goodbyes before Gunwook is logging off, scurrying down the steps as the knocking increases in speed.
“I’m coming!” he half-screams. He knows it isn’t his mom because she always has her keys, so it’s okay that he raised his voice a bit. He honestly thinks it’s Yujin from next door, most likely wanting to borrow Gunwook’s switch again after he miraculously submerged his own into water. He swears to God if he doesn’t return it back on time again—
Oh. This isn’t Yujin.
What stood in front of him held waves of familiarity: one being the navy blue leather-skinned wallet he’d gotten gifted by a relative a while back, the one that’s been home to his ultra rare Twicecoaster Lane 1 devil Nayeon photocard for years now— and the other being the person he’s gotten to know over the past seven years, who’s favorite foods he’s mastered and whose voice he can point out in a room full of thousands. The one who sits through the same old episodes of ‘Haikyuu!!’ with him, despite already seeing them multiple times. His best friend, who he hasn’t talked to in over two weeks, over his own fears and insecurities, is now at his front doorstep with his wallet in their hand, face unreadable to Gunwook for the first time since they’ve met.
“You forgot your wallet in Ms. Chwe’s class.”
Ms.Chwe’s class; the last period that they share with each other, where he was too busy trying to avoid Y/n’s gaze so in turn chatted up anyone who’d listen, not paying enough attention to the wallet that was falling out of his front pocket. Gunwook can’t even feel relieved that his most prized possession is safe, nor can he think of a way to make it anyone else’s fault at the moment given that his (ex?) best friend, who he hasn’t even glanced at in 14 days, is standing at his door with it in hand.
‘What am I supposed to even say?’ The silence that follows after still isn’t as embarrassing as that cursed Wednesday two weeks ago, so he tried to avoid saying anything that may exceed that level. “Thanks… okay bye.”
Okay what the fuck was that. He almost slams his head against the door, but he thankfully doesn’t have to dwell on it for too long, as they’re speaking before he knows it.
“You seriously don’t wanna talk about this?” They say, and Gunwook doesn’t know why it shocks him— they’d always been the confrontational type when needed.
“What do you wanna talk about?” He thinks it’s a pretty valid question, given that they could be referring to multiple things, but Y/n apparently doesn’t think so, if the roll of their eyes were anything to go by.
“You can’t be serious. About how you’ve been ignoring me for the longest!”
“Wha- only because you’ve been ignoring me!”
“That’s what most people do when someone’s been ignoring them first, dumbass.”
Gunwook huffs, he almost forgot how stubborn the both of them could be. “This is going nowhere. Just- come inside.” He gives up, decides to be the bigger person and let them in, not wanting their first interaction in so long to be an argument outside his door. Also because Yujin can be quite the creep and likes to instigate arguments from his bedroom window (he knows this because they’ve done it together).
They make themselves comfortable on the couch best associated with movie nights and hot cocoa during winter break, sitting on opposite ends. The air feels stale, and Gunwook feels like he has to say something before he can let the silence linger any longer. “D’you want some wate-”
“What did I do to you?” he’s cut off, the voice quieter prior to it outside. They turn to face Gunwook with hands gripping both knees reassuringly and— are they crying? “I mean, I’ve been trying to figure it out for so long, but I can't think of anything. Was it the flowers? Did she not like them?”
Gunwook wants to wipe off the face of the Earth. Not only were they crying, but they were kind enough to consider the feelings of others while nursing their own, successfully breaking his heart, while also making him feel unfathomably shitty.
He’s by their side in less than a second, not quite sure what to do with his hands as he lets out a stream of ‘no no no’ and ‘please don’t cry’. They won’t even look at him this time either, opting out to facing the wall in front of them instead. “You didn’t do anything wrong, Y/n.”
“Then why won’t you talk to me?”
Gunwook sighs, finally deciding to rest his hands on his thighs. “I’m going to tell you, but you have to tell me why you were too, okay?” He asks and they nod almost immediately. “And you can’t laugh either. Seriously, I will kick you out.”
“I’ll walk out myself if you don’t spit it out already.” They attempt to say it threateningly, but they’re pouting and Gunwook hates how cute he finds it, considering their current circumstances.
“Okay I was getting there,” He can’t help the snark remark, and he half blames it on the fact that he’s about to do the thing that he never got to two weeks ago: confess his undying love for his best friend of over seven years to said best friend. Folding his hands atop his legs, Gunwook takes a deep breath, closing his eyes for a split second before opening them as he exhales.
“Those flowers weren’t for anyone but you.” He’s not facing them, he absolutely cannot right now, instead focusing his gaze on his now sweaty hands, but he still hears the hitch in their breathing— it’s as clear as day. “I was going to give them to you, tell you about my feelings, but then I saw you with fucking Sunghoon, and I- I don’t know. I just felt so embarrassed and stupid and angry, so I came up with that stupid lie,” He finally finds the courage to face them, looking up to find their eyes already on him. “I’m sorry.”
Silence follows, and Gunwook fully expects it, but fuck was it agonizing. His face is practically on fire and he doesn’t want to break eye contact because he wants to ‘assert male dominance’ or whatever the hell Eunseok was going on about that one time he gave advice absolutely no one asked for, but it’s getting harder as the seconds go by and he just might explode right where he sits.
“Gunwook. You’re not gonna believe this but I was talking to Sunghoon about you,” Oh thank God they broke the silence— but what did they say? “I wanted to know if it’d make things weird between you and him if I asked you out or something, since you two are on the same dance team. I was also asking for advice on how to do it, since I’ve never asked anyone out before. I was going to the day after, but then you said you wanted to confess to Eunchae and I got really upset, I didn’t want to see your face at all.”
It’s now Gunwook’s turn to stare in silence, his previous anxious feeling replaced with one that screamed ‘what the fuck is happening I can’t believe this is happening right now’.
“What.” It’s all he can manage to say at the moment— if he felt stupid before, it’s definitely hitting harder this time around. He was avoiding his crush (who also has a crush on him, apparently?!), his best friend, all over nothing. His cheeks are becoming hot again and he feels like crying.
In classic Gunwook fashion, he does the most rational thing he can think of at the moment and bows his head beside their lap, clasping his hands in front of it as he lets out streams of ‘I’m sorry’, catching them completely off guard.
“Get up! It’s fine Gunwook, seriously." They reassure him, but he doesn’t dare get up from his position, only raising his head ever so slightly. “You still like me? Even though I lied to you and made you cry?”
They seem to find humor in his current predicament, giggling as they move a hand to pat his head. “I shed one tear. And dude, I lied too. I’m sorry as well, I was just scared.” It’s said with earnest, and Gunwook can feel it through their gaze once he finally gains the courage to lift himself up, his confidence fully restored. “Okay if we’re gonna date, you cannot call me dude anymore.”
“Is this you asking me out for real this time?” A hint of amusement makes its way onto their face, lolling their head to the side as they ask.”
“Yes. Wait no.” The switch up visibly confuses them, even more so when Gunwook gets up from his seat, instructing them to ‘wait here’ as he runs to the kitchen, coming back with a single flower. “My mom wouldn’t let them go to waste. They’re in a vase and she’ll kill me if I take all of them.”
They laugh, both because Gunwook was so so sweet and because his mom really would kill him. “Will you go out with me?” He knows it’s short, but he could tell them all the things he likes about them over takeout, and he really wants to kiss them right now.
“That was lackluster,” They say as they snatch the flower from their hands, but their actions are words are laced with playfulness, and they contradict themselves when they move to embrace him in a warm hug. “But yes, since you asked so nicely.”
Gunwook almost shoves them away if it weren’t for how intimate the current moment was. He’s glad they can still play around after spending so much time apart from each other. “Shut up! I just wanted to kiss you already. Wait, would that be weird?”
They look up, contemplating it for a second before they look back at him with a shrug. “I don’t know, but you can give me a kiss on the cheek. The one that isn’t wet.”
He takes takes that as a win, holding their damp cheek in favor of landing a peck on the opposite. Then another on their forehead. And another on the same cheek, but in a different place. It soon turns to him showering them with kisses all over, causing them to fall back on the cushions as they begin to laugh, taking Gunwook down with them as he refuses to stop. “Gunwook! I said one!”
He doesn’t even have the mind to grace them with an answer as he joins them in laughter, too overjoyed and buoyant with that fact that he’s now free from many things; free from hiding his feelings, from his insecurities now that their feelings were laid bare and are mutual, and free from pretending that he was okay letting his best friend falls into the hands of another. He no longer has to worry about any of that though, as they’re right where he wants them, where he deems perfect.
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The cafeteria is booming as always, Gunwook and his friends (seniors and same-age mates alike) already seated at their table as they await the arrival of a few others. None of them say anything about the way Gunwook and Y/n are holding hands under the table, but there are definitely shared glances exchanged between Hanbin and Seunghan.
It’s only been two days since Gunwook’s actual successful confession, and they still have yet to say it outright, so they’ve just decided to let everyone come to their own conclusions. He thinks they’re on the right track though, with the way they shot him a thumbs up from across the table.
“Y/n!” It’s yelled from behind them, making the entire table, if not the whole cafeteria turn their heads to the source of the noise. Gunwook wishes he could say he was surprised as to who it was.
Eunseok practically tackles Y/n with the force in which he runs to their side, engulfing them in a hug from behind. “I thought I was gonna lose you! Don’t tell Gunwook, but you’ve always been my favorite junior.”
“I’m right here.”
“Shut up dont ruin this for me.”
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a/n: we all know gunwook would be a communication king but i wanted to write this anyway. and guys i promise i can write things other than love confessions gimme like two weeks!!! also recs are open likes + reblogs are always appreciated ty baii
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luxora · 4 months
The Glory -> {Highschool AU} -> Getting Jealous
Requested: No
Kdrama: The Glory
Genre: Angst. Fluff?
Warnings: Mentions of bullying. No remorse. Swearing. Violence. Possessive behavior. Some blood
A/N: I absolutely do not condone anything that was presented in the kdrama. No one should ever bully others. This is all purely fiction.
Moon Dongeun
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Dongeun is no stranger of misery, especially given her role in the school courtesy of the actions of Yeonjin and her gang.
But this kind of misery was of a whole new different kinds, something that you were completely unaware of, which in her opinion, made it so much worse.
You would not describe yourself as an extrovert, but you were most certainly a lot more outgoing that Dongeun. Dongeun would say that she bordered more on the introverted side, but also she simply did not have the time to truly reach out to befriend any other of her classmates because of all her time constantly being taken up by Yeonjin.
It was still impressive itself that she managed to befriend you, although no one really knows of the friendship between the two of you aside from yourselves.
It is not like you didn't try approach her in school, but for a matter of your preservation and her own irrecoverable habit of self-isolation, she tended to avoid you like the plague until it was absolutely necessary to interact with you in a public setting.
She did not want Yeonjin or any of the others to realize that she had someone who made her experience at school more durable, because then they will use that against her.
You didn't deserve to go through with what she is going through. The thought of you possibly being hurt by Yeonjin or Sara, or even Jaejun, it literally made Dongeun sick to the stomach; hence why she proceeded to avoid contact as much as possible.
Ignorance was bliss in this case; however, in her current predicament, it was anything but bliss for Dongeun.
She silently stewed in her seat as she waited for you to join her for the project the two of you were to work on together. Group assignments were rather rare, but this time the teacher decided it would be most suitable to have a partner with the assignment, and so you took the opportunity to work with Dongeun, something which made her both happy and scared at the same time.
Deciding to work on the foundation of your shared assignment, the two of you agreed to meet in the school library to start your research, but while you were heading towards her at the decided working table, you got caught in a conversation with one of your other classmates, and the way the two of you were talking, Dongeun couldn't help but feel...frustrated by the interaction.
She barely gets to spend as much time with you as she would prefer, the two of you only meeting outside of school at odd times when Dongeun was in working order to go to your home, or when she was permitted to some kind of freedom where she would be unsuspected from others.
So in her mind, this project just gave her an opportunity to simply be with you without any suspicion - so the fact that her time with you was getting interrupted was bothering her, especially when she sees you laughing at something that the classmate said which she is not privy to.
Her hands tightened into a fists, a miserable ball lodging itself in Dongeun's throat as the passing seconds felt like hours, especially since you were not getting closer to her anytime sooner as you continued conversing with the classmate, continuously laughing at their words despite the library being a place of silence.
She had no reason to become so uneasy at all of this, as you were a talkative person naturally, but - the fact her time with you was being encroached by a bystander - it was bothering her and she did not like the fact that she was being left here to wait for you while you were only so far away from her.
Dongeun swallowed down the misery in her throat, attempting to get a control over her emotions, released her hand from its violent self-grip to try reapply herself before you eventually arrived to the table, not realizing that you had in fact finished up your conversation and was heading over to her in that very moment. Hence why she jumped when you voice was suddenly right next to her.
"Hey Dongeun!"
She snapped her head to look at you with a bewildered expression, prompting you to cock your head from the sudden reaction.
"Are you okay? Why are you so jumpy?"
"I-I.." Dongeun flustered on the spot before shook her head, averting her gaze from yours. "Sorry, its nothing."
"Are you sure?" You inquired, taking a seat next to her, placing your books on the table. She nodded. "Well, if you're certain."
Dongeun didn't say anything further as you began to open your books and started talking about the project, completely oblivious to the effect that you had concurrently had on her from both the interaction with your classmate and you being right beside her in a public setting which was to have no proper negative repercussions.
That feeling - not appreciate it - and now she was trying consider of what it truly meant to her own psych over the fact that she became affected from something so menial as a conversation with a classmate.
She must be going crazy - that was the only solution that she could really come up with.
While she is no stranger of pain, she did not revel in it. And she most certainly did not want to revel in that type of misery again. Only something tells her that it won't e first or the last time she will feel such a thing again.
And that is was scares her.
Park Yeon-jin
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Ever since she was a child, Yeonjin has never been someone who likes to share her things. Perhaps it stemmed from being the only child, not having siblings to fight over the attention of her parents nor to negotiate and compromise over ownership of any material thing.
Therefore, going forward in her teenage years, Yeonjin still maintained the idea that whatever belonged to her was hers, and that was non-negotiable. Not even Sara was given the courtesy to have a taste of her own divinely pleasures because Yeonjin was the primary owner of items, first and foremost, and she didn't share.
And this segment particularly applied to you.
The scene before her was just pissing her off. Yeonjin tapped her fingers irately against her forearm as she watched you interact with with the older students, a shy smile on their face as they offered you a rose, courtesy of the Valentine event of which the younger years had to offer flowers to seniors they admired.
Yeonjin never found an interest in such a thing as she had much better things to do instead of chasing after some stupid male seniors. None of them had her interest and all the other older grades just got worse in terms of appearance, filling her with much disgust.
But nothing disgusted her more than the fact that you were blushing all because of the reversal roles between you and the older male senior.
Yeonjin didn't know why, but her blood was boiling over the fact that there was a blush on your cheeks, your own lips quirked in a nervous smile as you accepted the rose, head ducked down while the senior spoke to you, rubbing his neck nervously as you stood in place, head ducked down bashfully.
"Wow, he must be desperate." Hyejeong's voice cracked into Yeonjin's ears like nails on the chalkboard, her voice making Yeonjin's air stand up as she giggled mockingly. "To think he would go after Y/N of people. He must have lost a bet."
That better be the reason of why he would be approaching you in the first place. While Hyejeong continued to talk, Yeonjin kept her eyes locked on the two of you, her nails this time digging into her forearm as she watched with aflame eyes as the male senior reached for your hand, lowering his head so that he was on par with your height. He whispered something and Yeonjin could not help but fucking curse when you giggled again, nodding your head to something before lifting your head to give him a full blown smile.
What. The. Actual. Fuck.
"-must be putting out or something. Otherwise why else would he-"
Hyejeong has literally trodden on the last thread of her patience. Without hesitation, Yeonjin swung around and all but slapped the pathetic bitch across the face, prompting a loud cry out of her lips as she literally crumbled to the floor, the strength behind the slap knocking her entirely off balance.
The air in her chest was tight, a volcanic eruption threatening to burst as she heaved shakily on the spot, eyes narrowed dangerous at Hyejeong as she stared up fearfully at her.
"For once in your life, will you shut the fuck up?!"
"Miss Park, that type of behavior and language is completely unacceptable!"
Yeonjin didn't even spare a glance at the bitch teacher that had hurried towards the two of them scoldings and threats leaving her lips as she addressed Yeonjin. She instead glanced back in your direction, only to be found in the center of your attention as you stared wide-eyed at her, the rose in your hand being clenched tightly while your lips stood ajar. She noticed that your hand was no longer being held captive by the stupid buffoon beside you, instead it clenched to your side, clutching some the material of your school skirt as your continued to stare at Yeonjin.
Despite the circumstances of it, she couldn't help but inwardly preen over the fact that your attention was now on her. But then she remembered why it was not on her in the first place, which reinforced the fury which was already boiling in her chest. Instead of saying a word, she just flashed you a glare of promise, resulting in a feared expression crossing of your face.
She was going to get you back for this. Sometime today, she was going to find you and make you suffer the consequences for making her feel so fucking stupid and angry over a fucking flower.
You have fucking forgotten your place, and it is about time she reminded you just who you fucking belonged to.
You were hers. And no fucking Valentine flower must make you think that anything changes that. If she must kill that damn asshole, then so be it. You're hers - and she is going to make sure that you remember that.
Jeon Jae-jun
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Jaejun didn't realize that he was bashing the bastard's head in until he was doing it.
There was a buzz in his ears while he kept slamming the idiots head into the desk, uncaring of the screams and shouts that erupted in the class as Jaejun gripped the guy's head tightly by the hair and kept slamming his head full-force into the wooden surface.
Even though he tried fighting back, it was of no use. Jaejun had him, and he was going to make sure that he received the full treatment.
He warned him. He fucking warned him that he was going to kill him if he kept flirting with you, and now he was going to fucking do it.
A sick pleasure erupted in Jaejun's chest as he saw the blood beginning to splatter on the wooden surface, but then the pleasure was halted when he felt hands on his shoulders as they tried to pull him away. He heard Myeong-o's sick snickers while he wrapped his arms around Jaejun from behind as he lifted him off his feet.
"Cut it out will ya? Ya are going to get detention!"
Detention was the last hing on his mind. Hell, even going to prison was the last thing on his mind. He knows that it isn't going to happen cause his parents will just pay them out, but that was not the focus at the moment. He needed to punish the fucker who thought it would be a good idea to try steal his girl - to try steal you.
"Let me go!" He roared, immediately wrestling in Myeong-o's grip as he attempt to lunge at the pathetic loser as he laid crumbled on the floor, clutching at his bleeding hear. "I'm going to fucking kill him!"
"Dude, just-"
"Fuck off!"
Jaejun slammed his head back and he connected with Myeong-o's nose with a sickening crack, a wave of pain washing over him as both boys stumbled on the spot, Myeong-o clutching at his nose while Jaejun clutched at the back of his head.
Dammit, that actually hurt.
But then Jaejun reconnected his gaze with the fallen student and then decided to forego his momentary pain to continued to job. He grabbed the student by the collar and lifted him up from the floor, staring at his blood smeared face with a snarl.
"I told you that she is mine! You don't fucking touch what is mine!"
Jaejun lifted his fist and slammed it into the student's face, causing an immediate splatter to erupt from the student's nose. They hastily tried to defend themselves but it was of no use, Jaejun just punched and punched and punched until his own knuckles were beginning to ache and burn, almost as if he split the skin or something.
Prompted by the thought, Jaejun lifted his hand to gaze at it. Blood was smothering it, but upon closer inspection, he realised that his knuckles were in fact split. He cursed.
How annoying.
The buzz in his eyes subsiding, but his anger still simmering, Jaejun stood up from the mess of the boy and then finally turned to you, your body frozen in your desk as you stared at him with horrified eyes. He blinked slowly before he walked towards you, no one else in the classroom daring to utter a word as he approached the front of your desk, his face expressionless.
You only stared up at him as he paused, looking at you with an eerily calm look before he reached out and grabbed your wrist, eyebrows furrowing when you flinched at the sudden touch. But then he realized that he had grabbed you with his bloody hand, making him curse.
"Damn, sorry Y/N." He released you briefly before grabbing you with his uninjured hand, pulling you up from your desk. "I need to go to the nurse. Come with me."
It wasn't really a request, and you didn't disagree with his statement when he all but tugged you away from the desk and the ordeal which had occurred. His grip on you tightened as he noticed the horrified stares.
He doesn't get what their problems were. He is just getting his hand fixed up and you were going to help him.
If they think that he was just going to ignore the fact of another guy trying to take what was his, then they were all idiots. You were his and he was not going to let someone take you away from him. He will beat every person's face in if that is what it takes.
You were his.
And he was going to protect what was his.
And you most importantly must not forget that, because he will go through hell for you. So you better be grateful, cause not every guy will be as protective as him. So you must realize that you have hit the jackpot. He is sure you'll thank him later, even show him some gratitude.
Lee Sa-ra
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You trembled against her body but it did not prompt Sara to move away from you. In fact, it only made her press herself closer against you. Despite your lack of success, you still tried to resist against Sara's hold on your wrists but it was of no use.
You were trapped. Sara has no intentions of letting you go, especially not after rectifying what she had been forced to bare witness to.
"...Did you like it?" She whispered carefully, her lips brushing against your jaw as she spoke against your skin. "Did you like him kissing you like that?"
You were not stupid, that was one of the reasons that Sara liked you in the first place. You had a bright mind and fitted well into the group because none of you were idiots. Well, with the exception of Hyejeong, but aside from her, the rest of them were exceptional in their own areas of expertise. Hers being art, of course.
So therefore, she knows that you getting into the situation cannot be fully your fault because you would know better than to make Sara jealous on purpose.
It was pulled off as some kind of stupid elaborate prank pulled by the boys. The stupid fools believed it would be a good idea to pull a water gun fight in the middle of PE, soaking all of the girls with water. Sara was annoyed in the first place, but nothing prepared her for the sight which occurred in the middle of the stupid prank.
A boy stealing a kiss from you.
You were just as soaked as the others, being separated from Sara during the whole scuffle, and yet you were the only one to get kissed by one of the boys, which resulted in a whole class reaction, girls cooing at the act and the boys guffawing and slapping the boy on the back for having the guts to do such a thing.
But your reaction was what had Sara hyper focused, because she knew immediately where your mind went because you immediately snapped your gaze to Sara, looking for her in the crowd before locking eyes with her, terror in your own.
You were scared of Sara's reaction, and its a good thing, because she is about ready to tear someone's head off, the first one being the bastard who stole a kiss from you.
But first - she needed to stake her claim on those very lips which were tainted by another.
"S-Sara, please." You quivered, voice soft and terrified as you froze stiff against Sara as she trailed her lips down the column of your neck. "I didn't mean to-"
"What?" Sara questioned, resting her lips against the point where your shoulder and neck met. "What didn't you mean to do? Did you kiss him first?"
The thoughts itself was barbarous because you were loyal to Sara. You were hers and you know how she is whenever someone gets too close to you for her liking. And you were a smart girl, so you wouldn't do such a stupid thing to get a rise out of her.
But still - she needed to make sure you were aware of your situation.
"N-No, I swear I didn't. I just, I-"
"Did you want my attention? Is that why you didn't push him away?"
"N-No, I-"
"Oh, so you don't want my attention?" Sara's voice dropped as she pulled away from your neck to look at you, her eyes swirling dangerous. You immediately panicked at the sight and began to resist against her hold on your wrists again.
"No! I don't mean that! I-I-I'm just sorry! I swear I didn't want it to happen Sara, You've got to believe me! Please."
You were sounding so desperate, your actions and expressions showing it so clearly that it made her heart flutter as she continued to stare. Her fingers tightened around your wrists, making you wince before she shifted both hands up until you were entirely stretched to your full length, trapped and unable to defend yourself as Sara all but leapt for your neck, biting down hard on the skin, making you cry out in the pain.
The taste of iron reached her tongue but Sara did not react to it as she remained frozen in her position, teeth in your neck like some wild animal. Your body quivered tremendously against her, little sobs beginning to leave your lips as you began to bleed, which eventually prompted Sara to pull away from you neck to gaze at you again.
Once your eyes eventually met hers again, she smiled, displaying a row of blood stained teeth - your blood - and a maniacal glint in her eyes.
"Before anything else, you are mine. Do you understand me?" Sara questioned, eyes not leaving yours as her free hand moved to trail a thumb against the bite wound on your neck, smearing the blood across the uninjured skin. "If I must do this all over your body, then so be it. If you ever let someone else kiss you again, I will lose my shit. You got that?"
You simply stood frozen before her, eyes gawking at her in horror, which irritated to no end. She pressed her thumb against the bite, making you wince immediately at the applied pressure.
"Do. You. Get. It?"
"Y-Yes." You whimpered out, tears forming in your eyes as you shivered in place, making Sara smile as she believed that you finally understood her whole intention.
"Good. Now don't move."
Sara closed the distance between you and kissed you, her tongue immediately meeting yours in a silent tango as she removed the taint with her own lips, your body supple under her own as she reaffirmed her possession over you.
Choi Hye-jeong
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"What the hell is wrong with you!"
Hyejeong stormed into the bathroom with guns blazing, anger boiling all over as she stared at you frightened form, your hand to your chest as you attempted to calm it after jumping at Hyejeong's sudden entrance in the bathroom.
Fortunately there was no one else in the bathroom, but Hyejeong didn't care because all she wanted from you were answers.
"How can you be so stupid!"
She hasn't given you much context to understand the reason behind her anger, as hinted through your confused look, but then realization dawned on you, prompting an apologetic expression forming on your face.
"I didn't know what I could say-"
"You could have said no! Why the hell are you going on a date with that idiot!"
Never, ever did Hyejeong think that she was going to be in the situation that she would be jealous over someone asking you out on a date because she never thought it would happen. You did not talk much with the others; therefore, nobody had any reason to have a crush on you, much less ask you out on a date.
And yet she had to hear from a group of underclassmen that one of the boys in their class had asked you out on a date, to which you agreed.
She couldn't fucking believe it.
Hyejeong stormed towards you and grabbed you by the shoulders, giving you a firm shake before she cupped your cheeks in her hands, forcing you to keep your gaze on her.
"Why the hell did you agree to it!"
"I-I didn't know what else to say. I didn't expect it."
"It doesn't matter if you didn't expect it. The matter is that you should have never agreed in the first place! Why do you want to hurt me so much? Did you think I was going to be happy about this!"
Hyejeong could not exactly ask Yeonjin or the others for any advice on how to proceed about this. Yeonjin and Sara are two bitches who will easily laugh and humiliate both you and Hyejeong for being in such a relationship in the first place, while Myeong-o and Jaejun would be complete assholes about it.
The two of you were alone in this world together, being the only ones to understand the others struggle. So the fact that you agreed to go on the stupid date upsets her and hurts her - serving the same impact as a knife getting driven into her chest.
You looked at her mournfully, shaking your head as you reached out to touch her cheek.
"No Hyejeong, I would never want to hurt you-"
"Well you are by agreeing to go with him!"
Hyejeong pushed you away from her as if your touch burned her, angry tears escaping from her eyes as she roughly wiped at them ,glaring heatedly through the liquid wall.
"I can't believe that you would be so pathetic that you wouldn't be able to even say the word 'No' to some stupid underclassman!"
Hurt immediately bloomed from her words, your eyes reflecting it as you stared at her, making a pang of guilt shoot through Hyejeong but not enough to stop her venomous words.
"But I guess I shouldn't be surprised! You're a damn people pleaser who wouldn't know the difference between her mommy issues and daddy issues!"
Low blow.
An extremely low blow.
But in her moment of hurt, Hyejeong didn't care. She wanted you to hurt and she succeeded, tears forming as you took a step back from her, almost as if the words itself had slapped you across the face.
But instead of saying anything else, Hyejeong sneered before storming out of the bathroom, needing to build the distance between the two of you if she wanted to get an inch of semblance back to herself.
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shakirawastaken · 2 years
dsmp if....they fell in love with you at first sight
lowkey this sucks im so sorry but number 6 has been written  dream:
- this happened before he face revealed - so he went out to the grocery store or smth with a mask and sunglasses so if anyone recognized him they wouldn't like see what he looked like - pulled a ranboo fr - anyway he entered the cat food aisle looking for the best cat food for patches our beloved - and was so enthralled in the cat food that he didn't hear you walk by with your cart trying to get past the aisle - "excuse me sir can u please move???" "*is looking at cat food*" "sir?" "OH IM SO SORRY" - moves immediately but not before he makes eye contact with you through the glasses - his eyes widen comically, he thinks ur gorgeous - takes advantage of that fact that you cant see his eyes and continue to admire your face as you laugh and wave ur wrist in the air, swatting away the awkward interaction just like that - you walk away and he forces his mind to go back to the cat food - but god ur imprinted in his brain and he knows he cant just let you leave - so he grabs whatever cat food he sees and runs around the store looking for you - sees you leaving and went "NOPE" - in his head - RUNS to you but slows down before he gets to you so u don't fucking murder him - "hey uh" "oh hi!" "i thought you were really cute...and i couldn't just let u leave the store without tryna get ur number" "oh :) thanks! but idk what u look like.." "right" - whips that shit off in the middle of walmart mask off challenge succeed - ur face: :O - "yeah u can have my number" "LETS GO" - speedran that shit basically
sapnap: - met u in highschool me thinks - in the peak of his i play minecraft everyday era - just showed up at school to be there yk - and you were there but never really interacted with him - until one day you had to sit next to him in english class - life OVER for him tbh he made eye contact with you and nodded like an idiot as you introduced yourself - “wow ur pretty im nick” *facepalmed internally*  - youre like aw - u become friends - seating chart friendships and romances >>> - now he actually has a reson to go to school events like hoco and prom and stuff - “sorry dream ive got to to go homecoming” “motherfucker with who?” - you ask him to hoco as friends cause yk he hasnt been out much and he gratefully accepts - awkward dancing in the back - as the year progresses the two of you keep in contact even as you got moved apart in the class you sat next to - you met dream and george that was nice - prom came around and he new brother knew he had to do SOMETHING - so he made a prom posal that was like “will you be MINE(craft) at prom” or something like that  - and u were like “finally” - fast forward some years and ur doing whatever u want and hes doing what hes doing now - he never formally asked you out but its implied youve been dating for years - this one sucked mb
george: - god the british  - hate them/j - youre not british in this story okay  - and if ur british irl,,,im sorry for ur ailment/j - ANYWAY - youre a tourist ur visiting the good old u of k - ur in london obv - and george never leaves his flat there - except to get groceries - so he walks to the nearest grocery store bc he literally cant drive - and bumps into you its the classic omg so sorry i bumped into you romance - except he thought that was awkward and kinda went “sorry” looked down at the ground and sprinted forward - you were like “the british are.....odd”  - george then realized that was worse and turned around to apologize to you - and then fell in love with you - u were taking a picture on ur camera of just like the scenery of london - and we like “omg theyre cute and they appreciate the little things” - gets on discord and texts sapnap “im in love” and then sapnap goes “me too with ur mom” - logs off discord now - walks up to you sheepishly and was like “haha sorry for doing that it was a dare by my friend” and u were like “its ok:)” ad then hes like “yk what isnt a dare” and u were like “hmm what” and he was like “me asking for your number cause ur so cute” - and u were malfunctioning cause u didnt expect cute british man to ask you on a date while u were in the u of k - but u said yes and then he realized ur accent and was like “ar eyou not british” and u were like “no.” and he was like “thats okay! im skilled with long distance relationships ;)”  - unknowingly flirts with you  - you skull emojied and then joined him on his trip to the grocery store IDK this one was bad im sorry 
karl: - YOURE IN A MR BEAST CHALLENGE - oh oh OH the amount of things in my brain running through - anyway u were a subscriber of Mr jimmy beast so he was like "come be in a video" - its one of those last to leave the circle loses - each cast member is paired with a participant and whoever wins gets 50,000 and the cast member gets like 10,000 or smtn - and jimmy had them all pick a name out of a hat to make it simple - and karl didn't pick u - nolan did - but when they walked out to meet the participants and karl made eye contact with you for a split second - god he fell right there - couldn't help but imagine what loving you would be like - knew he wanted to experience that - but he couldn't do that if he wasn't even paired with you - so he BEGS nolan to switch - "dude please cmon" "what do i get out of it??" "if i win ill give you the money" "oh shit ok" - now he's paired with you HE MASTERMINDED THAT SHIT LIKE TAYLOR SWIFT - anyway you were like "shit he's cute ill win now" - ur dynamic is amazing jimmy loves it for the video - the whole time u both are playfully flirting and just being yourselves around each other its amazing - he tries to cheat to help you LOL but gets caught with a sheepish smile on his face - that's when u fall i swtg - anyway - the filming for the video goes for like 2 and a half days so you spend a lotttt of time with karl dearest - you lose in the end tho bc in ur sleep u accidentally kicked ur foot outside the circle - you're a bit defeated - after thanking u all jimmy sends you off - and u smile and thank him and karl and head off - but then you hear a "PIT PAT PIT PAT" of feet slapping concrete behind you - "wait can i have ur number? :)" "i thought you wouldn't ask :)" and u give him ur number number for number - jimmy mischievously smiles in the background before returning to his beast lair
quackity: - LAW SCHOOL LAW SCHOOL LAW SCHOOL YOU MET THERE STOP STOP STOP - stop college romances kill me for real - guys - k I'm good - met at orientation i feel - or not met - he laid eyes on you from across the room and he was like oh shoot this place is better than i thought it would be - LOL - runs across the whole room to snag the seat next to you - "hey I'm alex, whats your name?" "oh I'm y/n!" - bro squealed inside - "i like ur name!" "thanks :) urs is nice too" - u both talked for the rest of the welcome ceremony thing - compared schedules and had...nothing together for the first semester - thATS OK you still exchanged numbers - and you kept talking and hanging out even if u didn't have class - but as friends. - AAAAAAAAAAAAA you fell for him somewhere in the middle but both of you were like - we need to finish law school first in your heads - so u both skated on the line between romance and friends - like the song boyfriend by ariana grande - but when the end of law school was in sight? quackity didn’t waste a single second - BAM got ur number BAM took u on a date BAM yk 
wilbur: - fell in love with you at first sight except you didnt see him he just saw you - here’s the thing right hes the biggest hamilton fan - so when he went to see hamilton with tommy and all them - YOU WERE THERE you were in the cast you played angelica/eliza/peggy literally one of the three female main characters - ANYWAY you were screaming the lyrics to one of the songs and wilbur kinda just went “woah” - didnt see anyone else on the stage but you when you walked out  - tommy was like “did u see the bullet wil” and he wa slike “no” - forced tommy to stage door after the show - prayed to all the theater gods that you came outside  - when you did? game over for him - he stood there stawstruck awstruck jawstruck  - aND the same happened for you!!! bc u knew who he was ofc - u had a lovejoy poster in ur dressing room duh - so by the time you came round to him and tommy you were like “heheheh” and giggling “hi omg im a big fan of your music and stuff :)” and he was like “mIne?”  - his voice cracked - you giggled and you both took pictures with each other on your phones - then u invited him backstage  - and he wa slike LHJSKHFSDFKGHJERT - LEFT TOMMY AT STAGE DOOR - you showed him around including on stage - and this went on for a while hed just show up a stage door and youd let him in - one day you were both on the stage and he started humming helpless and you both started dancing - and then he was like “i rlly am helpless for you, id like to try and make this something more if ur up for it” - and you were like WOOOOOO yk 
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backinmyphase · 2 months
Highschool! Satoru is being known for being arrogant.
After every lesson you have together you ask yourself if it was even possible to be more cocky or if he was just blessed at that.
And you don't think he even knows you exists because be just cares for himself. You hate Highschool! Satoru.
And… it is true.
He is an arrogant asshole. And he doesn't know your name. He does know that he is better than everyone in this class.
He hasn't batted an eye after bumping into you in the halls. He didn't help you up, he doesn't know you. So why should he? After one hour he forgot that even happened. Because why should he care? He doesn't care about his classmates.
Well… Until this one lesson.
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"Miss can I swap partners for this project?" Satoru doesn't even try to hide the fact he thought you were stupid.
"I don't think she would bring anything essential and Me and Geto had already planned something. And last week she didn't even knew the subject."
"Well Gojo, that's not-"
"Do you even think before you speak?"
The sentence just slipped out of your mouth. And for the first time Satoru Gojo looked at you.
"Excuse me?" He smiled at you as he leaned back. And in this moment your bottled up anger led you to say the things in your mind.
"I asked if you even think before you speak. But I can see clearly that's not the case because you don't have any empathy for anyone, because why should you? When Satoru Gojo is the most important person in the world!" Your voice slightly rose and the class fell silent.
But Satoru wasn't faced. "Look, if you are hurt because I don't want to work with you then please be quiet about it. That's just pathetic."
You blink one time and smile back at him. "You know what's really pathetic? When no one likes you because your ego is too big to be nice to anyone who isn't 'good enough'. But I guess you like your lifestyle."
The teacher looked nervous between the two of you and clapped two times. "Please no escalation you two-"
"I really pity you. You know, for that you have no sense of being a decent human being. That really must be hard." You sigh and shake your head.
"Always trying to keep that ego big."
Satoru doesn't even say anything anymore he just looks at you with a shooked expression.
"But let's be real, the real reason you are so arrogant is that you deep down know that no one would be interested in you if it weren't for your skills. If it weren't for your family, who must be so proud of this boy that everyone in school avoids."
Satoru keeps his lips pressed together as he looks at you. He doesn't even try to hurt you back, he just looks at you.
And then you realize that the whole class was witnessing your outburst. Even the teacher looked impressed.
"The partners cannot be changed." The teacher says after a while of silence. She looks over at you.
"But if there is any misbehaving of your patner, please tell me. I will grade accordingly."
You don't look at Saroru after that. But he isn't done staring.
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And let's just say Highschool! Satoru knew you after that lesson. And maybe, just maybe he wanted to prove that he wasn't such a bad person you thought he was.
That was the lesson Highschool! Satoru was humbled for the first time.
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elliebarker · 1 year
one of the many. ( e williams )
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category: modern!college/university!ellie x female!reader : angst, fluff
summary: after her devastating heartbreak with her first girlfriend in highschool, ellie swore off dating, everything she did was casual, non-committal. that was until you showed up. (basically logan and rory troupe but make it happy)
warnings: alcohol consumption, implied smut, “friends with benefits”, cheating(?), use of the word “baby”, a somewhat copy of rory and logan’s fight, fuck boy!ellie (LMAO I’M SORRY).
word count: 2.1k
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it had been almost three years since ellie’s first, and only, breakup with her ex-girlfriend, cat. she was older now, more mature, i mean for god’s sake she was a junior in college she couldn’t still be hung up on some stupid girl from highschool. that is why she had resorted to this. one girl in today, another one tomorrow. no attachments. casual. she was hanging out in a cramped party at her friend's house, sipping something alcoholic, with one, two, girls on her arm, laughing and giggling and tracing their fingers up and down her fore-arm tattoo. she was, enjoying herself, she guessed. the party life wasn’t exactly dull, it was the crowd she was surrounded with, a bunch of drunken girls over-exaggerating their laugh so that she’ll go home with them. she wasn’t opposed to it, if fact she probably needed to let loose and celebrate the compilation of one of her tests, she just hadn’t found the right girl yet. that's when she spotted you. an absolutely gorgeous girl, trying to find your way through the crowd. and she immediately took the opportunity to…introduce… herself.
“hey girl,” ellie said, wrapping an arm around your shoulder, her action causing your spaghetti strap to fall slightly lower on your shoulder. “i’m ellie, what’s your name?” she asked and you introduced yourself, pulling your strap back to a more comfortable position, and smiled up at her. fuck it ellie thought i’m just gonna go for it. “wanna get out of here?” she asked, earning a smirk and a cheeky ‘sure’ from you as she led you out of the party’s front door.
ellie woke up and stretched her fingers, sore from last night, to see your body draped in and out of the sheets of her bed, still resting. her heart fluttered a little but she chose to ignore it. she sighed, clearly, you didn’t know how this worked. but it was early, and she had never slept with you before, so she gave you cut slack, she’d find a way to get you up and out of her apartment later. a few minutes passed and your body started to feel the lack of ellie’s presence. you woke up in a dingy bedroom full of music posters and scattered clothes. one pile, of which, being yours. your legs were sore as you stood up and grabbed your clothes off the floor, with a little shame in realizing the reality of your situation. you eventually got up all of your belongings and went to find ellie.
“hey,” you greeted, voice hearse and sleepy, as you walked up behind ellie’s sitting figure in the living room. she was wearing new clothes, jeans and a shirt, layered with a flannel with her hair half up pulled into a lazy barely-ponytail. her eyes racked up your body, hair messy and outfit sagged from it being thrown off the night before. “so, um, do you want my number or? i’m sorry i haven’t really done any of this before…” you stuttered on your words.
“look,” she said getting up from the couch, “i like you,” she began, “i really do. it’s just i’m not really into all that relationship crap, you know? i don’t feel like i should be tied down to someone.” she explained, moving her hand to rub the back of her neck. 
“oh no i get that,” you lied, “i just, was hoping we can still…hang out.” you said, trying to come as casual as you could.
“oh no, definitely,” ellie said, smirking, as she looked you up and down. you kissed her on the check before you said goodbye. and that’s how it was. at least once a week you’d be over at her place, ‘hanging out’. it was nice. nice, until, “hey,” ellie said whilst scrolling through her phone, looking over at you gathering up your clothes, “down to go to a party?” she asked.
“sure!” you said, a smile rising to your face at the anticipation of spending time with ellie, outside the arrangement the two of you had. you went inside ellie’s bathroom, it was small and a little dingy, in order to fix up your hair and get ready to face the outside world. once you were both ready to leave, ellie locked the front door behind her and walked you to her car. it wasn’t until you were both buckled into her car and driving down to some girl’s house with her hand on your thigh that you realized you and ellie would be out together in public for the first time. i mean, sure, you’d see the other girls ellie was hooking up with but she decided to come to the party with you. you. ellie eventually pulled up to a house and slipped out of her car, with you not far behind. it was obvious with the loud music and yelling coming from the white brick house which one would be entering. you slipped through the front door with ellie by your side and went around to make conversation with the few people you knew here. you knew ellie wouldn’t want you clinging to her side the whole night. more than a few moments passed and pop music remixes blared through low-quality speakers all around the house. you did your best to socialize, and decided to look around and find ellie. luckily, she was in sight. on the other side of a heep of sweaty, dancing bodies. you were going to make your way over until an arm stopped you. the arm tan and delicate resting atop ellie’s knee whilst she sat atop the kitchen’s barstool. you felt a green-monster flash of despair, both anger and sadness. of course ellie wasn’t yours, but fuck, did your delusional-ass-self really think you meant something to her? something more than just a girl she fucks? acid rain fell from your eyes as you stormed your way out of the crowded jungle of drunken bodies. time had passed and you’d gone numb. you’d rationalized it. you and ellie weren’t exclusive, you knew that. so why did that girl fucking bother you so much? it wasn’t her fault, of course, she didn’t know. and that's the thing, know what? exactly, nothing. that’s what you were to ellie, nothing, disposable, replaceable. but your whole pissed-off attitude disappeared into a mear thought when she approached you, body lanky and oh so attractive.
“what’s with this whole ignoring me thing?” ellie laughed, leaning against the wall next to you, looking over your pouting frame. you didn’t want to start anything, god knows you didn’t, but the edging creepy feeling of jealousy washed over you.
“what was that?” you asked simply, not-answering her question with another.
“what was what?” she asked, seeming genuinely confused. you sighed, then began again, uttering the first answer to a question since the conversation first started.
“her…” you said, looking around the room for the girl ellie was with earlier, “that…girl…you were all flirty with.”
“oh,” ellie sounded surprised, “that’s dina,” ellie laughed, “another, friend, of mine.”
“friend?” you asked, as if you doubted her use of the word, “that’s what i am?” you asked, jestering to yourself, “a fucking friend?” you saw the gears turning in ellie’s head, the fight or flight kicking in. she composed herself without the slightest reaction that she was ever the least bit scared, to the untrained eye that is.
“yeah.” ellie’s voice grew impatient and angry, as if to say, ‘i don’t have time for your crap’, “that’s what we agreed upon.” ellie moved her hand from her hip to in front of her, “friends.” her stern voice and your overwhelming guilt and regret was building up and you felt tears starting to form in your eyes. you let out a, 
“y’know what? i- i can’t fucking do this,” before your voice could break and left the party, letting you walk yourself home. it wasn’t until you reached the welcoming doors of your bedroom that the tears that were welling in your eyes finally fell. and they fell fast. you sobbed into your pillow all night, so much so, when you woke up your pillow was still damp. you knew you couldn’t do it anymore. you slumped off your bed, and made sure to take care of yourself. you showered, did your skin care, put on something more comfortable. you opened your phone, scrolled to ellie’s contact and pressed ‘call’. there was only one ring until, 
“hello?” she called out your name.
“we need to talk, ellie.”
you walked through the mountains of fall leaves and cold air to reach her apartment. you planted a solid two knocks on her door and she immediately opened the door, you could tell she was nervous. her nails were picked at and her eyes darted everywhere around the room but you. the tension was thick, and you knew you had to settle, or rather end, it.
“ellie, i don’t think we should see each other anymore.” you bluntly stated.
“ugh, c'mon is this about that stupid shit last night? you're still hung up on that?” ellie questioned.
“look it's like you said, you can’t be couple-y with me and i get that it’s just i’m a ‘girlfriend’, ellie, i have ‘girlfriends’ not…friends.” you explained, used your hands to display a pair of air quotes when you pronounced the word friends. “i’m sick of…i’m sick of being one of the many, i can’t do it anymore, that’s it okay? i can’t be your friend anymore, i thought i could be different, but i can’t, i’m sorry.” you huffed out the big speech you’d crafted on your way to her apartment. after an erie second of silence, ellie spoke.
“don’t do that.”
“do what?”
“i get it,” ellie said, rubbing her hands together trying to settle her nerves and her voice at a calm level, “i get what your doing.” ellie accused you.
“i’m not doing anything,” you stated, plainly, confusion written all over your face, wondering where she was going with this.
“if that’s what you want, a…a girlfriend, then just come out and say it okay? don’t make me sit here and worry and feel like i fucked up, don’t make me pace around my apartment, don’t come here saying ‘i can’t see you anymore’ don’t fucking do that! i’ll be your girlfriend? alright? that’s what you're really saying huh?” ellie lectured you.
“that’s not what i’m saying, ellie.” you tried to explain, but she kept going on,
“no, no, but that’s what you mean, don’t you?” she sighed, putting her hands on your waist, “c’mon, i’ll do it”
“what?” you gasped.
“i said i’ll do it, okay?” ellie forcefully stated, “i’ll be your girlfriend, it’s either all or nothing baby.”
“you can’t be my girlfriend,” you pushed her back.
“who says i can’t? huh?” ellie’s hands slithered their way back onto your waist.
“um, you, last night!” you declared, recalling her aggravated tone from the night before.
“oh come on! last night was last night, forget about it, right now is right now and i want, scrap that i need you, don’t– don’t leave me sweet girl.” ellie pleaded, begged you. you placed a hand on your hip in an attempt to display fake confidence.
“you have a hundred girls on speed dial.” you scoffed, disbelieving of this ‘new’ ellie.
“who cares about them? they don’t matter to me.” 
“look,” you began, “i know you, i know your type, commitment is not your thing and that’s fine! non-commitment isn’t mine so it's better if we just go our separate ways.” you turned to leave. ellie’s hands, previously placed on your waist, went up to arm and turned you back around to look at her.
“just let me try,” ellie said, looking deeply genuine, “if i say i can do this, then i can do this.”
“ellie–” she interrupted you calling out her name, with your own.
“do you really want to stop seeing me?”
“no,” you stuttered, “but i can’t–”
“‘cause i don’t wanna stop seeing you.” ellie smiled at you.
“are you sure–?” she cut you off a third time, this time with her lips. waves crashed and goals scored in that moment. her lips, never so delicate until this point, landed on yours and connected each other. it was utterly and absolutely euphoric. her lips were soft, softer than other times you had kissed. and it was then you knew. it was then you both knew. you were the one. she didn’t want anyone else. only you. her girlfriend. and she was finally proud to call you that.
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bi-scottsummers · 2 months
Hi, hello, just came here to say that I love your fic "trending in Japan". I was wondering if you had headcanons regarding Kenji or Emi or interpersonal relationships and stuff. Many hugs for you.
hi hello, thank you for the encouragement and hugs! After some thought ive realized I do in fact have some hcs about some of the character dynamics in the movie as well as just kenji himself, cause hes captivated my entire brain:
Kenji & Emi
Emi does not have teeth but she does inexplicably have a teething phase. kenji is forced to hide all his (salvaged) fancy cars in the garage bc the corvette's already been chewed to hell and his heart is gonna give out if he has to watch any more classics get wrecked
he reads her bedtime stories. A lot of aesop's fables, because theyre short and fun and hes trying to raise his monster daughter with good morals. emi goes hogwild for these but its unclear if she actually understands what hes saying; kenji's pretty sure she just likes the silly voices he uses for different characters
they go flying together! they go first thing in the morning before breakfast - it helps kenji shake off the grogginess of sleep and emi gets to stretch her wings. shes not able to go very far for very long initially, but as she grows and gets those cardio gainz she almost gets to be quicker than him. they have races and play air tag :)
while she doesnt have the vocal range to speak english herself, it becomes clear that emi does understand it well. (kenji also develops an ear for her chirping/squawks, though body language & facial expressions play a big part in communication for both of them) during her (much later) rebellious phase she'll simply pretend not to know what's being said when kenji is telling her to do something she doesn't wanna do, which frustrates him to no end
developed a pretty massive chip on his shoulder after moving to the states. it wasn't just bitterness over his dad staying behind, though that was a part of it. this is canon but he was picked on in school for "how [he talked], how [he looked] and what [he ate]." he felt like he had something to prove to both his father and the world. he threw himself into sports - specifically baseball - and his academics, and he did so well that it forced everyone to shut up about how he was different from them and focus on how he was better than them
^ playing off this: kenji had a bonkers fucking yonkers routine when he was a kid/in highschool. he'd get up hours before school started to practice his swing, go for a ~1hr run, workout, study, etc. He'd go to school, come home, and do it all again. this is exaggerated but my point is that this kid was DETERMINED and had the discipline to see that determination through to the end
didnt have many friends because of all aforementioned things. he had acquaintances, and he was invited to parties and outings and stuff (never went), but he spent most of his free time hanging out with his mom. he never really had a "parents are so embarrassing" phase. he always liked to do anything with his mother: going to the bank, going grocery shopping, watching cheesy telenovelas till ungodly hours in the morning, etc. she was his no.1 supporter, confidant, and best friend
he played for his university's baseball team and got scouted at 19. his mom forced him to finish his bachelor's first so once he graduated with his degree in kinesiology at 21, he was drafted to the dodgers
Kenji & Ami
both of them, up until meeting each other, were totally dedicated to their career (and child) so they had basically 0 time for friends. theyre both borderline losers but theyre juuust good enough at what they do for people to admire them instead of finding them sad and lowkey pathetic
kenji is way more into the idea of being friends than ami is. hes pretty enthusiastic about it; he thinks that they have a kind of rapport, since they share a similar work ethic and are both (unbeknownst to ami) single parents. he calls her to chat abt random things. ami initially isnt superrrr into it; she thinks kenji is kinda lonely and desperate for human connection, & it isnt until her mom points out that she has not spoken to anyone outside of work-related reasons in 10+ years that shes like oh shit, i am also lonely and desperate for human connection. so she grudgingly acquires a friend. theyre both really bad at it
need to clarify that in my mind their dynamic is 95% kenji yapping about work and drama in his personal life (circumventing the 8m baby kaiju hes raising) while ami goes "mhm mhm" and takes notes until kenji notices and is like What are you doing. at which point ami is like...... right . nothing. im listening. and forces herself to put the notepad away. she has a hard time disengaging from the reporter mindset and just hearing something intriguing without turning it into an article. the other 5% are the rare moments where theyre connecting super well - ami's psychoanalyzing the hell out of whatever kenji just said and hes like what are you my therapist. over time she starts opening up to him, too, and eventually theyre comfortable enough to be having philosophical discussions over breakfast just for funsies
before kenji reveals that hes ultraman, ami thinks hes in a gang. he keeps showing up to their lunch "dates" with like bruised eyes and fractured bones and gets all shifty when she tries to ask about what happened. when she eventually confronts him about it, hes so offended that she thinks hed be involved in something like that that he tells her about being ultraman
thats about all i can think of rn, though im sure ill think of more after rotating all the characters in my head for a while. thanks again for stopping in, i appreciate the support :)
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fairyrcts · 29 days
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bags , m.s.
by fairyrcts contents - intended lowercase , use of y/n , cursing , resolved angst , 3rd person
as y/n walked up to the triplets front door, chris opened it before even giving her a chance to knock.
"well, seems as someone was waiting." she spoke, givng him a face. he rolled his eyes, opening the door to give her room to walk in.
"matt's in his room." chris spoke.
y/n nodded before heading up to see her best friend.
y/n's had feelings for matt since they were in highschool. of course, she'd never do anything to put their friendship in jeopardy, so she kept silent. as much as she wanted to tell him just to put that label on it, she was content with their current friendship. they already acted as if they were in a relationship, but she'd always wondered if it'd be different when they had that label.
she opened the door to matt on his phone. his eyes looked up to the door, his lips forming into a smile as he saw her.
"hey, missy. how are ya?" he asked whilst he sat up.
"exhausted. i was just at the gym for like two hours." she whined before setting her bag down and plopping on his bed next to him. matt grabbed the remoted on his nightstand and turned it on.
"mm, i'm sorry. we can watch one of your movies. those.. indie films or the joseph gorgon-levitt one ya like."
y/n's face lit up at his words. "which one are we talking? don jon? (500) days of summer? mysterious skin? 10 things i hate about you? 50/50? brick?"
her knowledge cause matt to laugh. "i was thinkin (500) days of summer. i never understand that title, theres only like 70 days in summer."
y/n moved up and sat next to him, leaning against the headboard. his lack of knowledge made her roll her eyes. "it's because they spent 500 days together and her name is summer. so the movies is about what he endured the 500 days of knowing summer."
"you're such a cornball" matt's arm slung around her shoulder, pulling her head on his shoulder. he turned on the movies and the room filmed with a comfortable silence.
around 30 minutes into the movie, y/n speaks up. "y'know, i always thought that could be us someday."
her words made matt's breath hitch in his throat.
"what?" he moves himself up and took away his arm from her.
y/n eyes wandered his face, trying to read him.
"y/n you can't just fucking say that." he spoke with his eyebrows furrowed.
"i'm sorry, i didn-"
"no, that's not fucking fair. i just got over you. i spent the entirety of my teenage years loving you and you just now decide you have interest in me? that's bullshit. it took me six years to get over the fact that you weren't interested in me. no matter how many times chris and nick told me no chance, i held out hope. but turning twenty-one made me stop and realize that they're right. i, mentally, cannot deal with the fact that it took me six whole years for me to stop loving you that way, and you just start. i won't."
he was now standing up with tears in his eyes while y/n sat on the bed, her jaw agape.
"matt, i've liked you since we were 17. i never knew you felt that way about me. i never thought you ever would." she said just above a whisper.
"well, get it through your stubborn fucking skull, y/n. my god, this is such bull." he ran a hand through his hair.
"what? matt, what the fuck are you even saying, are you hearing yourself? you're being goddamn selfish. you think this is one-sided?"
"yeah! yeah, i do think it's one sided because you've never once expressed any kind of romantic feelings until that little comment of yours just now!"
y/n was now in tears.
"i- i didn't know how. you didn't either."
matt let out a humorless laugh as he began talking with his hands. "seriously? never? because kissing your hand, your forehead, buying you whatever you want, calling you pet names, listening to every song youve ever asked me to, making you playlists, opening up to you about stuff not even nathan knows about, carrying you around when your feet hurt, giving you all of my hoodies and cuddling with you while i watch an insufferably sad joseph gorgon-levitt film is so platonic?! is that so fucking platonic to you?"
tears started streaming down matthew's face as he spoke with such pent-up emotions. y/n didn't know what to say so she stood there before grabbing her bag and jogging down the stair, wiping the tears from her eyes.
"i'm not fucking finished, y/n!" he yelled down the stairs, but she was already out the door.
she wasted no time getting in her car and driving off.
matt was left standing at the top of the stairs, thoughts running through his head. he smacked a fist against the wall before sliding himself down it, crying his eyes out. chris ran up those stairs, nick following. they hugged him and supported him while he ranted on about what happened.
meanwhile, y/n dangerously drove with tears flowing through her eyes non-stop. when she arrives home, she sat on her couch, wrapping herself in a blanket and cried herself to sleep.
the next morning, she woke up with puffy eyes and very little sleep. notifications flooded her phone, causing her to look up at the lit screen.
i'm sorry.
y/n i'm sorry
did you get home safe?
are you okay?
turn off your fucking dnd
i'm worried about you
please text me when you get this
i didn't mean to lash out
i still love you, y/n.
y/n rubbed her eyes as she read them, the message causing her to cry again. she walked herself to her bathroom and cleaned herself up as she called matt.
"y/n? i know i screwed up. i'm sorry, i'm so sorry. i love you, i never meant to hurt you or say those hurful things, i'm sorry." his words came through the phone speaker rushed and panicked.
"come over. please, i just need you." y/n spoke softly with a sniffle.
"i'll be there in five." hanging up the phone, y.n wiped the mascara that was run down her face, but didn't bother changing into clean clothes. she put on the pajama set she had a few nights before, not caring what matt saw her in. all she knew was that she wanted to be in the arms of her best friend again.
matt walked in without knocking. "y/n?" he spoke as he ran to her.
her arms slung around his waist as his shirt begain filling up with tears. his chin rested on her head and his arms gently ran through her hair.
"you're okay. oh, sweet girl, i'm sorry. please forgive me?"
she nodded her head against his chest before looking up at him. she placed a small kiss to his cheek while he smiled softly.
"do you think we could work this out? that we could be something?"
her words made matt nod immediately. "yes, yes, of course. if it means being with you, yes anything."
her lips formed into a smile and without hesitation, she moved a hand to his cheek and pulled him into a kiss. his lips moved with hers and the world went quiet.
authors note - short little story ! i got bored and was listening to beabadoobee because this was orginally gonna be called the way things go but i think imma save that for a chris angst. i kinda hate this cuz i didnt take my time on it, but i'll improve with time, you just gotta trust my writing process i promisw. anyways if you read fully through, thank you soo much! if you wanna be extra kind a spread a smile, likes, reblogs and comments are much appreciated!!
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st4rymoon · 1 year
Miguel x Spanish speaking reader
Story is mostly in english but both Miguel and reader speak Spanish. Some translations are added since the english translations don’t sound good for what I was trying to say, sorry ☹️
Context: Miguel was always oblivious to others flirting but it crossed the line when he apologizes for you.
Includes: arguing, jealousy, angst, fluff, kissing, Miguel sweet talking, ft. Gwen and hobie, language. No use of y/n.
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Miguel usually wasn’t oblivious to most situations but when it comes to flirting, he certainly is. You’ve been happily dating for almost a year now and you soon realized he never realized when others were flirting with him.
At first you thought he liked it, maybe he enjoyed the attention which made you iffy but you soon came to realize he genuinely didn’t see it as people flirting with him.
Today, you were made aware that a new spider was found. You didn’t think anything of it until you were laying on the couch with Gwen laying close to you as she went in about her highschool life.
Both of you sat up slightly as you saw a blonde haired girl stuck to Miguel’s side with a wide grin. She gripped onto his arms, stopping him in his tracks and blabbering on about how nice his eyes were.
“Uh oh”
Gwen got up from your side and watched you in amusement. Your face didn’t move a muscle, you watch Miguel closely. Sure you could yank that girls hair out but that wouldn’t do much, you knew if Miguel broke then you’d much rather yank his hair out rather than hers.
After all she was probably oblivious to the fact that he was with someone. Miguel’s eyes darted to you, a smile growing on his face as he made his way to you “doll this is grace, the new spider”
Before you could give her a smile, the new girl gave you a dirt look followed by an eye roll “you have a girlfriend?” She hissed “yeah I mentioned I was with someone in the society” Miguel shrugged, walking away from her and planting himself next to you.
You still have a friendly smile, your eye trying it’s best not to twitch in anger. Gwen on the other hand was trying not to burst into laughter “what’s up with you” Miguel questioned toward Gwen.
“Gosh Miguel you are so damn oblivious, it’s going to get the best of you one day” Gwen chuckled as she swung out of the room. Now it was only the three of you, the blonde haired newbie sitting in front of you both.
“So how long have you been together?” She smiled with a bothered undertone. “Almost a year” you smiled “oh so nothing serious” she laughed as she leaned down into her seat “well much more serious than any relationships you’ve been in I guess” you gritted your teeth.
Miguel gave you a look, almost as to tell you to shut up. Your eyes narrowed at him, sure he was oblivious but what she just said was obviously hostile toward you. “Sorry she can sound a little passive aggressive” Miguel softly smiled.
You scoffed, getting up from your seat and pushing past Miguel’s legs. You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. Was he really apologizing for you? For snapping back at disrespect thrown towards the both of you?
“Where are you going?” Miguel sighed as he realized what he said came off wrong. You didn’t say a word, if he was more concerned to not hurt this girls feelings then you weren’t dealing with him.
You swung down the hallway with fury in your eyes, hobie threw a hand up in cheer as he noticed your anger. He was always one to enjoy rebellion especially aganist Miguel and he could see you were about to do something that would certainly piss him off.
Miguel had told you to never go through universes unless it was truly needed but you could care less. You just wanted to go back home for a little, get out of this hell for just a few hours.
Back at HQ Miguel was yelling his head off looking for you, only hobie had seen where you had gone and he happily tampered with the cameras so no one else knew.
“Who the hell messed with the cameras!” Miguel screamed “gosh she’s so damn dramatic, where the hell is she” he groaned. Grace watched as Miguel scattered around, Gwen watched her closely as she went up to Miguel.
“You know, if she’s making you this stressed… maybe you need someone who would keep your feelings in mind” she cooed. Gwen’s eyes narrowed, she couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “And what the hell does that mean” Miguel yelled, making the newbie scatter back.
“I- I- I’ve always been told I’m a great stress reliever, I can listen” she smiled. Miguel scoffed “not happening, now get the yell out of my face PETER! Peter get her out of here I don’t have time for this”
You watched through your phone as Gwen sent you the videos, sometimes her nosiness was useful. You felt a little bad knowing you were making Miguel turn everything upside down looking for you, but you just needed to be alone for a few.
Your thoughts were cut short as you heard a portal open from behind you “Finally” you heard Miguel sigh as he walked up to you out of breath. “Why wouldn’t you fucking tell me where you went huh? I had to get it out of Hobie!” He huffed.
You didn’t bother looking up. Those words repeated in your mind. Maybe all you did was stress Miguel out, did you really never think about his feelings?
You knew it was stupid to take her words seriously. “I needed sometime alone” you whispered. “What? Why wouldn’t you just fucking tel-“
“I NEEDED SOME TIME ALONE MIGUEL YA! That stupid girl following you around, and you? Defending her? Apologizing for me? Who the fuck do I look like? Maybe all I do is stress you out like she said but trust me, Miguel if it was the other way around, having someone follow me around like that. You would’ve done the same thing or worse”
Your voice was shaky “I know I’m a handful, ya lo sé. So if you want her then that’s fine” Miguel’s eyes softened. Gosh you were so dramatic at times, just like he was when he got jealous.
“Stop being so dramatic, pinche dramática” he chuckled. You threw your shoe at him with an eye roll “por qué te haces? You know I loved you chula” he cooed.
Miguel fell to his knees, his head landing on your lap “yeah you might be a hand full but so am I, that’s why we go so well. And trust me I don’t want that new girl, why would I need anyone else when I have the world in front of me?” He smiled.
You tried to hide the smile on your face, gosh he was such a sweet talker. “yo miró la sonrisa” he smiles, his finger lifting your face up from below you to connect your eyes.
Your glossy eyes looked down at his “you’re the one I love, no one else.” Miguel pulled you down for a kiss, his soft plump lips hit yours as both of you moan into each other.
“I’m sorry muñeca, I’m so so sorry. I know I was wrong for apologizing for you and I’m not going to make excuses, it was wrong for me to do.”
“I’m sorry too” you panted between the kiss “next time let’s both communicate better yeah? Los dos de mal” miguel sighed.
You both stayed on the rooftop for a few hours, making out then laying in each others warmth then making out. Once you both made it to HQ, he leaned down to your ear “she won’t be seen here anymore”
an: newbie was not hard harmed after, just kicked out if it sounded a little threatening…
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