#in group conversations or even if there's no conversation going on. it's almost imperceptible but if you're close enough to him you can
Neil Josten the kinda guy to have inside jokes with himself
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herrscherofinsanity · 2 months
Drop-dead Gorgeous
When the new friend you made in college is pretty weird and very obviously hiding something... what is one supposed to do?
Fluff probably.
Twice Nayeon x fem!reader
Word count: 4.4k
Hi! I'm back and very inspired
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y/n hurried across the bustling college campus, dodging groups of students chatting and laughing. It was the first day of the new semester, and she was determined to make a good impression in her biology class. She finally reached the lecture hall, slightly out of breath, and pushed open the heavy door.
Inside, the room was already filling up with students. y/n scanned the rows of seats, looking for an empty spot. Her eyes landed on a girl sitting alone near the middle of the room. She had long, dark hair that cascaded over her shoulders and a pale, almost ethereal complexion. Despite the girl's reserved demeanor, something about her intrigued y/n.
y/n made her way over and smiled warmly. "Hi, is this seat taken?"
The girl looked up, her expression neutral but her eyes sharp and observant. "No, go ahead."
"Thanks," y/n said, settling into the seat next to her. She set her notebook on the desk and turned to the girl. "I’m y/n, by the way."
"Nayeon," the girl replied, her voice soft but clear.
y/n noticed that Nayeon’s skin had an unusual pallor, almost ashen, and when their hands brushed as she adjusted her notebook, y/n was surprised by how cold her touch was. She filed these observations away, curious but not wanting to pry.
As the professor began outlining the semester’s project, y/n couldn’t help but steal glances at Nayeon. There was something captivating about her new partner, something that made y/n want to know more.
After the lecture, as students began to pack up and leave, y/n decided to break the ice. "So, Nayeon, what did you think of the professor's project idea?"
Nayeon shrugged slightly. "It seems interesting. A lot of work, but interesting."
y/n smiled. "Yeah, I agree. Do you want to maybe grab a coffee and discuss it? It’s always easier to brainstorm over caffeine."
Nayeon hesitated for a moment before nodding. "Sure, why not."
They made their way to a nearby campus café, the conversation flowing more easily than y/n had expected. Nayeon was reserved but polite, and y/n’s bubbly personality seemed to draw her out of her shell little by little.
As they sat down with their drinks, y/n couldn’t help but ask, "So, where are you from? Your accent is a bit different."
Nayeon took a sip of her coffee before answering. "I’ve moved around a lot. My family is a bit... unconventional."
y/n laughed lightly. "Unconventional how?"
Nayeon looked down at her coffee, her expression unreadable. "It’s complicated."
y/n sensed that this was a sensitive topic and decided to steer the conversation back to safer ground. "Well, I’m glad we ended up as partners. I think we’ll make a great team."
Nayeon looked up and gave a small, almost imperceptible smile. "Yeah, me too."
They spent the next hour discussing their project, sharing ideas and getting to know each other a bit more. By the time they parted ways, y/n felt a genuine connection with Nayeon, even if there was still an air of mystery around her.
As she walked back to her dorm, y/n couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something different about Nayeon. But rather than being put off, she found herself even more intrigued.
Over the next few weeks, y/n and Nayeon’s partnership blossomed into a genuine friendship. They spent hours together in the library, coffee shops, and their favorite study spots on campus. Despite Nayeon’s reserved nature, she found herself opening up more to y/n’s sunny disposition.
One afternoon, they were in the library working on their project. y/n noticed that Nayeon was wearing gloves, even though it wasn’t particularly cold.
"Are you cold?" y/n asked, raising an eyebrow.
Nayeon glanced at her gloved hands and shrugged. "I just like wearing them."
y/n chuckled. "Okay, Michael Jackson."
Nayeon smirked. "I’ll take that as a compliment."
As they continued to work, y/n couldn’t help but notice other peculiarities. Nayeon never ate in front of her, always claiming she wasn’t hungry. When they touched hands accidentally, Nayeon's skin was always unusually cold. y/n found these quirks endearing but puzzling.
One evening, they were in y/n’s dorm room, working late. y/n’s roommate had gone out, leaving them alone.
y/n stretched and yawned. "Do you want anything to eat? I have some snacks."
Nayeon shook her head. "No, thanks. I’m good."
y/n shrugged and grabbed a bag of chips for herself. "More for me, then."
As y/n munched on the chips, she noticed Nayeon looking a bit uncomfortable. "Hey, are you okay?"
Nayeon forced a smile. "Yeah, just tired."
y/n nodded and continued eating. "You know, Nayeon, you’re a bit of an enigma."
Nayeon raised an eyebrow. "Oh? How so?"
"Well, you never eat in front of me, you wear gloves all the time, and you’re always so cold. Are you a vampire or something?" y/n joked, laughing.
Nayeon stiffened for a moment before laughing it off. "Maybe I am. Or maybe I’m just really mysterious."
y/n laughed. "Well, I’ll figure you out eventually."
As they continued working, y/n’s roommate suddenly burst into the room. "Hey, y/n! Oh, hey Nayeon!"
Nayeon turned around, startled. "Hi."
y/n’s roommate, Jennie, looked at them curiously. "What are you guys up to?"
"Just working on our project," y/n said, smiling.
Jennie nodded and plopped down on her bed. "Cool. Hey, y/n, can you pass me that soda?"
y/n reached for the soda can but accidentally knocked it over, spilling it on the floor. "Oops!"
Nayeon jumped up quickly, her reflexes almost unnaturally fast, and grabbed some tissues to clean it up. Jennie stared, wide-eyed. "Whoa, that was fast."
y/n laughed. "Yeah, Nayeon’s like some sort of ninja."
Nayeon smiled awkwardly. "Just quick reflexes, I guess."
As the weeks went by, y/n noticed more oddities. Nayeon always seemed to know when someone was coming before they arrived, her movements were often too smooth and precise, and she never seemed to get sick or tired like everyone else.
One day, they were walking across campus when y/n tripped over a loose brick on the path. Before she could hit the ground, Nayeon had caught her, seemingly appearing out of nowhere.
"Wow, you’re like my personal superhero," y/n said, grinning.
Nayeon helped her up, looking slightly embarrassed. "Just lucky timing."
y/n laughed. "Well, thanks for saving me."
(One evening, as they were working in y/n’s dorm room, y/n accidentally knocked over a stack of papers. As she bent down to pick them up, she noticed a small vial rolling out of Nayeon’s bag; it was labeled “Embalming Fluid.”
“Nayeon, what’s this?” y/n asked, holding up the vial.
Nayeon’s eyes widened, and she quickly snatched it back. “Oh, just... a family thing.”
y/n raised an eyebrow. “A family thing?”
“Yeah, we’re... in the funeral business,” Nayeon said, clearly uncomfortable.
y/n decided not to push further, but her curiosity was piqued.)
Despite all the strange occurrences, y/n found herself growing more attached to Nayeon. They spent more time together, their friendship deepening. y/n’s natural curiosity and Nayeon’s guarded demeanor created an intriguing dynamic, filled with moments of laughter and genuine connection.
One evening, they were sitting on the roof of y/n’s dorm, watching the sunset. y/n turned to Nayeon, her expression thoughtful.
"You know, I don’t really care if you’re hiding something," y/n said softly. "I like you just the way you are."
Nayeon looked at her, her eyes softening. "Thanks, y/n. That means a lot."
y/n grinned. "Besides, everyone has their quirks. Yours just make you more interesting."
Nayeon laughed, feeling a warmth she hadn’t felt in a long time. "You’re something else, y/n."
Their friendship continued to grow, filled with laughter, shared secrets, and a bond that seemed unbreakable. Despite the quirks and the mysteries, y/n and Nayeon found a connection that went beyond the ordinary, creating a friendship that would eventually lead to something even deeper.
Despite Nayeon’s claims of being a very mysterious person, she wasn’t that great at keeping secrets. On various occasions Nayeon was almost caught by y/n.
The ice cream incident
It was a warm, sunny afternoon, and y/n had convinced Nayeon to join her at the campus ice cream parlor. The place was bustling with students, and y/n was excited to try the new flavors they offered.
"Come on, Nayeon! You have to try this!" y/n exclaimed, holding out a cone of mint chocolate chip.
Nayeon hesitated, glancing around nervously. "I’m not really a fan of ice cream," she said, trying to deflect.
y/n pouted. "Oh, come on. Just one bite."
Nayeon sighed and took the cone from y/n, her mind racing. She brought the ice cream to her lips but pretended to lick it without actually eating any. "Mmm, delicious," she said, forcing a smile.
y/n narrowed her eyes. "You didn’t even take a real bite!"
Nayeon chuckled awkwardly. "Guess I’m just not in the mood."
y/n laughed and took a big bite herself. "More for me, then!"
2. The mystery bruise
One day, while working on their project in the library, y/n noticed a large bruise on Nayeon's arm. It was a deep purple and looked painful.
"Nayeon, what happened to your arm?" y/n asked, concerned.
Nayeon glanced at the bruise and quickly pulled her sleeve down. "Oh, it's nothing. Just bumped into something."
y/n frowned. "That looks serious. Are you sure you're okay?"
Nayeon nodded. "Yeah, I heal quickly. It'll be gone in no time."
y/n didn't seem convinced but let it go, deciding not to push Nayeon further.
3. The night walk
One evening, y/n and Nayeon decided to take a walk around campus. The moon was full, casting a silvery glow on everything.
As they walked, y/n started talking about her family. "You know, my mom always told me stories about supernatural creatures. Like zombies, vampires, and werewolves."
Nayeon tensed slightly but kept her expression neutral. "Really? Do you believe in that stuff?"
y/n shrugged. "Not really. But it's fun to think about. Like, what if one of our classmates was a vampire or something?"
Nayeon forced a laugh. "Yeah, that would be... interesting."
Suddenly, they heard rustling in the bushes nearby. y/n jumped and grabbed Nayeon's arm. "Did you hear that?"
Nayeon, sensing it was just a small animal, smiled reassuringly. "Probably just a squirrel or something."
y/n sighed in relief. "You’re probably right. I’ve got an overactive imagination."
4. The temperature check
One chilly day, y/n and Nayeon were studying in the library. y/n noticed that despite the cold, Nayeon wasn't wearing a coat.
"Aren't you freezing?" y/n asked, shivering slightly.
Nayeon shook her head. "I'm fine. I don’t really feel the cold."
y/n, puzzled, reached out and touched Nayeon's hand. As always, it was cold. "You're always so cold, though. Are you sure you're okay?"
Nayeon pulled her hand back gently. "Yeah, I'm just one of those people who has cold hands. No big deal."
y/n frowned but didn’t press further. She made a mental note to keep an eye on Nayeon.
5. The running race
One day, y/n challenged Nayeon to a race across the quad. Nayeon tried to decline, but y/n insisted.
"Come on, it'll be fun!" y/n urged.
Nayeon reluctantly agreed. They lined up, and y/n shouted, "Go!"
To y/n's surprise, Nayeon sped ahead, running faster than anyone she'd ever seen. She reached the finish line in seconds, barely out of breath.
y/n, panting, caught up. "Whoa, are you like an Olympic runner or something?"
Nayeon laughed nervously. "I used to run track in high school."
y/n grinned. "Well, remind me not to race you again."
6. The mysterious sickness
y/n came down with a nasty cold one week, and Nayeon decided to visit her dorm to check on her. She brought a care package and stayed to keep y/n company.
As y/n lay in bed, she noticed something strange. "You know, Nayeon, you’re always around sick people, but you never get sick yourself."
Nayeon smiled. "I guess I just have a strong immune system."
y/n nodded, her eyes drooping. "You’re like... superhuman."
Nayeon chuckled softly. "Something like that."
7. The accidental exposure
One night, during a late study session, y/n accidentally spilled coffee on Nayeon's hand. Nayeon flinched but quickly wiped it off.
"Sorry!" y/n exclaimed, grabbing tissues to help clean up.
Nayeon smiled reassuringly. "It's okay. No harm done."
y/n noticed, however, that the hot coffee hadn’t left a mark on Nayeon's skin. "Wow, that was hot coffee. Doesn't it hurt?"
Nayeon shook her head. "I have a high pain tolerance."
y/n looked at her friend, a mix of curiosity and admiration in her eyes. "You’re really something, Nayeon."
Nayeon smiled, hoping her secret would remain safe for a little longer. "So are you, y/n."
Even with the countless weird moments exchanged between the two girls, y/n couldn’t exactly figure out what Nayeon was hiding. The younger girl made sure to keep an eye out on her friend, but she really had no idea how to connect these dots. Maybe it’s a problem for the future.
It was a lazy Saturday afternoon, and Nayeon and y/n were lounging in the younger’s dorm room. The sunlight streamed through the window, casting a warm glow on the room. They had just finished watching a movie, and the atmosphere was relaxed and comfortable.
y/n turned to Nayeon with a playful grin. "You know, if you keep being this amazing, I might just have to make a move on you."
Nayeon’s heart skipped a beat. She had been trying to keep her feelings in check, but y/n's words brought everything to the surface. She knew she couldn't start anything with y/n without revealing her true nature. It wasn't fair to her, and Nayeon valued their friendship too much to hide anymore.
Nayeon took a deep breath, her heart pounding. "y/n, there's something I need to tell you."
y/n's playful smile faded, replaced by a look of concern. "What is it, Nayeon? You look serious."
Nayeon struggled to find the right words. "This isn't easy for me to say, but I need to be honest with you. I'm... I'm not like other people."
y/n frowned, confused. "Okay…? What exactly do you mean?"
Nayeon looked down at her hands, taking another deep breath. "I'm not human, y/n. I'm a zombie."
There was a moment of stunned silence. y/n blinked, trying to process what she had just heard. "A zombie? Like, the living dead?"
Nayeon nodded, her voice barely above a whisper. "Yes. I know it sounds crazy, but it's the truth. I've been dead for a long time, but I'm still here, living a different kind of life."
y/n's mind raced, recalling all the strange quirks and incidents that now made sense. The cold skin, the incredible strength, the odd behaviors. "But... how? Why?"
Nayeon explained, her voice steady but filled with emotion. "I don't know honestly. I just… I’ve always been this way? I very honestly don’t know how this works, I just know I’m dead. I've been trying to live as normally as possible, hiding what I am. But I couldn't keep it from you, not anymore."
y/n stared at her, a mix of disbelief and shock on her face. She didn't know what to say or how to feel. Part of her wanted to comfort Nayeon, but another part of her was overwhelmed by the revelation.
Nayeon continued, her eyes pleading. "I understand if you need time. If you don't want to see me again, I'll understand, but I couldn't keep lying to you, y/n. You mean too much to me."
y/n took a deep breath, trying to steady her racing thoughts. "I... I need some time to process this, Nayeon. It's a lot to take in."
Nayeon felt a pang of sadness but nodded. "Of course. Take all the time you need. I'll be here if you have any questions or if you just want to talk."
y/n nodded slowly, her mind still reeling. "Thanks. I just... I need to think."
Nayeon gave her a small, understanding smile. "I get it. I'm sorry to spring this on you."
y/n shook her head. "No, you did the right thing. I just... need some space right now."
Nayeon stood up, her heart heavy. "I'll go. But remember, I'm here whenever you're ready."
y/n watched as Nayeon left the room, closing the door softly behind her. She sat there in silence, her mind a whirlwind of emotions and thoughts. She had so much to process, so many questions to answer. One thing was clear though: her feelings for Nayeon were still there, complicated now by this new revelation.
y/n paced around her dorm room, her mind still reeling from Nayeon's revelation. She needed someone to talk to, someone who could help her make sense of everything. Her eyes landed on her roommate, Jennie, who was lounging on her bed, scrolling through her phone.
"Jennie," y/n began, her voice a mix of uncertainty and urgency.
Jennie looked up, immediately sensing that something was off. "What's up, y/n? You look like you've seen a ghost."
y/n gave a shaky laugh. "I think I just did. Can we talk?"
Jennie sat up, putting her phone aside. "Of course. Spill it."
y/n took a deep breath and sat down on her bed, facing Jennie. "Okay, this is going to sound crazy, but... Nayeon just told me she's a zombie."
Jennie's eyes widened, and for a moment, she was speechless. Then, she burst into laughter. "A zombie? Like, 'brains' and 'undead' zombie? ‘Like The Walking Dead’?"
y/n nodded, feeling a mixture of relief and anxiety. "Yeah, that kind. And she's been hiding it all this time."
Jennie stopped laughing, realizing y/n was serious. "Wait, you're not joking?"
y/n shook her head. "Nope. Dead serious. Literally."
Jennie sat back, processing this new information. "Wow. That's... a lot to take in."
y/n nodded, running a hand through her hair. "Tell me about it. I don't know what to think or how to feel. I mean, she's still the same Nayeon, but now there's this whole 'undead' thing. Although, she’s been like that this whole time, right? Oh, what even…"
Jennie gave her a sympathetic look. "I get it. It's a lot to wrap your head around, but you know, Nayeon's a good person... or zombie. Whatever. She's always been there for you."
y/n sighed. "I know, and that's what makes it so hard. I care about her, but this is just... so out of the blue."
Jennie smiled gently. "Well, look at it this way. You now have a friend who'll never be late for class because they 'overslept.'"
y/n couldn't help but laugh at that. "Yeah, I guess there's that."
Jennie continued, her tone more serious. "But honestly, y/n, if anyone can handle this, it's you. You're one of the most understanding people I know, and Nayeon clearly trusts you a lot to reveal something this huge."
y/n nodded, feeling a bit more grounded. "Thanks, Jennie. I needed to hear that."
Jennie grinned. "Anytime. And hey, if she ever tries to eat your brains, just remind her I’ll kick her ass."
y/n laughed again, feeling a bit lighter. "I'll keep that in mind."
Jennie stood up and gave y/n a supportive hug. "You got this, y/n. And if you need any more zombie jokes to lighten the mood, you know where to find me."
y/n hugged her back, feeling a surge of gratitude. "Thanks, Jennie. You're the best."
Jennie winked. "I know. Now, go get some rest. You've had quite the day."
y/n nodded, feeling a bit more at ease. She still had a lot to process, but with Jennie's support, she felt more ready to face whatever came next.
(“She doesn’t look like those from ‘The Walking Dead’ though… maybe she’s like those from that one Disney movie?”
“Jennie, be so for real…”)
A few days had passed since Nayeon’s revelation. y/n had spent those days reflecting on their friendship, Nayeon’s secret, and her own feelings. Jennie’s constant stream of zombie jokes had kept things light-hearted, but y/n knew she needed to talk to Nayeon.
On a sunny afternoon, y/n decided it was time. She made her way to Nayeon’s dorm, feeling a mix of nerves and determination. She knocked on the door, and moments later, Nayeon opened it, looking surprised and a bit apprehensive.
“y/n,” Nayeon greeted, her voice tinged with uncertainty. “Hi.”
“Hi, Nayeon,” y/n replied, giving her a small smile. “Can we talk?”
Nayeon stepped aside, letting the younger girl in. “Of course. Come in.”
They sat down on Nayeon’s bed, a palpable tension hanging in the air. y/n took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts.
“So,” y/n began, trying to keep her tone light, “I’ve had a lot of time to think about everything. And I have to say, Jennie has made it her mission to educate me on every zombie joke ever made.”
Nayeon chuckled, a bit of the tension easing from her shoulders. “I can only imagine.”
y/n grinned. “Yeah, it’s been... interesting. But seriously, Nayeon, I’ve thought a lot about what you told me. And I realized something.”
Nayeon looked at her, a mix of hope and fear in her eyes. “What’s that?”
y/n reached out, taking Nayeon’s hand in hers. “I realized that I like you, Nayeon. A lot. And zombie or not, that doesn’t change.”
Nayeon’s eyes widened, and a smile slowly spread across her face. “Really?”
y/n nodded. “Really. Besides, having a zombie girlfriend could be pretty cool. I mean, I’ll never have to worry about you getting sick or anything.”
Nayeon laughed, the sound filled with relief and happiness. “True. And I’ll always be around, no matter what.”
y/n grinned. “Exactly. And you know what else? I’ve decided that having a zombie girlfriend gives me a lot of material for teasing.”
Nayeon raised an eyebrow, amusement dancing in her eyes. “Oh, really?”
“Yep,” y/n replied, leaning in closer. “For example, did you know that you’re drop-dead gorgeous?”
Nayeon groaned, playfully swatting at y/n. “That’s terrible!”
y/n laughed, enjoying the light-hearted banter. “I know, but you’re stuck with me now.”
Nayeon smiled, her eyes softening. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
y/n’s expression turned more serious, though her eyes still sparkled with mischief. “But in all seriousness, Nayeon, I’m really glad you told me. I know it must have been hard, but I want you to know that I’m here for you. Always.”
Nayeon’s eyes filled with emotion, and she squeezed y/n’s hand. “Thank you, that means more to me than you’ll ever know.”
y/n leaned in, closing the distance between them, and pressed a soft kiss to Nayeon’s lips. It was gentle and sweet, filled with all the emotions they had kept hidden.
When they pulled back, Nayeon looked at y/n with a smile. “You know, I was really worried about how you’d react.”
y/n smiled back, her eyes filled with affection. “Well, I’m not going anywhere. Besides, I’m pretty sure Jennie herself would be heartbroken. Either way, I’m staying, deal?”
Nayeon laughed, pulling y/n into a hug. “Deal.”
As they held each other, the weight of the past few days lifted, leaving only the warmth of their connection. y/n knew that their relationship wouldn’t always be easy, but with Nayeon by her side, she felt ready to face whatever came their way.
And maybe, just maybe, having a zombie girlfriend wasn’t so bad after all.
(“Does she eat brains though? Should I be ready? Get a wired bat or something?”
“I’ll make her eat your brain if you don’t stop asking questions.”
“I need to know!”
“It’s 3am!”)
A few weeks had passed since y/n and Nayeon had their heartfelt conversation, and their relationship had blossomed beautifully. y/n, true to her promise, continued to keep things light-hearted and fun. Nayeon, on the other hand, enjoyed every moment, grateful for the love and acceptance she had found.
One sunny afternoon, y/n, Nayeon, and Jennie were lounging in y/n and Jennie’s dorm room, enjoying a lazy weekend together. Jennie, ever the unserious woman, was in the middle of telling another one of her infamous zombie jokes.
“Okay, okay, here’s a good one,” Jennie began, her eyes twinkling with mischief. “Why did the zombie break up with his girlfriend?”
Nayeon rolled her eyes, but a smile played on her lips. “Alright, let’s hear it.”
“Because she wanted something more ‘alive’ in the relationship!” Jennie delivered the punchline with a dramatic flourish, bursting into laughter.
y/n groaned, shaking her head. “Jennie, that’s terrible.”
Jennie grinned. “I know, but I live to make you two laugh.”
Nayeon playfully swatted at Jennie. “You’re impossible.”
y/n leaned over and kissed Nayeon’s cheek. “But we love you anyway.”
Jennie feigned wiping away a tear. “Aw, thanks, guys. I feel so loved.”
Nayeon smirked. “Keep this up and I’ll have your brain for dessert.”
Jennie snickered. “I don’t think y/n would appreciate that. Right y/n?”
y/n laughed, wrapping an arm around Nayeon’s shoulders. “Definitely not, but I like my girlfriend just the way she is, so I might just let her do it.”
Nayeon beamed, leaning into y/n’s embrace. “And I like you just the way you are, too.”
Jennie grinned, watching her two friends with a fond expression despite the threat. “You guys are really cute, you know that?”
y/n and Nayeon exchanged a glance, both smiling. “Thanks, Jennie,” y/n said. “But don’t think that means you’re off the hook for all those zombie jokes.”
Nayeon nodded in agreement. “Yeah, we’ve got plenty of teasing material now.”
Jennie raised her hands in mock surrender. “Alright, alright. I’ll try to be good.”
y/n snorted. “Sure you will.”
They all laughed, the room filled with warmth and joy. As they settled into a comfortable silence, y/n looked at Nayeon, her heart full. She knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, with love and laughter.
And maybe, just maybe, a few more terrible zombie jokes along the way.
(“Do you think Nayeon could hook me up with a vampire or something?”
“That’s it, I’m moving out…”
“This is important! My wattpad life!”
"Stop asking me questions at this godforsaken hour!")
A/N: Hi everyone! I'm finally free from being married to the hospital, and I'll have a bit more free time for about a month. I'll try to update as much as I can during this period of time. I have some requests lined up and I'll finally get to them. This is in honor to Nayeon's first comeback as a solo artist, I hope you enjoy it. If you want to request something or simply chat feel free to do so.
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forlorn-crows · 1 month
𝑯𝒐𝒍𝒅 𝑶𝒖𝒕 𝑭𝒐𝒓 𝑶𝒏𝒆 𝑴𝒐𝒓𝒆 𝑫𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒌
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Rating: Mature (implied sexual content)
Relationship(s): Aether/Rain
Tags: daddy kink, quintosis (quintessence as hypnosis), post-hypnotic trigger/suggestion, implied transmasculine rain, mildly dubious consent & morality, intox kink, alcohol. let aether be SLEAZY let him be NASTY. we love a wine drunk lightweight rain.
Words: 2189
Guppy. The quint ghoul watches the petname hit Rain’s brain and settle there, making his hips falter in their swaying. He makes an unconscious noise, momentarily stupored. But the haze is gone the next time he blinks, replaced with the almost imperceptible dilation of his pupils. A few sparkles of amethyst blend into his normal cerulean irises, indicative of Aether’s little trick he’s just begun to play. It’s simple, really. A little post-hypnotic suggestion, if you will. “That’s a new one; have you called me that before?” Rain giggles a little and takes another sip of his wine. Oh, has he.
Notes: for my bestie @divine-misfortune; happy birthday, void! he requested "I am placing an order fr Aeth and his guppy,,,,As for what theyre doin? Good question-idk maybe gettin him cute n dumb in public or smthn so he needs his daddy" and thus, this fic was born
Read the rest under the cut, or on AO3!
The abbey grounds are alive with celebration; alight with lanterns, string lights, and a great bonfire down the hill; the smell of stew, mulled wine, and crisp apple mixes with the fresh promise of autumn that cools the breeze. Many libations are passed amongst the scattered groups of ghouls and siblings, as well as shared laughs and cozy conversation. It’s a nice night for festivities, and it’s only bound to get rowdier as the evening progresses. 
Rain, of course, is no stranger to a good time. A glass of cranberry wine downed already with another one halfway drunk in his hand, he sways to Swiss and Mountain’s guitar-percussion duo they’ve set up just beyond the bonfire. The multi ghoul strums an unnamed melody while Mountain accompanies with a rhythm on an old floor tom. Easy-going and no particular songs in mind. A few others bustle around him—Cumulus spins Aurora around to her giggling delight, a group of siblings dance amongst their little circle, and Aeon is very obviously wiggling his butt for Swiss’ benefit. 
Not that Rain isn’t doing something similar. Aether’s quite enjoying watching the water ghoul sway his hips and smile coyly over his shoulder as Mountain blows him a kiss. He’s equally as cute in the outfit said drummer most likely picked out for him: a charcoal gray thermal underneath a cream colored blouse, chocolate brown joggers that hover above his leather chelsea boots and show off black wool socks, all topped off with a modest gold ring on his wine-glass-wielding hand. In his hair, bright magenta aster blooms are woven alongside yellow heliopsis flowers in the waterfall braids looping under his horns. 
A right autumn beauty that has Aether itching to touch, to charm.
“Hi, cutie,” he says appreciatively, slipping his hands around Rain’s waist after sauntering up behind him. He pecks the water ghoul on the cheek.
Rain hums and presses his chilled lips to Aether’s mouth. Cinnamon sugar and berry gracing the tip of his tongue. “Hi yourself,” he grins. 
The quint ghoul falls in time with Rain’s hip sways, pressing himself to his back. “And what number drink are we on, love?” he asks, like he doesn’t already know the answer.
“Excuse me, this is only glass number two, thank you very much,” Rain says indignantly. He turns up his nose playfully and flips his hair into Aether’s face, who simply chuckles and blows the strands away.
“Gotta pace yourself; don’t want to see this pretty face passed out in the lawn now, do we?”
Rain rolls his eyes. “I don’t see you enjoying the fruits of Mountain’s berry picking labor.” He throws another coquette look at the earth ghoul, playing it up as a compliment. 
Aether hums. “Open up and let me really taste, then,” he lilts, nipping at Rain’s jaw with a growl. 
“Ugh,” he laughs through a groan. In trying to dodge Aether’s attack, the red wine sloshes over the rim of his glass and soaks into the cuff of his thermal. “Aetherrr,” he complains, picking at the sleeve. 
Aether tuts. “It’s only a little—it’ll dry, guppy.”
Guppy. The quint ghoul watches the petname hit Rain’s brain and settle there, making his hips falter in their swaying. He makes an unconscious noise, momentarily stupored. But the haze is gone the next time he blinks, replaced with the almost imperceptible dilation of his pupils. A few sparkles of amethyst blend into his normal cerulean irises, indicative of Aether’s little trick he’s just begun to play.
It’s simple, really. A little post-hypnotic suggestion, if you will. 
“That’s a new one; have you called me that before?” Rain giggles a little and takes another sip of his wine. 
Oh, has he. He plays innocent. “What, ‘guppy’?” 
Rain giggles again, almost automatic. “Uh huh. Kinda like it.” Aether can tell he doesn’t know why he says so. It’s part of the design, of course, that he doesn’t catch on to what the nickname does to him. How each utterance weaves a little more magick into his mind, dropping him that much further. Rain hums, leaning into Aether more heavily than before. 
“Thought you might,” he rumbles, giving him a peck on the cheek. He catches Mountain’s eye over the water ghoul’s shoulder, his expression now twisted with a mix of amusement, suspicion, and maybe a little bit of jealousy. Aether throws him a wink, and the earth ghoul rolls his eyes and shakes his head with a smirk.
He taps the rim of Rain’s wine glass. “Is my pretty ghoul gonna pace himself properly, or will I have to keep an eye on you, mister?”
“Mmm, you can keep an eye on me all you want.” Rain wiggles his ass against his crotch suggestively. 
Aether chuckles and gives his waist a squeeze. “Watch it, now; you get into too much trouble and I’ll have to whisk you away from all the fun, guppy.”
Rain shakes his head exaggeratedly, whining in disagreement. Stumbling a little on his next hip swivel. “Nooo, let me have fuuun,” he protests. “I’ll be gooood. Promise.” He offers up the pinky on his free hand. The hammered gold band on his middle finger flashes with the firelight across the field. 
Aether links his pinky with his own. “I’ll be watching,” he warns playfully, nipping at his jaw again. Rain doesn’t swat him away this time. The quint ghoul offers a pat on the ass before he walks away, busying himself with hor devours and fish stew.
It’s a few hours later before they cross paths again, Rain noticeably tipsier and loose-limbed as he converses with Dew at the bonfire. If Aether’s observations were correct, the glass of dark, blackberry wine in his hand should be his fourth drink now. He’d be inebriated without the magick, lightweight as water ghouls typically are, but the touch of quintessence makes him needier, more tactile than he otherwise would be. It’s a side effect that makes itself known quite obviously: kissing Mountain full on the mouth after his and Swiss’ set was finished, resting his head on Sunshine’s shoulder as she fed him prosciutto and cheese cubes from her snack plate, holding a sister’s hand as he walked with her through the small rose garden that surrounds the outside walls of the bathhouse. 
Like this, he’s seductive and ripe for the taking. Aether’s drawn back to him like a magnet.
“ . . . wanna go someplace on the coast,” Rain is saying as he approaches the pair. “When it’s warm.” Rain pouts.
Dew makes a face. “Ugh, I don’t know if I can take more outside shows; too fuckin’ hot.”
“Y’re ‘fuckin’ hot,’” the water ghoul smirks, poking at Dew’s leg with his boot. 
Dew just rolls his eyes fondly. “And you’re drunk, starfish.”
“Nuh uh—”
“Think Dew’s right, guppy,” Aether interjects, placing his hands on Rain’s shoulders. “Hm?” Rain raises a finger above his head, waggling it in front of Aether’s chest to emphasize his nuh uh. Aether can feel the magick swirl that much deeper under his fingers, making Rain hiccup and drop his head back against the quint’s body.
Beside them, Dew crosses his arms and laughs knowingly. “Guppy, huh?” He raises an eyebrow and bites the inside of his cheek to stop his mouth from quirking up further. Mentally, Aether shrugs. So a few of them know of his tricks—sue him. They’ve enjoyed the effects of Rain’s (and their own) nickname before, so, really, they have no place to judge.
“‘s cute,” Rain slurs, smiling up at Aether. “Gu-ppy. Guuuuuppy.”
“Why don’t ya say it a few more times?” Dew snorts, turning to busy himself with the fire and leaving Aether to his sleazy antics. Luckily, Ifrit’s there to hold his attention. The quint ghoul slips around and takes the free spot on Rain’s left. He’s immediately greeted with a lapful of clumsy water ghoul, who chooses to climb on top of him instead of stay in his own seat. 
“Hi, love,” Aether says warmly, wrapping his arms around him. Deftly, he plucks the wine glass from Rain’s hand and places it on the stump beside them. “You enjoying yourself?”
“More now tha’ y’re here,” he smiles, all drunk and dopey. He loops his arms around Aether’s neck and hums. Adjusts himself more than comfortably on his lap, legs hanging over his hips and bellies pressed together. 
“I’m glad, my pretty guppy,” Aether rumbles. Rain makes a noise at the back of his throat, quick and breathy. Aether watches his eyelids flutter for the first time since the night began, like a moth's wings as they carry the flying creature closer to the flames. He tuts and brushes his thumb over the water ghoul’s cheek, who leans into the touch with a needy purr. 
“Y’ feel nice,” he sighs dreamily. 
“Not getting tired?” he asks, a self-satisfied smile crossing his face as Rain fights to blink away the haze.
He shakes his head, sticking out his bottom lip and wriggling closer. Rolling his hips not-so-subtly against Aether’s crotch. “Uh-uh.” 
“No? Looks like that wine is getting to you, love,” he teases. 
“Aetherrrrrr,” Rain wines. He wiggles again, and Aether can feel the damp heat starting to radiate off of him. Teetering perfectly between giggly, aroused, and falling asleep standing up. “Let me have fuuun,” he echoes himself from earlier.
“Out here, in front of everyone?” Rain groans and sticks his face into the crook of Aether’s neck. He chuckles to himself and wraps those big arms tight around his lithe body. One more, and he’ll be just where he wants him. He puts his mouth to Rain’s ear and whispers: “No—don’t want you to get sloppy, guppy; why don’t we tuck in for the night? You and me, what do you say?”
It’s like a weight drops on his body, Rain going so lax against him until his arms slip off Aether’s shoulders, head only staying up because his chin keeps it hanging off of Aether’s chest. He’s not dropped all the way, not just yet, but his face pulls into an expression of bliss and his eyes slip all the way closed this time. Purrs increasing in intensity as he helplessly melts into Aether’s control. 
And then he says something Aether wasn’t entirely prepared for; something that makes his breath catch in his throat and his pants get tight.
Rain sighs happily, stupidly, eyes reopening to amethyst-tinged slits as he gazes up at the quint ghoul. He smiles, licking his lips like a dog settling down for a nap. “Okay, daddy.”
Fuck. Aether bites back a groan. “Yeah, baby?” he says softly. “You wanna cozy up with Daddy?”
“Mm-hm,” he nods. 
Aether scoops him up immediately. He can feel Mountain’s jealous stare against his back as he carries Rain back to the abbey, no doubt thwarting the earth ghoul’s plan to strip Rain of the outfit he picked out for him and take him slow and sweet. The quint ghoul flicks his tail behind him: next time, big guy. 
Rain makes a noise of protest as he’s eventually plopped onto Aether’s bed, nearly falling over as he makes grabby hands towards the bigger ghoul.
“Just closing the door, sweet boy,” Aether assures. 
When he turns back, there’s a blush on Rain’s cheeks, rosied from the cool air. He looks back at Aether with big eyes, whining as he starts to paw at his own clothes. Needy and eager. A picture of casual sin, the braids around his horns have gone loose from the night’s festivities, flowers cascading down his curls like fallen leaves that get stuck in branches on their descent to the ground. The merriment which disheveled his pristine look has also sullied his blouse, now stained crimson in a few rogue spots from the wine. And as Rain shifts and spreads his legs a little, Aether catches sight of the tiny damp patch in the crotch of his pants, his sudden arousal obvious and impossible to hide. 
It’s enough to make his mouth water. “Fuck, look at you; handsome, handsome boy,” he rumbles. Aether crouches over him, bracketing Rain’s torso with his arms and leaning in to graze their noses together. The smell of wine and sweet, heady arousal hits him like a punch to the gut. In an instant, his resolve crumbles, and all he can do is groan. “Daddy wants you so bad, baby.”
Rain’s whimper turns into a gasp as Aether runs a hand down his thigh. “Oh . . . but—clothes,” he says dumbly, still grabbing at them. 
“Don’t worry, guppy—” he breathes, tracking that hand back up to the waistband of his pants, then his fly. Rain’s groan is soft, trailing off at the end as he starts to slip somewhere distant, putty in the quint ghoul’s hands. Aether pops the snap and pulls the zipper down with one claw, pushing past Rain’s fly to cup him over his now damp underwear. His mouth brushes against the water ghoul’s messily, hungrily, and lets the momentum of it all take them both down onto the bed. 
“—Daddy’ll take good care of you.”
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mylovelies-docx · 1 year
Sorry, I Love You - Part 4
Oh, shit. I was supposed to post this today, wasn't I?
Plot: You and Bucky have a good thing going - best of friends that also have more than a little chemistry between the sheets. Everything is fine until you develop feelings for the man who doesn't want a relationship. What will happen when Bucky finds out?
C/W: Feels, anxiety, grown ass adult conversations
Word Count: 2,055
Tag List: NOW CLOSED! If you'd like to keep up with this story, please follow my blog and turn on notifications! ❤️ you :)
[Prologue][Part 1][Part 2][Part 3]
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You nibble on your thumb nail, trying and failing to pay attention to the audiobook blasting in your ears. You’re only a few short minutes from touching down at Avenger’s Tower after months away. There’s a nervous excitement bubbling away under your skin, but it is tempered by anxiety of seeing Bucky again.
You can’t help but glance at the parachutes lined up along the wall of the cargo bay you’re sitting in. Shaking your head imperceptibly, you dismiss the impulse as a coward’s way of avoiding an uncomfortable situation. You’ve already come up with a strategy, a game-plan, for how you are going to deal with Bucky and make this situation as easy as possible for the both of you.
You’re startled from your musings when you feel a hand lift the headphone from your ear. You turn wide eyes to Steve as he crouches beside you and tells you that you’ll be landing in less than a minute. 
You nod mutely. You discard your headphones and place them back into your duffel bag while tucking your phone into your back pocket. You take a steadying breath as you feel the quinjet settle down onto the landing pad. Steve and Sam join you at the back of the jet. With a soft jolt and a hiss of pressure, the bay doors open wide.
Standing against a backdrop of glass and steel and the bottom of the giant ‘A’ stands a lone figure.
He’s the only one on the platform, the wind fiercely whipping against his clothing and hair this high up. You can’t help but admire him for a fraction of a second. As you notice that his hair no longer brushes against his collarbones – instead, the short strands don’t even reach his eyes when the wind blows them onto his face. He looks ruggedly handsome with the new haircut, the length helping to define his face and accentuate the stubble growing across his jaw.
The effect he has on you is almost instantaneous, your heart acting as if you hadn’t spent months away from him at his request. It beats a staccato rhythm in your chest, demanding blood to flow to the beat of Bucky, Bucky, Bucky. 
You take a stutter-step off the jet, hoping for composure.
You remain five steps behind the boys as Bucky claps Steve enthusiastically on the back as they hug, muttering something into his ear. Then he lets go to grip Sam’s hand before bringing him in to bump shoulders. You use this time to look behind Bucky, checking to see if anyone else from the team is going to show up to greet you since you’re sure you won’t be receiving as warm a welcome from the man before you.
“Everyone else is out at the moment,” Bucky’s voice calls out hesitantly. You turn your eyes back to him, watching a pained smile spread across his lips as your eyes meet after so long apart. The wind snatches his next words away so you’re not sure if you weren’t meant to hear them or not, but you watch his lips form the words ‘Hey, doll’ as his smile relaxes into something less rigid.
A knife wedges itself into your ribs at the name. You swallow hard and paste a polite expression on, nodding your head in acknowledgement. Taking a deep breath, you hoist your bag higher onto your shoulder and walk inside, bypassing the group of men as they watch you leave.
You enter the building, breathing in the scent of your home and reacquainting yourself with the familiar surroundings. The medbay resides behind glass walls directly in front of you, the easy access from the landing pad having saved you life and limb on a number of occasions. 
Your feet guide you to the elevator on instinct, showing you the way to your rooms without conscious effort. The ding of the elevator doors closing and the hum of Black Sabbath playing quietly over the speakers brings a small but genuine smile to your lips, your first today.
You don’t anticipate many in the coming weeks.
The doors ding once again and you step out into the living quarters. You run your hands along the back of the plush sofa as you pass, then slide your fingers along the textured wallpaper as you exit the living room and head towards the bedrooms. 
You’re halfway down the hall when the stairwell door ahead of you opens quickly. You stumble to a halt as Bucky steps out, slightly out of breath. You watch him as he first looks in the direction you were walking then swivels his head to look back at you where you stand with your hand against the wall.
Your hand rises to clutch at the straps of your bag on your shoulder, now using two hands to keep it aloft instead of one. You fret with a loose seam with your fingernails when Bucky calls your name softly and walks slowly toward you.
He stops a mere foot or so away from you, but you increase the distance with a step back. There’s a flash of something in his eyes when you move away, so fast you can’t tell what it was.
His voice is soft when he speaks. “Can we talk?”
Shit. You hadn’t been expecting to have this conversation so soon. You’d been hoping for a little time to get into the right headspace, get your emotions in check before facing him head-on.
You nod your head and wipe your expression blank, removing your fidgeting hands and keeping them slack at your side. You lock down every emotion inside of you, just in case you can’t say what you need to.
Bucky nods back at you and stuffs his hands into the pocket of his jeans, pulling in on himself. You can’t stand to see him so uncomfortable around you.
“Listen, doll, I wanted to apologize –” he begins. 
If you hear Bucky apologize again for suggesting to sleep together, hear how much he still regrets having spent time knowing you intimately, you will implode. All the feelings you’ve sorted through and the realizations you’ve come to in the last couple of months will burst forth out of your chest and spew all over Bucky. You’ll vomit out the words you held back when you were ‘together’. Then eight letters that would ruin everything between you forever will fall from your lips and land at his feet, where he is sure to stomp them flat underneath his boots again.
You can’t hear it. Not again. So you stop him from breaking your heart a third time.
“Stop.” You raise a hand in the air, palm towards him. You wave it back and forth in an effort to halt the apology in his throat. He closes his mouth and looks at you questioningly.
“We don’t have to rehash our last conversation, James. I get it, you –”
“James?” he interrupts softly, tilting his head to the side in confusion.
Dammit, he’s probably right, you think to yourself, that’s still probably friendlier than he wants.
“Sorry. Sargeant, then.”
“That isn’t what –”
“I did what you asked and got myself together,” you begin again. You stare hard at a blur just past Bucky’s head, unable to meet his eyes and see the anger and loathing again. “You don’t have to worry about any lingering feelings on my part. I took the time away to realize that I only thought I felt that way about you due to our arrangement.” 
Liar, liar, LIAR. You loved this man then, and you love him now. But your love suffocated him, stifled his ability to explore his sexuality and intimacy with new partners in the 21st century after decades under Hydra’s control. He wanted no strings attached to figure out what he needed, and you took the opportunity and ran with it. He gave you an inch and you took miles.
You refuse to do that to him again.
“I sincerely apologize again for forcing my feelings on you and overstepping. I understand if you no longer wish for me to call you Bucky or James, if you still wish to not be friends anymore. I –”
“Y/N, no,” Bucky says. He removes a hand from his pocket and steps forward, barely reaching out for you before dropping his hand again. “I never said that.”
Well, it was implied, you thought bitterly, sadly. “I don’t mind the formality, Sergeant. If that’s what I need to do in order –”
“Don’t call me that,” Bucky demands forcefully. The shock of his words finally gets you to look him in the eyes. His jaw is locked tight and you can see his teeth grinding together.
So he doesn’t want me to address him at all? You think. Doesn't want me to speak with him at all?
“Ah. Well that…” You scratch the back of your head, turning your face away from him. “I mean – I won’t bother you outside of missions from now on, but I need at least some way of addressing you during –”
“If you say one more word, I’m going to lose my fucking mind!” Bucky yells at you, finally exasperated enough to raise his voice. 
You flinch and take another step back. “Sorry…” you murmur, looking down at the carpeted flooring under your shoes. All the sudden, you see Bucky’s boots inches from your own and feel his hands grab hold of your shoulders – not rough, but also not gentle. You raise your head, your wide eyes meeting his.
“I never said I didn’t want to be friends,” Bucky says vehemently. “Y/N, I am so sorry for how I acted the last time we saw each other – sorry for how angry I got.” At this, his hands loosen a fraction on your shoulders, his fingers no longer digging into the soft flesh of your shoulder blades. “You’re one of my best friends. I started seeing a new therapist after you left; she’s helped me realize how important you are to me. Helped me realize that –”
His words are cut off as you drop your bag and immediately slam into him, wrapping your arms tightly around his middle. You burrow your face into his neck and squeeze your arms when you inhale the familiar smell of his soap and skin. You’ve missed him so much, missed his company and his voice and his laugh and his smile and just everything about him. Your eyes begin to water when you feel his arms circle around you in return, pulling you tight into his embrace.
You speak into the space between your bodies quickly before he can finish his thought, wanting him to know that you can do this. You can be friends again. He doesn’t need to worry about loving you back. Just as long as you can still be his friend. Just as long as you can still love him in secret. Just as long as you can still secretly hope he changes his mind someday.
“I promise I don’t love you,” you say to him.
“Please, doll. Don’t say–” Bucky tries to loosen his grip and pull away, but you hold fast and keep going.
“I promise it was just a crush, I promise I don’t feel that way anymore.”
You remove your face from Bucky’s neck, looking up into his eyes. You have tears streaming down, but you give him a reckless smile, “I promise.”
You are such a fucking liar.
Because being in his arms again reminds you just how much you’ve missed them. Just how much you’ve missed loving him up close.
Bucky takes a moment to look desperately at you, eyes flickering between your own, trying to find any hint of a lie. You’re so happy Bucky still wants you in his life as a friend that forcing the love to stay hidden isn’t excruciatingly painful at the moment. 
Taking your words as truth, Bucky nods his head once and crushes you to his chest, squeezing tightly. You feel him sigh heavily when he rests his chin on top of your hair. Nuzzling softly, he places a small, chaste kiss onto the crown of your head before pulling away entirely. 
A sad smile mars his face, and you can’t imagine what caused it.
Part 5
@jackiehollanderr @rabbitrabbit12321 @12345sebby @blackwood-bodecker-housewife @lauraashley93 @themorningsunshine @happinessinthebeing @nash-dara @calwitch @stany0url0calwh0res111 @pono-pura-vida @learisa @introverbatim @kentokaze @marvelogic @kaz11283
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bia-wayne-west · 8 months
Boyfriend — Hwang Hyunjin X Reader
Summary: You are one of JYP Entertainment's makeup artists and are in a secret relationship with Hwang Hyunjin.
Warnings: Fluffy, a little smut, hot, secret dating.
A/N: This is my first k-pop imagine, I hope it's good. Remembering that I'm Brazilian and I don't speak fluent English, so please forgive any writing errors you find.
Request are open
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I ran towards JYP's door, knowing I was late. My alarm clock didn't go off, and I had to take a taxi to avoid being too late.
I wished good morning to the security guard, who let me through with a smile on his face. He was really nice, and even offered to help me carry my heavy backpacks when I needed to take makeup and brushes to the car.
She had been working for JYP for three years, being the makeup artist for a single group during that time. I was assigned to Stray Kids from the first day, and I was very well received by everyone.
The boys are always very kind, and include you in conversations, they don't treat you like a robot but like another human being. I also go on tour with them, so everyone's makeup looks perfect for any occasion.
It was during one of the trips that what no one expected happened. During one night of the show, it was very cold and I hadn't brought any coat. Furthermore, I really missed my family who lived in another country. When I least expected it, Hyunjin appeared, offering me his sweater.
He sat next to me, on the floor, and started talking to me. We had already had interactions together, but this was the first time I was alone with him.
After the show, I received a turkey breast sandwich from one of the staff, with his cell phone number. We started talking a lot.
It didn't take long for Hyunjin invited me on a date, and I thought a lot before accepting. That was four months ago, and we've been dating ever since.
It's extremely confusing to date an idol, especially when you work for their company. We cannot be together in public, nor show feelings around the staff.
If anyone found out, I would be fired, and if our relationship became public, Hyunjin could be kicked out of Stray Kids.
“How are you, Y/N?” Felix said, sitting in the high chair in the makeup room. He had clips in his hair, while Hani, my professional colleague, applied foundation to his face. “Did you wake up very late?”
“My alarm clock’s fault.” I said, throwing my bag on one of the dressers. I sanitized my hand with some alcohol gel and read my schedule for the day.
I should do makeup on Changbin and Lee MinHo, and then I should only be available in case one of them needs to touch up their foundation or powder.
“Good morning, Changbin.” I said, pulling out the chair for the man to sit down. He laughed, sitting down and starting to scroll through his smartphone. “What is today's event?” I asked.
“Let's take photos for our new album, and then we can leave.” He explained.
“So, I will apply more natural makeup on you , okay?” I said, and he nodded, agreeing. I did the makeup, and after that, I met with MinHo, who talked the whole time.
After that, I sat at one of the tables in the break room, waiting for someone to need me. I bought a coffee from one of the vending machines, so my tiredness would disappear.
“Unnie?” Hani called me, with her hands crossed behind her back and a grimace on her face. “Can you do me a favour?”
“Yes.” I said, throwing the disposable cup in the trash. “What do you need me to do?”
“Can you help one of the boys in my place?” She asked. “I have to leave early today, and EunHee told me that I could only go if I finished my work.”
“Who's the last boy you have to put makeup on?”
“Hyunjin.” She said.
“Of course, I can do his makeup for you.” I said, with a small smile on my face, almost imperceptible.
“Thank you, Y/N, you are an angel.” She thanked, bowing and leaving celebrating. “I'll take you to barbecue tomorrow, as thanks.” Hani shouted at me, making me laugh.
I went to the makeup room, seeing that most of the group members were no longer present. Hyunjin was already sitting in the chair, and Felix was waiting for the hairdresser to finish fixing his hair.
“Hi.” I whispered to my boyfriend, seeing him smile when he saw me.
“Hello, jagiya.” He said, also in a low tone. “I almost celebrated when Hani told me she would ask you to do my makeup instead of her.”
The brunette threw his head back, with a wide smile. He had his hair tied up and his face clean.
“Oppa, how do you want your makeup?” I wanted to know. It was bold to be so intimate with him, but Felix knew about our relationship, as did the rest of Stray Kids, and they kept it quiet.
“Do what you think is best, beautiful.” He murmured close to me, emphasizing the final sentence. “I trust you."
“You shouldn't trust me." I commented, taking a little of the foundation of his tone and depositing it on the acrylic plate. I chose one of the sponges, starting to apply the product to his soft skin. “I could do ridiculous makeup on you.”
“It would still be good, because you made it.” He argued, making me laugh.
“Oppa, you are so cheesy.” I spoke, a little louder than I should have , attracting Felix's attention, who looked at us, laughing.
He looked at his friend, seeing that Felix was making fun of us. Hyunjin rolled his eyes, looking back at me.
“When we finish the photos, we will have the day free.” He said. “I want you to go to my apartment.” Hyunjin suggested.
“I have to finish organizing the product counter.” I explained. “ can't go today.” I whispered, looking for concealer in the drawers.
“You do this every day, and the other makeup artists take advantage of it.” He said. “No one will die if you don't wash your brushes or store your foundations. Other makeup artists never do this, they leave all the work to you. This is not just your obligation.”
“Oppa, But what if my boss gives me a warning?”
“Stop worrying, Y/N. The other staff have to clean up their own mess, instead of waiting for you to clean it up.” Hyunjin raised his eyes, looking at the ceiling as I applied concealer to his dark circles, which were barely visible. “Let's go to my apartment, I have a surprise for you.”
“It's okay, Hyunjin.”I whispered, bringing my face closer to his. “I'll come to your apartment as soon as I can leave.”
He smiled broadly.
“You won't regret it, jagiya.”
I finished the makeup, applying small layers of lip tint to his lips. I forced myself not to give him a kiss, seeing him smile at me, almost guessing my thoughts.
“Thank you, Y/N.” He thanked me, getting up from the chair and looking at me. He walked past me and sat on the couch next to Felix, starting an animated conversation with his friend.
After saying goodbye to my colleagues, I requested a taxi through the app, entering the address of the building where Hyunjin lived. It wasn't too far from the company, but it would take a long time if I walked.
I didn't have time to touch up my makeup, so I took advantage of my time in the elevator to reapply my lipstick and blush.
His apartment was on the fifteenth floor, and had an electronic door lock. Even though we had only been dating for a few months, Hyunjin told me what the password was. After entering the code, I opened the door.
The light in the living room was on, and when I entered the room, I heard the sound of water coming from the master bedroom, indicating that he was taking a shower.
“My love?” I called him, closing the door and walking to the suite bathroom. “I already arrived.”
“Honey?” He asked, and as soon as I confirmed, I heard the sound of the shower turning off. After a few seconds, the door opened, revealing my boyfriend, with wet hair and underwear.
He had a white towel in his hands, and started to dry his hair, while I sat on his bed, watching him walk around the room. Hwang went to the closet, coming back with sweatpants and a white t”shirt.
“Come closer.” He pulled me by the hand, making me stand up. I was inches away from his body.
Hyunjin closed the distance between us, pressing his soft lips against mine. My hands went towards his neck. He was a little taller than me, meaning I had to stand on tiptoe to reach him.
His mouth was wet and sweet, with the minty breath of someone who had just taken a shower. My boyfriend's left hand reached my hip, while his right went towards my face, caressing me.
I started running my fingers through his soft hair, the soft, wonderful smell of the shampoo. Hyunjin's perfume had a woody tone, with the soft scent of roses and a slightly discreet refreshment. It looked like paradise.
Reluctantly, he turned away from me, with a wide smile that made his eyes close.
“I have something for you.” He announced, pulling me into the living room. Hyunjin told me to sit down, while he went to his small painting studio, returning with a painting in hand. “I did something, and I think it might please you.” The idol smiled, shyly, handing me the painting.
It was packaged, with grass green wrapping paper and a small bow. He waited anxiously, watching me open the package.
As soon as I took out the paper, I let out a surprised sigh.
It was me.
He had painted me. Made my portrait.
It was a prettier version of me, much more beautiful than I saw myself in the mirror. Hyunjin painted me with a smile on my face, and without lipstick or eye shadow. It was so beautiful I almost couldn't stop looking at it.
“Happy four month anniversary together.” He said, making a shy face, seeming to fear that I wouldn't like the gift.
“Hyunjin...” I tried to say, but I couldn't stop admiring the beautiful way my boyfriend saw me. “ It's so beautiful...” I said, in a whisper.
“Did you like it?” He wanted to know.
“I loved.” I confessed, smiling. I placed the painting carefully on the couch, and stood up, facing my boyfriend. “But I didn't buy you anything, sorry...”
I bit my lip, feeling ashamed that I had forgotten that today was our anniversary.
“I don't need any gifts, Y/N.” He said. “You are my greatest and best gift.”
I laughed, throwing my head back.
“I’? really sorry, love.” I said, running her hand over his face.
Hyunjin held my hand, leading me to the kitchen.
“Stop it, I told you I don’t need anything.” The rapper said. I sat in the chair, watching him take dishes from the fridge. I offered help, but he refused. “The surprise is not over yet.”
“Do you have one more surprise for me?” I asked when I smelled the tasty aroma coming from the dishes.
“I cooked for you.” He announced, taking the lid off the container and showing me the food he had prepared. “Tteokbokki!” He said, proudly.
“You did that?” I asked, surprised.
He smiled, grabbing clean dishes from the cupboard. Hwang also placed two glasses and glasses on the table.
“I wanted to do something special for you, darling.” He said. “I always go to your house and eat the food you make, so I wanted to give back.”
I smiled at him, helping myself to a portion of the meal. My boyfriend also bought bottles of Soju and some wine. Because he was the oldest, he insisted on serving me the drink.
“Thanks.” II thanked him. “Everything is perfect, Hyunjin.”
I ate the first spoonful, tasting the food. He also tasted it, making a small face, usual when he liked something.
“It's so good.” I spoke.
The rapper and I finished eating, and even though I offered to wash the dishes, he forbid me from going near the sink. The brunette invited me to see a horror movie.
I sat down on the soft sofa, right next to him. Hyunjin began the horror film, adjusting himself on the upholstery. I rested my head on his shoulder, feeling the idol's hand slide over my shoulder, caressing me.
We hugged for most of the movie, until he put his hand on my thigh. It was an innocent gesture, but the hair on my body stood up, and I bit my lip, deciding to stop the movie.
I pulled the rapper by the neck, making him turn towards me. I kissed him very cheerfully. He returned the gesture, taking his hand off my thigh and placing it on my face.
In a bold move, I lay down on the couch, pulling him on top of me. Hyunjin wasn't heavy, but he still stayed on his knees so he didn't put all his weight on me.
The kiss continued, and the man let his mouth roam my face, distributing kisses until he reached my neck. I wore a black tank top, which left him free to leave me with several hickeys.
I took my hand to the hem of his shirt, letting it penetrate the fabric, feeling his slim abdomen. I felt him get goosebumps from my touch, and I gave a cheeky smile when I saw that Hyunjin kissed my breasts.
Suddenly, he stopped, sitting on the sofa and taking off his t”shirt, leaving just his pants on. I smiled when I saw the red marks I had left on his skin, probably my neck was equally marked.
“We're going to miss the end of the movie.” He said, laughing.
“We can see it again tomorrow.” I spoke. “However, we would lose the ending the same way.”
The brunette came back on top of me, taking his hands to the hem of my blouse, asking permission with his eyes. I nodded, biting my lip and stretching my arms to help him with the task of getting me naked.
Hyunjin unbuttoned my dark wash jeans, and pulled them off, throwing them on the living room floor. The man looked at me, seeing that I was wearing a burgundy lingerie set.
“You are beautiful.” He said.
I smiled.
“You too, Hyun.” I said, pulling him again so that he was on top of me.
The idol's mouth went straight towards my breasts, which were still covered by the bra. I let out a low moan, caressing the back of his neck.
Hyunjin continued moving down with his lips, placing kisses down my abdomen, and stopping at my panties. He sent me a smile. To my surprise, he came towards my lips again, kissing me.
I reciprocated, letting the rapper's tongue enter my mouth.
My nails made small welts on the man's pale back, who sighed at the sensation.
“I love you.” He confessed, between the kiss.
“I love you.” I said, feeling his hand go down my body, stopping at my panties. The feeling was wonderful, and he looked at me, as if asking if he could continue with the touches. If I think, I kissed him again, authorizing Hyunjin to do whatever he wanted with my body.
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lukesvangelista · 3 months
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in which luke is your brother’s best friend.
warnings; pining, heavy make out session (but not quite smut), going after a sibling’s friend, little bit of an age gap (but totally legal i promise)
The music from the party throughout your house pulsed in your ears, your eyes blinded by the flashing lights that your older brother Max had set up in the living room. Luke was back in Toronto for the summer after his season with the Preds ended, and your brother thought there was no better way to celebrate than by getting black out drunk on a Friday night.
While a house party wasn’t your usual scene, you had to hand it to him - he had gone all out. In the middle of your kitchen island, a makeshift bar had been set up and boasted an array of drinks—beer, seltzers, and, of course, hard liquor. Nearby, your dining table was practically collapsing under the weight of takeout and finger foods. Laughter erupted as groups formed and dissolved, the animated conversations blending with the rhythm of the music.
Some guests, half of whose names you didn’t even know, gravitated towards the packed living room, where couches provided a safe place for French kissing and unfortunately, much more. The thought of what could go down on those couches practically made you sick, and you wanted nothing more than to find respite in a quieter area. So, naturally, you gravitated to your room.
Luke was in the kitchen talking to Max when he noticed your disappearance. It was fairly early in the night, but Max had already had one too many, and as much as Luke loved his best friend, he would rather be spending time with you. He wouldn’t admit to anyone, but the hardest part of Luke’s time in Nashville this past season was his lack of seeing you, “Hey, Max, I’m gonna head to the bathroom, alright? I’ll meet you back here soon!” Luke shouted over the music blasting, but Max was too busy to notice, so he slipped away easily enough.
Once in your room, you collapsed on your bed, quickly reaching over to shuffle a random playlist. You were trying to focus hard on the lyrics of “Lovers Rock”, but the truth is that you couldn’t keep your mind from wandering to the brown-haired boy downstairs.
It’s no secret that from preschool and onward, Luke Evangelista and your older brother Max had been inseparable, their friendship an unbreakable bond forged over girls, shared secrets, countless adventures, and most importantly (to them), their hockey careers. They had always been the perfect balance of humor and seriousness, hard work and slacking off, and, when it came to you, kindness and smallmindedness.
With three years between you and Max, he had always viewed you as the annoying little sister. Growing up, you didn’t have many friends, which meant that oftentimes, you would ask to hangout with him and Luke. And, oftentimes, that question would lead to Max slamming his bedroom door in your face. Luke, however, was different. Whenever he would come over and see you alone while Max was off doing something else, he would always offer to tag along. He would ask you about your favorite movies, songs, and books, and would even let you join some games of street hockey and pond hockey when the weather was nice. It didn’t take long for you to grow comfortable with Luke, his presence as an older brother figure becoming all too familiar in your life. Yet, amidst the comfort and familiarity, subtle shifts began to occur as the two of you grew older. A lingering glance here, a touch that lasted a moment too long there—small, almost imperceptible signs that something more profound was stirring beneath the surface.
Luke had been Max’s best friend for as long as you could remember. Growing up, he was like another brother to you, always around, always apart of your family. But recently, something had shifted. You couldn’t pinpoint exactly when it had started, but your feelings for Luke had changed. And, if you weren’t mistaken, his feelings for you had changed as well.
And Max knew nothing of it.
The sound of footsteps outside of your door made your heart skip a beat. A gentle knock followed, and you knew who it was before he even spoke.
“Y/N, it’s Luke. Can I come in?”
You froze, but tried to hide it as best as you could, “Sure,” you replied, trying to keep your voice steady.
Luke opened the door and stepped inside, closing it softly behind him. He looked around your room, a place he had been countless times over the years, but tonight felt different. “I didn’t mean to interrupt,” Luke spoke softly, nodding toward the direction of your phone.
“You’re not interrupting,” you assured him, sitting up slowly to pause the music. He smiled softly, gently asking for permission to move closer. You nodded.
He took a seat on the edge of your bed, a little closer to you than he ever had before. Turning his head to look at you, he sighed, “I just wanted to talk.”
You furrowed your eyebrows, a look of slight confusion etched across your face. It wasn’t rare for Luke to hang out in your room whenever he wanted to get away from tons of overwhelming activity, but this was different, and quite honestly made you a little nervous, “About what?” you asked, your curiosity piqued.
He rubbed his thumb across his nose, which had forever been one of his nervous habits. Throughout your guys’ childhoods, you had noticed it countless times - when he and Max performed in the fifth grade talent show, when he watched Canada win gold at the 2010 Winter Olympic Games, and when he was called up to play for Nashville for the first time. But you had never noticed it as intensely as you had in this moment, “About us,” he said, his voice just barely above a whisper.
Your heart raced. You had been hoping for this conversation for the longest time, but were now suddenly terrified of it. Nervously, you made eye contact with him, flames of his own anxiety dancing in his warm brown eyes, “What about us?”
Luke looked at you, sincerity extinguishing the anxious fire that was previously burning in his eyes, “I’ve been feeling something for awhile now, and I think you have too. I just… I just don’t want to hide it anymore.”
You felt a rush of relief mixed with nervous excitement as you struggled to process Luke’s words. Nashville Predators star Luke Evangelista just admitted his feelings for you. The boy that you had known since you were two years old had just admitted his feelings for you. Your older brother’s best friend had just admitted his feelings for you. You smiled quickly, replying almost instantly, “I feel the same way, Luke. I’ve been terrified to say anything because of Max.”
Luke nodded, his thumb dropping from his nose as his confidence began to grow more and more by the minute, “I know. But he’s not here now, and I don’t want to waste any more time pretending.”
With those words, the space between the two of you seemed to disappear. Luke leaned in slowly, giving you plenty of time to pull away if you wanted to. But you didn’t. Instead, you closed the distance, your lips meeting in a tender, hesitant kiss.
The kiss deepened, and soon the two of you were lost in each other. Luke’s hands gently cradled your face, and you ran your fingers through his wavy locks, pulling him closer. Every touch, every movement felt electric, charged with the intensity of your guys’ long neglected feelings.
For a moment, you pulled apart, breathless. “Are you okay?” Luke asked you, his forehead resting against yours.
You nodded, a shy smile playing on your lips, “More than okay.”
Luke kissed you again, this time more passionately. The two of you fell back onto the bed, your bodies pressing together, all of the noise of the world outside of your room fading away. It was just the two of you, both you and Luke finally giving in to what each of you wanted.
Time seemed to stop to stand still as you explored each other, learning the curves and lines of each other’s bodies, memorizing the taste and feel of each kiss. It was as if the both of you were making up for all the moments that you had kept your feelings hidden.
Eventually, you lay side by side, tangled in each others arms, your breathing slowly returning to normal. Luke brushed a strand of hair from your face, his eyes filled with a mixture of affection and wonder.
“This changes everything, doesn’t it?” you murmured, your voice soft.
Luke sighed, pressing a soft kiss to the top of your head, “Yes,” he agreed. “But I think it’s for the better.”
You traced your fingers on his bare chest as you nodded, speaking quickly, “I don’t want to tell him just yet.”
“Then we won’t,” Luke reassured, his fingers intertwining with yours, “we have all the time in the world, pretty girl.”
You nodded, feeling a sense of peace and security wash over you. The two of you would have to navigate this new situation, figure out how to tell Max, which scared the hell out of you (and Luke, but he wasn’t going to admit that to you at this moment). But in that moment, all that mattered was that you and Luke were together.
As you drifted off to sleep, wrapped safely in Luke’s embrace, you knew that whatever the future held, you would face it side by side (even if that meant forcing Luke out of your house through your bedroom window, or having an escape route at all times for the time being). And that was more than enough.
a/n; special thanks to @babygirlboeser for proofreading!!
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crying-fantasies · 6 months
Dance to impress
This is a crime, a painful and merciless torture, every cell of your body is on fire and the alcohol on your glass is the partial igniter.
As for the main one, he is on the middle of the dancefloor, bots and humans around, everyone in their own bubbles of joy and kinetic energy, flowing with music which has long since gotten a more energized strike, taking you for surprised since it was supposed to be a night of soft music only, a place to be in your own element for as far as you could get it to extend, small conversation was the best to soothe your nerves, talking to the bot you were very much in love but didn't have the courage to say it, consuming alcohol to help you calm down, feeling the cold and pleasant flavor as a barrier for your whole concentration, it was a cowardly tactic all things considered but he didn't seemed to care, only moving his own glass full of some kind of orange energon with something floating in form of bubbles on the top, like jellied neon paint or something, when you asked about it he admitted that "it's high grade, a new and very nice one, with boba silicone pearls, has a really fittin' name too", while you were asking yourself how far human cuisine has affected the cybertronian he just got one of the balls on his intake, showing it seating on his glossa for your curious eyes to see before consuming it whole, no bite or struggle as it seemed and you could even notice it's descend by the almost imperceptible movement of the protomesh of his neck, almost purring: "lover's passion", as he smiled at your decomposed self, happy with your obvious reaction by his coquettish nature.
That's just how Jazz is, that's what your brain shouts at you, don't take this wrong, don't destroy one of the most, if not only, long and truthful friendship you've ever had, it shouts the same again when the music gets a more deep bass, a more electric flow before erupting in a powerful song, creating a perfect dancing environment, people around shout in pure and raw ecstasy, couples get to the dancefloor, Jazz smiles, it's almost a smirk by the way he bites a side of his derma by looking over his shoulder armor to the filling dance spot behind him, engines running hot by the prospective to let loose, his lips getting bitten by his flat dentae somehow adding a flow of arousal to your body with the aftershock of the rumbling music, he looks back at you, catching on how you see the individuals, couples or groups having a good time.
You're intimidated, not in your usual spot on a saturday's night, and he knows it, having been selfish enough to get you here in the first place to try and connect again, like old times, but, on this occasion, with a different objective in mind, so he doesn't tell you to engage, opting for going alone out there, confidence in every step as he makes a little hole for himself in the ocean of bodies, moving with the song in a way you would believe it isn't metal that makes his body but flesh, the way he just seem to make a show of it is eye-catching, makes a different kind of thirst that can't be satiated by your cold drink no matter how many times a sip goes down to your stomach.
If you can't dissimulate soon it would be evident, looking around isn't the answer and makes him kind of confused, pausing for a second before starting again, new movements centering your attention back at him, the lights on his chassis appear to be part of his own lightning show with his blue biolights, something you never knew he could do before, soon it catches the attention of others, they swoon over him, in the way he moves and how he flashes a smile your way while doing a strange movement with his hand that flies above your understanding but has some bots putting more interest in him.
Of course, it couldn't be for you, Jazz is a very wanted mech.
He is just trying to show you how good he dances, nothing more, nothing less, and you hate yourself for not having much confidence as you down another drink, it's sweet with a hint of acid flavor, goes down easily, such rich sweetness covering the real intoxication, ice numbing your tongue to the sharp sting of strong alcohol.
You should have know better, should have taken care of yourself better as you try to see bleary-eyed to the mech next to you, others call his name from where the dancefloor is still increasing with the music, did he stopped dancing, enjoying himself, to come look at you?
How do you get to embarrass yourself like this?
"Doin' alright here?", His voice is raised, still silky soft, you can see the light flicking on his armor, coolant on him showing how hot his lines are going, because Jazz loves to dance, you have know since a very long time, and now you're the reason he is saying goodbye to the disappointed patrons around, even the DJ is asking him to stay, but he refuses good naturedly while holding you on his servo just above his big chassis.
What couldn't you give to be sober in this moment? Run to save face, just above what is his supposed chest, you can still feel the fire running behind his armor, feel every vibration of his vox under the metal while he promises to come back another day when his usual rave friends can't make him stay.
As it is custom, it makes things to you and, is has always been since you noticed, makes the cap holding back the bottle full of unsaid things flies to the stratosphere while words flood from your drunken state.
It's stupid, how easy a "I love you" shows it's ugly head after years of denying it, a drunken admision that comes from your lips, from a very bad kept secret that spills like boiling water out of a geyser, said so ungracefully, as drool is coming back from your stomach, so out of your hold that is no surprise nothing much can be remembered the day after, safely tucked in bed with a migraine pill right next to you and a glass of water.
It wasn't a wild night, but somehow it also was, Jazz has to deny amicably another mech from his advances after yesterday, he knew that performing a courting dance, a seeker one on top of that, was going to attract attention, he ain't no seeker but since very young he has always thought the way a seeker would move to attract the attention of their intended was romantic with a tint of lust over it, being natural from Staniz, part of Polyhex, gifting music and low shiny cristal was what could be seen a custom, perform a local dance was enough to attract attention as it showed around ones own biolights, but the seekers, flying frames seemed to have all the best things with those expressive wings, or so he thought that night a war frame was doing such dance to impress his intended and ended up catching everyone's spark in fire, no matter if they were seekers or just ground types that didn't have idea what was going on but still felt that unleashed desire, he wanted to do the same for you, do his own interpretation of it, make you catch on it, maybe flashing his lights in the right way if you want to really show off, but he knew humans did mate after dancing, so he used everything that he wanted onto his physical confession to pursue a deep relationship with you.
Not his luck, apparently, maybe he went over the top when he found you drunk next to your glass, apparently not knowing how half of the night went but not having the courage to ask him.
When Jazz hears you ask, timidly, embarrassed, if something happened yesterday, or if you did something stupid, he only smiles, but is that kind of smile that shows he knows something good but won't say it no matter how many times one ask, also smiling because you did have a fearsome courage under layers of soft lovable human grace.
"Everything okay"
You aren't ready to answer his feelings now, that's fine, he'll wait, content with your calm as a soft sigh is out of your mouth, relaxed body against his, making him repeat the "I love you" as many times as he wishes, internally, of course, burned it down for his databank to preserve, it's his secret and you can't get it away from him, if you do ask he will tell you, and if you ask for him to delete it there is no way he is going to deny it, but you wouldn't be so cruel, not more than you're at the moment, denying him your love even when he's so ready to tell you about his in the most passionate way that he can, but as the song says: "time after time", as he also knows you have this strange little bug that could make you run away from him the moment he says a word, if not sing to you, really, he has a few letters he could dedicate, and he smiles again while thinking of it, you seem kind of stressed.
"I enjoyed that one yesterday", there it is again, that I know something you don't smile, but he feigns ignorance, totally changing the topic, "we could go back-"
"No, not for me"
He doesn't pressure you for it.
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straw-kid · 1 year
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Jotaro Kujo Has A Vulture Culture Crush
JJBA Headcanon
Hello everybody! This is a very specific headcanon, I’ve been daydreaming sooo much about this latelly... it’s for the Vulture Culture comunity. What is this? Is an online subculture and form of hobbyist taxidermy based on the collection and preservation of animal remains. It takes its name from the practice of working with animals that have died of natural causes, as opposed to hunting or trapping.
The first interaction you had was probably in an environment like college, academic work, something where you both had a common knowledge and curiosity. You two frequented the library, cafeteria, college commons, but he had never seen you, otherwise you had already noticed him. First thing you thought "wow what a tall guy". Jotaro was always reading something or discussing deep ideas regarding studies, he really was an expert when he spoke.
In fact, there wasn't an interaction when you first saw each other. The first to notice something was Jotaro, something had caught his attention. You talked about a small collection in your house, a hobby that you loved very much and what was in your collection had piqued his curiosity. Jotaro leaned against the wall as if he were thinking about something else, but he was listening to you.
You didn't talk so much about, brief information. Kujo kept that to himself. After a few days, almost a week, he had discreetly asked a classmate for your name. As time went on, he would look for you very discreetly, try to find a chance to talk to you, but oh, Jotaro didn't have such good social skills when that attitude came from him, not that he felt insecure, but always overthinking what would be the most appropriate time.
One day when you least expected it, mutual friends of yours joined you in conversation, a group of people just walking away from class together. it was around eleven at night when you were leaving college to go home.
You took the last bus of the night and Jotaro was with you the whole time, he didn't seem to have anything to do with you, it wasn't common to see him at that time at the bus stop, maybe it was an unusual day in Jotaro's routine. You decide to break the ice and turn around to talk to him, when you do that, he was already looking at you.
You blush.
“Hey, I saw you in the group before” He says. “I’m Jotaro Kujo.” Extends a hand to shake you.
You introduce yourself. Shakes his hand.
He smiles very imperceptible. Gentle lips.
For someone who always had a closed expression, brought up several subjects, that time your waiting for the bus wasn't so dark and lonely. After that day, you had more interaction. Kujo had a crush on you, although he wanted to know more and more about you, he wasn't someone in a hurry, quite the opposite, he wanted things to take as long as they needed to.
He always tried to spend a little time with you when he could fit it into the week, Jotaro is someone very studious and focused on his research, but nothing that would get in his way when it came to you. The crush ceased to be just a crush, as the days went by, he really started to like you.
Reasons? Well, you are smart, master the subjects you like. You know a lot and surprise not only those around you, but Jotaro, he liked to feel proud of liking you. Knows how to be kind, he likes your simple nature in acting with affection for things, for animals, people, environment. He was someone more reserved, having those social skills cost him a little more energy, but for you, it was so yours.
He admires you.
To you, he wasn't very expressive, but you could tell he always had something for you. He liked to talk with you, at the end of some conversations he would hand you some book, research, something that would really interest you, Jotaro encouraged you to study a lot, even if he didn't have the look, he was a biology nerd.
(You noticed that your grades went up a bit after you started dating him...)
Kujo knew about your taste for animal skeletons, he was indifferent, he had the basic knowledge of species identification, but he wanted to please you, he wanted to show you that he was also part of your world. One day, he walks up to you, looks thoughtful and coughs dryly before saying something...
"I've been thinking, I'd like you to come with me for a walk on the beach." didn't mean to sound too weird. "Classes are usually full and I'm busy to have that time for our conversations." It wasn’t true. "Of course, if that’s what you want to go, I know you have your own things too." The deep tone of his voice sounded very respectful.
Obviously you said yes.
It was late afternoon, it was around five o'clock, oh how nervous you were, you put on your best clothes and fixed your hair, you were where you were scheduled to meet, you looked from one side to the other, and turning your corner, the man in a white coat appears. Wow what anxiety, but it was a good wrap to feel, you didn't know what to expect from an encounter with someone as silent and full minded as Jotaro. He smiled at you when you got close. "Shaw we go?" and thereupon he led the way to the shore. Empty and with a colder wind than the weather forecast said. Jotaro's shoes sank together with his in the soft sand, leaving the trail of his steps. The subject was flowing when you see a carcass in the distance, you widen your eyes, what could it be? The two of you get closer and you're excited but regretting to yourself that you didn't prepare for a situation, but who knew this would be bone hunting in the middle of a date? You convince yourself to just admire the animal's skull on the beach and leave it behind.
That's when Jotaro took gloves and a bag from inside his coat. "It seems to be some kind of seal that died a long time ago" he handed you the gloves. "Here, I don't think it pose any biological risk to us, but you look very good in those clothes, I don't want you to get dirty" and collects the seal's skull. You say "I believe it's a sea lion, a little young" and as you walked, corals, turtle shells, unrecognizable pieces of bone, even shark jaws, you collected and recorded what species you found, Kujo seemed happy in the search. He didn't show a great desire to acquire them like you did, but at the same time, showed the delight of being able to see these things up close, with you...
Sometimes you saw Jotaro magically take beautiful shells and animal teeth out of his hands, and sometimes extremely wet bones, where did he take them from? You hadn't seen him approach the water. Sometimes you watched discreetly as he did that and he seemed to catch things that didn't make sense, like a crab that appeared in his palm and pinched it, you heard a "shit!" out between his lips.
(You don't know about Stands, so Jotaro just accompanied you and Star Platinum walked around collecting the objects and delivering them to the Stand user's hand discreetly, but he didn't always take what was expected.)
That's when you looked between the weak waters of the tide and a perfect starfish. Jotaro's shadow covers you seeing what you had found, he opens his eyes in surprise and you hand it to him. "That's yours" you hand the starfish, he looks "Yare, yare..." he adjusts his hat and picks up the starfish.
He really liked the skeleton
At the end of the meeting, the bag made a rattling sound from the many bones you collected, wow, every creature of marine life was inside the bag and it was while you were talking that Jotaro revealed that this was a beach open only for research and material collection , there were no bathers or litter, just what nature left behind.
on Kujo's desk... a bone-pale starfish gleamed against the moonlight that night.
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mizu-chin · 4 months
Sarcasm and Love "Coexistence"
*English is not my first language, sorry for any mistakes*
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The morning was cold and foggy when S/N, Rin, and Shiemi were summoned for a practical exercise in the forest near True Cross Academy. The mission was to exorcise a Leaper, a demonic creature known for its aggressive and unpredictable nature. The group, led by Yukio Okumura, was prepared to face the challenge, though the members' confidence varied considerably.
Rin, with his usual enthusiasm, was ready for action, while Shiemi showed clear signs of nervousness. S/N, on the other hand, maintained her usual disinterested look, although her golden eyes were watching everything intently.
The Leaper appeared suddenly, its quick and erratic movements making it difficult to approach. Rin advanced with his Kurikara, the demon sword, but was quickly sidestepped by the creature’s agility. Shiemi tried to use her Tamer powers to control the situation, but her insecurity resulted in weak commands that the creature easily ignored.
Observing the scene, S/N sighed internally, silently disapproving of Shiemi’s weakness. With a quick and calculated move, she channeled her draconic abilities, generating an intense flame that enveloped the Leaper. In a matter of seconds, the creature was incinerated, leaving only ashes in the air. Rin looked at her with admiration, while Shiemi, embarrassed, averted her gaze.
S/N's impressive performance did not go unnoticed by Rin. He was already intrigued by her enigmatic personality, but now his interest began to evolve into something deeper, though he was not yet fully aware of it.
A few days later, a surprising decision was announced by the academy’s principal. S/N would be transferred to the same building where the Okumura brothers resided. The official reason was to observe how a human-dragon hybrid like S/N and the son of Satan with a human, like Rin, would react living under the same roof.
Rin and Yukio were initially perplexed but accepted the decision, while S/N remained indifferent, accepting the change with a shrug.
The initial adaptation was smooth. S/N maintained her reclusive behavior, spending most of her time in her room or in the gardens, avoiding unnecessary interactions. Yukio, with his usual rigor, observed closely, while Rin couldn’t hide his growing curiosity.
One morning, while Rin was preparing for another day of training, he descended the stairs and found an unexpected scene in the living room. S/N was sitting on the sofa, calmly petting Kuro, Rin’s demon cat familiar. The small feline purred happily, its eyes half-closed in contentment.
Rin paused at the door, surprised. It was the first time he had seen S/N smile, even if it was a small and almost imperceptible smile. Seeing her showing a moment of genuine tenderness and tranquility made something tighten in his chest in an unfamiliar way. He stood there, absorbing the scene.
"Good morning, Rin," S/N said without taking her eyes off Kuro, as if she had known he was there the whole time.
"Good morning," Rin replied, trying not to look too astonished. He slowly approached, sitting next to her. "Do you like cats?"
S/N shrugged, still petting Kuro. "They’re honest. They don’t pretend to be something they’re not."
Rin pondered this response, realizing that it revealed more about S/N than any conversation they had had before. The forced coexistence was beginning to bring out aspects of her personality that had previously been hidden, and Rin couldn’t help but feel increasingly fascinated by this enigmatic hybrid.
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grief-worn · 2 months
@neverhangd sent: “So…let me get this straight. Ye’ve got a magical doohickey in yer possession of foreign origin and unknown purpose, and it just so happens t’be keeping the tentacles at bay…and ye still plan t’hand it o’er when we get t’the fucking Gate? Does that apply even if the wriggler’s still present for ye?” She isn’t judgmental of the religious aspects of the cleric’s plans—that’d make her one hell of a hypocrite, her own sordid past considered—family’s family, whether that family’s a torture cult or a band of thieves—but the lack of self-preservation continues to astonish her. Especially seeing as Shadowheart’s yet to present such an astonishing lack of care for the self, both in battle and in camp.
The plan was intended to be simple. Horrendously dangerous and almost certainly liable to result in her own death, but simple.
Steal Retrieve the prism, keep it safe and out of unsafe hands, and deliver it personally to the control of her sacred enclave. This changed the moment she discovered its true capabilities. The moment she learned it was all that stood between them and their agonizing mutation. Not just a permanent end, but a resurrection into something monstrous and unfathomable. A mindflayer.
She still intends to carry out her mission in its entirety. Failure is not an option she is willing to consider, but she's not immune to doubt. To the grim reality of what obedience means for both her and her fellow companions. To choose between thoroughbred faith, and the atrocious violation of body and mind to live onward as illithid, well, such a decision is beyond what she's prepared to handle.
Still, if there's anything Shadowheart can rely on, it's faking it. And she will fake it until she makes it, or, until it breaks her.
"There is no outcome that ends in me forfeiting my duties. I will deliver the artifact, with or without help, and will face whatever consequences as they come." It's nearly imperceptible, almost invisible, but her voice wavers. She is scared. "… if you intend to stop me, I won't show mercy. Anyone who stands against me will be brought to their knees, through force, if necessary." A well-placed, violent threat might add a bit of credence, and she was eager to prove herself worthy of the responsibility placed upon her shoulders. Not that she needed to prove anything to anyone, of course.
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The group treks onward, carving a route through a mountainous forest. Sun speckled polka dots filter through the canopy, still hours away from dusk. The day had been long, and it only promised more to come. Their journey's been anything but peaceful, and more than anything, Shadowheart just wanted to go home.
"We're a long way from the Gate, though. Might want to conserve your strength and focus on the more pressing matters at hand. There's a decent chance we won't even make it that far, especially with you jabbering my ear off." A rather abrupt plea to end the conversation. Shadowheart isn't chatty even in her sunniest of dispositions, and much less so when she feels cornered and probed.
"... and what of your fate? I can only imagine you'll find the nearest leaking tap and drown your gullet in pints of ale." Or rum. Or mead. Or whatever it is that seafarers seek to fill their barrels. That's what Anne is, no? Either a caster of nets, or an explorer of tides, or a castaway sailor seeking glory. Her story is sealed away, hidden behind chapters unopened, perhaps permanently. Shadowheart has pieced together a small bit of Anne's heritage, based on the odd off-hand comment or educated observation of the redhead's wardrobe. She smelled of the sea, as well. Whiffs of salt breezed water and a sun-kissed complexion. All the trademarks of a seasoned mariner.
Baldur's Gate is a port teeming with much of the same breed, and the Sharran would recognize their stench a mile away.
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chvrrycola · 2 years
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you had felt a little stupid turning up to a laundrette such an extravagant outfit, worrying that you might have gotten the address wrong and that you’d be left speaking to a very confused owner about why you were so covered in sparkles. 
fortunately though, the man reading a magazine sat on top of one of the machines gave you a knowing wink as soon as you entered, nodding his head almost imperceptibly in the direction of a door at the back. even knowing that this place was a blind you wouldn’t be convinced this wasn’t just the door to a storeroom, it was so grey.
the corridor it led to was equally murky, and you fumbled around in the dark for a moment before the guy from the laundrette appeared behind you, flicking a switch so you could actually see where you were going. 
‘i hope i didn’t startle you,’ he began, laughing, ‘but i didn’t want to let any of the idiots in there take you for your first dance of the night.’ 
you were slightly taken aback by his forwardness, assuming he had to be joking because why would he want to dance with you. you couldn’t ask though, because the second you stepped through the dark wood door at the end of the passage your eyes were flooded with gold and lights, and the man was pulled away by a group of guys. 
it was amazing that anybody could find anyone in here, given how packed the floor was, and your questions about the whereabouts of your friend mostly fell on unknowing or uncaring ears. 
you squeezed through crowds as quickly as you could, trying to reach the mezzanine that you hoped would offer you a better view of the range of guests. you head sunk onto your hand as you leaned your elbow on the railing, skimming over dozens of faces a second. 
‘i take it your first dance is still available?’ the man from earlier said, popping up behind you once again. ‘is there anything i could do to tempt you? a drink perhaps?’ 
you shook your head softly, trying to suppress the shy smile that was pulling at your lips and threatening to betray how much you enjoyed his attention. he clearly picked up on it though, but seemed willing to go along with your prim persona. 
‘something tells me you’re not as opposed to dancing with me as you’d like me to believe.’ 
he was smirking now, but held out his arm for you to take as he showed you to a booth at the back of the bar. 
‘if you won’t dance with me now, i’ll just have to keep you all to myself until later.’
‘i hope you’re patient,’ you replied, swallowing your nerves and teasing gently, hoping to urge him on a little, ‘i might keep you waiting a while.’ 
he was clearly attempting to conceal how much he enjoyed the thought of even just sitting and talking to you until everybody started to file out and head home, the corners of his lips twitching as he played through conversations in his head, almost forgetting you were actually right in front of him. 
you turned to watch the people already dancing for a moment, casting a glance back at him every so often, watching him coyly out of the corner of your eye. you didn’t know what it was that drew his attention back to you, but you felt his hand move to cover yours where it was laying on the table, eyes fixed on the table before flitting up to meet yours, his eyes glinting as they reflected the gaudy decor. 
‘i can wait all night.’
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fearowkenya · 9 months
Winds of Change
Chapter 5: Something in the Air
Shuuji knows something is amiss when he catches Syakomon let out an almost imperceptible sigh of relief. He’s lucky that the viscous surface of Syakomon’s slimy green body betrays her—the quiver of the otherwise silent exhale sends a faint, wobbly shockwave across her skin, and she jiggles ever so slightly in her shell, as though somebody’s just set down a cautious bowl of lime-flavored jello.
Supposedly, the worst is over, but Shuuji can't shake the feeling that there's something the Kemonogami aren't telling him.
ao3 link in source , extended end-of-chapter author's notes under the cut!
oh BOY the editing situation was a doozy. granted, i was also busy with work, but even then this chapter needed a TON of reworking, much much more than chapter 4 did. like i said on ao3, it got to the point where this chapter was so long that i had to split it in two.
i also mentioned that this chapter marks the beginning of the second half of this fic. chapters 1-4 make up part one, which i'd summarize as "how did we get here?", and then from 5-8, the focus will be "what happens next?". it helped a LOT to recontextualize chapters 5-7 (now 5-8) as an answer to chapters 1-4, and i think it'll make editing easier going forward; i have much more direction now and a better idea of what needs to be expanded on and what needs to be cut.
unfortunately, like i said, i had to omit a lot of saki-centric stuff. she is the scariest character for me to write, and i think i need to progress more thru my replay of truthful before i feel confident enough to write from her perspective. it works out anyway, because the part i cut had shuuji taking a very passive role and just observing interactions between saki and floramon, and it felt very drawn-out and unnecessary. this is my favorite cut segment tho
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im really hoping to be able to figure out what an aoi-miu-saki dynamic looks like as i get more comfortable writing the three of them. i think it could be really fun. also i think it would be so funny if miu and saki bring out a mischievous side of aoi that would otherwise not exist. much to think about.
anyway. another challenge i had with editing this chapter was the topography of the beach area the group hangs out at before moving on to the shopping district and apartment complex. for some reason i was convinced the rocky beach area was like.. up on a cliffside? but then i looked at the map and got REAL confused. the beach is super super narrow, and that was really inconvenient when i needed shuuji to be somewhere relatively out of the way, where he could have a conversation with agumon that takuma cannot hear, while still being able to see takuma. so thats why i spent an hour and change squinting at the tiniest png of the map and reorganizing where people spend their time
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if my handwriting is illegible (from left to right) (oh my god now that ive added the image to the post its a nightmare. idk why im even posting it. lord. im not sure opening it in a new tab will help) factory residential area shopping district woods near shopping district minoru up here group rests here waterway exit from shaft here instead; rest of waterway rock w/ supplies hill down from the waterway shuuji rests here pt 6 argument happens here aoi & ryo here in ch4 (this is where they were keeping watch) miyuki here
i didnt make many changes; mostly i just moved people around. the one thing that i DID change though was the placement of the waterway entrance. i have NO IDEA why the game has it in the middle of the fucking ocean. like i know theres a tunnel there, but surely the entrance to that tunnel isn't underwater right? i then poured another hour and change learning about waterways, trying to figure out where it made the most sense to put the exit before remembering that it doesn't matter because the digital world doesn't play by human world rules. oops! it was still super interesting though! please look up 'tokyo g-cans' if you ever get the chance, its fucking fascinating. if i ever go back to japan id like to go down there, maybe.
obligatory commentary about the map:
oh my god it seems too big for what we actually see but im not a cartographer so i dont know for sure
the shopping district/apartment complex is visible from the beach but i feel like it shouldn't be: on the map it looks like it's on a cliff face while from the beach it looks like it's shore level
i've been reading half the green patches as dense tree cover but now that i think about it, that might just be open grassland. oops. it's all trees now.
i wish we could go to the sandy beach areas to the north and east ends of the island!!! that could've been fun!
i really appreciate that the second island is shaped vaguely like a beluga
in other news, agumon was much easier to write than i was worried he would be, and it was nice to work out how he felt about what happened in the waterway. one thing ive noticed about agumon on a second truthful run is that he and takuma are equally awful about pushing down their own feelings for the sake of the ones of their friends. a lot of the others seem to view agumon as the guy who is always Staying Silly , no thoughts head empty. while i DO think that that's a genuine part of his personality, i think it also happens sometimes that he uses that image to downplay his concerns.
my favorite part to write this chapter was labramon's dialogue at the end. and also baby stats. baby stats was the ONE THING i REFUSED to cut. non-negotiable. it's been in my notes since the beginning and digimon survived all edits of this chapter, and i was DETERMINED to keep it.
all right im getting sleepy and i want to post this chapter and then go to bed. as usual please dont be afraid to leave a comment, i looooove finding out people's favorite parts, and im still curious about your Gamer Theories, especially now that i think what i'm foreshadowing is becoming clearer and clearer >:3c
couldn't tell you for sure when ch6 will be out. ideally it won't involve as much editing as ch5, but it's hard to say. thank you for reading, and i'll be back as soon as i can!
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liarian · 2 years
They are all idiots
Tsuchiya had not even been there five minutes when Serizawa sat down next to her and greeted her with an almost imperceptible nod of his head. With almost telegraphed movements, he pulled his notebook and pencil case out of the black backpack that always accompanied him everywhere and placed them perfectly aligned on the wood.
His gaze seemed lost in space as he absentmindedly bit his thumbnail.
"Did you two have a fight already or what?" Tsuchiya nudged him trying to snap him out of his daze.
Not so long ago, Tsuchiya wouldn't even have noticed that there was something wrong with Serizawa. It wasn't like he was the easiest guy to understand and more than once his way of staring at people had gotten on her nerves.
"No" Serizawa replied, barely a mumble. "Yesterday... we did things and... Sometimes with Reigen it's hard to think."
"I can't believe it! How far did you guys got?" Tsuchiya rushed over leaning against the wood and stared at him. "So it's official now?"
It was always fun to get Serizawa to blush. He sometimes came off as very childish for certain matters. It was hard to deny that meeting Reigen made her somewhat curious. The way Serizawa spoke of him, he had to be quite a character.
"Tsuchiya, how was your first time?"
The question caught her off guard. Serizawa had never seemed too interested in joining in on conversations whenever someone brought up the subject. Sometimes he even seemed uncomfortable. Not that it really mattered anyway when Tsuchiya had no interest in the details.
"We still have time to skip class." Tsuchiya looked at the time on her cell phone. There were five minutes left until class started. Without giving him a chance to argue, Tsuchiya got up gathering her things and putting them in her bag.
"'Skip'? B-but we have class" Serizawa gave her a shocked look.
"Nothing's going to happen for one day." Tsuchiya grunted, grabbing Serizawa's things as well. "Come on, let's go."
She almost needed to pull him to get him out of class at the same moment the teacher walked through the door. Serizawa shrank back, trying to be inconspicuous. As if with his nearly six feet tall he was going to pull it off.
After two years of living on campus almost permanently, Tsuchiya had ceased to be surprised to find the cafeteria in Main Square packed to the brim with people on a Monday just after nine-thirty.
"Macha or coffee? Which would you rather have?" Tsuchiya dropped her backpack with her laptop on one of the chairs at a corner table and rummaged through her purse.
Serizawa opened his mouth to protest but Tsuchiya was quicker.
"You'll invite another day." She pointed a finger at him before ditching him to stand in line.
A matcha for Serizawa and a black coffee for her. Standing, waiting her turn, Tsuchiya watched Serizawa out of the corner of her eye. Her stomach cringed seeing him so taciturn again. For a moment, it was like he was back to being the guy who always sat in the front row, not talking to anyone, taking notes as if he were a robot.
"Who told him to hook up with a high school kid." Tsuchiya muttered when it was finally her turn.
"Okay, now tell me why that question." Tsuchiya didn't bother to beat around the bush unnecessarily.
After months of Serizawa being the only classmate she still trusted to pass group work without having to do it all by herself, she had learned that with him that was a waste of time. Serizawa was nervous, she only had to watch the way he fiddled with his fingers. Tsuchiya let him organize his thoughts before forcing him to speak.
"N-not that we did much. Make out and some jerking off b-but yesterday" Serizawa nibbled on the cuticles of his thumb, already somewhat sore. "I don't know, something's not right. And I don't know if it's me or not. In high school I always felt like a freak and it's just with Reigen but"
"You're not forcing yourself to keep up with him, are you? You're thinking stupid shit, right? Just because you're older than him doesn't mean you have to force yourself to do something you don't want to. And if he's hornier than a bitch in heat, he's got his right hand for that."
"I don't have to force myself to do anything. I don't." Serizawa blushed, Oh, who knew what naughty thing he was imagining already. "But yesterday, I don't know. Everything seemed normal but I've been thinking about it all night and when he's nervous he can't shut up. He just talks and talks and talks but yesterday he didn't and I don't know."
"What's bothering you?" Tsuchiya jabbed her finger into his forehead as the silence stretched on for a second too long. "If he's decided to go out with you, there must be a reason."
"I'm not sure we're dating. I guess so but I don't" Serizawa frowned. "I'm an idiot, aren't I?"
"Really? But do you guys do anything else besides eat each other's faces off?" Tsuchiya shook her head in exasperation. With so many morons in the world, it was amazing that the human race managed to survive. "If you're not sure, just ask. He's supposed to be your best friend. Keeping things in limbo is only going to end up getting you into trouble. I know it seems like I'm asking for the impossible, but if you ever get your blood pumping to your brain, you know. Talk to him."
Tsuchiya sighed in despair. She still didn't quite understand why she considered that big dumb bear her friend. Men... All fucking idiots. There wasn't a day that went by that she wasn't just a little bit happier to be a lesbian.
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blackjackkent · 11 months
Aight, got Lae'zel into the party, so time to see if we can avoid an out-and-out brawl with the gith. o.o;
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"Rider. My time is short. Lead me to--"
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"Sh-sh-shh... Such a familiar tone. Were I not merciful, I would slice the skin clean from your meat. Yet you are not bleeding. For I am *nothing* if not merciful. Your name, child."
...OK, so this guy's a dick.
Hector has the option to demand to speak instead of Lae'zel but like. I cannot think of a single scenario in which he would want to do that. Lae'zel knows the gith and Hector's own conversational facility is uh. Not great.
Though it does seem like simply being a githyanki will not be enough to earn Lae'zel sympathy with this group.
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Nod to Lae'zel. "Go ahead."
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Lae'zel straightens, speaks in a cold, clear voice. "Lae'zel."
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The man smiles coolly. "Lae'zel. Proud. Regal, even." He tips his head to one side. "You will call me Jhe'stil Kith'rak."
Lae'zel's eyebrows lift in subtle recognition. "Voss, Knight Supreme. The queen's silver, the queen's sword."
Kith'rak nods slightly. "I am who you say." He lays a hand on the sword at his side, all military practicality. "A ghaik vessel has fallen from the sky, Lae'zel. Thieves aboard have taken a weapon most precious. It is polyhedric in shape and inscribed with the sacred runes of our people."
Without warning, Hector's brain suddenly spasms in his head - and not, for once, from the parasite.
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Narrator: You feel a strange anxiety take hold - not your own, but that of the artifact you carry. Somehow, it's afraid. You attune your mind to it. The artifact does not want to fall into the gith raiders' hands any more than it does the Absolute followers'.
Kith'rak is still speaking. "Take word to your creche. You are to join our search." He takes a step forward, stares down at Lae'zel imperiously. "Speak up, child. Affirm your mandate."
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Lae'zel opens her mouth to speak - and then hesitates almost imperceptibly. Her eyes flick to Hector and there's a question in them, an uncertainty. He realizes with some surprise that she is torn between her loyalty to this towering authority of her people...and to him, and their little group of terrified castaways.
If he asked her to lie for them now, would she do it? Would she pretend that he does not have this artifact - this weapon - thrumming with power in his pack even now? Perhaps. But...he has always defaulted to honesty, even in the direst circumstances. They need these people's help, and weaving a web of deceit in the first moments is not the way to start.
And, if he is honest - the sudden realization that Lae'zel might be willing to lie for him to her own people makes him very unwilling to ask it of her.
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Mouth a silent command to Lae'zel: 'truth'.
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"My mandate, Jhe'stil Kith'rak, is to locate this creche. I was infected aboard a ghaik ship and need to be purified. Your mandate is to aid me."
She has not begun with the weapon, but with the more immediate matter at hand. Perhaps she would get to the weapon in time - or perhaps, for her own reasons, she means to keep that to herself - but Hector never gets the chance to find out, because Kith'rak's expression, far from help or sympathy or support, takes on a sudden air of intense, gleeful disdain.
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"Purified? Soon your skin will go grey and your blood will run silver. You will shed your skin to become ghaik. Only in death are the infected cleansed."
He snaps a hand out towards his nearby underlings.
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"Baretha, see that her skull is split and the tadpole crushed. Then examine her corpse. I will take word to the Undying Queen - our search continues."
Hector blinks. He can see Lae'zel's head snap back with dismay at this unexpected betrayal - and fear. And he can see more than that, too - Kith'rak is lying.
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Narrator: A current of deception carries Voss's words. Wherever he flies, it is not to Vlaakith.
Before he can object, before Lae'zel can say anything, and even before the gith soldiers can begin their attack, the man has leapt aboard his dragon and is in the air, beyond their reach...flying to some corner of the world and leaving his treachery behind.
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laspocelliere · 1 year
Day Thirty: “Amity”
Peace between nations came at a price.
Sometimes, that price was extraordinarily lengthy negotiation meetings.
Conversation had rambled on at length for several hours now, and showed no sign of slowing. The smallest benefit to having the Scions and their Warrior of Light present wasn’t merely for optics for anyone who heard of the conclave, either; having those who were physically on the ground dealing with everyday scuffles and overarching conflicts had provided a perspective that past negotiations had been sorely missing. Their champion, in particular, was a unifying piece; she’d been on the ground in every nation, and could listen to people’s concerns like no other. Though she contributed little by way of conversation – she’d always been one to keep her words close to her chest – what resulted was still malms beyond what the leaders would have been able to accomplish alone, with only their own nation’s interests at heart.
Aymeric’s heart burned with quiet, fierce pride, one that didn’t reflect anywhere on his face. That she had chosen him, of all people, to lower her defences for, was impossible. 
And the fact that he couldn’t hold her hand through it all was one day going to tear them both apart.
They sat across the table from each other, never meeting each other’s eyes for longer than was professionally necessary. They were experts at this dance, and Aymeric would almost be offended at how easily even those closest to them brushed off his obvious infatuation with her as impossible, if it weren’t so critical to both of their safety and wellbeing that they do so. 
 No one could know. 
That didn’t mean he couldn’t tell her how very much he adored her anyway.
It had become an underhanded game, in its way. When all eyes were on Kan-e-Senna as she laid out her measured reasoning, he would cast a burning glance towards his wife, and know she’d felt it by the way her spine would shift, ever so imperceptibly. 
A few beats later and she would retaliate, pulling her hair absently over one shoulder to expose the long line of her bare neck, and his pulse beat that much faster even as his face remained a mask.
It was well that he couldn’t reach her across the enormous strategy table, else his self control would be even more severely tempted.
All while not a single other occupant at the session was any the wiser.
“We’re getting nowhere today,” Alisaie finally groused, slapping her hands on the table. “We’ve been at this for hours, and no closer to a solution. I say to hells with any more talk until we make more progression on the ground.”
Alphinaud made a quiet, pained noise at his sister’s lack of tact. “Aye…I think a break would be prudent,” he agreed primly, clearing his throat on the delivery. “I thank you all for your insight – it will prove useful, I’m sure.”
The Warrior of Light rose from the table without looking at him, and Aymeric had to drag his gaze away from the curve of her hip when she turned away. He rose when the others did, following the small group out the double doors and into bright sunlight that was still, impossibly, waiting for them after so many hours cloistered away. The conversation was friendly, even after so many disagreements, and it kept him cautiously optimistic that they were still continuing to move in the right direction.
“Will you return to Ishgard, Lord Speaker?” Alphinaud’s voice was warm, and Aymeric shot the young elezen a small, gracious smile. 
“Shortly, I presume,” he agreed with a nod. “We’ve still much and more to work on within the city, and I often cannot travel for long periods due to all the resettling of affairs that must be decided upon.”
“We won’t take much more of your time then.” Thancred’s voice was almost lazy, and dismissive of yet another political figure that he seemed to have very little regard for. Unoffended, Aymeric nodded once more.
“Aye, I’ll likely take my leave come morning. As Mam’selle Alisaie so concisely pointed out, there’s little to be accomplished here without further groundwork.”
“Well you know you’re always welcome here.” Lyse’s smile was bright, hands on her hips and seemingly unfaltering in her optimism even by the length of the previous discussion. “Not just for these meetings, either. Diplomatic peace can’t just be all stuffy discussions and negotiations after all. One day you should stay longer, and we can show you some proper hospitality away from the political table, as it were.”
Aymeric didn’t need to turn and face towards the Warrior’s retreating back – headed, he knew, to the private bedchambers that he would later slip into in the dead of night, to have a proper goodbye with his wife before morning – to know that where no one could see, she was smiling, bemused by that sentiment. 
Instead, he fixed Lyse with a calm, professional smile, and didn’t flex his fingers absently around a hand that wasn’t there. “Agreed. I’d like that.”
Out of sight, the Warrior of Light flexed her own fingers around nothingness, and slipped away from the group, unnoticed by everyone except the only man she’d truly come to that meeting to see.
Peace between nations indeed.
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sacredcynic · 2 months
The Way Forward
How we got here.
    It can take years or even decades to arrive someplace. It is also possible to find yourself somewhere quite unintentionally. If two ships were to leave Los Angeles and have slightly less than a one degree difference in their westerly route across the Pacific, it would seem they are sailing on a parallel track for a while. Slowly and almost imperceptibly the other ship will fade from view and by the time each ship finds land they would be hundreds of miles apart. 
   I think the C ot N finds ourselves in a far different place than we would have envisioned a few decades ago. The unraveling was underway decades ago. In a culture beset by real issues kids went to camp and swam in girls swim times and boys swim times. Hours were spent explaining why musical styles were evil, only to see those styles now regularly featured in our worship services. In short, our holiness message had become hopelessly intertwined with a stifling legalism that could not separate vital faith but meaningless side issues. 
  At the same time others increasingly saw value in taking the church down a road that looked a lot like the culture. If the greater culture wanted to recognize ever increasing ethnic and racial identities, and new-found sexual identities, then the church needs to go down that path as well. The Balkanization of the culture does not deter this quest, even as it seems strikingly at odds with the Galatian proclamation that “in Christ, there is neither Jew nor Gentile, slave nor free, male nor female.” 
  Last but not least we have also fallen victim to the political and cultural divides that are prevalent in these last decades. We have not only failed to love, we refuse to believe the best about each other, and find it very comforting to quickly assume the worst. The actions of a few become everyone. What we hear in passing about a D.S. or professor somewhere becomes evidence for what all of leadership or academia is doing. We do not even pause long enough to discover if it is true, or consider whether we heard a story shaded by personal bias. 
  So now we trust no one. Everyone else is a “them.” They do not see things like “we” do. We fail to see that the “we” group gets smaller and smaller all the time. There is a lack of trust and a lack of willingness to have a conversation. Are there issues – yes. Are there people who say things that should be addressed – yes. There always have been. This is not new. What is new is a lack of willingness to engage, really to love each other. 
Present Situation
It is easy to say that as we start the second quarter of this century we do not know who we are. We have long since failed to understand our place in the Christian world. 50 years ago we were so uncomfortable with our culture it limited our effectiveness. Today, for the most part, we are so comfortable with our culture that it is limiting our effectiveness. In a desire to be relevant, we have lost our ability to see culture through a distinctly Christian lens. 
  In earlier times NTS served as the flagship of our denomination. It set the theological tone. For a number of reasons that world began to crumble. Some are cultural, some theological, and still others are economic, but today we live in a denomination where that is no longer the case. There is no flagship and greatly diminished denominational identity. Subscriptions and readership of our Holiness Today is down, so there is no voice at the center. 
  The majority of our pastors now receive their ministerial education through the COS. While I am thankful in some ways, it is a far less strenuous and reflective course. There is value in getting pushback and criticism in personal classrooms. Today one can go through the COS in SWID or in N California, and have distinctly different experiences. It is safe to say that most of the energy in our denomination is at the edges. On one side are those who have difficulty explaining how we are different than the Baptist church down the street, or are comfortable taking us to a fundamentalism that has never been us. 
   On the other side are those who want to take us in a way that looks little different from modern political concerns. Identity is found in ever smaller interest groups, and qualifications for leadership are primarily defined by melatonin levels, or what reproductive organs one has.  Gone are the days when the main qualification for men and women was the presence of the Spirit in their lives and ministry.
So we are left with drift. Not a denominational drift, but a drift of various factions of the church. There is no flagship – no central unifying force and no lamp to lead.
Theological Way Forward
In many ways we have forgotten who we are. In some minds we are little different than the evangelical, non-denominational church down the street. We have so entered that world that when we hear a thought that is different, we immediately defensively react.  This is the time to remember that we are Wesleyan. We believe that grace is poured out to every single person. We believe that we must go to everyone. 
   We also need to remember that in addition to being decidedly non-Calvinist, we are also not charismatic. Worship is not waving hands in the air during music, but how we live when no one is looking. And the best evidence of the Spirit is not emotion or fervency, but how straight we walk, and how much we love. We proclaim grace. We baptize infants. We honor gifts and graces for leadership to women. And over everything we proclaim holiness. Holiness is not a side issue or a second, but the full expression of what God does in a life. We must not get side-tracked by political issues. Politics is downstream of theology and culture. When we forgo our area to pursue certain political ends we actually reduce our effectiveness. We change hearts, not votes. 
We once again need to present a full Biblical explanation and exposition of holiness. What is it? Why is it important? How is it achieved? Why is it important to us? All are vital questions, but secondary to the next political campaign.
Institutional Way Forward
Here is where get to the nitty-gritty, and is the part that will be most controversial. Yet if we are serious, we must think about it. Our current system was created for a world that no longer exists. We created educational institutions close enough to drive to in every part of the country. This is not the way people choose schools today. Quite simply, we have too many colleges. 
     We need to reduce our number from the present 7 down to 5, or even better – 4. Let’s be honest, 20 years from now we will have 4 or 5 colleges anyway, but with little to show for it. Let’s be intentional and think about this. This is the time to sell a few, and use the proceeds to endow the rest. Turn these colleges into places of material and financial strength. 
     I know the reasons that is tough. Our colleges are independent. However, with leadership this too is possible. With 4  colleges we can determine as a denomination what we want to be featured in our schools of Christian Ministry. We can also make a statement that the preferred route of Ministerial Prep is at our colleges, with in person learning. 
Pastoral Way Forward
This is the last piece of the puzzle. If someone had done this 30 year ago, we would be ion a different position now. It is late, but there is time. We can take a slice of the proceeds previously mentioned and create an Endowment Fund for ministry preparation. We can put this vision forward and give people a chance to contribute. If we determine what we want to teach, and state our preference for preparation, when these people graduate and serve in our churches we can use the proceeds to lessen the impact of college loans. We can create a purposeful pathway for our best and brightest to serve.
I think it is highly doable to get to 10 million dollars. Then there will be nearly $500,000 every year available to help our pastors prepare and serve while easing their load financially. That amount would only increase year after year. 
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